Guide to the Papers of Alan Villiers


MS 6388

National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

Online Items

Series 1. Subject files and correspondence

Jarvis, Capt Brace-Winch, copies of the Cicero Correspondent Jan. - April 1883 and a booklet Wrinkles and suggestions for Sailing Vessels by J.C.B. Jarvis. Correspondence 1968 concerning Jarvis (File 222) - Box 25

Series 4. Diaries, journals, logs and notebooks

In one chronological sequence. See also logs and diaries belonging to specific subject series, e.g. Joseph Conrad.

Diary - U.S.A. Trip, January 1930-April 1941 (Item 10a) - Box 80

Portrait of a small boy dressed in double-breasted sailor jacket [picture]

Series 9. Mayflower II

Correspondence - "Mayflower" project US (File 761) - Box 104

Correspondence - "Mayflower" project US (File 762) - Box 104

Correspondence - "Mayflower" project US (File 763) - Box 104

Agreement - Proclamation correspondence with Fension (File 767) - Box 106

Bankruptcy of Mayflower project (File 768) - Box 106
