Guide to the Papers of the Hearnshaw Family (as filmed by the AJCP)


M2850 - M2853

National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

Created: 2018

Online Items

Series 1-9. Letters from Leslie and Gwenneth Hearnshaw, February 1939 - October 1947

In New Zealand to parents, Professor and Mrs F.J.Hearnshaw, Oxted, Surrey.

Wellington, 5 February 1939 - 19 November 1939 (File 1)

Subjects include: journey to Wellington on Awateu; house hunting; situation of Wellington; 'great beauty about the place'; visit to Paremata; other members of the university; accommodation at the university; academic duties; listening to wireless news from England; earthquake; entertaining other members of the university; new social security scheme; Beaglehole family 'attractive and talented'; end of term functions; speaking at evening meetings; libraries in Wellington; Professor Hunter's knighthood 'well deserved, as Hunter has done more for the university than any other person'; tour of textile mill; New Zealand fish; visit by Industrial Psychology class to Bryant and May's factory; visit to university by Sir Harry Batterbee, UK High Commissioner; budget; declaration of war 'no alteration in the course of our days. College started normally at the beginning of the week'; holiday at Munro's bunkhouse at Paremata; problems of foreign exchange 'the college library has ceased buying books.'...

Wellington, 12 November 1939 - 27 October 1940 (File 2)

Subjects include: examinations; weather 'the wind is certainly the worst feature of the Wellington climate'; working on house and garden; Centennial exhibition; visit to Museum; Christmas Day 1939; picnic on Tinakori Hill; holiday trip to Mt Egmont; censorship of letters; social activities; new biology block opened by Fraser, Minister of Education; academic duties; death of Professor Hugh Mackenzie; death of Prime Minister Savage; Centennial Art Exhibition; WEA lectures; war news; visit to Hursthouses at Christchurch, 'a charming city of markedly English character'; 'New Zealand is gradually waking up as a result of the course of the war'; conscription; New Zealand war loan; arrival of evacuated children and adults from England; Sir Cyril Newall's appointment as Governor General...

Wellington, 26 November 1940 - 9 November 1941 (File 3)

Subjects include: visit to Orongorongo River; climbing Mt Matthews; war news from England; examining MA theses; sinking of Australian and New Zealand ships by raiders; loss of mail; Christmas Day, 1940; broadcast tribute to Professor Bergson; sending tins of sheep's tongues; social activities; academic duties; Noel Coward in Wellington; comet; holiday at Paraparaumu Beach; blackout enforcement; Japanese intentions; WEA lectures; degree ceremony followed by social evening at John Beaglehole's; sending tins of food; registration of married men for military service; birth of second daughter; meeting of New Zealand Vocational Guidance Association; proposed study of Maori community at Otaki with Ernest Beaglehole; accompanies Ernest Beaglehole to Wellington Prison to lecture on Maoris 'prison audience is at present a very intelligent one - in parts - as the prison holds a number of persons who have been holding pacifist meetings in the streets against regulations'; advising Tootal factory at Christchurch...

Wellington and Otaki, 16 November 1941 - 19 October 1942 (File 4)

Subjects include: performance by Wellington Repertory Company; social activities; bad weather at Otaki; arrangements at Otaki; poi dance; local Maoris; death of Turu, headman of Tainui village; tangi ceremonies; visiting local schools to test Maori children; Maori church service; Rev. Temuera; news of Pearl Harbour; 'New Zealand is being placed on a Full war footing.'; playing Euchre at home of Henare Taratoa; Christmas Day at Otaki; fall of Malaya; farewell party at Otaki; academic duties; call up of married men; lecturing on psychological principles of camouflage to army officers; making a shelter in underground garage; air raid precautions; ARP duties at college; survey of munitions factories, at request of DSIR, at Auckland, Dunedin, Christchurch; earthquake, 24 June 1942 'my nice little bust of Socrates was decapitated'; DSIR proposal to run new section devoted to industrial psychology; army medical examination; wireless talks on clear thinking; second earthquake 'Socrates again decapitated'; transfer to Home Guard; giving psychological tests to girls entering the army; war cabinet approves establishment of Industrial Psychology Division of DSIR...

Wellington, 18 October 1942 - 17 October 1943 (File 5)

Subjects include: Lady Newall's visit to university; AGM of Royal Society of New Zealand; war news from North Africa; examinations; work on house and garden; tour of army camps with Ernest Beaglehole; duties with Home Guard; visit to Beaglehole at Otaki; Christmas holiday at Paremata; religious observance in New Zealand; touring munitions and war work factories in Auckland; visit to Rotorua and Ohinemutu; Hell's gate; geysers of Whakarewarewa 'boiling water being flung 20 ft or so in the air'; Piha; 'the great shame is that over 90 per cent of New Zealand's bush has been destroyed, some of it to make room for farm lands'; Auckland University staff; holiday at Marlborough Sounds 'scenery is really very fine'; fishing; food shortages due to need to feed American troops in the Pacific; factory tour to Invercargill and Christchurch; coal shortage; Lancaster bomber touring New Zealand; New Zealand society; visit to mental hospital at Porirua; Home Guard disbanded; food parcels; Mrs Rothmann, German refugee psychoanalyst; Dominion settlement Association; factory tours of Napier and Palmerston North; election campaign...

Wellington, 24 October 1943 - 29 October 1944 (File 6)

Subjects include: lecturing to Army education officers on Psychological aspects of education; butter rationing; 'We are not now allowed to buy cream without a medical certificate'; Dominion Physical Laboratory; social activities; possible causes of high incidence of mental illness in New Zealand; Professor Nevins, American Professor of History, on a fact finding tour; factory tour of South Island; report on Industrial Absenteeism; Christmas at Munro's bunkhouse at Paremata; New Zealand financial affairs; sending food parcels; birth of third daughter; Dig for Victory Exhibition and Horticultural Show; Industrial Psychology Advisory Committee; meat rationing; woollen mill at Akaroa, settled by French; Professor Rankine Brown 'on the staff since the college started in 1899'; lecture course in Industrial Psychology; inaugural meeting of Institute of Industrial Management; degree ceremony; triennial local elections; visit to Harry Valder at Hamilton, migrated to New Zealand in 1884.


Wellington, 5 November 1944 - 24 October 1945 (File 7)

Subjects include: examinations; sending food parcels; publication of discussion course on Industrial Psychology by Dr Winterbourn and L.H.; Professor Kirk's retirement party; on WEA Brains' Trust at Hastings-Napier; holiday at Murchison with Dr Kurzweel; hospitality of farmers; visit to Upper Moutere, a German settlement; Agricultural Show; New Year holiday at Paremata; application for chair of Psychology at Sydney University; social activities; trips to Auckland and Hamilton; academic duties; Native Plant Museum; end of war in Europe celebrations; Vocational Guidance Conference; L.H.'s book on Industrial Psychology selling well; application for chair of Psychology at Melbourne University; trade union demonstration to Parliament against 'national socialism', originally organised to protest against nationalisation of Bank of New Zealand; atomic bomb on Japan; end of war against Japan celebrations; visit to dam construction site on Waikato River 'these Public Works encampments attract a strange mixture of human types'; Massey College; holiday on Waiheke Island...

Wellington, 4 November 1945 - 18 December 1946 (File 8)

Subjects include: retirement party for Professor Rankine Brown; academic duties; Christmas Party for children of academic staff; Christmas at Paremata; work on house and garden; factory trip to Dunedin and Invercargill; Riverton 'just about the end of the earth'; job prospects in England; meetings of Industrial Psychology Committee and New Zealand Institute of Industrial Management; sending food parcels; shortage of labour in New Zealand; birth of son; death of Professor Hearnshaw; giving evidence to Parliamentary Commission on population; family allowances; holiday at Raumati; application to Liverpool University; fire at Centennial Exhibition buildings.


Wellington, Sydney, Capetown, 22 December 1946 - 8 October 1947 (File 9)

Subjects include: Christmas holiday at Paremata; clothes shortages; interview for Liverpool post; academic duties; proposed study leave in England; appointed to chair at Liverpool - financial problems involved; travel arrangements; house sale, fixed by Land Sales Court; Gwen and children to stay in Perth for six months; voyage to England on Empire Star, via Sydney and Cape Town.

(47p., some faint letters.)

Gwenneth Hearnshaw (Dunera, Mt Lawley, Stratheden) and the children to Leslie Hearnshaw (Liverpool), 3 September 1947 - 10 March 1948 (File 10)

Subjects include: voyage on Dunera, sea sickness; docking in Sydney; flight to Perth; house at Mt Lawley; Mrs Dickens' health; children's health; booking passage to England; daily events; visit to farm at Mt Hawke; meeting old friends and colleagues; visit to Perth University and University bookshop; heat; purchasing furnishings; voyage to England on Stratheden; other passengers; Bombay.

(188p., some faint letters).

Mrs Dickens (West Perth) to Leslie Hearnshaw re visit from Gwenneth and children, 7 September 1947 (Item)
Gwenneth (Mt Lawley) to Mrs Hearnshaw re leaving New Zealand and arriving in Perth, 2 October 1947 (Item)
Mrs Dickens (West Perth) to Leslie Hearnshaw re departure of Gwenneth, 8 March 1948 (Item)

Photographs of the children at Perth.

Series B. An Englishman in War-time New Zealand, 1938 - 1986

Account by Leslie Hearnshaw of residence in New Zealand, 1938-1947; 1964; 1969; 1976; 1979; 1986; n.d. (File)

Includes quotations from the letters and expanded details of L.H.'s academic and wartime work.


Series. Diaries of Gwenneth Hearnshaw, 30 January 1940 - 11 February 1940

Kept of holiday to Mt Egmont. Includes photographs.

Gwenneth Hearnshaw (89p.) (File 1)

Leslie Hearnshaw (51p) (File 2)
