Guide to the records of Downside Abbey (as filmed by the AJCP)


M995 - M999

National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

Created: 2019

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Series. Correspondence and documents, 1819 - 1834

The bulk of the correspondence on this reel relates to the affairs of St Gregory's Priory at Downside, the construction of the chapel (opened in 1823), land purchases, financial transactions, the school and students, appointments, the activities and difficulties of other Benedictine houses in England and Europe, and the establishment of missions, especially within the diocese of Mauritius. Many of the letters were written by or to John Bede Polding, the novice-master (1819-1834) and subprior (1826-1834) at Downside Priory. Other correspondents include Bede Brewer, Richard Marsh and Augustine Birdsall, the presidents-general of the English Benedictine Congregation between 1799 and 1837, James Deday, provincial of Canterbury (1826-1834), Bernard Barber, the prior of Downside (1818-1830), Michael Lorymer, procurator of the Southern Province (1802-1826), Bishop James Bramston, vicar-apostolic of the London district (1823-1836), Edward Slater, bishop of Mauritius (1818-1832) and William Morris, bishop of Mauritius (1832-1840)...

Father Polding to Father Lorymer, 14 February 1819 (File E139)

Business. Master St. Remy. Getting rid of an importunate beggar. Liturgical conundrums.

Dr. Brewer to Father Lorymer, 11 May 1819 (File E158)

Business matters. Seeks information about L. Castlereagh's Hill about the division of our claim on French property. Father. Reshton persistent; going to Mauritius. Dr. Slater now in Ireland as guest of Missioners for Botany Bay.

Bishop Slater to Father J.J. Therry, c. 20 September 1819 (File E181)

Imparts faculties for mission of New Holland and counsels zeal and prudence and to give brotherly lead to his senior Reverend. P. Conolly.

Dr Brewer to Father Lorymer, 30 November 1819 (File E198)

Has just discovered a date error in accounts - mistake is on both sides. A boy going to Douay to be educated for the mission at Botany Bay.

Father J.B. Polding (Downside) to Father Lorymer, 17 January 1820 (File E211)

Sends £100 of £500 to be paid on Father Pratt's profession to be invested.

Prior Barker to Father Lorymer, 11 February 1820 (File E215)

Brother Pratt son of wine merchant in Richmond, Yorks - very good. Professed day before with Mrs. Wilson and Short. All excellent subjects...

Dr. Marsh (Douay) to Father Lorymer, 26 February 1820 (File E220)

Hy Lingard arrived safely, Mrs. Lingard is Dr Brewer's niece and Bishop. Slater's sister...

Edward Bowles to Father Polding, 2 March 1820 (File E224)

Has seen Burton, Hants and subject to conditions strongly recommends it as most suitable in place of Downside at £2600. Has agreed to purchase subject to consent of Downside.

Father Polding to Father Lorymer. Sends recipe for a salva of potent effect, 4 March 1820 (File E225)

Gives instance of its success.

Dr Brewer to Father Lorymer. In hopes of receiving some indemnity for their hopes in France, 1 April 1820 (File E229)

Funds for people bound for Botany Bay. Unable to go to Burton until after Easter. Asks him to write to Mr Barber. Dr Slater arrived in Cape Town on 1st December last.

Dr Brewer to Father Lorymer about claim on Bennel Bequest fund at Lambspring and the way to put in for it, 5 April 1820 (File E230)

Proposes to visit Ringwood (or Burton). Convinced Dr Slater had no right to educate a boy on Botany Bay funds.

Prior Barber to Father Lorymer, 5 April 1820 (File E231)

About the advantages of Burton. Hants. Sorry he consulted Father Baines; distrusts him. Father Baines' only wish is to get them out of Downside and to put some nuns in. Also distrusts Dr Brewer latet anguis in herba. Father Polding not keen on Burton. The purchase falling through.

Father Polding to Father Lorymer. Explanation of items in the accounts of Gallini. Business matters, 24 May 1820 (File E241)

Messrs. Wright and Co. to Father Polding, 22 June 1820 (File E255)

Acknowledges receipt of £2100 from Mr R Morgan on acount of Reverend Brother. R. Morgan (his dowry).

Father Polding to Father Lorymer, 10 August 1820 (File E266)

Business matters. Progress of building. About boys' pensions. Father Eldridge's condition...

Dr. Brewer to Father Lorymer, 1 January 1820 (File E296)

Business matters. Jesuits consider their establishments in very precarious state; selling property in Lancs. Hears Father Polding is delicate and has been home for a rest. "I dislike such excursions. They are never of any service to the soul, and seldom to the Body".

Prior Barber to Dr. Brewer. Will allow Dr. Polding to visit Dr. B. his uncle at Ampleforth, 3 July 1821 (File E338)

Trouble with Father Eldridge. Asks President's decision as to jurisdiction over him.

Father R. Towers (Sec. of Chapter) (Ampleforth) to Father B. Polding, 24 July 1822 (File E428)

Announces that Father H. Lawson has been canonically elected Prior of Downside.

Prior Barber to Father Lorymer. Places £250 in French funds, 7 October 1822 (File E439)

Better interest. Accounts for 'courier' newspaper. Polding will probably succeed Abram as procurator.

Father Polding to Father Lorymer, 29 November 1822 (File E455)

Permission from Regimen needed to raise more money to finish the building. Sends accounts of Barrett, Kirwan and Short. Milling, a postulant, has arrived from Lancs. His father is 80; on his death he comes into £400.

Father Polding to Father Lorymer. Orders groceries, fish and other stores, 1 February 1823 (File F13)

Mrs. Birkett who has sunk £750 with them at 10 percent is dying. Father Howarden still lingers about Stourton - his story will soon be in all mouths. John Selley's knee injured at football.

Father Polding to Father Lorymer. Sends Boys' accounts with report on them, 28 March 1823 (File F23)

Mass was sung on St. Benedict's day (21) in the new chapel and the Holy Week services are being conducted there.

Father Lorymer to Prior Barker and Father Polding, 29 March 1823 (File F24)

Complains about details in presentment of boys' accounts. Wishes boys' accounts were sent direct to parents...

Father Polding to Father Lorymer, 11 April 1823 (File F30)

Business matters. Some land only separated by a field from our property in the market. Prior Barber wants to buy it if possible. Father Jenkins has given £70 towards building a playroom for the boys.

Father Polding to Father Lorymer. Money matters, 22 April 1823 (File F37)

Russell's debt. enquires about white counterpanes for boys' dormitory. Consulting Witham about legal difficultues connected with the Birkett money.

Father Polding to Father Lorymer, 6 May 1823 (File F45)

Requests him to pay M. Broom for cloth and 2 1/2 dozen counterpanes. Father Barber doing the duty in Bath in absence of Fr Brindle who went with Dr Baines to Dublin.

Father Polding to Father Lorymer. Business matters, 22 May 1823 (File F50)

Order for 1/2 cwt. coffee. Father Barber gone to Taunton to convey two students to Downside. Mrs Villerboisnet leaves on 23 for Weymouth.

Father Polding to Father Lorymer, 31 May 1823 (File F54)

Cannot find probate of Father Lacon's will. Will send shortly William Young's account. Short's and Malthousess shortly due. Chapel to be opened on 10 July. Father Metcalfe coming to Bath for his health. Father Cooper paid the assistant to Father Brindle.

Lord Stourton (Allerton) to Father Polding, 10 July 1823 (File F67)

Discusses application for leave to enlarge chapel at Bonham; opposed to idea. Conditions on which he will contribute to cost of enlargement if really necessary.

Father Polding to Father Birdsall, 8 September 1823 (File F92)

Learns Father Wassall is to be appointed to Bonham after Xmas. Now gives account of his own stewardship; most full and interesting account of his method of working the mission; the improvement there. Gives news of Father Howarden's proceedings.

Father Polding to Mr Witham. Puts before him details as to Mr Reynal's claims on Birkit annuity, 22 September 1823 (File F98)

The steps taken up to date, and asks for advice.

Father Polding to Father Lorymer. Students fast increasing; five arrived this month; three from Ireland, 23 September 1823 (File F99)

Son and nephews of Count Magauley. Young Harding has gone to Mr Butt's. Young's and Barrett's accounts.

Henry Evans (Bath) to Father Polding, 25 September 1824 (File F203)

Sends copies of oaths and declarations to be taken to enable Catholics to take, buy or purchase etc.

Father Polding to Father Lorymer. Sends parcels and commission, 10 March 1825 (File F251)

Thanks him for trying to collect old Esmonde debt. 'If the Irish deputation cannot succeed in obtaining their just rights you will squeeze justive from them'.

Father Polding to Father Jenkins. Gives news of his (Spencer) novices, c.1825 (File F299)

Going on well. Father Pratt doing well as Prefect. The acting at Xmas.

Prior Barber to Father Jenkins, 24 May 1826 (File F344)

Chapter to be held at Downside. Arrangements for Gregorian representation. Tells him of Decree from Rome about St. Edmund's. Regrets President's adoption of such measures. Dr Baines ill. Father Polding has been given a valuable horse. Father Phillips has broken his thigh by fall from his horse. Father Duck ill; No news of Salford nuns, and Brewer's Purchase.

Officials and community of St. Gregory's, under Prior Barber, c.1826 (File F435)

Father Polding to Father Deday, 19 August 1827 (File G117)

Asks him for help pecuniarily while he is supplying at Cheltenham for Dr Birdsall travelling abroad. Dr. B had visited Lambspring and was saddened by the changes he saw there.

Brother S. Morgan to Father Brown. Father Spain at Homelette, Belgium, 12 September 1827 (File G127)

Douay promises well; 20 students, 3 novices shortly to be proposed and Father Collier. Two Messrs. Marsh, Glassbrook and Spencer form the community. Appleton a novice is perfect.

Brown (St. Gregory's College) to Father Deday, 2 October 1827 (File G129)

Downside doesn't know how to do without Father Polding - difficult to replace as prefect of school. Want to reduce no. of boys to 25. Birdsall near Paris and wants to stay a month. Difficulties at Bungay. Discusses his people's merits - sickness among them.

Abbot. Wilson to Father Deday, 1 December 1827 (File G147)

St. Gregory's College. Downside. Difficulties at Bungay. Reply to Deday's recriminations. Desires Polding to return. Death of C. Jones, Dr Poynter and Mr Dunn. Wilson soon to leave; successor not appointed.

Father Scott to Father Polding, 1 April 1828 (File G197)

Send his circular for subscriptions towards mission at Tunbridge Wells [printed]...

Mrs. S.A. Morse to Father Polding, 24 May 1828 (File G213)

Sends promissory note (attached) for payment of school account. of sons John and Walter. Her husband's money troubles and domestic concerns.

William. Scott to Father Polding, 10 August 1828 (File G249)

Books for Polding. Master Barrett's account. Mrs Walsh's boys' studies. An old friend Joe Ratton now a wine merchant. Brother Fairclough professed for Ampleforth not Donay.

Mrs Mansfield to Father Polding, 5 February 1829 (File G303)

Approves of tombstone for her son John L. Mansfield to be erected at Downside. Mr Goodrich designed it. Gives news of her other sons and other Downside boys.

Notes re taking Oath to the Ring and Registration from J.A. Harting to Father Barber and to the President from Polding; enclosing the note, 3 August 1829 (File G375)

From Joseph Mawson and William Parfitt (Shepton Mallet) to Father Polding, 14 October 1829 (File G398)

re apparent slights received from Polding from the Pulpit.

Polding to W/cott concerning points of canon law, 9 November 1829 (File G410)

Lengthy quotations and inclusions. Business matters.

Father Lewis Spain to Cardinal Capellari, 18 March 1830 (File H26)

Asks for special detailed spiritual powers for himself and companions, returning to the Mauritius.

Father Barber to Father Deday, [10 April 1830?] (File H33)

Dr. Birdsall means to send Father Polding to be a conventual at Ampleforth. Begs him to use all his influence to prevent this. Downside cannot get on without him.

FF. Polding and Brown to Dr. Birdsall, 23 May 1830 (File H56)

Grief over ruin of Ampleforth. Sure Prior Park can never have a blessing. Encourages the President...

Father Brown to Dr. Birdsall, 8 June 1830 (File H73)

Interprets Cardinal Cappellari's letter more favourably than he does and then analyses it. Quotes from letter just received from Prior Gregory. Father Polding adds a note encouraging Dr Birdsall not to take a gloomy view of Cardinal C's letter, and thinks the interview with Dr Baines will end favourably.

Dr Birdsall to Father Deday, 9 June 1830 (File H74)

Urges caution in dealing with Father Brindle so as to give us handle to Dr Baines...

Father Kenyon to Dr. Birdsall, 18 September 1830 (File H130)

His method of learning music a long disquisition against Calcott's system of music. Against controversies. Finds fault with FF. Brown and Polding. Former has reading sufficient to entangle himself but not wit enough to disentangle. He and others making common cause with Bishop Baines to report actions of last chapter to Rome as against.

Father Deday to Father Polding, 27 September 1830 (File H131)

Directs him to answer Mr Mornington's application for a chaplain in the negative [draft]...

Cardinal Cappellari to Father Polding, 11 December 1830 (File H166)

For case of his conscience writes a private letter to supplement official one [but the matter about which reference is made is not mentioned].

Father Polding to Father Kenyon re constitutional existence of the Communities, 15 July 1830 (File H96)

Father Brown to Father Deday, 19 January 1831 (File H191)

All our business in Rome at a standstill. Before the Conclave Cardinal Cappellari wrote to Fr. Polding showing he had our cause at heart - copies letter. Bishop Baines still obdurate but has received a letter from Rome.

Father Brown to Father Deday, 10 February 1831 (File H210)

Has been consulting doctors for his health. Gives news he has had from Rome. Conclave very secret. No election as yet. Books appearing. Father Brindle now a professor at Prior Park. Father Burgess at Carrington. Suggests Father Wilson for Bath rather than Father Shann. Bishop Baines has given restricted faculties to Father Polding.

Dr. S. Phillips to Father Polding; Dr Brown, 29 March 1831 (File H229)

(a) to Father Polding about two eccl. students for Douay (b) Dr Brown begs him not to do away with secular school at D'side all at once lest it should be said that Dr Baines and Prior Park had received us; but if he really thinks it for the good of Downside to have only one eccl. school to effect the change gradually.

J. O'Sullivan to [unknown]: printed memorial sent to Governor Ralph Darling in 1830, 22 April 1831 (File H240)

Seeking assistance with the completion of a church in Sydney; so far it has received no attention.

Chr. Fitzsimons (Stonyhurst) to Father Brown [on back of prospectus of the College], 25 June 1831 (File H283)

Sends him prospectus he had promised. Supposes Hardy gave him his message. Hopes for success of Downside. Asks for news of boys that left and where Spencer went to. Gives some particulars of studies in his own class.

Father Polding to Father Deday, 30 June 1831 (File H290)

Strongly appeals for the good of the House that he should permit Father Scott to return to fill office of Procurator.

Port Louis, from Father Polding, 26 October (File H344)

Signing of receipts. Seeking authority that he may prolong stay in Europe. Requests names of persons in authority in Europe. Reference his refusal of post of Vicar Apostolic in N.S.W.

Pastoral letter of Bishop Slater (Mauritius), 16 November 1831 (File H356)

Refers to rumours about discussion and delations against himself; to set these at rest, quotes Brief of 8 May 1861, renewing for 10 years his faculties ordinary and extraordinary.

Lord Arundell of Wardour to Father Polding, 29 December 1831 (File H385)

Announces birth of son and heir. Asks Downside to join in thanking Providence for saving family from Protestants.

John Smith (Bristol) to Father Polding. Adverse report about a man concerning whom enquiries had been made, 17 January 1832 (File H400)

Bishop Morris to Dr. Birdsall, 26 April 1832 (File H433)

Expenses very heavy. Downside lent him £200; but he was very hurt at Father Deday's refusal. Wishes he could get O.S.M.'s boys with him. Draws a moving picture of good that might be done. He has eye on Father Ullathorne.

Dr. Birdsall to Bishop Morris, 27 April 1832 (File H434)

Lays down rules regulating status of monks serving missions in Mauritius etc; in answer to his queries.

Mrs M. O'Donoghue to Father, 27 August 1832 (File H464)

Thanks him effusively for his care etc. of her son William; where he is settled.

Father Bernard Ullathorne (London) to Father Augustine Birdsall, 31 August 1832 (File H468)

His appointment by Bishop Morris as vicar-general in New South Wales; Government has offered him passage and salary of £200 per annum; requests Birdsall's permission to accept the appointment.

Father Ullathorne to Dr. Birdsall, 5 September 1832 (File H469)

A hitch in arrangements for his departure. Begs Dr. B. to understand that he and Bishop. Morris acted solely on supposition that they had his permission.

Father J. Philips to Father Scott, 16 September 1832 (File H472)

Speaks about Father Ullathorne's new post. Hears Bishop Baines is being called to Rome to reside there. Gives sad account of mental state of Father S. Barber. Improvements in his chapel. Gives news of Northern fathers - Marsh, Holden, Abram. P.S. 'We have just heard that Bishop. Slater is dead. He died three days' sail from the Mauritius. He had become quite a little man, with hair as white as snow, aged 58. R.I.P.

Father Scott to Father Deday, 9 October 1832 (File H483)

Refuses consent to loan of £600 to Ampleforth. Details about distribution of mass funds. About Bishop Baines' journey to Rome; surmises it is to state his own case...

Father Polding to Father Brown, 12 October 1832 (File H484)

His agony of mind after having accepted the Madras mitre. Begs him to ask the Pope to release him from the burden.

To Pope Gregory XVI in Latin, signed by F.F. Turner Scott, David and Kensal, 16 October 1832 (File H487)

Heptonstall to Deday. Re Polding's refusing Madras mitre, 5 February 1833 (File I8)

Polding to Father Brown (Naples) re his refusal of Madras mitre, 25 February 1833 (File I16)

Edward [Spencer?] to Prior Turner, 5 April 1833 (File I33)

Payment of his son's pension. 'I have every reason to believe...that he is sincerely sorry for the offence he committed at Downside and that he is making every reparation in his power'.

Father Bernard Ullathorne (Sydney) to Bishop William Morris, 17 April 1833 (File I39)

Arrival in Sydney; meeting with Rev. Philip Conolly in Hobart; divisions over appointment of trustees for Catholic Church in Sydney; audience with governor Sir Richard Bourke, negotiations regarding land grants for Church; Rev. John Therry and Rev. John McEneroe; support of governor in establishing Catholic schools; seeks extended faculties. (12 pp.)

Father Ullathorne to Mrs. Sharnock, 24 April 1833 (File I43)

Family matters, consecration of Dr Briggs and Prior Park. The Madras Mitre.

Father Bernard Ullathorne (Sydney) to Bishop William Morris, 10 July 1833 (File I74)

Progress; relations with Rev. John Therry; plans to visit England and Ireland; appointment of chaplains for Campbelltown, Maitland, Parramatta and Bathurst; mismanagement of money collected for Sydney church.

Father Philip Conolly (Hobart) to Bishop William Morris, 10 August 1833 (File I85)

Disappointment that Father Bernard Ullathorne was appointed vicar-general rather than himself; state of affairs in Van Diemen's Land; Catholics number between 5000 and 6000.

Father Philip Conolly (Hobart) to Bishop William Morris, 16 September 1833 (File I100)

Increase in immigration; good members added to Catholic congregation; likelihood of government aid towards building a chapel; asks for encyclical letter of Pope Gregory VI.

Abbot of du Garde near Amiens to Dr Morris, 16 November 1833 (File I120)

Father Spencer has been there for 2 years very regular in observance and wants to join him in Mauritius. Recommends him as being sorry for the past.

Admonitor (unsigned) to Edward Glover from Father [Bursall?], 27 December 1833 (File I133)

Father Philip Conolly (Hobart) to Bishop James Bramston, 8 February 1834 (File I173)

Conspiracy by evil disposed persons against Conolly; he has support of the governor; statistics of the colony.

Catholic Committee (Hobart) to James Bishop Bramston, 8 February 1834 (File I174)

Complaints against supineness of Father Conolly; requests another priest; sends £100 to help fit him out.

Mrs Caroline O'Neill to Father Polding, 2 May 1834 (File I219)

Thanks him for accepting her son Owen as a student at Downside. (The boy entered on 5 May).

Cardinal Carlo Pedicini (Rome) to Bishop James Bramston, 17 May 1834 (File I227)

Appointment of Father Polding as vicar-apostolic of New Holland. (Copy)

Father Brown to Dr. Birdsall, 28 May 1834 (File I234)

Sends him copy of a protest he is forwarding to Dr Marsh of the Regimen against the drain on the congregation entailed by Foreign Missions; this in consequence of news from Rome about Father Polding

Father John McEncroe (Sydney) to Bishop William Morris, 3 June 1834 (File I238)

Achievement of Father Bernard Ullathorne in bringing order to mission; his visit to Van Diemen's Land; additional priests needed; possibility of McEneroe visiting Mauritius to consult Morris.

Dr. Birdsall to Father Barber, 4 June 1834 (File I239)

Informs him of two letters from Rome: 1. Appointing Father Polding V.A. of New South Wales. 2. Appointing arbitrators to settle Bath business Baines v. Birdsall.

Father Barber to Father Deday, 6 June 1834 (File I241)

Tells him of Rome's decision re Baines v. Birdsall; Father Poldings appointment as V.A. of N.S. Wales. His views on the point.

Father Brown to Father Deday, 6 June 1834 (File I242)

Tells him of Father Polding's Bishopric and day and place of consecration. His objections to the appointment etc. criticises Rome's decision in re Baines v. Birdsall.

Series. Correspondence and documents, 1834 - 1841

Most of the selected letters were written in England and Europe and refer only incidentally to Australia and New Zealand. Several letters refer to an appeal against Bishop Polding being allowed to leave Downside to go on a foreign mission (1834) and others refer to his impending departure, news of his mission to Australia, the visit of Father Bernard Ullathorne to England, Ireland and Rome (1836-1838), and financial assistance to the Church in Australia. There are also references to two students of Polding, Thomas Fergusson and Charles Reynolds, whom he had sent to England, and two deacons at Downside, Charles Davis and Bede Sumner, who were later to come to New South Wales...

Opinions of 1st and 2nd Definitors of the Regimen on Father Brown's Appeal against Father Polding's being allowed to go on a Foreign Mission, 1834-06-02; 1834-06-06 (File I243)

They are both against Father Brown.

Father Polding to Dr Birdsall, 15 June 1834 (File I246)

Father Brown now reconciled to his appointment. Consecration to be on 29th in Bishop Bramston's private chapel, Golden Square. Going to give confirmation at Downside afterwards. Speaks strongly about Father Deday's supineness in not having visited his missions for 2 quadriennia.

Father Heptonstall to Reverend J. Lee, 18 June 1834 (File I249)

Business respecting legacies of Mrs Sharrock's will. Delay in publication of Downside discussion. Regrets Father Polding's appointment to N.S. Wales.

Bishop Polding to Dr. Birdsall. Writes immediately after his consecration, 29 June 1834 (File I257)

Says who took part etc. Staying at Pagliano's in Leicester Square.

Father L.C. Spain (Mauritius?) to Father Heptonstall, 1 July 1834 (File I258)

Business matters. Bishop Morris has had unpleasant altercations with some of clergy over money matters; some threaten to leave the island. Colonial politics. Emancipation is good for present generation. Bishop's health bad; once or twice thought it would go hard with him: 'Will never make old bones'.

Cardinal Wild to Father Brown, 22 July 1834 (File I266)

Bishop. Baines' manoeuvres in Rome to outwit O.S.B.'s English bishops. Anti-regular. As to Dr Polding: the saying of the General Jesuits will turn out to be true: date et dabiter vobis - clearly exemplified in the case of sparing missioners who seem to be wanted at home to send abroad.

Mr C.H. Davis (Downside) to Edwin Davis, 24 July 1834 (File I268)

Tells him of his profession. Retirement of Father Turner, re-election of Father Brown to Priorship. Father Brown given a Doctor's cap. Loss to him of Father Polding. Would gladly accompany him; a fellow novice (Gregory Gregory) to go with him etc.

Bishop Bede Polding to Father Augustine Birdsall, 14 August 1834 (File I272)

Progress of his negotiations with Colonial Office for pecuniary assistance; relies on Benedictine monastery in New South Wales to carry out his plans.

Bishop Bede Polding to Father Augustine Birdsall, 28 August 1834 (File I276)

No answer yet to his memorial; has seen John Shaw-Lefevre and will be introduced to Sir George Grey, new Secretary of State; advised not to leave England until the memorial has been answered.

Edm. Winstanley (Lisbon) to Bishop Polding, 13 September 1834 (File I282)

Has bought cope and 3 vestments cheap, as good as new for £19.4.0. Mentions other articles which he may be able to procure. Has shown Dr. P's address, but suppression of monasteries etc. has made such calls on charity as to leave little more to give.

W. O'Donoghue (Berbice. New Amsterdam) to Father Polding, 18 September 1834 (File I289)

Has heard he was appointed Bishop. of Madras but knows not if he escaped that post. His own doings etc.

Prioress of Carrington to Father Scott, [19 September? 1834] (File I290)

Wants to know date of Dr Polding's departure from England etc. a rocket as copy to make him a couple. Sends Master Smith's pension.

Prior Brown to Father Deday, 22 September 1834 (File I294)

Asks him to return 'Appendix' [to D'side Discussion] and Smythe legacy. Dr Polding's movements. Dr. Wiseman coming to live at Prior Park as another chance to secure Co-adjutorship which was refused in Rome and to start University. Dr. Baines due home in 3 weeks.

Father Brown to Dr. Birdsall, 28 September 1834 (File I297)

[2nd sheet of letter only]. Dr Bramston has declared VV.NH. will allow of no more exempt orders in England. Will Father Shaw do for Cheltenham? Difficulties of dealing with monks on foreign missions. A year wanted to get back one if wanted from N.S. Wales.

Dr Brown to Abbot, 9 October 1834 (File I304)

Informs him of his own election as Prior. Tells him of Donovan the historian of the Downside Discussion etc. [Italian]. Also of departure of missionaries for N.S. Wales.

Father Brindle v.g. (Bath) to Father Barker, 23 October 1834 (File I308)

Asks that if Father Duck is not accompanying Bishop Polding to Australia or not being moved to some other mission that he may remain at Cheltenham rather than that Kennedy an Irishman be placed there.

Anon. (Parramatta) to Bishop Morris, 20 October 1834 (File I311)

Complains of the neglect of the Sydney priests. [a discontinued letter]. Uncalled for etc.

Bishop Morris to Miss Wheble, 25 October 1834 (File I315)

October reminiscences. Better spirit now among clergy and Clifford also improved. Wants English clergy. Asks her to get some; mentions salary etc. Had to suspend and dismiss from colony one who challenged a gentleman to a duel. Wants no French, Italian or Corsican priests, but English ones who know what work is on a mission.

Prior Brown to Dr. Birdsall, 26 October 1834 (File I316)

About Father Duck's conduct in Bath. Quotes 'Plantata' as meeting the case. Quotes a letter from him. Dr. Baines not yet returned. Going to write another letter to Reverend Page in Bath journal and account of visit to G. Chartreuse in next Cath. Mag...

Bishop Morris to Miss Whebb, 16 November 1834 (File I322)

Business matters. Ought to have same salary as Dr Slater, but will not apply, lest he gets a refusal. Sir W. Nicolay not a friend to Catholics. Reflections on Dr Polding's elevation to mitre. Has own missionary work like a simple priest. Father Clifford better, but much room for amendment. Would like to return to England to Western District.

H.G. Fowler to Bishop Bede Polding, 8 November 1834 (File I321)

Estimates for cost of his voyage to Australia.

Dr. Birdsall to Prior Brown, 8 December 1834 (File I325)

His position with regard to Dr Baines. Correspondence with him up to date. Turberville Eliot who wanted to go with Dr Polding to N.S.W. Thinks poorly of him. Father Burge said his first mass that morning. Father Bullard has left Mr Phillips...

Bishop Polding to Dr Birdsall, 16 December 1834 (File I329)

Minute account of interview with Dr. Baines re Birdsall case. Refused to withdraw his former allegations: hence ought not to be released as an arbiter. Also of one with Father Burgess.

Bishop Polding (Bath) to Dr. Birdsall, 20 December 1834 (File I330)

Further negotiations with Bishop. Baines re settlement of differences. Draft of a letter he wrote to him in re.

Turberville Elliot to Dr Brown. A ridiculous, abusive letter about Catholic tenets, 24 December 1834 (File I332)

Theological Theses, December 1834 (File I334)

To be defended by: FF Vincent Dowding, Basil Duck, Bernard Paillet, Maurus Hodgson, Charles Davis at Downside.

Theological Theses, 1834 (File I335)

To be defended at Downside by FF. Vincent Dowding, Basil Duck, Augustine Jesson, Bede Sumner and Bernard Paillet...

Father Brown's notes for petition to President against Eng. Ben. Con. sending its subjects on foreign missions. [belongs to June.], 1834 (File I337)

Bishop Bede (Downside). Appeal for help in favour of his new vicariate in New South Wales (2pp, printed), [1834] (File I338)

Notes by Father Polding of conversation between Father Brown, Mr Slade and Mr Tottenham relative to getting up the 'Downside Discussion', 1834 [undated, probably January] (File I339)

Father S.B. Day (Ampleforth) to Prior Brown, 7 January 1835 (File I353)

Asks him about legal rights as to jursidiction. Can lay brothers be admitted only to simple vows. Asks him to send him a priest to help set affairs in order, be subprior and Professor of Theology. Father Hampson going to found missions at Keighley. Deficiencies of Father Prest and Father Lowe.

Father Jenkins (Bungay) to Father Barber, 25 January 1835 (File I361)

News from Father Collier in Rome about his appeal. Propaganda now begins to understand the unpossibility of preists getting on with Dr Baines...

J.B. Spencer (Ghent) to Father Brown, 4 February 1835 (File I367)

Glad of chance to make amends for post, and to do something useful for God. Will come to England to learn details. Willing to return to Ghent or go to Australia as Father Brown shall decide.

Bishop Polding to Dr. Birdsall, 1 March 1835 (File I379)

About appointment of 5th Arbiter in re Baines v. Birdsall. Dr Walsh has hinted his inclining favourably to our side. Begs Dr. Birdsall to be careful of his health so much depends on his life. Dreading his own departure.

Bishop Bede Polding to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 22 March 1835 (File I388)

His final letter before leaving England; commissions Heptonstall as his agent and to abide by what he does.

I.B. Spencer's promise of obedience to Dr Polding according to form of transfer drawn up by Dr Birdsall on 1 March, 26 March 1835 (File I392)

Bishop Polding to Dr Birdsall on the eve of departure, 26 March 1835 (File I393)

Hopes no young men will be enabled to practise their engagements.

Bishop Bede Polding to Prior Joseph Brown: farewell to Downside, 26 March 1835 (File I394)

At back note from Dr. Birdsall, dated 29 March Father Duck ill, but went to Liverpool to see off Australians. Father Dowding must go to do duty at Easingwold. Settlement with Mr. Shafto Adair with respect to our Flixton property.

Dr Brown to Dr Birdsall, 29 March 1835 (File I397)

A foolish proposal he received from Dr March in re Arbitration. Downside's grievances drawn out. About FF Dowding and Jack. Rubrics. Theology. Regrets Father Wilson has made Provincial leave him at Bungay - a bad precedent. Wants him at Downside where is neither subprior, junior and novice master and Professor of Theology and Father Barber wanting Father Turner for Princethorpe - only fit confessor in house. Dr Polding afraid he has not enough authority over the Religious with him.

Bishop Bede Polding to Father Barker: life on board ship; horarium observed, 3 May 1835 (File I416)

Theological theses to be defended at Downside, 15 May 1835 (File I420)

By FF Vincent Dowling, B. Duck, B. Paillet, M. Hodgson, C. Davis.

Col. Bird to Bishop Harris, 21 May 1835 (File I427)

Condition of Catholics in Cape Town; their wants and troubles. Begs charity of a visit to settle differences. Gives details about Dr Polding.

Mrs Neve to Bishop Bede Polding, 22 May 1835 (File I428)

Proposes to leave him books as nucleus of a bishop's library in Sydney on certain terms, as well as jewellery and furniture.

Mrs Athy to Dr Brown. About disposition etc. of her son Myles; his future etc., 17 August 1835 (File I471)

Theological theses for defension at Downside, September 1835 (File I505)

By BB V. Dowding, B. Duck. B. Paillet, M. Hodgson, C. Davis, Fr. B. Sinnott, Professor.

John Jones to Father Heptonstall, 19 October 1835 (File J11)

Sends £15 collected by him for Dr Polding for the Australasian Catholic Society's funds.

Bishop Bede Polding to Prior Joseph Brown, 1 November 1835 (File J17)

Preparing to build a church at Parramatta; will choose a site for a monastery; missionary work; troubles in Sydney; cost of land; interest rate; rapid fortunes in sheep and cattle; friendship and goodwill of governor, Sir Richard Bourke.

G.P. Ivers to Father Heptonstall, 5 November 1835 (File J19)

Prospect of founding a Catholic colony in N.S.W. as Dr. Polding's G.V. in England, would like to discuss matter with him etc.

Dr Barber to Father Heptonstall, 16 November 1835 (File J25)

He and Father Robinson have to approve of any priest offering his services for Australia. About purchase of Stanbrook.

G.P. Ivers to Father Heptonstall, 29 November 1835 (File J33)

Mentions desire to see him relative to matter likely to be of service to Dr Polding.

Mrs Neve (Cheltenham) to Father Heptonstall. Sends a picture and books by van to be forwarded to Bishop Polding, 24 December 1835 (File J59)

Copy (by Dr Birdsall) of admonition given to Dr Polding at his request as a justification and support of his authority over our members during the time they may be serving in his District, 1835 (File J72)

Father James Cotham (Launceston) to Bishop Bede Polding, 12 March 1836 (File J118)

His adventures on journey from Hobart to Launceston; need for a chapel; complaints about behaviour of Father Philip Conolly.

Report and statement of accounts of Australian Catholic Society (printed), 18 April 1836 (File J134)

Appeal for funds for Australasian Catholic Society (printed), 18 April 1836 (File J135)

Bishop Bede Polding (Sydney) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 1 May 1836 (File J142)

His first ordinations; visit to Hobart; will open a seminary in Sydney on 29 June; high rate of interest on money invested in sheep; Father Ullathorne to go to Europe to recruit priests; Father Corcoran at Windsor.

Bishop Bede Polding (Sydney) to Father Augustine Birdsall, 7 June 1836 (File J168)

Rev. John Therry annoyed by his arrangements; unpopularity of Polding with a certain party; praises Father Ullathorne and Henry Gregory; qualifications needed in missioners; ordinations; trouble in Hobart with Father Conolly who is prosecuting Polding.

Mary Eleanor Carnes to Father J. Jenkins, 8 July 1836 (File J188)

Bishop Morris to Miss Webb, 18 August 1836 (File J202)

Business matters. Want of priests. Heard of a Father Mills going to Cape; then denied. Dr Polding hard at work like himself. Advocates founding of missioners College in England. Races introduced this year with success. Rumours that Governor is to be changed.

Father Collier (Rome) to Dr Brown, 4 September 1836 (File J212)

His negotiations in Rome about English Ben. V.V. and A. abroad. Asks for news about Dr Polding's doings. Full particulars as to project (failed) for sending Father Towers as V.A. to Cape.

Dr. Birdsall to Dr Morris, 14 October 1836 (File J250)

His bad health. Went to Germany to place Father Rigby there for life and get remainder of Lambspring books. Shortness of missioners complaints at Rome against Slater and Morris. Cape Vicariate therefore given to Dominican. Father Collier combated these complaints. Pier Antoni has done Bishop Morris much harm. Drs. Morris and Polding must not expect help from England but found their own seminaries. Reports about his gay life etc. Warns him to be on his guard. Death of Drs Penswick and Bramston.

Felix J. Collingridge to Dr. Brown (his cousin), 29 October 1836 (File J266)

He is an old boy, wants to retire to Downside as a lay brother, or live with a priest as gardener etc. Is at present with his brother Peter a priest at Bermondsey.

Father Collier (Rome) to Father Scott, 10 December 1836 (File J302)

Asked Propaganda to sent priests to Norfolk Island where there are 600 Irish convicts. A German has given £1000 for their spiritual relief. Only two going.

Father Collier (Rome) to Dr Brown. Propaganda anxious to hear from Bishop Polding, 22 December 1836 (File J306)

J. Spencer to Father Jenkins. Bemoaning Father Jenkins' departure, 1836 (File J322)

Dr Brown to Father Barber, 9 January 1837 (File J326)

News from Rome that Father Jenkins' case is to be heard. Ought he not to see Dr Walsh. Statements made by Dr Baines. Father Ullathorne still waiting for interview with Lord Glenelg.

Father Collier (Rome) to Father Jenkins, 9 January 1837 (File J327)

Dr. Walsh has been consulted by Propag. on his appeal. Dr. Baines in bad odour in Rome. Does not write to Father Cooper from motives of prudence: but asks for every bit of news about Bath etc. Cardinal Weld anxious for Father Ullathorne to go to Rome and give personal account of New South Wales.

Father Barber to Father Jenkins, 30 January 1837 (File J336)

Advises with him as to his interview with Dr Walsh in re. Bishop Baines. Discusses new Marriage Act. Father Ullathorne means to go to Rome. Weably has been offered to O.S.B. in toto. Father Ullathorne going to Cheltenham to 'court' Mrs Neve for N.S.W.

Dr Barber to Father Jenkins, 8 February 1836 (File J342)

Death of Mrs Dyde on 28 January. Father Wilson now at Bath (and Father Jenkins in his place at Bath). Father Duck gone this day to Weably not in any very good heart about it. Father Ullathorne has landed in England.

Father Bernard Ullathorne (London) to Prior Joseph Brown, 27 February 1837 (File J357)

Plans to visit Rome; must look anywhere for priests but Ireland last; meeting with Lord Glenelg; government of Benedictine Order in Australia; distance makes it imperative it must be independent; hopes of Father Heptonstall going out to Australia.

Father Bernard Ullathorne (Rome) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 13 April 1837 (File J391)

Death of Cardinal Thomas Weld; additional funds for Church in New South Wales; preparing long statement in Italian on mission in New South Wales; need to send missals, bibles and vestments; new bishops for New Zealand and Polynesia.

Father Collier (Rome) to Dr Brown, 24 April 1837 (File J394)

Helping Father Ullathorne with his relation re N.S. Wales. Dr Morris' delays in exculpating himself have been fatal. He is to be recalled. Cardinal. Weld illness and death. Mgr. Mai wants to send a Frenchman to Mauritius but was made to see Engl. Govt. would not allow it etc.

Father Bernard Ullathorne. Report to Prefect of Propaganda on New South Wales Mission (printed, in Italian, 33pp), 13 May 1837 (File J401)

Bishop Polding (Sydney) to Dr Brown, 14 June 1837 (File J418)

Proposed various Theological cases for his advice. Bushranging adventures. Plans for school and seminary. Sending two for education at Douay. Description of country, climate etc. Successes of settlers. Theft of mitres etc.

Father Collier (Rome) to Father Jenkins, 15 June 1837 (File J419)

Has seen Dr Walsh and spoken of Father J's affairs. Dr. W. quite satisfied that he acted right, but advises leaving matters where they are...

Last will and testament of Thomas T. Fergusson of Sydney leaving the colony for England, 20 June 1837 (File J423)

Father Collier (Rome) to Dr Brown, 28 June 1837 (File J427)

Money matters in regard to Roman property; Names suggested for Mauritius were Father Scott, [unknown] Father Cooper; Dr Morris's justification now arrived. Pope personally grieved; Dr Ullathorne made D.D.; Dr Walsh pleased with O.S.B. and with his two students from Douay.

Father Bernard Ullathorne (Liverpool) to Prior Joseph Brown, 17 September 1837 (File J453)

Grant from Government to pay passages for a teacher and more priests; Father Brady is a valuable acquisition; help of Dr Walsh; letter from Bishop Polding; no answer to memorial on subject of a seminary.

Legal account in re. Mrs Sarah Neve to Barrett, Turvile and Eyston, 27 September 1837 (File J458 (&i))

(i) Balance of account between Cec. Eyston and Mrs Neve.

Father Barber (My birthday) to Father Heptonstall, 16 October 1837 (File J470)

Just off to Princethorpe. Father Jenkins pleased at prospect of being stationed at Acton. Received long letter from Father Ullathorne...

Father Bernard Ullathorne (Liverpool) to Prior Joseph Brown, 8 November 1837 (File J479)

Securing more priests; completion of a pamphlet, The Catholic Mission in Australasia; congratulates Downside and Ampleforth on Blundell legacies.

Bishop Bede Polding (Sydney) to Prior Joseph Brown and Father Thomas Heptonstall, 10 November 1837 (File J482)

John Gorman has changed his mind about going to England; mischievous interference of J.B. Spencer; hopes Father Ullathorne will return soon.

Father Bernard Ullathorne (Blackburn) to Prior Joseph Brown, 29 November 1837 (File J491)

Preaching tour; goodwill of Brewer and his Ampleforth colleagues towards Downside; Dr Richard Marsh; Northern fathers look to Father Barber as next president-general; offers students to Downside; seeks information on granting 'dismissorials' to Irish candidates for Australia.

Maurice Reynolds (London) to Father Thomas Heptonstall: bill drawn on his father in Sydney, 9 January 1838 (File K1)

Father Bernard Ullathorne (Liverpool) to Prior Joseph Brown, 10 January 1838 (File K2)

News from Sydney; marvellous spread of religion; several priests just leaving England; has collected £5000 from his sermons; invited to give evidence to Commission of Enquiry into Transportation; his pamphlet now in its third edition.

Bishop Bede Polding (Wollongong) to Prior Joseph Brown, 28 January 1838 (File K10)

Travels in Illawarra; baptisms; adventures with soldiers and with a snake; scenery of Illawarra; school-building.

Sr. M.A. Bird (Taunton) to Dr Brown, 14 February 1838 (File K14)

Quotes letter of Dr Polding describing accident resulting in death of Father Corcoran Engh. Francis can Province not to be preserved. About a schoolmistress.

Clifford to A. Morris, Mauritius. About lending money to a priest, 13 March 1838 (File K27)

Bishop Bede Polding (Sydney) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 6 May 1838 (File K49)

Sends news from Father Jean Baptiste Pompallier in New Zealand to be forwarded to Rome; complaints about Irish clergy in regard to convicts; Rev. J.B. Spencer.

Father Collier to Father Heptonstall and Father Ullathorne, 1 June 1838 (File K62)

(a) Will shortly be in England(b) Payment of Vienna Fund for Australia. Abate Angelini not allowed to go to Australia.

Thomas Fergusson. Arrangements for legacies and payment of debts in event of his death, 15 June 1838 (File K67)

Father Bernard Ullathorne (Dublin) to Prior Joseph Brown, 21 June 1838 (File K69)

Introduces Father Hughes, provincial of the Irish Franciscans; has been invited to write an address to the Irish people on transportation; five Sisters of Charity will return with him to Australia; bishopric of Madras.

Bishop Bede Polding to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 25 June 1838 (File K72)

Asks Heptonstall to order an organ for Sydney Cathedral at a cost of at least £800 and also send out music; choir doing well under Burstall.

Father Bernard Ullathorne (Dublin) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 11 July 1838 (File K77)

Quotes a letter from Father Barber refusing consent to Heptonstall to go to New South Wales; Ullathorne will leave Australia within three years; hopeless task of making it a Benedictine work; asks for cabins to be chartered.

Dr. Brown to Brother B. Spencer, 24 July 1838 (File K80)

As no charges of immortality are against him he may cease his penitential austerities; arrangements for his future; to go to Mon Du Garde for short period till a cure will find him work [Draft].

Father Bernard Ullathorne (London) to Prior Joseph Brown, 2 August 1838 (File K85)

Leaving for New South Wales with a large party; his pamphlet on transportation published in Ireland; a further large grant from Lyons; Australian mission now Hibernicised and will not be Benedictinised; expects to return to England shortly.

Father Heptonstall to [unknown], 15 August 1838 (File K88)

Sends copy of receipt for founding of Ben. Monastery in N.S. Wales dated 4 June 1837.

[Unknown] (Sydney) to Sir George Gipps, 15 August 1838 (File K89)

Resolution of a meeting at St Mary's Cathedral protesting against imputation of idolatrous worship cast on Roman Catholics by Judge John Willis. (Copy)

Bishop Bede Polding to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 17 August 1838 (File K90)

Details of attack by Judge John Willis on Catholics; urges Heptonstall to bring matter before Government through Catholic parliamentarians.

Bishop Bede Polding to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 17 August 1838 (File K91)

Sends papers and letters about attack by Judge John Willis; Judge William Burton is ten times worse in intolerance but more cunning.

Father Appleton (Douay) to Father Heptonstall, 12 September 1838 (File K100)

Very sore that Downside has refused help to St. Edmund's when it once helped St. Lawrence's...

Father Barber to Dr Brown, 13 September 1838 (File K101)

Thinks him too hasty in taking up Mrs Neve's side re Sodbury. Dr Walsh has said how desirable a change at Wootton would be (Father Deday). Acton surrendered to the Bishop Father Heptonstall going to the Mt. Amplefordians angry because Father Rolling has a Cath. Priory. About Father Turner at Princethorpe.

Bishop Bede Polding (Sydney) to Prior Joseph Brown, 27 September 1838 (File K104)

Missionary journeys; dispute with Judge Willis; progress of seminary; vast numbers of immigrants arriving; difficulties due to non-arrival of directories.

Bishop Bede Polding to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 4 October 1838 (File K107)

Defends himself against charges of unkindness made by Gorman; work of Fathers John Brady and James Goold; scurrilous attacks in newspapers on Brady; missionary experiences.

Copy by Bishop Polding of a Circular issued by him 12 March 1837, 4 October 1838 (File K108)

Warning Brother. J.B. Spencer of suspension for his misdeeds.

Bishop Bede Polding to Richard Windeyer: case of John Gorman (copy), 4 October 1838 (File K109)

Proposals of organ work made by Bevington and Son to Dr Reid to build an organ for St Mary's Cathedral, Sydney, 7 November 1838 (File K125)

Father Thomas Appleton (Douai) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 1 December 1838 (File K133)

Unable to keep Thomas Fergusson on account of his impiety and violation of rules; better conduct of Maurice Reynolds.

Father Cockshoot (Ampleforth) to Dr Brown, 17 December 1838 (File K140)

Dr March has asked him to take John Spencer - refuses - thinks he ought to be dismissed. The Body.

Father Appleton (Douay) to Father Heptonstall, 22 December 1838 (File K141)

Sends accounts of Fergusson and Reynolds. Glad Father H has washed his hands of Fergusson. Thinks it a mistake to have sent Bower out to Sydney; he ought never to be ordained. Is an impostor; gives instances.

Father Cockshoot to Dr. Brown, 26 December 1838 (File K143)

Agrees to receive Spencer - on conditions - very stringent...

Bishop Bede Polding (Sydney) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 28 December 1838 (File K145)

Money for Thomas Fergusson and Maurice Reynolds; arrival of priests; Fathers McEneroe and Henry Gregory gone to Norfolk Island; Harding to remain there as a catechist; news from Bishop Pompallier in New Zealand; Bishop W.G. Broughton visiting New Zealand and Norfolk Island.

Miss Davis (Usk) to Dr Brown, 10 January 1839 (File L156)

Arrangement for visit of Charles and Edwin Davis to visit their dying father.

M. Choiselat-Gallieu (Paris) to Father Heptonstall, 12 January 1839 (File K157)

Wants instructions about furnishing chalices, vestments etc. to Dr. Polding.

Bishop Bede Polding (Sydney) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 12 January 1839 (File K158)

Arrival of Sisters of Charity and Father Ullathorne; pecuniary burdens; enemies of the Church and the way they have been met; apostolic labours of Father Grady; evil done by J. Spencer.

Bishop Bede Polding (Sydney) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 15 January 1839 (File K161)

Business matters; refusal of General Chapter to allow Benedictine Order to go to Australia; settlement of Sisters of Charity at Parramatta; cruelty to convicts; deaths due to heat.

House of Commons. Papers relating to transportation to New South Wales (printed), 28 February 1839 (File K184)

Bishop Bede Polding (Sydney) to Father Henry Gregory, 17 May 1839 (File K209)

Local news; vegetable gardens; difficulties with seminary; ordinations; health of Father Ullathorne not equal to Parramatta.

Bishop Bede Polding to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 20 May 1839 (File K211)

Report on Thomas Fergusson; arrival of Bower; prospects of Cathedral choir under Dr Reid; expects new organ to arrive shortly; arrival of school teachers from England.

J.S. Tichborne (Paris) to Dr Brown. Family matters. His wife is pregnant, 7 June 1839 (File K221)

W. Villesboisnet to Father Heptonstall, 1 July 1839 (File K228)

Offers him some books from library of an old French priest lately deceased in Somers Town. Also ornaments possibly useful to Dr Polding.

T.T. Fergusson to Father Heptonstall, 18 July 1839 (File K232)

Progressing as Propaganda. Asks for Reynolds to be sent to Rome. Bishop. Pompallier has leave for three students. Proper education impossible at Donay.

Mrs. S. Neve (Cheltenham) to Father Heptonstall. Business matters, 15 August 1839 (File K243)

Mrs Neve to Father Heptonstall, 13 September 1839 (File K257)

Sends subscription for Prop. of the Faith. News of movings of people. Asks him to order certain books. Aurora Borealis.

T.T. Fergusson (Frascati) to Father Heptonstall, 18 September 1839 (File K268)

Objects to account sent to him and criticises it item by item. Considers himself very ill used. Refused utterly to pay account.

Father Bernard Ullathorne (Sydney) to Prior Joseph Brown, 18 October 1839 (File K275)

Progress of Mission; Bishop Polding so unbusinesslike that Ullathorne is resolved to leave; mutiny of military at Norfolk Island stopped mainly by Father Henry Gregory; admiration of the Sisters of Mercy.

Mrs Neve to [Father Heptonstall?], 18 October 1839 (File K277)

Mrs Neve mentions the house where Bishop Challoner died. 'I wish to know what is the no. of the 2nd house from the church of St George the Martyr, Queen Square. It is in Gloucester Street. There are three good houses (but very very old) together. In the 2nd from the church lived and died Bishop. Challoner.

Archbishop John MacHale (Tuam) to Father Thomas Heptonstall: aknowledges money for priests destined for Australia, 28 October 1839 (File K278)

A. Welby Pugin (London) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 3 November 1839 (File K279)

Completion of organ front by Hull; cost of £150 and £7.10.0 commission for Pugin.

Bishop J.B. Spencer to Dr Brown. Petitions for leave to be ordained priest, 24 November 1839 (File K283)

Father H.A. Brewer endorses his petition.

Father Bernard Ullathorne (Sydney) to Prior Joseph Brown, 4 December 1839 (File K289)

Onslaught of Australian press on progress of Catholic Church; Van Diemen's Land to be separated as soon as possible from New South Wales; French Marist staying in Sydney on his way to Bishop Pompallier.

Brother B Todmarsh to Dr Brown, 16 December 1839 (File K296)

Further account of journey. Discipline at Augsburg not so severly enforced as at Downside. No choir kept etc.

Bishop McHale (Tuam) to Father Heptonstall, 30 December 1839 (File K302)

Reverend Walsh hesitates now to proceed to N.S. Wales. If he does not go will neither employ him nor recommend him to other bishops.

R.F. Davis to Dr Brown, 6 January 1840 (File K312)

Hears Dr. B. refuses to allow Bb. Charles H. Davis and Edwin D. to visit their dying father. Indignant.

Dr Brown to Father R. Davis, 8 January 1840 (File K313)

Defends his action in regard to Reverend C.H. Davis and Edwin D. as to visiting their dying father.

Form of faculties granted by Bishop Polding to Father Henry Gregory, with 8 observanda (printed), 9 January 1840 (File K315)

Father Davis to Dr Brown, 10 January 1840 (File K316)

About his unfeeling conduct in respect to his dying father. About his cousin George.

Archbishop John MacHale (Tuam) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 11 January 1840 (File K319)

Letter of credit for £70; possibility of Irish students joining Australian Mission.

Vincent J. English to Dr Brown, 12 January 1840 (File K321)

Sends questions to be answered by Bishopp. Polding as he contemplates emigrating to Australia.

Catholic Institute (London), 22 January 1840 (File K327)

Statement issued by Committee of Grievances to be issued to Peers and Members of Parliament, being vice-presidents of the Catholic Institute, regarding a complaint by Bishop W.G. Broughton about Bishop Polding appearing at a levee at Government House, Sydney, in the Court dress of his order. (printed, 4pp)

Dr Brown to Father R. Davis, 27 January 1840 (File K331)

Draft of letter respecting the two Davis's visit to their dying father.

Father R. Davis to Dr Brown. His refusal to let the two Davis' visit their dying father, 28 January 1840 (File K332)

Mrs Neve to Father Heptonstall, 2 February 1840 (File K335)

Business matters. Mrs Eyston has her Will to execute. With few exceptions would rather deal with Prots. than Catholics in business matters. News of local priests.

Brother B. Tidmarsh (Augsburg) to Father Brown, 12 March 1840 (File K353)

Talk of sending a German monk to Downside. Monks there allowed to keep money and there is an absence of regular discipline etc...

Father Thomas Heptonstall to Prior Joseph Brown, 14 March 1840 (File K354)

Letter from Bishop Polding on decision of Father Ullathorne to leave New South Wales; Ullathorne is sadly altered and his spirits affected by calumnies heaped on him by the press.

Dr Oliver to Dr Brown, 20 March 1840 (File K355)

Good wishes to O.S.W. Henry Vignon's vocation. Thanks him for biographical items about Dr Collier. Ought to hear of settlement of Blundell Legacy. Asks for letter of introduction for Mr Bidwell to Bishop. Polding. Details of wonderful gold altar from Bale to be brought to England for sale. Dated 1019. Has a figure of St. Benedict.

Mr B Tidmarsh (Augsburg) to Dr Brown, 26 March 1840 (File K357)

Beginning to study Hebrew. His professor for it is his English pupil.

Father Heptonstall to Dr Brown, 29 May 1840 (File K378)

Offers two boys as eccl. students on stated terms. Negotiation about a French priest to teach at Downside. Mr Bourgois wants job for friend. Thinks Downside would be injured by his accepting the mitre. Father Barber would do.

E. Poupine (Lyons) to Dr Heptonstall, 20 June 1840 (File K399)

Asks him to send people over to learn French. Religion doing well in New Zealand.

Dr. W.H. Coombes to Father Heptonstall, 6 July 1840 (File K404)

Thanks him for a document 'that neither excites pleasure nor edification'.

Dr Brown to Dr Ullathorne. Modern copy (by Birt), 7 July 1840 (File K404)

Father Heptonstall to [Dr Brown?], 8 July 1840 (File K405)

Recommends Mons. Duf as French master. Mr Fynes brought his boy to Acton; not well up in his studies. (Letter from Dufour).

Brother C.H. Davis to Dr Brown, 27 July 1840 (File K412)

Expresses deep regret at losing him as his superior. Working hard at his theology and ready for examination. Looking forward to being ordained by him.

Brother B. Tidmarsh (Augsburg) to Dr. Brown, c. August 1840 (File K421)

Congratulates him on elevation to mitre. His own studies. Novices not kept so strictly as at Downside etc. News of continental O.S.B.

Bishop Bede Polding to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 4 September 1840 (File K423)

Negligence of London publisher; urgent need for more clergy; Governor has issued a notice that stop must be put to influx of clergy; Polding wants to stock a local Catholic bookshop.

C.H. Chambers (Sydney) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 11 January 1841 (File L2)

Bishop Polding on voyage to England; Chambers's son to attend Stonyhurst or Downside school.

Warrant of affiliation of Downside to University of London, 2 February 1841 (File L7)

Sign manual of Queen Victoria...

Mick Montagu to Father Heptonstall, 28 February 1841 (File L12)

About two priests for the Australian Mission from Ireland. One untrustworthy; the other Caffrey, excellent.

William Reynolds (London) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 12 March 1841 (File L14)

Education of his son in Paris; requests estimate of his college expenses.

Reverend E. Vaughan (Ballyhaunis) to Father Heptonstall, 5 April 1841 (File L21)

With permission of Dr McHale, offers himself for Australian Mission.

Father Francis Murphy (Sydney) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 12 April 1841 (File L27)

Acknowledges money from Lyons; organ almost erected; expects it to open with a grand oratorio.

Sister and uncle of Dr Polding to him (In badly spelt French). Good wishes etc., 28 April 1841 (File L32)

W. Witham to Father Heptonstall, 14 June 1841 (File L42)

Has seen Bishop Polding and urges he should agree to bear his share of the loss of £1700 sold by Mr Wright than oppose the petition.

Thomas Jones to Father Heptonstall, 21 June 1841 (File L45)

Proposal for supplying Bishop Polding with books but could not supply him as cheaply as the Dublin Booksellers.

Father B. Tidmarsh (Augsburg) to Father Wilson, 22 June 1841 (File L46)

His movements etc. His German hardly good enough yet to commence teaching the German boys English. About is return to England.

Father Scott to Mrs Thomas Jenkins, 2 July 1841 (File L51)

Recalls loan of £2000 to Mrs Tidmarsh and asks to have dower of Brother. B. Tidmarsh settled according to agreement. [Draft].

Sr. T.M. Duck (Valognes) to Father Wilson (cousin), 16 July 1841 (File L60)

Congratulates him on Priorship. Has heard of Dr Polding's reception at Downside. 15 years since and he left England and they have lost through Wrights. Family news and names.

Rev Prieux to Rev Joseph Peter Wilson (Bath), 16 July 1841 (Item L61)

Series. Correspondence and documents, 1841 - 1848

The bulk of the letters on this reel relate directly to Australia and New Zealand and are listed below. Other letters may refer incidentally to Archbishop Polding or Australian matters, but are mostly concerned with the Catholic Church in England and the affairs of Benedictine houses. The correspondents include Cardinal Charles Acton, Bernard Barber, president-general of the Benedictine congregation in England (1842-1850), Peter Wilson, prior of Downside Priory (1840-1854), Bishop Joseph Brown, vicar apostolic of the Welsh District (1840-50) and Father Bernard Ullathorne, who was stationed at Coventry until 1846, when he became a bishop and vicar apostolic of the Western District...

Bishop Bede Polding (London) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 31 July 1841 (File L68)

Securing priests for New South Wales; urges Heptonstall to accompany him and take charge of all temporals.

Father Wilson to Abbot of Augsburg, July 1841 (File L69)

Thanks him for letter of 16 July - explains reasons for recall of Br. Tidmarsh. [Two drafts - a and b]

Prior Wilson to Abbot of Augsburg, 1 August 1841 (File L70)

French translation of Nos. L69 (a and b); A letter from Father Wilson to Abbot of Ausburg July 1841. Explaining reasons for recall of Br. B. Tidmarsh. [Draft sent to Prior Wilson by translator].

Father Appleton to Father Heptonstall, 22 August 1841 (File L79)

Business matters. Bishop. Polding left Liverpool on 21 August for Stanbrook and London.

Decision of Definitory to close Broadway as a convent, 23 August 1841 (File L80)

To allow members to incorporate in other houses. Property to belong to Lambspring. Note appended. 'Carried into effect. 20 September 1841'.

Bishop Bede Polding to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 1841-08 (File L82)

Business to be negotiated with Colonial Office as to number of clergy on estimates 1838-40: return of Reverend Patrick Geoghegan from Port Phillip in a huff.

Bishop Bede Polding (Dublin) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 29 September 1841 (File L88)

Has as many young men as he wants; departure of priests for New South Wales; Reynolds returning to Sydney.

Br. P. Hall to Father Wilson, 19 October 1841 (File L99)

Asks to be received as a monk of Downside. He may possibly go to N.S. Wales with Bishop. Polding.

Reverend J. Mulligan (Carrick macross) to Father Heptonstall, 21 October 1841 (File L101)

Sends certificate of having booked passage to Sydney, and directed by Bishop. Polding asks for £75.

Reverend J.W. Hendren (Taunton) to Father Wilson, 4 November 1841 (File L104)

Business matters. About 'a protege' Henry Bishop. Polding reached there this day.

Bishop Bede Polding (London) to W.H. Coombes, 17 November 1841 (File L105)

Petition to Holy See to divide his district and appoint bishops in ordinary; Van Diemen's Land and South Australia should be districts; when other colonies are formed their civil boundaries should be episcopal boundaries.

Roger Therry (Sydney) to Prior Peter Wilson, 24 November 1841 (File L106)

Gratified at good news about his son; business matters.

A. Whilby Pagin to Father Wilson, 6 December 1841 (File L107)

Able to arrange buildings to suit requirements; but cannot change position of the church.

Copy of census paper of Religious, and students and servants of Downside with their ages, etc., 6 June 1841 (File L110)

17 community...

J. Daniel (Stonyhurst) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 22 September 1841 (File L85)

Admission of a boy from Australia.

Bishop Bede Polding (Rome) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 12 January 1842 (File L117)

Progress of his negotiations; Charles Acton to be made a cardinal; arrival of Bishop William Morris; will not present his petition for division of his Vicariate until Acton is a cardinal and gone to Propaganda.

Father Bernard Ullathorne (Coventry) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 30 January 1842 (File L123)

Financial matter; progress of his book.

Bishop Bede Polding (Rome) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 17 February 1842 (File L130)

Progress of his affairs; Bishop Peter Baines reproved; Bishop Morris evidently out of favour; Roman statuary; has been made an assistant at the Papal Throne.

To Father Norris. Re Polding, 2 March 1842 (File L134)

Bishop Bede Polding to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 7 March 1842 (File L137)

Success of his plans; three sees created in Australia; names of proposed bishops.

C.H. Chambers (Sydney) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 19 March 1842 (File L139)

His son D.D. Chambers returning to Australia; thanks for being guardian; return of balance of money.

Archbishop Bede Polding (Rome) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 10 April 1842 (File L143)

Created Archbishop of Sydney on 9 April; property in Rome bought for English Benedictines; chance of having Benedictine nuns in Australia; seeks help to get bells for Sydney; Cardinal Acton; five Passionists engaged for service with Indigenous Australians.

About Dr Ullathorne, 30 April 1842 (File L144)

[Thomas Ling?] (Derby) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 30 April 1842 (File L145)

Arrangements for supplying books to Australia.

From Father Barber. 'Dr Ullathorne has definitely accepted the proffered mitre', 2 May 1842 (File L146)

Thomas Taunton (London) to Father Wilson, 3 May (File L147)

Invites him to visit him and renew acquaintance after 15 years. Tender memories of Downside. Rejoices in Dr Polding's elevation and at trust reposed in O.S.B.

'Extract from a letter from me to Dr Polding at Rome concerning the regular clergy' (Dr W.H. Coombs), 7 May 1842 (File L148)

Deprecates jealousy of regulars shown by seculars. Some bishops have been friends. Dr Milner took his advice and in consequence made Prior Sharrock his V.G. for regulars.

Archbishop Bede Polding (Rome) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 7 May 1842 (File L149)

Henry Gregory made a doctor of divinity; Father Robert Willson of Nottingham; Father Bernard Ullathorne; has been labouring hard ineffectually for Bishop Morris.

C.H. Chambers (Sydney) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 16 May 1842 (File L151)

Plans to recall his son but he will visit Paris and Dublin first; education under William Cape is as good in Sydney as in England; criticises internal administration of Stonyhurst.

Archbishop Bede Polding (Rome) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 18 May 1842 (File L152)

Priests for Australia; proposed foundation of Benedictine nuns.

Archbishop Bede Polding (Rome) to Father Robert Willson, 24 May 1852 (File L154)

Pope has selected Willson for see of Hobart; advises him to accept.

Archbishop Bede Polding (Rome) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 26 May 1842 (File L155)

Business matters; Fathers Robert Willson and Bernard Ullathorne; has applied to Lyons for a grant to support Bishop of Adelaide.

Archbishop Bede Polding (Naples) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 6 June 1842 (File L159)

High costs in Rome; Monte Cassino; business at Malta for the Pope; bulls for bishops of Hobart and Adelaide; Father Ullathorne resigned but will be a bishop in England before long; final interview with the Pope.

Father Wilson to Father Heptonstall, 10 June 1842 (File L160)

Prostrate at news from Dr Polding of his election to Bishopric. Will refuse etc.

Bishop Brown (Chepstow) to Father Wilson, 11 June 1842 (File L161)

Still opposed to Engl. Bene. Congr. having foreign missionaries. Thinks him fit to be a bishop, but is averse to his going to Australia. Would like Chapter to petition Holy See against draining the Congregation...

R. Burchall (Donay) to Father Heptonstall, 21 June 1842 (File L164)

Departure of Brother Cuthbert for Mauritius. Going to house one OSB and four passionists for a month for Dr. Polding.

Bishop Joseph Brown. Address to General Chapter on subject of Australian Mission (6pp.), 9 July 1842 (File L166)

Prior Peter Wilson [Downside] to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 13 July 1842 (File L167)

Meeting with Bishop Brown; determined not to consent to Bishop Polding's proposal.

Father Francis Murphy (Sydney) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 30 July 1842 (File L172)

Affairs of Sydney Mission; progress in church building; Government refuses to pay him salary as vicar-general until it knows that Father Ullathorne has resigned.

Father Heptonstall to Father Scott, 5 August 1842 (File L175)

If M. l'Abbe Le Canut asks to be French master do not encourage him...

Ferd. Eyston to Father Rolling, 12 August 1842 (File L176)

About his departure from Sodbury; thinks superiors ought to have told Mrs Neve; wonders how well she will take the news when she hears of it.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Father Henry Gregory, 16 August 1842 (File L178)

Urges him to obtain nuns for Australia; arrangements for embarking large party in Templa; troubles about Van Diemen's Land bishopric.

Abbé Bourgeois (Cape of Good Hope) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 11 September 1842 (File L182)

Voyage to Australia; debts of Reynolds; meeting with Bishop Griffiths in Cape Town; Rev. O'Reilly going to New Zealand.

Archbishop Bede Polding (Liverpool) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 2 November 1842 (File L188)

Authorises him to send three students to Propaganda.

Bishop Brown to Father Scott, 4 November 1842 (File L189)

About meeting in Bath over Welsh Mission funds. Dr Polding and party - sailed yesterday.

George Hope (Colonial Office) to [unknown], 8 November 1842 (File L190)

Salary of Father Francis Murphy as vicar-general; granted provided he resigns post of chaplain to gaols. (Copy)

Cardinal Charles Acton (Rome) to Father Bernard Barber, 28 November 1842 (File L198)

Address of English Benedictines to the Pope; pleased with bishops of Australia, Wales and Mauritius; Father Peter Wilson of Downside does useful work; will welcome Father Richard Prest as procurator of English Benedictines in Rome.

Reverend R. Burchall (Douay) to Father Heptonstall, 21 December 1842 (File L206)

Business in re Bishop Collier and Archbishop Polding. Vestment for Father Corlett of Hindley. Their Chapel creeping slowly up the hill of perfection.

Class lists and results of exams at Prior Park. (John Oswald Connery - several times), 1842 (File L217)

Archbishop Bede Polding. Appeal to Catholics of England for help, [probably 1846-1847] (File L218)

Oeuvre de Propagation de la Foi en faveur des Missions Étrangères des Deux Mondes (Lyon) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 9 January 1843 (File L219)

Funds granted for Australian Mission.

Father A. Prest (Rome) to Father Heptonstall, 19 January 1843 (File L222)

Sends papers for Fathers Deday and Scott. Customs extortions. Difficulties of travel. Christmas at St. Calisto's. Other disagreeables. Has seen Card. Acton and stated his views as the Blundell Legacy and the claims of the monks to £15000.

Ullathorne to Prior Wilson. About Church at Coventry, 15 February 1843 (File L230)

Father R. Burchall (Douay) to Father Heptonstall, 3 April 1843 (File L234)

Trouble about a small steam engine. Accounts of Mauritius students. Tailor's bill of £33 left unpaid by Mr Reynolds.

Colonial Office to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 11 April 1843 (File L237)

Deaths of two priests in Australia and request for replacements.

Colonial Office to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 18 April 1843 (File L238)

No allowance for successor to Father Francis Murphy as vicar-general unless official notice is received from governor that position in vacant.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 9 June 1843 (File L244)

Shortage of money; Chronicle; missionary journeys; settling Passionists among Indigenous Australians; need to establish a monastery; dismissal of some priests; purchase of library of Father Ullathorne; foreign missioners have little or no aptitude for the work.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 30 July 1843 (File L249)

Arrival of delayed luggage; sermons of Bishop W.G. Broughton at the factory; sends letters and pamphlets to be forwarded to Rome.

W.H. Coombs to Card. Acton. Suggesting Dr. Ullathorne for the Western District, 22 August 1843 (File L252)

Oeuvre de Propagation de la Foi (Paris) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 18 October 1843 (File L259)

Sends circulars for Archbishop Polding and Bishop Francis Murphy.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 23 October 1843 (File L260)

Awaiting arrival of Bishop Willson; progress of monastery; idleness of Italians, church tower; requires treatise on campanology.

Archbishop Bede Polding (Parramatta) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 16 November 1843 (File L265)

D. Francisco Garroni returning to Italy; four suspended priests; training of missioners essential and they ought to become religious; death of Bishop Peter Baines; fears it will upset his plan of having Father Ullathorne in Australia.

Father Bernard Ullathorne (Coventry) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 22 December 1843 (File L271)

Duncan has much under-valued Ullathorne's books in Australia; necessity forces him to accept £140; criticises Bishop Polding in relation to Passionists.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Father Thomas Heptonstall (File L274)

Sends copy of Retreat Ordo; financial difficulties not of his own creation; progress of monastery.

Father Francis Murphy (Sydney) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 3 January 1844 (File L278)

Bells hung in temporary stone tower; all Sydney in a commotion when they were first rung.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 16 January 1844 (File L279)

Mission £2400 in debt; mortgage of land; delay in arrival of Bishop Willson; bell-ringers contest; Governor considers that Catholics are encroaching too much.

Oeuvre de Propagation de la Foi (Lyon) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 25 January 1844 (File L280)

Orders to draw for 16960 ff for Bishop Polding.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 29 January 1844 (File L282)

French priest returning from New Zealand; Mission debts; non-arrival of Bishop Willson; fighting against Bishop W.G. Broughton and the Governor; work among Australian Aboriginals; hopes Father Ullathorne will be made a bishop.

Bishop Robert Willson (at sea) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 19 February 1844 (File L283)

Events of the voyage; his brother has powers to act for him.

Archbishop Bede Polding (Sydney) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 19 March 1844 (File L291)

Missionary work; progress of monastery; Bishop Willson daily expected in Hobart; wants Stations of the Cross.

Father Francis Murphy (Sydney) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 28 May 1844 (File L306)

Date of his consecration; arrival of Bishop Willson in Hobart; Willson and Bishop Pompallier will come to consecration; asks Heptonstall to act as his agent; financial matters; state of religion in Adelaide.

Dr. Ullathorne (Coventry) to Father Heptonstall, 7 June 1844 (File L309)

Mr Slaughter will pay Miss Giddens £1000 on 8th June. Sister to be clothed in a few days. Dr. Wilseman after promises made refuses to do more for new church.

Father L. Hand (Drumcondra) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 17 June 1844 (File L314)

All three students for Australia have broken down, but they have been replaced by three others.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 4 July 1844 (File L319)

Requires certain books; general news. (last page only)

Oeuvre de Propagation de la Foi en faveur des Missions Étrangères des Deux Mondes (Paris) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 6 July 1844 (File L320)

Sorry for Archbishop Polding's financial difficulties; promises 20,000 ff.

Archbishop Bede Polding (Sydney) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 13 July 1844 (File L321)

Has been examined before an educational committee; requests various works on education; he will summon Bishop Willson; trouble in Adelaide; Polding's fight with Bishop W.G. Broughton.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 27 July 1844 (File L323)

Has to go to Hobart; Father John Therry causing trouble there; needs money for trip and consecration expenses; education work.

Archbishop Bede Polding (Sydney) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 1 August 1844 (File L324)

Orders crosses of a particular pattern and pictures.

Father L. Hand (Drumcondra) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 16 August 1844 (File L327)

Sends account of Australian students.

Edw. Doughty to [Father Davis?], 16 September 1844 (File L328)

Undertook to pay £20 per annum for Henry Moore (Father. Edmund) for 4 years; has done so for six; but willing to continue till he enters noviciate.

J.J. Taylor to Father Heptonstall. Subjects for Archbishop Polding and for Bishop Collier, 6 October 1844 (File L334)

Father L. Hand (Drumcondra) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 7 October 1844 (File L335)

Business matters; has seen Father James Brady.

Deed of appointment of Henry Gregory as vicar-general of New South Wales, 10 October 1844 (File L337)

Acts of General Chapter of Cassinese Congr. O.S.B. held at Monte Cassino, 13 October 1844 (File L338)

Dom Ruggiero Emmanuele (Sydney 1847 - ?1851?)

Oeuvre de Propagation de la Foi. (Lyon) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 23 October 1844 (File L339)

Allocation of 12,320 ff for Diocese of Adelaide in 1844.

Bishop Francis Murphy to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 21 November 1844 (File L341)

Has heard Leigh gave £2000 and 500 acres of land to endow an Anglican bishopric in Adelaide but has since become a convert; asks Heptonstall to find out truth; prospects of religion in South Australia.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 6 December 1844 (File L343)

Progress of monastery; difficulty of training novices; describes buildings; consecration of Father Murphy; missionary journeys to Hobart, Launceston, Port Phillip, Geelong, Port Fairy and Portland Bay.

Authority from Bishop Jean Baptiste Pompallier (Sydney) to Father Thomas Heptonstall to receive moneys for him, 16 December 1844 (File L346)

Father Jerome Jenkins' Diary while in Rome for the year 1844 (96pp), 1844 (File L357)

Father Scott to Father Deday, 27 December 1844 (File L352)

Business matters. Father Sutton wants to leave Sodbury. Mrs Neve's affairs now nearly settled; residue of £440. Details about legacies and obligations etc.

Authority from Bishop Francis Murphy (Adelaide) to Father Thomas Heptonstall to keep £150 for passage of two missioners, 12 January 1845 (File L362)

Bishop Francis Murphy (Adelaide) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 31 January 1845 (File L364)

Authority to send money to Mrs Leigh.

Prop. de la Foi to Father Heptonstall. Transmit 9065 ff. for Dr Polding; 24,000 ff. to follow, 4 February 1845 (File L365)

Propagation de la Foi. (Lyon) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 28 February 1845 (File L371)

Remits 9605 ff for Sydney; 800 ff were given to Father Brady.

Archbishop Bede Polding. Lenten Pastoral letter (3pp), February 1845 (File L372)

Archbishop Bede Polding (Sydney) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 12 March 1845 (File L376)

Account of his journey to Hobart to settle church differences; violence of Bishop Willson; speaks well of Father John Therry.

Oeuvre de Propagation de la Foi. (Paris) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 15 March 1845 (File L377)

Allocation of grants to Sydney.

John Willson (Lincoln) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 15 March 1845 (File L378)

Payment of loan for his brother, Bishop of Hobart.

John Willson to Father Thomas Heptonstall: receipt of deeds, 19 March 1845 (File L379)

Archbishop Bede Polding (Sydney) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 26 May 1845 (File L390)

Activities of Father Brady in Europe; troubles with Passionists; need for building; further fruitless attempts to pacify Bishop Willson; praises Bishop Pompallier.

W. Leigh (Leamington) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 7 June 1845 (File L395)

Society for Propagation of Gospel have paid back £2000 and £233.10.11; suggests money be used for church and bishop's house in Adelaide; difficulty about conveyance of land.

Father Bernard Ullathorne to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 16 June 1845 (File L396)

Has seen W. Leigh about Adelaide affairs; explains site at Adelaide; suggests A.W. Pugin be asked to furnish suitable plans cheaply; consecration of Father Brady.

Dr. Barber to Garroni, 16 June 1845 (File L397)

Rescript arrived and urges on him necessity of good conduct at Ampleforth. Will write to Dr Polding to pacify him.

Archbishop. Polding to Father Heptonstall, 1 July 1845 (File L405)

Fragment only. Fears letters to Rome are lost in a wreck. 5 large vessels lost in 4 months.

P. Onorato (Ampleforth) to Dr Barber, 7 July 1845 (File L406)

Thanks rescript. Submissive. Sorry Dr Polding is so averse to him etc.

Abbé Prosper Gueranges (Solesmes) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 23 July 1845 (File L408)

Recommends a novice to accompany Bishop Brady and two Spanish Benedictines to Western Australia; letter from Father Petra.

Bishop Robert Willson (Hobart) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 8 August 1845 (File L410)

Arrival of three priests; his finances; Father John Therry has ruined religion for years; recommends that Father Ullathorne be persuaded to return; agreement with Archbishop Polding to make diocese free of debt and retire Father Therry to New South Wales.

S. Harding (Sydney) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 16 August 1845 (File L413)

Orders books for Bishop Polding; sudden death of Father Mahony at Maitland; Father James Dunphy drowned crossing Mudgee River; illness of Father Bede Sumner; slow progress of monastery; foundation stone of new church laid in Sydney; new regulations for chaplains to prisons.

H. Johnson (Adelaide) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, August 1845 (File L414)

Requests all of Bishop Murphy's money in Heptonstall's hands be sent out to meet building expenses.

Bishop Jean Baptiste Pompallier (Sydney) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 15 October 1845 (File L420)

Reverend Thomas Sing to Father Heptonstall, 18 November 1845 (File L429)

Acknowledges payment for books for Dr Polding and Dr Collier. Glad to hear what he thinks of Sacred Heart nuns.

Bartholomew Woodlock (Drumcondra) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 28 November 1845 (File L431)

Payment for and selection of subjects for Archbishop Polding and Bishop Collier.

Charles Hanson (Coventry) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 30 December 1845 (File L436)

Plans of Blackmore Park Chapel for Bishop Francis Murphy; reopening of Acton Burnell chapel; great reunion of Benedictine Order.

Ullathorne. Account for work at Coventry, 22 January 1846 (File L440)

Oeuvre de Propagation de la Foi. (Paris) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 26 January 1846 (File L441)

Allocation of grants for Sydney, Hobart, Adelaide and Perth.

V. Pompinal (Lyons) to Father Heptonstall, 28 January 1846 (File L442)

Learns with pleasure he is Dr Pompallier's agent. Arrangements for sending grants etc.

Father Joseph Serra (Perth) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 13 February 1846 (File L444)

Sends books and museum objects; Bishop Brady has given a district for Benedictines; Brother Tootell refuses to leave Perth; his plans; seeks help from England.

Lord Lyttelton (Colonial Office) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 23 February 1846 (File L445)

Approval of W.E. Gladstone for six priests to go out at government expense to New South Wales.

Oeuvre de Propagation de la Foi. (Paris) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 23 February 1846 (File L446)

Grants to Adelaide, Hobart and Sydney.

Dr. Barber to [unknown], 3 March 1846 (File L449)

Our laws do not allow us to incorporate a foreigner in congregation; but D. Garroni can remain as a Professor of Theology etc. [Italian]

Bishop Jean Baptiste Pompallier (New Zealand) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 12 March 1846 (File L450)

Going to Europe for assistance with money and men; a brief puts more islands under his jurisdiction so he seeks a coadjutor, Pere Viard; he will be consecrated by Archbishop Polding.

Oeuvre de Propagation de la Foi. (Paris) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 31 March 1846 (File L454)

Allocation of grants.

Oeuvre de Propagation de la Foi. (Paris) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 7 April 1846 (File L455)

Allocation of grants.

Exeter G. Oliver to [unknown]. Hoping that Ullathorne will 'be granted to us', 15 April 1846 (File L458)

Bishop Pompallier (New Zealand) to Father Heptonstall, 16 April 1846 (File L459)

Duplicate of letter from Bishop Jean Baptiste Pompallier to Father Thomas Heptonstall of 12 March 1846. Dicusses going to Europe for assistance with money and men; a brief puts more islands under his jurisdiction so he seeks a coadjutor, Pere Viard; he will be consecrated by Archbishop Polding. [f.450]

Prior Barber to Prior Wilson. Dr Ullathorne is new prior elect, 28 April 1846 (File L460)

Ullathorne to [unknown] about his elevation, 28 April 1846 (File L461 (iii))

Bishop Robert Willson (Port Arthur) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 1 May 1846 (File L462)

On his way to Norfolk Island; financial situation; books received; all convicts now in Van Diemen's Land; upwards of 30 prisons; three priests and three catechists; calamitous state of church affairs; trouble with Father John Therry.

Abbot of S. Calisto to Dr Barber, 5 May 1846 (File L464)

About stay of D. Onorato Garroni in England. Course of negotiations in re our Roman property.

Lord Lyttelton (Colonial Office) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 9 May 1846 (File L465)

Selection and passages of priests and students to New South Wales.

Oxott. L. Onorato Garroni to Dr. Barber, 29 May 1846 (File L466)

Sends letter received from Proc. Genl. of Cassineas. Expresses his readiness to be of service and send reply and hopes to see him at Coventry.

Lord Lyttelton (Colonial Office) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 2 June 1846 (File L467)

Issue of passage money for those selected to go to New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land.

Father Henry Gregory to Sister Catherine O'Brien, 28 June 1846 (File L468)

Permission to profess Eliza Walsh. (last page only)

Dr. Barber to Father Heptonstall, 30 August 1846 (File L477)

Sends Hardman's account for £15.15.0 for Memorial to Father J. Sharrock with sums subscribed. Has had nice letters from 'His Grace' (Dr. Polding?) at Liverpool.

Oeuvre de Propagation de la Foi. (Paris) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 8 September 1846 (File L478)

Allocation of grants to Sydney, Hobart, Adelaide and Perth.

Bishop Francis Murphy (London) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 8 October 1846 (File L482)

Passage to Adelaide of Father Coyle from Melleray.

Father Heptonstall to Pastor at Bungay, 23 November 1846 (File L489)

Business matters. Hears he is working wonders at Bungay. Dr Polding says he is a 'mission-grinder'. Starting shortly with him for Rome. Father. Hewitt of Downside going to supply for him.

Copy letter Book of Father Jenkins. 1837-1846. (Many letters dealing with Garroni) - 22pp, 1846 (File L495)

Archbishop Bede Polding. Reply to farewell address on his departure from Sydney to visit Rome and Europe, [1846] (File L500)

Hardman and Co. to Bp. Murphy of Adelaide. Account for church furniture supplied, 18 March 1847 (File M8)

Bishop Francis Murphy (London) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 13 April 1847 (File M12)

Business matters to be settled prior to his departure for Australia.

Authorisation from Bishop Murphy to Father Thomas Heptonstall to endorse drafts in his name, 14 April 1847 (File M13)

Oeuvre de Propagation de la Foi. (Lyon) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 28 May 1847 (File M23)

Allocation of grant of 25,000 ff to New Zealand.

Father Bernard Barber to Prior Peter Wilson, 7 June 1847 (File M24)

Thanks for consolatory letter on death of Father Appleton; Archbishop Polding announces that Father Burchall is nominated by Holy See as coadjutor of Sydney; Archbishop Polding in low spirits; loss of prestige.

Archbishop Bede Polding (Dublin) to Father Bernard Barber, 10 August 1847 (File M31)

Seeks consent for Dame Magdalene of Stanbrook Abbey to go to Australia to found a Benedictine convent.

Archbishop Bede Polding (Liverpool) to Father Bernard Barber, 22 August 1847 (File M33)

Asks leave to take out Brothers Henry Moore and Bernard Caldwell.

Bishop Francis Murphy (Adelaide) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 9 September 1847 (File M35)

Boisterous passage from Cape of Good Hope; expecting Protestant bishop in October; colony flourishing; now 2500 Catholics with weekly accessions; orders and commissions.

Mgr. Grant (Rome) to Dr Barber, 12 September 1847 (File M36)

Consulted Abbot of St. Paul's abut rights of pontificating. He saw Mgr. Martinucci. Gives abbot's answer in affirmative. Remonstrances by Barber about Fr. Burchall going as coadjutor to Sydney have been successful.

Brother Henry Moore (Liverpool) to Brother Alphonsus Morrell, 3 October 1847 (File M42)

Preparations for departure.

Archbishop Bede Polding. Draft of letters regarding reason why Christian Brothers left Sydney, October 1847 (File M43)

Mr H.S. Moore to Br. A. Morrison. Account of voyage to date, 17 October 1847 (File M45)

[sent from Sydney on Friday 28, 1848]

Father Thomas Heptonstall. Notes of a letter from Colonial Office about leave to send three priests to New South Wales, 18 October 1847 (File M46)

Monsignor Grant (Rome) to Father Bernard Barber, 10 December 1847 (File M52)

Rubrical information; substitution of Father Charles Davis for Father Burchall as coadjutor of Sydney and bishop of Maitland.

Father Jenkins to Bishop Ullathorne, 24 January 1848 (File M62)

Explains negotiations with regard to Bath Mission. No need to build a new church: buy up first mortgage on Queen Square Chapel.

Bishop Ullathorne (Clifton) to Father Jenkins, 31 January 1848 (File M63)

Does not think Bath can support three churches, but two are desirable, and one should be under the Bishop. Suggests a territorial division between seculatr and O.S.B. Missions. Wants cordial co-operation between himself and his O.S.B. brethren.

Oeuvre de Propagation de la Foi. (Paris) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 31 January 1848 (File M64)

Allocation of grant to Adelaide.

Brother Henry Moore (Sydney) to Brother Alphonsus Morrell, 8 February 1848 (File M69)

Arrival in Sydney; reception for Archbishop Polding; impressions of Sydney; St Mary's more of a monastery than Downside; rule followed is lenient but not lax.

Brother Henry Moore to Brother Alphonsus Morrell, 18 February 1848 (File M71)

Names of community; describes monastery and seminary; dress and fashion of wearing their hair; Archbishop Polding and Father Gregory looking for a place for Benedictine convent. (crossed)

Oeuvre de Propagation de la Foi. (Paris) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 6 March 1848 (File M73)

Money for Australian bishops.

Father Bede Sumner (Sydney) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 7 March 1848 (File M74)

Business matters; conversion of two Protestant ministers and their families has caused a sensation.

Pamplemousses. Father Colyer to Father Wilson, 21 March 1848 (File M77)

Purposing to return to England. Wants to belong to Gregorian Club. Wants to found an O.S.B. monastery where he is.

Propagation de la Foi to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 14 April 1848 (File M84)

Allocation of grants to Australia and Mauritius.

Bishop Ullathorne (Clifton) to Dr. Barber, 9 May 1848 (File M87)

His sentiments towards Benedictine Order. Last year put on permanent record in his returns to Holy See the spirit of discipline love for learning and zeal for religious things which distinguished St. Gregory's.

Bishop Robert Willson (Hobart) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 27 May 1848 (File M91)

Has blessed Holy Oils; two ignorant priests from Waterford; Father John Therry; neglect of Norfolk Island; regulations in force in New South Wales.

Prop de la Foi to Father. Heptonstall, 20 June 1848 (File M93)

Unable to advance as requested, apportioned allocation of grant to Dr. Brady of Perth.

Archbishop Bede Polding (Sydney) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 3 July 1848 (File M94)

Commissions for cloth for habits, music, stained glass; church bells; ordination of first native born priest; sad state of Church in Van Diemen's Land and Western Australia; ordination of Father James Goold as bishop of Melbourne.

Prop de la Foi to Father Heptonstall, 4 September 1848 (File M98)

Allocation of grants. Certain conditions as to masses and prayers etc.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 20 October 1848 (File M103)

Local news including Father Gregory and Bishop Goold; establishment of Benedictine convent at The Vineyard, Parramatta, now called 'Subiaco'.

Sir Charles FitzRoy (Sydney) to Lord Grey, 23 October 1848 (File M104)

Acknowledges despatch on application by Archbishop Polding for passage money for three priests coming to Australia. (Copy)

Archbishop Bede Polding (Sydney) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 24 October 1848 (File M105)

Sending Father Henry Gregory to Europe; requires young men for Mission; Irish priests jib at authority, hence need for native-born priests; time to build seminary; news of Bishop Pompallier.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 1 November 1848 (File M106)

Progress of Australian Mission. (draft to be translated into German for distribution in Australia)

Archbishop Bede Polding (Parramatta) to Father Bernard Barber, 18 November 1848 (File M108)

Purchase of property on Parramatta River for Benedictine nuns; dispersal of grumblers; progress of novices and postulants; awaits arrival of Bishop Charles Davis; Sisters of Charity.

Series. Correspondence and documents, 1848 - 1862

There are relatively few documents dating from the years 1850-1861. The bulk of the letters filmed relate directly to Australia and are itemised below. There are a few letters written from England and Europe to Thomas Heptonstall and also some correspondence of Bernard Barber, the president-general of the Benedictines, and Peter Wilson, the prior of Downside Priory. In addition, there are a few documents relating to the early career of Roger Bede Vaughan (1834-1883), who was eventually to succeed Bede Polding as archbishop of Sydney and metropolitan of Australia. Vaughan was educated at Downside in 1850-1853, professed in 1854, and was ordained as a priest in 1859...

B. Hawes (Colonial Office) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 22 November 1848 (File M109)

Passages of Fathers Ryan and Caldwell.

W. Elyard (Colonial Secretary's Office) to Prior Henry Gregory, 1 December 1848 (File M110)

Payment of £150 for passages to Sydney. (Copy)

Bp. Fras. Murphy (Adelaide) to Fr. Heptonstall, 6 December 1848 (Item M112)

Thanks for needed remittance. His brothers financial affairs. Bp. Brady must be difficulties. Swan river not progressing. Fears Lyons Society may be broken up French Govt. He now has about 5000 Catholics. Numbers increase daily.

Bishop Charles Davis (Sydney) to Prior Peter Wilson: his arrival in Sydney, 9 December 1848 (File M113)

Bishop Charles Davis (Sydney) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 9 December 1848 (File M114)

His arrival in Sydney; account of the voyage.

Brother Henry Moore (Sydney) to Brother Alphonsus Morrell, 9 December 1848 (File M115)

Arrival of Bishop Davis; his manners.

Father Brown (Chepstow) to Father Prest. Asks how Ullathorne getting on, 11 December 1848 (File M116)

B. Ullathorne (Bermingham) to [unknown] Davis. His opinions of the greatness of the O.S.B., 19 October 1848 (File M119)

Address from students of Downside to Bishop Charles Davis (draft, 3pp), [n.d] (File M122)

Diary of Sister Scholastica Gregory on her voyage to Sydney (incomplete, 21pp), December 1847 - January 1848 (File M124)

Bishop James Brady to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 8 January 1849 (File M127)

His appointment of Reverend J. Smith as his agent; Benedictine Fathers have done much good in Western Australia but have created a great debt; is sending Father Serra to Europe to beg.

Brother Henry Moore (Sydney) to Brother Adolphus Morrell, 16 January 1849 (File M129)

Description of 'Subiaco' which Archbishop Polding intends to be a monastery; delicate health of Bishop Davis; his singing and vestments greatly admired; organ to be moved to another part of the church.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 18 January 1849 (File M130)

£150 was originally intended for outfit and passage of Father Burchall; should be transferred to account of Bishop Davis.

Archbishop Bede Polding (Sydney) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 31 January 1849 (File M136)

Passage money for six priests; requests a set of traveling pontifical; other commissions; arrival of Sisters at Subiaco.

Bishop Charles Davis (Sydney) to [Father Thomas Heptonstall], 3 February 1849 (File M138)

Davis to remain in Sydney while Archbishop Polding visits his vast diocese; accounts; St Patrick's and St Benedict's churches; Cathedral organ in bad state; has replaced the paid choir with monks; arrival of emigrant ship with 200 Catholic orphan girls.

Brother Henry Moore (Sydney) to Brother Adolphus Morrell, 25 February 1849 (File M152)

Disappointed with state of things at St Mary's Cathedral; ordination as deacon.

Bishop Charles Davis (Sydney) to Prior Peter Wilson, 28 February 1849 (File M154)

His onerous responsibilities; Archbishop Polding erred with his last importation of priests; foreigners not fit for the mission; disapproves of proposed 'Rule interpreted by the Abbot'; Father Henry Gregory; differences with Bishop Willson not yet settled; hears that Father Bernard Ullathorne is out of touch with his Benedictine brethren.

Bishop Charles Davis (Sydney) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 1 March 1849 (File M155)

Business retreat; Mrs Martin and her son keeping a school at Goulburn; has given retreat to 200 orphan girls; imbroglio with Bishop Willson; Archbishop Polding should be more severe with Father John Therry; recruitment of priests for Melbourne diocese.

W. Elyard (Colonial Secretary's Office) to Archbishop Bede Polding, 27 March 1849 (File M167)

Repayment of passage allowances by priests who quit their posts within three years. (Copy)

Benjamin Hawes (Colonial Office) to Father Thomas Heponstall, 11 April 1849 (File M177)

Remittance of £450 for outfit and passages of three priests going to Sydney.

Brother Henry Moore (Sydney) to Brother Adolphus Morrall, 18 April 1849 (File M180)

Illness of Bishop Davis; not expected to live; Moore's disappointment with St Mary's; alteration of Benedictine calendar; community chapels in Sydney.

Bishop Charles Davis (Sydney), 9 May 1849 (File M183)

Testimonial to good order and discipline of St Mary's Cathedral and to missionary work done in short time since establishment of vicariate.

Bishop Robert Willson (Hobart) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 18 May 1849 (File M188)

Disappointment with Irish priests; poor health of Bishop Davis; Father Therry 'as mad as ever'; Bishop Polding has reversed decision he made in Rome; he had decided to force Therry to return to Ireland.

Letters from Benedictine brothers to Father Henry Gregory, May 1849 (File M190)

Concerning the conduct of Brothers Henry Moore and B. Caldwell since their arrival in Sydney and their opinions of religious life at St Mary's Cathedral.

Mr M. Oswald Connery to [unknown], c.19 May 1849 (File M191)

His opinion of conduct of BB. E. Moore and B. Caldwell while in Sydney.

Brother Felix Sheridan to [unknown], c. 19 May 1849 (File M192)

His opinion of conduct of BB. E. Moore and B. Caldwell while in Sydney.

Brother Laur. Moore to Dr. Gregory, c. 19 May 1849 (File M193)

His opinion of conduct of BB. E. Moore and B. Caldwell while in Sydney.

Brother Anselm Curtis to Dr. Gregory, c. 19 May 1849 (File M194)

His opinion of conduct of BB. E. Moore and B. Caldwell while in Sydney.

Brother Edward Byrne to Dr. Gregory, c. 19 May 1849 (File M195)

His opinion of conduct of BB. E. Moore and B. Caldwell while in Sydney. [partly mutilated for reasons given].

Brother Emilian to Dr. Gregory, 19 May 1849 (File M196)

Expresses his happiness and content in religious life at St. Mary's, Sydney.

Brother Antony to Dr. Gregory, 21 May 1849 (File M197)

Expresses his happiness and content in religious life at St. Mary's, Sydney.

Brother Norbert Quirk to Dr. Gregory, c. 21 May 1849 (File M198)

Expresses his happiness and content in religious life at St. Mary's, Sydney.

Brother Ignatius McClennan to Dr. Gregory, 21 May 1849 (File M199)

Expresses his happiness and content in religious life at St. Mary's, Sydney.

Brother X.W. Johnson O. Cist. to Dr. Gregory, 21 May 1849 (File M200)

Gives his opinion of conduct of BB. E. Moore and B. Caldwell while at Sydney. Thinks community quite happy etc.

Archbishop Bede Polding (Subiaco) to Father Bernard Barber, 21 May 1849 (File M201)

Critical illness of Bishop Davis.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Father Bernard Barber, 21 May 1849 (File M202)

His decision to return Brothers Moore and Caldwell to England; statements that members of the community are contented.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Father Bernard Barber, 22 May 1849 (File M203)

Recalls favourable expressions used about Brothers Moore and Caldwell.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Gauch, 5 June 1849 (File M204)

Requests Gauch to go to Fulda and procure a suitable relic of St Boniface; possible acquisition of body of Oliver Plunkett (1625-1681).

Archbishop Bede Polding to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 5 June 1849 (File M205)

Reasons for sending Brothers Moore and Plunkett back to England; request for relics.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 9 June 1849 (File M207)

Enquiries about a practical joke; Father Geoghegan of Melbourne going to Europe in search of a mitre.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 19 June 1849 (File M208)

Newspapers; death of Bishop Thomas Walsh; need for brass band music; illness of Bishop Davis.

Oeuvre de Propagation de la Foi. (Paris) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 26 June 1849 - 30 June 1849 (File M209)

Allocation of grants for Australian missions...

Archbishop Bede Polding to Bishop of Fulda, 7 July 1849 (File M210)

Requests a notable relic of St Boniface. (in Latin)...

Bishop Francis Murphy (Adelaide) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 17 July 1849 (File M211)

Has raised £80 for the Pope; wants money badly from Lyon; rapid rise in population of South Australia; mining flourishing; Anglican bishop has protested against Murphy's episcopate.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Father Bernard Barber, 6 August 1849 (File M212)

Illness of Bishop Davis; Sister Scholastica Gregory and Sisters of Charity; progress of St Mary's community; his low opinion of foreigners.

Bishop Robert Willson (Hobart) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 18 August 1849 (File M213)

His appeal to Rome; Archbishop Polding takes no notice of him; mission to Norfolk Island; Father Norbert Woolfrey.

Benjamin Hawes to Bishop Nicholas Wiseman, 24 August 1849 (File M214)

Establishment at Port Essington will probably be broken up before bishop arrives; grant of land is not in our power. (Copy)

Archbishop Bede Polding to Father Bernard Barber, 24 September 1849 (File M216)

Withdraws his strong statements about Brothers Moore and Caldwell and Sister Magdalene; has given the community a retreat and habits to some novices; school; health of Sister Scholastica.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 25 September 1849 (File M217)

Progress of Bishop Davis; Brother Henry Moore; happiness now reigns; progress of Subiaco; Bishop John Brady running up debts; Polding's farm operations and need for seeds; death of his cousin Father Anselm Brewer.

Brother B. Cardwell to Father Bernard Barber, 2 October 1849 (File M218)

Exculpates himself and Brother Moore from charges brought by Archbishop Polding and Father Gregory; seeks an interview.

Brother Dominic Urquhart (Cadiz) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 5 October 1849 (File M219)

Party of missioners under Father Serra embarked on Ferrolana for Western Australia.

Oeuvre de Propagation de la Foi. (Paris) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 13 October 1849 (File M221)

Allocation of grants to Australian dioceses.

Brother Henry Moore (Downside) to Father Bernard Barber, 18 October 1849 (File M222)

Seeks to justify his departure from Sydney and his statement concerning discontent in the community.

Father Heptonstall to Father Rolling, 22 October 1849 (File M224)

Sends him a stock warrant [No.M.223] and informs him about certain Bungay Funds. News about Dr Davis' health. Two monks from Downside up in London for Degree Exams.

Oeuvre de Propagation de la Foi. (Paris) to Father Thomas Heptonstall: further grants, 10 November 1849 (File M225)

F.B. Urquhart to Bishop Joseph Serra, 16 November 1849 (File M226)

Repudiates Bishop Serra's jurisdiction and charges him with inveigling him to Western Australia under false pretences.

F.B. Urquhart to Bishop Joseph Serra, 23 November 1849 (File M229)

Accuses Bishop Serra of 'fiendish maliquity'.

Bishop Charles Davis to Prior Peter Wilson, 12 December 1849 (File M231)

Resumption of his duties; good opinion of Brother George Moore; James Sheridan from Ampleforth; plans to visit Hobart to settle dispute.

Downside Community to Dr. Barber. Petition to be allowed to wear the Cowl. (E. Moore signing), 23 January 1850 (File M239)

Dame Magdalene (Subiaco) to Father Bernard Barber, 8 February 1850 (File M240)

St Mary's flourishing; Archbishop Polding takes nuns out in carriage occasionally; enclosure at Subiaco three times as large as that of Stanbrook Abbey.

Bishop Charles Davis (Sydney) to Prior Peter Wilson, 28 February 1850 (File M244)

Deplorable state of Church affairs in Van Diemen's Land; fault on both sides; Father John Therry; concessions made by Government.

Bishop Charles Davis (Sydney) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 28 February 1850 (File M245)

Aboriginal boy sent for education; negotiations in Van Diemen's Land; arrival of Bishop Pompallier and a large party en route to New Zealand; adventure in Sydney Harbour; arrival of Bishop Serra in Perth; progress at St Mary's.

Bishop Charles Davis (Sydney) to Father Norbert Sweeney, 28 February 1850 (File M246)

Sends him a musical composition; singing of plain chant in Sydney; wants music for all churches in the diocese; seeks organ for St Benedict's Church.

Archbishop Bede Polding. Lenten Pastoral letter (printed, 3pp), February 1850 (File M247)

Bishop Charles Davis (Sydney) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 1 March 1850 (File M248)

Baptism of Aboriginal boy being sent to Europe.

Instructions for Father Wassell, re Spencer, drawn up by Dr. Barber, 15 April 1850 (File M252)

Father H.E. Moore (Downside) to Father Sweeney, 17 July 1850 (File M259)

Opening of General Chapter that day. Arrangements for Fathers etc.

Bishop Charles Davis (Sydney) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 20 July 1850 (File M261)

Illness of Sister Scholastica Gregory; Father Gregory will probably go to Europe after her death; Archbishop Polding not anxious to return to Europe; their numbers quite inadequate for their work.

Bishop Charles Davis (Sydney) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 22 August 1850 (File M264)

Business matters; Archbishop Polding premature in establishing convent; ignorance of Father O'Keefe from Waterford; choir progressing admirably; Legislative Council composed of infidels; their efforts to introduce an educational system that will destroy religion.

Bishop Charles Davis (Sydney) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 16 September 1850 (File M268)

Enlargement of Cathedral; enquiries about slates; difficulties with infidels; requires stock of hosiery cloth.

Miss L. Amherst to [unknown], 20 September 1850 (File M270)

About sending certain names to Paris; 12 given; probably for some association of prayers.

Father Burstall (Douay) to Father E. Caldwell, 2 October 1850 (File M272)

Gives lists of Priors since re-establishment. M. Boule saved house for O.S.B. Gives list (with dates) of professed Edmundians. Glad he resigned Sydney; but longs to go on foreign mission.

Bishop Jean Baptiste Pompallier to friends, 18 October 1850 (File M276)

Account of his journey from Antwerp to King George's Sound and Sydney; hospitality of Archbishop Polding; reception on his arrival in New Zealand; proposed erection of seminary at Auckland.

Father Wilson to Dr. Barber, 12 November 1850 (File M277)

Father B. Spencer disobeys and breaks bounds. Asks for instructions how to proceed.

Appeal to English benevolence by Cistercian (Trappist) monks of Melleray Abbey, c.1850 (File M284)

[Possibly earlier as one of those firms to receive subscriptions is Wright and Co.]

Report to Prefect of Propaganda on the Mission to Australia (draft, 21pp), n.d. (File M286)

Translation of Italian Report to Propaganda on the Australian Missions (19pp), c.1850 (File M287)

P. Cazaretto (Subiaco) to Father Heptonstall, 16 February 1851 (File M303)

Business matters. Bewails death of Dr. Barber. Progress of his Congregation. Vocation from England etc.

M.C. Mater (Carlow) to Father Heptonstall, 24 March 1851 (File M310)

Business news from sisters in New Zealand. Will have four or five sisters ready to embark soon.

Copy of Rescript about Mass of Immaculate Conception, 13 April 1851 (File M311)

Archbishop Bede Polding and Bishop Charles Davis. Lenten Pastoral letter (printed, 3pp), 10 February 1852 (File M352)

Acta Capituli Generalis Congr. Cass. habiti in Archi - cornotio S. Benedicti Montis Casini, 8 May 1852 (File M361)

Definitions etc. of Congr. Cass. by Abbot Casaretto, 15 May 1852 (File M363)

Thomas Little (Perth). Record of submission of Bishop John Brady to papal sentence of suspension (printed), 5 July 1852 (File M365)

Archbishop Bede Polding, 29 July 1852 (File M366)

Promulgation of sentence of excommunication on John Dearden for publication of an address derogatory of his authority in Perth Gazette (printed)

Roger Vaughan to [unknown], 9 January 1853 (File M401)

His birthday (19th). His father pleased with Downside, and he, so soon to enter noviciate there, loves it etc.

Archbishop Bede Polding and Bishop Charles Davis. Lenten Pastoral letter (printed, 4pp), 29 January 1853 (File M402)

Pastoral letters of Archbishop Polding and Bishop Serra to Catholics of Western Australia (2 copies), January 1853 (File M367(b))

Appeal for funds by Fr. J.A. Cotham for new church at Cheltenham, June (File M416)

With projected view of same and list of subscriptions received + £1500. (£600 = Cotham's).

R. Vaughan to [unknown]. Looks forward to entering the noviciate and spending his life in God's service, 5 July 1853 (File M417)

Report of Committee of St Mary's Society, Sydney, for liquidation of debt on church and schools (printed), 4 February 1854 (File M451)

Dame M.M. Le Chere (Subiaco) to Father D. Davis: death of Bishop Charles Davis, 21 May 1854 (File M456)

Father D.M. O'Connell (Sydney) to Mrs Davis: death of Bishop Davis, 22 May 1854 (File M457)

Appeal from St Mary's Monastery, Sydney, to Propaganda, 20 March 1854 (File M453)

Father M. Wallburge (Subiaco) to Abbess of Stanbrook, 22 May 1854 (File M458)

Account of death of Bishop Davis.

Abbot of St. Paul's Rome to Father Sweeney, 21 November 1856 (File N63)

Arrival of Brother. B. Vaughan. Thanks him for present. Wants English O.S.B. to go there as students. His respect for Archbishop Polding, Bishop. Brown, Dr. Heptonstall etc.

Testimonial to Father B. Vaughan as to his proficiency in philosophical studies after three months work by D.F. Leopold Zelli O.S.B., 23 February 1857 (File N101)

Robert Whitty (Vatican) to Father Sweeney, 12 March 1857 (File N102)

Business matters. Hears excellent accounts of Downside abroad; confirming Cardinal Wiseman's verdict and Brother. B. Vaughan is a good specimen.

P. Canulle (N. Cassino) to Abbe Guerang, 3 August 1857 (File N151)

Brother. B. Vaughan after studying 2 years in Rome wants to spend some months at Salesians. Speaks highly of him.

Brother B. Vaughan (Rome) to Father Joseph Davies, 22 August 1858 (File N156)

His ideas of Rome and its vices. Pagan statues kept because they are so like nature; vices remain because nature so likes them. Mentions Dom Petra of Salesines one of the most learned men in France. Also the founder of Pierre que'o: Pope would approve their rule. Disapproves of these extravagances.

Father H.G. Lane to Father Sweeney, 6 August 1858 (File N162)

Illness of Fatherr. Hewett. Details about arrangement and printing of the new Breviary warns him against salesians Breviary.

Father R.B. Vaughan (Rome) to Father Tidmarsh, 19 August 1858 (File N163)

Political unrest in Rome. 800 soldiers at S. Callisto. Explains the 'Rota' i.e. going from S. Callisto daily to St. Paul's for office. Work of Dom Petra.

Archbishop Bede Polding. Lenten pastoral letter (printed, 3pp), 6 March 1859 (File N206)

Archbishop Bede Polding to Cardinal Prefect of Propaganda, 14 June 1859 (File N209)

Has learnt that Abbot Henry Gregory was passed over in his nomination for see of Maitland; defends his character against aspersions. (draft)

Cardinal Wiseman to Father England, 6 July 1859 (File N210)

Gives him necessary faculties. On his way to Melbourne.

Cardinal Wiseman to Father Barry. Grants him necessary faculties on his way to Melbourne, 6 July 1859 (File N211)

Father Cockshoot (Belmont) to Father Heptonstall, 23 February 1860 (File N255)

Trouble over building bills at Belmont. Storm has done £60 of damage to church roofing. It is a pity Fatherr. Cotham was not there to write a poem on the noise and destruction of the storm.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Father Joseph Short, 16 April 1860 (File N256)

Sends defence against charges sent to Holy See brought against Polding by a nun of the Sisters of Charity; charges against Abbot Gregory.

Ellen Davis (Subiaco) to Father R. Davis, 28 November 1860 (File N262)

Beautiful mortuary chapel built over remains of Bishop Charles Davis.

Humorous sketch by Father B. Vaughan, c.1860 (File N264)

Depicting Father B. Neruara Bulbeck instructing Thomas Hunt. 'She's one: she's _. She's two!'

Brother Anselm to Archbishop Polding, 10 January 1861 (File N301)

Difficulties of a journey. Death of Mr Finlay. Anxious to set to work on missionary labours.

Bishop James Goold (Melbourne) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 21 January 1861 (File N303)

Difficulties with religious offering themselves; gives instances; departure of Abbot Gregory for Europe; hears good reports from Dr Woodlock of his 18 students.

J.H. Wills to Abbot Henry Gregory: grieved at his departure from Australia, 3 February 1861 (File N308)

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Henry Gregory, 17 February 1861 (File N312)

Changes at St Mary's and Subiaco; stiff dealings with Grant and others; asks Gregory to look for priests 'free from the cursed love of money'.

Father Lane to Father Heptonstall, 20 February 1861 (File N315)

Subscriptions for Stratford. Breviary business. Special set being found for Archbishop. Polding. Poor Dayman's 'unhappy step' published by himself; his marriage.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Henry Gregory, 20 February 1861 (File N316)

Sends Herald with speeches of counsel against alienation of Church and School Estates; number of boys at Lyndhurst College; asks Gregory to ascertain powers of Visitors to Dublin University.

Archbishop Bede Polding (Subiaco) to Abbot Henry Gregory, 27 March 1861 (File N320)

News of various members of Subiaco; 31 girls at school; Lyndhurst College improving; collections at St Mary's improving; anxious to get on with building while labour is cheap.

Cardinal Barbabo to Abbot Gregory, 27 March 1861 (File N321)

No difficulty about his coming to Rome on grave business. Writing to the President to let him go.

Cardinal Alessandro Barnabo (Rome) to Archbishop Bede Polding, 17 April 1861 (File N322)

No difficulty about coming to Rome on grave business.

Archbishop Bede Polding (Sydney) to Abbot Henry Gregory, 19 April 1861 (File N323)

Invalids among clergy; trouble with clergy; something radically wrong with method of choice or education; school at Subiaco; Holy Week.

Father T.F. Neville to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 22 April 1861 (File N324)

Money for his outfit to Melbourne and for farewell visit to his parents in Ireland.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Henry Gregory, 21 May 1861 (File N325)

Unhappy with domestic worries; arrival of Bishop James Quinn at Brisbane with queer lot of foreign priests; 30 boys at Lyndhurst; progress of College.

Thomas Makinson to Abbot Henry Gregory, 21 May 1861 (File N326)

Arrival of Bishop James Quinn; Archbishop Polding complained of his reserve; unpleasant domestic matters at St Mary's; Father Bede Sumner; hopes Gregory will be able to dispose of misrepresentations; advises caution and diplomacy.

Archbishop J.B. Polding (Subiaco) to Abbot Henry Gregory, 17 June 1861 (File N328)

Has sent 'anonymous' letters to be sent to Rome; letter from Cardinal Barnabo; sensation caused by Government circular decreeing that Anglican bishops have precedence over all others; condemns certain priests and their ways.

Thomas Makinson to Abbot Henry Gregory, 20 June 1861 (File N329)

Movements of Archbishop Polding; changes of priests; letter of Cardinal Barnabo; believes Bishop Robert Willson and Father John Therry are at bottom of it.

Archbishop Bede Polding (Sydney) to Abbot Henry Gregory, 19 July 1861 (File N330)

Believes Bishop Bernard Ullathorne brought about Gregory's recall; affairs of St John's College; parish news; sermon by 'a wild Irishman'.

Archbishop Bede Polding (Subiaco) to Abbot Henry Gregory, 21 July 1861 (File N331)

Suggests boys from Father Nugent's institute in Liverpool be educated for priesthood; no use in relying on men from country districts of Ireland.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Henry Gregory, 20 August 1861 (File N334)

Trouble with persists; Bishop Quinn going his own way; bishops want a synod; news from Rome.

Father Bede Sumner (Sydney) to Abbot Henry Gregory, 21 August 1861 (File N335)

Increase in funds of the Church; complains he has not charge of all money matters; Subiaco; lack of firmness of Archbishop Polding.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Henry Gregory, 22 September 1861 (File N336)

Unfortunate appointment of Father Jerome Keating as vicar-general; movements of clergy; wants to resign or be put aside like Bishop Brady; criticises letter of Cardinal Barnabo about Gregory's recall; further trouble over question of precedence.

Thomas Makinson (Sydney) to Abbot Henry Gregory, 22 September 1861 (File N337)

No hope of Gregory's return; his canonical position; Father Bede Sumner wants to get Archbishop Polding out of St Mary's; Holy See has recalled Gregory not for his faults but because of events in Sydney; urges him to go to Rome but to be cautious with his tongue.

Father E. Guy to Father Tidmarsh, 4 October 1861 (File N339)

Tells him he has been in Fatherr Allanson's papers showing Fatherr Tidmarsh had been recommended by Dr. Barber as Coadjutor to Archbishop Polding in place of Father Burchall (in 1848 but Father. C.H. Davis was eventually chosen.)

Archbishop Bede Polding to Father Henry Gregory, 19 October 1861 (File N340)

Fears of Gregory going to Rome; reminds Gregory of Bishop Baines; warns him against censures of over-righteous; Bishop Ullathorne; Lyndhurst College going well with 30 boarders and 20 day boys; local news; Polding's missionary work at Goulburn; mistakes of Bishop Quinn.

Thomas Makinson (Sydney) to Abbot Henry Gregory, 22 October 1861 (File N341)

Father Bede Sumner; urges Gregory to return if possible; Archbishop Polding plans to tell priests what Cardinal Barnabo said about Gregory; possible appointment of Father Sweeney as Coadjutor.

Archbishop Bede Polding (Singleton) to Abbot Henry Gregory, 11 November 1861 (File N342)

Discourages Gregory from going to Rome lest he get a freezing reception; no comfort at St Mary's with Father Bede Sumner there; wishes he had left Sumner at Parramatta; progress of St John's; Methodists and Presbyterians have given up; not one student at St Paul's College; Bishop James Quinn.

Archbishop Bede Polding (Sydney) to Abbot Henry Gregory, 21 December 1861 (File N343)

Examinations; success of university students; considers making Makinson's house a school; damage at Subiaco due to great hailstorm; his missionary tours to Hunter Valley and Armidale; is assured that Bishop Bernard Ullathorne is beginning and end of Gregory's recall.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Henry Gregory, 21 January 1862 (File N378)

St Patrick's Cathedral in Melbourne left in great debt by Dr Leary; Bishop Patrick Geoghegan going to Europe; several others going to Rome who will be witnesses in favour of Gregory; unpleasant news from Brisbane.

Thomas Makinson (Sydney) to Abbot Henry Gregory, 19 February 1862 (File N384)

Meeting of bishops; sees an end to his present troubles; Judge Roger Therry and priests were movers in it.

Father Richard Burchall (Woolton) to Abbot Henry Gregory, 20 February 1862 (File N385)

Asks if lay brothers in Sydney made solemn or simple vows; information required from Propaganda.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Henry Gregory, 20 February 1862 (File N386)

Letters in favour of Gregory sent to Europe; Makinson drawing up papers of accusations; farming operations; Bishop Goold's distress over Barry scandal; likely to be held responsible for debts of £6000; Lyndhurst College flourishing; 200 attending St John's College; clerical changes; increase of nuns.

Reverend R. Walsh to Abbot Gregory, 27 January 1862 (File N381)

Measures he has taken to counteract statements of FF. Bermingham and MacAlroy and their abbettors etc.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Henry Gregory, 20 February 1862 (File N386)

Letters in favour of Gregory sent to Europe; Makinson drawing up papers of accusations; farming operations; Bishop Goold's distress over Barry scandal; likely to be held responsible for debts of £6000; Lyndhurst College flourishing; 200 attending St John's College; clerical changes; increase of nuns.

Series. Correspondence and documents, 1862 - 1869

Most of the letters and documents filmed on this reel were sent to either Abbot Henry Gregory or Father Thomas Heptonstall. Gregory was stationed at Stanbrook Abbey, Worcestershire, in 1861-1862, Bullingham in 1862-1863 and Broxwood, Herefordshire, from 1863 until his death in 1877. Heptonstall, who was also stationed at Stanbrook, became the Abbot of St Edmundsbury in 1862 and died in 1869. Nearly all the letters relate to Australia and are listed below. There are also a few letters relating to Roger Bede Vaughan, who became prior of Belmont Priory in Herefordshire in 1861 and remained there until his appointment as coadjutor bishop of Sydney in 1873...

Abstract of false and calumnious charges against Abbot Gregory and answers thereto, drawn up by Thomas Makinson, February 1862 (File N388)

Archbishop Bede Polding. Lenten Pastoral address, February 1862 (File N389)

Reverend R. Walsh to Abbot Henry Gregory, 2 March 1862 (File N390)

Assertion by Walsh that Irish priests had done harm in Australia; condemns action of Father Patrick Bermingham; does not think Archbishop Polding will come to Europe.

Reverend M. Cavanagh to Reverend R. Walsh, 13 March 1862 (File N392)

Grateful for his letters about Sydney Archidiocese; disturbed about calamities connected with it, his letters likely to do a great good in Rome. [letter forwarded to Dr Gregory with note appended].

Archbishop Bede Polding. Pastoral letter on completion of St Mary's Cathedral, 19 March 1862 (File N394)

Reverend R. Walsh to Abbot Henry Gregory, 21 March 1862 (File N395)

His letter to Rome has stunned Father Patrick Bermingham; sent a letter to Archbishop Cullen.

Bishop Joseph Brown (Bullingham) to Abbot Henry Gregory, 15 April 1862 (File N397)

Important letters received from Archbishop Polding; arrangements for visit to Rome; fears that Bishop Geoghegan will not arrive in time to be of service.

Bishop Joseph Brown (Bullingham) to Abbot Henry Gregory, 17 April 1862 (File N398)

Has had a hint from Rome on how to act; Abbot Gregory must arrive in Rome first; Brown's movements; preparation of answers to accusations.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Henry Gregory, 24 [April ?] 1862 (File N400)

Young bishops inclined to be rigorous; successful meeting although absence of many made a Council impossible.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Henry Gregory, 19 May 1862 (File N401)

Terms of his letter to Cardinal Alessandro Barnabo; Father Patrick Bermingham is not to return to Australia; Bishop Ullathorne has changed his visit to Rome; some priests will be dismissed for insubordination; Sydney University successes; 40 boarders and 30 day scholars at St John's College.

Father Cockshoot (Belmont) to Father Heptonstall, 8 July 1862 (File N403)

Business matters. Guesses Father. B. Vaughan will be prior, and hopes so.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Henry Gregory, 16 July 1862 (File N404)

Astounded by credence in Rome of wild charges; visits of bishops to Rome; in circumstances a provincial council is impossible.

Archbishop Bede Polding (Sydney) to Abbot Henry Gregory, 21 September 1862 (File N405)

News of Gregory's fever in Florence; he should not go to Rome until Bishop Geoghegan arrives; grieved at his audience and its result; Bishop Brown confident that Gregory will return to Australia; progress of collection for St Mary's; Father Therry frittering away his money.

Bishop Patrick Geoghegan (Dublin) to Abbot Thomas Heptonstall, 2 October 1862 (File N407)

Replacement of priests in Adelaide; extraordinary dearth of priests in Ireland; expenses for students.

Abbot Henry Gregory to Father Patrick Bermingham, n.d. (File N412)

Upbraids Bermingham for using threats to extort information against Gregory and for his conduct towards Archbishop Polding.

Abbot Henry Gregory to Cardinal Alessandro Barnabo, n.d. (File N413)

Wishes to visit Rome to exculpate himself but was told by President that it was inadvisable. (draft)

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Henry Gregory, 20 February 1863 (File N441)

Shipwrecks; some newspapers becoming anti-English rags; news from Monsignor Talbot that Gregory is reinstated but Rome averse to his return; unsatisfactory letter from Cardinal Barnabo.

Archbishop Bede Polding (Sydney) to Abbot Henry Gregory, 21 April 1863 (File N447)

Urges Gregory not to think of becoming a Cistercian; still hopeful of his return; Gregory should do some missionary work; boundaries of Diocese of Armidale; needs three bishops; infirmity of Bishop Geoghegan; Rome ignorant of their situation; would like Father Bede Sumner to be recalled.

Archbishop Bede Polding (Sydney) to Abbot Henry Gregory, 20 May 1863 (File N449)

Deaths in England; dreads his own death; improprieties of Father Sumner; troubles at Subiaco; new sees of Goulburn and Armidale; missionary news; an Irish priest causing scandal in Sydney streets; begging by Franciscan lay brothers; offence caused by Judge Roger Therry's reminiscences.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Henry Gregory, 22 May [1863] (File N450)

Return of missioners from Ireland; Polding will not attend levee on account of precedence given to Anglican bishops.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Henry Gregory, 21 June [1863] (File N452)

Passing of State Aid Abolition Bill; grievances of Father John Therry; news from Rome; likelihood of Gregory's return; inaccuracies in Judge Therry's book.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Henry Gregory, 21 July 1863 (File N453)

Many look forward to Gregory's return; all Australian bishops discontented with treatment by Cardinal Barnabo; case of Bishop Robert Willson; has heard that Father Bermingham has gone to Rome; local news; beggars without end from Ireland.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Henry Gregory, 22 August 1863 (File N454)

Bishop Willson staying with Polding in Sydney; delighted with St Mary's services; local news; St John's College; trouble with Father Peter O'Farrell; Therry now regrets Gregory's absence from his real sphere of usefulness.

Archbishop Bede Polding, Bishop Robert Willson, Bishop James Goold, 10 September 1863 (File N455)

Circular warning faithful against unauthorised beggars and informing bishops in Europe that such persons will not be countenanced.

Bishop Ullathorne to Mr Thort, 12 September 1869 (File N456)

Bermingham. Tells him what a good job he has done in the community and tells him how sorry he is Mr. P. is leaving the Diocese.

Archbishop Bede Polding (Melbourne) to Abbot Henry Gregory, 21 September 1863 (File N457)

Journey with Bishop Willson to Melbourne; impending opening of St John's College; situation in Melbourne resulting from Barry's mismanagement; reasons for dismissal of Father O'Farrell; trouble of Bishop Goold with priests and friars; wishes Father Bede Sumner would leave.

Archbishop Bede Polding (Melbourne) to Abbot Henry Gregory, 5 October 1863 (File N458)

Leaving for Ballarat to see its fine church; plans for return to Sydney.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Prioress of Subiaco Priory, 11 October 1863 (File N459)

Chaffs the nuns for their fright at his prolonged absence from Sydney; assisted Bishop Goold in opening a fine new church.

Second appeal of the Anti-Transportation League of Victoria to the people of Great Britain, Melbourne (printed, 4pp), 26 November 1863 (File N464)

Archbishop Bede Polding (Ten Mile Creek) to Abbot Henry Gregory, 21 October [1863] (File N465)

Illness; course of his return journey from Ballarat and Geelong; missionary work; dreads another visit to Rome; pleasant association with Bishop Robert Willson until their parting when Willson objected to Benedictines having taken possession of Sydney.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Henry Gregory, 20 December 1863 (File N466)

Overland journey from Melbourne to Sydney; missionary work; Irish priests are not good Catechists; Bermingham clique still at its dirty work.

Mrs Lydia Andrews (Abergavenny) to Father Heptonstall, 4 January 1864 (File O1)

Petitions him again to send back Father Caldwell in place of Father Wilson.

Mrs Andrews to Father Heptonstall, 17 January 1860 (File O5)

Proposes to give up her £400 claim on mission only for life interest, if he will send back Father Caldwell.

Archbishop Bede Polding (Sydney) to Abbot Henry Gregory, 21 January 1864 (File O8)

Illness; death of Dr Nathan; marriages; foundation stone of new school-church; mission appointments and troubles; asks Gregory to encourage Father Henry Vaughan with idea of a missionary college in England.

Mrs Andrews (Abergavenny) to Father Heptonstall, 6 February 1864 (File O12)

About return of Father. Caldwell. Anxious to help Mission to best of her power.

Bishop Rosendo Salvado (New Norcia) to Abbot Thomas Heptonstall, 16 February 1864 (File O13)

Requests new edition of Monastic Breviary and Missal; regrets that Western Australia will not be much good without convicts; pamphlet of Florence Nightingale in which she approves of his methods of educating Australian Aboriginals.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Henry Gregory, 20 February 1864 (File O14)

Still hopes for Gregory's return; terrible fall of Father Anselm Curtis; Polding's despondency and thoughts of resigning mitre; news of Subiaco; regulations.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Henry Gregory, 22 March 1864 (File O15)

Death of Dean John Grant; Father Bede Sumner returned to Parramatta; progress of Subiaco under new prioress; school has only 14 students; thinks of economising by selling horses and carriage; fears that Bishop James Quinn in Brisbane is deeply embarrassed; priests leaving his diocese.

Bishop Rosendo Salvado (Perth) to Abbot Thomas Heptonstall, 19 April 1864 (File O16)

Journey by foot to Perth where he is buying stores; Indigenous Australian boys at New Norcia; Florence Nightingale; mistakes of a doctor in treating Indigenous Australians.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Henry Gregory, 22 April 1864 (File O21)

Congratulates Gregory on his missionary success in England; business matters; deaths; decline of Lyndhurst College; economising at Subiaco; clerical changes; news of Father John McEncroe's declining health.

Bishop Rosendo Salvado to Abbot Thomas Heptonstall, 16 June 1864 (File O28)

Plans for visit to Rome; affairs in Western Australia.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Henry Gregory, 21 June 1864 (File O29)

Fall of Father Anselm Curtis now widely known; effect on Lyndhurst College; death of Father John Therry; his many wills; anxiety about school at Subiaco.

Archbishop Bede Polding (Subiaco) to Abbot Henry Gregory, 20 July 1864 (File O30)

Death of Father Mellitus; will of Father Therry; accident at convent buildings at Subiaco; hears that Father Sweeney is to go to Rome; his possible appointment to Sydney, Adelaide or Armidale.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Henry Gregory, 21 September 1864 (File O37)

Illness; delinquencies of priests; has taken a dislike to St Mary's Cathedral; bequests of Bishop Patrick Geoghegan. (incomplete)

Archbishop Bede Polding to Father Abbot Heptonstall, 21 October 1864 (File O39)

Serious illness; blundering of Dr Smith in Rome over his affairs.

Archbishop Bede Polding (Wollongong) to Abbot Henry Gregory, 21 October 1864 (File O40)

Seeks particulars of Bishop Brown's synod; likely appointments to sees of Armidale and Goulburn; has recommended to Holy See that a secular be appointed to Adelaide; will of Bishop Geoghegan; decision in favour of Church as to certain wastelands; removal of three priests.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Thomas Heptonstall, 21 October 1864 (File O41)

Illness; trouble with Bishop James Quinn over a Sister of Mercy; needs help for her from convent at Liverpool; need for young priests; finds fault with new breviary.

Bishop Rosendo Salvado (Rome) to Abbot Thomas Heptonstall, 20 November 1864 (File O47)

Journey from New Norcia to Rome; meeting with Cardinals Barnabo and Petra.

Bishop Serrat to Dr. Heptonstall, 10 December 1864 (File O49)

Enquiry about a priest who is said to have gone to Australia in 1852. Has founded a home near Madrid for fallen girls like Good Shepherd Convent in London.

Bishop Rosendo Salvado to Abbot Thomas Heptonstall, 18 December 1864 (File O51)

Business matters; Pope asked Salvado for news of Archbishop Polding; hurrying to get his work finished.

Dr. Burchall to Father Heptonstall, c.1864 (File O55)

[1st page wanting]. Father Caldwell seems to think he has not been dealt fairly with. If Mr B. Gabb is to be believed Father. Wilson ought to be called to task severely for neglect of sick etc. Suggests certain moves of missioners.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Thomas Heptonstall, 22 January 1865 (File O78)

Adventures on journey to Bathurst; hopes of founding a convent of Sisters of Mercy; beautiful church at Bathurst; arrival of new priests.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Thomas Heptonstall, 20 February 1865 (File O79)

Change of ministry; no intention of pursuing litigation on Church and School Lands; business matters; request for books; his view of Jesuits.

Cardinal Alessandro Barnabo to Abbot Thomas Heptonstall, 27 May 1865 (File O86)

Chinese priest going to Melbourne to work among Chinese; Bishop Goold has sent £20 for his voyage; Heptonstall to supply the remainder.

Cardinal Alessandro Barnabo to Abbot Thomas Heptonstall, 27 May 1865 (File O87)

Bishop Goold has asked that James Terry be admitted to College of Propaganda; asks him to send the youth when letters arrive from Melbourne; Chinese priest.

History of St Mary's Cathedral with ten illustrations, Sydney, W.G. Mason (16pp), [July 1865] (File O92)

Father W.W. Scarisbrick (Cheltenham) to Father Heptonstall, 1 September 1865 (File O95)

A Mr de Lacy Towle of London says Father Cotham had instructed him to find site out there for OSM Mission. Asks him to enquire about. Mr Towle defended nuns of Cheltenham against a parson's slander and won case. Asks to be allowed to make him a present of £5.

Archbishop Bede Polding (Rome) to Abbot Henry Gregory, 17 November 1865 (File O102)

Hopes Dr John Crookall's objections to a bishopric will be put aside; proposes conditions for Gregory's return; other projects for his employment in New South Wales; case of Benedictines almost hopeless; fears there will be no English appointments.

Bishop James Goold (Melbourne) to Abbot Thomas Heptonstall, 25 December 1865 (File O104)

Business matters; if Augustinians come out it must be at their own expense; fears Bishop Willson is breaking up; not pleased with priests from All Hallows College, Dublin; Archbishop Polding will be taken aback when he learns of appointment of James Murray as bishop of Maitland.

Archbishop Bede Polding to [unknown], n.d. (File O106)

Reasons for appointing two vicars-general; duties at St Mary's Cathedral. (draft)

Archbishop Bede Polding (London) to Abbot Henry Gregory, 7 January 1866 (File O140)

His movements; visit to Mallines to see Institute to take charge of reformatories; fire at Douai.

Prior Vaughan (Balmoral) to Father O. Davis, 13 January 1866 (File O141)

Humorous sketch of a fight between John and James Kelly and the Herefordians which did not take place...

Father Austin Sheehy (Sydney) to Archbishop Bede Polding, 22 January 1866 (File O142)

Bad state of community at Subiaco; diocesan retreat; trouble with priests; arrival of bulls for Australian dioceses.

Reverend John Smyth (Adelaide) to Abbot Thomas Heptonstall, 27 January 1866 (File O143)

Death of Father Ryan; passage money for Father Kennedy from Waterford; students; financial matters; appointment of Laurence Sheil of Ballarat as bishop of Adelaide.

Archbishop Bede Polding (Rome) to Abbot Henry Gregory, 20 February 1866 (File O144)

Latest news from Sydney; conduct of priests on way out to New South Wales; Dr Neve translating his report into Italian; needs a good map of Australia.

Bishop James Goold (Melbourne) to Abbot Thomas Heptonstall, 23 February 1866 (File O145)

Business matters; money for his nephew's journey to Rome; papers for Bishop Willson; wants to send a young fallen priest to All Hallows College.

Father Austin Sheehy (Sydney) to Archbishop Bede Polding, 21 March 1866 (File O148)

Glad that Polding will see Australian bishops before they leave for Australia; has no confidence in two nuns who wish to leave Subiaco; another break out by Father Bede Sumner; part of walls of old cathedral demolished; fine new church in Newcastle; arrival of bulls for Bishop Sheil.

Reverend V. O'Donovan to Reverend Father Walsh, 26 March 1866 (File O149)

Great feeling amongst reculars in Liverpool against Abbot Gregory and O.S.B. Glad he defended him for he is in a position to know etc.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Henry Gregory, 3 April 1866 (File O151)

State of affairs at Subiaco; Cardinal Petra thought permission would be given for nuns to go out and teach; is assured he is making progress with cardinals of Propaganda; kindness of the Pope.

Archbishop Bede Polding (Belmont) to Abbot Henry Gregory, 15 April 1866 (File O152)

Apprehensive about Father Sumner; going to Birmingham to visit Bishop Ullathorne.

Thomas Makinson (Sydney) to Archbishop Bede Polding, 21 April 1866 (File O153)

Death of Father Patrick Magennis; his funeral; Protestants showing their disunion; tenders for Cathedral foundations; grieved that reports of disgraced men should cast doubt on good done by Polding; no boundaries yet for new dioceses.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Henry Gregory, 26 May 1866 (File O155)

Movements from Rome to England.

Bishop Rosendo Salvado (Rome) to Abbot Thomas Heptonstall, 28 May 1866 (File O156)

Sends instructions for regular missionaries; things going well at New Norcia; hears Father Pietro Casaretto is going to England.

Archbishop Bede Polding (Blackheath) to Abbot Henry Gregory, 17 July 1866 (File O165)

Still lingering in London; anxieties and uncertainties; no news from Rome; meeting with Father Lockhart at Kingsland; visit to convent of Little Sisters of the Poor.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Henry Gregory, 18 July 1866 (File O166)

Candidates for coadjutor bishop of Sydney; Dr John Crookall and Father Herbert Vaughan; has made retreat and General Confession of his whole life.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Henry Gregory, 12 September 1866 (File O168)

Delays; hoping to get Herbert Vaughan as coadjutor; asks Gregory to sound out Father Roger Bede Vaughan; a bitter complaint from Subiaco.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Henry Gregory, 2 October 1866 (File O170)

Interview with secretary of Propaganda who is averse to return of Gregory; Archbishop Henry Manning and president-general opposed to either of Vaughans going to Australia; extract from paper showing cause of opposition; Polding still wants Gregory in Australia.

Father Placid Burchall to Abbot Henry Gregory, 5 October 1866 (File O171)

Has received document from Propaganda authorising Gregory to return to Australia; Burchall regrets it but permits it during lifetime of Archbishop Polding.

Bishop Rosendo Salvado (Rome) to Abbot Thomas Heptonstall, 30 October 1866 (File O172)

Archbishop Polding plans to leave Rome in a fortnight; portable atlas; meeting of consistory; Father Sheehy of Sydney has been preconised bishop.

Archbishop Bede Polding (Rome) to Abbot Henry Gregory, 10 November 1866 (File O173)

Hopes to hear Father John Crookall has accepted mitre; other names suggested; Monsignor George Talbot interferes too much; Polding has been making retreat and general confession; Jesuits carrying all before them in Melbourne; Benedictines will never be able to stand their ground.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Henry Gregory, 20 November 1866 (File O174)

Puzzled by telegram; Archbishop Manning has given exeat to a student in Rome for Australia.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Henry Gregory, 4 December 1866 - 6 December 1866 (File O176)

Crookall has refused mitre; discusses fitness of Gilbert Wenham; Polding now thinks Gregory should not return; Pope has given him permission to make his will.

Archbishop Bede Polding (Rome) to Abbot Henry Gregory, 11 December 1866 (File O177)

William Lanigan to be bishop of Goulburn; Armidale remains vacant and to be filled by synod; departure of French troops from Rome replaced by Zouaves; rumours of attempt by Garibaldians to take Rome.

Abbot Thomas Heptonstall (Downside) to Abbot Henry Gregory, 21 December 1866 (File O178)

Business matters; hopes Gregory will remain in England; at Downside for a change of air.

"Subiaco". M. Walburge to Abp. Polding, 1866 (Item 0180)

Idea of establishing school in Sydney rejected. His interview with F. Austin Sheehy about the future of Subiaco. He wants to return to England either to Abbotsleigh or Staplehill.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Henry Gregory, n.d. (File O181)

A bishop's duty as to disposition of property in favour of his diocese. (incomplete)

Bishop Rosendo Salvado (Rome) to Father Thomas Heptonstall, 6 February 1867 (File O211)

Has obtained complete oratory; New Norcia declared separate from diocese of Perth; Abbot Casaretto; all decisions in Salvado's favour.

Thomas Makinson (Sydney) to Abbot Henry Gregory, 22 February 1867 (File O212)

Disappointed that Gregory is not to return to Australia and that Father John Crookall has declined to come; need for Church to import non-Hiberian element; increase in infidelity; denominational education lost in New South Wales; John Henry Newman.

Archbishop Bede Polding to B. Smith, 31 March 1867 (File O213)

Delay in return; wants documents from Propaganda sent to Sydney; asks for privileged altar for Benedictine nuns at Parramatta and for Sisters of Mercy at Goulburn; has heard of arrival of bishops of Maitland and Bathurst; infidel Education Bill.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Henry Gregory, 5 April 1867 (File O214)

News about St Benedict's Priory, Colwich.

Archbishop Bede Polding (Belmont) to Abbot Henry Gregory, 18 April 1867 (File O215)

Imminent departure; fears that Father Bede Sumner has fallen; fellow travellers; Castelli detained at Italian border; Bishop Goold writes that contract for foundations of St Mary's is £15,000; old foundations cost £8000.

Account of Bishop James Goold with All Hallows College, Dublin, 1 July 1867 (File O217)

Thomas Makinson (Sydney) to Abbot Henry Gregory, 24 July 1867 (File O219)

Critical moment with Education Bill; Henry Parkes a dangerous opponent of the Church; removal of Father Felix from Lyndhurst College; cost of removal of wooden cathedral; regrets that Gregory is not returning; several priests from Queensland gone to Rome to complain about Bishop Quinn.

Archbishop Bede Polding (Sydney) to Abbot Henry Gregory, 24 August 1867 (File O221)

Storms on passage; grave illness of Father Sumner; infidel education; bishops prepared to accept Polding's decisions; consecration of Bishop Lanigan; Father Sheehy's consecration delayed because of malicious reports; clergy petitioning to be received into Sydney diocese.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Henry Gregory, 23 October 1867 (File O223)

Rome defers consecration of Father Sheehy; outcry against importation of Irish bishops; Education Bill irreligious; Freeman's Journal has done great harm with its Fenianism; foundations of St Mary's Cathedral.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Henry Gregory, 23 November 1867 (File O224)

Health of Father Sumner; doings at Subiaco; trouble with some nuns; Education Bill difficulties but if 50,000 Catholics give 1d. a week they will survive; Catholic schools mean to put themselves outside provisions of the Act.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Henry Gregory, 24 December 1867 (File O225)

A friar coming out robbed of £200; difficulties at St John's College; hopes Prior Bede Vaughan would head College; longs to be released from his cares.

Archbishop Bede Polding (Sydney) to Abbot Henry Gregory, 31 January 1868 (File O251)

Decline in his physical powers; intrigues will continue as long as an Englishman rules; relations with bishops; state of Subiaco and community at St Mary's; progress of foundations of new cathedral.

Impression of Archbishop Polding's seal (File O252)

Archbishop Bede Polding, 25 March 1868 (File O253)

Pastoral letter directing service of thanksgiving for recovery of the Duke of Edinburgh from the wound inflicted by an assassin.

Archbishop Bede Polding (Sydney) to Abbot Henry Gregory, 27 March 1868 (File O254)

Visit to Duke of Edinburgh; his health; details of Polding's last missionary tour; praises Monaro district and invites Gregory to be its vicar-general; regrets opposition of Bishop Brown to Bede Vaughan coming out as his coadjutor; Roman procedures militate against justice.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Henry Gregory, 22 April 1868 (File O255)

Execution of Henry O'Farrell; penitent before death; Henry Parkes has excited populace; attempts to Hibernise New South Wales; wishes to retire to Monaro as a missioner; secret accusations sent to Cardinal Barnabo.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Henry Gregory, 19 May 1868 (File O256)

Has written to Rome proposing Father Austin Sheehy for Armidale and Father Bede Vaughan as his coadjutor; religious strife rampant; Henry Parkes has given provocation to Irish and Catholics; the governor Lord Belmore a tool of the Low Church party in contrast to Sir John Young; Parkes trying to make capital out of O'Farrell.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Henry Gregory, 17 June 1868 (File O257)

O'Farrell case; Father Dwyer's letter to Henry Parkes; questions in Parliament; Polding has no trust in Rome or his own bishops; longs to be free of this post; his failing powers; failure of Lord Belmore as governor.

Archbishop Bede Polding, 21 June 1868 (File O258)

Address at inauguration of statue of Blessed Virgin Mary at St Matthew's Church, Windsor, New South Wales.

Statement of account of Bishop James Goold with All Hallows College, Dublin, July 1868 (File O259)

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Henry Gregory, 2 September 1868 (File O261)

Death of Father John McEncroe; great grief on all sides; his funeral the largest seen in Sydney.

Archbishop Bede Polding (Sydney) to Abbot Henry Gregory, 9 September 1868 (File O262)

Death of Father McEncroe; disposition of his property; synod to be held after Easter; illness of Bishop Sheil; Bishop Salvado doing great things in Spain; Rome has decided against bishopric for Father Sheehy; disposition of property of Father Bede Sumner has displeased Father Placid Burchall; urgent need for Father Vaughan as coadjutor.

Abbot Thomas Heptonstall to Abbot Henry Gregory, 24 September 1868 (File O264)

Grieved over Archbishop Polding's troubles; if Gregory returns he will have to stay until Polding dies.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Henry Gregory, 9 October 1868 (File O265)

Death of Dean Walsh; collection for Pope was £890; Father Austin Sheehy not to be a bishop; Polding fears he will not get Prior Vaughan; illness of Father Bede Sumner; Benedictine community in a poor way.

Archbishop Bede Polding (Sydney) to Abbot Henry Gregory, 10 November 1868 (File O268)

His sorrows and troubles; heavy debt of farm at Subiaco; bad management of Father Felix; fears of religious riots; Bishop Frederic Barker and Protestant Association.

Archbishop Bede Polding (Sydney) to Abbot Henry Gregory, 2 December 1868 (File O269)

Account of a missionary journey to Shoalhaven and Ulladulla; reminiscences of an earlier journey to the same district.

Archbishop Bede Polding (Sydney) to Abbot Henry Gregory, 30 December 1868 (File O272)

Blessing of foundation of St Mary's Cathedral; Lord Belmore improving as a governor; dinner at Government House.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Henry Gregory, n.d. (File O273)

Would like to resign his See into hands of an Administrator but Rome will not agree; progress with Cathedral building.

Archbishop Bede Polding (Melbourne) to Abbot Henry Gregory, 1 February 1869 (File O301)

Temporary wooden church has been burnt; sacristy and contents destroyed; still hoping for Prior Vaughan as coadjutor; progress of Melbourne Catholics.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Henry Gregory, 26 February 1869 (File O302)

Depressed spirits; clerical changes; indiscretions of Father Dillon; purchase of Everleigh House as Polding's residence; fears Benedictine Order wants to die out or be secularised; hears that Prior Bede Vaughan is to be coadjutor to Bishop Joseph Brown; Father Sumner has put Subiaco in perfect order; praises William B. Dalley.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Thomas Heptonstall, 26 February 1869 (File 0303)

Students; vocations in Australia not numerous; thinks English Congregation has shown coldness; fears Ramsgate will be a rival to English Congregation; deplorable excitement in Sydney in last year over Prince Alfred and Henry O'Farrell; fears to go to Rome unless he has a coadjutor.

Address of Archbishop Bede Polding to his suffragen bishops and priests who enjoy the privilege of attending a provincial synod (in Latin, printed), 15 March 1869 (File O305)

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Henry Gregory, 27 March 1869 (File O306)

Everleigh House and Lyndhurst College; Father John Dwyer responsible for loss in last fire; Father Felix has involved mission in over £1200 of debt; still hopes Gregory will return as Superior; progress of new Cathedral; Provincial Council will be held in Melbourne.

Handwritten copy of an extract from The Tablet referring to a meeting of the Australian bishops (in pencil, poor legibility), 24 July 1869 (File O308)

Abbot Thomas Heptonstall to Abbot Henry Gregory, 29 May 1869 (File O310)

Asks if Archbishop Polding plans to attend Vatican Council in 1870.

Abbot Thomas Heptonstall to Abbot Henry Gregory, 1 June 1869 (File O311)

Does not think Archbishop Polding is decided about attending Vatican Council.

Statement of account of Bishop James Goold with All Hallows College, Dublin, 1 June 1869 (File O312)

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Henry Gregory, 14 June 1869 (File O314)

Success of Provincial Council; death of John Plunkett; arrangements for his widow; completion of temporary Cathedral; troubles at St Patrick's; completion of railway to Goulburn; missionary work.

Prior R.B. Vaughan to Father J. Davis, 29 June 1869 (File O315)

Mistake about faculties obtained in Rome; wrong names put in. 'O Felix Roma quae Lautorium idiots etc.' Snowy journey home by S. Gothard...

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Henry Gregory, 9 July 1869 (File O316)

Visitation to southern missions, including Queanbeyan, Braidwood, Araluen Valley and Moruya; mountainous country.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Henry Gregory, 14 July 1869 (File O317)

Business matters; books; uncertain about attending Vatican Council; has written reasons for remaining at home.

Prior R.B. Vaughan to Father J. Davis, 3 September 1869 (File O318)

Death of Father P. Kirtlan on previous day at Cheltenham.

Archbishop Bede Polding to Abbot Henry Gregory, n.d. (File O319)

Missionary activities at Newtown, Penrith and Camden; great increase in numbers of Catholics; death of Abbot Thomas Heptonstall; fears he will have to attend Vatican Council; subscription started to pay his expenses; cost of Everleigh House.

Prior R.B. Vaughan (Belmont) to Father O. Davis, 1869 (File O320)

Brother H.E. Ford to be clothed in a few days. Present at opening of Whitehaven Church, which is a fine one. Father A. Pereira at Belmont, but leaving soon. [humorous sketch].

Father V.R. Turner (Belmont) to Father O. Davis, 1869 (File O321)

Business matters...
