Guide to the Papers of the Wakefield Family (as filmed by the AJCP)



National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

Created: 2018

Online Items

Series A. Charles Marcus Wakefield's Scrapbooks, c. 1830s-1880s

Scrapbook 1, c. 1830s-1860s (File 1)

Filmed selectively.

Press cuttings, pamphlets, memorial cards, sketches re Australia and New Zealand, c. 1830s-1880s (Item ff. 21, 40-156)

Subjects include: death of Edward Gibbon Wakefield; E.G.Wakefield memorial; South Australia; H.J.Cridland's house at Hoon Hay; cottage at Fendalltown, 14 January 1866; New Zealand insects; activities of Wakefields in New Zealand; Lord Littelton; menu for dinner given by Philosophical Institute of Canterbury for Major Palmer, Lt. Darwin and Lt Crawford on Transit of Venus expedition, 1874; family history; death of Arthur Wakefield; New Zealand company advertisement; book reviews; memorial by Arthur Wakefield to Earl Minto, 28 February 1837; Daniel Wakefield; Thomas Attwood and Birmingham Political Union...

Series B. Boxfiles, 1818 - 1963

Subseries 1. Edward Wakefield, 30 April 1843

Letters, 30 April 1843 (File)

Filmed selectively.

E.Wakefield (Blois) to William (Wellington) re land and native claims; Maori language; missionary influence, 30 April 1843 (Item)

Subseries 2. E.G. Wakefield, 1818 - 1962

E.G.W. letters, (100p.), 1818 - 1854 (File)

Comprises of legal papers, letters, transcriptions and pamphlet...

Wakefield Papers (copies), 1834 - 1962 (File)

Subjects include: finding a parliamentary seat for E.G.W.; publications on New Zealand; formation of Land Company for New South Wales; Pymouth Company.

Subseries 3. Catherine Gurney Torlesse and others, 1837-09-03 - 1852-10-12; 1962 - 1963

Letters to Catherine Gurney Torlesse (nee Wakefield), 16 September 1843 - 12 October 1852 (File)

Filmed selectively.

EGW (Plymouth) to Catherine Torlesse re boarding ship for New Zealand; other passengers (4p. transcribed), 12 October 1852 (Item C5)
Charles C.Torlesse (Riccarton) to EGW, 21 February 1849 (Item C6)

Requesting seeds of forest trees 'the association should make a point of sending out seeds in every ship'; assistance received from Messrs Dean; French claims; coal. (6p.)

EGW (Halifax, NS) to C.T. 'received good accounts from Nelson', 16 September 1843 (Item C7)
Felix Wakefield (22p.), 1962 - 1963 (File)
Notes on Felix Wakefield's family, court cases and references in Lyttelton Times (Item)
New Zealand Founders' Society Inc. Annual report, 1962 - 1963 (Item)
William Wakefield, Arthur Wakefield, Priscilla Chapman, 1843-06-29 - 1848-11-30; 1962-12-02 - 1962-12-07 (File)

Filmed selectively.

F.D. Bell (Wellington) to T.C. Harington re death of Colonel William Wakefield. (8p.), 24 September 1848 (Item)
Notes and press cuttings re death of Colonel Wakefield. (20p.), n.d. (Item)
William Wakefield (St Pauli, Cook's Strait) to his sister Priscilla Chapman re Arthur's death. (4p.), 18 August 1843 (Item)
William Wakefield (Wellington) to Charles re death of Arthur. (4p.), 29 June 1843 (Item)
H.A.A(?) (London) to William (Wellington) introducing Mr Oates; New Zealand government bill; settlement of land question. (8p.), 6 May 1844, 31 Jan., 30 Nov. 1848 (Item)
Charles Torlesse (Weimea) to parents re death of Arthur 'murdered by 2 cannibal chiefs of New Zealand'. (3p.), 8 July 1843 (Item)
G.A.Selwyn (New Zealand) to (?) re circumstances of Arthur's death. (Extract), 6 July 1843 (Item)
Irma (Auckland) to Priscilla [Mitchell] re Wakefield family. (2p.), 4 December 1962 (Item)
Barbara Beetham (Masterton, New Zealand) to Priscilla Williams [Mitchell] re Bertham family, 7 December 1962 (Item)
Flora Standle (New Zealand Founders' Society, Whanganui) to Mrs Williams [Mitchell] enclosing story of Wairau massacre. (4p.), 2 December 1962 (Item)
Col. William Wakefield's own account of his career, n.d. (Item)
Loose Papers, 3 September 1837 (File)

Filmed selectively.

Arthur Wakefield (Rhadamanthus, Woolwich) to Catherine Torlesse that EGW has gone to sea; Lord Durham about New Zealand. (3p. and transcription), 3 September 1837 (Item B1)
Notes on Wakefield family. (12p.), n.d. (Item)
Jerningham Wakefield (21p.) (File)

Notes and press cutting on Jerningham Wakefield, son of EGW.

Loose Papers, 3 October 1846 (File)

Filmed selectively.

Press cutting re memorial to William Wakefield, n.d. (Item)
H.A. A(?) (New Zealand House) to William Wakefield (Wellington) re representation for the colony 'the colony is sure to prosper', 3 October 1846 (Item)

Subseries 5. E.Wakefield E.G.Wakefield, D.B. Wakefield, A.Wakefield, 17 February 1846 - 5 November 1857

Daniel Wakefield (64p.), 22 September 1847 - 5 November 1857 (File)

Letters and memoranda concerning Daniel Wakefield's resignation as Attorney General of New Zealand in April 1853 and other events...

Envelope: Original Wellington House Agreement, 17 February 1846 (File)

Agreement between Robert Park of Wellington and Daniel Wakefield of Wellington re Wellington Terrace. (Filmed selectively, 5p.)

Subseries 6. C.M. Wakefield, 14 February 1858 - 23 February 1925

To and from Charles Marcus Wakefield, 8 January 1863 - 23 February 1925 (File)

Filmed selectively.

Thomas Brown (Auckland) to C.M.Wakefield re New Zealand beetles; he has lost money in investment in a local gold mine. (8p.), 15 July 1876 (Item)
Thomas Brown (Auckland) to C.M.Wakefield re his straighten circumstances. (3p.), 10 November 1891 (Item)
W.P.White (Melbourne) to Messrs Dalgety Nichols and Co (Christchurch), 4 September 1875 (Item)

Re passage to London on Northumberland. Includes leaflets re Messrs Wigram and Sons ships. (9p.)

Deed and lease re Wakefield burial plot in Wellington cemetary includes plan (6p.), 8 January 1863 - 7 May 1884 (Item)
Horace Fildes (Westport) to Mrs C.M.Wakefield re publication Stafford memories (3p.), 23 February 1925 (Item)
Correspondence re deposit of C.M.Wakefield's collection of New Zealand insects at Canterbury Museum, Christchurch. (7p.), 2 July 1907 - 17 December 1907 (Item)
Draft on Colonial Bank of New Zealand. (2p.), 2 March 1876 (Item)
Bundle of receipts from New Zealand, (16p.), 1872 - 1898 (Item)
Bills (c72p.), 1871 - 1876 (File)

Various invoices and bills from New Zealand...

New Zealand letters and papers about surveying (c30p.), 20 June 1863 - 30 November 1868 (File)

Letters re his appointment as Surveyor to Electric Telegraph Department, Christchurch, (Some letters incomplete)

Series C. Letterbook (c80p.), 7 March 1804 - 14 June 1854

Copies of letters from EGW (London, Wellington, Auckland) to Reverend C.M. and Catherine Torlesse, 11 December 1835 - 14 June 1854 (File 1)

Copies of letters from Arthur Wakefield (Hebrus, Sheerness, London, Nelson) to sister, Catherine Torlesse and father, 26 September 1815 - 23 November 1841 (File 2)

Subjects include: his decision to go to New Zealand; progress of settlement at Nelson.

Copies of letters from William Wakefield (Port Nicholson, Wellington) to Catherine Torlesse, 25 March 1840 - 29 March 1847 (File 3)

Subjects include: his pleasure at arriving in New Zealand; 'the natives are fast improving amongst us', news of other family members in New Zealand; death of Arthur; mischief done by missionaries with regard to land question.

Copies of correspondence between Sir George Grey and EGW on board Re passage to London on Northumberland and Minerva re the constitution; differences with the colonists, March 1853 (File 4)

[Daniel Bell?] to [Uncle?], 7 March 1804 (File)

Family matters.

Nina Wakefield (Harehatch) to Rosabel re South Australia; exploring; urges her to go to South Australia 'I am almost sure of going with Papa in October.' (Copy), 4 September 1834 (File 5)
