Guide to the Papua New Guinea 2012 National General Election : ephemera material collected by the National Library of Australia
Ephemera Formed Collection 56
National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record
Collection Summary
- Title
- Papua New Guinea 2012 National General Election
- Date Range
- 2006-2012
- Collection Number
- Ephemera Formed Collection 56
- Extent
- 1 collection (miscellaneous pieces)
- Language of Materials
- English Tok Pisin Hiri Motu
- Repository
- Printed Collections
Scope and Contents
Covers mainly printed materials issued by the PNG Electoral Commission for the 2012 Papua New Guinea National General elections. The range of ephemera includes posters, electoral officials' training guides, HIV-AIDS information and voter education material, posters, maps, newspapers, dummy voting forms. Features some unusual non-print political collectibles such as a ballot box, a booth for women voters, T-shirts and caps. Includes some material originally produced for the 2007 election.
Item Descriptions
Series. Ephemera items (non-poster), 2006 - 2012
76 itemsSubseries. Election planning documents, 2007 - 2012 - Box 1
9 itemsComplete polling, transport, election supplies and training schedules for 5 PNGhighlands provinces (Hela, Eastern Highlands,,Jiwaka, Simbu,WHP) (5 item), undated (Item) - Box 1
5 itemsSubseries. Polling officials' training manuals, guides and documents, 2011 - Box 2
11 itemsNominations Manual for Returning Officers and Assistant returning Officers, undated (Item) - Box 2
1 itemNominations Training Guide for Returning Officers and Assistant Returning Officers, undated (Item) - Box 2
1 itemProcedures Manual for Returning Officers and Assistant returning Officers / Temporary electoral worker recruitment procedures manual, undated (Item) - Box 2
1 itemProcedures Training Guide for Election Managers, Assistant Election Managers and Returning officers, undated (Item) - Box 2
1 itemPolling Manual for Presiding Officers and Polling Officials / Polling booth "what if ...?" guide, undated (Item) - Box 2
1 itemSubseries. Miscellaneous ephemera, undated - Box 3
3 itemsSubseries. Miscellaneous media coverage, 2012 - Box 4 (Southern Highlands ephemera)
2 itemsSubseries. Polling officials' training manuals, guides and documents, 2007 - 2012 - Box 4 (Southern Highlands ephemera)
11 itemsLPV Scrutiny manual for returning officers and assistant returning officers, undated (Item) - Box 4 (Southern Highlands ephemera)
1 itemElection journal for presiding officers, undated (Item) - Box 4 (Southern Highlands ephemera)
1 itemPaper folder with logo "Be responsible in ensuring a free, fair & safe election 2012" containing miscellaneous pamphlets and flyers: "Protect our people, protect our future" (on condom use during the election); one leaflet, one folded colour pamphlet on "Sir John Rumet Kaputin for Governor: Co-founder Melanesian Alliance: Let us move for change"; one flyer for Lucas David Peltoms, Pomio Open Electorate, Stars Alliance Party Candidate: "Tokaut na tokstret"; Copy of a public notice of Declaration of Nomination for the ENB [East New Britain] provincial electorate; flyer for Titi Derio, [ENB] Regional seat independent candidate; leaflet in Hiri Motu on how to fill in ballot [paper and preferential voting: "inai be oi emu ballot paper hahonua ema dala"; leaflet in English: "limited preferential voting is the new way to vote in national elections ... this is how your vote is counted"., 2012 (Item) - Box 4 (Southern Highlands ephemera)
1 itemBooklet titled Policy issues relating to elections in Papua New Guinea (Candidates and registered political parties) produced by Integrity of Political Parties and Candidates Commission., undated (Item) - Box 4 (Southern Highlands ephemera)
1 itemElectoral roll Southern Highlands, Electorate Imbonggu Open LLG Ialibu Basin Rural, ward 15 Pakulge, made up to 4 June 2012. Total electors: 671, 2012 (Item) - Box 4 (Southern Highlands ephemera)
1 itemPresiding officers' manual for national elections and by-elections, polling officials training worksheets, February 2007, 2007 (Item) - Box 4 (Southern Highlands ephemera)
1 itemPolling officials' manual for national elections and by-elections, polling officials training worksheets, February 2007, 2007 (Item) - Box 4 (Southern Highlands ephemera)
1 itemScrutineers' handbook for national elections and by-elections, undated (Item) - Box 4 (Southern Highlands ephemera)
1 itemCandidates' handbook for national elections and by-elections, February 2007, 2007 (Item) - Box 4 (Southern Highlands ephemera)
1 itemBooklet in Tok Pisin: 2012 Jenerel Ileksesn: PNG is tap long rot bung, bai yumi go we?, 2012 (Item) - Box 4 (Southern Highlands ephemera)
1 itemVote counting Game. Inside a folder titled Voter information 2007 elections. Printed inside folder covers is information on enrolling to vote and how to vote. Voter game equipment includes instructions, fold-out poster with a trail to follow through enrolling and voting, dummy Turumu ward ballot paper, dummy ballot cards. The game is to be played with the "Candidate poster, Turumu Open electorate: sample" held in the poster run at Broadside 630., 2007 (Item) - Box 4 (Southern Highlands ephemera)
1 itemSubseries. Miscellaneous information pamphlets and stickers, 2007 - 2012 - Box 4 (Southern Highlands ephemera)
8 itemsOne small booklet in Tok Pisin titled "2012 Jenerel Ileksesn: PNG is tap long rot bung, bai yumi go we?" in folder titled 2012 national Election. PNG is at the crossroads – where do we go from here?, 2012 (Item) - Box 4 (Southern Highlands ephemera)
1 itemPamphlet: "Elections, HIV & STIs". On how to use condoms and risk of sexually transmitted diseases during elections, undated (Item) - Box 4 (Southern Highlands ephemera)
1 itemPamphlet:" Ileksen HIV na STI". Tok Pisin version of above pamphlet., undated (Item) - Box 4 (Southern Highlands ephemera)
1 itemPamphlet: "Enrolling and voting. Many cultures, many voices; a strengthened democracy", undated (Item) - Box 4 (Southern Highlands ephemera)
1 itemPamphlet: "Enrol na Vot". Tok Pisin version of above pamphlet., undated (Item) - Box 4 (Southern Highlands ephemera)
1 itemSubseries. Miscellaneous candidates' cards and stickers, 2012 - Box 4 (Southern Highlands ephemera)
3 itemsBadge for Robert Agarobe, candidate for NCD Governor 2012. With photo of candidate and slogan "It's your time, it's my time, it's our time", 2012 (Item) - Box 4 (Southern Highlands ephemera)
1 itemSticker for Francis Mano Apurel, candidate for SHP (Southern Highlands Pronvince) Governor 2012. With photo of candidate, party logo and slogan: "Corruption wins when good men do nothing", 2012 (Item) - Box 4 (Southern Highlands ephemera)
1 itemSmall candidate cards. All have photo of candidate, most state the box no. to tick to vote for them. Candidates are: Roy Yaki, Independent candidate Southern Highlands Governor's seat, slogan "For our children's future"; Mathew A. Minape, MMI, Enga regional, slogan "Strongpela, yangpela, niupela lida ... Real action man"; Rokupe Rokuo, Country Party, Tewai Siasi Open; William Titpe Powi, PNC, Southern Highlands, slogan "Growing our future"; Anthony Yarnaik Temo, independent candidate, Southern Highlands Regional, slogan "Do it now or never" [this card has handwriting on back]; Vincent Mirupasi, independent candidate, Southern Highlands Provincial; Robert Agarobe, NCD Regional, slogan "It's your time, it's my time, it's our time"; Terry Gaso, slogan "Enough is enough. Development through investment in education"., undated (Item) - Box 4 (Southern Highlands ephemera)
1 itemSeries. Posters, maps and flipcharts, 2012
169 itemsSubseries. Posters, undated - Drawer Broadside 630
59 itemsSubgrp. Candidate posters for individual electorates, undated - Drawer Broadside 630
14 itemsOne poster is for a single candidate, Simon Sia, an independent ethnic-Chinese candidate for the Eastern Highlands provincial seat. The remaining posters are for Alotau Open, Central Bougainville Open, North Bougainville Open, South Bougainville Open, Esa'ala Open, Gazelle Open, Kokopo Open, Milne Bay Provincial, Pomio Open, Rabaul Open, West New Britain Provincial, Bogia Open, Eastern Highlands Provincial. Additional posters in this style for Mendi Open, Moresby South Open, Moresby North-west Open and Southern Highlands provincial are in the supplementary poster run, as is another copy of the poster for Kokopo Open., undated (Item) - Drawer Broadside 630
14 itemsSubgrp. HIV-AIDS education posters, undated - Drawer Broadside 630
5 itemsone poster on family health and the role of condom use in protecting the family;text in Tok Pisin, heading reads "Malolo liklik ... givim 3 pla yia namel long ol pikinini. Spesim ol, long kamapim hepi, helti femli .. yusim kondom!"; photos of happy and healthy family and children;, undated (Item) - Drawer Broadside 630
1 itemone poster showing healthy behaviours and practices for people with/without AIDS, text in Tok Pisin; heading reads : "Rot yu no inap kisim HIV/AIDS/; Rot yu inap kisim HIV/AIDS ... HIV/AIDS: lainim na istap waintaim";, undated (Item) - Drawer Broadside 630
1 itemthree posters with identical cartoon illustrations showing casual sexual encounters, alcohol consumption and condom use during the elections, one of which has text in English (heading is "This election ... be wise, use a condom"), one in Tok Pisin ("Dispela ileksen ... tingting gut, usim kondom!" ) and another in an unidentified language (Hiri Motu?) ( "Inai ileksen ... laloa namonamo kondom oi atoa!"), undated (Item) - Drawer Broadside 630
3 itemsSubgrp. Voter enrolment posters, 2012 - Drawer Broadside 630
4 itemsOne poster with heading "Have you enrolled?"; cartoon-style illustrations show who is eligible to vote, undated (Item) - Drawer Broadside 630
1 itemSubgrp. Voter education posters, 2012 - Drawer Broadside 630
14 itemsPoster in English (heading: "I have the power to choose a good leader! Your poor decisions in voting will affect your future"),, undated (Item) - Drawer Broadside 630
1 itemPoster is in Tok Pisin (heading: "Vot bilong mi i gat pawa long makim gutpela lida. Vot bilong mi na kaikai bilong em!"),, undated (Item) - Drawer Broadside 630
1 itemPoster is in an unidentified PNG language, possibly Hiri Motu ("Lau be mai egu siahu, gunalaia tauna namona lau do lau abiahidi! Oi emu abiahidi kererena ese, vaira laganidia lalonai anina do ia hedinarai"), undated (Item) - Drawer Broadside 630
1 itemPoster in Tok Pisin ("Tenpela stia tok bilong ileksen"),, undated (Item) - Drawer Broadside 630
1 itemPoster in another PNG language, possibly Hiri Motu ("Eleksen sisiba dalaidia")., undated (Item) - Drawer Broadside 630
1 itemPoster has text in English ("Youth have the power to create a better PNG! We are 18 years old and over; It is our right to vote freely; Respect us and our rights; Do not force us to vote candidates; We will not accept bribery; We are sick of corruption – enough is enough. Our land! Our country! Our future!");, undated (Item) - Drawer Broadside 630
1 itemPoster in Tok Pisin (heading: "Ol yut i gat pawa long kirapim gutpela sindaun!"), undated (Item) - Drawer Broadside 630
1 itemPoster is in English, text reads: "Good governance, the pillar of prosperity. Use our resources wisely; care for our environment; Share the wealth of our nation; Service delivery must be fair. All power belongs to the people! Vote with care to make a difference!" Other posters have same message,, undated (Item) - Drawer Broadside 630
1 itemPoster is in Tok Pisin (header: "Gutpela na stretpela wok gavman, em i as tru bilong gutpela sindaun insait long PNG!"), undated (Item) - Drawer Broadside 630
1 itemPoster is in another PNG language, possibly Hiri Motu (header: "Hahegunalai namona, be taga imailana"), undated (Item) - Drawer Broadside 630
1 itemEnglish language poster has: Politics (showing a female politician); Community (a woman villager); Economy (a woman pilot); Education (a woman graduate). Main text of English language poster reads: "Women have rights! Women have power! We have the right to participate in our national election. We should feel free to exercise our democratic right without fear. Let us all work together, both men and women, towards change. Our rights must be protected and respected.", undated (Item) - Drawer Broadside 630
1 itemSubgrp. Voter education posters (large), undated - Drawer Broadside 630
20 itemsPoster has text in English: "Limited Preferential Voting is the way to vote in National and Local-Level Government Elections. You are now required to vote for your 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice. Our vote, our future"., undated (Item) - Drawer Broadside 630
1 itemPoster has text in Tok Pisin (header is: "Limited Preferential Voting emi wei long vot long Nesinal na Lokol-Levol Gavman Ileksens");, undated (Item) - Drawer Broadside 630
1 itemPoster has text in another local language, possibly Hiri Motu (header is: "Limited Preferential voting be vouti dalana general eleksin lalonai"). At bottom of all posters are logos of Electoral Commission Papua New Guinea, a wheelchair access sign, HIV AIDS Let's work together to stop the spread of HIV AIDS, Papua New Guinea., undated (Item) - Drawer Broadside 630
1 itemPoster is in English with title: "Acceptable behavior". Seven photos and titles show seven examples of acceptable behavior with ticks of approval, such as Campaign in an honest way; One person, one vote; Respect ballot boxes & election officials. At bottom of poster is text: "Work together with Electoral Commission for a free, fair & safe Election 2012"., undated (Item) - Drawer Broadside 630
1 itemPoster is in Tok Pisin and shows unacceptable behavior. Title is: "Pasin nogut. Ino ken wokim pasin nogut long 2012 Ileksen taim". Subtitle: "Nogut", in red, precedes seven photos with titles and red crosses showing seven examples of unacceptable behavior, such as intimidating voters, voting multiple times, seizing ballot boxes, bribery., undated (Item) - Drawer Broadside 630
1 itemPoster has illustration of a young PNG woman in a yellow dress pointing at the viewer (possibly encouraging voter registration or advising where to vote?). Text is in a local PNG language, possibly Hiri Motu, header reads: "Varuk ra iangim go ra Pakanai bung". Text at bottom refers readers to Provincial electoral office, District office, LLG office, ba kaum Ward councillors., undated (Item) - Drawer Broadside 630
1 itemPoster is on families voting at the same time, cartoon illustration shows a family queuing to vote behind the mother. Text in Tok Pisin, header says: "Vot wantaim femili. Nau yumi femili yet ken vot wantaim", undated (Item) - Drawer Broadside 630
1 itemPoster shows illustration of three happy PNG children held in outstretched hands; backdrop is PNG Parliament building. Text reads: "Your vote is our future. Vote wisely, 2012 National Election". At bottom are logos of Electoral Commission Papua New Guinea, a wheelchair access sign, HIV AIDS Let's work together to stop the spread of HIV AIDS, Papua New Guinea, and contact details of PNG Electoral Commission., undated (Item) - Drawer Broadside 630
1 itemPoster shows cartoon of elderly PNG man marching towards forked path, one way sign-posted Development and prosperity, the other No services and development. A ballot box is between them. A thought bubble reads: "Be wise and choose a good leader when you vote in the election..." Title of poster reads: "2012 National Election. PNG is at the crossroads – where do we go to from here?" At bottom are logos of 2012 Vote LPV, HIV AIDS Let's work together to stop the spread of HIV AIDS, Caritas Papua New Guinea, Electoral Commission Papua New Guinea., undated (Item) - Drawer Broadside 630
1 itemPoster is double sided, in English, front reads: "Everybody pays taxes! Governments use taxes to pay for the things we need' Slogan at bottom reads "Free, fair and safe Elections 2012" Cartoon-style illustrations show a variety of activities where taxes including GST are levied (such as buying beer or food, driving a truck) and where taxes are spent (hospitals, police, schools etc.). A man shown voting says: "So use your vote wisely!" Reverse has explanatory text for election educators, header reads "Everybody pays taxes! It's your money so make sure it gets used properly"; then an outline of how to use poster, information on what taxes are and how they are used, responsibilities and accountability of government and MPs, what points to emphasize, a reminder to vote for MP who will use taxes wisely even if not from your clan., undated (Item) - Drawer Broadside 630
1 itemPoster has same illustrations and information on front and reverse as first poster, text in Tok Pisin. Front reads: "Olgeta lain save peim takis! Gavman save yusim takis long peim ol servis yumi nidim." A man shown voting says: "Olsem na yusim gut vot bilong yu!", slogan at bottom reads "Fri, stretpela na gutpela Eleksen 2012", undated (Item) - Drawer Broadside 630
1 itemPoster in English, reads "Your vote is power! Vote wisely – know your candidates" Cartoon-style illustrations show large arrogant politician disdainfully taking votes of small people on left, text reads "Leaders don't choose us", contrasted with picture on right of large, confident voters giving votes to small, apprehensive politician, text reads "We choose our leaders". Slogan at bottom is "Free, fair and peaceful Elections 2012"., undated (Item) - Drawer Broadside 630
1 itemPoster has same illustrations and information as third, text in Tok Pisin. Text and slogans read "Vot bilong yu em pawa! Vot stret, save gut long ol kendidet bilong yu. Ol lida I no save makim mipela. Mipela I save makim ol. Fri, nogat wansait pasin na bel hevi nabaut Eleksen 2012", undated (Item) - Drawer Broadside 630
1 itemPoster is in Tok Pisin; cartoon-style illustration shows panicking politician confronted by people demanding he fulfill promises and provide services. Header reads:"Em wok bilong yu long mekim ol lida kamapim ol sevis ol tok ol bai kamapim", slogan at bottom is "Fri, nogat wansait pasin na bel hevi nabaut Eleksen 2012"., undated (Item) - Drawer Broadside 630
1 itemPoster is in Tok Pisin; cartoon-style illustration shows PNG male and female candidates/leaders and lists desirable characteristics, such as honest male or female, good record of service, belief in unity of country. Main text reads: "Ol gutpela lida gat wanem kain pasin? Ol gutpela lida save wok hat long helpim pipel, provins na kantri bilong ol na ol". At bottom: "Fri, nogat wansait pasin na bel hevi nabaut Eleksen 2012", undated (Item) - Drawer Broadside 630
1 itemPoster is double-sided and in Tok Pisin; front has cartoon-style illustrations depicting 3 people and a baby rejecting 50 kina bribes from 2 candidates, while reminding them of the cost of essential services such as roads, health and education. Text reads: "Vot bilong yumi inap long... Gutpela rot, K50m; helt, K5m; edukesen, K1.5m. Vot bilong yu i winim moa long K50. Fri, stretpela na gutpela Eleksen 2012". Reverse has explanatory text for election educators, header reads "Vot bilong yumi I bikpela samting! Vot bilong yu I winim moa long K50"; then an outline of how to use poster, questions that may be asked and answers, information to emphasize including cost of services and not selling your vote, and summary., undated (Item) - Drawer Broadside 630
1 itemPoster is double-sided and in Tok Pisin; front has cartoon-style illustrations depicting a male and a female candidate, holding money for vote-buying and looking confused as three people reject it and state they prefer good roads, schools and housing. Text reads: "Mipela laikim sevis, I no moni bilong yu! Mipela laikim gutpela rot! Mipela laikim gutpela skul! Mipela laikim gutpela hausik! Gutpela sevis I save kamapim gutpela sindaun bilong kantri!" Slogan at bottom: "Fri, stretpela na gutpela Eleksen 2012". Reverse has has explanatory text for election educators, header reads "Mipela laikim servis, I no moni bilong yu! Olsem na noken traim long grisim mipela wantaim moni"; then an outline of how to use poster, questions that may be asked on bribery or "gris moni" (grease money) and answers, and summary., undated (Item) - Drawer Broadside 630
1 itemPoster is double-sided and in Tok Pisin; front has cartoon-style illustrations depicting two people talking on a bridge above river amongst well maintained huts of different types, saying that best candidate may not be a local person. One hut has sign: "Sretpela kendidet stap long hia" Main text reads: "Votim stretpela kendidet! Stretpela kendidet no inap wantok bilong yu tasol tingim kantri na bihaintaim bilong yu noken tingim kros pait pasin bilong ples". Slogan at bottom: "Fri, stretpela na gutpela Eleksen 2012". Reverse has explanatory text for election educators, header reads "Votim gutpela kendidet! Nogut raitpela kendidet I no wantok bilong yu"; then an outline of how to show poster, questions and answers on characteristics of candidates, and points to finish on., undated (Item) - Drawer Broadside 630
1 itemPoster is double-sided and in Tok Pisin; front has cartoon-style illustrations showing a woman in a wheelchair and an elderly man being assisted at the polling booth; the old man says "Tenkyu pikinini." Main text reads: "Mekim helpim kamap stretpela. Ol lapun na ol lain I no save rit na rait, i gat rait long makim ol lain we ol I gat bilip na wanbel long halivim ol long taim bilong vot." Slogan at bottom: "Fri, stretpela na gutpela Eleksen 2012". Reverse has explanatory text for election educators, header reads "Mekim helpim I stretpela. Ol family ken helpim ol turangu lain olsem han na lek nogut"; then an outline of how to show poster, questions and answers on rights of all, including disabled, to vote, and points to finish on., undated (Item) - Drawer Broadside 630
1 itemPoster is double-sided and in Tok Pisin; front has cartoon-style illustrations depicting different scenarios at the voting station, such as voting correctly, rejecting bribes, not intimidating voters or voting multiple times, helping elderly and disabled to vote, using women-only polling booths, remembering candidates' promises. Main text reads: "Ples bilong yu ken mekim wanem long kamapim stretpela pasin long taim bilong eleksen? Luksave long wanem I gutpela pasin na pasin nogut long taim bilong eleksen. NAU mekin eksen" At bottom is advice that can contact Transparency International PNG for more materials and answers to questions, with contact details for Stephen and Hannah. Logo at bottom: "Fri, stretpela na gutpela Eleksen 2012". Reverse has explanatory text for election educators, header reads: " Ples bilong yu ken mekim wanem long kamapim stretpela pasin long taim bilong eleksen? Eleksen em taim bilong mekim STRETPELA desisen. I NO trabel" then an outline of how to show poster, questions and answers on fair and straight elections, avoiding bribery and trouble, and points to finish on., undated (Item) - Drawer Broadside 630
1 itemSubgrp. Sample educational posters, undated - Drawer Broadside 630
2 itemsCandidate poster, Turumu Open electorate: sample. 30 x 42 cm. Dummy sample for non-existent electorate of Turumu, with the same layout as real posters but with drawings of pretend candidates (e.g. Alice Purple, Boki Red) and their name displayed in a grid. This poster is to be used with the Vote counting game, held in Ephemera (formed) 56, box 4. Also included is a dummy ballot paper for Turumu ward., undated (Item) - Drawer Broadside 630
1 itemSubseries. Flipcharts, undated - Drawer Broadside 630
5 itemsSubgrp. Voter education flipcharts, undated - Drawer Broadside 630
4 itemsOne flipchart entitled: "Good governance". In English. Contents are colour reproductions of eight voter education posters (What is a good leader? PNG is at the crossroads, where do we go from here? Our vote, our future. Your vote is power. Woman have rights, women have power! Election guidelines. Acceptable behaviour. Unacceptable behaviour) Logos at bottom of cover of Vote LPV, Electoral Commission PNG; Zero HIV long PNG, undated (Item) - Drawer Broadside 630
1 itemOne flipchart, cover on title: "Vote 123 LPV. Now that's fair". White cover with pattern of numbers 123. Logo at bottom of Electoral Commission PNG. Contents are in English, 7 pages. Contents explain limited preferential voting system, and include sample ballot paper and chart to illustrate how votes are counted and distribution of preferences., undated (Item) - Drawer Broadside 630
1 itemOne flipchart, title on cover "Vote 123 LPV. Now that's fair". Orange-brown cover is stylized image from PNG flag and photos of tribes people. Logo at bottom of cover of Electoral Commission PNG, HIV AIDS Let's work together to stop the spread of AIDS. Contents in English, 13 pages. Introduces the LPV system, enrolling to vote, voting eligibility, voting procedures, how votes are counted and distribution of preferences. Includes samples of enrolment form, ballot papers, and candidate posters., undated (Item) - Drawer Broadside 630
1 itemSubgrp. Polling officials training flip chart (large), undated - Drawer Broadside 630
1 itemOne large flipchart used to train polling officials assigned to polling places, undated (Item) - Drawer Broadside 630
1 itemFlipchart has title: Polling officials training flipchart.
Consists of 29 single-sided laminated leaves, spiral bound at top. Two backing boards are joined at base and fold out to stand flip chart upright. Front leaf has list of contents, every other has an illustration or chart on one of 28 different topics
1. Checklist before polling day; 2. Election journal first page; 3. Inventory form; 4. Ballot paper handover & transfer forms; 5. Attendance & performance form; 6. Polling booth set-up procedure; 7. Security tasks & polling booth control lines; 8. Inside & outside polling booth layouts; 9. Code of conduct for polling officials; 10.Opening and closing times & opening speech; 11. Plastic ballot boxes & box seal numbers; 12. Identification, inking and ballot paper issue; 13. New electoral roll; 14. Incident report form; 15. Inking & gender tally sheet; 16. Assisted voters flowchart; 17. Spoilt ballot paper flowchart; 18. Section voting 141/1 flowchart; 19. Section voting 141/2 flowchart; 20. TIPNG secret ballot poster; 21. Deceased & relocated voters; 22. Ethical situation no. 1: What's wrong? 23. Ethical situation no. 2: What's wrong? 24. Closing the polling booth flowchart; 25. Gender tally total form (58); 26. Ballot paper account form; 27. Expenses reconciliation form; 28. Conveyance form.