Guide to the Papers of A. Barrie Pittock
MS 10149
National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record
Collection Summary
- Creator
- Pittock, A. Barrie, Dr (Albert Barrie)
- Title
- Papers of A. Barrie Pittock
- Date Range
- 1940-2016
- Collection Number
- MS 10149
- Extent
- 10.35 metres (69 ms boxes)
- Language of Materials
- English
- Repository
- Special Collections (Manuscripts)
Scope and Contents
The papers in this collection represent a comprehensive record of the two main areas in which Pittock has had a long-term involvement: climate change and Indigenous affairs.
Papers relating to his research into issues of climate change created in his official capacity as a scientist at the CSIRO are held by its archive. The papers in this, Pittock's personal archive, relate in the main to activities that are external to those of this work at CSIRO. Included is correspondence with key scientists, Pittock's writings on related issues, including books and articles; papers presented at national and international conferences and to numerous community groups; and papers and reports from his involvement with various groups, including the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Working Panel and the Garnaut Review on Climate Change.
Pittock has been an active supporter for Indigenous rights from his youth. This support is reflected in his papers, which include correspondence with key people such as Oodgeroo Noonuccal (Kath Walker); writings by Pittock; reports, submissions to government, published material, news cuttings and ephemera. There are also papers relating to his membership of several organisations working on related issues. These include the Quaker Service Council of Australia; the National Union of Australian University Students' Aboriginal scholarship scheme; The Federal Council for Advancement of Aborigines' and Torres Strait Islanders as convenor of the Legislative Reform Committee (1967-1970) and then as Land Rights convenor for the National Tribal Council (1970-1973); and as a member of the National Aborigines' Day Observance Committee.
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Conditions Governing Use
Copying and publishing of unpublished manuscript material is subject to copyright restrictions. For such material, written permission to publish must be obtained from the copyright holder(s). Copying of unpublished material for research purposes is permissible 50 years after the death of the creator of the material.
Preferred Citation
Items from this collection should be cited as '[Title or description of manuscript item], Papers of A. Barrie Pittock, National Library of Australia, MS 10149, [class/series/file/item number(s)]'.
Related Materials
Barrie Pittock interviewed by Daniel Connell, 27-28 February 2012.
Barrie Pittock interviewed by Peter Read, 9 May 1988. In the Peter Read collection of interviews conducted for his book entitled 'Charles Perkins: a biography'.
The archive of the CSIRO holds Pittock's official papers relating to his work with them as a scientist from 1965-2017. On some issues, there may be overlap between his personal papers and his offical papers.
Pittock's file numbering system has been maintained in the description of this collection. For the first instalment of papers, he numbered the files consecutively, commencing at box 1/file 1.1 and ending at box 28/file 28.165. For the second and subsequent instalments, within each box the file numbering begins at file 1. Eg box 32/file 32.1, box 32/file 32.2 … box 33/file 33.1, box 33/file 33.2… etc.
The file content descriptions have been provided by Pittock.
Separated Materials
Pittock's box numbering system has been maintained in the description of this collection. Please note that publications originally housed in Boxes 29-31 were separated from the Manuscript collection at the time of processing and integrated into the Library's book and serial stacks. There are no longer Boxes numbered 29-31 in the Papers of A Barrie Pittock.
Biographical note
In 1965, Dr A. Barrie Pittcock commenced work at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Aspendale Laboratory, a part of the Marine and Atmospheric Research division. In 1999 he became a CSIRO Honorary Fellow. In addition to this scientific work Pittock has been actively involved in Indigenous Land Rights activism and other social justice causes.
Pittock's work at the Marine and Atmospheric Research Division included the measurement and study of the ozone, climate change, and the potential impact of smoke from nuclear war. He has published extensively on these topics and has served on multiple International panels on climate related issues. In 2007 he received a share in the Nobel Peace Prize for his role as a Principle Scientist on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
Alongside his work on Climate Change Pittock is an active participant in Indigenous Rights. Beginning in the 1950s as an undergraduate student Pittock joined the ABSCHOL (Aboriginal Scholarship Scheme) at The University of Melbourne. He later travelled to the United States of America on a Fulbright Scholarship to complete postdoctoral work. He has been involved with The Federal Council for Advancement of Aborigines' and Torres Strait Islanders (FCAATSI) and the National Tribal Council. As a member of the Legislative Reform Committee of FCAATSI, Pittock played a role in the 1968 national land rights campaign and legal case.
Biographical entry on Pittock from the Encyclopedia of Australian Science
Item Descriptions
Class 1. Consignment received 2010, 1940-1979
This component comprises papers relating to Pittock's involvement in the Australian indigenous rights movement. Includes, correspondence, publications, reports, newspaper clippings, pamphlets and conference papers. Also includes administrative papers relating to organisations Pittock was involved with including Group for Information on Aboriginal Affairs of the Victorian Council of Churches, Federal Council for the Advancement of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders, National Tribal Council, National Union of Australian University Students' Aboriginal Scholarship Scheme, and Friends Service Council of Australia.
Academic and conference papers, articles and pamphlets re Aboriginal affairs, 1958-1969 (File 1.1) - Box 1
Aboriginal pre-history - mostly on modern society; Interracial seminar (1967) in Townsville - papers by Charles Rowley, Faith Bandler, Colin Tatz, Joe McGinness; ATSI conference in Cairns (1968). Includes 'Aboriginal land rights' by Pittock; papers on assimilation versus self-determination; Shirley Andrews and the Anti-Slavery Society (1966); comparison of Maori and Aboriginal affairs; Stan Davey article; CAE lecture teaching notes by Colin Tatz; papers by Paul Hasluck, Minister for Territories (1958); Amnesty International report (1965) 'Situation of Australian Aborigines'; and National Missionary Council article by AP Elkin.
National Aborigines' Day Observance Committee, 1969-1971 (File 1.2) - Box 1
Annotated committee minutes; ABSCHOL publication 'Outlook' (undated, c. 1970); NADOC Pittock article draft. Pittock was a member of NADOC.
Papers re Aboriginal affairs, 1959-1970 (File 1.3) - Box 1
ABS [Aborigines] - N.S.W; 'New Dawn' magazine, published by the NSW Aborigines Welfare Board (1971); 'Churinga' Aborigines Progressive Association, (1968); Aboriginal-Australian Fellowship (1963-1967); Griffith Aborigine Assimilation Organisation (1962); 'Oceania' journal paper (1948). Correspondence, various reports, articles and pamphlets on Aboriginal affairs in NSW; Pittock letter to NSW Department of Aboriginal Affairs, 1966.
Correspondence, papers, newsletters and reports re Aboriginal affairs, 1964-1972 (File 1.4) - Box 1
Includes: University reports on Aboriginal research (UNE, Monash); newsletter of the Cooperative of Aborigines Ltd.; Aboriginal Children's Advancement Society; Bernard van Leer Foundation; Victorian Aboriginal Group; 'Expo-Aborigine', Melbourne Town Hall (1967); 'Economic issue' presentation by Pittock, Kath Walker cited; The Aborigines' Advancement League; Ian Spalding correspondence regarding publications; Australian Student Labour Federation 'National Aborigines' Day' (1964); Council for the Advancement of ATSI 'Programme of action' (undated); Victorian Christian Youth Council, ecumenical youth camp at Framlingham, VIC (1965); 'Aboriginal Welfare News', WA (1965); 'Aboriginal Welfare News', WA (1965); 'Namaleta', SA (1965); and Aboriginal Australian Fellowship. (Note: Kath Walker was subsequently known as Oodgeroo Noonuccal.)
Papers and photographs re Aboriginal affairs, 1972 (File 1.5) - Box 1
Set of photos from Housing Improvement Section, SA; report on Aboriginal housing, SA Department of Community Welfare; and Aboriginal Leadership Training Course.
Newspaper cuttings and papers re Aboriginal leaders, 1965-1970 (File 1.6) - Box 1
Includes: Douglas Nichols (1965); Gary Murray; Neville Bonner; Bob Maza; Reg Saunders; Harold Blair (first employed in teaching at Sunshine Technical School by C.R. Pittock, father of Barrie Pittock); Faith Bandler; Albert Namitjira; Beetaloo Bill; Margaret Valadian (first Abschol scholarship recipient); Charlie Perkins; Bill Onas; Ruth Paul; Emma Jane Cook; Margatet Tucker; Lionel Rose; Evonne Goolagong; Clive Williams; Minyana; and Daisy Bates.
Papers and reports re Aboriginal affairs, 1969-1974 (File 1.7) - Box 1
Legal aid and discrimination; lectures at Centre for Research into Aboriginal Affairs, Monash University; lecture notes by others (eg. Gareth Evans); personal notes by Pittock; 'Fringe dwelling Aborigines and the law in New South Wales', report of Abschol investigation trip to rural NSW in May 1969; FCAATSI press statements, 1969.
ANZ Association for the Advancement of Science 41st Congress. Includes papers by Downing, Wentworth, Elphick; and EA Iceton, Uni. New England, 1968-1969 (File 1.8) - Box 1
Aboriginal land rights and uranium mining, 1973-1977 (File 2.9) - Box 2
Uranium mining on Aboriginal land - policy statements, submissions, press releases, articles and minutes of meetings. Drafts of Society of Friends (Quakers - or 'Friends') statement on Aboriginal land rights. Various Quaker committees; Aboriginal Action, Victorian Council of Churches, notes (Pittock involved). 'Quick contact list'; Aboriginal Land Rights Support Committee; 'Aboriginal News' (1976); National Land Rights Conference, Sydney (1976); Central Aboriginal Land Council; 'Land Rights' pamphlet from Aboriginal Publications Foundation; 'Central Australian Land Rights News' (1976); 'Land Rights News' (1977); Australian Atomic Energy Commission; Movement Against Uranium Mining. Includes minutes and other working papers regarding the 1976 Commonwealth Aboriginal Land Rights (NT) Bill for Aboriginal Action, Victorian Council of Churches, with which Pittock was involved.
Papers re Aboriginal affairs, 1972-1983 (File 2.10 a and b) - Box 2
Aboriginal Action, a working group of the Victorian Council of Churches' (VCC) Community and Race Relations Commission minutes. Pittock was the Quaker representative to the VCC for some of this time. Preparation for publication: 'Land rights - a Christian perspective'; Australian Conservation Foundation submission. 'Aborigines and conservation' article by Pittock, submitted to 'Habitat', 1977.
Government and non-government pamphlets and publications on Aboriginal affairs, 1963-1974 (File 2.11) - Box 2
Includes: notes for Pittock's talk to the Council on Adult Education 'The social consequences of discrimination' (1971) and paper 'Key Issues in Aboriginal Affairs' (1965); Frank Engel on land rights (1965); 'The black book: quotations from Bunji' by Aboriginal publishers in the NT (1971-1972); speeches by McMahon, Pitt, Beazley and Coombs; submission on the Woodward Report; correspondence from Atkins to Pittock, 2003, concerning research; 'Newsletter on Aboriginal Affairs', issues 1-4 (1972-1974), produced by the Group for Information on Aboriginal Affairs associated with the Victoria Council of Churches' Aboriginal Affairs Committee (predecessor to Aboriginal Action); 'Kirinari', Volume 1, No.4 (Abl. Children's Advancement Assoc.); 'Churinga' (Aboriginal Prog. Assoc.).
Publications re Aboriginal affairs, c. 1940s, 1960-1970 (File 2.12) - Box 2
Includes: incomplete set of 'The Koorier' and 'National Koorier' magazine Vol 1: 6 (1969), 7, 10, 11, 12, 14 (1970); Victorian Abschol Newsletter, June 1970, including reports on the Easter 1970 meeting in Canberra where FCAATSI split and the National Tribal Council was formed.; Colin Tatz 'Commonwealth Aboriginal Policy' (1964) and 'Some Aboriginal Thoughts' (1965); Charles Duguid 'ABC Guest of Honour Talk' (1947); Grenfell Price 'What of Australian Aborigines?' (c.1940s); Kim Beazley 'Dispossession and Disease - or Dignity' (1964).
Reports and articles re Aboriginal affairs, 1947, 1965-1977 (File 2.13) - Box 2
Includes: 'The Rocket Range, Aborigines and War' by Dr Charles Duguid (1947); 'Aborigines visit the US' (1970), a report on a trip by five Aborigines (Bruce McGuinness, Bob Maza, Patsy Kruger, Jack Davis, Sol Blair) to the 'Congress of African People' in Atlanta, USA, a black power conference.; two reports on the North Queensland Aboriginal Land Rights Conference in Cairns, Jan 1977; John Tomlinson draft article 'Institutionalisation: A way of life in Aboriginal Australia,' (1974); Leith Duncan publication 'Protest and Aborigines: an initial view,' (1973); 'Crux' journal of the Australian Student Christian Movement special edition on 'Aborigines,' (1965, issue 3) including Pittock's article 'Compare Overseas'; 'The Beacon' special edition (January 1973) 'The Australian Aboriginal in the society of the seventies,' including Pittock's article 'The role of whites in Aboriginal affairs'; John Greenway, 'NY Times' article 'Aborigines,' (1968) mentions 'Don McLeod's Mob'; 'Aboriginal Quarterly' (1968); 'The Aborigines demography and geography' by Ian Spalding (c.1970); 'The Aborigines in chains 1788-1974' The National Times Magazine (1974). Also speeches by Coombs (1969, 1971) and Viner (1976).
Reports, pamphlets, notes and correspondence re Aboriginal land rights, 1962-1978 (File 2.14) - Box 2
Includes: 'Report of Third Quaker Seminar: Aborigines', Melbourne 1963; 'The role of Friends [Quakers] in Aboriginal affairs,' Quaker Service Council of Australia, Adelaide, 1966; House of Representatives 'Report from the Select Committee on grievances of Yirrkala Aborigines, Arnhem Land Reserve,' 1962-1963; Aboriginal Action papers; Quaker Race Relations Committee; Advocacy papers on the Aboriginal Land Rights (NT) Bill 1976. Also Pittock's letters to USA publications in 1978 and transcript of Pittock's talk at Monash University on 'Aboriginal land rights,' (NT) Bill, 1976.
Papers re mining and Aboriginal land rights, 1976 (File 3.15) - Box 3
Reports, pamphlets, newspaper clippings, notes and correspondence regarding mining and Aboriginal rights at Aurukun, QLD. Includes papers from the Aboriginal Islander Catholic Council; and Presbyterian Church, QLD, 1976.
Reports, pamphlets, newspaper clippings, notes and correspondence regarding mining and Aboriginal rights in central Australia, 1957, 1970-1971 (File 3.16) - Box 3
Pitjantjatjara (Wingellina) [proposed Wingellina nickel mine in central Australia, south east of Giles, WA]; correspondence with the Australian Presbyterian Board of Missions concerning their role; 'Origin' newsletter articles by Pittock (1970); National Tribal Council correspondence; 'Friends from the walkabout', Presbyterian Church publication (1957). (Note: see also land rights file box 7/file 7.42)
Woodward Commission [Federal Government's Aboriginal Land Rights Commission, 1973 (File 3.17) - Box 3
Includes correspondence, submissions and papers relating to the Commission, including a submission from Aboriginal leader David Anderson.
Northern Territory - reports, notes, correspondence, newspaper clippings re Aboriginal land rights, 1957-1974 (File 3.18) - Box 3
Includes: papers related to Aboriginal rights and Wave Hill (Gurinji) 1966-1967; Elcho Island; Groote Eyland; Arnhem Land; Yuendemu; FCAATSI report on conditions in NSW, QLD and NT; NT ordinance on Aboriginal crown lands 1967; Aboriginal Australian Fellowship; Yirrkala bauxite mine; 1969 manuscript on Aboriginal situation at Yirrkala, 69 pp, author unknown; Wattie Creek; Woodchip feasibility study licenses issued by NT Administration, 1970.
Papers re Aboriginal health and housing, 1967-1970 (File 3.19) - Box 3
Includes: correspondence, newspaper clippings, papers, pamphlets and notes re issues relating to Aboriginal poverty, ill-health, housing and population.
Black Power Movement in the USA, 1964-1970 (File 4.20) - Box 4
Papers concerning the USA black power movement drawn on by Aboriginal rights activists in Australia. Includes: special issue of 'Time' on black America (1970); 'SNCC newsletter' [Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee] (1967); 'Aborigines and black power ...'; article by Pittock following conference on 'Autonomy and self-government for Aborigines and Islanders,' Sydney, 8 Nov 1969; and 'Commentary'.
Papers re the debate within Aboriginal organisations on the application of 'black power' - in favour of Aboriginal equality, self-determination and maintaining cultural identity, 1969, 1995 (File 4.21) - Box 4
Key papers on Aboriginal control of the Aborigines Advancement League (AAL), VIC, and from Kath Walker. Includes 'Racism in Australia' address by Stanley Moore drawing on Pittock materials (early 1970's?); 'Powerless Australians' by Kath Walker (undated); Aborigines Advancement League VIC (1969); 'The black commandments' by Kath Walker (undated).; cuttings from 'The Age', Feb. 1995 re Kath Walker and circumstances re son Denis Walker's arrest; statement by Bruce Silverwood on his role as a white man working for the AAL.
Pittock chaired a special AAL meeting (with Doug Nicholls) on the move for black control of the AAL. Draft press statement (drafted by Pittock?) 29 Oct 1969 on the meeting's decision that the AAL Committee have an Aboriginal majority as soon as possible; AAL 'Statement on 'black power', 30 Aug 1969; 'Smoke signals,' AAL on 'black power', 1969; AAL constitution 1969; Doug Nicholls' resignation as AAL coordinator, Sep 1969; FCAATSI Executive meeting 8 Nov 1969; lead up meeting to the FCAATSI conference in 1970 when the organisation split; Black Panther Party of Australia; talk by Len Watson 'From the Very Depths' 1973. Also letters from Kath Walker to Pittock.
Correspondence and papers re North American First Nation affairs and also Maori affairs., 1962-1967 (File 4.22) - Box 4
Pittock's communication with Americans and Canadians concerning first nation affairs, including when he worked at the National Centre for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, USA, in 1963-1964. Pittock toured SW Indian reservations in 1963-1964, visited John Collier (head of Bureau of Indian Affairs under FD Roosevelt's 'New Deal'). Collier introduced Pittock to other American Indian connections and strongly influenced him through his books. Papers also on communications concerning Maori affairs in New Zealand.
'Racism: the Australian experience: a study of race prejudice in Australia', 1970-1973 (File 4.23) - Box 4
'Aboriginal land rights' chapter in book 'Racism: the Australian experience: a study of race prejudice in Australia', edited by F. S. Stevens and published in 1971. Correspondence relating to Pittock's chapter in the book.
Newspaper cuttings and miscellaneous papers re Aboriginal Land Rights, 1967-1969 (File 4.24) - Box 4
Includes: letter from the solicitor in the Yirrkala legal case, together with an outline of case to Oct 1969. Pittock worked with Elizabeth Eggleston, Stan Davey, Arthur Ellamore and others to prepare lands right case and recruit legal representation for Yirrkala people. Also included is 'A brief history of Abschol,' Tom Roper, 1967.
Documents re the status of Aboriginal affairs, and advocacy documents on Federal Government policies, elections, and mining on Gove Peninsula. Draft articles by Pittock., 1972-1974 (File 4.25) - Box 4
The Federal Council for Advancement of Aborigines' and Torres Strait Islanders (FCAATSI) newsletter 'Rights and Advancement' 1966-8, 1966-8 (File 4.26) - Box 4
Rights of Indigenous peoples, 1960-1969 (File 4.27) - Box 4
Documents, correspondence and newspaper clippings used in a comparative study of Australian Aboriginal rights versus those of Indigenous peoples elsewhere. Land rights in New Guinea.
Drafts and notes for presentations by Pittock re Aboriginal affairs, 1969-1973 (File 5.28) - Box 5
Includes: 'Inter-relationship of cultures', presentation to Friend's World Committee (1973); Incomplete essay 'The disinherited: A study of black and white,' for a book by Albert Black (1969); 'Social consequences of discrimination' (undated); overhead slides for a talk; Race relations bibliography; drafts of 'Aborigines and the white backlash' and 'Toward a multi-racial society' and 'The changing role of whites in Aboriginal affairs'; final of former.
Racism in Australia, 1971-1972 (File 5.29) - Box 5
Draft and final version of 'Racism in Australia: An introductory perspective.' Address delivered at 'Racism in Australia - tasks for general and Christian education' in Southport, QLD, Nov 1971 together with report of the Conference including overview by Clifford J Wright of the Aboriginal demonstration against Queensland Aboriginal legislation. (Note: see also box 13/file 13.72)
Tribute to John Collier, c. 1964-1965 (File 5.30) - Box 5
Unpublished tribute by Pittock. 'The values of primitive societies: the testimonies of John Collier.' John Collier Snr. [Commissioner of Indian Affairs, USA, 1933-45]. (Note: see also box 4/file 4.22)
Group for Information on Aboriginal Affairs of the Victorian Council of Churches (G.I.A.A.), 1972-1974 (File 5.31) - Box 5
Includes: correspondence, minutes and 'Newsletter on Aboriginal Affairs'.
Federal Council for the Advancement of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders (FCAATSI), Legislative Reform Committee, 1965-1967 (File 5.32) - Box 5
Inlcudes: general reports FCAATSI conference in 1966; correspondence; campaign documents for the 1967 referendum on Aboriginal Rights. Note: papers passed on to Pittock just before the 1967 referendum on Aboriginal rights by Pittock's predecessor on the Legislative Reform Committee, Lorna Lippmann. Includes some original referendum campaign planning materials.
FCAATSI papers, 1965-1969 (File 5.33) - Box 5
Relate principally on Pittock's role on the Executive of FCAATSI and representing Quakers. Includes: address list of Executive and Committee members (1969); includes list of locations where Aborigines lived and population estimates (1970). Pittock was on the Executive of FCAATSI.
Correspondence re Aboriginal affairs, 1964-1970 (File 6.34) - Box 6
Letters from key individuals in Aboriginal affairs including Kath Walker, Stan Davey, Gordon Bryant MHR. Also re Public forum, Doncaster, VIC, Nov 1968.
Correspondence and papers re Aboriginal affairs, 1969-1976 (File 6.35) - Box 6
Includes: letter to newspapers, submissions, articles, and correspondence with parliamentarians.
Senate inquiry into Aboriginal discrimination, 1971-1974 (File 6.36) - Box 6
Includes: extensive materials used in the preparation of submissions, and submissions by others together with some correspondence and newspaper clippings.
Papers re Aboriginal land rights, 1976 (File 6.37) - Box 6
Includes: minutes and related papers from Aboriginal Action, Victorian Council of Churches. Some documents from the Quaker Race Relations Committee and concerning Aurukun, QLD. 'The future of Aboriginal affairs' by Camilleri, Eggleston, McDevitt and Pittock, 1976.
Issues of 'Origin' newspaper, 1970 (File 6.38) - Box 6
'Origin' was an independent newspaper for Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders, published monthly. Some issues include articles by Pittock. (See also box 27)
National Tribal Council (NTC), 1969-1970 (File 6.39) - Box 6
Includes: constitution and policy, press statements and articles, correspondence and items from pre-existing state tribal councils.
Papers re the history of Aboriginal non-government organisations in Australia, 1969-1970 (File 7.40) - Box 7
FCAATSI proceedings, minutes and reports. Legislative reform committee convened by Pittock (succeeding Lorna Lippmann). Correspondence and arguments regarding the future of FCAATSI, including statement re Charles Perkins' Aboriginal Only organisation (in 'Rights and Advancement' newsletter, No. 18, Dec. 1967); letter from Faith Bandler, postmarked 24 ? 1970, to Pittock, arguing that non-Aborigines should hold voting rights in FCAATSI; Pittock's draft and final accounts of the Easter 1970 FCAATSI split. Important speeches / articles by Kath Walker: the 'Black Australians' black power speech of 16 Sep 1969 and 'White racism and white violence' of Jun 1969. Also 'Trends in Aboriginal affairs,' Pittock's paper delivered at 1969 Abschol conference.
Senate inquiry ( environmental conditions of Aborigines), 1970-1973 (File 7.41) - Box 7
Includes: inquiry submissions, correspondence and newspaper clippings. Includes a report of a visit to remote parts of central Australia by Doug Nicholls and Kevin Henrichsen in Apr 1971.
Aboriginal land rights, 1964-1972 (File 7.42) - Box 7
Includes many background papers, and references to state, federal and New Zealand legislation.
Aboriginal Land Rights, 1970-1971 (File 7.43) - Box 7
Wattie Creek - Gurindji campaign, involving Abschol. Newsletters, papers, reports and newspaper clippings.
Aboriginal land rights, 1962-1972 (File 8.44) - Box 8
Aboriginal land rights - legal case [Yirrkala 1968-1971]; other land rights issues (Wave Hill in 1970 and NT Bill in 1976); Yirrkala land rights case (1968-1971) in the Supreme Court of the NT. Correspondence, including with barrister John Little and also Rev. Ron Croxford, and newspaper cuttings. Documents relating to A.E. Woodward and F. Purcell. (Note: see also box 4/file 4.24)
Action for Aboriginal Rights, 1977-1982 (File 8.45) - Box 8
Action for Aboriginal Rights [formerly Aboriginal Action of the Victorian Council of Churches, but in 1972 became independent of the VCC under this new name]. Documents relating to Aboriginal land rights, including a statement by Kath Walker; an 'Aboriginal land rights teach-in' at ANU by Dr H.C. Coombs. Also correspondence, minutes, campaign materials, newsletters and newspaper cuttings. Pittock was a member of AAR.
National Tribal Council: Executive minutes, reports, correspondence, publications and press statements, 1970-1972 (File 8.46) - Box 8
National Union of Australian University Students' Aboriginal scholarship scheme (Abschol), 1957-1967 (File 8.47) - Box 8
Pittock was an active Abschol member as a student. Abschol newsletters, minutes, reports and leaflets. Includes Charles Perkins on Black Power. Pittock and Phil Boas toured fringe areas in NSW and Qld to investigate why there were no Aboriginal high school graduates (see also box 12/file 12.63)
Aboriginal history in Victoria, 1968-1971 (File 9.48) - Box 9
One draft and two papers from Dr Diane E. Barwick, ANU, on Aboriginal history in Victoria 1863-1966, especially of the Coranderrk Aboriginal community.
FCAATSI papers, 1965-1968 (File 9.49) - Box 9
Includes: conferences, minutes, newspaper clippings, and discussion of black power. Note report on dismissal of Mr E. Mabo in minutes of 18 Mar 1968 from a local water board for advocating Indigenous rights.
Papers re Aboriginal Land Rights, including campaign by FCAATSI and Abschol, 1964-1968 (File 9.50) - Box 9
Includes: background documents, correspondence and newspaper cuttings. Includes 'Land Tenure Systems: Past and Present' by RL Heathcote; 'Aborigines - a landless people' by Fay Gale; 'Land rights for Aborigines' by MI Eberle, JT Smith and AB Lloyd (Armidale Assoc. for Aborigines, 1967); notes by Harry Penrith, 1968; leaflet from Qld. Council for Advancement of Aborigines and TS Islanders (K. Walker, 1968); statements by Hon. PJ Nixon, 1968; Newsletter on Aboriginal Affairs, No.4; 'Key issues in Aboriginal Affairs, Some personal thoughts', B. Pittock, 1965; minutes of various FCAATSI Executive Committee; Land Rights Petition; NT Standing Committee on Integration, and Bill; 'Reflections on Australia's Aboriginal Policies, draft with comments, 1964; 'Aboriginal Land Title and Employment' Hon DA Dunstan; 'The Land Rights of Australian Aborigines' by Frank Engel.
FCAATSI Legislative Reform Committee, 1967-1968 (File 9.51) - Box 9
Documents related to the FCAATSI Legislative Reform Committee, chaired by Pittock, and the Victorian branch. Minutes, correspondence, statements and newspaper cuttings.
FCAATSI papers, 1966-1968 (File 9.52) - Box 9
FCAATSI reports, minutes, correspondence, statements and newspaper cuttings.; Mainly concerning legal aid and NT voter enrolment papers. Includes correspondence with Charles Duguid, who was critical of alleged biases in FCAATSI.
1967 Referendum on Aboriginal rights, 1964-1967 (File 10.51) - Box 10
Includes: Pittock's letters and articles, FCAATSI and Abschol papers, government statements, newspaper cuttings.
Aborigines and churches, 1963-1971 (File 10.52) - Box 10
Includes: drafts of articles by Pittock, correspondence, statements and newspaper cuttings. Copy of an 1838 Quakers UK statement on 'The Aborigines in the British colonies.' Also NADOC materials.
Papers re Aboriginal affairs, 1958-1962 (File 10.53) - Box 10
Includes: documents relating to the Aboriginal affairs work of Abschol, Melbourne University, Victorian and Australian Christian Youth Councils (including work camps at Aboriginal communities), and Quaker Committee on Legislation.
Aboriginal land rights, 1973-1975 (File 10.54) - Box 10
Includes: letters, cuttings, reports regarding land rights and claims. Aboriginal Action, VCC, minutes. 'Bunji' newsletter of the Gwalwa Daraniki Association (NT), including satirical 'Application for entry to the Northern Territory' form for non-Aborigines. Papers on outcomes from Woodward Commission and Gove land rights case. Correspondence, including from Martin Tuck (Aboriginal activist and jailed Vietnam War draft objector).
Papers and correspondence re Aboriginal affairs, 1976-1977 (File 10.55) - Box 10
Includes: Aboriginal Action [Victorian Council of Churches] newsletter, minutes and correspondence; Quaker Race Relations Committee papers; and statements on land rights legislation. Also some materials linked to the Canadian situation.
Visit of Charlotte Meacham, 1972-1973 (File 11.56) - Box 11
Papers related to the six-week visit to Australia of the American community relations expert,Charlotte Meacham, sponsored by Quakers. Also report - 'Listen to the Aborigines'.
Correspondence and papers relating to a proposed visit to Australia of American Indians to share experiences of uranium mining, 1978 (File 11.57) - Box 11
'Politics and Race', 1975 (File 11.59) - Box 11
Correspondence and draft chapters by Pittock and Lorna Lippmann for Donald Baker's book 'Politics and Race'.
Publications and reports re Aboriginal land rights, 1969-1970 (File 11.60) - Box 11
Papers by Pittock, Spigelman, Sayre, Harrington, Gorton, Rowley, Tobin and Tatz.
Human Rights Bill [1973] (File 11.62) - Box 11
Barrie Pittock not heavily involved
Some church documents related to the Human Rights Bill 1973. Includes public meeting material together with newspaper clippings.
Friends Service Council of Australia [FSC(A)], 1960-1962 (File 12.63) - Box 12
Ecumenical Work Camp to building housing for Aborigines in Kempsey in 1960-1961 organised by the Australian Christian Youth Council. Also an inter-racial seminar by the Friends [Quaker] Service Council of Australia, for which Pittock was an organiser. Includes correspondence, registration forms, planning documents, flip chart notes; letters from Pittock to his parents in 1958 (when Pittock was 20) about his fact-finding visit to fringe-dwelling Aboriginal communities in northern NSW and his hitch-hiking trip with Phillip Boas. Second set of letters in 1960 relating to a trip to Kempsey for the ACYC Work Camp building housing for Aborigines; FSC(A) seminar on 'The new Africa' in 1962.
Papers re Aboriginal affairs, 1969-1971 (File 12.64) - Box 12
Various bound papers; Brisbane Aboriginal and Islanders Tribal Council papers; National Aboriginal Sports Foundation Committee papers (Doug Nicholls); National Tribal Council papers: conference 1971, constitution and policy manifesto; Denis Walker correspondence with Charles Perkins. Includes some foundational documents for these organisations and the papers highlight the roles of a number of key Aboriginal leaders.
FCAATSI papers, 1967 and 1990 (File 12.65) - Box 12
Includes: internal FCAATSI correspondence. Includes draft and copy of paper by Peter Read 'Cheeky, Insolent and Anti-White: The split in the Federal Council for the Advancement of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders - Easter 1970', Aust. J. of Politics and History, v.36(1), 73-83 (1990).
House of Representative Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs 1974: submission, evidence and correspondence. (File 12.66) - Box 12
Submissions by Pittock to Senate Standing Committees, 1972-1974 (File 12.67) - Box 12
Submissions by Pittock and correspondence to Senate Standing Committees on Constitutional Affairs, c.1972, Social Environment, 1972 and Finance and Government Operations, 1973-1974.
Poverty Enquiry [Commonwealth Commission of Enquiry into Poverty [1973]: submission, evidence and correspondence (File 12.68) - Box 12
Aboriginal Action [of the Victorian Council of Churches]: minutes, correspondence, newsletter clippings and campaign materials, 1976-7 (File 12.69) - Box 12
Race relations and churches, 1963-1974 (File 13.70) - Box 13
Includes: statements, papers and newspaper clippings concerning race relations and churches. Mainly the National Missionary Council 1963 and the Australian Council of Churches, 1971-192. 'Declaration of Barbados' from WCC Programme to Combat Racism, 1971.
Indigenous affairs in Australia and Canada, 1969-1970 (File 13.71) - Box 13
This material is among the first examples of the substantial, subsequent exchanges between Australia and Canada on Indigenous affairs. Includes Pittock's correspondence and draft article 'Aboriginal land rights - the Canadian Experience' (1970).
'Racism in Australia - tasks for general and Christian education', 1971 (File 13.72) - Box 13
Papers re conference held in Southport, QLD, Australian Council of Churches, 19-24 Nov 1971. Includes organisation materials, presentation, newspaper clippings; and Pittock's report on the conference to Quakers, 1971. The conference was notable for associated Black protests in Brisbane. (See also box 5/file 5.29)
Quaker Race Relations Committee, 1973 (File 13.73) - Box 13
Includes: newsletter, minutes, reports and correspondence, including with Martin Tuck, Aboriginal activist and Vietnam War objector, 1973, together with a paper by him.
International Work Group on Indigenous Affairs [IWGIA], 1971-1977 (File 13.74) - Box 13
Newsletters and correspondence relating to IWGIA [based in Denmark]. IWGIA reprinted Pittock's paper on Aboriginal Land Rights in 1973 (their Document Number 3)
Pamphlets and booklets on Aboriginal issues, 1944-1977 (File 14.76) - Box 14
An assortment of approx. 100 small-sized pamphlets and booklets on Aboriginal issues published from the 1950s-1970s; some government leaflets, and many publications of Aboriginal, church and other community organizations. Includes 'Aboriginal Advancement League (Victoria) Newsletter' 1968 (10) – 1970 (32); 'Rights and Advancement,' FCAATSI, Jan-Aug 1969; 'Smoke signals,' FCAATSI, 1967: 6(4), 1969-1970: 8(1-3), with articles by Pittock.
Aborigines Advancement League of Victoria., 1970-1973 (File 15.77) - Box 15
Papers include: minutes, reports, newsletter and notes. This was a time of debate over 'Black Power', and how to accommodate both Aboriginal opinion and non-Aboriginal supporters.
Victorian Aboriginal Affairs Consultative Group, 1968-1969 (File 15.78) - Box 15
Minutes and related documents, Melbourne contacts list (undated). Abschol, AAL and other groups also involved.
Papers re Aboriginal affairs, 1963-1973 (File 15.79) - Box 15
AAL Vic. and Vic. Government Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs. Reports, minutes, press cuttings, correspondence; Victorian Christian Youth Council work camp at Framlingham. Includes debate over future of Lake Tyers settlement.
Reports and minutes re Aboriginal affairs, 1960s-1970s (File 15.80) - Box 15
Includes: Victorian Council of Churches and other church reports and minutes re Aboriginal affairs. Also David Anderson and Vic. Aboriginal Affairs Advisory Committee. David Anderson, from the Mildura area, was a significant activist.
Papers re Aboriginal affairs, 1960s-1970s (File 15.81) - Box 15
Mainly newspapers but includes special Aboriginal issue of 'The Australasian Nurses Journal' (1975) and a paper by Elizabeth Sommerlad on cross-cultural education.
Papers relating to government Bills, 1962-1967 (File 16.82) - Box 16
Drafts and statements etc. re SA Aboriginal Land Trust Bill, and Prohibition of Discrimination Bill. Speeches etc, by Don Dunstan; papers by FW Albrecht, AAL SA, Iris Schultz (Quaker) and Kath Walker.
Aboriginal affairs in West Australia, 1960s (File 16.83) - Box 16
Includes: Port Hedland, Pilbara, Pindan mob, WA Govt. Native Welfare and Education Department Reports from Jessie Street (undated), Stan Davey and Jan Richardson, and Sally Gare re Pindan Cooperative, Port Hedland, WA, Jun 1960 with labelled photos. Stan Davey re attempts to gain security of tenure by Nomads Pty. Ltd. (McLeod's group), 1969; review of book 'Yandy' by Pittock; DW McLeod 'Aboriginal Enterprise in the Pilbara' undated; O. White 'Golden Deal at Goanna Patch' in 'The Age', 13 Jul 1966; 'History of the Pilbara Group, Port Hedland WA' from J and K Wilson, 1961; farewell party notice for Stan and Jan (on going to Port Hedland), undated. Paper on interaction analysis re Pindan by John Wilson (1962). Report from Stan and Jan, late 1969. These papers are notable for information re Donald McLeod and Pindan mob. Sally Gare, now Herzfeld, is daughter of Cyril Gare who was WA Quaker active in Aboriginal affairs in Perth.
Aboriginal wages and employment, 1960s (File 16.84) - Box 16
Includes papers by Shirley Andrews, FW Albrecht, outlines of seminars and some FCAATSI material.
Aborigines and tourism, 1966-1967 (File 16.85) - Box 16
Largely around paper by Pittock in 'Australian Quarterly', Sept. 1967. Also letters from WC Wentworth, Edgar Wells, Charles Duguid.
Papers re Aboriginal affairs, 1960s, 1981 (File 16.86) - Box 16
Abschol on Qld. Aboriginal Affairs Act (1965 Aboriginal and Islander). Cuttings, reports, papers, notably F Stevens on Weipa, C Tatz on Equality or Inequality, AAL Cairns bulletins (Joe McGinness), legal summons against Yarrabah resident, Qld. Council for Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders, Opal report 1965, state bills re ATSI affairs, electoral act, other newsletters and papers.
'Beyond White Australia', c.1975 (File 16.87) - Box 16
Paper by Pittock, published as booklet by Quaker Race Relations Committee and as chapter in 'Politics of Race' ed. Donald Baker (Heath, London, 1975).
American Indians and American Democracy, 1978 (File 17.88) - Box 17
Political science course at University of Arizona by Vine Deloria, with Pittock as a guest lecturer. Outline of Pittock's lecture and notes on other lectures. Pittock was resident in Tucson AZ, Oct 1977 - Sep 1978.
'Australian Aborigines: The Common Struggle for Humanity', 1979-1980 (File 17.89) - Box 17
Draft of essay 'Australian Aborigines: The Common Struggle for Humanity', published by the International Work Group on Indigenous Affairs as Document No. 39 in 1979. Condensed by Vine Deloria for inclusion in the Smithsonian Institution 'Handbook of North American Indians', Vol.2 to be published in 1980.
Articles, papers and extracts on American Indian affairs, 1960s-1980s (File 17.90) - Box 17
Numerous articles, papers and extracts on American Indian affairs, used as basis of comparison with the Australian situation. Includes papers by Sol Tax ('What Indians Want', and 'The Importance of Preserving Indian Culture'), D'Arcy McNickle ('The Indian in American Society'), Janet McCleod (The Aborigine and the Law') and Ted Hetzel (We Can Learn from American Indians').
Sol Tax at University of Chicago was particularly influential on Pittock - concept of 'action anthropology' that sought to improve situation rather than just observe it. So too was D'Arcy McNickle. (See also box 20/file 20.110)
Race relations (largely South Africa), 1950s-1960s (File 17.91) - Box 17
Includes: media and academic articles and cuttings. Covers Australia a little, South Africa, UK and USA. Summary of Australian Friends Service Council 'Inter-racial Seminar' partly organised by Pittock. Note participation of some leading Australian politicians in seminar (notably Howson, Sneddon and Santamaria).
Aboriginal education, 1960s-1970s (File 18.92) - Box 18
Reports and documents from several organisations re Aborigines and education/schools, especially in South Australia. Includes paper by Allan Doobov on Aborigines in Australian school books.
Monash Centre for Research into Aboriginal Affairs: seminar papers, with some notes by Pittock, 1960s-1970s (File 18.93) - Box 18
'On Aboriginal Affairs', 1962-1966 (File 18.94) - Box 18
Series of seminal papers on Aborigines and overseas indigenous groups and policies. Also some correspondence with Ian Spalding, founder of OAA. Spalding and the series of papers were very influential for Pittock.
'Aboriginal Policy Study Kit', 1960s (File 18.95) - Box 18
Includes a list for and unrealised 'Aboriginal Policy Study Kit' and seems to be a first attempt to compile a kit. Papers include ones by WR Geddes, DE Barwick, JH Bell, X. Herbert, Ian Viner, and Victor Coombes. Also part of a draft thesis on Aborigines and employment by unknown author, and brief beginning of an unfinished essay on 'Aborigines and Scientific Attitudes' by Pittock.
Commonwealth policy, 1960s-1970s (File 18.96) - Box 18
Howsen, McMahon, Gorton, Wentworth, State grants, capital fund for Aboriginal enterprises. Correspondence with Peter Nixon. HC Coombs address, DAA media release.
Traditional Aboriginal art and culture, 1960s-1970s (File 18.97) - Box 18
Articles on traditional culture and antiquities, plus relevant cuttings and letters.
Academic papers ore Aboriginal Affairs, 1960s-1970s (File 19.99) - Box 19
Includes: Iceton on community health. Coutts et al., Tatz, Hackett and Tinney. BW Harrison thesis on Myall Creek massacre. JS Battye (1924) on W.A., Rowley ('Aboriginals in Australian Society', 1968), Berndt (1964). Older material includes poems, 'The Aborigines of Port Phillip', and likely extract from James Backhouse and Walker re Van Diemans Land (1832).
Comparative studies, 1960s-1970s (File 19.103) - Box 19
Includes papers and letters. Of note, a report from Charles Perkins on world tour in 1975, and one from Alan Duncan re tour of New Zealand in 1967.
James Backhouse lecture, 1969 (File 19.103) - Box 19
Correspondence, drafts and final version of feature annual lecture at Society of Friends (Quakers) Aus. Yearly Meeting.
Miscellaneous papers re Aboriginal affairs, 1960s-1970s (File 19.104) - Box 19
Race relations - notes, essays, papers and talks. ABC radio 3AR talks in 'By the way' series scheduled for Mar 11, 12, 14 and 15, 19 (1974). Request to print one in 'Aboriginal News' from Dept. of Aboriginal Affairs. Outline of lecture at United Theological faculty, Oct. 1973. Article in 'The Beacon' (Unitarian Church) Jan. 1973. Paper for Methodist Commission in 1968. Various letters, essays and drafts by Pittock in 1965-66. Notes by Pittock (in US on post-doctoral year) for tape to play at Sunshine Technical College c.1964 (Pittock's father CR Pittock was Principal there). Study for use with special Aboriginal issue of 'Crux' magazine in 1965. Other articles by Pittock including talk and Q and A re paper at Abschol conference in 1969. Pittock 'How to Write a Letter to the Editor'. Bruce Silverwood script for GTV9 in 1968. Background material for FCAATSI Aboriginal Land Rights campaign c.1966-67. Notes on American Friends Service Committee workshop in minority area of Denver. Colorado, c.1963.
Papers and essays, 1909, 1970-1976 (File 19.105) - Box 19
AP Elkin (1971), Vine Deloria in Canada (1971), Stan Davey re Forest River (1971), bibliography by Pittock, Duncan Graham on battle of Skull Creek in WA (1975)
NT, especially re Land Rights Bill of 1976
Miscellaneous correspondence
Material from David Anderson, 1971; also ALP Vic. policy report (1970); Kris Klugman (1971); Uni. NSW on text books (1970); UNE Aboriginal Human Rights Newsletter; 1909 article on Tasmanian Aborigines (Wm. Turner); Reg Sprigg on Wingellina Mine.
Miscellaneous papers relating to Aboriginal affairs, 1837-1838, 1915-1924, 1956-1976 (File 20.106) - Box 20
Extracts from British House of Commons Select Committee of 1838; James Backhouse 1837; RC Mills 1915; SH Roberts 1924; F Engel 1969; JD Legge 1956; CD Rowley extracts from his 'Aborigines and Other Australians' 1964, and 'The Aboriginal Householder' 1967; HC Coombs 1968; Pittock 'Why the Rush in Aboriginal Affairs' 1969; several from AJ Grassby (c.1976); B Hocking 'Does Aboriginal Law Now Run in Australia?' 1979; F. Stevens 'Aboriginal Labour' 1971; D. Tacey 'Australians and the spirit of race' 1985.
Various letters and newletters including Abschol to Minister P Nixon (Sep. 1970); Central Australian Land Rights News, No.3 (1976); selected racially incorrect abstracts from Pearson's Weekly (undated, late 19th century?); K Gilbert (1972).
Some of these sources used in Pittock's writings, especially his Backhouse Lecture and land rights papers. Note that Rowley's essay was probably influenced by Fey and McNickle's 'Indians and Other Americans' (See also box 20/file 20.111).
Aborigines Advancement League of Victoria, 1970s (File 20.109) - Box 20
Includes: record of state conference in 1973, and Doug Nicholls report on visit to Warburton Ranges etc.
'Indians and Other Americans', 1959 (File 20.111) - Box 20
'Indians and Other Americans' by Harold E. Fey and D'Arcy McNickle, Harper Bros, New York, 1959. This book was highly influential to Pittock, including decision to do post-doctoral time at National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder Colorado, because McNickle lived there. McNickle introduced Pittock to many useful US contacts. This book probably also influenced CD Rowley with his paper 'Aborigines and Other Australians'.
Aboriginal Land Rights Commission, 1973-1974 (File 20.112) - Box 20
First and second reports. Includes preliminary submissions by Pittock dated 17 Feb. 1973.
Hansard reports, 1972-1973 (File 20.113) - Box 20
Proofs of Hansard reports of: (a) Senate Standing Committee on Constitutional and Legal Affairs re discrimination, (b) Senate Standing Committee on Social Environment re Aboriginal and TSI. Both include submission and transcripts by Pittock.
'Nucoorilma', 1974 (File 20.114) - Box 20
'Nucoorilma' by M. Fennell and A. Grey, Adult Education, Uni. Of Sydney, in collaboration with the Aboriginal people of Tingha, NSW 'To know who they are and to decide what they must become'. Limited edition, copy No. 464.
Media coverage, comment by Frank Brennan SJ 'The Mabo Case and Terra Nullius' (Uniya Occasional Paper No. 34), 1993 (File 21.115) - Box 21
Papers re Aboriginal affairs, 1969-1972 (File 21.116) - Box 21
Voter Education; Malcolm Mackerras 'The Aboriginal Vote' (1969); National Tribal Council 1970; United Church of North Australia, 1972, and others, including cuttings.
Correspondence, cuttings, and reports, 1960s (File 21.117) - Box 21
Includes: report of the 1965 FCAATSI conference, and 'Between them and us' by Jack Goodluck. Pittock, invited speaker at 1965 conference, met his future wife, Diana James (a PFA observer), there in the company of Whetu Tirikatene.
Papers re Aboriginal affairs, 1960s (File 21.118) - Box 21
Press cuttings, plus Statement at CSIRO Aspendale (Pittock's workplace) re his qualified support for 'Black Power'; WC Wentworth on constitution Amendment Bill, 1966; John Barnes 'Australian Aborigines? or Aboriginal Australians?'; review of edited papers of GA Robinson; 'Aboriginal' Quarterly, Vol.1, No.1; Duncan Graham in 'Walkabout', Jan. 1968; re Arthur Rylah on Vic. policy re Lake Tyers, 1965; Presbyterian Fellowship paper 'The Dark People'; Report of Quaker Seminar on Aborigines, 1963; other minor papers.
Correspondence and papers re Aboriginal affairs, 1960s-1970s (File 21.119) - Box 21
Assorted correspondence and cuttings; biographical material re some prominent Aborigines and their friends, namely: Kath Walker, Roberta Sykes, Bob Maza, Rachel and Charles Perkins, Henry Reynolds, and Elizabeth Egglestone.
Papers re Aboriginal rights (File 21.120) - Box 21
Aboriginal Treaty or Makarrata. Aboriginal Treaty News; National Aboriginal Conference; Action for Aboriginal Rights; World Council of Indigenous Peoples. Also correspondence re Pittock's 'What is Wrong with the Aboriginal Treaty'.
Papers and ephemera re Aboriginal affairs, 1970s (File 21.122) - Box 21
Includes: 'Black National U' 1973 (incl. John Newfong on Gordon Bryant); 'Black News' Nos. 1 and 2; Redfern poster re police bashings; AAL Vic. notice of AGM; Nindethana Theatre 'The Cherry Pickers' undated; China report by Gerry Bostock 1972; NZ report by David Anderson, undated; 'Facts to Know', Barrie Pittock; Ayers Rock Park planning, 1972; Aboriginal candidate for Casey, fliers 1972; four articles from 'Walkabout' magazine; two speeches by Racer Mathews MP; Aboriginal Action leaflet; Aboriginal Advancement Association Newsletter, Burke NSW 1973.
Papers and correspondence re Aboriginal affairs, Early 1990s (File 22.123) - Box 22
Includes: articles on Mabo and Doomadge (Qld) in AWD Vic. Newsletter, 1993; correspondence with Kathie Cochrane re her draft biography of Kath Walker and some of Walker's writings.
Papers re Aboriginal affairs, 1960s-1970s (File 22.124) - Box 22
Includes: mMedia releases from Federal Dept. of Aboriginal Affairs; reports re Vesteys, Lake Mungo relics, Aboriginal Embassy, Robinvale, police actions in WA; Bunji Newsletter (Darwin); Pittock on FCAATSI conference in 1970; papers from Ringwood AWD, c.1973; Bryan Syron on white actor playing Aboriginal detective Napolean Bonaparte (1973); Kanangra Society Newsletter, 1974; 'Aboriginal Rights Struggle' at Mapoonumoo, 1974(?); CSIRO re getting permits on Aboriginal land, 197; articles in 'Walkabout' 1973; 'Early man in Australia' by Rhys Jones; Harold Holt letter to Noel Beaton MP, 1967; several letters and submissions by David Anderson (Aboriginal Rep. for NW Vic.) in 1971 and related correspondence; Torres Strait legends (The Sunday Review, 1971).
Papers, comprising mainly newspapers, that were influential in Pittock's thinking, 1970s (File 22.125) - Box 22
All influential in Barrie Pittock's thinking.
Papers re Aboriginal Affairs, 1960s-1970s (File 22.126) - Box 22
Comprises mainly newspapers, especially re Gurindji, Wave Hill, Gove case, housing, school performance, land rights, book reviews, hand-back of Batman Treaty (1969). Also paper 'Queensland: Australia's Deep South' by Allan and Ruth Doobov, together with various letters and articles. Formative materials for Pittock.
Papers re comparative issues with Maoris, American Indians and Afro-Americans, 1950s-1980s (File 22.127) - Box 22
Includes: a paper on ancient Newfoundland; 'Respecting nature the Maori way'; 'Martin Luther King and the Montgomery Story' (1956); Liberation Magazine, US (1956). Also a short paper on 'The Culture of Poverty' by Oscar Lewis (1963) and a related critique by Jaffe and Polgar re family planning (1968). Lewis's paper, as described in his 'The Children of Sanchez', influenced Pittock's thinking - ascribes aspects of social stress (eg, alcoholism, family abuse) to poverty rather than to race or ethnicity.
Cuttings and minor papers re Aboriginal affairs, 1960s-1970s (File 23.128) - Box 23
Includes: Gove, Weipa, Palm Island, Kath Walker, Denis Walker, Black Panthers, Lionel Brock, Coombs, correspondence with Frank Wigham (Uni New England), 'Learning Exchange' article re Fitzroy Crossing, Stewart Harris on a treaty, Alick Jackomos on history of Melbourne Aboriginals ('Farrago' 1977), Aurukun, 'Black Captivity' by Rev. Dudley Hyde in 'The Beacon', 'The True History of Australia' (graphical) by Cheryl Buchanan, 'Black Liberation' Oct. 1976, Pat Dodson, Max Stuart, Doug Nicholls, Ranger uranium mine, Land Rights Rally posters, N. Lickiss on 'Alcohol and Aborigines' (1971), Coombs at launching of 'Identity' magazine (1971).
Papers re Aboriginal affairs, 1972-1975 (File 23.129) - Box 23
Includes: Yirrkala Select Committee, H. of Reps., report and minutes; D. Graham 'The Battle of Skull Creek', Churches Newslink; 'Thousands of Reason for Aboriginal Anger' Barrie Pittock, The Age 22 May 1975; Race Relations Newsletter No. 6, 1973; Kevin Gilbert book part draft, 1973; 'Thinking like an Aboriginal', Pittock review of Colin Tatz book; lawyers letter to the Federal Minister re Aboriginal justice; many media releases for Federal DAA; Churches Commission of AAA, 1975; Justin Malonet on Apatula Housing Association, and educating whites, 1973; Abschol symposium, Canberra 1972; other small documents and press cuttings.
Miscellaneous writings re Aboriginal affairs, 1960s-1970s (File 23.130) - Box 23
Includes: Race Relations Newsletter No. 7, (Aust. Union of Students) 1974 - NB large section on Nomads Group (spokesperson Donald McLeod); Nabalco's Gove advert. campaign, 1972; 'Themes for Change' by Colin Tatz (Abscol Pub., c.1971; National Tribal Council first annual conference papers (draft Manifesto and Constitution), 1970; James Spigelman 'Poverty and the Law', undated; 'Imprisonment of Aborigines - in W.A.', anon., undated; 'The Pilbara Project', Nomads Res. Foundation c.1970; NADOC, 1972; Aboriginal Embassy; Boycott Vesteys; Leadership Training for Aboriginal Youth, Rotary, 1972; future role of Abschol, c.1971; 'The Aboriginal' poem by C.A. Maguire; posters re 'political prisoners' and 'What does it take for a Koorie to use a gun', Bobby McLeod; Geelong College forum, 1972; Black Panther Party Australia, 1972; Social services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, Qld., 1969; 'Aboriginal Land Rights', N. Bonner, 1972; 'Aborigines in Industry - Groote Eylandt', 1966; 'East Kimberley - Australia's Colonial Country', Justin Maloney, 1972; 'Fertility - amongst Aboriginal Australians', F. Lancaster Jones; 'The Aborigines of Australia' Rev. H. Temme, undated; 'Sister Kate's Children's home, undated; Black Panther Party; Moratorium for Black Rights, Abschol, July 1972; Aboriginal Policy, ALP Qld., minor correspondence.
Correspondence and papers re Aboriginal affairs, 1960s-1970s (File 23.132) - Box 23
Correspondence and papers re Aboriginal affairsDate [inclusive]: 1960s-1970s
Includes: NADOC annual report, 1971; 17-page MS 'The Disinherited: A Study of Black and White' by Pittock, unfinished; World Council of Christian Education, message re liberation of oppressed, 1971; short draft 'On violence in Aboriginal Affairs' unfinished, c.1971, Pittock; Richard Martin versus Qld. Parole Board c.1974; 'Pintubi' by Allan Greig in 'Walkabout' Dec. 1973; Kanangra Society annotated book list c.1972 and newsletter 1974; 'Central Australian Aboriginal Congress' reported in 'New Dawn' magazine, Nov. 1973; 'Black National U', Aust. Union of Students, 1973; letter by Pittock 'Labor and Land Rights', submitted to 'The Age', 1974.
Miscellaneous writings re Aboriginal affairs, 1992-1999 (File 24.133) - Box 24
Includes: 'Australia's Oceans Policy: Socio-cultural Considerations', Issues Paper No. 6, 1997; 'Tandanya Information Sheet - Rebutting Mabo Myths', undated; 'Reconciliation and Psychology: Indigenous Australian Perspective' Centre for Aboriginal Studies, Curtin Uni., 1997; Defenders of Native Title, Campaign Updates and related material, c.1997; 'The Quick Pick Wik Papers' Dale Hess and Robin Arnold, c. 1997; Maningrida Contemporary Weaving, Craft Victoria, 1993; 'Horizons' Special Edition, Indigenous Rights, Community Aid Abroad, 1999; related cuttings especially re Wik and Yorta Yorta cases and consequences, and reconciliation.
Miscellaneous writings re Aboriginal affairs: main issues land rights, mining, and employment, 1960s-1970s (File 24.134) - Box 24
Includes: Mission Probe 'The Aborigines are one of the World's most Talented People - So Why?', c. 1970; H. Grenacher re Gove, in German, 1973; FCAATSI twelfth Annual Conference, agenda, 1969; Vic. Association of Youth Clubs for Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund, report 1970; 'Aboriginals and Poverty' by A. Theophanous, undated; review of 'Bridge and Barrier' ed. by D. Walker (1971) in Science, Vol.181, Sept. 1973; catalogue 'Paintings and Carvings of Arnhem Land', 1976; draft 'Aborigines: Law and Political Development' by CM Tatz, undated; G. Guthrie 'Attitudes of Queensland reserve Aborigines to cities', Australian Geographical Studies, 1976; Mollie Dyer report on study tour of Canada and USA, 1976; Yenara News No. 2, 1976; two statements by RI Viner, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs in H. of Reps., May 1977, and related media release; newsletter, 'The Cooperative for Aborigines Ltd'. (Rev. Alf Clint), April 1070; 'Black Image', Abschol, March 1971; 'Towards the Integration of American Indians', Lorna Lippman, undated; AAL (SA) newsletter, March 1969; extracts from North Australian Research Directory, 1975; reports of visit to Qld. government Aboriginal settlements by Mr. Melloy MLA and E. Wallis-Smith, 1964; papers from Uni. of WA Summer School, 1969 on 'Aboriginal Progress - A New Era'; Harold Blair, Aboriginal Children's Project 1969; Aboriginal Youth in Victoria, 1968; FCAATSI on formation of 'Australian Advancement Party', 1974; poem from Hyllus Maris, undated; correspondence.
Miscellaneous papers re Aboriginal affairs, 1960s-1970s (File 24.135) - Box 24
Includes: 'Vic. Aboriginal Heritage', 'The Age' lift-out supplement, 5 Apr 1976; report of ANZAAS Symposium re Aborigines, RM Berndt, undated, 'Australian J. Science', Vol.32(11), 418-421; Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund booklet and AGM papers, 1970; National U, Vol.5(11), Sept. 1969, esp. Cape Barren Island; GR Robertson and JC Carrick 'The Trials of Nancy Young' in 'The Australian Quarterly' vol.42(2) p/34-46, 1970; 'The Aboriginal Studies Course' AM Hart, Western Teachers College S.A., undated: JR Kidd 'The Rajasthan Survey', Conf. on Aboriginal Education, Uni. of Sydney, 1966; B. Chudleigh 'The Aboriginal Community and the School', undated; 'Give it Back to the Indians: Education on Reservation and Off', undated, anon. prob. 1966; Judge Mitchell 'The Aboriginal and the Law', 1969; excerpts from Jim Spigelman 'Poverty and the Law - the Limitations of Australian Legal Aid' , undated; interview with Pincher Numiari re Gurindji plans and attitudes, 1970; resolutions from the N. Qld. Conference of Aborigines convened by the Commonwealth govt., undated; 'Blac Con' cert poster, 1971; 'Why your child should learn Maori', The Press, New Zealand, 1971; 'Why you should join the Council of Aboriginal Rights' undated; 'Brown Eyes Blue Eyes' W Peters in Readers Digest, May 1971; 'Progress and Aboriginal Reserves' anon. from Abschol Conference 1969; letters re tutorials for Aboriginal students, MR Worthy, Director of Aboriginal Affairs, Vic., 1969; Stewart Murray 'Reasons and suggestions for the implementation of an adult training for Aborigines', undated; DW McLeod 'Aboriginal Enterprise in the Pilbara', undated; review of Pittock's 'Toward a Multi-racial Society' by J. Griffin 'Catholic Worker', 1969, and flier for same from Society of Friends.
Miscellaneous papers re Aboriginal affairs, 1950s-1980s (File 24.137) - Box 24
Includes: letters and enclosures from W Wardlaw and Rachel Davis Dubois (US Quakers) re race relations, 1973; exchange with Dorothy Irwin (New Era Aboriginal Fellowship) re alcohol problem, 1973; to Gordon Briscoe, 1973; Barry Christophers re land rights, 1973; notes for Aboriginal Sunday, Pittock 1974; 'Some problems of Aboriginal Policy in Victorian. Setting' and 'Aboriginal Welfare Orgs. in Vic.', both c.1960, Pittock; Vic. Christian Youth Council reports, 1957and 1963; draft 'Proposed Aboriginal Secondary Scholarships' 1957; Allan Doobov, 1973; Bahai, 1973; LP Eggers, 1974; Joyce Clague, 1971; Jack Horner, 1971; Kenneth Orr, 1971; J Horner re possible ASIO surveillance of FCAATSI, 1975; Charles Perkins and Helge Kleivan of IWGIA, 1975; Action for World Development, Chika Dixon and Len Clark re participation in Aboriginal Land Rights Conf., Darwin, 1973; Action for Development, 1976; to Cliff Wright - mentions Pittock article in 'Quaker Religious Thought' (US) that may be relevant, and Catholic initiatives after the Southport Conf. of 1971 (see also box 5/file 5.29).
Miscellaneous papers re Aboriginal affairs, 1970s-1980s (File 24.137 (cont.)) - Box 24
Miscellaneous papers re Aboriginal affairs1970s-1980sThree issues of Civil Rights Update (US), 1983; Vic Council of Churches, AGM minutes 1983 (lack of action on Aboriginals); Quaker Race Relations newsletter 1983; Action for Aboriginal Rights newsletter, minutes and rights suppl.; New Internationalist 1976; Graham Parker (Canadian lawyer) 1975; Brotherhood of St. Laurence and Anglican Synod (Shirley Abraham, David Hollingsworth and George Pearson) re statement on Aboriginal land rights, 1970-1971; Frank Stevens re documentation 1974; Ringwood seminar 1971; Melbourne Unitarian Church publication 1973; John P Brown re Aurukun Mission land rights case, 1973; to K. Brooks re Cape Barren Islanders, 1973; Br. D. O'Donovan OCR re Kalumburu mission, 1972; correspondence with New Era Aboriginal Fellowship (WA) re Henry Schapper's views on closing Aboriginal settlements, 1971; letter from Pittock in 1972 re continuation of National Tribal Council, quoting NTC minute of 12 May 1971; Justin Maloney re quotes from Pittock re 'culture of poverty', 1971; ALP federal policy re Aboriginals, undated but likely c.1971; copy of extract re 'The Massacre at Warrigal Creek' probably by Peter Gardiner, undated. Issue of 'The Beacon', Jan 1973. Sundry other correspondence re publications, orders of same and talks.
Race in sport (South Africa), 1971-1972 (File 25.138) - Box 25
Nearly all relate to the tour of Australia by South African Springboks and of South Africa by Australian cricket team.
Miscellaneous papers re Aboriginal affairs, 1970s-1980s (File 25.141) - Box 25
Includes: 'Black News', Action for Aboriginal Rights; National Tribal Council; Aborigines and the Law Seminar, 1975 Monash University; Aboriginal and Islander Forum c.1978; AIM (Aboriginal and Islander Message) c. 1981; Aboriginal Treaty Committee; Identity, Vol.4 (3), 1981; Campaign Against Racial Exploitation (CARE).
Aboriginal publications by organisations and support groups, 1947, 1960s -1980s (File 25.142) - Box 25
Includes: Identity 1981; Catholic Commission on Justice and Peace, c.1980; Kimberley Land Council, 1979; Action for Aboriginal Rights; Black Nation, 1983; Land Rights News, 1979; 'The Aborigine - A View from Redfern' by Ted Kennedy, 1973; AAL Newsletter No. 32, 1970; Aboriginal Evangelical Fellowship; Abschol; 'China Report' on trip by Gerry Bostock and others, 1972; ACC re Torres Strait border, 1973; The Koorier, 1969; 'The Aborigines and the Rocket Range', Donald F. Thomson, 1947.
International Indigenous analogues, 1970s-1980s (File 26.143) - Box 26
Includes: publications, reviews and reports from or about US, Canada, New Zealand and elsewhere. Includes 1978 'Declaration by Representatives of the Native Peoples of the Earth'. Such analogues and precedents widely used or quoted by Pittock.
Academic articles re Aboriginal issues, 1970s-1980s (File 26.144) - Box 26
Re Aborigines, racial issues and statistics. Includes small Wiradjuri language dictionary.
Politics in Aboriginal affairs, 1960s-1980s (File 26.145) - Box 26
Federal and state governments, parliaments and political parties. Includes Law Reform Commission paper No. 17; 1980, re recognition of Aboriginal customary law.
Racism and anti-discrimination, 1970s-1980s (File 26.146) - Box 26
Includes papers, reports, documents and cuttings from Australia and overseas. Includes US Civil Rights Digest, 1970 and US Civil Rights Quarterly, 1982.
Church groups, 1960s-1970s (File 26.148) - Box 26
Includes: ASCM, ACC, Jesuits, Society of Friends (Quakers). VCC Commission membership list undated. (See also box 25/file 25.142 and others.)
National Tribal Council and National Aboriginal Consultative Committee, 1970s (File 26.149) - Box 26
Includes draft letter to Prime Minister from Denis Walker, 1971; elections for NACC, 1973.
Media cuttings, 1970s-1980s (File 26.150) - Box 26
Note especially Arthur Horner's 'DIG' series 'A Graphic History of Terra Australia Incognita', 1980; and article on Framlingham, 1980.
Articles and cuttings re US Indians, 1970s (File 27.152) - Box 27
Includes 'Uncommon Controversy: Fishing Rights of -[various]- Indians'.
Articles and reports re US Indians, 1960s-1970s (File 27.153) - Box 27
Includes a field report 'Land, Water and People' by Charlotte Meacham, who later wrote 'Listen to the Aborigines: a Quaker report on Aboriginal affairs', with an introduction by Pittock.
Books and magazines on US and Canadian Indians, 1960s-1970s (File 27.154) - Box 27
Related Materials
Includes two children's books plus 'The New England Indians', and the magazine 'The Saskatchewan Indians' 1977.
Issues of 'Origin' newspaper, 1969-1971 (File 27.155) - Box 27
'Origin' was an independent newspaper for Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders, published monthly. Nearly complete series. Some issues include articles by Pittock. (See also box 6)
Issues of 'Origin' newspaper, 1971- (File 27.156) - Box 27
Vols. 3 and 4 (incomplete). Some issues include articles by Pittock. (See also box 6)
Aborigines and uranium mining, 1970s (File 28.157) - Box 28
Includes: cuttings; CARE News, Aboriginal and Islander Forum vol.3 (4 and 6); ECOS article 1974; Ranger Inquiry extract; various movement protests; 'Time and Energy' No. 3, July 1978; ACF Newsletter; Australia Bulletin (Aus. Info. Service); 'Science' magazine on uranium tailings.
Miscellaneous reports relating Indigenous peoples, 1950s-1960s (File 28.158) - Box 28
American Indian Capital Conference on Poverty, 1964; International Seminar on Community Development, Uni. Of New England (Aus.), report by AJA Nelson, undated but c.1965; 'Community Development' by A. Dunham, 1960; 'Housing without racial barriers' in Social Action (US, 1957).
Miscellaneous papers, 1970s-1980s (File 28.159) - Box 28
Includes: correspondence with David Anderson, 1970s; and articles on racism.
Miscellaneous papers, mainly re Aboriginal affairs, 1960s-1970s (File 28.160) - Box 28
Miscellaneous papers, mainly re Aboriginal affairsDate [inclusive]: 1960s-1970s
Cuttings, including letters to editors by Pittock. Papers by Pittock: short contributions in CORESEARCH (CSIRO), 1967; NADOC pamphlet 1970 ed. by Pittock; article in 'The Friend' (UK Quakers) 1979; 'Indigenous peoples as sovereign peoples', 1981; 'Aborigines and land tenure' 1966; and reflections in 2007 on '40th anniversary of 1967 referendum campaign: context and outcomes'. Included are two key papers that strongly influenced Pittock: 'The Culture of Poverty' by Oscar Lewis in Scientific American, Oct. 1966; and Felix Cohen's 'Spanish Origins of Indian Rights in the Law of the United States' in the book 'The Legal Conscience: Selected Papers of Felix S. Cohen (Yale UP, 1960, now available online). Reference list from D'Arcy McNickle to Pittock. The papers by Oscar Lewis and Felix Cohen strongly influenced Pittock, along with books by John Collier such as 'Beyond Every Zenith' and D'Arcy McNickle's 'Indians and Other Americans' (see box 20/file 20.111).
A small group of booklets and leaflets re racism and integration in the US, 1960s (File 28.161) - Box 28
Five booklets, one by Alan Paton, one by Quakers on South African problems, two UK-focussed, and one on global discrimination, 1960s (File 28.162) - Box 28
Miscellaneous papers, mainly re Aboriginal affairs, 1950s-1970s (File 28.163) - Box 28
Includes: 'The Great NT Myths' by Jim Downing (Uniting Church, Alice Springs, undated (1960s?); 'Black Nationalism and Marxist Theory' by Tim Wohlforth, undated (1960s); two federal government booklets (1959 and 1957); one Victorian govt. (1966); two from World Council of Churches - 'Aboriginal Issues: Racism in Australia' (c.1970) and 'More Facts and figures: Aboriginal Issues' (1971). Also: Victorian Historical Magazine, May 1958; 'Notes on the Natives Formerly Inhabiting the Goulburn Valley' by A. Massola; and 'Early Days Among The Aborigines: The Story of Yalta and Coranderrk Missions' by Ethel Shaw, undated c.1956.
American Indian affairs, c. 1977-79 (File 28.164) - Box 28
Extensive collection of news items from the US, especially from the 'Navaho Times' newspaper on issues similar to those of Aborigines. Pittock was living in Tucson, Arizona, and subscribed to the 'Navaho Times'.
Audio Tapes, c. 1968-1970 (File 28.165) - Box 28
Magnetophonband BASF 270m/900ft long play tape - Racism Discussion, Barrie etc., from TV 1970; Magnetophonband BASF 360m/1200ft double play tape, STS Award Night 1968, Principal's Report, C.R. Pittock, Guest Speaker, Dr A.B. Pittock; RCA Red Seal 900ft sound tape, Barrie's Tape, USA Indian Settlements etc.
Barries tape. USA Indian Settlements etc World of operetta (Item NLA.MS-SAV006312) - Shelf-Short OH2-1-025
1 item, Scotch 5", Magnetic tape reel (any size)Side 1?: STS Award Night 1968. Barrie Pittock. Side 2?: music, 1968 (Item NLA.MS-SAV006313) - Shelf-Short OH2-1-025
1 item, BASF 5", Magnetic tape reel (any size)Side 1?details: Principal's Report by C R Pittock; Guest Speaker: Dr A B Pittock. Side 2? details: Tamas Vasary, Four Preludes and Fugues (Bach), Sonata No 2 B Flat Minot by Chopin. Luiga Alva, arias - Alcima and Xerxes by Handel; Dalla Sua pace from Don Giovanni, Concert Aria by Mozart
Class 2. Consignment received 2013, 1950 – 2010
This component comprises newspaper cuttings, research notes, correspondence, minutes and draft articles pertaining to indigenous affairs (Australian and international), climate change, immigration reform, pacifism and activities of the Quakers. Includes slide set pertaining to nuclear winter.
Early papers from Pittock's youth, 1951-1958 (File 32.1-32.2) - Box 32
Filed newspaper cuttings in alphabetical order of subject. Exercise book of form 4b history project essays (1952), including immigration policy and race relations. Notes on a series of hikes done in 1955-1958, mainly with the Melbourne University Mountaineering Club, and map of Mt. Kosciusko region with route marked in pencil, and info on Snowy Mountains Scheme, 1950s.
Newspaper cuttings and competition entries, 1950s-1963 (File 32.3) - Box 32
Includes writing in the 'Junior Argus', 'Age' and university scholarships and progress. Family letters. Fictional account of the ancient Macquarie Islanders (1960).
Papers re Australian Council of Churches consultation on Christian Work amongst University Students. Pittock represented Quaker Australia General Meeting., 1961 (File 32.4) - Box 32
Papers significant to Pittock's thinking and involvement (a) in science, and (b) in relation to pacifism and Quakers, 1950s-1960s (File 35.2) - Box 35
Correspondence and peace activities, c.1957-1964, 1980s (File 37.1) - Box 37
Correspondence (c.1960s) and peace activities (1980s). Includes correspondence with parents, Quakers etc., c.1957-1963. Letters, draft articles etc., re youth work camps, trip back from US in 1963, theology etc. c.1959-1964.
Correspondence, c.1963-1964 (File 37.2) - Box 37
Sorted by name and includes friends, Quakers, etc. NB Spaldings re Aborigines and US Indians, John Collier (former US Indian Affairs Commission).
Personal correspondence, 1977-1978 (File 38.5) - Box 38
Includes during Pittock's time in Tucson, AZ. Letter from Enid Haarhof, 10 Jun re the Green Hills Foundation. Also re arrangements for stop-off in New Zealand during return to Australia in late 1979 especially to see Maori conditions, 1977-1978.
Newspaper and magazine cuttings re immigration policy, 1950s and 1970s (File 39.1-39.2) - Box 39
Collected by Pittock and inspired action on immigration policy via Vic. Association for Immigration Reform etc,. Relate closely to letters and protests in boxes 33-34.
Bound copy of Pittock's M. Sc. thesis 'Cosmic Rays and Ozone Studies Using Balloons', 1960 (File 32.5) - Box 32
Bound copy of Pittock's Ph. D. thesis 'The Vertical Distribution of Ozone and Atmospheric Circulation', 1963 (File 32.6) - Box 32
Papers and correspondence re pacifism, 1960s (File 32.7) - Box 32
Selected cuttings re pacifism, correspondence with CS Lewis, notes re conscientious objection and other cuttings and articles early 1960s. (See also box 35)
Pittock's attitude to war and non-violence in his formative years, 1950s-1960s (File 34.2) - Box 34
Includes notes and background documents; Quaker Peace Committee; and correspondence re Quaker mission to Indonesia c.1965.
Pacifism, c.1964-1967 (File 34.5) - Box 34
Essay by Pittock re pacifism; notes, and related pacifist literature; invited talk at a Yiddish-socialist conference.
Papers and correspondence re Victorian Association for Immigration Reform, 1949-1973 (File 33.1-33.2) - Box 33
Pittock's letters, notes and relevant documents including minutes, articles and context documents. Also book by Charles Price 'Australian Immigration: A Bibliography and Digest' ANU. Pittock was on VAIR committee. Correspondence with Ministers, media, etc. Includes file of correspondence etc. re possible immigration of Boutros Khoury from Lebanon.
Ecumenical Youth Movement, Late 1950s and 1960s (File 33.3) - Box 33
Pittock was active in the movement. Includes annotated minutes and newsletters and articles by him on related issues. Also papers re Victorian Christian Youth Council (VCYC) Ecumenical Work Camp, Queenscliff, 1962-1963.
Quaker Service Council of Australia (QSCA), Late 1960s (File 33.4) - Box 33
Correspondence, some minutes, pamphlets and cuttings. Includes material related to support for American FSC work in Vietnam and the Australian Defence Forces Protection Act, and correspondence with Keith Watson. The Defence Forces Protection Act used to oppose medical aid to people in North Vietnam. (See also box 34/4)
Quaker Service Council of Australia, c.1957-1960 (File 33.5) - Box 33
Correspondence and notes, some re Aboriginal concerns. Papers re four FSCA seminars, three organised largely by Pittock and committee.
Quaker Service Council of Australia, 1979 (File 34.1) - Box 34
Participation in Friends World Committee meeting in Guatemala at which Pittock represented Australian Quaker.
Quaker Service Council of Australia (File 34.1) - Box 34
Travels in Mexico and Guatemala; Tucson Ecumenical Council.
Quaker Service Council of Australia, 1975-1976 (File 34.1) - Box 34
'Education: role of Friends' School' – report drafted by Pittock together with context.
Quaker Service Council of Australia, late 1960s (File 34.1) - Box 34
Poems etc from John Wilson, alias 'Stripper', country poet, in reply to Pittock as convenor of Quaker Extension Committee.
Quaker membership in the Vic. Council of Churches, c.1975-1981 (File 35.5) - Box 35
Includes several drafts and published documents by Pittock, and minutes and documents from the VCC and Australian Council of Churches. Published address to VCC in 1977. Pittock was Clerk of Melbourne Meeting of Friends for part of this time.
Material, mainly overseas, that inspired Pittock's work with Quakers, 1960s-1970s (File 36.2) - Box 36
Includes: American Friends Service Committee; Quaker Theological Discussion Group; Friends World Committee for Consultation (includes addresses by Pittock and John Rangihau at 1973 conference in Sydney) on Interrelationship of cultures; notes re Quaker contribution to revolutionary change; WCC Program to Combat Racism.
Quaker related correspondence and papers, 1958- 1980s (File 36.3) - Box 36
Yearly Meeting Documents in Advance and Minutes, correspondence, with some direct mention or writing by/of Pittock.
Quaker related correspondence and papers, 1970s- 1980s (File 36.4) - Box 36
Notes and correspondence for Quaker Publications Committee early 1970s, comment article for 'Quaker Religious Thought' magazine 1977, QSCA 1983; Friends World Committee for Consultation; Australian Race Relations Committee, etc. Also Quaker Yearly Meeting minute re racism in Australia and visit by Charlotte Meacham inspired by Pittock, and Quaker statement on immigration policy 1971 with Pittock's involvement.
Quaker related correspondence and papers, 1960s-1970s (File 40.1) - Box 40
Correspondence, leaflets and reports including Quaker Legislative Committee, Yearly Meeting Standing Committee (Pittock a member).
Correspondence and papers re indigenous rights, 1969-1972 (File 34.3) - Box 34
Correspondence and reports between Pittock and the Anti-Slavery Society, London, re visit by their secretary, his report, and land rights etc. Also some notes re publications on American Indian affairs and ANZAAS session on Aboriginal affairs. Racism essays for ACC and Vic. CAE. Includes references to the Yirrkala land rights case and Vestey's at Wave Hill.
Commonwealth Crimes Act amendments, 1960-1961, 1967 (File 34.4) - Box 34
Amendments to the Crimes Act threatened legality of Quaker service activities in conflict situations. Pittock raised concern with Quakers and Council of Churches. Includes copy of 1963 thesis by Robert J. White on subject, with references to Pittock. Also correspondence between Pittock, Quakers, other church people and with Attorney-General, plus associated background documents. (See also box 33/file 33.4)
Workings and drafts for papers on method of measuring stratospheric ozone, 1962-1963 (File 35.1) - Box 35
Later work in CSIRO in National Archives related to stratospheric ozone
Papers re Pittock's non-scientific activities, 1963-1964 (File 35.3) - Box 35
Includes papers re race relations, Quakers, booklets and reports re American Indian affairs. Also Pittock's cartoons re balloon launches.
American Indian rights - literature and cuttings, 1970s (File 35.6) - Box 35
Includes American Friends Service Committee material, mainly from when Pittock was in Tucson, AZ. Relevant to his work on Aboriginal rights.
Papers re Aboriginal affairs, 1960s, 1981-82 (File 35.4) - Box 35
Documents re journey by Pittock and Phil Boas in 1958 and information re first Abschol recipient, Margaret Williams. Material for Federal Council for Advancement of Abs. and TS Islanders. Pittock was Convenor Legislative Reform. Other papers re AAL Vic. and material influencing Pittock's thinking re Aboriginal affairs and land rights, including material re PNG seminar organised by Quakers that Pittock attended. Aboriginal Law Bulletin reprint and World Council of Indigenous Peoples.
Nuclear winter, 1980s (File 36.1) - Box 36
Computer discs containing various documents including drafts of book on nuclear winter. Set of slides on nuclear winter, done by Pittock for Australian Quaker Peace Committee, 1980s.
Short Docs - backup. Home (Item NLA.MS-DM001100) - Digital-Carriers-Box 23
1 item, Xidex 5012-1000 Single Sided, 5.25 inch floppy diskVarious (Item NLA.MS-DM001101) - Digital-Carriers-Box 23
1 item, Xidex 5012-1000 single sided, 5.25 inch floppy diskDetails in floppy disk folder
PJ's birthday; letter greet; M-C News re 1/2/84; press release; Ext Politics; FEMNV backup; Climatic Peace Network, 1984 (Item NLA.MS-DM001102) - Digital-Carriers-Box 23
1 item, Verex single sided, 5.25 inch floppy diskLetters home (Item NLA.MS-DM001103) - Digital-Carriers-Box 23
1 item, Xidex 5012-1000 single sided, 5.25 inch floppy diskNuclear Winter book Master Copy. Disc #1 (Item NLA.MS-DM001104) - Digital-Carriers-Box 23
1 item, Verbatim 1S/2D single sided, 5.25 inch floppy diskNuclear Winter Book Ch 4-7 Master copy (Disc #2) (Item NLA.MS-DM001105) - Digital-Carriers-Box 23
1 item, Verbatim 1S/2D single sided, 5.25 inch floppy diskNuclear Winter Book Ch 8-12 Master copy (Disc #3) (Item NLA.MS-DM001106) - Digital-Carriers-Box 23
1 item, Verbatim 1S/2D single sided, 5.25 inch floppy diskNuclear Winter Book Ch 13 Master copy (Disc #4) (Item NLA.MS-DM001107) - Digital-Carriers-Box 23
1 item, Verbatim 1S/2D single sided, 5.25 inch floppy diskNuclear Winter Book Ch 13 Master copy (Disc #5) (Item NLA.MS-DM001108) - Digital-Carriers-Box 23
1 item, Xidex 5012-1000 single sided, 5.25 inch floppy diskNuclear Winter Book Ch 13 Disc #5 Ch 10(?) and 7 revised. Good one. (Item NLA.MS-DM001109) - Digital-Carriers-Box 23
1 item, Xidex 5012-1000 single sided, 5.25 inch floppy diskNuclear Winter Book Contents, Notes, Glossary, Contacts, Captions Master copy (Disc #6) (Item NLA.MS-DM001110) - Digital-Carriers-Box 23
1 item, Verbatim 1S/2D single sided, 5.25 inch floppy diskNuclear Winter Book Disc #6 (Contents, Notes, Glossary, Contacts, Captions) First Back up (Item NLA.MS-DM001111) - Digital-Carriers-Box 23
1 item, Verbatim 1S/2D single sided, 5.25 inch floppy diskShort Docs. Home (Item NLA.MS-DM001112) - Digital-Carriers-Box 23
1 item, Xidex 5012-1000 single sided, 5.25 inch floppy diskmore details in disk sleeve
Personal Docs (Item NLA.MS-DM001113) - Digital-Carriers-Box 23
1 item, Xidex 5012-1000 single sided, 5.25 inch floppy diskHome - long docs. Russell Memorial Lecture (Item NLA.MS-DM001114) - Digital-Carriers-Box 23
1 item, Xidex 5012-1000 single sided, 5.25 inch floppy diskmore details in disk sleeve
Articles: Nuclear Winter and its policy implications (Item NLA.MS-DM001115) - Digital-Carriers-Box 23
1 item, Xidex 5012-1000 single sided, 5.25 inch floppy diskmore details in disk sleeve
Parliamentary Disarmament submission. Letters etc. Home (Item NLA.MS-DM001116) - Digital-Carriers-Box 23
1 item, Verex single sided, 5.25 inch floppy diskmore details in disk sleeve
PJ's birthday. Shrine Trustees letter. ANZAC press release (Item NLA.MS-DM001117) - Digital-Carriers-Box 23
1 item, Verex single sided, 5.25 inch floppy diskmore details in disk sleeve
Jamie Pittock. Forest Watch docs. CV and job applications (Item NLA.MS-DM001118) - Digital-Carriers-Box 23
1 item, Verbatim 1S/2D single sided, 5.25 inch floppy diskLetters home August 86 -, August 1986? (Item NLA.MS-DM001119) - Digital-Carriers-Box 23
1 item, Xidex 5012-1000 single sided, 5.25 inch floppy diskBackup The Day After + Q? + Peace + study guide + small docs (Item NLA.MS-DM001120) - Digital-Carriers-Box 23
1 item, Verex single sided, 5.25 inch floppy diskResearch for a book on Bartolome de Las Casas, 2002 (File 36.5) - Box 36
Information and contact for book on Las Casas, who inspired recognition of Indian rights in the Americas. Las Casas' work inspired Pittock's work in the 1960s on Aboriginal land rights.
Writings re peace activities, 1980s (File 37.3) - Box 37
Writings and related documents re effects of nuclear war; People for Nuclear Disarmament; Quakers and peace activities, etc. Also text of Bertrand Russell Memorial Lecture at Flinders University on 12 Oct. 1985, and talk on Ockham's Razor, ABC Radio, 7 May 1985 together with an abstract for a talk to International Association for Impact Assessment, July 1988. (See box 36/file 36.1 for slide set on nuclear winter)
Victorian Association for Peace Studies (VAPS), Early 1980s (File 37.4) - Box 37
RPittock was on the Peace Cossier Committee and wrote two dossiers about potential nuclear war effects on Australia. Includes minutes of meetings and other items in which Pittock was not directly involved. Also notes and letter via ACF re setting up of Peace Research Centre at ANU, 1984.
Mordialloc-Chelsea People for Nuclear Disarmament (PND), 1980s (File 38.1) - Box 38
Pittock was active member of the Mordialloc-Chelsea PND. He hosted meetings in his home and wrote many letters to local paper and Melbourne papers, including exchanges with neighbour and Liberal Party stalwart F.L Skinner. Also spoke at various public meetings. He launched his book 'Beyond darkness: nuclear winter in Australia and New Zealand' at Chelsea Town Hall in Sep 1987.
Book on Atmospheric Ozone, written in Russian, 1963 (File 39.3) - Box 39
Book written in Russian, published in Leningrad, 1963. The title in English is 'The Investigation of Atmospheric Ozone'. Contains the first international reference to Pittock's work on ozone. (Note: see Pittock's translation of reference on p.117, in envelope inside cover.)
Sexism, 1970s-1980s (File 40.2) - Box 40
Correspondence and articles re sexist behaviour and assumptions in science and society, including sexist language in CSIRO and statement by Quakers.
'The Australian Friend', 1959-1989 (File 40.3) - Box 40
Articles by Pittock or providing context for his work amongst Quakers. Includes a limerick published in the U.S. Friends Bulletin.
Nuclear winter - Ambio Scenario, 1982 (File 40.4) - Box 40
Notes, correspondence and background papers re Ambio scenario for nuclear attack on Australia. Pittock wrote 'Peace Dossier'. (See also box 37/file 37.4)
Climate Institute, 2006 (File 40.5) - Box 40
Correspondence and notes from trip, including programme for Washington Summit on Climate Stabilization, where Pittock was a key speaker, with expanded version of paper published in EOS in August 2006. This included in book 'Sudden and Disruptive Climate Change', 2006.
Class 3. Consignment received 18 December 2014, 1946 – 2011
This component comprises papers relating mainly to the environment and climate change. There are papers relating to Pittock's early career, including correspondence, writings, and re his Fulbright Scholarship at NCAR, Boulder, Colorado, USA, 1963-1964; together with later reports; articles and reviews; drafts of talks, papers and other writings; news cuttings; meeting notes; and accounts of overseas travel.
Concern for democracy with Quakers, 1970-1971 (File 41.1) - Box 41
Correspondence, drafts, minutes and reports. Pittock was a prime mover on this issue. Included are U.S. and Australian articles and clippings re the context of student etc, unrest re Vietnam war, race relations and other issues.
WWF-Australia Report, Part 1, 2006-2007 (File 41.2-3) - Box 41
Correspondence and drafts re writing report for WWF-Australia on 'Dangerous Aspirations: beyond three degrees centigrade warming in Australia'.
Paper for Greenpeace France on Climate Change, 2005-2006 (File 41.4) - Box 41
Invitation, correspondence and drafts for paper, published only on their website in both English and French.
Book chapter 'Sustainable Atmospheric Management', 2006-2009 (File 41.5) - Box 41
Co-authored by Pittock and Dale Hess. Correspondence, drafts and annotations.
WWF and Climate Action Network Australia, 2002-2003 (File 42.2) - Box 42
WWF-Australia and Climate Action Network Australia (CANA). Correspondence and comments on related issues. (Note: continued in file 42.4).
Fulbright Fellowship and US travel, 1963-1964 (File 42.3) - Box 42
Correspondence and notes, especially of places visited and connections re Amer-Indian affairs. Relates to files in CSIRO/National Archives re Pittock's post-doctoral work on atmospheric ozone at NCAR.
WWF and CANA, 2002-2004 (File 42.4) - Box 42
Includes a PowerPoint presentation by Pittock for a CANA conference in 2004. (Note: continuation of file No. 42.2.)
The Australian Collaboration', 2006-2011 (File 42.5) - Box 42
Two articles re climate change for publication on website of 'The Australian Collaboration'. Drafts, correspondence and final versions with updates.
Work with Susan Norrie, artist, 2000-2003 (File 42.6) - Box 42
Correspondence and essays relative to Susan Norrie's exhibitions in Helsinki in 2001 and Sydney in 2003.
Climate Change Is Costing Us Now', 2009 (File 43.1) - Box 43
Drafts and correspondence concerning a paper Pittock wrote about present costs of climate change. Published in abbreviated form jointly with Andrew Glikson from ANU on the website 'ONLINE opinion' in a private capacity.
Sustainable Population Australia', 2002 (File 43.2) - Box 43
Correspondence, abstract and related material.
Presentations to CMAs and CANA conference, 2007 (File 43.3) - Box 43
Includes (a) presentations, correspondence, background and programmes re two visits to Glenelg-Hopkins Catchment Management Authority (b) as above for Upper Goulburn CMA, correspondence, programme and (c) Pittock's talk at CANA 2007 Conference, Canberra June 2007 and his introduction to CANA booklet 'Turning Down the Heat', 2007.
Paper for US Climate Institute conference and book, 2006-2008 (File 43.4) - Box 43
Lead paper for US Climate Institute's 'Washington Summit on Climate Stabilization, Sept 2006. Published in book 'Sudden and Disruptive Climate Change', Earthscan Pub., 2008. Paper based on article in AGU's 'EOS', 22 Aug. 2006.
Various talks presented, 2002-2009 (File 43.5) - Box 43
Moorleigh U3A course, includes overheads for 5 sessions in Feb and Mar 2002; talk to staff of Oxfam in Fitzroy re 40th anniversary of the 1967 Aboriginal referendum, May 2007; National Parks Assoc. NSW, Aug 2007; Pax Christi, Sept 2007; pre-election Climate Change Forum, Brighton Town Hall, Oct. 2007; lecture for 'Planning for Climate Change' course at RMIT Brunswick Campus, Apr 2009; and other clubs and societies including Oxfam, Bayside CCAG, Vic. Environment Friends Network again, Nat. Parks Assoc. NSW, Bayside CAG, Coolart, Pax Christi.
Various talks presented, 2006-2009 (File 43.6) - Box 43
Ockham's Razor talks for Robyn Williams' session on ABC, Feb 2006; talk to Masters students, RMIT, Apr 2006; Australian Water Association Forum, Bardon, Qld., May 2006; Public Forum on Climate Change, Inverloch, Victoria, Jul 2006; talk to Brighton Kiwanis Club, Aug 2006; Golden Key Society 'Climate Change Summit', Sydney Oct 2006; Bayside City Council presentation to staff, Nov 2006; talk to year 9 students at Balwyn High School, Mar 2007; participation in media tent at Human Sign at Sandringham Beach, Apr 2007; talk at Drysdale, City of Greater Geelong for World Environment Day, Jun 2008; and lecture at La Trobe University's Bendigo campus, including printout of slides used, Aug 2009.
Various talks presented, 2005-2007 (File 44.1) - Box 44
Letter to editor, Age newspaper, Sep 2007; presentation to Asciano Ltd., Sydney, Nov 2007; talk to Global Warming Seminar, Hobart, Feb 2007; invited paper for Clean Air, 2007, on 'Keeping Up to Date on Climate Change'; talk outline for Pacific Island Network, May 2006; Engineers Australia, Qld., talk Oct 2006; PR re Pittock's CSIRO pub. book, Mar 2007; ABC Online, Mar 2007; notes re launch of Mark Diesendorf's book, May 2007; notes re presentation to Surf Coast (Vic.) environmental group, Oct 2006; talk at Horsham lab of Dept. of Primary Industry Vic., Jun 2007; talk to resource managers, Traralgon, Gippsland, Sep 2005; and correspondence and suggested material for an unrealised film on climate change by 'Working Title' films, 2006.
Talks and writings, 2009-2010 (File 44.2) - Box 44
Endorsement of book 'Climate Change Denial: Heads in the Sand, 2010-2011; Overheads of talk/lecture at Latrobe University, Bendigo, Aug 2009.
Papers related to CSIRO work, 1980s and 1990s (File 44.3) - Box 44
Includes papers re trip to SE Asia to brief governments re climate change; article by former CSIRO DAR chief sceptical of climate change; invite to write book for CUP in 1983; and letter re nuclear war work 1990.
Talks and writings re climate change, 2007-2011 (File 44.4) - Box 44
Talk to Queenscliff Climate Action Group May 2007 and some follow up re housing development on low lying land at Lonsdale Lakes – includes copy of overheads; talk to Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu company re climate change, Aug 2008; Notes and emails re Pittock answering criticism of human influenced climate change by sceptic David Evans, for Media Watch (ABC), Aug 2008; correspondence and draft paper 'Keeping Up to Date on Climate Change' published in journal Clean Air and Environmental Quality, vol.41 (4), pp.15-18, 2007; and private submission to Aust. Energy Market Operator re National Transmission Network Development Plan, urging co-benefits of including remote Australian renewable energy generation to provide energy and jobs for remote Aboriginal communities, 2011.
Early correspondence and applications, 1957-1964 (File 44.5) - Box 44
Re summer at Mt. Stromlo, 1957-1958; various applications for research scholarships and grants, notably to attend International Ozone Symposium in Arosa, Switzerland in 1961 and related round-world trip; research report, 1961; Fulbright Scholarship to US in 1963-1964 (to NCAR, Boulder, Colorado. Includes letter to Prof. Yates of U. of Rhodesia and Nyasaland re Pittock's motivation for choosing NCAR); other correspondence re ozone instruments and with Prof Keith Mather, Pittock's initial supervisor at U. Melb. before he left for Geophysical Institute at College, Alaska, 1963-1964.
Review of report on Energy Infrastructure for PB Associates, 2004-2005 (File 44.6) - Box 44
Correspondence and comments on draft of report 'Assessment of the vulnerability of Australia's Energy Infrastructure to the Impacts of Climate Change', written by Pittock Associates for the then Australian Greenhouse Office. Annotated draft but no final version included.
Business report extracts re greenhouse emissions, 1995-1997 (File 44.7) - Box 44
Various report extracts from Australian businesses and interest groups re greenhouse gas emission policies, with marked sections quoted by Pittock in biographical notes. This also includes a letter and related papers from Philip Sutton of Green Innovations Inc. which he thought were related to Pittock's project for the CSIRO Management course.
Garnaut Review on climate change, 2007-2011 (File 45.1) - Box 45
Notes, emails and marked documents re Prof. Garnaut's review of climate change issue, with emphasis on economics. Pittock was at two meetings and provided numerous papers and comments.
High School magazines and class photos, 1949-1954 (File 45.2) - Box 45
Camberwell High School, 1949-1953 and Melbourne High 1954. Pittock mentioned and class photos in magazines or separate prints with names. Pittock was "Proxime Accessit" (second in school academically in 1953 at Camberwell High).
Early correspondence, related press cuttings, and draft papers, 1959-1964 (File 45.3) - Box 45
Re Pittock's work for Ph. D., 1959-1963, including travel round world, Quaker contacts, and 1963-1964 while at National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO. Cuttings re M.U. work including refs. and photos. Drafts and copies of papers.
Correspondence and notes re meetings and talks re climate change, 2007 - 2008 (File 45.4) - Box 45
Keynote talk at U. of Adelaide; 'Turning Fear Into Action', Melb. Uni., Aug 2008; appearance on 'CNN Future Summit: Saving Planet Earth', filmed in Singapore, Dec 2007; and presentation to Victorian Environmental Friends Network conference, Sep 2007. As a retired scientist in private capacity.
Correspondence and notes with environment groups, mainly ACF, 1970s and 1980s (File 45.5) - Box 45
Dealing mainly with the potential effects of supersonic aircraft, namely sonic booms and damage to the ozone layer in the atmosphere, the environmental effects of nuclear war, and climate change. This was in a private capacity and was distinct from Pittock's work with CSIRO.
Correspondence and drafts of NGO talks presentations and book preview, re climate change, 2006-2011 (File 45.6) - Box 45
Surf Coast (Anglesea) talk on 'Climate Change: What to Expect and Do About It', Oct 2006; VNPA talk 'Climate Change and Biodiversity', Oct 2006; preview comments on book 'Climate Cade Red' written by David Spratt and Philip Sutton, 2008; re abortive seminar on "Building and Planning in a Changing Climate", 2008; and talk to Oases Community Learning breakfast on 'Climate Change and Natural Law', Nov 2011.
Aust. Branch of Royal Meteorological Society's submission to enquiry into CSIRO, 1976-1977 (File 45.7) - Box 45
Pittock was a committee member of the ABRMS in 1976-77 and in that role contributed to an enquiry into CSIRO in 1977. A 3-page draft by Pittock is included along with related papers and submissions for context.
Boulder, CO., 1963-1964 (File 45.8) - Box 45
Sample ozone soundings (vertical distribution measurements) taken by Pittock while at NCAR in Boulder, CO, while on post-doc. fellowship. Related to work written up in 1965-1966 when at CSIRO in Australia.
Early writing on science and society, 1968-1970 (File 46.1) - Box 46
Includes articles by other re environmental problems and their relationship to technology and science, and of the general relationship between science, society and social responsibility together with several hand-written sets of notes on these subjects, unpublished, but probably ideas used in later publications. Also note for a speech night address at Pittock's father, Roy's, Sunshine Technical School, Dec. 1968; six pages of notes on pollution (undated); notes on 'technology and social change'; and a page on 'Transistors, Race Relations, and Revolution', inspired by Pittock's thinking on the Australian 'Black Power' movement around 1969 and which may have contributed to his printed 'Backhouse Lecture' to Quakers in 1969.
Job application, 1979 (File 46.2) - Box 46
Application for Chair in Meteorology at Melbourne University in 1979. Correspondence and documents. Some insights into personal relationships in CSIRO and with other world scientists.
Job application, 1988 (File 46.2) - Box 46
Re a non-application for Chair in Geography, Uni. of Western Australia, 1988.
Nuclear winter papers and articles, 1982-1990 (File 46.3) - Box 46
Copies of papers and articles on environmental effects of nuclear war, including both purely scientific and many that go into the socio-political implications. Note that some files on the purely scientific aspects are in the CSIRO archives and may be duplicated here, but there are many here that are not in the CSIRO files as they were 'extra-scientific'.
Early miscellaneous correspondence, papers, and publications, 1946-1965 (File 46.4) - Box 46
Miscellaneous documents, letters, notes, cuttings and publications in chronological order and some with explanations. Some publications not readily available elsewhere. Mostly all pre-CSIRO, including school and university days.
Early miscellaneous correspondence, papers, and publications, 1965-1975 (File 46.5) - Box 46
Mostly all non-CSIRO related.
Certificate of Commendation, 1982 (File 46.6) - Box 46
U.S. Federal Aviation Administration 'Certificate of Commendation' for Pittock's services on the FAA's High Altitude Pollution Program Scientific Advisory Committee, awarded 1982.
Scientific and policy-related reports and papers, 1965-1983 (File 47.1) - Box 47
Includes some on socio-political impacts of scientific work.
Papers and reports, mainly non-scientific, 1977-1983 (File 47.2) - Box 47
Scrap-book containing articles by or about Pittock in newspapers and magazines.
Talks, articles, and papers, 1983-1988 (File 47.3) - Box 47
Many relate to nuclear winter, but other topics also, including Pittock's son, Jamie Pittock.
Cuttings, letters, articles and papers, 1989-1995 (File 48.1) - Box 48
Many relate to nuclear winter, climate change etc. Some re son Jamie Pittock.
Papers, articles, honours, etc., 1996-2000 (File 48.2) - Box 48
Mostly relate to work on climate change as Pittock led the Climate Impact Group in CSIRO, but also relating to extra-curricular activity re social impacts and policy issues. Papers included are sometimes from obscure publications. Pittock retired from CSIRO in 1999, but stayed on as a Post-Retirement Fellow and then an Honorary Fellow, but much of his work then was not for CSIRO.
Papers, reports, reviews, media material, 2001-2008 (File 48.3) - Box 48
Mostly re climate change, but also relating to Aboriginal affairs. Pittock did work for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change with some Australian govt. funding.
Papers, 1980s, 2009-2013 (File 49.1) - Box 49
Papers, articles, reviews etc. Includes a collection of name tags and related items from various conferences and meetings, some dating from the 1980s.
Papers and articles, 1961-1990 (File 49.2) - Box 49
Chronologically sorted set of papers and articles.
Papers and articles, 1990-2013 (File 50.1) - Box 50
Chronologically sorted set of papers and articles.
Documents and papers, post-retirement, 2006-2007 (File 50.2) - Box 50
Lectures at Monash University Arts faculty re climate change and variability, 2006; talk to Engineers Australia, Qld., 2006; talk to Melb. Uni , 2007 in PASI Res Papers No.1; and article in EOS magazine based largely on Pittock's work with quotes, 2006.
Overseas trip, 2006 (File 50.3) - Box 50
Part of round-the-world trip which included IPCC meeting in Cape Town and stopover in UK. Included celebration of 20th anniversary of the Climate Institute, and paper at conference, along lines of one by Pittock in AGU EOS, v.87, 22 Aug. 2006, and later book of conf. proceedings ('Sudden and Disruptive Climate Change', Earthscan Pub., 2008).
Class 4. Consignment received 9 December 2015, 1956-2010
This component comprises papers relating to climate change, nuclear power, both Australian and international indigenous rights, and travel. There are also papers on the US Civil Rights movement, which was influential in Australia via black power advocacy.
Nuclear power debate, c1980s (File 51.1) - Box 51
Annotated background papers, and transcript of debate on uranium mining and nuclear power, especially debate with Leslie Kemeny in a Uniting Church forum in 1983. Influenced by Pittock's work on nuclear winter effects and experience in US of Three Mile Island disaster.
Presentation on 'Global Warming: The Climate Science Perspective', 2007 (File 51.2) - Box 51
Symposium organised by Hans Baer of Melb. Uni. School of Social and Environmental Enquiry. Proceedings are in PASI Research Paper No.1, 69 pp.
Submission to Senate Select Committee, 2009 (File 51.3) - Box 51
Submission to Australian Senate Select Committee on Climate Policy by Pittock in a private capacity, along with some background documents, drafts and correspondence.
Priorities in research on climate, 1986-1988 (File 51.4) - Box 51
Documents relate to arguments re policy and organisation of CSIRO to meet national objectives, primarily of an economic nature. Pittock argued in non-CSIRO fora that climate change science and impacts were critical for national interest and should be funded.
Slides re dendro-climatology, 1960s, 1977-1979 (File 51.5) - Box 51
35 mm colour slides from work at University of Melbourne on 1960s when doing Ph.D., and slides from Tree-Ring Laboratory, University of Arizona, 1977-1979. Most are general slides re dendro-climatology, not Pittock's own pictures or graphs, but used in talks.
Papers re climate change, 1980-1982 (File 51.6) - Box 51
Proceedings of a Second International Workshop on Global Dendroclimatology, held in Norwich, UK, in 1980. CUP, 1982. Paper by Pittock on 'Climatic Reconstructions from Tree Rings' (pp.62-65) and one by LaMarche and Pittock, 'Preliminary Temperature Reconstructions for Tasmania', pp.177-185.
Correspondence, 2006-2011 (File 51.7) - Box 51
Correspondence with Andrew Glikson of ANU and Quakers. Re climate change, paleo-evidence, and urgency of emissions reductions. Includes statement to a parliamentary committee and some joint statements to politicians, comments on drafts, and re James Hanson articles.
Book for Australian Greenhouse Office (AGO), 2002-2008 (File 52.1) - Box 52
Background, negotiations, drafts and publication of book 'Climate Change: An Australian Guide to the Science and Potential Impacts', edited by Pittock for the Australian Greenhouse Office. Done while a Post-Retirement Fellow in CSIRO, but funded by the AGO. Also annotated proofs and some post-publication correspondence and reactions.
Work for UNOPS re China, 1999 (File 52.2) - Box 52
Concerns contracted advice to China re National Communication under UNFCCC in private capacity after retirement from CSIRO. Includes correspondence, drafts of parts of Chinese report with Pittock's comments, etc.
Talk to Medical Association for Prevention of War (MAPW), 1993 (File 53.1) - Box 53
Correspondence, notes and drafts of talk to MAPW annual conference, Feb. 1993, re consequences of climate change and ozone depletion for Australia and region.
Aboriginal affairs, 1969-1974, 1990 (File 53.2) - Box 53
NGO and Australian government publications. Used in Pittock's work on Aboriginal affairs. Includes early issues of 'Kunmanggur' from Office of Aboriginal Affairs, 1969 on, and various unpublished materials from activists and academics, which influenced Pittock's views.
Maori affairs, 1950s-1960s (File 53.3) - Box 53
Government and Church publications that influenced Pittock's views on race relations. Collected by Pittock in New Zealand in 1965.
Civil Rights in USA, 1970s (File 53.4) - Box 53
Various US Civil Rights publications re race relations. Influenced Pittock's views re race relations in Australia.
Aboriginal affairs, 1960s (File 53.5) - Box 53
Various Australian publications that influenced Pittock in formative thinking re Aboriginal affairs.
Aboriginal affairs, 1962, 1970s (File 54.1) - Box 54
Various Australian publications that influence Pittock in formative thinking re Aboriginal affairs. Note 'Smoke Signals' v.2 (1), 1962.
Aboriginal affairs, 1960s, 1984 (File 54.2) - Box 54
Race relations and Aboriginal affairs, mainly 1960s. Also Law Reform Commission report re Aboriginal Customary Law, 1984, and scripts for colour film strips from General Board of Christian Education of Church of England, circa 1960s or earlier (undated).
Aboriginal rights, 1970s-1980s (File 54.3) - Box 54
Papers re Action for Aboriginal Rights group, of which Pittock was a member. Includes one possibly unpublished from Arthur Ellemor, former Methodist missionary in Arnhem Land, 1980s. Documents and Pittock's notes re land rights in Vic., especially re Lake Tyers Land bill in 1971. Various largely unpublished papers by others (Erich Kolig, 1973; J.H. Downing, 1970; R.M. Smith, undated; Frank Stevens, 1968; Stephen Elliott, 1974).
Aboriginal legislative reform work, Late 1960s - early 1970s (File 54.4) - Box 54
Papers relating to Pittock's time as convenor of the FCAATSI Legislative Reform Committee from 1967 until 1970 and then as Land Rights convenor for the National Tribal Council, 1970 until 1973. The 1967 referendum campaign was largely under way when Pittock took over, but he undertook work relating to the Queensland legislation both with FCAATSI and the NTC – various documents and notes. Some other notes re South Australian issues and a national policy document which probably was not completed due to the demise of FCAATSI.
Aborigines and race relations, 1960s and 1970s (File 54.5) - Box 54
Mixed collection of writings by Pittock re race relations, and related background documents. Includes: 'First Impressions of Maori-Pakeha Relations', 1965; 'Easter 1970 and the Origins of the National Tribal Council: A Personal View, 1970+; Racism in Australia: An Introductory Perspective; an address at the ACCC Division of Christian Education conference in Southport, Qld., Nov 1971;'The Social Consequences of Discrimination' for CAE Vic., 1972; 'Aborigines and the White Backlash' (reprinted from Aust. Presbyterian Life by Aust. Quaker Race Relations Committee, 1973); and transcript of evidence by Pittock to House of Representatives Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs, Apr 1974.
Nuclear winter, 1980s (File 55.1) - Box 55
Policy/advocacy-related work on the environmental effects of nuclear war, supplementary to Pittock's work for CSIRO and the science.
Post-retirement years at CSIRO, 1999-2010 (File 55.2) - Box 55
Correspondence etc. in Pittock's post-retirement years while a P-R Fellow in CSIRO. Includes article for 'Roots' magazine, published in 2008.
Papers re peace activities, 1956, 1973, early 1980s (File 55.3) - Box 55
Papers re Pittock's involvement in peace activities, especially Australian Quaker Peace Committee, early 1980s.
Conscientious objection, 1956 (File 55.3) - Box 55
Documents re Pittock's application for conscientious objection.
Submission re Aboriginal rights, 1973 (File 55.3) - Box 55
Pittock's submission to Woodward Aboriginal Land Rights Commission.
Papers re Pittock's work performance, 1977-1998 (File 55.4) - Box 55
A set of correspondence, arguments and data re Pittock's performance and reputation.
Papers re the Ozone Layer, 1969-1980 (File 55.5) - Box 55
Full documentation of Pittock's arguments for continuing with expensive ozone sonde program in CSIRO. Significant to later work on ozone hole and pollution studies. Pittock's travel in 1977-1980 on scientific business re ozone, solar cycles etc.
Correspondence and papers re climate change, 1971-1972, 1980s (File 55.6) - Box 55
Partial notes, publications etc., with mention of Pittock as main speaker at first public meeting of Victorian Committee, Mar 1971. United Nations Assoc. publications and various climate change related papers, correspondence etc.
Papers re climate change, 1984, 1990-1998 (File 56.1) - Box 56
Papers relate to the work of Climate Impact Group (Pittock the leader) and wider CSIRO work related to climate change and impact (personal copies which provide context for Pittock's activities relying on the science.) Notes re visit to Western Australia which combined CSIRO related work with non-CSIRO activities (Quakers, SANA, etc.).
'The Quest for Longitude', 2001 (File 56.2)
Inscribed copy of 'The Quest for Longitude' ed. WJH Andrews. Published 1998 by Harvard University (2nd. ed.). The inscription is from a leader of the IPCC, Prof. James McCarthy of Harvard University, thanking Pittock for his part in IPCC Working Group I, in Nov 2001.
Correspondence, mostly personal but some with notable scientists, 1970s-1980s (File 56.3-5) - Box 56
Citations and reviews of Pittock's work, 1990s and later (File 57.1) - Box 57
Some notable citation and reviews of Pittock's work. Includes a nomination for 'Australian of the Year' in 2009 (not awarded). Also some correspondence.
Post-retirement, 1999 and later (File 57.4) - Box 57
Correspondence, citations, drafts and reviews. Includes overheads used in several talks in 2002 – few details of where and when but some in Europe, possibly at Catholic Louvaine-La-Neuve, Belgium.
Miscellaneous papers, 1981, 1990s (File 58.1) - Box 58
Includes media coverage of Pittock's work in climate and Aboriginal affairs. Also some correspondence and notes for World Council of Indigenous Peoples conference in Canberra in 1981, report to AAS re climate change in 1991, and unpublished comment re abating climate change, written for 'Nature' in 1992.
Miscellaneous papers, 1990s (File 58.2) - Box 58
Includes papers re Pittocks warnings in 1990s re extreme rainfall likely to cause flooding at Kakadu uranium mine (occurred in 2000s), together with various media reports concerning Pittock.
Various correspondence and papers, 1980s (File 58.3) - Box 58
Various correspondence. Notes, agenda, outlines of talks and detailed personal notes re trip in April/May 1982 which was mainly for High Altitude Pollution Program (HAPP) meeting in Washington DC., and a WMO meeting re ozone in Toronto, but included visits to friends and associates in Tucson AZ and Boulder CO.
Various correspondence and papers, 2001-2004 (File 58.4) - Box 58
Mainly re climate change science and policy implications, including comments on drafts etc. Post-retirement, but a CSIRO Post-Retirement Fellow.
Travel files, 1980s, 1980s (File 58.5) - Box 58
Leningrad for SCOPE-ENUWAR meeting, May 1984 - includes program, notes, correspondence and report. Tokyo and Hiroshima for SCOPE-ENUWAR meeting, Feb 1985 - includes program, notes, correspondence and report. Hampton, VA for WMO/NASA meeting, and visits to GFDL, Princeton; IBM, Yorktown Heights, NY; Clark University - includes program, notes, correspondence and report. May-June 1981. Paris, Oct. 1984 for SCOPE-ENUWAR meeting – includes report and related papers.
Tree-Ring Lab in Tucson, and other travel, 1977-1985 (File 58.6) - Box 58
Correspondence and notes re two years leave without pay at Tree Ring Lab., Tucson AZ, 1977-1980. Various other travel reports, 1978-1985.
Controversy re Greenhouse effect and 'sceptics', 1990s (File 59.1) - Box 59
Includes some 'sceptics' articles, especially if they refer to Pittock, together with his responses.
Media cuttings and related replies, 1990s (File 59.2) - Box 59
Australian and international media coverage with references to Pittock, and some replies or comments. Also a report by Pittock re a seminar on Unconscious Processes in Organisations.
Comments re climate change related issues and drafts, Early 2000s (File 59.3) - Box 59
Relates to Pittock's work as a part-time Post-Retirement Fellow, in particular to coastal impacts and arguments by sceptics.
Correspondence, 1990-1994 (File 59.4) - Box 59
Correspondence and articles with or re climate change 'sceptic', Brian O'Brien of W.A. Post-retirement articles and correspondence.
Class 5. Consignment received 5 May 2016, 1962-2010
This component comprises papers relating mostly to Pittock's work on climate change. There is also a group of notebooks from his time at university, while undertaking study under a Fulbright Scholarship in the USA (1964-1965), and whilst working at CSIRO (1971-1991).
Various talks etc. re climate change, 2008-2014 (File 60.1) - Box 60
Various talks, presentations and statements etc. re climate change involving Pittock.
IPCC Workshop, Fortaleza, Brazil, 1994 (File 60.2) - Box 60
Correspondence, drafts etc., for IPCC Special Workshop on Article 2 of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, Oct 1994. Joint presentation by Pittock and Jonathon Gregory of the Hadley Centre, UK.
Submission and hearing before Senate Committee, 2000 (File 60.3) - Box 60
Correspondence, CSIRO submission, to which Pittock contributed, to the 'Senate Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts Committee', to address its enquiry into global warming.
Publications re Aboriginal affairs, 1960s on, and 1996 (File 60.4) - Box 60
A group of short publications collected by Pittock which influenced his thinking on issues relating to Aboriginal issues. Also extracts from interview with Pittock re Aboriginal affairs, by Sue Taffe and Leanne Miller, 16 Nov 1996.
Early notebooks, 1962-1971 (File 60.5) - Box 60
Daily working notes in note books from Melbourne University (1962-1963), NCAR, Boulder CO, USA (1964-1965) and CSIRO Aspendale (1965-1971).
Notebooks, 1971-1991 (File 60.6) - Box 60
Kept while at CSIRO, 1971-1991, apart from two years at Uni. of Arizona, 1977-1979.
Working notes, 1992-1996 (File 61.1) - Box 61
Collected scrap paper notes from CSIRO, Aspendale, 1992-1996.
Notebooks, 1996-2006 (File 61.2) - Box 61
Kept while at CSIRO Aspendale where Pittock became a Post-Retirement Fellow in 1999 and then an Honorary Fellow.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Working Group I, 1989-1992 (File 62.1) - Box 62
Correspondence and drafts re relevance of paleo- and historical climatic analogies, especially the 'Little Ice Age', to global warming due to enhanced greenhouse gases.
IPCC 4th Assessment Report, 1997-2005 (File 62.2) - Box 62
Correspondence and related papers re Pittock's participation in IPCC activities, including some media reports. Includes participation in IPCC 4th Assessment Report and notes re climate change, earthquakes and tsunamis.
IPCC and sceptics, 2003 (File 62.3) - Box 62
Correspondence re paper by Soon and Baliunas that was critical of climate change record.
IPCC 4th Assessment Report, 2005 (File 62.4) - Box 62
Correspondence and drafts of IPCC 4th assessment report with comments, especially re low risk high impact events.
CANA 2004 and IPCC 2005, 2004-2005 (File 62.5) - Box 62
Report re Climate Action Network Meeting, in Sydney, Nov.2004, and lengthy correspondence and drafts re IPCC 4th Assessment Report, meeting in Cairns, Mar 2005, especially Chapter 11 (ANZ), including critical comments re need for risk assessment, and effects on indigenous peoples.
IPCC AR4, Chapter19, 2005 (File 63.1-2) - Box 63
Drafts and email correspondence re IPCC AR4 Chapter 19 (Key Vulnerabilities and Risk) of which Pittock was Lead Author.
Book for CSIRO/Earthscan, 2003-2005 (File 63.3-4) - Box 63
Correspondence, drafts etc. re book for CSIRO/Earthscan 'Climate Change: Turning up the Heat'.
Book for CSIRO/Earthscan, 2007-2009 (File 64.1) - Box 64
Correspondence, drafts etc. re 2nd. edition of book by Pittock, renamed 'Climate Change: The Science, Impacts and Solutions'.
History of Tasmania, c1913 (File 64.2) - Box 64
Early published book in poor condition. Originally appeared in serial form in 'Truth' magazine/paper. Stored in unrelated cover.
Correspondence and records relating to Pittock, 1960s-2010s (File 64.3) - Box 64
Correspondence and details of various historical records of Pittock's views, held by AIATSIS and for Sue Taffe and Bain Attwood's historical books re Aboriginal affairs. Includes text of interview.
Celebration of 1967 Aboriginal Referendum, 2007 (File 64.4) - Box 64
Correspondence and notes, etc. re celebration of 40th anniversary of the 1967 referendum, at which Pittock was a guest. Includes Pittock's recollections of the referendum campaign and its significance and talk at National Museum.
Class 6. Consignment received 6 September 2018, 1957-2016
This component comprises papers relating mainly to Pittock's work on climate change and renewable energy sources. Includes correspondence, reports, conference papers, writings by Pittock, and trip reports. There are also some early papers relating to scholarships he undertook.
Scholarships, 1957-1964 (File 65.1) - Box 65
Re 1957-1958 vacation scholarship to Mt. Stromlo Observatory (ANU), and Fulbright Scholarship to USA in 1963-1964.
Objection to war taxes, 1963-1967 (File 65.1) - Box 65
Correspondence re paying taxes for military purposes in USA and Australia
Ephemera - White Australia Policy, 1961 (File 65.1) - Box 65
Spare copies of Student Action (1961) and VAIR leaflets re White Australia policy
Miscellaneous correspondence and papers re climate change, 1990-1991 (File 65.2) - Box 65
Papers and correspondence re climate change studies for Asia and Pacific, 1990s. Papers re greenhouse gas reduction targets, 1990 – minor input from Pittock. Papers re trip to USA in Apr-Jun 1991.
Contributions to CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research reviews, 1977, 1981-1982 (File 65.4) - Box 65
Projects, 1990-1998 (File 65.5-6) - Box 65
CSIRO Climate Impact Group (which Pittock led) collaborative projects, which he oversaw.
Papers, mainly climate science related, 1970s-1990s (File 66.1) - Box 66
Re nuclear winter work in 1980s; miscellaneous 1970s; various of Pittock's drafts and papers, 1990s and 2000s; and cooperation with SIRO Div. of Water Resources, 1993-1994. Also Climate Change scenario development: CSIRO, Tri-Partite Group CSIRO, Bureau of Meteorology, UK Climate LINK, and Macquarie University, 1994-1995.
Various climate change related papers and correspondence, 1970s-2000s (File 66.2) - Box 66
Papers and grant applications re climate change and agriculture, involving CSIRO and others, plus few oddments.
Various climate change related papers and correspondence, 1970s-2000s (File 66.2) - Box 66
CSIRO related drafts, correspondence and reports, etc., late 1990s on.
Correspondence re climate change issues, 2000s (File 66.3) - Box 66
Various correspondence, some related to Victorian brown coal and related protests; re various sceptics re climate change, notably Maurice Newman and Ian Plimer, 2009-2014; and re editing of Pittock's book for the Australian Greenhouse Office, 2003.
Bayside Council interactions re climate change, 2007-2011 (File 66.4) - Box 66
Papers relating to interactions with Bayside City Council re climate change issues and strategies, 2007-2011.
Cuts to CSIRO climate work, 2016, with some ref. to 1990s (File 66.5) - Box 66
Papers re Pittock's role in opposing cuts to CSIRO's climate change work in 2016. This includes a document from the U.S. Climate Institute, which documents his work with them on climate change internationally.
Large-scale renewable energy advocacy for remote Australia, 2008-2011 (File 67.1) - Box 67
Correspondence and advocacy of renewable energy in remote Australia in association with the Desert-Knowledge CRC in Alice Springs, including Rangelands Journal paper. (See also box 71/file 71.3)
Renewable energy development in remote Australia, 2011-2015 (File 67.2) - Box 67
Correspondence and material mainly related to advocacy with CRC for Remote Economic Participation in Alice Springs
Correspondence re climate change issues, 1990-2013 (File 67.3) - Box 67
Re sea-level rise at Port Fairy, 2013; re extreme events, correspondence and reports, 1990-2012; re workshop in Darwin re climate change and adaptation in Indigenous communities, 2006; and re environmental refugees, 2003-2013.
Correspondence and papers, 1970s-1980s (File 67.3) - Box 67
Re appeal for promotion in 1986-1987, together with earlier papers re AAS Commttee, and U.S. NASA and HAPP Committees, 1980s.
Correspondence and papers, mostly re climate change and renewable energy issues/options, 2002-2013 (File 67.4-5) - Box 67
Includes interaction with CRC for Remote Economic Participation in Alice Springs. Note: see article 'Climate Change: Doom and Gloom or Opportunity?' of 12 Jun 2015. Also includes solar to hydrogen to ammonia, and networks for possible export, 2013.
Correspondence and papers, mostly re climate change and renewable energy issues/options, 2014 (File 68.1) - Box 68
Further papers mostly re renewable energy issues (Note: continues from box 67/files 67.4-5).
GCTE, IC-SEA, and SEA-SPAN, 1996-1997 (File 68.2) - Box 68
Correspondence and papers re Pittock's involvement in the Global Change and Terrestrial Ecosystems (GCTE)'s SE Asian Impacts Centre (IC-SEA) in Bogor, Indonesia, and in Canberra, and resulting 'SEA-SPAN' network.
Conferences in Australia and overseas, 1980s-2006 (File 68.3) - Box 68
Christchurch, NZ, NZ Meteorological Society, Oct 1984 (nuclear winter); Sydney and Newcastle, SANA, Feb 1986; Hobart, 'Forests Beyond 2000', 1987; Netherlands and Scandinavia, May-Jul 2003; China, WWF Climate Change Workshop, Oct 2003; IPCC Convening Lead Author Meeting, Washington DC, May 1997 (climate); High Altitude Pollution Program Meeting, Washington DC, Dec. 1980 and other in transit visits; IPCC Meeting in Cape Town, S.A., and on to Washington D.C. via London for Pittock's book launch with Earthscan Pub., 2006; and Workshop in Beijing, Oct 2003 re climate change.
Miscellaneous correspondence and papers, 1960s-2015 (File 68.4) - Box 68
Correspondence and related material in chronological order from the 1960s through to 2015. Includes correspondence with Brian Martin of Sydney University re a draft book he was writing on objectivity in science, 1975-1976. (Note: Contents may overlap with papers in earlier files.)
Renewable energy issues, 2009-2011 (File 68.5) - Box 68
Papers re future of electricity grid, renewable energy, and indigenous income and employment.
Articles and correspondence, 2009-2011 (File 69.1) - Box 69
Solar-weather variations. Institute of Engineers conference, Brisbane, Aug 2011 and related correspondence with Steve Posselt (an engineer and climate change activist).
Correspondence and related papers re climate change, 2007-2015 (File 69.2) - Box 69
Proposed Australia-Indonesia dialogue on climate change, 2007; correspondence with Stewart Teggart of DESERT-TEC re renewable energy export to SE-Asia, 2008; cuttings and correspondence re climate change policies; correspondence with Gratton Institute, University of Melbourne (Tim Forcey), 2015
Correspondence and related papers re solar variations and the weather, and climate change, 2002-2009 (File 69.3) - Box 69
Partly instigated by a paper submitted to the 'Climatic Change' journal by J. Wu, which was published on condition that Pittock wrote a critical guest editorial on the subject, in 2009. Also some earlier work including a reflection in 2002 on the IPCC 3rd Assessment. (Note: may be some overlap with earlier files.)
Correspondence, programs, notes and group photo, 1980s-2000s (File 69.4) - Box 69
Various references to, or short notes by Pittock, 1980s to 2000s. Australian Reconciliation Convention, Melbourne, May 1997. At 30th anniversary of the 1967 Referendum. Pittock was an invited guest, and made notes on some seminars, and in group photograph.
Correspondence and papers, 1975-2012 (File 69.5) - Box 69
Re targets and implications, 2002; re talk on 'The science behind carbon emissions targets', 2006; correspondence and related re emissions and climate change policy, 2006-2007; re energy policies and renewables, 2014-2015; and correspondence etc. re various conference invitations, 1975, 1977, 1986, 1995 and 2012. All climate related.
Master of Science thesis, 1960 (File 69.6) - Box 69
Bound copy of Pittock's Master of Science thesis 'Cosmic Rays and Ozone Studies Using Balloon Techniques', University of Melbourne.
'Climate change: Turning up the heat', 2005-2007 (File 70.1) - Box 70
Correspondence and reviews relating to Pittock's book on climate change 'Climate change: Turning up the heat', published by CSIRO Publishing in 2005.
Correspondence and papers relating to climate change and the law, 2005-2012 (File 70.2) - Box 70
Mainly correspondence with Greenpeace and related documents re legal cases against developments especially the 'Anvill Hill' coal mine. Undertaken by Pittock in a private capacity. World Bank draft report on climate change, 2012, and email to Mike McCracken re impact of Hurricane Sandy.
Correspondence and drafts of papers, reviews and reports, 1986-1991 (File 70.3-4) - Box 70
See especially the 1989 paper that was requested by Paul Crutzen in Germany and published in German with political approval. (Note: may contain papers copied from CSIRO files.)
Trip to Amsterdam and Toronto, 1997 (File 70.5) - Box 70
IPCC in Amsterdam, and Environment Canada in Toronto.
Trip to Annapolis and Washington D.C., 2001 (File 70.5) - Box 70
IPCC Synthesis Report authors' meeting in Annapolis, and talk for Climate Institute in Washington DC.
Artist Susan Norrie, 2001-2018 (File 70.6) - Box 71
Correspondence and material re artist Susan Norrie and her projects, mostly environmental ones, including nuclear winter, and possible effects of induced earthquakes and mud flows due to gas extraction on the indigenous Ainu people of Japan.
Article sent to IPCC re scenarios and risk, 2000-2001 (File 70.6) - Box 71
Article sent to IPCC WG1 co-chair Sir John Houghton re climate change scenarios, emphasising the risks of uncertainties in extremes of scenarios.
Probabilities and risk arguments re climate change, 1999-2003 (File 71.1) - Box 71
Correspondence and drafts re probabilities and risk assessments re climate change, resulting in short correspondence in 'Nature' magazine in 2001, but ongoing concern that IPCC should characterise risk as probability times consequences, a major concern of Pittock's.
Articles and correspondence re climate change, 1991-2000s (File 71.2) - Box 71
Copies of articles published in various places, mainly from Pittock as a CSIRO Post-Retirement or Honorary Fellow.
Correspondence and papers re renewable energy and indigenous communities, 2010 (File 71.3) - Box 71a
Relates to earlier papers re Pittock and the 'Desert Knowledge CRC'. (See box 67/file 67.1)
Correspondence with colleagues, 1965-1973 (File 71.3) - Box 71a
Han Deutsch in Zurich, who Pittock had worked with, and Ian Galbally then at NCAR.
Re climate change, and 'sceptics' arguments, 1996-2007 (File 71.4) - Box 71a
Correspondence and articles
Correspondence and papers re climate change issues, 2007-2009 (File 71.4) - Box 71a
Correspondence, drafts etc., with Victorian National Parks Association re climate change issues, and draft etc., re 'Climate Change is Costing Us Now'
Correspondence and papers re climate change issues, 2002-2015 (File 71.4) - Box 71a
Correspondence etc., re climate change, and gas extraction and subsidence effects on Lakes Entrance and South Gippsland.
Correspondence and papers re climate change sceptics, 1981-2012 (File 71.5) - Box 71a
Selected and annotated material re or from climate change sceptics with annotations by Pittock, 2009; and selected papers re 'climate-gate' where some of Pittock's emails re IPCC draft report were 'leaked' and misinterpreted, 2009-2010. Also various notes and correspondence re climate change issues, especially some comments on other people's drafts, 1981-2012.