Guide to the Papers of Austin Byrne


MS 3736

National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

Online Items

Series 7. Record Disks and Audio Tape - Box 6

This series comprise two 45" record disks, one entitled "The Immortal Smithy" by Chas McKinnon and a second entitled a "Tribute To the Great Fokker FV11 B3M 'Southern Cross' And All Who Flew In Her" by Jonnie Russell recorded in 1982 on side two of which is a song entitled "The Immortal Aussie" and an audio tape of the same...

Thank you from Mr. Austin Bryne (Item NLA.MS-SAV014276) - Cassette-Box 690

for help researching 'Southern Cross' memorial

Jonnie Russell's Tribute to the Great Fokker FV11 B3M 'Southern Cross' and all who flew in her'. (Item NLA.MS-SAV015498) - Cassette Box 725

Side A:'The Immortal Southern Cross'. Side B: 'The Immortal Aussie'. Both by Jonnie Russell
