Guide to the Dorset Military Museum manuscripts



National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

Created: 2018

Online Items

Richard Cannon. Historical record of the Thirty-Ninth or the Dorsetshire Regiment on Foot. (London, Eyre and Spottiswoode), 1853 (File 1)

Pages 66-73 relate to the Regiment's period of service in Australia, 1827-32.

Capt. J.D. Forbes. 'Much ado about nothing'; account of a journey north to the Liverpool Range, across the Goulburn and Hunter Rivers, and south west to the Upper Macquarie River, to Bathurst and return to Sydney, 15 June-24 July 1830.', August 1830 (File 2)

Captain Forbes was the leader of the expedition and the other members were Ensign L. Maule, Dr. Boyter R.N., and Privates John Boyd, Hugh Jones and Joseph Smalley (108pp).

'Diary of the proceedings of a detachment of the Mounted Police on an expedition in search of a gang of bushrangers supposed to be settled in the interior of New South Wales', April 1832 - May 1832 (File 3)

The diary contains sketches of a fish and a platypus.

Colonel P.R. Phipps. Colonel Sir Charles Sturt, K.C.M.G., late 39th of Dorsetshire Regiment; his life and work of exploration in Australia with an account of the centenary celebrations held in his honour in South Australia in January 1930 (41 pp.), 1930 (File 4)

Typescript with manuscript insertions and map and newspaper cuttings, Dorchester, 1930.
