Guide to the papers of HMS Discovery (as filmed by AJCP)



National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

Created: 2019

Online Items

Seal stomachs, January 1902 - January 1903 (File 1)

Contents of stomach of various varieties of seals. (13p.)...

Memoranda for Discovery sledge party, November 1903 - December 1903 (File 2)

Instructions as to collecting specimens of moraine, taking measurements etc. (5p.)

Dredge and trawl. Garstang and Towler nets, January 1902 - August 1902; 26 February 1904 (File 3)

Details of depth of dredge and specimens brought up. (29p.)

Stations log, 14 August 1901 - 8 February 1902; 26 February 1904 - 29 March 1904 (File 4)

Details of wind, soundings, locality, sea, results from net, weather etc. (15p.)

Koettlitz Bacteria, 22 January 1902 - 1903 (File 5)

Details of bacteria from various specimens and samples by Reginald Koettlitz (1860-1916), first medical officer and botanist to the expedition. (64ff.)

Koettlitz Plankton, October 1901 - March 1903; August 1904 (File 6)

Details of plankton specimens by Reginald Koellitz. (20p.)(some pencil, faint).

Measurements of crew, September 1901 - October 1903 (File 7)

Details of height, weight, waist, biceps, grip, calf, blood count etc., made monthly for each crew member, including Capt. Scott, E.H. Shackleton, E.A. Wilson. (81p.)...

Reginald Koettlitz Summary book, October 1901 - March 1902 (File 8)

Weekly summary of scientific work, results of trawls, measurements of sea water etc. (22p.)

Sea temperature register, 13 August 1901 - 26 June 1903; 14 April 1903 - 2 July 1903 (File 9)

Details of date and depth, temperature. (5p. and 7p.)

Hodgson Diary 1, 10 August 1901 - c. November 1903 (File 10)

Diary of voyage to New Zealand and biological notes on crustacea, seals, birds etc. Diary of sledge journey to Terror Bight, Nov 1903, and to Black and Brown Islands, Dec 1902-Jan 1903. (193p.)...

Hodgson Diary 2, 21 December 1901 - 14 March 1904 (File 11)

Subjects include: weather, scientific observations and work done - results of dredges and tow nets, examination of seals, birds and penguins; life at camp - writing letters, 'Hockey again', 'sing song in the evening'. (169p.)...

Collections Register 1, 9 January 1902 - July 1904 (File 12)

Antarctic, botanical, freshwater and land collection (6p.)...

Collections Register 2, 9 August 1901 - July 1904 (File 13)

R. Koettlitz marine collection...

Collections Register 3, 22 December 1901 - 30 July 1903 (File 14)

Details of fish, polyzoa, sponges, etc. from nets and holes. (210p.)

Collections Register 4, 1 August 1903 - 16 July 1904 (File 15)

Details of fish, worms, sponges, etc. from nets and holes. (62p.)
