Guide to the Collections held by the School of Oriental and African Studies (as filmed by the AJCP)



National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

Created: 2019

Collection Summary

School of Oriental and African Studies. University of London
Collections held by the School of Oriental and African Studies (as filmed by the AJCP)
Date Range
1769 - 1937
Collection Number
214 items
Language of Materials
Australian Joint Copying Project
The Australian Joint Copying Project (AJCP) online portal was created with the assistance of the Australian Public Service Modernisation Fund, 2017-2020. The National Library of Australia gratefully acknowledges the contribution of the other foundation AJCP partners, the State Library of New South Wales and The National Archives of the UK, and all other organisations which supported the work of the AJCP, the world's most extensive collaborative copying project, operating from 1948 to 1997.


Scope and Contents

Contains vocabularies and grammar lists from language groups found in Tahiti; New Zealand; Indonesia; Malaysia; Melanesia; Micronesia; Queensland; New South Wales; Tasmania; the western coast of South America and other parts of the Pacific Islands.

Conditions Governing Access

Available for Access.

Conditions Governing Use

Many of the records digitised as part of the AJCP are still in copyright. Readers wishing to publish or reproduce documents should seek permission, in the first instance, from the School of Oriental and African Studies.

Preferred Citation

Acknowledgement of use of this material should refer to the School of Oriental and African Studies and to the Australian Joint Copying Project.

Items from this collection should include references to the location of the original material and to the AJCP nla.obj number, which serves as the online identifier for the digital copy.

Example: M Series: Ranjang poems, 1783, School of Oriental and African Studies (AJCP ref:

Archival History

Filmed at the School of Oriental and African Studies, London, as part of the Australian Joint Copying Project, 1964 (AJCP Reel: M681-M685). Original microfilm digitised as part of the NLA AJCP Online Delivery Project, 2017-2020.

The following collections were formerly part of the library of the Orientalist and linguist William Marsden (1754-1836), a portion of which he presented to King's College London in 1835: MS 41645, MS 9882, MS 12023, MS 12139, MS 12153, MS 12156, MS 12892.

Existence and Location of Originals

School of Oriental and African Studies, Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, London WC1H 0XG, England.

For more information see School of Oriental and African Studies (

Existence and Location of Copies

The original AJCP microfilm of the records filmed from this collection is available at the National Library of Australia [] as well as other institutions holding AJCP microfilm.

Finding Aid Note

This finding aid is a revised online version of the original finding aid prepared by the Australian Joint Copying Project (AJCP), published by the National Library of Australia in 2019. The original AJCP finding aids were unpublished typescripts or photocopies available from libraries that held copies of the original microfilm.

Dates used in this finding aid refer to the date range of the records selected for filming rather than to the date range of the Series or Files.

The identifiers used in this finding aid were accurate at the time of filming. They have been kept to preserve the historical context of the collection.


Originally cited in Australian Joint Copying Project Handbook. Part 8: Miscellaneous (M) Series. Third Edition, published 1998. Entry 406, pp. 156-157.

Biographical / Historical

The School of Oriental Studies was founded at Finbury Circus, London, in 1916 with the intention of training colonial administrations and providing London University with a school to rival the Oriental institutes of Berlin, Petrograd and Paris. Africa was added to the School's name in 1938. The School moved to Bloomsbury in 1946.

Sidney Herbert Ray (1858-1939) was born in London and was educated at the British School at Bethnal Green in the East End. In 1880 he entered the St Mark's Training College at Chelsea and in 1884 he was appointed an assistant master at the Board School at Bethnal Green. He remained a teacher at the school until his retirement master at the Board School at Bethnal Green. He remained a teacher at the school until his retirement in 1923. His career as a primary schoolteacher was paralleled by his long career as a comparative and descriptive linguist. He became interested in Pacific languages as a toung man and his first paper was published in 1886. In 1888 he became a fellow of the Anthropological Institute. Ray relied heavily in the publications of the British and Foreign Bible Society and the pubished and unpublished writings of missionaries who had a strong interest in languages, such as the Reverend R.H. Codington and later the Reverend W.G. Ivens. In 1890 he met the Cambridge anthopologist Alfred Haddon, who remained a friend and supporter for the rest of Ray's life. They jointly published papers and Ray was a member of the Cambridge Anthopological Expedition which Haddon led to the Torres Strait in 1898. His publications included A study of the languages of Torres Straits (with A.C. Haddon, 1893-97), A comparative vocabulary of the dialects of British New Guinea (1895), Reports of the Cambridge Anthropological Expedition to Torres Straits (vol.3, Linguistics, 1907) and A comparative study of Melanesian Island languages (1926).

William Marsden (1754-1836) was born in Verval, County Wicklow, Ireland, and was educated at Trinity College, Dublin. He was appointed to the East India Company and sent to Benkulen, Sumatra, in 1771. He was promoted to the position of principal secretary to thr company's goverment in Sumatra in 1774. He resigned from the position of principal secretary to the company's goverment in Sumatra in 1774. He resigned from the position in 1779 and returned to England. He became aquainted with many leading scholars and writers, including Sir Joseph Banks, Alexander Dalrymple, William Herschel and Nevil Maskelyne. He was elected a fellow of the Royal Society in 1783 and was a foundings member of the Irish Academy in 1785. He had acquired an extensive knowledge of Sumatra and the Malay language and his History of Sumatra appeared in 1812. His later years were devoted to scholarly pursuits. He published A dictionary of the Malayan language (1812) The travels of Marco Polo (1818) and Numismata orientalia illustrata (1823-25), as well as miscellaneous works and contributions to jounrals. In 1835 he presented his library of books and manuscripts to King's College, London. Part of Marsden's manuscript collection was transferred to the School of Oriental Studies in 1916.

Item Descriptions

Series PP MS3. Papers of Sidney Herbert Ray, 1877 - 1937

199 items

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP reels M681-M685.


Blencowe, John W., Rev.; Bourne, E.; Brittain, A.; Capell, Arthur; Case, H.E.B.; Caulton, S.G.; Christian, Frederick W.; Codrington, Robert H., Rev.; Cropp, Allan H.; Drummond, H.N.; Fison, Lorimer, Rev.; Gray, William; Great Britain; Heighway, William A.; Hocart, Arthur M.; Howard, C.W.; Hunt, A.E.; Isom, Fred R.; Ivens, W.G.; King, Copeland; Lelean, C. Oswald; Malaya; Manning, G.O.; Metcalfe, J.R.; Michelsen, Oscar; Money, J. Percy; Morton, Alexander; New Caledonia; New Hebrides: vocabularies; Nicholson, R.C.; Papua New Guinea; Papua New Guinea: language; Ray, Sidney H.; Rickard, R.H.; Rickard, R.H.; Rivers, William H.R., Dr; Rooney, S.R., Rev.; Savage, E.B.; Shaw, O. Charles; Somerville, Henry B.T.; Steward, J.M.; Strong, Walter M.; Tinoni, A.C.; Torres Strait Islanders; Waterhouse, J.H.L.; Weigall, S.C.; Welchman, Henry, Rev.; Williams, Herbert W.; Woodford, Charles M.

Sanana vocabulary (ts) (File 1. Box 1)

Sanana language (ts) (File 2. Box 1)

S.H. Ray. Namau vocabulary (ms) (File 3. Box 1)

Rev. A.E. Hunt. Vocabulary of English-Murray Island (ms) (File 4. Box 1)

Glossary of St Matthew's Gospel, chapters 1-6, in Kunini, New Guinea (ms) (File 5. Box 1)

Rev. E.B. Savage. Vocabulary of Daudai (ie Kiwai), Mabuiage and Mer (ie Miriam) (ms) (File 6. Box 1)

Elema languages (ts) (File 7. Box 1)

Tate vocabulary, Gulf of Papua (ts) (File 8. Box 1)

J.H.L. Waterhouse. Vocabularies from New Ireland and New Britain (ms), 1927 (File 1. Box 2)

Languages include Kuanua (New Britain), Patpatar, Susuruga, Omo and Siberi (all New Ireland).

C.M. Woodford. Vocabularies from the Solomon Islands, transcribed by Ray (File 2. Box 2)

Rev. Copland King. Vocabularies from the north east coast of British New Guinea (ms) (File 3. Box 2)

Letters of Rev. Copland King (Dogura, British New Guinea) (2 letters), 1898 - 1899 (File 4. Box 2)

S.H. Ray. Vocabularies of the dialects of Pangkumu and Aulua, Malekula Bay (ms) (File 5. Box 2)

Letters from Ray to W.G. Ivens, 1928 - 1932 (File 6. Box 2)

Letter from Herbert Williams to Rev. W.G. Ivens, 25 February 1928 (File 7. Box 2)

Frederick W. Christian. A vocabulary of Melanesian districts, copied by Ray, 1910 (File 8. Box 2)

S.H. Ray. Papuan vocabularies from south west New Guinea (ms) (File 9. Box 2)

S.H. Ray. A vocabulary of the languages of Nuguria, Leuaniua (ie Luangiua) and Sikaiana (ms) (File 10. Box 2)

Includes a vocabulary of the Mo-Iki language.

C. Oswald Lelean. Fijian vocabularies (ms), 1927 (File 11. Box 2)

Languages include: Bau, Nadi (Ba), Nacera (Kadavu), Lomaiviti (Ovalau), Wailevu (Cakaudrove), Seaqaqa (Macuata), Waciwaci (Lakeba) and Rewa.

Rev. William A. Heighway. A vocabulary of Bau, Kadavu and English, and of Bau, Nandronga and English (ms) (File 12. Box 2)

Dialects of Bau, Nadroga and Ba, Fiji, with notes for Rev. R.H. Codrington (ms) (File 13. Box 2)

Nandronga vocabulary (ms) (File 14. Box 2)

Vocabulary of Guadalcanal districts (ms) (File 1. Box 3)

Languages include: Marau, Moli, Avuavu, Wanderer Bay, Vaturanga and Longu.

Notes on the grammar of San Cristoval, Ulawa and South Muala languages (ms) (File 2. Box 3)

Rev. R.B. Comins. Vocabulary of the Bubutana language with vocabularies of Rubiana and Marovo (ms) (File 3. Box 3)

Rev. J.R. Metcalfe. Choiseul vocabularies (ms) (File 4. Box 3)

Languages mentioned include: Babatana, Tabataba, bVarese, Ririo, Seqa, Kiruqela, Roviana.

S.H. Ray. Comparative vocabulary of Oceanic words in languages of Loyalty Islands, New Hebrides and Solomon Islands, parts 1-9 (ms) (File 5. Box 3)

Volume 1: Languages of the Loyalty Islands, and Southern New Hebrides (including Tanna and Erromanga).

Volume 2: Languages of Nguna, Efate, Makura, Three Hills Island (Emae), Shepherd Islands and Epi Island.

Volume 3: Languages of Paama, Ambrim and Espiritu Santo.

Volume 4: Languages of Malekula, Pentecost Island and Lepers' Island (Ambae)

Volume 5: Languages of Aurora Island (Makatea) and Banks' Islands.

Volume 6: Languages of Torres Islands, Santa Cruz Islands and San Cristobal

Volume 7: Languages of Malaita Island, Florida Island and Bugotu [Solomon Islands]

Volume 8: Languages of Guadalcanal and Ysabel Island (not Bugotu)

Volume 9: Languages of New Georgia, Choiseul and Bougainville

W. Mersh Strong. Vocabularies of languages of the Louisiade Archipelago (ms) (File 6. Box 3)

S.H. Ray. Vocabularies of languages from central and eastern Papua (ms) (File 7. Box 3)

Languages include: Kokila, Udama, Keveri, Kwale.

S.H. Ray. Vocabularies of languages from mid-central Papua (ms) (File 8. Box 3)

Languages include: Miai, Gaumi, Ningori and Oiku.

S.H. Ray. Vocabularies of languages from central Papua (ms) (File 9. Box 3)

Languages include: Roro, Waima, Rapeka and Mekeo.

S.H. Ray. Vocabularies of languages from western Papua (ms) (File 10. Box 3)

Languages include: Tugeri, Merauke, Toro, Bangu, Tanjuamu, Sanana and Bugi.

S.H. Ray. A vocabulary of the language of Futuna, New Hebrides (ms) (File 1. Box 4)

Arthur Capell. Notes on Eromaga [Erromanga] orthography and pronunciation (ts and ms) (File 2. Box 4)

Arthur Capell. Eromaga [Erromanga] vocabulary (ts and ms) (File 3. Box 4)

Arthur Capell. The Eromaga [Erromanga] verb (ts) (File 4. Box 4)

Arthur Capell. Notes on Eromaga [Erromanga] words (ts) (File 5. Box 4)

Erakor grammar (ms) (File 6. Box 4)

Muna o Mai (ms) (File 7. Box 4)

S.H. Ray. Vocabulary of the language of Emae, central New Hebrides (ms) (File 8. Box 4)

S.H. Ray. A vocabulary of the language of Aniwa, New Hebrides (ms) (File 9. Box 4)

S.H. Ray. Vocabulary of the Baki district, Epi Island (File 10. Box 4)

S.H. Ray. Vocabulary of the Aulua language, Malekula (ms) (File 11. Box 4)

Ambrym (Ambrim) grammar (ms) (File 12. Box 4)

Rev. R.C. Nicholson. Vocabulary of the language spoken by the Bilua tribe at Vella Lavella Island, British Solomon Island (ms), 1912 (File 13. Box 4)

A. Hoffmann. Worterverzeichnis der Sprache von Bogadjim, Kaiser Wilhemsland (ms) (File 1. Box 5)

Title approximately translates to 'Dictionary of the language of Bogadjim' and contains a comparative vocabulary with German. Languages include: Wenke, Bogadjim and Wuong.

S.H. Ray. Notes on the Monumbo language (ms) (File 2. Box 5)

S.H. Ray. The verb in Monumbo (ms) (File 3. Box 5)

Motuna language vocabulary (File 4. Box 5)

School textbook for the use of the Methodist Mission, Motuna (ts) (File 5. Box 5)

Motuna, Bougainville: notes on grammar (ms) (File 6. Box 5)

Motuna language school textbook (ms) (File 7. Box 5)

S.H. Ray. A comparative vocabulary of Oceanic languages (File 8. Box 5)

Including languages of Malaya, North Celebes [Sulawesi], Formosa, Moluccas, Netherlands New Guinea, British New Guinea, German New Guinea, Bismarck Archipelago, Micronesia, Solomon Islands, New Hebrides [Vanuatu] and New Caledonia.

Rev. R.H. Rickard (Raluana). A dictionary and grammar of the New Britain district, pp. i-xii, 1-482 (ms), 1889 (File 1. Box 6)

Rev. J.M. Steward. A Vaturanga-English dictionary and notes on the grammar (ms, 61pp.) (File 1. Box 7)

A dictionary of the language of Vaturanga, Guadalcanal (ms) (File 2. Box 7)

Fred Isom. O Vavae ta Laube, translated from the Mota (ts) (File 2. Box 7)

The Prodigal Son in Laube, translated from the Mota (File 3. Box 7)

Laube vocabulary (File 4. Box 7)

Rev. H. Welchman. Seventy words in Laube, British Solomon Islands (ts) (File 5. Box 7)

C.M. Woodforde. Seventy words in Laumbe, the language of the Russell Island Group, British Solomon Islands (ts), July 1906 (File 6. Box 7)

Notes on Russell Islands (ts), 27 February 1905 (File 7. Box 7)

S.H. Ray. Notes on Laube (ms) (File 8. Box 7)

A.C. Tinoni. O Vavae ta Savo, British Solomon Islands (ms) (File 9. Box 7)

Letter from Fred Isom (Maravovo, British Solomon Islands) to Ray, 10 March 1931 (File 10. Box 7)

Rev. C.W. Howard. Seventy words in the language of Savo, British Solomon Island (ms), October 1906 (File 11. Box 7)

S.H. Ray. Vocabulary of the language of Savo (ms) (File 12. Box 7)

Letter from S.G. Caulton (Halavo, British Solomon Islands) to Rev. W.G. Ivens with attached notes on Florida grammar, 12 May 1935 (File 13. Box 7)

English and Bugotu vocabulary, from notes of Rev. H. Welchman (ms) (File 14. Box 7)

S.H. Ray. A vocabulary of the Bugotu language of Ysabel, Solomon Islands (ms) (File 15. Box 7)

Vocabulary of the Gao district, Ysabel Island (ms) (File 16. Box 7)

Vocabulary of the language of Bugotu, Ysabel Island, from a ms of Rev. H. Welchman, 1902 (File 17. Box 7)

The Song of Solomon, translated into Bugotu by G. Borgese (ms) (File 18. Box 7)

E. Bourne. Colloquial phrases in the Bugotu language (ms) (File 19. Box 7)

Letter from Edward Bourne (Bugotu) to Ray, 20 July 1911 (File 20. Box 7)

Words claimed to be invented in Bugotu (ms) (File 21. Box 7)

S.H. Ray. Outline of Mekeo grammar from notes of RR Peres Vitoli and Bouillet, (ms), 1898 (File 1. Box 8)

S.H. Ray. A vocabulary of the Mekeo language (ms) (File 2. Box 8)

J. Lister Turner. Comparison of Motu, Indonesian and Melanesian (ts) (File 3. Box 8)

S.H. Ray. A vocabulary of the Are or Mukauan language, Cape Vogel, north-east Papua (ms) (File 4. Box 8)

A vocabulary of the Paiwa language, Papua (File 5. Box 8)

Vocabulary of the Panaieti language (File 6. Box 8)

S.H. Ray. Vocabulary of the Pokau (Lala or Nara) language (ms and ts) (File 7. Box 8)

O. Charles Shaw. English-Taupota language (ts, 128pp.) (File 8. Box 8)

S.H. Ray. Vocabulary of the Bwaidoga language (ms) (File 9. Box 8)

S.H. Ray. An English-Keapara vocabulary (ms) (File 10. Box 8)

S.H. Ray. Vocabulary of the Daui language, Papua (ms) (File 11. Box 8)

Kukukuku vocabulary (ms) (File 12. Box 8)

J. Percy Money. The language of Maising, Collingwood Bay district, north-eastern Papua (ts) (File 13. Box 8)

G.O. Manning. Vocabulary of the Kworafi language, north-eastern Papua (ms) (File 14. Box 8)

W.G. Ivens. Grammar and dictionary of Lamalanga (ms), 1937 (File 1. Box 9)

Annotations made in 1960 suggest that the dictionary is in Lamalanga, but the grammar is Oba (Lombaha) or Bugotu.

S.H. Ray. Notes on Rev. W.G. Ivens' Lamalanga grammar (ms) (File 2. Box 9)

Letter from Ray to Rev. W.G. Ivens: notes on Ivens's Lamalanga grammar, 7 August 1937 (File 3. Box 9)

S.H. Ray. Vocabulary of the Kuliviu language, Malekula Islands (ms) (File 4. Box 9)

S.H. Ray. Notes on Kuliviu grammar (ms) (File 5. Box 9)

Lotora vocabulary (dialect of Maewo) (ms) (File 6. Box 9)

Tegua and Toga word lists (ms) (File 7. Box 9)

Rev. W. Gray. Notes on Ray's 'Languages of the New Hebrides' (ms), 14 July 1894 (File 8. Box 9)

Rev. W. Gray. Vocabularies of New Hebrides languages (ms) (File 9. Box 9)

Languages include: Weasasi, Sangali, Aniwa and Kwamera.

Rev. Oscar Michelsen. Vocabularies of New Hebrides languages (ms) (File 10. Box 9)

Languages include: Tongoa, Makura, Tasiko.

Letter from Ray to W.G. Ivens: criticism of Mota and Roviana Bible translations, 12 October 1930 (File 11. Box 9)

Te Talatola khai o Pasikaloa. O kakakai apen Pasikaloa: A Pilheni (Reef Island) story with Mota translation (ms) (File 1. Box 10)

Rev. H.N. Drummond and J.W. Blencowe. A vocabulary of the language of Phileni, Matema, Nukapu and Nupani, collected 1910 (ms) (File 2. Box 10)

Letter from J.W. Blencowe to Ray: sends vocabulary, 3 April (File 3. Box 10)

Letter from J.W. Blencowe to Ray: languages of Reef Island near Santa Cruz, 27 March [1912] (File 4. Box 10)

S.H. Ray. Vocabulary of the language of Nifioli, Reef Islands (ms) (File 5. Box 10)

Mo-iki, Bellona Island (ms) (File 6. Box 10)

The Lord's Prayer in the language of the Reef Islands (Matema) (ms) (File 7. Box 10)

Songs in the Marovo, or Eastern, dialect (ms) (File 8. Box 10)

Arthur M. Hocart. Vocabulary of Mandeghusu and Vesu Ghogoto (Solomon Islands) (ms) (File 9. Box 10)

S.H. Ray. Vocabulary of the language of Longu, Guadalcanal, British Solomon Islands (ms) (File 10. Box 10)

E. Bourne. Vocabulary of the language spoken by the Thogokama tribe, Laube, Russell Island (ms), 4 October 1911 (File 11. Box 10)

H.B.T. Somerville and S.C. Weigall. Words and phrases in Roviana and Marovo with their English Equivalents, New Georgia (ms) (File 1. Box 11)

A short story in English, Island-English, Marova and Rubiana (ms) (File 2. Box 11)

Rev. S.R. Rooney. Vocabulary of the Ruviana language, New Georgia (ms) (File 3. Box 11)

S.H. Ray. Vocabulary of the language of Utupua (ms, very faint) (File 4. Box 11)

Buin (ie Telei) language (File 5. Box 11)

C.M. Woodford. A vocabulary from Rennell Island (ms) (File 6. Box 11)

Rev. W.G. Ivens to Thompson: Thomson's Sa grammar, n.d. (File 7. Box 11)

C.M. Woodford. Seventy words in the language of Sio (ms), 6 March 1905 (File 8. Box 11)

E. Bourne. Vocabulary of the Bumbatana (Varese) dialect, Choiseul Island, Solomon Island (ms), 1900 (File 1. Box 12)

Letter from S.H. Ray to Rev. W.G. Ivens: Bible translations into Arosi, 24 May 1928 (File 2. Box 12)

S.H. Ray. Notes on Arosi in relation to other languages of the Pacific (File 3. Box 12)

Rev. Allan H. Cropp. Vocabulary of the Petats district, north Solomon Islands (ts and ms) (File 4. Box 12)

Rev. Allan H. Cropp. A short grammar of the Petats district (ts) (File 5. Box 12)

Wailevu vocabulary (ms) (File 1. Box 13)

Somosomo vocabulary (ms) (File 2. Box 13)

S.H. Ray. Vocabulary of the language of Rotuma (ms) (File 3. Box 13)

Noikoro vocabulary (ms) (File 4. Box 13)

Mathuata vocabulary (ms) (File 5. Box 13)

Kandavu vocabulary (ms) (File 6. Box 13)

Letter from A.J. Dawe (Colonial Office) to Ray: proposed Fijian-English dictionary, 26 February 1937 (File 7. Box 13)

Letter from Juxon Barton (Suva) to William Ormsby-Gore, 27 November 1936 (File 8. Box 13)

Question of preparing third edition of Hazelwood's Fijian grammar dictionary (copy + attachment).

Caka vocabulary (ms) (File 9. Box 13)

Mbua vocabulary (ms) (File 10. Box 13)

Mba vocabulary (ms) (File 11. Box 13)

F.W. Christian. Vocabulary of the language of Uluthi (ms) (File 1. Box 14)

F.W. Christian. Vocabulary of the language of Sonsorol and Tobi (ms) (File 2. Box 14)

F.W. Christian. Vocabulary of the language of Satawal (ms) (File 3. Box 14)

F.W. Christian. Vocabulary of the language of St David's Island, Micronesia (ms) (File 4. Box 14)

F.W. Christian. Vocabulary of the language of Pulawat (Kata Island) (ms) (File 5. Box 14)

F.W. Christian. Vocabulary of the language of Pingelap (ms) (File 6. Box 14)

F.W. Christian. Vocabulary of the language of Pelew Islands (ms) (File 7. Box 14)

F.W. Christian. Vocabulary of the language of Nuku-oro, Monte Verde Islands (ms) (File 8. Box 14)

F.W. Christian. Vocabulary of the language of Ngatik (ms) (File 9. Box 14)

F.W. Christian. Vocabulary of the language of Nauru (ms) (File 10. Box 14)

F.W. Christian. Vocabulary of the language of Mokil (Duperrey Island), Caroline Islands (ms) (File 11. Box 14)

F.W. Christian. Vocabulary of the language of lamotrek and Ifalik (ms) (File 12. Box 14)

Vocabulary and grammar notes on the language of Ruk (ms) (File 13. Box 14)

S.H. Ray. Vocabulary of the Mortlock Islands, Micronesia (ms) (File 14. Box 14)

Rev. H.E.B. Case. Language of Chamorro, Guam (ms) (File 15. Box 14)

Rev. H.E.B. Case (Guam) to Ray: returns notes on Chamaroo, 24 April 1909 (File 16. Box 14)

S.H. Ray. Vocabulary of the language of Yengen (ms) (File 17. Box 14)

Letter from Maurice Leenhardt (Paris) to Ray: languages of New Hebrides, 27 May 1909 (File 18. Box 14)

S.H. Ray. Vocabulary of the Wailu language, New Caledonia (ms) (File 19. Box 14)

S.H. Ray. Grammar notes on the language of Houailou, New Caledonia (ms) (File 20. Box 14)

S.H. Ray. Vocabulary of the Uvean language, Loyalty Islands (ms) (File 21. Box 14)

S.H. Ray. Phrases illustration the language of lai (ms) (File 22. Box 14)

Rev. R.H. Codrington. A sketch of Mota language, London (32pp.), 1877 (File 1. Box 15)

154 English words with Mota translation (ms) (File 2. Box 15)

Makura grammar (ms) (File 3. Box 15)

S.H. Ray. Vocabulary of the Tasiko language of Epi Island, New Hebrides (File 4. Box 15)

Vocabulary of the Bieri language, Epi Island (File 5. Box 15)

Letters of Rev. Alexander Morton (Makekula) to Ray, 1889 - 1890 (File 6. Box 15)

Rev. Alexander Morton. Notes on the language of Pangkumu (ms) (File 7. Box 15)

S.H. Ray. Vocabulary of the language of Pama (ms) (File 8. Box 15)

S.H. Ray. A vocabulary and grammar notes on the Nogugu language (ms) (File 9. Box 15)

Grammar of the Uripiv language, Malekula (ms) (File 10. Box 15)

Rev. A. Brittain (Norfolk Island). Vocabularies of three New Hebrides languages: Pentecost or Raga, Lepers Island or Opa, Aurora or Maewo (ms) (File 1. Box 16)

S.H. Ray. Vocabulary of the language of Lo, Torres Island (ms) (File 2. Box 16)

Letter from W.J. Durrad to Ray: sends Book of Genesis in language of Loh, 6 January 1915 (File 3. Box 16)

Book of Genesis in language of Loh (ts and ms) (File 4. Box 16)

Notes on the Loh grammar (ms) (File 5. Box 16)

Short stories in the Opa language (ms) (File 6. Box 16)

Stories about Tarago and Suge (ms) (File 7. Box 16)

O Vava ta Opa, Leper's Island, New Hebrides (ms) (File 8. Box 16)

S.H. Ray. Vocabulary of the language of Omba (ms) (File 9. Box 16)

O Vava ta Lotora, Maewo Island (ms) (File 10. Box 16)

O Vava ta Arata, Maewo Island (ms) (File 11. Box 16)

S.H. Ray. Vocabulary of the language of Maewo (ms) (File 12. Box 16)

S.H. Ray. Vocabulary of the language of Raga, Pentecost Island (ms) (File 13. Box 16)

Letter from H.N. Drummond (Norfolk Island) to Ray: sends a Raga story with Mota translation, 5 December 1919 (File 14. Box 16)

Veveve huri atatatu ihana Malagira (ms) (File 15. Box 16)

The languages of Raga (ms) (File 16. Box 16)

Mota-Tegua vocabulary (ms) (File 17. Box 16)

Mota-Toga vocabulary (ms) (File 18. Box 16)

Notebook of Rev. W.G. Ivens (File)

Extract from A. Hagen and A. Pineau. Les Nouvelles Hebrides, Revue d'Ethnographie, vol.7, 1888 (File)

Four exercise books including copies of a Melanesian catechism or prayer book (File)

Notebook and exercise book (File)

S.H. Ray. Native words in a comparative study of the Melanesian island languages (4 exercise books and some loose sheets) (File)

S.H. Ray. Comparative vocabulary of Oceanic words, parts 1-3 (File)

Vocabularies of languages of Solomon Islands, New Mecklenburg, Bismarck Archipelago and Admiralty Islands taken from manuscript of G. Friederici (4 exercise books) (File)

Na Usuusu a Jeremia na Prophet (59pp.) (File)

Unidentified notebook (File)

Words and phrases in the Savo language (File)

Collected by W.H.R. Rivers (loose sheets), Okahakae (exercise book), notebook of Rev. J. Palmer, Melanesian Mission, given to Ray by Rev. R.H. Codrington.

Letters, 11 July 1890 - 12 July 1915 (File)

From Horatio Hule (11 July 1890), Oscar Michelsen (New Hebrides, 18 Feb. 1891), Oscar Michelsen (Christiana, 11 Dec. 1891), Lorimer Fison (Melbourne, 29 Feb. 1892), C. Fox (Cambridge, 12 July 1915).

Miscellaneous loose manuscripts (File)

Papers largely relating to New Guinea and Papua (File)

(1) Admiralty islands (cover only) (2) British New Guinea: Hydrographer Range (3) Papua: central north-eastern (4) Melanesian New Guinea (5) Papua: west central (6) Papua: north-east (7) Melanesian New Guinea: supplementary (8) German New Guinea and New British (9) German New Guinea: islands (10) Netherlands New Guinea: Schouten Archipelago (11) Netherlands New Guinea: Kumara Peninsula (12) New Hebrides: Raga Maewo (13) Solomon Islands: central Isabel, New Georgia, Bougainville Straits (14) German New Guinea: mainland (15) Papua, Solomon Islands.

Fonds MS 183038. Manuscript index to Alexander Dalrymple's collection of maps, charts and plans, 1773 - 1807

1 item

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP reel M685.


Australia; Dalrymple, Alexander; Maps, plans and charts; New Zealand.

Manuscript index to Alexander Dalrymple's collection of maps, charts and plans printed between 1773 and 1807 (File)

The third volume contains a few charts of Australia and New Zealand and many of the East Indies, New Guinea and parts of South East Asia. There is also a list of six volumes of memoirs.

Series MS 18945. Papers of Robert Dundas

1 item

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP reel M685.


Dundas, Robert, 2nd Viscount Melville.

Biographical / Historical

Robert Dundas (1771-1851) was the President of the Board of Control for India.

Papers of Robert Dundas, relating to the claims of officers of the 73rd Regiment for allowances due to them for service in India in 1805-1806 (File)

They comprise a letter from the officers to Lt. Col. Lachlan Macquarie, the commanding officer of the Regiment, and correspondence between Macquarie, Lt. Col. J. Gordon of the War Office, and Dundas, June-July 1808. There is also a minute of the Court of Directors of the East India Company.

Series MS 40801. Manuscripts of S.H. Ray

1 item

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP reel M685.


Australia; Easter Island; Ray, Sidney H.

Manuscripts of S.H. Ray relating to the Rapanui tablets at Easter Islands, including a vocabulary (File)

Series MS 40894. Vocabulary of the language of the Otati tribe, Cape Grenville, Queensland, 1898

2 items

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP reel M685.


Indigenous Australians; Indigenous Australians: Queensland; Indigenous Australians: vocabularies; Otati Community (Indigenous Australians), Queensland; Pim, G.; Ray, Sidney H.; Seligman, Charles G.

Copy by S.H. Ray of a vocabulary of the language of the Otati tribe of Cape Grenville, Queensland, obtained by C.S. Seligman and G. Pim (ms), 1898 (File 1)

A short vocabulary of a dialect of the people of Raffles Bay, northern Australia (ms) (File 2)

Series MS 41645. Notebooks of William Dawes, 1790 - 1793

1 item

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP reel M685.


Dawes, William; L'Esperance, French ship; Indigenous Australians; Indigenous Australians: vocabularies; La Recherche, French ship.

Biographical / Historical

William Dawes (1762-1836), a lieutenant in the Marines, arrived in New South Wales on HMS Sirius in 1788. He was employed on shore as an engineer, surveyor and astronomer. He built an observatory at what is now Daves Point and it was there that he became aquainted with the Aboriginal people and made a close study of their langauge. He returned to England in 1792.

Two notebooks containing words, translations, snippets of conversations, and explanations of expressions of the people of Sydney, c. 1790-1793 (File)

4 items
Part a, 1790 (Item)

Grammatical forms of the language of New South Wales in the neighbourhood of Sydney.

Part b (Item)

Vocabulary of the language of New South Wales in the neighborhood of Sydney. This notebook contains inter alia snatches of dialogue between Dawes and Patyegarang, a young Aboriginal woman, who seems to have been his main language teacher.

Part c, c.1790-1791 (Item)

Vocabulary of the language of the people of New South Wales, including names of places, Indigenous men and women, and tribes.

This manuscript was probably not written by William Dawes. It is written in at least three hands, in both rough and fair scripts, and judging from the scripts it is likely the writers were Arthur Phillip, David Collins and John Hunter.

Part d, 1793 (Item)

Short vocabularies of the language of the people of Van Diemen's Land collected by officers of the French frigates La Recherche and L'Esperance.

Series MS 50494. W.G. Ivens. A grammar of the language of Pangkumu, Malekula Island, New Hebrides (ms)

1 item

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP reel M685.


Ivens, W.G.; New Hebrides: vocabularies.

Series MS 68121. S.H. Ray

1 item

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP reels M685-M686.


Maori: language; Papua New Guinea; Papua New Guinea: language; Ray, Sidney H.

Bibliography of printed books, articles and manuscripts on linguistics and Pacific and South East Asian languages (File)

Bibliography of printed books, articles and manuscripts on linguistics and Pacific and South African languages held in Ray's library
  1. Part 1: Collective works
  2. Part 2: Indonesian languages
  3. Part 3: Micronesian languages
  4. Part 4: Polynesian languages
  5. Part 5: Melanesian languages: Melanesian islands
  6. Part 5: Melanesian languages: New Guinea
  7. Part 6: Papuan languages
  8. Part 7: Australian languages
  9. Index to S.H. Ray's bibliography
  10. Title pages of vols. 2-6
  11. Volume 7: Philology general
  12. Volume 8: Anthropology, psychology, religion and folklore
  13. Volume 9: Biography, history of missions, travels, exploration, geography

Series Accession 38277. Vocabularies of native dialects, British New Guinea, extracted from the annual reports, 1889 - 1896

1 item

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP reel M686.


British New Guinea: vocabularies.

Series MS 9882. Vocabularies of (a) the language of Tonga and the Friendly Islands and (b) the language of New Caledonia, 1793

1 item

Compiled by officers of the French frigates L'Esperance and Recherche. (ms, 9 parts)

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP reel M686.


L'Esperance, French ship; La Recherche, French ship; New Caledonia; Tonga: vocabularies.

Series MS 12023. Daniel Solander, c.1773

1 item

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP reel M686.


Solander, Daniel C.; Tahiti: vocabularies.

Daniel Solander. Vocabulary of the language of Tahiti (ms), c.1773 (File)

Series MS 12139. Malayan / Sumatran manuscripts

1 item

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP reel M686.


Banks, Sir Joseph; Malaya; Sumatra.

Volume of 18th century Malayan/Sumatran manuscripts (File)

12 items
A Malay poem representing fishes and discussing the duties of Islam (Item i)
A Sumatran law code (Item ii)
A Sumatran romance in free verse (Item iii)
Sumatran-Malay pantuns (poems) (Item iv)
Malay pantuns collected by Sir Joseph Banks (Item v)
Accounts in Malay (Item vi)
A treaty with the chiefs of the country near Moco-Moco, written in Malay, 1728 (Item vii)
Malay-English vocabulary by W. Rogers (Item viii)
Vocabulary of English, Malay and Rejang by W. Butler Hummings (Item ix)
English notes by W. Butler Hummings on snakes and lizards (Item x)
Ranjang poems, 1783 (Item xi)
Two sets of accounts in Batak for expenses of the country-guard in 1783 (Item xii)

Series MS 12153. Sir Joseph Banks. Vocabularies of the languages of Tahiti, Prince's Island, Sulu, Samarang, New Holland, New Zealand and Savu, c. 1769-1780

1 item

Some vocabularies are in Banks's handwriting and on others Banks has written notes.

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP reel M686.


Banks, Sir Joseph; French in the Pacific; Maori: language; New Zealand; Savu, Indonesia; Semarang, Indonesia; Sulu, New Britain; Tahiti: vocabularies.

Series M12156. Vocabularies of the languages of Tahiti, New Zealand, Savu, Prince's Island, Samarang, Sulu, Madagascar, the Mandingos, the Eskimos, Malabar and Peru, c.1770-1780

Some of the vocabularies appear to have been copied from MS 12153.

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP reel M686.


Madagascar; Maori: language; New Zealand; Peru; Savu, Indonesia; Semarang, Indonesia; Sulu, New Britain; Tahiti: vocabularies.

Series MS 12892. Sir Joseph Banks, 1769

1 item

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP reel M686.


Banks, Sir Joseph.

Observations de Otaheite etc, 1769 (File)

The manuscript contains names and descriptions of people and places, and other memoranda.
