Guide to the Papers of Sir Ernest Rutherford, 1st Baron of Nelson (as filmed by the AJCP)



National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

Created: 2018

Online Items

Series Part 1. Original Correspondence, 11 February 1890 - 30 December 1939

All letters are to Rutherford unless otherwise stated...

Series Part II. Papers, 1894 - 1939


Series Part III. Laboratory notebooks, 1893 - 11 April 1935

Lecture notes on biology and botany taken by R. as student, Canterbury College, 1893 (File NB1)

Also includes description of his first piece of postgraduate research entitled 'Experiments on secondary circuits'. (150pp.)

Series ADD. 8249.. Rutherford Papers. (Additional)

Letter from W MacGregor, Gov. House, Brisbane, 16 June 1913 (File Add 8249/7)

Re proposal that R. might be offered post at Univ. of Queensland. (4pp.)

Letter from brother, George, Buckland NZ, 26 December 1932 (File Add 8249/25-6)

Re family news. (1p.)

Letter from brother, Jim, New Plymouth, 11 April 1935 (File Add 8249/27)

Re family news. (2pp.)
