Guide to the Records of the Commonwealth and Continental Church Society (as filmed by the AJCP)


M413-M416, M577-M579

National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

Created: 2019

Online Items

Newfoundland and British North America School Society. Statement concerning the extension of the operations of the Society to all the colonies of Great Britain (12pp.), 30 July 1846 (File Volume 2?/1)

Proceedings of the Church of England School Society for Newfoundland and the Colonies, 25th year, 1847 - 1848 (File Volume 2/2)

Reports of the Colonial Church Society, 1st-11th Year, 23 September 1835 - 1847 (File Volume 3/1)

The first report uses the name 'Australian Church Missionary Society, established 23 September 1835'. Each report contains proceedings of the annual meeting of the Society, regulations, the anniversary sermon, the report, appendices, a list of subscribers, and the cash account. The appendices include extracts from reports of missionaries in the colonies.

Colonial Church Society Occasional Papers, 1841 - 1846 (File Volume 3/2)

The papers contain extracts from reports of the Society and letters from missionaries and catechists. Paper nos. 1-12.

Colonial Church Record vol. 1, nos. 1-9, October 1838 - February 1840 (File Volume 3/3)

No. 3: Churches in South Australia...

Proceedings of the Church of England School Society for Newfoundland and the Colonies, 1848 - 1849 (File Volume 4/1)

The pages filmed relate to Melbourne only.

Annual reports of the Colonial Church Society (1848-1850) and the Colonial Church and School Society (1851-1856), 1848 - 1856 (File Volume 4/2)

In each report the early pages were filmed, followed by the section on Western Australia, Port Phillip (after 1850 Victoria) and Van Diemen's Land. In the last two reports (1854-1855 and 1855-1856) the Australian section was divided into dioceses: Sydney, Newcastle, Melbourne, Perth)...

Colonial Church and School Society Occasional papers, nos. 16-20, 1851 - 1856 (File Volume 4/3)

Abstract of Reports Presented at Annual Meetings, May 1855 - May 1856 (File Volume 4/4)

Annual reports of the Colonial Church and School Society (1856-1860) and the Colonial and Continental Church Society (1861-1897) (File Volumes 5-12)

In each report the early pages were filmed, comprising a list of officers, a list of local honorary secretaries, the minutes of the annual general meeting of the Society, a lists of missionaries and agents (arranged geographically),and a summary of the colonial operations of the Society. In some instances, the anniversary sermon was also filmed, as well as financial and statistical details and a summary of the continental (European) operations of the Society...

Annual reports of the Colonial and Continental Church Society, 1897 - 1926 (File Volume 13-20)

In each report the early pages were filmed, comprising a list of officers, a list of local honorary secretaries, the minutes of the annual meeting, the constitution and rules of the Society, a list of missionaries and agents in the colonies, statistics, and an abstract of the annual report. The anniversary sermon has sometimes been copied. The other pages filmed are the reports received from dioceses in Australia and New Zealand. No reports from the dioceses were included in the 1916-1917 and 1917-1918 annual reports...

Annual reports of the Colonial and Continental Church Society, 1926 - 1939 (File Volume 21/1)

The reports, which are similar in content and arrangement to the earlier reports, were filmed selectively. After 1932 diocesan reports no longer appeared in the annual reports. The diminishing involvement of the Society in Australia and New Zealand is reflected in the relatively small number of diocesan reports appearing in the annual reports in 1926-1932:...

Abstracts of the annual reports of the Colonial and Continental Church Society, 1939 - 1955 (File Volume 21/2)

The abstracts are very brief and usually contain no more than a paragraph on Australia, mainly dealing with the Bush Church Aid Society. There are no reports for 1940-1941 and 1943-1944. The reports are not dated after 1948, but from internal evidence they appear to have been issued each year until 1955.

Minute book of the Committee of the Colonial Church Society, 8 January 1839 - 19 July 1842 (File 1)

The minute book, which has been filmed selectively, dates from 8 January 1839 to 19 July 1842. The minutes refer to the appointment of missionaries to the Swan River and Port Phillip, requests for assistance for clergy in Australia, the construction of churches at the Swan River, the stipends of itinerant missionaries, and the supply of books to Norfolk Island.

Minute book of the Committee of the Colonial Church and School Society, 27 December 1850 - 7 August 1855 (File 2)

The minute book, which has been filmed in its entirety, dates from 27 December 1850 to 7 August 1855. The minutes refer to the merger of the Colonial Church Society and the Newfoundland School Society, the annual expenses of the colonial missions (1851-1855), the appointment of clergy, catechists, Scripture readers and schoolmasters for Australia, religious instruction on emigrant and convict ships, requests for financial assistance, the appointment of a missionary to the Victorian goldfields (August 1852), properties owned by the Society in Australia, the purchase of books for the colonies, letters from bishops commenting on the performance of missionaries, interviews with bishops and other visitors from the colonies on the state of religion in the colonies, the appointment of seamen's chaplains in colonial ports, and the resignation of missionaries.

Minute book of the Committee of the Colonial Church and School Society, 18 September 1855 - 19 December 1861 (File 3)

The entries refer inter alia to reports by bishops, missionaries and lay agents in the colonies, relations with the Church Missionary Society, the selection of missionaries and catechists for Australia, assistance with passages to Australia, meetings with the Bishop of Perth and other visitors from Australia, the appointment of an itinerant missionary in the Diocese of Newcastle, and the appointment of a chaplain for seamen in Sydney. Most of the relevant correspondence is from the dioceses of Sydney, Melbourne and Perth.

Minute book of the General Committee of the Colonial and Continental Church Society, 16 January 1862 - 19 December 1872 (File 4)

The minute book, which was filmed selectively, dates from 16 January 1862 to 19 December 1872. The minutes refer inter alia to the annual grants to colonial dioceses, financial transactions, reports from bishops and clergy in the colonies, the Society's properties in Western Australia, the appointment of Mesac Thomas as Bishop of Goulburn (1862), the commencement of grants to the dioceses of Goulburn (1862), Bathurst (1870) and Waiapu (1870), the need for missionaries on the New South Wales goldfields, the work of the Society's agents in the colonies, appointments made by bishops in Australia, the effects of drought on rural parishes in Australia (1865), and the return of R. Munden to England (1868) after 14 years as a catechist in Queensland. Most of the relevant correspondence is from the dioceses of Sydney, Melbourne, Goulburn and Perth.

Minute book of the General Committee of the Colonial and Continental Church Society, 6 February 1873 - 10 May 1883 (File 5)

The entries deal inter alia with the annual grants to colonial dioceses, financial transactions, addresses to the Committee by the Bishops of Melbourne and Goulburn (1875), the mission at Kati Kati in New Zealand, the withdrawal of Government aid to churches in Western Australia, and the creation of the diocese of North Queensland. Most of the relevant correspondence is from the dioceses of Sydney, Goulburn, Bathurst, Melbourne, Perth and Auckland...

Minute book of the General Committee of the Colonial and Continental Church Society, 10 May 1883 - 24 June 1891 (File 6)

The minute book, which has been filmed selectively, dates from 10 May 1883 to 24 June 1891. The entries refer inter alia to annual grants to dioceses, requests for increased grants, progress in parishes supported by grants from the Society, and grants for remote communities in New Zealand and northern Australia. Most of the relevant correspondence is from the diocese of Bathurst, Ballarat, Goulburn, Riverina, North Queensland, Perth and Auckland.

Minute book of the Committee of the Colonial and Continental Church Society, 21 October 1891 - 8 October 1901 (File 7)

The minute book, which was filmed selectively, dates from 21 October 1891 to 8 October 1901. The entries refer inter alia to appointments to the eastern goldfields in Western Australia, the death of Bishop Mesac Thomas (1892), and concerns that only evangelical clergymen should be appointed to positions funded by the Society. Most of the relevant correspondence is from the dioceses of Bathurst, Goulburn, North Queensland, Perth, Auckland and Waiapu.
