Guide to the Diary of Henry E. McCallum (as filmed by the AJCP)



National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

Created: 2018

Online Items

Visit to Penang, Perak, Pahang, Singora (Thailand), Patani, Kelantan, 19 June 1875 - 28 June 1875 (File 1)

The diary records the voyage from Singapore to Malacca and Penang, meeting with Frank Swettenham and discussions about the situation in Selangor, inspection of forts at Malacca, meeting with James Birch, the British Resident at Perak, and discussions on the situation in Perak, the debts of the Mantri [Menteri] Ngah Ibrahim, Chinese tin mines at Langat, the actions of Sir Andrew Clarke, the previous governor, in Perak, the Treaty of Pangkore (1874), Sultan Abdullah and his relations with Birch, the possibility of forcing Abdullah to abdicate, public finances, relations between Chinese and Malays, and the possibility of a large influx of Chinese if the British were to control Perak.

Visit to the eastern Malay states, 12 July 1875 - 21 July 1875 (File 2)

The diary records a journey from Singapore to Pahang, Terengganu, Singora, Patani [Pattani] and Kelantan. (Singora and Patani were in the southern region of Siam.) It refers to discussions with Swettenham about the effects of a possible annexation of Perak, a meetings with Raja Bendahara at Pahang, Sultan Omar Raiayat Shah at Terengganu and Sultan Muhammad at Kelantan, impressions of the country near Singora, Malay and Chinese villages, discussions about boundaries, and discussions and reflections on a possible annexation of Perak.

Visit to Perak, 31 August 1875 - 13 September 1875 (File 3)

The diary records a journey by Jervois, Birch, Major John McNair, Dr Anderson and McCallum from Singapore to Malacca, Langat, Matang and Taiping. It refers to the situation in Perak, the formation of a council of chiefs, the British residency at Taiping, the role of Captain Tristram Speedy, the assistant British Resident, relations between Chinese and Malays, debts incurred by Chinese during the recent war, financial transactions, tin mines, the transport of tin, and the organisation of coolies. There are descriptions of the road to Taiping, villages, buildings, farms, and a journey on elephants along a jungle path to Sardang. The latter entries give a very detailed account of meetings between Jervois and Sultan Ismael, Raja Yusuf, Maharaja Lela, the Mantri Ngah Ibrahim, Raja Bendahara, the Laxamana and other chiefs, with verbatim summaries of their discussions and noting their support for or opposition to British annexation of Perak.

Visit to Perak, following the murder of J.W. Birch, the British Resident. (incomplete), 5 November 1875 - 8 November 1875 (File 4)

The last part of the diary records the first four days of an expedition to Perak following the murder of Birch by followers of Maharaja Lela at Pasir Salak on 2 November 1875. The entries summarise discussions with H. Plunkett, the superintendent of police at Penang, reports on the events leading up to the murder, speculation about the role of Sultan Abdullah, and accounts by Lieutenant Thomas Abbott who witnessed the attack.
