Guide to the records of the Foreign Office (as filmed by the AJCP)



National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

Created: 2018

Collection Summary

Foreign Office. Great Britain
Records of the Foreign Office (as filmed by the AJCP)
Date Range
1761 - 1952
Collection Number
5908 items
Language of Materials
Australian Joint Copying Project
The Australian Joint Copying Project (AJCP) online portal was created by the National Library of Australia with the assistance of the Australian Public Service Modernisation Fund, 2017-2020. The National Library of Australia gratefully acknowledges the contribution of the other foundation AJCP partners, the State Library of New South Wales and The National Archives of the UK, and all other organisations which supported the work of the AJCP, the world's most extensive collaborative copying project, operating from 1948 to 1997.


Scope and Contents

The Foreign Office records filmed under the Australian Joint Copying Project are all records created after 1872. They consist of material dealing mainly with the Pacific area and correspondence concerning British and other colonial policies and dependencies in the area.

The finding aid includes the following record groups:

General Correspondence from political and other departments

This broad group of records consists chiefly of original despatches and reports from British diplomatic and consular representatives abroad, correspondence with foreign missions in England, etc. The group consists of three categories.

1. General Correspondence before 1906

This group of Series is arranged alphabetically by Series bearing the names of the foreign countries concerned and includes: United States (FO 5), Borneo (FO 12), France (FO 27), Pacific Islands (FO 58), Prussia and Germany (FO 64), and Sardinia (FO 67).

2. General Correspondence after 1906

These Series are not arranged by country, but by headings such as Commercial, Consular and Political and include: Political (FO 371) and Registers of General Correspondence (FO 566).

3. Other Series

The only Class copied from the category is: Great Britain and General (FO 83).

Embassy and Consular Archives

Only one Series has been copied by the AJCP in this group of records: France (FO 687).

Records of Conference, Committees and Councils

Records relating to the 1919-1920 Peace Conference (FO 608).

Records of Private Office and Private Papers

The personal papers of Foreign Secretaries and officials of the Foreign Office (FO 800) including Sir Frank Cavendish Lascelles (1841-1920), Sir James Ferguson (1832-1907), Sir Walter Langley (1855-1918), Sir Edward Grey (1862-1933), Henry Charles Petty-Fitzmaurice (1845-1927), James Ramsay MacDonald (1866-1937), Rufus Daniel Isaacs (1860-1935), Sir Austen Chamberlain (1863-1937), , Sir Orme Sargent (1884-1962), Arthur Henderson (1863-1935), Sir John Simon (1873-1954), Edward l Wood (1881-1959), James Bryce (1838-1922), Sir Arthur Nicolson (1849-1928) and Ernest Bevin (1881-1951).

Conditions Governing Access

Available for access.

Conditions Governing Use

Many of the records digitised as part of the AJCP are still in copyright. Readers wishing to publish or reproduce documents should seek permission, in the first instance, from the National Archives of the UK. Further advice is available from: The National Archives of the UK. Copyright (

Preferred Citation

Acknowledgement of use of this material should refer to the location of the original material (The National Archives of the UK) and to the Australian Joint Copying Project.

Citation of items from this collection should include references to the location of the original material at the National Archives of the UK and to the AJCP nla.obj number, which serves as the online identifier for the digital copy.

Example: TNA Series: CO 201/429, New South Wales. Original Correspondence. Despatches May-June 1850 (AJCP ref:

Further information on citation guidelines is available at The National Archives of the UK ( ).

Archival History

Material selectively filmed as part of the Australian Joint Copying Project, 1950s-1990s (AJCP Reels: 1507; 1509; 5779; 7115; 1509-1539; 1672-1798; 2884-2894; 2894-2898; 2902-2913; 3500-3548; 3585-3683; 3688-3693; 3971-4097; 4352-4391; 4941-5019; 6309-6317; 6310-6317; 6333-6338; 6839-6841; 6898-6910; 6972-6992; 7270-7282; 7295-7313).

Original microfilm digitised as part of the AJCP Online Delivery Project, 2017-2020.

Existence and Location of Originals

The National Archives of the UK (TNA).

Collection Reference: FO. For further information see Records created or inherited by the Foreign Office, The National Archives of the UK (

Existence and Location of Copies

Digitised copies of this material may be available from The National Archives of the UK (TNA).

Series within this Collection available online: FO 800

For more information see: TNA Digital Microfilm Records

The original AJCP microfilm of the records filmed from this collection is available at the National Library of Australia [] as well as other institutions holding AJCP microfilm.

Finding Aid Note

Dates used in the this finding aid refer to those of the records selected for filming by the Australian Joint Copying Project (AJCP) rather than to the date range of the original Series or File.

This online finding aid, published by the National Library of Australia in 2018, is a revised online version of the original paper handbooks:

Australian Joint Copying Project. Handbook Part 5. Foreign Office, National Library of Australia and State Library of New South Wales, reprinted 1984.

Australian Joint Copying Project. Handbook Part 11. Classes filmed in the final five years of the Autralian Joint Copying Project, pp. 108-145, National Library of Australia, 2005.

Advisory Statement

Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this Finding Aid contains material and descriptive information which may be considered culturally sensitive and may cause distress, including names and images of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people now deceased. This Finding Aid contains terms that reflect authors' views or those of the historical period, but which may not be considered appropriate today. While the information may not reflect current understanding, it is provided in an historical context.


Great Britain: Foreign Office


This revised finding-aid was originally published as:

Australian Joint Copying Project. Handbook Part 5. Foreign Office, National Library of Australia and State Library of New South Wales, reprinted 1984.

Australian Joint Copying Project. Handbook Part 11. Classes filmed in the final five years of the Australian Joint Copying Project, pp. 108-145, National Library of Australia, 2005.

Administrative History


Until 1782, the two secretaries of state under the direction of the Sovereign shared responsibility for foreign affairs. In 1872 the office of the Northern Department became the Foreign Office, headed by a single Secretary of State. There were originally two political departments, each divided geographically.

Jeremy Sneyd, the Chief Clerk, described the functions of the new office in 1785:

The business of the Secretary of State's Office for the Foreign Department, consists in conducting the correspondence with all Foreign Courts, negotiating with the Ambassadors or Ministers of all the Foreign Courts in Europe, as well as of the United States of America, and receiving and making representations and applications to and from the same, and in corresponding with the other principal Departments of the State thereupon.

By the end of the eighteenth century the selection of a Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs had become largely a matter for the Prime Minister rather than the Sovereign, with foreign policy being directed by a Cabinet within which the Foreign Secretary was a pre-eminent member.

During the nineteenth century, some general departments were created, such as the Treaty and Royal Letters Department (1814), Consular Department (1825), Slave Trade Department (1841), Commercial Department (1865) and Communications Department (1922). Compared to most departments of state, the organisation and functions of the Foreign Office changed very little in two hundred years. At different times, it has taken over some of the functions of other offices, such as the Board of Trade, and in 1968 it merged with the Commonwealth Office.

Until 1906, most of the records of the Foreign Office were arranged by country and the Australian Joint Copying Project filmed several of those Series, usually selectively: Pacific Islands, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and the United States. After 1906 the records are not grouped by country but under headings such as Political, Commercial and Consular.

Until 1909, no distinction was made between those Foreign Office records created before 1872 and those created after that date. The earlier records were designated State Papers Foreign, the remainder being classified as the Foreign Office Group.

Departments of the Foreign Office

The departments of the Foreign Office fall into two categories - political and non-political. There were originally two political departments, one for each Under Secretary, again divided geographically. There were numerous administrative changes after 1815, including the abolition of the third Under Secretaryship in 1827 with subsequent rearrangement of the departments. That then superintended by the Government Under Secretary included Austria, France, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Turkey, Egypt and Greece. The Permanent Under Secretary headed a department including Russia, Prussia, Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, German States, North and South America and Persia.

Consular Department

Until 1825 no organisational distinction was drawn between diplomatic and consular affairs. In that year, following the Consular Advances Act, a separate Consular Department was established. The Senior Clerk was nominally responsible to the Under Secretaries, each of whom was concerned with the consular affairs of the countries under his political superintendence. Consuls did not necessarily deal exclusively with the Consular Department; some posts conducted both a political and consular series of correspondence, and most posts corresponded to some extent with the other non-political departments.

Slave Trade Department

This department was responsible for executing the various treaties for the suppression of slavery which arose from the Congress of Vienna, but was not classed as part of the Foreign Office establishment until 1841. The superintendent of the department was subject to the direction of one of the Under Secretaries. The Slave Trade Department gradually assumed responsibility for mostly business relating to Africa.

A combined Consular and Slave Trade Department was created in 1872, but existed only until 1877 when a Consular Sub-Division was created. In 1880, a separate Consular Department was re-established. Sanitary affairs (cattle, quarantine, and pilgrims), previously dealt with by the Consular Sub-Division, remained within the Slave Trade Department, which was renamed the Slave Trade and Sanitary Department.

Commercial Department

The year 1865 saw the establishment of a separate Commercial Department, resulting from the recommendations of the Committee on Trade with Foreign Nations. The new department controlled correspondence on commercial matters with consulates abroad, the Board of Trade and other Government departments, Commercial associations, etc.

In October 1866 a combined Consular and Commercial Department was formed; this lasted until 1872 when a separate Commercial Department was re-established. This revived department was responsible for all matters concerning commercial treaties and tariffs, industrial questions, laws relating to commerce, etc.

In the general reorganisation of Foreign Office Departments at the end of 1882, consular, commercial, African and sanitary affairs were re-allocated between the Consular and African Department, and the Commercial and Sanitary Departments.

The other main administrative departments within the Foreign Office were the Chief Clerk's Department, the Treaty and Royal Letter Department, and the Library and Registry.

Secretaries of State for the Foreign Office 1782-1905
  1. 1782 March - Fox, Charles James
  2. 1782 July - Grantham, Thomas Robinson, Baron
  3. 1783 April - Fox, Charles James
  4. 1783 December - Carmarthen, Francis Osborne, Marquis
  5. 1791 - Grenville, William Wyndham, Baron
  6. 1801 - Hawkesbury, Robert Banks, Baron
  7. 1804 - Harrowby, Dudley Ryder, Baron
  8. 1805 - Mulgrave, Henry Phipps, Baron
  9. 1806 February - Fox, Charles James
  10. 1806 September - Howick, Charles Grey, Viscount
  11. 1807 - Canning, George
  12. 1809 October - Bathurst, Henry, Earl
  13. 1809 December - Wellesley, Richard, Marquis
  14. 1812 - Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, Viscount
  15. 1822 - Canning, George
  16. 1827 - Dudley, John William, Viscount
  17. 1828 - Aberdeen, George Hamilton, Earl
  18. 1830 - Palmerston, Henry John, Viscount
  19. 1834 - Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke
  20. 1835 - Palmerston, Henry John, Viscount
  21. 1841 - Aberdeen, George Hamilton Gordon, Earl
  22. 1846 - Palmerston, Henry John, Viscount
  23. 1851 - Granville, George Leveson, Earl
  24. 1852 February - Malmesbury, James Harris, Earl
  25. 1852 December - Russell, Lord John
  26. 1853 - Clarendon, George Frederick, Earl
  27. 1858 - Malmesbury, James Harris, Earl
  28. 1859 - Russell, Lord John
  29. 1865 - Clarendon, George Frederick Earl
  30. 1866 - Stanley, Lord Edward
  31. 1868 - Clarendon, George Frederick, Earl
  32. 1870 - Granville, George Leveson, Earl
  33. 1874 - Stanley, Lord Edward
  34. 1878 - Salisbury, Robert Arthur, Marquis
  35. 1880 - Granville, George Leveson, Earl
  36. 1885- Salisbury, Robert Arthur, Marquis
  37. 1886 February - Rosebery, Archibald Philip, Earl
  38. 1886 August - Iddesleigh, Stafford Henry, Earl
  39. 1887 - Salisbury, Robert Arthur, Marquis
  40. 1892 - Rosebery, Archibald Philip, Earl
  41. 1894 - Kimberley, John Wodehouse, Earl
  42. 1895 - Salisbury, Robert Arthur, Marquis
  43. 1900 - Lansdowne, Henry, Marquis
  44. 1905 - Grey, Sir Edward

Item Descriptions

Fonds FO. General Correspondence from Political and Other Departments, 1781 - 1952

5479 items

Despatches and reports between British diplomatic representatives and the Foreign Office including United States, Borneo, France, Holland and Netherlands, Pacific Islands, Prussia and Germany, Sardinia and general political correspondence.

Series FO 5. Correspondence. United States of America, 1840 - 1905

736 items

The records filmed comprise despatches and correspondence between the Foreign Secretary and Foreign Office officials in London and (i) British diplomatic and consular officials in the United States and (ii) United States diplomatic officials in London.

The following pieces were filmed in their entirety: 1385, 1388, 2357, 2401, 2406, 2575. All other pieces were filmed selectively.

Archival History

Material selectively filmed as part of the Australian Joint Copying Project, 1950s to 1990s (AJCP Reels: 5779, 7270-7282)).

Original microfilm digitised as part of the AJCP Online Delivery Project, 2017-2020.

Existence and Location of Originals

The National Archives of the UK (TNA).

Series Reference: FO 5. For further information, see FO 5 at The National Archives of the UK (

Existence and Location of Copies

The original AJCP microfilm of the records filmed from this collection is available at the National Library of Australia [] as well as other institutions holding AJCP microfilm.


Australia: naval stations; Boyd, Benjamin; Convicts; Cotton; Fenian Brotherhood; Fenianism in Australia; Fiji; Guano; Hawaii; Hawaii: Treaty; Honolulu; Maori; New Zealand; New Zealand: annexation; Plague; Samoa; Sandwich Island: independence; Sandwich Islands; Shenandoah (ship); United States of America; Van Diemen's Land: US transportees

Treaties with native chiefs in New Zealand, 1840 (File 354)
1 items
A. Stevenson to Foreign Office, 28 December 1840 (Item 139R-143L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Re British authorities in New South Wales entering into treaties with Native chiefs in New Zealand and seeking to extend British Authority over the New Zealand Islands. Rights of US merchants there.

Annexation of New Zealand, 1841 (File 369.)
1 item
Foreign office to A. Stevenson, 23 March 1841 (Item 68R-76L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

That announcement of the acquisition of New Zealand territory in London Gazette on 2 Oct 1840: hopes a settled government there will be advantageous to commerce.

Sandwich Islands: possible British protectorate, 1841 (File 370)
2 items
Sir John Pelly (Hudson's Bay Co.) to Lord Palmerston, 17 February 1841 (Item 140R-142L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

That the US Discovery expedition is at the Sandwich Islands.

Sir John Pelly (Hudson's Bay Co.) to Lord John Russell, 6 February 1841 (Item 142R-144R. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Suggesting that Sandwich Isalnds be taken under the protection of Great Britain, since France, Russia and US are trying to esatblish settlements there (copy).

Sandwich Islands: possible British protectorate, 1843 (File 390)
2 items
Foreign Office to H. Fox (Washington), 3 June 1843 (Item 61R-65L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

That Lord George Paulet of HMS Carysfort has taken possession of Sandwich Islands for G.B. without authorisation.

Foreign Office to R. Pakenham (Washington), 26 December 1843 (Item 127R-131L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

That Britain and France have entered into an agreement to protect independence of Sandwich Islands and hope US will also enter.

Independence of Sandwich Islands, 1843 (File 391)
1 item
H. Fox (Washington) to Lord Aberdeen, 27 January 1843 (Item 41R-50L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Re US belief that Sandwich Islands should not fall under domination of any foreign pwer. Includes reports in Daily National Intelligence 2 Jan and 14 Jan 1843.

Sandwich Islands: possible British protectorate, April 1843 - July 1843 (File 392)
4 items
H. Fox (Washington) to Lord Aberdeen, 16 June 1843 (Item 197R-201R. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

That news of seizure of the Sandwich Island by Lord George Paulet received in Washington. Includes press cutting.

H. Fox (Washington) to Lord Aberdeen, 27 June 1843 (Item 217R-221R. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

That will communicate Foreign Office despatch on unauthorised nature of the seizure of the Sandwich Islands to US Government.

H. Fox (Washington) to M.A. Upshur (US Secretary of State), 25 June 1843 (Item 223R-226R. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

That the occupation of Sandwich Islands was unauthorised by H.M. Government.

A. Upshur to Fox, 5 July 1843 (Item 295R-298R. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

That US Government takes a deep interest in the Sandwich Islands (copy).

Independence of Sandwich Islands, 1843 (File 393)
2 items
H. Fox (Washington) to Foreign Office, 5 September 1843 (Item 203R-207R. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Re protest by King of Sandwich Islands against British occupation of the islands. Includes press cutting from Boston newspaper.

H. Fox (Washington) to Foreign Office, 28 October 1843 (Item 238R-242L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Sending reports from New York newspapers on the Society Islands. (New York Commercial Advertiser, New York Saturday Afternoon Oct 21 1843.

Independence of Sandwich Islands, 1844 (File 403)
Foreign Office to Richard Pakenham (Washington), 3 May 1844 (Item 35R-37L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

That the French government have M. Pageot to act in concert with Pakenham relative to Texas and Sandwich Islands.

Foreign Office to Richard Pakenham (Washington), 3 July 1844 (Item 83R-85L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Re refusal of US to enter into the agreement between GB and France re independence of Sandwich Islands.

Independence of Sandwich Islands, January 1844 - April 1844 (File 404)
2 items
R. Pakenham to Foreign Office, 27 February 1844 (Item 38R-41L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

That M. Pageot has not received instructions from French government to act in concert with him re Sandwich Islands.

R. Pakenham to Foreign Office, 28 March 1844 (Item 130R-133L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

That M. Pageot has still not heard from French government; agitation locally to strengthen position of US in the Pacific.

Independence of Sandwich Islands, May 1844 (File 405)
1 item
R. Pakenham (Washington) to Foreign Office, 29 May 1844 (Item 130R-136L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

That US government will not join agreement between France and GB as to independence of the Sandwich Islands.

Independence of Sandwich Islands, June 1844 (File 406)
1 item
R. Pakenham (Washington) to Foreign Office, 13 June 1844 (Item 168R-174L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

That US refuses to be a party to the agreement between France and GB re Sandwich Islands.

Free pardon for US transportees in Van Diemen's Land, January 1844 - June 1844 (File 416)
8 items
Edward Everett (US Minister in London) to Lord Aberdeen, 8 February 1844 (Item 20R-22L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Sending certificate of citizenship and of good character for David Allen, US citizen transported to Van Diemen's Land for participating in revolt in Canada in 1838, and requesting pardon for him.

Foreign Office to E. Everett, 2 March 1844 (Item 52R-54L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

That Colonial Office have agreed to recommend David Allen to Her Majesty for a free pardon.

E. Everett to Lord Aberdeen, 4 March 1844 (Item 54R-55L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Acknowledges letter of 2 March.

E. Everett to Lord Aberdeen, 16 April 1844 (Item 60R-62L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Asking for a free pardon for another ten U.S. citizens transported to Van Diemen's Land in 1838.

Foreign Office to E. Everett, 7 May 1844 (Item 76R-78L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

That request for pardon of ten U.S. citizens granted.

E. Everett to Lord Aberdeen, 9 May 1844 (Item 84R-85L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Acknowledges letter of 7 May.

E. Everett to Lord Aberdeen, 16 May 1844 (Item 88R-91L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Asking for free pardons for another 17 US citizens transported to Van Diemen's Land in 1838.

Foreign Office to E. Everett, 29 May 1844 (Item 93R-95L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

That request for 17 US citizens is granted.

Free pardon for US transportees in Van Diemen's Land, July 1844 - December 1844 (File 417)
8 items
E. Everett to Lord Aberdeen, 1 July 1844 (Item 5R-7L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Asking for a pardon for Luther Darby, U.S. citizen transported to Van Diemen's Land in 1838.

Foreign Office to E. Everett, 6 July 1844 (Item 13R-15L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Granting pardon for eight U.S. citizens transported to Van Diemen's Land.

E. Everett to Lord Aberdeen, 9 July 1844 (Item 19R-20R. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Acknowledging letter of 6 July 1844.

Foreign Office to E. Everett, 16 July 1844 (Item 31R-32R. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

That Luther Darby will be pardoned.

E. Everett to Lord Aberdeen, 19 July 1844 (Item 37R-38R. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Acknowledging letter of 19 July 1844.

E. Everett to Lord Aberdeen, 2 October 1844 (Item 78R-80L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Asking for a pardon for two US citizens transported to Van Diemen's Land in 1838.

Foreign Office to E. Everett, 17 October 1844 (Item 90R-91R. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

That pardon will be granted to two U.S. citizens.

E. Everett to Lord Aberdeen, 21 October 1844 (Item 94R-95R. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Acknowledging letter of 21 Oct 1844.

US transportees in Van Diemen's Land, 1844 (File 418)
3 items
Foreign Office to Colonial Office, 12 February 1844 (Item 105R-107L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Re David Allen, transported to Van Diemen's Land 1838.

Colonial Office to Foreign Office, 24 February 1844 (Item 122-124L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

That David Allen will be pardoned.

Foreign Office to Colonial Office, 24 April 1844 (Item 235R-237L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Re eight U.S. citizens transported to Van Diemen's Land.

US transportees in Van Diemen's Land, 1844 (File 419)
4 items
Colonial Office to Foreign Office that U.S. citizens transported to Van Diemen's Land will be pardoned, 3 May 1844 (Item 7R-9L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)
Foreign office to Colonial Office re 17 US citizens transported to Van Diemen's Land, 18 May 1844 (Item 67R-69L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office that the 17 US citizens will be pardoned, 25 May 1844 (Item 98R-100L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office that the eight US citizens transported to New South Wales will be pardoned, 30 June 1844 (Item 163R-165L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)
Pardon for Luther Darby, July 1844 (File 420)
2 items
Foreign Office to Colonial Office re pardon for Luther Darby, 8 July 1844 (Item 16R-17L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office that Luther Darby will be pardoned, 13 July 1844 (Item 66R-68L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)
US transportees in Van Diemen's Land, August 1844 - October 1844 (File 421)
2 items
Foreign Office to Colonial Office re pardon for two US citizens transported to Van Diemen's Land, 4 October 1844 (Item 84R-86L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office that pardon will be granted to the above mentioned in letter of 4 October 1844, 14 October 1844 (Item 106R-108L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)
Sandwich Islands: attack by Maoris, 1845 (File 423)
3 items
Foreign Office to R. Pakenham (Washington), 3 April 1845 (Item 39R-41L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Approving of his actions with regard to letter from King of the Sandwich Islands.

Foreign Office to R. Pakenham (Washington), 8 August 1845 (Item 111R-113L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Re attack by natives in New Zealand.

Foreign Office to R. Pakenham (Washington), 18 November 1845 (Item 164R-166L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Re cargo of arms being sent to Williams, U.S. Consul in New Zealand, and attempts by U.S. personnel to incite New Zealand natives.

Sandwich Islands, January 1845 - February 1845 (File 424)
2 items
R. Pakenham to Foreign Office, 26 February 1845 (Item 115R-117L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Re letter to President of U.S. from King of Sandwich Islands.

Robert Wyllie (British Consul Honolulu) to R. Pakenham (Washington), 23 September 1844 (Item 117R-121L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Re request of King of Sandwich Islands to US President to recall Brown (copy).

Attack by Maoris, September 1845 (File 428)
1 item
R. Pakenham to Foreign Office, 13 September 1845 (Item 1R-3L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

That he has transmitted thanks of H.M. Government to U.S. government for action by Capt. Keever during attack by New Zealand natives.

US transportees in Van Diemen's Land, January 1845 - April 1845 (File 437)
8 items
Everett to Lord Aberdeen requesting pardon for 11 U.S. citizens transported to Van Diemen's Land in 1838, 16 January 1845 (Item 20R-22L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)
Foreign Office to Everett that they will be pardoned, 8 February 1845 (Item 51R-53L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)
Everett to Lord Aberdeen to acknowledge letter of 8 February 1845, 10 February 1845 (Item 56R-58L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)
Everett to Lord Aberdeen requesting pardon for 5 U.S. citizens transported to Van Diemen's Land in 1838, 15 February 1845 (Item 60R-62L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)
Foreign Office to Everett that they will be pardoned, 27 February 1845 (Item 66R-68L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)
Everett to Lord Aberdeen to acknowledge letter of 27 February 1845, 1 March 1845 (Item 68R-69L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)
Everett to Lord Aberdeen requesting pardon for 2 U.S. citizens transported to Van Diemen's Land in 1838, 19 March 1845 (Item 92R-94L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)
Foreign Office to Everett that they will be pardoned, 8 April 1845 (Item 116R-118L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)
US transportees in Van Diemen's Land, 1845 (File 438)
4 items
Foreign Office to Everett that all U.S. citizens sent to Van Diemen's Land have been pardoned, except three who have absconded, 28 May 1845 (Item 15R-16L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)
E. Everett to Lord Aberdeen requesting pardon for Norman Mallory, U.S. citizen transported to Van Diemen's Land, 2 June 1845 (Item 17R-19L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)
Foreign Office to E. Everett that Mallory to be pardoned, 25 June 1845 (Item 35R-37L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)
Everett to Lord Aberdeen acknowledging letter of 25 June 1845, 27 June 1845 (Item 37R-38L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)
Attack by Maoris at Bay of Islands, July 1845 - August 1845 (File 442)
1 items
Colonial Office to Foreign Office re attack by natives on Bay of Islands, New Zealand, 29 July 1845 (Item 31R-33R. AJCP Reel No: 7270)
Incitement of natives in New Zealand by Americans, 1845 (File 444. AJCP Reel No: 7270)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office, 4 November 1845 (Item 40R-44L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Re loading of arms by U.S. vessell in Adelaide bound for New Zealand and incitement of natives in New Zealand by U.S. consuls Williams and Mayhew.

Governor G. Grey (Adelaide) to Lord Stanley and reports from Harbour Master, Port Adelaide, 6 May; 14 April 1845 (Item 44R-50L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Re loading of U.S. Brig Falco with arms bound for New Zealand (copies).

Copies of extracts from despatches Governor J. Fitzroy (NZ) to Lord Stanley, 16 Sep; 19 Oct 1844 (Item 50R-53R. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Re incitement of natives by Americans.

Copy of letter Governor Fitzroy to Police Magistrate at Russell, 20 January 1845 (Item 54R-55R. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

That only the flag of Britain is to be hoisted and no other national flag and that only the flag of Britain is to be hoisted and no other national flag and that Williams has been recognised as US Consul.

Copy of extract of letter from a Protector of Aboriginesm G. Clarke, to Chief Protector, 18 February 1845 (Item 56R-57L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

That American whalers have been inciting the natives.

Exoneration of US consul for his conduct in New Zealand, 1847 (File 468)
1 item
Foreign Office to R. Pakenham that Williams has been exonerated in his conduct in New Zealand, 27 February 1847 (Item 37R-39L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)
US transportees in Van Diemen's Land, June 1847 - September 1847 (File 481)
3 items
Colonial Office to Foreign Office re remaining U.S. transportees in Van Diemen's Land, 13 July 1847 (Item 104R-106L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)
Foreign Office memoranda on Colonial Office correspondence of 13 July 1847, 27 July 1847 - 5 August 1847 (Item 106R-107R. AJCP Reel No: 7270)
Copy of despatch W. Denison, Van Diemen's Land to Lord Grey, 9 February 1847 (Item 108R-110R. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Re remaining U.S. transportees, together with lists of those recommended to be pardoned, and those whose 'conduct has not been good'.

US annexation of Sandwich Islands, May 1851 (File 528)
2 items
Sir Henry Bulwer to Lord Palmerston, 19 May 1851 (Item 275R-279L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Re relations between France and Sandwich Islands and desire of U.S. to annex the islands. Memo by Lord Palmerston.

Sir Henry Bulwer (New York) to Lord Palmerston, 19 May 1851 (Item 285R-287L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Re effects of forthcoming U.S. presidential election on annexation of Sandwich Islands.

Sandwich Islands, June 1851 - August 1851 (File 529)
3 items
Sir Henry Bulwer to Lord Palmerston with cutting from National Intelligencer re relations between France and Sandwich Islands, 14 June 1851 (Item 38R-40R. AJCP Reel No: 7270)
Sir Henry Bulwer (New York) to Lord Palmerston, 12 August 1851 (Item 253R-256L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)
U.S. Department of State to Sir Henry Bulwer, 6 August 1851 (Item 256R-263L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Enclosing copy of despatch to L. Leverance, U.S. Commissioner, Honolulu re independence of Sandwich Islands.

French interest in Sandwich Islands, October 1851 (File 530)
1 item
Crampton to Foreign Office re answer by French Minister to U.S. note re Sandwich Islands, 20 October 1851 (Item 134R-138L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)
Illegal private expedition to Sandwich Islands, December 1851 (File 531)
2 items
Crampton to Foreign Office with press cuttings re illigal private expeditions by U.S. citizen to Sandwich Islands, 7 December 1851 (Item 170R-177L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)
Crampton to Foreign Office that U.S. government has ordered the stopping of the departure of any expedition to Sandwich Islands, 15 December 1851 (Item 250R-253L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)
Discovery of gold in New South Wales; Sandwich Islands, August 1851 - December 1851 (File 536)
3 items
G. Aiken (San Francisco) to Foreign Office, 14 August 1851 (Item 183R-185L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

That gold has been discovered in N.S.W. and many ships are leaving San Francisco for Australia.

G. Aiken (San Francisco) to Foreign Office, 31 October 1851 (Item 195R-197L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

That a fast ship has been purchased by a party intending to revolutionise the Sandwich Islands.

G. Aiken (San Francisco) to Foreign Office, 4 December 1851 (Item 197R-198L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

That expedition postponed and the ship sold.

US policy on Sandwich Islands, September 1851 (File 541)
1 item
Foreign Office to Admiralty re U.S. policy on Sandwich Islands, 6 September 1851 (Item 103R-104L. AJCP Reel No: 7270.)
Detention of Benjamin Boyd in Solomon Islands, June 1852 (File 542)
1 item
Foreign Office to J.F. Crampton (Washington), 11 June 1852 (Item 197R-198L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Concerning Benjamin Boyd of yacht Wanderer detained in the Solomon Islands; Crampton to enlist sympathy of U.S. government.

International agreement concerning Sandwich Islands, August 1852 (File 543)
1 item
Foreign Office to Crampton re agreement between GB and France and U.S.A. over Sandwich Islands, 9 August 1852 (Item 19R-21L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)
Escape of convict T. Meagher from Van Diemen's Land to New York, 1852 (File 545. AJCP Reel No: 7270)
J.F. Crampton to Foreign Office, 31 May 1852 (Item 162R-165R. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Re Thomas Meagher transported to Van Diemen's Land in 1848 for his part in Irish rebellion has escaped and is now in New York. Two press cuttings concerning Meagher.

J.F. Crampton to Foreign Office, 14 June 1852 (Item 193R-198R. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Re the reception accorded Meagher in New York and press cuttings of a letter by Meagher describing his escape from Van Diemen's Land.

Detention of Benjamin Boyd in Solomon Islands, 1852 (File 546)
4 items
Crampton to Foreign Office, 5 July 1852 (Item 30R-31L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)
Copy of Crampton to Daniel Webster (US Secretary of State), 30 June 1852 (Item 32R-33L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Asking for U.S. Government assistance in discovering the fate of Benjamin Boyd of yacht Wanderer in Solomon Islands.

Enclosed in letter of 5 July 1852.

Enclosed in letter of, 9 July 1852 (Item 43R-44L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)
Copy of Daniel Webster to Crampton, 3 July 1852 (Item 45R-46L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

That U.S. Government will assist HM government in ascertaining fate of B. Boyd.

Enclosed in letter of 9 July 1852.

Escape of convict T. Meagher from Van Diemen's Land to New York, 1852 (File 549)
1 items
A. Barclay (New York) to Foreign Office that Meagher, transported to Van Diemen's Land has escaped and is now in New York, 28 May 1852 (Item 204R-205L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)
Formation of the 'Order of the Lone Star', 1852 (File 550)
2 items
William Peter (Philadelphia) to Foreign Office, 30 August 1852 (Item 165R-168L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

That certain Americans wish to spread philosophy of republicanism to Australia, formation of 'The Order of the Lone Star'.

William Peter (Philadelphia) to Foreign Office, 7 September 1852 (Item 168R-171L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

That aim of 'Order of the Lone Star' is to revolutionise Cuba, Canada and Australia.

Arrival of T. Meagher in New York, June 1852 (File 554)
2 items
Foreign Office to Home Office, 26 June 1852 (Item 143R-144L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Sending copy of despatch from HM Consul in New York re arrival there of transportee Meagher.

Foreign Office to Horse Guards, 25 June 1852 (Item 145R-146L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Re speech by Cpt. Sleigh in presence of Meagher.

Disappearance of Benjamin Boyd at Guadalcanal; T. Meagher, June 1852 - July 1852 (File 557)
8 items
Mark Boyd (London) to Foreign Office, 3 June 1852 (Item 6R-8L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Asking them to enlist assistance of American government and captains of American whalers in search for his brother presumed captive in Guadalcanal Solomon Islands.

Foreign Office memo on letter of 3 June 1852 (Item 8R. AJCP Reel No: 7270)
Copy of Admiralty to M. Boyd, 30 April 1852 (Item 9R-10L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

That they will make enquiries as to whereabouts of his brother and suggesting he enlist support of Americans.

Memo regarding circumstances of Benjamin Boyd of Sydney's disappearance on Guadalcanal (Item 11R-12L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)
Foreign Office to Mark Boyd, 9 June 1852 (Item 29R-30L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

That the matter will be brought to the attention of HM Minister in Washington.

Foreign Office to Home Office, 15 June 1852 (Item 41R. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Re escape of transportee Meagher from Van Diemen's Land to New York.

Foreign Office to M. Boyd, 30 July 1852 (Item 201R. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

That U.S. government have issued an official notice about his brother.

M. Boyd to Foreign Office, 31 July 1852 (Item 202R-204L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Re letter of 30 July 1852 asking for the thanks of his family to be passed to the US government.

Sandwich Islands: escaped convict John Mitchel, 1853 (File 562)
4 items
Foreign Office to Crampton, 7 October 1852 (Item 63R-64L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Enclosing copy of despatch from Lt Governor La Trobe on revolutionisation of Australia and asking Crampton to ascertain if there are any designs in the U.S. to make Australia a republic (enclosed letter not filmed).

Foreign Office to Crampton re endeavour of U.S. citizens in the Sandwich Islands to annex them to U.S., 1 November 1853 (Item 79R-81L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)
Foreign Office to Crampton re response of French government to designs of U.S. citizens to annex Sandwich Islands, 11 November 1853 (Item 100R-102L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)
Foreign Office to Crampton approving of his actions with regard to escaped convict Mitchell, 23 December 1853 (Item 139R-140R. AJCP Reel No: 7270)
US plan to annex Sandwich Islands: John Mitchel, 1853 (File 567)
8 items
J.F. Crampton to Foreign Office, 31 October 1853 (Item 61R-69R. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

That no plan by U.S. citizens to revolutionise Australia, but such a revolution would be welcome; public attention to Australia awaken by discovery of gold; great sympathy for transportees. 2 press cuttings.

Crampton to Foreign OfficeJ.F. Crampton to Foreign Office, 14 November 1853 (Item 70R-76R. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Re plans by U.S. to annex Sandwich Islands. Press cuttings.

J.F. Crampton to Foreign Office, 14 November 1853 (Item 77R-78R. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Re escape of transportee John Mitchell from Australia and public reception for him San Francisco.

Aiken (San Francisco) to J.F. Crampton, 15 October 1853 (Item 79R-80R. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Re reception for John Mitchell. Press cuttings describing his escape from Van Diemen's Land (copy).

J.F. Crampton to Foreign Office, 20 November 1853 (Item 94R-101L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Detailing meeting with Marcy, U.S. Secretary of State, on U.S. intentions towards Sandwich Islands.

J.F. Crampton to Foreign Office, 28 November 1853 (Item 110R-111R. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

That his French colleague has received instructions regarding French attitude to U.S. and Sandwich Islands.

J.F. Crampton to Foreign Office, 4 December 1853 (Item 116R-124L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Re reception according John Mitchell and press cuttings re this and his escape from Australia.

J.F. Crampton to Foreign Office, 26 December 1853 (Item 231R-240R. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Re dinner held for John Mitchell in New York attended by several U.S. public figures.

Sandwich Islands: John Mitchel, August 1854 (File 591)
2 items
Foreign Office to Crampton sending letter on activities of John Mitchell, 9 August 1854 (Item 106R-107L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)
Foreign Office to Crampton, 11 August 1854 (Item 111R-112L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Re truth of report that messenger from U.S. President had arrived in Honolulu to arrange annexation of Sandwich Islands.

Proposal for Sandwich Islands protectorate, 1854 (File 592)
6 items
Foreign Office to J. Crampton (Washington), 6 October 1854 (Item 10R-22L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

That he is to make known to U.S. Secretary of State the displeasure of H.M. Government at recent action of U.S. government in Sandwich Islands.

Foreign Office to J. Crampton (Washington), 6 October 1854 (Item 22R-23L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

That French government concurs with view of British government regarding proposed annexation of Sandwich Islands by U.S.

Foreign Office to J. Crampton (Washington), 6 October 1854 (Item 28R-29L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

That not to act on despatches until receives message by next mails.

Foreign Office to J. Crampton (Washington), 11 October 1854 (Item 30R. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Sending amended copy of despatch no. 219 of 6 Oct.

Foreign Office to J. Crampton (Washington), 10 November 1854 (Item 83R-84L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Re annexation of Sandwich Islands.

Foreign Office to J. Crampton (Washington), 30 December 1854 (Item 184R-185L. AJCP Reel No: 7270)

Re proposal made to King of Sandwich Islands to place himself under the protection of Great Britain, France, and U.S.

Sandwich Islands, 1854 (File 593)
2 items
Crampton to Lord Clarendon, 9 January 1854 (Item 40R-54R. AJCP Reel No: 7271)

Re speech in House of Representatives by Washburn by Maine in favour of U.S. annexation of Sandwich Islands. Includes press cuttings and reprint of speech.

Crampton to Lord Clarendon, 6 February 1854 (Item 161R-163R. AJCP Reel No: 7271)

Sending copy of resolution by Senator Clayton of Delaware for the President to communicate copies of correspondence between U.S. and Great Britain regarding Sandwich Islands.

Annexation of Sandwich Islands, 1854 (File 598)
3 items
Griffith to Lord Clarendon that the acting Secretary of State declared that no special messenger had been sent to the Sandwich Islands, 4 September 1854 (Item . AJCP Reel No: 7271)
Griffith to Lord Clarendon reporting interview with Marcy, Secretary of State, re annexation of Sandwich Islands, 5 September 1854 (Item . AJCP Reel No: 7271)
Crampton to Lord Clarendon, 11 September 1854 (Item . AJCP Reel No: 7271)

Reporting interview with Marcy, Secretary of State re President's determination to annex Sandwich Islands.

Annexation Sandwich Islands, 1854 (File 600)
1 item
Crampton to Lord Clarendon that annexation of Sandwich Islands was not mentioned in President's Annual message, 11 December 1854 (Item 132R-138R. AJCP Reel No: 7271)
Sandwich Islands, 1855 (File 617)
5 items
Foreign Office to Crampton re proposed treaty for annexation of Sandwich Islands (not enclosed), 19 July 1855 (Item 100R-101L. AJCP Reel No: 7271)
Foreign Office to Crampton re arrival in Washington of Envoy of King of Sandwich Islands, 3 August 1855 (Item 126R-127L. AJCP Reel No: 7271)
Foreign Office to Crampton re French opinion on Sandwich Islands, 6 August 1855 (Item 128R-129L. AJCP Reel No: 7271)
Foreign Office to Crampton re French opinion on Sandwich Islands (despatches not enclosed), 13 August 1855 (Item 134R-135L. AJCP Reel No: 7271)
Foreign Office to Crampton re Sandwich Islands, 16 August 1855 (Item 163R-164L. AJCP Reel No: 7271)
Sandwich Islands, 1855 (File 618)
2 items
Foreign Office to Crampton that HM government wish for independence of Sandwich Islands, 23 October 1855 (Item 51R-53L. AJCP Reel No: 7271)
Foreign Office to Crampton re French instructions on Sandwich Islands, 23 October 1855 (Item 53R-54L. AJCP Reel No: 7271)
Convict T. Meagher in New York, 1855 (File 620)
1 item
Crampton to Lord Clarendon with copy of 31 March 1855 A. Barclay (New York) to Crampton that Meagher is still in New York, 3 April 1855 (Item 172R-175R. AJCP Reel No: 7271)
Sandwich Islands, 1855 (File 622)
2 items
Crampton to Lord Clarendon, 16 July 1855 (Item 25R-36L. AJCP Reel No: 7271)

Re arrival of Mr Lee from Sandwich Islands in Washington. Encloses copies of 19 March 1855 W. Miller (Woahoo) to Crampton re appointment of Mr Lee and 14 March 1855 Mr Willie (Honolulu) to Mr Miller re safeguarding independence of Sandwich Islands and Draft quadripartite convention.

Crampton to Lord Clarendon, 30 July 1855 (Item 117R-132L. AJCP Reel No: 7271)

Re commercial treaty between Hawaii and USA; report on meeting between Crampton, Lee and Boilleau (French legation); 18 July 1855 Lee to Marcy US Secretary of State, re independence of Sandwich Islands (copy); proposed declaration of independence.

Sandwich Islands, 1855 (File 623)
2 items
Crampton to Lord Clarendon, 24 September 1855 (Item 50R-55R. AJCP Reel No: 7271)

Re visit of W. Lee to U.S. Secretary of State and enclosing copy of 21 September 1855 W. Marcy to W. Lee re U.S. policy on Sandwich Islands.

Crampton to Lord Clarendon, 24 September 1855 (Item 56R-63L. AJCP Reel No: 7271)

Re request by W. Lee that HM Government will station a man of war in vicinity of Sandwich Islands to safeguard its neutrality and independence; 24 Sept 1855 Crampton to Lee that will forward his request (copy); 24 Sept 1855, Lee to Crampton hoping that Great Britain and France will safeguard independence of Sandwich Islands (copy).

Commercial Treaty between United States and Sandwich Islands, 1856 (File 638)
1 item
Foreign Office to Crampton re commercial treaty between U.S. and Sandwich Islands, 4 January 1856 (Item 14R-15L. AJCP Reel No: 7271)
Discovery of guano on Pacific Islands and visit of US frigate Independence to Samoa, 1856 (File 645)
1 item
Lumley (Newport) to Lord Clarendon, 2 September 1856 (Item 195R-200L. AJCP Reel No: 7271)

Re discovery of guano on Pacific Islands and visit of U.S. frigate Independence to Samoan Islands, with newspaper cuttings.

Cotton from Tonga; possibility of growing it in New South Wales, 1857 (File 677)
1 item
J. Bartlett (Baltimore) to Lord Clarendon, 23 June 1857 (Item 105R-109L. AJCP Reel No: 7271)

Sending samples of superior cotton grown in Tonga, possibility of growing it in New South Wales.

Samples of cotton from South Pacific, 1857 (File 682)
1 item
Foreign Office to Board of Trade sending samples of cotton from South Pacific, 16 July 1857 (Item 29R-30L. AJCP Reel No: 7271)
Guano on Pacific Islands, 1858 (File 707)
2 items
Board of Trade to Foreign Office re discovery of guano on Pacific Islands, 23 December 1858 (Item 275R-277L. AJCP Reel No: 7271)
D & W Henderson (Glasgow) to Board of Trade re American claims to guano on Johnson's Island (copy), 15 December 1858 (Item 277R-278R. AJCP Reel No: 7271)
Guano on Johnson Island, 1859 (File 727)
3 items
Board of Trade to Foreign Office, 1 January 1859 (Item 1R-3L. AJCP Reel No: 7271)
D & W Henderson (Glasgow) to Board of Trade requiring answer to their letter of 15 Dec 1858 re guano on Johnson Island, 30 December 1858 (Item 3R. AJCP Reel No: 7271)

Enclosed within letter from Board of Trade to Foreign Office dated 1 January 1859.

Foreign Office to Board of Trade that Her Majesty's Government cannot guarantee protection to Messrs Henderson, [29] Jan 1859 (Item 277R-279L. AJCP Reel No: 7271)
Activities of the Shenandoah in Pacific, 1865 (File 1029)
1 item
W. Booker (San Francisco) to Lord Russell, 2 August 1865 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7271)

That he has notified Governor of Victoria re. activities of Shenandoah in Pacific. Newspaper cutting re. Shenandoah at Melbourne.

The Shenandoah, 1865 (File 1035)
1 item
Correspondence with Adams respecting Shenandoah, 21 October and 18 November 1865 (printed 22 Nov 1865) (Item 208R-211R. AJCP Reel No: 7271)
Capture of the Shenandoah, 1865 (File 1041)
2 items
Admiralty to Foreign Office that Sir William Wiseman proceeding to Australia to confer with Australian authorities regarding Shenandoah, 22 May 1865 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7272)
Extract from letter from Commander Wiseman, 7 March 1865 (Item)

Enclosed within letter of 22 May 1865 from Admiralty to Foreign Office.

Capture of Shenandoah, 1865 (File 1043)
1 item
Foreign Office to Admiralty re capture of Shenandoah, 18 September 1865 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7272)
Capture of Shenandoah, 1865 (File 1044)
1 item
Lord Russell to Admiralty re capture of Shenandoah, 6 October 1865 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7272)
Visit of Queen Emma and possible sale of Sandwich Islands to England, 1866 (File 1059)
1 item
Foreign Office to Sir Frederick Bruce, 3 August 1866 (Item 26. AJCP Reel No: 7272)

Re visit to England by Queen Emma and possible sale of Sandwich Islands to England (rough draft and draft).

Rumour of US Government annexation of Sandwich Islands, 1866 (File 1061)
1 item
Foreign Office to Bruce that rumoured U.S. Government is to take possession of Sandwich Islands, 3 August 1866 (Item 23. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Guano on Pacific Islands, 1858 - 1863 (File 1089A)
4 items
Board of Trade to Foreign Office re carriage of guano by American ships, 6 July 1859 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7272)
Admiralty to Board of Trade, 17 June 1859 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7272)
Rear Admiral Baynes, Valparaiso to Admiralty, 25 April 1859 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7272)
Cpt Frederick B. Montressor (Honolulu), 31 January 1859 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7272)

Re discovery of guano on Jarvis Island (Lat. 0'22 S, Long. 159 degrees 50W) and Fanning Island (Lat 3 50N Long. 159 11 W).

Attempted assassination of Duke of Edinburgh in Sydney, 1868 (File 1130)
1 item
Thornton to Lord Stanley, 27 April 1868 (Item 211R-213R. 132. AJCP Reel No: 7272)

Re attempted assassination of Duke of Edinburgh in Sydney, reception of news in Washington.

Emigrants from New South Wales expecting employment on Central Pacific Railroad, 1868 (File 1134)
4 items
Foreign Office to Thornton (Washington), 1 June 1868 (Item 30R-31L. AJCP Reel No: 7272)

Re reports from San Francisco of the arrival of emigrants from New South Wales expecting employment on Central Pacific Railroad.

Thornton (Washington) to Lord Stanley, 27 June 1868 (Item 131R-132L. 19. AJCP Reel No: 7272)
Thornton to US Secretary W. Seward, 18 April 1868 (Item 133R-134L. AJCP Reel No: 7272)

Re encouragement given to intending US migrants in Sydney by U.S. Consul (Copy).

William Seward to Thornton that the Consul in Sydney will be instructed to refrain from this practice, 25 April 1868 (Item 135R-136L. AJCP Reel No: 7272)
Treaty of Reciprocity between US and Sandwich Islands, 1870 (File 1193)
1 item
Thornton to Lord Clarendon re Treaty of Reciprocity between U.S. and Sandwich Islands, 6 June 1870 (Item 214R-216R. 244. AJCP Roll No: 7272)
Fiji Islands, 1870 (File 1196)
2 items
Foreign Office to Edward Thornton (Washington), 8 February 1870 (Item 10. AJCP Reel No: 7272)

Re despatch from Governor of Victoria re petition to US President inviting protectorate of the US for Fiji Islands.

Thornton to Lord Clarendon that improbably U.S. will establish protectorate over Fiji, 28 February 1870 (Item 11. AJCP Reel No: 7272)
Shenandoah at Melbourne, May 1865 (File 1324)
1 item
Foreign Office to C.F. Adams, 4 May 1865 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7272)

Indicating policy of HMG with regard to belligerent vessels in British ports, especially concerning Shenandoah at Melbourne.

Alabama and Shenandoah; claims for losses, 1866 (File 1326)
2 items
C. Adams to Lord Stanley, 17 September 1866 (Item 103R-109R. AJCP Reel No: 7272)

Enclosing letter from Dept of State of 27 Aug 1866 re claims of U.S. citizens for losses suffered through actions of Alabama and Shenandoah and other ships equipped in British ports.

Abstract of claims for losses due to Shenandoah in Pacific. Includes details of ships sailing from Honolulu (Item 132R-139R. AJCP Reel No: 7272)
US securing harbour in Samoa, 1872 (File 1360)
1 item
Foreign Office to Sir Edward Thornton, 16 July 1872 (Item 40R. AJCP Reel No: 7272)

Sending cutting from Sydney Morning Herald re U.S. securing harbour in Samoan Islands.

Alleged US protectorate over Samoa, 1872 (File 1365)
1 item
Sir Edward Thornton to Lord Granville, 18 July 1872 (Item 303R-315L. AJCP Reel No: 7272)

Re alleged U.S. Protectorate over Samoa and message from President of U.S. on commerce with certain British possessions (printed).

Case of Shenandoah, October 1864 - October 1865 (File 1384)
1 item
Correspondence (some copies) concerning the Confederate ship Shenandoah at Melbourne, including the enlistment of several seamen, 17 March 1865 - 14 September 1865 (Item 91R-322L. AJCP Reel No: 7272)

Correspondents include the Admiralty; Foreign Office, Colonial Office, Lt Waddell (Commander of Shenandoah, Sir Charles Darling (Melbourne), Charles Adams (U.S. Minister, London), William Blanchard (U.S. Consul, Melbourne), J. M. Mason (Leamington) with notice to circulate to ports in the Pacific re capture of Shenandoah.

Includes copies of circular to all Colonies re capture of Shenandoah.

Case of Shenandoah and destruction of William C. Nye, 1865 (File 1385. AJCP Reel No: 7273)

Copies of correspondence between William Blanchard (U.S. Consul, Melbourne), Sir Charles Darling (Melbourne), Charles Adams (London), U.S. State Dept (Washington) on the reception of Shenandoah at Melbourne; depositions of seamen on ships attacked by Shenandoah, copies of extracts from Melbourne newspapers re reception of Shenandoah.

Case of Shenandoah, 1865 - 1866 (File 1387)
6 items
Charles Adams (U.S. Minister, London) to Lord Clarendon enclosing copies of papers on Shenandoah, 28 December 1865 (Item 44R-119L. AJCP Roll No: 7272.)
Thomas Dudley (US Consul, Liverpool) to Charles Adams re reception accorded Shenandoah at Melbourne, 18 December 1865 (Item 44R-119L. AJCP Roll No: 7272.)

Enclosed in letter of 28 December 1865.

Deposition by William Temple as to his service on Shenandoah, 6 December 1865 (Item 44R-119L. AJCP Roll No: 7272.)

Included details of reception in Melbourne, and crew list showing those who joined the ship in Melbourne. Enclosed in letter of 28 December 1865.

Deposition by Margaret Marshall as to her time on Shenandoah, 11 December 1865 (Item 44R-119L. AJCP Roll No: 7272.)

Enclosed in letter of 28 December 1865.

Foreign Office to Adams concerning reception accorded to Shenandoah at Melbourne, 19 January 1866 (Item 127R-135L. AJCP Roll No: 7272.)
Printed copies and rough drafts of Foreign Office correspondence on Shenandoah, 8 June 1866 (Item 244R-264L. AJCP Roll No: 7272.)

Including despatch of 21 March 1866 from Sir Charles Darling.

Case of Shenandoah, 1871 - 1872 (File 1388. AJCP Reel No: 7273)

(57pp). Particulars as to first voyage of Sea King (alias Shenandoah) from Liverpool, including crew lists (gives details of several seaman born in Australia and New Zealand) October 1864.

6 Nov 1871. Lord Canterbury (Melbourne) to Lord Kimberley enclosing: Narrative of facts respecting the Confederate States Steamer of War 'Shenandoah' whilst in port of Melbourne in the Colony of Victory with Appendix (1871?) 72p (printed).

Geneva arbitration: case of Shenandoah, 1871 (File 1391)
1 item
Enclosure III from Lord Tenderden, 15 December 1871 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7272)

25 Sept 1871 Thomas Adamson (U.S. Consul, Melbourne) to J.C. Davis (Assistant Secretary of State, Washington) re reception of Shenandoah at Melbourne and with copies of depositions of George Washington Robbins (Sandridge), Samuel Lord (Melbourne), James Monteath (Melbourne) and list of goods shipped on Shenandoah, brought from H.B. Donaldson and Co. (41p).

Geneva arbitration: case of Shenandoah, 1872 (File 1407)
4 items
Lord Tenterden (Geneva) to Lord Granville, 21 August 1872 (Item 120. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

That Italian arbitrator gave casting vote against Britain in case of Shenandoah

Protocol XXIII: 3 drafts of proceeding of 19 August re Shenandoah (printed), 21 August 1872 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7274)
Lord Tenterden (Geneva) to Lord Granville, 21 August 1872 (Item 123. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Re proceedings re Shenandoah and the number of crew taken on board at Melbourne.

Lord Tenterden (Geneva) to Foreign Office, 23 August 1872 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7274)

That U.S., Swiss and Italian arbitrators condemn Britain as regards Shenandoah from date of leaving Melbourne.

Geneva arbitration: case of Shenandoah, 1872 (File 1408)
5 items
Foreign Office to Lord Tenterden, 6 September 1872 (Item AJCP Roll No: 7274)

Re English liability for Shenandoah

Lord Tenterden (Geneva) to Lord Granville, 7 September 1872 (Item 152. AJCP Roll No: 7274)

Sending copies (in French) of Sir Roundell Palmers Argument on question of recruitment of men at Melbourne (14p, printed) and Observations par M Cushing et Memorandum sur les enrolements par le Shenandoah (p11-17, printed)

Lord Tenterden (Geneva) to Lord Granville, 9 September 1872 (Item 155. AJCP Roll No: 7274)

Re award by Arbitrators against Great Britain.

Decision and award made by the Tribunal of Arbitration, 14 September 1872 (Item AJCP Roll No: 7274)

(7p printed). Judgement of Mr Adams as to Shenandoah (6p, printed) Expose des opinions de M. Le Vicomte D'Itajuba (as to) Shenandoah (1p, printed). Expose de M. Stoempfli (as to) Shenandoah (p7-13, printed). Opinions du Comte Frederic Sclopis (as to) Shenandoah (p11-17, printed).

Edward Thornton (Washington) to Lord Granville re Award, 15 September 1872 (Item AJCP Roll No: 7274)
Case of Shenandoah, 1872 (File 1422)
1 item
Memorandum by Sir J Rose on claims (for Alabama and Shenandoah), 13 March 1872 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7274)
Sandwich Islands, 1873 (File 1428)
3 items
Foreign Office to Sir Edward Thornton re Sandwich Islands, 8 May 1873 (Item 359R-360L. 147. AJCP Reel No: 7274)
Foreign Office memorandum on pro American feeling in Sandwich Islands, 27 March 1873 (Item 361R-363R. AJCP Reel No: 7274)
Memorandum by James Wodehouse on neutrality of Sandwich Islands, 23 April 1873 (Item 364R-365L. AJCP Reel No: 7274)
Proposal to establish US naval station at Pearl River, Hawaii, 1873 (File 1433)
1 item
Sir Edward Thornton to Lord Granville, 16 June 1873 (Item 52R-55R. 261. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Re proposals to establish US naval station at Pearl River, Hawaiian Islands. Includes: newspaper cutting.

Sandwich Islands, 1873 (File 1449)
7 items
Admiralty to Foreign Office, 20 May 1873 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7274)
Captain Ralph Cator Scout (Honolulu) to Admiralty re petition, 7 February 1873 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Enclosed within letter of 20 March 1873 from Admiralty to Foreign Office.

Petition to King of Sandwich Islands re treaty with U.S (Item AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Enclosed within letter of 20 March 1873 from Admiralty to Foreign Office. (4p)

Admiralty to Foreign Office, 20 March 1873 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7274)
Captain R. Cator Scout (Honolulu) to Admiralty re affairs in Sandwich Islands, 20 January 1873 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Enclosed within letter of 20 March 1873.

Admiralty to Foreign Office, 21 March 1873 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7274)
Captain R. Cator Scout (Honolulu) to Admiralty re affairs in Sandwich Islands (extract), 6 February 1873 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Enclosed within letter of 6 Feb 1873.

Sandwich Islands, 1873 (File 1451)
1 item
Foreign Office to Admiralty, 2 July 1873 (Item 261. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Forwarding copy of despatch from Sir Edward Thornton to Sandwich Islands.

Visit of Colonel Steinberger to Navigator's Islands, 1874 (File 1481)
1 item
Thornton to Lord Derby revisit of Colonel Steinberger to Navigator's Islands, 23 March 1874 (Item 314R-316R. 114. AJCP Reel No: 7274)
Colonel Steinberger's report on Samoa or Navigator's Islands, 1874 (File 1482)
1 item
Thornton to Lord Derby, 11 May 1874 (Item 189R-221L. 179. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Enclosing Report on Samoa or Navigator's Islands by Mr Steinberger (printed).

Treaty between US and Sandwich Islands, 1874 (File 1485)
2 items
Sir Edward Thornton to Lord Derby re Treaty between US and Sandwich Islands, 16 November 1874 (Item 139R-140R. 314. AJCP Reel No: 7274)
Sir Edward Thornton to Lord Derby (Item 230R-237R. 326. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Re Reciprocity Treaty between U.S. and Sandwich Islands and enclosing Congressional Record Vol 3 no 79, 25 March 1875 reported speech of John H. Mitchell in support of Treaty.

Reciprocity Treaty between US and Sandwich Islands, 1875 (File 1510)
2 items
E. Thornton to Lord Derby re Reciprocity Treaty between U.S. and Sandwich Islands, 22 March 1875 (Item 109R-111L. 104. AJCP Reel No: 7274)
E. Thornton to Lord Derby, 12 April 1875 (Item 230R-237R. 126. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Re Reciprocity Treaty between U.S. and Sandwich Islands and enclosing Congressional Record Vol 3 no 79, 25 March 1875 reporting speech of John H. Mitchell in support of Treaty.

Colonel Steinberger's mission to Samoa, 1875 (File 1512)
1 item
Thornton to Lord Derby re Colonel Steinberger's mission to Samoa, 26 July 1875 (Item 88R-90R. 217. AJCP Reel No: 7274)
Delay of Australian mails through San Francisco, 1875 (File 1513)
3 items
Thornton to Lord Derby re delay of Australian mails through San Francisco, 27 September 1875 (Item 95R-101R. 271. AJCP Reel No: 7274)
Hamilton Fish (U.S. State Department) to Sir Edward Thornton, 24 September 1875 (Item 95R-101R. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Re letter received from N.S.W. on subject of delay of Australian mails.

Enclosed in letter of 7 February 1876.

Edward Thornton to Hamilton Fish acknowledging letter of 24 September, 25 September 1875 (Item 95R-101R. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Enclosed in letter of 7 February 1876.

Fenian Brotherhood: John Mitchel, 1873 - 1875 (File 1535)
4 items
Telegrams and despatch, Archibald (New York) to Lord Derby, 15 July 1874 (Item 115R-124R. 4. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Re departure of John Mitchell (escaped transportee) from New York for Ireland. Includes press cuttings.

Archibald (New York) to Lord Derby, 11 February 1875 (Item 199R-201R. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Re departure of John Mitchell for Ireland.

Thornton (Washington) to Lord Derby, 8 March 1875 (Item 267R-273L. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

With resume of John Mitchell's movements since escaping from Van Diemen's Land.

Despatches and telegrams between Archibald (New York), Foreign Office, Home Office, Sir Edward Thornton, 12 March 1875 (Item 279R-322R. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Re naturalisation of John Mitchell. Includes photographic copy of affidavit of John Mitchell asserting his citizenship of U.S.

Delay of Australian mails through San Francisco, 1876 (File 1538)
3 items
Thornton to Lord Derby, 7 February 1876 (Item 95R-101R. 34. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Re delay in Australian mails (34). Has two additional enclosed letters.

Hamilton Fish (U.S. State Department) to Sir Edward Thornton re delays, 3 February 1876 (Item 95R-101R. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Enclosed in letter of 7 Feb 1876.

Marshall Jewell (US Post Office) to Hamilton Fish, 28 January 1876 (Item 95R-101R. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Enclosing table showing dates mail arrived at San Francisco for Australia from Great Britain and time of forwarding. Enclosed in letter of 7 Feb 1876.

Treaty with Hawaii, 1876 (File 1539)
1 item
Thornton to Lord Derby re Treaty with Hawaii, 16 May 1876 (Item 145R-147L. 138. AJCP Reel No: 7274)
Treaty with Hawaii, 1876 (File 1540)
1 item
Thornton to Lord Derby re Reciprocity Treaty with Hawaii, 21 August 1876 (Item 325R-327L. 230. AJCP Reel No: 7274)
Guano from Lacepede Island, 1876 (File 1541)
3 items
Thornton to Lord Derby, 13 November 1876 (Item 66R-72R. 287. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

(287) Re trespass on Lacepede Island. Has two enclosed letters.

Thornton to Hamilton Fish (US State Department), 6 November 1876 (Item 66R-72R. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Re extraction of guano from Lacepede Island. Enclosed in letter of 13 Nov 1876.

Fish to Sir Edward Thornton, 10 November 1876 (Item 66R-72R. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

That US consul in Melbourne is to be requested to report on the matter. Enclosed in letter of 13 Nov 1876.

Arrest of Capt. William Hayes: labour trade in Pacific, 1876 (File 1542)
9 items
Foreign Office to Thornton, 29 February 1876 (Item 9R-14L. 5. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Re capture of Captain Hayes, wanted in connection with labour traffic in South Pacific; list of correspondence forwarded to Thornton.

Foreign Office to Thornton, 25 March 1876 (Item 21R-22L. 9. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

That Hayes has been released by Spanish.

Foreign Office to Thornton, 20 May 1876 (Item 37R-38R. 17. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Re dismissal of Col. Steinberger from post in Samoa.

Thornton to Lord Derby, 3 April 1876 (Item 110R-117R. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Re activities of William Hayes. Includes copies of two letters.

Thornton to Hamilton Fish (US State Department), 22 May 1876 (Item 110R-117R. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Re arrest of U.S. citizen Hayes by Spanish authorities and description of the labour traffic in South Seas. Enclosed in letter of 3 April 1876.

Hamilton Fish to Edward Thornton, 1 April 1876 (Item 110R-117R. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Supporting British authorities in attempt to convict Hayes. Enclosed in letter of 3 April 1876.

Thornton to Lord Derby, 24 July 1876 (Item 263R-274L. 34. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Re compensation claimed by U.S. for damages in Fiji. Includes copies of two letters.

Thornton to Hamilton Fish (US State Department), 7 June 1876 (Item 263R-274L. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Re claims of U.S. citizens. Enclosed in letter of 24 July 1876.

Fish to Thornton re settlement of claims, 21 July 1876 (Item 263R-274L. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Enclosed in letter of 24 July 1876.

Conveyance of British mail for Australia across US, 1876 (File 1543)
1 item
Thornton to Lord Derby, 12 June 1876 (Item 242R-245R. 3. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Re discussions on conveyance of British mails for Australia across US.

Fenianism in Australia, 1876 - 1877 (File 1556. AJCP Reel No: 5779)
Filibustering expedition to Samoa, 1877 (File 1583)
15 items
Thornton to Lord Derby, 30 April 1877 (Item 16. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Re alleged filibustering expedition to Samoa by Col. Steinberger. Includes two enclosed letters.

Thornton to Ewarts re rumours of filibustering expeditions, 23 April 1877 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Enclosed in letter of 30 April 1876.

Seward (State Department) to Thornton, 25 April 1877 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7274)

That the government has no knowledge of such an expedition. Enclosed in letter of 30 April 1876.

Plunkett to Lord Derby, 12 June 1877 (Item 23. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Re alleged filibustering expedition. Includes five enclosed letters.

Ewarts to Plunkett, 5 June 1877 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Enclosed in letter of 12 June 1877. Four letters enclosed within this letter.

John Sherman (Treasury Department) to Ewart, 31 May 1877 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Enclosed in letter of 12 June 1877. Four letters enclosed within this letter.

J. B. Shannon (San Francisco) to Sherman that the rumour is false, 11 May 1877 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Enclosed in letter of 12 June 1877. Four letters enclosed within this letter.

William Morris (Special Agent, San Francisco) to Shannon, 10 May 1877 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Re arming of Captain Ogden's trading vessel being the basis of the rumour. Enclosed in letter of 12 June 1877.

Richard Ogden (San Francisco) to Morris, 10 May 1877 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7274)

That he has no knowledge of expedition to Samoan Islands; his own trading activities and those of Col Steinberger. Enclosed in letter of 12 June 1877.

Plunkett to Lord Derby, 19 June 1877 (Item 24. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Re German interest in Samoan affairs and alleged filibustering expedition. Includes two letters enclosed.

Ewarts to Plunkett, no foundation for the rumour, 16 June 1877 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Enclosed in letter of 19 June 1877.

Rosenthal (German consul San Francisco) to Baron M. von Thielmann, 8 June 1877 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7274)

With report on alleged expedition and on American trading ships in the harbour. Enclosed in letter of 19 June 1877.

Plunkett to Lord Derby, 3 July 1877 (Item 25. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Enclosed letter.

Seward (State Department) to Plunkett, 30 June 1877 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7274)

That filibustering expedition is not being organised at Virginia City, Nevada. Enclosed in letter of 30 June 1877.

Plunkett to Lord Derby, 14 August 1877 (Item 27. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Re hoisting of American flag at Samoa, including press cutting and Foreign Office memorandum (27 Aug 1877).

Plunkett to Lord Derby, 13 November 1877 (Item 33. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Re conflict in Samoa between US and British consuls (including press cutting).

Lacepede Islands, 1877 (File 1595)
6 items
Foreign Office memorandum on Lacepede Islands, 16 January 1877 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7274)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office, 16 January 1877 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Concerning American claims to Lacepede Islands and forwarding copies of correspondence between William Robinson and Lord Carnarvon 27 Oct - 2 Nov 1876. Includes Protest of U.S. consular Agent for W.A. against the action of the government of W.A. in claiming and exercising jurisdiction over the Lacepede Islands , Perth, G.P., 1876. 12p (printed) and memorandum by W.A. Attorney General (63pp).

Foreign Office to Law Officers for opinion on Lacepede Islands, 30 January 1877 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7274)
Law Officers to Foreign Office, 21 February 1877 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7274)

That claim of U.S. Government to Lacepede Islands cannot be supported in International Law.

Two Foreign Office memoranda on Lacepede Islands, 27 February 1877 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7274)
Admiralty to Foreign Office, 24 March 1877 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Enclosing extracts from report to Commodore of Australian station regarding Lacepede Islands and murder of Dr. James and Mr. Thorugreen by New Guinea natives on Yule Islands September 1876 - January 1877 (9p).

Fenianism in Australia, 1877 (File 1559. AJCP Reel No: 5779)
Treaty between US and Samoa; appointments of US consuls in Samoa and Fiji: activities of German consul in Samoa, 1878 (File 1650)
8 items
Thornton to Lord Derby, 20 January 1878 (Item 41R-42L. 1. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Re treaty between U.S. and Samoa.

Thornton to Lord Derby, 4 February 1878 (Item 119R-122R. 25. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Re text of Treaty between U.S. and Samoa, and newspaper cutting on same.

Thornton to Lord Derby, 12 February 1878 (Item 150R-152L. 31. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Re text of Treaty between U.S. and Samoa.

Thornton to Lord Derby, 25 February 1878 (Item 152R-156L. 49. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Forwarding copy of Treaty between US and Samoan Islands: friendship and commerce 1878, 3p (printed).

Thornton to Lord Derby, 18 March 1878 (Item 156R-157L. 6. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Re appointment of Gilderoy Griffiths as US consul at Fiji and Thomas Dawson as U.S. consul at Samoa.

Thornton to Lord Salisbury, 23 September 1878 (Item 224R-229L. 19. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Re instructions given to US consul at Samoa. Includes enclosed letters.

William Ewarts (US Department of State) to Baron von Thielmann (German Charge d'Affairs), 21 June 1878 (Item 224R-229L. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Re instructions given to US consul at Samoa to cooperate with colleagues. Enclosed within letter of 23 September 1878.

Thornton to Lord Salisbury, 23 September 1878 (Item 230R-233L. 20. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Re activities of German consul in Samoa.

Jurisdiction of US consul in Samoa, 1878 (File 1653)
6 items
John Welsh to Lord Derby, 12 January 1878 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Re attack on US property authorised by HM consul

Related Materials

Enclosures bound in 1568 after letter of 24 Dec 1877 from Welsh.

Foreign Office to Welsh re legal powers of U.S. consul in Samoa, 4 March 1878 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7274)
Foreign Office to Welsh that consul Liardet has been recalled to account for outrages, 4 March 1878 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7274)
Welsh to Lord Salisbury re right of US consul at Samoa to hear cases on civil matters, 8 April 1878 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7274)
Foreign to Welsh re judicial authority of US Consul in Samoa, 16 April 1878 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7274)
Welsh to Lord Salisbury re jurisdiction of US consul in Samoa, 14 May 1878 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7274)
Sovereignty of Christmas Island, 1879 (File 1682)
2 items
Thornton to Lord Salisbury re Christmas Island, 7 April 1879 (Item 9R-20L. 84. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Includes enclosed letter.

Thornton to William Ewarts (U.S. State Department) re sovereignty of Christmas Island, 29 January 1879 (Item 9R-20L. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Enclosed in letter of 7 April 1879.

American claims in Samoa, 1879 (File 1686)
7 items
Thornton to Lord Salisbury re U.S. intentions in Samoa, 16 June 1879 (Item 47. AJCP Reel No: 7274)
Thornton to Lord Salisbury, 27 October 1879 (Item 221. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Re American claims to Pago Pago. Includes press cutting.

Thornton to Lord Salisbury (224), 10 November 1879 (Item 224. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Re American claims to Pago Pago and newspaper reports of treaty between Maliesta and Sir Arthur Gordon.

Thornton to Lord Salisbury, 2 December 1879 (Item 89. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Whether he should question the Secretary of State on Samoa.

Foreign Office memo that Thornton should proceed (Item AJCP Reel No: 7274)
Thornton to Lord Salisbury, 2 December 1879 (Item 90. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Re request made by King of Samoa that England, Germany and U.S. should consult together re one of them assuming direction of the government of Samoa.

Thornton to Lord Salisbury, 8 December 1879 (Item 93. AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Re correspondence received from the King of Samoa.

A.B. Steinberger's claim for compensation, 1879 (File 1689)
3 items
John Welsh to Lord Salisbury, 23 July 1879 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7274)

Re A.B. Steinberger's claim for compensation for treatment received in Samoan Islands in 1876.

Foreign Office memorandum on the case, 23 July 1879 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7274)
Foreign Office to Welsh that HMG declines liability in Steinberger's case, 4 August 1879 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7274)
Fenian Brotherhood, 1878 (File 1706)
4 items
List of camps known in the City of Philadelphia of the United Brotherhood of Fenians, December 1877 (Item 30R-31L. AJCP Reel No: 7275)

Includes: camp no. 47 - junior guardsman Thomas Darragh, one of the rescued Australian prisoners.

Synopsis of a letter from the Executive Council of the United Brotherhood of Fenians, December 1877 (Item 32R-35L. AJCP Reel No: 7275)

Letter was read before the camps in the City of Philadelphia (mentions Australian Prisoners Relief Rund).

Edward Archibald (New York) to Sir Edward Thornton, 2 March 1878 (Item 120R-122L. AJCP Reel No: 7275)

Re reported dissatisfaction of Australian Fenian organisation with financial affairs of V.C. of America.

George Crump (Philadelphia) to Sir Edward Thornton, 4 March 1878 (Item 123R-126L. AJCP Reel No: 7275)

Re activities of Michael Russell, one of rescued Australian prisoners.

Fenianism in Australia, 1878 (File 1707. AJCP Reel No: 5779)
Samoa: US recognition of King Malietoa, 1880 (File 1725)
8 items
Foreign Office to Drummond re HMG's policy on Samoa, 7 September 1880 (Item 38. AJCP Reel No: 7275)

Despatch 9 and 15 not in file.

Thornton to Lord Salisbury, 22 January 1880 (Item 1. AJCP Reel No: 7275)

That U.S. consul has been instructed to recognise King of Samoa.

Thornton to Lord Salisbury, 26 January 1880 (Item 2. AJCP Reel No: 7275)

Re meeting with Ewarts on questions of Samoa.

Thornton to Lord Salisbury, 16 February 1880 (Item 5. AJCP Reel No: 7275)

Re U.S. recognition of King Malietoa.

Thornton to Lord Salisbury, 1 March 1880 (Item 6. AJCP Reel No: 7275)

Re annexation of Rotumah Island to Fiji. Despatch 16 not in file.

Thornton to Lord Salisbury, 16 March 1880 (Item 8. AJCP Reel No: 7275)

Re U.S. opinion on government of Apia.

Drummond to Lord Granville, 27 September 1880 (Item 19. AJCP Reel No: 7275)

Has enclosed letter

Drummond to William Ewarts (US Secretary of State), 25 September 1880 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7275)

Re HMG's policy with regard to Samoa. Enclosed in letter of 27 September 1880.

US secret negotiations with King of Sandwich Islands, 1881 (File 1751)
1 item
Foreign Office to Drummond, 13 October 1881 (Item 160R-161R. 228. AJCP Reel No: 7275)

Re secret negotiations between U.S. and King of Sandwich Islands.

US secret negotiations with King of Sandwich Islands, 1881 (File 1755)
1 item
Drummond to Lord Granville, 22 October 1881 (Item 293R-295L. 309. AJCP Reel No: 7275)

Re possible secret negotiations between U.S. government and King of Sandwich Islands.

US secret negotiations with King of Sandwich Islands, 1881 (File 1757)
1 item
Foreign Office to Drummond, 13 October 1881 (Item 56. AJCP Reel No: 7275)

Re possible secret negotiations between U.S. government and King of Hawaii.

Samoa, 1881 (File 1758)
3 items
Foreign Office to West re affairs in Samoa, 21 November 1881 (Item 25. AJCP Reel No: 7275)
Thornton to Lord Granville, 21 February 1881 (Item 2. AJCP Reel No: 7275)

Report of meeting with Ewarts, U.S. State Department re Samoan affairs. Has enclosed letter.

Ewarts to Thornton re death of King Malietoa, 9 February 1881 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7275)

Enclosed in letter of 21 February 1881.

Hawaii, 1881 (File 1770)
2 items
Lowell to Lord Granville, 8 July 1881 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7275)
Foreign Office memoranda, 14 July 1881 - 12 September 1881 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7275)

On Art 4 of TReaty between U.S. and Hawaiian Islands of 31 January 1875, and suggested reply to Lowell, including note (18 Carlton House Terrace) that Lord Granville is inclined not to answer.

Fenian Brotherhood: rescue of Fenians from Western Australia, 1881 (File 1780)
1 item
Robert Clipperton (Philadelphia) to Lord Granville, 30 September 1881 (Item 65R-73L. AJCP Reel No: 7275)

Re Fenian activities, including report on Kelly who was one of gang who in 1876 whent to Australia on Catalpa and rescued Fenians from Western Australia.

Sir Henry Parkes and Australian wool, 1882 (File 1785)
2 items
West to Lord Granville, 21 February 1882 (Item 78. AJCP Reel No: 7275)

That Sir Henry Parkes has arrived and wishes to discuss with U.S. government the importation of Australian wool into U.S.

West to Lord Granville, 23 February 1882 (Item 83. AJCP Reel No: 7275)

Report of meeting between Sir Henry Parkes and Bancroft Davis on subject of Australian wool.

Reciprocity Treaty between US and Hawaii, 1882 (File 1786)
1 item
West and Lord Granville, 10 March 1882 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7275)

(Commercial 35) re Reciprocity Treaty between U.S. and Hawaii.

Reciprocity Treaty between US and Hawaii, 1882 (File 1793)
1 item
West to Lord Granville re Hawaiian Reciprocity Treaty, 10 March 1882 (Item 60. AJCP Reel No: 7275)
Relations between US and Hawaii, 1882 (File 1794)
1 item
West to Lord Granville re relations between U.S. and Hawaii, 19 May 1882 (Item 223. AJCP Reel No: 7275)
Fenian Brotherhood, 1882 (File 1819)
1 item
George Crumps (Philadelphia) to Lord Granville, 11 July 1882 (Item 56R-61L. AJCP Reel No: 7275)

Re secret Fenian meeting attended by Tom Brennan, captain of Catalpa which rescued Fenians from Australia.

Fenianism in Australia, 1882 (File 1820. AJCP Reel No: 5779)
Relations between US and Hawaii, 1883 (File 1828)
2 items
Foreign Office to West re relations between U.S. and Hawaiian Islands, 13 January 1883 (Item 5. AJCP Reel No: 7275)
Foreign Office to West re treaty with Hawaii, 5 February 1883 (Item 28. AJCP Reel No: 7275)
Relations between US and Hawaii, 1883 (File 1838)
1 item
West to Lord Granville re relations between U.S. and Hawaii, 6 January 1883 (Item 3. AJCP Reel No: 7275)
Hawaiian Treaty, 1883 (File 1842)
3 items
West to Lord Granville (Treaty 6) re Hawaiian Treaty, 10 January 1883 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7275)
West to Lord Granville, 16 January 1883 (Item 8. AJCP Reel No: 7275)

Re Hawaiian Treaty with Senate Joint Resolution and Foreign Office minute of 3 February 1883.

West to Lord Granville, 30 January 1883 (Item 17. AJCP Reel No: 7275)

Re enquiry by Frederick Allen as to possible Reciprocity Treaty between Australia and Hawaii.

American designs on Hawaii, 1883 (File 1844)
1 item
Memorandum by E. Hertslet respecting American design on Hawaiian Islands (8p) (printed), 2 January 1883 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Hawaiian Government's protest at annexation of any Polynesian territory, 1883 (File 1852)
1 item
George Stanley to Lord Granville, 18 September 1883 (Item 1. AJCP Reel No: 7276)

Re protest by Hawaiian Government at annexation of any Polynesian territory (includes cutting and copy of cable).

American designs on Hawaii, 1883 (File 1857)
3 items
Admiralty to Foreign Office, 18 May 1883 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7276)

Has enclosed letter.

Rear Admiral Lyons (HMS Swiftsure to Admiralty report on American influence in Sandwich Islands, 24 March 1883 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7276)

Enclosed in letter of 18 May 1883.

Foreign Office to Admiralty that no reason to suppose U.S. is preparing to use force in Sandwich Islands, 7 June 1883 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Fenianism in Australia, 1883 (File 1860. AJCP Reel No: 5779)
Fraudulent sale of sheep to Australia; treaty between US and Hawaii, 1884 (File 1879)
3 items
Lionel West to Lord Granville, 10 November 1884 (Item 289. AJCP Reel No: 7276)

Re fraudulent sale of sheep to Australian government. Sent with letter of 4 December 1884.

F.W. Hawley (Rochester, N.Y) to Lionel West, 4 December 1884 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7276)

Re sale of diseased sheep by William Markham to Australian government. Sent with letter of 10 November 1884.

Lionel West to Lord Granville, 12 December 1884 (Item 299. AJCP Reel No: 7276)

Re treaty between U.S. and Hawaii and news cutting.

Possible annexation of Hawaiian Islands, 1885 (File 1905)
2 items
Lionel West to Lord Salisbury, 7 November 1885 (Item 300. AJCP Reel No: 7276)

Re conversation with Hawaiian minister Mr Carter, on possible annexation of Hawaiian Islands by U.S.

Lionel West to Lord Salisbury, 20 November 1885 (Item 308. AJCP Reel No: 7276)

Re Carter's mission to Berlin, London and Paris. Despatch 299 not in file.

Treaty between US and Hawaii, 1885 (File 1909)
1 item
Lionel West to Lord Granville, 22 March 1885 (Item 89. AJCP Reel No: 7276)

Re Treaty between U.S. and Hawaii, and press cuttings from New York Tribune.

Termination of Convention with Hawaii, 1885 (File 1911)
1 item
Lionel West (Washington) to Lord Salisbury, 27 December 1885 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7276)

(Treaty 47) re treaty with Hawaii and copy of Joint Resolution of Senate terminating convention of June 3 1875 with King of Hawaii.

Samoa; Hawaiian reciprocity treaty, 1886 (File 1936)
3 items
Lionel West to Lord Salisbury re Samoa, 16 January 1886 (Item 13. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Lionel West to Lord Rosebery re treaty with Hawaii, includes press cutting, 26 February 1886 (Item 52. AJCP Reel No: 7276)

Despatch no. 43 not in file.

Lionel West to Lord Rosebery re Hawaiian reciprocity treaty, 27 March 1886 (Item 83. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Hawaii, 1886 (File 1937)
3 items
Lionel West to Lord Rosebery re Hawaii, 21 April 1886 (Item 114. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Lionel West to Lord Rosebery re Hawaii, 31 May 1886 (Item 137. AJCP Reel No: 7276)

Despatch no. 133 not in file.

Lionel West to Lord Rosebery re Hawaii, 27 August 1886 (Item 203. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Hawaii, 1886 (File 1938)
2 items
Lionel West to Lord Iddesleigh re Mr Spreckles relations with Hawaiian Government, 18 September 1886 (Item 209. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Lionel West to Lord Iddesleigh re Mr Carter's report on Hawaii, 17 October 1886 (Item 232. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Samoa, 1886 (File 1939)
14 items
Foreign Office to Lionel West re Samoa, 13 Jan 1885 (i.e. 1886) (Item 3. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Foreign Office to Lionel West re Samoa, 31 March 1886 (Item 6. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Foreign Office to Lionel West re commissioner to be sent to Samoa, 12 July 1886 (Item 13. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Lionel West to Foreign Office re Samoa, 12 January 1886 (Item 1. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Lionel West to Foreign Office re German consul at Apia, 17 June 1886 (Item 4. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Lionel West to Foreign Office relations between Sandwich Islands and Samoa, 24 June 1886 (Item 5. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Charles Hardinge (Washington) to Foreign Office re Commissioner sent to Samoa, 12 July 1886 - 13 July 1886 (Item 7. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Lionel West to Foreign Office re Samoa, 12 January 1886 (Item 1. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Lionel West to Foreign Office re Samoa, 2 June 1886 (Item 3. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Lionel West to Foreign Office re Samoa, 17 June 1886 (Item 4. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Lionel West to Foreign Office re Samoa, 24 June 1886 (Item 5. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Lionel West to Foreign Office re Samoa, 25 June 1886 (Item 6. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Charles Hardinge (Washington) to Foreign Office re Samoa, 12 July 1886 (Item 7. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Charles Hardinge (Washington) to Foreign Office re Samoa, 24 July 1886 (Item 8. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Treaty with Hawaii, 1886 (File 1941)
1 item
Foreign Office to Lionel West, 15 April 1886 (Item 26. AJCP Reel No: 7276)

Re proposed termination of Reciprocity Treaty between U.S. and Sandwich Islands. Despatch not in file.

Visit of Sir Alexander Stuart from NSW; proposed cable between US and Australia, 1886 (File 1950)
2 items
Stanley to Foreign Office re visit of Sir Alexander Stewart of New South Wales, 26 February 1886 (Item 5. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Mason to Foreign Office re proposed cable between U.S. and Australia, 26 May 1886 (Item 15. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Treaty with Hawaii, 1886 (File 1965)
1 item
Lionel West (Washington) to Lord Salisbury, 2 February 1886 (Item 6. AJCP Reel No: 7276)

Re abrogation of Treaty with Hawaii.

Samoa; cession of Pearl Harbor to US, 1887 (File 1978)
Foreign Office to Lionel West re U.S. consul in Samoa, 19 February 1887 (Item 30. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Foreign Office to Lionel West re conference on Samoa, 19 February 1887 (Item 31A. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Foreign Office to Lionel West re cession of Pearl River Harbour to U.S., 2 March 1887 (Item 36. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Foreign Office to Lionel West re relations between Hawaii and Samoa, 31 May 1887 (Item 113. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Foreign Office to Lionel West re Pearl Harbour, 17 August 1887 (Item 197. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Foreign Office to Lionel West re relations between U.S. and Hawaii, 28 November 1887 (Item 284. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Conference on Samoa, 1887 (File 1980)
2 items
Sir Lionel West (Washington) to Lord Salisbury, 24 June 1887 (Item 177. AJCP Reel No: 7276)

Re conference on Samoa. Includes: memorandum (6p).

Sir Lionel West (Washington) to Lord Salisbury, 27 July 1887 (Item 217. AJCP Reel No: 7276)

Re conference on Samoa. Includes: Precis of conference (2p); Notes of Mr Bayard's statement (18p).

Hawaii; Pearl Harbor, 1887 (File 1981)
4 items
Sir Lionel West (Washington) to Lord Salisbury re affairs in Hawaii, with newspaper cutting, 8 August 1887 (Item 232. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Sir Lionel West (Washington) to Lord Salisbury re relations between U.S. and Hawaii, 26 August 1887 (Item 252. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Sir Lionel West (Washington) to Lord Salisbury re Sandwich Islands, with newspaper cutting, 13 September 1887 (Item 264. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Sir Lionel West (Washington) to Lord Salisbury re Pearl River Harbour, with newspaper cutting, 14 November 1887 (Item 329. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Conference on Samoa, 1887 (File 1982)
20 items
Foreign Office to Sir Lionel West (Washington) re Samoa Conference, 11 June 1887 (Item 16. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Foreign Office to Sir Lionel West (Washington) re Samoa Conference, 23 June 1887 (Item 19. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Foreign Office to Sir Lionel West (Washington) re arrival of Thurston in Washington, 25 June 1887 (Item 22. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Sir Lionel West (Washington) to Foreign Office re Samoa Conference, 24 February 1887 (Item 2. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Sir Lionel West (Washington) to Foreign Office re Samoa Conference, 28 March 1887 (Item 5. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Sir Lionel West (Washington) to Foreign Office re Thurston, 23 May 1887 (Item 11. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Sir Lionel West (Washington) to Foreign Office re Samoa Conference, 11 June 1887 (Item 12. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Sir Lionel West (Washington) to Foreign Office re Samoa Conference, 2 July 1887 (Item 15. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Sir Lionel West (Washington) to Foreign Office that Thurston has arrived at San Francisco, 12 July 1887 (Item 19. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Sir Lionel West (Washington) to Foreign Office re Samoa, 12 July 1887 (Item 20. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Sir Lionel West (Washington) to Foreign Office re Samoa, 13 July 1887 - 14 July 1887 (Item 21. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Sir Lionel West (Washington) to Foreign Office re German scheme for land compensation in Samoa, 22 July 1887 - 23 July 1887 (Item 24. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Sir Lionel West (Washington) to Foreign Office re Thurston, 22 July 1887 - 23 July 1887 (Item 25. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Sir Lionel West (Washington) to Foreign Office re Samoa Conference, 18 September 1887 - 19 September 1887 (Item 29. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Sir Lionel West (Washington) to Lord Salisbury re Thurston's Report, 18 March 1887 (Item 4. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Sir Lionel West (Washington) to Lord Salisbury re Samoa Conference, 11 June 1887 (Item 12. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Sir Lionel West (Washington) to Lord Salisbury re Samoa, 22 June 1887 (Item 13. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Sir Lionel West (Washington) to Lord Salisbury re Samoa, 22 June 1887 (Item 14. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Sir Lionel West (Washington) to Lord Salisbury re German land scheme, 22 July 1887 (Item 24. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Sir Lionel West (Washington) to Lord Salisbury re Thurston, 23 July 1887 (Item 25. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Treaty between US and Tonga, 1887 (File 1986)
1 item
Sir Lionel West to Lord Salisbury transmitting test of Treaty between U.S. and Tonga, 3 March 1887 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Relations between US and Hawaii, 1887 (File 1987)
1 item
William Hoare to Lord Salisbury re relations between U.S. and Hawaii, 4 August 1887 (Item Political 15. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Crisis in Hawaii, 1887 (File 2015. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Admiralty to Foreign Office, 24 August 1887 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7276)

Forwarding copy of Honolulu Gazette 1 July 1887 re crisis of government on Hawaii.

Rear-Admiral M. Culme-Seymour (Esquimalt) to Admiralty re crisis in Honolulu (copy), 5 August 1887 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Negotiations with US over Samoa and Hawaii, 1888 (File 2018)
5 items
Sir Lionel West (Washington) to Lord Salisbury, 16 February 1888 (Item 40. AJCP Reel No: 7276)

Forwarding letter of 15 Feb 1888

J. F. Bayard (Department of State) re neutrality of Sandwich Islands, 15 February 1888 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7276)

Forwarded with letter of 16 February 1888.

Sir Lionel West (Washington) to Lord Salisbury, 6 April 1888 (Item 127. AJCP Reel No: 7276)

Re difficulty of negotiating with U.S.A., especially over Samoa and Hawaii.

Sir Lionel West (Washington) to Lord Salisbury re Maxwell sentenced to death for murder of Preller, 9 April 1888 (Item 130. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Sir Lionel West (Washington) to Lord Salisbury re Pearl River Harbour, enclosing press cutting, 9 April 1888 (Item 131. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Postal conventions between US and British colonies, 1888 (File 2023)
3 items
Sir Lionel West (Washington) to Lord Salisbury, 11 April 1888 (Item 100. AJCP Reel No: 7276)

Re postal communication between U.S. and British colonies.

Sir Lionel West (Washington) to J. F. Bayard (copy) re conclusion of postal conventions with consulting Imperial Post Office, 22 March 1888 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7276)

Enclosed within letter of 11 April 1888.

J. F. Bayard to Sir Lionel West (Washington) (copy) re various postal conventions between U.S. and British colonies, including Australia, 9 April 1888 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7276)

Enclosed within letter of 11 April 1888.

Postal arrangements between US and British colonies, 1888 (File 2024)
1 item
Henry Edwardes to Lord Salisbury, 17 June 1888 (Item 185. AJCP Reel No: 7276)

Re postal arrangements between U.S. and British colonies, including Draft note verbale.

Hawaii, 1890 (File 2079)
4 items
Sir Julian Pauncefote (Washington) to Lord Salisbury re Hawaii, 24 January 1890 (Item 14. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Sir Julian Pauncefote (Washington) to Lord Salisbury re Honolulu, 5 April 1890 (Item 73. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Sir Julian Pauncefote (Washington) to Lord Salisbury re Hawaii, 11 April 1890 (Item 75. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Sir Julian Pauncefote (Washington) to Lord Salisbury re Hawaii, 7 May 1890 (Item 93. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Hawaii, 1890 (File 2080)
4 items
Sir Julian Pauncefote (Washington) to Lord Salisbury re relations between U.S. and Hawaii, 9 April 1890 (Item 48. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Sir Julian Pauncefote (Washington) to Lord Salisbury re Hawaii, 17 April 1890 (Item 54. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Sir Julian Pauncefote (Washington) to Lord Salisbury re Hawaii, 29 April 1890 (Item 62. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Sir Julian Pauncefote (Washington) to Lord Salisbury re Hawaii, 23 May 1890 (Item 75. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Hawaii, 1890 (File 2081)
2 items
Sir Julian Pauncefote (Washington) to Lord Salisbury re Hawaii, 20 July 1890 (Item 106. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Sir Julian Pauncefote (Washington) to Lord Salisbury re Hawaii, 25 October 1890 (Item 136. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Conference on Samoa, 1890 (File 2082)
2 items
Sir Julian Pauncefote (Washington) to Foreign Office re Samoan Conference, 20 January 1890 (Item 2. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Sir Julian Pauncefote (Washington) to Foreign Office re Samoan Conference, 5 July 1890 (Item 65. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Conference on Samoa, 1890 (File 2083)
2 items
Foreign Office to Sir Julian Pauncefote re Samoan conference in Berlin (Item 3. AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Sir Julian Pauncefote (Washington) to Foreign Office re Samoan Conference, 10 April 1890 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7276)
German land claims in Fiji, 1890 (File 2093)
1 item
Robert Lincoln to Lord Salisbury re settlement of German land claims in Fiji, 15 April 1890 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7276)
Treaty with Samoa, 1890 (File 2095)
1 item
Robert Lincoln to Foreign Office re Samoan Treaty, 24 February 1890 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7277)
Treaty between Hawaii and USA, 1891 (File 2121)
1 item
Sir Julian Pauncefote (Washington) to Lord Salisbury, 28 November 1891 (Item 270. AJCP Reel No: 7277)

Re treaty between U.S. and Hawaii negotiated by Dr Mott Smith, with newspaper cutting.

Hawaii; fur seal industry, 1891 (File 2145)
3 items
Foreign Office to Sir George Baden-Powell re treaty between Great Britain and Sandwich Islands, 31 December 1891 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7277)
Sir George Baden-Powell (London) to Lord Salisbury re information on fur seal industry of Australasia, 10 December 1891 (Item 29. AJCP Reel No: 7277)
Sir George Baden-Powell to Foreign Office re possibility of landing fur skins in Sandwich Islands, 22 December 1891 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7277)
Hawaii; visit of chief of Gilbert Islands to San Francisco, 1892 (File 2148)
3 items
Sir Julian Pauncefote (Washington) to Lord Salisbury re relations between U.S. and Hawaii, 29 April 1892 (Item 110. AJCP Reel No: 7277)
Sir Julian Pauncefote (Washington) to Lord Salisbury re arrival in San Francisco of chiefs from Gilbert Island, 29 April 1892 (Item 112. AJCP Reel No: 7277)
Sir Julian Pauncefote (Washington) to Lord Salisbury re possible annexation of Hawaii by U.S., 10 May 1892 (Item 125. AJCP Reel No: 7277)
Resignation of Chief Justice of Samoa, 1892 (File 2150. AJCP Reel No: 7277)
Sir Julian Pauncefote to Foreign Office re Samoa, 2 January 1892 - 3 January 1892 (Item 3. AJCP Reel No: 7277)
Sir Julian Pauncefote to Foreign Office re Chief Justice of Samoa, 31 January 1892 - 1 February 1892 (Item 21. AJCP Reel No: 7277)
Michael Herbert to Foreign Office re Samoa, 13 July 1893 (Item 104. AJCP Reel No: 7277)
Michael Herbert to Foreign Office re resignation of Pilsach in Samoa, 6 October 1892 - 7 October 1892 (Item 138. AJCP Reel No: 7277)
Michael Herbert to Foreign Office re Samoa, 6 October 1892 - 7 October 1892 (Item 139. AJCP Reel No: 7277)
US designs on Hawaiian Islands, 1892 (File 2162)
1 item
A. Oakes memorandum on U.S. designs on Hawaiian Islands, 18 January 1892 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7277)
South Sea seal industry, 1892 (File 2184)
1 item
Memorandum on South Sea Seal Fishery, 5 April 1892 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7277)

36p. Includes information on Australasian seal fishing industry.

Telegraphic communication across Pacific Ocean, 1893 (File 2187)
1 item
Sir Julian Pauncefote to Lord Rosebery, 11 February 1893 (Item 56. AJCP Reel No: 7277)

Re telgraphic communication across Pacific Ocean and enclosing copy of speech by Richard Bland in House of Representatives.

Revolution in Hawaii, 1893 (File 2189)
1 item
Sir Julian Pauncefote (Washington) to Foreign Office re revolution in Hawaii, 28 January 1893 - 29 January 1893 (Item 18. AJCP Reel No: 7277)
US policies on Hawaii and Samoa, 1894 (File 2234)
2 items
William Goschen to Lord Kimberley, 9 November 1894 (Item 289R-298L. 221. AJCP Reel No: 7277)

With results of Congressional elections, influence of Democratic Party policy on Hawaii.

William Goschen to Lord Kimberley, 4 December 1894 (Item 344R-354R. 232. AJCP Reel No: 7277)

Re President's message to Congress, including policy on Samoa. Includes Congressional Record, 4 December 1894.

Affairs in Sandwich Islands, 1894 (File 2256)
1 item
Admiralty to Foreign Office, 2 July 1894 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7277)

Forwarding copy of extracts from letter of 28 May from Commander in Chief of Pacific Station re affairs in Sandwich Islands.

E. Adlum's Travels in Pacific through Australia, New Zealand, Samoa and Sandwich Islands, 1895 (File 2287)
1 item
E. Adlum (Vancouver) to Lord Salisbury, 26 December 1895 (Item 313R-319L. AJCP Reel No: 7277)

Re his travels in Pacific through Australia, New Zealand, Samoa and Sandwich Islands.

Inquiry of H.C. Stanley into railways, 1896 (File 2295)
2 items
Lord Gough to Lord Salisbury, 16 August 1896 (Item 54. AJCP Reel No: 7277.)

Re facilities for H.C. Stanley during his inquiry on behalf of Queensland Government into railways.

Lord Gough to Lord Salisbury re Stanley, 2 September 1896 (Item 57. AJCP Reel No: 7277)
Expedition of Professor Alexander Agassiz to the Great Barrier Reef, 1895 - 1896 (File 2301)
3 items
Alexander Agassiz (Cambridge, Mass) to Sir Julian Pauncefote (Washington), 29 December 1895 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7277)

Re his expedition to explore Great Barrier Reef (copy).

Foreign Office to T. F. Bayard, 9 March 1896 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7277)

That despatches have been sent to Governors of N.S.W and Queensland requesting facilities be afforded to Professor Agassiz.

James Roosevelt to Lord Salisbury re facilities afforded Prof. Agassiz, 31 August 1896 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7277)
Request for information on the Library of Congress for Sydney University, 1897 (File 2319)
1 item
Foreign Office to Sir Julian Pauncefote requesting details of Library of Congress for Sydney University, 10 November 1897 (Item 98R 175. AJCP Reel No: 7277)
Floor plans and photographs of Library of Congress, 1897 (File 2322)
3 items
Sir Julian Pauncefote (Washington) to Lord Salisbury re details of plans of Library of Congress, 18 December 1897 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7277)

Includes enclosed letters dated 13 Dec; 16-17 Dec 1897.

John Sherman (U.S. State Department) to Sir Julian Pauncefote, 16 December 1897 - 17 December 1897 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7277)

Enclosed in letter of 18 December 1897.

Bernard Green (Superintendent of Build) to A.A. Adee re photographs and floor plans of Library of Congress, 13 December 1897 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7277)

Enclosed in letter of 18 December 1897.

Appointment of Queensland emigration agent, Joseph Douglas Russell, 1897 (File 2325)
1 item
Foreign Office to Sir Julian Pauncefote (Washington), 24 May 1897 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7277)

Re appointment of Queensland emigration agent - Joseph Douglas Russell - in U.S.

Claims by US citizens to lands in Fiji, 1879 - 1897 (File 2357. AJCP Reel No: 7278)


Memoranda, correspondence, telegrams and reports re claims by U.S. citizens to lands in Fiji and appointment of George Skidmore by U.S. Government to enquire into the claims.

Correspondents include: Colonial Office; Sir Arthur Gordon (Fiji); Foreign Office; James Lowell (U.S. Minister, London); Edward Phelps (U.S. Minister, London); Sir John Thurston (Suva); Lionael Sackville West (Washington); Robert Lincoln (U.S. Minister, London); T.F. Bayard (U.S. Minister, London).


Colonial Office, Land Claims in Fiji: Memorandum by Sir Arthur Gordon 1879 (printed).

Colonial Office. Correspondence on the Subject of the Claims of U.S. Citizens to Land in Fiji. 1888 (printed)

List of American claimants.

Message of President of U.S. to Senate, 1896 transmitting report of George Skidmore on claim of U.S. citizens.

Copy of Views of Commodore George W. Melville, 1898 (File 2361)
1 item
Sir Julian Pauncefote (Washington) to Lord Salisbury, 22 March 1898 (Item 76. AJCP Reel No: 7277)

Forwarding copy of Views of Commodore George W Melville as to the strategic and commercial value of the Nicaraguan Canal, the future control of the Pacific Ocean, the strategic value of Hawaii and its annexation to U.S. (printed) 33p.

Land in Honolulu reserved for US Navy, 1898 (File 2363)
1 item
Sir Julian Pauncefote (Washington) to Lord Salisbury, 4 November 1898 (Item 294. AJCP Reel No: 7277)

Re land in Honolulu reserved for U.S. Navy. Includes newspaper cutting.

Future trade between US and Hawaii confined to US ships, 1898 (File 2367)
3 items
Foreign Office to Sir Julian Pauncefote, 10 September 1898 (Item 46. AJCP Reel No: 7277)

Whether British vessels will be debarred in future from carrying sugar from Sandwich Islands. Separate P.S. re interests of New Zealand in this trade.

Foreign Office to Sir Julian Pauncefote re probability that in future trade between U.S. and Hawaii will be confined to U.S. ships, 2 November 1898 (Item 57. AJCP Reel No: 7277)
Lord Herschell (Quebec) to Lord Salisbury re restrictions in U.S. Coastal trade, 29 August 1898 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7277)
Restrictions on US coastal trade; invitation to West Australian International Mining and Industrial Exhibition, 1898 (File 2369)
8 items
Sir Julian Pauncefote (Washington) to Lord Salisbury, 4 October 1898 (Item 120. AJCP Reel No: 7277)

Re trade between Hawaii and U.S. ports carried out by British vessels. Encloses letter 30 Sept 1898.

Alvey Adee (State Department) to Sir Julian Pauncefote (Washington), 30 September 1898 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7277)

Re commercial results of annexation of Hawaii by U.S. Encloses within letter dated 4 Oct 1898.

Letters from U.S. Treasury and Department of Justice, 30 July; 22 July 1898 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7277)

Re status of Hawaiian ports (printed).

Sir Julian Pauncefote (Washington) to Lord Salisbury, 28 October 1898 (Item 123. AJCP Reel No: 7277)

Re invitation to U.S. to participate in West Australian International Mining and Industrial Exhibition.

Sir Julian Pauncefote (Washington) to Lord Salisbury, 21 November 1898 (Item 141. AJCP Reel No: 7277)

Re restrictions on U.S. coastal trade. Enclosed letter dated 16 Nov 1898

Sir Julian Pauncefote to John Hay (State Department), 16 November 1898 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7277)

Re restrictions on U.S. coastal trade, with special reference to trade between Hawaii and San Francisco carried by N.Z. vessels. Enclosed in letter dated 21 Nov 1898.

Sir Julian Pauncefote (Washington) to Lord Salisbury, 8 December 1898 (Item 149. AJCP Reel No: 7277)

Re invitation to West Australian International Mining and Industrial Exhibition.

Sir Julian Pauncefote (Washington) to Lord Salisbury, 19 December 1898 (Item 153. AJCP Reel No: 7277)

Re extension of U.S. Navigation Laws to Hawaiian Islands. Includes extract from Congressional record.

US Navigation Laws in Hawaii and Hawaiian trade, 1898 (File 2370)
7 items
Foreign Office to Sir Julian Pauncefote (Washington) re possible application of U.S. navigation laws in Hawaii, 12 October 1898 (Item 25. AJCP Reel No: 7277)
Foreign Office to Sir Julian Pauncefote (Washington) re U.S. navigation laws, 15 December 1898 (Item 30. AJCP Reel No: 7277)
Foreign Office to Sir Julian Pauncefote (Washington) re U.K. navigation laws as applicable to inter-colonial trade, 23 December 1898 (Item 31. AJCP Reel No: 7277)
Sir Julian Pauncefote (Washington) to Foreign Office that as yet no Legislation extending Navigation Laws to Hawaii, 24 September 1898 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7277)
Sir Julian Pauncefote (Washington) to Foreign Office that Secretary of State thinks that in future Hawaiian trade will be confined to U.S. ships, 3 October 1898 (Item 34. AJCP Reel No: 7277)
Sir Julian Pauncefote (Washington) to Foreign Office re Hawaiian trade, 13 October 1898 (Item 35. AJCP Reel No: 7277)
Sir Julian Pauncefote (Washington) to Foreign Office re Hawaiian trade; Foreign Office note, 15 December 1898 (Item 38. AJCP Reel No: 7277)
Embarkation of troops for Hawaii, 1898 (File 2371)
1 item
Wellesley Moore to Lord Salisbury re embarkation of troops for Hawaii, 18 August 1898 (Item 34. AJCP Reel No: 7277)
Hawaiian trade, 1898 (File 2381)
1 item
Board of Trade to Foreign Office, 10 December 1898 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7277)

Re possible restrictions of trade between U.S. and Hawaii to U.S. ships. Includes table showing trade between U.S. and Hawaii carried by foreign ships.

Claims of ill-treatment of British subjects by Hawaiian Government: compensation for native Samoans: resignation of Chambers as Chief Justice of Samoa, 1899 (File 2388)
4 items
Foreign Office to Sir Julian Pauncefote, 21 March 1899 (Item 42Rr-46L. 54. AJCP Reel No: 7277)

Re claims of British subjects against Hawaiian Government for ill treatment during Royalist rebellion of 1895. Foreign Office Memoranda.

Foreign Office to Sir Julian Pauncefote re claims of British subjects in Hawaii, 11 November 1899 (Item 146R-147R. 229. AJCP Reel No: 7277)
Foreign Office to Sir Julian Pauncefote re compensation for natives of Samoa, 8 December 1899 (Item 158R-160L. 251. AJCP Reel No: 7277)
Foreign Office to Sir Julian Pauncefote re resignation of Chambers as Chief Justice of Samoa, 12 December 1899 (Item 164R-165L. 254. AJCP Reel No: 7277)
Pacific Cable; abolition of Hawaiian consular posts, 1899 (File 2389)
2 items
Sir Julian Pauncefote (Washington) to Lord Salisbury, 6 January 1899 (Item 12R-31R. 5. AJCP Reel No: 7277)

Re Pacific cables, enclosing newspaper cuttings and bills to construct and maintain telegraphic communications.

Sir Julian Pauncefote (Washington) to Lord Salisbury, 13 January 1899 (Item 65R-78L. 20. AJCP Reel No: 7277)

Re abolition of Hawaiian consular posts, enclosing copy of House of Representatives Bill.

Claims by British subjects for compensation from Hawaiian government, 1899 (File 2390)
1 item
Reginald Tower to Lord Salisbury re claims of British subjects in Hawaii, 3 May 1899 (Item 133. AJCP Reel No: 7277)
Tripartite Convention on Samoa; Pacific cable, 1899 (File 2392)
3 items
Sir Julian Pauncefote (Washington) to Lord Salisbury, 1 December 1899 (Item 131R-132R. 343. AJCP Reel No: 7277)

Re Tripartite Convention on Samoa, (printed) includes correspondence between Pauncefote and John Hay (U.S. State Department).

Sir Julian Pauncefote (Washington) to Lord Salisbury, 3 December 1899 (Item 135R-137L. 345. AJCP Reel No: 7277)

Re signing of Samoan Tripartite Convention.

Sir Julian Pauncefote (Washington) to Lord Salisbury, 15 December 1899 (Item 189R-193L. 353. AJCP Reel No: 7277)

Re Pacific cable. Include Foreign Office note.

Samoan arbitration; German purchase of Carolinas, 1899 (File 2393)
4 items
Foreign Office to Sir Julian Pauncefote (Washington) re claim for losses in Samoa; King of Sweden to act as arbitrator, 11 December 1899 (Item 60R-66R. 121. AJCP Reel No: 7277)
Sir Julian Pauncefote (Washington) to Foreign Office re Samoa, 13 December 1899 (Item 123R. AJCP Reel No: 7277)
Sir Julian Pauncefote (Washington) to Lord Salisbury re German purchase of Carolinas, 9 January 1899 (Item 126R-127L. 2. AJCP Reel No: 7277)
Sir Julian Pauncefote (Washington) to Lord Salisbury re Samoa, 12 December 1899 (Item 146R. 90. AJCP Reel No: 7277)
Samoan arbitration, 1899 (File 2394)
1 item
Foreign Office to Reginald Tower re Samoa arbitration, 2 November 1899 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7277)
Extension of US navigation and anti-contract labour laws to Hawaii, 1899 (File 2396)
2 items
Sir Julian Pauncefote (Washington) to Lord Salisbury, 6 February 1899 (Item 21. AJCP Reel No: 7279)

Enclosing copies of bill (before letter) to extend U.S. navigation laws to Hawaii.

Sir Julian Pauncefote (Washington) to Lord Salisbury, 7 February 1899 (Item 22. AJCP Reel No: 7279)

That House of Representatives has considered bill to extend anti-contract labour laws of U.S. to Hawaii.

Extension of US coast trade laws to Hawaii, 1899 (File 2399)
1 item
Reginald Tower to Lord Salisbury re extension of U.S. coast trade laws to Hawaii, 31 October 1899 (Item 286. AJCP Reel No: 7279)
Despatches from consul at Honolulu, including claims by British subjects for compensation from Hawaiian Government and Pacific Cable, 1899 (File 2401. AJCP Reel No: 7279)


Comprises of 9 Nov 1899 Foreign Office to William Hoare (Telegram) re claims of British subjects.

16 March - 6 Dec 1899 Despatches from William Hoare to Lord Salisbury. Subjects include: Laws for Government of the Islands; arrival of troops; Samoan Commissioners; proposed Pacific cable; cancellation of general election; claims of British subjects ill-treated during Royalist insurrections of 1895; 4 July celebrations; proclamations re sale of land; movements of surveying vessels.

Includes: copies of A.G.S. Hawes (Consul, Honolulu) to Henry E Cooper (Minister of Foreign Affairs, Honolulu) 3 Dec 1895 re claims of British subjects, and reply of 10 Dec 1895.

Despatches from consul at Honolulu, including alleged illegal imprisonment of British subject Haake or Hoake: Captain Cook's monument in Hawaii: new Japanese mail steamship line to San Francisco, 1899 (File 2406)
3 items
Consular Section: William Kenny and William Hoare to Lord Salisbury, 1 January 1899 - 30 December 1899 (Item 1-19. AJCP Reel No: 7279)


Subjects include: Personnel in consulate; receipt of despatches from Foreign Office; returns of births, deaths and marriages registered at consulate; arrival of Hoare; request for new Union Jack and Seals; alleged illegal imprisonment of British subject Haake or Hoake; report from Comander Smyth of Egeria on inspection of Captain Cook's monument.

Commercial Section: William Kenny and William Hoare to Lord Salisbury, 3 January 1899 - 29 December 1899 (Item 1-14. AJCP Reel No: 7279)


Subjects include: U.S. tariff; New Japanese mail steamship line to San Francisco; other Pacific mail steamship lines; regulations on trade marks; Plague on board Nipon Maru; trade regulations; plague at Honolulu.

Treaty Section: William Hoare to Lord Salisbury, 7 March 1899 - September 1899 (Item Political 2; 1-2. AJCP Reel No: 7279)


Subjects include: death of Princess Kaiulani; death of Dowager Queen Kaplolani; extradition of James Scattergood alias Wilson, charged with larceny at Melbourne, he cannot be found.

Effects of New South Wales Alien Act on master of American ship Carrollton, 1899 (File 2409)
1 item
Joseph Choate to Lord Salisbury, 3 July 1899 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7279)

Re effects of N.S.W. Alien Act, which prevents landing of any coloured person who is unable to read and write one of the European languages, on Master of American ship Carrollton from which three Mauritius blacks deserted.

Pacific Cable, 1899 (File 2410)
3 items
Sir Francis Mowatt (Pacific Cable Committee) to Foreign Office, 14 December 1899 (Item 492R-501L. AJCP Reel No: 7279)

Re route of Pacific cable; possible lease of Necker Island or a Hawaiian Island from U.S. Also includes Foreign Office memoranda.

Foreign Office memorandum on landing of Pacific Cable on Necker Island or on Hawaiian Island, 1 January 1900 (Item 523R-525[A]R. AJCP Reel No: 7279)
Sir Francis Mowatt (Pacific Cable Committee) to Foreign Office with further suggestions on landing of Pacific Cable, 30 December 1899 (Item 526R-529L. AJCP Reel No: 7279)
Extension of US navigation laws to Hawaii, 1899 (File 2412)
6 items
Foreign Office Note, 1 February 1899 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7279)

Re report by Japanese Minister that Hawaiian Bill had passed the Senate extending U.S. Navigation Laws to Hawaii.

Thomas Barker (Chamber of Commerce of Liverpool) to Lord Salisbury re U.K. trade with Hawaii, 15 February 1899 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7279)

Has enclosed letter of 23 January 1899.

Theo Davies & Co (Liverpool) to Thomas Barker re annexatoin of Hawaiian Islands and extension of U.S. Navigation laws, 23 January 1899 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7279)

Enclosed in letter of 15 February 1899.

Parliamentary Question by Mr Bartley on Hawaiian Islands, 17 February 1899 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7279)
Foreign Office to Chamber of Commerce of Liverpool that representations re Hawaii have been made in Washington, 25 February 1899 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7279)

That representations re Hawaii have been made in Washington.

W. Leslie Comyn (San Diego) to Foreign Office, 28 July 1899 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7279)

Re enforcement of labour contracts in Hawaii. Includes Foreign Office note and newspaper cutting.

Pacific Cable; Samoan arbitration, 1900 (File 2425)
11 items
Foreign Office to Lord Pauncefote re Pacific Cable, 4 January 1900 (Item 1R-2L. 4. AJCP Reel No: 7279)
Foreign Office to Lord Pauncefote, 4 January 1900 (Item 3R-10L. Private. AJCP Reel No: 7279)

Re Pacific cable and suggestions of Sir Francis Mowatt regarding lease of Necker Island. Includes Foreign Office Note.

Foreign Office to Lord Pauncefote, 17 March 1900 (Item 42R-46R. 48. AJCP Reel No: 7279)

Re Payment by German Government to Malietoa, ex-King of Samoa.

Foreign Office to Lord Pauncefote re Samoan claims, 24 March 1900 (Item 49R-50L. 57. AJCP Reel No: 7279)
Foreign Office to Lord Pauncefote re British consulate at Apia, 5 April 1900 (Item 67R-68L. 69. AJCP Reel No: 7279)
Foreign Office to Lord Pauncefote, 14 September 1900 (Item 195R-198L. 208. AJCP Reel No: 7279)

Re expenses in connection with administration of Samoa. Includes Foreign Office note.

Foreign Office to Lord Pauncefote, 19 September 1900 (Item 204R-206R. 212. AJCP Reel No: 7279)

That King of Sweden will consider claims of foreigners in connection with Samoa.

Foreign Office to Lord Pauncefote re payment to natives of Samoa for guns surrendered, 19 October 1900 (Item 231R-233L. 234. AJCP Reel No: 7279)
Foreign Office to Lord Pauncefote, 6 December 1900 (Item 277R-280L. 266. AJCP Reel No: 7279)

Re sharing of expenses in administration of Samoa. Includes Foreign Office note.

Foreign Office to Lord Pauncefote, 7 December 1900 (Item 281R-283L. 268. AJCP Reel No: 7279)

Re transport of guns taken from Samoan natives to San Francisco. Includes Foreign Office note.

Foreign Office to Lord Pauncefote re Samoan arbitration, 19 December 1900 (Item 300R-301L. 278. AJCP Reel No: 7279)
Samoan arbitration; tripartite convention in Samoa, 1900 (File 2426)
9 items
Lord Pauncefote (Washington) to Lord Salisbury, 19 January 1900 (Item 43R-46L. AJCP Reel No: 7279)

Re Samoan arbitration by King of Sweden. Letter enclosed dated 18 Jan 1900.

John Hay (U.S. State Department) to Lord Pauncefote re arbitration, 18 January 1900 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7279)

Letter enclosed in letter dated 19 Jan 1900.

Lord Pauncefote to Lord Salisbury, 26 January 1900 (Item 75R-83R. 25. AJCP Reel No: 7279)

Re costs of Pacific cable, and enclosing two (printed) letters from Pacific Cable Company.

Lord Pauncefote to Lord Salisbury, 26 January 1900 (Item 85R-96L. 26. AJCP Reel No: 7279)

Re costs of Pacific cable, enclosing two printed documents re cable: Pacific Cable - An argument in Favour of Private Ownership V Government Ownership; US Government Pacific Cable by George Owen Squier

Lord Pauncefote to Lord Salisbury, 7 February 1900 (Item 188R-196R. 48. AJCP Reel No: 7279)

Forwarding copy of paper on Pacific cable by George Owen Squier.

Lord Pauncefote to Lord Salisbury re tripartite convention re Samoa, 16 February 1900 (Item 211R-213L. 54. AJCP Reel No: 7279)
Lord Pauncefote to Lord Salisbury, 14 February 1900 (Item 215R-274L. 56. AJCP Reel No: 7279)

Forwarding copy of report on government for Hawaiian Islands by US Congress Committee on Territories. Includes Foreign Office note.

Lord Pauncefote to Lord Salisbury, 26 February 1900 (Item 332R-334R. 64. AJCP Reel No: 7279)

Re settlement of claims in Samoa by arbitration. Letter enclosed dated 23 Feb 1900.

John Hay (U.S. State Department) to Lord Pauncefote re Samoa, 23 February 1900 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7279)

Enclosed in letter dated 26 Feb 1900.

Education of ex-King Malietoa; arbitration of Samoa, 1900 (File 2427)
5 items
Lord Pauncefote to Lord Salisbury, 17 April 1900 (Item 297R-303R. 122. AJCP Reel No: 7279)

Re place of residence of ex-King Malietoa Tanumafili. Included enclosed letter dated 14 April 1900.

John Hay (U.S. State Department) to Lord Pauncefote, 14 April 1900 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7279)

Re proposal to send Malietoa to Australia to complete his education. Enclosed in letter of 17 April 1900.

Lord Pauncefote to Lord Salisbury, 23 April 1900 (Item 312R-315R. 128. AJCP Reel No: 7279)

Re arbitration of Samoan claims. Included enclosed letter of 21 April 1900.

John Hay (U.S. State Department) to Lord Pauncefote, 21 April 1900 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7279)

Re arbitration by King of Sweden. Enclosed in letter of 21 April 1900.

Lord Pauncefote to Lord Salisbury, 4 May 1900 (Item 332R-347R. 136. AJCP Reel No: 7279)

Re passing of Act for Government of Hawaii, enclosing copy of Act. Includes Foreign Office note.

Claims of British subjects in Hawaii for compensation from Hawaiian Government and Pacific Cable, 1900 (File 2428)
2 items
Lord Pauncefote to Lord Salisbury, 24 May 1900 (Item 30R-44R. 161. AJCP Reel No: 7279)

Re Cranstoun. Includes Foreign Office note and printed copies of correspondence with Cranstoun and with Law Offices re claims of British subjects in Hawaii (1895-1900).

Lord Pauncefote to Lord Salisbury re legislation for Pacific cable, 3 June 1900 (Item 49R-51L. 169. AJCP Reel No: 7279)
Arbitration of Samoa and claims by British subjects for compensation from Hawaiian Government, 1900 (File 2429)
2 items
Lord Pauncefote to Lord Salisbury, 25 October 1900 (Item 21R-29R. 266. AJCP Reel No: 7279)

Re arbitration by King of Sweden on Samoa claims enclosing copies of correspondence on subject. John Hay to Lord Pauncefote (22 Oct 1900); A Quadt (German Embassy) to John Hay (15 Oct 1900); confidential note from German Embassy; John Hay to Count Quadt Wykradt Isny (22 Oct 1900); John Hay to Lord Pauncefote (13 Oct 1900).

Lord Pauncefote to Lord Salisbury, 21 December 1900 (Item 449R-504L. 305. AJCP Reel No: 7279)

Re claims of British subjects in Hawaii, forwarding report of Governor of Hawaii rejecting claims.

Tripartite Convention on Samoa, 1900 (File 2430)
11 items
Foreign Office note on ratification of Samoan Convention (Item 1R-3L. AJCP Reel No: 7279)
Foreign Office to Lord Pauncefote re Samoan Tripartite Convention and paraphrase, 3 February 1900 (Item 3R-4R. 5. AJCP Reel No: 7279)
Foreign Office to Lord Pauncefote, 21 November 1900 (Item 73R-74R. 222. AJCP Reel No: 7279)

Re arbitration of Samoan claims by King or Prince REgent of Sweden and paraphrase and note.

Lord Pauncefote to Foreign Office that Senate ratified Samoan treaty, 17 January 1900 (Item 95R. 1A. AJCP Reel No: 7279)
Lord Pauncefote to Foreign Office re Samoan Treaty and paraphrase, 30/29 Jan 1900 (Item 103R-104R. 5. AJCP Reel No: 7279)
Lord Pauncefote to Foreign Office re ratifications oof Samoan convention and paraphrase, 16 February 1900 (Item 114R-115R. 13. AJCP Reel No: 7279)
Lord Pauncefote to Foreign Office re tripartite Samoan convention and paraphrase, 26 February 1900 (Item 117R-118R. 14. AJCP Reel No: 7279)
Lord Pauncefote to Foreign Office re Samoan Claims convention, 7 March 1900 - 8 March 1900 (Item 131R-132R. 20. AJCP Reel No: 7279)
Lord Pauncefote to Foreign Office re education of King Malietoa and paraphrase, 17 April 1900 (Item 147R-148R. 25. AJCP Reel No: 7279)
Lord Pauncefote to Foreign Office re Samoan arbitration and Foreign Office note and paraphrase, 24 November 1900 (Item 217R-219R. 59. AJCP Reel No: 7279)
Lord Pauncefote to Foreign Office message of congratulations to Lord Hopetoun from Government and people of U.S., 31 December 1900 - 1 January 1901 (Item 237R. 79. AJCP Reel No: 7279)
Ratification of Samoan convention, 1900 (File 2431)
5 items
Foreign Office to Lord Pauncefote re settlement of Samoan claims, 23 February 1900 (Item 2. AJCP Reel No: 7279)
Foreign Office to Lord Pauncefote re Samoan Treaty, 27 February 1900 (Item Tel. AJCP Reel No: 7279)
Foreign Office to Lord Pauncefote re settlement of Samoan claims, 27 February 1900 (Item 4. AJCP Reel No: 7279)
Pauncefote to Lord Salisbury re ratification of Samoan convention, 9 March 1900 (Item 4. AJCP Reel No: 7279)
Pauncefote to Lord Salisbury re ratification of Samoan convention, 10 March 1900 (Item 5. AJCP Reel No: 7279)

Includes Foreign Office note and printed copy of convention.

US navigation laws, 1900 (File 2434)
1 item
Lord Pauncefote (Washington) to Sir Thomas Sanderson, 12 November 1900 (Item Private. AJCP Reel No: 7279)

Re effect of U.S. navigation laws on trade between Sydney and Honolulu.

Despatches from consul at Honolulu, including claim of John Cranstoun for compensation, 1900 (File 2436)
3 items


Foreign Office to Consul General William Pickersgill (San Francisco), 22 March 1900 (Item 1900-03-22)

(Telegram) to telegraph Hoare re Cranstoun's claim. Includes Foreign Office note.

Foreign Office to William Hoare, 18 April 1900 - 12 June 1900 (Item 1-2. AJCP Reel No: 7280)

Re claim of Cranstoun for compensation for arrest and deportation in 1895; and claims of British subjects for arrest in 1895. Foreign Office note included.

William Hoare to Lord Salisbury, 31 January 1900 - 4 September 1900 (Item 1-15. AJCP Reel No: 7280)

Subjects include: movements of survey ships; claim of John Cranstoun; claims of British subjects; Act to provide government for Hawaii; meeting of Chinese seeking restoration of Chinese Emperor.

Includes: petition from John Cranstoun 2 Dec 1895, and copies of correspondence with him. An Act to Provide a Government for the Territory of Hawaii 1900. 66p (printed)

Plague at Honolulu, 1900 (File 2437)
6 items
William Pickersgill to Foreign Office (Telegram) re plague at Honolulu, 2 January 1900 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7280)
William Pickersgill to Foreign Office (Telegram) re deaths at Honolulu, 3 January 1900 - 4 January 1900 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7280)
William Pickersgill to Foreign Office (Telegram) re deaths from plague at Honolulu, 3 January 1900 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7280)
William Pickersgill to Foreign Office (Telegram) re deaths from plague at Honolulu, 20 January 1900 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7280)
William Pickersgill to Foreign Office (Telegram) re deaths from plague at Honolulu, 5 February 1900 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7280)
William Pickersgill to Foreign Office (Telegram) re deaths from plague at Honolulu, 20 February 1900 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7280)
Despatches from consul at Honolulu, including inspection of Captain Cook's monument, 1900 (File 2441)
3 items
Consular Section: Foreign Office to William Hoare, 30 May 1900 - 12 December 1900 (Item 1-5. AJCP Reel No: 7280)

Payment of expenses; his appointment; leave of absence to vice consul; ship agreements.

Consular Section: William Hoare to Lord Salisbury., 1 January 1900 - 31 December 1900 (Item 1-22. AJCP Reel No: 7280)

Subjects include: consulate officials; return of births, marriages and deaths; establishment of Victoria Hospital; proceedings of naval courts; inspection of Captain Cook's monument.

Commercial Section: Hoare to Lord Salisbury, 4 January 1900 - 7 September 1900 (Item 1-16. AJCP Reel No: 7280)


Deaths from plague in Honolulu spread of plague to Maui and Hawaii Islands; prohibition of importation of certain foods; raising of quarantine regulations; laws relating to issue of patentsand copyright.

Tripartite Samoan Convention, 1900 (File 2444)
2 items
Foreign Office to Joseph Choate re ratification of Tripartite Samoan Convention, 14 February 1900 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7280)
Joseph Choate to Lord Salisbury re Samoan Convention, enclosing copy of declaration by President William McKinley, 2 March 1900 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7280)
Pacific Cable: acquisition of Necker lsland, 1900 (File 2445)
1 item
Foreign Office to Sir Francis Mowatt re Pacific cable and acquisition of Necker Island, 5 January 1900 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7280)
UK, US and German convention on Samoa, 1900 (File 2450)
1 item
Foreign Office covering note, 4 May 1899 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7280)

Re Convention between U.K., Germany and U.S.A. relating to the settlement of certain claims in Samoa by arbitration 1900 (5p).

Education of ex-King Malietoa; Samoan arbitration, 1901 (File 2455)
5 items
Foreign Office to Sir Julian Pauncefote, 26 February 1901 (Item 39. AJCP Reel No: 7280)

Re claims of British subjects in Hawaii: that further efforts should be made for compensations possibly via arbitration.

Foreign Office to Sir Julian Pauncefote re losses sustained by foreigners in bombardment of Samoa, 22 April 1901 (Item 89. AJCP Reel No: 7280)
Foreign Office to Sir Julian Pauncefote re education of King Malietoa, 20 May 1901 (Item 108. AJCP Reel No: 7280)
Foreign Office to Gerald Lowther re Samoan claims, 8 August 1901 (Item 159. AJCP Reel No: 7280)
Foreign Office to Gerald Lowther re grant to Malietoa Tanu, 7 October 1901 (Item 192. AJCP Reel No: 7280)
Samoan arbitration, 1901 (File 2456)
4 items
Lord Pauncefote to Lord Lansdowne, 15 March 1901 (Item 372R-374R. 98. AJCP Reel No: 7280)

Re Samoan arbitration. Enclosed copy of 11 March 1901, John Hay (U.S. State Department) to Pauncefote re date of payment.

Lord Pauncefote to Lord Lansdowne, 15 March 1901 (Item 376R-378R. 99. AJCP Reel No: 7280)

Re payment of compensation to natives of Samoa for surrender of guns, enclosing copy of 11 March 1901; John Hay (U.S. State Department) to Pauncepote re date of payment.

Lord Pauncefote to Lord Lansdowne, 22 March 1901 (Item 387R-405R. 104. AJCP Reel No: 7280)

Re arbitration by King of Sweden of Samoan claims. Also included are letters of 16 April and 8 May 1901; Foreign Office note; John Hay to Pauncefote (11 March 1901) (Copy); U.S. memorandum re Samoan claims.

Lord Pauncefote to Lord Lansdowne, 24 March 1901 (Item 408R-412R. 106. AJCP Reel No: 7280)

Re payment to natives of Samoa for guns surrendered, forwarding copies of: 18 March 1901 Pauncefote to John Hay re sale of guns; 21 March 1901 John Hay to Pauncefote that guns are at Mare Island Navy Yard, California.

Claims of British subjects for compensation from Hawaiian Government; Samoan claims; Australian Federation, 1901 (File 2457)
7 items
Lord Pauncefote to Lord Lansdowne, 1 April 1901 (Item 2R-4L. 112. AJCP Reel No: 7280)

Re Foreign Office circulars of 14 and 19 March (not in file) re attendance of foreign war ships at opening of 1st session of Federal Parliament of Australia.

Lord Pauncefote to Lord Lansdowne re Hawaiian claims, 17 April 1901 (Item 32R-38R. 127. AJCP Reel No: 7280)

Had enclosed letter dated 9 April 1901.

Lord Pauncefote to John Hay (U.S. State Department), 9 April 1901 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7280)

Proposing claims of British subjects to compensation from Hawaiian government to be put to arbitration. Enclosed in letter of 17 April 1901.

John Hay (U.S. State Department) to Lord Pauncefote that a copy of his letter has been forwarded to Governor Dole, 15 April 1901 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7280)
Lord Pauncefote to F. H. Villiers (Foreign Office), 3 May 1901 (Item 77R-80R. Private. AJCP Reel No: 7280)

Forwarding letter of 1 May 1901 of David Hill (U.S. State Department) to Lord Pauncefote sending copy of case of U.S. Government re Samoan claims.

Lord Pauncefote to Lord Lansdowne, 7 May 1901 (Item 87R-93R. 142. AJCP Reel No: 7280)

Re claims of British subjects in Hawaii. Foreign Office of 7 May and Memorandum.

Gerald Lowther to Lord Lansdowne, 15 July 1901 (Item 312R-315R. 190. AJCP Reel No: 7280)

Re grant to Malietoa Tanu to continue his education, and enclosing copy of U.S. memorandum on subject.

Samoan claims, 1901 (File 2458)
2 items
Lord Pauncefote to Arthur Larcom re Samoan claims, 2 December 1901 (Item 201R-203L. Private. AJCP Reel No: 7280)
Lord Pauncefote to Lord Lansdowne, 5 December 1901 (Item 244R-279[A]R)

Re Samoan claims, enclosing copy of 5 December 1901 John Hay (U.S. State Department) to Pauncefote enclosing copies of affidavits of Rear Admirals Kautz and White and of Lt Guy Brown re occurrences at Samoa in 1899.

Samoan claims, 1901 (File 2459)
16 items
Foreign Office to Lord Pauncefote reply of Governor General of Australia to message of congratulations from U.S., 9 January 1901 (Item 4R-5R. 3. AJCP Reel No: 7280)
Lord Pauncefote to Villiers re Samoan claims, 22 February 1901 (Item 12R. AJCP Reel No: 7280)
Foreign Office to Lord Pauncefote re Samoa, 19 March 1901 (Item 28R. AJCP Reel No: 7280)
Lord Pauncefote to Villiers re Samoa, 13 March 1901 (Item 29R. AJCP Reel No: 7280)
Foreign Office to Lord Pauncefote re visit of U.S. warship to Australia, 23 April 1901 (Item 30R. AJCP Reel No: 7280)
Foreign Office to Lord Pauncefote re Samoan case, 3 May 1901 (Item 33R-35L. AJCP Reel No: 7280)
Foreign Office to Lord Pauncefote re Samoa claims, 8 May 1901 (Item 36R-37L. AJCP Reel No: 7280)
Foreign Office to Lord Pauncefote sale of Samoan guns, 21 November 1901 (Item 47R-48R. 79. AJCP Reel No: 7280)
Foreign Office to Pauncefote re acceptance of bid for guns, 21 December 1901 (Item 51R-53R. 86. AJCP Reel No: 7280)
Lord Pauncefote to Villiers re Samoan claims, 22 February 1901 (Item 61R-62L. AJCP Reel No: 7280)
Lord Pauncefote to Villiers re Samoan claims, 22 March 1901 (Item 65R. AJCP Reel No: 7280)
Lord Pauncefote to Villiers re Samoan claims, 2 May 1901 (Item 66R. AJCP Reel No: 7280)
Lord Pauncefote to Villiers re Samoan claims, 10 May 1901 (Item 67R. AJCP Reel No: 7280)
Lord Pauncefote to Lord Lansdowne that USS Brooklyn will visit New Zealand, 10 May 1901 (Item 68R. 18. AJCP Reel No: 7280)
Lord Pauncefote to Foreign Office re Samoan claims, 21 May 1901 (Item 69R-71R. 19. AJCP Reel No: 7280)
Lord Pauncefote to Lord Lansdowne re sale of Samoan guns, 19 November 1901 (Item 86R-87R. 34. AJCP Reel No: 7280)
Export of Queensland cattle to Hawaii, 1901 (File 2461)
2 items
Foreign Office to Lord Pauncefote, 12 February 1901 (Item 7. AJCP Reel No: 7280)

Re steam ship communications between New Zealand and San Francisco.

Foreign Office to Lord Pauncefote, 31 October 1901 (Item 76. AJCP Reel No: 7280)

Re registration in U.S. of Herdbrook of Queensland Dairy Society with a view to admission of Queensland cattle into Honolulu duty free.

US coastal navigation laws, 1901 (File 2462)
2 items
Lord Pauncefote to Lord Lansdowne, 20 March 1901 (Item 31. AJCP Reel No: 7280)

Re complaint of New Zealand government re exclusion of foreign vessels from carrying trade between New Zeland and San Francisco. Encloses copy of letter of 20 March 1901.

John Hay (U.S. State Department) to Lord Pauncefote that U.S. Coastal Navigation laws cannot be relaxed, 20 March 1901 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7280)
Queensland cattle, 1901 (File 2463)
2 items
Lord Pauncefote to Lord Lansdowne re registration of Herdbook of Queensland Dairy Society, 18 December 1901 (Item 185. AJCP Reel No: 7280)

Had enclosed letter dated 14 December 1901.

John Hay (U.S. State Department) to Lord Pauncefote, 14 December 1901 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7280)

That due to existence of contagious pleuro-pneumonia of cattle in Australia and New Zealand, cattle could not be admitted there from Hawaii.

Despatches from consul at Honolulu, including claims of British subjects for compensation from Hawaiian Government, 1901 (File 2465)
2 items
Honolulu Section: Foreign Office to William Hoare, 31 July 1901 (Item 1. AJCP Reel 7280)

Re claims of Cranstoun and other British subjects to compensation for treatment received during royalist insurrection of 1895.

Honolulu Section: William Hoare to Lord Lansdowne, 18 January 1901 - 6 November 1901 (Item 1-5. AJCP Reel No: 7280)

Subjects include: Improvement of Pearl Harbour; movements of British Pacific fleet; claims of British cubjects; movements of survey vessels.

Plague in Hawaii, 1901 (File 2466)
5 items
San Francisco Section: Commercial Section: Foreign Office to William Pickersgill, 29 June 1901 (Item Telegram. AJCP Reel No: 7280)

Re plague in San Francisco.

San Francisco Section: Commercial Section: Wellesley Moore to Lord Lansdowne, 28 June 1901 (Item 4. AJCP Reel No: 7280)

Re plague; has already been in communication with Sir Frederick Darley in N.S.W.

San Francisco Section: Commercial Section: Wellesley Moore to Foreign Office, 2 July 1901 (Item Telegram. AJCP Reel No: 7280)

Plague probably extinct.

San Francisco Section: Commercial Section: Wellesley Moore to Lord Lansdowne, 3 July 1901 (Item 5. AJCP Reel No: 7280)

Re plague; experience of Honolulu.

San Francisco Section: Commercial Section: Wellesley Moore to Lord Lansdowne, 30 July 1901 (Item 6. AJCP Reel No: 7280)

Plague has reappeared.

Despatches from consul at Honolulu, including conviction of A.E. Rowbotham for assault; plague in Honolulu, 1901 (File 2469)
3 items
Honolulu Section: Consular Section: Foreign Office to William Hoare, 24 January 1901 - 20 December 1901 (Item 1-8. AJCP Reel No: 7281.)

Subjects include: Mrs Prtichard's pension, mistake in charging of fees, leave of absence to Vice Consul Walker, registration of births, conviction of A.E. Rowbotham, Chief Officer of Senator for assault.

Honolulu Section: Consular Section: William Hoare to Lord Lansdowne, 1 January 1901 - 31 December 1901 (Item 1-25. AJCP Reel No: 7281)

Subjects include: Personnel at consulate, returns of births, marriages and deaths; explanation of excessive fees charged; request for new Union Jack; conviction of A.E. Rowbotham for assault.

Honolulu Section: Commercial Section: William Hoare to Lord Lansdowne, 7 March 1901 - 18 December 1901 (Item 2-13. AJCP Reel No: 7281)

(32p). Subjects include: establishment of Marconi system between Hawaiian Islands; incidence of plague in Honolulu.

Malietoa's wish to remain in Fiji; claims by British subjects against Hawaiian Government, 1902 (File 2484)
2 items
Foreign Office to Lord Pauncefote, 23 May 1902 (Item 112R-114L. 103. AJCP Reel No: 7281)

Re Malietoa's desire to remain in Fiji rather than go to Australia.

Foreign Office to Michael Herbert, 29 November 1902 (Item 252R-254R. 229. AJCP Reel No: 7281)

Re claims against Hawaiian government, and Foreign Office note.

Samoan and Hawaiian claims; sale of guns surrendered by Samoan natives, 1902 (File 2485)
8 items
Lord Pauncefote to Lord Lansdowne, 2 January 1902 (Item 1R-3R. 2. AJCP Reel No: 7281)

Re claims of British subjects in Hawaii, enclosing copy of 30 Dec 1901 John Hay (US State Department) to Pauncefote re communication with Governor of Hawaii.

Lord Pauncefote to Lord Lansdowne, 30 January 1902 (Item 101R-103R. 29. AJCP Reel No: 7281)

Re Samoan claims, enclosing copy of 28 Jan 1902 John Hay (U.S. State Department) to Lord Pauncefote re U.S. counter-memorandum.

Lord Pauncefote to Lord Lansdowne, 31 January 1902 (Item 105R-107R. 36. AJCP Reel No: 7281)

Re U.S. counter case re Samoan claims (not in file). Foreign Office note.

Lord Pauncefote to Lord Lansdowne, 3 February 1902 (Item 137R-141R. 39. AJCP Reel No: 7281)

Re sale of guns surrendered by Samoan natives, enclosing copies of: 30 Jan 1902 John Hay (U.S. State Department) to Lord Pauncefote re British desire to accept current bids versus German desire to offer small lot at auction. 28 Jan 1902 Holleben (German Embassy) to Hay re sale of guns at auction.

Lord Pauncefote to Lord Lansdowne, 8 February 1902 (Item 142R-145L. 40. AJCP Reel No: 7281)

Forwarding U.S. counter case re Samoan claims. Also includes map of Apia Harbour and 26 Feb 1902 H. Erle Richards to Larcon returning map.

Lord Pauncefote to Lord Lansdowne, 14 February 1902 (Item 188R-191R. 51. AJCP Reel No: 7281)

Re sale of guns surrendered by Samoan natives enclosing copy of: 10 Feb 1902 John Hay (U.S. State Department) to Lord Pauncefote re resolving of differences between British and German governments.

Lord Pauncefote to Lord Lansdowne re sale of Samoan guns by auction, 3 March 1902 (Item 232R-234L. 68. AJCP Reel No: 7281)
Lord Pauncefote to Lord Lansdowne re Samoan claims, 20 March 1902 (Item 253R. 79. AJCP Reel No: 7281)
Malietoa's wish to remain in Fiji; sale of Samoan guns, 1902 (File 2486)
2 item
Arthur Raikes (Washington) to Lord Lansdowne, 6 June 1902 (Item 216R-219R. 161. AJCP Reel No: 7281)

Re sale of guns surrendered by Samoan natives, enclosing copy of 5 June 1902 John Hay (U.S. State Department) to Raikes that guns have been sold at action.

Arthur Raikes (Washington) to Lord Lansdowne, 13 June 1902 (Item 228R-230R. 168. AJCP Reel No: 7281)

Re Malietoa Tanu, enclosing copy of 12 June 1902 John Hay (U.S. State Department) that Malietoa Tanu should be allowed to remain in Fiji.

Samoan arbitration and claims of British subjects in Hawaii, 1902 (File 2488)
2 items
Sir Michael Herbert (Washington) to Lord Lansdowne, 27 October 1902 (Item 293. AJCP Reel No: 7281)

Re result of Samoan arbitration, dissatisfaction by Mr Hay at King of Sweden's decision.

Sir Michael Herbert (Washington) to Lord Lansdowne; Raikes and Herman C Norman, 23 December 1902 - 8 February 1903 (Item 352. AJCP Reel No: 7281)

Re interviews held with Governor Dole regarding claims of British subjects in Hawaii. Letter from Raikes re interview and letter from Herman C Norman that doesn't know what was said at interview.

Samoan claims; sale of Samoan guns, 1902 (File 2489)
12 items
Foreign Office to Sir Julian Pauncefote re Samoan claims, 23 January 1902 (Item 1R-2R. 2 and paraphrase. AJCP Reel No: 7281)
Foreign Office to Sir Julian Pauncefote re Samoan claims, and Foreign Office note, 24 January 1902 (Item 3R-5R. 3 and paraphrase. AJCP Reel No: 7281)
Foreign Office to Sir Julian Pauncefote re U.S. counter case re Samoan claims, and Foreign Office, 1 February 1902 (Item 9R-11R. 4 and paraphrase. AJCP Reel No: 7281)
Foreign Office to Sir Julian Pauncefote re sale of Samoan guns, 20 February 1902 (Item 39R-40R 16 and paraphrases. AJCP Reel No: 7281)
Foreign Office to Sir Julian Pauncefote re award of King of Sweden re Samoan claims, and two Foreign Office notes, 11 October 1902 (Item 79R-81R. 48. AJCP Reel No: 7281)
Lord Pauncefote to Lord Lansdowne re Samoan claims, 20 January 1902 (Item 94R-96L. 2 and paraphrase AJCP Reel No: 7281)
Lord Pauncefote to Lord Lansdowne re Samoan claims, 1 February 1902 (Item 106R-107R. 5 and paraphrase. AJCP Reel No: 7281)
Lord Pauncefote to Lord Lansdowne re Samoan claims, 3 February 1902 - 4 February 1902 (Item 108R-109[A]R. 6 and paraphrase. AJCP Reel No: 7281)
Sir Michael Herbert to Lord Lansdowne re award by King of Sweden re Samoan claims, 22 October 1902 (Item 192R-193L. 39 AJCP Reel No: 7281)
Sir Michael Herbert to Lord Lansdowne re Samoan claims, 13 November 1902 (Item 203R-204R. 44 and paraphrase. AJCP Reel No: 7281)
Sir Michael Herbert to Lord Lansdowne re Samoan claims, 26 November 1902 (Item 206R-208R. 48 and paraphrase. AJCP Reel No: 7281)
Sir Michael Herbert to Lord Lansdowne re Samoan claims and Foreign Office note, 16 December 1902 (Item 220R-224R. 61 and paraphrase. AJCP Reel No: 7281)
Despatches from consul at Honolulu, including claims by British subjects for compensations from Hawaiian Government, 1902 (File 2496)
1 item
Honolulu Section: William Hoare to Lord Lansdowne, 19 March 1902 - 14 December 1902 (Item 1-3. AJCP Reel No: 7281)

Visit of Governor to Washington; claims of British subjects; visit by U.S. Senate Committee on Pacific Islands; establishment of site for military post.

Despatches from consul at Honolulu, including resignation of Vice-Consul Walker; appointment of Francis M. Swanzy, 1902 (File 2500)
5 items
Honolulu Section: Consular Section: Foreign Office to William Hoare, 1 January 1902 - 19 April 1902 (Item 1-3. AJCP Reel No: 7281)

Subjects include registration of births, resignation of Vice Consul Walker, appointment of Francis Mills Swanzy as Vice Consul.

Honolulu Section: Consular Section: William Hoare to Lord Lansdowne, 1 January 1902 - 31 December 1902 (Item 1-13. AJCP Reel No: 7281)

Subjects include: consulate personnel, return of births, marriages and deaths; overcharging of fees; resignation of Vice Consul Walker; receipt of despatches; appointment of Francis Mills Swanzy as Vice Consul.

Honolulu Section: Commercial Section: William Hoare to Lord Lansdowne, 8 January 1902 - 24 December 1902 (Item 2-18. AJCP Reel No: 7281)

(34p). Subjects include: deaths from plague; report on trade and commerce.

Honolulu Section: Treaty Section: Foreign Office to William Hoare, 13 October 1902 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7281)

Re reassumption of British nationality to R.W. Purvis who took oath of allegiance to Kalakaua, King of Hawaii.

Honolulu Section: Treaty Section: William Hoare to Lord Lansdowne, 7 August 1902 (Item 1. AJCP Reel No: 7281)

Re R.W. Purvis who wishes to resume British nationality having sworn oath of allegiance to King Kalakaua. Enclosing copies of: 26 July 1902 R.W.T. Purvis (Lihue) to Hoare re oath taken in 1885. 28 July 1902 Hoare to Purvis re offices held in Hawaii 1 Aug 1902 Purvis to Haore re offices held in Hawaii Foreign Office memoranda.

Government of islands used as naval stations; Samoan claims for damages from German Government, 1902 (File 2503)
5 items
Joseph Choate to Lord Lansdowne, 5 September 1902 (Item 246R-248L. AJCP Reel No: 7281)

Re government of islands used as naval stations, reference to Guam and Tutuila. Foreign Office note.

Foreign Office to Joseph Choate re government of islands used as naval stations, 29 October 1902 (Item 284R-285L. AJCP Reel No: 7281)
Joseph Choate to Lord Lansdowne re Samoan claims, 1 December 1902 (Item 310R-312L. AJCP Reel No: 7281)
Foreign Office to Joseph Choate re Samoan claims, 4 December 1902 (Item 320R-324L. AJCP Reel No: 7281)
Henry White to Lord Lansdowne re Samoan claims, 29 December 1902 (Item 338R-340L. AJCP Reel No: 7281)
Complaints of foreigners against Australian Government; government of islands used as naval stations, 1902 (File 2506)
2 items
Colonial Office to Foreign Office, 3 October 1902 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7281)

Re complaints of foreigners against Australian government and three Foreign Office notes.

Admiralty to Foreign Office re government of islands used as naval stations, 8 October 1902 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7281)
Claims of British subjects for compensation from Hawaiian Government, 1903 (File 2521)
1 item
Foreign Office to Sir Michael Herbert, 2 April 1903 (Item 39R-42L. 70. AJCP Reel No: 7281)

Re claims of British subjects to compensation from Hawaiian government.

Claims by British subjects for compensation from Hawaiian Government, 1903 (File 2522)
5 items
Sir Michael Herbert to Lord Lansdowne, 18 February 1903 (Item 173R-175R. 58. AJCP Reel No: 7281)

Forwarding copy of 17 Feb 1903 John Hay (U.S. State Department) to Herbert re claims against government of Hawaii.

Sir Michael Herbert to Lord Lansdowne, 9 March 1903 (Item 204R-208R. 78. AJCP Reel No: 7281)

Forwarding copy of 23 Feb 1903 William Hoare (Honolulu) to Herbert re creation of a commission to hear claims against Hawaiian government; newspaper cutting.

Sir Michael Herbert to Lord Lansdowne, 16 April 1903 (Item 302R-306R. 118. AJCP Reel No: 7281)

Re proposed commission to hear claims against Hawaiian government, enclosing copy of 15 April 1903 William hoare (Honolulu) to Herbert (Telegram) re claims, and interest on compensation.

Sir Michael Herbert to Lord Lansdowne, 21 April 1903 (Item 334R-337R. 123. AJCP Reel No: 7281)

Re Hawaiian claims, enclosing copy of 20 April 1903, John Hay (U.S. State Department) to Herbert re establishment of commission.

Arthur Raikes to Lord Lansdowne, 2 May 1903 (Item 336R-373R. 140. AJCP Reel No: 7281)

Forwarding copy of Bill for Appointment of commission to determine claims of Great Britain against government of Hawaii. Foreign Office notes.

Claims by British subjects for compensation from Hawaiian Government, 1903 (File 2523)
2 items
Sir Michael Herbert to Lord Lansdowne, 28 May 1903 (Item 75R-78R, 178. AJCP Reel No: 7281)

Forwarding copy of 13 May 1903 William Hoare (Honolulu) to Herbert re rejection by Hawaiian House of Representatives of establishment of committee to hear claims.

Arthur Raikes to Lord Lansdowne, 18 July 1903 (Item 226R-228R. 228. AJCP Reel No: 7281)

Re claim of British subjects against Hawaii government, forwarding copy of: 16 July 1903. John Hay (U.S. State Department) to Arthur Raikes that note on claims has been forwarded to Governor of Hawaii.

Plague in Honolulu; freight rates on goods exported to Australia, 1903 (File 2529)
3 items
Arthur Raikes to Lord Lansdowne, 19 July 1903 (Item 93. AJCP Reel No: 7281)

Forwarding copy of: 29 June 1903. William Hoare (Honolulu) to Raikes re plague at Honolulu.

Arthur Raikes to Lord Lansdowne, 28 August 1903 (Item 110. AJCP Reel No: 7281)

Re freight rates on good exported to Australia.

Arthur Raikes to Lord Lansdowne, 14 September 1903 (Item 118. AJCP Reel No: 7281)

Forwarding copy of 27 August 1903. William Hoare (Honolulu) to Raikes re plague at Honolulu.

Despatches from consul at Honolulu, including claims by British subjects for compensation from Hawaiian Government; Pacific Cable, 1903 (File 2531)
2 items
New York Section: Arthur Raikes (Menton) to Arthur Larcom, 10 January 1903 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7281)

Re meeting with Governor Dole of Hawaii re Hawaiian claims.

Honolulu Section: William Hoare to Lord Lansdowne, 31 March 1903 - 28 December 1903 (Item 1-3; various. AJCP Reel 7281.)

Subjects include: Pacific Cable, movement of R.N. ships; repatriation of Gilbert Islanders previously contracted to work on Hawaiian Islands sugar plantations on Isleworth; Hawaiian National Guard.

Despatches from consul at Honolulu, including plague in Hawaii; cable communications, 1903 (File 2535)
5 items
Consular Section: Foreign Office to William Hoare re leave of absence to Vice Consul, 20 May 1903 (Item 1. AJCP Reel No: 7281)
Consular Section: Foreign Office to William Hoare re retirement; Foreign Office note, 26 October 1903 (Item Sep. AJCP Reel No: 7281)
Consular Section: Foreign Office to William Hoare, 1 January 1903 - 31 December 1903 (Item 1-20. AJCP Reel No: 7281)

Subjects include: consulate personnel; return of births, marriages and deaths; receipt of despatchs; stranding of Clavering; estate of Demetrius Camarinos.

Commercial Section: Foreign Office to William Hoare re Act to license certain foreign business, 21 July 1903 (Item 2. AJCP Reel No: 7281)
Commercial Section: Foreign Office to William Hoare, 3 January 1903 - 31 December 1903 (Item 2-30. AJCP Reel No: 7281)

Subjects include: Cable communicatiosn; incidence of plague; licensing of foreign business.

Samoan arbitration, 1903 (File 2536)
7 items
Foreign Office to Henry White re Samoan arbitration, 2 February 1903 (Item 27R-28L. AJCP Reel No: 7281)
Henry White to Lord Lansdowne, 3 February 1903 (Item 29R-31[A]R. AJCP Reel No: 7281)

Re Samoan arbitration by King of Sweden and enclosing copy of: 2 Jan 1903. John Hay (U.S. State Department) to Henry White re obtaining copies of claims.

Foreign Office to Henry White re Samoan claims, 13 February 1903 (Item 42R-43L. AJCP Reel No: 7281)
Joseph Choate to Lord Lansdowne re Samoan claims, 27 March 1903 (Item 71R-72L. AJCP Reel No: 7281)
Foreign Office to Joseph Choate, 28 September 1903 (Item 175R-181L. AJCP Reel No: 7281)

Re report on Samoan claims by H.E. Richards and R. Newton Crane (not in file). Two Foreign Office notes.

Joseph Choate to Lord Lansdowne, 14 December 1903 (Item 220R-222L. AJCP Reel No: 7281)

Re Samoan claims; U.S. government concurs in conclusions reached by Richards and Crane.

Joseph Choate to Lord Lansdowne re settlement of Samoa claims, 18 December 1903 (Item 226R-228L. AJCP Reel No: 7281)
Claims by British subjects for compensation from Hawaiian Government; Samoan claims, 1904 (File 2548)
5 items
Foreign Office to Sir Mortimer Durand (Washington) re reported sale of certain Sandwich Islands, 4 February 1904 (Item 43R-44L. 27. AJCP Reel No: 7281)
Foreign Office to Sir Mortimer Durand (Washington) re progress of settlement of claims of British subjects in Hawaii, 6 May 1904 (Item 111R-113L. 90. AJCP Reel No: 7281)
Foreign Office to Sir Mortimer Durand (Washington) re settlement of Samoan claims, 16 August 1904 (Item 182R-183L. 180. AJCP Reel No: 7281)
Foreign Office to Sir Mortimer Durand (Washington) re claims of British subjects against Hawaiian government, 23 August 1904 (Item 186R-189L. 186. AJCP Reel No: 7281)
Foreign Office to Sir Mortimer Durand (Washington) re grant to Malietoa Tanu, 6 September 1904 (Item 193R-195R. 192. AJCP Reel No: 7281)
American Guano Company, 1904 (File 2549)
2 items
Sir Mortimer Durand to Villiers forwarding newspaper cuttings on incorporation of American Guano Co, 24 May 1904 (Item 291R-294R. AJCP Reel No: 7282)
Sir Mortimer Durand to Villiers re American Guano Co. and possible ownership of Johnstone Island, 28 June 1904 (Item 331R-333L. AJCP Reel No: 7282.)
Grant to Malietoa Tanu, 1904 (File 2550)
1 item
Sir Mortimer Durand (Washington) to Lord Lansdowne, 12 October 1904 (Item 103R-105R. 162. AJCP Reel No: 7282)

Re grant to Malietoa Tanu, enclosing copy of: 8 Oct 1904. John Hay (U.S. State Department) to Durand agreeing with plan of British Government.

Claims by British subjects for compensation from Hawaiian Government, 1904 (File 2551)
1 item
William Hoare to Lord Lansdowne, 22 October 1904 (Item 422R-425L. AJCP Reel No: 7282)

Enclosing copy of an address from British subjects seeking claims for redress against government of Hawaii (20 July 1904).

Plague in Honolulu, 1904 (File 2554)
1 item
Sir Mortimer Durand (Washington) to Lord Lansdowne, 20 February 1904 (Item 20. AJCP Reel No: 7282)

Forwarding copy of: 27 Jan 1904 William Hoare (Honolulu) to Durand re plague at Honolulu.

Plague in Honolulu; fast freight service between San Francisco and Honolulu, 1904 (File 2555)
2 items
Sir Mortimer Durand (Washington) to Lord Lansdowne re plague at Honolulu, 12 December 1904 (Item 129. AJCP Reel No: 7282)
Sir Mortimer Durand (Washington) to Lord Lansdowne, 12 December 1904 (Item 130. AJCP Reel No: 7282)

Re inauguration of fast freight service between San Francisco and Honolulu (newspaper cutting not in file).

Despatches from consul at Honolulu, including resignation of William Hoare; appointment of Raymond Layard, 1904 (File 2560)
3 items
Honolulu Section: Consular Section: Foreign Office to William Hoare and Raymond Layard, 9 March 1904 - 28 December 1904 (Item 1-6. AJCP Reel No: 7282)

Resignation and appointment of Vice Consul; resignation of Hoare and appointment of Layard; salary and allowances.

Honolulu Section: Consular Section: William Hoare and Raymond Layard to Lord Lansdowne, 1 January 1904 - 31 December 1904 (Item 1-30. AJCP Reel No: 7282)

Subjects include: consulate personnel; registration of births, deaths and marriages, resignation of Vice Consul Swanzy; appointment of MT Clive Davies; powers to arrest deserting British Seamen; case of Ida Mooney, native of Auckland who claims she was forced by Mrs Trotman to leave San Francisco in Sonoma to return to Auckland; resignation of Hoare, appointment of Layard; Hoare's application for pension.

Honolulu Section: Commercial Section: Hoare and Layard to Foreign Office, 27 January 1904 - 31 December 1904 (Item 2-16. AJCP Reel No: 7282.)

Subjects include: plague at Honolulu and Hilo; supply of coal (includes imports from Australia); proposed new commercial magazine The Partner (7 Dec 1904, letter to Hoare from A. Shepherd, London, and Foreign Office note.

Samoan claims for damages from German Government, 1904 (File 2562)
6 items
Foreign Office to Joseph Choate re settlement of Samoan claims, 8 January 1904 (Item 7R-9L. AJCP Reel No: 7282)
Henry White to Lord Lansdowne, 11 April 1904 (Item 41R-44R. AJCP Reel No: 7282)

Re Samoan claims, encloses copy of: 18 March 1904. Sternberg (German Embassy, Washington) to Secretary of State re settlement of German claims for damages in Samoa.

Foreign Office to Henry White, 30 April 1904 (Item 55R-59L. AJCP Reel No: 7282)

Re joint reply to GErman government re settlement of Samoan claims (and draft).

Joseph Choate to Lord Lansdowne re Samoa, 13 May 1904 (Item 63R-65L. AJCP Reel No: 7282)
Foreign Office to Joseph Choate re Samoa, 16 May 1904 (Item 65R-66L. AJCP Reel No: 7282)
Joseph Choate to Lord Lansdowne, 29 October 1904 (Item 119R-123L. AJCP Reel No: 7282)

Re settlement of German claims in Samoa. Foreign Office note.

Claims of US citizens to land in Fiji, 28 February 1898 - 5 October 1904 (File 2575. AJCP Reel No: 7283)

(523ff) Despatches, correspondence and memoranda.

Correspondents include: Colonial Office, Sir John Thurston (Suva); Hamilton Fish (U.S. State Department), Henry White (U.S. Embassy, London); Joseph Choate (U.S. Embassy); John H. Gillbanks (Melbourne).

Includes: Foreign Office memorandum on claims of German subjects to land in Fiji, (12 April 1901), U.S. Memorandum on the Fiji Land Claims Washington, USGPO, 1902. (printed); Colonial Office memorandum on claims of citizens of U.S. to lands in Fiji, 1903 (printed) [with three photographs of 'deeds' in pocket]. U.S. State Department memorandum on Fiji Land Claims, 1904. (printed)

Samoan claims, 1905 (File 2578)
3 items
Foreign Office to Sir Mortimer Durand (Washington) re settlement of German claims in Samoa, 18 January 1905 (Item 16. AJCP Reel No: 7282)
Foreign Office to Sir Mortimer Durand (Washington) re Samoan claims, 3 March 1905 (Item 53. AJCP Reel No: 7282)
Foreign Office to Sir Mortimer Durand (Washington) re grant to Malietoa Tanu, 31 March 1905 (Item 83. AJCP Reel No: 7282)
Plague in Honolulu, 1905 (File 2584)
1 item
Sir Mortimer Durand (Washington) to Lord Lansdowne re plague at Honolulu, 13 April 1905 (Item Consular 14. AJCP Reel No: 7282)
French and German claims in Samoa; improvements to Pearl Harbor, 1905 (File 2587)
7 items
Honolulu Section: Raymond Layard to Lord Lansdowne re improvements to Pearl Harbour, 17 February 1905 (Item 2. AJCP Reel No: 7282)
Domestic Section: Joseph Choate to Count Metternich, 22 February 1905 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7282)

Re settlement of German claims in Samoa (copy). Foreign Office note.

Domestic Section: Carter to Villiers re German and French Samoan claims, 25 February 1905 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7282)
Domestic Section: Foreign Office to Joseph Choate re settlement of German claims in Samoa, 25 April 1905 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7282)
Domestic Section: Foreign Office to Joseph Choate re German Samoan claims, 9 May 1905 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7282)
Domestic Section: John Carter to Lord Lansdowne, 31 May 1905 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7282)

Re payment of U.S. share of German Samoan claims.

Domestic Section: Whitelaw Reid to Lord Lansdowne re payment of German Samoan claims, 27 June 1905 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7282)
Despatches from consul at Honolulu, including freight rates on goods exported to Australia and New Zealand; Capt. Cook monument, 1905 (File 2590)
7 items
Chicago Section: Commercial Section: Alexander Finn to Lord Lansdowne, 1 May 1905 (Item 19. AJCP Reel No: 7282)

Re internal freight rates on goods exported to Sydney and Auckland. (Table not in file)

Chicago Section: Commercial Section: Alexander Finn to Lord Lansdowne, 9 June 1905 (Item 30. AJCP Reel No: 7282)

Enclosing copy of: 9 June 1905 Alexander Finn to Department of Trade and Customs, (Melbourne) re freight rates on goods exported to Australia and New Zealand.

Honolulu Section: Consular Section: Foreign Office to Raymond Layard, 26 April 1905 (Item 1. AJCP Reel No: 7282)

Re leave of absence of acting Vice Consul Davies.

Honolulu Section: Consular Section: Foreign Office to Raymond Layard, 22 December 1905 (Item 4. AJCP Reel No: 7282)

Re appointment of Theophilus Davies as Vice Consul.

Honolulu Section: Consular Section: Raymond Layard to Lord Lansdowne, 1 January 1905 - 27 November 1905 (Item 1-38. AJCP Reel No: 7282)

Subjects include: Return of births, deaths and marriages; personnel at consulate; receipt of despatches; notices to mariners; Captain Cook's monument plate fixed by Imogene now in possession of Fred Leslie of Napoopoo (encloses copy of letter from Fred Leslie, 28 Sept 1905.

Honolulu Section: Commercial Section: Foreign Office to Raymond Layard re sources of coal supply, 29 November 1905 (Item 1. AJCP Reel No: 7282)
Honolulu Section: Commercial Section: Raymond Layard to lord Lansdowne, 31 January 1905 - 30 November 1905 (Item 2-16. AJCP Reel No: 7282)

Subjects include: plague at Honolulu; trade report; detention of Stanley Dollar due to incorrect papers; resumption of Japanese passenger steamship line between Japan/Hawaii/San Francisco; coal supplies.

Authorisation of Chinese persons to migrate to US, 1904 (File 2606)
5 items
Colonial Office to Foreign Office, 1 September 1904 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7282)

Enclosing copy of 27 June 1904. Lord Northcote (Sydney) to Colonial Office that no officers of Commonwealth Service have been authorised to issue certificates to Chinese person for immigration to U.S.

Foreign Office to Colonial Office re position of Australian officials, 9 September 1904 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7282)
Foreign Office to Joseph Choate, 14 September 1904 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7282)

Re issuing of certificates by Australian officials. Draft memo.

Colonial Office to Foreign Office that no action contemplated with regard to authorising Australian officials, 27 September 1904 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7282)
Foreign Office to Joseph Choate re Australian officials, 27 October 1904 (Item AJCP Reel No: 7282)

Series FO 12. Correspondence. Borneo, 1761 - 1905

133 items

The correspondence filmed from this Series is comprised largely of despatches and reports from British diplomatic representatives to the Foreign Office, dealing with all aspects of existing native life and trade within the area, and issues affecting British colonial policy. There is a substantial amount of correspondence concerning British trade opportunities, and the suppression of piracy. Native disturbances in Brunei and related internal politics are the subject of a number of reports. Affairs of the British North Borneo Company, and general relations with local native rulers are also discussed. Several volumes contain correspondence dealing with accusations brought against Sir James Brooke during his term as Consul General of Sarawak.

Copying from all pieces has been selective.

Archival History

Material selectively filmed as part of the Australian Joint Copying Project (AJCP Reels 3500-3548).

Original microfilm digitised as part of the AJCP Online Delivery Project, 2017-2020.

Existence and Location of Originals

The National Archives of the UK (TNA).

Series Reference: FO 12. For further information, see FO 12 at The National Archives of the UK. (

Existence and Location of Copies

The original AJCP microfilm of the records filmed from this collection is available at the National Library of Australia [] as well as other institutions holding AJCP microfilm.


Borneo; Borneo: politics and government; Borneo: social life and customs; British North Borneo Company; Brooke, James Sir (1803-1868); Brunei; Brunei: British Protectorate; Brunei: politics and government; East Indies; Great Britain; Great Britain: Foreign Office; Labuan; Pirates: East Indies; Sarawak

Domestic Various, 1842 - 1843 (File 1. AJCP Reel No: 3500)
Foreign and Domestic Various, 1844 (File 2. AJCP Reel No: 3500)
Foreign and Domestic Various, 1845 (File 3. AJCP Reel No: 3500)
Domestic Various, 1846 (File 4. AJCP Reel No: 3500)
Diplomatic and Consular. Foreign and Domestic Various, 1847 (File 5. AJCP Reel No: 3500)
Foreign and Domestic Various, 1848 (File 6. AJCP Reel No: 3501)
Foreign and Domestic Various, 1849 (File 7. AJCP Reel No: 3501)
Foreign and Domestic Various, 1850 (File 8. AJCP Reel No: 3502)
Sir J. Brooke and Mr St John, 1851 (File 9. AJCP Reel No: 3502)
Foreign and Domestic Various, 1851 (File 10. AJCP Reel No: 3502)
Diplomatic and Consular, 1852 (File 11. AJCP Reel No: 3502)
Domestic Various, 1852 (File 12. AJCP Reel No: 3502)
Diplomatic and Consular, 1853 (File 13. AJCP Reel No: 3502-3503)
Domestic Various, January 1853 - May 1853 (File 14. AJCP Reel No: 3503)
Domestic Various, June 1853 - December 1853 (File 15. AJCP Reel No: 3503-3504)
Diplomatic and Consular, 1854 (File 16. AJCP Reel No: 3504)
Domestic Various, January 1854 - April 1854 (File 17. AJCP Reel No: 3504)
Domestic Various, May 1854 - December 1854 (File 18. AJCP Reel No: 3504)
Commission of Enquiry, Sir J. Brooke, vol. 1, 1853 - 1854 (File 19. AJCP Reel No: 3504-3505)
Commission of Enquiry, Sir J. Brooke, vol. 2, 1854 (File 20. AJCP Reel No: 3505)
Commission of Enquiry, Sir J. Brooke, vol. 3, 1854 (File 21. AJCP Reel No: 3505-3506)
Domestic Various. Diplomatic and Consular, 1855 (File 22. AJCP Reel No: 3506)
Consular Domestic. Domestic Various. Diplomatic and Consular, 1856 (File 23. AJCP Reel No: 3506-3507)
Diplomatic and Consular. Domestic Various, 1857 (File 24. AJCP Reel No: 3507)
Diplomatic and Consular. Domestic Various, 1858 (File 25. AJCP Reel No: 3507)
Diplomatic and Consular. Domestic Various, 1859 (File 26. AJCP Reel No: 3507-3508)
Diplomatic, 1860 (File 27. AJCP Reel No: 3508)
Foreign Various. Consular Domestic. Domestic Various, 1860 (File 28. AJCP Reel No: 3508)
Diplomatic and Consular. Consular Domestic. Domestic Various, 1861 (File 29. AJCP Reel No: 3508-3509)
Domestic Various, 1862 (File 30. AJCP Reel No: 3509)
Domestic Various, 1863 (File 31 AJCP Reel No: 3510)
Consuls at Sarawak and Labuan. Consular Domestic., 1864 (File 32A. AJCP Reel No: 3510)
Consular Domestic, 1865 (File 32B. AJCP Reel No: 3510)
Consular Domestic, 1866 (File 33A. AJCP Reel No: 3511)
Consular Domestic, 1867 (File 33B. AJCP Reel No: 3511)
Consular Domestic, 1868 (File 34A. AJCP Reel No: 3511)
Consuls at Labuan and Sarawak. Consular Domestic, 1869 (File 34B. AJCP Reel No: 3511-3512)
Correspondence and Memoranda as to Sir James Brooke's proposals respecting Sarawak, 1852 - 1869 (File 35. AJCP Reel No: 3512)
Consuls at Labuan and Sarawak. Consular Domestic, 1870 (File 36. AJCP Reel No: 3512)
Consular Domestic, 1871 (File 37. AJCP Reel No: 3512)
Consular Domestic. Commercial. Domestic. Various, 1872 (File 38. AJCP Reel No: 3513)
Consular Domestic. Consular and Commercial, 1873 (File 39. AJCP Reel No: 3513)
Consuls General at Labuan. Consular Domestic, 1874 (File 40. AJCP Reel No: 3513)
Consular Domestic. Commercial. Domestic Various. Consular and Commercial, 1875 (File 41. AJCP Reel No: 3513)
Proposals for the establishment of a British Protectorate in Brunei, vol. 2, 1870 - 1875 (File 42. AJCP Reel No: 3513)
Consular and Commercial. Consular Domestic. Commercial. Domestic. Various, 1876 (File 43. AJCP Reel No: 3514)
Consular and Commercial. Consular Domestic. Commercial. Domestic. Various, 1877 (File 44. AJCP Reel No: 3514)
Consuls General, 1878 (File 45. AJCP Reel No: 3514)
Commercial. Domestic. Various. Consular Domestic. Commercial, 1878 (File 46. AJCP Reel No: 3514)
Consuls General at Labuan. Commercial Domestic. Various. Consular Domestic. Consular and Commercial, 1879 (File 47. AJCP Reel No: 3515)
Claims of the Sultan of Brunei against the Oriental Coal Company. Consular and Commercial, 1873 - 1879 (File 48. AJCP Reel No: 3515)
Case of the Tony Steam Launch for the Government of Labuan and Brunei Consulate. Consular and Commercial, 1877 - 1879 (File 49. AJCP Reel No: 3515)
Consuls at Labuan. Consular Domestic. Consular and Commercial, 1880 (File 50. AJCP Reel No: 3515)
Consuls General an Labuan. Consular Domestic. Commercial Domestic Various. Political Consular and Commercial, 1881 (File 51. AJCP Reel No: 3516-3517)
Cession of Territory (Barram) by the Sultan of Brunei to the Rajah of Sarawak. Political Consular and Commercial, 1878 - 1881 (File 52. AJCP Reel No: 3517)
Dent and Overbeck Concession. Political Consular and Commercial, 1878 (File 53. AJCP Reel No: 3517-3518)
Dent and Overbeck Concession. Political Consular and Commercial, 1879 (File 54. AJCP Reel No: 3518)
Dent and Overbeck Concession. Political Consular and Commercial, 1880 (File 55. AJCP Reel No: 3518-3519)
Dent and Overbeck Concession. Political Consular and Commercial, January 1881 - October 1881 (File 56. AJCP Reel No: 3519)
Consular Domestic. Commercial Domestic Various. Sanitary Domestic Various. Domestic Various. Political, Consular, Commercial and Sanitary, 1882 (File 57. AJCP Reel No: 3519-3520)
British North Borneo Company, November 1881 - December 1882 (File 58. AJCP Reel No: 3520)
Consul General at Labuan. Consular Domestic. Commercial Domestic Various. Consular and Commercial, 1883 (File 59. AJCP Reel No: 3521)
British North Borneo Company. Consular and Commercial, 1883 (File 60. AJCP Reel No: 3521)
Consuls General at Labuan. Consular Domestic. Commercial Domestic Various. Political, Consular and Commercial, 1884 (File 61. AJCP Reel No: 3521-3522)
Consuls General at Labuan. Political, 1885 (File 62. AJCP Reel No: 3522)
Consuls General at Labuan. Political, January 1885 - February 1885 (File 63. AJCP Reel No: 3522)
Consuls General at Labuan. Political, March 1885 - December 1885 (File 64. AJCP Reel No: 3522-3523)
Consuls General at Labuan. Consular Domestic. Treaty Domestic Various. Consular and Commercial, 1885 (File 65. AJCP Reel No: 3523)
Domestic Various. Consular and Commercial, 1885 (File 66. AJCP Reel No: 3523)
British North Borneo Company. Consular and Commercial, January 1884 - March 1885 (File 67. AJCP Reel No: 3523-3524)
British North Borneo Company. Consular and Commercial, April 1885 - December 1885 (File 68. AJCP Reel No: 3524)
Consul-General at Labuan. Consular Agent at Sandakan. Political and Consular, 1886 (File 69. AJCP Reel No: 3525)
Consular Domestic. Domestic Various. Political and Consular, 1886 (File 70. AJCP Reel No: 3525)
British North Borneo Company. Political and Consular, January 1886 - April 1886 (File 71. AJCP Reel No: 3526)
British North Borneo Company. Political and Consular, May 1886 - August 1886 (File 72. AJCP Reel No: 3526)
British North Borneo Company. Political and Consular, September 1886 - December 1886 (File 73. AJCP Reel No: 3527)
Consuls General at Labuan and Brunei. Diplomatic, Consular and Treaty, 1887 (File 74. AJCP Reel No: 3527-3528)
Various. Diplomatic, Consular and Treaty, 1887 (File 75. AJCP Reel No: 3528)
British North Borneo Company. Diplomatic, Consular and Treaty, January 1887 - April 1887 (File 76. AJCP Reel No: 3528-3529)
British North Borneo Company. Diplomatic, Consular and Treaty, May 1887 - December 1887 (File 77. AJCP Reel No: 3529)
Consuls General at Brunei. Various. Diplomatic, Consular, and Treaty, 1888 (File 78. AJCP Reel No: 3529-3530)
British North Borneo Company. Diplomatic, Consular, and Treaty, 1888 (File 79. AJCP Reel No: 3520-3531)
Consuls-General for Borneo. Consul at Brunei. Consular Agent at Sandakan. Various. Diplomatic and Consular, 1889 (File 80. AJCP Reel No: 3531)
British North Borneo Company. Diplomatic and Consular, January 1889 - March 1889 (File 81. AJCP Reel No: 3531-3532)
British North Borneo Company. Diplomatic and Consular, April 1889 - December 1889 (File 82. AJCP Reel No: 3532)
Consul-General for Borneo. Consul at Brunei Consular Agent at Sandakan. Various. Diplomatic, Consular, Treaty, 1890 (File 83. AJCP Reel No: 3532)
British North Borneo Company. Diplomatic, Consular, Treaty, 1890 (File 84. AJCP Reel No: 3532-3533)
Consul-General at Brunei. Consul at Brunei. Various. Consular, 1891 (File 85. AJCP Reel No: 3533)
British North Borneo Company. Papers, Maps, etc. used in connection with the question of the Boundary of the Netherland Possessions. Consular, 1761 - 1891 (File 86. AJCP Reel No: 3533-3534)
British North Borneo Company. Consular, January 1891 - May 1891 (File 87. AJCP Reel No: 3534)
British North Borneo Company. Consular, January 1891 - December 1891 (File 88. AJCP Reel No: 3534-3535)
Brunei Order-in-Council. Consular, 1889 - 1891 (File 89. AJCP Reel No: 3535)
British North Borneo Company, 1892 (File 90. AJCP Reel No: 3535)
Claim of James King to concession of land in Limbang District, 1892 (File 91. AJCP Reel No: 3536)
Consuls at Brunei. Diplomatic, Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1892 - 1893 (File 92. AJCP Reel No: 3536)
British North Borneo Company. Diplomatic, Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1893 (File 93. AJCP Reel No: 3536)
Consuls at Brunei. Various. Diplomatic, Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1894 (File 94. AJCP Reel No: 3536)
Consuls of Brunei. Various. Diplomatic, Consular, Treaty, 1895 (File 95. AJCP Reel No: 3536)
Consuls at Brunei. Consular Agent at Sandakan. Various. Diplomatic, Consular, Treaty, 1896 (File 96. AJCP Reel No: 3537)
Consul at Brunei. Various. Diplomatic, Consular, Treaty, 1897 (File 97. AJCP Reel No: 3537)
British North Borneo Company. Diplomatic, Consular, Treaty, 1894 - 1897 (File 98. AJCP Reel No: 3538)
Consuls at Brunei. Various. Diplomatic, Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1898 (File 99. AJCP Reel No: 3538)
High Commissioner for Borneo. Consul General for Borneo. Diplomatic Drafts, 1899 (File 100. AJCP Reel No: 3538)
High Commissioner for Borneo. Consul General for Borneo. Diplomatic Despatches, January 1899 - June 1899 (File 101. AJCP Reel No: 3539)
High Commissioner for Borneo. Consul General for Borneo. Diplomatic Despatches, July 1899 - December 1899 (File 102. AJCP Reel No: 3539)
Consul General for Borneo. Consular and Commercial, 1899 (File 103. AJCP Reel No: 3539)
Consul at Brunei. Diplomatic, Consular, Commercial, 1899 (File 104. AJCP Reel No: 3539)
Various. Diplomatic, Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1899 (File 105. AJCP Reel No: 3540)
British North Borneo Company. Diplomatic, Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1898 - 1899 (File 106. AJCP Reel No: 3540)
Consul General for Borneo. Diplomatic Drafts, 1900 (File 107. AJCP Reel No: 3540)
Consul General for Borneo. Diplomatic Despatches, January 1900 - 16 May 1900 (File 108. AJCP Reel No: 3540-3541)
Consul General for Borneo. Diplomatic Despatches, May 1900 - 17 December 1900 (File 109. AJCP Reel No: 3541)
Consul General for Borneo. Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1900 (File 110. AJCP Reel No: 3541)
Consuls at Brunei. Diplomatic, Consular, Commercial, 1900 (File 111. AJCP Reel No: 3542)
Various. Diplomatic, Consular, Treaty, 1900 (File 112. AJCP Reel No: 3542)
British North Borneo Company. Diplomatic, Consular, Treaty, 1900 (File 113. AJCP Reel No: 3542)
Consul General for Borneo. Diplomatic, Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1901 (File 114. AJCP Reel No: 3542)
Consul at Brunei. Diplomatic, Consular, Commercial, 1901 (File 115. AJCP Reel No: 3542-3543)
Various. Diplomatic, Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1901 (File 116. AJCP Reel No: 3543)
Consul General for Borneo. Diplomatic and Consular, 1902 (File 117. AJCP Reel No: 3543)
Consul at Brunei. Diplomatic, Consular and Commercial, 1902 (File 118. AJCP Reel No: 3543)
Various. Diplomatic, Consular and Treaty, 1902 (File 119. AJCP Reel No: 3543-3544)
British North Borneo COmpany, 1901 - 1902 (File 120. AJCP Reel No: 3544)
Naturalisation in Labuan, 1901 - 1902 (File 121. AJCP Reel No: 3544-3545)
Consul at Brunei. Diplomatic and Consular, 1903 (File 122. AJCP Reel No: 3545)
Consul at Brunei. Diplomatic, Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1903 (File 123. AJCP Reel No: 3545)
Various. Diplomatic, Consular, Commercial, 1903 (File 124. AJCP Reel No: 3545)
British North Borneo Company. Diplomatic, Consular, Commercial, 1903 (File 125. AJCP Reel No: 3545)
Consul General for Borneo. Diplomatic, Consular, Commercial, 1904 (File 126. AJCP Reel No: 3546)
Consuls at Brunei. Various. Diplomatic, Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1904 (File 127. AJCP Reel No: 3546)
High Commissioner for Borneo. Various. Diplomatic, Consular, and Commercial, 1905 (File 128. AJCP Reel No: 3546-3547)
British North Borneo Company. Diplomatic, Consular, and Commercial, 1904 - 1905 (File 129. AJCP Reel No: 3547-3548)
Brunei Order-in-Council. Diplomatic, Consular, and Commercial, 1900 - 1905 (File 130. AJCP Reel No: 3548)

Series FO 27. Correspondence. France, 1782 - 1905

1654 items

The material filmed consists of correspondence chiefly concerned with British and French colonial activities in the Pacific, and expeditions to Australia and the Pacific. Included in the correspondence is information on topics such as the supply of arms and men to British and French Pacific stations, trade and navigation in the Pacific, and missionary activities in the area. Much correspondence emanated from the British consulate in Paris, and in reply from the Foreign Office; other correspondence had its source at British consulates in the Pacific, enclosing copies of letters to and from French representatives in the Pacific.

Correspondence concerning Tahiti, especially the activities of the London Missionary Society there, is included in this Series after 1843, when Tahiti became a French protectorate.

Those pieces containing information on the New Hebrides have generally been filmed in toto. Later pieces (from 1900) include a great deal of material covering French annexation of the New Hebrides and land claims in those islands. At that time, the New Hebrides was under the jurisdiction of the 'Australian Station', and Australian views on the New Hebrides' question, including some correspondence from Edmund Barton, are included in the material filmed.

The Copying from this Series has been extremely selective, in many cases only one or two letters from a piece having been filmed.

Archival History

Material selectively filmed as part of the Australian Joint Copying Project (AJCP Reels 3585-3683).

Original microfilm digitised as part of the AJCP Online Delivery Project, 2017-2020.

Existence and Location of Originals

The National Archives of the UK (TNA).

Series Reference: FO 27. For further information, see FO 27 at The National Archives of the UK. (

Existence and Location of Copies

The original AJCP microfilm of the records filmed from this collection is available at the National Library of Australia [] as well as other institutions holding AJCP microfilm.

Finding Aid Note

This Series forms the bulk of AJCP copying for the Foreign Office, but filming has been so selective as to render the description in TNA (PRO) Lists and Indexes practically meaningless.

A more specific description description, based on each piece filmed, has therefore been compiled from the film itself, and where appropriate amalgamated with the series description from the PRO Lists and Indexes (for example, Consular Domestic).

Each description has necessarily had to be limited to a couple of lines, so that in many cases only the major content of each piece can be indicated. In cases where only one or two letters have been copied, the description will naturally be more specific.


Agriculture; Alemere (ship); Alert (ship); Archimede (ship); Artemise (ship); Astrolabe (ship); Australia: statistics; Bright Planet (ship); Colonies: Oceania; Convicts; Dido (ship); Dunroe (ship); Duroe (ship); East India Company; East Indies; Elizabeth (ship); Emigration: Australia; Emigration: chinese; French; French Settlement: Pacific; Golden Era (ship); Great Britain: Foreign Office; Guillaume Tell (ship); Hannibal (ship); Hawaii; Heroine (ship); Hydaspe (ship); International Politics; La Favorite (ship); Lady Amherst (ship); Lady Montague (ship); Le Rhin (ship); London Missionary Society; Loyalty Islands; Marquesas; Matthew Flinders; Melbourne; Minos (ship); Missionaries; Naval Forces; New Caledonia; New Eagle (ship); New South Wales; New Zealand; Numancia (ship); Oceania: commerce; Oceania: discovery and exploration; Pacha (ship); Paris Exhibition 1900; Roland (ship); Sanwich Island; Selina (ship); Siam; Sitka (ship); Society Islands; South Australia; Sybille (ship); Sydney; Sydney Harbour; Tahiti; Tahiti: church history; Transportation of convicts: New Calendonia; Vanuatu; Ville de Bordeaux (ship); Winemaking; Zelee (ship)

East Indies, 1782 (File 3. AJCP Reel No: 3585)
East Indies, 1782 (File 4. AJCP Reel No: 3585)
East Indies, 1783 (File 5. AJCP Reel No: 3585)
Sumatra and Eastern Seas, 1783 (File 6. AJCP Reel No: 3585)
East Indies. Treaty with Holland, 1783 (File 7. AJCP Reel No: 3585)
Eastern Seas. Treaty and enclosure, 1783 (File 8. AJCP Reel No: 3585)
East India Company, 1783 (File 9. AJCP Reel No: 3585)
East Indies. Batavia. Ship disarmament, 1783 (File 10. AJCP Reel No: 3585)
Treaty. East Indies. Armed ships. East India Company, 1784 (File 11. AJCP Reel No: 3585)
East Indies. Captured ships, 1784 (File 12. AJCP Reel No: 3585)
Naval force in East Indies, 1784 (File 13. AJCP Reel No: 3585)
Tax upon tea and coffee, 1784 (File 14. AJCP Reel No: 3585-3586)
Trading in eastern seas, 1782 - 1784 (File 15. AJCP Reel No: 3586)
Naval Forces in East Indies, 1785 (File 16. AJCP Reel No: 3586)
Naval Forces in East Indies, 1785 (File 17. AJCP Reel No: 3586)
Naval Forces in East Indies. French at Bencoolen, 1785 (File 18. AJCP Reel No: 3586)
East Indies. Commercial Treaty, 1786 (File 20. AJCP Reel No: 3586)
Note from Nepean on voyage to the Indian Ocean, 1787 (File 21. AJCP Reel No: 3586)
Arms to East and West Indies, 1787 (File 22. AJCP Reel No: 3586)
Recruits for East and West Indies, 1787 (File 23. AJCP Reel No: 3586)
East Indies. La Perouse, 1787 (File 24. AJCP Reel No: 3586)
East Indies. Peace Treaty, 1787 (File 25. AJCP Reel No: 3586)
East Indies. Naval force in the East, 1787 (File 26. AJCP Reel No: 3586)
Naval force in East. French Colonies, 1790 (File 34. AJCP Reel No: 3586)
East Indies, 1790 (File 35. AJCP Reel No: 3586)
La Perouse, 1791 (File 36. AJCP Reel No: 3586)
La Perouse. Hunter, 1792 (File 38. AJCP Reel No: 3586)
La Perouse. Domestic, 1795 (File 44. AJCP Reel No: 3586)
East Indies, 1796 (File 46. AJCP Reel No: 3586)
La Perouse. Domestic, 1796 (File 47. AJCP Reel No: 3586)
Natural curiosities from voyage of Entrecasteaux, 1796 (File 48. AJCP Reel No: 3586)
Peace negotiations, 1797 (File 49. AJCP Reel No: 3586)
Peace Negotiations, 1797 (File 50. AJCP Reel No: 3586)
Matthew Flinders. Domestic, 1801 (File 58. AJCP Reel No: 3586)
Peace Treaty. Definitive Treaty, 1801 (File 59. AJCP Reel No: 3587)
International Politics, 1802 (File 60. AJCP Reel No: 3587)
Botany Bay, 1801 (File 62. AJCP Reel No: 3587)
East Indies, 1802 (File 64. AJCP Reel No: 3587)
Copy of note re Peace, 1801 (File 66. AJCP Reel No: 3587)
East Indies, 1802 - 1804 (File 70. AJCP Reel No: 3587)
Batavia. Domestic Various, 1811 (File 86. AJCP Reel No: 3587)
East Indies. Domestic Various, 1815 (File 126. AJCP Reel No: 3587)
East Indies, 1816 (File 133. AJCP Reel No: 3587)
East Indies. Domestic Various, 1816 (File 148. AJCP Reel No: 3587)
Claim on underwriters of Lloyds, 1817 (File 151. AJCP Reel No: 3587)
Matthew Flinders, 1817 (File 159. AJCP Reel No: 3587)
Matthew Flinders, 1817 (File 161. AJCP Reel No: 3587)
Matthew Flinders, 1817 (File 163. AJCP Reel No: 3587)
Voyage of Uranie, 1817 (File 171. AJCP Reel No: 3587)
Voyage of circumnavigation. Domestic Various, 1817 (File 172. AJCP Reel No: 3587)
Imprisonment of Flinders. Domestic Various, 1817 (File 173. AJCP Reel No: 3587)
Admittance of French Missionaries into British Colonies, 1818 (File 186. AJCP Reel No: 3587)
Mission into British Colonies, 1818 (File 187. AJCP Reel No: 3587)
Memorial of the Chevalier de Ladebat Coquille. Domestic, 1822 (File 281. AJCP Reel No: 3587)
M Duperrey: on his voyage of circumnavigation Coquille, 1822 (File 282. AJCP Reel No: 3587)
Sir T. Brisbane and J. Macarthur. Port Jackson, 1823 (File 287. AJCP Reel No: 3587)
Sale of French vessels captured by the Spanish, 1823 (File 293. AJCP Reel No: 3587)
Report from Bordeaux and Marseilles, 1823 (File 294. AJCP Reel No: 3587)
Marseilles, Returns of trade, 1823 (File 299. AJCP Reel No: 3587)
Troops for West Indies. French agents in Mexico, 1824 (File 305. AJCP Reel No: 3587)
French Naval Force at Brest. Nantes, Returns of trade. Foreign Various, 1824 (File 320. AJCP Reel No: 3587)
Despatches from French squadron in the Pacific. Domestic Various, 1824 (File 325. AJCP Reel No: 3587)
Nantes, 1825 (File 335. AJCP Reel No: 3587)
Edward Gibbon Wakefield, 1826 (File 346. AJCP Reel No: 1507)
Edward Gibbon Wakefield, 1826 (File 349. AJCP Reel No: 1507, 3587)
Trees in New Holland, 1826 (File 350. AJCP Reel No: 3587)
Astrolabe on voyage of discovery. Domestic, 1826 (File 357. AJCP Reel No: 3587)
Astrolabe on voyage of discovery. Domestic Various, 1826 (File 358. AJCP Reel No: 1507, 3587)
Extradition of offenders, 1827 (File 365. AJCP Reel No: 1507, 3587)
Intended formation of a colony. Domestic Various, 1827 (File 372. AJCP Reel No: 3587)
Fate of French vessels of discovery. Domestic, 1828 (File 386. AJCP Reel No: 3587)
Fate of La Perouse. Domestic Various, 1828 (File 388. AJCP Reel No: 3588)
Search for La Perouse, 1829 (File 392. AJCP Reel No: 3588)
French expedition to a New South Wales, 1829 (File 396. AJCP Reel No: 3588)
Dillon and discovery of remains of La Perouse. Domestic Various, 1829 (File 403. AJCP Reel No: 3588)
Dillon's claim for reimbursment, 1830 (File 405. AJCP Reel No: 3588)
Establishment on Mauritius. Domestic Various, 1830 (File 422. AJCP Reel No: 3588)
Search for La Perouse, 1830 (File 423. AJCP Reel No: 3588)
Dillon's claim upon the French Goverment, 1831 (File 424. AJCP Reel No: 3588)
Dillon's claim upon the French Goverment, 1831 (File 427. AJCP Reel No: 3588)
Island of Ruatan or Rattan. Domestic Various, 1831 (File 441. AJCP Reel No: 3588)
Repairs to French warship at New South Wales, 1832 (File 443. AJCP Reel No: 3588)
French in New Zealand, 1832 (File 445. AJCP Reel No: 3588)
Transmitting a bill from the French Goverment, 1832 (File 450. AJCP Reel No: 3588)
Companies trading with the East Indies, 1832 (File 454. AJCP Reel No: 3588)
La Favorite. Simon's emigration to New South Wales. Domestic, 1832 (File 456. AJCP Reel No: 3588)
French in New Zealand. Domestic Various, 1832 (File 457. AJCP Reel No: 3588)
French in New Zealand. La Perouse. Domestic Various, 1832 (File 458. AJCP Reel No: 3588)
Simon's emigration to New South Wales. Domestic Various, 1832 (File 459. AJCP Reel No: 3588)
La Favourite. James Colvin. Domestic various, 1832 (File 460. AJCP Reel No: 3588)
La Favourite, 1833 (File 465. AJCP Reel No: 3588)
China and India. Indian trade, 1833 (File 471. AJCP Reel No: 3588)
Treatment of a French sailor in New South Wales. Domestic, 1833 (File 474. AJCP Reel No: 3588)
La Favourite. Domestic Various, 1833 (File 475. AJCP Reel No: 3588)
Sandwich Islands, 1834 (File 494. AJCP Reel No: 3588)
Transportation, 1837 (File 535. AJCP Reel No: 3588)
French Cargo ships to New South Wales, 1837 (File 540. AJCP Reel No: 3588)
Astrolabe and Zelee, 1837 (File 550. AJCP Reel No: 3588)
French cargo ships to New South Wales. Transportation. Astrolabe and Zelee. Domestic Various, 1837 (File 551. AJCP Reel No: 3588)
Astrolabe and Zelee to South Pole. Domestic Various, 1838 (File 552. AJCP Reel No: 3588)
Heroine, 1838 (File 558. AJCP Reel No: 3588)
Clergyman to Van Diemen's Land, 1838 (File 562. AJCP Reel No: 3588)
Heroine at New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land, 1838 (File 565. AJCP Reel No: 3588)
Establishment of a Roman Catholic Mission in New South Wales, 1838 (File 567. AJCP Reel No: 3588)
Trade at Bordeaux. Consular Domestic, 1838 (File 568. AJCP Reel No: 3589)
French Consular agent in New South Wales. Domestic, 1838 (File 569. AJCP Reel No: 3589)
Emigration to Van Diemen's Land. Heroine. Domestic Various, 1838 (File 571. AJCP Reel No: 3589)
Heroine. Additional Post Office Convention. French Consul to New Zealand. Baron de Thierry. Domestic Various., 1838 (File 572. AJCP Reel No: 3589)
Baron de Thierry, 1839 (File 573. AJCP Reel No: 3589)
Additional Post Office Convention, 1839 (File 574. AJCP Reel No: 3589)
Additional Post Office Convention, 1839 (File 575. AJCP Reel No: 3589)
Artemise, 1839 (File 576. AJCP Reel No: 3589)
Artemise, 1839 (File 577. AJCP Reel No: 3589)
Artemise, 1839 (File 579. AJCP Reel No: 3589)
Additional Post Office Convention Artemise, 1839 (File 581. AJCP Reel No: 3589)
Artemise, 1839 (File 585. AJCP Reel No: 3589)
French in the Philippines. Proposals to Spain, 1839 (File 587. AJCP Reel No: 3589)
French Consul at Sydney, 1839 (File 594. AJCP Reel No: 3589)
French in New Zealand. Tahiti. Domestic Various, 1839 (File 595A. AJCP Reel No: 3589)
Artemise. French Consul at Sydney. Transmission of mail. Domestic Various, 1839 (File 595B. AJCP Reel No: 3589)
Artemise. South Seas. French Consul in New South Wales. Domestic Various, 1839 (File 596. AJCP Reel No: 3589)
French consul at Calcutta. Artemise. Domestic Various, 1839 (File 597. AJCP Reel No: 3589)
Missionaries in South Sea Islands. Tahiti, 1840 (File 598. AJCP Reel No: 3589)
French Settlement proposed on coast of New Holland. French penal settlement proposed in New Zealand, 1840 (File 599. AJCP Reel No: 3589)
Bills to France, 1840 (File 600A. AJCP Reel No: 3589)
French in New Zealand, 1840 (File 600B. AJCP Reel No: 3589)
French missionaries, 1840 (File 601. AJCP Reel No: 3589)
French Expedition to New Zealand. Consular, 1840 (File 608. AJCP Reel No: 3590)
Trade at Bordeaux. French expedition to New Zealand., 1840 (File 609. AJCP Reel No: 3590)
French expedition to New Zealand. Domestic Various, 1840 (File 614. AJCP Reel No: 3590)
French expedition to New Zealand. Domestic Various, 1840 (File 615. AJCP Reel No: 3590)
Atalanta. Conveyance of French lunatic Rougier to France. French expedition to New Zealand and New Holland. Domestic Various, 1840 (File 616. AJCP Reel No: 3590)
Astrolabe. Domestic Various, 1840 (File 617. AJCP Reel No: 3590)
French Consul at Sydney. New Zealand. Domestic Various, 1840 (File 618. AJCP Reel No: 3590)
Rougier, 1841 (File 619. AJCP Reel No: 3590)
French expedition to New Zealand, 1841 (File 621. AJCP Reel No: 3590)
Rougier, 1841 (File 623. AJCP Reel No: 3590)
French expedition to Pacific and Chile, 1841 (File 628. AJCP Reel No: 3590)
French naval force at Chile, 1841 (File 629. AJCP Reel No: 3590)
French expedition to New Zealand, 1841 (File 630. AJCP Reel No: 3590)
Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between France and Holland. Trade at Bordeaux, 1841 (File 635. AJCP Reel No: 3590)
French consul at Sydney. Property in New Zealand, 1841 (File 638. AJCP Reel No: 3590)
Marquis Camden. French property in New Zealand. Domestic Various, 1841 (File 639. AJCP Reel No: 3590)
French emigration to New Zealand. French property in New Zealand. Rougier. Kerguelen Island. Britomart. Domestic Various, 1841 (File 640.AJCP Reel No: 3590)
Java, Singapore, Manila. Rougier. L'Aube, 1841 (File 645. AJCP Reel No: 3590)
Reports of Colonial Law and Emigration Commissions. French not to colonise New Zealand, 1842 (File 646. AJCP Reel No: 3590)
Deployment of French ships, 1842 (File 647. AJCP Reel No: 3590)
Deployment of French ships, 1842 (File 649. AJCP Reel No: 3590)
French not to colonise New Zealand, 1842 (File 650. AJCP Reel No: 3590)
From Lord Cowley, 15 July 1842 - 15 August 1842 (File 651)
Deployment of French Fleet, 1842 (File 652. AJCP Reel No: 3590)
French possession of the Marquesas Island, 1842 (File 653. AJCP Reel No: 3590)
Statement of the French Navy, 1842 (File 656. AJCP Reel No: 3590)
Ville de Bordeaux at Adelaide, 1842 (File 659. AJCP Reel No: 3590)
Deployment of French fleet. Domestic Various, 1842 (File 660. AJCP Reel No: 3590)
French expeditions to New Zealand and Chile. Rougier. French force at Toulon. French settlers in New Zealand. Domestic Various, 1842 (File 661. AJCP Reel No: 3590)
Deployment of French fleet. French colonisation of Australia. Ville de Bordeaux. Domestic Various, 1842 (File 662. AJCP Reel No: 3591)
Independence of Hawaii. French Missionaries in Friendly Islands. Independence of Sandwich Islands. French in Tahiti, 1843 (File 663. AJCP Reel No: 3591)
French in Tahiti. Society Islands. Independence of Sandwich Islands. French settlers in New Zealand, 1843 (File 664. AJCP Reel No: 3591)
French Squadron in the Pacific. Protestant missionaries in South Seas. Marquesas Islands. Independence of Society Islands. French acquisitions in South Seas, 1843 (File 666. AJCP Reel No: 3591)
Marquesas Islands. French missionaries in Friendly Islands. Independence of Sandwich Islands, 1843 (File 667. AJCP Reel No: 3591)
Independence of Sandwich Islands, 1841 (File 668. AJCP Reel No: 3591)
Tahiti, 1843 (File 669. AJCP Reel No: 3591)
French in Tahiti. Independence of Sandwich Islands/ French Settlers in New Zealand, 1843 (File 670. AJCP Reel No: 3591)
Declaration of Independence of Sandwich Islands, 1843 (File 671. AJCP Reel No: 3591)
French force at the Marquesas Islands, 1843 (File 674. AJCP Reel No: 3591)
Ville de Bordeaux. Penal settlements in Australia. Independence of Tahiti. Roland. Domestic, 1843 (File 680. AJCP Reel No: 3591)
Tahiti; Independence of Sandwich Islands, 1843 (File 681. AJCP Reel No: 3591)
Ville de Bordeaux. Deployment of French fleet. American and French whalers at New Zealand. Penal Settlements in Australia. Domestic Various, 1843 (File 682. AJCP Reel No: 3591)
Georgian Is. Phaeton. Domestic Various, 1843 (File 684. AJCP Reel No: 3591)
French Settlers in New Zealand. Domestic Various, 1843 (File 686. AJCP Reel No: 3591)
French Settlers in New Zealand. French Fleet in Pacific. Domestic Various, 1843 (File 687. AJCP Reel No: 3591)
Independence of Sandwich Islands. Society Islands, 1844 (File 689. AJCP Reel No: 3591)
Le Rhin. Independence of Sandwich Islands. Consul Pritchard in Tahiti, 1844 (File 690. AJCP Reel No: 3591)
Pritchard's imprisonment. Sandwich Islands. Navigator Islands. Draft treaties between Sandwich Islands, Great Britain and France, 1844 (File 691. AJCP Reel No: 3592)
French possession of Tahiti, 1844 (File 693. AJCP Reel No: 3592)
French possession of Tahiti, 1844 (File 694. AJCP Reel No: 3592)
Tahiti. Hostilities in France and Spain. Sandwich Islands, 1844 (File 695. AJCP Reel No: 3592)
Project de Loi. French settlers in New Zealand, 1844 (File 696. AJCP Reel No: 3592)
William Miller, 1844 (File 697. AJCP Reel No: 3592)
Sandwich Islands Treaty, 1844 (File 698. AJCP Reel No: 3592)
Pritchard's imprisonment. Tahiti, 1844 (File 699. AJCP Reel No: 3592)
French in Tahiti, 1844 (File 700. AJCP Reel No: 3592)
Sandwich Islands. Treaty. Gambier and Wallis Islands, 1844 (File 701. AJCP Reel No: 3592)
English Prisoner. Consuls at Sandwich Islands. Domestic, 1844 (File 707. AJCP Reel No: 3592)
Ville de Bordeaux. Pritchard's imprisonment. Sandwich Islands Treaty, 1844 (File 708. AJCP Reel No: 3592)
French agent at Sandwich Islands. Domestic Various, 1844 (File 709. AJCP Reel No: 3592)
Le Rhin. English prisoner. Domestic Various, 1844 (File 710. AJCP Reel No: 3592)
Roland. Southern Whale Fishery vessels. Le Rhin. Domestic Various, 1844 (File 711. AJCP Reel No: 3592)
Ville de Bordeaux. Domestic Various, 1844 (File 712. AJCP Reel No: 3592)
Queen Pomare, 1844 (File 713. AJCP Reel No: 3592)
Missionaries at Tahiti. Compensation to Pritchard. Domestic Various, 1844 (File 714. AJCP Reel No: 3592)
Sovereignty of Queen Pomare. Treaty with Sandwich Islands. Archimede, 1845 (File 718. AJCP Reel No: 3592)
French in Tahiti. Compensation to Pritchard. Salutes in the Pacific. Archimede, 1845 (File 719. AJCP Reel No: 3593)
Cabinet proceedings. Wallis Islands, 1845 (File 720. AJCP Reel No: 3593)
Postal Reform, 1845 (File 721. AJCP Reel No: 3593)
Aboriginal dialects. Sandwich Islands Treaty, 1845 (File 722. AJCP Reel No: 3593)
Sandwich Islands, 1845 (File 723. AJCP Reel No: 3593)
Morocco, 1845 (File 724. AJCP Reel No: 3593)
Missionaries in Tahiti. Lord Lowther. Queen Pomare, 1845 (File 725. AJCP Reel No: 3593)
Tahiti. Domestic Various. French protectorate. Archimede, 1845 (File 726. AJCP Reel No: 3593)
Pritchard. French Protectorate in Tahiti, 1845 (File 727. AJCP Reel No: 3593)
Archimede, 1845 (File 728. AJCP Reel No: 3593)
French in Tahiti. Maritime power of England and France, 1845 (File 729. AJCP Reel No: 3593)
French in Tahiti. Salutes to French. Island of Basilan, 1845 (File 730. AJCP Reel No: 3593)
French in Tahiti, 1845 (File 733. AJCP Reel No: 3593)
Morocco and Tahiti. Ville de Bordeaux. Sandwich Islands Treaty. French lands in New Zealand. Domestic, 1845 (File 737. AJCP Reel No: 3593)
Tahiti. Ville de Bordeaux. Domestic, 1845 (File 738. AJCP Reel No: 3593)
Ville de Bordeaux. Aboriginal Dialects. Domestic Various, 1845 (File 739. AJCP Reel No: 3593)
Island of Basilan. Domestic Various, 1845 (File 740. AJCP Reel No: 3593)
French in the China Seas. Ville de Bordeaux. Domestic Various, 1845 (File 741. AJCP Reel No: 3593)
Archimede. French possession of Basilan. Nantes Bordelaise Company in New Zealand. Domestic Various, 1845 (File 742. AJCP Reel No: 3593)
French Missionaries in New Zealand. Domestic Various, 1845 (File 743. AJCP Reel No: 3593)
French possession of Basilan. French protectorate in Tahiti. New Zealand. Archimede. Domestic Various, 1845 (File 744. AJCP Reel No: 3593)
Independence of Society Islands. Le Rhin, 1846 (File 745. AJCP Reel No: 3594)
Pritchard's expulsion from Tahiti. Archimede, 1846 (File 746. AJCP Reel No: 3594)
Archimede, 1846 (File 747. AJCP Reel No: 3594)
Archimede, 1846 (File 750. AJCP Reel No: 3594)
Tahiti, 1846 (File 751. AJCP Reel No: 3594)
Independence of Society Islands, 1846 (File 752. AJCP Reel No: 3594)
Le Rhin. Independence of Society Islands, 1846 (File 753. AJCP Reel No: 3594)
Independence of Society Islands, 1846 (File 754. AJCP Reel No: 3594)
Archimede, 1846 (File 757. AJCP Reel No: 3594)
Trail of British subjects at Papeete, 1846 (File 761. AJCP Reel No: 3594)
New Eagle. Bright Planet. Foreign Various. Consular Domestic, 1846 (File 762. AJCP Reel No: 3594)
Ville de Bordeaux. Domestic. Commercial regulations in New Zealand and South Australia, 1846 (File 763. AJCP Reel No: 3594)
Sandwich Islands Treaty, 1846 (File 764. AJCP Reel No: 3594)
Ville de Bordeaux. Domestic Various, 1846 (File 765. AJCP Reel No: 3594)
Commercial regulations in New Zealand and South Australia. Archimede. Domestic Various, 1846 (File 766. AJCP Reel No: 3594)
Le Rhin. Bright Planet. Independence of Society Islands. Domestic Various, 1846 (File 767. AJCP Reel No: 3594)
Le Rhin. Independence of Society Islands. Domestic Various, 1846 (File 768. AJCP Reel No: 3594)
Independence of Society Islands. Domestic Various, 1846 (File 769. AJCP Reel No: 3594)
Fishery Convention. French in Tahiti. London Missionary Society. Archimede. Domestic Various, 1846 (File 770. AJCP Reel No: 3594-3595)
Tahiti. Domestic Various, 1846 (File 771. AJCP Reel No: 3595)
Pardon for five British imprisoned in France for robbery at Tahiti, 1847 (File 773. AJCP Reel No: 3595)
Land granted by Queen Pomare, 1847 (File 774. AJCP Reel No: 3595)
Declaration of Independence of Society Islands. British subjects imprisoned in France, 1847 (File 775. AJCP Reel No: 3595)
Ratification of Sandwich Islands Treaty. Proclamation offensive to British Navy, 1847 (File 776. AJCP Reel No: 3595)
British and land claim at Papeete. Independence of Society Island, 1847 (File 777. AJCP Reel No: 3595)
Naval operations at Toulon, 1847 (File 778. AJCP Reel No: 3595)
British land claim at Papeete, 1847 (File 780. AJCP Reel No: 3595)
Proclamation offensive to British Navy, 1847 (File 782. AJCP Reel No: 3595)
Purchase of French wheat. British subjects imprisoned in France, 1847 (File 785. AJCP Reel No: 3595)
Trade at Bordeaux, 1847 (File 787. AJCP Reel No: 3595)
Anglo-French Convention over Tahiti. Independence of Sandwich Islands. Domestic, 1847 (File 790. AJCP Reel No: 3595)
British and French Convention over Tahiti. Independence of Society Islands. Domestic, 1847 (File 791. AJCP Reel No: 3595)
Archimede. Land granted by Queen Pomare. Proclamation offensive to British Navy. Domestic Various, 1847 (File 792. AJCP Reel No: 3595)
French and American ships in Pacific. British land claim at Papeete. Independence of Society Islands. Tahiti. Archimede. Domestic Various, 1847 (File 793. AJCP Reel No: 3595)
French in Society Islands. Huahine. Proclamation offensive to British Navy. Grampus. French in Sandwich Islands. Tahiti. Domestic Various, 1847 (File 794. AJCP Reel No: 3595)
French in Tahiti. Independence of Society Islands. Grampus. British land claim at Papeete. Proclamation offensive to British Navy. Domestic Various, 1847 (File 795. AJCP Reel No: 3595)
Independence of Society Islands. Tahiti. British land claim at Papeete. Domestic Various, 1847 (File 796. AJCP Reel No: 3595)
Extension of French Protectorate over Taumotu group, 1848 (File 798. AJCP Reel No: 3595)
Arrival in Tahiti of news of French Revolution, 1848 (File 800. AJCP Reel No: 3596)
French in Pacific, 1848 (File 803. AJCP Reel No: 3596)
British deposits in French savings banks, 1848 (File 807. AJCP Reel No: 3596)
British deposits in French savings banks, 1848 (File 809. AJCP Reel No: 3596)
Emigration of British workmen in France to Australia, 1848 (File 817. AJCP Reel No: 3596)
Trade at Bordeaux, 1848 (File 820. AJCP Reel No: 3596)
Emigration to Australia. Consular Domestic, 1848 (File 823. AJCP Reel No: 3596)
Ville de Bordeaux, 1848 (File 824. AJCP Reel No: 3596)
French Consular appointments. Ville de Bordeaux. Imports in India and the Sandwich Islands, 1848 (File 825. AJCP Reel No: 3596)
Ville de Bordeaux. Domestic Various, 1848 (File 826. AJCP Reel No: 3596)
Ville de Bordeaux. Domestic Various, 1848 (File 828. AJCP Reel No: 3596)
British workmen expelled from France. Ville de Bordeaux, 1848 (File 829. AJCP Reel No: 3596)
Ville de Bordeaux. Domestic Various, 1848 (File 831. AJCP Reel No: 3596)
French political prisoners to Tahiti. French interference with British Missionary in Tahiti, 1848 (File 837. AJCP Reel No: 3596)
French interference with British Missionaries in Tahiti, 1849 (File 838. AJCP Reel No: 3596)
British consul at Tahiti, 1849 (File 839. AJCP Reel No: 3596)
Transportation of French political prisoners. French interference with British missionaries in Tahiti, 1849 (File 846. AJCP Reel No: 3596)
French interference with British missionaries in Tahiti, 1849 (File 847. AJCP Reel No: 3596)
Landrights of Frenchman Lucas in New Zealand. Ville de Bordeaux. French Consul. Domestic, 1849 (File 854. AJCP Reel No: 3596)
Ville de Bordeaux. Domestic, 1849 (File 855. AJCP Reel No: 3596)
Ville de Bordeaux. Lucas. Domestic Various, 1849 (File 856. AJCP Reel No: 3596)
Question of French sovereignty over Tahiti and Madagascar. Lucas. Domestic Various, 1849 (File 857. AJCP Reel No: 3596)
French interference with British missionaries in Tahiti. London Missionary Society. Domestic Various, 1849 (File 858. AJCP Reel No: 3596)
Ville de Bordeaux. French agent at St. Lucia. Domestic Various, 1849 (File 860. AJCP Reel No: 3596)
France and Sandwich Islands, 1850 (File 861. AJCP Reel No: 3597)
France and Sandwich Islands, 1850 (File 863. AJCP Reel No: 3597)
French evacuation of the Marquesas. Reduction of French establishment at Tahiti, 1850 (File 864. AJCP Reel No: 3597)
British ships at Tahiti. French evacuation of the Marquesas. French establishment at Tahiti, 1850 (File 865. AJCP Reel No: 3597)
French claims against Sandwich Islands, 1850 (File 866. AJCP Reel No: 3597)
Consul at Tahiti, 1850 (File 869. AJCP Reel No: 3597)
French ships at Toulon, 1850 (File 871. AJCP Reel No: 3597)
British shipwrecked sailors, 1850 (File 876. AJCP Reel No: 3597)
Lucas, 1850 (File 884. AJCP Reel No: 3597)
Ville de Bordeaux. Domestic Various, 1850 (File 886. AJCP Reel No: 3597)
Conveyance of French lunatic from New Zealand and Sydney to England; Domestic Various, 1850 (File 888. AJCP Reel No: 3597)
British vessels bound for Cape of Good Hope or Australia. Domestic Various, 1850 (File 890. AJCP Reel No: 3597)
Lucas. Domestic Various, 1850 (File 891. AJCP Reel No: 3597)
French consul at Sandwich Islands, 1851 (File 893. AJCP Reel No: 3597)
Independence of Sandwich Islands, 1851 (File 894. AJCP Reel No: 3597)
France and Hawaii. United Stated consul at Sandwich Islands, 1851 (File 895. AJCP Reel No: 3597)
French relations with the Sandwich Islands, 1851 (File 896. AJCP Reel No: 3597)
French relations with the Sandwich Islands. Huahine, 1851 (File 897. AJCP Reel No: 3597)
French relations with the Sandwich Islands, 1851 (File 901. AJCP Reel No: 3597)
French relations with the Sandwich Islands, 1851 (File 903. AJCP Reel No: 3597)
Import of colonial goods at Bordeaux, 1851 (File 909. AJCP Reel No: 3597)
Lucas, 1851 (File 914. AJCP Reel No: 3597)
French consuls at Port Louis and Sydney. Domestic, 1851 (File 915. AJCP Reel No: 3597)
French consuls at Sydney and Newcastle. Domestic, 1851 (File 916. AJCP Reel No: 3597)
French consuls at Sydney and Newcastle. Domestic, 1851 (File 917. AJCP Reel No: 3597)
French proposals to occupy New Caledonia. Domestic Various, 1851 (File 919. AJCP Reel No: 3597)
French in New Caledonia. French consuls at Sydney and Newcastle. Domestic Various, 1851 (File 920. AJCP Reel No: 3597)
Letter from New Zealand to French consul at Zanzibar. Domestic Various, 1851 (File 922. AJCP Reel No: 3597)
American expedition to the Sandwich Islands Alemene. Sandwich Islands Treaty. Anne and Mary Sullivan and Julia Moore, 1852 (File 924. AJCP Reel No: 3597)
Envoy from Sandwich Islands in London, 1852 (File 925. AJCP Reel No: 3597)
French, British and U.S. agreement regarding Cuba and Sandwich Islands. British missionaries in Tahiti, 1852 (File 926. AJCP Reel No: 3597)
Conduct of Government of the Equator towards French agents, 1852 (File 927. AJCP Reel No: 3597)
Alemene, 1852 (File 929. AJCP Reel No: 3597)
French and British treaties with Sandwich Islands. Envoy from Sandwich Islands, 1852 (File 931. AJCP Reel No: 3597)
Alemene, 1852 (File 934. AJCP Reel No: 3597)
French navy in Oceania and west coast of America, 1852 (File 936. AJCP Reel No: 3597)
French Interference with British missionaries in Tahiti, 1852 (File 937. AJCP Reel No: 3597)
Archimede, 1852 (File 938. AJCP Reel No: 3597)
Archimede, 1852 (File 939. AJCP Reel No: 3597)
French interference with British missionaries in Tahiti, 1852 (File 940. AJCP Reel No: 3597)
Statement of the French Navy and French Mercantile Marine, 1852 (File 942. AJCP Reel No: 3597-3598)
Alemene. Pacha. Cape of Good Hope and New Zealand. Domestic, 1852 (File 947. AJCP Reel No: 3598)
French consul at Sydney. Attack on French vessel Minos. Domestic, 1852 (File 948. AJCP Reel No: 3598)
Alemene. Pacha. Domestic Various, 1852 (File 949. AJCP Reel No: 3598)
Pacha. Alemene. Cape of Good Hope and New Zealand. Domestic Various, 1852 (File 950. AJCP Reel No: 3598)
Cape of Good Hope and New Zealand. Alemene. French consul at Sydney. British Missionaries in Tahiti. French navy. Domestic Various, 1852 (File 951. AJCP Reel No: 3598)
Archimede. British missionaries in Tahiti. Domestic Various, 1852 (File 952. AJCP Reel No: 3598)
Archimede. Minos. British missionaries in Tahiti. Domestic Various, 1852 (File 953. AJCP Reel No: 3598)
British missionaries in Tahiti. Condor, 1853 (File 956. AJCP Reel No: 3598)
Lord Cowley, Drafts, 1853 (File 958. AJCP Reel No: 3598)
American proposals to annex the Sandwich Islands, 1853 (File 960. AJCP Reel No: 3598)
Tahiti, 1853 (File 966. AJCP Reel No: 3598)
French property rights in the Straits of Malacca. British missionaries in Tahiti, 1853 (File 967. AJCP Reel No: 3598)
British missionary in Tahiti, 1853 (File 971. AJCP Reel No: 3598)
American proposals to annex the Sandwich Islands, 1853 (File 978. AJCP Reel No: 3598)
French vice-consular agents at Melbourne and Bombay. Domestic, 1853 (File 988. AJCP Reel No: 3598)
Lady Montague. Minos. French consular agent at Melbourne. Domestic, 1853 (File 989. AJCP Reel No: 3598)
British missionaries in Tahiti. Domestic Various, 1853 (File 990. AJCP Reel No: 3598)
British missionaries in Tahiti. French consular agent at Melbourne. Domestic, 1853 (File 991. AJCP Reel No: 3598)
French consular agent at Melbourne. French property rights in the Straits of Malacca. Domestic Various, 1853 (File 992. AJCP Reel No: 3598)
Compensation to British subjects in Tahiti. Lady Montague. Minos, 1853 (File 993. AJCP Reel No: 3598)
Lady Montague. Minos. French consular agent at Melbourne. Domestic Various, 1853 (File 994. AJCP Reel No: 3598)
French in the Pacific. Minos. Domestic Various, 1853 (File 995. AJCP Reel No: 3598)
British naval forces in the East India Station, 1854 (File 996. AJCP Reel No: 3598)
Bouin Islands, 1854 (File 998. AJCP Reel No: 3598)
British naval forces in the China Seas, 1854 (File 1000. AJCP Reel No: 3598)
American Annexation of the Sandwich Islands, 1854 (File 1001. AJCP Reel No: 3598)
British agent at Batavia, 1854 (File 1002. AJCP Reel No: 3598)
American annexation of the Sandwich Island, 1854 (File 1003. AJCP Reel No: 3598)
American annexation of the Sandwich Island, 1854 (File 1004A. AJCP Reel No: 3598)
French occupation of New Caledonia, 1854 (File 1006. AJCP Reel No: 3598)
Sale of Californian ships to Russia, 1854 (File 1010. AJCP Reel No: 3599)
Dutch arms to East Indies, 1854 (File 1013. AJCP Reel No: 3599)
French imports of raw wool from Australia, 1854 (File 1014. AJCP Reel No: 3599)
French commissioner at Honolulu, 1854 (File 1015. AJCP Reel No: 3599)
American annexation of the Sandwich Islands, 1854 (File 1023. AJCP Reel No: 3599)
American annexation of the Sandwich Islands, 1854 (File 1026. AJCP Reel No: 3599)
Instructions to Mr Thornton, 1854 (File 1027. AJCP Reel No: 3599)
Statement of the French navy, 1854 (File 1030. AJCP Reel No: 3599)
List of French vessels. Sale of vessels to Russia, 1854 (File 1037. AJCP Reel No: 3599)
Dutch vessels carrying war contraband. Domestic, 1854 (File 1038. AJCP Reel No: 3599)
French in the China Seas and Pacific. Domestic, 1854 (File 1040. AJCP Reel No: 3599)
French occupation of New Caledonia. Domestic Various, 1854 (File 1041. AJCP Reel No: 3599)
French occupation of New Caledonia. Domestic Various, 1854 (File 1042. AJCP Reel No: 3599)
French occupation of New Caledonia and the Isle of Pines. Contraband. French vice-consular agent at Melbourne. Domestic Various, 1854 (File 1043. AJCP Reel No: 3599)
French occupation of New Caledonia and the Isle of Pines. Domestic Various, 1854 (File 1044. AJCP Reel No: 3599)
Dutch vessels carrying arms. Domestic Various, 1854 (File 1045. AJCP Reel No: 3599)
Expedition against Russian fleet. Domestic Various, 1854 (File 1049. AJCP Reel No: 3599)
Sandwich Islands. Sardinian vessels in the Pacific, 1854 (File 1049. AJCP Reel No: 3599)
Sandwich Islands. Sardinian vessels in the Pacific, 1855 (File 1050. AJCP Reel No: 3599)
Peace in the Society Islands. Death of French Admiral in the Pacific, 1855 (File 1053. AJCP Reel No: 3599)
Treaty guaranteeing independence of the Sandwich Islands, 1855 (File 1053. AJCP Reel No: 3599)
Russian prisoner at Tahiti, 1855 (File 1054. AJCP Reel No: 3599)
Selina. Independence of the Sandwich Islands, 1855 (File 1055. AJCP Reel No: 3599)
American annexation of the Sandwich Islands, 1855 (File 1056. AJCP Reel No: 3599)
Independence of the Sandwich Islands. French sovereignty in New Caledonia. Jane Mann, 1855 (File 1058. AJCP Reel No: 3599)
Selina, 1855 (File 1059. AJCP Reel No: 3599)
French naval station in the Pacific. Sardinian trade in the Pacific, 1855 (File 1063. AJCP Reel No: 3599)
American policy in the Pacific by Count Scala, 1855 (File 1064. AJCP Reel No: 3599)
Count Scala. Society Islands, 1855 (File 1065. AJCP Reel No: 3599)
Independence of Sandwich Islands, 1855 (File 1069. AJCP Reel No: 3599)
Independence of Sandwich Islands, 1855 (File 1074. AJCP Reel No: 3599)
Recognition of Independence of the Sandwich Islands. Sitka, 1855 (File 1077. AJCP Reel No: 3599)
Sandwich Islands, 1855 (File 1078. AJCP Reel No: 3599)
Selina, 1855 (File 1080. AJCP Reel No: 3599)
Sitka, 1855 (File 1085. AJCP Reel No: 3599)
Statement of French Navy, 1855 (File 1086. AJCP Reel No: 3599)
Golden Era. Foreign Various, 1855 (File 1090. AJCP Reel No: 3599)
Report from French naval station in New Caledonia. Consular Domestic, 1855 (File 1091. AJCP Reel No: 3599)
Sitka. Hudson's Bay Company and Russian companies in North America. Domestic, 1855 (File 1092. AJCP Reel No: 3599-3601)
Sitka. Domestic, 1855 (File 1093A. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
Sitka. Domestic, 1855 (File 1093B. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
British Navy off Singapore. Gaston Charron. Domestic, 1855 (File 1094. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
Gaston Charron. Domestic, 1855 (File 1095. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
Sitka. Domestic Various, 1855 (File 1096. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
Sitka. Domestic Various, 1855 (File 1097.AJCP Reel No: 3601)
Hudson's Bay Company Agreement. Domestic Various, 1855 (File 1098. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
Victorian representation at Paris Exhibition of Industry. Sitka. Domestic Various, 1855 (File 1099. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
Sitka. Domestic Various, 1855 (File 1101. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
British Navy off Singapore. Domestic Various, 1855 (File 1104. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
Jane Mann. Domestic Various, 1855 (File 1105. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
Gaston Charron. Return of Frenchman Boullenois from Western Australia to England. Domestic Various, 1855 (File 1106. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
Paris Exhibition of Industry, 1855 (File 1110. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
Sitka, 1855 (File 1111. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
French mission to Siam, 1855 (File 1112. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
Dido, 1855 (File 1113. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
French grievance against Hawaiian Government. British Pacific Squadron, 1855 (File 1118. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
John Munday, 1855 (File 1120. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
Hawaiian Government. John Munday, 1855 (File 1138. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
Duroe, 1855 (File 1139. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
Destination of French arms. Statement of the French navy, 1855 (File 1144. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
French consul at Singapore. Domestic, 1856 (File 1150. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
French consul at Singapore. Boullenois. French consul at Edinburgh. Domestic, 1856 (File 1151. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
Transportation of Desfontaines to Botany Bay. British ship at Tahiti. Domestic, 1856 (File 1152. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
Victorian property at Paris Exhibition of Industry. Domestic Various, 1856 (File 1153. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
Victorian property at Paris Exhibition of Industry. Domestic Various, 1856 (File 1154. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
French consul at Singapore. Domestic Various, 1856 (File 1155. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
Allied Forces. Domestic Various, 1856 (File 1156. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
French Mission to Siam. Boullenois. Domestic Various, 1856 (File 1157. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
Boullenois. Dido. Domestic Various, 1856 (File 1158. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
Desfontaines. Domestic Various, 1856 (File 1159. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
French seamen lost assisting British ship Hannibal. Domestic Various, 1856 (File 1160. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
French squadron in the Pacific. New Caledonia. Domestic Various, 1856 (File 1161. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
John Munday. Dunroe. Domestic Various, 1856 (File 1162. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
Subscriptions from Java for British flood victims in France, 1857 (File 1172. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
Conveyance of Captain Walker from Hannibal, 1857 (File 1174. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
Subscriptions from New South Wales for flood victims, 1857 (File 1176. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
Hannibal. Subscriptions from New South Wales for flood victims, 1857 (File 1177. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
Herault, 1857 (File 1179. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
Herault, 1857 (File 1184. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
Charges in French hospitals in Tahiti, 1857 (File 1185. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
Subscriptions from Java for flood victims, 1857 (File 1188. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
Subscriptions from New South Wales for flood victims, 1857 (File 1196. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
Captain Walker, 1857 (File 1198. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
Relief of flood victims, 1857 (File 1200. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
Correspondence between governments of Hawaii and France, 1857 (File 1206. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
Statement of the French navy, 1857 (File 1211. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
British troops to India, 1857 (File 1212. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
Hannibal, 1857 (File 1217. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
Captain Walker. Domestic Various, 1857 (File 1219. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
Subscriptions for British flood victims. Hannibal, Domestic Various, 1857 (File 1220. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
Hannibal. Herault. Subscriptions from New South Wales for flood victims. Domestic Various, 1857 (File 1221. AJCP Reel No: 3601)
British protectorate over New Hebrides. Domestic Various, 1857 (File 1223. AJCP Reel No: 3602)
Herault. Death of Paul Apolant. Domestic Various, 1857 (File 1224. AJCP Reel No: 3602)
Colonisation of Natal. Domestic Various, 1857 (File 1225. AJCP Reel No: 3602)
Treaty between France and Sandwich Islands. John Munday, 1858 (File 1233. AJCP Reel No: 3602)
Accounts, 1858 (File 1234. AJCP Reel No: 3602)
Salutes in the Pacific. Treaty between France and Sandwich Islands, 1858 (File 1238. AJCP Reel No: 3602)
American interests in Tahiti, 1858 (File 1239. AJCP Reel No: 3602)
Treaty between France and Hawaii. Elizabeth. Salutes in the Pacific, 1858 (File 1240. AJCP Reel No: 3602)
Charges in French hospitals in Tahiti, 1858 (File 1241. AJCP Reel No: 3602)
Appointments in the French Marines, 1858 (File 1242. AJCP Reel No: 3602)
Accounts, 1858 (File 1243. AJCP Reel No: 3602)
Colonisation of New Caledonia, 1858 (File 1247. AJCP Reel No: 3602)
Ratification of Treaty between France and Sandwich Islands, 1858 (File 1258. AJCP Reel No: 3602)
Natives of Polynesia transported to Bourbon and Reunion, 1858 (File 1259. AJCP Reel No: 3602)
British and French Commanders-in-Chief in the Pacific. Society Islands. Statement of the French navy, 1858 (File 1261. AJCP Reel No: 3602)
Statement of the French navy, 1858 (File 1267. AJCP Reel No: 3602)
Guillaume Tell. Domestic, 1858 (File 1273. AJCP Reel No: 3602)
Mme Make's claim. Domestic, 1858 (File 1274. AJCP Reel No: 3602)
French and Dutch complaints re libel in Hong Kong. Domestic Various, 1858 (File 1276A. AJCP Reel No: 3602)
French in Leeward Islands. Colonisation of New Caledonia. Domestic Various, 1858 (File 1276B. AJCP Reel No: 3602)
Labour Traffic in the Pacific. Ownership of Byron Island. Mme Make's Claim. Domestic Various, 1858 (File 1277A. AJCP Reel No: 3602)
Salutes in the Pacific. French consul at Melbourne. Passports issued in Victoria. Domestic Various, 1858 (File 1277B. AJCP Reel No: 3602)
French consul at Melbourne. Passports issued in Victoria. Labour traffic. Salutes in the Pacific. Domestic Various, 1858 (File 1278A. AJCP Reel No: 3602)
Elizabeth. Salutes in the Pacific. French consul at South Australia, 1858 (File 1278B. AJCP Reel No: 3602)
Treaty between France and Hawaii, 1859 (File 1279. AJCP Reel No: 3602)
British in Tahiti, 1859 (File 1280. AJCP Reel No: 3602)
French naval squadrons in the Pacific, 1859 (File 1281. AJCP Reel No: 3602)
French consul at Melbourne. French in the Sandwich Islands, 1859 (File 1282. AJCP Reel No: 3602)
French and the Leeward Islands, 1859 (File 1283. AJCP Reel No: 3602)
French consul at Sydney, 1859 (File 1285. AJCP Reel No: 3602)
French consul at Sydney, 1859 (File 1286. AJCP Reel No: 3602)
Execution of British subjects in New Caledonia, 1859 (File 1287. AJCP Reel No: 3602)
Treaty between France and Hawaii, 1859 (File 1289. AJCP Reel No: 3602)
French consul at Melbourne. Independence of Leeward Islands, 1859 (File 1296. AJCP Reel No: 3602)
Leeward Islands, 1859 (File 1297. AJCP Reel No: 3602)
Relief of distressed French seamen. Execution of British subjects in New Caledonia, 1859 (File 1305. AJCP Reel No: 3602)
Statement of the French navy, 1859 (File 1308. AJCP Reel No: 3603)
Pamphlet on South Australia, 1859 (File 1311. AJCP Reel No: 3603)
Crown lands on colonies. Fate of Frenchman Libaud. French consuls at Melbourne and Sierra Leone. Domestic, 1859 (File 1314. AJCP Reel No: 3603)
Adventure. Communication with China. Domestic, 1859 (File 1315. AJCP Reel No: 3603)
Herault. Libaud. Mme Make's claim. French consul at Melbourne. Domestic Various, 1859 (File 1317. AJCP Reel No: 3603)
French consuls at Melbourne and Sierra Leone. Independence of Leeward Islands. Domestic Various, 1859 (File 1318. AJCP Reel No: 3603)
French consular appointments. Peninsular and Oriental Company. Recognition of consuls in colonies. Consul in New Caledonia. Domestic Various, 1859 (File 1320. AJCP Reel No: 3603)
Relief of distressed French seamen. Execution of British subjects in New Caledonia. Jean Victor. Sibylla. Consul in New Caledonia. Domestic Various, 1859 (File 1321. AJCP Reel No: 3603)
Jean Victor, 1860 (File 1322. AJCP Reel No: 3603)
Sibylla, 1860 (File 1324. AJCP Reel No: 3603)
French aggression towards Friendly Islands. Wesleyan Missionaries Society, 1860 (File 1327. AJCP Reel No: 3603)
British Missionaries in Tahiti, 1860 (File 1330. AJCP Reel No: 3603)
Accounts. Sibylla, 1860 (File 1331. AJCP Reel No: 3603)
Treaty between France and Sandwich Islands, 1860 (File 1332. AJCP Reel No: 3603)
Plans of railroads and telegraph lines to connect East Indies, China and America with the West, 1860 (File 1338. AJCP Reel No: 3603)
Statement of the French Navy, 1860 (File 1353. AJCP Reel No: 3603)
Libaud. French consuls at Edinburgh and Singapore. Domestic, 1860 (File 1360. AJCP Reel No: 3603)
Harbour dues on men-of-war at Sydney. French consul at Adelaide. Domestic, 1860 (File 1361. AJCP Reel No: 3603)
French consul at Adelaide. Migration agent at Calcutta. Domestic, 1860 (File 1362. AJCP Reel No: 3603)
Accounts. French consuls at Colombo and Singapore. Libaud. Commercial Treaty. Domestic Various, 1860 (File 1363. AJCP Reel No: 3603)
French consul at Singapore. Domestic Various, 1860 (File 1364. AJCP Reel No: 3603)
French Consul at Melbourne. Domestic Various, 1860 (File 1365. AJCP Reel No: 3603)
Sydney Harbour dues. Fishing rights off Western Australia. Domestic Various, 1860 (File 1366. AJCP Reel No: 3603)
Sydney Harbour dues. Domestic Various, 1860 (File 1367. AJCP Reel No: 3603)
French Consul at Adelaide. French aggression towards Friendly Islands. Domestic Various, 1860 (File 1368. AJCP Reel No: 3603)
Projected survey of Victoria. Domestic Various, 1860 (File 1370. AJCP Reel No: 3603)
Sydney Harbour dues. Sir Stewart Donaldson. Domestic Various, 1860 (File 1371. AJCP Reel No: 3603)
Geodetic survey in Victoria, 1861 (File 1373. AJCP Reel No: 3604)
Venereal disease in French Army, 1861 (File 1384. AJCP Reel No: 3604)
Geodetic survey in Victoria, 1861 (File 1386. AJCP Reel No: 3604)
French settlement in Indo China. Post Office Convention, 1861 (File 1392. AJCP Reel No: 3604)
Lady Amherst. Accounts, 1861 (File 1400. AJCP Reel No: 3604)
Geodetic survey in Victoria. Domestic Various, 1861 (File 1413. AJCP Reel No: 3604)
Harbour dues in Australia. Domestic Various, 1861 (File 1414. AJCP Reel No: 3604)
Salutes in the Pacific. Domestic Various, 1861 (File 1415. AJCP Reel No: 3604)
Salutes in the Pacific. Despatch of mail. Alert. French garrison at Tahiti. Domestic Various, 1861 (File 1416. AJCP Reel No: 3604)
Rambouillet sheep in New South Wales, 1862 (File 1421. AJCP Reel No: 3604)
Consul at Raiatea, 1862 (File 1428. AJCP Reel No: 3604)
Emigration of Polynesian natives to Peru, 1862 (File 1430. AJCP Reel No: 3604)
Rambouillet Sheep in New South Wales, 1862 (File 1437. AJCP Reel No: 3604)
Emigration of Polynesian natives to Peru, 1862 (File 1448. AJCP Reel No: 3604)
Immigration to Victoria, 1862 (File 1449. AJCP Reel No: 3604)
Statement of the French navy, 1862 (File 1450. AJCP Reel No: 3604)
Inauguration of French Oriental Mail Service to India and China, 1862 (File 1452. AJCP Reel No: 3604)
French Oriental Mail Service. Domestic, 1862 (File 1461. AJCP Reel No: 3604)
French Oriental Mail Service. French consular appointments. French Oriental Mail Service. Domestic Various, 1862 (File 1462. AJCP Reel No: 3604)
French Oriental Mail Service. Domestic Various, 1862 (File 1463. AJCP Reel No: 3604)
Rambouillet sheep in New South Wales. French Oriental Mail Service. British at Toulon. Domestic Various, 1862 (File 1464. AJCP Reel No: 3604)
Lady Amherst. Accounts. Domestic Various, 1862 (File 1465. AJCP Reel No: 3604)
French Oriental Mail Service. Domestic Various, 1862 (File 1466. AJCP Reel No: 3604)
French consuls at Penang and Singapore. Domestic Various, 1862 (File 1467. AJCP Reel No: 3604)
French consul at Singapore. French Oriental Mail Service. Royal Humane Society. Domestic Various, 1862 (File 1468. AJCP Reel No: 3604)
Blockade of Canton River, 1857 (File 1471. AJCP Reel No: 3604)
French steamers in the Pacific, 1863 (File 1477. AJCP Reel No: 3604)
Sandwich Islands, 1863 (File 1478. AJCP Reel No: 3604)
Polynesians to Peru, 1863 (File 1479. AJCP Reel No: 3604)
Polynesians to Peru, 1863 (File 1480. AJCP Reel No: 3604)
Death certificate of Mme Parrot, 1863 (File 1485. AJCP Reel No: 3604)
Polynesians to Peru, 1863 (File 1492. AJCP Reel No: 3604)
Statement of the French navy, 1863 (File 1502. AJCP Reel No: 3604)
Loss of British ship Austral, 1863 (File 1505. AJCP Reel No: 3604)
Emigration of French subjects to Victoria. New Zealand Banking Corporation, 1863 (File 1507. AJCP Reel No: 3604)
British consul at Reunion. New Zealand Banking Corporation. Consular Domestic, 1863 (File 1508. AJCP Reel No: 3605)
French Consul at Melbourne. French emigration to Victoria. Domestic, 1863 (File 1509. AJCP Reel No: 3605)
French emigration to Victoria. French consular agency in New Zealand. Domestic, 1863 (File 1510. AJCP Reel No: 3605)
Mme Parrot. Domestic Various, 1863 (File 1511. AJCP Reel No: 3605)
French consul at Melbourne. Shipping of dangerous goods. French emigration to Australia. Domestic Various, 1863 (File 1512. AJCP Reel No: 3605)
Postal rates. French consul at Melbourne. Domestic Various, 1863 (File 1513. AJCP Reel No: 3605)
Mrs Toomey. French consulates at New Zealand and Melbourne. Domestic Various, 1863 (File 1514. AJCP Reel No: 3605)
King of Sandwich Islands, 1864 (File 1517. AJCP Reel No: 3605)
Railway models for Queensland, 1864 (File 1518. AJCP Reel No: 3605)
Consular powers re wrecks and salvage. New Zealand Exhibition. Jules Marie, 1864 (File 1519. AJCP Reel No: 3605)
Survey of Victoria, 1864 (File 1520. AJCP Reel No: 3605)
Mr Hutchings, 1864 (File 1521. AJCP Reel No: 3605)
Exhibition at French managerie, 1864 (File 1525. AJCP Reel No: 3605)
Anglo-French relations in Sandwich Islands, 1864 (File 1526. AJCP Reel No: 3605)
New Zealand Exhibtion, 1864 (File 1527. AJCP Reel No: 3605)
Passage of locomotives through France, 1864 (File 1528. AJCP Reel No: 3605)
Jules Marie, 1864 (File 1532. AJCP Reel No: 3605)
French Commander-in-Chief in the Pacific, 1864 (File 1533. AJCP Reel No: 3605)
Postage on Commercial Papers, 1864 (File 1536. AJCP Reel No: 3605)
Loyalty Islands. Numancia, 1864 (File 1537. AJCP Reel No: 3605)
Bordelais. Triumph. Statement of the French navy, 1864 (File 1539. AJCP Reel No: 3605)
British consulates at Charente and Manila. Trade returns. Mr Fattorini's memorial to the Colonial Office, 1864 (File 1543. AJCP Reel No: 3605)
Exhibition at French menagerie. Death certificate of Mr John Toomey, 1864 (File 1546. AJCP Reel No: 3605)
Mr Fattorini. Consular Domestic, 1864 (File 1547. AJCP Reel No: 3605)
French consular agents at New Zealand, Aden and Fremantle. Domestic, 1864 (File 1548. AJCP Reel No: 3605)
Mr Gothermann. Transportation of Frenchman Langlois to Australia. Domestic, 1864 (File 1549. AJCP Reel No: 3605)
Toomey. Colonial legislation. French consular agency in New Zealand Exhibition. Domestic Various, 1864 (File 1550. AJCP Reel No: 3605)
Railway models for Queensland. Melbourne Public Library address to French Emperor. French consular agency to French Emporer. French consular agency at Fremantle. New Zealand Exhibition. Domestic Various, 1864 (File 1551. AJCP Reel No: 3605)
Marie. Domestic Various, 1864 (File 1552. AJCP Reel No: 3605)
Jules Marie, 1865 (File 1556. AJCP Reel No: 3605)
Mail service from England to Australia, 1865 (File 1557. AJCP Reel No: 3605)
Gothermann. Langlois. Domestic Various, 1864 (File 1553. AJCP Reel No: 3605)
Langois. London Missionary Society report on French in Loyalty Islands. Domestic Various, 1864 (File 1554. AJCP Reel No: 3605)
French in Loyalty Islands, 1865 (File 1555. AJCP Reel No: 3605)
Transactions of Royal Society of Victoria. Queensland Statistical Register. Rudolphe Lincke, 1865 (File 1562. AJCP Reel No: 3606)
Loyalty Islands, 1865 (File 1567. AJCP Reel No: 3606)
Death certificate of Lincke. Mail to Australia, 1865 (File 1570. AJCP Reel No: 3606)
Mail to Australia, 1865 (File 1571. AJCP Reel No: 3606)
Queensland Statistical Register, 1865 (File 1576. AJCP Reel No: 3606)
Transaction of Royal Society of Victoria, 1865 (File 1577. AJCP Reel No: 3606)
New South Wales Statistical Register. Domestic Various, 1865 (File 1579. AJCP Reel No: 3606)
British consulate at New Caledonia. Consular Domestic, 1865 (File 1588. AJCP Reel No: 3606)
French consular agents at Adelaide and Brisbane. Domestic, 1865 (File 1589. AJCP Reel No: 3606)
Hydaspe. Madras. Domestic, 1865 (File 1590. AJCP Reel No: 3606)
Echo. Statistics of Victoria, 1865 (File 1591. AJCP Reel No: 3606)
Missionaries in Loyalty Islands. Marie. Domestic Various, 1865 (File 1592. AJCP Reel No: 3606)
French consular agents at Adelaide and Brisbane. Mr Mann's aid to French ships. Domestic Various, 1865 (File 1593. AJCP Reel No: 3606)
Domestic Various, 1865 (File 1595. AJCP Reel No: 3606)
Transactions of Royal Society of Victoria. Lincke. Echo. Victoria Statistics. Domestic Various, 1865 (File 1596. AJCP Reel No: 3606)
New South Wales Statistical Register. European. Domestic Various, 1865 (File 1597. AJCP Reel No: 3606)
Sandwich Islands, 1866 (File 1600. AJCP Reel No: 3606)
New South Wales Statistical Register, 1866 (File 1601. AJCP Reel No: 3606)
French consuls at Manila, 1866 (File 1604. AJCP Reel No: 3606)
Victorian Agricultural and Livestock Statistics, 1866 (File 1605. AJCP Reel No: 3606)
French annexation of Rarotonga, 1866 (File 1606. AJCP Reel No: 3606)
Sybille, 1866 (File 1609. AJCP Reel No: 3606)
French Pacific Squadron. Conference on Principalities, 1866 (File 1613. AJCP Reel No: 3606)
New South Wales Statistics, 1866 (File 1614. AJCP Reel No: 3606)
French consul at Manila, 1866 (File 1616. AJCP Reel No: 3606)
Victorian Agricultural and Livestock Statistics. Rarotonga, 1866 (File 1618. AJCP Reel No: 3606)
French Pacific Squadron, 1866 (File 1624. AJCP Reel No: 3606)
Importation of Australian wool, 1866 (File 1628. AJCP Reel No: 3606)
Statement of the French navy, 1866 (File 1633. AJCP Reel No: 3606)
Documents from London. Consular Domestic, 1866 (File 1638. AJCP Reel No: 3606)
French consul at Newcastle. Fraudulent transactions in London. Domestic, 1866 (File 1639. AJCP Reel No: 3607)
Western Australia statistics. French consular agent at Adelaide. 'Bulletin administratif', 1866 (File 1640. AJCP Reel No: 3607)
French consular agent at Adelaide. Domestic Various, 1866 (File 1641. AJCP Reel No: 3607)
Echo. Domestic Various, 1866 (File 1643. AJCP Reel No: 3607)
New South Wales Statistical Register. Domestic Various, 1866 (File 1644. AJCP Reel No: 3607)
Victorian Agricultural and Livestock Statistics. Western Australia statistics. Rarotonga. Domestic Various, 1866 (File 1645. AJCP Reel No: 3607)
French consular agent at Adelaide. Melbourne Public Library. Guano. Returns. Malden Island. Domestic Various, 1866 (File 1646. AJCP Reel No: 3607)
French claim to Malden Island. Domestic Various, 1866 (File 1647. AJCP Reel No: 3607)
Sybille. Malden Island. New South Wales Statistical Register. Domestic Various, 1866 (File 1648. AJCP Reel No: 3607)
New South Wales Statistical Register. Transactions of Royal Society of Victoria, 1867 (File 1651. AJCP Reel No: 3607)
Lavington Evans Memorial to French Government, 1867 (File 1652. AJCP Reel No: 3607)
Presentation of New South Wales items at Paris Exhibition, 1867 (File 1653. AJCP Reel No: 3607)
Missionaries in Loyalty Islands. Annexation of Sandwich Islands, 1867 (File 1654. AJCP Reel No: 3607)
New South Wales Statistics. Books from Tasmania and Queensland to France, 1867 (File 1655. AJCP Reel No: 3607)
New South Wales Statistical Register, 1867 (File 1656. AJCP Reel No: 3607)
Transactions of Royal Society of Victoria, 1867 (File 1657. AJCP Reel No: 3607)
Mr Lavington Evans: Memorial, 1867 (File 1658. AJCP Reel No: 3607)
Presentation of New South Wales items at Paris Exhibition, 1867 (File 1662. AJCP Reel No: 3607)
Monument to La Perouse in Botany Bay, 1867 (File 1663. AJCP Reel No: 3607)
American annexation of Sandwich Islands. Disturbances at Penang. New South Wales Statistics, 1867 (File 1667. AJCP Reel No: 3607)
New South Wales statistics. Statistics from French Minister of Marine and the Colonies, 1867 (File 1668. AJCP Reel No: 3607)
Missionaries in Loyalty Islands, 1867 (File 1670. AJCP Reel No: 3607)
Queensland statistics, 1867 (File 1671. AJCP Reel No: 3607)
Treaty between America and Hawaii, 1867 (File 1673. AJCP Reel No: 3607)
Tariff on goods to New Zealand and Australia, 1867 (File 1674. AJCP Reel No: 3607)
Kerguelen Island, 1867 (File 1678. AJCP Reel No: 3607)
Statement of the French navy, 1867 (File 1684. AJCP Reel No: 3607)
Transportation of Neo Swe Lean, 1867 (File 1685. AJCP Reel No: 3607)
Transportation of Neo Swe Lean. Consular Domestic, 1867 (File 1687. AJCP Reel No: 3607)
French consular agent at Hobart. Malden Island. Domestic, 1867 (File 1688. AJCP Reel No: 3607)
French consular agent at Hobart, 1867 (File 1689. AJCP Reel No: 3607)
Transactions of Royal Society of Victoria. French consular agent at Hobart. Lavington Evans' Memorial. Domestic Various, 1867 (File 1690. AJCP Reel No: 3607)
Lavington Evans' Memorial. Domestic Various, 1867 (File 1691. AJCP Reel No: 3607)
Malden Island. Western Australia statistics. New South Wales items at Paris Exhibition. Domestic Various, 1867 (File 1692. AJCP Reel No: 3607)
Monument to La Perouse. Misisonaries in the Loyalty Islands. Indo China. Domestic Various, 1867 (File 1693. AJCP Reel No: 3607-3608)
French Consul General for Australian Colonies. Domestic Various, 1867 (File 1694. AJCP Reel No: 3608)
French Pacific Squadron, 1868 (File 1695. AJCP Reel No: 3608)
New South Wales Statistical Register, 1868 (File 1696. AJCP Reel No: 3608)
Western Australia statistics, 1868 (File 1698. AJCP Reel No: 3608)
New South Wales Statistical Register, 1868 (File 1700. AJCP Reel No: 3608)
Protestant missionaries in the Loyalty Islands, 1868 (File 1701. AJCP Reel No: 3608)
Duke of Edinburgh. French Squadrons in the Mediterranean and the Pacific, 1868 (File 1704. AJCP Reel No: 3608)
Duke of Edinburgh, 1868 (File 1705. AJCP Reel No: 3608)
Western Australia Statistics, 1868 (File 1708. AJCP Reel No: 3608)
Sandwich Islands. Extradition Treaty between France and Leeward Islands, 1868 (File 1713. AJCP Reel No: 3608)
Celebration of Queen Victoria's Birthday by French at Tahiti, 1868 (File 1718. AJCP Reel No: 3608)
Winslow. Duke of Edinburgh, 1868 (File 1721. AJCP Reel No: 3608)
Collisions at sea. Consular Domestic, 1868 (File 1727. AJCP Reel No: 3608)
British consul at Saigon. Straits Settlement. Trade at Saigon. Winslow. Consular Domestic, 1868 (File 1728. AJCP Reel No: 3608)
French consular agent at Penang. Clio. Domestic Jurisdiction of French consulate at Melbourne., 1868 (File 1729. AJCP Reel No: 3608)
French Scientific Commission observation of eclipse of the sun. Domestic, 1868 (File 1730. AJCP Reel No: 3608)
Clio. French consular agency in New Zealand. Jurisdiction of French consulate at Brisbane. Alceste. Domestic, 1868 (File 1731. AJCP Reel No: 3608)
Kerguelen Island. New South Wales Statistical Register. French consul general at Penang. Clio. Seven. Domestic Various, 1868 (File 1733. AJCP Reel No: 3608)
Clio. Domestic Various, 1868 (File 1734. AJCP Reel No: 3608)
French Scientific Commission. French Consul General in Australia. Domestic Various, 1868 (File 1735. AJCP Reel No: 3608)
Clio. French Consulate at Wellington. Western Australia statistics. Domestic Various, 1868 (File 1736. AJCP Reel No: 3608)
Atieth Rahamon. Domestic Various, 1868 (File 1737. AJCP Reel No: 3608)
French consulates in Australia and New Zealand. Wessel. Starling. Jurisdiction of French representatives in Australia. Domestic Various, 1868 (File 1738. AJCP Reel No: 3608)
New South Wales Blue Book. Sandwich Islands. Loyalty Islands, 1869 (File 1739. AJCP Reel No: 3608)
Independence of Sandwich Islands. Western Australia Statistics, 1869 (File 1742. AJCP Reel No: 3608)
Tahiti, 1869 (File 1744. AJCP Reel No: 3608)
New South Wales Blue Book, 1869 (File 1745. AJCP Reel No: 3608)
French Scientific Commision, 1869 (File 1746. AJCP Reel No: 3608)
International Exhibition Report, 1869 (File 1748. AJCP Reel No: 3608)
Independence of Sandwich Islands, 1869 (File 1757. AJCP Reel No: 3608)
Western Australia statistics, 1869 (File 1758. AJCP Reel No: 3608)
Western Australia, 1869 (File 1760. AJCP Reel No: 3608)
Tahiti, 1869 (File 1763. AJCP Reel No: 3609)
Sandwich Islands. French in Oceania. British vice consul at New Caledonia, 1869 (File 1764. AJCP Reel No: 3609)
Mary Ida. English and French Commission in Hawaii. Postage rates, 1869 (File 1766. AJCP Reel No: 3609)
French Commissioner at Tahiti, 1869 (File 1767. AJCP Reel No: 3609)
Mary Ida. British vice consul at New Caledonia, 1869 (File 1768. AJCP Reel No: 3609)
Winslow, 1869 (File 1773. AJCP Reel No: 3609)
Vice consul at New Caledonia. Asian ('Coolie') emigration to Australia. Return of despatches, 1869 (File 1774. AJCP Reel No: 3609)
Mary Ida. Winslow. Consular Domestic, 1869 (File 1775. AJCP Reel No: 3609)
Vice consul at New Caledonia. Consular Domestic, 1869 (File 1777. AJCP Reel No: 3609)
Annexation of Sandwich Islands. Postage stamps. Clio. Domestic, 1869 (File 1778. AJCP Reel No: 3609)
Discharged convicts. Domestic, 1869 (File 1779. AJCP Reel No: 3609)
New South Wales Blue Books. Postage stamps. Domestic Various, 1869 (File 1781. AJCP Reel No: 3609)
Clio. Domestic Various, 1869 (File 1782. AJCP Reel No: 3609)
Western Australia statistics. Domestic Various, 1869 (File 1783. AJCP Reel No: 3609)
Queensland statistics. Domestic Various, 1869 (File 1784. AJCP Reel No: 3609)
New South Wales Blue Books. British Squadron to Tahiti, 1870 (File 1789. AJCP Reel No: 3609)
French Acclimatisation Society, 1870 (File 1791. AJCP Reel No: 3609)
Detention of emigrants. Robert Farlow. Western Australia statistics, 1870 (File 1793. AJCP Reel No: 3609)
New South Wales statistics, 1870 (File 1797. AJCP Reel No: 3609)
Loyalty Islands. New South Wales Statistical Register, 1870 (File 1798. AJCP Reel No: 3609)
British squadron to Tahiti. New South Wales Statistical Register. Farlow, 1870 (File 1799. AJCP Reel No: 3609)
Missionaries in Loyalty Islands, 1870 (File 1801. AJCP Reel No: 3609)
British subjects in Society Islands, 1870 (File 1803. AJCP Reel No: 3609)
French Acclimatisation Society, 1870 (File 1804. AJCP Reel No: 3609)
French Acclimatisation Society, 1870 (File 1805. AJCP Reel No: 3609)
Detention of emigrants, 1870 (File 1815. AJCP Reel No: 3609)
French agent in Sandwich Islands. British vice consul at New Caledonia. Commercial, 1870 (File 1823. AJCP Reel No: 3609)
Fiji. British vice consul at New Caledonia, 1870 (File 1825. AJCP Reel No: 3609)
British vice consul at New Caledonia. Emigration of coolies. French Conventions re Emigration, 1870 (File 1834. AJCP Reel No: 3609)
Emigration. Mary Ida. Military service in British colonies. Pacific Steam Navigation Company. Vice consul at New Caledonia. Consular Domestic, 1870 (File 1835. AJCP Reel No: 3609)
Vice consul at New Caledonia. Consular Domestic, 1870 (File 1837. AJCP Reel No: 3609)
Pacific Steam Navigation Company. Emigration regulations. Domestic, 1870 (File 1838. AJCP Reel No: 3609)
New South Wales Blue Book. British squadron to Tahiti. Farlow. Domestic Various, 1870 (File 1843. AJCP Reel No: 3609)
French Acclimatisation Society. Domestic Various, 1870 (File 1844. AJCP Reel No: 3609)
French in Oceania and Imperial Commission in the Society Islands. Domestic Various, 1870 (File 1845. AJCP Reel No: 3609)
Farlow. Western Australia statistics. Domestic Various, 1870 (File 1846. AJCP Reel No: 3609)
La Creuse. New South Wales Blue Book. Revictualling of Paris after siege. Meat imports from Australia. Domestic Various, 1870 (File 1847. AJCP Reel No: 3609-3610)
Postal service to New Zealand, 1871 (File 1850. AJCP Reel No: 3610)
Robert Surcouf, 1871 (File 1851. AJCP Reel No: 3610)
Transportation of French insurgents to New Caledonia, 1871 (File 1852. AJCP Reel No: 3610)
Transportation of French insurgents to New Caledonia, 1871 (File 1853. AJCP Reel No: 3610)
Postal service to New Zealand, 1871 (File 1854. AJCP Reel No: 3610)
Postal service to New Zealand, 1871 (File 1858. AJCP Reel No: 3610)
Transportation to New Caledonia, 1871 (File 1866. AJCP Reel No: 3610)
Transportation to New Caledonia, 1871 (File 1867. AJCP Reel No: 3610)
Communist prisoners at Versailles. New Caledonia, 1871 (File 1872. AJCP Reel No: 3610)
Transportation to New Caledonia, 1871 (File 1874. AJCP Reel No: 3610)
Communist prisoners at Versailles. New Caledonia, 1871 (File 1881. AJCP Reel No: 3610)

This is actually a refilming of piece 1872.

Communist Prisoners. New Caledonia / Improved arrangements: transports and other Government vessels, 1871 (File 1874-1875. AJCP Reel No: 3610)
Asian ('Coolie') Emigration. Sophie Rickmers. Robert Rickmers. British vice consul at New Caledonia. Return of despatches, 1871 (File 1895. AJCP Reel No: 3610)
British consul at Saigon. Consular Domestic, 1871 (File 1896. AJCP Reel No: 3610)
British vice consul at New Caledonia. Consular Domestic, 1871 (File 1898. AJCP Reel No: 3610)
British consul at New Caledonia. Consular Domestic, 1871 (File 1899. AJCP Reel No: 3610)
Robert Surcouf. Sophie Rickmers. Robert Rickmers. Domestic Various, 1871 (File 1905. AJCP Reel No: 3610)
Sophie Rickmers. Domestic Various, 1871 (File 1906. AJCP Reel No: 3610)
Postal service to New Zealand. Sophie Rickmers. Robert Rickmers. Japon. Domestic Various, 1871 (File 1907. AJCP Reel No: 3610)
Transportation to New Caledonia. Domestic Various, 1871 (File 1908. AJCP Reel No: 3610)
Transportation to New Caledonia. Domestic Various, 1871 (File 1909. AJCP Reel No: 3610)
Transportation to New Caledonia. Domestic Various, 1871 (File 1910. AJCP Reel No: 3610)
French convicts in New Caledonia, 1872 (File 1911. AJCP Reel No: 3610)
Transportation to New Caledonia, 1872 (File 1912. AJCP Reel No: 3610)
British squadron to Tahiti, 1872 (File 1913. AJCP Reel No: 3610)
Escape of convicts from New Caledonia, 1872 (File 1916. AJCP Reel No: 3610)
French penal settlements at New Caledonia, 1872 (File 1918. AJCP Reel No: 3610)
French penal settlements at New Caledonia, 1872 (File 1919. AJCP Reel No: 3610)
French penal settlements at New Caledonia and Ile des Saintes, 1872 (File 1920. AJCP Reel No: 3610)
French penal settlements. New South Wales Statistical Register, 1872 (File 1922. AJCP Reel No: 3610)
Transportation to New Caledonia, 1872 (File 1924. AJCP Reel No: 3610)
Ile des Saintes. Transportation to New Caledonia Emigration to Brisbane, 1872 (File 1925. AJCP Reel No: 3610)
New Caledonia. War ships. Transportation. British squadron to Tahiti, 1872 (File 1926. AJCP Reel No: 3610)
Transportation to New Caledonia, 1872 (File 1927. AJCP Reel No: 3610)
British squadron to Tahiti, 1872 (File 1928. AJCP Reel No: 3610)
Transportation to New Caledonia. New Caledonia. New South Wales Blue Book, 1872 (File 1929. AJCP Reel No: 3610)
Shipping charges. Commercial. Domestic Various, 1872 (File 1948. AJCP Reel No: 3611)
French emigration to Queensland. Vice Consul at New Caledonia. Return of despatches, 1872 (File 1961. AJCP Reel No: 3611)
Consul at New Caledonia. French emigration to Queensland. Consular Domestic, 1872 (File 1962. AJCP Reel No: 3611)
Racehorse. Survey reports. Consular Domestic, 1872 (File 1963. AJCP Reel No: 3611)
French consuls at Calcutta and Sydney. New South Wales Blue Book. Domestic, 1872 (File 1964. AJCP Reel No: 3611)
French consuls at Penang, Brisbane and Auckland. Domestic, 1872 (File 1965. AJCP Reel No: 3611)
French convicts in New Caledonia. French conculs to Sydney and Calcutta. New South Wales Blue Book and Statistical Register. Domestic Various, 1872 (File 1966. AJCP Reel No: 3611)
Penal settlements in French colonies. Transportation of French convicts to New Caledonia. Domestic Various, 1872 (File 1967. AJCP Reel No: 3611)
Transportation of French convicts to New Caledonia. Domestic Various, 1872 (File 1968. AJCP Reel No: 3611)
French consuls at Penang, Auckland, Brisbane. Domestic Various, 1872 (File 1969. AJCP Reel No: 3611)
Treaties with Japan, 1873 (File 1974. AJCP Reel No: 3611)
List of cyphers. Escape of French convicts, 1873 (File 1975. AJCP Reel No: 3611)
Queensland postal arrangements, 1873 (File 1976. AJCP Reel No: 3611)
Transportation to New Caledonia, 1873 (File 1977. AJCP Reel No: 3611)
French convicts in New Caledonia, 1873 (File 1978. AJCP Reel No: 3611)
French convicts in New Caledonia, 1873 (File 1981. AJCP Reel No: 3611)
French convicts in New Caledonia. Departure of French convicts in New Caledonia, 1873 (File 1982. AJCP Reel No: 3611)
Departure of French convicts in New Caledonia, 1873 (File 1983. AJCP Reel No: 3611)
Departure of French convicts in New Caledonia, 1873 (File 1984. AJCP Reel No: 3611)
Mr Barnett Burns. Reports on convicts in New Caledonia, 1873 (File 1987. AJCP Reel No: 3611)
Families of convicts to New Caledonia, 1873 (File 1989. AJCP Reel No: 3611)
Cattle disease in France and Italy. Consular, 1873 (File 1998. AJCP Reel No: 3611)
Mails to South America. Tahiti Cotton and Coffee Plantation Company. Commercial, 1873 (File 2000. AJCP Reel No: 3611)
Tahiti Cotton and Coffee Plantation Company, 1873 (File 2001. AJCP Reel No: 3611)
Tahiti Cotton and Coffee Plantation Company. Commercial, 1873 (File 2005. AJCP Reel No: 3611)
Tahiti Cotton and Coffee Plantation Company. Commercial, 1873 (File 2009. AJCP Reel No: 3611)
Quarantine Laws in British colonies. Domestic Various, 1873 (File 2015. AJCP Reel No: 3611)
Quarantine Laws in British colonies. Telegraph line through France. Commercial. Domestic Various, 1873 (File 2016. AJCP Reel No: 3611)
Pacific Steam Navigation Company. Commercial. Domestic Various, 1873 (File 2017. AJCP Reel No: 3611)
Quarantine Laws in Queensland and Sierra Leone. Commercial. Domestic Various, 1873 (File 2018. AJCP Reel No: 3611)
New Zealand agent at Brest. Edwin Fox. Consular and Commercial, 1873 (File 2021. AJCP Reel No: 3611)
Report on coolies in French Guiana. Consular and Commercial, 1873 (File 2022. AJCP Reel No: 3611)
Dowden trial. New Caledonia. Marriage laws. Returns of despatches. Returns of British shipping., 1873 (File 2025. AJCP Reel No: 3612)
Emigration. Edwin Fox. Asians (Coolies) in New Caledonia. Consular Domestic, 1873 (File 2027. AJCP Reel No: 3612)
Edwin Fox. Consul at New Caledonia. Domestic French consul at Hobart. Consular Domestic, 1873 (File 2028. AJCP Reel No: 3612)
Edwin Fox. Consul at New Caledonia. Domestic, 1873 (File 2029. AJCP Reel No: 3612)
French consul at Hobart. New South Wales Blue Book. Domestic, 1873 (File 2030. AJCP Reel No: 3612)
French emigration to Queensland. Transportation to New Caledonia. French consul at Brisbane. Domestic Various, 1873 (File 2031. AJCP Reel No: 3612)
French consuls at Hobart and Brisbane. La Loire. New Caledonia. Domestic Various, 1873 (File 2032. AJCP Reel No: 3612)
Escape of French convicts. Domestic Various, 1873 (File 2033. AJCP Reel No: 3612)
French consul at Hobart. New South Wales Blue Book. Domestic Various, 1873 (File 2034. AJCP Reel No: 3612)
Barnett Burns, 1874 (File 2039. AJCP Reel No: 3612)
State Forests. Escape of French convicts. Surat. Mail to New Caledonia, 1874 (File 2040. AJCP Reel No: 3612)
Independence of Sandwich Islands. Escape of French Convicts. Protestant persecution in Loyalty Islands. King Kolahana, 1874 (File 2042. AJCP Reel No: 3612)
Postal communication, 1874 (File 2043. AJCP Reel No: 3612)
La Vive. Surat. Escape of French convicts. Forestry regulations, 1874 (File 2049. AJCP Reel No: 3612)
Postal communication, 1874 (File 2051. AJCP Reel No: 3612)
State forests, 1874 (File 2053. AJCP Reel No: 3612)
Report on French penal establishment, 1874 (File 2058. AJCP Reel No: 3612)
Dido. Hermite, 1874 (File 2061. AJCP Reel No: 3612)
Dido. Hermite, 1874 (File 2062. AJCP Reel No: 3612)
Protestant persecution in Loyalty Islands, 1874 (File 2063. AJCP Reel No: 3612)
Vice consul at New Caledonia. Mare Island. Blanche. New Caledonia. Consular, 1874 (File 2064. AJCP Reel No: 3612)
Tahiti Cotton and Coffee Plantation Company. Treaties. Commercial, 1874 (File 2066. AJCP Reel No: 3613)
Tahiti Cotton and Coffee Plantation Company. Commercial, 1874 (File 2070. AJCP Reel No: 3613)
Tahiti Cotton and Coffee Plantation Company. Commercial, 1874 (File 2071. AJCP Reel No: 3613)
Importation of labourers to French colonies. Agriculture in New South Wales and Queensland. Domestic. Consular and Commercial, 1874 (File 2076. AJCP Reel No: 3613)
Agricultural Statistics. Commercial, Domestic Various, 1874 (File 2078. AJCP Reel No: 3613)
Agricultural in New South Wales and Queensland. Custom duties. Commercial, Domestic Various, 1874 (File 2079. AJCP Reel No: 3613)
British vice consul at New Caledonia. Consular and Commercial, 1874 (File 2088. AJCP Reel No: 3613)
Banks Island. Vice consul at New Caledonia. Consular Domestic, 1874 (File 2089. AJCP Reel No: 3613)
Blanche. Vice consul at New Caledonia. Consular agents at Pondicherry and Karikal. Political. Consular Domestic, 1874 (File 2090. AJCP Reel No: 3613)
New South Wales Statistical Register. French consular agents. Escape of French convicts. Domestic, 1874 (File 2091. AJCP Reel No: 3613)
French penal settlements and Australian colonies. French consular agents. Hermite. Domestic, 1874 (File 2092. AJCP Reel No: 3613)
Postal communication. Barnett Burns. Domestic Various, 1874 (File 2093. AJCP Reel No: 3613)
Surat. Forestry and tobacco culture. French consular agents. Escape of French convicts. Domestic Various, 1874 (File 2094. AJCP Reel No: 3613)
Postal communication. Escaped French convicts from New Caledonia. State forests. Domestic Various, 1874 (File 2095. AJCP Reel No: 3613)
Escaped French convicts. New South Wales Blue Book. French consular agent at Melbourne. Domestic Various, 1874 (File 2096. AJCP Reel No: 3613)
French consul and Consul General at Sydney. Hermite. Escaped French convicts. Domestic Various, 1874 (File 2097. AJCP Reel No: 3613)
French consular agent at Adelaide. Extradition from New Caledonia. Persecution of protestants in Loyalty Islands. Forestry. Domestic Various, 1874 (File 2098. AJCP Reel No: 3613-3614)
French trade treaty with Annam. Escape of French convicts from New Caledonia, 1875 (File 2099. AJCP Reel No: 3614)
Burmese mission to France. Escape of French convicts, 1875 (File 2100. AJCP Reel No: 3614)
Hermite, 1875 (File 2101. AJCP Reel No: 3614)
French trade treaty with Annam, 1875 (File 2103. AJCP Reel No: 3614)
Postal communication, 1875 (File 2105. AJCP Reel No: 3614)
Escape of French convicts, 1875 (File 2107. AJCP Reel No: 3614)
Persecution of Protestants in Loyalty Islands. Escape of French convicts, 1875 (File 2108. AJCP Reel No: 3614)
Escape of French convicts, 1875 (File 2109. AJCP Reel No: 3614)
Dido. Blanche, 1875 (File 2111. AJCP Reel No: 3614)
Hermite, 1875 (File 2112. AJCP Reel No: 3614)
Labour traffic in the Pacific. French in New Caledonia. Consular, 1875 (File 2119. AJCP Reel No: 3614)
Labour Traffic. French ships in the Pacific. Naturalisation of British subjects. Consular, 1875 (File 2120. AJCP Reel No: 3614)
French flag. Labour traffic. Consular, 1875 (File 2121. AJCP Reel No: 3614)
Oyster culture. Commercial, 1875 (File 2123. AJCP Reel No: 3614)
Oyster culture. Domestic Various. Commercial, 1875 (File 2131. AJCP Reel No: 3614)
India Mail Service. Australian trees. Consular and Commercial, 1875 (File 2136. AJCP Reel No: 3614)
Labour traffic. Maitland. Asian ('Coolie') emigration. New Caledonia. Shipping dues. Consular and Commercial, 1875 (File 2137. AJCP Reel No: 3614)
British shipping. Consular and Commercial, 1875 (File 2139. AJCP Reel No: 3614)
Consuls at Saigon and New Caledonia. Maitland. Consular Domestic, 1875 (File 2140. AJCP Reel No: 3614)
Jessie. Labour traffic. French flag. Consular Domestic, 1875 (File 2141. AJCP Reel No: 3614)
Vice consuls at New Caledonia and Hyeres. Labour traffic. French flag. Australian trees. Consular Domestic, 1875 (File 2142. AJCP Reel No: 3614)
New South Wales Statistical Register. Arctic expedition. Hermite. French consuls at Adelaide and Singapore. Domestic, 1875 (File 2143. AJCP Reel No: 3614)
French consuls at Adelaide and Singapore. Escape of French convicts. Domestic, 1875 (File 2144. AJCP Reel No: 3614)
New South Wales Statistical Register. Arctic expedition. Straits Settlement trade. Postal charges. Domestic Various, 1875 (File 2145. AJCP Reel No: 3614)
Escape of French convicts. Burmese mission to France. Potestant persecution in Loyalty Islands. Domestic Various, 1875 (File 2146. AJCP Reel No: 3614)
Escape of French convicts. French consul at Singapore. Domestic Various, 1875 (File 2147. AJCP Reel No: 3614)
French consul at Adelaide. French convicts at New Caledonia. Malaya. Domestic Various, 1875 (File 2149. AJCP Reel No: 3614-3615)
Malaya. Spanish claim to Sulu. Queensland mails. Missionaries in the Loyalty Islands, 1876 (File 2154. AJCP Reel No: 3615)
Sappho, 1876 (File 2156. AJCP Reel No: 3615)
French exploration in New Guinea, 1876 (File 2157. AJCP Reel No: 3615)
Dr Morris to study sheep and cattle diseases, 1876 (File 2158. AJCP Reel No: 3615)
French mail steamers. Pardoned French convicts in Australia, 1876 (File 2159. AJCP Reel No: 3615)
Religious disturbances in Loyalty Islands, 1876 (File 2160. AJCP Reel No: 3615)
Religious disturbances in Loyalty Islands, 1876 (File 2161. AJCP Reel No: 3615)
French annexation of New Herbrides, 1876 (File 2163. AJCP Reel No: 3615)
British claim to New Guinea, 1876 (File 2165. AJCP Reel No: 3615)
French expedition to New Guinea, 1876 (File 2167. AJCP Reel No: 3615)
Piracy at Siam, 1876 (File 2168. AJCP Reel No: 3615)
Pardoned French convicts in Australia, 1876 (File 2171. AJCP Reel No: 3615)
French annexation of New Hebrides. British consul at New Caledonia. Consul at New Caledonia. Consular, 1876 (File 2172. AJCP Reel No: 3615)
French annexation of New Hebrides. Consular, 1876 (File 2173. AJCP Reel No: 3615)
British consul at New Caledonia. Consular, 1876 (File 2174. AJCP Reel No: 3615)
Agricultural statistics. Emigration. Commercial, 1876 (File 2176. AJCP Reel No: 3615)
Galle Harbour. Domestic. Consular and Commercial, 1876 (File 2178. AJCP Reel No: 3615)
French and colonial shipping. Agriculture. Domestic various. Commercial, 1876 (File 2179. AJCP Reel No: 3615)
Australian trees. Consular and Commercial, 1876 (File 2180. AJCP Reel No: 3615)
British consuls at New Caledonia. Labour traffic. Argos. Consular and Commercial, 1876 (File 2185. AJCP Reel No: 3615)
French annexation of New Hebrides. Postal communication. Australian trees. Vice consul at New Caledonia. Consular Domestic, 1876 (File 2186. AJCP Reel No: 3615)
Consul at New Caledonia. Australian Trees. New Hebrides. Consular Domestic, 1876 (File 2187. AJCP Reel No: 3615)
Escape of French convicts. French consular agent at Penang. Domestic, 1876 (File 2188. AJCP Reel No: 3615)
Escape of French convicts. French consul at Singapore. Land grants in Australia. Domestic, 1876 (File 2189. AJCP Reel No: 3616)
French convicts. New Hebrides. Religious disturbances in Loyalty Islands. New South Wales Statistical Register. Domestic Various, 1876 (File 2190. AJCP Reel No: 3616)
French annexation of New Hebrides. Sappho. Escape of French convicts. Domestic Various, 1876 (File 2191. AJCP Reel No: 3616)
Translation of documents. New Guinea Colonising Association. Escape of French convicts. Extradition from Queensland. Domestic Various, 1876 (File 2192. AJCP Reel No: 3616)
French convicts to British colonies. Domestic Various, 1876 (File 2193. AJCP Reel No: 3616)
Piracy. Annexation of New Guinea. New Guinea. Domestic Various, 1876 (File 2194. AJCP Reel No: 3616)
Anglo-French Commercial Negotiations, 1876 (File 2220. AJCP Reel No: 3616)
Anglo-French Commercial Negotiations, 1876 (File 2221. AJCP Reel No: 3616)
Anglo-French Commercial Negotiations, 1876 (File 2222. AJCP Reel No: 3616)
Anglo-French Commercial Negotiations, 1876 (File 2223. AJCP Reel No: 3616)
Anglo-French Commercial Negotiations, 1876 (File 2224. AJCP Reel No: 3616)
French convicts in British colonies, 1877 (File 2229. AJCP Reel No: 3616)
Loyalty Islands. Tahiti, 1877 (File 2233. AJCP Reel No: 3617)
Madrid. Pardoned French convicts, 1877 (File 2235. AJCP Reel No: 3617)
Pardoned French convicts, 1877 (File 2236. AJCP Reel No: 3617)
Postal rates, 1877 (File 2237. AJCP Reel No: 3617)
Protestants in Loyalty Islands. Tahiti, 1877 (File 2244. AJCP Reel No: 3617)
French colony in North West Australia, 1877 (File 2245. AJCP Reel No: 3617)
British ships at Tahiti. Pardoned French convicts. Tahiti protectorate flag. Vini. Consular, 1877 (File 2246. AJCP Reel No: 3617)
Beulah. Domestic. Consular Commercial, 1877 (File 2252. AJCP Reel No: 3617)
Australian trees. Commercial. Domestic, Various, 1877 (File 2253. AJCP Reel No: 3617)
Australian trees. Political, Consular and Commercial, 1877 (File 2255. AJCP Reel No: 3617)
Loyalty Islands. French convicts in New Caledonia. New Hebrides. Tonga. Political, Consular and Commercial, 1877 (File 2257. AJCP Reel No: 3617)
Olive cultivation. New Caledonia. New Hebrides. Presbyterian Mission Authorities. Consular Domestic, 1877 (File 2259. AJCP Reel No: 3618)
French consuls at Hong Kong, Singapore and Melbourne. Domestic, 1877 (File 2260. AJCP Reel No: 3618)
French convicts to British colonies. French consul at Singapore. Domestic Various, 1877 (File 2261. AJCP Reel No: 3618)
French consuls at Singapore. Domestic Various, 1877 (File 2262. AJCP Reel No: 3618)
French consuls at Singapore, Hong Kong, Sydney and Melbourne. Tahiti. Domestic Various, 1877 (File 2263. AJCP Reel No: 3618)
Societe Nationale des Sciences Naturelles de Cherbourg. New South Wales Blue Book. Domestic Various, 1877 (File 2264. AJCP Reel No: 3618)
French consuls at Penang and Melbourne. Protestant persecution in Loyalty Islands. New Caledonia. Domestic Various, 1877 (File 2265. AJCP Reel No: 3618)
Trade between Singapore and Annam. Treaty between France and Annam., 1875 - 1876 (File 2267. AJCP Reel No: 3618)
Anglo-French Commercial Negotiations, 1877 (File 2271. AJCP Reel No: 3618)
Anglo-French Commercial Negotiations, 1877 (File 2272. AJCP Reel No: 3618)
Anglo-French Commercial Negotiations, April 1877 (File 2273. AJCP Reel No: 3618)
Anglo-French Commercial Negotiations, 1877 (File 2275. AJCP Reel No: 3618)
Asian emigration, French colonies, 1869 (File 2285. AJCP Reel No: 3618)
Asian emigration, French colonies, 1870 (File 2286. AJCP Reel No: 3618)
Asian emigration, French colonies, 1870 (File 2287. AJCP Reel No: 3618)
Asian emigration, French colonies, 1871 (File 2288. AJCP Reel No: 3618)
Asian emigration, French colonies, 1873-/1874 (File 2289. AJCP Reel No: 3618)
Asian emigration, French colonies, 1874 (File 2290. AJCP Reel No: 3618)
Asian emigration, French colonies, 1875 (File 2291. AJCP Reel No: 3618)
Asian emigration, French colonies, 1875 (File 2292. AJCP Reel No: 3619)
Asian emigration, French colonies, 1876 (File 2293. AJCP Reel No: 3619)
Asian emigration, French colonies, 1876 (File 2294. AJCP Reel No: 3619)
Asian emigration, French colonies, 1876 (File 2295. AJCP Reel No: 3619)
Asian emigration, French colonies, 1876 (File 2296. AJCP Reel No: 3619)
Tahiti. Foreign navies, 1878 (File 2299. AJCP Reel No: 3619)
Revision of treaties with Japan, 1878 (File 2300. AJCP Reel No: 3619)
Customs facilities, 1878 (File 2301. AJCP Reel No: 3618)
French colony for Western Australia. Governor of New Caledonia, 1878 (File 2304. AJCP Reel No: 3618)
Volumes from Paris Observatory, 1878 (File 2306. AJCP Reel No: 3618)
Tahiti. Return of despatches, 1878 (File 2309. AJCP Reel No: 3618)
Insurrection in New Caledonia, 1878 (File 2311. AJCP Reel No: 3618)
East Indies, 1878 (File 2313. AJCP Reel No: 3618)
Telegraphic cable between New Caledonia and Australia, 1878 (File 2316. AJCP Reel No: 3618)
French cargo ships. Ada Iredale. Consular, 1878 (File 2319. AJCP Reel No: 3618)
St Joseph. Commercial, 1878 (File 2320. AJCP Reel No: 3619)
Beulah. Sydney International Exhibition. Commercial, 1878 (File 2322. AJCP Reel No: 3619)
Paris Universal Post Union Convention. Consular Commercial, 1878 (File 2324. AJCP Reel No: 3619)
Paris International Exhibition, Paris Universal Postal Union Convention. Commercial Domestic Various, 1878 (File 2325. AJCP Reel No: 3619)
Protestant persecution in Loyalty Islands. New Caledonia. New Hebrides. French colonial marriage. Marriage law. Returns. Political, Consular and Commercial, 1878 (File 2328. AJCP Reel No: 3619)
New Zealand land claim by Darmandaritz, 1878 (File 2330. AJCP Reel No: 3619)
Island of Tanna. New Hebrides. British consul at Amiens. Consular Domestuc, 1878 (File 2332. AJCP Reel No: 3620)
New Hebrides. French consuls at Melbourne, Sydney and Fremantle. Domestic, 1878 (File 2333. AJCP Reel No: 3620)
French consular agents at Fremantle, 1878 (File 2334. AJCP Reel No: 3620)
French consular agents at Fremantle and Dunedin. Domestic, 1878 (File 2335. AJCP Reel No: 3620)
French in Western Australia. Map of New Guinea. French consuls. Tahiti. Protestant persecution in loyalty Islands. Domestic Various, 1878 (File 2336. AJCP Reel No: 3620)
French consular agents. Protestant persecution. French Government of New Caledonia. Domestic Various, 1878 (File 2337. AJCP Reel No: 3620)
French consuls. Independence of New Hebrides. Anglo-French Extradition Treaty. Domestic Various, 1878 (File 2338. AJCP Reel No: 3620)
Sappho. New Guinea. Chesterfield Islands. New Caledonia. Telegraphic communication. French consul at Dunedin. Domestic Various, 1878 (File 2339. AJCP Reel No: 3620)
Commercial Negotiations. South African wool, 1878 (File 2340. AJCP Reel No: 3620)
South African Wool, 1878 (File 2341. AJCP Reel No: 3620)
Asian emigration, French colonies. Commission on New Caledonia., 1878 (File 2346. AJCP Reel No: 3620)
Asian emigration, French colonies. Commission on New Caledonia, 1878 (File 2347. AJCP Reel No: 3620)
Message in a bottle from Western Australia, 1879 (File 2356. AJCP Reel No: 3620)
French penal settlement in New Hebrides, 1879 (File 2357. AJCP Reel No: 3620)
New Hebrides, 1879 (File 2358. AJCP Reel No: 3620)
Bolivian privateers, 1879 (File 2359. AJCP Reel No: 3620)
Chesterfield Islands, 1879 (File 2361. AJCP Reel No: 3620)
Convict pardons, 1879 (File 2362. AJCP Reel No: 3620)
Native insurrection in New Caledonia, 1879 (File 2365. AJCP Reel No: 3620)
New Hebrides. Navarin, 1879 (File 2368. AJCP Reel No: 3620)
Naval intelligence. New Hebrides. Bolivian privateers, 1879 (File 2370. AJCP Reel No: 3620)
Bolivian privateers. French cruisers, 1879 (File 2371. AJCP Reel No: 3620)
French naval power in the Pacific, 1879 (File 2372. AJCP Reel No: 3620)
Bolivian privateers. French squadron at China, 1879 (File 2373. AJCP Reel No: 3620)
French Parliamentary proceedings, 1879 (File 2376. AJCP Reel No: 3620)
Charts of Noumea. Bank of New Caledonia. Allier. Bismark. Rotuma Island. Samoa. Consular, 1879 (File 2377. AJCP Reel No: 3620)
Charts of New Caledonia. Mr Carter. Allier. Rotuma Island. Samoa. Consular, 1879 (File 2378. AJCP Reel No: 3620-3621)
Sydney International Exhibition. Melbourne International Exhibition. Commercial, 1879 (File 2379. AJCP Reel No: 3621)
Sydney International Exhibition. Melbourne International Exhibition. Commercial, 1879 (File 2380. AJCP Reel No: 3621)
Sydney International Exhibition. Commercial, 1879 (File 2381. AJCP Reel No: 3621)
Melbourne International Exhibition. Commercial, 1879 (File 2384. AJCP Reel No: 3621)
Sydney International Exhibition. Consular and Commercial, 1879 (File 2385. AJCP Reel No: 3621)
Cultivation of flax. Sydney International Exhibition. Melbourne International Exhibition. Australian trees. Commercial. Domestic Various. Consular and Commercial, 1879 (File 2386. AJCP Reel No: 3621)
Flax. Political, Consular, Commercial, 1879 (File 2390. AJCP Reel No: 3621)
Foreigners born in French colonies. Consul Layard. Charts of New Caledonia. Bank of New Caledonia. New Hebrides. Political, Consular, Commercial, 1879 (File 2394. AJCP Reel No: 3621)
Charts of New Caledonia. Bank of New Caledonia. Allier. Consular Domestic, 1879 (File 2395. AJCP Reel No: 3621)
Success. French consular agent at Dunedin. Political, Consular, Commercial, 1879 (File 2397. AJCP Reel No: 3621)
French consular agents at Penang and Jamaica. Domestic Various. Political, Consular, Commercial, 1879 (File 2399. AJCP Reel No: 3621)
Message in bottle. French in the Pacific. French penal settlement in New Hebrides. Domestic Various. Political, Consular, Commercial, 1879 (File 2400. AJCP Reel No: 3621)
New Hebrides. Bolivian privateers. Tahiti. French consular agent at Penang. Domestic Various. Political, Consular, Commercial, 1879 (File 2401. AJCP Reel No: 3621)
French Consular Agent at Penang. Domestic Various, 1879 (File 2402. AJCP Reel No: 3621)
New Ireland. Laughlan Island. Political, Consular, Commercial, 1879 (File 2420. AJCP Reel No: 3621)
French protectorate over Tahiti. Political, Consular, Commercial, 1879 (File 2421. AJCP Reel No: 3621)
French protectorate over Tahiti. Political, Consular, Commercial, 1879 (File 2422. AJCP Reel No: 3621)
French convicts to Australian colonies. Political, Consular, Commercial, 1879 (File 2423. AJCP Reel No: 3621)
French in India. Political, Consular, Commercial, 1880 (File 2426. AJCP Reel No: 3621)
Marquis de Rays' colonisation scheme for New Ireland. Escaped French convicts. Anglo-French treaties. Political, Consular, Commercial, 1880 (File 2429. AJCP Reel No: 3621-3622)
Tahiti. Political, Consular, Commercial, 1880 (File 2430. AJCP Reel No: 3622)
Governor of New Caledonia. Political, Consular, Commercial, 1880 (File 2431. AJCP Reel No: 3622)
French convicts to Australian colonies. French navy in Pacific. Political, Consular, Commercial, 1880 (File 2434. AJCP Reel No: 3622)
French annexation of Tahiti, 1880 (File 2435. AJCP Reel No: 3622)
French convicts to Australian colonies, 1880 (File 2437. AJCP Reel No: 3622)
French Parliamentary proceedings, 1880 (File 2438. AJCP Reel No: 3622)
Protectorate of Samoa. Rotuma Island. Bank of New Caledonia. Consular, 1880 (File 2440. AJCP Reel No: 3622)
Australian Sovereign. Commercial, 1880 (File 2441. AJCP Reel No: 3622)
Postal service between France and New Caledonia via Australia. Commercial, 1880 (File 2442. AJCP Reel No: 3622)
Telegram charges. Commercial, 1880 (File 2443. AJCP Reel No: 3622)
Australian Sovereign. Commercial, 1880 (File 2445. AJCP Reel No: 3622)
French postal service. Agricultural. Commercial, 1880 (File 2446. AJCP Reel No: 3622)
Melbourne Exhibition. French vessels at Society Islands. Copyright. Commercial, 1880 (File 2448. AJCP Reel No: 3622)
Telegraph Union. French vessels at Society Islands. Melbourne Exhibition. French vessels at Society Islands. Melbourne Exhibition. Commercial Domestic Various, 1880 (File 2449. AJCP Reel No: 3622)
Australian Sovereign. Melbourne Exhibition. Commercial Domestic Various. Commercial, 1880 (File 2450. AJCP Reel No: 3622)
Copyright. Sugar bounties. Agriculture. Commercial Domestic Various. Commercial, 1880 (File 2451. AJCP Reel No: 3622)
Foreign War ships in Pacific. New Caledonia. French annexation of Tahiti and New Hebrides. Commercial, 1880 (File 2452. AJCP Reel No: 3622)
British consul at Tahiti. Shipping at Tahiti. Commercial, 1880 (File 2455. AJCP Reel No: 3622)
Bank of New Caledonia. Consul Layard. New Caledonia. Returns. Nickel mining. Export of Explosives. French Mercantile Marine. Consular, Commercial and Sanitary, 1880 (File 2457. AJCP Reel No: 3622-3623)
New Caledonia. Repatriation of pauper lunatics. Consular Domestic. Consular, Commercial and Sanitary., 1880 (File 2459. AJCP Reel No: 3623)
Consul Layard. Consular Domestic. Consular, Commercial and Sanitary, 1880 (File 2460. AJCP Reel No: 3623)
French consular agents at Singapore, Penang and Fremantle. Domestic. Consular, Commercial and Sanitary, 1880 (File 2461. AJCP Reel No: 3623)
French consuls at Bombay and Singapore. Desidee. Consular, Commercial and Sanitary, 1880 (File 2462. AJCP Reel No: 3623)
French consuls. Export of explosives. French convicts in Australia. Domestic various. Consular, Commercial and Sanitary, 1880 (File 2463. AJCP Reel No: 3623)
French consular agent at Fremantle. Export of explosives. New Ireland. Chandernagore. Domestic various. Consular, Commercial and Sanitary, 1880 (File 2464. AJCP Reel No: 3623)
Repatriation of lunatics in New Caledonia. French convicts. French consuls at Melbourne. British consul at Hawaii. Domestic Various. Consular, Commercial and Sanitary, 1880 (File 2465. AJCP Reel No: 3623)
French consuls at Melbourne and Singapore. Island of Raiatea. French convicts. Domestic Various. Consular, Commercial and Sanitary, 1880 (File 2466. AJCP Reel No: 3623)
French customs duties. Commercial Negotiations. Consular, Commercial and Sanitary, 1880 (File 2467. AJCP Reel No: 3623)
Commercial Negotiations. Australian and South African wool. Consular, Commercial and Sanitary, 1880 (File 2468. AJCP Reel No: 3623)
Commercial Negotiations. Australian and South African wool. Consular, Commercial and Sanitary, 1880 (File 2469. AJCP Reel No: 3623)
Commercial Negotiations. Duty on colonial wool, 1880 (File 2470. AJCP Reel No: 3623)
Commercial Negotiations. Duty on colonial wool, 1880 (File 2471. AJCP Reel No: 3623)
Commercial Negotiations. Duty on colonial wool, 1880 (File 2473. AJCP Reel No: 3623)
Beagle. James Bay massacre, 1881 (File 2483. AJCP Reel No: 3623)
Penguin, 1881 (File 2484. AJCP Reel No: 3623)
New Ireland. French convicts in Australia, 1881 (File 2486. AJCP Reel No: 3623)
Death of British subject in New Caledonia, 1881 (File 2487. AJCP Reel No: 3623)
Decree annexing Society Islands to France. French Parliamentary proceedings, 1881 (File 2488. AJCP Reel No: 3623)
New Ireland. James Bay massacre, 1881 (File 2489. AJCP Reel No: 3623)
Massacre of French in Moresby Island, 1881 (File 2490. AJCP Reel No: 3623)
Royal Humane Society testimonials, 1881 (File 2492. AJCP Reel No: 3623)
New Ireland, 1881 (File 2493. AJCP Reel No: 3623)
French Parliamentary proceedings, 1881 (File 2494. AJCP Reel No: 3623)
New Ireland. New Caledonia, 1881 (File 2495. AJCP Reel No: 3623)
King Kalakaua of Hawaii. Extradition of French subject from Sydney. Death of British subject in New Caledonia, 1881 (File 2496. AJCP Reel No: 3623)
Death of British subject in New Caledonia, 1881 (File 2497. AJCP Reel No: 3623)
Governor of French establishment in Oceania, 1881 (File 2498. AJCP Reel No: 3623)
Raiatea. Anglo-French negotiations, 1881 (File 2501. AJCP Reel No: 3623)
Bank of New Caledonia. Consul Layard. Consular, 1881 (File 2502. AJCP Reel No: 3623)
New Caledonian commercial shipping. French postal service. Commercial, 1881 (File 2503. AJCP Reel No: 3623)
Mr Passmore. New Caledonian commercial shipping. Commercial, 1881 (File 2504. AJCP Reel No: 3623)
Postal Convention with 'Messageries Maritimes'. Commercial, 1881 (File 2505. AJCP Reel No: 3623)
New Caledonian commercial shipping. Commercial, 1881 (File 2506. AJCP Reel No: 3623)
French postal service. Commercial, 1881 (File 2507. AJCP Reel No: 3623)
Foreign shipping in New Caledonia. Postal regulations. Commercial., 1881 (File 2510. AJCP Reel No: 3623)
French postal service. Commercial Domestic Various. Commercial, 1881 (File 2513. AJCP Reel No: 3623-3624)
Phylloxera Congress. Commercial Domestic Various. Commercial, 1881 (File 2514. AJCP Reel No: 3624)
New Caledonian shipping. Phylloxera Congress. Opium trade. Bordeaux Wine Exhibition. Sale of British vessels. Commercial Domestic Various. Commercial, 1881 (File 2515. AJCP Reel No: 3624)
Phylloxera Congress. Bordeaux Wine Exhibition. Consular, Commerical, Sanitary, 1881 (File 2517. AJCP Reel No: 3624)
Map of Tasmania. Consular, Commercial and Sanitary, 1881 (File 2519. AJCP Reel No: 3624)
Tonga. Loyalty Islands. Bank of New Caledonia. Consul Layard. Consular Flags. Australian Sovereign. New Caledonia- Returns. Foreign shipping. Mining, 1881 (File 2521. AJCP Reel No: 3624)
Prohibition of agricultural plants in Reunion. Definitive French annexation of Tahiti. Leeward Islands. Tahiti - Returns. Consular Commissions. Mining. Political, Consular, Commercial and Sanitary., 1881 (File 2522. AJCP Reel No: 3624)
Map of Tasmania. Mr Hazeldine. Consular Domestic, 1881 (File 2523. AJCP Reel No: 3624)
New Hebrides. Distressed colonial subject McMillan. Consular Domestic, 1881 (File 2524. AJCP Reel No: 3624)
French consular agents. Transportation of recividists. Marquis de Rays. Domestic, 1881 (File 2525. AJCP Reel No: 3624)
Marquis de Rays. New Zealand land claim. French consular agents at Fremantle and Sydney. Domestic, 1881 (File 2526. AJCP Reel No: 3624)
New Ireland. Marquis de Rays colony in New Ireland. Emigration. London Missionary Society. Raiatea. Domestic Various, 1881 (File 2527. AJCP Reel No: 3624)
French consular agents. Marquis de Rays colony in New Ireland. Transportation of recidivists. Domestic Various, 1881 (File 2528. AJCP Reel No: 3624)
New Zealand. New Ireland. French consular agents. French convicts. Interchange of documents. Domestic Various, 1881 (File 2529. AJCP Reel No: 3624)
Death of British subject in New Caledonia. French consuls. Rarotonga. New Zealand. New Ireland. Domestic Various, 1881 (File 2530. AJCP Reel No: 3624)
Commercial Negotiations. French tariffs, 1881 (File 2531. AJCP Reel No: 3625)
Commercial Negotiations. German shipping. French commercial shipping., 1881 (File 2533. AJCP Reel No: 3625)
Commercial Negotiations. French tariffs. Canada, 1881 (File 2535. AJCP Reel No: 3625)
Commercial Negotiations. French tariffs. French trade with Victoria, 1881 (File 2536. AJCP Reel No: 3625)
Commercial Negotiations. French tariffs, 1881 (File 2537. AJCP Reel No: 3625)
Commercial Negotiations. French tariffs. Australian wool. Victoria, 1881 (File 2541. AJCP Reel No: 3625)
Commercial Negotiations. Franco-American Treaty. Australian wines. Victoria, 1881 (File 2542. AJCP Reel No: 3625)
Commercial Negotiations. Australia and Cape of Good Hope, 1881 (File 2543. AJCP Reel No: 3625)
Commercial Negotiations. Bordeaux. Chamber of Commerce. Franco-Belgian Treaty, 1881 (File 2545. AJCP Reel No: 3625)
Asian ('Coolie') emigration, French colonies. Aurora. Labour traffic. Marquis de Rays colony in New Ireland, 1881 (File 2550. AJCP Reel No: 3625)
Insurance Bills, 1882 (File 2558. AJCP Reel No: 3625)
Return of despatches, 1881 (File 2561. AJCP Reel No: 3625)
Return of despatches, 1882 (File 2570. AJCP Reel No: 3625)
Return of despatches, 1882 (File 2571. AJCP Reel No: 3625)
Return of despatches, 1882 (File 2572. AJCP Reel No: 3625)
Borneo, 1882 (File 2574. AJCP Reel No: 3625)
Consul Layard. Release of Richard. D'Estrees and Jubilee. Consular, 1882 (File 2575. AJCP Reel No: 3625)
Mauritius Ordinance. Quarantine at Aden. Consular, Commercial, Sanitary, 1882 (File 2581. AJCP Reel No: 3625)
Vine culture. Phylloxera. Bordeaux Wine Exhibition. Sale of British vessels. Commercial Domestic Various, 1882 (File 2582. AJCP Reel No: 3625)
Bordeaux Wine Exhibition. Mauritius Ordinance. Phylloxera Congress. Commercial Domestic Various, 1882 (File 2583. AJCP Reel No: 3625)
Bordeaux Wine Exhibition. Political, Consular, Commercial, Sanitary, 1882 (File 2585. AJCP Reel No: 3625)
French annexation of New Hebrides. New Caledonia. Consul Layard. D'Estrees and Jubilee. Isle of Pines. Returns. Sale of British ships. Political, Consular, Commercial, 1882 (File 2590. AJCP Reel No: 3625-3626)
Execution of Aug. C. Locke. Tahiti-Returns. Military information. Political, Consular, Commercial, Sanitary, 1882 (File 2591. AJCP Reel No: 3626)
Consuls at Saigon and Batavia. McMillan Estate. Consul Layard. Consular Domestic. Political, Consular, Commercial, Sanitary, 1882 (File 2592. AJCP Reel No: 3626)
New Caledonia. McMillan. Census of Tahiti. Consular Domestic. Political, Consular, Commercial, Sanitary, 1882 (File 2593. AJCP Reel No: 3626)
British Consul at Noumea. McMillan. D'Estrees and Jubilee. Isle of Pines. Consular Domestic, 1882 (File 2594. AJCP Reel No: 3626)
French consuls. British subjects at New Caledonia. Sulu. Land grants in Australia. Domestic. Political, Consular, Commercial, Sanitary, 1882 (File 2596. AJCP Reel No: 3626)
Land grants in Australia. Honolulu. Agents-General for Australian colonies. Commission Rogatoire. Consul Layard. Domestic. Political, Consular, Commercial, Sanitary, 1882 (File 2597. AJCP Reel No: 3626)
Native troops in British colonies. French consular agents. New Ireland. French Extradition Treaty. French naval estimates. Political, Consular, Commercial, Sanitary, 1882 (File 2598. AJCP Reel No: 3626)
French consular agents. Massacre at New Hebrides. French naval estimates. French convicts. Treatment of the insane. Domestic Various. Political, Consular, Commercial, Sanitary, 1882 (File 2599. AJCP Reel No: 3626)
Land grants in Australia. Marquis de Rays' colonisation scheme. Agents-General for Australian colonies. Commission Rogatoire. Domestic Various. Political, Consular, Commercial, Sanitary, 1882 (File 2600. AJCP Reel No: 3626)
Commission Rogatoire. Marquis de Rays. Aug. C. Locke. French mail service. State Insurance Bills. Domestic Various. Political, Consular, Commercial, Sanitary, 1882 (File 2601. AJCP Reel No: 3626-3627)
Commercial Negotiations. Political, Consular, Commercial, Sanitary, 1882 (File 2602. AJCP Reel No: 3627)
Commercial Negotiations. Political, Consular, Commercial, Sanitary, 1882 (File 2603. AJCP Reel No: 3627)
Commercial Negotiations. Political, Consular, Commercial, Sanitary, 1882 (File 2604. AJCP Reel No: 3627)
Commercial Negotiations. Political, Consular, Commercial, Sanitary, 1882 (File 2605. AJCP Reel No: 3627)
Commercial Negotiations. Political, Consular, Commercial, Sanitary, 1882 (File 2606. AJCP Reel No: 3627)
Asian emigration, French colonies. Political, Consular, Commercial, Sanitary, 1882 (File 2612. AJCP Reel No: 3627)
Asian ('Coolie') emigration, British trading ships at New Caledonia. Political, Consular, Commercial, Sanitary, 1882 (File 2613. AJCP Reel No: 3627)
Estate of Pandaram. Political, Consular, Commercial, Sanitary, 1883 (File 2615. AJCP Reel No: 3627)
New Zealander to France. Political, Consular, Commercial, Sanitary, 1883 (File 2616. AJCP Reel No: 3627)
New Hebrides. Political, Consular, Commercial, Sanitary, 1883 (File 2618. AJCP Reel No: 3627)
Kraa Canal. Political, Consular, Commercial, Sanitary, 1883 (File 2619. AJCP Reel No: 3627)
Estate of Pandaram. Political, Consular, Commercial, Sanitary, 1883 (File 2620. AJCP Reel No: 3627)
Repatriation of pauper lunatics in New South Wales and New Caledonia. Political, Consular, Commercial, Sanitary, 1883 (File 2625. AJCP Reel No: 3627)
Imprisoned British subject at Noumea. D'Estrees and Jubilee. Consular, 1883 (File 2627. AJCP Reel No: 3627)
Wodonga. Jubilee. New Caledonia. French consular agents. Consular, 1883 (File 2628. AJCP Reel No: 3627)
New Zealand. Agent-General. Commercial, 1883 (File 2629. AJCP Reel No: 3627)
Postal Service. Commercial, 1883 (File 2631. AJCP Reel No: 3627)
French Colonial Budget. Commercial, 1883 (File 2633. AJCP Reel No: 3627)
Telegraph Convention. Consular, Commercial, 1883 (File 2635. AJCP Reel No: 3627)
Charles Dubreil. British colonial naturalisation. Domestic. Treaty, 1883 (File 2636. AJCP Reel No: 3627)
Marseilles Horticultural Exhibition. Commercial Domestic Various. Treaty, 1883 (File 2637. AJCP Reel No: 3627)
New Zealand Agent-General. Postal agreement between France and Australia. Commercial Domestic Various. Treaty, 1883 (File 2638. AJCP Reel No: 3627)
Commission Rogatoire. Naturalisation in New Caledonia. Treaty Domestic Various. Treaty, 1883 (File 2639. AJCP Reel No: 3627)
Dubreil. Treaty, 1883 (File 2640. AJCP Reel No: 3627)
Noumea. Consular, Commercial, 1883 (File 2646. AJCP Reel No: 3628)
Aug. C. Locke. Tahiti. Oswingo. Political, Consular, Commercial, 1883 (File 2647. AJCP Reel No: 3628)
Isle of Pines. Wodonga. British vessels under French flag at New Caledonia. Imerina, Consular Domestic. Political, Consular, Commercial, 1883 (File 2648. AJCP Reel No: 3628)
Consul Pritchard. D'Estrees and Jubilee. Imerina. Retriever. Consular Domestic. Political, Consular, Commercial, 1883 (File 2649. AJCP Reel No: 3628)
French consuls. Immigration in British colonies. Domestic. Political, Consular, Commercial, 1883 (File 2650. AJCP Reel No: 3628)
Aug. C. Locke. Deceased British subject in New Caledonia. Domestic Various. Political, Consular, Commercial, 1883 (File 2652. AJCP Reel No: 3628)
New Caledonia postal service. French Consul General. Communication between New Caledonia and Australia. Domestic Various. Political, Consular, Commercial, 1883 (File 2653. AJCP Reel No: 3628)
Communication between New Caledonia and Australia. French consul at Singapore. Domestic Various. Political, Consular, Commercial, 1883 (File 2654. AJCP Reel No: 3628)
Asian emigration, French colonies. Political, Consular, Commercial, 1883 (File 2657. AJCP Reel No: 3629)
Estate of deceased British subject in New Caledonia. French import of Australian horses. Political, Consular, Commercial, 1884 (File 2662. AJCP Reel No: 3629)
Protestant churches in French establishments in Oceania. Political, Consular, Commercial, 1884 (File 2663. AJCP Reel No: 3629)
French legislation. Political, Consular, Commercial, 1884 (File 2664. AJCP Reel No: 3629)
French consular service. Political, Consular, Commercial, 1884 (File 2665. AJCP Reel No: 3629)
Sentence of French subject in New South Wales. Political, Consular, Commercial, 1884 (File 2666. AJCP Reel No: 3629)
Estate of deceased British subject in New Caledonia. French Parliament. Political, Consular, Commercial, 1884 (File 2667. AJCP Reel No: 3629)
French import of Australian horses, 1884 (File 2668. AJCP Reel No: 3629)
Jubilee. Bank of New Caledonia. British vice consul at Tahiti. Retriever. Oswingo. Consular, 1884 (File 2670. AJCP Reel No: 3629)
Oswingo. New Caledonia. Jubilee. Retriever. Bank of New Caledonia. Consular, 1884 (File 2671. AJCP Reel No: 3629)
Phylloxera. Explosives. Consular, 1884 (File 2672. AJCP Reel No: 3629)
Telegraph cables, 1884 (File 2675. AJCP Reel No: 3629)
Explosives. Table of coins, weights and measures, and geographic, 1884 (File 2676. AJCP Reel No: 3629)
Retriever. Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1884 (File 2679. AJCP Reel No: 3629)
D'Estrees and Jubilee. Caledonia. Distressed British subjects. New Caledonia. Political, Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1884 (File 2684. AJCP Reel No: 3629)
Rainier. Society Islands. British vice consul at Tahiti. Tahiti -returns. Leeward Islands. Political, Consular, Commercial, 1884 (File 2685. AJCP Reel No: 3629)
Jubilee. Consular, Commercial, 1884 (File 2586. AJCP Reel No: 3629)
Marquis de Rays. Treaty, 1884 (File 2687. AJCP Reel No: 3629)
Jubilee. Oswingo. Retriever. Noumea - returns. Bank of New Caledonia. Consular Domestic, 1884 (File 2688. AJCP Reel No: 3629)
Retriever. Noumea - returns. Bank of New Caledonia. Consular Domestic. Treaty, 1884 (File 2689. AJCP Reel No: 3629)
Phylloxera. Commercial Domestic Various. Treaty, 1884 (File 2690. AJCP Reel No: 3629)
Telegraph cables. Commercial. Domestic Various. Treaty, 1884 (File 2691. AJCP Reel No: 3629)
Explosives. Commercial Domestic Various.Treaty, 1884 (File 2692. AJCP Reel No: 3629)
Marquis de Rays. Treaty Domestic Various. Treaty, 1884 (File 2693. AJCP Reel No: 3630)
International Telegraphic Convention. New Caledonia. Treaty Domestic Various. Treaty, 1884 (File 2694. AJCP Reel No: 3630)
Immigration in British colonies. Transportation statistics. Domestic. Treaty, 1884 (File 2695. AJCP Reel No: 3630)
French consular agents at Christchurch and Adelaide. Domestic Various. Treaty, 1884 (File 2696. AJCP Reel No: 3630)
Immigration in British colonies. French consul at Melbourne. Domestic Various. Treaty, 1884 (File 2697. AJCP Reel No: 3630)
French consular agents at Christchurch and Adelaide. Domestic Various. Treaty, 1884 (File 2698. AJCP Reel No: 3630)
Estate of deceased British subject in New Caledonia. French consular agents. French import of Australian horses. Domestic Various. Treaty, 1884 (File 2699. AJCP Reel No: 3630)
Asian emigration, French colonies. Treaty, 1884 (File 2704. AJCP Reel No: 3630)
Western Pacific Islands, Recidivists. New Hebrides. Treaty, 1880 - 1882 (File 2720. AJCP Reel No: 3630)

Title frame on the original digital image is incorrect.

Western Pacific Islands, Recidivists. New Hebrides. Treaty, 1884 (File 2721. AJCP Reel No: 3631)
Western Pacific Islands, Recidivists. New Hebrides. Treaty, 1884 (File 2722. AJCP Reel No: 3631)
Western Pacific Islands, Recidivists. New Hebrides. Treaty, 1884 (File 2723. AJCP Reel No: 3632)
Western Pacific Islands, Recidivists. New Hebrides. Treaty, 1884 (File 2724. AJCP Reel No: 3632)
Mrs Hubbard. Australian land claim in New Caledonia, 1885 (File 2726. AJCP Reel No: 3633)
Mrs Hubbard, 1885 (File 2727. AJCP Reel No: 3633)
Mrs Hubbard. Australian land claim, 1885 (File 2731. AJCP Reel No: 3633)
Australian land claim in New Caledonia, 1885 (File 2732. AJCP Reel No: 3633)
Australian land claim in New Caledonia, 1885 (File 2733. AJCP Reel No: 3633)
Mrs Hubbard, 1885 (File 2734. AJCP Reel No: 3633)
New Caledonia. Mrs Hubbard, 1885 (File 2735. AJCP Reel No: 3633)
Labour Traffic. Tahiti. West Pacific Islanders. British consul for Society Islands. Consular, 1885 (File 2737. AJCP Reel No: 3633)
Noumea. Commercial, 1885 (File 2738. AJCP Reel No: 3633)
French medal to Dr von Mueller. Treaty, 1885 (File 2743. AJCP Reel No: 3633)
International Telegraph Convention. Dr von Mueller. Treaty, 1885 (File 2744. AJCP Reel No: 3633)
French naval returns, 1885 (File 2748. AJCP Reel No: 3633)
New Caledonia. Despatches. Tahiti - Returns. 'Annuaire de Tahiti.' Consul Miller. Political, Consular. Commercial, Treaty, 1885 (File 2751. AJCP Reel No: 3633)
Estate of J. Booth; Labour traffic. Consular Domestic. Political, Consular. Commercial, Treaty, 1885 (File 2754. AJCP Reel No: 3635)
Tahiti. Consul Miller. Consular Domestic. Political, Consular. Commercial, Treaty, 1885 (File 2755. AJCP Reel No: 3635)
French mail steamers. Consular Domestic. Political, Consular. Commercial, Treaty, 1885 (File 2756. AJCP Reel No: 3635)
Extradition. Treaty Domestic Various. Political, Consular. Commercial, Treaty, 1885 (File 2758. AJCP Reel No: 3635)
Dr von Mueller. French and Italian Decorations. Treaty Domestic Various. Political, Consular. Commercial, Treaty, 1885 (File 2759. AJCP Reel No: 3635)
New South Wales Blue Book. Singapore. Domestic. Political, Consular. Commercial, Treaty, 1885 (File 2761. AJCP Reel No: 3635)
French consular appointments. Domestic. Political, Consular. Commercial, Treaty, 1885 (File 2762. AJCP Reel No: 3635)
French consul at Melbourne. Constance. Political, Consular. Commercial, Treaty, 1885 (File 2763. AJCP Reel No: 3635)
Australian land claim in New Caledonia. French consular appointments. Domestic Various. Political, Consular. Commercial, Treaty, 1885 (File 2764. AJCP Reel No: 3635)
Asian emigration, French colonies. Political, Consular. Commercial, Treaty, 1885 (File 2768. AJCP Reel No: 3635)
Western Pacific. Recidivists Bill. Annexation of New Hebrides and Solomon Islands. Political, Consular. Commercial, Treaty, 1885 (File 2775. AJCP Reel No: 3635)

Title frames are incorrect.

New Hebrides. Presbyterian Church. Protestant persecution in Loyalty Islands. Recidivists Bill. Political, Consular. Commercial, Treaty, 1885 (File 2776. AJCP Reel No: 3636-3637)

Title frames are incorrect.

Franco-Burmese Treaty. Political, Consular. Commercial, Treaty, 1884 (File 2777. AJCP Reel No: 3637)
Negotiations with Burma. Political, Consular. Commercial, Treaty, 1885 (File 2778. AJCP Reel No: 3637)
French hostilities against China. Foreign Enlistment Act. War contraband. Political, Consular. Commercial, Treaty, 1884 - 1885 (File 2780. AJCP Reel No: 3637)

Title frames are incorrect.

French hostilities against China. Foreign Enlistment Act. War contraband. Political, Consular. Commercial, Treaty, 1885 (File 2781. AJCP Reel No: 3638)
French hostilities against China. Foreign Enlistment Act. War contraband, 1885 (File 2782. AJCP Reel No: 3638)
French hostilities against China. Foreign Enlistment Act. War Contraband., 1885 (File 2783. AJCP Reel No: 3638-3639)
French hostilities against China. Foreign Enlistment Act. War Contraband., 1885 (File 2784. AJCP Reel No: 3639)
French hostilities against China. Foreign Enlistment Act. War Contraband., 1885 (File 2785. AJCP Reel No: 3639-3640)
French hostilities against China. Foreign Enlistment Act. War Contraband., 1885 (File 2786. AJCP Reel No: 3640)
New Hebrides, 1886 (File 2792. AJCP Reel No: 3640)
Seizure of British ship, 1886 (File 2793. AJCP Reel No: 3640)
French espionage law, 1886 (File 2798. AJCP Reel No: 3640)
Recidivists to New Caledonia, 1886 (File 2800. AJCP Reel No: 3640)
British consul at Tahiti and Society Islands. Consular, 1886 (File 2802. AJCP Reel No: 3640)
Abattoirs near Paris. Commercial, 1886 (File 2804. AJCP Reel No: 3640)
Quarantine. Commercial, 1886 (File 2807. AJCP Reel No: 3640)
Adelaide Jubilee Exhibition. Bordeaux Philomathic Society Congress. Commercial, 1886 (File 2808. AJCP Reel No: 3641)
Adelaide Jubilee Exhibition. Comercial, 1886 (File 2809. AJCP Reel No: 3641)
French espionage law. New Caledonian - Returns. Labour traffic. Tax on British shipping. Political, Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1886 (File 2819. AJCP Reel No: 3641)
French espionage law. Consul Miller. Tahiti - Returns. French in Oceania. Political, Consular, Commercial, 1886 (File 2820. AJCP Reel No: 3641)
French at Singapore. Treaty, 1886 (File 2822. AJCP Reel No: 3641)
French shipping charges at Singapore. Treaty, 1886 (File 2823. AJCP Reel No: 3641)
Tahiti. Consul Miller. Consular Domestic. Treaty, 1886 (File 2824. AJCP Reel No: 3641)
Consul Miller. British consul at Tahiti. Consular Domestic. Treaty, 1886 (File 2825. AJCP Reel No: 3641)
Bordeaux Philomathic Society Congress. Commercial Domestic Various, 1886 (File 2827. AJCP Reel No: 3641)
Abattoirs near Paris. Commercial Domestic Various. Treaty, 1886 (File 2828. AJCP Reel No: 3641)
Abattoirs near Paris. Commercial Domestic Various. Treaty, 1886 (File 2829. AJCP Reel No: 3641)
French shipping charges at Singapore. Treaty Domestic Various, 1886 (File 2830. AJCP Reel No: 3641)
French consular appointments at Melbourne, Wellington, Sydney. Domestic. Treaty, 1886 (File 2833. AJCP Reel No: 3641)
French consuls at Sydney and Melbourne. Domestic Various. Treaty, 1886 (File 2834. AJCP Reel No: 3641)
French consular appointments. Penal Settlement in Dutch New Guinea. Domestic Various. Treaty, 1886 (File 2835. AJCP Reel No: 3641)
French consuls at Sydney and Melbourne. Domestic Various. Treaty, 1886 (File 2836. AJCP Reel No: 3641)
French consuls at Sydney and Melbourne. Domestic Various, September 1886 - December 1886 (File 2837. AJCP Reel No: 3641)
Newfoundland Fisheries. French protectorate over Raiatea. Treaty, 1886 (File 2838. AJCP Reel No: 3641)
Newfoundland Fisheries. French protectorate over Raiatea. Treaty, 1886 (File 2839. AJCP Reel No: 3641-3642)
Newfoundland Fisheries. French protectorate over Raiatea. Treaty, 1886 (File 2840. AJCP Reel No: 3642)
Consul Lanyard, 1886 (File 2841. AJCP Reel No: 3642)
Western Pacific. Recidivists. New Hebrides. Raiatea. Protestant persecution in Loyalty Islands, 1886 (File 2843. AJCP Reel No: 3642)

Title frames are incorrect.

Western Pacific. Recidivists. New Hebrides. Newfoundland Fisheries. Banks Islands, 1886 (File 2844. AJCP Reel No: 3642-3643)

Title frames are incorrect.

Western Pacific. Recidivists. French annexation of New Hebrides. Solomon and Banks Islands. Leeward Islands., 1886 (File 2845. AJCP Reel No: 3643)

Title frames are incorrect.

Western Pacific. Recidivists. French annexation of New Hebrides. Presbyterian interests. Franco-German colonial protocol., 1886 (File 2846. AJCP Reel No: 3643-3644)

Title frames are incorrect.

Western Pacific. Recidivists. New Hebrides. Raiatea. New Guinea. Banks Islands, 1886 (File 2847. AJCP Reel No: 3644)
Western Pacific. Recidivists. French annexation of New Hebrides. Land claims. Banks Islands. Raiatea., 1886 (File 2848. AJCP Reel No: 3644-3645)
French shipwrecked sailors on Crozet Islands. Diplomatic, 1887 (File 2853. AJCP Reel No: 3645)
Anglo-French negotiations over New Hebrides. Diplomatic, 1887 (File 2855. AJCP Reel No: 3645)
French in New Caledonia. Crozet Island. Diplomatic, 1887 (File 2857. AJCP Reel No: 3645)
Labour traffic. Australian deaths on French ships. Consular, 1887 (File 2860. AJCP Reel No: 3645)
Melbourne Exhibition. Eastern Mail Service. New Caledonian coal mines. Commercial, 1887 (File 2861. AJCP Reel No: 3645)
French steamers at Straits Settlement. Commercial, 1887 (File 2863. AJCP Reel No: 3645)
Eastern Mail Service. Commercial, 1887 (File 2864. AJCP Reel No: 3645)
French tariffs. Melbourne Exhibition. Commercial, 1887 (File 2865. AJCP Reel No: 3645)
French escaped convicts. Treaty, 1887 (File 2866. AJCP Reel No: 3645)
French escaped convicts. Convention Regarding money orders. Treaty, 1887 (File 2867. AJCP Reel No: 3645)
United States vice consul at Noumea. French Liberes. Jubilee Celebrations. Diplomatic, Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1887 (File 2872. AJCP Reel No: 3645)
Foreign war ships. Estate of Rev. J. Hackett. Diplomatic, Consular, Commercial, 1887 (File 2873. AJCP Reel No: 3645)
Astracan. Tahiti. Raiatea. Jubilee Celebrations. Trade at Tahiti. Consular, Commercial Treaty, 1887 (File 2875. AJCP Reel No: 3645)
French consuls at Newcastle and Melbourne. Diplomatic, 1887 (File 2877. AJCP Reel No: 3645)
Transportation to Guiana and New Caledonia. Consular, Commercial, 1887 (File 2878. AJCP Reel No: 3646)
Commission Rogatoire. Treaty, 1887 (File 2879. AJCP Reel No: 3646)
French consuls at Newcastle, Calcutta, Melbourne and Singapore. Diplomatic, 1887 (File 2880. AJCP Reel No: 3646)
Shipwrecked French sailors on Crozet Islands. French consul at Melbourne. Diplomatic, 1887 (File 2881. AJCP Reel No: 3646)
Labour traffic. Mr Ravans, French shipwrecked sailors. Consular, 1887 (File 2882. AJCP Reel No: 3646)
Tahiti. Mr Routleff's estate. Labour traffic. Ex-Consul Miller. Consul Talbot. Consular, 1887 (File 2883. AJCP Reel No: 3646)
La Villette. Commercial, 1887 (File 2884. AJCP Reel No: 3646)
Melbourne Exhibition. Commercial, 1887 (File 2885. AJCP Reel No: 3646)
French mail steamers. Trade with Singapore and French Indo-China. Commrcial, 1887 (File 2886. AJCP Reel No: 3646)
Indo-China differential dues. Commercial, 1887 (File 2887. AJCP Reel No: 3646)
French escaped convicts. Treaty, 1887 (File 2888. AJCP Reel No: 3646)
Commission Rogatoire. Mr Laishley. Treaty, 1887 (File 2889. AJCP Reel No: 3646)
Western Pacific. Recidivists. New Hebrides. French protectorate over Raiatea. Transportation to New Caledonia. Treaty, 1887 (File 2895. AJCP Reel No: 3646-3647)

Title frames for pieces 2895-2897 are incorrect.

Western Pacific. Recidivists. New Hebrides. French protectorate over Raiatea. Transportation to New Caledonia. Treaty, 1887 (File 2896. AJCP Reel No: 3647)

Title frames for pieces 2895-2897 are incorrect.

Western Pacific. Recidivists. New Hebrides. Raiatea. New Hebrides Convention. Joint Naval Commission. Treaty, 1887 (File 2897. AJCP Reel No: 3647)

Title frames for pieces 2895-2897 are incorrect.

Colonial hospitals in the Pacific. Diplomatic, 1888 (File 2902. AJCP Reel No: 3648)
Artesian wells. Diplomatic, 1888 (File 2903. AJCP Reel No: 3648)
French shipwrecked sailors on Crozet Islands. Diplomatic, 1888 (File 2904. AJCP Reel No: 3648)
French shipwrecked sailors on Crozet Islands. Diplomatic, 1888 (File 2907. AJCP Reel No: 3648)
Tahiti differential dues. Consular, 1888 (File 2910. AJCP Reel No: 3648)
Postal Convention, 1856. Louis Pasteur. Agriculture. Tahiti differential dues. Commercial, 1888 (File 2911. AJCP Reel No: 3648)
'Annuaire statistique de Paris'. New Caledonian coal mines. Commercial, 1888 (File 2912. AJCP Reel No: 3648)
New Caledonian coal mines. Commercial, 1888 (File 2913. AJCP Reel No: 3648)
Louis Pasteur. Commercial, 1888 (File 2914. AJCP Reel No: 3648)
Submarine cables. Commercial, 1888 (File 2915. AJCP Reel No: 3648)
Paris Exhibition. Tahiti differential dues. Commercial, 1888 (File 1916. AJCP Reel No: 3648)
Deployment of French fleet. Diplomatic, Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1888 (File 1921. AJCP Reel No: 3648)
Consul Layard. Distressed sailors. German vice consul at New Caledonia. Pamphlet of Schilling and Company. Noumea - Consular Report. Diplomatic, Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1888 (File 2922. AJCP Reel No: 3648)
Tahiti - Returns. Consul Talbot. British consular agents at Society Islands. 'Annuaire de Tahiti'. Tahiti differential dues. Powers of consular officers. Diplomatic, Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1888 (File 2923. AJCP Reel No: 3648)
French consuls at Singapore, New Zealand. New South Wales statistics. Diplomatic, Consular, 1888 (File 2925. AJCP Reel No: 3648)
Marine Board Bill of Victoria. Commercial, 1888 (File 2926. AJCP Reel No: 3648-3649)
French freed convict to Malta. Francois Attard. Treaty, 1888 (File 2927. AJCP Reel No: 3649)
Crozet Islands. Anglo-French declaration re New Hebrides. Diplomatic, 1888 (File 2928. AJCP Reel No: 3649)
French consular posts at Singapore and Wellington. Registrations of foreigners in France. Artesian wells. Diplomatic, 1888 (File 2929. AJCP Reel No: 3649)
Tahiti. Registration of Births. Tahiti differential dues. Distressed seamen at Noumea. Consular, 1888 (File 2930. AJCP Reel No: 3649)
Tahiti. Labour traffic in New Hebrides. Pilotage fees. Deceased British subjects. Distressed seamen. Consular, 1888 (File 2931. AJCP Reel No: 3649)
Melbourne International Exhibition. New Caledonian. Commercial, 1888 (File 2932. AJCP Reel No: 3649)
Marine Board Bill of Victoria. Louis Pasteur. Coal mines. Commercial, 1888 (File 2933. AJCP Reel No: 3649)
French standard weights. Agriculture. French import duties in Tahiti. Commercial, 1888 (File 2934. AJCP Reel No: 3649)
Paris Exhibition. Agriculture. Bien Hoa and Louisa III. Commercial, 1888 (File 2935. AJCP Reel No: 3649)
Francois Attard. Treaty, 1888 (File 2936. AJCP Reel No: 3649)
Chinese in New Caledonia. Treaty, 1888 (File 2942. AJCP Reel No: 3649)
Chinese in New Caledonia. Treaty, 1888 (File 2943. AJCP Reel No: 3650)
Western Pacific. Recidivists. New Hebrides Convention. Joint Naval Commission. Raiatea. Foreign criminals in Australian colonies. Treaty, 1888 (File 2944. AJCP Reel No: 3650)

Title frames for pieces 2944 and 2945 are incorrect.

Western Pacific. Recidivists. New Hebrides Convention. Postal Convention, 1856. Declaration of Raiatea. Anglo-French Commission on New Hebrides. Report on the Chinese question. Treaty., 1888 (File 2945. AJCP Reel No: 3651)

Title frames for pieces 2944 and 2945 are incorrect.

French prisons. Artesian wells. Diplomatic, 1889 (File 2951. AJCP Reel No: 3651)
Artesian wells. Diplomatic, 1889 (File 2955. AJCP Reel No: 3651)
Cecile. French consul at Tahiti. British consul at Society Islands. Consular, 1889 (File 2958. AJCP Reel No: 3651)
French standard weights. Sewage farms. Bien Hoa and Louisa III. Hydrophobia. Postal Convention, 1856. Commercial, 1889 (File 2959. AJCP Reel No: 3651)
French standard weights. Bien Hoa and Louisa III. Postal Convention, 1856. Commercial, 1889 (File 2960. AJCP Reel No: 3651)
Bien Hoa and Louisa III. New Caledonian coal mines. Commercial, 1889 (File 2961. AJCP Reel No: 3652)
French trade. New Caledonian dues. French budget. Commercial, 1889 (File 2962. AJCP Reel No: 3652)
French nationality law. Money Order Convention, 1887. Treaty, 1889 (File 2963. AJCP Reel No: 3652)
Mr Carter. Diplomatic, Consular, Commerical, Treaty, 1889 (File 2966. AJCP Reel No: 3652)
New Caledonia. Consul Layard. Bank of New Caledonia. Tahiti. Diplomatic, Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1889 (File 2969. AJCP Reel No: 3652)
British consul at Tunis. Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1889 (File 2972. AJCP Reel No: 3652)
French consular appointments. Transportation to French Guiana and New Caledonia. Diplomatic, Consular, 1889 (File 2974. AJCP Reel No: 3652)
Francois Attard. Extradition of Scott. Treaty, 1889 (File 2976. AJCP Reel No: 3652)
French consular appointments. Transportation to French Guiana and New Caledonia. Diplomatic, 1889 (File 2977. AJCP Reel No: 3652)
Artesian wells. French consuls at Hobart and Wellington. Diplomatic, 1889 (File 2978. AJCP Reel No: 3652)
Estates of McLean and Hamilton. Consular, 1889 (File 2979. AJCP Reel No: 3652)
McLean. Carter. British consul at Tunis. Cecile. Consular, 1889 (File 2980. AJCP Reel No: 3652)
French standard weights. Sewage farms. Bien Hoa and Louisa III. Australian wines. Pasteur. Consular, 1889 (File 2981. AJCP Reel No: 3652)
Paris Exhibition. Postal Convention. Sewage farms. Colonial Congress. Commercial, 1889 (File 2982. AJCP Reel No: 3653)
Bien Hoa and Louisa III. Anglo French Postal Convention. Indian mails. Commercial, 1889 (File 2983. AJCP Reel No: 3653)
Francois Attard. Treay, 1889 (File 2984. AJCP Reel No: 3653)
French escapee. Treaty, 1889 (File 2985. AJCP Reel No: 3653)
Expulsion of Rev. Jones from Mare. Loyalty Islands. French protectorate of Tahiti. Treaty, 1886 - 1889 (File 2992. AJCP Reel No: 3653-3654)
Educational institutions. French protectorate over the Tubuai Islands. Diplomatic, Drafts, 1890 (File 2995. AJCP Reel No: 3654)
Lieut Hayes. Tasmania. Diplomatic, Drafts, 1890 (File 2996. AJCP Reel No: 3654)
French prisons. French colonial budget. French colonial reports. Diplomatic, Despatches, 1890 (File 3000. AJCP Reel No: 3654)
British consul at New Caledonia. Cecile. Isle of Pines. Consular, 1890 (File 3002. AJCP Reel No: 3654)
Anglo French Postal Convention. International Telegraph Conference. Coal in France. Commercial. Drafts, 1890 (File 3003. AJCP Reel No: 3654)
Postal services. Commercial, Despatches, 1890 (File 3004. AJCP Reel No: 3654)
Phylloxera Commission Report. Coal in France. Commercial, Despatches, 1890 (File 3005. AJCP Reel No: 3654)
Disposal of the proceeds of wrecks. Treaty, 1890 (File 3008. AJCP Reel No: 3654)
Caledonian. Diplomatic, Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1890 (File 3009. AJCP Reel No: 3654)
British consular posts at Noumea, Samoa, Tahiti. Loyalty Islands. Postal service from Tahiti. Diplomatic, Consular, Commercial, 1890 (File 3013. AJCP Reel No: 3654)
French consular agents at Hobart and Wellington. Emigration to British colonies. Diplomatic and Consular, 1890 (File 3017. AJCP Reel No: 3654)
Paris International Telegraph Conference. Anglo French Postal Convention. British trade. Commercial, 1890 (File 3018. AJCP Reel No: 3655)
Todd in prison in France. Treaty, 1890 (File 3019. AJCP Reel No: 3655)
Overseas educational institutions. French consular appointments at Hobart and Wellington. French National Colonial Congress. Diplomatic, 1890 (File 3020. AJCP Reel No: 3655)
Lieut Hayes' expedition to Tasmania. Emigration to British colonies. Diplomatic, 1890 (File 3021. AJCP Reel No: 3655)
Isle of Pines. New Caledonia. Ex-Consul Layard. Cecile. British consulates at Tahiti and Noumea. Consular, 1890 (File 3022. AJCP Reel No: 3655)
Anglo French Postal Convention. Paris International Telegraph Conference. Commercial, 1890 (File 3023. AJCP Reel No: 3655)
Anglo French Postal Convention. Coal in France. Tunis Treat. Commercial, 1890 (File 3024. AJCP Reel No: 3655)
Paris International Telegraph Conference. Anglo French Postal Convention. Commercial, 1890 (File 3025. AJCP Reel No: 3655-3656)
Anglo French Postal Convention. Treaty, 1890 (File 3026. AJCP Reel No: 3656)
Anglo French Postal Convention. Todd. Treaty, 1890 (File 3027. AJCP Reel No: 3656)
Queensland miners in New Caledonia. Treaty, 1890 (File 3035. AJCP Reel No: 3656)
Western Pacific. Recidivists. Independence of New Hebrides. Joint Naval Commission. Missionaries in New Hebrides. Treaty, 1889 - 1890 (File 3036. AJCP Reel No: 3656-3657)
Date palm cultivation in South Australia. Service of foreigners in Java. Diplomatic, Drafts, 1891 (File 3037. AJCP Reel No: 3657)
French colonial reports. French colonial policy. French in Oceania. Lieut Hayes. Diplomatic, Despatches, 1891 (File 3038. AJCP Reel No: 3657)
French colonial reports. Diplomatic, Despatches, 1891 (File 3039. AJCP Reel No: 3657)
French colonial reports. Date palms for South Australia. Diplomatic, Despatches, 1891 (File 3040. AJCP Reel No: 3657)
Convict labour. French in Fiji. French colonial reports. Diplomatic, Despatches, 1891 (File 3041. AJCP Reel No: 3657)
'Commission du Budget'. Wine. Rabies. Commercial, Drafts, 1891 (File 3044. AJCP Reel No: 3657)
'Commission du Budget'. Commercial, Despatches, 1891 (File 3045. AJCP Reel No: 3657)
Pearl fishing. French colonial reports. Commercial, Despatches, 1891 (File 3046. AJCP Reel No: 3657)
Postal rates to British colonies. Commercial, Despatches, 1891 (File 3048. AJCP Reel No: 3657)
French Commission on free trade. Commercial, Despatches, 1891 (File 3049. AJCP Reel No: 3657)
French general customs tariff. Hours of labour in French factories. Commercial, Despatches, 1891 (File 3050. AJCP Reel No: 3657)
Anglo French Postal Convention. Issues of passports in colonies. Treaty, 1891 (File 3051. AJCP Reel No: 3657)
Returns of ships. New Caledonia - Returns. French war ships. New Caledonia - Returns. French war ships in Pacific. Troops at Tahiti. Death of King Pomare V. Consul Hawes. Tahiti - Returns. Diplomatic, Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1891 (File 3056. AJCP Reel No: 3657)
French acting consul at Singapore. French service in Java. Telegraph rates and regulations. Diplomatic, Consular and Commercial, 1891 (File 3057. AJCP Reel No: 3657)
Todd. French Consul General at Melbourne. Francois Attard. Treaty, 1891 (File 3058. AJCP Reel No: 3657-3658)
Date palms for South Australia. French acting consul at Singapore. Diplomatic, 1891 (File 3059. AJCP Reel No: 3658)
French acting consul at Singapore. Date palms for South Australia. Diplomatic, 1891 (File 3060. AJCP Reel No: 3658)
British consulate at Tahiti. Pepys. Howard Walker. Consular, 1891 (File 3061. AJCP Reel No: 3658)
Anglo French Postal Convention. Telegraph rates and regulations. 'Commission du Budget'. French Tariff Bill. Commercial, 1891 (File 3062. AJCP Reel No: 3658)
French Tariff Committee reports on colonies. French shipping bounties. Anglo French Postal Convention. Commercial, 1891 (File 3063. AJCP Reel No: 3658)
Wine in Victoria. Rabies in the Pacific. Commercial, 1891 (File 3064. AJCP Reel No: 3658)
Todd. French Consul General at Melbourne. Anglo-French Postal Convention. Treaty, 1891 (File 3065. AJCP Reel No: 3658)
Postal Convention. Treaty, 1891 (File 3066. AJCP Reel No: 3658)
Information for Mr O'Connor on various political and social institutions. Diplomatic, Drafts, 1892 (File 2076. AJCP Reel No: 3658)
French colonial reports. Mr O'Connor. Diplomatic, Despatches, 1892 (File 3077. AJCP Reel No: 3658)
French colonial reports. Diplomatic, Despatches, 1892 (File 3078. AJCP Reel No: 3658)
French colonial reports. Diplomatic, Despatches, 1892 (File 3079. AJCP Reel No: 3658)
Date palms for South Australia. French vineyards. Commercial, Drafts, 1892 (File 3083. AJCP Reel No: 3658)
Sanitary legislation. Saigon shipping duties. Supply of Queensland meat to France. Commercial, Drafts, 1892 (File 3084. AJCP Reel No: 3658)
Hydrophobia in the Pacific. Commercial, Despatches, 1892 (File 3085. AJCP Reel No: 3658)
Report of Commission examining Universal Postal Convention. French import duties in Oceania. Commercial, Despatches, 1892 (File 3086. AJCP Reel No: 3658)
Commercial treaties and tariffs. French imports. Commercial, Despatches, 1892 (File 3087. AJCP Reel No: 3658)
Anglo French Postal Convention. Universal Postal Convention. Treaty, 1892 (File 3090. AJCP Reel No: 3658)
Consul Layard. British consul at Noumea, 1892 (File 3097. AJCP Reel No: 3658)
Consul Hawes. Tahiti - Returns. Trade report. Death of Duke of Clarence. Diplomatic, Consular, Commercial. Treaty, 1892 (File 3098. AJCP Reel No: 3658-3659)
British acting consul at Sydney. Diplomatic and Consular, 1892 (File 3099. AJCP Reel No: 3659)
French consul General at Melbourne. Treaty, 1892 (File 3101. AJCP Reel No: 3659)
Mr O'Connor. Diplomatic, 1892 (File 3102. AJCP Reel No: 3659)
East Indies British consul at Christchurch. French consul at Singapore. Diplomatic, 1892 (File 3103. AJCP Reel No: 3659)
Estate of Howard Walker. British consulates at New Caledonia and Tahiti. Consular, 1892 (File 3104. AJCP Reel No: 3659)
Date palms for South Australia. Commercial, 1892 (File 3105. AJCP Reel No: 3659)
South Australian rabbit skins. Anglo French Postal Convention. Saigon tariffs. Commercial, 1892 (File 3106. AJCP Reel No: 3659)
International Telegraph Union. Queensland meat exports to France. Commercial, 1892 (File 3107. AJCP Reel No: 3659)
Francois Attard. Anglo French Postal Convention. Treaty, 1892 (File 3108. AJCP Reel No: 3659)
French Consul General at Melbourne. Treaty, 1892 (File 3110. AJCP Reel No: 3659)
Western Pacific. New Hebrides. French colonial reports. Joint Naval Commission. Labour traffic. Traffic. Telegraph cable. Treaty, 1891 - 1892 (File 3113. AJCP Reel No: 3659-3660)
Consul at Noumea. Consular, 1893 (File 3123. AJCP Reel No: 3660)
French import duties on Australian produce. Date palms. Commercial, Drafts, 1893 (File 3124. AJCP Reel No: 3660)
French import duties. Commercial, Despatches, 1893 (File 3125. AJCP Reel No: 3660)
French import duties on Australian produce. Import of British goods to Indo China. Commercial, Despatches, 1893 (File 3126. AJCP Reel No: 3660)
Date Palms. Commercial, Despatches, 1893 (File 3127. AJCP Reel No: 3660)
Anglo-French relations in Madagascar. Africa, Despatches, 1893 (File 3134. AJCP Reel No: 3660)
Isle of Pines. Consul at Noumea. Diplomatic, Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1893 (File 3143. AJCP Reel No: 3660)
Raiatea. Penrhyn Island. Leeward Islands. Tahiti. Society Islands. Diplomatic, Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1893 (File 3144. AJCP Reel No: 3660)
International Telegraph Union. Commercial, 1893 (File 3146. AJCP Reel No: 3660)
Military service in British Guiana. French import duties on Australian produce. Commercial, 1893 (File 3147. AJCP Reel No: 3660)
French consulate at Singapore. Diplomatic, 1893 (File 3150. AJCP Reel No: 3660)
British consulate at Tahiti. Consular, 1893 (File 3151. AJCP Reel No: 3660)
British consulate at Tahiti. Ninorahiti. Consular, 1893 (File 3152. AJCP Reel No: 3660)
Saigon differential dues. French import duties on Australian produce. Commercial, 1893 (File 3153. AJCP Reel No: 3660)
Saigon differential dues. Commercial, 1893 (File 3154. AJCP Reel No: 3660)
Saigon differential dues. Date palms for New South Wales and South Australia. international Telegraph Union, 1893 (File 3155. AJCP Reel No: 3660)
Military service in British Guiana. French Consul General at Sydney. Treaty, 1893 (File 3156. AJCP Reel No: 3661)
Nationality of Mr A. Hautrive. French Consul General at Sydney, 1893 (File 3157. AJCP Reel No: 3661)
Foreign markets for Victorian produce. Ringarooma. Diplomatic, Drafts, 1894 (File 3169. AJCP Reel No: 3661)
Penalties for spying in French colonies. Diplomatic, Despatches, 1894 (File 3170. AJCP Reel No: 3661)
M. Darsie. Diplomatic, Despatches, 1894 (File 3172. AJCP Reel No: 3661)
French submarine telegraph companies. Diplomatic, Despatches, 1894 (File 3173. AJCP Reel No: 3661)
British consul at Tahiti. Consular, 1894 (File 3176. AJCP Reel No: 3661)
Mr. Levey. French consular fees. Shipping charges at New Caledonia. Saigon differential dues. Commercial, Drafts, 1894 (File 3177. AJCP Reel No: 3661)
Shipping charges at New Caledonia. Commercial Despatches, 1894 (File 3178. AJCP Reel No: 3661)
Shipping charges at New Caledonia. French tariffs in Indo-China. Commercial Despatches, 1894 (File 3179. AJCP Reel No: 3661)
Import duties. French tariffs in Indo-China. Commercial Despatches, 1894 (File 3180. AJCP Reel No: 3661)
International Telegraph Union. Treaty, 1894 (File 3181. AJCP Reel No: 3661)
Bordeaux Exhibition. Diplomatic, Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1894 (File 3191. AJCP Reel No: 3661)
New Caledonia - Returns. British consul at New Caledonia. Diplomatic, Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1894 (File 3194. AJCP Reel No: 3661)
Tahiti. Registration of British subjects. Returns. British Consul General at Honolulu. Diplomatic, Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1894 (File 3195. AJCP Reel No: 3661)
British consular appointments at Penang and Singapore, 1894 (File 3196. AJCP Reel No: 3661)
International Telegraph Union. French Consul General at Sydney. Treaty, 1894 (File 3197. AJCP Reel No: 3661)
Native franchise in British colonies. Darsie. Victorian representative to Paris. Diplomatic, 1894 (File 3198. AJCP Reel No: 3661)
French submarine cables. Ringarooma. French consular agents at Penang and Singapore. Diplomatic, 1894 (File 3199. AJCP Reel No: 3661)
Ninorahiti. Tahiti. Rev. McDonald. British consulate at Tahiti. Consular, 1894 (File 3200. AJCP Reel No: 3661)
British consulate at Noumea. Alice New at Marseilles. Consular, 1894 (File 3201. AJCP Reel No: 3661)
Shipping charges at New Caledonia. Penrhyn Island. Philomathic Society Exhibition at Bordeaux. Date palms for South Australia. Commercial, 1894 (File 3202. AJCP Reel No: 3661)
International Telegraph Union. Franco-Canadian Treaty. Bordeaux Exhibtion. New Caledonian trade report. Various. Commercial, 1894 (File 3203. AJCP Reel No: 3661-3662)
International Telegraph Union and Convention. Treaty, 1894 (File 3204. AJCP Reel No: 3662)
International Telegraph Convention. Telegraph charges. Ringarooma. Various. Treaty, 1894 (File 3205. AJCP Reel No: 3662)
French Nationality law. Treaty, 1889 (File 3210. AJCP Reel No: 3662)
French Nationality Law, 1893 (File 3212. AJCP Reel No: 3662)
Western Pacific Islands. Recividists. New Hebrides. Caledonian-Queensland Cable Convention. Various., 1893 - 1894 (File 3213. AJCP Reel No: 3662-3663)
Extradition of French convicts from British colonies, 1888 - 1889 (File 3218. AJCP Reel No: 3663)
Plans of Tanglin Barracks. Henri Rousseau's gift to Australian colonies. Artesian wells. Diplomatic, Drafts, 1895 (File 3219. AJCP Reel No: 3663)
French Colonial Budget Debate. Rousseau. Diplomatic, Despatches, 1895 (File 3220. AJCP Reel No: 3663)
French Colonial Budget Debate. Rousseau. Tanglin Barracks. Diplomatic, Despatches, 1895 (File 3221. AJCP Reel No: 3663)
Leeward Islands. Artesian wells. Diplomatic, Despatches, 1895 (File 3222. AJCP Reel No: 3663)
British consul at New Caledonia. Consular, 1895 (File 3224. AJCP Reel No: 3663)
French tariff on Australian produce. New Caledonian tariff. Commercial, Drafts, 1895 (File 3225. AJCP Reel No: 3663)
Shipping charges at New Caledonia. French Tariff on Australian produce. Customs law in French colonies. Anglo French Postal Convention. Commercial, Despatches, 1895 (File 3226. AJCP Reel No: 3663)
New Caledonian tariff. French colonial tariffs. Commercial, Despatches, 1895 (File 3227. AJCP Reel No: 3663)
Ringarooma. Anglo-French Postal Convention. Treaty, 1895 (File 3228. AJCP Reel No: 3664)
British consul at Noumea. Diplomatic, Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1895 (File 3244. AJCP Reel No: 3664)
Manhiki and Rakahanga Islands. Raiatea. Society Islands. Tahiti. French protectorate policy and colonial tariffs. Diplomatic, Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1895 (File 3246. AJCP Reel No: 3664)
British colonial currency. French consular agent at Auckland. Quarantine at Singapore. Diplomatic, Consular, Commercial, 1895 (File 3247. AJCP Reel No: 3664)
International Telegraph Convention. French consul at Singapore. Ringarooma. Treaty, 1895 (File 3248. AJCP Reel No: 3664)
French consular agent at Penang. Tanglin Barracks. Rousseau's gift. Diplomatic, 1895 (File 3249. AJCP Reel No: 3664)
Rousseau's gift. Artesian wells. French consular agent at Auckland. Diplomatic, 1895 (File 3250. AJCP Reel No: 3664)
British consulate at Noumea. Consular, 1895 (File 3251. AJCP Reel No: 3664)
New Caledonian navigation charges. French import tariffs. Franco-Canadian Commercial Convention. Pilgrim traffic regulations. Commercial, 1895 (File 3252. AJCP Reel No: 3664)
Bordeaux Technical Education Congress. Pilgrim traffic regulations. Tauranga. Commercial, 1895 (File 3253. AJCP Reel No: 3664)
French tariffs. Quarantine at Singapore. Commercial., 1895 (File 3254. AJCP Reel No: 3664)
International Telegraph Union. Ringarooma. Treaty, 1895 (File 3255. AJCP Reel No: 3664)
British flag at Raiatea. Diplomatic, Drafts, 1895 (File 3263. AJCP Reel No: 3664)
French Colonial Budget. French colonial economies. Diplomatic, Despatches, 1896 (File 3264. AJCP Reel No: 3665)
Raiatea. Diplomatic, Despatches, 1896 (File 3265. AJCP Reel No: 3665)
French Colonial Budget. Diplomatic, Despatches, 1896 (File 3267. AJCP Reel No: 3665)
French lighthouses. International Telegraph, 1896 (File 3269. AJCP Reel No: 3665)
Messageries Maritimes. Commercial, Drafts, 1896 (File 3270. AJCP Reel No: 3665)
New Caledonia import tariffs. Messageries Maritimes. Commercial, Despatches, 1896 (File 3271. AJCP Reel No: 3665)
Mining in New Caledonia. Commercial, Despatches, 1896 (File 3272. AJCP Reel No: 3665)
Foreign Office estimates. Africa, Despatches, 1896 (File 3276. AJCP Reel No: 3665)
French cruisers. Diplomatic, Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1896 (File 3283. AJCP Reel No: 3665)
British consulate at Noumea. British consuls at New Caledonia, 1896 (File 3286. AJCP Reel No: 3665)
Reunion. Puamotu Islands. Pitcairn Islands. Union Steam Ship Company of New Zealand., 1896 (File 3287. AJCP Reel No: 3665)
French consular agent at Auckland. Cheang-Hock-Kiang. Diplomatic, Consular, 1896 (File 3289. AJCP Reel No: 3665)
International Telegraph Convention. Treaty, 1896 (File 3290. AJCP Reel No: 3665)
Quarantine at Singapore. Indian Merchant Shipping Bill. Commercial, 1896 (File 3291. AJCP Reel No: 3665)
French consular appointments at Singapore and Auckland, 1896 (File 3292. AJCP Reel No: 3665)
British consulate at Noumea. French lighthouses. Consular, 1896 (File 3294. AJCP Reel No: 3665)
British consulate at Noumea. Cheang-Hock-Kiang. Consular, 1896 (File 3295. AJCP Reel No: 3665)
Singapore. French steamers. New Caledonian tariff. Quarantine at Singapore. Commercial, 1896 (File 3296. AJCP Reel No: 3665-3666)
Pitcairn Island. French Indo-China tariff. Commercial, 1896 (File 3297. AJCP Reel No: 3666)
International Telegraph Convention. Treaty, 1896 (File 3298. AJCP Reel No: 3666)
French Cross of Agricultural Merit. International Telegraph Convention. Treaty, 1896 (File 3299. AJCP Reel No: 3666)
Paris Exhibition 1900. Treaty, 1896 (File 3304. AJCP Reel No: 3666)
Parcel post between France and British colonies. Commercial, Despatches, 1890 (File 3006. AJCP Reel No: 3666)
Mr Caldersmith. Diplomatic, Drafts, 1897 (File 3313. AJCP Reel No: 3666)
Raiatea and Tahaa. Diplomatic, Despatches, 1897 (File 3316. AJCP Reel No: 3666)
French colonial army. Etienne Gauster. Diplomatic, Despatches, 1897 (File 3317. AJCP Reel No: 3666)
Colonial Premiers at Paris. Raiatea and Tahaa. Diplomatic, Despatches, 1897 (File 3318. AJCP Reel No: 3666)
Raiatea and Tahaa. Diplomatic, Despatches, 1897 (File 3319. AJCP Reel No: 3666)
Raiatea and Tahaa. Diplomatic, Despatches, 1897 (File 3320. AJCP Reel No: 3666)
Bacteriology in France and Germany. Cider making in France and Germany. Agricultural railways in France and Belgium. Commercial, Drafts, 1897 (File 3325. AJCP Reel No: 3666)
Parcel post rates. Commercial, Despatches, 1897 (File 3326. AJCP Reel No: 3666)
Agricultural railways. Copyright Convention. French merchant service. Commercial, Despatches, 1897 (File 3329. AJCP Reel No: 3666)
Postal service between San Francisco and Tahiti. Commercial, Despatches, 1897 (File 3330. AJCP Reel No: 3666)
Nationality in French colonies. Treaty, Despatches, 1897 (File 3333. AJCP Reel No: 3666)
Parcel Post Convention between France and Australia. Treaty, Despatches, 1897 (File 3334. AJCP Reel No: 3666)
Merchandise Marks Act. Diplomatic, Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1897 (File 3346. AJCP Reel No: 3666)
British and French consuls at New Caledonia. Mining at New Caledonia. Diplomatic, Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1897 (File 3350. AJCP Reel No: 3666)
Saigon Chamber of Commerce. Raiatea and Tahaa. Postal service between San Francisco and Tahiti. Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1897 (File 3353. AJCP Reel No: 3666-3667)
French consular agent at Penang. Cheang-Hock-Kiang. Diplomatic, Consular, 1897 (File 3356. AJCP Reel No: 3667)
Anglo-French Extradition Treaty. Parcel Post Convention between France and Australia. Treaty, 1897 (File 3358. AJCP Reel No: 3667)
French consular agents at Penang and Newcastle. Gauster. New South Wales government architect. Mr Caldersmith. Diplomatic, 1897 (File 3359. AJCP Reel No: 3667)
British consulate at Noumea. Cheang-Hock-Kiang. Consular, 1897 (File 3360. AJCP Reel No: 3667)
British subject at Nice. Consular, 1897 (File 3361. AJCP Reel No: 3667)
French tariff at Saigon. Commercial, 1897 (File 3362. AJCP Reel No: 3667)
Copyright Convention and Additional Act. Commercial, 1897 (File 3363. AJCP Reel No: 3667)
Agricultural railways. Tahiti mails. Steamers to New Caledonia. Commercial, 1897 (File 3364. AJCP Reel No: 3667)
Parcel Post Convention between France and Australia. Treaty, 1897 (File 3367. AJCP Reel No: 3667)
Western Pacific Islands. Recidivists. Transportation. New Hebrides. Joint Naval Commission. Native outrages. Federal Council of Australasia's resolution on New Hebrides. New Hebrides International Corporation. Treaty, 1895 - 1897 (File 3376. AJCP Reel No: 3667-3668)
Paris Exhibition 1900, 1897 (File 3381. AJCP Reel No: 3668)
Paris Exhibition 1900, 1897 (File 3382. AJCP Reel No: 3668)
Paris Exhibition 1900, 1897 (File 3383. AJCP Reel No: 3668)
Mail Ships Bill. Anglo-French Postal Convention, 1889 - 1891 (File 3388. AJCP Reel No: 3668-3669)

Title frames for pieces 3388-3390 are incorrect.

Mail Ships Bill. Anglo-French Postal Convention, 1891 (File 3389. AJCP Reel No: 3669-3670)

Title frames for pieces 3388-3390 are incorrect.

Mail Ships Act. Anglo-French Postal Convention, 1892 - 1897 (File 3390. AJCP Reel No: 3670-3671)

Title frames for pieces 3388-3390 are incorrect.

French foreign politics. Comus. French colonial garrisons. Diplomatic, Despatches, 1898 (File 3393. AJCP Reel No: 3671)
Penal settlements in Kerguelen Islands. Diplomatic, Despatches, 1898 (File 3394. AJCP Reel No: 3671)
Mr Rousseau's gift. Mr Renou. Comus. Diplomatic, Despatches, 1898 (File 3395. AJCP Reel No: 3671)
Mr Renou. Repatriation of French citizen in Australia. Diplomatic, Despatches, 1898 (File 3396. AJCP Reel No: 3671)
American intention to occupy Philippines. Diplomatic, Despatches, 1898 (File 3400. AJCP Reel No: 3671)
Mr Woodland in Tahiti. Consular, 1898 (File 3401. AJCP Reel No: 3671)
South Australia and viniculture. Trade with Society and Friendly Islands. Commercial, Drafts, 1898 (File 3402. AJCP Reel No: 3671)
New Caledonian tariffs. Commercial, Despatches, 1898 (File 3403. AJCP Reel No: 3671)
French importation of British colonial goods. South Australia and viniculture. West Australian International Mining and Industrial Exhibition at Coolgardie. Commercial, Despatches, 1898 (File 3405. AJCP Reel No: 3671)
Parcel Post Convention between France and Australia. Treaty, 1898 (File 3407. AJCP Reel No: 3671)
British and American consul at New Caledonia. War between Spain and United States. Diplomatic, Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1898 (File 3423. AJCP Reel No: 3671)
Mr Woodland. French Governor in Oceania. British consulate at Tahiti. Parcel Post Convention between France and Australia. Diplomatic, Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1898 (File 3424. AJCP Reel No: 3671)
French acting consuls at Wellington and Singapore. Lord Brassey. Mr Renou. Diplomatic, 1898 (File 3425. AJCP Reel No: 3671)
Congress of Zoology. Pasteur Institute. Consular and Commercial, 1898 (File 3426. AJCP Reel No: 3671)
Additional Parcel Post Convention between France and Australia. Treaty, 1898 (File 3427. AJCP Reel No: 3671)
Comus. Mr Renou. Lord Brassey. Mr Rousseau. French consular appointments. Diplomatic, 1898 (File 3429. AJCP Reel No: 3671)
Mr Renou. French consul at Singapore. Mr Rousseau. Diplomatic, 1898 (File 3430. AJCP Reel No: 3671)
British consulate at Tahiti. British consul at Noumea. Consular, 1898 (File 3431. AJCP Reel No: 3671)
Marquesas Islands. Commercial, 1898 (File 3432. AJCP Reel No: 3672)
Caledonian tariff. South Australia and viniculture. Steamers to Society and Friendly Islands. Commercial, 1898 (File 3433. AJCP Reel No: 3672)
Parcel Post Convention between France and Australia. Paris Sanitary Convention. Treaty, 1898 (File 3434. AJCP Reel No: 3672)
British dependencies under Foreign Office control. Parcel Post Convention between France and Australia. Treaty, 1898 (File 3435. AJCP Reel No: 3672)
Schools in France. Convict system in Noumea. Diplomatic, Drafts, 1899 (File 3454. AJCP Reel No: 3672)
Message in bottle. Diplomatic, Despatches, 1899 (File 3455. AJCP Reel No: 3672)
French detective service. Diplomatic, Despatches, 1899 (File 3459. AJCP Reel No: 3672)
British consul at New Caledonia. Additional Parcel Post Convention between France and Australia. Consular and Treaty, 1899 (File 3462. AJCP Reel No: 3672)
French troops on foreign service. Vines for Victoria. Commercial, Drafts, 1899 (File 3463. AJCP Reel No: 3672)

Date on title frame is incorrect. Title frame is incorrect.

Western Australian International Mining and Industrial Exhibition. Tariff on pearl shell. Wine tariff. Commercial, Despatches, 1899 (File 3464. AJCP Reel No: 3672)
Vines for Victoria. Postal tariffs. Commercial, Despatches, 1899 (File 3466. AJCP Reel No: 3672)
Tahiti defences. Raiatea and Tahaa. Russian attached to Pacific. Pango-Pango, Albatross. Diplomatic, 1899 (File 3467. AJCP Reel No: 3672)
British consular appointments at Noumea. Consulate at Noumea. Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1899 (File 3473. AJCP Reel No: 3672)
Tahiti - returns. Tahiti Trade Report. British consulate at Tahiti, 1899 (File 3474. AJCP Reel No: 3672)
French colonial naval defence. Lord Beauchamp's speech at Cobar. Samoa. Diplomatic, 1899 (File 3476. AJCP Reel No: 3672)
Philippines trade and customs tariff. Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1899 (File 3477. AJCP Reel No: 3672)
French consul at Singapore. Diplomatic, 1899 (File 3478. AJCP Reel No: 3672)
New Zealand. London and Paris detective forces. French convict system in Noumea. Beauchamp's speech. Diplomatic, 1899 (File 3479. AJCP Reel No: 3672)
British paid consular appointments at Noumea. Dues at Noumea. Fiji. Consular, 1899 (File 3480. AJCP Reel No: 3672)
Western Australian International Mining and Industrial Exhibition. Commercial, 1899 (File 3481. AJCP Reel No: 3672)
Vines for Victoria. Commercial, 1899 (File 3482. AJCP Reel No: 3672)
Parcel Post Convention between France and Australia. French vice consul at Wellington. Treaty, 1899 (File 3483. AJCP Reel No: 3673)
Recruitment of labourers in Java for Reunion. Treaty, 1899 (File 3486. AJCP Reel No: 3673)
Paris Exhibition 1900. Treaty, 1899 (File 3488. AJCP Reel No: 3673)
Dental education. French convict prisons. 'Corps de Gardes Forestiers' in New South Wales. Diplomatic, Drafts, 1899 (File 3492. AJCP Reel No: 3673)
Import of mining machinery to New Caledonia. Diplomatic Despatches, 1899 (File 3494. AJCP Reel No: 3673)
'Corps de Gardes Forestiers' in New South Wales. Diplomatic Despatches, 1899 (File 3496. AJCP Reel No: 3673)
China. Diplomatic Despatches, 1899 (File 3499. AJCP Reel No: 3673)
British vice consul at Tahiti. French Parcel Post Conventions. Consular and Treaty, 1899 (File 3500. AJCP Reel No: 3673)
Chief colonial architect of Western Australia. Commercial, Drafts, 1900 (File 3501. AJCP Reel No: 3673)

Title frame is incorrect.

Plague at Tamatare, Reunion and Noumea. Vines for Victoria. New Caledonian customs tariff. Commercial, Despatches, 1900 (File 3502. AJCP Reel No: 3673)
French trade in Sandwich Islands. Mr Aucher. Duties on New Hebrides produce. Commercial, Despatches, 1900 (File 3503. AJCP Reel No: 3673)
French trade in Straits Settlements. New Zealand flax. Tahiti quarantine regulations. Australian and New Zealand wool markets. Commercial, Despatches, 1900 (File 3504. AJCP Reel No: 3673)
Protet. Diplomatic, 1900 (File 3506. AJCP Reel No: 3673)
Estate of Mrs Gottfried. Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1900 (File 3510. AJCP Reel No: 3673)
German and Indian Indigo on French market. Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1900 (File 3511. AJCP Reel No: 3673)
Noumea - Returns. Bills of Health. Plague in Noumea. Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1900 (File 3512. AJCP Reel No: 3673)
British consulate at Tahiti. Tahiti - Returns. Quarantine laws. Postal services between Tahiti and Europe and San Francisco. Plague in Queensland. Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1900 (File 3513. AJCP Reel No: 3673)
French consular agent at Perth. Frenchmen visiting Australia. La Seyne. Hermione. Gilbert Islands. Samoa. Diplomatic, 1900 (File 3514. AJCP Reel No: 3673)
Philippine customs regulations. New South Wales Navigation Amendment Act. Star photographic station at Perth. French Consul Generals at Sydney and Melbourne. Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1900 (File 3515. AJCP Reel No: 3673)
French consular appointments. Dental education. La Seyne. Hermione. Gilbert Islands. French convict prisons. 'Corps de Gardes Forestiers'. Diplomatic, 1900 (File 3516. AJCP Reel No: 3673)
Death of ex-Consul Layard. British consulate at Tahiti. Lloyd's agency at Tahiti. Consular, 1900 (File 3517. AJCP Reel No: 3673)
Mr Aucher from Brisbane Courier. Plague in Noumea. Vines for Victoria. Commercial, 1900 (File 3518. AJCP Reel No: 3673)
Public buildings in France. French tariffs. New South Wales Navigation Amendment Act. Plague. Mr Aucher. Star photographic station at Perth. Indigo trade. Commercial, 1900 (File 3519. AJCP Reel No: 3674)
French Parcel Post Convention. Extradition. Treaty, 1900 (File 3520. AJCP Reel No: 3674)
Recruitment in Hong Kong of labourers for Reunion. Treaty, 1900 (File 3522. AJCP Reel No: 3674)
New Hebrides. Joint Naval Commission. Trade. Land ownership. French in the New Hebrides. Treaty, 1900 (File 3524. AJCP Reel No: 3674)
Paris Exhibition 1900, 1900 (File 3525. AJCP Reel No: 3674)
Paris Exhibition 1900, 1900 (File 3526. AJCP Reel No: 3674)
Paris Exhibition 1900. International Congress of Actuaries. Railway Congress, 1900 (File 3527. AJCP Reel No: 3674)
Mr Gautier. Diplomatic, Drafts, 1901 (File 3531. AJCP Reel No: 3674)
Icarus. Mr Wilson collecting birds at Tahiti and Samoa. Diplomatic, Drafts, 1901 (File 3532. AJCP Reel No: 3674)
French warships to Melbourne. Visit of Duke of York to Australia and New Zealand. Diplomatic, Despatches, 1901 (File 3534. AJCP Reel No: 3674)
Icarus. Diplomatic, Despatches, 1901 (File 3535. AJCP Reel No: 3674)
Icarus. Diplomatic, Despatches, 1901 (File 3538. AJCP Reel No: 3674)
British vice consul at Noumea. Gulf Stream. Yarana. New Caledonia. Consular, 1901 (File 3540. AJCP Reel No: 3675)
Plague in Queensland and Noumea. Captain Ruddock. Commercial, Drafts, 1901 (File 3541. AJCP Reel No: 3675)
New Caledonian customs tariff. Plague in Queensland. Commercial, Despatches, 1901 (File 3542. AJCP Reel No: 3675)
New Zealand trade. Vine cuttings. Commercial, Despatches, 1901 (File 3543. AJCP Reel No: 3675)
Plague in Noumea and Reunion. New South Wales trade. French imports to Western Australia. Commercial, Despatches, 1901 (File 3544. AJCP Reel No: 3675)
Crimea Medal Ribbon. Treaty, 1901 (File 3546. AJCP Reel No: 3675)
Movements of French warships. Defences of Noumea and Tahiti. Charts of Tahiti. Steamship service. French annexation of Maria and Rimatara. Americans at Tahiti. Diplomatic, 1901 (File 3547. AJCP Reel No: 3675)
Extradition. Liverpool Bank Fraud. Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1901 (File 3548. AJCP Reel No: 3675)
British consular appointments at Noumea. Noumea - Returns. Noumea Commercial Report. Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1901 (File 3553. AJCP Reel No: 3675)
Reunion. Consulate for Sweden and Norway at Tahiti. John Gambles. Tahiti - Returns. Papeete semaphore signals. Steam postal service, Trade report for Society Islands. Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1901 (File 3554. AJCP Reel No: 3675)
Samoan claims after disturbances. Prohibition of import of arms. French consular appointments. Diplomatic, 1901 (File 3555. AJCP Reel No: 3675)
Star photographic station at Perth. Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1901 (File 3556. AJCP Reel No: 3675)
Mr Chevallier. French vice consul at Melbourne. Italian anarchists to Australia. Diplomatic, 1901 (File 3557. AJCP Reel No: 3675)
'Corps de Gardes Forestiers'. French consular appointments. Mr Chevallier. Diplomatic, 1901 (File 3558. AJCP Reel No: 3675)
Pyrenees. British consulate at Noumea. Yarana. John Gambles. Gulf Stream. Sidney. Consular, 1901 (File 3559. AJCP Reel No: 3675)
Star Photographic station at Perth. New Caledonian customs tariff. Plague in Queensland. Commercial, 1901 (File 3560. AJCP Reel No: 3675)
Texas fever. Plague at Noumea. Captain Ruddock, 1901 (File 3561. AJCP Reel No: 3675)
French consulates in Australia. Fugitive criminals. Treaty, 1901 (File 3562. AJCP Reel No: 3675)
New Hebrides. Anglo-French Agreement. New Hebrides Land Claims Commission. Joint Naval Commission. Australian opinions. Labour question. Treaty, 1901 (File 3565. AJCP Reel No: 3675-3676)
Temperature of rocks in deep mines and bore holes. Diplomatic, Drafts, 1902 (File 3574. AJCP Reel No: 3676)
Southern Cross. Joint Naval Commission. Diplomatic, Drafts, 1902 (File 3575. AJCP Reel No: 3676)
Mr Wilson. French foreign policy. Diplomatic, Despatches, 1902 (File 3576. AJCP Reel No: 3676)
Reorganisation of Councils of Defence in French colonies, Mr Harper. Diplomatic, Drafts, 1902 (File 3581. AJCP Reel No: 3676)
British Indian convict. Sidney. Australian Immigration Restriction Act 1901. Yarana. Gulf Stream. Savernake. Consular, 1902 (File 3583. AJCP Reel No: 3676)
Australian Customs Act 1901. Commercial, Drafts, 1902 (File 3584. AJCP Reel No: 3676)
Trade of Straits Settlements. Import of vines to New Zealand. Commercial, Despatches, 1902 (File 3585. AJCP Reel No: 3676)
Advisers on French foreign trade. Commercial, Despatches, 1902 (File 3586. AJCP Reel No: 3676)
Trade of Victoria. Australian wool market. Tapioca tariff. Trade of Dutch East Indies. Commercial, Despatches, 1902 (File 3587. AJCP Reel No: 3676)
Russian warships. Movements of foreign warships. Diplomatic, 1902 (File 3590. AJCP Reel No: 3676)
British consular appointments at Noumea. Consul Haggard. Noumea - Returns. Gulf Stream. Tahiti - Returns. Mail service. Trade of Society Islands. Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1902 (File 3597. AJCP Reel No: 3676-3677)
French consular appointments at New Zealand and Brisbane. Diplomatic, 1902 (File 3598. AJCP Reel No: 3677)
Australian Immigration Restriction Act and Customs Act 1901. Congress of Hydrology. Jurisdiction of French consular appointment at Singapore and Brisbane. Diplomatic, 1902 (File 3599. AJCP Reel No: 3677)
Savernake. Zelee. Disaster at St Pierre. Diplomatic, 1902 (File 3600. AJCP Reel No: 3677)
Temperature of rocks in deep mines and bore holes. Diplomatic, 1902 (File 3601. AJCP Reel No: 3677)
French consular appointments at Singapore and Brisbane. Diplomatic, 1902 (File 3602. AJCP Reel No: 3677)
British acting consul at Noumea during Coronation festivities. Sidney. British consulate at Tahiti. Gulf Stream. Consular, 1902 (File 3603. AJCP Reel No: 3677)
British acting consul at Noumea during Coronation festivities. Sidney. Consul Haggard. Oeno Island. Consular, 1902 (File 3604. AJCP Reel No: 3677)
Vines for New Zealand. New South Wales Navigation Amendment Act 1899. Congress of Hydrology. Consular, 1902 (File 3605. AJCP Reel No: 3677)
Jurisdiction of French consulates at Wellington and Sydney. Treaty, 1902 (File 3606. AJCP Reel No: 3677)
New Hebrides. Resident Deputy Commissioner. Julia. Labour question. Caledonian Mining Corporation. Mr Wilson. Treaty, 1902 (File 3610. AJCP Reel No: 3677)
Anglo-French relations. Diplomatic, Drafts, 1903 (File 3616. AJCP Reel No: 3677)
Anglo-French negotiations on Morocco, Siam, Newfoundland, New Hebrides. Diplomatic, Despatches, 1903 (File 3622. AJCP Reel No: 3677)
Tahiti. Admiral Marechal. Diplomatic, Depatches, 1903 (File 3623. AJCP Reel No: 3677)
Major Roth's mission to New Caledonia. Diplomatic, Despatches, 1903 (File 3624. AJCP Reel No: 3677)
Savernake. Zelee. British consulate at Noumea. Consular, 1903 (File 3626. AJCP Reel No: 3677)
Steamship communication between New Zealand and New Caledonia. Commercial, Drafts, 1903 (File 3627. AJCP Reel No: 3678)
Trade and shipping of Straits Settlements. Trade of New Zealand and Pacific Islands. Commercial, Despatches, 1903 (File 3628. AJCP Reel No: 3678)
Trade of Victoria. Plague in New Caledonia. Commercial, Despatches, 1903 (File 3629. AJCP Reel No: 3678)
Postal service between New Zealand and New Caledonia. Plague in New Caledonia. Sugar in French South Pacific possessions. Shale oil in Australia. Trade of Dutch East Indies. Commercial, Despatches, 1903 (File 3630. AJCP Reel No: 3678)
French convicts to New Caledonia. Fiftieth anniversary of French possessions of New Caledonia. Tahiti. Deputy Commissioner for Western Pacific. Diplomatic, 1903 (File 3632. AJCP Reel No: 3678)
Export of cattle from France to New South Wales. Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1903 (File 3634. AJCP Reel No: 3678)
Major Roth. Noumea - Returns. Berri-berri at New Caledonia. Tahiti - Returns. Puamotu Islands. Postal service. Weevils in grain. Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1903 (File 3639. AJCP Reel No: 3678)
Liberated French convict. Diplomatic, 1903 (File 3640. AJCP Reel No: 3678)
Australian Immigration Restriction Act. Union Steamship Company of New Zealand. Duty on ships in Australian waters. Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1903 (File 3641. AJCP Reel No: 3678)
French consular agent at Brisbane. Cachar. Kerguelen Island. Diplomatic, 1903 (File 3642. AJCP Reel No: 3678)
Anglo-French relations. Tahiti. Diplomatic, 1903 (File 3643. AJCP Reel No: 3678)
Savernake. Zelee. Australian Immigration Restriction Act. British consulate at Noumea. Union Steamship Company of New Zealand. Consul Haggard. Major Roth. Consular, 1903 (File 3644. AJCP Reel No: 3678)
Export of cattle from France to New South Wales. Union Steamship Company. Weevils in grain. Chrome deposits in New Caledonia. International Congress on Hydrology. Commercial, 1903 (File 3645. AJCP Reel No: 3678)
New Hebrides. Anglo-French Protectorate. Native disturbances. Powers of Deputy Commissioner. Land claims. Convicts for New Caledonia. Labour question. Nationalisation of aliens. Military report on New Caledonia. Commercial, 1903 (File 3655. AJCP Reel No: 3678-3679)
Anglo-French negotiations and agreements on Morocco, Egypt, Siam, New Hebrides. Diplomatic, Draft, 1904 (File 3662. AJCP Reel No: 3679)
Pitcairn Island. Diplomatic, Drafts, 1904 (File 3663. AJCP Reel No: 3679)
French Secretary General at Tahiti. Berri-berri and New Caledonia. Russo-Japanese war. Diplomatic, Despatches, 1904 (File 3664. AJCP Reel No: 3679)
French colonial defences. Publication of confidential despatches by Australian press. Troop movements. Pitcairn Island. Diplomatic, Despatches, 1904 (File 3665. AJCP Reel No: 3679)
Franco-Siamese Convention. Diplomatic, Drafts, 1904 (File 3668. AJCP Reel No: 3679)
British consulate at Noumea. Consular, 1904 (File 3670. AJCP Reel No: 3679)
French import duties on benzine. Australian trade with New Caledonia. Commercial, Drafts, 1904 (File 3671. AJCP Reel No: 3679)
Straits Settlements. Duties on benzine. Trade of Victoria. Commercial, Despatches, 1904 (File 3672. AJCP Reel No: 3679)
French Indo China Bank at Singapore. New Herbrides' goods to France. Trade of Philippines and Straits Settlements. Convention for laying submarine cables in Dutch East Indies. Commercial, Despatches, 1904 (File 3673. AJCP Reel No: 3679)
Trade of Queensland and Australia. Commercial, Despatches, 1904 (File 3674. AJCP Reel No: 3679)
Torres Islands. Deputy Commissioner for the Western Pacific. Governor of Tahiti. Pitcairn Island. Troops at Tahiti. Diplomatic, 1904 (File 3677. AJCP Reel No: 3679)
Australian agricultural machinery exported to Algeria. Consular, 1904 (File 3678. AJCP Reel No: 3680)
British consular appointments at Noumea. Coal at New Caledonia. Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1904 (File 3684. AJCP Reel No: 3680)
British consul at Reunion. Consular instructions. Tahiti - Returns. British consulate at Tahiti. Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1904 (File 3685. AJCP Reel No: 3680)
French vice consul Comte de Courte at New Zealand. Diplomatic, 1904 (File 3686. AJCP Reel No: 3680)
Australian Immigration Restriction Act 1901. Australian Navigation and Shipping Bill. New Zealand Shipping and Seamen Act 1903. French consular appointments Anglo-Japanese Commercial Treaty 1894. Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1904 (File 3687. AJCP Reel No: 3680)
Kerguelen Island and Anglo-Australian trade and defence. Comte de Courte. Clio. Diplomatic, 1904 (File 3688. AJCP Reel No: 3680)
Major Roth. Australian Immigration Restriction Act 1901. Caledonien. British consulate at Noumea. Consular, 1904 (File 3689. AJCP Reel No: 3680)
Australian Immigration Restriction Act 1901. Australian Navigation and Shipping Bill. Consular, 1904 (File 3690. AJCP Reel No: 3680)
Dr Dixon. French duties on benzine. Phylloxera. Australian and New Caledonian trade. Commercial, 1904 (File 3691. AJCP Reel No: 3680)
French consular agent at Newcastle. Treaty, 1904 (File 3692. AJCP Reel No: 3680)
New Hebrides. Transportation to New Caledonia. Land claims. New Hebrides Land Commission. Naval report on New Hebrides. Treaty, 1904 (File 3696. AJCP Reel No: 3680-3681)
Paris Exhibition 1900. Treaty, 1901 (File 3697. AJCP Reel No: 3681)
French Bank of Indo-China at Singapore. Transportation to New Caledonia. Diplomatic, Drafts, 1905 (File 3703. AJCP Reel No: 3681)
Tahiti. Transportation to New Caledonia. Diplomatic, Drafts, 1905 (File 3704. AJCP Reel No: 3681)
French colonial policy. New Caledonia. Tahiti. Diplomatic, Despatches, 1905 (File 3706. AJCP Reel No: 3681)
Transportation to New Caledonia. Tahiti and USA. Diplomatic, Drafts, 1905 (File 3707. AJCP Reel No: 3681)
Marion du Fresne's visit to the Bay of Islands 1772. Madagascar. Consular, 1905 (File 3709. AJCP Reel No: 3681)
Convention for landing of submarine cables in Dutch East Indies. Oceanic Steamship Company French commercial interest in Australia. Commercial, Despatches, 1905 (File 3711. AJCP Reel No: 3681)
Duties on exports from Caledonian mines. French consular report on Australia. Commercial, Despatches, 1905 (File 3712. AJCP Reel No: 3681)
French consular report on New Zealand. Commercial, Despatches, 1905 (File 3713. AJCP Reel No: 3681)
Australian-French trade. New Zealand butter and cheese trade. French foreign trade. Commercial, Despatches, 1905 (File 3714. AJCP Reel No: 3681)
French import of palm seeds from Lord Howe Island. New Caledonian mining regulations. Commercial, Despatches, 1905 (File 3715. AJCP Reel No: 3681)
Transportation. Governor Picanon of New Caledonia. Samoan claims. Troop movements at Tahiti. Trade of Tahiti. Diplomatic, 1905 (File 3717. AJCP Reel No: 3681)
Birth certificate of Hon. A.E.P. Molesworth. Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1905 (File 3719. AJCP Reel No: 3682)
Noumea - Returns. Plague at New Caledonia. Algerian petroleum concessions. Marseilles Hydrographical Exhibition. Tobacco growing in Canada. Tahiti - Returns. Union Steamship Company. Trade of Society Islands. Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1905 (File 3724. AJCP Reel No: 3682)
French Bank of Indo China at Singapore. Samoan claims. Jurisdiction of French consulate at Auckland. Diplomatic, 1905 (File 3725. AJCP Reel No: 3682)
Australian Immigration Restriction Act 1901. New Zealand Shipping and Seamen Act 1903. French Consular appointments. Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1905 (File 3726. AJCP Reel No: 3682)
Solomon Islands. Transportation to New Caledonia. Military report on French Pacific possessions. Coaling station in the Pacific. British acquisition of Gambier Islands. Diplomatic, 1905 (File 3727. AJCP Reel No: 3682)
New Zealand Shipping and Seamen Act 1903. Ceylon natives in New Caledonia. Marion du Fresne to visit Bay of Islands, 1772. Various. Consular, 1905 (File 3728. AJCP Reel No: 3682)
Winemaking. Quarantine in Straits Settlements. Paris Sanitary Convention. Commercial, 1905 (File 3729. AJCP Reel No: 3682)
French Association of Garden Cities. Duty on British imports to New Caledonia. Commercial, 1905 (File 3730. AJCP Reel No: 3682)
Commission Rogatoire from the Tribunal of Rouen. French Consulate General for the Commonwealth of Australia. French consular appointments. Treaty, 1905 (File 3731. AJCP Reel No: 3682)
Ceylon natives at New Caledonia. Treaty, 1905 (File 3737. AJCP Reel No: 3682)
New Hebrides. Land Commission. French New Hebrides Company. Anglo-French protectorate. Australian Parliamentary debate on New Hebrides. Mallicolo Island reprisals against native disturbances. Treaty, 1904 - 1905 (File 3745. AJCP Reel No: 3682-3683)
French duties on Colonial products. French Customs. Minimum Tariff. Treaty, 1900 - 1902 (File 3750. AJCP Reel No: 3683)
Anglo-French Agreements concerning New Hebrides, Newfoundland, Siam, Malay, States, etc. Treaty, 1904 (File 3765. AJCP Reel No: 3683)

Series FO 37. Correspondence. Holland and Netherlands, 1781 - 1905

77 items

Diplomatic and consular correspondence concerning Britain and Netherlands in East Indies, commercial treaties and conventions with indigenous rulers. Includes correspondence and reports relating to wreck of the Nisero and compensation for loss of cargo for whaler Costa Rica Packet.

Archival History

Material selectively filmed as part of the Australian Joint Copying Project (AJCP Reels 4941-5019). Original microfilm digitised as part of the AJCP Online Delivery Project, 2017-2020.

Existence and Location of Originals

The National Archives of the UK (TNA).

Series Reference: FO 37. For further information, see FO 37 at The National Archives of the UK. (

Existence and Location of Copies

The original AJCP microfilm of the records filmed from this collection is available at the National Library of Australia [] as well as other institutions holding AJCP microfilm.


Abercrombie, Sir R; Costa Rica Packet (ship); East Indies; East Indies: commerce; Gomm, Sir W; Great Britain: Foreign Office; Harris, Sir James; Nisero (ship)

Advices, Intelligences. Sir James Harris and W. Gomm, 1781 - 1787 (File 1-4. AJCP Reel No: 4941)
General Correspondence and Sir James Harris, 1781 - 1787 (File 5-19. AJCP Reel No: 4941)
Sir James Harris and W.Gomm. Lord Auckland, 1787 - 1790 (File 20-30. AJCP Reel No: 4942)
Advices, Intelligences, 1790 - 1815 (File 30-83. AJCP Reel No: 4943)
Domestic various. Consuls, 1815 - 1821 (File 83-120. AJCP Reel No: 4944)
Domestic various. Consuls, 1822 - 1827 (File 123-154. AJCP Reel No: 4945)
Domestic various. Consuls, 1827 - 1835 (File 155-197. AJCP Reel No: 4946)
Domestic various. Consuls, 1836 - 1838 (File 198-213. AJCP Reel No: 4947)
Domestic various. Consuls, 1838 - 1841 (File 213-233. AJCP Reel No: 4948)
Domestic various, 1841 - 1843 (File 233-239. AJCP Reel No: 4949)
Domestic various. Consuls, 1843 - 1844 (File 240-248. AJCP Reel No: 4950)
Domestic various. Consuls, 1844 - 1846 (File 249-260. AJCP Reel No: 4951)
Domestic various. Consuls, 1846 - 1847 (File 261-269. AJCP Reel No: 4952)
Domestic various. Consuls, 1847 - 1849 (File 270-285. AJCP Reel No: 4953)
Domestic various. Consuls, 1849 - 1850 (File 286-293. AJCP Reel No: 4954)
Domestic various. Consuls, 1850 - 1852 (File 294-307. AJCP Reel No: 4955)
Domestic various. Consuls, 1852 - 1854 (File 308-319. AJCP Reel No: 4956)
Domestic various. Consuls, 1854 (File 320-329. AJCP Reel No: 4957)
Domestic various. Consuls, 1855 (File 332-342. AJCP Reel No: 4958)
Domestic various. Consuls, 1856 (File 343-351. AJCP Reel No: 4959)
Sir R. Abercrombie. Consuls, 1857 (File 353-360. AJCP Reel No: 4961)
Domestic various. Consuls, 1858 - 1859 (File 368-376. AJCP Reel No: 4962)
Domestic various. Consuls, 1859 - 1860 (File 377-386. AJCP Reel No: 4963)
Proceedings of the British and Dutch Authorities in the Eastern Seas, Vol.1, 1824 - 1859 (File 377-386. AJCP Reel No: 4964)
Domestic various. Consuls, 1860 - 1862 (File 387-397. AJCP Reel No: 4965)
Domestic various. Consuls, 1862 - 1863 (File 298-407. AJCP Reel No: 4966)
Domestic various. Consuls, 1863 - 1864 (File 408-420. AJCP Reel No: 4967)
Proceedings of the British and Dutch Authorities in the Eastern Seas, Vol.2, 1862 - 1864 (File 421. AJCP Reel No: 4968)
Domestic various. Consuls, 1864 - 1866 (File 421-433. AJCP Reel No: 4969)
Domestic various. Consuls, 1866 - 1867 (File 434-449. AJCP Reel No: 4970)
Proceedings of the British and Dutch Authorities in the Eastern Seas, Vol.3. Admiral Harris. Consuls, 1865 - 1868 (File 450-460. AJCP Reel No: 4971)
Domestic various. Consuls, 1868 - 1869 (File 460-474. AJCP Reel No: 4972)
Domestic various. Consuls, 1869 - 1870 (File 475-487. AJCP Reel No: 4973)
Proceedings of the British and Dutch Authorities in the Eastern Seas, and Negotiations of Treaty relating to Sumatra, Vol.4, 1868 - 1871 (File 487-489. AJCP Reel No: 4974)
Admiral Harris. Consuls, 1871 (File 489-496. AJCP Reel No: 4975)
Domestic various. Admiral Harris. Consuls, 1871 - 1872 (File 496-509. AJCP Reel No: 4976)
Domestic various. Consuls, 1872 - 1873 (File 509-518. AJCP Reel No: 4977)
Domestic various. Commercial, 1873 - 1874 (File 518-524. AJCP Reel No: 4978)
Domestic various. Consuls, 1874 (File 525-533. AJCP Reel No: 4979)
Domestic various. Consuls, 1869 - 1875 (File 534-541. AJCP Reel No: 4980)
Domestic various. Consuls, 1875 - 1876 (File 541-553. AJCP Reel No: 4981)
Domestic various. Commercial. Consuls, 1876 - 1877 (File 554-569. AJCP Reel No: 4982)
Domestic various. Drafts. Consular and Commercial, 1877 - 1879 (File 569-585. AJCP Reel No: 4983)
Drafts and Despatches. Consular and Commercial, 1879 - 1880 (File 586-596. AJCP Reel No: 4984)
Drafts. Consular and Commercial, 1880 - 1881 (File 596-609. AJCP Reel No: 4985)
Drafts. Consular and Commercial, 1881 - 1882 (File 609-621. AJCP Reel No: 4986)
Drafts. Consular and Commercial, 1882 - 1883 (File 622-635. AJCP Reel No: 4987)
Consular and Commercial, 1883 (File 636-640. AJCP Reel No: 4988)
Drafts. Despatches. Consular and Commercial, 1883 - 1884 (File 641-653. AJCP Reel No: 4989)
Consular and Commercial, 1884 (File 654-661. AJCP Reel No: 4990)
Consular and Commercial, 1880 - 1884 (File 661-662. AJCP Reel No: 4991)
Drafts. Consular. Commercial. Despatches, 1882 - 1886 (File 662-682. AJCP Reel No: 4992)
Consular and Commercial, 1886 (File 682-691. AJCP Reel No: 4993)
Wreck of the Nisero. Detention of the crew by the Rajah of Tenom, 1883 - 1884 (File 691-693. AJCP Reel No: 4994)
Wreck of the Nisero, 1884 (File 693-694. AJCP Reel No: 4995)
Wreck of the Nisero, 1884 (File 694-696. AJCP Reel No: 4996)
Wreck of the Nisero, 1884 (File 697-698. AJCP Reel No: 4997)
Wreck of the Nisero. Diplomatic. Drafts. Consular and Commercial, 1884 - 1887 (File 699-707. AJCP Reel No: 4998)
Diplomatic. Consular. Commercial. Despatches, 1887 - 1888 (File 708-725. AJCP Reel No: 4999)
Diplomatic. Consular. Commercial. Despatches, 1888 - 1889 (File 725-740. AJCP Reel No: 5000)
Diplomatic. Consular. Commercial. Treaty. Despatches, 1889 - 1891 (File 740-752. AJCP Reel No: 5001)
Diplomatic. Consular. Commercial. Treaty. Despatches, 1891 - 1893 (File 753-771. AJCP Reel No: 5001)
Diplomatic. Consular. Commercial. Treaty, 1893 - 1894 (File 772-783. AJCP Reel No: 5003)
Diplomatic. Diplomatic. Consular. Treaty. Despatches, 1894 - 1895 (File 784-792. AJCP Reel No: 5004)
Costa Rica Packet Arbitration. Claims arising out of the arrest of the captain, Mr J.B. Carpenter, 1893 - 1895 (File 792-794. AJCP Reel No: 5005)
Costa Rica Packet Arbitration. Claims arising out of the arrest of the captain, 1895 (File 794-795. AJCP Reel No: 5006)
Costa Rica Packet Arbitration. Dipomatic Consular. Commercial. Treaty, 1895 - 1896 (File 796-802. AJCP Reel No: 5007)
Eastern Seas. Proceedings of Dutch and British Authorities. Conventions with Native Princes. Costa Rica Packet Administration., 1890 - 1896 (File 803-804. AJCP Reel No: 5008)
Costa Rica Packet Administration. Diplomatic. Consular. Commercial. Treaty, 1896 - 1897 (File 804-808. AJCP Reel No: 5009)
Diplomatic. Consular. Commercial. Treaty, 1897 - 1898 (File 811-822. AJCP Reel No: 5010)
Commercial. Eastern Seas. Proceedings of British and Dutch Authorities. Conventions with Native Princes, 1898 (File 822-824. AJCP Reel No: 5011)
Restrictions on British trade. Diplomatic. Consular. Commercial. Treaty, 1893 - 1899 (File 824-831. AJCP Reel No: 5012)
Extradition treaty, 1892 - 1899 (File 831-832. AJCP Reel No: 5013)
Diplomatic. Consular. Commercial. Treaty. Despatches, 1900 (File 832-840. AJCP Reel No: 5014)
Diplomatic. Consular. Commercial. Treaty. Despatches, 1900 - 1902 (File 840-857. AJCP Reel No: 5015)
Diplomatic. Consular. Commercial. Treaty. Eastern Seas. Proceedings of British and Dutch Authorities. Conventions with Native Princes, 1902 - 1903 (File 857-860. AJCP Reel No: 5016)
Diplomatic. Consular. Commercial. Treaty, 1903 - 1904 (File 861-870. AJCP Reel No: 5017)
Diplomatic. Consular. Commercial. Treaty, 1904 - 1905 (File 871-880. AJCP Reel No: 5018)
Diplomatic. Consular. Commercial. Treaty, 1905 (File 880-884. AJCP Reel No: 5019)

Series FO 58. Correspondence. Pacific Islands, 1824 - 1905

117 items

The pieces filmed by the AJCP from this Series deal with a variety of subjects ranging from British colonial policy in the Pacific, and relations of British representatives with independent island governments, to Great Britain's relations with other European powers regarding annexation of territory. The question of annexation of the Sandwich Islands by both Great Britain and France, the subsequent 'Declaration of Independence of the Sandwich Islands', and later attempts at annexation by the USA are dealt with at length.

The correspondence also deals with Foreign Office instructions, on both administration and policy, to British consular representatives, for example the appointment of a new Consul to New Zealand, and the subsequent signing of the Treaty of Waitangi. There are also reports on trade and missionary activities in the area, representations concerning attacks on British residents, and petitions from native chiefs. Copies of treaties, proclamations and newspaper articles are in many instances attached to despatches.

Early correspondence with the Tahitian Consulate, before Tahiti became a French protectorate in 1843, is also included in this Series. Later correspondence is to be found in FO 27.

Archival History

Material selectively filmed as part of the Australian Joint Copying Project (AJCP Reels 1509-1530, 2884-2894). Original microfilm digitised as part of the AJCP Online Delivery Project, 2017-2020.

Pieces 94-322 were not included in the Australian Joint Copying Project. They are held in the National Library of Australia at Microfilm Reels: G 1672-1798. In addition to AJCP material the State Library of New South Wales holds pieces 94-339 at reels FM 4/797-923.

Existence and Location of Originals

The National Archives of the UK (TNA).

Series Reference: FO 58. For further information, see FO 58 at The National Archives of the UK. (

Existence and Location of Copies

The original AJCP microfilm of the records filmed from this collection is available at the National Library of Australia [] as well as other institutions holding AJCP microfilm.


Great Britain: commerce; Great Britain: Foreign Office; Hawaii; Missionaries; New Zealand; Oceania; Oceania: church history; Oceania: politics and government; Samoa; Sandwich Islands; Sandwich Islands: annexation; Society Islands; Tahiti; Tahiti; Treaty of Waitangi

New Zealand. Domestic Various. Capt Hudson, 1838 - 1839 (File Vol 1. AJCP Reel No: 1509)

Appointment of British Consul for New Zealand; Whalers; chiefs wish to be placed under British protection; Lord Palmerston; Acts of violence and inhumanity by natives; missionaries; Felons escaped from Van Diemen's Land; Was between native chiefs; cutting of flax; extension of Christian knowledge.

Printed copy of despatch from Governor Sir R. Bourke; suggesting Consul should not trade. Salary /5/700 a year proposed. Letters from Lord Palmerston; New Zealand obtains a national flag; 'not far enough advanced to be trusted with legislation'; French whalers; surplus population from Great Britain.

Printed copy of Treasury Minute (H of C); Reports of state of British population; Port regulations; Remarks during the cruise of H.M. Sloop, Pelonus; Sworn affidavits of seamen regarding treachery of natives.

Letter to Lord Palmerston from New Zealand Land Company.

New Zealand. Domestic Various, 1840 - 1841 (File Vol 2. AJCP Reel No: 1509)

Rumour that French vessel had been dispatched to form Colony in New Zealand; Lord John Russell and the rumour; Printed solely for the use of the Cabinet.

Papers relative to New Zealand; dispute over property; mysterious disappearance of a seaman; Lord John Russell wishes to know whether the French Government has any intention of founding a penal settlement in New Zealand; Printed despatches from the Governor of N.S.W relative to New Zealand; Wesleyan mission; Position of U.S.A. ships in New Zealand waters; Laws of N.S.W. extended to New Zealand; rights of aliens.

Consul for Sandwich Islands. Various, 1824 (File Vol 3. AJCP Reel No: 1509)

Death of King and Queen Sandwich Islands. Salary of Consul (S. Isles) £200 per annum; visit of King and Queen to Great Britain; importance of island to British trade; Russian attempts to establish right to Sandwich Islands; Letter from embalmer of the remains of the King and Queen; transported to S. Isles. Governor Macquarie and order to present vessel to the King of the Sandwich Isles; Secret instructions to Lord Byron; London Missionary Society.

Consul for Sandwich Islands. Various, 1825 - 1827 (File Vol 4. AJCP Reel No: 1509-1510)

Port charges in Sandwich Islands; Portraits of King and Queen of Sandwich Isles; Appointment Consul; Letter to Rt. Hon. George Canning; remains of King and Queen landed; state of trade; Friendly and Society Islands; desertion of seaman; Trade returns; abstract of expenses; smallpox; Tahiti; Leeword Islands (reference to); population of all islands: 20,000; pearl fishing; order to prevent vessels from procuring pearls at low islands; bad behaviour of crews of English whalers; Regulations translated into native language; Copy of treaty between the Sandwich Islands and U.S.A. (also translation into native language); funeral of King and Queen; cotton; Port regulations; list of British and foreign whalers.

Consul for Sandwich Islands. Various, 1828 - 1830 (File Vol 5. AJCP Reel No: 1510)

Troubled state of Society Islands; Returns of Trade; The Rt. Hon. George Canning; whale ships; Earl of Dudley and Ward receives Returns of Trade; salary of Consul; Lord Aberdeen; N.S.W. sends war ship with presents for the King of the Sandwich Islands; British residents and attacks upon their property: an urgent appeal; Printed proclamation of KAUIKEAOULI and counsellors and English translation; Articles of arrangement with U.S.A. and King of the Sandwich Isles (printed).

Consul for Sandwich Islands. Various, 1831 - 1832 (File Vol. 6. AJCP Reel No: 1510)

Acknowledging Lord Aberdden's circular appraising the Consul of the death of King George IV and proclaiming William IV; memorial advising British capital for the Islands; Calvinistic missionaries; R.C. missionaries: clash of ideals; Englishman illegally banished; Removal of inhabitants of Pitcairns to Otaheiti in consultation with Governor of N.S.W.; Piracy and murder on board a British vessel: report to Lord Palmerston; written confession of one of the murderers; Printed proclamation of Hoakaka; lost French subjects.

Consul for Sandwich Islands. Various, 1833 - 1834 (File Vol 7. AJCP Reel No: 1510)

Agents to Hudson's Bay Coy. appointed; List of foreign whale ships; Colonial vessel from N.S.W arrives under suspicious circumstances; desperate characters from N.S.W and Van Diemen's Land smuggled out; public execution of pirates; shell diving; King (native) renounces right over certain islands; sugar to N.S.W.

Consul for Sandwich Islands. Various, 1835 - 1836 (File Vol 8. AJCP Reel No: 1510)

Consul asked by Ld. Palmerston for explanation of complaint of ill treatment of master and crew of vessel; complaint of crew that they were not allowed women on board; Accusation of violent behaviour of Consul; alleged immorality of Mrs Charlton; Official enquiry America decides to 'colonise' the Island; Letter to William IV signed by King against Consul; Ld. Palmerston does not place confidence in Consul; murder at the Island of Timor.

Consul for Sandwich Islands. Various, 1837 (File Vol 9. AJCP Reel No: 1511)

Consul reprimanded for 'expenses A/c'; printed regulations for the Port of Honolulu also translation; charges brought against Consul by King of the Sandwich Islands; Consul's defence of charge in F.O.58/8; Long description by Consul's wife of Capt. Bows' behaviour; Asking for Consul's recall: many pages in native language and translation; King of the Sandwich Islands; Letter to William IV; U.S. navy and Sandwich Isles; Request of Brig to preach the gospel; Lord Melbourne Lord Palmerston; Admiralty orders regarding annual visit to islands.

Consul for Sandwich Islands. Various, 1838 (File Vol 10. AJCP Reel No: 1511)

Bills drawn on Treasury; Incendiarism; sailing letter request for a chaplain; conduct of Sandwich Islands; Honolulu; British ship hauls down its flag (voluminous correspondence re same); Fox Strangways; Letter from King of Sandwich Isles and translation regarding the Clemtime and Consul Charlton; London Missionary Society.

Consul for Sandwich Islands. Various, 1839 (File Vol 11. AJCP Reel No: 1511)

Ships' spares; Governing chiefteness dies; Arrangements between Government of France and Sandwich Isles; Circular to British residents in Honolulu; Laws of quarantine; Laws of duty credits; U.S.A. squadron arrives (WOAHOO); H.M. Ship goes to OAHU to redress wrong to property of British subject; Prince Eugene of Savoy; Report upon Consuls' conduct; Recommendation for a government chapel; Lord Palmerston.

Consul for Sandwich Islands. Various, 1840 - 1841 (File Vol 12. AJCP Reel No: 1511)

French expedition to Columbia River; arrival of French ships; amended sailing letter; Returns of Trade; Naval intelligence from Sandwich Isles; Sandwich Island government and servants of British residents.

Consul for Sandwich Islands. Various, 1842 (File Vol 13. AJCP Reel No: 1511-1512)

Proposed Convention with France and U.S.A. Government refusal to comply; Lord Aberdeen's letter; Hudson Bay Coy and increase of trade; import duties; Charlton goes to England; Influence of Americans; more British ships to protect British interests; Consul accuses local government of insults; petition of British residents to H.M. Queen Victoria; American missionaries influence King against British subjects (Memorial); Letter from Government of Hawaiian Islands to President U.S.A.; correspondence re commercial transactions; Policy to be observed with respect to the Islands of the Pacific.

Vice-Consul for Society Islands. Vice Consul Elley and various, 1822 - 1836 (File Vol 14. AJCP Reel No: 1512)

Marquis of Londonderry; Mr Secretary Canning; Articles between U.S.A. and the King and chiefs; Improvement of moral standards by missionary work; Petition to George IV; invasion with 'paraphernalia of popery' of R.C. priests; King of Tahiti dies; Lord Bathurst; Convention between U.S.A. and Tahiti; Request for N.S.W. Man of War to visit Islands; Trade with New Zealand; Runaway convicts sent back to N.S.W.; Queen assumes the sovereign, aged 14 years; riots; Sandwich Islands ceded to Great Britain and necessity for Resident; Printed instructions to Commanders of Vessels; pirates; American consul arrives.

Consul for Society Islands. Consul Pritchard and Various, 1837 - 1839 (File Vol 15. AJCP Reel No: 1512)

Ld. Palmerston writes instructions to Consul; unruly behaviour of crews at Tahiti; French R.C. preists; Foreign establish themselves in opposition to the wishes of natives; London Missionary Society and trouble with French R.C. priests; murder of American consul's wife; Disposition from Governor, N.S.W. regarding outrage committed by French frigate; request for Ship of War; French squadron arrives at Tahiti to demand apology and payment from Queen Pomare for her refusal to allow two French priests to remain; Ld Palmerston interest and calls for report; venereal disease rampant in Marquesas Islands; cannibalism; Long report from Naval Officer and his general survey of the Islands.

Consuls for Society Islands. Consuls Pritchard, Wilson and Various, 1840 - 1842 (File 16. AJCP Reel No: 1512-1513)

N.S.W. Ships of War call periodically; memorandum to Lord Palmerston re Tahiti and Pitcairn Islands; Queen of Tahiti prays for British influence and protection against the encroachment of the American and French; Native Chiefs induced by French Consul to sign paper requesting that Society Islands be placed under French protection; Presents from Queen Victoria to Queen of Tahiti; Conversation with Earl of Aberdeen.

Consuls Charlton, Simpson, Sea for Sandwich Islands, 1843 (File 17. AJCP Reel No: 1513)

Petition from British residents; Grievances of British subjects; jealousy of American traders; Consul Charlton dismissed (A.W.O.L.); explains his conduct; Administration of Justice in Sandwich Isles; voluminous correspondence of Consul Charlton; lays claim to certain land; Sandwich Islands ceded to Great Britain; British colours again hoisted after 49 years; census; Laws of Sandwich Islanders; Copy of newspaper The Polynesian; public notice issued; Copy of the Temperance Advocate and Seaman's Friend; Mutiny on a whaler; return of British trade at Honolulu.

Sandwich Islands. Domestic: Sir George Simpson; Mr W. Richards; Mr. Haalilio and Mr J.F. Marshall, 1843 (File 18. AJCP Reel No: 1513)

Petty indicts, Charlton and Simpson; Review of Hawaiian social progress; request for recognition of Hawaiian States by Great Britain and European powers; Queen Victoria agrees; Simpson accussed of angry expression against the Sandwich Islands Government.

Printed: Official Correspondence relating to the late Provisional Cession of the Sandwich Islands; views of the Hawaiian Government; occupation of British Forces gives rise to grievances; Foreign Office draft re Paulet's demands; Charlton's claim to land; Declaration of Independence.

Sandwich Islands. Foreign and Domestic Various, 1843 (File 19. AJCP Reel No: 1513-1514)

Foreign Various

King states that Sandwich Islands have been restored to him; Cutting from Journal of Commerce (New York)

Domestic Various

Policy to be pursued. Sandwich and Society Islands; Ship of War to Pacific Islands (propriety of); Admiralty letter.

Printed for use of cabinet only: List of papers and printed enclosures; Letter to Hudson's Bay Coy; Calvinist Missionary Society's influence; Sandwich Islands: in case of war danger as a station for enemy ships; Plan of town of Honolulu; Talk of taking over the Sandwich Islands by Great Britain.

Printed: Documents relating to Restoration of the S.I. flag; copy of Advocate and Friend newspaper; Admiralty letters; French Consul complains of treatment.

Consuls for Society Islands. Consul Pritchard: pro Consul Wilson; Foreign Various, 1843 (File 20. AJCP Reel No: 1514)

Correspondence with French Government; Copy of Tahiti papers law before parliament; Policy regarding Tahiti; State of Affairs; Effects of French interference in the Pacific; Return of Queen Pomare under our protection; Re the French taking Tahiti; suggestions as to future government of the Islands; requesting assistance from H.M. Queen against the French; Cutting from Times (28/03/1843) Pomare's petition to the 'King of the French'.

Consul General for the Pacific, July 1843 - December 1843 (File 21. AJCP Reel No: 1514)

Volume contains example of policy dictated by the Foreign Office with regard to Colonial development at this period. Secret and confidential papers; American influence established by missionaries; jealousy between English and Americans; Instructions to keep vigilant eye on French in the Pacific; also Americans; Salary of Consul General £800 p.a. plus £200 extra personal expenses; Regarding restoration of Sandwich Isles to their native Sovereign; Agreement between King of Sandwich Isles and Mr. B, the U.S.A. Consul regarding the cession of land to Belgian capitalists; Draft treaty; Convention; restoration suspended; Mutual agreement between England and France pledging themselves not to take possession of the Sandwich Isles on any pretext; Manila likely to become a place of great importance; Memorandum covering the Sandwich Isles; criticism of narrow outlook of missionaries.

Society Islands. Domestic Various, January 1843 - May 1843 (File 22. AJCP Reel No: 1514)

Marquesas Islands; French Navy to take possession; Native hostility to French; Report upon French aggression upon Tahiti; French threaten war on Tahitians; extracts from French papers (translations); Wesleyan missionaries request to see Sir Robert Peel; Account of endeavour of France to spread Romanism; Printed copy: General Chronicle; Several memorials of Protestants to Robert Peel (large vellum); Consul sent from Sydney.

Society Islands. Domestic Various, June 1843 - December 1843 (File 23. AJCP Reel No: 1514-1515)

H.M. Government's policy towards Society Islands; translated letters of Queen Pomare to Queen Victoria imploring protection against the French; Instructions for the administration in the Pacific (Society and Sandwich Islands); Letters from London Missionary Society; Declaration of French Admiral; Importance of Navigation Islands; Naval Captains must not engage in war without British Government's permission; size of French Forces on Pacific Islands.

Consul General Miller for the Pacific, 1844 (File 24. AJCP Reel No: 1515)

French and English Declaration of Independence of the Sandwich Islands; concert with France re importation of wives and the choice of juries.

Consul General Miller for the Pacific, January 1844 - June 1844 (File 25. AJCP Reel No: 1515)

Arrival at Honolulu; objections to certain sections of Articles; Address of Consul General to the King of the Sandwich Islands; Agreement between England and France regarding the independence of the Society Islands; improvement of the Sandwich Islands; the matter of intermarriage with native women; Copies of The Friend; Report that French had taken Gambiers Islands; Copy of L'Oceanie Francaise (Official Journal of Tahiti).

Consul General Miller for the Pacific, July 1844 - December 1844 (File 26. AJCP Reel No: 1515)

Translated letter from Queen Pomare to Miller; urgent plea for British protection against French; French protectorate at Gambier and other islands; letter of suggestions to King of the Sandwich Isles; Queen Pomare accuses French of murdering missionary; manners of natives; General report on Pacific Islands; Tonga: Latter from King of the Friendly Islands complaining of French behaviour; Printed: Order in Council; Translation of letter from Queen Pomare to King of the French; to Queen Victoria; Return of British and Foreign trade.

Consuls for Society, Navigator and Sandwich Islands Pritchard and Sea, 1844 (File 27. AJCP Reel No: 1515)

H.M. Government congratulates Pomare on restoration of rights; Pritchard, Consul makes serious accusation against French Official conduct; Queen Pomare takes refuge in H.M. Ship with her family; French throw British Consul into dungeon; Oceania; Natives massacre all French troops in fort; Consul's statement of his financial losses through imprisonment.

Proconsul Wyllie for Sandwich Islands, July 1844 - 6 October 1844 (File 28. AJCP Reel No: 1515-1516)

Appointment - Copy L'Oceanie Francaise (journal de Tahiti) Printed Copy: Order in Council of His Hawaiian Majesty: A Code of Etiquette (Polynesian Press); Copy The Polynesian Greenway's insolvency; Printed Copy: An Award upon the meaning of Lord Aberdeen letter (Polynesian Press) Perry v Charlton case (references to and many letters appertaining thereto). Attorney General's opinion (original copy) Printed copy: 'Documents relating to Estates of French and Greenway.

Proconsul Wyllie for Sandwich Islands, 7 September 1844 - December 1844 (File 29. AJCP Reel No: 1516)

Religious Intelligence of Pitcairn Islands; Copies The Friend; copies The Polynesian; Printed report. Perry v Charlton (slander) Charge: American rape of Hawaiian girl: legal arguments; relating to Ships of War: Marquesas Island; Whale Fishery; decree respecting importation of foreign goods into California; Rules, doctrines and principles adopted by Admiralty Court (printed); Policy: Society Islands; Charlton's claim to land continues; Belgian Land Co.; Steam navigation in the Pacific; Intelligence from Tahiti; Printed correspondence Britain and America re American conviction; (White paper); Report on Registry of Vessels; Steamer coal found at Vancouver Island.

Foreign Various. Sandwich Islands. Domestic Messrs Richards and Haalilic, 1844 (File 30. AJCP Reel No: 1516)

French proceedings at Tahiti; letter to Lord Aberdeen from King of Hawaiian Islands; King desires that England, France and U.S.A. should be on same footing; request that Tonga be taken under British protection; French and natives at open war; Natives refuse to submit; Queen states French conduct 'perfectly disgraceful'; grievances of Sandwich Islanders; King voluntarily surrenders land; compensation claim.

Domestic Various, January 1844 - March 1844 (File 31. AJCP Reel No: 1517)

Cash account statement; Queen Pomare craves protection against French; British War Ship arrives for purpose; Treaty for restoration of Sandwich Islands; Admiralty order to Vindictive - Policy of Great Britain: not politic to seek establish paramount influence in Islands over other powers; Viscount Canning; List of French squadrons in Pacific; Return of Foreign Vessels of War in Pacific; Report on French Admiral taking possession of Tahiti.

Domestic Various, April 1844 - September 1844 (File 32. AJCP Reel No: 1517)

London Missionary Society; Pritchard's removal from Tahiti; Sandwich Islands (Treaty concluded) If Pomare landed on Society Islands, it would be considered by France as an act of hostility; Pomare's appeal to her people; Loyal declaration of Tahitians; Her faith in Queen Victoria; Printed papers: (correspondence); French 'goings on' at Tahiti; Collision between French and natives; Tahitian politics and characters; religion; suggested: King of Belgium as mediator.

Domestic Various, October 1844 - December 1844 (File 33. AJCP Reel No: 1517)

Frenchman applies for position of Consul, Tahiti; The Report of the select committee of the H of C on New Zealand; Memorial to H.M. Louis Philippe the First, King of the French; Petition from one of the navigator group asking for British protection; complaints by Naval Officer of French behaviour; dislike of British by French increasing; British trader buys goods from N.S.W., Van Diemen's Land etc. (reference to) Attestations of naval officers to the character, labours and success of the British Protestant missionaries in Tahiti.

Consul General for the Pacific, 1845 (File 34. AJCP Reel No: 1517)
Consul General for the Pacific, January 1845 - July 1845 (File 35. AJCP Reel No: 1518)
Consul General for the Pacific, August 1845 - December 1845 (File 36. AJCP Reel No: 1518)
Sandwich Islands Pro Consul Wyllie and Vice Consul Sea, 1845 (File 37. AJCP Reel No: 1518-1519)

British subject cannot represent foreign power The Polynesian; Charlton's claims to land; Order in council: A code of etiquette (Hawaiian Government); Rules, doctrines and principles adopted by Admiralty Court of Hawaiian Islands in adjusting general average (printed); Average adjustment (printed); Official report in registry of vessels (printed); In chancery: estate of Wm. French (printed); Award upon the meaning of Lord Aberdeen's letter (Charlton case: printed); Record of trial. Greenway v. Charlton and another (printed); Exposure of the villainy and cowardice of Richard Charlton (Printed); Reports by Wyllie; Accounts; Vice Consul drawn bills.

Consuls for Society and Navigator Islands, G.S. Miller, Pritchard, 1845 (File 38. AJCP Reel No: 1519)

Miller reports to Lord Aberdeen regarding Island of Raiatea in state of blockade; Miller reports in crime and punishment; L'Oceanic Francaise; state of the Society Islands; Natives regret arrival of French vessels; Admiral Sir George Seymour departs; Prayers of Sovereigns of islands not to permit the French Protectorate to be extended over the islands; Queen Pomare and family run a small taro plantation: refuses to submit to French; Admiral Seymour's declaration to Chiefs of Huahine, Raiatea and Borabora; Translated account of the coronation of Tomatoa, King of Raiatea (1838); also coronation of Tapoa, King of Borabora; Port regulations (printed); regulations for ships entering Harbour of Raiatea. Return of despatches; Letters to the French: their intentions; Pomare's letter to Pritchard; Accounts; Address to Chiefs regarding laws. State of affairs at Navigator's Islands.

Foreign Various, 1845 (File 39. AJCP Reel No: 1519)

Queen of Huahine Islands begs Queen Victoria's protection; complaint by missionary regarding Pritchard; correspondence Seymour; Hamelin (British and French Admirals); Regarding compensation for injuries received by Consul: Lord Aberdeen's instructions.

Domestic Various, January 1845 - April 1845 (File 40. AJCP Reel No: 1519)

Reports of Cap. Lord Paulet; Letters of Queen Pomere; Tahiti, in state of siege; The Friend (copy of); Report of Admiral C in C regarding proceedings at Tahiti and Papeite; Letters to Canning; Pomere request H.M. aid an return of Consul Pritchard; suggested appointment of native agents; London Missionary Society; Consul instructed to visit islands; Petition from the inhabitants of New South Wales praying for the interference of H.M. Government to reinstate Queen Pomere at Tahiti; Regarding treatment of missionaries; Extent of French Protectorate in the Pacific; wreck of American whaler.

Domestic Various, May 1845 - July 1845 (File 41. AJCP Reel No: 1520)

Reference to difference between England and France: Orders by Admiral Seymour; delicate diplomacy; Admiralty instructions to Naval Commanders; French protectorate in Tahiti officially recognised; Missionary pleads on behalf of Pomere; Report of tour of Society Islands; Letters from Pomere; Extracts from letters received from Capt. Horne, Auckland, New Zealand: serious religious trouble with native; shipping list; map of Georgian and Society Islands; Letter to Lord Aberdeen, indicting French of cruel treatment; British subject: late barrack master at Sydney; Extract from the Huahine Code of Laws; French seize Huahine, Raiatea and Borabora; Copy: L'Oceanic Francaise.

Domestic Various, August 1845 - December 1845 (File 42. AJCP Reel No: 1520)

Chart of Fiji Islands removed to map room (PRO); Raiatea in a state of blockade; Pomare's letter to Consul; Appointment of Minister of State and Minister of Foreign Affairs; Lengthy correspondence (copies) Mar 1844-Mar 1845 between Hawaiian Governor and Consuls Miller and Wyllie particularly with reference to Charlton's claim to land; Award upon the meaning of Lord Aberdeen's letter (printed); Lengthy correspondence (copies) Phillips case; In Chancery: on the removal of the funds of French and Greenway deposited for safe keeping in H.M. Consulate (printed); Trial Pelly v. Charlton (printed); restrictions on missionary labours by French; copies of despatches from Wyllie relative to Sandwich Islands affairs; Plan of land claimed by Charlton; Documents referred to in Wyllie's despatch (Nov. 24 1845) (Printed); Land restored to Charlton.

Consul General for the Pacific, 1846 (File 43. AJCP Reel No: 1520)

To make known to Wyllie and Judd H.M. Government's views on their offensive conducts; commercial treaty; Lord Palmerston and malt liquors duties; Charlton's land: Sandwich Island's caveat.

From Consul General Miller for the Pacific, 1846 (File 44. AJCP Reel No: 1521)

British subjects unmolested: dispute between Wyllie and U.S.A. Consul; Statement of facts (printed) Rhodes & Co v. R. Charlton (sic); Miller to Secretary of Navy; The Polynesian (copy of); State of affairs at Society Islands; Minutes of conversation H. M. Governor Brust with Comm. Hummond; Duties of Neutrals; New Treaty signed; State of affairs: Society Islands; Tahiti.

Memorandum of Foreign resident at Honolulu; correspondence and protest regarding malt liquors and cider; Miller's report on various matters including status of Government of Sandwich Islands; Miller's reports on French action against natives; Pomere's appeal; Doubtful legality of Honolulu courts; Copy: Sandwich Island News; King of Hawaiian Islands to Admiral Seymour; Copies of the Cregon Spectator and Sandwich Island News; Arrival of Danish Ship of War; Danish treaty signed and Danish Consul recognised; Printed copy of Treaty; American Treaty; trial by jury; Report (unofficial) of state of California; Cutting: Californian Correspondence; Copy of The Californian.

Consuls for Society and Navigator Islands, G.C. Miller, Pritchard; Foreign Various, 1846 (File 45. AJCP Reel No: 1521)

Regarding independence of the Leeward Islands; Proceedings of the French at the Leeward Society Islands:attack upon native; Letter to Queen of Huahine; Memorandum regarding trade of Tahiti; The Islanders of Pitcairn and a larger island: offer considered; state of affairs at the Society Islands: Papeite attacked by natives; missionary complains of French sentinel's attack; Copies of correspondence: Capt. Hammond and 3 British missionaries at Tahiti; withdrawal of French foreced from Leeward Society Islands; French expeditions at Papenoo and Bunavia; Copy: The Samoan Reporter; State of affairs at Tahiti; Accounts; Return of despatches Foreign Office; War at Savaii: British property destroyed; State of affairs at Samoa; Cutting: Sydney Herald.

Consular Domestic, January 1846 - March 1846 (File 46. AJCP Reel No: 1521-1522)

Hudson's Bay House to Under Secretary of State; Correspondence H.M. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Consul General (White Paper); Memorial for return of goods; Admiralty letter regarding saluting French flag; Admiral's claim to land; Affairs at Tahiti especially with regard to missionaries; despatches from Admiral Seymour; Letters from French Admiral. Wyllie reprimands Foreign Office (native); Minutes of Meeting of Privy Council (native).

Consular Domestic, April 1846 - June 1846 (File 47. AJCP Reel No: 1522)

London Missionary Society; Sir George Seymour's despatches; schedule of enclosures; Letters in French from French Admiral; Ancestry of Pomare; genealogical table; Regulations for ships entering Raiatea; Extracts from Ellis's researches in Polynesia with remarks; Remarks on evidence which may be offered against independence of Society and Leeward Islands; Documents referred to in Wyllie's despatch (printed): (Charlton's land dispute).

Consular Domestic, July 1846 - November 1846 (File 48. AJCP Reel No: 1522)

Land given by Queen Pomare to British Government and plan; Chart of Harbour Papiete, Tahiti showing the village; Sir George Gipps despatch from Sydney, N.S.W.; copy of laws printed in native language; British shipss subject to pilotage dues; Commercial report, remarks on; State of French and Greenway: Court of Chancery, Sandwich Islands (printed); Memorandum addressed to Judge Andrews.

Consular Domestic, December 1846 (File 49. AJCP Reel No: 1522)

Charlton's land claim; Letter to Lord Palmerston from Pritchard's son with regard to policy in Tahiti; Power of Attorney for Victoria's guardians.

Society Islands: Memorials respecting the occupation of Tahiti by the French, vol.1, 10 November 1846 - 7 December 1846 (File 50. AJCP Reel No: 1523)

Memorials to Lord Palmerston from inhabitants of Ipswich. Indignation at the condition of the Tahitians and their Queen; Memorials from dissenters at Woodbridge, inhabitants of Beaminster, Harwich, Ashburton, Ramsgate etc. etc., (over one hundred covering Great Britain).

Society Islands: Memorials respecting the occupation of Tahiti by the French, vol.2, 8 December 1846 - 16 December 1846 (File 51. AJCP Reel No: 1523)

Memorials from Towns covering Great Britain includes original Bill announcing a public meeting (over one hundred).

Society Islands: Memorials respecting the occupation of Tahiti by the French, vol.3, 17 December 1846 - 31 December 1846 (File 52. AJCP Reel No: 1523-1524)

Memorials from Towns covering Great Britain (about one hundred).

N.B. These memorials were directed against the French and were probably the outcome of missionary propaganda.

Society Islands: Memorials respecting the occupation of Tahiti by the French, vol.4, January 1847 - February 1847 (File 53. AJCP Reel No: 1524)

About eighty memorials.

Society Islands: Answers to Memorials respecting the occupation of Tahiti by the French, 1846 - 1847 (File 54. AJCP Reel No: 1524)

List of memorials addressed to Viscount Palmerston; Promises by Lord Palmerston that the government will attend to these matters; Papers relating to Tahiti and to the Leeward and Friendly Islands in the Pacific. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty 1847 (Printed). These include letter from Palmerston to Count Ste. Aulaire and reply; Declaration of the plenipotentiaries of Great Britain and France, acknowledging the Independence of the Islands of Huahine, Raiatea, Borabora and of the small islands adjacent thereto (printed).

Consul General for the Pacific, 1847 (File 55. AJCP Reel No: 1524)

£200/300 to be laid out for relief and succour to Queen Pomare; Later Queen Pomare submits to French; provision cancelled; Declaration of Independence of Huahine, Raiatea and Borabora; regarding marriage of British subjects.

Consul General for the Pacific, 1847 (File 56. AJCP Reel No: 1524-1525)

Gen. Kearney's Americans march to and reverse against Californians; Sandwich Island news; Evidence showing that Karaimoker was bonafide Regent; Audience with the King; Return of trade: Consulate, Sandwich Islands; whalemen's shipping list; Intelligence from San Francisco; The Polynesian; Ratification of convention delivered; Queen Pomare submits to French protectorate; The whale trade; Accounts; Convention H.M (Britain) and Sandwich Isles (printed); Administration of Sandwich Isles; Recall of Consul; Observations of Consul G. Miller of the King and Council; Remarks on report on legislature; Reports of the Minister of Interior; Minister of Finance; Minister of Public Instruction; Minister of Foreign Relations (printed) Final decision relative to Charlton's land; Law of marriage amended; Laws: beer; abandoning families; medical statements; Sandwich Islands news; State of affairs in Oregon; Oregon Spectator; Rules of Practice; Courts; Supplement to the Sandwich Island Mirror.

Consuls for Society and Navigator Islands, G.C. Miller and Pritchard. Foreign Various, 1847 (File 57. AJCP Reel No: 1525)

Reference to papers relating to Tahiti and Society Islands; Adoption of flags; return of Queen Pomare to Tahiti; Governor Brust's declaration; London Missionary Society's claim to buildings; massacre of crew of French schooner; only French wives permitted in Tahiti; Regulations of French protectorate of Gambier Islands; French claim protectorate of whole Paumotee (Paumotu/Taumotu); Arrivals of vessels: Apia; Attempt by America to obtain paramount influence.

Volume Missing, n.d. (File 58. AJCP Reel No: 1525)
Domestic Various, January 1847 - October 1847 (File 59. AJCP Reel No: 1525)

Reporting proceedings at the Sandwich Islands; Ill-feeling between King and British residents; Schedule of enclosures: Letter Rear Admiral Sir George Seymour to Secretary of Admiralty; Carlton's land claim; Boundary dispute; marriage laws; reporting occurrances at Tahiti and Society Islands; unsettled state of affairs at Navigation Islands; Ship of War required; Degree of protection which British subjects may claim in Sandwich Islands under treaty; names of islands subject to Queen Pomare's authority; those governed by respective chiefs; papers relating to Tahiti and to Leeward and Society Islands (printed) Ship of War to protect British subjects in 'Feejei'; Capt. Blake to Seymour, correspondence (printed).

Domestic Various, November 1847 - December 1847 (File 60. AJCP Reel No: 1525)

Mode of communications; Hawaiian Government ask for Consul's recall; Queen's ratification of Treaty approved; Runaway convict from Van Diemen's Land: charge of theft; trial; copies of correspondence: Wyllie; Consul General; Report of the case of P.A. Brinsmade (Ladd & Co) v. J.J. Jarves; editor of The Polynesian (Libelous publications) (printed).

Consul General Miller for the Pacific, 1848 (File 61. AJCP Reel No: 1526)

Expendency of portion of British subjects at Pitcairn Islands removing to other islands in the Pacific: May expend £300 to facilitate this object; coolness between Pomare and French governor; French claim protectorate over Paumotu Islands; 'Feejeians' accused of cannibalism in a letter of missionary to Consul General; barbarians behaviour of natives, British residents murdered; Trade Returns; The Polynesian; Accounts; protest against British and French Treaties; Wine duties reduced; specimens of school work (original); Hudson's Bay Company; Oregon Spectator; The Californian; Proclamation to people of upper California (printed); Fresh whaling grounds; Memoranda: Consul General respecting English schooner, Amelia (printed) includes vivid description of a mutiny at sea; Consul's views of Sandwich Islands affairs; mortality among Sandwich Islanders.

Consuls for Society and Navigator Islands, G.C. Miller; Pritchard, 1848 (File 62. AJCP Reel No: 1526)

Viscount Palmerston; Declaration of Leeward Islands Independence; French naval and military force in Pacific Islands; Port of Apia - arrivals and departures.

Domestic Various, 1848 (File 63. AJCP Reel No: 1526)

Lord Auckland; proposed treaty between U.S.A. and Sandwich Isles; French claim a protectorate over Paumatic Group; Request for British Government's opinion about Independence of the Islands; Treaty between Hawaiian Islands and Denmark (printed); Sandwich Islands news; The Polynesian; not expedient to question the right of the French; Despatch from Governor of New Zealand suggesting the occupation by Great Britain of the Friendly and 'Feejee' Islands; Earl Grey and Consular appointments; Affairs of New Zealand (printed); Lord Palmerston and Consular Officers.

Consul General for the Pacific, 1849 (File 64. AJCP Reel No: 1526-1527)

Commercial Report; Return of British Trade; Queries respecting the expenses of British Consular Establishments (printed); the demands of French not acceded to; Official Correspondence Foreign Office, native (printed); Remonstrances to French for occupation of part of Sandwich Islands Territory; Information from Pitcairn Islands; information concerning Sandwich Islands, Hudson's Bay Coy. and California; Honolulu: press cutting; Number of Mercantile Houses established by American and French citizens in Sandwich Islands.

Consuls for Georgian and Navigator Islands, 1849 (File 65. AJCP Reel No: 1527)

London Missionary Society buildings; Fees received by British Consul at Tahiti; List of British Mercantile Houses: Tahiti and its dependencies; valuable observations (economic); Letter to Viscount Palmerston refers to enclosure: Samoan Reporter which desribes voyage of missionary ship, state of New Caledonia and New Hebrides Islands, conflict between natives and sandal-wood traders, massacre of the crew of the British Sovereign; Pitcairn Islands; Queen Pomare's position and British Ships of War visits; New South Wales provides fencing wood; Accounts current.

Foreign Various. Consular and Various Domestic, 1849 (File 66. AJCP Reel No: 1527)

Despatch from Governor, New Zealand suggesting Naval Officer should visit Islands; also Man O'War; Consul to make public that the Government have offered a reward of £20,000 for effectual assistance to Sir John Franklin's Polar Expedition; Cutting from The Friend; Despatch from Governor of New South Wales; French proceedings at Tahiti; Report of Admiral Hornby on the state of affairs in the Pacific; Admiral requested to accelerate removal of Pitcairn Islanders; Tripartite Agreement: Great Britain, France and Hawaiian Islands; London Missionary Society, Tahiti: Extract from Treaty between Admiral Thouars and Queen Pomare and the chiefs as it affected the churches.

Consul General for the Pacific, 1850 (File 67. AJCP Reel No: 1527-1528)

Rapidly increasing ingress of Americans. Able to acquired land easily compared with Briths; Declaration of A. Adams (printed). Naval intelligence and B. & B. Franklin; King sends boudoir table to Queen Victoria; Treaty between U.S.A. and King of Hawaiian Islands (printed); Honolulu Times.

Consuls for Georgian and Navigator Islands, Miller: Pritchard, 1850 (File 68. AJCP Reel No: 1528)

Respecting the Pitcairn Islanders; Assitance rendered by French Frigate to British vessel in distress; French Naval and Military Force in Oceania and re-occupation of the Marquesas Islands; Joint application of British, French and Americans to Queen of Huahine for redress. The Soveriegns of the Leeward Islands adopt children of Queen Pomare; Abstract of disbursements; Accounts with the Lords of the Treasury.

Foreign Various. Consular Domestic, 1850 (File 69. AJCP Reel No: 1528)

Regarding Treaty between U.S.A. and Hawaiian Islands. Enclosing despatches for Lord Palmerston; Various printed declarations of British land owners; The Polynesian; Honolulu Times; Strained relations between Wyllie and Consul General of France; Report of Audience with King (printed); Official correspondence (printed); Treaty of Friendship U.S.A and Sandwich Islands; Amelia's voyage and mutiny (full printed report); Proceedings at the South Sea Islands (printed).

Consul General for the Pacific, 1851 (File 70. AJCP Reel No: 1528-1529)

Draft Teaty of Friendship; Disturbances at Bonin Islands; Accounts; Differences between France and Sandwich Islands; By Authority (printed) Declaration; supposed secret mission to Washington; Annual Reports read before His Majesty; Hawaiian Legislature (printed); Affairs at Tahiti; Treaty (printed); Regarding frequent sale by auction of British Merchant vessels; The Polynesian; Printed instructions to Consuls abroad regarding accounts.

Consuls for Georgian, Society and Navigator Islands: Miller, Nicholas, Pritchard, 1851 (File 71. AJCP Reel No: 1529)

Official reception of Her Majesty's Consul at Tahiti; Port Regulations for Tahiti (printed); abuse of acts of sovereignty in Huahine; Consul Miller refuses summons to Tribunal; Trial of British missionary: acquittal; Position of British missionaries at Tahiti; statement showing the present position of the missionaries of the L.M.S. in Tahiti (printed).

Consular Domestic, 1851 (File 72. AJCP Reel No: 1529)

Petition to Lord Palmerston; present for Queen Victoria; Great Britain and mediation; Copies of Treaty between King of Hawaiian Islands and U.S.A. (printed); Penal Code of Hawaiian Islands (reference to); Order of the Privy Council defining instructions to Diplomatic Agents and Consuls (printed); Hawaiian Consul General appointed in N.S.W and Van Diemen's Land; By Authority: declaration (printed); Treaty between King of Hawaiian Islands and Queen Victoria (printed); French restrict British imports; The Polynesian.

Consul General for the Pacific, 1852 (File 73. AJCP Reel No: 1529-1530)

Treaty terms communicated to French Government; return stating what Foreign languages are spoken by H.M. Consul General and other; Trade reciprocity with U.S.A.; U.S.A. ship saves English barque; interesting information regarding the Marquesas Islands; maps; supplies furnished to whaling ships; The Polynesian; The Weekly Argus; origin of late disturbances; fines for fornication; objection to law by Consul General.

Consuls for Society and Navigator Islands: Miller, Nicolas, Pritchard, 1852 (File 74. AJCP Reel No: 1530)

Queen of Huahine deposed by her people; unsettled state of Leeward Islands; Queen Pomare's visit; correspondence with the French commissioner regarding liberty of British missionary at Tahiti; Account of fees received at the British Consulate.

Consular Domestic, 1852 (File 75. AJCP Reel No: 1530)

Proceedings of the Daedalus at Sandwich, Tahiti and Pitcairn Islands; copy of despatch from the Governor of New Zealand; proceedings in the Pacific; regarding coal from Australia; authorities 'determined to get rid of missionaries' (report of British Admiral); statement regarding the Marquesas; Admiralty survey map of Marquesas group; serious state of Marquesas: murder and ritual sacrifices.

Consul General for the Pacific, 1853 (File 76. AJCP Reel No: 1530)

Russian Corvette expected at Sandwich Islands; memo Inexpediency of appropriation of Island of St. Eustace; arrival of Plenipotentiary with full powers to negotiate treaty (French) with Sandwich Islands; better class of men wanted in British Mercantile Navy; Report of Minister of Interior read before the King; Hawaiian legislature (printed); list of Common Schools in the Hawaiian Kingdom: 1851; Appendix to the the report of the Minister of Foreign Relations (printed); The Polynesian; relations with Russian Admiral; joint protest against scheme for annexing the Sandwich Islands to the U.S.A.; The Weekly Argus; Occurances at Honolulu; Information respecting Queen Charlotte's Island; Cutting from San Francisco paper - Indignation of the people against the Ministersetc.; Whalemen's shipping list; The Friend, newspaper; The New Era newspaper.

Consuls for Society and Navigator Islands: G.C. Miller, Nicholas, Pritchard, 1853 (File 77. AJCP Reel No: 1530-1531)

Duties and differentials; storm report; comet of 1853 and eclipse of sun as observed at Tahiti; 'Partie non officielle' (Messenger de Tahiti); Consul's address to the chiefs of Borabora; also to Raiatea and Tahaa; replies by chiefs and translations; reporting the wishes of the inhabitants of Pitcairn's Island; Report from Society Islands regarding a bottle: King deposed and British Consul intervenes; Declaration of Independence; Huahine, Raiatea and Borabora (printed); list of despatches to Foreign Office (Great Britain); Piracy to a schooner by natives; State of affairs at Samoa; Fort of Apia: arrivals and departures.

Consular Domestic, 1853 (File 78. AJCP Reel No: 1531)
Consul General for the Pacific. Diplomatic, 1854 (File 79. AJCP Reel No: 1531)

Attempts to annex Sandwich Islands by U.S.A.; Foreign Office letter: displeasure of government at alienation of sovereignty of those islands; suggestion: King of Sandwich Islands should apply for joint protection of England, France and U.S.A.; proposal of annexation by U.S.A. causes fear of King and Chiefs; memorandum respecting scheme of annexation; reference to copy of register of only marriage solemnised during the year; The Polynesian; memorandum for the Hank and Duties of commissioners; Act 17: General Treaty of Congress at Vienna; Native paper KA NU HOU; The New Era; Russian Frigate arrives; proclamation of King of Hawaiian Islands (printed); U.S.A. messanger arrives regarding annexation; combined British and French squadrons go in search of Russian frigates; oration delivered by Hon. David L. Gregg (printed); secret memoranda; political state of Sandwich Islands; Wyllie's account of Cabinet meeting; Russia annexes Manchuria (cutting); Russians and Allies fight at Petropsulowaky: (printed report); speech of Gen Miller on the annexation of the Sandwich Islands by U.S.A. (printed); extracts from Constitution. Memorandum of private observations and remarks; Play Bill: Amphitrite; Proclamation (printed).

Consuls for Society and Navigator Islands. Consular Domestic, Consular, 1854 (File 80. AJCP Reel No: 1532)

Australasian Steam Pocket Agency; Reference to register Births and Deaths: 9 years; guano on Marquesas Islands; relating to removal of inhabitants from Pitcairn to Norfolk Island; impending hostilities with Russia; consuls opinion of the future of Society Islands; Norfolk Island; Hawaiian King anxious to know British and French policy in question of U.S.A. annexation of Sandwich Islands.

Consular General for the Pacific. Diplomatic, 1855 (File 81. AJCP Reel No: 1532-1533)
Foreign Various. Consular Domestic, 1855 (File 82. AJCP Reel No: 1533)
Consul General for the Pacific. Diplomatic, 1856 (File 83. AJCP Reel No: 1533-1534)
Consuls for Georgian, Society and Navigator Islands. Foreign Various, 1856 (File 84A. AJCP Reel No: 1534)
Consular Domestic, 1856 (File 84B. AJCP Reel No: 1534-1535)
Consul General for the Pacific. Diplomatic and Consular, 1857 (File 85. AJCP Reel No: 1535)
Foreign Various. Consular Domestic, 1857 (File 86. AJCP Reel No: 1535)
Consuls General at Sandwich and Society Islands, 1858 (File 87. AJCP Reel No: 1536)
Consuls General for Georgian, Fiji and Tonga Islands, 1858 (File 88. AJCP Reel No: 1536)
Consuls General for Navigator Islands. Foreign Various. Consular Domestic, 1858 (File 89. AJCP Reel No: 1536-1537)
Consuls for Society, Navigator and Fiji Islands, 1859 (File 90. AJCP Reel No: 1537)
Consuls General for Sandwich Islands. Foreign Various. Consular Domestic, 1859 (File 91. AJCP Reel No: 1538)
Consuls for Tahiti, Raiatea, Honolulu and Fiji, 1860 (File 92. AJCP Reel No: 1538)
Consul Williams. Foreign Various. Consular Domestic, 1860 (File 93. AJCP Reel No: 1538-1539)
From Samoa, Commissioner C.N.E. Eliot, May 1899 - 16 July 1899 (File 323. AJCP Reel No: 2884)
From Samoa, Commissioner C.N.E. Eliot, July 1899 - November 1899 (File 324. AJCP Reel No: 2884)
From Samoa, Commissioner C.N.E. Eliot, 1899 (File 325. AJCP Reel No: 2885)
Affairs of the Navigator Islands (Samoa), January 1899 (File 326. AJCP Reel No: 2885)
Affairs of the Navigator Islands (Samoa), February 1899 (File 327. AJCP Reel No: 2885-2886)
Affairs of the Navigator Islands (Samoa), 1 March 1899 - 23 March 1899 (File 328. AJCP Reel No: 2886)
Affairs of the Navigator Islands (Samoa), 24 March 1899 - 12 April 1899 (File 329. AJCP Reel No: 2886-2887)
Affairs of the Navigator Islands (Samoa), 13 April 1899 - 30 April 1899 (File 330. AJCP Reel No: 2887)
Affairs of the Navigator Islands (Samoa), May 1899 - June 1899 (File 331. AJCP Reel No: 2887-2888)
Affairs of the Navigator Islands (Samoa), July 1899 - 15 September 1899 (File 332. AJCP Reel No: 2888)
Affairs of the Navigator Islands (Samoa), September 1899 - 6 September 1899 (File 333. AJCP Reel No: 2889)
Affairs of the Navigator Islands (Samoa), November 1899 - 2 December 1899 (File 334. AJCP Reel No: 2889)
Consuls General for the Western Pacific. Vice-Consul at Tonga. Various. Diplomatic, Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1900 (File 335. AJCP Reel No: 2890)
Consular House at Samoa. Diplomatic, Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1897 - 1900 (File 336. AJCP Reel No: 2890)
Consul at Tonga. Various. Diplomatic, 1901 (File 337. AJCP Reel No: 2890-2891)
Consuls General for the Western Pacific. Consul at Tonga. Various. Consular and Commercial, 1901 (File 338. AJCP Reel No: 2891)
Consuls General for the Western Pacific. Consul at Tonga. Various. Diplomatic, Consular, Commercial, Treaty, 1902 (File 339. AJCP Reel No: 2891)
Consuls General for the Western Pacific. Consul at Tonga. Various. Diplomatic, Consular and Commercial, 1903 (File 340. AJCP Reel No: 2891-2892)
Consuls-General for the Diplomatic Consular Commercial. Western Pacific. Jackson, Major. Consul at Tonga. Hunter. Various, 1904 (File 341. AJCP Reel No: 2892)
Labour Traffic. Sale of Arms and Spirits. Proposed International Agreement. Right of Search. Diplomatic, Consular, and Commercial, 1897 - 1904 (File 342. AJCP Reel No: 2891)
Consul General for the Western Pacific. Consul at Tonga. Various. Consular and Commercial, 1905 (File 343. AJCP Reel No: 2893)
Various. Diplomatic, 1905 (File 344. AJCP Reel No: 2893)
Claims of British subjects and Foreign nationals arising our of the native disturbances in Samoa. 1899. Diplomatic, 1905 (File 345. AJCP Reel No: 2893-2894)

Series FO 64. Correspondence. Prussia and Germany, 1870 - 1905

997 items

Diplomatic and commercial correspondence dealing with Australia and New Zealand and proposed annexations and general colonial interests of Great Britain, Germany and other European powers in New Guinea, Samoa and elsewhere in the Pacific.

Records film include despatches and correspondence between the Foreign Secretary and Foreign Office officials in London and (i) British diplomats and consular officials in Germany and German colonies and (ii) German diplomatic officials in London.

Pieces 938, 967, 1107-1110, 1232, 1404, 1591, 1614, 1631 were filmed in their entirety. All other pieces were filmed selectively.

Archival History

Material selectively filmed as part of the Australian Joint Copying Project (AJCP Reels 3687-3693, 6898-6910). Original microfilm digitised as part of the AJCP Online Delivery Project, 2017-2020.

Existence and Location of Originals

The National Archives of the UK (TNA).

Series Reference: FO 64. For further information, see FO 64 at The National Archives of the UK. (

Existence and Location of Copies

The original AJCP microfilm of the records filmed from this collection is available at the National Library of Australia [] as well as other institutions holding AJCP microfilm.


Emigration: Germans to Queensland; Fiji; Fiji: land claims; German emigration; Germany: colonies; Great Britain: Foreign Office; New Guinea; New Guinea (Territory): politics and government; New Guinea: annexation; New Zealand; Oceania; Pacific: labour; Papua: politics and government; Samoa; Samoa: politics and government; Tasmania; Tonga

Emigration to Queensland, 1870 (File 697B. AJCP Reel No: 6898)
2 items
Foreign Office to Lord Augustus Loftus: Sends papers from Colonial Office on emigration to Queensland, 14 July 1870 (Item)
Foreign Office to Lord Augustus Loftus: Agrees to deferral of action on emigration to Queensland, 8 September 1870 (Item)
Emigration of Germans to Queensland, 1870 (File 699. AJCP Reel No: 6898)
1 item
Lord Augustus Loftus (Berlin) to Lord Granville, 3 September 1870 (Item)

Emigration to Queensland; suggests matter be deferred in view of Franco-Prussian War; might be regarded as inducement to Prussians to avoid military service.

Emigration of Germans to Queensland, 1870 (File 702. AJCP Reel No: 6898)
3 items
Colonial Office to Foreign Office, 6 July 1870 (Item)

Appointment of W. Kirchner as Queensland Emigration Agent in Germany; sends papers on 1869 Queensland Immigration Act and Passengers Act.

Foreign Office to Colonial Office: papers forwarded to Ministers in Berlin, Copenhagen and Stockholm, 14 July 1870 (Item)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: Sends despatch from Berlin on Queensland emigration, 8 September 1870 (Item)
Replacement of Mecklenburg Consul at Melbourne, 1870 (File 710. AJCP Reel No: 6898)
2 items
Foreign Office to Colonial Office, 8 September 1870 (Item)

Replacement of office of Mecklenburg Consul at Melbourne by Consul for North German Confederation.

Colonial Office to Foreign Office: acknowledgement, 10 September 1870 (Item)
Emigration of German women to Queensland, 1871 (File 725. AJCP Reel No: 6898)
2 items
Foreign Office to G. Petre, 8 July 1871 (Item)

Sends report from Emigration Commission on female emigration to Queensland; Prussian authorities to be reassured about treatment of women on voyage and on arrival in colony.

G. Petre (Berlin) to Lord Granville, 13 October 1871 (Item)

Sends minute stating no action taken by Prussian police against emigration of young German women to Queensland.

Emigration of German women to Queensland, 1871 (File 728. AJCP Reel No: 6898)
1 item
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: sends report from Emigration commission on female emigration from Germany to Queensland, 30 June 1871 (Item)
Emigration to Queensland, 1872 (File 741. AJCP Reel No: 6898)
1 item
Lord Granville to Lord Odo Russell, 12 November 1872 (Item)

Sends copy of Queensland Immigration Act; objections of German Government to emigration to Queensland.

Emigration to Queensland, 1872 (File 749. AJCP Reel No: 6898)
4 items
Lord Granville to Plunkett: sends letter from Queensland Agent-General on action of Berlin police in interfering with emigration to Queensland, 24 August 1872 (Item)
Lord Granville to Lord Odo Russell: no undertaking required from free emigrants to Queensland, 16 September 1872 (Item)
Lord Granville to Lord Odo Russell: emigration to Queensland (cable), 17 September 1872 (Item)
Lord Odo Russell (Berlin) to Lord Granville: note on emigration to Queensland presented to GErman Government, 21 September 1872 (Item)
Postal communication between Germany, India and Australia, 1872 (File 751. AJCP Reel No: 6898)
2 items
Count Bernstorff to Lord Granville: postal communication between Germany, India and Australia, 3 July 1872 (Item)
Lord Granville to Count Bernstorff: acknowledgement, 12 July 1872 (Item)
Negotiations between Australian and German postal authorities, 1872 (File 752. AJCP Reel No: 6898)
2 items
Colonial Office to Foreign Office, 23 August 1872 (Item)

No objection to German Post Office negotiating direct contracts with Australian postal authorities.

Foreign Office to Colonial Office, 28 October 1872 (Item)

Concurs in proposed despatch to Australian colonies on negotiations with German postal authorities.

Emigration to Queensland, 1872 (File 762. AJCP Reel No: 6898)
3 items
Colonial Office to Foreign Office, 6 September 1872 (Item)

Letter from Queensland Agent-General stating that no undertaking required of free emigrants to Queensland.

Colonial Office to Foreign Office, 2 November 1872 (Item)

Indictment against Johanning and Behmer for inducing Prussians to emigrate to Queensland under false pretences.

Foreign Office to Colonial Office: Letter of Queensland Immigration Agency sent to Berlin, 12 November 1872 (Item)
German consular districts in British colonies, including Australia, 1873 (File 789. AJCP Reel No: 6898)
2 items
Count Bernstorff to Lord Granville: German consular districts in British colonies, including Australia, 4 January 1873 (Item)
Lord Granville to Count Bernstorff: acknowledgement, 18 January 1873 (Item)
German consular districts in British colonies, including New Zealand, 1873 (File 790. AJCP Reel No: 6898)
2 items
Count Munster to Lord Granville: German consular districts in British colonies, including New Zealand, 24 June 1873 (Item)
Lord Granville to Count Munster: acknowledgement, 30 June 1873 (Item)
Emigration to Queensland: opposition of German Government, 1873 (File 792. AJCP Reel No: 6898)
1 item
Foreign Office to Colonial Office, 2 January 1873 (Item)

Emigration to Queensland; measures taken by German Government to check emigration.

Proceedings of Arcona at Samoa, 1874 (File 800. AJCP Reel No: 6898)
3 items
Lord Derby to Lord Odo Russell, 23 October 1874 (Item)

Report of proceedings of German frigate Arcona at Samoa; allegations of ill-treatment of islanders.

Lord Derby to Lord Odo Russell: acknowledges explanation of proceedings of Arcona, 16 November 1874 (Item)
Lord Derby to Lord Odo Russell, 27 November 1874 (Item)

Proceedings of Arcona; missionaries considered natives were harshly treated; role of German Consul at Samoa.

Attacks on German settlers at Samoa and proceedings of Arcona, 1874 (File 806. AJCP Reel No: 6898)
1 item
Lord Odo Russell (Berlin) to Lord Derby, 23 October 1874 (Item)

Semi-official article on alleged attacks on German settlers at Samoa and proceedings of Arcona.

Proceedings of Arcona at Samoa, 1874 (File 807. AJCP Reel No: 6898)
4 items
Lord Odo Russell to Lord Derby: Interview with Count von Bulow on proceedings of Arcona at Samoa, 6 November 1874 (Item)
Lord Odo Russell to Lord Derby: sends note from Count von Bulow on proceedings of Arcona, 13 November 1874 (Item)
Lord Odo Russell to Lord Derby: Spanish claims to Pellew Islands, 9 December 1874 (Item)
Lord Odo Russell to Lord Derby: Proceedings of Arcona at Samoa; losses incurred by Godeffroy and Son, 9 December 1874 (Item)
Involvement of German seamen of brig Susanne in Pacific labour trade, 1874 (File 808. AJCP Reel No: 6898)
1 item
Lord Derby to Lord Odo Russell: forwards deposition of seamen of German brig Susanne on involvement in Pacific labour trade, 16 May 1874 (Item)
Postal Convention between Australian colonies and Germany; Australian duty on boots and shoes, 1874 (File 809. AJCP Reel No: 6898)
6 items
Lord Derby to Count Munster, 14 April 1874 (Item)

Forwards report from South Australian Postmaster General on Postal convention between Australian colonies and Germany.

Baron von Brinken to Lord Derby: seeks information on duty charged in Australia on foreign-made boots and shoes, 1 November 1874 (Item)
Lord Derby to Count Munster: acknowledgement, 6 November 1874 (Item)
Lord Derby to Count Munster: duties charged on imported boots and shoes in N.S.W. and Victoria, 28 November 1874 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office, 7 April 1874 (Item)

Sends South Australian report on Postal Convention between Australian colonies and Germany.

Colonial Office to Foreign Office: duties charged on imported boots and shoes in N.S.W. and Victoria, 23 November 1874 (Item)
German expedition to observe the transit of Venus, 1874 (File 816. AJCP Reel No: 6898)
2 items
Count Munster to Lord Derby, 7 July 1874 (Item)

German expeditions to observe transit of Venus, including expedition to Auckland Islands; requests cooperation of authorities at Melbourne and Dunedin.

Lord Derby to Count Munster: acknowledgement, 14 July 1874 (Item)
Status of R. Daintree, 1874 (File 817. AJCP Reel No: 6898)
2 items
Baron von Brincken to Lord Derby: enquires about status of R. Daintree, 9 October 1874 (Item)
Lord Derby to Baron von Brincken: confirms that R. Daintree is Queensland Agent-General, 16 October 1874 (Item)
Fine imposed on Glenlora by New Zealand Governor; convention on military service between New Zealand and Germany, 1874 (File 818. AJCP Reel No: 6898)
2 items
Colonial Office to Foreign Office, 26 March 1874 (Item)

Sends despatch from New Zealand Governor on fine imposed by New Zealand Government on Glenlora; refers to presence on board of shipwrecked crew of Der Fuchs.

Colonial Office to Foreign Office, 30 March 1874 (Item)

Sends despatch from New Zealand Governor on proposed convention with Germany on military service; position of New Zealand different from that of any part of the German Empire.

Cost of maintaining shipwrecked crew of Der Fuchs, 1874 (File 819. AJCP Reel No: 6898)
1 item
Lord Derby to Shaw, Savill & Co., 9 April 1874 (Item)

Claim of Shaw, Savill on German Government for reimbursement of cost of maintaining shipwrecked crew of Der Fuchs.

German expedition to observe the transit of Venus, 1874 (File 820. AJCP Reel No: 6898)
2 items
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: facilities for German expedition to observe transit of Venus, 14 July 1874 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: Governors requested to provide facilities, 18 July 1874 (Item)
Status of R. Daintree; proceedings of Arcona; German expedition to Victoria to observe the transit of Venus, 1874 (File 821. AJCP Reel No: 6898)
8 items
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: enquires about the status of R. Daintree, 13 October 1874 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: R. Daintree, 14 October 1874 (Item)
Admiralty to Foreign Office, 20 October 1874 (Item)

Sends despatch from Commodore J. Goodenough on exaction by German warship Arcona of compensation from natives of Samoa for damage to property of German subjects.

Foreign Office to Colonial Office: Sends correspondence with Lord Odo Russell on proceedings of Arcona at Samoa, 10 November 1874 (Item)
Colonial Office to foreign Office: German expedition to Victoria to observe transit of Venus, 2 December 1874 (Item)
Foreign Office to Admiralty: sends German version of proceedings of Arcona, 4 December 1874 (Item)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: sends correspondence on proceedings of Arcona, 18 December 1874 (Item)
Foreign Office minutes on notification of foreign governments of cession of Fiji, 30 December 1874 - 4 January 1875 (Item)


Pretensions of Spain to sovereignty of Pellew and Caroline Islands, 1875 (File 822. AJCP Reel No: 6898)
1 item
Lord Derby to Lord Odo Russell, 21 April 1875 (Item)

Sends report from Consul at Manila criticising pretensions of Spain to sovereignty of Pellew and Caroline Islands.

Proceedings of Arcona, 1875 (File 823. AJCP Reel No: 6898)
1 items
Lord Derby to Lord Odo Russell: sends Admiralty paper on compensation exacted by Arcona from natives at Samoa, 8 June 1875 (Item)
Activities of William Hayes; proceedings of Arcona and Susanna; German law to prevent kidnapping in South Seas, 1875 (File 832. AJCP Reel No: 6898)
5 items
Lord Derby to Lord Odo Russell: sends report from Commodore of Australian Station on activities of W. Hayes in South Seas labour trade, 14 April 1875 (Item)
Lord Derby to Lord Odo Russell: sends despatch form Consul General at Honolulu on visit of German warship Arcona to Hawaii, 2 July 1875 (Item)
Lord Derby to Lord Odo Russell: proceeding of German brig Susanna in South Seas; proposed German legislation to prevent kidnapping, 22 November 1875 (Item)
Lord Derby to Lord Odo Russell: proceedings of Susanna in South Seas, 8 November 1875 (Item)
Lord Derby to Lord Odo Russell: proposed German law to prevent kidnapping in South Seas, 29 November 1875 (Item)
Debts and reclamations in Fiji, 1875 (File 839. AJCP Reel No: 6898)
1 item
Count Munster to Lord Derby: debts and reclamations in Fiji, 7 May 1875 (Item)
German interest in Samoa, 1876 (File 857. AJCP Reel No: 6898)
1 item
Lord Derby to Lord Odo Russell, 21 December 1876 (Item)

Sends letter from Dr Turner in Samoa; interference of German Consul and Commodore in Samoan politics; seeks information on German policy on Samoa.

Encroachment of Spanish authorities in Caroline Island; closures of German Consulates at King George's Sound and Hobart, 1876 (File 867. AJCP Reel No: 6898)
6 items
Count Munster to Lord derby: encroachment of Spanish authorities in Caroline Islands on freedom of trade in South Seas, 14 October 1876 (Item)
Lord Derby to Count Munster: acknowledgement, 21 October 1876 (Item)
Count Munster to Lord Derby: abolition of German Consulate at King George's Sound, 1 November 1876 (Item)
Lord Derby to Count Munster: acknowledgement, 6 November 1876 (Item)
Count Munster to Lord Derby: closure of German Consulate at Hobart, 9 December 1876 (Item)
Lord Derby to Count Munster: acknowledgement, 12 December 1876 (Item)
Visit of Louise to Melbourne, 1876 (File 870. AJCP Reel No: 6898)
1 item
Colonial Office to Foreign Office, 17 June 1876 (Item)

Sends despatch from Governor of Victoria on visit of German corvette Louise to Melbourne; Commander confirms that Germany has no intention of acquiring colonies in the Pacific.

Treaty of friendship between Germany and Tonga; German emigration to New Zealand, 1877 (File 878. AJCP Reel No: 6898)
2 items
Lord Odo Russell to Lord Derby, 12 May 1877 (Item)

Sends Treaty of Friendship between Germany and tonga and speech by Minister of Foreign Affairs.

H. MacDonell (Berlin) to Lord Derby: sends article in Gazette of Empire on German emigration to New Zealand, 23 June 1877 (Item)
Navigator Islands and Samoa, 1877 (File 882. AJCP Reel No: 6898)
4 items
Lord Derby to Lord Odo Russell: sends despatch from Consul at Samoa on affairs of Navigator Islands, 10 March 1877 (Item)
Lord Derby to Lord Odo Russell: Anglo-German consultations on Samoa, 30 April 1877 (Item)
Lord Derby to Lord Odo Russell: Sends despatch from Consul at Samoa on Navigator Islands, 1 May 1877 (Item)
Lord Odo Russell to Lord Derby: conversation with Minister for Foreign Affairs about Samoa, 6 April 1877 (Item)
German emigration to Australia and New Zealand, 1877 (File 886. AJCP Reel No: 6898)
7 items
Colonial Office to Foreign Office, 12 June 1877 (Item)

Acknowledges report by A. Kruge, Vice-Consul at Danzig, no German emigration to Australia and New Zealand; seeks approval to send it to Governors.

Foreign Office to Colonial Office: printing of report; amendments, 19 June 1877 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: returns copies of report, 25 June 1877 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: sends report written in 1875 by South Australian Agent-General on German emigration, 13 July 1877 (Item)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: report sent to Vice-Consul at Danzig, 21 July 1877 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: comment by Sir Julis Vogel on report by A. Kruge on condition of German immigrants in New Zealand, 24 July 1877 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: sends report on condition of German emigrants at Wanganui, 20 November 1877 (Item)
German emigration to Australia, 1877 (File 888. AJCP Reel No: 6898)
1 item
A. Kruge (Danzig) to Lord Derby: sends report on German emigration and Australian colonies, 12 May 1877 (Item)


German emigration to Australia and New Zealand, 1877 (File 889. AJCP Reel No: 6898)
Consular: W. Hertslet (Konigsberg) to Lord Derby: sends despatch from A. Kruge on views of German Government on emigration to Australia and New Zealand, 23 June 1877 (Item)
Consular: W. Hertslet to Lord Derby: sends Danzig newspapers containing comments on report of A. Kruge on German emigration to Australia, 8 August 1877 (Item)
Commercial: Foreign Office to W. Hertslet: approval of report by A. Kruge, 18 May 1877 (Item)
Commercial: Foreign Office to W. Hertslet: Sends report on German emigration by South Australian Agent-General, 21 July 1877 (Item)
Commercial: Foreign Office to W. Hertslet: sends letter from New Zealand Agent-General, 31 July 1877 (Item)
Commercial: Foreign Office to W. Hertslet: sends letter from New Zealand Agent-General, 27 November 1877 (Item)
Commercial: W. Hertslet to Lord Derby: report by A. Kruge, 21 May 1877 (Item)
Commercial: W. Hertslet to Lord Derby: report by South Australian Agent-General forwarded to A. Kruge, 23 July 1877 (Item)
Commercial: W. Hertslet to Lord Derby: letter from Sir Julius Vogel forwarded to A. Kruge, 6 August 1877 (Item)
Situation in Samoa: Capt. William Hayes, 1877 (File 890. AJCP Reel No: 6898)
7 items
Count Munster to Lord Derby: sends memorandum on state of affairs in Samoa, 3 April 1877 (Item)


Count Munster to Lord Derby: situation in Samoa; correspondence between British and German Consuls, 11 May 1877 (Item)
Count Munster to Lord Derby: sends cutting on pirate Capt. W. Hayes, 13 June 1877 (Item)
Lord Derby to Count Munster: acknowledges information about Samoa, 9 July 1877 (Item)
Count Munster to Lord Derby: position of German Consul and Commander in Samoan conflict; German policy of neutrality, 23 November 1877 (Item)
Lord Derby to Count Munster: acknowledgement, 30 November 1877 (Item)
Count Munster to Lord Derby: situation in Samoa; correspondence of German and British Consuls at Apia, 13 December 1877 (Item)
Books from Royal Library in Berlin for libraries in Canada, Cape Colony and Melbourne, 1877 (File 893. AJCP Reel No: 6898)
2 items
Count Munster to Lord Derby: books from Royal Library in Berlin for libraries in Canada, Cape Colony and Melbourne, 26 May 1877 (Item)
Lord Derby to Count Munster: acknowledgement, 28 May 1877 (Item)
Evidence required from three Wellington residents, 1877 (File 895. AJCP Reel No: 6898)
1 item
Lord Derby to Count Munster: procedure to be followed by Hamburg Examination Court to obtain evidence from three residents of Wellington, 12 December 1877 (Item)
System of building schools Germany, 1878 (File 900. AJCP Reel No: 6898)
1 item
Lord Salisbury to H. Dering: visit of E. Combes to Germany to inspect system of building schools for N.S.W. Government, 30 September 1878 (Item)
H.P. Carter appointed Hawaiian Minister of Plenipotentiary at German Court, 1878 (File 901. AJCP Reel No: 6898)
1 item
Lord Odo Russell (Berlin) to Lord Derby: appointment of H.P. Cater as Hawaiian Minister Plenipotentiary at German Court, 23 January 1878 (Item)
School buildings in Germany, 1878 (File 909. AJCP Reel No: 6898)
1 item
Lord Odo Russell to Lord Salisbury: sends note from German Government on facilities for E. Combes to study schoolbuilding in Germany, 4 November 1878 (Item)
Treaty between US and Samoa, 1878 (File 912. AJCP Reel No: 6898)
6 items
Lord Derby to Lord Odo Russell: sends despatches from Minister at Washington on treaty between United States and Samoa, 7 March 1878 (Item)
Lord Salisbury to Lord Odo Russell: sends treaty, 27 March 1878 (Item)
Lord Salisbury to H. Dering: sends papers on Navigator Islands, 29 August 1878 (Item)
Lord Salisbury to H. Dering: German measures to obtain reparations from Samoa, 21 October 1878 (Item)
Lord Salisbury to Lord Odo Russell: sends papers to Samoa, 16 December 1878 (Item)
Lord Odo Russell to Lord Salisbury: German press report on crisis at Samoa and need for convention between Samoa and other countries, 20 November 1878 (Item)
Affairs of Samoa; jurisdiction of German consuls, 1878 (File 920. AJCP Reel No: 6898)
7 items
Lord Derby to Count Munster: seeks information on powers of German Consul at Samoa in holding courts and making laws, 4 March 1878 (Item)
Lord Derby to Count Munster: recall of British Consul at Samoa, 20 March 1878 (Item)
Baron Brincken to Lord Salisbury: sends memorandum on affairs of Samoa and judicial powers of German consuls, 20 August 1878 (Item)


Lord Salisbury to Baron von Brincken: British policy on Samoa; jurisdiction of British consuls, 16 September 1878 (Item)
Lord Salisbury to Count Munster: report that German Consul at Samoa has seized harbours as security for execution of agreement, 1 October 1878 (Item)
Count Munster to Lord Salisbury, 23 October 1878 (Item)

Sends protocol of 3 July 1877; reasons for seizure of Samoan ports; criticises actions of American Consul; urges Britain to make treaty with Samoan Government.

Count Munster to Foreign Office: acknowledges Order in Council of 13 Aug 1877 on government of British subjects in Western Pacific, 10 December 1878 (Item)
Construction of school buildings in Germany, 1878 (File 927. AJCP Reel No: 6898)
2 items
Colonial Office to Foreign Office, 27 September 1878 (Item)

Request E. Combes, Executive Commissioner for N.S.W. at Paris Exhibition, to visit Germany and Belgium to study sanitary improvements in construction of school buildings.

Foreign Office to Colonial Office: acknowledgement, 30 September 1878 (Item)
School buildings in Germany, 1878 (File 928. AJCP Reel No: 6898)
2 items
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: sends despatch from Lord Odo Russell on facilities offered by German Government to E. Combes, 7 November 1878 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: acknowledgement, 18 November 1878 (Item)
Germans to emigrate to island off New Guinea; Marquis de Rays, 1879 (File 935. AJCP Reel No: 6898)
1 items
Lord Odo Russell (Berlin) to Lord Salisbury, 31 October 1879 (Item)

Efforts of C. du Breuil, self-styled Marquis de Rays, to induce Germans to emigrate to islands off New Guinea.

Samoan affairs; treaty between Germany and Samoa, 1879 (File 938. AJCP Reel No: 6899)


Correspondence between Lord Salisbury and Lord Odo Russell, mainly dealing with Samoan affairs. Subjects include German purchase of harbours in Duke of York Group, appointment of a European Secretary to King of Tonga, treaty between Germany and Samoa, recognition of Malietoa as King of Samoa, French interests in Samoa, Uunited States claims to harbour of Pago Pago, possible annexation of Samoa, and Anglo-German cooperation in South Pacific.

Treaty of Commerce between Germany and Hawaii; Australian Exhibitions of, 1879 - 1880 (File 940. AJCP Reel No: 6899)
2 items
Lord Odo Russell to Lord Salisbury: negotiations for Treaty of Commerce between Germany and Hawaii, 12 February 1879 (Item)
Lord Odo Russell to Lord Salisbury: announcement in German press of Australian Exhibitions of 1879-80, 29 April 1879 (Item)
Sydney International Exhibition, 1879 (File 941. AJCP Reel No: 6899)
2 items
Lord Odo Russell to Lord Salisbury: report in Cologne Gazette of German Section of Sydney Exhibition, 5 December 1879 (Item)
Lord Odo Russell to Lord Salisbury: treatment of German goods exported to Australia, 20 December 1879 (Item)
Samoa; Tonga; New Britain, 1879 (File 942. AJCP Reel No: 6899)
13 items
Consular: Count Munster to Lord Salisbury: Anglo-German cooperation in Samoa, 25 January 1879 (Item)
Consular: Lord Salisbury to Count Munster: German support for treaty between Britain and Samoa, 11 February 1879 (Item)
Consular: Count Munster to Lord Salisbury: courageous conduct of English missionary Brown in leading punitive expedition against tribe in New Britain, 30 April 1879 (Item)
Consular: Lord Salisbury to Count Munster: missionary Brown, 26 May 1879 (Item)
Consular: Count Munster to Lord Salisbury: employment of European officials by King of Tonga, 26 May 1879 (Item)
Consular: German Embassy: Minute on Consul for Tonga at Sydney, 27 May 1879 (Item)
Consular: Lord Salisbury to Count Munster: Tongan Consul at Sydney, 5 June 1879 (Item)
Consular: Lord Salisbury to Count Munster: inquiry into conduct of Brown, 26 June 1879 (Item)
Consular: Count Munster to Lord Salisbury: appointment of German Consul in Pacific, 13 August 1879 (Item)
Consular: Count Munster to Lord Salisbury: establishment of government in Samoa by Malietoa, 11 September 1879 (Item)
Consular: Lord Salisbury to Count Munster: situation in Samoa, 22 November 1879 (Item)
Consular: Lord Salisbury to Count Munster: situation in Samoa, 29 November 1879 (Item)
Commercial: Agreement between King and Government of Samoa and foreign consuls, communicated by Baron von Brincken, 6 August 1879 (Item)
Melbourne and Sydney International Exhibitions, 1879 (File 943. AJCP Reel No: 6899)
5 items
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: offer by C. Lautenschlager to be German Agent for Melbourne Exhibition, 15 March 1879 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: acknowledgement, 21 March 1879 (Item)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office to Colonial Office: despatch from Lord Odo Russell on Melbourne International Exhibition, 21 April 1879 (Item)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: appointment of Dr Reuleaux as German Commissioner at Sydney Exhibition, 1 July 1879 (Item)
Tonga; Samoa, 1879 (File 947. AJCP Reel No: 6899)
3 items
Lord Salisbury to Sir John Walsham: conversation with Count Munster about financial adviser at Tonga, 14 June 1879 (Item)
T.V. Lister. Minute on financial adviser at Tonga, 19 June 1879 (Item)
Count Munster to Lord Salisbury: Fiji, 26 May 1879 (Item)
Fiji, 1879 (File 949. AJCP Reel No: 6899)
1 item
Colonial Office to Foreign Office, 20 December 1879 (Item)

Request of King of Samoa that Germany, United States and Britain set up a stable government in Navigator Islands.

German frigate Ariadne at Duke of York Islands, 1879 (File 952. AJCP Reel No: 6899)
1 item
Foreign Office to Admiralty, 21 February 1879 (Item)

Sends correspondence on purchase by captain of German frigate Ariadne of coaling stations in Duke of York Islands.

French protectorate of Raiatea, 1880 (File 957. AJCP Reel No: 6899)
4 items
Lord Granville. Note of conversation with Count Munster on French occupation of Raiatea, 10 July [1880] (Item)
Lord Granville to Lord Odo Russell: conversation with Count Munster about Raiatea; French adherence to 1847 Convention, 12 July 1880 (Item)
Lord Granville to Lord Odo Russell: sends letters on French protectorate of Raiatea, 19 July 1880 (Item)
Lord Granville to Lord Odo Russell: sends letters on French protectorate of Raiatea, 30 August 1880 (Item)
Sydney International Exhibition; treaty between Germany and Hawaii, 1880 (File 965. AJCP Reel No: 6899)
2 items
Lord Granville to Lord Odo Russell: complaint about treatment of goods sent from Germany to Sydney Exhibition, 23 June 1880 (Item)
Lord Odo Russell (Berlin) to Lord Granville: sends text of treaty between Germany and Hawaii, 19 June 1880 (Item)
New South Wales Royal Commission on Fisheries, 1880 (File 966. AJCP Reel No: 6899)
1 item
Lord Granville to Lord Odo Russell: forwards report of N.S.W. Royal Commission on fisheries for International Fisheries Commission, 17 August 1880 (Item)
British policy towards Samoa; possible annexation; Rev. S. Baker, 1880 (File 967. AJCP Reel No: 6900)

c. 240pp

Correspondence between Lord Salisbury, Lord Granville, Lord Odo Russell and Sir John Walsham, mainly dealing with Samoan affairs. Subjects include recognition of King of Samoa, stationing of warships at Samoa, possible annexation of Samoa, treaty between Britain and Tonga, hostility of Rev. S. Baker to Anglo-Tongan Treaty, visit of Sir Arthur Gordon to Apia, position of German Consul-General in Samoa, German South Sea Company, annexation of Rotumah, and British policy towards Samoa.

Ratification of Samoan Treaty, 1880 (File 968. AJCP Reel No: 6901)
9 items
Count Munster to Lord Salisbury: recognition of King of Samoa, 20 January 1880 (Item)
Lord Salisbury to Count Munster: acknowledgement, 26 January 1880 (Item)
Lord Salisbury to Count Munster: ratification of Samoan Treaty, 5 February 1880 (Item)
Count Munster to Lord Salisbury: relations between Sir Arthur Gordon and Capt. Zembsch, 8 March 1880 (Item)
Lord Salisbury to Count Munster: acknowledgement, 17 March 1880 (Item)
Lord Tenterden to Baron von Brincken: returns Samoan agreement, 7 August 1880 (Item)
Baron von Brincken to Lord Granville: municipal administration of Apia, 12 August 1880 (Item)
Lord Granville to Baron von Brincken: acknowledgement, 31 August 1880 (Item)
Lord Granville to Baron von Brincken: British policy towards Samoa, 7 September 1880 (Item)
Sydney International Exhibition; New South Wales Royal Commission on Fisheries; German Maritime Trading Company, 1880 (File 969. AJCP Reel No: 6901)
3 items
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: sends despatch from N.S.W. Governor on treatment of goods forwarded from Germany to Sydney Exhibition, 21 June 1880 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: sends copies of report of N.S.W. Royal Commission on Fisheries, 13 August 1880 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: New Zealand Parliamentary Paper on German Maritime Trading Company, 22 September 1880 (Item)
French annexation of Raiatea, 1880 (File 973. AJCP Reel No: 6901)
1 item
Count Munster to Lord Tenterden: report by German Consul at Papeete on French annexation of Raiatea, 17 June [1880] (Item)
Emigration to New Zealand, 1880 (File 976. AJCP Reel No: 6901)
3 items
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: petition of three families in Pomerania wishing to emigrate to New Zealand at expense of Government, 13 September 1880 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: suspension of free and assisted emigration to New Zealand, 15 September 1880 (Item)
Foreign Office to F. Krause: emigration to New Zealand, 18 September 1880 (Item)
Samoan affairs; Ethel Lomax, 1881 (File 986. AJCP Reel No: 6901)
12 items

Biographical / Historical

Lord Odo Russell was created Lord Ampthill on 7 March 1881.

Lord Granville to Lord Ampthill: thanks of New Zealand Government for assistance given by German gunboat Hyena to Active stranded near Samoa, 12 April 1881 (Item)
Lord Granville to Sir John Walsham: sends despatches on Samoan affairs; hopes German Consul-General will not give support to rebels, 25 June 1881 (Item)
Lord Granville to Sir John Walsham: case of Ethel Lomax referred to Sir Henry Parkes, 12 July 1881 (Item)
Lord Granville to Sir John Walsham: British and German policy on Samoa, 13 July 1881 (Item)
Lord Granville to Sir John Walsham: recognition of Malutoa Lampepa as King of Samoa, 26 July 1881 (Item)
Lord Granville to Lord Ampthill: case of Ethel Lomax, 26 September 1881 (Item)
Lord Granville to Lord Ampthill: recognition of Malutoa Lampepa as King of Samoa, 3 October 1881 (Item)
Lord Granville to Lord Ampthill: case of Ethel Lomax, 8 December 1881 (Item)
Sir John Walsham to Lord Granville: letter to N.S.W. Government about Ethel Lomax, 29 June 1881 (Item)
Sir John Walsham to Lord Granville: case of Ethel Lomax, 30 June 1881 (Item)
Sir John Walsham to Lord Granville: Discussion with Dr Busch on Samoan affairs, 1 July 1881 (Item)
Sir John Walsham to Lord Granville: recognition of Malutoa Lampepa as King of Samoa, 12 July 1881 (Item)
German trade and colonial policies, 1881 (File 989. AJCP Reel No: 6901)
2 items
Sir John Walsham to Lord Granville: memorandum by Count O. Bismarck on promotion of German trade with China, Japan and Australasia, 3 June 1881 (Item)


Sir John Walsham to Lord Granville: German colonial policy, 3 June 1881 (Item)
Sydney International Exhibition and affairs of Samoa, 1881 (File 990. AJCP Reel No: 6901)
6 items
Commercial: Lord Granville to Count Munster: presentation of Sydney Exhibition Gold Medal to German Emperor, 27 January 1881 (Item)
Commercial: Lord Granville to Count Munster: Sydney Exhibition Gold Medal, 14 July 1881 (Item)
Consular: Baron von Brincken to Lord Tenterden: sends memorandum on ratification of Apia Convention, 20 April 1881 (Item)


Consular: Baron von Brincken to Foreign Office: recognition of Malutoa Lampepa, 25 July 1881 (Item)
Consular: F. Stumm: Tonga Treaty, [28 July 1881] (Item)
Consular: F. Stumm: Correspondence concerning disturbance in Apia, 15 November 1881 (Item)
Presentation by German Government of works of art to Art Gallery of New South Wales; presentation of Sydney Exhibition Gold Medal to German Emperor, 1881 (File 991. AJCP Reel No: 6901)
2 items
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: sends despatch of N.S.W. Governor on presentation by German Government of works of art to Sydney Gallery, 7 January 1881 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: presentation of Sydney Exhibition Gold Medal to German Emperor, 9 July 1881 (Item)
Ethel Lomax; disappearance of Lamont Young in New South Wales; Anglo-German cooperation in Tonga, 1881 (File 994. AJCP Reel No: 6901)
6 items
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: case of Ethel Lomax, 12 July 1881 (Item)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: case of Ethel Lomax, 22 July 1881 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: papers on Ethel Lomax sent to N.S.W. Government, 22 July 1881 (Item)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: case of Ethel Lomax, 14 September 1881 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: despatch to N.S.W. Government on Ethel Lomax, 22 September 1881 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: sends reply from N.S.W. Government on Ethel Lomax, 28 December 1881 (Item)
German Consul-General for Australia, 1881 (File 996. AJCP Reel No: 6901)
2 items
Count Munster to Lord Granville: extension of district of German Consul-General for Australia to include Tasmania and New Zealand, 19 May 1881 (Item)
Lord Granville to Count Munster: extension of district of German Consul-General for Australia, 18 June 1881 (Item)
German Consul-General for Australia, 1881 (File 997. AJCP Reel No: 6901)
4 items
Count Munster to Lord Granville: extension of district of German Consul-General for Australia, 2 July 1881 (Item)
Lord Granville to Count Munster: acknowledgement, 18 July 1881 (Item)
F. Stumm to Lord Granville: extension of district of German Consul-General for Australia to include Fiji, 25 August 1881 (Item)
Lord Granville to F. Stumm: acknowledgement, 27 August 1881 (Item)
German Consul-General for Australia, 1881 (File 998. AJCP Reel No: 6901)
2 items
Lord Granville to F. Stumm: extension of district of German Consul-General for Australia to include Fiji, 9 September 1881 (Item)
Count Munster to Lord Granville: commission of German Consul-General for Australia, 27 October 1881 (Item)
German Consul-General for Australia, 1881 (File 1001. AJCP Reel No: 6901)
2 items
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: extension of jurisdiction of German Consul-General for Australia to include Fiji, 27 August 1881 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: acknowledgement, 7 September 1881 (Item)
Ethel Lomax, 1882 (File 1010. AJCP Reel No: 6901)
8 items
Lord Granville to Lord Ampthill: despatch from N.S.W. Governor on Ethel Lomax, 9 January 1882 (Item)
Lord Granville to Lord Ampthill: disappearance of L. Young and party in N.S.W.; seeks information about suspect C. Schneider, 28 February 1882 (Item)
Lord Granville to Lord Ampthill: case of L. Young and party, 15 May 1882 (Item)
Lord Granville to Lord Ampthill: Anglo-German cooperation in Tonga, 25 September 1882 (Item)
Lord Ampthill (Berlin) to Lord Granville: Ethel Lomax case, 16 January 1882 (Item)
Lord Ampthill to Lord Granville: disappearance of L. Young, 20 May 1882 (Item)
Lord Ampthill to Lord Granville: Anglo-German cooperation in Tonga, 6 October 1882 (Item)
Lord Ampthill to Lord Granville: no information about whereabouts of C. Schneider, 16 December 1882 (Item)
Signal station in Tasmania, 1882 (File 1012. AJCP Reel No: 6901)
1 item
Lord Granville to Count Munster: sends information on only signal station in Tasmania, 4 March 1882 (Item)
Signal station in Tasmania, 1882 (File 1013. AJCP Reel No: 6901)
1 item
Admiralty to Foreign Office: sends despatch on time signal station in Tasmania, 25 February 1882 (Item)
Information on C. Schneider, 1882 (File 1016. AJCP Reel No: 6901)
4 items
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: seeks information about whereabouts of C.Schneider, 10 May 1882 (Item)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: acknowledgement, 15 May 1882 (Item)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: reply from Ampthill about C. Schneider, 25 May 1882 (Item)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: further reply from Lord Ampthill, 23 December 1882 (Item)
C. Schneider; disappearance of W. Easson in Pacific, 1883 (File 1029. AJCP Reel No: 6901)
7 items
Lord Granville to Lord Ampthill: thanks for assistance in search of C. Schneider, 22 January 1883 (Item)
Lord Granville to Lord Ampthill: requests German documents on Samoa in 1879 for use in legal proceedings involving Sir Arthur Gordon, 3 February 1883 (Item)
Lord Granville to Lord Ampthill: seeks information about W. Easson, believed to have been drowned while on German warship Carola in South Pacific, 5 September 1883 (Item)
Lord Ampthill (Berlin) to Lord Granville: Samoan documents, 10 February 1883 (Item)
Lord Ampthill to Lord Granville: Samoan documents despatched to German Embassy in London, 14 February 1883 (Item)
Lord Ampthill to Lord Granville: sends report from commander of Carola on disappearance in Pacific of W. Easson, 28 September 1883 (Item)
Lord Ampthill to Lord Granville: further information on W. Easson, 27 October 1883 (Item)
Search for C. Schneider; abuses in labour traffic in New Britain and New Ireland, 1883 (File 1041. AJCP Reel No: 6901)
2 items
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: thanks of Major-General Young for assistance of German Government in search of C. Schneider, 13 January 1883 (Item)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: sends note from German Charge d'Affaires about abuses in labour traffic in New Britain and New Ireland, 24 September 1883 (Item)
Books from Royal Library, Berlin sent to Victoria. Cape Colony and Canada, 1883 (File 1046. AJCP Reel No: 6901)
1 item
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: transmission of books from Royal Library in Berlin to Victoria, Cape Colony and Canada, 18 May 1883 (Item)
Mrs Schmalfuss and Ludwig Leichhardt, 1884 (File 1049. AJCP Reel No: 6901)
1 item
Lord Ampthill (Berlin) to Lord Granville: application of Mrs Schmalfuss for financial assistance; her relationship with explorer L. Leichhardt, 29 February 1884 (Item)
Estate of E. Albert at Honolulu; possible British annexation of Samoa; effects of W. Easson, 1884 (File 1054. AJCP Reel No: 6901)
3 items
Lord Ampthill to Lord Granville: estate of E. Albert of Honolulu, 21 July 1884 (Item)
Sir Edward Malet (Berlin) to Lord Granville: possible British annexation of Samoa (cable), 1 December 1884 (Item)
Sir Edward Malet to Lord Granville: effects of W. Easson, British sailor on Carola in Pacific, 10 December 1884 (Item)
Control of labour traffic in Pacific, 1884 (File 1061. AJCP Reel No: 6901)
1 item
Baron Plessen to Foreign Office: requests return of paper on control of labour traffic in South Seas, 29 September 1884 (Item)
Free labour in Pacific, 1884 (File 1064. AJCP Reel No: 6901)
2 items
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: publication of paper of Baron Plessen on free labour in Pacific, 16 February 1884 (Item)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: outrages in Western Pacific, 20 August 1884 (Item)
Mrs Schmalfuss and Ludwig Leichhardt, 1884 (File 1071. AJCP Reel No: 6901)
1 item
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: sends despatch from Berlin on Mrs Schmalfuss and her relationship with L. Leichhardt, 4 March 1884 (Item)
Educational systems in Europe, 1885 (File 1074. AJCP Reel No: 6901)
1 item
Lord Granville to Sir Edward Malet: introduces R. Laishley, Chairman of New Zealand Education Board, investigating educational systems in Europe, 13 May 1885 (Item)
Affairs of New Guinea, 1885 (File 1076. AJCP Reel No: 6901)
2 items
Sir Edward Malet (Berlin) to Lord Granville, 24 January 1885 (Item)

Discussion with Prince Bismarck on Anglo-German relations and acquisition of colonies, including New Guinea (12pp).

C. Scott (Berlin) to Lord Granville: interview with Dr Busch about New Guinea, 5 March 1885 (Item)
Dispute over Caroline Islands; report from commander of Albatross, 1885 (File 1080. AJCP Reel No: 6901)
1 item
Sir Edward Malet to Lord Salisbury: dispute between Germany and Spain over Caroline Islands; report awaited from commander of Albatross, 4 November 1885 (Item)
Caroline and Pellew Islands, 1885 (File 1081. AJCP Reel No: 6901)
1 item
Lord Salisbury to C. Scott: support of British Government for German protectorate over Caroline and Pellew Islands (cable), 7 August 1885 (Item)
Pacific and Queensland labour trade, 1885 (File 1082. AJCP Reel No: 6901)
11 items
Lord Granville to Sir Edward Malet: correspondence on labour traffic in South Seas, 15 January 1885 (Item)
Lord Granville to Sir Edward Malet: suggests discussion with German Government on Pacific labour trade, 17 February 1885 (Item)
Lord Granville to C. Scott: Pacific labour trade, 11 March 1885 (Item)
Lord Granville to C. Scott: Pacific labour trade, 11 March 1885 (Item)
Lord Salisbury to Sir Edward Malet: recruitment of labourers in Pacific for service in Queensland, 12 September 1885 (Item)
Lord Salisbury to Sir Edward Malet: discussion with Baron Plessen concerning Queensland labour trade, 29 September 1885 (Item)
Lord Salisbury to Sir Edward Malet: recruitment of labourers for Queensland, 9 October 1885 (Item)
Sir Edward Malet to Lord Granville: Pacific labour trade, 17 February 1885 (Item)
Sir Edward Malet to Lord Granville: Pacific labour trade, 22 February 1885 (Item)
C. Scott to Lord Granville: treatment of native labourers on German plantations in Samoa, 14 March 1885 (Item)
Sir Edward Malet to Lord Salisbury: Pacific labour trade, 25 September 1885 (Item)
Extradition of Egremont; affairs of Caroline Islands, 1885 (File 1086. AJCP Reel No: 6901)
3 items
C. Scott to Lord Salisbury: extradition case of Egremont, charged with embezzlement in South Australia, 5 December 1885 (Item)
C. Scott to Lord Salisbury: draft agreement between Germany and Spain concerning Caroline Islands (cable), 8 December 1885 (Item)
C. Scott to Lord Salisbury: instructions to German Minister at Madrid, 11 December 1885 (Item)
Pacific labourers; outrages committed on Douro, 1885 (File 1089. AJCP Reel No: 6901)
4 items
[Count Munster to Lord Granville], 21 February 1885 (Item)
[Baron Plessen to Lord Salisbury]: recruitment of native labourers from German islands in Pacific, 29 September 1885 (Item)
[Baron Plessen to Lord Salisbury]: violent acts against South Sea Islanders by master of Portuguese ship Douro, 17 November 1885 (Item)
Lord Salisbury to Count Hatzfeldt: representation to Portuguese Government concerning outrages committed by Douro, 14 December 1885 (Item)
Pacific labourers on German plantations; recruitment of labourers for Queensland, 1885 (File 1096. AJCP Reel No: 6901)
11 items
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: treatment of Polynesian labourers on German plantations in Samoa, 11 March 1885 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office, 9 April 1885 (Item)

Sends despatch from Acting High Commissioner for Western Pacific on treatment of labourers on German plantations in Samoa.

Colonial Office to Foreign Office: proposed introduction into Queensland of native labourers from German islands in Pacific, 17 August 1885 (Item)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: instructions to Governor of Queensland, 20 August 1885 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: instructions to Governor of Queensland, 28 August 1885 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: despatch from Queensland Governor, 2 September 1885 (Item)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: communication by Baron Plessen on recruitment of native labourers on German islands, 20 October 1885 (Item)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: conversation between Lord Salisbury and Count Munster on recruitment of labourers for Queensland, 21 October 1885 (Item)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: reported kidnapping on German schooner Upolu, 5 November 1885 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: Pacific labour traffic; need for international agreement, 13 November 1885 (Item)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: irregularities committed by Douro in Pacific, 20 November 1885 (Item)
Samoan affairs, 1885 (File 1099. AJCP Reel No: 6901)
1 item
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: Sydney Morning Herald report on Samoan affairs, 20 April 1885 (Item)
British and German spheres of influence in Pacific, 1885 (File 1100. AJCP Reel No: 6901)
2 items
Foreign Office to Colonial Office, 27 October 1885 (Item)

Negotiations with German Government on demarcation of German and British spheres of influence in Pacific.

Foreign Office to Admiralty: sends information on Bradley's Reef and Keats' Bank in Pacific, 23 December 1885 (Item)
Fiji land claims, 1875 - 1883 (File 1107. AJCP Reel No: 6902)
Fiji land claims, 1884 (File 1108. AJCP Reel No: 6902)
Fiji land claims, 1885 (File 1109. AJCP Reel No: 6902)
Fiji land claims, 1885 (File 1110. AJCP Reel No: 6903)

Pieces 1107-1110 deal with new regulations on debts following the British annexation of Fiji, losses suffered by German subjects in the conflict between natives and the crew of H.M.S. Challenger in 1868, claims of German subjects to land titles in Fiji 1879-85, losses incurred through delays in settlement of claims, German proposals for a mixed Commission to hear claims, pressure on Count Bismarck by commercial interests to acquire Pacific colonies, establishment of the Anglo-German Commission (1885), German White Book on Fiji, appointment of J.B. Thurston and R. Wright as British Commissioners, report of Fiji Land Claims Commission (April 1885). Correspondents include Count Munster, Lord Derby, Lord Salisbury, Sir Arthur Gordon, Lord Granville, Lord Ampthill, C. Sahl, Sir Edward Malet.

Events in Samoa, 1886 (File 1111. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
1 item
Lord Salisbury to Sir Edward Malet: meeting with Count Hatzfeldt about events in Samoa; Roumelian difficulty, 12 January 1886 (Item)
Kidnapping of natives from New Hebrides, 1886 (File 1123. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
1 item
Lord Rosebery to Sir Edward Malet: reported kidnapping of New Hebrides natives by Samoan vessel under German flag, 26 February 1886 (Item)
Colonial Policy, Annexation in New Guinea, the Pacific, etc., 1876 - September 1884 (File 1144. AJCP Reel No: 3687-3688)
Colonial Policy, Annexation in New Guinea, the Pacific, etc., October 1884 - December 1884 (File 1145. AJCP Reel No: 3688)
Colonial Policy, Annexation in New Guinea, the Pacific, etc., 1 January 1885 - 26 January 1885 (File 1146. AJCP Reel No: 3688-3689)
Colonial Policy, Annexation in New Guinea, the Pacific, etc., 27 January 1885 - 7 February 1885 (File 1147. AJCP Reel No: 3689)
Colonial Policy, Annexation in New Guinea, the Pacific, etc., 8 February 1885 - 2 March 1885 (File 1148. AJCP Reel No: 2689-3690)
Colonial Policy, Annexation in New Guinea, the Pacific, etc., 3 March 1885 - 14 March 1885 (File 1149. AJCP Reel No: 3690)
Colonial Policy, Annexation in New Guinea, the Pacific, etc., 25 March 1885 - 31 December 1885 (File 1150. AJCP Reel No: 3690-3691)
Colonial Policy, Annexation in New Guinea, the Pacific, etc., January 1886 - March 1886 (File 1151. AJCP Reel No: 3691)
Colonial Policy, Annexation in New Guinea, the Pacific, etc., April 1886 - December 1886 (File 1152. AJCP Reel No: 3691-3692)
Request of Victorian Government for set of new German infantry equipment, 1887 (File 1154. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
3 items
Lord Salisbury to Sir Edward Malet: request of Victorian Government for set of new German infantry equipment, 28 October 1887 (Item)
Lord Salisbury to Sir Edward Malet: request of J. Service, Victorian Premier, that G. Techow be permitted to visit Germany, 28 November 1887 (Item)
Lord Salisbury to Sir Edward Malet: thanks of Victorian Government for set of infantry equipment, 19 December 1887 (Item)
Official gazette on route of Australian Chief Line of German Imperial Steamers, 1887 (File 1158. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
1 item
C. Scott (Berlin) to Lord Salisbury: sends extract from Official Gazette on route of Australian Chief Line of German Imperial Steamers, 22 July 1887 (Item)
C. Schneider, 1887 (File 1162. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
1 item
Sir Edward Malet (Berlin) to Lord Salisbury, 22 October 1887 (Item)

Letter to Prince Bismarck requesting further inquiries about C. Schneider, member of Lamont Young survey party in N.S.W.

Melbourne International Exhibition; inclusion of German New Guinea Protectorate in Postal Union, 1887 (File 1165. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
4 items
Sir Edward Malet to Lord Salisbury, 30 October 1887 (Item)

Appointment of Imperial Commissioners to supervise German exhibition at Melbourne International Exhibition.

Sir Edward Malet to Lord Salisbury: sends notice about Melbourne Exhibition, 8 November 1887 (Item)
Sir Edward Malet to Lord Salisbury: Melbourne Exhibition, 11 November 1887 (Item)
Sir Edward Malet to Lord Salisbury: inclusion of German New Guinea Protectorate in Postal Union, 29 December 1887 (Item)
Labour traffic in New Hebrides; incident at Aurora Islands, 1887 (File 1171. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
1 item
German Embassy, 3 October 1887 (Item)

Note verbale on labour traffic in New Hebrides and alleged outrages committed by German vessels at Aurora Islands (15pp).

Adelaide Jubilee Exhibition; Melbourne International Exhibition; dry-docking of German mail steamers in Sydney, 1887 (File 1172. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
7 items
Count Hatzfeldt to Lord Salisbury: attendance of German Consul at Adelaide Jubilee Exhibition, 26 March 1887 (Item)
Lord Salisbury to Count Hatzfeldt: acknowledgement, 31 March 1887 (Item)
Count Hatzfeldt to Lord Salisbury: publicity about Melbourne International Exhibition, 15 June 1887 (Item)
Baron Plessen to Lord Salisbury: appointment of Imperial Commissioners to Melbourne Exhibition, 2 November 1887 (Item)
Foreign Office to Baron Plessen: acknowledgement, 7 November 1887 (Item)
Count Hatzfeldt to Lord Salisbury: dry docking of German mail steamers at Sydney, 15 November 1887 (Item)
Foreign Office to Count Hatzfeldt: dry docking at Sydney, 21 November 1887 (Item)
Jurisdiction of German Vice-Consul at Cooktown, 1887 (File 1175. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
3 items
General Post Office to Foreign Office: German packets on Australian Line, 4 August 1887 (Item)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: jurisdiction of German Vice-Consul at Cooktown, 19 August 1887 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: jurisdiction of German Vice-Consul at Cooktown, 25 August 1887 (Item)
Kidnapping of natives from New Hebrides; case of C. Schneider, 1887 (File 1176. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
4 items
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: alleged kidnapping in New Hebrides by vessel under German flag, 20 April 1887 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: request by Major-General C. Young, father of Lamont Young, for further search for C. Schneider, 7 October 1887 (Item)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: sends note verbale from German Embassy on alleged kidnapping of natives at New Hebrides, 15 October 1887 (Item)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: inquiries about C. Schneider, 19 October 1887 (Item)
South Australian Jubilee Exhibition, 1887 (File 1177. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
3 items
Sir Julian Pauncefote: Note on publicity in Germany for South Australian Exhibition, 5 January 1887 (Item)
Foreign Office to Royal Commission for Adelaide Exhibition: German representative at Exhibition, 31 March 1887 (Item)
J. Sandford to Foreign Office: acknowledgement, 1 April 1887 (Item)
Melbourne International Exhibition, 1887 (File 1178. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
1 item
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: publicity in Germany for Melbourne Exhibition, 20 June 1887 (Item)
Melbourne International Exhibition; dry-docking of German mail steamers in Sydney, 1887 (File 1179. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
2 items
H. Jekyll to Foreign Office: Melbourne Centennial Exhibition, 11 November 1887 (Item)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: dry docking at Sydney for German mail steamers, 21 November 1887 (Item)
C. Schneider, 1888 (File 1190. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
1 item
Sir Edward Malet (Berlin) to Lord Salisbury: fruitless inquiries about C. Schneider, 31 December 1888 (Item)
Melbourne International Exhibition, 1888 (File 1192. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
1 item
C. Scott (Berlin) to Lord Salisbury: request of M. Buchner, President of Munich Ethnological Museum, to attend Melbourne Exhibition, 16 August 1888 (Item)
Pacific labourers from Bismarck Archipelago, 1888 (File 1197. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
4 items
Count Leyden. Note concerning ships from Queensland landing natives from Bismarck Archipelago on islands other than their homes, [18 June 1888] (Item)
Lord Salisbury to Count Hatzfeldt: complaint will be referred to Governments of Queensland and Fiji; seeks more precise information, 16 July 1888 (Item)
Count Leyden to Lord Salisbury: sends ordinance of New guinea Company on export of native labourers, 24 September 1888 (Item)
Lord Salisbury to Count Leyden: acknowledgement, 1 October 1888 (Item)
Melbourne International Exhibition, 1888 (File 1198. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
2 items
Count Hatzfeldt to Lord Salisbury: German Government seeks amount of space originally assigned at Melbourne Exhibition, 14 March 1888 (Item)
Lord Salisbury to Count Hatzfeldt: additional space granted at Melbourne Exhibition, 6 April 1888 (Item)
German Government unable to participate in Educational Court of Melbourne Exhibition, 1888 (File 1199. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
1 item
Count Leyden. German Government unable to participate in Educational Court of Melbourne Exhibition, 9 July 1888 (Item)
Pacific labourers; complaints of New Guinea Company, 1888 (File 1203. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
4 items
Foreign Office to Colonial Office, 2 July 1888 (Item)

Complaint of German Government that British ships carrying labourers from Queensland and Fiji had not returned them to their islands in Bismarck Archipelago.

Colonial Office to Foreign Office: seeks more specific information, 12 July 1888 (Item)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: sends reply of Count Leyden and complaints of New Guinea Company, 1 October 1888 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: sends copies of despatches to Queensland and Fijian Governments, 15 October 1888 (Item)
Melbourne International Exhibition; German parcel service to Australia, 1888 (File 1204. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
3 items
General Post Office to Foreign Office: despatch from Sir Edward Malet on German parcel post service to Far East and Australia, 2 February 1888 (Item)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: space allotted to German Court at Melbourne Exhibition, 15 March 1888 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: Melbourne Exhibition, 4 April 1888 (Item)
Melbourne International Exhibition, 1888 (File 1205. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
1 item
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: German Government unable to make arrangement in time to send exhibits or Commissioner to Melbourne Exhibition, 12 July 1888 (Item)
Colonial Policy, Annexation in New Guinea, the Pacific, etc., 1887 - 1888 (File 1208. AJCP Reel No: 3692-3693)
Support for Mataafa in Samoa, 1889 (File 1215. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
1 item
W. Beauclerk (Berlin) to Lord Salisbury: Count Bismarck suggests British residents in Samoa be dissuaded from supporting Mataafa (cable), 26 September 1888 (Item)
Samoan Conference, 1889 (File 1216. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
1 item
Sir Edward Malet (Berlin) to B. Barrington: Samoa Conference; suggests plenipotentiaries have full powers, 13 April 1888 (Item)
Australian requests for commercial information, 1889 (File 1217. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
3 items
Foreign Office to W. Beauclerk, 14 August 1888 (Item)

Introduces W. Steinfeld, former President of Victorian Chamber of Manufacturers, visiting Germany to study art and industrial schools.

Foreign Office to W. Beauclerk: thanks of Victorian Agent-General for information on drainage system of Berlin, 30 August 1888 (Item)
Foreign Office to Sir Edward Malet: Queensland Government requests samples of Wagner's flat pea for experimentation, 21 November 1888 (Item)
Trade between Australia and Germany, 1889 (File 1219. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
1 item
C. Dundas (Hamburg) to Lord Salisbury, 12 August 1888 (Item)

German trade projects; proposed establishment of German-Australian Bank with aim of developing German trade with Australia.

Unknown shoal off coast of Western Australia, 1889 (File 1220. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
1 item
W. Powell (Stettin) to Lord Salisbury: sends report by master of Miako on unknown shoal off coast of Western Australia, 3 August 1888 (Item)
Failures to return Bismarck Islanders to their archipelago; amendment to Samoan Treaty, 1889 (File 1223. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
4 items
Lord Salisbury to Count Hatzfeldt, 14 March 1889 (Item)

Complaint about failure of British vessels to land natives of Bismarck Archipelago at proper homes (draft).

Lord Salisbury to Count Hatzfeldt: labout traffic between Fiji and Bismarck Archipelago (draft), 9 April 1889 (Item)
Count Hatzfeldt. Note verbale on amendment to Samoa Treaty, 25 June 1889 (Item)
Lord Salisbury to Count Hatzfeldt: agrees to amendment, 29 June 1889 (Item)
Commercial matters, including Dr Ruhland's visit to Australia and New Zealand; dry-docking facilities in Sydney, 1889 (File 1224. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
6 items
Foreign Office to Count Hatzfeldt, 15 January 1889 (Item)

Sends letter of introduction for Dr Ruhland, visiting Australia and New Zealand to study agriculture, trade and immigration.

Foreign Office to Count Hatzfeldt: dry docking facilities provided to German and French mail steamers at Sydney, 21 January 1889 (Item)
Foreign Office to Count Leyden: action of London Customs House in opening goods in transit to German New Guinea, 6 March 1889 (Item)
Foreign Office to Count Hatzfeldt: recognition of German masters' certificates under Victorian Marine Board Act, 12 March 1889 (Item)
Foreign Office to Count Hatzfeldt: Victorian and New Zealand Governments promise assistance to Dr Ruhland, 3 May 1889 (Item)
Foreign Office to Count Hatzfeldt: reply of Treasury on opening of goods of German New Guinea Co. at London Customs House, 16 May 1889 (Item)
Powers of German Consuls in Britain concerning interstate estates, 1889 (File 1227. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
4 items
Colonial Office to Foreign Office, 26 October 1889 (Item)

Claim by German Consul at Fiji to administer estate of intestate German subject without giving bond.

Foreign Office to Board of Inland Revenue: inquires about powers of Consuls in Britain to administer estates, 6 November 1889 (Item)
Board of Inland Revenue to Foreign Office: powers of Consuls in Britain concerning intestate estates, 14 November 1889 (Item)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: forwards letter from Board of Inland Revenue, 19 November 1889 (Item)
Failure to return Bismarck Islanders to their homes; C. Schneider, 1889 (File 1228. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
7 items
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: unsuccessful attempts to trace C. Schneider, 15 January 1889 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office, 6 March 1889 (Item)

Sends despatch from Queensland Administrator on failure of ships to land natives at proper homes in Bismarck Archipelago.

Colonial Office to Foreign Office: sends despatch from Governor of Fiji on return of natives to Bismarck Archipelago, 12 March 1889 (Item)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: sends draft reply to Count Hatzfeldt on return of natives to Bismarck Archipelago, 27 March 1889 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: agreement of Lord Knutsford to reply, 4 April 1889 (Item)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: note to Count Hatzfeldt, 13 April 1889 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: payment by Major-General Young for search for C. Schneider, 4 September 1889 (Item)
Dr Ruhland's visit to Australia and New Zealand; inspection of goods of German New Guinea Company, 1889 (File 1229. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
7 items
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: visit of Dr M. Bushner of Munich Ethnological Museum to Melbourne Exhibition, 4 January 1889 (Item)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: requests letters of introductions for Dr Ruhland for visit to Australia and New Zealand, 9 January 1889 (Item)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: recognition of German masters certificates by Victorian Marine Board, 28 February 1889 (Item)
Foreign Office to Board of Customs: inspection of goods of German New Guinea Co, 6 March 1889 (Item)
Board of Customs to Foreign Office: unable to make exception to rule, 7 March 1889 (Item)
Foreign Office to Treasury: inspection of goods of German New Guinea Co., 11 March 1889 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: undertaking of New Zealand and Victorian Government to help Dr Ruhland, 30 April 1889 (Item)
Inspection of goods of German New Guinea Company; recognition of German masters certificates; establishment of German bank Australia, 1889 (File 1230. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
10 items
Treasury to Foreign Office: inspection by Customs of goods of German New Guinea Co., 9 May 1889 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: recognition of German masters certificates by Victorian Government, 8 August 1889 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: visit of W. Steinfeld of Melbourne to German to inquire into art and industrial schools, 12 August 1889 (Item)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: sends despatch from Consul at Hamburg on proposed establishment of German Bank in Australia, 16 August 1889 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: sends letter from Board of Trade on recognition of German masters certificates, 20 August 1889 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: thanks of Victorian Agent-General for publication on drainage of Berlin, 26 August 1889 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: visit of W. Steinfeld to Germany, 12 September 1889 (Item)
Colonial Offie to Foreign Office: recognition of German masters certificates in Victoria, 25 September 1889 (Item)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: acknowledgement, 28 September 1889 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: thanks of Queensland Agent-General for seeds of Wagner's flat pea, 21 December 1889 (Item)
Certified copies of protocol of Samoan Conference in Berlin, April 1889 - June 1889 (File 1232. AJCP Reel No: 6903)

(157pp). Certified copies of protocol of Samoan Conference, Berlin (printed).

Publications on Prussian prisons and reformation, 1890 (File 1236. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
1 item
P. Trench (Berlin) to Lord Salisbury: sends publications on Prussian prisons and reformation for N.S.W. Government, 1 September 1890 (Item)
Publication of Samoan Treaty, 1890 (File 1237. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
1 item
Sir Edward Malet (Berlin) to Lord Salisbury: publication of Samoan Treaty (cable), 20 January 1890 (Item)
Ratification of Samoan Treaty, 1890 (File 1238. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
4 items
Foreign Office to Sir Edward Malet: ratification by Queen Victoria of final Act of Samoan Conference, 14 March 1890 (Item)
Foreign Office to Sir Edward Malet: inquires about date of ratification of Samoan Treaty, 26 March 1890 (Item)
Foreign Office to Sir Edward Malet: date of ratification, 11 April 1890 (Item)
Sir Edward Malet to Lord Salisbury: views of Count Bismarck on ratification of final Act of Samoan Conference, 15 February 1890 (Item)
Emigration of German indentured labourers to Queensland, 1890 (File 1240. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
1 item
P. Trench to Lord Salisbury: sends report by Consul General W. Weber on emigration of German indentured labourers to Queensland, 4 October 1890 (Item)
Protocol of General Act of Samoan Conference, 1890 (File 1244. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
1 item
Count Hatzfeldt to Lord Salisbury: sends protocol of General Act of Samoan Conference, 16 April 1890 (Item)
Removal of Rev. S. Baker from Tonga; request of Capt. J. Byron of Queensland Artillery to attend autumn manoeuvres of German Army, 1891 (File 1252. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
2 items
Lord Salisbury to Sir Edward Malet: removal of Rev. S. Baker from Tonga; rumour that he plans to proceed to Germany and United States, 2 May 1891 (Item)
Lord Salisbury to Sir Edward Malet: request of Capt. J. Byron of Queensland Artillery to attend autumn manoeuvres of German Army, 3 August 1891 (Item)
Conferral of honorary diploma on Lord Hopetoun by Leipzig Museum, 1891 (File 1253. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
2 items
P. Trench (Berlin) to Lord Salisbury: conferral of honorary diploma on Lord Hopetoun by Leipzig Ethnological Museum, 3 February 1891 (Item)
Sir Edward Malet (Berlin) to Lord Salisbury: letter from Lord Hopetoun to Leipzig Museum, 26 May 1891 (Item)
Request of Capt. J. Byron of Queensland Artillery to attend autumn manoeuvres of German Army; financial estimates for German colonies, 1891 (File 1254. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
2 items
Sir Edward Malet to Lord Salisbury: request of Capt. J. Byron of Queensland to attend manoeuvres of German Army, 9 August 1891 (Item)
Sir Edward Malet to Lord Salisbury: financial estimates for GErman colonies, including Marshall Islands and New Guinea, 21 August 1891 (Item)
Attack by New Guinea natives on party of Germans, 1891 (File 1262. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
3 items
R. Jenish to Lord Salisbury: murderous attack by New Guinea natives on party of Germans in 1887, 14 October 1891 (Item)
Lord Salisbury to Count Hatzfeldt: attack by New Guinea natives on party of Germans (draft), 20 October 1891 (Item)
Lord Salisbury to Count Hatzfeldt: attack on crew of cutter Celia, 26 October 1891 (Item)
Capt. J. Byron, 1891 (File 1267. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
5 items
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: sends despatch from Lord Hopetoun thanking Leipzig Anthropological Museum for diploma, 22 May 1891 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: request of Capt. J. Byron of Queensland Artillery to attend manoeuvres of German Army, 30 July 1891 (Item)
Foreign Office to War Office: request of Capt. J. Byron, 10 August 1891 (Item)
War Office to Foreign Office: Commander in Chief considers request of Capt. J. Byron should be dropped, 20 August 1891 (Item)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: forwards War Office views on request of Capt. J. Byron, 21 August 1891 (Item)
Export of Australian tinned meat to Germany, 1893 (File 1298. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
2 items
Foreign Office to M. Gosselin: alleged differential treatment by Germany of tinned meat from Australia and United States, 23 October 1893 (Item)
Foreign Office to M. Gosselin, 16 November 1893 (Item)

Import of tinned meat; refers to 1865 Commercial Treaty; Australian exports should receive same treatment as American exports.

Export of Australian tinned meat to Germany, 1893 (File 1300. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
1 item
M. Gosselin (Berlin) to Lord Rosebery, 31 October 1893 (Item)

Complaint of Alexander & Co. about differential treatment of tinned meat exported from Australia to Germany.

Expedition of K. Ribbe to Solomon Islands, 1893 (File 1308. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
3 items
Count Hatzfeldt to Lord Rosebery: expedition of scientist K. Ribbe to Solomon Islands; seeks assistance of local authorities, 9 December 1893 (Item)
Lord Rosebery to Count Hatzfeldt: Commander in Chief of Australian Station directed to help K. Ribbe (draft), 26 December 1893 (Item)
Lord Rosebery to Count Hatzfeldt: High Commissioner for Western Pacific directed to help K. Ribbe, 29 December 1893 (Item)
Expedition of K. Ribbe to Solomon Islands, 1893 (File 1312. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
3 items
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: visit of K. Ribbe to Solomon Islands, 15 December 1893 (Item)
Admiralty to Foreign Office: visit of K. Ribbe to Solomon Islands, 20 December 1893 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: visit of K. Ribbe; at present no resident official in Solomon Islands, 27 December 1893 (Item)
Colonial Policy, Annexation in New Guinea, the Pacific, etc., 1889 - 1893 (File 1323. AJCP Reel No: 3693)
Visit of naturalist A. Willey to New Britain; Australian opposition to German annexation of Samoa, 1894 (File 1324. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
2 items
Lord Kimberly to Sir Edward Malet, 25 July 1894 (Item)

Visit of naturalist A. Willey to New Britain; seeks letters of introduction from German authorities.

Lord Kimberly to Sir Edward Malet, 19 November 1894 (Item)

Discussion with Count Hatzfeldt on Anglo-German relations; Australian opposition to German annexation of Samoa.

German annexation of Samoa, 1894 (File 1326. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
1 item
Sir Edward Malet (Berlin) to Lord Kimberley, 8 December 1894 (Item)

Talk with Baron von Marschall on Anglo-German relations; withdrawal of American opposition to annexation of Samoa.

Preference given to imported American tinned meat, 1894 (File 1330. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
1 item
Sir Edward Malet to Lord Rosebery, 26 January 1894 (Item)

Sends note from German Foreign Office on complaint of Alexander & Co. about preference given to tinned meat imported from United States.

Visit to Germany by Capt. C.N. Morrison of Victorian Artillery, 1895 (File 1349. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
1 item
Lord Salisbury to M. Gosselin: visit to Germany by Capt. C. N. Morrison of Victorian Artillery; wishes to study German military system, 14 November 1895 (Item)
Bounties and subsidies for shipping services to East Asia and Australia, 1895 (File 1355. AJCP Reel No: 6903)
1 item
M. Gosselin (Berlin) to Lord Kimberley: sends memorandum on bounties and subsidies for shipping services to East Asia and Australia, 27 June 1895 (Item)
Visit of Sir John Thurston to Faiti Island; criminal law and procedures among natives in colonies; fate of expedition to New Guinea led by O. Ehlers, 1895 (File 1364. AJCP Reel No: 6904)
7 items
Lord Salisbury to Count Hatzfeldt: explanation of visit of Sir John Thurston to island of Faiti in German sphere of influence in Solomon Islands, 13 July 1895 (Item)
Note of conversation with R. Jenisch concerning British and German subjects imprisoned in Honolulu, 17 September 1895 (Item)
Count Hatzfeldt to Lord Salisbury: seeks information on criminal law and procedure among natives in colonies, 21 October 1895 (Item)
Count Hatzfeldt to Lord Salisbury: seeks information on control of accounts in colonies, 26 October 1895 (Item)
Lord Salisbury to Count Hatzfeldt: sends colonial audit regulations, 13 November 1895 (Item)
Count Hatzfeldt to Lord Salisbury: seeks news of fate of expedition led by O. Ehlers in New Guinea, 9 December 1895 (Item)
Lord Salisbury to Count Hatzfeldt: Governor of Queensland seeking information about Ehlers Expedition, 18 December 1895 (Item)
Seeks information on German military system; expedition to New Guinea led by O. Ehlers, 1895 (File 1368. AJCP Reel No: 6904)
5 items
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: request of Capt. C. Morrison of Victorian Artillery to obtain information on German military system, 11 November 1895 (Item)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: Capt. C. Morrison, 14 November 1895 (Item)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: seeks information about expedition of O. Ehlers which attempted to transverse New Guinea, 13 December 1895 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: acknowledgment, 14 December 1895 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: cable from Queensland Governor on Ehlers Expedition, 17 December 1895 (Item)
Expedition to New Guinea led by O. Ehlers, 1896 (File 1378. AJCP Reel No: 6904)
1 item
M. Gosselin (Berlin) to Lord Salisbury: publication by Kolonialblatt of account of disastrous New Guinea expedition led by O. Ehlers, 6 July 1896 (Item)
Expedition to Kaiser Wilhelmsland, 1896 (File 1379. AJCP Reel No: 6904)
1 item
Sir Frank Lascelles (Berlin) to Lord Salisbury: return of scientific expedition from exploring interior of Kaiser Wilhelmsland, 9 November 1896 (Item)
Views of Emperor Wilhelm II on colonial matters, 1896 (File 1380. AJCP Reel No: 6904)
1 item
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Salisbury, 22 November 1896 (Item)

Conversation with Emperor Wilhelm II; colonial affairs; assertion that Germany should concentrate energies on single colony and give up rest (cable).

Price of beef and muttons in Germany; report on German colonies in Africa and Pacific, 1896 (File 1383. AJCP Reel No: 6904)
2 items
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Salisbury: sends information for Queensland Government on price of beef and mutton in Germany, 1896-/1896- (Item)
M. Gosselin to Lord Salisbury: sends report on German colonies in Africa and Pacific, 1896-/1896- (Item)
German emigration societies; subsidy to North German Lloyd Company, 1896 (File 1384. AJCP Reel No: 6904)
3 items
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Salisbury: German emigration societies, 1896-/1896- (Item)
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Salisbury: subsidy to North German Lloyd Co. for shipping service to China and Australia, 1896-/1896- (Item)
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Salisbury: subsidy to North German Lloyd Co., 1896-/1896- (Item)
Criminal law and procedures relating to natives in British colonies; arrival in British New Guinea of survivors of Ehler's expedition; other colonial matters, 1896 (File 1392. AJCP Reel No: 6904)
7 items
Lord Salisbury to Count Hatzfeldt: sends memorandum on criminal law and procedure relating to natives in British colonies, 1896-/1896- (Item)
Count Hatzfeldt to Lord Salisbury: arrival in British New Guinea of survivors of Ehlers Expedition, 1896-/1896- (Item)
Lord Salisbury to Count Hatzfeldt: acknowledgement, 1896-/1896- (Item)
Count Hatzfeldt to Lord Salisbury: assistance given by Sir William MacGregor to survivors of Ehlers Expedition, 1896-/1896- (Item)
Lord Salisbury to Count Hatzfeldt: acknowledgement, 1896-/1896- (Item)
Prince Hohenloe to Lord Salisbury, 1896-/1896- (Item)

Difficulties caused by New Zealand regulations concerning property of German nationals dying intestate.

Lord Salisbury to Count Hatzfeldt: note transmitted to New Zealand Government, 1896-/1896- (Item)
Criminal law and procedures relating to natives in British colonies; fate of Ehler's expedition; expedition to Kaiser Wilhelm's land; other colonial matters, 1896 (File 1397. AJCP Reel No: 6904)
7 items
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: criminal law and procedure concerning natives in British colonies, 1 January 1896 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: despatch from Queensland Governor about fate of Ehlers Expedition, 27 July 1896 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: despatch from Lieutenant-Governor of New Guinea about fate of Ehlers Expedition, 29 August 1896 (Item)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: forwards note on property of German subjects dying intestate in New Zealand, 31 October 1896 (Item)
Foreign Office to Royal Geographical Society: return of expedition from exploring interior of Kaiser Wilhelmsland, 19 November 1896 (Item)
Royal Geographical Society to Foreign Office: acknowledgement, 20 November 1896 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: letter about property of German subjects forwarded to New Zealand Governor, 21 November 1896 (Item)
Inquiry on stranding of German barque Callao in Brisbane River, 1896 (File 1398. AJCP Reel No: 6904)
1 item
Board of Trade to foreign Office: sends report of inquiry on stranding of German barque Callao in Brisbane River, 10 November 1896 (Item)
Extradition from German protectorates; Anglo-German Extradition Treaty, 1887 - 1896 (File 1404. AJCP Reel No: 6904)


Correspondence concerning the extension of the 1872 Anglo-German Extradition Treaty to German protectorates, 1887-96. The new treaty was signed on 5 May 1894. Correspondents include officers of the Foreign Office, German Embassy, India Office, Home Office, Colonial Office and the Law Officers.

Visit of T.C. Cloud to smelting works in Germany, 1897 (File 1408. AJCP Reel No: 6905)
1 item
Lord Salisbury to Sir Frank Lascelles: introduces T. C. Cloud, Manager of Wallaroo Smelting Works, visiting Germany to inspect smelting works, 14 July 1897 (Item)
Article on agreement between New Guinea Company; German Chancellor, 1897 (File 1409. AJCP Reel No: 6905)
1 item
Sir Frank Lascelles (Berlin) to Lord Salisbury: sends article on agreement between New Guinea Company and German Chancellor, 21 January 1897 (Item)
Transfer of sovereignty of German New Guinea; exploration of River Ramu, 1897 (File 1411. AJCP Reel No: 6905)
4 items
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Salisbury: visit of T.C. Cloud to smelting works at Clausthal and Freiberg, 30 July 1897 (Item)
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Salisbury: construction of steamer for New Guinea Company to explore course of River Ramu in Kaiser Wilhelmsland, 12 August 1897 (Item)
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Salisbury: decree of Governor of German New Guinea opening Stephansort to foreign trade, 18 August 1897 (Item)
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Salisbury: transfer of sovereignty of German New Guinea from New Guinea Company to Government, 21 October 1897 (Item)
Subsidies to German shipping companies, 1897 (File 1416. AJCP Reel No: 6905)
2 items
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Salisbury: subsidies to German shipping companies maintaining postal communications with Far East and Australia, 26 February 1897 (Item)
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Salisbury: article in Cologne Gazette on subsidies on German shipping companies, 5 March 1897 (Item)
Subsidies to North German Lloyd steamers, 1897 (File 1417. AJCP Reel No: 6905)
1 item
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Salisbury, 30 June 1897 (Item)

Withdrawal of Bill providing for increase in subsidy to North German Lloyd steamers to Australia and Far East.

Powers of German Consul-General at Sydney, 1897 (File 1426. AJCP Reel No: 6905)
1 item
Lord Salisbury to Count Hatzfeldt, 5 May 1897 (Item)

Government accepts proposals on powers of German Consul-General at Sydney relating to property of Germans dying intestate in New Zealand.

Property of German subjects dying intestate in New Zealand; visits to German smelting works, 1897 (File 1429. AJCP Reel No: 6905)
3 items
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: property of German subjects dying intestate in New Zealand, 27 April 1897 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office, 9 July 1897 (Item)

Requests letter of introduction for T.C. Cloud of Wallaroo visiting Germany to inspect smelting works.

Colonial Office to Foreign Office: acknowledges letter, 27 July 1897 (Item)
Collision between Cordillera and Professor Koch, 1897 (File 1430. AJCP Reel No: 6905)
1 item
Board of Trade to Foreign Office, 20 August 1897 (Item)

Sends report of court of inquiry in N.S.W. on collision between Cordillera and German barque Professor Koch.

German New Guinea, 1898 (File 1437. AJCP Reel No: 6905)
2 items
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Salisbury, 8 February 1898 (Item ff.119-20v)

Negotiations with New Guinea Chartered Co. for surrender of sovereignty of German New Guinea

Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Salisbury, 19 March 1898 (Item ff.246-50)

Reports on economic conditions of German New Guinea and Bismarck Archipelago.

Postal communications with Far East and Australia, 1898 (File 1438. AJCP Reel No: 6905)
1 item
Lord Gough (Berlin) to Lord Salisbury: postal communications with Far East and Australia, 18 June 1898 (Item ff.236-39)
Use of safety acetylene gas by Prussian State Railways, 1898 (File 1444. AJCP Reel No: 6905)
1 item
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Salisbury, 23 July 1898 (Item)

Information sought by Queensland Government about use of safety acetylene gas by Prussian State Railways.

Contract with North German Lloyd Company for subsidised postal service to Far East and Australia; commercial relations between Germany and Hawaii, 1898 (File 1445. AJCP Reel No: 6905)
3 items
J.B. Whitehead (Berlin) to Lord Salisbury, 23 September 1898 (Item ff.46-48v)

Sends memorandum by H. Gastrell on commercial relations between Germany and Hawaii.

Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Salisbury, 20 November 1898 (Item ff.133-40)

Sends memorandum on contract between German Government and North German Lloyd Co. for subsidised postal service to Far East and Australia.

Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Salisbury: Mining and Industrial Exhibition at Coolgardie in 1899, 26 November 1898 (Item f.146)
German Antarctic Expedition; pearl fishing in Samoa, 1898 (File 1453. AJCP Reel No: 6905)
9 items
Count Hatzfeldt to Lord Salisbury: proposed German Antarctic Expedition; seeks views of British experts on ships, 25 April 1898 (Item ff.98-103v)
Lord Salisbury to Count Hatzfeldt: send views of Admirals Sir F. McClintlock and Sir G. Nares on Antarctica Expedition, 1 June 1898 (Item ff.142-43v)
Count Hatzfeldt to Lord Salisbury, 21 June 1898 (Item ff.162-65v)

Seeks letters of introduction for botanist K. Gobel, leading expedition to Australia and Ceylon.

Count Hatzfeldt to Lord Salisbury: acknowledges letters on Antarctic Expedition, 28 June 1898 (Item ff.173-76v)
Lord Salisbury to Count Hatzfeldt: expedition of K. Gobel, July 1898 (Item ff.191-92v)
Count Castell to Lord Salisbury: New Guinea and Solomon Islands, 3 October 1898 (Item ff.294-97v)
Lord Salisbury to Count Hatzfeldt: expedition of K. Gobel, 12 October 1898 (Item ff.311-12v)
Count Castell to Lord Salisbury: Samoa, 27 November 1898 (Item ff.377-79v)
Count Hatzfeldt: Aide memoire on pearl fishing at Samoa, 23 December 1898 (Item ff.413-14v)
German Antarctic Expedition, 1898 (File 1458. AJCP Reel No: 6905)
8 items
Foreign Office to Royal Geographical Society: seeks advice for German Antarctic Expedition, 4 May 1898 (Item)
Sir Clements Markham to Sir Thomas Sanderson: number of vessels needed for Antarctic expedition, 13 May 1898 (Item)
Admiralty to Foreign Office: sends views of Sir F. McClintlock and Sir G. Nares on Antarctic, 27 May 1898 (Item)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: expedition of K. Gobel to Australia and Ceylon, 28 June 1898 (Item)
Foreign Office to Sir Clements Markham: thanks of German Government, 4 July 1898 (Item)
Foreign Office to Admiralty: thanks of German Government, 4 July 1898 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: expedition of K. Gobel, 7 July 1898 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: expedition of K. Gobel, 6 October 1898 (Item)
Caroline Islands; property of Pacific Islands Company; Anglo-German boundary in New Guinea, 1899 (File 1468. AJCP Reel No: 6905)
6 items
Lord Salisbury to Sir Frank Lascelles, 11 January 1899 (Item ff.1-5v)

Conversation with Count Hatzfeldt about Caroline Islands; Britain cannot accept interference in Tonga.

Lord Salisbury to Sir Frank Lascelles: Anglo-German boundary in New Guinea, 25 January 1899 (Item ff.6-7v)
Lord Salisbury to Sir Frank Lascelles: rights of British subjects in Caroline Islands, 9 August 1899 (Item ff.67-68)
Lord Salisbury to Sir Frank Lascelles: property of Pacific Islands Company in Caroline Islands, 31 August 1899 (Item ff.85r-v)
Lord Salisbury to Sir Frank Lascelles: property of Pacific Islands Company in Caroline Islands, 27 September 1899 (Item ff.96r-v)
Lord Salisbury to Lord Gough, Anglo-German boundary in New Guinea, 24 October 1899 (Item ff.103-5)
Cession of Caroline Islands to Germany; appointment of Governor of German New Guinea, 1899 (File 1469. AJCP Reel No: 6905)
6 items
Sir Frank Lascelles (Berlin) to Lord Salisbury: cession of Caroline Islands by Spain to Germany, 12 January 1899 (Item ff.5-6v)
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Salisbury: anglo-German boundary in New Guinea, 3 February 1899 (Item ff.71-73)
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Salisbury: cession of Caroline Islands to Germany, 13 March 1899 (Item ff.187-88v)
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Salisbury: report of British warship sent to annex Tonga, 31 March 1899 (Item ff.218-21v)
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Salisbury: Imperial Order concerning transfer of New Guinea Co. protectorate to Government, 8 April 1899 (Item ff.247-51)
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Salisbury: appointment of van Benningsen as Governor of German New Guinea, 19 April 1899 (Item f.271)
Caroline Islands; property of Pacific Islands Company, 1899 (File 1470. AJCP Reel No: 6905)
5 items
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Salisbury, 6 June 1899 (Item)

Statement by B. von Bulow on cession of Caroline and Marianas Islands to Germany.

Lord Gough (Berlin) to Lord Salisbury: Reichstag debate on Treaty between Spain and Germany concerning Caroline Islands, 22 June 1899 (Item)
Lord Gough (Berlin) to Lord Salisbury, 24 June 1899 (Item)

Title of 'Count' conferred on B. von Bulow for his skillful conduct of negotiations on Caroline Islands.

Lord Gough to Lord Salisbury: transfer of sovereignty of Caroline Islands, 18 August 1899 (Item)
Lord Gough to Lord Salisbury: property of Pacific Islands Company in Caroline Islands, 25 August 1899 (Item)
Caroline Islands and other diplomatic matters, 1899 (File 1471. AJCP Reel No: 6905)
5 items
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Salisbury: property of Pacific Islands Company in Caroline Islands, 20 September 1899 (Item ff.23-24v)
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Salisbury, 28 September 1899 (Item ff.27-28v)

Transfer of sovereignty of Caroline Islands; Dutch claims to Mapia Islands.

Lord Gough to Lord Salisbury: Anglo-German boundary in New Guinea, 31 October 1899 (Item ff.119-20v)
Lord Gough to Lord Salisbury: withdrawal of Spanish garrison from Caroline Islands, 7 December 1899 (Item ff.202-3v)
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Salisbury: statement by Count von Bulow on Anglo-German Samoan agreement, 14 December 1899 (Item ff.240-43)
Commercial matters; postal communication in Far East, 1899 (File 1475. AJCP Reel No: 6905)
3 items
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Salisbury, 5 August 1899 (Item)

Sends memorandum for Victorian Government on standards of vision and hearing required of employees of German State Railways.

Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Salisbury, 7 October 1899 (Item)

Contract between German Government and North German Lloyd Co. for postal communication to Far East and Australia.

Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Salisbury, 16 November 1899 (Item)

Inquiry by Victorian Government about standards of vision and hearing required of employees of German railways.

Postal service from Germany to Far East and Australia, 1899 (File 1476. AJCP Reel No: 6905)
3 items
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Salisbury, 5 August 1899 (Item)

Sends memorandum for Victorian Government on standards of vision and hearing required of employees of German State Railways.

Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Salisbury: sends memorandum on establishment of packet postal service from Germany to Queensland, 10 July 1899 (Item)
Lord Gough to Lord Salisbury: sends memorandum on German mail services to Far East and Australia, 16 November 1899 (Item)
Headhunters in Solomon Islands; arrest of German subject at Apia, 1899 (File 1480. AJCP Reel No: 6905)
3 items
Lord Salisbury to Count Hatzfeldt: measures taken against headhunters in Solomon Islands, 11 March 1899 (Item)
Count Hatzfeldt to Sir Thomas Sanderson: report of German subject Hufnagel arrested at Apia and kept on British ship Tauranga, 13 April 1899 (Item)
Count Hatzfeldt to Lord Salisbury: inquires whether Zanzibar and Thursday Island are saluting stations for foreign warships, 10 May 1899 (Item)
Case of J.B. Johnstone at Hawaii; education of Malietoa Tanu of Samoa, 1899 (File 1481. AJCP Reel No: 6905)
5 items
German Embassy. Aide memoire on charges lead by J.B. Johnstone against Hawaiian Government for imprisonment in 1895, 3 July 1899 (Item)
Lord Salisbury to Count Hatzfeldt: raids made on German territory by natives of British Solomon Islands, 11 July 1899 (Item)
Lord Salisbury to Count Hatzfeldt: case of J.B. Johnstone in Hawaii, 12 July 1899 (Item)
Lord Salisbury to Count Hatzfeldt: saluting stations for foreign warships in Australia and New Zealand, 2 October 1899 (Item)
German Embassy. Aide memoire on education of Malietoa Tanu of Samoa, 28 December 1899 (Item)
Saluting stations in Australia, 1899 (File 1484. AJCP Reel No: 6905)
4 items
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: inquires whether Thursday Island is to be saluting station for foreign warships, 16 June 1899 (Item)
Admiralty to Foreign Office: rights of Spain to coaling station in Caroline Islands, 28 June 1899 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: saluting stations for foreign warships in Australia, 17 August 1899 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: saluting stations in Australia, 28 September 1899 (Item)
Samoan affairs; British consular representation, 1900 (File 1491. AJCP Reel No: 6905)
16 items
Lord Salisbury to Sir Frank Lascelles: donation to Malietoa Tanu of Samoa to enable him to complete his education in Australia, 8 January 1900 (Item)
Lord Salisbury to Sir Frank Lascelles: payment to Osborn for work as Acting Chief Justice in Samoa, 7 February 1900 (Item)
Lord Salisbury to Sir Frank Lascelles: payment to Chambers, late Chief Justice of Samoa, 14 February 1900 (Item)
Lord Salisbury to Sir Frank Lascelles: reports of destruction of villages in Samoa, 27 February 1900 (Item)
Lord Salisbury to Sir Frank Lascelles: British consular representatives in Samoa (draft), 14 March 1900 (Item)
Lord Salisbury to Sir Frank Lascelles: Appointment of T. Trood as Acting Vice-Consul at Apia, 28 March 1900 (Item)
Lord Salisbury to Sir Frank Lascelles: salary due to Chambers, 4 April 1900 (Item)
Lord Salisbury to Sir Frank Lascelles: gratuity due to Osborn, 3 April 1900 (Item)
Lord Salisbury to Sir Frank Lascelles: hoisting of German flag at Apia, 25 April 1900 (Item)
Lord Salisbury to Sir Frank Lascelles: compensation due to Osborn in Samoa, 27 April 1900 (Item)
Lord Salisbury to Sir Frank Lascelles: claims for compensation by Europeans in Samoa for damage to property by natives in 1899, 2 October 1900 (Item)
Lord Salisbury to Sir Frank Lascelles: German claims for losses incurred in Samoa, 5 October 1900 (Item)
Lord Salisbury to Sir Frank Lascelles: trouble caused by natives in Samoa, 16 October 1900 (Item)
Lord Salisbury to Sir Frank Lascelles: memorial to officers and men of British and American ships who lost their lives in Samoa, 31 October 1900 (Item)
Lord Salisbury to Sir Frank Lascelles: arbitration of claims of foreigners in Samoa, 8 November 1900 (Item)
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: expense of administration of Samoa under Treaty Powers (draft), 6 December 1900 (Item)
Establishment of German administration in Caroline Islands and Samoa; ratification of Samoan agreements, 1900 (File 1492. AJCP Reel No: 6905)
11 items
Sir Frank Lascelles (Berlin) to Lord Salisbury: establishment of German administration, 23 January 1900 (Item ff.68-71)
Sir Frank Lascelles (Berlin) to Lord Salisbury: German administration of Caroline Islands, 24 January 1900 (Item ff.72-76)
Sir Frank Lascelles (Berlin) to Lord Salisbury: sends explanatory statement on Bill to sanction Samoa Conventions, 10 February 1900 (Item ff.150-156v)
Sir Frank Lascelles (Berlin) to Lord Salisbury: repeal of 1876 Treaty with Tonga and 1879 Treaty with Samoa, 13 February 1900 (Item ff.172-74)
Sir Frank Lascelles (Berlin) to Lord Salisbury, 15 February 1900 (Item ff.175-76)

Memorial of German Colonial Society for improved postal communications with German colonies in South Seas.

Sir Frank Lascelles (Berlin) to Lord Salisbury: ratification of Samoan Agreements, 16 February 1900 (Item ff.177-80)
Sir Frank Lascelles (Berlin) to Lord Salisbury: statement by Baron Richthofen on Samoan Agreements, 16 February 1900 (Item ff.181-82)
Sir Frank Lascelles (Berlin) to Lord Salisbury: Treaties of Friendship with Tonga and Samoa, 20 February 1900 (Item ff.183-87v)
Sir Frank Lascelles (Berlin) to Lord Salisbury: Samoan Decree signed by Emperor, 27 February 1900 (Item ff.198-201)
Sir Frank Lascelles (Berlin) to Lord Salisbury:, 10 March 1900 (Item ff.219-20v)
Sir Frank Lascelles (Berlin) to Lord Salisbury: establishment of German administration in Samoa, 17 March 1900 (Item ff.233-34v)
Samoan affairs, 1900 (File 1493. AJCP Reel No: 6905)
6 items
Sir Frank Lascelles (Berlin) to Lord Salisbury: British consular representation in Samoa, 3 April 1900 (Item ff.1-2v)
Sir Frank Lascelles (Berlin) to Lord Salisbury: renumeration for Osborn, Acting Chief Justice in Samoa, 10 April 1900 (Item ff.20-37)
Sir Frank Lascelles (Berlin) to Lord Salisbury: German edicts and decrees concerning Samoa, 27 April 1900 (Item ff.91-105v)
Sir Frank Lascelles (Berlin) to Lord Salisbury: ordinance concerning consular powers in Samoa, 3 May 1900 (Item ff.119-22)
Sir Frank Lascelles (Berlin) to Lord Salisbury: decrees issued by Governor of Samoa, 3 May 1900 (Item ff.123-30)
Sir Frank Lascelles (Berlin) to Lord Salisbury: article on trade of Samoa in 1899, 7 June 1900 (Item ff.201-5v)
Samoan affairs; claims of foreigners for compensation; administration of Mariana Islands, 1900 (File 1494. AJCP Reel No: 6905)
10 items
Lord Gough (Berlin) to Lord Salisbury: decree prohibiting sale of rams and alcohol in Caroline Islands, 2 July 1900 (Item ff.9-14)
Lord Gough (Berlin) to Lord Salisbury: formation of committee to advise Governor of Samoa on trade and agriculture, 4 July 1900 (Item ff.16-17v)
Lord Gough (Berlin) to Lord Salisbury: note from Baron von Richthofen on expenses of administration of Samoa, 17 July 1900 (Item ff.62-78v)
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Salisbury: claim of J.T. Harrison for loss of property in Mariana Islands, 4 August 1900 (Item ff.133-34v)
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Salisbury: expenses of officials in administration of Samoa, 28 August 1900 (Item ff.214-26v)
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Salisbury, 28 September 1900 (Item ff.273-74v)

Arbitration of King of Sweden of claims of foreigners arising from military operations in Samoa in 1899.

Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Salisbury: memorial of Colonial Society on improved postal communications with Pacific colonies, 8 October 1900 (Item ff.297-98)
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Salisbury: decrees on administration of Mariana Islands, 9 October 1900 (Item ff.299-312)
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Salisbury: establishment of German administration in Samoa, 9 October 1900 (Item ff.313-15v)
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Salisbury: establishment of American administration in eastern Samoa, 12 October 1900 (Item ff.325-28v)
Samoan arbitration, 1900 (File 1495. AJCP Reel No: 6905)
1 item
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Lansdowne: German Note Verbale on Samoan arbitration, 31 December 1900 (Item)
Inspection of Meat Bill, import of tinned meat from Australia; other commercial matters, 1900 (File 1499. AJCP Reel No: 6905)
9 items
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Salisbury: sends report on bounties paid to shipping lines, including North German Lloyd, 4 January 1900 (Item ff.1-14)
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Salisbury: commencement of German parcel post service to Australia, 3 March 1900 (Item ff.107-9)
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Salisbury: sends memorandum on Inspection of Meat Bill and import of tinned meat from Australia, 28 April 1900 (Item ff.295-97)
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Salisbury: letter from Hamburg agent of Queensland Meat Export Agency Co. about Bill, 5 May 1900 (Item ff.320-26)
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Salisbury: discussion with Count von Bulow about Inspection of Meat Bill, 18 May 1900 (Item ff.368-75)
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Salisbury: sends memorandum on increased services to Australia by North German Lloyd Steamship Co, 19 May 1900 (Item ff.379-80)
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Salisbury: discussion with Count von Bulow about prohibition of import of tinned meat, 25 May 1900 (Item ff.381-82v)
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Salisbury: sends memorandum by W. Gastrell on Inspection of Meat Bill passed by Reichstag, 26 May 1900 (Item ff.408-13)
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Salisbury: sends further papers on effects of Inspection of Meat Bill, 26 May 1900 (Item ff.418-22v)
Inspection of Meat Bill, 1900 (File 1500. AJCP Reel No: 6905)
3 items
Lord Gough to Lord Salisbury: decree prohibiting import into Samoa of articles from plague-infected islands, 2 July 1900 (Item ff.38-41)
Lord Gough to Lord Salisbury: sends precis of Inspection of Meat Bill, 21 July 1900 (Item ff.98-112)
Lord Gough to Lord Salisbury: enactment of Inspection of Meat Bill, 26 July 1900 (Item ff.128-31)
Despatches of Vice-Consul at Apia, 1900 (File 1505. AJCP Reel No: 6905)
1 item
Correspondence between Foreign Office and T. Trood, Acting Vice-Consul at Apia, August 1900 - December 1900 (Item)

29pp. Subjects include appointment as Vice-Consul, receipt of circulars, report of trade, work as translator for German authorities in Samoa.

Samoan Convention; arbitration, 1900 (File 1506. AJCP Reel No: 6905)
7 items
Foreign Office to Count Metternich: exchange of ratifications of Samoan Convention, 14 February 1900 (Item)
Count Metternich to Sir Thomas Sanderson: approach to King of Sweden concerning Samoan arbitration, 14 March 1900 (Item)
Count Metternich to Lord Salisbury: sends memorandum on British consular representation at Apia, 15 March 1900 (Item)


Lord Salisbury to Count Metternich: acknowledgement, 17 March 1900 (Item)
Lord Salisbury to Count Metternich: invitation to King of Sweden to be Samoan Arbitrator, 20 March 1900 (Item)
F. Villiers to Lord Salisbury: interview with Count Hatzfeldt about grant of £500 to Malietoa Tanu, 17 April 1900 (Item)


Count Hatzfeldt. Note on purchase of Australian horses by German Government, 24 July 1900 (Item)
Purchase of horses in Australia by German Government; land claims in Samoa and Gilbert Islands, 1900 (File 1507. AJCP Reel No: 6906)
8 items
Foreign Office to Count Hatzfeldt: purchase of horses in Australia, 11 August 1900 (Item ff.17-18v)
Minutes on allowance to Malietoa Tanu, 12 August 1900 - 17 August 1900 (Item ff.29-32)
Foreign Office to Count Hatzfeldt: purchase of horses in Australia, 15 September 1900 (Item ff.88-89v)
Baron Eckardstein to Lord Salisbury: land owned by Jaluit Company in Gilbert Islands, 9 October 1900 (Item ff.150-53)
Foreign Office to Count Hatzfeldt: Swedish arbitration of claims in Samoa, 11 October 1900 (Item ff.154r-v)
Foreign Office to Count Hatzfeldt: German property in Solomon Islands, 3 October 1900 (Item f.159)
Foreign Office to Count Hatzfeldt: registration of land of Jaluit Company in Gilbert Islands, 26 October 1900 (Item ff.211-12v)
Foreign Office to Count Hatzfeldt: arbitration on Samoan claims, 8 November 1900 (Item ff.237-39v)
Samoan affairs; establishment of German administration, 1900 (File 1511. AJCP Reel No: 6906)
26 items
Admiralty to Foreign Office: sends letter from H.M.S. Torch on affairs in Samoa, 3 January 1900 (Item ff.1-2)
Foreign Office to R. Keen (Apia): petition from Samoan princess, 5 January 1900 (Item f.3)
Admiralty to Foreign Office: report on Samoa from H.M.S. Torch, 18 January 1900 (Item ff.10-12)
Correspondence on Samoan claims, 22 January 1900 - 25 January 1900 (Item ff.18-26v)
F. Villiers. Note on establishment of German administration in Samoa, 2 February 1900 (Item ff.34r-v)
Parliamentary question on establishment of German admistration in Samoa, 6 February 1900 (Item ff.49r-v)
Foreign Office to P. Grut: errors in text of Samoan Convention, 15 February 1900 (Item ff.64-65)
Parliamentary question on trade in Samoa, 16 February 1900 (Item ff.66-68)
F. Villers. Note on appointment of W. Solf as Governor of German Samoa, 17 February 1900 (Item ff.69-70v)
F. Villiers. Note on appointment of Acting British Consul at Apia, 21 February 1900 (Item ff.73-76)
Foreign Office to Admiralty: proposed visit of British warships to Samoa, 24 February 1900 (Item ff.77-81)
Foreign Office to W. Cooper (Auckland): representation of Mataafans in Samoan arbitration, 26 February 1900 (Item ff.82r-v)
Parliamentary question on administration of Samoa, 27 February 1900 (Item f.85)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: despatch from Queensland Governor on Samoan convention, 28 February 1900 (Item ff.86-87)
Admiralty to Foreign Office: alleged report of visit of warships to Samoa, 1 March 1900 (Item ff.88-89)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: mail service to Samoa, 12 March 1900 (Item ff.90-91)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: mail service to Samoa, 16 March 1900 (Item ff.92r-v)
General Post Office to Foreign Office: mail service to Samoa, 21 March 1900 (Item ff.105r-v)
Foreign Office to Colonial service: mail service to Samoa, 27 March 1900 (Item ff.117r-v)
Foreign Office to General Post Office: mail service to Samoa, 27 March 1900 (Item ff.121r-v)
General Post Office to Foreign Office: mail service to Samoa, 7 April 1900 (Item f.131)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: land of Mrs de Corff at Samoa, 21 May 1900 (Item ff.163-67v)
Parliamentary question on administration of Samoa, 14 May 1900 (Item ff.169-70)
Foreign Office to Harrison and Beaumont: land of Mrs de Corff at Samoa, 30 May 1900 (Item ff.196-97)
Foreign Office to D. McJerrow: claims of Carruthers at Samoa, 2 June 1900 (Item f.198)
W. Cooper to Lord Salisbury: claims of Samoan natives, 11 June 1900 (Item ff.201-4v)
Purchase of horses in Australia; Samoan claims arbitration, 1900 (File 1512. AJCP Reel No: 6906)
25 items
Foreign Office to J.T. Harrison: claims against German Government for loss of property in Mariana Islands, 4 July 1900 (Item ff.1-2v)
Sir Thomas Sanderson. Not on purchase by German Government of horses in India and Australia, 5 July 1900 (Item f.5)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: purchase of Australian horses by German Government, 5 July 1900 (Item ff.6r-v)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: purchase of Australian horses by German Government, 7 July 1900 (Item f.10)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: purchase of Australian horses by German Government, 10 July 1900 (Item ff.14-17)
Foreign Office to W. Cooper: claims of Samoan natives for compensation, 25 July 1900 (Item ff.42r-v)
G. Hertslet. Minute on attitude of Dr Stuebel, German Consul-General in Samoa, 28 July 1900 (Item ff.54-62v)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: purchase of horses in N.S.W. for German forces in China, 7 August 1900 (Item ff.71-72)
F. Villiers. Note on Samoan claims arbitration, 23 August 1900 (Item ff.89-90v)
F. Villiers. Note on Samoan claims arbitration, 21 September 1900 (Item ff.113-17v)
F. Villiers. Note on Samoan claims arbitration, 15 September 1900 (Item ff.123-26v)
F. Villiers. Note on Samoan claims arbitration, 9 October 1900 (Item ff.144-46)
Admiralty to Foreign Office: memorial to officers and men who lost lives in Samoa in 1900, 19 October 1900 (Item ff.155-56)
General Post Office to Foreign Office: stamps supplied to Consul at Samoa, 22 October 1900 (Item ff.160r-v)
Sir Thomas Sanderson. Note on Samoan claims arbitration, 23 October 1900 (Item ff.163-67)
Foreign Office to General Post Office: stamps supplied to Consul at Samoa, 26 October 1900 (Item ff.169r-v)
Foreign Office to Admiralty: memorial to officers and men killed at Samoa in 1899, 30 October 1900 (Item ff.173r-v)
R. Skee to Foreign Office: Samoan claims, 31 October 1900 (Item ff.181-83v)
Foreign Office to Treasury: Samoan Convention payments, 14 November 1900 (Item ff.211-14)
Treasury to Foreign Office: Samoan Convention payments, 28 November 1900 (Item f.227)
H.E. Richards to Foreign Office: Samoan claims arbitration, 3 December 1900 (Item ff.228-29)
Foreign Office to R. Skeen (Apia): Samoan claims arbitration, 5 December 1900 (Item ff.230r-v)
Foreign Office to H.E. Richards: Samoan claims arbitration, 6 December 1900 (Item ff.233r-v)
W. Maxwell to Lord Lansdowne: Samoan claims arbitration, 11 December 1900 (Item ff.242r-v)
Foreign Office to W. Maxwell: Samoan claims arbitration, 15 December 1900 (Item ff.247r-v)
Consular services at Samoa, 1900 (File 1513. AJCP Reel No: 6906)
1 item
Treasury to Foreign Office: temporary arrangements for consular services at Samoa; allowances for T. Trood, 18 July 1900 (Item)
German Inspection of Meat Bill; visit of Victorian Government Geologist to Germany, 1900 (File 1514. AJCP Reel No: 6906)
5 items
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: concern of Queensland Government about German Inspection of Meat Bill, 9 June 1900 (Item f.179)


Colonial Office to Foreign Office: German sanitary regulation affecting vessels coming from Australia, 6 September 1900 (Item ff.287-90)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: acknowledgement, 18 September 1900 (Item ff.296r-v)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: request of N.S.W. Government for German sanitary regulations, 17 October 1900 (Item ff.316-17)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: visit of J. Stirling, Victorian Government Geologist to Germany, 20 November 1900 (Item ff.384-85)
Land regulations in Bismarck Archipelago; arms surrendered by Samoan natives, 1901 (File 1518. AJCP Reel No: 6906)
5 items
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: seeks information on land regulations in Bismarck Archipelago (draft), 4 January 1901 (Item)
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: compensation to Samoan natives for surrendering arms, 11 March 1901 (Item)
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: leases of Samoa Estates Co. obtained from native chiefs and not notified by Dr W. Solf, 3 April 1901 (Item)
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: grant to Malietoa Tanu for education, 11 April 1901 (Item)
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: valuation of arms surrendered by Samoan natives (draft), 14 May 1901 (Item)
Samoan claims arbitration; Solomon Islands; opening of Australian Federal Parliament, 1901 (File 1519. AJCP Reel No: 6906)
14 items
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: Samoan claims arbitration, 21 May 1901 (Item ff.1-3v)
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: Samoan claims arbitration, 30 July 1901 (Item ff.81-82)
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: grant to Malietoa Tanu, 2 August 1901 (Item ff.84-85v)
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: leases of Samoan Estates Company, 6 August 1901 (Item f.87)
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: proposed German coaling station at Shortland Islands, 8 August 1901 (Item ff.101-2)
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: Samoan claims arbitration, 8 August 1901 (Item ff.103-4)
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: leases of Samoan Estates Company, 12 August 1901 (Item ff.111r-v)
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: claims of Deutsche Handels und Plantagen Gesellschaft in Solomon Islands, 16 August 1901 (Item ff.119-21)
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: visits of foreign warships to Australia for opening of first Federal Parliament, 17 August 1901 (Item ff.123r-v)
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: establishment of German coaling station in Solomon Islands, 20 August 1901 (Item f.131)
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: claims of L. Osborn, Acting Chief Justice of Samoa, 20 September 1901 (Item ff.156-58)
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: grant to Malietoa Tanu, 7 October 1901 (Item ff.160r-v)
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: claims of Deutsche Handels und Plantagen Gesellschaft in Solomon Islands, 7 November 1901 (Item ff.178-79)
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: claim of slaray of L. Osborn, 13 November 1901 (Item ff.184r-v)
Land regulations in German New Guinea; development of British Solomon Islands, 1901 (File 1520. AJCP Reel No: 6906)
2 items
Lord Gough (Berlin) to Lord Lansdowne: land regulations in German New Guinea, 4 February 1901 (Item ff.77-81v)
Sir Frank Lascelles (Berlin) to Lord Lansdowne: German newspaper criticisms of lack of development in British Solomon Islands, 16 February 1901 (Item ff.104-6v)
Samoan affairs; German Antarctic Expedition, 1901 (File 1521. AJCP Reel No: 6906)
7 items
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Lansdowne, 13 May 1901 (Item ff.35-36A)
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lansdowne: order concerning export duties and taxes in Samoa, 24 May 1901 (Item ff.56-59v)
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Lansdowne: sale of Samoan arms stored at Mare Island, 10 June 1901 (Item ff.101r-v)
Lord Gough to Lord Lansdowne: expenses of Dr Raffel on journey from Apia to Berlin, 13 July 1901 (Item ff.147-48v)
Lord Gough to Lord Lansdowne: Samoan claims arbitration, 27 July 1901 (Item ff.172-73v)
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Lansdowne: German Antarctic Expedition, 30 July 1901 (Item ff.181-82v)
Lord Gough to Lord Lansdowne: German claims in Samoan arbitration, 29 August 1901 (Item ff.220-38)
Samoan Estates Company; land claims in Solomon Islands, 1901 (File 1522. AJCP Reel No: 6906)
4 items
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Lansdowne: grant to Malietoa Tanu, 21 September 1901 (Item ff.40-41v)
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Lansdowne: leases of Samoan Estates Company, 5 October 1901 (Item ff.67-80)
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Lansdowne: salary claims of L. W. Osborn, 19 October 1901 (Item ff.98-104)
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Lansdowne: claims of Deutsche Handels und Platagen Gesellschaft to land in Solomon Islands, 19 October 1901 (Item ff.105-7v)
Visit by directors of Pacific Islands Company to Germany, 1901 (File 1523. AJCP Reel No: 6906)
1 item
Foreign Office to Sir Frank Lascelles: visit of directors of Pacific Islands Company to Berlin (cable), 12 February 1901 (Item f.32)
Samoan monetary system and tariff, 1901 (File 1528. AJCP Reel No: 6906)
1 item
Correspondence between Foreign Office and T. Trood (Vice-Consul at Apia), 1901 (Item)

127pp. Subjects include claims for damages arising out of 1899 disturbances, leases of Samoan Estate Company, conditions of consular buildings, statistics of British subjects resident in Samoa, and consular activities.

Despatches of Vice-Consul at Apia, 1901 (File 1532. AJCP Reel No: 6906)
1 item
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Lansdowne: sends ordinances on introduction of German monetary system in Samoa and alteration of Samoan tariff, 27 December 1901 (Item)
Visit of German warships to Australia; land claims in Gilbert Islands, 1901 (File 1533. AJCP Reel No: 6906)
10 items
Foreign Office to Count Hatzfeldt: negotiations by Pacific Islands Company for purchase of land in New Pomerania, 7 February 1901 (Item)
Foreign Office to Count Hatzfeldt: land claims of German Jaluit Company in Gilbert Islands, 13 February 1901 (Item)
Sir Thomas Sanderson. Note on visit of German warships to Australia, 16 April 1901 (Item)
Lord Lansdowne to Count Hatzfeldt: visit of German warships to Australia, 25 April 1901 (Item)
N. Marstein to Lord Lansdowne: visit of German warships to Australia, 30 April 1901 (Item)
Baron Eckerdstein to Lord Lansdowne: request of German Antarctic Expedition to obtain coal at Sydney, 12 June 1901 (Item)
German Antarctic Expedition; grant to Malietoa Tanu, 1901 (File 1534. AJCP Reel No: 6906)
10 items
Foreign Office to Count Hatzfeldt; assistance to German Antarctic, 5 July 1901 (Item ff.12-13)
Baron Eckardstein to Lord Lansdowne: magnetic and meteorological observations by Antarctic Expedition, 13 July 1901 (Item ff.20-31)
Aide memoire on claims of Cranstoun against Hawaiian Government, 10 July 1901 (Item ff.87A-88v)
Foreign Office to Count Hatzfeldt: assistance to German Antarctic Expedition, 12 July 1901 (Item ff.88-89v)
Foreign Office to Count Hatzfeldt: claims of Cranstoun, 15 July 1901 (Item ff.97r-v)
Baron Eckardstein to Lord Lansdowne: coal supplies for Antarctic Expedition, 17 July 1901 (Item ff.115-17)
Foreign Office to Baron Eckardstein: assistance to German Antarctic Expedition, 30 July 1901 (Item ff.137-38v)
Baron Eckardstein to Lord Lansdowne: acknowledgment, 22 August 1901 (Item ff.185-86)
Count Metternich to Lord Lansdowne: grant to Malietoa Tanu, 12 November 1901 (Item ff.310-13)
Foreign Office to Count Metternich: grant to Malietoa Tanu, 15 November 1901 (Item f.314)
German Antarctic Expedition; Samoan claims arbitration, 1901 (File 1538. AJCP Reel No: 6906)
4 items
R. Finlay to Foreign Office: British case in Samoan claims arbitration, 22 March 1901 (Item)
Foreign Office to Admiralty: supply of coal at Sydney to German Antarctic Expedition, 21 June 1901 (Item)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: German Antarctic Expedition, 21 June 1901 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: German Antarctic Expedition, 29 June 1901 (Item)
German Antarctic Expedition; Samoan claims, 1901 (File 1539. AJCP Reel No: 6906)
13 items
Admiralty to Foreign Office: supply of coal to German Antarctic Expedition, 9 July 1901 (Item ff.18-19)
Foreign Office to Meteorological Office: assistance to German Antarctic Expedition, 12 July 1901 (Item ff.20-21)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: Antarctic Expedition, 12 July 1901 (Item ff.22-23)
Meteorological Office to Foreign Office: meteorological observations by German Antarctic Expedition, 13 July 1901 (Item ff.27r-v)
Foreign Office to Admiralty: Antarctic Expedition, 18 July 1901 (Item ff.32-33)
Meteorological Office to Foreign Office: meteorological observations by German Antarctic Expedition, 18 July 1901 (Item ff.34-36)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: German Antarctic Expedition, 25 July 1901 (Item ff.47-48v)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: land claims of Deutsche Handels und Platagen Gesellschaft in Solomon Islands, 7 August 1901 (Item ff.67-69)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: establishment of German coaling station in Shortland Islands, 8 August 1901 (Item ff.70r-v)
Foreign Office to H. James (Pretoria): claims for compensation in Samoa, 30 August 1901 (Item ff.103r-v)
Foreign Office to Treasury: Samoan claims arbitration, 2 September 1901 (Item ff.108-9v)
Treasury to Foreign Office: Samoan claims arbitration, 21 September 1901 (Item ff.119r-v)
Foreign Office to H. James: claims for compensation, 4 November 1901 (Item ff.152r-v)
Property of H. Coumbe in Samoa, 1901 (File 1540. AJCP Reel No: 6906)
2 items
J. Kidgell to Foreign Office: inquires about property of H. Coumbe in Samoa, September 1901 (Item)
Foreign Office to H. Hidgell: suggests he follow advice of T. Trood, 9 September 1901 (Item)
Australian Customs Bill, 1901 (File 1542. AJCP Reel No: 6907)
2 items
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: inquiry by Count Hatzfeldt about Australian Customs Bill, 16 August 1901 (Item)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: memorial of German shipowners concerning provisions of Australian Customs Bill, 11 November 1901 (Item)
Death of Empress Frederick, 1901 (File 1545. AJCP Reel No: 6907)
4 items
Baron Eckardstein to Lord Lansdown: thanks of German Government to South Australian Government for wreath for funeral of Empress Frederick, 16 August 1901 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: cables from Australian, N.S.W. and Western Australian Governments on death of Empress Frederick, 16 August 1901 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: cables from South Australian and New Zealand Governments on death of Empress Frederick, August 1901 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: despatch from Queensland Government on death of Empress Frederick, 27 September 1901 (Item)
Samoan claims; Antarctic expedition; abrogation of Germany-Tonga Treaty; visit by Australians to Germany, 1902 (File 1550. AJCP Reel No: 6907)
11 items
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: Samoan claims arbitration, 8 January 1902 (Item ff.1-2v)
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: visit of Duke Adolph Frederick of Mecklenburg to India, Ceylon and Australia, 21 January 1902 (Item ff.16r-v)
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: Coal supplied at Sydney to German Antarctic Expedition, 28 January 1902 (Item ff.20r-v)
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: expenses of journey of Dr Raffels from Apia to Berlin, 8 February 1902 (Item ff.31r-v)
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: Samoan claims arbitration, 21 February 1902 (Item ff.37-38)
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: abrogation of 1876 Germany-Tonga Treaty, 28 February 1902 (Item ff.48-51v)
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: reported death at Dessau of H. Greffrath of St Peter's College, Adelaide, 24 May 1902 (Item ff.134r-v)
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: visit to Germany of Prof. N. Smith of Hobart University, 3 September 1902 (Item ff.185-86)
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: visit to Germany of Miss Overell of Tasmanian Education Department, 3 September 1902 (Item ff.187r-v)
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: alleged shipment by German New Guinea Government of escaped convicts from New Caledonia, 24 September 1902 (Item ff.198-99v)
Lord Lansdowne to G. Buchanan: Samoan claims arbitration, 15 December 1902 (Item ff.258r-v)
German Antarctic Expedition; Samoan arbitration; land claim in Solomon Islands, 1902 (File 1551. AJCP Reel No: 6907)
5 items
Sir Frank Lansdowne (Berlin) to Lord Lascelles: claims of Deutsche Hadels und Plantagen Gesellschaft to land in Solomon Islands, 14 January 1902 (Item ff.18-19)
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Lansdowne: request by Wilson to collect ornithological specimens in Samoa, 14 January 1902 (Item ff.20-21v)
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Lansdowne: British and German claims for compensation for losses in 1899 Samoan disturbances, 12 February 1902 (Item ff.71-72v)
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Lansdowne: Samoan arbitration, 12 March 1902 (Item ff.118-19v)
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Lansdowne: coal supplied at Sydney to German Antarctic Expedition, 6 May 1902 (Item ff.159-60v)
Samoan arbitration; appointment of Governor of German New Guinea, 1902 (File 1552. AJCP Reel No: 6907)
4 items
G. Buchanan to Lord Lansdowne: decree concerning consular jurisdiction of Germans in Tonga, 6 September 1902 (Item ff.114-19v)
G. Buchanan to Lord Lansdowne: death of H. Greffrath in Adelaide, 11 September 1902 (Item ff.123-26)
G. Buchanan to Lord Lansdowne: Samoan arbitration, 15 November 1902 (Item ff.221-22v)
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Lansdowne: appointment of Hahl as Governor of New Guinea, 19 December 1902 (Item f.273)
Samoan arbitration, 1902 (File 1553. AJCP Reel No: 6907)
4 items
Foreign Office to Sir Frank Lascelles: visit of Wilson to Samoa, 13 January 1902 (Item)
Sir Frank Lascelles to Foreign Office: visit of Wilson to Samoa, 14 January 1902 (Item)
Foreign Office to G. Buchanan: Samoan arbitration, 14 November 1902 (Item)
G. Buchanan to Lord Lansdowne: Samoan arbitration, 17 November 1902 (Item)
Reports of New Guinea Company; German steamer communications, 1902 (File 1556. AJCP Reel No: 6907)
3 items
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Lansdowne: sends memorandum on changes in German steamer communications with Far East and Australia, 4 January 1902 (Item)
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Lansdowne: expedition to New Guinea to search for gutta-percha and Indian rubber, 14 May 1902 (Item)
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Lansdowne, 17 May 1902 (Item)

Sends 18 volumes of reports of New Guinea Company and annual reports on development of New Guinea 1898-1901 for Australian Government.

New quarantine and sanitary regulations in Marshall Islands; German regulation on safety lamps in coal mines, 1902 (File 1557. AJCP Reel No: 6907)
4 items
G. Buchanan to Lord Lansdowne: sends memorandum on new quarantine and sanitary regulations in Marshall Islands, 12 July 1902 (Item)
G. Buchanan to Lord Lansdowne: sends information requested by N.S.W. Government on German regulations on safety lamps in coal mines, 28 November 1902 (Item)
G. Buchanan to Lord Lansdowne: information sought by Queensland Department of Agriculture, 28 November 1902 (Item)
G. Buchanan to Lord Lansdowne: sends memorandum on asphalt paving in Berling requested by South Australian Government, 6 December 1902 (Item)
Despatches of Vice-Consul at Apia, 1902 (File 1560. AJCP Reel No: 6907)
1 item
Correspondence between Foreign Office and T. Trood, Vice-Consul at Apia, 1902 (Item)

43pp. Subjects include claims arising out of 1899 Samoan disturbances, despatch of reports and statistics, and receipt of circulars.

German colonies in Pacific; Antarctic expedition, 1902 (File 1561. AJCP Reel No: 6907)
5 items
Count Metternich to Lord Lansdowne: German colonies in Pacific, 26 February 1902 (Item)
Count Metternich to Lord Lansdowne: payment for coal supplied at Sydney to German Antarctic Expedition, 8 March 1902 (Item)
Foreign Office to Count Metternich: acknowledgement, 21 March 1902 (Item)
Foreign Office to Count Metternich: expenses incurred as result of imprisonment of Mataafa and his associates in Gilbert Islands in 1897-98, 17 April 1902 (Item)
Foreign Office to Count Metternich: payment of Malietoa Tanu at Fiji, 23 May 1902 (Item)
Samoan arbitration; payments to Malietoa Tanu, 1902 (File 1562. AJCP Reel No: 6907)
3 items
Foreign Office to Baron Eckardstein: magnetic and meteorological observations by German Antarctic Expedition in Australia and New Zealand, 13 October 1902 (Item)
Foreign Office to Count Metternich: payments to Malietoa Tanu at Fiji, 10 November 1902 (Item)
Foreign Office to Count Metternich: Samoan arbitration claims, 26 December 1902 (Item)
Visit of Duke Adolph Frederick of Mecklenburg to Australia and New Zealand; German Antarctic Expedition, 1902 (File 1565. AJCP Reel No: 6907)
7 items
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: visit of Duke Adolph Frederick of Mecklenburg to Australia and other colonies, 16 January 1902 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: acknowledgement, 20 January 1902 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: despatch from New Zealand Governor on visit of Duke Adolph Frederick, 13 May 1902 (Item)
South Australian Agent-General to Foreign Office: death of H. Greffath, formerly of Adelaide, 21 May 1902 (Item)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: visit of G. H. Knibbs and J. W. Turner of Germany, 23 May 1902 (Item)
Royal Geographical to Foreign Office: acknowledges report of German South Polar Expedition, 2 June 1902 (Item)
Royal Society to Foreign Office: acknowledges report of German South Polar Expedition, 3 June 1902 (Item)
German Antarctic Expedition, 1902 (File 1566. AJCP Reel No: 6907)
1 item
Colonial Office to Foreign Office, 8 October 1902 (Item)

Magnetic and meteorological observations by German Antarctic Expedition in Australia, New Zealand and other colonies.

Proceedings against Neckar and Prince Regent in Australia, Australian Customs Act; Australian requests for commercial information, 1902 (File 1568. AJCP Reel No: 6907)
16 items
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: inquiry about imprisonment of captain of Neckar in Australia, 1 January 1902 (Item)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: detention of German steamer Prince Regent at Sydney owing to refusal of master to pay duty on stores consumed on ship, 9 January 1902 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: acknowledgment, 16 January 1902 (Item)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: Australian and Canadian representatives at International Workmen's Insurance Congress at Dusseldorf, 19 March 1902 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: Australia to be represented by Sir John Downer, 17 April 1902 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office, 23 April 1902 (Item)

16pp. Proceedings against Neckar and Prince Regent in Australia for breaches of Customs Act.

Foreign Office to Colonial Office: acknowledgement, 2 May 1902 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: New Zealand to be represented by W. P. Reeves at Dusseldorf Congress, 3 May 1902 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: Not of German Ambassador on Australian Customs Act, 6 May 1902 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: Draft reply to German Ambassador on Australian Customs Act, 12 June 1902 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: J. Chamberlain approves of reply, 20 June 1902 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: gift to Australian Government of reports of German New Guinea, 8 September 1902 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: import into Australia of apparel manufactured by German prison labour, 23 October 1902 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: request of South Australian Government for information on layiing and repairing asphalt in Germany, 7 November 1902 (Item)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: inquiry about German clothing firms, 13 November 1902 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: acknowledgement, 22 December 1902 (Item)
Visit of Dr C.G. Seligman to New Guinea; suppression of English language schools in Samoa, 1903 (File 1572. AJCP Reel No: 6907)
2 item
Lord Lansdowne to G. Buchanan: seeks letter of introduction for Dr C.G. Seligman visiting New guinea to study cancer among native races, 24 June 1903 (Item)
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: report that English-language schools in Samoa to be suppressed, 12 August 1903 (Item)
New Guinea ethnological expedition; Samoan compensation claims, 1903 (File 1574. AJCP Reel No: 6907)
4 items
G. Buchanan (Berlin) to Lord Lansdowne: New Guinea ethnological expedition, 23 July 1903 (Item)
G. Buchanan to Lord Lansdowne: Samoan compensation claims, 25 July 1903 (Item)


Sir Frank Lascelles (Berlin) to Lord Lansdowne: shipment of escaped convicts from German New Guinea to Singapore, 8 September 1903 (Item)
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Lansdowne: alleged suppression of British schools in Samoa, 19 September 1903 (Item)
Samoan arbitration claims; magnetic and meteorological observations by Discovery; German war ships Condor and Comoran in Pacific, 1903 (File 1575. AJCP Reel No: 6907)
7 items
Foreign Office to Count Metternich: Samoan arbitration claims, 2 February 1903 (Item)
Count Metternich to Foreign Office: Samoan arbitration claims, 6 February 1903 (Item)
Count Metternich to Foreign Office: Samoan arbitration claims, 16 February 1903 (Item)
Foreign Office to Count Metternich: magnetic and meteorological observations by Discovery, 7 April 1903 (Item)
Count Bernstorff to Lord Lansdowne: visit of German warship Cormoran to Thursday Island, 20 April 1903 (Item)
Count Bernstorff to Lord Lansdowne: Condor to replace Cormoran on Australian Station, 4 May 1903 (Item)
Count Metternich to Lord Lansdowne: itinerary of Condor, 3 June 1903 (Item)
German view on Imperial preference; Prussian forestry laws, 1903 (File 1578. AJCP Reel No: 6907)
2 items
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Lansdowne: German reactions to speech of J. Chamberlain on Imperial preference, 23 May 1903 (Item)
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Lansdowne: sends Prussian forestry laws and regulations requested by Queensland Government, 28 May 1903 (Item)
Discovery of gutta percha in New Guinea; New Zealand coastal trade legislation, 1903 (File 1579. AJCP Reel No: 6907)
3 items
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Lansdowne: sends memorandum on newly discovered gutta percha in New Guinea, 18 September 1903 (Item)
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Lansdowne: report of New Zealand legislation to exclude German and American ships from New Zealand coastal trade, 2 October 1903 (Item)
G. Buchanan to Lord Lansdowne: sends memorandum on German views on New Zealand preferential policy, 28 November 1903 (Item)
Despatches of Vice-Consul at Apia, 1903 (File 1583. AJCP Reel No: 6907)
1 item
Correspondence between Foreign Office and T. Trood, Vice-Consul at Apia, 1903 (Item)

95pp. Subjects include suppression of British schools in Samoa, repairs to Consulate, report on Samoan trade, receipt of circulars.

Australian coastal trade; Australian Customs Act, 1903 (File 1584. AJCP Reel No: 6907)
3 items
Lord Lansdowne to Count Metternich: inquiry about Australian coastal trade, 30 June 1903 (Item)
Count Bernstorff to Lord Lansdowne: complaints of German shipowners about levying of duty on ships' provisions in Australia, 10 September 1903 (Item)
Lord Lansdowne to Count Metternich: complaints of German shipowners about Australian Customs Act (draft), 4 November 1903 (Item)
Observations by Discovery; visit of J. Flashman to Germany; New Guinea ethnological expedition, 1903 (File 1586. AJCP Reel No: 6907)
7 items
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: distribution in Germany of pamphlet on land selection in Western Australia, 14 February 1903 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: acknowledgement, 19 February 1903 (Item)
Admiralty to Foreign Office: continuance of magnetic and meteorological observations by Antarctic ship Discovery, 2 April 1903 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: visit J. Flashman, N.S.W. pathologist, to Germany, 11 July 1903 (Item)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: sends letter of introduction for J. Flashman, 14 July 1903 (Item)
Foreign Office to Cancer Research Fund: New Guinea ethnological expedition, 29 July 1903 (Item)
Cancer Research Fund to Foreign Office: acknowledgment, 31 July 1903 (Item)
Statement by R. Seddon on New Zealand Coastwise Trade Bill; visit of Dr T.S. Dixon of Sydney to Germany, 1903 (File 1588. AJCP Reel No: 6907)
4 items
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: request of N.S.W. Government for German mining legislation, 13 March 1903 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: statement by R. Seddon on New Zealand Coastwise Trade Bill, 13 October 1903 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: visit of Dr T. S. Dixson of Sydney to Germany, 2 December 1903 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: acknowledges letter of introduction for Dr T. S. Dixson, 10 December 1903 (Item)
Claims of J. Tower Harrison in Mariana Islands, 1900 - 1903 (File 1591. AJCP Reel No: 6907)


Correspondence concerning claims fo J. T. Harrison, a British subject resident at Yokohama, against the German Government relating to the loss of rights and property held in the Mariana Islands since 1891, March 1900-Dec 1903. Correspondence include Sir Ernest Satow (Tokyo), J. T. Harrison (Yokohama), J. B. Whitehead (Tokyo), Lord Salisbury, Sir Frank Lascelles (Berlin), Lord Gough (Berlin) and Sir Thomas Sanderson.

Samoan claims; German recruitment of labour in Solomon Islands, 1904 (File 1592. AJCP Reel No: 6908)
7 items
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: losses incurred in 1899 disturbances in Samoa, 7 January 1904 (Item)
Lord Lansdowne to J. B. Whitehead: disagreement between German Consul-General at Sydney and Australian Government, 20 July 1904 (Item)
Lord Lansdowne to J. B. Whitehead: Samoan claims, 27 July 1904 (Item)
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: Samoan claims, 15 August 1904 (Item)
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: Stelling case in Australia, 15 August 1904 (Item)
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: German recruitment of labour in Solomon Islands; charges on British vessels trading in Marshall Islands, 19 October 1904 (Item)
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: payment to Malietoa Tanu, 7 November 1904 (Item)
Attack by natives on Witu Island, 1904 (File 1593. AJCP Reel No: 6908)
1 item
Sir Frank Lascelles (Berlin) to Lord Lansdowne: report of attack by natives on trading station on Island of Witu, 5 January 1904 (Item)
Charges levied on British ships in Marshall Islands; attack by natives on Gazelle Peninsula on Bismarck Archipelago, 1904 (File 1594. AJCP Reel No: 6908)
4 items
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Lansdowne: attack by natives on Roman Catholic mission on Gazelle Peninsula in Bismarck Archipelago, 13 September 1904 (Item)
J. B. Whitehead (Berlin) to Lord Lansdowne: charges levied on British ships in Marshall Islands, 19 November 1904 (Item)
J. B. Whitehead (Berlin) to Lord Lansdowne: charges levied on British ships in Marshall Islands, 7 December 1904 (Item)
J. B. Whitehead (Berlin) to Lord Lansdowne: project for transfer of German settlers from Queensland to New Pomerania, 13 December 1904 (Item)
Charges levied on British ships in Marshall Islands; Samoan arbitration claims, 1904 (File 1595. AJCP Reel No: 6908)
3 items
Lord Lansdowne to J. B. Whitehead: charges levied on British ships in Marshall Islands (cable), 3 December 1904 (Item)
J. B. Whitehead to Lord Lansdowne: charges levied on British ships in Marshall Islands (cable), 5 December 1904 (Item)
Capital invested in German colonies, 1904 (File 1598. AJCP Reel No: 6908)
1 item
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Lansdowne: sends memorandum on capital invested in German colonies, 1 April 1904 (Item)
Customs tariff and harbour dues in German New Guinea, 1904 (File 1599. AJCP Reel No: 6908)
2 items
J. B. Whitehead to Lord Lansdowne: sends decree on amended customs tariff for German New Guinea, 2 December 1904 (Item)
J. B. Whitehead to Lord Lansdowne: harbour dues in German New Guinea, 10 December 1904 (Item)
Despatches of Vice-Consul at Apia, 1904 (File 1604. AJCP Reel No: 6908)
1 item
Correspondence between Foreign Office and T. Trood, Vice-Consul at Apia, 1904 (Item)


Subjects include financial assistance to Malietoa Tanu, claims of British subjects arising out of 1899 Samoan disturbances (including copies of letter written in 1899), repairs of Consulate building, expenses, despatch of reports, receipt of circulars.

Stelling case; Samoan arbitration, 1904 (File 1605. AJCP Reel No: 6908)
9 items
Count Metternich to Lord Lansdowne: Samoan arbitration, 8 March 1904 (Item)
Count Bernstorff. Memorandum on criticisms by Australian Government of German Consul-General at Sydney, 23 April 1904 (Item)


Count Bernstorff. Memorandum on criticisms by Australian Government of German Consul-General at Sydney, 11 May 1904 (Item)


Foreign Office to Count Bernstorff: Stelling Case, 16 May 1904 (Item)
Germany Embassy: Note on Stelling Case, 13 July 1904 (Item)
Foreign Office. Minutes on Stelling case, 20 July 1904 (Item)
Lord Lansdowne to Count Metternich: settlement of Stelling Case, 22 July 1904 (Item)
Count Metternich to Lord Lansdowne: settlement of Stelling Case, 12 August 1904 (Item)
Foreign Office to Count Bernstorff: Stelling Case, 27 August 1904 (Item)
Tax on paper used in German Consulate in Sydney; duty charged on ships' provisions in Australia, 1904 (File 1606. AJCP Reel No: 6908)
5 items
Consular: Lord Lansdowne to Count Metternich: action of Australian Customs in taxing paper destined for use in German Consulate in Sydney, 19 March 1904 (Item)
Consular: Lord Lansdowne to Count Metternich: duty charged on paper destined for use in German Consulate in Sydney, 4 August 1904 (Item)
Commercial: Foreign Office. Minutes on duty charged on ships' provisions in Australia, 18 August 1904 (Item)
Commercial: Lord Lansdowne to Count Bernstorff: duty charged on ships' provisions in Australia, 22 August 1904 (Item)
Commercial: Lord Lansdowne to Count Bernstorff: duty charged on ships' provisions in Australia, 31 August 1904 (Item)
Stelling case, 1904 (File 1608. AJCP Reel No: 6908)
12 items
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: criticisms by Australian Government of German Consul-General at Sydney, 29 April 1904 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: sends despatch from Australian Governor-General on German Consul-General, 30 April 1904 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: Stelling Case, 4 May 1904 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: recall of German Consul-General at Sydney from leave, 13 May 1904 (Item)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: Stelling Case, 20 May 1904 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: Stelling Case, 27 May 1904 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: return of Consul-General to Sydney, 4 July 1904 (Item)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: Stelling Case, 16 July 1904 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: Stelling Case, 21 July 1904 (Item)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: Stelling Case, 15 August 1904 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: Stelling Case, 17 August 1904 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: Stelling Case, 26 August 1904 (Item)
Expenses of Vice-Consul at Apia, 1904 (File 1609. AJCP Reel No: 6908)
4 items
Office of Works to Foreign Office: condition of Consulate buildings at Apia, 7 March 1904 (Item)
Foreign Office to Office of Works: allowance to Consul at Apia for upkeep of buildings, 31 March 1904 (Item)
Foreign Office to Office of Works: expenses incurred by T. Trood in maintenance of Consulate at Apia, 8 October 1904 (Item)
Office of Works to Foreign Office: expenses must be borne by Consul, 20 October 1904 (Item)
British commercial rights in Caroline Islands; duty on ships' stores in Australia, 1904 (File 1610. AJCP Reel No: 6908)
8 items
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: inquiry by Australian Government about market value of Apollinaris water in Berlin and Hamburg, 3 February 1904 (Item)
Burns, Philp & Co. to Foreign Office: inquires about British commercial rights in Caroline Islands, 22 February 1904 (Item)
Foreign Office to Burns, Philp & Co.: British commercial rights in Caroline Islands, 25 February 1904 (Item)
E. J. Scott to Foreign Office: seeks information about cultivation of cocoa in Samoa, 20 March 1904 (Item)
E. J. Scott to Foreign Office: acknowledges information, 25 March 1904 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: duty on ships' stores in Australia, 27 August 1904 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: duty on ships' stores in Australia, 13 September 1904 (Item)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: Note to German and French Embassies about duty on ships' stores in Australia, 22 September 1904 (Item)
Concessionary rights of Eastern Extension Telegraph Co. in Caroline, Ladrones, Philippines and other former Spanish colonies in Pacific, 1899 - 1904 (File 1614. AJCP Reel No: 6908)


Correspondence concerning the efforts of the Eastern Extension Telegraph Company to obtain recognition by the German and United States Governments of the concessions granted to it by the Spanish Government in 1879-98 relating to the laying and working of submarine cables in the Pacific. It also refers to the 1901 German-Netherlands Cable Convention and its repercussions for the Company.

Correspondents include Lord Tweeddale, Sir Henry Drummond Wolfe (Madrid), Lord Salisbury, Lord Gough (Berlin), Lord Pauncefote (Washington), Sir Frank Lascelles (Berlin), Sir Henry Howard (The Hague), Lord Lansdowne and G. Buchanan (Berlin).

Charges on British shipping at Marshall Islands; Samoan arbitration, 1905 (File 1615. AJCP Reel No: 6909)
15 items
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: charges levied on British shipping in Marshall Islands, 17 January 1905 (Item)
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: purchase of safes for records of Samoan Land Commission, 7 February 1905 (Item)
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: Samoan arbitration, 1 March 1905 (Item)
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: payments to Malietoa Tanu, 31 March 1905 (Item)
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: Samoan arbitration, 30 March 1905 (Item)
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: charges on British shipping at Marshall Islands, 4 April 1905 (Item)
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: charges on British shipping at Marshall Islands, 5 April 1905 (Item)
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: Samoan arbitration, 5 April 1905 (Item)
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: trade regulations in Marshall Islands, 3 May 1905 (Item)
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: trade regulations in Marshall Islands, 19 May 1905 (Item)
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: Samoan arbitration, 5 June 1905 (Item)
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: charges on British shipping in Marshall Islands, 5 June 1905 (Item)
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: anti-German agitation in Australia concerning Marshall Islands, 29 July 1905 (Item)
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: letter of Col. J. Burns about Marshall Islands, 4 August 1905 (Item)
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: British trade in Marshall and Caroline Islands, 26 August 1905 (Item)
Charges on British shipping at Marshall Islands; Samoan claims, 1905 (File 1616. AJCP Reel No: 6909)
11 items
Sir Frank Lascelles (Berlin) to Lord Lansdowne: restrictive measures against Australian shipping in Marshall Islands, 9 February 1905 (Item)
Sir Frank Lascelles (Berlin) to Lord Lansdowne: disposal of Malietoa Tanu Education Fund, 18 February 1905 (Item)
Sir Frank Lascelles (Berlin) to Lord Lansdowne: Samoan claims, 18 February 1905 (Item)
Sir Frank Lascelles (Berlin) to Lord Lansdowne: levies on British shipping in Marshall Islands, 8 March 1905 (Item)


Sir Frank Lascelles (Berlin) to Lord Lansdowne: expedition to Western Australia by International Geodetic Association, 1 April 1905 (Item)
Sir Frank Lascelles (Berlin) to Lord Lansdowne: Order relating to import and sale of opium in New Guinea, 12 April 1905 (Item)
Sir Frank Lascelles (Berlin) to Lord Lansdowne: levies on British shipping in Marshall Islands, 15 April 1905 (Item)
Sir Frank Lascelles (Berlin) to Lord Lansdowne: levies on British shipping in Marshall Islands, 17 April 1905 (Item)
Sir Frank Lascelles (Berlin) to Lord Lansdowne: levies on British shipping in Marshall Islands, 20 April 1905 (Item)
Sir Frank Lascelles (Berlin) to Lord Lansdowne: levies on British shipping in Marshall Islands (2 despatches), 11 May 1905 (Item)
Sir Frank Lascelles (Berlin) to Lord Lansdowne: Samoan claims, 27 May 1905 (Item)
Samoan claims; British trade in Marshall and Caroline Islands, 1905 (File 1617. AJCP Reel No: 6909)
8 items
Sir Frank Lascelles to Foreign Office: Samoan claims, June 1905 (Item)
J. B. Whitehead (Berlin) to Lord Lansdowne: Samoan claims, 24 June 1905 (Item)
J. B. Whitehead to Lord Lansdowne: British trade in Marshall and Caroline Islands, 12 July 1905 (Item)


J. B. Whitehead to Lord Lansdowne: German press criticisms of conditions in Samoa, 19 July 1905 (Item)


J. B. Whitehead to Lord Lansdowne: letter of Col. J. Burns on Marshall Islands, 19 July 1905 (Item)


J. B. Whitehead to Lord Lansdowne: British trade in Marshall and Caroline Islands, 30 August 1905 (Item)
J. B. Whitehead to Lord Lansdowne: contracts with natives for acquisition of land in Marshall Islands; trade regulations, 5 December 1905 (Item)


J. B. Whitehead to Lord Lansdowne: purchase of safes for Samoan Land Commission records, 6 December 1905 (Item)
Restrictive measures against Australian shipping in Marshall Islands, 1905 (File 1618. AJCP Reel No: 6909)
1 item
Foreign Office to Sir Frank Lascelles: restrictive measures against Australian shipping in Marshall Islands (cable), 3 February 1905 (Item)
Visit of A.A. Simpson of Adelaide to study old-age pensions in Germany; establishment of consulate at Yap Island, 1905 (File 1619. AJCP Reel No: 6909)
2 items
Lord Lansdowne to Sir Frank Lascelles: visit of A. A. Simpson of Adelaide to Germany to study system of old age pensions, 1 June 1905 (Item)
Lord Lansdowne to J. B. Whitehead: establishment of consulate at Yap, 8 December 1905 (Item)
Timetable of German New Guinea Steamship Company, 1905 (File 1621. AJCP Reel No: 6909)
1 item
Sir Frank Lascelles to Lord Lansdowne: sends timetable of German New Guinea Steamship Company, 20 February 1905 (Item)
Decree on sale of opium in Samoa, 1905 (File 1622. AJCP Reel No: 6909)
1 item
J. B. Whitehead to Lord Lansdowne: sends decree on sale of opium in Samoa, 20 July 1905 (Item)
Despatches of Vice-Consul at Apia, 1905 (File 1626. AJCP Reel No: 6909)
1 item
Correspondence between Foreign Office and T. Trood, Vice-Consul at Apia, 1905 (Item)


Subjects include claims of British subjects arising out of 1899 disturbances (including petitions), repairs to Consulate buildings, despatch of trade report, and receipt of circulars.

Samoan claims; trade in Marshall Islands; zoological expedition to Western Australia, 1905 (File 1627. AJCP Reel No: 6909)
11 items
Count Metternich to Lord Lansdowne: zoological expedition to Western Australia led by J. W. Michaelsen of Hamburg Natural History Museum, 23 January 1905 (Item)
Foreign Office to Count Metternich: acknowledgment, 3 February 1905 (Item)
Count Bernstorff to F. Villiers: Samoan claims, 10 April 1905 (Item)
Count Bernstorff to Lord Lansdowne: differences between German and Australian Governments regarding Marshall Islands, 29 April 1905 (Item)
Foreign Office to Count Metternich: visit of J. W. Michaelsen to Western Australia, 17 May 1905 (Item)
Foreign Office to Count Metternich: visit of J. W. Michaelsen to Western Australia, 25 May 1905 (Item)
Count Oberndorff to F. Villiers: Samoan claims, 8 June 1905 (Item)
Count Metternich to Lord Lansdowne: dispute about Marshall Islands, 4 August 1905 (Item)


Foreign Office to Count Metternich: acknowledgment, 15 August 1905 (Item)
Count Bernstorff. Note concerning Ordinance relating to trade in Marshall Islands, 30 August 1905 (Item)


Count Metternich to Sir Edward Grey: visit of German warship Condor, 22 December 1905 (Item)
Wreck of Aigburth off coast of New Guinea, 1905 (File 1628. AJCP Reel No: 6909)
2 items
Consular: Count Metternich to Lord Lansdowne: wreck of British ship Aigburth off German New Guinea, 5 April 1905 (Item)
Consular: Count Metternich to Lord Lansdowne: expense incurred by Government of German New Guinea arising from wreck of Aigburth, 1 November 1905 (Item)
Visit to Australia by International Geodetic Association; German interest in Timor; expedition of J.W. Michaelsen, 1905 (File 1630. AJCP Reel No: 6909)
8 items
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: visit of zoologist J. W. Michaelsen to Western Australia, 27 January 1905 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: alleged interest of German Government in purchasing part of Timor, 27 January 1905 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: visit of J. W. Michaelsen and R. Hartmeyer to Western Australia, 1 February 1905 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: expedition to Australia by International Geodetic Association, 15 April 1905 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: visit of J. W. Michaelsen and r. Hartmeyer to Western Australia, 8 May 1905 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: visit of J. W. Michaelsen and r. Hartmeyer to Western Australia, 20 May 1905 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: geodetic expedition to Australia, 11 July 1905 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: geodetic expedition to Australia, 22 July 1905 (Item)
Correspondence concerning German territories in Pacific, 1905 (File 1631. AJCP Reel No: 6910)


Correspondence on activities of British traders in Marshall and Caroline Islands, losses incurred by Burns, Philp & Co. due to restrictions imposed by German authorities in Marshall Islands, treatment of British subjects in German New Guinea, Samoa, establishment of German penal settlement on Admiralty Islands.

Correspondents include E. MacGregor (Admiralty), C.P. Lucas (Colonial Office), H. B. Cox (Colonial Office), C. Hurst (Foreign Office), H. Campbell (Burns, Philp & Co), C. Mackellar, Lord Jersey (Melbourne) and A. F. Walker.

Establishment of British Consulate at Yap; visit of A.A. Simpson to Germany, 1905 (File 1632. AJCP Reel No: 6910)
11 items
Office of Works to Foreign Office: cost of maintenance of Consulate at Apia, 2 March 1905 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: visit of A. A. Simpson of Adelaide to Germany to inquire into system of old age pensions, 25 May 1905 (Item)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: acknowledgment, 1 June 1905 (Item)
A. Scott (Yap) to Lord Lansdowne: urges establishment of British Consulate at Yap; seeks appointment, 12 June 1905 (Item)
Foreign Office to Colonial Office: suggestion of A. Scott that Consulate be established at Yap, 8 September 1905 (Item)
Foreign Office to Board of Trade: suggestion of A. Scott that Consulate be established at Yap, 8 September 1905 (Item)
Foreign Office to A. Scott: acknowledgement, 8 September 1905 (Item)
Colonial Office to Foreign Office: establishment of Consulate at Yap, 18 September 1905 (Item)
Board of Education to Foreign Office: request of P. Cole and S. Roberts of Sydney University to visit educational institutions in Berlin, 1 December 1905 (Item)
Board of Trade to Foreign Office: support of Chamber of Shipping for establishment of Consulate at Yap, 4 December 1905 (Item)
Board of Trade to Foreign Office: views of Shipping Federation on establishment of Consulate at Yap, 15 December 1905 (Item)
International Copyright Conference at Berlin, 1905 (File 1634. AJCP Reel No: 6910)
2 items
Foreign Office to Colonial Office, 1 August 1905 (Item)

International Copyright Conference at Berlin; adherence of British Government to 1886 Convention dependent on settlement with Dominions

Colonial Office to Foreign Office, 22 August 1905 (Item)

Legislation by Imperial Government on copyright extending to colonies would be resented by Canada and Australia.

Series FO 67. Correspondence. Sardinia, 1819

1 item

Correspondence an enclosures from British Consul at Genoa, Hon. William Hill concerning incident at a ball concerning British merchant and E. G. Wakefield., and relates to the consulate in Genoa.

Archival History

Material selectively filmed as part of the Australian Joint Copying Project (AJCP Reel 1507). Original microfilm digitised as part of the AJCP Online Delivery Project, 2017-2020.

Existence and Location of Originals

The National Archives of the UK (TNA).

Series Reference: FO 67. For further information, see FO 67 at The National Archives of the UK. (

Existence and Location of Copies

The original AJCP microfilm of the records filmed from this collection is available at the National Library of Australia [] as well as other institutions holding AJCP microfilm.


Wakefield, Edward Gibbon, 1796-1862; Great Britain: Foreign Office; Genoa)

Hon. William Hill, 1819 (File 59. AJCP Reel No: 1507)

Series FO 83. Correspondence. Great Britain and General, 1781 - 1946

1222 items

Correspondence with other Government departments in Britain as well as correspondence on a variety of matters not relating specifically to any one country and therefore not fitting into the General Correspondence series. Correspondence within each volume is arranged by country (much of the material relates to the Pacific area).

Correspondence includes returns of marriages at British embassies and legations, circulars to ministers and consuls abroad, lists of British Consuls abroad and returns of expenses of consular establishments. Reports of laws of foreign countries, such as trade mark laws, and sessions of international conventions such as the International Copyright Convention and the Sugar conferences are also included.

Archival History

Material selectively filmed as part of the Australian Joint Copying Project (AJCP Reels 3971-4391). Original microfilm digitised as part of the AJCP Online Delivery Project, 2017-2020.

Existence and Location of Originals

The National Archives of the UK (TNA).

Series Reference: FO 83. For further information, see FO 83 at The National Archives of the UK. (

Existence and Location of Copies

The original AJCP microfilm of the records filmed from this collection is available at the National Library of Australia [] as well as other institutions holding AJCP microfilm.


Copyright; Edward VII, King of Great Britain; Edward VII, King of Great Britain: coronation; Great Britain: Foreign Office; Guano Islands; Marriage; Pacific; Samoa; Sugar; Sugar: laws and legislation; Trademarks; Treaties; Victoria, Queen of Great Britain; Victoria, Queen of Great Britain: death and burial

Council House Correspondence, 1781 - 1806 (File 3. AJCP Reel No: 3971)
Home Office Correspondence, 1783 - 1806 (File 4. AJCP Reel No: 3971)
Treasury Correspondence, 1788 - 1808 (File 6. AJCP Reel No: 3971)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, 1777 - 1805 (File 8. AJCP Reel No: 3971)
Various, 1802 - 1806 (File 13. AJCP Reel No: 3971)
Various, 1812 (File 23. AJCP Reel No: 3971)
Various, 1814 (File 25. AJCP Reel No: 3971)
Various, 1816 (File 27. AJCP Reel No: 3971)
Various, 1817 (File 29. AJCP Reel No: 3971)
Various, 1819 (File 31. AJCP Reel No: 3971)
Various, 1821 (File 35. AJCP Reel No: 3971)
Various, 1822 (File 37. AJCP Reel No: 3971)
Various, 1823 (File 38. AJCP Reel No: 3971)
Various, 1825 (File 41. AJCP Reel No: 3971)
Various, 1826 (File 43. AJCP Reel No: 3971)
Various, 1828 (File 47. AJCP Reel No: 3971)
Various, 1828 - 1829 (File 49. AJCP Reel No: 3971)
Various, Consular, 1829 (File 50. AJCP Reel No: 3971)
Various, Consular, 1831 (File 53. AJCP Reel No: 3971)
Diplomatic Privileges, 1832 (File 56. AJCP Reel No: 3971)
Diplomatic Privileges, 1833 (File 58. AJCP Reel No: 3971)
Various, 1835 (File 62. AJCP Reel No: 3971)
Various, 1838 (File 69. AJCP Reel No: 3971)
Various, Consular, 1838 (File 70. AJCP Reel No: 3971)
Various, 1839 (File 71. AJCP Reel No: 3971)
Various, 1840 (File 73. AJCP Reel No: 3971)
Miscellaneous, 1841 (File 75. AJCP Reel No: 3971)
Miscellaneous, 1842 (File 79. AJCP Reel No: 3971)
Miscellaneous, Consular, 1842 (File 80. AJCP Reel No: 3971)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, vol.2, 1822 - 1826 (File 82. AJCP Reel No: 3971)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, vol.4, 1831 - 1835 (File 84. AJCP Reel No: 3971)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, vol.5, 1836 - 1839 (File 85. AJCP Reel No: 3971)
Miscellaneous, 1843 (File 87. AJCP Reel No: 3971)
Introductions to HM's representatives abroad, vol.1, 1831 - 1841 (File 89. AJCP Reel No: 3971)
Miscellaneous, 1844 (File 95. AJCP Reel No: 3971)
Miscellaneous, Consular, 1844 (File 96. AJCP Reel No: 3971)
British Mercantile Marine, 1843 - 1844 (File 97. AJCP Reel No: 3971)
Miscellaneous, 1845 (File 98. AJCP Reel No: 3971)
Miscellaneous, Consular, 1845 (File 99. AJCP Reel No: 3971)
Miscellaneous, 1846 (File 100. AJCP Reel No: 3971)
Miscellaneous, Consular, 1846 (File 101. AJCP Reel No: 3971)
Agricultural Produce. Returns in answer to circular of 15 March, 1845, vol.2, 1846 (File 104. AJCP Reel No: 3971)
Miscellaneous, January 1847 - June 1847 (File 105. AJCP Reel No: 3971)
Miscellaneous, July 1847 - December 1847 (File 106. AJCP Reel No: 3971)
Miscellaneous, Consular, 1847 (File 107. AJCP Reel No: 3972)
Miscellaneous, 1848 (File 108. AJCP Reel No: 3972)
Miscellaneous, Consular, 1848 (File 109. AJCP Reel No: 3972)
Circular to Ministers and Consuls abroad, vol.7, 1843 - 1848 (File 110. AJCP Reel No: 3972)
British Mercantile Houses abroad, 1842 - 1848 (File 111. AJCP Reel No: 3972)
Miscellaneous, 1849 (File 112. AJCP Reel No: 3972)
Expenses of British Consular Establishments, 1849 (File 114. AJCP Reel No: 3972)
French and American Mercantile Houses abroad, 1849 (File 115. AJCP Reel No: 3972)
Marriages abroad, 1814 - 1832 (File 116. AJCP Reel No: 3972)
Marriages abroad, 1833 - 1836 (File 117. AJCP Reel No: 3972)
Marriages abroad, 1837 - 1842 (File 118. AJCP Reel No: 3972)
Marriages abroad, 1843 - 1849 (File 119. AJCP Reel No: 3972)
Miscellaneous, 1850 (File 120. AJCP Reel No: 3972)
Miscellaneous, Consular, 1850 (File 121. AJCP Reel No: 3972)
Circular Archives, 1850 - 1851 (File 122. AJCP Reel No: 3972)
State of Archives of Missions etc., abroad, 1850 (File 123. AJCP Reel No: 3972)
Miscellaneous, 1851 (File 124. AJCP Reel No: 3972)
Miscellaneous, Consular, 1851 (File 125. AJCP Reel No: 3972-3973)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, 1849 - 1851 (File 126. AJCP Reel No: 3973)
Miscellaneous, 1852 (File 128. AJCP Reel No: 3973)
Miscellaneous, Consular, 1852 (File 129. AJCP Reel No: 3973)
Sailing Letters; Pacific Islands, 1832 - 1852 (File 130. AJCP Reel No: 3973)
Miscellaneous, 1853 (File 132. AJCP Reel No: 3973)
Miscellaneous, Consular, 1853 (File 133. AJCP Reel No: 3973)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, 1852 - 1853 (File 134. AJCP Reel No: 3973)
Miscellaneous, 1854 (File 136. AJCP Reel No: 3973)
Miscellaneous, Consular, 1854 (File 137. AJCP Reel No: 3973)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, 1854 (File 138. AJCP Reel No: 3973)
Miscellaneous, 1855 (File 140. AJCP Reel No: 3973)
Miscellaneous, Consular, 1855 (File 141. AJCP Reel No: 3973)
Oaths abroad, 1854 - 1855 (File 142. AJCP Reel No: 3973)
Circulars to Foreign Ministers in London, vol.2, 1843 - 1855 (File 144. AJCP Reel No: 3973)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, 1855 (File 145. AJCP Reel No: 3973)
Miscellaneous, 1856 (File 146. AJCP Reel No: 3974)
Miscellaneous, Consular, 1856 (File 147. AJCP Reel No: 3974)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, 1856 (File 148. AJCP Reel No: 3974)
Expenses of extra couriers, attaches travelling expenses, vol.1, 1824 - 1850 (File 149. AJCP Reel No: 3974)
Answers to Queries; expenses of Consulates, vol.1, 1855 - 1856 (File 151. AJCP Reel No: 3974)
Answers to Queries; expenses of Consulates, vol.2, 1855 - 1856 (File 152. AJCP Reel No: 3974)
Salaries of foreign Consuls, 1855 - 1856 (File 154. AJCP Reel No: 3974)
Meteorological Observations, 1851 - 1856 (File 155. AJCP Reel No: 3974)
Miscellaneous, 1857 (File 156. AJCP Reel No: 3974)
Miscellaneous, Consular, 1857 (File 157. AJCP Reel No: 3974)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, 1857 (File 158. AJCP Reel No: 3974)
Answers to Queries; Consuls abroad, vol.2, 1857 (File 161. AJCP Reel No: 3974)
Trading and Non-trading Returns, 1856 - 1857 (File 162. AJCP Reel No: 3974)
Answers to Queries; returns of Consular officers, 1856 - 1857 (File 163. AJCP Reel No: 3974)
Answers to Queries; age of Consuls, 1857 (File 164. AJCP Reel No: 3974)
Miscellaneous, vol.1, January 1858 - June 1858 (File 165. AJCP Reel No: 3974)
Miscellaneous, vol.2, July 1858 - December 1858 (File 166. AJCP Reel No: 3974)
Miscellaneous, Consular, 1858 (File 167. AJCP Reel No: 3974)
Marriages: Tahiti, 1849 - 1858 (File 168. AJCP Reel No: 3975)
Answers to Queries; employees in Consulates, vol.1, 1857 - 1858 (File 170. AJCP Reel No: 3975)
Answers to Queries; employees in Consulates, vol.2, 1857 - 1858 (File 171. AJCP Reel No: 3975)
Answers to Queries; fees received under the New and Old Systems, vol.1, 1857 - 1858 (File 174. AJCP Reel No: 3975)
Answers to Queries; fees received, 1857 - 1858 (File 175. AJCP Reel No: 3975)
Answers to Queries, Consular Service; Netherlands, vol.1, 1857 - 1858 (File 176. AJCP Reel No: 3975)
Answers to Queries, Consular Service; Spain, vol.2, 1856 - 1857 (File 177. AJCP Reel No: 3975)
Answers to Queries, Consular Service; Pacific Islands, Borneo, vol.5, 1856 - 1858 (File 180. AJCP Reel No: 3975)
Miscellaneous, vol.1, January 1859 - May 1859 (File 182. AJCP Reel No: 3975)
Miscellaneous, vol.2, June 1859 - December 1859 (File 183. AJCP Reel No: 3975)
Miscellaneous, Consular, 1859 (File 184. AJCP Reel No: 3975)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, 1858 - 1859 (File 185. AJCP Reel No: 3975)
Answers to Queries, Consular Service, Inadequacy of Salary; Borneo, 1857 - 1859 (File 187. AJCP Reel No: 3975)
Consular fees, Return, vol.1, 1858 - 1859 (File 188. AJCP Reel No: 3975)
Consular fees, Return, vol.2, 1858 - 1859 (File 189. AJCP Reel No: 3975)
Consular fees, Return, vol.3, 1858 - 1859 (File 190. AJCP Reel No: 3975)
Consular fees, Return, vol.4, 1858 - 1859 (File 191. AJCP Reel No: 3975)
Miscellaneous, 1860 (File 197. AJCP Reel No: 3975)
Miscellaneous, Consular, 1860 (File 198. AJCP Reel No: 3975)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, 1860 (File 199. AJCP Reel No: 3975)
Consular fees, Returns, vol.5, 1860 (File 202. AJCP Reel No: 3975)
Shipping Queries, 1860 (File 203. AJCP Reel No: 3975)
Parliamentary Domestic, 1825 - 1860 (File 207. AJCP Reel No: 3975)
Miscellaneous, 1861 (File 208. AJCP Reel No: 3975)
Miscellaneous, Consular, 1861 (File 209. AJCP Reel No: 3975)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, 1861 (File 210. AJCP Reel No: 3975-3976)
Seamen deserters in New South Wales, 1853 - 1861 (File 212. AJCP Reel No: 3976)
Correspondence respecting guano and nitrate of soda, 1833 - 1861 (File 214. AJCP Reel No: 3976-3977)
Miscellaneous, 1862 (File 216. AJCP Reel No: 3977)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.1, January 1862 - April 1862 (File 217. AJCP Reel No: 3977)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.2, September 1862 - December 1862 (File 218. AJCP Reel No: 3977)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, 1862 (File 219. AJCP Reel No: 3977)
Replies of Consuls to circular of 27 August, 1860, respecting shipping, 1860 - 1862 (File 220. AJCP Reel No: 3977)
State Paper office, vol.12, 1858 (File 232. AJCP Reel No: 3977)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.1, January 1863 - April 1863 (File 236. AJCP Reel No: 3977)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.2, May 1863 - December 1863 (File 237. AJCP Reel No: 3977)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, 1863 (File 238. AJCP Reel No: 3977)
Miscellaneous, 1864 (File 242. AJCP Reel No: 3977)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.2, July 1864 - December 1864 (File 244. AJCP Reel No: 3977)
Mail contracts, vol.1, 1840 - 1864 (File 246. AJCP Reel No: 3977)
Correspondence with Admiralty, payment of contract passages, 1849 - 1864 (File 247. AJCP Reel No: 3977)
Differential duties with France, Spain and Portugal, vol.1, 1849 - 1850 (File 249. AJCP Reel No: 3977)
Differential duties with France, Spain and Portugal, vol.2, January 1851 - April 1851 (File 250. AJCP Reel No: 3977-3978)
Differential duties with France, Spain and Portugal, vol.3, September 1851 - December 1852 (File 251. AJCP Reel No: 3978)
Differential duties with France, Spain and Portugal, vol.4, 1853 - 1856 (File 252. AJCP Reel No: 3978)
Differential duties with France, Spain and Portugal, vol.5, 1857 - 1860 (File 253. AJCP Reel No: 3978)
Differential duties with France, Spain and Portugal, vol.6, January 1861 - April 1864 (File 254. AJCP Reel No: 3978)
Miscellaneous, vol.1, January 1865 - June 1865 (File 255. AJCP Reel No: 3978)
Miscellaneous, vol.2, July 1865 - December 1865 (File 256. AJCP Reel No: 3978)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.1, January 1865 - June 1865 (File 257. AJCP Reel No: 3978)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.2, July 1865 - December 1865 (File 258. AJCP Reel No: 3978)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, 1864 - 1865 (File 259. AJCP Reel No: 3978)
Circulars, Commercial, Domestic Various, 1865 (File 260. AJCP Reel No: 3978)
Papers laid before Parliament respecting resin, 1864 - 1865 (File 262. AJCP Reel No: 3978)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.5, 1859 - 1862 (File 267. AJCP Reel No: 3978)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.6, 1863 - 1865 (File 268. AJCP Reel No: 3978)
Miscellaneous, vol.1, January 1866 - May 1866 (File 271. AJCP Reel No: 3978)
Miscellaneous, vol.2, June 1866 - December 1866 (File 272. AJCP Reel No: 3978)
Miscellaneous, Consular, 1866 (File 273. AJCP Reel No: 3978)
Circulars, Commercial, Domestic Various, Commercial, 1866 (File 274. AJCP Reel No: 3979)
Circulars to foreign ministers in London, vol.3, 1856 - 1866 (File 275. AJCP Reel No: 3979)
Expenses of extra couriers, attaches' travelling expenses, etc., 1861 - 1866 (File 279. AJCP Reel No: 3979)
Miscellaneous, vol.1, January 1867 - May 1867 (File 280. AJCP Reel No: 3979)
Miscellaneous, vol.2, June 1867 - December 1867 (File 281. AJCP Reel No: 3979)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.1, January 1867 - June 1867 (File 282. AJCP Reel No: 3979)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.2, July 1867 - December 1867 (File 283. AJCP Reel No: 3979)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, 1866 - 1867 (File 284. AJCP Reel No: 3979)
Maps, correspondence relating to, vol.1, 1822 - 1867 (File 286. AJCP Reel No: 3979)
State Papers, issue of volumes to embassies, etc., vol.2, 1859 - 1867 (File 287. AJCP Reel No: 3979)
Miscellaneous, vol.1, January 1868 - May 1868 (File 289. AJCP Reel No: 3979)
Miscellaneous, vol.2, June 1868 - December 1868 (File 290. AJCP Reel No: 3979)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.1, January 1868 - June 1868 (File 291. AJCP Reel No: 3979)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.2, July 1868 - December 1868 (File 292. AJCP Reel No: 3979)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, 1868 (File 293. AJCP Reel No: 3979)
Printed books, vol.3, 1861 - 1868 (File 298. AJCP Reel No: 3979)
Distressed British subjects (answers to circular of 8 Jan. 1868), 1868 (File 300. AJCP Reel No: 3979-3980)
Production of official papers in courts of law. vol.1, 1825 - 1868 (File 301. AJCP Reel No: 3980)
Miscellaneous, vol.1, January 1869 - April 1869 (File 302. AJCP Reel No: 3980)
Miscellaneous, vol.2, May 1869 - December 1869 (File 303. AJCP Reel No: 3980)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.1, January 1869 - June 1869 (File 304. AJCP Reel No: 3980)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.2, July 1869 - December 1869 (File 305. AJCP Reel No: 3981)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, 1869 (File 306. AJCP Reel No: 3981)
Collisions at sea, vol.1, August 1860 - December 1862 (File 307. AJCP Reel No: 3981)
Collisions at sea, vol.2, January 1863 - May 1863 (File 308. AJCP Reel No: 3981)
Collisions at sea, vol.3, June 1863 - December 1863 (File 309. AJCP Reel No: 3981)
Collisions at sea, vol.4, January 1864 - February 1866 (File 310. AJCP Reel No: 3981)
Returns; consular establishments, 1869 (File 315. AJCP Reel No: 3981)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.7, 1866 - 1869 (File 317. AJCP Reel No: 3981)
Miscellaneous, vol.1, January 1870 - June 1870 (File 318. AJCP Reel No: 3981)
Miscellaneous, vol.2, July 1870 (File 319. AJCP Reel No: 3981)
Miscellaneous, vol.3a, August 1870 (File 320. AJCP Reel No: 3981)
Miscellaneous, vol.4, September 1870 (File 322. AJCP Reel No: 3981)
Miscellaneous, vol.5, October 1870 (File 323. AJCP Reel No: 3981)
Miscellaneous, vol.6, November 1870 (File 324. AJCP Reel No: 3981)
Miscellaneous, vol.7, December 1870 (File 325. AJCP Reel No: 3981)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.1, January 1870 - May 1870 (File 326. AJCP Reel No: 3981)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.2, June 1870 - December 1870 (File 327. AJCP Reel No: 3981)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, 1870 (File 328. AJCP Reel No: 3981)
Parliamentary, Domestic, vol.2, 1861 - 1870 (File 329. AJCP Reel No: 3981)
Indo-European telegraph, 1867 - 1870 (File 330. AJCP Reel No: 3981)
Submarine telegraph cables, neutralisation, 1869 - 1870 (File 331. AJCP Reel No: 3981)
Industrial classes; answers to circular of 7 June, 1870, vol.1, 1870 (File 335. AJCP Reel No: 3981)
Industrial classes; answers to circular of 7 June, 1870, vol.2, 1870 (File 336. AJCP Reel No: 3981)
Land tenure reports, vol.3, 1869 - 1870 (File 341. AJCP Reel No: 3981)
Messengers, foreign service regulations, allowances, circulars, 1815 - 1870 (File 348. AJCP Reel No: 3981)
Papers relating to the British and Foreign Diplomatic and Consular Services laid before the select committee of the House of Commons, 1870 (File 355. AJCP Reel No: 3981)
Miscellaneous, vol.1, January 1871 - February 1871 (File 356. AJCP Reel No: 3982)
Miscellaneous, vol.2, March 1871 (File 357. AJCP Reel No: 3982)
Miscellaneous, vol.3, April 1871 - August 1871 (File 358. AJCP Reel No: 3982)
Miscellaneous, vol.4, September 1871 - December 1871 (File 359. AJCP Reel No: 3982)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.1, January 1871 - June 1871 (File 360. AJCP Reel No: 3982)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.2, July 1871 - December 1871 (File 361. AJCP Reel No: 3982)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, 1871 (File 362. AJCP Reel No: 3982)
Irregularities in replying to circulars, insufficiency of returns and reports, answer to circular of 23 August, 1871, 1871 (File 364. AJCP Reel No: 3982)
Returns of fees; answer to circular of 30 June, 1870, 1870 - 1871 (File 366. AJCP Reel No: 3982)
Mr Murray's Consular Scheme and private letters; papers in connection with Consular Committee, 1859 - 1871 (File 367. AJCP Reel No: 3982)
Marriages abroad, vol.9, 1854 - 1871 (File 369. AJCP Reel No: 3982)
Miscellaneous, vol.1, January 1872 - May 1872 (File 370. AJCP Reel No: 3982)
Miscellaneous, vol.2, June 1872 - December 1872 (File 371. AJCP Reel No: 3982)
Miscellaneous, Consular, 1872 (File 372. AJCP Reel No: 3982)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, 1872 (File 373. AJCP Reel No: 3982)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, 1872 (File 374. AJCP Reel No: 3982)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.8, 1870 - 1872 (File 375. AJCP Reel No: 3982)
Industrial classes, Consuls' reports; Pacific Islands, 1871 - 1872 (File 379. AJCP Reel No: 3982)
Consuls acting as agents fro private vessels (answers to circular of 21 July, 1871), 1871 - 1872 (File 380. AJCP Reel No: 3982)
Consuls engaged in private trade or speculation (answers to circular of 11 August, 1871), 1871 - 1872 (File 381. AJCP Reel No: 3982)
British and foreign Consular establishments, answers to circular of 26 August, 1871, vol.5. Borneo, Pacific Islands, 1871 - 1872 (File 388. AJCP Reel No: 3982)
British and foreign Consular establishments, answers to circular of 26 August, 1871, vol.6. Netherlands, Spain, 1871 - 1872 (File 389. AJCP Reel No: 3982-3983)
British and foreign Consular establishments, answer to circular of 26 August, 1871, vol.7, United States of America, 1871 - 1872 (File 390. AJCP Reel No: 3983)
Consul's reports on past and present condition of British trade, answers to circular of 30 April, 1872. Spain, 1872 (File 394. AJCP Reel No: 3983)
Consuls' reports on past and present condition of British trade, answers to circular of 30 April, 1872. Pacific Islands, 1872 (File 396. AJCP Reel No: 3983)
Consular fees and trade, answers to circulars, 1858 - 1872 (File 397. AJCP Reel No: 3983)
Consular conventions, vol.2, 1855 - 1872 (File 401. AJCP Reel No: 3983)
Drawbacks on Sugar, vol.1, France, 1862 - 1865 (File 403. AJCP Reel No: 3983)
Marriages abroad, vol.7, 1872 (File 408. AJCP Reel No: 3983)
Miscellaneous, vol.1, January 1873 - June 1873 (File 409. AJCP Reel No: 3983)
Miscellaneous, vol.2, July 1873 - December 1973 (File 410. AJCP Reel No: 3983)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.1, January 1873 - August 1873 (File 411. AJCP Reel No: 3983)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.2, September 1873 - December 1873 (File 412. AJCP Reel No: 3983)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, 1873 (File 413. AJCP Reel No: 3983)
Circulars to Her Majesty's Ministers and Consuls abroad, 1873 (File 414. AJCP Reel No: 3983-3984)
British churches, replies to circular of 24 March, 1873, 1873 (File 419. AJCP Reel No: 3984)
British hospitals, replies to circular of 24 March, 1873, 1873 (File 420. AJCP Reel No: 3984)
British burial grounds, replies to circular of 24 March, 1873, 1873 (File 421. AJCP Reel No: 3984)
Consular buildings, replies to circular of 24 March, 1873, 1873 (File 422. AJCP Reel No: 3984)
Repatriation of pauper lunatics, vol.2, May 1868 - 12 April 1869 (File 424. AJCP Reel No: 3984)
Repatriation of pauper lunatics, vol.3, 15 April 1869 - 1873 (File 425. AJCP Reel No: 3984)
Diplomatic and Consular flags, international signal and boat flags, 1866 - 1873 (File 428. AJCP Reel No: 3984)
Information respecting leprosy and skin diseases, answers to circular of 13 April, 1872, 1872 - 1873 (File 429. AJCP Reel No: 3984)
Consuls' return of British shipping, 1873 (File 430. AJCP Reel No: 3984)
Miscellaneous, vol.1, January 1874 - June 1874 (File 432. AJCP Reel No: 3984)
Miscellaneous, vol.2, July 1874 - December 1874 (File 433. AJCP Reel No: 3984)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.1, January 1874 - June 1874 (File 434. AJCP Reel No: 3984)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.2, July 1874 - December 1874 (File 435. AJCP Reel No: 3984)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, 1874 (File 436. AJCP Reel No: 3984)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, 1874 (File 437. AJCP Reel No: 3984)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.9, 1873 - 1874 (File 438. AJCP Reel No: 3984)
New flags and emblems, 1868 - 1874 (File 452. AJCP Reel No: 3985)
Shipping fees and tonnage dues, replies to circular of 17 August, 1873, countries A to E., 1873 - 1874 (File 454. AJCP Reel No: 3985)
Shipping fees and tonnage dues, replies to circular of 17 August, 1873, countries G to P., 1873 - 1874 (File 455. AJCP Reel No: 3985)
Shipping fees and tonnage dues, replies to circular of 17 August, 1873, countries R to Z., 1873 - 1874 (File 456. AJCP Reel No: 3985)
Chapels and Chaplains abroad, papers collected for the committee, 1815 - 1874 (File 462. AJCP Reel No: 3985)
Miscellaneous, vol.1, January 1875 - June 1875 (File 463. AJCP Reel No: 3985)
Miscellaneous, vol. 2, July 1875 - December 1875 (File 464. AJCP Reel No: 3985)
Miscellaneous, Consular, 1875 (File 465. AJCP Reel No: 3985)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, 1875 (File 466. AJCP Reel No: 3985)
Circular to Ministers and Consuls abroad, Diplomatic Consular and Commercial, 1875 (File 467. AJCP Reel No: 3985)
Coffee leaf disease in Ceylon, answers to circular to 12 February, 1875, 1875 (File 486. AJCP Reel No: 3985)
Sugar conferences, vol.7, April 1875 - June 1875 (File 489. AJCP Reel No: 3985)
Introductions to Ministers abroad, vol.4, 1844 - 1875 (File 494. AJCP Reel No: 3985)
Miscellaneous, 1876 (File 495. AJCP Reel No: 3985)
Miscellaneous, Consular, 1876 (File 496. AJCP Reel No: 3985)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, 1876 (File 497. AJCP Reel No: 3985)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, Diplomatic, Consular and Commercial, 1876 (File 498. AJCP Reel No: 3985)
Parliamentary, Domestic, vol.3, 1871 - 1876 (File 500. AJCP Reel No: 3985)
Mail contracts, vol.2, 1865 - 1876 (File 501. AJCP Reel No: 3985-3986)
Berne, postal prepayment of official correspondence, vol.1, January 1874 - July 1874 (File 512. AJCP Reel No: 3986)
Sugar conferences, vol.15, September 1876 - December 1876 (File 517. AJCP Reel No: 3986)
Miscellaneous, vol.1, January 1877 - June 1877 (File 521. AJCP Reel No: 3986)
Miscellaneous, vol.2, July 1877 - December 1877 (File 522. AJCP Reel No: 3986)
Miscellaneous, Consular, 1877 (File 523. AJCP Reel No: 3986)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, 1877 (File 525. AJCP Reel No: 3986)
Presents and interchange of documents, 1875 - 1877 (File 529. AJCP Reel No: 3986)
Exemption of foreign consuls from municipal taxation, 1872 - 1877 (File 550. AJCP Reel No: 3986)
Miscellaneous, vol.1, January 1878 - June 1878 (File 556. AJCP Reel No: 3986)
Miscellaneous, vol.2, July 1878 - December 1978 (File 557. AJCP Reel No: 3986)
Miscellaneous, Consular, 1878 (File 558. AJCP Reel No: 3986)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, 1878 (File 559. AJCP Reel No: 3986)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, 1878 (File 560. AJCP Reel No: 3986)
Sugar conferences, vol.19, January 1878 - June 1878 (File 573. AJCP Reel No: 3986)
Naval Courts, foreign prisons and facilities given abroad for the punishment of British merchant seamen, replies to circular of 10 July, 1876, A to D, vol.1, 1876 (File 576. AJCP Reel No: 3986)
Naval Courts, foreign prisons and facilities given abroad for the punishment of British merchant seamen, replies to circular of 10 July, 1876, A to D, vol.2, 1876 (File 577. AJCP Reel No: 3986)
Naval Courts, foreign prisons and facilities given abroad for the punishment of British merchant seamen, replies to circular of 10 July, 1876, A to D, vol.3, 1876 - 1877 (File 578. AJCP Reel No: 3986)
Naval Courts, foreign prisons and facilities given abroad for the punishment of British merchant seamen, replies to circular of 10 July, 1876, A to D, vol.4, 1875 - 1878 (File 579. AJCP Reel No: 3986-3987)
Returns, numbers of despatches, vol.1, 1821 - 1878 (File 583. AJCP Reel No: 3987)
Miscellaneous, 1879 (File 585. AJCP Reel No: 3987)
Miscellaneous, Consular, 1879 (File 586. AJCP Reel No: 3987)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.1, January 1879 - May 1879 (File 587. AJCP Reel No: 3987)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.2, June 1879 - December 1879 (File 588. AJCP Reel No: 3987)
Circulars to Her Majesty's Minister and Consuls abroad, 1879 (File 589. AJCP Reel No: 3987)
Printed books, vol.5, 1877 - 1879 (File 590. AJCP Reel No: 3987)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.12, 1879 (File 593. AJCP Reel No: 3987)
Extradition. proposed draft convention and negotiations with foreign powers, 1870 - 1879 (File 607. AJCP Reel No: 3987)
Trade marks. Reports on laws in foreign countries, answers to circular of 28 September, 1878, 1878 - 1879 (File 609. AJCP Reel No: 3987)
Miscellaneous, vol.1, January 1880 - July 1880 (File 611. AJCP Reel No: 3987)
Miscellaneous, vol.2, August 1880 - December 1880 (File 612. AJCP Reel No: 3987)
Miscellaneous, Consular, 1880 (File 613. AJCP Reel No: 3987)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, 1880 (File 614. AJCP Reel No: 3987)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, 1880 (File 616. AJCP Reel No: 3988)
Presents and interchange of documents, with precis by E. Hertslet, 1836-80, 1880 (File 618. AJCP Reel No: 3988)
Maps, 1878 - 1880 (File 619. AJCP Reel No: 3988)
Sugar conferences, n.d (File 629. AJCP Reel No: 3988)
Extradition, miscellaneous papers, memorandum etc., 1865 - 1880 (File 631. AJCP Reel No: 3988)
Repatriation of pauper lunatics. vol.4, 1876 - 1880 (File 632. AJCP Reel No: 3988)
Negotiations respecting the relief of distressed seamen, vol.1, 1872 - 1873 (File 633. AJCP Reel No: 3988)
Negotiations respecting the relief of distressed seamen, vol.2, 1875 - 1878 (File 634. AJCP Reel No: 3988-3989)
Negotiations respecting the relief of distressed seamen, vol.3, 1879 - 1880 (File 635. AJCP Reel No: 3989)
Hertslet's Commercial Treaties, vol.1, 1819 - 1880 (File 636. AJCP Reel No: 3989)
Foreign orders: Austria, 1842-80, Bavaria, 1855-80, 1842 - 1880 (File 641. AJCP Reel No: 3989)
Foreign orders: Belgium, 1845-80; Brazil, 1846-80; Denmark, 1842-80, 1845 - 1880 (File 642. AJCP Reel No: 3989)
Foreign orders: China, 1865-80; Siam, 1862-80; Japan, 1875-80, 1862 - 1880 (File 643. AJCP Reel No: 3989-3990)
Foreign orders: France, 1863 - 1880 (File 650. AJCP Reel No: 3990)
Foreign orders: German states, Greece, 1842 - 1880 (File 652. AJCP Reel No: 3990)
Foreign orders: Hanover, 1837 - 1841 (File 653. AJCP Reel No: 3990)
Foreign orders: Hanover, 1842 - 1861 (File 654. AJCP Reel No: 3990)
Foreign orders: Italy, 1861 - 1880 (File 656. AJCP Reel No: 3990)
Foreign orders; Miscellaneous, 1830 - 1880 (File 658. AJCP Reel No: 3990)
Foreign orders: Netherlands, 1817 - 1841 (File 659. AJCP Reel No: 3990)
Foreign orders: Netherlands, 1842 - 1880 (File 660. AJCP Reel No: 3990)
Foreign orders: Prussia, 1842 - 1880 (File 666. AJCP Reel No: 3990)
Foreign orders: Spain, 1864 - 1880 (File 676. AJCP Reel No: 3990)
Medals, foreign military, France, 1842 - 1877 (File 693. AJCP Reel No: 3990)
Medals, foreign military, Netherlands, 1878 - 1880 (File 696. AJCP Reel No: 3990)
Medals, foreign non-military awarded to British subjetcs, 1843 - 1880 (File 697. AJCP Reel No: 3990)
Miscellaneous, 1881 (File 698. AJCP Reel No: 3990)
Miscellaneous, Consular, 1881 (File 699. AJCP Reel No: 3990)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, 1881 (File 700. AJCP Reel No: 3990)
Miscellaneous, Sanitary, 1881 (File 701. AJCP Reel No: 3990)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, 1881 (File 702. AJCP Reel No: 3991)
Extradition of criminals, British colonies, M to S, 1868 - 1881 (File 729. AJCP Reel No: 3991)
Extradition of criminals, duties of governors, vol.3, 1868 - 1877 (File 730. AJCP Reel No: 3991)
Miscellaneous, vol.1, January 1882 - June 1882 (File 733. AJCP Reel No: 3991-3992)
Miscellaneous, vol.2, July 1882 - December 1882 (File 734. AJCP Reel No: 3992)
Miscellaneous, Consular, 1882 (File 735. AJCP Reel No: 3992)
Miscellaneous, Consular, 1882 (File 736. AJCP Reel No: 3992)
Miscellaneous, Sanitary, 1882 (File 737. AJCP Reel No: 3992)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, 1882 (File 738. AJCP Reel No: 3992)
Printed books, vol.6, 1880 - 1882 (File 739. AJCP Reel No: 3992)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.14, 1881 - 1882 (File 742. AJCP Reel No: 3992)
Law of foreign countries when pleaded in English courts, proposed convention for ascertaining, 1878 - 1882 (File 761. AJCP Reel No: 3992)
Miscellaneous, 1883 (File 770. AJCP Reel No: 3992)
Miscellaneous, Consular, 1883 (File 771. AJCP Reel No: 3992)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, January 1883 - July 1883 (File 772. AJCP Reel No: 3992)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, August 1883 - December 1883 (File 773. AJCP Reel No: 3992)
Miscellaneous, Treaty, 1883 (File 774. AJCP Reel No: 3992)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, 1883 (File 775. AJCP Reel No: 3992-3993)
State paper work, vol.3, 1868 - 1883 (File 776. AJCP Reel No: 3993)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.15, 1883 (File 777. AJCP Reel No: 3993)
Maps, vol.4, 1881 - 1883 (File 779. AJCP Reel No: 3993)
Naval and diplomatic salutes, vol.1, 1874 - 1879 (File 796. AJCP Reel No: 3993)
Correspondence respecting International Fisheries. Exhibition in London, 1883, 1880 - 1883 (File 798. AJCP Reel No: 3993)
Naturalisation of aliens in Canada, 1874 - 1883 (File 799. AJCP Reel No: 3993)
Miscellaneous, vol.1, January 1884 - April 1884 (File 801. AJCP Reel No: 3993)
Miscellaneous, vol.2, June 1884 - December 1884 (File 802. AJCP Reel No: 3993)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.1, January 1884 - June 1884 (File 803. AJCP Reel No: 3993)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.2, July 1884 - December 1884 (File 804. AJCP Reel No: 3993)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.1, January 1884 - June 1884 (File 805. AJCP Reel No: 3993)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.2, July 1884 - September 1884 (File 806. AJCP Reel No: 3993)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.3, October 1884 - December 1884 (File 807. AJCP Reel No: 3993)
Miscellaneous, Treaty, 1884 (File 808. AJCP Reel No: 3993-3994)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, 1884 (File 809. AJCP Reel No: 3994)
Printed books, vol.7, 1883 - 1884 (File 810. AJCP Reel No: 3994)
State Paper Office, vol.22, 1883 - 1884 (File 811. AJCP Reel No: 3994)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.16, January 1884 - July 1884 (File 812. AJCP Reel No: 3994)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.17, July 1884 - December 1884 (File 813. AJCP Reel No: 3994)
Death of Duke Albany, vol.1, 28 March 1884 - 4 April 1884 (File 832. AJCP Reel No: 3994)
Death of Duke Albany, vol.2, 5 April 1884 - 2 June 1884 (File 833. AJCP Reel No: 3994)
Presents given to foreign officials and other foreigners and to British government Servants abroad (1862-3), vol.2, 1841 - 1874 (File 835. AJCP Reel No: 3994)
Credentials, letters of recall, re-credentials, sign manual instructions, 1855 - 1857 (File 848. AJCP Reel No: 3994)
Credentials, letters of recall, re-credentials, sign manual instructions, 1862 - 1864 (File 852. AJCP Reel No: 3994)
Credentials, letters of recall, re-credentials, sign manual instructions, 1865 - 1866 (File 853. AJCP Reel No: 3994)
Credentials, letters of recall, re-credentials, sign manual instructions, 1872 - 1873 (File 857. AJCP Reel No: 3994)
Credentials, letters of recall, re-credentials, sign manual instructions, 1877 - 1879 (File 859. AJCP Reel No: 3994)
Credentials, letters of recall, re-credentials, sign manual instructions, 1883 - 1884 (File 861. AJCP Reel No: 3994)
Miscellaneous, 1885 (File 862. AJCP Reel No: 3994)
Miscellaneous, Consular, 1885 (File 863. AJCP Reel No: 3994)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.1, January 1855 - April 1885 (File 864. AJCP Reel No: 3994)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.2, May 1885 - August 1885 (File 865. AJCP Reel No: 3994)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.3, September 1885 - December 1885 (File 866. AJCP Reel No: 3994)
Miscellaneous, Treaty, 1885 (File 867. AJCP Reel No: 3994)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, vol.1, January 1885 - June 1885 (File 868. AJCP Reel No: 3994)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, vol.2, July 1885 - December 1885 (File 869. AJCP Reel No: 3994-3995)
Parliamentary Domestic, vol.6, 1883 - 1885 (File 870. AJCP Reel No: 3995)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.18, 1885 (File 871. AJCP Reel No: 3995)
Full Powers and Commissions, 1854 - 1857 (File 894. AJCP Reel No: 3995)
Full Powers and Commissions, 1869 - 1879 (File 897. AJCP Reel No: 3995)
Miscellaneous, vol.1, January 1886 - June 1886 (File 899. AJCP Reel No: 3995)
Miscellaneous, vol.2, July 1886 - December 1886 (File 900. AJCP Reel No: 3995)
Miscellaneous, Consular, 1886 (File 901. AJCP Reel No: 3995)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.1, January 1886 - April 1886 (File 902. AJCP Reel No: 3995)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.2, May 1886 - July 1886 (File 903. AJCP Reel No: 3995)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.3, August 1886 - September 1886 (File 904. AJCP Reel No: 3995)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.4, October 1886 - December 1886 (File 905. AJCP Reel No: 3995-3996)
Miscellaneous, Treaty, 1886 (File 906. AJCP Reel No: 3996)
Circulars sent to Ministers and Consul abroad, vol.1, January 1886 - June 1886 (File 907. AJCP Reel No: 3996)
Circulars sent to Ministers and Consul abroad, vol.2, July 1886 - December 1886 (File 908. AJCP Reel No: 3996)
Maps, vol.5, 1886 (File 910. AJCP Reel No: 3996)
Printed books, 1886 (File 911. AJCP Reel No: 3996)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.19, 1886 (File 913. AJCP Reel No: 3996)
Hertslet's Commercial Treaties, conditions of settlement (answers to circular of 29 June 1886), vol.1, 1886 (File 930. AJCP Reel No: 3996)
Flags for Colonial armed and unarmed vessels. Recognition of armed vessels as vessels of war. vessels of war., 1884 - 1886 (File 931. AJCP Reel No: 3996)
British Trade abroad, Diplomatic and Consular, assistance to British trade abroad, 1886 (File 932. AJCP Reel No: 3996)
Sugar conference, vol.25, 1885 - 1886 (File 933. AJCP Reel No: 3996)
British Orders: St Michael, St George, 1865 - 1878 (File 935. AJCP Reel No: 3996-3997)
British Orders: (military), 1864 - 1880 (File 942. AJCP Reel No: 3997)
Miscellaneous, 1887 (File 948. AJCP Reel No: 3997)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.1, January 1887 - July 1887 (File 949. AJCP Reel No: 3997)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.2, April 1887 - May 1887 (File 950. AJCP Reel No: 3997)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.1, January 1887 - March 1887 (File 951. AJCP Reel No: 3997)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.2, April 1887 - May 1887 (File 952. AJCP Reel No: 3997)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.3, June 1887 - July 1887 (File 953. AJCP Reel No: 3997)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.4, August 1887 - November 1887 (File 954. AJCP Reel No: 3997)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.5, November 1887 - December 1887 (File 955. AJCP Reel No: 3997)
Miscellaneous, Treaty, 1887 (File 956. AJCP Reel No: 3997)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, 1887 (File 957. AJCP Reel No: 3997)
Parliamentary, Domestic, 1886 - 1887 (File 958. AJCP Reel No: 3997)
Presents and interchange of documents, 1887 (File 959. AJCP Reel No: 3997)
Foreign embassies and legations, diplomatic establishments and households, 1887 (File 974. AJCP Reel No: 3998)
Sugar conference, vol.26, January 1887 - October 1887 (File 975. AJCP Reel No: 3998)
Sugar conference, vol.27, November 1887 - December 1887 (File 976. AJCP Reel No: 3998-3999)
Ratification of Treaties, 1822 - 1835 (File 983. AJCP Reel No: 3999)
Ratification of Treaties, 1835 - 1840 (File 984. AJCP Reel No: 3999)
Ratification of Treaties, 1841 - 1844 (File 985. AJCP Reel No: 3999)
Ratification of Treaties, 1845 - 1850 (File 986. AJCP Reel No: 3999-4000)
Ratification of Treaties, 1851 - 1854 (File 987. AJCP Reel No: 4000)
Ratification of Treaties, 1855 - 1857 (File 988. AJCP Reel No: 4000)
Ratification of Treaties, 1858 - 1861 (File 989. AJCP Reel No: 4000)
Ratification of Treaties, 1862 - 1865 (File 990. AJCP Reel No: 4000)
Ratification of Treaties, 1866 - 1872 (File 991. AJCP Reel No: 4000)
Ratification of Treaties, 1873 - 1879 (File 992. AJCP Reel No: 4000-4001)
Ratification of Treaties, 1880 - 1883 (File 993. AJCP Reel No: 4001)
Ratification of Treaties, 1884 - 1887 (File 994. AJCP Reel No: 4001)
Miscellaneous, Diplomatic, 1888 (File 995. AJCP Reel No: 4001)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.1, January 1888 - June 1888 (File 996. AJCP Reel No: 4001)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.2, July 1888 - December 1888 (File 997. AJCP Reel No: 4001)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.1, January 1888 - March 1888 (File 998. AJCP Reel No: 4001)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.2, April 1888 - June 1888 (File 999. AJCP Reel No: 4001-4002)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.3, July 1888 - September 1888 (File 1000. AJCP Reel No: 4002)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.4, October 1888 - December 1888 (File 1001. AJCP Reel No: 4002)
Miscellaneous, Treaty, 1888 (File 1002. AJCP Reel No: 4002)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, 1888 (File 1003. AJCP Reel No: 4002)
Printed books, vol.9, 1887 - 1888 (File 1004. AJCP Reel No: 4002)
State Paper Office, 1887 - 1888 (File 1005. AJCP Reel No: 4002)
Protection of submarine cables, vol.1, December 1881 - June 1882 (File 1022. AJCP Reel No: 4002-4003)
Protection of submarine cables, vol.2, July 1882 - September 1882 (File 1023. AJCP Reel No: 4003)
Protection of submarine cables, vol.3, October 1882 - December 1882 (File 1024. AJCP Reel No: 4003-4004)
Protection of submarine cables, vol.4, 1883 (File 1025. AJCP Reel No: 4004)
Protection of submarine cables, vol.5, 1884 (File 1026. AJCP Reel No: 4004-4005)
Protection of submarine cables, vol.6, 1885 (File 1027. AJCP Reel No: 4005)
Protection of submarine cables, vol.7, January 1886 - April 1886 (File 1028. AJCP Reel No: 4005-4006)
Protection of submarine cables, vol.8, May 1886 (File 1029. AJCP Reel No: 4006)
Protection of submarine cables, vol.9, June 1886 - December 1886 (File 1030. AJCP Reel No: 4006-4007)
Protection of submarine cables, vol.10, December 1886 - June 1887 (File 1031. AJCP Reel No: 4007)
Protection of submarine cables, vol.11, July 1887 - December 1887 (File 1032. AJCP Reel No: 4007-4008)
Protection of submarine cables, vol.12, 1888 (File 1033. AJCP Reel No: 4008)
Queen's Jubilee, receipt of envoys etc., 1887 - 1888 (File 1034. AJCP Reel No: 4008-4009)
Pilotage, vol.2, 1888 (File 1036. AJCP Reel No: 4009)
Hertslet's Commercial Treaties, receipts for volumes to complete set, vol.2, 1888 (File 1037. AJCP Reel No: 4009)
Consular convention, Foreign Consuls Bill, administration of oaths by Consuls, 1880 - 1888 (File 1038. AJCP Reel No: 4009-4010)
Foreign embassies and legations, Diplomatic establishments and households, vol.14, 1888 (File 1039. AJCP Reel No: 4010)
Sugar conference, vol.28, January 1888 - March 1888 (File 1040. AJCP Reel No: 4010)
Sugar conference, vol.29, April 1888 - June 1888 (File 1041. AJCP Reel No: 4010-4011)
Sugar conference, vol.30, July 1888 (File 1042. AJCP Reel No: 4011)
Sugar conference, vol.31, August 1888 (File 1043. AJCP Reel No: 4011-4012)
Sugar conference, vol.32, September 1888 - December 1888 (File 1044. AJCP Reel No: 4012)
Extradition treaties, surrender of nationals. Offences committed by British subjects abroad and by British seamen on foreign ships, murders at sea, etc., 1884 - 1888 (File 1045. AJCP Reel No: 4012-4013)
Tonnage and light dues in ports of U.S. and other countries, 1885 - 1888 (File 1046. AJCP Reel No: 4013)
Miscellaneous. Diplomatic, 1889 (File 1050. AJCP Reel No: 4013)
Miscellaneous, Consular, 1889 (File 1051. AJCP Reel No: 4013)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.1, January 1889 - April 1889 (File 1052. AJCP Reel No: 4013-4014)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.2, May 1889 - September 1889 (File 1053. AJCP Reel No: 4014)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.3, October 1889 - December 1889 (File 1054. AJCP Reel No: 4014)
Miscellaneous, Treaty, 1889 (File 1055. AJCP Reel No: 4014)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, 1889 (File 1056. AJCP Reel No: 4014)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.21, 1889 (File 1057. AJCP Reel No: 4014)
Industrial Property Convention, vol.1, 1886 - 1887 (File 1074. AJCP Reel No: 4014-4015)
Industrial Property Convention, vol.2, January 1885 - June 1885 (File 1075. AJCP Reel No: 4015)
Industrial Property Convention, vol.3, July 1888 - December 1888 (File 1076. AJCP Reel No: 4015)
Industrial Property Convention, vol.4, January 1889 - June 1889 (File 1077. AJCP Reel No: 4015)
Industrial Property Convention, vol.5, July 1889 - December 1889 (File 1078. AJCP Reel No: 4015)
Guano and other islands, questions of sovereignty, etc., vol.1, 1865 - 1877 (File 1079. AJCP Reel No: 4015)
Guano and other islands, questions of sovereignty, etc., vol.2, 1878 (File 1080. AJCP Reel No: 4015-4016)
Guano and other islands, questions of sovereignty, etc., vol.3, 1879 (File 1081. AJCP Reel No: 4016)
Guano and other islands, questions of sovereignty, etc., vol.4, 1881 - 1884 (File 1082. AJCP Reel No: 4016-4017)
Guano and other islands, questions of sovereignty, etc., vol.5, 1885 (File 1083. AJCP Reel No: 4017)
Guano and other islands, questions of sovereignty, etc., vol.6, 1886 (File 1084. AJCP Reel No: 4017-4018)
Guano and other islands, questions of sovereignty, etc., vol.7, 1887 (File 1085. AJCP Reel No: 4018)
Guano and other islands, questions of sovereignty, etc., vol.8, January 1888 - July 1888 (File 1086. AJCP Reel No: 4018-4019)
Guano and other islands, questions of sovereignty, etc., vol.9, August 1888 - December 1888 (File 1087. AJCP Reel No: 4019)
Guano and other islands, questions of sovereignty, etc., vol.10, January 1889 - June 1889 (File 1088. AJCP Reel No: 4019-4020)
Guano and other islands, questions of sovereignty, etc., vol.11, July 1889 - December 1889 (File 1089. AJCP Reel No: 4020)
Customs regulations for foreign envoys in Great Britain, 1887 - 1889 (File 1090. AJCP Reel No: 4020)
Sugar conferences, vol.33, January 1889 - February 1889 (File 1091. AJCP Reel No: 4020)
Sugar conferences, vol.34, March 1889 - April 1889 (File 1092. AJCP Reel No: 4020-4021)
Sugar conferences, vol.35, May 1889 - December 1889 (File 1093. AJCP Reel No: 4021)
Flags and Emblems, vol.2, 1879 - 1889 (File 1094. AJCP Reel No: 4021)
Repatriation of Pauper Lunatics, vol.5, 1881 - 1886 (File 1095. AJCP Reel No: 4021)
Repatriation of Pauper Lunatics, vol.6, 1887 - 1889 (File 1096. AJCP Reel No: 4021)
Miscellaneous, Diplomatic, 1890 (File 1097. AJCP Reel No: 4021)
Miscellaneous, Consular, 1890 (File 1098. AJCP Reel No: 4021)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.1, January 1890 - May 1890 (File 1099. AJCP Reel No: 4021)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.2, June 1890 - August 1890 (File 1100. AJCP Reel No: 4021-4022)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.3, September 1890 - December 1890 (File 1101. AJCP Reel No: 4022)
Miscellaneous, Treaty, 1890 (File 1102. AJCP Reel No: 4022)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, vol.1, January 1890 - May 1890 (File 1103. AJCP Reel No: 4022)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, vol.2, June 1890 - December 1890 (File 1104. AJCP Reel No: 4022)
State Paper Office, vol.25, 1889 - 1890 (File 1105. AJCP Reel No: 4022)
Parliamentary Domestic, vol.8, 1888 - 1890 (File 1106. AJCP Reel No: 4022)
Printed books, vol.10, 1889 - 1890 (File 1107. AJCP Reel No: 4022)
Maps, vol.6, 1887 - 1890 (File 1108. AJCP Reel No: 4022-4023)
Foreign newspapers, vol.1, 1809 - 1890 (File 1109. AJCP Reel No: 4023)
Legalisation of documents, vol.1, 1848 - 1890 (File 1110. AJCP Reel No: 4023)
Mail contracts, vol.3, 1877 - 1890 (File 1111. AJCP Reel No: 4023)
Guano and other islands, questions of sovereignty, etc., vol.12, 1890 (File 1128. AJCP Reel No: 4023)
Sugar conferences, vol.36, 1890 (File 1129. AJCP Reel No: 4023)
Sugar conferences, Procesverbaux, 1887 - 1890 (File 1130. AJCP Reel No: 4023-4024)
Marriages at Embassies and Legations; Bogota, Brussels, 1846 - 1869 (File 1137. AJCP Reel No: 4024)
Marriages at Embassies and Legations; Athens, Berlin, Berne, Bogota, Brussels, Bucharest, 1870 - 1890 (File 1138. AJCP Reel No: 4024)
Marriages at Embassies and Legations; Frankfurt, Hague, Hanover, Lima, Lisbon, Madrid, Mexico, Munich, 1846 - 1869 (File 1140. AJCP Reel No: 4024)
Miscellaneous, Diplomatic, 1891 (File 1151. AJCP Reel No: 4024)
Miscellaneous, Consular, 1891 (File 1152. AJCP Reel No: 4024)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.1, January 1891 - March 1891 (File 1153. AJCP Reel No: 4024)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.2, April 1891 - August 1891 (File 1154. AJCP Reel No: 4024)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.3, September 1891 - December 1891 (File 1155. AJCP Reel No: 4024-4025)
Miscellaneous, Treaty, 1891 (File 1156. AJCP Reel No: 4025)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, 1891 (File 1157. AJCP Reel No: 4025)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.22, 1890 - 1891 (File 1159. AJCP Reel No: 4025)
Parliamentary Questions, 1890 - 1891 (File 1181. AJCP Reel No: 4025)
Miscellaneous, Diplomatic, 1892 (File 1182. AJCP Reel No: 4025)
Miscellaneous, Consular, 1892 (File 1183. AJCP Reel No: 4025-4026)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.1, January 1892 - March 1892 (File 1184. AJCP Reel No: 4026)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.2, April 1892 - June 1892 (File 1185. AJCP Reel No: 4026)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.3, July 1892 - September 1892 (File 1186. AJCP Reel No: 4026)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.4, October 1892 - December 1892 (File 1187. AJCP Reel No: 4026)
Miscellaneous, Treaty, vol.1, January 1892 - May 1892 (File 1188. AJCP Reel No: 4026)
Miscellaneous, Treaty, vol.2, June 1892 - December 1892 (File 1189. AJCP Reel No: 4026)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, vol.1, January 1892 - July 1892 (File 1190. AJCP Reel No: 4026)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.23, 1892 (File 1192. AJCP Reel No: 4026)
Legalisation of documents, 1891 - 1892 (File 1193. AJCP Reel No: 4026)
Injuries to British Subjects, 1882 - 1892 (File 1217. AJCP Reel No: 4026)
Consular Commissions and Exequaturs, vol.1, 1816 - 1829 (File 1219. AJCP Reel No: 4026)
Consular Commissions and Exequaturs, vol.2, 1830 - April 1842 (File 1220. AJCP Reel No: 4026)
Consular Commissions and Exequaturs, vol.3, July 1842 - January 1885 (File 1221. AJCP Reel No: 4026)
Consular Commissions and Exequaturs, vol.4, March 1855 - 1860 (File 1222. AJCP Reel No: 4026)
Consular Commissions and Exequaturs, vol.5, 1860 - 1866 (File 1223. AJCP Reel No: 4026)
Consular Commissions and Exequaturs, vol.6, 1866 - 1871 (File 1224. AJCP Reel No: 4026)
Consular Commissions and Exequaturs, vol.7, 1871 - 1877 (File 1225. AJCP Reel No: 4026)
Consular Commissions and Exequaturs, vol.8, 1877 - 1880 (File 1226. AJCP Reel No: 4026)
Consular Commissions and Exequaturs, vol.9, 1880 - 1884 (File 1227. AJCP Reel No: 4026)
Consular Commissions and Exequaturs, vol.10, 1884 - 1888 (File 1228. AJCP Reel No: 4026)
Consular Commissions and Exequaturs, vol.11, 1889 - 1892 (File 1229. AJCP Reel No: 4026)
Miscellaneous, Diplomatic, 1893 (File 1230. AJCP Reel No: 4026)
Miscellaneous, Consular, 1893 (File 1231. AJCP Reel No: 4026-4027)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.1, January 1893 - April 1893 (File 1232. AJCP Reel No: 4027)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.2, May 1893 - July 1893 (File 1233. AJCP Reel No: 4027)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.3, August 1893 - October 1893 (File 1234. AJCP Reel No: 4027)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.4, November 1893 - December 1893 (File 1235. AJCP Reel No: 4027)
Miscellaneous, Treaty, 1893 (File 1236. AJCP Reel No: 4027)
Miscellaneous, Africa, vol.3, April 1893 - May 1893 (File 1239. AJCP Reel No: 4027)
Miscellaneous, Africa, vol.3, August 1893 - September 1893 (File 1242. AJCP Reel No: 4027)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, vol.1, January 1893 - June 1893 (File 1245. AJCP Reel No: 4027)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, vol.2, July 1893 - December 1893 (File 1246. AJCP Reel No: 4027)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.3, 1893 (File 1247. AJCP Reel No: 4027)
Legalisation of Documents. Vol. 3, 1893 (File 1248. AJCP Reel No: 4027)
Printed books, vol.11, 1891 - 1893 (File 1250. AJCP Reel No: 4027)
Hertslet's Commercial Treaties, vol.2, 1881 - 1893 (File 1274. AJCP Reel No: 4027)
Telegraphic addresses, registration by Foreign Office, 1884 - 1893 (File 1275. AJCP Reel No: 4027)
Parliamentary Questions, vol.2, 1892 - 1893 (File 1276. AJCP Reel No: 4027)
Venice Sanitary Conference, vol.1, 1891 (File 1280. AJCP Reel No: 4027)
Venice Sanitary Conference, vol.2, 1892 (File 1281. AJCP Reel No: 4028-4029)
Venice Sanitary Conference, vol.3, 1892 (File 1282. AJCP Reel No: 4029)
Venice Sanitary Conference, vol.4, 1892 (File 1283. AJCP Reel No: 4029-4030)
Venice Sanitary Conference, vol.5, 1893 (File 1284. AJCP Reel No: 4030-4031)
Guano and other islands, questions of sovereignty, vol.13, 1891 (File 1285. AJCP Reel No: 4031)
Guano and other islands, questions of sovereignty, vol.14, 1892 (File 1286. AJCP Reel No: 4031-4032)
Guano and other islands, questions of sovereignty, vol.15, 1893 (File 1287. AJCP Reel No: 4032-4033)
Repatriation of pauper lunatics, vol.10, January 1893 - June 1893 (File 1289. AJCP Reel No: 4034)
Laws relating to nationality and naturalisation in foreign countries, vol.1, 1892 (File 1292. AJCP Reel No: 4034)
Industrial Property Convention, vol.6, 1890 (File 1294. AJCP Reel No: 4034)
International Copyright Conventions, vol.3, 1889 (File 1297. AJCP Reel No: 4034)
International Copyright Conventions, vol.4, 1892 (File 1298. AJCP Reel No: 4034-4035)
Mutual execution of foreign judgments, proposed convention (Italy). Codification of Private International Law, vol.1, 1886 (File 1299. AJCP Reel No: 4035)
Miscellaneous, Diplomatic, 1894 (File 1301. AJCP Reel No: 4035)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.1, January 1894 - June 1894 (File 1302. AJCP Reel No: 4035)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.2, July 1894 - December 1894 (File 1303. AJCP Reel No: 4035)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.1, January 1894 - March 1894 (File 1304. AJCP Reel No: 4035)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.2, April 1894 - June 1894 (File 1305. AJCP Reel No: 4035-4036)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.3, July 1894 - September 1894 (File 1306. AJCP Reel No: 4036)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.4, October 1894 - December 1894 (File 1307. AJCP Reel No: 4036)
Miscellaneous, Treaty, 1894 (File 1308. AJCP Reel No: 4036)
Miscellaneous, Africa, vol.7, August 1894 - September 1894 (File 1315. AJCP Reel No: 4036)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, 1894 (File 1320. AJCP Reel No: 4036)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.25, January 1894 - March 1894 (File 1321. AJCP Reel No: 4036)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.26, June 1894 - August 1894 (File 1322. AJCP Reel No: 4036)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.27, September 1894 - December 1894 (File 1323. AJCP Reel No: 4036)
Legalisation of documents, vol.4, 1894 (File 1324. AJCP Reel No: 4036)
State Paper Office, vol.28, 1894 (File 1325. AJCP Reel No: 4036)
Parliamentary Domestic, vol.9, 1891 - 1894 (File 1326. AJCP Reel No: 4036)
State Paper Work, vol.4, 1884 - 1894 (File 1327. AJCP Reel No: 4036)
Paris Sanitary Conference; drafts, vol.1, 1894 (File 1329. AJCP Reel No: 4036)
Paris Sanitary Conference; despatches, vol.2, 1894 (File 1330. AJCP Reel No: 4036)
Paris Sanitary Conference; despatches, various, vol.3, 1893 - 1894 (File 1331. AJCP Reel No: 4036-4037)
Registration of Pauper lunatics, vol.13, August 1894 - December 1894 (File 1333. AJCP Reel No: 4037)
Collisions at Sea, vol.6, 1878 - 1879 (File 1334. AJCP Reel No: 4037)
Collisions at Sea, vol.7, 1880 - 1884 (File 1335. AJCP Reel No: 4037)
Guano and other islands, questions of sovereignty, etc., vol.16, 1894 (File 1339. AJCP Reel No: 4037-4038)
Outbreak of war, colonial defences, instructions to naval commanders and governors of colonies admission of foreign ships of war into ports, contraband of war, vol.1, 1887 (File 1340. AJCP Reel No: 4038)
Outbreak of war, colonial defences, instructions to naval commanders and governors of colonies admission of foreign ships of war into ports, contraband of war, vol.2, 1888 (File 1341. AJCP Reel No: 4038-4039)
Outbreak of war, colonial defences, instructions to naval commanders and governors of colonies admission of foreign ships of war into ports, contraband of war, vol.3, 1889 - 1892 (File 1342. AJCP Reel No: 4039)
Outbreak of war, colonial defences, instructions to naval commanders and governors of colonies admission of foreign ships of war into ports, contraband of war, vol.4, 1893 - 1894 (File 1343. AJCP Reel No: 4039-4040)
Order in Council under the Colonial Courts of Admiralty Act, 1890, applying that Act to Her Majesty's extra-territorial courts having Vice-Admiralty jurisdiction, 1894 (File 1362. AJCP Reel No: 4040)
Collection of Orders in Council, 1890 - 1894 (File 1366. AJCP Reel No: 4040)
Miscellaneous, Diplomatic, 1895 (File 1367. AJCP Reel No: 4040)
Miscellaneous, Consular, 1895 (File 1368. AJCP Reel No: 4040-4041)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.1, 1895 (File 1369. AJCP Reel No: 4041)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.2, 1895 (File 1370. AJCP Reel No: 4041)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.3, 1895 (File 1371. AJCP Reel No: 4041)
Miscellaneous, treaty, vol.4, 1895 (File 1372. AJCP Reel No: 4041)
Miscellaneous, Africa, vol. 6, 23 May 1895 - 24 June 1895 (File 1379. AJCP Reel No: 4041)
Miscellaneous, Africa, vol.6, 1 May 1895 - 22 May 1895 (File 1378. AJCP Reel No: 4041)
Miscellaneous, Treaty, 1895 (File 1373. AJCP Reel No: 4041)
Miscellaneous, Africa, vol.9, 15 August 1895 - 31 August 1895 (File 1382. AJCP Reel No: 4041)
Miscellaneous, Africa, vol.11, 1 October 1895 - 28 October 1895 (File 1384. AJCP Reel No: 4041)
Miscellaneous, Africa, vol.12, 29 October 1895 - 20 November 1895 (File 1385. AJCP Reel No: 4041)
Miscellaneous, Africa, vol.13, 21 November 1895 - 12 December 1895 (File 1386. AJCP Reel No: 4041)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, 1895 (File 1388. AJCP Reel No: 4041)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.28, January 1895 - March 1895 (File 1389. AJCP Reel No: 4041)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.29, April 1895 - June 1895 (File 1390. AJCP Reel No: 4042)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.31, July 1895 - September 1895 (File 1391. AJCP Reel No: 4042)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.32, October 1895 - December 1895 (File 1392. AJCP Reel No: 4042)
State Paper Office, vol.29, 1895 (File 1393. AJCP Reel No: 4042)
Maps, vol.7, 1891 - 1895 (File 1394. AJCP Reel No: 4042)
Hertslet's Commercial Treaties, vol.3, 1894 - 1895 (File 1396. AJCP Reel No: 4042)
Messenger arrangements, vol.1, 1893 - 1895 (File 1424. AJCP Reel No: 4042)
Parliamentary Questions, vol. 3, 1894 - 1895 (File 1425. AJCP Reel No: 4042)
Bill to amend Extradition Acts of 1870 and 1873, 1891 - 1895 (File 1429. AJCP Reel No: 4042)
Miscellaneous Diplomatic, 1896 (File 1431. AJCP Reel No: 4042)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.1, January 1896 - June 1896 (File 1432. AJCP Reel No: 4042)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.2, July 1896 - December 1896 (File 1433. AJCP Reel No: 4042)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.1, January 1896 - 19 March 1896 (File 1434. AJCP Reel No: 4042-4043)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.2, January 1896 - 19 March 1896 (File 1435. AJCP Reel No: 4043)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.3, June 1896 - 17 August 1896 (File 1436. AJCP Reel No: 4043)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.4, September 1896 - November 1896 (File 1437. AJCP Reel No: 4043)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.5, November 1896 - 11 December 1896 (File 1438. AJCP Reel No: 4043)
Miscellaneous, Treaty, 1896 (File 1439. AJCP Reel No: 4043)
Miscellaneous, Africa, vol.2, 28 January 1896 - 24 February 1896 (File 1441. AJCP Reel No: 4043)
Miscellaneous, Africa, vol.3, 25 February 1896 - 28 March 1896 (File 1442. AJCP Reel No: 4043)
Miscellaneous, Africa, vol.4, March 1896 - 29 April 1896 (File 1443. AJCP Reel No: 4043)
Miscellaneous, Africa, vol.9, 20 August 1896 - 18 September 1896 (File 1448. AJCP Reel No: 4043)
Circulars to Ministers and Conuls abroad, 1896 (File 1453. AJCP Reel No: 4043)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.32, January 1896 - March 1896 (File 1454. AJCP Reel No: 4043)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.33, April 1896 - June 1896 (File 1455. AJCP Reel No: 4043)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.34, July 1896 - September 1896 (File 1456. AJCP Reel No: 4043)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.35, October 1896 - December 1896 (File 1457. AJCP Reel No: 4043-4044)
Consular Service Order in Council, 1895 - 1896 (File 1482. AJCP Reel No: 4044)
Paris Copyright Conference; drafts and despatches, delegates, Various, 1896 (File 1483. AJCP Reel No: 4044)
Paris Copyright Conference, Archives, 1896 (File 1484. AJCP Reel No: 4044-4045)
Training and examining of student interpreters, 1893 - 1896 (File 1486. AJCP Reel No: 4045)
Vagrants, beggars, etc., trusts and trustees, lunatics and lunatic asylums, prison systems, secondary education, 1894 - 1896 (File 1491. AJCP Reel No: 4045-4046)
Marriages abroad, miscellaneous, vol.22 (3), 1891 (File 1493. AJCP Reel No: 4046)
Marriages abroad, N-Z, vol.22 (3), 1891 (File 1494. AJCP Reel No: 4046)
Marriages abroad, miscellaneous, vol.23 (3), 1892 (File 1497. AJCP Reel No: 4046-4047)
Marriages abroad, circulars and instructions to Consuls, 1891 - 1892 (File 1499. AJCP Reel No: 4047)
Marriages abroad, old consular marriages warrants returned, 1892 - 1893 (File 1500. AJCP Reel No: 4047)
Consular marriage warrants returned, A-G, vol.24, 1893 (File 1501. AJCP Reel No: 4047)
Consular marriage warrants returned, I-Z, vol.25, 1893 (File 1502. AJCP Reel No: 4047)
Consular marriage warrants returned, M-Z, vol.27, 1894 (File 1504. AJCP Reel No: 4047)
Consular marriage warrants returned, J-Z, vol.29, 1895 (File 1506. AJCP Reel No: 4047)
Consular marriage warrants returned, vol. 30, 1896 (File 1507. AJCP Reel No: 4047)
Expenses of detention of colonial prisoners, 1886 (File 1508. AJCP Reel No: 4047)
Miscellaneous, Diplomatic, 1897 (File 1509. AJCP Reel No: 4047)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.1, January 1897 - May 1897 (File 1510. AJCP Reel No: 4048)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.2, June 1897 - December 1897 (File 1511. AJCP Reel No: 4048)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.1, January 1897 - February 1897 (File 1512. AJCP Reel No: 4048)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.2, March 1897 - 10 May 1897 (File 1513. AJCP Reel No: 4048)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.3, 11 May 1897 - 13 June 1897 (File 1514. AJCP Reel No: 4048)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.4, June 1897 - 14 August 1897 (File 1515. AJCP Reel No: 4048)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.5, September 1897 (File 1516. AJCP Reel No: 4048)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.6, November 1897 - December 1897 (File 1517. AJCP Reel No: 4048)
Miscellaneous, Treaty, 1897 (File 1518. AJCP Reel No: 4048)
Miscellaneous, Africa, vol.6, 27 March 1897 - 14 April 1897 (File 1524. AJCP Reel No: 4048)
Miscellaneous, Africa, vol.7, 15 April 1897 - 30 April 1897 (File 1525. AJCP Reel No: 4048)
Miscellaneous, Africa, vol.12, 16 July 1897 - 31 July 1897 (File 1530. AJCP Reel No: 4048)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, 1897 (File 1540. AJCP Reel No: 4048)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.36, January 1897 - March 1897 (File 1541. AJCP Reel No: 4048)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.37, April 1897 - June 1897 (File 1542. AJCP Reel No: 4048)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.38, July 1897 - September 1897 (File 1543. AJCP Reel No: 4048)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.39, October 1897 - December 1897 (File 1544. AJCP Reel No: 4048)
State Paper Office, vol.31, 1897 (File 1545. AJCP Reel No: 4048-4049)
Sixtieth anniversary of the accession of Queen Victoria; vol.3, France, 1896 - 1897 (File 1565. AJCP Reel No: 4049)
Sixtieth anniversary of the accession of Queen Victoria; vol.6, Netherlands, 1896 - 1897 (File 1568. AJCP Reel No: 4049)
Sixtieth anniversary of the accession of Queen Victoria; vol.9, United States, 1896 - 1897 (File 1571. AJCP Reel No: 4049)
Sixtieth anniversary of the accession of Queen Victoria; vol.10, Miscellaneous, 1896 - 1897 (File 1572. AJCP Reel No: 4049)
Venice Sanitary Conference Delegates, Correspondence and Telegrams, 1897 (File 1573. AJCP Reel No: 4049-4050)
Venice Sanitary Conference, Various, vol.1, January 1897 - August 1897 (File 1574. AJCP Reel No: 4050)
Venice Sanitary Conference, Various, vol.2, September 1897 - December 1897 (File 1575. AJCP Reel No: 4050-4051)
Marriages abroad, A-G, vol.30 (1), 1897 (File 1582. AJCP Reel No: 4051)
Marriages abroad, A-G, vol.31 (2), 1897 (File 1583. AJCP Reel No: 4051)
Guano and other islands, questions of sovereignty, vol.17, 1895 - 1897 (File 1584. AJCP Reel No: 4051-4052)
Hertslet's Commercial Treaties, vol.4, 1896 - 1897 (File 1585. AJCP Reel No: 4052)
Relief and repatriation of distressed British subjects and foreigners, vol.2, 1892 - 1893 (File 1588. AJCP Reel No: 4052)
Relief and repatriation of distressed British subjects and foreigners, vol.4, 1895 (File 1590. AJCP Reel No: 4052)
Relief and repatriation of distressed British subjects and foreigners, vol.5, January 1896 - July 1896 (File 1591. AJCP Reel No: 4052)
Relief and repatriation of distressed British subjects and foreigners, vol.8, July 1897 - December 1897 (File 1594. AJCP Reel No: 4052)
Relief and repatriation of distressed British subjects and foreigners, vol.1, 1881 - 1894 (File 1595. AJCP Reel No: 4052)
Relief and repatriation of distressed colonial and Indian subjects, vol.2, 1895 - 1896 (File 1596. AJCP Reel No: 4052)
Miscellaneous, Diplomatic, 1898 (File 1598. AJCP Reel No: 4052)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.1, January 1898 - May 1898 (File 1599. AJCP Reel No: 4052-4053)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.2, June 1898 - December 1898 (File 1600. AJCP Reel No: 4053)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.1, January 1898 - March 1898 (File 1601. AJCP Reel No: 4053)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.2, April 1898 - 12 June 1898 (File 1602. AJCP Reel No: 4053)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.3, June 1898 - 15 September 1898 (File 1603. AJCP Reel No: 4053)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.4, October 1898 - December 1898 (File 1604. AJCP Reel No: 4053)
Miscellaneous, Treaty, 1898 (File 1605. AJCP Reel No: 4053)
Miscellaneous, Africa, vol.5, 13 May 1898 - 22 June 1898 (File 1610. AJCP Reel No: 4053)
Miscellaneous, Africa, vol.6, June 1898 - 23 July 1898 (File 1611. AJCP Reel No: 4053)
Miscellaneous, Africa, vol.8, September 1898 (File 1613. AJCP Reel No: 4053)
Miscellaneous, Africa, vol.9, 1 October 1898 - 26 October 1898 (File 1614. AJCP Reel No: 4053)
Miscellaneous, Africa, vol.11, November 1898 - 29 December 1898 (File 1616. AJCP Reel No: 4053)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, 1898 (File 1617. AJCP Reel No: 4053)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.40, January 1898 - March 1898 (File 1618. AJCP Reel No: 4053)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.41, April 1898 - July 1898 (File 1619. AJCP Reel No: 4053)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.42, August 1898 - December 1898 (File 1620. AJCP Reel No: 4053-4054)
Printed books, vol.13, 1898 (File 1622. AJCP Reel No: 4054)
Parliamentary Domestic, vol.10, 1898 (File 1623. AJCP Reel No: 4054)
Legislation of documents, vol.6, 1898 (File 1624. AJCP Reel No: 4054)
Venice Plague Convention, vol.3, 1898 (File 1641. AJCP Reel No: 4054)
Flags and Emblems, vol.3, 1890 - 1898 (File 1644. AJCP Reel No: 4054)
Marriages abroad, A-J, vol.32, 1898 (File 1645. AJCP Reel No: 4054-4055)
Marriages abroad, M-Z, vol.33, 1898 (File 1646. AJCP Reel No: 4055)
Commercial attaches; appointments, instructions, etc. vol.1, 1896 - 1898 (File 1649. AJCP Reel No: 4055)
Messenger arrangements, vol.2, 1896 - 1898 (File 1651. AJCP Reel No: 4055)
Diplomatic privileges; refusal to grant diplomatic privileges to British subjects or persons engaged in trade, vol.8, 1793 - 1880 (File 1663. AJCP Reel No: 4055)
Diplomatic privileges; claims of Foreign Consul for exemption from taxes, etc., vol.11, 1845 - 1881 (File 1666. AJCP Reel No: 4055)
Diplomatic privileges; claims of Foreign Consuls for exemption from Taxation, vol.16, 1890 - 1892 (File 1671. AJCP Reel No: 4055)
Diplomatic privileges; claims of Foreign Consuls for exemption from Taxation, vol.17, 1893 - 1895 (File 1672. AJCP Reel No: 4055)
Diplomatic privileges; Customs exemptions, vol.18, 1834 - 1898 (File 1673. AJCP Reel No: 4055)
Miscellaneous, Diplomatic, 1899 (File 1674. AJCP Reel No: 4055)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.1, January 1899 - June 1899 (File 1675. AJCP Reel No: 4055)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.2, July 1899 - December 1899 (File 1676. AJCP Reel No: 4055)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.1, January 1899 - February 1899 (File 1677. AJCP Reel No: 4055)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.2, March 1899 - May 1899 (File 1678. AJCP Reel No: 4055)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.3, June 1899 - August 1899 (File 1679. AJCP Reel No: 4055)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.4, September 1899 - December 1899 (File 1680. AJCP Reel No: 4055)
Miscellaneous, Treaty, 1899 (File 1681. AJCP Reel No: 4055)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, 1899 (File 1682. AJCP Reel No: 4055-4056)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.43, January 1899 - March 1899 (File 1683. AJCP Reel No: 4056)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.44, April 1899 - June 1899 (File 1684. AJCP Reel No: 4056)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.45, July 1899 - September 1899 (File 1685. AJCP Reel No: 4056)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.46, October 1899 - December 1899 (File 1686. AJCP Reel No: 4056)
Miscellaneous, Library, 1893 - 1899 (File 1687. AJCP Reel No: 4056)
State Paper Office, vol.33, 1899 (File 1688. AJCP Reel No: 4056)
Venice Plague Convention, vol.4, 1899 (File 1691. AJCP Reel No: 4056-4057)
Ages of salaried offices, vol.4, 1896 - 1899 (File 1692. AJCP Reel No: 4057)
Conference on Armaments, Various, vol.1, January 1899 - April 1899 (File 1699. AJCP Reel No: 4057)
Conference on Armaments, Various, vol.2, May 1899 - June 1899 (File 1700. AJCP Reel No: 4057)
Marriages abroad, A-M, vol.34, 1899 (File 1705. AJCP Reel No: 4057)
Marriages abroad, N-Z, vol.35, 1899 (File 1706. AJCP Reel No: 4057)
Relief and repatriation of distressed British subjects and foreigners, vol.9, January 1898 - September 1899 (File 1707. AJCP Reel No: 4057)
Relief and repatriation of distressed British subjects and foreigners, vol.11, April 1899 - December 1899 (File 1710. AJCP Reel No: 4057)
Sugar conferences, vol.37, 1891 - June 1896 (File 1711. AJCP Reel No: 4057)
Sugar conferences, vol.38, 1896 - July 1897 (File 1712. AJCP Reel No: 4057)
Sugar conferences, vol.39, August 1897 - January 1898 (File 1713. AJCP Reel No: 4057)
Sugar conferences, vol.40, February 1898 - 6 June 1898 (File 1714. AJCP Reel No: 4057)
Sugar conferences, vol.41, 1898 (File 1715. AJCP Reel No: 4057-4058)
Sugar conferences, vol.42, June 1898 - July 1899 (File 1716. AJCP Reel No: 4058)
Sugar conferences; delegates, drafts and despatches, vol.43, 1898 (File 1717. AJCP Reel No: 4058)
Hertslet's Commercial Treaties, vol.5, 1898 - 1899 (File 1719. AJCP Reel No: 4058)
Consular Commercial, vol.12, 1893 - 1896 (File 1720. AJCP Reel No: 4058)
Consular Commercial, vol.13, 1897 - 1899 (File 1721. AJCP Reel No: 4058)
Deaths and funerals of chiefs of foreign states, Court mourning, etc., vol.1, 1894 - 1899 (File 1730. AJCP Reel No: 4058)
Concessions to telegraph companies; right to land cables, vol.1, 1899 (File 1731. AJCP Reel No: 4058-4059)
Relief and repatriation of distressed colonial and Indian subjects, vol.3, 1898 - 1899 (File 1732. AJCP Reel No: 4059)
Extradition treaties, legislation respecting offences committed abroad etc., 1889 - 1899 (File 1740. AJCP Reel No: 4059-4060)
Miscellaneous, Diplomatic, 1900 (File 1741. AJCP Reel No: 4060)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.1, January 1900 - August 1900 (File 1742. AJCP Reel No: 4060)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.2, September 1900 - December 1900 (File 1743. AJCP Reel No: 4060)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.1, January 1900 - March 1900 (File 1744. AJCP Reel No: 4060)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.2, April 1900 - June 1900 (File 1745. AJCP Reel No: 4060)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.3, July 1900 - September 1900 (File 1746. AJCP Reel No: 4060)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.4, October 1900 - December 1900 (File 1747. AJCP Reel No: 4060)
Miscellaneous, Treaty, 1900 (File 1748. AJCP Reel No: 4060-4061)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, 1900 (File 1749. AJCP Reel No: 4061)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.47, January 1900 - March 1900 (File 1750. AJCP Reel No: 4061)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.48, April 1900 - June 1900 (File 1751. AJCP Reel No: 4061)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.49, July 1900 - September 1900 (File 1752. AJCP Reel No: 4061)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.50, October 1900 - December 1900 (File 1753. AJCP Reel No: 4061)
Assistance to Authors of published works, vol.2, 1879 - 1900 (File 1755. AJCP Reel No: 4061)
Maps, vol.8, 1896 - 1900 (File 1757. AJCP Reel No: 4061)
Legalisation of documents, vol.8, 1900 (File 1758. AJCP Reel No: 4061)
Annual returns respecting the condition of government books, vol.1, 1899 - December 1900 (File 1759. AJCP Reel No: 4061)
Returns, number of despatches, vol.2, 1879 - 1900 (File 1761. AJCP Reel No: 4061)
Telegraphic communication between England and India, vol.1, 1890 - 1900 (File 1762. AJCP Reel No: 4061)
Exportation of arms from the UK and British colonies, vol.1, 1870 - 1900 (File 1763. AJCP Reel No: 4061-4062)
Death of HRH, the Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Duke of Edinburgh, January 1900 - August 1900 (File 1764. AJCP Reel No: 4062-4063)
Marriage abroad, vol.36, 1900 (File 1765. AJCP Reel No: 4063)
Naval and diplomatic salutes, vol.3, 1884 - 1900 (File 1766. AJCP Reel No: 4063)
Rule of the road at sea, vol.12, January 1896 - November 1896 (File 1770. AJCP Reel No: 4063)
Personnel of foreign embassies and legations (manuscript), 1889 - 1892 (File 1773. AJCP Reel No: 4063)
Diplomatic lists, 1888 - 1893 (File 1774. AJCP Reel No: 4063)
Diplomatic lists, 1893 - January 1897 (File 1775. AJCP Reel No: 4063)
Sugar conferences, vol.44, 1900 (File 1777. AJCP Reel No: 4063-4064)
Industrial Property Conference at Brussels, vol.1, 1897 - March 1899 (File 1779. AJCP Reel No: 4064)
Industrial Property Conference at Brussels, vol.2, 1899 - April 1900 (File 1780. AJCP Reel No: 4064)
Guano and other islands; questions of sovereignty etc., vol.18, 1898 - 1900 (File 1781. AJCP Reel No: 4064-4065)
Outbreak of war: colonial defences, instructions to naval commanders and Governors of colonies, admission of foreign ships of war into colonial ports, contraband of war, 1895 - 1900 (File 1782. AJCP Reel No: 4065)
Parliamentary questions, vol.8, 1899 - 1900 (File 1783. AJCP Reel No: 4065)
Indecent publications, vol.1, 1894 - 1900 (File 1786. AJCP Reel No: 4065)
Concessions to telegraph companies; right to land cables, vol.2, 1900 (File 1789. AJCP Reel No: 4065-4066)
Relief and repatriation of distressed colonial and Indian subjects, vol.4, 1900 (File 1792. AJCP Reel No: 4066-4067)
African medals; Witu, Juba, Mivele and Mazrin, 1895 - 1900 (File 1795. AJCP Reel No: 4067)
African medals, miscellaneous, 1895 - 1900 (File 1796. AJCP Reel No: 4067)
Miscellaneous, Diplomatic, 1901 (File 1799. AJCP Reel No: 4067)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.1, January 1901 - July 1901 (File 1800. AJCP Reel No: 4067)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.2, August 1901 - December 1901 (File 1801. AJCP Reel No: 4067)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.1, January 1901 - March 1901 (File 1802. AJCP Reel No: 4067)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.2, April 1901 - June 1901 (File 1803. AJCP Reel No: 4067)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.3, July 1901 - September 1901 (File 1804. AJCP Reel No: 4067)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.4, October 1901 - December 1901 (File 1805. AJCP Reel No: 4067)
Miscellaneous, Treaty, 1901 (File 1806. AJCP Reel No: 4068)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, 1901 (File 1807. AJCP Reel No: 4068)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.51, January 1901 - March 1901 (File 1808. AJCP Reel No: 4068)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.52, April 1901 - June 1901 (File 1809. AJCP Reel No: 4068)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.53, July 1901 - August 1901 (File 1810. AJCP Reel No: 4068)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.54, September 1901 - December 1901 (File 1811. AJCP Reel No: 4068)
State Paper Office, vol.34, 1901 (File 1812. AJCP Reel No: 4068)
Annual returns respecting the condition of government books, vol.2, 1901 (File 1814. AJCP Reel No: 4068)
Marriages abroad, A-G, vol.37, French and German sections, 1901 (File 1815. AJCP Reel No: 4068)
Marriages abroad, I-Z, vol.38, miscellaneous section; mixed marriages in Great Britain Relief and repatriation of distressed British subjects and foreigners, vol.13, 1901 (File 1816. AJCP Reel No: 4068-4069)
Relief and repatriation of distressed British subjects and foreigners, vol.13, 1901 (File 1818. AJCP Reel No: 4069)
Uniforms, diplomatic, etc., 1824 - 1901 (File 1819. AJCP Reel No: 4069)
Death and funerals of chief of foreign states, vol.2, 1900 - 1901 (File 1820. AJCP Reel No: 4069)
Conference on Armaments, 1901 (File 1821. AJCP Reel No: 4069)
Death of Queen Victoria and accession of King Edward VII, vol.1, 19 January 1901 - 23 January 1901 (File 1823. AJCP Reel No: 4069)
Death of Queen Victoria and accession of King Edward VII, vol.4, 27 January 1901 - 30 January 1901 (File 1826. AJCP Reel No: 4069)
Death of Queen Victoria and accession of King Edward VII, vol.5, 31 January 1901 - 3 February 1901 (File 1827. AJCP Reel No: 4069)
Death of Queen Victoria and accession of King Edward VII, vol.6, 4 February 1901 - 6 February 1901 (File 1828. AJCP Reel No: 4069)
Death of Queen Victoria and accession of King Edward VII, vol.7, 7 February 1901 - 12 February 1901 (File 1829. AJCP Reel No: 4069)
Death of Queen Victoria and accession of King Edward VII, vol.9, 21 February 1901 - 28 February 1901 (File 1831. AJCP Reel No: 4069)
Death of Queen Victoria and accession of King Edward VII, vol.10, 1 March 1901 - 12 March 1901 (File 1832. AJCP Reel No: 4069)
Death of Queen Victoria and accession of King Edward VII, vol.11, 13 March 1901 - 31 March 1901 (File 1833. AJCP Reel No: 4069)
Death of Queen Victoria and accession of King Edward VII, vol.12, April 1901 (File 1834. AJCP Reel No: 4069)
Death of Queen Victoria and accession of King Edward VII, vol.13, May 1901 - December 1901 (File 1835. AJCP Reel No: 4069)
Concessions to telegraph companies; right to land cables, vol.3, 1901 (File 1840. AJCP Reel No: 4069)
Mail contracts, 1891 - 1901 (File 1844. AJCP Reel No: 4069)
Commercial attaches, appointments, instructions, etc. vol.2, 1899 - 1901 (File 1846. AJCP Reel No: 4069)
Miscellaneous, Diplomatic, 1902 (File 1847. AJCP Reel No: 4069-4070)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.1, January 1902 - May 1902 (File 1848. AJCP Reel No: 4070)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.2, June 1902 - December 1902 (File 1849. AJCP Reel No: 4070)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.1, January 1902 - March 1902 (File 1850. AJCP Reel No: 4070)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.2, April 1902 - June 1902 (File 1851. AJCP Reel No: 4070)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.3, July 1902 - September 1902 (File 1852. AJCP Reel No: 4070)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.4, October 1902 - December 1902 (File 1853. AJCP Reel No: 4070-4071)
Miscellaneous, Treaty, 1902 (File 1854. AJCP Reel No: 4071)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, 1902 (File 1855. AJCP Reel No: 4071)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.55, January 1902 - April 1902 (File 1856. AJCP Reel No: 4071)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.56, May 1902 - August 1902 (File 1857. AJCP Reel No: 4071)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.57, September 1902 - December 1902 (File 1858. AJCP Reel No: 4071)
Legalisation of documents, vol.9, 1901 - 1902 (File 1860. AJCP Reel No: 4071)
Annual returns respecting the condition of government books, vol.3, 1902 (File 1861. AJCP Reel No: 4071)
Flags and emblems, vol.4, 1899 - 1902 (File 1862. AJCP Reel No: 4071)
Marriages abroad, A-I, German section, vol.39, 1902 (File 1863. AJCP Reel No: 4071)
Marriages abroad, J-Z, Netherlands section, vol.40, 1902 (File 1864. AJCP Reel No: 4071)
Relief and repatriation of distressed British subjects and foreigners, vol.14, 1902 (File 1866. AJCP Reel No: 4071)
Relief and repatriation of distressed colonial and Indian subjects, vol.5, 1901 - 1902 (File 1867. AJCP Reel No: 4071)
Sugar conferences, vol.45, January 1901 - May 1902 (File 1868. AJCP Reel No: 4071-4072)
Sugar conferences, vol.46, June 1901 - September 1902 (File 1869. AJCP Reel No: 4072)
Sugar conferences, vol.47, November 1901 - December 1901 (File 1870. AJCP Reel No: 4072-4073)
Sugar conferences; to and from delegates, vol.48, 1901 - 1902 (File 1871. AJCP Reel No: 4073-4074)
Sugar conferences, vol.49, January 1902 - 24 February 1902 (File 1872. AJCP Reel No: 4074-4075)
Sugar conferences. vol.50, 25 February 1902 - 20 May 1902 (File 1873. AJCP Reel No: 4075-4076)
Sugar conferences, vol.51, 21 May 1902 - 25 July 1902 (File 1874. AJCP Reel No: 4076-4077)
Sugar conferences, vol.52, July 1902 - 26 November 1902 (File 1875. AJCP Reel No: 4077-4078)
Sugar conferences, vol.53, 1902 (File 1876. AJCP Reel No: 4078)
Industrial Property Conference at Brussels, vol.3, 1901 - 1902 (File 1877. AJCP Reel No: 4078)
Guano and other islands; questions of sovereignty, vol.19, 1901 - 1902 (File 1878. AJCP Reel No: 4078-4079)
Parliament questions, vol.10, 1902 (File 1879. AJCP Reel No: 4079)
Messenger arrangements; Foreign Office bags, etc. vol.4, July 1901 - June 1902 (File 1883. AJCP Reel No: 4079)
Wireless telegraphy, vol.1, 1901 - 1902 (File 1885. AJCP Reel No: 4079)
Blue Books. Permission given for foreign governments to lay papers before Parliament; China, vol.2, 1901 - 1902 (File 1887. AJCP Reel No: 4079)
Washington Postal Union Congress, vol.1, 1896 - March 1899 (File 1888. AJCP Reel No: 4079-4080)
Washington Postal Union Congress, vol.2, April 1899 - 1902 (File 1889. AJCP Reel No: 4080)
Coronation of King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra, vol.5, 5 June 1902 - 17 June 1902 (File 1896. AJCP Reel No: 4080)
Coronation of King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra, vol.7, 23 June 1902 - 30 June 1902 (File 1898. AJCP Reel No: 4080)
Coronation of King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra, vol.8, 1 July 1902 - 19 July 1902 (File 1899. AJCP Reel No: 4080)
Coronation of King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra, vol.9, 20 July 1902 - 9 August 1902 (File 1900. AJCP Reel No: 4080)
Coronation of King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra, vol.10, 10 August 1902 - 15 August 1902 (File 1901. AJCP Reel No: 4080)
Coronation of King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra, vol.11, 16 August 1902 - 31 August 1902 (File 1902. AJCP Reel No: 4080)
Coronation of King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra, vol.12, September 1902 - December 1902 (File 1903. AJCP Reel No: 4080)
Telegrams of congratulations etc., vol.13, 1902 (File 1904. AJCP Reel No: 4080)
Foreign consular officers; letters of appointment, 1856 - 1902 (File 1906. AJCP Reel No: 4080)
Telegrams to and from Secretary of State when absent from Foreign Office, 1898 - 1902 (File 1907. AJCP Reel No: 4080)
Protection of submarine cables, vol.13, 1889 - 1902 (File 1908. AJCP Reel No: 4080-4081)
Miscellaneous, Diplomatic, 1903 (File 1910. AJCP Reel No: 4081)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.1, 1903 (File 1911. AJCP Reel No: 4081)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.2, September 1903 - December 1903 (File 1912. AJCP Reel No: 4081-4082)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.1, January 1903 - March 1903 (File 1913. AJCP Reel No: 4082)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.2, April 1903 - June 1903 (File 1914. AJCP Reel No: 4082)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.3, July 1903 - September 1903 (File 1915. AJCP Reel No: 4082)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.4, October 1903 - December 1903 (File 1916. AJCP Reel No: 4082-4083)
Miscellaneous, Treaty, 1903 (File 1917. AJCP Reel No: 4083)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, 1903 (File 1918. AJCP Reel No: 4083)
Presents and interchange of documents, January 1903 - April 1903 (File 1919. AJCP Reel No: 4083)
Presents and interchange of documents, May 1903 - September 1903 (File 1920. AJCP Reel No: 4083)
Presents and interchange of documents, October 1903 - December 1903 (File 1921. AJCP Reel No: 4083)
Wars and Parliament, 1689 - 1903 (File 1924. AJCP Reel No: 4083)
Yacht clubs, 1874 - November 1903 (File 1925. AJCP Reel No: 4083-4084)
Marriages abroad, A-F, vol.41, 1903 (File 1926. AJCP Reel No: 4084)
Marriages abroad, G-Z, vol.42, 1903 (File 1927. AJCP Reel No: 4084)
Relief and repatriation of distressed British subjects and foreigners, vol.15, 1903 (File 1929. AJCP Reel No: 4084)
Sugar conferences, vol.54, January 1903 - February 1903 (File 1930. AJCP Reel No: 4084-4085)
Sugar conferences, vol.55, March 1903 - June 1903 (File 1931. AJCP Reel No: 4085-4086)
Sugar conferences, vol.56, 1903 (File 1932. AJCP Reel No: 4086-4087)
Sugar conferences, vol.57, 1903 (File 1933. AJCP Reel No: 4087-4088)
Sugar conferences: delegates to permanent commission: drafts and despatches, vol.58, 1903 (File 1934. AJCP Reel No: 4088)
Wrecks, treaty engagements etc., 1887 - 1903 (File 1935. AJCP Reel No: 4088-4089)
Local taxation of personal property, 1901 - 1903 (File 1936. AJCP Reel No: 4089)
Annual returns respecting the condition of government books, vol.4, 1903 (File 1938. AJCP Reel No: 4089)
Wireless telegraphy, vol.2, 1903 (File 1940. AJCP Reel No: 4089)
Revision of judicial fee tables: fees on probate and administration, etc., 1896 - 1903 (File 1941. AJCP Reel No: 4089)
Concessions to telegraph companies; right to land cables, vol.4, 1902 - 1903 (File 1944. AJCP Reel No: 4089-4090)
Foreign consular officers in the British dominions: lists, vol.1, 1901 - 1903 (File 1945. AJCP Reel No: 4090)
Taking of evidence in the United Kingdom by foreign consuls. Execution in foreign countries of British consular judgements, 1902 - 1903 (File 1947. AJCP Reel No: 4090)
Miscellaneous, Diplomatic, 1904 (File 1949. AJCP Reel No: 4091)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.1, 1904 (File 1950. AJCP Reel No: 4091)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.2, 1904 (File 1951. AJCP Reel No: 4091)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.1, 1904 (File 1952. AJCP Reel No: 4091)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.2, 1904 (File 1953. AJCP Reel No: 4091)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.3, 1904 (File 1954. AJCP Reel No: 4091)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.4, 1904 (File 1955. AJCP Reel No: 4091)
Miscellaneous, Treaty, 1904 (File 1956. AJCP Reel No: 4092)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, 1904 (File 1957. AJCP Reel No: 4092)
Presents and interchange of documents, 1904 (File 1958. AJCP Reel No: 4092)
Presents and interchange of documents, 1904 (File 1959. AJCP Reel No: 4092)
Presents and interchange of documents, 1904 (File 1960. AJCP Reel No: 4092-4093)
Printed books, vol.15, 1901 - 1904 (File 1962. AJCP Reel No: 4093)
Parliamentary, Domestic, vol.11, 1899 - 1904 (File 1963. AJCP Reel No: 4093)
Annual returns respecting the condition of government books, vol.5, 1904 (File 1964. AJCP Reel No: 4093)
Right of the Crown to conclude treaties and cede territory without the sanction of Parliament, 1870 - 1904 (File 1965. AJCP Reel No: 4093)
Marriages abroad, A-F, vol.43, 1904 (File 1966. AJCP Reel No: 4093)
Relief and repatriation of distressed British subjects and foreigners, vol.16, 1904 (File 1969. AJCP Reel No: 4093)
Sugar conferences; delegates to permanent commission; drafts and despatches, vol.59, 1904 (File 1971. AJCP Reel No: 4093-4095)
Sugar conferences; delegates to permanent commission, vol.60, January 1904 - February 1904 (File 1972. AJCP Reel No: 4095-4096)
Sugar conferences; delegates to permanent commission, vol.61, March 1904 - June 1904 (File 1973. AJCP Reel No: 4096)
Sugar conferences; delegates to permanent commission, vol.62, July 1904 - September 1904 (File 1974. AJCP Reel No: 4096)
Sugar conferences; delegates to permanent commission, vol.63, October 1904 - December 1904 (File 1975. AJCP Reel No: 4096-4097)
Guano and other islands: questions of sovereignty, vol.20, 1903 - 1904 (File 1976. AJCP Reel No: 4352)
Surrender of deserts from foreign ships of war, 1893 - 1904 (File 1977. AJCP Reel No: 4352)
Naval Prize Law Committee, 1900 - 1904 (File 1978. AJCP Reel No: 4352-4353)
Wireless telegraphy, 1904 (File 1982. AJCP Reel No: 4353)
Consular exequaturs, vol.1, 1830 - 1839 (File 1983. AJCP Reel No: 4353)
Consular exequaturs, vol.2, 1839 - 1845 (File 1984. AJCP Reel No: 4353)
Consular exequaturs, vol.3, 1845 (File 1985. AJCP Reel No: 4353)
Consular exequaturs, vol.4, 1854 - 1859 (File 1986. AJCP Reel No: 4353)
Consular exequaturs, vol.5, 1859 - 1864 (File 1987. AJCP Reel No: 4353-4354)
Consular exequaturs, vol.6, 1864 - 1868 (File 1988. AJCP Reel No: 4354)
Consular exequaturs, vol.7, 1868 - 1871 (File 1989. AJCP Reel No: 4354)
Consular exequaturs, vol.8, 1871 - 1876 (File 1990. AJCP Reel No: 4354)
Consular exequaturs, vol.9, 1876 - 1880 (File 1991. AJCP Reel No: 4354)
Consular exequaturs, vol.10, 1880 - 1885 (File 1992. AJCP Reel No: 4354)
Consular exequaturs, vol.11, 1885 - 1889 (File 1993. AJCP Reel No: 4354)
Consular exequaturs, vol.12, 1889 - 1893 (File 1994. AJCP Reel No: 4354)
Consular exequaturs, vol.13, 1893 - 1897 (File 1995. AJCP Reel No: 4354)
Consular exequaturs, vol.14, 1897 - 1901 (File 1996. AJCP Reel No: 4354)
Consular exequaturs, vol.15, 1901 - 1904 (File 1997. AJCP Reel No: 4354)
Relief and repatriation of distressed colonial and Indian subjects, vol.6, 1903 - 1904 (File 1999. AJCP Reel No: 4354)
Surrender of merchant seamen deserters, 1903 - 1904 (File 2000. AJCP Reel No: 4355)
Commissions, rogatoires, special precedents, 1902 - 1904 (File 2008. AJCP Reel No: 4355)
Requests for facilities and information, 1901 - 1904 (File 2010. AJCP Reel No: 4355)
Ratification of treaties, 1888 - 1897 (File 2011. AJCP Reel No: 4355)
Ratification of treaties, 1898 - 1899 (File 2012. AJCP Reel No: 4355)
Ratification of treaties, 1900 (File 2013. AJCP Reel No: 4355)
Ratification of treaties, 1901 - 1902 (File 2014. AJCP Reel No: 4355)
Ratification of treaties, 1903 - 1904 (File 2015. AJCP Reel No: 4355)
Miscellaneous, Diplomatic, 1905 (File 2016. AJCP Reel No: 4355)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.1, January 1905 - May 1905 (File 2017. AJCP Reel No: 4355)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.2, June 1905 - September 1905 (File 2018. AJCP Reel No: 4355)
Miscellaneous, Consular, vol.3, October 1905 - December 1905 (File 2019. AJCP Reel No: 4355)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.1, January 1905 - February 1905 (File 2020. AJCP Reel No: 4356)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.2, March 1905 - April 1905 (File 2021. AJCP Reel No: 4356)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.3, May 1905 - June 1905 (File 2022. AJCP Reel No: 4356)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.4, July 1905 - August 1905 (File 2023. AJCP Reel No: 4356)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.5, September 1905 - October 1905 (File 2024. AJCP Reel No: 4356)
Miscellaneous, Commercial, vol.6, November 1905 - December 1905 (File 2025. AJCP Reel No: 4356)
Miscellaneous, Treaty, 1905 (File 2026. AJCP Reel No: 4356)
Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad, 1905 (File 2027. AJCP Reel No: 4357)
Foreign Office communications to newspapers, vol.3, 1895 - 1905 (File 2028. AJCP Reel No: 4357)
Legalisation of documents, vol.10, 1903 - 1905 (File 2029. AJCP Reel No: 4357)
Confidential papers, vol.3, 1897 - 1905 (File 2034. AJCP Reel No: 4357)
Parliamentary domestic, vol.12, 1905 (File 2035. AJCP Reel No: 4357)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.64, January 1905 - April 1905 (File 2036. AJCP Reel No: 4357)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.65, May 1905 - July 1905 (File 2037. AJCP Reel No: 4357)
Presents and interchange of documents, vol.66, August 1905 - December 1905 (File 2038. AJCP Reel No: 4357)
Annual returns respecting the condition of government books, vol.6, 1905 (File 2040. AJCP Reel No: 4357)
Circulars to foreign ministers in London, vol.4, 1867 - 1886 (File 2041. AJCP Reel No: 4357)
Miscellaneous, library, vol.2, 1900 - 1905 (File 2043. AJCP Reel No: 4357)
Assistance to authors of published works, vol.3, 1901 - 1905 (File 2045. AJCP Reel No: 4357)
Hertslet's Commercial Treaties, vol.6, 1900 - 1905 (File 2046. AJCP Reel No: 4358)
Parliamentary questions, vol.12, 1904 - 1905 (File 2047. AJCP Reel No: 4358)
Requests for facilities and information, vol.2, January 1905 - June 1905 (File 2048. AJCP Reel No: 4358)
Requests for facilities and information, vol.13, July 1905 - December 1905 (File 2049. AJCP Reel No: 4358)
Challenger reports: final distribution to foreign institutions, 1889 - 1905 (File 2051. AJCP Reel No: 4358)
Exemption of consuls from taxation and billeting, 1886 - 1905 (File 2052. AJCP Reel No: 4358)
Jurisdiction in territorial waters; trawling in the Moray Firth, 1895 - 1905 (File 2053. AJCP Reel No: 4358)
Paris Sanitary Conference; delegates, vol.1, 1903 (File 2055. AJCP Reel No: 4358)
Paris Sanitary Conference; various, vol.2, 1902 - 1903 (File 2056. AJCP Reel No: 4360)
Paris Sanitary Conference; delegates and various, vol.3, 1904 - 1905 (File 2057. AJCP Reel No: 4360)
Issue and withdrawal of exequaturs; forms and precedents, 1837 - 1905 (File 2058. AJCP Reel No: 4360)
Flags and emblems, 1903 - 1905 (File 2060. AJCP Reel No: 4360)
Marriages abroad, A-F, vol.45, 1905 (File 2061. AJCP Reel No: 4360)
Marriages abroad, G-Z, vol.46, 1905 (File 2062. AJCP Reel No: 4360)
Naval and diplomatic salutes, vol.4, 1901 - September 1903 (File 2066. AJCP Reel No: 4360)
Naval and diplomatic salutes, vol.5, 1903 - October 1905 (File 2067. AJCP Reel No: 4360)
Relief and repatriation of distressed British subjects and foreigners, vol.17, 1905 (File 2069. AJCP Reel No: 4360)
Relief and repatriation of distressed colonial and Indian subjects, vol.7, 1905 (File 2070. AJCP Reel No: 4360)
International Telegraph Conference: London, vol.1, 1900 - 1903 (File 2072. AJCP Reel No: 4360)
International Telegraph Conference: London, vol.2, 1904 - 1905 (File 2073. AJCP Reel No: 4360-4361)
Industrial Property Conference at Brussels, vol.4, 1903 - 1905 (File 2074. AJCP Reel No: 4361)
Orientalist Congress, 1888 - 1905 (File 2075. AJCP Reel No: 4361)
Bishops' licences etc.; Pacific Islands, vol.4, 1870 - 1902 (File 2079. AJCP Reel No: 4361)
Sugar conferences, vol.64, January 1905 - February 1905 (File 2082. AJCP Reel No: 4361-4362)
Sugar conferences, vol.65, March 1905 (File 2083. AJCP Reel No: 4362-4363)
Sugar conferences, vol.66, April 1905 - May 1905 (File 2084. AJCP Reel No: 4363)
Sugar conferences, vol.67, June 1905 - September 1905 (File 2085. AJCP Reel No: 4363-4364)
Sugar conferences, vol.68, October 1905 - December 1905 (File 2086. AJCP Reel No: 4364)
Privileges to mail steamers. Parlement Belge, Daring, etc. vol.1, 1880 - 1882 (File 2088. AJCP Reel No: 4364-4365)
Privileges to mail steamers. Parlement Belge, Daring, etc. vol.2, 1883 - 1884 (File 2089. AJCP Reel No: 4365-4366)
Privileges to mail steamers. Parlement Belge, Daring, etc. vol.3, 1885 - 1887 (File 2090. AJCP Reel No: 4366)
Privileges to mail steamers. Parlement Belge, Daring, etc. vol.4, 1888 - 1905 (File 2091. AJCP Reel No: 4366-4367)
Guano and other islands: question of sovereignty etc., vol.21, 1905 (File 2092. AJCP Reel No: 4367-4368)
Outbreak of war, colonial defences, instructions to naval commanders and Governors of colonies, admission of foreign ships of war into colonial ports, contraband of war, 1901 - 1905 (File 2093. AJCP Reel No: 4368)
Indecent publications, vol.2, 1901 - 1905 (File 2101. AJCP Reel No: 4368)
Credentials, letters of recall, recredentials, sign manual instructions, 1885 - 1887 (File 2102. AJCP Reel No: 4368)
Credentials, letters of recall, recredentials, sign manual instructions, 1888 - 1891 (File 2103. AJCP Reel No: 4368)
Credentials, letters of recall, recredentials, sign manual instructions, 1892 - 1894 (File 2104. AJCP Reel No: 4368)
Credentials, letters of recall, recredentials, sign manual instructions, 1895 - 1897 (File 2105A. AJCP Reel No: 4368)
Protection of natives of British protected states, vol.9, 1897 - 1905 (File 2110. AJCP Reel No: 4368)
Foreign orders and medals; permission to accept and wear: Austria-Hungary, 1897 - 1905 (File 2116. AJCP Reel No: 4368A)
Foreign orders and medals; permission to accept and wear: Baden, Bavaria, Belgium, Bulgaria, 1897 - 1905 (File 2117. AJCP Reel No: 4368A)
Foreign orders and medals; permission to accept and wear: Coburg, Corea, Denmark. Danish section, 1897 - 1905 (File 2119. AJCP Reel No: 4368A)
Foreign orders and medals; permission to accept and wear: France, 1897 - 1905 (File 2125. AJCP Reel No: 4368A)
Foreign orders and medals; permission to accept and wear: Germany, vol.1, 1897 - 1900 (File 2126. AJCP Reel No: 4368A)
Foreign orders and medals; permission to accept and wear: Germany, vol.2, 1901 - 1903 (File 2127. AJCP Reel No: 4368A)
Foreign orders and medals; permission to accept and wear: Italy, vol.1, 1897 - 1902 (File 2130. AJCP Reel No: 4368A)
Foreign orders and medals; permission to accept and wear: Italy, vol.2, 1902 - 1905 (File 2131. AJCP Reel No: 4368A)
Foreign orders and medals; permission to accept and wear: Japan, vol.1, 1897 - 1903 (File 2132. AJCP Reel No: 4368A)
Foreign orders and medals; permission to accept and wear: Japan, vol.2, 1904 - 1905 (File 2133. AJCP Reel No: 4368A)
Foreign orders and medals; permission to accept and wear: Liberia, miscellaneous, 1897 - 1905 (File 2134. AJCP Reel No: 4368A)
Foreign orders and medals; permission to accept and wear: Portugal, 1897 - 1905 (File 2136. AJCP Reel No: 4368A)
Foreign orders and medals; permission to accept and wear: Saxony, Servia, Siam, 1897 - 1905 (File 2138. AJCP Reel No: 4368A)
Foreign orders and medals; permission to accept and wear: Spain, 1897 - 1905 (File 2139. AJCP Reel No: 4368A)
Foreign orders and medals; permission to accept and wear: Turkey, vol.1, 1897 - 1901 (File 2141. AJCP Reel No: 4368A)
Foreign orders and medals; permission to accept and wear: Venezuela, Wurtemburg, 1897 - 1905 (File 2143. AJCP Reel No: 4368A)
The Hague Hospital Ships Conference, 1904 - 1905 (File 2148. AJCP Reel No: 4368A)
Status and privileges of foreign consuls in England, 1900 - 1905 (File 2149. AJCP Reel No: 4368A)
Postal agreement between New Zealand and foreign states, 1901 - 1905 (File 2150. AJCP Reel No: 4369)
Diplomatic and consular trade reports, minutes, etc., 1900 - 1905 (File 2152. AJCP Reel No: 4369)
Messenger arrangements, Foreign Office bags, etc., vol.6, 1905 (File 2160. AJCP Reel No: 4369)
Uniforms, diplomatic, etc., vol.2, 1902 - 1905 (File 2162. AJCP Reel No: 4370)
Wireless telegraphy, vol.4, January 1905 - April 1905 (File 2163. AJCP Reel No: 4370)
Wireless telegraphy, vol.5, May 1905 - December 1905 (File 2164. AJCP Reel No: 4370)
Geneva Red Cross Convention, vol.2, 1903 - 1905 (File 2165. AJCP Reel No: 4370)
Washington and Rome Postal Union Congresses, vol.3, 1903 - 1905 (File 2166. AJCP Reel No: 4370)
Appointment of foreign consuls in the Straits Settlements, North Borneo, etc., 1901 - 1905 (File 2172. AJCP Reel No: 4370-4371)
White slave traffic, vol.2, 1904 - 1905 (File 2177. AJCP Reel No: 4371)
United Kingdom and British colonies, vol.2, 1901 - 1905 (File 2178. AJCP Reel No: 4371)
Telegraphic communication between England and India, vol.2, 1901 - 1905 (File 2180. AJCP Reel No: 4371)
Concessions to telegraph companies; right to land cables, 1904 - 1905 (File 2181. AJCP Reel No: 4371)
Consular Estimates, 1901 - 1905 (File 2182. AJCP Reel No: 4371-4372)
Rome Agricultural Conference, 1905 (File 2184. AJCP Reel No: 4372)
Foreign consular offices in the British dominions, lists, vol.2, 1904 - 1905 (File 2185. AJCP Reel No: 4372)
Addresses of consulates abroad, 1905 (File 2188. AJCP Reel No: 4372)
Mixed marriages; marriages at foreign embassies, legations and consulates in the British dominations, 1901 - 1905 (File 2191. AJCP Reel No: 4372)
Duty free admission of consular stores, 1901 - 1905 (File 2192. AJCP Reel No: 4372-4373)
Returns, number of despatches, vol.3, 1901 - 1905 (File 2194. AJCP Reel No: 4373)
Foreign marriages; Order in Council, 1903, 1901 - 1905 (File 2195. AJCP Reel No: 4373)
Censorship of cables; protection of British submarine cables and destruction of enemy's cables in time of war, 1898 - 1905 (File 2196. AJCP Reel No: 4373-4374)
Precedence of crowned countries; replies to circular of 18 August 1904, 1898 - 1905 (File 2198. AJCP Reel No: 4374)
Electoral systems of foreign countries; replies to circular of 18 August 1904, 1904 - 1905 (File 2199. AJCP Reel No: 4374)
Royal Naval Reserve, 1903 - 1904 (File 2202. AJCP Reel No: 4374)
Law officers' reports: United States of America, vol.1, 1781 - 1806 (File 2204. AJCP Reel No: 4374)
Law officers' reports: United States of America, vol.2, 1807 - 1823 (File 2205. AJCP Reel No: 4374)
Law officers' reports: United States of America, vol.3, 1824 - 1837 (File 2206. AJCP Reel No: 4374)
Law officers' reports: United States of America, vol.4, 1838 - 1845 (File 2207. AJCP Reel No: 4374)
Law officers' reports: United States of America, vol.5, 1846 - 1853 (File 2208. AJCP Reel No: 4374)
Law officers' reports: United States of America, vol.6, 1854 - 1855 (File 2209. AJCP Reel No: 4374)
Law officers' reports: United States of America, vol.7, 1856 - 1860 (File 2210. AJCP Reel No: 4374-4375)
Law officers' reports: United States of America, vol.8, January 1861 - August 1861 (File 2211. AJCP Reel No: 4375)
Law officers' reports: United States of America, vol.17, January 1864 - March 1864 (File 2220. AJCP Reel No: 4375)
Law officers' reports: United States of America, vol.18, April 1864 - July 1864 (File 2221. AJCP Reel No: 4375)
Law officers' reports: United States of America, vol.19, August 1864 - December 1865 (File 2222. AJCP Reel No: 4375)
Law officers' reports: United States of America, vol.20, January 1865 - May 1865 (File 2223. AJCP Reel No: 4375)
Law officers' reports: United States of America, vol.21, August 1865 - December 1865 (File 2224. AJCP Reel No: 4375)

Title frame incorrect.

Law officers' reports: United States of America, vol.22, 1866 - 1868 (File 2225. AJCP Reel No: 4375)
Law officers' reports: 1843-1874 Bolivia; 1847- 1866 Borneo; 1809 Brunswick, 1847 - 1866 (File 2235. AJCP Reel No: 4375)

Title frame incorrect.

Law officers' reports: Brazil, vol.1, 1823 - 1829 (File 2236. AJCP Reel No: 4375)
Law officers' reports: Brazil, vol.4, 1851 - 1857 (File 2239. AJCP Reel No: 4375)
Law officers' reports: Chile. vol.1, 1823 - 1851 (File 2244. AJCP Reel No: 4375)
Law officers' reports: Chile. vol.2, 1852 - 1865 (File 2245. AJCP Reel No: 4375)
Law officers' reports: China, vol.1, 1833 - 1844 (File 2247. AJCP Reel No: 4375-4376)
Law officers' reports: China, vol.2, 1845 - 1853 (File 2248. AJCP Reel No: 4376)
Law officers' reports: China, vol.3, 1854 - 1856 (File 2249. AJCP Reel No: 4376)
Law officers' reports: China, vol.4, 1857 - 1859 (File 2250. AJCP Reel No: 4376)
Law officers' reports: China, vol.5, 1860 - 1864 (File 2251. AJCP Reel No: 4376)
Law officers' reports: China, vol.7, 1869 - 1876 (File 2253. AJCP Reel No: 4376)
Law officers' reports: France, vol.6, 1840 - 1848 (File 2269. AJCP Reel No: 4376)
Law officers' reports: France, vol.7, 1849 - 1853 (File 2270. AJCP Reel No: 4376)
Law officers' reports: France, vol.9, 1856 - 1858 (File 2272. AJCP Reel No: 4376)
Law officers' reports: France, vol.10, 1859 - 1860 (File 2273. AJCP Reel No: 4376)
Law officers' reports: France, vol.12, 1865 - 1869 (File 2275. AJCP Reel No: 4376)
Law officers' reports: France, vol.15, 1873 - 1876 (File 2278. AJCP Reel No: 4376)
Law officers' reports: Great Britain and general, vol.2, 1840 - 1855 (File 2280. AJCP Reel No: 4376)
Law officers' reports: Great Britain and general, vol.3, 1856 - 1861 (File 2281. AJCP Reel No: 4376)
Law officers' reports: Great Britain and general, vol.4, 1862 - 1869 (File 2282. AJCP Reel No: 4376)
Law officers' reports: Great Britain and general, vol.5, 1870 (File 2283. AJCP Reel No: 4376)
Law officers' reports: Great Britain and general, vol.6, 1871 - 1876 (File 2284. AJCP Reel No: 4376)
Law officers' reports: Germany, 1715 - 1876 (File 2285. AJCP Reel No: 4376-4377)
Law officers' reports: The Netherlands, vol.1, 1794 - 1836 (File 2291. AJCP Reel No: 4377)
Law officers' reports: The Netherlands, vol.2, 1837 - 1854 (File 2292. AJCP Reel No: 4377)
Law officers' reports: The Netherlands, vol.3, 1855 - 1875 (File 2313. AJCP Reel No: 4377)
Law officers' reports: Pacific Islands, 1829 - 1876 (File 2314. AJCP Reel No: 4377)
Law officers' reports: Peru, vol.1, 1823 - 1839 (File 2317. AJCP Reel No: 4378)
Law officers' reports: Peru, vol.2, 1840 - 1859 (File 2318. AJCP Reel No: 4378)
Law officers' reports: Prussia, vol.3, 1865 - 1870 (File 2331. AJCP Reel No: 4378)
Law officers' reports: Russia, vol.4, 1855 - 1859 (File 2335. AJCP Reel No: 4378)
Law officers' reports: Saxony, 1784 - 1869 (File 2338. AJCP Reel No: 4378)
Law officers' reports: Siam, 1850 - 1876 (File 2339. AJCP Reel No: 4378)
Law officers' reports: slave trade, vol.5, 1836 - 1838 (File 2347. AJCP Reel No: 4379)
Law officers' reports: slave trade, vol.17, 1860 (File 2359. AJCP Reel No: 4379)
Law officers' reports: slave trade, vol.19, 1866 - 1869 (File 2361. AJCP Reel No: 4379)
Law officers' reports: slave trade, vol.20, 1870 - 1876 (File 2362. AJCP Reel No: 4379)
Law officers' reports: Sulu, 1873 - 1876 (File 2363. AJCP Reel No: 4379)
Law officers' reports: Spain, vol.1, 1797 - 1816 (File 2364. AJCP Reel No: 4379)
Law officers' reports: Spain, vol.4, 1827 - 1833 (File 2367. AJCP Reel No: 4379)
Law officers' reports: Spain, vol.5, 1834 - 1839 (File 2268. AJCP Reel No: 4379)
Law officers' reports: Spain, vol.7, 1846 - 1855 (File 2370. AJCP Reel No: 4379)
Law officers' reports: Spain, vol.8, 1856 - 1859 (File 2371. AJCP Reel No: 4379)
Law officers' reports: Spain, vol.9, 1860 - 1869 (File 2372. AJCP Reel No: 4379)
Law officers' reports: Spain, vol.10, 1864 - 1865 (File 2373. AJCP Reel No: 4379)
Law officers' reports: Spain, vol.11, 1866 (File 2374. AJCP Reel No: 4379)
Law officers' reports: Spain, vol.14, 1870 - 1872 (File 2377. AJCP Reel No: 4379)
Law officers' reports: Spain, vol.15, 1873 (File 2378. AJCP Reel No: 4379)
Law officers' reports: Spain, vol.16, 1874 - 1876 (File 2379. AJCP Reel No: 4379)
Full powers and commissions, 1886 - 1891 (File 2405. AJCP Reel No: 4379)
Full powers and commissions, 1892 - 1896 (File 2406. AJCP Reel No: 4379)
Full powers and commissions, 1897 - 1901 (File 2407. AJCP Reel No: 4379)
Miscellaneous correspondence respecting the publication of Blue Books, vol.2: France-Zanzibar, 1863 - 1905 (File 2414. AJCP Reel No: 4379)
Papers of cables, landing rights committee, vol.1, August 1901 - December 1902 (File 2416. AJCP Reel No: 4379)
Papers of cables, landing rights committee, vol.2, January 1903 - February 1903 (File 2417. AJCP Reel No: 4380)
Papers of cables, landing rights committee, vol.3, March 1903 - June 1903 (File 2418. AJCP Reel No: 4380)
Papers of cables, landing rights committee, vol.4, July 1903 - December 1903 (File 2419. AJCP Reel No: 4380)
Papers of cables, landing rights committee, vol.5, January 1904 - April 1904 (File 2420. AJCP Reel No: 4380)
Papers of cables, landing rights committee, vol.6, May 1904 - June 1904 (File 2421. AJCP Reel No: 4380-4381)
Papers of cables, landing rights committee, vol.7, August 1904 - December 1904 (File 2422. AJCP Reel No: 4381)
Papers of cables, landing rights committee, vol.8, January 1905 - March 1905 (File 2423. AJCP Reel No: 4381)
Papers of cables, landing rights committee, vol.9, April 1905 - August 1905 (File 2424. AJCP Reel No: 4381)
Papers of cables, landing rights committee, vol.10, September 1905 - December 1905 (File 2425. AJCP Reel No: 4381)
Consular commissions, 1900 - 1901 (File 2442. AJCP Reel No: 4381)
Consular commissions, 1902 - 1903 (File 2443. AJCP Reel No: 4381)
Consular commissions, 1904 - 1905 (File 2444. AJCP Reel No: 4381)
Consular commissions, 1906 - August 1908 (File 2445. AJCP Reel No: 4381)
Consular commissions, 1908 - 1910 (File 2446. AJCP Reel No: 4381)
Consular commissions, 1910 - 1912 (File 2447. AJCP Reel No: 4381)
Consular commissions, 1912 - 1914 (File 2448. AJCP Reel No: 4381)
Consular commissions, 1914 - 1918 (File 2449. AJCP Reel No: 4381)
Consular commissions, 1919 - 1920 (File 2450. AJCP Reel No: 4381)
Consular commissions, 1921 - 1922 (File 2451. AJCP Reel No: 4381)
Consular commissions, 1923 - 1926 (File 2452. AJCP Reel No: 4381-4382)
Consular commissions, 1927 - 1929 (File 2453. AJCP Reel No: 4382)
Consular exequaturs, 1904 - 1907 (File 2454. AJCP Reel No: 4382)
Consular exequaturs, 1907 - 1909 (File 2455. AJCP Reel No: 4382)
Consular exequaturs, 1910 - 1913 (File 2456. AJCP Reel No: 4382)
Consular exequaturs, 1913 - 1917 (File 2457. AJCP Reel No: 4382)
Consular exequaturs, 1918 - 1921 (File 2458. AJCP Reel No: 4382)
Consular exequaturs, 1921 - 1923 (File 2459. AJCP Reel No: 4382)
Consular exequaturs, 1924 - 1925 (File 2460. AJCP Reel No: 4382)
Consular exequaturs, 1926 - 1927 (File 2461. AJCP Reel No: 4382)
Consular exequaturs, 1928 - 1929 (File 2462. AJCP Reel No: 4382)
Ratification of treaties, 1905 - 1906 (File 2463. AJCP Reel No: 4382)
Ratification of treaties, 1907 - 1908 (File 2464. AJCP Reel No: 4382)
Ratification of treaties, 1909 - 1910 (File 2465. AJCP Reel No: 4382-4383)
Ratification of treaties, 1911 - 1914 (File 2466. AJCP Reel No: 4383)
Ratification of treaties, 1915 - 1919 (File 2467. AJCP Reel No: 4383)
Ratification of treaties, 1920 - 1921 (File 2468. AJCP Reel No: 4383)
Ratification of treaties, 1922 - 1923 (File 2469. AJCP Reel No: 4383-4384)
Ratification of treaties, 1924 - 1925 (File 2470. AJCP Reel No: 4384-4385)
Ratification of treaties, 1926 - 1927 (File 2471. AJCP Reel No: 4385-4386)
Ratification of treaties, 1928 (File 2472. AJCP Reel No: 4386)
Ratification of treaties, 1929 (File 2473. AJCP Reel No: 4386)
Ratification of treaties, 1930 (File 2474. AJCP Reel No: 4386)
Ratification of treaties, 1930 (File 2475. AJCP Reel No: 4386-4387)
Full powers, commissions, 1902 - 1908 (File 2476. AJCP Reel No: 4387)
Full powers, commissions, 1909 - 1913 (File 2477. AJCP Reel No: 4387)
Full powers, commissions, 1914 - 1919 (File 2478. AJCP Reel No: 4387)
Full powers, commissions, 1920 - 1924 (File 2479. AJCP Reel No: 4387)
Full powers, commissions, 1925 - 1929 (File 2480. AJCP Reel No: 4387)
Drafts of full powers and commissions, 1930 - 1932 (File 2481. AJCP Reel No: 4387)
Drafts of full powers and commissions, 1933 - 1935 (File 2482. AJCP Reel No: 4387)
Drafts of full powers and commissions, 1936 - 1937 (File 2483. AJCP Reel No: 4387)
Drafts of full powers and commissions, 1938 - 1940 (File 2484. AJCP Reel No: 4387)
Drafts of full powers and commissions, 1941 - 1946 (File 2485. AJCP Reel No: 4387)
Drafts of ratifications of treaties deposited with foreign governments, 1931 (File 2486. AJCP Reel No: 4387-4388)
Drafts of ratifications of treaties deposited with foreign governments, 1932 (File 2487. AJCP Reel No: 4388)
Drafts of ratifications of treaties deposited with foreign governments, 1933 (File 2488. AJCP Reel No: 4388)
Drafts of ratifications of treaties deposited with foreign governments, 1934 (File 2489. AJCP Reel No: 4388)
Drafts of ratifications of treaties deposited with foreign governments, 1935 (File 2490. AJCP Reel No: 4388)
Drafts of ratifications of treaties deposited with foreign governments, 1936 (File 2491. AJCP Reel No: 4388-4389)
Drafts of ratifications of treaties deposited with foreign governments, 1937 (File 2492. AJCP Reel No: 4389)
Consular fees, correspondence, etc., 1858 - 1885 (File 2503. AJCP Reel No: 4389-4390)
Correspondence with Treasury, Consuls General, etc., 1885 - 1887 (File 2504. AJCP Reel No: 4390)
Returns to circular of 10 December, 1884 showing fees collected at posts during three years ending 31 March 1884, vol.1, 1884 - 1885 (File 2505. AJCP Reel No: 4390)
Returns to circular of 10 December, 1884 showing fees collected at posts during three years ending 31 March 1884, vol.2, 1884 - 1885 (File 2506. AJCP Reel No: 4390)
Correspondence etc. relating to instructions to Her Majesty's Consular Offices and the new table of fees, 1805 (File 2507. AJCP Reel No: 4390)
Correspondence etc. relating to the new table of fees, 1886 - 1889 (File 2508. AJCP Reel No: 4390-4391)
Drafts of ratifications of treaties deposited with foreign governments, 1938 (File 2509. AJCP Reel No: 4391)
Drafts of ratifications of treaties deposited with foreign governments, 1939 - 1940 (File 2510. AJCP Reel No: 4391)
Drafts of ratifications of treaties deposited with foreign governments, 1941 - 1946 (File 2511. AJCP Reel No: 4391)
Duke of Edinburgh's marriage. Royal Matters, January 1874 - April 1874 (File 2516. AJCP Reel No: 4391)
Duke of Clarence's death, vol.2, Greece-Zanzibar. Royal Matters, 1892 (File 2521. AJCP Reel No: 4391)
Duke of York's marriage. Royal Matters, 1893 (File 2522. AJCP Reel No: 4391)

Series FO 97. Supplement to general correspondence, 1841 - 1900

34 items

Correspondence includes occupation of Guano Islands, Australian messages of sympathy to Germany, concerning death of Emperor William I and Emperor Frederick,1888, land claims in New Zealand, 1841-1894, and archives of Apia Consulate, 1899-1900.

Archival History

Material selectively filmed as part of the Australian Joint Copying Project (AJCP Reels: 6839-6841). Original microfilm digitised as part of the AJCP Online Delivery Project, 2017-2020.

Existence and Location of Originals

The National Archives of the UK (TNA).

Series Reference: FO 97. For further information see FO 97 at The National Archives of the UK. (

Existence and Location of Copies

The original AJCP microfilm of the records filmed from this collection is available at the National Library of Australia [] as well as other institutions holding AJCP microfilm.


Great Britain: Foreign Office; Guano Islands: occupation; Hawaii; Land Tenure: New Zealand; Mills, J R; New Zealand; New Zealand: land claims; Pacific; Samoa: politics and government

Depredations of American ships on guano islands, 1859 - 1863 (File 39.)
1 item
United States of America: occupation of Guano Islands, Pacific, 1862 - 1863 (Item ff.294-367. AJCP Reel No: 6839)
Germany: death of Emperor William I, 1888 (File 509)
1 item
Sir Robert Herbert to Foreign Office, 16 May 1888 (Item AJCP Reel No: 6839)

Sends despatch from Governor of Victoria expressing sympathy on death of Emperor.

Germany: death Emperor Frederick III, 1888 (File 510)
27 items
E. Wingfield to Foreign Office, 23 June 1888 (Item AJCP Reel No: 6839)

Sends cable from Governor of Western Australia expressing sympathy of citizens of Perth on death of Emperor.

Foreign Office to Sir Edward Malet (Berlin), 27 June 1888 (Item AJCP Reel No: 6839)

Forwards cable from Western Australia.

Sir Robert Herbert to Foreign Office, 29 June 1888 (Item AJCP Reel No: 6839)

Sends cables from Governor of Victoria and Victorian Legislative Council.

J. Bramston to Foreign Office, 30 June 1888 (Item AJCP Reel No: 6839)

Sends message from Town Council of Ballarat.

Foreign Office to Sir Edward Malet, 3 July 1888 (Item AJCP Reel No: 6839)

Forwards Victorian messages.

Foreign Office to Sir Edward Malet, 4 July 1888 (Item AJCP Reel No: 6839)

Forwards Ballarat message.

E. Wingfield to Foreign Office, 6 July 1888 (Item AJCP Reel No: 6839)

Sends message of sympathy from Mayor of Brisbane.

Foreign Office to Sir Edward Malet, 7 July 1888 (Item AJCP Reel No: 6839)

Forwards Brisbane message.

Sir Robert Herbert to Foreign Office, 13 July 1888 (Item AJCP Reel No: 6839)

Sends address of South Australian Parliament.

Sir Edward to Lord Salisbury, 14 July 1888 (Item AJCP Reel No: 6839)

Thanks of Emperor for message from Legislative Council of Victoria.

Foreign Office to Sir Edward Malet, 17 July 1888 (Item AJCP Reel No: 6839)

Forwards South Australian address.

J. Bramston to Foreign Office, 2 August 1888 (Item AJCP Reel No: 6839)

Sends despatch from Governor of Western Australia on meeting in Perth Town Hall.

J. Bramston to Foreign Office, 3 August 1888 (Item AJCP Reel No: 6839)

Sends despatch from Governor of Victoria.

Foreign Office to C. Scott (Berlin), 7 August 1888 (Item AJCP Reel No: 6839)

Forwards Victorian despatch.

Foreign Office to C. Scott, 8 August 1888 (Item AJCP Reel No: 6839)

Forwards Western Australian despatch.

C. Scott to Lord Salisbury, 10 August 1888 (Item AJCP Reel No: 6839)


J. Bramston to Foreign Office, 11 August 1888 (Item AJCP Reel No: 6839)

Sends address of New Zealand Parliament.

J. Bramston to Foreign Office, 13 August 1888 (Item AJCP Reel No: 6839)

Sends address of South Australian Parliament.

Foreign Office to C. Scott, 14 August 1888 (Item AJCP Reel No: 6839)

Forwards New Zealand address.

Foreign Office to C. Scott, 16 August 1888 (Item AJCP Reel No: 6839)

Forwards South Australian address.

J. Bramston to Foreign Office, 20 August 1888 (Item AJCP Reel No: 6839)

Sends address of Tasmanian Parliament.

Foreign Office to C. Scott, 22 August 1888 (Item AJCP Reel No: 6839)

Forwards Tasmanian address.

R. Meade to Foreign Office, 30 August 1888 (Item AJCP Reel No: 6839)

Sends message from Adelaide City Council.

Foreign Office to C. Scott, 1 September 1888 (Item AJCP Reel No: 6839)

Forwards Adelaide message.

R. Meade to Foreign Office, 10 September 1888 (Item AJCP Reel No: 6839)

Sends address of N.S.W. Parliament.

Foreign Office to Sir Edward Malet, 12 September 1888 (Item AJCP Reel No: 6839)

Forwards N.S.W. address.

W. Beauclerk (Berlin) to Lord Salisbury, 12 October 1888 (Item AJCP Reel No: 6839)

Thanks of German Empress for various messages.

United States of America: New Zealand land claims, 1841 - 1894 (File 546 A-C.)
3 items
New Zealand land claims, February 1887 - June 1894 (Item 546A. AJCP Reel No: 6839.)

Claim of William Webster; correspondence (c.250ff).

New Zealand land claims, 1841 - 1894 (Item 546B. AJCP Reel No: 6839.)

Claim of William Webster; evidence, deeds etc., (108ff.)

New Zealand land claims, 1883 (Item 546C. AJCP Reel No: 6840.)

(880pp) H.H. Turton, ed. An epitome of official documents relative to native affairs and land purchases in North Island of New Zealand. (Wellington, Government Printer, 1883)

Pacific Islands: imprisonment of J.R. Mills at Honolulu, 1890 - 1892 (File 589. AJCP Reel No: 6840)
Imprisonment of J.R. Mills at Honolulu, September 1890 - August 1892 (Item 589)
1 item


Germany: confidential archives of Apia Consulate, 1899 - 1900 (File 613.)
1 item
Confidential archives of Apia Consulate, July 1899 - April 1900 (Item 613)


Series FO 371. Correspondence. Political, 1906 - 1952

506 items

Pieces filmed by the AJCP from this Series concern the Pacific Islands, especially Samoa and the New Hebrides. Records are arranged under various subjects such as labour and war. Some of the material is in the form of entry books containing draft letters, despatches and enclosures.

Correspondence, 1906-1918 relating to Australia and New Zealand including foreign and commercial affairs, visits of warships, immigration, Queensland discriminatory legislation and other matters. Also includes correspondence about Pacific Islands, particularly Samoa and New Hebrides, including requests for compensation for damage arising from disturbances in Samoa, 1899, Australian immigration policy towards non-Europeans, foreign policy, 1951, defence programs, 1952, Fijian land claims and Japanese operation on the Pacific 1914-1915.

Other correspondence includes that relating to acquisition of territory in the area, reports of Supreme Court cases in Samoa, and miscellaneous reports from British representatives on a variety of matters.

Piece 299 contains a lengthy and comprehensive report on the New Hebrides, including information on population, employment of local labour and issues affecting British trade prospects in the region.

Pieces 186, 391, 392, 564, 589, 784, 820, 1040, 1041, 1290-1292, 1567-1569, 1700, 1875-1877, 1975, 1976, 1982, 2358, 2359, 2382, 2673, 2674, 2933, 2950, 3173, 3174, 3187, 3225, 5572, 5629-5631, 6705, 6706, 7163, 7164, 8042, 8454-8456, 9424, 9543, 9544, 10548 were filmed in their entirety, all other pieces were filmed selectively.

Archival History

Material selectively filmed as part of the Australian Joint Copying Project (AJCP Reels 2894-2898, 6090, 6309-6317, 6972-6992, 7295-7314). Original microfilm digitised as part of the AJCP Online Delivery Project, 2017-2020.

Existence and Location of Originals

The National Archives of the UK (TNA).

Series Reference: FO 371. For further information, see FO 371 at The National Archives of the UK. (

Existence and Location of Copies

The original AJCP microfilm of the records filmed from this collection is available at the National Library of Australia [] as well as other institutions holding AJCP microfilm.


Antarctica; Australia: commerce; Australia: defences; East Timor; Emigration and immigration: Australia; Fiji: land claims; Germany: interests in Australia and Pacific; Great Britain: Foreign Office; Hawaii; Kalgoorlie; New Caledonia; New Hebrides; New Zealand; Pacific; Pacific Conference; Pacific: land claims; Samoa: indentured labourers; Samoa: politics and government; Vanuatu: politics and government; World War I, 1914-1918; Yap Island

China: Australian Immigration Restriction Act, 1906 (File 18. AJCP Reel No: 6972)
China: Chinese consular agents in Australia and New Zealand, 1906 (File 39. AJCP Reel No: 6972)
China: Chinese labourers in Samoa, 1906 (File 40. AJCP Reel No: 6972)
Egypt: Request by South Australian Government for Egyptian State Railways report, 1906 (File 59. AJCP Reel No: 6972)
Germany: scientific expedition of J.W. Michaelson to Australia; visit of German warship Condor to Fiji and Australia, 1906 (File 77. AJCP Reel No: 6972)
Japan: New Zealand Exhibition, 1906 (File 84. AJCP Reel No: 6972)
Japan: amendment to Queensland Agricultural Banks Act, visit of Japanese fleet to Australia, 1906 (File 85. AJCP Reel No: 6972)
Japan: pirating trademark of Wallaroo Mining Company, 1906 (File 86. AJCP Reel No: 6972)
Japan: Anglo-Japanese Treaty; proposed change of title of New South Wales Commercial Agent in Japan, 1906 (File 87. AJCP Reel No: 6972)
Pacific Islands, 1906 (File 100. AJCP Reel No: 2894-2895)
Switzerland: visit of Lieut. Col. W.T. Bridges, 1906 (File 138. AJCP Reel No: 6972)
United States: abduction of an Australian girl; deportation of G.J. Benjamin, 1906 (File 158. AJCP Reel No: 6972)
United States: San Francisco earthquake, 1906 (File 159. AJCP Reel No: 6972)
Affairs of New Hebrides (Case 608), 1906 (File 186. AJCP Reel No: 6309)
France: growing German interest in Tahiti, 1907 (File 255. AJCP Reel No: 6972)
Germany: visit to Australia by warship Condor, 1907 (File 259. AJCP Reel No: 6972)
Germany: visit to Australia by warship Condor, 1907 (File 260. AJCP Reel No: 6972)
Japan: Anglo-Japanese Treaty, 1907 (File 271. AJCP Reel No: 6972)
Japan: title of New South Wales Commercial Agent in Japan, 1907 (File 272. AJCP Reel No: 6972)
Japan: ill-treatment of A.R. Weigall by soldiers while travelling in Korea, 1907 (File 273. AJCP Reel No: 6972)
Pacific Islands, 1907 (File 298. AJCP Reel No: 2895-2896)
Pacific Islands, 1907 (File 299. AJCP Reel No: 2896-2897)
Switzerland: temporary attachment of Lieut. Col. Reay of Australian Military Forces to Swiss Army, 1907 (File 339. AJCP Reel No: 6972)
United States: Australian Mission to study naval developments in UK, Canada, US and Japan, 1907 (File 359. AJCP Reel No: 6972)
United States: naval station at Pearl Harbour; Capt. Cook monument in Hawaii, 1907 (File 360. AJCP Reel No: 6972)
Affairs of New Hebrides (Case 608), 1907 (File 391. AJCP Reel No: 6310)
Affairs of New Hebrides (Case 608), 1907 (File 392. AJCP Reel No: 6310)
Germany: visit to Australia by warship Planet, 1908 (File 459. AJCP Reel No: 6972)
Germany: visit to Pacific by warship Condor, native administration in German colonies in Africa and Pacific, 1908 (File 460. AJCP Reel No: 6972)
Japan: Anglo-Japanese Treaty, 1908 (File 472. AJCP Reel No: 6973)
Japan: visit to Pacific by United States Fleet; New South Wales Commercial Agent in Japan, 1908 (File 475. AJCP Reel No: 6973)
Japan: US and Japanese policy in Pacific, 1908 (File 477. AJCP Reel No: 6973)
Pacific Islands, 1908 (File 492. AJCP Reel No: 2897)
Pacific Islands, 1908 (File 493. AJCP Reel No: 2897-2898)
United States: visit to Australia by United States Fleet, 1908 (File 564. AJCP Reel No: 6973)
United States: fortification and strategic development of Pearl Harbor and Hawaii; New South Wales proposed annexation of Islands in East Indies; visit of British and American fleets to Australia, 1908 (File 567. AJCP Reel No: 6973)
Miscellaneous: sovereignty of Heard Islands, 1908 (File 573. AJCP Reel No: 6973)
Miscellaneous: annexation of Cartier Island, 1908 (File 574. AJCP Reel No: 6973)
Affairs of New Hebrides (Case 608), 1908 (File 589. AJCP Reel No: 6311)
Austria-Hungary: Austrian Scientific Expedition to Australia, 1909 (File 600. AJCP Reel No: 6973)
Brazil: visit of British warships to Tahiti, 1909 (File 603. AJCP Reel No: 6973)
Chile: alleged sale of Easter Island to Japan; visit of HMS Flora and Cambrian to Tahiti and Easter Island, 1909 (File 611. AJCP Reel No: 6973)
China: Australian Immigration Restriction Acts; Chinese immigration into New Zealand; Chinese coolies in Samoa, 1909 (File 640. AJCP Reel No: 6973)
China: New South Wales Factory Acts; discrimination against Chinese workers in Australia, 1909 (File 641. AJCP Reel No: 6973)
France: murder in Tonkin; Australian representatives in Astro Photographic Committee, 1909 (File 665. AJCP Reel No: 6973)
France: crisis in New Caledonia, 1909 (File 666. AJCP Reel No: 6973)
France: statue of Louis-Antoine de Bougainville at Tahiti, 1909 (File 669. AJCP Reel No: 6973)
Germany: protectorates in Pacific, 1909 (File 671. AJCP Reel No: 6973)
Germany: visits of German warships Condor and Arcona to Australia, New Zealand and Fiji, 1909 (File 672. AJCP Reel No: 6973)
Germany: visit of German warship Planet to Australia, 1909 (File 673. AJCP Reel No: 6973)
Germany: visit of Dr R. Heindle to Australia, 1909 (File 675. AJCP Reel No: 6973)
Germany: observatory used by Geodetic Association at Perth; visit of R. Williamson to Solomon Islands and New Guinea, 1909 (File 676. AJCP Reel No: 6974)
Japan: Colonial Trade Commissioners in Japan, 1909 (File 689. AJCP Reel No: 6974)
United States: claim of W. Webster for reparation for land seized in New Zealand, 1909 (File 783. AJCP Reel No: 6974)
Pacific Islands, 1909 (File 707. AJCP Reel No: 2898)
United States: W. Webster case, 1909 (File 784. AJCP Reel No: 6974)
United States: Australian representation at Hague Conference on Preservation of Natural Resources; ownership of guano islands in Pacific, 1909 (File 785. AJCP Reel No: 6974)
United States: visit of Major General Hoad of Australian Military Forces to American military institutions, 1909 (File 786. AJCP Reel No: 6974)
United States: stranding of Logan at Honolulu; visit of HMS Flora and Cambrian to Hawaii, 1909 (File 787. AJCP Reel No: 6974)
United States: exile of American criminals to Australia, 1909 (File 788. AJCP Reel No: 6974)
United States: Capt. Cook monument in Hawaii; visit by O. Bryant to Borneo and New Guinea, 1909 (File 789. AJCP Reel No: 6974)
Miscellaneous: London Naval Conference: request by Alfred Deakin to be consulted before Convention ratified, 1909 (File 795. AJCP Reel No: 6974)
Miscellaneous: annexation of Cartier Island, 1909 (File 796. AJCP Reel No: 6974)
Miscellaneous: inquiry by Western Australian Government into ownership of Rowley Shoals, 1909 (File 797. AJCP Reel No: 6974)
Affairs of New Hebrides (Case 608), 1909 (File 820. AJCP Reel No: 6311)
China: New Zealand immigration legislation, 1910 (File 869. AJCP Reel No: 6974)
China: restriction of immigration into Australia, 1910 (File 874. AJCP Reel No: 6974)
Germany: military and police forces in German protectorates: visits of German warships Condor, Planet, Comoran and Nurnberg to Australia and Pacific, 1910 (File 902. AJCP Reel No: 6974)
Germany: development of protectorates of German New Guinea and Samoa, 1910 (File 903. AJCP Reel No: 6975)
Japan: Japanese tariff, 1910 (File 920. AJCP Reel No: 6975)
Japan: Japanese immigration into Dominions, 1910 (File 921. AJCP Reel No: 6975)
Japan: report of J.B. Suttor, New South Wales Commissioner in the East, 1910 (File 925. AJCP Reel No: 6975)
Pacific Islands, 1910 (File 943. AJCP Reel No: 6312)
Portugal: affairs of East Timor, 1910 (File 973. AJCP Reel No: 6975)
Portugal: affairs of East Timor, 1910 (File 974. AJCP Reel No: 6975)
United States: pelagic sealing; Pecuniary Claims Convention; Webster claim, 1910 (File 1018. AJCP Reel No: 6975)
United States: Pecuniary Claims Convention; correspondence with Dominions Governments, 1910 (File 1019. AJCP Reel No: 6975)
United States: Capt. Cook monument in Hawaii; Australian Military College; visit of Col. T. Bridges to West Point, 1910 (File 1021. AJCP Reel No: 6975)
United States: facilities for O. Bryant in Papua; visit of Lieut. S.H. Hancox to America, 1910 (File 1022. AJCP Reel No: 6975)
United States: status of Swains Island: copy of Official records of Union and Confederate Armies for Australian Military College, 1910 (File 1023. AJCP Reel No: 6975)
Affairs of New Hebrides (Case 608), 1910 (File 1040. AJCP Reel No: 6312)
Affairs of New Hebrides (Case 608), 1910 (File 1041. AJCP Reel No: 6312)
China: restriction of immigration into New Zealand, 1911 (File 1087. AJCP Reel No: 6975)
Germany: visits of German warships Condor, Planet, Comoran to Australia and New Zealand, 1911 (File 1121. AJCP Reel No: 6975)
Germany: publications on German zoological gardens for New South Wales Government, 1911 (File 1125. AJCP Reel No: 6975)
Germany: visit of Australian Mounted Cadets to Germany, 1911 (File 1126. AJCP Reel No: 6975)
Japan: proposed new Anglo-Japanese Treaty, 1911 (File 1137. AJCP Reel No: 6975)
Japan: Anglo-Japanese Commercial Treaty, 1911 (File 1138. AJCP Reel No: 6975)
Japan: renewal of Anglo-Japanese Alliance, 1911 (File 1140. AJCP Reel No: 6975)
Japan: occupation of Christmas Island by Japan, 1911 (File 1142. AJCP Reel No: 6975)
Japan: Japanese coastal trade; bamboo plant tor cultivation in New Zealand, 1911 (File 1144. AJCP Reel No: 6975)
Japan: Asian immigration into Dominions, 1911 (File 1145. AJCP Reel No: 6975)
Pacific Islands, 1910 (File 1175. AJCP Reel No: 6312)
United States: Capt. Cook monument in Hawaii; pelagic sealing, 1911 (File 1264. AJCP Reel No: 6975)
United States: Sealing Treaty and Convention, 1911 (File 1265. AJCP Reel No: 6975)
United States: Pecuniary Claims Convention; claim of Webster; Fiji land claims, 1911 (File 1266. AJCP Reel No: 6975)
United States: Pecuniary Claims Convention; Webster claim, 1911 (File 1267. AJCP Reel No: 6975)
United States: Pecuniary Claims Convention; Webster claim, 1911 (File 1268. AJCP Reel No: 6975)
United States: Pecuniary Claims Convention; Webster claim; Fiji land claims, 1911 (File 1269. AJCP Reel No: 6975)
United States: copy of Records of the Union and Confederate Armies for Australia, 1911 (File 1273. AJCP Reel No: 6975)
United States: visits of HMS Algerine and Commander S. Pethebridge to Honolulu and American naval facilities, 1911 (File 1274. AJCP Reel No: 6975)
United States: changes of ownership of Washington, Fanning and Palmyra Islands, 1911 (File 1275. AJCP Reel No: 6976)
Miscellaneous: annexation of Antarctic coast by Douglas Mawson, 1911 (File 1285. AJCP Reel No: 6976)
Affairs of New Hebrides (Case 608), 1911 (File 1290. AJCP Reel No: 6313)
Affairs of New Hebrides (Case 608), 1911 (File 1291. AJCP Reel No: 6313)
Affairs of New Hebrides (Case 608), 1911 (File 1292. AJCP Reel No: 6313)
China: Chinese emigration to German Samoa, 1912 (File 1343. AJCP Reel No: 6976)
Germany: visits of German warships Condor and Cormoran to Australia and New Zealand, 1912 (File 1370. AJCP Reel No: 6976)
Germany: suspected espionage in Australia, 1912 (File 1372. AJCP Reel No: 6976)
Japan: non-adherence of Fiji and New Zealand to Anglo-Japanese Commercial Treaty, 1912 (File 1385. AJCP Reel No: 6976)
Japan: Japanese migration to New Caledonia, 1912 (File 1386. AJCP Reel No: 6976)
Japan: Japanese migration to Western Pacific, 1912 (File 1388. AJCP Reel No: 6976)
Pacific Islands, 1912 (File 1416. AJCP Reel No: 6314)
United States: Pecuniary Claims Convention; Fiji land claims, 1912 (File 1540. AJCP Reel No: 6976)
United States: Pecuniary Claims Convention; Fiji land claims; Webster's claim, 1912 (File 1541. AJCP Reel No: 6976)
United States: Pecuniary Claims Convention; Fiji land claims, 1912 (File 1542. AJCP Reel No: 6976)
United States: Pecuniary Claims Convention; Fiji land claims; claim of Webster; British claims against Hawaii, 1912 (File 1543. AJCP Reel No: 6976)
United States: Pecuniary Claims Convention; Fiji land claims; claim of Webster; British claims against Hawaii, 1912 (File 1544. AJCP Reel No: 6976)
United States: Pecuniary Claims Convention; W. Webster, 1912 (File 1545. AJCP Reel No: 6976)
United States: Fanning, Washington and Palmyra Islands; Arbitration Treaty, 1912 (File 1547. AJCP Reel No: 6976)
United States: Capt. Cook monument; Peace Centennial, 1912 (File 1548. AJCP Reel No: 6976)
United States: Major R. Holman to attend mobilisation of American troops; facilities for anthropological expeditions to Australia and Africa, 1912 (File 1550. AJCP Reel No: 6976)
America (General): French claims to Wilkes Land, Antarctica, 1912 (File 1564. AJCP Reel No: 6977)
Affairs of New Hebrides (Case 608), 1912 (File 1567. AJCP Reel No: 6314)
Affairs of New Hebrides (Case 608), 1912 (File 1568. AJCP Reel No: 6315)
Affairs of New Hebrides (Case 608), 1912 (File 1569. AJCP Reel No: 6315)
China: Opium Convention, 1913 (File 1598. AJCP Reel No: 6977)
Germany: visits of German warships Condor, Planet, Comoran, Gneisenau, Scharnhorst and Emden to Australia and Pacific, 1913 (File 1647. AJCP Reel No: 6977)
Germany: publication of What Germany Wants by W.N. Willis, 1913 (File 1650. AJCP Reel No: 6977)
Germany: expedition of R. Scott to Antarctica, 1913 (File 1654. AJCP Reel No: 6977)
Japan: Queensland discriminatory legislation, 1913 (File 1663. AJCP Reel No: 6977)
Japan: Queensland Sugar Cultivation Act; Japanese question in Pacific Dominions; pearling industry at Broome, 1913 (File 1664. AJCP Reel No: 6977)
Japan: Anglo-Japanese Commercial Treaty, 1913 (File 1665. AJCP Reel No: 6977)
Japan: Japanese departure from Fanning Island, 1913 (File 1668. AJCP Reel No: 6977)
Pacific Islands, 1913 (File 1700. AJCP Reel No: 6316)
United States: Pecuniary Claims Convention; Fiji land claims; claim of W. Webster, 1913 (File 1849. AJCP Reel No: 6977)
United States: Pecuniary Claims Convention; Fiji land claims; claim of Webster, 1913 (File 1850. AJCP Reel No: 6977)
United States: Pecuniary Claims Convention; claims of Webster and W.G. Markham, 1913 (File 1851. AJCP Reel No: 6977)
United States: Pecuniary Claims Convention; claims of Webster and W.G. Markham, 1913 (File 1852. AJCP Reel No: 6977)
United States: Pecuniary Claims Convention; claim of W.G. Markham, 1913 (File 1853. AJCP Reel No: 6977)
United States: Pecuniary Claims Convention; Andromeda claim, 1913 (File 1854. AJCP Reel No: 6977)
United States: seal fisheries, 1913 (File 1855. AJCP Reel No: 6977)
United States: inquiry by Australian Government on initiative and referendum in United States, 1913 (File 1856. AJCP Reel No: 6977)
United States: Arbitration Treaty; consultation with Dominion, 1913 (File 1857. AJCP Reel No: 6977)
United States: US naval station in Hawaii; peace commissions; sale of Fanning Island, 1913 (File 1858. AJCP Reel No: 6977)
United States: Capt. Cook monument in Hawaii, 1913 (File 1859. AJCP Reel No: 6978)
United States: visit of HMS New Zealand to Honolulu; Palmyra, Wake and Johnston Islands, 1913 (File 1860. AJCP Reel No: 6978)
Miscellaneous (General): status of ships of Royal Australian and Canadian Navies; fate of Capt. R.F. Scott and his companions, 1913 (File 1866. AJCP Reel No: 6978)
America (General): HMS New Zealand and Algerine, 1913 (File 1872. AJCP Reel No: 6978)
Affairs of New Hebrides (Case 608), 1913 (File 1875. AJCP Reel No: 6316)
Affairs of New Hebrides (Case 608), 1913 (File 1876. AJCP Reel No: 6317)
Affairs of New Hebrides (Case 608), 1913 (File 1877. AJCP Reel No: 6317)
China: Chinese in Australia, 1914 (File 1938. AJCP Reel No: 6978)
China: consular representation for Chinese in Fiji, 1914 (File 1950. AJCP Reel No: 6978)
France: New Hebrides, 1914 (File 1973. AJCP Reel No: 6978)
France: New Hebrides, 1914 (File 1974. AJCP Reel No: 6978)
France: New Hebrides, 1914 (File 1975. AJCP Reel No: 6979)
France: New Hebrides, 1914 (File 1976. AJCP Reel No: 6979)
France: New Hebrides, 1914 (File 1977. AJCP Reel No: 6979)
France: New Hebrides, 1914 (File 1978. AJCP Reel No: 6979)
France: New Hebrides, 1914 (File 1979. AJCP Reel No: 6980)
France: New Hebrides, 1914 (File 1980. AJCP Reel No: 6980)
France: New Hebrides, 1914 (File 1981. AJCP Reel No: 6980)
France: New Hebrides, 1914 (File 1982. AJCP Reel No: 6980)
Germany: visit of warship Cormoran to Gilbert Islands, 1914 (File 1985. AJCP Reel No: 6980)
Germany: frontier between German and British New Guinea, 1914 (File 1986. AJCP Reel No: 6980)
Germany: development of German protectorates, 1914 (File 1989. AJCP Reel No: 6980)
Germany: German treaty rights as to recruiting in British Solomon Islands; Anglo-German relations, 1914 (File 1991. AJCP Reel No: 6980)
Japan: German warships in Pacific; war in Far East, 1914 (File 2016. AJCP Reel No: 6980)
Japan: Japanese operations in Pacific; Yap Island, 1914 (File 2017. AJCP Reel No: 6980)
Japan: Japanese operations in Pacific; Japanese occupation of German colonies in Pacific, 1914 (File 2018. AJCP Reel No: 6980)
Japan: naval cooperations with Japanese; naval operations in Far East, 1914 (File 2019. AJCP Reel No: 6980)
Japan: export of Australian lead to Japan, 1914 (File 2021. AJCP Reel No: 6980)
United States: Pecuniary Claims Convention; claim of W. Webster, 1914 (File 2148A. AJCP Reel No: 6980)
United States: Pecuniary Claims Convention, 1914 (File 2149. AJCP Reel No: 6980)
United States: Peace Commission Treaty; consultation with Dominions, 1914 (File 2151. AJCP Reel No: 6980)
United States: Peace Commission Treaty; consultation with Dominions, 1914 (File 2152. AJCP Reel No: 6981)
United States: ownership of islands in Pacific, 1914 (File 2153. AJCP Reel No: 6981)
United States: Captain Cook memorial plate at Hawaii, 1914 (File 2154. AJCP Reel No: 6981)
United States: sale of Fanning Island, 1914 (File 2155. AJCP Reel No: 6981)
United States: Melbourne University and Carnegie Foundation, 1914 (File 2156. AJCP Reel No: 6981)
Miscellaneous: British Antarctic and Oceanographical Expedition, 1914 (File 2187. AJCP Reel No: 6981)
Miscellaneous: naval and military preparations in Australia; detention of British officers at Honolulu, 1914 (File 2188. AJCP Reel No: 6981)
Miscellaneous: Pitcairn Island, 1914 (File 2189. AJCP Reel No: 6981)
America (General): British territory in Antarctica, 1914 (File 2222. AJCP Reel No: 6981)
America (General): naval situation in Far East; protection of Ocean Island; occupation and administration of Samoa, 1914 (File 2226. AJCP Reel No: 6981)
China: import of opium into Fiji, 1915 (File 2317. AJCP Reel No: 6981)
China: New Zealand Immigration Restriction Acts; consular representation for Chinese in Fiji, 1915 (File 2329. AJCP Reel No: 6981)
France: New Hebrides, 1915 (File 2358. AJCP Reel No: 6981)
France: New Hebrides; change of Governor in Tahiti, 1915 (File 2359. AJCP Reel No: 6981)
France (War): New Hebrides, 1915 (File 2361. AJCP Reel No: 6982)
Japan: occupation and administration of German Pacific Islands, 1915 (File 2382. AJCP Reel No: 6982)
Japan: trade between Australia and Japanese islands in Pacific; naval cooperation in Pacific, 1915 (File 2386. AJCP Reel No: 6982)
Japan: Anglo-Japanese Commercial Treaty; formation of local defence corps in Pacific, 1915 (File 2387. AJCP Reel No: 6982)
Japan: transfer of SS Tyrian to Japanese flag, 1915 (File 2388. AJCP Reel No: 6982)
Japan: discrimination against Australian doctors in Korea, 1915 (File 2390. AJCP Reel No: 6982)
Japan: phosphate deposits in Angaur, Pelew and Caroline Islands; visit of Japanese Training Squadron to Australian waters, 1915 (File 2391. AJCP Reel No: 6982)
Japan: Japanese postal arrangements with South Sea Islands, 1915 (File 2392. AJCP Reel No: 6982)
United States: British Indians in Hawaii, 1915 (File 2494. AJCP Reel No: 6982)
United States: telegraphic communication with Dutch East Indies; Japanese censorship at Yap, 1915 (File 2497. AJCP Reel No: 6982)
United States: Peace Commission Treaty, 1915 (File 2498. AJCP Reel No: 6982)
United States: Capt. Cook memorial in Hawaii; deportation of N.P. Soresensen from Solomon Islands, 1915 (File 2500. AJCP Reel No: 6982)
United States: Designation of 'Commonwealth of Australia' in United States publications, 1915 (File 2501. AJCP Reel No: 6982)
Miscellaneous: licence for whaling operations in Antarctic, 1915 (File 2512. AJCP Reel No: 6982)
Miscellaneous (War): expression of loyalty from chiefs of New Hebrides; postal censorship in New Zealand and Samoa, 1915 (File 2522. AJCP Reel No: 6982)
Miscellaneous (War): war precautions in Australia, 1915 (File 2541. AJCP Reel No: 6982)
Miscellaneous (War): messages from New Zealand and other Dominions to Allied countries, 1915 (File 2550. AJCP Reel No: 6982)
America: General (War): New Zealand occupation of Samoa; shipment of arms on American ships Annie Larsen and Maverick, 1915 (File 2584. AJCP Reel No: 6982)
America: General (War): hostility towards America in Australia and other colonies; affairs of German New Guinea and New Britain, 1915 (File 2586. AJCP Reel No: 6983)
Balkans (War): treatment of southern Slavs in Australia and New Zealand, 1915 (File 2623. AJCP Reel No: 6983)
China: status of Chinese and other races in New Guinea, 1915 (File 2655. AJCP Reel No: 6983)
France: New Hebrides, 1915 (File 2673. AJCP Reel No: 6983)
France: New Hebrides, 1915 (File 2674. AJCP Reel No: 6983)
Italy (War): enlistment of Italians in Australian Army, 1915 (File 2686. AJCP Reel No: 6983)
Japan: Anglo-Japanese Commercial Treaty; Japanese occupation of South Seas Islands, 1915 (File 2688. AJCP Reel No: 6984)
Japan: Japanese occupation of Pacific islands, 1916 (File 2689. AJCP Reel No: 6984)
Japan: Japanese naval assistance in Indian Ocean, 1916 (File 2690. AJCP Reel No: 6984)
Japan: visit of Japanese Training Squadron to Australia and New Zealand; trade with Australia; visit of Fukisawa Humphrys to Australia, 1916 (File 2693. AJCP Reel No: 6984)
Japan: Japanese relations with Australia; establishment of steamship line between Australia and New Zealand; repatriation and recruitment of natives of Caroline and Marshall Islands by Pacific Phosphate Company, 1916 (File 2694. AJCP Reel No: 6984)
Mexico: Pacific Phosphate Company concession at Clipperton Island, 1916 (File 2710. AJCP Reel No: 6984)
Netherlands: remarking of boundary between Dutch and former German New Guinea, 1916 (File 2715. AJCP Reel No: 6984)
Sweden: proposed exploration of New Guinea by Dr E. Mjoberg, 1916 (File 2763. AJCP Reel No: 6984)
United States: treatment of Australian and New Zealand statistics in US publications, 1916 (File 2792. AJCP Reel No: 6984)
United States: activities of American Consul in Melbourne on behalf of natives of British West Indies, 1916 (File 2797. AJCP Reel No: 6984)
United States: treatment of American Consul in Apia by Administrator of Samoa, 1916 (File 2799. AJCP Reel No: 6984)
United States: queries concerning training of Australian troops, 1916 (File 2800. AJCP Reel No: 6984)
United States: ownership of Swains Island, 1916 (File 2801. AJCP Reel No: 6984)
Miscellaneous (War): New Year greetings from Dominions to Allied governments, 1916 (File 2812. AJCP Reel No: 6984)
Miscellaneous (War): disposal of captured territories in Pacific; territorial changes after the War, 1916 (File 2820. AJCP Reel No: 6984)
Miscellaneous (War): emigration of Maltese to Australia and New Zealand, 1916 (File 2822. AJCP Reel No: 6984)
Miscellaneous (War): German press activity in Honolulu, 1916 (File 2835. AJCP Reel No: 6985)
Miscellaneous (War): correspondence of Swiss citizens in Samoa, 1916 (File 2838. AJCP Reel No: 6985)
America (General): Shackleton Antarctic Expedition, 1916 (File 2846. AJCP Reel No: 6985)
China: Sino-German relations, 1916 (File 2910. AJCP Reel No: 6985)
France: New Hebrides, 1917 (File 2933. AJCP Reel No: 6985)
Germany (War): German interests in Australia and Pacific, 1917 (File 2940. AJCP Reel No: 6985)
Germany (War): former German colonies in Pacific; debates in Australian and New Zealand Parliaments, 1917 (File 2942. AJCP Reel No: 6985)
Italy: activities of Archbishop Daniel Mannix, 1917 (File 2944. AJCP Reel No: 6985)
Japan: Japanese activities in Marshall and Solomon Islands; proposed new Japanese steamship service to Australasia, 1917 (File 2949. AJCP Reel No: 6985)
Japan: Japanese peace claims; Japan and German colonies in Pacific; Japanese naval assistance; German raider in Indian Ocean; coaling of Japanese ships in Australia and New Zealand, 1917 (File 2950. AJCP Reel No: 6986)
Japan: Japan's cooperation in War; speech by Japanese Vice-Consul in Sydney, 1917 (File 2951. AJCP Reel No: 6986)
Japan: Japanese comments relating to Australia, 1917 (File 2952. AJCP Reel No: 6986)
Japan: Pacific Islands and Japanese military assistance, 1917 (File 2954. AJCP Reel No: 6986)
Russia (War): Australian policy on Russian affairs and position of Russian Consul-General, 1917 (File 3000. AJCP Reel No: 6986)
United States: proposal to attach Australian officers to Consulates General at Batavia and Manila, 1917 (File 3063. AJCP Reel No: 6986)
United States: transactions of A. Scott of Yap with G. Strauss of Yokohama, 1917 (File 3066. AJCP Reel No: 6986)
United States: A. Scott, former British Vice-Consul at Yap, 1917 (File 3067. AJCP Reel No: 6986)
United States: visit of American Army officers to Australia, 1917 (File 3070. AJCP Reel No: 6986)
United States: possible acquisition of Pago Pago, 1917 (File 3071. AJCP Reel No: 6986)
United States: ownership of Swains Island: Capt. Cook memorial plate at Hawaii; American claims to Pacific islands, 1917 (File 3072. AJCP Reel No: 6986)
United States: direct representation of Canada in Washington and question of similar representation for Australia, 1917 (File 3073. AJCP Reel No: 6986)
America (General): Shackleton Antarctic Expedition, 1917 (File 3107. AJCP Reel No: 6986)
Austria-Hungary: Austrian subjects of Italian origin interned in Australia, 1917 (File 3135. AJCP Reel No: 6986)
Balkans (War): Serbian colony in New Zealand, 1918 (File 3147. AJCP Reel No: 6986)
Chile: Monroe doctrine for the Pacific, 1918 (File 3172. AJCP Reel No: 6986)
China: deportation of enemy subjects from China to Australia, 1918 (File 3173. AJCP Reel No: 6987)
China: deportation of enemy subjects from China to Australia, 1918 (File 3174. AJCP Reel No: 6987)
China: expenditure in transporting enemy subjects from China to Australia; return of Germans from Australia to Hong Kong and opposition of China Association; importation of opium into Fiji, 1918 (File 3175. AJCP Reel No: 6988)
China: repatriation of Chinese labourers from Samoa, 1918 (File 3177. AJCP Reel No: 6988)
China: German protests against deportation of enemy subjects from China to Australia, 1918 (File 3187. AJCP Reel No: 6988)
Egypt: employment of Australian engineers in Egypt, 1918 (File 3202. AJCP Reel No: 6988)
France: relations between French and British in Tahiti; Count Buena Esperanza (New Hebrides), 1918 (File 3213. AJCP Reel No: 6988)
France: W.J. Watriama and Loyalty Islands, 1918 (File 3214. AJCP Reel No: 6988)
France: speech by W.A. Holman concerning military situation in Europe, 1918 (File 3215. AJCP Reel No: 6988)
France: New Hebrides; New Caledonia, 1918 (File 3216. AJCP Reel No: 6988)
France: French mission to Australia and New Zealand; British in Tahiti, 1918 (File 3217. AJCP Reel No: 6988)
France: New Hebrides; Australian troops and General Birdwood, 1918 (File 3218. AJCP Reel No: 6989)
France: New Hebrides; message from New South Wales Government for French National Commemoration; conveyance of French troops on leave to Australasia and New Hebrides, 1918 (File 3219. AJCP Reel No: 6989)
France: congratulatory message from Australia to General Foch; suspected spy at New Caledonia, 1918 (File 3220. AJCP Reel No: 6989)
France: New Hebrides, 1918 (File 3221. AJCP Reel No: 6989)
Germany: future of former German colonies, 1918 (File 3224. AJCP Reel No: 6989)
Germany: former German colonies, 1918 (File 3225. AJCP Reel No: 6990)
Germany: Swiss Consul at Sydney; Caroline and Marshall Islands, 1918 (File 3226. AJCP Reel No: 6991)
Italy: activities of Archbishop Daniel Mannix, 1918 (File 3229. AJCP Reel No: 6991)
Japan: Japanese trading and shipping in South Seas, 1918 (File 3233. AJCP Reel No: 6991)
Japan: recruitment of native labourers from Marshall and Caroline Islands; Japanese activities in Australia, East Indies and Pacific, 1918 (File 3235. AJCP Reel No: 6991)
Japan: report on German Pacific Islands occupied by Japanese; Japanese settlers in Samoa; phosphate deposits in Fanning Island, 1918 (File 3236. AJCP Reel No: 6992)
Netherlands: Dutch New Guinea; air route from England to Australia, 1918 (File 3256. AJCP Reel No: 6992)
Russia: Russian representation in Australia, 1918 (File 3298. AJCP Reel No: 6992)
Russia: Russian Consul-General in Australia; Bolshevik agent in Australia, 1918 (File 3299. AJCP Reel No: 6992)
Russia: emigration of Russians from Australia to Russia; Russians in Australia, 1918 (File 3300. AJCP Reel No: 6992)
Turkey: attack on Bedouin encampment by Australian and New Zealand troops, 1918 (File 3421. AJCP Reel No: 6992)
United States: direct representation of Canada and Australia in Washington; proposal for Australian trade representatives in America, 1918 (File 3427. AJCP Reel No: 6992)
United States: alleged hostile attitude of Samoan Administrator towards Americans, 1918 (File 3429. AJCP Reel No: 6992)
United States: relief of Pitcairn Islanders, 1918 (File 3430. AJCP Reel No: 6992)
United States: Imperial War Conference; Australian message to President, 1918 (File 3431. AJCP Reel No: 6992)
The War: Allied victory; congratulatory messages, 1918 (File 3450. AJCP Reel No: 6992)
Miscellaneous (General): application of US-UK Recruiting Convention to Hawaii, 1918 (File 3453. AJCP Reel No: 6992)
Miscellaneous (General): German missions in British territories; post-war control of foreign missions, 1918 (File 3463. AJCP Reel No: 6992)
Miscellaneous (General): military service of aliens in New Zealand, 1918 (File 3476. AJCP Reel No: 6992)
Miscellaneous (General): French deserters in Australia; repatriation of dependants of Australian soldiers, 1918 (File 3480. AJCP Reel No: 6992)
Miscellaneous (General): direct communication between New South Wales Premier and British Ambassador in Tokyo, 1918 (File 3481. AJCP Reel No: 6992)
Miscellaneous (General): return to Australia of Italians repatriated for service in Italian Army, 1918 (File 3483. AJCP Reel No: 6992)
America (War): United States and the War; resolution of Tauranga Harbour Board, 1918 (File 3488. AJCP Reel No: 6992)
America (War): generous treatment of returning Australian soldiers passing through Panama Canal, 1918 (File 3490. AJCP Reel No: 6992)
America (War): visits of H.E.B. Scriven and J.C. Manifold to America, 1918 (File 3493. AJCP Reel No: 6992)
Balkans (War): Repatriation of Austrians and Yugoslavs from Australia, 1919 - 1920 (File 3602. AJCP Reel No: 7295)
China: Import of Chinese opium into Australia, 1919 - 1920 (File 3686. AJCP Reel No: 7295)
China: Fiji Opium Ordinance; Australian and New Zealand opium laws, 1919 - 1920 (File 3687. AJCP Reel No: 7295)
China: Employment of indentured Chinese labour in Samoa, 1919 - 1920 (File 3699. AJCP Reel No: 7295)
China: Despatch of E.L. Piesse to Far East, 1919 - 1920 (File 3700. AJCP Reel No: 7295)
China: Admission of merchants from China and East Indies into Australia, 1919 - 1920 (File 3702. AJCP Reel No: 7295)
France: Paris Peace Conference, 1919 - 1920 (File 3744. AJCP Reel No: 7295)
France: Paris Peace Conference; treatment of Alsace Lorraine prisoners of war in New Zealand; New Hebrides, 1919 - 1920 (File 3749. AJCP Reel No: 7295)
France: Treatment of Alsace Lorraine prisoners of war in Dominions, 1919 - 1920 (File 3750. AJCP Reel No: 7295)
France: New Hebrides; mission of General Pau to New Zealand, 1919 - 1920 (File 3753. AJCP Reel No: 7295)
France: French colonial policy, 1919 - 1920 (File 3755. AJCP Reel No: 7295)
France: Visit by Victorians to battlefields in France, 1919 - 1920 (File 3760. AJCP Reel No: 7295)
France: International Refrigeration Conference in France, 1919 - 1920 (File 3763. AJCP Reel No: 7295)
France: Supply of mitrailleuses and war trophies to Australia, 1919 - 1920 (File 3766. AJCP Reel No: 7295)
France: Report of British Consul in Tahiti, 1919 - 1920 (File 3773. AJCP Reel No: 7295)
Germany: Future of German colonies in Pacific, 1919 - 1920 (File 3774. AJCP Reel No: 7295)
Germany: German Mandates in Pacific, 1919 - 1920 (File 3775. AJCP Reel No: 7295)
Germany: Petroleum deposits in German New Guinea, 1919 - 1920 (File 3787. AJCP Reel No: 7295)
Germany: Marshall Islands and Pacific Phosphate Company, 1919 - 1920 (File 3789. AJCP Reel No: 7295)
Germany: German colonies in Pacific, 1919 - 1920 (File 3794. AJCP Reel No: 7295)
Italy: Loan of Italian art works to Wanganui Art Gallery, 1919 - 1920 (File 3808. AJCP Reel No: 7295)
Italy: Discharge of Italian reservists, 1919 - 1920 (File 3810. AJCP Reel No: 7296)
Italy: Anti-Italian riots in Kalgoorlie, 1919 - 1920 (File 3811. AJCP Reel No: 7296)
Italy: Archbishop Daniel Mannix, 1919 - 1920 (File 3813. AJCP Reel No: 7296)
Italy: Imports to Australia and New Zealand from ex-enemy countries ceded to Italy; Archbishop Daniel Mannix, 1919 - 1920 (File 3815. AJCP Reel No: 7296)
Japan: Renewal of Anglo-Japanese Alliance; Japanese claims to Pacific Islands, 1919 - 1920 (File 3816. AJCP Reel No: 7296)
Japan: Japanese delegation to Peace Conference; control of shipping and export of copra from New Guinea to Japan; Japanese immigration to India and Dominions; disturbances at Fusan; arrest of Australian missionaries, 1919 - 1920 (File 3817. AJCP Reel No: 7296)
Japan: Japanese claims at Peace Conference: disposal of German rights in Shantung and South Sea Islands; visit of Japanese officers to Australia and New Zealand, 1919 - 1920 (File 3819. AJCP Reel No: 7296)
Japan: Japanese article on British policy in New Guinea, 1919 - 1920 (File 3820. AJCP Reel No: 7296)
Japan: Visit of Consul-General in Philippines to Australia: visit of SS Tambo to Marshall Islands, 1919 - 1920 (File 3821. AJCP Reel No: 7296)
Japan: Attitude of Japanese Fleet towards Australia, 1919 - 1920 (File 3822. AJCP Reel No: 7296)
Japan: Japanese labour trouble in Ocean Island; Japanese wireless stations and interference caused to Australian Fleet, 1919 - 1920 (File 3823. AJCP Reel No: 7296)
United States: Pan-Pacific Union; report of British Consul at Honolulu, 1919 - 1920 (File 4245. AJCP Reel No: 7296)
United States: Monroe Doctrine for Pacific; report of British Consul at Honolulu, 1919 - 1920 (File 4246. AJCP Reel No: 7296)
United States: Report of British Consul at Honolulu, 1919 - 1920 (File 4247. AJCP Reel No: 7296)
United States: Visit of J.A. Filhelly, Queensland Minister of Justice, 1919 - 1920 (File 4248. AJCP Reel No: 7296)
United States: Diplomatic representation of Dominions; Swain's Island, 1919 - 1920 (File 4249. AJCP Reel No: 7296)
United States: Suggested visit of US fleet to Australia; Hawaiian independence, 1919 - 1920 (File 4250. AJCP Reel No: 7296)
United States: US service equipment presented to New Zealand Government; voting power of British Empire on Council of League of Nations, 1919 - 1920 (File 4251. AJCP Reel No: 7297)
United States: Proposed visit of US Fleet to Australia; appointment of US military officers in Dominions, 1919 - 1920 (File 4252. AJCP Reel No: 7297)
The War: Water power in German New Guinea; mandates on German colonies, 1919 - 1920 (File 4259. AJCP Reel No: 7297)
Miscellaneous: League of Nations; mandates for Samoa and Pacific Islands, 1919 - 1920 (File 4310. AJCP Reel No: 7297)
Miscellaneous: Mandate for German New Guinea; Australian and New Zealand views on channel of communication with League Secretariat, 1919 - 1920 (File 4311. AJCP Reel No: 7297)
Miscellaneous: Dominions expenses and representation at League of Nations, 1919 - 1920 (File 4313. AJCP Reel No: 7297)
Miscellaneous: British Imperial Antarctic Expedition; proposed limits for Australian Naval Station; treatment of South Pacific Islanders, 1919 - 1920 (File 4325. AJCP Reel No: 7297)
Miscellaneous (General): Control of Antarctica; right of Indians to immigrate to former German colonies, 1919 - 1920 (File 4328. AJCP Reel No: 7297)
Miscellaneous (General): Australian representation at International Financial Conference at Brussels; New Zealand trade with Czechoslovakia, Poland and Yugoslavia, 1919 - 1920 (File 4329. AJCP Reel No: 7297)
Miscellaneous: Australian inquiry about Pacific defence; Archbishop Mannix and Irish situation (File 4332. AJCP Reel No: 7297)
America (General): New Hebrides, 1921 (File 5569. AJCP Reel No: 7297)
America (General): New Hebrides currency, 1921 (File 5571. AJCP Reel No: 7297)
America (General): New Hebrides; proposal that it be ceded to Australia, 1921 (File 5572. AJCP Reel No: 7298)
America (General): Joint Court of New Hebrides, 1921 (File 5573. AJCP Reel No: 7299)
America (General): New Hebrides: Australia's proposal to erect wireless station at Willis Islands, 1921 (File 5574. AJCP Reel No: 7299)
United States: Income tax in British Dominions and colonies, 1921 (File 5616. AJCP Reel No: 7299)
United States: Japanese, Dutch and Russian participation at Disarmament and Pacific Conference, 1921 (File 5617. AJCP Reel No: 7299)
United States: Disarmament and Pacific Conference, 1921 (File 5618. AJCP Reel No: 7299)
United States: Pacific Conference; representation of Dominions, 1921 (File 5619. AJCP Reel No: 7299)
United States: Pacific Conference; representation of Dominions, 1921 (File 5620. AJCP Reel No: 7299)
United States: Washington Conference; representation of Dominions, 1921 (File 5621. AJCP Reel No: 7299)
United States: Washington Conference; representation of Dominions, 1921 (File 5622. AJCP Reel No: 7299)
United States: Washington Conference, 1921 (File 5623. AJCP Reel No: 7299)
United States: Washington Conference; message of W.M. Hughes, 1921 (File 5624. AJCP Reel No: 7301)
United States: Washington Conference, 1921 (File 5625. AJCP Reel No: 7301)
United States: Mandate of Yap Island, 1921 (File 5627. AJCP Reel No: 7301)
United States: Mandate of Yap Island, 1921 (File 5628. AJCP Reel No: 7301)
United States: Mandate of Yap Island, 1921 (File 5629. AJCP Reel No: 7300)
United States: Mandate of Yap Island, 1921 (File 5630. AJCP Reel No: 7300)
United States: Mandate of Yap Island, 1921 (File 5631. AJCP Reel No: 7300)
United States: Request of Pacific Trading Syndicate to purchase or lease Johnson Island, 1921 (File 5681. AJCP Reel No: 7301)
United States: US protest on mandates and Yap Island question, 1921 (File 5685. AJCP Reel No: 7301)
United States: Correspondence between Australian Commissioner at New York and State Department, 1921 (File 5710. AJCP Reel No: 7301)
Germany: Yap Island, 1921 (File 5849. AJCP Reel No: 7301)
Germany: Expropriation of German properties and treatment of German nationals in New Guinea and Samoa, 1921 (File 5943. AJCP Reel No: 7301)
Germany: Return of German nationals to Australia; German properties in Australia, New Zealand and Canada, 1921 (File 5994. AJCP Reel No: 7301)
Germany: Former German colonies in Pacific, 1921 (File 6002. AJCP Reel No: 7301)
Germany: German documents buried in former German New Guinea, 1921 (File 6053. AJCP Reel No: 7301)
Germany: Restrictions on entry of German ships into ports of former German New Guinea; import of German goods, 1921 (File 6072. AJCP Reel No: 7301)
Germany: Return of photographs taken by Dr Detzner during expedition to New Guinea, 1921 (File 6074. AJCP Reel No: 7301)
China: Chinese indentured labourers in Samoa, 1921 (File 6649. AJCP Reel No: 7301)
China: Chinese indentured labourers in Samoa, 1921 (File 6650. AJCP Reel No: 7301)
Japan: Renewal of Anglo-Japanese Alliance; speech by W.M. Hughes, 1921 (File 6672. AJCP Reel No: 7301)
Japan: Renewal of Anglo-Japanese Alliance; speech by W.M. Hughes, 1921 (File 6673. AJCP Reel No: 7301)
Japan: Speech by W.M. Hughes on Imperial Conference, 1921 (File 6674. AJCP Reel No: 7301)
Japan: Renewal of Anglo-Japanese Alliance, 1921 (File 6675. AJCP Reel No: 7301)
Japan: Renewal of Anglo-Japanese Alliance; Washington Conference, 1921 (File 6676. AJCP Reel No: 7301)
Japan: Visit of Japanese trading squadron to Samoa and Chile; possible sale of Easter Island to Japan, 1921 (File 6678. AJCP Reel No: 7301)
Japan: Liaison between Australian General Staff and Military Attache in Tokyo, 1921 (File 6682. AJCP Reel No: 7301)
Japan: Australian and Canadian legislation restricting Japanese and Chinese immigration and landowning rights, 1921 (File 6683. AJCP Reel No: 7302)
Japan: Racial discrimination and immigration; landowning rights in New Zealand, 1921 (File 6684. AJCP Reel No: 7302)
Japan: Importation of Japanese brushwares; despatch from Australia of anthrax-infected brushes; visit of E.L. Piesse to Japan, 1921 (File 6685. AJCP Reel No: 7302)
Japan: Japanese mandate in South Sea Islands, 1921 (File 6692. AJCP Reel No: 7302)
Japan: Japanese Load Line law; Japanese activities in Pacific; fortification of Bonin Islands by Japan, 1921 (File 6693. AJCP Reel No: 7302)
Japan: Visit of China Squadron to Truk, Yap and Malakul Islands; Japanese riots at Broome, 1921 (File 6694. AJCP Reel No: 7302)
Japan: Transaction of fire and marine insurance business in Japan by Western Australian Insurance Company, 1921 (File 6695. AJCP Reel No: 7302)
Japan: Cable station at Yap, 1921 (File 6696. AJCP Reel No: 7304)
Japan: J.R. Broadbent and G.H. Capes as Honorary Attaches at Tokyo; transaction of fire and marine insurance business in Japan by Caledonian Insurance Company, 1921 (File 6697. AJCP Reel No: 7304)
Japan: Acceptances of messages from Australian stations by Japanese wireless stations in Pacific, 1921 (File 6698. AJCP Reel No: 7304)
Japan: Statements by W.M. Hughes on Japanese land and citizenship laws, 1921 (File 6699. AJCP Reel No: 7304)
Japan: Interference with mail from Australia to China and Japan, 1921 (File 6700. AJCP Reel No: 7304)
Japan: Visit of Kyoto Maru to British Solomon Islands; fishing licences grated to Japanese schooners in Solomons, 1921 (File 6701. AJCP Reel No: 7304)
Japan: Pacific Conference, 1921 (File 6704. AJCP Reel No: 7304)
Japan: Pacific Conference, 1921 (File 6705. AJCP Reel No: 7303)
Japan: Washington Conference, 1921 (File 6706. AJCP Reel No: 7303)
Japan: Washington Conference, 1921 (File 6707. AJCP Reel No: 7304)
Japan: Message of sympathy from New Zealand Government on assassination of Japanese Prime Minister; endorsement of bills of lading for Japanese oak shipped to New Zealand, 1921 (File 6709. AJCP Reel No: 7304)
Russia: Repatriation of Russians from Australia to Soviet Russia, 1921 (File 6861. AJCP Reel No: 7304)
Russia: Repatriation of Russians from Australia to Soviet Russia, 1921 (File 6862. AJCP Reel No: 7304)
Belgium: Belgian imports into Australia, 1921 (File 6965. AJCP Reel No: 7304)
France: New Noumea, 1921 (File 6996. AJCP Reel No: 7304)
France: Visit of W.M. Hughes to Paris, 1921 (File 6998. AJCP Reel No: 7304)
Western (General): Control of Antarctica; request by Australia for copies of all taxes in Europe, Asia and America, 1921 (File 7022. AJCP Reel No: 7304)
League of Nations: Administration of mandates for ex-German colonies in Pacific, 1921 (File 7049. AJCP Reel No: 7306)
League of Nations: Establishment of Australian mandate and civil administration in New Guinea; administration of Samoa, 1921 (File 7050. AJCP Reel No: 7306)
League of Nations: Administration of Samoa; British Indians in mandated New Guinea, 1921 (File 7051. AJCP Reel No: 7306)
League of Nations: Administration of Nauru; international status and administration of mandated territories, 1921 (File 7052. AJCP Reel No: 7306)
League of Nations: Annual report of Nauru; attitude of American Government to Pacific territory held under C Mandates, 1921 (File 7053. AJCP Reel No: 7306)
Netherlands: Development of Dutch New Guinea, 1921 (File 7096. AJCP Reel No: 7306)
Switzerland: Swiss emigration to Dominions; claim of wrongful internment in Australia by M.M. Raymond; Australian administration of Aborigines, 1922 (File 7143. AJCP Reel No: 7306)
America (General): New Hebrides, 1922 (File 7162. AJCP Reel No: 7306)
America (General): New Hebrides, 1922 (File 7163. AJCP Reel No: 7305)
America (General): New Hebrides, 1922 (File 7164. AJCP Reel No: 7305)
America (General): New Hebrides; Rapa Island, 1922 (File 7165. AJCP Reel No: 7306)
America (General): Visit of Sir Cecil Rodwell to Pitcairn Island; memorandum of E.L. Piesse on spheres of interests of Australia and New Zealand, 1922 (File 7166. AJCP Reel No: 7306)
America (General): New Hebrides: mail service between Australia and Pacific, 1922 (File 7168. AJCP Reel No: 7306)
America (General): Importation of alcohol to New Hebrides, 1922 (File 7169. AJCP Reel No: 7306)
United States: Washington Conference; fortification of Pacific Islands, 1922 (File 7246. AJCP Reel No: 7306)
United States: Washington Conference, 1922 (File 7247. AJCP Reel No: 7306)
United States: Washington Conference; fortification of Pacific Islands, 1922 (File 7248. AJCP Reel No: 7306)
United States: Proposed ratification of quadruple Pacific Treaty, 1922 (File 7251. AJCP Reel No: 7306)
United States: Ratification of quadruple Pacific Treaty, 1922 (File 7255. AJCP Reel No: 7306)
United States: Ratification of Washington Treaties; New Zealand and Australian reply, 1922 (File 7256. AJCP Reel No: 7306)
United States: Australian and New Zealand approvals of Washington Treaties: reports of Australian and New Zealand delegates, 1922 (File 7257. AJCP Reel No: 7306)
United States: Australian legislation on Washington Treaties; Disarmament Conference, 1922 (File 7258. AJCP Reel No: 7306)
United States: Agreement between America and Japan re Yap and other mandated islands; Australian and Dominion representatives at Washington Conference, 1922 (File 7288. AJCP Reel No: 7307)
United States: Australian statements on Imperial and Washington Conferences; Pan-Pacific Union and conference, 1922 (File 7290. AJCP Reel No: 7307)
Samoan preferential tariff, 1922 (File 7298. AJCP Reel No: 7307)
United States: Death of Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole of Hawaii; extension of US Copyright Act to New Zealand, 1922 (File 7299. AJCP Reel No: 7307)
United States: Establishment on coal stocks at Samoa by New Zealand Government, 1922 (File 7314. AJCP Reel No: 7307)
United States: Pineapple industry in Hawaii, 1922 (File 7316. AJCP Reel No: 7307)
Germany: Sale of patent of diving apparatus invented by A. Reznicek to Australian Government, 1922 (File 7502. AJCP Reel No: 7307)
Germany: A. Reznicek's diving apparatus; property of German nationals repatriated from German New Guinea; attitude of Australian Government to German holders of Australian trademarks, 1922 (File 7503. AJCP Reel No: 7307)
Germany: Entry of German ships into Australian ports, 1922 (File 7523. AJCP Reel No: 7307)
Germany: Sale of German property in New Guinea and maintenance of Germans by Australian Government, 1922 (File 7577. AJCP Reel No: 7307)
Turkey: New Zealand and Near East in crisis, 1922 (File 7911. AJCP Reel No: 7307)
China: Chinese immigration to Fiji, 1922 (File 8040. AJCP Reel No: 7307)
Japan: Quadruple Pacific Treaty, 1922 (File 8042. AJCP Reel No: 7308)
Japan: Issue of trading and fishing licences in Solomon, Gilbert and Ellice Islands, 1922 (File 8043. AJCP Reel No: 7307)
Japan: Legislation re free trade between Japan and South Sea Islands, 1922 (File 8052. AJCP Reel No: 7307)
Japan: Administration of South Sea Islands under Japanese mandate, 1922 (File 8053. AJCP Reel No: 7307)
France: New Caledonian tariff system, 1922 (File 8260. AJCP Reel No: 7307)
France: Noumea monthly reports, 1922 (File 8261. AJCP Reel No: 7307)
France: Export duties on minerals from New Caledonia, 1922 (File 8271. AJCP Reel No: 7307)
France: French claims to land in Island of Vanikoro, 1922 (File 8272. AJCP Reel No: 7307)
Western (General): Tahiti, 1922 (File 8284. AJCP Reel No: 7307)
Western (General): Participation of Dominions in commercial treaties; increase preference on Australian dried fruits imported into Britain, 1922 (File 8293. AJCP Reel No: 7307)
Western (General): Visits of Dominion Trade Commissioners; applications for whaling licences for Ross Sea, 1922 (File 8299. AJCP Reel No: 7307)
Western (General): Cruise of HMS Hollyhock to East Indies and Australia; Imperial Economic Conference, 1922 (File 8302. AJCP Reel No: 7309)
League of Nations: Administration of Japanese mandated territories and Nauru; New Zealand's administration of West Samoa; nationality of inhabitants of New Guinea, 1922 (File 8323. AJCP Reel No: 7309)
League of Nations: US Government and C mandates; administration of New Guinea; Nauru; military occupation of German New Guinea; nationality of inhabitants of B and C mandated territories, 1922 (File 8325. AJCP Reel No: 7309)
League of Nations: administration of Nauru, 1923 (File 8326. AJCP Reel No: 7311)
Contract labour: South Pacific labour question, 1923 (File 8448. AJCP Reel No: 7311)
America (General): New Hebrides, 1923 (File 8454. AJCP Reel No: 7310)
America (General): New Hebrides, 1923 (File 8455. AJCP Reel No: 7310)
America (General): New Hebrides, 1923 (File 8456. AJCP Reel No: 7310)
United States: Japanese intentions to establish oil depots and other facilities in Caroline and Marshall Islands, 1923 (File 8482. AJCP Reel No: 7311)
United States: Samoan preferential tariff, 1923 (File 8519. AJCP Reel No: 7311)
United States: Status of Mormons in Tonga, 1923 (File 8523. AJCP Reel No: 7311)
United States: Appointment of Australian Commissioner to United States; activities in Pan Pacific union, 1923 (File 8524. AJCP Reel No: 7311)
Germany: German property in Samoa and New Zealand; maintenance of Germans in New Guinea, 1923 (File 8692. AJCP Reel No: 7311)
Germany: German commercial interests in South Pacific, 1923 (File 8821. AJCP Reel No: 7311)
Far Eastern (General): Control of alien immigration into Fiji, 1923 (File 9224. AJCP Reel No: 7311)
Japan: Administration of South Seas Islands under Japanese mandate, 1923 (File 9231. AJCP Reel No: 7311)
Japan: Recruitment of labourers from Marshall and Caroline Islands for employment in Nauru, 1923 (File 9232. AJCP Reel No: 7311)
Japan: Treatment of British interests in Japanese mandated Pacific Islands, 1923 (File 9233. AJCP Reel No: 7311)
Japan: Australian Government assistance to Japanese earthquake victims, 1923 (File 9235. AJCP Reel No: 7311)
Japan: Visit of Count Yoshi and entourage to Australia, 1923 (File 9236. AJCP Reel No: 7311)
France: Parcel mail service to Pitcairn Island, 1923 (File 9395. AJCP Reel No: 7311)
Western (General): Statement by William F. Massey on Imperial affairs, 1923 (File 9401. AJCP Reel No: 7311)
Western (General): Imperial Conference, 1923 (File 9403. AJCP Reel No: 7311)
Western (General): Speech by S.M. Bruce on Imperial Conference; article 'Le Systeme Bruce' by G. Candace, 1923 (File 9404. AJCP Reel No: 7311)
Western (General): Ross Dependency; British Dominions and Foreign Policy, 1923 (File 9412. AJCP Reel No: 7311)
Western (General): British annexation of Antarctica, 1923 (File 9413. AJCP Reel No: 7311)
League of Nations: mandates, 1923 (File 9424. AJCP Reel No: 7312)
League of Nations: mandates, 1923 (File 9425. AJCP Reel No: 7311)
Communication between League of Nations: Dominions, 1924 (File 9447. AJCP Reel No: 7313)
Brazil: Treatment of New Zealand apples, 1924 (File 9512. AJCP Reel No: 7313)
Brazil: Import of New Zealand apples, 1924 (File 9513. AJCP Reel No: 7313)
America (General): New Hebrides, 1924 (File 9543. AJCP Reel No: 7312)
America (General): New Hebrides, 1924 (File 9544. AJCP Reel No: 7312)
United States: Visits of S.M. Bruce and W.M. Hughes to Washington, 1924 (File 9608. AJCP Reel No: 7313)
United States: Samoan preferential tariff, 1924 (File 9630. AJCP Reel No: 7313)
United States: US manoeuvres in Pacific; American ornithological expedition to Cook and Suwarrow Islands, 1924 (File 9631. AJCP Reel No: 7313)
Germany: German ships in New Guinea ports, 1924 (File 9788. AJCP Reel No: 7313)
Germany: Treatment of German nationals in New Guinea, 1924 (File 9835. AJCP Reel No: 7313)
Turkey: Visit of S.M. Bruce to Gallipoli, 1924 (File 10205. AJCP Reel No: 7313)
Far East (General): Admission of Chinese students into Australia; Japanese immigration into British Dominions, 1924 (File 10302. AJCP Reel No: 7313)
Japan: Unauthorised visit of Japanese schooner to Lord Howe and Solomon Islands; Japanese trading activities in Gilbert and Ellice Islands; treatment of foreigners and foreign interests in New Guinea; farewell message to Australia from Count Yoshi and Dr Sakurai, 1924 (File 10308. AJCP Reel No: 7313)
Japan: Visit of Japanese Navy Training squadron to Australia and New Zealand; conference of Japanese consular officers stationed in Pacific, 1924 (File 10318. AJCP Reel No: 7313)
Japan: Assistance by British vessel to SS Honolulu Maru off Australian coast; administration of Pacific Islands under Japanese mandate, 1924 (File 10320. AJCP Reel No: 7313)
Japan: Inclusion of relic of HIJMS Ibuki in Australian War Memorial, 1924 (File 10321. AJCP Reel No: 7313)
Finland: Export of Australian goods to Finland; Australian and New Zealand views on Anglo-Finnish Commercial Treaty, 1924 (File 10422. AJCP Reel No: 7313)
France: New Hebrides, 1924 (File 10547. AJCP Reel No: 7313)
France: Land claims in Solomon Islands, 1924 (File 10548. AJCP Reel No: 7314)
France: Introduction of Asian labourers into New Hebrides; French sovereignty over Antarctic and sub-Antarctic possessions, 1924 (File 10549. AJCP Reel No: 7313)
France: Societe Immobiliere des Nouvelles Hebrides (File 10550. AJCP Reel No: 7313)
Western (General): British annexation of Antarctica, 1924 (File 10557. AJCP Reel No: 7313)
Western (General): Consultation with Dominion Governments on foreign policy and imperial matters, 1924 (File 10565. AJCP Reel No: 7313)
League of Nations: New Guinea; United States on C Mandates, 1924 (File 10566. AJCP Reel No: 7313)
Australian Immigration Policy. Report of Third Australian Citizenship Convention. Australian Defence Program, 1952 (File 98236. AJCP Reel No: 6090)
Australian external relations particularly concerning Far Eastern countries, 1952 (File 99216. AJCP Reel No: 6090)

Although listed, this material was not filmed by the AJCP.

Series FO 566. Registers of General Correspondence, 1836 - 1857

2 items

Only two Registers of correspondence relating to the Pacific Islands have been copied by the AJCP. Correspondence is entered in separate volumes according to broad classifications such as 'Diplomatic', 'Consular', 'Commercial', 'Treaty', etc. The destination, date, number and subject of each despatch is given.

Archival History

Material selectively filmed as part of the Australian Joint Copying Project (AJCP Reel 1509). Original microfilm digitised as part of the AJCP Online Delivery Project, 2017-2020.

Existence and Location of Originals

The National Archives of the UK (TNA).

Series Reference: FO 566. For further information, see FO 566 at The National Archives of the UK. (

Existence and Location of Copies

The original AJCP microfilm of the records filmed from this collection is available at the National Library of Australia [] as well as other institutions holding AJCP microfilm.


Great Britain. Foreign Office, Records and correspondence; Great Britain, Colonies, Oceania, Administration; Oceania, Politics and government Great Britain; Oceania

Pacific Islands (Consular), 1836 - 1847 (File 308 [IND.22997] AJCP Reel No: 1509)
Pacific Islands (Consular), 1848 - 1857 (File 308 [IND.22998] AJCP Reel No: 1509)

Fonds FO. Embassy and Consular Archives, 1826 - 1909

25 items

Despatches received and sent by the staff of permanent Embassies and Consulates situated abroad. Only one Series of records was copied by the AJCP from this group of records relating to France: Papeete.

Series FO 687. Consulate, Papeete, French Polynesia, 1826 - 1909

25 items

The pieces copied by the AJCP from this Series have generally been copied in full, and contain a great deal of correspondence emanating from the consulate at Papeete.

General correspondence from the British consulate in Papeete, French Polynesia. Much of the correspondence relates to French colonial policies in Tahiti. Subjects range from the establishment of steam communication between Australia and Panama, to celebrations for Queen Victoria's birthday meteorological observations, trade as well as and the estates of deceased British subjects.

Archival History

Material selectively filmed as part of the Australian Joint Copying Project (AJCP Reels 2902-2913). Original microfilm digitised as part of the AJCP Online Delivery Project, 2017-2020.

Existence and Location of Originals

The National Archives of the UK (TNA). Series Reference: FO 687. For further information, see FO 687 at The National Archives of the UK. (

Existence and Location of Copies

The original AJCP microfilm of the records filmed from this collection is available at the National Library of Australia [] as well as other institutions holding AJCP microfilm.


Great Britain: Foreign Office; Pacific; Pitcairn Island; Shipwrecks; Steamboat Lines: Pacific Ocean; Tahiti; Tahiti: climate; Tahiti: Commerce; Tahiti: meteorological observations; Tahiti: politics and government; Victoria, Queen of Great Britain: birthday

Complaints to French authorities, 1841 - 1899 (File 1. AJCP Reel No: 2902)
H.M. Government Property, 1845 - 1899 (File 1. AJCP Reel No: 2902)
Claims, 1838 - 1899 (File 2. AJCP Reel No: 2903-2904)
Decrees and Regulations, 1826 - 1897 (File 2. AJCP Reel No: 2903-2904)
Shipping: Owners, Crews, Cargoes, 1834 - 1898 (File 3. AJCP Reel No: 2904-2905)
Wrecks, 1842 - 1889 (File 4. AJCP Reel No: 2905-2906)
Miscellaneous, 1849 - 1899 (File 4. AJCP Reel No: 2905-2906)
Meteorological reports, 1852 - 1856 (File 4. AJCP Reel No: 2905-2906)
Men of War, 1853 - 1898 (File 4. AJCP Reel No: 2905-2906)
British nationality, 1841 - 1899 (File 5. AJCP Reel No: 2906-2907)
Consular Establishments and Local Government, 1841 - 1899 (File 5. AJCP Reel No: 2906-2907)
Economic, 1839 - 1899 (File 6. AJCP Reel No: 2907-2908)
Treaties and conventions, 1841 - 1886 (File 6. AJCP Reel No: 2907-2908)
Missionaries, 1852 - 1899 (File 6. AJCP Reel No: 2907-2908)
Miscellaneous, 1842 - 1885 (File 6. AJCP Reel No: 2907-2908)
Political, 1842 - 1899 (File 7. AJCP Reel No: 2908-2909)
Estates, Wills, Deeds, etc. Part I, 1840 - 1854 (File 8. AJCP Reel No: 2909-2910)
Estates, Wills, Deeds, etc. Part II, 1856 - 1865 (File 8. AJCP Reel No: 2909-2910)
Estates, Wills, Deeds, etc. Part III, 1866 - 1875 (File 8. AJCP Reel No: 2909-2910)
Estates, Wills, Deeds, etc. Part IV, 1877 - 1888 (File 8. AJCP Reel No: 2909-2910)
Estates, Wills, Deeds, etc. Part V, 1888 - 1903 (File 8. AJCP Reel No: 2909-2910)
Social events, 1842 - 1899 (File 9. AJCP Reel No: 2910-2911)
Pitcarin Island, 1901 - 1906 (File 10. AJCP Reel No: 2911)
Correspondence to and from Colonial and Naval Authorities, 1900 - 1905 (File 11. AJCP Reel No: 2911-2912)
Correspondence to and from Colonial and Naval Authorities, 1906 - 1909 (File 12. AJCP Reel No: 2913)

Fonds FO. Records of Conferences, Committees and Councils, 1919

8 items

Records of conferences, committees and councils relating to British involvement in various issues, mainly negotiations of post war settlements. Copying by the AJCP focused on the Paris Peace Conference, 1919 (FO 608).

Series FO 608. Peace Conference of 1919-1920. Original correspondence, 1919

8 items

Select material copied by the AJCP includes orrespondence and papers of the British delegation at the Paris Peace Conference, 1919.

Archival History

Material selectively filmed as part of the Australian Joint Copying Project (AJCP Reel 7115). Original microfilm digitised as part of the AJCP Online Delivery Project, 2017-2020.

Existence and Location of Originals

The National Archives of the UK. Series Reference: FO 608. For further information see FO 608 at The National Archives of the UK. (


Great Britain: Foreign Office; Hawii: independence movement; Paris Peace Conference (1919-1920); Papua; Porto Rico: independence movement; World War I (1914-1918)

Economic treaties: Australian attitude, 1919 (File 72. AJCP Reel No: 7115)
Dominions as party to peace, 1919 (File 172. AJCP Reel No: 7115)
Independence movement in Hawaii and Puerto Rico, 1919 (File 174. AJCP Reel No: 7115)
German claims on Antarctica and future of New Guinea and Pacific Islands, 1919 (File 175. AJCP Reel No: 7115)


ff.164-66: German claims in Antarctica (5p)

ff.167-247: Future of New Hebrides (90p)

ff.248-76: Pacific Islands: Australian desiderata (31p)

ff.277-86: Pacific Islands: New Zealand desiderata (11p)

ff.287-91: Future of New Guinea (5p)

ff.292-95: Samoa - Status of Germans (4p)

Japanese emigration and political relations with Australia; coloured labour for New Zealand, 1919 (File 211. AJCP Reel No: 7115)
Papua: tariffs, 1919 (File 224. AJCP Reel No: 7115)
Treatment of German colonies, 1919 (File 241. AJCP Reel No: 7115)
Mandatory system of League of Nations, 1919 (File 242. AJCP Reel No: 7115)

Fonds FO. Records of Private Office and Private Papers, 1886 - 1951

421 items

Records of private offices and private papers comprising the correspondence of foreign secretaries and under secretaries, senior officials and diplomats. Material copied by the AJCP include select material from the Papers of: Sir Frank Lascelles, Sir James Fergusson, Sir Walter Langley, Sir Edward Grey, Henry Charles Petty-Fitzmaurice, George Curzon, Sir Frances Leveson Bertie, Arthur James Balfour, James Ramsay MacDonald, Rufus Daniel Isaacs, Sir Austen Chamberlain, Sir Orme Sargent, Arthur Henderson, Sir John Simon, Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, Edward F.L Wood, James Bryce, Sir Arthur Nicolson, and Ernest Bevin.

Series FO 800. Foreign Office, Private Offices: Various Ministers' and Officials' Papers, 1886 - 1951

421 items

Private Office papers of various individuals associated with the Foreign Office including Secretaries of State, Secretaries of State, together with the private papers of many other senior officials and individuals concerned with foreign affairs. Select material only was copied from the various sub-series.

Archival History

Material selectively filmed as part of the Australian Joint Copying Project (AJCP Reels 6333-6338). Original microfilm digtised as part of the AJCP Online Delivery Project, 2017-2020.

Existence and Location of Originals

The National Archives of the UK (TNA). Series Reference: FO 800. For further information, see FO 800 at The National Archives of the UK. (

Existence and Location of Copies

The original AJCP microfilm of the records filmed from this collection is available at the National Library of Australia [] as well as other institutions holding AJCP microfilm.


Balfour, Arthur James (1848-1930); Bertie, Sir Frances (1844-1919); Bevin, Ernest (1881-1951); Bryce, James (1838-1922); Gascoyne-Cecil, Robert (1893-1972), Viscount Cranbourne; Chamberlain, Sir Austen (1863-1937); Curzon, George (1859-1925); Fergusson, Sir James (1832-1907); Great Britain: Foreign Office; Grey, Sir Edward (1862-1933); Henderson, Arthur (1863-1935); Isaacs, Rufus Daniel (1860-1935), 1st Baron Reading; Langley, Sir Walter (1855-1918); Lascelles, Sir Frank (1841-1920); League of Nations; MacDonald, James Ramsay (1866-1937); Nicolson, Sir Arthur (1849-1928); Oceania; Pacific; Sargent, Sir Orme (1884-1962); Simon, Sir John (1873-1954); Petty-Fitzmaurice, Henry Charles (1845-1927), 5th Marquess of Londsdowne; Wood, Edward (1881-1959), Lord Irwin, 3rd Viscount Halifax

Subseries 9-10,12-13,18-19. Lascelles Papers, 1895 - 1908
26 items

Sir Frank Cavendish Lascelles (1841-1920) held a number of diplomatic posts, including Consul-General in Bulgaria (1879-87), Minister to Rumania (1887-91), Ambassador to Russia (1894-95) and Ambassador to Germany (1895-1908).

Subjects of the correspondence copied by the AJCP include the Samoan crisis of 1899, demarcation of British and German spheres in Pacific and German claims in the Solomon Islands. The correspondents include F. Villiers and Sir Thomas Sanderson.

Vol. 3, Pt 1. Germany, 1895 - 1900 (File 9. AJCP Reel No: 6333)
14 items
F. Villiers to Lascelles: appointment of L. Chambers as Chief Justice in Samoa, 17 February 1897 (Item ff.90-91)
M. Gosselin to Lascelles: sends notes on conversation with E. Schmid about Samoa, 12 October 1898 (Item ff.172-75)
Sir Thomas Sanderston to Lascelles: sends letter from E. Maxse, 9 November 1898 (Item f.176)
E. Maxse (Samoa) to Sir Thomas Sanderson: mental illness of President, 4 October 1898 (Item ff.177-78)
F. Villiers to Lascelles: conversation with P. von Hatzfeldt about Samoa, 1 February 1899 (Item ff.214-17)
Sir Thomas Sanderson to Lascelles: proposal that three Special Commissioners be sent to Samoa, 29 March 1899 (Item ff.228-29)
Sir Thomas Sanderson to Lascelles: Samoan crisis; Chief Justice, 4 April 1899 (Item ff.230-33)
F. Villiers to Lascelles: Samoan crisis; Lord Salisbury, 5 April 1899 (Item ff.234-35)
Baron von Bulow to Lascelles: thanks for assistance, 5 April 1899 (Item f.236)
F. Villiers to Lascelles: fighting in Samoa; sends memorandum, 12 April 1899 (Item ff.238-40)
Sir Thomas Sanderson to Lascelles: Samoan Special Commission; P. von Hatzfeldt, 12 April 1899 (Item ff.244-47)
C. Scott (St. Petersburg) to Lascelles: Chinese Railway Agreement; Samoan crisis; action of Chief Justice, 20 April 1899 (Item ff.248-52)
Sir Thomas Sanderson to Lascelles: Samoan affairs; Lord Salisbury and Count von Hatzfeldt, 29 April 1899 (Item ff.253-56)
Commander E. Poe (Bergen) to Unknown: German views on Samoan crisis (extract), 2 August 1899 (Item ff.301-2)
Vol. 3, Pt 2. Germany, 1901 - 1902 (File 10. AJCP Reel No: 6333)
6 items
F. Villiers to Lascelles, 3 April 1901 (Item ff.72-74)

Sends papers on Tasman Islands (Solomon Islands); demarcation of British and German spheres in Pacific.

F. Villiers to Lascelles: insignificance of Tasman Islands, 3 April 1901 (Item ff.76-77)
F. Villiers to Lascelles: grant promised to Malietoa Tanu, 10 April 1901 (Item ff.82-83)
F. Villiers to Lascelles: grant promised to Malietoa Tanu, 13 May 1901 (Item f.130)
Lascelles to F. Villiers: Tasman Islands and German protectorate (copy), 6 April 1901 (Item f.131)
M. Gosselin to Lascelles: reports of British annexation of Tasman Islands, 26 October 1901 (Item ff.215-16)
Vol. 3, Pt 4. Germany, 1900 - 1905 (File 12. AJCP Reel No: 6333)
2 items
Sir Thomas Sanderson to Lascelles: behaviour of German Consul-General at Singapore, 20 January 1904 (Item ff.40-41)
M. O'Manney to Sir Thomas Sanderson: sends extract from letter of W. Taylor on visit of Prince Adalbert to Singapore, 5 January 1904 (Item ff.42-43)
Vol. 3, Pt 5. Germany, 1901 - 1908 (File 13. AJCP Reel No: 6333)
2 items
Lady Northcote (Melbourne) to Lascelles: seeks German exhibits for Australian exhibition of women's work, 21 November 1906 (Item ff.268-69)
Lady Northcote to Lascelles: thanks for help with women's exhibition, 1 July 1907 (Item ff.451-52)
Germany, 1901 - 1908 (File 18. AJCP Reel No: 6333)
1 item
Lascelles (Berlin) to F. Villiers: German claims to Tasman Islands, 17 May 1901 (Item ff.23v-24r)
Germany, 1906 - 1908 (File 19. AJCP Reel No: 6333)
1 item
Lascelles (Berlin) to L. Mallet: settlement of Burns Philp claim, 24 January 1908 (Item f.192)
Subseries 25-26. Fergusson Papers, 1886 - 1890
6 items

Sir James Fergusson (1832--1907), 6th Baronet, Conservative Member of Parliament, held several positions including Governor of South Australia (1869-1873), Governor of New Zealand (1873-1875) and Parliamentary Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs (1886-1891).

The subjects of the correspondence copied by the AJCP include opposition in Australia to extensive Chinese immigration and affairs in Samoa and Solomon Islands. Correspondents include Sir Robert Herbert and J.L. Plant.

Correspondence as Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, 1886 - 1888 (File 25. AJCP Reel No: 6333)
4 items
Draft answer to Parliamentary question about Raiatea and other Pacific islands, 10 March 1888 (Item f.147)
Lord Knutsford to Fergusson, 3 May 1888 (Item ff.183-84)

Opposition in Australia to extensive Chinese immigration; suggests negotiations be opened with Chinese Government.

Sir Robert Herbert to Fergusson, 3 May 1888 (Item ff.185-88)

Strength of Australian feeling on Chinese immigration; Government cannot veto colonial laws on exclusion; sends note on question of H. Heaton on poll tax in Australian colonies.

Fergusson to Lord Salisbury: errors in Times report on answer to question on abrogation of 1879 Samoan Convention by Germany, May 1888 (Item ff.189-90)
Correspondence as Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, 1888 - 1890 (File 26. AJCP Reel No: 6333)
2 items
L. Knowles to Fergusson: sendsletter from missionary J. L. Plant, 31 March 1890 (Item ff.121-22)
J. L. Plant (Norfolk Island) to L. Knowles, 28 October 1889 (Item ff.123-24)

Work in Solomon Islads; wishes Islands could be annexed; ineffectiveness of flying visits by warships.

Subseries 29. Langley Papers, 1886 - 1896
7 items

Sir Walter Langley (1855-1918), Private Secretary to Sir James Fergusson (1887-1891) and Sir Edward Grey (1892-1895), Assistant Under-Secretary in the Foreign Office (1907-1918).

Subjects of the material copied by the AJCP include proposed commercial league between Britain and self-governing colonies and proposed amendment to Australian Customs Act 1873.

Correspondence as Assistant Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs., 1886 - 1896 (File 29. AJCP Reel No: 6333)
7 items
Sir Francis Bell to Langley: sends letter from New Zealand Government on relatives of J. Walsh in New Zealand, 15 November 1888 (Item ff.23-25)
J. Walsh (Manchester) to Langley: address, 27 October 1888 (Item f.26)
Sir James Fergusson to Langley: sends letter from J. Walsh on death of sister in Wellington, 10 July 1888 (Item ff.27-31)
J. Walsh to Sir James Fergusson: further details of family, 18 November 1888 (Item ff.32-35)
F. Browning to Langley, 26 March 1888 (Item ff.78-79)

Parliamentary question by Col. H. Vincent on commercial league between Britain and self-governing colonies.

Memorandum on proposed commercial league between Britain and self-governing colonies, 26 March 1888 (Item ff.80-91)
C. A. Harris (Colonial Office) to Langley: proposed answer to Col. H. Vincent on amendment of Australian Customs Act, 23 May 1888 (Item ff.169-70)
Subseries 59-112 (incomplete). Grey Papers, 1902 - 1916
44 items

Sir Edward Grey (1862-1933) 3rd Baronet, 1st Viscount (created 1916), Liberal Member of Parliament (1885-1916), Foreign Secretary (1905-1916).

Subjects of the material coied by the AJCP include visit by James Bryce to Australia and New Zealand (1912); New Hebrides Convention: visit by W.M. Hughes to France (1916); Japanese naval and military assistance to Allies: Japanese interests in Pacific Islands; closer Japanese relations with Australia; and Australian politics. Correspondents include James Bryce, Lord Crewe and G.R. Le Hunte.

France, 1916 (File 59. AJCP Reel No: 6333)
2 items
Lord Bertie (Paris) to Grey: interview between W. M. Hughes and French President; confusion about Hughes' arrangment, 5 June 1916 (Item ff.179-81)
Lord Bertie to Grey: wish of W. M. Hughes to lead his own life in Paris, 5 June 1916 (Item ff.182-83)
Japan, 1905 - 1916 (File 68. AJCP Reel No: 6333)
3 items
Sir Cunningham Green (Tokyo) to Grey, 5 December 1914 (Item ff.194-201)

Japanese naval and military assistance to Allies; Japanese claims to Pacific Islands; hopes War will bring Japan into closer relations with Australia.

Note verbale on Japanese occupation of islands in North Pacific, 1 December 1914 (Item ff.210-11)
Grey to Japanese Ambassador: W. M. Hughes willing to discuss proposed commercial treaty with Australia (copy), 24 May 1916 (Item f.281)
United States, 1911 - 1913 (File 83. AJCP Reel No: 6333)
6 items
J. Bryce (Washington) to Grey, 18 March 1912 (Item ff.341-41B)

Plans to visit Australia and New Zelanad to study opinion on imperial organisation and labour matters.

J. Bryce to Grey: departure for Australia (cable), 23 April 1912 (Item f.352)
J. Bryce (Auckland) to Grey, 1 June 1912 (Item ff.358-60)

Breakdown of compulsory Arbitration Act in New Zealand, prosperity of Auckland; strength of imperial connection.

J. Bryce (Melbourne) to Grey: interest of Australian politics; Panama Canal talks, 15 July 1912 (Item ff.366-68)
J. Bryce (Sydney) to Grey: Panama Canal talks; return to United States, 10 August 1912 (Item ff.378-80)
Grey to J. Bryce: Panama Canal talks; refers to interesting letter about Australia, 8 September 1912 (Item f.381)
Admiralty, 1905 - 1913 (File 87. AJCP Reel No: 6333)
2 items
M. Baddeley (Admiralty) to W. Tyrell, 9 February 1910 (Item ff.197-98)

Letter from Sir Richard Poore in Australia; rumours in Australia that Simpsonhaven is being strongly fortified.

W. Tyrell to M. Baddeley: no objection to warship visiting German Pacific colonies, 9 March 1910 (Item ff.210-11)
Colonial Office, 1905 - 1916 (File 91. AJCP Reel No: 6333)
23 items
A. Law (Foreign Office) to H. Gurney: no information about M. Goblet, 17 December 1908 (Item ff.215-16)
A. A. Hunt to Sir Francis Hopwood, 11 November 1908 (Item ff.217-18)

Seeks informatino about M. Goblet who sought to secure Higginson interests in New Hebrides (extract).

H. E. Dale to C. H. Montgomery: requests inquires be made in Paris about M. Goblet, 21 December 1908 (Item ff.219-20)
Grey to Lord Crewe: proposal of A. Deakin for agreement on Pacific Ocean, 11 November 1909 (Item ff.248-50)
A. Deakin to Lord Crewe: advantages of extension of Monroe Doctrine to Pacific Ocean, 27 September 1909 (Item ff.251-52)
Lord Crewe to Grey: forwards letter from A. Deakin; dreads discussion with Australia on this matter, 3 November 1909 (Item ff.253-54)
L. Earle (Colonial Office). Reply of Lord Crewe to A. Deakin, 15 December 1909 (Item ff.255-56)
Lord Islington to Lord Crewe: New Zealand resolutions for Imperial Conference, 29 November 1910 (Item ff.290-91)
Lord Northcote to Lord Crewe: Australian resolutions for Imperial Conference (printed), 24 December 1910 (Item ff.294-95)
Lord Northcote to Lord Crewe: Australian resolutions for Imperial Conference (printed), 9 January 1911 (Item f.305)
Colonial Office. Minute on A. Fisher and Declaration of London, May 1911 (Item ff.341-42)
T. Buxton to L. Harcourt, 9 June 1914 (Item ff.433-36)

Deputation of Anti-Slavery and Aborigines Protection Society on administration and labour laws of New Hebrides (copy).

F. G. A. Butler (Colonial Office) to W. H. M. Selby: sends letter from Aborigines Protection Society, 10 June 1914 (Item ff.437-38)
Lord Emmott to Grey: New Hebrides Convention, 6 August 1914 (Item ff.439-40)
Grey to Lord Emmott: New Hebrides Convention, 7 August 1914 (Item ff.441-42)
J. C. C. Davidson to W. H. M. Selby: instructions to President of Joint Court of New Hebrides, 18 September 1914 (Item ff.462-63)
Grey to L. Harcourt: Australia must hold its hand until agreement reached with Japan, 23 November 1914 (Item f.481)
F. G. A. Butler to W. Tyrell: sends cable on Australian expedition for occupation of German Pacific Islands, 26 November 1914 (Item ff.482-83)
Grey to A. Bonar Law, 23 March 1916 (Item ff.547-49)

Cable to Sir Cunnigham Greene on adhesion of Australia to commercial treaty between Britain and Japan.

F. G. A. Butler to J. E. Drummond: sends letter from M. L. Shepherd on discussion with W. M. Hughes on Japanese commercial treaty, 6 April 1916 (Item ff.552-53)
A. Bonar Law to Grey: W. M. Hughes and Paris Conference, 19 May 1916 (Item ff.561-62)
Grey to W. M. Hughes: invitation to lunch with Japanese Ambassador, 19 May 1916 (Item ff.563-64)
W. Long to A. Balfour: need to discuss possible peace terms with Dominions, 19 December 1916 (Item ff.633-34)
Foreign Office memoranda, 1912 - 1914 (File 94. AJCP Reel No: 6333)
1 item
Report on New Hebrides Conference, June 1914 (Item ff.505-8)
Foreign Office memoranda, 1916 (File 96. AJCP Reel No: 6333)
3 items
Grey to A. Bonar Law: invitation to W. M. Hughes to visit Paris, 4 April 1916 (Item f.117)
Minute on meeting between W. M. Hughes and Japanese Ambassador, 29 May 1916 (Item ff.181-82)
J. Gregory. Minute on memorandum from Japanese Ambassador on introduction of Australian zinc into Japan, 11 July 1916 (Item f.248)
Miscellaneous D-G, 1906 - 1916 (File 107. AJCP Reel No: 6333)
1 item
Grey to Lord Grey (Ottawa): British policy in Far East; Japanese Alliance and naval power in Pacific, 27 January 1911 (Item ff.381-82)
Miscellaneous T-Z, 1902 - 1916 (File 112. AJCP Reel No: 6333)
4 items
G. R. Le Hunte to Grey, 15 August 1902 (Item ff.351-56)

Work of Capt. F. Barton in New Guinea; scientific and photographic studies; recommends transfer to more suitable climate.

Lord Edward Bruce (Colonial Office) to W. Tyrrell: sends cable from Lord Northcote on arrival of F. Barton in Sydney, 11 April 1907 (Item ff.357-60)
Capt. F. Barton (Sydney) to Grey: accepts invitation to stay when in London, 23 April 1907 (Item ff.361-62)
E. Miles to Grey, 14 February 1909 (Item ff.379-83)

Criticisms of administration of New Guinea of F. Barton by Royal Commission; urges Barton be recalled from Zanzibar.

Subseries 125-144 (incomplete). Lansdowne Papers, 1900 - 1905
11 items

Henry Charles Petty-Fitzmaurice (1845-1927), 5th Marquess of Landsdowne (succeeded 1866), held several official positions including Viceroy of India (1888-1894) and Foreign Secretary (1900-1905).

The main subjects of material copied by the AJCP are Siamese and Malay States; French interests in the New Hebrides; and German claims in Samoa.

France, 1900 - 1905 (File 125. AJCP Reel No: 6333)
1 item
Lansdowne to P. Cambon: wishes to come to arrangement with French Government on New Hebrides, 17 July 1902 (Item f.194)
France, 1903 - 1905 (File 126. AJCP Reel No: 6333)
1 item
Notes on colonial questions referred to in conversation between P. Cambon and Lansdowne, 19 August 1903 (Item ff.46-50)

Refers to New Hebrides (pp1-3), Siam and Malay States (pp.4-5) (printed).

Serbia, Siam, Spain, Sweden, 1902 - 1905 (File 142. AJCP Reel No: 6333)
8 items
R. Tower (Bangkok) to B. Barrington: visit of King of Siam to Singapore to discuss difficulties about Siamese Malay States, 13 February 1902 (Item ff.63-69)
R. Tower to Lansdowne: discussion between King and Sir Frank Swettenham on Malay States; influence of R. Carnac, 10 March 1902 (Item ff.70-75)
R. Tower to Lansdowne: delay in reply of Siamese Government to proposals on Malay States; Sir Frank Swettenham, 24 March 1902 (Item ff.76-83)
R. Tower to Lansdowne: settlement of Kelantan-Trenganu question, 8 April 1902 (Item ff.84-86)
Lansdowne to R. Tower: criticises suggestion Siam should cede islands to Britain; appointment of Residents in Malay States, 15 April 1902 (Item ff.87-88)
F. Verney to Lansdowne, 3 June 1902 (Item ff.93-99)

Anglo-French relations and Siam; meeting between King and Sir Frank Swettenham; agreements with Rajahs of Malay States.

C. R. Carnac to F. Verney, 7 July 1902 (Item ff.100-9)

Negotiations on Siamese Malay States; surprise at proposed transfer of Siamese dependencies to Straits Settlements (extract).

F. Verney to Lansdowne: appointment of Residents in Malay States, 23 September 1902 (Item ff.110-13)
United States, 1900 - 1905 (File 144. AJCP Reel No: 6333)
1 item
Lansdowne to Chaute: acceptance by German Government of $40,000 for Samoan claims, 31 March 1905 (Item ff.408-9)
Subseries 147-158 (incomplete). Curzon Papers, 1895 - 1924
12 items

Subjects of the material copied by the AJCP: include North Borneo; the Yap Island mandate; the Chanak crisis (1922); and W.M. Hughes. Correspondents include Sir Walter Langley, Sir Maurice Hankey and W.M. Hughes.

Biographical / Historical

George Nathaniel Curzon (1859-1925), 1st Baron Curzon (created 1898), 1st Marquess Curzon (created 1921), Conservative M.P. (1886-98), Parliamentary Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs (1895-98), Viceroy of India (1899-1905), Lord Privy Seal (1915-16), Lord President of Council (1916-19), Foreign Secretary (1919-24).

Correspondence as Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs: Volume 1, 1895 - 1896 (File 147. AJCP Reel No: 6333)
4 items
T. H. Kershaw (Singapore) to Curzon: seeks promotion from position of Attorney General of Straits Settlements, 25 June 1895 (Item ff.10-11)
Curzon to W. Langley: inquires about case of E. Thomas in Hawaii, n.d. (Item f.49)
W. Langley to Curzon: arrest without trial of British subjects in Hawaii, n.d. (Item ff.49-50)
G. Wolliscroft to W. Woodall: sends two letters from E. Thomas (Honolulu) on imprisonment without trial, 12 August 1895 (Item ff.51-54)
Correspondence as Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs: Volume 2, 1896 - 1898 (File 148. AJCP Reel No: 6333)
3 items
Curzon to W. Langley: North Borneo, 26 December 1897 (Item f.237)
W. Langley to Curzon: disturbances in North Borneo; despatch of gunboat from Hong Kong, 27 December 1897 (Item ff.237-39)
A. Provand to Curzon: inquires about Anglo-French treaty on Sandwich Islands, 15 January 1898 (Item ff.244-45)
Correspondence with The Palaces, H.M.R.R. abroad, Foreign R.R. in London, and Government Departments: Volume 16 (Egypt, Finland and France), 1919 - 1923 (File 153. AJCP Reel No: 6333)
1 item
Lord Hardinge (Paris) to Curzon, 21 August 1921 (Item ff.366-67)

Silesian question; speech by W. M. Hughes on Entente; rest of speech 'absolute clap-trap' (copy).

Correspondence with The Palaces, H.M.R.R. abroad, Foreign R.R. in London, and Government Departments: Volume 18 (Hungary to Japan), 1920 - 1924 (File 155. AJCP Reel No: 6333)
1 item
Sir Maurice Hankey to Curzon, 15 April 1921 (Item ff.318-43)

Unites States State Department suspicions about Hankey's alleged collusion with Japanese over Yap Island incident at 1919 Peace Conference; sends papers on Yap mandate.

Correspondence with The Palaces, H.M.R.R. abroad, Foreign R.R. in London, and Government Departments: Volume 20 (Russia to Turkey), 1919 - 1923 (File 157. AJCP Reel No: 6333)
2 items
W. S. Churchill to Lord Balfour: support of Dominons to secure freedom of Straits (copy), 18 September 1922 (Item f.393)
Lord Balfour to W. S. Churchill: Australian government requires fuller explanation of Chanak situation (copy), 20 September 1922 (Item f.400)
Correspondence with The Palaces, H.M.R.R. abroad, Foreign R.R. in London, and Government Departments: Volume 21 (USA), 1919 - 1924 (File 158. AJCP Reel No: 6333)
1 item
W. M. Hughes to Unknown: membership of Australian delegation to Washington Naval Conference, 7 October 1921 (Item f.324)
Subseries 164, 175, 185. Bertie Papers, 1904 - 1919
5 items

Sir Frances Leveson Bertie (1844-1919) 1st Viscount Bertie (created 1915), Ambassador to Italy (1903-1905) and Ambassador to France (1905-1918).

Subjects of material copied by the AJCP include New Hebrides; W.M. Hughes's visit to France (1916); and the possible award of the Legion of Honour to Nellie Melba.

Subseries. Series A Correspondence, 1904 - 1919
3 items
France, 1904 - 1907 (File 164. AJCP Reel No: 6333)
2 items
Bertie to L. Mallet, 27 September 1906 (Item f.99)

Suggestion might be made to France that joint protectorate for New Hebrides should be limited to brief period such as one year.

L. Mallet to Bertie: Australian amendments to New Hebrides agreement; Government should be able to dispose of Australian objections, 3 October 1906 (Item f.100)
Miscellaneous, 1915 - 1919 (File 175. AJCP Reel No: 6333)
1 item
Bertie to Sir Edward Grey: interview between W. M. Hughes and French President, 5 June 1916 (Item f.52)
Subseries. Series B Correspondence, 1907 - 1908
2 items
Papers 07/1 to 08/62, 1907 - 1908 (File 185. AJCP Reel No: 6333)
2 items
Bertie to G. Clemenceau, 24 May 1908 (Item ff.219-20)

Suggestion of King Edward VII that Nellie Melba be granted Legion of Honour; embarrassment that honour would cause French Government.

Sir Francis Knollys to Bertie, 17 June 1908 (Item f.229)

Complaint by Nellie Melba that Legion of Honour was given to her Australian understudy, S. Mirandu.

Subseries 199-216 (incomplete). Balfour Papers, 1916 - 1922
56 items

Arthur James Balfour (1848-1930), 1st Earl Balfour (created 1922), Conservative Member of Parliament (1874-1922), First Lord of the Treasury (1895-1902), Prime Minister (1902-1905), Foreign Secretary (1916-1919).

Subjects of the material copied by the AJCP include the future of the German colonies in the Pacific; public opinion in Australia and New Zealand; French interests in the Pacific: Japanese political situation; Bntain's post-War commercial policy; Imperial preference; peace negotiations and consultation with Dominions; W.M. Hughes and Australian interest in Nauru. Correspondents include Walter Long, W.M. Hughes, W.F. Massey and Lord Milner.

Correspondence with King, Prime Minister etc., 1917 - 1918 (File 199. AJCP Reel No: 6333)
1 item
Lord Curzon to Balfour, 29 June 1917 (Item ff.80-85)

Conference on revision of allied war aims; future of German colonies; reaction of Dominions to Lloyd George's suggestion of returning colonies to Germany.

France-Germany, 1916 - 1922 (File 201. AJCP Reel No: 6333)
4 items
W. Long to Balfour, 4 October 1917 (Item ff.150-51)

Need for France to support Britain's retention of German colonies; restoration of German colonies would destroy British Empire.

Lord Bertie (Paris) to Balfour, 28 February 1917 (Item ff.380-81)

Restoration of German colonies; refers to Pacific colonies and public opinion in Australia and New Zealand

W. Long to Lord Robert Cecil, 1 March 1918 (Item ff.408-9)

German colonies; need for agreement with France and Japan on colonies and lost provinces of France.

H. d'Egville to Short: seeks interview with Balfour on German colonies in Pacific, 22 December 1918 (Item ff.482-84)
Italy-Japan, 1917 - 1922 (File 203. AJCP Reel No: 6333)
2 items
Sir Cunningham Greene (Tokyo) to Balfour: Japanese political situation; concern about German islands in Pacific, 19 January 1917 (Item ff.269-71)
W. M. Hughes to Balfour, 11 September 1918 (Item ff.354-59)

Sends cable from Australian Government on applications by Japanese trading ships to enter Rabaul; Japanese 'are everywhere, and working assiduously'.

Miscellaneous, 1917 - 1919 (File 207. AJCP Reel No: 6333)
22 items
W. Long to Balfour: conversation with W. F. Massey on disposal of territory occupied by Dominion forces, January 1917 (Item ff.3-4)
Balfour to W. Long: agrees with views of W. F. Massey, 16 January 1917 (Item f.5)
W. Long to Balfour: anxiety in Dominions about German colonies, 19 January 1917 (Item ff.6-7)
W. Long to Balfour: concern in Dominions about Britain's post-War commercial policy, 25 January 1917 (Item f.8)
Balfour to Sir Eyre Crowe: query of W. Long about commercial policy, 26 January 1917 (Item ff.9-10)
Balfour to W. Long: Dominions and commercial policy, 27 January 1917 (Item ff.11-12)
W. Long to Balfour: will bring matter before Cabinet, 29 January 1917 (Item f.13)
Sir Eric Drummond to L. S. Amery: deferral of question of Pacific Islands, 31 January 1917 (Item f.15)
W. Long to Lord Robert Cecil: regrets omission of reference to Pacific in cable from Lloyd George to M. Thomas in Petrograd, 22 May 1917 (Item ff.31-32)
W. Long to Balfour: implementation of resolution of Imperial War Cabinet and Conference on Imperial preference, 20 July 1917 (Item ff.42-43)
Balfour to W. Long: Imperial preference, 2 August 1917 (Item ff.50-51)
Sir Maurice Hankey to Balfour: Imperial preference and views of Foreign Office, 16 August 1917 (Item ff.69-70)
W. Long to Balfour: peace negotiations and consultation with Dominions, 7 October 1917 (Item ff.85-86)
Balfour to W. Long: peace negotiations and consultation with Dominions, 8 October 1917 (Item ff.87-88)
W. Long to Balfour: peace negotiations; refers to likely reaction to Dominions to British consultation with Japan, 9 October 1917 (Item ff.89-97)
Balfour to W. Long: peace negotiations and consultation with Dominions, 10 October 1917 (Item f.98)
W. Long to Balfour: peace negotiations; creation of Imperial Cabinet as permanent institution; W. M. Hughes, 11 October 1917 (Item ff.99-100)
Sir Eric Drummond to Balfour, 19 August 1918 (Item ff.297-98)

Encloses draft of letter from W. Long to D. Lloyd George on channel of communications with Dominions; Foreign Office analogy.

Balfour to W. Long: channel of communications with Dominions, 23 August 1918 (Item f.301)
L. S. Amery to Balfour: nomenclature of British Empire, 24 October 1918 (Item ff.326-27)
Lord Milner to W. F. Massey: discussion with D. Lloyd George on Nauru (cable), 22 April 1919 (Item f.378)
Lord Milner to D. Lloyd George: future administration of Nauru; absurdity of Australian claim for sole control, 22 April 1919 (Item ff.380-81)
United States, 1917 (File 208. AJCP Reel No: 6334)
1 item
Balfour to W. Denman (Washington), 16 May 1917 (Item ff.66-69)

Government control of vessels on British registry; requisitioning of Pacific vessels; use of Australian linters as troop transports.

United States, 1917 - 1922 (File 209. AJCP Reel No: 6334)
9 items
Lord Northcliffe (New York) to Unknown: protest of W. M. Hughes about Australian ships being built in United States; Russia (cable), 16 August 1917 (Item ff.39-40)
W. Long to Balfour: invitation to R. Bordern to attend Cabinet meetings would annoy other Dominions representatives, 27 February 1917 (Item ff.118-19)
Balfour to W. Long: advantages of attendance by R. Bordern, 1 March 1917 (Item f.120)
W. Long to Balfour, 5 March 1917 (Item ff.121-22)

Difficulty, especially with New Zealand, if privilege granted to one Dominion; dissolution of Australian Parliament.

Balfour to W. Long: suggests matter be referred to D. Lloyd George, 5 March 1917 (Item f.123)
W. Long to Balfour: complains of failure of Foreign Office to inform him of United States tour by W. A. Holman, 14 November 1917 (Item ff.360-61)
Balfour to W. Long: propaganda work responsibility of Sir Edward Carson, 16 November 1917 (Item f.362)
W. Long to Balfour: tour by W. Holman of United States, 21 November 1917 (Item f.378)
H. Batterbee to Sir Eric Drummond: denial by Department of Information that it had arranged tour by W. Holman, 28 November 1917 (Item ff.380-81)
United States, 1917 - 1919 (File 211. AJCP Reel No: 6334)
3 items
Lord Robert Cecil to D. Lloyd George, 31 October 1918 (Item f.28)

Message from Sir Robert Bordern on attitude of W. Wilson to Britain; likely difficulty over German colonies; speeches of W. M. Hughes on colonies well received.

Lord Burnham to Balfour: sends summary of speech by W. Wilson; views of W. M. Hughes on retention of German New Guinea, 22 July 1918 (Item ff.93-96)
F. Dixon (Boston) to Balfour: Roman Catholic hierarchy; recruiting; activities of Archbishop D. Mannix in Australia, 22 June 1917 (Item ff.198-99)
Africa-Italy, 1917 - 1922 (File 213. AJCP Reel No: 6334)
2 items
Lord Harcourt to Balfour: import of meat from Argentine; supplies from Australia and New Zealand insufficient for British needs, 19 July 1917 (Item ff.31-33)
Lord Harcourt to Balfour: inadequacy of meat supplies from Australia and New Zealand, 31 August 1917 (Item ff.34-35)
Miscellaneous, Vol. 1, 1917 - 1918 (File 214. AJCP Reel No: 6334)
2 items
Sir Alfred Mond. Imperial trade relations, 1917 (Item ff.228-29)
G. N. Barnes. Proposed further purchase of wheat from Australia, 23 February 1918 (Item f.289)
Miscellaneous, Vol. 2, 1918 - 1919 (File 215. AJCP Reel No: 6334)
4 items
E. S. Montagu to Balfour: efforts of Australia and South Africa to gain special treatment for New Guinea and South West Africa, 20 December 1918 (Item ff.26-30)
Sir Eric Drummond to Balfour: possibility of Sir Ronald Munro-Ferguson as new Ambassador to United States, 22 January 1919 (Item ff.119-21)
Lord Robert Cecil to Balfour: Japanese immigration and League of Nations; need to consult Australia, n.d. (Item ff.148-49)
L. Curtis to Lord Milner: Japanese immigration, 10 February 1919 (Item ff.177-78)
Miscellaneous, Vol. 3, 1919 (File 216. AJCP Reel No: 6334)
6 items
Lord Milner to D. Lloyd George: future control of Nauru (telegram), 22 April 1919 (Item f.121)
W. F. Massey to Balfour: importation of Chinese indentured labour into Samoa, 22 April 1919 (Item f.122)
Balfour to W. F. Massey: letter passed to Lord Curzon, 28 April 1919 (Item f.140)
L. Botha to D. Lloyd George: treaty of guarantee for France and ratification by Dominion Parliaments (copy), 15 May 1919 (Item f.226)
Balfour to L. Botha: involvement of Dominions in future war (draft), 27 May 1919 (Item ff.271-87)
Lord Milner to D. Lloyd George: claim by L. Botha that Dominions might remain neutral if Britain is at war (copy), 28 May 1919 (Item ff.294-97)
Subseries 219. MacDonald Papers, 1923 - 1924
2 items

James Ramsay MacDonald (1866-1937), Labour and National Labour Member of Parliament, Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary (1924), Prime Minister (1929-1935) and Lord President of the Council (1935-1937).

Subjects of the material copied by the AJCP include Australian immigration policy, Singapore naval base and Japanese interests in the Pacific.

Germany-United States, 1923 - 1924 (File 219. AJCP Reel No: 6334)
2 items
Sir Charles Eliot (Tokyo) to MacDonald, 3 May 1924 (Item ff.135-46)

Views of Canada and Australia on Japanese immigration; anti-Japanese feeling in Straits Settlements; Japanese reactions to Singapore naval base; discounts possibility of Japanese aggression towards Australia and East Indies (copy).

Notes of Interview between MacDonald and S. M. Bruce: European situation; Singapore; preferential duties; wireless, 25 January 1924 (Item ff.325-26)
Subseries 222, 225, 226. Reading Papers, 1918 - 1931
9 items

Rufus Daniel Isaacs (1860-1935), 1st Baron Reading (created 1914), 1st Marquess of Reading (created 1926), Liberal Member of Parliament (1904-1913), Ambassador to United States of America (1918-1919), Foreign Secretary (August-October 1931).

Subjects of the material copied by the AJCP include visit of W.M. Hughes to Washington (1918); the future of German colonies; and the League of Nations. Correspondents include A.J. Balfour and Lord Cecil.

Miscellaneous, vol. 1, 1918 - 1919 (File 222. AJCP Reel No: 6334)
5 items
A. J. Balfour to Reading: proposed visit of W. M. Hughes to Washington (cable), 18 May 1918 (Item f.153)
A. J. Balfour to Reading: W. M. Hughes wishes to discuss Pacific matters with President Wilson, 23 May 1918 (Item f.154)
Reading (Washington) to A. J. Balfour, 2 June 1918 (Item f.157)

Account of discussion between W. M. Hughes and W. Wilson on New Guinea and Pacific Islands (cable).

C. Bayley to Reading, 18 June 1918 (Item f.158)

Imperial Conference; American reactions to visit of W. M. Hughes and his statements on Pacific Islands (cable).

L. S. Amery to Reading: sends note on future of German colonies, including Japanese interest in Pacific Islands, 1 October 1918 (Item ff.210-29)
Telegrams to Sir William Wiseman, 1918 (File 225. AJCP Reel No: 6334)
3 items
Reading to Sir William Wiseman: D. Lloyd George informed of views of Presiden about W. M. Hughes (cable), 12 September 1918 (Item ff.20-21)
Reading (Paris) to Sir William Wiseman, 6 September 1918 (Item ff.22-24)

Efforts to prevent W. M. Hughes making statements in United States advocating retaliation (cable).

Sir William Wiseman to Reading, 31 August 1918 (Item f.84)

Concern of President Wilson that W. M. Hughes planning to visit United States and speak on economic policy of Allies, advocating retaliation; urges that Hughes be persuaded to abandon tour (cable).

Miscellaneous papers, 1931 (File 226. AJCP Reel No: 6334)
1 item
Lord Cecil (Geneva) to Reading, 18 September 1931 (Item ff.128-33)

Conversation with L. Curtis on European affairs; possibility Australia will refuse to pay more than half subscription to League of Nations.

Subseries 256-268 (incomplete). Chamberlain Papers, January 1924 - December 1937
57 items

Sir Austen Chamberlain (1863-1937), Unionist and Conservative Member of Parliament (1892-1937), Leader of Conservative Party (1921-1922), Foreign Secretary (1924-1929).

Subjects of the material copied by the AJCP include political situation in Japan and Japanese aggressive intentions; restrictions on Japanese immigration; Singapore naval base; British representation in the Dominions; the Locarno Treaty (1925); the League of Nations; the Naval Disarmament Conference; and R.G. Casey. The principal correspondent is L.S. Amery.

Volume 1, October 1924 - December 1924 (File 256. AJCP Reel No: 6334)
10 items
Sir Charles Eliot (Tokyo) to Chamberlain, 14 November 1924 (Item ff.32-38)

Political situation in Japan; restrictions on Japanese immigration; construction of Singapore naval base; doubts if Government has any ideas of expansion in South Pacific (copy).

Chamberlain to L. S. Amery: creation of committee to study consultation with Dominion Governments on foreign affairs, 14 November 1924 (Item ff.69-70)
Lord Cecil to Chamberlain: sends note on Geneva Protocol; opposition of Dominions to Protocol, 17 November 1924 (Item ff.86-93)
P. Kerr to Chamberlain: inter-imperial consultation; need for regular talks with High Commissioners, 18 November 1924 (Item ff.98-99)
Chamberlain to Lord Robert Cecil: Geneva Protocol; need to ascertain real attitude of Dominions, 19 November 1924 (Item ff.106-8)
L. S. Amery to Chamberlain: sends suggestion from E. Lucas, South Australian Agent-General, on murder of Sir Lee Stack in Cairo, 22 November 1924 (Item ff.137-38)
L. S. Amery to Chamberlain: urges Chamberlain to consult with Dominion High Commissioners about Reparations Conference, 25 November 1924 (Item ff.185-86)
Chamberlain to S. Baldwin: Geneva Protocol; consultation with Dominions, 25 November 1924 (Item ff.188-89)
Chamberlain to L. S. Amery, 25 November 1924 (Item ff.200-2)

R. G. Casey; meetings with High Commissioners; danger of treating Dominions as equivalent to foreign states.

W. S. Churchill to Chamberlain, 15 December 1924 (Item ff.371-79)

Sends copy of letter to S. Baldwin on Navy Estimates; Singapore naval base; impossibility of Japanese invasion of Australia.

Volume 2, January 1925 - May 1925 (File 257. AJCP Reel No: 6334)
7 items
G. Villiers, 14 January 1925 (Item ff.98-99)

Memorandum on 1914 Anglo-Portuguese Commercial Treaty, referring to determination of L. S. Amery to promote Australian wine.

L. S. Amery to Chamberlain: promotion of Dominion wines, 16 January 1925 (Item ff.124-25)
Sir Eric Drummond (Geneva) to Chamberlain: consultation with Dominions on Geneva Protocol, 22 January 1925 (Item f.169)
Sir Charles Eliot (Tokyo) to Chamberlain, 30 January 1925 (Item ff.214-19)

Japanese political situation; refers to readiness of Australians to credit Japanese with aggressive intentions.

L. S. Amery to Chamberlain: Dominion views on Conference on Limitation of Naval Armaments, 17 February 1925 (Item f.332)
L. S. Amery to Chamberlain: information to be supplied to Dominions on Geneva Protocol, 18 March 1925 (Item ff.451-52)
Chamberlain to P. Kerr: supports article in Round Table setting out Dominion responsibilities for defence of United Kingdom, 6 April 1925 (Item ff.497-98)
Volume 3, May 1925 - December 1925 (File 258. AJCP Reel No: 6334)
6 items
L. S. Amery to Chamberlain, 15 June 1925 (Item ff.149-58)

Sends letter from S. M. Bruce; his opposition to Security Pact; need for frequent consultation with Dominions.

Chamberlain to L. S. Amery, 19 June 1925 (Item ff.180-84)

Letter from S. M. Bruce; need for Britain to be guarantor of pact between France and Germany; supports idea of Australian Government representation in London.

Chamberlain to L. S. Amery: circulation of despatches to Dominions, 10 July 1925 (Item ff.298-99)
L. S. Amery to Chamberlain: meeting with High Commissioners concerning Locarno Pact, 27 October 1925 (Item f.622)
A. Edgcumbe to W. Selby: sends draft memorandum on position of Dominions in relation to Locarno Treaty, 13 November 1925 (Item ff.704-11)
A. Edgcumbe to R. G. Leigh: Dominions and Locarno Treaty, 16 November 1925 (Item ff.718-19)
Volume 4, January 1926 - December 1926 (File 259. AJCP Reel No: 6334)
16 items
M. Antrobus to W. Selby: sends draft memorandum on Imperial Conference, 1 February 1926 (Item ff.28-37)
L. S. Amery to Chamberlain: opposition of Dominions to enlargement of League of Nations Council, 2 March 1926 (Item f.211)
Sir Esmé Howard (Washington) to Chamberlain: visit to Canada; visits of Mackenzie King on Dominion representation in London, 11 May 1926 (Item ff.395-98)
Chamberlain to Lord Stonehaven: European affairs; consultation with Dominions; general strike, 12 May 1926 (Item ff.409-12)
W. A. Holman to Chamberlain: departure for Australia; article on European affairs, 14 May 1926 (Item f.421)
Chamberlain to W. A. Holman: thanks for letter and meeting, 19 May 1926 (Item ff.448-49)
Chamberlain (Geneva) to Sir William Tyrrell, 6 September 1926 (Item ff.744-49)

League of Nations Council; refers to violent opposition of New Zealand delegate to proposals of Mandates Commission.

L. S. Amery to Chamberlain: Dominion representation in British delegation to League of Nations, 27 September 1926 (Item f.783)
L. S. Amery to Chamberlain: sends letter from Lord Athlone (Pretoria) on communications between Dominions and foreign states, 26 October 1926 (Item ff.824-27)
Chamberlain to L. S. Amery: protests against distribution of Foreign Office prints and telegrams to High Commissioners, 12 November 1926 (Item ff.858-60)
L. S. Amery to Chamberlain, 12 November 1926 (Item ff.864-65)

Discussion with Dominion Prime Ministers on British representation in Dominions; refers to position of Sir Joseph Cook and R. G. Casey; secrecy of Foreign Office papers.

L. S. Amery to Chamberlain: sends letter from Lord Willingdon on British representation in Dominions, 17 November 1926 (Item ff.881-83)
Chamberlain to L. S. Amery: protest against distribution of Foreign Office prints and telegrams to High Commissioners, 21 December 1926 (Item ff.984-85)
L. S. Amery to Chamberlain, 23 December 1926 (Item ff.988-93)

Discussion with Dominion Prime Ministers on British representation in Dominions; refers to position of Sir Joseph Cook and R. G. Casey; secrecy of Foreign Office papers.

L. S. Amery to Chamberlain: selection of High Commissioners for Dominions, 24 December 1926 (Item ff.994-95)
Chamberlain to L. S. Amery: Imperial Conference and British representation in Dominions, 26 December 1926 (Item ff.999-1003)
Volume 5, January 1926 - May 1926 (File 260. AJCP Reel No: 6334)
7 items
L. S. Amery to Chamberlain: correspondence with Dominions on naval disarmament, 1 March 1927 (Item f.272)
Chamberlain to L. S. Amery: British representation in Dominions, 29 March 1927 (Item ff.349-50)
L. S. Amery to Chamberlain: relations with Dominions, 29 March 1927 (Item f.353)
L. S. Amery to Chamberlain: need for British representation in all Dominions, not only Canada, 1 April 1927 (Item ff.362-63)
Chamberlain to L. S. Amery: accepts memorandum on British representation in Dominions, 4 April 1927 (Item f.380)
M. Antrobus to R. G. Leigh: Dominion representation at Naval Disarmament Conference at Geneva, 14 April 1927 (Item f.442)
A. Edgecumbe to R. G. Leigh: inquiry by Australian Government about representation at Naval Disarmament Conference, 20 April 1927 (Item ff.489-91)
Volume 6, May 1927 - December 1927 (File 261. AJCP Reel No: 6334)
6 items
Chamberlain. British representation in Canada, 20 July 1927 (Item f.131)
H. M. Paper on proposed British representation in Dominions, 20 July 1927 (Item ff.132-39)
Lord Lovat to Chamberlain: League of Nations Council and communications with Dominions, 22 November 1927 (Item ff.601-3)
Chamberlain to Lord Lovat: League of Nations Council and communications with Dominions, 25 November 1927 (Item ff.610-11)
Chamberlain to Lord Lloyd: Dominion responses to proposed Egyptian Treaty, 29 November 1927 (Item ff.627-31)
Lord Lloyd (Cairo) to Chamberlain: correspondence with Dominions about Treaty; cable from S. Baldwin to S. M. Bruce, 18 December 1927 (Item ff.699-702)
Volume 7, January 1928 - July 1928 (File 262. AJCP Reel No: 6334)
3 items
Lord Stamfordham to R. G. Leigh: representation of Dominions in foreign countries, 19 March 1928 (Item ff.267-68)
L. S. Amery to Chamberlain, 4 April 1928 (Item ff.329-31)

Sends letter from Lord Stamfordham on misgivings of King George V on Dominion representation in foreign countries and effect on unity of Empire.

Chamberlain to L. S. Amery: relations between Foreign Office and Dominions Office, 10 July 1938 (Item ff.508-9)
Volume 8, July 1928 - May 1929 (File 263. AJCP Reel No: 6334)
2 items
L. S. Amery to Chamberlain: relations between Foreign Office and Dominions Office, 20 July 1928 (Item f.22)
Chamberlain to Sir Maurice Hankey, 16 April 1929 (Item ff.491-92)

Reports of Belligerent Rights Sub-Committee; dangers of submitting conflicting views to Dominions.

Subseries 264-271 (incomplete). Henderson Papers, 1924 - 1937
3 items

Biographical / Historical

Sir Nevile Henderson (1882-1942), Counsellor at Constantinople (1922-24), to Yugoslavia (1929-35), Ambassador to Germany (1937-39).

Volume 9, January 1924 - August 1925 (File 264)
2 items
Henderson (Constantinople) to L. Oliphant: visit of S. M. Bruce, 6 February 1924 (Item ff.55-56)
Henderson to L. Oliphant: pilgrimage of S. M. Bruce to Gallipoli; good-will resulting from visit, 13 February 1924 (Item ff.59-60)
Volume 10, January 1935 - December 1937 (File 268)
1 item
Henderson (Berlin) to S. M. Bruce, 25 May 1937 (Item ff.220-1)

Memoranda by Bruce on economic wrongs of Versailles Treaty; Austria and Sudeten bound to be reabsorbed by Germany.

Subseries 274, 277. Sargent Papers, 1926 - 1948
12 items

Sir Orme Sargent (1884-1962), Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs (1939-1946), Permanent Secretary for Foreign Affairs (1946-1949).

Subjects of material copied by AJCP include political affairs in Malaya and Singapore; civil war in Indonesia; H.V. Evatt; Malcolm MacDonald; United States' policy in the Far East; and the visit by M.E. Dening to Australia and New Zealand (1947-1948). Correspondents include Lord Killearn and M.E. Dening.

Miscellaneous, vol. 3, 1926 - 1948 (File 274. AJCP Reel No: 6335)
8 items
Lord Killearn (Singapore) to Sargent: growing Malayan opposition to Government; incorporation of Sarawak; M. MacDonald (cable), 23 May 1946 (Item ff.124-26)
Sargent to E. Bevin: cable from Lord Killearn, 28 May 1946 (Item f.127)
Sargent to E. Bevin: cable shown to C. Attlee, 29 May 1946 (Item f.128)
Lord Killearn (Singapore) to Sargent, 19 August 1946 (Item ff.137-38)

Conflict between civilians and Services in Singapore; efforts of M. MacDonald to improve relations.

Lord Killearn (Singapore) to Sargent, 20 February 1947 (Item ff.149-50)

Criticises emphasis of Colonial Office on constitutional rather than economic progress of Malaya; premature development of trade unionism.

M. E. Dening (Singapore) to Sargent: Journey from England; civil war in Indonesia; Lord Addison, Macmahaon Ball, M. MacDonald, 20 August 1947 (Item ff.151-54)
M. E. Dening (Canberra) to Sargent, 2 September 1947 (Item ff.155-59)

British Commonwealth Conference; criticisms by Lord Killearn of Malayan policy; events in Indonesia; Canberra; 'sweet reasonableness' of H. V. Evatt; work of Conference.

Lord Killearn (Singapore) to Sargent: arrival of 'amalgamators'; M.MacDonald, 6 December 1947 (Item ff.160-61)
Miscellaneous, vol. 6, 1948 (File 277. AJCP Reel No: 6335)
4 items
M. E. Dening (Wellington) to Sargent, 12 May 1948 (Item ff.151-54)

Visit to Australia; evil influence of H. V. Evatt and Department of External Affairs; offhand attitude of J. B. Chifley to security; need to exclude Australia from discussions on Far East; interview with P. Fraser.

Sargent to E. Bevin: sends letter from M. Dening; Australia and United States anxiety about security, 24 May 1948 (Item f.155)
M. E. Dening (Ottawa) to Sargent: travels in New Zealand; A. McIntosh; flight across Pacific; Hawaii, 22 May 1948 (Item ff.156-58)
M. E. Dening to Sir Eric Machtig, 25 May 1948 (Item ff.159-63)

Account of interview with P. Fraser; criticisms by Fraser of H. V. Evatt; secret Far Eastern talks; views of A. McIntosh on Evatt and J. Burton; United States policy in Far East.

Subseries 280-283 (incomplete). Henderson Papers, 1929 - 1931
4 items

Arthur Henderson (1863-1935), Labour Member of Parliament, Leader of the Labour Party (1914-1918), Home Secretary (1924), Foreign Secretary (1929-1931).

Select cCorrespondence concerning Imperial relations and Dominions representation at the League of Nations (1930).

Miscellaneous, vol. 1, 1929 (File 280. AJCP Reel No: 6335)
1 item
Lord Passfield to Henderson, 29 August 1929 (Item ff.175-77)

Discussion with Dominion representatives at Geneva on Optional Clause; question of intra-Imperial disputes.

Miscellaneous, vol. 3, 1930 (File 282. AJCP Reel No: 6335)
2 items
J. H. Thomas to Henderson: relations between Henderson and Dominion representatives at Geneva; Imperial Conference, 13 September 1930 (Item f.62)
Henderson to J. H. Thomas: relations with Dominion representatives at Geneva, 20 September 1930 (Item f.64)
Miscellaneous, vol. 4, 1931 (File 283. AJCP Reel No: 6335)
1 item
Henderson to Lord Noel Buxton: British representation at Conference of Institute of Pacific Relations at Hangchow, 18 August 1931 (Item ff.510-11)
Subseries 286-291 (incomplete). Simon Papers, 1932 - 1935
21 items

Sir John Simon (1873-1954), 1st Viscount Simon (created 1940), Liberal Member of Parliament, Home Secretary (1915-16, 1935-37), Foreign Secretary (1931-35).

Subjects of material copied by AJCP include Disarmament Conference (1932), visit by Malcolm MacDonald to Australia and New Zealand (1935); Australia and New Zealand defences; trade, Australian tariff; migration and Australian trade with Japan. Correspondents include J.G. Latham, S.M. Bruce, Sir Maurice Hankey and J.H. Thomas.

Miscellaneous, vol. 2, 1932 (File 286. AJCP Reel No: 6335)
5 items
A. Cadogan. Disarmament Conference and 'transfer of tonnage' between United Kingdom and Dominions, 22 January 1932 (Item ff.159-60)
Lord Londonderry to Simon: disarmament Conference and Dominions; sea-borne aircraft, 20 January 1932 (Item ff.161-63)
Simon to Lord Londonderry: agrees there cannot be Empire quota for aircraft, 22 January 1932 (Item f.169)
J. H. Thomas to Simon: agreement by Dominions on date of Ottawa Conference, 22 January 1932 (Item f.174)
Attitude of Dominions on budgetary limitation of armaments, March 1932 (Item ff.400-1)
Miscellaneous, vol. 3, 1932 (File 287. AJCP Reel No: 6335)
5 items
J. G. Latham (Lausanne) to Simon: sends draft letter to President of Disarmament Conference, 16 June 1932 (Item f.138)
J. G. Latham (London) to Simon, 28 June 1932 (Item ff.202-4)

Correspondence with A. Henderson; Disarmament Conference should make agreement for definite term rather than for all time.

Simon (Geneva) to J. G. Latham: thanks for correspondence on quantitative disarmament, 8 July 1932 (Item f.323)
Simon to J. R. MacDonald: report by G. Dawson on Ottawa Conference; refers to negotiating skill of S. M. Bruce, 9 August 1932 (Item ff.488-91)
J. G. Latham (Canberra) to Simon: proposal on quantitative disarmament; success of Lausanne Conference, 15 September 1932 (Item f.604)
Miscellaneous, vol. 5, 1934 (File 289. AJCP Reel No: 6335)
3 items
E. Hodsell to Simon: sends cable to J. R. MacDonald from Sir Maurice Hankey on discussions with defence authorities in Australia, 16 November 1934 (Item ff.376-77)
E. Hodsell to Simon: sends cable from Sir Maurice Hankey on discussions in New Zealand on defence requirements, 26 November 1934 (Item ff.402-3)
Sir Howard d'Egville to Simon: naval bases in Dominions and possible declaration of Dominion neutrality, 27 November 1934 (Item f.410)
Miscellaneous, vol. 6, 1935 (File 290. AJCP Reel No: 6335)
2 items
M. MacDonald to Simon, 4 March 1935 (Item ff.139-58)

Sends notes on visit to Australia, including Victorian Centenary celebrations, regulation of exports, Australian tariff, migration; visit to New Zealand.

J. H. Thomas to Simon: meeting with Dominion Prime Ministers, 4 May 1935 (Item ff.215-18)
Miscellaneous, vol. 7, 1932 (File 291. AJCP Reel No: 6335)
6 items
S. M. Bruce (London) to Simon, 14 November 1932 (Item ff.114-25)

Views of Australian Government on disarmament proposals; absence of reference to budgetary limitation; declaration by British Government.

Sir Maurice Hankey to Simon: discussion with F. Shedden on proposed cut of 33% in air forces of world, 16 November 1932 (Item f.134)
S. M. Bruce to Simon: queries whether 33% applies to countries with small air strengths, such as Australia, 16 November 1932 (Item f.135)
J. H. Thomas to Simon: Dominion apprehension about international control of civil aviation, 16 February 1933 (Item ff.226-28)
Simon to S. M. Bruce: control of supply of arms to Far East, 3 March 1933 (Item ff.233-35)
N. C. (Tokyo) to Simon: discussion with Marler, Canadian Minister, on Japan; refers to growth of Australian trade with Japan, 19 December 1934 (Item ff.411-16)
Subseries 296. Cranborne Papers, 1937
2 items

Robert Gascoyne-Cecil (1893-1972), Viscount Cranbourne, 5th marquess of Salsbury (succeeded 1947), Parliamentary Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs (1935-1938), Secretary of State for the Dominions (1940-1975).

Subjects of material copies by the AJCP include League of Nations and Sino-Japanese War.

Records of conversations, 1937 (File 296. AJCP Reel No: 6335)
2 items
Cranborne. Record of conversation with C. Hambro, 14 July 1937 (Item ff.91-93)

About League of Nations Assembly, referring to possibility of S. M. Bruce being British representative on Advisory Committee.

Cranborne (Geneva). Record of conversation with S. M. Bruce and W. Koo, 6 October 1937 (Item f.481)

On Sino-Japanese dispute and summoning of Nine Power Conference.

Subseries 310-325 (incomplete). Halifax Papers, March 1938 - December 1940
23 items

Edward F.L. Wood (1881-1959), Lord Irwin (created 1925), 3rd Viscount Halifax (succeeded 1934), 1st Earl Halifax (created 1944), Foreign Secretary (1938-1940), Ambassador to the United States (1941-1946).

Subjects of material copied by AJCP include meetings with Dominions High Commissioners; Dutch East Indies; Indo-China; statement of war aims; war effort of the Dominions; Australian representation in the United States and Japan; defence of Malaya; New Caledonia; New Hebrides; and the Italian conquest of Abyssinia. Correspondents include S.M. Bruce, Robert Menzies, R.G. Casey, Anthony Eden, Earle Page, Peter Fraser, Neville Chamberlain and Malcolm MacDonald.

Vol. 2, March 1938 - October 1940 (File 310. AJCP Reel No: 6335)
6 items
Correspondence relating to the Dominions (Item ff.1-163)

Includes disagreement between British and New Zealand Governments about Abyssinia, visit of Lord Nuffield to Australia and New Zealand, possible alliance with Russia, war efforts of Dominions, fall of France, response to possible German peace offers, military forces available in New Zealand (July 1940), establishment of Australian diplomatic representation in United States and Japan, Dakar incident, consultation with Dominions, meetings with Dominion High Commissioners.

Correspondents include A. Eden, N. Chamberlain, M. MacDonald, Sir Thomas Inskip, Lond Stanley, W. S. Churchill, W. C. Hankinson, S. M. Bruce, R. G. Menzies, E. G. Page, P. Fraser, Lord Galway, W. Mackenzie King and J. C. Smuts.

R. G. Menzies (Canberra) to Unknown, 26 May 1940 (Item f.312)

Meeting with Japanese Consul-General about Dutch East Indies; reports of naval agreement between Italy and Japan (cable).

Dominions Office to Australian and New Zealand Governments, 28 June 1940 (Item ff.320-22)

Views of Chief of Staff on East strategy; increased threat to Malaya; need for division and two aircraft squadrons in Malaya (cable).

Notes of interview between Halifax and S. M. Bruce about Japan, Indo-China and German invasion of Britain, 10 September 1940 (Item ff.328-30)
R. G. Casey (Washington) to Unknown, 27 November 1940 (Item f.334)

Discussion on United States strategy in Pacific; appointment of Royal Australian Navy attache in Washington (cable).

R. G. Casey to Unknown: meeting with Chinese Ambassador; United States military and financial assistance (cable), 1 December 1940 (Item f.335)
Vol. 3, March 1938 - October 1940 (File 311. AJCP Reel No: 6335)
2 items
A. Eden to Halifax: suggestion of W. Jordan that P. Fraser visit Paris and discuss war effort with French labour leaders, 5 October 1939 (Item ff.329-30)
Sir Eric Phipps (Paris) to Halifax: would welcome visit to France by P. Fraser, 9 October 1939 (Item f.331)
Vol. 4, February 1940 - December 1940 (File 312. AJCP Reel No: 6335)
5 items
Dominions Office to Australian Government: performance of French Army; public recriminations against French to be avoided, 30 May 1940 (Item ff.76-77)
V. Massey to Halifax, 23 June 1940 (Item f.103)

Meeting with S. M. Bruce and Waterson about French colonial governments; urges British mission be sent to each French colony.

Halifax to V. Massey: discussion with C. de Gaulle about broadcast to French colonies, 23 June 1940 (Item ff.104-6)
S. M. Bruce to Lord Caldecote, 24 June 1940 (Item ff.107-8)

Sends cable from R. G. Menzies on policy towards French Colonies in Pacific; Governor of New Caledonia seeks help from Australia; administration of New Hebrides.

Minutes of meeting between Halifax and Dominion High Commissioners, 10 September 1940 (Item ff.130-32)

Concerning France, French colonies and diplomatic representation of Dominions in France.

Vol. 10, March 1938 - December 1940 (File 318. AJCP Reel No: 6335)
1 item
M. MacDonald. Notes of conversation with W. Jordan, 1 April 1938 (Item ff.203-4)

On attitude of New Zealand Government to recognition of Italian conquest of Abyssinia.

Vol. 13, March 1938 - December 1940 (File 321. AJCP Reel No: 6335)
1 item
Notes of conversation between Halifax and Netherlands Foreign Minister, 28 October 1940 (Item f.168)

On exchange of information with Government of Dutch East Indies.

Vol. 16, March 1938 - December 1940 (File 324. AJCP Reel No: 6335)
1 item
A. Stirling to R. C. S. Stevenson, 19 December 1940 (Item ff.327-28)

Sends cable from R. G. Casey on conversation with H. Hopkins about support of President Roosevelt for Britain and lack of information about United States destroyers delivered to Britain.

Vol. 17, April 1938 - November 1940 (File 325. AJCP Reel No: 6335)
7 items
A. Eden to Halifax: S. M. Bruce and statement of war aims, September 1939 (Item ff.71-73)
S. M. Bruce to Halifax: sends cutting on United States questioning of Allied war aims, 4 October 1939 (Item ff.75-76)
R. G. Menzies to A. Eden, 11 October 1939 (Item ff.87-88)

Australian Government believes need exists for simple presentation of war aims to counter German propaganda (cable).

Dominions Office to Dominion Governments: views of French Government on Allied war aims, 24 October 1939 (Item f.118)
R. G. Menzies to N. Chamberlain: person views on war aims, 29 October 1939 (Item f.133)
U.K. High Commission in New Zealand to Dominions Office, 6 November 1939 (Item ff.184-93)

Views of New Zealand Government on war aims; consultations with Australian Government (cables).

R. G. Menzies to A. Eden, 14 November 1939 (Item f.221)

War aims; need for complete unity with France; apprehensive of any suggestion of political dismemberment of Germany.

Subseries 329. Private papers from various sources, 1921
3 items
Letters concerning German reparations, 1921 (File 329. AJCP Reel No: 6335)
3 items
A. Giles to R. Vansittart: cable to Dominion Governments on discussion with French Government on German reparations, 2 May 1921 (Item ff.317-19)
A. Dobie to R. Vansittart: cable to Dominion Governments, 5 May 1921 (Item f.337)
D. Lloyd George to Dominion Governments: Allied Conference on German reparations, 4 May 1921 (Item ff.343-46)
Subseries 332, 334. Bryce Papers, 1909 - 1921
7 items

James Bryce (1838-1922), 1st Viscount Bryce (created 1914), Liberal Member of Parliament (1880-1906), Ambassador to United States of America (1907-1913).

Correspondence concerning Defence Conference and Pacific sealing conference.

Correspondence Volume II, 1909 (File 332. AJCP Reel No: 6335)
1 item
Lord Grey (Ottawa) to Bryce, 28 July 1909 (Item ff.261-69)

Refers to Defence Conference; responsibility for land and coastal defences to rest with Dominions; New Zealand gift of dreadnought.

Correspondence Volume IV, 1911 - 1921 (File 334. AJCP Reel No: 6335)
6 items
Bryce (Washington) to Lord Grey: account of Pacific sealing conference; change of attitude of Canadian delegates, 5 June 1911 (Item ff.138-43)
Bryce to Lord Grey: sealing conference; slow progress in reaching agreement between United States and Japan, 8 June 1911 (Item ff.144-45)
Bryce to Lord Grey: sealing conference; reduction of Japanese demands, 29 June 1911 (Item ff.150-51)
J. Pope (Ottawa) to Bryce: Sealing Treaty; refers to elimination of all references to South Sea seals, 9 July 1911 (Item ff.161-64)
Bryce to Lord Grey: success of Sealing Treaty; difficulty in persuading British Government to accept Treaty, 20 July 1911 (Item ff.188-90)
J. Pope to Bryce: ratification of North Pacific Fur-Seal Treaty by Senate, 1 August 1911 (Item ff.208-10)
Subseries 340-388 (incomplete). Nicolson Papers, 1907 - 1915
13 items

Sir Arthur Nicolson (1849-1928), 11th Baronet (succeeded 1899), 1st Baron Carnock (created 1916), Permanent Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs (1910-1916).

Subjects of material copied by AJCP include Japanese ambitions in the Pacific (1907); Dardanelles Campaign; visit by W.M. Hughes to England (1916); future of German colonies in the Pacific; policies of the Japanese Government; and precedence and privileges of Dominions High Commissioners. Correspondents include Sir Eric Drummond, Robert Vansittart, E. Marsh, Sir Henry McMahon, Sir Ronald Munro Ferguson and Lord Stamfordham.

Miscellaneous, vol. 2, 1907 - 1910 (File 340. AJCP Reel No: 6335)
1 item
H. M. Grove (Moscow) to Nicolson, 7 October 1907 (Item ff.87-88)

Quotes from Moscow newspaper on Japanese ambitions in Pacific, including conquest of Philippines and Australia.

Miscellaneous, vol. 2, 1910 - 1911 (File 348. AJCP Reel No: 6335)
1 item
C. L. Ottley to Nicolson: international status of Dominions when Britain is at war; quotes statement by W. Laurier, 31 March 1911 (Item ff.362-63)
Miscellaneous, vol. 9, 1913 (File 370. AJCP Reel No: 6335)
1 item
Lord Granville (Berlin) to Nicolson, 9 September 1913 (Item ff.53-55)

Visit of King Constantine to Germany; refers to report of appointment of Henoch as Australian Emigration Agent in Berlin.

Miscellaneous, vol. 5, 1914 (File 376. AJCP Reel No: 6335)
1 item
Sir Francis Bertie (Bordeaux) to Nicolson: advice from French diplomat on pursuit of Emden in Indian Ocean, 4 November 1914 (Item ff.26-27)
Miscellaneous, vol. 1, 1915 (File 377. AJCP Reel No: 6335)
1 item
Sir Henry McMahon (Cairo) to Nicolson, 11 April 1915 (Item ff.194-97)

Refers to departure of British, Australian and New Zealand troops for Dardanelles; likely Moslem reactions to setback on road to Constantinople.

Miscellaneous, vol. 3, 1915 (File 379. AJCP Reel No: 6335)
2 items
Nicolson to Lord Hardinge: War situation; refers to Gallipoli landings; failure due to apathy of Divisional General, 1 September 1915 (Item ff.74-76)
Lord Onslow to Nicolson: interested in appointment as Australian governor, 13 August 1915 (Item ff.113-14)
Miscellaneous, Vol. 1, 1916 (File 381)
6 items
Lord Stamfordham to Nicolson: views of King George V on importance of W. M. Hughes attending Paris Conference, 20 May 1916 (Item ff.98-99)
Sir Henry McMahon (Cairo) to Nicolson: evacuation of Gallipoli; Suez defences, 18 January 1916 (Item ff.195-97)
Sir Henry McMahon to Nicolson, 28 March 1916 (Item ff.208-9)

French aspirations in Syria; reception given by Australian and New Zealand troops to Prince of Wales.

Sir Ronald Munro-Ferguson to Nicolson, 18 January 1916 (Item f.210)

Urges Nicolson to talk to W. M. Hughes; war authority which included Hughes and Lord Hardinge would be better than flabby Cabinet.

Lord Stanfordham to Nicolson: suggestion of R. Poincaré that King should thank N.S.W. for gift of money to France, 28 March 1916 (Item ff.287-88)
King George V to R. Poincaré: has thanked N.S.W. Government for gift (cable), n.d. (Item f.289)
Subseries 384-400 (incomplete). Private Office Papers: Miscellaneous, 1917 - 1939
12 items

Correspondence concerning German trade in the Far East (1938) and possible American response to Japanese attacks in South East Asia and League of Nations (1918-1924).

Africa, Austria, Balkans, Colonies and Commonwealth, Egypt, Far East, France, Germany, Greece, Count Horodyski, Ireland, Italy, Latin America, Middle East, Netherlands, Palestine, Poland, Press and Propaganda, Rumania (mainly to and from Sir Eric Drummond), 1917 (File 384. AJCP Reel No: 6336)
3 items
Sir Eric Drummond to A. J. Balfour, 2 February 1917 (Item ff.51-54)

Sends cable to Australia and New Zealand on Japanese demands for Pacific islands north of equator; Japanese naval assistance.

Sir Eric Drummond to A. J. Balfour: supplementary cable on Japan and German Pacific Islands, 3 February 1917 (Item f.55)
Sir Eric Drummond to A. J. Balfour: sends further cable to Australia and New Zealand on Japanese assistance to Allies, 5 February 1917 (Item ff.56-57)
Austria, Balkans, Belgium, Colonies and Commonwealth, Far East, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Count Horodyski, Ireland, Italy (mainly to and from Sir Eric Drummond), 1918 - 1921 (File 385. AJCP Reel No: 6336)
3 items
A. J. Balfour. Policy of War Cabinet on former German colonies and New Zealand representation at Inter-Allied discussions, 25 November 1918 (Item ff.31-33)
H. Batterbee to Sir Eric Drummond, 9 March 1918 (Item ff.34-36)

Sends despatch from Governor of Victoria on speech by G. D. Morrison on policies of Japanese Government.

Sir Eric Drummond to Sir Maurice Hankey, 25 June 1918 (Item ff.57-59)

Sends draft note by A. J. Balfour on allegations made in Colonial Office paper about his attitude to Dominions.

Africa, Belgium, Colonies and Commonwealth, Czechoslovakia, Far East, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Middle East, 1923 (File 387. AJCP Reel No: 6336)
2 items
R. Vansittart to Lord Curzon, 24 October 1923 (Item ff.37-39)

Likely attitude of Dominion Governments to United States treaty on prohibition and liquor smuggling; effect on principle of territorial waters.

E. Marsh (Colonial Office) to R. Vansittart, 31 December 1923 (Item ff.40-47)

Views of Lord Chamberlain and Home Office on precedence of Dominion Prime Ministers and High Commissioners.

Africa, Belgium, Colonies and Commonwealth, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Middle East, United States, 1924 (File 388. AJCP Reel No: 6336)
1 item
Correspondence on precedence and privileges of Dominion High Commissioners in London, January 1924 (Item ff.21-52)

Correspondents include R. Vansittart, E. Marsh, Sir Douglas Dawson, Duke of Devonshire and W. C. Bridgeman.

Far East, Foreign Office, Germany, 1938 (File 396. AJCP Reel No: 6336)
2 items
S. M. Bruce to Lord Runciman, 1 December 1938 (Item ff.43-50)

Benefits of opening up German trade in Far East; need for Britain to play main role on financial side of rehabilitation of China; pressure on Japan to assist rehabilitation; German-Japanese relations; need to ensure H. Goering prevails of Ribbentrop and J. Goebbels (copy).

Lord Halifax to Sir Alexander Cadogan, 8 December 1938 (Item f.51)

Supports idea of S. M. Bruce; British businessmen should be encouraged to get in touch with German counterparts.

Miscellaneous, Far East, France, Germany, Italy, United States, 1939 (File 397. AJCP Reel No: 6336)
12 item
V. Mallet to Lord Lothian, 18 December 1939 (Item ff.10-16)

Conversation with Lord Halifax about United States and Far East; refers to S. M. Bruce; possible American response to Japanese attack on Hong Kong or Dutch East Indies.

Subseries 400.. Correspondence about League of Nations, 1924
2 items

Letters concerning New Zealand representation at the League of Nations General Assembly (1924).

Correspondence about League of Nations, 1924 (File 400. AJCP Reel No: 6336)
2 items
E. Marsh (Colonial Office) to W. M. Selby, 25 July 1924 (Item ff.160-61)

Request by New Zealand Government that Lord Cecil represent it at League of Nations General Assembly.

W. Hankinson (Colonial Office) to W. M. Selby: decision of New Zealand Government to be represented by Sir James Allen, 9 August 1924 (Item ff.167-68)
Subseries 401-417 (incomplete). Private Secretaries' papers, 1941 - September 1944
60 items

Subjects of material copied by AJCP include the Greek campaign (1941); Australian representation of Poland in Moscow; future control of Japanese and French islands in the Pacific; retention of the 2nd New Zealand Division in the Mediterranean; the Four Powers Declaration (1943); the appointment of R.G. Casey as Governor of Bengal; the Quebec Conference (1944); the British Fleet in the Pacific; and Australian prisoners of war liberated by Soviet forces. Correspondents include Winston Churchill, C.R. Attlee, Peter Fraser, John Curtin, J.B. Chifley and Anthony Eden.

Operations in Balkans, 1941 (File 401. AJCP Reel No: 6336)
2 items
W. S. Churchill to P. Fraser: War Cabinet requests use of New Zealand Division in Greece (cable), 7 March 1941 (Item ff.2-3)
P. Fraser to Lord Cranborne, 9 March 1941 (Item ff.4-7)

New Zealand Government agrees to British proposal for landing in Greece; need for strongest sea and air escort.

Prime Minister's visit to North Africa and Turkey, 1943 (File 403. AJCP Reel No: 6336)
1 item
Lord Halifax (Washington) to C. R. Attlee: message for W. S. Churchill from J. Curtin; secrecy about Churchill's whereabouts, 21 January 1943 (Item f.40)
Visit of Secretary of State to Washington, 1943 (File 404. AJCP Reel No: 6336)
2 items
C. R. Attlee to A. Eden: requests summary of Washington discussion which could be passed on to Dominion Prime Ministers, 26 March 1943 (Item ff.167-69)
A. Eden (Washington) to W. S. Churchill, 29 March 1943 (Item ff.177-80)

Account of discussions with President Roosevelt; future control of Japanese and French islands in Pacific; Australian interest in Timor.

Prime Minister's visit to Washington and North Africa, May 1943 - June 1943 (File 405. AJCP Reel No: 6336)
14 items
U.K. High Commissioner (Wellington) to Dominions Office, 21 May 1943 (Item f.185)

Decision of New Zealand House of Representatives for 2nd Division to remain in Mediterranean.

P. Fraser to W. S. Churchill, 22 May 1943 (Item ff.190-91)

Retention of 2nd Division in Mediterranean; likely response of Australian Government to decision; absorption of relief force and 4th Armoured Brigade into New Zealand Division.

C. R. Attlee to W. S. Churchill, 30 May 1943 (Item ff.233-34)

Doubts wisdom of sending Sir Archibald Wavell to Australia as Governor-General; possibility of difficulties with D. MacArthur; high opinion of Lord Gowrie held by J. Curtin.

C. R. Attlee to W. S. Churchill: information for Dominions about Washington Conference, 2 June 1943 (Item f.247)
W. S. Churchill (Washington) to C. R. Attlee: offer by H. V. Evatt for Australia to represent Poland at Moscow, 13 May 1943 (Item f.279)
W. S. Churchill (Washington) to C. R. Attlee: acceptance of Australian offer about Poland, 14 May 1943 (Item f.280)
W. S. Churchill (Washington) to C. R. Attlee: arrangements for Australian representation of Poland, 16 May 1943 (Item f.281)
W. S. Churchill (Washington) to C. R. Attlee: acceptance by Soviet Government of Australian representation, 23 May 1943 (Item ff.293-94)
W. S. Churchill to H. Hopkins, 9 May 1943 (Item f.315)

Request by P. Fraser for message from President Roosevelt for secret session of New Zealand Parliament.

W. S. Churchill to H. V. Evatt: thanks for message, 10 May 1943 (Item f.317)
W. S. Churchill to J. Curtin: thanks for congratulations on victory in Africa, 13 May 1943 (Item f.331)
W. S. Churchill to P. Fraser: urges retention of New Zealand Division in Mediterranean, 17 May 1943 (Item f.340)
P. Fraser to W. S. Churchill, 17 May 1943 (Item ff.341-43)

Impossibility of providing New Zealand Divisions for both Pacific and Mediterranean theatres; manpower situations in armed forced and industry.

W. S. Churchill to P. Fraser: welcomes decision of New Zealand Parliament to leave 2nd Division in Mediterranean, 26 May 1943 (Item f.375)
Prime Minister's visit to Canada, August 1943 - September 1943 (File 406. AJCP Reel No: 6336)
4 items
C. R. Attlee to W. S. Churchill: need for Dominions to be consulted on post-War arrangements, 14 August 1943 (Item ff.125-26)
Vice-Chief of Imperial General Staff to Sir Alan Brooke, 19 August 1943 (Item ff.212-13)

Arrangements for movement of 2nd New Zealand Division; provision of shipping.

C. R. Attlee to W. S. Churchill and A. Eden: role of Dominions in war against Italy, 19 August 1943 (Item f.214)
C. R. Attlee to W. S. Churchill, 23 August 1943 (Item f.314)

Need for P. Fraser, J. Curtin and J. C. Smuts to be informed of reasons for appointment of Lord Louis Mountbatten.

Prime Minister's visit to Canada, August 1943 - September 1943 (File 407. AJCP Reel No: 6336)
4 items
P. Fraser to W. S. Churchill: message on 4th anniversary of commencement of War, 3 September 1943 (Item f.120)
Unknown to Martin, 9 September 1943 (Item f.218)

Lord Cranborne suggests W. S. Churchill send letters of congratulation to Prime Ministers of South Africa, Australia and New Zealand on defeat of Italy.

P. Fraser to W. S. Churchill: congratulations on defeat of Italy, 10 September 1943 (Item f.239)
A. V. Alexander to W. S. Churchill, 15 September 1943 (Item ff.308-10)

Outlines difficulty of sends a Fleet to Pacific; destroyers would have to be drawn from Mediterranean.

Prime Minister's visit to Canada, August 1943 - September 1943 (File 408. AJCP Reel No: 6336)
9 items
W. S. Churchill to C. R. Attlee and A. Eden, 12 August 1943 (Item f.58)

Impossibility of making fixed agreements with Dominions on future constitution of Europe; Australian demands would strangle foreign policy.

W. S. Churchill to Eleanor Roosevelt: good wishes for visit to New Zealand, 2 September 1943 (Item f.201)
W. S. Churchill (Washington) to J. Curtin: visit of Mrs Roosevelt to Australia, 3 September 1943 (Item f.224)
W. S. Churchill to P. Fraser: thanks for message, 5 September 1943 (Item f.254)
Unknown to H. V. Evatt: despatch of Mark VIII Spitfires, 17 September 1943 (Item f.366)
W. S. Churchill to A. V. Alexander: acknowledges cable on Royal Navy Fleet in Pacific, 18 September 1943 (Item f.369)
W. S. Churchill to Dominion Prime Ministers: seeks views on suggested Four Powers Declaration, 13 September 1943 (Item ff.477-78)
Australian Government to Dominions Office: comments on Declaration; status of Dominions, 16 September 1943 (Item f.479)
New Zealand Government to Dominions Office: agrees to Declaration, 16 September 1943 (Item f.480)
Moscow Conference, September 1943 - November 1943 (File 409. AJCP Reel No: 6336)
2 items
Foreign Office to A. Eden (Moscow), 28 October 1943 (Item f.112)

Comments of New Zealand and South African Governments on draft presented to Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers.

A. Eden (Moscow) to Foreign Office: suggestions of K. Officer for improving relations between Soviet and Polish Governments, 24 October 1943 (Item f.231A)
Tehran Conference, November 1943 - January 1944 (File 410. AJCP Reel No: 6336)
5 items
Sir John Dill to Sir Alan Brooke: plans of General D. MacArthur for initial landing in western New Britain, 14 December 1943 (Item f.340)
J. Curtin to W. S. Churchill: appointment of R. G. Casey as Governor of Bengal, 15 December 1943 (Item f.363)
Unknown to Martin: appointment of R. G. Casey recommended to King George VI, 16 December 1943 (Item f.365)
O. Stanley to W. S. Churchill: proposed offer of Betio Islet to United States as site for war memorial and cemetery, 24 December 1943 (Item ff.476-77)
O. Stanley to W. S. Churchill: opposition of Australian and New Zealand Governments to offer of Betio to United States, 3 January 1944 (Item ff.635-36)
Prime Minister's visit to Italy, August 1944 - September 1944 (File 412. AJCP Reel No: 6337)
1 item
Sir Hastings Ismay to W. S. Churchill, 18 August 1944 (Item ff.141-44)

Recommends J. Curtin and P. Fraser be given text of telegram on strategy for war against Japan.

Prime Minister's visit to Quebec, September 1944 (File 413. AJCP Reel No: 6337)
7 items
W. S. Churchill to J. Curtin, 10 September 1944 (Item f.33)

Proposal to send British naval force to combine with Australian and New Zealand land and air forces; needs for forces to be drawn up by Chiefs of Staff without reference to various governments.

W. S. Churchill to J. Curtin: summary of major operational decision reached at Quebec, 18 September 1944 (Item ff.119-22)
Martin (Quebec) to Foreign Office, 18 September 1944 (Item ff.125-26)

Allegations in Montreal Gazette that General J. Lavarack was neglected at Quebec Conference.

W. S. Churchill to J. Curtin: discussions with General J. Lavarack, 19 September 1944 (Item f.133)
W. S. Churchill to J. Curtin: facilities required for maintenance of British Fleet in Pacific, 24 September 1944 (Item f.147)
W. S. Churchill to Dominion Prime Ministers: summary of discussions at Moscow, 21 October 1944 (Item f.384-86)
W. S. Churchill and Sir Alan Brooke to D. MacArthur: congratulations on attack on Philippines, 22 October 1944 (Item f.388)
Crimea Conference, January 1945 - February 1945 (File 415. AJCP Reel No: 6337)
6 items
Foreign Office to A. Eden, 6 February 1944 (Item f.185)

Refusal of Australian and New Zealand Governments to agree to compulsory work clause for ex-prisoners of war.

Foreign Office to Sir Alexander Cadogan, 6 February 1944 (Item ff.223-24)

Views of New Zealand and Australian Government on Soviet proposals on World Organisation.

R. Law to A. Eden: consultation with Dominions on agreement on ex-prisoners of war, 6 February 1944 (Item f.225)
Foreign Office to A. Eden, 7 February 1944 (Item ff.244-45)

Views of New Zealand and Australian Governments on Soviet claims on labour duties of ex-prisoners of war.

Foreign Office to A. Eden: sends cable from Australian Government about Australian prisoners of war liberated by Soviet forces, 10 February 1944 (Item ff.330-31)
Foreign Office to A. Eden: further cable from Australia, 11 February 1944 (Item f.336)
Crimea Conference, January 1943 - July 1945 (File 416. AJCP Reel No: 6337)
1 item
W. S. Churchill to Dominion Prime Ministers: employment of ex-prisoners of war by Soviet authorities pending repatriation, 8 February 1945 (Item ff.292-93)
Berlin (Terminal) Conference, July 1943 - August 1943 (File 417. AJCP Reel No: 6337)
2 items
J. B. Chifley to C. R. Attlee: formation of British Commonwealth Force to participate in war against Japan, 21 July 1945 (Item ff.93-98)
Sir Edward Bridges to Sir Eric Machtig: message from C. R. Attlee to Dominion Prime Ministers on Berlin Conference, 1 August 1945 (Item ff.401-3)
Subseries 443-517 (incomplete). Bevin Papers, 1945 - 1951
24 items

Ernest Bevin (1881-1951), Labour Member of Parliament, Minister for Labour and National Service (1940-1945), Foreign Secretary (1945-1951).

Subjects of material copied by AJCP include Imperial relations; United States bases in the Pacific; Australian participation in Indonesian negotiations; emigration to the Dominions; the mission of M.E. Dening to Australia, New Zealand and Canada (1947-1948); the visit of J.B. Chifley to Britain (1948); discussions with Chifley on Indonesia and Italian colonies; Commonwealth defence cooperation; initiatives of H.V. Evatt at the United Nations General Assembly; the Colombo Conference (1950); appointment of Lord Killearn as Special Commissioner for South East Asia; military operations in Indonesia; the Korean War; and the Japanese Peace Treaty. The correspondents include Lord Halifax, Peter Fraser, C.R. Attlee, Sir William Strang, Lord Killearn, Sir Oliver Franks and Percy Spender.

Commonwealth and colonial territories, 1945 - 1946 (File 443. AJCP Reel No: 6337)

Correspondence concerning, inter alia, Austrlaian representation at Japanese surrender negotiations, imperial relations, biographical notes on H. V. Evatt, United States based in Pacific, composition of Far Eastern Commission and United Nations, visit of C. R. Attlee to Australia and New Zealand, Australian participation in Indonesian negotiations, meetings of British Commonwealth delegation to United Nations, and an Australian motion on the use of the veto in the Security Council.

The correspondents include Bevin, Lord Addison, Lord Halifax, W. Mackenzie King, J. C. Smits, P. Fraser and P. McGuire.

Commonwealth and colonial territories, 1947 - 1948 (File 444. AJCP Reel No: 6337)

Correspondence and records of conversations concerning, inter alia, reduction of stirling balances in Australia and New Zealand; Australian participation at Paris Peace Conference; H. V. Evatt; Commonwealth Conference on Defence Research; emigration to Dominions; United States policies in Middle East; the mission of M. E. Dening to Australia, New Zealand and Canada; involvement of Dominions in discussions on Germany; J. Beasley; visit of J. B. Chifley to Britain; Commonwealth defence cooperation; and the Berlin blockade.

Correspondents include Bevin, C. R. Attlee, P. Fraser and F. Roberts.

Commonwealth and colonial territories, 1949 - 1950 (File 445. AJCP Reel No: 6337)

Correspondence concerning, inter alia, exchange of defence information between Commonwealth countries; Commonwealth Prime Ministers' Conference; initiatives of H. V. Evatt at United Nations General Assembly; British Policy on China; consultation with Australia on negotiations on Japan; 1950 Colombo and Sydney Conferences; declaration of Commonwealth policy and purposes.

Correspondents include Bevin, C. R. Attlee, Sir William Strange, and P. Spender.

Far East, 1945 - 1946 (File 461. AJCP Reel No: 6338)

Correspondence concerning, inter alia, negotiations on United States bases in Pacific; proposal by H. V. Evatt for South Pacific Conference; United States policy on Pacific Islands captured from Japan; command of Lord Louis Mountbatten in South East Asia; appointment of Lord Killearn as Special Commissioner for South East Asia; conflict in Indonesia; and Japanese Constitutions.

Correspondents include Bevin; Lord Halifax and Lord Killearn.

Far East, 1947 - 1951 (File 462. AJCP Reel No: 6338)

Correspondence concerning military operations in Indonesia; visit of Lord Killearn to Australia and New Zealand; role of Special Commissioner for South East Asia; Japanese Peace Treaty; Anglo-American talks on the Far East; visit of M. E. Dening to Australia and New Zealand; events in China; recognition of Chinese Government; Colombo Conference; independence of Indonesia; situation in Indo-China; visit of P. Spender to Britain in 1950; Korean War; and West New Guinea.

Correspondents include Bevin, C. R. Attlee, Lord Killearn, Sir Orme Sargent, F. K. Roberts, L. B. Pearson and K. G. Younger.

Netherlands, 1945 - 1951 (File 482. AJCP Reel No: 6338)
6 items
Bevin. Notes of meeting with H. V. Evatt on Indonesia, 28 July 1949 (Item f.97)
Bevin to C. R. Attlee: draft message to J. B. Chifley, 13 December 1949 (Item ff.116-21)
Minutes of meeting of High Commissioners at Commonwealth Relations Office on Indonesia, 7 January 1949 (Item ff.142-48)
Minutes of meeting of High Commissioners at Foreign Office on Indonesia, 8 January 1949 (Item ff.149-55)
Bevin. Notes of meeting with J. A. Beasley on Indonesia, 1 February 1949 (Item f.164)
Bevin. Notes of meeting with J. B. Chifley on Indonesia and Italian colonies, 27 April 1949 (Item f.179)
United Nations, 1947 (File 509. AJCP Reel No: 6338)
2 items
R. Jackson (Washington) to Sir Edward Bridges, 7 November 1947 (Item ff.52-53)

Talk with Lord Bruce on administration of Food and Agricultural Organisation (cable).

R. Jackson (Washington) to Sir Edward Bridges, 9 November 1947 (Item ff.54-56)

Talk with Lord Bruce on possible employment in Food and Agricultural Organisation.

United Nations, 1948 (File 510. AJCP Reel No: 6338)
3 items
G. Burgess to H. McNeil: message from H. V. Evatt: thanks support for United Nations Presidency (cable), 21 July 1948 (Item f.48)
H. McNeil to Bevin: candidacy of H. V. Evatt for Presidency of United Nations (cable), 2 August 1948 (Item f.57)
P. Gordon Walker to P. Noel-Baker, 6 December 1948 (Item ff.166-67)

Conversation with H. V. Evatt on Commonwealth consultation, Pacific agreement and intervention in Greece (cable).

United Nations, 1949 - 1951 (File 511. AJCP Reel No: 6338)
4 items
Sir William Strang to C. R. Attlee, 28 March 1949 (Item ff.34-35)

Suggests Attlee expound to H. V. Evatt views of British Government on his 'initiatives' in General Assembly.

Notes for C. R. Attlee for meeting with H. V. Evatt, 26 March 1949 (Item ff.36-37)
Bevin (Washington) to Sir William Strang, 31 March 1949 (Item f.40)

Urges C. R. Attlee to see H. V. Evatt and discourage him from introducing major issues at United Nations (cable).

Sir William Strang to C. R. Attlee: conversation with H. V. Evatt about United Nations, 31 March 1949 (Item ff.41-43)
United States of America, 1946 (File 513. AJCP Reel No: 6338)
3 items
Lord Halifax (Washington) to Bevin: conversation with J. Byrnes on United States bases in Pacific (cable), 28 February 1946 (Item ff.76-77)
H. Shawcross to Bevin: discussion between M. Reed and Sir William Webb in Tokyo on United States foreign policy, 6 June 1946 (Item f.152)
Bevin to Lord Inverchapel: conversation with J. Byrnes on naval bases; unwillingness to deal with H. V. Evatt (cable), 10 September 1946 (Item ff.213-14)
United States of America, 1950 - 1951 (File 517. AJCP Reel No: 6338)
1 item
Sir Oliver Franks to Bevin, 20 October 1950 (Item ff.228-36)

Sends note by H. A. Graves on meeting between H. Truman and D. MacArthur at Wake; Korean War; Japanese Peace Treaty; opposition of MacArthur to Pacific Pact.
