Guide to the Papers of Reverend Henry Stobart (as filmed by the AJCP)



National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

Created: 2018

Online Items

Series. Letters and letter-diaries of Henry Stobart, 1846 - 1856

Most of the letters from Stobart to his mother are very lengthy and are in diary form, with each letter covering a period of days or weeks...

Stobart (Constantinople) to his mother Barbara Stobart, 15 August 1846 (File 1)

Impending visit to Rhodes and Beirut; best wishes for her marriage to Thomas Chilton.

Stobart (London, Plymouth) to his mother Barbara Chilton, October 1852 - November 1852 (File 2-8)

Preparations for departure of the Resolute; financial matters; Thomas Bowles; travel plans of Lord Henry Scott; frustrations with delay. (ms and typescript copy)

Stobart (on board Resolute) to Barbara Chilton, 4 December 1852 - 31 January 1853 (File 9)

Departure; ferocious storm; daily routine; health; fellow-passengers; church services; difficulties of reading; character of Lord Henry Scott and his dislike of studies; 'the Doldrums'; encounters with other ships; 'Crossing the Line' ceremony; Christmas Day; chess tournament; Trinidad Island; observation of stars; shortage of provisions; sighting of Cape of Good Hope; slowness of voyage; arrival at Cape Town; visit to Wynberg and Constantia. (ms and typescript copy)

Stobart (Cape Town) to Barbara Chilton, 1 February 1853 (File 10)

Despatch of Constantia wine; meetings with clergy in Cape Town. (typescript copy only)

Stobart (Sydney) to Barbara Chilton, 29 March 1853 - 31 March 1853 (File 11)

Voyage to Australia; improved health of Lord Henry Scott; climate of Sydney; plans for rest of the journey; visit to Cox Family at Mulgoa; effects of gold discoveries; high prices and wages; distressing accounts of life of diggers on Victorian goldfields. (ms and typescript copy)

Stobart (Wollongong) to Barbara Chilton, 8 May 1853 (File 12)

Receipt of letters; tour of interior of the colony; hospitality of Australians; Bathurst diggings; failure of gentlemen unused to manual work; wheat farms; beauty of the Illawarra; tropical climate. (ms and typescript copy)

Stobart (Sydney) to Barbara Chilton, 26 May 1853 (File 13)

Beauty of Sydney Harbour; view of villas extending as far as the entrance of the harbour; Botanic Gardens; death of Bishop of Sydney (William G. Broughton); departure of Thomas Bowles for New Zealand; Queen's Birthday levee at Government House; impossibility of keeping Lord Henry Scott at his studies; Lord Schomberg Kerr; clouds of dust in Sydney streets; shortage of servants; influx of Chinese immigrants; Australian wines. (ms and typescript copy)

Stobart (Moreton Bay) to Barbara Chilton, 8 July 1853 (File 14)

Long ride from Newcastle to Moreton Bay; Brisbane River; trees; distinction between settled, intermediate and unsettled districts; lands held by squatters; New England and its climate; houses of squatters; shortage of servants and young unmarried labourers; party has abandoned plans of going to New Zealand. (ms and typescript copy)

Stobart (Brisbane) to Barbara Chilton, 9 July 1853 - 8 August 1853 (File 15)

Conversations with Capt. J.C. Wickham and Rev. W.B. Clarke; arrangements for settlers to marry immigrant girls; Newstead House; excursions into bush; church services; sermon of Rev. Henry Irwin; Moreton Bay fig trees; Australian Aboriginals and their 'singular costumes; horticultural show; food prices; Stobart's botanical and conchological researches; cannibalism; use of porpoises by Aboriginals to drive in mullet on sea coasts; a colony of Germans outside Brisbane; Mr Fairholme; walks around Brisbane; land sales; a visit to Stradbroke Island; Aboriginal burial practices; family relations; dugong fishing; corroborees; failure to convert Aboriginals to Christianity; Bribie Island; views of Glasshouse Mountains; a night in the bush. (ms and typescript copy)

Stobart (Brisbane, Sydney) to Barbara Chilton, 15 August 1853 - 18 September 1853 (File 16)

Visits to cattle stations; snakes; Aboriginal camps; canoes; a journey with Lord Schomberg Kerr to the Bunya Scrub and Glasshouse Mountains; bunya trees; difficulties of travelling in the bush; discovery of ferns; a visit to Henry Irwin's school in Brisbane; Brisbane society divided into cliques; departure from Brisbane; St Helena Island in Moreton Bay; flying foxes; Stradbroke Island; observations of Aboriginals fishing and hunting. (ms and typescript copy)

Stobart (Sydney) to Barbara Chilton, 4 September 1853 - 4 October 1853 (File 17)

Stobart (Sydney) to Barbara Chilton, Sept.-4 Oct. 1853: voyage to Sydney; Petty's Hotel; return of Thomas Bowles from New Zealand; social events; meetings with W.C. Wentworth, Edward Deas Thomson, Lord Audley and Sir Charles Nicholson; plans for the voyage to India; a ride along the coast to Botany Bay; a musical party; a visit to the Emigrant Depot; a picnic at Middle Harbour; a conversation with Dr James Mitchell about coalfields in Australia; a trip to Mulgoa; homes of George Cox and other old colonists; views from the mountains; a ride to Mt Toomah; a journey to Richmond and Parramatta; preparations for departure; visits to the homes of Sir Alfred Stephen and Thomas S. Mort; services at Christ Church; a meeting with Conrad Martens. (ms and typescript copy)

Stobart (on board the Early Bird) to Barbara Chilton, 12 October 1853 - 16 December 1853 (File 18)

Last days in Sydney; Mrs Naylor's recollections of Sir John Franklin in Van Diemen's Land; prevalence of swearing in Australia; departure on the barque Early Bird (Capt. Park); seasickness; Herman Melville's book Typee; arrival at the Isle of Pines, New Hebrides (18 Oct.); description of native huts; bartering; ameeting with Capt. H.M. Denham (HMS Herald) and his officers; a visit to a chief's house; clothes and ornaments of the Islanders; food; fauna and flora; walks around the island; sighting of the missionary ship John Williams; cruises among the islands; voyage to New Caledonia; Port Resolution, Tanna; trade in sandalwood and beche-de-mer; ascent of a volcano; discoveries of new ferns and shells; Islander customs and beliefs; cannibalism; thoughts on death of Rev. John Williams at Eromanga (1839); missionary work of London Missionary Society and Bishop G.A. Selwyn; payment of Islanders collecting sandalwood; the taste of kava; earthquakes; departure from Tanna (6 Nov.); sighting of birds; boredom of the voyage; arrival at Hong Kong (16 Dec.); Chinese pilot; a walk around the town; joss houses. (ms and typescript copy)

Stobart (on board SS Singapore) to Barbara Chilton, 31 December 1853 - 12 January 1854 (File 19)

Impressions of Hong Kong; voyage to Canton; a Chinese dinner; voyage to Singapore and stay at Government House; abundance of pineapples; Penang; arrival at Point de Galle, Ceylon; clothes and ornaments of Singhalese. (typescript copy only)

Stobart (Ceylon) to Barbara Chilton, 14 January 1854 - 22 January 1854 (File 20)

Voyage from Hong Kong on SS Singapore; meetings with European residents and soldiers in Ceylon; journey to Colombo; a meeting with the Bishop of Colombo; missionaries in Ceylon; impressions of Kandy. (ms and typescript copy)

Stobart (on board SS Bengal) to Barbara Chilton, 27 January 1854 - 4 February 1854 (File 21)

Voyage to Madras and Calcutta; Government House, Calcutta; Lord Dalhousie.

Stobart (India) to Barbara Chilton, February 1854 - May 1854 (File 22-26)

Travels in India, including visits to Barrackpore, Benares, Lucknow, Agra and Serampore.

Stobart (on board SS Calcutta) to Barbara Chilton, 5 May 1854 - 9 May 1854 (File 27)

Voyage from Alexandria to Trieste.

Stobart to Barbara Chilton, November 1854 - June 1855 (File 29-38)

Voyage to Egypt on SS Indus; travels in Egypt including impressions of Cairo and the surrounding region, a journey up the Nile and a visit to Thebes; a journey from Cairo to Palestine including visits to Jerusalem, Hebron, Jericho, Bethlehem and Tiberias; and a voyage to Alexandretta and Smyrna in Turkey.

Stobart (Paris, Cannes) to Barbara Chilton, 22 November 1855 - 28 November 1855 (File 39-40)

Stobart to Barbara Chilton, January 1856 - April 1856 (File 41-45)

Travels in Egypt.

Series. Sketches made by Stobart in Australia and the New Hebrides, 1853

A folder of small sketches by Stobart, the subjects including Armidale Church, New England, Nobby Head, Newcastle, a sailing ship, Australian scenes and a double canoe on the Isle of Pines. There are also prints of Farm Cove, Sydney. In addition, there are two newspaper cuttings from the Guardian with obituaries of Stobart, February 1896.

Series. Journal of Henry Stobart, 1853

Stobart commenced the journal on 30 January 1853 at Cape Town, on his voyage to Australia, and the last entry was written on his arrival in Brisbane on 7 July 1853. There is considerable duplication between the journal and his letters to his mother. The journal, however, contains a more detailed account of the travels of Stobart and his companions in New South Wales. The first journey in April and May 1853 was inland from Sydney to Emu Plains, Bathurst, Carcoa, Sofala, Mudgee, the Blue Mountains and the Illawarra. The second journey in June and July 1853 was the long ride from Newcastle to Maitland, Muswellbrook, Tamworth, Armidale, Tenterfield, Warwick and Ipswich. (ms and typescript copy, 100pp.)...
