Guide to the Papers of John Gould (as filmed by the AJCP)
M725-M727, M2888-M2902
National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record
Created: 2019
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Fonds MS Add. 9839. Alfred Newton Papers [John Gould component], 1835 - 1876
Series 1. Manuscript notes and sketches for Gould's Birds of Australia
The collection comprises folders containing notes by Gould, usually written on double sheets, with loose sheets or notes inserted. At the top of the first sheet there is often a drawing of a bird's head and below in the margin are headings such as the Latin name, English name and locality inhabited, with notes beside them. Longer notes follow, sometimes on the inside pages, sometimes on loose sheets, and they occasionally contain rough sketches. Each folder contains notes on several genera and species. The name of the order, tribe and genera are written on the outside of the folder in the hand of Edward Prince, Gould's secretary.
Order: Grallatores (File 1.a)
Genera:Erythrogonys, Pelidna, Actites, Calidris, Strepsilas, Scolopax, RhynchaeaPorphyrio, Tribonyx, Gallinula, Fulica, Crex, Rallus, Para, ZaporniaApteryx, Odicnemus, Haematopus, Glaveola, Eudromius, Lobivanellus, Sarciophorus, Charadrius, Squatarola, AgialitisNycticorax, Botaurus, Ardeola, Platalea, Ibis, NumeniusGrus, Mycteria, Ardea, Herodias, DromaiusCladorhynchus, Himantopus, Recurvirostra, Limosa, Terekia, Totanus
Order: Dentirostres (File 1.b)
Genera:Zosterops, PsilopusRhipidura, Seisura, Myiagra, Piezhorynchus, Microeca, MonarchaEpthianiura, Sericornis, Origma, Pyrrholaimus, Anthus, Calamanthus, Cincloramphus, MirafraAmytis, Dasyornis, Megalurus, Cysticola, Calamoherpa, Acanthiza, Xeronphila
Order: Natatores (File 1.c)
Genera:Phalacrocorax, Plotus, Tachypetes, Sula, PelecanusLarus, Xema, Lestris, Phaeton, SternaProcellaria, DaptionDiomediaPrion, Puffinus, Puffinaria, ThalassidromaCygnus, Anseranus, Sarkidiornis, Leptotarsus, Dendrocygna, Nattapus, Cereopsis, Tadorna, Casarka, BerniclaPygoscelis, Aptenodytes, Spheniscus, EudyptesBiziura, Erismatura, Anas, Querquedula, Nyroca, Rhynchaspis, Malacorhynchus, Podiceps
Order: Raptores (File 1.e)
Genera:Aquila, Ichthyiaetus, Haliaetus, Pandion, Falco, Jeracidea, CerchnesStrix, Athene
Order: Insessores Tribe: Fissirostres (File 1)
Genera:Caprimulgus, Eurostopodus, Podargus, Aegotheles, Eurystomus, Hirundo, Cotyle, Collocalia, Chaetura, Cypselus, Dacelo, Halcyon, Alcyone, Merops
Order: Insessores Tribe: Scansores (File 1.j)
Genera:Eudynamys, Centropus, Scythrops, Cuculus, ChalcitesClimacteris, Ptiloris, Orthonyx, Sittella
Order: Insessores Tribe: Dentirostres (File 1.g)
Genera:Cracticus, Gymnorhina, Grallina, Strepera Campephaga, Graucalus, SymmorphusPitta, Merula, Mimeta, Sphecotheres, Oreocincla, Aplonis, CinclosomaPetroica, Eopsaltria, DrymodesColluricincla, Pachycephala
Order: Insessores Tribe: Tenuirostres (File 1.h)
Genera:Ptilotis, Myzomela, AcanthorhynchusMeliphaga, GlyciphilaPlectorhamphus, Zanthomyza, Entomophila, Acanthagenys, Anthochaera, Tropidorhynchus, Poe BirdEntomyza, Melithreptus, Myzantha, Manorhina
Series 2.a. Diagram, letters and sketches, Sep 1835 - Jan [1849]
Gould (London) to Sir William Jardine, 28 September 1835 (File)
Acknowledges payment; drawing of hypsipetes ganeesa; Col. William Sykes engaged to make plates for Gould's Birds of Europe; Gould's journey through Europe.
Gould (London) to Sir William Jardine, 3 November 1837 (File)
Despatch of zinc plates and chalks; visit to London of Prince of Musignano [Charles Bonaparte]; his plans to visit Scotland; Gould has collected many species of caprimulgidae; drawing of apteryx by Elizabeth Gould; purchase of birds from Van Diemen's Land.
Gould (London) to Sir William Jardine, 30 April 1838 (File)
Preparations for journey to Australia; description of his cabin on the Parsee; his party on the voyage; plans to visit Van Diemen's Land in first instance.
Gould (Maitland, NSW) to Sir William Jardine, 28 September 1839 (File)
Collecting of birds in Van Diemen's Land, islands of Bass Strait and New South Wales; interest in quadrupeds; summary of his proceedings sent to Zoological Society; new discoveries of birds; journey with Charles Sturt into interior of South Australia; Lake Alexandrina; visit to Liverpool Ranges; brothers of Elizabeth Gould live in Hunter Valley.
Series 2.b. Manuscript list of drawings of Australian plants, birds, animals and fish
Collected and copied by Aylmer Lambert and in the possession of Lord Derby (18pp)
Series 7. Letters from Gould to Alfred Newton, 1856 - 1861
Series 8. Letters of Australian and Pacific interest in the correspondence of Alfred Newton, 1857 - 1876
Trivet Allcock to Alfred Newton, 22 February 1858 (File)
Will advise Newton if he receives any notes or papers of Strange on Birds of Australia
John Briggs (Swarkestone, Derbyshire) to Alfred Newton, 28 December 1858 (File)
Lord Ferrers; ducks may have come from Melbourne
Edwin Prince (London) to Alfred Newton, 30 November 1865 (File)
Sends vol. 2 of Gould's Handbook to the birds of Australia
Osbert Salvin (Elmshurst) to Alfred Newton, 16 November 1857 (File)
Despatch of box of birds' eggs; John Wolley; Salvin's dislike of Philip Sclater; 'he is of the Gould genus'
Philip Sclater (Hampshire) to Alfred Newton, 24 Dec [1858] (File)
Gould agrees to change of name for hummingbird; publication matters
Fonds Z MSS GOU A-B. Correspondence and Papers of John Gould, 1831 - 1880
Series Z MSS GOU A. Gould Correspondence, 1831 - 1880
Subseries BOX 1. Correspondence A-Daq, 1831 - 1880
Ball, Robert (Dublin), 1845 - 1852 (File)
Filmed selectively. 11 letters. Items of interest include:...
Coxen, Charles, 1840 - 1876 (File)
Includes four mss lists of specimens. 37 letters.
Correspondence between C C (Dart Brook, Sydney, Brisbane, Yarrundi, Pages River) and Gould, 5 April 1841 - 2 May 1876 (Item 2-37)
Subjects include: bird collecting; sending stores, eggs and drawings; activities of the younger generation of Coxens (Henry's scandalous divorce); Gould's publications; affairs in the colony; wreck of Henry Star off New Zealand; Birds of Australia; economic conditions on his station; Gilbert's death on expedition; financial matters...
Subseries BOX 2. Correspondence Dar-Der, 1835 - 1872
Denny, Henry (Leeds), 1842 - 1869 (File)
83 letters.
Correspondence between H Denny (Leeds) and Gould, 5 April 1842 - 5 September 1869 (Item 1-83)
Subjects include: Denny's study of parasites, especially lice; requests for specimens from Gould's Australian skins; attempts to get Gilbert and Bennett to send him skins from Sydney; attempts to obtain Australian mammals for the Leeds Museum.
Derby, Edward Smith Stanley 13th Earl of, 1835 - 1851 (File)
217 letters.
Correspondence between 13th Earl of Derby (Knowsley and London) and Gould and Prince, 26 January 1835-28 July 1851, and undated (Item 1-217)
Subjects include: work of MacGillivray, Gilbert, Strange and other collectors; skins, eggs etc. of Australian and New Zealand animals sent for Derby to select his requirements for his Museum; Gould's publications; Gould and Mrs Gould's sketches and drawings; theft of some of Gould's collection of Australian birds
Subseries BOX 3. Correspondence Der-Dun, 1838 - 1880
[?]Drummond AMCARGH [Bankers] (London), 1848 - 1872 (File)
Consists mostly of bank statements. 190 letters.
Subseries BOX 4. Correspondence Dun-Gra, 1834 - 1878
Dutton, Francis L (London; Australia), 1845 - 1858 (File)
Ewing, Rev Thomas J (Tasmania), 1834 - 1854 (File)
96 letters
Correspondence between T E (Hobart) and Gould, 7 Feb. 1834-23 Jan. 1865, and undated (Item 1-96)
Subjects include: Gould's publications; accounts and financial transactions; problems with servants who have gone to the Victorian gold fields; payments for crops on Sea Tree Farm; specimens of Tasmanian birds and other animals.