Guide to the Papers of Captain T.G.S. Ward (as filmed by the AJCP)


M407 - M409, M593, M718

National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

Created: 2018

Online Items

Series 1. New South Wales, 1821 - 1861

Subseries A. Commercial correspondence, 1835 - 1841

Edwards & Hunter (Sydney) to Frederick Huth & Co. (London), 17 August 1835 (File)

Bill of lading for case of books for Rev. G.K. Rusden.

Salting & Garrard (Sydney) to Frederick Huth & Co. (London), 1837-1841 (File)

Bills of lading; insurance on goods shipped to New South Wales. (6 letters)

C.W. Roemer (Sydney) to Frederick Huth & Co. (London), 1838-1840 (File)

Bills of lading; interest charges. (3 letters)

H. Ferres (Sydney) to William Bliss (Chipping Norton), 1843-1845 (File)

Shipment of goods. (2 letters)

[Unknown] to W.C. Ferres (London), 26 April 1846 (File)

Wool production.

James Williamson (Sydney) to James Birrell (Kircaldy), 6 May 1852 (File)

Disposal of a consignment of flour and other goods.

Subseries B. Private correspondence, 1821 - 1861

Thomas B. Allen (Sydney) to his uncle Samuel Allen (Newark on Trent), 16 July 1821 (File)

Voyage to New South Wales; appointment to the General Hospital; land grants; prices of household goods.

Thomas B. Allen to George Hodkinson (Newark on Trent), 24 February 1823 (File)

News of his uncle's death; payment of a legacy; medical practice.

Thomas B. Allen (Parramatta) to George Hodkinson, 7 February 1825 (File)

Financial matters; has a 'reservation of land'.

John McGarvie (Sydney) to George Hutchison, 26 April 1836 (File)

News of Scottish friends in New South Wales, including the McInnes and Robertson families.

Archibald Mosman (Sydney) to James McAllan (Edinburgh), 1 May 1838 (File)

Death of Mosman's mother; legacy.

Felton Mathew (Sydney) to T. Fooks (Sherborne), 6 September 1839 (File)

Refers to the colonial vice of drinking. (incomplete)

[Unknown] (Sydney) to his mother (Aberdeen), 28 October 1840 (File)

Medical treatments; season of flowers; affairs of Presbyterian Church.

Henry [Unknown] (Sydney) to his sister Mrs James Rae (London), 21 March 1841 (File)

Arrival in the colony; impressions of Sydney and the country; parrots; immigration.

Gosling Brown & Co. (Sydney) to Robert Brickon (Whitby), 4 November 1843 (File)

Forwards certificate of health for Mrs Minnithorpe.

S. Raymond (Sydney) to Mrs [Unknown] (Maryborough, Ireland), n.d. [1844] (File)

Rentals of properties. (incomplete)

J. Glanville (Shoalhaven) to Thomas Whitford (St Columb, Cornwall), 13 February 1845 (File)

Farming. (incomplete)

Alfred Stephen (Sydney) to Mrs Herbert Maynard (Brixton), 1 January 1845 (File)

Financial matters. (incomplete)

Henry Edwards (Armidale) to William [Unknown] (Haverford West, Wales), 16 February 1847 (File)

Power of attorney in relation to a legacy.

Lyons (Parramatta) to his sister (London), 1 June 1847 (File)

Death of his wife; happiness of their marriage; possible move to Port Phillip or South Australia.

Jane Black (Windsor) to Rev. James F. Black (Kendal), 29 October 1849 (File)


W.F. Scott (Sydney) to Capt. P. Scott (Dundee), 10 July 1855 (File)

Financial and property matters.

George D. Dickinson (Meroo) to John Ogilvie (Dundee), 5 May 1856 (File)

Payment to his mother; business matters.

Thomas Hill (Shoalhaven) to W. & D. Wedderspoon (Perth, Scotland), 22 December 1857 (File)

Dealings with North British Insurance Company.

William Buyers (?) (Sydney) to Peter Drummond (Stirling), 21 December 1861 (File)

Financial matters; dissolution of partnership.

Subseries C. Correspondence of religious societies, 1835 - 1842

Extract from a diary-letter of a missionary serving in Tonga, 5 October 1835 (File)


Rev. Robert Ross (Sydney) to Rev. A. Wells (London), 4 September 1840 (File)

Affairs of Congregational Church in New South Wales and Port Phillip.

John Saunders (Sydney) to secretaries of the Baptist Missionary Society (London), 14 October 1842 (File)

Sends donation for African Mission; prayer meetings.

Series 2. Queensland, 1848 - 1863

Spooner Coleman (Brisbane) to his brother Samuel Coleman (Norwich), 17 August 1848 (File)

Seeks news; has received no letters for three years

Henry Jordan. Queensland: emigration to the new colony of Australia, the future cotton field of England, London, 1863 (File)


Series 3. South Australia, 1840 - 1857

Subseries A. Commercial correspondence, 1856 - 1857

Acraman Main Lindsay & Co. (Adelaide) to Hoare & Co. (London), 11 January 1856 (File)

Sale of shipment of stout.

Frederick G. Waterhouse (Adelaide) to James Warwick, Collard and Collard (London), 16 January 1857 (File)

Disposal of goods shipped in Salacia.

Subseries B. Private correspondence, 1840 - 1850

William Giles (Adelaide) to Capt. Robert Laing (North Shields), 18 April 1840 (File)

Land speculations; growth of the colony; deaths of two of his children.

W.G. Lambert (Adelaide) to C. Melville (London), 11 November 1847 (File)

Pension from East India Company.

John Newman (Adelaide) to Clayton and Cookson (London), 21 December 1847 (File)

Sends money for Mrs Newman.

James Ide (Mount Charles) to Joshua Hopkins (Leighton Buzzard), 27 July 1848 (File)

Severe winter; mutual friends; request's Bell's Life in London.

James Ide (Ausdwarfe) to Joshua Hopkins, 15 December 1848 (File)

Arrival at German Town; floods; financial matter.

J.M. Skipper (Adelaide) to John Watson (London), 16 April 1849 (File)

Land grants.

James Ide (Hahndorf) to Joseph Hopkins (Leighton Buzzard), 27 February 1850 (File)

Mutual friends; financial matters; possible return to England.

E.A. Wright (Adelaide) to Joseph Addison (Sudbury), 19 March 1850 (File)

Sends dividend.

E.A. Wright to Joseph Addison (London), 24 July 1852 (File)

Shipment of a parcel of gold dust; Burra shares; value of country properties.

John Hance (Adelaide) to B.M. Da Costa (London), 28 March 1850 (File)

Sale of cattle; collapse of a house; taxation of town lands; affairs of Adelaide merchants.

Subseries C. London Missionary Society correspondence, 1840 - 1852

Rev. Thomas Q. Stowe (Adelaide) to Rev. A. Wells (London), 2 October 1840 (File)

Bill of exchange; funds needed for buildings.

Rev. Thomas Q. Stowe to Rev. Wells, 25 October 1852 (File)

Financial matters; growth of the Congregational Church in Adelaide.

South Australia: statements prepared and published under the auspices of the committee appointed for the diffusion of information on the state and prospects of South Australia, [1849] (File)

Addressed to Rev. Thomas Morgan (5pp).

Series 4. Tasmania, 1837 - 1854

Subseries A. Private correspondence, 1837 - 1854

Major George Deare (Hobart) to Charles Deare (London), 19 May 1837 (File)

Military appointment. (incomplete)

William Inkersole, Robert Pitcairn and P. Jacomb (Hobart) to Mrs J.M. Consett Maynard (London), 1841-1847 (File)

Financial transactions; payment of interest; property in Hobart; refers to Alfred Stephen, M.L. Murray. (14 letters)

Elizabeth Staples (Hobart) to her sister, Mrs David Brown (Shrewsbury), 10 May 1841 (File)

Seeks news of their family.

Samuel P. Winter to William Bryan (Dublin), February 1845 (File)

House and property. (incomplete)

[Unknown] (Hobart) to James B. Sedgfield (Abingdon), 6 July 1854 (File)

James and family have moved to diggings; wages of tradesmen and servants.

Subseries B. London to Tasmania, 1837

Standard Life Assurance Company. Form sent to Archibald Thomson (Launceston) with questions concerning the health of Peter Ewart, 24 July 1837 (File B.1)

Series 5. Victoria, 1839 - 1856

Subseries A. Commercial correspondence, 1846 - 1854

Jackson Reed & Co. (Melbourne) to William Kerr (Glasgow), 18 April 1846 (File)

Bill of exchange; difficulty in selling British manufactures.

Henry Box. The Melbourne Prices Current and Shipping List, April 1854 (Item)

Addressed to William Bliss in April 1854. Shipping List is dated 18 January 1854.

Subseries B. Private correspondence, 1839 - 1856

P.W. Welsh & Co. (Melbourne) to Abel L. Gower and R.F. Gower (London), 1 August 1839 (File)

Purchase of land.

H. Thatcher (Melbourne) to George Hawks (London), 3 February 1841 (File)

Financial loss.

David Young (Melbourne) to J. and J. Mac Andrew (Edinburgh), 30 October 1841 (File)

Affairs of late Alexander Millar and Mackie; consignment of turpentine.

Alexander Anderson (Portland Bay) to David Anderson (Dundee), 7 September 1842 (File)

Requests shirts and books. (incomplete)

Daniel Mackenzie (Melbourne) to James Balfour (Edinburgh), 6 April 1843 (File)

Financial matters.

Mary Walker (Geelong) to Mrs Dunlop (Glasgow), 7 July 1844 (File)

Losses incurred by the family while managing a sheep station; legacy received by her mother; mutual friends.

William Hull (Melbourne) to William Sanderson (London), 18 July 1844 (File)

Certificate of health of William Hull who holds life assurance policy.

P. Jacomb (Melbourne) to Mrs T.J. Consett Maynard (London), 1 April 1850 (File)

Conversation with Sir Alfred Stephen about her affairs.

J.W. Carlton (Melbourne) to his brother James Carlton (Manchester), 10 March 1854 (File)

Business affairs.

Charles H. Lyon (Melbourne). Receipt of sum of £2000 from his father, Rev. Charles J. Lyon (St Andrews), 24 October 1855 (File)
Robert Jobson (Warrnambool) to James and John Ogilvie (Dundee), April-September 1856 (File)

Financial matters; deed of discharge; fall in prices of potatoes. (2 letters)

Subseries C. Correspondence of religious societies, 1839 - 1856

Rev. Frederick Miller (Melbourne) to Rev. A. Wells (London), 31 March 1843 (File)

Formation of Port Phillip Colonial Missionary Society; appointment of an agent; mission to Indigenous Australians.

Rev. Richard Fletcher (Melbourne) to Rev. Thomas James (London), 15 April 1858 (File)

Departure of Rev. J.L. Poore.

Series 6. Western Australia, 1834 - 1846

Subseries A. Private correspondence, 1834 - 1846

John G. Bussell (Augusta) to Miss E.C. Carter (Gosport), 12 January 1834 (File)


Fanny L. Bussell (Augusta, Vasse River) to Emily Huggins (Gosport), 1834-1841 (File)

News of family and friends; travels; social life; growth of the colony; refers to Sir James and Lady Stirling; Molloy Family, Captain Bunbury and other settlers in south-west of the colony. (6 letters, very lengthy)

Fanny Bussell (Picton) to Charlotte Bowker, 8 December 1846 (File)

Visit to Picton; Rev. J.R. Wollaston.

H. Carter (Perth) to his brother John Carter (London), 11 June 1840 (File)

Income from sheep.

H. Carter (Gwambygine Farm) to his sisters Anne and Sarah and his mother (Norfolk), 1840-1841 (File)

Affairs of Thomas; Indigenous Australians; farming. (5 letters)

Series 7. New Zealand, 1841 - 1862

Subseries A. Private correspondence, 1841 - 1862

Alexander Kennedy (Bay of Islands) to James Dunlop (Edinburgh), 20 January 1841 (File)

Difficulties of Mr Hamilton in securing employment in Sydney; New Zealand countryside and climate; Maoris.

George Laurence (Auckland) to his uncle James Rose (Edinburgh), 8 February 1846 (File)

Executors of late Mr Stirling disposing of stores; large military force in Auckland.

J. Tatum (Auckland) to his father (London), 25 April 1843 (File)
S. Rout (Auckland) to Peter Drummond (Stirling), 1 December 1862 (File)

Receipt of specimen tracts.

Series 8. New South Wales, 1822 - 1840

L. MacAlister (Camden) to his grandfather Alexander MacAlister (Edinburgh), 2 September 1822 (File)

Placement on half pay; friendship with John Macarthur; plans to take charge of a valuable herd of cattle and sheep; Governor Brisbane has promised him a land grant; improvement in health. (cossed)

? (St Heliers) to Fanny Wallace (Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire), 12 February 1840 (File)


Series 9. South Australia, 1856 - 1861

Acraman, Main, Lindsay & Co. (Adelaide) to Hoare & Co. (London), 31 July 1856 (File)

Receipt of a consignment of ale.

Half yearly report of the South Australian Mining Association, 18 October 1861 (File)

(Printed), addressed to Joseph Addison (Basingstoke).

Series 10. Tasmania, 1837 - 1857

Charles Swanston (Hobart) to Perkins, Bacon and Pitch (London), 6 December 1837 (File)

Bill of lading for 1500 notes for use of Derwent Bank.

Charles McDonnell (Hobart) to Barrow and Kelham, solicitors (Southwell), 20 August 1845 (File)

Estate of George Green of Kittys Corner who married Anna Norman, a convict from Gloucestershire.

W.H. Thomas (Adelaide, Melbourne, Norfolk Island, Hobart) to his father Henry Thomas (London), 1850-1853 (File)

Voyage to Australia; mining at Burra; news of disappearance of Ben Boyd; reduction in number of convicts at Norfolk Island; proposed marriage; Lady Pedder. (7 letters, some incomplete)

Letters to John Leake from O. Gillen (London), Samuel Jackson (London), Edward T. Bell (Hull) and Avison Terry ( Newland), 1835-1857 (File)

(6 letters)

Series 11. Victoria, 1839 - 1853

Samuel Greenlees (Melbourne) to his father Matthew Greenlees and sister Ellen Greenlees (Rochdale), 1839-1840 (File)

(3 letters, mostly crossed)

Benjamin Heapes (Melbourne) to Matthew Greenlees, 28 July 1841 (File)

Illness and death of Samuel Greenlees; business affairs.

Benjamin Hurst (Geelong) to Ellen Greenlees, 21 July 1841 (File)

Death of Samuel Greenlees.

James Scales (?) (Melbourne) to Thomas Adlinston (Edinburgh), 14 January 1842 (File)

Death of Scales's wife. (copy)

R.T. Elliot (Mount Franklyn) to his cousin Robert Ogilvie (Edinburgh), 24 July 1853 (File)

His campaign at the diggings 'has met with indifferent success'; diggers beginning to show signs of rebellion.

Series 12. New South Wales, 1836 - 1852

Mrs Betts (Minnamurra) to Mrs Nisbett (Brixton), 8 February 1836 (File)


Joseph Davies (Windsor) to his daughter Martha Davies (Merthyr Tydfil, Wales), 1837-1844 (File)

Spiritual advice on 'the state of everlasting happiness'; sends money order; food prices. (3 letters, one in Welsh)

George Whitfield (Sydney) to Dr Tennant and Robert J. Tennant (Belfast), 1838-1840 (File)

Arrangements for his nephew William J. Whitfield to join him in Sydney. (3 letters)

George Smith (Sydney) to William Dean (London), 1 May 1842 (File)

Particulars of his conviction for forgery and his reformed life. (crossed)

Lawrence Delany (Sydney) to the Registrar, Royal Chelsea Hospital, 10 November 1845 (File)

Requests certificate of service of W. McKernan of 83rd Regiment.

Michael Moran (Sydney) to the Governor, Royal Chelsea Hospital, 30 January 1846 (File)

Requests payment.

William M. Boyd (Stonehenge) to John C.R. Dudington (Edinburgh), 7 August 1852 (File)

Report on number of cattle in his charge; repayment of debt; 'gold is bedevilling us all'.

Series 13. Tasmania, 1842 - 1850

Derwent Bank (Hobart) to Perkins, Baker and Peter (London), 20 July 1842 (File)

Supply of stationery

Aaron Allason (Hobart) to E.W. Knowles (Yorkshire), 13 September 1843 (File)

Employment in one of largest shops in Hobart; arrival of a new governor; likes country much more than previously.

Henry Dowling (Launceston) to W. Cozens (London), 28 December 1847 (File)

Receipt of a consignment of goods.

W. Goulston (Hobart) to his wife Mary Goulston (Bristol), 30 December 1850 (File)

Conditions of employment as overseer of property of G. Butler at Baghdad; wages; hopes to stay two years longer.

Series 14. Victoria, 1841 - 1856

William Westgarth (Melbourne) to Peter Forbes & Co., 17 July 1841 (File)

Sale of vessels in Melbourne; import of port wine.

F.W. Campbell (Melbourne) to his mother Mrs Campbell (Castle Douglas, Falmouth), 29 December 1842 (File)

Death of his father; financial matters.

Trale, Dawson and Bruce (Melbourne). Printed circular reproducing a report from the Sydney Mercantile Journal and Shipping Register, 18 September 1855 (File)

Addressed to H.J. Pigeon & Sons (London).

Wilson, Nephew & Co. (Melbourne) to William Bliss (Chipping Norton), 25 August 1856 (File)

Requests pattern of tweeds; financial arrangements.

Series 15. New South Wales, 1826 - 1857

Subseries A. Commercial correspondence, 1826 - 1854

Robert Campbell (Sydney) to William A. Hankey, 6 March 1826 (File)

Encloses bill of lading.

Prospectus of the Australian Mine and Exploring Company, 19 July 1833 (File)

With a note from John Lhotsky (Sydney) to Frederick Huth & Co. (London).

C.H. Eden (Sydney) to Huth & Co., 16 August 1833 (File)

Shipment on behalf of Dr J. Lhotsky.

Salting and Garrard (Sydney) to Huth & Co., 9 March 1837 (File)

Insurance of wool shipped on Duchess of Northumberland.

Salting and Garrard to Huth & Co., 27 February 1838 (File)

Sales of wool shipped on Duchess of Northumberland and John.

H. Meinertzhagen (Sydney) to Huth & Co., 15 February 1840 (File)

Seeks consignments of wheat and flour from companies in Berlin and America.

Brown & Co. (Sydney) to Andrew Scott (Edinburgh), 4 February 1835 (File)

Sends statement of Scott's account. (copy)

Hirst & Co. (Sydney) to Goodhall & Son (Halifax), 13 February 1837 (File)
H. Ferris (?) (Sydney) to William Bliss (Chipping Norton), 8 June 1841 (File)

Sends payment of £200; 'dreadfully embarrassed state of business' in the colony.

Robert Thomson & Co. (Sydney) to P. Forbes & Co. (Edinburgh), 1841-1842 (File)

Receipt of cargo; comments on unfavourable market. (4 letters)

Robert Thomson & Co. to T.I. Smith (Oporto), 23 November 1842 (File)

Cargoes of wine. (copy)

E.G. Savage (Sydney) to Bell and Stewart, solicitors (London), 22 January 1842 (File)

Receipt of deeds; returning to England because of miserable state of the colony.

Capt. J. Thomson (Sydney) to Alex Jamieson (Edinburgh), 25 January 1842 (File)

Amounts drawn on account of schooner Gilbert Jamieson.

Pat Hill (Parramatta) to Campbell France, 19 March 1842 (File)

Receipt of dividends; affairs of colony in a very unsettled state; drought; opening up of Moreton Bay district; female factory at Parramatta.

Brown & Co. (Sydney) to John Clapperton & Co. (Edinburgh), 2 November 1842 (File)


William Walker (Sydney) to William Kerr (Glasgow), n.d. [1844] (File)

Sale of cloths by auction; market overstocked with all types of manufactured goods. (incomplete)

George Thorne (Sydney) to J.S. Lewis (Bristol), 1843-1844 (File)

Disposal of consignment of cheese. (2 letters)

Donalden & Co. (?) (Sydney) to Capt. Charles Bethune, 3 August 1847 (File)

Satisfactory report of Bank of New South Wales; dividends.

Crawley Smith (Sydney) to John Fergus (Markinch, Fifeshire), 18 July 1854 (File)

Acknowledges invoice.

Subseries B. Private correspondence, 1836 - 1857

Francis Halhed (Wandsworth, NSW) to Alfred Caswall (London), 1836-1845 (File)

Voyage in Neptune in East Indies (1836); sheep farming in New England (NSW); expenses; shooting of Indigenous Australians 30 miles away (1839); refers to John Everett, Alfred Denison; Bank of Australia and other banks; plans of returning to England. (9 letters)

Emily Manning (Sydney) to her father Edward Wise (London), 27 January 1838 (File)


James Atkins (Sydney) to his mother Mrs Atkins (Romsey), 1840-1841 (File)

(3 letters, crossed)

James Atkins (Sydney) to his father William Atkins, 23 September 1848 (File)

Father's health; depressed state of the colony; business affairs; intended marriage.

John Cartledge (Sydney) to his father T. Cartledge (Knaresborough), 10 April 1841 (File)

Injury resulting from an accident on a ship.

George Smith (Sydney) to William Dean (London), 19 March 1842 (File)

Governor's recommendation of an absolute pardon; plans to return to England.

W.D. Halhed (Sydney, Liverpool Plains, New England) to Alfred Caswall (London), 1843-1846 (File)

(3 letters, crossed)

John Yates (Sydney) to Elizabeth Lyall (Brechin, Scotland), 24 March 1843 (File)

Mutual friends.

John Lyall (Sydney) to Elizabeth Lyall, 27 October 1848 (File)


Henry Doncaster (Fairy Meadow) to his sister Mary Doncaster (Manchester), 24 October 1843 (File)

Family matters.

Mrs A.C. Chapman (Dungog) to her nephew John Harrison (London), 1845 (File)

Isolation; refers to bushrangers and Indigenous Australians. (incomplete)

S. Lyall (?) to Nona (?) (Colchester), n.d. [1851] (File)
Elizabeth King (Sydney) to Miss Stokes (London), n.d. [1851] (File)


Stuart Donaldson (Sydney) to M.D. Hunter, 7 April 1857 (File)

Turmoil and wear and tear of political life in the colony; as Treasurer he made the first budget speech in the colony. (incomplete)

Subseries C. London Missionary Society, 1837 - 1846

Campbell & Co. (Sydney) to Thomas Wilson (London Missionary Society), 10 October 1837 (File)


Campbell & Co. (Sydney) to Thomas Wilson, 22 June 1839 (File)

Charting of brig Nimrod to South Seas.

Rev. William P. Crook (Sydney) to Rev. W. Binnie (London), 4 June 1838 (File)

Response to protest of W. Jarrett.

Rev. Robert Ross (Sydney) to Rev. Arthur Tidman (London Missionary Society), 1841-1846 (File)

Financial matters. (3 letters)

Subseries D. England to New South Wales, 1841 - 1850

Dorothy White (Brighton) to C. Leighton (?) (Bathurst), 24 June 1841 (File)


Eliza Finch to her husband Heneage Finch (Sydney), 17 May 1850 (File)

Proposed move to Fakenham, Norfolk; birth of a prince (Prince Arthur).

Series 16. Tasmania, 1822 - 1853

Subseries A. Commercial correspondence, 1831 - 1844

W. Wilson (Hobart) to Campbell France (London), 1831-1834 (File)

Financial matters. (4 letters)

Andrew Crombie (Hobart) to A. Cowan & Son (Edinburgh), 7 February 1833 (File)

Sales of stationery; encloses two letters.

Neil Douglas (Hobart) to Samuel Houston (London), 1834-1835 (File)

Receipt of payment; refers to Walter Bethune. (2 letters)

Walter Bethune (Hobart) to Samuel Houston (London), April-September1835 (File)

Financial affairs of Neil Douglas. (2 letters)

Charles McLachlan (Hobart) to Samuel Houston, 1836-1837 (File)

Account of Neil Douglas; financial matters. (4 letters)

G. Read (Hobart) to Messrs. T. Harrison (London), 27 January 1842 (File)

Despatch of deeds of lease and release.

James Grant & Co. (Hobart) to William Wemyss (Edinburgh), 31 December 1844 (File)

Sends draft; gradual improvement in the colony.

Subseries B. Private correspondence, 1837 - 1849

Miss H.I. Dowbiggin (Hobart) to Miss Thomson, 1837-1841 (File)

News from England; improved property values in Hobart; surrounding landscape reminiscent of Lake District; economic conditions; return of exploring ships from the Antarctic. (4 letters)

P. Edmund Strzelecki (Launceston) to James B. Frazer (Inverness), 1 November 1841 (File)

Acknowledges letter; his explorations; geological map of Australia; financial matter.

Thomas Ludbey (Hobart) to his mother Mrs T. Ludbey (Romford, Essex), 20 June 1849 (File)

Death of his son; financial difficulty.

Subseries C. England to Tasmania, 1822 - 1853

P. Plumley (Shepton Mallett) to G.W. Barnard (Launceston), 1 September 1822 (File)
Barry Brothers (London) to William Cozens (Launceston), 27 February 1853 (File)

Sale of a sheep dressing preparation.

Series 17. Victoria, 1837 - 1866

Subseries A. Commercial correspondence, 1837 - 1862

Capt. Charles Scott (Melbourne) to C. Cox & Son (London), 1837-1839 (File)

Sends declarations for half pay. (3 letters)

William Westgarth (Melbourne) to Peter Forbes & Co. (Edinburgh), 17 July 1841 (File)

Shipment of port wine from Oporto on Gilbert Jamieson.

H.A. Smith (Melbourne) to Pigeon & Sons (London), 16 July 1856 (File)

Payment for consignment of gin.

George W. Selby (Melbourne) to Henry Anderson (Selkirk), 25 August 1862 (File)

Sends bank draft.

Subseries B. Private correspondence, 1841 - 1866

J.W. Campbell (Mount Elephant) to his mother Mrs Campbell (Castle Douglas), 18 December 1841 (File)

Death of his father.

W.A. Brown (Melbourne) to his father W. Brown (Gloucester), 1 January 1844 (File)

Receipt of bill of lading for box of merchandise.

Addie Brewster (Melbourne) to Roger Mann (Colchester), 22 July 1850 (File)

Account of voyage to Australia.

B. Ryder (?) (Bendigo) to Jonathan Mann (Birmingham), n.d. [1853] (File)

Refers to gold diggings. (poor legibility)

Robert Gladstones (Melbourne) to James Gladstones (London), 15 February 1858 (File)

Economic conditions. (incomplete)

William Grazebrook (Melbourne) to his cousin Henry G. Grazebrook (Chertsey, Surrey), 27 June 1866 (File)

Inheritance from his uncle.

Subseries C. England to Victoria, [1852]-1862

Eleanor and Martha to their brother James Wilson (Melbourne),, n.d. [1852] (File)


Thomas Robertson (Leith) to Capt. John A. Simpson (Melbourne), 18 August 1862 (File)

Series 18. South Australia, 1838 - 1852

Subseries A. Private correspondence, 1840 - 1852

Alex McKean (Adelaide) to his brother William B. McKean (Leith), 1840-1841 (File)

Disappointment that Blair Park has passed to heirs of his former partner Duncan; purchase of a property near Glenelg.

John S. Duncan (Adelaide) to Sir John Forbes (Edinburgh), 17 June 1846 (File)

Seeks assistance in obtaining a position as an agent or manager of a mining or agricultural company.

John Newman (Adelaide) to Clayton and Cookman (London), 12 November 1847 (File)

Sends money for Mrs Newman.

Thomas Baker (Burra) to T.B. Taylor, 10 March 1850 (File)

His inheritance.

Robert Cass (Adelaide) to his aunt Mrs Foster (Liverpool), 20 May 1850 (File)

His prospects on his arrival in South Australia. (crossed)

John Hance (Adelaide) to B.M. Da Costa (London), 4 April 1852 (File)

Loss of tenants who left for the goldfields; departure of merchants.

Subseries B. Church correspondence, 1838 - 1847

Rev. Thomas Q. Stowe (Adelaide) to Rev. Wells (London), 21 March 1838 (File)

Death of two of his sisters; financial matter; building of a chapel; living conditions; preaching at Port Adelaide.

Rev. Thomas Q. Stowe (Adelaide) to Rev. Wells, 5 June 1838 (File)

Building works; cost of provisions; settlers misled by book written by R. Torrens; Robert Gouger.

Rev. W. Woodcock (Adelaide) to Rev. G.H. Fagan (London), 12 August 1847 (File)

Need for a collegiate school in Adelaide.

Series 19. New South Wales, 1832 - 1852

Subseries A. Commercial correspondence, 1841 - 1842

William Fitzherbert (Sydney) to T.G.S. Thompson (London), 28 December 1841 (File)

Favourable opinion of Port Nicholson, New Zealand; Sydney is in great commercial distress; requests £1000 worth of butter and cheese in six shipments.

Robert Thomson (Sydney) to Robert Cunningham (London), 30 December 1841 (File)

Insurance of Gilbert Jamieson.

Robert Thomson & Co. (Sydney) to P. Forbes & Co. (Edinburgh), 8 January 1842 (File)

Impending departure of Gilbert Jamieson; bills; sales of wine; arrival of William Mitchell at Port Phillip; market for bottled ales is unfavourable.

J.C. McLaren (Union Bank of Australia) to Alexander Jamieson, 24 January 1842 (File)

Arrival of Gilbert Jamieson; trade is depressed and ship cannot be sold in Sydney; approves despatch with goods for England; regrets Jamieson's first transaction with the colony should be so unsuccessful.

H. Ferris to D. Meinertzhagen (London), 21 November 1842 (File)

Encloses note from C.W. Roemer concerning Ferris's credit.

Subseries B. Private correspondence, 1846 - 1851

Henry Mace (Sydney) to John E. Mace (Tenterden, Kent), 15 March 1851 (File)

Has remitted £200; New South Wales in need of immigrants; fully equipped farm can be purchased for £300.

John Waugh (Kiama) to Walter Dickson (Edinburgh), 14 October 1846 (File)

Refers to their military life together; life as a pastoralist; occupations of his sons.

James Crichton (Cowra?) to his sister Miss Crichton (Blairgowrie, Scotland), 4 April 1848 (File)

Death of his brother in New South Wales; his cousin is in Melbourne with 70 or 80 fat cattle.

Henry H. Beauchamp (Sydney) to Alcide Cayron (Bordeaux), 14 July 1851 (File)

High prices in Sydney; discovery of gold; brandy prices.

Subseries C. England to New South Wales, 1832 - 1852

John [Unknown] (Liverpool) to Robert Foster (Sydney), July-September 1832 (File)

His uncles approve of his continuing his arrangement with Dr Wardell and studying law. (2 letters)

Mary Ann and Patrick Davidson (Aberdeen) to Patrick and Catherine Leslie (Parramatta),, 6 January 1843 (File)

Family news; seeks information about Patrick Leslie's affairs with Stuart Donaldson.

Mary Ann Davidson (Warthill, Scotland) to George Leslie (Parramatta), 1 March 1843 (File)

Anxious to hear news of Patrick Leslie.

D. Cooper (London) to James Cooper and D. Cooper (Sydney), 21 February 1852 (File)

Cannot send credits for drafts until the next vessel.

Series 20. South Australia, 1840 - 1855

Ann Gaywood (Adelaide) to Ann Shaen (Essex), 17 August 1840 (File)

Describes her life in Adelaide; shipwreck of brigantine Maria at Endeavour Bay and murder of passengers by Indigenous Australians.

George Morphett (Adelaide) to Rev. Ernest Hawkins (London), 1846-1847 (File)

Bishop Augustus Short; investment of £300.

John Newman (Port Adelaide) to Messrs. Clayton and Cookson (London), 17 May 1847 (File)

Sends £10 for Mrs Newman or for his children's education.

S. Smart (Adelaide) to George Johnston (Dublin), 1849-1850 (File)

Land transactions in Adelaide; proposed construction of a railway through one of Johnston's properties (3 letters)

Henry Gilbert (Adelaide) to Cole, Lamb and Brooks (Basingstoke), 15 May 1850 (File)

Property in South Australia of Richard Turner inherited by his son Stephen Turner.

Henry Gilbert to Cole, Lamb and Brooks, 24 June 1851 (File)

Seeks legal evidence of death of Richard Turner.

Henry Aylwin (Adelaide) to Richardson Bros. (London), 11 September 1852 (File)

High prices; gold diggings; disposal of paints, varnish and brushes.

H. Jamieson (Adelaide) to Dodge, McInnes and Wylie (Paisley, Scotland), 24 February 1855 (File)

Sends drafts; setting off to the Murray.

Series 21. Victoria, 1842 - 1863

Subseries A. From Victoria, 1842 - 1861

George Boyd (Melbourne) to his uncle George Boyd (Edinburgh), 29 April 1842 (File)

Has given his uncle's books to a bookseller for sale; Carfrae has sold some books by auction at low prices; likes his situation.

William Westgarth (Melbourne) to Peter Forbes & Co. (Edinburgh), 10 July 1842 (File)

Disastrous affairs in Port Phillip; sale of wines from the Gilbert Jamieson.

George S. Brodie (Melbourne) to Alexander Cowan (Edinburgh), 16 August 1845 (File)

Bank draft; colony continues to improve; squatting regulations and right of pre-emption; encloses a list of saleable goods.

Henry Palmer (Geelong) to William Cozens (London), 3 May 1846 (File)

Financial troubles since Cozens left Launceston; intemperate habits of Hutchinson who is corresponding with his daughter; Capt. Cain building a house in Geelong as large as the one he occupies in Melbourne.

Hall Rose (Port Fairy) to his sister Sylvie Rose (Dover), 31 January 1850 (File)

Life on his run; fire on the Wannon River; news of Charles Burchitt and Jack Osborne; low prices of horses.

Certificate issued by Customs House, Melbourne, certifying that William Bayles is master of the Eu, 5 September 1854 (File)


Harry Rose (Mount Elgin) to his brother Philip D. Rose and sister Laura (Maresfield, Sussex), 4 September 1856 (File)

Visit to Melbourne and Rosebrook; mutual friends at Rosebrook; gold diggers at Pleasant Creek, Allan Vale and all the way to Mount Ararat; journey to Geelong in a Yankee coach; offer made to George Urquhart for his station 'Ballarook'.

L.W. Campbell (Chatwynd, Hamilton) to John Campbell (Argyllshire), 16 May 1861 (File)

Complains of cost of living; his exertions at the great fire.

Subseries B. From England to Victoria, 1843 - 1863

W. Rob Hawthorn (London) to George W. Cole, 29 March 1843 (File)

Wool trade and its hazards; warns against involvement with Capt. Bunbury; regrets Cole could not dispose of his property in Sydney.

Charles M. Lachlan & Co. (London) to William Timms (Geelong), 21 November 1850 (File)

Despatch of clothing and carpets; recent high prices realised for wool in England.

James Smith (Wolverhampton) to William Timms, 19 July 1851 (File)

Despatch of assortment of iron bedsteads and general ironmongery.

Wilson Twentyman (London) to Erasmus Twentyman (Ballarat), 1859, 1863 (File)

(2 letters, crossed)

Series 22. Western Australia, 1830 - 1846

Adam W. Elmslie (Cockburn Sound) to James Elmslie (Epsom), 30 January 1830 (File)

Work since arrival cutting timber and sinking wells; poor soil; describes country and business conditions.

J. Sewell (Swan River) to Rev. A. Wells (London), 27 November 1846 (File)

Has been in Western Australia five years; his family; need for churches in the colony; Henry Trigg.

Series 23. New Zealand, 1852 - 1856

Fanny Fitzgerald (Lyttelton, Christchurch) to W. Vaux (London), 1852-1856 (File)

Canterbury settlement; libel case of Dampier v. Fitzgerald; impending departure of John R. Godley; visit of Lord Robert Cecil [later Lord Salisbury]; visitors to Christchurch; opening of provincial council; legal proceedings against James Fitzgerald; political life has made them poor; hill ill-health. (3 letters)

James E. Fitzgerald (Lyttelton) to W. Vaux, 24 August 1852 (File)

Exodus of settlers; believes settlers will return from Australian goldfields on account of New Zealand's agricultural land and absence of droughts; Canterbury Association breaking up part of its establishment; J.R. Godley returning to England.
