Guide to the Letters of Thomas Mellard Reade (as filmed by the AJCP)



National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

Created: 2018

Online Items

Series TMR1. Scientific correspondence, 1883 - 1906

Filmed selectively.

Sir James Anderson (London) to Reade, 25 April 1883 (File A.5.1)

Remarks by John Pender on position of submarine cables; no evidence of cables being shifted by currents after they have settled on sea beds; probability of cables breaking.

Sir James Anderson to Reade, 12 September 1883 (File A.5.2)

Apparent drifting of cables; weight and dimeter of cables; soundings.

Sir John Wolfe Barry (London) to Reade, 25 November 1901 (File B.2.1)

Acknowledges letter; forwarded to Eastern Extension Telegraph Company.

Rev. Osmond Fisher (Cambridge) to Reade, 25 September 1888 (File F.5.26)

Meeting of geologists; Davison; report by Thomas of Tarawera eruption in New Zealand.

Henry B. Guppy (Falmouth) to Reade, 29 December 1887 (File G.15.1)

Guppy's geological notes on Solomon Islands; queries on foldings given in section on Ungi and Treasury Islands; underlying volcanic rocks.

Henry B. Guppy (Falmouth) to Reade, 12 January 1888 (File G.15.2)

Volcanic rocks at Solomon Islands; no satisfactory explanation yet for folding.

Henry B. Guppy (London) to Reade, 22 January 1888 (File G.15.3)

Thanks for papers; origin of deep sea red clay; mangrove mud.

Frederick Hesse [London] to Reade, 22 January 1888 (File H.11.1)

Repairs to Java-Australia cable; sends tracing of cable from Banjoewangie [Banyuwangi] to Darwin; encloses extract from letter of captain of SS Recorder.

J. Malcolm Maclaren (London) to Reade, 9 May 1901 (File M.3.1)

Hopes to meet Reade in Liverpool; geological research; proposes to study gold veins of Wales.

J. Malcolm Maclaren to Reade, 3 October 1901 (File M.3.6)

Summary of account of submarine ridges off coast of Australia discovered by SS Britannia.

J. Malcolm Maclaren to Reade, 13 October 1901 (File M.3.7)

Interest in ocean ridges of south-west Pacific; believes New Zealand received portion of its avian fauna along newly discovered ridge; soundings show two great systems of mountain ranges.

J. Malcolm Maclaren to Reade, 6 December 1901 (File M.3.9)

Maclaren's election as a fellow of Geological Society; south-west Pacific soundings; sends notice about South Australian glacial beds.

J. Malcolm Maclaren to Reade, 24 January 1902 (File M.3.10)

Earthquake shock in New Zealand and Kermadec Islands; his research for a paper for the Geological Society of Edinburgh.

J. Malcolm Maclaren to Reade, 25 September 1902 (File M.3.17)

Departure for India; earthquake in New Zealand.

J. Malcolm Maclaren (Calcutta) to Reade, 10 September 1903 (File M.3.18)

Work for Geological Survey of India; offer of position of Chief Geologist of New Zealand; prefers to continue roaming; interest in dynamic metamorphism of intermediate igneous rocks.

J. Malcolm Maclaren (Calcutta) to Reade, 26 July 1906 (File M.3.19)

Resignation from Geological Survey of India; difficulty of climate; conflict with the director.
