Guide to the Journals of Granville Stapylton (as filmed by the AJCP)



National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

Created: 2018

Online Items

Volume 1, April 1836 - July 1836 (File)

Journal of G. Stapylton, 7 April 1836 - 17 July 1836 (Item (i))

The journal describes Stapylton's journey from Sydney to join Major T.L. Mitchell's expedition at the Lachlan River (13 April); plants; encounters with Indigenous Australians; survey of junction of Lachlan and Murrumbidgee Rivers; boredom of looking after depot at Lake Stapylton while Mitchell travelled westward to the Darling River; bird-shooting; return of Mitchell's party (10 June), Mitchell's affray with Indigenous Australians near Lake Benanee; journey up the River Murray and then southwards to Australia Felix; Stapylton's relations with Mitchell; Mitchell's talents as a surveyor; aggressiveness of Indigenous Australians; fauna; fertility of new land; difficulty in identifying rivers; excursion by Mitchell to Grampian Mountains.

Rough diary (pencil, 16pp) (Item (ii))

At end of volume.

Volume 2, May 1836 - April 1838 (File)

List of stores and equipment. (pencil, 6pp) (Item (i))

Journal of G. Stapylton, 18 July 1836 - 15 August 1836 (Item (ii))

Describes exploration in the Wimmera; geological features; Grampian Mountains; problems with bullocks; conflict with Indigenous Australians; Glenelg River; relations with members of party; future of survey in view of diminishing provisions; importance of discoveries in Wimmera.

Rough diary (pencil, 32pp) (Item (iii))

Journal kept at Lake Stapylton, 23 May 1836 - 10 June 1836 (Item (iv))

This journal is much more detailed and impersonal than the corresponding sections of the journals in Volumes 1 and 3. It provides a record of the work carried out by Stapylton's party, but does not deal with his pastimes or his general thoughts on the expedition.

Rough diary (pencil, 56pp), 1 April 1838 - 14 April 1838 (Item (v))

Describes Stapylton's journey in the Goulburn River district on his way to join the Port Phillip Survey.

Volume 3, September 1836 - October 1836 (File)

Journal of G. Stapylton, 7 April 1836 - 3 October 1836 (Item (i))

The April-June section is evidently a rewriting of the journal in Vol. 1. There are a number of small differences, a few passages have been condensed, and there are one or two significant additions. A few pages have been removed from the volume e.g. 8-13 April, 26-30 May. The September-October section describes relations with Indigenous Australians; search for a harbour; villainy of convicts; meeting between Mitchell and Hentys at Portland Bay; news of a Tory government in England; speculations about Mitchell's plans for the return journey; Stapylton's distrust of his subordinates; Mitchell's excursion to Mt. Napier; journey through swamps; views of Grampian Mountains; weakness of bullocks; character of Mitchell; Wannon River; departure of Mitchell and light carts, leaving Stapylton and remainder of party at Lake Repose (19 Sept.); Stapylton's boredom at 'fourth edition of a depot'.

List of stores and equipment. (pencil, 9pp) (Item (ii))

Volume 4, October 1836 - November 1836 (File)

Journal of G. Stapylton, 3 October 1836 - 12 November 1836 (Item (i))

The journal, which seems to be an early draft, refers to the journay of Stapylton's party northwards from Lake Repose; the Otway Range; Stapylton's hatred of Mitchell, a 'fiend in human shape'; Mitchell's jealousy of H. Hume and C. Sturt; Stapylton's dislike of most of his party and conflict with the birdstuffer and tentkeeper; camp beside Goulburn River; Stapylton's connection with the Goulburn Family; junction of Ovens and King Rivers; Stapylton's hopes of a land grant; crossing of River Murray (4 Nov.); journey to Murrumbidgee River.

Draft of a letter to Mitchell concerning the men in Stapylton's party (pencil, 12pp) (Item (ii))

List of supplies required at Goulburn. (2pp) (Item (iii))

Commonplace Book (Item)

Subjects include instructions for an exploring expedition in South Africa; report of Committee of Management of Cape of Good Hope Association for Exploring Central Africa; instruction to Capt. Alexander concerning South African expedition [1834]; computation of altitudes; B. Pascal (1623-1662); gradations of drunkenness; on cure of burns by cotton wool; salt lake in South Africa; domestic servants; River Eurotas; Lubeck Cathedral clock; Mount Etna; Egyptian egg oven; Upas tree; whales; Oriental cosmogeny; Lake Superior.

Volume 5, August 1836 (File)

Journal of G. Stapylton, 24 August 1836 - 28 August 1836 (Item (i))

Describes journey southwards towards Bass Strait; Rodney Range; apparent lack of harbour; Mitchell's plans for the return journey; plants; Mitchell's excursion to Portland Bay.

Rough diary (pencil, 3pp), 27 August 1836 (Item (ii))

List of furniture, furnishings, tools, equipment, food. (pencil, 21pp) (Item (iii))
