Guide to the Letters of the British Museum (Natural History), Keeper of Zoology Archives (as filmed by the AJCP)



National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

Created: 2019

Online Items

Series DF 200. Correspondence, 1864 - 1944

All letters are to the Keeper of the Zoology Archives unless noted.

A-B. Correspondence, 29 January 1870 - 16 May 1876 (File 200/1)

Filmed selectively.

Morton Allport (Hobart), 29 January 1870 - 29 December 1874 (Item 12-24)

Sending fish for identification; sketches of fish by Mrs Meredith; problems of rearing salmon.Includes: Lists of fish with trivial name and scientific name, where caught etc; The Salmonidae in Tasmania by Morton Allport, 1870. (4p.)

George Bennett (Sydney), 26 January 1869, 15 April 1871, 20 February 1873 (Item 111-113)

Re New Zealand lizard; new fish from Mary River, Queensland

Samuel Blackburn (Sydney), 8 August 1871 - 8 September 1871 (Item 155-156)

Forwarding mud fish from Hokitika, New Zealand.

John Brazier (Sydney), 16 May 1876 (Item 222b-222g)

Collection of shells from Pacific Islands, New Guinea etc...

A.K. Bruce (Bundaberg), 5 July 1872 (Item 239-239(a))

Enclosing photograph of lizard which is held in dread by Indigenous Australians

C-D. Correspondence, 17 January 1870 - 2 September 1875 (File 200/2)

Filmed selectively.

Correspondence of Daniel Cooper and W.C. Roberts, 1870 - 1872 (Item 46-56)

17 January 1870 - 14 June 1872.Daniel Cooper (London) re mud fish from Hokitika, New Zealand...

Surgeon Alfred Corrie (HMS Pearl, Australian Station), 4 June 1875 - 2 September 1875 (Item 61(b)-61(c))

Re specimens of lizards and butterflies from New Hebrides.

H-K. Correspondence, 21 July 1864 - 20 October 1875 (File 200/4)

Filmed selectively.

Julius Haast (Canterbury Museum, Christchurch, NZ) re exchange of specimens, 4 July 1873 - 28 July 1874 (Item 1-2)
James Hector (Geological Survey Office and Colonial Museum, Wellington), 7 January 1868 - 15 August 1875 (Item 27-42(a))

Re sending specimens; mud fish from Hokitika; his work on catalogue of fish...

F. Hutton (Colonial Museum, Wellington and Otago Museum, Dunedin), 8 March 1872 - 20 October 1875 (Item 88-98)

Re catalogue of fish and specimens brought into the Museum; his appointment at Otago Museum; sending specimens of whales and other material for exchange; moa bones from Hamilton swamp; expedition to Auckland Islands...

G. Krefft (Sydney), 21 July 1864 - 14 May 1875 (Item 242-297)

Forwarding specimens; working conditions; whales; working with minerals; his military career in Prussia; problems with trustees - salary withheld because he is a German and a Protestant...

L-M. Correspondence, 25 December 1865 - 11 June 1874 (File 200/5)

Filmed selectively.

A.B. Meyer (Singapore, Vienna, London), 24 December 1872 - 11 June 1874 (Item 141-152)

Re sponges from Philippine Islands; trip to New Guinea. Includes: Lists of his collection.

Mueller (Melbourne) introducing cod, sturgeon and herring into Australia; Count de Castelman, 25 December 1865 - 12 August 1870 (Item 264-265)

(One letter in German)

N-Q. Correspondence, 10 February 1870 - 23 December 1875 (File 200/6)

Filmed selectively.

Richard Owen (British Museum) re marsupials, 10 February 1870 (Item 60)
Richard Owen re Queensland rivers, n.d. (Item 62)
Richard Owen re receipt of specimens from New Zealand, 8 April 1872 (Item 64)
Richard Owen re Cassowary from Queensland donated by Marquis of Normanby, 5 April 1873 (Item 68)
Louis A Peers (Murray River), 24 October 1870 (Item 109)

Willing to obtain specimens while travelling; has been living in bush since 14 and can speak native language.

Perry (HMS Pearl, Portsmouth, Levuka, Australian station), 6 June 1873 - 23 December 1875 (Item 118 - 125)

Too busy with official work to collect specimens; spent hour at 'Nieue or Savage Island' and collected a lizard and butterfly, other specimens obtained; missionaries who might collect; material obtained at New Hebrides during hurried visit; shooting of commodore with poisoned arrow by natives at Santa Cruz Island.

R-Sl. Correspondence, 1 May 1868 - 11 November 1870 (File 200/7)

Filmed selectively.

A. Schwarzschild & Co (London): Tasmanian fish on Windward, 1 May 1868 (Item 167)
P.L. Sclater (Zoological Society of London), 14 January 1870 - 11 November 1870 (Item 184-190)

Re Salmon bred in Tasmania by Morton Allport, green tree frogs from Australia, other Australian specimens.

Sm-Z. Correspondence, 24 July 1874 - 18 November 1875 (File 200/8)

Filmed selectively.

Courtenay C Smith (Moreton Bay), 7 September 1874 (Item 227)

Price of skeleton of unborn dugong calf.

Harry Turnley (Jackson's Bay, NZ), 18 November 1875 (Item 365.a)

Re collecting Kiwis, Kakapos and other birds.

Report on Mr Wallace's collections [birds from Malay archipelago] and memorandum on the collection by Bowdler Sharpe, n.d. (Item 399-407)
S.J. Whitmee (Samoa), 24 July 1874 - 26 October 1875 (Item 442.a-442.f)

Sending specimens from Samoa; problem of obtaining preserving materials; attempting to make catalogue of Samoan fauna, problem of obtaining fish from outside the reef. (24p.)

E. Woltmann (London) re Tasmanian shells, 12 April 1875 (Item 461)

A-J. Correspondence, 16 March 1873 - 1876 (File 200/9)

Filmed selectively.

Morton Allport (Hobart), 16 March 1873 (Item 2a)

Re drawings by Mrs Meredith; many salmonoids have been caught in Derwent River.

N.E. Cookson (HMS Petrel at sea, Devonport), 29 May 1876 - 28 July 1876 (Item 82-84(a))

Re visit to Galapagos Islands and specimens of tortoise brought back...

Alfred Corrie (HMS Pearl, Australian Station) re specimens collected, 30 June 1876 (Item 85)
F. Evans (Admiralty) re Cookson's letter, 1 May 1876 (Item 173)
Lists of specimens from Godeffroy Collection, 1876 (Item 231-232.h)

Includes items from Ponape, Tahiti, Samoa, Sydney, Huahine. Gives name of collector. (28.p)

James Hector (Honolulu, Frisco, Wellington) re specimens, whale skeleton, shells, 23 April 1876 - 14 December 1876 (Item 257 - 264.a)
F. Hutton (Otago Museum), 20 January 1876 - 30 May 1876 (Item 274 - 276)

Sending specimens from Cook Islands, lists of duplicate material for exchange.

K-Z. Correspondence, 9 May 1876 - 11 August 1876 (File 200/10)

Filmed selectively.

G. Krefft (Sydney), 6 September 1873 [sic] (Item 272-272(a))

In German.

P. Sclater (Zoological Society of London), 10 July 1876 - 31 July 1876 (Item 395-398)

Re Belideus from south of New Guinea, WJ Scott will collect fishes from Queensland.

Fred Smith (British Museum) re box of Carabidae sent by Mr Du Boulay of Melbourne, 11 August 1876 (Item 426)
Karl Staiger (Brisbane) re specimens, 10 May 1876 - 15 July 1876 (Item 435-436)

One letter in German.

William Turner (Somerset, QLD) re butterflies caught at Port Moresby, 9 May 1876 (Item 486)

A-M. Correspondence, 16 November 1876 - 11 December 1877 (File 200/11)

Filmed selectively.

George French Angas (London), 8 May 1877 - 23 November 1877 (Item 8-12)

Re collection of shells from NSW and sale of Henry Adams' shell collection.

John Brazier (Sydney), 24 December 1876 [sic] (Item 52)

Re shells brought up in dredge at Heads of Port Jackson.

Julius von Haast (Canterbury Museum, Christchurch), 13 December 1876 - 8 March 1877 (Item 191-192)

Re cost of New Guinea mummy.

B. Harrison (n.p.), 17 December; n.d. (Item 206-207)

Requesting titles of books on Australian mammals.

James Hector (Wellington), 16 November 1876 - 11 December 1877 (Item 216-216.e)

Re activities of Hutton; plan of Colonial Museum; his work on whales; visit to Australia.

Rev S.M. McFarlane (Somerset, QLD), 25 May 1876 [sic] - 7 March 1877 (Item 264-267)

Re Birds of Paradise, trip to Torres Strait; sending beetles and reptiles.

N-Z. Correspondence, 21 May 1877 - December 1877 (File 200/12)

Filmed selectively.

List of specimens from Godeffroy Museum, December 1877 (Item 91.b-91.d)

Includes items from Tahiti, Apia, Samoa.

William Turner (Glasgow), 21 May 1877 - 20 November 1877 (Item 189-193)

Re his collection of butterflies and insects from New Guinea.

Gunther (British Museum) to Whitmee re collecting in the Pacific, 25 January 1875 [sic] (Item 229 - 229.a)
S. Whitmee (Blackheath and Sheffield), 13 September 1877 - 31 October 1877 (Item 230-232)

Re butterfly specimens from Loyalty Islands.

A-K. Correspondence, 2 March 1876 - 15 August 1878 (File 200/13)

Filmed selectively.

F. Bruggemann (Bremen) list of corals from Ponape, 8 February 1878 (Item 72-72.a)
Fred Cumming (Sydney), 20 March 1878 (Item 128)

Re Australian Aboriginal skeletons for sale.

Dr. Dennys (Raffles Library Museum, Singapore), 4 November 1877 - 13 February 1878 (Item 150-152)

Re his appointment at Museum and work as assistant protector of Chinese...

James Hector (Wellington), 2 March 1876 - 15 August 1878 (Item 266-269)

Trip to hot lakes, success of salmon. Includes: memo from Agent General of New Zealand re case of egg shells.

G. Krefft (Sydney), 25 February 1878 - 26 April 1878 (Item 313-314)

Referring to: specimens sent; his treatment at hands of the government; one letter in German...

L-Z. Correspondence, 4 October 1876 - 23 December 1878 (File 200/14)

Filmed selectively.

Rev. S.M. MacFarlane (Murray Island, Torres Straits), 24 August 1877; 20 May 1878; June 1878 (Item 350-352)

Re collection of lizards, snakes etc; establishment of missions; collecting on Cornwallis Island.

Mrs. E.J.M. MacFarlane (Bedford) re payment, 16 October 1878 - 4 November 1878 (Item 353-354)
F. von Mueller (n.p.) to Richard Owen, 30 October 1878 (Item 379)

Written from bed after operation for varicose veins. Re sale of a collection (pencil)

Richard Owen (British Museum) referring Mueller's letter to Gunther, 23 December 1878 (Item 379.a)
Charles French (Botanic Garden, Melbourne) to Mueller, 28 October 1878 (Item 379.b-c.)

Relating to sale of Australian part of his collection. Includes description of collection.

P.L. Sclater (Zoological Society), 7 February 1878 - 11 February 1878 (Item 488-489)

Re specimen of cassowary from New Guinea.

P.L. Sclater (Zoological Society): Cassowary, 7 March 1878 (Item 491)

Refers to the naming of cassowary in Paris.

William Y. Turner (Sydney), 8 January 1877 - 22 January 1877 (Item 574-575.a)

Re collecting butterflies; due to domestic afflictions has to give up New Guinea as a mission field.

S.J. Whitmee (Melbourne and Blackheath), 4 October 1876 - 25 February 1878 (Item 603, 605)

Re problems of collecting in Samoa; missionaries in Sydney will not allow naturalists to travel in missionary vessels after experience of Mr Stone and others in Ellengowan.

Henry Woodward (British Museum) re cases received from G. Krefft, 6 August 1878 (Item 617)

A-K. Correspondence, 29 July 1877 - 16 December 1879 (File 200/15)

Filmed selectively.

List of shells and skeletons from New Guinea by L.M.D. Albertis; ethnological, bird and reptile collections (4pp), n.d. (Item 6-6.a)
Henry Allnutt (London), 14 January 1879 - 15 January 1879 (Item 7-8)

Referring to: trip to Tasmania (includes printed itinerary); Remora fish collected

Thomas Blundell (Dundee) (Item 47-49)

Re box of specimens collected by W.B. Pryer, resident of Sandakan, North Borneo.

John Brazier (Sydney) sending specimens, 6 March 1879 - 7 March 1879 (Item 55-56)
Frank Buckland (Home Office), 7 May 1879 (Item 62)

Introducing Sir Samuel Wilson, building a new hall for University of Melbourne.

Audley Coote (Hobart), 6 October 1879 (Item 101)

Re value of plaster bust of William Lanney, last Tasmanian, in his possession.

Richard Owen (Mortlake), 16 December 1879 (Item 101.a)

Re possibility of making a mould and casts of bust.

Thomas Crocker (London), 28 August 1879 - 25 September 1879 (Item 102-103)

Re fish from Borneo wanted by Museum.

A. Hart Everett (Sarawak), 16 March 1879 - 14 September 1879 (Item 143-144)

Collecting in Philippines; potential of collecting in Borneo.

C.A. Groener (Melbourne), 19 August 1879 (Item 186)

Re sum of money owed to him by Baron von Huegel for collections sent to him in Fiji.

Julius von Haast (Christchurch) re whale and fish specimens, 21 May 1879 (Item 198)
James Hector (Wellington): typhoid fever, 29 July 1877 - 23 May 1879 (Item 214-215)
Charles Jamrach (London), 14 March, 15 March, 13 Aug, n.d. 1879 (Item 236-239)

Re specimens received from Australia.

L-Z. Correspondence, 2 January 1879 - 5 November 1879 (File 200/16)

Filmed selectively.

Carl Lentzner (London), 26 May 1879 (Item 269-269a)

With references (printed) from University of Sydney and several Sydney schools.

Rev. S.M. MacFarlane (Bedford) re collection, 5 November 1879 (Item 295)
R. Newton (Queensland Museum, Brisbane), 10 October 1879 (Item 327)

Thanks for material received, offering to collect for the Museum.

E.W. Palin (London) re collection from Borneo, 7 August, 8 August, 13 August 1879 (Item 354-356)
R. Ruck (Sumatra), 2 January 1879 (Item 382)

Re collecting, could prove Battacks are Malays and not Hindous from skulls.

A-M. Correspondence, 26 April 1879 - 25 August 1880 (File 200/17)

Filmed selectively.

Thomas Baker (Maryborough, Qld), 20 July 1880 (Item 11)

re specimens of Ceratodus Fosterii

John Brazier (Sydney), 20 January 1880 (Item 66-67)

introducing A P Goodwin (2 letters)

Buller (Wellington), 26 April 1879 (Item 73)

re work with Hector in Colonial Museum

A Everett (Papua, North Borneo) sending specimen of Mydaus, 9 March 1880 - 25 August 1880 (Item 151-152)
Julius von Haast (Christchurch) sending specimens (2 letters), 12 December 1879 - 10 February 1880 (Item 205-207.d)
J Hector (Wellington) sending sketch of whale, 26 March 1880 (Item 220.a-b)
Rev S MacFarlane (Bedford) re payment, 7 November 1879 (Item 283)

N-Z. Correspondence, 31 October 1879 - 3 January 1880 (File 200/18)

Filmed selectively.

R Wardlaws Ramsay (Gosport), 12 March, 16 March, 19 April, 13 October 1880 (Item 400-402.a)

re specimens of Sumatra birds from collection of Carl Bock

Thomas Robbin (Hobart): specimens of salmonoides, 3 January 1880 (Item 408)
Philip (Steager ?) (Hobart) to Robbin: specimens from River Plenty to be forwarded to B M(NH), 7 November 1879 (Item 408.a)
Wilson (Melbourne) sending three salmon, 31 October 1879 (Item 598)

Correspondence, 22 October 1880 - April 1881 (File 200/19)

Filmed selectively.

Frederick Evans (Hydrographic Dept, Admiralty), 21 April 1881 (Item 79)

Introducing Guppy, appointed surgeon on Lark to New Hebrides.

A Everett (North Borneo) re Bezoar stones, 22 October 1880 (Item 80)
Gould correspondence (38p.), 11 February 1881 - 28 April 1881 (Item 98-117)

Correspondence between BM(NH) and AF & RW Tweedie, representing Gould's Trustees, re disposal of his collection of humming birds, his library, and ownership of material in his possession which was collected by John MacGillivray on Rattlesnake and Herald expeditions.

E Sachs (Java), December 1880 - April 1881 (Item 261-262)

re viviparous fish from Biliton Island (one letter very faint)

Correspondence, 22 July 1881 (File 200/20)

Filmed selectively.

W Arthur (Otago Acclimitisation Society, Dunedin), 23 Feb 1881, 18 June 1880 (Item 2-3)

sending specimens of trout

RW Coppinger (HMS Alert, Thursday Island), 22 July 1881 (Item 102)

sending specimens gathered on East and Northeast coast of Australia

Correspondence, 18 December 1881 - 10 April 1882 (File 200/21)

Filmed selectively.

HB Guppy (HMS Lark, Sydney), 18 December 1881 (Item 178-179)

Sending miscellaneous notes and lists of animals observed during voyage of HMS Lark. (8pp)

E Ramsay (Australian Museum, Sydney) sending specimens, 20 March 1882 (Item 316)
F St John (Melbourne), 22 February 1882 (Item 336)

sending sketch (not in file) of sea serpent caught on coast of Tasmania, named by both F McCoy and Count de Castelman

C Ph Sluiter (Batavia), 10 April 1882 (Item 374)

re attempt to establish zoological station on coast of Java

Correspondence, 30 April 1882 - 21 November 1882 (File 200/22)

Filmed selectively.

Robert Curtis (Melbourne), 21 November 1882 (Item 78)

Re castes of aboriginals presented by Public Library Museums and National Gallery of Victoria.

Charles French (Botanic Gardens, Melbourne), 30 April 1882 (Item 123)

Due to mining losses wishes to dispose of his collection of insects.

E Ramsay (Australian Museum, Sydney), 25 September 1882 (Item 251)

re possible exchange of birds

Oldfield Thomas B M (N H), n.d. (Item 334)

that no specimens of platypus from Tasmania

Lady Thomas (Brighton), 15 September [1882] (Item 335)

re stuffed Apterise brought from New Zealand by Sir Godfrey Thomas or Sir George Grey

Correspondence, 26 April 1879 - 20 June 1883 (File 200/23)

Filmed selectively.

William Carpenter (London), 20 June 1883 (Item 79-79.b)

re report on Orbitolites of Fiji from Challenger expedition

P S Cobbold (London), 28 March 1883 - 11 April 1883 (Item 94-95)

re fish parasites sent from Australia

R W Coppinger (HMS Alert Coquimbo; Sheeness; Singapore), 15 May 1880; 11 September 1882; 4 December 1881 (Item 96-102)

Re specimens collected during surveying voyage of Alert off Australia and in South Pacific.

Frederick Evans (Admiralty), 18 December 1880 (Item 118)

re obtaining a specimen of a sea elephant from New Zealand

HB Guppy (HMS Lark, Australian station), February 1883 (Item 162-162.a)

re specimens of reptiles and fish

James Hector (Colonial Museum of New Zealand, Wellington), 26 April 1879 (Item 186)

re his work for Commission for Higher Education

J H Lefroy (London), 21 November 1882 (Item 215)

offering skin of platypus from Tasmania

De Paula Mackley & Co (London), 28 March 1883 (Item 244-246)

re collection of birds and animals (listed) sent by Melbourne House

E Ramsay (Australian Museum, Sydney), 11 November 1882 - 8 June 1883 (Item 332-335)

requesting inspection of gorilla and Hippopotamus which have been purchased by the museum

E Ramsay (New South Wales Court, International Fisheries Exhibition, London), 16 June 1883 (Item 336)

re cases of specimens brought from Australia

C Robson (Wellington), September 1880 (Item 358-359.a)

refers to: specimen of marine spider, problems of describing specimens; collecting at Auckland Island...

Rowell (Singapore): starting a fish collection, 9 March 1883 (Item 360)
S Sinclair (Australian Museum) to Edward Gerrard (London), 11 November 1882 (Item 383)

re gorilla and Hippopotamus they offer for sale. (pressed copy)

Henry Woodward (BM(NH)), 13 April 1883 (Item 536-537)

re specimen of fossil sponge from Australia

Correspondence, 10 November 1882 - 22 October 1883 (File 200/24)

Filmed selectively.

Buller (Auckland) re Korolangi, 19 April 1883 (Item 36)
George Busk (Lyme Regis), 9 October 1883 (Item 38)

Re receipt of specimens from JB Wilson, Headmaster of Geelong School, including Adeona.

Richard Hackworth (London) re New Zealand lizards, 22 October 1883 (Item 147)
Manley Hopkins (Hawaiian Consulate), 26 November 1883; 8 October 1883, (2 letters); 13 August 1883; 9 August 1883 (Item 165 - 169)

re identification of Hawaiian fishes

E Ramsay (New South Wales Courts, International Fisheries Exhibition, London), December 1883; 3 November 1883; 8 August 1883; 3 August 1883; 24 July 1883 (Item 294-298)

Lists of specimens given in exchange to Australian Museum, fish sent for exhibition; specimens he has available for exchange.

R T Wylde (Semaphore, Port Adelaide), 10 November 1882 (Item 446)

re his study of marine fauna

Correspondence, 17 June 1883 - 27 February 1884 (File 200/25)

Filmed selectively.

J Barnard (Royal Society, Tasmania): Tasmanian Emu is extinct, 26 November 1883 (Item 4)
Buller (Waikato, NZ): cases in Native Land Court, 17 June 1883 (Item 44)
Robert Curtis (Public Library, Museums and National Gallery of Victoria), 27 February 1884 (Item 76)

Re casts of natives. (Mr Thompson's report not in file)

Henry Forbes (London) specimens from Sumatra, 19 February 1884 (Item 109)
HB Guppy (HMS Lark, Auckland), 11 February 1884; 10 December 1883; 9 December 1883 (Item 144.a-145.b)

Sending specimen of fish; notes on islands of Bougainville Straits; future exploration of Solomon Islands.

Manly Hopkins (Hawaiian Consulate General, London), 4 October 1883 (Item 160)

re Hawaiian fish

A Musgrave (Brisbane), 31 January 1884 (Item 266-266.a)

re position as private secretary to uncle Sir Anthony Musgrave

GW Parker (Honolulu), 30 November 1883 (Item 285)

re preservation of fish

E Ramsay (London), 21 December 1883 (Item 296-297)

re birds from NSW Court at fisheries exhibition

Rowell (Singapore): collection of Malayan fishes, 15 February 1884; 1 August 1883 (Item 310-311.a)
Stephen Thompson (Public Library, Museums and National Gallery of Victoria), 21 February 1884 (Item 381-381.a)

re casts of natives

Correspondence, 5 April 1877 - 14 January 1885 (File 200/26)

Filmed selectively.

James Beckett (Swan River, WA), 30 August 1884 (Item 24)

Re possible new species of crab which has growths on its head resembling green laurel leaves (with coloured sketch). Also includes: Museum note - species with seaweed attached.

James Hector (Colonial Museum of New Zealand, Wellington) sending specimens, 22 November 1884 (Item 43)
John Douglas (London): Torres Straits, 5 July 1884 (Item 90)
HB Guppy (HMS Lark Treasury Island, Sydney), 3 June 1884 - 28 November 1884 (Item 143-144)

Future exploration of the islands, sending specimens

B M(N H): Receipt of specimens from Sydney, 14 January 1885 (Item 145)
A Musgrave (Brisbane) that has been elected member of the Committee of Queensland Fish Association, 13 September 1884 (Item 244)
Louis A Peers (Deniliquin, NSW): Womat, n.d. (rec'd 6 August 1884) (Item 266-266A)

that a species of wombat will soon be extinct owing to destruction of rabbits with bi-sulphide carbon in burrows

Ramsay (Australian Museum): order to be passed to Mr Cliff, 4 July 1884 (Item 271)
CH Robson (Wellington): poisonous spider, 29 May 1884 (Item 284)

sending specimen of poisonous spider discovered on Portland Island via Dr Muller

J Thorpe (Brisbane): specimen found by J A Gulliver on Norman River, 5 April 1877 (Item 362)
Julius von Haast (Canterbury Museum): S C Farr (Salmon ova), 17 August 1884 (Item 365)

Correspondence, 27 May 1884 - 23 May 1885 (File 200/27)

Filmed selectively.

George H Banow (Australian Museum) sending specimens, 4 May 1885 (Item 4)
S C Farr (Canterbury Acclimitisation Society): specimens of fish, 27 May 1884 (Item 96)
H B Guppy (London; HMS Lark; Solomon Islands; Sydney; Falmouth), 1884 - 1885 (Item 154-161)

Requesting ticket for BM; scheme for exploration of the interior of the islands of Guadalcanal and St Christoval (2 copies); owing to illness invalided home.

James Hector (Colonial Museum of New Zealand): collection of NZ fishes, 1 January 1885 (Item 184)
Frederick McCoy (National Museum, Melbourne): seeking a taxidermist, 17 November 1884 (Item 238)
Rowell (Singapore): sending fish specimens, 26 June 1884 (Item 387)
Theophile Saves (Noumea): sending lizards and rats, 12 June 1884 - 7 July 1884 (Item 398-399)

(In French)

R Murray Smith (London), 19 January 1885 - 23 May 1885 (Item 442-447)

Appointment of taxidermist for Public Library, Museums and National Gallery of Victoria...

Correspondence, 16 February 1885 - 19 October 1885 (File 200/28)

Filmed selectively.

George H Banow (Australian Museum): catalogues, 16 September 1885 (Item 11)
Frank Beddard (Zoological Society):Galapagos tortoise, 4 September 1885 (Item 13)
Nicolay (London, Colonial, Indian Exhibition, 1886; Western Australian Commission, Perth, Fremantle), 25 September 1885 - 10 October 1885 (Item 236-237)
E Ramsay (Australian Museum): catalogues, 16 October 1885 (Item 267)
Charles Read (BM): Australian spears, 29 May 1885 (Item 270)
Edgar Reid (Friendly Islands): specimen of Malau, 16 February 1885 (Item 272-272A)
Manager, New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co. (London), 21 September 1885 (Item 273)

re case of specimens from Friendly Islands

R Murray-Smith (London): appointment of taxidermist for National Museum of Victoria, 29 September 1885 (Item 334)
C Woodford (Gravesend): trip to Fiji, 6 October 1885 - 19 October 1885 (Item 385-386)
Wray (Perak Museum): reptile specimens, 13 September 1885 (Item 389)

Correspondence, 27 December 1885 - 23 June 1886 (File 200/29)

Filmed selectively.

RGS Buckland (Port Darwin), 6 January 1886 (Item 39)

sending specimens, due to promotion is going to Nelson, NZ

Malcolm Fraser (Bristol, London), 15 February 1886; 23 February 1886; 3 March 1886; 4 June 1886 (Item 130 - 134)

re Western Australian exhibits at Colonial and Indian Exhibition

EM Holmes (Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain), 30 January 1886 (Item 190)

re corals from Sandwich Islands

John Judd (London): identification of 'sea serpent' of Western Australia, 24 February 1886 - 25 February 1886 (Item 214-215)
R Lendenfeld (London): sponges from Australia, 11 May 1886 (Item 223-223.a)
Frederick McCoy (Melbourne): specimens for identification, 27 December 1885 (Item 228)
Nicolay (Fremantle), 13 February 1886 (Item 262)

re attendance of Western Australian commissioners at London, Colonial and Indian Exhibition

Oldfield Thomas (B M (N H)), 15 January 1886 (Item 406)

Re his work on marsupials and requesting permission to study New Guinea specimens in Museo Civico at Genoa.

John Thurston (Fiji), 23 February 1886 (Item 408)

re letter of introduction for C Woodford who is to visit Solomon Islands on collecting expedition

Charles Woodford (Suva; on board Christine, Shortland Island), 14 April 1886 - 23 June 1886 (Item 432-433)

Re trip from England to Brisbane on Dorunda; meeting with Governor Thurston; intends to spend 6 months in Solomons; voyage to Solomons in Christine; collecting insects; intends to distil own preserving spirit from bananas in a tea kettle.

Wray (Perak Museum): birds, butterflies, 8 March 1886 - 21 March 1886 (Item 437-438)

Correspondence, 26 March 1886 - 30 December 1886 (File 200/30)

Filmed selectively.

Buller (Colonial and Indian Exhibition, New Zealand Court): specimen exhibits, 15 July 1886; 19 July 1886; 20 July 1886 (Item 50-52)
Julius von Haast (Colonial and Indian Exhibition, New Zealand Court): bill, 14 November 1886 (Item 178)
Alfred C Haddon (Bedford): possible election to chair at Melbourne, 30 December 1886 (Item 180)
James Hector (Colonial Museum of NZ): mess made by Haas of his casts for exhibition, 13 August 1886 - 17 November 1886 (Item 192-193)
F McCoy (Melbourne) re species of Lipia, 7 July 1886 (Item 247)
T Parker (Dunedin): New Zealand fish sent to the exhibition, 26 March 1886 (Item 293)
N P Trevenen (Colonial and Indian Exhibition, Straits Settlement Commission): exhibits, 23 October 1886; 10 November 1886; 29 October 1886 (Item 413-415)
MJ Woodford (Gravesend): safe arrival of Charles Woodford at Sydney, 28 December (1886) (Item 452)
Charles Woodford (Sydney), 16 November 1886 (Item 453)

Re successful collecting expedition to Solomon Islands; specimens he is sending to the museum.

Correspondence, 19 January 1887 - 24 May 1887 (File 200/31)

Filmed selectively.

Conrad Baer (SS Yarra, Marseilles): platypus for sale, 10 February 1887 (Item 4)
S Buckland (Gt Torrington), 25 January 1887 - 7 February 1887 (Item 58-59)

re receipt of specimens sent by son from Port Darwin, he has been transferred to NZ

Burns Philp Co (Thursday Island), 24 March 1887 (Item 63A)

re establishment of trading and coaling posts in British New Guinea

F D Godman (Horsham): butterflies from Solomon Islands, 22 January 1887 (Item 168)
G Mathew (Dovercourt), 24 March, 29 April, 2 May 1887 (Item 252-254)

re sale of his collection of Australian and Pacific moths

William McGregor (Fiji): specimen of new mammal caught in Fiji, 16 February 1887 (Item 255)
W Mitchell (Mararoa): list of New Zealand birds and skins he can supply with prices, 24 May 1887 (Item 259.b-c)
Edward Ramsay (Australian Museum): desiderata list of fishes, 11 March 1887 (Item 319.a)
Charles Read (B M): H H Romilly in New Guinea, 1887 (Item 323-326)
F Sandager (Auckland): list of New Zealand fishes he can supply, 2 May 1887 (Item 342)
Bracebridge Wilson (Geelong): polyzoa, 6 May 1887 (Item 436)
Scott B Wilson (Honolulu) re Barnfield's drawings of the Islands, 18 May 1887 (Item 444)
Charles Woodford (Sydney), 19 January 1887 (Item 445)

Rreturning to Solomon Islands; distribution of cockatoos and hornbills in the islands

L Wray (Perak Museum): reptiles and list of specimens collected, 21 March 1887 (Item 454-455A)

Correspondence, 28 March 1887 - 28 December 1887 (File 200/32)

Filmed selectively.

Maschmedt & Co (Cooktown): supply specimens and curios, 5 September 1887 (Item 251)
G Mathew (Harwich): Australian moths, 28 March 1887 (Item 253)
F McCoy (Melbourne) re specimens, 21 April 1887 (Item 254)
Rowland Pollock (Tunbridge Wells) re Cassowary egg, 24 November 1887 (Item 331)
W H Sewell (Yaxley) re emu egg, 15 April 1887 (Item 375)
FA Skuse (Australian Museum): testimonial, 19 August 1887 (Item 391)
Copy of A Gunther's Reply (on reverse), 29 September 1887 (Item)
J F Bridge[?] (Public Library, Museums and National Gallery of Victoria): publication by McCoy, 9 December 1887 (Item 453)
Bracebridge Wilson (Geelong): specimens, 19 September 1887 (Item 477)
AG McCombe (Melbourne) to Wilson: specimens on Australasian, 16 September 1887 (Item 478)
Charles Woodford (Gravesend): Austral leaking case of specimens, 28 December 1887 (Item 483)

Correspondence, 25 January 1888 - 22 June 1888 (File 200/33)

Filmed selectively.

R G S Buckland (Nelson): insects in New Zealand, 25 January 1888 (Item 37)
William Davison (Raffles Library and Museum): snake for identification, 27 February 1888 - 13 March 1888 (Item 63-64)
Arthur Dendy (Geelong): specimens, 13 May 1888 (Item 67A)
Arthur Dendy (Melbourne) re Professor Spencer on sponges, 29 March 1888 (Item 68A)
H B Guppy (London): collecting equipment, 18 June 1888 - 22 June 1888 (Item 113-114)
F Hutton (Christchurch) and James Hector, 18 March 1888 (Item 158)

re detachment of Chair of Geology & Palaeontology from curatorship of Museum

W? Legge (Hobart) requesting publications, 14 September 1885/8[?] (Item 183)
F McCoy (Melbourne) requesting name of taxidermist, 4 May 1888 (Item 208)
P Bassett-Smith (HMS Rambler, Hong Kong), 19 March 1888 (Item 321)

re specimens from North Borneo, with sketch map

Bracebridge Wilson (Geelong): naming of his specimens, 13 February 1888 (Item 403)

Enclosing letter below.

Professor F Jeffrey Bell re his specimens, 15 February 1888 (Item 403)

Enclosed by letter above.

Charles Woodford (Gravesend), 9 January, 13 Jan, 23 January 1888 (Item 410-412)

re payment for his collections from Solomon Islands

L Wray (Perak): collecting expedition in mountains, 6 February 1888 (Item 413)

Correspondence, 25 July 1887 - 15 December 1888 (File 200/34)

Filmed selectively.

Harry Burgess (Cairns): formation of Fishing Company, 15 September 1888 (Item unnumbered (bt 34 and 35))
Gunther (BM(NH)) to Burgess: sending shells, 23 October 1888 (Item unnumbered (bt 34 and 35))
Arthur Dendy (Melbourne): report on sponges, 19 July 1888 - 16 October 1888 (Item 62-63)
Henry Forbes (RMS Cuzco, Naples): crania from New Guinea, 21 October 1888 (Item 89)
Cecilia Hamilton Wyndham Hill (London): Centennial Exhibition, Melbourne, 22 August 1888 (Item 139)
Charles Hose (Baram): sending birds, 1 May 1888 (Item 146)
F W Hutton (Christchurch): fish caught in Lyttelton Harbour, 25 July 1887 - 1 October 1888 (Item 153-155)
Robert Kay (Adelaide), 12 July 1888 (Item 174)

re receipt of BM publication by the Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery of South Australia

A Kenyon (Richmond) re shell, 1888 (Item 178)
E Ramsay (Australian Museum): echinoderms of Australia, 4 August 1888 - 6 October 1888 (Item 303)
WH Sewell (Yaxley): Tui bird sent by a New Zealand bishop, 24 October 1888 - 15 December 1888 (Item 329-330)
Baldwin Spencer (Melbourne): giant earthworm of Gippsland, n.d. (Item 346)
Graham Berry (Agent General for Victoria), 15 Oct, 23 Oct 1888; 17 Oct 1888 (Item 376, 378, 379)

re taxidermist for National Museum at Melbourne, and Gunther's reply of 17th October 1888

John Whitehead (Bickley): collections from Kina-Balu, with lists, 4 November 1888 (Item [403 - 415])
Bracebridge Wilson (Geelong) re fish, 14 November 1888 (Item [420])
Henry Woodford (Gravesend), 19 September 1888 (Item 421)

re news from Charles in Sydney en route to Solomon Islands

Correspondence, 8 January 1889 - 31 May 1889 (File 200/35)

Filmed selectively.

Correspondence of H. Day and Arthur Dendy, 23 January 1889 (Item No no. (bt 109, 110))

Re Dendy's work on sponges, Professor Spencer is in the bush and museum property.

R Etheridge (Australian Museum) re photographs of birds, 5 March 1889 (Item 138)
SC Farr (Christchurch) re introduction of salmon, 2 April 1889 (Item 140)
Henry Forbes (Christchurch) re fish caught in Selwyn River, 2 April 1889 (Item 153)
J Cashel Hoey (Agent General for Victoria, Office) re taxidermist for National Museum, 22 May 1889 - 29 May 1889 (Item 227-228)
Charles Hose (Baram): collection of edible nests and birds, 30 January 1889 - 2 May 1889 (Item 239-242)
FW Hutton (Christchurch) re fish, 8 January 1889 (Item 255)
J Lister (Auckland) re trip to New Zealand, 4 March 1889 (Item 295)
E Ramsay (Australian Museum) re exchange of specimens and enclosing list of percidae, 31 May 1889 (Item 410)

Enclosing list of percidae, 1 April 1889 (printed).

FA Swettenham (Selangor) re Malay Sladang, 30 March 1889 (Item 517)
John Whitehead (Bickley) re his collection from Kina-Balu, with price list, 1889 (Item 568-574)

Correspondence, 21 May 1889 - 15 November 1889 (File 200/36)

Filmed selectively.

Arthur Dendy (Melbourne) re his work on sponges, 3 September 1889 (Item 114)
S C Farr (Christchurch): fish specimens from Selwyn River, 3 October 1889 (Item 142)
J Cashel Hoey (Agent General for Victoria, Office) re appointment of Charles Burton, 15 November 1889 (Item 211)
E Ramsay (Australian Museum): exchange of specimens, 30 July 1889 (Item 337)
GH Raynor (Brentwood): sale of Australian lepidoptera, 7 November 1889 (Item 341)
FA Swettenham (Perak [?], 21 June 1889 (Item 412)

governor wishes sladang to be returned; his move to Perak; Wray is an intelligent curator

Charles Traill, July 1889 (Item 424)

memorandum on skeleton of Neobalaena Margineta from Stewart Island

RH Traill (London), 7 October, 17 October, 26 October, 2 November 1889 (Item 425-428)

re purchase of skeleton and other specimens

J Cashel Hoey and Graham Berry (Agent General for Victoria Office), 1889 (Item 436-441)

Re appointment of Charles Burton as taxidermist for National Museum.

C De Vis (Queensland Museum) enclosing observations on Lyddekers view of Notatherium and Zygomaturus, 21 May 1889 (Item 444-449)
Gilbert Raynor (Brentwood) to Lord Walsingham: sale of collection of Australian lepidoptera, 9 September 1889 (Item 456)
Lord Walsingham (Thetford) re Raynor's collection, 29 October 1889 - 1 November 1889 (Item 457-458)

Correspondence, 14 November 1889 - 18 June 1890 (File 200/37)

Filmed selectively.

A Everett (Labuan) re shells from Borneo, 13 March 1890 (Item 98)
AC Haddon (Dublin) re collections from Torres Straits, 20 March 1890 - 21 April 1890 (Item 142-143)
Charles Hose (Baram): Fellow of Zoological Society, 23 April 1890 (Item 211)
Leo Layard (Noumea) sending beetles, 31 January 1890 (Item (bt 263 and 264))
F McCoy (Melbourne): drawings of Tasmanian fishes by Mrs Meredith, 25 February 1890 (Item 185)
William MacGregor (BNG): Queensland bird specimens, 14 November 1889 (Item 186)
James Patton (Brisbane) re his collection of insects, 24 April 1890 (Item [245])
Charles Read (BM) re shells from Tasmania, 18 June 1890 (Item 269)

Correspondence, 26 September 1889 - 9 December 1890 (File 200/38)

Filmed selectively.

William Davison (Raffles Museum): duplicate snake specimens, 9 December 1890 (Item 88)
Henry Forbes (Canterbury Museum, Christchurch) re fish, 8 August 1890 (Item 119)
Charles Hose (Baram) re trip to mountains, 26 September 1889 - 15 April 1890 (Item 178-178A)
John Lewis (Sarawak Museum): otter skins, 15 April 1890 (Item 211)
Lt Gerald Oliver (HMS Penguin, Port Darwin): bird eggs, 10 August 1890 - 10 September 1890 (Item 270-271)
WH Purvis (SS Jonie) re Hapuka fish, 16 September 1890 (Item [292])
George Denton (Wellington) to Purvis: specimen of Hapuka, 15 July 1890 (Item [293 - 293A])
E Ramsay (Australian Museum), 3 July; 6 August, 10 August 1890 (Item [297-299])

re his ill health, sending specimens

S Sinclair (Australian Museum), 4 July; 13 April; 25 July, 25 July 1890 (Item 382- [385])

sending specimens of fish and reptiles, with localities

James Walker [HMS Penguin, Port Darwin], 19 August 1890 (Item 430)

sending specimens, expedition up Adelaide River

Correspondence, 10 December 1890 - 23 June 1891 (File 200/39)

Filmed selectively.

Admiralty re case of specimens from J J Walker, 23 June 1891 (Item 13)
Robert Barnfield (Honolulu) re colours of Hawaiian fish, 7 January 1891 (Item [bt 30 and 31])
AH Everett (Labuan), 1 March 1891 - 26 May 1891 (Item 131-134)

Re difficulties of obtaining spirit in Singapore; the Museum should exercise caution when dealing with Charles Hose.

Charles Hose (Baram): skins from Mt Dulit, 23 March 1891; 9 Nov 1890 (Item 199-199A)
Thomas Illidge (Gayndah, QLD): specimens of Burnett salmon, 11 February 1891 (Item 210)
Robert Kingsley (Nelson, New Zealand): difficulty of collecting, 23 March 1891 (Item 234)
R Kirkpatrick (Batavia), 12 February 1891 (Item 235-236)

re voyage out, description of Batavia, collecting expeditions

W Purvis (SS Jonie): Hapuka, 23 June 1891 (Item 352)
Ramsay (Australian Museum): skins, 15 Dec, 30 April 1890 (Item 353-354)
Rev R Rickard (Sydney), 30 March 1891 (Item 367)

Re native skeletons and birds collected while missionary in New Britain, New Ireland and Duke of York Islands.

F Turrill (Honolulu), 10 December 1890 (Item [456])
T Walker (HMS Penguin, Port Darwin and Hobart), 1891 (Item [462-463])

Sending specimens, future surveying plans, fine collection of beetles from Tasmania.

A Whitehouse (HMS Tauranga, Devonport): petrel bought from Capt Carpenter in Singapore, 4 February 1891 (Item [475])

Correspondence, 15 April 1891 - 18 December 1891 (File 200/40)

Filmed selectively.

R Barnfield (Honolulu): requesting reply to previous letter, 24 August 1891 (Item 13)
P Bassett-Smith (HMS Penguin, North West coast of Australia) re collecting, 17 September 1891 (Item 14A)
Arthur Dendy (Melbourne), 21 July 1891 (Item 90-91)

sending specimens; obtained his Doctorate of Science

A Everett (Labuan) re Charles Hose's expedition to Mt Dulit, 19 October 1891 (Item 112a)
Henry Forbes (Canterbury Museum Christchurch), 22 August; 8 September; 16 October; 30 October; 3 November; 14 December; 30 October 1891 (Item 123a-130)

Sending and obtaining specimens wanted by the BM(NH); digging out Moa bones.

James Hector (Wellington), 19 August 1891 (Item 178-179)

Re problems of obtaining tuatara lizard, which is almost extinct; method of cooking Hapuka.

Charles Hose (Baram): Mt Dulit, 20 December; 21 August; 19 October 1891 (Item [bt 192 and 193])
TC Hose (Roydon) re letter from Charles, 18 December 1891 (Item 193)
Walter Kennaway (Acting Agent General for NZ): cause of mortality among New Zealand fish, 1891 (Item 209-213)
P MacGillivray (Sandhurst, Bendigo), 27 July 1891 - 23 November 1891 (Item 250)

: paintings by his father; his work on polyzoa

Capt W Moore (HMS Penguin, Port Darwin): forwarding specimens, 13 July 1891 (Item 280-281)
E Ramsay (Australian Museum): Nautilus taken from New Britain, 23 July 1891 (Item 322)
Charles Read (B M), 12 October 1891 (Item 324)

sending Australian natural history specimens received from Christy Collection and from G Holsworth

Rev R Rickard (Sydney) re collection, 15 April 1891 (Item 330)
Arthur Stock (Wellington) re salmon in New Zealand, 10 June 1891 (Item 414)

(newspaper cutting not in file)

J J Walker (HMS Penguin, Baudin Island, Port Darwin), 9 August; 25 October 1891 (Item 438.a - b)

Collecting with Dr Bassett-Smith; results of dredges; reports of sea monster.

W Wharton (Hydrographic Dept): scientific supplies needed by HMS Penguin, 14 October; 21 October; 31 October; 11 November 1891 (Item 453-458)

Correspondence, 8 October 1891 - 11 April 1892 (File 200/41)

Filmed selectively.

P Bassett-Smith (HMS Penguin, Chusan) with lists of specimens with locations, 8 June [1892] (Item 18-19)
George Coates (Townsville) re butterflies from North Queensland, 5 December 1891 (Item 72)
W S Day (Cairns), 16 January 1892 (Item 86)

bone breccia from Wellington caves; offers yellow bower birds

Henry Forbes (Canterbury Museum): visit to Chatham Islands, 23 February 1892 (Item 122)
C French (Dept of Agriculture, Melbourne): specimens, 29 February 1892 (Item 125)
Charles Hose (Baram) re Mt Dulit collection, 7 May; 17 Feb 1892 (Item 177A - B)
LP Beaufort (Sandakan) to Sir Hugh Low: wild ox from North Borneo, 8 October 1891 (Item 228-230)
Evan MacGregor (Admiralty): specimens from HMS Penguin, 31 March 1892 (Item 236-237)
D McNabb (HMS Dart, Sydney) re collecting in Sydney, New Guinea and New Hebrides, 11 April 1892 (Item 238)
E Ramsay (Australian Museum) re publications, 14 March 1892 (Item 331)
Henry Travers (Wellington) re specimen of Epiodow Chathamiensis, 1 February 1892 (Item 442)
J J Walker (HMS Penguin, Hong Kong), 6 January 1892 - 18 January 1892 (Item 448-449)

Re specimens sent from Port Darwin and collecting in Timor-Laut Group.

Correspondence, 8 May 1892 - 21 October 1893 (File 200/42)

Filmed selectively.

Henry Forbes (London, Aberdeen), 29 September; 12 October; 20 October; 11 December 1892 (Item 123 - 126)

) re Moa bones; Mrs Forbes health; possible future employment at the museum

Charles Hose (London, Diss) re visit to the museum, 29 August 1892 - 14 November 1892 (Item 186-187)
DM McNabb (HMS Salamander) re collection from New Hebrides, 8 August 1892 (Item 233)
A Schreiber (Barmen) re butterflies from German New Guinea, 4 July 1892 (Item 341b)
J J Walker (HMS Penguin, Hong Kong) re collecting and coleoptera from Tasmania, 8 May 1892 (Item 413)
P Wolff (Apia) re collecting in Solomon Islands for Australian museums, 21 October 1893 (Item 444)

Correspondence, 14 March 1893 - 16 May 1893 (File 200/43)

Filmed selectively.

C French (Melbourne) re specimen sent for identification, 2 May 1893 (Item 143)
Graham Harris (London), 16 May 1893 (Item 159)

re sending specimens from Australia or New Zealand in Messrs Nelson Bros frozen meat ships

F Hutton (Canterbury Museum): Maori rat and New Zealand bats, 14 March 1893 (Item 185)

Correspondence, 28 December 1892 - 27 November 1893 (File 200/44)

Filmed selectively.

Edward Bartlett (Sarawak): specimens of fish and reptiles, 4 September 1893 (Item)
P Bassett-Smith (HMS Egeria, Singapore) re results of dredging, 21 May 1893 (Item)
William Davison (Singapore) re sending a snake, 28 December 1892 (Item)
W Grigor Taylor (Singapore) re death of Davison on 25 January 1893, 14 May 1893 (Item)
C French (Melbourne) re sale of skins of animals from Queensland, 3 November 1893 (Item)
G Haviland (Singapore) re snake supposedly sent by Davison, 19 September 1893 (Item 182)
C Hose (Baram) re upset on a rapid, 11 October 1893 (Item 204)
F Hutton (Canterbury Museum) sending skeleton of Didina, 27 November 1893 (Item [bt 207 and 208])
E Ramsay (Australian Museum) re advertisement for post at the Australian Museum, 10 June 1892 (sic) (Item [bt 207 and 208]/1)

Correspondence, 13 December 1893 - 3 May 1894 (File 200/45)

Filmed selectively.

Edward Bartlett (Kuching) with list of species of Draco found in Borneo, 16 January 1894 (Item 21)
E Cross (Grange over Sands) re identification of bird from the Pacific, 1 February 1894 (Item 88)
Henry Forbes (Liverpool) re new post, 18 April 1894 (Item 138)
C French (Melbourne) acknowledging his letter, 3 May 1894 (Item 141)
Correspondence of C. Hose and G.B. Howes, 1894 (Item (bt 199 - 200))

Re attack by Rajah on Dyaks; collecting specimens with [Hose's] brother.

F Hutton (Canterbury Museum): bones from Enfield swamp, 10 May 1893 (sic) (Item 214)
John Irvine (Melbourne) re sale of shell collection, 29 January 1894 (Item 217-218)
J Maiden (Technological Museum, Sydney) with list of silk producing moths he wishes to obtain, 23 February 1894 (Item 265-266)
W M Maskell (Wellington) re his study of Coccidae, 26 March 1894 (Item [268-270])
Henry Travers (Wellington): specimens of Tuatara lizard, 27 Dec 1893 (sic) (Item 455)
W Wharton (Admiralty) re specimens from Bassett-Smith, 13 December 1893 (Item 500)
P Wolff (Fiji): list of specimens he can offer, 27 April 1894; 20 Jan 1894 (Item 513-514)
Woodford. Expedition to New Guinea, n.d. (Item 515-516)

Correspondence, 20 August 1890 - 15 December 1894 (File 200/46)

Filmed selectively.

Arthur Dally (Castleton, North Queensland): butterflies, 4 July 1894 (Item 103)
R Etheridge (Australian Museum) re exchange, 10 August 1894 (Item 137)
Henry Forbes (Liverpool) re specimens from New Zealand and Chatham Islands, 16 November 1894 (Item 154)
Clarence Hamilton (Suva) re proposal to travel in Pacific and Southeast Asia, 20 August 1890 (Item 184)

(rec. 26 September 1894)

Correspondence of C. Hose, Hubrecht, H. Hunter and H.G. Hutchinson, 1894 (Item [bt 230 - 231])

Re use of eggs, catalogue of birds, photographs, misunderstanding with the museum; 13 murders in his district - problems obtaining return of the heads.

F Hutton (Canterbury Museum) re Moa bones, 29 October 1894 (Item 243/4)
Rachel Leather (Suva) re moths and butterflies, 25 July 1894 (Item 285)
John Little & Co Ltd (Singapore) re specimens sent by C Hose, 25 July 1894 (Item 293-294)
T Jeffery Parker (Dunedin) sending specimens, 20 February 1894 (Item 343)
Henry Potter (Victoria Museum & Art Gallery, Launceston) sending specimens of duck and platypus, 26 February 1894 (Item 354)
William Maxwell (Raffles Museum, Singapore) with list of specimens Mr Everett is taking to London, 30 April 1894 (Item 367-368)
Le Souef (Melbourne) re misidentification from Gould's illustration, 15 July 1894 (Item (bt 445 - 446))

Correspondence, 11 December 1894 - 17 June 1895 (File 200/47)

Filmed selectively.

Edward Bartlett (Sarawak) sending specimens, 30 January 1895 (Item 17)
Edward Bartlett (Sarawak) sending shells and other specimens, 1894 - 1895 (Item 20-22)
Edward Degen (National Museum, Melbourne), 27 May 1895 (Item 85)

Problems with museum authorities; attempts to find employment elsewhere, support of Professor Spencer.

Ha Buey Hon (Sarawak) re butterflies and moths he can supply, 6 May 1895 (Item (bt 172 - 173))
C Hose (Baram) sending specimens, 17 February 1895 (Item 207)
S Sinclair (Australian Museum) re specimens of crustacea; retirement of Dr EP Ramsay, 11 December 1894 - 1 January 1895 (Item 416-417)
J E Woodward (Bickley, Kent) re receipt of skin of platypus, 17 June 1895 (File 499)

Correspondence, 1896 - 1897 (File 200/48)

Filmed selectively.

WO Mansbridge (East Murchison Gold Fields) sending insects, 6 September 1896 (Item 90)
Edward Bartlett (London) re collection of butterflies from Borneo, 29 May 1897 (Item 8)

Correspondence, 5 February 1898 - 14 April 1900 (File 200/49)

Filmed selectively.

Fred Dodd (Toowong) re his entomological studies, 5 February 1898 (Item 11)
GF Hawthorn (Wellington) sending butterfly specimens, 9 June 1898 (Item 56)
Henry Woodward (BM(NH)) to Dr Butler re the publication by the Museum of CW Andrew's monograph on Christmas Island, 1 December 1898 (Item 140)
WD Fraser (Corolla) re specimens from Honolulu, 2 December 1898 (Item 141)
Walter Kennaway (Office of Agent General for NZ) re sale of collection of NZ butterflies, 14 December 1899 (Item)

Also: following press cutting.

HJ Lake (Thursday Island) that he can collect specimens on south and southwest coast of New Guinea and North Queensland, 26 June 1899 (Item)
Oswald Lower (Broken Hill) re insects, 27 July 1899 (Item)
R Shelford (Sarawak) sending insects, 11 July [1899] (Item)
H Bullen Beatty (Sydney) re book on mosquitoes, 14 April 1900 (Item)
A Staines Manders (London) re collection of Australian specimens for sale, 31 October 1900; 7 November 1900; 7 November 1900 (Item)

Includes: 3 November 1900. Butler to CE Fagan re collection.

Correspondence, 7 September 1901 - 15 December 1904 (File 200/50)

Filmed selectively.

Correspondence of AA Welch and W. Adams, 1901 (Item)

A.A. Welch, 7th September 1901, sending beetles...

F Hutton (Christchurch) sending NZ insects, 1 September 1902 (Item)
SA Le Souef (Melbourne) sending specimens of Mallophaga, 31 March 1902 - 18 June 1902 (Item)
Herbert C Robinson (Liverpool) re collections of insects from Malaya formed by him and N Armandale, 7 October 1902 (Item)

Includes: BM(NH) memos on collection; 14 October 1902. N Armandale (Oxford) to EA Smith (BM(NH)) and draft letter from Smith to Armandale, 11 October 1902, re the collection.

WH Cusack (Roebourne) re new species of Australian beetles, 10 June 1903 (Item)
Clarence Dowell (London) re Queensland beetles collected in Mitchell district, 11 August 1903 (Item)
GO Manning (British New Guinea) sending leaf insect, 14 August 1903 (Item)
R Shelford (Sarawak) sending insects, 31 July 1903 (Item)
Walter H Ince (Laverton, WA) re animals found in lake Miranda, a salt pan when it rained after 9 months drought, 14 July 1904 (Item)
Herbert Robinson (Kuala Lumpur) re termite damage to rubber trees, 30 June 1904 (Item)
GF Hampton (BM(NH)) to Director re Robinson's enquiry, 27 July 1904 (Item)

(next letter in file)

Correspondence of Herbert Robinson and H. Rolle, 1903 - 1904 (Item)

Sending specimens.

D Sharp (Sandwich Islands Committee, Cambridge) re insects sent, 15 December 1904 (Item)

(A-J). Correspondence, 9 February 1904 - 20 May 1907 (File 200/51)

Filmed selectively.

J Burges (West Kempsey) re literature for school, 31 August 1905 (Item)
HD Jensen (Sanga Sanga, E Borneo) re beetle collection, 17 April 1905 - 14 September 1905 (Item)
Richard McGregor (Manila) re sending insects, 9 February 1904 (Item)
Professor A Watson (Adelaide) re meeting McGregor in Philippine Islands, 20 May 1905 (Item)

(next letter in file)

D Sharp (Cambridge) re collections from Hawaii, 29 July 1905 - 20 October 1905 (Item)

Includes: Extracts from letters.

GA Waterhouse (Sydney) re exchange of specimens, 2 October 1905 (Item)
F Wood-Jones (Cocos Keeling Islands) sending specimens from the islands; his plans to return to the islands (in 1906), 31 August 1905 (Item)
Edwin Arnold (Wellington) sending insects, 28 April 1906 (Item)

Date is when the letter was received.

BM (NH) note on material collected by G Shortridge and presented by WE Balston, 18 August 1906 (Item)

(Filed under Balston).

Rev T Blackburn (Adelaide) re sale of his collection of beetles, 8 May 1906 - 23 July 1906 (Item)
FP Dodd (Kuranda) re specimens sent, with list of material available, 31 March 1906; 12 May 1906; 7 July 1906; 14 December 1906 (Item)
HD Jensen (Sanga Sanga) re problem of preserving specimens in climate, 10 October 1906 (Item)
Charles Knowles (Fiji) re cocoanut pest, 5 December 1905 - 7 November 1906 (Item)
Herbert Robinson (Kuala Lumpur) sending insects, 6 October 1906 (Item)
Rev T Blackburn (Adelaide) re selling his collection, 29 January 1907 - 16 April 1907 (Item)
FP Dodd (Kuranda) re payment for specimens sent, 6 April 1907 (Item)
H Hillier (Hermannsburg, NT) re preserving specimens, 22 October 1906(sic); 23 August 1907 (Item)
Edmund Jarvis (Emerald PO, Victoria) re entomological collections, encloses price list, 20 May 1907 (Item)
H Jensen (Sanga Sanga) re insects, 7 January 1907 - 16 March 1907 (Item)

(K-Y). Correspondence, 24 June 1907 - 4 April 1909 (File 200/52)

Filmed selectively.

PA Le Souef (Perth) recommending HM Giles as collector for the museum, 24 June 1907 (Item)

Includes: Press cuttings of interview with GC Shortridge on his trip to WA and Glimpse of West Australian entomology by HM Giles.

Rev T Blackburn (Adelaide) re sending specimens, 5 August 1908; 19 November 1907; 3 January 1908; 22 October 1908; 17 November 1908; 25 November 1908 (Item)
Major Brown (Auckland) re moving house; his collection of beetles; expedition to Kermadec Islands, 26 June 1908; 26 May 1908 (Item)
C Chilton (Christchurch) re expedition to Bounty Islands, 24 June 1908 (Item)
H Hillier (Hermannsburg) re naming of cicada after mission station; sending specimens, 13 January 1908; 9 March 1908; 28 July 1908 (Item)
RCL Perkins (Honolulu) re exchange of insects with a list of available specimens, 5 January 1908; 2 May 1908; 12 June 1908 (Item)

Includes: Note by BM(NH) at front of sequence.

D Sharp (Cambridge) re material from Hawaii, 27 January 1908 - 30 January 1908 (Item)
Melaine Webb (Belfast) re best time of year to find butterflies in Solomon Islands, 27 May 1908 (Item)
F Wood-Jones (Enfield) re difference in insect species between Cocos-Keeling Islands and Christmas Island, 26 October 1908; 16 October 1908 (Item)
Rev T Blackburn (Adelaide) re despatch of specimens on Moldavia, 9 February 1909; 8 March 1909; 16 March 1909; 13 July 1909; 21 July 1909; 11 November 1908; 26 December 1908 (Item)

Includes: 15 December 1908. P & O (London) re sailing of Moldavia.

Major Brown (Mount Albert, Auckland) forwarding specimens from Kermadec Islands, 26 February 1909; 6 July 1909; 12 October 1909 (Item)
JW Ellis (Pahang, FMS) re collecting butterflies, 4 April 1909 (Item)
H Murray Giles (Zoological Gardens, South Perth) sending insect specimens, 22 May 1909; 28 June 1909; 28 June 1909 (rec) (Item)

Also: 2 photographs.

H Hillier (Hermannsburg) sending insects which the 'black children' have collected in return for 'a few sweets'; preserving specimens, 5 March 1909; 30 June 1908; 24 July 1909 (Item)
Charles Knowles (Fiji) re damage to cocoanut trees, 18 March 1909 (Item)

A-B. Correspondence, 1909 - 18 February 1914 (File 200/53)

Filmed selectively.

Australian Museum (Sydney): R Etheridge (Sydney) re exchange of specimens, 10 September 1912 (Item)
Australian Museum (Sydney): B M (N H): formality of relations between B M (N H) and Australian Museum, 22 May 1912 (Item)
Correspondence and memoranda on 'Benoni Monster' said to inhabit cave of North Borneo, 1909 - 1910 (Item)


Rev Thomas Blackburn, 15 February 1912 - 2 September 1912 (Item)

Correspondence with Rev Thomas Blackburn (Adelaide) and Dr C Bickerton Blackburn (Potts Point); death of Rev Blackburn and sale of his insect collection...

Borneo Company: J V Packard, Manager (London) re specimen transhipped on Nebus, 18 February 1914 (Item)

C-E. Correspondence, 1911 - 7 November 1914 (File 200/54)

Filmed selectively.

Patrick Cahill (Darwin) re black kangaroo he has sent to National Museum, Melbourne, 31 January 1913 (rec) (Item)
Dr Charles Chilton, 16 November 1912 - 7 November 1914 (Item)

Correspondence and BM(BH) memoranda on sending Terra Nova amphipods to Dr Charles Chilton (Christchurch)...

Clunies-Ross, 9 January 1912 (Item)

re misunderstanding with the museum; 13 murders in his district - problems obtaining return of the heads

Miss Dobree (Beverley) re 'duck-billed platabus' in her possession, 21 April [1912] (Item)
TE Donne, 20 June 1912 - 28 November 1912 (Item)

Correspondence and BM(NH) memorandum on New Zealand collection of T Edward Donne (London), including Chatham Island skulls...

Eclipse Expedition, 1911 (Item)

Correspondence and memoranda on Eclipse Expedition to Friendly Islands...

F-Hj. Correspondence, 24 July 1909 (File 200/55)

Filmed selectively.

HJ Hillier (Hermannsburg) re expenses of collecting, 24 July 1909 (Item)

Ho-L. Correspondence, 31 January 1909 - 18 December 1914 (File 200/56)

Filmed selectively.

Dr C Hose, 31 January 1909 - 6 November 1909 (Item)

Correspondence with Charles Hose (Bournemouth) re specimens he is selling to the BM(NH), including skins of Baikal seals...

WA Haswell (Sydney University) introducing Dr Harvey Johnston of Queensland University, 3 January 1913 (Item)
WA Haswell (Sydney University) introducing Dr SJ Johnston; Assistant Lecturer in Zoology, 11 June 1913 (Item)
R Kirkpatrick (Oceania, Christmas Island) re voyage; results of dredges, 1 September 1910 - 6 October 1910 (Item)
DG Lillie, 10 August 1909 - 18 December 1914 (Item)

Correspondence with DG Lillie (Christchurch, Cambridge) re Terra Nova expedition...

M-N-O. Correspondence, 21 February 1910 - 25 April 1910 (File 200/57)

Filmed selectively.

BM (NH) memorandum, 25 April 1910 (Item)
Charles Maplestone (Eltham) re polyzoa, 23 March 1910 (Item)
Melbourne National Museum acknowledging receipt of Discovery specimens, 21 February 1910 (Item)

P-Q-R-S-Se. Correspondence, 3 February 1910 - 22 March 1914 (File 200/58)

Filmed selectively.

Perth Museum: B M (N H): memoranda, 3 November 1913 (Item)
Perth Museum: Bernard Woodward (Perth) re Montebello Island specimens collected by PD Montague, 18 June 1913 (Item)
HC Robinson, 3 February 1910 - 22 March 1914 (Item)

Correspondence with Herbert C Robinson (Sumatra, Kuala Lumpur) sending specimens and re expedition to Sumatra...

W Rodier, 20 June 1910 - 30 October 1910 (Item)

William Rodier (Hawthorn) re trade in plumage birds; rabbit problem in Australia...

Sh-T. Correspondence, 27 June 1914 (File 200/59)

Filmed selectively.

State Fisheries Office (Sydney), 27 June 1914 (Item)

G King (Sydney) re fish specimens to be brought to the Museum by David Stead

U-Z. Correspondence, 27 January 1909 - 12 October 1912 (File 200/60)

Filmed selectively.

Agent General for Victoria (London) re collection of Victorian birds and eggs, 27 January 1909 (Item)
Victoria - Agent General: R Bowdler-Sharpe (B M (N H)) to Harmer re collection of Victorian birds, 10 February 1909 (Item)
Charles Woodford (British Solomon Islands) sending lizard, 12 October 1912 (Item)

A-K. Correspondence, 11 February 1915 - 7 October 1915 (File 200/61)

Filmed selectively.

William Benham (University of Otago) re work on Discovery material, 14 January 1915; 28 June 1915; 19 August 1915; 26 November 1915 (Item 81-85)
Charles Chilton (Christchurch) re work on Terra Nova material, 11 February 1915 (Item 186)
WA Haswell (Sydney): polyzoa collected on Mawson Antarctic Expedition, 1915-09-06; 1915-10-14 (Item 327-8)
Charles Hose (Diss) re stuffing of Orang and its nest, 7 October 1915 (Item)
C Boden Klos (Kuala Lumpur) sending specimens, 1915 (Item)

Includes: BM (NH) memoranda and note by Oldfield Thomas on Kuala Lumpur bats

L-Z. Correspondence, 1915 - 1918 (File 200/62)

Robinson, 1915 - 1918 (Item)

Correspondence with Herbert Robinson and C Boden Kloss (Kuala Lumpur) re expedition. (9pp)

A-K. Correspondence, 23 December 1915 - 1916 (File 200/63)

Filmed selectively.

Bainbridge, Oliver (Reigate), 1916 (Item)

Re expedition to South Seas, offers to collect for the Museum. (c 80p.)

Haswell, W A (Uni of Sydney), 23 December 1915 (Item)

Re Polyzoa and BM (NH) memo. (3p.)

Kloss, C Boden (Kuala Lumpur), 1916 (Item)

Re publications. (10p.)

L-Z. Correspondence, January 1916 - 3 August 1916 (File 200/64)

Filmed selectively.

Queensland Museum, 3 August 1916 (Item)

R Hamlyn Harris (Q'land Museum) re specimen of Oreoscopus gutturalis de Vis.

Robinson, H C (K L), January 1916 - July 1916 (Item)

Re Rhinoceros sondarcus; problems of despatching specimens in wartime, (12p.)...

M-Z. Correspondence, 3 September 1912 (File 200/66)

Filmed selectively.

Pacific Phosphate Co, 3 September 1912 (Item)

C Voss (London) enclosing 2 photographs of coral from Tahiti.

M-Z. Correspondence, 1913 - 1918 (File 200/68)

Filmed selectively.

Montague, P.D.: Collections from New Caledonia and Montebello Islands (29p.), 1913 - 1918 (Item)

Comprises: Correspondence, notes and BM (NH) memoranda re whereabouts of specimens collected by PD Montague from New Caledonia and Montebello Islands, following PD Montague's death in Salonika...

Robinson-Kloss Expedition: BM (NH) memos on Robinson-Kloss expedition to Korinchi Peak, Sumatra, (6p.), 1918 (Item)
Waite E.R.: Edgar Waite (Adelaide) to PD Montague re Typhlopidae ammodytes (Item)

Includes BM (NH) note.

A-L. Correspondence, May 1919 - August 1919 (File 200/69)

Filmed selectively.

Benham, W (Dunedin), 21 August 1919 (Item)

Offerring to examine Polychaets gathered by Scott expedition.

Kloss, C Boden (KL): Sending bird collection (9p.), May 1919 - August 1919 (Item)

M-Z. Correspondence, 1918 - 1919 (File 200/70)

Filmed selectively.

Potter, Gunner: New Guinea Expedition (78p.), 1918 - 1919 (Item)

Comprises: correspondence and BM (NH) memo on proposal by William Potter to collect for the museum in German New Guinea...

Robinson, HC (KL): Sending birds, 15 September 1919 - 17 November 1919 (Item)

Includes: BM (NH) memos. (4p.)

A-L. Correspondence, January 1920 - October 1920 (File 200/71)

Filmed selectively.

Angus and Robertson Ltd. (Sydney): enquiry from W. Dixson re ascription of drawings to Watling, 15 March 1920 (Item)
Angus and Robertson Ltd: Campbell Dodgson (BM) to BM (NH), 24 April 1920 (Item)
Angus and Robertson Ltd: Watling collection, 17 May 1920 (Item)
Angus and Robertson Ltd: Australian Institutions which have received History of Collections, n.d. (Item)
Buller Collection: Sir Walter Buller's collection of New Zealand birds, January 1920 - July 1920 (Item)
Buller Collection: Goodall, T.B., February 1920 - October 1920 (Item)

Re photograph of skull of Squolodon sent to him by daughter in Tasmania. (8p.)

Buller Collection: Haswell, W.A.: (Sydney), 19 May 1920 (Item)

re return of specimens of Pteroberanchia from Austral-Asian Antarctic Expedition to Australian Museum

Sultan of Jahore: Rowland Ward Ltd. (London), 31 May 1920 (Item)

re skin of Seladang to be presented to the Museum by Sultan of Jahore

Sultan of Jahore: 3 British Museum (N H) notes (Item)

Re accepting donation.

Sultan of Jahore: Kloss, C.B. (KL), 15 June 1920 - 30 August 1920 (Item)

re specimen of Rhinoceros Sondiacus shot by T.R. Hubback

Sultan of Jahore: Lord, Clive (Hobart), 10 May 1920 (Item)

E exchange of publications, forwarding note on Nototherium (wanting). Includes note by CM Andrews.

M-Z. Correspondence, 1919 - 1920 (File 200/72)

Filmed selectively.

Mathews, GM (Hants): re Latham's drawings and other books he intends to present to the museum, 30 July 1920 - 6 August 1920 (Item)

Includes 2 BM (NH) memos.

Potter, W. (Madang), 1919 - 1920 (Item)

Re problems of collecting in German New Guinea, hopes new civil administration will be more helpful; problems of shipping specimens due to Australian shipping strike and red tape; plans to visit Finisterre Mountains, Sepik River and Victor Emmanuel Mountains. (18p.)...

Potts, Frank A (Pago Pago), 21 June 1920 (Item)

: re work of scientists in American Samoa, his work on reef, comparison with Great Barrier Reef

Robinson, HC (KL): appointing Etomologist and Botanist to staff of FMS Museum, 4 January 1920 (Item)
Scott, H H (Launceston), 15 April 1920 (Item)

Re circumstances of finding skull of Squalodon...

Tillyard, 11 April 1920 (Item)

Comprises: WA Haswell (Sydney) introducing RJ Tillyard.

A. Correspondence, 31 December 1923 - 27 May 1933 (File 200/73)

Filmed selectively.

AM Adamson (Honolulu) sending specimens from Marquesas and Society Islands, 6 August 1932 (Item A. General 4/17)
Ack. by BM (NH), 28 September 1932 (Item A. General 4/17)
BM (NH) memo, n.d. (Item A. General 4/17)
AM Adamson (Honolulu) re job application; experience gained in Hawaii, 17 January 1933 - 6 May 1933 (Item A. General 5/4)
BM (NH) ack, 27 May 1933 (Item A. General 5/4)
To Edwin Ashby (Blackwood, SA) re Polyplacophora, 31 December 1923 (Item A Personal 1/10)
Correspondence with Gilbert Archey (Auckland Institutional Museum) re resignation of Chilton; lenses. (4p.), 28 October 1927 - 11 August 1928 (Item A Personal 2/6)

B. Correspondence, 18 February 1925 - 30 January 1931 (File 200/74)

Filmed selectively.

HC Ten Boom (Taloe, Sumatra) offerring to collect Orang Pandak and Orang Gadang, 18 February 1925 (Item B Personal 1/44)
BM (NH) that not interested in these animals, 1 April 1925 (Item B Personal 1/44)
W Benham (Dunedin) re report on annelids, 3 October 1926 (Item B Personal. Firms 2/11)
PA Buxton (London) re insects of Samoa, 28 January 1930 (Item B Personal. Firms 3/28)
To Buxton, 1930-02-01; 1930-06-28 (Item B Personal. Firms 2/28)

Re distribution of Atyidae and wife's criticism of museum.

Correspondence, lists and BM (NH) memos re offer by Joseph Baldwin (Tambellup) to collect West Australian animals. (18p.), 16 July 1930 - 30 January 1931 (Item B Personal. Firms 3/46)

B. Correspondence, 4 May 1931 - 16 January 1935 (File 200/75)

J Baldwin (Tambellup) re receipt of specimens, 4 May 1931 (Item B/4/14)

Includes following BM (NH) memos. (9p.)

Correspondence with John R Baker (Oxford and Hog Harbour) re Oxford University Expedition to New Hebrides. (25p.), 28 December 1932 - 2 December 1934 (Item B/5/6)
Beresford E Bardwell (Broome) re visit from Wilkins en route to South Polar regions; offers to collect marine specimens for museum, 13 August 1934 (Item B/5/50)
BM (NH) ack. and memo, 6 October 1934 (Item B/5/50)
FC Backhouse (Rabaul) with list of rodents and mites he is sending for identification, 16 January 1935 (Item B/6/12)

C. Correspondence, 24 January 1922 - 28 June 1930 (File 200/76)

Clunies Ross (London) sending photographs of fish (wanting), 24 January 1922 (Item C Personal 1/11)
C Clunies Ross (Keeling Cocos Islands) re capture of horned Tetradont, 23 January 1923 (Item C Personal 1/11)
Correspondence with Cpt. JD Campbell (Rarotonga) and BM (NH), 5 September 1927 - 4 June 1928 (Item C Personal and Firms 2/18)

Memos re his offer to collect on Cook Islands; necessary to get permit from New Zealand Government. (8p.)

Correspondence with Cyril Crossland (Tahiti) re drawings of fish and corals. (4p.), 16 September 1928 - 13 October 1928 (Item C Personal and Firms 2/22)
Cyril Crossland (Tahiti) re Chevrelange's coral pictures, 13 November 1928 (Item C Personal and Firms 2/bt 25/26)
Cyril Crossland (Tahiti) re work in Tahiti, 9 April 1929 (Item C Personal and Firms 3/6)
To F Chapman (Melbourne) re descendants of Ray, 15 July 1929 (Item C Personal and Firms 3/9)
F Chapman (Balwyn) ack, 4 September 1929 (Item C Personal and Firms 3/9)
Correspondence with Charles Chilton (Christchurch), 16 July 1929 - 2 September 1929 (Item C Personal and Firms 3/11)

News of Mawson, his health, work by Cockayne proving many NZ plant species are wild hybrids. (4p.)

Correspondence with Cyril Crossland (Tahiti) re work on coral Lobophyllia. (4p.), 9 July 1929 - 11 October 1929 (Item C Personal and Firms 3/14)
Obituaries of Charles Chilton. (5p.) (Item C Personal and Firms 3/18)
Cyril Crossland (Tahiti) to go to Red Sea to build Biological Station, 1 December 1929 (Item C Personal and Firms 3/19)
BM (NH) memos on corals received from Crossland in Tahiti, 14 May 1930 - 28 June 1930 (Item C Personal and Firms 3/30)

C. Correspondence, 25 April 1931 - 30 November 1938 (File 200/77)

Filmed selectively.

WJ Crump (Blenheim, NZ) re collection formed by his father Rev A Crump, missionary in New Britain, c 1895, 27 January 1933 (Item C/5/8)
BM (NH) ack, 20 March 1933 (Item C/5/8)
C Carrington (Cambridge University Press) re proposal by GM Thomson for complete catalogue of New Zealand crustacea, 18 March 1933 (Item C/5/9)
To Carrington, appreciation of Thomson, 22 March 1933 (Item C/5/9)
Carrington ack, 23 March 1933 (Item C/5/9)
Correspondence with and BM (NH) memoranda re Lucy Cheesman (Dutch New Guinea) re conditions in camp, species collected, headhunters. (16p.), 11 July 1936 - 25 April 1938 (Item C/7/2)
Lucy Cheesman (Waigeu) to Cpt. Riley re duck specimens; lack of supplies, 12 May 1938 (Item C/7/38)
Lucy Cheesman (Japen) to Cpt. Riley re specimens from camps 2 and 3, 30 November 1938 (Item C/7/38)
Correspondence with Edith Coleman (Blackburn) re 'sea serpent' found on Orkney. (5p.), 30 Sept-14 June 1942 (Item C/8/29)

Includes covering letter from AW Stuart Smith (Australia House).

BM (NH) memorandum on CO report on Dr Jim Lambert's visit to Rennell and Bellona Islands, 25 April 1931 (Item Colonial Office 4/2)
Correspondence with C.O. on instruction to be provided for MWF Tweedie of Raffles Museum. (12p.), 1 April 1932 - 1 June 1932 (Item Colonial Office 4/4)
BM (NH) memorandum re Tongan birds, 20 May 1932 (Item Colonial Office 4/6)
Correspondence with CO re Oxford University Expedition to New Hebrides. (7p.), February 1933 - May 1933 (Item Colonial Office 5/2)
BM (NH) memoranda re list of fishes from Ellice Islands. (5p.), January 1934 - May 1934 (Item Colonial Office 5/4)

D. Correspondence, 17 July 1926 - 20 December 1932 (File 200/78)

Filmed selectively.

Roger Dolbey (Labuan) sending insects, 17 July 1926 (Item D Personal and Firms 2/2)
C Durham (Singapore) that able to provide skins of various animals, 17 September 1926 - 21 September 1926 (Item D Personal and Firms 2/3)
To Sir TW Edgeworth David (Sydney) re publication, 2 April 1929 (Item D Personal and Firms 3/1)
Sir TW Edgeworth David (Hornsby) re fossils from Adelaide series, 8 May 1929 (Item D Personal and Firms 3/1)
Correspondence with Cedric Dover (Calcutta) re specimens of parabathynella from Malaya. (4p.), 10 June 1929 - 28 July 1929 (Item D Personal and Firms 3/2)
G Dennes (Australian Institute of Tropical Medicine, Townsville) sending parasites for identification, 30 August 1929 (Item D Personal and Firms 3/5)
WJ Dakin (Sydney) re staffing problems at Australian Museum, 6 May 1931 (Item D/4/10)
To Dakin re salaries and conditions of service at BM (NH), 9 June 1931 (Item D/4/10)
James Drummond (Christchurch) sending spider and appreciation of work, 20 November 1931 (Item D/4/15)
BM (NH) memo, 1 January 1932 (Item D/4/15)
TW Edgeworth David (Sydney) sending tracings of new class of arthropoda, 21 April 1932 (Item D/4/21)
To Edgeworth David ack, 24 May 1932 (Item D/4/21)
Correspondence with TW Edgeworth David (Sydney), 12 July 1932 - 20 December 1932 (Item D/4/23)

Re fossils from pre-Cambrian Adelaide beds and controversy re Edgeworth David and Tillyard's interpretation. (22p.)...

D. Correspondence, 18 July 1933 - 10 March 1944 (File 200/79)

Filmed selectively.

Correspondence with TE Donne (London) re specimens of New Zealand birds, lizards and insects. (6p.), 18 July 1933 - 12 March 1934 (Item D/5/6)
Obituary of Sir Edgeworth David. The Times, 29 August 1934 (Item D/5/18)
Correspondence with TE Donne (London) re purchase of his collection of New Zealand specimens. (11p.), 28 June 1943 - 10 March 1944 (Item D/9/3)

E. Correspondence, 28 July 1922 - 1 January 1923 (File 200/80)

Correspondence and BM (NH) memoranda re exchange with Geological Survey Office, Wellington of Tertiary Mollusca. (5p.), 28 July 1922 - 1 January 1923 (Item Exchanges 1/13)

F. Correspondence, 21 January 1927 - 14 June 1944 (File 200/81)

Correspondence with C. Boden Kloss (Federal Malay States Museums), 21 January 1927 - 9 May 1927 (Item F General 2)

re collection of mammals and birds from FMS to be presented to BM (NH). (13p.)

Correspondence with T Thomson Flynn (Hobart), 26 April 1929 - 24 July 1929 (Item F General 3/1)

Re visit to Tasmania of Sidnie Manton; Flynn's work on Pycnogonida; Flynn's family. (4p.)

Correspondence with C Boden Kloss and HM Pendlebury (Federal Malay States Museums), 23 February 1929 - 9 December 1929 (Item F General 3/2)

Re Sars' paper on Parabathynella. (8p.)

Correspondence with C Boden Kloss (Federated Malay State Museums), 26 August 1930 - 15 September 1930 (Item F General 3/7)

Re Phaedura pahangensis and with Norman Smedley (Raffles Museum and Library, Singapore) re identifying collections. (5p.)

Correspondence with J Thomson Flynn (London and Belfast), 31 January 1931 - 30 November 1932 (Item F/4/2)

Re his visit to England; VV Hickman's paper on spiders of Tasmania. (18p.)...

RA Lever (Suva) sending prawns and other specimens for identification, 19 July 1943 (Item F/9/9)

Includes BM (NH) memoranda. (5p.)

Lieut. C. Fourie: African Geographical Expedition (Item F/9/10)

Note regarding plans for expedition and Museum's lack of interest in nature films.

RA Lever (Suva) sending millipedes from Waiqa Gorge, 14 June 1944 (Item F/9/11)

G. Correspondence, 28 June 1927 - 3 December 1927 (File 200/82)

To CL Glauert (Perth) re species of Polyxenus not previously recorded in Australia, 28 June 1927 (Item G Personal and Firms 2/12)
Herbert C Robinson (London) re proposed expedition to Batu caves, 1 December 1927 (Item G Personal and Firms 2/15)
To H Gunnery (Manchester) re proposed expedition to F.M.S, 3 December 1927 (Item G Personal and Firms 2/15)

H. Correspondence, 5 April 1922 - 21 December 1934 (File 200/83)

Theodore Hubback (Pahang) re specimens of ovis dalli, 5 April 1922 (Item H Personal 1/23)
FE Ward (Dept of Agriculture, Hobart) re introduced European slugs, a serious pest in Tasmania, 23 November 1929 (Item H General/3/3)
To FE Ward re natural predators of slugs, 2 January 1930 (Item H General/3/3)

Includes BM (NH) memoranda on slugs.

Correspondence with and BM (NH) memoranda on proposed visit by Prof. Dr Harms (Tubingen) to Christmas Island. (13p.), 20 January 1931 - 6 October 1932 (Item H/4/1)
KA Hindwood (Sydney) re identification of Watling paintings, 17 December 1930 (Item H/4/5)
T Arthur Highton (Adelaide) re 'petrified blackfellow' specimen, encloses press cuttings, 26 August 1931 (Item H/4/17)
To TA Highton that no trace of such a specimen, 22 October 1931 (Item H/4/17)
Correspondence with and BM (NH) memoranda re visit by Prof Harms (Tubingen) to Christmas Island. (13p.), 27 June 1933 - 24 May 1934 (Item H/5/11)
BM (NH) memoranda re collection of specimens offerred by W Heron of New South Wales. (6p.), 15 December 1934 - 21 December 1934 (Item H/5/39)

I and J. Correspondence, 26 February 1936 - 16 March 1940 (File 200/84)

Lucille Iremonger (Funafuti) re collecting on Ellice Island Group, 16 March 1940 (Item I/8/13)
Correspondence with T Harvey Johnston (Adelaide University) re material from BANZAR Expedition for identification. (17p.), 26 February 1936 - 17 December 1936 (Item J/6/9)
To T Harvey Johnston (Adelaide) that material has been sent to AA Livingstone, Australian Museum, 19 January 1937 (Item J/7/3)

K and L. Correspondence, 12 February 1924 - 9 July 1936 (File 200/85)

BM (NH) memoranda re collection of insects from Sumatra presented by C Boden Kloss. (12p.), 7 October 1926 - 8 February 1927 (Item K General 2/2)
Stanley Kemp (Weybridge) enclosing HS Swarth Statement regarding a fauna and flora refuge upon the Galapagos Islands. (8p.), 20 July 1934 (Item K/5/1)
EJ King (Melbourne) re stories of man having been swallowed by whale and surviving, 20 December 1933 (Item K/5/8)
To EJ King ack, 2 February 1934 (Item K/5/8)
HJ Kitchener (Pahang) re collecting for the museum, 12 December 1935 (Item K/6/7)
Correspondence with Jessie S. Litchfield (Darwin), 12 February 1924 - 13 August 1925 (Item L Personal 1/24)

That she can supply animals and native weapons from N.T.; hopes to farm in coastal district. (8p.)

JS Litchfield (Darwin) sending calling crabs and sea lice. (2p.), 28 April 1928 (Item L Personal 2/19)
PA Buxton (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine) forwarding paper on Insect fauna of Samoa (5p.), 24 May 1926 - 10 June 1926 (Item L General 2/1)
To JS Litchfield (Darwin) that do not want any specimens of shells or corals, 27 February 1929 (Item L Personal and Firms 3/1)
JS Litchfield (Darwin) that sent several specimens of shells and sponges, 15 April 1929 (Item L Personal and Firms 3/5)
RA Lever (British Solomon Islands) forwarding specimens of local fauna, 11 February 1932, 9 June 1932, 15 July 1932 (Item L/4/24)
Correspondence with RA Lever (Tulagi) sending specimens from BSI. (20p.), 25 March 1935 - 9 July 1936 (Item L/6/6)

M. Correspondence, 1921 - 13 July 1938 (File 200/86)

Correspondence with Australian Museum, Sydney. (11p.), 14 May 1931 - 16 November 1932 (Item Museums 4/14)

Subjects include: material from Great Barrier Reef; material collected by Sir Douglas Mawson in Antarctic.

Particulars of a vacancy for an assistant curator (male) at the Raffles Museum, Singapore. (3p.), November 1931 (Item Museums 4/26)
Correspondence with Australian Museum, Sydney. (9p.), 9 February 1933 - 3 October 1934 (Item Museum 5/2)

Subjects include: Antarctic material; Great Barrier Reef material; crayfish.

To Gilbert Archey (Auckland Institute and Museum) re finding specimens, 3 October 1934 (Item Museum 5/42)
Gilbert Archey (Auckland) re visit to Rotorua, 5 December 1934 (Item Museum 5/42)
To W. Benham (Dunedin) re sending specimens, 3 October 1934 (Item Museum 5/47)
Correspondence with R Speight (canterbury Museum) re crayfish. (3p.), 5 January 1935 - 27 February 1935 (Item Museum 6/2)
Gilbert Archey (Auckland Institute and Museum) re visit of AT Pycroft to England, 5 March 1936 (Item Museum 6/5)
Waldo L. Schmitt re Miss Rathbun's 75th birthday, 8 December 1934 (Item Museum 6/6)
E Banks (Sarawak Museum) re birds collected by Oxford University Expedition, 24 July 1935 (Item Museum 6/16)
D J Mahony (National Museum, Melbourne) sending specimens, 3 June 1935 (Item Museum 6/19)
To Mahony ack, 30 July 1935 (Item Museum 6/19)
Glauert (Perth) sending sawflies, 7 August 1936 (Item Museum 6/42)
HA Longman (Brisbane) sending spiny crayfish from Nth Queensland, 6 August 1936 (Item Museum 6/44)
To Longman ack, 8 October 1936 (Item Museum 6/44)
Joseph Pearson (Tasmanian Museum) enclosing proposal to conduct biological survey of Tasmania, 23 September 1936 (Item Museum 6/45)
To Pearson ack, 5 November 1936 (Item Museum 6/45)
BM (NH) letters to and memoranda, 13 July 1937 - 23 July 1937 (Item Museum 7/23)

Re AWB Powell (Auckland Institute and Museum) re Discovery material. (3p.)

WB Benham (Otago Museum, Dunedin) re Cephalodiscus, 4 March 1938 (Item Museum 7/34)
To Benham ack, 13 July 1938 (Item Museum 7/34)
Mawson Antarctic Expedition, 1921 - 1922 (Item 1)

Comprises correspondence with Agent General for New South Wales and lists of specimens from expedition. (38p.)

M. Correspondence, 24 January 1929 - 23 November 1936 (File 200/87)

Sidnie Manton (Hobart, Brisbane, Gt Barrier Reef Expedition), 24 January 1929 - 28 April 1929 (Item M Personal and Firms 3/4)

Re activites of Gt Barrier Reef party; Anaspides; possible extermination of Paranaspides due to introduction of English trout. (14p.)

W Stewart McColl (Kew), 10 July-31 May 1929 (Item M Personal and Firms 3/8)

Re proposed natural history trip to obtain specimens of allegedly extinct spinifex Parrot and to film aboriginal tribes. (5p.)

Sidnie Manton (Gt Barrier Reef Expedition), 12 June 1929 (Item M Personal and Firms 3/9)

That paranspides killed off by raising of water level by a dam; activities of Gt Barrier Reef party.

Sidnie Manton (Cambridge) re anaspides, 1 November 1929 (Item M Personal and Firms 3/11)
Sidnie Manton, 7 November 1929 (Item M Personal and Firms 3/11)
Sidnie Manton (Cambridge), 28 November 1929 - 20 February 1930 (Item M Personal and Firms 3/13)

Re publishing her paper on Anaspides and paranaspides. (16p.)

H E E Brock (Adelaide Univ) re specimens sent by Sir Douglas Mawson. (9p.), 27 November 1930 - 26 January 1931 (Item M4/1)
W Stewart McColl (Melbourne) that ill health has prevented his trip through unexplored parts of Australia, 30 May 1931 (Item M/4/13)

Includes BM (NH) note.

W J Phillips (Dominion Museum, Wellington), 28 October 1932 - 3 December 1932 (Item M/4/25)

Re his proposal to introduce New Zealand whitebait into rivers of England and Scotland; the Museum is against introducing animals or plants into countries where they are not native. (5p.)

Sir Douglas Mawson (London), 16 January 1933 - 21 June 1933 (Item M/5/2)

Re trip to London; the Museum purchasing his surplus stores; pynogonoda. (17p.)

Edward P. Mumford (Pacific Entomological Survey, Hawaii) re Marquesas Islands. (10p.), 13 March 1933 - 4 April 1933 (Item M/5/7)
Lord Moyne (London) re specimens collected by his yacht cruising South Seas. (4p.), 25 April 1935 - 30 April 1935 (Item M/6/6)
Sir Douglas Mawson (Adelaide) re BANZARE collections for Museum to identify. (34p.), 8 June 1935 - 23 November 1936 (Item M/6/11)
Extract from EP Mumford's application for a Leverhulme Research Fellowship [showing his research interests in Polynesia]. (6p.) (Item M/6/20)

N. Correspondence, 12 June 1929 - 27 August 1935 (File 200/88)

Correspondence with GE Nicholls (Perth) re Micraspides. (3p.), 29 January 1930 - 11 March 1930 (Item N Personal and Firms 3/6)
Appointment of taxidermist for Auckland Institute and Museum, 12 June 1929 (Item N General 3/1)
Oliver (Dominion Museum, Wellington) re birds of Cook's first voyage, 25 February 1930 (Item N General 3/8)
To GM Thomson (Dunedin) re reports on fisheries, 8 May 1930 (Item N General 3/9)
To PA de la Perrelle (Wellington) requesting permission for Edgar Stead to collect bird specimens for the Museum, 14 July 1931 (Item N/4/3)
PA de la Perrelle (Wellington) that Stead should apply for permit, 10 September 1931 (Item N/4/3)
Agnes Needham (Naracoorte) re 'petrified blackfellow' taken from Naracoorte Caves, (1861-1862), 28 September 1931 (Item N/4/4)
To Agnes Needham that specimen is not in the Museum, 3 November 1931 (Item N/4/4)
Review of 'Thought-transference (or what?) in Birds' by Edmund Selous, [23/10/1931?] (Item N/4/5)
Prof GE Nicholls (Uni Western Australia) re DL Serventy; micraspides. (13p.), 23 November 1931 - 12 July 1932 (Item N/4/6)
Prof G E Nicholls (Uni Western Australia), 18 May 1933 - 23 October 1933 (Item N/5/5)

Re Phalloniscus; Western Australian species are distinct from NZ species. (4p.)

J Wyer (North Queensland Naturalists' Club) re corals. (11p.), 30 January 1935 - 26 July 1935 (Item N/6/4)
BM (NH) memo re Professor Harvey collecting for the museum, 21 May 1935 (Item N/6/5)
Prof G E Nicholls (Uni Western Australia), 30 April 1935 - 27 August 1935 (Item N/6/6)

Re Japyx; application for Carnegie Grant. (5p.)

O. Correspondence, 1928 - 1934 (File 200/89)

Oxford University Expedition to Sarawak, 1932 - 1934 (Item O/5/10)

Includes: 11 February 1934. E Banks (London) re dispersal of collections; Oxford University Exploration Club Report 1932-1933...

Oceanography of the Pacific, 1928 (Item 2)

Correspondents include: J Stanley Gardner (Cambridge); FA Towle (Royal Society)...

P & Q. Correspondence, 1921 - 28 February 1928 (File 200/90)

Correspondence with C Boden Kloss (Singapore) re gift of rhinoceros from Sultan of Perak. (3p.), 3 January 1928 - 28 February 1928 (Item P Personal and Firms 2/17)
Papuan-Australian Expedition (Berkeley California) offerring to collect specimens, n.d. (Item P/17/13)
Correspondence with William Potter (Madang), 1921 - 1925 (Item Potter/1)

re collecting in German New Guinea; official assistance; problem of 'boys'; places visited...

Shackleton-Rowett expedition Quest; list of Crustacea and Pycnogonida, 1923 (Item Quest)

Marine Biological: preliminary report and list of specimens from G.H. Wilkins, Naturalist. Shackleton-Rowett Expedition to the Antarctic...

R. and Special Files S, 1921 - 16 January 1936 (File 200/91)

EH Rainford (Bowen) sending fishes, 30 September 1921 (Item R Personal 1/8)
To Rainford ack, 16 November 1921 (Item R Personal 1/8)
Paul S Radir (Honolulu) re work on Atyidae, 3 April 1930 (Item R Personal and Firms 3/12)
To Radir ack, 30 April 1930 (Item R Personal and Firms 3/12)
FA Rodway (Nowra) sending fossils from quarry recently opened, 3 September 1930 (Item R Personal and Firms 3/21)
Correspondence with FA Rodway (Nowra) re specimens from Montague Island; desiderata from Cumberland and Whitsunday Islands, May 1932 - 6 September 1932 (Item R/4/23)

Includes leaflet on Great Barrier Reef Expedition...

FA Rodway (Nowra) re specimens from Tasmania, 16 January 1936 (Item R/6/20)
Referee's report on paper by Sir Edgeworth David and RJ Tillyard 'from a zoological point of view this paper is entirely without scientific value.', 18 May 1932 (Item Royal Society Zoological Committee)
J Henry (Newcastle, NSW) reports of sea serpent off NSW coast, 17 July 1930 (Item Sea Monsters 5/4)
To Henry ack., 27 August 1930 (Item Sea Monsters 5/4)
Shackleton-Rowett Expedition, 1921 - 1922 (Item)

Comprises BM (NH) memoranda and correspondence with GH Wilkins (SS Orcoma, Quest) re obtaining specimens from Antarctic and proposed expedition to Australia...

Scientific Expedition Research Association 1, 1923 - 1928 (Item)

Comprises BM (NH) memoranda and correspondence re St George expedition to Pacific...

S. Correspondence, 14 August 1924 - 3 November 1937 (File 200/92)

E Mjoberg and E Banks (Sarawak Museum) re crabs sent for indentification. (7p.), 14 August 1924 - 29 March 1927 (Item S General 2/3)
Herbert Hale (Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery of South Australia), 2 June 1930 - 27 October 1930 (Item S General 3/4)

Re skulls of gorillas, chimpanzees and Europeans. (3p.)

T Sherrin (Tumut) offerring to collect for the Museum, 30 April 1931 (Item S/4/13)
To T Sherrin declining offer, 11 June 1931 (Item S/4/13)
Wormersley (CSIRO, Perth) introducing D L Serventy, 13 August 1931 (Item S/4/27)
D L Serventy (Cambridge), 19 March 1934 - 24 April 1934 (Item S/5/40)

Re return to Perth; specimens of Daphniopsis pusilla from Rottnest Island. (6p.)

D L Serventy (London) re visit to England; rattus rattus frugivorum. (4p.), 15 October 1937 - 3 November 1937 (Item S/7/17)

T and U. Correspondence, 23 February 1929 - 3 August 1937 (File 200/93)

R J Tillyard (Canberra), 12 May 1929 (Item T Personal 3/2)

Problems of employment on government job; comments on Edgeworth David's research; relationship between Eurypterids and insects.

To Tillyard, comments on his letters, 1 July 1929 (Item T Personal 3/2)
RJ Tillyard (Canberra), 8 August 1929 (Item T Personal 3/bt 4/5)

Wishes to study Rhynie Chert flake, visit to Edgeworth David's pre-cambrian site near Adelaide 'I am more favourable towards his ideas'.

To Tillyard ack. and comment on Tillyard's letter, 20 September 1929 (Item T Personal 3/bt 4/5)
RJ Tillyard (Canberra), 6 November 1929 (Item T Personal 3/12)

After visit to David's pre-cambrian site, convinced he is right in claiming these rocks contain remains of archaic Arthropoda.

HN Thomson (Australia House) re son engaged in biological research at Walter and Eliza Hale Institute, Melbourne, 26 May 1930 (Item T Personal 3/17)
To Thomson, ack, 27 May 1930 (Item T Personal 3/17)
RJ Tillyard (Canberra), 23 February 1929 (Item T General 3/3)

re move from New Zealand and Edgeworth David's discoveries at Adelaide

To Tillyard re disappointment at David's paper, 2 April 1929 (Item T General 3/3)
George Thomson (Dunedin): New Zealand Crustacea, 16 June 1930 (Item T General 4/7)
RJ Tillyard (Canberra), 22 November 1931 (Item T General 4/17)

re communism in Australia; his work on pre-cambrian fossil beds, encloses 2 photographs

To Tillyard that finds it hard to believe in his restoration of Protadelaides, 31 December 1931 (Item T General 4/17)
Correspondence with George Thomson (Dunedin), 12 November 1932 - 9 August 1933 (Item T/5/1)

Re work on NZ Crustacea; NZ economic situation; problems of working in isolation in NZ; his health...

Margaret S Thomson (Christchurch) re her grandfather's unfinished work on crustacea, 14 June 1934 (Item T/5/24)
To MS Thomson, ack, 27 July 1934 (Item T/5/24)
RJ Tillyard (Canberra), 22 March 1935 (Item T/6/5)

Re how Edgeworth David's health effected his work; the rejection of their joint paper by Royal Society; application for grant from Royal Society.

To Tillyard re his grant applications; death of Edgeworth David, 12 February 1935 (Item T/6/5)
E. Troughton (Australian Museum): concerned at number of specimens being taken by Archibold expedition in Papua, 3 August 1937 (Item T/7/20)

V and W. Correspondence, 22 March 1922 - 28 November 1943 (File 200/94)

EE Coleman (Zoological Board of Victoria) re problems in identifying foreign species, 1 September 1943 (Item V/9/2)
To Coleman ack, 28 November 1943 (Item V/9/2)
Varanus (Giant Monitors), 1927 (Item 2)

Comprises correspondence and BM (NH) memoranda re capture and shipment of 2 Varanus Komodoensis from Batavia...

J Macdonald (Dominion Museum, Wellington), 22 March 1922 (Item W General 1/5)

Sending specimens of Liopelma hamiltoni from Stephen Island.

Mrs HS Walsh (Java) re collecting on Timor, 1 September 1928 (Item W General 1/23)
To Mrs Walsh, ack, 12 October 1928 (Item W General 1/23)
GH Wilkins (London) to Director re visit to Museum at University of Moscow; scientific work in hand, 15 January 1923 (Item W Personal 1/15)
Melbourne Ward (Australian Museum) re work on crabs, 18 February 1929 (Item W Personal and Firms 3/7)
H Womersley (Adelaide) re his work on arachnids, 10 October 1936 (Item W6/27)
To Womersley ack, 16 November 1936 (Item W/6/27)

W Special Files, 20 January 1923 - 15 June 1923 (File 200/95)

Filmed selectively.

Wilkins Australian Expedition (19p.), 20 January 1923 - 15 June 1923 (Item)


Foreign Letters Vol 1 Pt 1, 1841 - 1843 (File 200/144)

Filmed selectively.

A Valenciennes (Paris) that proposing to go to New Holland, 12 May [?] (Item 60)
Correspondence of Ed Verreaux and Edward Gray, 1843 (Item 61-63)

Ed Verreaux (Paris), 19 January 1843, with list of birds for disposal (Includes birds from Australia, New Guinea and Sumatra)...

Ed Verreaux that his brother Julius going to New Holland, 30 March 1843 (Item 64-65)
JGW Brands (Hamburg) that has animals from New Holland for sale, 13 April 1841 (Item 80)
E Dieffenbach (Giessen, Hesse), 8 February 1843 (Item 117)

Problems with publication of his book on fauna of New Zealand; requests to be sent out to New Guinea or Borneo on collecting expedition.

Various lists of species and specimens - includes Australian specimens, n.d. (Item 156-160)
L Preiss (Hamburg) to John Richardson (Haslar), 6 September 1842 (Item 161)

Re problem of preserving specimens in Western Australia with printed sales list of specimens from West and South West Australia.

Foreign Letters Vol 1 Pt 2, 1843 (File 200/145)

Filmed selectively.

Edward Ruppell (Frankfurt) re visit from Diefenbach (sic) and birds of New Zealand he has given BM, 28 February 1843 (Item 178)
Ruppell (Frankfurt) re Alectura from New Holland; Gould; New Zealand birds, 1 August; 23 August; 9 September; 11 October; 5 October 1843 (Item 180-184)
J Lhotsky (London) re his collection, his ascent of Australian Alps. (11 undated letters), n.d. (Item 239-249)

Foreign Letters Vol 2, 1849 - 1869 (File 200/146)

Filmed selectively.

Ronald Gunn (Launceston) re collecting shells and crustacea, 28 April 1849 (Item 84-85)
James Hector (Wellington) problems of collectors, 8 April 1869 (Item 88)
Krefft (Australian Museum) sending specimens, 21 April 1869 (Item 113)
John MacGillivray (Sydney) sending specimens from Sydney and Solomons, 5 March 1855 (Item 126)
Giuseppe Mamo re collection of stones, [1880-11-24?] (Item 127)
Harper Pease (Honolulu) re new genus of naked Triton, 20 October 1868 (Item 139)
A Scott (Ark Island, Hexham, NSW) re the manuscript of his work on Australian lepidoptera, 19 December 1854 (Item 184)

Series DF 202. Miscellaneous Reports and Documents, 1856 - 1887

Miscellaneous Documents, 25 September 1856 - 22 April 1887 (File 202/1)

Filmed selectively.

T Baines (off Cape Wessel, mouth of Gulf of Carpentaria) re Tathina comminis, 7 December 1856 (Item f.18)
T Baines (Northwest Australia) re sea snake, 22 January 1857 (Item f.19)
T Baines re fish caught off north coast of Timor, 30 September 1856 (Item ff.20R - 21L)
T Baines re sea snake, 25 September 1856 (Item f.21R)
Lists of specimens of Batrachians, mammals, lizards from Challenger (Item ff.108-111)
Suggestions as to making zoological collections at Christmas Island, 26 July 1886 (Item ff.198R-199L)
Natural History Museum Lawn Tennis Club booklet, 1886 (Item)

Regarding rules. Also includes two hand written notes.

New Zealand Court, Colonial Exhibition; spirit specimens selected for Natural History Museum, 1885 (Item ff.200-203)
Memorandum on collection of sponges presented by Bracebridge Wilson, Geelong, January 1887 (Item f.208)
Admiralty to Professor Flower re specimens collected by Flying Fish at Christmas Island, 22 April 1887 (Item ff.226-227)
Report on Christmas Island by Captain MacLear of Flying Fish (Item ff.228-234)

Series DF 205. Reports to Trustees and other Official Documents, 1837 - 26 June 1850

Filmed selectively. (Numbering on bottom right hand of page).

Reports, Minutes, etc, 1837 - 1847 (File 205/4)

Reports and memoranda by Ronald Gunn on birds from New South Wales and shells, 1837 (Item ff.50R - 64L)

(Bottom numbers on top right run 56L - 81L).

Report of committee meeting at which letter was read from Governor Grey (Adelaide). 17 August 1842. Re sending of box of specimens, 24 December 1842 (Item f.104)
Report of committee meeting at which letter was read from Governor Grey, 23 November re specimens, 13 May 1843 (Item f.113)
Draft letter from [?] to [?] re specimens gathered from Van Diemen's Land, New Zealand and Antarctica on Erebus expedition, 18 December 1843 (Item f.162 (a & b))
John MacGillivray (HMS Rattlesnake), 1847-05-10; 1847-11-01 (Item [215])

10 May 1847 (Port Louis); 1 November 1847 (Moreton Bay). Sending specimens, future sailing plans; insect collection formed by Dr Stevenson during Sir Thomas Mitchell's expedition. List of specimens collected on Rattlesnake voyage.

Ornithological notes, NE coast Australia. [by MacGillivray? see letter of 30 June 1845] (16pp) (Item ff.216-219)
Fishes of Port Jackson (3pp), n.d. (Item f.220)
J MacGillivray (HMS Fly at sea) to John E Gray, 30 June 1845 (Item f.221)

Wounded while kangarooing; animals seen in Torres Straits; unable to land while surveying off New Guinea excursions at Cape York. (4pp)

J MacGillivray (HMS Fly, off Straits of Sunda) to Gray, 13 August 1845 - 18 August 1845 (Item ff.222-225)

Sending specimens; problem of collecting; notes on mammal and bird specimens, fish. (7pp)

MacGillivray (Sydney) to Gray recall by Lord Derby, will vindicate self on return, encloses list of specimens sent, 17 December 1845 (Item f.226)
JB Jukes (HMS Fly, Sydney) to Gray sending specimens and implements used by Torres Strait Islanders. (3pp), 23 November 1845 (Item f.227)
William Stephenson (Sydney) to Gray has specimens for purchase, willing to travel to the Pacific, 23 June 1845 (Item f.229)
List of ornithological specimens from Tasmania, Auckland, Campbell Island, Antarctic seas etc, R McCormick, HMS Erebus. (6pp), 12 November 1841 (Item ff.316-319)
Sir George Grey (Adelaide) to JE Gray, 23 November 1842 (Item ff.320-335)

Enclosing copies of letters and descriptive lists of specimens sent to Gould [Filed before letter of 23 Nov] and description of birds killed on voyage to South Australia (1841). (38pp)

Lists of natural history specimens offered by H Cuming (Item ff.354-356)

Includes: 4 June 1841. JE Gray re collections of Cuming and Gould.

Memorandum on Birds of Australia by John Gould (Item ff.357-359)
List of Australian animals (Item f.360)
Bill for purchase of animals from John Gould by Trustees, 8 September 1842 (Item f.361)
List of birds belonging to A Sibbald collected at Port Essington, (2pp), 1844 (Item f.364)

Reports and Minutes, 24 September 1849 - 26 September 1849 (File 205/5/98-100; 110)

Includes:Gray (BM(NH)), 26 September 1840, re purchase of Gould's kangaroos...

Reports and Minutes, 9 April 1847 - 24 July 1848 (File 205/7)

John Gould (London) offering his collection of Australian birds to the museum. (3pp), 9 April 1847 (Item f.75)
Memo by Gray to the Trustees on Gould's collection, 10 April 1847 (Item f.76)
George French Angas (London) to Gray re collecting for the museum, 24 July 1848 (Item f.233)
John MacGillivray (Sydney) to Adam White, 22 January 1848 (Item ff.263-264)

Sending specimens; have returned from the North earlier than expected as could not find fresh water; list of specimens.

Reports, Minutes, 3 November 1848 - 26 June 1850 (File 205/8)

Sir George Grey (Auckland) forwarding specimens from Auckland Islands and shells from New Zealand, 26 June 1850 (Item f.69)
Sir George Grey (Auckland) re destruction of his collection in fire, 3 November 1848 - 23 November 1848 (Item f.214)

Series DF 206. Miscellaneous Subject Files, 1910 - 1964

Subseries 206/1-13. Protection of animals, 20 October 1914 - 1928

Files contain: Official printed papers, correspondence (some copies) and memoranda by BM(NH) staff on the protection of local fauna...

Papers, 20 October 1914 - 31 October 1915 (File 206/1)
Index (2pp) (Item)
Fiji (12pp) (Item 49)

Correspondents include: Henry Lambert (Colonial Office); Sir Bickham Sweet-Escott (Suva). (12pp)

Federated Malay States (3pp) (Item 53)

Includes: List of birds to be protected as corrected by Ogilvie-Grant. (3pp)

Fiji (9pp) (Item 58)
Papers, 1 November 1915 - 30 April 1916 (File 206/2)
Index (2pp) (Item)
Gilbert and Ellice Islands (17pp) (Item 61)

Correspondents include: E Hutson (Suva); EC Eliot (Ocean Island).

Solomon Islands (1p) (Item 67)
Papers, 1 May 1916 - 30 November 1919 (File 206/3)
Index (4p.) (Item)
Fiji (7pp) (Item 73)

Correspondents include: Eyre Hutson (Suva); CE Fagan (BM(NH)) (7pp).

Tonga (13pp) (Item 74)
Fiji (1p) (Item 75)
Fiji (3pp) (Item 77)
Gilbert and Ellice Islands (6pp) (Item 82)

Correspondents include: Henry Lambert (Colonial Office); Charles Workman (Suva).

Tonga (3pp) (Item 83)
Gilbert and Ellice Islands (2pp) (Item 84)
Fiji (3pp) (Item 85)
Tonga (9pp) (Item 86-87)

Correspondents include: Tuivakano (Nukualofa)

Australia (10pp) (Item 96)
Papers, 1 December 1919 - 31 January 1923 (File 206/4)
Index (5pp) (Item)
New Zealand (14pp) (Item 123)

Comprises: Opossums in New Zealand by Professor HB Kirk, 1920 and BM(NH) memoranda...

South Australia (3pp) (Item 124)
Gilbert and Ellice Islands (2pp) (Item 139)
Fiji (4pp) (Item 141)

Includes: Report by KJ Muir Mackenzie on Ordinance no. 17 of 1922 to amend the wild birds and game protection ordinance, 1915.

New Zealand (19pp), 1921 - 1922 (Item 150)

Animals protection and Game Act.

Papers, 1922 - 29 November 1925 (File 206/5)
Index (10pp) (Item)
Harmer to CO re protection of animals in New Zealand, 8 February 1923 (Item 32)
Harmer to CO re possums in New Zealand, 2 May 1923 (Item 34)
Resolution of Zoological Society re Australian lungfish, 20 June 1923 (Item 37)
Correspondence (Item 40, 43-46)

Re Whitney South Sea Expedition to collect birds by American Museum of Natural History New York and release of goats on Henderson Island by Rollo Beck...

Correspondence re protection of penguins on Macquarie Island. (3pp) (Item 78)

Correspondents include: Percy R Lowe (BM(NH))

Harmer to CO re opossums in NZ, 2 February 1925 (Item 88)
Federated Malay States (5pp) (Item 101)

Correspondents include: Harmer; CW Hobley (Society for the Preservation of the Fauna of the Empire).

Harmer to CO re Cook Islands and Fiji, 14 July 1925 (Item 112)
Papers, 1 February 1923 - 1928 (File 206/6)
Index (2pp) (Item)
New South Wales (3pp) (Item 153)

Although described individually, this letter was originally microfilmed with a page from another letter. The last page of the letter described can be found at the beginning of nla.obj-1552690729.

South Australia (19pp) (Item 154)
New Zealand (13pp) (Item 156)

Deer in New Zealand: House of Commons Report, 1922.

Australia (3pp) (Item 164)

Protection of Birds. Colonial Office Conference, 1910 - 1912 (File 206/14)

Comprises: Report of the Departmental Committee on the Protection of Wild Birds (Cmd 295) HMO, 1919; minutes of Colonial Office Conference on destruction of plumage birds, 26 May 1910 - 8 May 1912, 1-10th meeting; correspondence; memoranda by BM(NH) staff...

Importation of Plumage Bill: Conferences held at BM(NH) under Chairmanship of Sir Sidney Harmer, 1920 - 1921 (File 206/15)

Minutes of meetings held at the Museum between museum staff and members of the plumage trade, and related correspondence...

Protection of Asiatic Fauna (18pp), 1934 (File 206/16)


Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research; Symposium on Antarctic Biology; Correspondence of Dr FC Fraser, 1961 - 1964 (File 206/26-28)

Correspondence, memoranda, papers re Antarctic Research, and the Symposium on Antactic Biology, Paris 2-8 September 1962...

Series DF 213. Expedition Files, 1936 - 1969

Filmed selectively.

B.A.N.Z.A.R. Expedition, 1954 - 1966 (File 213/5 & 6)

Correspondence and BM(NH) memoranda concerning the British Australia, New Zealand Antarctic Research Expedition, 1929-1931. (1954-1956, 120pp) (1957-1966, 44pp)...

British Graham Land Expedition (1934 - 1937), 1936 - 1953 (File 213/9)

Correspondence and BM(NH) memoranda concerning expedition to British Graham Land 1936-1953...

North Borneo Expedition (1956), 1954 - 1960 (File 213/11)

Correspondence and BM(NH) memoranda and sketch maps concerning a bird expedition to North Borneo by RW Sims and E Banks, largely financed by Loke Wan Tho of Singapore, 1956...

New Guinea Expedition (1964-1965), 1963 - 1964 (File 213/15)

Correspondence, BM(NH) memoranda and sketch map re joint BM(NH) and University of Newcastle upon Tyne expedition to New Guinea...

Cambridge University North Borneo Expedition (1956), 1956 - 1957 (File 213/21)

Correspondence, BM(NH) memoranda, Report and sketch map re expedition by Cambridge University to study Dusan villagers of Tambunan Plain and to collect natural history specimens of Trus Madi Massif...

Edinburgh University, Galapagos Islands Expedition (1968), 1967 (File 213/31)

Correspondence, BM(NH) memoranda and memorandum on aims of expedition to Galapagos Islands by Edinburgh University to collect blood serum from Darwin's Finches and collect land snails...

Harold Hall Expeditions: Australian Birds, 1960 - 1969 (File 213/44)

Correspondence; field reports; BM(NH) memoranda; minutes of Bird Exploration Fund Committee concerning the Harold Hall expeditions to collect Australian birds, 1962 - 1968...

British Joint Services Expedition to West Central Australia (1967), 1966 - 1967 (File 213/48)

Correspondence and BM(NH) memoranda re Joint Services Expedition to West Central Australia to make cartographical, geological and biological surveys...

Monte Bello Expedition (1952), 1952 - 1956 (File 213/50-51)

Correspondence, BM(NH) memoranda, reports, map re collecting flora and fauna on Monte Bello Islands by ships company of HMS Campania under supervision of Surgeon Commander G Wedd during Atomic Bomb Tests...

Oxford University, Solomon Islands Expedition (1953), 1952 - 1959 (File 213/59)

Correspondence and BM(NH) memoranda re Oxford University's collecting expedition to Solomon Islands, 1953...

Royal Society, South Pacific Expedition Committee/Southern Zone Expedition Committee, 1961 - 1966 (File 213/65; 66; 67)

Correspondence, minutes, memoranda re expedition to Solomon Islands, 1965 and other expeditions...

Royal Society, South Pacific Expedition Committee Taxonomy Sub Committee (File 213/68)

First Document: Report on conference held 14 December 1959. On further work to be carried out in Southern hemisphere, attended and reported to by Australian and New Zealand scientists. (9pp)

Royal Society, North Borneo Expedition, 1961 (File 213/70)

Correspondence, BM(NH) memoranda, programme of expedition to North Borneo to study forest life and soil variation, 1961...

Royal Society, Southern Zone Expedition Committee Expedition to Solomon Islands (1965), 1962 - 1967 (File 213/71)

Correspondence and BM(NH) memoranda re expedition to Solomon Islands...

Royal Society. Southern Zone Expedition Committee Expedition to Solomon Islands. Correspondence with PJM Greenslade, 1963 - 1965 (File 213/72)

Correspondence between PJM Greenslade (Government Entomologist Honiara) and the Museum...

Royal Society. Southern Zone Expedition Committee. Correspondence re Rennell Island Collections, 1961 - 1967 (File 213/73)

Correspondence and BM(NH) memoranda on material collected at Rennell Islands and publication of reports on Rennell Island...

Series DF 214. Great Barrier Reef Expedition Files, 1922 - 1973

This series consists of the Keeper of Zoology's files relating to the committees in Australia and England, the expedition itself, the collections and the publication of results.

GBR Committee (Brisbane, Australia): minutes No. 3-102, 24 November 1922 - 11 September 1958 (File 1)

24 November 1922 - 11 September 1958. (42, 63, 74 (in 214/2), 77-79, 81-85, 97(in 214/59) wanting). (Duplicated typescript) (632p)...

GBR Committee (Brisbane, Australia): proposals, reports and correspondence, 1923 - 1938 (File 2)

Of C Hedley, D Hill, P Maxwell (Fantome, Torres Strait), HC Richards (Brisbane), H Tryon (Sydney) and others. (Duplicated typescript) (77pp)...

GBR Committee (Brisbane, Australia): correspondence, 1923 - 1927 (File 3)

Of WT Calman (BM(NH)) with EO Marks (Brisbane) and HC Richards (Brisbane) (63pp)...

GBR Committee (Brisbane, Australia): correspondence with MAC Hinton (BM(NH)) with HC Richards (Brisbane), 1931 - 1939 (File 4)

Re coral boring in Michaelmas Cay. (18pp)

GBR Committee (Brisbane, Australia): minutes, with letters and reports, 1964 - 1973 (File 5)

Of P Mather (Brisbane) No. 108-114 2 November 1964 - 27 November 1969 (112 wanting). (250pp)...

GBR Committee (England): minutes (1927-29) with correspondence and papers, 1927 - 1930 (File 6)

Of H Boschma (Leiden), EA Fraser, JS Gardiner (Cambridge), FA Potts (Cambridge), TA Stephenson (London) and CM Yonge (Brisbane). (156pp)...

GBR Expedition: progress reports on work achieved on Low Island by CM Yonge with papers by JA Steers on geographical section. (73pp), 1928 - 1929 (File 7)

GBR Expedition: correspondence, 1928 - 1938 (File 8)

Of C Anderson (Sydney), R Gurney (Oxford), Sir Mathew Nathan (Yeovil), AP Orr (Millport), FA Potts (Cambridge), FS Russell (Plymouth) RS Sewell (Guildford), M Spender (London) and CM Yonge (Plymouth and Saltburn). (110pp)...

GBR Expedition: correspondence, 1930 - 1938 (File 9)

Of HG Cannon (Sheffield), SM Manton (Cambridge); MW Tattersall (Cardiff) and CM Yonge (Plymouth, Bristol) re working on specimens writing of reports, publication. (105pp)

Barnard, KH (South African Museum, Cape Town): correspondence re work on amphipods and report. (20pp), 1930 - 1932 (File 10 [Old file ref: 1])

Cannon, HG (Sheffield and Manchester) correspondence re work on ostracods and report. (29pp), 1930 - 1935 (File 11 [Old file ref: 2])

Carlgren, O (Lund): correspondence re work on sea anemones and report. (11pp), 1930 - 1937 (File 12 [Old file ref: 3])

Clark, HL (Cambridge, Massachusetts): correspondence re work on echinoderms (except asteroids) and report. (10pp), 1930 - 1931 (File 13 [Old file ref: 4])

Farran, GP (Dublin): correspondence re work on copepods and report. (23pp), 1930 - 1936 (File 14 [Old file ref: 5])

Hale, HM (Adelaide): correspondence re work on isopods and report. (15pp), 1930 - 1933 (File 15 [Old file ref: 6])

Iredale, T (Sydney): correspondence re work on lamellibranchs and prosobranch gastropods and report. (18pp), 1930 - 1938 (File 16 [Old file ref: 7])

Livingstone, AA (Sydney): correspondence re work on Asteroidea and report. (18pp), 1930 - 1932 (File 17 [Old file ref: 8])

McNeill, FA (Sydney): correspondence re work on decapod crustaceans, and report. (20pp), 1930 - 1935 (File 18 [Old file ref: 9])

Marshall, SM (Millport): correspondence re work on Protozoa and report. (60pp), 1930 - 1934 (File 19 [Old file ref: 10])

Massy, AL (Dublin): correspondence re work on pteropods and heteropods and report. (9pp), 1930 (File 20 [Old file ref: 11])

Pelseneer, P (Brussels): correspondence re work on molluscan larvae and report. 7pp, 1930 (File 21 [Old file ref: 12])

Potts, FA (Cambridge): correspondence re work on pelagic Polychaeta and report. (6pp), 1930 - 1934 (File 22 [Old file ref: 13])

Russell, FS (Plymouth) and Orr AP (Millport): report on work of the boat party. (53pp), 1930 - 1931 (File 23 [Old file ref: 14])

Russell, FS (Plymouth) and Colman, JS (Cambridge): correspondence re work on plankton and report. (50pp), 1930 - 1936 (File 24 [Old file ref: 14a])

Steers, JA (Cambridge): geographical introduction to the biological reports. (34pp), 1930 (File 25 [Old file ref: 15])

Whitley, GP (Sydney): correspondence re work on fishes and report. (4pp), 1930 - 1931 (File 26 [Old file ref: 16])

Yonge, CM (Plymouth; Bristol): correspondence re work on corals and reports with introductory account. (195pp), 1930 - 1937 (File 27 [Old file ref: 17])

Orr, AP (Millport) and Marshall, SM (Millport): correspondence re work on sediments and report. (36pp), 1930 - 1933 (File 28 [Old file ref: 18])

Briggs, EA (Sydney): correspondence re work on hydroids and report. (9pp), 1930 - 1931 (File 29 [Old file ref: 19])

Otter, GW (Horsham and Cambridge): correspondence re work on rock-boring organisms and report. (30pp), 1930 - 1937 (File 30 [Old file ref: 20])

Bassindale, R (Sheffield and Liverpool): correspondence re work on cirripedes and report. (16pp), 1930 - 1934 (File 31 [Old file ref: 21])

Hickson, SJ (Cambridge): correspondence re work on Alcyonaria and report. (45pp), 1930 - 1932 (File 32 [Old file ref: 22])

Spender, M (London), Stephenson, TA (London and Cape Town) and Tandy, G: ecological report. (31pp), 1930 - 1935 (File 33 [Old file ref: 24])

Foxon, E (Cambridge and Glasgow): correspondence re work on stomatopod larvae and report. (29pp), 1930 - 1932 (File 34 [Old file ref: 26])

Stephenson, TA (London and Cape Town): correspondence re work on coral development and report. (53pp), 1930 - 1934 (File 35 [Old file ref: 30])

Stephenson, TA (London and Cape Town): general papers, 1930 - 1933 (File 36 [Old file ref: 30a])

Re inroduction, sending specimens, suggestions as to specialists to approach - lack of suitable Australians. (60pp)

Fraser, EA (London): correspondence re work on Myrionema and report. (9pp), 1931 (File 37 [Old file ref: 32])

McCall, D (Dundee): correspondence re work on diatoms and report. (34pp), 1930 - 1936 (File 38)

Boschma, H (Leiden): correspondence re work on Madreporaria and Fungidae and report. (12pp), 1934 - 1935 (File 39)

Popham, ML (Bristol): correspondence re work on a new lamellibranch and report. (9pp), 1939 (File 40)

Burfield, ST (Liverpool): correspondence re work on Chaetognatha and report. (10pp), 1932 - 1936 (File 41)

Yonge, CM (Bristol): correspondence re work on reef-building corals and report. (11pp), 1939 - 1940 (File 42)

Carlgren, O (Lund): correspondence re work on Actiniaria and report. (48pp), 1948 - 1950 (File 43 [Old file ref: 1])

McCall, D (Edinburgh): correspondence re work on diatoms and report. (23pp), 1948 - 1957 (File 44 [Old file ref: 2])

Burfield, ST (Liverpool): correspondence re work on Chaetognatha and report. (31pp), 1948 - 1955 (File 45 [Old file ref: 3])

Farran, GP (Dublin): correspondence re work on Copepoda and report. (37pp), 1947 - 1948 (File 46 [Old file ref: 4])

Crossland, C: correspondence, 1946 - 1953 (File 47 [Old file ref: 5])

Re work on corals, with letters of TA Stephenson (Aberystwyth) re death of Crossland in Denmark in 1943. (90pp)

McNeill, FA (Sydney): correspondence re work on decapod crustaceans and report. Includes correspondence with JW Evans. (42pp), 1948 - 1961 (File 48 [Old file ref: 6])

Collins, AC (Geelong): correspondence re work on Foraminifera and report. (107pp), 1948 - 1958 (File 49 [Old file ref: 8])

Iredale, T (Sydney): correspondence, 1948 - 1963 (File 50 [Old file ref: 9])

Re work on Gastropoda and report. Includes: 25 September 1963. DE McMichael (Sydney); 10 August 1959. JW Evans (Sydney) re Iredale's lack of progress. (38pp)

Kramp, PL (Copenhagen): correspondence re work on Medusae and report. (45pp), 1948 - 1953 (File 51 [Old file ref: 10])

Flower, W: report on ostracods, 1948 (File 52 [Old file ref: 11])

Comprises correspondence with Professor Eastham (Sheffield) and Professor Cannon (Manchester) re whereabouts of Miss Flower and ostracods specimens. (8pp)

Pelseneer, P (Brussels): report on molluscan larvae., 1948 (File 53 [Old file ref: 12])

Comprises correspondence with FS Russell (Plymouth) and V van Straelen (Brussels) re whereabouts of molluscan larvae sent to to Pelseneer. (6pp)

Hastings, AB: report on Rhabdopleura, 1944 - 1951 (File 54 [Old file ref: 13])

Comprises correspondence with Anna Hastings and others re work done by herself and Dr Parsons, not enough for GBR report. (16pp)

GBR Expedition Reports: correspondence of CM Yonge (Glasgow) and FS Russell (Plymouth), 1945 - 1968 (File 55 [Old file ref: 14])

Re final reports, problems with Iredale and McNeill. (86pp)

Yonge, CM: typescript and artwork for 'Studies on the physiology of corals' (i) typescripts with ms ammendments. (76pp), 1930 (File 56)

Photographs, originally part of this file, were not filmed by the AJCP.

McNeill, FA (Sydney): correspondence, 1966 - 1967 (File 58)

Re work on specimens and writing of report on decapod crustaceans, with correspondence I Gordon (BM(NH)) and JC Yaldwyn (Sydney). (35pp)

GBR Committee (Australia): expedition to Low Island, 1954. (28p.), 1954 - 1955 (File 59)

Correspondence, memoranda, reports on expedition to Low Island...

Series DF 230. Curators of Birds Correspondence, 1896 - 1918

Consists of correspondence of two successive curators of birds: Richard Bowdler Sharpe (1847-1909) (230/1-19) and William Robert Ogilvie-Grant (1863-1899) (230/22-27).

A-Z. Correspondence, March 1896 - December 1896 (File 230/1)

Filmed selectively.

William S Day (Cairns) offering golden bower birds (including photographs); and lizards from Bartlefrere Mountain, 17 July; 28 July; 14 November 1896 (Item)
W Baldwin Spencer (Melbourne) forwarding list of specimens collected on Horn Expedition to Central Australia., 28 October 1898 [i.e. 1896] (Item)

[Filed under HORN]

Charles Hose (Diss) re specimens collected in Celebes by his son, 2 November 1896 (Item)
F Hutton (Christchurch) re desiderata; hard winter killed many sheep; rabbit problem; find of Moa bones, 5 March 1896 (Item)
Correspondence of Sir William MacGregor and G.H. Masters, 1896 (Item)

Sir William MacGregor (British New Guinea), 29 December 1896, re sending new birds identified by De Vis...

A-Z. Correspondence, April 1897 - November 1897 (File 230/2)

Filmed selectively.

Correspondence of George L. Bates and Edward Bartlett, 1897 (Item)

George L. Bates, 29 March 1897, sending a box of rodent specimens for the British Museum...

James Dall (Collingwood, New Zealand) that he has permit to collect Apteryx maxima, 18 November 1897 (Item)
William Day (Cairns) has more golden bower birds to sell, 14 April 1897 (Item)
Edward Degen (Melbourne) re his work on moult, 4 May 1897 (Item)
De Vis (Queensland Museum) re distributing duplicates from Sir William MacGregor's collection, 12 July 1897 (Item)
R Etheridge (Australian Museum) re sending egg and mound of Tagigallus, 10 April 1897 (Item)
W Baldwin Spencer (Melbourne): specimens collected in Central Australia, 13 August 1897 (Item)

[Filed under Spencer]

JW Williams (Chatham Islands) sending skins of crested penguin and white breasted shag, 1 August 1897 (Item)

A-Z. Correspondence, June 1898 - December 1898 (File 230/3)

Filmed selectively.

Correspondence of C. Fenwick and Stanley S Flower, 1898 (Item)

C. Fenwick, 21 December 1898, sending bird for identification...

AJ North (Australian Museum) introducing Mr Bassington, agent for bird artist Neville Cayley, 1 November 1898 (Item)
Henry Woodward (BM(NH)) re publication of book on Christmas Island by CW Andrews, 1 December 1898 (Item)

A-Z. Correspondence, December 1898 - December 1899 (File 230/4)

Filmed selectively.

R Ayscough (Ringdove, Campbell Island, and Wellington) re birds observed on island, 2 November 1899 - 5 December 1899 (Item)
Correspondence of K.B. Barnett and FR Barton, 1899 (Item)

K.B. Barnett, enquiring about butterflies sent by Paul Minns...

HS Bevan (Hong Kong) offering skull of crocodile from Borneo, 23 August 1899 (Item)
AM Farquar (Wallaroo, en route to Sydney) re birds from New Hebrides, 9 October 1899 (Item)
R Hanitsch (Raffles Museum) sending birds of paradise for identification, 1 June; 5 October; 24 August 1899 (Item)
Thomas Illidge (Gayndah) sending Ceratodus, can send Echidna if wanted, 23 December 1898 (Item)
HJ Lake (Thurday Island) can collect flora and fauna for Museum, 26 June 1899 (Item)
W Lucas (Brussels) re collection brought back from Dutch East Indies, 23 August 1899 (Item)
Correspondence of M. Patrick and George A Payne, 1899 (Item)

M. Patrick (Chelmsford), 11 August 1899, asking for money for specimen...

Harley Thomas (Nelson) re eggs from extinct New Zealand Quail, 16 December 1898 (Item)

Also includes a note signed R.S., 8 December 1899, re sheep specimens.

Reginald Tupper (Australian station) re collecting on Solomon Islands, 1 April 1899 (Item)
Bernard Woodward (Perth) re specimens wanted, 14 July; 9 Dec; 16 December 1899 (Item)

A-Z. Correspondence, March 1900 - December 1900 (File 230/5)

Filmed selectively.

Correspondence of Charles Barnard and Sid Jackson, 14 December 1900 - 16 December 1900 (Item)

Charles Barnard (Rockhampton), 14 December 1900, re collection of Queensland eggs for sale...

R Ayscough (Ringdove, Santa Cruz Island) re bird skins sent to Museum, 27 June 1900 (Item)
Collection of Australian bird eggs, n.d. (Item)

(4pp) [Filed after letter from Baker].

FR Barton (British New Guinea), 1900 (Item)

Sending bird skins from Mambore River Area; paradise birds collected by Ginlianetti; his work as commandent of police.

William A Bryan (Bishop Museum, Honolulu) re return to Hawaii; plans to collect on Guam, 10 December 1900 (Item)
Correspondence Lewis Carey and Tom Carter, 1900 (Item)

Lewis Carey, 10 September 1900, sends bird for examinaiton...

Sid Wm Jackson (Sydney) re collecting in Northern Rivers of NSW, 17 March 1900 (Item)
Bernard Woodward (Perth) sending eggs of Nycticorax caledonicus from islet off Cape Peron, 21 December 1900 (Item)

A-G. Correspondence, December 1900 - November 1901 (File 230/6)

Filmed selectively.

JRG Adams (Adelaide) re receipt of Handlist of the genera and species of birds, 6 August 1901 (Item)

Also includes letter from H.A. Thorne, 23 April 1901, sending skinds from West Africa.

FR Barton (British New Guinea) sending skins; visit to Australia re status of BNG under new Commonwealth, 14 December 1900 - 7 November 1901 (Item)

H-Z. Correspondence, January 1901 - October 1901 (File 230/7)

Filmed selectively.

Charles Hose (Baram) sending war drum, 19 October 1901 (Item)

Also includes letter from C.E. Fagan, 14 December 1901, regarding Dr Hinde's cases of specimens.

F Hutton (Christchurch) re birds sent by Lord Ranfurley from southern islands of NZ, 14 February 1901 (Item)

Also includes note from Helen Innes, 12 June, sending potentially rare bird.

George Marshall (Auckland) re value of stuffed Kiwis, 8 January 1901 (Item)

Date is when letter received.

PE Reid (Charters Towers, Qld) planning trip to Africa; experiences of Australian bush, 25 October 1901 (Item)
S Percy Seymour (Te Oneroa) re collecting NZ birds, 3 February 1901 (Item)

Includes:Letter to Professor E.R. Lankester, 18 January 1901 regarding egg collection...

R Shelford (Sarawak) re missing journals, 1 February 1901 (Item)
Bernard Woodward (Perth) re possible new bird species from Barrow Island, 1901 (Item)

A-M. Correspondence, March 1902 - November 1902 (File 230/8)

Filmed selectively.

FR Barton (British New Guinea) re expenses of expedition, 19 May 1902 (Item)

Includes: 2 BM(NH) notes and copy of letter to Barton of 15 July 1902 that he has sent two new specimens.

Mrs Cadwallader Adams (London) re bird shot by son on Auckland Islands, 7 July 1902 (Item)
Elizabeth Coxon (Mrs Charles Coxon, Brisbane) sending letters and sketch of bower bird, 8 September 1902 (Item)
R Etheridge (Sydney) sending mounted specimen of platypus, 25 August 1902 (Item)

Includes: exchange docket

PN Graydon (Sandakan) re collecting in Sandakan, 17 March 1902 (Item)
A Graydon (London) re bird skins from Borneo, 3 November 1902 (Item)

Includes list.

F Hutton (Christchurch) sending possible American Godwit, shot in NZ, 26 March 1902 (Item)
R Logan Jack (London) re services of A Alder of of Brisbane as modeller, 10 September 1902 (Item)

N-Z. Correspondence, May 1902 - October 1902 (File 230/9)

Filmed selectively.

S Sinclair (Australian Museum) re mounted platypus, snakes, Lewin's Birds of New Holland, 26 June; 2 July; 10 October; 23 October 1902 (Item)
To Woodward re exchange of specimens, 26 July 1902 (Item)
Bernard Woodward (Perth) re drawings of Mr Linton, 26 May 1902 - 30 August 1902 (Item)
C Congrave (Perth) forwarding specimens (filed with Woodward), 19 September 1902 (Item)

A-P. Correspondence, 1903 (File 230/10)

Filmed selectively.

Catalogue of birds collected on Doriwaida expedition, August 1903 by FR Barton. (13pp), 1903 (Item)
B Glanvill Corney (Suva) sending native hair collected by Matron May C Anderson, 9 February 1903 (Item)
John Haddon & Co (London) re receipt of Dasyptilus pesqueti from New Guinea, 30 April 1903 (Item)
F Hutton (Christchurch) re book on New Zealand vertebrate animals he is considering writing, 9 January 1903 - 3 April 1903 (Item)
Sid Jackson (Sydney): bird nests for the museum, encloses list of referees, 21 March 1903 (Item)

R-Z. Correspondence, January 1903 - July 1903 (File 230/11)

Filmed selectively.

Lord Ranfurley (Wellington): bush wrens, 1903 (Item)

Includes: 3 BM(NH) notes and cable from Hutton (30 March 1903)

Bernard Woodward (Perth): parcel of Accipitrine birds, 5 January 1903 - 25 May 1903 (Item)

Includes photograph.

A Zietz (Adelaide) acknowledging receipt of specimens, 27 July 1903 (Item)

A-L. Correspondence, January 1904 - October 1904 (File 230/12)

Filmed selectively.

C Boden Kloss (Johore) that recently taken charge of new department to form a museum, 20 March 1904 (Item)
B Glanvill Corney (London): hair from Ysabel, Solomon Islands, 20 January 1904 (Item)
HE Finckh (Sydney) sending egg and skin of Kayu, 24 May 1904 - 24 October 1904 (Item)

(photographs not enclosed)

HM Lund (Waitara) re skin of white Kiwi, 8 August 1904 (Item)

M-Z. Correspondence, December 1903 - July 1904 (File 230/13)

Filmed selectively.

James McClymont (Sandy Bay, Tasmania) re albino shrike thrush, 21 December 1903 (Item)

(Photograph not in file).

AJ North (Sydney) re Lewin's Birds of New Holland, 2 February 1904 - 2 June 1904 (Item)
HG Robley (London), 10 March 1904 (Item)
S Percy Seymour (Te Oneroa) sending skins, 18 February 1904 (Item)
R Shelford (Sarawak) sending specimens of Spilornis raja, 25 January 1904 (Item)
S Sinclair (Sydney) sending specimens on loan for exhibition, 21 July 1904 (Item)
Edward Wilson (Discovery Lyttelton) sending specimens of seal skins, with sketches, 15 May 1904 - 25 May 1904 (Item)

A-Z. Correspondence, 1903 - 1905 (File 230/14)

Filmed selectively.

FR Barton (British New Guinea), 1903 - 1905 (Item)

Re bowers of bower bird; raggiana's nest; nearly drowned crossing river bar; expedition across main ridge collecting birds; may be future problems sending specimens as BNG is now a dependency of Australia...

TA Brittlebank (Myrniong, Vic) that has bird skins for sale, 23 May 1905 (Item)
R Etheridge (Sydney) re return of bird skins, 4 September 1905 (Item)
Henry Travers (Wellington) re skeletons of bull and cow Berardius arnuxi, driven on shore by storms, 24 January 1905 (Item)

(Photograph not in file) (Filed after Lucas)

Alfred North (Sydney) sending bird eggs; attacks on his work by co-editor of Macleay Museum Journal, 4 January 1905 - 12 January 1905 (Item)
R Shelford (Sarawak) sending birds, 12 September 1903 (Item)

A-F. Correspondence, July 1906 (File 230/15)

FR Barton (Port Moresby) re echidna from Owen Stanley Mountains, 4 July 1906 (Item)

(Photographs not in file)

G-Z. Correspondence, January 1906 - June 1906 (File 230/16)

Filmed selectively.

J MacFarland (Melbourne) enclosing copy of report by Joshua Lake on 2 albums of paintings, many by 'WB Gould' of Tasmanian birds, 26 June 1906 (Item)

(Filed under Lake)

Alfred North (Sydney) acknowledging return of bird skins, 22 January 1906 (Item)
Herbert Robinson (Kuala Lumpur) sending specimens of birds and mammals, February 1906 (Item)

A-Z. Correspondence, December 1906 - April 1907 (File 230/17)

Filmed selectively.

FR Barton (London) enclosing photograph of bower taken at 7000ft in Owen Stanley Range, n.d. (Item)
Meadows, Thorpe & Menneer (St Leonards on Sea) re stuffed duck-billed platypus bequeathed to the museum by Constance Bell, 10 April 1907 (Item)
R Henry Walcott (National Museum, Melbourne) requesting duplicates of Discovery specimens, 4 December 1906 (Item)

A-Z. Correspondence, December 1907 - September 1908 (File 230/18)

Filmed selectively.

H Greensill Barnard (Rockhampton) offering to collect bird skins, 15 February 1908 (Item)
William Brigham (Bishop Museum, Honolulu) re loan, 20 May 1908 (Item)
Le Souef (Melbourne) re index to Emu, 29 June 1908 (Item)
Herbert Robinson (Kuala Lumpur) sending specimens; government is to fund a survey of fauna of Malay Peninsula, 19 September 1908 (Item)
Everard Thurn (Suva) re parrots of Fiji, 16 March 1908 (Item)
H L White (Scone, NSW) re his collection of bird eggs, 12 December 1907 (Item)

A-Z. Correspondence, March 1909 - December 1909 (File 230/19)

Filmed selectively.

ED Atkinson (Penguin) re proposed expedition to islands of Bass Straits, 22 April 1909 (Item)
MJ Colclough (Brisbane) offering to collect for the Museum in Queensland, 9 April 1909 (Item)

Also includes letter from Arthur Cobb, 21 September 1909, regarding birds' eggs from the Falkland Islands.

J D'A Pereira (Singapore) re specimens from Borneo, 14 December 1908, 5 December 1908 (Item)
WG Ridewood (BM(NH)) re albatross from Port Philip, 1 May 1909 (Item)
Herbert Robinson (Kuala Lumpur) with list of bird skins, 6 September 1909 (Item)
WW Smith (Taranaki) re Museum work on owls, 25 May 1909 (Item)
John A Wood (Kelantan) re fine specimens of kingfishers, 1 March 1909 (Item)
Bernard Woodward (Perth) re specimens of Accipitrifornes and Amytornis for the Museum and Gregory Mathews, 29 November 1909 - 5 December 1909 (Item)

Ab-Cur, March 1902 - April 1913 (File 230/22)

Filmed selectively.

WL Abbott (Siboga, Sumatra), 29 March 1902 (Item)

Cannot collect for the Museum; Robinson needs elephants to work in the districts back of Perak.

J Allen (NZ Minister of Finance, London) re founding of national reserves for fauna, 27 March 1913 - 1 April 1913 (Item)
WS Anderson (Christmas Island) problems of taxidermy in a hot climate, 10 February 1903 (Item)
A Campbell (Melbourne) re prohibition on the export of bird skins and plumage, 1911 - 1912 (Item)

Dal-Hut, April 1898 - October 1912 (File 230/23)

Filmed selectively.

James Drummond (Christchurch) re his book on New Zealand birds, 29 August 1910 (Item)
Walter Goodfellow (Humbolt's Bay; New Guinea; Aru Islands) re collecting in New Guinea; house attacked at Humbolt's Bay, 11 July 1906 - 25 November 1906 (Item)
Sydney Halcombe (Koputarna) re managing a farm; bird collecting; swindled by a bird dealer in Wellington, 13 September 1905 - 28 February 1906 (Item)
Richard Henry (Resolution Island), not seen any wrens for a long time, 20 March 1906 (Item)

Also includes a letter from George Henry, 7 March 1910, regarding a stuffed Bird of Paradise for sale.

Henderson Island labels (3pp), October 1912 (Item)

Birds collected on Henderson Island.

F Hutton (Christchurch) enclosing 3 photographs of Endyptes vittatus, 25 April 1898 (Item)

I-N. Correspondence, November 1907 - October 1914 (File 230/24)

Filmed selectively.

Sydney Jackson (Sydney) re his collection of Australian birds eggs, 1 September 1900; 27 July 1903; 11 March 1901; 26 August 1901 (Item)
CB Kloss (Kuala Lumpur) why has his name been omitted as leader of Utakwa expedition from Bulletin, 26 August 1913 (Item)
Hon Gerald Legge (Java) re collecting; met Shortridge; putting manager into the estate, 10 November 1907 (Item)
Le Souef (Melbourne) sending photograph of nest and eggs of Paradisea raggiana, 19 March 1908 (Item)
JC McLean (Gisborne and Stewart Island), 10 February 1908; 24 August 1911; 14 December 1911 (Item)

Re collecting low land and bush birds; bird protection; photography on Stewart Island with Guthrie Smith.

BG Mahoney (Nukualofa) re the birds of Tonga; Tongan stamps, 21 November 1913 - 22 April 1914 (Item)
Gregory Mathews (Watford), 6 January 1912; 24 April 1912 (2 letters); 19 December 1914; 23 July 1914 (Item)

Re sending his collection to Australia; borrowing material from Sydney University Macleay Museum...

JC Moulton (Sarawak) re identification of Borneo birds, 7 April 1913; 20 June 1913; 17 October 1913; 5 November 1913; 21 January 1914; 24 April 1914 (Item)

Includes: shipping documents from Borneo company.

O-T. Correspondence, 1901 - 1913 (File 230/25)

Filmed selectively.

Lord Plunkett (Wellington) re obtaining specimens for the Museum, 2 November 1904 - 6 September 1907 (Item)
Hamilton (Wellington) will send bird specimens to England via the meat freezer boats, 30 September 1907 (Item)

(Filed with Plunkett)

Correspondence of O Grant, 28 November 1907 (Item)

O Grant (BM(NH)) to Lord Plunkett, 28 November 1907, re excellent condition of skins received...

Lord Ranfurley (Auckland) sending specimen of curlew stuit, 27 April 1903 (Item)
Herbert Robinson (Perak, Liverpool, Kuala Lumpur), 1901 - 1913 (Item)

Re expedition to Charles Louis Mountains under Goodfellow; sending specimens; expeditions across the peninsula to Gunung Tahan, to High Mountains of Selangor etc; arrival of Kloss...

EC Stirling (Adelaide) sending case of bird skins, 24 May 1905 (Item)

U-Z. Correspondence, July 1906 - October 1910 (File 230/26)

Filmed selectively.

CB Ussher (Province Wellesley) sending birds, 29 April 1910 (Item)
James Wood (Port Moresby) re birds eggs for sale, 7 July 1906 (Item)
Bernard Woodward (Perth) re sending specimens for Gregory Mathews, to inspect, 25 February 1910; 14 April 1910; 30 May 1910; 16 August 1910; 13 October 1910 (Item)

A-G. Correspondence, December 1909 - May 1918 (File 230/27)

Filmed selectively.

FA Box (Timaru) re naturalised British birds in New Zealand, 24 July 1916 (Item)
William Bryan (Honolulu) offering skins of Aestrelata sandwicensis, 12 August 1915 (Item)
A Campbell (Surrey Hills) re naming of birds, 15 May 1918 (Item)
M Colclough (Brisbane) offering his services, 2 December 1909 (Item)
Walter Goodfellow (Kettering) re publication resulting from New Guinea expedition, 22 December 1915 - 29 December 1915 (Item)

Series DF 231. Vertebrate Section: reports to Trustees and other official documents, 1900 - 1907

Official Documents, January 1900 - October 1903 (File 231/2)

Filmed selectively.

Bird skins wanted for the South Australian Museum. (2p), n.d. (Item)

From loose material at beginning of volume.

Agent General for Victoria (London) re presenting birds which were displayed at Great Britain Exhibition, 9 January 1900 (Item)
Agent General for Victoria (London) re presenting birds, 30 April 1901 (Item)
JRG Adams (Adelaide) re correction in Handlist of Birds, 17 May 1903 (Item)
Bernard Woodward (Perth) re Western Australian birds, 25 May 1903 (Item)
Bernard Woodward (Perth) sending photograph of Cinclosoma marginatum, 26 May 1903 (Item)

(Photograph not in file)

AG Campbell (Armadale) re skins of Victorian birds, 6 July 1903 (Item)
List of duplicate skins from AG Campbell, October 1903 (Item)

(2p.) (Filed before letter of 18 November).

Official Documents, September 1905 - September 1907 (File 231/3)

Filmed selectively.

Herbert Robinson (Kuala Lumpur) re successful expedition to Gunung Tahan, 10 September 1905 (Item)

(Filed 9 October 1905)

Herbert Robinson (Kuala Lumpur) sending specimens from Gunung Tahan, 7 November 1905 (Item)

Includes BM(NH) memo. (Filed December 1905).

Herbert Robinson (Kuala Lumpur) re engagement of taxidermist, 9 April 1906 (Item)

Includes following lists of Robinson Collection from Gunung Tahan and BM(NH) memo.

Herbert Robinson (Kuala Lumpur) sending specimens, 30 April 1907 (Item)
Walter Kennaway (Office of High Commisssion for NZ), 30 September 1907 (Item)

Accepting specimens of seals and birds eggs from Discovery for Canterbury Museum.

Series DF 250. Invertebrate Section Correspondence, 1893 - 1915

Head of the Invertebrate Section from 1867-1913 was Edgar Albert Smith (1847-1916); other members of the Section were Francis J Bell (1855-1934), Curator of worms and echinoderms, SO Riley (1853-1935) Curator of Sponges and WT Calman (1871-1952) Curator of Crustaceans...

Correspondence, June 1893 - November 1894 (File 250/1)

Filmed selectively.

V Gunson Thorpe (Penguin) re visit to Solomon Islands, 24 June 1893 (Item 1893/17)
Charles Chilton (Port Chalmers) forwarding NZ crustacea, 30 November 1894 (Item 1894/55)

Correspondence, July 1897 - October 1898 (File 250/2)

Filmed selectively.

R Etheridge (Sydney) acknowledging receipt of crustacea, 19 July 1897 (Item 1897/38)
H Ridley (Singapore) re collecting on reef, 12 October 1897 (Item 1897/61)
Thomas Street (Sydney) that heat of last summer unfavourable for obtaining specimens, 16 October 1897 (Item 1897/63)
Arthur Dendy (Christchurch) not been able to send specimens wanted, 21 December 1897 (Item 1897/82)
Henry Ridley (Singapore) re trip to North Borneo (Item 1897/83)
R Etheridge (Sydney) re exchanges. (blurred), 7 January 1898 (Item 1898/1)
F Rodway (Hobart) re collection of marine fauna of Tasmania, 29 May 1898 (Item 1898/29)
Henry Suter (Christchurch) sending specimens, 3 August 1898 (Item 1898/38)
R Hanisch (Singapore) sending corals for identification, 14 October 1898 (Item 1898/48)

Correspondence, April 1900 - October 1901 (File 250/3)

Filmed selectively.

Henry Ridley [Singapore] re obtaining earthworms, 10 April 1900 (Item 1900/42)
JW Gregory (Melbourne) re vacancy on Antarctic Expedition for naturalist, fascinated by the local geology, 14 August 1900 (Item 1900/84)
JW Gregory (SS Mariposa) re zoological register for collection of Antarctic Expedition, 15 November 1900 (Item 1900/112)
Henry Suter (Auckland) re receipt of crustaceans, 23 March 1901 (Item 1901/36)
Henry Suter (Auckland) re exchange of specimens, 15 June 1901 (Item 1901/69)
TV Hodgson (Discovery, Simons Bay) re voyage, meeting Queen at Cowes, 7 October 1901 (Item 1901/108)

Correspondence, May 1902 - September 1903 (File 250/4)

Filmed selectively.

B Glanville Corney (Suva) re sending coral, 4 May 1902 (Item 1902/49)
JW Gregory (Melbourne) introducing FE Grant, 9 May 1902 (Item 1902/52)
Baldwin Spencer (Melbourne) introducing FE Grant, 16 June 1902 (Item 1902/58)
Baldwin Spencer acknowledging donations, 7 October 1902 (Item 1902/121)
B Glanville Corney (Suva) sending specimens, 7 December 1902 (Item 1902/157)
Frank Beddard (Zoological society) re worm from Macquarie Island, 6 March [1903] (Item 1903/16)
Henry Suter (Auckland) requesting return of specimens, 31 July 1903 (Item 1903/68)
J Walker (Ringarooma, Sydney) Australia very interesting region from naturalists point of view, 18 September 1903 (Item 1903/76)
Baldwin Spencer (Melbourne), University in financial trouble, 28 September 1903 (Item 1903/82)

Correspondence, May 1904 - August 1904 (File 250/5)

Filmed selectively.

Francis Mayan (Ruapetu) re Tasmanian crab, n.d. (rec 12 January) (Item 1904/2)
FE Grant (Sydney) Carcinus maenas is only established at Port Phillip, 2 May 1904 (Item 1904/38)
TS Hall (Melbourne) re collection of echinoderms sent in 1890, 18 May 1904 (Item 1904/44)
TS Hall (Melbourne) sending specimens from Port Phillip, 30 August 1904 (Item 1904/83)

Correspondence, August 1907 - October 1907 (File 250/8)

Filmed selectively.

R Etheridge (Sydney) requesting that Bell works on the echinodermata of Thetis dredge, 27 August 1907 (Item 1907/177)
WB Benham (Dunedin) re earthworms, 12 September 1907 (Item 1907/179)
WB Benham (Dunedin) sending a starfish, 22 October 1907 (Item 1907/206)

Correspondence, March 1908 (File 250/9)

Filmed selectively.

W Benham (Dunedin) re specimens of worms, 20 March 1908 (Item 1908/74)

Miscellaneous, June 1909 - December 1915 (File 250/10)

Filmed selectively.

Cyril Holman Hunt (Kuala Lumpur) re work at Museum, 17 June 1909 (Item 1909/68)
WB Benham (Dunedin), 26 November 1915 (Item 1915/4-6)

with notes on echinoderms; glad New Zealand men have proved worth in fighting; vigorous recruiting going on

WB Benham (Dunedin) re receipt of damaged book, 15 December 1915 (Item 1915/7)

Series DF 251. Invertebrate Section: Reports to Trustees and other Documents, 1896 - 1901

Official letters and reports, December 1896 - February 1899 (File 251/1)

Filmed selectively.

R Etheridge (Sydney) to Sir William Flower re exchange of specimens with lists. (6pp), September 1895 and 11 September (Item 9)
J Wray (Perak) sending shells, 14 December 1896 (Item 36)
EA Smith (BM(NH)) to Wray re shells sent to Wray, 10 March 1897 (Item 37)
Professor A Dendy, Canterbury College re sponges (3pp), 20 January 1897 (Item 40-41)
R Etheridge (Sydney) re course of exchanges since 1884, 9 June 1898 (Item 111)
R Etheridge (Sydney) re exchange of specimens, 5 September 1896 (sic) (Item 132)
R Etheridge (Sydney) re receipt of useless skins, 13 February 1899 (Item 161)

Official letters and reports, September 1901 (File 251/2)

Filmed selectively.

B Glanville Corney (Fiji) forwarding account by native of finding piece of coral drifting to shore. (4pp), 30 September 1901 (Item 39)
