Guide to the Papers of Verity Burgmann


MS 10650

National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

Created: January 2024

Collection Summary

Papers of Verity Burgmann
Date Range
c. 1956-2022
Collection Number
MS 10650
4.79 metres (12 ms boxes + 8 archival boxes + 1 medium folio box + 1 map folio + 87 audiovisual carriers)
Language of Materials
Special Collections (Manuscripts)


Content Description

This collection comprises recordings and papers compiled by political scientist Verity Burgmann. The recordings are of interviews (1970-1994), speeches, meetings and protests of far-left wing activists (1981-2019), conducted by Burgmann and others. Prominent activists interviewed include Frank Hardy, Tom Payne, Lloyd Ross and Mary Wright (87 sound/av carriers) There are papers relating to the Australian Society for the Study of Labour history. These records from the Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney branches are complimented by a run of the Melbourne branch's newsletter 'Recorder', from 1964-2021 (incomplete). Other papers relate to Burgmann's academic life (1982-2020) with two main portions dedicated to applications to the Australian Research Council and other research grant schemes, as well as conferences attended (1979-1989). Burgmann's, working papers for The People's history of Australia, co-edited with Jenny Lee, are made up of correspondence with contributors, publishers and supporters of the project along with financial papers, summary drafts, style guides and charts. There are Burgmann's examiner reports, manuscript assessment and supervision samples from her time at the University of Melbourne as well as special studies program applications.

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Preferred Citation

Items from this collection should be cited as '[Title or description of manuscript item], Papers of Verity Burgmann, National Library of Australia, MS 10650, [class/series/file/item number(s)]'

Reading Room Access Note

For preservation reasons, we are unable to deliver digital and audiovisual carriers to the Special Collections Reading Room. Please contact Ask a Librarian to enquire about access.

Finding Aid Source (s)

Please note: This finding aid contains descriptive information provided by donors, researchers and/or volunteers.

Item Descriptions

Class 1. Consignment received 2022, c.1956-2010

This consignment comprises recordings compiled by political scientist Verity Burgmann. The recordings are of interviews (1970-1994), speeches, meetings and protests of far-left wing activists (1981-2019), conducted by Burgmann and others. Prominent activists interviewed include Frank Hardy, Tom Payne, Lloyd Ross and Mary Wright as well as with less well known individuals active in the various movements they represented. Other recordings in this consignment were made of activists' meetings, protests and on radio, along with music from various groups including Australian Industrial Workers of the World and the People for Nuclear Disarmament (1980's). There are a series of lectures presented by Burgmann on Modern Political thought at the University of Melbourne (2003-2004) and some and family recordings (1956 to 2000).

Series. Political: Verity Burgmann interviews with left-wing activists, 1984-1994

P1-P2 - Interview with Fred Coombe (born 1896), Melbourne, 15 May 1984 (File)

Fred Coombe was the son of a labourer, who had had no education at all and could neither read nor write. Fred's first memories are of life in Broken Hill and surrounds from 1900: Aboriginal rural workers not being paid; hiding from the Governor Brothers, Joe and Jimmy; and men returning from the Boer War in 1902 when he was six. As a 14-year-old hand at a shearing shed on the Darling River, he participated in industrial sabotage of shearing equipment, under the influence of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). He became a member before the First World War and describes their ideas, personalities and activities in their heyday during the war, and the treason-felony case against the Sydney Twelve in 1916. Coombe argues this was a frameup and explains why this was a widespread belief in labour movement circles at the time.

2 x 60 min. cassettes, c. 120 minutes.

P1 - Fred Coombe, 15 May 1984 (Item NLA.SAVA000175) - Cassette-Box SAVA 10
1 item, Audiosonic C60, Compact cassette tape
P2 - Fred Coombe, 16 May 1984 (Item NLA.SAVA000176) - Cassette-Box SAVA 10
1 item, Audiosonic C60, Compact cassette tape
P3-P4 - Interview with Fred Farrall (born 1897), Melbourne, 1 June 1984 (File P3-P4)

Fred Farrall was born in Cobram on the Murray River. In 1904 his father secured land in a ballot and moved to the Riverina about fifty miles west of Wagga Wagga. He describes his life growing up on this farm; his interactions with the Industrial Workers of the World, especially his cousin Roly Farrell's involvement in distributing the fake £5 notes printed by some IWW members late in 1916 and his subsequent imprisonment. He describes his membership years in the Communist Party of Australia in the inter-war and early post-war period, in the breakaway Moscow-line Socialist Party of Australia after 1970, and his period as Mayor of Prahran in inner Melbourne.

2 x 90 min. cassettes, c. 180 minutes.

P3 - Fred Farrall (1), 1 June 1984 (Item NLA.SAVA000177) - Cassette-Box SAVA 10
1 item, Audiosonic C90, Compact cassette tape
P3 - Fred Farrall (2), 1 June 1984 (Item NLA.SAVA000178) - Cassette-Box SAVA 11
1 item, Audiosonic C90, Compact cassette tape
P5-P6 - Interview with Jim Garvey (born late C19th), Melbourne, 11 June 1984 (File P5-P6)

Jim Garvey was a left activist in Melbourne during the First World War and interwar period. He talks about the anti-conscription campaign and the activities of people he knew such as Frank Anstey, Chummy Fleming, Frank Hyett, Tom Tunnecliffe, Percy Laidler and Bernard O'Dowd. He was not a member of the IWW but describes their performances at outdoor meetings, such as the Yarra Bank and South Melbourne Market. He reflects on their strength and influence and the slow process in the 1930s of the Communist Party becoming stronger than the IWW. He talks about the Workers' Education Association and his disillusionment with the Labor Party.

2 x 60 min. cassettes, c. 120 minutes.

P5 - Garvey (1), 11 June 1984 (Item NLA.SAVA000179) - Cassette-Box SAVA 11
1 item, Audiosonic C60, Compact cassette tape
P6 - Garvey (2), 11 June 1984 (Item NLA.SAVA000180) - Cassette-Box SAVA 11
1 item, Audiosonic C90, Compact cassette tape
P7 - Interview with Ralph Gibson (born 1906), Melbourne, 26 September 1985 (File P7)

Ralph Gibson was a full-time organizer with the Communist Party of Australia for nearly 40 years, and one of its leading intellectuals and publicists. In this interview he talks about his beliefs and the Party's relationship with other left-wing organisations.

1 x 90 min. cassette, c. 45 minutes.


P7 - Ralph Gibson, 26 September 1985 (Item NLA.SAVA000181) - Cassette-Box SAVA 11
1 item, Audiosonic C90, Compact cassette tape
P8 - Interview with Frank Hardy (born 1917), Melbourne, 18 January 1994 (File P8)

This interview with well-known novelist, raconteur and left-wing political activist Frank Hardy was conducted only 10 days before his death. However, Hardy is in fine spirits and forthcoming about his extraordinary life and interesting times, including the influence upon him and his writing of the Industrial Workers of the World. Biographies are available at and His papers are in the NLA.

1 x 90 min. cassette, Side B only, c. 45 minutes. (Side A is an interview by the ABC Radio Social History Unit with an unknown old-time activist, Date unknown but circa January 1994).

P8 - Frank Hardy, 18 January 1994 (Item NLA.SAVA000182) - Cassette-Box SAVA 11
1 item, TDJ C90, Compact cassette tape
P9 - Interview with A. F. 'Bluey' Howells (born 1907), Melbourne, 4 October 1985 (File P9)

Bluey Howells, anarchist intellectual and activist in Sydney, Narrandera and Melbourne, joined the Industrial Workers of the World in the late 1920s. He became very involved in the 1930s Movement Against War and Fascism and fought in the Spanish Civil War. An artist, actor, playwright and creative writer, he is also the author of reflective non-fiction, such as We Went to Spain and Against the Stream. The Memories of a Philosophical Anarchist, 1927-1939. By the 1980s he was living as a nursery gardener in the Dandenongs, where this interview took place.

1 x 90 min. cassette, c. 55 mins.

P9 - A. F. 'Bluey' Howells, 4 October 1985 (Item NLA.SAVA000183) - Cassette-Box SAVA 11
1 item, Audiosonic C90, Compact cassette tape
P10 - Interview with Bill Ivey, Melbourne, 27 August 1986 (File P10)

Bill Ivey was involved with the IWW and recalls their activities and influence. In his declining years he organised protests to force his local council to preserve a children's playground.

1 x 90 min. cassette, c. 45 mins.


P10 - Bill Ivey, 27 August 1986 (Item NLA.SAVA000184) - Cassette-Box SAVA 11
1 item, AGFA Ferrocolor 90+6, Compact cassette tape
P11 - Interview with Leo Kelly, Melbourne, 20 January 1986 (File P11)

Leo Kelly grew up in Goulburn, NSW. In the 1930s he frequented Sydney's left-wing milieu, bohemian intellectual scene and homosexual sub-culture. In this interview he describes the predicament of Charlie Reeve as a homosexual man and a leading member of the Industrial Workers of the World. He describes Charlie's death in the arms of his partner, a Danish seaman who worked as a labourer on White Bay power station.

1 x 90 min. cassette, c. 45 mins.

P11 - Leo Kelly, 20 January 1986 (Item NLA.SAVA000185) - Cassette-Box SAVA 11
1 item, AGFA Ferrocolor 90+6, Compact cassette tape
P12 - Interview with Bill Laidler, Melbourne, 28 May 1986 (File P12)

Bill Laidler was the son of well-known left-wing personality, Percy Laidler. Bill recalls his father's activities, his left-wing bookshop and popular conjuring and magic shop. The other voice in the tape is that of Dick Curlewis, another old activist, who facilitated the interview.

1 x 90 min. cassette, c. 45 mins?

P12 - Bill Laidler, 28 May 1986 (Item NLA.SAVA000186) - Cassette-Box SAVA 11
1 item, AGFA Ferrocolor 90+6, Compact cassette tape
P13 - Interview with Pat Mackie, Melbourne, 21 July 1988 (File P13)

Pat Mackie was an American merchant seaman, who joined the Industrial Workers of the World on the North American coast in 1934, and, at the time of interview, was still the accredited Delegate for the IWW in Australia. Mackie achieved notoriety as Chairman of the Mount Isa Section of the Australian Workers' Union during the infamous lockout of 1964-65, which divided both the nation and the labour movement. Despite, or perhaps because of, constant criticism of Mackie in the mainstream media, he retained the support of the workers of Mount Isa, who appreciated his militant and determined leadership of their resistance to the imposition of contract work and the abolition of hourly wage rates.

1 x 90 min. cassette, c. 90 mins.


P13 - Pat Mackie, 21 July 1988 (Item NLA.SAVA000187) - Cassette-Box SAVA 11
1 item, NLZ C-90, Compact cassette tape
P14-15 - Interview with Tom Payne, Sydney, 28 October 1985 (File P14-15)

Tom Payne, born in the 1890s, grew up in Clunes in Victoria and worked there as a cobbler. He was influenced politically by Mark Anthony, a Broken Hill miner from Clunes who frequently returned to visit. Payne became an early member of the Communist Party of Australia. In 1922, he was one of its two delegates to the Comintern Conference in Moscow. He relates how he travelled to there as a stowaway, aided by sympathetic maritime workers, and heard Lenin speak and met Trotsky, who had confused Payne's fellow delegate W.P. Earsman with the much more important American delegate Max Eastmann. Payne joined the breakaway Socialist Party of Australia in 1970-71 and remained a loyal defender of the Soviet Union until his death late last century, still revered in CPA and SPA circles as 'the man who met Lenin', when in fact he had only met the hated Trotsky.

2 x 90 min. cassette, c. 100 mins.

P14 -Tom Payne, 28 October 1985 (Item NLA.SAVA000188) - Cassette-Box SAVA 11
1 item, Audiosonic C90, Compact cassette tape
P15 -Tom Payne, 28 October 1985 (Item NLA.SAVA000189) - Cassette-Box SAVA 11
1 item, Audiosonic C90, Compact cassette tape
P16 - Interview with Lloyd Ross, Sydney, 20 February 1986 (File P16)

Lloyd Ross was born in Melbourne in the 1890s, son of R S 'Bob' Ross, leading member of the Victorian Socialist Party. Lloyd describes the heyday of this Party in the 1900s and 1910s, including his attendance at its famous Socialist Sunday School. Ross became very involved with the Workers' Education Association in NSW and was a full-time organizer with this movement in the interwar period. His political affiliations were left Labor Party and he was critical of the Communist Party and his brother Edgar's enthusiasm for it.

1 x 90 min. cassette, c. 45 mins.


P16 - Lloyd Ross, 20 February 1986 (Item NLA.SAVA000190) - Cassette-Box SAVA 12
1 item, AGFA Ferrocolor 90+6, Compact cassette tape
P17 - Interview with Jimmy Seamer, Wollongong, 29 August 1985 (File P17)
Physical Description Note

1 x 90 min. cassette, c. 45 mins?

Seamer was a union activist from the First World War onwards, who recalls the activities and influence within unions of the Industrial Workers of the World, and of their harsh treatment by employers and state authorities. This interview took place in his Wollongong nursing home, where he had organised protests about the standard of catering. 

P17 - Jimmy Seamer, 29 August 1985 (Item NLA.SAVA000191) - Cassette-Box SAVA 12
1 item, Audiosonic C90, Compact cassette tape
P18-19 - Interview with Mary Symonds, Sydney,, 19 November 1996 (File P18-19)
Physical Description Note

1 x 90 min. + 1 x 60 min. cassettes, c. 120 minutes

Mary Symonds was the daughter of Tom Glynn, editor of the Industrial Workers of the World newspaper Direct Action. Mary describes the trauma she experienced as a child when he was imprisoned for 5 years as one of the Sydney Twelve charged with treason-felony in 1916. She made contact with me after the publication of my book on the IWW, anxious to tell me about her father's dreadful experiences with the justice system.

1 x 90 min. cassette, c. 45 mins.

P18 - Mary Symonds, 19 November 1996 (Item NLA.SAVA000192) - Cassette-Box SAVA 12
1 item, TDK 90, Compact cassette tape
P19 - Mary Symonds, 19 November 1996 (Item NLA.SAVA000193) - Cassette-Box SAVA 12
1 item, Star C-60, Compact cassette tape
P20 - Interview with Mary Wright, 27 October 1985 (File P20)

Mary Wright joined the Communist Party in 1929 and describes the complex relations between it and the earlier IWW, and reflects upon how and why these two important left organisations differed so much from each other. The occasional other voice is that of her son, who remained present in case Mary became upset talking about her sometimes troubled past.

1 x 90 min. cassette, c. 45 mins.

P20 - Mary Wright, 27 October 1985 (Item NLA.SAVA000194) - Cassette-Box SAVA 12
1 item, Audiosonic C90, Compact cassette tape

Series 2. Speeches of left-wing activists, c. 1970-1986

Physical Description Note

10 cassettes

P21 - Paul Genery, or possibly others speaking about him at funeral for Paul Genery, Melbourne, n.d (File P21)
P21 - Paul Genery, n.d. (Item NLA.SAVA000195) - Cassette-Box SAVA 12
1 item, Audiosonic C60, Compact cassette tape
P22 - Fred Farrall, about Communist Party of Australia, Melbourne, recorded by Martin Burgess, n.d. (File P22)
P22 - Fred Farral, n.d. (Item NLA.SAVA000196) - Cassette-Box SAVA 12
1 item, Audiosonic C60, Compact cassette tape
P23 - Fred Farrall about Communisty Party of Australia, Melbourne, recorded by Martin Burgess (but different from previous one), n.d. (File P23)
P23 - Fred Farrall, n.d. (Item NLA.SAVA000197) - Cassette-Box SAVA 12
1 item, Audiosonic C60, Compact cassette tape
P24 - Fred Farrall, at farewell social event of Socialist Party of Australia, Melbourne, recorded by Fred Smith, July 1983 (File P24)
P24 - Fred Farrall, July 1983 (Item NLA.SAVA000198) - Cassette-Box SAVA 12
1 item, Audiosonic C60, Compact cassette tape
P25 - Tom Payne, probably at his 85th birthday event, c. 1970 (File P25)
P25 - Tom Payne, c. 1970 (Item NLA.SAVA000199) - Cassette-Box SAVA 12
1 item, Audiosonic C60, Compact cassette tape
P26-27 - Tom Payne's 85th birthday event, Melbourne, chaired by Fred Farrall, speakers are Jack McPhillips, Soviet Embassy representative, Williamstown MLA and others (these two tapes might be identical, not sure), n.d. (File P26-27)
P26 - Tom Payne's, n.d. (Item NLA.SAVA000200) - Cassette-Box SAVA 12
1 item, Gtape 90, Compact cassette tape
P27 - Tom Payne's, n.d. (Item NLA.SAVA000201) - Cassette-Box SAVA 12
1 item, Gtape 90, Compact cassette tape
P28 - Tom Payne at event at Alf Watt's, n.d. (File P28)
P28 - Tom Payne, n.d. (Item NLA.SAVA000202) - Cassette-Box SAVA 13
1 item, Audiosonic C90, Compact cassette tape
P29-30 - Brian McKinlay and Niall Brennan, speaking at meeting to celebrate victory against conscription in 1916, Australian Society for the Study of Labour History Melbourne Branch, recorded by Verity Burgmann (speakers very clear, discussion not clear), 28 October 1986 (File P29-30)
P29 - Brian McKinlay and Niall Brennan, 28 October 1986 (Item NLA.SAVA000203) - Cassette-Box SAVA 13
1 item, TDJ C90, Compact cassette tape
P30 - Brian McKinlay and Niall Brennan, 28 October 1986 (Item NLA.SAVA000204) - Cassette-Box SAVA 13
1 item, TDJ C90, Compact cassette tape

Series 3. Other peoples interviews with left-wing activists, 1969-1984

Physical Description Note

7 Cassettes

P31-32 - Tom Audley with Pat Gowland, Melbourne, 17 February 1978 (File P31-32)
P31 - Tom Audley with Pat Gowland, 17 February 1978 (Item NLA.SAVA000205) - Cassette-Box SAVA 13
1 item, Audiosonic C90, Compact cassette tape
P32 - Tom Audley with Pat Gowland, 17 February 1978 (Item NLA.SAVA000206) - Cassette-Box SAVA 13
1 item, AGFA Ferrocolor 90+6, Compact cassette tape
P33 - Fred Farrall with John Hirouvim Melbourne, September 1984 (File P33)
P33 - Fred Farrall, September 1984 (Item NLA.SAVA000207) - Cassette-Box SAVA 13
1 item, Audiosonic C90, Compact cassette tape
P34 - Dorothy Farrall with Wendy Lowenstein, Melbourne, n.d. (File P34)
P34 - Dorothy Farrall, n.d. (Item NLA.SAVA000208) - Cassette-Box SAVA 13
1 item, AGFA Ferrocolor 90+6, Compact cassette tape
P35-36 - Bill Genery with Ken Mansell, Melbourne, May or June 1969 (File P35-36)
P35 - Bill Genery with Ken Mansell, May or June 1969 (Item NLA.SAVA000209) - Cassette-Box SAVA 13
1 item, Scotch 90, Compact cassette tape
P36 - Bill Genery with Ken Mansell, May or June 1969 (Item NLA.SAVA000210) - Cassette-Box SAVA 13
1 item, Gtape 60, Compact cassette tape
P37 - Dick Surplus with Jim Beatson, Brisbane, 1972 (File P37)
P37 - Dick Surplus with Jim Beatson, 1972 (Item NLA.SAVA000211) - Cassette-Box SAVA 13
1 item, BASF 90, Compact cassette tape

Series 4. Verity Burgmann and other peoples interviews with present day left-wing activists, 1970s-1980s

Physical Description Note

3 Cassettes

P38 - Meredith Burgmann with Dave Shaw (activist in Friends of the Earth, Movement Against Uranium Mining, Builders Labourers' Federation, killed at work 20/12/1978), 1970s (File P38)
P38 - Meredith Burgmann with Dave Shaw, 1970s (Item NLA.SAVA000212) - Cassette-Box SAVA 13
1 item, Gtape 60, Compact cassette tape
P39-40 - Verity Burgmann and Dick Curlewis with striking nurses (including Ged Kearney) on the picket line outside Royal Melbourne Hospital, during long-running statewide nurses' strike (two tapes), 29 November 1986 (File P39-40)
P39 - Verity Burgmann and Dick Curlewis, 29 November 1986 (Item NLA.SAVA000213) - Cassette-Box SAVA 13
1 item, TDJ C90, Compact cassette tape
P40 - Verity Burgmann and Dick Curlewis, 29 November 1986 (Item NLA.SAVA000214) - Cassette-Box SAVA 13
1 item, TDJ C90, Compact cassette tape

Series 5. Activists at meetings, protests and on radio, 1981-2010

Physical Description Note

7 Cassettes

P41 - Rick Kuhn on Australian Capitalism, 1981 (File P41)

International Socialists Summer Camp, early 1981, during Fraser Government. Dr Rick Kuhn, an academic political economist gives this lecture to comrades on 'Australian Capitalism' in the context of early debates amongst left-wing thinkers, such as left nationalists Ted Wheelwright and the Australia Reconstructed authors, about how to react to the growing strength of transnational corporations and the move away from protectionism towards free trade. Towards end of this side a 2JJJ program from 1999 around the Man Boy Love Association intrudes and continues through Side B.  

P41 - Rick Kuhn, 1981 (Item NLA.SAVA000215) - Cassette-Box SAVA 14
1 item, TDK DC 60, Compact cassette tape
P42 - People for Nuclear Disarmament, Melbourne. Speakers: Joe Camilleri, Patrick White, Joan Kirner, Max Charlesworth, Peter Cook, Judith Wright and Jean Meltzer, 21 October 1981 (File P42)
P42 - People for Nuclear Disarmament, Joe Camilleri, Patrick White, Joan Kirner, Max Charlesworth, Peter Cook, Judith Wright and Jean Meltzer, 21 October 1981 (Item NLA.SAVA000216) - Cassette-Box SAVA 14
1 item, 60, Compact cassette tape
P43 - Irene Bolger (Nurses' Federation, leader of 1986 nurses' strike, Labour Day Oration, Melbourne Branch Australian Society for the Study of Labour History, 9 March 1987 (File P43)

Ignore first 5-10 minutes of Side A of a child in the bath.

P43 - Irene Bolger, 9 March 1987 (Item NLA.SAVA000217) - Cassette-Box SAVA 14
1 item, TDJ C90, Compact cassette tape
P44 - 'Green and Practical', The Green Bans Movement, Radio National, 29 November 1994 (File P44)
P44 - 'Green and Practical', 29 November 1994 (Item NLA.SAVA000218) - Cassette-Box SAVA 14
1 item, NSW Government C 90, Compact cassette tape
P45 - Jack Mundey and Hall Greenland on the Sydney Opera House and the Green Bans Movement, Late Night Live, 1 October 1998 (File P45)
P45 - Jack Mundey and Hall Greenland, 1 October 1998 (Item NLA.SAVA000219) - Cassette-Box SAVA 14
1 item, TDK 60, Compact cassette tape
P46 - Forum on Forests, University of Melbourne, recorded by Verity Burgmann, 19 November 1999 (File P46)
P46 - Forum on Forests, 19 November 1999 (Item NLA.SAVA000220) - Cassette-Box SAVA 14
1 item, TDK D120, Compact cassette tape
P47 - David Milner interviews protesters attending International Day of Climate Action 'Switch off Hazelwood, Switch on Renewable Energy' protest at Hazelwood Power Station, La Trobe Valley, 10 October 2010 (File P47)
P47 - David Milner, 10 October 2010 (Item NLA.SAVA000221) - Cassette-Box SAVA 14
1 item, TDK MC 60, Microcassette

Series 5. Music, 1980s

Physical Description Note

4 Cassettes

P48 - Australian Industrial Workers of the World song 'Bump Me Into Parliament', n.d. (File P48)
P48 - Australian Industrial Workers of the World song 'Bump Me Into Parliament', n.d. (Item NLA.SAVA000222) - Cassette-Box SAVA 14
1 item, TDK AD C60, Compact cassette tape
P49 - Song about the Westgate Bridge Disaster (Ken Mansell), n.d. (File P49)
P49 - Ken Mansell, n.d. (Item NLA.SAVA000223) - Cassette-Box SAVA 14
1 item, NLZ C 90, Compact cassette tape
P50 - Greens Bans songs 'Concrete and Glass' and 'Green Bans Forever', n.d. (File P50)
P50 - Greens Bans songs 'Concrete and Glass' and 'Green Bans Forever', n.d. (Item NLA.SAVA000224) - Cassette-Box SAVA 14
1 item, Sweda 90, Compact cassette tape
P51 - 'Stop the Drop' Concert, People for Nuclear Disarmament, Melbourne, c. 1984 (File P51)
P51 - 'Stop the Drop' Concert, People for Nuclear Disarmament, Melbourne, c .1984 (Item NLA.SAVA000225) - Cassette-Box SAVA 14
1 item, Maxell UD 90, Compact cassette tape

Series 6. Family, c. 1956-2000

Physical Description Note

8 Cassettes

F1 - Bertil Hauptmann (voice) and Betty Hauptmann, née Burgmann (piano), German folk songs, 4 Beltana Rd, Pialligo ACT, (transferred from reel to reel to cassette but still have reel to reel, if preferred). (Ignore intrusion of someone reading a novel). Side A only, c. 1956 (File F1)
F1 - Bertil Hauptmann (voice) and Betty Hauptmann, née Burgmann (piano), c. 1956 (Item NLA.SAVA000226) - Cassette-Box SAVA 14
1 item, 90, Compact cassette tape
F2 - Farewell event for Victor Burgmann as Chairman of CSIRO, Canberra, September 1978 (File F2)
F2 - Farewell event for Victor Burgmann as Chairman of CSIRO, Canberra, September 1978 (Item NLA.SAVA000227) - Cassette-Box SAVA 14
1 item, AMPEX 60, Compact cassette tape
F3 - Old left activists reminisce about Bishop E.H.Burgmann, interviewed by Verity Burgmann. Side A: Ralph Gibson, A.F. 'Bluey' Howells, Mary Wright, Tom Payne, Fred Farrall, Tom Hills, Leo Kelly. Side B: Lloyd Ross (starts some way after beginning), 1980s (File F3)
F3 - Old left activists reminisce about Bishop E.H.Burgmann, interviewed by Verity Burgmann. Side A: Ralph Gibson, A.F. 'Bluey' Howells, Mary Wright, Tom Payne, Fred Farrall, Tom Hills, Leo Kelly. Side B: Lloyd Ross, 1980s (Item NLA.SAVA000228) - Cassette-Box SAVA 14
1 item, AGFA Ferrocolor 90+6, Compact cassette tape
F4 - Lorna Burgmann, interviewed by Verity Burgmann, 2 August 1987 (File F4)
F4 - Lorna Burgmann, 2 August 1987 (Item NLA.SAVA000229) - Cassette-Box SAVA 15
1 item, Sweda 90, Compact cassette tape
F5 - Lorna Burgmann, interviewed by Verity Burgmann, (Side A only and not for long). (talks about Dixie, crossing Atlantic, Jon's birth, Pacific crossing) , 2 August 1987 (File F5)
F5 - Lorna Burgmann, 2 August 1987 (Item NLA.SAVA000230) - Cassette-Box SAVA 15
1 item, Sweda 90, Compact cassette tape
F6 - Victor Burgmann, interviewed by Verity Burgmann. Side A only, 3 August 1987 (File F6)
F6 - Victor Burgmann, 3 August 1987 (Item NLA.SAVA000231) - Cassette-Box SAVA 15
1 item, Sweda-90, Compact cassette tape
F7 - Funeral of Victor Burgmann, Sydney, February 1991 (File F7)
F7 - Funeral of Victor Burgmann, February 1991 (Item NLA.SAVA000232) - Cassette-Box SAVA 15
1 item, TDK D46, Compact cassette tape
F8 - Lorna Burgmann, interviewed by Verity Burgmann, April-May 2000 (File F8)
F8 - Lorna Burgmann, April-May 2000 (Item NLA.SAVA000233) - Cassette-Box SAVA 15
1 item, TDK MC 60, Microcassette

Series 7. Academic: Verity Burgmann with or without other people, on radio or to seminars, 1978-2008

Physical Description Note

7 Cassettes

A1 - Verity Burgmann on labour movement responses to immigration in the nineteenth century to seminar on race, ethnicity and the working class, in preparation for book edited by Ann Curthoys and Andrew Markus, Who Are Our Enemies?, ANU. Discussion is very lively, 9 February 1978 (File A1)
A1 - Verity Burgmann, 9 February 1978 (Item NLA.SAVA000234) - Cassette-Box SAVA 15
1 item, Sony 90, Compact cassette tape
A2 - Verity Burgmann, radio interviews 1985-1987, 1985-1987 (File A2)

Side A. Verity Burgmann interviewed by Julie Copeland on ABC Radio 'First Edition' about the recent publication of her book 'In Our Time': Socialism and the Rise of Labor, 1885-1905, 28 March 1985. Verity Burgmann on ABC Radio 'First Edition' reading her review of Tom O'Lincoln, Into the Mainstream: The Decline of Australian Communism and the reissuing of Robin Gollan, Revolutionaries and Reformists, 8 August 1985.

Verity Burgmann, Robin Gollan, Humphrey McQueen and Stuart Macintyre discussing 'Should the Australian Working Class Historically Have Supported the Australian Labor Party?' on 3CR, 5 July 1987 (cuts out before end, does not continue on to other side).

Side B. ABC Radio satirical reporting of Federal Election results, July 1987?  

A2 - Verity Burgmann, 28 March 1985, 8 August 1985, 5 July 1987 (Item NLA.SAVA000235) - Cassette-Box SAVA 15
1 item, Gtape 90, Compact cassette tape
A3 - What About the Workers Part 3 1988, 1988 (File A3)

Side A. Episode 3 'The Taste of Defeat'. 3rd in a 4-part series of ABC 'Background Briefing' on 'What About the Workers', aired during 1988. This episode focuses on industrial militancy during the 20th century, especially the 1949 coalminers' strike and its effects, and the impacts on the labour movement of both world wars and the Depression. It includes original soundtrack of radio commentary on the 1949 strike plus extracts from speeches by Chifley as PM and Menzies as Leader of the Opposition. Interviewees are: Verity Burgmann, Manning Clark, Humphrey McQueen, Gary Wotherspoon, Wendy Lowenstein and Tom Sheridan; and Harry Reid (old activist, whose father was a member of the Industrial Workers of the World), Laurie Aarons (longtime leader of the Communist Party of Australia) and Edgar Ross (miners' union leader and Communist Party Central Committee member for 30 years). Side B. Jeff Goldhar on ALP Left and Liz Ross on the Accord: Ignore: quality not good.

A3 - What About the Workers Part 3 1988, 1988 (Item NLA.SAVA000236) - Cassette-Box SAVA 15
1 item, AGFA Ferrocolor 90+6, Compact cassette tape
A4 - Verity Burgmann, 'The Race Debate: John Howard and Pauline Hanson v. The Racial Discrimination Act 1975', Lionel Murphy Memorial Lecture, Morwell, Victoria, also broadcast on 3GCR-FM, 23 October 1998 (File A4)
A4 - Verity Burgmann, 23 October 1998 (Item NLA.SAVA000237) - Cassette-Box SAVA 15
1 item, 60, Compact cassette tape
A5 - Side A. Verity Burgmann on May Day and the M1 movement, Evening Show, Radio 3LO, (ignore Side B), 1 May 2001 (File A5)
A5 - Verity Burgmann, 1 May 2001 (Item NLA.SAVA000238) - Cassette-Box SAVA 15
1 item, SANSUI HP90, Compact cassette tape
A6 - Verity Burgmann, R.W.Connell, Alan Mayne, Craig McGregor on 'Class' Radio National, Melbourne, (CD-rom also available). Ignore Side B, 28 July 2002 (File A6)
A6 - Verity Burgmann, R.W.Connell, Alan Mayne, Craig McGregor, 28 July 2002 (Item NLA.SAVA000239) - Cassette-Box SAVA 15
1 item, Audiosonic C90, Compact cassette tape
A7 - Verity Burgmann, 'Labour Day', interview Radio SYN 90.7 FM, 10 March 2008 (File A7)
A7 - Verity Burgmann, 10 March 2008 (Item NLA.SAVA000240) - Cassette-Box SAVA 15
1 item, TDK D90, Compact cassette tape

Series 8. Other people on radio or to seminars, 1970s-2001

Physical Description Note

8 cassettes 

A9 - Professor R.W.Connell, 'Understanding the Australian Ruling Class', 1970s (File A9)
A9 - Professor R.W.Connell, 1970s (Item NLA.SAVA000241) - Cassette-Box SAVA 15
1 item, TDK DC60, Compact cassette tape
A10 - Professor David McLellan, 'Interpretations of Marx', Seminar at Deakin University, Waurn Ponds Campus, 9 October 1985 (File A10)
A10 - Professor David McLellan, 10 October 1985 (Item NLA.SAVA000242) - Cassette-Box SAVA 15
1 item, Audiosonic C60, Compact cassette tape
A11 - Boris Frankel, Lecture on 'Class' to University of Melbourne Political Science students, 1990s (File A11)
A11 - Boris Frankel, 1990s (Item NLA.SAVA000243) - Cassette-Box SAVA 16
1 item, SANSUI HP90, Compact cassette tape
A12 - Boris Frankel, Lecture on 'Ethnicity' to University of Melbourne Political Science students, 1990s (File A12)
A12 - Boris Frankel, 1990s (Item NLA.SAVA000244) - Cassette-Box SAVA 16
1 item, TDK 120, Compact cassette tape
A13 - Paul Crook, 'Learning to Live in China: the story of David and Isabel Crook', Radio 4 UK, 14 February 1994 (File A13)

(Verity Burgmann shared accommodation with the three Crook sons in London in the 1970s after they left China where they had grown up. Their parents visited regularly. David was a Spanish Civil War veteran then KGB operative in China, where he met Isabel who had been born there to Canadian missionary parents. They participated in the Communist Revolution. Isabel is still alive in Beijing aged 105.)

A13 - Paul Crook, 14 February 1994 (Item NLA.SAVA000245) - Cassette-Box SAVA 16
1 item, Sony 60, Compact cassette tape
A14 - 'Black Armband History', Australian Centre, University of Melbourne. Panelists include Don Watson, Kevin Donnelly, John Cantwell, Tony Birch and Janet McCalman, n.d. (File A14)
A14 - Don Watson, Kevin Donnelly, John Cantwell, Tony Birch and Janet McCalman, n.d. (Item NLA.SAVA000246) - Cassette-Box SAVA 16
1 item, FUJI Z100, Compact cassette tape
A15 - 'Black Armband History', 'Hindsight', Radio National, 11 May 1997 (File A15)
A15 - 'Black Armband History', 'Hindsight', Radio National, 11 May 1997 (Item NLA.SAVA000247) - Cassette-Box SAVA 16
1 item, ABC Radio Tape C90, Compact cassette tape
A16 - Side A: Professor Andrew Milner, 'George Orwell', introduced by Michael Cathcart on Arts Today, Radio National, June 2001. Side B: Professor Andrew Milner, 'John Milton', introduced by Michael Cathcart on Arts Today, Radio National, August 2001, June 2001, August 2001 (File A16)
A16 - Andrew Milner, 'George Orwell', introduced by Michael Cathcart, June 2001, August 2001 (Item NLA.SAVA000248) - Cassette-Box SAVA 16
1 item, ABC Radio Tape C90, Compact cassette tape

Series 9. Verity Burgmann, lectures to 'modern political thought' course, University of Melbourne, 2003-2004

A17 - Sides A and B: Plato to Postmodernism, 29 July 2004 (File A17)
A17 - Sides A and B: Plato to Postmodernism, 29 July 2004 (Item NLA.SAVA000249) - Cassette-Box SAVA 16
1 item, TDK D120, Compact cassette tape
A18 - Side A: Liberalism. Side B: Neoliberalism, 5 August 2004 (File A18)
A18 - Side A: Liberalism. Side B: Neoliberalism, 5 August 2004 (Item NLA.SAVA000250) - Cassette-Box SAVA 16
1 item, UR 120, Compact cassette tape
A19 - Side A: Neoliberalism. Side B: Conservatism, 9 October 2003 (File A19)
A19 - Side A: Neoliberalism. Side B: Conservatism, 9 October 2003 (Item NLA.SAVA000251) - Cassette-Box SAVA 16
1 item, TDK D120, Compact cassette tape
A20 - Sides A and B: Marxism, 12 August 2004 (File A20)
A20 - Sides A and B: Marxism, 12 August 2004 (Item NLA.SAVA000252) - Cassette-Box SAVA 16
1 item, TDK D120, Compact cassette tape
A21 - Side A: Anarchism. Side B: Syndicalism, 19 August 2004 (File A21)
A21 - Side A: Anarchism. Side B: Syndicalism, 19 August 2004 (Item NLA.SAVA000253) - Cassette-Box SAVA 16
1 item, TDK D120, Compact cassette tape
A22 - Sides A and B: Communism, 2 September 2004 (File A22)
A22 - Sides A and B: Communism, 2 September 2004 (Item NLA.SAVA000254) - Cassette-Box SAVA 16
1 item, TDK D90, Compact cassette tape
A23 - Sides A and B: Fascism, 9 September 2004 (File A23)
A23 - Sides A and B: Fascism, 9 September 2004 (Item NLA.SAVA000255) - Cassette-Box SAVA 16
1 item, AGFA Ferrocolor 90+6, Compact cassette tape
A24 - Side A: Socialism. Side B: Western Marxism, 7 October 2004 (File A24)
A24 - Side A: Socialism. Side B: Western Marxism, 7 October 2004 (Item NLA.SAVA000256) - Cassette-Box SAVA 17
1 item, AGFA Ferrocolor 90+6, Compact cassette tape
A25 - Sides A and B: Feminism, 14 October 2004 (File A25)
A25 - Sides A and B: Feminism, 14 October 2004 (Item NLA.SAVA000257) - Cassette-Box SAVA 17
1 item, TDK D90, Compact cassette tape
A26 - Side A. Feminism. Side B. Green Theory, 21 October 2004 (File A26)
A26 - Side A. Feminism. Side B. Green Theory, 21 October 2004 (Item NLA.SAVA000258) - Cassette-Box SAVA 17
1 item, TDK D120, Compact cassette tape

Series 10. Miscellaneous audio and audio visual material, n.d.

Physical Description Note

3 cassettes

The Lifeblood of Footscray: Working at the Angliss Meatworks. An Oral History of An Australian Factory, n.d. (File)

Melbourne's Living Museum of the West.

The Lifeblood of Footscray: Working at the Angliss Meatworks, an Oral History of an Australian Factory (Item 1) - Box Shared

Cassette case with contextual information about audio recordings.

Side A (Program 1). Side B (Program 2), n.d. (Item NLA.SAVA000259) - Cassette-Box SAVA 17
1 item, 60, Compact cassette tape
Physical Description Note


Program 1: The Imperial Freezing Works, 1905-1985; Program 2: The Slaughtermans' Strike, 1933

Side A (Program 3). Side B (Program 4), n.d. (Item NLA.SAVA000260) - Cassette-Box SAVA 17
1 item, 60, Compact cassette tape
Physical Description Note


Program 3: Women Meatworkers; Program 4: Pastimes and Pleasures;

Side A (Program 5). Side B (Program 6), n.d. (Item NLA.SAVA000262) - Cassette-Box SAVA 17
1 item, 60, Compact cassette tape
Physical Description Note


Program 5: Angliss Never Gave Anything Away; Program 6: Decline, Death and Future.

Class 2. Consignment received November 2022, 1964 - 2022

This consignment comprises papers collected by Burgmann relating to the Australian Society for the Study of Labour history. This includes correspondence, meeting papers, minutes and other records from the Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney branches. There's an incomplete run of the Melbourne branch's newsletter 'Recorder', from 1964-2021.

Series 11. Academic Papers, January 1964-October 2022

Recorder: (Australian Society for the Study of Labour History. Melbourne Branch), January 1964-Dec 1968 (File 1) - Box 1 (MS 10650)

Includes index for Volume 1 to Volume 50 (40 issues). These are the originals used for the digital archives at:

Recorder: (Australian Society for the Study of Labour History. Melbourne Branch), February 1969-December 1972 (File 2) - Box 1 (MS 10650)
Recorder: (Australian Society for the Study of Labour History. Melbourne Branch), February 1973-December 1975 (File 3) - Box 1 (MS 10650)
Recorder: (Australian Society for the Study of Labour History. Melbourne Branch), February 1976-December 1983 (File 4) - Box 1 (MS 10650)
Recorder: (Australian Society for the Study of Labour History. Melbourne Branch), February 1980-December 1983 (File 5) - Box 2 (MS 10650)
Recorder: (Australian Society for the Study of Labour History. Melbourne Branch), February 1984-December 1986 (File 6) - Box 2 (MS 10650)
Recorder: (Australian Society for the Study of Labour History. Melbourne Branch), February 1987-December 1989 (File 7) - Box 2 (MS 10650)
Recorder: (Australian Society for the Study of Labour History. Melbourne Branch), March 1990-December 1993 (File 8) - Box 2 (MS 10650)
Recorder: (Australian Society for the Study of Labour History. Melbourne Branch), February 1994-November 1997 (File 9) - Box 2 (MS 10650)
Recorder: (Australian Society for the Study of Labour History. Melbourne Branch), February 1998-December 2003 (File 10) - Box 3 (MS 10650)
Recorder: (Australian Society for the Study of Labour History. Melbourne Branch), March 2004-November 2012 (File 11) - Box 3 (MS 10650)
Recorder: (Australian Society for the Study of Labour History. Melbourne Branch), February 2013-November 2021 (File 12) - Box 3 (MS 10650)
Australian Society for the Study of Labour History - Federal, 1977-1998 (File 13) - Box 3 (MS 10650)

Includes correspondence, newsletters, minutes and meeting papers.

Australian Society for the Study of Labour History - Federal, 1990-1999 (File 14) - Box 4 (MS 10650)

Includes correspondence, newsletters, minutes and meeting papers.

Australian Society for the Study of Labour History - Federal, 2000-2022 (File 15) - Box 4 (MS 10650)

Includes copy of Radical currents: Autumn issue 1; The Western Worker issue number 8 September 2019; correspondence, newsletters, editorial board meeting minutes and papers; book conference pamphlets.

Australian Society for the Study of Labour History - Brisbane Branch, 2005-2019 (File 16) - Box 4 (MS 10650)
Australian Society for the Study of Labour History - Melbourne Branch, 1985-2022 (File 17) - Box 4 (MS 10650)
Australian Society for the Study of Labour History - Sydney Branch, 1983-1994 (File 18) - Box 4 (MS 10650)
Australian Society for the Study of Labour History - Sydney Branch, 1995-2016 (File 19) - Box 4 (MS 10650)
Australian Society for the Study of Labour History - Sydney Branch Newsletter, 2000-2005 (File 20) - Box 4 (MS 10650)

Labour History News.

Class 3. Consignment received February 2023, 1972-2022

This consignment comprises papers relating to Burgmann's academic life (1982-2020) with a large portion dedicated to applications to the Australian Research Council and other research grant schemes. Included are applications and progress reports for other researchers, as well as Burgmann's, working papers for The People's history of Australia, a four-volume series Burgmann co-edited with Jenny Lee. These papers span 1983-1989 and include correspondence with contributors, publishers and supporters of the project along with financial papers, summary drafts, style guides and charts. There are copies of reviews and letter grams of congratulations.There are Burgmann's examiner reports, manuscript assessment and supervision samples from her time at the University of Melbourne.

Research grants, 1980s (File 21) - Box 4 (MS 10650)

Grant reports.

Research grants, 1990s (File 22) - Box 4 (MS 10650)

Correspondence with University of Melbourne.

Research grant applications - other people, 1980s-1990s (File 23) - Box 4 (MS 10650)

Australian Research Council.

Australian Research Council grant applications, 2001 (File 24) - Box 4 (MS 10650)

Copies of project proposal Vanguards and the Avant-gardes with annotations by Stuart Macintyre.

Australian Research Council grant applications, 2004-2006 (File 25) - Box 5 (MS 10650)

Application, correspondence and acceptance of grant for Reason in revolt: the role of intellectuals in Australian radicalism.

Australian Research Council grant applications, 2004-2006 (File 26) - Box 5 (MS 10650)

Project and reporting on Reason in revolt: the role of intellectuals in Australian radicalism.

Australian Research Council grant applications, 2006 (File 27) - Box 5 (MS 10650)

Applications discussions via emails and letters.

Roger Coates Labour History Research Grant, 2009-2010 (File 28) - Box 5 (MS 10650)

Application guidelines and acceptance letter and progress report on Reason in revolt: the role of intellectuals in Australian radicalism.

Grant application management system, 2009-2012 (File 29) - Box 5 (MS 10650)

Printouts of applicant view of ARC's online records.

Australian Research Council grant, 2007-2009 (File 30) - Box 5 (MS 10650)

Correspondence and project description of Imagining the Great Southern Land.

Australian Research Council grant, 2009 (File 31) - Box 5 (MS 10650)

Application for Unionism in Sweden, Korea, Australia (unsuccessful).

Australian Research Council grant, 2007-2008 (File 32) - Box 5 (MS 10650)

Linkage application for Banners in the streets: the role and impact of union material culture on Australian society.

Australian Research Council grant, 2009-2010 (File 33) - Box 5 (MS 10650)

Application for Changing the climate: imagining catastrophe with Kate Rigby.

Australian Business number, 2000 (File 34) - Box 5 (MS 10650)

Statements and correspondence.

Academy of the Social Sciences, 1999-2001 (File 35) - Box 5 (MS 10650)

Membership correspondence, meeting minutes and event programs.

Academy of the Social Sciences, 2007-2009 (File 36) - Box 5 (MS 10650)

Annual report and Dialogue: volume 27 number 3 and volume 28 number 1.

Academy of the Social Sciences, 2011 (File 37) - Box 5 (MS 10650)

Nominations from panels and for fellowships.

Copyright Agency Limited, 1995-2016 (File 38) - Box 5 (MS 10650)

Records of works, guidelines and certificate.

University of Melbourne Information Technology Services, 1993-1994 (File 39) - Box 5 (MS 10650)

Introduction to the world wide web and word 6 windows guides.

Computer course notes, 1997 (File 40) - Box 6 (MS 10650)

Handwritten notes and printouts.

University of Melbourne Information Technology Services, 2003-2007 (File 41) - Box 6 (MS 10650)

Outlook courses.

Software discs, 2000-2011 (File 42) - Box 6 (MS 10650)

Not selected for preservation: Loose software discs Microsoft (5 discs in hardcase + 3 soft) and McAfee 1 disc in cardboard pocket) , Dell (1 disc in hardcase+ 1 soft), AOL (1 disc soft) .

University of Melbourne Information Technology Services, 2009-2012 (File 43) - Box 6 (MS 10650)


University of Melbourne Information Technology Services, 2009-2012 (File 44) - Box 6 (MS 10650)

Printed material for Hardware and software.

Connecting to Eduroam, 2017 (File 45) - Box 6 (MS 10650)

Printouts of instructions.

Copyright Agency Limited, 2006-2011 (File 46) - Box 6 (MS 10650)

Repayments to Allen and Unwin.

Educational Lending Right, 1991-2001 (File 47) - Box 6 (MS 10650)

Public Lending Rights.

Australian Research Council grant, 2010-2012 (File 48) - Box 6 (MS 10650)

Drafts and mentoring for Workers of the world.

Australian Research Council grant, 2010-2012 (File 49) - Box 6 (MS 10650)

Application process for Workers of the world.

Australian Research Council grant, 2010-2012 (File 50) - Box 6 (MS 10650)

Administration for Workers of the world.

Australian Research Council grant, 2012-2013 (File 51) - Box 6 (MS 10650)

Application for 'Raging against the rich: the occupy movement and it's antecedents.

Australian Research Council grant, 2016-2017 (File 52) - Box 7 (MS 10650)

Application for Deliberating post-neoliberal futures convergence amongst alternatives with James Goodman.

Australian Research Council grant, 2018-2019 (File 53) - Box 7 (MS 10650)

Application for Direct action history social movements democracy with Sean Scalmer.

Australian Research Council linkage, 2019-2020 (File 54) - Box 7 (MS 10650)

Application for Democracy, participation and knowledge: Australian campaigning with Sean Scalmer.

People's history project, 1983 (Item NLA.MS-SAVA000493) - Cassette-Box SAVA 26

1 item, Gtape low noise 120, Compact cassette tape

Discussion with Sydney contributors Sunday 3rd July; recording of Melbourne meeting failed.

People's history project, 1988 (Item NLA.MS-SAVA000494) - Cassette-Box SAVA 26

1 item, NLZ C90, Compact cassette tape

Verity Burgmann interviewed on 3CR Melbourne about A People's History of Australia (McPhee Gribble, Penguin) 19th September, edited by Verity Burgmann and Jenny Lee.

People's history project, n.d. (File 55) - Box 7 (MS 10650)

Contributor cards and other contacts.

People's history project correspondence, 1982-1986 (File 56) - Box 8 (MS 10650)

Letters from people who declined or backed out.

People's history project correspondence, 1982-1984 (File 57) - Box 8 (MS 10650)

Letters from Peter Love until he withdrew as an editor.

People's history project correspondence, 1983-1988 (File 58) - Box 8 (MS 10650)

From non-contributors.

People's history project correspondence, n.d. (File 59) - Box 8 (MS 10650)

Loose correspondence from contributors ordered by surname, with titles.

People's history project correspondence, n.d. (File 59a) - Box 8 (MS 10650)

Loose correspondence from contributors ordered by surname, with titles.

People's history project correspondence, n.d. (File 59b) - Box 8 (MS 10650)

Loose correspondence from contributors ordered by surname, with titles.

People's history project correspondence, n.d. (File 59c) - Box 8 (MS 10650)

Loose correspondence from contributors ordered by surname, with titles.

People's history project, n.d. (File 60) - Box 8 (MS 10650)


People's history project, c1988 (File 61) - Box 8 (MS 10650)

Photocopies of reviews for individual volumes; Volume 1 A Most valuable acquisition; Volume 2 Making a life, Volume 3 Constructing a culture, Volume 4 Staining the wattle.

People's history project, 1988-2019 (File 62) - Box 8 (MS 10650)

Photocopies of reviews for all volumes.

Post graduate supervision samples, c1997 (File 63) - Box 9 (MS 10650)

Max Edwards: Phd Supervision.

Post graduate supervision samples, 1997-2001 (File 64) - Box 9 (MS 10650)

David Risstroms: Phd Supervision.

Post graduate supervision samples, c2012 (File 65) - Box 9 (MS 10650)

Judy McVey: M.A. Supervision.

Post graduate supervision samples, 2012 (File 66) - Box 9 (MS 10650)

Gonzalo Villanueua: Phd Supervision.

Post graduate supervision samples, 2012 (File 67) - Box 9 (MS 10650)

Liam Cooper: Phd Supervision.

Post graduate supervision samples, 2005-2012 (File 68) - Box 9 (MS 10650)

Gary Foley: Phd Supervision.

Post graduate supervision samples, 2009 (File 69) - Box 9 (MS 10650)

Kristy Yeats: Phd Supervision.

Examiner's reports, 1989-1994 (File 70) - Box 9 (MS 10650)

Internal: small selection: most electronic only.

Examiner's reports, 1989-2013 (File 71) - Box 9 (MS 10650)

External: small selection: most electronic only.

Post graduate supervision samples, 1990 (File 72) - Box 9 (MS 10650)

Joy Damousi PhD Thesis Examiners' reports

Post graduate supervision samples, 2010 (File 73) - Box 9 (MS 10650)

Marissa Brookes Fullbright Scholar supervisor

Manuscript assessment, 1984-1985 (File 74) - Box 9 (MS 10650)

Robert James's: photocopy of M.A. thesis, cover letter to Burgmann and copy of reader's report.

Manuscript assessment, 2000 (File 75) - Box 9 (MS 10650)

Sean Scalmer: copy of manuscript with cover letter to Burgmann.

Melbourne University student open day, 1988-2010 (File 76) - Folio-Box (Shared)

Notes for the open day talks the political science, sociology, Arts Faculty.

Melbourne University student open day, n.d. (Item 76a) - Box 10 (MS 10650)

Posters assembled by Burgmann for the Political Science Department desk.

Transition program enhancement talk, n.d. (File 77) - Box 10 (MS 10650)

Typed notes.

Fourth year orientation talk, n.d. (File 78) - Box 10 (MS 10650)

Handwritten notes.

Arts faculty attempt to mandate pre-requisite subjects, 2002 (File 79) - Box 10 (MS 10650)

V.C.E. (Victorian Certificate of Education) Humanities/Social Science: Copies of emails, notes on subjects and university entry.

Jokes, n.d. (File 80) - Box 10 (MS 10650)

Howlers, c2010 (File 81) - Box 10 (MS 10650)

Melbourne model: the musical, n.d. (File 82) - Box 10 (MS 10650)

Flyer and program.

Essay writing guides, 1972-2008 (File 83) - Box 10 (MS 10650)

From University of Sydney, University of New South Wales and University of Melbourne.

Proof-reading instructions, n.d. (File 84) - Box 10 (MS 10650)

Punctuation, n.d. (File 85) - Box 10 (MS 10650)

Style guides, 1987-1993 (File 86) - Box 10 (MS 10650)

Copies of various style guides

The Allen and Unwin style guide for authors and editors, n.d. (Item 86a) - Box 10 (MS 10650)
Politics and the social sciences essay writing and style guide Australasian Political Studies Association, 1993 (Item 86b) - Box 10 (MS 10650)
A style book for journalism students by Ron Perry, n.d. (Item 86c) - Box 10 (MS 10650)
Watch your language!: a guide to gender neutral speech and writing, University of Melbourne, 1987 (Item 86d) - Box 10 (MS 10650)

Style guides, 2001-2011 (File 87) - Box 10 (MS 10650)

Printouts of various publisher guides.

A people's history of Australia since 1788: mailouts, 1986-1988 (File 88) - Box 10 (MS 10650)

Copies of letters to contributors: working title Australia since the British invasion; a people's history.

A people's history of Australia since 1788: one page summaries, c1983 (File 89) - Box 10 (MS 10650)

Typed pages from contributors of The people's history.

A people's history of Australia since 1788, n.d. (File 90) - Box 10 (MS 10650)

Mock up and photocopies with title variations.

A people's history of Australia since 1788: contact lists, n.d. (File 91) - Box 10 (MS 10650)

A people's history of Australia since 1788: subsidy attempts, 1986-1987 (File 92) - Box 10 (MS 10650)

Copies of forms and letters to obtain contributions for the publishing costs of A People's history of Australia since 1788.

A people's history of Australia since 1788 funding and word-processing costs, 1986 (File 93) - Box 10 (MS 10650)

Financial papers including correspondence.

A people's history of Australia since 1788: outlines: Dead Sea scrolls, King James, n.d. (File 94) - Box 11 (MS 10650)

Working copies of outlines of A People's History of Australia.

A people's history of Australia since 1788: outlines: revised standard versions, n.d. (File 95) - Box 11 (MS 10650)

Working copies of outlines of A People's History of Australia.

A people's history of Australia since 1788: general introduction drafts, n.d. (File 96) - Box 11 (MS 10650)

A people's history of Australia since 1788: introduction and prefaces, c1987 (File 97) - Box 11 (MS 10650)

Includes blurbs and acknowledgements

A people's history of Australia since 1788: notes on contributors, c1985-1988 (File 98) - Box 11 (MS 10650)

Typed and handwritten notes from contributors and typed mock-ups.

A people's history of Australia since 1788: permissions, 1986-1988 (File 99) - Box 11 (MS 10650)

Correspondence with libraries, publishers and photographers to gain permission to reproduce and publish images.

A people's history of Australia since 1788: publishers McPhee Gribble and Penguin, 1986-1992 (File 100) - Box 11 (MS 10650)

Correspondence and contract on project with working title Australia since the British Invasion: a people's history: also includes publisher blurbs for A Most valuable acquisition.

A people's history of Australia since 1788: undertakings, 1986 (File 101) - Box 11 (MS 10650)

Agreement signed by contributors.

A people's history of Australia since 1788: miscellany, promotion, publicity, 1987-1989 (File 102) - Box 11 (MS 10650)

Correspondence with feedback to the publication, abstract, ephemera from awards and conference meets: also blurbs and publicity flyers for volume four - Staining the wattle.

A people's history of Australia since 1788: telegrams, launch, 1988 (File 103) - Box 11 (MS 10650)

Letter grams and letters of congratulations from Alastair Thomson, Philip McMichael, Barry York, Paul Gillen, Lee Wlley, John Docker, Joan Fox, Jack Mundey, Ray Evans, Clive Moore.

A people's history of Australia since 1788: charts, 1983-1988 (File 12) - Map-Folio 12 (MS 10650)

Organisation and planning charts for project.

Charts for planning and organising, 1983 - 1988 (Items 12.1-4) - Map-Folio 12 (MS 10650)

Class 4. Consignment received December 2023, 1978 - 2022

1.2 metres,

This consignment comprises mainly conference papers (1978 - 2022) relating to political studies, social protest, and labour history. The working papers, programs, published conference proceedings, abstracts, and ephemera highlight Burgmann's involvement as a prominent contributor to both Australian and international conferences organised by the likes of the Australian Society for the study of Labour History, the International Political Science Association. There's also applications and reports for Burgmann's special studies programs while Associate Professor of Political Science at Melbourne University.

Series 12. Academic life: special studies - Box 13 (MS 10650)

Special studies program, 1991 - 1992 (File 105) - Box 13 (MS 10650)


Special studies program, 1996 (File 106) - Box 13 (MS 10650)
Special studies program, 2000 (File 107) - Box 13 (MS 10650)


Canada, 2002 (File 108) - Box 13 (MS 10650)
Special studies program, 2004 (File 109) - Box 13 (MS 10650)


China march, 2007 (File 110) - Box 13 (MS 10650)
Sabbatical, 2007 (File 111) - Box 13 (MS 10650)
Special studies program, 2008 (File 112) - Box 13 (MS 10650)


Travel diaries, 2005 - 2008 (File 113) - Box 13 (MS 10650)
Special studies program, 2009 (File 114) - Box 13 (MS 10650)


Special studies program, 2010 (File 115) - Box 13 (MS 10650)

Short: USA (United States of America).

Special studies program, 2011 (File 116) - Box 13 (MS 10650)


Special studies program, 2012 (File 117) - Box 13 (MS 10650)

Short: Spain.

USA and London, 2012 (File 118) - Box 13 (MS 10650)

University of Texas at Austin.

X account, 2012 (File 119) - Box 13 (MS 10650)

Series 13. Academic life: conferences - Box 13 (MS 10650)

Historical Materialism Annual Conference, 7 - 9 November 2008 (File 120) - Box 14 (MS 10650)

School of Oriental and African Studies, London.

Historical Materialism Annual Conference, 27-29 November 2009 (File 121) - Box 14 (MS 10650)

School of Oriental and African Studies, London.

International Labour Process Conference, 15-17 March 2010 (File 122) - Box 14 (MS 10650)

Rutgers University, New Jersey.

Historical Materialism Annual Conference, 18 - 20 March 2010 (File 123) - Box 14 (MS 10650)

Cultural Studies Association Annual Meeting.

Historical Materialism Annual Conference, 8-11 November 2012 (File 124) - Box 14 (MS 10650)

School of Oriental and African Studies, London.

Global Labour University Conference, 2016 (File 125) - Box 14 (MS 10650)

Call for papers.

Work Employment and Society Conference, 6-8 September 2016 (File 126) - Box 14 (MS 10650)

University of Leeds.

Second World Congress on Marxism, 5-6 May 2018 (File 127) - Box 14 (MS 10650)

Commemoration of 200 year birth of Karl Marx, Peking University , Beijing; conference ephemera includes hand drawn map, metal badge, bookmark, landscape postcards

Petro cultures 2018: Transitions conference, 29 August - 1 September 2018 (File 128) - Box 14 (MS 10650)

University of Glasgow.

Conference: From economic science fictions to labour as commons, 21 June 2019 (File 129) - Box 14 (MS 10650)

Middlesex University.

Women and labour conference, May 1978 - 1979 (File 130) - Box 15 (MS 10650)


Second women and labour conference, 1980 (File 131) - Box 15 (MS 10650)

Papers volume 1.

Second women and labour conference, 1980 (File 132) - Box 15 (MS 10650)

Papers volume 2.

Communists and the Labor movement conference, 22-24 August 1980 (File 133) - Box 15 (MS 10650)


9th Marxist summer school and festival, 11-19 January 1986 (File 134) - Box 15 (MS 10650)

Sydney University.

Historians on history forum, 16 May 1993 (File 135) - Box 15 (MS 10650)

Socialism and labour; University of Melbourne.

Old left and Australian historiography seminar, 3 December 1993 (File 136) - Box 15 (MS 10650)

Macquarie University.

Popular education and activism in hard times conference, April 1997 (File 137) - Box 15 (MS 10650)

University of Technology, Sydney.

Understanding the movement against corporate globalisation workshop, 14-15 July 2002 (File 138) - Box 15 (MS 10650)

University of Wollongong.

Winter School on advocacy and social action, 16-18 July 1999 (File 138) - Box 15 (MS 10650)

Trades Hall, Melbourne.

Overland: ruling class ruling culture conference, 19-21 July 2002 (File 140) - Box 15 (MS 10650)

Trades Hall, Melbourne.

Social movements in action conference, 7 June 2003 (File 141) - Box 15 (MS 10650)

University of Technology, Sydney.

Globalism and its challengers conference, 2005 (File 142) - Box 15 (MS 10650)


The Coal rush and beyond: comparative perspectives, 12-13 December 2013 (File 143) - Box 15 (MS 10650)

ASSA (Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia) Workshop, university of Technology, Sydney.

Populism, capitalism and the alternative?, 25-26 November 2016 (File 144) - Box 15 (MS 10650)

Historical materialism conference, Sydney.

Capital and the revolt against capitalism, 7-8 December 2017 (File 145) - Box 15 (MS 10650)

Historical materialism conference, University of Sydney.

Alternative futures conference, 22-23 November 2018 (File 146) - Box 15 (MS 10650)

University of Newcastle, Sydney campus.

Historical materialism conference 1 and 2, 2019 - 2022 (File 147) - Box 15 (MS 10650)

No middle ground

Theodore Fink memorial seminar, 28 April 2021 (File 148) - Box 15 (MS 10650)

Workers in search of an education.

Australian Canadian Labour history conference, December 1988 (File 149) - Box 16 (MS 10650)

University of Sydney.

Maritime strike (1890) Conference, December 1990 (File 150) - Box 16 (MS 10650)

To commemorate Eric Frey, Wollongong

Celebration of History, 2-4 October 1997 (File 151) - Box 16 (MS 10650)

Folder without contents for the National Conference of the Australian Society for the Study of Labour History.

Frontiers of Labour, 2-4 October 1997 (File 152) - Box 16 (MS 10650)

ASSLH (Australian Society for the study of Labour History) conference, Perth.

Labour and community, proceedings of the sixth national conference, 2-4 October 1999 (File 153) - Box 16 (MS 10650)

ASSLH (Australian Society for the study of Labour History) conference.

Journal of the Illawarra Branch of the Australian Society for the study of Labour History Special conference issue, 1-4 October 1999 (File 154) - Box 16 (MS 10650)

Volume 2 no. 1.

Labour history in Australia since 1975: a retrospective and a look forward, 4-5 December 1999 (File 155) - Box 16 (MS 10650)

A conference to recognise John Merritt's role in the study of Labour History.

Working life and federation conference, 28 April 2000 (File 156) - Box 16 (MS 10650)

ASSLH (Australian Society for the study of Labour History) conference, Sydney.

Work, organisation, struggle: 7th national Labour history conference, Australian National University, 19-21 April 2001 (File 157) - Box 16 (MS 10650)

ASSLH (Australian Society for the study of Labour History) conference program, Canberra.

Social protest movement and the Labour movement, 22-23 September 2001 (File 158) - Box 16 (MS 10650)

ASSLH (Australian Society for the study of Labour History) Sydney branch conference.

The Past is before us: conference program, 30 June - 2 July 2005 (File 159) - Box 16 (MS 10650)

The 9th labour history conference, The University of Sydney.

Labour traditions: conference program, 4 - 6 July 2007 (File 160) - Box 16 (MS 10650)

The 10th labour history conference, Melbourne University.

Labour history in the new century, 8 - 10 July 2009 (File 161) - Box 16 (MS 10650)

ASSLH (Australian Society for the study of Labour History), Perth.

Australian- United States comparative and transnational labour history conference, 8-9 January 2015 (File 162) - Box 16 (MS 10650)

ASSLH (Australian Society for the study of Labour History) and Labor and Working Class History Association (USA) at the University of Sydney.

Fighting against war: peace activism in the Twentieth Century, 11-13 February 2015 (File 163) - Box 16 (MS 10650)

ASSLH Conference, University of Melbourne.

Workers of the world: 15th biennial labour history conference, University of Queensland, 23-25 September 2017 (File 164) - Box 16 (MS 10650)

ASSLH (Australian Society for the study of Labour History) Brisbane Labor History Association.

Activism, struggle and labour history, 3-5 October 2019 (File 165) - Box 16 (MS 10650)

ASSLH (Australian Society for the study of Labour History) Conference, Perth Trades Hall.

APSA Conference, University of NSW (New South Wales), 24-27 September 1989 (File 166) - Box 17 (MS 10650)
Australasian Political Studies Association, conference, 1993-1997 (File 167) - Box 17 (MS 10650)

Program and abstracts.

Australasian Political Studies Association, conference, 1999-2004 (File 168) - Box 17 (MS 10650)

Program and abstracts.

IPSA (International Political Science Association) Conference, Fukuoka, Japan, 9th-13th July 2006 (File 169) - Box 17 (MS 10650)

Conference information. Includes lanyard and polyester Traditional Japanese wrapping cloths – also known as 'furoshiki' with printed conference details.

Australasian Political Studies Association conference, 24-26 September 2007 (File 170) - Box 17 (MS 10650)

Program and abstracts.

Australian Political Studies Association conference, 2009-2012 (File 171) - Box 17 (MS 10650)

Conference program.

IPSA (International Political Science Association) 22nd world congress, 8-12 July 2012 (File 172) - Box 17 (MS 10650)

Madrid, Spain.

Issues in contemporary Australian politics, 1983 (File 173) - Box 18 (MS 10650)

Occasional papers.

Disunities writers speak, Carnivale, 3-11 September 1988 (File 174) - Box 18 (MS 10650)


The Making of nations, 8-13 February 1988 (File 175) - Box 18 (MS 10650)

Australian Historical Association conference, University of Sydney.

Australian frontiers conference, 18-22 April 1995 (File 176) - Box 18 (MS 10650)

Australian Studies Centre, University of Queensland.

Australian identities, 3-6 July 1996 (File 177) - Box 18 (MS 10650)

British Australian Studies Association conference, University College Dublin.

Comparing Australia, August 1996 (File 178) - Box 18 (MS 10650)

British Australian Studies Association conference, University of Stirling Scotland.

The Federalism forums, 3 August 2001 (File 179) - Box 18 (MS 10650)

The Relationships between Australian parties and Federalism, Centenary of Federation, NSW Parliament.

History Department of ANU (Australian National University), December 1999 (File 180) - Box 18 (MS 10650)

The 50th Anniversary.

Cultural Studies Association of Australasia National Conference, 6-9 December 2008 (File 181) - Box 18 (MS 10650)

Western Australian School of Mines, Kalgoorlie.

Developing a movement to support a training culture: experts roundtable, 17 May 1999 (File 182) - Box 18 (MS 10650)

University of Technology, Sydney.

Social democratic parties and business: An historical analysis, 28 September 2009 (File 183) - Box 18 (MS 10650)

University of Sydney. Business and Labour History Group conference.

American Historical Association Conference, 6-9 January 2011 (File 184) - Box 18 (MS 10650)

Boston, United States of America

European Social Science History Conference, 11-14 April 2012 (File 185) - Box 18 (MS 10650)

University of Glasgow.

Encountering Australia: transcultural conversations, 24-26 September 2014 (File 186) - Box 18 (MS 10650)

Monash Prato Centre, Italy.

Ideals and projects of perfection, 10-12 October 2018 (File 187) - Box 18 (MS 10650)

Flagship event Australian National University.

Democracy: risk, relevance, revival, 28-29 November 2022 (File 188) - Box 18 (MS 10650)

Academy of the Social Sciences Annual Symposium University of Melbourne.

Series 14. Utopian Studies Society Europe Conferences, 2005-2008 - Box 19 (MS 10650)

Utopias and globalization: from early modernity to the 21st Century, 30 June-2 July 2005 (File 189) - Box 19 (MS 10650)

New Lanark, Scotland.

Imagining the future: utopia, dystopia and science fiction, 6-7 December 2005 (File 190) - Box 19 (MS 10650)

Colloquy journal: Monash University, Clayton, Victoria.

Demanding the impossible: Utopia, dystopia and science fiction, 5-7 December 2007 (File 191) - Box 19 (MS 10650)

Monash University, Clayton, Victoria.

USS Conference, July 2008 (File 192) - Box 19 (MS 10650)

University of Limerick, Ireland.

Changing the climate: Utopia, dystopia and catastrophe, 30 August - September 2010 (File 193) - Box 19 (MS 10650)

The 4th Australian conference, Monash University, Melbourne.

Utopia, crisis, justice, USS conference, 8-11 July 2011 (File 194) - Box 19 (MS 10650)

University of Cyprus, Nicosia

The Shape of things to come, USS conference, 4-7 July 2012 (File 195) - Box 19 (MS 10650)

Universität Rovirai Virgili, Tarragona, Spain.

Utopia and nonviolence, USS conference, 2-5 July 2014 (File 196) - Box 19 (MS 10650)

Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic; Includes conference tote bag.

Utopia and the ends of the city, USS conference, 1-4 July 2015 (File 197) - Box 19 (MS 10650)

Newcastle University, United Kingdom.

500 years of utopias: commemorating the 500th Anniversary of Thomas More's Utopia, 5-9 July 2016 (File 198) - Box 19 (MS 10650)

New University of Lisbon.

Solidarity and utopia, USS conference, 5-8 July 2017 (File 199) - Box 19 (MS 10650)

University of Gdańsk, Poland.

19th International conference of the Utopian Studies, society, Europe, 9-12 July 2018 (File 200) - Box 19 (MS 10650)

Universität Rovirai Virgili, Tarragona, Spain.

Utopia, dystopia and climate change, USS Conference, 1-5 July 2019 (File 201) - Box 19 (MS 10650)

Monash University Aato Centre, Italy.

Series 15. International Labour History conferences, 2000 - 2017 - Box 20 (MS 10650)

Global labour history in the twenty-first century, 23-25 November 2000 (File 202) - Box 20 (MS 10650)

A Conference celebrating the 65th Anniversary of the International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam.

Writing Canadian labour: Critical Perspectives conference, 31 May-2 June 2002 (File 203) - Box 20 (MS 10650)

Trent University, Canada.

Pacific Northwest labour history conference, 1- 2 June 2005 (File 204) - Box 20 (MS 10650)

Simon Fraser University at Harbour Centre Vancouver, British Columbia.

Trans-Tasman labour history conference: comparative or transnational?, 30 January-1 February 2007 (File 205) - Box 20 (MS 10650)

Conference proceedings; hosted by the Centre for work and labour market studies and School of Social Sciences, Auckland University of Technology Auckland, New Zealand; Includes conference tote bag.

Labor, slavery and freedom in a global age program, 18-20 October 2007 (File 206) - Box 20 (MS 10650)

29th annual North American Labor History conference, Wane State University.

Strikes and social conflicts international conference program, 16-20 March 2011 (File 207) - Box 20 (MS 10650)

Instituto de História Contemporânea Lisbon, Portugal; includes tote bag.

Strikes and social conflicts international second conference program, 15-17 May 2013 (File 208) - Box 20 (MS 10650)

Maison des Sciences de l'Homme de Dijon, France; includes speaker itinerary.

Strikes and social conflicts international third conference program, 16-19 June 2015 (File 209) - Box 20 (MS 10650)

Universität Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain.

Scales of struggle: communities, movements and global connections conference program, 22-25 June 2017 (File 210) - Box 20 (MS 10650)

Labour and Working Class History Association, University of Washington, Seattle.
