Guide to the Collections held by the British Library (as filmed by the AJCP)


M2669 - M2677

National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

Created: 2018

Online Items

Fonds Sloane MS 1-4100. Sloane Manuscripts

Filmed selectively.

Series Sloane MS 54. W.A. Cowley. Journal, 1683 - 1686

William A. Cowley. Journal of a voyage from Cape Virginia to Netherlands via Cape Horn, Gorgona Island, Ladrone Island (Marianas), China, Java and Cape of Good Hope (64ff), 4 August 1683 - 1 October 1686 (File)

Monthly entries until January 1685, thereafter daily entries, but with some gaps. At Canton in May 1685 and East Indies in December 1685-March 1686.

Series Sloane MS 333. Owners of Manuscripts: Bernard (Francis), M.D.

F.F. de Quiroz. Memorial to King Philip III of Spain recounting discovery of continent in South Seas [New Hebrides] and proposing to undertake new expedition (English translation), c. 1608 (Item ff.1r-22v)

Series Sloane MS 3236. W. Dampier. Journal, 1681 - 1691

Journal, partly autograph, of voyages of William Dampier and others (233ff), 17 April 1681 - 26 June 1791 (File)

Referring to visit to New Holland in January -February 1688 (ff. 220-23)

Series Sloane MS 3329. Manuscripts, 13 June 1715

J. Welbe to Lord [unknown], 13 June 1715 (Item ff.76r-77r)

Sends scheme for discovery of Terra Australis Incognita; proposes to sail from Peru to Solomon Islands and New Guinea; believes land abounds in gold and silver; seeks financial assistance.

Series Sloane MS 3986. Manuscripts

Description of W. Dampier. An account of a new voyage round the world, (1697) (Item ff.43r-44r)

Series Sloane MS 4044. Sir Hans Sloan: Original Correspodence, 1712 - 13 September 1716

J. Welbe to [H. Sloane], 13 September 1716 (Item f.212r)

Encloses petition to Royal Society.

Petition of J. Welbe to Royal Society referring to his imprisonment for debt and his scheme for discovery of Terra Australis, 13 September 1716 (Item f.213r)
Petitions of J. Welbe to King George I, P. Stanhope and Sir Robert Walpole, 1712 - 1715 (Item ff.214r-217r)

Seeking financial assistance to carry out his scheme to discover Terra Australis and referring to his voyage in 1703-1706 with W. Dampier (copies)

Fonds Add MS 3945. Papers on Navigation in Indian Seas

Filmed Selectively

Account of rocks, shoals, and other dangers in Indian navigation, n.d. (Item ff.1r-2r)

Includes references to Cloats, Christmas and Keeling Islands.

J. Cook to Sir John Pringle, n.d. (Item ff.58r-59v)

Measures taken on H.M.S. Resolution to ensure health of crew.

Fonds Add MS 8958. Papers on New South Wales and East Africa, 1811 - 1817

Filmed Selectively

G. Blaxland to Sir Joseph Banks, 10 November 1816 (Item ff.1r-3v)

Account of explorations in N.S.W., including crossing of Blue Mountains; veiled hostility of Governor L. Macquarie; sends copy of journal.

G. Blaxland. Journal of expedition across Blue Mountains, 11 May 1813 - 6 June 1813 (Item ff.4r-22v)

Note on crossing of Blue Mountains, 12 July 1813 (Item f.23r)

Extract from letter on progress of N.S.W., 30 June 1813 (Item ff.24r-v)

Description of country and Indigenous Australians west of Blue Mountains, 30 June 1815 (Item ff.25r-v)

General statement of land in cultivation, stock and population in N.S.W. accounted for in general muster, 17 October 1814 - 16 November 1814 (Item ff.26v-29r)

Notes on voyage of Capt. A. Malaspina, 1789 - 1794 (Item ff.59r-60r)

Fonds Add MS 8960. Crew list of H.M.S. Endeavour, 1768 - 1771

Complement of H.M.S. Endeavour, 25 May 1768-1 August 1771, giving date of enlistment, place of birth, age, and date of death or discharge...

Fonds Add MSS 9879-9881. Papers of Major-General Thomas Hardwicke

Filmed selectively.

Series Add MS 9879. Papers

Notes on bird of paradise (Item ff.296r-v)

Includes notes on honey buzzard, imperial eagle and other birds...

Curiosities from N.S.W., [1823] (Item f.308v)

Series Add MS 9880. Notes on zoology

Notes on insect from N.S.W. and Straits of Malacca (Item ff.270r-277r)
Articles used by natives of Torres Strait, [1822] (Item f.334r)

Series Add MS 9881. Notes on birds

Notes on Australian bell bird, spotted quail, boat billed flycatcher and other birds...

Series Add MS 9909. Commonplace book of Major-General Thomas Hardwicke, c.1811-1821

Filmed Selectively

Notes on coral reefs, from M. Flinders (Item f.25r)

Voyage to Terra Australis.

Notes on natives of N.S.W. and kangaroos from M. Flinders. Voyage (Item ff.25v-26r)

Fonds Add MS 9944. Relaciones de Viages, 1563 - 1569

19th century copy of accounts of Spanish voyages in Pacific in 1563-1569, including R. Lopez de Villabos (ff.22-122) and Alvaro de Mendana (ff.197-224)...

Fonds Add MS 13974. Bernardo de Yriarte. Manuscritos de Indias, 1619 - 1805

Filmed Selectively

Memorials of Pedro Fernandez de Quiros (printed), n.d. (Item ff. 184r-87v)

B. de Yriarte. Draft preface to proposed edition of Historia of P.F. de Quiros (Item ff. 210r-25v)

Fonds Add MS 13976. Bernardo de Yriarte. Papeles varios de Indias, 26 December 1768

Filmed Selectively

Nota de las islos que en el ano pasado de 1767 descubrio, desembocado el estrecho de Magallanes, el capitan Wallis, mendano el navio de S.M.B. nombrado el Dolphin (Item f.183r)

Declaracion que Lizo en el Ferrol el marinero ingles Pedro Farron, de la tripulacion del Delfin, al mando del capitan Wallis, Ferrol, 26 December 1768 (Item ff.184r-93v)

Fonds Add MS 13984. Papeles varios de Indias, Vol. 1

Filmed selectively.

Reflexiones sobre el comercio mutuo de la Asia con Europa, y sobre si es conveniente la subsistencia de la nao de Acapulco para Filipinas (late 18th century), n.d. (Item ff. 119r-135r)

Fonds Add MS 13992. Papeles tocantes a las Indias Occidentales y Philipinas, 30 September 1619

Filmed Selectively

Discurso sobre las conveniencias grandes que tendria al servizio de Su Mag. en que la armada que lleva a su cargo el General Don Lorenzo de Zuazola para socorro de las Ilas Philipinas fuese por el estrecho de Magellanes o el de San Vincente al mar del Sur…, n.d. (Item ff.610r-612r)

Derrotero desde San Lucar de Barrameda a las Filipinas yendo por los estrechos de Magallanes y San Vincente, hecho por los capitanes Goncalo de Nodal, y Bartholome Garcia de Nodal, su hermano, y Diego Ramirez de Arellano, cosmografo. Madrid, 30 September 1619 (Item ff.614r-615r)

Papel que dio a Su Mag. el contador Pedro de Leussarca, en 23 February 1627, y que se sirvio remitir con decreto al Real Conseja de las Indias para que consultase sobre lo que representaba en orden al buen Gobierno y aumento de las Islas Philipinas… (copy) (Item ff.616r-23v)

Fonds Add MS 15855. Commander G. Anson. Book of Orders and Letters, 1740 - 1743

The volume includes details about the crew and provisions of each ship, orders to captains and other officers concerning provisions and appointments, and letters from Anson to the Duke of Newcastle, written at Canton in 1742-1743, giving an account of his voyage across the Pacific...

Fonds Add MSS 15955-15957. Papers of Admiral George Anson, 1744 - 1762

Filmed selectively.

Series Add MS 15955. Private and official correspondence: A-G, 30 November 1743 - 12 December 1745

T. Anson to Anson, 30 November 1743 (Item ff.28r-29v)

Impending return of Anson from Pacific voyage; most of world had given him up for lost.

D. Cheap to Anson, 12 December 1745 (Item ff.214r-16v)

Return of officers and men who were separated during voyage; assistance of Jesuits in Chile.

Fonds Add MS 17101. Letter from Queen Pomare, of Otoheite to Captain Walker, of the ship "King George", 8 August 1817

Requests biscuits, plums and wine...

Fonds Add MS 17583. Miscellanea de Papeles relativos a America

Filmed selectively.

Derroteros desde Panama por toda la costa hasta Valdivia; De las Philipinas desde el puerto de Acapulco hasta Manila, n.d. (Item ff.283r-307v)

Although described individually, this document was originally microfilmed with a page from another document. The last page of the document described can be found at the beginning of nla.obj-766035716.

Derrota de las Philipinas desde el puerto de Acapulco hasta Manila por Bartholome Alcorrea, piloto (Item ff.308r-25r)

Fonds Add MS 17622-17636. Bauza Collection

Filmed selectively.

Series Add MS 17622. Navegacion del Mar del Sur

18th century papers, including descriptions of route from Manila to Acapulco and from Cadiz to Manila, memorial of Capt. Alexandro Malaspina (1792), and papers concerning Comte J.F. de la Perouse (1788)...

Series Add MS 17624. Islas Filipinas y Oceano Pacifico

18th century papers including writings of Capt. Alexandro Malaspina on the Philippines and Marianas and a manuscript on the English colonies in the Pacific...

Series Add MS 17625. Islas Filipinas y Oceana Pacifico

18th and 19th century papers including account of voyage of Capt. Pedro Fernando de Quiros (1605), notes on Torres Strait, and notes of Fernandez de Navarette on the Marianas Islands...

Series Add MS 17634. America: Papeles Geograficos

18th and 19th century papers and notes of Col. F. Bauza, including logbooks of voyages between Cadiz, America and Philippines, a logbook of a voyage to Sydney and Tonga in 1792-1793, and extracts from a voyage to the Pacific by F. Mansell in 1780-1781...

Series Add MS 17636. America: Papeles Geograficos y Astronomicos

Extractos del viage de M. Freycinet en las corvetas Uranie y Physicienne en los anos 1817, 1818, 1819 y 1820, con las observaviones nauticas y astronomicos de los lugares en que tocaron (Item ff.212r-24v)

Fonds Add MS 19034. Admiralty Papers on Trade and Revenue, 1706 - 1769

Filmed Selectively

Capt. Rogers. Suggestions as to best route and provisioning places for expedition sailing into Pacific via Cape Horn, n.d. (Item ff.70r-71r)

H. Hutchinson. Account of latitude and longitude and remarks on ports in South Seas, n.d. (Item ff.95r-97v)

Fonds Add MS 19293. Authenticated abstract of thirty official journals of as many voyages from the Philippine Islands to New Spain

Testimonio relativo de treinta diarios de la navegacion hecha por diferentes navios de la carerade Philipinas par anevaes pana connota de las sena la guevieron en las latitudes y longitudes pordo navegacion...

Fonds Add MS 19294. Extracts from journals of voyages between Philippines and America, 1699 - 1731


Fonds Add MS 19301. J. McCluer. Account of voyage, 1790 - 1792

Detailed account of voyage of East India Company ship Snow Panther from Bombay to Pelew Islands via Bencoolen, Macao, Formosa, Amboyna, New Holland, New Guinea, Timor, Batavia and Sulu, 23 August 1790-December 1792...

Fonds Add MS 19955. C. Clarke. Diary and sketches, 1849 - 1850

Pencil sketches of New Zealand, including Rotorua, Waitera, Maori church and Bishop G.A. Selwyn, and diary of journey to Taranaki with Sir George Grey and Bishop Selwyn, 5 December 1849-18 February 1850...

Fonds Add MSS 20107-20240. Papers of Sir Hudson Lowe (1769-1849), Governor of St. Helena, 1816 - 1821

Series Add MS 20161. Register of shipping at St. Helena, 1816 - 1821

The register gives date of arrival, name of ship, name of commander, where from, nationality, date of sailing, destination, remarks, and in some cases names of passengers. It includes several ships from Australia...

Fonds Add MSS 22900-22902. Papers of George Chalmers, Secretary to the Board of Trade, 1787 - 1824

Filmed selectively.

Series Add MS 22901. Correspondence. Volume II, 16 March 1805

A. Dalrymple to Chalmers, 16 March 1805 (Item ff. 275r-276v)

Thanks for naval reports at Pt. Jackson; memoir on cultivation of cloves; inquiry by S. Enderby on voyage of Capt. A. Malaspina.

Fonds Add MS 22935. Correspondence of Prof. Antoine Gouan, botanist, 11 April 1788

Filmed selectively.

J.E. Smith (London) to Gouan, 11 April 1788 (Item ff. 321r-322v)

Thanks for book; establishment of Linnaean Society of London; completion by Sir Joseph Banks of plates for work on plants of Pacific. (French).

Fonds Add MS 25612. Miscellaneous Letters, 1739 - 1818

Filmed Selectively

Capt. M. Flinders (Ile de France) to Barbe de Marbois (Paris), 1 November 1808 (Item ff. 4r-7v)

Imprisonment and seizure of books and papers; generous treatment of Capt. N. Baudin at Sydney; refusal of Gen. De Caen to send Flinders to France; requests intervention with Council of State or Emperor Napoleon.

Fonds Add MS 27888. Capt. J. Cook. Account of voyage, 1774

Capt. J. Cook. Account prepared for publication of second voyage to Pacific, April 1772- July 1774...

Fonds Add MS 27889. Capt. J. Cook. Manuscripts, 1772 - 1775

Includes draft chapter headings and introduction to account of second voyage (ff. 1-21), journal of voyage, 9 April-1 August 1772 (ff. 35-65); notes on Tahitian religion (ff. 72-74); notes on New Zealand from journal of his first voyage (ff. 83-96)...

Fonds Add MS 27958. Muster book of H.M.S. Resolution, 1771 - 1772

The muster gives name, date of enlistment, place of birth, age, and rank of each crew member...

Fonds Add MSS 28060-28067. Papers of Duke of Leeds

Filmed Selectively

Series Add MS 28064. Original Correspondence, 13 November 1789 - 4 December 1789

Lord Hawkesbury to Leeds, 13 November 1789 (Item ff.378r-79v)

Interference by Spanish with ships engaged in southern whale fishery.

J. Anderson to W. Grenville, 4 December 1789 (Item ff.400r-v)

Recommends death sentence on J. Cave for burglary be commuted to transportation. (copy).

Series Add MS 28066. Original Correspondence, 16 June 1790

A. Fitzherbert (Aranjuez) to Leeds, 16 June 1790 (Item ff.27r-28v)

Interview with Count Florida Banca; Banca's claim that English southern whale fishery was threat to Peru and that Botany Bay was settled with view to conquering Philippines.

Fonds Add MS 29132-29194. General Original Correspondence of Warren Hastings, 22 April 1776 - October 1784

Filmed selectively.

Series Add MS 29166. Letterbook, September 1784 - October 1784

John Call, London, to Hastings, 3 September 1784 (Item ff.27r - 31v)

His views on sending criminals to New South Wales or New Zealand, includes extracts from Cpt. Cook's voyage. Vol. 3 pp. 437.

Series Add MS 30262. Miscellaneous Autographs, 22 April 1776

R.E. Raspe to [Capt. J. Cook], 22 April 1776 (Item ff.11r-12v)

Suggests geological and mineralogical observations that could be carried out on Pacific voyage.

Fonds Add MSS 31158-31193. Papers of Lord St. Vincent, 1801 - 1806

Filmed selectively.

Series Add MS 31169. Letterbook, 1801 - 1806

St. Vincent to H. Addington, 20 March 1801 (Item f.104r)

Suggests application to French Government for passport for H.M.S. Investigator.

St. Vincent to Duke of York, 3 November 1801 (Item f.116r)

Claims of Capt. D. Woodriff for promotion.

St. Vincent to Lord Hobart, [1803] (Item ff.128v-29r)

Hopeless situation in N.S.W.; H.M.S. Calcutta not able to receive settlers and officials of new colony; cost of supplying ships to transport convicts; objections to sending detachment of Royal Marines to relieve N.S.W. Corps.

St. Vincent to Lord Hobart, 17 January 1803 (Item f.131r)

Opposition to requisition of 100 marines for new colony in N.S.W.

Fonds Add MS 33209. Rev. George Brown. Manuscript

Dictionary and grammar of language of Duke of York Island (New Britain) compiled 1875-1882...

Fonds Add MSS 34412-34471. Papers of Lord Auckland, 1660 - 1833

Filmed selectively.

Series Add MSS 34412-61. Correspondence, 1660 - 1833

Subseries Add MS 34414. Correspondence, June 1777 - December 1777
W. Smith. Hard labour substituted in place of transportation, elucidated and proved to be sound policy and profitable to the State. London. (printed), 1777 (Item ff.473r-85r)
Subseries Add MS 34423. Correspondence, November 1786 - January 1787
Addresses of House of Lords and House of Commons to King George III referring to measures taken for transportation of convicts. (printed), 24 January 1787 (Item ff.361r-64r)
Subseries Add MS 34458. Correspondence, 1810 - 1813
[G. Eden] to Lord Sidmouth, 25 August 1812 (Item ff.382r-v)

Inspection of convict hulk; concern about relations between seamen and convict women on voyage to N.S.W. (copy).

Lord Sidmouth to [G. Eden], 30 August 1812 (Item ff.383r-v)

Doubts truth of allegation, although there might be irregularities on transports.

[G. Eden] to Lord Sidmouth, 3 September 1812 (Item ff.384r-v)

Suggests Governor L. Macquarie make inquiries about treatment of convict women on voyage. (draft).

Fonds Add MS 34486. Miscellaneous Autographs, 1531 - 1891

Filmed selectively.

C. Darwin to [S. Butler], October 6 (Item ff.56r-57r)

Acknowledges letter; suggests he writes account of colonists' life in New Zealand.

C. Darwin to [S. Butler], September 30 (Item ff.58r-59v)

Inquires if Butler plans to return to New Zealand.

Fonds Add MSS 34567-34582. Papers of Rev. Philip Bliss, 1835 - 1857

Filmed selectively.

Series Add MS 34572. Correspondence: Volume VI, 1836 - 1839

Rev. E. Coleridge (Eton) to Bliss, 20 December [1838] (Item ff.463r-464v)

Sends proposal concerning theological library in Sydney.

T. Wilson (Adelaide) to Bliss, 30 December 1838 (Item ff.471r-72v)

Arrival in Australia; fortune to be made by those with capital to invest in sheep and cattle.

Series Add MS 34574. Correspondence: Volume VIII, 1841 - 1842

T. Wilson (Adelaide) to Bliss, 2 January 1841 (Item ff.1r-2v)

Business affairs of Mrs Jackson; fair prospects although colony in deplorable state financially.

S. Hinds to Bliss, 9 February 1841 (Item ff.40r-41v)

Offer by Archibishop of Canterbury of a colonial bishopric.

New Zealand Journal, no. 28, 15 February 1841 (Item ff.54r-59v)
S. Hinds to Bliss, 30 April 1841 (Item ff.151r-54v)

Request by Government that Archbishop of Canterbury nominate persons for New Zealand and other bishoprics.

Series Add MS 34578. Correspondence: Volume XI, 1850 - 1852

Rev. T. Jackson to Bliss, 8 June 1850 (Item ff.76r-77v)

Conferral of degree at Oxford; scheme for Church colony in New Zealand.

Rev. T. Jackson to Bliss, 3 October 1850 (Item ff.156r-153r)

Impending departure for New Zealand; undertaking by Bliss to acquire 50 acres at Canterbury settlement.

Series Add MS 34579. Correspondence: Volume XIII, 1852 - 1854

Rev. T.P. Wilson to Bliss, 20 October 1853 (Item ff.439r-40v)

Return from South Australia; perilous voyage on Adelaide; excitement caused by gold diggings; family news.

Series Add MS 34580. Correspondence: Volume XIV, 1854 - 1857

Rev. T.P. Wilson to Bliss, 9 October 1854 (Item ff.39r-40v)

Incumbency at Bardsley; brothers in Australia.

Rev. T.P. Wilson (Ashton under Lyne) to Bliss, 14 May 1855 (Item ff.167r-68v)

Address of father T. Wilson in Adelaide; news of family in Australia; parochial work.

Cutting from Morning Herald on penal punishment and tickets of leave in Australia, 20 January 1857 (Item ff.508 r-v)

Series Add MS 34581. Correspondence: Volume XV, Undated

Rev. T.P. Wilson to Bliss, June 11 (Item ff.587r-88r)

Request by Bishop A. Short for copies of Wilson's Oxford degrees; appointment of brother as Clerk in Supreme Court of South Australia.

Rev. T.P. Wilson to Bliss, July 23 (Item ff.589r-90r)

Work as tutor; news of brother George marooned on Pacific island and now shepherd in N.S.W.

Series Add MS 34582. Correspondence: Volume XVI, 1835 - 1857

C. Marryat (Sevenoaks) to Bliss, 11 February [1853] (Item ff.418r-19v)

Proposes emigrating to Adelaide; arrangements for taking M.A. degree.

Fonds Add MSS 34611-34626. Papers of Macvey Napier, editor of Edinburgh Review, 1839 - 1845

Series Add MS 34620. Correspondence. Volume X, 1839

J. Stephen to [Napier], 20 September [1839] (Item ff.389r-90v)

Sends paper; attack on Stephen by J. Crocker on conservative side and E.G. Wakefield on radical side.

Series Add MS 34625. Correspondence. Volume XV, 1845

J. Stephen to Napier, 25 January 1845 (Item 32r-33v)

Includes: journey from Edinburgh; meeting with T. Rogers at Birmingham; efforts of Napier to refute New Zealand story.

J. Stephen to Napier, 6 October 1845 (Item ff.436r-38v)

Stephen's labours on transportation and convict management in colonies; awaits Cabinet decision.

Fonds Add MSS 34727-34747. Papers of West Family, 1 December 1768

Filmed selectively.

Series Add MS 34744. Papers, 1 December 1768

D. Solander (Rio de Janeiro) to Lord Morton, 1 December 1768 (Item ff.38r-39r)

Visit to Madeira; unfriendly reception at Rio de Janeiro; refusal of Viceroy to allow naturalists to land...

J. Banks to Lord Morton, 1 December 1768 (Item ff.39v-44v)

Voyage of H.M.S. Endeavour from Plymouth; visit to Madeira; treatment at Rio de Janeiro; encloses memorial to Viceroy and reply...

Fonds Add MS 35057. Miscellaneous Letters

Filmed selectively.

Note by Bishop Percy on Chevalier d'Oraison and his meeting with J. Banks and D. Solander and praise of English voyagers, n.d. (Item ff.36r-37v)

C. Grenville to J. Banks, [January 1786] (Item ff.58r-v)

Offer for specimens from Sandwich Islands.

Fonds Add MSS 35142-35154. Papers of Francis Place

Filmed selectively.

Series Add MSS 35142-35147. Autobiography of F. Place

Account of conviction in 1799, 1799 (Item ff.239r-43r)

For highway robbery of M. Stimson, brother-in-law of Place, transported to N.S.W. for life. Includes cuttings on trial from Morning Chronicle.

Fonds Add MSS 35148-15151. Place Papers. Political Correspondence, 1827 - 1850

A. Beauclerk to Place, 7 April [1831] (Item MS 35149/ ff.60r-64v)

Thanks for pamphlet on reform of Parliament; criticizes on Malthusian grounds plans of R.W. Horton and Lord Howick on emigration.

Place to A. Beauclerk, 7 April 1831 (Item MS 35149/ ff.65r-67v)

General views on reform, tithes, debts; opposition to emigration plans of R.W. Horton.

Harriet Martineau (Norwich) to Place, 1 June 1832 (Item MS 35149/ ff.148r-49v)

Studies of workhouse and poor; inquires about attitudes of poorer classes to transportation and emigration.

Place to J. Smith, 14 August 1833 (Item MS 35149/ ff.233r-v)

Emigration; refers to delinquent boys sent to N.S.W.

Place to Lord Brougham, 19 November 1835 (Item MS 35150/ ff.91r-95r)

Proposal of Wilson that crime would be reduced by removing miserable and destitute boys in London to colonies. Includes reply from Lord Brougham, 29 November [1835].

T. Falconer to Place, n.d. (Item MS 35151/ ff.201r-202v)

Place to H. Hetherington, 30 January 1840 (Item MS 35151/ f.203r)

Trial of J. Frost and sentence of transportation.

Place to S. Harrison, 3 October 1840 (Item MS 35151/ ff.279r-v)

Sends note from T. Falconer, refers to Dorchester labourers case.

J. Collins (Birmingham) to Place, 21 January 1842 (Item MS 35151/ ff.356r-57v)

Costs incurred in litigation of Canadian convicts transported to N.S.W.

Correspondence between Place and J. Collins, 22 January 1842 - 28 January 1842 (Item MS 35151/ ff.357v-358r)

Sends memorial from Birmingham Christian Chartist Church to Queen Victoria on behalf of J. Frost and five other convicts transported to N.S.W. for treason or riot.

Place to J. Collins Memorial, 30 January 1842 (Item MS 35151/ ff.359r-v)

Suggests amendments to memorial.

Fonds Add MS 35262. Letters of Scientists, 1780 - 1821

Filmed selectively.

A. Champion to [Lord Hawkesbury], 16 August 1791 (Item ff.7r-v)

Although described individually, this document was originally microfilmed with a page from another document. The last page of the document described can be found at the beginning of nla.obj-766037950...

A. Champion to Sir Joseph Banks, 2 May 1792 (Item f.8-r)

Offers to show ambergris taken from whale.

Fonds Add MSS 35300-35309. Papers of John Barrow, January 1850 - November 1854

Filmed selectively.

Series Add MS 35308. Papers, January 1850 - November 1854

Capt. R. Collinson to Barrow, January 1850 - November 1854 (Item ff.4r-29v)

Voyage of H.M.S. Enterprise and Plover to Sandwich Islands, Behring Straits, Kamchatka and Hong Kong; hydrographic work. (10 letters).

R. Maguire and J. Simpson to Barrow, May 1852 - October 1854 (Item ff.144r-162v)

Voyage of H.M.S. Plover to Sandwich Islands and Behring Straits. (14 letters).

Capt. H. Trollope to Barrow, January 1853 - August 1854 (Item ff.199r-238r)

Voyage of H.M.S. Rattlesnake to Pacific and Behring Straits. (8 letters).

W.P. Snow to Barrow, May 1853 - October 1853 (Item ff.310r-321v)

Organization in Australia of expedition to search for Sir John Franklin in Behring Straits; abandonment of Enterprise. (3 letters and cuttings).

Fonds Add MSS 35349-36278. Papers of Earls of Hardwicke, 1742 - 1859

Filmed selectively.

Series Add MS 35350. Letters to 2nd Earl and 3rd Earls of Hardwicke, 1742 - 1829

D. Solander to Hardwicke, 5 August 1774 (Item ff.55r-56v)

Publication of South Sea voyages; depiction of South Sea Islanders; summary of voyages of Capts. J. Cook and T. Furneaux; Omai.

Series Add MS 35645. General Correspondence, 1803 - 1806

A. Doyle (Sydney) to Rev. Craven, [1803] (Item ff.110r-15v)

Voyage to Australia; botanical researches for Governor P.G. King; legal system in colony; Castle Hill uprising; Sir Henry Hayes; foundation of settlement at Hobart; Indigenous Australians; Irish colonists; liquor trade; hopes Dublin Society will engage Doyle as botanical artist...

Series Add MS 35653. General Correspondence, 1821 - 1859

Pauline Fagnet de Beaurepaire to Hardwicke, 26 April 1852 (Item ff.293r-94v)

Although described individually, this document was originally microfilmed with a page from another document. The last page of the document described can be found at the beginning of nla.obj-766038239...

Testimonials in favour of C.W. Johnson, applicant for position of teacher superintendent on Australian immigrant ship, September 1851 - July 1852 (Item ff.377r-85r)
J.D. Powles to Hardwicke, 25 November [1852] (Item ff.415r-16v)

Sends letter from Colonial Office; seeks interview.

Lord Desart (Colonial Office) to J.D. Powles, 19 November 1852 (Item ff.417r-18v)

Auckland Islands; Sir John Pakington declines interview with Southern Whale Fishery Company.

Series Add MSS 35701-35706. Private Correspondence, 1801 - 1806

Private Correspondence, August 1803 - October 1803 (File Add MS 35703)
Lord Redesdale to Lord Fingal, 6 September 1803 (Item ff.280r-82v)

Claims priests incite hatred of Protestants and disloyalty to Government; refers to priests guilty of sanctioning murders in 1798 returning from Botany Bay and being treated as martyrs...

Hardwicke to C.Yorke, 12 October 1803 (Item ff.283r-v)

Sends copies of correspondence between Lord Redesdale and Lord Fingal.

Series Add MS 35723. Letters of A. Marsden, 1802

A. Marsden to Hardwicke, 12 July [1802] (Item f.70r)

Sends calendar of prisoners in Newgate and Kilmaiham Gaols to be transported; need to clear Newgate Gaol as soon as possible.

A. Marsden to Hardwicke, n.d. (Item ff.137r-v)

Reprieve for soldier on condition of tranportation.

A. Marsden to Hardwicke, n.d. (Item ff.166r-67v)

Refers to prisoner to be transported for life.

Series Add MSS 35728-35768. General Irish Correspondence, 1801 - 1815

Correspondence, June 1801 - August 1801 (File Add MS 35729)
D. Browne (Clare) to Hardwicke, 1 July 1801 (Item ff.119r-20v)

Urges sentence of transportation be imposed on R. Jordan, involved in insurrection in Mayo.

Correspondence, January 1803 - April 1803 (File Add MS 35738)
G. Macartney (Antrim) to Hardwicke, 30 April 1803 (Item ff.343r-44v)

Urges commutation of death sentence on B. O'Hara to transportation for life; his assistance to Macartney during Rebellion.

Correspondence, May 1803 - June 1803 (File Add MS 35739)
Col. H. Magenis to Hardwicke, 21 May [1803] (Item ff.101r-3v)

Although described individually, this document was originally microfilmed with a page from another document. The last page of the document described can be found at the beginning of nla.obj-766038599...

Petition to Hardwicke from jurors of Carrickfergus Assizes that sentence of death on B. O'Hara be commuted to transportation, n.d. (Item f.104r)
Correspondence, November 1803 - December 1803 (File Add MS 35744)
Return of prisoners confined in provosts and prison ship (partly damaged), November 1803 (Item ff.65r-67v)
Brig. Gen. W. Beresford to Maj. Gen. Sir Charles Asgill, 13 December 1803 (Item ff.118r-19v)

Offer of surrender by M. Dwyer on condition that Dwyer and M. Burke be spared and sentenced to transporation.

Brig. Gen. W. Beresford to Maj. Gen. Sir Charles Asgill, 16 December 1803 (Item ff.144r-45v)

Surrender of M. Dwyer. (copy).

Brig. Gen. W. Beresford to [unknown], 16 December 1803 (Item ff.146r-47v)

Surrender of M. Dwyer; his confidence that his life would be spared.

W. Hume to [unknown], 16 December 1803 (Item ff.150r-51v)

Surrender of M. Dwyer.

Lord Cathcart to W. Wickham, 17 December 1803 (Item ff.159r-60v)

Arrangements for reception in Dublin of M. Dwyer. (copy).

Maj. Gen. Sir Charles Asgill to Lord Cathcart, 17 December 1803 (Item ff.161r-62v)

Seeks instructions on imprisonment of M. Dwyer. (copy).

Correspondence, July 1805 - September 1805 (File Add MS 35761)
D. Browne to A. Marsden, 19 July 1805 (Item ff.21r-22v)

Account of involvement of T. Gibbons in 1798 Rebellion; his banishment to America and return to Ireland; urges that he be transported; refers to nephew E. Gibbons at Botany Bay.

Petition of T. FitzGibbons, prisoner in Cork Gaol, to Duke of York, declaring innocence and accusing D. Browne of malicious slander, 29 June 1805 (Item ff.23r-v)

Series Add MS 35769. Letterbook, 1801 - 1806

Filmed selectively.

A. Marsden to E. Hatton, 17 June 1801 (Item ff.2r-v)

Although described individually, this document was originally microfilmed with a page from another document. The last page of the document described can be found at the beginning of nla.obj-766038874...

C. Abbot to Sir George Shee, 2 October 1801 (Item ff.9v-10r)

Enlistment of convicts previously destined for Botany Bay in H.M. service abroad.

Hardwicke to Lord Pelham, 2 April 1802 (Item ff.31v-32v)

Sends return of number of prisoners sentenced to transportation in Ireland 1797-1801 and number actually transported.

Hardwicke to Lord Pelham, 11 May 1802 (Item ff.33v-34r)

Inquiry into men enlisted in 30th Regiment in 1799; in some cases avoided capital punishment or transportation.

Hardwicke to Lord Pelham, 21 May 1802 (Item ff.34r-35r)

Although described individually, this document was originally microfilmed with a page from another document. The last page of the document described can be found at the beginning of nla.obj-766038954...

Hardwicke to Lord Pelham, 10 November 1802 (Item ff.46r-47v)

Expense incurred by demurrage of convict vessels during detention in Ireland; suggestion that vessels should be despatched at definite times every year.

Hardwicke to Lord Pelham, 21 January 1803 (Item ff.52v-53r)

Trial for prisoners in Waterford and Tipperary; some to be transported for life.

Hardwicke to Lord Hawkesbury, 14 June 1804 (Item ff.116v-17r)

Enlistment of prisoners in H.M. regiments abroad; large number of convicts in gaol under sentence of tranportation.

Sir Evan Nepean to J. King, 10 November 1804 (Item ff.121v-22r)

Letter from J.F. Knaresborough transported to N.S.W. in 1793 and returned to Europe in 1797; inquires if he was pardoned by N.S.W. Governor.

Series Add MS 35770. Letterbook, 1801 - 1806

Filmed selectively.

Hardwicke to Duke of Portland, 3 June 1801 (Item ff.1r-v)

Conviction of murderers of Price and Brandon; one boy sentenced to transportation for life.

Hardwicke to Lord Pelham, 31 October 1801 (Item ff.9r-v)

Although described individually, this document was originally microfilmed with a page from another document. The last page of the document described can be found at the beginning of nla.obj-766039093...

J. King to C. Abbot, 7 November 1801 (Item f.10r)

Three Irish prisoners under sentence of transportation.

Hardwicke to Lord Pelham, 8 December 1801 (Item ff.15r-16r)

Summary of State prisoners in custody in Ireland; prisoners at new Geneva Barracks soon to be embarked for Botany Bay.

Hardwicke to C. Yorke, 14 November 1803 (Item ff.72v-73r)

Rewards offered for capture of M. Dwyer.

Sir Evan Nepean (Dublin) to J. King, 25 November 1804 (Item f.116v)

Inquires if pardon was granted to J.F. Knaresborough.

Series Add MS 35771. Letterbook, 1801 - 1802

Filmed selectively.

Hardwicke to C. Abbot, 3 September 1801 (Item ff.63r-v)

Trial of Sir Henry Hayes; comparison of case with that of T. Murphy.

Hardwicke to Lord Clare, 28 August 1801 (Item ff.64v-65r)

Commutation of sentence on Sir Henry Hayes; comparison with Murphy rape case.

Hardwicke to Lord Pelham, 12 January 1802 (Item ff.175r-v)

Proposed mercy to T. Tandy on condition of transportation for life; proposal of Lord Cornwallis in 1801.

Series Add MS 35772. Letterbook, 1802 - 1803

Filmed selectively.

Hardwicke to H. Addington, 12 June 1803 (Item ff.184r-86r)

Opposes pardon for H. Rowan proposed by Lord Pelham; has resisted every application by convicts in N.S.W. or America to return to Ireland.

Hardwicke to Lord Pelham, 24 June 1803 (Item ff.190v-92r)

Opposes pardon for H. Rowan.

Hardwick to Lord Eldon, 24 June 1803 (Item ff.192v-93v)

Opposes pardon for H. Rowan; effect on rebels and traitors at Botany Bay and America.

Series Add MS 35775. Letterbook, 1803 - 1806

Filmed selectively.

Hardwicke to C. Yorke, 30 December 1803 (Item ff.67v-63v)

Account of capture of rebels M. Dwyer and his associates; considers he should be transported for life.

Fonds Add MS 36297. Miscellaneous Letters and Papers

Filmed selectively.

J.S. Mill to E.G. Wakefield, n.d. (Item ff.23r-24v)

Welcomes news Wakefield is writing systematic treatise on colonization.

Fonds Add MSS 36456-36483. Papers of J.C. Hobhouse, Baron Broughton

Filmed selectively.

Series Add MSS 36456-36472. Correspondence, 1822 - 1858

Subseries Add MS 36458. Correspondence, 1820
Maroot to Hobhouse, [1820] (Item ff.454r-55v)

Retrospective orders to legalize duties in N.S.W.; Governor L. Macquarie should be impeached for levying taxes without authority.

Subseries Add MS 36466. Correspondence, 1830 - 1831
R. Gouger to Hobhouse, 7 May 1830 (Item ff.133r-34v)

Sends resolutions of National Colonization Society.

R. Gouger to R. Wilmot Horton, 9 July 1830 (Item f.191r)

Meeting of National Colonization Society.

F. Place to Hobhouse, 23 February 1831 (Item ff.288r-89r)

Recommends R. Gouger for post of Secretary of Emigration Commission.

R. Gouger to Hobhouse, [February 1831] (Item ff.290r-91v)

Forwards letter from F. Place; discussions with Lord Howick on colonization.

Subseries Add MS 36472. Correspondence Vol XVII, 1858
R.H. Major to Boughton, 3 April 1858 (Item ff.219r-20v)

Meaning of 'praedicto'; adoption of title 'Australia praedicta'; curious early discoveries of Australia.

Fonds Add MS 36525. Miscellaneous Letters, 25 August 1848

Filmed selectively.

Bishop G.A. Selwyn to Capt. Fleming, 25 August 1848 (Item ff.35r-36v)

Thanks for help on behalf of St. John's College, Auckland; garden; hopes to raise nursery of native forest trees.

Fonds Add MS 36652. Miscellaneous Letters and Papers, 1869

Census of Pitcairn Island, compiled by W. Rawkins, Petty Officer on H.M.S. Reindeer, 1869 (Item ff.24r-32r.)

Fonds Add MSS 37060-37066. Papers of Farr Family of Iford, Co. Southampton, 24 March 1790

Filmed selectively.

Series Add MS 37060. Papers of William Farr, 24 March 1790

J. Campbell (Sydney) to W. Farr (Plymouth), 24 March 1790 (Item ff.68r-71v)

Lack of success in raising crops; poor natural resources; authorities misled by accounts of N.S.W.; wounding of Governor A. Phillip; relations with aborigines; cruel treatment of Indigenous Australian women.

Fonds Add MSS 37182-37201. Correspondence of Charles Babbage, 1826 - 1867

Filmed selectively.

Series Add MS 37183. Correspondence, 1826

S. Bannister (Sydney) to Babbage, 6 July 1826 (Item ff.301r-2v)

Sends paper from C. Rumker; Rumker misoccupied owing to disapproval of Sir Thomas Brisbane; villainous slander of opposition press; R. Wardell.

Series Add MS 37191. Correspondence, 1839

Sir John Franklin (Hobart) to Babbage, 15 February 1839 (Item ff.113r-v)

Introduces J. Montagu, Colonial Secretary; admiration of Babbage's writings.

Series Add MS 37194. Correspondence, 1847 - 1851

H. Monson to Babbage, 27 August 1847 (Item ff.27r-28r)

Seeks help to obtain free passage to New Zealand.

H. Monson to Babbage, 13 November 1847 (Item ff.63r-64r)

Thanks for books; works to be presented to Governor G. Grey.

B. Beecher to Babbage, 15 November 1847 (Item ff.65r-67r)

Soundings of coral islands in Pacific; formation of coral patches on sand banks.

Chart of reef off Point Venus, Tahiti (Item ff.69r-71r)
J. Bonwick (Glenorchy) to Babbage, 20 February 1849 (Item ff.254r-55v)

Seeks help to bring father to Van Diemen's Land; New Zealand earthquake; beautiful example of refraction on Mt. Wellington.

B. Hawes to Babbage, 7 June 1849 (Item f.276r)

Refers to appointment for H. Babbage in South Australia.

R.H. Horne to Babbage, [June 1851] (Item ff.556r-57v)

Sends poem 'The great peace-maker' published in Household Words.

J. Maclaren to Babbage, 21 July 1851 (Item ff.576r-v)

Possibility of Sir John Herschel going to Australia.

Series Add MS 37195. Correspondence, 1852 - 1854

Sir George Grey (Wellington) to Babbage, 25 November 1852 (Item ff.172r-173v)

Appointment of H. Monson as gaoler at Otago; loss of books in fire at Monson's house; kindness of Babbage to Grey as a young man.

Sir Henry De La Beche to Babbage, 6 December 1852 (Item ff.180r-v)

Collection for H. Babbage in Australia.

G. Gairdner to B. Hawes, 12 July 1853 (Item ff.320r-21r)

Commendation by Sir Henry Young of work of H. Babbage at Assay Office at Adelaide.

B. Hawes to Babbage, 13 July 1853 (Item ff.322r-v)

Sends note from G. Gairdner.

H. Merivale to Babbage, 15 July 1853 (Item f.323r)

Sends report on closing of Assay Office in South Australia.

S.C. Newman (Bendigo) to [H. Babbage ?], 1 March 1854 (Item ff.456r-57r)

Arrival of Mrs Newman; financial matters; soda water machine; rush to Tarrangower goldfields; food prices; Bendigo.

Series Add MS 37196. Correspondence, 1854 - 1856

Sir Richard MacDonnell to Babbage, 24 January 1855 (Item f.63r)

Although described individually, this document was originally microfilmed with a page from another document. The last page of the document described can be found at the beginning of nla.obj-766040239...

Sir Richard MacDonnell to Babbage, February 9 (Item f.70r)

Thanks for pamphlet on ecclesiastical jurisdiction of Bishop of Adelaide.

Sir Richard MacDonnell to Babbage, n.d. (Item ff.78r-79v)

Thanks for books; illness; imminent departure for Australia.

Series Add MS 37197. Correspondence, 1857 - 1859

J.R. Monson (Port Chalmers) to Babbage, 16 January 1857 (Item ff.149r-50v)

Work as tide surveyor and landing waiter; H. Monson; responsible government in New Zealand.

Lord Stanley to Babbage, 4 February 1857 (Item ff.169r-70v)

Presentation of geological specimens to Australian institutions.

Babbage to H. Labouchere, 20 February 1857 (Item ff.171r-v)

Expedition of H. Babbage to north-west of South Australia; urges geological specimens be sent to Australia for comparing with local rocks.

N. Macleod to Babbage, 18 March 1857 (Item ff.176r-v)

Suggests he call on Sir Roderick Murchison.

Sir Roderick Murchison to Babbage, 24 March 1857 (Item ff.178r-v)

Returns Adelaide newspapers; meeting of Royal Geographical Society.

T. Saunders to Babbage, 3 March 1859 (Item ff.396r-97v)

Production of large map of South Australia; requests maps of explorations of H. Babbage.

Series Add MS 37198. Correspondence, 1861

Mary Graham (Melbourne) to Babbage, 14 February 1861 (Item ff.157r-58v)

Rude reception at Melbourne bank; will of uncle.

Babbage to Mary Graham, 10 October 1861 (Item ff.249r-v)

Despatch of money order.

Babbage to Mary Graham, 12 November 1861 (Item ff.260r-v)

Despatch of money order; will of uncle. (copy).

Series Add MS 37199. Correspondence, 1863 - 1899

G. Hamilton (Treasury) to Babbage, 2 April 1867 (Item f.362r)

Unsuccessful application by Babbage's son for position of Master of Melbourne Mint.

Fonds Add MSS 37274-37318. Papers of Richard Wellesley

Filmed selectively.

Series Add MSS 37298-37307. Official Irish Correspondence, 1822-1828, 1833-1834

Subseries Add MS 37298. Correspondence, January 1822 - March 1822
H. Goulburn to Wellesley, 20 March 1822 (Item ff.322r-23v)

Sends letter from Treasury on men sentenced to transportation for offences against revenue laws.

R. Lushington to H. Goulburn, 19 March 1822 (Item f.324r)

Essential that sentences of transportation be carried out.

Subseries Add MS 37299. Correspondence, April 1822 - October 1822
R. Peel to Wellesley, 14 June 1822 (Item ff.208r-9v)

Acknowledges return of convicts in Limerick under sentence of transportation for offences under Insurrection Act.

Subseries Add MS 37301. Correspondence, April 1823 - December 1823
H. Goulburn to Wellesley, 21 May 1823 (Item ff.87r-89v)

Wellesley's criticisms of proposed measure to encourage Irish emigration to colonies.

H. Goulburn to Wellesley, 29 May 1823 (Item ff.94r-v)

Irish emigration to colonies.

Subseries Add MS 37307. Correspondence, 1834 - 1835
Lord Melbourne to Wellesley, 15 May 1834 (Item ff.49r-v)

Seeks opinion of grounds for pardon for L. Dillon, transported to N.S.W. for life.

Fonds Add MS 37327. Journal of J. Laws

J. Laws' Journal kept on H.M.S. Resolution in Pacific, 16 January -1 May 1779...

Fonds Add MS 37425. Miscellaneous Letters, 4 July 1722

Filmed selectively.

Capt. J. Cook (Plymouth) to [unknown], 4 July 1722 (Item ff.134r-v)

Removal of fault in H.M.S. Resolution; successful trial.

Fonds Add MSS 37689-37718. Letterbooks and minutebooks of George Eden, 1835 - 1842

Filmed selectively.

Series Add MS 37715. China Book, 1840 - 1841

Auckland (Calcutta) to Admiral G. Elliot (Singapore), 20 May 1840 (Item ff.50v-52v)

Supply of vessels required for N.S.W. and New Zealand part of East Indies Station.

Auckland to Sir George Gipps, 4 May 1841 (Item ff.111v-12r)

Thanks for assistance for China expedition; stores; achievements at Canton River.

Auckland to Sir William Parker, 24 June 1841 (Item ff.126r-27v)

Supply of ships; stores from N.S.W.; difficulties of communication between Singapore and Canton River.

Series Add MS 37717. China Book, 1841

Auckland (Calcutta) to Sir William Parker, 26 December 1841 (Item ff.26r-28r)

Naval operations at Chusan; hopes coal may be secured from N.S.W. and Singapore.

Fonds Add MS 37840. Lieut. Governor T. Davey. Orders, 1813 - 1816

Register of Government and general orders issued by Lt. Col. T. Davey, Lieutenant-Governor of Van Diemen's Land, January 1813-July 1816. Also Hobart Town Gazette, no. 39, 22 February 1817...

Fonds Add MSS 37842-37935. Papers of William Windham, 1794 - 1807

Filmed selectively.

Series Add MSS 37873-37890. General Correspondence, 1806 - 1807

Correspondence, December 1806 - January 1807 (File Add MS 37885)
Lord Auckland to Windham, 26 December 1806 (Item ff.16r-17v)

Bill regulating colonial trade with N.S.W.; negotiations with East India Company; Board of Trade affairs.

Note on average time of voyages to Botany Bay, n.d. (Item ff.166r-67v)
Transport Office. Estimate of cost of sending ship with settlers, convicts or stores to N.S.W., 31 January 1807 (Item ff.258r-59v)
Correspondence, February 1807 - April 1807 (File Add MS 37886)
T. Helerns (Portsmouth) to Windham, 5 February 1807 (Item ff.26r-27v)

Seeks civil appointment in N.S.W.

Sir Rupert George to Sir George [unknown], 14 February 1807 (Item ff.52r-53v)

Average length of voyage to Botany Bay.

Series Add MS 37891. Returns of Military Forces, 1794 - 1800

State of effectives and wanting of rank and file, 1 July 1794 (Item ff.3r-v)
Abstract of establishment of Army for 1797 (including N.S.W. Corps) (Item ff.148r-49v)
Abstract of forces at home and abroad, 11 February 1800 (Item ff.191r-92r)
State of H.M. regular forces as per last returns, 30 December 1800 (Item f.219r)

Series Add MSS 37892-37901. Returns of H.M. Forces, 1796 - 1800

Returns of H.M. Forces, February 1796 (File Add MS 37892)
Grose's Corps, N.S.W. (Item ff.23v-24r)
Abstract (Item ff.31v-32r)
Returns of H.M. Forces, June 1796 (File Add MS 37893)
Grose's Corps, N.S.W. (Item ff.22v-23r)
Abstract (Item ff.31v-32r)
Returns of H.M. Forces, August 1796 (File Add MS 37894)
Grose's Corps, N.S.W. (Item ff.23v-24r)
Abstract (Item ff.31v-32r)
Returns of H.M. Forces, October 1796 (File Add MS 37895)
Grose's Corps, N.S.W. (Item ff.22v-23r)
Abstract (Item ff.31v-32r)
Returns of H.M. Forces, February 1797 (File Add MS 37896)
Grose's Corps, N.S.W. (Item ff.22v-23r)
Abstract (Item ff.32v-33r)
Returns of H.M. Forces, February 1798 (File Add MS 37897)
Grose's Corps, N.S.W. (Item ff.23v-24r)
Abstract (Item ff.32v-33r)
Returns of H.M. Forces, June 1799 (File Add MS 37898)
Grose's Corps, N.S.W. (Item ff.23v-24r)
Abstract (Item ff.34v-35r)
Returns of H.M. Forces, August 1799 (File Add MS 37899)
Grose's Corps, N.S.W. (Item ff.22v-23r)
Abstract (Item ff.34v-35r)
Returns of H.M. Forces, October 1799 (File Add MS 37900)
Grose's Corps, N.S.W. (Item ff.22v-23r)
Abstract (Item ff.34v-35r)
Returns of H.M. Forces, February 1800 (File Add MS 37901)
Grose's Corps, N.S.W. (Item ff.23v-24r)
Abstract (Item ff.32v-34r)

Series Add MS 37902. Return of H.M. Forces, March 1807

Grose's Corps, N.S.W. (Item f.8v)

Series Add MSS 37914-37916. Private Correspondence, 1794

Correspondence, 1794 (File Add MS 37914)
J. Bunn (Manchester) to Windham, 2 September 1794 (Item ff.121r -22v)

Seeks pardon for son, at Newgate under sentence of transportation.

Fonds Add MS 38091. Miscellaneous Letters and Papers, 1530 - 1845

Filmed selectively.

Letters written to Rev. W. Buckland concerning discovery in New Zealand and inspection in England of bones of moa, February 1842 - January 1845 (File ff.191r-208v)

Correspondents include Rev. W. Williams (Poverty Bay, N.Z.), W. Broderip, R. Owen.

Fonds Add MSS 38101-38111. Papers of Leigh Hunt, 18 August 1834

Filmed selectively.

Series Add MS 38109. Papers, 18 August 1834

E.G. Wakefield to [R. Hill], 18 August 1834 (Item ff.132r-33v)

Role of Duke of Wellington in securing passage of South Australian Bill through House of Lords; hint that chief town would be named Wellington.

E.G. Wakefield to R. Hill, n.d. (Item ff.134r-35v)

Drafting of land regulation; need to press T. Spring-Rice; refers to Duke of Wellington.

Fonds Add MSS 38523-38524. Papers of Leigh Hunt, 1830

Series Add MS 38523. Papers, 1830

E.G. Wakefield to [T. Hunt], 1 November 1830 (Item ff.149r-50r)

Sends first volume of Wealth of nations; labour and colonization; alteration in views of J. Bentham on colonization; suggest meeting.

Fonds Add MS 38530. Lieut. G. Gilbert. Manuscript

Lieut. George Gilbert. Account of voyage of H.M.S. Discovery in Pacific, 1776-1780...

Fonds Add MS 38835. Miscellaneous Letters, chiefly to William Tallack, 1838 - 1881

Filmed selectively.

A. Maconochie (Hobart) to Harriet Martineau, 1 May [1838] (Item ff.25r-26v)

Ideas on penal systems; bushrangers in Tasmania; astonishment at appointment of Col. G. Arthur to Upper Canada.

Bishop W.B. Ullathorne (Birmingham) to W. Tallack, 11 June 1881 (Item ff.64r-v)

Thanks for book; moral method of managing criminals; difficulties of A. Maconochie with his wardens.

Fonds Add MSS 38931-39164. Papers of Sir Austen Henry Layard, 1861 - 1866

Filmed Selectively

Series Add MSS 39101-39120. Semi-official letters, 1861 - 1866

Semi-official letters, October 1861 (File Add MS 39101)
Rev. J.G. Paton (Tanna) to McKay, 25 October 1861 (Item ff.208r-v)

Possible establishment of Belgian colony in New Hebrides; concern about Belgian toleration of Presbyterian missions.

Semi-official letters, April 1862 (File Add MS 39103)
J. Barton (Lima) to Layard, 29 April 1862 (Item ff.52r-53v)

Affairs of Legation; plans of Byrne to bring agricultural labourers from New Hebrides to Peru.

Semi-official letters, June 1863 (File Add MS 39106)
A. Kinnaird to Layard, 20 June [1863] (Item ff.221r-22v)

Inquires about British recognition of French occupation of New Caledonia.

E. Hertslet (Foreign Office). Note on French occupation of New Caledonia, 23 June 1863 (Item ff.237r-v)
Semi-official letters, February 1865 (File Add MS 39113)
Lord Augustus Loftus (Munich) to Layard, 28 February 1865 (Item ff.348r-49v)

Forwards books from Royal Library at Munich for Public Library of Victoria.

Semi-official letters, April 1866 (File Add MS 39119)
C.G. Dunlop (Cadiz) to Layard, 2 April 1866 (Item ff.366r-67v)

Seeks appointment as Consul General at Sandwich Islands.

Semi-official letters, May 1866 - June 1866 (File Add MS 39120)
J.B. Pentland (Rome) to Layard, 27 May 1866 (Item ff.211r-12v)

Transmission of parcel of Australian seeds for Rome Gardens.

Peninsular and Orient Co. Receipt for parcel of seeds from C. Moore (Sydney) to J.B. Pentland, c/- Layard, 21 March 1866 (Item f.213r)

Fonds Add MS 39168. Miscellaneous Letters and Papers, 1861 - 1873

Filmed selectively.

A.R. Wallace (Timor) to T. Sims, 15 March 1861 (Item ff.2r-30r)

Optics; engraving processes; meeting with photographer (W. Woodbury?); transfer of British Museum natural history collections; C. Darwin; principle of natural selection; English visitors to Timor; resemblances between Timor and Australian landscapes. Includes photograph of Wallace.

[A. Orton, Tichborne Claimant] to E. Reilly, 20 September 1873 (Item ff.171r-73v)

Thanks for letters; trial.

Fonds Add MS 39285. Journals of Capt. D. de Boenechea

Transcripts of journals of Capt. Domingo de Boenechea (1772-1773), Lt. Commander Tomas Gayangos (1774-1775) and Lt. Commander Cayetano de Langara (1775-1776) on voyages of frigate Aguila from Callao to Tahiti. (Spanish)...

Fonds Add MS 39822. Papers of Larcum Kendall, watchmaker, 27 May 1775 - 17 October 1787

Filmed selectively.

Kendall to Board of Longitude, 27 May 1775 (Item ff.50r-v)

Trial of timekeeper; refers to success of timekeeper on voyage of Capt. J. Cook.

H. Parker (Board of Longitude) to Kendall, 17 October 1787 (Item f.61r)

Timekeeper to be delivered to Lieut. W. Bligh of H.M.S. Bounty.

Fonds Add MS 39954. Correspondence of Sir Richard Owen, 24 December 1840 - 30 June 1879

Filmed selectively.

Part 1, 24 December 1840 - 17 November 1856 (File)

W. Martin to Owen, 24 December 1840 (Item ff.19r-20v)

Declines dinner invitation; imminent departure for New Zealand.

W. Martin to Caroline Owen, 2 March 1841 (Item ff.21r—22v)

Thanks for present; approaching separation.

Mary Martin (Taurama) to Caroline Owen, 19 June 1844 (Item ff.48r—51v)

Long illness; description of house; health of Maoris; shortage of medicine; consecration of church at Auckland; Bishop G.A. Selwyn; Sarah Selwyn; Capt. R. FitzRoy; relations with Maoris; food prices. (incomplete)

H. Acland to Owen, 19 February 1846 (Item ff.60r-v)

Letter of Bishop G.A. Selwyn.

Mary Martin to Caroline Owen, 13 March 1846 (Item ff.61r-64v)

Maori War; Governor G. Grey; schools for native children; prosperity of towns; birds; W. Swainson; New Plymouth; Bishop G.A. Selwyn.

Mary Martin to Caroline Owen, 6 November 1847 (Item ff.82r-84v)

Bust of R. Owen; education of sons; New Zealand flowers; St. John's College; growth of Auckland.

H. Acland to Owen, 15 October 1847 (Item ff.127r-28r)

New Zealand animals.

Mary Martin to Caroline Owen, 22 December 1848 (Item ff.133r—34v)

Bishop G.A. Selwyn; Sir George Grey; stand of W. Martin on questions concerning Maoris.

W. Martin (Auckland) to Owen, 30 January 1850 (Item ff.165r—67v)

Failure of Wakefield theory; high wages; St. John's College; travels of Bishop G.A. Selwyn in Melanesia; Owen's scientific publications.

W. Martin to Owen, 30 January 1850 (Item ff.168r-69r)

Recommends W. Davies for Fellowship of Royal College of Surgeons.

W. Martin to Owen, 19 October 1850 (Item ff.185r-87r)

Introduces D. Rough; kiwi.

W. Martin to Owen, 19 December 1850 (Item ff.191r-93v)

Sympathy on bereavement; introduces Archdeacon W. Williams.

Mary Martin to Owen, 27 May 1851 (Item ff.211r-13v)

Thanks for drawings; New Zealand landscape; St. John's College; Melanesian boys.

A. Roche (Quebec), 11 February 1853 (Item ff.280r-83v)

Proposed New Hebrides Association; seeks support of Church Missionary Society and Duke of Argyll for expedition to New Hebrides.

Mary Martin to Caroline Owen, 17 November 1856 (Item ff.326r-27v)

Impending visit to England; illness of W. Martin.

Part 2, 3 March 1858 - 30 June 1879 (File)

W. Martin (Bournemouth) to Owen, 3 March 1858 (Item ff.365r-66r)

Introduces Rev. C. Abraham from Auckland.

W. Martin (Auckland) to Owen, 25 February 1859 (Item ff.371r-72v)

Voyage to New Zealand; Rev. J.C. Patteson and Melanesian Mission; Martin's retirement allowance.

Lady Martin (Taurama) to Caroline Owen, 17 October 1861 (Item ff.400r-3v)

Maori War; return of Sir George Grey and recall of Governor T. Gore Browne; Layard; Church affairs.

Lady Martin to Caroline Owen, 8 August 1862 (Item ff.410r-12v)

Goldfield at Coromandel Harbour; food prices; achievements of Sir George Grey; Lady Grey.

Lady Martin to Caroline Owen, 12 June 1863 (Item ff.419r-22v)

Bishop J.C. Patteson and Melanesian Mission; wreck of H.M.S. Orpheus; Maori War; Waitori claim.

Sir William Martin to Owen, 1 July 1864 (Item ff.433r-34v)

Sends cuttings from Southern Cross; land sales; despatch of E. Cardwell.

Sir William Martin to Owen, 1 October 1866 (Item ff.451r-54v)

Introduces Staff Surgeon Mackinnon; charges against New Zealand Church; invites Owen to visit New Zealand.

Sir William Martin to Owen, 15 January 1869 (Item ff.484r-85v)

New Zealand troubles; departure of Bishop G.A. Selwyn.

Lady Martin to Caroline Owen, 7 January 1873 (Item ff.538r-40v)

W. Swainson; influence of Melanesian Mission; Bishop G.A. Selwyn; literary work of Sir William Martin; improvements in communications.

Lady Martin to Owen, 22 July 1873 (Item ff.543r-44v)

Death of Caroline Owen.

Sir William Martin to Owen, 22 October 1873 (Item ff.545r-46v)

Plans to visit England.

Lady Martin (Lichfield) to Owen, 2 July 1874 (Item ff.549r-50v)

Arrival in England.

Sir William Martin (Lichfield) to Owen, 31 August 1875 (Item ff.565r-57v)

Query on Hebrew word; Owen's scientific work.

Sir William Martin (Farnham) to Owen, 2 February 1876 (Item ff.558r-59v)

Misunderstanding about translation.

Sir William Martin (Torquay) to Owen, 30 June 1879 (Item ff.582r-85v)

Biography of Bishop G.A. Selwyn; research into organization of early Church; Sarah Selwyn.

Lady Martin (Torquay) to Owen Reading, 15 March [1881] (Item ff.593r-94v)

Fonds Add MSS 40108-40122. Papers of William Hone, Bookseller, 1836 - 1839

Filmed selectively.

Series Add MS 40120. Part 2 Correspondence, 1836 - 1839

G.F. Angas (Dawlish) to W. Hone, 15 March 1836 (Item ff.422r-23r)

Success in forming new company; criticism of South Australian Commissioners in Herald; plans to establish aboriginal mission in South Australia.

W. Hone to Rev. T. Binney, 5 April 1837 (Item ff.442r-43v)

Sends return on religious instruction in Australia; worthy conduct of Col. G. Arthur.

G.F. Angas to W. Hone, 9 April 1839 (Item ff.477r-78v)

Sends circular letter on persecution of Lutherans by Prussian Government and emigration of 600 Lutherans under Rev. A. Kavel.

Fonds Add MS 40166. Miscellaneous Letters and Papers, 22 April 1865

Filmed selectively.

Miner's right issued to Augusta Jane Wills, District of Crooked River, Victoria, 22 April 1865 (Item f.40r)

Fonds Add MSS 40862-40877. Papers of Lord Ripon, 1825 - 1832

Filmed selectively.

Series Add MS 40862. Correspondence, 1825 - 1832

Lord Melville to Robinson, 16 March 1825 (Item ff.127r-28v)

Pension for widow of G. Bass.

Sir Herbert Taylor to R. Hay, 13 July 1831 (Item ff.276r-77r)

Application of W. Windeyer for N.S.W. appointment; Windeyer held in high regard by King William IV.

W. Windeyer to Sir Herbert Taylor, 11 July 1831 (Item ff.278r-79v)

Seeks N.S.W. appointment.

R. Hay to Goderich, 4 January 1832 (Item ff.302r-9v)

Objections to despatches to Governors on financial matters being presented to Parliament; refers to Australian establishments.

Lord Howick to Goderich, 9 January 1832 (Item ff.310r-15v)

Colonial budgets; difficulty of avoiding undertaking to House of Commons.

Fonds Add MS 41063. Miscellaneous Manuscripts, 1 May 1822

Filmed selectively.

J. Adams (Pitcairn Island) to inhabitants of Calcutta, 1 May 1822 (Item ff.114r-15r)

Thanks for presents sent on ship Hercules. (very faint).

Fonds Add MS 41072. Letterbook of Lord Wellesley, 1834

Filmed selectively.

A. Montgomery (Dublin) to G.D. Wood, 18 September 1834 (Item f.43r)

Wellesley willing to subscribe to Wood's history of Van Diemen's Land.

Fonds Add MSS 41079-41085. Papers of H. Dundas and R. Dundas, 1805

Filmed selectively.

Series Add MS 41079. Letters of Sir Charles Middleton, 1805

Sir Charles Middleton to Melville, 1 March [1805] (Item ff.121r-23v)

Paper on construction of dockyard in East Indies; need for survey of timber resources of East Indies and for report on ability of Australia to produce real hemp.

Fonds Add MSS 41494-41496. Papers of Spencer G. Perceval, geologist and antiquary, 1862 - 1878

Filmed selectively.

Series Add MS 41495. Correspondence, 1862 - 1878

G. Pulman (Crewkerne) to [Perceval], 31 December 1876 (Item f.242r.)

Address of W.D. Glyde in Australia.

W.D. Glyde (Adelaide) to Perceval, 17 March 1877 (Item ff.274r-76r)

Details of flint found at Bere Chapel; tools of Australian and New Zealand natives.

W.D. Glyde to Perceval, 5 October 1877 (Item ff.308r-9v)

Thanks for photograph; details of spearhead; Australian museums; F.G. Waterhouse; Schomburgh.

Fonds Add MS 41567. Miscellaneous Letters and Papers, January 1834 - May 1834

Filmed selectively.

Correspondence of James Frampton, magistrate of Moreton, on prosecution of Dorsetshire labourers, January 1834 - May 1834 (Item ff.121r-84v)

The letters deal with the grounds for committal, the views of Lord Melbourne on the prosecution and the evils of trade unionism, the characters of the six men, and the oath administered to members of their society. Correspondents include Frampton, S. Phillipps (Home Office), Lord Digby, G. Portman, Lord Melbourne.

Fonds Add MSS 42069-42082. Papers of Sir William Hamilton and Charles F. Greville, 30 March 1803 - 30 March 1809

Filmed selectively.

Series Add MS 42071. Papers of C.F. Greville, 30 March 1803 - 30 March 1809

Part 1, 30 March 1803 - 25 September 1805 (File)
R. Brown (Timor) to Greville, 30 March 1803 (Item ff.103r-4v)

Decayed state of H.M.S. Investigator; survey of Gulf of Carpentaria; scurvy; disappointment at small number of minerals and plants discovered.

T. Parker to Greville, 5 August 1803 (Item ff.105r-v)

Directions concerning Botany Bay timber.

G. Humphrey to Greville, 25 September 1805 (Item ff.123r-45r)

Sends extracts from letter of son A. Humphrey at Port Phillip and Hobart on despatch of shells and rocks; D. Collins; Indigenous Australians; convicts; R. Brown; Capt. D. Woodriff; Port Dalrymple.

Part 2, 2 April 1808 - 30 March 1809 (File)
G. Evans (Pt. Jackson) to Greville, [1802] (Item ff.314r-15v)

Account of life since departure from Warwick; acquisition of farm in N.S.W.; Capt. W. Kent; seeks support for appointment as Deputy Commissary; sends view of Cape Pillar.

R. Townson (Sydney) to Greville, 2 April 1808 (Item ff.356r-57v)

Harsh reception by Capt. W. Bligh; deposition of Bligh; tyranny of J. Macarthur; need for civil governor; seeks appointment as Provost Marshal; uncertain whether to remain in N.S.W.

R. Townson to Greville, 30 March 1809 (Item ff.361r-62v)

Action by J. Macarthur against Townson for defamation; hopes Macarthur will not return to N.S.W.; J. Blaxland; need for upright Judge Advocate; seeks appointment in warm climate.

Fonds Add MSS 42572-42585. Papers collected by Charles D. Sherborn, 3 November 1848 - 10 March 1886

Filmed selectively.

Series Add MS 42579. Science, A-E

C. Darwin to S. Woodward, 29 [September 1843] (Item ff.228r-29v)

Proposed visit to Geological Society; wishes to see all fossiliferrous specimens from Van Diemen's Land.

Series Add MS 42580. Science, F-K, September 1866 - August 1886

Sir Julius von Haast to Carpenter, 10 March 1886 (Item ff.87r-88r)

Arrangements for meeting; opening of Exhibition.

F.W. Hutton (Auckland) to T.R. Jones, 9 August 1866 (Item ff.197r-98r)

Seeks support for appointment as Geologist for Province of Auckland.

Series Add MS 42581. Science L-Q, 10 February 1886

Sir Ferdinand von Mueller to Sir John [unknown], 10 February 1886 (Item ff.177r-78r)

Introduces Dr von Ledenfeld; his researches in Australia and New Zealand; suggests Royal Society establish medal for descriptive botany.

Series Add MS 42583. Politics, A-M, 3 November 1848 - 31 December 1860

Bishop C. Abraham to [R. Owen], 5 November 1858 (Item f.3r)

Offers to help find portions of moa for British Museum.

Sir William Denison to [R. Owen], 19 December 1860 (Item ff.80r-81r)

Introduces Sir Daniel Cooper; his interest in scientific research; specimens found on Darling Downs.

Sir George Grey (Auckland) to R. Owen, 3 November 1848 (Item ff.127r-28v)

Appointment for W. Mantell; destruction of collection of fossils and skeletons in fire.

W. Macarthur (Camden) to R. Owen, 13 July 1859 (Item ff.204r-7r)

Shipment of wine; search for specimens of platypus; progress of Sydney Museum.

Lady Martin (Auckland) to R. Owen, 24 February 1860 (Item ff.219r-20v)

Island boys brought to New Zealand by Bishop G.A. Selwyn; martyrs in New Hebrides.

Sir William Martin (Auckland) to R. Owen, 31 December 1860 (Item ff.221r-24v)

Antiquity of human species; publication of Taranaki Question; opposition to Government policy in General Assembly; ethnologists should visit New Zealand.

Series Add MS 42584. Politics, M-W, 27 March 1884

Sir Henry Parkes to Sir Richard Owen, 27 March 1884 (Item ff.48r-49v)

Lady Sophia Palmer wishes to meet Owen.

Fonds Add MS 42714. Memoirs of Lieut. John Elliott

Memoirs of Lieut. J. Elliott, mainly covering the years 1770-82, including Elliott's service as midshipman on H.M.S. Resolution in 1772-75...

Fonds Add MSS 42772-42846. Papers of George Rose, 10 April 1816

Filmed selectively.

Series Add MS 42774B. Papers, 10 April 1816

T. Rowcroft. Memorandum on New Holland, 10 April 1816 (Item ff.349v-56r)

Paper refers to history of settlement, importance of cultivation of flax, whale fishery; urges settlement of free settlers some distance from Sydney.

Fonds Add MS 42780A. Miscellaneous Papers

Memorandum on settlement at N.S.W., [c. 1808] (Item ff.143r-48v)

Paper refers to lack of regulations, seal fishery, wool, trepang, duties on articles imported from N.S.W. With notes by G. Rose.

Fonds Add MSS 43383-43392. Papers of John Bright, 1850 - 1878

Filmed selectively.

Series Add MS 43387. Letters of Lord Granville and Lord Clarendon, 31 May 1850 - January 1870

Lord Granville to Bright, 18 November 1869 (Item ff.24r-25r)

Claims of Hardcastle to colonial appointment; doubts whether accession to title will cause Lord Canterbury to return from Melbourne.

Lord Granville to Bright, December 1869-January 1870: transfer of R. Herbert from Board of Trade to Colonial Office. (3 letters) (Item ff.26r-30r)
Lord Clarendon (Dublin) to Bright, 31 May 1850 (Item ff.133r-36r)

Commutation of sentence of J. O'Grady; treatment of Irish convicts.

Series Add MS 43389. General Correspondence, 1858 - 1878

J.E. Denison to Bright, 14 April 1858 (Item ff.97r-98r)

Sends sample of cotton and letter of Sir William Denison in N.S.W.

Sir Henry Parkes (Sydney) to Bright, 15 August 1878 (Item ff.285r-36v)

Parkes' dissent from resolution congratulating Lord Beaconsfield on success at Berlin Conference; address of congratulations to leaders of Liberal Party.

Fonds Add MSS 43647-43678. Papers of Richard Cobden, 1836 - 1865

Filmed selectively.

Series Add MSS 43667-43671. General Correspondence, 1836 - 1865

Correspondence, 1836 - 1848 (File Add MS 43667)
R. Hill to Cobden, 16 May 1838 (Item ff.12r-13v)

Cobden's evidence to Postage Committee; Hill's work as Secretary of South Australian Commission.

Correspondence, 1849 - 1850 (File Add MS 43668)
Sir William Molesworth to Cobden, 23 January 1849 (Item ff.3r-6v)

Data collected on civil, military and naval expenditure incurred on account of colonies.

Sir William Molesworth (Paris) to Cobden, [January 1850] (Item ff.59r-63v)

Claim that Government intends complete change in colonial system; Lord Grey; ignorance of Parliament and Government of colonial affairs.

Cobden to C. Adderley, 29 November 1850 (Item ff.123r-24v)

Need for Colonial Reform Society to appeal to general feeling favouring reduction of public expenditure.

Correspondence, 1864 (File Add MS 43671)
C. Gavan Duffy (Melbourne) to Cobden, 24 April 1864 (Item ff.125r-26v)

Cobden's controversy with Times concerning misrepresentation of J. Bright.

Fonds Add MSS 43722-43723. Papers of Joseph Sturge, 1849 - 1859

Filmed selectively.

Series Add MS 43722. Correspondence with R. Cobden, 1849 - 1859

R. Cobden to Sturge, 19 November 1858 (Item ff.316r-18v)

Death of brother at Molong; inquires if Society of Friends at Sydney would act as agent.

R. Cobden to Sturge, n.d. (Item f.319r)

Inquires about S. Darton of Sydney.

Fonds Add MSS 44027-44054. Papers of Samuel Butler, 1841 - 1886

Filmed selectively.

Series Add MSS 44027- 44042. General Correspondence, 1841 - 1886

Correspondence, 1841 - 1873 (File Add MS 44027)
Correspondence between Butler (Cambridge, Christchurch) and his father, Rev. T. Butler, 1859 - 1865 (Item ff.91r-116r)

The letters deal with Butler's decision to emigrate to New Zealand, financial matters, and experiences as a sheep farmer. There are also letters to J. von Haast concerning Butler's return to England in 1865, plants, drawings, and the publication of J.W. Hooker. Flora of New Zealand.

C. Darwin to Butler, 6 October 1865 (Item f.121r)

Suggests he publish account of life in New Zealand.

Butler to J. von Haast, 14 November 1865 (Item ff.122r-23r)

Painting; von Haast's geological work. (copy).

Butler to J. von Haast, 25 July 1866 (Item ff.130r-32r)

Photograph of C. Darwin; Canterbury Museum; admiration of Prussia. (copy).

Butler to J. von Haast, 28 February 1867 (Item ff.137r-38r)

Painting; portraits. (copy).

T. Butler (Nottingham) to J. von Haast, 27 December 1867 (Item f.145r)

Thanks for offer of New Zealand plants. (copy).

Butler to J. von Haast, n.d.: von Haast's work on headwaters of Rakaia; portrait. (copy) (Item ff.146r-147r)
Butler to J. von Haast, 28 October 1868: thanks for plants for father; painting. (copy) (Item f.148r)
Butler to J. von Haast, 27 February 1873 (Item ff.227r-28r)

Declines to copy portrait of J. Cook; sends copy of Erewhon; literary but not financial success. (copy).

Butler to J. von Haast, 24 December 1873 (Item ff.304r-5r)

Painting; sends copy of Far Haven; visit of L. Darwin to New Zealand. (copy)

Correspondence, 1874 - 1880 (File Add MS 44028)
Butler to J. von Haast, 2 August 1874 (Item f.17r)

Return from America; returns list. (copy).

Butler to T. Butler, 4 November 1879 (Item ff.217r-36r)

Friendship with C. Pauli; his life in New Zealand; financial transactions.

Correspondence, 1884 - 1885 (File Add MS 44030)
A. Lean (Christchurch) to Butler, 12 September 1885 (Item ff.338r-41v)

Thanks for book; work as agent and architect; Christchurch Musical Society; musical taste.

Correspondence, 1886 (File Add MS 44031)
A. Lean (Christchurch) to Butler, 7 February 1886 (Item ff.13r-16v)

Music; J. von Haast; controversy about statue of W. Moorhouse.

Butler to sister May, 27 May 1886 (Item ff.68r-69r)

Family news; if Butler were young he would emigrate to New Zealand of Australia.

Sir Julius von Haast to Butler, 4 November 1886 (Item ff.161r-62r)

Invitation to dinner; acquisition of set of Butler's works by Christchurch Museum.

Fonds Add MSS 45030-45047. Papers of Earls of Hardwicke (supplement), 1801 - 1803

Filmed selectively.

Series Add MS 45031. Papers of 3rd Earl of Hardwicke, 1801 - 1803

C. Abbot (Dublin) to Judge L. Fox (Limerick), 25 July 1801 (Item ff.14r-15v)

Sends report of Judge Day on case of Sir Henry Hayes; Hardwicke directs sentence be commuted to transportation for life.

Judge R. Day to [C. Abbot], 21 July 1801 (Item ff.16r-18r)

Case of Sir Henry Hayes. (copy).

Judge L. Fox (Cork) to [C. Abbot], 18 August 1801 (Item ff.27r-28v)

Case of Sir Henry Hayes; suggest death sentence on T. Murphy be commuted to avoid creating impression of double standards of justice. (copy).

Lord Clare (Mt. Shannon) to Hardwicke, 26 August 1801 (Item ff.30r-31v)

Criticizes dictatorial directions given to Judge Fox by C. Abbot in Hayes case. (copy).

Hardwicke (Dublin) to Lord Clare, 28 August 1801 (Item ff.32r-33v)

Accepts responsibility for letter of C. Abbot; differences between cases of Sir Henry Hayes and T. Murphy.

Lord Clare to Hardwicke, 30 August 1801 (Item ff.34r-35v)

Case of N. Tandy; question of transportation for life; defends actions of Judge Fox in Hayes case.

Judge L. Fox to [C. Abbot], 2 September 1801 (Item ff.36r-37v)

Case of T. Murphy; in opinion of lower classes no difference in guilt between Murphy and Sir Henry Hayes.

Hardwicke to C. Abbot, 3 September 1801 (Item ff.38r-39v)

Not prepared to grant reprieve for T. Murphy.

Lord Kilwarden to Hardwicke, 15 September 1801 (Item ff.40r-41v)

Reasons for recommending sentence of transporation for life for Sir Henry Hayes.

Fonds Add MS 45918. Miscellaneous Letters, 1842

Filmed selectively.

C. Gavan Duffy to Griffin, n.d.: inquires whether Government has relaxed persecution of W.S. O'Brien (Item f.96r)

J. Stephen to J. Shaw Lefeure, 15 July 1842 (Item ff.269r-70r)

Despatch of statutes drawn up by T. Arnold and Dean of Ely to Van Diemen's Land.

Fonds Add MS 45982. Miscellaneous Letters and Papers, 1830

Filmed selectively.

J. Buffett (Pitcairn Island) to Capt. F. Beechey, 19 March 1830 (Item ff.87r-88v)

Thanks for tools, clothing and other articles supplied by H.M.S. Seringapatam; death of J. Adams; marriages; report of islands to the south.

Fonds Add MSS 45985-46118. Papers of Herbert Gladstone, 1883 - 1884

Filmed selectively.

Series Add MS 46050. General Correspondence, 1883 - 1884

Sir Arthur Gordon to H. Gladstone, 7 July 1883 (Item ff.94r-95r)

Sends book on Fijian experiences; refers to avoidance of Fijian War.

Fonds Add MS 46133. Log of H.M.S. Diamond (155ff), 22 March 1882 - 16 April 1884

Logbook, unsigned, of H.M.S. Diamond. While serving on Australian Station. Records visits to all Australian colonies, New Zealand, Fiji, New Hebrides, New Caledonia, Samoa, New Britain, New Guinea. Includes several maps and watercolours.

Fonds Add MSS 46219-46271. Papers of Mary Gladstone, 9 May 1854 - 20 June 1884

Filmed selectively.

Series Add MS 46227. Correspondence of Catherine Gladstone, 9 May 1854 - 21 March 1855

Bishop G.A. Selwyn (Richmond) to Catherine Gladstone, 9 May 1854 (Item ff.82r-83r)

Accepts dinner invitation; political burdens of W.E. Gladstone.

Bishop G.A. Selwyn (Ormskirk) to Catherine Gladstone, 27 September 1854 (Item ff.85r-86r)

Hopes W.E. Gladstone will join walking tour in Lake District or Snowdonia.

Bishop G.A. Selwyn (Brighton) to Catherine Gladstone, 21 March 1855 (Item ff.89r-v)

Directions to Richmond home.

Series Add MS 46243. Letters of Lord Halifax and Lord Stanmore, 1880 - 20 June 1884

Sir Arthur Gordon (Nasova, Wellington, Ascot, Colombo) to Mary Gladstone (5 letters), 1880 - 1883 (Item ff.105r-21v)

The letters refer to the British elections, Bishop J.R. Selwyn, support of Sir William Des Voeux for Gordon's native policy, possible retirement of W.E. Gladstone, family affairs, A. Tennyson, New Zealand interest in annexing Fiji, concern about future of Pacific.

Sir Arthur Gordon (Colombo) to Mary Gladstone, 24 April 1884 (Item ff.132r-36v)

Travels in Ceylon; Reform Bill; Egypt; Selwyn College conference; Bishop A. Barry of Sydney.

Sir Arthur Gordon to Mary Gladstone, 20 June 1884 (Item ff.137r-38y)

Australian governorships; Sir Henry Loch.

Series Add MS 46251. General Correspondence, 1870 - 1898

C. Lang (Auckland) to Mary Gladstone, 20 December 1870 (Item ff.3r-5r)

World travels; visit to Fiji.

Rev. H.P. Liddon to Mary Gladstone, 15 August 1882 (Item ff.91r-92v)

Request of Maori chiefs to be presented to Queen Victoria; neglect of Maoris by New Zealand Government.

[H. Cust] (Melbourne) to Mary Gladstone: Voyage, 1 September 1885 (Item ff.181r-88v)

Although described individually, this document was originally microfilmed with a page from another document. The last page of the document described can be found at the beginning of nla.obj-766046281.

Lady Loch (Melbourne) to Mary Gladstone, 1 September 1885 (Item ff.189r-93v)

Arrival of H. Cust; visit of M. Macmillan; British politics; wishes Lord Derby and Lord Granville would give up politics; Australian climate; enjoyment of viceregal life.

H. Cust (Wellington) to Mary Gladstone, December [1885] (Item ff.200r-3v)

Although described individually, this document was originally microfilmed with a page from another document. The last page of the document described can be found at the beginning of nla.obj-766046322...

H. Cust (Wellington) to Mary Gladstone, 26 February 1886 (Item ff.216r-17r)

Efforts to convert Cardinal and his bishops.

Fonds Add MS 46362. Miscellaneous Letters and Papers, 1841 - 1843

Filmed selectively.

Francis Halhead. Notes on economic conditions in interior of N.S.W., based on experiences in New England region, 1841 - 1843 (Item ff.102r-21v)

Includes references to labour, land purchases, selection of stock, stock diseases, and customs, skills, beliefs and languages of Indigenous Australians.

Fonds Add MSS 46414-46442. Papers of Alfred R. Wallace, 1848 - 1904

Filmed selectively.

Series Add MS 46434. Correspondence with C. Darwin and H. Spencer, 8 March 1868 - 9 January 1880

Wallace to C. Darwin, 8 March 1868 (Item f.130r)

Profusion of European alpine genera in Hawaii, will create dilemma when Darwin deals with geographical distribution.

C. Darwin to Wallace, 9 April [1868] (Item ff.131r-32v)

Suggests list of Hawaiian plants be shown to J.D. Hooker; Hawaii a source of perplexity; some plants have affinity with Australian plants.

C. Darwin to Wallace, 5 June 1876 (Item ff.259r-62r)

Admiration of book; does not believe there was tertiary Antarctic continent.

Wallace to C. Darwin, 7 June 1876 (Item f.263r)

Agrees there was no southern continent linking Australia with South America. (copy).

C. Darwin to Wallace, 17 June 1876 (Item ff.264r-67v)

Colonisation of plants and insects of New Zealand.

Wallace to C. Darwin, 9 January 1880 (Item ff.289r-91r)

Book on geographical distribution; believes he has accounted for peculiarities of New Zealand and Australian flora. (copy).

Series Add MSS 46435-46438. Correspondence on Scientific Subjects, 1848 - 1878

Subseries Add MS 46435. Correspondence
J. Motley to Wallace, 22 May 1862 (Item ff.2r-3v)

Insects collected in Borneo; skulls and skins of giant orang otang; reports of toad alligator in New Guinea.

Sir Charles Lyell to Wallace, 4 April 1867 (Item ff.37r-39v)

Straits of Lombok; speculation of C. Darwin that New Zealand was once united with Australia.

E.P. Wright to Wallace, 2 March 1870 (Item f.161r)

Proposed expedition to Solomon Islands.

G. Cerruti (Timor) to Wallace, 1 July 1870 (Item ff.187r-88v)

Tour of Celebes, Molui and western New Guinea; Wallace's observations of character and manners of natives; bird of paradise.

J.D. Hooker to Wallace, 26 November 1872 (Item ff.258r-59v)

F. von Mueller; difficulty of survival of Australian Alpines.

F. von Mueller (Melbourne) to Wallace, 28 February 1873 (Item ff.262r-63r)

Sends seeds; Australian Alpine plants; inquires about publications on New Guinea.

S. Scudder (Cambridge, Mass.) to Wallace, 14 May 1876 (Item ff.326r-29v)

Entomological fauna of Pacific Islands; information in United States limited to Hawaii, Caroline and Marshall Islands.

F.W. Hutton (Dunedin) to Wallace, 12 August 1876 (Item ff.345r-v)

Corrections to New Zealand references in Wallace's Geographical distribution of animals.

C. Pickering (New Hampshire) to Wallace, 16 August 1876 (Item ff.346r-47r)

Insects in Tahiti and Hawaii.

C. French (Melbourne) to Wallace, 13 April 1878 (Item ff.387r-88v)

Death of C. Allen in Borneo; Wallace's projected work on Australasia.

E. Atkinson (Circular Head, Tas.) to Wallace, 20 December 1878 (Item ff.431r-32v)

Thanks for beetles; forwards Tasmanian seeds and orchids; publication of Tropical nature.

Subseries Add MS 46436. Correspondence, 1879 - 1894
E. Atkinson (Circular Head) to Wallace, 5 May 1879 (Item ff.20r-21v)

Sends seed: and bulbs; requests photograph; query about fireweed found in dense forests.

E. Atkinson to Wallace, 13 January 1880 (Item ff.91r-92r)

Thanks for photograph; fireweed.

J.D. Hooker to Wallace, 2 August 1880 (Item ff.111r-12v)

Origins of Australian and New Zealand flora in New Caledonia and New Hebrides.

Wallace to W.B. Hemsley, 19 July 1886 (Item f.175r)

Seeks publications of Sir Ferdinand von Mueller.

Wallace to W.B. Hemsley, 26 August 1888 (Item f.190r)

Query about insular floras.

Wallace to W.B. Hemsley, 13 September 1888 (Item f.191r)

Flora of Australia and New Zealand.

Series Add MS 46439. Correspondence on Spiritualism, 6 February 1877

W. Christie (Dunedin) to Wallace, 6 February 1877 (Item ff.137r-38v)

Thanks for paper; seeds; Darwinian evolution and spiritual world; believes first humans were sudden creations born of spiritual power.

Series Add MS 46441. General Correspondence, 1853 - 1904

C. Wilson (Adelaide) to Wallace, 4 September 1878 - 5 September 1878 (Item ff.49r-51v)

Publication of letter of Wallace in South Australian Registrar; acclimatization of American butterfly in Australia; destruction caused by rabbits; experiments with telephone and phonograph; tramways; catalogue of plants in Adelaide Botanical Gardens.

C. Wilson to Wallace, 18 March 1881 (Item ff.57r-58v)

Congratulations on award of pension; visit to Melbourne Exhibition; Melbourne Botanical Gardens; public buildings.

Fonds Add MSS 46560-46682. Papers of Richard Bentley and Son, 1827 - 1909

Filmed selectively.

Series Add MSS 46611-46626. Agreements with Authors and Publishers, 1827 - 1888

Agreements, 1827 - 1833 (File Add MS 46611)
Agreement between Capt. F. Beechey and H. Colburn and R. Bentley concerning publication of Account of voyages in Polar Sea, 13 January 1830 (Item ff.71r-72v)
Minutes of interview between Capt. F. Beechey, H. Colburn and R. Bentley on voyage to Pacific, 27 November 1832 (Item f.325r)
Agreements, 1837 - 1840 (File Add MS 46613)
Agreement between J. Polack and R. Bentley concerning publication of A residence in New Zealand, 15 May 1838 (Item ff.89r-90v)
Agreements, 1840 - 1846 (File Add MS 46614)
Agreement between T.H. Brain and R. Bentley concerning publication of A history of New South Wales, 26 November 1845 (Item ff.298r-99v)
Agreements, 1851 - 1854 (File Add MS 46616)
Agreement between G. Mundy and R. Bentley concerning publication of Travels in New South Wales, 9 February 1852 (Item ff.95r-96v)
Agreement between J. Shaw and R. Bentley concerning publication of Brief notes of a ramble in Australia and New Zealand and a tramp to the diggings, 29 July 1852 (Item ff.152r-53v)
Agreement between F. Power and R. Bentley concerning publication of Sketches of travel in Spain, Morocco, Egypt, China, Australia and New Zealand, 26 January 1853 (Item ff.210r-11v)
Agreement between R.E. Malone and R. Bentley concerning publication of Three years in the Australian colonies, 15 May 1854 (Item ff.308r-v)
Agreements, 1854 - 1863 (File Add MS 46617)
Agreement between J. D'Ewes and R. Bentley concerning publication of China, Australia and the Pacific Islands in 1855-56, 2 April 1857 (Item ff.126r-27v)
J. D'Ewes to R. Bentley, n.d. (Item ff.128r-v)

Thanks for comments on manuscript.

Agreement between R. Polehampton and R. Bentley concerning publication of Roughing it in Australia, 31 January 1862 (Item ff.285r-v)
Agreement between W. Wills and R. Bentley concerning publication of Narrative of an exploring expedition to the Gulf of Carpentaria, 4 October 1862 (Item f.301r)
Agreement between Esther Jessop and R. Bentley concerning publication of Flindersland and Sturtland, October 1862 (Item f.303r-v)
Agreements, 1864 - 1875 (File Add MS 46618)
Agreement between H. Hume and R. Bentley concerning publication of The life of Edward John Eyre, 5 March 1867 (Item f.135r)
Agreements, 1875 - 1881 (File Add MS 46619)
Receipt by Ada Cross of ÂŁ50 from R. Bentley for copyright of In two years time, 6 November 1879 (Item f.191r)
Agreement between C. Praed and R. Bentley and Son for transfer of copyright Longleat of Kooralbyn by Mrs Campbell Praed, 31 January 1881 (Item ff.286r-87v)
Agreements, 1881 - 1883 (File Add MS 46620)
Agreement between Kemsley and Elkington and R. Bentley concerning publication of Count Netherleigh by Mrs Henry Wood in Melbourne newspaper Evening World, 29 August 1881 (Item ff.90r-91r)
J. Woolcott (Melbourne) to Bentley and Co, 4 October 1881 (Item ff.95v-96r)

Death of Marcus Clarke; seeks information on his business relations with Bentley's; possible publication of memorial volume.

H. Mackinnon (Melbourne) to R. Bentley and Son, 9 February 1882 (Item ff.97r-v)

Although described individually, this document was originally microfilmed with a page from another document. The last page of the document described can be found at the beginning of nla.obj-766047626...

R. Bentley and Son to H. Mackinnon, 19 April 1882 (Item ff.98r-v)

M. Clarke memorial volume; Clarke little known in England. (extract)

Correspondence between Mrs M. Clarke and H. Mackinnon concerning profits of For the term of his natural life (extracts), 1883 - 1884 (Item ff.99r-100r)
H. Mackinnon to R. Bentley and Son, 12 May 1887 (Item f.101r)

Inquires about whereabouts of Fendslow.

R. Bentley and Son to Mrs G.F. Cross (Coleraine, Victoria), 28 November 1881 (Item ff.117r-18r)

Publication of A mere chance.

Agreement between Mrs G.F Cross and R. Bentley and Son concerning publication of A mere chance, 21 June 1882 (Item f.189r)
Mrs G.F. Cross to R. Bentley and Son, 6 May 1882 (Item ff.190r-v)

Publication of A mere chance; reviews; sends story 'A girl's ideal'.

Agreement between Elizabeth Johnes (Dolaucothy, N.S.W.) and R. Bentley and Son concerning publication of Letters to a friend, 21 August 1882 (Item f.224r)
Agreement between G. Street and Co. and R. Bentley and Son concerning publication of Miss Watson's victims by Mrs Broughton in Melbourne Age, 9 October 1882 (Item f.237r)
Agreements, 1883 - 1885 (File Add MS 46621)
G. Street and Co. to G. Bentley, 18 April 1883 (Item ff.38r-40r)

Agreement with Melbourne Age for publication of story 'Transplanted'.

T. Townsend to R. Bentley and Son, 29 August 1884 (Item ff.248v-49r)

Arrangements for publication in Australasian of story by Annie Hector.

T. Townsend to R. Bentley and Son, 6 October 1884 (Item ff.250v-51v)

Publication in Australasian of 'A second life'.

R.M. Praed to [G. Bentley], 23 December 1884 (Item ff.292r-v)

Terms of agreement of publication of Affinities.

Agreement between Mrs R.M. Praed and R. Bentley and Son concerning publication of Affinities, 20 December 1884 (Item f.293r)
Agreement between B.F. von Tauchnitz (Leipzig) and R. Bentley and Son concerning publication of Affinities by Mrs Campbell Praed, 8 April 1885 (Item ff.325r-v)
Agreement between Clara E. Cheeseman (Auckland) and R. Bentley and Son concerning publication of The bitter before the sweet, 8 April 1885 (Item f.327r)
T. Cheeseman (Auckland) to R. Bentley and Son, 8 April 1885 (Item ff.328r-v)

Terms of agreement; proof sheets.

Agreements, 1885 - 1888 (File Add MS 46622)
H. Mackinnon (Melbourne) to R. Bentley and Son, 8 December 1885 (Item ff.77r-78r)

Although described individually, this document was originally microfilmed with a page from another document. The last page of the document described can be found at the beginning of nla.obj-766048009...

Mackinnon and Co. (Melbourne) to R. Bentley and Son, 23 April 1886 (Item ff.79r-v)

Requests all correspondence on works of M. Clarke be directed to H. Mackinnon.

Agreement between Mrs Campbell Praed and R. Bentley and Son concerning publication of Miss Jacobsen's chance, 15 May 1886 (Item f.115r)
A. Nicols (Watford) to R. Bentley and Son, 14 December 1886 (Item ff.183r-v)

Although described individually, this document was originally microfilmed with a page from another document. The last page of the document described can be found at the beginning of nla.obj-766048067...

Agreement between A. Nicols and R. Bentley and Son concerning publication of Roughing it in the Australian bush (Item f.184r)
Agreement between W.B. Churchward and R. Bentley and Son concerning publication of My Consulate in Samoa, 22 February 1887 (Item f.207r)

Series Add MSS 46639-46648. Letterbooks, 1830 - 1892

Letterbooks, 1830 - 1839 (File Add MS 46640)
Capt. F. Beechey, 11 December 1830 (Item ff.29r-v)

Publication of narrative of voyage to Pacific.

Capt. F. Beechey, 22 March 1831 (Item f.44r)

Publication of Pacific voyage.

Capt. F. Beechey, 25 March 1831 (Item f.45v)

Publication of Pacific voyage.

Capt. F. Beechey, 16 June 1831 (Item f.55r)

Although described individually, this document was originally microfilmed with a page from another document. The last page of the document described can be found at the beginning of nla.obj-766048222...

Capt. F. Beechey, 23 June 1831 (Item ff.55v-56r)

Publication of Pacific voyage.

Capt. F. Beechey, 12 August 1831 (Item f.60r)

Publication of Pacific voyage.

Capt. F. Beechey, 16 August 1831 (Item f.60v)

Publication of Pacific voyage.

Capt. F. Beechey, 19 September 1831 (Item f.65v)

Publication of Pacific voyage.

Letterbooks, 1849 - 1854 (File Add MS 46641)
G. Mundy, 20 January 1852 (Item f.197v)

Interest in Our Antipodes.

G. Mundy, 12 October 1852 (Item f.254v)

Publication of Our Antipodes.

G. Mundy, 30 October 1852 (Item f.263r)

Publication of Our Antipodes.

Letterbooks, 1854 - 1864 (File Add MS 46642)
Waugh and Cox (Sydney) Terms, 3 April 1854 (Item f.30r)
Royal Society (Melbourne), 27 January 1862 (Item f.237r)

Interest in publishing account of Burke and Wills expedition.

Letterbooks, 1864 - 1876 (File Add MS 46643)
W. Robertson (Melbourne), 26 March 1866 (Item f.64v)

Offer concerning Guy Deverell and Lady Flavia.

Letterbooks, 1876 - 1884 (File Add MS 46644)
R.H. Horne, 14 August 1876 (Item ff.1r-v)

Need for safeguards concerning proposed novel.

S. Mullen (Melbourne), 15 August 1877 (Item ff.46v-47r)

Supply of Bentley's publications in Melbourne.

C. Clarke, 15 December 1877 (Item f.60v)

Australian rights of Cherry Ripe to be sold to Robertson.

E.A. Petherick, 31 December 1878 (Item f.114v)

Division of profits on work of J. Thomas on New Caledonia.

J. Skerry, 11 December 1879 (Item f.159v)

Poor sales of For the term of his natural life.

S. Mullen Closure of account, 27 May 1880 (Item f.191v)
E.A. Petherick, 16 July 1880 (Item ff.199v-202r)

Infringement of Imperial copyright in New Zealand.

E.A. Petherick, 16 July 1880 (Item f.203r)

Infringement of Imperial copyright in New Zealand.

E.A. Petherick, n.d. (Item f.220r)

Price of Coral lands.

M. Clarke (Melbourne), 18 November 1880 (Item f.221r)

Offer of ÂŁ50 for work.

E.A. Petherick, 28 April 1881 (Item f.258r)

Publication of Policy and passion.

E.A. Petherick Supply of books, 2 May 1881 (Item f.259v)
S. Mullen, 21 July 1881 (Item f.271r)

Forwarding of books to Melbourne.

J.S. Woolcott (Melbourne), 2 December 1881 (Item ff.296r-v)

Death of M. Clarke; history of Bentley's association with Clarke.

H. Mackinnon (Melbourne), 19 April 1882 (Item f.314v)

M. Clarke memorial volume. (extract).

G. Mullen, 21 June 1882 (Item f.323v)

Payment of invoice.

J. Moore (Sydney), 4 November 1882 (Item ff.351r-v)

Supply of Bentley's books.

H. Mackinnon, 29 March 1883 (Item f.389r)

Small English market for For the term of his natural life.

Whitcomb and Tombs (Auckland) Supply of books, 22 December 1883 (Item f.424r)
H. Mackinnon, 24 June 1884 (Item f.452r)

Proposed cheap edition of For the term of his natural life.

T. Townsend (Melbourne), 10 October 1884 (Item f.466r)

Delay in publication of novel.

Letterbooks, 1885 - 1892 (File Add MS 46645)
H. Mackinnon (Melbourne), 13 February 1885 (Item ff.49v-50r)

Issue of cheap edition of For the term of his natural life.

T. Cheeseman (Auckland), 18 February 1885 (Item ff.50r-51r)

Publication of The bitter before the sweet by Clara Cheeseman.

Macnaughton and Varley (Grafton), 16 March 1885 (Item f.55r)

Request to publish For the term of his natural life in Grafton Examiner.

A.H. Massina and Co (Melbourne), 1 April 1885 (Item ff.57v-58r)

Requests explanation concerning publication of story in Australian Journal.

S. Mullen (Melbourne) Requests payment, 2 May 1885 (Item f.61v)
H. Mackinnon, 3 October 1885 (Item f.79v)

Publication of new edition of For the term of his natural life.

S. Low and Co, 15 October 1885 (Item f.80v)

New edition of For the term of his natural life.

Series Add MSS 46649-46655. Correspondence on Literary Matters, 1829 - 1909

Correspondence, May 1852 (File Add MS 46652)
G.C. Mundy to R. Bentley, 10 May 1852 (Item f.150r)

Receipt of two promissory notes relating to publication of Our Antipodes.

Correspondence, March 1876 (File Add MS 46655)
Jackson and Russell (Auckland) to R. Bentley and Son, March 1876 (Item ff.69r-73v)

Publication of new edition of F.E. Maning. Old New Zealand and The war in the north; Creighton and Scales hold no rights; sends New Zealand reviews.

Series Add MS 46663. Non-Literary Correspondence and Accounts, 1872

W. Robertson (Melbourne) to G. Bentley, 6 December 1872 (Item ff.49r-50r)

Purchase of books published by Bentley; G. Robertson; requests books be supplied on credit.

Fonds Add MSS 46712-46715. Papers of George F. Young, 1842 - 1846

Filmed selectively.

Series Add MS 46715c. Letterbook of G.F. Young, 1842 - 1846

Young to Capt. A. Wakefield, 13 November 1842 (Item ff.1v-3r)

Although described individually, this document was originally microfilmed with a page from another document. The last page of the document described can be found at the beginning of nla.obj-766049282...

Young to J. Fulham, 13 November 1842 (Item ff.3r-4r)

Fulham's arrival in New Zealand; Col. W. Wakefield; Young's property interests in New Zealand.

Young to H. Hill, 13 November 1842 (Item ff.4v-5v)

Acknowledges letter; New Zealand investments.

Young to Directors, New Zealand Company, March 11 (Item ff.12r-v)

Thanks for sympathy on death of son.

Young to J. Fulham (Wellington), 22 March 1846 (Item ff.22v-24r)

Continued interest in New Zealand; increase in salary from New Zealand Company; follies of Capt. R. FitzRoy; Lord Stanley and W.E. Gladstone; property in New Zealand.

Fonds Add MS 46868. Papers of Sir John Franklin, 25 August 1840

Filmed selectively.

Sir Thomas Briggs (Cheltenham) to Franklin, 25 August 1840 (Item ff.49r-50r)

Introduces nephew T. Verran emigrating to Australia; hopes of being appointed to Pacific or East Indies Command; rumour that Franklin will soon return to England.

Fonds Add MSS 47222-47235. Papers of Sir John Hobhouse, Baron Broughton, 1847 - 1849

Filmed selectively.

Series Add MSS 47226-47229. General Correspondence, 1847 - 1849

Correspondence, 1847 (File Add MS 47228)
Lord Grey to Hobhouse, 11 June 1847 (Item 194r-95v)

Undertakes to write to Sir William Denison to help J. Eardley Wilmot.

Correspondence, 1849 (File Add MS 47229)
Lord Clarendon (Dublin) to Hobhouse, 12 November 1849 (Item 26r-29v)

Irish Chancellor recommends J. Jephcott for cost of Recorder of Penang.

Lord Clarendon to Hobhouse, 17 November 1849 (Item 30r-33v)

Commendable behaviour of J. Jephcott in relinquishing appointment as Judge at Port Phillip; willingness to accept Penang appointment.

Fonds Add MSS 47444-47445. Manuscripts of Richard H. Horne, 1865 - 1868

Filmed selectively.

Series Add MS 47444. Manuscripts: Theorem on Immortality...

R.H. Horne. Manuscript entitled 'Theorem on Immortality, being the earnest efforts of a thinker to find reasonable grounds for the belief.'...

Series Add MS 47445. Manuscripts

R.H. Horne. Manuscript of poem entitled 'Ancient idols' (1842), with annotations by Horne (251ff), 1868 (Item)
Manuscript of lecture on insane kings and other mad characters of history, c. 1860 (Item)
Letters of E. Partridge, E. Armstrong (Melbourne) and A.P. Martin concerning manuscript (Item)
Manuscript of a poem entitled 'Cleanthes (B.C. 220)', 1865 (Item)

Fonds Add MSS 47559-47601. Papers of Charles J. Fox, 1784 - 1802

Filmed selectively.

Series Add MSS 47568-47569. General Correspondence, 1784 - 1802

Correspondence, 1784 (File Add MS 47568)
J. Matra to Fox, 7 August 1784 (Item ff.240r-46v)

Sends proposal for establishing a settlement in N.S.W...

Correspondence, 1794 - 1802 (File Add MS 47569)
T.F. Palmer to [unknown], 8 March 1794 (Item ff.34r-35r)

Calumny in speech of W. Whitbread; crowded state of Surprize; reports of agricultural produce in N.S.W.; everything conducted by barter.

Note on treatment of Scottish political exiles on Surprize (Item ff.36r-v)
[J. Bentham] Premunires incurred and impeachable offences committed by W. Pitt, Duke of Portland etc. in relation to N.S.W.; statements extracted from letter, 3 September 1802 (Item ff.129r-30v)

Fonds Add MSS 47768-47772. Papers of Sir John Franklin, 1836 - 1837

Filmed selectively.

Series Add MS 47768. Letters of G.W. Crowe and J.C. Robinson, 1836 - 1837

G. Crowe (Patras) to Franklin, 2 June 1836 (Item ff.103r-4v)

Congratulations on Van Diemen's Land appointment; Greek affairs; J.Gregory, Treasurer at Hobart.

G. Crowe to Franklin, 30 June 1836 (Item ff.105r-7v)

Franklin's preparations for departure; Greek affairs; J. Thomas, Tasmanian landholder; Dobson, Tasmanian surveyor.

G. Crowe to Franklin, 1 October 1836 (Item ff.108r-11v)

Although described individually, this document was originally microfilmed with a page from another document. The last page of the document described can be found at the beginning of nla.obj-766049942...

G. Crowe to Franklin, 26 April 1837 (Item ff.112r-15v)

Greek affairs; accession of Queen Victoria; best wishes for Van Diemen's Land; J. Gregory.

Fonds Add MSS 48417-48589. Papers of Lord Palmerston, 1830 - 1850

Filmed selectively.

Series Add MSS 48444-48577. Foreign Office letterbooks, 1836 - 1850

To France, 1839 - 1840 (File Add MS 48507)
Palmerston to Lord Granville (Paris), 25 January 1839 (Item ff.76r-v)

Assumption of title of Sovereign Chief of New Zealand by de Thierry; need to explain to Count Mole nature of connection between Britain and New Zealand. (synopsis)

Palmerston to Lord Granville, 19 July 1839 (Item ff.108r-v)

Arrangement for repayment of loan advanced by Van Diemen's Land Commissariat to captain of L'Artemise.

Palmerston to Lord Granville, 14 February 1840 (Item ff.151v-52r)

Arrival of French missionaries in Marquesas Islands; rivalry between Roman Catholic and Protestant missionaries; French missionaries should move to Islands where natives are ignorant of Christianity.

To France, 1840 - 1841 (File Add MS 48508)
Palmerston to Lord Granville, 23 June 1840 (Item ff.3r-v)

Departure of French vessel Comte de Paris to form settlement in New Zealand.

Palmerston to Lord Granville, 23 June 1840 (Item ff.3v-4v)

Danger likely to result from establishment of French penal settlement in New Zealand.

Palmerston to H. Bulwer, 20 July 1840 (Item ff.9r-v)

Cost of returning F. Bonsier, a lunatic, from N.S.W. to France.

Palmerston to H. Bulwer, 20 July 1840 (Item ff.9v-10r)

Advance made to Capt. d'Urville of Astrolabe by Commissariat at Hobart.

Palmerston to Lord Granville, 26 March 1841 (Item f.51v)

Conveyance of French subject from N.S.W. to France. (synopsis).

From France, 1840 (File Add MS 48511)
Lord Granville (Paris) to Palmerston, 17 February 1840 (Item ff.138v-39r)

Discussion with Marshal Soult about missionary activities in Pacific.

To Holland, 1836 (File Add MS 48520)
Palmerston to Sir Edward Disbrowe, 15 November 1836 (Item ff.44r-v)

Appointment of British consuls in Dutch East Indies; possibility of Dutch consuls in N.S.W. and Van Diemen's Land.

United States, 1847 (File Add MS 48547)
Palmerston to R. Pakenham, 27 February 1847 (Item f.36v)

Denial by Governor G. Grey that United States Consul in New Zealand had incited natives at Bay of Islands against Government. (synopsis).

United States, 1850 (File Add MS 48548)
Sir Henry Bulwer (Washington) to Palmerston, 9 June 1850 (Item f.129v)

Visit of Dr Judd from Sandwich Islands; need for United States to unite with Britain to bring about agreement with France concerning Islands.

From France, 1846 - 1847 (File Add MS 48556)
Lord Cowley (Paris) to Palmerston, 13 July 1846 (Item f.2r)

Independance of Society Islands; Capt. C. Lavaud to succeed Capt. A.J. Bruat at Tahiti. (synopsis)

Lord Cowley to Palmerston, 14 August 1846 (Item f.5r)

Declaration of independence of Society Islands. (synopsis).

Lord Normanby (Paris) to Palmerston, 20 September 1847 (Item f.66r)

Proclamation issued by French officer at Bora Bora, Tahiti. (synopsis).

To France, 1848 - 1849 (File Add MS 48557)
Palmerston to Lord Normanby, 23 May 1848 (Item f.30v)

Extension of French protectorate over Paumotu Islands as dependencies of Tahiti.

Palmerston to Lord Normanby, 23 July 1849 (Item f.156r)

Reimbursement of N.S.W. Government for conveyance of French lunatic from New Zealand to France.

Palmerston to Lord Normanby, 24 August 1849 (Item f.163r)

Measures adopted by Governor of Tahiti to restrict activities of British missionaries.

Fonds Add MSS 48599-48699. Papers of Sir Edward Hamilton, 12 December 1876 - 9 April 1888

Filmed selectively.

Series Add MS 48607B. Correspondence with W.E. Gladstone, 20 December 1883

Hamilton to W.E. Gladstone, 20 December 1883 (Item ff.203r-4v)

Refers to visit of Lord Rosebery to Australia.

Series Add MS 48612A. Correspondence with Lord Rosebery, 13 December 1883 - 9 April 1888

Lord Rosebery (Melbourne) to Hamilton, 13 December 1883 (Item ff.44r-45v)

Journey across Pacific; Intercolonial Convention in Sydney; plans for return; European news.

Lord Rosebery to Hamilton, 25 December 1884 (Item ff.65r-v)

Unhappiness about New Guinea and Pacific business; Count O. Bismarck; fears mortal wound to connection with Australia.

Lord Rosebery to Hamilton, 28 December 1884 (Item ff.66r-v)

Offer of Governorship of Victoria to Lord Reay.

Lord Rosebery to Hamilton, 31 December 1884 (Item ff.67r-v)

Lack of confidence in colonial administration; German annexation of New Guinea.

Lord Rosebery (Naples) to Hamilton, 9 April 1888 (Item ff.108r-9v)

Embarrassment caused by return of Hamilton's brother from Australia; visit to Naples.

Series Add MS 48614. Correspondence with H.H. Asquith and Sir Charles Dilke

Sir Charles Dilke to Hamilton, [1884]-09-29 (Item f.174r)

Unsuitability of C. Lloyd for post in Sydney Mint.

Series Add MS 48618. Correspondence with J. Morley and W.W. Phipps, 12 December 1876

W.W. Phipps to Hamilton, 12 December 1876 (Item ff.175r-78v)

Emigration of friend to Australia; peculiar charms of Australia.

Series Add MS 48624A. General Correspondence, 1884

Sir Robert Herbert to Hamilton, 29 November 1884 (Item ff.198r-v)

Believes Lord Lorne is to be appointed Governor of N.S.W.

Series Add MS 48624B. General Correspondence, 1885

Lord Carrington to Hamilton, 9 January 1885 (Item ff.1r-2v)

Lord Lorne declines to accept Governorship of N.S.W.; social events; Prince Edward.

R. Antrobus to Hamilton, 7 February 1885 (Item ff.12r-13v)

Governorship of N.S.W.; believes it was settled at Windsor that Lord Lorne should be appointed.

Lord Carrington to Hamilton, 4 March 1885 (Item ff.31v-32r)

Appointment as Governor of N.S.W.

Fonds Add MSS 49086-49172. Napier Family Papers, 1834 - 1837

Filmed selectively.

Series Add MSS 49105-49147. Papers of Sir Charles Napier, 1834 - 1837

Subseries Add MSS 49112-49117. General Correspondence, 1834 - 1835
Correspondence, 1834 - 1835 (File Add MS 49114)
Napier to Lord Glenelg, 21 May 1835 (Item ff.103r-5v)

Sends copy of letter to South Australian Commissioners; question of troops and finance must be resolved for Napier to accept Governorship. (draft).

R. Hill to Napier, 22 May 1835 (Item ff.107r-8v)

Acknowledges letter; Commissioners believe colony should follow self-supporting principles so successful in North America. (poor condition).

Lord Glenelg to Napier, 22 May 1835 (Item ff.109r-110v)

Government not prepared to make concessions on question of troops and money. (poor condition)

Napier to Lord Glenelg, n.d. (Item ff.111r-v)

Declines Governorship of South Australia (poor quality).

Correspondence concerning South Australia, May 1835 - June 1835 (Item ff.112-14)

Extreme deterioration.

Subseries Add MSS 49120-49131. Letterbooks, 1835 - 1837
Letterbooks, 1835 (File Add MS 49127)
Napier (Caen) to J. Reddie, 30 August 1835 (Item ff.22v-24v)

Although described individually, this document was originally microfilmed with a page from another document. The last page of the document described can be found at the beginning of nla.obj-766051166...

Napier to Lady Bunbury, 27 July 1835 (Item ff.25r-32r)

Argument about political economy; colonization of South Australia and question of payment of labour in first three years; advantages of small farms.

Letterbooks, 1836 - 1837 (File Add MS 49128)
Napier (Caen) to L. Stanhope, 26 February 1836 (Item ff.1r-2v)

Error in review of Napier's book in London Review; hopes it will be corrected.

Napier to L. Stanhope, 12 March 1836 (Item ff.3r-4v)

Thanks for correction to review; references to small farms in Colonisation; erroneous statements of E.G. Wakefield, especially regarding farms in Normandy.

Napier to Jones, 28 April 1837 (Item ff.22r-25r)

J. Harrison; refers to letter from W. Light; believes South Australian troubles will start in 1838; Light should explore western coast of Spencer Gulf; Port Lincoln site for capital.

Book of memoranda, c.1835 (File Add MS 49141)
Memorandum of things to take to Australia, c. 1835 (Item f.9v)

Fonds Add MSS 49173-49195. Papers of Spencer Perceval, 1863 - 1873

Filmed selectively.

Series Add MS 49195. Correspondence of Perceval Family, 1863 - 1873

New Zealand Gazette, 31 October 1863 (Item ff.88r-89v)

Refers to death of Lieut. Perceval at Makau.

M. Irving (Melbourne) to Mrs Perceval, 26 November 1863 (Item ff.90r-91v)

Sympathy on death of son in New Zealand.

J. Dunne (Camp Drury) to M. Irving, [1863] (Item ff.92r-93r)

Death of Lieut. Perceval.

Newspaper cutting describing fighting at Mauku (Item f.94r)
C. Perceval (Nelson) to C. Perceval, 28 July 1873 (Item ff.102r-v)

Bequest of Mrs Augusta Perceval to his two sons.

Fonds Eg MS 902. Navegaciones antiguas y modernas, descubrimientos, y diarios de viages curiosos de viages hechos a la Mar del Sur, y otras partes incognitas del globo en America (transcribed 1771)

Filmed selectively.

Navegaciones de Fernando de Quiros, y descubrimientos en el Mar del Sur (Item ff.1r-24v)

Fonds Eg MS 1816. Viages y descubrimientos, collected by D. Martin Fernandez de Navarette, 1605 - 1794

Filmed selectively.

Relacion verdadera del viage y suceso que hizo el capitan Pedro Fernandez de Quiros a la tierra Austral incognito, 1605 (Item ff.135r-57r)

Nota de Pablo Carrion que fue en la armada que descubrio el ano de 1544 la Nueva-Guinea (Item f.163r)

Relacion muy particular dada al capitan Francisco de Caceres por un indio Ilamado Chepo, de las islas de Salomon (Item ff.223r-24r)

Parecer del Maestro Fray Ygnacio Munoz sobre la manutencion y extension de la fe en la cordillera de las islas Marianas y sus confinantes, y sobre el descubrimiento y conquista de las islas Australes de Salomon (Item ff.225r-27v)

Noticia sumaria del viage que hizieron las corbetas de S.M.C. [Carlos IV] la Descubierta y Atrevida al mando de Don Alexandro Malaspina en los anos de, 1789 - 1794 (Item ff.293r-96v)

Fonds Eg MS 2407. Letters of German statesmen, poets and professional men, 1541 - 1847

Filmed selectively.

G. Forster (Vilna) to G. Heyne (Gottingen), 7 September 1786 (Item ff.58r-59v)

J.R. Forster to U. Blossgaboscen, 27 January 1791 (Item ff.63r-64v)

A. Kotzebue (Jena) to [unknown], 14 January 1797 (Item f.103r)

Engraving of A. Kotzebue (Item f.104r)

Baron A. von Humboldt (Berlin) to Prof. Boguslawski (Breslau), 10 November 1839 (Item ff.178r-79v)

Engraving of Baron A. von Humboldt (Item f.184r)

Fonds Eg MS 2851. Manuscripts, 1796 - 1856

Filmed selectively.

A. Menzies to [unknown], 14 October 1796 (Item ff.10r-11v)

Ferns collected on voyage of G. Vancouver.

R. Brown to [unknown], 20 May 1815 (Item ff.14r-15v)

Sends list of desiderata of Australian plants; distribution of his book in England.

A. Cunningham. List of Australian plants sent to Prof. De Candolle, August 1834 (Item ff.26r-27v)

Although described individually, this document was originally microfilmed with a page from another document. The last page of the document described can be found at the beginning of nla.obj-766051829.

A.B. Lambert to P.B. Webb (Paris), 9 May 1837 (Item ff.33r-34v)

Thanks for introduction to Capt. Dumont d'Urville; arrangement of New Holland plants.

W. Macarthur (Paris) to P.B. Webb, 25 December 1855 (Item ff.163r-v)

Preparation of specimens for N.S.W. section of Paris Exhibition; arrangements for meeting.

D. Moore (Dublin) to Weddell, 20 May 1856 (Item ff.167r-68r)

Sends plant obtained from brother in Sydney.

Fonds Eg MS 3291A-D. Papers of Lord Welby, 1853 - 1888

Filmed selectively.

Series Eg MS 3291C. Papers, 1853 - 1888

F. Peel. Returns of gross revenue and disbursements of colonies (printed), 12 August 1853 (Item ff.1r-5v)
F. Peel. Return of number of troops employed in colonies in 1851-53 (printed), 13 February 1854 (Item ff.6r-9v)
Further correspondence relating to defence of colonial possessions and garrisons abroad (printed), 1884 (Item ff.10r-12r)
Correspondence and papers concerning Australian naval defence and 1888 Imperial Defence Bill, 1885 - 1888 (Item ff.13r-69v)

Correspondents include S.W. Griffith (Brisbane), Lord George Hamilton, H. Jenkyns and E. Hamilton.

Fonds Eg MSS 3672-3675. Papers of Elizabeth Fry, 1814 - 1838

Filmed selectively.

Series Eg MS 3673A. Correspondence from 1814 to 1825

Paper on work of Fry for female convicts on ships sailing to N.S.W. in 1818 (Item ff.136r-38v)
E. Fry to [unknown], n.d. (Item ff.139r-41v)

Letter from Van Diemen's Land; breakdown of communication with Lord Sidmouth; instruction of convicts on ships. (draft)

Series Eg MS 3674. Correspondence, 1829

W. Parry to Fry, 25 June 1829 (Item ff.114r-15v)

Thanks for letter from Elizabeth Darling.

W. Parry to Fry, 29 June 1829 (Item ff.116r-17v)

Thanks for letter from Atkinson on female population of N.S.W.; impending departure for N.S.W.

W. Parry to Fry, 13 July 1829 (Item ff.120r-21v)

Farewell on leaving England.

W. and I. Parry (Plymouth) to Fry, 20 July 1829 (Item ff.122r-23r)

Thanks for books.

Series Eg MS 3675. Correspondence, 1838

Sir George Grey to Fry, 30 June 1838 (Item ff.91r-92r)

Appointment of super-intendant of Female Factory at Parramatta; sends despatch from Sir George Gipps on disagreement between Mrs Leach and Clapham on voyage to N.S.W.

Fonds Hargrave MS 494. Hargrave, 28 March 1791

Filmed selectively.

F. Russell (India Board), 28 March 1791 (Item ff.66r-102r)

A brief review of such parts of the charters and Acts of Parliament for the erection and continuation of the East India Company, South Sea Company and Hudson's Bay Company as relate to the southern whale fishery, together with an abstract of two Acts of 26th and 28th George III for encouragement of that fishery, with heads of a Bill for opening trade through South Seas (copy).

Fonds Stowe MS 794. Stowe, 28 May 1793 - 11 September 1793

Log of Chesterfield, commanded by M. Ball, on a voyage from Norfolk Island to Timor via Bampton Strait and Ats Passage, 28 May 1793 - 11 September 1793 (Item ff.1r-28r)
