Guide to the Papers of Thomas Pelham, 2nd Earl of Chichester (as filmed by the AJCP)



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Created: 2018

Online Items

Series. General and Official Correspondence, 1797 - 1803

Volume VI (File Add MS 33105)

Filmed selectively.

Sir Jerome Fitzpatrick to J. King, 21 December 1797 (Item ff. 242-43)

Need to examine convicts prior to transportation to N.S.W.

Sir Jerome Fitzpatrick to J. King, 12 December 1797 (Item ff. 260-61)

Suggested duties of inspector of convicts.

Volume VII (File Add MS 33106)

Filmed selectively.

R. Griffith to Pelham, 11 July 1798 (Item ff. 4-7)

United Ireland rebellion; treaty between Lord Cornwallis and rebels involving transportation of leaders.

W. Elliot (Dublin) to Pelham, 30 July 1798 (Item ff. 33-34)

Banishment of United Ireland leaders to any part of world other than Africa or Botany Bay.

Sir Jerome Fitzpatrick to W. Baldwin, 18 November 1798 (Item ff. 138-39)

Spread of fever to convict hulks at Portsmouth.

Sir Jerome Fitzpatrick to W. Baldwin, 8 January 1799 (Item ff. 162-63)

Urgent need for inspection of convict establishment at Portsmouth.

Sir Jerome Fitzpatrick to J. King, 16 April 1800 (Item ff. 363-64)

Cruel treatment of convicts; misrepresentation of their health. (copy)

Volume VIII (File Add MS 33107)

Filmed selectively.

Sir Jerome Fitzpatrick to [unknown], 30 July 1801 (Item ff. 200- 3)

Security of convicts sent from Ireland to N.S.W.; health and treatment of convicts on transports.

H. Addington to Pelham, 2 August 1801 (Item ff. 212-13)

Transfer of colonial affairs from Home Office.

H. Addington to [Lord Hobart], 2 August 1801 (Item ff. 218)

Transfer of colonial affairs.

Pelham to H. Addington, 3 August 1801 (Item ff. 219-20)

Dissatisfaction with transfer of colonial affairs.

King George III to Pelham, 7 August 1801 (Item ff. 238)

Transfer of colonial affairs.

Sir Jerome Fitzpatrick to Pelham, 25 August 1801 (Item ff. 341-45)

Health of convicts; diet and clothing; selection of ships; Fitzpatrick's work as Inspector-General of Prisons and Hospitals.

Sir Jerome Fitzpatrick to Pelham, 27 August [1801] (Item ff. 372-73)

Seeks interview; sends correspondence with J. King.

Sir Jerome Fitzpatrick to Pelham, 2 September 1801 (Item ff. 403- 4)

Misrepresentation by surgeons of conditions on convict ships.

W. Pitt to Pelham, 13 September 1801 (Item ff. 476-77)

Wishes to transfer convicts from Dorchester Gaol to hulks; dread of convicts being sent to N.S.W. in spite of stories of it being an El Dorado.

Volume IX (File Add MS 33108)

Filmed selectively.

P. Colquhoun to Pelham, 19 November 1801 (Item ff. 299-309)

Sends memo on improvements to national police; recommends adoption of Bentham's penitentiary system; expense of hulks and transportation.

B. Forde to Pelham, 30 November 1801 (Item ff. 380-81)

St. John's Island, Gulf of St. Lawrence, more suitable than N.S.W. for less hardened convicts.

W.M. Pitt to Pelham, 5 December 1801 (Item ff. 411-18)

Sends memo on inquiry into state of prisons; cost of maintaining convicts on hulks.

B. Forde to Pelham, 11 December 1801 (Item ff. 444-45)

Proposal for convict settlement on St. John's Island; precedents of Pt. Jackson and Norfolk Island.

J. Hunter to Pelham, 29 December 1801 (Item ff. 480-81)

Publication of hints for correcting abuses in N.S.W. government; willing to join commission to investigate affairs of N.S.W.

Volume X (File Add MS 33109)

Filmed selectively.

J. Bentham to Sir Charles Bunbury, 9 August 1802 (Item ff. 331-36)

Encloses notes on his paper 'Panopticon v. N.S.W.'; willing to send full paper to Pelham; D. Collins' history of N.S.W. substantiates Bentham's fears.

Sir Charles Bunbury to Pelham, 17 August 1802 (Item ff. 376-77)

Supports Bentham's Panopticon Plan; many convicts unfit for transportation; urges Pelham to meet Bentham.

Caroline Howe to Pelham, 22 August 1802 (Item ff. 385)

Supports Capt. J. Hunter's claim to pension.

Volume XI (File Add MS 33110)

Filmed selectively.

B. Forde to Pelham, 18 October 1802 (Item ff. 38-42)

Sends papers on enforcement of law and punishment of crime; ineffectiveness of transportation to N.S.W.

Sir Richard Ford to [unknown], 31 December 1802 (Item ff. 318-31)

Sceptical of benefits of Panopticon; better that unreformed convicts be in N.S.W. rather than England; encloses memo on transportation of convicts to N.S.W.

Sir Charles Bunbury to Pelham, 26 February 1803 (Item ff. 460-61)

Need for penitentiary; further corruption inevitable at colony of thieves.

Letterbook of correspondence between Lord Hardwicke and Pelham, 1801 - 1802 (File Add MS 33114)

Filmed selectively.

Lord Hardwicke (Dublin) to Pelham, 16 September 1801 (Item ff. 34r-35r)

Case of Sir Henry Hayes, convicted of forcible seduction. (copy)

Lord Kilwarden to Lord Hardwicke, 15 September 1801 (Item ff. 36r-37r)

Sentence on Sir Henry Hayes commuted to transportation for life. (copy)

Correspondence of King George III and Pelham, 1801 - 1804 (File Add MS 33115)

Filmed selectively.

Pelham to King George III, 6 August 1801 (Item ff. 5)

Separation of Home and Colonial Offices.

King George III to Pelham, 7 August 1801 (Item ff. 7)

Confirms separation of Home and Colonial Offices.

King George III to Pelham, 7 March 1802 (Item ff. 56)

Plan needed to send convicts to N.S.W. rather than detain them in hulks.

Miscellaneous Official and Public Papers, 1770 - 1816 (File Add MS 33122)

Filmed selectively.

List of tradesmen, labourers etc. who sailed to N.S.W. as convicts on Minerva and Minorca, 21 June 1801 (Item ff. 61-62)
Memo proposing convicts be sent regularly to N.S.W.; French ambitions in Pacific; suggests corps of artificers be established at N.S.W. (Item ff. 71-76)
Note on number of convicts to be sent annually to N.S.W., [1801] (Item ff. 77-78)
List of ships engaged by Transport Board to carry convicts and stores to N.S.W., 1795 - 1802 (Item ff. 89)
Dorset Gaol. Summary of number of convicts in custody and already convicted prior to 30 June 1801 and number committed but not tried, 1801 - 1802 (Item ff. 92)
Memorandum on conveyance of convicts to N.S.W. on Royal Navy ships, n.d. (incomplete), 27 March 1802 (Item ff. 180-81)

Miscellaneous official and public papers of Thomas Pelham, 2nd Earl of Chichester (File Add MS 33124)

Filmed selectively.

J. Mawe to [Pelham], n.d. (Item ff. 109-16)

Proposal for mineralogical expedition to N.S.W. and Ceylon
