Guide to the Guide to Papers of the Gardiner Family (as filmed by AJCP)



National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

Created: 2018

Online Items

Series M395. Letters, 1814 - 1865

Sarah Gardiner [Dublin] to her sister Mary Gardiner (Workington), 6 July 1822 (File)

Refers to John Gardiner not having given up idea of quitting his native country, perhaps for ever; his correspondence with Lord Bathurst about land in New South Wales; if he leaves he will be accompanied by Mr and Mrs Eagle and their family. (crossed)

Miriam Scott (Melbourne) to her mother Mary Hardy (Belfast), [25 May 1865] (File)

Property matters; mutual friends and relatives, including John Gardiner.

John Gardiner (Dublin) to his wife Martha Gardiner (Cockermouth, Cumberland), 13 June 1814 (File)

Their temporary separation; his love for his wife; Martha's visit to relatives in Cumberland; 'your house affairs are conducted with the same preciseness as ever'; John Fletcher; her mother's illness.

Freeman Hardy (Ballinasloe, Co. Galway) to Mary Gardiner (Dublin), 30 October 1822 (File)

Refers to prevalence of fever in Tuam and Galway; David has disposed of his house. (crossed)

Martha Gardiner (Dublin) to her daughter Mary, 29 December 1824 (File)

Family and local news.

Sarah Cameron (Dublin) to her sister Mary Hardy (Belfast), 1824 - 1853 (File)

6 letters, all crossed.

Series M395. New Testament, 1782

Title page of a copy of the New Testament, Dublin, 1782 (File)

On the verso of the title page are the names of members of the Hardy Family, 1852-57, including Thomas Hardy who left Belfast on 9 November 1852 on a voyage to Melbourne.

Series M396. L. J. Wilmoth. The Gardiners of Gardiner's Creek, 1959

L. J. Wilmoth manuscript entitled: The Gardiners of Gardiner's Creek, 1959 (File)

The manuscript contains maps and plans of properties at Port Phillip and photographs of miniatures of John Gardiner, John Gardiner (senior), Martha Gardiner, David Fletcher Gardiner, Mary Hardy née Gardiner and Mary Gardiner née Eagle. There are also photographs of John Gardiner in old age, John Gardiner and Sarah Gardiner née Fletcher, the site of Gardiner's homestead at Hawthorn, and a copy of a drawing of his home by his daughter Anna Maria Gardiner, 1838...
