Guide to the Records of the Bryant and May Archives (as filmed by the AJCP)



National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

Created: 2018

Online Items

Series D/B/BRY/1/1. Bryant and May Partnership

Filmed selectively.

Sydney International Exhibition 1879. Certificate of award to Bryant and May for patent safety matches and wax vestas. 17"×20" (File D/B/BRY/1/1/30)

Melbourne International Exhibition 1880-1881. 1st order of merit, Silver Medal for decorated tin ware. 23"×20" (File D/B/BRY/1/1/31)

Series D/B/BRY/1/2. Bryant & May Ltd

Filmed selectively.

Subseries D/B/BRY/1/2/13 - 20. Directors Minute Books

Contains intermittant references to business in Australia and New Zealand, Empire Works etc.

Directors Minute Books. (1 vol), 12 June 1884 - 8 July 1895 (File 13)
Directors Minute Books. (1 vol), 10 October 1898 - 30 July 1901 (File 14)
Directors Minute Books. (479p.), 30 July 1901 - 7 May 1908 (File 15)

(Pages misnumbered. pp336-366 and p455)

Directors Minute Books. (470p. Indexed), 21 May 1908 - 29 September 1915 (File 16)
Directors Minute Books. (473p. Indexed), 13 October 1915 - 27 July 1922 (File 17)
Directors Minute Books. (474p. Indexed), 30 August 1922 - 20 January 1930 (File 18)
Directors Minute Books. (478p. Indexed), 27 January 1930 - 6 December 1937 (File 19)
Directors Minute Books. (481p. Indexed), 16 December 1937 - 9 April 1949 (File 20)

Subseries D/B/BRY/1/2/33 - 34. Report of General Meeting of shareholders

Includes Annual Report of the Directors and press report of meetings, investments including various Australian stocks.

Report of General Meeting of shareholders (1 vol), 8 October 1884 - 29 April 1930 (File 33)
Report of General Meeting of shareholders (1 vol), 29 October 1930 - 14 September 1960 (File 34)

Subseries D/B/BRY/1/2/317. Income tax file

Filmed selectively.

Memorandum and articles of association of Bryant and May, Bell and Co Ltd. Wellington (30p.), 1910 (File 1)
Memorandum and articles of association of Bryant and May, Bell and Co Ltd. Melbourne (39p.), 1911 (File 2)
2 sheets of notes headed 'Melbourne' and 'New Zealand' (File 3)

Re. dividend payments and income tax paid Commissioners.

File 'Income tax Melbourne and New Zealand' (File 4)
Correspondence with Inland Revenue concerning assessment for income tax on Melbourne and New Zealand companies, 1910 - 1912 (Item)

(30p, includes some faint carbon and pressed copies).

Memorandum of agreement, 8 February 1909 (Item)

Between Bell and Co. Ltd and Bryant and May Ltd to form limited liability Company to manufacture and sell matches in Australia. (7p.)

Supplemental agreement (4p.), 2 September 1909 (Item)

Subseries D/B/BRY/1/2/328. Annual balance sheets and related papers of subsidiaries and other companies

Filmed selectively.

New Zealand Wax Vesta Co Ltd, 1951 - 1957 (File)
Annual balance sheet and reports (23p.), 1951 - 1956 (Item)

Subseries D/B/BRY/1/2/385. New Zealand International Exhibition at Christchurch, 1906 - 1907

Certificate of award gold medal to Bryant and May for patent safety matches, non poisonous wax matches. 18" × 13" (File)

Subseries D/B/BRY/1/2/429. British and foreign patents

Filmed selectively.

Australian patents (File)
Andrew Francis Ney, East Kew, Victoria for a machine for levelling and sticking match splints (5p.), 14 September 1917 (Item no. 5165/17-18)
H and F Match Corp of New York. Improvements in or relating to match making machines (5p.), 24 January 1918 (Item no. 6351/18)
Andrew Francis Ney, East Kew, Victoria. Improved packaging machine (9p.), 5 June 1918 (Item no. 7582/18)
Andrew Francis Ney, East Kew, Victoria. Means for attaching lids to boxes principally cylindrical cardboard boxes containing wax matches (7p.), 7 January 1919 (Item no. 9747/19)

Subseries D/B/BRY/1/2/684 - 721. Gilbert Bartholomew (Managing Director, Bryant and May, 1885-1901) Papers

Subseries D/B/BRY/1/2/684. Private Out letter book. no 1, 1885 - 1886

Filmed selectively.

To JS Norton, Bermondsey, re application by Alfred Jowitt of Auckland to manufacture matches in New Zealand, 8 October 1885 (File f.6.)
To James Ormond, Melbourne, re agreement between them and his letter of 12 June, 14 August 1885 (File ff.11-13)
To Jacobs & Hart and Co, London, re orders for Adelaide and Melbourne, August 1885 (File ff.24.19)
To James Service and Co, Melbourne, restricting them to trading in Victoria and Tasmania, 18 August 1885 (File ff.25-26)
To Messers Jacobs & Hart and Co, Adelaide, re business between them, 18 August 1885 (File ff.27-28)
To H Nathan and Co, London re shipments for Australia, 21 August 1885 (File f.32)
To J. Service, re sales figures (very faint), 28 August 1885 (File ff.33-34)
To J. Hoffnung, Sydney re shipment (very faint), 23 August 1885 (File ff.35-36)
To Virgoe, Son and Chapman, Melb., re accounts (very faint), 28 August 1885 (File f.37)
To Virgoe, Son and Chapman, Sydney re sales figures (very faint), 28 August 1885 (File f.38)
To J. Service, Melbourne re sales figures (very faint), 9 September 1885 (File f.47)
To J. Service, Melbourne that they should not sell in other states, 10 September 1885 (File ff.49-50)
To J. Ormond, Melbourne re shipments, sales agencies in the different states. (2 letters), 10 September 1885 (File ff.51-56)
To Messers Hayman and Co, London with list of shipments to New Zealand, 7 October 1885 (File ff.95-96)
To James Ormond, Melbourne re their sales in Queensland, 27 November 1885 (File ff.147-50)
To Messers Edward A. Levy and Co, London with details of charges for goods in Australia, 12 December 1885 (File f.171)
To J. Service and Co, Melbourne re competition from R. Bell and Co, 11 December 1885 (File f.177)
To Messers Hayman and Co, Wellington re duty imposed by customs in Wellington, 30 December 1885 (File ff.245-6)
To Messers Hayman and Co, Dunedin re duty imposed by customs in Dunedin, 30 December 1885 (File ff.247-8)
To Messers Hayman, London re duty imposed in New Zealand (Auckland letter illegible), 30 December 1885 (File ff.249-50)
To Messers McIlivraith, McEacharn and Co, London re terms for shipment to Queensland, 6 January 1886 (File f.263)
To Nathan and Co, London that shipments to Sydney from Melbourne and Adelaide should be stopped, 24 February 1886 (File f.329)
To J. Service and Co, Melbourne re quality of goods shipped; they must not sell in Sydney, 26 February 1886 (File ff.342-3)
To Messers Hayman and Co, London requesting letter of introduction for W. Dixon, Director of Bryant and May, travelling to Australia and New Zealand, 1 March 1886 (File f.367)
To Messers Laughland, MacKay and Bakes, London re order received from Messers H. Farrar and Co, Melbourne (faint), 16 March 1886 (File ff.380-1)
To Jacobs, Hart and Co re shipment for South Australia, 22 March 1886 (File f.404)
To Nathan and Co re agreement not to sell further goods to Jacobs, Hart and Co, 23 March 1886 (File f.406)
To Messers Hayman and Co, London and New Zealand re sales in New Zealand and customs duties, 25 March 1886 (File ff.410-14)
To Messers Turnbull and Co, London re sales in New Zealand. (faint), 25 March 1886 (File ff.415-6)
To H. Nathan and Co, London re sales in Sydney, 30 March 1886 (File f.426)
To H. Nathan and Co, London re Sydney sales, 1 April 1886 (File f.431)
To J. Service and Co, Melbourne re duty, 2 April 1886 (File ff.436-7)
To J. Service and Co, Melbourne re order from H.Farrar. and Co, 2 April 1886 (File f.439)
To H. Nathan and Co, London re sales in Brisbane, 9 April 1886 (File f.455)
To J. Service and Co, Melbourne re sales, 22 April 1886 (File ff.473-4)
To H. Nathan and Co, London re sales in Australia, 30 April 1886 (File ff.477-8)
To Hoffnung and Co, Sydney re damaged vestas sent by Messers Virgoe of Melbourne, 30 April 1886 (File ff.479-80)
To Hoffnung and Co, Sydney re shipment of plaid vestas from Venice which bear duplicate of Bryant and May label, 15 October 1886 (File ff.651-2)
To H. Nathan and Co re shipment of plaid vestas from Venice which bear duplicate of Bryant and May label, 15 October 1886 (File ff.653 - 4)
Subseries D/B/BRY/1/2/685. Private letter book. No 2, 1886 - 1888

Filmed selectively.

To Jacobs, Hart and Co, Adelaide re injunction obtained in Sydney against sale of counterfeit plaids by Bischiera of Venice, 7 January 1887 (File ff.25-6)
To Henry Hayman, London requesting letter of introduction for F.C. Bryant about to leave for Australia and New Zealand, 13 January 1887 (File f.40)
To Messers J. Fowler, London reappointing them sole agents for South Australia, 19 April 1887 (File ff.175-6)
To Hoffnung and Co, Sydney re new box of plaid vestas being marketed, 16 September 1887 (File f.363)
To James Service and Co, Melbourne re sales, 16 September 1887 (File ff.364-5)
To Hoffnung and Co, Sydney introducing Samuel Studd, formerly chairman of Bell and Black Co, 10 November 1887 (File f.438)
To James Service and Co, Melbourne, introducing Samuel Studd, 10 November 1887 (File f.441)
To S. Hoffnung and Co, Brisbane, introducing Samuel Studd, 10 November 1887 (File f.442)
To Hoffnung and Co, Sydney, re formation of Bell and Co as limited company and Verigoe, Son and Co will be their Australian agents, 18 November 1887 (File ff.462-3)
Subseries D/B/BRY/1/2/686. Private letter book, 1888 - 1890

Filmed selectively.

To Manager, Bank of New South Wales re draft on Melbourne, 17 September 1888 (File f.218)
To G. Robin, Midas Gold Field Co, London re draft on Melbourne Bank, 18 September 1888 (File f.220)
To Manager Commercial Bank of Australia, London re purchase of stock, 30 October 1888 (File f.291)
To Hoffnung, Sydney re visit by Otto Trummer to Australia, 23 January 1889 (File f.427)
To James Service and Co, Melbourne re visit by Otto Trummer, 23 January 1889 (File f.428)
To James Service and Co, Melbourne enclosing sealed letter for E.C. Dixon, 15 February 1889 (File f.499)
To Hayman and Co, Auckland re poor business they are doing in New Zealand, 8 March 1889 (File ff.527-32)
To James Service and Co, Melbourne re sales of fancy tin ware, 12 July 1889 (File ff.707-8)
To Nathan and Co, London re prices for Sydney and Brisbane, 8 November 1889 (File ff.931-2)
To H. Nathan and Co, London with terms for Sydney, 13 November 1889 (File ff.936-7)
To Hoffnung and Co, Sydney re rise in prices, no longer supplying at cost price, 15 November 1889 (File ff.944-7)
To Hoffnung and Co, Brisbane re rise in prices, 15 November 1889 (File ff.948-9)
To James Service and Co, Melbourne re advance in prices, 22 November 1889 (File ff.959-61)
To Messers Pim Vaughan and Co, London re purchase of South Australian stock, 24 December 1889 (File f.985)
To Hoffnung, Sydney re cost of vestas, 3 January 1890 (File ff.997-8)
Subseries D/B/BRY/1/2/687. Private letter book. No 4, 1890 - 1891
To Henry Havman re orders for Wellington, 8 January 1890 (File ff.2-3)
To H. Nathan and Co, London re trip to Australia and New Zealand by Arthur Bryant, 11 January 1890 (File f.7)
To H. Hayman and Co, London re trip to Australia and New Zealand by Arthur Bryant, 11 January 1890 (File f.8)
To H. Hayman and Co, Auckland. re trip to Australia and New Zealand by Arthur Bryant, 13 January 1890 (File f.18)
To H. Hayman and Co, Dunedin re trip to Australia and New Zealand by Arthur Bryant, 13 January 1890 (File f.19)
To Hoffnung and Co, Brisbane re trip to Australia and New Zealand by Arthur Bryant, 13 January 1890 (File f.20)
To Hoffnung and Co, Sydney re trip to Australia and New Zealand by Arthur Bryant, 13 January 1890 (File f.21)
To Hayman, Wellington re trip to Australia and New Zealand by Arthur Bryant, 13 January 1890 (File f.22)
To J. Service and Co, Melbourne re trip to Australia and New Zealand by Arthur Bryant, 13 January 1890 (File f.23)
To Hoffnung, Brisbane re poor sales, 7 February 1890 (File f.97)
To Messrs. Laughland, MacKay and Barker, London re arrangements with James Service and Co, 19 February 1890 (File ff.124-27)
To Hoffnung and Co, Sydney introducing A.W. Clews, an accountant going to Australia for his health, 10 April 1890 (File f.228)
To Hoffnung and Co, Brisbane introducing A.W. Clews, 10 April 1890 (File f.229)
To J. Service and Co, Melbourne introducing A.W. Clews, 10 April 1890 (File f.230)
To A. Clews, Adelaide enclosing letters of introduction, 10 April 1890 (File f.231)
To D and J Fowles, Adelaide introducing A.W. Clews, 10 April 1890 (File f.232)
To James Service and Co, Melbourne regarding prices; return of Trummer from Australia with news of Australian market, 6 June 1890 (File ff.332-4)
To James Service and Co, Melbourne re prices and quality, 25 July 1890 (File ff.444-5)
To Pim Vaughan and Co, London re South Australian stock, 14 August 1890 (File ff.502-3)
To Hoffnung and Co, re prices, 23 September 1890 (File ff.702-3)
To Hayman and Co, London re the low prices they are fixing in [New Zealand], 4 December 1890 (File ff.913-5)
To Pim Vaughan and Co, London re South Australian stock, 9 December 1890 (File f.919)
To Nathan and Co, London that David Cohen and Co of Newcastle, NSW have transfered their business from Hoffnung to Bell and Co, 10 December 1890 (File ff.923-4)
To Nathan and Co, London re business in Brisbane, 10 December 1890 (File ff.926-7)
To Pim Vaughan and Co, London re South Australian stock, 12 December 1890 (File f.932)
To Hayman and Co, London re New Zealand trademark, 12 December 1890 (File ff.933-4)
To Hayman re disagreeable correspondence between them, 22 December 1890 (File ff.949-50)
To Pim Vaughan and Co, London re South Australian stock, 31 December 1890 (File f.954)
To James Service and Co, Melbourne re sale of Belgian vestas in Australia and previous attempt by Baschiera of Venice to undercut the market, 16 January 1891 (File ff.996-1000)
Subseries D/B/BRY/1/2/688. Private letter book. No 5, 1891 - 1892

Filmed selectively.

To Nathan and Co, London re vestas shipped to Queensland, 26 February 1891 (File f.123)
To James Service and Co, Melbourne re new prices (pp 260-6 illegible), 8 May 1891 (File ff.258-66)
To Hoffnung, Sydney re registration of trade marks; competition from continental suppliers, 22 May 1891 (File ff.285-8)
To Hoffnung, Brisbane introducing J.F. Fry (very faint), 15 October 1891 (File f.506)
To Hoffnung, Brisbane re A.B. Webster who were Bryant and May original agents in Brisbane, 11 November 1891 (File ff.539-40)
To Hoffnung, Sydney re A.B. Webster, 20 November 1891 (File ff.548-50)
To James Service and Co, Melbourne re prices, 4 November 1891 (File ff.564-66)
To James Service and Co, Melbourne hoping for improvement in relations, poor sales, 11 December 1891 (File ff.576-81)
To James Service and Co, Melbourne re labeling of boxes; bad opinion of James Hart and Co, possible loss of Melbourne market (very blurred in parts), 1 January 1892 (File ff.607-12)
To J. Alcock [Melbourne] re the agency for Bryant and May, sales figures from Sydney, confidence in James Service and Co, 14 April 1892 (File ff.741-44)
To Henry Hayman, London re serious state of affairs in New Zealand and competition from Belgium, 18 May 1892 (File ff.783-4)
To James Service and Co, Melbourne re payment to Dixon, 20 May 1892 (File f.787)
To Hayman and Co, London re New Zealand business, 31 May 1892 (File ff.804-5)
To Laughland, MacKay and Baker, London re fire at James Service and Co, Melbourne premises, 1 June 1892 (File f.806)
To Hayman and Co, London re new terms for New Zealand Sales, 2 June 1892 (File ff.816-7)
To Nathan and Co, London re Sydney sales and publicity, 2 June 1892 (File ff.818-20)
To James Service and Co, Melbourne re fire at the premises, 3 June 1892 (File ff.821-22)
To Laughland, MacKay and Baker, London re payment to James Service and Co, 7 June 1892 (File f.825)
Subseries M2479 D/B/BRY/1/2/689. Letter book. No 6, 1892 - 1894
To James Service and Co, Melbourne re Dixon (blurred), 12 August 1892 (File ff.4-5)
To S. Hoffnung, Sydney introducing E.C. Dixon, 25 November 1892 (File f.206)
To James Service and Co, Melbourne introducing E.A. Allen who is going to Australia in connection with a mining venture at Ballarat, 21 December 1892 (File f.267)
To D and J Fowler, Adelaide re death of Durell, 2 February 1893 (File ff.379-80)
To George Fowler, London re death of Durell in Adelaide, 14 March 1893 (File ff.457-8)
To A. Hoffnung, Messers H. Natham and Co, London re loss of stock in Queensland floods, 16 June 1893 (File ff.571-2)
To Hoffnung, Australia that Australian sales so bad that they are inclined 'to throw up the sponge'; new terms; reduction of prices in Queensland, 22 September 1893 (File ff.707-10)
To P. Falk and Son, London re taking over the agency for Western Australia (blurred, 2 letters), 11 October 1893 (File ff.742-4)
To A. Hoffnung, Sydney re his visit, sales in Queensland, shipment of advertising tablets. (blurred), 13 October 1893 (File ff.750-54)
To Hoffnung re transfer of Bernard Sinauer to New York from Brisbane and his good work in Brisbane, 13 October 1893 (File ff.755-7)
To R. Nathan and Co, London re possible agency for Victoria (faint), 17 October 1893 (File ff.763-4)
To A. Hoffnung, Sydney (illegible), 17 November 1893 (File ff.833-9)
To A. Hoffnung, Sydney (illegible), 23 November 1893 (File ff.846-56)
To A. Hoffnung, Sydney re business in Australia and advertising (very faint), 7 November 1893 (File ff.896-901)
To Abraham Hoffnung, Sydney re prices, quality of competitors matches, 5 January 1894 (File ff.974-78)
Subseries D/B/BRY/1/2/690. Letter book. No 7, 1894 - 1895
To A. Hoffnung, Sydney re raising prices to cover more advertising. (faint), 23 January 1894 (File ff.33-8)
To A. Hoffnung, Sydney re misunderstanding between them, 23 February 1894 (File ff.129-132)
To James Service and Co, Melbourne re advertising. (faint), 23 February 1894 (File ff.136-9)
To A. Hoffnung, Sydney (illegible), 2 March 1894 (File ff.152-5)
To A. Hoffnung, Sydney re irregular sale by Fowler of Adelaide to Bourke, 16 March 1894 (File ff.165-6)
To A. Hoffnung, Sydney re sales in Queensland, advertising in NSW, prices of competitors goods, 26 April 1894 (File ff.247-55)
To A. Hoffnung, Sydney re his trip to New Zealand, advertising. (faint), 24 May 1894 (File ff.288-93)
To James Service and Co, Melbourne with list of shipments 1886-1894, sales, advertising, possibility of having one agent for the whole of Australia. (faint in parts), 1 June 1894 (File ff.312-19)
To A. Hoffnung, Sydney re Fowler of Adelaide. (faint), 1 June 1894 (File f.321)
To James Service and Co, Melbourne re sending a fixed minimum monthly quantity of goods, 15 June 1894 (File ff.340-1)
To James Service and Co, Melbourne re business in the colony, benefits of advertising (faint), 20 July 1894 (File ff.405-7)
To A. Hoffnung, Sydney re selling at lower prices in New Zealand, competition in NSW from Italy, 20 July 1894 (File ff.408-13)
To H. Nathan and Co appointing them agents for Victoria and Tasmania, 25 July 1894 (File ff.422-24)
To A. Hoffnung, Sydney re James Service and Co resigning the Victorian agency and his London house being appointed new Victorian agents, 27 July 1894 (File ff.429-31)
To James Service and Co, Melbourne re their resignation (faint), 27 July 1894 (File ff.432-4)
To W.J. Gollin and Co, London re business in Melbourne, 1 August 1894 (File ff.450-1)
To A. Hoffnung, Sydney re Melbourne Agency, advertising in NSW (faint), 3 August 1894 (File ff.464-8)
To A. Hoffnung, San Francisco re American business situation, Melbourne agency to be taken by Gollin and Co, prices in Australia, 26 September 1894 (File ff.533-8)
To A. Hoffnung, San Francisco re activities of Grubb, of R.Bell amd Co in New Zealand, 4 October 1894 (File ff.548-52)
To Walter J. Gollin, Messers Harwood and Christian, London re agency for Victoria and Tasmania; Belgian and Italian competition, 18 October 1894 (File ff.574-7)
To A. Hoffnung, New York re Melbourne sales, Bell establishing factories in New Zealand and Australia, 1 October 1894 (File ff.581-4)
To D and J Fowler, London re sales in Adelaide, 31 October 1894 (File ff.616-7)
To A. Hoffnung, New York re lack of news from Melb; factory being erected by Bell (faint), 14 November 1894 (File ff.648-9)
To Bank of England re power of attorney for sale of NSW stock, 27 November 1894 (File f.676)
To Pim Vaughan and Co re NSW stock, 27 November 1894 (File f.677)
To Bank of England re Queensland stock, 3 December 1894 (File f.702)
To Pim Vaughan and Co re purchase of NSW stock, 7 December 1894 (File f.706a)
To National Provincial Bank re purchase of Victorian stock, 10 December 1894 (File f.710)
To Pim Vaughan and Co re New South Wales, Queensland stock, 10 December 1894 (File f.712)
To National Provincial Bank re Victoria stock, 12 December 1894 (File f.713)
To H. Nathan, London re new terms for Australia, 14 January 1895 (File ff.796-8)
To Nathan and Co, London re Australian prices, 16 January 1895 (File ff.799-800)
To Nathan and Co, London re new arrangements, 18 January 1895 (File f.805)
To Gollins and Co, Melbourne re whereabouts of Ernest Dixon, son of Managing Director, 18 January 1895 (File ff.807-8)
To Hayman and Co, London sending silver match boxes for New Zealand partners, 22 January 1895 (File f.813)
To D and J Fowler, London re new arrangements for South Australia, 24 January 1895 (File ff.815-6)
To Hayman and Co, London re new arrangements for New Zealand, 12 February 1895 (File ff.885-6)
To New Zealand Jubilee Syndicate Ltd, London re deposit of funds, 14 February 1895 (File f.891)
To New Zealand Jubilee Syndicate Ltd, London re deposit, 15 February 1895 (File f.895)
To Bank of England re NSW stock, 8 March 1895 (File f.934)
To New Zealand Jubilee Syndicate Ltd, London re deposit of £5,000, 13 March 1895 (File f.941)
To New Zealand Jubilee Syndicate Ltd, London re deposit, 2 April 1895 (File f.973)
To Wilson, Bristows and Carpinoel, London re Australian trade marks of Bell and Black Match Co, 11 April 1895 (File f.995)
Subseries D/B/BRY/1/2/691. Letter book. No 8, 1895 - 1896

Filmed selectively.

To New Zealand Jubilee Syndicate Ltd, London re deposit, 24 June 1895 (File ff.182-3)
To Walter J. Gollin and Co, Sydney re his arrival in Sydney, 28 June 1895 (File f.215)
To Gollin and Co, Melbourne re trade mark judgement; sales in Victoria; R Bell and Co's factory in New Zealand, 28 June 1895 (File ff.216-20)
To Nathan and Co, London re Australian and New Zealand business rates, 3 September 1895 (File ff.406-7)
To Billett, Campbell and Grenfell, London re purchase of NSW stock, 11 October 1895 (File ff.471-2)
To A. Hoffnung, Sydney re death of Dixon, re sales in Sydney and Brisbane 'sad wretched Melb', 16 April 1896 (File ff.876-7)
To RJ Alcock, Melbourne re his presidency of Melbourne Chamber of Commerce; introducing Friend, 16 April 1896 (File ff.878-9)
To A. Hoffnung, Sydney ack his letters, 21 May 1896 (File f.919)
To A. Hoffnung, Sydney that will write next week, 29 May 1896 (File f.935)
Subseries D/B/BRY/1/2/692. Letter book. No 9, 1896 - 1898

Filmed selectively.

To A. Hoffnung, Sydney re advertising (faint), 7 August 1896 (File ff.128-33)
To D and J Fowler, London re prices charged by R. Bell and Co in Adelaide; Sydney sales, 23 April 1897 (File ff.553-4)
To H. Nathan and Co, London re half losses on Australian trade, 24 February 1898 (File ff.918-9)
Subseries D/B/BRY/1/2/693. Letter book. No 10, 1898 - 1899

Filmed selectively.

To H. Nathan and Co, London with new terms for Australian trade, 25 November 1898 (File ff.482-3)
To Bank of England re sale of NSW stock, 29 December 1898 (File f.527)
To Pim Vaughan and Co re NSW stock, 29 December 1898 (File f.528)
To George Gollin, Melbourne that they should get ready for Federation. (faint), 3 March 1899 (File ff.664-5)
To H. Nathan and Co, London re adoption of purchase basis for business in NSW and Qld, 15 March 1899 (File f.697)
To H. Nathan and Co, re new business practice for Australia, 21 March 1899 (File ff.702-3)
Subseries D/B/BRY/1/2/694. Letter book. No 11, 1899 - 1900

Filmed selectively.

To S. Hoffnung and Co, London re increase in prices, hopes will not effect sales in the colonies, 31 May 1900 (File ff.913-4)
Subseries D/B/BRY/1/2/695. In letters. 'A', 1893 - 1898

Filmed selectively.

From D and J Fowler, London re sales in Sth. Australia of 'Three Poodles' safety matches by Messers Trummer and Co to another company, 25 June 1895 (File)

Copies of correspondence between Trummer and Co, London and D and J Fowler. 13 September - 21 September 1893. (12 p.).

From D and J Fowler, London re sales in Adelaide, 6 July 1897 (File)
From D and J Fowler, London with prospectus for the conversion of their business in London and Adelaide into a limited company (5 p.), 30 January 1899 (File)
Subseries D/B/BRY/1/2/699. In letters. C and S, 1890-1901; 1888-1901

Filmed selectively.

From James Service and Co, Melbourne that still interested in the business in spite of poor sales. (4 p, at end of file), 19 January 1892 (File)
Subseries D/B/BRY/1/2/703. In letters. H, 1890 - 1897

Filmed selectively.

From P. Hayman and Co, Dunedin re duty payable on machinery and empty boxes, 19 March 1895 (File)
Circular from R. Bell and Co, Wellington re the superiority of their matches, 10 March 1895 (File)
Philips and Pike, Wellington to P. Hayman and Co, Auckland re R. Bell and Co's new factory, 28 February 1895 (File)
Philips and Pike, Wellington to P. Hayman and Co Auckland, circular re price of R.Bell and Co's wax vestas, 1 November 1894 (File)
From Henry Hayman, London re R. Bell and Co's new factory, 5 April 1895 (File)
From Henry Hayman, London re R. Bell and Co statement showing amounts of goods purchased in each year from 1886 - 1894 inclusive [by Messers Hayman], 31 October 1894 (File)
Philips and Pike, Wellington to P. Hayman, Dunedin, that they have been appointed sole agents in NZ for R. Bell and Co, 30 July 1894 (File)
Henry Hayman, London re safety matches, 18 January 1893 (File)
Henry Hayman, London re Belgium wax vesta factories, 17 May 1892 (File)
From Hayman, London re visit of AW Bryant to Australia and New Zealand, 15 January 1890 (File)
From Henry Hayman, London re stoppage of shipments to Wellington, 8 January 1889 (File)
From Henry Hayman, London that cannot visit, 31 October 1889 (File)
From S. Hoffnung, Sydney re visit of Otto Trummer to Australia, 14 March 1889 (File)

Example from S. Hoffnung, Brisbane of wax vestas.

From Hayman and Co, London re shipment of orders to Wellington, Auckland, Christchurch (5 p), 4 February 1890 (File)
From Hayman and Co, London sending New Zealand stamps, 19 March 1890 (File)
From P. Hayman and Co, Auckland re visit of AW Bryant to New Zealand, 20 March 1890 (File)
From P. Hayman and Co, Dunedin re visit of AW Bryant to New Zealand, 19 March 1890 (File)
From Hayman and Co, London re Bell and Blacks matches in the colonies, 9 July 1890 (File)

Agreements between Bryant and May and Hayman and Co for sales in New Zealand, 15 July 1885, 3 March 1886, 30 September 1886. (8p.)

From James Ormond, James Service and Co, Melbourne re agency for Victoria, 8 August 1885 (File)
To Ormond from Bartholomew re accepting agency for Victoria; other Australian sales (4p), 26 June 1885 (File)
Subseries D/B/BRY/1/2/704. In letters. J, 1893 - 1900

Filmed selectively.

From H. Nathan and Co, London re sales in Sydney and Brisbane (5p), 10 April 1893 (File)
From H. Nathan and Co, London re evasion of duty of foreign competitors in Brisbane (3p), 9 January 1893 (File)

Also includes:...

From A. Hoffnung, Sydney re sales and state of business since his arrival in 1887 (10p.), 20 November 1893 (File)
Cases of vestas and matches imported into Queensland showing percentage shipment by Bryant and May, 1889 - 1893 (File)
From H. Nathan and Co, London re importing of Italian vestas into Sydney, 10 April 1894 (File)
From A. Hoffnung, New York re trip from Australia; the situation in Melbourne and actions of James Service and Co (6 p), 2 November 1894 (File)
From A. Hoffnung, Sydney re Bell and Co, New Zealand factory (4 p), 27 August 1894 (File)
Extract from letter of Gollin and Sons re refusal of Melbourne Tramway Co to allow their cars to be used for advertising, 12 September 1894 (File)
From A. Hoffnung, Sydney re trip to New Zealand; sales in Queensland and NSW, use of advertising on goods, 11 June 1894 (File)

(13p, two page sevens).

From H. Nathan and Co, London re imports and sales in Queensland, 20 May 1895 (File)
From H. Nathan and Co, London re advertising in Australia (3p), 11 June 1895 (File)
A statistical review of the incidence of the duty on wax vestas. Melbourne (printed), 1890 (File)
Subseries D/B/BRY/1/2/711. In letters. N - W, 1886 - 1896

Filmed selectively.

From RT Turnbull and Co, London re sale of vestas in New Zealand at varying prices, 19 February 1886 (File)
From RT Turnbull and Co, London re poor quality vestas received in Auckland, 28 April 1886 (File)
From A. Hoffnung, H. Nathan and Co, London re George Gollin's desire to handle the output of Bryant and May's factory in Melbourne, 8 June 1899 (File)
Subseries D/B/BRY/1/2/712. Letters Various, 1893 - 1894

Filmed selectively.

From Edward Walters, National Patent and Trade Marks Office, Melbourne to James Service and Co re registering Bryant and May Trade Mark, enclosing documentation to register (3p), 9 April 1891 (File)
From Registrar, Patent Office, Wellington to P. Hayman and Co, Dunedin, enclosing copy of certificate of registration of Bell and Black Ltd, trade mark (3p), 5 February 1891 (File)
Subseries D/B/BRY/1/2/713. Sundry letters

Filmed selectively.

Owen Bros. Balmain East to Bryant and May re importing their matches, 14 February 1896 (File)
Wax vestas imports into Victoria. (1p.), 1892 (File)
Subseries D/B/BRY/1/2/714. Letters Personnal, 1899 - 1902

Filmed selectively.

From Gollin and Co, Melbourne re losses of vestas due to fire in the Bond, sales figures for 31 July 1902 and 30 June 1902 (6p.), 8 August 1902 (File)
From Gollin and Co, Melbourne re fire and goods lost; sales figures for 30 August 1902 (3p.), 17 September 1902 (File)
From Gollin and Co, Melbourne with account figures for 1901/2 (10p.), 24 September 1902 (File)
From Gollin and Co, Melbourne re sales figures and the fire, 11 June 1902 (File)
From Gollin and Co, Melbourne with sales figures for 30 September 1902, 8 October 1902 (File)
Robert Dixson and Co, Adelaide to HD Levinsohn, bill for carriage on cases of wax vestas: 17 November 1902 Levinsohn, Melbourne to Diamond Match Co, Liverpool re the account and sales of Bryant and May matches by Hoffnung in Sydney, 8 October 1902 (File)
E. Betts, John Connell and Co, London re competition in vesta in South Australia, 21 October 1902 (File)
W. Balchin Ltd, London enclosing letter of 28 April 1902 from Mrs Jane Bell, widow of Bell, Manager of Messers Virgoe, Son and Chapman, Sydney, who is in bad financial position (4p.), 30 June 1902 (File)
Subseries D/B/BRY/1/2/715. File 1.. Sundry letters and papers, 1905 - 1914

Filmed selectively.

Clarence Bartholomew, Empire Works, Richmond, Melb, to Gilbert Bartholomew, Bryant and May, London re the Empire Works and plans to visit New Zealand (5p.), 30 June 1910 (File)
Clarence Bartholomew, Menzies Hotel, Melb to Gilbert Bartholomew re financial and business affairs, 1 December 1908 (File)
Clarence Bartholomew, Hobart to Gilbert Bartholomew re life insurance, 17 March 1910 (File)
Clarence Bartholomew, Melb to Gilbert Bartholomew re his marriage to Dorothy, 7 March 1910 (File)
Clarence Bartholomew, Melb to Gilbert Bartholomew, disappointed as to factory output, 9 November 1910 (File)
Clarence Bartholomew, Camberwell to Gilbert Bartholomew thoughts on leaving Australia, looking forward to returning to Bow, 24 July 1910 (File)
Gilbert Bartholomew, London to Clarence, he should plan a trip to New Zealand, comments on personnel at Empire Works. (Copy faint), 27 May 1910 (File)
G.W. ?., Woodford, London to Gilbert Bartholomew whether Harold or Thorp is the best man to send to Melb, 8 October 1911 (File)
Clarence Bartholomew, Wellington to Gilbert Bartholomew, manufacturing difficulties in Melbourne, Philips not suitable as Managing Director (7p.), 8 April 1910 (File)

Subseries D/B/BRY/1/2/722. Correspondence of Arthur W. Bryant

Filmed selectively.

Bundle of 36 letters to AW Bryant (Melb, Ballarat, Sydney, Brisbane) from his wife Mabel (4 D Station, Singleton, Armidale, Sydney), 17 April 1890 - 17 October 1890 (File)

Love letters with local and family news.

Bundle of business letters, 1895 - 1896 (File)

Material on Victoria United Gold Mine 1895-1896. (61p.)...

Subseries D/B/BRY/1/2/723. Business Correspondence of AW Bryant

Filmed selectively.

Bundle various, 1896 (File)
Correspondence from: Commercial Bank of Sydney, 9 November 1896 (Item)
Correspondence from: Goldsborough, Mort and Co Ltd, Victoria, 14 June 1896 (Item)
Correspondence from: Commercial Bank of Sydney, 13 May 1896 (Item)
Correspondence from: Commercial Bank of Sydney, 11 May 1896 (Item)
Correspondence from: Commercial Bank of Sydney, 13 February 1896 (Item)
Correspondence from: Commercial Bank of Sydney, 10 February 1896 (Item)
Bundle. Brown and Co, 1896 (File)

Correspondence with AJ Brown and Co, Stock Exchange re Union Bank of Australia stock. 15 July 1896, 10 July 1896, 7 July 1896, 7 November 1895, 30 September 1895, 27 September 1895, 23 September 1895 (Includes contract notes)...

Bundle. Letters various, 1 January 1897 - 30 June 1897 (File)

Filmed selectively.

From H. Douglas Kerr, Secretary New South Wales Exploration Ltd, London re shares in the company, 2 July 1897 (Item)
From Commercial Bank of Sydney, 14 May 1897 (Item)
From Commercial Bank of Sydney, 12 May 1897 (Item)
From Commercial Bank of Sydney, 17 February 1897 (Item)
Bundle. Rabbidge: Correspondence with Richard Rabbidge, Chartered Accountants., 1 January 1897 - 16 July 1897 (File)


Subseries D/B/BRY/1/2/739. Correspondence concerning Bryant and May Pty Ltd, Richmond, Victoria, Australia. Match manufacturers, including correspondence concerning integration of Australia companies, 1960 - 1973

Correspondence with Brian L. Bath, Managing Director, Bryant and May Pty Ltd, Richmond concerning his visit to England (1969) and Bryant and May's sales in Papua New Guinea (10p), 26 July 1960 - June 1969 (File File 1)
Correspondence concerning E.L. Bell and Co (Pty) Ltd, Melb., 22 May 1964 - 14 May 1968 (File File 2)

Correspondence between B.L. Bath, Bryant and May, Richmond and Bryant and May, Bow, concerning purchasing new equiptment for E.L. Bell and Co. and accounts and balance sheets...

Correspondence and memoranda concerning Brymay Forests Pty Ltd. Cobrawonga, Victoria, 3 January 1961 - 15 September 1964 (File File 3)


Correspondence between B.L. Bath, Richmond and Norman D. Angier, Bryant and May, Bow, 5 January 1965 - 29 June 1970 (File File 4)

Concerning technical aspects of match production in the Melb. factory, including purchasing of new machinery...

Correspondence concerning the integration of the Australian companies (Bryant and May Pty Ltd, (Melb), Federal Match Co Pty Ltd (Sydney) and Western Australia Match Co (Perth), May 1968 - 31 May 1972 (File File 5)

Correspondents include; Brian Bath, Melb; G.H. Kipling, Bow; R.L.C. Stuart Bow; Flack and Flack, Melb; Bo Ehrner, Sweden, Yarwood Vane and Co. Sydney...

Correspondence between Brian Bath, Melb and R.L.C. Stuart, Bow, concerning visits to Melbourne by Jack Willcocks and possibility of business with Japan. (8p.), 22 December 1972 - 5 February 1973 (File File 6)
Correspondence between Brian Bath, Richmond and Douglas Last, Bow, 14 August 1970 - 21 December 1973 (File File 7)

Concerning technical aspects of match production in the Australian factory; includes details of new machinery for Australia; memorandum on proposed splint plant at Yarrawonga (1973); memorandum on reequipment (1973); proposal for establishing factory in Papua New Guinea. (165p.)

Correspondence between Brian Bath, Richmond, and Geoffrey Rae Smith, Bow, on financial affairs of the companies, 16 January 1970 - 26 November 1973 (File File 8)

Includes: proposals to establish a factory in Papua New Guinea, restructuring of Bryant and May and merger with Wilkinson Sword; itinerary for Smiths visit to Australia, 1973; aide memoire on the Australian companies and Australian competition, (1974)...

Correspondence between J.E.W. Fawcett, Sales Inspector, Richmond, C.R. Robertson, Richmond and R.L. Stuart, Bow, concerning sales in Australia and competition from foreign imports, includes Annual reports on sales 1958 - 1971. (266p.), 12 February 1959 - 16 December 1971 (File File 9)

Subseries D/B/BRY/1/2/748. Correspondence with Diamond Match Co, USA

Filmed selectively.

Surveys of Australian and New Zealand match companies, 1936 (File)

Comprises: American surveys of Australia and New Zealand giving general characteristics of the people, history and current economic climate as well as a survey of the match manufacturing industry...

Subseries D/B/BRY/1/2/758. Correspondence with Trummer and Co, Successors Ltd, London

Filmed selectively.

Correspondence concerning Australasia, 20 July 1938 - 3 May 1961 (File File 4)

Correspondents include: Sir Clarence E. Bartholomew, Bryant and May, Bow; David Blellock, Trummers, London; Joseph H. Reed, Bow; E. Sandberg, Trummers; G. Bartholomew, Bow...

East Africa Match Co. (File File 5)
Correspondence concerning the Sure-Lite Match Company, Johore, January 1948 - 14 September 1951 (Item)

Correspondents include: Trummers, London; Tan Keng Siong, Manager Sure-Lite; G.P.Bartholomew, Bryant and May, Bow. Also includes memoranda on the machinery and equipment of Sure-Lite factory, report on inspection of the factory, 1950...

Subseries D/B/BRY/1/2/764. 1-37.. Correspondence with Federal Match Co Pty Ltd. Alexandra, NSW, 1927 - 1967

Correspondence between Alfred Wunderlich, Sydney and Sir Clarence E. Batholomew, Bow and Arthur Hacking, Bow,, 26 May 1922 - 7 March 1956 (File File 1)

Concerning his directorship of Federal Match Co as Bryant and May nominee and the affairs of the Company...

Correspondence between David W. Roxburgh, (1862-1947). Messers Norton, Smith and Co, Sydney and Sir Clarence Bartholomew, Bow, 21 November 1927 - 29 April 1947 (File File 2)

Re his directorship and chairmanship (from 1939) of the company and company affairs including fires in the Sydney factory (1933), differences amongst members of the board (1934), price fixing (1934), friction between Joshua and Sundstrom (1939), death of Sundstrom, provision for Mrs. Sundstrom (includes letters from Mrs. Sundstrom, 1941), problems of production in War time, provision for the future (1943), death of Roxburgh (1947)...

Correspondence between C.G. Sundstrom, Managing Director, Sydney, and Sir Clarence Bartholomew, Bow, 19 May 1932 - 1 January 1936 (File File 3)

Subjects include: suicide of Kreuger and position of Swedish Match Co in Australia (1932), disagreements of the board in Sydney; price fixing (1934); Sundstrom's difficulties with Joshua...

Correspondence between E.A. Holden, Chartered Accountant, Sydney and J.M. Joshua, Bow and Sir Clarence Bartholomew, Bow, regarding price cutting. (24p.), 14 May 1934 - 22 May 1934 (File File 4)
Correspondence between C.G. Sundstrom, Sydney and Sir Clarence Bartholomew, Bow and J.H. Reed, Bow, regarding sales, finance and other business matters. (109p.), 11 December 1934 - 18 December 1935 (File File 5)
Correspondence between C.G. Sundstrom, Sydney and Sir Clarence Bartholomew, Bow, 17 December 1935 - 8 December 1936 (File File 6)

Re sales, finance and other general business matters, including new machinery, quotas, other match companies selling in Australia...

Correspondence between C.G. Sundstrom, Sydney and Sir Clarence Bartholomew, Bow,, 17 December 1936 - 7 December 1937 (File File 7)

Regards supply of materials, sales and production figures, financial and general business matters...

Correspondence between C.G. Sundstrom, Sydney, Joseph Reed, Bow, concerning mouldy skillets (34p.), 16 September 1937 - 19 November 1938 (File File 8)
Correspondence between C.G. Sundstrom, Sydney and Sir Clarence Bartholomew, Bow; J.H. Reed, Bow, 11 January 1938 - 23 December 1938 (File File 9)

Regards sales and production, raw materials, financial and general business matters...

Correspondence between C.G. Sundstrom, Sydney and J.H. Reed, Bow, Sir Clarence Bartholomew, Bow, 6 January 1939 - 20 December 1939 (File File 10)

Regarding raw materials, sales and production figures, ban on wax vestas in NSW, advertising, financial and general business matters...

Correspondence between C.G. Sundstrom, Sydney and J.H. Reed, Bow; Sir Clarence Bartholomew, Bow, 9 January 1940 - 7 October 1942 (File File 11)

Regarding problems of supply of raw materials, sales and production, insurance of goods on enemy ships, pricing policy, financial and general business matters...

Correspondence between Hedley A. Woodman, General Manager, Sydney and Sir Clarence Bartholomew, 3 August 1942 - 22 November 1946 (File File 12)

Regarding sales, trade marks, sending of food parcels, double taxation, financial and general business matters...

Correspondence between C.G. Sundstrom and H.A. Woodman, Sydney and Joseph H. Reed, Bow., 4 November 1940 - 27 December 1945 (File File 13)

Concerning supply of raw materials and possibility of obtaining splints from Canada...

Correspondence between H.A. Woodman, Sydney and Arthur Hacking, Bow, 27 January 1947 - 23 November 1950 (File File 14)

Regarding strike on factory (1947) and other labour problems, exports to PNG, financial and general business matters...

Correspondence between H.A. Woodman, Sydney and J.H. Reed, Bow; re supply of raw materials (115p.), 22 December 1948 - 20 December 1951 (File File 15)
Correspondence between H.A. Woodman, Sydney and J.H. Reed, Bow and A. Hacking, Bow, 12 August 1948 - 31 December 1951 (File File 16)

Concerning machinery, new machinery to be ordered from Sweden, includes blue prints and operating instructions for Chambon Rotary Printing Machines...

Correspondence between Septimus Rowe, Norton Smith and Co, Sydney and A. Hacking, Bow and Gilbert Bartholomew, Bow and R.L.C. Stuart, Bow, 18 February 1947 - 24 January 1958 (File File 17)

Regarding his chairmanship of the company and general company policy, composition of the Board...

Correspondence between H.A. Woodman, Sydney and A. Hacking, Bow; J.H. Reed, Bow and Gilbert Bartholomew, Bow, 21 February 1951 - 29 December 1953 (File File 18)

Subjects include; accounts, machinery (including blue prints and photographs), estate of Sir Henry Lawson...

Correspondence between H.A. Woodman, Sydney and J.H. Reed, Bow. Concerning supply of raw materials (89p.), 4 January 1952 - 2 October 1956 (File File 19)
Correspondence between H.A. Woodman, Sydney; Arthur Guthrie, Sydney and J.H. Reed, Bow; Gilbert Bartholomew, Bow; R.L. Stuart, Bow, 13 January 1954 - 28 December 1956 (File File 20)

Concerning sales and production, machinery, superannuation scheme and general business matters...

Correspondence between Alfred Guthrie, Sydney; G. Offerkuch, Assistant Secretary, Sydney; J.C.Hay, Sydney and George Ayres, Bow, concerning machinery (117p.), 16 February 1956 - 30 December 1957 (File File 21)
Correspondence between James Hay, General Manager, Sydney and R. Lewis Stuart, Bow, 6 January 1957 - 24 December 1957 (File File 22)

Concerning Hay's journey to Australia and immediate problems at the factory, sales policy, factory site, match report by W.H. Pearce, selling agent, report by C.B. Pidcock on visit to Papua New Guinea in relation to timber resources, (faint) and general business matters...

Correspondence between James Hay, Sydney and R.L. Stuart, Bow, 14 January 1958 - 16 December 1958 (File File 23)

Concerning sales, machinery, accounts, raw materials, including timber and general business matters. Includes plans of new amenities block...

Correspondence between James Hay, Sydney and R.L. Stuart, Bow; G.P. Bartholomew, Bow, 31 December 1958 - 29 December 1959 (File File 24)

Concerning quality of matches produced at Sydney factory, sales and accounts, problems with Finnish splints and general business matters. Includes Canberra survey. Report on Australian motor vehicle industry. 16 April 1959...

Correspondence between James Hay, Sydney and R.L. Stuart, Bow, 24 December 1959 - 20 November 1960 (File File 25)

Concerning growing poplar in Australia, wages, accounts, composition of the Board, machinery, prices, insurance, budget statement for 1960 and general business matters. Includes copies of; AIM Salary levels and practices in NSW. 1959. Inside Canberra, press cuttings...

Correspondence between James Hay, Sydney and R.L. Stuart, Bow; N.D. Angier, Bow, 4 January 1961 - 27 December 1961 (File File 26)

Concerning donation to Canberra National University to build glass house, accounts, machinery, fall in sales due to importing of lighters, report on sales and merchandise in Capital Territory and Riverina District and general business matters. Includes plans for new mixing and weighing rooms...

Correspondence between James Hay, Sydney; S. Rowe, Wahroonga and R.L .Stuart, Bow, 11 December 1961 - 5 October 1962 (File File 27)

Concerning costs of producing splints, finance, copies of correspondence with J.L. Carrick, General Secretary Liberal Party of Australia, NSW, Concerning the state of the industry (poor quality), use of veneer skillets v. chipboard skillets, 1962 budget, F.M. Forrests Pty Ltd accounts, machinery, labels, raw materials and general business matters...

Correspondence between James Hay, Sydney; W.T. Jacobs, Sydney and R.L. Stuart, Bow, 21 December 1962 - 23 December 1963 (File File 28)

Concerning accounts, production, new label series (with proof), selling of advertising space on boxes, machinery, 1963 Budget, Russian splints, press cutting on top Australian Companies and general business matters...

Correspondence between James Hay, Sydney; G.C. Offerkuch, Sydney; Secretary Federal Match Co and R.L. Stuart, Bow, 27 January 1964 - 15 December 1964 (File File 29)

Concerning sales, machinery, 16 photographs of visit of Lord Portal, Sir Anthony Elkins and R.L. Stuart to Sydney; raw materials, accounts, new series labels, planning new Grafton factory and general business matters...

Correspondence between James Hay, Sydney; H.S. Young, Accountant, Sydney and R.L. Stuart, Bow; N.D. Angier, Bow, 2 February 1965 - 30 December 1965 (File File 30)

Concerning overseas visit by Hay, prices, packing in units of ten, 'exploding matches', Directors report 1964,accounts, machinery, report on Poplar growing and splint manufacture in Australia by the Australian match companies, 1965, new factory at Grafton and general business matters...

Correspondence between James Hay, Sydney; G.C. Offerkuch, Sydney and R.L. Stuart, Bow; N.D. Angier, Bow, 4 January 1966 - 19 December 1966 (File File 31)

Concerning poplar growing at Tumut, accounts, new factory at Grafton, machinery, reorganisation of Bryant and May (Holdings) Ltd, raw materials, sales and general business matters...

Correspondence between James Hay, Sydney and R.L. Stuart, Bow, 2 January 1967 - 14 December 1967 (File File 32)

Concerning machinery, report on Hanna Match Australia Pty Ltd, test report on Australian poplar splints, accounts, raw materials, new board members, price increase, anti-dumping act, sales and production, Japanese match industry and general business matters...

Correspondence concerning F.M. Forests Pty Ltd and poplar growing in NSW, April 1959 - April 1960 (File File 33)

Correspondents include Sir Anthony Elkins, Bow; C.E.Lane Poole, Sydney; copies of correspondence between Lane Poole and James Hay; R.L. Stuart, Sydney; G.P. Bartholomew, Bow; C.R. Bunning, Perth...

Correspondence and reports on F.M. Forests Pty Ltd and poplar growing in NSW. Correspondents include R.L. Stuart, Bow; James Hay, Sydney; C.S. Brown, Canberra, 10 December 1959 - 20 December 1960 (File File 34)

Includes monthly and General Manager FM Forests Pty Ltd reports; 5 photographs of land considered by FM Forests; 16 photographs of growths of cuttings of various species; 4 aerial photographs, 1960 budget FM Forests Pty Ltd...

Correspondence concerning FM Forests Pty Ltd and poplar growing, 21 December 1960 - 19 December 1961 (File File 35)

Correspondents include James Hay, Sydney; Sep Rowe, Wahroonga; R.L. Stuart, Bow; WA Miller, Willington, Beds; includes photographs, 1961 budget and notes on long range planning...

Correspondence concerning FM Forests Pty Ltd and poplar growing, 28 September 1962 - 18 March 1965 (File File 36)

Correspondents include R.L. Stuart, Bow; James Hay, Sydney; WA Miller, Bow. Includes Managing Directors Reports, press cuttings, Aspects of poplar growing and land utilization in Australia by L.D. Pryor, ANU 1962. (faint), plans of plantations...

Budgets and Reports (File File 37)
Federal Match Co Pty Ltd Budget (37p.), 1964 (Item 1)
Federal Match Co Pty Ltd Budget (43p.), 1965 (Item 2)
Federal Match Co Pty Ltd Budget (28p.), 1966 (Item 3)
Federal Match Co Pty Ltd Budget (34p.), 1967 (Item 4)
Federal Match Co Pty Ltd Budget Aide memoires, April 1967 (Item 5)

Gives details of the Directors, history of the firm, sales, marketing, production, finance...

Federal Match Co Pty Ltd. Aide memoire for RLC Stuart, March 1968 (Item 6)

Gives his itinerary, biographies of personnel he may meet, details of sales, accounts, administrative organisation, production, land and buildings...

Federal Match Co Pty Ltd Budget (25p.), 1968 (Item 7)
Federal Match Co Pty Ltd Budget (25p.), 1969 (Item 8)
Federal Match Co Pty Ltd Budget (14p.), 1970 (Item 9)
Federal Match Co Pty Ltd Budget (14p.), 1971 (Item 10)
Federal Match Co Pty Ltd Budget Aide memoire on sales (21p.), August 1971 (Item 11)
Federal Match Co Pty Ltd Budget Accounts (29p.), April 1971 - June 1971 (Item 12)
FM Forests Pty Ltd. Aide memoire, April 1967 (Item 13)

Gives details of Directors, history and activities of the Company, blue print of the factory, organization, sales, marketing, capital, production, finance...

FM Forests Pty Ltd Budget (56p.), 1967 (Item 14)
FM Forests Pty Ltd Budget (44p.), 1968 (Item 15)
FM Forests Pty Ltd Budget (46p.), 1969 (Item 16)
FM Forests Pty Ltd Budget (28p.), 1970 (Item 17)
FM Forests Pty Ltd Budget (39p.), 1971 (Item 18)
Federal Statement brought back by R.L. Stuart 1962, 1966: Preliminary report on manufacture of adhesives (9p.), March 1966 (Item a)
Federal statement brought back by R.L.Stuart 1962,1966: Appreciation by managing director on veneer skillets & chipboard skillets. (Item b)
Federal Statement brought back by R.L. Stuart 1962, 1966: Report on selling and distribution (8p.), 1962 (Item c)
Federal Statement brought back by R.L. Stuart 1962, 1966: Directors Report (1p.), 1961 (Item d)
Federal Statement brought back by R.L. Stuart 1962, 1966: Standard cost (3p.), 1962 (Item e)
Federal Statement brought back by R.L. Stuart 1962, 1966: Sales tables (11p.) (Item f)
Notes on reorganisation of the structure of the match companies in Australia and their subsidiaries and the possibility of establishing a holding company (35p.), 1968 (Item 20)
FM Forests Pty Ltd. Poplar growing in Australia. Management accounting (29p.), (1968?) (Item 21)
Integration of match factory with splint making factory (25p.), 1969 (Item 22)
Memorandum on relocating the match factory with emphasis on moving to Grafton (17p.), March 1969 (Item 23)
FM Forests Pty Ltd. Statistical and planning information etc (38p.), 1966 (Item 24)
Federal re. Grafton 1959 and 1964: Memorandum on Federal Match Co Pty Ltd, incorporating information re Skillet and splint works at Grafton and poplar forestry work at Grafton (22p.), 1959 (Item a)
Federal re. Grafton 1959 and 1964: Memorandum on Federal Match Co Pty Ltd (19p.), February 1964 (Item b)
Federal re. Grafton 1959 and 1964: Poplar growing at Grafton (31p.), February 1964 (Item c)
Federal re. Grafton 1959 and 1964: Financial plan for the development of FM Forests Pty Ltd (20p.), March 1964 (Item d)

Subseries D/B/BRY/1/2/799.1 - 5. Correspondence with Western Australian Match Co Ltd. Havelock Street, Perth

Letters from W. Australian Match Co and copies of replies from Bryant and May concerning importing to Australia of Skillets and splints (99p.), 6 July 1932 - 5 December 1938 (File File 1)
Letters from W. Australian Match Co and copies of replies from Bryant and May, 26 March 1931 - 13 December 1934 (File File 2)

Concerning codes to be used in cables, balance sheets and including copies of minutes of meetings of Directors; letters from Flack and Flack, Perth re setting up of company; Report of Managing Director, 1933 -1934...

Letters from W. Australian Match Co and copies of replies from Bryant and May, 10 Dec 1935 - 18 June 1943; 10 March 1950 - 7 December 1950 (File File 3)

Regarding supply and shipping of raw materials, includes Alteration WA Price, 16/10/37, sales figures 12 August 1938, Report by J.E.W.Fawcett on sales and bad quality of WA matches. 1938 (4p.)...

Rodney Alsop, Melb to Clarence Bartholomew, Bryant and May, 10 December 1931 (File File 4)

Regarding friction between himself and Mr. Sundstrom over the tender for sprinkler system in Perth factory.

Copy of Alsop to J.M. Joshua re sprinkler system, 2 December 1931 (File)
Copy of Bartholomew to Alsop ack receipt of his letter (7p.), 18 January 1932 (File)
Correspondence between J.J. Poynton, Director W. Australia Match Co and C.Bartholomew, Bryant and May, 28 April 1931 - August 1938 (File File 5)

Regarding general running of the Company; includes Report of Directors. 1936/37. (46p.)

Subseries D/B/BRY/1/2/855 - 872. Newspaper cuttings

Select cuttings from Australian newspapers; subjects include Bryant and May in Australia, matches in general.

Foreign and Colonial, 1923 - 1924 (File D/B/BRY/1/2/855)

Pages 1, 12, 13, 14, 25, 28, 29, 34, 35, 36, 43, 46, 47, 55, 56, 61, 67, 72, 76, 83, 113, 129, 137, 143, 144, 163, 164, 165, 166, 169, 175, 188, 191, 192, 193, 199.

Foreign and Colonial, 1924 - 1925 (File D/B/BRY/1/2/856)

Pages 1, 2, 4, 7, 14, 15, 18, 24, 25, 26, 28, 40, 42, 43, 44, 56, 57, 58, 59, 64, 75, 76, 77, 80, 81, 82, 85, 88, 89, 90, 98, 103, 104, 108, 109, 110, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 126, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 138, 139, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 162, 163, 169, 170, 172, 178, 179, 180, 182, 184, 191, 194, 195, 196, 197, 199.

Foreign and Colonial, 1925 - 1926 (File D/B/BRY/1/2/857)

Pages 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 23, 24, 25, 30, 41, 42, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 52, 60, 61, 62, 62a, 63, 66, 67, 68, 72, 73, 76, 77, 82, 85, 86, 87, 88, 90, 92, 96, 97, 98, 104, 107, 108, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 126, 131, 132, 134, 139, 144, 145, 148, 150, 158, 169, 170, 172, 173, 174, 177, 178, 182, 183, 185, 194.

Foreign and Colonial, 1926 - 1927 (File D/B/BRY/1/2/858)

Pages 2, 3, 8, 10, 11, 14, 20, 32, 38, 41, 45, 53, 57, 72, 74, 88, 112, 113, 120, 121, 123, 124, 125, 126, 140, 164, 165.

Foreign and Colonial, 1927 (File D/B/BRY/1/2/859)

Pages 11, 13, 63, 65, 75, 90, 106, 108, 110, 113, 114, 119, 122, 126, 128, 134, 135, 141, 142, 143, 144, 150, 151, 152, 153, 157, 168, 169, 175, 176.

Foreign and Colonial, 1927 - 1928 (File D/B/BRY/1/2/860)

Pages 1, 3, 29, 33, 37, 40, 41, 47, 67, 79, 80, 84, 91, 102, 140, 142.

Foreign and Colonial, 1928 (File D/B/BRY/1/2/861)

Pages 4, 7, 8, 38a, 46, 48, 54a, 55, 80, 92, 99, 132, 150, 152.

Foreign and Colonial, 1928 - 1929 (File D/B/BRY/1/2/862)

Pages 1, 3, 5, 7, 18a, 30a, 39, 40, 42, 44, 55, 64, 66, 67, 69, 70, 71, 72, 80, 81, 89, 99, 102a, 138, 139, 146, 152.

Foreign and Colonial, 1929 - 1930 (File D/B/BRY/1/2/863)

Pages 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 24, 26, 28, 30, 31, 32, 38, 40, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 65, 67, 69, 71, 78, 94, 109, 110, 111a, 111b, 112, 115, 115a, 124, 126, 127, 128, 130, 131, 136, 138, 139, 140, 141, 144, 145, 149, 151.

Foreign and Colonial, 1930 - 1931 (File D/B/BRY/1/2/864)

Pages 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 30, 31, 33, 34, 36, 37, 44a, 45, 54, 59, 68, 70, 73, 78, 83, 85, 93a, 95, 96, 97, 100, 103, 108, 110, 121, 136, 137, 138, 141, 142, 144, 146, 146a, 148, 149, 150.

Foreign and Colonial, 1931 - 1932 (File D/B/BRY/1/2/865)

Pages 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 8a, 13, 17, 19, 27, 30, 32, 40, 43, 46, 46a, 49, 50, 55, 59, 60, 62, 72, 73, 122, 125, 126a, 127, 131, 138, 141, 142, 143, 145.

Foreign and Colonial, 1932 - 1934 (File D/B/BRY/1/2/866)

Pages 9, 10, 11, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, 69, 70, 71, 73, 74, 77, 82, 83, 84, 84a, 110, 111, 121, 126, 132, 134, 135, 149.

Foreign and Colonial, 1937 - 1939 (File D/B/BRY/1/2/867)

Pages 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 33, 35, 39, 47, 77, 78, 79, 93, 105, 108, 110, 121, 122, 132, 136, 143, 144, 146, 146a, 148, 150a, 150b, 152.

Abroad, 1934 - 1935 (File D/B/BRY/1/2/868)

Pages 14a, 46a, 51, 66, 69, 92, 125, 129, 131.

Abroad, 1935 - 1937 (File D/B/BRY/1/2/869)

Pages 5, 10, 17, 22, 35, 41, 46, 70, 73, 74, 75, 76a, 78, 79, 81, 84, 85, 90, 94, 95, 96, 96a, 100a, 105, 111, 115, 116, 117, 120, 123, 129, 133, 137, 138, 142, 150.

Abroad, 1939 - 1943 (File D/B/BRY/1/2/870)

Pages 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 22, 24, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 51, 53, 54, 55, 58, 59, 60, 61, 64 69, 75, 79, 80, 82, 87, 94, 97, 98a, 99, 100, 101, 104, 108, 111, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 120b, 122, 124, 126, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 148a and b, 150, 151, 152.

Abroad, 1943 - 1950 (File D/B/BRY/1/2/871)

Pages 1, 2, 2a, 3, 4, 4a, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15, 19, 21, 22, 27, 33, 34, 35, 36a, 38, 41, 44, 45, 46, 51, 52, 52a, 53, 54 54a, 55, 56, 58, 60, 67, 68, 70a, 70b, 71, 72, 72b, 76, 77, 82a, 83, 84, 88, 89, 90, 91, 94, 95, 97, 98, 98a, 99, 101, 102, 103, 105, 106, 109, 110, 111, 114, 114a, 115, 116, 117, 118, 121, 123, 125, 126, 126a, 128, 129, 130, 140, 141, 142, 144, 145, 151.

Abroad, 1950 - 1954 (File D/B/BRY/1/2/872)

Pages 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 53, 54, 55, 57, 67, 69, 70, 73, 74, 76, 76a, 77, 80, 81, 87, 88, 89, 91, 93, 95, 101, 103, 105, 108a, c, d, e, 112, 112a, 112b, 113, 116, 116a, 117, 118a, 119, 120, 121, 122, 122a, 128, 131, 133, 140, 142a, 142b, 143, 145, 148, 150a, 151.

Series D/B/BRY/1/8. Wilkinson Match Ltd

Formed in 1974 following the merger of British Match Corp and Wilkinson Sword Ltd. Wilkinson Sword is now part of Wilkinson Group Ltd.

Subseries D/B/BRY/1/8/1. 'Red Book' reports on companies by country, 1974

Filmed selectively.

Chapters on Australia and New Zealand (File)

Comprises: History of Bryant and May in Australasia, capital structure, management, Australian corporate law, marketing, production, forestry, diversification, statistics...

Subseries D/B/BRY/1/8/2. Draft reports for 'Red Book'

Filmed selectively.

Bryant and May Pty and its non match subsidiaries, 1974 (File 3)

Report by I.W.G.Brooke on his visit to Australia, 2 February - 1 March 1975, to study the match market. (23 p.)...

Melanesian Matches Pty Ltd, August 1974 (File 4)

(8 p.)...

Bryant and May (NZ) Ltd, August 1974 (File 5)

Rough draft and final version...

Subseries D/B/BRY/1/8/3. Critical/key issues/Operating results, 1974 - 1977

Comprises: operating results for Wilkinson Match Companies, including those in Australasia, 1974-1977...

Series D/B/BRY/3. Overseas Match Companies

Subseries D/B/BRY/3/2. Bryant and May, Bell and Co Pty Ltd and Australasia Ltd

In 1906, Bryant and May Ltd and R.Bell and Co Ltd jointly, with other interests, formed a company Australasia Ltd, for the import of matches and vestas into Australasia. In 1909 - 10* the same group formed two new companies; Bryant and May, Bell and Co (Proprietary) Ltd, Australia and the same, New Zealand. These purchased the match factories of R. Bell and Co in Melbourne and Wellington, replacing them with new factories in 1910 and 1924 respectively. Australasia Ltd was liquidated in 1910. The name of the New Zealand company was changed in 1969 to Bryant and May (NZ) Ltd...

Indexed minutes of Australasia Advisory Committee, then of the Governing Directors (in London) of Bryant and May, Bell and Co Proprietary Ltd. (From 1910), 1909 - 1913 (File 1)

Includes copies of minutes of Board of Directors in Melbourne...

Working papers of C.E. Bartholomew (in Australia and New Zealand) on the establishment of the companies, 1907 - 1910 (File 3)

Includes memorandum and articles of association of Bell and Co Ltd, Aust., 1910. 8p. and of Bryant and May, Bell and Co, New Zealand, 1910, 30p. Report on examination of accounts and copies of balance sheets, 1904/5/6/7. R.Bell and Co Ltd: List of share holders of Bryant and May, Bell and Co Ltd NZ; price lists; insurance policy; valuations; plans of factory; orders for new machinery; new cuttings; correspondence; miscellaneous notes...

Cashbook; Australasia Ltd. (9p.), June 1907 - December 1910 (File 4)
Australia: Certificate of incorporation. (1p.), 1910 (File 5)
Australia: Printed balance sheets, trading and profit and loss accounts - Melbourne (675p.), 1910-1932; 1934-1948 (File 6)
Australia: Printed balance sheets, trading and profit and loss accounts - W.A. Match Co Ltd (189p.), 1932 - 1947 (File 7/a)
Australia: W.A. Match Co Ltd comparison of profit and loss accounts and comparison of manufacturing and trading accounts (15p.), 1931 - 1935 (File 7/b)
Australia: Photograph album (with notes) illustrating production, 1920's (File 8)

15 photographs.

Australia: How they make matches. Illustrated visitors booklet, Empire Works, Richmond, Melbourne (57p.), 1924 (File 9)
Australia: The Matchmakers. Second edition of the above - 1924, 1913 (File 10)

(64 p.)...

Australia: Recipe for safety matches composition (1p.), 1922 (File 11)
Australia: Photograph of 'match girl' fancy dress (1p.), 1920's (File 12)
Australia: Brymay staff provident fund (Melbourne) printed balance sheets and statements of accounts (114p.), 1935 - 1949 (File 13)
Australia: Paper read by L.S. Benjamin at meeting of the Society of the Chemical Industry Melbourne on benefit schemes (6 p.), 24 June 1921 (File 14)
Australia: 102 various photographs of staff including Melbourne Jubilee Celebration dinner December 1959, 1911 - 1959 (File 15)
Australia: Revised specifications of additions to Empire Works (63p.), 1922 (File 16)
Australia: Two albums of photographs of Empire Works (File 17)

44 photos c.1910.

Australia: Various photographs of Empire Works, showing workers, processes, facilities, 1920's (File 18)

And ND. c.76 photos.

Australia: News cutting on Interstate Commission on the Match Industry (File 19)

Argus February 1914. (1 p. faint).

New Zealand: Certificate of incorporation. (1p.), 10 December 1909 (File 22)
New Zealand: Certificate of incorporation (1p.), 26 April 1910 (File 23)
New Zealand: Minutes of Directors meetings in London with copies of minutes Directors meetings in Wellington (96p.), 1910 - 1913 (File 24)
New Zealand: List of shareholders (1p.); minutes of 109th meeting of Directors, 15 June 1922 (File 25)

Wellington. 1922...

New Zealand: Printed balance sheets, trading and profit and loss accounts - Wellington (698p.), 1910 - 1948 (File 26)
New Zealand: Two photographs of Directors, 1928 - 1949 (File 27)


New Zealand: Papers, correspondence, plans and newspaper cuttings on Wellington factory and extension, 1920 - 1922 (File 28)

The Dominion 24 June 1922 p1 of Magazine section. Art, on Bryant and May. Notes for slide presentation on new factory; insurance schedule. Companies Act 1915 although listed, not all records in this file were copied by the Australian Joint Copying Project...

New Zealand: Specification for match factory (80p.), 1922 (File 29)
New Zealand: 30 photographs and prints of factory and models thereof, showing building works and processes, 1927 - 1930 (File 30)
New Zealand: Dominion Federated Sawmillers Association. Some notes on the Forestry Resources of New Zealand (16p.), 1921 (File 31)
New Zealand: Exhibition Sketches - Dunedin Manufacturers Exhibition and Carnival, cartoons of prominent local people (36p.), 1930 (File 32)

Subseries D/B/BRY/3/3. Federal Match Co Ltd, Sydney, Australia

Incorporated 1913. Associated with Bryant and May since 1922.

Statements of account, 1920 - 1935 (File 1)

See also D/B/BRY/1/2/764...

Statements of account (558p.), 1935 - 1948 (File 2)
28 photographs of works, machinery and staff, 1922 - 1945 (File 3)

Subseries D/B/BRY/3/4. Western Australia Match Co Ltd, Perth

Founded 1931 (subsidiary of Bryant and May Pty Ltd.)

13 photographs of building site, new building works and plant, 1931 - 1950's (File 1)

See also D/B/BRY/1/2/799.

Subseries D/B/BRY/3/5. New Zealand Wax Vesta Co Caversham, Dunedin

4 blue prints of additions to Dunedin factory, scale 1/8 inch = 1 ft, and plan of ground and works. Scale 1/22 inch = 1 ft, 1922 (File 1)
42 photographs of Dunedin factory, workers, directors and 50th anniversary party, 1920's - 1948 (File 2)
Cartoon of gentleman smoking a cigarette inscribed 'FWC from Gordon MacIntyre', 1932 (File 3)
