MS 6946, MS Acc04.186, MS Acc06.138
National Library of Australia
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Class MS 6946. Consignments received 1991-1998
Series 49. Relations with Chinese writers, 1963-1985
Hugh Anderson has visited China several times and travelled extensively to meet with and interview Chinese writers and publishers. In 1981 he was a member of the first official Australian Writers' Delegation to visit China at the invitation of the Chinese Writers' Association. His continued interest in Chinese writings led to the publication of A wind across the grass (1985) and Australian writing translated into Chinese 1954-1988 (1989)...
11 tapes of discussions with Chinese writers and publishers in various Chinese cities, 1981-1985 (File 16_17) - Box 96
Museum of Military History Beijing 19/05/1981, 19/05/1981 (Item NLA.MS-SAV014538) - Cassette-Box 650
Shanghai discussions no 1, May-81 (Item NLA.MS-SAV014539) - Cassette-Box 650
Shanghai discussion no 2. Side A: Madame Ru-Zhi-juan 27/05/1981. Side B: Prof Cheng Kuang-shi Fudan? University 28/05/1981 (Boxer Rebellion), 27 and 28 May 1981 (Item NLA.MS-SAV014540) - Cassette-Box 650
Pen (CWA) discussions Shanghai 19/05/1983, 19/05/1983 (Item NLA.MS-SAV014541) - Cassette-Box 650
Children's Publishing House Shanghai 21/05/1983, 21/05/1983 (Item NLA.MS-SAV014542) - Cassette-Box 650
Cheng Dongke at Hefei? Side A: 23/05/1983. Side B: 1985, May 1983 and 1985 (Item NLA.MS-SAV014543) - Cassette-Box 650
Shanghai History 000-191 24/05/1983, 24/05/1983 (Item NLA.MS-SAV014544) - Cassette-Box 650
Guangzhou Writers 2/06/1983, 2/06/1983 (Item NLA.MS-SAV014545) - Cassette-Box 650
Literary discussions Beijing 3/09/1985, 3/09/1985 (Item NLA.MS-SAV014546) - Cassette-Box 650
publishing Changsha 23/09/1985, 23/09/1985 (Item NLA.MS-SAV014547) - Cassette-Box 650
Guilin Publishing 26/09/1985, 26/09/1985 (Item NLA.MS-SAV014548) - Cassette-Box 650