Guide to the Papers of HMS Challenger (as filmed by the AJCP)


M2640 - M2642

National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

Created: 2019

Online Items

Series 1 - 5. Diary of Sir Charles Murray, 8 June 1874 - 1 November 1875

Vol. 2, 8 June 1874 - 16 November 1874 (File 2)

Filmed selectively.

Voyage Sydney to Wellington, SE Asia, to Hong Kong; details of scientific work on board; sightings of birds, trips on land, 8 June 1874 - 16 November 1874 (Item)


Vol. 3, 6 January 1875 - 11 May 1875 (File 3)

Despatch of specimens in Hong Kong collected between Sydney and Hong Kong, 6 January 1875 - 11 May 1875 (Item)

Hong Kong to Japan...

Vol. 4, 11 May 1875 - 1 November 1875 (File 4)

Scientific work on board ship in Japanese waters, 11 May 1875 - 1 November 1875 (Item)

Japan to long, 100 W lat, 40 S...

Series 6 - 9. Diary of John James Wild, 13 March 1874 - 1 November 1875

Filmed selectively.

Vol. 2, 13 March 1874 - 28 January 1875 (File 7)

Filmed selectively.

Index, 13 March 1874 - 28 January 1875 (Item [p.0])
Station 160 - Station 211, 13 March 1874 - 28 January 1875 (Item p87 - 373)

Daily entries giving details of barometer and temperature readings, scientific work on board, visits from Governor Sir George Bowen and other VIPs, table of meteorological observations made at Tonga. 1872 - 1874, description of Banda Island; observation of Transit of Venus in Hong Kong Harbour.

Vol. 3, 29 January 1875 - 1 November 1875 (File 8)

Filmed selectively.

Index, 29 January 1875 - 1 November 1875 (Item)
Station 212 - Station 293, 29 January 1875 - 1 November 1875 (Item p.1-290)

Daily entries as before; description of natives of Papua, measurements and weights of natives of Admiralty Islands, list of corals of Hawaiian Islands, death of Willemoes Suhm. Notes on Tahiti and Moorea from document consulted in Papeete, list of corals collected at Tahiti.

Series 10. Diary of Sir Wyville Thomson, 13 March 1874 - 22 October 1875

Filmed selectively.

Descriptions of Islands visited, 13 March 1874 - 22 October 1875 (File)

Scientific work on board, specimens bought from natives, trips inland on Hawaiian Islands, visit to volcanic crater, illness and death of Willemoes Suhm. (296p)...

Series 12. Rudolph von Willemoes-Suhm, 15 March 1874 - 18 August 1875

Filmed selectively.

Diary, 15 March 1874 - 18 August 1875 (File 12(a))

Arrival in Melbourne, Sydney, details of scientific work on board ship and at Sydney, 15 March 1874 - 18 August 1875 (Item)

Voyage to Wellington, on to Friendly Islands, animals sighted on Tonga and Fiji, Aru Islands, excursions at Amboyna, specimens on Philippines, natives of Admiralty Islands, Japan, Sandwich Islands, excursions at Honolulu. (98p).

Series 18 - 20. HMS Challenger Logs, 13 March 1874 - 1 November 1875

Filmed selectively.

Log, 13 March 1874 - 20 June 1875 (File 19)

Voyage Melbourne, Wellington, Japan, to Honolulu, 13 March 1874 - 20 June 1875 (Item)

Includes details of speed, compass bearing, wind direction, weather, temperature of the sea, remarks (trawl, washed clothes, reset sails, held Divine service, visits of notables). (368p)

Log, 21 June 1875 - 1 November 1875 (File 20)

Voyage to Honolulu, Tahiti, to Valparaiso, 21 June 1875 - 1 November 1875 (Item)

1st page of log, armament, specifications of ship. Details as above, Remarks include: trawling steaming, under sail, officers attend levee of King of Hawaii, visits of notables. (122p)

Series 21a - d. Sir John Murray Letter books, 18 October 1882 - 18 March 1890

Filmed selectively.

Vol. 1, 2 June 1883 - 4 April 1888 (File 21a)

Murray to Mr. Caldwell. Re use of certain equipment during visit to Australia, 4 June 1883 (Item f2)
Murray to Gunther. Sending box of specimens illustrating Prof. Cunningham's Report of Marsupials. (blurred), 2 June 1883 (Item f32-33)
Murray to Sir Henry Holland (Colonial Office). Re possible expedition to Christmas Island, 4 April 1888 (Item f42-3)

Vol. 3, 18 October 1882 - 30 May 1883 (File 21c)

John Murray to Secretary of the Treasury, 18 October 1882 (Item f319)

Forwarding letter from Sir Francis Dillon Bell, Agent General for New Zealand. Re presentation of copy of official reports on Scientific results of Challenger Expedition.

John Murray to Secretary of the Treasury, 30 May 1883 (Item f349-51)

Re claim by New Zealand Institute for presentation copies of Challenger report as appreciation for specimens supplied when Challenger visited New Zealand.

Vol. 4, 27 August 1888 - 18 March 1890 (File 21d)

John Murray to Secretary of State for Colonies, 27 August 1888 (Item f10A-11A)

Re Colonial Office identification of North Keeling Island as Christmas Island, and his expedition to Christmas Island. (1st page very faint.)

John Murray to Secretary of State for Colonies, 7 September 1888 (Item f12A-13A)

Re annexation of Christmas Island. No evidence Ross had experimental plantations there.

John Murray to Secretary of State for Colonies, 12 October 1888 (Item f14A-18A)

Re his involvement in the annexation of Christmas Island and Brougham Guppy's expedition.

John Murray to Secretary of State for Colonies, 24 February 1890 (Item f59A-61A)

Re his application for concession of Christmas Island.

John Murray to R.H. Meade (Colonial Office), 18 March 1890 (Item f62A)

Accepting terms of lease for land on Christmas Island.

Series 22. Sir Charles Wyville Thomson Shore notes, February 1875

Filmed selectively.

New Guinea, February 1875 (File)

Description of landing on 20-21 Feb 1875, collected plants and voyage along coast, description of mountainous terrain and visits from natives in canoes wanting tobacco. (7p)

Series 61a - d. Specimens sent out, 1874 - 1915

Vol. 1, April 1874 (File 61a)

Filmed selectively.

Index (Item)


Catalogue of specimens sent to England at Sydney, April 1874 (Item p.45-99)

Includes details of when and where specimens were collected.

Details of specimens from Australia, New Zealand and Pacific Islands (Item p.109-146)

Vol. 2, 1882 - 1883 (File 61b)

[pagination continues from Vol. 1]

Details of specimens from Australia, New Zealand and Pacific Islands (Item p.147-164)
Specimens sent to specialists, 1882 - 1883 (Item p.198-262; p. 272-341)

Gives station number and date of collection. For index see 61d Vol. 4.

Vol. 3, 1883 (File 61c)

[pagination continues from Vol. 2]

Specimens sent to specialists, 1883 (Item p.342-404)

Gives station number and date of collection...

Vol. 4, 1884 - 1915 (File 61d)

Filmed selectively.

Index (Item)

[This is an index to specimens sent to specialists as detailed in 61b-c, vols. 2-3]. (18p)

Specimens sent to specialists, 1884 - 1915 (Item p.2A-204AB)

Gives station number and date of collection...

Series. Joseph Matkin Letters to his family, 23 April 1868 - 3 October 1878

Filmed selectively.

Manuscript letters from on board Challenger, 13 April 1874 (File A)

Letter no. 2, 13 April 1874 (Item)

Joseph Matkin, Sydney, to Fred [brother] re heat; sailing plans through S.E. Asia and Pacific, hopes to get curiosities from the natives, descriptions of Melbourne and Sydney 'narrow and dirtier streets, fine buildings'. (2 p. Crossed. Includes typed transcript).

Mrs Stone Transcriptions of letters by Joseph Matkin, 23 April 1868 - 3 October 1878 (File B)

H.M.S. Challenger (Sydney) (3p). Re family photos, weather, visits to islands in the Pacific, opinions of Indigenous Australians, 13 April 1874 - 15 April 1874 (Item)
Matkin to his mother on HMS Audacious Hull re loss of his old ship Sussex off Melbourne. (1p), 27 January 1872 (Item)
Matkin to mother on HMS Audacious Hull. Poem on loss of Sussex. (3p), 5 March 1872 (Item)
Matkin to mother (Spring Creek) Gold Diggings, Journey to diggings, description of Spring Creek, lawlessness, meeting natives. (4p), 23 April 1868 (Item)
Matkin to mother on HMS Challenger, off Prince Edward Island to Melbourne, 25 December 1873 - 18 March 1874 (Item)

Work on board ship, dredging, description of King Island. 13p.

Matkin to mother on HMS Challenger, Melbourne, family news, description of Indigenous Australians. 3p, 23 March 1874 (Item)
Matkin to mother on HMS Challenger, Sydney. Provisioning the ship, desertion by seamen - including bandsmen. 2p, 7 May 1874 (Item)
Matkin to Charlie on HMS Challenger, Sydney. Descriptions of Sydney and Melbourne, lost 22 men through desertion. 2p., 15 May 1874 (Item)
Matkin to Willie on HMS Challenger, Tongatabu, 23 July 1874 (Item)

Work on board ship, description of friendly Islands and its natives, visit from King and Queen, labour traffic in South Seas. 7p.

Matkin to mother on HMS Challenger, New Guinea, 24 February 1875 - 8 April 1875 (Item)

Admiralty Islands, sailing through Philippines, description of New Guinea and its natives, Admiralty Islands. 8p.

Matkin to mother on HMS Challenger, North Pacific, 13 July 1875 - 4 August 1875 (Item)

Honolulu. Description and History of Sandwich Islands and natives, horse riding in Honolulu. 8p.

Matkin to mother on HMS Challenger, Hilo, 19 August 1875 - 3 October 1878 (Item)

Tahiti, took Galapagos Turtleson board, Americans in Hawaii, erruption of Mauna Loa, death of Dr. von Suhm, description of Tahiti. 9p.

Series. Lieutenant A. Channer. Sketches and Journal on board HMS Challenger, 1872 - 1876

Xerox of original and transcript owned by Sir Antony Murray...

Arrival at Melbourne, attendence at races, visit to Band of Hope Gold Mine, playing cricket against Bathurst team (File p.84-95)

Series. Box 102 - 119

Station 164B List of species, 6 April 1874 - 25 May 1888 (File 113)

Diary, 6 April 1874 - 14 June 1874 (Item (1))

Covering visit to Sydney and voyage to New Zealand. (4p)

Specimens from station 164A [off Sydney] listed by Watson (3p.), 4 May 1888 (Item (2))
Letter from [unknown] (Cardross) to [unknown], re specimens from station 164A (4p.), 25 May 1888 (Item (3))
Station 164B specimens (Item (4))

Includes remarks on distribution (9p).

Series. Henry Nottidge Moseley, 1874 - 1875

Journal of botanical and zoological observations made during voyage of HMS Challenger, 1874 - 1875 (File)

Filmed selectively.

Covers voyage from Melbourne across Pacific, 1874 - 1875 (Item pp. 84 - 171)

Includes notes on specimens of corals, plants, birds, fungi; collected on the voyage and which he is studying on board.
