Guide to the Records of the Methodist Church of Australasia


MS 5878

National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

Created: October 1978

Collection Summary

Methodist Church of Australasia
Records of the Methodist Church of Australasia
Date Range
Collection Number
MS 5878
5.7 metres (14 ms boxes + 8 folio boxes)
Language of Materials
National Library of Australia


Conditions Governing Access

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Conditions Governing Use

Copying and publishing of unpublished manuscript material is subject to copyright restrictions. For such material, written permission to publish must be obtained from the copyright holder(s). Copying of unpublished material for research purposes is permissible 50 years after the death of the creator of the material.

Preferred Citation

Items from this collection should be cited as '[Title or description of manuscript item], Records of the Methodist Church of Australasia, National Library of Australia, MS 5878, [box number and series and/or file number]'.

Item Descriptions

Series 1. Correspondence files kept by Reverend C.F. Gribble while Secretary-General of the General Conference., May 1963 - May 1966

Annual conferences; Appointments 1965; Arrangements (File 1)

Australian Council of Churches; Australian Council of Social Services; Board of Finance; Board of Missions (File 2)

Canberra Consultative Council and Inter-Church College, A.N.U. (File 3)

Cato Lecturer 1966; Church Finance; Church Membership; Church Union; Deaconesses Order (File 4)

Ecumenical Affairs; Education-General; Expenses Fund; Faith and Order Commission; Home Mission Council; Immigration Committee (File 5)

Laws Revision; Local Preachers; Ministerial Transfers; Navy, Military and Air Force (File 6)

New Zealand Conference; Overseas visits 1966; Pacific Conferences (File 7)

Publishing House; Social Questions; Standing Committee; State Aid to Independent Schools (File 8)

Supernumerary Fund; Triennium Planning; United Kingdom-General; United States - General; Visit by Representatives of Churches in Communist Countries (File 9)

World Methodist Council (File 10)

Miscellaneous (File 11)

Series 2. Correspondence files kept by Reverend C.X. Daws while Secretary-General May 1966-May 1969 and President-General., May 1969-May 1972

Subseries 2-1. Correspondence files, 1968

Australian Frontier; Burgmann College, Canberra (File 12)
General Conference including Standing Committee, Faith and Order Commission, Hymn Book Committee, 1969 Conference agenda, alteration of 1966 minutes (File 13)
Overseas matters including travel and visitors; Travel including arrangements and finance; World Council of Churches; World Methodist Council; Miscellaneous including personal and invitations (File 14)

Subseries 2-2. Correspondence files, 1969

Australian Council of Churches; Burgmann College; Encyclopedia of World Methodism (File 15)
General Conference including Conference arrangements and agenda, Hymn Book Committee; Overseas matters including travel and appointments (File 16)
Travel; Westminster Hall, London; World Council of Churches; World Methodist Council; Miscellaneous including invitations, personal and financial (File 17)
Australian Council of Churches; General Conference including Committees on Hymn Book, Book of Laws and Faith and Order; Overseas including travel and immigration (File 18)
World Council of Churches; World Mission Council; Miscellaneous including Australian Council of Social Service, reference and invitations (File 19)

Subseries 2-3. Correspondence files, 1970

Australian Council of Churches; Burgmann College; General Conference including Hymn Book Committee; Overseas matters including travel and overseas visitors (File 20)
Travel (not overseas); World Council of Churches; World Methodist Council; Miscellaneous including invitations, references and personal correspondence (File 21)
Australian Council of Churches and relevant travel; Burgmann College; Canberra; General Conference including Hymn Book Standing Committee (File 22)
Overseas matters including travel; World Council of Churches; World Methodist Council; Miscellaneous including Special Appeal for Overseas Aid, Union, invitations, financial matters. (File 23)

Subseries 2-3. Correspondence files, 1971

Australian Council of Churches; Burgmann College; General Conference including Standing Committees, Faith and Order Commission, Book of Laws Revision (File 24)
Overseas matters including travel, immigration; Travel (not overseas) (File 25)
World Council of Churches; World Methodist Council; Miscellaneous including personal, invitations and financial papers (File 26)
Aboriginal Land Rights; Australian Council of Churches; Burgmann College; Canberra; General Conference including Hymn Book Committee, Book of Laws revision, Faith and Order Commission (File 27)
N.S.W. Conference; Overseas matters including immigration; World Council of Churches; World Methodist Council; Miscellaneous including invitations, personal, service chaplains, mass media and financial papers (File 28)

Subseries 2-4. Correspondence files, 1972

Australian Council of Churches; Canberra; Canberra Foundation; General Conference including agenda; financial papers, travel arrangements for the Conference (File 29)
Overseas matters including New Zealand, immigration, travel, visitors; World Council of Churches; World Methodist Council; Miscellaneous including personal and invitations (File 30)

Subseries 2-5. Correspondence files, 1969-1972

Correspondence file 1969-1972 regarding the special appeal for overseas aid (Methodist Million Appeal) including correspondence of Rev. C.K. Daws, reports of the General Conference Standing Committee, travel arrangements for related overseas visits and reports of overseas projects (File 31-35)
File 1969-1972 containing President General's rulings including ruling on a minister's church membership and discipline of a minister and income from a motel with a licensed restaurant; Index to rulings 1904-1966 compiled by Rev. C.K. Daws (File 36)

For 1972-1977 rulings see Folder 52.

Series 3. Correspondence files kept by Reverend W.D. O'Reilly while Secretary-General May 1972 - May 1973 and President-General, May 1973-June 1977

Board of Finance 1973-1976; Standing Committee vote re Uniting Church legislation 1975-1976 (File 37)

Federal Methodist Inland Mission 1973-1977; Miscellaneous 1972-1975 including correspondence regarding 1975 and 1977 Conferences, Christian Unity Committee, overseas representations (File 38)

Commission on Faith and Order 1972-1977; Australian Council of Churches, 1974-1976 (File 39)

Deaconess Committee 1973-1976; Board of Evangelism 1973-1975; Christian Unity Committee 1975-1977 (File 40)

Australian Council of Churches 1973-1977 minutes of meetings and reports of visits (File 41)

Council of Churches in N.S.W. 1974-1976 especially concerning Broadcasting Company (File 42)

Church Union including results of vote, 1972-1977 (File 43)

Federal Board of Education 1972-1976; Christian Conference of Asia 1975-1977 correspondence and newsletters (File 44)

Committee on Christian Citizenship, 1972-1977 (File 45-46)

Chaplains 1972-1976; Arrangements for Conferences 1969-1975; Committees 1976 (File 47)

General Conference Fund 1972-1976 including financial statements; Conference agenda and drafts of resolutions, 1971-1977 (File 48)

Homes and Institutions; Immigration Committee 1976; Local Preachers' Executive 1972-1976; Commission on Christian Marriage 1972-1975 (File 49)

Methodist Overseas Missions 1972-1977; Methodist Churches in Pacific Islands (Samoa, Tonga, Fiji) 1973-1975 (File 50)

Methodist Church of New Zealand 1975-1976; Overseas aid (Methodist Million Fund) 1974-1977 (File 51)

President-General's miscellaneous correspondence with Presidents and Secretaries of Conferences and with other denominations, 1972-1977; President-Generals rulings 1972-1977 (File 52)

Publishing House Council including minutes of meetings 1972-1977 and correspondence 1975-1977; Standing Committee including minutes of meetings 1974-1975, correspondence and circular letters 1973-1977 (File 53)

Committee on Supernumerary Fund Matters, 1972-1977 (File 54)

World Council of Churches 1973-1977 including financial reports, correspondence and newsletters (File 55-56)

Miscellaneous 1974-1977 including correspondence re Burgmann College, appointments, union, invitations, arrangements for Conferences and general administrative matters (File 57-58)

Series 4. Correspondence files kept by Reverend M.G. Wilmshurst while Secretary-General, May 1975-May 1977

General correspondence, 1975-1976 (File 59-60)

Social Issues, 1975-1976 (File 61)

Standing Committee, 1975-1976 (File 62-63)

Supernumerary Fund; Publishing Committee (File 64)

Correspondence with annual conference re special general conference, 1975-1977 (File 65)

Board of Finance (File 66)

Candidates Committee (File 67)

Miscellaneous including preparation for special general conference and inaugural service, recognition of Pacific Churches, minutes of the 13th annual conference of the Methodist Church in Fiji 1976, papers presented at a seminar on land and migration sponsored by the Tongan Council of Churches, 1975, and 2 copies of Great the heritage: the story of Methodism in N.S.W. 1812-1975 edited by Kath Whitby and Eric G. Clancy, 1975. (File 68-69)

Series 5. Correspondence files kept by Reverend K. Smith, Director of the General Conference Citizenship Committee, 1970-1977

General correspondence, 1970-1977 (File 70-73)

Alcohol program (File 74-75)

Arrangements for meetings, 1971-1976 (File 76-78)

Copies of publications Speaking together and speaking out, 1975 and General Conference speaks, 1972 (File 78)

Series 6. Financial records kept mainly by Reverend C.K. Daws, 1957-1977

Financial correspondence, 1957-1959 (File 79)

Financial correspondence, 1960 (File 80)

Financial correspondence, 1961-1962 (File 81)

Financial correspondence, 1963 (File 82)

Financial correspondence, 1965 (File 83)

Financial correspondence, 1966 (File 84)

Financial correspondence, 1967 (File 85-86)

Financial correspondence October 1972-July 1975 and budget estimates 1976-1977 (File 87-89)

Board of Finance (formerly Committee on Church Finance, 1961-1962, and Committee on Finance, 1963) correspondence files 1961-1977 including correspondence with overseas churches regarding financial systems, various agenda, minutes of meetings, February 1962, August 1963, 1967-1976 and correspondence re connexional budget system. (File 90-97)

Miscellaneous containing General Conference Fund budget estimates 1972-1977; Board of Finance budget 1975; itinerary for representatives to General Conference May 1966; printing arrangements for various publications 1958-1969; correspondence re property development in Canberra 1961-1966 (File 98)

Series 7. Minutes and Daily Records of General Conference, 1929-1977

Daily record, 1929, 1932, 1935, 1938 (Item 1)


Daily record (2 copies), 1941, 1945, 1948, 1951 (Item 2)


Daily record, 1934, 1960, 1966, 1969 (Item 3)


Minutes, 1929, 1932, 1935, 1938 (Item 4)


Minutes (2 copies), 1941, 1945, 1948, 1951 (Item 5)


Minutes, 1954, 1957, 1960, 1963 (Item 6)


Minutes, 1966, 1969, 1972, 1974 (Item 7)


Combined Daily record and Minutes, 1974-1977 (Item 8)


Reports 1975-1977 (2 copies); 1974 Special General Conference agenda and extracts of minutes; 1977 Special General Conference minutes, agenda (3 copies) and typescript report to the Conference (File 103)

Book of membership texts for Secretary-General, 1904-1955 (File 104)

"MTB Minutes" (Ministerial Training Board 1963-1973) (File)

Additional folder (untitled) (File)
