May 24.—Ballina, (s.), 300 tons; Captain W. Mann, from Sydney 21st instant. Passengers—Mr. and Mrs. Murray, children, and servant, Miss Harris, Miss O'Neill, Messrs. Morrison, Shannon, T. and H. Brixy, Jamieson, Harkness, and 2 in the ...
Article : 150 words view this articleMay 2[?]—New England, (s. s.), 420 tons, Captain Muir, for Sydney. Passengers—Mrs. Gaunt, Rev. Father Ryan, Lieutenant Gowland, Mr. Murray, Mr. Norton, and 6 in the steerage May 27—Ballina, (s.), 300 tons, Captain Mann, for Sydney. ...
Article : 102 words view this articleMay 26—New England (s.s.) for Sydney: 2200 bags maiz[?] 9 bales wool, 42 bags barley. 38 [?]des, 1 cask tallow, 6 cases eggs, 4 coops fowls, 90 bunched bananas, 55 ounces gold, and sundries. May 27—Ballina, (s.), for Sydney; 747 bags maize, 76 casks ...
Article : 86 words view this articleMay 18—Callender, from Brisbane. May 10—Commerce, Wallaby, Royal Duke, Welcome Home, and West Hartley No 2, from Sydney. May 20—Octoroon, from Sydney. ...
Article : 36 words view this articleI REGRET to have to communicate the sad intelligence of the total loss of the regular trader between this port and Sydney— the Panlo of 66, schooner, of 60 tons, Captain M'Gregor. It appears from the statement of the master of the vessel, that he ...
Article : 1823 words view this article{No abstract available}
Family Notices : 107 words view this article{No abstract available}
Advertising : 35 words view this articleFROM some cause or other the colony of New South Wales appears incapable of striking out a bold course for itself. It possesses wide-spread area of country, and from ...
Article : 659 words view this article{No abstract available}
Advertising : 484 words view this articleBRIDGOES OVER SERPENTINE CREEK AND PALMER'S CHANNEL.[?]We learn on enquiry from Mr. T. BAWDEN, the member for the district, that he applied to the Government in February last, for two ...
Article : 615 words view this articleTHE annual regatta of the Clarence River, which had been looked forward to with a good deal of anxiety in boating circles, came off on Tuesday last. The weather, which had been very wet for two days previous, was all that could be desired; the ...
Article : 1848 words view this articleACCORDING to announcement, a very fair meet came off on the Grafton course, and despite the regatta and other amusements; fixed for that day, there was a rather large gathering, and a sprinkling of the fair sox, whilst a booth, for the "thirsty souls," ...
Article : 444 words view this articleA SALE of Crown lands announced to take place at the Court House, Grafton, yesterday (Monday) attracted a large gathering, and for the lots on the riverbank, and at the Village of Maclean, the biddings were very spirited. We append a list of the ...
Article : 2343 words view this articleMAY 26TH.—I think it is quite time some active steps were taken to repair the culvert which has been destroyed in the piece of road which was lately made across the swamp, a couple of miles from Casino. The ...
Article : 472 words view this articleTHIS great event, which is to take place over the metropolitan course on the Parramatta River this afternoon, has absorbed an unusual amount of public interest, and the merits and demerits of the men were ...
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