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Release US pilots, Gia Lam airport, Chinese pilot and MIG-19; Henri de Turenne team en route Dien Bien Phu ; Burchett on road to Dien Bien Phu; General Vo Nguyen Giap, Hanoi, November 1981, Va Quock Uy, Ten That Tung; Miscellaneous group photos and Burchett, on Dien Bien Phu and Mekong visits; Can Tho River scenes and airport; Vietnam Project Team, Approaches Danawar Hur, Tanks and Temples; Ben Hai to Mekong, Catapult Villagers, Road, River Scenes, Basket Boats (1); Coffee and rubber, Ban Me Thuot; Vietnam project team, Ben Hai to Mekong, road scenes, tanks etc. Elizabeth

Not Available Online

Release US pilots, Gia Lam airport, Chinese pilot and MIG-19; Henri de Turenne team en route Dien Bien Phu ; Burchett on road to Dien Bien Phu; General Vo Nguyen Giap, Hanoi, November 1981, Va Quock Uy, Ten That Tung; Miscellaneous group photos and Burchett, on Dien Bien Phu and Mekong visits; Can Tho River scenes and airport; Vietnam Project Team, Approaches Danawar Hur, Tanks and Temples; Ben Hai to Mekong, Catapult Villagers, Road, River Scenes, Basket Boats (1); Coffee and rubber, Ban Me Thuot; Vietnam project team, Ben Hai to Mekong, road scenes, tanks etc. Elizabeth

Start Date
01 January 1970
End Date
31 December 1989
Content advisory notice: This file contains graphic images of conflict in Vietnam which may be distressing. This includes images of human remains.
Physical Context
PIC Box PIC/15827 #PIC/15827-Wilfred Burchett photographic archive, 1940-1980/Series. Vietnam/File 23
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