Guide to the Collections held by the Lancashire Record Office (as filmed by the AJCP)


M2800 - M2802

National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

Created: 2019

Online Items

Fonds H.S. High Sheriff Papers, 1813

Series H.S. 7. Deputy Sheriff documents during shrievalty of William Farington of Warden, February 1813 - March 1813

Calendars and cause lists, February 1813 - 20 November 1947 (File H.S. 7/C 2)

Filmed selectively.

A Calendar of the prisoners for trial in H.M. Gaol the Castle of Lancaster. (3pp), 12 February 1813 (Item 1)
Gaol delivery Lancaster Castle, Gives details of crime and sentence (4pp), 20 March 1813 (Item 2)
Receipt for one shilling received by The Lancashire "Shilling" Royal Wedding Fund, 26 November 1947 (Item)

Fonds Q. Quarter Sessions Records, 1801 - 1857

Series QG. Penal Functions, December 1836 - November 1843

Subseries QGT. Transportation Documents (26pp), December 1836 - November 1843

Bonds for £500 to transport convicts from Lancashire Prisons to General penitentiary at Millbank and to the Hulks.(1-6)

Transportation Documents, 30 December 1836 (File QGT 1-6)
Transportation Documents, 31 December 1838 (File QGT 1-6)
Transportation Documents, 5 December 1839 (File QGT 1-6)
Transportation Documents, 22 February 1841 (File QGT 1-6)
Transportation Documents, 11 November 1842 (File QGT 1-6)
Transportation Documents, 14 November 1843 (File QGT 1 - 6)
Notice from J.H.Capper, Whitehall, that convicts can no longer be lodged overnight at Newgate, n.d. (File QGT 1 - 6)

Series QJ. Judicial Functions, March 1801 - June 1857

Subseries QJC. Calendars of Prisoners, March 1801 - June 1857
A calendar of all the Crown prisoners confined in HM Gaol in the Castle of Lancaster, March 1805 - August 1806; August 1808 - March 1822; August 1832 - March 1837 (File QJC 1)

Gives: name of convict, age, details of crime, details of sentence have been added; and list of convicts under sentence of transportation.Includes some press cuttings reporting on the assizes...

A calendar of all the Crown prisoners contained in HM Gaol in the Castle of Lancaster. March 1801 -March 1822, March 1801 - August 1804; March 1807 - March 1808 (File QJC 1a)

Details of sentence have not been added; List of convicts under sentence of transportation...

A liberate of all such persons in the Castle of Lancaster in the House of Correction at Preston, Salford and Liverpool as were bought before the Court or have taken their trials at the General Quarter Session of the Peace, begun and holden at Lancaster, 9 January 1821, January 1821 - July 1834 (File QJC 2)

Gives: details of crime and sentence, including transportation. Includes Lancaster, Preston, Salford and Liverpool Sessions...

A calendar of crown prisoners in HM Goal Kirkdale for trial at Liverpool assizes (378pp), March 1844 - August 1847 (File)
Circular from Sir George Grey, Home Office to Chairman of Quarter Sessions for Lancaster, Kirkdale, Liverpool, 27 June 1857 (File QJV 5)

Re. amended regulations concerning convicts sentenced to transportation. (4pp)

Fonds PR. Parish Records, 1912

Series PR 2973. St. Paul's Preston, May 1912

Filmed selectively.

Notice of purchase and receipt for payment of New Zealand consolidated stock from F.E. Swindells London, 15 May 1912; 31 May 1912 (File PR 2973/24/2)

2 documents...

Fonds DDB. Parker of Brownsholme, 1782 - 1783

Series DDB/74. Miscellaneous, March 1782 - March 1783

Filmed selectively.

Calendar of all the crown prisoners at Lancaster Castle, 26 March 1782; 25 March 1783 (File DDB/74/15 and 16)

Includes details of transportees.

Fonds DDB1. Blundell of Crosby, 1840

Series DDBl 53. Diaries, July 1840 - November 1840

Filmed selectively.

Journal of a voyage from Gravesend to Sydney, 23 July 1840 - 15 November 1840 (File DDBl 53/5a)

By F.Smythe. Presented to his sister, C.M.Smythe. 172pp...

Fonds DDCm. Crombleholme Mss, 1819 - 1842

Series DDCm/1. Assize Papers, February 1819 - August 1842

Filmed selectively.

Certificate that James Twist was convicted on 31 March 1818 at Lancaster of breaking and entering at Liverpool and sentenced to transportation for 7 years. (2pp), 17 February 1819 (File DDCm/1/2)
Orders for commutation of death sentences to transportation (78pp), 30 September 1819 - 12 August 1842 (File DDCm/1/14-55)

Gives:name of convict, details of crime and place of transportation...

Fonds DDFl. Thomas Hope Floyd Papers, 1894 - 1941

Series DDFl 4. Letters from Clergymen, October 1937 - March 1938

C.W. Whonsbon-Aston, Anglican Mission, Mukawa, Papua, to Floyd with information on the Venerable Archdeacon William Floyd, Vicar of Levuka, Fiji, 11 October 1937 (File DDFl 4/72)
L.S. Polynesia (Bishop in Polynesia), Suva, to Floyd with transcription of gravestone of William Floyd, 1 March 1938 (File)

Series DDFl 6. Letters to and from Family, June 1930 - April 1941

Filmed selectively.

Letters from Mrs. Colin (Leo) King, from Penang and Bukit Mertajam, Straits Settlement to Floyd (28p), 4 June 1930; 25 August 1930; 29 November 1931; 28 March 1933; 31 January 1938; 11 December 1939; April 1941 (File DDFl 6/15)

Subjects include her husband's work in the Malaya Education Service, life in Penang-parties, playing cricket, girl guide camp, cost of living; war news. Post card has a picture of Form IVa High School, Bukit Mertajam...

Fonds DDGr. Dawson-Greene Collection, 1823 - 1829

Series DDGr O. Official Papers, August 1823 - August 1829

A calendar of the crown prisoners confined in HM Gaol at Lancaster Castle (58pp), August 1823 - August 1829 (File)

Gives: name and age of convict, details of crime, details of sentences have been added, and convicts under sentence of transportation...

Calendar, 13 August 1823 (Item)
Calendar, 15 August 1825 (Item)
Calendar, 29 August 1829 (Item)

Fonds DDHe. Hesketh Muniments, 1821 - 1829

Series DDHe 77. Sir Thomas Dalrymple Hesketh, January 1821 - April 1829

Filmed selectively.

Calendar of all the prisoners in the House of Correction at Preston, 8 January 1821; 9 January 1826; 3 April 1826; 14 July 1828; 15 October 1828; 14 January 1829; 29 April 1829 (File DDHe 77/78-84)

Gives: name and age of convict, details of crime, sentence details have been added and list of prisoners under sentence of transportation...

Fonds DDPd. Pedder Muniments, 1834 - 1852

Series DDPd 17. Family Papers and Correspondence, February 1834 - June 1840

Filmed selectively.

Joseph Pedder, Letters from Batavia, 1 February 1834 - 11 June 1840 (File DDPd 17/2)

18 letters and 2 documents...

Series DDPd 26. Finsthwaite, November 1852

Filmed selectively.

Declaration by Sarah, wife of Thomas Gough of Parramatta, NSW, blacksmith, 19 November 1852 (File DDPd 26/392)

Re. her first marriage and children by William Lewthwaite (died 21 November 1851), a nephew of Roger Taylor, late of Finsthwaite. Includes copies of extracts from the marriage and burial registers of St. John, Parramatta, 1832 and 1851 and Certificated by Henry Burton Bradley, notary public, Sydney. (13p.)

Fonds DDPr. Lancashire Evening Post Deposit, 10 February 1777 - 4 March 1791

Series DDPr 18. Lancaster, 10 February 1777 - 4 March 1791

Assignment of Gaol with a calendar of prisoners, 10 February 1777 (File DDPr 18/1-3)
Names of transportees, 25 January 1779, 10 February 1787, 11 February 1788,4 March 1791. (File DDPr 18/3)

5 sheets (some damaged).

Fonds DDP SL. Platt Saco Lowell: Textile Machinery Manufacturers, 1948-c.1960s

Series DDP SL 1. Platt Bros. & Co. Ltd. of Oldham, January 1948 - July 1948

Subseries DDP SL 1/75. Overseas Jobbing books, January 1948 - July 1948
General Overseas, January 1948 - July 1948 (File DDP SL 1/75/6)

Filmed selectively.

Order by S. Dodd & Sons Ltd., Oldham of various items for delivery to Australia, 21 January 1948 (Item no. 126)
Order by S. Dodd & Sons Ltd., Oldham of various items for delivery to Australia, 5 February 1948 (Item no. 137)
Order by S. Dodd & Sons Ltd., Oldham of various items for delivery to Australia, 6 February 1948 (Item no. 140)
Order by Davies Co op (NSW) Ltd., Marrickville for material to convert existing speed frames from belt drive to Individual Motor Drive. (3p), 5 May 1948 (Item no.181)
Order by Bradford Cotton Mills Ltd. Sydney for Lap Drawimg Frames. (3p), 26 July 1948 (Item no. 230)

Series DDP SL 14. Platt International, c.1960s

Filmed selectively.

Draft contract between Dobson and Barlow and the National Aniline Division of the Allied Chemical and Dye Corp. Inc., n.d. (c.1960s) (File DDP SL 14/13/1)

Dobson and Barlow to supply Aniline Division with machinery for a factory to be built in Australia and to erect and provide technical assistance for starting the machinery.

Fonds DD Ra. Miss J.F. Ramsbotham and R.B. Ramsbotham Deposit, 1866 - 1884

Series DD Ra 5. Miscellaneous, June 1866 - 22 April 1884

Filmed selectively.

Letters of administration of personal estate of Jonathon Matterson Smith, 15 June 1866 - 22 April 1884 (File DD Ra 5/30)

Jonathon Matterson Smith, formerly of Howthorpe, Near Bulmer, Yorkshire but late of Christchurch, New Zealand, farmer, died intestate 15 June 1866 at Christchurch, granted to Jabez Smith, the elder attorney of John Smith, father of J.M.Smith, Gross value not exceeding £100. Probate granted 1 sheet.

Fonds DD Rf. Messers Fair and Rea, Land Agents, Preston, 1863 - 1866

Series DD Rf 16. Miscellaneous maps and plans, 1863 - 1866

Filmed selectively.

Plan of parish of Cut Paw Paw, County of Bourke, 1865 (File DD Rf 16/1/1)

Scale 2 inches = 1 mile...

Tracing of parish of Bellarine, Victoria, n.d. (File DD Rf 16/1/2)

Scale 1 inch = 40 chains.

Plan of Portland, 1863 (File DD Rf 16/1/3)

Scale 1 inch = 8 chains...

Plan of parish of Nillumbik, 1866 (File DD Rf 16/1/4)

Scale 1 inch = 60 chains...

Fonds DDX 21. Dall Deposit, 1857 - 1874

Series DDX 21/6. Further Deposit, August 1857 - 1874

Filmed selectively.

Robert Dall, Adelaide to John W. Dall (father), Roach Mill, 30 August 1857 (File DDX 21/6/21)

Includes news of his children, birth of another daughter, description of Adelaide, discovery of a new goldfield in Victoria, the country is being explored to the north, possible discovery of new copper mine and hopes of future prosperity.

Biography of Robert Dall Senior (1813-1874), 1874 (File DDX 21/6/27)

Details of his life in South Australia, where he arrived in 1852 and was superintendent of Sunday School at Coromandal Valley...

Fonds DDX 33. Miss Cookson and Mrs. Stuart Deposit, 1846

Filmed selectively.

Letter of attorney and quitclaim from John Horatio Nickson, commanding ship Clarkson in harbour, Port Jackson, NSW, 21 October 1846 (File DDX 33/59)

Witnessed by August Haywood, Public notary, Sydney...

Fonds DDX 41. Mrs. Nellie Braddyll Deposit, 1821

Filmed selectively.

Pardons, 16 April 1821 (File DDX 41/23)

Pardons by George IV of Ellen Delves, convicted at Salford, October 1817, Mary Hamlet at Salford in April 1818 and Ann Spencer and Dorothy Jones at Salford in January 1818 under sentence of transportation at House of Correction at Preston. (2p)

Fonds DDX 75 C. Jamison Deposit, 1893

Filmed selectively.

Rev. J.F. Newell, on board Oroya, Port Said, to A. Barnes, 8 February 1893 (File DDX 75/132)

Returning to Sydney, details of life and entertainments on board, a trip ashore at Naples, Newell is to give lecture on missionary life and Samoa.

Fonds DDX 76. Professor Robert J.A. Berry, c.1906 - 1953

Book of news cuttings on medical subjects, 1909-1916; 1932 (File DDX 76/9)

Papers include Melbourne Herald, Argus, Australian Medical Journal, Ballarat Courier...

Book of news cuttings on political matters and mental deficiency, 1916 - 1934 (File DDX 76/10)

Papers include Herald, Argus, Adelaide Advertiser, Hobart Mercury...

Book containing Berry's addresses and articles, letters and family photographs, c.1906 - November 1953 (File DDX 76/11)

55p. Filmed selectively...

R.J.A. Berry, Department of Anatomy and Histology, University of Melbourne Medical School, 1930 (Item p.3)

Methods and Problems of Medical Education. 17th series...

Registrar University of Melbourne to Berry, sending resolution passed by Faculty of Medicine to record appreciation of services rendered by Berry, 19 July 1929 (Item p.15)
B.T. Zwar, President Royal Melbourne Hospital to Berry, re. Berry's involvement in re-siting the hospital, 23 February 1945 (Item p.20)
Melbourne Argus review of Brain and Mind, 28 April 1928 (Item p.24)
Copy of review in Medical Journal of Australia of Your Brain and its Story, November 1953 (Item p.25)
Melbourne Argus review of Berry's work at Children's Hospital, 30 August 1928 (Item p. 26)
Hilda Mackinnon, President of the Children's Hospital, Melbourne, to Berry thanking him for his work at the hospital, 27 June 1929 (Item p.27)
Article on Berry's work with children (Argus?) (Item p.29)
2 menus, one signed for farewell dinners at Windsor Hotel on Berry leaving Melbourne, 13 July 1929. and n.d. (Item p.33)
Two photographs of Berry, one with his daughter, taken in Melbourne, c.1906 and 1926 (Item p.36)
Picture of Royal Melbourne Hospital, 8 January 1945 (Item p.37)

Includes letter from Dr. B.T. Zwar, Frankston to Berry re. building of the new hospital.

Photograph of 4 Howard Place, Edinburgh, and Berry's house in the University grounds, Melbourne (Item p.38)
1914-1918 War Memorial of Victorian branch of British Medical Association, n.d. (Item p.40-41)
Photograph of Beatrice Berry, who married Ramsay Maxwell, Queen's College, Melbourne, Prof. of English Literature, n.d. (Item p.46)
Photographs of Berry's twins, Norman and Margaret, born in Melbourne 24 November 1908, n.d. (Item p.48 - 49)

Fonds DDX 97. Miss Rothwell Deposit, 1880

Charles Hunt, Sydney to Mr. and Mrs. Rothwell (his brother-in-law and sister), 17 January 1880 (File DDX 97/1)

Details of the voyage to Sydney from Plymouth, description of the harbour and vessels in it, prices of food (peaches 3d dozen), he is in lodgings awaiting word from Kyte to proceed to Melbourne. (12p)

Fonds DDX 140. R. Walmsley Deposit, 1812 - 1816

Filmed selectively.

Correspondence relating to the trial and transportation of Thomas Holden of Bolton, 18 May 1812 - 30 May 1816, and n.d. (File DDX 140/7/1-21a)

Thomas Holden (or Holding), Lancaster Castle, Langstone Harbour, (on board Portland and Fortune) and Sydney to his parents (John and Ellen) and his wife (Molly)...

Fonds DDX 153. J.Selwyn-Jones Deposit, 1836

Series DDX 153/6. Removal orders, August 1836

Filmed selectively.

Removal order for Dixson children, 27 August 1836 (File DDX 153/6/2)

Thomas, Edward, Sarah and Catherine Dixson, children of Henry and Catherine Dixson both under sentence of transportation for 7 and 14 years respectively, their removal from Liverpool Workhouse to Newton in the Willows...

Fonds DDX 207. Grundy Deposit, 1825

Series DDX 207/35. Family Letters, June 1825

Filmed selectively.

Walter Buchanan, London to Cuthbert Relph, 10 June 1825 (File DDX 207/35/7)

That he has heard from his cousin, Captain W.B.Lamb who is lately returned, that there is a Ralph at Hobart Town just establishing an Inn.

Fonds DDX 255. R. Butler Cole Deposit, 1794

Filmed selectively.

A sentence of all the crown prisoners confined in HM Gaol at Lancaster Castle, 31 March 1794 (File DDX 255/9)

Gives: name of convict, date of committment, details of crime and sentence, including transportation...

Fonds DDX 387. Mrs. R. Dixson Deposit, 1875

Daniel Gardner on board Loch Maree in the Clyde to his wife Rose, 4 August 1875 (File DDX 387/1-2)

Preparations for the voyage to Melbourne, passengers and animals on board...

Fonds DDX 505 R. Hawkey Deposit, 1840 - 1858

Letters from step brothers Richard Taylor and Simon Brown, transported to New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land, to their father George Taylor and sister, 11 April 1840 - 5 December 1858 (File DDX 505/1- 35)

Letters from Burnley, Chatham, York Castle, Woolwich, Sydney, Narellaw, Nr Camden, Lovely Banks, Van Diemens Land...

Fonds DDX 537 H. Preston Deposit, 1840 - 1878

Letters of Richard Boothman, (Lancashire Castle, Woolwich, Launceston) to his father and brother at Colne, 25 August 1840 - 5 August 1878 (File DDX 537/1-17)

Subjects include: conditions in prison; on the hulk Justicia; life in Van Diemen's Land-has been with the same master and not got into trouble since landed...

Fonds DDX 627. Hodgson Papers, 1903

Filmed selectively.

Letters of administration in Supreme Court of New Zealand, Northern District, of Eliza Smithes (died 19 July 1903) of Motukorea, Auckland, granted to John Henry Hodgson of Island of Motu, Auckland, 4 August 1903 (File DDX 627/6)

With plan of property on Waikato River. (4p)

Fonds DDX 771. T.G. Slater Deposit, 1899

Series DDX 771/3. Miscellaneous, July 1899

Filmed selectively.

R.K. Hardwicke, Longreach, Queensland to Slater, 20 July 1899 (File DDX 771/3/9)

Re. his life as a drover, considering going to the opal mines or gold fields, he has grown and is healthy.

Fonds DDX 821. Crawshaw of Whalton House, 1899

Series DDX 821/2. Correspondence, December 1899

Filmed selectively.

J. Martin, Streatham Hill, London to Lord Crawshaw, 16 December 1899 (File DDX 821/2/10)

Requesting him to attend a meeting on the 21 December to settle the future of Mongers West Australian Stores Ltd. in its litigation with WA Goldfields Co, proposed restructuring of the board with comments on the new members.

Fonds DDX 1041. Lowndes and Co. Solicitors Deposit, 1855

Series DDX 1041/4. Probate records of persons living abroad, October 1855

Filmed selectively.

Will and administration David Wilson, late of Murray Downs, Station NSW, stock owner and grazeier, now of Melbourne, 13 October 1855 (File DDX 1041/4/3)

Died 15 June 1854 leaving effects to brother James Wilson of Tallangatta Station, Albury.William Cross appointed administrator on behalf of executors George Houston and Robert Turnbull of Melbourne. Probate 3 large sheets.

Fonds DDX 1219 C. Whittaker and Co. Ltd. Accrington, 1960

Series DDX 1219/1. Loose Plans, December 1960

Filmed selectively.

Plan of rim clutches with common sliding box supplied to Brickworks, Australia, 2 December 1960 (File DDX 1219/1/115)

1 sheet...
