Guide to the Papers of John Gould (as filmed by the AJCP)


M725-M727, M2888-M2902

National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

Created: 2019

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Fonds MS Add. 9839. Alfred Newton Papers [John Gould component], 1835 - 1876

Series 1. Manuscript notes and sketches for Gould's Birds of Australia

The collection comprises folders containing notes by Gould, usually written on double sheets, with loose sheets or notes inserted. At the top of the first sheet there is often a drawing of a bird's head and below in the margin are headings such as the Latin name, English name and locality inhabited, with notes beside them. Longer notes follow, sometimes on the inside pages, sometimes on loose sheets, and they occasionally contain rough sketches. Each folder contains notes on several genera and species. The name of the order, tribe and genera are written on the outside of the folder in the hand of Edward Prince, Gould's secretary.

Order: Grallatores (File 1.a)

Genera:Erythrogonys, Pelidna, Actites, Calidris, Strepsilas, Scolopax, RhynchaeaPorphyrio, Tribonyx, Gallinula, Fulica, Crex, Rallus, Para, ZaporniaApteryx, Odicnemus, Haematopus, Glaveola, Eudromius, Lobivanellus, Sarciophorus, Charadrius, Squatarola, AgialitisNycticorax, Botaurus, Ardeola, Platalea, Ibis, NumeniusGrus, Mycteria, Ardea, Herodias, DromaiusCladorhynchus, Himantopus, Recurvirostra, Limosa, Terekia, Totanus

Order: Dentirostres (File 1.b)

Genera:Zosterops, PsilopusRhipidura, Seisura, Myiagra, Piezhorynchus, Microeca, MonarchaEpthianiura, Sericornis, Origma, Pyrrholaimus, Anthus, Calamanthus, Cincloramphus, MirafraAmytis, Dasyornis, Megalurus, Cysticola, Calamoherpa, Acanthiza, Xeronphila

Order: Natatores (File 1.c)

Genera:Phalacrocorax, Plotus, Tachypetes, Sula, PelecanusLarus, Xema, Lestris, Phaeton, SternaProcellaria, DaptionDiomediaPrion, Puffinus, Puffinaria, ThalassidromaCygnus, Anseranus, Sarkidiornis, Leptotarsus, Dendrocygna, Nattapus, Cereopsis, Tadorna, Casarka, BerniclaPygoscelis, Aptenodytes, Spheniscus, EudyptesBiziura, Erismatura, Anas, Querquedula, Nyroca, Rhynchaspis, Malacorhynchus, Podiceps

Order: Rasores (File 1)

Genera:Lopholaimas, Columba, Petrophassa, Phaps

Order: Raptores (File 1.e)

Genera:Aquila, Ichthyiaetus, Haliaetus, Pandion, Falco, Jeracidea, CerchnesStrix, Athene

Order: Insessores Tribe: Fissirostres (File 1)

Genera:Caprimulgus, Eurostopodus, Podargus, Aegotheles, Eurystomus, Hirundo, Cotyle, Collocalia, Chaetura, Cypselus, Dacelo, Halcyon, Alcyone, Merops

Order: Insessores Tribe: Scansores (File 1.j)

Genera:Eudynamys, Centropus, Scythrops, Cuculus, ChalcitesClimacteris, Ptiloris, Orthonyx, Sittella

Order: Insessores Tribe: Dentirostres (File 1.g)

Genera:Cracticus, Gymnorhina, Grallina, Strepera Campephaga, Graucalus, SymmorphusPitta, Merula, Mimeta, Sphecotheres, Oreocincla, Aplonis, CinclosomaPetroica, Eopsaltria, DrymodesColluricincla, Pachycephala

Order: Insessores Tribe: Tenuirostres (File 1.h)

Genera:Ptilotis, Myzomela, AcanthorhynchusMeliphaga, GlyciphilaPlectorhamphus, Zanthomyza, Entomophila, Acanthagenys, Anthochaera, Tropidorhynchus, Poe BirdEntomyza, Melithreptus, Myzantha, Manorhina

Order: Insessores Tribe: Conirostres (File 1.i)

Genera:Pardalotus, DicaeumCorvus, Chlamydera, Ptilonorhynchus, Neomorpha, Sericulus, Cororax, Struthidea, PomatorhinusAmadina, Estrelda

Order: Insessores Tribe: Scansores (File 1.j)

Genera: Euphema, Melopsittacus, TrichoglossusPlyctolophus, Licmetes, Nestor, Calyptorhynchus, CorydonPlatycercus, Pezoporus, Nymphicus, Polyteles

Series 2.a. Diagram, letters and sketches, Sep 1835 - Jan [1849]

Diagram showing bird courses (File)
Gould (London) to Sir William Jardine, 28 September 1835 (File)

Acknowledges payment; drawing of hypsipetes ganeesa; Col. William Sykes engaged to make plates for Gould's Birds of Europe; Gould's journey through Europe.

Gould (London) to Sir William Jardine, 3 November 1837 (File)

Despatch of zinc plates and chalks; visit to London of Prince of Musignano [Charles Bonaparte]; his plans to visit Scotland; Gould has collected many species of caprimulgidae; drawing of apteryx by Elizabeth Gould; purchase of birds from Van Diemen's Land.

Gould (London) to Sir William Jardine, 30 April 1838 (File)

Preparations for journey to Australia; description of his cabin on the Parsee; his party on the voyage; plans to visit Van Diemen's Land in first instance.

Gould (Maitland, NSW) to Sir William Jardine, 28 September 1839 (File)

Collecting of birds in Van Diemen's Land, islands of Bass Strait and New South Wales; interest in quadrupeds; summary of his proceedings sent to Zoological Society; new discoveries of birds; journey with Charles Sturt into interior of South Australia; Lake Alexandrina; visit to Liverpool Ranges; brothers of Elizabeth Gould live in Hunter Valley.

Gould (London) to Sir William Jardine, 5 January [1849] (File)

Acknowledges box of specimens; movements since leaving Edinburgh; mutual acquaintances.

Three sketches of nests, two dated December 1842, by G. Grey, reproduced in Gould's Birds of Australia, vol. 1 (File)

Series 2.b. Manuscript list of drawings of Australian plants, birds, animals and fish

Collected and copied by Aylmer Lambert and in the possession of Lord Derby (18pp)

Manuscript list of drawings of Australian plants, birds, animals and fishes collected and copied by Aylmer Lambert and in the possession of Lord Derby (18pp) (File)

Series 3. List of Australian birds

Notebook kept by Gould (File)

Containing a general list of birds inhabiting Australia and the adjacent islands, with many ink and pencil annotations. (c. 50pp)

Series 4. List of Swan River Birds

List in Gould's hand of Swan River birds, with many amendments and deletions (4pp) (File)

Series 5. List of Australian birds

Notebook kept by Gould containing a general list of Australian birds, with many alterations and deletions (20pp) (File)

Series 6. List of Australian birds

Notebook kept by Gould containing a general list of Australian birds, with many pencilled additions (19pp) (File)

Series 7. Letters from Gould to Alfred Newton, 1856 - 1861

Gould (London) to Alfred Newton, 1 August 1856 (File)

Return from lengthy tour in Norway; acknowledges birds in spirits; colouring of soft parts apt to fade.

Gould (London) to Alfred Newton: thanks for birds, comparisons of specimens, 8 February 1859 (File)
Gould (London) to Alfred Newton: sends notes and drawing, 26 March [1859] (File)
Gould (London) to Alfred Newton, 22 March 1861 (File)

Requests Newton to send letters to Bedford Square and not Fitzroy Square. With a draft reply from Newton.

Series 8. Letters of Australian and Pacific interest in the correspondence of Alfred Newton, 1857 - 1876

Trivet Allcock to Alfred Newton, 22 February 1858 (File)

Will advise Newton if he receives any notes or papers of Strange on Birds of Australia

John Briggs (Swarkestone, Derbyshire) to Alfred Newton, 28 December 1858 (File)

Lord Ferrers; ducks may have come from Melbourne

Edwin Prince (London) to Alfred Newton, 30 November 1865 (File)

Sends vol. 2 of Gould's Handbook to the birds of Australia

Osbert Salvin (Elmshurst) to Alfred Newton, 16 November 1857 (File)

Despatch of box of birds' eggs; John Wolley; Salvin's dislike of Philip Sclater; 'he is of the Gould genus'

Philip Sclater (Hampshire) to Alfred Newton, 24 Dec [1858] (File)

Gould agrees to change of name for hummingbird; publication matters

Alfred Wallace (Dorking) to Alfred Newton, 23 July 1876 (File)

Proposed address about zoology of islands; letters from Charles Darwin; reviews of Wallace's book; his move to Dorking

Alfred Wallace (Grays, Essex) to Alfred Newton, 25 August 1875 (File)

Thanks for notes on his proof; woodcocks; Newton's article on migration; invitation from R. Cholmondeley to accompany him to Malay Archipelago; mysteries of classification.

Fonds Z MSS GOU A-B. Correspondence and Papers of John Gould, 1831 - 1880

Series Z MSS GOU A. Gould Correspondence, 1831 - 1880

Subseries BOX 1. Correspondence A-Daq, 1831 - 1880
Abbott, Capt Charles Compton (Falkland Is., Montevideo), 1858 - 1860 (File)

12 letters.

Abbott, Keith, 1859 (File)
Adams, Andrew Leith (Sheffield; Dublin; Malta), 1856-1865[?] (File)

30 letters.

Allport, Morton (Hobart Town), 1864 - 1873 (File)
Correspondence between Morton Allport (Hobart) and Gould (London), 23 July 1864 - 5 September 1873 (Item 1-13)

13 letters. Subjects include: exchange of publications; sightings of birds; introduction of salmon into Tasmanian rivers; discovery of gold in Tasmania. Gould letter (no. 11) crossed.

Anonymous/Unidentified [no Australian references] (File)

3 letters.

Anstey, Henry F (Anstey Barton), 1848 (File)
H. Anstey (Anstey Barton, Tasmania) to Gould, 22 February 1848 (Item 1)

Cancelling his subscription to Birds of Australia due to low price of wool and other financial misfortunes.

Arago, P (Acadamie Royale de Science, France), 1835 (File)
Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex (London), 1838 (File)
Duke of Sussex (London) to Civil and Military Authorities of HM Colonies, 24 April 1838 (Item 1)

Requesting their protection for Gould during his forthcoming visit to NSW

Bagstom, Henry M (London), 1850 (File)
H. Bagstrom (London) to Sir William Jardine re birds, 5 June 1850 (Item 1)
H. Bagstrom (London) to Prince re delivery of birds from a correspondent in Sydney, 17 June 1850 (Item 2)
Baily, William L (Philadelphia), 1854 - 1856 (File)

3 letters. Includes one colour plate.

Baird, Spencer Fullerton (Washington DC), 1857 - 1872 (File)

31 letters.

Baker, Joseph (London), 1839 (File)
Ball, Robert (Dublin), 1845 - 1852 (File)

Filmed selectively. 11 letters. Items of interest include:...

Bass, Arthur (Burton on Trent), 1872 (File)
Bates, Henry Walter (Leicester, London), 1861 - 1869 (File)

6 letters.

Beale, Lionel Smith (London), 1861 - 1862 (File)

2 letters.

Beauvais, L (Lauderdale), n.d. [1835 water mark] (File)
Beavan, Reginald C (Calcutta), 1864 (File)

2 letters.

Becker, Ludwig P H (Melbourne), 1859 (File)
L. Becker (Melbourne) to Gould sending him a copy of a report on Indigenous Australians for which Becker has done the illustrations, 17 August 1859 (Item 1)
Bedford, M (Hobart), n.d. (File)
M. Bedford (Hobart) to Gould ordering a carriage, n.d. (Item 1)
Bell, Jacob (London), 1838 (File)
J. Bell (London) to Gould, 1 May 1838 (Item 1)

Enquiring as to the present whereabouts of Charles Cathrow who went to Hobart in 1832 and thence to Sydney where he got a position as clerk to Mr Dillon, solicitor.

Bell, Thomas (Hampshire) (File)

Filmed selectively. Seven letters. An item of interest includes:...

Bennett, Edward J (London), 1833 (File)
Bennett, George (Sydney), 1839 - 1879 (File)

12 letters. Includes one water colour of birds nest.

G. Bennett (Sydney) to Gould, 21 October 1839 - 25 September 1879 (Item 1-12)

Subjects include: sending specimens; Kennedy's expedition to Victoria River has discovered several new species; procuring specimens of Dugong; news of Coxen family, JG's son and others.

Benstead, James (Australia; New Zealand), 1845 - 1849 (File)

12 letters.

Correspondence between J Benstead (Hobart and Auckland), Gould, Prince and Thomas French (Cambridge), J Benstead's brother, 4 February 1845 - 10 July 1849 (Item 1-12)

Concerning a box of birds assembled by J. Benstead which Gould attempted to sell on his behalf.

Bentham, George (London), 1860 (File)
Beresford Hope, A J (London), 1872 (File)
Berthold, A A (Gottingen), 1850 (File)
Blo...[?] , A J (Calling Low), 1873 (File)
Blyth, Edward (London; Calcutta; Rangoon), 1834 - 1864 (File)

13 letters.

Boie, Friedrich (Hamburg), 1834 (File)
Bonaparte, Charles Lucien (Paris), 1854 (File)

2 letters.

Bourcier, Jules (Paris), 1848 - 1869 (File)

21 letters.

Bowerbank, James Scott (London), 1841 (File)

2 letters.

Brandt, F (St Petersburg), 1842 - 1853 (File)

3 letters.

Bree, Charles Robert (Colchester), 1858 - 1875 (File)

38 letters.

Bremer, Gordon, n.d. [c.1838] (File)
Gilbert Elliot (Hobart?) to Sir Gordon Bremer (HMS Alligator) introducing Gould, n.d. [c.1838] (Item 1)
Briggs, John (near Keerstpeirpoint), 1854 - 1856 (File)

7 letters.

Brodrick, William (Ilfracombe), 1856 (File)
Brongniart, Alexandre, 1831 (File)
Brook, Mourant (Clifton), n.d. (File)
Brooke, Sir Victor (Dublin), 1870 (File)
Buckland, Francis Trevelyan (London), 1855 - 1873 (File)

33 letters.

Buller, William (Westminster), 1872 (File)
W. Buller (Agent General for New Zealand, London) to Gould that his memorandum has been laid before the General Assembly of New Zealand, 8 June 1872 (Item 1)
Cabot, S (Boston), 1859 (File)

2 letters.

Cassin, J (Philadelphia), 1855 - 1863 (File)

5 letters.

Chief Police Magistrate, 1838 (File)
Police Office (Hobart) to Gould (VDL) re box of birds received from Norfolk Island, 2 November 1838 (Item 1)
Childers, J W (Matlock), 1868 (File)
Clerk, E. G., n.d. (File)
E. Clerk (Satin?) to Gould (Dart Brook) re selling his horse and gun, n.d. (Item 1)
Collingwood, C., 9 July 1859 (File)
Commandant at Flinders Island, 1839 (File)
Gould (Hobart) to Commandant at Flinders Island re collecting bird eggs, 1 May 1839 (Item 1)
Cotes, Louisa, 1851 (File)
Cottle, Thomas J (Woodstock, Canada), 1857 (File)
Couch, Jonathan (Cornwall), 1863 (File)

2 letters.

Coulon, Louis (Neuchatel), 1854 - 1866 (File)

4 letters.

Covington, Syms (Port Stephens), 1840 (File)
S. Covington (Port Stephens) to Gould re his lack of success in obtaining specimens of wanted animal, 26 March 1840 (Item 1)
Coxen, Charles, 1840 - 1876 (File)

Includes four mss lists of specimens. 37 letters.

C C (Yarrundi) to W Were (Maitland) re pasturing his horse, 3 February 1840 (Item 1)
Correspondence between C C (Dart Brook, Sydney, Brisbane, Yarrundi, Pages River) and Gould, 5 April 1841 - 2 May 1876 (Item 2-37)

Subjects include: bird collecting; sending stores, eggs and drawings; activities of the younger generation of Coxens (Henry's scandalous divorce); Gould's publications; affairs in the colony; wreck of Henry Star off New Zealand; Birds of Australia; economic conditions on his station; Gilbert's death on expedition; financial matters...

List of [bird] specimens contained in case, includes native name (Item iv)
Coxen, Ebenezer Edward, 1836 - 1849 (File)

14 letters.

Coxen, Capt H C ?, 1833 (File)
Coxen, Henry W, 1843 (File)
H W Coxen (Darling Downs) to Gould re money due from his uncles; new birds he has seen and will try to procure, 12 April 1843 (Item 1)
Coxen, Stephen Jr, 1841 - 1842 (File)

28 letters. Items of interest include:...

Cretzschman, Dr (Frankfurt), 1833 (File)
Crewe, Henry Harpur (London; Tring), 1862 - 1873 (File)

35 letters.

Crichton, Arthur W (Shropshire), n.d. [c.1886] (File)

2 letters

Cuming, Hugh (London), 1857 (File)
Dakins, Sophia Matilda (Chesterfield), 1854 (File)
D'Albertis, L M (Genoa), 1879 - 1880 (File)

2 letters.

Dalen, C (Rotterdam), 1842 - 1849 (File)

5 letters.

Correspondence between C Dalen (Rotterdam) and Gould, 28 February 1842 - 2 February 1849 (Item 1-5)

Subjects include: Birds of Australia; despatch of seeds gathered by Gilbert in Australia; problems of germination

Dallas, William Sweetland (London, York), 1852 - 1868 (File)

5 letters.

Dalton, G V (British Guiana), 1864 (File)
Dalton, J Stuart (Liverpool), 1852 - 1861 (File)

12 letters.

Dampier, Mr (Winchester), 1849 (File)
Dana, James Dwight, 1857 (File)
Danbury, Rev John (London), 1865 (File)
Danvers, H Dawes (Duchy of Lancaster), 1832 (File)
Subseries BOX 2. Correspondence Dar-Der, 1835 - 1872
Darby, Rebecca (Shropshire), 1852 - 1869 (File)
Darmstadt, Duke of, 1845 - 1850 (File)

4 letters.

Correspondence between D of D and Gould, n.d., July 1845-12 July 1850 (Item 1-4)

Subjects include: Birds of Australia; Gould's offer to supply Museum at Darmstadt with duplicate specimens of Australian fauna from his collection

Darwin, Charles, 1838 (File)
Dashwood, Margaret, 1849 (File)
Daubry, Rev J (Killion?), 1863 - 1869 (File)

4 letters.

Daubry, Mrs M (Killion?), 1866 (File)
Davey, R (Helstone), 1862 - 1870 (File)

4 letters.

Davidson, J Ewan, 1871 - 1872 (File)

2 letters.

J. Davidson (London) to Gould re skin of Cassowary, 6 November 1871 - 24 February 1872 (Item 1-2)
Davis, Maurice (London), 1871 (File)
Davy, E D (Australia), 1839 (File)

Four letters. Items of interest include:...

Davy, John (Ambleside), 1864 - 1867 (File)

2 letters.

Day, Alexander (Birmingham), 1868 - 1872 (File)

7 letters.

Day, J & Son [Booksellers] (London), 1870 (File)
Day, James Eagland (Wareham), 1845 (File)

2 letters.

Day, James (Sydney), 1845 (File)
J Day (Sydney) to Gould re payment of a bill of exchange, 5 December 1845 (Item 1)
Dayus, H (Mauritius), 1836 (File)
Dearden, Charles (Nottingham), 1861 - 1862 (File)

3 letters.

Deare, Charles, 1841 (File)
De Blaquiere, Lord (London; Surrey), 1866 - 1867 (File)

5 letters.

De Bouck (Hamburg), 1842 (File)
De Bure, Freres (Paris), 1836 (File)

3 letters.

Decies, Lord (London), 1838 - 1839 (File)

2 letters.

De Grey, Thomas (London), 1870-1871? (File)

4 letters.

Dehaan, W (London), 1837 (File)
Dehany, W H, 1848 (File)
De Jersey, P Frederick (Southampton; Guernsey), 1839 - 1853 (File)

17 letters.

Delafosse, ?F J (London), 1852 - 1867 (File)

6 letters.

De Lattre, A (San Francisco; Paris), 1852 - 1853 (File)

4 letters.

Delaval, G & Co (Hamburg), 1854 - 1857 (File)

2 letters.

Delillo [Delille?], C J (London), 1849 - 1850 (File)

3 letters.

De Morella, Countess (Staines), 1868 - 1872 (File)

4 letters.

Denham, Capt & Mrs Isabella (London), 1858 - 1861 (File)
J Gould, in Prince's hand, to Captain Denham, 12 March 1858 (Item 1)

That the bird specimens sent back by MacGillivray through him were of highest interest; Gregory's expedition

Mrs Denham (London) to Gould re strange bird from Java brought back by Captain Denham, 30 May 1861 (Item 2)
Denison, Alfred (London), 1862 - 1872 (File)

Includes one ms list. 13 letters.

Denison, Mrs (London; St Albans), 1864 - 1872 (File)

6 letters.

Denmark, King of (Denmark), 1841 (File)
Dennistown, A H (Helensburgh, Scotland), 1868 - 1873 (File)

9 letters.

Denny, Henry (Leeds), 1842 - 1869 (File)

83 letters.

Correspondence between H Denny (Leeds) and Gould, 5 April 1842 - 5 September 1869 (Item 1-83)

Subjects include: Denny's study of parasites, especially lice; requests for specimens from Gould's Australian skins; attempts to get Gilbert and Bennett to send him skins from Sydney; attempts to obtain Australian mammals for the Leeds Museum.

Dent, Lawrence (London), 1851 (File)
Derby, Edward Smith Stanley 13th Earl of, 1835 - 1851 (File)

217 letters.

Correspondence between 13th Earl of Derby (Knowsley and London) and Gould and Prince, 26 January 1835-28 July 1851, and undated (Item 1-217)

Subjects include: work of MacGillivray, Gilbert, Strange and other collectors; skins, eggs etc. of Australian and New Zealand animals sent for Derby to select his requirements for his Museum; Gould's publications; Gould and Mrs Gould's sketches and drawings; theft of some of Gould's collection of Australian birds

Derby, Edward G G S Stanley 14th Earl of, 1851 - 1853 (File)

3 letters.

Gould (London) to 14th Earl of Derby requesting his patronage, 26 Aug. 1851, 4 Sept. 1851, 31 Jan. 1853 (Item 1-3)

Wishes to borrow material from the 13th Earl's collections bequeathed to the City of Liverpool

Derby Museum, 1853 (File)

4 letters.

Correspondence between Gould and the Museum Trustees re loan to Gould of Australian material from the Museum, 21 February 1853 - 3 March 1853 (Item 1-4)
Subseries BOX 3. Correspondence Der-Dun, 1838 - 1880
De Rosen, Count (London), n.d. (File)
Des Murs, Marc Athanese Oeillet (Paris), 1842 - 1880 (File)

18 letters.

De Tabley, Lord William (London), 1850-1854 [1834?] (File)

10 letters

De Vitre, Caroline (Maidenhead; Sussex), 1863 - 1873 (File)

13 letters

Devitt & Moore (London), 1846 - 1872 (File)

13 letters.

Devitt and Moore (London) re shipment of material from Australia, 10 November 1846 - 16 July 1872 (Item 1-13)

Includes: 5. 14 Dec. 1857, Smith and Strachan (Melbourne) to Devitt and Moore re box from Gould

Devizes Natural History Society, 1860 (File)
Dewar, D (Glasgow), 1859 - 1871 (File)

3 letters.

Deyrolle, Achille (Paris), 1852 (File)

1 letter and 1 ms list

A. Deyrolle (Paris) to Gould requesting him to remind Strange to send Coleoptera from Moreton Bay, 23 July 1852 (Item 1)
Dickie, George (Aberdeen), 1845 - 1848 (File)

6 letters.

Dickins, C Scrase (Horsham), 1863 - 1868 (File)

4 letters.

Dickins, Catherine, n.d. (File)
Dickinson, J D, 1870 - 1872 (File)

3 letters.

Dickinson, John & Co (London), 1856 - 1857 (File)

3 letters.

Dickinson, John (London), n.d. (File)
Dickson, Capt C S (Oatlands), 1839 (File)
C Dickson (Oatlands, NSW) to Gould (Hobart) that Dickson's dog has taken specimens, 15 August 1839 (Item 1)
Dieffenbach, Ernest, 1840 - 1846 (File)

Four letters. Items of interest include:...

Dilke, Mary Wentworth, 1850 - 1852 (File)

4 letters

Dillwyn, Lewis Llewellyn (Swansea), 1842 - 1851 (File)

4 letters.

Dixon, Rev Edmund Saul (Norwich), 1849 (File)

2 letters

Dixon, R, 1838 (File)
J G (London) to Dixon requesting he take a parcel to Sydney for Stephen Coxen, 9 March 1838 (Item 1)
Dixwell, E S (USA), 1872 (File)
Dobson, George E (Southampton), 1875 (File)
G Dobson (Royal Victoria Hospital, Netley) to Gould re location in Australia of certain specimen, 1 September 1875 (Item 1)
Dodd, John (Rickmansworth), 1850 - 1857 (File)

4 letters

Dode, Ch, 1871 (File)
Dodman, J, 1861 (File)
Dodman, Frederick M (Henley-on-Thames), n.d. (File)
Domvile, William C (Dublin), 1852 - 1871 (File)

7 letters

Don, David (London), 1841 (File)
Donaldson, Stuart A (Sydney), 1840 - 1843 (File)

12 letters

S. Donaldson (Sydney and London) to Gould re financial matters, 6 March 1840 - 19 November 1843 (Item 1-12)
Dorriew[?], J A Smith (Scilly Isles), n.d. [1843?] (File)
Dorset County Museum & Library (Dorchester), 1856 (File)

3 letters

Douall, M, 1863 (File)
Doubleday, Edward (London), 1847 (File)

2 letters

Doubleday, Henry (Epping), 1838 - 1863 (File)

2 letters

Dowdeswell, Mrs G (Gloucestershire), 1852 - 1867 (File)

10 letters

Dowding, Townley W, 1864 (File)

2 letters

Dowling, Lady Harriott Mary (London), 1859 - 1864 (File)

3 letters

Dowling, James (Kent), 1863 (File)
Downes, H (London), 1866 (File)

2 letters.

Dowsett, Arthur (Chelmsford; Brighton), 1860 - 1871 (File)

20 letters

Dresden Royal Library, 1864 - 1871 (File)

2 letters

Dresser, Henry Eeles (London), 1858 - 1874 (File)

9 letters

Dresser, Joseph (London), 1867 (File)
Dresser Bros (London), 1868 - 1872 (File)

2 letters

Drew, Frederic (Tunbridge Wells), 1859 (File)
Drouet, C (London), 1842 (File)
Druce & Sons, 1846 (File)

3 letters

Drummond, Augusta C, 1860 - 1872 (File)

6 letters

[?]Drummond AMCARGH [Bankers] (London), 1848 - 1872 (File)

Consists mostly of bank statements. 190 letters.

Drummond, Robert (London; Scotland), 1866 - 1867 (File)

4 letters

Drummond-Hay, Col Henry Maurice, 1856 - 1873 (File)

14 letters

Dublin Natural History Society, 1854 (File)
Secretary DNHS to Gould introducing E Sargint who is going to Australia, 13 November 1854 (Item 1)
Dublin Royal Zoological Society, 1841 (File)
Robert Ball, Secretary DRZS to Gould re offer of Australian specimens, 19 July 1841 (Item 1)
Dublin Society Library, n.d. [1841?] (File)
Gould to DSL re Birds of Australia, n.d. [1841?] (Item 1)
Dublin (Trinity College Library), 1841 (File)
Du Boulay, F H (Australia), 1867 (File)
F Du Boulay (Champion Bay) re sending skins, 16 March 1867 (Item 1)
F Du Boulay (W. Australia) to Gould re specimens of small birds, 12 November 1867 (Item 2)
Du Bus, Viscomte B (Brussels), 1841 - 1851 (File)

17 letters

Ducie, Henry John Moreton Earl of (Gloucestershire), 1867 - 1869 (File)

15 letters

Duffield, Roger D Dawson (Cambridge), 1858 (File)
Dulau & Co, Booksellers (London), 1870 (File)

2 letters

Dulcken, H W (London), 1853 (File)

3 letters

Dumaresq, Mrs S (York), 1841 (File)
Dunbar, Mrs (London), n.d. [1864?] (File)
Dunbar, Lewis (Invernesshire), 1849 (File)

2 letters

Subseries BOX 4. Correspondence Dun-Gra, 1834 - 1878
Duncan, P B, 1851 (File)
Dunlop & Schoales [later Geo Dunlop] (Southampton), 1851 - 1873 (File)

17 letters

Dunn, Joseph H (Orkney), 1864 - 1867 (File)

6 letters

Dunn, R (Shetland Isles), 1848 (File)
Dupuis, Rev George John (Guildford; Windsor), 1837 - 1852 (File)

4 letters

D'Urban, William Stewart Mitchell (Exeter), 1872 (File)

5 letters

D'Usayer, Henry (London), 1860 (File)
Dutton, Edward L (London), 1867 - 1870 (File)

5 letters

Dutton, Francis L (London; Australia), 1845 - 1858 (File)
F Dutton to Gould requesting he design a scroll emblematic of South Australia for Dutton's book; news of Sturt, 20 Jan 1846 [1845 on letter] (Item 1)
George Hawker to Dutton with details on circumstances of shooting a hawk which he believes to be a new species, 10 August 1858 (Item 2)
F Dutton (Adelaide) to Gould, 11 August 1858 (Item 3)

Forwarding specimens of a hawk caught by George Hawker on Freeling's expedition to Lake Torrens; Gregory's opinion on the hawk

Dutton, John (Eastbourne), 1864 - 1867 (File)

6 letters

Duuring, Gerard (Rotterdam), 1864 - 1869 (File)

5 letters

Dyson, David (Cheetham; Venezuela), 1846 - 1849 (File)

6 letters

Dyson, Rev F, 1841 - 1855 (File)

3 letters

Edwards, Alphonse Milne (France), 1878 (File)
Elliott, David Giraud (New York; Rome; Paris), 1859 - 1877 (File)

28 letters

Elsey, J R (Australia), 1856 (File)
J Elsey (Victoria River Depot, NW Australia) to Gould, June 1856 (Item 1)

Re problems of Gregory's expedition; notes on birds he has observed and specimens collected

Empson, Charles, 1856 (File)
C Empson to ? re specimens of Duckbilled platypus lent to him by Sir William Cockburn, 16 December 1856 (Item 1)
Ewing, Emily, 1849 - 1854 (File)

11 letters

Correspondence between E Ewing (Jameston) and Gould re letters and payments from her brother, 23 May 1849-4 Nov n.y. (Item 1-11)
Ewing, Mrs, n.d. [1844?] (File)

2 letters

Mrs E to Gould re letters from her son, n.d. (Item 1-2)
Ewing, Rev Thomas J (Tasmania), 1834 - 1854 (File)

96 letters

Correspondence between T E (Hobart) and Gould, 7 Feb. 1834-23 Jan. 1865, and undated (Item 1-96)

Subjects include: Gould's publications; accounts and financial transactions; problems with servants who have gone to the Victorian gold fields; payments for crops on Sea Tree Farm; specimens of Tasmanian birds and other animals.

Ewing, Rev Thomas J, 1840s-1860s (File)
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