Guide to the Records of the National Union of Australian University Students / Australian Union of Students


MS 2412

National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

Online Items

Class (4) MS 2412. Consignments added 1985-1987 - Box 1-512 (Sequence 2) + Folio Boxes 2-4

Series 37. Miscellaneous papers

Subseries 1. Various
Slides, cassette tapes, reel-to-reel tapes (File) - Box 501 (Sequence 2)
Bob Scott of NZ SCM letter to Sandy Yule (General Secretary Australian SCM)after visiting South Africa 1972, 1972 (Item NLA.MS-SAV018019) - Cassette-Box 853
TIRAY001, National Student Centre Thailand. 29/03/1973, 29/03/1973 (Item NLA.MS-SAV018020) - Cassette-Box 853
Chitepo press conference 16/07/1973, 16/07/1973 (Item NLA.MS-SAV018021) - Cassette-Box 853
Chitepo address at National Press Club 17/07/1973. Start of Gilmore AWD address, 17/07/1973 (Item NLA.MS-SAV018022) - Cassette-Box 853
'Shot from Both Sides'. A US program. Program 1 of 2. October 1979, Oct-79 (Item NLA.MS-SAV018023) - Cassette-Box 853
'Shot from Both Sides'. A US program. Program 2 of 2. October 1980, Oct-79 (Item NLA.MS-SAV018024) - Cassette-Box 861
Side 1: Official Australia. Side 2: Unofficial Australia (Item NLA.MS-SAV018026) - Cassette-Box 861
Flinders tape (Item NLA.MS-SAV018027) - Cassette-Box 861
Side A: TAS 1. Side B: TAS 2 (Item NLA.MS-SAV018028) - Cassette-Box 861
Timor Story/Slides (non-automatic) (Item NLA.MS-SAV018029) - Cassette-Box 861
Interview with Brendan O'Dwyer (Item NLA.MS-SAV018030) - Cassette-Box 861
[no details] (Item NLA.MS-SAV018031) - Cassette-Box 861
[no details] (Item NLA.MS-SAV018032) - Cassette-Box 861
'Malcolm of the Undertow' (Item NLA.MS-SAV018033) - Shelf-Short OH2-2-021

15ips NAB 2x1/2 track stereo

[no details] (Item NLA.MS-SAV018034) - Shelf-Short OH2-2-021
[no details] (Item NLA.MS-SAV018035) - Shelf-Short OH2-2-021

Class (7) MS Acc01.167. Consignment added 2001

"Meat-Eaters" (Item NLA.MS-SAV017231) - Shelf-Tall OH2-9-013

More information on casing.
