Guide to the Journal of Abel Tasman (as filmed by the AJCP)



National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

Created: 2018

Online Items

Journal of Abel Tasman, 1642 - 1643 (File Add MS 8946)

Journal of Abel Tasman on his voyage of exploration in the ships Heenskerck and Zeehan, 14 August 1642-15 June 1643 (Dutch, 139pp.), together with an English translation by Charles. G. Woide (1776)...

Journal of Abel Tasman (English translation), 1642 - 1643 (File Add MS 8947)

English translation by Charles. G. Woide (1776) of the Journal of Abel Tasman on his voyage of exploration in the ships Heenskerck and Zeehan, 14 August 1642-15 June 1643...
