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Roots of a War, Cambodia's Ordeal, President Reagan at Midterm - the National Security State, The capture of Phu My Hung Post, Forward - Catapult to Freedom, Footnotes - Hiroshima Today

Not Available Online

Roots of a War, Cambodia's Ordeal, President Reagan at Midterm - the National Security State, The capture of Phu My Hung Post, Forward - Catapult to Freedom, Footnotes - Hiroshima Today

Start Date
01 January 1960
End Date
31 December 1989
Content advisory notice: This file contains graphic images of the Vietnam War which may be distressing. This includes images of adult and child human remains.
Physical Context
PIC Box PIC/15827 #PIC/15827-Wilfred Burchett photographic archive, 1940-1980/Series. Miscellaneous Indochina articles, transcripts, maps and correspondence/File 4
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