Guide to the Collections held by Glasgow Mitchell Library (as filmed by the AJCP)


M2847- M2849, M2912 - M2923

National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

Created: 2019

Online Items

Fonds MS 77. Glasgow Miscellaneous Documents, 1948

Filmed selectively.

Series 20. Letters from various persons to R.H. Small, April 1948 - May 1948

Re Sir Henry Campbell Bannerman (1836-1908) for a special number of Glasgow High School Magazine (June 1948)

Dr Charles Duguid (Adelaide) to Small, 4 May 1948 (File 22)

Re his school memories of Campbell Bannerman, his work with Indigenous Australians and his surgical practice in Adelaide. (2p.)

Charles Duguid (Adelaide) to Small with copy of letter to him from W. Mitchell, 9 May 1948 (File 25)

Re his memories of Campbell Bannerman and copy of piece in Sunday Sun re Duguid's flight to combat measles epidemic at Ernabella Mission. (2p.)

Charles Duguid (Magill) to Small, 3 April 1949 (File 29)

Re opposition to rocket range in Australia; his admiration of the Indigenous Australians. (2p.)

Fonds MS 123. Joseph Coates, 1897 - 1898

[Papers are part of 313188 Bain Collection.]...

J. Coates (Glasgow) to Andrew Bain that leaving for New Zealand for the sake of his health. (2p.), 5 October 1897 (File 4)

J. Coates (Turakina, New Zealand) to Andrew Bain, 4 January 1898 (File 5)

Impressions of New Zealand 'a general air of being fairly well off here'; plans to visit Australia on homeward journey. (4p.)

Fonds MS 204. James Moir Papers, 1844 - 1849

Filmed selectively.

Benjamin Moir (Maitland) to James, 20 November 1844 (File 54)

Re hardships suffered; economic problems in Colony - low wages; 'if you know of any person desirous of emigrating advise them not to come'.

Benjamin Moir (Dunmore) to James, 2 January 1848 (File 75)

Re lack of letters from home; hopes to return home to die. (2p., damaged)

Benjamin Moir (Dunmore) to James, 26 May 1849 (File 83)

Thanking James for sending newspapers but hopes to receive letters; his circumstances - rents three acres. (2p., written by a neighbour, incomplete)

Fonds SR 185. Sir John McNeill Letterbook, 1852

Copies of letters from Sir John McNeill to Sir Charles Trevelyn, Chairman of Highland and Islands Emigration Society, 24 April 1852 - 30 December 1852 (File)

Re selection and shipment of emigrants to Australia from Scotland. (259p. pagination erratic, i.e. 359p.)

Fonds 308872-308873. David Irving Papers, 1841 - 1859

Filmed selectively.

Series DI FII. Correspondence, August 1842

James Wilson (Edinburgh) to Irving, 5 August 1842 (File 126)

Requesting that the Advocates Library subscribe to Gould's Birds of Australia. (2p.)

Series DI FIII. Correspondence, July 1841 - March 1859

John Moffat (Midknock) to Irving, 27 July 1841 (File 67)

Did not have enough capital to send John Irving out to Sydney to be a sheep farmer. That William Maxwell and his son have gone out. (3p.)

Charles Pasley [London] to Irving, 20 December 1854 (File 80)

His eldest son Charles is Engineer to Colony of Victoria; suffering of his daughter and son-in-law on voyages from Australia on Melbourne and to Australia in Australian. (4p.)

Charles Pasley [London] to Irving, 29 March 1859 (File 80A)

Re his son who is Commissioner of Public Works at Melbourne. (4p.)

Fonds 596848 and 596848A. Journal of a Voyage to Australia in the Ship Artimisia, 1848

Daily journal by un-named traveller in Artimisia from Deptford to Moreton Bay (63p. and 137p.), 22 July 1848 - 13 December 1848 (File)

Details of: Journey from Glasgow to London; preparations at Bank of England in anticipation of Chartist riots; at Deptford Lord Ashley comes on board to see the children going out from the ragged schools; details of the voyage - weather, death of child, brawl in kitchen 'the warm weather seems to shorten tempers', ceremonies of crossing the line, meeting other ships, sighting whales and cape pigeons, albatross shot by doctor, water becomes scarce, births, five young women locked up for 'irregularity of conduct'; navigation of Bass Strait by Chief Mate due to indisposition of Captain; entered Sydney Harbour; voyage to Moreton Bay...

Fonds 706419. R.W. McKellar. Journal of a Voyage from Greenock to Sydney, New South Wales, 1854

Daily journal of R.W. McKellar on John Bell from Greenock to Sydney (133p.), 26 July 1854 - 14 November 1854 (File)

Details of: Voyage - other passengers, sea sickness, entertainments, complaints about the food, drunkenness among passengers, holding of prayer meeting, speaking with other ships, catching a shark, heat melting the pitch between the deck planks, 19 ships becalmed, deputation to Captain to complain about food and water, ceremonies of crossing the line which ends in brawls, death and burial of child, called in at Cape Town to take on provisions, visit to Wynberg, saw Kaffir Chief prisoner in Wynberg Prison, took on extra passengers for Australia, gales, compasses go out of order, catching birds, description of first sight of land off Cape Otway, docking at Port Philip, 'don't like Melbourne at all … a barrel of herrings was sold the other day for one shilling!'; sailed for Sydney on Governor General, arrived 14 November.

Fonds 891077. John Edward Steggall Journal of Holidays, 1914

Filmed selectively.

Journal of Professor Steggall's trip to Australia to attend B.A.A.S. Meeting (225p., pagination erratic), 3 July 1914 - 16 October 1914 (File)

Voyage to Adelaide, other passengers 'the party are getting duller and duller'; Port Said; journey through Suez Canal; Colombo; learned War had been declared on docking at Fremantle; visit to Perth; on to Adelaide; Premier's reception 'the streets are wide and well made'; trip to Angastown; trip to Mount Lofty; in Melbourne, reception at Government House by Munro Fergusson 'all his Raeburns are stored in Edinburgh on account of the suffragettes except a few which are here'; attended B.A.A.S. lectures and receptions; visit to South Yarra; by train to Sydney, changing onto narrow gauge; arrangements of sleeping berths; comparison with Melbourne; attendance at Governor's garden party 'grounds are very pretty'; Hawkesbury Bridge guarded by soldiers 'it seems that there are more German spies all through the country and that naturalised Germans are in constant communication with the enemy'; by train to Brisbane,'the city is very clean and many of the buildings are beautiful'; visit to Gympie; Glasshouse Mountains; visit to gold fields; return to Sydney; visit to station of Mr Balfour at Culcairn - rabbit menace, visit to wool stores, visit to other homesteads; return to Melbourne; embarked for Adelaide, Fremantle and home; hearing War news en route 'German outrages in Belgium'; defence activities in Gibraltar.

Fonds 891088. Hart Family Papers, 1835 - 1972

Xeroxes of papers in possession of P.C. Alexander of Perth (13p.), 11 October 1972 (File)


Fonds 891121. Scottish Licensed Trade Veto Defence Fund Papers, 1920 - 1938

Filmed selectively.

Series. Box 3, 1920 - 1938

New Zealand Campaign, 1928 (File File 7)

Newspaper Advertisements. Posters and handbills [placed in New Zealand newspapers?] to stop passage of Licensing Reform Bill...

New Zealand Campaign Newspaper Advertisements, 1925 (File File 12)

Posters, handbills and stickers by Continuance Campaign. (51p.)

New Zealand Campaign Newspaper Advertisements, 1925 (File File 13)

Posters, handbills and stickers issued by Continuance Campaign. (47p.)

New Zealand Correspondence, 27 October 1920 - 16 December 1938 (File File 14)

Correspondents include: Percy Coyle (National Council of the Licensed Trade of New Zealand, Wellington); Harry Earnshaw (Anti-Prohibition Campaign Council, Edinburgh); Rupert A. Armstrong (New Zealand Licensing Reform Association, Wellington); W. Reid (Dunedin)...

New Zealand Campaign Newspaper Advertisements, 1935 (File File 15)

Handbills, cuttings of newspaper advertisements and photographs of posters issued by Continuance Campaign. (55p.)

New Zealand Campaign Newspaper Advertisements, 1938 (File File 16)

Handbills and photographs of poster issued by Continuance Campaign. (12p.)

New Zealand Campaign. Newspaper Advertisements, 1928 (File File 17)

Handbills issued by Continuance Campaign. (32p.)

Fonds. Guy Aldred Papers, 1946 - 1962

Filmed selectively.

Series. Aldred Collection, 1962

Subseries Bundle 22. Correspondence and Papers, August 1962
Rev. C.P. Bradley (Newcastle, New South Wales) to Aldred re work in Australia, 28 August 1962 (File)

'Can't get the help I had in Canada'. (1p.)

Series. Aldred Collection, Non-British, 1954 - 1961

Subseries Bundle 33. Correspondence and Papers re Beeville Community New Zealand, October 1954 - April 1960
Letters, photographs and papers from Ray Hansen Beeville Community, Taupiri, New Zealand. (19p.), 6 October 1954 - 5 April 1960 (File)

Subjects include: Photograph of Community taken by Photo-Flight Ltd. of Cambridge; poems by Hansen 'Peril of Marriage', 'Domestic Tragedy', 'The Flame and the Perfume'; acknowledgment of receipt of Word; philosophy of Beeville Community.

Subseries Bundle 40. Ray Hansen, April 1959 - January 1961
Ray Hansen (Beeville Community, Taupiri and Madras) to Aldred. (51p.), 4 April 1959 - 8 January 1961 (File)

Subjects include: His work keeping 450 hives of bees; bad honey season due to excessive rainfall, sale of produce at roadside shop; properties of Manuka honey; philosophy of the Community; Reserve Bank refuses to let them send £100.00 to Aldred - money misappropriated by J.C.H. de Mey who had undertaken to get it to Aldred; urges Aldred to settle Strickland Press at Beeville; trip to India to attend 10th Triennial Conference of War Registers International and Annual International Convention of Theosophical Society.

Series. Green Box, 1946 - 1951

Subseries Bundle 249. Ray Hansen, May 1946 - May 1951
Letters and papers from Ray Hansen (Beeville Community, Taupiri) to Aldred. (52p.), 26 May 1946 - 15 May 1951 (File)

Subjects include: Return of Harold and Owen Hansen, imprisoned conscientious objectors; development of the Community; his interest in India; misrepresentation of the Community in article written by Alan Sayers in Pix; his arrest and imprisonment; problems over taxation; attendance at First National Peace Congress in Auckland; discussions with Tom Spiller of Waterside Workers' Union...

Fonds. Baillies Library Ms., 1865

Filmed selectively.

Alexander Hamilton Hume (Hullerkrish?) to ? re work on Epidemic disease. (1p.), 19 September 1865 (File)

Fonds. Brisbane Family Papers, 1838

Filmed selectively.

Series. Bundle III, 1838

Information on Emigration to New South Wales (3p., printed), 1838 (File)

Includes: Plan of steerage-cabins on board the Royal George, G. Richards master, for a party of agricultural labourers going to Sydney 31 October 1838...

Fonds. Thomas Chambers Collections, 1972

Filmed selectively.

Series 32. Letters, January 1972

Nelson Smillie (Brisbane) to T. Chambers given up bicycling when went to Australia; memories of meeting Chambers. (4p.), 14 January 1972 (File T)

Fonds G 34941079. List of cases for trial at Glasgow circuit, 1827 - 1845

Details of: name, crime, date of trial, indictment, list of witnesses. Verdict and sentence, including transportation, have been written in. Assizes for Lanarkshire, Dumbartonshire, and Renfrewshire. All volumes are indexed at the front...

Spring circuit (794p.), May 1827 (File)

Spring circuit (208p.), April 1829 (File)

Autumn circuit (215p.), September 1830 (File)

Winter circuit (293p.) Sentence not noted, January 1831 (File)

Spring circuit (247p.), April 1831 (File)

Autumn circuit (263p.) Sentence not noted, September 1831 (File)

Winter circuit (154p.), December 1831 (File)

Spring circuit (164p.), May 1832 (File)

Autumn circuit (191p.) Sentence not noted, September 1832 (File)

Winter circuit (253p.) Sentence not noted, December 1832 (File)

Spring circuit (398p.) Sentence not noted, April 1833 (File)

Autumn circuit (362p.), September 1833 (File)

Winter circuit (278p.), December 1833 (File)

Spring circuit (305p.), April 1834 (File)

Autumn circuit (187p.), September 1834 (File)

Winter circuit (236p.) Sentence not noted, January 1835 (File)

Autumn circuit (338p.), September 1835 (File)

Winter circuit (281p.) Sentence not noted, January 1836 (File)

Autumn circuit (288p.), September 1836 (File)

Winter circuit (240p.), January 1837 (File)

Spring circuit (284p.), April 1837 (File)

Autumn circuit (280p.), September 1837 (File)

Winter circuit (232p.) Sentence not noted, January 1838 (File)

Spring circuit (269p.), April 1838 (File)

Autumn circuit (426p.), September 1838 (File)

Spring circuit (316p.), May 1839 (File)

Autumn circuit (436p.), September 1839 (File)

Winter circuit (184p.) Sentence not noted, December 1839 (File)

Spring circuit (347p.) Sentence not noted, May 1840 (File)

Spring circuit (236p.), April 1844 (File)

Autumn circuit (211p.), September 1845 (File)
