Guide to the Oskars Pumpurs Map Collection
MFC 37
National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record
Online Items
Series 1. Overseas including England and India
19. Industrial Complex, Khopoli, Bombay. 25. Division of Towns for Planning Purposes (Item 3) - Folder 1
Photocopied page with 19. Industrial Complex (Khopoli - Bombay) on recto, and 25. Division of Towns for Planning Purposes on verso. Recto is annotated in colour and includes heading Post-Independence Problems and page number 103.
Fig. 10 Traffic System. Fig. 15 Density Pattern (Item 4) - Folder 1
Photocopied page with Fig. 10 Traffic System on recto and Fig. 15 Density pattern on verso. Recto annotated in colour.
25. Division of Towns for Planning Purposes (Item 5) - Folder 1
Photocopied page with fuller version of 25. Division of Towns for Planning Purposes on recto and annotated in colour, and partial, unannotated version on verso.
Fig. 15 Density Pattern. Fig. 10 Traffic System (Item 6) - Folder 1
Photocopied page with Fig. 15 Density pattern on recto and Fig. 10 Traffic System on verso. Recto annotated in colour.
Malabar Cements Township 1978-82. Kerala (Item 7) - Folder 1
Photocopied page showing left most side with page number 108 on recto and right most side on verso. Includes site plan and plan of A-type houses.
Access Streets Summary and Comparison (Item 8) - Folder 1
Photocopied page. Recto and verso are same content.
Subgrp 9-10. Gandhinagar Master Plan
Series 2. Australia, New South Wales, and Victoria
Subgrp 14-15. Atlas of Australian Resources
Australia Surface Water Resources, 1:600,000, 1967 (Item 14) - Folder 2
Topographic map showing the average annual run-off of water throughout Australia as well as the system of streams in each state. The map also includes the superimposition of graphs in blue showing the annual variation in rainfall for that area over the period 1930-1965. 65 x 71 cm.
Winter Park: Cluster Plan (Item 16) - Folder 2
Name and address of the Merchant Builders P/L have been penned onto this plan. Drawing of an area in Melbourne where a number of Timber Ridge condominiums produced by an American company are planned for construction. Winter Park is an American owned chain of hotels. Key provided shows public open space system, private lot areas, access driveways, visitors' parking, living areas (orientation), courtyards and terraces - arrows show entrances. 22 x 35 cm on sheet 54 x 76 cm.
Subgrp 19-23. Plans of office buildings in Sydney 1951
Office building in Sydney, 1/8" to 1' (Item 21) - Folder 2
Plan of North and West elevations. "Stage V". Architectural drawing with minor colouring of an unidentified office building in Sydney created by technical students at Canberra Technical College in July 1951 and signed by O. Pumpurs in lower right corner. Includes a site plan with scale [1:480], 40' to 1". 2 copies, both 55 x 74 cm. Copy 1 is on transparent paper with minor colour. Copy 2 is colour sketch graded 'B-'.
Subgrp 27-30. Queanbeyan cadastral and contour maps
Plan of subdivision of parts of lots 4, 5 & 6, Secn. 16. D.P. 1892. Parish of Queanbeyan County of Murray, ca. 1:600, 1959 (Item 27) - Folder 2
Cadastral map showing property divided in lot subdivisions surrounded by Early Street, Spendelove Street, Munro Road, and Ross Road. Additional lots adjoin the Queanbeyan High School. The lots for sale centre around Lazarus Place which is opposite Agnes Avenue. Signed by surveyor Walter Ross Hardy: 15.9.59. "Approved by the Council and certified in accordance with the provisions of section 327 of the Local Government Act 1919 ...". At top left of sheet: Plan form no. 1 (for deposited plan). At top right of sheet: 8972. Copy 1 is annotated with calculations and faded in appearance compared with Copy 2.
Plan of subdivision of parts of lots 4, 5 & 6, Section 16, Deposited Plan 1892, Moores no. 6 subdivision, ca. 1:600, 1959 (Item 27A) - Folder 2
Signed by surveyor: 20th July 1959. "Form 3 - To be used where dedications, drainage reserves and public garden and recreation spaces are provided". At top right of sheet: 8972. Cadastral map showing property divided in lot subdivisions surrounded by Early Street, Spendelove Street, Munro Road, and Ross Road. Additional lots adjoin the Queanbeyan High School. The lots for sale centre around Lazarus Place which is opposite Agnes Avenue. 36 x 49 cm.
Plan of subdivision of parts of lots 1, 2 & 3, Secn. 15, Depd. Plan 1892, Moores no. 5 subdivision, Parish of Queanbeyan, County of Murray, ca. 1:960, 1959 (Item 28) - Folder 2
Signed by surveyor: 20th July 1959. At top right of sheet: 8972. Cadastral map showing property divided in lot subdivisions surrounded by Skye Street, and Crest Road, Leck Street and Northcott Street. At top left of sheet: Plan form no. 2 (for deposited plan). "Approved by the Council and certified in accordance with the provisions of section 327 of the Local Government Act 1919 ...". 49 x 37 cm.
Plan of proposed subdivision of part of lots 5, 6, & 7, Secn. 16. on D.P. 1892. Municipality of Queanbeyan, Parish of Queanbeyan, ca. 1:480, 1963 (Item 29) - Folder 2
Outline on transparent paper of a cadastral map adjacent to the Queanbeyan High School site showing property divided in lot subdivisions surrounded by Early Street, Spendelove Street, Munro Road, and Ross Road. Additional lots adjoin the Queanbeyan High School. The layout and details varies significantly from the 1959 printed version. "Note: all dimensions are subject to final survey". 58 x 75 cm.
Municipality of Queanbeyan, 1963 (Item 30) - Folder 2
Unpublished contour map of Queanbeyan centred around Crest Road and delimited by Munro Road, Lorn Road, Uriarra Road, Henderson Street and Ross Road. All copies initialled O.P. Copy 1 shows land subdivisions but is not numbered or annotated in any way. Some annotations in blue pen and red pencil and on sheet 77 x 79 cm. Copy 2 faded on lower left side and shows faint red pencil annotation and is on sheet 78 x 74 cm. Copy 3 faded on lower left side and is on sheet 78 x 73 cm. Copy 4 has brown marks on lower right corner and is on sheet 78 x 73 cm. Copy 5 is coloured in pencil with annotations in red and black pen and is on sheet 74 x 69 cm. Copy 6 is on transparent paper and on sheet 75 x 70 cm.
Moorelands Estate Queanbeyan N.S.W. Subdivision No. 3., 1954 (Item 35) - Folder 3
"Size 2' 4" x 1' 2" Area 2.7 sq ft.". Cadastral map showing property divided in lot subdivisions along Agnes Avenue and Ross Road extending from Early Street to Norton Street and subdivided by Surveyor Street. Notes: All measurements are subject to Deposited Plan. All road corners cut back 15 feet and rounded. Up to 132 lots are shown. Annotated in pencil. 33 x 69 cm.
[Municipality of Queanbeyan urban development], 1971 (Item 37) - Folder 3
Outline on transparent paper of unpublished road map of Queanbeyan intended to fit over the Municipality of Queanbeyan base map (thus sharing the same scale). This map has been shortened, cutback between Stuart Street which runs along past the high school and meets Agnes Avenue and then Ross Road on the right. Skye Road forms the 4th side and cuts across Crest Road and Blackall. Between Crest Road and Agnes Avenue the area has been shaded with colour pen and a pattern. The key on the map lists the following features: - shops and commercial, service stations, single houses, flats and town houses, and open space or community living. Signed and dated: KA, 15/2/71. Printed by the National Capital Development Commission. Annotated in pencil. 29 x 41 cm.
[Inked outline map on transparent paper of a shopping centre planned within Queanbeyan], 1963 (Item 38) - Folder 3
This drawing shows some contours in red on top of which a network of unidentified streets have been drawn including cul-de-sacs. In the centre some buildings are shown but marked in pencil as shops with parking marked either side of this row of shops with a garage adjacent. This area falls between Crest [Road?] and Agnes Ave. and is located at one end of Blackall [Road?]. Signed: OP 1963. 38 x 44 cm.
[Inked outline map on transparent paper of a shopping centre planned within Queanbeyan: variation of design], 1963 (Item 39) - Folder 3
A variation of the related drawing shows some contours in red on top of which a network of unidentified streets have been drawn including an increased number of cul-de-sacs. In the centre some buildings are shown but reconfigured from a row into a square and marked in pencil as shops with parking marked either side of this square of shops with a garage closer but still detached. This area falls between Crest [Road?] and Agnes Ave. and is located at one end of Blackall [Road?]. Signed: OP 1963. 38 x 44 cm.
Subgrp 40-44. Unidentified planning sketches folder 3 (larger)
Drawings of unidentified estates or town developments to be found in Folder 3 covering Australia, Victoria or New South Wales.
Subgrp 45-46. Scheme "A" and Scheme "B" Queanbeyan
Municipality of Queanbeyan Scheme "B", 1963 (Item 45) - Folder 3
Outline of unpublished contour map of Queanbeyan intended to fit over the Municipality of Queanbeyan base map (thus sharing the same scale). This map has been halved, cutback between Munro Road with Lorn Road on the left and Ross Road on the right. Skye Road forms the 4th side and cuts across Crest Road. Land subdivisions are clearly shown but not numbered or annotated in any way as well as the local water supply in the park in the centre. Presumably it shows 457 blocks of land. Signed and dated: O.P. 6/63. Copy 1 is transparency. 38 x 50 cm.
Scheme "A", 1963 (Item 46) - Folder 3
Outline of unpublished contour map of Queanbeyan intended to fit over the Municipality of Queanbeyan base map (thus sharing the same scale). This map has been halved, cutback between Munro Road with Lorn Road on the left and Ross Road on the right. Skye Road forms the 4th side and cuts across Crest Road. Land subdivisions are clearly shown but not numbered or annotated in any way as well as the local water supply in the park in the centre. Presumably it shows 456 blocks of land. Signed and dated: O.P. 6/63. Copy 1 is transparency. 38 x 46 cm.
[Sketch map pencilled on transparent paper of an unidentified suburban area planned within Queanbeyan: preliminary drawing], 1959 (Item 48) - Folder 3
This very rough drawing shows some subdivisions, some shaded, within a perimeter of unidentified roads. Within this perimeter is shown a high school and an infants and primary school adjacent to an area marked Industry. A small reserve is also indicated within the perimeter. Signed: OP 27.9.59. 43 x 68 cm.
Shopping catchment [Sketch map pencilled on transparent paper of an unidentified shopping centre in Queanbeyan: preliminary drawing], 1959 (Item 49) - Folder 3
Accompanied by pencilled notes calculating the number of existing and future dwelling units, estimated local population, allowing 1 shop per 100 persons calculates the number of shops needed in the main centre and in the neighbourhood, then calculations on the size of the standard shop. Signed: OP 27.9.59. 43 x 68 cm.
Municipality of Queanbeyan, Sheet 1, ca. 1:6,336, 1960 - 1965 (Item 50) - Folder 4
Cadastral maps showing land block numbers and limited zoning as part of the town planning in the town of Queanbeyan. Copy 1 shows Inset A. Continuation of Sheet 2. Scale not given and on sheet 35 x 48 cm. Copy 2 is annotated in grey and yellow pencil and is on sheet 70 x 96 cm. Copy 3 shows Inset A and has annotations about sewers in red pen and is on sheet 70 x 96 cm.
City of Queanbeyan Planning Scheme. Amendment No. 2, 1:10,000, 1973 (Item 51) - Folder 4
Cadastral map of the town of Queanbeyan showing the extent of town planning at that time. The map shows six different zones - non-urban, residential, business, industrial, special uses (such as parking) and open space along with roads as well as city and state boundaries. "Date of base map September 1973". Map in colour, with note "Map showing scheme submitted by the City of Queanbeyan Council as cerified by the Minister for Local Government of N.S.W. under Section 342 F of the Local Government Act". 102 x 76 cm.
Subgrp 53-54. Structure Plans of Queanbeyan, 1970s
STR Plan No 2, Sheet 1 (Item 53) - Folder 4
Planning map of the town of Queanbeyan showing the extent of town planning at that time, including the area of Jerrabomberra, sewerage treatment works, abbatoir and naval base. Overlaps with nortern end of item 54: City of Queanbeyan Structure Plan including area ceded 1-10-73, Sheet 2.61 x 116 cm
City of Queanbeyan Structure Plan including area ceded 1-10-73, Sheet 2 (Item 54) - Folder 4
STR Plan No 3. Planning map of the town of Queanbeyan showing the extent of town planning at that time, including the area of Jerrabomberra. "Soil Conservation Service of NSW report (Jerrabomberra Hill & Barracks Flat) adopted by Council, 7-10-76". "Development control plan no. 5 adopted by Council 16-3-78". "Feb 78". 61 x 116 cm
[Sketch map of existing and future subdivision of land between Lorn and Stornway Roads and between Uriarra and Munro Roads, Queanbeyan], 1959 (Item 55) - Folder 4
Planning map on transparent plastic sheeting of part of the town of Queanbeyan between Lorn and Stornway Roads and between Uriarra and Munro Roads and showing the initial zoning of the land with some subdivisions numbered. Lookout adjoining a reserve plus a high school and an infants primary school adjoining a recreation area are shown. 71 x 71 cm.
Commercial land sale, 1 December 1969 (Item 71) - Folder 5
Extracted from an unidentified publication. A table of commercial land subdivision sales with the block and section number for each subdivision sold within the divisions of Fyshwick, Macquarie and Waramanga in the Dec. 1969 period. The size of each block is indicated in square feet, as well as its zoning purpose, followed by U.C.V., covenant and premium prices as well as the total price and the price per square feet.
Subgrp 73-82. Queanbeyan town planning and subdivisions Folder 5
Sketch of prop'd subdn. of Lots 5, 7 & 8, Sec. 15 D.P. 1892, Mun. of Queanbeyan, 1950 - 1969 (Item 73) - Folder 5
Sketch map of an area of land with subdivisions along the edge and marked Recreation Reserve. This reserve is located between Lorn Road and Richard Avenue, and Stuart Street and Skye Street. At the top left of this reserve, there is a line running through it marked 'Details of propd. Expressway boundary to be supplied by D.M.R. (Goulburn)'.56 x 70 cm.
Municipality of Queanbeyan, 1962 (Item 74) - Folder 5
Cadastral map of part of the town of Queanbeyan between Lorn and Munro Roads and between Richard and Ross Roads and showing some subdivisions of land. Relief is shown by contours. Signed: OP June 1962.39 x 78 cm. Copy 2 is transparency.
[Town planning within the Municipality of Queanbeyan between Skye and Munro Roads and Lorn and Ross(?) Roads], 1962 (Item 77) - Folder 5
Transparency of a planning map with minor cadastral detail of part of the town of Queanbeyan between Skye and Munro Roads and between Lorn and Ross [?] Roads. Some subdivision of land has been pencilled in at the centre of this area. A key has been provided to indicate residential as well as recreation areas, schools & public buildings, motels and hotels, and industry. An infants/primary school and a high school are indicated on this plan as well as shops. Signed: OP 15.10.62. 43 x 53 cm.
Plan of subdivision of pt. of lots 5, 7 and 8 or Sec. 15, D. P. 1892, ca. 1:1200, 1961 (Item 79) - Folder 5
Cadastral map showing property in Queanbeyan divided in lot subdivisions surrounded by Lorn Road, Skye Street, Stuart Street and Richard Avenue. Signed by surveyor: 13th Feb. 1961. "Form 3 - To be used where dedications, drainage reserves and public garden and recreation spaces are provided". Some annotations in pencil. 36 x 41 cm on sheet 38 x 67 cm.
Plan of subdivision of part of lots 6, 7 and 8 or Sec. 16, D. P. 1893, ca. 1:960, 1961 (Item 80) - Folder 5
Cadastral map showing property in Queanbeyan divided in lot subdivisions surrounded by Munro Road. "Form 2 - This form must not be used where any dedication, drainage reserve or public garden and recreation space is provided. - See form 3. Warning: creasing or folding will lead to rejection". Signed by surveyor: 13th Feb. 1961. Copy 1 is slightly slipped on lower right hand edge. 36 x 49 cm on sheet 39 x 51 cm.
Queanbeyan planning proposals, ca. 1:31,680, 1961 (Item 82) - Folder 5
Planning proposal map of Queanbeyan showing the boundary of the Municipality, proposed urban area, upper water limit without pumping, limit of sewerable area without pumping, land topographically unsuitable for urban development, and possible extension of urban area. North is oriented slightly to the left. "TP 15-61." 32 x 24 cm.
Standard concrete drive strips between kerb line and property line, 1959 - 1962 (Item 83) - Folder 5
Includes two tables relative to design levels, a table of amendments, and a list of associated documents. Includes notes. "Date 8 10 59". Plans for driveways including amendments up to 1962, from the original 1959 plan. "File: C.C.S. 59/189C/2. On sheet 48 x 70 cm.
Proposed subdivision of part of the Moore Estate, Queanbeyan, showing proposed alternative routes for existing public roads, 1965 (Item 85) - Folder 5
Map of a proposed subdivision of land in Queanbeyan, New South Wales, between Munro Road, Crest Road, and Stuart Street. North is oriented to the right. Includes notes. "28/3/65." "65/17." Annotations in blue pen. 52 x 72 cm.
[South east portion of the Parish of Morumbateman [i.e. Murrumbateman], County of Murray], 1938 - 1963 (Item 86) - Folder 5
South east portion of a parish base map (dated 1938), with handwritten annotations describing landowners, and the size of their properties up to 1963. Latest handwritten date on map: 16.4.63. 34 x 22 cm.
Australian Capital Territory, 1:9600 planning series, P46, 1965 (Item 89) - Folder 5
Topographic and cadastral map of the ACT and adjacent areas of NSW, showing roads, railways, property boundaries, portion numbers, fences, survey marks, water bodies and vegetation. Replaced in early 1970s by metric-scale 1:10,000 planning series. Each sheet covers an area of 20,000 by 28,000 feet. "Coordinates are in feet with origin at Strom Trig. Station." Vegetation types uncoloured, outlined in black, and described with text. Compiled from aerial photography dated 1965. 2 copies held. 64 x 89 cm.
Theoretical standard subdivision, ca. 1:192, 1960 - 1969 (Item 93) - Folder 6
North is oriented slightly to the right. Map showing proposed road and land subdivisions off Lucinda Avenue South in the suburb of Wahroonga in Sydney, New South Wales. Included on the map is a proposed public road 50 feet wide, trees likely to be destroyed due to road construction works, trees likely to be retained subject to building construction, and possible drainage easements. Relief is shown by contours and spot heights. 65 x 124 cm.
[Proposed new road crossing Lorn Road, Stuart Street, Crest Road, Munro Road, and Ross Road in Queanbeyan], 1960 - 1969 (Item 94) - Folder 6
Transparent ms. map showing a proposed new road crossing Lorn Road, Stuart Street, Crest Road, Munro Road, and Ross Road in Queanbeyan. Signed: OP. Title supplied by cataloguer. On sheet 45 x 76 cm.
Plan of subdivision of Lot 2 on D.P.218148, lot 13 and part Lot 14 on D.P.210434, [1:720], 1963 (Item 95) - Folder 6
Cadastral map showing property in Queanbeyan divided in lot subdivisions surrounded by Early Street, Spendlove Street, Breden Street and Munro Road. "Form 3 - To be used where dedications, drainage reserves and public garden and recreation spaces are provided". Signed by surveyor: 25.7.63. 36 x 41 cm on sheet 39 x 51 cm.
Plan of subdivision of part of lots 11 & 12, section 14, D.P. 1892, [1:960], 1964 (Item 97) - Folder 6
Cadastral map showing property in Queanbeyan divided in lot subdivisions bounded by Crest Road and Skye Street. Signed by Council clerk: 15th March, 1964. "Form 3 - To be used where dedications, drainage reserves and public garden and recreation spaces are provided". 36 x 41 cm on sheet 38 x 66 cm.
Oaks Estate, outline of industrial farming proposal for development as part of Queanbeyan, [1:6,336], 1938 - 1952 (Item 99) - Folder 6
Town planning map for the Oaks Estate, A.C.T., overwritten from a base map produced by the Dept. of Lands, N.S.W. dated the 9th of March 1938. It shows, in colour pencil annotations, proposed industrial zones, proposed farm zones, proposed roading, existing main roads, probable new roads, shopping areas, planned housing zones, and proposed residential zones. "T.P. 7/52 No. 3." "Date: 3.4.1952." "Reference: T.P. Project 5/51." Mounted on linen 88 x 75 cm.
South-east region, 1:500,000, 1976 (Item 100) - Folder 6
Topographic map of south-east Australia showing roads, towns, rivers, capes, etc. Relief is shown by contours and spot heights. "1 June 1976." "803/76." 2 copies, each on sheet 134 x 103 cm. Copy 2 has grid below at Tharwa annotated in lower right corner.
Subgrp 102-109. Moore's Estate
Proposed exchange & purchase of roads, and new roads in the Moore Estate,[1:960], 1965 (Item 102) - Folder 6
North is oriented to the left. Road planning map of the Moore Estate in Queanbeyan, bounded by Munro Road, Crest Road, Stuart Street and Bendora Avenue. It also shows (unnamed and unnumbered) subdivisions of the Estate, and existing & proposed reservoirs."File no. 65/22." "Date: 20/4/65." 53 x 73 cm.
Possible cluster housing development Penrith, 1:500, 1960 - 1969 (Item 110) - Folder 6
Housing planning map for an area in Penrith, New South Wales, showing single storey houses, two storey houses, garages, carports and visitor parking spaces. Relief is shown by contours and spot heights. North is oriented to the left. On sheet 58 x 71 cm.
Possible Torrens title subdivision and site survey plan, [1:192], 1960 - 1969 (Item 118) - Folder 6
North is oriented slightly to the right. Map showing proposed road and land subdivisions off Lucinda Avenue South in the suburb of Wahroonga in Sydney, New South Wales. Relief is shown by contours and spot heights. Cluster Housing Wahroonga annotated in pencil on verso. 69 x 128 cm.
Series 3. New South Wales: Tara, Glendon and Kirkdale
Pioneer cottage reconstruction at Tara. Using techniques and materials once common in the Yass region, 1974 (Item 120) - Folder 7
Landform drawing of Tara in New South Wales. "Aug. 1974." Copy 1 on sheet 46 x 25 cm. Copy 2 on sheet 42 x 30 cm.
Subgrp 124-128. Landuse zoning in Murrumbateman
Proposed landuse zoning of 'Glendon' 'Kirkdale' & 'Tara', Murrumbateman, N.S.W., 1, 1972 (Item 124) - Folder 7
Proposed landuse zoning map of the Tara region in New South Wales, showing boundaries, existing fences, creeks, ridges, roads and dams. In upper right corner: 1. "Date: January, 1972." 68 x 72 cm.
Proposed landuse zoning of 'Glendon' 'Kirkdale' & 'Tara', Murrumbateman, N.S.W., 2, 1972 (Item 125) - Folder 7
Proposed landuse zoning map of the Tara region in New South Wales, showing boundaries, existing fences, creeks, ridges, roads, dams, and areas planned for agricultural cultivation, grazing, rural development and conservation. "Date: January, 1972." In upper right corner: 2. 68 x 72 cm.
Proposed landuse zoning of 'Glendon' 'Kirkdale' & 'Tara', Murrumbateman, N.S.W., 3, 1972 (Item 126) - Folder 7
Proposed landuse zoning map of the Tara region in New South Wales, showing boundaries, existing fences, creeks, ridges, existing and prosed roads, dams and gates. "Date: January, 1972." In upper right corner: 3. 68 x 72 cm.
Parish of Morumbateman, County of Murray. Land District, Yass, Shire, Goodradigbee, Pastures Protection District, Yass., 1966 (Item 129) - Folder 7
Cadastral map showing parish boundaries and land holdings. "Date of map - 31st October, 1966" Includes text and index to parish numbers. "66.420" 56 x 70 cm.
Series 4. Woden and Weston Creek
Chifley, 1:200, 1973 (Item 137) - Folder 8
Map showing proposed landplanning for Chifley in 1973. Relief shown by contours and spot heights. "Ref. DRGS. : Comp. sheets D. of I., T.P. 112/63/1." North is oriented to the right."DRG. No. T.P. 70/65." "Note: Land use within neighbourhood boundaries only; Refer to outline plan for land use adjacent to boundaries." "Date September 1973." "Drawn : M.M.C.." Mounted on linen 67 x 94 cm.
Woden-Weston Creek structure plan, 1971 (Item 147) - Folder 8
Map showing proposed residential, industustrial and recreational areas for the Woden-Weston Creek area in the ACT. Relief shown by contours. Legend includes proposed residential areas, institutional areas, town centres, group centres, neighbourhood centres, industrial areas, high schools, independent high schools, primary schools, parish centres, recreation areas and hill/forest reserves. Mounted on linen 65 x 63 cm.
Series 5. Murrumbidgee West
Subgrp 149-150. Tharwa
Tharwa planning developable areas, 1:2500, 1970 - 1979 (Item 149) - Folder 9
Ms. map (overlayed over a contour map base) showing proposed areas of development for Tharwa, ACT. Relief also shown by spot heights. The key/legend includes committed land, developable areas and residential/rural areas. 113 x 90 cm.
Tharwa planning constraints & features, 1:2500, 1970 - 1979 (Item 150) - Folder 9
The key/legend includes committed land, flood liable land, land with greater than 25% slope, permanent water, major perennial stream, minor perennial stream, major ridge lines, minor ridge lines, vegetation and important views. Ms. map (overlayed over a contour map base) showing various contraints and features of areas planned for development for Tharwa, ACT. Relief also shown by spot heights. 113 x 90 cm.
Murrumbidgee West, Freshford II & III (Somers, Freshford) . Concept plan - residential development options, 1:2500, 1976 (Item 151) - Folder 9
"608/76." "Nov. 75." Residential planning map of the proposed township of Freshford in the ACT. Relief shown by contours and spot heights. "NCDC - TP608/76." "GHD - C527/07/B." 3 copies. Copy 3 annotated with C527/07/001 and TRIM LINE. Copies 1 and 2 144 x 100 cm, Copy 3 147 x 93 cm.
Murrumbidgee River, existing policy commitments, 1981 (Item 153) - Folder 9
"Nov. 75." "NCDC base plan no 1920/81." "GHD - C527/07/B." Map of the ACT and surrounding regions in 1981, showing existing and proposed future urban areas. Relief shown by contours and spot heights. "NCDC - TP608/76." 114 x 90 cm.
Subgrp 154-165. Barnes, folder 9
Subgrp 166-170. Sunbury
Sunbury: Active organized public open space, 1:60000, 1976 (Item 166) - Folder 9
An open space town planning map for the town of Sunbury in Victoria. The assessment for open spaces include rejected areas, very poor areas, poor areas, fair areas, good areas, and very good areas. "Date: 28-SEP-76." 28 x 41 cm.
Sunbury: Community facilities/1, 1:60000, 1976 (Item 168) - Folder 9
An town planning map (regarding community facilities) for the town of Sunbury in Victoria. The assessment for community facilities include rejected areas, very poor areas, poor areas, fair areas, good areas, and very good areas. "Date: 28-SEP-76." 28 x 41 cm.
Leanyer residential development: Low density residential (long term), 1976 (Item 171) - Folder 9
An urban planning map for the suburb of Leanyer in Darwin, Northern Territory, showing the most and least suitable areas for low density residential housing. "Date: 25-AUG-76." At head of title: Darwin Reconstruction Commission. 40 x 42 cm.
Subgrp 184-204. Barnes, folder 10
Murrumbidgee West, Barnes areas 1-2. Slope constraint map, 1:10000, 1975 (Item 184) - Folder 10
Slope constraint map of the Barnes Creek region, ACT, showing varying degrees of slopes. 'Plate 8' annotated in pencil at top right. '2' annotated in pencil on lower right hand corner. 40 x 30 cm on sheet 51 x 56 cm.
Murrumbidgee West, Barnes areas 1-2. Landscape constraint map, 1:10000, 1975 (Item 186) - Folder 10
Landscape constraint map of the Barnes Creek region, ACT, showing rejected areas, containment areas, ridges and streams. '4' annotated in pencil on lower right hand corner.40 x 30 cm on sheet 51 x 56 cm.
Murrumbidgee West, Barnes areas 1-2. Soil foundation and excavation map, 1:10000, 1975 (Item 198) - Folder 10
Soil foundation and excavation map in the Barnes Creek region, ACT. The key describes rejected areas, excavation by blasting strong foundations at surface, excavation by scraping and ripping strong foundations below 2 metres, excavation by ripping and blasting strong foundations below 2 metres, excavation by scraping strong foundations below 3 metres, excavation by scraping requires seepage control foundations below 5 metres, and undefined areas. '16' annotated in pencil on lower right hand corner. 40 x 30 cm on sheet 51 x 56 cm.
Subgrp 207-235. Barnes - further, folder 10
Agricultural exclusion rule, 1:620 000, 1977 (Item 210) - Folder 10
Photocopied page. Data based planning map of the Barnes Creek region, ACT, showing the lands that are arable, improved pasture land, land for rough grazing, and land having no agricultural potential. "SCORST03 RUN 45 17/01/77 17.29.42." 26 x 15 cm on sheet 42 x 30 cm.
NCDC Brief No 74/15. Computer studies Barnes 1 & 2. Preliminary land use suitability maps, 1974 (File 213-218) - Folder 10
Booklet with card covers containing maps. All maps within on sheets 51 x 57 cm.
Valley Parkway. Driving West at CH1200 (Item 236) - Folder 10
2 copies. Copy 1 is photocopied page and on sheet 21 x 30 cm. Copy 2 is on sheet 34 x 43 cm and has '25' annotated in pencil on lower right hand corner.
Series 6. Tuggeranong
Wanniassa, 1974 (Item 244) - Folder 11
Planning map of Wanniassa in the A.C.T., showing proposed areas for standard housing, medium density housing, small lot housing, schools & junior colleges, Roman Catholic schools, institutional areas, shopping centres and open spaces. "Feb 74." "W 169." 69 x 98 cm.
Gowrie - sect. 282, block subdivision, 1:1000, 1976 (Item 251) - Folder 11
Map showing a proposed residential block in the suburb of Gowrie, A.C.T., bounded by Weinholt Street and Bugden Avenue. Relief is shown by contours and spot heights. "DRG no. 1705/76." "Date Aug 1976." "Checked D.R." "Drawn G.A." 58 x 82 cm.
Series 7. North Canberra
Proposed development neighborhood unit - NU4 Turner and O'Connor, 1:800, 1947 (Item 252) - Folder 12
Planning manuscript map of the suburbs of Turner and O'Connor in the ACT. Shown are built on areas, areas still to be subdivided, open spaces, trees, special buildings, major roads, local roads, service roads, minor service roads, future major roads, recommended bus routes, bike and foot tracks, and line of Sullivan's Creek watercourse. "DRG. 56." "CUP. 19." "20 Mar 47." Annotated with 'Superseded' in red. 34 x 38 cm.
Series 8. South Canberra
Series 9. Planning concepts
Subgrp 274-287. Belconnen
Belconnen 3 & 4. Development plan, 1971 (Item 275) - Folder 14
Town planning map of north Belconnen showing possible sites for mobile homes, approximate limit of interference from R.A.N.W.T.S (Naval radio station), proposed floodway near Kaleen district playing fields, temporary road connections to the Barton Highway and the proposed Gunghalin freeway. Includes table of Belconnen 3 & 4 showing acreage, estimated population, no. of blocks, average area of blocks and land use.Dyeline print. North is oriented to the left. "26/11/71." "T.P. 325/71 DO1." 58 x 41 cm.
Belconnen 3. Subdivision plan. Sections 27-30, 33-38, 1:1000, 1972 (Item 277) - Folder 14
Map of north Kaleen showing unnamed streets, block subdivisions and dimensions, pathways and site of possible future housing. Relief shown by contours. "DRG. No. TP/48/72 DO." "Feb 72." Oriented with north to left. 40 x 50 cm, on sheet 43 x 60 cm.
Belconnen 4. Subdivision plan. Sections 118-9, 121-132, 1:1000, 1972 (Item 278) - Folder 14
Map of south-east Kaleen showing unnamed streets, block subdivisions and dimensions, pathways and possible future extension. Relief shown by contours. "DRG. No. TP 178/7200." "May 72." "Drawn BK." 35 x 49 cm, on sheet 43 x 60 cm.
Supplementary block subdivisions Belconnen 2 & 3, 1973 (Item 280) - Folder 14
Town planning map of north Belconnen showing block subdivisions and dimensions, pathways, childrens' play areas, location of flats or town houses and group centre, R.C. Parish Centre, and assumed boundary of future freeway near existing Barton Highway. Includes table of Belconnen 2 & 3 showing acreage, estimated population, no. of blocks, average area of blocks and land use. North is oriented to the left. "T.P. 518/73." "Drawn GDV." On sheet 60 x 43 cm.
Belconnen 4. Subdivision plan. Sections 105-7, 135-146, 1:1000, 1972 (Item 283) - Folder 14
Map of south-west Kaleen showing unnamed streets, block subdivisions and dimensions, pathways, Kaleen shops and service station. Relief shown by contours. "DRG. No. TP 179/7200." "Drawn BK." 35 x 49 cm, on sheet 43 x 60 cm.
Belconnen 3. Subdivision plan. Sections 1-7, 17-23, 31, 32, 1:1000, 1973 (Item 284) - Folder 14
Map of north Kaleen showing unnamed streets, block subdivisions and dimensions, pathways, childrens' play areas and proposed future housing. Relief shown by contours. "DRG. No. TP/47/72 DO." 40 x 46 cm, on sheet 42 x 60 cm.
Belconnen 3 & 4 development plan [upper sheet], 1971 (Item 286) - Folder 14
Photocopied town planning map of north Belconnen showing possible sites for mobile homes, approximate limit of interference from R.A.N.W.T.S (Naval radio station), proposed floodway near Kaleen district playing fields, temporary road connections to the Barton Highway and the proposed Gunghalin freeway. Includes table of Belconnen 3 & 4 showing acreage, estimated population, no. of blocks, average area of blocks and land use. North is oriented to the left. "T.P. 325/71 DO1." 40 x 28 cm, sheets 21 x 28 cm.
Belconnen 3 & 4 development plan [lower sheet], 1971 (Item 287) - Folder 14
Photocopied town planning map of north Belconnen showing possible sites for mobile homes, approximate limit of interference from R.A.N.W.T.S (Naval radio station), proposed floodway near Kaleen district playing fields, temporary road connections to the Barton Highway and the proposed Gunghalin freeway. Includes table of Belconnen 3 & 4 showing acreage, estimated population, no. of blocks, average area of blocks and land use. North is oriented to the left. "T.P. 325/71 DO1." 40 x 28 cm, sheets 21 x 28 cm.
Subgrp 288-308. Tuggeranong
Plan structure north east Tuggeranong, 1972 (Item 290) - Folder 14
Ms. town planning map of Kambah, Wanniassa and the Tuggeranong town centre on dyeline base map. Shows sites for schools, shopping centres and playing fields. Relief shown by contours and spot heights. "T.P. 117/72 DO.". Mounted on linen on sheet 102 x 145 cm.
[Planning maps of Tuggeranong booklet] (Item 295) - Folder 14
Set of 14 dyeline ms. planning maps of Tuggeranong showing pedestrian pathways, roadways following hollows, staggered planning giving opportunity of north sunshine and view past neighbours, main pedestrian routes substantially reinforced with planting, cul-de-sacs if required, loop or access roads, layout of typical subdivision with building line from street and public footpath, streets built at right angles to contours and following contours around hillside, differences in levels of house lots and street reservations. On sheets 61 x 86 cm or smaller.
Wanniassa, 1971 (Item 311) - Folder 15
Town planning map of Wanniassa showing school sites and pedestrian underpasses, shopping centres, recreational facilities, sites for town house development, children's demonstration farm and Parks & Gardens street cleaning & transport depot. Relief shown by contours. "TP. 197/71." 1 map, 50 x 67cm, on sheet 56 x 72 cm.
Subgrp 312-316. Analysis of time allowed for Neighbourhood Planning
Calculatuions for neighbourhoods in Woden, Belconnen and Weston Creek.
Standard industrial entrance drives 30° skew, 1962 (Item 317) - Folder 15
Drawings showing engineering specifications for "BS" and "AS" type entrance driveways.Includes diagrams showing engineering specifications for expansion, contraction and construction joints. "Drawing number CCS62/69P." "Date 19-3-62." 2 diagrams on 1 sheet, sheet 33 x 19 cm.
Details of concrete industrial entrance drives, 1960 (Item 319) - Folder 15
Includes diagrams showing engineering specifications for contraction, construction and expansion joints. "Drawing number CCS60/28P."Drawings showing engineering specifications for "A" and B" type entrance driveways. "Not to scale." 2 diagrams on 1 sheet, sheet 34 x 23 cm.
Proposed residential roads and services, 1:50, 1973 (Item 321) - Folder 15
Drawings showing the distance of services such as telephone cables, sewers, water mains, natural gas pipes, tree planting, P.M.G. conduits, A.C.T.E.A. conduits, stormwater drains and survey marks, in relation to residential access, distributor and collector roads in Canberra. "T.P.570/73/B2." "Date Sept., 1973." 3 diagrams on 1 sheet, sheet 50 x 71 cm.
Planning principles. Diagrammatic layouts for neighbourhood units illustrating relationship of road functions referred to in accompanying memorandum, also relating residential densities, location of community amenities and open spaces, 1952 (Item 325) - Folder 15
Drawings showing community centre in relation to main radial avenue, main local road, local road and service or residential road. "T.P.15/52."."OP." "Date 17.6.52." 3 diagrams on 1 sheet, sheet 34 x 66 cm.
Subgrp 328-335. Unidentified planning sketches folder 15
Set of ms. planning maps of Canberra. 8 ms. maps some, 76 x 99 cm or smaller.
Watson - section 52 - blks. 21,22. Vehicular crossings (Item 336) - Folder 15
Ms. planning map of Watson. Includes information about peak and off-peak buses on verso. 1 ms. Map, on sheet 76 x 43 cm
Town house blocks: Lease packages [Florey, A.C.T.] (Item 338) - Folder 16
Maps illustrating a small area in Florey where the principles of flexible block subdivision have been applied. Annotated in pencil with Leasing Arrangements, Street numbering, Variety in Housing and 3 on top edge. 3 maps on 1 sheet, sheet 50 x 70 cm.
Access way. Access lane, 1977 (Item 342) - Folder 16
Cross sections of access way and access lane indicating maximum grades and possible construction details. Includes typical sections not to scale and notes on access ways and access lanes."10-5-77." Dyeline print. 2 diagrams on 1 sheet, sheet 42 x 60 cm.
Diagram showing angles of the sun's rays (Item 352) - Folder 16
Pie charts showing angle of the sun's rays at sunrise, 9 a.m., 3 p.m. and sunset in the months of June, March & September and December in Canberra. Includes diagrams showing angles of the sun's rays at 9 a.m., noon and 3 p.m. Dyeline print. 3 diagrams on 1 sheet, sheet 53 x 83 cm.
[House, open space, prevailing elements brief talk seasonal requirements on base map entilted] Diagram showing angles of the sun's rays (Item 353) - Folder 16
Ms. diagrams showing angles of the warm winter and hot west sun's rays in June, March & Sept. and December.Includes diagrams showing angles of the sun's rays against a building at 9 a.m., noon and 3 p.m. 3 ms. diagrams on 1 sheet, sheet 53 x 83 cm.
Standard culs-de-sac, 1:1000, 1972 (Item 372) - Folder 16
Diagrams of culs-de-sac showing standard pavements, property lines and road reservations. "TP 113/72 B1." 28 diagrams on 1 sheet. 2 copies. Copy 1 dyeline print on sheet 38 x 55 cm. Copy 2 photocopy on A4 sheet with data on left edge and scale on bottom right corner missing.
Subgrp 373-374. Building envelope plans
Ms. Maps of a building envelope comprising 117 lots on approximately 7.76 hectares and 15 lots per hectare. Shows open space, existing trees and proposed tree planting. Sheet 48 x 96 cm and 42 x 101 cm.
Series 10. House and building plans
Subgrp 385-386. Proposed housing group in Curtin, A.C.T., 1968
Blueline print architectural drawings with profile views of townhouse complex, Theodore Street, Curtin, Australian Capital Territory. "August 1968." "TP 181/68/A2" followed by "TP 184/68/A2". 1 diagram on 2 sheets, each 43 x 65 cm.
Sub-tropical house N.S.W. H/33-39, 1943 - 1944 (Item 387) - Folder 17
Cover title. Blueprint architectural drawings of sub-tropical house, New South Wales. 1 booklet (7 diagrams), each sheet 43.4 x 67 cm.
Subgrp 398-403. Monocrete houses in Canberra, 1950
Subgrp 404-412a. Residence type in Canberra
Subgrp 413-414. Unidentified plans folder 16
Subgrp 415-420. House types for Flamia Constructions
Series 11. Canberra, A.C.T. and surrounds
Canberra housing. Site layouts. Yarralumla. Sections 27.34.35 & 72, 1956 (Item 443) - Folder 19
Map of block subdivisions in Hopetoun Cct, Hampton Cct, Irwin St., MacDonnell St., Schlich St., and Broome Cres. in Yarralumla showing existing, brick veneer, timber and monocrete houses. Dyeline print. 4 maps sheets 67 x 70 cm or smaller, in jacket 74 x 52 cm.
Study plans of flats, 1955 (Item 449) - Folder 19
Type plans of flats. "7 Jul 1955." In upper left corner: C.F. 10 maps sheets 66 x 41 cm.
Canberra housing. Site layouts. Sections 2.74 O'Connor. Sections 86.88.89 Ainslie. Section 35 Narrabundah, 1956 (Item 461) - Folder 19
Map of block subdivisions in O'Connor, Ainslie and Narrabundah showing existing, brick veneer and timber houses. Dyeline print. Includes views of streets. 5 maps sheets 64 x 70 cm or smaller, in jacket 75 x 53 cm.
Site plan for 8 houses from block 1 to block 8. Sect. 2 at Arabana St., Aranda A.C.T., 1/4":10'0" (Item 467) - Folder 19
Ms. site plan on transparent paper of blocks bounded by Arabana and Bananbila Streets, Aranda. Shows sewage, electricity and drain easements, fill on sites and future construction such as carports and summer gardens. Oriented with north to left. For Flamia Constructions. 1 ms. map 37 x 44 cm.
Subgrp 469-471. Service Stations sketches for Mr B.R. Moore in Lanyon, A.C.T.
Service station for Mr. B.R. Moore on h. 250 in district of Lanyon, A.C.T., 1/8":1', 1963 (Item 469) - Folder 19
Includes east elevation view of Williamsdale Motors. Plan of Williamsdale Motors, an Ampol service station at Williamsdale on the Monaro Highway. Dyeline print. 3 Copies, each signed and dated O.P. 1963 and on sheet 41 x 37 cm.
Service station for Mr. B.R. Moore on h. 250 in district of Lanyon, A.C.T. 1., 1962 (Item 470) - Folder 19
Includes north, south and east elevation view of Williamsdale Motors. 2 copies, each signed and dated: OP 1962. Copy 1 dyeline print annotated in green pencil on sheet 43 x 78 cm, Copy 2 in pencil on sheet 34 x 65 cm.
Village Creek, Part 2 & 4. Notional plan, 200':1", 1971 (Item 476) - Folder 20
Map of Village Creek in Kambah, Canberra, showing planned site of village centre, schools, flats and town houses, large block subdivisions, possible residential, institutional, offices and lake, pedestrain crossings and recreation areas. Relief shown by contours and spot heights. Drawing No. T.P. 169/71/D.O. On 2 sheets.
Land use plan. Village Creek 1, 200':1", 1970 (Item 478) - Folder 20
Dyeline print. Drawing No. T.P.379/70/DO.
Kambah Tuggeranong (Item 480) - Folder 20
Town planning map of Kambah showing unnamed streets, block subdivisions, flats and town housing sites, site of Village centre and route of urban busway along the south Woden arterial road. Relief shown by contours and spot heights. Dyeline print. Handwritten annotation on map in pencil: 268/72 188? 86 x 102 cm.
[Map of Canberra and environs] (Item 482) - Folder 20
Map of Canberra showing unnamed streets in Hall, Belconnen, Gungahlin, North Canberra, South Canberra, Woden Valley, Weston Creek, Tuggeranong and Queanbeyan.
Subgrp 493-499. Unidentified aerial photographs of the Australian Capital Territory
[Air photo of areas in inner south, central and inner north Canberra, A.C.T.] (Item 494) - Folder 21
Duntroon, Jerrabomberra Ck, Dickson, Narrabundah, Civic, Molonglo River, Parkes, Barton, Lyneham, O'Connor, Turner, Acton, Hotel Canberra, Parliament House, Forrest, Canberra Boys Grammar School, R.C.G.C., U.S. Embassy, P.M. Lodge, Yarralumla, Deakin, F.G.C., Cemetery, Yarralumla Ck. and Government House marked. INT 223 annotated in pencil on verso. On sheet 45 x 60 cm.
Canberra, 1975 (Item 502) - Folder 21
Shows populated and developed areas, proposed but unsettled areas, major shopping centres, existing industrial areas, proposed industrial areas, Parliamentary area, Parks and recreation reserves, public facilities and lookouts. Parliamentary area inset. 27 copies, each on sheet 70 x 48 cm.
[A.C.T./N.S.W. showing parish county and shire boundaries] (Item 529) - Folder 21
Shows main roads, other roads, railways, A.C.T. border, Parish boundaries, County boundaries, Shire boundaries. 2 copies, each on sheet 88 x 62 cm.
Subgrp 533-536. NCDC Maps of Canberra 1970s and 1980s
Canberra, Supplement to N.C.D.C. Annual Report, 1977 (Item 533) - Folder 21
Recto has colour map showing urban areas, institution public facilities, commercial centres, parliamentary zones, airports, parklands, primary schools, high schools, embassies or legations, lookouts, principal roads, other roads, roads proposed or under construction. Verso shows aerial view of Lake Burley Griffin and environs, with text about Canberra. 5 copies, each on sheet 79 x 56 cm. Copy 5 is transparency and on sheet 76 x 86 cm.
Canberra, Supplement to N.C.D.C. Annual Report, 1979 (Item 534) - Folder 21
Recto has colour map showing urban areas, institutions, public facilities, commercial centres, parliamentary zones, airports, recreation, primary schools, high schools, embassies or legations, lookouts, principal roads, other roads, roads proposed or under construction. On sheet 79 x 56 cm.
Canberra, Supplement to N.C.D.C. 26th Annual Report, 1983 (Item 535) - Folder 21
Recto has colour map showing urban areas, public facilities, commercial centres, parliamentary zones, airports, recreation, primary schools, high schools/colleges, embassies or legations, lookouts, principal roads, other roads, roads proposed or under construction. Verso shows aerial view of Lake Burley Griffin and environs, with text about Canberra. 2 copies, each on sheet 79 x 56 cm.
Canberra, 1986 (Item 536) - Folder 21
Recto has colour map showing urban areas, institution public facilities, commercial centres, parliamentary zones, airports, recreation, commercial/industrial, reservoirs, primary schools, high schools, embassies or high commissions, lookouts, principal roads, other roads, roads proposed or under construction. Verso shows aerial view of Lake Burley Griffin and environs, with text about Canberra. 3 copies, each on sheet 94 x 64 cm.
Series 12. Gungahlin 1970s and 1980s
Subgrp 551-563. Set of Gungahlin NCDC maps, 1:25000, 1974
Gungahlin Structure Plan, A1, 1:25000 (Item 552) - Folder 22
Shows public open space, residential areas, potetntial medium density housing, potential higher density housing, employment areas, town centre, group centre, intermediate centre, junior college, high school, primary school, A.C.T. border, proposed railway, rapid transit route, arterial roads, parkways in colour. On sheet 53 x 50 cm.
Gungahlin Soil Type, 1:25000 (Item 554) - Folder 22
Shows organic or peaty soils, uniform coarse textured soils (shallow), uniform medium textured soils, uniform medium textured soils deposited on top of one or more older soil profiles, massive earths (gradational texture), duplex (texture contrast) soils in colour. On sheet 53 x 50 cm.
Gungahlin Transport Integration, C1 T1 5, 1:25000 (Item 556) - Folder 22
Shows public open space, residential areas, potetntial medium density housing, potential higher density housing, employment areas, town centre, group centre, junior college, high school, A.C.T. border, proposed railway, rapid transit route, arterial roads, parkways, lateral busroutes and local spine transit in colour. On sheet 53 x 50 cm.
Gungahlin Transport Integration, A1 T1, 1:25000 (Item 558) - Folder 22
Shows public open space, residential areas, potetntial medium density housing, potential higher density housing, employment areas, town centre, group centre, junior college, high school, A.C.T. border, proposed railway, rapid transit route, arterial roads, parkways, lateral busroutes and local spine transit in colour. On sheet 53 x 50 cm.
Gungahlin Structure Plan, C1 5, 1:25000 (Item 559) - Folder 22
Shows public open space, residential areas, potetntial medium density housing, potential higher density housing, employment areas, town centre, group centre, intermediate centre, junior college, high school, primary school, A.C.T. border, proposed railway, rapid transit route, arterial roads, parkways in colour. On sheet 53 x 50 cm.
Gungahlin Structure Plan, B1 4, 1:25000 (Item 560) - Folder 22
Shows public open space, residential areas, potetntial medium density housing, potential higher density housing, employment areas, town centre, group centre, intermediate centre, junior college, high school, primary school, A.C.T. border, proposed railway, rapid transit route, arterial roads, parkways in colour. On sheet 53 x 50 cm.
Gungahlin Structure Plan, A4, 1:25000 (Item 561) - Folder 22
Shows public open space, residential areas, potetntial medium density housing, potential higher density housing, employment areas, town centre, group centre, intermediate centre, junior college, high school, primary school, A.C.T. border, proposed railway, rapid transit route, arterial roads, parkways in colour. On sheet 53 x 50 cm.
Gungahlin Structure Plan, B1 1, 1:25000 (Item 562) - Folder 22
Shows public open space, residential areas, potetntial medium density housing, potential higher density housing, employment areas, town centre, group centre, intermediate centre, junior college, high school, primary school, A.C.T. border, proposed railway, rapid transit route, arterial roads, parkways in colour. On sheet 53 x 50 cm.
Series 13. Belconnen
Subgrp 593-639. McKellar and Belconnen surrounds
Belconnen Neighbourhood 24. Project Plan, 1"=200', 1969 (Item 612) - Folder 24
Shows existing trees in good con[d]ition and landscape or windbreak planting. Various areas marked in greens, pinks and yellow. Drg. No. 1. T.P. 282/69/B1/1. 2 copies. Copy 1 has landscape or windbreak planting marked in darker green. On sheet 100 x 70 cm.
Belconnen No 11, 200'=1", 1965 (Item 615) - Folder 24
3 copies. Copies 1 and 2 show various areas in terracotta, green, pink, blue and yellow and on sheets 78 x 90 cm. Copy 3 titled Belconnen 11 and has fainter colouring, on sheet 78 x 92 cm.
Subgrp 620-625. Belconnen. McKellar Neighbourhood Design, exposure, constraint and area maps
On sheet 50 x 70 cm.
Outine Plan Belconnen Area, 1971 (Item 627) - Folder 24
Map showing residential premises, town houses and/or flats, future development, institutional, commercial and open spaces, forest & hill reserves, possible route for public transport, technical colleges, parish centres, infants & primary schools, independent high schools and high schools in colour. Mounted on linen. Return to Belconnen Section, T.P. Division annotated on verso. T.P. 199/66/5. On sheet 83 x 96 cm.
Outine Plan Belconnen Area, Display 55, 1970 (Item 628) - Folder 24
Map showing residential premises, town houses and/or flats, future development, institutional, commercial and open spaces, forest & hill reserves, possible route for public transport, technical colleges, parish centres, infants & primary schools, independent high schools and high schools in colour. Mounted on linen. Return to Belconnen Section, T.P. Division annotated on verso. T.P. 199/66/4. Display 55. On sheet 93 x 91 cm.
Belconnen 3 & 4, Development Plan, 1971 (Item 632) - Folder 24
Mapo with table showing population, land use and facilities data. T.P. 325/71 D0 1. 3 copies. Copy 1 is in colour, mounted on linen, with annotation about stormwater study in pencil on verso, on sheet 139 x 99 cm. Copy 2 is dyeline on sheet 61 x 43 cm. Copy 3 is dyeline on sheet 57 x 41 cm.
Belconnen Structure Plan (Item 633) - Folder 24
Map in colour showing residential areas, institutional areas, town centres, group centres, neighbourhood shops, industrial areas, high schools, independent high schools, parish centres, recreation, parks and open space, hill and forest reserves, broad acre and institutional uses. On sheet 91 x 101 cm.
Belconnen Neighbourhood 23. Project Plan, 1."=200', 1969 - 1970 (Item 639) - Folder 24
Shows existing trees in good condition, landscape and windbreak planting and and landscape planning. Drg. No. 1C. Amendment 1. 9.1.70. J.B.G. 2 copies. Copy 1 has various areas marked in pink and green and yellow, on sheet 71 x 101 cm. Copy 2 is dyeline on sheet 33 x 45 cm.
Belconnen 21-Flynn ACT. Residential Development Controls. Sections 33, 34 and 62, 1972 (Item 658) - Folder 25
Shows fence types, car port or garage positions and alternate positions, and tree planting similar to street planting. Has feet to metres conversion table. T.P. 72/72 B2. On sheet 51 x 62 cm.
Series 14. Designs for a Federal Capital
Map of Contour Survey of the Site for the Federal Capital of Australia, 400 feet to an inch, 1910 (Item 688) - Folder 26
54 stamped on top right corner. On sheet 68 x 68 cm. 6 copies. Copies 1-3 with reference under scale for amended line of railway and electric tramway system. Copies 4-6 with notes under scale for railways, tramways, public gardens, recreation reserves and parks, public buildings and manufacturing areas, residential and commercial areas.
Map of Contour Survey of the Site for the Federal Capital of Australia, 400 Feet to an Inch, 1910 (Item 704) - Folder 27
59 stamped on top right corner. 3 copies, each on sheet 68 x 69 cm.
The new Federal Capital of Australia. [Map] of Contour Survey of the Site for the Federal Capital of Australia, 400 Feet to an Inch, 1910 (Item 707) - Folder 27
36 stamped on top right corner. 3 copies, each on sheet 72 x 79 cm.
Plan of Principal Streets Showing their Breadth and Gradient % Following the Topography of the Land and Scheme for the Interception of Storm Water, 1910 (Item 710) - Folder 27
3 copies, each on sheet 68 x 68 cm.
Competitive Design for the Federal Capital City of the Commonwealth of Australia (Item 713) - Folder 27
42 stamped on top edge. 3 copies, each on sheet 68 x 68 cm.
Map of Contour Survey of the Site for the Federal Capital of Australia, Sheet No. 1., 400 Feet to an Inch, 1910 (Item 716) - Folder 27
39 stamped in top right corner. 3 copies, each on sheet 69 x 69 cm.
Map of Contour Survey of the Site for the Federal Capital of Australia, 400 Feet to an Inch, 1910 (Item 719) - Folder 27
Vegetation hand inked over map. 48 in top left corner. 3 copies, each on sheet 65 x 65 cm.
Map of Contour Survey of the Site for the Federal Capital of Australia, For Sewer Diagram See Other Map, 400 feet to an Inch, 1910 (Item 725) - Folder 28
Inked over, including with #1 in the middle of the left edge. 3 copies, each with pencil calculations annotated on verso and each on sheet 68 x 69 cm.
Map of Contour Survey of the Site for the Federal Capital of Australia, The Federal Capital City of Australasia, 400 feet to an Inch, 1910 (Item 728) - Folder 28
Parks, industrial area, gardens, stadiums, commercial area and residential marked. 25 stamped on top right corner. 3 copies, each with pencil calculations annotated on verso and each on sheet 71 x 68 cm.
[Map showing buildings in Parkes, Acton etc.] (Item 734) - Folder 28
Various buildings marked, with note following number 35 in legend that 'Unnumbered hachured buildings on the Mall and surrounding Parliament House are unassigned government departmental buildings.' 3 copies, each with pencil calculations annotated on verso and each on sheet 65 x 66 cm.
Map of Contour Survey of the Site for the Federal Capital of Australia, The Federal Capital City of Australasia, 400 feet to an Inch, 1910 (Item 743-745) - Folder 29
Chart of Locality and Railway printed in reverse on top edge. 62 stamped on top left corner. 3 copies, each with pencil calculations annotated on verso and each on sheet 68 x 69 cm.
Map of Contour Survey of the Site for the Federal Capital of Australia, The Federal Capital City of Australasia, 400 feet to an Inch, 1910 (Item 755-757) - Folder 29
Key Plan at 1:40,000 in top right corner. 60 stamped on top right corner. 3 copies, each with pencil calculations annotated on verso and each on sheet 67 x 68 cm.
Map of Contour Survey of the Site for the Federal Capital of Australia, The Federal Capital City of Australasia, 400 feet to an Inch, 1910 (Item 761-763) - Folder 29
Showing public reserves and cricket grounds, general cemetery, parks and gardens, stadiums, government domain and sites for the residences of the Prime Minister and the Governor General, and railway facilities. 61 stamped on top right corner. 3 copies, each with pencil calculations annotated on verso and each on sheet 68 x 69 cm.
Map of Contour Survey of the Site for the Federal Capital of Australia, The Federal Capital City of Australasia, 400 feet to an Inch, 1910 (Item 764-767) - Folder 29
Showing railways, reservoirs, sewers and parks. 69 stamped on top right corner. 4 copies, each with pencil calculations annotated on verso and each on sheet 67 x 68 cm.
Series 15. Tuggeranong and surrounds
Tuggeranong - West Murrumbidgee Structure Plan (Item 786) - Box 1
Showing housing density, special housing, educational, tertiary education, institutional, commercial, open space (active and passive), floodways and electricity. T.P. 42/74 DO. 3 copies. Copy 3 is on transparent paper. A on bottom right corner of copies 1 and 3.
Coloured Display Dwg. Tuggeranong Main Planning Elements, 1974 (Item 793) - Box 2
Shows rapid transit route, residential area, medium density housing, institutional areas, industrial areas, centres and schools. Used PJC on ACT 5/2/75 annotated in pencil on verso. TP289/74 DO. Supersedes TP572/73 DO. On sheet 122 x 80 cm.
Series 17. Tuggeranong, Tidbinbilla and surrounds
Series 18. Canberra aerial photos, 19 July 1952
Aerial photographs marked with 2"/7000' Restricted. 87SQD.SVY157.
Australian Capital Territory and Environs, 2 miles to 1 inch, 1952 (Item 907) - Folder 30
Folded map. Topographical Map. Official Use only. Flight line diagrams for aerial photographs that are items 909-1018 in this collection annotated in red. Annotation in pencil about scale on right edge. On sheet 100 x 75 cm.