Guide to the Records of the National Union of Australian University Students / Australian Union of Students
MS 2412
National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record
Collection Summary
- Title
- Records of the National Union of Australian University Students / Australian Union of Students
- Date Range
- 1934 - 1991
- Collection Number
- MS 2412
- Extent
- 191.20 metres (1,009 boxes/cartons + 5 folio boxes + 56 map folios)
- Language of Materials
- English
- Repository
- Special Collections (Manuscripts)
Cultural Sensitivity Advisory Notice
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this collection may contain names, recordings and images of deceased people and other content that may be culturally sensitive.
Please also be aware that you may see certain words or descriptions within this finding aid, or within the collection, which reflect the author's attitude, or that of the period in which the works were created, and may now be considered inaccurate, inappropriate or offensive.
Conditions Governing Access
Access conditions may apply to this collection, please refer to the collection's catalogue record for further information (
Preferred Citation
Items from this collection should be cited as '[Title or description of manuscript item], Records of the National Union of Australian University Students / Australian Union of Students, National Library of Australia, [class/series/subseries/file number]'.
Other Related Materials
Jim Thomas discusses his involvement with the NUAUS during the 1950's in his memoir An Almost Forgotten World: Jim Thomas's memoirs [].
The National Library of Australia has a collection of ephemera related to the AUS [].
The collection is arranged into ten classes representing the various consignments or transfers of material from the NUAUS/AUS. Note that there are two duplicated sequences of box numbers for MS 2412; include the sequence number when requesting material.
- Class 1 is MS 2412 Original consignments received 1970-1972 and comprises Boxes 1-162 (Sequence 1) + Folio Box 1 + Map Folio 1.
- Class 2 is MS 2412 Consignment added 1977 and comprises Boxes 163-324 (Sequence 1).
- Class 3 is MS 2412 Consignment added c.1980 and comprises Boxes 325-417 (Sequence 1).
- Class 4 is MS 2412 Consignment added 1985-1987 and comprises Boxes 1-512 (Sequence 2), Map folio 513 and Folio Boxes 2-4.
- The remaining 8 classes comprise records added in 1992 (MS AccGB 1992/0505 Boxes 1-26), 1997 (MS Acc97.156 21 ms boxes + 2 Folio Boxes), 2001 (MS Acc01.167 Boxes 1-7 + 1 Folio Box), 2003 (MS Acc03.232 10 ms boxes), 2004 (MS Acc04.014 11 ms boxes), 2013 (MS Acc13.175 Box 1), 2022 (MS Acc22.050 4 ms boxes, 1 Folio Box and 54 large items) and 2023 (1 folder).
Finding Aid Source(s)
Please note: This finding aid may comprise or contain descriptive information provided by donors, researchers and/or volunteers.
The file list for Series 1 of Class 1 of MS 2412 (Original consignments received 1970-1972) was prepared by Michael Piggott on behalf of the NUAUS/AUS Archives Group, October-November 2016.
Retrieval Advice
Please note: The numbering of boxes in Consignment 4 (Boxes 1-512) duplicates the numbering of boxes in Consignments 1-3 (Boxes 1-417). When you request to view any material from Consignment 4 (Boxes 1-512) please specify that the requested boxes are from "Sequence 2 (Hume)".
List of commonly used acronyms with the collection:
- ACCORD: Australian Committee to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination - ACOSS: Australian Council of Social Service - ACSPA: Australian Council of Salaried and Professional Associations - AICD: Association for International Co-operation and Disarmament - ALP: Australian Labour Party - AMC: Associate Member's Club - AMSA: Australian Medical Students Association - ANU: Australian National University - ASA: Asian Student Association - ASCM: Australian Student Christian Movement - ATF: Australian Teachers Federation - AUGC: Australian University Graduate Conference - AUJS: Australian Union of Jewish Students - AVCC: Australian Vice-Chancellors Committee - CALPS: National Council of Australian Labor Party Students - CAO: Cultural Affairs Officer - CARE: Campaign Against Racial Exploitation - CCTLR: Community Committee on Tenancy Law Reform - CICD: Congress for International Co-operation and Disarmament - CND: Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament - COBRA: Conference of Basic human and democratic Rights in the ASEAN Alliance - CORPSE: Combined Organisations for Public Sector Expenditure - DOGS: Defence of Government Schools - ERO: Education Research Officer - EVP: Education Vice-President- FAUSA: Federation of Australian University Staff Associations - FSAACAE: Federation of Staff Associations of Australian Colleges of Advanced Education- HART: Halt All Racist Tours movement - HERDSA: Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australia - HKFS: Hong Kong Federation of Students- IDA: International Development Action - IDCA: Institute of Cultural Action - IDOC: International Documentation and Communication Centre - IOS: International Union of Students - ISTC: International Student Travel Conference- NGOs: Non-Government Organisations - NST: National Student Theatre organisation - NYCA: National Youth Council of Australia - OSS: Overseas Student Society - PESO: Part-Time and External Students Organisation - RCAE: Riverina College of Advanced Education - RMIT: Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology - RO: Regional Officer - SAUAF: Second Australian Universities Arts Festival - SCV: State College Victoria - SRC: Student Representative Council - TEAS: Tertiary Education Assistance Scheme - TTAV: Technical Teachers Association of Victoria - UNICEF: United Nations Children's Fund - UNQ: University of North Queensland - VSTA: Victorian Secondary Teachers Association - WASTA: Western Australian Student Teachers Association - WEL: Women's Electoral Lobby - YES: Youth Education Seminars - YWCA: Young Women's Christian Association
Oral Histories
The National Library holds several oral history interviews with past members of the NUAUS including:
Hon. Sir Gerard Brennan []
Geoffrey Briot []
Dr Jessica Milner Davis []
Ian Ernst []
Emer. Prof. Jenny Graves []
Gregory Harvey []
Ian Lowe []
Gregor Macaulay []
John Ridley []
Tom Roper []
David Solomon []
Jim Thomas []
Brother Robert J Wallace []
Ms Patti Warn []
Item Descriptions
Class (1) MS 2412. Original consignments received 1970-1972
Series 1. Administration
Note: the file list for Series 1 was prepared by Michael Piggott on behalf of the NUAUS/AUS Archives Group, October-November 2016.
Subseries 2 (1). President's correspondence, 1943-1968
Includes letters memos telegrams and aerogrammes received; carbon copies of typed letters and memos sent; handwritten notes; processed papers of great variety (agenda, reports circulars etc); newspaper cuttings.
1956 President's Administration, 1955-1957; mostly 1956 (File) - Box 1 (Sequence 1)
President David R. Teplitzky. Includes 'List of Files - Secretariat' spanning "A" - Constitutents to "J" - Secretariat.
A.11 Presidential Circulars, 1955-1956 (File) - Box 1 (Sequence 1)
Presidents David R. Teplitzky and Marc Playoust
B.6 Federal Government - Treasurer, 1956 (File) - Box 1 (Sequence 1)
Signed letter to Vice President from A. W. Fadden
Pres. Correspondence 1956, 1955-1956 (File) - Box 1 (Sequence 1)
Presidents David R. Teplitzky and Marc Playoust
1956 J.14 Pres'l Visits, 1955-1957 (File) - Box 1 (Sequence 1)
Presidents James Thomas, David R. Teplitzky and Marc Playoust
President's Correspondence 1956-57 Personal J.20, 1955-1957 (File) - Box 1 (Sequence 1)
Presidents James Thomas, David R. Teplitzky and Marc Playoust
President's Letters 1956 Executive Business, 1956-1957; mostly 1956 (File) - Box 1 (Sequence 1)
President David R. Teplitzky
President's Correspondence 1956, 1955-1956; mostly 1956 (File) - Box 1 (Sequence 1)
President David R. Teplitzky
President's Letters 1956, 1955-1956 (File) - Box 1 (Sequence 1)
Concerns overseas travel; includes financial papers.
X17 Pres. TD, 1957 (File) - Box 1 (Sequence 1)
President James Thomas; Bill Lucas Travel Director [TD]
X14 Pres-HST, 1957 (File) - Box 1 (Sequence 1)
President James Thomas; Kim Paterson, Hon. Secretary /Treasurer [HST]
Loose papers, 1943-1959 (File) - Box 1 (Sequence 1)
Brief Summary of current activities issued by Peter Sellers, Education Vice-President (1965, 10pp, quarto, processed); 'Constitution and Regulations' (as at 25th April, 1964) 44pp; foolscap, processed; 'Constitution 15 April 1959' (39pp; foolscap; processed); 'Honi Soit', 15 January 1943, lead item headed 'NUAUS tackles war problems. Conference held in Sydney'.
SA.90 Archives, 1961-1962 (File) - Box 1 (Sequence 1)
Concerns gathering documents from former NUAUS officials, making arrangements for archives and 4pp document 'Circular No 135, SA. 90. Records of the NUAUS Additional Inventory No 2' dated 17 April 1961 which list contents of boxes 25-44.
General 1956 Presidency, 1955-1956 (File) - Box 1 (Sequence 1)
Presidents David R. Teplitzky and Marc Playoust
X16 Pres.FBD, 1957 (File) - Box 2 (Sequence 1)
President James Thomas; Faculty Bureaux Director T. A. Kirkman [FRB]
XB Pres VP, 1957-1958 (File) - Box 2 (Sequence 1)
President James Thomas; Vice President James Carlton [VP]
X15 Pres.G.S., 1957 (File) - Box 2 (Sequence 1)
President James Thomas; General Secretary Roger Hatton [G.S.]
X12 Pres-IVP, 1957 (File) - Box 2 (Sequence 1)
President James Thomas; International Vice President Malcolm Hills.
President a. Trust Fund - (Melb) b. Sydney Trust Fund c.Presidential Administration, 1956-1957 (File) - Box 2 (Sequence 1)
K13 Carl Terzian, 1958 (File) - Box 2 (Sequence 1)
Visit to Australia of Terzain, a University of South California student
K 11, 1958 (File) - Box 2 (Sequence 1)
President Kim Paterson and others' correspondence with libraries
Wallace President 1961 -, 1961 (File) - Box 2 (Sequence 1)
Mostly processed copies of circulars, amendments to the constitution , notices of motion, agenda for presidents' conferences etc.
Miscellaneous 'but mostly unsorted copies of Presidential correspondence 1960/1', 1954-1961 (File) - Box 2 (Sequence 1)
President Brian Moylan; includes printed and processed reports circulars. NB also includes 4pp much amended 'Filing List', c. early 1960s.
Letters to and from Greg, 1962 (File) - Box 3 (Sequence 1)
President Greg Harvey. Alternative title: '(Some of) President's International Correspondence 1962'.
Pres. 1964, 1956-1964 (File) - Box 3 (Sequence 1)
Presidents Greg Harvey, Peter Wilenski and Robert McDonald
Miller, 1965-1966 (File) - Box 3 (Sequence 1)
President John Ridley; correspondent is Mrs Joan Miller
McDonald, 1963-1967 (File) - Box 3 (Sequence 1)
President John Ridley; main correspondent is Robert McDonald; also letters from Gordon Bilney.
Correspondence [maily re Model Trusteeship/Security Council], 1965-1967 (File) - Box 3 (Sequence 1)
Presidents Tony McMichael and John Ridley
Ex 3 President's Correspondence, 1966-1967 (File) - Box 3 (Sequence 1)
Presidents Tony McMichael and John Ridley
President - Corresp.[with New Zealand University Students Association Inc.], 1966-1967 (File) - Box 3 (Sequence 1)
Presidents Tony McMichael and John Ridley
Subseries 2 (2). President's correspondence (Gregor G. Macaulay), 1970-1971
President's correspondence (Gregor G. Macaulay), February 1970 - June 1970 (File) - Box 158 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars generated by Gregor Macaulay, NUAUS President, February 1970-June 1970. Subjects include: administrative and financial matters; attendance at meetings and conferences; the NUAUS Friendly Society; travel handbooks; overseas travel schemes; charter flights and South Africa and apartheid. Includes a NUAUS submission to the Senate Select Committee on Drug Abuse and Drug Trafficking, 1970 and a report of the 1970 NUAUS May Council Meeting.Added March 1972.
President's correspondence (Gregor G. Macaulay), June 1970 - January 1971 (File) - Box 158 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars generated by Gregor Macaulay, AUS/NUAUS President, June 1970-January 1971. Subjects include: administrative and financial matters; attendance at meetings and conferences; student exchange schemes and apartheid and sports tours of South Africa. Includes resolutions from the 1970 NUAUS August Council Meeting.Added March 1972.
President's correspondence (Gregor G. Macaulay), December 1970 - January 1971 (File) - Box 158 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (6 folios) generated by Gregor Macaulay, AUS/NUAUS President, December 1970-January 1971. Subjects include: administrative and financial matters and the selection of an Editor for National "U".Added March 1972.
Subseries 3. Secretary's correspondence, 1949-1966
Gen Sec 1952, 1946-1954 (File) - Box 3 (Sequence 1)
General Secretaries Valerie Wadsworth, Ethne D'Arcy-Evans, E J L Tucker, R Noel Ebbels, Alan Barcan.
N.U. Correspondence Outward 1954, 1953-1954 (File) - Box 4 (Sequence 1)
Local Secretary/Treasurer Loena Seedman
Correspondence Gen Sec - 1954, 1954 (File) - Box 4 (Sequence 1)
General Secretary Ethne D'Arcy-Evans
N.U. Correspondence Inward 1954, 1954-1955 (File) - Box 4 (Sequence 1)
Many letters to Jan Goldsworthy Local Sec/Treasurer, Adelaide.
A.17 Minutes of all constitutents' S.R.C. Meetings, 1956 (File) - Box 4 (Sequence 1)
Agenda, minutes; mostly University of Sydney SRC
Research Grants, 1955 (File) - Box 4 (Sequence 1)
Primarily correspondence of Vice President and Education Office Tim McDonald
X 15 P-GS [President - General Secretary], 1958 (File) - Box 4 (Sequence 1)
President Kim Paterson; General Secretary Roger Hatton
X 14 P-HST [President - Hon Secretary/Treasurer], 1958 (File) - Box 4 (Sequence 1)
President Kim Paterson; Secretary/Treasurer Roger Cook
Correspondence between Gen Sec/Pres 1956, 1955-1956 (File) - Box 4 (Sequence 1)
Presidents David R. Teplitzky and Marc Playoust; General Secretaries Wendy Castley and Ethne D'Arcy-Evans
S/7(b) Sec. Assist [Assistant Secretary/Stenographer], 1958 (File) - Box 4 (Sequence 1)
Vice President Martin Davey
X24 IVP-Ast [International Vice President - Secretarial Assistance], 1958 (File) - Box 4 (Sequence 1)
International Vice Presidents D.H. Lawrence and J. F. Williams
X25 IVP - GS [International Vice President - Generalecretary], 1958 (File) - Box 4 (Sequence 1)
International Vice President J. F. Williams; General Secretary Lorna Bailey
S19 Sec. Assist.[Secretarial Assistant, 1958 (File) - Box 4 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly of Secretary/Treasurer Roger Cook
Gen. Sec 1958, 1948-1958 (File) - Box 4 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly of Secretary/Treasurer Roger Cook and Vice President M.G.Davey
X 5 G.S. [alternative title General Secretary 1958 and 1960], 1958-1960 (File) - Box 4 (Sequence 1)
General Secretaries Lorna Bailey and Roger Hatton
K. 12 G.S. [alternative title General Secretary 1958/9], 1958-1959 (File) - Box 4 (Sequence 1)
Concerns the position of General Secretary
X 4 '61, 1961 (File) - Box 4 (Sequence 1)
Concerns recruitment and appointment of an Administrative Secretary
X. 7/1, 1961 (File) - Box 4 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of Graeme W. Evans as Local NUAUS Secretary, and as Travel Director
Administrative Secretary's general Correspondence 1961-1962, 1961-1962 (File) - Box 4 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly of Administrative Secretary R.G.L. Bowles
Admin. Sec. Miscellaneous, 1964-1966 (File) - Box 4 (Sequence 1)
Mostly copies of telegrams sent; small number of telegrams received
Gen Secretary [alternative title Correspondence with NUAUS], 1966-1967 (File) - Box 4 (Sequence 1)
Principal correspondents President Tony McMichael and National Secretary Mrs H Martinot
X/24 IVP - Hon Sec/Tres 1956, 1955-1956 (File) - Box 5 (Sequence 1)
Secretary/Treasurers Phil Lynch and John Martin; International Vice President James B. Thomas
X/14 Pres. - Hon Sec/Tres, 1955-1956 (File) - Box 5 (Sequence 1)
Presidents Marc Playoust and David Teplitzky; Secretary/Treasurers Phil Lynch and John F. Martin
Secretary, Margaret Lindeson, February 1970 - November 1970 (File) - Box 158 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars generated by Margaret Lindeson, NUAUS National Secretary, February-November, 1970 and Alan Davies, National Publications Officer and Editor National "U", January-October, 1970. Subjects include: administrative and financial matters; NUAUS meetings; travel; NUAUS circulars; National "U"; printing and publications and a Student School of Journalism/Editors' Conference. Also includes minutes of various Editorial Board Meetings.Added March 1972.
Subseries 4. Hon Sec/Treasurer's correspondence 1955-1959, 1955-1959
X 46 [alternative title Hon Secretary/Treasurer - Faculty Bureaux Officer correspondence], 1955-1956 (File) - Box 5 (Sequence 1)
Faculty Bureaux Officer John Greenwood Hon. Secretary/Treasurers John F. Martin and Phil Lynch
X 47 H.S.T.- TD, 1957 (File) - Box 5 (Sequence 1)
Hon. Secretary/Treasurer Kim Paterson; Travel Director Bill Lucas
X 46 HST - FBD, 1958 (File) - Box 5 (Sequence 1)
Hon. Secretary/ Treasurer Roger B. Cook; Faculty Bureaux Directpr B. J. Greaves
X 45 HST-GS, 1958 (File) - Box 5 (Sequence 1)
Hon. Secretary/ Treasurer Roger B. Cook; General Secretary L.G.I. Bailey
Subseries 5. Vice President's correspondence, 1953-1961
[Miscellaneous correspondence], 1953 (File) - Box 5 (Sequence 1)
Primarily papers of General Secretary Ethne D'Arcy-Evans
[Miscellaneous correspondence], 1953 (File) - Box 5 (Sequence 1)
Letters received by Vice-President Jill Warwick
X/36 VP - FBD, 1955-1956 (File) - Box 5 (Sequence 1)
Vice-President Tim McDonald; Faculty Bureau Director John Greenwood
X/37 VP -TD, 1955 (File) - Box 5 (Sequence 1)
Vice-President Tim McDonald; Travel Director David R. Teplitzky
V.P. [alternative title Misc(highly)], 1956 (File) - Box 5 (Sequence 1)
Over half file correspondence of Vice President Tim McDonald
X23 IVP-VP, 1958 (File) - Box 5 (Sequence 1)
Vice-President Martin Davey; International Vice President J.F. Williams
X36 VP-FBD, 1957 (File) - Box 5 (Sequence 1)
Single letter: T. Ananda Krishnan to Jim Carlton, NUAUS V-P and Education Officer
X34 VP-HST, 1957-1958 (File) - Box 5 (Sequence 1)
Vice-Presidents Jim Carlton Martin Davey; Hon. Secretary/Treasurers Kim Paterson and Martin Davey
X37 VP-TD, 1958 (File) - Box 5 (Sequence 1)
Single letter: Vice-President Martin Davey to Travel Director Peter Wilenski
X36 VP-FBD, 1958 (File) - Box 5 (Sequence 1)
Single letter: Vice-President Martin Davey to Faculty Bureau Director Barry Greaves
X35 VP - CS [General Secretary], 1958 (File) - Box 5 (Sequence 1)
Vice-President Martin Davey; General Secretarys Roger Hatton and Lorna Bailey
X34 VP-HST, 1958 (File) - Box 5 (Sequence 1)
Vice-President Martin Davey; Hon. Secretary/Treasurer Roger Cook
X/3-P, 1961 (File) - Box 5 (Sequence 1)
Vice-President and Public Relations Officer Joan Sawyers' letters (copies) to Education Officer Kim Paterson
X 3-1/VP, 1961 (File) - Box 5 (Sequence 1)
Vice-President and Public Relations Officer Joan Sawyers' correspondence with carious NUAUS officials
J. Sawyers V-P and PPR Offcier, 1959-1961 (File) - Box 5 (Sequence 1)
Mostly Vice-President and Public Relations Officer Joan Sawyers' extensive correspondence with various NUAUS officials
X 1 Early history of the union 1937-43 report of 1st conference, 1937-1947 (File) - Box 6 (Sequence 1)
Draft history (author and date written not immediately obvious) and supporting NUAUS documents including correspondence
[Untitled. On reverse cover: 'Executive 1939-52'], 1947-1953 (File) - Box 6 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence of various General Secretaries
X1, 1948-1949 (File) - Box 6 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between office bearers including General Secretary E.J.L. Tucker
Subseries 6. Executive Correspondence, 1946-1973
[Untitled], 1947-1959 (File) - Box 6 (Sequence 1)
Newspaper cuttings re 1960 Council Meeting - Hobart'; '1947 Correspondence'; 'History of NUAUS 1958-1959'; p175 separated from unidentifyable document.
[Untitled; publications and communications re international student organisations and issues], 1947-1954 (File) - Box 6 (Sequence 1)
Primarily processed and printed publications, reports, bulletins mostly from overseas; some correspondence of General Secretaries Valerie Wadsworth and R Ebbels (loose; 3 cms). NB contains duplicates of publications.
Miscellaneous, 1949-1950 (File) - Box 6 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence of General Secretaries E.J.L. Tucker and Valerie Wadsworth
[Untitled], 1946-1954 (File) - Box 6 (Sequence 1)
Folder containing 5 folders of miscellanous papers and loose item, including some correspondece of NUAUS office holders
[Untitled], 1973 (File) - Box 6 (Sequence 1)
Student Affairs: Autonomy or Atrophy? (with particular reference to the university of Sydney' by Kevin Ellis. Adelaide, 1937. (Foolscap, typescript)
EX 13 Office Administration, 1953 (File) - Box 7 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, processed circulars. General Secretary Ethne D'Arcy-Evans
EX 1 Webb's trip, 1953 (File) - Box 7 (Sequence 1)
President, SRC University of Melbourne Jim Webb toured Australian universities during 1953, part sponsored by NUAUS.
XI Correspondence, 1952 (File) - Box 7 (Sequence 1)
Mostly concerns preparations for the February 1953 Congress
Western Australia, 1954 (File) - Box 7 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence primarily with John Gillett, Local Secretary/Treasurer, NUAUS in Perth and President, Guild of Undergraduates, University of Western Australia
X 13 memos - Local Sec/Treasurers, Executive, etc, 1954 (File) - Box 7 (Sequence 1)
General Secretary Ethne D'Arcy-Evans
[Untitled], 1954-1956 (File) - Box 7 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, but also a good sampling of publications issued and received by NUAUS
Correspondence, 1955 (File) - Box 8 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with constitutents, local secretary/treasurers, etc
Outward correspondence of Local Sec/Treas, 1954-1955 (File) - Box 8 (Sequence 1)
Primarily copies of letters and memos sent by Local Sec/Treasurer Jan Goldsworthy
Executive correspondence, 1955 (File) - Box 8 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence gathered in 5 sets, some labelled: 'Generally deals with England represent', '1955 Travel', '1955 malayan Delegation',
Publicity File, 1955-1956 (File) - Box 8 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of various officer bearers, including sharp exchange between President Marc Playoust Hon. Sec/Treasurer Phillip Lynch folliwng latter's preselection as an LCP candidate for the seat of Scullin.
Supplementary Exams, 1955 (File) - Box 8 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers miscellaneous matters impossible to align with file title
Ex 13 Executive Business, 1955 (File) - Box 8 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of officer bearers - miscellaneous matters including fuirther papers on the Lynch preselection.
Ex 13 Executive Letters from Jan 1955 -, 1952-1955 (File) - Box 8 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers, including copies of considerable number of letters to Peter Cranswick, National faculty Bureaux Officer based in Hobart.
Ex 13, 1955 (File) - Box 8 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers, but also good documentation on the Fifth International Student Conference, Birmingham, July 1955 attended by Marc Playoust (President) and Chev Kidson (International V-P)
S/1 Secretariat - General, 1956 (File) - Box 8 (Sequence 1)
Extensive correspondence of office bearers, particularly documenting finacnes and interstate and overseas conferences
J 17 Chancellor and Vice chancellor, 1956 (File) - Box 8 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with Australian Vice Chancellors' Committee
Correspondence 1956 Outwards, 1956 (File) - Box 8 (Sequence 1)
Copies of internal letters between NUAUS office bearers
[Untitled], 1956 (File) - Box 8 (Sequence 1)
Minimal contents, most important a long personal handwritten letter from "Chester" to "Herb"
X 1-8 /PRO [Public relations Officer], 1956 (File) - Box 8 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly of International Vice-President James B. Thomas
[Untitled], 1956 (File) - Box 8 (Sequence 1)
Large (3.5cm) file of correspondence of and between office bearers
[Untitled. "Thanks" recorded on folder edge not considered relevant], 1954-1957 (File) - Box 9 (Sequence 1)
Miscellaneous publications and reports, incl 'Report on action taken by the NUAUS International Vice-President James B. Thomas on the question of the White Australia Policy … October - 1956.'
[Untitled], 1956-1957 (File) - Box 9 (Sequence 1)
Miscellaneous NUAUS publications and correspondence of office bearers, and a group photo (unidentified) of a school class photo and teacher.
Executive Letters, 1957 (File) - Box 9 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence (mostly copies of communications sent) of officer bearers; 'Executive memos'.
Ex 13 ['B.3 Minister for External Affairs' recorded on folder edge], 1955-1956 (File) - Box 9 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence with Department of and Minister for External Affairs.
S 10 AULF. ASLF, 1957 (File) - Box 9 (Sequence 1)
Copies of letters to, and internal communications about, the Australian Universities' Liberal Federation.
[G2] General, 1957 (File) - Box 9 (Sequence 1)
Small number of copies of letters by General Secretary Roger Hatton
Secretariate. K. Paterson, 1957 (File) - Box 9 (Sequence 1)
Hon. Secretary/Treasurer Kim Paterson and General Secretary Roger Hatton
Miscellaneous, 1957 (File) - Box 9 (Sequence 1)
Primarily copies of letters sent by President James Thomas, Hon Secrertary/Treasurer Kim Paterson and General Secretary Roger Hatton
S/7 Sydney Office, 1958 (File) - Box 9 (Sequence 1)
Mostly copies of letters sent by Vice-President M.G. Davey
S.53, 1958 (File) - Box 9 (Sequence 1)
Copies of correspondence re administarigve support for the Faculty Bureaux Director Barry Greaves
E.F.B. F2(a), 1958 (File) - Box 9 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence (mostly copies of communications sent) of office bearers
Corr. [espondence] S.I 27, 1952; almost entirely 1958 (File) - Box 9 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence (mostly copies of communications sent) of office bearers
Corr [espondence] SF 51 Fac[ulty] Bureau, 1954-1958 (File) - Box 9 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence (mostly copies of communications sent) of officer bearers, much concerning overseas student organisations, travel etc
SE 74 ERO [Education research Officer] Salary, 1958 (File) - Box 9 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence (mostly copies of communications sent) of office bearers, Including some information about work of NUAUS Education Officers
X 6 F.B.D. [Faculty Bureau Director], 1958-1960 (File) - Box 9 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence (mostly copies of communications sent) of office bearers for 1958
S/7 ( c ) Equipment etc, 1958 (File) - Box 9 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence of Vice-President M.G. Davey
Ex 13 Thanks, 1954-1955 (File) - Box 9 (Sequence 1)
Mostly copies of letters of thanks from General Secretary Ethne D'Arcy-Evans
"K" [Kim Paterson] 20 Personal, 1958 (File) - Box 9 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of President Kim Paterson concerning personnel and other sensitive issues
X57 GS-TD, 1958 (File) - Box 10 (Sequence 1)
Copy of letter from General Secretary Lorna Bailey to Travel Director Peter Wilenski
X 4-8, 1958 (File) - Box 10 (Sequence 1)
Correspondenceo of Public Relations Officer David H. Solomon
X47 HST-TD, 1958 (File) - Box 10 (Sequence 1)
Copies of letters between Hon. Secretary/Treasurer Roger Cook and Travel Director Peter Wilenski
X 2-8, 1958 (File) - Box 10 (Sequence 1)
Copies of letters between International V-P J.F. Williams and Public Relations Officer David H. Solomon
Ex 1 A 20 Administration, 1956 (File) - Box 10 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence covering miscellaneous mundane matters; NUAUS press release re General Secretary for previous three and a half years, Ethne D'Arcy Evans.
E2 Vice-Chancellors, 1958 (File) - Box 10 (Sequence 1)
Copy of a letter from the Coordinating Secretariat of National Unions of Students to NUAUS re Australian scholarship aid for Algerian students.
S1 Miscellaneous, 1958 (File) - Box 10 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of various office bearers, including departure of Hon. Secretary/Treasurer Roger B. Cook; also Circular S/14 of 1 April 1958 updating Constitutent Councils of year's activities to date.
K20 Personal, 1958 (File) - Box 10 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between office bearers including discussions re resignations, a reunion of past and present executive members and Peter Wilenski's frustartions as Travel Director.
[Untitled. On back cover: Ex 1], 1947-1950 (File) - Box 10 (Sequence 1)
Processed copies of NUAUS documents concerning organisational matters including finance administraion practices.
O.6. Orientation, 1959 (File) - Box 10 (Sequence 1)
Concerns a copy of an NUAUS message for University of New Englandand Education Research officer Margaret Theobald's plans to research the induction of new students
X1 S5 Filing, 1958-1961 (File) - Box 10 (Sequence 1)
Documentation of discussion between various office bearers on changes to NUAUS filing system administrationa and practices.
X1 X2/9, 1961 (File) - Box 10 (Sequence 1)
Copy of letter from International Vice-President Ian Ernst to Education Research Officer Margaret J. Theobald
[Untitled], 1958-1961 (File) - Box 10 (Sequence 1)
Large (4 cm) gathering of papers, mainly communcations between office bearers and constitutent relating to wide variety of matters including finance and administration
Perth correspondence, 1959-1961 (File) - Box 10 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between office bearers and reprsentatives of local Western Australian NUAUS branch and of the UWA Guild of undergraduates
P/4 International Vice-President, 1959-1961 (File) - Box 10 (Sequence 1)
Vice-President and Public Relations Officer Joan L. Sawyers
Requests and Information Ina nd Out, 1960 (File) - Box 10 (Sequence 1)
Vice-President and Public Relations Officer Joan L. Sawyers
Com [monwealth] Schol[arships], 1960 (File) - Box 10 (Sequence 1)
Documents interactions with the Commonwealth Scholarships Board
[International Student Conference - I.S.C.], 1958-1960 (File) - Box 10 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and oaoers re NUAUS and the ISC
Ex 13 1. Commission Minutes. 2. Administration Circulars only, 1962 (File) - Box 11 (Sequence 1)
Papers related to the 26th Annual Council,, february 1962, University of Melbourne
E 13 Second President's Conference, 1960 (File) - Box 11 (Sequence 1)
Papers cover, inter alia, the First President's Conference (June 1960), the Second President's Conference (dec 1960, the 25th Council meeting, the December 1960 Round Table on NUAUS reorganisation
Ex 2 J. Sawyers P and PR Student Exchange Funds, 1960 (File) - Box 11 (Sequence 1)
Director NUAUS incoming Delegations Fund Mary Tait
Colleges - N.U.C. [Newecastle University College] - Regional Colleges, 1960-1961 (File) - Box 11 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of officie bearers and other papers (processed, printed)
P/2 Publicity - P.R.O. and President, 1959-1961 (File) - Box 11 (Sequence 1)
Vice-President and Public Relations Officer Joan L. Sawyers
[Untitled], 1959-1961 (File) - Box 11 (Sequence 1)
Large (3 cm) folder of miscellaneous papers created by Vice President and Public Relations Officer Joan L. Sawyers
[Untitled], 1961-1964 (File) - Box 11 (Sequence 1)
Largely copies of letters and memos sent during 1962 by Administrative Secretary R.G.L. Bowles; other papres cover international student identity card, August 1962 Council.
[untitled], 1958-1961 (File) - Box 11 (Sequence 1)
Largely copies of letters sent by Travel Director Graeme W. Evans and papers concerning the First Asian Students Conference, Hong Hong September 1961.
Miscellaneous Correspondence During 1961 Unfiled, 1961 (File) - Box 11 (Sequence 1)
Appropriately titled file; includes considerable correspondence of Administrative Secretary R.G.L. Bowles
Administrative Secretary, 1961 (File) - Box 11 (Sequence 1)
Covers recruitment of an Administrative Secretary, and the subsequent appointment of R.G.L. Bowles
P. 21, 1961 (File) - Box 12 (Sequence 1)
Copy of letter about petty cash and funds transferred to Manila from President Bob Wallace to Paul Walmsley, NUAUS Office, Newcastle University College
P.19, 1961 (File) - Box 12 (Sequence 1)
Two copies of letters sent concening administrative and procedual matters, principally letter from Travel Director Graeme Evans to Education Officer Kim Paterson re protocol when approaching the Administration of papua New Guinea.
Executive A 81, 1961 (File) - Box 12 (Sequence 1)
Further papers on the recruitment of an Administrative Secretary.
[Untitled], 1959-1962 (File) - Box 12 (Sequence 1)
Cover is annotated: 'Material from the ERO's[Education Research Officer] files. Note - papers clipped together as they were collected in separate files 61-61'. Primarily correspondence of Education Officer Kim Paterson and Education Research Officer Margaret Theobald
Misc Exec F1 Misc, 1961-1962 (File) - Box 12 (Sequence 1)
Copies of letters sent by various office bearers, principally Faculty Bureaux Director Greg Johnston and Administrative Secretary R.G.L. Bowles
P3 [Publicity], 1961 (File) - Box 12 (Sequence 1)
Vice President and Public relations Officer Joan L. Sawyers
Executive P/I Miscellaneous, 1961 (File) - Box 12 (Sequence 1)
Administrative Secretary R.G.L. Bowles
Executive G. 91, 1961 (File) - Box 12 (Sequence 1)
Statement of Income and Expenditure for the three months ended 28th February, 1961.
Ex 13 X 1-4, 1960-1961 (File) - Box 12 (Sequence 1)
Copies of letters sent by President Bob Wallace, mostly concerning financial matters
Ex 13, 1961-1964 (File) - Box 12 (Sequence 1)
Largely comprises papers concerning the 26th annual Council, Mebourne February 1962
Ex 13 Administration, 1961-1962 (File) - Box 12 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of Administrative Secretary R.G.L. Bowles
Ex 13 Council - Participants, 1961-1962 (File) - Box 12 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of Administrative Secretary R.G.L. Bowles
Administration - Office, 1961-1963 (File) - Box 12 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers, mostlt regarding meetings of Annual Councils
General, 1961-1963 (File) - Box 12 (Sequence 1)
Largely 1963 correspondence of Administrative Secretary Joan L. Sawyers.
Executive, 1962-1963 (File) - Box 12 (Sequence 1)
Correspondecne and papers re Supervision Committee Includes separate folder 'Submissions to Australian Vice Chancellors' Committee: International Trust Fund/Proposed National Student Identity Card/"Taxation and the Student"`
Hon. Life members and Past Presidents, 1958-1963 (File) - Box 12 (Sequence 1)
Includes lists of names of life members and past presidents, correspondence generated in compiling lists of names and addresses and keeping them current, and 2 photos of delegates to the first Australian Universities Students' Congress, Adelaide , 1937.
Life Members etc, 1960-1963 (File) - Box 12 (Sequence 1)
Includes lists of names of life members and past presidents, and correspondence generated in compiling lists of names and addresses and keeping them current.
[Untitled; loose papers], 1958-1963 (File) - Box 12 (Sequence 1)
Officer bearers' correspondence, including with legal representatives Darbyshire, Gillett and Huelin Solicitors, concerning incorporation of the union.
[Untitled], 1959-1965 (File) - Box 12 (Sequence 1)
includes copies of NUAUS information circulars, news cuttings from student papers, and correspondence re approaches to businesses in 1963 seeking support for a scholarship,
Admin (General), 1960-1964 (File) - Box 12 (Sequence 1)
Includes papers on the RMIT SRC,Proceedings of the president' Conference, June 1960, the August 1964 Council, 1964 correspondence of President Elect John S. Ridley
[Untitled], 1964 (File) - Box 12 (Sequence 1)
Copies of letters and telegrams of Executive Member Dennis P. Altman
Misc before 1966, 1964-1966 (File) - Box 13 (Sequence 1)
Largely correspondence of Administrative Secretaries Peter F. Johnson and Joan Sawyers
Corresp. 1965, 1965-1966 (File) - Box 13 (Sequence 1)
Miscellaneous correspondence of office bearers
Wilenski, 1964-1966 (File) - Box 13 (Sequence 1)
Extensive correspondence of President John Ridley with Dr Peter Wilenski, Oxford; some other office bearer's correspondence; copies of reports by Wilenski as NUAUS Overseas representative, 1965
A. Fels, 1965=1966 (File) - Box 13 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of President John Ridley with Allan Fels
[Untitled], 1968 (File) - Box 13 (Sequence 1)
Miscellaneous papers papers including correspondence of President John Bannon
Subseries 7. Finance, 1937-1966
Bound stationery debit and credit journal
Ex 2, 1953 (File) - Box 13 (Sequence 1)
Melbourne University Union papers; letter to General Secretary Ethne D'Arcy-Evans.
X2 Council 1954 - Finance, 1954 (File) - Box 13 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence of General Secretary Ethne D'Arcy -Evans
[Untitled], 1957-1958 (File) - Box 13 (Sequence 1)
Letters, invoices, cancelled cheques consignment notes, etct
Ex 2 S.R.C. and other Constit Fees (categories), 1955 (File) - Box 13 (Sequence 1)
Hon. Sec/Treasurer Phil Lynch
NU Congress Financial Statement, 1955 (File) - Box 13 (Sequence 1)
General Secretary Ethne D'Arcy-Evans.
E2 Academic Integration, 1955 (File) - Box 13 (Sequence 1)
Papers on and seeking details of Australian university development and finances
Balance Sheet and Accounts, 31st December, 1956, and report thereon dated 19th July, 1957., 1957 (File) - Box 13 (Sequence 1)
Produced by Flack and Flack and Price Waterhouse and Co for the NUAUS. Report with covering letter dated 19th July 1957; carbon t/s copy
X 2 Odd Finance, 1956 (File) - Box 13 (Sequence 1)
Correspondece of office bearers; receipts, invoices,delivery dockets, statements of account, etc.
X2 (a) E.F.B. Exchange, 1961 (File) - Box 14 (Sequence 1)
Copies of receipts issued by G.C. Johnston Faculty Bureaux Director
Balance Sheet and Statements of Account for the year ended 31st. December, 1956, 1957 (File) - Box 14 (Sequence 1)
Produced by Brown and Waters for the NUAUS. Report with covering letter dated 7th January, 1957; t/s copy
Balance Sheet and Accounts, 31st December, 1956, and report thereon dated 17th January, 1958., 1958 (File) - Box 14 (Sequence 1)
Produced by Flack and Flack and Price Waterhouse and Co for the NUAUS. Report with covering letter dated 17th January 1958; 4 t/s copies
S11 Auditor, 1957 (File) - Box 14 (Sequence 1)
Almost entirely copies of letters sent by Hon. Sec/Treasurer Kim Paterson
J16 Trust Funds Constituents Local Committees General Features, 1956-1957 (File) - Box 14 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of various office bearers
J.15 Trust Funds Business contacts Publi Appeals, 1955-1957 (File) - Box 14 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of various office bearers
Taxation Concessions, 1954-1955 (File) - Box 14 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of various office bearers lobbying to change tax laws amended to allow deductions for university fees.
Accounts, 1957-1958 (File) - Box 14 (Sequence 1)
Accounts presented for payment, documentation re petty cash, correspondence
Accounts, 1957 (File) - Box 14 (Sequence 1)
Letters, receipts etc mostly involving the Sydney University Union and Sydney University SRC
Bank of New South Wales Deposit Book., 1957-1958 (File) - Box 14 (Sequence 1)
No 1 and No 2 Congress Accounts
S44 Constits [Constitutents'] finance (File) - Box 14 (Sequence 1)
Copies of letters and telegrams sent by officer beares including from Hon. Secretary/Treasurer Roger B. Cook
S/7 (a) Petty Cash, 1958 (File) - Box 14 (Sequence 1)
Papers include correspondecne between office bearers, statements, receipts, lists of sundry creditors, sundry debtors etc.
S3 Fee Rise, 1958 (File) - Box 14 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of Hon. Secretary/Treasurer Roger B. Cook
S2 incorporation, 1958 (File) - Box 14 (Sequence 1)
Copies of letters between officer bearers, and with Darbyshire, Gillett and Huelin, Solicitors
X2 S40 and 42 Interstate A/C's Bank A/C's, 1958 (File) - Box 14 (Sequence 1)
Primarily copies of letters and telegrams between office bearers
X 2 S20 Telephonese and cables, 1958 (File) - Box 14 (Sequence 1)
Copies of letters from office bearers re payment and relates aspects of their cables, telegrams, lettergrams and phone calls.
X 2 S 21 Stationery, 1958 (File) - Box 14 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers re stationery needs, payment, etc.
X 2 S 22 Council and Fac[ulty]Bureau, 1958 (File) - Box 14 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers re accounts, payments, refunds etc.
X 2 S 24 International A/C, 1958 (File) - Box 14 (Sequence 1)
Copy of letter from General Secretary Roger Hatton
X 2 S28 [Special Executive Travel], 1958 (File) - Box 14 (Sequence 1)
Primarily copies of letters of Faculty Bureaux Director
30th November 1958 Balance Sheet and Accounts with report thereon dated 5th January, 1959, 1959 (File) - Box 14 (Sequence 1)
Produced by Flack and Flack and Price Waterhouse and Co for the NUAUS. Report includes covering letter dated 5 January 1959; t/s
X 2 S 30 Petty Cash, 1958 (File) - Box 14 (Sequence 1)
Copies of letters from/between office bearers discussing/making petty cash claims.
X 2 S33 Corresp.[ondence] members, 1958 (File) - Box 14 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office beares re constituent members' (i.e. various university student bodies) issues esp. memberships and payments of subscriptions
X 2 S34 and 37 Travel A/C's, 1958 (File) - Box 14 (Sequence 1)
Copies of letters from/between office bearers about the various NUAUS travel accounts
X1 Archives, 1958 (File) - Box 14 (Sequence 1)
Copy of letter of Faculty Bureaux Director re the revised filing list.
X 2 S11 Auditor, 1958 (File) - Box 14 (Sequence 1)
Copies of letters from/between office bearers including letters to Flack and Flack
S11 Auditor, 1958 (File) - Box 14 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of and between office bearers including copies of letters to Flack and Flack
Ex 2 R2 Accounts [A …?] Payment, 1958 (File) - Box 14 (Sequence 1)
Invoices, one for the NUAUS Secretary, University of Western Australia, the other for the Guild of Undergraduates, University of Western Australia.
Ex 2 "K" 16 (A) NUAUS Trust Fund, 1958 (File) - Box 14 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of and between office bearers re donations to the Travel Trust Fund, the idea of a National Trust Fund Director
Ex 2 "S" 42 Bank A/Cs, 1958 (File) - Box 14 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of and between office bearers concerning NUAUS bank accounts, and copies of letters to the National Bank of Australasia.
Ex 2 "S" 40 Interstate Ex. A/Cs, 1958 (File) - Box 14 (Sequence 1)
Copy of letter from General Secretary Roger Hatton to University of Tasmania SRC re Ian Newman's petty cash
Ex 2 "S" Travel A/C 56/57 and 57/58, 1958 (File) - Box 14 (Sequence 1)
Copies of letters from/between office bearers, particularly International Vice-President J.F. Williams
Ex 2 "S" 28 Special Ex. Travel, 1958 (File) - Box 14 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between office bearers re the Travel account, including audits and authorisation to travel.
Ex 2 "S" 27 Repayment of Loans, 1958 (File) - Box 14 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between office bearers re operating costs such as fares, stationery, office equipment, secretarila assistance, phone installation and rental charges.
X 1 S16 Office equipment, 1958 (File) - Box 14 (Sequence 1)
Circulars and Correspondence between office bearers
Ex 2 Telegram Details, 1958-1959 (File) - Box 14 (Sequence 1)
Telegrams received and copies of telegrams sent; details of charges for trunk calls, lettergrams, phonograms etc.
Finance, 1958 (File) - Box 14 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of Hon. Secretary/Treasurer Roger B. Cook re interest earned on accounts
SC72 Council Travelling Expenses and Accommodation, 1958-1961 (File) - Box 14 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between office bearers, constituents and others re charges reimbursements etc re travel, accommodation
Fund raising, 1958-1961 (File) - Box 14 (Sequence 1)
Primarily correspondence of the Administrative Secretary R.G.L. Bowles re the use of Church Promotional Services Pty Ltd to raise funds for international student exchanges.
SE 53 Executive Allowances, 1958-1962 (File) - Box 14 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of and between office bearers re claims, payments, reimbursements etc primarily for travel and allowances.
SP 21 Petty Cash, 1957-1962 (File) - Box 14 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and various financial documentation
Accounts, 1958-1959 (File) - Box 14 (Sequence 1)
Invoices, receipts, accounts, delivery notes and correspondence including that of Hon. Secretary/Treasurer Roger B. Cook.
Annual Subscriptions, 1958 (File) - Box 15 (Sequence 1)
Correspondece re payment by university student bodies of annual membership fees of NUAUS.
Hon Accountant, 1956-1962 (File) - Box 15 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of/between office bearers and with constituents re numbers of students at universities, subsciprtiosn owed/paid to NUAUS; financial papers including notes on trial balances.
[Untitled. Most papers registered "SF 51"], 1958-1959 (File) - Box 15 (Sequence 1)
Primarily correspondence of Faculty Bureaux Director Barry J. Greaves
Finance SC74 Council General Expenses, 1958-1961 (File) - Box 15 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of/between office bearers re Council finances (including the annual meeting)
SS21 Sundry Debtors, 1958-1962 (File) - Box 15 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of/between office bearers and other documentaiton re recovering moneys owed.
SS22 Suspense Account, 1958 (File) - Box 15 (Sequence 1)
Statements of account and correspondence of Hon. Secretary/Treasurer Roger B. Cook.
SS31 Sundry Creditors, 1958 (File) - Box 15 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of Hon. Secretary/Treasurer Roger B. Cook.
E2 [SO 21] Equipment, 1958-1961 (File) - Box 15 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence re offce furniture and equipment including purchases, sales tax, insurance claims, etc.
Ex 2 Sydney Bank Account M. Davey, 1958-1960 (File) - Box 15 (Sequence 1)
Includes considerable correspondence of President and previously Vice-President Martin G. Davey in Sydney, much concerning petty cash claims queries and payments.
NUAUS Brisbane Bank A/C, 1959-1960 (File) - Box 15 (Sequence 1)
Includes considerable correspondence of General Secretaries Valerie Cunningham and Jean C. Quinn
[SP 28] Finance, 1959-1962 (File) - Box 15 (Sequence 1)
Mostly concerns petty cash claims queries and payments
Ex 2 Petty Cash, 1959-1961 (File) - Box 15 (Sequence 1)
Mostly concerns petty cash claims queries and payments
Trust Fund Pamphlet, 1959-1963 (File) - Box 15 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence of Fund Director Indian Delegation Mary Tait, and papers concerning the NUAUS Incoming Delegations Fund and the Australian Foundation for International Student Activities etc.
SC 71 Council Reserve [Account], 1960 (File) - Box 15 (Sequence 1)
Sheet (multiple copies) providing details of Council reserve A/c, 1959-1960.
X2 30th November, 1960 balance Sheet and Accounts., 1961 (File) - Box 15 (Sequence 1)
Report with covering letter from C.J. Cutcher and Neale, Chartered Accountants, Newcastle. Carbon t/s.
E2 ST51 Telephones, 1961-1963 (File) - Box 15 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence (mostly copies of letters sent by Administrative Secretary R.G.L. Bowles) and financial papers on use of phones and related PMG serivces
Ex 2 Accounts, 1959-1961 (File) - Box 15 (Sequence 1)
Mostly copies of letters sent by office bearers on innumerable NUAUS financial matters
E2 SD 93 Donations, 1961 (File) - Box 15 (Sequence 1)
Documents donation of funds for casues in Hong kong, Algeria and South Africa (South African Committee Higher Education or "SACHED").
S21 Sundry Debtors, 1961-1962 (File) - Box 15 (Sequence 1)
Copies of letters sent by office bearers seeking payment of moneys owed to the Union.
S/51 Stationery, 1961 (File) - Box 15 (Sequence 1)
Copies of letters sent by Administrative Secretary R.G.L. Bowles
X2 S41 to 49 Sec. Assistance, 1961 (File) - Box 15 (Sequence 1)
Copies of letters sent by office bearers on a variety of secretariat matters including stationery, trunk calls, and files.
X2 SE 53 (a) Executive travel and allowances, 1961 (File) - Box 15 (Sequence 1)
Copy of letter from President R.J. Wallace arranging a ticket with Ansett ANA
X2 SG91 Gen [eral] Revenue, 1961-1962 (File) - Box 15 (Sequence 1)
Copies of letters sent by Administrative Secretary R.G.L. Bowles, primarily seeking numbers of enrolments at Australian universities
X2 SI/22 International a/c (also 24), 1961 (File) - Box 15 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office beares concerning and with the Coordinating Secretariat of National Unions of Students ("COSEC")
E2 SI 23 Insurances, 1961 (File) - Box 15 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence of the Administrative Secretary R.G.L. Bowles concerning various insuranve policies held by the Union (workers compensation, office equipment loss and damage
X2 SI/25, 1961 (File) - Box 15 (Sequence 1)
Circular letter to NUAUS as a shareholder with J.R.N. Hatton (Australia) Pty Ltd.
X2 SM12 Advances, 1961 (File) - Box 15 (Sequence 1)
Primarily concerns seeking assistance from Sir Leslie Martin of the Australian Universities Commission.
X2 SL 51 Legal costs, 1961 (File) - Box 15 (Sequence 1)
Copies of letters to Messrs. Darbyshire, Gillett and Huelin, Solicitors, Perth.
Ex 2 Accounts, 1961 (File) - Box 15 (Sequence 1)
Copies of letters sent by Administrative Secretary R.G.L. Bowles concerning various accounts arising from the February meeting of Council.
X2 SP 21-28 Petty cash, 1961-1962 (File) - Box 15 (Sequence 1)
Primarily copies of office bearers' letters
Accounts 1963, 1963 (File) - Box 15 (Sequence 1)
Balance Sheet and Statements of Account Year Ended 31st December, 1962 including letter dated 4 February 1963 from Fitzgerald Gunn and Partners chartered Accountants, Melbnoune. Also includes 4 processed copies of same information.
NUAUS Donations, 1962 (File) - Box 15 (Sequence 1)
Documents NUAUS support for causes including in South Africa (SACHED) and Iran (Iranian Earthquake Victims Fund).
X2 SA41 Accumulated Funds, 1961 (File) - Box 15 (Sequence 1)
Comprises report on fund raising from, and copy of letter to, the Church Promotional Services Pty Ltd
X2 SA42 Activities accounts, 1959 (File) - Box 15 (Sequence 1)
Copy of letter from General Secretary J.C. Quinn concerning NUAUS No 2 Congress Account
X2 SA61 Annual Subs, 1961 (File) - Box 15 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers primarily chasing overdue subscriptions of constitutents
Finance, 1963 (File) - Box 15 (Sequence 1)
Miscellaneous papers including insurance advertising and 1963 Circular to constitutents re NUAUS policy on Australia's restricted immigration policy
X1 SO 21-22 Furniture and equipment, 1961-1962 (File) - Box 15 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers on furniture and equipment but also issue of constitutents' assistance for national administration.
Stationery, 1963 (File) - Box 15 (Sequence 1)
Papers including correspondence of office bearers cover printing, binding, accounts, typewriters, filing cabinets and franking machines
Subscriptions, 1963 (File) - Box 15 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of the Administrative Secretary Joan L. Sawyers acknowledging and pursuing annual subscription fees from constitutents
Subseries 8. Constitutional, 1944-1966
E6 SS2 Incorporation, 1961-1962 (File) - Box 16 (Sequence 1)
Almostl entirely copies of letter of/between office bearers and others including the Union's solicitor Messrs Darbyshire, Gillett and Huelin concerning tasks required following incorporation, including appointment of an Honorary Legal Officer
Constitutions NUAUS, c. 1956 (File) - Box 16 (Sequence 1)
Multiple processed final and draft copies, including John Gillett's 'Report on the Constitution' (mss, 22pp, 13 January 1956)
Constitutions NUAUS, 1947-1954 (File) - Box 16 (Sequence 1)
Copies of the constitution prior to the mid 1950s change, plus 1947, 1949 and 1954 committee reports
Censure Motions, 1944-1947 (File) - Box 16 (Sequence 1)
Copies of motions and related correspondence of complainants and office bearers including General Secretary Alan Barcan
Admin 6 Constit[ution] K12 Exec[utive] Vacancies, 1958 (File) - Box 16 (Sequence 1)
Deals primarily with vacancy of General Secretary and International Vice-President and Public Relations Officer positions
X6 S48 Con[stitution] and Regs [ulations], 1958 (File) - Box 16 (Sequence 1)
Copies of constitution and copy of letter from President Kim Paterson re the need to revise the constitution
X6 K10 Council Statement and ER's[extraordinary resolutions], 1958 (File) - Box 16 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers discussing and reporting on resolutions. Includes voting results and mention of the Orr Case at the University of Tasmania.
X6 S8Con[stitution] and Regs[ulations], 1961 (File) - Box 16 (Sequence 1)
Copies of constitution, circulars and copies of office bearers' letters including to Messrs Darbyshire, Gillett and Huelin
Ex 6 A.4 (iii) Constitution, 1959-1960 (File) - Box 16 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers covering changes ro and ratification of the 1960 version of the Union constitution.
NUAUS Constitution, 1960-1961 (File) - Box 16 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence of office bearers, multiple copies of the Constitution (effective from 1 August 1961), and circulars to Executive members and constitutents.
P6 Constitution Constits[uents], 1961 (File) - Box 16 (Sequence 1)
Copies of letters from Vice President and Public Relations Offier Joan L. Sawyers to constitutents
A.4 (iv) Ratification, 1958-1960 (File) - Box 16 (Sequence 1)
Documents constitutents' ratification of Annual Council motions, disagreement re who is entitled to ratify, etc; and numerous other matters surrounding meetings of Council in 1958
Constitution and Policy Statement, 1953-1957 (File) - Box 16 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of and circulars to officer bearers concerning ratification, extraordinary resolutions, and issues concerning the constitution and incorporations; includes copies of letters to Messrs Darbyshire, Gillett and Huelin
Constitutional Amendments, 1959 (File) - Box 16 (Sequence 1)
Documents constitutents' proposals for constitutional amendments, specifically from the student unions at the Universities of NSW, of Sydney and of Queensland
Con[stitution] and Regs[ulations], 1959 (File) - Box 16 (Sequence 1)
Processed copy of NUAUS constution as at 15 April 1959
Subseries 9. Extraordinary resolutions, 1953-1966
Extraordinary Resolutions, Minutes, Reports etc, 1953-1957 (File) - Box 17 (Sequence 1)
Notices of motion, results of votes on resolutions, correspondence of office bearers and constituents
Extraordinary Resolutions, 1965 (File) - Box 17 (Sequence 1)
Communication of votes and results of votes on resolutions, correspondence of office bearers and constituents.
Ex 6 Constitution, 1961-1962 (File) - Box 17 (Sequence 1)
Primarily communications to constitutents from Administrative Secretary R.G.L. Bowles concerning constitutional amendments
"K" 10 Council Stat[ments] and Extra [ordinary] res[olutions], 1958 (File) - Box 17 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of and circulars from office bearers re Council statements and extraordinary resolutions.
A.9 Extraordinary Resolutions, 1955-1956 (File) - Box 17 (Sequence 1)
Communication of votes and results of votes on resolutions, correspondence of office bearers and constituents
Ex 17 ER's, 1958-1960 (File) - Box 17 (Sequence 1)
Communication of votes and results of votes on resolutions, correspondence of office bearers and constituents, some discussing resolutions proposed/not accepted
Ex 6 Ratification of Motions, 1966 (File) - Box 17 (Sequence 1)
Circulars summarising details of voting, some with supporting documentation
Constitutional Amendments, 1965 (File) - Box 17 (Sequence 1)
Circulars re extraordinary resolutions, including proposals for and votes on constitutional amendments
A.12 E.R.'s, 1958-1959 (File) - Box 17 (Sequence 1)
Circulars to executive members and constituents and correspondence of office bearers on fee rise proposals and the organisation and effectiveness of the Union
ER's, 1962-1963 (File) - Box 17 (Sequence 1)
Circulars primarily relating to extraordinary resolutions, one concerning anti-hanging campaign also accompanied by a press release (29 August 1962)
Ex 17 E.R.'s, 1957-1962 (File) - Box 17 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars proposing resolutions, recording votes and reporting on results of voting
Ex 6 Resolutions OSS [Overseas Student Service], 1966 (File) - Box 18 (Sequence 1)
Resolutions from 'Commission Minutes' on Overseas Student Service and voting results
Ex 6 Annual Council Travel resolutions, 1966 (File) - Box 18 (Sequence 1)
Resolutions and voting results
Ex 6 Resolutions 'Happy" motions, 1966 (File) - Box 18 (Sequence 1)
Booklet of handwritten motions of thanks
Ex 6 Resolutions Culture, 1966 (File) - Box 18 (Sequence 1)
Resolutions from Commission Minutes broadly classed under 'culture' label including drama festival conference, intervasity debates and art exhibitions
Resolutions NYCA, 1966 (File) - Box 18 (Sequence 1)
Resolutions from Commission Minutes concerning the National Youth Council of Australia
Resolutions Local Organisation, 1966 (File) - Box 18 (Sequence 1)
Resolutons classed under heading 'Local Organisation', with voting result
WUS, 1965-1966 (File) - Box 18 (Sequence 1)
Resolutions passed at the 29th and 30th Annual Councils relating to the World University Service
Procedual, 1966 (File) - Box 18 (Sequence 1)
Draft resolutions for the 30th Annual Council re e.g the order of debate classed under the heading 'Procedural'
Legal, 1966 (File) - Box 18 (Sequence 1)
Resolutions, with annotations and voting results, classed under the heading 'Legal'.
NFA's, 1966 (File) - Box 18 (Sequence 1)
Resolutions and voting results from Commission Minutes classed under the heading 'National Faculty Associations'
Ex 6 Finance, 1966 (File) - Box 18 (Sequence 1)
Resolutions from the Finance Committee from Commission Minutes classed under Administration, Local Organisation, and Finance.
E.R.'s, 1964 (File) - Box 18 (Sequence 1)
Circular issued 1 June 1964 to Constitutents giving results of E.R.s 64/47 to 64/50
Resolutions Elections, 1966 (File) - Box 18 (Sequence 1)
Signed nomination forms re NUAUS office vacancies considered at the 1966 Annual Council
[Untitled], 1965 (File) - Box 18 (Sequence 1)
Loose papers broadly relating to Papua New Guinea Travel
Resolutions Administration, 1966 (File) - Box 18 (Sequence 1)
Resolutions classed under Administration and Finance (considered at the 1966 Annual Council?), and General Secretary Mrs H. Martinot's 'Report on NUAUS Financial Administration' (2pp, 1965?)
Commission Minutes, 1966 (File) - Box 18 (Sequence 1)
Minutes of the 1966 Annual Council organised by resolutions arranged by topics: Travel, International, Education, Local Organisation, National Faculty Associations, Papua New Guinea, New Guinea Work Camps, National Youth Council of Australia, Overseas Student Service and Aboriginal Scholarships
Ex 6 National Affairs, 1966 (File) - Box 18 (Sequence 1)
Resolutons classed under heading "National Affairs" (covering issues such as immigration policy, national service, academic freedon, capital punishment, censorship, road safety and voting age), with voting result
Ex 6 Draft resolutions, 1966 (File) - Box 18 (Sequence 1)
Papers from the 1966 Council including resolutions, office bearers, constituents' delegations; circulars, and couple of letters to the Administrative Secretary Mrs M. Martinot
Resolutions PNG, 1966 (File) - Box 18 (Sequence 1)
Resolutions, with amendments, relating to PNG and to New Guinea Work Camps
Resolutions International, 1966 (File) - Box 18 (Sequence 1)
Heavily annotated resolutions, with voting result, many covering the war in Vietnam
[Untitled. Melbourne S.R.C.], 1954, 1958 (File) - Box 18 (Sequence 1)
Two roneoed publications of the University of Melbourne S.R.C. titled Policy on NUAUS
Subseries 10. Policy statements, 1956-1960
X 10 Complete Set NU policy motions 1951-'56, ?1956 (File) - Box 18 (Sequence 1)
Set of NUAUS policies covering topics from 'Aboriginal Scholarships' to 'World Univeristy Service (WUS)'. 195 pp
"S" 2 Incorporation of N.U., 1958 (File) - Box 18 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of /between office bearers and with others esp. Messrs Darbyshire, Gillett and Huelin concerning alteration to the NUAUS constitution and the issue of incorporation
"S" 38 Trans.[fer] of Secretariat, 1958 (File) - Box 18 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers documenting the transfer of the Union secretariat (including office furniture and files) from Perth to Melbourne
X 10 SS9 Policy Statement, 1960 (File) - Box 18 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers concerning, inter alia the 1958 Policy Statement and 1959 and 1960 Council Statements
E9 ST/52 (File) - Box 18 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence conerning the Secretariat premises at the University of Melbourne, specifically its move from Union House to 52 Storey St Parkville, a property the University purchased for NUAUS
Subseries 11. Secretariat, 1955-1963
NUAUS Policy Statement, 1958-1960 (File) - Box 19 (Sequence 1)
Title page notes 'Compiled and produced at the University ofTasmania. November 1958'. One copy includes mss annotations and copy of 3 november 1960 Circular No. S. 109 with changes to the 1958 Policy compilation.
"S" 7 Sydney Office, 1958 (File) - Box 19 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence primarily of Vice-President Martin Davey based at the NUAUS Office, Univeristy of Sydney
"S" 6 Filing, 1958 (File) - Box 19 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers concering recordkeeping requirements (of the National Office) and pracitices (of Executive members)
Sec[retariat], 1962-1963 (File) - Box 19 (Sequence 1)
Office bearers' correspondence re secretarial and office costs
[NUAUS Policies], ?1956 (File) - Box 19 (Sequence 1)
Set of NUAUS policies covering topics from 'Aboriginal Scholarships' to 'World Univeristy Service (WUS)'. 195 pp
"S" 6 Melbourne Office, 1958 (File) - Box 19 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the NUAUS office in Union House, University of Melbourne, including provision of secretarial assistance
"S" 1 Miscellaneous, 1958 (File) - Box 19 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers, primarily General Secretary Roger Hatton and Hon. Secretary/Treasurer Roger B. Cook on a variety of routine administrative issues
Secretariat [SS.52, 1962-1963 (File) - Box 19 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers including Administrative Secretary Joan L. Sawyers) about routine secretariat matters (personnel, burglary, office furnishing) and in issues such as taxation concessions for students
S.5. Filing, 1949-1957 (File) - Box 19 (Sequence 1)
Comprises set of local secretaries' reports (1949-1954) and Circulars (1957) providing categoeis for filing
S.6 Melbourne Office, 1957 (File) - Box 19 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the NUAUS office in Union House, University of Melbourne, e.g. provision of equipemnt and phones
"S" 7 Sydney Office, 1957 (File) - Box 19 (Sequence 1)
Covers secretarial assistance, letters of introduction for Eddie Campion, clearing out of rooms and office equipment
S.1 Secretariat Miscellaneous, 1957 (File) - Box 19 (Sequence 1)
Largely copies of letters sent by Hon. Secretary/Treasurer Kim Paterson concerning inter alia mailing lists, sales tax, purchase of office equipment, secretarial assistance, and routine financial matters
A.13 Secretariat Circulars, 1956 (File) - Box 20 (Sequence 1)
Set of Memos to Constitutents, Memo to Student Editors, Extraordinary Resolutions, Circulars, etc; include the reissue of a US National Student Association statement concerning Autherin Lucy's enrolment at the Univeristy of Alabama
X 9 A. 14 Secretariat Circulars, 1955-1956 (File) - Box 20 (Sequence 1)
Includes Memos to primarily to Local Secretary/Treasurers, with others addressed to Constitutents, and to SRC Secretaries
Secretariat, 1955-1957 (File) - Box 20 (Sequence 1)
Large file (4 cms) of papers, mostly from 1957, including office bearers correspondence, memos, etc. perfectly illustrating the range of both 'administrivia' and significant social issues dealt with in a typical year by the Union; key correspodents are Hon Secretary/Treasurer Kim paterson and General Secretary Roger Hatton
Secretariat Circulars - 1958-59, 1958-1960 (File) - Box 20 (Sequence 1)
Circulars to Constituents etc concenring large mix of issues, many facilitating the week-to-week operations of the Union, covering e.g. extraordinaty resolutions, ratification of Council motions, postage, re drama festival, and filing categories
Subseries 12. Elections - appointments, 1955-1965
J .12 Executive vacancies, 1955-1957 (File) - Box 20 (Sequence 1)
Circulars and correspondence between office bearers, including advising of Union appointments, unsuccessful applications for appointment, resignations and (in the case of Hon. Secretary/Treasurer Phillip Lynch), suspensions.
Ex 12 A21 Office Bearers, Addresses etc, 1956 (File) - Box 20 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of the General Secretary Ethne D'Arcy-Evans.
Ex 12 C.3 Executive Members, 1956 (File) - Box 20 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers and constitutents, many featuring Travel Director Roger Hatton (also includerd are several of his News Bulletins re travel)
"K" 12 Executive Vacancies, 1958 (File) - Box 20 (Sequence 1)
Office bearers' correspondence covering vacancies, nominations and resignations
"S" 9 Executive Vacancies, 1958 (File) - Box 20 (Sequence 1)
Copy of letter from faculty Bureaux Director Barry J. Greaves re transfer of secretarial powers to Peter Wolenski [sic]
Ex 12 "S" 18 Gen. Sec. Salary, 1958 (File) - Box 20 (Sequence 1)
Papers regarding General Secretary Roger Hatton, his health and replacement.
K.12 Election of International Vice President, 1958-1959 (File) - Box 20 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence primarily covering the resignation in May 1958 as International Vice President of D. H. Lawrence and his replacement by Jim Williams.
X12 S9 Exec Vacancies, 1958 (File) - Box 20 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of Hon. Secretary/Treasurer Roger B. Cook, mostly regarding Roger Hatton's departure and replacement as General Secretary
M11 Exec Vacancies, 1959 (File) - Box 20 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers, primarily re filling the position of General Secretary.
Ex 12 [executive vacancies], 1958-1961 (File) - Box 20 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers, primarily re filling the position of Education Officer.
National Association of Pharmaceutical Students of Australia, 1959 (File) - Box 20 (Sequence 1)
Letters from and copies of letters by Vice-President and Education Officer Alex Hyslop to the National Association of Pharmaceutical Students of Australia
NUAUS Staff appointments, 1958-1960 (File) - Box 20 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of and between office bearers concerning references, staff tax deduction sheets, honorariums for typists, etc.
Correspondence on the appointment of the Admin[istrative] Sec[retary] [and] General Sec[retary], 1958-1961 (File) - Box 20 (Sequence 1)
Papers concerning the selection of an Administrative Secretary (applications, assessments) and General Secretary
W6/1 Executive Elections, 1960-1961 (File) - Box 20 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers re various appointments including of the Education Officer and National Tour Director
M11 Exec Vacancies, 1960-1961 (File) - Box 20 (Sequence 1)
Papers re vacancies including Faculty Bureaux, Hon. Secretary/Treasurer and on the Supervision Committees
X12 SS.50, 1961 (File) - Box 20 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers concerning replacement of Secretarial Assistant Mrs Rankin
X12 S/52 Gen[eral] Sec[retary] Salary, 1961-1961 (File) - Box 20 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of Administrative Secretary R.G.L. Bowles concerning, inter alia, Secretariat salaries
Subseries 13. Life members, 1957-1961
Subseries 14. Research, 1948-1957
Research Officer [Inner folder titled Warwick Vice President + Reearch], 1953 (File) - Box 21 (Sequence 1)
Circulars; correspondence between constituents and office bearers including those of Resarch Officer and vice-President Jill Warwick and WA NUAUS representative C.H. Heathcote
Subseries 15. Special Schemes, 1945-1968
Accident Insurance, 1958-1962 (File) - Box 21 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers concerning workers' compensation insurance coverage for NUAUS staff
Student Health, 1957-1958 (File) - Box 21 (Sequence 1)
Comprises reports on Sydney University Health Service (Sydney SRC, 1958), on Student Counselling (Jill Warwick NUAUS, n.d.) and on Leave of Absence (R.B. Priestley, 1957)
Student Accomodation [sic], 1958-1961 (File) - Box 21 (Sequence 1)
Mainly relates to student accommodation (ciirculars by Education Research Officer Margaret J. Theobald, surveys, research papers, reports on situation at specific Australian universities and in the UK)
Student Health Scheme Survey, 1962 (File) - Box 21 (Sequence 1)
Papers of Jack Best, member NUAUS Supervising Committee, concerning a research project focussed on stduent health and counselling services in Australian universities
X7 B.1 Minister for Health, 1955-1956 (File) - Box 21 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers, including with the Federal Minister for Health Earle Page, concerning the idea of student health centres in Australian universities
Ex 7 Voting Age, ?1965-1966 (File) - Box 21 (Sequence 1)
Paper signed 'John Ridley, President NUAUS' titled 'Young enough to drive, to dring and die, but not to vote' (n.d., carbon t/s, 3 pp) and several undated news cuttings on the same issue
Ex 7 [untitled], 1963-1966 (File) - Box 21 (Sequence 1)
Copies of letters by President John Ridley, cuttings and printed material on a variety of public/political issues. Also includes communication with various branches of the Junior Chamber of Commerce
B.2 Minister for Immigration, 1955-1956 (File) - Box 21 (Sequence 1)
Representations made to government (Immigration, External Affairs and Labour and National Serivce) of NUAUS office bearers made on behalf of students seeking to study in Australia (e.g. a group of Indian undergraduate engineers)
E.40 Sales Tax, 1961 (File) - Box 21 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of Education Officer Kim Paterson concerning the high customs duties paid on instruments and textbooks
E 8 SS 90, 1961 (File) - Box 21 (Sequence 1)
Copies of letters by office bearers concerning NUAUS' status as a sales tax exempt organisation
Ex 7 Civil Rights, 1952, 1966 (File) - Box 21 (Sequence 1)
Printed pamphlets, news cuttings, press releases and copies of letters and telegrams, primarily about Vietnam war protests and policy violence. Pamphelts include Facts about the Anti LBJ Demonstration(?1966, 12 pp) and The Willman Story (?1952, Victorian Branch, Painters Union, Trades Hall Melbourne, 31 pp)
Ex 7 Constitutent Student Services, 1963-1964 (File) - Box 21 (Sequence 1)
Publications, letters, notes etc gathered by Education Officer Peter Sellers concering universities' student health, counselling, dental, accommodation, employment, optometry, loans and library services
Ex 7 R.O. 4 Taxation: Concessions to Students, 1963 (File) - Box 21 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of Research Officer Robert McDonald investigating income tax concessions for students
Ex 7 Taxation Ridley submission, 1961-1968 (File) - Box 21 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, drafts of articles and printed material documenting National Taxation Officer Tom Collins' work on the issue tax deductions for educational expenses
Ex 7 [untitled. Tax deductions for students], 1964-1965 (File) - Box 21 (Sequence 1)
Circulars, correspondence of office bearers and submissions re tax deducations for students.
Taxation, 1961-1964 (File) - Box 21 (Sequence 1)
Circulars notes and correspondence primarily of Taxation Officer John S. Ridley and Education Officer Peter Sellers re what they called the 'National taxation Campaign'
Book Scheme, 1954-1955 (File) - Box 21 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of General Secretary Ethne D'Arcy-Evans (and of and between other office bearers) with constituents, mostly documenting financial and administrative aspects of finalising the scheme which was closed in 1953
Incorporation, 1963 (File) - Box 21 (Sequence 1)
Letter from Dennis Altman, NUAUS Secretary in Tasmania, re a constitutional amendment
Publication Introducing NUAUS - 1960, 1959-1961 (File) - Box 21 (Sequence 1)
Papers concerning the researching and distribution in 1960 of the booklet Introducing NUAUS by its author, the Public Relations Officer and later Vice President and Public Relations Officer Joan L. Sawyers
SW.13 Book Scheme, 1946-1953 (File) - Box 21 (Sequence 1)
Papers documenting the scheme's operation, which provided - via local constituents - students with discounted copies of text books
Ex 8 [university bookselling and discounts for students], 1959-1964 (File) - Box 21 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers re university co-op bookshops, student discounts for text books, etc.
Incorporation of the Union, 1960-1961 (File) - Box 21 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of / between office bearers and with Messrs Darbyshire, Gillett and Huelin, Solicitors concerning meeting conditions for incorporation, including local of the Common Seal, copies of regulation and amendments to the NUAUS constitution
Ex 7 Sit-In 1966, 1966 (File) - Box 21 (Sequence 1)
Press releases, reports and orrespondence of Education Vice-President Patti Warn concerning the NUAUS national student Library Sit-In on 29 September 1966
Information Booklet, 1954-1955 (File) - Box 21 (Sequence 1)
Background papers for an information booklet on the NUAUS prepared by General Secretary Ethne D'Arcy-Evans
Submissions and reports relating to Student Welfare, 1957-1961 (File) - Box 21 (Sequence 1)
Includes copies of 'Taxation and the Student' (4 copies), 'Submission to the Committee on Australian Universities June, 1957' (3 copies), 'Student concessions. 9th December, 1960 (4 copies)
E/2 Vice Chancellors Committee, 1955-1956 (File) - Box 22 (Sequence 1)
Corresponence of office bearers with individual Vice Chancellors and with the Vice-Chancelors' Committee about, inter alia, research grants for post-graduates, standard university vacation times and student health
[Miscellaneous loose papers], 1945-1958 (File) - Box 22 (Sequence 1)
Reports, circulars etc including orientation week 1954, intervasity travel,postwar growth of Australian universities (Research Officer C. Saunders, 1945), and medical edication in NSW
S.2 Incorporation of N.U., 1957 (File) - Box 22 (Sequence 1)
Corresponence of/between office bearers and with Messrs Darbyshire, Gillett and Huelin, Solicitors; also Circular to Executive S/41 of 14 May 1957 from Hon Secretary/Treasurer summarising the current stage towards incorporation
News and Syndication Scheme, 1954 (File) - Box 22 (Sequence 1)
Papers documenting the operation of the 'Interstate Letter Scheme' initiated at the Intervasity Editors' Conference, Adelaide, 1954
X9 S38 Transfer Secretariat, 1958 (File) - Box 22 (Sequence 1)
Corresponence of/between office bearers concerning the move of the Secretariat (primarily records and some office equipment) from Perth to Melbourne
Site of new NUAUS secretariat, 1961 (File) - Box 22 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers concerning the selection of, logistics required and politics behind NUAUS' new accommodation at 52 Storey St Parkville Melbourne
Establishment of a University of Newcastle, 1957-1960 (File) - Box 22 (Sequence 1)
Papers documenting NUAUS interactions with the Newcastle University College Students' Association
Song Book, 1958-1961 (File) - Box 22 (Sequence 1)
Despite file title, comprises copies of large number of office bearers' out letters on wide range of subjects, many classified at "P 20" [Publicity]
A 84 Chester Wilmot Memorial Lectures, 1960 (File) - Box 22 (Sequence 1)
Brief correspondence of President B.J. Moylan regarding the proposed Chester Wilmot Memorial Lectures
[Miscellaneous papers], 1962-1966 (File) - Box 22 (Sequence 1)
Large file of overseas student circulars press releases pamphlets and reports, together with subfiles of news cuttings and other papers on civil rights in the US, on censorship, and on capital punishment
News Clippings, 1964 (File) - Box 22 (Sequence 1)
Large set of news cuttings from Australian and overseas newspapers and magazines on student, higher education, politicial and international issues and developments
A. 90 Archives, 1960-1961 (File) - Box 22 (Sequence 1)
Circular to Executive Members and three copies of letters sent by Education Officer Kim Paterson re despatch of files to the University of Sydney Archives
Christopher Joyce, Secretary, NUAUS Friendly Society, 1970 - 1971 (File) - Box 158 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the NUAUS Friendly Society. The main correspondent is Christopher Joyce, NUAUS Friendly Society National Promotions Officer and Secretary. Subjects include: the operation of the NUAUS Friendly Society Hospital and Medical Benefits Scheme; student eligibility and financial matters. Includes minutes of meetings of the Friendly Society Board and some financial statements. There is also a brochure and application form for the Society.Added March 1972.
Subseries 16. Special Reports, 1947-1966
The UMON n.d., 1959 (File) - Box 22 (Sequence 1)
Draft annotated and incomplete copy of a survey of students at the University of Melborune, focussed on their 'use of and opinions about different facilities provided by the Union'
[Untitled], 1959-1960 (File) - Box 22 (Sequence 1)
Copies of reports (many forming working papers or appendices of 'Education Report'; another part of a submission to eh Australian Universities' Commission)
[Untitled], 1947 (File) - Box 22 (Sequence 1)
Copy by NUAUS Research Officer titled 'Report on University Administration' n.d. 8 pp, and letters George R. James, Hon. Secretary University of Sydney SRC
A.S.C.M./U.C.F.A./E.U., 1954-1955 (File) - Box 22 (Sequence 1)
Letters from the Australian Student Christian Movement, and information about conferences from the University Catholic Federaion of Australia and Inter-vasity Fellowship of Evangelical Unions
Statement by the Prime Minister (Mr Menzies) in …. 24th November, 1957. "The Australian Universities"., 1957 (File) - Box 22 (Sequence 1)
Subseries 17. Telegrams, 1957-1966
Subseries 18. Relations with Australian universities: University of Queensland, 1948-1966
Queensland University, 1948-1953 (File) - Box 23 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between office bearers and the University of Queensland Union
Ex 14 Brisbane, 1953 (File) - Box 23 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers, mostly of Hon. Secretary/Treasurer Ian E. Nicholson and General Secretary Ethne D'Arcy-Evans, with the University of Queensland Union
[Untitled], ?1955 (File) - Box 23 (Sequence 1)
Report appearing to summarise all NUAUS activities in 1954-1955; missing pp 1-2. Roneoed, 174 pp
Queensland University, 1954-1955 (File) - Box 23 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers, mostly of Hon. Secretary/Treasurer Ian E. Nicholson and General Secretary Ethne D'Arcy-Evans, with the University of Queensland Union
A.5 Queensland, 1955-1956 (File) - Box 23 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers with the University of Queensland Union, and couple of their papers forwarded to the Union
X 14 A. 5. Queensland, 1956 (File) - Box 23 (Sequence 1)
Single document being letter from University of Queensland Union Student Health Director to NUAUS Secretary re 'Student Health Scheme'
X 14 K1 Qld [Queensland], 1958 (File) - Box 23 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers with the University of Queensland Union, together with a copy of 'Forty-Seventh Annual Report of the University of Queensland Union, 1957-1958' (Roneoed; 30pp + xlix)
X 14 S/53 Q'ld office (File) - Box 23 (Sequence 1)
Single document being letter from President Kim Paterson concerning University of Queensland Union support for the Faculty Bureaux Director
Ex 14 "K"1 Queensland, 1958 (File) - Box 23 (Sequence 1)
Copy of letter of President Kim Paterson together with several circulars re personnel developments within the University of Queensland Union
SQ 11. Queensland Union, 1958-1962 (File) - Box 23 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of and between office bearers and with the University of Queensland Union; forwarded copies of its circulars submissions and reports
E. 1 B Queensland, 1960-1961 (File) - Box 23 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of and between office bearers and with the University of Queensland Union, dealing inter alia with UQU financial issues, some investigated by the NUAUS Supervision Committee
X 14 SQ 11 UQU [University of Queensland Union], 1961-1962 (File) - Box 23 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of and between officer bearers and with the University of Queensland Union.
Qld 1965, ?1965 (File) - Box 23 (Sequence 1)
University of Queensland and University of Queensland Union papers concerning Townsville University College.
Queensland and Townsville, 1963-1964 (File) - Box 23 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of and between office bearers and with the University of Queensland Union and the Townsville University College Union. Included are copies of papers on 'Racial Attitudes of Townsville Students' and '52nd Annual Report of the University of Queensland Union 1962-1963 (Roneoed, 41 pp)
PNG Handbook, 1965-1966 (File) - Box 24 (Sequence 1)
Papers and correspondence (including with Pacific Publications Pty. Ltd., Sydney) relating to the productiona nd distribution of the Papua New Guinea Handbook
Papua New Guinea Union Funds for Building Project, 1965 (File) - Box 24 (Sequence 1)
Concerns the Papua New Guinea Student Union Building Fund
Papua - New Guinea AOST (10 Students to visit Austalia - P. Scherer), 1965-1966 (File) - Box 24 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence primarily of Assistant National Papua/New Guinea Officer (Travel), Peter Scherer covering financing for the visit of PNG student so to Australia
UQU sundry papers, 1964-1965 (File) - Box 24 (Sequence 1)
Circulars and correspondence of NUAUS and University of Queensland Union
Subseries 19. Relations between Australian universities: New South Wales, 1956-1963
A.14 N.S.W. University of Technology, 1956 (File) - Box 24 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and reports re University of Technology Students' Union joining the NUAUS
A.8 NSW University of Technology, 1955-1956 (File) - Box 24 (Sequence 1)
Primarily correspondence of President David R. Teplitzky with and about the University of Technology Students' Union
J.8. Uni of Tech.y. [University of Technology, Sydney], 1956-1957 (File) - Box 24 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of Presidents David R. Teplitzky and James Thomas with and about the University of Technology Students' Union
X 14 K8 Tech [University of Technology], 1958 (File) - Box 24 (Sequence 1)
Copies of letters sent by Vice President M.G. Davey, and 'Report of the N.S.W. University of Technology delegation to N.U.A.U.S. Council, 1958'
UNSW, 1958-1961 (File) - Box 24 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with Univeristy of NSW Students' Union re fees, local NUAUS Secretary etc.
R Scouller … Correspondence with N.S.W., 1960-1961 (File) - Box 24 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of National Director of Aboriginal Scholarships Rosemary Scouller
E14 SU 11 Technology, 1961-1962 (File) - Box 24 (Sequence 1)
Copies of letters sent by office bearers, primarily by Administrative Secretary R.G.L. Bowles, mostly to the University of NSW Students' Union and re finances and fees
Subseries 20. Relations between Australian universities: Sydney, 1953-1964
Ex 14 Sydney, 1953 (File) - Box 24 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of /between office bearers and constituents with SRC Office University of Sydney and others (eg Women's College, Univeristy of Sydney; Editor, 'Honi Soit')
Ex 14 Sydney, 1955 (File) - Box 24 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of General Secretary Ethne D'Arcy-Evans, mostly with Hon. Secretary of the University of Sydney SRC Colin Aislabie
Sydney C Kidson, 1955 (File) - Box 24 (Sequence 1)
Miscellaneous papers of Chev Kidson, (University of Sydney SRC) including notes and circulars issued by Hon Secretary Colin Aislabie
X 14 K3 Sydney, 1958 (File) - Box 24 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers with various officials of the University of Sydney SRC
SS.11 Sydney Uni Finance, 1958-1962 (File) - Box 24 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers (primarily Administrative Secretary R.G.L. Bowles) with University of Sydney SRC re subscriptions, anti-hanging campaign, forwarding copies of SRC minutes and reports, etc.
X14 S 11 Sydney SRC, 1960-1962 (File) - Box 25 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers with, and circulars (mostly minutes) from the University of Sydney SRC.
SU 11Sydney Uni Finance, 1958-1962 (File) - Box 25 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers with, and circulars (mostly minutes) from the University of N.S.W. Students' Union (and with others such as the Editor, 'Tharunka')
Minutes of SRC Meeting Sydney 1963, 1963 (File) - Box 25 (Sequence 1)
Roneoed copy of 'Minutes of the Fifth Meeting of the Thirtysixth S.R.C. of the University of Sydney, held in the Gosper Room on Tuesday, 29th October, 1963 at 7.12 p.m.'
Sydney, 1962-1963 (File) - Box 25 (Sequence 1)
Primarily sets of University of Sydney SRC minutes plus some correspondence of Administrative Secretaries Joan L. Sawyers R.G.L. Bowles
Ex 14 S Sydney, 1964- (File) - Box 25 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of offcier bearers with University of Sydney SRC officials, 'Honi Soit' editor, etc plus SRC circulars, minutes and its constitution. Separately attached is a file 'Press Clippings' containing news cuttings (mostly concerning Commemoration Day incidents and subsequent court case, may 1964) as well as SRC publications
J.9 NUCSA [Newcastle University College Students' Association], 1955-1957 (File) - Box 25 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers with Newcastle University College Students' Association officials, particularly President Peter Allen, and with Alan Bacan of the Newcastle Teachers' College
Ex 14 "S" 33 (A) Newcastle, 1958 (File) - Box 25 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers with Newcastle University College Students' Association
Newcastle, 1958 (File) - Box 25 (Sequence 1)
Letter from the Hon. Secretary (Phil Schofield) of the Newcastle University College Students' Association to the Hon. Secretary/Treasurer NUAUS Roger Cook
Newcastle Constituent correspondence, 1958 [alternative title: S 44 Constituent Finance], 1958 (File) - Box 25 (Sequence 1)
Copies of minutes of the Newcastle University College Students' Association, and some office bearers' correspondence with Association officials re subscriptions/membership fees. There is also correspondence regarding difficulties in communicating with student represenatives at the Australian National University/Canberra University College
Newcastle SN 13, 1958-1959 (File) - Box 25 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of/between office bearers with/regarding the Newcastle University College Students' Association officials. Also includes copy of the Association's 'Submission to the Australian Universities Commission, October, 1959'
E/1 (d) Newcastle (File) - Box 25 (Sequence 1)
Papers re the 'Establishment of an Autonomous University of Newcastle', including office bearers correspondence, news cuttings, minutes and bulletins of meetings of various bodies pushing for this development
Subseries 21. Relations between Australian universities: Newcastle, 1957-1965
X 14 Newcastle [alternaitve number SN 13], 1961-1962 (File) - Box 25 (Sequence 1)
Copies of Administrative Scretary R.G.L. Bowles' letters to Newcastle University College Students' Association officials, plus an Association circular re changes to its Executive and Faculty Representatives
Newcastle, 19654-1965 (File) - Box 25 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of and between office bearers with and concerning the Newcastle University College Students' Association; NUAUS circulars (including Newcastle's submission about the Orr Case, October 1964); copies of minutes of SRC meetings and of its Constitution
Subseries 22. Relations between Australian universities: New England, 1953-1961
Ex 14 New England, 1953 (File) - Box 25 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of General Secretary Ethne D'Arcy-Evans with officials of the Students' Representative Council of the New England University College
New England, 1954-1955 (File) - Box 25 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers with the Students' Representative Council of the New England University College; cover routine issues, but one including a copy of the Council's first annual report of the University's (as opposed to the University College) SRC, May 1954
A.7 New England, 1954-1956 (File) - Box 25 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers with the University of New England Students' Representative Council and a copy of the May 1954 SRC Constitution
X 14 A.7 New England, 1955-1956 (File) - Box 25 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers with the SRC and others, including one form President David R. Teplitsky directing Keith Crook to cease representing himself as a member of NUAUS' International Department. Also includes several reports on the University's 'Asia Week', April 1954
X 14 K2 New Eng[land], 1958 (File) - Box 25 (Sequence 1)
Copies of letters of office bearers to the SRCs of the University fo Sydney and the University of New England
"K" 2 New England, 1958 (File) - Box 25 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of/between office bearers with the SRC and about the destruction of the Science block at the Univeristy of New England. A copy of the Sydney Morning Herald (24 February 1958) about the fires has also been filed
SN 11 New England [alternative number M2], 1959 (File) - Box 25 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers with the University of New England SRC; several SRC circulars, and a printed booklet (n.d.) covering the SRC's Constitution and Regulations
SN 11 New England, 1958-1961 (File) - Box 26 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers with the University of New England SRC; plus numerous copies of its minutes and some printed annual reports
Subseries 23. Relations between Australian universities: Melbourne, 1953-1964
New England, 1963 (File) - Box 26 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of Administrative Secretary Joan L. Sawyers with, and minutes and other papers of, the University of New England SRC
U.N.E., 1964-1965 (File) - Box 26 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers with, and minutes and other papers of, the University of New England SRC
Melbourne, 1954 (File) - Box 26 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers with University of Melbourne SRC representative and others (eg U Melb Australia-Overseas Club); several copies of 'Vacation News' (SRC Publication)
Ex 14 Melbourne, 1953-1954 (File) - Box 26 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers with University of Melbourne SRC
X 14 A.S Melbourne, 1956 (File) - Box 26 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and papers re Colombo Plan, External Affairs Policy, an International Congress and Forum at the University of Sydney and approaches to university vice-chancellors seeking to place Asian medical students unable to atend the University of Melbourne
X 14 S6 Melb. [ourne] Office, 1958 (File) - Box 26 (Sequence 1)
Copies of letters sent by Hon. Secreatry/Treasurer Roger B. Cook including to University of Melbourne
X 16 K4 Melb [ourne], 1958 (File) - Box 26 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with University of Melbourne SRC, primarily of Acting President M. G. Davey
"K" 4 Melbourne, 1958 (File) - Box 26 (Sequence 1)
Brief correspondence of President Kim Paterson with Local NUAUS Secretary, SRC University of Melbourne
E/1(h) Melbourne, 1958 (File) - Box 26 (Sequence 1)
'1958 The Univeristy of Melbourne. Limitation on Entries, 1959.' (19 pp; t/s)
Melb[ourne] Uni[versity] SRC, 1961 (File) - Box 26 (Sequence 1)
Roneoed copies of University of Melbourne SRC resolutions, minutes, constitution and regulations
Ex 14 SM 11 Melbourne Constituent, 1959-1962 (File) - Box 26 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence of office bearers with various constituents' student representatives, including but not confined to the University of Melbourne SRC; also copies of its publications, circulars, minutes and reports (e.g. 'Report of the Melbourne S.R.C. Delegation to the 24th Annual Council of the Nationa Union of Australian University Students Hobart February 15th - 25th, 1960')
Melbourne, 1963 (File) - Box 26 (Sequence 1)
Papers and correspondence of office bearers including the University of Melbourne local NUAUS Secretary; many relating to apartheid in sport, NUAUS office in Parkville, etc.
X 14 SM 11 Melbourne, 1961-1962 (File) - Box 26 (Sequence 1)
Copies of letters of office bearers, paarticularly of Administrative Secretary R.G.L. Bowles with and papers of the University of Melbourne SRC
Subseries 24. Relations between Australian universities: Monash, 1961-1965
[Untitled], 1961 (File) - Box 27 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers and others concerning Monash students (Monash University Undergraduates Union Representative Council') joining NUAUS
X 14 Monash, 1961 (File) - Box 27 (Sequence 1)
Small file of copies of letters from office bearers to Monash student representatives
Monash, 1962-1963 (File) - Box 27 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence primarily of Administrtive Secretary R.G.L. Bowles with Monash student representaives
Subseries 25. Relations between Australian universities: Australian National University, 1951-1963
Ex 14 Canberra, 1951-1955 (File) - Box 27 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers with Canberra University College Students' Association, copies of 'Woroni' and the 'Australian National University News'
Canberra, 1954 (File) - Box 27 (Sequence 1)
Split file with separate correspondence of office bearers with (a) Canberra University College Students' Association, plus copies of 'Woroni', and (b) with the Australian National University Students' Association
Ex 14 "S" 33(c) A.N.U., 1958 (File) - Box 27 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers with Canberra University College Students' Association and the issue of ANU students' involvement with NUAUS more generally
E 14 SC 11 CUCSA, 1961 (File) - Box 27 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of/between office bearers and with Australian National University Students' Association (following amalgamation of the Canberra University College with the ANU)
X 14, 1961 (File) - Box 27 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of/between office bearers and with Australian National University Students' Association, including exchange of letters between NUAUS Travel Director Graeme Evans and ANUSA Treasurer Don Brewster re a visiting delegation from Russia and realtions generally between the two student bodies
Subseries 26. Relations between Australian universities: Tasmania, 1953-1965
Ex 14 Hobart, 1953 (File) - Box 27 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers and the Tasmania University Union, including Tasmanian attitides to aboriginal scholarships and general NUAUS organisational incompetence
Tasmania, 1955 (File) - Box 27 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of General Secretary Ethne D'Arcy-Evans with University of Tasmania student representatives and Editor, 'Togatus'
Tasmania, 1954 (File) - Box 27 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers and the Tasmania University Union, and in addition to the Editor, "Togatus'
[Untitled], 1955 (File) - Box 27 (Sequence 1)
Report submitted by C.[Cedric] Powell to Guild Council on -- the report of the Royal Commission on the University of Tasmania. December 1955' (Roneoed, t/s 8 pp)
X 14 A.6 Tasmania, 1955-1956 (File) - Box 27 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers and the Tasmania University Union, and copy of the C. Powell report (see above).
A.6 Tasmania, 1955-1957 (File) - Box 27 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers and the Tasmania University Union; copy of Chev. Kidson's 'Report of Visit to Hobart April, 1956'
X 14 K5 Tas, 1958 (File) - Box 27 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers and the Tasmania University Union, and 'Tasmania University Union List of Office Bearers for 1958-59'
Tasmania, 1958 (File) - Box 27 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of Hon. Secretary/Treasurer Roger B. Cook with local NUAUS representative T.J.R. Menadue
Tasmania. Committee, 1954-1961 (File) - Box 27 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers, particularly the National Director, Aboriginal Scholarships, re fund raising for same
"K" 5 Hobart, 1958 (File) - Box 27 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of President Kim Paterson with University of Tasmania SRC President Val Smith
ST 11 M7 Tas[mania], 1958-1962 (File) - Box 27 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers with University of Tasmania SRC, with SRC minutes, copies of Togatus, accounts, etc Include references to the Art Exhibiton, changes in local personnel and the Orr case
E 14 ST 11 Tasmania, 1961-1962 (File) - Box 27 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers with University of Tasmania SRC and list of SRC officer bearers, 1961-1962
[Untitled], 1962-1963 (File) - Box 27 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers with University of Tasmania SRC; include references to the Orr case and the transition of the Union to the SRC
Subseries 27. Relations between Australian universities: Adelaide, 1953-1963
Adelaide X 14, 1953 (File) - Box 28 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, mostly copies of letters sent, by the University of Adelaide NUAUS Local Secretary/Treasurer.
Ex 14 Adelaide, 1953 (File) - Box 28 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers with the University of Adelaide SRC, plus multiple copies of the NUAUS Local Secretary/Treasurer Lindsay T. Colquhoun to the June 1953 meeting of the NUAUS Executive.
Ex 14 Adelaide, 1955 (File) - Box 28 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers with the University of Adelaide SRC, mostly of General Secretary Ethne D'Arcy-Evans
[Untitled], 1954-1955 (File) - Box 28 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers with the University of Adelaide SRC, mostly of General Secretary Ethne D'Arcy-Evans, together with minutes of the SRC's meeting of 6 october 1954 and the SRC's 'Recommendations to Delegates at NUAUS Council Meeting, February 1954'
X 14 A.3 Adelaide, 1956 (File) - Box 28 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers with University of Adelaide SRC, and several copies of undated roneoed t/s information sheet 'University of Adelaide Students' Representative Council'
X 14 A.3 Adelaide, 1955-1956 (File) - Box 28 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers with University of Adelaide SRC.
X 14 K6 Adelaide, 1958 (File) - Box 28 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers with University of Adelaide SRC, plus small number of its circulars and reports.
X 14 K6 Adelaide, 1958 (File) - Box 28 (Sequence 1)
Copies of two letters sent from President Kim Paterson
SA 11 Adelaide Constituent Correspondence, 1958-1962 (File) - Box 28 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers with University of Adelaide SRC, the editor of "On Dit" and others (eg the Australian Universities Liberal Federation); SRC minutes and reports
Subseries 28. Relations between Australian universities: Western Australia, 1953-1968
[Untitled], 1947-1953 (File) - Box 28 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, primarily of the various NUAUS General Secretaries with the University of Western Australia Guild of Undergraduates; Guild reports
Ex 14 Perth, 1953 (File) - Box 28 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of General Secretary Ethne D'Arcy-Evans with the University of Western Australia Guild of Undergraduates
A.4 Western Australia, 1954-1957 (File) - Box 28 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers with the University of Western Australia Guild of Undergraduates
A.4 Western Australia, 1956-1957 (File) - Box 28 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers with the University of Western Australia Guild of Undergraduates, concerning inter alia the Guild's suspense account
"K" 7 W.A. Guild, 1957-1958 (File) - Box 28 (Sequence 1)
Brief correspondence of office bearers with the University of Western Australia Guild of Undergraduates, and printed copy of Guild's 'Certified Balance Sheet and Income and Expenditure Accounts for the Year ending 30th November, 1957'
SW 11 Uni W.A., 1958-1962 (File) - Box 28 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers with the University of Western Australia Guild of Undergraduates, much with Local Secretary Bill Hartley; printed items (Guild 1958 and 1961 Annual Reports, 2 copies of UWA 1958 Handbook)
K7 WA, 1957-1958 (File) - Box 29 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers with the University of Western Australia Guild of Undergraduates, including conflict over finances and involving Local Secretary Bill Hartley; Guild and University publications
Western Australia, 1958 (File) - Box 29 (Sequence 1)
Letter from University of Western Australia Guild of Undergraduates Local Secretary Bill Hartley
Guild Minutes, 1958-1961 (File) - Box 29 (Sequence 1)
Copies of University of Western Australia Guild of Undergraduates minutes and reports
[SS 90] WA, 1958-1961 (File) - Box 29 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence (almost entirely copies of letters sent) of office bearers with various bodies including the University of Western Australia Guild of Undergraduates, primarily concerning NUAUS's status as exempt from sales tax
E 14 SW 11 WA, 1961-1962 (File) - Box 29 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers with various bodies including the University of Western Australia Guild of Undergraduates; Guild Annual Report for 1961
Guild of Undergraduates, 1963 (File) - Box 29 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of office bearers with various bodies including the University of Western Australia Guild of Undergraduates, mostly relating to financial matters
Subseries 29. Relations between Australian universities: General, 1946-1964
Cooperatives, 1959-1961 (File) - Box 29 (Sequence 1)
Folder of information on cooperatives, credit unions, consumer cooperation etc; includes ILO, NUAUS, Australin Board of Missions publications (concerning the 1959 and 1960 Tranby Cooperative Schools) and long letter from Dick Wilson (written 23 June 1961 on University of Sydney SRC letterhead).
Ex 14, 1946 (File) - Box 29 (Sequence 1)
Minutes of Second Annual Conference of N.S.W. State Union of Students Held at Wollongong Labout Day Weekend 1946
Series 2. Activities and Conferences
Subseries 1 (1). General cultural affairs, 1957-1968
1957/A Activities, January 1957 - December 1957 (File) - Box 30 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, reports relating to UNESCO Drama Seminar, NUAUS Drama Festival, Inter-Varsity Debates Festival 1957, Travelling Art Exhibition (including list of entries), NUAUS Annual Council Meeting 1958, NUAUS National Union Congress 1958, Executive Meetings May/June and August 1957, Aboriginal Scholarships. Includes draft of Executive Meeting August 1957.
Activities, April 1957 - December 1957 (File) - Box 30 (Sequence 1)
Circulars, copies of correspondence relating to Travelling Art Exhibition, Inter-Varsity Debates Festival 1957, NUAUS Drama Festival 1957, National Union Congress 1958.
Films 1961, May 1961 - December 1961 (File) - Box 30 (Sequence 1)
Copies of correspondence, circular for Ian Ernst, Film Officer.
A.16 [Cultural Affairs], March 1961 - May 1961 (File) - Box 30 (Sequence 1)
Circulars and correspondence relating to the Officer for Cultural Affairs.
Cultural Activities 1961-63, March 1960 - June 1963 (File) - Box 30 (Sequence 1)
Circulars, correspondence, newsletters. Includes material from International Bureau for Cultural Affairs [IBCA], Coordinating Secretariat of National Unions of Students [COSEC].
Cultural Activities 1963, May 1963 - June 1964 (File) - Box 30 (Sequence 1)
Circulars, correspondence, newsletters, list of editors of student newspapers. Includes material from International Bureau for Cultural Affairs [IBCA]
Culture, December 1965 - October 1966 (File) - Box 30 (Sequence 1)
Circulars and correspondence from and relating to the New Zealand University Students Association [NZUSA].
Subseries 1 (2). General cultural affairs. Director of Cultural Affairs - Robyn Love, February 1970 - August 1970
Added March 1972
Robin Love, Director of Cultural Affairs, February 1970 - August 1970 (File) - Box 159 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars mostly generated by Robin Love, NUAUS Director of Cultural Affairs, February-August, 1970. Subjects include: cultural affairs; the Aquarius Foundation; fundraising; drama; film; the arts; literary competitions and The yellow magazine. Also includes some minutes of meetings of the Aquarius Board, 1970. There is also a small section of correspondence at the back of this file generated by other members of the NUAUS Executive.Added March 1972.
Subseries 2. Drama festival, 1955-1965
Drama, January 1955 - September 1955 (File) - Box 30 (Sequence 1)
Drama Festival Convention 1955. Includes reports, extraordinary resolutions, budgets including handwritten draft, correspondence.
NUAUS Dram[a] Festival Executive, 1946 - July 1956 (File) - Box 30 (Sequence 1)
Mixed material relating to Drama Festivals from 1946 - 1956 inclusive. Includes budgets, reports, NUAUS News and Information Service bulletins, Minutes of Organising Committee of the NUAUS Drama Festival for 1949, 11 May 1949.
Drama, August 1953 - 1956 (File) - Box 30 (Sequence 1)
Producers Convention report, August 1953; administrative report for Drama Festival 1954; Advantages of holding NUAUS Drama Festival in Hobart 1955 report; programme for Inter-Varsity Drama Festival, Tasmania 1956.
A.1 Drama, July 1955 - August 1956 (File) - Box 30 (Sequence 1)
Financials, including handwritten balance sheets, bank deposit slips. Also includes correspondence relating to financials, including licenses to perform plays; Minutes of the 1956 NUAUS Drama Festival Convention, 23 August 1956.
A.1 Drama Festival, April 1957 - November 1957 (File) - Box 30 (Sequence 1)
Includes circulars, copies of outgoing correspondence.
A.1 Drama Festival, January 1958 - November 1958 (File) - Box 30 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, circulars.
A1 Drama Festival, March 1958 - November 1958 (File) - Box 30 (Sequence 1)
Copies of correspondence, circulars. Also includes Drama Convention Minutes, 21 August 1958; programme for 1958 Inter-Varsity Drama Festival, University of Melbourne.
A2 Intervarsity Drama 1958 - 62, 1948; March 1958 - October 1962 (File) - Box 31 (Sequence 1)
Mixed papers relating to Intervarsity Drama Festivals, including correspondence, minutes, circulars, reports, financials. Includes programme for Drama Festival '59, Brisbane; Australian Universities Drama Festival 1961, University of Tasmania; The Theatre Royal booklet, 1948; programme for Inter-Varsity Drama Festival 1958, University of Melbourne. Also includes subfolder titled 'Adjudication', including reports, financials, minutes.
1958 Drama Festival, April 1958 - November 1958 (File) - Box 31 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to finances.
1959 Festivals, January 1959 - January 1960 (File) - Box 31 (Sequence 1)
Mixed papers relating to events organised by NUAUS. Grouped together by codes: A1 [Drama Festival]; A2 [Debates]; A3 [Art Exhibition]; A4 [NUAUS Annual Council]; A5 [NUAUS Congress]; A6 [Executive Meetings]; A7 [August Exceutive Meeting]; A9 [Aboriginal Scholarships Conference]; A10 [ World University Service]; A12 [Extraordinary Resolution voting results]. Includes financials, budgets, correspondence, circulars, minutes, reports.
A1 Drama Festival, June 1961 - October 1961 (File) - Box 31 (Sequence 1)
Circular to constituents and copies of responses.
A1 Drama, March 1961 - September 1962 (File) - Box 31 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, circulars.
Drama Festival 1963, November 1962 - August 1963 (File) - Box 31 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, circulars, Minutes of the 1963 NUAUS Drama Festival Convention, 25 August 1963. Also includes programmse for The Australian Universities Drama Festival, Sydney University, 10-25 August 1963; Australian Universities Drama Festival Revue, Union Theatre, Sydney University, 17 August 1963.
International Drama Festival, December 1964 - June 1965 (File) - Box 31 (Sequence 1)
Mixed material relating to the Third International Drama Festival held at Nancy, France, 1965, including correspondence, programmes, relating meeting minutes, news clippings and summaries. Includes sub-folder titled Drama 1964, including circulars, regulation for participation, additional correspondence.
A2 Drama Festival, August 1959 - July 1965 (File) - Box 31 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence including fundraising requests, reports, programmes, financials relating to the Third International Drama Festival held at Nancy, France, 1965 and NUAUS Drama Festival 1964. Sigmund Jorgensen was the director of the Australian entry for the former and Festival Director for the latter. Also includes some material relating to the 1966 festival, minutes and programmes from previous NUAUS Drama Festivals.
Subseries 3. Debates, 1941-1967
[Intervarsity Debates], 1941 - August 1953 (File) - Box 33 (Sequence 1)
Includes programmes, reports, budgets and financials, correspondence, Inter-Varsity Debates Convention Minutes 1949; 1950; 1952.
Debates 1952, July 1951 - October 1952 (File) - Box 33 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the visit and tour of two United States University Debating Team members, David L Hunter and Henry A Kiker in September 1952.
A2 Debates, July 1951 - October 1954 (File) - Box 33 (Sequence 1)
Includes Minutes of Intervarsity Debates Convention, 24 August 1953; 24 August 1954, correspondence, reports. Also includes two subfolders relating to the visit and tour of United States University Debating Team members, September 1952.
Debates 1952, May 1952 - October 1952 (File) - Box 33 (Sequence 1)
Programs, lists of debate topics, information sheets, correspondence relating to the visit and tour of two United States University Debating Team members, David L Hunter and Henry A Kiker in September 1952.
Art Exhibition, March 1955 - June 1955 (File) - Box 33 (Sequence 1)
Includes copies of correspondence, memoes, telegrams.
A2 59, September 1953 - September 1957 (File) - Box 33 (Sequence 1)
Reports, memoranda, circulars relating to Intervarsity Debate Festivals.
International Debates, June 1954 - September 1954 (File) - Box 33 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with British and American organisations regarding international debates.
A2 Debates, March 1955 - September 1956 (File) - Box 33 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence regarding Intervarsity Debate Festivals, particularly regarding payments into the travelling expenses fund, regulations, location decisions.
I.3c British and Ceylon Debaters, May 1956 - June 1956 (File) - Box 33 (Sequence 1)
Slim file with correspondence from relating to students visiting from Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), Indonesia, India.
Debates, March 1956 - May 1956 (File) - Box 33 (Sequence 1)
NUAUS constitution, 27 March 1956. Also includes Intervarsity Debates Convention 1955 minutes.
A2 Debates, April 1957 - September 1957 (File) - Box 33 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to Intervarsity Debates Festival 1957.
I.3c Debates, June 1958 (File) - Box 33 (Sequence 1)
Copies of two letters to Indian Institute for Biochemistry and Experimental Medicine regarding Bengal debaters coming to Australia.
NZ Debates 1958, June 1958 - November 1958 (File) - Box 33 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, report regarding New Zealand Dabting Tour.
Debates, December 1957 - November 1958 (File) - Box 33 (Sequence 1)
Minutes of the Inter-Varsity Debates Convention, 22 August 1957. Also includes correspondence.
"I" 3 (c) Debaters, April 1958 (File) - Box 33 (Sequence 1)
Copy of letter to USNSA regarding a possible debating tour of the United States; executive memo to note the letter was sent.
A2 Debates, May 1958 - December 1958 (File) - Box 33 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to Intervarsity Debates, including travel arrangement and costs thereof.
A11 NZ Debating Tour, June 1958 - September 1958 (File) - Box 33 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to a tour of Australian debaters in New Zealand. Also includes some correspondence relating to Aboriginal Scholarship recipients Irwin Lewis and Margaret Williams.
Philippines Debates Tours, July 1960 - November 1966 (File) - Box 33 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, reports organising tours by debating teams from the Philippines.
International Debates, April 1947 - July 1954 (File) - Box 33 (Sequence 1)
Reports, correspondence regarding debating tours. Countries represented include Britain, New Zealand, Denmark. Includes one sepia, one black and white photograph. Also includes Danish Student News, No. 2, 1950.
Debates, March 1955 - January 1956 (File) - Box 33 (Sequence 1)
Reports, extraordinary resolutions, correspondence relating to Intervarsity Debates 1955.
Intervarsity Debates, March 1958 - September 1965 (File) - Box 34 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, meeting minutes, reports, lists of debate topics, adjudicator tally sheets, rules relating to Inter-Varsity Debating Festivals and international debating tours. Also includes debating organisation pamphlets and handbooks, including a debating handbook prepared for the Tokyo Intercollegiate Debate League, no date.
A2 Debates Festival, July 1960 - July 1961 (File) - Box 34 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars relating to debating festivals 1960, 1961 and a New Zealand tour of debaters in 1961.
A.11 NZ Debating Tour, May 1961 - January 1962 (File) - Box 34 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the New Zealand debating tour, 1961.
Debates, October 1963 (File) - Box 34 (Sequence 1)
Letter from NUAUS Debates General Secretary John May to Administrative Secretary Joan L Sawyers informing her of the composition of the Australian Varsity Team, victory in the Philippines Debating Cup and asking about future Australo-Philippine debating competitions. Includes a copy of her reply.
International Debates, May 1960 - August 1965 (File) - Box 34 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, reports, rules relating to international debate competitions. Countries represented include New Zealand, Philippines, Nigeria. Includes a sub-folder for New Zealand Debating Tours, which includes Australian Universities Debating Team: Tour of New Zealand, August 1963.
Debates Tours and Newsletters, December 1966 - September 1967 (File) - Box 34 (Sequence 1)
Circulars and newsletters relating to debates festivals, including copies of outgoing correspondence to international student debating organisations. Includes The Good Neighbour. Nos. 161-163, June - August 1967.
Subseries 4. Art exhibition, 1947-1959
Art Exhibition, May 1947 - December 1953 (File) - Box 34 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, including on expenditure, reports relating to Art Exhbitions. Includes NUAUS Art Exhibition 1953 listing art exhbited across constituent campuses.
A3 [Art Exhbition], n.d. (File) - Box 34 (Sequence 1)
Application forms for Art Exhbition from University of Sydney Students' Representative Council.
Art Exhibition 1954, August 1954 - January 1955 (File) - Box 34 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, including on expenditure, reports, lists of exhibits for Art Exhbition 1954. Includes NUAUS Sydney University Art Group Art Exhibition catalogue, October 5-13 1954.
A.3 Art, March 1955 - June 1956 (File) - Box 34 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to Art Exhbitions 1955, 1956. Includes regulations for Art Exhibition 1956.
A3 Art, April 1957 - November 1957 (File) - Box 34 (Sequence 1)
Circulars outlining extraordinary resolutions, regulations, constitutional commission recommendations relating to Art Exhbitions. Also includes correspondence, expenses relating to Art Exhibition 1957.
A3 Art, February 1958 - December 1958 (File) - Box 34 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars relating to Art Exhibition 1958.
"A" 3 Art Exhbition, January 1958 - December 1958 (File) - Box 34 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars relating to Art Exhibition 1958.
Art Exhibition - 1958/59, January 1958 - November 1960 (File) - Box 34 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, memoranda, regulations relating to Art Exhbitions 1958, 1959. Also includes Statement of Income and Expenditure for the 1955 and 1956 Exhibitions.
Subseries 5. Council meetings, 1938-1968
A.4 NUAUS Council 1940 - 45 Reports, 1938 - 1949 (File) - Box 35 (Sequence 1)
Includes University of Queensland Union (UQU) reports to NUAUS 1938, 1942-1943, 1946-1949; NUAUS Annual Council Preliminary Report 1940; 'Australian University Students and the War' statement, 1940; Treasurer's Report 1940; Minutes of the Half Yearly Meeting, 1-4 August 1941; Statement and Recommendations from the NUAUS to the Universities' Commission, 17 September 1973; other reports, memoranda.
First Council Meeting and Conference Proceedings, January 1938 (Item) - Box 35 (Sequence 1)
Held at the University of Sydney, 17-24 January 1938.
[Annual Council Agendas, reports, resolutions], September 1943 (File) - Box 35 (Sequence 1)
Also includes Statement and Recommendations from the National Union of Australian University Students to the Universities' Commission, 1943; 1944.
Statement of 20th Annual Council Meeting, January 1956 - March 1956 (File) - Box 35 (Sequence 1)
Held at Adelaide, 19-29 January 1956. Also includes extraordinary resolutions, Ratification Council Statement 1956, 27 March 1956.
Minutes 9th Annual Council Meeting, February 1945 (File) - Box 35 (Sequence 1)
Held at the University of Adelaide, 5 - 12 February 1945.
Statement of 12th Annual Council Meeting, February 1948 (File) - Box 35 (Sequence 1)
Held at Perth, 4 - 13 Febuary 1948. Also includes Report on Accounts and Balance Sheet Presented at the 12th Annual Council Meeting.
Report on the 13th Annual Council Meeting of NUAUS Delivered to the Guild Council, University of WA, April 1949 (Item) - Box 35 (Sequence 1)
14th Annual Council Meeting reports, February 1950 (File) - Box 35 (Sequence 1)
Includes Report of General Secretary on Finance and Administration; Report on NUAUS Council meeting [to NZUSA]. Meeting held at University of Sydney, 26 January - 4 February 1950.
Statement of 15th Annual Council Meeting, February 1951 (File) - Box 35 (Sequence 1)
Held at Adelaide, 24 January - 4 February 1951.
Statement of 16th Annual Council Meeting, February 1952 (File) - Box 35 (Sequence 1)
Held at Melbourne, 28 January - 5 February 1952.
Statement of 17th Annual Council Meeting, February 1953 (File) - Box 35 (Sequence 1)
Held at Sydney, 8 - 16 February 1953.
Statement of 18th Annual Council Meeting, February 1952 (File) - Box 35 (Sequence 1)
Held at Brisbane, 11 - 21 February 1952. Also includes Reports Presented to the 19th Annual Council meeting (Other than those included in the Council Statement).
Statement of 19th Annual Council Meeting, February 1955 (File) - Box 35 (Sequence 1)
Held at Hobart. 7-18 February 1955. Also includes Reports Presented to the 19th Annual Council meeting (Other than those included in the Council Statement); Report on NUAUS Council Meeting [to NZUSA].
Council Reports, November 1945 - June 1954 (File) - Box 35 (Sequence 1)
Folder including reports, meeting minutes including from the secretariats, treasurers, finance & administrative committees. Also includes financials, including accounts, budgets, statements of revenue and expenditure.
Reports Presented to the 20th Annual Council Meeting (Other than those included in the Council Statement), January 1956 (File) - Box 36 (Sequence 1)
Meeting held 19 - 29 January 1956.
Statement of 21st Annual Council Meeting., January 1957 (File) - Box 36 (Sequence 1)
Held at Sydney, 11 - 21 January 1957. Includes Combined Volume of Reports Presented to the 1957 NUAUS Council.
Statement of Annual Council Meeting, January 1958 (File) - Box 36 (Sequence 1)
Held at the University of Adelaide, 20 - 30 January 1958. Also includes Reports other than those contained in the Council Statement; Report on NUAUS Council Meeting Presented to NZUSA Easter Council Meeting 1958.
Inter-State Moots 1958 - Moot No. 3, June 1958 (File) - Box 36 (Sequence 1)
Moot questions and results.
Statement of Annual Council Meeting, January 1959 (File) - Box 36 (Sequence 1)
Held at University of Melbourne, 4 - 15 January 1959. Includes Reports other than those contained in the Council Statement.
Report of the Melbourne SRC Delegation to 24th Annual Council, February 1960 (File) - Box 36 (Sequence 1)
NUAUS Annual Council 1960 held at Hobart, 15-25 February 1960.
Report to the University of Adelaide Students' Representative Council on the [NUAUS] Council Meeting, February 1960 (File) - Box 36 (Sequence 1)
NUAUS Annual Council 1960 held at Hobart, 15-25 February 1960.
Annual Council Statement 1960, February 1960 (File) - Box 36 (Sequence 1)
Minutes of the 24th Annual Council Meeting. Hobart, 15 - 25 February 1960.
Reports Submitted at 24th Annual Council Meeting, February 1960 (File) - Box 36 (Sequence 1)
NUAUS Annual Council 1960 held at Hobart, 15-25 February 1960.
Annual Council Statement 1960, February 1961 (File) - Box 36 (Sequence 1)
Minutes of the 25th Annual Council Meeting. Held at University of New England, 13 - 22 February 1961.
Reports tabled at 25th Annual Council Meeting, Volume I, February 1961 (File) - Box 36 (Sequence 1)
25th Annual Council Meeting held at University of New England, 13 - 22 February 1961.
Reports tabled at 25th Annual Council Meeting, Volume III, February 1961 (File) - Box 37 (Sequence 1)
25th Annual Council Meeting held at University of New England, 13 - 22 February 1961.
August Council Statement 1961, August 1961 (File) - Box 37 (Sequence 1)
Held at University of Melbourne, 25 - 28 August 1961.
Reports Submitted at 26th Annual Council Meeting, Volume 1, February 1962 (File) - Box 37 (Sequence 1)
Held at University of Melbourne.
Reports Submitted at 26th Annual Council Meeting, Volume 2, February 1962 (File) - Box 37 (Sequence 1)
Held at University of Melbourne.
Council Statement and Reports Submitted at 26th Annual Council Meeting, Volume 3, February 1962 (File) - Box 37 (Sequence 1)
Held at University of Melbourne.
Statement of 1962 August Council Meeting, August 1962 (File) - Box 37 (Sequence 1)
Held at University of Melbourne, 18-20 1962.
Reports Submitted at 27th Annual Council Meeting, Volume 1, February 1963 (File) - Box 37 (Sequence 1)
Held at Canberra.
Reports Submitted at 27th Annual Council Meeting, Volume 2, February 1963 (File) - Box 37 (Sequence 1)
Held at Canberra.
Reports Submitted at 27th Annual Council Meeting, Volume 3, February 1963 (File) - Box 37 (Sequence 1)
Held at Canberra.
Council Statement and Reports Submitted at 28th Annual Council Meeting, Volume 1, February 1964 (File) - Box 37 (Sequence 1)
Held at Monash University.
Reports Submitted at 28th Annual Council Meeting, Volume 2, February 1964 (File) - Box 37 (Sequence 1)
Held at Monash University.
Council 1949-50, August 1944 - 1953 (File) - Box 38 (Sequence 1)
Reports, including handwritten draft Report of NUAUS Activities, August 1944.
Council 1950, May 1948 - January 1953 (File) - Box 38 (Sequence 1)
Reports to Annual Council 1950, including Statement of Receipts and Payments; reports from University of Queensland [UQU] Union, 1948; 1952; 1953; handwritten report of Local Secretary-Treasurer to 1949 Executive; correspondence regarding a potential disaffiliation of UQU.
Council 48 - 52, September 1948 - February 1952 (File) - Box 38 (Sequence 1)
Memoranda, correspondence, newsletters, reports relating to International Officers, International Union of Students [IUS].
A.10 Ratification, September 1955 - March 1956 (File) - Box 38 (Sequence 1)
Corespondence and statements of ratification. Includes press release on protest over traffic lights on Parramatta Road, Sydney, 12 May 1955.
A4 Annual Council, February 1957 - December 1957 (File) - Box 38 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars of extraordinary resolution results.
A4 Council, September 1957 - December 1957 (File) - Box 38 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, invitations to open Council building, lists of delegates.
A.4 Annual Council, June 1955 - January 1957 (File) - Box 38 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, including responses to invitations to open Council, Student Counselling Report, 1956, lists of delegates.
Council Meeting 1953, November 1952 - May 1953 (File) - Box 38 (Sequence 1)
Includes handwritten itineraries for delegates and observers, correspondence, draft budgets, Report on Council Meeting, 1953
Council, Adelaide 1956, September 1955 - February 1956 (File) - Box 38 (Sequence 1)
Includes draft agenda, list of motions, correspondence, memoranda.
Sydney SRC 53, January 1947 - August 1953 (File) - Box 38 (Sequence 1)
Includes Reports of Local Secretary-Treasurer, Annual Reports of Student Representatives' Council, University of Sydney.
Council Statement 1957, February 1957 - May 1957 (File) - Box 38 (Sequence 1)
Includes circulars, including on the incorporation of the Guild of Undergraduates, University of Western Australia, correspondence, report of the Constitutional Commission, 1957, extraordinary resolutions results, motions passed.
A4 Council, February 1958 - December 1958 (File) - Box 38 (Sequence 1)
Draft agenda, circulars, correspondence relating to the 23rd Annual Council, January 1959. Includes Melborne SRC policy index.
Letters re Council Meeting 1959, October 1959 - January 1960 (File) - Box 38 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence regarding NUAUS Council 1960.
ER's [Extraordinary Resolutions] - Council Statement, February 1959 - October 1959 (File) - Box 38 (Sequence 1)
Responses to Extraordinary Resolutions, circulars, correspondence.
"A" 4 Council, December 1957 - December 1958 (File) - Box 38 (Sequence 1)
Draft agenda, correspondence relating to NUAUS Annual Council 1959, including Minutes of NUAUS Sub-Committee, 14 October 1958; University of Sydney SRC policy statement. Some material relating to Annual Council 1958.
Agenda for Council, December 1945 - January 1955 (File) - Box 38 (Sequence 1)
Agenda (some drafts) for Annual Council Meetings 1946; 1949 - 1953; 1955.
NUAUS - Council, March 1947 - January 1955 (File) - Box 38 (Sequence 1)
Circulars including ratifications of Council decisions; recommendations to delegates, results of extraordinary resolutions, statement to members (and handwritten draft); University of Adelaide SRC statement of policy. Also includes correspondence. A plurality of material originates with the Students' Representative Council [SRC], University of Adelaide.
Treasurer Reports, January 1943 - February 1954 (File) - Box 38 (Sequence 1)
Core of file is Treasurer's Reports to Annual Council Meetings, 1943; 1947-1950. Also includes lists of motions, handwritten draft agenda, handwritten draft revenue accounts, income and expenduture comparisons, balance sheets. Includes handwritten Treasurer's Report for year ended 30 November 1945. Also includes Statement of 18th Annual Council Meeting, 11-21 February 1954.
1940 Annual Council, January 1940 (File) - Box 38 (Sequence 1)
Includes Annual Council Meeting and Conference - January 1940 Preliminary Report; two papers, "The Case for Scholarship Reform" and "Australian University Students and the War"; agenda for Half Yearly Executive Meeting to be held 1-3 August 1940.
A.4(ii) Council Statement, March 1958 - September 1960 (File) - Box 39 (Sequence 1)
Circulars, including voting results, ratifications, correspondence relating to Council Statements issued following Annual Councils 1958; 1959; 1960.
A.49(c) [Council Dinners], February 1960; June 1961 (File) - Box 39 (Sequence 1)
Souvenir Menu from Union Refectory, Hobart, signed by Annual Council attendees, 24 February 1960. Also includes copy of letter regarding charge from Hytten Hall, 14 June 1961.
Council 1961, March 1961 - October 1961 (File) - Box 39 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to NUAUS Constitutional amendment moved at Executive Meeting, August 1961.
Papers relating to NUAUS Council Meeting Hobart 1960 & President's Files (M G Davey) (File) - Box 39 (Sequence 1)
Includes reports, budgets, submissions, balance sheets and accounts relating to Annual Council 1960. Also includes contents lists for the NUAUS archives as dispatched to University of Sydney, 11 March 1960, and list of file codes.
Education Meeting and Council, May 1960 - January 1961 (File) - Box 39 (Sequence 1)
Circulars, correspondence relating to Education Meeting, May 1960; Education Conference 1961; Education Committee Meeting January 1961; Annual Council Meeting, 13-23 February 1961.
Council Statement - Reports, March 1960 - May 1961 (File) - Box 39 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars relating to Annual Council Statement, 1960. Includes liat of Executive, Supervision Committee and Officers of the Union.
[Sydney University Students' Representative Counci], May 1961 - May 1961 (File) - Box 39 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, including from Sydney University Students' Representative Council.
Annual Council 1961, April 1961 - May 1962 (File) - Box 39 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars relating to Council and Executive meetings in 1961, including on matters of accomodation, voting results of June 1961 Executive Meeting. Also includes Statement of Income and Expenditures to May 1962.
1961 Council, August 1961 (File) - Box 39 (Sequence 1)
Letter and copy from Education Offier Kim Paterson to NUAUS President R.J. Wallace regarding elections, 22 August 1961.
Report of the Melbourne SRC Delegation to the 24th Annual Council, February 1960 (File) - Box 39 (Sequence 1)
24th Annual Council of NUAUS held in Hobart, 15-25 February 1960.
S.T. - 10 [Students Union Council of the Townsville College], April 1961 - October 1961 (File) - Box 39 (Sequence 1)
Includes Minutes of Students Union Council of the Townsville College, 9 April 1961. Also includes copy of a letter to Townsville University College Union, letter from University of Queensland Union, Townsville Branch, and copy of reply.
SC 71-72 Council reserve (also 74), March 1961 - April 1961 (File) - Box 39 (Sequence 1)
Copies of two letters. One from the General Secretary to University of Queensland Union, 6 April 1961; second to SRC, University of New England, 21 March 1961.
Pending 61, March 1960 - January 1962 (File) - Box 39 (Sequence 1)
Mixed reports, including on Union facilities at Bedford Park, University of Adelaide, November 1961, January 1962; NUAUS Australian/Indonesian Exchange Scheme, Report of the 1961 Melbourne Delegation; Report to the Adelaide SRC of the August Council Meeting of NUAUS, 1961; Report of the SRC Vice-President's Committee on Non-Academic Activity, 23 March 1960; a student academic appeal on medical grounds, March 1960.
1961 Council Miscellaneous, September 1960 - January 1961 (File) - Box 39 (Sequence 1)
Mixed papers, including correspondence, circulars, administrative notices including signatures accepting reports. Material relates to 1961 Annual Council, including agenda, noticesdelegates, accomodation, advertisements for staff, reports, working papers, travel arrangements, financials, including Statement of Income and Expenditure for Educational Research Office to August 1960 & December 1960.
Council Meeting at New England 1961, January 1961 - February 1961 (File) - Box 39 (Sequence 1)
Includes handwritten draft travel itinerary, correspondence, handwritten notes relating to travel for Council Meeting, February 1961.
Council 1961 Armidale, January 1961 - February 1961 (File) - Box 39 (Sequence 1)
Includes timetables and other mixed material relating to travel arrangements for the 1961 Annual Council. Also includes announcment of appointment of Senior Stenographer, including applications, interview notes, correspondence with General Secretary on salary; also includes suitability statements on Graeme Davis.
1961 Armidale Council, February 1961 (File) - Box 40 (Sequence 1)
Reports to the 25th Annual Council Meeting, February 1961.
1961 Council, April 1961 - March 1962 (File) - Box 40 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence from and to Richard Walsh, NUAUS Press Officer, including press releases, circulars, publishing quotes. Includes material relating to overseas students, including student exchanges, a tour by USSR students. Also includes material relating to White Australia Policy, apartheid.
1961 - 62 Council, October 1961 - May 1962 (File) - Box 40 (Sequence 1)
Includes draft agenda, circulars and correspondence, including invitations to consular officials and members of parliament to attend Council. Includes financials, Balance Sheet and Statements of Account, 31 December 1961. Also includes Minutes of Second Supervision Committee, 21 January 1962.
Council 1961, July 1961 - August 1961 (File) - Box 40 (Sequence 1)
Copies of two letters from Kim Paterson, Education Officer, one relating to a dinner to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of NUAUS. Also includes correspondence with Prime Minister Robert Menzies and Minister for the Interior Gordon Freeth regarding invitations to the Anniversary Dinner.
Council 1962, March 1961 - March 1962 (File) - Box 40 (Sequence 1)
Presidents' correspondence, Robert J. 'Bob' Wallace, Greg Harvey, including Christmas cards to President Wallace, letters of congratulation to Greg Harvey on the latter's election. Also includes letter from Vice President Graeme Evans regarding Tony Stanley's resignation from the Supervision Committee and discussion of nominating Stephen Charles to replace him.
1962 - Council, December 1960 - March 1962 (File) - Box 40 (Sequence 1)
Slim file with correspondence relating to Volunteer Graduate Association (VGA) representatives.
A4 Council, April 1961; February - May 1962 (File) - Box 40 (Sequence 1)
Copies of three letters relating to publishing of photos, proof reading, Art progress.
A /7(E) August 1962 Council, May 1962 (File) - Box 40 (Sequence 1)
Copies of eight letters relating to accomodation for August Council, 1962.
1963 Annual Council Extraordinary Resolution, April 1963 - January 1964 (File) - Box 40 (Sequence 1)
Circulars, results, correspondence relating to ratification, votes, comments.
August Council 1963, January 1963; October 1963 (File) - Box 40 (Sequence 1)
Letters from overseas student organisations. Compiled and forwarded by the Australian National University Local Secretary, October 1963.
August 1964 - General Correspondence, July 1964 - October 1964 (File) - Box 40 (Sequence 1)
Also includes draft agenda, circular on voting strength of constituents.
Aug[ust] Council 1964 - Fotos, September 1964 - November 1964 (File) - Box 40 (Sequence 1)
Black and white photo, Geoffrey Baker Studios. Also includes correspondence of orders.
[August Council 1964] - Fares (concessions) etc., October 1964 (File) - Box 40 (Sequence 1)
Letter from University of Queensland Union Local NUAUS Secretary Ian Lincoln regarding travel expenses refunds, and copy of reply.
[loose papers], August 1964 - October 1964 (File) - Box 40 (Sequence 1)
Handwritten notes, including ticked names, possibly draft itineraries or cost calculations; Council Statement circulation list. Also includes correspondence relating to costs, photograph orders, copy of caption for August Council Meeting photograph.
[August Council 1964] - Reports (list of Officers reports received), August 1964 (File) - Box 40 (Sequence 1)
[August Council 1964] - Distribution of 1964 Annual Handbook, July 1964 (File) - Box 40 (Sequence 1)
Notes, copies of correspondence. Distribution list includes numbers dispatched to locations.
[August Council 1964] - Accomodation (Participants), July 1964 - September 1964 (File) - Box 40 (Sequence 1)
List of attendees, their constituency, voting strength. Also includes correspondence regarding accomodation, confirmation of attendance.
ER's & Const. 1964, May 1964 - August 1964 (File) - Box 40 (Sequence 1)
Circulars and other material relating to extraordinary resolutions and ratification of constitutional amendments.
Annual Council 1964, December 1963 - March 1964 (File) - Box 40 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence responding to invitations issued to consular officials and others to attend Annual Council 1964. Also includes list of Student Representative Council Members; list of persons to whom invitations were sent.
Attendance August '66 Council Constituents, July 1966 - August 1966 (File) - Box 41 (Sequence 1)
Includes handwritten tables of attendees, fares, accomodation.
[1966 August Council - election, voting strengths, constituent attendance], January 1966 - August 1966 (File) - Box 41 (Sequence 1)
Includes handwritten notes on candidates for election, typescript voting strengths circular with handwritten amendments, other circulars on Council reports, notices of meeting, constituent questionnaires.
1966 August Council - Distribution of Volumes, May 1966 - September 1966 (File) - Box 41 (Sequence 1)
Circular regarding distribution of reports, lists of those receiving the reports, marked off by hand.
[1966 August Council circulars], July 1966 - September 1966 (File) - Box 41 (Sequence 1)
Includes circulars relating to resolutions, preliminary agenda, motions, ratifications.
Education Seminar, July 1966 (File) - Box 41 (Sequence 1)
Circulars relating to Education Seminar, 1966.
[Australian Elizabethan Theatre Trust], May 1966; July 1966 (File) - Box 41 (Sequence 1)
Copies of two letters sent to John Findlay, Australian Elizabethan Theatre Trust.
Spare Circulars, February 1966 - July 1966 (File) - Box 41 (Sequence 1)
Includes circulars relating to motions for action, attendance, honorary life members & past presidents.
[Accomodation for 1966 August Council], July 1966 - August 1966 (File) - Box 41 (Sequence 1)
Also includes letter from Arts Festival Convenor Geoff Robertson to Administrative Secretary H Martinot requesting permission to employ John Finlay, 15 July 1966; circulars relating to motions, constituent questionnaires.
Correspondence re Reports August Council 1966, July 1966 - August 1966 (File) - Box 41 (Sequence 1)
Telegram, 5 August 1966; letter, 18 July 1966.
Attendance, Accomodation - August 1966 Council - Special guests, June 1966 - August 1966 (File) - Box 41 (Sequence 1)
File largely consists of correspondence.
[1966 August Council], August 1964 - August 1966 (File) - Box 41 (Sequence 1)
Mixed papers including returned constituent questionnairesfor August Council 1966, circulars, correspondence, memoranda, participant list for August Council 1964.
Agenda, notice of meeting, May 1966; August 1966 (File) - Box 41 (Sequence 1)
Two circulars relating to August Council 1966; Advance Notice of Meeting, 31 May 1966, Preliminary Agenda, 6 August 1966.
August council general : - Reports etc, July 1965 - August 1965 (File) - Box 41 (Sequence 1)
Includes details of expected reports, list of officers, attendance by delegations, Statement of Income and Expenditure to 12 August 1965, card sample for banner.
Envelope from Avon Colour Studio, n.d. (File) - Box 41 (Sequence 1)
Photography by Ron Moodycliffe, highlighted in pen. Envelope empty.
August Council 1965 Attendance - Accomodation, July 1965 - August 1965 (File) - Box 41 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, attendance lists, delegate information kit, handwritten notes.
August Council 1965 - Agenda - Programme etc, July 1965 - August 1965 (File) - Box 41 (Sequence 1)
Also includes handwritten notes, correspondence.
1965 Annual Council Trouble at College, March 1965 - April 1965 (File) - Box 41 (Sequence 1)
Handwritten and typescript correspondence relating to an incident at St Thomas More College, University of Western Australia.
Annual Council 1965 - Legal Commission, August 1965 (File) - Box 41 (Sequence 1)
Handwritten motions, typescript proposed travel regulations.
[Distribution to Constituents of August Council Volumes], June 1963 - September 1963; August 1965 (File) - Box 41 (Sequence 1)
Includes lists of officers, constituent forms requesting volumes, 1963; distribution lists, officers list, 1965
Const[itution] & Reg[ulation]s, August 1965 (File) - Box 41 (Sequence 1)
Motions, handwritten draft regulations.
Group Photos, Costs amp; Orders, February 1965 - August 1965 (File) - Box 41 (Sequence 1)
Includes lists of attendees. Relates to the ordering of the photographs. Actual photographs not in file.
Annual Council 1965 - Helpful (?) Documents, March 1965 - June 1965 (File) - Box 41 (Sequence 1)
Includes handwritten draft budgets, correspondence, circulars, typescript draft constitution.
Annual Council 1965 - Corresp[ondence] with WA, October 1964 - August 1965 (File) - Box 41 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence with Guild of Undergraduates, University of Western Australia.
Opening of the 29th Annual Council Meeting, January 1965 - March 1965 (File) - Box 41 (Sequence 1)
Held on Saturday, 6 February 1965 at 2.30pm. File consists of correspondence with VIPs invited to the opening of the Council, including some responses, checklists of those invited and their availability.
Accomodation and Arrivals, December 1964 - February 1965 (File) - Box 41 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence related to Annual Council 1965.
Annual Council 1966 - Distribution of Volumes, January 1966 - May 1966 (File) - Box 41 (Sequence 1)
Includes circulars, correspondence.
Annual Council 1967 - Accomodation bill, January 1967 - February 1967 (File) - Box 41 (Sequence 1)
Handwritten notes on budget allocation; circular regarding publication dates of student newspapers; other papers.
Annual Council Feb. 1966 - Reports Received, July 1965 - February 1966 (File) - Box 41 (Sequence 1)
Includes election and agenda circulars, lists of attendees, circulars, checklists of reports against author, production stage, Income and Expenditure reports.
[Circulars related to Annual Council reports, resolutions], November 1965 - July 1966 (File) - Box 41 (Sequence 1)
Also includes typescript list of participants at Annual Council 1966 with handwritten notes including vote numbers.
Annual Council Hobart 1966 - Arrangements and Matters to be Checked, December 1965 - February 1966 (File) - Box 41 (Sequence 1)
Includes circulars, correspondence, handwritten notes, results of voting, Minutes of the NUAUS Executive Committee, 10-11 December 1965. Also includes unmarked envelope holding an event information pack.
An[nual] Council 1966 Hobart - Deals with Delegates, Observers, Visitors, December 1965 - February 1966 (File) - Box 41 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, circulars, questionnaires.
Questionnaire Return Dinner, February 1966 (File) - Box 41 (Sequence 1)
Returned questionnaires from constituents, including information on dates of leaving accomodation, attendance at official dinner, 12 February.
Agenda Minute SEC's etc, February 1966 (File) - Box 41 (Sequence 1)
Includes agenda, notices of motion relating to February 1966 Annual Council.
[1967 Annual Council], October 1966 - July 1967 (File) - Box 41 (Sequence 1)
Includes copies of correspondence thanking Howitt Hall for hosting; handwritten edits on a circular announcing the 1967 Annual Council.
"Council" - Circulars, November 1966 - January 1967 (File) - Box 41 (Sequence 1)
Circulars relating to Annual Council 1967.1
Annual C[oun]cil 1967 "Volumes", January 1967 - March 1967 (File) - Box 41 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars relating to Annual Council 1967, extraordinary resolutions, motions, Arts Festival.
Attendance - Visitors, December 1966 - December 1967 (File) - Box 41 (Sequence 1)
List of attendees of Annual Council 1967, related correspondence.
Attendance - Constituents, November 1966 - January 1967 (File) - Box 41 (Sequence 1)
Includes returned constituent questionnaires for Annual Council 1967, related correspondence.
Dinner $3.75 plus drink, February 1967 (File) - Box 41 (Sequence 1)
List of attendees marked for dinner attendance.
Arrangements Annual Council 1967 - Monash Uni etc, December 1966 - March 1967 (File) - Box 41 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to accomodation for Annual Council 1967 at Howitt Hall, Monash University.
Expected Reports, December 1966 - January 1967 (File) - Box 41 (Sequence 1)
Circular detailing format of reports, correspondence relating to delivery of reports. Does not include reports.
Misc. Monies, circulars from N/S_the Council, October 1966; January 1967 (File) - Box 41 (Sequence 1)
Two circulars; Notice of Annual Council, 13 October 1966; Annual Council 1967 - Monash University Mail/Telephones/Cables, 27 January 1967
Elections, February 1967 (File) - Box 41 (Sequence 1)
Circular for Post-Council Elections, 16 February 1967, including curriculum vitae.
A4 1967 [Reports], 1967 (File) - Box 41 (Sequence 1)
Includes Report of the President, Winter Council 1967; Student Unemployment circular, New Zealand University Students Association [NZUSA], 26 September 1967 and attached copies of letters to NZ parliament; mtions on International Policy, National Affairs, Editorial Board.
Subseries 6. Congress, 1947-1963
1950 - 51 Congress, August 1950 - June 1951 (File) - Box 42 (Sequence 1)
Includes financials, correspondence, including relating to stores on loan to NUAUS.
Congress 1951 - 1952, February 1951 - September 1952 (File) - Box 42 (Sequence 1)
Report on NUAUS Congress 1951 (including handwritten draft), contract with caterer, correspondence.
Congress, January 1950 - March 1953 (File) - Box 42 (Sequence 1)
Includes report on Gan Gan Congress, 14-24 January 1950; list of attendees; corresponendence relating to Congress, 1950-1953
A5 '55 FB [Faculty Bureaux] - SRC Directors Congress - SRC's International, October 1955 - December 1958 (File) - Box 42 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence mostly arranged by Faculty Bureaux Director [FBD] by constituent (Western Australia, Adelaide, International Sydney, Melbourne, New England, Tasmania, Queensland). Some correspondence and handwritten notes relate to Congress 1955, Congress Tours. Also includes issues of Student Mirror, publishd by International Student Conference.
Congress '56, January 1954 - January 1955 (File) - Box 42 (Sequence 1)
File largely consists of correspondence relating to Congress 1955, also including some news clippings.
Congress Account 1956, July 1955 - March 1956 (File) - Box 42 (Sequence 1)
Account details for accounts at the Bank of Adelaide, The English Scottish & Australian Bank.
NUAUS Congress 1961, July 1960 - January 1961 (File) - Box 42 (Sequence 1)
Includes draft programme, interim report, correspondence, including relating to the cancellation of Congress 1961.
Congress - Jan[uary] 1956, April 1955 - February 1956 (File) - Box 42 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, executive memo relating to Congress 1956.
Congress - 1956, February 1956 - September 1956 (File) - Box 42 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars relating to International Student Congress, December 1956. Also includes Minutes of the Committee Meeting of the International Student Congress, 10 July 1956; Minutes of the Co-ordinating Committee of the International Student Congress, 26 June 1956.
Congress & Council 56, January 1956 - January 1957 (File) - Box 42 (Sequence 1)
File of mixed material, including estimated budget for Congress 1956, 5 January 1956; Motions Passed at May Executive Meeting, 1956; reports including Faculty Bureaux Report to Congress 1956; issues of The Congress News; correspondence including letters thanking faculty for addressing Congress.
International Congress and Forum 56, October 1956 - December 1956 (File) - Box 42 (Sequence 1)
Slim file including memoranda, information sheet, correspondence relating to Congress 1956.
Congress 1956, May 1955 - August 1956 (File) - Box 42 (Sequence 1)
Slim file with correspondence relating to a location for Congress 1956, mostly with external organisations.
Congress '57, April 1957 - October 1957 (File) - Box 42 (Sequence 1)
Slim file of copies of correspondence to constituents relating to financial matters for Congresses 1956-1958.
Congress [1947], August 1947 - January 1948; August 1956 (File) - Box 42 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to Congress 1947. Also includes pamphlet NUAUS Delegation to Malaya & Indonesia, 1956.
Congress, February 1958 - December 1958 (File) - Box 42 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, largely relating to financial matters and the decision not to run Congress 1959.
Congress 58, December 1957 - November 1958 (File) - Box 42 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, largely relating to financial matters.
Congress [1961], 1953; October 1960 - January 1961 (File) - Box 42 (Sequence 1)
May have originally been a file relating to Congress 1961, including pamphlet, advertisement, circulars, interim report, notices of cancellation, corresponednce. Also includes news clippings from Congress 1953.
1961 Student Congress, May 1959 - January 1961 (File) - Box 42 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, circulars, progress reports. Correspondence subjects include publicity, planning, cancellation of Congress 1961. Also includes posters advertising the Congress, application forms for the NZUSA Congress 1961.
1962 Congress, June 1961 - January 1962 (File) - Box 42 (Sequence 1)
Includes proposed expenditure for Congress 1962, 23 January 1962; other correspondence relating to Congress 1962.
Congress 1963, February 1958 - February 1963 (File) - Box 42 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, press releases, circulars relating to Congresses 1962. Also includes a 4-page tabloid-format pamphlet advertising Congress 1962.
Subseries 7. Executive meetings, 1947-1964
[Executive Meeting Reports], May 1949 - May 1951 (File) - Box 43 (Sequence 1)
NUAUS Report of the General Secretary to the Executive Meeting, 28 - 31 May 1949; NUAUS Report of the General Secretary to the Executive Meeting, May 1950; Minutes of Executive Meeting, 21-24 May 1951.
Minutes of Executive Meeting, August 1947 (File) - Box 43 (Sequence 1)
Meeting held in Sydney, 28-30 August 1947.
[General Secretary Reports], 1948 - February 1949 (File) - Box 43 (Sequence 1)
Annual Report of the General Secretary, February 1947 - February 1948; Report of the General Secretary to the Thirteenth Annual Council Meeting, January - February 1949; Statement Adopted by the Executive of the NUAUS at its Meeting 28th - 31st May With Regard to organisation of NUAUS Matters by Constituents, [no year].
Annual Report of General Secretary to 14th Annual Council Meeting, February 1950 (File) - Box 43 (Sequence 1)
Meeting held at University of Sydney, 26 January - 4 February 1950.
Executive Meetings 1947 - 1952, April 1947 - October 1952 (File) - Box 43 (Sequence 1)
Includes minutes, agendas (including drafts), reports of the general secretary, circulars, memoranda, correspondence.
June Executive Meeting, June 1953 (File) - Box 43 (Sequence 1)
Held at Melbourne, 1 - 4 June 1953. Includes Text of Resolutions, Report of the Secretariat.
Council + Executive Ratification, April 1953 - November 1954 (File) - Box 43 (Sequence 1)
Includes motions, ratifications, voting numbers. Also includes minutes of constituents relating to motions.
Minutes of Executive Meeting, June 1954 (File) - Box 43 (Sequence 1)
Held in Melbourne, 1 - 4 June 1954.
Council and Executive Meetings 1954, June 1954 (File) - Box 43 (Sequence 1)
Slim file including correspondence, draft agenda, copy of letter to the editor of Togatus objecting to inaccuracies (news clipping attached).
Minutes of the Executive Meeting, May 1955 (File) - Box 43 (Sequence 1)
Held at Melbourne, 27 - 30 May 1955.
Minutes of the Executive Meeting, May 1956 (File) - Box 43 (Sequence 1)
Held at Melbourne, 25 - 27 May 1956.
Minutes of Executive Meeting, August 1956 (File) - Box 43 (Sequence 1)
Held at Union House, University of Melbourne, 24 - 27 August 1956.
Minutes of May/June Executive Meeting, June 1957 (File) - Box 43 (Sequence 1)
Held at Melbourne, 31 May - 3 June 1957. Includes Collected Executive Reports.
Minutes of 1957 August Executive Meeting, August 1957 (File) - Box 43 (Sequence 1)
Held at the Union, University of Sydney, 16 - 18 August 1957.
Minutes of May/June Executive Meeting, June 1958 (File) - Box 43 (Sequence 1)
Held at Melbourne, 31 May - 2 June 1958.
Minutes of May/June Executive Meeting, June 1959 (File) - Box 43 (Sequence 1)
Held in Brisbane, 29 May - 1 June 1959.
Minutes of August Executive Meeting, August 1957 (File) - Box 43 (Sequence 1)
Held in Sydney, 21 - 23 August 1959.
Minutes of May Executive Meeting, May 1960 (File) - Box 43 (Sequence 1)
Held in Sydney, 27 - 30 May 1960.
Minutes of August Executive Meeting, August 1960 (File) - Box 43 (Sequence 1)
Held in Adelaide, 6 - 8 August 1960.
Minutes of June Executive Meeting, June 1961 (File) - Box 43 (Sequence 1)
Held in Melbourne on 3 - 4 June, 1961. Includes compilation of reports missing cover page, 1961.
Executive Meeting 1954, June 1954 (File) - Box 44 (Sequence 1)
Held in Melbourne, 1 - 4 June 1954. Includes reports to the meeting.
Executive Meetings 1955, May 1955 - June 1955 (File) - Box 44 (Sequence 1)
Includes agenda, budget, reports, minuts correspondence, memoranda.
May Exec[utive] Meeting, March 1956 - May 1956 (File) - Box 44 (Sequence 1)
Slim file of correspondence relating to Executive Meeting May 1956.
October Executive Meeting 1956, October 1956 (File) - Box 44 (Sequence 1)
Slim file of correspondence relating to Executive Meeting October 1956.
1956 Council, September 1955 - December 1955 (File) - Box 44 (Sequence 1)
File largely of correspondence relating to planning of Annual Council 1956. Includes Motions referred to 1956 Council by 1955 Council; reports to Guild of Undergraduates, University of Western Australia; Minutes of Meeting of the NUAUS Committee, 22 September 1955.
August Exec[utive] Meeting 1956, July 1956 - August 1956 (File) - Box 44 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, memoranda, draft agenda for Executive Meeting, August 1956.
May Exec[utive] Meeting 1957, May 1957 - July 1957 (File) - Box 44 (Sequence 1)
Includes Report of Local NUAUS Secretary to the UQU [University of Queensland Union] Council Meeting, 12 June 1957; Faculty Bureaux Report, May 1957. Also includes circular regarding ratification of minutes, listing extraordinary resolutions. Also includes sub-file titled "Site & Date", consisting of correspondence relating to organisation of meeting.
May Exec[utive] Meeting, April 1957 - August 1957 (File) - Box 44 (Sequence 1)
Slim file of material relating to May Executive Meeting 1957, including correspondence, memoranda, circulars.
August Exec[utive] Meeting, July 1957 - September 1957 (File) - Box 44 (Sequence 1)
Slim file of material relating to August Executive Meeting 1957, including correspondence, circulars. Includes results of vote to hold the August Executive Meeting 1957, held 18 July 1957.
August Exec[utive] Meeting, July 1958 - November 1958 (File) - Box 44 (Sequence 1)
Very slim file, including six copies of letters relating to August Executive Meeting 1958.
May Ex[ecutive] Meeting, March 1958 - December 1958 (File) - Box 44 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, circulars, memoranda including draft agenda of May Executive Meeting 1958.
May Exec[utive] Meeting, March 1958 - December 1958 (File) - Box 44 (Sequence 1)
Includes May/June Executive Minutes, 12 July 1958. File largely consists of correspondence, memoranda, circulars related to the May/June Executive Meeting 1958.
COSEC & Student 1959, July 1958 - September 1958 (File) - Box 44 (Sequence 1)
Includes Draft Minutes of Executive Meeting, 31 August 1958; Proposals for 1959 Council (with handwritten amendments), 26 August 1958; Program for NUAUS Executive Visit to Sydney, 28 August - 1 September 1958; executive memoranda; circulars; correspondence.
August Exec[utive] Meeting, March 1958 - November 1958 (File) - Box 44 (Sequence 1)
Very slim file, including five letters relating to August Executive Meeting 1958.
May Executive Meeting 1958, February 1958 - December 1958 (File) - Box 44 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, including regarding financials, planning for May Executive Meeting 1958. Also includes Report of the Melbourne NUAUS Secretary on May - June Exec Meeting, 9 June 1958.
May Executive Meeting 1959, February 1959 - November 1959 (File) - Box 44 (Sequence 1)
Includes agenda, correspondence, memoranda, circulars for May Executive Meeting 1959.
May Exec[utive] Meeting [1960], May 1960 - July 1961 (File) - Box 44 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence relating to May Executive Meeting 1960, report on visit of Philippine students.
August Executive Meeting 1959, June 1959 - December 1959 (File) - Box 44 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the organisation of August Executive Meeting 1959, including from the New Zealand University Students' Association [NZUSA]. Also includes Submission to Constituents, 14 August 1959.
[August Executive Meeting 1960], June 1960 - October 1960 (File) - Box 44 (Sequence 1)
Circulars, correspondence, memoranda relating to August Executive Meeting 1960, including agenda, voting results, extraordinary resolutions.
NUAUS Council - Constitutional, February 1961 (File) - Box 44 (Sequence 1)
Includes handwritten draft amendment to second schedule of NUAUS constitution, no date; typescript with handwritten title "Regulations containing desirable amendments"; Report of Drafting Committtee, February 1961; comparison of constitution with suggested amendments, February 1961.
August Council Meeting, 1961, June 1961 - November 1961 (File) - Box 44 (Sequence 1)
Very thick file of mixed material grouped into four sets: Administration - Office; Constitution; Accom[modation], Fares & General; Council Dinner. Material includes draft constitutions, amendments, circulars, correspondence, handwritten notes, invitations and responses.
Special Executive Travel (File) - Box 45 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to travel arrangements, expenses, of Executive members.
[Circulars] 1959 - 61, May 1960 - February 1963 (File) - Box 45 (Sequence 1)
Thick file including circulars, memoranda. Includes Minutes of the Education Plenary of the Annual Councilk, 21 April 1960; list of material sent to the Archivist at Sydney University; material relating to the resignation of Hans Dall as Administrative Secretary of the Coordinating Secretariat of the National Unions of Students.
Executive 1960, July 1958 - October 1960 (File) - Box 45 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars relating to the Council meeting of August 1958, which was informal and unofficial. This includes correspondence with General Secretary Valerie Cunningham in 1960 clarifying the situation.
The Rumble, July 1959 - September 1959 (File) - Box 45 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and papers connected with and prior to Melbourne's disaffiliation - 1960. Includes submission Faculty Bureaux and NUAUS.
Executive Meetings, May 1960 - May 1961 (File) - Box 45 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars relating to June and August Executive Meetings, 1960-1961.
Extraordinary Resolutions, April 1960 - March 1961 (File) - Box 45 (Sequence 1)
Circulars and some correspondence relating to extraordinary resolutions, voting results, ratifications.
Executive, January 1961 - February 1961 (File) - Box 45 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, qualifcations of Graeme Evans.
[National Youth Council of Australia (NYCA)], May 1958 - October 1961 (File) - Box 45 (Sequence 1)
Thick file of correspondence, circulars relating to the National Youth Council of Australia [NYCA], Associated Youth Committee [AYC]. Includes material relating to the development of the constitution, attendance at the First Australian Assembly of Youth (sponsored by the NYCA). Includes material relating to World Assembly of Youth [WAY], including WAY Forum 30, Autumn 1958.
[June 1961 Executive Meeting], March 1961 - August 1961 (File) - Box 45 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, memoranda relating to Executive Meeting, June 1961, including on agenda, resolutions, accomodation and hospitality, motions.
Executive 1961, April 1961 - July 1961 (File) - Box 45 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, memoranda relating to Executive Meeting, June 1961, including on extraordinary resolutions, motions, voting results, accomodation.
[Circulars], November 1960 - May 1961 (File) - Box 45 (Sequence 1)
Includes voting results, filing details.
May Executive Meeting 1961, May 1960 - June 1961 (File) - Box 46 (Sequence 1)
Minutes of May Executive Meeting, held in Sydney 27 - 30 May, 1960. Also includes correspondence, circulars, memoranda relating to May Executive Meeting, 1961, including extraordinary resolutions, voting results, accomodation.
Executive 1961, August 1961 - December 1961 (File) - Box 46 (Sequence 1)
Slim file including Minutes of the August 1961 Council, Working Paper on New Guinea, correspondence, other material.
Executive 1961, June 1961 - October 1961 (File) - Box 46 (Sequence 1)
File of mixed correspondence and other material relating to executive activities, including amending the constitution, Executive Meetings, Council, 25th Anniversary Dinner. Includes Minutes of the Supervision Committee Meeting, 7 October 1961.
Executive 1962, May 1961 - January 1963 (File) - Box 46 (Sequence 1)
Copies of correspondence relating to Annual Council 1963, including regarding reports.
Congress 1962, March 1961 - April 1962 (File) - Box 46 (Sequence 1)
Slim file including circular and copies of correspondence relating to Congress 1962.
August [Council] 1962, May 1962 - October 1962 (File) - Box 46 (Sequence 1)
Includes two sub-folders. Participants and Accomodation includes August Council 1962 agenda, lists of representatives and delegates, returned accomodation surveys and final lists, correspondence, circulars.
Administration includes Statement of 1962 August Council Meeting, 18-20 August 1962. Also includes list of reports, extraordinary resolutions, circulars, correspondence, memoranda.
Exec[utive] Meetings in 1964-65, May 1964 - December 1965 (File) - Box 46 (Sequence 1)
Circulars, correspondence, memoranda, reports, draft financials. Also includes Minutes of the NUAUS Executive 28 May, 9 July 1965; report from Tony Cootes on the Australian Citizenship Convention, 27 January 1965.
Exec[utive] Meetings 65, June 1965 - July 1965 (File) - Box 46 (Sequence 1)
Includes "The State of the Union" Executive circular, 14 June 1965. Also includes two other circulars, one memorandum, relating to Executive Meeting 1965 and financials.
Executive Meetings Notices - Minutes, May 1963 - August 1965 (File) - Box 46 (Sequence 1)
Also includes Draft Resolutions of a Conference of NUAUS Constituents, 3-5 June 1965; correspondence, circulars relating to meetings minuted.
Executive Meetings - J.S. Ridley, March 1967 - September 1967 (File) - Box 46 (Sequence 1)
Includes Minutes of Executive Meeting, 13-15 May, 8-9 July 1967. Also includes statements of income and expenditure, "Immigration and the White Australia Policy" forum report, memoranda, agenda. Also includes travel information sheet on Tour of China.
X10 [Executive correspondence], June 1961 - January 1962 (File) - Box 47 (Sequence 1)
Handwritten letter from 'Bob' to 'Bob' regarding motions, 9 July 1961, marked X 10/1. Also includes three typescript letters to the president's office from Graeme Evans, also marked X 10/1; copies of three letters from Graeme Evans marked X 10/8.
Subseries 8. Supervisory committee and other organisational committee of NUAUS
Presidents' Meeting and Round Table, June 1960 - December 1960 (File) - Box 47 (Sequence 1)
Material relating to 10-11 December 1960 Second Presidents' Conference (also called Roundtable). Subjects include National Union reorganisation, proposed constitution. Includes Minutes, correspondence, circulars. Also includes Proceedings of Presidents' Conference, June 1960.
Supervision Committee, April 1962 - January 1963 (File) - Box 47 (Sequence 1)
Includes Minutes of Meetings 28-29 April 1962, 19-20 January 1963; NUAUS Balance Sheet at 31 December 1962; Report on Zengakuren for Council Meeting 1962; circulars, memoranda, extraordinary resolutions, correspondence. Some material is handwritten.
SupCom [Supervision Committee] Meeting (April) 1967, March 1967 - May 1967 (File) - Box 47 (Sequence 1)
Includes reports, financials, circulars, other material relating to the Supervision Committee Meeting of the International Student Conference [ISC], 21-24 April 1967. Includes Report on the Disclosures of UNSA and the Subsquent Charges against the International Student Conference; Minutes of the Meeting of the Supervision Committee, 27-28 August 1966. Includes handwritten report on the NUS Debate on ISC.
Subseries 9. Sport and games
[Inter-Varsity Chess Tournament], June 1960 - November 1961 (File) - Box 47 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars relating to Inter-Varsity Chess Tournaments, including international regulations, discussions of venue. Includes a pamphlet for the VIIIth World Student Team Chess Championship, 17-31 July 1961 in Helsinki, Finland.
Chess, February 1964 - July 1965 (File) - Box 47 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, reports, financial statements, information bulletins, excerpts from the NUAUS constitution relating to Inter-Varsity Chess Tournaments.
Billiard + Snooker, April 1963 - May 1963 (File) - Box 47 (Sequence 1)
Letter from Sydney Local Secretary Robert McDonald to Administrative Secretary Joan L Sawyers regarding appointing a General Secretary for Inter-Varsity Billiards and Snooker, 22 April 1963; copy of her reply, 22 May 1963.
Sport, September 1954 - October 1955 (File) - Box 47 (Sequence 1)
Slim file with correspondence with the Australian Universities' Sports Association, memo, report on Inter-Varsity travel fund.
Australian Universities' Sports Assoc[iation], December 1958 - March 1959 (File) - Box 47 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with Australian Universities' Sports Association.
Olympic Games, May 1955 - September 1955 (File) - Box 47 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, largely relating to accomodation for the Congress held in November 1956 to coincide with the Melbourne Olympic Games. Includes some pamphlets from camps, blank application forms, information sheets & application forms for XVI Olympiad accomodation.
Subseries 10. National Youth Council of Australia
A Record of Second Council Meeting, The National Youth Council of Australia, April 1961 (File) - Box 47 (Sequence 1)
Held at Mayer Chalet, Warburton, Victoria, 15-16 April 1961.
A Record of Third Council Meeting, The National Youth Council of Australia, October 1961 (File) - Box 47 (Sequence 1)
Held at 'Gilbulla', Menangle, New South Wales, 20-22 October 1961.
NYCA 1961 1st Aust[ralian] Assembly of Youth, July 1961 - January 1962 (File) - Box 47 (Sequence 1)
Conference booklet, circulars, information sheets, other material relating to the First Australian Assembly of Youth, 13-19 January 1962. Sponsored by the National Youth Council of Australia [NYCA].
National Youth Council of Australia [NYCA] 1962, May 1963 - September 1963 (File) - Box 47 (Sequence 1)
File on immigration policy for the NYCA Council, 6-8 September 1963. Includes Report on th Australian Immigration Policy, Melbourne Junior Chamber of Commerce, 1962; The Case for our Immigration Policy, DR Downer, 4 December 1959; Digest, Australian Citizenship Convention, 1963; various smaller reports; handwritten notes.
NYCA Council Meeting Reports - Publications - Constitution - Incorporation, August 1961 - January 1963 (File) - Box 47 (Sequence 1)
Includes records of Third Council Meeting, 20-22 October 1961; Fourth Council Meeting, 16-18 March 1962; Fifth Council Meeting, 19-21 October 1962; Executive Committee Meeting Minutes; resolutions; votes; Executive Newsletters; circulars; reports.
ISC [International Student Conference]: Supervision Committee 1962/1963/1964, April 1962 - July 1964 (File) - Box 47 (Sequence 1)
Cover marked Robert McDonald/NUAUS/Australia - Confidential. Includes Minutes of the Supervision Committee Meeting; Reports on the Activities of the Coordinating Secretariat, Coordinating Secretariat of National Unions of Students [COSEC]; memoranda; corresponednce.
NYCA [National Youth Council of Australia] 1964, March 1963 - December 1966 (File) - Box 48 (Sequence 1)
Mixed papers relating to the National Youth Council of Australia [NYCA], including minutes, newsletters, reports, A Directory of Youth Organisations, circulars, correspondence. Includes A Record of Third Annual Meeting and Sixth Council Meeting, 22-25 March 1963; 1965/66 Annual Report, Australian Institute of International Affairs, Victoria Branch.
NYCA [National Youth Council of Australia] Other Matters, January 1962 - July 1963 (File) - Box 48 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, circulars. Subjects include constititional amendments, conference administration, visiting delegates, motions & resolutions, press releases. Also includes resumes of nominated student consultants to World Assembly of Youth [WAY].
NYCA [National Youth Council of Australia] Conference 1963, March 1963 - December 1963 (File) - Box 48 (Sequence 1)
Slim file with correspondence, circulars, newsletters relating to the 3rd Annual Meeting and 6th Council Meeting of the National Youth Council of Australia [NYCA], 22-25 March 1963.
National Youth Council of Australia - Jen Marshall delegate folder, March 1963 (File) - Box 48 (Sequence 1)
Includes proposed resolutions, handwritten notes.
A Record of Seventh Council Meeting, The National Youth Council of Australia, September 1963 (File) - Box 48 (Sequence 1)
Held at the Brighton Savoy Hotel, Melbourne, Victoria, 6-8 September 1963.
A Record of the 2nd Biennial and 8th Council Meeting, The National Youth Council of Australia, March 1964 (File) - Box 48 (Sequence 1)
Held at the National Methodist Memorial Fellowship Centre, Canberra, ACT, 20-22 March 1964.
A Record of the 5th Annual & Tenth Council Meeting, The National Youth Council of Australia, March 1965 (File) - Box 48 (Sequence 1)
Held at the Brighton Savoy Hotel, Melbourne, Victoria, 26-28 March 1965.
[Youth and Student Seminar on International Affairs], October 1965 - June 1966 (File) - Box 48 (Sequence 1)
Mixed material relating to the Youth and Student Seminar on International Affairs held by the National Youth Council of Australia at the Australian National University, 26-29 May 1966. Includes final report, timetable, correspondence, other reports, pamphlets, information sheets, circulars, transcripts of speeches, John Ridley's participant's folder.
JS Ridley's Delegate's Folder for the 11th National Youth Council of Australia [NYCA] Council Meeting, September 1964 - November 1967 (File) - Box 48 (Sequence 1)
Meeting held 18-20 March 1966. A massive folder, including minutes, reports, newsletters, circulars, correspondence. Includes Memorandum and Articles of Association of the National Youth Council of Australia; Record of the 12th Council Meeting, 3-5 March 1967; comparisons of Income and Expenditure with Budget for 1965-66 with Budgets for 1966/1967.
A Record of the First Annual Council Meeting, The National Youth Council of Australia, September 1960 (File) - Box 49 (Sequence 1)
Held at Canberra, ACT, 24-25 September 1960.
Draft Memorandum and Articles of Association of The National Youth Council of Australia, 1964 (File) - Box 49 (Sequence 1)
Held at Canberra, ACT, 24-25 September 1960.
"Prejudice Explored" booklet, Second Australian Assembly of Youth, January 1964 (File) - Box 49 (Sequence 1)
Sponsored by The National Youth Council of Australia.
Subseries 11. Australian Universities Commission, 1945, 1962
Uni[versities] Commission 47-49, September 1946 - August 1949 (File) - Box 49 (Sequence 1)
Includes draft Minutes of Conference between Universities' Commission and NUAUS, 24-26 September 1946; submissions, correspondence, reports including from related organisations, including Victorian Council of Reconstruction Trainees, Ex-Services' Association.
Universities Commission, October 1945 - August 1952 (File) - Box 49 (Sequence 1)
Thick file, mostly consisting of correspondence from Universities Commission and Office of Education, including responses to NUAUS submissions, conferences, Commonwealth Scholarship Scheme. Also includes Minutes of Seventh Annual Conference, 22-23 August 1950; Tenth Annual Conference 26-28 August 1953; mixed other reports.
Universities Commission Conference, August 1945 - 1959 (File) - Box 49 (Sequence 1)
Listed on file cover: Education Submission to Universities Commission - 1945; Minutes of Meeting with AVC August 1953; Submission - 1957; Sydney SRC Submission 1959; UQU Submission 1959.
Also includes Statements and Recommendations of The Council of the NUAUS, 15 December 1944 Minutes of Conferences between NUAUS and Universities Commission, 20 August 1945; 24-26 September 1946; 22-23 August 1950; handwritten drat report of Conference, 20-22 August 1945 to UQU; circulars; comments.
Reports to Union Council by Delegate to Universities Comsn. Conference, August 1952 (File) - Box 49 (Sequence 1)
Union in title is University of Queensland Union [UQU].
Universities Commission, August 1953 (File) - Box 49 (Sequence 1)
Includes NUAUS draft Submission to the Universities' Commission, August 1953, including handwritten amendments. Also includes handwritten notes, black and white portrait photograph.
Commonwealth Office of Education, June 1953 - November 1953 (File) - Box 49 (Sequence 1)
Includes draft Minutes of Conference between NUAUS and the Universities' Commission, 26-28 August 1953; statement on the cost of living, 1954; correspondence, reports with Australian Vice-Chancellors' Committee, Australian National Advisory Committee for UNESCO, Universities Commission, Commonwealth Office of Education; memoranda; information sheets; Commonwealth Scholarship cases.
Commonwealth Office of Education / Universities Commission / Vice Chancellors' Committee, April 1954 - December 1954 (File) - Box 49 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, press releases, circulars.
[Teachers bonds, student's facilities], December 1958 - September 1959 (File) - Box 49 (Sequence 1)
Documents relating to teacher training, including the use of teacher bonds, student's facilities. Includes 'Appendix I', possibly part of a submission to the Australian Universities' Commission, undated; Appendix II to Submission to the Australian Universities' Commission, September 1959; letter responding to the Tasmanian State School Teachers' Federation from MG Davey, NUAUS, 3 December 1958.
Report on the Australian Universities Commission on Australian Universities 1958-1963, October 1960 (File) - Box 49 (Sequence 1)
AUC Submissions Information 1959-62, September 1959 - January 1968 (File) - Box 49 (Sequence 1)
Includes memoranda, correspondence, circulars relating to the Australian Universities Commission [AUC]. Includes Submission to the Commonwealth Committee of Enquiry into Australian Universities, June 1957; Newcastle University College Students' Association Submission to the Australian Universities' Commission, October 1959.
Subseries 12. Special (infrequent) conferences
Model Security Council, June 1967 - September 1967 (File) - Box 50 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and press release relating to a model United Nations Security Council on the "Two China question", held 22 August 1967.
Aust[ralian] Citizenship Convention, 1963 - 1966 (File) - Box 50 (Sequence 1)
Conference booklets from the Australian Citizenship Convention, 1963, 1965-1966; Information Bulletins from the 1965, 1966 conventions. Also includes press releases, some correspondence, Eighth Annual Report, The Naitonal Capital Development Commission, 1965.
National TV Congress, March 1965 (File) - Box 50 (Sequence 1)
Ephemera, including pamphlets, conference booket, registration forms from National Television Congress, March 1965.
Trade Union Youth Week, September 1966 - November 1966 (File) - Box 50 (Sequence 1)
Ephemera, including conference booket, pamphlets for Australian Council of Trade Unions [ACTU] Trade Union Youth Week, 12-18 September 1966. Includes newspaper clipping, November 1966, letter from HB Turner (MP for Bradfield), 23 November 1966.
Australian Student Labor Federation 1951-52, April 1951; August 1952 (File) - Box 50 (Sequence 1)
Very slim file. Includes Australian Student Labor Federation [ASLF] Newsletter No. 6, 1952 including resolutions of National Council held 21-23 August 1952; letter to NUAUS General Secretary Valerie Wadsworth from ASLF National Secretary Arthur Pike, 1 April 1951.
Federation of Australian Technical College Students [FATCS], February 1947 (File) - Box 50 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, financial statements, preparatory committee resolutions, reports, draft constitutions relating to the founding and early period of Federation of Australian Technical College Students [FATCS]. Includes Constitution and Regulations booklet, 23 April 1949.
Subseries 13. Technical students group
[Technical Schools], 1964 (File) - Box 50 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, information sheets, prospectuses relating to techical colleges and the students' representative councils thereof. Includes Gordon Institute of Technology, Sale Technical School, Preston Technical College, Caulfield Technical College, Bendigo Technical College, Echuca Technical College, Wangaratta Technical School. Includes Constitution for the SRC, Bendigo Technical College; SRC, Gordon Institute of Technology; Gordonian, 1964.
RMIT '65-'64, August 1963 - November 1965 (File) - Box 50 (Sequence 1)
Material relating to associate membership of Students' Representative Council, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology [SRC RMIT] with NUAUS. Includes Report of the Retiring 21st SRC, 5 October 1965; Minutes of SRC RMIT Meeting, 4 April 1964; correspondence, circulars, news clippings.
Subseries 14. Teachers colleges
Teachers' College Constitution, July 1966 - May 1967 (File) - Box 50 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, minutes relating to the founding and early period of Australian Student Teachers' Union [ASTU]. (early name Australian Student Teachers' Association). Includes Minutes of the Inaugural Meeting of Australian Student Teachers' Association, 16-20 May 1967; ASTU Conference, 6-9 December 1966; draft constitution with handwritten amendments, undated; Adelaide University Students' Representative Council Constitution, 14 July 1966.
Other Material, June 1962 - February 1965 (File) - Box 50 (Sequence 1)
Research file of mixed material from or relating to Student Representative Council [SRC] and similar organisations at various education facilities. Includes circular letter from Education Vice-President Peter Sellers requesting information from student unions for a NUAUS executive report on the 'possibility of an Australian Union of Students... an expanded and widened form of NUAUS'.
Series 3. International
Subseries 1. Asian students in Australia, 1946 - 1961
Arcus Report, 31 October 1946 (File) - Box 51 (Sequence 1)
Report of AL Arcus as the representative of NUAUS to the International Union of Students [IUS] Congress, August 1946. Report dated 31 October 1946.
[Annual Council agendas, circulars], January 1956 - November 1959 (File) - Box 51 (Sequence 1)
Agendas for the Annual Council Meetings, 1956, 1959, 1959. Also includes circular to constituents and executive reporting on the international student delegation to India, Pakistan, Nepal, Afghanistan and Iran, 13 August 1959.
Part-Time Students' Society, University of Melbourne, 1961 (File) - Box 51 (Sequence 1)
A slim file of correspondence for the Part-Time Students' Society at the University of Melbourne, mostly ephemera and mailings, including the Melbourne University Orientation 1961 booklet. Also includes The Seed of Freedom: Australia and the Colombo Plan, Department of External Affairs; The Colombo Plan Story: 10 Years of Progress 1951 - 1961, Colombo Plan Bureau, Colombo.
Asians in Australia (General), March 1956 - August 1956 (File) - Box 51 (Sequence 1)
Slim file of correspondence on the subject of Asian students in Australia, including a case of six students excluded from study. Also includes report, memorandum, news clipping.
Asians in Australia, March 1957 - December 1957 (File) - Box 51 (Sequence 1)
Slim file of correspondence relating to Asian Week, Asiana, Festival of Asia Council. Includes draft Articles of Association for the Australian-Indonesian Association of Victoria; some of the correspondence is addressed to Mr Oedojo of this Association.
Asian Students in Australia, May 1957 - December 1957 (File) - Box 51 (Sequence 1)
Two copies of correspondence. One to Overseas Students' Service CS DeV Kidson from General Secretary Roger Hatton regarding funding for the Festival of Asia Council, 1 December 1957; the other to Dr Chev Kidson from International Vice-President Malcolm Hills, forwarding a cheque.
Subseries 2. Asiana, 1955 - 1958
Asian Students in Australia (ASIANA), December 1955 - September 1956 (File) - Box 51 (Sequence 1)
Consists of three slim sub-folders: Asians in Australia (Clubs), (Accomodation), (English Lectures). Includes largely correspondence. Also includes constition and rules for the Australian-Asian Association of New South Wales.
Subseries 3. Asia Week, 1956, 1958
Subseries 4. C.O.N.D.A. (Asian students forum), 1956 - 1961
CONDA, December 1956 (File) - Box 51 (Sequence 1)
Report on the 3rd Asian Students Forum held at Manila, 26-31 December 1956.
CONDA, April 1957 - December 1957 (File) - Box 51 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to CONDA and appointing delegates.
CONDA, April 1958 - December 1958 (File) - Box 51 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to CONDA and appointing delegates.
CONDA, April 1958 - December 1958 (File) - Box 51 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, memoranda relating to CONDA and appointing delegates.
CONDA, September 1958 - December 1959 (File) - Box 51 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, memoranda relating to CONDA.
[Asian Students' Forum], December 1957 - January 1960 (File) - Box 51 (Sequence 1)
Mixed papers relating to the Asian Students' Forum (CONDA). Includes letter from Artemio V Panganiban, Jr National Union of Students of the Philippines, 30 May 1959; Report on Fourth Asian Students' Forum, 1957; schedule, 1959; circulars.
Asian Forum 1959/60, March 1960 - May 1961 (File) - Box 51 (Sequence 1)
Includes 1959 Asain Forum booklet, correspondence, receipts of delivery, draft.
Subseries 5. White Australia Policy, 1955 - 1966
White Australia, May 1955 - October 1956 (File) - Box 51 (Sequence 1)
Includes Report on Action Taken by the NUAUS International Vice-President Mr James B Thomas on the question of The White Australia Policy (January 1956 October 1956). Also includes article on Queensland attitudes, news clippings, relating to the White Australia Policy.
White Australia Policy, July 1955 - October 1956 (File) - Box 51 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, memoranda regarding NUAUS policy regarding the White Australia Policy.
Immigration Policy, May 1960 - July 1962 (File) - Box 51 (Sequence 1)
Includes a handwritten report on Australian immigration policy, correspondence regarding immigration research. Also includes the New South Wales Association for Immigration Reform Constitution, 21 July 1962; Australian Immigration: Quarterly Statistical Bulletin, Commonwealth Department of Immigration, January 1960.
White Aus[tralia] Policy, 06 May; 14 August 1958 (File) - Box 51 (Sequence 1)
Copies of two letters; one to President Students Representative Council, University of Melbourne from NUAUS International Vice President JF Williams, 14 August 1958; the other to D Lawrence, IVP, Faculty Bureaux Director Barry Graves, 6 May 1958.
White Australia Policy, February 1957 - August 1957 (File) - Box 51 (Sequence 1)
Memoranda, information circulars on immigration policy, questionnaire for "non-European" students. Includes a partial copy of the questionnaire.
White Australia, September 1957 - October 1958 (File) - Box 51 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence regarding opinion polling on the White Australia Policy. Includes Report of a Referendum held by the Melbourne University Students' Representative Council, 24-26 June 1958; Current Affairs Bulletin: White Australia - Origins, Vol. 20 No. 11, 23 September 1957.
Immigration, February 1959 - September 1959 (File) - Box 51 (Sequence 1)
Includes Report on the White Australia Debate at the National Union Council, 1959 from University of Queensland Union; An Open Letter to the Australian Public, Walter AM Scott. Also includes correspondence seeking letters on the subject of the Colombo Plan.
White Aust[ralia] Policy, n.d. (File) - Box 51 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, memoranda, circulars, reports, extraordinary resolutions on the Subject of the White Australia Policy, including on a referendum and a Gallup Poll on the subject. Also includes Report on Action Taken by the NUAUS International Vice-President Mr James B Thomas on the question of The White Australia Policy, October 1956.
Report on the Australian Immigration Policy, Melbourne Junior Chamber of Commerce, 1962 (File) - Box 51 (Sequence 1)
Report on the Australian Immigration Policy, Australian Junior Chamber of Commerce, 1962 (File) - Box 51 (Sequence 1)
White Australia Policy 1963, May 1961 - June 1963 (File) - Box 51 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, memoranda, press releases relating to Australian immigration policies. Includes material relating to a nationwide NUAUS survey of student opinions, including a copy of the survey questionnaire, introductory paper, instructions.
White Aust[ralia] Policy, October 1956 - May 1966 (File) - Box 51 (Sequence 1)
Material relating to Restrictive Immigration Policy, including report to August Council on survey results, script for Student Action film "White Australia Policy", press releases, news clippings, government statements, articles. Also includes page of Student Action Songs, slogans, composed 1961. Front of folder reads J Sawyer RIP.
[Opposition to White Australia Policy], November 1961 - September 1965 (File) - Box 51 (Sequence 1)
Mixed material relating to opposition to the White Australia policy, including correspondence, articles, memoranda, protest posters. Includes two black-and-white Peter Samuel photographs of a Student Action demonstration at Kew City Hall, 15 November 1961. Also includes a summary of Student Action in Australia activities, September 1965.
Press Clippings - White Australia, January 1956 - June 1964 (File) - Box 51 (Sequence 1)
Includes circulars, extraordinary resolutions, some correspondence, press releases only some news clippings.
Immigration, July 1964; March, May 1966 (File) - Box 51 (Sequence 1)
Slim file. Contains copy of letter to NUAUS President J Ridley from Hubert Opperman, 10 March 1966; Current Affairs Bulletin: White Australia - Reform?, Vol. 34 No. 04, 06 July 1964; Australia's Immigration Policy, Minister for Immigration Hubert Opperman, 28 May 1966.
Subseries 6. Incoming delegations, 1954 - 1966
Malayan Delegation to Australia - August 1955, June 1955 - August 1955 (File) - Box 52 (Sequence 1)
Includes reports, circulars, correspondence relating to the Pan Malayan Students' Federation tour, July - August 1955.
[Constitution and By-Laws of the Student Councils' Association of the Philippines (SCAP), 27 April 1958; 17 May 1960 (File) - Box 52 (Sequence 1)
Dated 27 April 1958. Also includes copy of letter to JB Antillon, Phillipines, from NUAUS International Vice President Ian Ernst, 17 May 1960.
Incoming 1954, April 1954 - October 1954 (File) - Box 52 (Sequence 1)
Circulars, press releases and other material relating to a tour by of the Indonesian National Union of Students.
Malaysian Tour, April 1955 - May 1956 (File) - Box 52 (Sequence 1)
Reports, circulars relating both to a Malayan Tour and a NUAUS delegation to Malaysia.
Incoming Delegations, July 1955 - July 1956 (File) - Box 52 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to several touring delegations, including an Indian Women's Hockey Team, delegations from the Phillipines, Indonesia, Germany, Ceylon Union Students' Society.
Indonesia Delegation, March 1957 - October 1957 (File) - Box 52 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, memoranda.
Indonesians, May 1957 (File) - Box 52 (Sequence 1)
Very slim file, including two memoranda and a letter relating to an Indonesian delegation to Australia.
Opportunities Available for Persons from Overseas to Study in Australia report, November 1958 (File) - Box 52 (Sequence 1)
India Pakistan Nepal 1958, October 1957 - July 1960 (File) - Box 52 (Sequence 1)
Circulars, reports, correspondence relating to delegations from or to India, Pakistan, Nepal. Some material relating to delegations from Ceylon (Sri Lanka), Indonesia.
Business Arising - Delegations, June 1958 - December 1958 (File) - Box 52 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence.
Study Tour of Aust[ralia], February 1958 - March 1958 (File) - Box 52 (Sequence 1)
Includes a letter to the Coordinating Secretariat from New Zealand University Students' Association, 25 February 1958 and a copy of the response, 24 March 1958.
Incoming Delegations, April 1958 - December 1958 (File) - Box 52 (Sequence 1)
Slim file of correspondence relating to Indonesian delegations.
Indonesian Tour File 1958, June 1958 - December 1958 (File) - Box 52 (Sequence 1)
Slim file of correspondence (some handwritten) relating to Indonesian delegations.
Indian Delegation 1959, February 1959 - October 1960 (File) - Box 52 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, report relating to Indian Delegation. Some material also relates to NUAUS delegates in Thailand, India.
Indian Tour 1959, September 1959 - October 1959 (File) - Box 52 (Sequence 1)
Slim file of correspondence, circulars relating to Indian Tou, 1959, including list of delegates.
[Report of Tours of Australia by Overseas Student Delegations], August 1960 (File) - Box 52 (Sequence 1)
Report by H Reeves to August Council, 29 August 1960.
[Japanese Report], April 1959 (File) - Box 52 (Sequence 1)
Single copy of a letter to Howard Nathan, SRC Office, University of Tasmania from BJ Moylan, on the subject of 'the Japanese Report', 02 April 1959.
Incoming Deleg[ations], January 1959 - February 1959 (File) - Box 52 (Sequence 1)
Very slim file, including two copies of letters relating to the Indonesian Student Delegation, both February 1959; handwritten note on the composition of the delegation, dated '29th Jan[uary 1959].
Indian Delegation 1959, May 1959 - October 1960 (File) - Box 52 (Sequence 1)
Includes list of local tour directors and other relevant NUAUS officials; reports on Indian Tour, May 1960, correspondence, Indian contacts.
India - Funds, August 1959 (File) - Box 52 (Sequence 1)
Slim file including correspondence regarding funding, including concessions, for the Indian Tour, May 1960.
India - Arrangement, July 1958 - May 1960 (File) - Box 52 (Sequence 1)
Very slim file of material relating to Indian Tour, May 1960. Includes a press release, list of NUAUS officials linked to the tour, circular, correspondence.
Indonesian Tour of Australia 1959, June 1958 - December 1960 (File) - Box 52 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, itinerary, lists of receipts, reports of the Indonesian Student Delegation Tour of Australia, Indonesian Exchange Scheme. Includes pages from Pelican, Vol. XXIX No.12, 5 August 1960 which include short biographies of the Indonesian delegates and photographs.
Indonesian Student Visit 1959, June 1958 - December 1959 (File) - Box 52 (Sequence 1)
Thick file of material relating to Indonesian student visits, including handwritten draft reports, correspondence, circulars, financial reports, itineraries. Includes list of delegates, April 1959.
A Site for the Tenth ISC RJ Wallace and AW Evans, 1960 (File) - Box 53 (Sequence 1)
A Submission to NUAUS Exec[utive] and Constituents, University of New South Wales Students' Union.
Bulletin No. 4, International Festival Investigation Committee, June 1959 (File) - Box 53 (Sequence 1)
[Scottish Union of Students], May 1958 - August 1960 (File) - Box 53 (Sequence 1)
Circulars, correspondence with the Scottish Union of Students.
Indonesian Visit, March 1959 - July 1959 (File) - Box 53 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, lists of delegates, itinerary, financials. Includes Pelican Vol. XXVIII, Part II, 26 March 1959.
Indonesian Delegation 1959, July 1958 - May 1959 (File) - Box 53 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, lists of delegates, itinerary, reports, news clippings. Includes correspondence with news and television organisations.
Department of External Affairs, January 1959 - December 1960 (File) - Box 53 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars authored by International Vice President Ian Ernst regarding a visit by American students. Several letters are marked 'personal'. Also includes correspondence with and statements from the Department of External Affars regarding the Australian policy towards 'Dutch New Guinea' (now West Papua).
Chinese Visit to Aust[ralia], March 1958 - November 1960 (File) - Box 53 (Sequence 1)
Slim file including correspondence with the All China Students Foundation. Also includes Information Bulletin, Vol II No. 16, 20 October 1959; Evergreen, No. 3, 1958; China Youth, No. 9, 7 March 1958.
Scholarships offered by Aust[ralia] to Asia (Colombo Plan), May 1959 - July 1960 (File) - Box 53 (Sequence 1)
Slim file including circular I.31 'Colombo Plan Scholarships', 4 November 1959; copy of letter to Colombo Plan Liaison Offer MF Berman from President M Davey offering feedback on an information booklet; two other memoranda.
Indian Tour of Aust[ralia] 1960, October 1959 - November 1960 (File) - Box 53 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, financials, information pamphlet. Includes Report of the Indian University Students Delegation Visit to Perth During May 1960, November 1960. Some correspondence relating to Osterreichische Hochschulerschaft (Austrian Students' Association) and Intesta Universitaria (Italy).
Indian Delegation to Aust[ralia] '60, May 1959 - November 1959 (File) - Box 53 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, press release, mailing list. Includes fundraising circular, circular advertising tour director position.
India Delegation 1960, February 1960 - June 1960 (File) - Box 53 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars relating to the Indian Tour 1960, including some relating to fundraising, briefing notes on the delegates, itineraries.
1959-6 Indian Tour Correspondence, October 1959 - November 1959 (File) - Box 53 (Sequence 1)
Correspondnce relating to fundraising, mostly from Indian Student Visit Fund Director Mary Tait; Tour Director Hugh Reeves.
1960 - Incoming Delegations Fund, September 1959 - April 1961 (File) - Box 53 (Sequence 1)
Fund reports, correspondence, circulars, memoranda
Russia to Aust[ralia] 1961, April 1961 - September 1961 (File) - Box 53 (Sequence 1)
Report on Russian Delegation, July 1961, correspondence, circulars, information sheets, press release. Includes discussion on controversy between the Australian National University Students' Representative Council and the NUAUS. Also includes some material relating to NUAUS tours of Russia, February 1962.
Russia to Aust[ralia] 1962, August 1958 - April 1961 (File) - Box 53 (Sequence 1)
File includes correspondence, circulars, memoranda relating to Russian student tour. Also includes material relating to other tours, including Nanyang University, India; Malay/Singapore; China. Also includes paper 'Tours of Australia by Overseas Student Delegations', High Reeves, University of Adelaide (no date); report on Lok-Milap scheme, 6 August 1958.
Malay, Singapore, June 1960 - June 1962 (File) - Box 53 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, itineraries, news clippings, lists of delegates. Also includes four black-and-white passport-sized photographs of Malaya-Singapore delegates Hakam Ali, Chong Foong Hin, Rommel Josef, Ajit Singh.
Department of External Affairs, April 1961 - January 1967 (File) - Box 53 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with the Department, background briefs, information sheets, newsletters. Includes World Federation of Democratic Youth newesletters, May - August 1964; China Topics brief, 18 June 1965; Department of External Affairs pamphlets Viet-Nam, Australia and Asia, June 1967; Australia's Aid to Developing Countries to 30 June 1966, October 1966; Programme for the visit of Me Lee Kuan Yew, Prime Minister of Singapore, 15 March - 2 April 1965, 19 March 1965.
Incoming Visits, June 1966 (File) - Box 53 (Sequence 1)
Very slim file with copy of letter from Administrative Secretary H Martinot requesting accomodation accounts be submitted, 21 June 1966; Circular P 44/66/131 'Uniuted States National Student Association Student Leader Delegation', 17 June 1966; circular on Indian and Japanese student visits, inculding itinerary for the former, 15 June 1966.
Delegation 1966, June 1966 - October 1966 (File) - Box 53 (Sequence 1)
Report of the United States National Student Association [USNSA] delegation visti, 30 July - 16 August 1966; correspondence, delegate biographical summaries; itineraries; circulars.
Subseries 7. Outgoing delegations, 1955 - 1967
[Delegation to China], July 1956 - November 1956 (File) - Box 54 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, extraordinary resolutions, circulars regarding a proposed delegation to china, resolution to send a delegation (including opposition), selection of delegates.
1956 China Tour, October 1956 - November 1956 (File) - Box 54 (Sequence 1)
Includes 'Report to the Council of the Australian National University on the Visit to China of the Australian Cultural Delegation', CP FitzGerald and PH Partridge, no date; Meeting of the NUAUS Executive Selection Committee to Select the Delegation to Visit China in 1957; circulars, including delegate lists, correspondence, news clippings.
Australian Delegation to Malaya 1955, October 1955 - April 1956 (File) - Box 54 (Sequence 1)
Administrative correspondence, circulars, news clippings relating to the NUAUS Delegation to Malaya, February 1956. Includes applications for the delegation group.
Indonesia Delegation, June 1956 - October 1956 (File) - Box 54 (Sequence 1)
Slim file with correspondence; memoranda relating to a NUAUS tour of Indonesia.
Overseas Delegations, June 1956 - August 1956 (File) - Box 54 (Sequence 1)
Slim file including applications for China delegation from Western Australia; correspondence; memoranda relating to other NUAUS delegations, including South Africa, Malaya, Indonesia.
Report on Lok Milap Tour of India under the Auspices of NUAUS, AMT Gibson, c.1956 (File) - Box 54 (Sequence 1)
Trip took place in January 1956.
Report of the NUAUS Delegation to Malaya and Indonesia, March 1956 (File) - Box 54 (Sequence 1)
February - March 1956.
Report on Indonesia by NUAUS Delegation, February 1957 (File) - Box 54 (Sequence 1)
December 1956 - February 1957.
Report on Indonesia, NUAUS Delegation, February 1957 (File) - Box 54 (Sequence 1)
December 1956 - February 1957.
Report on South Africa, Pam Williams, Australian Delegate, March 1957 (File) - Box 54 (Sequence 1)
January - March 1957.
China Delegation, October 1956 - January 1957 (File) - Box 54 (Sequence 1)
Very slim file with a telegram to David Teplitzky likely from Honorary Secretary Treasurer John Martin, January 1957; copies of two letters to John Martin from Travel Directo Roger Hatton, July, October 1957; executive memorandum, 15 October 1956.
Business Arising Out of Malayan Tour, April 1955 - October 1956 (File) - Box 54 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, memoranda relating to the NUAUS delegation to Malaya, including relating to the subsequent report. Includes a copy of an article on the tour in Semper Floreat, 2 March 1956.
Pam William's report on S[outh] Africa, April 1958 - September 1959 (File) - Box 54 (Sequence 1)
Folder includes correspondence relating to South Africa - black & white, Pam Williams, including relating to orders. A copy of the report is also included.
South Africa Delegates, May 1956 - January 1957 (File) - Box 54 (Sequence 1)
Slim file, including a circular relating to the South Africa tour, May 1956; undated letter to Secretary Neil Houston, Guild of Undergraduates, Universty of Western Australia from International Vice President James B Thomas; telegrams and handwritten notes relating to Pam Williams's travel to South Africa.
Overseas Delegations, May 1957 - December 1957 (File) - Box 54 (Sequence 1)
Very slim file with four items of correspondence and one circular. Material relates to Indonesian and Indian delegations.
South Africa Delegate, January 1957 - July 1957 (File) - Box 54 (Sequence 1)
Slim file of correspondence relating to Pam Williams as delegate to South Africa. Also includes two applications for membership in International Student Delegation to South America 1957 and a small amount of related correspondence.
China Delegation, February 1957 - July 1957 (File) - Box 54 (Sequence 1)
Slim file of correspondence relating to a delegation to China, including some financials. Also includes an executive memorandum regading the Report of the China Delegation, 20 March 1957.
Asian Study Team, February 1958 - July 1958 (File) - Box 54 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, memoranda relating to the Asian Study Seminar held at Aloka, Ceylon (Sri Lanka) by the International Student Conference, 28 July - 6 September 1958. Includs a small pamphlet.
Outgoing Delegations, February 1958 - December 1958 (File) - Box 54 (Sequence 1)
Correspodence, circulars, memoranda relating to the India Delegation. Includes some financial information and voting results for delegation members. Some material relates to the Pam Williams report on South Africa.
Business Arising - Malayan Tour, February 1957 - December 1957 (File) - Box 54 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, circulars from various international delegations, including Indonesia, India, Malaysia. Some specifically relate to South Africa Report, Indonesia Report; others are financial matters.
Travel Aids - Asia, January 1957 - November 1958 (File) - Box 54 (Sequence 1)
Very slim file with correspondence relating to Afro-Asian Travel Handbook, International Student Concession Card. Includes a letter to the Consulate for Lebanon requesting travel-related information.
India Delegation, August 1958 - December 1958 (File) - Box 54 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, circulars, financials, voting positions, biographies of delegate nominees relating to the India Delegation, January - February 1959. Also includes a circular for New Zealand students visiting Australia.
[Delegation to USSR], January 1958 - January 1962 (File) - Box 54 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, relating to the Delegation to the USSR, 1962; Coordinating Secretariat of National Unions of Students [COSEC] delegation to Eastern Europe, 1958; Indian Delegation, 1959. Also includes correspondence, circulars relating to Indonesian, South African, and some incoming delegations from Asian countries.
US Visit, May 1958 - November 1958 (File) - Box 54 (Sequence 1)
Very slim file of correspondence relating to a tour by University of Southern California law student Carl Terzain.
President Overseas, October 1956 - December 1958 (File) - Box 54 (Sequence 1)
File relates to the overseas delegation by President Kim Paterson, partly with a delegation of other international students with Coordinating Secretariat of National Unions of Students [COSEC], July - October 1958. Includes correspondence, hand-written notes, forwarding addresses, memoranda.
[India Delegation, South Africa report], June 1958 - December 1959 (File) - Box 54 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, memoranda, extraordinary resolutions relating to the India Delegation, January - February 1959; South Africa - black & white report by Pam Williams, 1958; Japan tour by Frank Ford and Graeme McKimm, including their itinerary.
Asian Delegations 1958, May 1958 - May 1959 (File) - Box 55 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, circulars, information sheets on NUAUS delegation to the 8th International Student Conference, February 1959; Asian Student Seminar, 1958. Includes material relating to student unionism in the Asian region, including on Thai student unions; correspondence with International Student Association [ISA], Japan; blank questionnaires for Asiant Student Press Bureau.
Students in India - 1959, March 1959 - December 1959 (File) - Box 55 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence relating to NUAUS Delegation to India and the printing of the consequent report, Students in India.
India, April 1959 - January 1960 (File) - Box 55 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, circulars, memoranda relating to the tour of Indian students of Australia in 1960. Some correspondence is wth the Indian Council for Cultural Relations.
Indian Delegation 1958-59, May 1959 - January 1962 (File) - Box 55 (Sequence 1)
Includes mixed material relating to outgoing and incoming delegations. The earlier material in the file relates to the NUAUS delegation to India, including biographies of delegate nominees. Other material includes the NUAUS delegation to the USSR, early 1962; delegation from Malaya.
[India and South Africa Delegation Financials], January 1959 - October 1959 (File) - Box 55 (Sequence 1)
Slim file, including a single letter from Honorary Secretary-Treasurer Bernard Moylan acknowledging receipt of funds from PA Williams, 19 January 1959; copies of a letter circulated to the India delegation regarding defraying of expenses, 16 September 1959; copy of a letter from Honorary Secretary-Treasurer Moylan to the University of Adelaide SRC regarding Indian delegation expenses for Adelaide representatives.
[International Vice-President correspondence], November 1953 - August 1957 (File) - Box 55 (Sequence 1)
Mixed correspondence, circulars, memoranda, some organised into groups 'China', 'Indonesia', 'South America', '6th ISC'. Includes Memorandum on "A-Politicism" in NUAUS by International Officer Lindsay Colquhon, November 1953; Report on the 3rd Asian Students Forum, 26-31 December 1956; Report on Indonesia by NUAUS Delegation, December 1956 - February 1957. Also includes day book titled Donors for China Delegation, 1957.
[Incoming and outgoing delegations], February 1958 - September 1962 (File) - Box 55 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, press releases, reports, news clippings relating to NUAUS delegation to USSR; South Africa; Indonesia;also USSR, Indian, Malayan, Japanese delegations to Australia. Includes NUAUS Russian Delegation Report, Tony Staley, 1962. Also includes reports Tours of Australia by Overseas Student Delegations, no date; Report on NUAUS Incoming Delegations Fund, University of Melbourne, January 1961; Students in China, NUAUS Delegation, no date.
Australian Delegation to ISA Japan 1960, May 1960 - December 1960 (File) - Box 55 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, delegate biographies, handwritten notes relating to the NUAUS delegation to the International Students' Association [ISA] conference, July - August 1960. Includes three black-and-white photographs, subject unknown. Also includes an information pamphlet on the ISA in English and Japanese.
Philippines, May 1960 - December 1960 (File) - Box 55 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, information sheets regarding a conference held in Manila, 2-6 January 1961, jointly sponsored by NUAUS and Asian Youth Institute in the Philippines. Includes information on executive of National Union of Students [NUS] of the Philippines, 1958. Also includes A Summary Report of the 2nd NUS National Student Conference, 26-31 December 1958, published by NUS of the Philippines.
To Japan '61, July 1958 - July 1961 (File) - Box 55 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with International Student Association [ISA], Japan, including relating to an NUAUS Delegation for Japan, July 1960. Includes information sheets on the ISA's history and purpose.
Aust[ralia] to Russia 1961-2, July 1961 - May 1962 (File) - Box 55 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, biographies of nominated delegates, relating to NUAUS Delegation to USSR, 1962. Includes a letter from Prime Minister Menzies office to President RJ Wallace that inclusion would not count against delegates from a security viewpoint.
Aust[ralia] to Nigeria 1962, September 1962 - December 1962 (File) - Box 55 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the NUAUS delegation to Nigeria, including regarding selection of delegates. Also includes applications, including from Michael Kirby (delegate leader).
Students in China, 1957 (File) - Box 55 (Sequence 1)
Report of a delegation from the National Union of Australian University Students [NUAUS] to the Peoples' Republic of China.
Students in India, 1959 (File) - Box 55 (Sequence 1)
Report of a delegation from National Union of Australian University Students [NUAUS].
India Reports (File) - Box 55 (Sequence 1)
Report, The Visit of a Delegation of Students from India to Australia in 1960; also includes two pieces of correspondence and a circular.
[Australian Overseas Student Travel Scheme (AOST)], June 1963 - August 1965 (File) - Box 55 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the Australian Overseas Student Travel Scheme [AOST].
Aust[ralia] to China Travel 1967 (File) - Box 55 (Sequence 1)
Itineraries, administrative material, correspondence, circulars relating to Overseas Student Travel Scheme [AOST] travel to China. Some material also relates to AOST schemes to Japan, China, USSR, Malaysia.
Subseries 8. Exchanges and delegation funds, 1956,1958-1965
Lok Milap, 1956 - 1958 (File) - Box 56 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the Lok Milap Scheme. Includes a typed report on the scheme by Jock Henty, an Australian participant in 1956.
Lok Milap, 1956 - 1958 (File) - Box 56 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to the Lok Milap Scheme.
Lok Milap 1957-58, 1956 - 1958 (File) - Box 56 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence relating to the Lok Milap Scheme; various expressions of interest in the scheme and Jock Henty's original typescript and hand written report on the scheme.
Indian Student Visit Fund, 1958 - 1960 (File) - Box 56 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence and notes relating to a trip by nine Indian students to Australia in May 1960. Includes a record of individuals and organisations who made donations to the Visit Fund.
[Australian-Indian Student Travel Scheme], 1960 (File) - Box 56 (Sequence 1)
Notes on the Australian-Indian Travel Scheme; an application to UNESCO for financial aid to initiate and develop the scheme and a report on the Lok Milap tour of India by A M T Gibson.
Indian Student Visit Fund, 1960 - 1961 (File) - Box 56 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with Professor Sir George Paton, Vice-Chancellor, University of Melbourne and Senator John Gorton, Minister for External Affairs regarding the Fund.
Delegations Fund after June 1960, 1960 - 1961 (File) - Box 56 (Sequence 1)
Notes, reports and correspondence relating to the NUAS Incoming Student Delegations Fund.
[Illegible] M Tait to Local Fund Directors, 1960 (File) - Box 56 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between Mary Tait and local Fund Directors.
Indian Student Visit Fund, 1958 - 1961 (File) - Box 56 (Sequence 1)
Mostly notes and correspondence relating to the visit of Indian students to Australia. There are a small number of folios relating to a visit of Indonesian students in 1959.
Indian Student Visit Fund, 1958 - 1961 (File) - Box 56 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence relating to the Indian Student Visit Fund; the NUAUS Incoming Student Delegation Fund and material relating to the Australian Association of Agricultural Facilities. Also includes a copy of $Triticum% 1958.
Indonesian Exchange Scheme, 1960 - 1961 (File) - Box 56 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to the Indonesian Exchange Scheme.
I Ernst, 1960, International Vice President, Proposed Science Exchange Scheme, 1959 - 1961 (File) - Box 56 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence generated by Ian Ernst relating to a proposed Science Exchange Scheme.
Subseries 9. World University Service (W.U.S.), 1948 - 1968
Including World Student Relief (W.S.R.) and International Student Relief (I.S.R.).
WSR [World Student Relief], 1948-51, 1946 - 1956 (File) - Box 57 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence, minutes of meetings, reports and notes relating to the Australian Committee for World Student Relief. Also includes issues 3-6 of Student relief news and a pamphlet titled Out of the ruins of war; students are re-building their life.
International Student Service and World Student Relief, 1948-50, 1941 - 1958 (File) - Box 57 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, notes, reports and resolutions relating to the International Student Service and the Australian Committee for World Student Relief. Includes a copy of European Student Relief Fund news letter, No 9; International Student Service: statutes and appendices, [n.d]; World Student relief news letter, May 1948 and a pamphlet titled International Student Cooperation 1950-1953, [n.d].
ISS [International Student Service ] and WSR [World Student Relief], 1949-51, 1949 - 1951 (File) - Box 57 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and reports relating to the International Student Service and the Australian Committee for World Student Relief. Includes a copy of $ ISS in action%, Vol 2, Nos 6 and 7, July-August 1950.
WSR [World Student Relief] and WUS [World University Service], 1952-1954, 1948 - 1954 (File) - Box 57 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, minutes of meetings and reports relating to the Australian Committee for World Student Relief and World University Service. Includes a copy of Student relief news, No 9, December 1952.
WSR [World Student Relief], 1952, 1951 - 1952 (File) - Box 57 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, minutes of meetings and reports relating to the Australian Committee for World Student Relief.
WUS [World University Service] 1952, 1952 - 1953 (File) - Box 57 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, minutes of meetings and reports relating to the World University Service. Includes the following publications; Program of action, 1952-1953 and WUS in action, Vol 2 , No 7, September 1952 and Vol 3, Nos 1, 3, 4-7, 11, January 1953-September 1953.
International Student Service, 1948 - 1959 (File) - Box 57 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and reports relating to the International Student Service and some miscellaneous reports submitted to NUAS. Includes a copy of NUAS news, issue 1, 21 April 1951 and The Commonwealth Youth Council news sheet, No 3, October 1952.
[World University Service and World Student Relief], 1953, 1952 - 1954 (File) - Box 57 (Sequence 1)
Mostly reports and publications relating to the World University Service. The publications include: World University Service news bulletin, Vol 33, No 3, December 1953: news bulletin issued by the Australian Committee for World Student Relief, April 1954; Farago, Vol 29, Nos 8-9, May 1953; Students unite: the International Union of Students and its work, 1952; Festival, No 3, April 28-May 4, 1953. Also includes some NUAS reports, 1953.
WUS [World University Service], 1954, 1953 - 1954 (File) - Box 57 (Sequence 1)
Large file consisting mostly of minutes of meetings of the Australian Committee for World Student Relief. Includes multiple copies of a roneod letter from the General Secretary of World University Service, Mr Douglas Aitken, to the German National Committee of WUS; a NUAS newsletter, 22 September 1954; a copy of the World University Service news bulletin, Vol 33, No 5, February 1954 and a small poster promoting the World University Service issued by the British Committee of the World University Service [n.d].
World University Service, 1955, 1955 - 1957 (File) - Box 57 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, minutes of meetings and notes relating to the World University Service. Includes a copy of "WUS in action", Vol VII, Nos 4-5, April-May 1957; two UNESCO pamphlets titled "Everyone has the right to education-help to make this right a reality and "What you can do to help: UNESCO gift coupon" and "World University Service: news bulletin from the Australian C'te", Vol 1, Nos 1-3, 1955.
WUS [World University Service], 1957, 1957 (File) - Box 57 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence and memo relating to the World University Service. Also includes an undated letter from M Hills, International Vice-President NUAS, to members of the China Delegation welcoming them back home.
WUS [World University Service], 1958, 1957 - 1958 (File) - Box 57 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and press releases relating to the World University Service. Includes a copy of the World University Service: Annual Report 1957, Year Book 1958; a copy of WUS in action, Vol VIII, No 2, March 1958; a copy of the World University Service newsletter, No 2, 20 June 1958 and a copy of the report of the Australian Committee of World University Service, 1957.
WUS [World University Service], 1958, 1958 (File) - Box 57 (Sequence 1)
Small file containing correspondence relating to the World University Service. Includes a flyer on the World University Service.
WUS [World University Service], 1959-60, 1958 - 1960 (File) - Box 57 (Sequence 1)
Small file containing correspondence relating to the World University Service.
WUS [World University Service], 1959-60, 1959 - 1961 (File) - Box 57 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and notes relating to the World University Service. Includes a summary of papers and delegates handbook from the World University Service Annual Conference titled The ethics of International Aid, 1960; a report on the 1959 conference titled Education for World Citizenship and a flyer on the World University service.
WUS [World University Service], 1959, 1957 - 1959 (File) - Box 57 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and notes relating to the World University Service. Includes a copy of the Annual report of WUS for 1957 and a Report of the Australian Committee of World University Service, 1958.
WUS [World University Service], 1961, 1960 - 1961 (File) - Box 58 (Sequence 1)
Small file containing correspondence relating to the World University Service.
WUS [World University Service], 1961-62, 1961 - 1962 (File) - Box 58 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and notes relating to the World University Service.
World University Service, 1963, 1959 - 1963 (File) - Box 58 (Sequence 1)
Large file containing correspondence, minutes and resolutions of meetings, reports and notes relating to the Australian Committee of the World University Service. Includes a copy of the Constitution of WUS Australia and the following publications: Annual report of the Australian Committee of World University Service 1959; Annual report 1962 of the World University Service; Annual report 1963 of the World University Service; a pamphlet titled World University Service [n.d]; World University Service 1962; annual report of the Australian Committee and WUS in action, December 1963.
Subseries 10. United Nations, 1952 - 1966
Advance Organization for the United Nations, 1961, 1960 - 1961 (File) - Box 58 (Sequence 1)
Small file including correspondence, brochures and a provisional charter for the organisation.
[United Nations publications], 1963-65, 1961 - 1963 (File) - Box 58 (Sequence 1)
Target: an expanding world economy - a United Nations special fund report, New York, United Nations, 1963 and a draft report titled An International Youth Service and a United Nations University: suggestions for the implementation of a United Nations program, prepared by the Department of Studies on the United Nations, University of Michigan, USA, June 1961.
UN [United Nations] conventions, 1952, 1961 (File) - Box 58 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, memorandum and notes on certain United Nations conventions.
CCUN [Collegiate Council for the United Nations, 196[?], 1964 - 1966 (File) - Box 58 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, brochures and reports relating to the Collegiate Council for the United Nations. Includes brochures explaining the work of the Council and its seminar program; reports for the 20th and 21st annual National Student Leadership Institute on the United Nations conferences, held in 1965 and 1966 and sponsored by the CCUN and a report on the fourth annual National Leadership Institite on International Programming: emphasis Africa conference held in 1964 and also sponsored by the CCUN.
UN [United Nations] (File) - Box 58 (Sequence 1)
Large file containing correspondence, memorandum, minutes of meetings and reports mostly relating to the United Nations Association of Australia. The file also contains copies of various UN publications including some produced by the Association of Australia: They are Human rights protect refugees, [n.d]; United Nations reporter: journal of the United Nations Association of Australia, No 1, June 1968 and No 2, August 1968; UNICEF's children: newsletter of the Australian National Committee for UNICEF, No 9, March-April 1968 and No 10, June-July 1968; UNAA newsletter, Vol XI, No 2, April 1968, Vol XI, No 4, June 1968 and Vol XI, No 5, July 1968; Human Rights 1968; international year for human rights issued by the UN Association for Australia and the Australian Committee for Human Rights Year, 196[8]; "International convention on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination" reprinted from UN monthly chronicle, Vol 3, No 1, January 1966; International year for human rights: newsletter, No 4, February 1968; The United Nations and the human person: questions and answers on human rights, United Nations, 1967.
WUS [World University Service], 1964, 1961 - 1963 (File) - Box 58 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, notes and reports relating to the Australian Association of the World University Service. Includes material relating to the National Assembly in Sydney in May 1964. Also includes a copy of "World University Service: annual report of the Australian Committee", 1963.
WUS [World University Service], 1965-66, 1964 - 1966 (File) - Box 58 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, minutes, notes and reports relating to the World University Service in Australia. Includes copies of the following publications; WUS in action, Vol XV, No 1, February 1965; NZ WUS newsletter, June 1965; Annual report 1965 for the World University Service; Programme of action; 1967-68 published by the World University Service. Also included is a leaflet titled "Nasarawa Nwobodo is very important"; a leaflet titled "You?: belong to WUS" issued by the New Zealand Dominion Committee; a badge titled "Bring out an African" pinned to a business card for the World University Service in Australia; a map titled "Program of action 1966" showing countries where WUS have programs and a beer coaster advertising the World University Service.
World Student Unity - Round Table, 1960-1961, 1961 - 1962 (File) - Box 58 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, reports and information material relating to Round Table Conferences as a means of promoting student unity world wide. Includes papers relating to a Round Table on World Student Unity, held in Switzerland, 17-19 August 1960.
Subseries 11. U.N.O. and U.N.E.S.C.O, 1948 - 1967
UNESCO [United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization] 1948, 1948 - 1950 (File) - Box 59 (Sequence 1)
Agenda and papers, reports and resolutions of various UNESCO conferences and programs. Includes copies of the UNESCO National Commissions newsletter, No 1, September 1948 and No 2, November 1948.
UNESCO [United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization] 1953, 1947 - 1953 (File) - Box 59 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, notes and reports relating to UNESCO. Includes papers on the relationship between Australian students and the UN and UNESCO. Also includes copies of the following publications: UNESCO information circular, Nos 1-4, May-November 1948; Vol 3, No 2, December 1952 and Vol 3, No 3, February 1953.
UNESCO [United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization] and miscellaneous, 1954, 1952 - 1954 (File) - Box 59 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence of the Australian National Committee for UNESCO and publications including an article titled "What has UNESCO accomplished?" from Education News, December 1953 and UNESCO information circular, Vol 4, No 2, December 1953. Also includes four flyers from the Orjansgarden (AGNI) International Summer School Committee inviting students to attend summer training schools/work camps in Sweden.
UNO [United Nations Organization] and UNESCO [United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization], 1956, 1956 (File) - Box 59 (Sequence 1)
Small file of miscellaneous correspondence relating to UNESCO activities.
Education for international understanding: a source unit for teachers of Australian children aged 14-15 years, 1957 (File) - Box 59 (Sequence 1)
Published by the Australian National Advisory Committee for UNESCO, 1957.
UNO [United Nations Organization] and UNESCO [United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization], 1957, 1957 (File) - Box 59 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to an International Youth Seminar to be held in Sydney, 2-16 January 1959 and sponsored by the Australian National Advisory Committee for UNESCO.
Sundry documents - UNESCO [United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization], 1958, 1957 - 1958 (File) - Box 59 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, reports and summaries on various UNESCO conferences and seminars. Includes a copy of UNESCO information circular, Vol IX, No 3, June 1958 and lists of UNESCO publications.
UNO [United Nations Organization] and UNESCO [United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization], 1957, 1958 - 1958 (File) - Box 59 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence relating to an International Youth Seminar to be held in Sydney, 2-16 January 1959; meetings of the UNESCO Education Committee and other education matters. Includes a copy of UNESCO information circular, Vol IX, No 3, June 1958.
[United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization], 1958 - 1959 (File) - Box 59 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence, agenda, notes and reports relating to the Australian UNESCO Committee for Drama and Theatre. Includes miscellaneous papers relating to other UNESCO programs such as music and education.
UNESCO [United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization] correspondence, 1959, 1959 - 1964 (File) - Box 59 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence, agenda, circulars, notes and reports relating to the Australian UNESCO Committee for Drama and Theatre and the Committee for Education. Also includes a report titled Youth and the United Nations prepared by the Secretariat of the International Student Movement for the United Nations, 1964
UNESCO [United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization] seminar, 1959, 1959 - 1965 (File) - Box 59 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence and a report of an international youth seminar held at Menangle, near Sydney, New South Wales from 2-16 January 1959.
UNESCO [United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization] drama and theatres, 1964-66, 1964 - 1967 (File) - Box 59 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, agenda and working papers, notes and reports relating to the Australian UNESCO Committee for Drama and Theatre. Includes a pamphlet titled Little theatres in Australia: 8 profiles, published by the British Drama League (Aust[ralia]), 1966.
Subseries 12. I.S.M.U.N. amd U.N.S.A, 1958 - 1968
[International Student Movement for the United Nations], 16th Congress, 1963-64, 1960 - 1965 (File) - Box 60 (Sequence 1)
Large file of agenda, papers, speeches and statements relating to the 16th ISMUN conference held at Saint Vincent, Italy from 21-28 April, 1965. Includes reports from ISMUN regional conferences held in Nairobi, Kenya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Horsholm, Norway in 1964. Also includes a copy of the Handbook of the International Student Movement for the United Nations.
ISMUN [International Student Movement for the United Nations], 17th Congress, 1964-65, 1962 - 1965 (File) - Box 60 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the possible holding of the 17th ISMUN conference in Australia in 1966. Includes the following publications; ISMUN Annual report for 1964-65 as presented to the 16th conference held in Italy in 1966 and a copy of Ismun Review, Vol 1, No 1, February-March 1962
ISMUN [International Student Movement for the United Nations]-, 1961 - 1965 (File) - Box 60 (Sequence 1)
Contains four publications: ISMUN Annual report for 1964-65; ISMUN Annual report for 1964-65 as presented to the 16th conference held in Italy in 1966; final report of the Thirteenth Annual Conference, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, 21-26 August, 1961, and ISMUN Report on activities and development, September 1963-December 1964.
WFUNA [World Federation of United Nations Associations]-ISMUN [International Student Movement for the United Nations] Summer Schools, 1964 - 1965 (File) - Box 60 (Sequence 1)
Contains a report on the 18th annual WFUNA-ISMUN Summer School held in Geneva, Switzerland in June 1964; two reports relating to the 20th WUNA Regional Seminar held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 1964 and a prospectus for the 19th annual WFUNA-ISMUN Summer School to be held in Geneva, Switzerland in July 1965.
UNSA [United Nations Student Association], 1966, 1964 - 1965 (File) - Box 60 (Sequence 1)
Small file containing a program and a report of activities of the Irish United Nations Student Association during United Nations Week, 1964 and their annual report for 1964-1965.
India-UNSA [United Nations Student Association] (File) - Box 60 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (two letters) between John Ridley, President NUAS and R A Mirza, Secretary General, United Nations Association of India. Includes copies of Ifuna news letter; monthly organ of the Indian Federation of United Nations Associations, Vol 1, No VIII, July 1964 and a report titled Graduate opportunities in India, 1965.
ISMUN [International Student Movement for the United Nations]-UNSA[United Nations Student Association], 1965 (File) - Box 60 (Sequence 1)
Small file containing two publications: AFUNSA news, Vol 2, No 3, December 1965 and Convention Issue, October 1965 and the annual report of the All-Nigeria United Nations Student Association presented to the ISMUN 16th Annual Conference, [n.d].
ISMUN [International Student Movement for the United Nations] Exec[utive] minutes,1965, 1964 - 1967 (File) - Box 60 (Sequence 1)
Minutes of various ISMUN Executive Committee meetings, 1964-1966 and a copy of ISMUN bulletin, No 1, January-February, 1967
ISMUN [International Student Movement for the United Nations], general, 1965, 1958 - 1964 (File) - Box 60 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly of an administrative nature relating to ISMUN and the participation of Australian students (NUAS) in the Movement, 1958-1964.
UNSA [United Nations Student Association] (File) - Box 60 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence between John Ridley, President NUAS and the United Nations Student Association of Great Britain. Also includes the annual report of the United Nations Student Association of the UK to the ISMUN 16th Annual Conference, [n.d].
ISMUN [International Student Movement for the United Nations], 17th General Conference, Israel, 1966 (File) - Box 60 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, memoranda and telegrams relating to the ISMUN 17th General Conference, held in Jerusalem, Israel from 17-24 August, 1966. Includes a provisional agenda and program, technical information and decisions for the conference and material regarding the selection of Australian delegates to the conference.
ISMUN [International Student Movement for the United Nations], publication, 1967 (File) - Box 60 (Sequence 1)
Final report from the Fifth European Regional Seminar of the International Student Movement for the United Nations, Jyvaskyla, Finland, 8-14 June 1967.
ISMUN [International Student Movement for the United Nations], 1968 (File) - Box 60 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence, decisions, memoranda, minutes and reports relating to the ISMUN 18th General Conference, held in Geneva, Switzerland from 9-16 April, 1968. Includes a General report for September 1966-April 1968 presented to the conference by the Secretary General ISMUN and a copy of UNSA: newsletter of the Melbourne University United Nations Student Association, Vol 2, No 3, [n.d].
Subseries 13. Model U.N. Council, 1967-1969
MSC [Model Security Council], 1967-documents submitted 9mailed 4-8-67), 1967 (File) - Box 60 (Sequence 1)
Program, agenda and background papers for a NUAS conference titled China and the United Nations held in Canberra from 21-24 August 1967. The conference included a number of simulated UN Security Council debating sessions.
Model Security Council, 29/5-1/6, 1967, Academy of Science, Canberra, 1967 (File) - Box 60 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence and memoranda relating to the NUAS Model UN Security Council conference/project held in Canberra from 21-24 August 1967.
Model Trusteeship Council, 1966 (File) - Box 60 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, information sheets and telegrams relating to a conference based around a student version of the UN Model Trusteeship Council and held in Canberra from 30 May-2 June 1967.
Model UN Security Council, 1967, 1966 - 1967 (File) - Box 60 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, applications forms, memoranda and telegrams relating to the NUAS Model UN Security Council conference/project held in Canberra from 21-24 August 1967. This material is mostly of an administrative nature.
Speakers for the China and UN [United Nations] conference, 1967 (File) - Box 60 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence between Tony McMichael, President NUAS and speakers at the NUAS Model UN Security Council conference/project held in Canberra from 21-24 August 1967.
MSC [Model Security Council], 1968 (File) - Box 61 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars and memorandum relating to the NUAS Model UN Security Council conference held from 19-22 August 1968. The topic for the 1968 conference was the Middle East Crisis.
MSC [Model Security Council], Diplomatic briefings, 1967 - 1968 (File) - Box 61 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between John Bannon, President NUAS with various Embassies in Canberra seeking their participation in the NUAS Model UN Security Council conference held from 19-22 August 1968. The Embassies were asked to brief participating students on their countries' attitudes towards the situation in the Middle East.
MSC [Model Security Council], 1969, letters sent to Embassies and others, 1969 (File) - Box 61 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between Robert J Pearce, President NUAS and Ken G Murphy, President, ANUNSA with various Embassies in Canberra and others seeking their participation in the Model UN Security Council conference held from 25-28 August 1969. The topic for the 1969 conference was Czechoslovakia.
Subseries 14. U.N. 'International Years', 1952 - 1968
ICY [International Cooperation Year] Convention, Canberra, May 17-20, 1965, 1962 - 1965 (File) - Box 61 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence, a conference program and some papers relating to the ICY Convention held in Canberra from 17-20 May 1965. Also includes a supplement to the report of proceedings for the convention and a number of United Nations pamphlets. Pamphlet subjects include; international cooperation, human rights, economic and social development and disarmament.
Subseries 15. Overseas Students' Service, 1951, 1952, 1955, 1956-1967
OSS [Overseas Student Service],clubs and committees, 1955, 1957 - 1958 (File) - Box 61 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, meeting minutes, reports and general information relating to the establishment of the Overseas Student Service within NUAS and the various state committees.
Vacation scheme, 1956-57, 1956 - 1958 (File) - Box 61 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and notes relating to student exchange schemes during vacations. Included two reports on the Lok Milap exchange scheme with India in 1956.
Employment, 1956, 1956 - 1958 (File) - Box 61 (Sequence 1)
Small file containing correspondence regarding the employment of overseas university students while visiting Australia.
Overseas Student Service, 1956-57, 1948 - 1957 (File) - Box 61 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the establishment of the Overseas Student Service. Housed within this file is a second file titled "Files re overseas student accomodation, 1948-1952, mainly in Adelaide".
Accommodation, 1956, 1956 - 1958 (File) - Box 61 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to the accommodation of overseas students in Australia. Mostly with a number of universities asking if they employed housing officers to assist students to find accomodation.
Welfare, 1956 (File) - Box 61 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to overseas students. Subjects include the welfare of Hungarian students following the Hungarian uprising in 1956 and elements of the Colombo Plan.
OSS [Overseas Student Service], orientation 1956, 1956 - 1958 (File) - Box 61 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence and a report on the pre-orientation preparation for overseas students in Australia.
Overseas Student Service, 1956-57, clubs and committees, 1955, 1955 - 1956 (File) - Box 61 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to the Overseas Student Service. Subjects include orientation for overseas students, welfare and employment.
Overseas Stud[ent]s Service, 1958, 1958 - 1958 (File) - Box 62 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to various activities of the OSS.
OSS [Overseas Student Service],1958, 1958 - 1958 (File) - Box 62 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to various activities of the OSS. Subjects include employment of overseas students while in Australia.
March, interstate copies pending, 1958, 1958 - 1958 (File) - Box 62 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to various activities of the OSS.
Overseas Student Service, 1959, General, 1956 - 1959 (File) - Box 62 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars relating to the OSS. Subjects include the establishment and aims of the OSS. Includes a circular setting out a new filing system for NUAS correspondence.
Overseas Student Service Director, 1959, 1959 (File) - Box 62 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to the appointment of Peter Wilenski to the position of Director Overseas Student Services.
Some useful articles: Leeds University Conference, 1960 - 1961 (File) - Box 62 (Sequence 1)
An envelope containing notes and articles by A Laing, a lecturer and Warden of Overseas Students at Leeds University, England. Also includes a conference program for university advisors to overseas students held at the University of Leeds from 12-13 July 1960.
Overseas Student Service, 1960-61, 1961 - 1962 (File) - Box 62 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence and circulars relating to the Overseas Students Conference held from 22-27 May, 1962. Includes a report by the Overseas Student Service Director to the NUAS 26th Annual Council meeting , February 1962
Overseas Service Conference Bureau, 1962-63, 1961 - 1963 (File) - Box 62 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence, circulars, information bulletins and reports relating to the third Overseas Students Conference held in Armidale, New South Wales from 24-26 May, 1963. Also includes correspondence generated by the Overseas Service Bureau and a copy of their first bulletin. The Bureau aimed to encourage Australians to serve in developing countries in Asia, Africa and the Pacific.
Overseas Student Service, 1962, 1961 - 1963 (File) - Box 62 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence, circulars and motions and resolutions relating to the second and third Overseas Students Conferences held in 1962 and 1963. Includes programs for the first conference held in Melbourne, Victoria in 1961 and the second conference held in Collaroy, Sydney, New South Wales in 1962.
Overseas Students Service, 1961 - 1964 (File) - Box 62 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the fourth Overseas Students Conference held in Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, from 15-18 August 1964. Includes reports from the first and second conferences held in 1962 and 1963. Also includes a copy of Transplanted students: a report of the National Conference on Undergraduate Study Abroad, New York , 1961
Overseas Students [Service] Conference, 1961 - 1965 (File) - Box 62 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the fourth Overseas Students Conference held in Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, from 15-18 August 1964. Includes an envelope containing receipts from the 1963 conference. Also includes the following publications: Overseas Service Bureau Bulletin of overseas vacancies, Nos 4-5, May and November 1963; Overseas Service Bureau bulletin, No 6, Supplement 1, December 1964 and a report of the second conference held in Melbourne, Victoria in 1961.
OSS [Overseas Students Service], 1964-65, Housing, 1961 - 1965 (File) - Box 62 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and reports relating to the Overseas Students Service. Subjects include; proposed research into the language problems of overseas students, accommodation for overseas students and expenses resulting from the 1965 Overseas Students Conference which was held in Adelaide from 14-15 August 1965.
NUAS 1965 OSSC [Overseas Students Service Conference] minutes, Adelaide, 1964 - 1965 (File) - Box 63 (Sequence 1)
Resolutions of the Overseas Students Service Conference held at the University of Adelaide from 14-16 August 1965 and a list of particulars of delegates and observers. Also includes a copy of NUAS handbook 1964.
Overseas Students [Service] Conference, 1965, correspondence and minutes, 1965 (File) - Box 63 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly of an administrative nature and minutes, resolutions and telegrams relating to the Overseas Student Service Conference 1965, held at the University of Adelaide from 14-16 August 1965.
[Newscuttings], 1964 - 1965 (File) - Box 63 (Sequence 1)
Newscuttings regarding the treatment of Asian students in Australia and immigration policy which were discussed at the OSS Conference held in Adelaide from 14-16 August 1965. Includes a copy of on dit, Vol 32, 10 September 1964, published by the Students' Representative Council of the University of Adelaide.
[Overseas Students Service], 1961 - 1965 (File) - Box 63 (Sequence 1)
Miscellaneous correspondence relating to OSS activities.
[Overseas Students Service], 1964 (File) - Box 63 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to OSS activities. Includes discussion on the establishment of Voluntary Work Groups during student vacations.
[Overseas Students Service], 1964 (File) - Box 63 (Sequence 1)
Small file containing a letter to the Right Honorable Lord Casey from Madeline Koh, OSS Director. The letter expresses appreciation for his interest in the OSS.
[Overseas Students Service], 1963 - 1965 (File) - Box 63 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to cultural activities. Includes OSS participation at the Adelaide Festival of Arts and the production of a play titled "Out of the shadow".
[Overseas Students Service], 1964 (File) - Box 63 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to the publication Australia for the student and whether it is a suitable publication for overseas students. Includes a copy of the publication and a copy of The overseas student's handbook published by the New Zealand University Students Association, 1964.
[Overseas Students Service], 1961 - 1965 (File) - Box 63 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and reports between various state student associations and OSS Director, Madeline Koh.
[Overseas Students Service], 1962 - 1965 (File) - Box 63 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence containing notes on immigration policy to be discussed at the 1965 OSS conference in Adelaide and notes on the condition of entry of Asian students to Australia prepared by the Department of Immigration, 1964.
[Overseas Students Service], 1962 - 1965 (File) - Box 63 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence and miscellaneous material relating to Australian-Asian work camp schemes.
[Overseas Students Service], 1965 - 1965 (File) - Box 63 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence relating to the collation of information of educational institutions who are likely to have an enrolment of over 20 overseas students.
[Overseas Students Service], 1964 (File) - Box 63 (Sequence 1)
Small file of material including forms relating to social activities and hospitality and copies of a paper titled "Grumble about the OSS", [n.d]. Also includes a letter from the Department of External Affairs outlining their action resulting from the resolutions of the 1965 OSS conference.
[Overseas Students Service], 1961 - 1965 (File) - Box 63 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence of an administrative nature between OSS and NUAS.
[Overseas Students Service], 1961 - 1965 (File) - Box 63 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence between OSS Directors and various universities and the Department of External Affairs regarding the employment of overseas students.
[Overseas Students Service], 1963 - 1964 (File) - Box 63 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence and notes relating to the availability of loan funds to overseas students.
[Overseas Students Service], 1961 - 1965 (File) - Box 63 (Sequence 1)
Mostly reports by the OSS Director. They include reports to NUAS Council meetings and reports of OSS conferences.
National Union of Australian University Students, 1964 - 1964 (File) - Box 64 (Sequence 1)
Includes copies of NUAS Constitution and regulations (as at 25th April, 1964); an International address list, 1964 and an Address list for national press releases.
[Overseas Students Service], 1963 - 1964 (File) - Box 64 (Sequence 1)
Papers relating to the Overseas Students Conference held in Canberra from 15-18 August 1964. Includes correspondence, a provisional program, notes on talks, reports and a few conference papers. Also includes hand written notes on OSS motions for ratification at the August Council, 1963
[Overseas Students Service], 1964 - 1964 (File) - Box 64 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence and notes relating to the attendance by OSS Director, Madeline Koh at the Conference of Co-ordinating Committees for Overseas Students, held in Canberra, May 1964 and sponsored by the Department of External Affairs.
State reports tabled at OSSC [Overseas Students Service Conference], 1963, 1963 (File) - Box 64 (Sequence 1)
Reports of student delegations from various universities presented to the OSS conference, 1963. The universities include: Monash University, University of New England, Sydney University, University of New South Wales and the University of Melbourne.
Overseas Students Service Conference incoming correspondence, 1963, 1963 (File) - Box 64 (Sequence 1)
Incoming correspondence and telegrams relating to the organisation of the OSS Conference, held in Armidale from 24-26 May 1963. Includes registration forms for delegates attending the conference.
Overseas Students Service Conference outgoing correspondence, 1963, 1962 - 1963 (File) - Box 64 (Sequence 1)
Outgoing correspondence by Barbara MacDonald, OSS Director, relating to the organisation of the OSS conference, held in Armidale from 24-26 May 1963. Includes letters of appreciation to those who spoke or assisted with the conference. Also includes a conference program, a summary of student delegation reports and resolutions from the conference and a report of the 1962 OSS conference held at Collaroy, Sydney.
[Overseas Students Service Conference, 1963], 1962 - 1962 (File) - Box 64 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars relating to the organisation of the OSS Conference, held in Collaroy, Sydney, from 25 -28 May 1962. Includes a report of the conference.
[Overseas Students Service conferences], 1961 - 1965 (File) - Box 64 (Sequence 1)
Reports from OSS conferences held in 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964 and 1965. Most include conference agenda and student delegation reports and resolutions. Also included is a report titled "Education policy as adopted at Perth, February 1965" by NUAUS.
Spare reports, 1962-63, 1962 - 1963 (File) - Box 64 (Sequence 1)
Spare reports of the OSS conference held in 1962; spare reports by the OSS Director to the August NUAUS Council meeting in 1962 and 1963 conference reports by delegates from the University of Melbourne, the University of Newcastle and Western Australian delegates.
OSS [Overseas Students Service], 1965, 1961 - 1966 (File) - Box 65 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence, newscuttings, notes and reports relating to OSS activities. Subjects include: OSS conferences, OSS handbook and the treatment overseas students. Publications include: copies of the OSS conferences held in 1961, 1964 and 1965; a Report of the Research and Information Commission, 1962-1964 submitted to the 11th International Student Conference held in New Zealand and a Summary record of Interstate Conference of Welfare Officers and Co-ordinating Committees held in Canberra on 27th-28th May 1966.
Copies of [illegible] correspondence already in OSS files but never posted to NUAUS, 1964 - 1965 (File) - Box 65 (Sequence 1)
Carbon copies of outward correspondence regarding OSS conferences and other OSS matters.
OSS [Overseas Students Service], Asian students, 1965 (File) - Box 65 (Sequence 1)
Newscuttings relating to Asian students studying in Australia. Subjects include: immigration policy, treatment of overseas students by the Immigration Department and the ability of students to comment on political issues.
OSS [Overseas Students Service], 1966, 1965 - 1966 (File) - Box 65 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, reports and publications. Includes a copy of the NUAS President's report for 1966, draft resolutions regarding OSS from the NUAS August Council Meeting, 1966 and resolutions of the OSS conference held in Adelaide in 1966. Publications include WUS in action, Vol XIII, Nos 4-5, September-October 1963; WUS in action, Vol XIII, No 6, December 1963 and a report by the Rotary Club of Sydney on the needs of Asian students. There is also a pamphlet on "Accommodating overseas students" and a souvenir booklet of an exhibition titled "Festival of Asia and Africa", held at the Lower Town Hall, Sydney from 16-21 May 1966.
NUAUS [National Union of Australian University Students] OSS [Overseas Students Service] conference, 1967, Monash University, 1967 - 1967 (File) - Box 65 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, memorandum, notes and reports relating to OSS activities. Subjects include: OSS conferences, the OSS handbook, the treatment of overseas students by the Department of Immigration and relations between Asian and Australian students in Australian universities.
Conference of Co-ordinating Committees and Welfare Officers, July 1967, 1967 (File) - Box 65 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, conference program and agenda and Committee reports relating to the Interstate Conference of Co-ordinating Committees and Welfare Officers held in Canberra from 21-22 July 1967 and convened by the Department of External Affairs. Includes a draft summary record of the conference and copies of the Department of External Affairs External aid bulletin, Nos 4-5, July-August 1967.
Subseries 15. Overseas Student's Service, Director, S.H. Soh, 1970
Added March 1972
National OSS [Overseas Students Service] Director, S H Soh, 1970 - 1971 (File) - Box 159 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to the Overseas Students Service. Includes a report of the National Director, OSS, S H Soh to the NUAUS Council Meeting, February 1971. Also includes minutes of the Executive Meeting held at the AUS Secretariat, North Melbourne, 4-5 December, 1970.Added March 1972.
Subseries 16. Overseas Student Bureaux, 1964 - 1965
Overseas Service Bureau, 1964 - 1965 (File) - Box 65 (Sequence 1)
Contains the following publications: Bulletin of overseas vacancies, No 4, May 1963 and No 7, May 1965, published by the Overseas Service Bureau; The overseas student's handbook published by the New Zealand University Students Association, 1964 and a poster seeking applicants for vacancies with Australian Volunteers Abroad (AVA). AVA was organised by the Overseas Service Bureau.
Subseries 17. Community Aid Abroad and Foreign Aid, 1960, 1964-1965, 1967
Australian Volunteers Abroad, 1964, 1963 - 1964 (File) - Box 65 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, information sheets and press releases relating to Australian Volunteers Abroad. Includes copies of Bulletin of overseas vacancies, No 4, Supplement 1, August 1963 and a poster seeking applicants for vacancies with Australian Volunteers Abroad.
AVA [Australian Volunteers Abroad], 1964, 1929, 1966-1967 (File) - Box 65 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between John Bannon, President Students' Representative Council, with the Overseas Service Bureau and information sheets and press releases relating to AVA activities. Includes a copy of OSB Bulletin, No 9, April 1967 and a miscellaneous poster titled "Woman's burden across the ages", published in 1929. Also includes the text of an address titled "Volunteers and overseas aid", delivered by J B Webb, Director OSB, to the Constitutional Association of Australia luncheon meeting, Sydney, 17 July 1967.
[Australian Volunteers Abroad], general, 1969 (File) - Box 65 (Sequence 1)
Small file containing a letter from A A B Martin, Director, Overseas Service Bureau, to the National Secretary, NUAUS thanking him for their past sponsorship and expressing hope for future support. The letter is accompanied by an information sheet and a subscription form.
Student refugee appeals, 1960, 1959 - 1960 (File) - Box 65 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence mostly regarding the possible financial assistance by NUAS to student refugees in Hong Kong. Also refers to donations for students facing hardship as a result of riots in South Korea and aid to Chile.
The Australian National University Voluntary Foreign Aid Seminar, 20th-21st April 1964 and 27th July 1964: summary of papers, Robert McDonald, NUAUS, 1964 - 1965 (File) - Box 65 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence, notes, papers, press releases and reports relating to two seminars on voluntary foreign aid held in Canberra in April and July 1967. The file also contains correspondence and notes relating to the establishment of an Australian Council for Overseas Aid. Publications include: an annual report for the Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS), 1963-64; ACOSS quarterly, No 4, December 1964 and Bulletin: information on long term voluntary services, Vol II, No 13, 29 January 1965.
Community aid abroad, 1965 - 1966 (File) - Box 65 (Sequence 1)
Letter from John Ridley, President NUAUS, to Community Aid Abroad advising them of a donation to CAA Project 91-Transport for School for Mentally Retarded Children, Djakarta, Indonesia. Includes a newscutting and issues of Now!: the journal of Community Aid Abroad, Nos 143-144, December 1965-February 1966.
Freedom from hunger, 1965, 1965 - 1967 (File) - Box 65 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence from the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) relating to a proposed World 2000 Development Tax and the Freedom from Hunger Campaign. Publications include: Young world: handbook series, issues 13-24, 27, 29, 31-45 from 15 May 1965-August-September 1966 and FAO feature, Nos 382-383, 1965. There are also some pamphlets on the FAO: what it does, how it works and the joint UNESCO/FAO Gift Coupon Programme and a poster titled "The gift of knowledge", published by UNESCO in 1959.
AVA [Australian Volunteers Abroad], 1964, 1967 - 1967 (File) - Box 65 (Sequence 1)
Text of an address titled "Volunteers and overseas aid", delivered by J B Webb, Director OSB, to the Constitutional Association of Australia luncheon meeting, Sydney, 17 July 1967. Also includes two brochures produced by AVA and an article titled "AVA means international goodwill reprinted from Walkabout, February 1967.
[Freedom from Hunger Campaign], 1967, 1963 - 1965 (File) - Box 65 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars and minutes of meetings relating to the participation of students in Australia in the Freedom From Hunger Campaign. Includes circulars and a booklet regarding the "Young World Mobilization Appeal October 1965-March 1966 " and an annual report of the Australian Freedom From Hunger Campaign National Executive for 1966. Also includes a small number of pamphlets promoting the Freedom From Hunger Campaign and the Young World Appeal.
Subseries 18. Overseas Scholarships, 1956-1959, 1961
Scholarships in Asia, 1956, 1956 - 1956 (File) - Box 66 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence seeking information about scholarships in various Asian countries which are available for Australian students. Mostly correspondence with Asian Embassies in Australia. Correspondents include Phillip Lynch, a NUAUS Education Officer at Melbourne University during this period.
Scholarships in Asia, 1957, 1957 (File) - Box 66 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to scholarships in India which are available for Australian students. Includes an information sheet listing scholarships currently available in Asian countries.
Schol[arship]s in Asia, 1958, 1958 (File) - Box 66 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to the opportunities available for Australian students to study overseas.
[International Union of Students], 1947 - 1948 (File) - Box 66 (Sequence 1)
Circulars, memorandum and publications of the International Union of Students including: IUS news bulletin, September 1947; a memorandum titled "International day of help for the democratic students of Spain: memorandum on the vicissitudes of culture in Franco Spain", Prague, April 1948 and a summary of the Conference of the Youth and Students of South East Asia Fighting for Freedom and Independence, held in Calcutta, India, February 1948.
Scholarships in Asia, 1958, 1957 - 1958 (File) - Box 66 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the opportunities available for Australian students to study overseas, in particular in India and Japan. Includes a copy of Fulbright Programme in Australia: the first eight years and the future, issued by the United States Educational Foundation in Australia, 1958.
Scholarships in Asia, 1958, 1959 - 1959 (File) - Box 66 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the opportunities available for Australian students to study overseas and for overseas students to study in Australia. Includes references to the Colombo Plan and the Australian government's attitude towards Australian students accepting Asian scholarships.
Subseries 19. International Union of Students (I.U.S.), 1946-1956, 1958, 1960-1964
IUS [International Union of Students], 1948, 1947 (File) - Box 66 (Sequence 1)
Report of the Australian Universities' Delegate to the Second Annual Council Meeting of the International Union of Students, Prague, August 1-12, 1947. Also referred to as the Redrup Report. John Redrup was the Australian delegate to the conference.
1947 IUS Council report, Redrup, 1947 (File) - Box 66 (Sequence 1)
Report of the Australian Universities' Delegate to the Second Annual Council Meeting of the International Union of Students, Prague, August 1-12, 1947. Also referred to as the Redrup Report. John Redrup was the Australian delegate to the conference.
IUS, 1946 - 1953 (File) - Box 66 (Sequence 1)
Various reports and opinions relating to the IUS. Includes a report by A[lbert] Arcus who attended the Congress of the newly instituted IUS in Prague in 1946.
IUS, 1947, 1947-1948, 1950 (File) - Box 66 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence relating to meetings of the IUS held in Prague, Czechoslovakia in 1946 and 1947. Includes a report by Albert Arcus who attended a Congress of the newly formed IUS in 1946 and two lengthy handwritten letters by Gordon Ross commenting on the 1947 IUS meeting in Prague and other international student matters.
International IUS, 1947-1953, 1957-1958 (File) - Box 66 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence and telegrams. Subjects include: delegates and observers to the Prague Council Meeting, 1947 and later conferences; NUAUS affiliation with the IUS; decisions of IUS Council meetings and resolutions adopted by the IUS Executive Committee at meetings in 1953. Also includes a supplement to Evergreen, No 5,1958 containing two papers delivered to the IUS Congress in Peking, September 1958.
IUS, 1948, Ken Tolhurst, 1948 (File) - Box 66 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence between NUAUS and Ken Tolhurst, NUAS representative in Europe.
International IUS, 1947 - 1948 (File) - Box 66 (Sequence 1)
Miscellaneous correspondence, circulars and press releases relating to a variety of international student issues. Includes a copy of IUS news bulletin, September 1947 and a pamphlet titled "International union of students, autumn, 1948".
NUAUS, Tolhurst Report and Serle Report and Memorandum to Tolhurst from NUAS, 1948 (File) - Box 66 (Sequence 1)
Includes a report by Ken Tolhurst on the work of the IUS, the Paris Council and other matters since his departure from Australia to represent NUAS at the Prague Council in 1947 and a memorandum to Tolhurst before the IUS Council meeting in September 1958. Also includes a report by A G[eoffrey] Serle titled "General opinion on IUS" [n.d].
NUAUS, Ebbels report and NUS [National Union of Students] International Conference, 1949, 1949 (File) - Box 66 (Sequence 1)
File containing various reports including: Report on the Fourth Council Meeting of the International Union of Students by the Australian Observer, Mr R N Ebbels; Report on the International Students Representatives' Conference on Practical Activities, Leiden, October 28th-November 1st, 1949; IUS Report on recent events in Czecho Slovakia and a report of the International Student Conference convened by the National Unions of England, Wales and Northern Ireland, London, December, 1949.
NUAUS, IUS [International Union of Students], Sofia, 1949, report, 1949 (File) - Box 67 (Sequence 1)
Reports of delegations to the Fourth International Union of Students Council Meeting, held in Sofia, Bulgaria in September 1949.
[Report], 1949 (File) - Box 67 (Sequence 1)
Report on the International Student Representatives' Conference on Practical Activities, held in Leiden, The Netherlands, 28 October-1 November, 1949
International Student Service, 1949, 1949, 1954-1957 (File) - Box 67 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, telegrams and a report describing the nature of ISS and the scope of its activities.
NUAUS , Elliott report, and NUS report on 4th IUS Council and report to 14th Council of NUAS representatives in England, 1949, 1949 - 1950 (File) - Box 67 (Sequence 1)
Various reports including: Report on the Fourth Council Meeting of the International Union of Students by the NUAUS observer, Mr C E Elliott; NUS report of the delegation to the IUS Council, Sofia, 15-25 Sept, 1949 and a report to the Fourteenth Annual Council Meeting of NUAUS by its representatives in England and a memorandum onthe IUS prepared by NUAUS, 1950?. Also inlcudes a copy of the Tolhurst report.
NUAS IUS, Bucharest, Sept[ember], [19]52, report, 1952 (File) - Box 67 (Sequence 1)
Report on the International Union of Students Council meeting held in Bucharest, Bulgaria from 5-11 September, 1952
[International Union of Students],1952-53, 1950 - 1953 (File) - Box 67 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence on a variety of matters. Subjects include: meetings to discuss measures to increase international student co-operation and unity, famine in India and upcoming meetings. Also includes a memorandum for Australian delegates to the IUS Unity Meeting, 1952
[International Union of Students], 1952 - 1955 (File) - Box 67 (Sequence 1)
Various reports including: the Tolhurst report; the Arcus report; the Ebbels report; a report of the NUS delegation to the IUS Council Meeting, held in Bucharest, 5-10 September 1952; report of the English Vice-President of the International Union of Students on the proceedings of the Executive meeting of the IUS held in Budapest, 14-18 March, 1952; report of the International Vice-President to NUAUS Council 1955; a memorandum on IUS prepared by NUAUS and a memorandum for Australian delegates to the IUS Unity Meeting, 1952.
[International Union of Students], 1953 - 1953 (File) - Box 67 (Sequence 1)
Various reports including: reports on the Third World Congress of the International Union of Students, held in Warsaw, 27 August-3 September 1953 by C R Heathcote and Julie Dahlitz; memorandum on "A-Politicism" by Lindsay Colquhoun, November 1953 and a report titled "Pre-amble on IUS" also by Lindsay Colquhoun, October 1953.
[International Union of Students publications] (File) - Box 67 (Sequence 1)
A selection of booklets, pamphlets and posters and newsletters produced by the IUS. Subjects include: student/youth congresses; the IUS and its functions; student sports and cultural activities; chess an dthe world university summer games, 1952
IUS, 1958 - 1958 (File) - Box 68 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars and press releases relating to the IUS. Subjects include the 5th IUS Congress, held in Peking, China, 4-13 September 1958.
IUS, Prague, 1955, 1950 - 1952 (File) - Box 68 (Sequence 1)
Various reports including: Report to the Australian Committee of World Student Relief and its constituents by the Australian delegates to the Bombay Conference of International Student Service, August 1950; Interim report by International Officer of the NUAUS, David Hutchison; Memorandum for Australian delegates to the IUS Unity Meeting, 1952; Report of the NUS delegation to the Stockholm International Student Conference, 17-21 December, 1950; Report of NUAUS delegate to the Studententag of Verband Deutscher Studentenschaften, 1950 and a report of the NUAUS observers to the Second World Student Congress of the IUS to the Fifteenth Annual Council Meeting of the NUAUS, [n.d].
IUS, 1956 (File) - Box 68 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence and circulars relating to the IUS. Subjects include the Fourth World Student Congress and an international seminar on the problems of colonialism, held in Denmark in 1956.
IUS, 1956, 1957 - 1958 (File) - Box 68 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence, an information sheet and press release relating to IUS activities. Subjects include IUS membership and the Sixth World Festival of Youth and Students to be held in Moscow, 1957.
IUS, 1958-60, 1949, 1958-1960 (File) - Box 68 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars relating to IUS activities. Subjects include: NUAS affiliation with IUS: a copy of the 1948 Arcus report; resolutions from various IUS meetings and information regarding upcoming conferences and meetings. Also contains a number of pamphlets including a program and report from the Seventh World Youth Festival; a brochure of international student events in 1958 and a poster for an international student photo exhibition in Peking, China, 1958.
IUS, 1960, 1958 - 1960 (File) - Box 67 (Sequence 1)
Reports including: Resolutions of the Vth IUS Congress, Peking, 1958; resolutions of the Executive Committee of the International Union of Students, held in Tunis, Tunisia, 23-27 February, 1960 and a draft summary of Australian Bibliography and Bibliographical Services, [n.d].
IUS, 1960, 1958 (File) - Box 67 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence. Subjects include NUAUS IUS relations and the IUS Congress, to be held in Peking, China, September 1958.
University Students Federation, 1960 (File) - Box 67 (Sequence 1)
An untitled paper addressed to "Fellow University Students, United States of America", Havana, 15 August 1960.
IUS, 1953-55 and visit to Moscow, 1949 - 1955 (File) - Box 67 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and reports relating to IUS. Subjects include: Australian student participation at IUS meetings and conferences; participation in IUS activities and attendance at the IUS Council meeting in Moscow, 1954. Also includes: a report titled "Pre-amble on IUS" by Lindsay Colquhoun, October 1953; a report by NUAUS observers to the 2nd World Student Congress of IUS held in Prague, Czechoslovakia, August 1950 and a report on the Council Meeting of International Union of Students, Moscow, August 1954 from the observers of the National Union Of Norwegian Students. There are pamphlets on the IUS Istanbul Conference, 1954, the Birmingham Conference, 1955 and the IUS.
Subseries 20. International Student Congress (I.S.C), 1952-1961, 1964-1969
IUS [International Union of Students], Ed[ucation] reforms, 1964, 1963 - 1965 (File) - Box 69 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and reports relating to educational policy and reform. The reports were generated as part of an exchange of information on university reform which was organised by the Reform and Democratisation of Education Department of the IUS. Country reports include: Cuba, Belgium, France, Greece, the UK and many South American countries. Also includes a copy of 15 years of the IUS, [n.d].
3rd ISC [International Student Conference], Copenhagen, 1953, 1952 - 1953 (File) - Box 69 (Sequence 1)
Handwritten report and notes by David Hutchison, NUAUS delegate to the Third International Student Conference held in Copenhagen, Denmark, 12-17 January 1953. Also includes a copy of working paper No 30 by the German National Union of Students on student influence on university administration and teaching and relations with governmental and other authorities.
NUAUS [National Union of Australian University Students], 1954 (File) - Box 69 (Sequence 1)
Report of the Fourth International Student Conference held at Istanbul, Turkey, January 1954 by NUAUS delegates, Lindsay T Colquhoun and Ian E Nicholson. Also includes a report by the American delegation.
ISC [International Student Congress], Working papers, 1954-55, 1955 - 1960 (File) - Box 69 (Sequence 1)
Memorandum, recommendations, reports and working papers relating to the 5th International Student Conference, held in Birmingham, England, July 1955.
8th IUS [International Union of Students] Congress, 1962 - 1964 (File) - Box 69 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence relating to the Eighth Congress of the International Union of Students, held in Sofia, Bulgaria, 28 November-7 December, 1964. Includes a small amount of correspondence and notes relating to other congresses held in Djakarta, Indonesia and Leningrad, Russia. Also includes: copies of 15 years of the IUS, [n.d] and Students unite: the International Union of Students and its work; a pamphlet on the constitution of the IUS and a booklet on the main resolutions of the 6th IUS Congress, Baghdad, Iraq, 8-19 October, 1960.
ISC [International Student Conference], 1952 (File) - Box 69 (Sequence 1)
Report of the International Student Conference held in Edinburgh, Scotland, 3-8 January, 1952 by the NUAUS delegate Peter Curtis. Also includes a report by the American delegation to the conference.
ISC [International Student Conference], Copenhagen working papers-incomplete, 1953 (File) - Box 69 (Sequence 1)
An incomplete set of working papers for the International Student Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 12-17 January, 1953
5th ISC [International Student Conference], 1955 (including list of Australian diplomatic contacts overseas), 1953 - 1955 (File) - Box 69 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence relating to the Fifth International Student Conference, held in Birmingham, England, 4-14 July, 1955. Includes a provisional agenda for the conference and the following publications: Education news, Vol 4, No 9, June 1954 and Yugoslav student news, No 8, November 1953.
5th ISC [International Student Conference], 1955 (File) - Box 69 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence and notes relating to the Fifth International Student Conference, held in Birmingham, England, 4-14 July, 1955. Includes an ISC booklet outlining the structure of the conference and decisions made in Birmingham. Also includes an article by MIlojko Drulovic titled "Obstacles to International Student Co-operation", [n.d].
5th ISC [International Student Conference], 1954 - 1955 (File) - Box 69 (Sequence 1)
Notes, and resolutions relating to the Fifth International Student Conference, held in Birmingham, England, 4-14 July, 1955, The file also contains some student union reports in French.
[International Student Conference], 1955 - 1956 (File) - Box 70 (Sequence 1)
Report on the Fifth International Student Conference held at Birmingham, England, July 1955, by the NUAUS delegates, Marc Playoust and Chev Kidson and a report of the International Student Conference Delegation to South-East Asia, 1955-56
[International Student Conference], working papers, Birmingham, 1955 (File) - Box 70 (Sequence 1)
Working papers relating to the Fifth International Student Conference, held in Birmingham, England, 4-14 July, 1955. Includes an ISC booklet outlining the structure of the conference and decisions made in Birmingham.
[International Student Conference], 1956 (File) - Box 70 (Sequence 1)
Report of the Seventh International Student Seminar held at St Hugh's College, Oxford, England, 3-11 August 1956. The aims and objectives of national unions of students were discussed ath the seminar.
[International Student Conference], 1956 (File) - Box 70 (Sequence 1)
Material relating to the Sixth International Student Conference held at the University of Ceylon, Peradeniya, Ceylon, 11-21 September, 1956. Includes reports, conference minutes and a booklet giving a brief discussion of what took place. Also includes a resume of introductory speeches and general discussion of a South East Asian Student Seminar held in Kandy, Ceylon, 3-9 September 1956.
6th ISC [International Student Conference], follow-up countries visited, reports, 1955 - 1956 (File) - Box 70 (Sequence 1)
Reports and working papers relating to the Sixth International Student Conference held at the University of Ceylon, Peradeniya, Ceylon, 11-21 September, 1956. Includes correspondence mostly regarding administrative and travel arrangements and visits of the NUAUS delegates to various Asian countries prior to and following the conference.
ISC [International Student Conference], 1956, 1955 - 1956 (File) - Box 70 (Sequence 1)
Material relating to the 5th and 6th International Students Conferences held in Birmingham, England in 1955 and Peradeniya, Ceylon in 1956. Most of the correspondence relates to a visit to Burma, by Australian delegate, Jim Thomas on his way to Ceylon.
[6th International Student Conference], 1956 (File) - Box 70 (Sequence 1)
Report of the Australian delegates, James Thomas and David Teplitzky, to the Sixth International Student Conference held at the University of Ceylon, Peradeniya, Ceylon, 11-21 September, 1956.
6th ISC [International Student Conference], administration, 1955 - 1956 (File) - Box 70 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars and notes relating to various NUAUS activities. Subjects include the Sixth International Student Conference held in Ceylon, 1956, an International Student Delegation to Asia, 1955 and relations among international student unions.
[7th International Student Conference], 1957 (File) - Box 70 (Sequence 1)
NUAUS delegates report and resolutions of the Seventh International Student Conference held at Ibadan, Nigeria, 11-21 September 1957. Includes a copy of a special supplement Nigeria 57': the story of the Seventh International Student Conference.
ISC [International Student Conference], 1957, 1957 (File) - Box 70 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence of an administrative nature by James Thomas, President NUAUS, regarding the sixth and seventh International Student Conferences.
[International Student Conference, reports], 1957 - 1959 (File) - Box 70 (Sequence 1)
Reports including: report on the Fourth International Student Conference of Japan, July-August 1957, by Australian representative, Kim Paterson; a report of the Asian Student Study Seminar on "The role of the student in independent Asia", held at Aloka, Ceylon, 31 July-1 September, 1958; a Special International Conference under the auspices of the International Student Conference on "The dissolution of UGEMA and associated problems", London. 17-18 April, 1958; a financial report of the Eighth International Student Conference, 1957-1958 and a report of the Supervision Committee, 1957-1959. Also includes a copy of The Asian, Summary Number, Monday 1 September 1958.
ISC [International Student Conference], 1958, 1953, 1958 (File) - Box 70 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, lettergrams and a draft of a script for a talk to Radio Australia on the ISC. Subjects include the possible holding of the ISC in Perth. Also includes a copy of Information Bulletin for and by the National Union of Students, Vol 2, No 6, July August 1953 and published by COSEC (The Coordinating Secretariat of National Unions of Students).
International Student Conference, 1958-59, 1957 - 1959 (File) - Box 71 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars and news release sheets relating to the Eighth International Student Conference held in Lima, Peru, 15-25 February 1959. Includes a copy of the NUAUS delegates' report to the Seventh International Student Conference held at Ibadan, Nigeria, 11-21 September 1957. Also includes a small booklet titled "Decisions of 66 National Unions of Students at the 8th International Student Conference", [n.d].
International Student Conference, 1959-60, 1957 - 1961 (File) - Box 71 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, press releases and reports mostly relating to the 8th and 10th ISC. Includes a submission to the Supervision Committee in support of Australia as a site for the Tenth International Student Conference.
[Publications], 1953 - 1959 (File) - Box 71 (Sequence 1)
Includes a report of the Sixth International Student Conference held in Tokyo, Japan, 1959; a report of the Australian delegates, Martin G Davey and James F Williams to the Eighth International Student Conference held in Lima Peru, 15-25 February 1959 and a copy of National science magazine, 1953, produced under the auspices of the Science Faculty Bureau of NUAUS.
[ISC] International Student Conference, 1959 (File) - Box 71 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence, circulars and reports relating to ISC matters. Subjects mostly include the 8th ISC in Peru and arrangements for Australian delegates to the conference. The file also includes a copy of the provisional resolutions from the Lima conference.
[International Student Conference] (File) - Box 71 (Sequence 1)
A report titled "Sydney: a site for the Tenth ISC", prepared by R J Wallace and A W Evans and submitted to the NUAUS Executive and Constituents, [n.d]..
ISC [International Student Conference], Peru, 1959, correspondence and documents, re printing of, 1959 (File) - Box 71 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence relating to the printing and distribution of the Australian delegates report to the 8th ISC in Lima, Peru, 1959. Includes a copy of the report without a cover page. Also includes copies of press releases issued under the by-line "AUP news release", dated 1 April, 1959 and 25 March 1959.
ISS [International Student Seminar], 1964 (File) - Box 71 (Sequence 1)
Material relating to the NUAUS 15th International Student Seminar held at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, 3-5 July, 1964. Includes a conference program and information sheet, an unauthored address and notes and minutes of the third meeting of the organising committee. The seminar theme was "Students and political action".
ISS [International Student Conference], 1960, 1958 - 1960 (File) - Box 71 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars and reports relating to ISC matters. Subjects mostly include the 9th ISC, held in Klosters, Switzerland, 21-30 August, 1960 and arrangements for Australian delegates to the conference. Includes a copy of Klosters 1960: the story of the 9th International Student Conference, 1960. Also includes statements by the Australian government on its policy towards West Irian.
[International Student Conference], 1960, 1959 - 1960 (File) - Box 71 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars and telegrams calling for NUAUS applications for appointment to the RIC (Research and Information Commission) of the ISC.
Student Mirror, 1960, 1960 - 1961 (File) - Box 71 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to the publication Student mirror.
10th ISC [International Student Conference] sit, 1961, 1959 - 1961 (File) - Box 71 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars and reports regarding the holding of the 10th ISC in Australia. The reports propose Sydney and Melbourne as suitable conference venues.
[International Student Cooperation], 1964 (File) - Box 71 (Sequence 1)
Working paper on international student cooperation by Alexander Korns and Malcolm Kovacs.
The Student - ISC [international Student Conference], 1957 - 1965 (File) - Box 71 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence and telegrams regarding NUAUS contributions to the international student magazine, The student.
RIC [Research and Information Commission], 1965, 1965 (File) - Box 71 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence, circulars and telegrams seeking nominations for the Research and Information Commission of the ISC. The file also contains a number of applications from students.
[International] study seminar, 1965 - 1966 (File) - Box 71 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence and circulars relating to International Study Seminars organised by the ISC. Includes a program and some working papers from the first seminar, held in 1965.
ISS [International Student Conference], 1966, 1962 - 1967 (File) - Box 71 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence, circulars and telegrams relating to ISC activities and issues. Includes a Charter of the ISC adopted at the 11th International Student Conference and an ISC Handbook on the organisation of seminars. Also included are a number of small booklets and pamphlets on the political situation in Argentina, Rhodesia and South Africa and Indian student artists.
Lakhina, 1966, 1965 - 1966 (File) - Box 71 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between John Ridley, President, NUAUS and Ram Labhaya Lakhina, Asian Associate Secretary, ISC and later Secretary General, ISC on a range of student issues and activities.
Internat[ional] University Exchange Fund, 1961 - 1967 (File) - Box 72 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars relating to the Intenational University Exchange Fund. Subjects include nominations for positions with the Fund and NUAUS participation with the Fund.
ISS [International Student Conference], 1966, 1963 - 1967 (File) - Box 72 (Sequence 1)
Large folder of material consisting of three separate folders. The first folder is mostly correspondence between the President NUAUS, John Ridley and the ISC. The second folder is mostly correspondence between NUAUS President, John Ridley and Ed Garvey, Secretary General, ISC. The third folder contains correspondence, circulars, memorandum and telegrams relating to the 12th ISC, held in Nairobi, Kenya, 17-27 August, 1966. Also includes general information for delegates and a small booklet of speeches given at the the conference.
Intern[ational[ ISC [International Student Conference] Conf[erence], 1966, 1965 - 1966 (File) - Box 72 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars and memorandum relating to the 12th ISC, held in Nairobi, Kenya, 17-27 August, 1966. Includes a finance report for years 1964-65 and 1965-66 presented at the conference by the ISC Secretariat and a copy of Resolutions of the 12th International Student Conference Nairobi 1966.
[Education Department] ISC [International Student Conference], 1968, 1967 - 1968 (File) - Box 72 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the establishment and staffing of an Education Department within the ISC.
ISS [International Student Conference], handouts, 1968, 1968 (File) - Box 72 (Sequence 1)
Contains ISC circulars and copies of its bulletin International student bulletin, Vol 1, Nos 1-8 and two special supplements. Aso includes a pamphlet titled "Student action".
ISS [International Student Conference], 1968, 1968 (File) - Box 72 (Sequence 1)
Copy of The student, Vol XII, No 3, January-February, 1968 and a statement concerning the International Student Conference and the "Report of Investigation Commission concerning recent charges against the International Student Conference" published by the Canadian Union of Students, 1968.
ISS [International Student Conference], correspondence, 1968, 1967 - 1968 (File) - Box 72 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence and reports relating to ISC activities and issues. Subjects include: a meeting of the Supervision Commission, the Investigation Commission, conferences and seminars and the crisis in Aden.
ISS [International Student Conference], Colombo, 1968, 1967 - 1968 (File) - Box 72 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and papers relating to an Asian Regional Consultation Seminar, 13-18 May 1968 held at the University of Colombo, Ceylon. Also includes minutes of meetings of the British Undergraduates' Visit Australian Committee held in 1967 and 1968.
Internat[ional] Sup[ervision] Com[mittee] and Commonwealth Students Conf[erence], 1967, 1967 - 1968 (File) - Box 72 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspendence, circulars and memorandum relating to a meeting of the Supervision Committee of the ISC held in Leiden, The Netherlands, 21-24 April 1967. Also includes minutes of the meeting.
ISS [International Student Conference], 1968, 1959 (File) - Box 72 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and reports relating to ISC activities and issues. Includes an address by W George Danyliw titled "The Ukranian Student and his organizations in the world".
Student Mirror, 1960, 1966 - 1968 (File) - Box 72 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence and reports relating to ISC activities and issues. Includes minutes of the Supervision Committee Meeting held in Leiden, The Netherlands, 16-18 February 1968 and a financial report of the Committee for 1967-68. Other subjects include: views and suggestions for the future of the ISC by various national unions and the relationship between the CIA and American student associations.
ISS [International Student Conference], Colombo, 1968 (File) - Box 72 (Sequence 1)
Program and some working papers from the ISC Asian Regional Consultation and Seminar held at the University of Colombo, 13-18 May 1968. Includes a paper prepared by John Bannon, President NUAUS, titled "The role of students in South-East Asian politics".
ISS [International Student Conference], Int[ernational] circulars, 1967 (File) - Box 72 (Sequence 1)
Mostly ISC and NUAUS circulars for the year 1967. Includes: comment on the NUAUS "Policy on Vietnam", 21/3/1967, by Peter Samuel, dated 26/5/1967; the relationship between the CIA and American student associations; the situation in the Middle East and the Research and Information Commission. Also includes a leaflet for a rally on 6 August 1967 to stop the bombing in Vietnam.
12th ISS [International Student Conference], 1966 (File) - Box 72 (Sequence 1)
Mostly papers relating to the 12th ISC held in Nairobi, Kenya, 17-27 August, 1966. Includes: a draft report of activities 1966-1968; a finance report, 1964-65 and 1965-66; a report of the Supervision Committee 1964-66; an introductory speech by the Secretary General, ISC and a report on universal student co-operation. Also includes copies of the ISC Charter and a report recommending Sydney as a possible site for the 10th ISC.
ISS [International Student Conference], 1968, 1967 - 1970 (File) - Box 73 (Sequence 1)
NUAUS correspondence with ISC and other student associations and reports. Reports include: report of the Investigation Commission concerning recent charges against the International Student Conference, 1967; draft minutes of the meeting of the Supervision Committee held in Leiden, 16-19 February, 1968 and a report of the Secretariat on programme implementation 1964/66 which was presented to the 12th ISC held in Nairobi, Kenya, 17-27 August, 1966.
[International Student Conference], 1968, 1967 - 1969 (File) - Box 73 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence between John Bannon, NUAUS President, and John Ridley AND John Bannon, NUAUS President and Ian Lowe. Also includes a report of the Investigation Commission concerning recent charges against the International Student Conference, 1967
Intern[ational] Students Seminar, 1966 - 1968 (File) - Box 73 (Sequence 1)
Mostly ISC circulars containing reports of student seminars held in Ghana and Hong Kong in 1967 and Kenya in 1967.
International, 1968, 1967 - 1969 (File) - Box 73 (Sequence 1)
Extra large file of correspondence, circulars and reports relating to ISC activities and issues. Includes: correspondence between NUAUS and the ISC; financial reports of the Supervision Committee of the ISC for 1966-67 and 1968-69; minutes of the Supervision Committee Meeting held 12-15 February, 1969; minutes of the ISTC Flight Commission Meeting held at Salzburg, Austria, 9 January, 1969 and a report by John Bannon and Ian Ian Lowe titled "The death of the ISC" on their return from the February SupCom meeting in February, 1969. There is also a file within this file containing correspondence and circulars relating to the 13th ISC held in Salzburg, Austria, 18-27 February, 1969.
International Student Conference Supervision Committee Meeting, Leiden, 16th-19th February, 1968, Mr Richard Walsh, National Union of Australian University Students, 1967 - 1968 (File) - Box 73 (Sequence 1)
Background material for the ISC Supervision Committee Meeting. Reports include: "Report of Investigation Commission concerning recent charges against the International Student Conference", 1969; minutes of the Supervision Committee Meeting held in Leiden, 1967: a financial report of the Supervision Committee of the ISC for 1966-67. Also includes a report on the activities of the Secretariat of the ISC , 1 May-20 December, 167 to be presented to the Leiden conference. There are also a number of communiques from other student conferences.
Pers[onal] travel, 1969 (File) - Box 73 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and miscellaneous reports. Includes a draft of the minutes of the Supervision Committee held in Leiden on 9th February, 1969; a financial report on the ISC during the period 1 April 1968-31 January 1969 and the financial situation of the 13th Conference.
[International Student Conference], 1968, 1967 - 1968 (File) - Box 73 (Sequence 1)
Mosty correspondence and circulars relating to ISC issues and activities. Subjects include: a Charter Commission; the future direction of the ISC; and the Supervision Committee. Publications include: news service, No 6, 1968 and World student news, Vol 21, No 7-8, 1967.
Subseries 21. Co-ordinating Secretariat of I.S.C. (COSEC), 1952-1964, 1967
International Co-Sec [Coordinating Secretariat of National Unions of Students], correspondence, 1952 (File) - Box 74 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence and circulars between COSEC and NUAUS. Subjects include: ISC and other conferences and student programs.
Co[ordinating] Sec[retariat], 1953, 1952-1953, 1958 (File) - Box 74 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence and circulars between COSEC and NUAUS. Subjects include: ISC and other conferences and general administrative matters. Includes copies of World University Service: new bulletin, January and March 1953.
International Co-Sec [Coordinating Secretariat of National Unions of Students], correspondence, 1953 (File) - Box 74 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence and circulars between COSEC and NUAUS. Subjects include: ISC and other conferences; address lists of world student unions; minutes of meetings of the Supervision Committee of COSEC and financial reports.
International Co-ordinating Secretariat, (CO-SEC), 1954 (File) - Box 74 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence and circulars between COSEC and NUAUS. Subjects include: an international student delegation to Africa and the ISC held in Istanbul, Turkey, 1954. Publications include: World universities news, Vol 1, No 2, Novemebr 1954; Information bulletin for and by National Unions of Students, Vol 3, Nos 1-2 and A look at the Istanbul Conference, 1954.
International Co-ordinating Secretariat, [COSEC], 1954 - 1955 (File) - Box 74 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence between COSEC and NUAUS. Subject include: international student delegations to Asia and Africa; reports of the Australian and New Zealand delegates to the 4th ISC held in Istanbul, Turkey, 1954 and resolutions from the 5th ISC held in Birmingham, England, 1955. Also includes a copy of the World University Service annual report for 1953-1954.
COSEC [Coordinating Secretariat of National Unions of Students], general, 1956, 1955 - 1956 (File) - Box 74 (Sequence 1)
Small file containing COSEC circulars. Includes information on conferences and address lists of world student unions.
COSEC [Coordinating Secretariat of National Unions of Students] and ISC [International Student Conference], 1956 (File) - Box 74 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence mostly between COSEC and NUAUS. Subjects include: ISC conferences; an ISC delegation to Asia and an Australian delgation to Malaya and Indonesia.
COSEC [Coordinating Secretariat of National Unions of Students], 1957, 1956 - 1957 (File) - Box 74 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, memorandum, notes and reports. Subjects include the 6th World Festival of Youth and Students, held in Moscow, 1957. Publications include Education news, Vol 6, No 2, April 1957; Student government bulletin, Vol V, No 1, November 1956 and Parliamentary debates of the Queensland government, 19-21 March and 28-29 March, 1957.
COSEC [Coordinating Secretariat of National Unions of Students], 1957, 1957 - 1958 (File) - Box 74 (Sequence 1)
File containing a small number of COSEC circulars. Includes a copy of a statement by the Prime Minister (Bob) Menzies in the House of Representatives on 28 November, 1957 regarding Australian universities and a copy of NUSAS newsletter, No 14, 1958.
COSEC [Coordinating Secretariat of National Unions of Students], 1957 (File) - Box 74 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence mostly between NUAUS and COSEC and NUAUS, President and other NUAUS offices regarding COSEC matters. Subjects include: international student delegations; RIC teams and ISC conferences.
COSEC [Coordinating Secretariat of National Unions of Students], 1958 (File) - Box 74 (Sequence 1)
Report of the Eighth International Student Press Conference, held 2-6 September, 1958 at Zurich, Switzerland and a submission by Kim Paterson, NUAUS President, in support of Australia as a site for the Eighth International Student Conference in 1958.
COSEC [Coordinating Secretariat of National Unions of Students], 1958 (File) - Box 74 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence between NUAUS and COSEC and NUAUS, President and other NUAUS offices regarding COSEC matters. Subjects include international student delegations; an Asian Study Seminar in Ceylon and an Afro-Asian Travel Book.
COSEC [Coordinating Secretariat of National Unions of Students], 1956 - 1958 (File) - Box 74 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence and circulars between COSEC and NUAUS. Subjects include: international student delegations and conferences. Also includes minutes of the meeting of the Supervision Committee held at Abadan, Nigeria, 22 September, 1957.
Correspondence with COSEC [Coordinating Secretariat of National Unions of Students], 1958-59, 1957 - 1958 (File) - Box 74 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence and circulars mostly between COSEC and NUAUS. Includes minutes of the meeting of the Supervision Committee held at Abadan, Nigeria, 22 September, 1957 and reports presented to the Seventh International Student Conference, held at Abadan, Nigeria, 11-21 September, 1957.
COSEC [Coordinating Secretariat of National Unions of Students], correspondence, 1958 - 1959 (File) - Box 74 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence and circulars mostly between COSEC and NUAUS. Subjects include: international student delegations and conferences and financial matters.
COSEC [Coordinating Secretariat of National Unions of Students], correspondence, 1958-62, 1958 - 1962 (File) - Box 75 (Sequence 1)
Large file of NUAUS correspondence on a range of NUAUS activities. Subjects include: international student delegations, conferences, seminars and other events; NUAUS representation on various committees; UNESCO and NUAUS financial matters. Includes a report and conclusions from participants attending the Asian Regional Cooperation Seminar held at Kuala Lumpur, Malaya, 12 March-9 April 1960 and a report of the New Zealand delegation to the Second Asian Regional Cooperation Seminar held at Manila, Philippines, 16 October-12 November 1961.
Research and Information Commission of ISC [International Student Conference], 1959, 1958 - 1960 (File) - Box 75 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with the Research and Information Commission and some working papers. Subjects include: higher education in Iraq and higher education and the student situation in Spain.
COSEC [Coordinating Secretariat of National Unions of Students]-NUAUS [National Union of Australian University Students] disputes, 1959-61 (File) - Box 75 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence regarding differences of opinon between COSEC and NUAUS on a number of matters. Subjects include "The Union Generale des Etudiants Musulmans Algeriens" (UGEMA), the Algerian student movement.
COSEC [Coordinating Secretariat of National Unions of Students] and ISC [International Student Conference], 1959 - 1960 (File) - Box 75 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence between NUAUS and COSEC and NUAUS, President and other NUAUS offices regarding COSEC matters. Includes COSEC and NUAUS circulars. Also includes reports on higher education in East Germany and Hungary complied by the RIC.
COSEC [Coordinating Secretariat of National Unions of Students], 1959, 1959 - 1960 (File) - Box 75 (Sequence 1)
Large file of mostly NUAUS correspondence on a variety of issues. Subjects include the attendance at the Asian Regional Cooperation Seminar in Malaya in 1960; nominations for RIC teams and various conference resolutions. Publications include; Festival, No 7, June 1959; Voice of Youth, No 4, June 1959 and Information bulletin, Vol 7, No 8, December 1959. There is also an ISC special supplement reporting the main resolutions of the 5th IUS Congress, held at Peking, China, 4-14 September, 1958.
COSEC [Coordinating Secretariat of National Unions of Students], 1961, 1958 - 1961 (File) - Box 75 (Sequence 1)
Small file of NUAUS correspondence. Subjects include: an Indian delegation to Australia and investigation into student exchanges.
Coordinating Secretariat of NUS [National Unions of Students], 1958 - 1960 (File) - Box 75 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence and circulars between COSEC and NUAUS. Subjects include: an Afro-Asian travel handbook and a report on "Equivalence of degrees".
Algeria, UGEMA [Union Generale des Etudiants Musulmans Algeriens], 1960, 1958 - 1960 (File) - Box 75 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars relating to student politics in Algeria. Subjects include: the dissolution of UGEMA by the French government; the arrest of UGEMA leaders and the trial of 15 North African students in Paris in 1959.
COSEC [Coordinating Secretariat of National Unions of Students], 1962, 1962 - 1963 (File) - Box 75 (Sequence 1)
Issues of COSEC Tavel bulletin, Nos 3 and 4, August 1962 and January-February issue, [n.d] and an issue of COSEC Welfare bulletin, No 3, [n.d].
COSEC [Coordinating Secretariat of National Unions of Students], Staff representative, 1962, 1962 (File) - Box 75 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, information sheets and telegrams relating to the visit of COSEC Associate Secretary to Australia, May 1962
COSEC [Coordinating Secretariat of National Unions of Students], Jan[uary] 1961-Feb[ruary] 1962, 1961 - 1962 (File) - Box 75 (Sequence 1)
Various COSEC circulars, January 1961-February 1962.
COSEC [Coordinating Secretariat of National Unions of Students], correspondence, general, 1962-1964, 1962 - 1964 (File) - Box 75 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between NUAUS and COSEC mostly of an administrative nature.
COSEC [Coordinating Secretariat of National Unions of Students], 1963, 1962 - 1964 (File) - Box 75 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between NUAUS and COSEC on a range of international student matters. Subjects include: Algerian Refugee Coupon Scheme; Asian Seminar on university reform; Nigerian delegation; work camps and apartheid.
COSEC [Coordinating Secretariat of National Unions of Students], Sup[ervision[ Comm[ission], 1964, 1960 - 1964 (File) - Box 76 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence from various overseas student unions including France, Japan and Spain. Includes minutes of meetings from the Townsville University College Union, 1964, Monash University, 1964 and the Queensland University Union, 1963. Also includes copies of Iraqi, Iranian and Indian student newsletters; a copy of Education news, Vol 9, No 9, June 1964 and a paper by the Cuban Studdent Directorate titled "Those who rebel and those who surrender".
Subseries 22. Pan Malayan Students Federation, 1956 - 1958
Subseries 23. Asian Regional Co-operation Seminar, 1958-1961, 1964, 1966, 1968
Asian Regional Co-operation Seminar, 1958-59 (File) - Box 76 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars on various NUAUS activities. Includes the nomination of NUAUS delegates to the Asian Regional Co-operation Seminar on Student Press and Travel, 1959. Also includes correspondence with a number of Australian university and public libraries regarding the display of NUAUS and COSEC publications in their libraries.
Asian Seminar, 1958, 1958 (File) - Box 76 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, lettergrams and telegrams relating to the Asian Student Study Seminar, held at Aloka, Ceylon, 31 July-1 September, 1958. Subjects include the nomination of NUAUS delegates and arrangements to attend the conference.
Asian Regional Co-operation Seminar and Indian Tour Director (File) - Box 76 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars relating to upcoming conferences and international student delegations. Also includes material on the visit of a group of Indian students to Australia.
Asian Seminar, 1959, 1959 (File) - Box 76 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence mostly relating to the holding of an Asian Seminar in 1959.
Asian Regional Co-op[eration] Seminar, 1960, 1960 - 1961 (File) - Box 76 (Sequence 1)
Report and some papers presented to the Asian Regional Cooperation Seminar, held at Kuala Lumpur, Malaya, 12 March-9 April, 1960. Also includes a photograph and a list of seminar participants.
Asian Regional Co-operation Seminar, 1960, 1959 - 1960 (File) - Box 76 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence relating to the Asian Regional Cooperation Seminar, held at Kuala Lumpur, Malaya, 12 March-9 April, 1960. Includes an article by Joan Sawyers, leader of the Australian delegation. Also includes notes on the conditions in Singapore and Malaya.
Asian Regional Co-operation Seminar, March-April, 1960, election of delegation, 1959 - 1960 (File) - Box 76 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars relating to the election of delegates to attend the Asian Regional Cooperation Seminar, held at Kuala Lumpur, Malaya, 12 March-9 April, 1960.
Asian Regional Cooperation Seminar, Kuala Lumpur, Malaya, 12 March-9 April, 1960, 1960 (File) - Box 76 (Sequence 1)
Conference folder holding three publications. They are: The Malayan undergrad, Vol 11, No 6, March 1960; Student summer, Vol 1, No 1, March 1960 and Dawn: official organ of the student body, University of the East.
Report of New Zealand delegates to Second Asian Regional Co-operation Seminar, 1961, 1961 (File) - Box 76 (Sequence 1)
Report of the New Zealand delegates to the Second Asian Regional Cooperation Seminar, held at Manila, Phillipines, 16 October-12 November, 1961.
(Report of) 2nd Asian Regional Cooperation Seminar, COSEC, 1961 (File) - Box 76 (Sequence 1)
Report of the Second Asian Regional Cooperation Seminar, held at Manila, Phillipines, 16 October-12 November, 1961.
2nd Asian Regional Cooperation Seminar, 1961, 1961 (File) - Box 76 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to the election of delegates to attend the 2nd Asian Regional Cooperation Seminar, held at at Manila, Phillipines, 16 October-12 November, 1961.
(COSEC Seminar), 2nd Asian Regional Cooperation Seminar, 1961 (File) - Box 76 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars and telegrams relating to the 2nd Asian Regional Cooperation Seminar, held at at Manila, Phillipines, 16 October-12 November, 1961. Subjects include the names of nominated delelegates and administrative arrangements.
Third Asian Regional Co-operation Seminar, 3-24 February, 1964, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Robert McDonald (File) - Box 77 (Sequence 1)
Papers relating to the Third Asian Regional Co-operation Seminar, held at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 3-24 February, 1964. Includes a list of participants and seminar program, speeches, papers, press releases and technical information sheets.
Fourth Asian Regional Cooperation Seminar, 23 May-12 June, 1964, Manila, Phillipines, 1962 - 1965 (File) - Box 77 (Sequence 1)
Working papers for the Seminar. The theme for the Seminar was "Democracy in Asia".
Internat[ional] ARCS [Asian Regional Cooperation Seminar], 1968, 1966 - 1968 (File) - Box 77 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars relating to various conferences being held in Asia. Includes: nominations for the 5th ARSC, held in Colombo, 1968; a report of the Asian Regional Medical Student Association Inaugural Conference, held at Singapore, 14-18 March, 1966; a report of the NUAUS delegate to the Asian Regional Consultation and Seminar, held in Colombo, 13-19 May, 1968 and a Final Communique from the Asian Regional Consultation and Seminar by the ISC.
Subseries 24. Regional conferences, 1957 - 1961
[reports], 1957 (File) - Box 77 (Sequence 1)
File includes: a report of the First Asian Student Press Conference, held at Manila, Philippines, 18-24 February, 1957 and also a report of the Australian delegates to this conference; a report on the Fourth International Student Conference of Japan, July-August 1957, by the Australian delegate and a report of the Asian Study Seminar held at Aloka, Ceylon, 28 July-6 September by R Fels, the Australian delegate.
Regional conferences, 1957, 1957 (File) - Box 77 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence mostly relating to the attendance of Kim Patterson at the International Students Association (ISA) Conference and Study Tour in Japan, 1957.
ISA [International Students Association], 1958-1959, correspondence and documents, re printing of, 1958 - 1960 (File) - Box 77 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the 6th ISA Conference in Japan, 1959. Includes correspondence with the NUAUS delegates and arrangements for the printing of the 1958 and 1959 conference reports together. Also includes reports from the 5th Conference held in 1958 whose theme was "Youth Cooperation for World Peace".
Asian Seminar (File) - Box 77 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly of an administrative nature relating to attendance at the Asian Student Study Seminar, held at Aloka, Ceylon, 31 July-1 September, 1958.
R B Fels, Asian Study Seminar report, 1959, 1958 - 1959 (File) - Box 77 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence relating to the printing and distribution of Robert fels report on the Asian Student Study Seminar, held at Aloka, Ceylon, 31 July-1 September, 1958. Includes a copy of Hemisphere, April 1959 containing an article on the Seminar.
Asian Regional Conference, 1960, 1960 (File) - Box 78 (Sequence 1)
A paper on the need for an Asian Regional Conference; notes on Asian countries including Cambodia, Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand; a statement on international affairs by the Prime Minister and Minister for External Affairs, dated 6 December 1960; press releases on the situation in South Africa, March-April 1960 and a copy of the Roy Milne Lecture for 1960 given by the Honourable Alexander Downer, MP, titled "The influence of migration on Australian foreign policy".
Subseries 25. Afro-Asian Student conference, 1956 - 1958
Afro-Asian Student Conference, 1957, 1957 (File) - Box 78 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence relating to NUAUS delegates attendance at the Asian Student Press Conference, held at Manila, the Philippines, 14 February-18 March 1957.
Subseries 26. Volunteer Graduates Association of Indonesia, 1953-1960, 1964
Indonesia, 1956 - 1958 (File) - Box 78 (Sequence 1)
Copy of a speech by the Ambassador for Indonesia, His Excellency Dr R H Tirtawinata, to the Volunteer Graduate Scheme Conference, held at Melbourne University, 23 August, 1956; an article by Betty Feith on english language teaching in Indonesia, [n.d] and a copy of Djembatan: quarterly newsletter of the Volunteer Graduate Association for Indonesia, Vol 1, No 3, February 1958.
Graduate employment in Indonesia, 1956 - 1957 (File) - Box 78 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the Volunteer Graduate Scheme for Indonesia. Includes an account of the Scheme and a letter from Indonesia to interested volunteers prepared by the Volunteers Graduate Association for Indonesia and a copy of Djembatan: quarterly newsletter of the Volunteer Graduate Association for Indonesia, Vol I, No 1, July 1957.
Ind[onesia], 1953, 1952 - 1953 (File) - Box 78 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence mostly relating to Indonesian student organisations. Includes an address given by Ismael Reksopranoto, General Secretary PPMI, to the Conference of Overseas Students Committee of the Australian Students Christian Movement held at Toorak, Melbourne, 5 September 1952. The topic of the address was "Current Indonesian Students' Affairs".
Indonesia NUAUS office correspondence, 1953, 1951 - 1953 (File) - Box 78 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence regarding NUAUS relations with Indonesia and the graduate employment scheme for Indonesia. Includes a small booklet The upbuilding of public health in Indonesia by Dr J Leimena, [n.d].
Indonesia 1954? (File) - Box 78 (Sequence 1)
A typescript paper titled "Social problems in Indonesia" and notes on the PPMI (National Union of Indonesian Students) by Guy Brown [n.d]
Grad[uate Emp[loyment] Indonesia, 1954, 1946, 1951-1953 (File) - Box 78 (Sequence 1)
Reports by Herb Feith on Indonesia; a report to the NUAUS Executive of the Sub-Committee for Graduate Employment in Indonesia, 31 May 1953; a report of the Committee for Graduate Employment in Indonesia to the 1954 NUAUS Council and a paper by Gwenda Rodda titled "The plan for Australian graduates to work in Indonesia".
Employment in Indonesia, 1955, 1954 - 1956 (File) - Box 78 (Sequence 1)
Articles and press releases calling for Australian graduates to work in Indonesia. Also includes a copy of a NUAUS publication titled "The Scheme for Graduate Employment in Indonesia: an account of the scheme and a letter from Indonesia to interested volunteers".
Graduate employment in Indonesia, 1957, 1957 - 1958 (File) - Box 78 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence mostly relating to the Volunteer Graduate Scheme for Indonesia. Also includes a copy of Djembatan: quarterly newsletter of the Volunteer Graduate Association for Indonesia, Vol II, No 1, September 1958.
Text-books to Indonesia, 1958 (File) - Box 78 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence regarding the Indonesian Text Book Scheme organised by NUAUS.
Texts for Indonesia (File) - Box 78 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence regarding the Indonesian Text Book Scheme organised by NUAUS.
General, 1958, 1958 (File) - Box 78 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (2 folios) between Jim Webb, Secretary, Volunteer Graduate Association for Indonesia and Roger Hatton, General Secretary, NUAUS regarding a NUAUS contribution to the Association.
VGS [Volunteer Graduate Scheme], 1958 (File) - Box 78 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly relating to the Volunteer Graduate Scheme for Indonesia. Also includes copies of Djembatan: quarterly newsletter of the Volunteer Graduate Association for Indonesia, Vol I, Nos 3-4, February and June 1958 and Vol II, Nos 1-2, September and December 1958.
Vol[unteer Grad[uate] Ass[ociation] for Indon[esia], 1958, 1958 (File) - Box 78 (Sequence 1)
Single folio from Jim Webb, General Secretary, Volunteer Graduate Association for Indonesia to Kim Patersom, President NUAUS, thanking him for a donation to the Association.
Volunteer Graduate Association for Indonesia, 1959, 1958 - 1960 (File) - Box 78 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly relating to the Volunteer Graduate Scheme for Indonesia. Also includes copies of Djembatan: quarterly newsletter of the Volunteer Graduate Association for Indonesia, Vol I, Nos 3-4, February and June 1958.
Volunteer Graduate Association for Indonesia, 1959, 1955, 1959 (File) - Box 78 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the Volunteer Graduate Scheme for Indonesia. Includes copies of Djembatan: quarterly newsletter of the Volunteer Graduate Association for Indonesia, Vol II, Nos 3-4, March and September 1959 and Vol III, Nos 1-2 and 4, 1959.
Volunteer Graduate Association for Indonesia, 1960, 1958 - 1964 (File) - Box 78 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the Volunteer Graduate Scheme for Indonesia. Includes copies of Djembatan: quarterly newsletter of the Volunteer Graduate Association for Indonesia, Vol II, Nos 1-2, and 4, September 1958-September 1959; Vol III, Nos 1-3, 1959; Vol IV, Nos 1-3, September 1960-September 1961 and Vol 5, Nos 1-2, December 1962 and October 1963. Also includes a report on the Association to the 22nd Annual Council Meeting of NUAUS, Adelaide, January 1958.
Text books for Indonesia, 1957 - 1960 (File) - Box 78 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence regarding the Indonesian Text Book Scheme organised by NUAUS.
Subseries 27. Work camps, 1958-1960, 1962-1966
Work camps, 1960, 1959 - 1960 (File) - Box 79 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence regarding student travel and student exchange schemes. Includes two booklets on travel in Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union.
[Work camps] (File) - Box 79 (Sequence 1)
Directory of organizations concerned with international voluntary service: Vol 1, long term service produced by the Coordination Committee for International Voluntary Work-camps, [n.d].
[Student travel], 1958 - 1961 (File) - Box 79 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence regarding student travel and travel agents.
Sakiet work camp, Algeria, 1959, 1959 - 1960 (File) - Box 79 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the rebuilding of the Sakiet School at Sakiet-Sidi-Youssef, Tunisia. NUAUS did not wish to be associated with the work camp which was held from 25 July-1 September 1959. Includes brochures calling for work camp participants and a booklet titled The Sakiet Work Camp: a story of international student solidarity, published by COSEC, [n.d].
Work camp, 1962, 1962 - 1963 (File) - Box 79 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, information sheets, newscuttings and notes relating to an Australian Asian Student Work Camp, held at Armidale, New South Wales, 14-26 January 1963. The camp set up a kindergarten centre for Aboriginal children in Armidale.
Work camp letters, Sydney file, 1962 (File) - Box 79 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the establishment of work camps. Main correspondents are Barbara McDonald and Adrienne Rickard. Includes a report of the Overseas Students Conference, held at Collaroy, Sydney, from 25 -28 May 1962.
Work camp, 1963, 1963 - 1964 (File) - Box 79 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence, information sheets and notes relating to two Australian Asian work camps held in 1964. One camp was held in New Guinea and a second in Melbourne.
Work camps, 1963, 1962 - 1963 (File) - Box 79 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence relating to the establishment and organisation of work camps and the first camp held in Armidale in 1963.
Applications and letters from individuals, Armidale work camp, 1963, 1960, 1962-1963 (File) - Box 79 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence and application forms from students interested in attending the first Australian Asian Work Camp held in Armidale, 1963. Includes a list of participants at the camp.
Armidale Work Camp Committee, 1962 - 1963 (File) - Box 79 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and notes relating to the organisation of the Australian Asian Work Camp held in Armidale, 1963.
[Work camps], 1963, 1961, 1962-1963 (File) - Box 79 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and reports relating to work camps. Includes a report to NUAUS on the proposed Asian Work Scheme, by Michael Dubbo, August, 1961 and a report on the first Australian Asian Work Camp by Will Dennis, [1963?]
Work camps, 1963-64, 1963 - 1964 (File) - Box 79 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence relating to two Australian Asian work camps held in 1964. One camp was held in New Guinea and a second in Melbourne. Includes an annual report of the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind Babies, Children and Adults, 1962-63 and building plans for steel framed classrooms produced by the Territory of Papua and New Guinea Works Department.
AASWC [ Australian Asian Student Work Camp], 1964 (File) - Box 79 (Sequence 1)
Applications for work camps held in 1964. Includes a report of a work camp held at Musgrave Park Aboriginal Reserve, 19-31 May, 1964.
Subseries 28. World Youth Festival, 1949, 1956-1957, 1961-1962, 1965-1966
World Federation of Democratic Youth, publications, 1949, 1947 - 1949 (File) - Box 79 (Sequence 1)
Large file containing copies of various information bulletins and reports produced by the World Federation of Democatic Youth. Includes a report by the Australian delegation to the World Youth Festival held in Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1947.
[Seventh World Festival of Students], 1959 (File) - Box 79 (Sequence 1)
Material relating to the 7th World Festival of Students. Includes a publicity brochure; a report by an International Festival Investigation Committee, 1959 and a report by Austrian youth and students on youth festival developments titled "The Seventh World Youth Festival without us!", [n.d].
[Conferences], 1956 - 1957 (File) - Box 79 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence from overseas student organisations relating to conferences and meetings in their countries. Includes posters for a European Student Welfare Conference, held in Denmark, 1957;an Asian Student Press Conference held in the Philippines, 1957 and the 6th Youth and Students Festival for Peace and Friendship held in Russia, 1957. Also includes a copy of The Australian intercollegian, Vol XIX, No 1, March 1956.
World Youth Festival, 1961, 1961 - 1962 (File) - Box 80 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, a conference program and information bulletin relating to the 8th World Festival of Youth and Students for Peace and Frienship, held in Helsinki, Finland, 25 July-5 August 1962 and correspondence and forum notes relating to a World Youth Forum held in Moscow, Russia in 1961.
8th World Youth Festival, Helsinki, 1962, 1961 - 1962 (File) - Box 80 (Sequence 1)
Mostly journal articles, newspaper articles and pamphlets relating to the 8th World Youth Festival.
World Youth Fest[ival], 1965, 1962, 1964-1965 (File) - Box 80 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, information bulletins and news releases relating to the 9th World Youth Festival to be held in Algeria, 1965. Includes a report of the 8th World Youth Festival held in Helsinki in 1962.
World Festival of Youth, 1966, 1959, 1964-1965 (File) - Box 80 (Sequence 1)
Various materials on world youth festivals. Includes general correspondence; newscuttings on the 7th and 8th World Youth Festivals; information bulletins for the 9th Festival in Algeria (which did not eventuate); background articles regarding the 1965 festival and reading lists on Algeria and the American negro.
Subseries 29. World Assembly of Youth (W.A.Y.), 1954, 1959, 1963, 1966
WAY [World Assembly of Youth], 1954, 1953 - 1954 (File) - Box 80 (Sequence 1)
Mostly WAY publications including: WAY forum, Nos 3 and 5, December 1953 and February 1954, and Nos 8-10, [n.d]; WAY information, Nos 3 and 5; a report of the WAY Coronation Conference, held in London, 9-10 June 1953 and a WAY Charter.
World Federation of Democratic Youth (File) - Box 80 (Sequence 1)
A report on the World Federation of Democratic Youth, [n.d].
WAY [World Assembly of Youth], 1954, 1947, 1951-1955 (File) - Box 80 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence regarding NUAUS affiliation with the WFDY. Includes the following publications: WAY forum, Nos 1, 4, 7 and 13, 1951-1955 and World youth, No 5, June 1951. Also includes a report by the NUAUS delegation to the World Youth Festival in Prague, Czechoslovakia in 1947; a report of the NUAUS Sub-Committee on IUS and WFDY, 1947 and a report of the British delegation to the 4th Council Meeting of the World Assembly of Youth, Dakar, Senegal, 3-13 August, 1952.
WAY [World Assembly of Youth], 1959 (File) - Box 80 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence relating to the formation of a National Youth Council in Australia. Includes a first draft of a constitution for the Council as well as an organisational plan. Includes copies of WAY Review in French and English and a copy of Way: bulletin of the documentation centre, Vol 3, No 2, March-April 1959.
WAY [World Assembly of Youth] and National Youth Committee, 1963 (File) - Box 80 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, minutes of meetings, newsletters, Subjects include: meetings; youth assemblies; international seminars and a WAY seminar in Melbourne, 1963. Includes some minutes of meetings of the Executive Council of the National Youth Council of Australia for 1963.
WAY [World Assembly of Youth], 1966, 1964 - 1966 (File) - Box 81 (Sequence 1)
Mostly WAY publications including issues of WAY forum; WAY information and theWAYreview. Also includes reports and resolutions of the 5th General Assembly of WAY held at Amherst, USA, August 1964 and a report of the leader of the Australian delegation, John Miller, to the 6th General Assembly of Way, held at Tokyo, Japan, 10-21 August, 1966. The file also contians some pamphlets on various youth issues.
Subseries 30. Southern Universities News (S.U.N.), 1954-1956
Southern Universities news, 1963 - 1964 (File) - Box 81 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to Southern Universities' news published by NUAUS and the New Zealand University Students Association for and on behalf of the students of South East Asia. Includes issues of Vol 1, Nos 1-2, August and November, 1954.
Subseries 31. S.A.C.H.E.D. and African Affairs, 1955, 1956, 1961-1966
Africa and racial problems, 1955, 1955 - 1956 (File) - Box 81 (Sequence 1)
Mostly press releases, student newspapers and reports relating to South Africa and race relations. Includes: a copy of The African in the Universities, published by the National Union of South African Students, 1954; press releases of the International Student Delegation to Africa, 1954 and copies of student newspapers Varsity and S A student.
Africa and racial problems, 1955, 1956 (File) - Box 81 (Sequence 2)
Small file of correspondence between P Williams and John Martin, Honary Secretary/Treasurer, NUAUS regarding her nomination to represent NUAUS on a tour to South Africa.
SACHED [South African Committee for Higher Education], 1961 (File) - Box 81 (Sequence 2)
Mostly correspondence relating to financial aid for SACHED.
Africa, articles, etc (File) - Box 81 (Sequence 2)
Journal articles and reports on the situation in Africa. Includes a report on the International Student Delegation to Africa, 1954 and a record of proceeding of Jaycee Week, 7-13 June, 1964. The theme for the Jaycee Week program was "International understanding our concern: Africa emerges".
COSEC, Africa, general, 1964 (File) - Box 81 (Sequence 2)
Small file of correspondence between COSEC and NUAUS on matters relating to Africa.
Pan Afr[ican] Stud[ent]s conf[erence], 1963 - 1964 (File) - Box 81 (Sequence 2)
Small file of correspondence and a report relating to the Pan-African Students Seminar, held at the University of Ibadab, Nigeria, 24-29 June 1963.
Commonwealth aid to Africa, 1961 - 1965 (File) - Box 81 (Sequence 2)
Correspondence relating to opportunities for African students to study in Australia and the Commonwealth African Assistance Plan.
FEANF, African students in France, 1964 (File) - Box 81 (Sequence 2)
Letter from D Altman, NUAUS, to the Federation des Etudiants d'Afrique Noire en France (in French).
Algeria, UNEA [Union Nationale des Etudiants Algeriens], 1964, 1960 - 1964 (File) - Box 81 (Sequence 2)
Correspondence and circulars relating to the war in Algeria, including its effect on Algerian students and assistance to refugee Algerian students. Also includes a resume on the Algerian situation and resolutions adopted by the 9th International Student Congress on Algeria.
[South Africa], 1964, 1964 - 1965 (File) - Box 81 (Sequence 2)
Correspondence and newscuttings relating to apartheid in South Africa. Subjects include government relations with the National Union of South African Students (NUSA) and arpartheid.
[South Africa], 1965, 1964 - 1967 (File) - Box 81 (Sequence 2)
Correspondence and newscuttings relating to apartheid in South Africa. Subjects include government relations with the National Union of South African Students (NUSA) and arpartheid.
AASU [All African Students Union], 1965 (File) - Box 81 (Sequence 2)
Copy of Afromergence, first edition, May 1965, of the Journal of the All African Students Union of Australia.
[Africa], 1961 - 1965 (File) - Box 81 (Sequence 2)
Correspondence relating to apartheid in South Africa and assitance to Algerian student refugees. Includes copies of Youth against apartheid, No 1, 12/64-1/65 and No 2, February, 1965.
Africa, UGEAO [Union Generale des Etudiants d'Afrique Occidentale], 1962 - 1964 (File) - Box 81 (Sequence 2)
Small file of correspondence relating to the banning of an UGEAO seminar by the Government of Senegal in 1961 and subsequent student problems in Senegal. Includes a copy of Congress of the General Union of West African Students(UGEAO), [n.d].
Subseries 32. Student identity cards, 1956-1958, 1961, 1963
Student Identity Card, 1956, 1955 - 1956 (File) - Box 82 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to the booklets Student travel and Student hostels and restaurants and the international Student Identity Card issued by COSEC.
Student Identity Cards, 1957 (File) - Box 82 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly relating to the supply of the international Student Identity Card.
Identity Card, 1958 (File) - Box 82 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly relating to the supply of the international Student Identity Card.
Int[ernational] Stud[ent] Identity Card, 1958 (File) - Box 82 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to the international Student Identity Card.
Stud[ent] Identity Cards, 1958 (File) - Box 82 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to the supply and issue of the international Student Identity Card and the COSEC travel handbook.
Identity Card, 1961 (File) - Box 82 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence mostly relating to the supply and issue of the international Student Identity Card and the COSEC travel handbook.
Identity cards and hostel lists, 1963, 1963 - 1964 (File) - Box 82 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, forms and minutes of meetings. Subjects include the international Student Identity Card; an investigation into a national Student Identity Card; student travel and travel guides. Also includes material regarding the NUAUS Supervision Committee and its meetings in 1963. There is also a copy of Travelling student 1964.
Subseries 33. Far East Student Leader Project, 1965 - 1966
Far East Student Leader Project, Project 6, 1965 (File) - Box 82 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence and applications for the Far East Student Leader Project.
Projects 7 and 8, 1965, 1965 - 1966 (File) - Box 82 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and applications for Far East Student Leader Projects 7 and 8 in January and March, 1966.
Subseries 34. Report on international student relations, 1949 - 1959
International overseas rep[resentative]s, 1947 - 1953 (File) - Box 82 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to NUAUS representation at overseas conferences and meetings.
WUS correspondence, 1947-54, 1947-1954, 1959 (File) - Box 82 (Sequence 1)
Large file of NUAUS correspondence on a range of NUAUS activities. Subjects include: international conferences, seminars and other events and NUAUS meetings in Australia. Includes a report of a study of international student relations 1945-57 by Frank Copplestone, [n.d.].
Internat[ional], various correspondence and reports, 1948, 1948 - 1952 (File) - Box 83 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and reports on a range of NUAUS international activities. Subjects include: the International Union of Students; reports of overseas visits by Ken Tolhurst and minutes and summary of proceedings of the National Union of Students Council Meeting, Brighton, England, 21-23 November, 1952.
International Executive, correspondence, 1948-51, 1946 - 1951 (File) - Box 83 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence on a range of NUAUS international activities. Includes: a NUAUS memorandum on the IUS; contributions to the NUAUS International Account and NUAUS representation at overseas conferences and meetings.
International, general correspondence, 1949-53, 1948 - 1954 (File) - Box 83 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence from a range of overseas student unions relating to international meetings and conferences. Includes discussion on the IUS.
[International], 1950 (File) - Box 83 (Sequence 1)
Small file containing an interim report of the International Officer of the NUAUS [n.d].
International Office, 1952, 1952 - 1954 (File) - Box 83 (Sequence 1)
Extra large folder of miscellaneous material on a range of NUAUS international activities. Includes correspondence from overseas student unions, information regarding and reports from conferences and meetings; the IUS; reports from NUAUS delegates on overseas visits; reports of the NUAUS International Officer; NUAUS discussion on international student issues and copies of various overseas student publications.
International Executive, correspondence, Feb[ruary] 1952-Jan[uary] 53, 1952 - 1953 (File) - Box 83 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and reports on a range of NUAUS international activities. Includes an International Officer's report to the NUAUS 16th Annual Council Meeting, 28 January-6 February, 1952 and a report titled "NUAUS and international student affairs" by Alan Barblett, International Officer, 7 July, 1952.
International Executive, correspondence, 1953 (File) - Box 83 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, reports and resolutions on a range of NUAUS international activities. Subjects include: international conferences, seminars and other events and NUAUS meetings in Australia.
International Department, 1954 (File) - Box 83 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence and information sheets on NUAUS international activities. Subject include: attendance at overseas conferences; text books for Uganda and apartheid in South Africa.
International Officers, 1954 (File) - Box 83 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence and information sheets on NUAUS international activities. Subjects include vacation travel and employment opportunities in Asia and a visit by Boesjra Zahir to Western Australia.
International V[ice]-P[resident], 1954 - 1955 (File) - Box 84 (Sequence 1)
Extra large file of correspondence, circulars, memorandum, notes, telegrams and working papers relating to international student matters. One of the main correspondents is Chev Kitson, NUAUS International Vice President. Includes papers relating to the 5th International Student Conference held in Birmingham, England in 1955.
Subseries 35. International Vice-President (I.V.P.): Correspondence and general administration, 1955 - 1969
International Vice-President, 1955, 1951 (File) - Box 84 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to international student matters. Subjects include attendance at overseas conferences, overseas visits, visits to Australia by overseas delegations and statistics regarding the numbers of Malayan students studying in Australia.
IVP [International Vice-President]-Gen[eral] Sec[retary], correspondence, 1955 - 1956 (File) - Box 84 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence generated by Chev Kitson, NUAUS International Vice President and Ethne D'arcy Evans, General Secretary, NUAUS. Subject include overseas conferences and visits.
IVP [International Vice-President]-FBD [Faculty Bureau Director], 1955 - 1956 (File) - Box 84 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence mostly generated by the NUAUS International Vice President and the NUAUS Faculty Bureau Director. Subject include overseas conferences and visits and fund raising.
IVP [International Vice-President]-TD [Travel Director], 1955-56, 1956 (File) - Box 84 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence between the NUAUS International Vice President, Jim Thomas and the NUAUS Faculty Bureau Director, Roger Hatton. Subjects include overseas conferences and the NUAUS filing system.
Courtesies, Invitations and thanks from other Unions from which no action results, 1956, 1955 - 1956 (File) - Box 84 (Sequence 1)
Invitations and expressions of thanks from other Unions not requiring any further action.
Overseas publicity, 1956, 1956 - 1958 (File) - Box 84 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the promotion of services available to overseas students intending to study in Australia.
International Vice-Presidents circulars, 1956, 1955 - 1956 (File) - Box 84 (Sequence 1)
Small file of circulars and memos issued by the NUAUS International Vice President mostly on NUAUS administrative matters.
Miscellaneous, mostly international, 1956 (File) - Box 84 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence on a range of NUAUS international activities. Correspondents include: James (Jim) McDonald, NUAUS International Vice President and Phil Lynch, NUAUS Vice President and Education Officer.
MacD[onald], mostly China, 1956 (File) - Box 84 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly relating to a student delegation to China in January 1957.
Pending filing, 1956, 1956 - 1957 (File) - Box 84 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence on a range of NUAUS international activities. Subjects include: attendance at overseas conferences; overseas visits; overseas students in Australia and the White Australia Policy. Also includes reports of the International Vice President to the May and August meetings of the NUAUS Executive.
IVP [International Vice President] correspondence, miscellaneous, 1956 (File) - Box 84 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence by James Thomas, NUAUS International Vice President. Subjects include: relations with Asian countries; publications from Asian countries and NUAUS attendance at the 7th International Student Seminar, held at Oxford, England, 3-11 August 1956.
Courtesies, 1956, 1955 - 1956 (File) - Box 84 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence expressing words of appreciation to various overseas student organisations.
IVP [International Vice President] correspondence, 1956 (File) - Box 84 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between James (Jim) Thomas, NUAUS International Vice President and David Teplitzky, NUAUS President. Subjects include: overseas conferences and delegations and the Lok Milap Scheme.
IVP [International Vice President], 1956, 1956 (File) - Box 84 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence on a range of NUAUS activities. Subjects include: attendance at overseas conferences; overseas student delegations and visits of overseas students to Australia.
Miscellaneous international student activities, 1956 (File) - Box 84 (Sequence 1)
Corespondence relating to overseas student conferences including the Sixth International Student Press Conference, held at Tunis, Tunisia, 25-30 July, 1956 and the Seventh International Student Seminar, held at Oxford, England, 3-11 August, 1956. Includes posters for these and other conferences.
Indian Students Magazine, 1957 (File) - Box 85 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence regarding an Australian Supplement on Australian student life to be printed in the Indian Students Magazine. Includes a copy of the magazine, Vol 2, No 5, May, [n.d].
IVP [International Vice-President]-TD [Travel Director], 1957 (File) - Box 85 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence between the NUAUS International Vice President, Malcolm Hills and the NUAUS Travel Director, Bill Lucas. Subjects include the Indonesian Book Scheme and the Overseas Students Service.
IVP [International Vice-President]-HST [Honary Secretary/Treasurer], 1957 (File) - Box 85 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence mostly between the NUAUS International Vice President, Malcolm Hills and Kim Patterson, NUAUS Honorary Secretary/Treasurer. Subjects include stationary and other financial matters.
IVP [International Vice-President]-VP [Vice President], 1957 (File) - Box 85 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence and telegrams mostly between the NUAUS International Vice President, Malcolm Hills and Jim Carlton, NUAUS Vice President and Education Officer on administrative matters and travel arrangements.
Miscellaneous, 1957 (File) - Box 85 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence regarding a range of NUAUS international activities. Subjects include: attendance at overseas conferences; overseas visits and travel handbooks.
International, 1957 (File) - Box 85 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence regarding a range of NUAUS international activities. Subjects include: Colombo Plan scholarships, an overseas students card: text books for overseas; the university situation in Africa and overseas conferences.
International, 1957 (File) - Box 85 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence, circulars and reports on a range of NUAUS activities. Subjects include: attendance at overseas conferences and meetings; overseas visits; overseas students in Australia and student identity cards.
International, 1957 (File) - Box 85 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence on a range of NUAUS international activities. Subjects include: attendance at overseas conferences; overseas student delegations; overseas students in Australia; travel guides and the White Australia Policy.
International, 1957 (File) - Box 85 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence, circulars and telegrams on a range of NUAUS international activities. Subjects include: attendance at overseas conferences; overseas student delegations from Australia; overseas student delegations to Australia; travel guides and the university situation in Africa and Cuba.
Overseas, 1957 (File) - Box 85 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence on NUAUS international activities. Subject include: the Colombo Plan Scheme; an overseas student card and the Overseas Students Service of NUAUS.
Asiana, 1957 (File) - Box 85 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to a loan by NUAUS to the magazine Asiana to cover any loss incurred with the publishing of its first issue.
Courtesies, 1957 (File) - Box 85 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence mostly expressing words of appreciation to various overseas student organisations.
[International], 1957 (File) - Box 85 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence mostly relating to a study tour of India.
IVP [International Vice President], unfiled, 1957 (File) - Box 85 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence regarding various NUAUS activities. Correspondents include: James Thomas, NUAUS President; John Martin, NUAUS Public Relations Officer; T Krishna, Faculty Bureau Director and Malcolm Hills, International Vice President.
[International], 1957 (File) - Box 85 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (2 folios). Includes a letter to the Student mirror regarding photographs for the magazine by James Thomas, NUAUS President and a letter to the Department of External Affairs regarding an Australian delegation to France by Kim Paterson, NUAUS Honorary Secretary/Treasurer.
Students studying overseas to represent NUAUS, 1958, 1957 - 1960 (File) - Box 85 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence and circulars regarding NUAUS representation overseas. Includes discussion on whether students who are studying overseas or are members of overseas delegations can represent NUAUS at student meetings or other functions.
IVP [International Vice President], study tour, 1958 (File) - Box 85 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to the Asian Study Seminar in Ceylon, 1958.
Student government survey, 1958 (File) - Box 85 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence on various NUAUS matters. Includes a survey of student representation on the governing bodies of universities; grants from the Asia Foundation and the distribution of books on Australia to major universities in India and Pakistan.
IVP [International Vice President], 1958 (File) - Box 85 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence mostly relating to NUAUS accreditation for various students undertaking overseas trips.
Courtesies, 1958 (File) - Box 85 (Sequence 1)
Small file (3 folios) of incoming and outgoing correspondence expressing words of appreciation.
[International], 1958 (File) - Box 85 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (4 folios). Subjects include trust funds and relations between NUAUS and the newly formed Thai National Union of Students.
Courtesies, 1958 (File) - Box 85 (Sequence 1)
Proforma letter used to express words of appreciation to various overseas student organisations.
[International], 1958 (File) - Box 85 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (4 folios) mostly between Kim Paterson, NUAUS President and James Porterfield of the Asia Foundation regarding financial assistance to NUAUS delegates to the 5th International Student Conference in Japan, 1958.
Correspondence, 1958 (File) - Box 86 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence regarding a range of NUAUS international activities. Main correspondents are J Williams, NUAUS International Vice President and Kim Paterson, NUAUS President. Subjects include: attendance at overseas conferences and overseas student delegations to Australia.
IVP [International Vice President], 1958 (File) - Box 86 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence regarding foundations including the Asia Foundation.
[International Vice President], 1958 (File) - Box 86 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence regarding NUAUS international activities. Subjects include the situation in Nigeria and scholarships for displaced Algerian university students in Australian universities.
Miscellaneous, 1958 (File) - Box 86 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to a range of NUAUS activities. Subjects include attendance at conferences and accreditation for students to represent NUAUS overseas.
Misc[ellaneous], 1958 (File) - Box 86 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to a range of NUAUS activities. Subjects include attendance at overseas conferences. Also includes a list of the NUAUS Executive as at September 1958.
International, 1958-59, 1957 - 1959 (File) - Box 86 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, notes and reports on a range of NUAUS activities. Subjects include: overseas conferences; UNESCO Associated Youth Enterprises and a Seminar for Youth Leaders on "Young people in their daily work" held at Menangle, near Sydney, New South Wales from 2-16 January 1959.
International, 1958 - 1960 (File) - Box 86 (Sequence 1)
Extra large file of correspondence relating to a range of NUAUS international activities. Subjects include: attendance at overseas conferences; the situation in South Africa; scholarships in Asia; supporting Algerian students and the Colombo Plan. Also includes a report of the Colombo Plan for 1957-1958; an issue of The Colombo Plan, Vol 3, No 7, July 1958 and a report of the student trouble in South America by an International Student Conference Delegation, 1957.
International, 1958-61, 1958 - 1962 (File) - Box 86 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars relating to a range of NUAUS international activities. Subjects include: overseas conferences and the 1956 Hungarian uprising.
Correspondence and papers on international travel conferences, etc, 1958-59, 1958 - 1961 (File) - Box 86 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence, circulars and reports relating to a range of NUAUS international activities. Reports include: a report on the Hungarian uprising; a report on the Lok Milap Scheme and a report on the scheme for graduate employment in Indonesia. Also includes a NUAUS report on "How to behave at overseas conferences".
For archives, miscellaneous international correpondence, 1958 - 1961 (File) - Box 86 (Sequence 1)
Extra large file of correspondence and circulars relating to a range of NUAUS international activities. Subjects include: overseas conferences and seminars; NUAUS badges and NUAUS administrative matters.
International, 1958-61, 1958 - 1961 (File) - Box 86 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars relating to a range of NUAUS international activities. Subjects include overseas conferences and the International Union of Students. Includes several issues of News service, 1958 and 1959; a copy of World student news, No 3-4, 1959; a report of the IUS delegation on the 8th ISC, held in Lima, Peru, 15-25 February, 1959 and a program for the 7th World Festival of Youth and Students, held at Vienna, Austria, 26 July-4 August, 1959.
IVP [International Vice President], 1958 (File) - Box 86 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondenc (2 folios) between Don Lawrence, NUAUS International Vice President and Kim Paterson regarding the possible holding of the 8th ISC in Perth.
Miscellaneous, 1959, 1958 - 1960 (File) - Box 87 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars relating to NUAUS activities. Includes information on SEATO scholarships.
[International Vice President], 1959 (File) - Box 87 (Sequence 1)
Small file of miscellaneous correspondence generated by Jim Williams, NUAUS Vice President.
International correspondence, 1959, 1958 - 1959 (File) - Box 87 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence and circulars relating to a range of NUAUS international activities. Subjects include the Afro-Asian Travel Handbook and the Asian Regional Cooperation Seminar on Student Press and Student Travel, 1959.
[International Vice President], 1959 (File) - Box 87 (Sequence 1)
Single folio of correspondence from Ian Ernst, NUAUS Faculty Bureaux Director to Jim Williams, NUAUS International Vice President regarding NUAUS motion 3B 167.
[Miscellaneous], 1959 (File) - Box 87 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (2 folios) regarding a NUAUS subscription to Hemisphere and a question from NUAUS regarding the establishment of a Youth Council in Australia.
International Vice President, 1959, 1958 - 1959 (File) - Box 87 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to a range of NUAUS international activities. Subjects include the Sakiet-Sidi-Youseff Work Camp in Tunisia.
IVP [International Vice President], 1959, 1959 (File) - Box 87 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to a range of NUAUS international activities. Subjects include attendance at overseas conferences including the 6th ISA Conference in Japan, 1959 and visits of overseas delegations to Australia.
International Conference, 1960, 1959 - 1960 (File) - Box 87 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to a range of NUAUS international activities. Subjects include attendance at overseas conferences and the International University Exchange Fund.
International, 1959-61, 1958 - 1961 (File) - Box 87 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to a range of NUAUS international activities. Subjects include attendance at overseas conferences including the 6th ISA Conference in Japan, 1959; visits of overseas delegations to Australia and an Indonesian Student Exchange Scheme.
[Fourth Asian Regional Cooperation Seminar], 1966, 1966 (File) - Box 87 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars and reports relating to the Fourth Asian Regional Cooperation Seminar, held at at Manila, Phillipines, 23 May-12 June, 1966.
IUS [International Union of Students] and ISC [International Student Service], 1959, 1958 - 1960 (File) - Box 87 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence, circulars, publications and reports relating to overseas conferences. Publications include: issues of the ISC Information bulletin, 1958 and 1959; bulletins and a report of the International Festival Investigation Committee and a report of the 5th ISC held at Peking, China, 1958.
Int[ernational], 1960, 1958 - 1960 (File) - Box 87 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence and circulars relating to a range of NUAUS international activities. Subjects include attendance at overseas conferences and Australian Government policy on West Irian.
International, 1960, No 2, 1958, 1960 (File) - Box 87 (Sequence 1)
Large file of mostly correspondence and circulars relating to a range of NUAUS international activities. Subjects include attendance at overseas conferences and the Indonesian Student Exchange Scheme. Includes a report on opportunities for overseas students to study in Australia.
[International], miscellaneous, 1960-61, 1959 - 1962 (File) - Box 88 (Sequence 1)
Extra large file of correspondence and circulars relating to a range of NUAUS activities. One of the main correspondents is Kim Paterson, NUAUS Education officer.
International, 1960-61, 1959 - 1961 (File) - Box 88 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars relating to a range of NUAUS international activities including overseas conferences.
[International], Libya, 1961, 1961 - 1966 (File) - Box 88 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to a range of NUAUS international activities. Subjects include the student situation in Libya and South Korea. Also includes publications issued by the National Union of Kuwaiti Students.
Int[ernational], 1961, 1961 - 1963 (File) - Box 88 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars relating to a range of NUAUS international activities. Subjects include: overseas conferences and NUAUS Overseas Representatives.
International misc[ellaneous], 1962, 1958 - 1962 (File) - Box 88 (Sequence 1)
Extra large file of correspondence mostly relating to student publications. Publications include: issues of Cambodian news , 1960; issues of Japan reports, 1960 and issues of IBCA news, 1961. Also includes a report of the 5th Congress of the Women's International Democratic Federation, held at Vienna, Austria, 1-5 June 1958.
Correspondence of Robert McDonald, Assistant International Officer, 1963 (File) - Box 88 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence generated by Robert McDonald, Assistant International Officer for Latin America on a range of NUAUS international activities.
International Officer G Bilney's correspondence, 1963, 1963 - 1964 (File) - Box 88 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence generated by Gordon Bilney, International Officer on a range of NUAUS international activities.
International misc[ellaneous], 1963, 1963 (File) - Box 88 (Sequence 1)
Extra large file of correspondence and circulars relating to a range of NUAUS activities. Subjects include overseas conferences. There are also issues of NSPCI news features, 1963 produced by the National Student Press Council of India.
Corres[pondence], Assistant IVP [International Vice President], 1963 (File) - Box 89 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence generated by Robert McDonald, Assistant International Officer for Latin America on a range of NUAUS international activities.
[International], 1963 - 1965 (File) - Box 89 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence relating to the supply of textbooks to students in Basutoland and India.
International correspondence, miscellaneous, to be filed, 1963, 1961 - 1964 (File) - Box 89 (Sequence 1)
Extra large file of correspondence and circulars relating to a range of NUAUS international activities. Subjects include: overseas conferences and NUAUS Overseas Representatives.
International miscell[aneous], 1964, 1961 - 1964 (File) - Box 89 (Sequence 1)
Extra large file of miscellaneous correspondence, circulars, information sheets, newsletters and other publications relating to a range of NUAUS activities. The bulk of the material relates to overseas conferences and international student affairs. However, there is material relating to NUAUS activities within Australia, including minutes of meetings of some Australian student unions.
International misc[ellaneous], 1964, 1960 - 1964 (File) - Box 89 (Sequence 1)
Extra large file of miscellaneous correspondence, circulars, information sheets and newsletters relating to a range of NUAUS activities. The bulk of the material relates to overseas conferences and international student affairs. However, there is material relating to NUAUS activities within Australia, including minutes of meetings of some Australian student unions. Also includes working papers from the 9th ISC, held at Klosters, Switzerland, 21-30 August, 1960.
Int[ernational] V[ice] P[resident], 1964, 1961 - 1964 (File) - Box 90 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, notes, newscuttings and reports relating to a range of NUAUS activities. Subject include: overseas conferences; travel guides; student exchange programs and the political situtation in Cyprus. Includes a report on higher education in Hungary.
National Faculty Associations, PEN [Press Etudiante Nationale], 1965, 1964 - 1965 (File) - Box 90 (Sequence 1)
Various newsletters of the Press Etudiante Nationale; No 10, 9 November 1964; Vol 2, Nos 3-6, September 1965-October 1965.
[international], 1965, 1961 - 1966 (File) - Box 90 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars relating to a range of NUAUS international activities. Subjects include: overseas conferences; the National Union of Kenya students; the National Union of Malaysian Students in Australia and aid for Iranian victims.
Commonwealth Student Conference, London, 25-28 April, 1967 (File) - Box 90 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to NUAUS attendance at the conference.
[International], Walsh, 1967, 1967 - 1968 (File) - Box 90 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence mostly generated by Richard Walsh, NUAUS International Vice President on a range of NUAUS international activities. Subjects include overseas conferences and meetings.
International Stud[ent] Seminar, 1965 - 1968 (File) - Box 90 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence, circulars and papers regarding student conferences and seminars. Includes papers presented at the 15th International Student Seminar held at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, 3-5 July, 1964.
Nomination 1968 (File) - Box 90 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, memorandum and voting cards regarding nominations to conferences. They include: the Asian Regional Consultation Seminar held at Ceylon, 1968; a seminar organised by the University of Singapore Students' Union, April 1968; the 13th ISC, held at Leiden, the Netherlands, February 1969; a SUPCOM conference, held at Salzburg, Austria, February, 1969 and a conference on the formation of an Asian Regional Association of National Unions of Students in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, April 1969.
[International], corresspondence in action, 1967, 1967 - 1968 (File) - Box 90 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars relating to a range of NUAUS international activities. Includes incoming correspondence to Richard Walsh, NUAUS International Vice President.
[International], 1966 - 1967 (File) - Box 90 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to a range of NUAUS international activities. Includes newscuttings regarding student activities in Zambia.
Richard, action pending, 1967, 1967 - 1968 (File) - Box 90 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to a range of NUAUS international activities. Subjects include: travel guides; work camp schemes and students in Greece.
LIO [Local International Officers], 1968, 1967 - 1969 (File) - Box 90 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence between Richard Walsh, NUAUS International Vice President and Local International Officers on a range of international activities.
Miscellaneous reports, 1968, 1967 - 1968 (File) - Box 90 (Sequence 1)
Miscellaneous reports including reports of the NUAUS National Affairs Officer, John Bannon, to NUAUS Executive Meetings in 1967. Also includes a report of the 38th Winter Council Meeting of the New Zealand Students Association, held at the University of Otago, 12-14 August 1967.
Inter[national], 1968 (File) - Box 90 (Sequence 1)
Subjects include: an Asian travel handbook and the appoinment of Helen Jarvis to the position of NUAUS Asian Projects Officer.
Internat[ional], correspondence, IVP [International Vice President], 1968, 1967 - 1968 (File) - Box 90 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and memorandum mostly generated by Richard Walsh, NUAUS International Vice President on a range of NUAUS international activities. Includes correspondence with NUAUS Local International Officers.
Subseries 36. Canada, 1958 - 1966
N[ational] U[nion] Canadian Uni[versity] Students (File) - Box 91 (Sequence 1)
Report of the Officers of the Executive Council of the National Federation of Canadian University Students for the years 1934 and 1935 [n.d].
NFCUS [National Federation of Canadian University Students, 1958 (File) - Box 91 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (5 folios) between Kim Paterson, NUAUS President and Walter Tarnopolsky, NFCUS President. Subjects include financial assistance to student unions.
Canada, 1958 - 1959 (File) - Box 91 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between NUAUS and NFCUS. Subjects include: students visits; financial assistance to unions and the First Model United Nations held in Canada in 1959.
Canada, 1959 (File) - Box 91 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between NUAUS and NFCUS. Subjects include: NFCUS representation in Australia and attendance at NUAUS meetings.
Canadian Union of Students, 1965-66, 1961 - 1966 (File) - Box 91 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence between NUAUS and CUS. Includes a report on the resolutions of the 29th Congress of the Canadian Union of Students, 1965 and reports by the CUS International Affairs section.
Canadian Students, UGEQ [Union Generale des Etudiants du Quebec], 1965 - 1966 (File) - Box 91 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between NUAUS and UGEF. The file also contains various reports by the CUS. They include: a report on International Affairs, 1965-66; the Constitution of the CUS; a report on the resolutions of the 29th Congress of the Canadian Union of Students, 1965 and the President's Report, 1965-66.
Subseries 37. China, 1956-1958, 1965
China (?), 1965, 1961 - 1965 (File) - Box 91 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between NUAUS and student organisations in China. Includes a report by Joan Sawyers and Bill Evans on a visit to Taiwan, August, 1961. Also includes issues of China youth, Vol 3, Nos 1,3, 6-7, January-October, 1965.
All China Stud[ent]s Fed[eration], 1958 (File) - Box 91 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (2 folios) between NUAUS and the All China Students' Federation regarding attendance at meetings.
China, 1958 (File) - Box 91 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (4 folios) regarding reimbursement of rail fares for China Delegation members.
Subseries 38. England, 1941-1950, 1956, 1958-1966, 1968
British National Union of Students, 1956 (File) - Box 91 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (4 folios) regarding relations between NUAUS and BNUS. Subjects include NUAUS representation at a BNUS Council Meeting and a possible BNUS debating team to visit Australia.
National Union of Students, Britain, 1941-1950, 1941, 1948-1951 (File) - Box 91 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between NUAUS and BNUS. Subjects include holiday and travel facilities arranged by NUS; NUAUS representation in the United Kingdom and the visit of a British debating team to Australia.
British NUS [National Union of Students, 1956 (File) - Box 91 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars relating to various NUAUS international activities. Subjects include: NUAUS representation at a British NUS annual council meeting; a NUAUS student delegation to Indonesia and the political situation in Hungary.
BNUS [British National Union of Students], 1958 (File) - Box 91 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (3 folios) between NUAUS and BNUS. Subjects include the publication Student's guide to London and the BNUS Annual Council Meeting, 1958.
BNUS [British National Union of Students], 1958 (File) - Box 91 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (3 folios) between NUAUS and BNUS. Subjects include the publication Student's guide to London and joint conferences between national unions of the East and West.
Br[i]t[ish Nat[ional] Union, BNUS [British National Union of Students],1958-59, 1957 - 1960 (File) - Box 91 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between NUAUS and BNUS. Subjects include: the publication Student's guide to London; joint conferences between national unions of the East and West and NUS Council meetings.
National Union of Students EWNI [England, Wales and Northern Ireland], 1958 - 1961 (File) - Box 91 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between NUAUS and BNUS and the Scottish Union of Students. Subjects include attendance at a Council meeting of the Scottish Union of Students, May 1958 and a conference also being arranged by them.
England, BNUS [British National Union of Students], 1959 (File) - Box 91 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence between NUAUS and BNUS. Includes minutes and summary of procedings of a NUS Council meeting, held at the University of Hull, England, 3-6 April, 1959 and an issue of Student news, No 45, 5 March, 1959.
British Union of Students, 1960 - 1966 (File) - Box 91 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence, reports and publications. The correspondence is mostly between NUAUS and BNUS. The publications include: yearbooks of the NUS for 1960 and 1961; a NUS policy statement, 1961 and copies of the NUS constitution. Also includes Executive Reports of the NUS for 1961 and 1964.
BUVAC [British Undergraduates' Visit Australian Committee] and UK [United Kingdom], 1968, 1967 - 1969 (File) - Box 91 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars and minutes of meetings relating to student visits to Australia. Most of the material relates to a visit by British undergraduate students to Australia in July, 1968.
Subseries 39. Germany, 1956 - 1958
VDS [Verband Deutscher Studentenschaften], Germany, 1956 (File) - Box 91 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (5 folios) expressing support for the VDS.
Germany and Greece, 1958 (File) - Box 91 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence with German student unions. Includes a copy of The German Democratic Republic, its universities and students, published by the IUS, 1958 and a copy of University news published by the VDS. Also includes an information sheet for the 9th International Student Seminar, held in Greece, 15-22 December, 1958.
Subseries 40. India and Pakistan, 1958, 1959, 1962-1967
India, 1958 (File) - Box 92 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars and telegrams relating to an Australian student delegation to India, January-February, 1959.
India, 1958, 1957 - 1958 (File) - Box 92 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to an Australian student delegation to India, January-February, 1959.
[India], 1959 (File) - Box 92 (Sequence 1)
Annual report, 1958-1959, of the National Council of University Students of India, presented to their Annual General Meeting, held at Delhi University, 23-26 October, 1959
[India], 1962 - 1963 (File) - Box 92 (Sequence 1)
Mostly circulars and information sheets relating to an Australian Overseas Student Travel Scheme to India, 1962-1963.
NSPCI News Features, 1963, 1963 (File) - Box 92 (Sequence 1)
Issues of NSPCI news features: Vol I, Nos 52, 54-57, 59-60, 1963.
NSPCI [National Student Press of India], 1964, 1963 - 1964 (File) - Box 92 (Sequence 1)
Issues of NSPCI news features: Vol I, No 45, 1963 and Vol I, No 74, 1964.
India, 1964-65, 1961 - 1966 (File) - Box 92 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between NUAUS and organisations in India including the National Council of University Students of India. Subjects include: student tours to India under the Australian Overseas Student Travel Scheme (AOST); Indian student tours to Australia; invitations to Congresses and Council Meetings in India; seminars and Indian travel material.
Pakistan, 1965-66, 1961 - 1966 (File) - Box 92 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars regarding the student situation in Pakistan; problems in Kashmir and the National Union of Students of Pakistan.
[India], 1965 - 1967 (File) - Box 92 (Sequence 1)
Reports and other material relating to India. Includes a handbook of the AOST, 1964-65; a constitution of the National Council of University Students of India (NCUSI); a flyer for the NCUSI; a copy of Indian student news, September 1967 and a souvenir booklet for a NUSCI Seminar, 1967.
Subseries 41. Indonesia, 1956, 1958, 1963-1966
Indonesians, 1956 (File) - Box 92 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (3 folios) regarding the visit of Indonesians to Australia.
Indonesia, 1958 (File) - Box 92 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (5 folios) mostly relating to an Indonesian student delegation to Australia in 1959.
Indonesians, 1958 (File) - Box 92 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to an Indonesian student delegation to Australia in 1959.
Indonesians, 1958 (File) - Box 92 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to an Indonesian student delegation to Australia in 1959 and the funding of the tour.
Indonesians, 1963-66, 1962 - 1967 (File) - Box 92 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence, information sheets and notes relating to Indonesia. Subjects include: relations between Australian and Indonesian students; student exchange schemes; student visits and Indonesian student unions.
PPIA [Perserikatan Perhimpunan2 Peladjar Indonesia Di Australia], 1964-65, 1959 - 1967 (File) - Box 92 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence relating to the PPIA. Subjects include: NUAUS financial assistance to the PPIA; the 1964 PPIA conference held in Hobart and the 1965 PPIA conference held in Adelaide. Also includes notes on KAMI (University Students Action Front) which was established in Indonesia in 1965.
Subseries 42. Malaya, 1954 - 1969
UMSU [University of Malaya Students' Union} and the University of Malaya, 1954, 1954 - 1956 (File) - Box 92 (Sequence 1)
File containing publications of some Malayan student unions. Includes: The democrat, Vol I, Nos 1-2, 1955-1956, published by the University of Malaya Democratic Club; The Malayan undergrad, various issues, 1955-1956; The serdang sun, magazine of the College of Agriculture Students' Union, 1954-1955 and University of Malaya Students' Union magazine, session 1953-1954.
Malaya, 1958 - 1960 (File) - Box 92 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence regarding student unions in Malaya and a possible study tour to Australia by students from Nanyang University.
[Malaya], 1964, 1961 - 1969 (File) - Box 93 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence between NUAUS and student unions in Malaya. Includes copies of Malayan student union magazines: The Malayan undergrad and Berita pelajar2 and a poster of the Federation of Malaysia. There is also some miscellaneous material which includes correspondence with the Students' Representative Council in Malta; a booklet on the earthquake in Skopje, Macedonia in 1963 and an information bulletin published by the Central Committee of the Labour Youth Union of Albania.
Malaya, 1965-66, 1961 - 1966 (File) - Box 93 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence between NUAUS and student unions in Malaya. Subjects include: invitations to conferences in Malaya; student delegations and provisions of the Internal Security Act in Malaysia. Also includes a report of the Seventh National Students' Conference, held at the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, 12-14 March, 1965. There are also copies of Malayan student union magazines: The Malayan undergrad and Berita pelajar2.
PKPM [Persatuan Kebangsaan Pelajar2 Malaysia], 1968, 1967 - 1969 (File) - Box 93 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence between John Bannon, NUAUS President and N Paransothi, PKPM President. Includes some correspondence between the PKPM and the ISC. There are also copies of Berita pelajar2, Nos 5 and 7-9, 1968 and resolutions adopted at the 9th National Student Conference, held at the University of Malaya, 17-19 March, 1967.
Subseries 43. New Zealand, 1950-1960, 1965, 1969
[New Zealand], 1950-54, 1949 - 1958 (File) - Box 93 (Sequence 1)
Extra large file of material. Includes correspondence regarding the National Service Training Scheme in Australia and correspondence with the New Zealand University Students'Association (NZUSA). Most of the file consists of minutes and reports from NZUSA meetings. Also includes some reports of NUAUS delegates who attended meetings and congresses in New Zealand.
[New Zealand], 1954 (File) - Box 93 (Sequence 1)
Report of NZUSA representative, Rod Smith, to the NUAUS Congress and Council Meeting, 1954.
New Zealand, NZUSA [New Zealand University Students' Association], 1954 (File) - Box 93 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between NUAUS and NZUSA. Includes Minutes of the NZUSA Council Meeting, August 1954 and a report by NZUSA titled "Student Medical Scheme for constituent colleges".
New Zealand University Students' Association (NZUSA), 1955 (File) - Box 93 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between NUAUS and NZUSA. Subjects include the New Zealand debating team tour to Australia and the visit of Malaysian student, Timothy Lin to New Zealand. Also includes the minutes of the 25th Annual General Meeting of NZUSA, held at Auckland University College, 1955 and a report of the Resident Executive of NZUSA for circualtion to NUAUS, 1955.
NZUSA [New Zealand University Students' Association], 1956 (File) - Box 93 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (3 folios) between NUAUS and NZUSA regarding exchanges of reports from the NZUSA Council meeting and the Afro-Asian Student Conferences.
NZUSA [New Zealand University Students' Association], administration, 1956-57, 1948, 1954-1957 (File) - Box 93 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence between NUAUS and NZUSA. Subjects include the exchange of information and NUAUS attendance at NZUSA meetings in New Zealand. Includes reports of NUAUS representatives at NZUSA meetings in 1954 and 1957.
NZUSA [New Zealand University Students' Association], 1957 (File) - Box 93 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence between James Thomas, NUAUS President and Des Dalgety, NZUSA President. Subjects include a visit by James Thomas to New Zealand to attend the NZUSA Easter Conference and a proposed visit to Australia and New Zealand by student leaders from Asia.
NZUSA [New Zealand University Students' Association], 1957 (File) - Box 93 (Sequence 1)
Report by James Thomas, NUAUS President on the Easter Council Meeting of NZUSA, held at Otago University, Dunedin, 19-22 April, 1957
NZUSA [New Zealand University Students' Association], 1959 (File) - Box 93 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence between NUAUS and NZUSA and also the Students' Union at the University of Otago, Dunedin. Subjects include: a report on NZUSA activities; a visit to Australia by Indian students and a visit to New Zealand by Russian Students. and
NZUSA [New Zealand University Students' Association], 1958 (File) - Box 93 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence between NUAUS and NZUSA mostly relating to attendance at meetings and conferences.
NZUSA [New Zealand University Students' Association], 1958 (File) - Box 93 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (5 folios) between NUAUS and NZUSA. Subjects include the reciprocal representation of NUAUS and NZUSA at each others meetings and the question of NUAUS and NZUSA attendance at the Asian Seminar in Ceylon.
New Zealand, correspondence, 1959, 1958 - 1959 (File) - Box 93 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence between NUAUS and NZUSA. Subjects include: a report on NZUSA activities; a visit to Australia by Indian students and a visit to New Zealand by Russian Students.
New Zealand, 1959-60, 1959 - 1961 (File) - Box 93 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence between Joan Sawyers, NUAUS Public Relations Officer and the New Zealand University Student Press Council (NZUSPI). Includes minutes of various meetings of NZUSPI for 1958-1960 and issues of the NZUSPI News bulletin for 1960-1961.
NZSPA [New Zealand Student Press Association], 1965, 1964 - 1965 (File) - Box 93 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence between NUAUS and the New Zealand Student Press Association. Subjects include NUAUS attendance at the NZSPA Council meeting and the exchange of publications. Also includes press releases issued by NZSPA and issues of their bulletin Press service, 1963
[New Zealand University Students' Association], 1969, 1965 - 1969 (File) - Box 93 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, reports and pamphlets relating to NZUSA. Includes a report by the NZUSA President, J McGrath, who was an observer to the 1968 Annual Council Meeting of NUAUS. The pamphlets published by the NZUSA are titled "Introducing NZSA" and "Student Travel Bureau".
Subseries 44. Scottish Union of Students, 1956 - 1969
Scottish Union of Students, 1956 (File) - Box 94 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (3 folios) between NUAUS and the Scottish Union of Students regarding office bearers of the Scottish Union of Students for 1956-57 and NUAUS representation at their meetings.
Scottish Union of Students, 1957 - 1958 (File) - Box 94 (Sequence 1)
Mostly minutes of meetings and reports by the Scottish Union of Students. Includes the Annual Report of the Executive Committee for 1957-1958.
SUS [Scottish Union of Students], 1958 (File) - Box 94 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and telegrams relating to NUAUS representation at the SUS Council Meeting, 9-11 May, 1958. Also includes an agenda for the meeting.
SUS [Scottish Union of Students], 1958 (File) - Box 94 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to NUAUS representation at the SUS Council Meeting, 9-11 May, 1958 and Scottish societies in Australia.
SUS [Scottish Union of Students], 1958 (File) - Box 94 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly relating to NUAUS representation at the SUS Council Meeting, 9-11 May, 1958.
SUS [Scottish Union of Students], 1958, 1957 - 1958 (File) - Box 94 (Sequence 1)
Reports and working papers prepared by the Scottish Union of Students. Includes reports of conferences held in Finland, Germany, Sweden and Yugoslavia.
Scotland, SUS [Scottish Union of Students], 1959 (File) - Box 94 (Sequence 1)
Annual Report of the Executive Committee for 1957-1958.
NUSEWNI [National Union of Students England, Wales and Northern Ireland], SUS [Scottish Union of Students], 1968, 1968 - 1969 (File) - Box 94 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between NUAUS and NUWESNI and SUS. Subjects include NUWESNI's decision to withdraw from the ISC and the attendance of John Burrell, SUS observer at the NUAUS August Council Meeting, 1968.
Subseries 45. South Africa and Apartheid, 1956 - 1966
NUSAS [National Union of South African Students], 1956, 1955 - 1956 (File) - Box 94 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between NUAUS and NUSAS. Subjects include; university finances in Australia; apartheid in South African universities and comments on the history of English-Afrikaans student relationships in South Africa.
South Africa, 1956, 1953 - 1956 (File) - Box 94 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, memorandum, newscuttings and newspaper articles relating to apartheid in South Africa and its impact on students and universities.
South Africa, 1957 (File) - Box 94 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (6 folios) relating to apartheid in South Africa and racial segregation in its universities.
NUSAS [National Union of South African Students], 1957 (File) - Box 94 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence regarding apartheid in South Africa. Includes statements from the Co-ordinating Secretariat of National Union of Students (COSEC) on the university situation in South Africa.
NUSAS [National Union of South African Students], 1958 (File) - Box 94 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence between NUAUS and NUNAS. Subjects include: university apartheid legislation in South Africa and a repeal of the ban on the distribution of Student mirror by the South African Government.
South Africa, 1958 (File) - Box 94 (Sequence 1)
Small file containing correspondence relating to a report on South Africa by Pam Williams and a circular regarding the lifting of a ban on the publication Student mirror by the South African Government.
South Africa, 1958 (File) - Box 94 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (4 folios) relating to a report on South Africa by Pam Williams.
South Af[rica], 1958 (File) - Box 94 (Sequence 1)
A NUSAS report titled "A digest of protest against the university apartheid legislation", 1958 and a copy of the presidential address delivered at the opening of the 1958 NUSAS Congress, held at Rhodes University, 1 July, 1958.
South Africa, 1958 (File) - Box 94 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to a report on South Africa by Pam Williams.
NUSAS [National Union of South African Students], 1959, 1958 (File) - Box 94 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars relating to South Africa. Subjects include: the lifting of a ban on the publication Student mirror by the South African Government and apartheid in South Africa.
South Africa, NUSAS [National Union of South African Students], 1959, 1959 (File) - Box 94 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence between NUAUS and NUNAS and also within NUAUS regarding South Africa. Includes a report on higher education in the Union of South Africa and an issue of NUSAS news letter, No 23, 6 November 1959.
South African Students Union, 1960, 1957 - 1960 (File) - Box 94 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars and memorandum relating to apartheid in South Africa. Includes a report submitted by NUSAS to the Commission on the Separate University Education Bill.
South Africa, segregation, 1960-64, 1961 - 1965 (File) - Box 94 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence, circulars, newscuttings and press releases mostly relating to apartheid in South Africa and NUAUS donations to the South African Committee for Higher Education (SACHED). Includes two booklets on the African National Congress of South Africa and a COSEC booklet on South Africa, 1961/62.
South Africa, 1960, 1958 - 1960 (File) - Box 94 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence between NUAUS and student unions in South Africa and within NUAUS regarding South Africa. Subjects include NUAUS financial assistance to SACHED and the lifting of a ban on the publication Student mirror by the South African Government.
South Africa, 1961 (File) - Box 94 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence with NUSAS regarding the receipt of NUSAS news letter, No 24, 27 March 1961. Also includes an article by Adrian Leftwich, NUSAS President titled "Forbidden - by race, a university education in South Africa".
Anti-Apartheid Campaign, 1963 (File) - Box 94 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, notes and press releases relating to a NUAUS Anti-Apartheid Campaign. Includes a NUAUS policy statement and campaign leaflet titled "Is this cricket?". Also includes a statement by the South African Cricket Association on the South African tour of Australia and New Zealand 1963-64.
South Africa, 1964 (File) - Box 94 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars and newscuttings relating to apartheid in South Africa. Subjects include the South Africa Student Freedom Appeal and the NUAUS Anti-Apartheid Campaign.
Anti-apartheid, 1964, 1963 - 1966 (File) - Box 95 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence, circulars and press releases mostly relating to apartheid in South Africa. Subjects include the South Africa Student Freedom Appeal and the NUAUS Anti-Apartheid Campaign. Includes copies of a broadsheet Apartheid published by NUAUS in December 1963.
Sharpeville booklet, 1966, 1963 - 1966 (File) - Box 95 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, press releases and printed material relating to apartheid in South Africa. Subjects include: the South African Student Freedom Appeal; the Sharpeville massacre and a Sharpeville booklet. The printed material includes publications by the United Nations and the International Labour Office on apartheid. Also includes a World Assembly of Youth poster for a week of action against apartheid, 14-21 March, [n.d].
SANSPA [South African National Students Press Association], 1965, 1965 - 1966 (File) - Box 95 (Sequence 1)
Mostly SANSPA news releases and article service, 1965-1966. Includes a small number of folios of correspondence between NUAUS and SANSPA.
South Africa, 1965, 1964 - 1965 (File) - Box 95 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence, circulars, newscuttings, press releases and printed material relating to apartheid in South Africa. Includes a report of the International Conference on Economic Sanctions Against South Africa, held in London, England, 1954. Also includes some anti-apartheid flyers and brochures.
Subseries 46. United States (U.S.N.S.A.), 1953 - 1967
USNSA [United States National Student Association], 1955, 1953 - 1956 (File) - Box 95 (Sequence 1)
Extra large file of correspondence, circulars, reports and other printed material relating to USNSA. Includes correspondence between NUAUS and USNSA. The printed material includes: issues of USNSA News; Student government bulletin; summary reports of the 6th and 7th National Student Congresses, 1953-1954 and minutes of the USNSA National Executive Committee Meeting, 1954.
US [United States], 1954 (File) - Box 95 (Sequence 1)
Small file of miscellaneous correspondence. Includes correspondence between NUAUS and USNSA regarding work and travel guides.
US [United States] students, 1953, 1947 - 1953 (File) - Box 95 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with USNSA and other student organisations in the USA. Includes a precis of NUAUS, its organisation, activities and problems compiled in 1953.
United States NSA [National Students Association], 1956 (File) - Box 96 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (3 folios) between NUAUS and USNSA. Subjects include relationships between NUAUS and USNSA and the ISC.
USNSA [United States National Student Association], 1956 (File) - Box 96 (Sequence 1)
Report of The history of US National Student Association relations with the International Union of Students, 1945-1956 by Peter T Jones.
USNSA [United States National Student Association], 1957 (File) - Box 96 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence mostly between NUAUS and USNSA. Subjects include attendance at meetings and the Moscow Festival for Youth and Students.
USNSA [United States National Student Association], 1958, 1957 - 1958 (File) - Box 96 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence mostly relating to NUAUS representation at meetings of the USNSA and assistance by USNSA to Australian students travelling to the USA.
USNSA [United States National Student Association], 1958, 1957 - 1958 (File) - Box 96 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly relating to NUAUS representation at meetings of the USNSA and a proposed visit by American graduate students to Australia.
Correspondence with USNSA [United States National Student Association], 1958-60, 1957 - 1960 (File) - Box 96 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence between NUAUS and USNSA. Subjects include: NUAUS representation at meetings of the USNSA; sit-in demonstrations in the USA and resolutions from the 11th National Student Congress of the USNSA.
America, 1958-61, 1957 - 1961 (File) - Box 96 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly relating to NUAUS representation at meetings of the USNSA, a proposed visit by American graduate students to Australia and student visits between the two countries. Includes a copy of Student responsibility in an age of challenge, published by the USNSA.
USNSA [United States National Student Association], 1959, 1958 - 1959 (File) - Box 96 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence regarding student exchanges. Includes a copy of Fulbright programme in Australia: the first eight years and its future, issued by the United States Educational Foundation, 1958.
[United States] (File) - Box 96 (Sequence 1)
Information folder on the People to People University Program. The program aims to improve relations between foreign and American students.
NSA [National Students Association], (Ridley) (File) - Box 96 (Sequence 1)
Information about the USNSA. Includes a copy of its constitution and by-laws and brochures for some of its programs.
[Nederlandse Studenten Raad], 1962, 1961 - 1966 (File) - Box 96 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence between NUAUS and the Netherlands Student Council regarding attendance at each others meetings. Includes an information sheet on the structure of the NSR.
America, USNSA [United States National Student Association], 1962-1965, 1961 - 1965 (File) - Box 96 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence between NUAUS and USNSA. Subjects include racial discrimination in the USA; invitations to meetings and NUAUS representation at meetings of the USNSA. Includes a report on the 18th Congress of USNSA by Overseas Representative, R Plehwe, 1965.
America, segregation, 1963, 1961 - 1963 (File) - Box 96 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence regarding equal rights and sit-in demonstrations in the USA.
USNSA [United States National Student Association] Delegation to Australia, 30 Jul[y]-15 Aug[ust], 1966, 1966 (File) - Box 96 (Sequence 1)
Report of the USNSA delegation visit to Australia, 30 July-15 August 1966 by National Organiser, Gareth Evans. Includes correspondence regarding the organisation of the visit and an itinerary.
US [United States], 1966, 1963, 1965-1966 (File) - Box 96 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars and newscuttings. Includes correspondence with USNSA regarding a student delegation visit to Australia, 30 July-15 August 1966.
Subseries 47. U.S.S.R, 1956 - 1968
Anti-Fascist Committee of Soviet Youth, 1956 (File) - Box 96 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (4 folios) between NUAS and the Anti-Fascist Committee of Soviet Youth regarding student exchanges and also the exchange of periodicals and magazines on the life of students in the two countries.
CYO of USSR (formerly Anti-Fascist C[ommit]tee of Soviet Youth], 1957 (File) - Box 96 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (3 folios) regarding student attendance at the Moscow World Youth Festival and students in Russia.
China/Russia, 1958 (File) - Box 96 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence with student unions in China, Hong Kong and the USSR. Subjects include attendance at meetings and seminars and relations between national unions.
CYO [Committee of Youth Organizations] of Russia, 1958 (File) - Box 96 (Sequence 1)
Small file containing a letter and application form from the CYO regarding a seminar titled "Peaceful uses of atomic energy and the youth", held in Moscow, Russia, 1-8 August, 1958.
USSR [Union of Soviet Socialist Republics], 1960, 1958 - 1960 (File) - Box 96 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars mostly relating to seminars and conferences being held in Russia. Includes an open letter from the Constituent Meeting of the International Committee in Suport of the World Youth Forum. Also includes correspondence with the Australia-Soviet Friendship Society (Victoria) and some of their brochures.
USSR [Union of Soviet Socialist Republics], 1960-61, 1957 - 1961 (File) - Box 96 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with various student unions in Russia, China and Hungary. Subjects include attendance at seminars and conferences and a Russian Student delegation to Australia in 1961. Includes a number of bulletins looking at youth and communism and youth in the USSR.
Russia, 1961, 1960 - 1962 (File) - Box 96 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars and telegrams mostly relating to a Russian student delegation to Australia in July 1961.
USSR [Union of Soviet Socialist Republics] and III International Summer School, 1966, 1958, 1961-1966 (File) - Box 97 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, newscuttings and telegrams relating to student exchanges with Russia and attendance at meetings and conferences including the 3rd International Summer School, held at Leningrad, Russia, 16-26 August, 1966. Includes a final communique from the Summer School. Also includes a report on higher education in the Soviet Union published by the East European Student and Youth Service, New York, 1958.
Subseries 48. Africa, 1958 - 1967
General 1958-1961; Algeria, 1985. 1960; Angola 1964-1965; Basutoland 1963; Ghana 1964; Liberia 1964; Morocco 1964; Mozambique 1966; Nigeria 1964, 1966; Rhodesia 1967; Rwandi 1963-1964; Sierra Leone 1964; Sudan 1964; Swaziland 1964; Tanzania 1966; Tunisia 1966.
N[or]th Africa, 1958 (File) - Box 97 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence regarding the student situation in Nigeria and Algeria and financial assistance to UGET in Tunisia for the rebuilding of the school at Sakiet-Sidi-Youssef, Tunisia.
North Africans, 1959 (File) - Box 97 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars relating to a work camp at Sakiet-Sidi-Youssef, Tunisia; the trial of Algerian students and Algerian refugee students and scholarships. Also includes an article on the work camp at Sakiet-Sidi-Youssef published in the ISC Information bulletin, Vol 7, No 5, August-September, 1959.
Africans, 1958 - 1959 (File) - Box 97 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence mostly between NUAUS and the National Union of Basutoland Students. Includes a copy of The undergraduate: the magazine of the Makerere College Students' Guild, April, 1958 and a flyer for an East-West African Study Seminar, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 11 January-8 February, 1960.
East Africa, 1960, 1958 (File) - Box 97 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence. Includes a letter and circular regarding a seminar to be held in Khartoum, Egypt, 10-18 December, 1958 and the Pan-African Student Conference, held at Makerere College, Uganda, 1-7 July, 1958.
WASU [West African Students' Union], 1964 (File) - Box 97 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (4 folios) with WASU. Subjects include students in Ghana and the political situation in Zanzibar.
Portugese Africa, UGEAN [Union Generale des Etudiants d'Afrique Noir sous Domination Coloniale Portugaise], 1961, 1961 - 1964 (File) - Box 97 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars and conference material relating to the First Congress of the students of African countries under Portugese colonial domination, held at Rabat, Morocco, 22-25 September, 1961.
Algeria, 1958 (File) - Box 97 (Sequence 1)
Small file containing a COSEC circular and press release regarding the Extraordinary Conference of National Unions of Students, held in London, England, 17-18 April, 1958 to discuss the problems of Algerian students following the dissolution of their national union, UGEMA.
Algeria, 1960 (File) - Box 97 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence and circulars relating to the student situation in Algeria and a COSEC motion taken at the 9th ISC for a "Day of solidarity" with Algeria.
Angola, 1964-65, 1961 - 1966 (File) - Box 97 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between NUAUS and the Union Nationale des Etudiants Angolais (UNEA) and publications on the political situation. Includes issues of The Angolian student, 1962 and 1965 and two booklets on Angola published by WAY, 1962 and 1963.
Basutoland, NUBS [National Union of Basutoland Stuents], 1963, 1961 - 1964 (File) - Box 97 (Sequence 1)
Circulars, bulletin extracts and printed material regarding the political situation in Basutoland. Includes an issue of leseli, the newsletter of the National Union of Basutoland Students, September, 1964.
Ghana, NUGS [National Union of Ghana Students], 1961 - 1965 (File) - Box 97 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence between NUAUS and the National Union of Ghana Students. Includes circulars, bulletin extracts and newscuttings relating to the political and student situation in Ghana.
Liberia, 1964 (File) - Box 97 (Sequence 1)
Letter (1 folio) from Dennis Altman, NUAUS Assistant International Officer for Africa to the Liberian National Students' Union accompanying a copy of the 1964 NUAUS Handbook. Expresses the desire for a growth in cooperation between students in Australia and Liberia.
Morroco UNEM [Union Nationale des Etudiants du Maroc], 1961 - 1967 (File) - Box 97 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, bulletin extracts, circulars and printed material regarding government action against students in Morocco. Includes a copy of Morocco: a police state published by the IUS, 1963.
Mozambique (File) - Box 97 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between NUAUS and Uniao Nacional dos Estudantes Mocambicanos (UNEMO). Includes a booklet on Mozambique and an issue of The Mozambican, June 1964 published by UNEMO.
Africa (Nigeria), 1963 - 1965 (File) - Box 97 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between NUAUS and the Department of Imigration regarding a delegation of Nigerian students to Australia in 1963. Also includes a report of the NUAUS delegation to Nigeria in 1963.
Nigeria, 1966, 1963 - 1966 (File) - Box 97 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between NUAUS and the National Union of Nigerian Students (NUNS). Also includes issues of Fact sheets on Nigeria, 1964.
Rhodesia, 1963 - 1967 (File) - Box 97 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, newscuttings and press releases relating to the political and student situation in Rhodesia. Includes a copy of Rhodesia: road to tragedy, published by the ISC, [n.d] and an issue of The student forum, the official organ of the national Union of Rhodesian Students, Vol II, No 3, April 1965.
Rwandi, 1963 - 1964 (File) - Box 97 (Sequence 1)
Letter from Dennis Altman, NUAUS Assistant International Officer for Africa to the President of Rwanda protesting the deaths in his country in 1964. Printed material includes a book on events in Rwanda in French and newscuttings on the massacre of Tutsi tribesmen.
Sierra Leone, 1964 (File) - Box 97 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (3 folios). Includes 2 letters from Dennis Altman, NUAUS Assistant International Officer for Africa to the Students' Union in Sierra Leone relating to administrative matters.
Sudan, KUSU [Khartoum University Students' Union], 1964, 1961 - 1964 (File) - Box 97 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars and newscuttings relating to the political situation in the Sudan and student efforts to preserve the autonomy of Khartoum University.
Swaziland, 1964 (File) - Box 97 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (4 folios). Includes 2 letters from Dennis Altman, NUAUS Assistant International Officer for Africa to the Swaziland Students' Union. Includes congratulatory messages on their recent National Seminar.
Africa (Tanzania, Tanganyika, Zanziba[r]), 1966, 1961 - 1966 (File) - Box 97 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence between NUAUS and the National Union of Tanzania Students. There is also a letter from NUAUS to the President of Tanzania expressing concern at the government's action in banning the Union. Also includes newscuttings; a book on Zanzibar produced for the British Information Services and a book on colonialist aggression in Bizerta published by COSEC on behalf of UGET.
Subseries 49. Asia, 1956 - 1966
General 1956-1958; Hong Kong 1965-1966; Japan 1958-1961; Korea 1958; Phillipines 1956.
Asian students and Asian unions, 1956 (File) - Box 98 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly relating to Australian student delegations to Asia including China, Indonesia and Malaysia and attendance at overseas conferences and meetings in Asia.
Asian student unions, 1957 (File) - Box 98 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly relating to Australian student delegations to Asia; incoming delegations to Australia; attendance at overseas conferences and meetings in Asia and a student hostel and travel guide for South-East Asia.
Asian student unions, 1958, 1957 - 1958 (File) - Box 98 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly relating to student delegations and attendance at overseas conferences and meetings including the 5th International Student Conference of the International Students Association, Japan. Also includes a report on the 4th International Student Conference of Japan, July-August 1957 by Australian representative, Kim Paterson.
Asian stud[ent] unions, 1958 (File) - Box 98 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (1 folio) from David Welsh, NUAUS Public Relations Officer to Kim Paterson, NUAUS Honorary Secretary/Treasurer acknowledging an exchange of publications between NUAUS and Nanyang University Students Union.
Hong Kong, 1966, 1963 - 1966 (File) - Box 98 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between NUAUS and student unions in Hong Kong. Includes a paper prepared by John Ridley, NUAUS President titled ''Student Travel Bureau" for the Hong Kong Federation of Students' Seminar, 1966. Also includes circulars and press releases by the Hong Kong Federation of Students.
Hong Kong, 1961 - 1966 (File) - Box 98 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence between NUAUS and the Hong Kong Federation of Students. Subjects include: student exchanges; the Australian Overseas Student Travel Scheme and co-operation between the two unions.
Japan, 1958 (File) - Box 98 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly relating to NUAUS attendance at the 5th International Student Conference of the International Students Association, Japan, 15 July-11 August, 1958.
Asian student unions, Japan, ISA [International Students Association], 1959, 1957 - 1959 (File) - Box 98 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly relating to attendance at overseas conferences including the 5th and 6th International Student Conferences of the International Students Association, Japan held in 1958 and 1959. Includes a report on the 4th International Student Conference of Japan, July-August 1957 by Australian representative, Kim Paterson and a report on student unions in Thailand by Roger Cook, 1959.
Japan, 1959, 1959 - 1960 (File) - Box 98 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly relating to Japanese representation at the NUAUS Annual Council Meeting, 14-26 February, 1960.
Japan, 1960 - 1961 (File) - Box 98 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars mostly relating to NUAUS attendance at the 7th and 8th International Student Conferences of the International Students Association, Japan held in 1960 and 1961.
Korean students, 1958 (File) - Box 98 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (3 folios). Includes a letter from the Korean Democratic Youth League asking for NUAUS support for the peaceful unification of Korea. Also includes a printed document titled Important statements for promoting peaceful unification of Korea, 1958.
Philippinos, 1956 (File) - Box 98 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence mostly relating to the visit of a Philippino delgation to Australia in 1956 which was later cancelled.
Subseries 50. Eastern Europe, 1956 - 1966
General 1959; Czechoslovakia 1959-1960, 1968; Hungary 1958; Poland 1960-1965; Rumania 1966; Yugoslavia 1956.
Eastern Europe, 1959 (File) - Box 98 (Sequence 1)
Material from the Polish Students Association, the Student Council of the Central Committee of the Czechoslovak Union of Youth and the German National Union of Students.
Czechoslovakia and Bulgaria, 1959-60, 1958 - 1960 (File) - Box 98 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between NUAUS and the Student Council of CSM and within NUAUS regarding attendance at the Conference on Democratization and Reform of Higher Education, held in Prague, Czechoslovakia, 29 September-4 October 1960. Includes an information sheet for an International Student Week for Friendship and Peace and an International Student Peace Conference, held from 10-17 November 1959. Also includes a letter from the Central Committee of Dimitrov Union of People's Youth, Bulgaria.
Czechoslovakia, 1968 (File) - Box 98 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, newscuttings, newsletters, resolutions and telegrams relating to the invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968 and student demonstrations in Poland in March, 1968.
Hungary, 1958 (File) - Box 98 (Sequence 1)
Single lettergram calling for amnesty for Hungarian students imprisoned following the Hungarian uprising.
Hungary, 1958, 1958 - 1960 (File) - Box 98 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly relating to the Hungarian uprising; the death of Imre Nagy in 1958 and NUAUS support for Hungarian students. Includes a United Nations report on Hungary. Also includes resolutions of the 5th Union of Free Hungarian Students International Congress, held in October 1960.
Poland, 1959 - 1961 (File) - Box 98 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between NUAUS and the Polish Students Association. Subjects include conferences and seminars. Includes the final communique of the International Student Cultural Seminar, held at Gdansk, Poland, 10-12 May, 1961 and an appeal against German militarism.
Poland, 1965 (File) - Box 98 (Sequence 1)
File contains a resolution against the German Government; a brochure for the Polish Students Association and issues of Prague news letter, Vol 21, Nos 1-2 and 25, 1965 and Vol 20, No 11, 1964.
Various books on United Schools International and Rumania, 1963 - 1964 (File) - Box 98 (Sequence 1)
File of miscellaneous material including: a brochure on the United Schools Organisation of India; documents of the 2nd Biennial Conference of the United Schools International held at Rome, 1963; an issue of Documents, articles and information on Rumania, No 7, 15 May, 1964 and a NUAUS statement on world Student unity.
Rumania [Romania], 1966, 1961 - 1966 (File) - Box 98 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between NUAUS and the Union of Student Associations of the Romanian People's Republic. Includes a communique on the proceedings of the International Seminar of Student Press Editors, held at Bucharest, Romania, 16-20 August, 1961.
Yugoslavia, 1956 (File) - Box 98 (Sequence 1)
Single folio from the Yugoslav Union of Students consisting of an invitation to attend an International Student Seminar in Yugoslavia in 1956.
Yugoslavia, 1957 (File) - Box 98 (Sequence 1)
Single folio regarding assistance to Hungarian students in Australia.
Yugoslavia, 1960, 1958 - 1960 (File) - Box 98 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between NUAUS and the Yugoslav Union of Students. Includes information on seminars being held in Yugoslavia.
Yugoslavia, 1966, 1961 - 1966 (File) - Box 98 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between NUAUS and the Yugoslav Union of Students. Includes information on seminars being held in Yugoslavia. Also includes conclusions and resolutions of the 7th Conference of the Yugoslav Union of Students. Publications include issues of Youth life, 1965 and Jeunesse, 1965.
Subseries 51. Near East, 1956 - 1966
Egypt 1965; Iraq 1964; Israel 1956, 1966, 1967; Palestine 1966; Turkey 1960.
Uar [United Arab Republic] Egypt GUSU[AR] [General Union of UAR Students], 1961 - 1965 (File) - Box 99 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between NUAUS and GUSUAR and the Organisation of Arab Students in the USA and Canada. Subjects include: attendance at conferences and conventions; the student struggle in Morocco; the exchange of printed material and an International Work Camp in Gaza, Palestine.
Israel, 1956 (File) - Box 99 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between NUAUS and the National Union of Israeli Students. Subjects include the 1956 Bandung Conference. Includes an information sheet on the structure and activities of the National Union of Israeli Students.
Israel, 1966, 1960 - 1966 (File) - Box 99 (Sequence 1)
Extra large file of correspondence, circulars and printed material. Correspondence is mostly between NUAUS and the National Union of Israeli Students. Subjects include: attendance at conferences; student exchanges and travel and relations between Israel and Palestine. Printed material includes: a series of booklets titled Israel today, Nos 2-9, 14-17, 1960; a series of booklets on Israel and Palestine submitted to the 11th International Student Conference, held at Christchurch, New Zealand , 1964 and issues of the National Union of Israel Students Bulletin, 1964-1966.
Iraq, 1964, 1959 - 1965 (File) - Box 99 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, information sheets, reports and printed material relating to the National Union of Iraqi Students and the political situation in Iraq. Includes a copy of Report from Iraq by the British Committee for the Defence of Human Rights in Iraq, [n.d] and a copy of Students of Iraq: yesterday and today, select documents from the Congress of the General Union of Students of the Iraqi Republic, 1959.
Israel, 1966, 1966 - 1967 (File) - Box 99 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly between NUAUS and the National Union of Israel Students (NUIS). Subjects include Asian conferences and Arab-Israeli problems in the Middle East. Includes issues of the NUIS Bulletin, 1966-1967.
Palestine, 1966, 1961 - 1966 (File) - Box 99 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars and printed material. Includes correspondence between NUAUS and the General Union of Palestine Students (GUPS). Printed material includes: declarations from the Palestine International Seminar, held at Cairo, Egypt, 30 March-6 April, 1965; issues of Mount of olives, 1964-1965 and a copy of The refugees of Palestine, [n.d].
Subseries 52. Scandinavia, 1947 - 1966
General 1956-1957; Finland 1954, 1956, 1966; Norway 1966; Sweden 1966.
Scandinavia, 1956 (File) - Box 99 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (2 folios) comprising two letters to student unions in Norway and Sweden. Subjects include work permits and membership of NUAUS.
Scandinavia, 1957 (File) - Box 99 (Sequence 1)
Single folio consisting of a letter from NUAUS to the Norway Students Union on the subject of work permits.
[Finland and France], 1954, 1947 - 1954 (File) - Box 99 (Sequence 1)
Mostly circular letters from student unions in Finland and France, 1951-1954. The file also contains some miscellaneous documents relating to student demonstrations in Sydney in 1947 and the banning of the student newspaper "Honi Soit".
Finland, 1956 (File) - Box 99 (Sequence 1)
Single folio consisting of a letter from NUAUS to the National Union of Students of Finland regarding a survey.
Finnish, 1966, 1961 - 1966 (File) - Box 99 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between NUAUS and SYL: the National Union of Students of Finland regarding meetings. Printed material includes: issues of SYL news letter, 1961; a current affairs bulletin on Finland, 1962 and an article titled "A strange tale of world youth co-operation", [n.d] by Pentti Mahlamaki, President of SYL.
Subseries 53. South America, 1957 - 1966
General 1959, 1961, 1963, 1966; Argentina 1961-1964; Bolivia 1963; Brazil 1964; Chile 1960-1966; Costa Rica 1959-1965; Cuba 1958; Dominican Republic 1960-1965; Ecuador 1963-1964; El Salvador 1961-1964; Guatemala 1962-1963; Guinas 1963; Haiti 1963; Honduras 1961-1967; Mexico 1963-1965; Nicaragua 1961; Panama 1959, 1965; Paraguay 1963; Peru 1965; Puerto Rico 1963-1965; Uruguay 1961-1963; Venezuela 1961.
South America, 1959, 1958 - 1959 (File) - Box 99 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between NUAUS and student unions in Costa Rica and Mexico. Includes an issue of Lumbre, 1958 and issues of Reforma universitaria, 1959.
South America, 1959 (File) - Box 99 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (6 folios) regarding the student situation in Haiti and San Salvador.
Latin America, general, 1963, 1957 - 1963 (File) - Box 99 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly regarding publications on Latin America. Printed material includes: bulletin extracts, circulars, journal articles on Latin American Student Congresses and newscuttings on the political and economic situation in Latin America. Also includes an interim report of the International Student Delegation to South America, 1957.
Latin America, 1966, 1965 - 1966 (File) - Box 100 (Sequence 1)
Five folios of correspondence between NUAUS and the Sierra Leone National Union of Students; an article titled "An economic survey of Latin America" from the Economist, 25 September 1965; a paper titled "Political positions in the Latin American student movement" by David Spencer, [n.d] and a document in Spanish on student activity in Latin America.
Argentina, 1961-64, 1955 - 1966 (File) - Box 100 (Sequence 1)
Mostly circulars and newscuttings relating to the political situation in Argentina and government attacks on students.
Bolivia, 1963, 1957 - 1966 (File) - Box 100 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between NUAUS and the Confederacion Universitaria Boliviana and others. Subjects include a Bolivian Anti-Literacy Campaign. Also includes bulletin extracts, journal articles and newscuttings on the Anti-Literacy Campaign and the economic and political situation in Bolivia.
Brazil, 1964, 1960 - 1965 (File) - Box 100 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between NUAUS and the Uniao Nacional dos Etudantes do Brasil (UNEB) and printed material including IUS and UNEB circulars and press releases and newscuttings on the economic and political situation in Brazil. There are also issues of Brazilian bulletin,1965; a copy of the Charter of Pirana published by the IUS, 1962 and a UNESCO publication on education in Brazil, 1958.
Chile, 1960 - 1966 (File) - Box 100 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between NUAUS and the Union de Federaciones Universitaries de Chile (UFUCH). Also includes circulars, journal articles, newscuttings and reports on Chile. Subjects include: conferences; a student work camp; literacy and the political and student situation in Chile.
Costa Rica, 1959-65, 1958 - 1966 (File) - Box 100 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between NUAUS and the Federacion de Estudiantes Universitarios de Costa Rica (FEU) and bulletin extracts, journal articles and newscuttings on students in Costa Rica. Includes a copy of No revolution without liberty! by Luis Alberto Monge, [n.d].
Cuba, 1958 (File) - Box 100 (Sequence 1)
Single folio regarding publications of the Federacion Estudiantil Univesitaria (Cuba).
Cuba, 1958 (File) - Box 100 (Sequence 1)
Single folio regarding publications of the Federacion Estudiantil Univesitaria (Cuba).
Dominican Republic, 1960 - 1964 (File) - Box 100 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, bulletin extracts, circulars and newscuttings mostly regarding the student situation in the Dominican Republic. Includes a working paper titled "Study of the university situation in the Dominican Republic" which was presented to the 9th ISC, held in Switzerland, 1960. Also includes two booklets on the Dominican Republic published by the ISC and COSEC.
Ecuador, 1961 - 1964 (File) - Box 100 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, newscuttings and printed material relating to Ecuador and British Guiana. Subjects include: the economic and political situation in Ecuador; a World Exposition of Student Publications held in Ecuador, 1964 and the political situation in British Guiana.
El Salvador, 1961-64, 1959 - 1964 (File) - Box 100 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, bulletin extracts, circulars, newscuttings and printed material relating to the political and student situation in El Salvador. Includes two booklets on El Salvador published by the ISC and COSEC and an issue of AEGUS, the newsletter of the Asociacion General de Estudiantes Universitarios Salvadorenos.
Guatemala, 1962-63, 1958 - 1964 (File) - Box 100 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly between NUAUS and the Asociacion de Estudiantes Universitarios (AEU), circulars, journal articles, newscuttings and printed material relating to Guatemala. Includes two booklets on Guatemala published by the ISC, [n.d] and the Pan American Union, 1963.
Guianas, 1960 - 1963 (File) - Box 100 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, bulletin extracts, newscuttings and notes on problems in British Guiana including the political situation.
Haiti, 1958 - 1963 (File) - Box 100 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, bulletin extracts, circulars, journal articles, newscuttings and printed material relating to the political and student situation in Haiti.
Honduras, 1959 - 1966 (File) - Box 100 (Sequence 1)
Large file of material. While originally created for material on British Honduras a large amount of other material has been placed in this file. It includes correspondence, circulars and printed material exchanged between NUAUS and student unions in Israel and Iran and miscellaneous NUAUS reports.
Mexico, 1958 - 1966 (File) - Box 100 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between NUAUS and the Confederacion Nacional de Estudiantes (CNE) and other organisations in Mexico. Includes circulars, journal articles, newscuttings and other printed material on the economic, political and student situation in Mexico.
Nicaragua, 1961, 1956 - 1966 (File) - Box 100 (Sequence 1)
Circulars, journal articles, newscuttings and reports relating to the political and student situation in Nicaragua. Includes a report on higher education in Nicaragua presented to the 7th ISC, held in Nigeria, 1957 and a second supplementary report presented to the 10th ISC, held in Canada, 1962. Also includes a booklet on Nicaragua published by the Pan American Union, [n.d].
Panama, 1958 - 1965 (File) - Box 100 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, journal articles and printed material relating to the political and student situation in Panama. Printed material includes a booklet on Panama published by the Pan American Union and a report on events in Panama, 9-12 January, 1964 published by the International Commission of Jurists, [n.d].
Paraguay, 1960 - 1965 (File) - Box 100 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, bulletin extracts, circulars and journal articles relating to the political and student situation in Paraguay. Includes a report on Paraguay, 1961-62 published by COSEC, [n.d].
Peru, 1965, 1954, 1958-1965 (File) - Box 100 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, bulletin extracts, circulars and journal articles relating to the political and student situation in Peru. Includes a booklet on the Guano Islands of Peru, published by the Pan American Union, 1954.
Puerto Rico, 1960 - 1964 (File) - Box 101 (Sequence 1)
Mostly IUS circulars regarding the student situation in Puerto Rico. Includes a small number of publications on Puerto Rico published by various student unions.
Subseries 54. South East Asia, 1952 - 1966
General 1953, 1955; Burma 1956; Singapore 1964; Thailand and Vietnam 1956.
South East Asia, 1955, 1954 - 1955 (File) - Box 101 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (4 folios) between NUAUS and the editor of Vidyarthi, India's national magazine of student affairs and the Vice President of the Pan-Malayan Students' Federation (PMSF). Includes a program for the 9th Joint Asian National Student Conference, held at Baguio City, Philippines, 26-31 December, 1954.
International, South East Asia, correspondence, 1952 - 1953 (File) - Box 101 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between NUAUS and various student unions in South East Asia and the Pacific region and within NUAUS regarding conferences and the establishment of an Information Centre for the South East Asia-Pacific region.
[International], 1956 (File) - Box 101 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence on a range of NUAUS activities including attendance at conferences and student delegations.
Burma, 1956 (File) - Box 101 (Sequence 1)
Small file containing a letter from Chev Kitson, NUAUS International Department to Dick Gillan, Australian Legation, Rangoon regarding Graduate Employment Scheme proposals in Burma and an ISC press release on an International Student Delegation to Asia, 1955-56.
Thailand, 1958 (File) - Box 101 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (3 folios) containing an address list of university contacts in Bangkok, Thailand.
Singapore, 1964, 1961 - 1966 (File) - Box 101 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence between NUAUS and the University of Singapore Students' Union. Subjects include a cultural delegation to Australia and the Singapore Internal Security Amendment Bill 1964. Also includes a copy of the Constitution of the University of Singapore Students' Union.
Subseries 55. Southern Europe, 1956 - 1966
Italy 1956-1958, 1966; Greece 1956.
Italy, 1956 (File) - Box 101 (Sequence 1)
Letter from Achille Benetti Genolini, Officer-in-Charge of International Relations, Unione Nazionale Universitaria Rappresentativa Italiana (UNURI) to David Teplitzky, NUAUS President re-affirming mutual co-operation between the two unions.
UNURI, 1957 (File) - Box 101 (Sequence 1)
Letter from Kim Paterson, NUAUS Honorary Secretary/Treasurer to UNURI regarding the 8th International Student Travel Conference, held in Rome, Italy, 21-27 October, 1957.
Italy, 1958 (File) - Box 101 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence regarding the publication of a "White Book" on world representativity by UNURI, Italy in collaboration with YUS, Yugoslavia.
Italy, 1966, 1961 - 1966 (File) - Box 101 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly between NUAUS and UNURI. Includes circulars and issues of Amicizia, 1966.
Greece, 1956 (File) - Box 101 (Sequence 1)
Letter from James Thomas, NUAUS International Vice President to J Angolides, Department of Tourism and International Relations, Students' Club regarding their union and requesting information and literature on Greece.
Greek passages, 1961, 1960 - 1961 (File) - Box 101 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence regarding a Greek Shipping Line Scholarship which would enable two free passages to Europe for Australian students.
G[ree]k Teach-in, 1968 (File) - Box 101 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, a program and an address relating to a Greek Teach-in, held at Melbourne, 1 April 1968. Also includes correspondence relating to a visit to Australia by Professor Andreas Papandreou; an ISC bulletin marking the anniversary of the Greek Military Coup and a report on Greece by Frank Galbally and James Kimpton, February 1968.
Subseries 56. Western Europe, 1956 - 1966
General 1956, 1958, 1959; Belgium 1958; France 1958; Netherlands 1958, 1960; Portugal 1965; Spain 1965, 1966; Switzerland 1966.
European National Unions, 1956, 1956 - 1957 (File) - Box 101 (Sequence 1)
Letter from NUAUS President, David Teplitzky to Shimon Cotler welcoming him to Australia; a NUAUS circular regarding the Hungarian uprising and a report on the IUS Council Meeting in Moscow, Russia, 1954 by David Opie.
European N[ational] U[nion]s, 1958 (File) - Box 101 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between NUAUS and various student unions in Europe. Includes a report titled "The development of higher education in the Soviet Zone of Germany from 1956-1958", 1958.
Western Europe, 1959 (File) - Box 101 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between NUAUS and various student unions in Europe and within NUAUS. Subjects include international conferences and holiday courses in Denmark. Also includes a report titled " The Khrushchev School Reform" by Albert Boiter, [n.d].
Belgium, 1958 (File) - Box 101 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between NUAUS and student unions in Belgium regarding a Congress and World Exhibition to be held in Brussels, 1958
France, 1958 (File) - Box 101 (Sequence 1)
Letter from Roger Hatton, NUAUS General Secretary to Arnold Brum, Vice President Exterieur de l'AFGES thanking him for notification of the 4th International Cultural Festival of the National Students' Union of France.
[Netherlands], 1958 (File) - Box 101 (Sequence 1)
Letter from Don Lawrence, NUAUS International Vice President to COSEC protesting at the arrest of members of the Executive of UGEMA by the French Government.
Netherlands Union,1960, 1958 - 1960 (File) - Box 101 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence mostly between NUAUS and the Nederlandse Studenten Raad (NSR) regarding elections and seminars.
Portugal, 1965, 1963 - 1966 (File) - Box 101 (Sequence 1)
Mostly circulars, press releases and printed material relating to the student situation in Portugal. Includes IUS and COSEC publications on Portugal and a bulletin and communique by SEEPE ( Secretariado dos Encontros de Estudantes Pportugueses no Estraneiro).
Spain, 1965, 1965 (File) - Box 101 (Sequence 1)
Reports on Spain in french and german. Includes newscuttings and an ISC report on Spain, 1963-64.
Spain, 1966, 1963 - 1966 (File) - Box 101 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, newscuttings and press releases relating to the student situation in Spain. Includes an ISC report on Spain, 1961-62.
Subseries 57. Miscellaneous international unions, 1954 - 1969
Int[ernational] nat[ional] unions, 1965, 1968 (File) - Box 102 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between NUAUS and various overseas student unions. Subjects include: attendance at conferences and meetings; student delegations and the arrest of students in Turkey. Includes correspondence with some individuals in Australia regarding NUAUS comments on the war in Vietnam. Also includes a copy of Introducing the National Union of Students, NUS, 1965
Overseas, national unions, 1958, 1963-1964 (File) - Box 102 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between NUAUS and various overseas student unions including Canada, the United Kingdom and the USA. Includes copies of constitutions of the New Zealand University Students' Association; the National Union of Federation Students, Malaya; the National Union of Students of the Universities and Colleges of England, Wales and Northern Ireland and the USA.
Other national unions, 1955, 1954 - 1955 (File) - Box 102 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between NUAUS and various overseas student unions including Canada, Ceylon, England, Indonesia, South Africa and the USA. Also includes some letters from overseas students looking for pen pals.
Various national unions of students, 1966 - 1967 (File) - Box 102 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly between NUAUS and NUS. Includes a final communique and speeches from the European Meeting of National Student Organizations, held at Helsinki, Finland, 10-12 January, 1966.
[Various national unions of students], 1947-1954, 1968-1969 (File) - Box 102 (Sequence 1)
Extra large file of miscellaneous material on a wide range of international student matters. The bulk of the material consists of IUS circulars, bulletins, press releases, minutes of meetings and reports and printed material produced from 1947-1954. Correspondence is mostly for the period 1968-1969.
Series 4. Travel
Subseries 1. General correspondence, 1953 - 1961
Travel Director (Johnston), 1954, 1953 - 1955 (File) - Box 103 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to travel, in particular, the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme.
Research, 1955 (File) - Box 103 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence on a variety of NUAUS activities. Subjects include: NUAUS meetings; student travel; Lok Milap Scheme; Aboriginal scholarships and student delegations.
Student Press and PRO [Public Relations Officer] (File) - Box 103 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence on a variety of NUAUS activities. Subjects include: student travel; travel bulletins and a New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme.
Facilities Officer, 1956, 1955 - 1956 (File) - Box 103 (Sequence 1)
Small file (2 folios) consisting of an advertisement for the position of Facilities Officer within the NUAUS Travel Department and a cover note for an application for the position of Assistant Travel Director.
Facilities Officer, 1956 (File) - Box 103 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence generated by Roger Hatton, NUAUS Travel Director, on a range of travel activities including the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme.
S[tudents'] R[epresentative] C[ouncil]s, 1956 (File) - Box 103 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence generated by Roger Hatton, NUAUS Travel Director and some incoming correspondence to him on a range of travel matters.
L[ocal] T[ravel] O[fficer]s, 1956 (File) - Box 103 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence generated by Roger Hatton, NUAUS Travel Director with Local Travel Officers and others on a range of travel matters including the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme.
Miscellaneous, 1956 (File) - Box 103 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly regarding student travel and student delegations. Includes minutes of the Editors' Conference, held in Melbourne, 25-26 May, 1956.
Gen[eral] Sec[retary]-T[ravel] D[irector], corres[pondence], 1956, 1955 - 1956 (File) - Box 103 (Sequence 1)
Corresondence mostly between the NUAUS General Secretary and NUAUS Travel Director relating to student travel.
Cook's boat/air negotiations, 1956-57, 1956 - 1958 (File) - Box 103 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence generated by Roger Hatton, NUAUS Travel Director and some incoming correspondence to him on a range of travel matters. Includes correspondence with Thomas Cook and Son on air charters to New Zealand.
Cook's-general, 1956 (File) - Box 103 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence between Roger Hatton, NUAUS Travel Director and Thomas Cook regarding student travel.
Travel research, 1957 (File) - Box 103 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence between Bill Lucas, NUAUS Travel Officer and David Muschamp, NUAS Travel Research Officer regarding student travel research projects.
Constituents, 1957 (File) - Box 103 (Sequence 1)
Letter from Bill Lucas, NUAUS Travel Director to B Greaves, University of Queensland regarding travel concessions.
Local Travel Officers, 1957 (File) - Box 103 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly generated by Bill Lucas, NUAUS Travel Director with Local Travel Officers and others on a range of travel matters including the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme.
T[ravel] D[irector]-G[uild of Undergraduate]s, 1957 (File) - Box 103 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (4 folios) between Bill Lucas, NUAUS Travel Director and the Guild of Undergraduates regarding travel matters.
General, 1958, 1957 (File) - Box 103 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (5 folios) regarding travel matters.
Travel applications, 1957 (File) - Box 103 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence regarding the travel application form for the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme.
Travel, 1957 (File) - Box 103 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, bulletins, memoranda and telegrams on a range of travel activities. Subjects include student concessions and the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme. Also includes the NUAUS Travel Account for 1956-57.
Travel, 1957 - 1958 (File) - Box 103 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (4 folios) regarding travel matters. Includes a list of people elected to the Executive Office by the 22nd Council of NUAUS.
Research Officer, 1958 (File) - Box 103 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence generated by Peter Wilenski, NUAUS Travel Director and some incoming correspondence to him on a range of travel matters. Subjects include the appointment of a Travel Research Offficer and a travel booklet.
Facilities Officer, 1958 (File) - Box 103 (Sequence 1)
Letter from Peter Wilenski, NUAUS Travel Director to Olga Crooks, University of New England regarding receipt forms.
Local Travel Officers, 1958 (File) - Box 103 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between Peter Wilenski, NUAUS Travel Director and Local Travel Officers on a range of travel matters.
Constituents, 1958 (File) - Box 103 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (3 folios) generated by Peter Wilenski, NUAUS Travel Director on travel matters.
[Travel], 1958 (File) - Box 103 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence generated by Peter Wilenski, NUAUS Travel Director and others on a range of travel matters.
P[resident]-T[ravel] D[irector], 1958 (File) - Box 103 (Sequence 1)
Letter from Peter Wilenski, NUAUS Travel Director to Kim Paterson, President NUAUS regarding air concessions and the Travel Account.
Travel Dir[ector], 1958 (File) - Box 103 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence generated by Peter Wilenski, NUAUS Travel Director on a range of travel matters including air and rail concessions. Includes a report of the NUAUS Travel Director for 1958.
Miscellaneous travel, 1958, 1957 - 1958 (File) - Box 103 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence on a range of travel matters. Subjects include: student concessions; contact with Asian student groups; Scottish societies in Australia; the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme and missing NUAUS Travel files.
Future of the Travel Dep[artment], 1958 (File) - Box 103 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (2 folios) regarding charter flights between Australia and New Zealand under the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme and a possible Queensland travel scheme.
Travel aids-Asia, 1958, 1957 - 1958 (File) - Box 103 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence regarding the compilation of an Afro-Asian Travel Handbook.
Faculty Bureaux Res?, 1958 (File) - Box 103 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (2 folios) regarding payment of invoices.
Asia travel, 1958, 1958 - 1960 (File) - Box 103 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence on a range of NUAUS activities including attendance at conferences and meetings; student delegations and student exchanges.
Travel Director, 1958 (File) - Box 103 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence regarding the resignation of Peter Wilenski from the position of Travel Director. Includes his final report as Travel Director.
Travel Director, 1958 - 1961 (File) - Box 103 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence on various travel matters.
Travel, general, 1958, 1958 - 1960 (File) - Box 103 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly regarding the relationship between NUAUS and Thomas Cook and payment of accounts.
Student press, 1958 (File) - Box 103 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (2 folios) on travel matters.
Concessions-intra-NUAUS [National Union of Australian University Students], 1958 (File) - Box 103 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (2 folios) regarding an investigation of the Western Australian rail concession situation.
Travel-hostels list and identity card, 1958 (File) - Box 103 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to the Student Identity Card and travel books.
Concessions-Ansett-ANA [Australian National Airways], 1958 (File) - Box 103 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence regarding airline concessions for students.
Travel-Macarthur-general, 1958 (File) - Box 103 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to travel and the Macarthur Shipping Company.
Travel, to be filed, 1958 (File) - Box 103 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence on various travel matters including travel between Australia and New Zealand under the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme and a delegation to India.
Travel-sea, 1958 - 1961 (File) - Box 103 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the expansion of NUAUS travel activities and the establishment of a travel service.
Travel guide, 1959-61, 1958 - 1961 (File) - Box 103 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly relating to the compilation of A student travel guide to Australia, 1960.
Subseries 1. General correspondence, National Travel Promotions Officer, Daniela Humphreys, February 1969 - January 1970
Added March 1972
Daniela Humphreys, National Travel Promotions Officer, February 1969 - January 1970 (File) - Box 159 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars mostly generated by Daniela Humphreys, NUAUS National Travel Promotions Officer, February 1969-January 1970. Subjects include: student exchange schemes; student travel schemes; charter flights; travel loan funds and travel handbooks.Added March 1972.
Subseries 1. General correspondence. National Travel Director, Andrea Hull, June 1970 - September 1970
Added March 1972
Andrea Hull, National Travel Director, June 1970 - September 1970 (File) - Box 159 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars mostly generated by Andrea Hull, NUAUS National Travel Director, June-September, 1970. Subjects include: student travel schemes; travel handbooks; student exchange schemes; a National Travel Loan Fund and a NUAUS Travel Service. Includes lists of participants for 1970 travel schemes.Added March 1972.
Subseries 2. Agents and travel schemes, 1956 - 1967
[Travel], 1958 - 1962 (File) - Box 104 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence on travel matters including charter flights and an Indonesian Travel and Exchange Scheme.
Travel, 1958-62, 1959 - 1961 (File) - Box 104 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence, circulars, minutes of meetings and reports relating to various NUAUS activities. Includes a report of the NUAUS Travel Director to the 1961 Council Meeting and a report on the Lok Milap Scheme.
Misc[ellaneous], 1958 (File) - Box 104 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence on a range of travel matters including missing NUAUS Travel files.
Travel, 1958 - 1962 (File) - Box 104 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence on a range of travel matters including travel schemes and vacation employment. Includes letters from students seeking information about travelling and working overseas.
Travel, 1959, 1959 - 1960 (File) - Box 104 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly relating to travel arrangements and concessions for delegates attending the 1960 NUAUS Council meeting in Hobart.
Correspondence of Travel Director, 1959, 1958 - 1959 (File) - Box 104 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence on a range of travel matters including exchange schemes and travel concessions.
Asia Weeks, 1959 (File) - Box 104 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence and a circular and information sheet regarding Asia Weeks.
Travel, 1959 - 1960 (File) - Box 104 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence on a range of travel matters. Subjects include: student air concessions and submissions to the Travel Officer of potential student interstate travel for 1960. Also includes a receipt book and a Commonwealth Savings Bank pass book for the NUAUS Newcastle Branch.
Travel, early stuff on AOST Scheme, 1959-61, 1956, 1959-1961 (File) - Box 104 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and reports mostly relating to the establishment of an Australian Indian Travel Scheme. Includes a report on the Lok Milap Scheme.
Travel Director, correspondence on delegations, 1960 - 1961 (File) - Box 104 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars and reports on a range of travel matters. Subjects include: attendance at conferences, student delegations and the Indonesian Exchange Scheme. Also includes a report of the Indian University Students Delegation to Perth, May 1960 and a report on the Indonesian Student Exchange Scheme by John Turner, 1960.
International travel aids, 1960, 1959 - 1960 (File) - Box 104 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars and telegrams mostly relating to Student Identity Cards and travel handbooks. Includes letters from students seeking cards and travel information.
Travel, 1960, 1959 - 1961 (File) - Box 104 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence, circulars, credit notes, invoices and reports on a range of travel matters. Most of the correspondence is between NUAUS and Ansett-ANA. Includes invoices and credit notices issued by Ansett-ANA for student travel. Also includes a report on student concessions by Robert Fels, NUAUS Travel Director, 1960 to be submitted to Ansett-ANA.
Travel, 1960-61, 1959 - 1961 (File) - Box 104 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars and reports on a range of travel matters. Subjects include: the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme; charter flights; air concessions and travel books. Also includes a report on student concessions by Robert Fels, NUAUS Travel Director, 1960 to be submitted to Ansett-ANA. There is also a NUAUS poster advertising sea travel to New Zealand.
[Travel], 1960 (File) - Box 104 (Sequence 1)
An analysis of the impact of international travel and exchange programmes on young people, report of a UNESCO study seminar, held at Gauting, Germany, 9-13 May, 1960
Travel guide (Australia and international), 1960-62, 1958 - 1962 (File) - Box 105 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and receipts mostly relating to the publication of A student guide to Australia, 1960-61.
Travel, 1960, 1958 - 1960 (File) - Box 105 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence on a range of travel matters including air concessions.
Travel, 1961 (File) - Box 105 (Sequence 1)
Report on the Australian-Indian Travel Scheme (AISTS) by Arthur Latham, 1961 and reports on the Lok Milap Scheme by Jock Henty and A Gibson [n.d].
Travel, 1961, 1960 - 1962 (File) - Box 105 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence on a range of travel matters. Subjects include: the possibility of NUAUS establishing itself as a travel agent and the student travel guide to Australia.
Travel, G Evans, 1958, 1961 (File) - Box 105 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars and reports on a range of travel matters. Reports by Graeme Evans, Travel Director include a summary of a student demonstration in Melbourne in 1960 against the stand taken by the Prime Minister on South Africa.
Travel, 1961, 1961 - 1962 (File) - Box 105 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, reports and working papers on a range of travel matters. Subjects include: the International Student Travel Conference; the Afro-Asian Travel Handbook and railway concessions. Also includes a report on student concessions by Robert Fels, NUAUS Travel Director, 1960 to be submitted to Ansett-ANA.
Travel, 1961 (File) - Box 105 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence generated by Graeme Evans, Travel Director mostly regarding student vacational employment in the Northern Territory and Papua New Guinea.
Travel aids, Asia-Afro Asia, 1961, 1960 - 1961 (File) - Box 105 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence, information sheets and a questionnaire regarding student travel between Australia and Asia and India and the Asian Travel Handbook. The questionairre relates to student hostel and travel facilities in Asia.
[Travel], 1961 (File) - Box 105 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence generated by Graeme Evans, Travel Director mostly on NUAUS administrative matters.
[Travel], 1961, 1961 (File) - Box 105 (Sequence 1)
Letter from R Bowles, NUAUS Administrative Secretary to R Fels regarding an air travel credit card for booking air fares.
Travel, A Evans, 1961, 1960 - 1961 (File) - Box 105 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, information sheets and reports on travel matters and internal NUAUS matters. Travel subjects include: meetings and conferences; student delegations and student exchanges.
International and Travel, general, 1961, 1959 - 1961 (File) - Box 105 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, notes and reports on international and travel matters. Subjects include: an Asian Regional Seminar; charter flights; Student Identity Cards and support for Algerian students. Also includes submissions to NUAUS for the holding of the 10th ISC in Sydney and Melbourne.
Travel, 1962, 1957-1958, 1962 (File) - Box 105 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, information sheets and notes on various travel matters. Subjects include concessions available to Australian students; Transatlantic charter flights and international travel organisations.
Travel, 1962, 1961 - 1962 (File) - Box 105 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars and information sheets mostly regarding the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme. There is also a small amount of correspondence and a program relating to a tour to Australia by a Philippines debating team in May, 1961.
Travel regulations, IATA-air, 1962, 1960 - 1962 (File) - Box 105 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with various organisations including IATA relating to NUAUS establishing its own travel agency. Includes a report on student concessions by Robert Fels, NUAUS Travel Director, 1960 to be submitted to Ansett-ANA.
Travel, 1962-63, 1960 - 1963 (File) - Box 105 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the Australian Overseas Student Travel Scheme (AOSTS). Most of the correspondence is between NUAUS and India where the scheme began as the Australian Indian Student Travel Scheme (AISTS) in conjunction with the Indian organisation known as "The Experiment in International Living". Other correspondence relates to an exchange with Japan.
Travel, general enquiries, 1963 (File) - Box 105 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly from students in Australia and overseas regarding concessions and information for travel purposes. Also includes correspondence from overseas students seeking information on courses in Australia and student exchange schemes.
Travel Bureau, 1964, 1962 - 1964 (File) - Box 105 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and reports on various travel matters. Subjects include: a NUAUS proposal to establish its own travel agency; student concessions and a NUAUS National Student Identity Card.
Travel, 1965, 1958 - 1965 (File) - Box 105 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and reports on various travel matters. Subjects include: a NUAUS proposal to establish its own travel agency; the Asia Travel Handbook and charter flights.
Travel, 1966, 1965 - 1966 (File) - Box 105 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly relating to an Australian and New Zealand student exchange in 1966. Includes promotional brochures published by NZUSA on Travel Schemes, 1965-66 and the Student Travel Bureau.
[Travel], 1967, 1966 - 1967 (File) - Box 105 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly relating to a proposed Australia-Russia student travel exchange. Includes a report of the AOSTS delegation to Japan, 1965-66 by the leader, A Blain.
Cook's boat/air negot[iations], 1956-57, 1956 (File) - Box 106 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between Roger Hatton, NUAUS Travel Director and Thomas Cook and Son on air and sea charters to New Zealand.
Cook's, general, 1956, 1955 - 1956 (File) - Box 106 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with Thomas Cook and other travel agents on travel matters.
Tho[ma]s Cooks, Melbourne, 1957 (File) - Box 106 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between NUAUS and Thomas Cook relating to financial matters.
Tho[ma]s Cooks, general, 1957 (File) - Box 106 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between NUAUS and Thomas Cook relating to financial matters.
Tho[ma]s Cooks, N[ew] Z[ealand] Scheme, 1957 (File) - Box 106 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (5 folios) between Bill Lucas, NUAUS Travel Director and Thomas Cook regarding the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme.
Travel, Cooks, Macarthur, 1958 (File) - Box 106 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to travel matters with regard to Thomas Cook and the Macarthur Shipping Company.
Cook's boat/air, long vac[ation], N[ew] Z[ealand], 1958, 1958 (File) - Box 106 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (4 folios) between Peter Wilenski, NUAUS Travel Director and Thomas Cook regarding the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme.
Cooks, general, 1958 (File) - Box 106 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with Thomas Cook regarding financial matters. Includes a letter to Thomas Cook advising them that NUAUS is closing their account with them and a letter to Macarthur Shipping Company advising them that they have been appointed as the new travel agent to NUAUS.
Asian plans, 1959 (File) - Box 106 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and reports relating to a proposed Indonesian Travel and Exchange Scheme.
Travel, general enquiries, 1963-65, 1964 - 1965 (File) - Box 106 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly from overseas students seeking information on courses in Australia, student exchange schemes and vacation employment. Includes some correspondence from students in Australia regarding concessions and information for travel overseas.
Subseries 2. Agents and travel schemes. National Travel Director, Andrea Hull, August 1970 - December 1970
Added March 1972
Andrea Hull, National Travel Director, August 1970 - December 1970 (File) - Box 159 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars mostly generated by Andrea Hull, NUAUS National Travel Director, August-December, 1970. Correspondents include travel agencies, tour operators and others in the travel industry regarding travel arrangements and other travel matters including itineraries and accommodation. Also includes correspondence with students undertaking travel along with lists of participants for 1970 travel schemes.Added March 1972.
Subseries 3. Travel to New Zealand, 1953 - 1964
Travel, 1953, 1950 - 1954 (File) - Box 106 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, information sheets and telegrams relating to the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme. Includes a NUAUS brochure and application form titled "Travel to New Zealand in the long vacation".
N[ew] Z[ealand], 1955, 1956 (File) - Box 106 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence and notes relating to the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme. Includes names of participants travelling to New Zealand.
N[ew] Z[ealand], 1956 (File) - Box 106 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (4 folios) relating to the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme.
NZUSA [New Zealand University Students'Association], 1956 (File) - Box 106 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence between NUAUS and NZUSA relating to the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme.
NZUSA [New Zealand University Students' Association], air/boat, 1956-57, 1956 (File) - Box 106 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, memoranda and telegrams between NUAUS and NZUSA relating to the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme.
New Zealand Travel Scheme, 1948-1949, 1954-1956, 1960 (File) - Box 106 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, news bulletins and circulars relating to the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme. Includes an information sheet and application form for the Scheme.
NZUSA [New Zealand University Students' Association], air/boat, 1956-57, 1956 (File) - Box 106 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (6 folios) relating to the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme.
N[ew] Z[ealand], 1956, 1955 - 1956 (File) - Box 106 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly between NUAUS and students regarding confirmation of applications or cancellations for the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme.
N[ew] Z[ealand] Scheme, 1957 (File) - Box 106 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (6 folios) relating to the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme.
N[ew] Z[ealand] travel, 1957 (File) - Box 106 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme. Includes an information sheet for New Zealand students visiting Australia in the 1957 Christmas vacation and a memo for Australian students travelling to New Zealand.
NZUSA [New Zealand University Students'Association], Travel Scheme, 1957 (File) - Box 106 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between NUAUS and NZUSA relating to the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme.
NZUSA [New Zealand University Students'Association], general, 1957 (File) - Box 106 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (3 folios) between NUAUS and NZUSA relating to the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme and Congresses in each country.
Publicity, 1957 (File) - Box 106 (Sequence 1)
Letter from Bill Lucas, NUAUS Travel Director to the editor of Semper floreat at the University of Queensland regarding publicity for the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme.
N[ew] Z[ealand], Received March 1958 (File) - Box 106 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (2 folios) relating to the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme.
NZUSA [New Zealand University Students' Association], boat/air, long vacation, 1958 (File) - Box 106 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme.
NZUSA [New Zealand University Students'Association], general, 1958 (File) - Box 106 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars relating to the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme.
N[ew] Z[ealand] Exchange, 1958, 1958 - 1959 (File) - Box 106 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme. Includes names of participants in the Scheme travelling from Australia to New Zealand.
N[ew] Z[ealand] Scheme applic[ation]s, 1958 (File) - Box 106 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme. Includes correspondence with students regarding their applications.
N[ew] Z[ealand] Scheme, 1958 (File) - Box 106 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme.
N[ew] Z[ealand] applicants (File) - Box 106 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly with students who have applied for or expressed interest in the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme. Includes an information sheet for the Scheme.
Travel N[ew] Z[ealand], 1958 (File) - Box 106 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly generated by Peter Wilenski, NUAUS Travel Director regarding the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme.
NZUSA [New Zealand University Students' Association], boat/air, long vac[ation], 1958 (File) - Box 106 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme.
N[ew] Z[ealand] travel, 1958 (File) - Box 106 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars relating to the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme.
N[ew] Z[ealand] Travel Scheme, 1959 - 1961 (File) - Box 106 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars and information sheets relating to the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme. Includes correspondence with students who have applied for or expressed interest in the Scheme. Also includes a poster titled "Students cheap vacations".
Travel, 1956 (File) - Box 107 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (4 folios) relating to the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme and travel arrangements for a visiting Indian Delegation.
New Zealand Scheme 1958, 1958 - 1959 (File) - Box 107 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars and information sheets relating to the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme.
Travel New Zealand, 1960, 1958 - 1960 (File) - Box 107 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars and information sheets relating to the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme. Includes a poster titled "Students cheap vacations".
New Zealand Exchange Scheme, Joint Travel Agreement, 1960 - 1963 (File) - Box 107 (Sequence 1)
Circulars and information bulletins relating to the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme. Includes a copy of the Joint Travel Agreement between NUAUS and NZUSA.
N[ew] Z[ealand] travel, 1961 (File) - Box 107 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence, a bulletin and an application form relating to the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme.
New Zealand Exchange Scheme, 1961-62, 1961 (File) - Box 107 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence, circulars, information sheets and telegrams relating to the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme. Includes applications for the 1961-62 Scheme and passenger lists.
New Zealand Exchange Scheme, 1962 (File) - Box 107 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence, circulars and information sheets relating to the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme. Includes applications for the 1962-63 Scheme and a list of participants.
Subseries 4. Overseas travel, 1952 - 1967
NUAUS International Travel Officer, Travel Schemes, 1952 - 1953 (File) - Box 108 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, information sheets and travel brochures and booklets from various countries including Canada, Denmark, Italy, New Zealand and Sweden. Includes a report on international student travel insurance by the Scandinavian Student Travel Service.
Ce[y]lon Exchange Scheme, 1953 - 1954 (File) - Box 108 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and reports regarding the Ceylon Exchange Scheme. Includes a report by the National Director of the Ceylon Exchange Scheme and a report by NUAUS.
Overseas, 1955, 1955 - 1956 (File) - Box 108 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence mostly regarding a visit to Europe by Australian students.
Identity Card, 1955 (File) - Box 108 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars and memos relating to the Student Identity Card Scheme. Includes requests from students for the card and the travel books Student travel and Student hostels and restaurants. Also includes a copy of the International Student Identity Card issued by COSEC.
Student identity cards and travel books for overseas, 1956 (File) - Box 108 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars relating to the International Student Identity Card. Includes requests from students for the card and correspondence regarding orders for the card and the travel books Student travel and Student hostels and restaurants.
Overseas, 1956 (File) - Box 108 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (4 folios) consisting of an enquiry from an Australian student regarding concessions for overseas travel and an overseas student wishing to travel and work in Australia.
Overseas travel, 1958 (File) - Box 108 (Sequence 1)
Letter from Peter Wilenski, NUAUS Travel Director to John Prinias regarding the International Student Identity Card and the travel books Student travel and Student hostels and restaurants. Includes a small brochure titled "Engineering overseas travel fund".
Indian travel, 1959, 1958 - 1960 (File) - Box 108 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and memoranda relating to exchange schemes between Australia and India including the Lok Milap Scheme. Also includes a report of an International Student Delegation to India, Pakistan, Nepal, Afghanistan and Iran. The Australian delegate was Kim Paterson, NUAUS President.
Asian Travel Handbook, 1959, 1957 - 1959 (File) - Box 108 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the compilation of the Afro-Asian Travel and Accomodation Handbook.
Identity card and hostels list., 1960 - 1961 (File) - Box 108 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly relating to the International Student Identity Card and various travel books. Includes requests from students for the card. There is also a small amount of correspondence regarding travel with Ansett-ANA.
[Travel], 1961 (File) - Box 108 (Sequence 1)
Reports on the Lok Milap Scheme by Jock Henty, 1961 and A Gibson [n.d].; a report on the Australian Indian Student Travel Scheme by Frank Hindley and a report of the 1961 Melbourne Delegation of the Australian-Indonesian Exchange Scheme.
Lok Milap, 1959, 1959 - 1960 (File) - Box 108 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the Lok Milap Scheme.
Report (File) - Box 108 (Sequence 1)
Small file of miscellaneous material including a paper titled "The political future of New Guinea", [n.d] by Professor Parker, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University.
Australian-Indian Travel Scheme, 1961 (File) - Box 108 (Sequence 1)
A report on the Australian-India Student Travel Scheme (AIST) by Arthur Latham, Director AIST. Also includes reports on the Lok Milap Scheme by Jock Henty, 1961 and A Gibson [n.d].
Overseas general, 1961, 1960 - 1961 (File) - Box 108 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence on a range of travel matters. Subjects include: air concessions in Europe: vacation employment in Papua New Guinea and travel payments to Ansett-ANA.
Tempor[ar]y travel, 1961 - 1962 (File) - Box 108 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence on a range of travel matters. Subjects include: the International Student Identity Card; the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme and Ansett Air Travel Credit Cards.
International travel aids, 1962, 1958 - 1962 (File) - Box 108 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars relating to the International Student Identity Card and travel handbooks. Includes a handout on concessions and facilities offered to holders of the International Student Identity Card.
AOSTS [Australian Overseas Student Travel Scheme] history (File) - Box 108 (Sequence 1)
A report of the AOSTS trip to India 1962-63 by Margaret Clark, [n.d].
Overseas, AOSTS [Australian Overseas Student Travel Scheme], 1963-64, 1964 (File) - Box 108 (Sequence 1)
Extra large file of correspondence, forms and telegrams mostly with applicants regarding AOSTS. Includes exchanges to India, Japan and the Philippines.
AOSTS [Australian Overseas Student Travel Scheme] history, 1963 - 1964 (File) - Box 108 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to an AOSTS tour to India, 1963-64; a summary of AOSTS financing in 1963 and a report titled "the AOSTstatus quo", 15 July 1963 by David Curzon, Acting National Director, AOSTS.
Canberra forms, 1964 (File) - Box 108 (Sequence 1)
Forms and some correspondence mostly from participants of the AOSTS to India, 1964-65 and travelling home to Australia on the "Canberra". Includes a statement on the AOST by Mary Tate, AOST National Director.
[AOSTS [Australian Overseas Student Travel Scheme]], 1964 (File) - Box 108 (Sequence 1)
Small file of applications for the AOSTS tours to India and Japan, 1964-65.
Applications, India, 1964 (File) - Box 108 (Sequence 1)
Small file of application forms and AOSTS assessment forms for the AOSTS tour to India, 1964-65.
AOSTS [Australian Overseas Student Travel Scheme], Local Directors' Conference, April 1964, 1963 - 1965 (File) - Box 109 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence with AOSTS Local Directors and some students relating to the 1963-64 tours including India. Also includes material relating to a Local Directors Meeting, held at Melbourne, April 1964.
AOSTS [Australian Overseas Student Travel Scheme], telegrams, 1964 - 1966 (File) - Box 109 (Sequence 1)
Telegrams for AOSTS tours to India, Japan and New Zealand and incoming tours to Australia.
National Student Identity Card (File) - Box 109 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence mostly relating to the International Student Identity Card and various travel books. Includes requests from students for the card. Also includes a report of the National Student Identity Card Officer concerning the proposed introduction of a NUAUS National Student Identity Card presented to the NUAUS Annual Council, 1964 and an advanced copy of motions passed at the NUAUS August Council, 1963.
Travel, 1965 (File) - Box 109 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and reports on various travel matters. Includes a report of the National Travel Officer on the establishment of a Student Travel Agency, presented to the NUAUS Council, 1965 and a report of the AOSTS Local Directors Conference, held at Ormond College, Melbourne, 16-18 April, 1965.
AOSTS [Australian Overseas Student Travel Scheme], 1964 - 1966 (File) - Box 109 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and information sheets relating to AOSTS. Includes a report on the 1963-64 AOSTS trip to Japan and minutes of the meeting of the National AOSTS Advisory Committee, held at the Secretariat, 4 August, 1964. Also includes a brochure on AOSTS.
Aust[ralian] Overseas Student Travel Scheme, 1964, 1966 (File) - Box 109 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence and circulars with students and others relating to AOSTS tours and work camps. Countries include: China, India, Japan, New Zealand, Noumea and Papua New Guinea. Also includes references for students applying for the schemes.
Handbooks, 1966 - 1967 (File) - Box 109 (Sequence 1)
Handbooks including: AOSTS India Handbook, 1966-67 and a Handbook of Papua New Guinea, 1966-67 for participants in the Volunteer Assistance Programme held in 1967. Also includes information sheets on India, Japan and Malaya.
Subseries 5. Concessions - air and rail, 1956 - 1961
Student concessions, 1966 (File) - Box 109 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence on various travel matters including travel concessions.
Travel concessions-air, rail and miscellaneous, 1956 (File) - Box 109 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence mostly relating to air and rail travel concessions. Includes a NUAUS travel application form.
Travel concessions-air and miscellaneous, 1956, 1955 - 1957 (File) - Box 109 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence mostly relating to air travel concessions.
Travel concessions, rail, 1956, 1955 - 1956 (File) - Box 109 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to rail travel concessions.
Concessions, 1956 (File) - Box 109 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (2 folios) relating to air and rail travel concessions and NUAUS adminstrative matters.
Air travel concessions, 1957 (File) - Box 109 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence mostly relating to air travel concessions.
Concessions, 1957 (File) - Box 109 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to air travel concessions and the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme.
Concessions guide, 1957 (File) - Box 109 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence on travel concessions and miscellaneous travel quotes.
Concessions, misc[ellaneous], 1958 (File) - Box 109 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to student travel concessions.
Concession[s], TAA, 1958 (File) - Box 109 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence on a range of travel matters. Subjects include: air concessions; vacation employment in New Zealand and the appointment of a NUAUS Travel Research Officer.
Concessions, railways, 1958 (File) - Box 109 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (2 folios) with the Secretary to the Australian and New Zealand Railway Commissioners' Conference relating to rail travel concessions.
TAA [Trans Australia Airlines], 1958 (File) - Box 109 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence with TAA regarding accounts and Ansett-ANA regarding the opening of a credit account.
Concess[ions], air and miscell[aneous] (File) - Box 109 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly relating to air travel concessions.
Concessions, rail, 1958 (File) - Box 109 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (2 folios) relating to rail concessions in Western Australia.
Concessions, 1958 - 1960 (File) - Box 110 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars on travel and other NUAUS matters. Subjects include: student travel; rail concessions; the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme and vacation employment. Includes a report of the Guild of Undergradutes of the University of Western Australia on their Travel Service and a report on student concessions by Robert Fels, NUAUS Travel Director, 1960 to be submitted to Ansett-ANA.
Concessions, 1958 - 1960 (File) - Box 110 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence on various travel matters including travel concessions. Includes an interim report on student air concessions and a report on student concessions by Robert Fels, NUAUS Travel Director, 1960 to be submitted to Ansett-ANA.
Subseries 6. New Guinea office, 1962 - 1969
[Papua New Guinea], 1962 - 1963 (File) - Box 110 (Sequence 1)
NUAUS submission presented to the Commission on Higher Education in Papua New Guinea, August 1963. Also includes an address by D G Bettison on the "Future of education in Papua New Guinea" presented to the World University Service Conference at the University of Sydney, 23 May, 1962.
Papua and New Guinea, 1963 (File) - Box 110 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, memoranda and telegrams relating to education in Papua New Guinea (PNG). Subjects include university development and a NUAUS Delegation to investigate the development of higher education .
[Papua and New Guinea], 1963 (File) - Box 110 (Sequence 1)
Report of the NUAUS Delegation to PNG in five sections. Section five is a NUAUS submission to the Commission on Higher Education in Papua New Guinea.
[Papua and New Guinea] (File) - Box 110 (Sequence 1)
Questionairres for the NUAUS TSFPNG (Tertiary Students' Federation Papua New Guinea) Pilot Travel Scheme, [n.d].
[Papua and New Guinea], 1963 (File) - Box 110 (Sequence 1)
NUAUS submission to the Commission on Higher Education in Papua New Guinea, August 1963.
New Guinea, educ[ation], 1963 (File) - Box 110 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence, circulars, memoranda, notes and press releases relating to education in PNG. Subjects include university development and a NUAUS Delegation to investigate the development of higher education. Includes two reports presented to the Commission on Higher Education in Papua New Guinea. One by a Sub-committee of World University Service, Australia and the second by an informal study group of academic staff at the Australian National University.
Education, 1963, 1962 - 1964 (File) - Box 110 (Sequence 1)
Reports on higher education in PNG including: a NUAUS submission presented to the Commission on Higher Education in Papua New Guinea, August 1963; a submission presented to the Commission on Higher Education in Papua New Guinea by a Sub-committee of World University Service, Australia and a report by the NUAUS Assistant Education Officer for New Guinea to NUAUS August Council, 1964. There is also an address by Dr John Gunther, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Papua New Guinea titled "The aims of a university education". Also includes a copy of Report on new Guinea by a United Nations Visiting Mission to the Trust Territories of Nauru and New Guinea, 1962.
PNG, 1964, 1964 - 1965 (File) - Box 110 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, newscuttings and telegrams relating to education in PNG. Subjects include: a NUAUS Delegation, August 1964: a New Guinea workcamp and racial discrimination. Includes a paper by E K Fisk titled "Planning in a primitive economy: special problems of Papua New Guinea" and resolutions of the 1st Annual Council of the Tertiary Students Federation of Papua New Guinea, held at Port Moresby Posts and Telegraphs College, 19-21 March, 1965. Also includes two maps of Papua New Guinea.
PNG, 1964, 1963 - 1964 (File) - Box 110 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, press releases, reports and telegrams relating to education in PNG. Subjects include NUAUS assistance to PNG. Also includes a copy of the 14th Roy Milne Memorial Lecture given by Gough Whitlam, QC, MP, Deputy Leader of the Opposition, at Armidale, New South Wales, 9 July, 1963.
Papua New Guinea, NUAUS (ass[is]t[ance] to PNG, 1964, 1963-1964, 1966 (File) - Box 110 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars relating to education in PNG. Subjects include NUAUS assistance to PNG and the attendance of PNG students at the NUAUS Council Meeting, 1964. Also includes a NUAUS submission to the Commission on Higher Education in Papua New Guinea, August 1963 and an address by D G Bettison on the "Future of education in Papua New Guinea" presented to the World University Service Conference at the University of Sydney, 23 May, 1962.
New Guinea, Ass[istan]t International Officer, 1964, 1964 - 1965 (File) - Box 111 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, reports and telegrams on a range of matters relating to PNG. The main correspondents are Kevin Martin, NUAUS Assistant International Officer for Papua New Guinea and Norman Fisher, Education Officer for Papua New Guinea. Subjects include: the 1964 NUAUS Delegation to PNG; NUAUS assistance to PNG and the attendance of PNG students at the NUAUS Council meeting, 1964.
New Guinea, 1964, 1961 - 1964 (File) - Box 111 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, information sheets and reports on a range of matters relating to education in PNG. Includes a NUAUS submission presented to the Commission on Higher Education in Papua New Guinea, August 1963; an address by D G Bettison on the "Future of education in Papua New Guinea" presented to the World University Service Conference at the University of Sydney, 23 May, 1962 and a submission to the Commission on Higher Education in Papua New Guinea by a Sub-committee of World University Service, Australia.
Papua New Guinea, NUAUS (ass[is]t[ance] to PNG), 1964, 1964, 1965 (File) - Box 111 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence mostly generated by Kevin Martin, NUAUS Assistant International Officer for Papua New Guinea and some incoming correspondence to him. Subjects include: the NUAUS Delegation to PNG; the attendance of PNG students at the NUAUS Council meeting, 1964; work camps in PNG and NUAUS assistance to PNG.
[Papua New Guinea], 1962 - 1965 (File) - Box 111 (Sequence 1)
Extra large file of correspondence, circulars, newscuttings and telegrams on a range of matters relating to PNG. Subjects include: the NUAUS Delegation to PNG; the attendance of PNG students at the NUAUS Council meeting, 1964; NUAUS assistance to PNG and the economic and political situation in PNG.
PNG, 1965, 1963 - 1965 (File) - Box 111 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars on a range of matters relating to PNG. Subjects include: the 1963 NUAUS Delegation to PNG and the attendance of PNG students at the NUAUS Council meeting, 1965.
PNG, 1965, 1964 - 1966 (File) - Box 111 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars on a range of matters relating to PNG. Subjects include: a Student Leadership Seminar in Port Moresby, PNG, January 1965 and Volunteer Assistance Programmes (previously work camps).
PNG, affairs, 1965 (File) - Box 111 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence on a range of matters relating to PNG.
PNG, 1965, 1963 - 1965 (File) - Box 111 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence on a range of matters relating to PNG. Subjects include work camps. Includes a report on a Papua New Guinea study visit sponsored by the Rotary Club of Melbourne, April-May, 1963.
PNG Officer, 1965, 1965 (File) - Box 112 (Sequence 1)
Four publications on PNG published by the Commonwealth Department of Territories, 1965.
PNG, 1965 (File) - Box 112 (Sequence 1)
Extra large file of correspondence on a range of matters relating to PNG and other NUAUS matters. Subjects include: work camps in PNG; an Australian Universities Drama Festival, 1965; attendance at conferences and meetings in Australia and overseas and NUAUS administrative matters.
Assistant E[ducation] O[fficer]s, New Guinea, 1963 - 1966 (File) - Box 112 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence, circulars and reports relating to education in PNG. Various reports include two reports presented to the Commission on Higher Education in Papua New Guinea: one by NUAUS and a second by a Sub-committee of World University Service, Australia. Also includes an address by D G Bettison on the "Future of education in Papua New Guinea" presented to the World University Service Conference at the University of Sydney, 23 May, 1962. There is also some printed material on PNG.
Universities' Commission, 1961, 1964-1966 (File) - Box 112 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and reports relating to education in PNG. Includes a report of the NUAUS Assistant Education Officer for New Guinea to the NUAUS August Council, 1964 and a submission for funds under the NUAUS Education Research Grant by D Bettison, Executive Officer, New Guinea Research Unit, Australian National University, 1961.
PNG, 1965 - 1966 (File) - Box 112 (Sequence 1)
Envelope containing referees reports for students wishing to participate in a Student Work Camp in Papua New Guinea.
PNG, 1961 - 1965 (File) - Box 112 (Sequence 1)
Extra large file of correspondence, circulars, newscuttings and telegrams on a range of matters relating to PNG. Subjects include: student works camps and NUAUS assistance to PNG. Includes a report of the NUAUS Delegation to Papua New Guinea, 1964. Also includes a copy of the Constitution of the Federation of Tertiary Students of Papua New Guinea (FTSPNG) and a copy of resolutions of the 1st Annual Council of the TSFPNG, held at Port Moresby Posts and Telegraphs College, 19-21 March, 1965. There is also printed material on PNG including: language material; publications of the Commonwealth Department of Territories and extracts from Hansard on the Papua New Guinea Bill, 1963.
PNG, 1965 - 1966 (File) - Box 113 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and notes on matters relating to PNG. Subjects include: work camps; higher education and teachers for PNG. Includes a draft of a NUAUS handbook for participants in 1967 Volunteer Aid Projects by Nick Booth and a copy of an address by Dr John Gunther, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Papua New Guinea titled "The aims of a university education".
PNG, 1964 - 1966 (File) - Box 113 (Sequence 1)
Extra large file of correspondence, circulars, memoranda, newscuttings, telegrams and printed material on matters relating to PNG. Subjects include: Volunteer Assistance Programmes (previously work camps); attendance at NUAUS Council meetings by a PNG Delegation and a Student Leadership Seminar in Port Moresby, PNG, January 1965. The printed material includes: a Handbook of Papua New Guinea, 1966-67 for participants in the Volunteer Assistance Programme; a student magazine from the Administrative College, Port Moresby and some publications on careers published by the PNG Government. There is also a map of PNG.
PNG, 1965 - 1966 (File) - Box 113 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence, circulars and newscuttings on matters relating to PNG. Subjects include: Volunteer Assistance Programmes (previously work camps); a TSF delegation to Australia, 1965-66; NUAUS assistance to PNG and books for PNG. Includes an information sheet on the University of Papua and New Guinea and an issue of Challenge, Vol 2, No 3, 1965 published by students from the Administrative College of Port Moresby.
PNG, 1966, 1966 - 1967 (File) - Box 113 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence, circulars and telegrams on matters relating to PNG. Subjects include: Volunteer Assistance Programmes (previously work camps); a TSF delegation to Australia, 1965-66 and concessions for travel between Australia and PNG. Includes a copy of a NUAUS Handbook of Papua New Guinea for Participants in the Volunteer Assistance Programme, 1966-67 by Nick Booth, 1966 and two publications on PNG by the Commonwealth Department of Territories, 1965. There is also a poster produced by NUAUS promoting the Volunteer Assistance Programme in PNG.
PNG, 1966, 1961 - 1967 (File) - Box 113 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence, circulars, memoranda, reports and telegrams on matters relating to PNG. Subjects include the Volunteer Assistance Programme in PNG. Also includes a number of miscellaneous information sheets and reports on PNG.
PNG, 1966, 1965 - 1966 (File) - Box 113 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars and newscuttings on matters relating to PNG. Subjects include: Volunteer Assistance Programmes (previously work camps) and books for PNG.
V[olunteer] [Assistance] P[rogramme]s, 1966 - 1967 (File) - Box 114 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars and memoranda relating to the Volunteer Assistance Programme in PNG.
PNG, 1967 (File) - Box 114 (Sequence 1)
Cover page of a report of the NPNGO to the LPNGO Conference, Queen's College, Melbourne, 19-21 May, 1967. The remainder of the file contains Gestetner carbons possibly for further pages of this report.
V[olunteer] [Assistance] P[rogramme]s, 1966 - 1967 (File) - Box 114 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the Volunteer Assistance Programme, 1966-67.
Nat[ional] PNG Officer, (Jono Haslem), 1966-67, 1966 (File) - Box 114 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence generated by Jono Haslem, National Papua New Guinea Officer and incoming correspondence to him. Subjects include the Volunteer Assistance Programme and NUAUS administrative matters. Also includes resolutions adopted at the 1st Conference of Local Papua New Guinea Officers, held at Canberra, 3-5 June, 1966 and resolutions of the 2nd Annual Council, held at Port Moresby, 1966.
PNG, 1966 - 1967 (File) - Box 114 (Sequence 1)
Printed material including: a 1966 Papua New Guinea phonebook; an issue of Dialogue, Vol 2, No 1, 1967, the Organ of the SRC of Holy Spirit Seminary, Madang and a report calling for the review of a decision on Local Officers' salaries in the Public Service of PNG.
PNG, 1967 (File) - Box 114 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars on matters relating to PNG. Subjects include: air concessions for travel to PNG; the Volunteer Assistance Programme and a NUAUS film on the programme.
N[ational] PNG O[fficer], President's file, correspondence, 1967, 1966 - 1967 (File) - Box 114 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and memoranda mostly between Tony Walker, NUAUS NPNGO and Tony McMichael, NUAUS President and others. Subjects include the Voluntary Assistance Programme and air concessions for VAP participants. Also includes papers relating to a meeting of LPNGO Officers held at Queen's College, Melbourne, 19-21 May, 1967.
PNG, 1967 (File) - Box 114 (Sequence 1)
Extra large file of outgoing correspondence labelled "float file". Includes some circulars and memoranda. Subjects include: attendance at conferences and meetings; NUAUS Aboriginal Scholarship Scheme (Abschol); student exchanges and the Voluntary Assistance Programme in PNG.
Voluntary Assistance Programme, 1966 (File) - Box 114 (Sequence 1)
Large file of application forms; assessment forms and a notification of selection form for students applying for the Volunteer Assistance Programme in PNG, January-February, 1967.
Pangu Pati, 1968 (File) - Box 114 (Sequence 1)
Information sheets and a press statement on the Pangu Pati, a political party formed in PNG in 1967. Includes a copy of the Constitution of the Pangu Pati and a statement on the platform and policy of the Pangu Pati. None of the material is dated.
Subseries 6. Papua New Guinea Research Officer, Arnold Zable, 1970
Added March 1972
Arnold Zable, Papua New Guinea Research Officer, 1970 (File) - Box 159 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (2 folios) generated by Arnold Zable, Papua New Guinea Research Officer, 1970. Subjects include wages and wage discrimination in PNG. Also includes NUAUS circulars and a submission to AUS Council concerning the position of AUS Papua New Guinea Research Officer by Graham Dunkley, Papua New Guinea National Orientation Officer, 1970.Added March 1972.
Series 5. Education
Subseries 1. Abschol, 1955 - 1967
Abschol, 1956, 1955 - 1956 (File) - Box 115 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to the Aboriginal Scholarship Scheme. Includes reports of the Aboriginal Scholarship Standing Committee to NUAUS Executive Meetings in 1955 and May and August, 1956. Also includes a report on the National Union Aboriginal Scholarship for the information of the Guild Council, University of Western Australia, 1956.
Aboriginal Scholarships, 1957 (File) - Box 115 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence mostly relating to the Aboriginal Scholarship Scheme. Also includes some correspondence relating to the University Act Amendment Bill.
Abschol, 1956, 1957 (File) - Box 115 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (2 folios) relating to the Aboriginal Scholarship Scheme.
Abschol, 1957 - 1963 (File) - Box 115 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, information sheets and reports relating to the Aboriginal Scholarship Scheme. Includes various NUAUS reports on the Scheme and an issue of Aboriginal scholarships letter, May 1959.
Aboriginal Scholarships, 1958 (File) - Box 115 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to the Aboriginal Scholarship Scheme.
Abschol, 1959 (File) - Box 115 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (2 folios) relating to the Aboriginal Scholarship Scheme.
Abschol, 1958 - 1960 (File) - Box 115 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, information sheets and reports relating to the Aboriginal Scholarship Scheme. Subjects include fundraising. Includes a report of the 1st Annual Conference of the NUAUS Aboriginal Scholarship Committee, held at Rosebud, Victoria, 29 May-1 June, 1958 and issues 1-3 of the Committee's newsletter.
Abschol, 1955, 1956 (File) - Box 115 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, information sheets and reports relating to the Aboriginal Scholarship Scheme. Subjects include the Aboriginal Scholarship Trust Deed. Includes a report of the Aboriginal Scholarship Standing Committee to the NUAUS Executive, 19 July 1965.
[Abschol], 1960, 1959 - 1960 (File) - Box 115 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, information sheets and reports relating to the Aboriginal Scholarship Scheme. Includes papers presented to the 1st Annual Conference of the NUAUS Aboriginal Scholarship Committee, held at Rosebud, Victoria, 29 May-1 June, 1958 and issues 1-23 of the Committee's newsletter. Also includes various NUAUS reports on the Scheme and an issue of Aboriginal scholarships letter, May 1959.
Aboriginal scholarships, 1956 (File) - Box 115 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (2 folios) relating to the Aboriginal Scholarship Scheme and a report of the Aboriginal Scholarship Standing Committee to the 1956 Council Meeting of NUAUS.
[Abschol], 1960 (File) - Box 115 (Sequence 1)
NUAUS information sheet on the Aboriginal Scholarship Scheme, 1960.
[Abschol], 1958 - 1960 (File) - Box 115 (Sequence 1)
Mostly information sheets, newscuttings, notes, press releases and reports relating to the Aboriginal Scholarship Scheme. The press releases are statements issued by Paul Hasluck, MP, Minister for Territories on Papua New Guinea and the Northern Territory. Also includes some general material on Aborigines.
Queensland, Aboriginal scholarships, 1954 - 1961 (File) - Box 115 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence regarding activity in Queensland relating to the Aboriginal Scholarship Scheme. Includes correspondence regarding a Queensland applicant for the Scheme.
Aborigines, 1958 (File) - Box 115 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, information sheets and reports relating to the Aboriginal Scholarship Scheme. Includes an unauthored and undated paper titled " Proposals for government action over the Aborigines", issued by the Australian Student Labour Federation.
[Abschol], 1962, 1961 - 1962 (File) - Box 115 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to the Aboriginal Scholarship Scheme.
[Abschol], 1962, 1962 - 1963 (File) - Box 115 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars and information sheets relating to the Aboriginal Scholarship Scheme. Includes a report of the 1962 National Conference which examined the aims and policies of Abschol.
Aboriginal affairs, 1963 (File) - Box 115 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, financial statements and information sheets relating to the Aboriginal Scholarship Scheme. Subjects include: donations to the Aboriginal Scholarships Fund; an Abschol conference and the Abschol administration account.
NUAUS Aboriginal Scholarship Scheme, 1960 - 1963 (File) - Box 115 (Sequence 1)
Extra large file of material on a range of matters relating to the Aboriginal Scholarship Scheme. Includes incoming and outgoing correspondence belonging to Dennis Argall, NUAUS National Appeal Director, Aboriginal Scholarship Scheme. Also includes information sheets and reports and some printed material regarding to Aborigines. As well, there is a paper by Professor A P Elkin titled "Aboriginal scholars", [n.d.].
Aboriginal affairs, 1963 - 1964 (File) - Box 116 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, minutes of meetings, newscuttings and reports relating to the Aboriginal Scholarship Scheme. Includes various Abschol reports.
Aboriginal affairs, 1965 (File) - Box 116 (Sequence 1)
Article from The Australian, 3 December, 1965 by John Stubbs titled "Pastor and radical". The article refers to a private member's bill introduced by W C Wentworth into the Federal Parliament for the holding of a referendum to change sections of the Constitution which discriminated against Aborigines.
Aboriginal affairs, 1964 (File) - Box 116 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to Aboriginal affairs.
[Abschol], 1965-66, 1966 - 1967 (File) - Box 116 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and reports relating to Aboriginal Affairs. Subjects include the 1967 Referendum. Includes submissions to the Joint Committee of the Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly of New South Wales on Aborigines welfare, 1966 and reports and proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference on Aboriginal Affairs, Canberra, 1967.
N[ational] A[bschol] D[irector], 1966, 1966 - 1967 (File) - Box 116 (Sequence 1)
Mostly circulars distributed to Local Abscol Directors by Heather Meredith, NUAUS National Abschol Director. Subjects include: work camps; an Abschol Conference, 1966 and fundraising. The file also includes a small amount of correspondence.
Abschol, 1965 - 1966 (File) - Box 116 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and reports relating to Aboriginal Affairs. Subjects include: Abschol and Aboriginal education policy. Includes reports by Abschol Committees and others on Aboriginal education; assimilation and a work camp.
Secretariat and N[ational] A[bschol] D[irector], 1966, 1966 (File) - Box 116 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between Heather Meredith, NUAUS National Abschol Director and John Ridley, NUAUS President and Patti Warne, NUAUS Education Vice President. Subjects include: fundraising; a Model Trusteeship Council and NUAUS administrative matters.
Adelaide, 1966 (File) - Box 116 (Sequence 1)
Mostly outgoing correspondence by Baden Teague, Adelaide Abschol Director to Heather Meredith, NUAUS National Abschol Director. Subjects include: the Aboriginal Scholarship Scheme and a work camp at Koonibba, South Australia. Also includes Abschol reports by Baden Teague.
Action file, 1966 (File) - Box 116 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence on Aboriginal education and the Aboriginal Scholarship Scheme.
Sydney, 1966 (File) - Box 116 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between Heather Meredith, NUAUS National Abschol Director and Tom Roper, NUAUS Local Abschol Director, Sydney University regarding the Aboriginal Scholarship Scheme.
N[ew] S[outh] W[ales], 1966 (File) - Box 116 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between Heather Meredith, NUAUS National Abschol Director and NUAUS Local Abscol Directors and others in New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory on Abschol matters. Includes a report of the NSW Abschol Conference, 1966.
Abschol, general information, 1966 (File) - Box 116 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, information sheets and reports relating to the Aboriginal Scholarship Scheme.
Abschol, 1967 (File) - Box 116 (Sequence 1)
Extra large file of correspondence relating to Abschol. Subjects include: Aboriginal education; the Aboriginal Scholarship Scheme; fundraising and an Abschol Summer School to be held in January, 1968.
Abschol, 1967 (File) - Box 116 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the Aboriginal Scholarship Scheme.
Aborigines, 1964 - 1966 (File) - Box 116 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the Aboriginal Scholarship Scheme.
Abschol, 1964 - 1966 (File) - Box 116 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, papers, reports and telegrams relating to the Aboriginal Scholarship Scheme. Includes papers presented to the 1st Annual Conference of the NUAUS Aboriginal Scholarship Committee, 1960 and a NUAUS Aboriginal Scholarships information sheet, 1960. Also includes some journal articles and papers on Aborigines.
Abschol, 1966 (File) - Box 116 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (3 folios) relating to the treatment of Aborigines and a Lake Tyers work project.
N[ational] A[bschol] D[irector], general, 1965 - 1966 (File) - Box 116 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence between John Ridley, NUAUS President and NUAUS National Abschol Directors, Heather Meredith and Warwick Mosman relating to the Aboriginal Scholarship Scheme.
Abschol, newspaper cuttings, press releases, etc (P[ublic R[elations]), 1965 - 1966 (File) - Box 116 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and newscuttings on Aboriginal matters. Includes a NUAUS press release on the Victorian Aboriginal situation at Lake Tyers and surrounding districts.
Abschol, liaison with L[ocal A[rea] D[irectors], circulars, correspondence, 1966 - 1967 (File) - Box 116 (Sequence 1)
Memos and circulars to Local Abschol Directors from Heather Meredith, NUAUS National Abschol Director. Includes correspondence generated by Tom Roper, NSW State Abschol Director and some minutes and reports of State Abschol meetings.
Abscholars, matters relating to, 1966 (File) - Box 116 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to Abschol financial matters.
Abschol, financial matters, 1965 - 1967 (File) - Box 116 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence and circulars relating to Abschol financial matters.
Abschol, Government, submissions and correspondence, 1965 (File) - Box 116 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to changes to the Constitution regarding Aborigines and a NUAUS submission on this matter.
Abschol, Selection Committee, 1966 (File) - Box 116 (Sequence 1)
Agenda for a meeting of the NUAUS Abschol Selection Committee, 26 January, 1966.
Other Aboriginal welfare organisations, 1963, 1965-1966 (File) - Box 116 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and printed material including flyers and brochures on Aboriginal matters. Subjects include: wage discrimination; the Lake Tyers settlement; the referendum and Aboriginal policy.
Abschol, conferences, minutes, reports, 1965 - 1966 (File) - Box 116 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly relating to the National Abschol Conference, held at Monash University, 23 May-25 May, 1966. Includes resolutions passed at the Conference; a report of the National Abschol Director on an Abschol Conference, held at Sydney University Union, 4-6 June, 1965 and other Abschol reports presented to the NUAUS August Council, 1965.
Subseries 2. General Education Officer's correspondence, Tom Roper, Education Vice President, January 1969 - December 1969
Added March 1972
Tom Roper, Education Vice President, January 1969-December 1969 (File) - Box 160 (Sequence 1)
Extra large file of NUAUS circulars, press releases and reports mostly produced by Tom Roper, Education Vice President, December 1968-January 1970. Subjects include: higher education fees; bonding of teachers; the 1970 Education Campaign; education conferences and commonwealth scholarships. Includes issues of an education newsletter.Added March 1972.
Subseries 2. General Education Officer's correspondence, May 1969 - June 1970
Added March 1972
Tom Roper, Education Vice President, May 1969 - June 1970 (File) - Box 160 (Sequence 1)
Extra large file of correspondence generated by Tom Roper, Education Vice President, May 1969-January 1970. Subjects include: higher education in Australia; higher education fees; bonding of teachers; education conferences and the Commonwealth Scholarship Scheme.Added March 1972.
Subseries 2. General Education Officer's correspondence, Daniela Humphreys, Education Vice President, February 1970 - July 1970
Added March 1972
Daniela Humphreys, Education Vice President, February 1970 - July 1970 (File) - Box 160 (Sequence 1)
Extra large file of NUAUS circulars and press releases produced by Daniela Humphreys, NUAUS Education Vice President, February-July 1970 and some reports by others reproduced in NUAUS circulars. Subjects include: the Australian Universities Commission; student participation; student evaluation and student welfare. Also Includes a NUAUS submission to a Review of the Commonwealth Tertiary Scholarships Scheme.Added March 1972.
Subseries 2. General Education Officer's correspondence, February 1970 - May 1970
Added March 1972
Daniela Humphreys, Education Vice President, February 1970 - July 1970 (File) - Box 160 (Sequence 1)
Extra large file of correspondence generated by Daniela Humphreys, NUAUS Education Vice President, February-July 1970. Subjects include: inequality in education; education conferences and the Commonwealth Scholarships Scheme.Added March 1972.
Subseries 2. General Education Officer's correspondence, 1950 - 1970
Correspondence, K[im] P[aterson], Education Officer, 1960 - 1961 (File) - Box 117 (Sequence 1)
Incoming and outgoing correspondence mostly belonging to Kim Paterson, NUAUS Education Officer. Includes a report of the National Education Conference, held at Leichhardt Stadium, Sydney, 21 May, 1960.
[Education Officer], 1963 - 1964 (File) - Box 117 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars relating to the position of NUAUS Education Officer.
Miscellaneous incl[uding] Counsellors, 1955 - 1958 (File) - Box 117 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and miscellaneous material relating to universities and higher education. Includes draft points to be raised with the Federal Council of Australian University Staff Associations for the purpose of preparing a joint submission on university finance to be presented to the Prime Minister.
Vice Pres[ident] Educ[ation], James J Carlton, 1957 (File) - Box 117 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence mostly generated by Jim Carlton, NUAUS Vice President and Education Officer on education matters and NUAUS administrative matters.
Liberalization of education, 1956, 1955 - 1956 (File) - Box 117 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence regarding the liberalisation of education and the position of Maltese graduates and undergraduates in Australia.
Counselling, 1956, 1955 - 1956 (File) - Box 117 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (2 folios) relating to a Student Counselling Report prepared by Jill Warwick.
Miscellaneous, 1956, 1955 - 1956 (File) - Box 117 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence on miscellaneous education matters. Includes an article titled "The NUAUS and education", NUAUS news bulletin, 7 May, 1955.
Education, misc[ellaneous], 1958, 1954, 1958 (File) - Box 117 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence on miscellaneous education matters.
Education Committee, 1958 - 1961 (File) - Box 117 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence regarding the NUAUS Education Research Account and the employment of Education Research Officers.
Miscellaneous education file up to 31/12/61, 1958 - 1961 (File) - Box 117 (Sequence 1)
Extra large file of correspondence on a range of education matters. Subjects include: education reviews; tax rebates for students' educational expenses; National Service training; a survey of medical education and administrative matters. Also includes a copy of a NUAUS submission to the Australian Universities' Commission and a report of the Vice President and Education Officer to the 1960 NUAUS Council Meeting.
Correspondence, Education Officer, 1958, 1957 - 1958 (File) - Box 117 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence on a range of education matters. Subjects include: tax concessions for students; SEATO scholarships and medical education.
Ed[ucation], McDonald/Lynch corresp[ondence], relevant, 1955 - 1956 (File) - Box 117 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence on a range of education matters. Subjects include: scholarships and a NUAUS submission to the Committee of Enquiry for Secondary Education in NSW.
Lynch/McDonald, irrelevant, 1956, 1955 - 1966 (File) - Box 117 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence on a range of education matters. Subjects include: the Commomwealth Scholarship Scheme; future needs of universities and Asian travel.
Education, N[ational] F[aculty] A[ssociation], 1964 (File) - Box 117 (Sequence 1)
Single folio of correspondence from Peter Sellers, NUAUS Education Officer to Ken Davidson, Secretary Staff Student Association of Education Faculty regarding the formation of a National Education Faculty Association.
Education Society, Monash, 1964 (File) - Box 117 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence with the Monash University Education Society. Includes a copy of their Constitution and issues of Education Society news, Nos 6 and 7, 1964.
[Education Officer], 1964 (File) - Box 117 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence between Peter Sellers, NUAUS Education Officer and Peter Wilenski, NUAUS President on education matters.
Educ[ation] Res[earch] Officer, 1958 (File) - Box 117 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly relating to the appointment of a full-time NUAUS Education Research Officer. Includes a job description for the position.
Research (Penny), 1954 - 1955 (File) - Box 117 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence generated by David Penny, NUAUS Research Officer and others on a range of education matters. Subjects include: payroll tax exemption for employees of University Unions; attendance at meetings and conferences and the Commonwealth Scholarship Scheme.
Education, 1960, 1958 - 1961 (File) - Box 117 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence, circulars and memoranda mostly relating to NUAUS attendance at overseas conferences and seminars including the Asian Student Study Seminar in Ceylon, 1958 and the Asian Regional Co-operation Seminar in Malaya, 1960.
Education, 1956-60, 1955 - 1961 (File) - Box 117 (Sequence 1)
Large file of reports and survey results. Includes: a report on opportunities for persons from overseas to study in Australia, 1958; a submission to the Committee on Higher Education in NSW by the University of New South Wales Students' Union, 1960; student air concessions by R Fels, 1960 and the cost of books and equipment essential to university courses by the NUAUS Education Officer, 1959. The surveys examine the failure rates of students at the University of Adelaide from 1955-1957.
Peter Sellers, Education Officer, press clippings on education, Aboriginal and New Guinea affairs, 1963 - 1964 (File) - Box 118 (Sequence 1)
Extra large file of newscuttings from capital city newspapers across Australia on education and Aboriginal and New Guinea affairs. Also includes cuttings from the South Pacific post, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
E[ducation] V[ice] P[resident], general, misc[ellaneous], 1968 - 1970 (File) - Box 118 (Sequence 1)
Extra large file mostly of NUAUS circulars on education matters. Includes a report by Tom Roper, NUAUS Education Vice President titled "Some aspects of university teaching and learning", 1969 and a NUAUS submission to the Minister of Education and Science and the Commonwealth Scholarship Board regarding the Commonwealth Tertiary Scholarship Schemes, 1968.
Vice-Chancellors' Comm[onwealth?], 1958 (File) - Box 118 (Sequence 1)
Single folio of correspondence from Martin Davey, NUAUS Vice President to Roger Cook, NUAUS Honorary Secretary/Treasurer relating to post-graduate scholarships for displaced foreign students.
University autonomy, 1958 (File) - Box 118 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to academic freedom in Australian universities.
Lib[eralisation] of uni[versity] educ[ation], 1958 (File) - Box 118 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (3 folios) regarding NUAUS motions recorded at the 1958 Council Meeting relating to technical and technological education and the range of university subjects.
Uni[versity] development and fin[ance], 1958 (File) - Box 118 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence on education matters. Subjects include: universities in Victoria; university education in Canberra and the Committee on Australian Universities, 1957.
Student counselling, 1958 (File) - Box 118 (Sequence 1)
Single folio of correspondence from Martin Davey, NUAUS Vice President to Professor J Cardno, University of Tasmania relating to a NUAUS survey on student living costs and study conditions.
Research, 1958 (File) - Box 118 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars relating to research projects. Subjects include: enrolments and failure rates in universities; research grants; a survey of books and equipment expenses for students and living conditions of students.
Education Officer (Playoust), 1954 (File) - Box 118 (Sequence 1)
Mostly incoming and outgoing correspondence generated by Marc Playoust, NUAUS Education Officer. Subjects include: the Universities' Commission; the Commonwealth Scholarships Scheme and a Drama Festival. Includes minutes of discussions between representatives of NUAUS and officers of the Commonwealth Office of Education, Sydney, 16-17 August, 1954.
Liberalization of education, 1950, 1950, 1956 (File) - Box 118 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence and reports regarding the liberalisation of education. Includes a report of a NUAUS Committee of Enquiry into the Liberalisation of University Education, 9 June 195? and a report for the NUAUS Education Officer on the Melbourne Development Committee, [n.d].
University development and finance, 1956, 1954, 1956-1957 (File) - Box 118 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to government policy on universities in Australia. Includes a NUAUS working paper on Commonwealth grants to states for universities, 1956 and a report of the Senate of the University of Sydney, for the year ended 31 December, 1954.
Education, 1959-63, 1959 - 1964 (File) - Box 119 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars and reports on a range of education matters. Subjects include: taxation concessions and the Committee on Tertiary Education. Includes a submission to the Australian Vice Chancellors' Committee concerning the NUAUS publication "Taxation and the student" and a NUAUS policy paper titled "Taxation and the student". Also includes a submission to the Committee on Higher Education in New South Wales by the University of New South Wales Students' Union, 1960.
Education, finance, 1960-61, 1958 - 1961 (File) - Box 119 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence and circulars on a range of education matters. Subjects include: the Education Research Officer, the financing of this position and the Education Research Account.
Education, induction of freshers, 1959 - 1961 (File) - Box 119 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars relating to research conducted by the Education Research Officer on student induction and orientation programs in universities.
Education, living conditions, 1959 - 1961 (File) - Box 119 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars relating to research conducted by the Education Research Officer on student living conditions and finances. Includes a copy of a questionnaire distributed to students. Also refers to surveys on student accommodaton being undertaken by the University of Queensland and others.
Liberalisation of unversity education, 1961 (File) - Box 119 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (6 folios) regarding the liberalisation of education.
Medical education, 1959-61, 1958 - 1961 (File) - Box 119 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence mostly relating to research into medical education by NUAUS. Includes a statement on medical education in NSW by Martin Davey, NUAUS Vice President and Education Officer, 1958.
Appointment, 1961 (File) - Box 119 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence mostly relating to the appointment of Education Research Officers and support staff.
Ed[ucation] Research grants, applications approved, 1962-63, 1961 - 1962 (File) - Box 119 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and applications for NUAUS Education Research Grants.
Education Officers' meetings, 1959 - 1961 (File) - Box 119 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the attendance of NUAUS Education Officers at Education Meetings.
[Education], 1958 (File) - Box 119 (Sequence 1)
A survey of Social Studies students study habits by Rosemary Scouller with advice and assistance from the Education Research Officer, 1958. Includes a student questionnaire.
University dev[elopmen]t and finance, new universities, 1957 - 1958 (File) - Box 119 (Sequence 1)
Submissions and working papers to the Committee on Australian Universities, 1957. Includes a NUAUS submission on the foundation of Monash University, 1958; a working paper for a proposed Medical School at the University of Tasmania; a working paper on the future development of university education in Victoria and a submission for the development of a School of Agriculture at the University of Tasmania. Most of the papers are undated.
Educ[ation], costs, 1958 (File) - Box 119 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and questionnaires relating to a Books and Equipment Survey and a Cost of Living Survey.
Subseries 2. General Education Officer's correspondence, Daniela Humphreys, Education Vice President, May 1970 - October 1970
Added March 1972
Daniela Humphreys, Education Vice President, May 1970 - October 1970 (File) - Box 161 (Sequence 1)
Extra large file of correspondence generated by Daniela Humphreys, NUAUS Education Vice President, May-October 1970. Subjects include: a campaign against inequalities in educational opportunity in Australia; education conferences; a survey on student costs and the Commonwealth Scholarships Scheme.Added March 1972.
Subseries 2. General Education Officer's correspondence, May 1970 - January 1971
Added March 1972
Daniela Humphreys, Education Vice President, May 1970 - January 1971 (File) - Box 161 (Sequence 1)
Large file of NUAUS circulars and press releases mostly produced by Daniela Humphreys, NUAUS Education Vice President, May 1970-January 1971. Subjects include: a campaign on inequality in education; education conferences; a proposal for a students' loan scheme and a survey on student costs and incomes. Also includes Part I of the minutes from the Education and Welfare Conference, held in May 1970.Added March 1972.
Subseries 2. General Education Officer's correspondence, October 1970 - January 1971
Added March 1972
Daniela Humphreys, Education Vice President, October 1970 - January 1971 (File) - Box 161 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence generated by Daniela Humphreys, NUAUS Education Vice President, October 1970-January 1971. Subjects include: a campaign on inequality in education and the Commonwealth Scholarships Scheme.Added March 1972.
Subseries 2. General Education Officer's correspondence, December 1970 - January 1971
Added March 1972
Daniela Humphreys, Education Vice President, December 1970 - January 1971 (File) - Box 161 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence generated by Daniela Humphreys, NUAUS Education Vice President, December 1970-January 1971. Subjects include: education policy; a national essay competition on inequalities for secondary school children and teacher bonds.Added March 1972.
Subseries 3. Education Research Officer's correspondence, 1951 - 1963
[Education], 1958-60, 1957 - 1960 (File) - Box 119 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and reports on education matters. Reports include: a report on opportunities for persons from overseas to study in Australia, 1958; a NUAUS report on medical education in Western Australia, 1958 and NUAUS notes on the report of the Committee appointed to survey secondary education in NSW, 1957.
Education, Education Research Officer, 1960, 1960 - 1961 (File) - Box 119 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars on a range of education matters. Subjects include: research being undertaken by the Education Research Officer and the Education Account.
Books and equipment, 1959 (File) - Box 119 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (6 folios) relating to possible discounts on textbooks for university students.
Murray Committee, 1957 (File) - Box 119 (Sequence 1)
File consisting of newscuttings and reports. Reports include: a NUAUS submission to the Commonwealth Committee of Enquiry into Australian Universities, 1957; a report of the Students' Representative Council, University of Sydney, to the Commonwealth Enquiry into Universities, [n.d] and a statement of the views of the Newcastle University College Students' Association on the future development of the Newcastle University College, 1957.
Vic[torian] Educ[ation], 1961 (File) - Box 119 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence, memorandum and newscuttings relating to the Committee on Tertiary Education in Victoria.
U[niversity] [of] N[ew] S[outh] W[ales], Radio University, 1961 (File) - Box 119 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, brochures and a flyer relating to the broadcast of educational courses by UNSW through Australia's first university operated radio station known as Radio University.
Psych[ological] dependence, 1958 (File) - Box 119 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence with various Australian universities enquiring if they have done any studies on the psychological dependence of students on their parents.
Victorian Parent Teacher Ed[ucation] Council, 1961 (File) - Box 119 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence between NUAUS and the Victorian Parent Teacher Education Council regarding a campaign fund.
May Executive Meeting, 1961 (File) - Box 119 (Sequence 1)
Reports by Kim Paterson, NUAUS Education Officer to the NUAUS Executive Meeting, 3-4 June, 1961 and the NUAUS President, 29 May, 1961.
Conference of Australian Universities, 1961 (File) - Box 119 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to NUAUS attendance at the Conference of Australian Universities, held 18-19 August, 1961 and supply of the publication Conference on university education, 1960.
Education, taxation, 1961, 1960 - 1961 (File) - Box 119 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and reports relating to a NUAUS taxation concessions submission to the Taxation Committee of Review.
Education, miscellaneous, 1957 (File) - Box 119 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars and memoranda on a range of education matters. Subjects include: university developments and medical education.
American Scheme, 1957 (File) - Box 119 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to a scheme to enable American students to study in Australia.
University development and finance, 1957, 1957 - 1958 (File) - Box 119 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence on a range of education matters. Subjects include: Medical education and various committees established to look into Australian universities.
Liberalisation of unversity education, 1957 (File) - Box 119 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (2 folios) regarding discussion of the liberalisation of education amongst NUAUS.
U[nited] N[ations] scholarship, 1959 (File) - Box 119 (Sequence 1)
Reports including: a report of the Australian UNESCO Committee for Education on a Youth Panel Meeting, 17 August, 1959; a progress report on the UNESCO System of Associated Youth Enterprises and a report of the NUAUS representative on the Youth Panel and Education Committees of the Australian Advisory Committee for UNESCO.
Education, 1959-1960, 1958 - 1960 (File) - Box 119 (Sequence 1)
Extra large file of correspondence, circulars and printed material on a range of education matters. Subjects include: student counselling services; the Newcastle University College; medical education and teacher exchanges. Includes issues of Vestes, the bulletin of the Federal Council of University Staff Associations of Australia, 1959 and a report of the NSW Branch of the British Medical Association on medical education, 1958.
Education, 1958 (File) - Box 120 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to the funding of the Education Research Officer and the Education Account.
Liberalisation of ed[ucation], 1958 (File) - Box 120 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to technical education and university courses.
Education, 1957-58, 1957 - 1963 (File) - Box 120 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, memoranda and reports on a range of education matters. Subjects include: failure rates of students; scholarships; the costs of books and equipment for various courses and the academic performance of Asian students. Also includes a submission to the Committee on Higher Education in NSW by the University of New South Wales Students' Union, 1960 and a NUAUS submission to the Committee on Tertiary Education, [n.d].
Discipline, 1961,1965 (File) - Box 120 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to discipline and disciplinary regulations in Australian universities.
Ed[ucation], 1961 (File) - Box 120 (Sequence 1)
Small file of circulars and reports of NUAUS meetings. Includes a report of the meeting of the Standing Education Sub-committee, held at Sydney, 1 August, 1961 and minutes of the Education Meeting, held at the University of Melbourne, 2 June, 1961.
Ed[ucation], 1959 - 1961 (File) - Box 120 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence mostly relating to research projects being undertaken by the NUAUS Education Research Officer. Other correspondence relates to routine matters.
Ed[ucation], 1959, 1958 - 1959 (File) - Box 120 (Sequence 1)
Miscellaneous material relating to education matters. Includes an undated memorandum on vacation employment of university students by Kathleen Fitzpatrick; survey forms for gathering information on student living costs and information on student living costs.
Ed[ucation], 1960, 1951, 1959-1960 (File) - Box 120 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and reports relating to education matters. Includes a NUAUS submission to the Committee of Inquiry into Taxation; a questionnaire for the taxation inquiry; and a report on the cost of books and equipment essential to university courses by the NUAUS Education Officer, 1959.
Ed[ucation], 1963, 1960 - 1963 (File) - Box 120 (Sequence 1)
Incoming and outgoing correspondence mostly belonging to Paul Walmsley, NUAUS Education Officer. Subjects include: an Education Campaign to publicise the problems of education and NUAUS administrative matters. Also includes a working paper and some observations on the Campaign.
[Education], 1961 (File) - Box 120 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence on education matters. Subjects include: teacher promotions and the supply and demand for teaching services.
[Education], 1961, 1958 - 1961 (File) - Box 120 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence and circulars on education matters. Subjects include: medical education; tax rebates for students and a NUAUS Student Exchange Fund.
Ed[ucation], 1958-60, 1957 - 1958 (File) - Box 120 (Sequence 1)
Various papers including: a NUAUS submission on the foundation of Monash University, 1958; a statement on medical education in NSW, 1958 and a NUAUS submission to the Committee on Australian Universities, 1957. Other NUAUS papers relate to medical education; research grants and state teacher training systems.
Vic[toria], 1958, 1958 - 1959 (File) - Box 120 (Sequence 1)
A report on teacher training in Victoria, [n.d]; a NUAUS circular, 1958 suggesting ways to conduct research into teacher training and an article by J P White titled "The dilemma of the Education Department", [n.d].
Education, 1957 - 1958 (File) - Box 120 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars and memoranda on a range of education matters. Subjects include: the Committee on Australian Universities; the appointment of a NUAUS Education Research Officer and the University of Queensland Act Amendment Bill. Includes a flyer for a protest against the Bill.
Education, 1959, 1959 - 1960 (File) - Box 120 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence on a range of education matters. Subjects include: an Education Committee meeting, February, 1960; student concessions for textbooks; a survey of students' living costs and conditions; financial matters and the Education Account.
Edu[cation], 1959 - 1960 (File) - Box 120 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence and circulars on a range of education matters. Subjects include: teacher training; scholarships and the Commonwealth Scholarships Scheme and living allowances. Includes a NUAUS submission to the Commonwealth Office of Education, 1959 and a NUAUS submission to the Australian Universities Commission, 1959. Also includes a paper on the Murray Report by D W McNally, [n.d] and issues of Education news, 1959.
Research (Campion), 1954 - 1955 (File) - Box 121 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence on a range of education matters. Subjects include: supplementary examinations; health services in Australian universities and payroll tax exemptions. Includes a report of the NUAUS Research Officer, Bruce Rosier and a second report by him on questions relating to matriculation.
[Education], 1961 (File) - Box 121 (Sequence 1)
A study of some first year students at the University of Melbourne, prepared by the NUAUS Education Research Department, 1961.
E[ducation] R[esearch] O[fficer] appointment, 1958 (File) - Box 121 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence and a circular containing two applications for the position of NUAUS Education Research Officer.
Research projects, 1958 (File) - Box 121 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence and a circular (3 folios) relating to projects being undertaken by the NUAUS Education Research Officer.
Research schol[arship]s, 1958 (File) - Box 121 (Sequence 1)
A NUAUS submission to the Commonwealth Office of Education, June 1958 titled "Proposals for post-graduate scholarships".
E[ducation] R[esearch] O[fficer], publicity, 1958 - 1960 (File) - Box 121 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence regarding research on student failure and a journal article titled "Looking into student troubles: the Australian way" by Martin Davey, NUAUS President, [n.d].
E[ducation] R[esearch] O[fficer], use of confidential material, 1960 (File) - Box 121 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (2 folios) regarding access to confidential material held in Australian universities by the NUAUS Education Research Officer.
E[ducation] R[esearch] O[fficer], 1957 (File) - Box 121 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to the appointment and financing of a NUAUS Education Research Officer.
Subseries 3. Education Research Officer's correspondence - Tom Teacher, 1971
Added March 1972
Tom Tescher, Education Research Officer, 1971 (File) - Box 161 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (2 folios) and a circular generated by Tom Tescher, NUAUS Education Research Officer, December 1970-January 1971. Subjects include: an AUS submission on Commonwealth Post-graduate Scholarships and education publications.Added March 1972.
Subseries 4. Secondary education, 1964 - 1965
{Education], 1965 (File) - Box 121 (Sequence 1)
Single folio consisting of minutes of the Victorian Parent-Teacher Education Council Education Planning Committee, held at the Victorian Council of School Organizations Rooms, 13 September, 1965.
Primary and secondary education, 1965 (File) - Box 121 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (3 folios) regarding NUAUS policy on primary and secondary education and an Australian National University press release on matriculation requirements.
T[?] A[ssociation for the] A[dvancement of] S[tate] E[ducation in] Q[ueensland] constutions (File) - Box 121 (Sequence 1)
Copies of the Constitution of the Association for the Advancement of State Education in Queensland, [n.d].
State aid, 1964 - 1965 (File) - Box 121 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, information sheets and press releases on Commonwealth Government aid to state schools. Includes a copy of State aid for education; a public mischief by W E Gollan, 1964 and a pamphlet titled State aid for non-state schools is dangerous, [n.d].
Subseries 5. Seminars and education campaigns, 1949 - 1967
Ed[ucation], E[ducation] R[esearch] O[fficer], 1961 (File) - Box 121 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars mostly relating to the NUAUS Education Department. Subjects include: the Education Research Officer and the appointment of a Senior Education Research Officer. Includes an interim report of the ERO on a project titled "A study of first year students", [n.d].
Correspondence and papers of Education Research Officer, 1960-61, 1959 - 1961 (File) - Box 121 (Sequence 1)
Mostly incoming and outgoing correspondence belonging to the NUAUS Education Research Officer, Margaret Theobald. Subjects include: projects being undertaken by the ERO and financial matters.
Education, research general, 1961, 1958 - 1961 (File) - Box 121 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars relating to education matters. Subjects include: the appointment of an Education Research Officer; student failure rates and research grants and scholarships.
Educ[ation], 1959, 1958 - 1960 (File) - Box 121 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and statistical information gathered for a NUAUS submission to the Australian Universities Commission.
[Education], 1953, 1949 - 1953 (File) - Box 121 (Sequence 1)
Mostly reports of the NUAUS Research Officer to NUAUS Council Meetings. Includes a small amount of correspondence (5 folios).
Ed[ucation], 1960 (File) - Box 122 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and agenda relating to a National Education Conference, held at Sydney, 21 May, 1960. Includes a report to Guild on a NUAUS Education Conference, held at Melbourne, 25 May, 1960 and a NUAUS working paper on orientation, [n.d].
Melb[ourne] Education Campaign, 1959-62, 1958 - 1962 (File) - Box 122 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence, notes and time sheets relating to salaries and income tax payments by NUAUS.
Education Research Officer, 1960, 1959 - 1960 (File) - Box 122 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (3 folios) on NUAUS routine matters.
Technical teachers and work-out, 1960, 1966-1967 (File) - Box 122 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, information sheets and reports on teacher training and technical teacher training. Also includes newscuttings and papers on a National One Day Education Campaign or "Work-Out" held on 20 April, 1966. The file also contains other miscellaneous reports and printed material on education matters including student health and student counselling.
Seminar, 1958 (File) - Box 122 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (4 folios). One folio relates to a proposal for a seminar of academic workers to discuss student failure in Australian universities and the other three folios contain a report of an unidentifed conference.
Work Out, support by tech[nical]s and teachers' colleges, 1965 - 1966 (File) - Box 122 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to a proposal for a students' strike or Work Out.
Work Out, Victoria, 1965 - 1966 (File) - Box 122 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, minutes of meetings and reports relating to a Work Out, held on 20 April, 1966. Includes an information sheet and a report by the Victorian Education Work Out Committee, 1966.
Work Out, Q[ueens]l[an]d (File) - Box 122 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, information sheets, newscuttings and reports relating to the Work Out campaign in Queensland. Includes reports on the Work Out by the University of Queensland Union. Also includes copies of the Constitution of the Association for the Advancement of State Education in Queensland.
Education Seminar, 1967, 1967 (File) - Box 122 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, memorandum, notes, a program and a list of delegates relating to a NUAUS Education Seminar, held at Melbourne, 14-16 August, 1967.
[Education Campaign] (File) - Box 122 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, flyers and reports relating to a Victorian Education Campaign and a National Education Congress, held at Melbourne, 25 May, 1963. Includes a report on the Melbourne Students' Representative Council Education Campaign by John Paterson, [n.d].
Seminar, 1960, 1964-1965 (File) - Box 122 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, notes and a program relating to a NUAUS Education Seminar held at Melbourne, 18-20 August, 1965. Includes a summary of a paper on Commonwealth Scholarships presented at the Seminar by Keith Baker and an address delivered in August 1964 by N B Lewis titled "Degrees for technical colleges ...?".
Education Seminar, 1965, 1960, 1965-1966 (File) - Box 122 (Sequence 1)
Reports and printed material. Includes a summary of papers from the NUAUS Education Seminar held in Melbourne, 1965 which was presented to the NUAUS Annual Council, 1966. Printed material relates to apprenticeships and programmed instruction in Australia.
Education Campaign, Sydney (File) - Box 122 (Sequence 1)
Copies of Education, published by the Directors of Student Publications of the Universities of Sydney and NSW for the Education Campaign, [n.d].
Ed[ucation] Campaign, 1963 - 1964 (File) - Box 122 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, information sheets, newscuttings and reports relating to the Education Campaign for education reform.
Work Out, miscellaneous, 1965 - 1966 (File) - Box 122 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, newscuttings and reports relating to the Work Out campaign.
1963 Education Campaign, Melbourne, 1963 (File) - Box 122 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence, circulars, flyers, information sheets, newscuttings, notes and reports relating to the Victorian Education Campaign for education reform. Includes a folder of reports by campaign speakers.
Student guidance and failure rates, 1955 (File) - Box 122 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence regarding failure rates amongst university students and the difficulties facing Asian students in gaining employment with pharmacists in Australia. Includes a report of the NUAUS Education Officer to the NUAUS Executive Meeting, May 1955.
Subseries 6. Teacher training, 1958 - 1967
Teachin, Monash Forum, 1965 (File) - Box 122 (Sequence 2)
Correspondence, circulars, telegrams and a program relating to a "Teachin" Forum on Education, held at Monash University, 27 September, 1965.
Education, general, 1965 - 1967 (File) - Box 123 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, information sheets, news cuttings and reports on education matters. Subjects include a student Work Out. Also includes background papers for a NUAUS Education Seminar held at Melbourne, 18-20 August, 1965
Teachin, 1965 (File) - Box 123 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, a flyer and a program relating to a "Teach in" Forum on Education, held at Monash University, 27 September, 1965.
Transcript, teach in, 1965 (File) - Box 123 (Sequence 1)
A transcript of the Forum on Education, held at Monash University, 27 September 1965. Includes correspondence requesting copies of the transcript.
Education Seminar, 1966 (File) - Box 123 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, addresses and notes relating to a NUAUS Education Seminar, 1966?. Includes addresses by Dr John Gunther, Vice Chancellor of the University of Papua and New Guinea and Dr D Myers, Vice Chancellor Latrobe University, Melbourne.
Education VP [Vice President], 1967 (File) - Box 123 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence and circulars mostly generated by Keith Gasteen, Education Vice President. Subjects include: conferences and seminars on education and Education Week.
[Education], 1958 (File) - Box 123 (Sequence 1)
A copy of Fulbright Programme in Australia: the first eight years and the future, issued by the United States Educational Foundation in Australia, 1958
[Education], 1960 - 1962 (File) - Box 123 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence on education matters. Includes drafts of submissions to the Committee on Tertiary Education.
Business [illegible], 1964 - 1965 (File) - Box 123 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and an information sheet on cadetships and traineeships.
Teacher training and the bond, 1964 - 1965 (File) - Box 123 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, drafts and notes on teacher training.
Bonded students, general info, 1958, 1963 (File) - Box 123 (Sequence 1)
A circular titled "Suggestions as to conduct of an investigation of teacher training systems in each state", May 1958 and an issue of The secondary teacher, February, 1963.
Bond, marriage clause, 1965 (File) - Box 123 (Sequence 1)
Transcript of a Western Australian Court case relating to the recovery of funds from a student holding a teacher's training bursary who abandoned her course on getting married.
Education booklet and teacher's journals, 1963, 1965 (File) - Box 123 (Sequence 1)
Miscellaneous material. Includes a questionnaire on teaching strain by the Queensland Teachers' Union and newsletters of the National Association of Labor Teachers and the New Zealand University Students' Association.
Teacher training, 1958-59, 1958 - 1960 (File) - Box 123 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, notes and reports on teacher training in Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania.
Newcastle University College, 1957 (File) - Box 123 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (3 folios) on NUAUS administrative matters. Correspondents include the Newcastle University College Students' Association and the University of Melbourne.
T[eacher] t[raining], Vic, 1963 - 1964 (File) - Box 123 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, information sheets, journal articles and reports on teacher training in Victoria. Includes a copy of the agreement signed by student teachers with the Victorian Government.
Teachers freedom, WA, 1963, 1965 (File) - Box 123 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (2 folios) regarding the civic, professional and religious rights of teachers in Western Australia.
T[eacher] t[raining], NSW, 1963 - 1964 (File) - Box 123 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, journal articles and notes on teacher training, scholarships and bonds in New South Wales. Includes a copy of the NSW Teachers' College Bond Agreement.
T[eacher] t[raining], New Zealand (File) - Box 123 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (2 folios) regarding the bonding of New Zealand post-primary teacher trainees. Includes an information sheet on the scheme; a memorandum of conditions and a copy of the bond agreement.
T[eacher] t[raining], numbers, 1964 - 1965 (File) - Box 123 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and statistical information on teachers' college enrolments.
T[eacher] t[raining], Western Australia, 1964 - 1965 (File) - Box 123 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and information sheets on teacher training in Western Australia. Includes a copy of the Western Australian Agreement for a Course of Training at Teachers' College.
N[ational] E[ducation] R[eform] M[onth], students, [illegible], 1965 - 1966 (File) - Box 123 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars mostly relating to education reform and a proposed student strike or Work Out in 1966.
N[ational] E[ducation] R[eform] M[onth], staff assoc[iation], 1965 (File) - Box 123 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to education reform. Includes a NUAS information sheet titled "Education crisis-students' proposed action-1966", [n.d].
N[ational] E[ducation] R[eform] M[onth], parent groups, 1965 (File) - Box 123 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, an information sheet and memo relating to developments in Victoria on education reform. Includes a flyer for the Citizens' Education Campaign and a briefing for parents to enable them to understand the staffing position in their child's high school.
N[ational] E[ducation] R[eform] M[onth], teacher unions, 1965 (File) - Box 123 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with various teachers' unions relating to publicity for proposed actions on education reform. Includes a copy of an article "Education crisis-students' proposed action-1966", [n.d] for publication in teachers' journals.
T[eacher] t[raining], SA, 1964 - 1965 (File) - Box 124 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, information sheets, journal articles and notes on teacher training in South Australia.
T[eacher] t[raining], Queensland, 1964 - 1965 (File) - Box 124 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, a journal article and notes on teacher training and scholarships in Queensland. Includes a report on the Teacher Bonding Scheme by the Queensland Teachers Union and a copy of the Queensland Assisted Student Deed.
T[eacher] t[raining], Tasmania, 1963 - 1964 (File) - Box 124 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, notes and printed material relating to teacher training in Tasmania. Printed material includes a booklet Look at teaching , 1963 and a pamphlet titled "A teaching career", [n.d]. Also includes a copy of the Tasmanian Teacher's Studentship Bond.
Petition: primary, secondary, technical, federal, 1964 (File) - Box 124 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to a petition to the Federal Government on education reform. Includes a circular on education reform and a copy of the petition.
Malaysian-Aus[tralian] Teacher Exchange, 1961 - 1965 (File) - Box 124 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence relating to a Malaysian-Australian Teacher Exchange Scheme. Includes a report of the Education Vice President to the NUAUS Annual Council, 1965 on the Scheme.
Newcastle Uni[versity] Coll[ege], 1958 (File) - Box 124 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to the granting of autonomy to Newcastle University and plans for its expansion as recommended by the Murray Committee.
Newcastle University College, 1955, 1955 - 1956 (File) - Box 124 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (4 folios) regarding the position of Newcastle University and its future needs including a recommendation that it become an autonomous University of Newcastle.
C[olin] Bird, 1964 (File) - Box 124 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between Peter Sellers, NUAUS Education Vice President and Colin Bird, Assistant Education Officer for Bonding, University of Queensland Union mostly relating to the bonding of students.
Teaching, Rhodesia, 1963 - 1964 (File) - Box 124 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, information sheets and a report regarding teaching opportunities in Rhodesia and Nyasaland. Includes a report on teaching in Northern Rhodesia, 1963.
Teaching in Zambia, 1966, 1964 - 1966 (File) - Box 124 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and a report on teaching in Zambia. Printed material includes a pamphlet on Zambia, 1964 and a report of the Mission of the World Assembly of Youth on Southern Rhodesia, 1964.
Teacher training, 1961 - 1964 (File) - Box 124 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, notes, statistical information, journal articles and other printed material relating to teacher training. Subjects include: student enrolments; staffing; teacher training and class sizes. Includes a report on the Teacher Bonding Scheme by the NUAUS Education Vice President, 1964.
Subseries 7. Commonwealth scholarships, 1945 - 1962
Commonwealth scholarships, 1958, 1958 - 1961 (File) - Box 124 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, information sheets, notes and statistical information relating to Commonwealth scholarships. Subjects include: the Commonwealth Scholarship Scheme; student enrolments and failure rates.
Ed[ucation], Comm[onwealth] schol[arship]s, 1956 (File) - Box 124 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and statistical information relating to the Commonwealth Scholarship Scheme. Includes a survey on student living costs and a report on its results.
Ed[ucation], Commonwealth scholarships, 1957, 1957 - 1960 (File) - Box 124 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars and statistical information relating to the Commonwealth Scholarship Scheme.
Scholarships, 1958-62, 1958 - 1961 (File) - Box 124 (Sequence 1)
Mostly information sheets on United Kingdom grants and the State Scholarship Scheme of England and Wales. Includes a NUAUS submission to the Commonwealth Office of Education, May 1959 and circulars on student living costs and the Commonwealth Scholarship Scheme.
Comm[onwealth] Sch[olar]ships, Motion 3B 284, 1960, 1960 - 1961 (File) - Box 124 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence on education matters. Subjects include the Commonwealth Scholarship Scheme and the need for a Commonwealth commission of inquiry into primary and secondary education in Australia.
Commonwealth scholarships, 1961, 1959 - 1962 (File) - Box 124 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars and reports on education matters. Subjects include: Commonwealth scholarships; teachers training and a survey of student living costs.
Comm[onwealth Schol[arships], failure, transition, quotas, standards, etc, 1960 (File) - Box 124 (Sequence 1)
Circulars, information sheets and reports relating to the Commonwealth Scholarship Scheme. Includes a NUAUS submission to the Commonwealth Office of Education, May 1959 and a report of a meeting between NUAUS and the Commonwealth Scholarships Board, 5 July, 1960.
Edu[cation], 1960-61, 1958 - 1961 (File) - Box 124 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence, circulars and memoranda mostly relating to the Commonwealth Scholarship Scheme. Subjects include: various submissions regarding Commonwealth Scholarships to the Universities Commission and others and various student surveys.
ERO [Education Research Officer], 1958 - 1959 (File) - Box 124 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars and information sheets on education matters. Subjects include: Commonwealth scholarships and a student survey on living conditions
Commonwealth scholarships survey, 1957 (File) - Box 124 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to a scholarships survey. Includes a copy of a questionnaire for an economic survey of students at Sydney University.
Commonwealth scholarships, 1959, 1953 - 1957 (File) - Box 124 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars relating to the Commonwealth Scholarship Scheme. Includes a copy of a questionnaire for a survey on student living allowances.
Commonwealth scholarships, 1956, 1956 (File) - Box 124 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and memoranda relating to the Commonwealth Scholarship Scheme and a survey on student living allowances.
Education, 1954, 1953 - 1955 (File) - Box 124 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence and information sheets on education matters. Subjects include: Commonwealth scholarships; the numbers of Asian students studying in Australia and native education in the Northern Territory. Includes a blank application form for a Commonwealth Scholarship produced by the Victorian Education Department.
Series 6. Faculty Bureaux
Subseries 1. Correspondence - constituents and publicity, 1941 - 1967
N[ational] F[aculty] A[ssociation]'s, general, pre 1963, 1954, 1958-1963 (File) - Box 125 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence, circulars, information sheets and reports relating to Faculty Associations at Australian universities. Within this file is a file of correspondence belonging to the NUAUS Faculty Bureaux Officer, Jim McConnell for the year 1954. Other correspondence in the files dates from 1958-63.
NZ participation in N[ational] F[aculty] A[ssociation]'s, 1964 (File) - Box 125 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (2 folios) relating to faculties and courses in New Zealand universities and liaison and increased participation between New Zealand and Australian students.
Intervarsity, faculty activities, miscellaneous, 1963 - 1965 (File) - Box 125 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to intervarsity activities. Includes some lists of national faculty associations.
Directors and sites, general circulars, 1964 (File) - Box 125 (Sequence 1)
Mostly NUAUS circulars sent to National Faculty Association Directors. Subjects include: financial assistance; grants; affiliation and reporting.
International stud[ent] fac[ulty] organisations, 1959 - 1960 (File) - Box 125 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (2 folios) regarding international faculty associations.
N[ational] F[aculty] A[ssociation]'s, 1963 (general), 1962 - 1964 (File) - Box 125 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars and telegrams relating to Faculty Associations. Subjects include: the election of a Faculty Bureaux Liaison Officer; payment to National Faculty Associations for their conferences and NUAUS policy resolutions regarding National Faculty Associations.
Constit[uent]s and local off[ice]rs, 1958 (File) - Box 125 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars relating to Faculty Bureaux/Associations. Subjects include annual reports and the role of NUAUS Faculty Bureaux Officers.
Faculty Bureaux Director 1958 and 1960, 1958 - 1960 (File) - Box 125 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (4 folios) relating to travel arrangements for the NUAUS Faculty Bureaux Director, Barry Greaves and contact details for various Faculty Directors.
Faculty Bureaux publicity, 1959 - 1961 (File) - Box 125 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, news cuttings and reports relating to Faculty Bureaux/Associations. Subjects include meetings and conferences.
Faculty Bureaux publicity, 1955 (File) - Box 125 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to the role and development of Faculty Bureaux.
Faculty Bureaux, A Krishnan, 1957 (File) - Box 125 (Sequence 1)
Mostly outgoing correspondence generated by Ananda Krishnan, NUAUS Faculty Bureaux Director. Subjects include: the organisation of seminars and a proposed medical seminar.
News bulletins, F[aculty] B[ureaux], 1955 - 1956 (File) - Box 125 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and some Faculty Bureaux news bulletins. Subjects include attendance at NUAUS meetings and the Student Exchange Scheme.
[Faculty Bureaux], 1948 - 1950 (File) - Box 125 (Sequence 1)
Various reports. Includes a report of the NUAUS Faculty Bureaux Officer for 1948; a report of the Sub-committee on Faculties to the 12th NUAUS Council Meeting, 1948 and a report of the Faculty Bureaux Officer to the NUAUS Council Meeting, 1950.
Faculty Bureaux, 1955, 1955 - 1966 (File) - Box 125 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and news bulletins relating to Faculty Bureaux matters. Subjects include attendance at meetings and financial matters.
FBD [Faculty Bureaux Director], GS?, 1957 (File) - Box 125 (Sequence 1)
Single folio of correspondence relating to NUAUS publications and petty cash.
FBD [Faculty Bureaux Director], TD?, 1956 - 1957 (File) - Box 125 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (4 folios) and a memorandum. Subjects include air travel concessions and the Melbourne NUAUS telephone.
[Faculty Bureaux], 1956 (File) - Box 125 (Sequence 1)
Report of the NUAUS Faculty Bureaux Director, Thomas Acheson to the 1956 NUAUS Congress and an article by Acheson titled "Whither Faculty Bureaux?" in NUAUS news letter, No 16, 13 August 1956.
FB [Faculty Bureaux], 1947 - 1952 (File) - Box 125 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to NUAUS general matters and Faculty Bureaux matters. Subjects include; attendance at meetings and congresses; a camp program and a drama festival. Includes a NUAUS draft statement on Faculty Surveys in Australia.
Faculty surveys,, 1941, 1946-1949 (File) - Box 125 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and reports relating to Faculty Surveys. Includes survey reports and some survey forms from various university faculties. Includes a NUAUS draft statement on Faculty Surveys in Australia.
Faculty Bureaux Officer (outgoing), 1954 (File) - Box 125 (Sequence 1)
Incoming and outgoing correspondence belonging to the NUAUS Faculty Bureaux Officer, Jim McConnell. Subjects include liaison between NUAUS and university faculties on the establishment of Faculty Bureaux and the financing of Faculty Bureaux.
Constituents and Local F[aculty] B[ureaux] Officers, 1956, 1955 - 1956 (File) - Box 125 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to Faculty Bureaux matters. Subjects include attendance at NUAUS Congress and other meetings and financial arrangements.
Faculty B[ureaux], 1958 (File) - Box 125 (Sequence 1)
Outgoing correspondence generated by Barry Greaves, NUAUS Faculty Bureaux Director. Subjects include: travel funds and other financial matters; conferences and seminars and student exchange schemes.
[Faculty Bureaux], 1961 (File) - Box 125 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (6 folios) mostly relating to administrative and financial matters.
FBD [Faculty Bureaux Director], 1961 (File) - Box 125 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (5 folios) belonging to Greg Johnston, NUAUS Faculty Bureaux Director. Subjects include NUAUS badges, administrative matters and the Malayan Science Student Exchange Scheme.
Const[ituent]s and Loc[al] F[aculty] B[ureaux] Officers, 1958 (File) - Box 125 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to Faculty Bureaux matters. Includes a list of Local Faculty Bureaux Directors, 1958 and a report of the NUAUS Faculty Bureaux Director to constituents, 12 September, 1958.
FBD [Faculty Bureaux Director], 1958 (File) - Box 125 (Sequence 1)
Single folio consisting of an Executive Memorandum notifying a change of address for the Queensland NUAUS Office and the resignation of Barry Greaves, NUAUS Faculty Bureaux Director from the position of Queensland NUAUS Secretary.
Constituents and Local F[aculty] B[ureaux] Officers, 1957 (File) - Box 125 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (3 folios). Subjects include: the Indian Exchange Scheme; Faculty Bureau meetings and a public rally at the Sydney Town Hall on problems in education.
FBD [Faculty Bureaux Director], GS?, 1955 - 1966 (File) - Box 125 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (6 folios). Subjects include a NUAUS Executive Meeting and a Malaysian student delegation.
February, interstate copies pending, 1958 (File) - Box 125 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (4 folios) regarding Faculty Bureaux administrative and financial matters.
[Faculty Bureaux], 1961 - 1962 (File) - Box 125 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly relating to the Australasian Veterinary Students Association and attendance at their conference, held at Sydney, 29 May-1 June , 1961.
Science National Magazine (Faculty Bureaux), 1954, 1953 - 1954 (File) - Box 125 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, information sheets and reports mostly relating to the publication of a National Science Magazine. Includes a copy of the magazine for 1953. Also includes a paper titled "Faculty Bureaux" by Jim McConnell, Vice President NUAUS and Faculty Bureaux Director and a report of discussions on Arts Faculty Bureaux, at the NUAUS Congress, 1954 by N J Nankivell.
Faculty Bureau, 1959, 1960 (File) - Box 126 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence relating to Faculty Bureaux matters. Subjects include: financial matters; NUAUS relations with Faculty Associations; student exchanges; the Indian Engineering Exchange Scheme; a Law Moot and attendance at meetings, conferences and seminars. Includes a paper titled "Faculty Bureaux and NUAUS" by Ian Ernst, NUAUS Faculty Bureaux Director, [n.d]. and a paper titled "A history of the National Union of Students", revised 1 May 1959.
Faculty Bureaux and travel, 1957, 1956 - 1957 (File) - Box 126 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, minutes and telegrams relating to Faculty Bureaux matters. Subjects include: financial matters; travel and travel concessions and the Indian Engineering Exchange Scheme. Includes a copy of Torque, the Engineering Faculty Bureau newsletter, Vol 2, No 3, October, 1956 containing an article titled 'Whither Faculty Bureaux?" by Thomas Acheson, NUAUS Faculty Bureaux Director.
The Faculty Bureaux papers from 47-49 and 55-56., 1945-1948, 1955-1957 (File) - Box 126 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, questionnaires, minutes and reports on Faculty Bureaux matters. Includes survey questionnaires from various Faculties. Also includes a copy of National Science Magazine, 1957.
Faculty Bureaux report and news bulletin, 1954 - 1955 (File) - Box 126 (Sequence 1)
Various reports. Includes reports of the NUAUS Faculty Bureaux Officer for 1954 and 1955; a report on the Inter-varsity Travel Fund presented to Guild Council, October 1955 and resolutions arising from the NUAUS Council Meetings, 1955. Also includes a NUAUS Faculty Bureaux news bulletin, 1955.
Faculty Bureau, 1957, 1956 - 1957 (File) - Box 126 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, printed material, reports and telegrams relating to Faculty Bureaux matters. Subjects include: financial matters; student exchange schemes and seminars. Also includes a copy of National Science Magazine, 1957 and an article by Thomas Acheson, NUAUS Faculty Bureaux Director titled "Whither Faculty Bureaux?" in NUAUS news letter, No 16, 13 August 1956.
Faculty Bureaux Director, McConnell, 1954, 1954 - 1955 (File) - Box 126 (Sequence 1)
Incoming and outgoing correspondence belonging to the NUAUS Vice President and Faculty Bureaux Officer, Jim McConnell. Subjects include: liaison between NUAUS and university faculties on the establishment of Faculty Bureaux; financial matters and attendance at conferences. Also includes a paper titled "Faculty Bureaux" by Jim McConnell, [n.d].
Subseries 2. Engineering, 1954 - 1965
Engineering Exchange Scheme, 1961 - 1965 (File) - Box 126 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the Indian Engineering Exchange Scheme.
Overseas rep[resentative]s, Indians to Australia, 1962-63, 1961-1962, 1963 (File) - Box 126 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence and telegrams mostly relating to the Indian Engineering Exchange Scheme. Includes letters from participants in the Scheme.
Faculty Bureaux, 1958, 1958 - 1959 (File) - Box 126 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, notes and reports relating to Faculty Bureaux matters. Subjects include financial matters and the establishment of an Agricultural Faculty Association. Includes a Constitution of the Australian Association of Agricultural Faculties. Also includes reports of the Association's 1st and 2nd Annual Conferences held in 1958 and 1959.
Overseas rep[resentative]s, 1956 - 1960 (File) - Box 126 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence, circulars, information sheets, minutes, reports and telegrams mostly relating to the Indian Engineering Exchange Scheme. Includes letters and some applications from participants in the Scheme. Also includes some reports of the Engineering Faculty Bureau.
Overseas representatives, NUAUS Engineering Overseas Travel Fund Ac[count], 1957-61, 1958 - 1963 (File) - Box 127 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and financial statements relating to the Engineering Overseas Travel Fund and the India Engineering Exchange Scheme.
Overseas representatives, Australians to India, 1957 - 1961 (File) - Box 127 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the Indian Engineering Exchange Scheme and Australian student participation in the Scheme.
Overseas representatives, E[ngineering] F[aculty] B[ureaux], India Exchange Scheme, 1956 - 1957 (File) - Box 127 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the Indian Engineering Exchange Scheme. Includes some lists of graduates and engineering firms in Australia.
Eng[ineering] [illegible], 1959 - 1963 (File) - Box 127 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the Engineering Faculty Bureau. Subjects include financial matters and an Engineering Symposium, held at Sydney University, 27-31 May, 1963. Includes a copy of the Engineering Bureau regulations, [n.d].
Engineering, 1956, 1955 - 1956 (File) - Box 127 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to the Engineering Faculty Bureau.
Indians to Australia, 1956, 1955 - 1956 (File) - Box 127 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the Indian Engineering Exchange Scheme and Indian student participation in the Scheme.
Australians to India, 1956 (File) - Box 127 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and reports relating to the Indian Engineering Exchange Scheme. Includes a report of a meeting on the establishment of a fund to send Australian engineering students to Asia under an Engineering Faculty Bureau International Vacation Work Scheme.
Torque, 1956 (File) - Box 127 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence and a report relating to the publication of the Engineering Faculty Bureau newsletter "Torque".
[Indian Exchange Scheme], 1957, 1961 (File) - Box 127 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly relating to the Indian Exchange Scheme. Includes a report titled "Journey to India" by Russell Rockman, Ron Castan and Ronald Merkel who were Scheme participants in 1960-61.
India-Aust Engineers and vice versa, 1958 (File) - Box 127 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the Indian Engineering Exchange Scheme; the Engineering Overseas Travel Fund and some Engineering Faculty Bureau matters.
Engineering to 1960, 1957 - 1961 (File) - Box 127 (Sequence 1)
Extra large file of correspondence, minutes of meetings, news cuttings, printed material and reports relating to the Engineering Faculty Bureau. Subjects include: administrative and financial matters; attendance at conferences and meetings; engineering symposiums and the Torque newsletter. The file also includes copies of Torque, 1956 and 1958 and some papers from a NUAUS Engineering Faculty Bureau Symposium, May 1959.
Engineering, 1958 (File) - Box 127 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the Engineering Faculty Bureau. Subjects include: financial matters; an Engineering Symposium in Adelaide, 1958; the Indian Engineering Exchange Scheme and the Engineering Overseas Travel Fund.
Torque, 1958 (File) - Box 127 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (2 folios) relating to the Torque newsletter.
Torque, 1956, 1958-1961 (File) - Box 127 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly relating to the publication of the Torque newsletter. Includes issues of Torque for 1956, 1958 and 1959.
Eng[ineering], 1956 (File) - Box 127 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence and forms relating to the Indian Engineering Exchange Scheme. Includes drafts of an application form for the Scheme and a draft form for the Engineering Students' Travel Fund Conditions of Trusteeship.
Engineering Faculty Bureau, 1958 (File) - Box 127 (Sequence 1)
Single folio consisting of a list of Engineering Faculty Bureau Officers, 19 May 1958.
Indians to Australia to 1959, 1956 - 1960 (File) - Box 127 (Sequence 1)
Extra large file of correspondence, memoranda, notes, reports and telegrams mostly relating to the Indian Engineering Exchange Scheme. Subjects covered are mainly of an administrative and financial nature. Includes some applications from Indian participants in the scheme.
Indian Engineering Exchange Scheme, 1960 (File) - Box 127 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to the Indian Engineering Exchange Scheme.
[Indian Engineering Exchange Scheme], 1960 (File) - Box 128 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to the Indian Engineering Exchange Scheme.
[Indian Engineering Exchange Scheme], 1961 (File) - Box 128 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the Indian Engineering Exchange Scheme. Includes some applications from Indian participants. Also includes a memo on the Scheme to the NUAUS Administrative Secretary from the retiring NUAUS Indian Exchange Director, R T Heyworth and a general information sheet for students travelling to India.
Engineering, 1958 (File) - Box 128 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to the Engineering Faculty Bureau. Subjects include financial matters and an Engineering Symposium held in Adelaide, 1958.
Indians to Australia, 1958 (File) - Box 128 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the Indian Engineering Exchange Scheme and Indian student participation in the Scheme.
Australians to India, 1958 (File) - Box 128 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the Indian Engineering Exchange Scheme and Australian student participation in the Scheme.
Torque, 1958 (File) - Box 128 (Sequence 1)
Single folio of correspondence to the Editor of Torque relating to mailing issues.
Indian Engineering Exchange, 1958-59, 1955 - 1958 (File) - Box 128 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the Indian Engineering Exchange Scheme. Includes a report on the Scheme by Kris Tampi, 19 February, 1956 and an Executive Memo on the Scheme by Phil Lynch, NUAUS Vice President, 16 February, 1956.
Torque, 1957 (File) - Box 128 (Sequence 1)
Single folio of correspondence relating to financial assistance for the publication of Torque.
Engineering, 1957 (File) - Box 128 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence mostly relating to the Indian Engineering Exchange Scheme. Others subjects include Torque and Engineering Faculty Bureaux financial matters.
Faculty, Eng[ineering], 1960, 1961, 1962 (File) - Box 128 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to the Engineering Faculty Bureau. Subjects include financial matters and the Annual General Meeting of the Bureau, 1961.
Faculty, India-Aust[ralian] Eng[ineering], 1961 (File) - Box 128 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the Indian Engineering Exchange Scheme. Includes correspondence with Indian participants in the Scheme.
Faculty, Aust[ralian]-India Eng[ineering], 1961, 1963 (File) - Box 128 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to the Indian Engineering Exchange Scheme.
Faculty, 1961 (File) - Box 128 (Sequence 1)
Single folio of correspondence regarding finance for Torque.
Engineering Faculty file, general correspondence, 1955-56, 1956, 1957 (File) - Box 128 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, financial statements and receipts relating to the Engineering Faculty Bureau. Subjects include: the Indian Engineering Exchange Scheme; financial matters and the Engineering Overseas Travel Fund.
Engineering Faculty Bureau, (Cranswick), 1954, 1954 - 1955 (File) - Box 128 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, memorandum and reports relating to Faculty Bureau. Includes a NUAUS Faculty Bureau report for 1954 and a report on the Engineering Faculty Bureau Conference, 1955. Also includes a report on the publication of a national magazine by the Students' Representative Council, University of Melbourne, 5 October, 1954.
Subseries 3. Pharmacy, 1950 - 1965
NUPSA [National Association of Pharmacy Students of Australia], pharmaceutical, 1959 - 1963 (File) - Box 128 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence regarding the relationship between NUAUS and NAPSA. Includes the minutes of the Annual Council Meeting of NAPSA, held at Kingston, Tasmania, 3-8 January, 1961.
NUPSA [National Union of Pharmaceutical Students of Australia], 1950, 1953-1955 (File) - Box 128 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and reports relating to NUPSA. Subjects include the relationship between NUAUS and NAPSA and NUAUS representations on behalf of NUPSA to the Minister for Labour and National Service regarding improvements with study facilities in camp during National Service Training. Also includes reports of the 7th and 8th Annual Council Meetings of NUPSA, 1954 and 1955.
Pharmacy, 1958 (File) - Box 128 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (4 folios) mostly relating to the establishment of a Pharmacy Faculty Bureau under the auspices of NUAUS.
Pharmacy, NUPSA [National Union of Pharmaceutical Students of Australia], 1955, 1955 - 1956 (File) - Box 128 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to NUPSA. Subjects include: NUAUS-NUPSA co-operation; National Service Training; the employment of Asian students in Australia and a NUAUS proposal for a combined Science/Pharmacy course to be approved for the Commonwealth Scholarship Scheme.
NUPSA [National Union of Pharmaceutical Students of Australia] and [illegible] and tech? and AULF [Australian Universities Liberal Federation], 1952 - 1954 (File) - Box 128 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and reports relating to NUPSA. Subjects include: NUAUS-NUPSA relations and attendance at meetings. There is also NUAUS correspondence with the Australian Universities Liberal Federation. Includes a report of the 6th Annual Council Meeting of NUPSA, held at Point Lonsdale, Victoria, January 1953 and Council Motions of the Australian Universities Liberal Federation, [n.d].
Pharmacy, NUPSA [National Union of Pharmaceutical Students of Australia], 1956 (File) - Box 128 (Sequence 2)
Correspondence and reports relating to NUPSA. Subjects include: pharmaceutical training given to medical students and a NUAUS submission for a number of combined Science/Pharmacy courses to be approved for the Commonwealth Scholarship Scheme. Includes a statement of the 9th Annual Council Meeting of NUPSA, held at Castlereagh, NSW, 3-10 January, 1956. Also includes a report on the amount of pharmaceutical training given to medical students by Phil Lynch, NUAUS Vice President and Education Officer, 15 May, 1956.
Pharmacy, 1958 - 1960 (File) - Box 128 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, minutes and reports relating to NAPSA. Subjects include: the relationship between NUAUS and NAPSA; NAPSA affiliation with NUAUS and the formation of a Pharmacy Faculty Bureaux. Includes minutes of the Annual Council Meetings of NAPSA for 1958 and 1960 and a copy of the NAPSA Constitution adopted 8 January, 1959.
Faculty, pharmacy, 1961 (File) - Box 128 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (6 folios) relating to NAPSA affiliation with NUAUS and NUAUS and discrepancies between NUAUS and NAPSA regulations.
Arts, AAFA [Australian Arts Faculty Association], 1963 - 1964 (File) - Box 128 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (5 folios) mostly relating to the position of Director of the Australian Arts Faculty Association.
Classical, NFA [National Faculty Arts], file and conference, 1963 - 1965 (File) - Box 128 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with the Union of Australian Classical Students' Societies and others mostly relating to the National Classics Conference, held at Mount Macedon, Victoria, 1963. Includes a copy of the Constitution for UACCS.
Arts, AAFA [Australian Arts Faculty Association], 1961-63, 1960 - 1963 (File) - Box 128 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, minutes and reports relating to the National Arts Faculty Association. Includes minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the AAFA, held at St Lucia, Queensland, 27 May, 1961 and a report on the desirability or practicability of the formation of an Arts Faculty Bureau by Bruce Belcher, President, Melbourne University Arts Association, [n.d].
Subseries 4. Arts, 1955 - 1961
Arts, 1958 (File) - Box 128 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (2 folios) regarding a proposal to revive the Arts Faculty Association.
Arts, 1955 (File) - Box 128 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the aims of an Arts Faculty Bureau and the publication of a national art magazine.
Arts, 1958 (File) - Box 128 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (2 folios) regarding a proposal to revive the Arts Faculty Association.
Arts, 1957 (File) - Box 128 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (2 folios) regarding a proposal for a Political Science Seminar on the Australian Constitution.
[Arts], 1961 (File) - Box 128 (Sequence 1)
Single folio of correspondence relating to NUAUS assistance for the publication of ARNA, the journal of the University of Sydney Arts Students Society.
Arts, 1961 (File) - Box 128 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the Australian Arts Faculty Association. Subjects include: administrative and financial matters and the AAFA Annual General Meeting and Conference, 1961.
Arts, 1959-60, 1958 - 1960 (File) - Box 128 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars and notes relating to the Australian Arts Faculty Association. Subjects include: the formation of an Arts Faculty Bureau; its inaugural meeting and the production of a national magazine. Includes a report on the desirability or practicability of the formation of an Arts Faculty Bureau by Bruce Belcher, President, Melbourne University Arts Association, [n.d] and a copy of a Constitution for the NAFA, 27 May 1959.
Subseries 5. Medicine, 1955 - 1965
AMSA [Australian Medical Students' Association], medical, 1965, 1963 - 1965 (File) - Box 129 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the Australian Medical Students' Association. Subjects include financial assistance from NUAUS and attendance at meetings and conferences. Includes reports of various AMSA meetings, 1964.
Non-current, AMSA [Australian Medical Students' Association], 1958 - 1962 (File) - Box 129 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to AMSA. Subjects include: the formation of a National Medical Association; financial assistance from NUAUS; student health and attendance at conferences and meetings. Includes a copy of the Constitution of AMSA, as at 25 May, 1962.
Medical, 1958, 1951, 1956-1959 (File) - Box 129 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, journals and reports relating to medical matters. Subjects include: the formation of a National Medical Association and a National Seminar on Student Health. Includes a report on the need for more medical schools in NSW and the general needs of medical education in the state. Also includes issues of Innominate,the newspaper of the Sydney University Medical Society, 1956 and 1958.
Medicine, 1958 (File) - Box 129 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to medical matters. Subjects include: the formation of a National Medical Association and a National Seminar on Student Health.
Medicine, 1955 (File) - Box 129 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to NUAUS financial assistance to delegates attending the Sydney Medical Society Annual Convention, 1955.
Med[icine] Fac[ulty] Bureau Congress, 1956 (File) - Box 129 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to a Medical Students' Seminar in 1957.
Medicine, 1955 - 1956 (File) - Box 129 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to medical matters. Subjects include: the formation of a National Medical Association; financial matters and a National Seminar on Student Health.
Sem[inar] on Stud[ent] health, 1958 (File) - Box 129 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (4 folios) relating to a proposed Seminar on Student Health.
Medicine, 1958 (File) - Box 129 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to medical matters. Subjects include: the formation of a National Medical Association and a National Seminar on Student Health.
Subseries 6. Law, 1955 - 1962
Law, non-current, 1960 - 1962 (File) - Box 129 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, minutes of meetings and reports relating to the Law Faculty Bureau. Subjects include financial assistance for the running of moots and conferences. Includes minutes of meetings of the Law Faculty Bureau for 1958 and 1960 and a report by S D Clark, Law Faculty Bureau Director, 1961.
Law, 1958 (File) - Box 129 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the Law Faculty Bureau. Subjects include the 1958 Law Moot and financial and administrative matters.
Law, 1955 (File) - Box 129 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the Law Faculty Bureau. Subjects include the 1955 Law Moot and financial assistance to attend the Moot. Includes a report of the first meeting of the National Law Faculty Bureau, 18 August, 1955.
Law, 1958, 1956 - 1959 (File) - Box 129 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence, minutes of meetings, reports and telegrams relating to the Law Faculty Bureau. Subjects include: Law Moots; financial assistance to attend the Moots and other financial matters and a visit by Malaysian law students. Includes minutes of a meeting of the Law Faculty Bureau, 5 June, 1958.
Law, 1958 (File) - Box 129 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the Law Faculty Bureau. Subjects include: the 1958 Law Moot; financial assistance to attend the Moot and a visit by Malaysian law students. Includes minutes of a meeting of the Law Faculty Bureau, 5 June, 1958.
Subseries 7. Social Studies, 1958 - 1966
National Social Work Students Assoc[iation], 1960 - 1964 (File) - Box 129 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars and memorandum relating to the formation of a National Social Work Students' Association and NUAUS financial assistance to the Association.
[Social services], 1965 - 1966 (File) - Box 129 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, minutes of meetings and printed material. Includes minutes of the 22nd-24th Council Meetings of the Australian Council of Social Services (ACOSS), 1966 and the 9th and 10th Annual Reports of ACOSS, 1964-1966. Also includes issues of ACOSS quarterly, 1965-1966.
Psychology, 1963 - 1965 (File) - Box 129 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly with Student Psychology Associations regarding NUAUS financial assistance.
Social studies, 1958 (File) - Box 129 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (5 folios) containing responses from various universities as to whether they have a Faculty or Department of Social Studies.
Social studies, 1956 (File) - Box 129 (Sequence 1)
Single folio of correspondence regarding a report of the Social Studies Meeting at Congress.
Social studies, 1958, 1958 - 1959 (File) - Box 129 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to Social Studies in universities. Subject include: responses from various universities as to whether they have a Faculty or Department of Social Studies; the formation of a National Association of Social Studies Students and a Social Studies conference.
Subseries 8. Veterinary Science, 1955 - 1962
AVSA [Australian/Australasian Veterinary Students' Association], veterinary students (File) - Box 130 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the Australian/Australasian Veterinary Students' Association (AVSA). Subjects include: AVSA conferences and NUAUS financial assistance to the Association. Includes reports of the 3rd and 4th Annual Conferences of AVSA, held in 1963 and 1964 and a copy of the Constitution of AVSA, 1964?. Correspondence in this file refers to the Australian and Australasian Veterinary Students' Association.
Vet]erinary sci[ence], non-current, 1959 - 1962 (File) - Box 130 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the National Veterinary Faculty Association. Subjects include: the formation of the Association; conferences and financial matters. Includes reports of the 1st and 2nd Annual Conferences of AVSA, held in 1960 and 1961.
Vet[erinary] sc[ience], 1958 (File) - Box 130 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (6 folios) regarding co-operation amongst veterinary associations and the formation of a national association.
Veterinary science, 1955 (File) - Box 130 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence mostly between NUAUS and the University of Queensland Veterinary Students' Association. Subjects include attendance at meetings and financial assistance.
Subseries 9. Agriculture, 1950 - 1965
AAAF [Australian Association of Agricultural Faculties], agriculture, 1964 - 1965 (File) - Box 130 (Sequence 1)
Extra large file of correspondence, circulars, information sheets, reports and printed material relating to the Australian Association of Agricultural Facilities (AAAF). Subjects include: attendance at meetings and conferences; financial matters and student exchanges. Also includes handbooks and proceedings for the 7th and 8th AAAF Annual Conferences, held in 1964 and 1965.
Aust[tralian] Ass[ociatio]n of Ag[ricultural] Faculties, non-current, 1961-63, 1959 - 1963 (File) - Box 130 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the National Veterinary Faculty Association. Subjects include: cooperation amongst veterinary associations; the formation of a national association and financial matters.
Ag[riculture], 1958 (File) - Box 130 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the National Veterinary Faculty Association. Subjects include: the formation of a national association; an Agricultural Association Inaugural Meeting; financial matters and the publication of Triticum, the journal of the Sydney University Agricultural Society.
Agriculture, 1950, 1955-1956 (File) - Box 130 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the Agricultural Faculty Bureau. Includes a report of the Agricultural Science Faculty Bureau for 1955 by David Sergeant, NUAUS Agriculture Faculty Bureau Director. Also includes a copy of Ceres, the Australian universities agricultural students national paper, 1950.
Agriculture, 1957 - 1959 (File) - Box 130 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (2 folios) regarding the publication of Triticum, the journal of the Sydney University Agricultural Society. Includes an issue of Triticum, 1957.
Agriculture, 1958 (File) - Box 130 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the National Veterinary Faculty Association. Subjects include: the formation of a national association and the publication of Triticum, the journal of the Sydney University Agricultural Society.
Subseries 10. Science, 1948 - 1964
Science F[aculty] A[ssociation] incl[uding] Malaysian Exchange Scheme, 1958, 1964 (File) - Box 130 (Sequence 1)
Extra large file of correspondence, circulars, information sheets, minutes of meetings and reports relating to the National Science Faculty Association (NSFA). Subjects include: attendance at conferences and meetings; financial matters and the Malaysian Science Exchange Scheme. Includes various reports of NSFSA and university science faculty associations. Also includes a copy of the National science magazine, 1958 and a brochure titled "Introducing the NSFA".
NSFA [National Science Faculty Association], 1960-62, non-current, 1959 - 1963 (File) - Box 130 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence, reports and printed material relating to the National Science Faculty Association (NSFA). Subjects include: attendance at conferences and meetings; financial matters and the Malaysian Science Exchange Scheme. Also includes reports of NSFA Annual Meetings for 1960-63 and 1965.
Science, 1958, 1957 - 1958 (File) - Box 131 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly relating to Science Faculty Bureau matters. Subjects include: appointments and financial matters. Also includes a copy of National science magazine, 1957.
Science, 1955, 1955 - 1956 (File) - Box 131 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (6 folios) relating to the publication of the National science magazine.
Science Faculty Bureau correspondence, 1949-50, 1948 - 1950 (File) - Box 131 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to Science Faculty Bureau matters. Subjects include: a questionnaire on student facilities and courses; financial and administrative matters. Includes a report of the Science Faculty Bureau Director, 1949.
Science, 1951 - 1958 (File) - Box 131 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence and printed material relating to the publication of the National science magazine. Includes copies of the magazine, 1953, 1957-1958.
Science to 1960, 1957 - 1959 (File) - Box 131 (Sequence 1)
Extra large file of correspondence, minutes of meetings and reports relating to Science Faculty Bureau matters. Subjects include: appointments; attendance at conferences and meetings; the 1958 Science Seminar; the Malaysian Science Exchange Scheme; the National science magazine and financial matters. Also includes a copy of National science magazine, 1957.
Science, 1958 (File) - Box 131 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to Science Faculty Bureau matters. Subjects include: appointments; the 1958 Science Seminar and financial matters. Also includes a copy of National science magazine, 1958.
Subseries 11. Architecture, 1950 - 1966
AASA [Australian Architectural Students' Association], 1964 - 1966 (File) - Box 131 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the Australian Architectural Students' Association (AASA). Subjects include: AASA conventions and financial matters. Includes some papers from the 1965 AASA Convention, held at Melbourne, 29 June-5 May, 1965. Also includes a copy of Architecture today, June 1966.
Aust[ralian] Architectural Students' Ass[ociatio]n, non-current, 1959 - 1963 (File) - Box 131 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and reports relating to the AASA. Subjects include: conferences and meetings; financial assistance for the AASA magazine and other financial matters. Includes minutes of the AASA Annual General Meetings, 1960-1961.
Architecture, 1958 (File) - Box 131 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly relating to the formation of a NUAUS Architectural Faculty Bureau and the inaugural meeting of the National Architecture Faculty Association. Includes a list of officers of the Association for 1958. Also includes a communique, resolutions; a participants list and poster for the 5th International Conference of Architectural Students, held at Leningrad, Russia, 14-19 July, 1958.
Architecture, 1955 (File) - Box 131 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (4 folios) relating to the Architectural Faculty Bureau. Subjects include the function and purpose of the ASAA.
Architecture, 1956 - 1959 (File) - Box 131 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, minutes of meetings and memorandum relating to the Architectural Faculty Bureau/AASA. Subjects include: financial assistance for Il Dilettante the Architectural Faculty Bureau magazine and other financial matters; the formation of a NUAUS Architectural Faculty Bureau/Association and the inaugural meeting of the National Architecture Faculty Association. Includes minutes of a meeting of architectural students to discuss the formation of a national association, 16 August, 1958 and minutes of the 1st Annual meeting of AASA, 7 May, 1959.
Architecture, 1958, 1957 - 1958 (File) - Box 131 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to the Architectural Faculty Bureau/AASA. Subjects include: Subjects include: Il Dilettante the Architectural Faculty Bureau magazine; the formation of a NUAUS Architectural Faculty Bureau/Association and an architectural student exchange. Includes a publication consisting of extracts from Il Dilettante, 1957.
Architecture, 1957 (File) - Box 131 (Sequence 1)
Single folio of correspondence relating to Il Dilettante the Architectural Faculty Bureau magazine.
Architecture, 1950 - 1953 (File) - Box 131 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the Architecture Students' Bureau. Includes reports and minutes of the Architecture Students' Bureau meetings at NUAUS Congresses for 1952-53 and other activity reports and financial matters.
Subseries 14. Political Science, 1958 - 1963
Pol[itical] sci[ence], non-current, 1960 - 1963 (File) - Box 132 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and telegrams relating to the Political Science Faculty Bureau/Association. Subjects include: attendance at conferences and seminars; financial matters and a letter in Firago commenting on political alignment by National Faculty Associations. Includes a report on the 1962 Political Science Seminar by L Smith, National Director of the Political Science Association.
Political Sc[ience], 1958 (File) - Box 132 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the Political Science Faculty Bureau/Association. Subjects include: the 1958 Political Science Seminar and financial matters. Also includes a draft Constitution of the Political Science Association.
Pol[itical] science, 1961 - 1962 (File) - Box 132 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the Political Science Faculty Bureau/Association. Subjects include: attendance at conferences and seminars; financial matters and a letter in Firago commenting on political alignment by National Faculty Associations.
Pol[itical] sc[ience], 1958-1959, 1961 (File) - Box 132 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence relating to the Political Science Faculty Bureau/Association. Subjects include: appointments; meetings and seminars and administrative and financial matters. Also includes a draft Constitution of the Political Science Association. Within this file is another file titled "Political science philosophy" containing miscellaneous folios relating to other Faculty Bureau and general NUAUS matters.
Subseries 13. Dentistry, 1959 - 1963
Dentistry, NFA [National Faculty Association], correspondence, 1959 - 1963 (File) - Box 132 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, minutes of meetings, newsletters and reports relating to the National Faculty Association of Dental Students (NFADS). Subjects include: the formation of NFADS; a NFADS magazine and financial matters. Includes minutes of the 1st, 2nd and 4th Annual Meetings of the Association, 1960 and 1961. Also includes issues of The primary impression, 1960, 1962-63.
Subseries 12. Commerce and Economics, 1960 - 1965
ANECSA [Australian National Economics and Commerce Students Association], Economics and Commerce, NFA [National Faculty Association], 1964 - 1965 (File) - Box 132 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, printed material and reports relating to the Australian Economics and Commerce Association (ANECSA). Subjects include: appointments; the ANESCA Annual Convention and financial matters. Includes a report of ANECSA to the NUAUS Annual Council Meeting, February 1965. Also includes a copy of Economic review, 1965 and a report of the Australian Delegation to the 16th International Congress of AIESEC (Association Internationale des Étudiants en Sciences Économiques et Commerciales), held at Rome, 1964.
Subseries 15. Australia Asia Association, 1956 - 1965
Australia[n] Asia Ass[ociation], 1956 (File) - Box 132 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to the formation of an Australian Asian Association.
National Asian Studies, 1963 - 1965 (File) - Box 132 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, reports and printed material relating to the formation of a National Asian Studies Faculty Association. Subjects include: its inaugural meeting, conferences, an Association magazine and financial matters. Also includes a report of the Association's Inaugural General Meeting, 18 August, 1963 and a copy of its Constitution. There is also a copy of the first issue of Horizontal, the Association's journal and a report of the Association's 3rd Annual Conference, 1965.
Series 7. Publicity
Subseries 1. Public relations officer, 1954 - 1967
Public Relations Officer, 1954 (File) - Box 134 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, memorandum and news bulletins belonging to Judith Wyatt, NUAUS Public Relations Officer. Subjects include: students newspapers; the Panel of Journalism; publicity for Congress and other events and a visit by a New Zealand Debating Team. Also includes issues 1-8 of the NUAUS News bulletin produced by Judith Wyatt.
Public Relations Officer, Judith Wyatt, 1954 - 1955 (File) - Box 134 (Sequence 1)
Single folio of correspondence with the National Library of Australia regarding legal deposit of NUAUS publications and NUAUS mailing lists. Includes a copy of the Turkish student newspaper TMTF news.
PRO [Public Relations Officer], correspondence with IVP [International Vice President], 1955 - 1956 (File) - Box 134 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly between the NUAUS Public Relations Officer and the NUAUS International Vice President discussing subjects for inclusion in the NUAUS news bulletins. They include: international student activities; overseas conferences and seminars; apartheid in South Africa and a student delegation to Indonesia.
Correspondence with the Executive, 1956, 1955 - 1956 (File) - Box 134 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence between the NUAUS Public Relations Officer and the NUAUS Executive. Subjects include: appointments; the establishment of Australia-wide press contacts and topics for the NUAUS news bulletin.
Correspondence, 1956 (File) - Box 134 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to public relations matters. Subjects include: the publication of a NUAUS national university literary magazine; an exchange of publications with overseas student unions and the establishment of contacts with the Australian press.
Correspondence with Travel Director, 1956 (File) - Box 134 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between David Welsh, NUAUS Public Relations Officer and Roger Hatton, NUAUS Travel Director. Subjects include: news bulletins on NUAUS and travel; the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme and a summary of activities of the Travel Department for 1956.
Letters from PRO [Public Relations Officer], 1957 (File) - Box 134 (Sequence 1)
Extra large file of correspondence, memoranda, news bulletins and reports mostly belonging to David Welsh, NUAUs Public Relations Officer. Subjects include: production costs and distribution of various reports and news bulletins: the production of a NUAUS magazine; the Pam Williams Report; the Australian Universities' Press; an Editors' Conference and the Asian Student Press Conference. Also includes minutes of the NUAUS Editors' Conference, held at the University of Melbourne, 1-2 July, 1957 and a report of the Australian Delegation to the Asian Student Conference, held at Manila, Philippines, February 1957.
PRO [Public Relations Officer], 1958 (File) - Box 134 (Sequence 1)
Small file of outgoing correspondence generated by David Solomon, NUAUS Public Relations Officer. Subjects include: the printing of the Pam Williams report on South Africa and administrative matters.
PRO [Public Relations Officer]-IVP [International Vice President], 1958 (File) - Box 134 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (4 folios) relating to publishing matters. Subjects include the distribution of NUAUS news bulletins.
PRO [Public Relations Officer]-VP [Vice President], 1958 (File) - Box 134 (Sequence 1)
Single folio of correspondence between Martin Davey, NUAUS Vice President and Education Officer and Bill Lucas relating to the printing of reports.
PRO [Public Relations Officer]-Gen[eral] Sec[retary], 1957 (File) - Box 134 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (2 folios) between David Welch, NUAUS Public Relations Officer and Roger Hatton, NUAUS General Secretary relating to orders for various NUAUS reports.
National Art Exhibition, 1957 (File) - Box 134 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to the NUAUS Travelling Art Exhibition.
PRO [Public Relations Officer]-HST [Honorary Secretary Treasurer], 1958 (File) - Box 134 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (4 folios) between the NUAUS Public Relations Officer and Roger Cook, NUAUS Honorary Secretary Treasurer. Subjects include administrative and financial matters.
PRO [Public Relations Officer]-President, 1958 (File) - Box 134 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (3 folios) relating to the printing of NUAUS reports.
PRO [Public Relations Officer], 1958 (File) - Box 134 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and telegrams relating to elections and appointments for positions on the NUAUS Executive.
IVP [International Vice President]-PRO [Public Relations Officer], 1959 (File) - Box 134 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to publicity for a Drama Festival, held at the University of Queensland, 14-25 August, 1959 and other NUAUS activities.
PRO [Public Relations Officer], 1958 - 1959 (File) - Box 134 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to public relations matters. Subjects include the Pam Williams report on South Africa and the World University Games.
Public relations: students, 1959-60, 1959 - 1961 (File) - Box 134 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence mostly belonging to Margaret Theobald, NUAUS Education Research Officer. Subjects include: education publications and publicity for a May Education Meeting, 1960.
Public Rel[ations] Off[icer], correspondence, 1960 (File) - Box 134 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence belonging to Joan Sawyers, NUAUS Vice President and Public Relations Officer. Subjects include: NUAUS Executive appointments and the Chester Wilmot Memorial Lectures.
Correspondence of J[oan] S[awyers], Pub[lic] Rel[ations] Off[icer] (File) - Box 134 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars and reports belonging to Joan Sawyers, NUAUS Public Relations Officer. Subjects include the Australian Universities Press and publishing matters.
Public Rel[ations] Off[icer], 1960 (File) - Box 134 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence belonging to Joan Sawyers, NUAUS Vice President and Public Relations Officer on a range of NUAUS matters. Subjects include the Indonesian Exchange Scheme and the South Korean riots.
Correspondence from VP [Vice President]-PRO [Public Relations Officer], local constituents, general circulars, 1960-61, 1959 - 1961 (File) - Box 134 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence, circulars and memoranda belonging to Joan Sawyers, NUAUS Vice President and Public Relations Officer. The circulars and memoranda were mostly produced by Joan Sawyers. Subjects include: the distribution of student newspapers; orientation handbooks; conferences and competitions and the South Korean riots.
Publicity, 1962 (File) - Box 135 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (6 folios) on miscellaneous matters. Includes correspondence and an information sheet on a film being made by Student Action in Melbourne.
N[ational] U[nion] Press Officer, 1961 (File) - Box 135 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence and circulars regarding the appointment of Richard Walsh to the position of NUAUS Press Officer.
Publicity, 1962, 1961 - 1963 (File) - Box 135 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars mostly relating to NUAUS publications. Includes the revision and reprinting of Introducing NUAUS and the printing of other NUAUS reports and submissions.
Public relations, 1964, 1964 - 1965 (File) - Box 135 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence belonging to Peter Sellers, NUAUS Education Officer. Includes correspondence with newspapers and government departments regarding education. Also includes lists of contacts for various newspapers, radio and television stations. There are also copies of Introducing NUAUS in booklet and pamphlet format.
Turnbull, 1965 (File) - Box 135 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to a question regarding students directed to the Prime Minister, Sir Robert Menzies during Question Time in the Australian Parliament by Winton Turnbull, Country Party Whip, 1 September 1965.
Introducing NUAUS, 1966 - 1967 (File) - Box 135 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars and memoranda relating to the revision, printing and distribution of the Introducing NUAUS pamphlet. Includes copies of the pamphlet.
Press release, 1963 - 1966 (File) - Box 135 (Sequence 1)
Various NUAUS press releases mostly by Peter Sellers, NUAUS Education Officer on education issues. Also includes letters to the Editor of The age, Melbourne by Peter Sellers on education issues.
Press releases, 1961 (File) - Box 136 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (3 folios) and various press releases, 1961.
Press releases, 1964, 1959 - 1964 (File) - Box 136 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence regarding publications and some NUAUS press releases. Also includes some COSEC and IUS press releases.
NZUSA [New Zealand University Students' Association], general, 1956 (File) - Box 137 (Sequence 1)
Single folio of correspondence between Roger Hatton, NUAUS Travel Director and Ruth Solomon regarding his trip to New Zealand.
Subseries 2. Student press, 1952 - 1969
Student press, 1955 - 1956 (File) - Box 134 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (4 folios) relating to student newspapers. Includes a NUAUS information sheet setting out NUAUS 1955 Council decisions regarding student journalism and NUAUS publicity.
[Publications], 1958 (File) - Box 134 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to publications. Includes correspondence with Australian libraries regarding the display of NUAUS publications and those of affiliated organisations in their libraries.
Student press, 1961 (File) - Box 135 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (3 folios) relating to an Asian News Scheme.
Press, 1961 - 1962 (File) - Box 135 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between NUAUS and COSEC. Subjects include: acquisition of COSEC reports; the 10th International Student Press Conference; an International Student Press Card and a NUAUS response to a COSEC circular regarding censorship of the student press.
[Press] (File) - Box 135 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence on a range of matters. Subjects include: administrative matters; a press clipping service; the NUAUS Travelling Art Exhibition and correspondence and a NUAUS press release relating to a case of racial discrimination at Elliot School in the Northern Territory.
Press, Student Mirror, 1962, 1961 - 1962 (File) - Box 135 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to the publication Student mirror and financial support from NUAUS.
Publicity, student press, 1966, 1965 - 1967 (File) - Box 135 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, invoices and memoranda and notes relating to the publication of the NUAUS newspaper National U. Includes a NUAUS submission titled :The future of National U" by Pete Steedman, [n.d].
[Publications], 1952 - 1953 (File) - Box 135 (Sequence 1)
Various information bulletins. Includes issues of COSEC Information bulletin for and by the National Union of Students, Nos 1-3, 1952; Vol 2, Nos 1-8, 1953 and Vol 3, No 1, 1954. Also includes an issue of Information bulletin for and by the National Union of Students, No 2, August 1952 published by the Service of Press of the Swiss National Union of Students. There is also a report of a survey of the structure and functions of National Unions of Students, January 1953.
Student press and publications, 1963-64, 1959 - 1966 (File) - Box 136 (Sequence 1)
Extra large file of correspondence, circulars, invoices, order forms, memoranda and news/press releases mostly relating to NUAUS publications. Subjects include: printing of NUAUS reports and other publications; distribution of reports; the publication South Africa: black and white by Pam Williams; revision and reprinting of Introducing NUAUS; travel handbooks and financial matters. Also includes issues of the Collegiate press service and reproductions of some of these articles as NUAUS press releases. There are also three publications from the Canadian University Press.
Student press, 1959 (File) - Box 137 (Sequence 1)
Single folio of correspondence by Peter Wilenski, NUAUS Travel Director relating to a press release on the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme.
Student press, USSPA [United States Student Press Association], 1965, 1963 - 1965 (File) - Box 137 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between NUAUS and USSPA. Subjects include a proposed National Press Association in Australia. Includes issues of USSPA publications and a report of the 4th USSPA Congress by Rudolf Plehwe, NUAUS Overseas Representative, 1965.
NSPCI [National Student Press Council of India], Volume II, 1965, 1964 - 1965 (File) - Box 137 (Sequence 1)
Issues of NSPI news features, 1964-1965, issued by the National Student Press Council of India.
Asian Student Press, 1957, 1964-1966 (File) - Box 137 (Sequence 1)
Extra large file of correspondence, circulars and publications relating to the Asian Student Press Bureau. Subjects include: the formation of the Bureau; exchange of publications and NUAUS assistance to the Bureau. Includes issues of the Bureau's publications: Young Asia, 1963-1964; Asian student bulletin, 1965-1966 and Young Asia news bulletin, 1964. Also includes a report of the Australian delegates to the Asian Student Press Conference, held at Manila, Philippines, February 1957.
Int[ernational] press, 1969, 1968 - 1969 (File) - Box 137 (Sequence 1)
Miscellaneous correspondence on a range of NUAUS matters. Subjects include: distribution possibilities for The student in Australia; the Asian Student Association; student delegations and financial issues between NUAUS and the Secretariat of the ISC.
Subseries 3. News bulletins, 1946 - 1968
Southern Universities News, 1954 - 1955 (File) - Box 134 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and information sheets relating to the publication and distribution of Southern universities' news. Includes an issue of Southern universities' news, Vol 1, No 2, November 1954. Also includes some copies of Asian student newspapers.
Publications, 1959 - 1962 (File) - Box 134 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence on a range of NUAUS matters including publications and a press clipping service.
[Publications], 1958 - 1960 (File) - Box 134 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence belonging to Joan Sawyers, NUAUS Public Relations Officer. Subjects include appointments and NUAUS publications.
Publications, 1960, 1960 - 1965 (File) - Box 134 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly belonging to Peter Sellers, NUAUS Education Vice President relating to the acquisition of educational publications and subscriptions to newspapers for NUAUS.
[Publications], 1961 (File) - Box 135 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence belonging to Joan Sawyers, NUAUS Vice President and Public Relations Officer. Subjects include matters arising from NUAUS Executive meetings.
[Publications], 1961 (File) - Box 135 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence belonging to Joan Sawyers, NUAUS Vice President and Public Relations Officer. Subjects include: NUAUS publications and quotes for printing various NUAUS submissions.
[Publications], 1960 - 1961 (File) - Box 135 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence and circulars belonging to Joan Sawyers, NUAUS Vice President and Public Relations Officer. Subjects include: subscriptions to the Current Affairs bulletin and requests for articles for student newspapers.
Publications, 1961 (File) - Box 135 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence and circulars regarding advertising in student newspapers and the exchange of student newspapers with overseas countries.
[Publications], 1967 (File) - Box 135 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (4 folios) with staff of The pelican the journal of the Guild of Undergraduates, University of Western Australia regarding distribution of the journal and other publication issues.
Press service, 1963 - 1964 (File) - Box 135 (Sequence 1)
NUAUS Press Service circulars to Local Education Officers or Local Secretaries, September 1963 and NUAUS Circular News Release No 1, 10 June 1964, the first of a monthly news release on current happenings in education in Australia. Also includes some transcripts of NUAUS education press releases appearing in Melbourne newspapers, September and October, 1963.
Left wing views, 1968 (File) - Box 135 (Sequence 1)
Issues of various student newspapers expressing left wing views including: Student guerrilla, 1968; Fedor, 1968; Underground, 1968 and Melbourne University Labour Club newsletter, 1968. Also includes journal articles and some leaflets for student marches.
News bulletins, 1954-1955, 1953 - 1958 (File) - Box 135 (Sequence 1)
Various NUAUS news bulletins, 1953-1958.
News bulletins, 1956, 1951, 1955-1956 (File) - Box 135 (Sequence 1)
Various NUAUS news bulletins, 1955-1956. Includes a copy of the first issue of NUAUS news, 21 April, 1951.
NUAUS news statements, 1957-1960, (inclusive), 1956 - 1960 (File) - Box 135 (Sequence 1)
Various news bulletins and news releases, 1956-1960.
News, 1958, 1958 (File) - Box 135 (Sequence 1)
Small file of miscellaneous material including a NUAUS news bulletin, circulars, memorandum and invoices.
News bulletins, 1958 (File) - Box 135 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (4 folios) relating to NUAUS news releases. Includes a NUAUS circular and news bulletin regarding the appointment of an Education Research Officer.
[News releases], 1959 (File) - Box 135 (Sequence 1)
Various news bulletins/releases, June-July, 1959.
News, 1961 - 1962 (File) - Box 136 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence, circulars and various press/news releases, 1961-1962.
Current Affairs Bulletin, 1960, 1959 - 1960 (File) - Box 136 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to a proposal to publish an issue of the Current affairs bulletin on NUAUS or Asian students in Australia. Includes a draft script titled "Australian university students" prepared by Roger Cook as a script for the Current affairs bulletin.
International news features, 1946, 1953-1964 (File) - Box 136 (Sequence 1)
Miscellaneous NUAUS material and issues of some overseas student newsletters. The newsletters include: NSPI news features, issued by the National Student Press Council of India and Collegiate press service, an agency of the United States Student Press Association.
Subseries 4. Panel of student journalism, 1954 - 1957
Subseries 5. Editor's conference, 1953 - 1965
Student journ[alism], 1954 - 1955 (File) - Box 136 (Sequence 1)
Memoranda, minutes and reports. Includes: minutes of the Editors' Conference, held at Melbourne, 23-31 May, 1955; reports of members of the Panel of Student Journalism, 1955 and a report on the publication of a NUAUS national magazine by Thomas Acheson, 5 October, 1954.
Editors' Conferences, 1953-56, 1953 - 1957 (File) - Box 137 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and minutes of meetings of the Editors' Conferences, 1953-1957.
Student press and PRO [Public Relations Officer], 1956 (File) - Box 137 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence belonging to Roger Hatton, NUAUS Travel Director. Correspondents include David Welsh, NUAUS Public Relations Officer. Subjects include: publicity for the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme; a travel bulletin; air charters and student delegations.
Editors' Conf[erence], 1956, 1955 - 1956 (File) - Box 137 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly relating to NUAUS Editors' Conferences. Includes a draft agenda and minutes of the Editors' Conference, held at Melbourne, 25-26 May, 1956. There are also 2 folios of correspondence relating to the idea of a Southern Universities' news bulletin for South East Asia and Australasia.
[Student press], 1957 - 1958 (File) - Box 137 (Sequence 1)
Minutes and reports including: minutes of the NUAUS Editors' Conference, held at the University of Melbourne, 1-2 June, 1957; a report to members attending the 1957 Editors' Conference on the organisation and vital statistics of the Pelican by its Co-editor, Dick Wittenoom, 1957 and a report of the 8th International Student Press Conference, held at Zurich, Switzerland, 2-6 September, 1958. There is also an issue of Student mirror, 1 February, 1958.
Editors' Conference, correspondence, 1957, 1959-1962 (File) - Box 137 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence, memoranda and telegrams relating to NUAUS Editors' Conferences. Includes minutes of the 1957, 1961-1962 Editors' Conferences and some reports presented to the 1962 Conference.
Editors, (circulars to correspondence, etc), 1960, 1960 - 1961 (File) - Box 137 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars to editors relating to press and publication matters.
Editors' Conference, 1963 (File) - Box 137 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and information sheets relating to a 1963 NUAUS supplement. Also includes some reports presented to the 1963 Editors' Conference.
Editors, 1967, 1966 - 1967 (File) - Box 137 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars relating to publishing matters. Subjects include: student newspapers; the 1967 Editors' Conference; a newspaper competition and the National U. Also includes a report of the convenors and minutes of the 1967 Editors' Conference and a NUAUS submission titled :The future of National U" by Pete Steedman, [n.d].
Subseries 6. Australian University Press, 1954 - 1962
Combined NUAUS-UAP [Universities Australia Press] conference, 1958 - 1961 (File) - Box 134 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, memoranda and press releases relating to NUAUS and the Australian Universities' Press (AUP). Subjects include: relations between NUAUS and AUP; the 1961 Editors' Conference; AUP compliance with NUAUS regulations and publication matters. Includes some issues of AUP news releases, 1959-60.
[Australian Universities' Press], supplements, 1958 (File) - Box 138 (Sequence 1)
Single folio of correspondence between Bill Lucas, NUAUS Public Relations Officer and Roger Cook regarding a deadline for the First Term AUP Supplement.
AUP [Australian Universities' Press]-NUAUS, 1957 - 1958 (File) - Box 138 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars relating to AUP. Subjects include: the circulation of student newspapers; an AUP supplement and financial matters. Also includes minutes of the 1957 Editors' Conference and an information sheet on an amendment to the Constitution of AUP.
AUP [Australian Universities' Press], 1958 (File) - Box 138 (Sequence 1)
Minutes of the 2nd Annual General Meeting of AUP, held at the University of Melbourne, 30 May-1 June, 1958 and a paper titled "Twelve months of AUP" by Bill Hartley, University of Western Australia, May 1958.
Aust[ralian] Uni[versities'] Presses, 1958 - 1961 (File) - Box 138 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to AUP. Subjects include: AUP subscriptions; meetings and conferences; NUAUS grants to AUP and other financial matters. Also includes: a paper titled "Twelve months of AUP" by Bill Hartley, University of Western Australia, May 1958; a report containing a proposal for the reorganisation of the Australian Universities Press by R Corbett, Director UAP, 26 May, 1959 and a copy of the Constitution of the UAP.
National press 1959, 1957, 1959-1960 (File) - Box 138 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to AUP. Most of the correspondence is with overseas student unions seeking information about their press organisations. Includes some printed material from these organisations.
Aust[ralian] Uni[versities'] Press (File) - Box 138 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, motions, notes and reports relating to AUP. Includes reports submitted to the AUP Annual General Meeting, 21-22 May, 1960 and a balance sheet for 1960. Also includes a report on the AUP "Trust Company" Scheme, by R Corbet, 1950.
AUP [Australian Universities' Press] 1960, 1958 - 1961 (File) - Box 138 (Sequence 1)
Mostly AUP circulars and news releases. Includes some reports presented at a combined AUP/NUAUS Editors' meeting, held at the University of Melbourne, 1961; a paper titled "Twelve months of AUP" by Bill Hartley, University of Western Australia, May 1958 and an AUP Code of Ethics, [n.d].
Director's meeting 1960, 1960 - 1961 (File) - Box 138 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mostly relating to AUP meetings. Includes minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors, held at Ormond College, Melbourne, 14 February, 1960. Also includes a copy of the AUP Interstate supplement, Orientation Week, 1961.
AUP [Australian Universities' Press] releases, 1960 - 1961 (File) - Box 138 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence relating to the AUP and some AUP press releases.
Administration, 1961 (File) - Box 138 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence (2 folios) regarding NUAUS press release stationary and NUAUs publications.
Series 8. Surveys
Subseries 1. Survey on Commonwealth Scholarship living costs, 1956
[Survey, student living costs], 1956 (File) - Box 139 (Sequence 1)
Completed survey forms relating to a survey of the living costs of students receiving benefits under the Commonwealth Scholarship Scheme. Most of the surveys in this box were distributed by the Commonwealth Scholarships Branch of the Education Department of Victoria in July-August, 1956. There are 14 forms from students in South Australia. This box contains approximately 320 forms. They appear to have been filed by categories labelled "Home", "College" and "Away" and then by Faculty/Course. The box also contains some statistical tables relating to the survey.
[Survey, student living costs], 1956 (File) - Box 140 (Sequence 1)
Completed survey forms relating to a survey of the living costs of students receiving benefits under the Commonwealth Scholarship Scheme. Most of the surveys in this box were distributed by the Commonwealth Scholarships Branch of the Education Department of Victoria in July-August, 1956. There are 8 forms from students in South Australia. This box contains approximately 315 forms. They appear to have been filed by categories labelled "Home", "College" and "Away" and then by Course/Faculty. The box also contains some miscellaneous material including a small notebook, a concert program and a postcard.
Subseries 2. Survey on White Australia Policy
[Survey, immigration policy] (File) - Box 141
Computer punch cards for a NUAUS survey on restrictive immigration policy.
[Survey, immigration policy] (File) - Box 142 (Sequence 1)
Computer punch cards for a NUAUS survey on restrictive immigration policy.
[Survey, immigration policy] (File) - Box 142 (Sequence 1)
Computer punch cards for a NUAUS survey on restrictive immigration policy.
[Survey, immigration policy] (File) - Box 142 (Sequence 1)
Computer punch cards for a NUAUS survey on restrictive immigration policy. Patrons are advised this file has been treated for mould. If you wish to access this file you will be required to wear protective equipment.
[Survey, immigration policy] (File) - Box 142 (Sequence 1)
Completed survey forms for a NUAUS survey on restrictive immigration policy. Patrons are advised this file has been treated for mould. If you wish to access this file you will be required to wear protective equipment.
[Survey, immigration policy] (File) - Box 143 (Sequence 1)
NUAUS restrictive immigration policy forms including a questionnaire schedule and instructions to interviewers. Forms have been filled out by survey participants.
NUAUS survey, Adel[aide] (File) - Box 143 (Sequence 1)
Statistics relating to the survey from South Australian institutions.
[Survey, immigration policy], 1963 (File) - Box 143 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, procedures and forms relating to a NUAUS survey on restrictive immigration policy.
[Survey, immigration policy] (File) - Box 143 (Sequence 1)
Patrons are advised this file has been treated for mould. If you wish to access this file you will be required to wear protective equipment.
Adelaide (File) - Box 143 (Sequence 1)
Patrons are advised this file has been treated for mould. If you wish to access this file you will be required to wear protective equipment.
[Survey, immigration policy] (File) - Box 143 (Sequence 1)
Patrons are advised this file has been treated for mould. If you wish to access this file you will be required to wear protective equipment.
NUAUS survey, New Eng[land] (File) - Box 143 (Sequence 1)
Statistics relating to the survey from the University of New England.
Survey analysis, Queensland, 1963 (File) - Box 143 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and statistics relating to the survey from Queensland institutions.
NUAUS survey, summary and report, 1964 (File) - Box 143 (Sequence 1)
Statistical information relating to the NUAUS survey.
NUAUS survey, Tas[mania], 1963 (File) - Box 143 (Sequence 1)
Statistics relating to the survey from Tasmania.
R I P survey, Melb [R Immigration Policy Melbourne?] (File) - Box 143 (Sequence 1)
Statistics relating to the survey from Melbourne.
NUAUS survey, Monash (File) - Box 143 (Sequence 1)
Statisitics relating to the survey from Monash University.
NUAUS survey, Townsv[ille] (File) - Box 143 (Sequence 1)
Statistics relating to the survey from Townsville.
NUAUS survey, W[estern] A[ustralia], 1963 (File) - Box 143 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and statistics relating to the survey from Western Australia.
Survey, knowledge, questions and results (File) - Box 143 (Sequence 1)
Survey forms on Australia's immigration policy.
[Survey, immigration policy] (File) - Box 413 (Sequence 1)
Survey forms and envelope. Patrons are advised this file has been treated for mould. If you wish to access this file you will be required to wear protective equipment.
NUAUS survey, 1963 - 1964 (File) - Box 144 (Sequence 1)
Miscellaneous material relating to the NUAUS restrictive immigration policy survey including survey leaflets, blank survey forms and a notebook titled "RIP survey, Townsville, Brian L Embury".
NUAUS survey, corresp[ondence], 1962 - 1963 (File) - Box 144 (Sequence 1)
Mostly correspondence relating to the Restrictive Immigration Policy survey.
NUAUS survey, A[ustralian] N[ational] U[niversity] (File) - Box 144 (Sequence 1)
Statistics relating to the survey from ANU.
NUAUS survey, N[ew] S[outh] W[ales] (File) - Box 144 (Sequence 1)
Statistics relating to the survey from NSW.
NUAUS survey, 1962 (File) - Box 144 (Sequence 1)
Material relating to the NUAUS restrictive immigration policy survey including procedures, notes, survey leaflets, survey forms and statistical data.
NUAUS survey, Newc[astle] (File) - Box 144 (Sequence 1)
Statistics relating to the survey from Newcastle.
[NUAUS survey, reports], 1956 - 1964 (File) - Box 144 (Sequence 1)
Includes a report of the Survey Director on the Restrictive Immigration Policy to NUAUS Annual Council 1964 (2 copies) and a report on action taken by the NUAUS International Vice-President, James B Thomas on the question of the White Australia Policy (under the terms of Resolution C150 of the Adelaide NUAUS Council Meeting held in January 1956), October, 1956.
Series 9. Publications, 1947 - 1970
Copies of various student publications, ie. The student, World student news, Student mirror, Papua and New Guinea newsletter.
Information bulletin, 1965 - 1968 (File) - Box 145 (Sequence 1)
Published by the International Student Conference (ISC). Includes: Nos 5-12, 1965; Nos 1-6, 1966; Nos 6-12, 1967 and No 1, 1968. There are duplicate copies for No 9, 1965 (3 copies); No 10, 1965 (2 copies); No 11, 1965 (3 copies); No 12, 1965 (3 copies); No 1, 1966 (2 copies); and No 3, 1966 (2 copies).
News service, 1961 - 1967 (File) - Box 145 (Sequence 1)
Published by the International Union of Students (IUS). Includes: No 18, 1961; Nos 1-5, 7 and 9-24, 1963; Nos 1-5, 8-18 and 20-22, 1964 and No 11, 1967.
RIC yearbook, 1955 - 1959 (File) - Box 145 (Sequence 1)
Reports of the Research and Information Commission (RIC) published by the RIC of the IUS. Includes yearbooks for 1955-1956; 1956-1957 and September 1957-January 1959.
Newsletter, 1963 - 1965 (File) - Box 145 (Sequence 1)
Published by the Australian Institute of Aboriginal Affairs. Includes: Vol 1, Nos 1-4, 1963-1964 and Vol 2, Nos 1-3, 1965-1966. There are duplicate copies for Vol 1, No 1, 1963 (2 copies); Vol 1, No 3, 1963 (2 copies); Vol 2, No 2, 1965 (2 copies) and Vol 2, No 3 (2 copies).
Bibliography, 1961 - 1965 (File) - Box 145 (Sequence 1)
Published by the Australian Institute of Aboriginal Affairs. Includes: Nos 1-7, 1961-1965. There are duplicates for No 1 (2 copies); No 3 (2 copies); No 5 (2 copies) and No 7 (2 copies).
RIC report, 1966 (File) - Box 145 (Sequence 1)
Published by the RIC of the ISC. Includes reports on South Vietnam and the Dominican Republic, 1965-1966.
Report of the Research and Information Commission, 1959 - 1960 (File) - Box 145 (Sequence 1)
Published by the Coordinating Secretariat of the National Union of Students (COSEC). Includes reports on higher education in Algeria, East Germany, Hungary and Spain for the period 1957-1959 and Algeria, East Germany, Hungary and West Irian for the period 1959-1960.
Report of the Research and Information Commission, 1964 (File) - Box 145 (Sequence 1)
Published by the ISC (2 copies). Consists of a report by the RIC on the political situation in Aden and its impact on the educational and student situation to be presented to the 11th ISC.
Report of the Research and Information Commission, 1962 (File) - Box 145 (Sequence 1)
Published by COSEC. Consists of country reports by the RIC in 1961-1962 looking at their political and economic situations. Includes reports for Angola and Mozambique, East Germany and Nicaragua. Also includes a report on racial discrimination in the United States.
Information bulletin, 1966 - 1967 (File) - Box 145 (Sequence 1)
Published by the Committee of Youth Organisations Student Council of the USSR. Includes: No 12, 1966; Nos 3-4 and 6, 1967.
Documents, 1964 (File) - Box 145 (Sequence 1)
A series of papers published by the IUS. Includes: No 4: decisions from the Underdeveloped World Students Seminar, held at Salvador, Brazil, 7-14 July, 1963; No 6: resolutions from the 2nd National Student Assembly, held at Caracas, Venezuela, 15-17 May, 1964 (3 copies) and a report on Puerto Rico (2 copies).
Provisional rules of procedure of the Security Council, 1962 (File) - Box 145 (Sequence 1)
Published by the United Nations, 29 July, 1962 (2 copies).
Fisu-bulletin, 1964 - 1965 (File) - Box 145 (Sequence 1)
Published by the International University Sports Federation. Includes: Series 7, No 2, 1964 and No 4, 1965.
On Aboriginal affairs, 1964 - 1965 (File) - Box 145 (Sequence 1)
Published by Aboriginal Association, an independent association seeking to focus attention on isssues relating to Aboriginal people. Includes: No 12, July-August, 1964 and No 14, September, 1965.
Bulletin, 1968 (File) - Box 145 (Sequence 1)
Bulletin of the Overseas Service Bureau (OSB), No 10, April, 1968. (2 copies).
Tricontinental, 1968 (File) - Box 145 (Sequence 1)
Published by the Organization of the Solidarity of the Peoples of Africa, Asia and Latin America. Consists of issue No 28, July 1968.
[ISC [International Student Conference]], 1959 (File) - Box 145 (Sequence 1)
A COSEC report and resolutions of the 8th ISC, held at Lima, Peru, 15-25 February, 1959. There is also a report of the Australian delegates to the conference, Published by NUAUS.
[Vienna Youth Festival], 1961 (File) - Box 145 (Sequence 1)
A report on the Vienna Youth Festival, held in Austria, Vienna, 26 July-4 August, 1959, published by the Independent Research Service, New York, 1961 (2 copies) and a copy of Vienna youth festival: fact and fiction published by Samajwadi Yuvak Sabha, India, [n.d] (2 copies).
[Publications], 1955 - 1967 (File) - Box 145 (Sequence 1)
Various publications (16) produced by student organisations or on issues of interest to student organisations. Subjects include: Uganda; the Vietnam War; education in Korea; the student situation in Portugal; the Faro Islands and Faroese students; the Union of Yugoslav Youth; literacy programs; the dangers of nuclear testing and World Youth Festivals.
Information bulletin, 1964 - 1965 (File) - Box 146 (Sequence 1)
Published by the International Student Conference (ISC). Includes: Nos 9-11, 1964 and Nos 1-3, 1965.
News service, 1964 - 1966 (File) - Box 146 (Sequence 1)
Published by the IUS. Includes: Nos 23-24, 1964; Nos 1-18, 20-24, 1965 and Nos 1-15, 20-22, 1966. There are duplicate copies for No 15-16, 1965 (2 copies); No 17, 1965 (2 copies) and No 18, 1965 (2 copies).
RIC report, 1966 (File) - Box 146 (Sequence 1)
Published by the RIC of the ISC. Includes reports on Brazil, Spain, racial discrimination in the United States and tensions in the Middle East.
Information bulletin, 1957 - 1968 (File) - Box 146 (Sequence 1)
Published by COSEC. Includes: Vol V, No 9, 1957 and Vol VI, 1-3, October 1957-January-February, 1968. Also includes a special supplement on the 7th ISC held in Nigeria, 1957.
Report of the Research and Information Commission, 1962 (File) - Box 146 (Sequence 1)
Published by COSEC. Consists of country reports by the RIC in 1961-1962 looking at their political and economic situations. Includes reports for East Germany, Haiti, Hungary, Paraguay, Puerto Rico, Portugal, South Africa, Spain and South West Africa.
Report of the Research and Information Commission, 1964 (File) - Box 146 (Sequence 1)
Published by the ISC. Consists of country reports by the RIC in 1963-1964 looking at their political and economic situations. Includes reports for Dominican Republic, East Germany, Guatemala, Hungary, Iran, Portugal, Salvador, South West Africa, Spain, West Germany and the United States.
Documents, 1964 (File) - Box 146 (Sequence 1)
The Lebanese University, syndication of UNUL, its social and external affairs by the National Union of the Students of Lebanon, (UNUL). No 7 in a series of papers published by the IUS.
Annual Council statement, 1947, 1961 (File) - Box 146 (Sequence 1)
Report of the 11th Annual Council Meeting of NUAUS and minutes of the 25th Annual Council Meeting of NUAUS (2 copies).
Sport, 1964 - 1965 (File) - Box 146 (Sequence 1)
Bulletin of the Student Sport Council of the IUS. Includes: Vol 8, No 5-6, 1964 and Vol 9, Nos 1-3, 1965.
Lituanus: Lithuanian quarterly, 1965 (File) - Box 146 (Sequence 1)
Published by the Lituanus Foundation, Illinois, USA. Consists of Vol 11, No 1, 1965.
Information bulletin, 1964 (File) - Box 146 (Sequence 1)
Published by the Committee of Youth Organizations of the USSR. Consists of bulletin No 5, 1964.
Problems of Youth in the USSR, 1961 (File) - Box 146 (Sequence 1)
Published by the Union of Emigre Youth of the Peoples of the USSR (SMNSE). Consists of 2 copies of Vol 4, No 1, March, 1961.
WUS news service, 1969 (File) - Box 146 (Sequence 1)
Published by the World University Service. Consists of an end of year edition, 1969.
Democracy and student cooperation in Asia, 1966 (File) - Box 146 (Sequence 1)
Communique of the 4th Asian Regional Cooperation Seminar, held at Quezon City, Philippines, 23 May-12 June, 1966. Published by the ISC.
[ISC [International Student Conference]] (File) - Box 146 (Sequence 1)
Resolutions of the 12th International Student Conference, Nairobi, 1966. Published by the ISC.
The DRP: republic of Korea, 1965 (File) - Box 146 (Sequence 1)
Published by the Central Office of the Democratic Republican Party, 1965 (2 copies).
Finland and its students (File) - Box 146 (Sequence 1)
Published by the National Union of Students, Finland, [n.d] (2 copies).
[NUAUS, publications], 1966 - 1967 (File) - Box 146 (Sequence 1)
Includes Introducing NUAUS booklet and pamphlets, [n.d]. There are 6 copies of the pamphlet and a revised pamphlet titled Introducing NUAUS 1966. The file also contains a copy of NUAUS travel schemes, 1968.
[NZUSA [New Zealand University Students Association], publications], 1964 (File) - Box 146 (Sequence 1)
Includes: The overseas student's handbook, 1964. Pamphlets include: Introducing NZUSA, [n.d]; The Pacific: its future and New Zealand, [n.d] and Whom shall we admit?, [n.d] (3 copies).
[Publications], 1968 (File) - Box 146 (Sequence 2)
Small booklets published by the Naim Frasheri Publishing House, Tirana, Albania, 1968. Titles include: Where is Czechoslovakia heading for?; The Soviet revisionists and Czechoslovakia; On the eve of the Moscow revisionist farce; Let the storm of revolution burst out powerfully; Soviet-US Alliance at work against the Czechoslovak people; All round degeneration and disintegration in the countries and parties ruled by the revisionists. All of the booklet are reprints of articles from the Zeri i popullit, newspaper.
[Publications, India], 1959 - 1960 (File) - Box 146 (Sequence 1)
Three publications on India. Includes: India yesterday and today by Tripti Sarobar Jenkins, [n.d]; Common sense about India by K Panikkar, 1960 and Students in India, 1959, a report of the NUAUS delegation to India, 1959.
[Publications], 1963 - 1970 (File) - Box 146 (Sequence 1)
Various publications (13) produced by student organisations or on issues of interest to student organisations. Subjects include: Korea; Malaysia and the Vietnam War.
[Christmas card] (File) - Box 146 (Sequence 1)
Produced by the World University Service of Australia, [n.d].
Youth and freedom, 1965 - 1967 (File) - Box 147 (Sequence 1)
Published by the Institute for International Youth Affairs. Includes: Vol VII, No 3 (2 copies); Vol VIII, No 1-2, 3 and 5 and Vol IX, No 1-2 and 3.
World student news, 1964 - 1968 (File) - Box 147 (Sequence 1)
Published by the IUS. Includes: Vol 16, No 7-8, 1964; Vol 18, N0 7-8, 1964; Vol 20, No 5-6, 1966; Vol 21, Nos 5-10, 1967; Vol 22, No 1-2, 7, 1968. There are duplicates for Vol 21, No 9-10 (3 copies) and Vol 22, No 1-2 (2 copies).
The student, 1968 (File) - Box 147 (Sequence 1)
Published by the ISC. Includes: March/April and May/June, 1968.
ESPB bulletin, 1966 (File) - Box 147 (Sequence 1)
Published by the European Student Press Bureau. Includes: Nos 1-4, 6-7, 9-10, 1966. Also includes special reports 1 and 2, 1966. There are duplicates for No 1 (2 copies), No 2 (2 copies) and 3 (2 copies).
The American student, 1966 (File) - Box 147 (Sequence 1)
Published by the U.S National Student Association. Includes issues for Summer and Winter, 1966.
Sport, 1964 (File) - Box 147 (Sequence 1)
Bulletin of the Student Sport Council of the IUS. Includes: Vol 8, Nos 4 and 5-6, 1964.
Arab journal, 1965 (File) - Box 147 (Sequence 1)
Published by the Organization of Arab students in the USA and Canada. Consists of Vol II, No 1, 1965.
Arete, 1968 (File) - Box 147 (Sequence 1)
Magazine of the Australian Arts Faculty Association. Consists of the 1967-68 issue.
Documentary series on the university reform, 1962 (File) - Box 147 (Sequence 1)
Document No 1 titled Charter of Parana: UNEB, National Union of Students of Brazil, resolutions of the 2nd National Seminar on University Reform, held at Curitiba, Brazil, March 1962. Published by the IUS.
[NUAUS, publications], 1956 - 1961 (File) - Box 147 (Sequence 1)
Publications include: a report of the NUAUS delegation to Malaya and Indonesia, February-March, 1956; a report on Indonesia by the NUAUS delegation, December 1956-February, 1957; "Indonesia our nearest neighbour": a report of the University of Western Australia student delegation to Indonesia, 1960 and the NUAUS Australian/ Indonesian Exchange Scheme: a report of the 1961 Melbourne delegation (2 copies).
[Publications, Algeria], 1958 - 1960 (File) - Box 147 (Sequence 1)
Publications on Algeria and UGEMA published by the IUS, COSEC and others. Titles include: Algeria: the struggle of UGEMA; Solidarity Day: world-wide support for the Algerian student struggle; Solidarity with Algerian students; Solidarity with Algeria; UGEMA: the students of Algeria are fighting; Le syndicalisme etudiant et le probleme Algerien and Higher education in Algeria, 1959-60. Many of these titles do not contain a publication date. There is also a report of a conference on the dissolution of UGEMA and associated problems, held at London, England, 17-18 April, 1958.
[Student newspapers, Australia], 1965 - 1967 (File) - Box 147 (Sequence 1)
Publications include: an issue of Gita, [n.d] and Kaliban, Vol 1, No 4, 1967, both published by Flinders University. There is also an issue of The Sin news pictorial, 25 June, 1965 produced by Melbourne University. On the reverse side is an issue of The Tasmanian, 25 June, 1965. Also includes a broadsheet titled "Education, problems and plans: a call for community action", produced by the Students Representative Council of the University of Adelaide.
ISC [International Student Conference] (File) - Box 147 (Sequence 1)
Publications include: The first fifteen years of the ISC: student action against oppression, [n.d] and The first fifteen years of the ISC: student action: student cooperation, [n.d].
[Publications], 1964 - 1969 (File) - Box 147 (Sequence 1)
Various publications (14) produced by student organisations or on issues of interest to student organisations. Subjects include: Africa; the Soviet Union; racial integration in the USA; women's rights in Albania and Vietnam. The file also contains a map of the USSR.
World student news, 1962 - 1967 (File) - Box 148 (Sequence 1)
Published by the IUS. Includes: Vol 16, Nos 1-4, 6, 9-12, 1962; Vol 17, Nos 1-12, 1963; Vol 18, Nos 1-2, 4-6, 1964; Vol 19, Nos 1-7, 9-12, 1965; Vol 20, Nos 1-4, 7-9, 1966 and Vol 21, Nos 3-8, 1967. There are duplicates for Vol 20, No 1-2 (2 copies) and No 3-4 (2 copies) and Vol 21, No 5-6 (2 copies).
Youth and freedom, 1963 - 1965 (File) - Box 148 (Sequence 1)
Published by the Institute for International Youth Affairs. Includes: Vol V, Nos 1-4; Vol VI, Nos 1-5 and Vol VII, Nos 1-2 and 6.
Papua and New Guinea newsletter, 1967 - 1968 (File) - Box 148 (Sequence 1)
Published by the Department of Territories. Includes: Vol 1, Nos 7, 9-18, 1967 and Vol 2, Nos 1-2, 8, 10-17, 19-23, 1968
Now?: journal of Community Aid Abroad, 1965 (File) - Box 148 (Sequence 1)
Published by Community Aid Abroad. Includes: No 139, 141-142, 1965.
Horizons (File) - Box 148 (Sequence 1)
Published by the Regional Service Center, U.S Information Agency. Consists of Vol XVIII, No 4, [n.d].
IUSY survey, 1968 (File) - Box 148 (Sequence 1)
Published by the International Union of Socialist Youth. Consists of No 1, 1968.
Digest of the Australian Citizenship Convention, 1963 (File) - Box 148 (Sequence 1)
A summary of the 14th Australian Citizenship Convention. Published by the Department of Immigration.
Australian hotels and motels, 1964 (File) - Box 148 (Sequence 1)
Published by the Australian National Travel Association.
[World Assembly of Youth], 1961 - 1964 (File) - Box 148 (Sequence 1)
Various reports by WAY. Includes: a report of activities, 1962-1964 (2 copies); "Youth and national reconstruction", report of an Asian Seminar organised by WAY in Saigon, January 1961; "The rural scene in Asia": report of a WAY Seminar, held in Israel, February-March, 1962 and "Southern Rhodesia", report of the mission of the World Assembly of Youth, 1964.
[Student newspapers, Australia], 1967 - 1968 (File) - Box 148 (Sequence 1)
Publications include: Pelican, Vol 38, Nos 5-6, 8-9, 1967; Catalyst, Vol 24, No 2, 28 February, 1968; Farrago, Vol 46, No 1, 4 March, 1968; Blues pelican, 17 November, 1967; Magnus taurus, July 1967 and Prosh peoples daily, 5 April, 1967.
[Poster] (File) - Box 148 (Sequence 1)
Poster titled "Support Italian students, victims of governmental repression", published by the IUS, [n.d].
The student, 1957 - 1967 (File) - Box 149 (Sequence 1)
Published by the ISC. Includes: Vol I, Nos 5-7, 1957; Vol II, Nos 1-13, 1957-1959; Vol III, Nos 1-6, 1959; Vol IV, Nos 1-6, 1960; Vol V, Nos 1-12, 1961; Vol VI, Nos 1-11, 1962; Vol VII, Nos 1-10, 12, 1963; Vol VIII, Nos 1-5, 8-12, 1964; Vol 9, Nos 6-12, 1965; Vol 10, Nos 1-4, 6-9, 12, 1966; Vol 11, Nos1-2, 1967 and Vol XII, No 1, 1967. There are duplicates for Vol II, No 3 (2 copies); Vol 9, No 12 (2 copies); Vol 10, No 4 (2 copies), No 8 (2 copies) and ( (2 copies).
Youth and freedom (File) - Box 149 (Sequence 1)
Published by the Institute for International Youth Affairs. Includes: Vol III, Nos 1-6 and Vol IV, Nos 2-3.
WUS in action, 1967 (File) - Box 149 (Sequence 1)
Published by the World University Service. Consists of Vol XVIII, No 1, May 1968 and is an annual report for WUS for 1967.
Student mirror, 1957 (File) - Box 149 (Sequence 1)
An independent press service published in cooperation with the student press by Colloquium, Berlin-Dahlem, Germany. Includes: Nos 134-135 and 137, 1957.
Il dilettante, 1957 (File) - Box 149 (Sequence 1)
Extracts from Vol 1 of Il dilettante, the journal of the Architecture Faculty Bureau, 1957
The simulator driver story (File) - Box 149 (Sequence 1)
Published by the Simulation Driver Education Limited, [n.d].
[NUAUS, publications], 1958 (File) - Box 149 (Sequence 1)
A report titled "Twelve months of AUP" by Bill Hartley, University of Western Australia, May 1958.
[Scottish Union of Students, publications], 1957 (File) - Box 149 (Sequence 1)
Annual report of the Executive Committee, 1956-57 published by the Scottish Union of Students, 1957.
[Canadian Union of Students, publications], 1966 (File) - Box 149 (Sequence 1)
Resolutions of the 30th Congress of the Canadian Union of Students, held at Halifax, Nova Scotia, 3-9 September, 1966. Also includes some papers presented to the Congress.
[Pamphlet] (File) - Box 149 (Sequence 1)
Pamphlet titled " Australian horizons" produced by the Commonwealth Department of Trade and Industry, [n.d].
World student news, 1968 - 1969 (File) - Box 150 (Sequence 1)
Published by the IUS. Includes: Vol 22, No 3-4 and 8, 1968 and Vol 23, No 9 (2 copies) and No 10-11, 1969.
Information bulletin, 1955 (File) - Box 150 (Sequence 1)
Published by COSEC. Includes: Vol III, Nos 7-8, February-June, 1955.
WUS in action, 1956 (File) - Box 150 (Sequence 1)
Published by the WUS. Includes: Vol VI, No 12-13, September-October, 1956.
Report of the Research and Information Commission, 1962 (File) - Box 150 (Sequence 1)
Published by COSEC. Country report for Haiti by the RIC in 1961-1962 looking at its political and economic situation.
Rights and advancement, 1966 - 1967 (File) - Box 150 (Sequence 1)
Newsletter of the Federal Council for Advancement of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders. Includes: No 4, November-December 1966 (5 copies); No 5, January 1967 (4 copies); No 6, February 1967 (5 copies); No 10, July 1967 (4 copies) and No 11, August-September, 1967 (4 copies).
WAY forum, 1967 - 1969 (File) - Box 150 (Sequence 1)
Published by the World Assembly of Youth. Includes: No 67, December 1967 (2 copies) and No 74, October 1969.
Hemisphere, 1969 (File) - Box 150 (Sequence 1)
Published by the Commonwealth Department of Education and Science. Includes: Vol 13, Nos 9-10, September-October, 1969.
Pelican, 1967 (File) - Box 150 (Sequence 1)
Journal of the Guild of Undergraduates, University of Western Australia. Includes: Vol 38, Nos 4, 7 and 10, April-August, 1967.
The Education Office gazette, 1964 - 1967 (File) - Box 150 (Sequence 1)
Published under the authority of the Hon The Minister for Education, Queensland. Includes: an index for Vol LXVI, 1964; Vol LXVII, Nos 2, 4-5, 7, 9, 1965; Vol LXVIII, No 5, 1966 and Vol LXIX, No 1, 1967.
IB: information bulletin, 1969 (File) - Box 150 (Sequence 1)
Information bulletin of the Committee of Youth Organisations and the Student Council of the USSR. Includes: Nos 1 and 5, 1969.
The Australian intercollegian, 1957 (File) - Box 150 (Sequence 1)
Journal of the Australian Student Christian Movement. Consists of Vol IX, No 5, October 1957.
Chinese aggression against India, 1962 (File) - Box 150 (Sequence 1)
Published by the National Council of University Students of India (2 copies).
[NUAUS, publications], 1961 - 1969 (File) - Box 150 (Sequence 1)
Publications include: Handbook of Papua New Guinea, 1969 (36 copies); Introducing NUAUS booklet, [n.d] (6 copies); Introducing NUAUS pamphlet, [n.d] (6 copies) and a Introducing NUAUS 1966 pamphlet, 1966. There is also a menu for the NUAUS 25th Anniversary Dinner, held at Union House, University of Melbourne, 28 August, 1961 (4 copies).
[COSEC [Coordinating Secretariat of National Unions of Students], publications], 1960 (File) - Box 150 (Sequence 1)
Reports and conclusions of participants at the Asian Regional Seminar, held at Kuala Lumpur, Malaya, 12 March-9 April, 1960 (2 copies).
[COSEC [Coordinating Secretariat of National Unions of Students], publications] (File) - Box 150 (Sequence 1)
A candle in the night, published on behalf of the National Union of South African Students (NUSAS) and the South African Committee for Higher Education (SACHED) by COSEC and the WUS, [n.d].
[World Federation of Democratic Youth, publications], 1953 (File) - Box 150 (Sequence 1)
Report of the 3rd World Youth Congress, held at Bucharest, Romania, 25-30 July, 1953.
[IUS [International Union of Students], publications], 1953 (File) - Box 150 (Sequence 1)
Decisions of the 3rd World Student Congress, held at Warsaw, Poland, 27 August-3 September, 1953.
[World University Service, publications], 1956 (File) - Box 150 (Sequence 1)
Annual report of the WUS, 1955-1956.
[Papua New Guinea, publications], 1964 - 1965 (File) - Box 150 (Sequence 1)
Publications include: A nation grows, prepared under the Authority of the Minister for Territories on the opening of the House of Assembly for Papua New Guinea on 8 June, 1964; The years ahead, selected statements on Papua and New Guinea during 1965 by the Hon C E Barnes, MP, Minister of State for Territories, 1965 and an article titled "Papua New Guinea: a program for development" reprinted from Finance and development, a quarterly publication of the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, [n.d].
[Chile, publications], 1960 - 1963 (File) - Box 150 (Sequence 1)
Publications include: Chile, speeches by H E Carlos Martinez Sotomayor, Chilean Foreign Minister, before the United Nations General Assembly, 28 September, 1961 and 27 September, 1962 and Chile, by the Pan American Union, 1963 and Letters to the students of Chile, by Dr Osvaldo Dorticos Torrado, President of the Republic of Cuba, 1960.
[World Festival of Youth], 1953 (File) - Box 150 (Sequence 1)
The youth of the world sings. A songbook from the 4th World Festival of Youth and Students for Peace and Friendship, Bucharest, Romania, August 1953.
[University of Queensland Union], 1966 - 1967 (File) - Box 150 (Sequence 1)
University of Queensland Union 55th and 56th Annual reports.
[Publications] (File) - Box 150 (Sequence 1)
Various publications and ephemera (22) produced by student organisations or on issues of interest to student organisations. Subjects include: Kenya; Haiti; Malaysia; the Australian National University and Catalonia, Spain. The ephemera includes a brochure for Australian Volunteers Abroad and the WUS.
Student mirror, 1955 - 1969 (File) - Box 151 (Sequence 1)
An independent press service published in cooperation with the student press by Colloquium, Berlin-Dahlem, Germany. Includes: No 88, 1955; No 97, 1958; Nos 144-145, 1958; Nos 264-285 and 287, 1963; No 288-298, 1964; Nos 300-303, 305-311, 1965; 312-320, 1966; 325-329, 1967; 336 and 341, 1968 and 356 and 359, 1969. There are duplicates for No 300, 1965 (2 copies); No 328, 1967 (2 copies) and No 356, 1969 (2 copies).
News service, 1959 (File) - Box 151 (Sequence 1)
Published by the IUS. Includes: Nos 3-6, 8, 11-14, 16-18 and 20, 1959. There are duplicates for No 3 (2 copies) and No 4 (2 copies).
Information bulletin, 1958 (File) - Box 151 (Sequence 1)
Published by COSEC on behalf of the ISC. Consists of Vol 6, No 12, December 1958.
Sport, 1959 (File) - Box 151 (Sequence 1)
Bulletin of the Student Sport Council of the IUS. Consists of Vol 3, No 3, 1959.
Youth and communism, 1958 - 1959 (File) - Box 151 (Sequence 1)
Published by the East European Student and Youth Service. Includes: Vol 1, Nos 2 and 4, 1958 and Vol 2, No 1, 1959.
Hemisphere, 1958 - 1958 (File) - Box 151 (Sequence 1)
Published by the Commonwealth Office of Education. Includes: Vol 2, No 10, 1958 and Vol 3, Nos 2 and 4, 1959.
Arab journal, 1965 (File) - Box 151 (Sequence 1)
Published by the Organization of Arab students in the USA and Canada. Includes: Vol II, Nos 2 and 4, 1965.
Djembatan, 1959 (File) - Box 151 (Sequence 1)
Newsletter of the Volunteer Graduate Association for Indonesia. Consists of Vol II, No 4, Special issue, September, 1959.
Torque, 1959 (File) - Box 151 (Sequence 1)
Newsletter of the NUAUS Engineering Faculty Bureau. Consists of Vol 5, No 2, November 1959.
National science magazine, 1958 (File) - Box 151 (Sequence 1)
Magazine of the NUAUS Science Faculty Bureau. Consists of the 1958 issue which contains the proceedings of the 2nd NUAUS Science Faculty Bureau Conference, held at the University of Western Australia.
Student liberal, 1958 (File) - Box 151 (Sequence 1)
Journal of the Australian Universities' Liberal Federation. Consists of the 1958 issue.
news features, 1968 (File) - Box 151 (Sequence 1)
Published by the Institute for International Youth Affairs, New York. Consists of Vol IX, No 2, 1968.
Amicizia, 1970 (File) - Box 151 (Sequence 1)
Published in Italian. A monthly magazine for foreign students? Consists of Vol VII, No 2, February, 1970.
[NUAUS, publications], 1956 - 1959 (File) - Box 151 (Sequence 1)
Publications include: report of the Australian delegates, James Thomas and David Teplitzky to the 6th ISC, held at Ceylon, 11-22 September, 1956 (2 copies); report on the 4th International Student Conference of Japan, July-August, 1957 by Kim Paterson, Australian representative; report of the NUAUS delegates to the 7th ISC, held at Ibadan, Nigeria, 11-21 September, 1957 (2 copies); report of the Australian delegates, R Wallace and Elizabeth Shaw to the Asian Forum, held at Baguio City, Philippines, 26-31 December, 1959 (5 copies); "Students in China": report of a delegation to the Peoples' Republic of China, [n.d], (2 copies) and a copy of South Africa-black and white by Pam Williams, 1958.
[National Union of Malaysian Students, publications], 1962 - 1966 (File) - Box 151 (Sequence 1)
Reports of the 6th, 7th (2 copies) and 8th National Students' Conferences held in 1964-1966 and a report of the Malayan Student Seminar, held at the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, 22-26 February, 1961 (2 copies). There is also a preliminary report by John Wang Gen-Sie of a study tour of some Asian And European countries, March-June, 1962. The tour was funded by the UNESCO Travel Grants for Young Leaders.
[National Union of Malaysian Students, publications], 1963 - 1965 (File) - Box 151 (Sequence 1)
Issues of student newspapers: Berita pelajar, May 1965; Mahasiswa negara, May-June, October and November, 1963 and The Malayan undergrad, March-April, 1964.
[Indonesia, publications], 1958 (File) - Box 151 (Sequence 1)
Indonesian student press yearbook, 1958 (2 copies).
[Mexico, publications] (File) - Box 151 (Sequence 1)
A travel booklet on Mexico, an information sheet (2 copies) and an information brochure for students. None of the material contains a publication date.
[Algeria, publications] (File) - Box 151 (Sequence 1)
Solidarity with Algerian students published by the IUS, [n.d] and Algeria: the struggle of UGEMA published by COSEC, [n.d].
[Publications], 1958 (File) - Box 151 (Sequence 1)
A copy of Fulbright programme in Australia: the first eight years and its future, issued by the United States Educational Foundation, 1958.
[Publications, student newspapers], 1963 - 1964 (File) - Box 151 (Sequence 1)
Issues of student newspapers: Inba, Vol IX, Nos 41-42, 1964; Bla-bla, September 1963 and Reforma universitaria, Vol II, No 127, 1964.
[Publications], 1957 - 1966 (File) - Box 151 (Sequence 1)
Various publications (6) produced by student organisations or on issues of interest to student organisations. Subjects include: the United Nations; the problems of education; Ukrainian youth and bolshevism and racial integration in the school system in Little Rock, USA.
Student mirror, 1952 - 1955 (File) - Box 152 (Sequence 1)
An independent press service published in cooperation with the student press by Colloquium, Berlin-Dahlem, Germany. Early title was "European students' mirror". Includes: No 25, 1952; Nos 27-30, 32-47 and 49-50, 1953; Nos 51-52, 54-59, 67, 69 and 71-73, 1954: Nos 74-76, 79-81 and No 83, 1955. There are duplicates for No 67, 1954 (2 copies); No 74, 1955 92 copies) and No 80, 1955 (2 copies).
News service, 1955 (File) - Box 152 (Sequence 1)
Published by the IUS. Includes: Nos 5-8 and No 9, 1955. There are 2 copies of No 9.
Information bulletin, 1960 (File) - Box 152 (Sequence 1)
Published by the Committee of Youth Organisations Student Council of the USSR. Includes: Nos 8-12, 1960.
Information bulletin, 1957 - 1961 (File) - Box 152 (Sequence 1)
Published by COSEC for the ISC. Includes: Vol 5, special supplement; Vol 6, No 7, 1957; Vol 6, Nos 9-11, 1958 and Vol 8, Nos 4-5, 1961.
Sport, 1958 (File) - Box 152 (Sequence 1)
Bulletin of the Physical Education and Sports Department of the IUS. Consists of Vol 2, No 6, 1958.
World student news, 1954 - 1955 (File) - Box 152 (Sequence 1)
Published by the ISC. Includes: Vol 7, No 9, 1953; Vol 8, No 8-9, 1954 and Vol 9, No 3 (3 copies) and No 5 (2 copies), 1955.
Education news, 1953 (File) - Box 152 (Sequence 1)
Published by the Commonwealth Office of Education. Includes: Vol 4, Nos 2-8, 1953.
National science magazine, 1953 (File) - Box 152 (Sequence 1)
Magazine of the NUAUS Science Faculty Bureau. Consists of the 1953 issue.
Young jeune cinema and theatre, 1966 - 1967 (File) - Box 152 (Sequence 1)
Published by the IUS. Includes: No 3, 1966? and No 1, 1967.
Yugoslav student news, 1952 - 1953 (File) - Box 152 (Sequence 1)
Published by the Central Board of Yugoslav Students. Includes: Nos 3-4, 1952 and No 7, 1953.
Student needs, 1953 (File) - Box 152 (Sequence 1)
Journal of the Committee of the Student Needs Council. Consists of Vol 1, No 1, August 1953.
Information bulletin, 1953 (File) - Box 152 (Sequence 1)
Published by the Union of Working Youth of the Rumanian People's Republic. Consists of No 1, 1 April, 1953.
labor news digest, 1955 (File) - Box 152 (Sequence 1)
Published by the U.S Information Service, Sydney. Consists of No 1, 10 January, 1955.
Congress for Cultural Freedom, 1953 (File) - Box 152 (Sequence 1)
The Congress for Cultural Freedom was an anti-communist advocacy group founded in 1950. Includes newsletters No 7 and 12, 1953.
Information bulletin, 1953 (File) - Box 152 (Sequence 1)
Information Bulletin for and by the National Unions of Students and published by COSEC. Consists of Vol 2, No 8, November-December, 1953.
[COSEC [Coordinating Secretariat of National Unions of Students], publications], 1954 - 1960 (File) - Box 152 (Sequence 1)
Includes: "Students in Africa": a report of an ISC delegation to Africa, 1954 (2 copies); "Klosters 1960": the story of the 9th ISC, 1960; "A look at the Istanbul Conference": a report of the 4th ISC, held in Istanbul, Turkey, 1954 and "Independence and the student": the report of the ISC delegation to South East Asia, 1955-56.
[ISC [International Student Conference, publications], 1966 (File) - Box 152 (Sequence 1)
Report of the Investigation Commission concerning recent charges against the ISC submitted to the Supervision Committee, 16 October, 1966.
[Student newspapers, Australia], 1950 - 1967 (File) - Box 152 (Sequence 1)
Publications include: Torque, Vol 5, No 1, April 1959; Aspect, March 1951 (2 copies) and September 1951; Ceres, Vol 1, No 1, 1950 and Chronic, Vol 7, No 1, 13 February, 1967 (2 copies).
[Student newspapers and journals, international], 1952 - 1968 (File) - Box 152 (Sequence 1)
Publications include: Berita pelajar, Vol 1, No 1, 1968; The NSA news, Fifth year, No 3, 1952 amd Sixth year, Nos 1-2, 1953; L'etudiant de France, No 3, April 1953 and Deutsche studentenzettung, No 4, April/May 1954.
[International Commission of Jurists], 1952 (File) - Box 152 (Sequence 1)
"Right vs injustice": report and resolutions of the International Congress of Jurists, held at West Berlin, Germany, 25-31 July, 1952.
[Publications], 1951 - 1958 (File) - Box 152 (Sequence 1)
Various publications (11) produced by student organisations or on issues of interest to student organisations. Subjects include: India, orientation handbooks and slave labour. Also includes 2 brochures for a Medical Student's Seminar in Berlin, Germany in 1955 and an Australian Convention on Peace and War, Sydney, 1953.
World student news, 1954 - 1959 (File) - Box 153 (Sequence 1)
Published by the IUS. Includes: Vol 8, No 2, 1954; Vol 11, Nos 2-4, 1957 and Vol 13, Nos 2-4 and 7, 1959.
The student, 1956 - 1960 (File) - Box 153 (Sequence 1)
Published by COSEC for the ISC. Includes: Vol 1, Nos 4, 1956 and No 7, 1957; Vol 2, Nos 2-4, 1957; Vol 2, Nos 7-11, 1958 and Vol 2, No 13, 1959; vol 3, No 1, 1959 and Vol 3, No 7, 1960. There are duplicates for Vol 1, No 7, 1957 (2 copies) and Vol 2, No 3, 1957 (2 copies).
Student mirror, 1956 (File) - Box 153 (Sequence 1)
An independent press service published in cooperation with the student press by Colloquium, Berlin-Dahlem, Germany. Consists of No 99, 15 February, 1956.
Information bulletin, 1955 - 1959 (File) - Box 153 (Sequence 1)
Published by COSEC for the ISC. Includes: Vol III, No 8, 1955; Vol IV, Nos 1-2, 5, 7, 9-11, 1956; Vol V, No 2, 5-9, 1957; Vol VI, Nos 1-2, 1957; Vol VI, Nos 3, 5, 1968 and Vol VII, No 1, 1959. There are duplicates for Vol III, No 8 (2 copies); Vol V, No 7 (2 copies); Vol V, No 9 (2 copies); Vol VI, No 1 (2 copies); Vol VI, No 2 (2 copies) and Vol VI, No 3 (3 copies).
Information bulletin: special supplements, 1957 (File) - Box 153 (Sequence 1)
Published by COSEC for the ISC. Special supplements include: "Nigeria '57": the story of the 7th ISC, held in Nigeria, 1957 (2 copies); resolutions of the 2nd Latin American Student Congress, held at La Plata, Argentina, 20-30 April, 1957 (3 copies); a COSEC visit to the Arab states and Pakistan (2 copies) and international student faculty organisations. None of these reports have publication dates.
Sport, 1959 (File) - Box 153 (Sequence 1)
Bulletin of the Student Sport Council of the IUS. Consists of Vol 3, No 4, 1959.
Hemisphere, 1959 (File) - Box 153 (Sequence 1)
Published by the Commonwealth Office of Education. Consists of Vol 3, No 7, 1959.
Asiana, 1956 (File) - Box 153 (Sequence 1)
Sponsored by the Asian Students' Council of New South Wales and NUAUS. Consists of No 1, Spring 1956.
ABM review, 1955 (File) - Box 153 (Sequence 1)
Published by the Australian Board of missions. Consists of Vol LXIII, No 3, 1 March, 1955.
The undergraduate, 1958 (File) - Box 153 (Sequence 1)
The magazine of the Makerere College of Students' Guild, Uganda. Consists of the April 1958 issue.
The Hungarian student, 1959 (File) - Box 153 (Sequence 1)
Published by the Union of Free Hungary Students. Consists of the March 1959 issue.
Equality will be won, 1956 (File) - Box 153 (Sequence 1)
A report by Kath Wiliams on the 1st World Conference of Women Workers, held at Budapest, Hungary, 14-17 June, 1956.
[NUAUS, publications], 1957 - 1959 (File) - Box 153 (Sequence 1)
Includes a report on Indonesia by the NUAUS delegation, December 1956-February, 1957 (2 copies) and a report by the Australian delegates of the 5th and 6th International Student's Conference in Japan, held in Japan, 1958 and 1959. The box also contains some stationary with NUAUS letterhead and two cards for the introduction of NUAUS students to other associations.
[COSEC [Coordinating Secretariat of National Unions of Students], publications], 1955 - 1957 (File) - Box 153 (Sequence 1)
Publications include: a report of the 5th ISC, held at Birmingham, England, July 1955; a resume of introductory speeches and general discussion at the South East Asian Student Seminar, held at Kandy, Ceylon, 3-9 September, 1956 (2 copies); reports presented at the 6th ISC, held at Peradeniya, Ceylon, 11-21 September, 1956; "Ceylon '56"; the story of the 6th ISC, held at Peradeniya, Ceylon, 11-21 September, 1956 (3 copies); a report of the 1st Asian Student Press Conference, held at Manila, Philippines, 18-24 February, 1957; resolutions of the 7th ISC, held at Ibadan, Nigeria, 11-12 September, 1957 and minutes of the Supervision Committee, held at Ibadan, Nigerai, 22 September, 1957. There is also a brochure for the 7th ISC, held in Nigeria, 1957.
RIC yearbook, 1957 (File) - Box 153 (Sequence 1)
Reports of the Research and Information Commission (RIC) published by the RIC of the IUS. Consists of the 1956-57 yearbook. Includes reports on higher education in Algeria, Cuba, Cyprus, Hungary and Nicaragua.
[WUS [World University Service], publications], 1956 - 1957 (File) - Box 153 (Sequence 1)
Publications include: Programme of action: 1957, 1957 and Universities and freedom, report of the 7th International Seminar, held at Tutzing, Germany, August 1956, and published by the World University Service of Canada, 1956. Also includes a WUS brochure, [n.d].
[IUS [International Union of Students], publications], 1954 (File) - Box 153 (Sequence 1)
Publications include: Indonesian impressions: notes from the diary of the IUS delegation to Indonesia, 1954 and On Algerian students, [n.d].
[USNSA [United States National Student Association], publications], 1950 - 1957 (File) - Box 153 (Sequence 1)
Publications include: Student government bulletin and report, Vol 1, Nos 1-3, 1952 and Vol 3, No 2, 1954; a summary report of the 7th National Congress of the USNSA, held at Ames, Iowa, 22-31 August, 1954; an issue of USNA News, Vol II, No 2, 1954; a promotional magazine for the 10th National Student Congress, held at the University of Michigan, 20-30 August, 1957; a copy of Human relations in the educational community by Richard J Medalie and Gordon Klopf, 1950; an excerpt from Student government administration and techniques by Ted Perry, [n.d] and Student leadership, [n.d].
[Publications], 1953 - 1954 (File) - Box 153 (Sequence 1)
Folder titled "Miscellaneous publications" consisting of 16 items. Includes: Youth life, Nos 5-6, 1952 and 8-9, 1953; Student health in Finland by Kari Savonen (3 copies) and an issue of Congress for cultural freedom, No 19, 1954; an issue of Nouvelles Universitaires Suisses and reports and resolutions of the 5th Congress of the People's Youth of Yugoslavia, 6-9 March, 1953.
[Publications], 1954 - 1963 (File) - Box 153 (Sequence 1)
Various publications (7) produced by student organisations or on issues of interest to student organisations. Subjects include: British Guiana; Czechoslovakia and Malaysia.
The student, 1958 - 1968 (File) - Box 154 (Sequence 1)
Published by COSEC on behalf of the ISC. Includes: Vol 2, Nos 8 and 10, 1958; Vol IV, Nos 4-5 and 10-11, 1960; Vol VI, No 12, 1962; Vol X, Nos 2-3, 1966; Vol XII, No 2, 1967 (2 copies) and Vol XII, No 3, 1968.
World student news, 1967 (File) - Box 154 (Sequence 1)
Published by the IUS. Consists of Vol 21, Nos 3-4, 1967.
News service, 1967 - 1968 (File) - Box 154 (Sequence 1)
Published by the IUS. Includes: No 24, 1967 and No 1, 1968.
Youth and freedom (File) - Box 154 (Sequence 1)
Published by the Institute for International Youth Affairs. Consists of Vol III, Nos 3-4.
Vidyarthi, 1955 - 1968 (File) - Box 154 (Sequence 1)
Published by the WUS. Includes: Vol V, Nos 4-9, 11-12, 1955; Vol VI, No 1, 1955 and Vol XVII, December 1967/January 1968.
WUS in action, 1955 - 1956 (File) - Box 154 (Sequence 1)
Published in cooperation with the student press and the National Union of Students of India. Includes: Vol 1, issue 10, 1955 (2 copies) and an International student number, August, 1956.
Hemisphere, 1956 - 1958 (File) - Box 154 (Sequence 1)
Published by the Commonwealth Office of Education. Includes: a special preview edition, 1956? and Vol 2, Nos 11-12, 1958.
Arete, 1968 (File) - Box 154 (Sequence 1)
Magazine of the Australian Arts Faculty Association. Consists of the 1967-68 issue.
Viet protest news, 1967 (File) - Box 154 (Sequence 1)
Bulletin of the Vietnam Day Committee (Victoria). Consists of Vol 2, No 3, 1967?
New China news, 1967 (File) - Box 154 (Sequence 1)
Published by the New China News Agency. Consists of Vol 5, No 180, 6 December, 1967.
review of international affairs, 1953 (File) - Box 154 (Sequence 1)
Published by the Federation of Yugoslav Journalists. Includes: Vol IV, Nos 1-4, 8-10, 13-20 and 23, 1953. These issues are contained in a file titled "NUAUS International Officer's file".
Cinema papers, 1970 (File) - Box 154 (Sequence 1)
The Australian film newspaper. Consists of Vol 1, No 3, December 1969/January 1970.
[NUAUS, publications] (File) - Box 154 (Sequence 1)
"Students in China": report of a NUAUS delegation to the Peoples' Republic of China, [n.d]
[Student newspapers, Australia] (File) - Box 154 (Sequence 1)
Published by the People's Republic of Flinders University Student Representative Council, South Australia. Includes: ET reactions, Vol 13. Also includes part of an issue of Tharunka with the cover page missing.
[Pamphlet] (File) - Box 154 (Sequence 1)
Pamphlet titled "Facts about the anti LBJ demonstration", [n.d]. Produced at Monash University, Victoria.
[Student newspapers, international], 1955 (File) - Box 154 (Sequence 1)
Consists of issues of The Malayan undergrad, 1 March 1955 and 6 April, 1955.
[Student journals, international], 1952 - 1957 (File) - Box 154 (Sequence 1)
Includes: L'etudiant de France, No 4, July 1953; Japanese student, Nos 34-35, 1957 and Information bulletin, No 1, May 1952, issued by the Swiss National Union of Students.
[ISC [International Student Conference], publications], 1956 - 1957 (File) - Box 154 (Sequence 1)
Publications include: a resume of introductory speeches and general discussion at the South East Asian Student Seminar, held at Kandy, Ceylon, 3-9 September, 1956; minutes of the 7th International Student Press Conference, held at Helsinki, Finland, 26-31 August, 1957; reports of the European Student Welfare Conference, held at Copenhagen, Denmark, 7-12 January, 1957 and a COSEC report on the research project carried out as an Associated Youth Enterprise of UNESCO, 1956-57.
[USNSA [United States National Student Association], publications], 1954 (File) - Box 154 (Sequence 1)
Consists of Student government bulletin, Vol II, No VII, April 1954.
[Spain, publications], 1953 (File) - Box 154 (Sequence 1)
Serie internacional. A series of publications in Spanish relating to the Sindicato Espanol Universitario (SEU), the national union of Spanish students. Includes Nos 2,-3, 5 and 7-8, 1953.
[Publications], 1954 (File) - Box 154 (Sequence 1)
Various publications (8) produced by student organisations or on issues of interest to student organisations. Subjects include: Italy, Thailand; Vienna; Vietnam; UNESCO and USNSA. Most items do not have publication dates.
The student, 1962 (File) - Box 155 (Sequence 1)
Published by COSEC for the ISC. Includes: Vol VI, Nos 2-3 (2 copies), 4 and 6, 1962.
National science magazine, 1953 (File) - Box 155 (Sequence 1)
Magazine of the NUAUS Science Faculty Bureau. Consists of the 1953 issue.
WAY forum, 1959 (File) - Box 155 (Sequence 1)
Published by the World Assembly of Youth. Includes: No 31, March 1959.
Students times (File) - Box 155 (Sequence 1)
Printed, published and edited by Qasim-ud-Din Pasha, a student of the National Arts College, Karachi, Pakistan. Consists of Vol 11?, No 24, [n.d].
Students union magazine, 1959 (File) - Box 155 (Sequence 1)
Magazine of the University of Malaya in Singapore Students' Union. Consists of the 1958/1959 issue.
[NUAUS, publications], 1959 (File) - Box 155 (Sequence 1)
Report of the Australian delegates to the 8th ISC, held at Lima, Peru, 15-25 February, 1959.
[ISC [International Student Conference], publications], 1956 (File) - Box 155 (Sequence 1)
Published by COSEC for the ISC. "Ceylon '56"; the story of the 6th ISC, held at Peradeniya, Ceylon, 11-21 September, 1956.
[COSEC [Coordinating Secretariat of National Unions of Students], publications], 1963 (File) - Box 155 (Sequence 1)
Travelling student 1963 published by COSEC, 1963.
[Publications], 1963 - 1966 (File) - Box 155 (Sequence 1)
Various publications (3) produced by student organisations or on issues of interest to student organisations. Includes: USEEGA year book, October 1966, published by the University of Sydney Electrical Graduates Association; a report on research on agricultural development in Southeast Asia by Clifton R Wharton Jr, Council on Economic and Cultural Affairs, New York, 1963 and a book on lighting.
[Student newspapers, New Zealand], 1955 (File) - Box 155 (Sequence 1)
Includes: Canta, the newspaper of the Canterbury University College, Christchurch, Vol XXXVI, No 6 (2 copies) and Vol XXXVI, No 8 (2 copies), 1955; Critic, the Otago University students' newspaper, Vol 31, Nos 5, 7-9, 1955 andCraccum, Auckland University College students' newspaper, Vol 30, Nos 3-7, 1955. There are duplicate copies for No 3 (2 copies) and No 4 (2 copies).
Series 10. Miscellaneous Papers, 1946 - 1968
Miscellaneous papers mainly relating to Australian NUAUS affairs - roughly sorted according to major topic or theme, and mostly 1963.
Miscellaneous, 1959 - 1966 (File) - Box 155 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars and reports relating to a range of NUAUS matters. Subjects include: attendance at the 1961 NUAUS Council Meeting held at Armidale, NSW and attendance at the Asian Student Conference in Hong Kong, 1961. Also includes a report of the University of Adelaide Students' Representative Council on the NUAUS Council Meeting, held at the University of Tasmania, Hobart, 1960. There is also a NUAUS Christmas card for 1959 which contains the names of the NUAUS Executive for 1959.
Miscellaneous, 1956 - 1959 (File) - Box 155 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars and reports relating to a range of NUAUS matters. Subjects include: meetings and conferences; administrative and financial matters and NUAUS elections. Includes an article for The student titled "A new lease of life for Australian universities" by Martin Davey, NUAUS Vice President and Education Officer, [n.d]; a special issue of Shop, published by the Melbourne University Labour Club on the Sydney student protests, [n.d]. and a leaflet for the 1956 Congress to coincide with the Olympic Games titled "the place of the university in the community".
[Miscellaneous], 1958 - 1961 (File) - Box 155 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars and information sheets relating to the NUAUS filing system.
Miscellaneous, 1953 - 1961 (File) - Box 155 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, memoranda and reports relating to a range of NUAUS matters. Subjects include attendance at conferences and meetings and administrative and financial matters. Includes: a draft precis of a NUAUS policy statement; a copy of the Constitution of the New Zealand University Sports Union and rules governing the conduct of sport in the University of New Zealand, 1959; an information paper on the 6th World Youth Festival, held at Moscow, USSR, 1957 by the Department of External Affairs and a memorandum on "A-politicism" in NUAUS, by NUAUS International Officer, Lindsay Colquhoun, November, 1953. There is also an invitation for the NUAUS 25th Anniversary Dinner, held at the University of Melbourne, 28 August, 1961 with some signatures of attendees.
[Miscellaneous], 1946, 1956-1968 (File) - Box 155 (Sequence 1)
Extra large file of miscellaneous correspondence, circulars, memorandum, reports and telegrams on a range of NUAUS matters. Subjects include: attendance at meetings and conferences; NUAUS elections; the Pam Williams report on South Africa; international student aid and administrative and financial matters. Also includes a copy of the Arcus report, 1946; a report of the President to August Council, 1968 titled "The mini affair"; a questionnaire for a student housing survey and a brochure for the Australian Universities Drama Festival, held at the University of Tasmania, 1961 (6 copies).
Student mirror, 1967 - 1968 (File) - Box 156 (Sequence 1)
An independent press service published in cooperation with the student press by Colloquium, Berlin-Dahlem, Germany. Includes: No 334, 1967 and No 344, 1968 (2 copies).
Student news, 1963 (File) - Box 156 (Sequence 1)
Published by the National Union of Students, England. Consists of No 81, 5 November, 1963.
NSPCI news feaures, 1964 (File) - Box 156 (Sequence 1)
Issued by the National Student Press Council of India. Consists of Vol II, No 13, 8 July, 1964.
Revue, 1959 (File) - Box 156 (Sequence 1)
Published by WAY. Consists of Vol 3, No 1, February, 1959.
Collegiate press service, 1964 (File) - Box 156 (Sequence 1)
An agency of the United States Student Press Association. Consists of an issue dated 5 May, 1964.
Bulletin, 1960 (File) - Box 156 (Sequence 1)
Published by the International Committee for the Investigation of Communist Front Organisations. Consists of Nos 6-7, 1960.
[Philippines], 1960 (File) - Box 156 (Sequence 1)
Workbook for the 13th National Student Congress sponsored by the Student Councils' Association for the Philippines, held at the University of Nueva Caceres, Naga, Philippines, 25-30 April, 1960.
[IUS [International Union of Students], circular letters], 1963 - 1964 (File) - Box 156 (Sequence 1)
Circular letters produced by the International Union of Students. Some are undated. Subjects include: colonialism; support for Colombian students; the Vietnam War and the political situation in Portuguese Guinea and Angola and support for UGEAN.
[NUAUS, circulars], 1968 (File) - Box 156 (Sequence 1)
Various circulars produced by NUAUS, 1968. Subjects include: the price of textbooks; discounts on textbooks and minutes of the "National U" Editorial Board Meeting, 6 May, 1968.
[NUAUS, publications] (File) - Box 156 (Sequence 1)
A brochure titled "What is a PEGAWAI?" produced by the Volunteer Graduate Association for Indonesia, [n.d] and an application form for the New Zealand Travel and Exchange Scheme, [n.d].
[NUAUS, reports], 1958 - 1964 (File) - Box 156 (Sequence 1)
Reports include: report on the National Education Conference, 1958; report of a NUAUS delegation to the UNEF (France) Annual Conference, 18-24 April, 1962; motions from the NUAUS Editors' Conference, 22-24 May, 1963; various reports to the NUAUS Council Meeting, August 1964; a NUAUS memorandum on the International Union of Students and a revised history of NUAUS, 1959.
[Papua New Guinea], 1964 (File) - Box 156 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to PNG. Subjects include: student delegations to PNG and NUAUS assistance to PNG tertiary institutions.
Australian Frontier, 1964 (File) - Box 156 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence between Peter Sellers, NUAUS Education Officer and Peter Mathews, Director, Australian Frontier regarding youth leadership in the community.
[Education], 1964 (File) - Box 156 (Sequence 1)
Various reports including a NUAUS submission to the Commonwealth Scholarships Board, July 1964; a NUAUS submission to the Australian Vice Chancellors' Committee, March 1964; notes on matters to be raised with Sir Leslie Martin, Australian Universities Commission, 13 August 1964 and a NUAUS submission to the Chairman, Victorian DLP Special Committee, 21 April, 1964.
[Aboriginal affairs], 1960 - 1964 (File) - Box 156 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence and reports relating to Aboriginal affairs and Abschol. Includes a report of the Aboriginal Scholarship Standing Committee to the NUAUS Council Meeting, held at Hobart, February 1960 and a report of the Abschol Director on the appeal conducted by Abschol, June 1964.
[Conferences], 1963 - 1964 (File) - Box 156 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and information sheets relating to the International Conference of Youth and Students for Disarmament, Peace and National Independence, held at Florence, Italy, 26 February-1 March, 1964.
[News cuttings], 1950, 1963-1966 (File) - Box 156 (Sequence 1)
News cuttings on a range of subjects including: self determination in PNG; apartheid in South Africa; education; Aboriginal rights and discrimination; the White Australia policy; Asian migration and Asian students.
[Poster] (File) - Box 156 (Sequence 1)
Poster titled "Greek students fight for democracy and better education", published by the IUS, [n.d].
[Miscellaneous], 1956 - 1964 (File) - Box 156 (Sequence 1)
Extra large file of miscellaneous correspondence, circulars, memorandum and reports on a range of NUAUS matters. Subjects include: meetings and conferences; student delegations; exchange schemes; UNEF, UGEMA and the situation in Algeria; administrative and financial matters. There are a number of loose pages that have become separated from their original document and some papers missing title pages.
NSPCI news feaures, 1964 (File) - Box 157 (Sequence 1)
Issued by the National Student Press Council of India. Includes: Vol I, Nos 61, 68-69, 76 and 78, 1964.
Collegiate press service, 1964 (File) - Box 157 (Sequence 1)
An agency of the United States Student Press Association. Includes: issues for 2 and 5 March, 1964.
Bulletin, 1959 - 1964 (File) - Box 157 (Sequence 1)
Published by the International Committee for the Investigation of Communist Front Organisations. Includes: No 1, 1959 and No 29, 1964.
Information service, 1960 (File) - Box 157 (Sequence 1)
Produced by the German National Union of Students. Includes: Nos 4 (2 copies), 6 and 8, 1960.
WAY information, 1963 - 1964 (File) - Box 157 (Sequence 1)
Published by WAY. Includes: an issue for 1963 and No 10, 1964?
SMNSE bulletin, 1959 (File) - Box 157 (Sequence 1)
An information sheet published by the Union of Emigre Youth of the Peoples of the USSR, Munich, Germany. Consists of Vol I, Nos 8-9, August/September, 1959.
News features, 1968 (File) - Box 157 (Sequence 1)
Published by the Institute for International Youth Affairs, New York. Consists of Vol IX, No 7, 1968.
Information bulletin, 1963 (File) - Box 157 (Sequence 1)
Published by the Central Committee of the Albanian Working Youth Union. Consists of No 3, (11), March 1963.
The Malayan undergrad, 1964 (File) - Box 157 (Sequence 1)
Published by the University of Singapore Students' Union. Consists of Vol 14, No 7, 1964 (2 copies).
[Document series], 1963 (File) - Box 157 (Sequence 1)
Sources of conflict in British Guiana (Guyana), No 6, 1963, published by the IUS.
Djembatan, 1959 (File) - Box 157 (Sequence 1)
Newsletter of the Volunteer Graduate Association for Indonesia. Consists of Vol III, Nos 1-2, 1959?.
Bulletin, 1964 (File) - Box 157 (Sequence 1)
Bulletin of information on long term voluntary services. Consists of Vol 1, No 13, February, 1964. Published by the Coordination Committee for International Workcamps.
Information circular, 1963 (File) - Box 157 (Sequence 1)
Published by the Australian National Advisory Committee for UNESCO. Consists of Vol XIV, No 4, July 1963.
Bulletin, 1968 (File) - Box 157 (Sequence 1)
Published by the World Federation of United Nation Associations (WFUNA). Consists of Vol XX, 1967-1968, a special bulletin titled "Human rights and responsibilities".
[RIC [Research and Information Commission], circulars], 1960 (File) - Box 157 (Sequence 1)
Published by the RIC. Consists of various circulars for 1960.
[COSEC [Coordinating Secretariat of National Unions of Students], circulars], 1960 - 1964 (File) - Box 157 (Sequence 1)
Published by COSEC. Consists of various circulars for 1960, 1961 and 1964.
[ISC [International Student Conference], circulars], 1959 - 1964 (File) - Box 157 (Sequence 1)
Published by the IUS. Consists of various circulars for 1959, 1960 and 1964.
[Publications], 1951 - 1968 (File) - Box 157 (Sequence 1)
Various publications (7) produced by student organisations or on issues of interest to student organisations. Includes: a report titled "The academic background of Asian students in Australian universities" by Dr Roy Adam of the University of Western Australia, [n.d]; a copy of The overseas student's handbook, published by NZUSA, 1964; resolutions of the 10th National Student Conference of the PKPM, held at the University of Malaya, 29-31 March, 1968; a program for a performance of dances, music and songs of Ceylon presented by the Ceylonese Cultural Delegation to Australia, 1962-1963 and a report (in Spanish) of a Seminar on Student Welfare?, held at San Bernadino, Paraguay, 10-16 June, 1963.
[National Youth Council of Australia], 1959 - 1968 (File) - Box 157 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, meeting minutes and reports relating to the National Youth Council of Australia. Includes: the Executive Committee Annual Report, 1963; minutes of a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Council, 22-23 June, 1968 and a NUAUS report on the formation of a National Youth Council, 1959.
[World University Service in Australia], 1963 - 1968 (File) - Box 157 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, minutes of meetings and reports relating to the World University Service in Australia. Includes: a report and minutes of the National Assembly, 1963; a report of the retiring General Secretary's visit to Papua New Guinea, 1964; minutes of a meeting of the National Committee, 25 May, 1968 and a copy of the Constitution of WUSA. There is also a copy of WUSA news, June, 1968 and WUS in action, annual report, 1967.
[South Africa], 1960 - 1968 (File) - Box 157 (Sequence 1)
Small file of correspondence and circulars relating to the political situation and apartheid in South Africa.
[South America], 1963 - 1964 (File) - Box 157 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, bulletin extracts and journal articles relating to the political and student situation in South American countries including Brazil, British Guiana, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay.
[Central America], 1963 - 1964 (File) - Box 157 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, bulletin extracts and journal articles relating to the political and student situation in Central American countries including Costa Rica, Honduras and Panama.
[Cuba, Dominican Republic and Mexico], 1963 - 1964 (File) - Box 157 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, bulletin extracts and journal articles relating to the political and student situation in Cuba, Dominican Republic and Mexico.
[Cyprus], 1964 (File) - Box 157 (Sequence 1)
Includes: a copy of Cyprus facts bulletin, April 1964, issued by the Australian Movement for Cypriot Independence: an IUS circular on the situation in Cyprus and comments on the Cyprus Constitution and events in Cyprus by the Federation of National Unions of Cypriot Students (FNUCS), [n.d].
[Posters] (File) - Box 157 (Sequence 1)
Consists of five posters produced by the IUS. Subjects include; apartheid in South Africa; Portuguese colonialism in Mozambique; independence for Angola; a new democratic Spain and Duvalier and Haiti, [n.d].
[Miscellaneous, correspondence], 1960 (File) - Box 157 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circulars belonging to Ian Ernst and generated during his term as NUAUS International Vice President.
[Miscellaneous, correspondence], 1963 - 1964 (File) - Box 157 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence belonging to Dennis Altman and generated during his term as NUAUS Assistant International Officer for Africa and a member of the NUAUS Executive.
[Miscellaneous, correspondence], 1963 - 1964 (File) - Box 157 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence belonging to Robert McDonald and generated during his term as NUAUS President and NUAUS Assistant International Officer for Latin America.
[Miscellaneous, correspondence], 1959 - 1960 (File) - Box 157 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence belonging to Bernie Moylan and generated during his term as NUAUS President and NUAUS Honorary Secretary/Treasurer.
[Miscellaneous, correspondence], 1963 - 1964 (File) - Box 157 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence belonging to Peter Wilenski and generated during his term as NUAUS President.
[Miscellaneous, correspondence], 1960 - 1964 (File) - Box 157 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence belonging to Joan Sawyers and generated during her term as NUAUS Acting President, NUAUS Vice President and Public Relations Officer and NUAUS Administrative Secretary.
[Miscellaneous, correspondence], 1959 - 1968 (File) - Box 157 (Sequence 1)
Extra large file of correspondence, circulars, minutes of meetings, press releases, publication lists and reports on a range of NUAUS matters. Subjects include: meetings, conferences and seminars; student delegations; the Australian Overseas Student Travel Scheme; apartheid in South Africa and NUAUS representation overseas.
Series 11. Abscol
Material added March 1972.
Correspondence of National Abscol Director, Ian Langman, February 1969 - January 1970 (File) - Box 162 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence generated by Tom Langman, NUAUS National Abschol Director, May 1969-January 1970. Subjects include: meetings and conferences; Aboriginal education; scholarships; publications; Abschol administrative and financial matters.Added March 1972.
Correspondence of National Abscol Director, Tony Lawson, February 1970 - January 1971 (File) - Box 162 (Sequence 1)
Large file of correspondence and circulars mostly generated by Tony Lawson, National Abschol Director, December 1970. Some of the circulars consist of reports on aspects of Aboriginal affairs by various authors. They also include minutes of various meetings. Subjects include: Aboriginal land rights; Wattie Creek and Wave Hill; the Pilbara Project; Aboriginal education; scholarships; a tutorial service; attendance at meetings and conferences and administrative and financial matters.Added March 1972.
Correspondence of National Abscol Director, Tony Lawson, December 1970 (File) - Box 162 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and a circular generated by Tony Lawson, National Abschol Director, December 1970. Subjects include: a campaign for the abolition of the "trust fund" system in Queensland; scholarships and an adult education work camp on Flinders Island, Tasmania, January 1971.Added March 1972.
[Miscellaneous] correspondence and reports, 1968 - 1969 (File) - Box 162 (Sequence 1)
Miscellaneous correspondence and reports filed under the following subjects: "Committee of Seven" and debates, 1969-1970; OSS, Overseas Students' Service, 1969; NUAUS Friendly Society, 1969; Social work, 1969-1970; President's correspondence, 1969-1970; International, 1968-1969; Papua New Guinea, 1968-1969; National cultural affairs, 1969-1970 and Editorial National "U", 1969-1970.Added March 1972.
Class (2) MS 2412. Consignment added 1977
Series. Administration, 1960 - 1971
1969 EVP Circulars, December 1968 - April 1969 (File) - Box 163 (Sequence 1)
Includes circulars and press releases from Tom Roper, Education Vice President on wide-ranging issues, including ABSCHOL, university library funding, state aid, civil liberties in the public service, taxation, teritary planning. Also includes The Diploma of Education Course: A Report on a National Seminar held in Melbourne during December 1967, released 12 March 1969.
Various reports and submissions to Murray, Martin Committees etc., September 1946 - May 1971 (File) - Box 163 (Sequence 1)
The core of this file is a Submission to the Committee on Tertiary Education from NUAUS, c.1962 as well as the circular to constituents and corresponding members seeking comment, December 1961. The file includes a submission from the Newcastle University College Students' Association, March 1962, and submissions to the NUAUS draft from Queensland, Tasmania, and Adelaide. Also includes a wide-ranging collection of submissions and other material from a range of organisations between 1946 and 1971, including Minutes of NUAUS Universities Commission Conference, Sydney, 24-26 September 1946; Canadian Union of Students submission and critique of a report on financing higher education, 1965; University of Sydney Students' Representative Council submissions to the Universities' Commission of the Commonwealth Government, September 1959 and April 1962.
EVP Circulars - 1971 (File) - Box 163 (Sequence 1)
Includes circulars and press releases from Ken Newcombe, Education Vice President, including the response to the NUAUS submission to the Commonwealth Scholarships Board, report on the Third Universities Conference, Inequalities and Innovations Conference, 6-7 August 1971, Inequalities Project 1971 "Two Schools".
EVP Circulars - 1967 (File) - Box 163 (Sequence 1)
Includes circulars and press releases from Thomas Roper, Education Vice President, including material relating to university fee increases, federal government education policy, taxation, planning in tertiary education, student housing survey, Commonwealth scholarships, Abschol. Also includes text of the Whitlam Education Policy Speech for the 1970 election campaign, Australian Journal of Advanced Education, Vol 1 No 1/1969. Roper mentions meeting with President of the ACTU Bob Hawke and discussing co-operation on education matters in Circular No. EVP/157/69/850, 2 October 1969.
Educ[atio]n Campaign 1970, c.1960s (File) - Box 163 (Sequence 1)
Consists of research material, including pamphlets from New Zealand Combined Educational Association, August 1969 and n.d. and a polling report from the NZCEA, May 1969; Report on the Technical Teachers' Association of Victoria Election Campaign During the State Elections, 1970; Better Education Policy Speech, Bob Harris, 21 September 1970; Report on Meetings of Teachers in Schools, South Australian Institute of Teachers, n.d.; a little knowledge pamphlet, Action Committee, Technical Teachers' Association of Victoria, c.1968; facts and information packet compiled for use in the Melbourne University S.R.C. education campaign, 1960s
Series. Advocacy: Fees, September 1968 - March 1972
Fees - correspondence with political parties, December 1969 (File) - Box 164 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with various state associations of the Democratic Labor Party, Labor Party, Liberal Party.
Fees - correspondence with ministries and members and editorials, June 1969 - December 1970 (File) - Box 164 (Sequence 1)
Fees abolition campaign - universities, October 1969 - March 1972 (File) - Box 164 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, press releases, notes, and other material relating to the campaign to abolish university fees.
Fees - other correspondence, September 1968 - July 1970 (File) - Box 164 (Sequence 1)
Includes press cuttings and correspondence with trade unions.
Fees - correspondence with VCs, September 1968 - December 1970 (File) - Box 164 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence and circulars to university vice-chancellors. Also includes rough minutes to a meeting between Tom Roper and Jim Hutchinson of NUAUS, Percy Allan, Sydney University SRC President and the executive of the Australian Vice-Chancellors' Committee, c.1969.
Fees - submissions, November 1969 - October 1972 (File) - Box 164 (Sequence 1)
Patrons are advised that this file contains material of a graphic nature. Viewer discretion is advised.
Includes submissions, reports, correspondence, news clippings related to the campaign for fees abolition, including to and from the Senate of the University of Manitoba, Canada. Also includes Grok Vol. 4 No. 6, 1972.
Taxation, November 1971 (File) - Box 164 (Sequence 1)
Hansard copy of speech given by Frank Crean, Member for Melbourne Ports, opposing the Income Tax Bill 1971, 2 November 1971.
Series. Advocacy, July 1966 - April 1972
1972 Postgraduate schol[arship]s sub[mission] (File) - Box 164 (Sequence 1)
Includes Commonwealth Postgraduate Scholarships: A supplementary submission to the Commonwealth Scholarships Board, AUS, June 1972, as well as notes, drafts, research material, and correspondence including a response from Malcolm Fraser, Minister for Education and Science, on the subject of sickness and accident provision for students on postgraduate scholarships.
Open Uni[versity], July 1966 - February 1972 (File) - Box 164 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, news clippings on the possibility of an Open University within Australia as well as external studies courses for Australian universities. Also includes Television and the social education of women, Reports and Papers on Mass Communication No. 50, UNESCO, 1967.
EVP Circulars - 1971, May 1971 - August 1971 (File) - Box 164 (Sequence 1)
Includes circulars and press releases from Ken Newcombe, Education Vice President. Subjects include the outcome ot the Commonwealth Scholarships board meeting, the Two Schools project, AUS submission to the Victorian government, Third Universities' Conference report, the publication of Cold Comfort magazine,
Discipline Newsletter (planned in 71 & 72, never appeared), April 1971 - April 1972 (File) - Box 164 (Sequence 1)
Includes codes of conduct and statues of discipline from a wide range of universities. Also includes correspondence regarding these codes and proposed amendments.
Student discipline, August 1967 - April 1972 (File) - Box 164 (Sequence 1)
Reports on, correspondence, news clippings regarding codes of conduct, including Student Discipline in Australian Universities, Report of the Education Vice President to 1967 NUAUS Education Seminar, August 1967; memorandum to the Australian Vice-Chancellors' Committee regarding student discipline, 28 October 1968. Also includes some codes of conduct and statutes of disipline.
Series. Relationships: Student organisations, May 1964 - October 1972
Wollongong SRC, June 1969 - June 1972 (File) - Box 165 (Sequence 1)
Includes press releases, surveys, memoranda, correspondence relating to Wollongong University College Students' Representative Council.
WA Guild of Undergrads, March 1968 - July 1972 (File) - Box 165 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence and minutes.
Sydney Uni SRC, August 1971 - July 1972 (File) - Box 165 (Sequence 1)
Includes a student survey, correspondence, policy, submission to The Committee Appointed to Investigate the Extent and Causes of Teacher College Scholarship Wastage and to Make Recommendations to Improve the Situation, 13 August 1971.
SAIT Union, December 1970 - September 1972 (File) - Box 165 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, reports, minutes relating to the South Australian Institute of Technology Union.
RMIT SRC, July 1967 - October 1972 (File) - Box 165 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, circulars, reports, news clippings relating to Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Students' Representative Council. Also includes Evolution newsletter, Vol. 1. No. 2, April 1970; Catalyst Vol. 25 No. 22, 24 October 1969; Twenty-third Students' Representative Council Annual Report, 1967.
Series. Administration, December 1958 - December 1972
Aboriginal Embassy, May 1972 - August 1972 (File) - Box 165 (Sequence 1)
News clippings relating to the Aboriginal Tent Embassy.
National Secretary 1970, December 1958 - December 1970 (File) - Box 165 (Sequence 1)
Resumes, application letters, and references relating to the appointment of Administrative Secretary in 1971.
Secretary/Accountant 1971, October 1969 - July 1971 (File) - Box 165 (Sequence 1)
Resumes, application letters, references, acceptance or rejection correspondence relating to the appointment of Secretary/Accountant in 1971.
Employment and financial correspondence, February 1970 - February 1971 (File) - Box 165 (Sequence 1)
Includes resumes, application letters, references, appointment cards, acceptance or rejection correspondence relating to various positions. Also includes mixed correspondence, bills, financial reports
EVP Circulars - 1972 (nearly complete set), February 1971 - December 1972 (File) - Box 165 (Sequence 1)
Includes circulars and informational broadsheets from Andrew Bain, Education Vice President. Subjects include university staff tenure, university fees and scholarships, university discipline. Includes report on 8 August 1972 a meeting of AUS members with Minister for Education and Science Malcolm Fraser to discuss the AUS scholarship submission.
Series. Relationships: other organisations, 1964 - 1972
WAIT Guild, October 1969 - June 1972 (File) - Box 165 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with the Western Australian Institute of Technology Student Guild. Subjects include student housing, the Inequalities Campign.
Correspondence with NUSUK, c.1964-September 1972 (File) - Box 166 (Sequence 1)
Subjects include financial support to students, including scholarships, university discipline, freedom of speech. Includes Memorandum to the Committee on Higher Education under the chairmanship of Lord Nobbins appointed by the Prime Minister, Exchange of Information About Students' Organisations and the Reform and Democratisation of Education, National Union of Students of England, Wales and Northern Ireland, 1963; Integration and the Student: Memorandum to the Government Committee on Integration under the Chairmanship of Mr. Maurice Foley M.P., The National Union of Students, c.1964.
Correspondence with NZUSA, September 1969 - July 1972 (File) - Box 166 (Sequence 1)
Subjects include NZUSA and NUAUS cooperating, sharing information, travel arrangements, student financial campaigns. Includes National Survey on Student Incomes and Expenditures 1969, New Zealand Students Association; New Zealand University Students' Association General Newsletter No. 14, 22 October 1971.
Myth of Equality - Orders etc Re Myth of Equality, February 1970 - May 1972 (File) - Box 166 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence relating to orders of The Myth of Equality, copies of reviews and news clippings, registry with National Library, and with various elected officials including Minister for Trade and Industry John McEwen. Also includes material relating to the Inequalities Project Two Schools.
Tertiary libraries, September 1964 - May 1971 (File) - Box 166 (Sequence 1)
Reports, petitions, surveys, correspondence relating to university libraries and NUAUS campaigns to increase staffing, space, and book volumes. Includes copies of The Library Report: A report on the Monash University Main Library prepared by the Student's Representative Council.
Corresp[ondence] with Teachers Fed[eration], June 1967 - March 1971 (File) - Box 166 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with the NSW Teachers Federation. Also includes 1971 Liberal Party election pamphlet Don't forget the years of neglect by Labor and a document from the NSWTF explaining the statistics involved titled Don't forget the years of neglect by whom? Myths and Legends of Government Expenditure on Education, January 1971.
Series. Advocacy, June 1961 - 1972
NUAUS Ed[ucatio]n Newsletter, September 1969 - November 1970 (File) - Box 166 (Sequence 1)
Education Newsletter No. 2 - 7; Vol.2 No. 1 - 5, 7, National Union of Australian University Students, 1969-70. Also includes correspondence relating to the newsletter.
February Council 1972, EVP Elect Report, President Elect's Report, 1972 (File) - Box 166 (Sequence 1)
Submission to the Myer & Ian Potter Foundations by the National Union of Australian University Students for a grant for an Education Research Officer, 1970 (File) - Box 166 (Sequence 1)
Corresp[ondence] - AEO (Particip[ation]) 1970-1, October 1968 - August 1971 (File) - Box 166 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with students' representative councils and other student unions on the subject of student participation and representation in university government.
Student Loans, March 1966 - November 1972 (File) - Box 166 (Sequence 1)
Includes press releases, proposals, correspondence, submissions and other material relating to university fees, student loans. Includes A Proposal for a Higher Education Fees Concession Scheme, November 1969.
State Gov[ernment] appeals for Fed[eral] funds for Educ[ation], June 1961 - April 1970 (File) - Box 166 (Sequence 1)
Reports and surveys, including Nation wide survey of education needs, Australian Education Council, 1970; National Survey of Educational Needs, Education Department, South Australia, April 1970; State reports to National Conference on Education "Education Down Under", 28 June 1969; A Statement of Some Needs of Australian Education, supplement to "Education", Australian Education Council, March 1964; Submissions on education made to the Premiers' Conference June, 1961, NSW Parent-Teacher Education Council, July 1961.
Roper's migrant educ[ation] survey, 1968, July 1968 - November 1968 (File) - Box 166 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to a series of questions about the experiences of children not speaking English as a first language. The file does not contain a copy of the survey itself.
Roper's EVP circulars, May 1969 - January 1970 (File) - Box 166 (Sequence 1)
Includes circulars and press releases from Tom Roper, Education Vice President, minutes, conference reports. Subjects include university fees, education inequality, migrant education,
Aust[ralian] UNESCO c[ommit]tee for ed[ucation] - & action in 1960s on UNESCO convention on ed[ucation] & racial discrim[ination], May 1964 - June 1972 (File) - Box 167 (Sequence 1)
File largely consists of correspondence with Australian National Advisory Committee for UNESCO. Includes Meeting of experts on educational methods designed to combat racial prejudice - final report, UNESCO, 24 October 1968; agenda and material for Meeting of the Australian Unesco Committee for Education, Friday 18 June 1971.
[21st Australian Intervarsity Choral Festival (AIVCF)], January 1969 - September 1970 (File) - Box 167 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and administrative material relating to the 21st Australian Intervarsity Choral Festival (AIVCF). Material originally loose papers and have been placed into files by NLA staff.
International - private, October 1967 - September 1968 (File) - Box 167 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to and bulletins from the International Student Conference (ISC) also known as the Conference Internationale des Etudiants (CIE).
[Mixed international papers, part 1 of 3], April 1969 - January 1971 (File) - Box 167 (Sequence 1)
Mixed papers relating to and published by international student unions, including ACS Consultative Committee meetings, cables, NUAUS copies of reports, ephemera, pamphlets. Includes a report by John Bannon on the dissolution of the ISC. Newsletters and pamphlets include Information on Vietnam, published by the International Union of Students, 1969; Polynews No. 1, February 1971, published by Singapore Polytechnic Students' Union; Berita Pelajar No. 3, September 1970 and Supplements No. 6 October and No. 8 January; Bulletin, Institut International d'Etudes sur l'Education, 27 January 1971.
[Mixed international papers, part 2 of 3], 1970 - May 1971 (File) - Box 167 (Sequence 1)
Mixed papers relating to and published by international student unions, NUAUS copies of reports including the Australian delegation to the Fourth ARCS, ephemera, pamphlets. Ephemera includes Romania's Youth 3, published by the Central Committee of the Union of Communist Youth, 1970; Commonwealth Student News No. 17, March 1971; Ghana Reports No. 65, 3 March 1971; Singapore Polytechnic Students UnionHandbook 1971; Bulletin, Institut International d'Etudes sur l'Education, 31 August 1971.
[Mixed international papers, part 3 of 3 - Vietnam], June 1965 - December 1969 (File) - Box 167 (Sequence 1)
Patrons are advised that this file contains material of a graphic nature. Viewer discretion is advised.
Copies of articles, newsletters, publications relating to Vietnam and CIA infiltration of activist communities. Includes letter from MP James Ford Cairns agreeing with the NUAUS statement of policy on Vietnam, 31 March 1967. Includes Five Lessons of a Great Victory (Winter 1966 - Spring 1967), Truong Son, 1967; Vietnam Youth No.89, February 1967; Vietnam Courier Nos. 93-94, 98, 16 & 23 January, 20 February 1967; 'Liberation' or Conquest? The Struggle in South Vietnam, c.1965; The "My Canh" Bombing Saigon, June 25, 1965, c.1965.
Series. Relationships: Student organisations, May 1958 - January 1973
UNSW corresp[ondence], November 1963 - July 1968 (File) - Box 168 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with the University of New South Wales Students' Union. Includes Minutes of the Second Conference of Students' Council of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory, April 1964.
NUAUS Schol[arship]s sub[mission]s - late 1950s & early 60s, May 1958 - January 1961 (File) - Box 168 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, submissions, reports, meeting agenda and minutes on the subject of Commonwealth scholarships, living expenses, cost of books and supplies for tertiary students and their families.
Adel[aide] SRC, March 1967 - November 1972 (File) - Box 168 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with the University of Adelaide Students' Representative Council. Includes meeting minutes and reports.
Miscellaneous info[rmation] & corresp[ondence] on student financing (File) - Box 168 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, reports including drafts, questionnaires and surveys.
Macquarie SC, July 1968 - July 1972 (File) - Box 168 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with Macquarie University Students' Council. Includes Macquarie Local NUAUS Newsletter, Vol. 1 No. 3, 3 June 1970.
La Trobe SRC, May 1968 - March 1972 (File) - Box 168 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with La Trobe University Students' Representative Council. Includes La Trobe University Report for AUS Annual Council, February 1971.
Series. Advocacy, July 1964 - January 1973
Corresp[ondence] with State Ed[ucation] Ministers, December 1969 - March 1972 (File) - Box 169 (Sequence 1)
Assoc[iation] of Principals of TCs, July 1970 - September 1970 (File) - Box 169 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with the Hobart Teachers' College regarding their meeting of January 1971.
Bonding, November 1969 - April 1970 (File) - Box 169 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence regarding the bonding of teacher trainees.
Australian National Advisory Committee for UNESCO, Youth Activities Sub-Committee, July 1964 - March 1965 (File) - Box 169 (Sequence 1)
Material originally loose papers and have been placed into files by NLA staff.
Papers for Nov[ember] 72 sub[mission] on NSW uni fee rise, November 1971 - January 1973 (File) - Box 169 (Sequence 1)
Includes University Fees in N.S.W: A submission to the New South Wales Government and Universities Board concerning the proposed additional fee rises in the State universities in 1973, AUS, November 1972. Also includes research notes, correspondence, survey findings, meeting notes & minutes, Hansard No. 18, 1972-73, University of Sydney senate paper on university fees, 1971, news clippings, fees schedule for Macquarie University, 1973, news clippings.
Relevance in ed[ucation], April 1972 (File) - Box 169 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with the Humanities Committee of the Engineering Undergraduate Society, University of Queensland on the subject of humanities lectures for engineering students.
Australia Party, August 1969 - September 1970 (File) - Box 169 (Sequence 1)
Policy statements from the Australia Party, including NSW Education Policy Committee's proposals, August 1969; Principles and Policy booklet, September 1969. Also includes correspondence.
Corresp[ondence] with SA Inst[itute] of Teachers, September 1969 - July 1970 (File) - Box 169 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with South Australian Institute of Teachers.
Corresp[ondence] with State & Fed[eral] Ed[ucation] Dep[ar]t[ment]s & Ministers, July 1964 - November 1972 (File) - Box 169 (Sequence 1)
Aust[ralian] UNESCO c[ommit]tee for ed[ucation], July 1964 - 1970 (File) - Box 169 (Sequence 1)
Includes reports, meeting minutes, correspondence. Also includes 1970 list of international conferences, The Australian National Advisory Committee for Unesco and Its Work pamphlet detailing the committee's structure and activities.
ANU Orientation Teach-in 1972 (File) - Box 169 (Sequence 1)
Includes papers from the National Teach In on Tertiary Education, held at the Australian National University, January 1972.
Education & racial attitudes, September 1971 - March 1972 (File) - Box 169 (Sequence 1)
Mixed papers, including a an evaluation report on the first year of an Aboriginal Studies Programme at Armidale Teachers' College, 1971 and a tentative program for 1972. Also includes The External Studies Gazette, Vol. 15 No. 5, The University of New England, October 1971.
Series. AUS activities, March 1969 - October 1972
1970 EVP Circulars, March 1969 - December 1970 (File) - Box 169 (Sequence 1)
Includes circulars and press releases from Education Vice President Dany Humphreys, NUAUS. Subjects include the Inequalities Campaign, Cochrane Report, abolition of fees, Commonwealth Loans Scheme, student housing, police violence.
1972 CEWOs Conf[erence], May 1972 - September 1972 (File) - Box 169 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, agenda, reports relating to the August 1972 AUS Education and Welfare Officers Conference.
Series. Friendly Society, May 1959 - October 1968
[Friendly Society] - insurance, May 1959 - October 1966 (File) - Box 169 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence and quotes relating to personal accidence insurance for university students.
[Friendly Society] Board - mainly insurance, July 1966 - October 1968 (File) - Box 169 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence and other material relating to an insurance policy for university students. Includes the minutes of the Second Meeting of the Board of the NUAUS Friendly Society, 28 October 1968; proposed insurance scheme for New Zealand University Students' Association, August 1966; comparative schemes from university unions including Australian National University, Adelaide University, New South Wales' Student Union, Monash University.
Series. Advocacy: Education, October 1967 - December 1972
EVP Circulars 1968, February 1968 - November 1968 (File) - Box 170 (Sequence 1)
Includes circulars and press releases from Education Vice President Tom Roper, NUAUS. Subjects include the Hidden Costs survey, student housing, Genesis project.
UNE SRC, October 1967 - October 1972 (File) - Box 170 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with Students Representative Council, University of New England. Includes draft submission on university governance, c.1972, material on university discipline.
Miscellaneous corresp[ondence] with constit[uent]s and admin[istration]s, April 1970 - September 1972 (File) - Box 170 (Sequence 1)
Student Loans, September 1968 - July 1972 (File) - Box 170 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence on subjects including student loans including bursaries, fee abolition, income inequality. Includes report, Grants or Loans?, October 1963, on European loan systems and the applicability of such a scheme in Australia.
Semesters, December 1970 - December 1972 (File) - Box 170 (Sequence 1)
Includes reports, analyses of university staff questionnaires, correspondence. Also includes Semesters?, Tom Tescher, Education Research Officer AUS, December 1972
Organization of the Academic Year - Year Round Teaching, June 1968 - February 1971 (File) - Box 170 (Sequence 1)
Reports and correspondence relating to the length and organisation of the academic year, including The Use of Vacations and the Structure of the University Year: Report of a survey of 539 Arts students made in 1966 for the Faculty of Arts, University of Melbourne, by the Education Research Office and University Teaching Office, June 1968; Organization of the Teaching Year, memorandum from the Australian Vice-Chancellors' Committee, 25 March 1969.
Series. Administration, February 1970 - November 1972
1972 Qld, NSW & Woll[ongong] anti-secession campaigns, June 1971 - April 1972 (File) - Box 170 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, newsletters, broadsheets, speeches relating to the referenda to secede from AUS on the part of the University of Queensland Union, Wollongong SRC, RMIT University Student Union.
1972 Anti-Secession Campaign RMIT, December 1971 - April 1972 (File) - Box 170 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, newsletters, broadsheets, ephemera, hand-written notes relating to the referendum to secede from AUS on the part of RMIT University Student Union. Also includes Catalyst Edition 6, 10 April 1972.
Ex-EVPs, June 1972 - November 1972 (File) - Box 170 (Sequence 1)
Report of the Education Vice President to February Council, 1971. Also includes correspondence.
E.R.O, January 1971 - October 1972 (File) - Box 170 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, submissions, activity summaries relating to the office of Education Research Office, AUS.
Series. Arts, September 1968 - April 1972
Debates, May 1968 - April 1972 (File) - Box 170 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, telegrams, council minutes, notes relating to Debates Festivals, including as part of the Aquarius Festival of University Arts, 1971.
Debates - 1972, April 1972 (File) - Box 170 (Sequence 1)
Programmes, budgets, correspondence relating to Invarsity Debating Programme 1972.
Jazz IV May 1972, December 1971 - February 1972 (File) - Box 170 (Sequence 1)
Handwritten notes and correspondence relating to the Jazz Intervarsity, May 1972.
Series. Advocacy: Education, February 1969 - November 1971
Nation-wide Needs Survey, April 1970 - November 1971 (File) - Box 171 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the national education needs survey
Education Newsletter, February 1969 - November 1971 (File) - Box 171 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the Education Newsletter published by AUS, largely relating to subscriptions and library holdings. Includes Special issue, October 1969, Vol. 2 Nos.7-8, OctoberNovember 1970 - January 1971, Vol. 3 Nos. 1 & 3-4, March/April, July - November, 1971 as well as a paste-up and draft articles.
Series. Advocacy, August 1958 - February 1973
Some aspects of university teaching and learning, October 1968 - July 1970 (File) - Box 171 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to Some aspects of university teaching & learning, Tom Roper, December 1969. Includes two copies of the pamphlet.
Student Assessment, September 1965 - September 1969 (File) - Box 171 (Sequence 1)
Research file relating to student assessment, including examinations and university entry requirements. Material includes papers from Symposium on Examinations, IIIrd Term, 1969, seminar papers, reports, draft SRC policies. Also includes University & College Entrance: The Basic Facts, National Union of Teachers, London, September 1965; Entrance to Higher Education, The National Union of Students, London, February 1969.
CAE Information Summary, c.1972 (File) - Box 171 (Sequence 1)
17-page information factsheet on 21 Colleges of Advanced Education, evaluating 16 points. Includes paste-ups of the factsheets.
AUS sub[mission] to AUC, November 1968 - July 1971 (File) - Box 171 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, memorada, circulars, progress reports, research material relating to submission by the NUAUS to the Australian Universities Commission for the Trienniums 1970-1972 and 1973-1975. Includes submissions from university unions and students' representative councils. Includes copies of National Union of Australian University Students Submission to Australian Universities Commission Concerning the Triennium 1970-1972, November 1968 and Submission by the Australian National University Students' Association to the Australian Universities Commission for the Triennium 1973-1975, May 1971.
Sex Ed[ucatio]n, June 1967 - January 1971 (File) - Box 171 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, news clippings on sex education, including abortion access, Living With Sex, University of Canterbury Students' Association on behalf of the New Zealand University Students' Association, 1970.
Tertiary Teacher Training, May 1972 - July 1972 (File) - Box 171 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence regarding training of tertiary educators.
Preparation of AUC submission, October 1968 - June 1970 (File) - Box 171 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, questionnaire responses, university department responses to information requests relating to the NUAUS submission to the Australian Universities Commission.
EVP Misc[ellanous] Corresp[ondence] - 1972-3, January 1972 - February 1973 (File) - Box 172 (Sequence 1)
Wide-ranging correspondence with the Education Vice President Andrew Bain. Also includes ephemera, statements, reports, press releases, conference booklets. Includes Report to the Federation of Australian University Staff Associations on Academic Staff Structure and University Government in Australian Universities, August 1972. Also includes Cre-Information, Nos. 13-15, January - July 1971.
P[art]/T[ime] Students, June 1968 - November 1972 (File) - Box 173 (Sequence 1)
Mixed papers on part-time students, including correspondence, surveys, articles. Includes the text of a broadcast on the subject by Education Vice President Daniela Humphries for the 3KZ Labor Hour, Sunday 14 June 1970.
Assessment of Students, March 1972 - October 1972 (File) - Box 173 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, clippings from student newspapers, questionnaires relating to student assessments and campaigns to abolish or reform examinations.
CAEs, April 1967 - September 1972 (File) - Box 173 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, editorials, research papers, reports, articles relating to Colleges of Advanced Education. Includes Minister for Education and Science Malcolm Fraser's Ministerial Statement on Universities and Colleges of Advanced Education, 22 August 1972.
Misc[ellaneous] NUAUS corresp[ondence], August 1960 - July 1964 (File) - Box 173 (Sequence 1)
Includes letter to the Registrar, Australian National University, titled 'Proposed NUAUS move to Canberra', July 1964; Working Paper on the Establishment of Regional University Colleges and the NUAUS View Thereon, August 1960.
De-Schooling, November 1971 - December 1972 (File) - Box 173 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to Ivan Illich and Deschooling Society, 1971. Includes typescript transcript with handwritten edits of a speech by Illich, along with a more final version.
Corresp[ondence] with ACAE, April 1969 - December 1972 (File) - Box 173 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with Australian Commission on Advanced Education. Includes letter from Andrew Bain, Education Vice-President, to the ACAE on the subject of its Third Report, 15 September 1972. This letter follows the admissition of several colleges of advanced education to the AUS in August 1972.
Vac[ation] Empl[oyment], May 1972 - November 1972 (File) - Box 173 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence regarding employment of students during the summer, if non-working students duning such periods.
Organiz[ation] of the Uni[versity] year, April 1968 - June 1972 (File) - Box 173 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence , press releases, relating to university calendars, including the semester system, year-round teaching, campaigning for holiday periods in common, responses to the Cochrane Report. Includes AUS Statement on Common Vacation Dates, July 1972.
Medical Edu[catio]n, August 1958 - December 1960 (File) - Box 173 (Sequence 1)
Articles and correspondence on medical curricula.
Counselling, 1963 - September 1971 (File) - Box 173 (Sequence 1)
Includes reports, findings, correspondence on student counselling services. Includes "A list of student counselling services in Australian universities" which summarises the services avaible at 14 universities, c.1965.
Child-minding, c.1968 (File) - Box 173 (Sequence 1)
Information packs, correspondence, reports on child-minding and family services. Includes pamphlets on sexual health.
Series. AUS activities, April 1958 - April 1972
1972 Circulars & Press Releases (incomplete!), February 1972 - April 1972 (File) - Box 173 (Sequence 1)
Includes three circulars and press releases.
Series. Arts, May 1968 - July 1972
Yellow - Bloom, September 1971 - January 1972 (File) - Box 174 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence between Aquarius Foundation Director Robin Love and Mel Bloom regarding the editing of the term three, 1971 issue of Yellow Magazine which was cancelled prior to publication.
Drama Festival 1972 Melbourne, March 1972 - May 1972 (File) - Box 174 (Sequence 1)
Includes programs including drafts and proposals, ephemera, correspondence for Theatresphere: Festival of University Drama 1972.
Yellow 1971 (editors etc), July 1970 - December 1971 (File) - Box 174 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the editing of Yellow Magazine, 1971. Subjects include editorial policy, hiring of editors for the magazine, including guest editors, advertising. Also includes distribution lists and correspondence relating to subscriptions.
Yellow: Kemp, August 1971 (File) - Box 174 (Sequence 1)
Circular and blank surveys of student theatre relating to Charles Kemp's editing of an issue of Yellow Magazine.
Yellow - Richard Giles - Quotes, June 1971 (File) - Box 174 (Sequence 1)
Quotes for the printing of Yellow Magazine, addressed to Editor Richard Giles.
Yellow - Correspondence, June 1970 - February 1971 (File) - Box 174 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with Richard Giles, editor of Yellow Magazine. Also includes Editorial Board Minutes, and Minutes of the Aquarius Board Meeting, 1-2 August 1970.
Dick Gregory, September 1970 (File) - Box 174 (Sequence 1)
Press releases, news clippings relating to the refusal of a visa for Dick Gregory in September 1970 and his resulting inability to tour Australian universities. Also includes news clippings relating to Dick Gregory and his activism, including a copy of Gregory v. City of Chicago, 394 U.S. 111 (1969).
Aquarius Letterhead 1972 & with comps cards layouts, August 1971 - December 1971 (File) - Box 174 (Sequence 1)
Logo sketches, letterheads, business card samples, notepaper and other stationary material. Also includes correspondence with Director Robin Love, although most stationary is marked Director Carina Hack.
CAD correspondence - miscellaneous, September 1970 - January 1972 (File) - Box 174 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the Cultural Affairs Department of Australian Union of Students.
Summer Theatre, August 1970 - October 1970 (File) - Box 174 (Sequence 1)
Pitches and budget summaries for setting up summer theatres.
Chess I.V + N.Z. Chess Tour, December 1969 - September 1970 (File) - Box 174 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the Chess Intervarsity held as part of the Aquarius Festival May 1971.
Art, June 1970 - July 1970 (File) - Box 174 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and booklet for the Art Exhibition held at The University of Newcastle, 12-27 September 1970.
C.A.O's Correspondence, July 1969 - December 1969 (File) - Box 174 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to setting up the Aquarius Foundation (called 'Apollo' in early development). Also includes news clippings relating to arts funding.
C.A.D. Correspondence: miscellanous - July, 1970, October 1969 - September 1970 (File) - Box 174 (Sequence 1)
Cultural Affairs Director correspondence on a range of subjects including budgets and financing. Includes a document listing the founding directors of Aquarius and its objectives & programmes.
Drama Planning Conference, May 1968 - June 1971 (File) - Box 174 (Sequence 1)
Includes the Minutes of NUAUS Drama Planning Conference, 11-12 May 1968 and Easter 1970. Also includes correspondence relating to these conferences and material from theatre groups.
Drama I.V. '71, March 1971 - December 1971 (File) - Box 174 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, financials relating to the Festival of Alternate Theatre, including Director's Report for the 1969 Festival of University Drama. Also includes "Bridging the Gap", Daryl Wilkinson, describing his play "Carriage 17".
Drama Intervarsity, December 1969 - July 1972 (File) - Box 174 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, ephemera, programs, financials including travel subsidies, reports, other material relating to Festival of University Drama 1970. Also includes some material relating to Universities Drama Festival 1972 'Theatresphere'.
Series. Advocacy, March 1961 - December 1972
Little Red School Book, February 1972 - March 1972 (File) - Box 175 (Sequence 1)
Material relating to distributing The Little Red School Book (Hansen and Jensen, 1969), including advice to distributors, lists of Victorian schools covered.
International Correspondence, November 1965 - July 1972 (File) - Box 175 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence through the office of Education Vice President. Also includes position papers, memoranda, reports.
Libraries, March 1961 - November 1968 (File) - Box 175 (Sequence 1)
Research file relating to university libraries. Includes reports, submissions, financial reports, correspondence, news clippings
Graduates for What?, January 1972 - November 1972 (File) - Box 175 (Sequence 1)
File relating to the Graduates for What? Understanding the changing nature of graduate employment in the 1970's conference, The Graduate Careers Council of Australia and Centre for Continuing Education of the Australian National University, held August 1972.
Binary System + Teachers Colleges, March 1971 - September 1972 (File) - Box 175 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, news clippings relating to teachers' colleges, possibly mergers with universities, education funding.
Orientation, 1971 (File) - Box 175 (Sequence 1)
Pamphlet advertising for advertisers in the 1972 Orientation Handbook. Also letters requesting support for the Teach-In held at ANU, 1972.
CAEs, March 1972 - September 1972 (File) - Box 175 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence from Colleges of Advanced Education. Also includes notes on estimates, submissions, insitute development reports from the Gippsland Institute of Advanced Economics relating to the 1973-75 Triennium.
Tertiary ed[ucation] - general, October 1972 (File) - Box 175 (Sequence 1)
Single letter from EVP Andrew Bain to Swedish Ambassador Per Auger requesting a copy of a state commission on post-secondary education in Sweden. Also includes a paper arguing for the abolishing of a SRC at an unspecific university, no date.
SRHE, April 1971 - September 1971 (File) - Box 175 (Sequence 1)
Bulletin of the Society for Research into Higher Education, Nos. 39-40, 42, April- July, September 1971.
Miscellaneous correspondence, June 1972 - December 1972 (File) - Box 175 (Sequence 1)
Through the office of Education Vice President Andrew Bain.
AVCC corresp[ondence], July 1966 - December 1971 (File) - Box 175 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with the Australian Vice-Chancellors' Committee.
Nat[ional service & students, May 1968 - August 1968 (File) - Box 175 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence regarding repatriated National Servicemen part of the National post Discharging training scheme.
1972 vac[ation] empl[oyment] survey, October 1972 - December 1972 (File) - Box 175 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence regarding the 1972 vacation employment survey.
UNESCO Drama Rep[resentative], March 1968 - September 1970 (File) - Box 175 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with the NUAUS Unesco Drama and Theatre Representative.
Aust[ralian] UNESCO C[ommit]tee for Ed[ucation] 68-69, March 1968 - May 1969 (File) - Box 175 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with and relating to the Australian National Advisory Committee for UNESCO.
Inequalities Project, January 1969 - April 1972 (File) - Box 175 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, reports, survey results relating to the Inequalities Project and poor conditions at Australian schools. Also includes a letter from Education Officer NSFA Gregory SeeKee, outlining ideas for an anti-National Service campaign and increasing efforts on the inequality of women's education.
Series. Administration, February 1970 - October 1970
Series. Arts, May 1969 - June 1972
23rd IV Choral Festival - Queensland, May 1970 - June 1972 (File) - Box 176 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, financials, minutes of 23rd Intervarsity Choral Festival Committee Meetings.
Series. Advocacy, April 1964 - December 1972
Teacher Education, March 1968 - June 1972 (File) - Box 176 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, submissions, bulletins, ephemera, posters for rallies. Subjects include teacher bonding, student teacher placements,
Letters to the Editor & Press Releases - Correspondence relating to Articles, March 1968 - November 1972 (File) - Box 176 (Sequence 1)
Includes some handwritten drafts, associated news clippings.
Correspondence with DLP [Democratic Labor Party], April 1964 - June 1972 (File) - Box 176 (Sequence 1)
Education Policy, March 1970 - November 1971 (File) - Box 176 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence requesting copies of the NUAS education policy.
Misc[ellaneous] Campaigns, December 1969 - January 1972 (File) - Box 176 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and ephemera relating to the Inequalities Campaign, teacher students bonds, national essay competition for the Equality for Education Opportunity campaign. Includes a yellow poster titled "War Declared on Education Inequality".
AAFA, July 1970 - August 1970 (File) - Box 176 (Sequence 1)
Policy Statement for the Australian Arts Faculty Association Education Campaign and some attached correspondence.
Correspondence with AVCC [Australian Vice-Chancellors Committee], July 1972 - November 1972 (File) - Box 176 (Sequence 1)
Radical/Alternative Schools, April 1972 - November 1972 (File) - Box 176 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and copied news clippings relating to radical and alternative schools.
Fees Concession Schemes, January 1969 - March 1972 (File) - Box 176 (Sequence 1)
Information sheets and news releases on fees concession schemes. Includes Application for Fees Concession-1971 form for The University of Adelaide, The Flinders University of South Australia and the South Australian Institute of Technology.
Overseas Students, April 1971 - June 1971 (File) - Box 176 (Sequence 1)
News clippings relating to comments by Community Aid Abroad group in June 1971 regarding Asian international students, including a rebuttal by EVP Ken Newcombe and an article discussing the Colombo Plan. Also includes Alternative News Service No. 4, 28 June 1971.
Student Housing, March 1968 - November 1971 (File) - Box 176 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to student housing surveys.
Vacation Employment, March 1968 (File) - Box 176 (Sequence 1)
Extract from the University of Melbourne Appointment Board Annual Report 1968, reprinted in Newtrino, March 1968. File contains just the extract, pp.7-8.
Fee Rise Debates + Papers 1971-72, June 1971 - June 1972 (File) - Box 176 (Sequence 1)
Includes articles, copy of a NUAUS pamphlet, transcript of Seminar on University Fees, University of Western Australia, 26 Febuary 1972. Also includes correspondence, including with the office of Leader of the Opposition E.G. Whitlam, 24 April 1972.
Deputations - 1971, July 1971 (File) - Box 176 (Sequence 1)
Includes submissions, points of demand from Victorian teacher, school and mothers organisations and the AUS relating to school funding and inadequate facilities.
Radical ed[ucation] groups, October 1970 - November 1971 (File) - Box 176 (Sequence 1)
Includes newsletters including Chalk Circle, The Socialist Teacher, Outlook, conference topics, correspondence from left-wing organisations.
Student Loans, April 1972 - October 1972 (File) - Box 177 (Sequence 1)
Minutes of the Monash University Students' Loan Fund Committee, 20 April 1971. Also includes pamphlets and other information about student loans, correspondence.
Taxation & Students, March 1969 - December 1971 (File) - Box 177 (Sequence 1)
Submissions and reports on education and taxation.
Student Participation, August 1968 - April 1971 (File) - Box 177 (Sequence 1)
Expansive research file on student participation in university administration, including news clippings, articles & conference papers, committee reports, handwritten notes, bibliographies. Also includes Part 1 of May Education and Welfare Conference Minutes, 8 July 1970.
Quotas, 1955 - c.1965 (File) - Box 177 (Sequence 1)
Reports on university selection into quotas, first-year failure and drop-out rates, surveys of university students. Includes Draft Report of First Year Student Study, University of Melbourne, 1955-56; Report on Academic Wastage and Failure Among University Students in Australia and Other Countries 1928 to 1958, C. Sanders, University of Western Australia, 1958.
1972 AUS Survey of info[rmation] on CAEs, May 1972 - December 1972 (File) - Box 177 (Sequence 1)
An Information Summary on CAEs, prepared by AUS Education Vice President Andrew Bain, December 1972. Includes the responses from Colleges of Advanced Education in response to questionnaire sent May 1972. Also includes student discipline regulations & bylaws, prospectuses.
EVP - Travel & Speaking, October 1968 - December 1971 (File) - Box 178 (Sequence 1)
Speaking invitations & correspondence, text of talks, biographical notes for Education Vice Presidents Ken Newcombe, Daniela Humphreys, Tom Roper.
PNG ed[ucatio]n, October 1969 - April 1971 (File) - Box 178 (Sequence 1)
Includes exerpts relating to the University of Papua New Guinea from Farrago, 17 October 1969 and Hansard excerpts relating to education in Papua New Guinea. Also includes material from the National Campaign Against Poverty And Social Injustice
Inequalities in Ed[ucation] - Constit[uents'] Campaigns, April 1969 - July 1971 (File) - Box 178 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, reports, newsletters, circulars, Inequalities Meeting MInutes, ephemera, news clippings relating to SRCs and student organisations at various univerisities and their contributions to the Inequalities Campaign. Includes a short note from Guild President Kim Beazley, Guild of Undergraduates, University of Western Australia. Also includes "Education: A Fair Go For All" poster, 18 October [c.1970].
Quality of Educ[ation] Conference, October 1971 - October 1972 (File) - Box 178 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, ticket sales information, administrative papers relating to Quality in Australian Education, a national conference organised by AUS and held in Melbourne, 26-27 May 1972. Dr Ivan Illich was one of the speakers; the file includes correspondence and handwritten budgetary notes on the AUS funding his visit to the conference and following Australian tour.
Series. Administration, February 1937 - November 1972
AUS Admin[istrative] Matters, February 1970 - March 1972 (File) - Box 178 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and handwritten internal memoranda.
AUS Exec Minutes, February 1970 - April 1972 (File) - Box 178 (Sequence 1)
Minutes of the AUS Executive, reports to the executive, correspondence. Note that this is not a complete file of all minutes for this period.
Travel - ed[ucation] files, March 1970 - July 1972 (File) - Box 178 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, Minutes of the AUS Travel Service Board Meeting, 8 July 1972, pamphlet detailing the AUS travel service.
Abschol - ed[ucation] files, April 1970 - October 1972 (File) - Box 178 (Sequence 1)
Includes Abschol Collective Circulars Nos. 5-6, May - August 1972, report to presidents, candidates for Race Relations Officer, 1973, 6 October 1972.
Presidential Matters (in ed[ucation] files), May 1969 - November 1972 (File) - Box 178 (Sequence 1)
Mixed papers including Presidential Collective Circulars, report from Social Action Conference, May 1969, Resolutions from the Federal Council for the Advancement of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders 12th Annual Conference, April 1969, Extraordinary Resolution and documentation concerning the purchase of a property in Richmond for AUS.
Press Cuttings Service, May 1969 - September 1972 (File) - Box 178 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with press clipping companies, some press clippings.
Social Action (in ed[ucation] files), November 1970 (File) - Box 178 (Sequence 1)
Includes Bulletin of the Pensioners' Little Budget Campaign, 13 November 1970; Agenda for the 8th Meeting of the Committee Against Poverty & Social Injustice; correspondence.
University of Queensland Union, November 1965 - May 1970 (File) - Box 178 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and mixed papers from the UQU to AUS. Also includes Minutes of the 5th Meeting of the 59th Council, 14 May 1970; University of Queensland Union 57th Annual Report 1967-68.
Macquarie, March 1968 - September 1968 (File) - Box 178 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence mainly regarding the Macquarie University Student Representative Association joining NUAUS in July 1968. Also includes a draft constitution of the Students' Council of Macquarie University, no date.
F.C. - Calling of Meeting - and Correspondence RE Meeting, September 1967 - November 1967 (File) - Box 178 (Sequence 1)
Meeting of the Finance Committee 23-24 November, 1967.
Finance Committee - Correspondence (Excl. Chairman), October 1967 - August 1968 (File) - Box 178 (Sequence 1)
Finance (1968), January 1968 - October 1968 (File) - Box 178 (Sequence 1)
Includes reports, financials, correspondence, Finance Committee Minutes.
Minutes of Australian University Students' Executive Meeting August 24th - 27th, 1956, August 1956 (File) - Box 179 (Sequence 1)
Minutes of Australian University Students' Executive Meeting Held at Sydney 12th - 15th August 1955, August 1955 (File) - Box 179 (Sequence 1)
Report of the NUAUS Delegate to the International Conference of National Unions of Students Held in Copenhagen, Denmark 12th January - 17th January 1953, January 1953 (File) - Box 179 (Sequence 1)
Statement of 17th Annual Council Meeting Held at Sydney 8th - 16th February, 1953, February 1953 (File) - Box 179 (Sequence 1)
Minutes of First Meeting of 1949 Executive Held at New England University College 8th February 1949, February 1949 (File) - Box 179 (Sequence 1)
Record of Debate at 13th Annual Council Meeting Held at New England University College Armidale, New South Wales 28th January - 7th February, 1949, February 1949 (File) - Box 179 (Sequence 1)
Minutes of NUAUS Executive Meeting Held at Sydney August 16-17, 1948, August 1948 (File) - Box 179 (Sequence 1)
Minutes of Executive Meeting Held in Sydney Aug. 28th - 30th, 1947, August 1947 (File) - Box 179 (Sequence 1)
Statement of 12th Annual Council Meeting Held at Perth 4th February - 13th February, 1948, February 1948 (File) - Box 179 (Sequence 1)
Report on Accounts and Balance Sheet Presented at the 12th Annual Council Meeting, February 1948 (File) - Box 179 (Sequence 1)
Report of Eighth Council Meeting. University of Melbourne. January 17th - January 22nd, 1944, January 1944 (File) - Box 179 (Sequence 1)
Text of Resolutions of the Executive Meeting Held in Melbourne, June 1st - 4th, 1953, June 1953 (File) - Box 179 (Sequence 1)
Statement of 16th Annual Council Meeting Held at Melbourne 28th January - 5th February, 1952, Feburary 1952 (File) - Box 179 (Sequence 1)
The National Union of Students of England, Wales and Northern Ireland Report on the Edinburgh International Student Conference January 3rd - 8th, 1952, January 1952 (File) - Box 179 (Sequence 1)
Statement of 15th Annual Council Meeting Held at Adelaide 24th January - 4th February, 1951, February 1951 (File) - Box 179 (Sequence 1)
Record of Debate of 14th Annual Council Meeting Held at University of Sydney 26th January - 4th February, 1950, Feburary 1950 (File) - Box 179 (Sequence 1)
14th Annual Council Meeting, Sydney, January-February: 1950, Feburary 1950 (File) - Box 179 (Sequence 1)
Minutes of National Union Executive Meeting Held at Sydney. September 27th, 1946, September 1946 (File) - Box 179 (Sequence 1)
Statement of Annual Council Meeting Held at Brisbane January 28th - February 6th 1946, February 1946 (File) - Box 179 (Sequence 1)
Report of Ninth Annual Council Meeting Held in Adelaide February, 5th - February, 12th 1945, February 1945 (File) - Box 179 (Sequence 1)
Statement of 11th Annual Council Meeting Held at Hobart 13th January - 23rd January, 1947, January 1947 (File) - Box 179 (Sequence 1)
Conference of the Governing Student Bodies of the Six Australian Universities. Proceedings., February 1937 (File) - Box 179 (Sequence 1)
In conjunction with the Australasian Universities' Conference.
Report on the International Camp at Petrie, 8-11th August, 1953, August 1953 (File) - Box 179 (Sequence 1)
Report on the Fourth International Student Conference Held at Istanbul January 1954, January 1954 (File) - Box 179 (Sequence 1)
Minutes of Executive Meeting Held in Melbourne June 1st - 4th 1954, June 1954 (File) - Box 179 (Sequence 1)
Statement of 18th Annual Council Meeting Held at Brisbane 11th - 21st February, 1954, February 1954 (File) - Box 179 (Sequence 1)
Minutes of tenth Annual Conference Between NUAUS and the Universities' Commission, August 1953 (File) - Box 179 (Sequence 1)
Text of Resolutions of June Executive Meeting Held at Melbourne, 1st - 4th June, 1953, June 1953 (File) - Box 179 (Sequence 1)
Documents on 1) Literacy 2) Educ[ation] Research, 1958 - February 1969 (File) - Box 180 (Sequence 1)
Includes Education Research in Australia reports, Commonwealth Office of Education, 1958-63; UNESCO reports on literacy on education. Also includes Australian National University Students Association Education Teach-in 26th April, 1966 Abridged Speeches.
Series. Advocacy: Education, June 1958 - October 1972
Financing of Education, 1962 - 1970 (File) - Box 180 (Sequence 1)
Includes fact sheets, articles, financial statistics, Australian Expenditure on Education, Commonwealth Office of Education, 1962.
1972 Vac[ation] empl[oyment] Survey - Working Papers, March 1972 - July 1972 (File) - Box 180 (Sequence 1)
UNESCO C[ommit[tee] for Youth, 1964 - March 1969 (File) - Box 180 (Sequence 1)
Includes seminar and conference reports, Statues of the International Committee on Youth, 1964.
Documents on Tertiary Students, 1962 - October 1969 (File) - Box 180 (Sequence 1)
Includes reports, survey results, summaries. Subjects include first year students, use of vacations, structure of the university year, failure rates, graduate students.
Student Health, June 1958 - October 1972 (File) - Box 181 (Sequence 1)
Includes university health service annual reports, conference reports & comments, survey results, correspondence relating to student health conference, newsletters. Includes a memorandum to the Australian Vice-Chancellors' Committee comparing health services across Australian universities, October 1968; Report on Some Aspects of University Health Services in the United Kingdom and the United States of America, Australian National University Health Service, June 1967.
Orientation, May 1967 - May 1968 (File) - Box 181 (Sequence 1)
Reports on orientation programs, transition of students to university, documents relating to the Monash Teach-in, 1967, internal NUAUS memoranda from the EVP.
Technical Education and V.A.S.T, April 1966 - June 1967 (File) - Box 181 (Sequence 1)
Mixed file, including minutes of the Victorian Association of Students of Technology (VAST), 16 April 1966, VAST circulars. Also includes correspondence with technical teachers' associations, advocacy material relating to improving technical education and the rights of teachers.
Libraries, April 1971 - September 1971 (File) - Box 181 (Sequence 1)
Library statistics for the Agricultural College Department, South Australia, 1971. Also includes Statement by Minister of approvals given during 1970 and 1971 under section 6 of the Act for Commonwealth Grants in respect of Library materials, April 1971.
Docs on Educ[ation] Planning, May 1966 - September 1968 (File) - Box 181 (Sequence 1)
Documents and bulletins from UNESCO, including Australian National Advisory Committee for UNESCO, International Students Conference (ISC).
Dany Humphries - Correspondence etc from 8th August 1970 to January 14th 1971, December 1969 - January 1971 (File) - Box 181 (Sequence 1)
Daniela Humphries was Education Vice President for this period. File also includes Education Newsletter issues, press releases, circulars, some meeting minutes, reports. Also includes NUAUS publications Beware of the Bond pamphlet, October 1970; Some Aspects of University Teaching & Learning, EVP Tom Roper, December 1969; Abolition of Tertiary Education Fees, Tom Roper, 1970.
Series. Relationships: Student organisations, 1961 - December 1972
Newcastle Uni, 1961 - May 1972 (File) - Box 182 (Sequence 1)
Mixed papers from Newcastle University Students' Association including correspondence, minutes, First Annual Report 1961, University News newsletters.
Newcastle SRC, July 1969 - May 1971 (File) - Box 182 (Sequence 1)
Mixed papers from Newcastle University Students Representative Council including correspondence, minutes, ephemera.
Melbourne Uni, July 1964 - July 1972 (File) - Box 182 (Sequence 1)
Mixed papers from University of Melbourne Students' Representative Council, including correspondence, Council minutes, reports, Financial Statements 31 July 1964. Subjects include anti-apartheid activism and Aboriginal rights.
Tasmania, November 1964 - March 1972 (File) - Box 182 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with the University of Tasmania and Tasmania University Union. Also includes UNISPAC, newsletter of the University of the South Pacific, Vol. 4 Nos. 1-2, 1971.
Sydney Uni SRC, April 1965 - September 1969 (File) - Box 182 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with the Students Representative Council of the University of Sydney.
U.N.E, June 1964 - September 1972 (File) - Box 182 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence eith the Students' Representative Council, University of New England.
C.CAE, September 1970 (File) - Box 182 (Sequence 1)
Single letter from EVP Dany Humphries to Princpal S Richardson, Canberra College of Advanced Studies, 3 September 1970.
A.T.F. Corresp[ondence], January 1969 - November 1970 (File) - Box 182 (Sequence 1)
Single letter from EVP Dany Humphries to President R Pitts, Australian Teachers' Federation, 30 November 1970. Also includes Minutes of 49th Annual Conference of the ATF, 6-9 January 1969 and Resolutions of 1970 ATF Conference, January 1970.
Macquarie, May 1964 - September 1971 (File) - Box 182 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence regarding Macquarie University and student roles in university governance. Correspondants include Macquarie University Council; Students Representative Council, University of Sydney.
La Trobe, December 1963 - October 1972 (File) - Box 182 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, reports regarding La Trobe University, student roles in university governance, university discipline, the location of 'Melbourne's third university', .i. La Trobe University. Includes copies of Bundoora - Ideal Site for Melbourne's Third University, no date (c.1964).
Flinders SRC, April 1968 - July 1972 (File) - Box 182 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with Students' Representative Council, Flinders University of South Australia.
Broken Hill SRC, March 1968 - August 1970 (File) - Box 182 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with Broken Hill Students Union.
Queensland Uni, October 1964 - January 1972 (File) - Box 182 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with the University of Queensland Union (UQU) and university officers.
UNSW S.U.C, October 1968 - October 1972 (File) - Box 182 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with the University of New South Wales Students' Union. Includes pamphlet Duntroon: A Tradition of Torture, September 1969.
A.S.T.A. [Australian Student Teachers' Association], April 1967 - April 1972 (File) - Box 182 (Sequence 1)
Papers relating to the Australian Student Teachers' Association, including correspondence, constitutions (including drafts); reports; policy documents; a summary of the association's first year (1967) and policies for 1968; conference reports & minutes (including the inaugural meeting, May 1967). Some early documents are Australian Student Teachers' Union (ASTU), including a draft constitution (c.April/May 1967). Also includes a report from AUS Education Vice President Elect Andrew Bain on the ASTA 1972 conference, in which he discusses possible future relationships between the AUS and ASTA, January 1972, related correspondence.
Carbon copies of EVP Outgoing Mail, 1971, January 1971 - November 1971 (File) - Box 183 (Sequence 1)
Education Vice President during this period is Ken Newcombe.
QLD [Queensland], March 1968 - September 1968 (File) - Box 183 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with the University of Queensland Union (UQU), including on sending Ian Wilcock as a correspondent to Vietnam. Also includes Minutes of the Eighth and Extraordinary Meetings of the Council of the University of Queensland Union, August 1968. The Council condemned the USSR action in Czeckoslovakia in the Extraordinary Meeting.
Correspondence with AVCC, October 1968 - May 1972 (File) - Box 183 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with the Australian Vice-Chancellors' Committee. Also includes Minutes of the Conference Organising Committee for the Third Australian Universities Conference, 1971.
Aquarius Foundation Board Meeting 25 March 1972, March 1972 (File) - Box 183 (Sequence 1)
Includes minutes of last board meeting, CAO conference, reports from outgoing director Robin Love. Also includes Aquarius Foundation newsletter of 14 March 1972.
Correpsondence with C.C.P.S.O, May 1970 - June 1970 (File) - Box 183 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with the Council of Commonwealth Public Service Organisations relating to secondary school curricula.
Correspondence with Minister of Education, June 1969 - July 1972 (File) - Box 183 (Sequence 1)
Commonwealth Ministers for Education in the period were David Fairbairn, Nigel Bowen, Malcolm Fraser. Includes a document titled "The New Fraser", October 1972.
Correspondence with Department of Education, February 1970 - December 1972 (File) - Box 183 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with Country Party, May 1964 - November 1972 (File) - Box 183 (Sequence 1)
Includes carbon copies of two letters sent to the Country Party.
Tasmanian CAE, June 1971 - July 1972 (File) - Box 183 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with Tasmanian College of Advanced Education. Includes an advertising pamphlet, c.1971.
Townsville U.C., December 1965 - March 1966 (File) - Box 183 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with Townsville University College. Includes Minutes of Ordinary Meeting of the Fourth Union Council of the Townsville University College Union, 5 June 1964.
Series. Advocacy, August 1959 - October 1972
Melbourne University August 1971 Inequalities and Innovations, August 1971 (File) - Box 183 (Sequence 1)
Press releases, reports, circulars, and mixed papers relating to the Inequalities and Innovations Conference, August 1971.
Two Schools Projects, March 1972 - April 1972 (File) - Box 183 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with an honours student in Education about the Two Schools Project.
Employment Services / Appointments Boards, June 1966 - September 1970 (File) - Box 183 (Sequence 1)
Includes Appointment Board Annual Reports from the Universities of Melbourne and Sydney.
"School for Me" Essay Comp[edition], 1970, September 1970 - February 1972 (File) - Box 183 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence about the competition, including copies of letters to the winner and runner-up. Also includes correspondence generally about inequality in education, including a statement on the subject distributed for signature.
Resources C[ommit]tee, January 1971 - April 1972 (File) - Box 183 (Sequence 1)
Includes minutes and correspondence.
Series. Relationships: Student organisations, April 1966 - October 1970
Melb[ourne] SRC, April 1968 - October 1968 (File) - Box 184 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the Melbourne University Students' Representative Council, including a letter from NUAUS asking to rent office space at the Union. Includes NUAUS Standing Committee Meeting Minutes 16 September 1968
Reg[ional] Con[ference], November 1968 - January 1969 (File) - Box 184 (Sequence 1)
Material relating to the New South Wales Universities Regional Conference, 14-15 December 1968. Includes a draft letter to Minister for Education Cutler on student representation in university governance.
NSW[University of New South Wales Students' Union], April 1968 - January 1969 (File) - Box 184 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence from and relating to the University of NSW Students' Union. Includes Minutes of the Eighth Meeting of the XVIth Students' Union Council, 10 December 1968. Also includes copy of letter from Minister for Transport Morris to the Union on the subject of student transport concessions.
RMIT, November 1967 - August 1968 (File) - Box 184 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Students' Representative Council. Includes Minutes of the 8th Ordinary Meeting of the 24th SRC, 09 August 1968.
WA, April 1968 - January 1969 (File) - Box 184 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with and from the Guild of Undergraduates, University of Western Australia.
Newc[astle], March 1968 - December 1968 (File) - Box 184 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with and minutes of the Newcastle Students' Representative Council. Includes the Minutes of the Sixth and Seventh Meetings of the Sixteenth Students' Representative Council, 13 September and 18 October, 1968. Subject of some correspondence relating to funding for education and Abschol Summer School. Also includes A Report on the Aims, Organisation and Activities of Opus Dei Together With a Brief Account of Their Position in Australia at the Present Time, Mark Lyons.
Monash, April 1968 - December 1968 (File) - Box 184 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with Students' Representative Council, Monash University. Subjects include a fund for Vietnamese students to study in Australia, civil rights relating to the 'Mock Crucifixion' incident, the Campaign for University regarding university discipline, Student Biafra Campaign, NUAUS sending Ian Wilcock as a correspondent to Vietnam. Also includes report of the meeting with student delegation from the Visit of Australian Universities Commission, September 1968.
Archives [Documents and correspondence regarding South Africa and other anti-colonial movements], April 1966 - October 1970 (File) - Box 184 (Sequence 1)
Includes reports and correspondence from the National Union of South African Students; reports from the World Assembly for Peace, 21-24 June, 1969; statements from the Secretariat of the International Union of Students [IUS]; correspondence regarding the refusal of a passport to Duncan Innes; transcript of Four Corners interview with Ian Smith of Rhodesia, 07 March 1970.
Series. Administration, November 1967 - 1972
Archives [Notices of motion and mixed papers], c.1972 (File) - Box 184 (Sequence 1)
Includes notices of motion, draft budgets including handwritten notes, draft policies on inequalities, student discipline. Includes motion before AUS Annual Council, February 1972 relating compulsory military service, especially of foreign nationals.
Finance Committee, November 1969 - January 1970 (File) - Box 184 (Sequence 1)
Financials and correspondence, including Financial Statement 1969; Accountants Report, January 1970; 1970 draft budget; handwritten notes. Includes Minutes of the NUAUS Finance Committee, 10-11 December, 1969.
Finance - NUAUS - 1968, November 1967 - January 1968 (File) - Box 184 (Sequence 1)
Financials including draft budget November 1967 - October 1968 ; balance sheet 31 January 1968; statements of income & expenditure; correspondence. Includes Minutes of the Finance Committee Meeting, 23-24 November 1967.
Series. Advocacy, May 1955 - November 1972
General education - documents, May 1955; August 1963-April 1969 (File) - Box 184 (Sequence 1)
Includes reports, articles on primary and secondary education in Australia. Includes A Report of the Conference between University Staff and Queensland Secondary School Principals, 5-6 May 1955. Also includes A Report to the Council of Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology on A Study Tour of United States and Great Britain March-December 1967, April 1969.
1972 Fed[eral] Elections, March 1972 - November 1972 (File) - Box 184 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, lists of motions, handwritten notes, election campaign material, news clippings relating to the 1972 federal elections and the campaign in support of Labor by the Australian Teachers' Federation. Includes Minutes of a Metting of Educational Groups to discuss joint activity during the 1972 Federal Elections, 19 March 1972.
Bonding Publication Orders, March 1965 - October 1972 (File) - Box 184 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and orders relating to brochures and policy documents on education and teacher bonds, including Teacher Training and the Bond. Includes correspondendence more generally on the subject of student bonds, including with individual students and their families affected by the system.
Community Ed[ucatio]n, March 1972 - October 1972 (File) - Box 185 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence regarding community schools, including a news clipping on a community school planned for Collingwood.
Correspondence with FAUSA, May 1964 - September 1972 (File) - Box 185 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with the Federation of Australian University Staff Associations (FAUSA).
Student Services, December 1966 - August 1972 (File) - Box 185 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, reports on student services including health, welfare, counselling services. Includes Student Services Committee, Final Report, September 1967; summary of Students Services Conference, 22-23 July 1971
ASEP, January 1971 - July 1971 (File) - Box 185 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with the Australian Science Education Projects, Hansard excerpts relating to science education. Includes ASEP Newsletter No.3, July 1971.
Petitions on ed[ucation], c.1969; April 1971-May 1972 (File) - Box 185 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence on petitions, including delivery of petitions to government, related Hansard excerpts, news clippings. Includes Supplement to Report on Survey of Returned Graduates in Malaysia and Singapore, 1968-69
National Service & ed[ucation], April 1971 (File) - Box 185 (Sequence 1)
Includes excerpts from Hansard.
OSS [Overseas Student Service], June 1971 - November 1972 (File) - Box 185 (Sequence 1)
Policy summaries, press releases, circulars, conference summaries, correspondence from Overseas Student Service. Includes Minutes of the OSS Executive Meeting, 1-2 July 1972; National OSS News, The Official Newsletter of the National Overseas Student Service Vol. 2 No. 2, July 1971.
Trade unions & ed[ucation], February 1971 - April 1971 (File) - Box 185 (Sequence 1)
A letter each with The Clothing and Allied Trades Union of Australia, Meatworkers Union, Amalgamated Engineering Union. The correspondence with Meatworkers Union includes a short article submitted to their journal. (3 letters)
Sex ed[ucatio]n, c.1969-November 1971 (File) - Box 185 (Sequence 1)
Includes four documents: a letter to the President, Hunters Hill Parents and Citizens Association, 17 November 1971; Sex for Nonsexual Reasons report, Judd Marmor, n.d.; an undated sheet listing Living With Sex sales; School Education in Australia - A Comparison of Girls and Boys report, c. 1969.
Migrant ed[ucation], April 1970 - May 1972 (File) - Box 185 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, Hansard excerpts, news clippings relating to migrant education. Includes speech on Migrant Education by Minister Lynch, 23 April 1970; Migrant Education Programme Progress Report, March 1971; Migrant Education Programme Report for 1970-71, Parliamentary Paper No. 192, October 1971. Also includes agenda for the November Conference, 1972, of the Victorian Federation of State Schools Mothers' Clubs.
Series. Relationships: Student organisations, 1969 - October 1972
Syd[ney] SRC, October 1970 - April 1972 (File) - Box 185 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, news clippings relating to the University of Sydney Students' Representative Council. Includes Minutes of the 1st Meeting of the 44th SRC, 22 October 1971.
1971 May LEWO [Local Education and Welfare Officer] Conf[erence] originals, May 1971 - June 1972 (File) - Box 185 (Sequence 1)
Aug 1971 AUS LEWO [Local Education and Welfare Officer] Conference], June 1971 - September 1971 (File) - Box 185 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, news clippings, conference agenda, typescript talks.Includes Minutes of Education Conference - Seminar, 26-28 May 1971; Minutes of the Education Department's Second Seminar and Policy Conference, 15-18 August 1971.
Preston SRC, January 1971 (File) - Box 185 (Sequence 1)
Single letter to Mr D Duke at the Preston Institute of Technology regarding submissions.
Footscray SRC, February 1971 - March 1971 (File) - Box 185 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with the Footscray Institute of Technology Students' Representative Council. Includes extract from the Victorian Government Gazette, No. 80, 25 September 1968, on the constitition of Council to manage and control the Footscray Institute of Technology.
SAIT Union, 1971; March-April 1972 (File) - Box 185 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with South Australian Institute of Technology Union. Also includes a letter from 7 May 1971 on student financing.
Gordon Inst[itute of Technology], September 1970 - June 1972 (File) - Box 185 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with Students' Representative Council, Gordon Institute of Technology. Also includes first draft submission, Gippsland Institute of Advanced Education Academic Structure and Staffing Policy, 8 September 1970; Gordon Institute of Technology Diploma of General Studies Examination Requirements, 18 February 1971
CCAE SAC, September 1971 - July 1972 (File) - Box 185 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with Canberra College of Advanced Education Students' Association.
Swinburne SRC, May 1971 - July 1972 (File) - Box 185 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with Swinburne College of Technology Student Union, including details on Union activities during 1971. Also includes Submission to the Swinburne College Council on Student Finance and Constitutional Amendments, 9 March 1972.
Series. Advocacy, April 1967 - 1972
Commonwealth Secondary Scholarships, February 1971 - October 1971 (File) - Box 186 (Sequence 1)
Excerpts from Hansard.
Aust[ralian] UNESCO C[ommit]tee for Educ[ation] Reports, April 1967-May 1969; September 1971 (File) - Box 186 (Sequence 1)
Includes meeting minutes, reports. Subjects include 1969-70 budget proposals, summary and structure, including publications, teaching kits, books for young readers. Includes UNESCO Approved Programme and Budget 1967-1968 including Education; Meeting of the Australian Unesco Committee for Education minutes, 28 July 1967, 05 July 1968, 09 May 1969. Also includes 1972 International Book Year newsletter No. 2, September 1971.
Commonwealth Tertiary Scholarships - 1972 Drafts and Originals, 1972 (File) - Box 186 (Sequence 1)
Typescript draft submission, including paste-up contents page and pasted-in typescript edits.
Corresp[ondence] with MPs - general, October 1970; May-July 1971 (File) - Box 186 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence largely acknowledging receipt of circulars or requesting information.
Library corresp[ondence], 19 January 1971 (File) - Box 186 (Sequence 1)
Copy of a single letter to Australian Library Promotion Council requesting AUS be added to the mailing list for Australian Library News, 19 January 1971.
Overseas studes [students] (File) - Box 186 (Sequence 1)
Speeches, news clippings, letters to the editor regarding Asian students, the Colombo Plan, university budgets.
1972 CAE Libraries Campaign, April 1972 - September 1972 (File) - Box 186 (Sequence 1)
Includes the pamphlet The Plight of Libraries in Colleges of Advanced Education, Andrew Bain Education Vice-President, June 1972 as well as related correspondence including orders for copies. Also includes correspondence regarding the campaign to improve CAE libraries, including library statistics from universities and colleges, responses from parliamentarians including the offices of Minister for Education Malcolm Fraser and Member for Freemantle Kim Beazley. Other materials include reports, articles, summaries, press releases, photographs, statistics.
Series. Relationships: Student organisations, June 1964 - October 1972
Possible new members - 1972, January 1972 - September 1972 (File) - Box 186 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with tertiary educations about membership to the AUS. Includes copy of the Student's Representative Council Constitution, School of Mines and Industries, Ballarat with amendment notes; Constitution of the Queensland Institute of Technology's Union.
Secondary ed[ucation], June 1971 - July 1971 (File) - Box 186 (Sequence 1)
Information sheets from Advisory Centre for Education, Cambridge, UK. Also includes news clippings.
1971 Vic[torian] inequalities conf[erence] (org[anised] by AUS), May 1971 (File) - Box 186 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, attendance lists, handwritten and typescript minutes of Inequalities meeting, 5 May 1971, plan of action, press releases.
T + L [Teaching + Learning] Units, October 1968 - October 1972 (File) - Box 186 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, articles, meeting notes, questionnaires, news clippings regarding tertiary teaching, largely with overseas organisations and tertiary institutions. Includes correspondence with Ian Turner of Monash University, 15 July 1970; Minister for Education and Science Malcolm Fraser, 1968-1969. Also includes information newsletters from the University of Melbourne Audio Visual Department on the use of audio carrels and other AV technology for teaching.
Fees & Representation - NUAUS Surveys, June 1964 - February 1971 (File) - Box 186 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence from various university student unions, June 1964. Also includes Hansard excerpts on university admissions, quotes, numbers, February 1971 and February 1972; 1970 report on new admission procedures at Australian National University.
Educat[ional] Research re tertiary students, June 1970 - March 1971 (File) - Box 186 (Sequence 1)
Includes the results of AUS bonding interviews in October-November 1970; draft survey of first-year students' social and economic background, June 1970, along with feedback and related correspondence; pages from University of Sydney News, Vol. 2 No. 8, 29 July 1970.
State Ed[ucational] Planning Bodies, December 1968; October 1970 (File) - Box 186 (Sequence 1)
Letter thanking EVP Tom Roper for a submission from Universities Board, 20 December 1968; correspondence between EVP Daniela Humphries and Vice-Chancellor David Derham of University of Melbourne regarding an unspecified matter, October 1970.
Study Aids, 1962; 1968; 1972 (File) - Box 186 (Sequence 1)
Includes guides on study for tertiary students, c.1962. Also includes copy of letter to National Union of Students of England , Wales and Northern Ireland after their agreement with UK vice-chancellors' committee on student discipline, October 1968; Institut International d'Etudes sur l'Education Bulletin, 22 June 1972.
Supplementary Examinations, July 1966 - August 1966 (File) - Box 186 (Sequence 1)
Includes policy documents and correspondence regarding supplementary examinations from universities.
VicSSO [Victorian Council of School Organisations], March 1970 - August 1972 (File) - Box 186 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, press releases, reports from Victorian Council of School Organisations. Includes Agenda and Reports from Annual Conference 25-27 September 1972.
RSA [Research Students' Association], February 1972 - July 1972 (File) - Box 186 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with Research Students' Association.
Mitchell CAE, August 1971 - July 1972 (File) - Box 186 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with Mitchell College of Advanced Education Students' Representative Council. Also includes Report of the Mitchell College of Advanced Education for 1970, Parliament of NSW, printed 05 August 1971.
Series. Advocacy, 1959 - April 1973
AUS Tertiary Scholarship Submissions, March 1969 - April 1973 (File) - Box 187 (Sequence 1)
Submissions relating to scholarships, student financing,
Australia's International Aid, April 1970 (File) - Box 187 (Sequence 1)
Australia's International Aid, Department of External Affairs, April 1970.
Corresp[ondence] with Fed[eral] & State Ed[ucation] Ministers, March 1964-March 1967; June 1970; July 1972 (File) - Box 187 (Sequence 1)
Transferability, May 1964 (File) - Box 187 (Sequence 1)
Ten copies of a letter sent to university registrars detailing three motions passed by NUAUS regarding transfer of students between universities. The letter requests information from each registrar on the conditions of transfer, particularly for Honours students.
Unions (General), c.1959 (File) - Box 187 (Sequence 1)
Includes surveys on student use of union facilities, 1959 and no date.
Formation of Association of Unions, April 1963 - October 1963 (File) - Box 187 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to setting up an Australian Association of Unions.
1972 Jackson tour, June 1971 - November 1972 (File) - Box 187 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, press releases, financials, news clippings relating to the tour of May 1972 tour of Brian Jackson, director of the Advisory Centre for Education, Cambridge UK. Includes an itinerary with handwritten amendments.
University Research (incl. postgrad), March 1967 - October 1970 (File) - Box 187 (Sequence 1)
File of mixed papers including correspondence, Vice-Chancellor's Reports, Hansard excerpts relating to postgraduate students and university research. Includes Schedule of Postgraduate Scholarships Available for Open Competition Throughout the Australian Universities, Australian Vice-Chancellors' Committee, 30 August 1967; Commonwealth Post-Graduate Awards 1969 from the Australian Vice-Chancellors' Committee Meeting 6/68, 1968.
Quotas, January 1964 - October 1968 (File) - Box 187 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, requests for information and responses, Hansard excerpts, Senate questions relating to university quotas. Includes Report of the Matriculation Committee Meeting No. 3, 1970 on 11 March for The Australian National University Board of the School of General Studies Meeting No.2, 1970.
Series. Relationships: other organisations, April 1961 - August 1972
Graduate Careers Council of Aust[ralia], June 1969 - November 1972 (File) - Box 187 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with and administrative papers of the Graduate Careers Council of Australia. Includes Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Graduate Careers Council of Australia, June 1969; List of Members 197; Minutes of the Third Annual General Meeting, 19 August 1971; Minutes of the First Annual General Meeting, 16 February 1970.
UNESCO - Youth Activity, May 1965 - 1970 (File) - Box 187 (Sequence 1)
UNESCO reports, reports to AUS Council, research proposals, press releases. Includes a planning seminar folder, October 1967.
Corresp[ondence] with VIC [Victoria Institute of Colleges], April 1970 - April 1972 (File) - Box 187 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with the Victoria Institute of Colleges. Also includes Victoria Institute of Colleges News Letter, Vol. 5 No. 1, February 1971.
VSTA [Victorian Secondary Teachers Association], May 1969 - April 1971 (File) - Box 187 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and reports from Victorian Secondary Teachers Association. Includes Staffing Crisis in Victorian State Secondary Schools, March 1966, which seems to have been sent 16 April 1971. Also includes The 1971 VSTA Guide to Victorian State Secondary Schools, published 1970.
Secondary Student Unions, July 1972 - August 1972 (File) - Box 187 (Sequence 1)
Governance documents, proposal for a Learn-in, September 1971, correspondence with the Education Action Group (EAG).
Corresp[ondence] with WA Teachers Union, October 1968 (File) - Box 187 (Sequence 1)
Copy of a single letter to Western Australian Teachers Journal of the subject of scholarship funding and private secondary schools. Attached are pages from the September 1968 issue of the Journal.
VTU [Victorian Teachers Union], April 1961 - November 1971 (File) - Box 187 (Sequence 1)
Includes surveys on school conditions (April 1961, re-sent 1965); correspondence (November 1971); letter from President Clarke of the VTU to General Secretary Dedman of the Technical Teachers' Association of Australia requesting support with a dispute with the Victorian Secondary Teachers Association (VSTA), April 1972.
Series. Advocacy, 1960 - November 1972
1970 LEWO [Local Education and Welfare Officer] Conf[erence] at Monash, February 1970 - May 1970 (File) - Box 187 (Sequence 1)
Agenda, reports, policy papers, completed registration forms, correspondence relating to the Local Education Officers Conference, 20-21 May 1970. Includes NUAUS Education Policy document, February 1970
Uni[versity] Teaching, December 1963 - August 1972 (File) - Box 188 (Sequence 1)
Bulletins, articles, academic papers, blank surveys relating to teaching and learning in university education. A plurality are Macquarie University's Teaching and Learning in the University bulletins.
Teacher Training Courses, 1963 - April 1969 (File) - Box 188 (Sequence 1)
Articles, news clippings, academic papers on tertiary training for teachers. Includes Report on the Bachelor Education Degree to April Conference 1969, National Union of Students, London; Teaching comparative education, from UNESCO's Education Abstracts series, Vol. XV No. 4, 1963.
Teachers, January 1961 - November 1969 (File) - Box 188 (Sequence 1)
Articles, news clippings on teachers, including on salaries, employment of women, teachers from abroad. Includes UNESCO report Access of Women to the Teaching Profession, January 1961; Employment of Teachers from Abroad, Department of Education and Science, Canberra, November 1969; A Statement of Some Needs of Australian Education, Australian Education Council, 1963.
Student Health, 1960 - June 1972 (File) - Box 188 (Sequence 1)
Reports, conference proceedings relating to student health and housing. Includes Proceedings of the British Student Health Officers' Association, Annual Conferences, 1960-1961; Fourteenth Conference, July 1962; Fifteenth Conference, July 1963.
Education Shop, May 1972 - August 1972 (File) - Box 188 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, press releases, progress reports on the Education Shop which began operation 28 August 1972 at Bourkes Shop in Melbourne.
LEWO [Local Education and Welfare Officer] Conf[erence]s pre-1970, July 1968 - April 1970 (File) - Box 188 (Sequence 1)
ABE [Action for Better Education], April 1967 - May 1971 (File) - Box 188 (Sequence 1)
Newsletters, reports, correspondence with Action for Better Education. Includes Report on a Conference to Discuss the Possibility of Co-operation between Action for Better Education and Organisations Listed Below, 19 November 1967; Submission from the Child Welfare Teachers' Association of the NSW Teachers' Federation to the Committee of Inquiry to Report on the Establishing of an Education Commission, December 1967; Representations to The Panel of Inquiry to Report on the Establishing of an Education Commission, NSW Teachers' Federation, no date.
Correspondence with FSAACAE, September 1969 - May 1972 (File) - Box 188 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with Federation of Staff Associations of Australian Colleges of Advanced Education, including some conference agendas.
Schools - General Reports, September 1961 - August 1967 (File) - Box 188 (Sequence 1)
Reports, survey results, ephemera, news clippings relating to secondary education and schools. Includes international material, including Finnish Features No. 15/67, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Helsinki; Primary Considerations: NUS evidence to the Central Advisory Council under the chairmanship of Lady Plowden, National Union of Students of England, Wales & Northern Ireland, no date.
Series. Arts, 1947 - 1972
CAD applications, December 1971 - May 1972 (File) - Box 189 (Sequence 1)
Applications for the position of Director, Cultural Foundation (Aquarius). Also includes news clippings of advertisement, photocopy of draft submission to the Australian Council for the Arts for the salary of Director of the Aquarius Foundation for 1971.
Circular to constit[uen]ts for local CAO's addresses etc 1972 Feb, February 1972 (File) - Box 189 (Sequence 1)
Circular for the information on Cultural Affairs Officers (CAO) authorised by Cultural Affairs Director Carina Hack.
Check list of constit[uen]ts for Carina, March 1972 (File) - Box 189 (Sequence 1)
Cultural Affairs Director Carina Hack
Local CAO's, March 1972 (File) - Box 189 (Sequence 1)
Lists of and contact information for Cultural Affairs Officers. Also includes a 14 March 1972 newsletter from the Aquarius Foundatio.
Aquarius helpers, c.1972 (File) - Box 189 (Sequence 1)
Handwritten note with contact information for two volunteer typists.
Annual Report rubbish, 1971 - 1972 (File) - Box 189 (Sequence 1)
Draft material, including 1971 financial information. Also includes Annual Report of the Aquarius Foundation, 1970.
Training Weekend for Local Contacts, March 1972 (File) - Box 189 (Sequence 1)
Some handwritten notes.
[Newsletters and other material sent to Cultural Affairs Officers], March 1972 - May 1972 (File) - Box 189 (Sequence 1)
Includes Aquarius Foundation newsletter 14 March 1972; Board Meeting Minutes 25-26 March 1972; letter to CAOs and other 'interested people'.
Literary competition -72, November 1971 - April 1972 (File) - Box 189 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and photocopy of advertisment for the Aquarius Literary Competition 1971.
Di Manson (CAO), February 1972 - March 1972 (File) - Box 189 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence from Diana Manson, National Cultural Affairs Officer. Also includes copies of minutes and president reports, circulars.
Aquarius RMIT 1972, 1972 (File) - Box 189 (Sequence 1)
Handwritten notes, phone messages, circular from Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Cultural Affairs Officer Jack Kagan with information on the position.
Uni of New England - local CAO - Vi Tourle, March 1971 - March 1972 (File) - Box 189 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, newsletters to University of New England Cultural Affairs Officer Vi Tourle.
Newcastle University, 1972 (File) - Box 189 (Sequence 1)
Circular from AUS Secretary John Kumm with information on the local Cultural Affairs Officer.
Wollongong University College, 1972 (File) - Box 189 (Sequence 1)
Circular from Student Represenative Council President Michael Ross with information on the local Cultural Affairs Officer.
Mitchell College of Advanced Education (Bathurst), March 1972 - April 1972 (File) - Box 189 (Sequence 1)
Circular from AUS Secretary Kim Bowen with information on the local Cultural Affairs Officer. Also includes correspondence.
Melbourne University, 1972 (File) - Box 189 (Sequence 1)
Circular from Local AUS Secretary Jan Palmer with information on the position of Cultural Affairs Officer.
Monash University, March 1972 (File) - Box 189 (Sequence 1)
Circular from Cultural Affairs Officer Mike Emery with information on the position, as well as handwritten amendments in a different hand, dated 15 March 1972.
La Trobe University, c.1972 (File) - Box 189 (Sequence 1)
Circular with information on local Cultural Affairs Officer T Monagle.
Footscray Institute of Technology, c.1972 (File) - Box 189 (Sequence 1)
Circular from Student Represenative Council President Graeye Bruce with information on the local Cultural Affairs Officer.
Macquarie Union 1972, October 1971 (File) - Box 189 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence from and notes relating to Macquarie University Union relating to the Aquarius Foundation.
Sydney University, c.1972 (File) - Box 189 (Sequence 1)
Circular with information on local Cultural Affairs Officer Alan Lowery.
Uni of NSW personnel / Dick Isaacs + Student Union, 1972 (File) - Box 189 (Sequence 1)
Also includes some correspondence and Music of the Masters, a pamphlet from Orientation Week 1972.
University of Tasmania, c.1972 (File) - Box 189 (Sequence 1)
Circular with information on local Cultural Affairs Officer PM Lane.
WAIT [Western Australian Institute of Technology], April 1972 (File) - Box 189 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circular with information on local Cultural Affairs Officer.
Swinburne College of Technology (Hawthorn), c.1972 (File) - Box 189 (Sequence 1)
Circular with information on local Cultural Affairs Officer Lyn James. Also includes some correspondence.
Bendigo Institute of Advanced Education, c.1972 (File) - Box 189 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circular with information on local Cultural Affairs Officer Ken Trahair.
Gordon Institute of Technology, c.1972 (File) - Box 189 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circular with information on local Cultural Affairs Officer Graeme Cook.
Nati[ona]l Gallery Art School 1971 (local CAO), c.1972 (File) - Box 189 (Sequence 1)
Circular with information on local Cultural Affairs Officer Kristin Nicholls.
ANU [Australian National University], March 1972 - April 1972 (File) - Box 189 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circular with information on local Cultural Affairs Officer Julie Clabburn. Also includes list of ANU Students' Representative Council officers.
Canberra College of Advanced Education, March 1972 (File) - Box 189 (Sequence 1)
Letter in response to circular stating a lack of a Cultural Affairs Officer, sent by AUS Secretary Kerrie O'Neill.
University of Queensland, c.1972 (File) - Box 189 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circular with information on local Cultural Affairs Officer Charles Ware.
Uni of Townsville 1972 (James Cook), March 1972 - April 1972 (File) - Box 189 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circular with information on local Cultural Affairs Officer Bruce James.
University of Adelaide, c.1972 (File) - Box 189 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and circular with information on local Cultural Affairs Officer Marietta Higgs.
SAIT [South Australian Institute of Technology], January 1972 - April 1972 (File) - Box 189 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with and circular on local Cultural Affairs Officers Phillip Stevens and later Wendy Leach.
History of Aquarius, April 1970 - March 1972 (File) - Box 189 (Sequence 1)
A short history of the Aquarius Foundation, prepared by Robin Love, March 1972. Includes a circular by Love, 07 April 1970.
Aquarius Posters 1971, c.1972 (File) - Box 189 (Sequence 1)
Includes posters for Spectrum, Recital & Talk by Zvi Zeitlin; Yellow Magazine pre-release poster.
[1972 Cultural Activities Officers Conference papers], 1972 (File) - Box 189 (Sequence 1)
Includes Presidential Collective Circulars Nos. 5-6; reports; policy motions; Report of the Aquarius Board to Annual Concil, 1972; Minutes of First Aquarius Board Meeting 25-26 March 1972.
Notes made at CAO conf[erence] + AUS Council 72 Feb, December 1971 - February 1972 (File) - Box 189 (Sequence 1)
Includes Minutes of the 1972 CAO [Cultural Activities Officers] Conference, 29-30 January 1972; Minutes of the Aquarius Board Meeting 4-5 December 1971; Report of the Aquarius Board to Annual Council 1975; Culture Commission Motions; handwritten notes; other reports.
Board 1972, March 1972 - May 1972 (File) - Box 189 (Sequence 1)
Includes memos, minutes, financials, reports, notes. Includes Minutes of the First and Second Aquarius Board Meeting 1972; Statement of Income and Expenditute to February 29, 1972.
Aquarius Board [Meeting] - 25/3/72, March 1972 - May 1972 (File) - Box 189 (Sequence 1)
Handwritten note on file declares this includes a complete set of papers given to the board as well as minutes of Second Board Meeting, 1972.
Groucho Marx Festival, 1972 (File) - Box 189 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the Groucho Marx Festival.
Aquarius - ads for secretary, March 1972 (File) - Box 189 (Sequence 1)
Includes advertising material, including news clipping advertising for the 'Girl Friday'; 'very interesting work but wages not wonderful'. Also includes phone messages and handwritten notes from interviews.
Aquarius Minutes - 1969, 1970, July 1969 - September 1970 (File) - Box 189 (Sequence 1)
Includes Minutes of Meeting of the Apollo Foundation Feasibility Study Group (the Apollo Foundation being the planned Foundation for the subsidy of Australian Universities cultural activities), 12-13 July 1969. Also includes draft constitution, July 1969.
Lit[erary] Comp[etition] 1971, June 1971 - October 1971 (File) - Box 189 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, rules of entry, lists of winners. Some correspondence refers to intellectual property rights. This file does not include any of the entries.
Lit[erary] Comp[etition] 1970, 71, April 1970 - March 1971 (File) - Box 189 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, rules of entry, lists of winners. This file does not include any of the entries.
Aquarius - Yellow May ed[ition] 1972, August 1970 - August 1972 (File) - Box 189 (Sequence 1)
Handwritten notes, correspondence. Also includes two issues of Yellow Magazine, Nos. 1-2, August 1970 and May 1971.
Yellow Bag Mag - Orientation Ha Ha, July 1971 - January 1972 (File) - Box 189 (Sequence 1)
Relating to the release of a 'Yellow Bag' for Orientation Week, 1972. This followed the cancellation of Yellow Magazine. Material includes handwritten notes, correspondence, production quotes, distribution lists and subscription numbers.
CAD Fundraising Acknowledgements 1970 + 1971, January 1970 - June 1970 (File) - Box 189 (Sequence 1)
Also includes Aquarius Foundation Trust Account bank statement, 06 March 1970.
Fundraising 1972, 1972 (File) - Box 189 (Sequence 1)
Includes lists of corporations, points of contact, and the result of fundraising requests.
Race Relations, February 1955 - August 1960 (File) - Box 190 (Sequence 1)
Council meeting statements, reports, ephemera relating to Aboriginal Scholarship Appeal and similar activities. Includes Statement of 19th Annual Council Meetng, 07-18 February 1955, 21st Annual Council Meeting, 11-21 January 1957; Aboriginal Scholarship Reports; Reports of NUAUS Standing Committee for the Scholarships for Aborigines Appeal; Aboriginal Scholarships National Conference, August 1960; fundraising pamphlets titled Aboriginal Scholarship Scheme and Aboriginal Scholarships Committee, c. 1960; Aboriginal Scholarships Newsletter, May 1959.
[Reports and other papers relating to the 21st Intervarsity Choral Festival, 17-31 May 1970], March 1970 - July 1970 (File) - Box 190 (Sequence 1)
Includes Festival Timeline Book, including handwritten notes, newsletters, reports of social subcommittee. Also includes programme, examples of tickets.
[Correspondence relating to the 21st Intervarsity Choral Festival, 17-31 May 1970], January 1969 - May 1970 (File) - Box 190 (Sequence 1)
Includes letter requesting Sir Robert Menzies and Reverend Dr Frank Woods be the Co-Patrons of the festival, February 1969.
Twenty-first Intervarsity Choral Festival Minutes, January 1969 - May 1970 (File) - Box 190 (Sequence 1)
21st Intervarsity Choral Festival, held 17-31 May 1970.
21st IV [Intervarsity] Festival invoice book, April 1969 - October 1970 (File) - Box 190 (Sequence 1)
Includes cheques and bank slips.
[Financial papers relating to the 21st Intervarsity Choral Festival, 17-31 May 1970], June 1969 - July 1970 (File) - Box 190 (Sequence 1)
Includes Festival Budget report, 10 April 1970; two spiral-bound ledgers with hand-written entries.
Report of the Publicity Sub Committee 21st Intervarsity Choral Festival, 1970 (File) - Box 190 (Sequence 1)
[Correspondence relating to the Publicity Subcommittee of the 21st Intervarsity Choral Festival], January 1970 - May 1970 (File) - Box 190 (Sequence 1)
Includes reports of the Subcommittee, news clippings.
[Reports relating to the 21st Intervarsity Choral Festival, 17-31 May 1970], January 1970 - May 1970 (File) - Box 190 (Sequence 1)
Includes Accommodation and Billetting Committee report, May 1970; Convenor's Reports; Social Subcommittee Report; Transport Report; Secretary's Report, 28 July 1970; Newsletter No.1, 19 January 1970; Concert Management Subcommittee.
1969 Adelaide Choral Festival Reports (File) - Box 190 (Sequence 1)
20th Intervarsity Choral Festival, held May 1969, Adelaide. Includes Statement of Income and Expenditure; Convenor's Report; Publicity Report; Report of the 20th Intervarsity Choral Festival Camp, 26-31 May 1969; Billetting Officer's Report; Recordings Report; Report of the Concert Manager; Secretary Report.
Supplementary Mailing List (Campus Circuit) & Campus Circuit Mailing List, March 1972 (File) - Box 191 (Sequence 1)
General AUS - Aquarius, May 1972 - June 1972 (File) - Box 191 (Sequence 1)
Includes circulars, balance sheets, reports, AUS Executive Committee Minutes. Includes material relating to the NUAUS Aboriginal Scholarship Scheme, Abschol. Also includes list of motions from AUS-Papua New Guinea Conference, Easter 1972.
1972 Orientation Week Directors - Correspondence, December 1971 - January 1972 (File) - Box 191 (Sequence 1)
Campus Circuit Organisation (General), March 1969 - January 1972 (File) - Box 191 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to Campus Circuit organisation, November 1971 - 1972. Also includes ephemera and news clippings relating to cultural events.
F Normal Tour, February 1972 (File) - Box 191 (Sequence 1)
Includes handwritten notes and financials. Also includes programme release for Fourth International Congress on Human Relations.
New Zealand Universities Arts Council, March 1972 - May 1972 (File) - Box 191 (Sequence 1)
Newsletters from the New Zealand Universities Art Council and correspondence between NZUAC and Aquarius Foundation.
Aquarius - John Mayall, January 1972 - March 1972 (File) - Box 191 (Sequence 1)
Poster, news clippings, correspondence, ephemera, handwritten notes relating to John Mayall's Australian tour, March 1972.
NZ Universities Arts Festival 1972, November 1971 - February 1972 (File) - Box 191 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence.
[Resignation letters of Aquarius Director and Campus Tours Manager], January 1972 - May 1972 (File) - Box 191 (Sequence 1)
Resignation letters of Aquarius Director and Campus Tours Manager, including detailed analysis of Aquarius. Also includes photocopies of correspondence with debtors and newsletters from March and May 1972, discussing the appointment of the Director and Campus Tours Manager and their resignation, respectively.
Minnie's Boys, 1972 (File) - Box 191 (Sequence 1)
Handwritten notes relating to a production of Minnie's Boys, including a handwritten draft of a press release and financial information.
Sergio & Eduardo Abrewu (Amadeo Saunders), February 1972 - March 1972 (File) - Box 191 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence regarding a possible tour by Sergio and Eduardo Abreu.
Shepherd Tour (File) - Box 191 (Sequence 1)
Remittances, correspondence, handwritten notes, poster relating a campus tour of the band Shepherd.
Circulars & General Promotions / Agents etc, 1972 (File) - Box 191 (Sequence 1)
Handwritten and typescript lists of agents and contact information.
Paul Dainty 1972, November 1971 - December 1971 (File) - Box 191 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with The Paul Dainty Organisation.
APG a stretch of the imagination (+ other APG projects), March 1972 (File) - Box 191 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, poster, production information sheets relating to Australian Performing Group (APG) presenting Peter Cummins in "A Stretch of the Imagination".
Austr[alian] Theatre for Yong People - based on The Old Tote, 25 November 1971 (File) - Box 191 (Sequence 1)
Youth Activities, 1972 information sheet from The Old Tote.
Papua NG - Drama Gr[ou]p, February 1972 - March 1972 (File) - Box 191 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with the University of Papua New Guinea Drama & Arts Society.
Flinders Uni Drama Gr[ou]p, March 1972 (File) - Box 191 (Sequence 1)
Telegram and two handwritten notes.
Prospect Theatre Co, c. 1972 (File) - Box 191 (Sequence 1)
Handwritten note proposing performances on Aquarius Campus Tours stationary.
Nindethana Theatre April 72, March 1972 - April 1972 (File) - Box 191 (Sequence 1)
Includes poster, souvenir program, both for 'Jack Charles is Up and Fighting'. Also includes handwritten notes, some of which are on promotional material for 'Jack Charles'.
The Players Caravan, December 1971 - March 1972 (File) - Box 191 (Sequence 1)
Press releases, circulars, ephemera including pamphlets and posters, correspondence for The Players' Caravan tour, March 1972.
Caravina Spanish Dance Co, 19 March 1972 (File) - Box 191 (Sequence 1)
Single letter from Paul Paech regarding a campus tour of a troupe of Spanish Dancers.
Ms Ortega (Spanish Dance Co), March 1972 (File) - Box 191 (Sequence 1)
Handwritten note proposing tour of a Spanish Dance group on Aquarius Campus Tours stationary, phone message note.
Jeanie Lewis, January 1972 (File) - Box 191 (Sequence 1)
Handwritten notes relating to Jeanie Lewis, poster for Dr Alice's Magical Night of Mysteries, January 22 [1972].
Austr[alian] Dance Theatre 1972 (Liz Dalmen), February 1972 - April 1972 (File) - Box 191 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with the Australian Dance Theatre.
Disney on Parade, March 1972 (File) - Box 191 (Sequence 1)
Handwritten note proposing campus performances by Disney on Parade in NSW and Queensland. Note on Aquarius Campus Tours stationary.
Helen Reddy - 72, 10 January 1971 (File) - Box 191 (Sequence 1)
Copy of a letter to Helen Reddy regarding campus tours.
Ocean - Nova, March 1972 (File) - Box 191 (Sequence 1)
Copy of a letter to Nova regarding the band Ocean, 22 March 1972. Also includes an information packet on Ocean, including photocopied news clippings, a press release, black and white photograph.
Hamilton County Blue Grass, March 1972 (File) - Box 191 (Sequence 1)
Invoice for performance of Hamilton County Blue Grass band at Glenn College, promotional material, correspondence, handwritten notes.
Billy Thorpe & the Aztecs, March 1972 - April 1972 (File) - Box 191 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and administrative papers relating to the 1972 campus tour of Billy Thorpe & the Aztecs. Includes itineraries and schedules, discussion of financials, instructions to local organisers, ephemera including posters and flyers. Also includes two black and white photographs.
fusion 72 (Wollongong Festival), 01 March 1972 (File) - Box 191 (Sequence 1)
Letter from fusion 72 director David Humphries to the Aquarius Director regarding the fusion 72 festival to be held at Wollongong in spring 1972.
Toowoomba Gemini Arts Festival, February 1972 - March 1972 (File) - Box 191 (Sequence 1)
Letter from Peter Rowland of the Toowoomba Gemini Arts Festival and copy of reply from John Finder, Aquarius Campus Circruit Manager.
Moomba '72 (General), 03 March 1972 (File) - Box 191 (Sequence 1)
Programme of Events and Festival of Dance booklets from the 18th Moomba Festival of Fun and the Arts, Melbourne, 3-13 March 1972.
Crawford Productions 1972, January 1972 (File) - Box 191 (Sequence 1)
Letter from Crawford Theatre Productions in response to a query (copy included) John Finder, Aquarius Campus Circruit Manager.
Crown International Productions - English Agens 1972, October 1971 (File) - Box 191 (Sequence 1)
Letter from Crown International Productions Limited to Director Robin Love of Aquarius regarding artists touring Australia. Rolling Stones and Joe Cocker are mentioned.
Williamson Edgeley Theatres 1972, January 1972 (File) - Box 191 (Sequence 1)
Letter from Williamson Edgeley Theatres in response to a query (copy included) John Finder, Aquarius Campus Circruit Manager.
Aquarius - Discurio (Peter & Ruth Mann), 1972 (File) - Box 191 (Sequence 1)
Handwritten notes and card from Discurio.
Clifford Hocking, February 1972 (File) - Box 191 (Sequence 1)
Information sheets on John Dankworth and Cleo Lane from Clifford Hocking.
Kim Bonython 1972, December 1971 (File) - Box 191 (Sequence 1)
Letter from Kim Bonython regarding the possibility of Daphne Hellman touring and a copy of Director Robin Love's response. Also includes some ephemera relating to the Daphne Hellman Trio.
Aquarius 1972 Greg Young, February 1972 (File) - Box 191 (Sequence 1)
Handwritten notes on Greg Young written on the back of a prgogramme for the Claremont Theatre Centre. Folder also contains Carina Hack's resume and a black and white photograph.
Peter Cook + Dudley Moore film '72 (File) - Box 191 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, internal memoranda, handwritten notes, two black and white photographs.
Anita Ortega, c. 1972 (File) - Box 191 (Sequence 1)
Envelope containing programme for Anita Ortena and Los Gitanos flamenco recital and two black and white photographs of the performance.
Ginsberg / Ferlinghetti - 71-72, September 1970 - February 1972 (File) - Box 191 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, including with Adelaide Festival of Arts, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, budget and other costs analyses, handwritten notes, ephemera relating to the cancelled campus tour of Allen Ginsberg and Lawrence Ferlinghetti. Ephemera includes leaflets, posters.
Series. Administration, 1937 - 1965
Third Annual Conference at Hobart, January 1940, 1940 (File) - Box 192 (Sequence 1)
Black and white photograph at the 3rd Annual Conference, 1948. Includes handwritten caption naming all figures.
3rd Annual Conference, Hobart 22-26 Jan. 1940, 1940 (File) - Box 192 (Sequence 1)
Black and white photograph at the 3rd Annual Conference, 1948. In place of a caption, includes autographs of figures.
Delegates and Observers at 12th. Council Meeting, Perth, February 1948, 1948 (File) - Box 192 (Sequence 1)
Black and white photograph of delegates at the 12th Council Meeting, 1948. Includes caption naming all figures.
15th Annual Council Meeting, Adelaide, 1951, 1951 (File) - Box 192 (Sequence 1)
Black and white photograph at the NUAUS 15th Annual Council Meeting, 1951. Includes caption naming all figures.
17th Annual Council, Sydney 1953, 1953 (File) - Box 192 (Sequence 1)
Black and white photograph at the NUAUS 17th Annual Council, 1953. Includes caption naming all figures.
18th Annual Council, Brisbane, 1954, 1954 (File) - Box 192 (Sequence 1)
Black and white photograph at the NUAUS 18th Annual Council, 1954. Includes caption naming all figures.
19th Annual Council Meeting, Hobart 1955, 1955 (File) - Box 192 (Sequence 1)
Black and white photograph at the NUAUS 19th Council Meeting, 1955. Includes caption naming all figures.
20th Annual Council meeting, Adelaide, 1956, 1956 (File) - Box 192 (Sequence 1)
Black and white photograph at the NUAUS 20th Annual Council Meeting, 1956. Includes caption naming all figures.
Two photographs of the May/June Executive Meeting 1959, May/June 1959 (File) - Box 192 (Sequence 1)
One photo depicts General Secretary Jean Quinn, Public Relations Officer Joan Sawyers, Travel Director George Hicks, Kwa Khan Tuan (Indonesia) and Charles Coppell (Melbourne).
One photo depicts: General Secretary Jean Quinn, Frank Lou (Sydney), Faculty Bursary Director Jan Ernest, Peter Fischer (NSW), Kwa Khan Tuan (Indonesia), Public Relations Officer Joan Sawyers, Travel Director George Hicks, Neil Batt (Tasmania), Kim Menddue (Tasmania), Geoff Webb (Melbourne) and Charles Coppell (Melbourne).
NUAUS August Council - 1968, August 1968 (File) - Box 192 (Sequence 1)
Black and white photograph of the NUAUS August Council, 1968. Includes caption naming all figures.
1st ARCS Kuala Lumpur 1960, 1960 (File) - Box 192 (Sequence 1)
Two black and white photographs. One is labelled on reverse: 1st ARCS Kuala Lumpur 1960.
[13th Annual Council Meeting, Armidale, February 1949], 1948 (File) - Box 192 (Sequence 1)
Black and white photograph of a group of people. Handwritten note on reverse reads: Armidale.
National Student Conference, Adelaide - February 1937, 1937 (File) - Box 192 (Sequence 1)
Black and white photograph at the National Student Conference, 1937. Caption lists MF Bonnin (Adelaide), LF Crisp (Adelaide), Helen Wighton (Adelaide), CH Parker (Queensland), FW Coaldrake (Queensland), D Henderson (Western Australia), Professor Paton (Melbourne), RM Wall (Melbourne), AG Crawford (Sydney), Dr RRP Barbour (Adelaide), Dr Bryden, K Ellis (Sydney), L Philpott (Sydney), JE Liston (Melbourne), K Hamilton, H Gilchrist (Sydney), WD Allen (Adelaide), RW WIlmot (Melbourne), D Gee (Tasmania).
24th Annual Council Meeting, Hobart, February 1960, 1960 (File) - Box 192 (Sequence 1)
Black and white photograph at the NUAUS Annual Council Meeting, 1960. Includes caption naming all figures.
August Council Meeting, Melbourne, August, 1961, August 1961 (File) - Box 192 (Sequence 1)
Black and white photograph at the NUAUS August Council Meeting, 1961. Includes caption naming all figures.
26th Annual Council Meeting, Melbourne, February, 1962, February 1962 (File) - Box 192 (Sequence 1)
Black and white photograph at the NUAUS Annual Council, 1962. Includes caption naming all figures.
August Council Meeting - Melbourne, 1962, August 1962 (File) - Box 192 (Sequence 1)
Black and white photograph at the NUAUS August Council Meeting, 1962. Includes caption naming all figures.
August Council Meeting - Melbourne, 1964, August 1964 (File) - Box 192 (Sequence 1)
Black and white photograph at the NUAUS August Council Meeting, 1964. Includes caption naming all figures.
26th Annual Council Meeting - Perth, 1965, 1965 (File) - Box 192 (Sequence 1)
Black and white photograph at the NUAUS Annual Council Meeting, 1965. Includes caption naming all figures.
August Council Meeting - Melbourne, 1963, August 1963 (File) - Box 192 (Sequence 1)
Black and white photograph at the NUAUS August Council Meeting, 1963. Includes caption naming all figures.
26th Annual Council - Monash University, February, 1964, February 1964 (File) - Box 192 (Sequence 1)
Black and white photograph at the NUAUS Annual Council Meeting, 1964. Includes caption naming all figures.
16th Annual Council Meeting, Melbourne, 1952, 1952 (File) - Box 193 (Sequence 1)
Framed black and white photograph at the NUAUS 16th Annual Council Meeting, 1952. Includes caption naming all figures.
Series. Publications, August 1944 - October 1971
The Australasian Manufacturer Industrial Annual, 30 August 1944, August 1944 (File) - Box 194 (Sequence 1)
Some pages stamped "Arthur A. Calwell." Pages 60-61 bookmarked with a piece of paper reading "Your Article". The article in question is "The Department of Information - Its Record and Task," by Minister for Information A.A. Calwell.
The Australasian Manufacturer Industrial Annual, 1 November 1945, November 1945 (File) - Box 194 (Sequence 1)
Some pages stamped "Arthur A. Calwell."
Series. Advocacy, October 1948 - September 1972
EVP Activities 1969, March 1969 - December 1969 (File) - Box 195 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, news clippings, fact sheets relating to the programs and activities of Education Vice President Tom Roper, particularly the inequalities in education campaign. Correspondants include school organisations, members of parliament. Also includes an education policy speech by Deputy Prime Minister John McEwen, 9 October 1969, script for ABC radio documentary "In Depth", 2 October 1969.
General Educ[ation] Documents, December 1965 - February 1968 (File) - Box 195 (Sequence 1)
Includes mixed printed material relating to education, primary, secondary, and tertiary. Includes news clippings, seminar and journal papers, reports, pamphlets, survey results.
Educ[ation] Planning, June 1972 - September 1972 (File) - Box 195 (Sequence 1)
Includes copies of letters from Education Vice President Andrew Bain requesting copies of reports from various parties.
EVP Activities 1970, April 1970 - December 1970 (File) - Box 195 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, internal memoranda, circulars, meeting minutes, news clippings, ephemera relating to the programs and activities of Education Vice President Daniela Humphries. Campaigns include inequalities in education, anti-conscription. Includes 'Remove Bolt / Revive Education' stickers, Speakers' Notes for Quality Education, New Zealand Combined Educational Association, August 1969.
ACSPA Corresp[ondence], 1968 - December 1970 (File) - Box 195 (Sequence 1)
Includes Memorandum of Conference Decisions, Australian Council of Salaried and Professional Associations (ACSPA) 1968 National Conference; ACSPA news sheets, April-May 1970; pamphlet describing the ACSPA. Also includes letters to AUS, June, December 1970.
ACTU Corresp[ondence], February 1970 - June 1971 (File) - Box 195 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence sent to trade unions and the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU), including one addressed to Mr. Bob Hawke. Also includes a 1970 draft submission to the ACTU on educational inequalities, Minutes of A Meeting on Educational Inequality held in the ACTU Board Room, 28 October 1970.
AFUG Aust[ralian] Fed[eratio]n of Uni[versity] Graduates, November 1966 - January 1972 (File) - Box 195 (Sequence 1)
Conference and Annual Meeting Minutes, January 1968 - January 1972 (incomplete) from the Australian Federation of University Graduates and later the Australian University Graduate Conference. Also includes correspondence.
Inequalities Campaign - petition, September 1969 - May 1970 (File) - Box 195 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, internal memoranda, Hansard excerpts relating to the petition present to parliament as part of the Campaign Against Inequalities in Education.
Series. Administration, July 1957 - May 1971
August 1969 - Attendance, August 1969 (File) - Box 196 (Sequence 1)
Includes telegrams and constituent forms notifying of their delegates to the August Council 1969. Also receipts from the Prince of Wales Hotel.
Exec[utive] Minutes - In Camera, October 1966 - February 1970 (File) - Box 196 (Sequence 1)
Includes circulars, minutes, internal memoranda.
[Motel pamphlets], c. 1969 (File) - Box 196 (Sequence 1)
Includes pamphlets from Motel Palm Lake, Palm Lake Motor Inn, Koala Motels.
Exec[utive] Correspondence, November 1965 - April 1969 (File) - Box 196 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, telegrams, internal memoranda. Also includes Report to the Executive on Sundry Meetings at the Expense of Various Departments of the Commonwealth Government, n.d.
[Correspondence and promotional material for accomodation], January 1969 - December 1969 (File) - Box 196 (Sequence 1)
Includes Melbourne Convention Guide. Also includes handwritten tables listing college accomodation options.
C'tee of Seven, 21 October 1969 (File) - Box 196 (Sequence 1)
Single letter from Gregor G Macaulay, president-elect of the Committee of seven, 21 October 1969.
National U - Correspondence, March 1969 - December 1969 (File) - Box 196 (Sequence 1)
Also includes circulars, internal memoranda. Includes circular on the board's recommendation of Peter O'Brien as Editor, November 1969.
A. Denis, December 1969 - January 1970 (File) - Box 196 (Sequence 1)
Letters sent by Alan David as Editor of National U. Also includes circular with the vote results appointing him Editor, December 1969.
National U - Misc (incl. Mailing List), March 1967 - July 1969 (File) - Box 196 (Sequence 1)
Includes advertising schedules, distribution lists.
Publication Officer, July 1968 - August 1969 (File) - Box 196 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, handwritten notes. Also includes Publication Officers' Report to the August Council 1969.
Press Consortium, December 1968 (File) - Box 196 (Sequence 1)
Paper, financials, handwritten remarks on a proposal that the three Victorian universities, NUAUS and RMIT form a joint student press consortium.
1968 [National] U Editor - Appointment / Editorial Board, November 1967 - June 1969 (File) - Box 196 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, circulars, minutes of the editorial board. Subjects include commissioning work, essay competition. Also includes applications for the position of Editor, resumes, notes on applicant interviews.
Circular with the Minutes of the AUS Executive Meeting, 20-21 March 1971, 20-21 March 1971 (File) - Box 196 (Sequence 1)
Report of the Chairman of the Friendly Society Board to the 1970 Half Yearly Meeting, 1970 (File) - Box 196 (Sequence 1)
Commonwealth Trading Bank - Errol St., Nth Melbourne, April 1969 - December 1970 (File) - Box 196 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with Commonwealth Bank regarding NUAUS and later AUS acccounts.
[Commonwealth Trading Bank - Collins St, Melbourne], August 1969; March 1970 (File) - Box 196 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with Commonwealth Bank regarding closure of the account at Collins Street and moving the funds to another account.
Travel (File) - Box 196 (Sequence 1)
Handwritten notes and financials. Also includes policy for NUAUS Travel Department, formulated March 1970.
[Accounts for AUS Conference, held April 1971], April 1971 - June 1971 (File) - Box 196 (Sequence 1)
Includes receipts, correspondence, requests for payment.
[Conference registrations, Annual Council, February 1971], January 1971 - May 1971 (File) - Box 196 (Sequence 1)
Also includes details of charges and receipts from Kensington Colleges.
[Financials], February 1965 - January 1968 (File) - Box 196 (Sequence 1)
Includes Income and Expenditure reports from Fitzgerald Gunn & Partners, 29 February 1965, 8 February 1966, 2 February 1967, 22 January 1968. Also includes lists of creditors, ad hoc expenditure tables, handwritten adjustments, carbon copies of receipts.
Balance Sheet and Statements of Account, 31 December 1964, January 1965 (File) - Box 196 (Sequence 1)
Authored by Fitzgerald Gunn & Partners.
Balance Sheet and Statements of Account, 31 December 1964, January 1965 (File) - Box 196 (Sequence 1)
Authored by Fitzgerald Gunn & Partners.
Balance Sheet and Statements of Account, 31 December 1964, January 1965 (File) - Box 196 (Sequence 1)
Authored by Fitzgerald Gunn & Partners.
Balance Sheet and Statements of Account, 31 December 1964, January 1965 (File) - Box 196 (Sequence 1)
Authored by Fitzgerald Gunn & Partners.
[Audit for eight months ending 31 August 1964], October 1964 (File) - Box 196 (Sequence 1)
Audit results, statement of income and expenditures for eight months ending 31 August 1964, Fitzgerald Gunn & Partners.
Balance Sheet and Statements of Account, 31 December 1963, February 1964 (File) - Box 196 (Sequence 1)
Authored by Fitzgerald Gunn & Partners.
Balance Sheet and Statements of Account, Eight Months Ended 31 August 1964, October 1964 (File) - Box 196 (Sequence 1)
Authored by Fitzgerald Gunn & Partners.
Balance Sheet and Statements of Account, Eight Months Ended 31 August 1964, October 1964 (File) - Box 196 (Sequence 1)
Authored by Fitzgerald Gunn & Partners.
Balance Sheet and Statements of Account, 31 December 1962, February 1963 (File) - Box 196 (Sequence 1)
Authored by Fitzgerald Gunn & Partners.
Balance Sheet and Statements of Account, 31 December 1962, February 1963 (File) - Box 196 (Sequence 1)
Authored by Fitzgerald Gunn & Partners.
Balance Sheet and Statements of Account, 31 December 1961, February 1962 (File) - Box 196 (Sequence 1)
Authored by Fitzgerald Gunn & Partners.
Balance Sheet and Accounts, November 1960, February 1961 (File) - Box 196 (Sequence 1)
Authored by CJ Cutcher & Neale.
30 November 1959 Balance Sheet and Accounts with Report Thereon, 29 January 1960 (File) - Box 196 (Sequence 1)
Authored by Flack & Flack and Price Waterhouse & Co.
30 November 1958 Balance Sheet and Accounts with Report Thereon, 5 January 1959 (File) - Box 196 (Sequence 1)
Authored by Flack & Flack and Price Waterhouse & Co.
30 November 1958 Balance Sheet and Accounts with Report Thereon, 5 January 1959 (File) - Box 196 (Sequence 1)
Authored by Flack & Flack and Price Waterhouse & Co.
Report on books and accounts for year ended 31 December 1957, 17 January 1958 (File) - Box 196 (Sequence 1)
Authored by Flack & Flack and Price Waterhouse & Co.
Series. Advocacy, 1969 - 1971
Australian Advisory Committee on Research and Development in Education: First Annual Report 1970-71, Department of Education and Science, 1971 (File) - Box 197 (Sequence 1)
Fees - CAE's, May 1970 - October 1970 (File) - Box 197 (Sequence 1)
Subject file on fee structures at Colleges of Advanced Education (CAE), including handwritten notes and copies of calendars of fees.
Partridge C[ommit[tee] on Ed[ucation] Research, March 1971 (File) - Box 197 (Sequence 1)
Includes handwritten and typescript draft submissions to The Commonwealth Advisory Committee on Research and Development in Education. Also includes press releases, documents from the Australian Advisory Committee on Research and Development in Education on grants for education research.
EVP, n.d. (File) - Box 197 (Sequence 1)
Binder of blank phone call note forms. The last two pages are handwritten columns of phone calls received from June - October (no year), probably by the office of the Education Vice President (EVP).
[Circulars - 1969], 1969 (File) - Box 197 (Sequence 1)
Circulars and similar documents for 1969. Topics include Abschol and other Aboriginal rights campaigns, Papua New Guinea, Aquarius and cultural affairs, draft resistance, international travel, federal election, NUAUS Friendly Society.
Circular No. NAD 115/69/864 includes six papers 'relating to Black Power' including an interview with Eldridge Cleaver; 72/69/626 includes 'Black Power in Australia?', Charles Perkins.
Series. Administration, January 1967 - August 1971
Series. Advocacy, April 1961 - November 1975
Free U: A Collection of Articles on Underground Education, Free University, SRCs Adelaide and Flinders University, c. 1968 (File) - Box 199 (Sequence 1)
[Undergraduate education], June 1972 - September 1972 (File) - Box 199 (Sequence 1)
Includes copies of correspondence requesting information on undergraduate education practices, South Australian Institute of Technology Union Special Education Meeting Minutes, 25 July 1972.
State Aid, July 1968 - March 1972 (File) - Box 199 (Sequence 1)
News clippings, policy statements, correspondence, protest leaflets regarding state funding for non-state schools.
1965 Adelaide Uni ed[ucation] survey, May 1964 - August 1964 (File) - Box 199 (Sequence 1)
Includes progress report, report of the Education Vice President Peter Sellers to February Council 1965, Final Report of the Adelaide Education Survey, 4 August 1964.
WA Project on overseas student - 1965-6 (File) - Box 199 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence regarding the project.
NUAUS grant to Newcastle counselling unit, March 1967 - July 1968 (File) - Box 199 (Sequence 1)
Includes Interim Report - Entrance Testing Programme 1968; Appendix 'A': Summary of Facts contained in "Educational Survey" Questionnaire, part of the first report from the project. Also includes other reports, correspondence regarding the project.
AVCC corresp[ondence], June-July 1969; June 1970 (File) - Box 199 (Sequence 1)
Two sets of correspondence with the Australian Vice-Chancellors' Committee.
Equivalence of Degrees - 1961, April 1961 (File) - Box 199 (Sequence 1)
Includes Equivalence of Degrees report with attached grid of bilateral agreements, sent as a circular.
National Library, April 1968 - November 1969 (File) - Box 199 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with National Library of Australia, State Library of Victoria, university libraries requesting copies of publications. Also includes "Primary Education - A New Look," report by Murray Homes, Victorian Teachers' Union.
Edu[cation] policy miscell[aneous] papers, March 1973 - May 1974 (File) - Box 199 (Sequence 1)
Includes typescript drafts, some with handwritten edits, of AUS education policy; proposal 'For a Radical Education'. Also includes reports, articles, minutes, records of motions on education, Israel. Includes "The State of Teacher Education in Queensland: A submission to the Advanced Education Commission", Queensland Student Teachers Union, June 1973.
Trainee T[eachers] C[ommi]ttee, January 1975 - November 1975 (File) - Box 199 (Sequence 1)
Material relating to the National Teacher Trainees' Conference. Includes discussion papers, draft Trainee Teachers' Handbook, reports, correspondence on conference organisation, draft agenda, venue. Includes copy of the Student Assistance Act 1973.
Annual Council '73, January 1973 (File) - Box 199 (Sequence 1)
Third Annual Council held at University of Melbourne, 30 January - 8 February 1973.
AUS Education Files, October 1973 - September 1975 (File) - Box 199 (Sequence 1)
Mixed papers, with subjects including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander rights, women's rights, correspondence regarding publications, Resource Officer's material, financials including accounts and statements of income an expenditure, correspondence with international students. A plurality of the material is in relation to women's rights activistm, including a photocopy of NUS Women's Campaign briefing document, October 1973. Also includes Executive Meeting Minutes, 5-7 September 1975.
[Education reports, circulars], May 1960; June 1964 - November 1967 (File) - Box 200 (Sequence 1)
Includes circulars on National Education Week and the Free University. Also includes Report on the Proposed Chester Wilmot Memorial Lectures, RH Corbet, May 1960
National Ed[ucation] Conference, May 1960 - October 1965 (File) - Box 200 (Sequence 1)
Report of the National Education Congress, May 1963; Report of the National Education Conference, May 1960. Also includes correspondence, ephemera.
Ramsay Report, August 1962 - July 1963 (File) - Box 200 (Sequence 1)
Press releases including drafts, news clippings, responses to the Ramsay Report on University Education.
[Unemployment Benefits], May 1964 (File) - Box 200 (Sequence 1)
Copy of letter to Minister for Social Services Hugh S Robertson on the subject of unemployment benefits for students and his response.
ISC [International Student Conference], April 1967 - October 1967 (File) - Box 200 (Sequence 1)
Circulars from the International Student Conference.
Human Rights Group, September 1964 - October 1965 (File) - Box 200 (Sequence 1)
Includes news clippings, correspondence, ephemera on human rights issues including Cape Barren Island residents and other Aboriginal rights, equal pay for women, White Australia policy, the Vietnam War, Apartheid, old-age pensioners. Also includes Human Rights Movement Constitution (University of Tasmania).
Series. Relationships: other organisations, 1962 - October 1967
Youth Materials, November 1964 - May 1965 (File) - Box 200 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with state premiers on the services for youth who have left school, including responses.
International, August 1963 - September 1965 (File) - Box 200 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and request for information from international organisations, including International Union of Students, National Union of South African Students (NUSAS).
Parliament, April 1963 (File) - Box 200 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence to P. Niles, Public Relations Officer, Students' Representative Council, University of Melbourne from various Australian parliamentarians in response to a letter and the pamphlet 'Education in Australia - Students' Report', itself not included in the file. Also includes Submission from Adelaide University Students' Representative Council to Committee on Australian Universities.
[Australian Vice-Chancellors' Committee correspondence], March 1964 - October 1967 (File) - Box 200 (Sequence 1)
Also includes Schedule of Postgraduate Scholarships Available for Open Competition Throughout the Australian Universities, 1967.
ALP [Australian Labor Party], 1963 - December 1965 (File) - Box 200 (Sequence 1)
Includes ALP Policy on teacher training, 1965; Labor's Platform on Education, no date; pamphlet Labor's Policy - How Labor Will Plan for Australia's Greatness, 1963. Also includes correspondence with Labor parliamentarians, Hansard excerpts, press releases.
NSW Teachers Federation Publications, December 1965 - March 1967 (File) - Box 200 (Sequence 1)
Includes results of surveys of infants', primary, and secondary schools from the New South Wales Teachers' Federation, 1965; secondary schools, 1967; statement on the needs of education in South Australia, 1966.
National Union of Australian University Students Submission to the Committee on Tertiary Education, c. 1962 (File) - Box 200 (Sequence 1)
Series. Advocacy, 1957 - March 1969
Submission to the Commonwealth Scholarships Board and the Minister for Education and Science, March 1969 (File) - Box 200 (Sequence 1)
[UNESCO Education Committee - vacations abroad and other correspondence], March 1962 - May 1966 (File) - Box 200 (Sequence 1)
[Letters to UNSW + Newcastle], n.d. (File) - Box 200 (Sequence 1)
Grey notebook with single page of handwritten notes.
Submission [to the Commonwealth Scholarship Board, July 1964], October 1963 - July 1966 (File) - Box 200 (Sequence 1)
Also includes correspondence including from the Living Standards Conference [LSC], Commonwealth Scholarship Board. Also includes Social Statistics: Australia No. 42: Universities (Preliminary Bulletin), Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics, July 1966.
Series. Relationships: other organisations, March 1962 - June 1968
Williamstown Ed[ucation] Campaign, March 1966 - June 1968 (File) - Box 200 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, poster advertising Forum on Education, newsletter for the Williamstown Education Campaign, November 1967
[Correspondence acknowledging receipt of NUAUS Handbook for 1964], August 1964 - September 1964 (File) - Box 200 (Sequence 1)
Australian Vice-Chancellor's Committee, March 1962 - December 1963 (File) - Box 200 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, submissions including Submission to the Committee on Tertiary Education, NUAUS, draft and possibly final submission to the AVCC regarding the NUAUS publication Taxation and the Student, March 1962.
Murray Report (File) - Box 200 (Sequence 1)
Includes three documents responding to the 'Murray Report' on Australian Universities. Current Affairs Bulletin, Vol. 21 No. 11, "The Murray Report on Australian Universities", 24 March 1958; Statement by the Prime Minister (Mr Menzies) in the House of Representatives, "The Australian Universities", 28 November 1957; "A New Lease of Life for Australian Universities", Martin Davey, NUAUS.
Series. Administration, March 1968 - September 1972
AUS Admin[istrative] Files, March 1968 - September 1969 (File) - Box 200 (Sequence 1)
Includes financials, invoices, statements of payment, related correspondence. The material is organised with alphabetical makers.
[Invoices, bills relating to AUS and other publications- A-M], 1971 - 1972 (File) - Box 201 (Sequence 1)
Includes related correspondence, internal memos. The material is organised with alphabetical markers.
[Invoices, bills relating to AUS and other publications- N-Z], 1971 - 1972 (File) - Box 201 (Sequence 1)
Includes related correspondence, internal memos. The material is organised with alphabetical markers.
[President files], September 1972 - January 1973 (File) - Box 201 (Sequence 1)
Mixed papers possibly filed by AUS President Ken Newcombe. Includes copy of National Abschol Director report, February 1972; reports on National U and Cold Comfort, including handwritten distribution and subscription lists; press releases on Papua New Guinea.
Also includes copies of correspondence, the majority from Education Vice President Andrew Bain and National Abschol Director Bryan Havenhand.
[Submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Education, Science and the Arts on "What Should Be the Role of the Commonwealth in Regard to Teacher Education Throughout Australia", August 1971], September 1970; August 1971 (File) - Box 201 (Sequence 1)
Also includes Land the Aborigines of the Northern Territory, Department of the Interior, September 1970.
Reprinted books to be sent, August 1970 - December 1971 (File) - Box 201 (Sequence 1)
Circulars, correspondence regarding NUAUS publications.
NAD'S Book orders, November 1970 - August 1972 (File) - Box 201 (Sequence 1)
Lists of publications sold by National Abschol, invoices, correspondence. Also includes "Pincher Numiari: Gurindji plans and attitudes" An interview with Pincher Numiari, Wattie Creek, 29 November 1970, Warwick Neilley; WEIPA: The Politics of Pauperization, reprinted for Abschol.
[Correspondence, news clippings circulated to AUS officers], July 1972 - September 1972 (File) - Box 201 (Sequence 1)
Mixed papers including Papua New Guinea Officer report to AUS August Council, Papua New Guinea Officer; student newspapers including Monash Reporter Nos. 16-17, August-September 1972; Lot's Wife, Vol. XII, Nos. 15, 18, August, September 1972; Honi Soit, special edition, September 1972; other news clippings and magazines; internal memoranda; copies of correspondence. Includes 'for circulation' lists.
Series. Advocacy, January 1972 - January 1973
[Packet of information on South Vietnam repression, addressed to Mr Neil McLean], January 1973 (File) - Box 201 (Sequence 1)
Packet contains manifesto of the Committee Campaigning for the Improvement of the Prison Regime in South Vietnam, letter from Jim Minch, articles, reports in French, Vietnamese, English.
Packet also includes 21 black and white photographs of political prisoners of the Thieu government. Metadata on the reverse of the photographs is in Vietnamese.
Series. Relationships: other organisations, September 1970 - January 1973
[Copies of correspondence, internal memoranda circulated to AUS officers], August 1972 (File) - Box 201 (Sequence 1)
[Copies of correspondence sent by Bryan Havenhand, National Abschol Director], January 1973 (File) - Box 201 (Sequence 1)
ACSSO [Australian Council of State School Organisations], September 1970 - October 1971 (File) - Box 201 (Sequence 1)
Resolutions from the Australian Council of State School Organisations 24th Annual Conference, October 1970. Also includes correspondence.
VSSU [Victorian Secondary Students' Union] Corresp[ondence], March 1971 (File) - Box 201 (Sequence 1)
Also includes Victorian Secondary Students' Union newsletter, No. 2, 16 May 1971.
Science Faculty Assoc[iation]s, October 1970 (File) - Box 201 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence with National Science Faculty Association, Adelaide University Science Association. Also includes Victoria Institute of Colleges Policy on First Degree Courses and Their Relationshop to Diploma Courses.
ABE [Action for Better Education], February 1971 (File) - Box 201 (Sequence 1)
Includes Action for Better Education newsletter, February 1971.
Trade Unions Corresp[ondence], December 1970 - March 1971 (File) - Box 201 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence with Amalgamated Engineering Union, Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union, Federated Furnishing Trade Society of Australasia (Victorian Branch), AUS circular 'To Trade Unions'.
PRIA [Public Relation Institute of Australia] corresp[ondence], March 1971 - September 1971 (File) - Box 201 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the Public Relation Institute of Australia National Convention, September 1971. Also includes ephemera relating to the conference, text of addresses by Dr Zelman Cowen, Dr Don Aitkin.
APS corresp[ondence], December 1970 (File) - Box 201 (Sequence 1)
APS News, No. 34, December 1970. Published by members of the Association of Professional Staff, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT).
Does not include correspondence.
IIEE corresp[ondence] (File) - Box 201 (Sequence 1)
Includes Institut International d'Etudes sur l'Education (IIEE) IIEE Bulletin, February-June, September-October 1971. Also includes International Institute for Educational Planning IIEP Publications and Documents, February 1971.
Does not include correspondence.
Series. Advocacy, March 1965 - March 1974
[National Association of Health Students] (File) - Box 202 (Sequence 1)
Includes material from the National Association of Health Students (NAHS), UK, including Conference Organising Committee minutes, November 1973; National Report to the Membership, February-November 1973. Also includes Panacea: journal of the Australasian Medical Students Association, Vol. 5 No.2, August 1973; report on a trip to the UK by Chris Bain.
[Mixed papers on university teaching and other material], May 1971 - 1973 (File) - Box 202 (Sequence 1)
[Science Faculty Criticism], September 1972 - June 1973 (File) - Box 202 (Sequence 1)
Subject file of mixed papers relating to science and chemistry courses. Includes Staff-Student Liason Committee; SSS; University of Melbourne Ad hoc Committee on Academic Matters Meeting Minutes, Faculty of Science Counter Handbook, SRC, University of Melbourne, 1973.
[National Association of Health Students], October 1973 (File) - Box 202 (Sequence 1)
Material from the National Association of Health Students, London, including briefing paper, pamphlet, poster, Health Team newsletter, Vol. 1, No. 1, October/November 1973.
[Engineering Faculty Criticism], September 1971 - 1973 (File) - Box 202 (Sequence 1)
Includes student evaluations of engineering courses at the University of Melbourne; handwritten notes; discussion notes on chemical engineering education; Quo Vadis, Vol. 503, No. 3, Melbourne University Engineering Students' Club, 1973.
[Teacher education at Colleges of Advanced Education], February 1971 - 1973 (File) - Box 202 (Sequence 1)
Includes A Plain Man's Guide to the IGPP, a collection of documents describing an attempt by students at Stuart College of Advanced Education to attempt a different teacher education program (1972-1973).
[Faculty counter handbooks and other printed material], June 1972 - December 1973 (File) - Box 202 (Sequence 1)
Includes Commerce Counter Handbook, 1975; Orientation Testis, 1972; Testis, No. 5, June 1972; Faculty of Law Counter Handbook, SRC, University of Melbourne, 1973; Faculty of Engineering Counter Handbook, SRC, University of Melbourne, 1973; Department of Environmental Design Handbook, Tasmanian College of Advanced Education , December 1973; Engineering Education, Vols. 2-3, 1972; NUECESS, Melbourne University Chemical Engineering Students Society, n.d.
[Examinations], December 1973 - March 1974 (File) - Box 202 (Sequence 1)
Includes news clippings, policy proposals, survey summaries, ephemera, copy of anti-examination sticker relating to reform of university examinations.
[Law Students' Magazines], May 1973 - October 1973 (File) - Box 202 (Sequence 1)
Includes De Minimis, Magazine of the Law Students' Society of Melbourne University, September-October 1973, n.d.; Testis, May [c. 1973], August 1973.
[Research and Development in Post-Secondary Education project summaries and other papers], June 1971 - September 1972 (File) - Box 202 (Sequence 1)
Research and Development in Post-Secondary Education project summaries, June-July, September 1971. Includes other material on tertiary education from student representative councils and a copy of a report by the University of Queensland sub-committee on the Assessment of Teaching Ability, September 1972.
Study of Professional Education, March 1965 - June 1973 (File) - Box 202 (Sequence 1)
Includes survey material from Study of Professional Education, DS Anderson and JS Western, March 1965. Also correspondence, articles, on the subjects of tertiary education and student evaluations.
[Arts Faculty Criticism], May 1972 - June 1973 (File) - Box 202 (Sequence 1)
Subject file of mixed papers relating to Arts courses. Includes articles, memoranda, staff/student committee motions, correspondence. Also includes Artyfacts, Vol. 1 No. 4, June 1973.
[Tertiary teaching and lecturer education], July 1970 (File) - Box 202 (Sequence 1)
Subject file including reports, submissions, articles, course lists, on the subjects of training for tertiary educators.
[Commerce and Economics Faculty Criticism], March 1971 - October 1973 (File) - Box 202 (Sequence 1)
Subject file of mixed papers relating to Commerce and Economics courses. Includes circulars, articles, correspondence. Includes Faculty of Economics & Commerce Counter Handbook 1973, SRC, University of Melbourne; CSS Broadsheet, Nos. 2, 5; Exec Meeting Minutes, November 1972.
[University course critical guides], 1973 (File) - Box 202 (Sequence 1)
Includes The First Year Art Student's Handbook, Artyfacts Vol. 2 No.1, Arts Faculty Association, 1973; Counter Calendar: A booklet of course critiques, n.d.
[Libraries], March 1971 - August 1973 (File) - Box 202 (Sequence 1)
Subject file including reports and recommendations for tertiary libraries.
[Tertiary teaching and lecturer education], March 1967; August 1971 - April 1973 (File) - Box 202 (Sequence 1)
Subject file including reports, articles, course lists, memoranda on the subjects of tertiary education and training for tertiary educators.
[Women's Studies], May 1973 (File) - Box 202 (Sequence 1)
Articles on women's studies, including a suggested course outline, 1973; Sexism in the University, Jean Curthoys, Anne Summers, Liz Fell; "Love, Sex and Liberation", Self Management Group, 25 May 1973.
[Tutorial attendance], June 1971 (File) - Box 202 (Sequence 1)
Draft of submission to the Board of Studies "Abolition of 80% Attendance Regulation"; news clipping from Mercury, 26 June 1971.
[Libraries], June 1971 - June 1972 (File) - Box 202 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with academic libraries. Also includes "Making the Library Human: Challenge and Response in a CAE Library", AJ Brown, South Australian Institute of Technology, c.1972.
[Program reports], 1969 - May 1973 (File) - Box 202 (Sequence 1)
Subject file including education evaluation reports at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology; Course and Staff Evaluation, Queens College, City University of New York; Report of the Academic Board Committee on Liberal Education, Western Australian Institute of Technology; program reports, Tertiary Education Research Centre, University of New South Wales.
Series. Arts, December 1969 - May 1973
[Aquarius Festival 1973 - various items], February 1973 - May 1973 (File) - Box 203 (Sequence 1)
Items were originally loose in box. Includes: letter to the Courier Mail objecting on reportage on the Aquarius Festival in Nimbin, 1973; a press release detailing the Aquarius Festival, 1973 (also called the Survival Softlick), press release from the Learning Exchange detailing the Learning Exchange shopfront at Nimbin; press material from external to the AUS or Aquarius; counter-culture material; legal advice relating to drug busts; posters, maps and other ephemera; budget papers and correspondence.
[Aquarius Festival 1973 - Press Releases], May 1973 (File) - Box 203 (Sequence 1)
Includes a press release detailing the Aquarius Festival, 1973 (also called the Survival Softlick), press release from the Learning Exchange detailing the Learning Exchange shopfront at Nimbin.
[Aquarius Festival 1973 - External Press], March 1973 - May 1973 (File) - Box 203 (Sequence 1)
Press material from external to the AUS or Aquarius. Includes Soil & Health, newsletter of the Healthy Soil Society, March 1973; information posters from the Australian Film Institute and Information Centre; The Byron Express, 11 May 1973; news clipping from Minnesota Daily on Dollar Brand, March 1973.
[Aquarius Festival 1973 - Counter-culture material], c. May 1973 (File) - Box 203 (Sequence 1)
Includes typescript pamphlet The Anti-Mass, n.d.; handwritten pages discussing a 'Hare Gumboot' incident during the festival.
[Aquarius Festival 1973 - Legal Advice in Relation to Drug Busts], c. May 1973 (File) - Box 203 (Sequence 1)
Includes several copies of a one-page pamphlet from the Bust Advice Bureau on legal rights; handwritten & typescript reports on an attempted police drug bust during the Aquarius Festival 1973.
[Aquarius Festival 1973 - Posters, maps, other ephemera], c. May 1973 (File) - Box 203 (Sequence 1)
Includes a map of the festival grounds printed on newspaper, including emergency details, festival ideals. Also includes advertising posters for The White Company; printed map of Lismore; hand-coloured poster detailing bus transport from University of New South Wales; hand-lettered poster 'No Narks Past This Point'; redemption of Nimbun Bread vouchers; Survival Softlik posters; large poster of comments, signatures, sketches.
[Aquarius Festival 1973 - Budget papers, correspondence], February 1973 - April 1973 (File) - Box 203 (Sequence 1)
Includes mixed papers relating to the business of the Aquarius Festival 1973. Includes Aquarius Softlick Final Expenditure Budget, 30 April 1973.
Franchises, February 1973 - May 1973 (File) - Box 203 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, hand-written policy drafts, clipping from The Nimbin Good Times relating to franchises, including the bakery, at the Aquarius Festival 1973.
Australian Council for the Arts, October 1970 - August 1973 (File) - Box 203 (Sequence 1)
Includes draft application of application to the Australian Council for the Arts for funding, also photocopy of final application. Also includes correspondence, press releases.
Peter Stuyvesant, May 1970 - July 1972 (File) - Box 203 (Sequence 1)
Includes budgets, reports relating to the Aquarius Festival 1970. Also includes correspondence with the Peter Stuyvesant Trust for the Development of the Arts, including a submission for the Aquarius Festival 1973, May 1972
Fundraising 1972, March 1972 - July 1972 (File) - Box 203 (Sequence 1)
Includes handwritten note to file regarding the submission to Peter Stuyvesant for Aquarius Festival 1973, authored by Carina Hack. Also includes correspondence with the Peter Stuyvesant Trust for the Development of the Arts.
Fundraising - Melbourne 1970 + 1971, December 1969 - July 1971 (File) - Box 203 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the funding for Aquarius Festival 1971, including advertising for Yellow magazine. Includes column of sponsors contacted with responses.
Fundraising 69 - 1970 Sydney, January 1970 - August 1970 (File) - Box 203 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the funding for Aquarius Festival 1971.
Festival Book, February 1973 - April 1973 (File) - Box 203 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with Angus & Robertson, Penguin Books Australia regarding the possible publication of a book coming out of the Aquarius Festival 1973.
Correspondence, September 1972 - May 1973 (File) - Box 203 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the Aquarius Festival 1973.
Conferences, February 1973 - May 1973 (File) - Box 203 (Sequence 1)
Includes unsigned copies of the License to Use Land during the Aquarius Festival 1973. The Licensor is not named. Also includes draft agreements for car parking with named licensors. Also includes correspondence regarding seminars and conferences held at the Aquarius Festival 1973, including solicitors offering to host a seminar on legal rights for alleged drug offenders.
Insurance, May 1971 - April 1973 (File) - Box 203 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with insurance companies for the Aquarius Festival 1973. Includes copies of insurance correspondence and claims for previous Aquarius Festivals.
Climate, 1969; July 1972 (File) - Box 203 (Sequence 1)
Includes Climatic Averages Australia, Bureau of Meteorology, 1969; handwritten tables of weather information for Ballina, Byron Bay, Casino, Murwillombah, Tweed Heads, Mullumbimby for May, dated July 1972.
Resources, April 1973 (File) - Box 203 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with vendors for the Aquarius Festival 1973.
Decentralisation, February 1973 - March 1973 (File) - Box 203 (Sequence 1)
Copies of letters to Members of Parliament , including a letter to Minister Tom Uren from Grame Dunstan, detailing the decentralisation and community-based resourcing ideals of the Aquarius Festival 1973. Also includes notices of discussion groups relating to community-based resourcing.
Postal, March 1973 - April 1973 (File) - Box 203 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence regarding a commemorative postage stamp, radio broadcasting at the Aquarius Festival 1973
Transport (trains, buses etc), March 1973 - May 1973 (File) - Box 203 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence regarding transport arrangements for the Aquarius Festival 1973. Also includes two hand-coloured posters detailing bus transport from University of New South Wales.
Administration, February 1973 - May 1973 (File) - Box 203 (Sequence 1)
Mixed papers, correspondence on administrative matters relating to the Aquarius Festival 1973. Includes a lost property envelope containing $7 in notes; receipt for bail posted; handwritten account balance for cutlery, phone calls, petrol and other matters; correspondence between AUS President Neil McLean and Aquarius Director Graeme Dunstan; copies of letters authorising officers as representatives of Aquarius, including for BauXhau Stone
February Council - Aquarius, February 1973 (File) - Box 203 (Sequence 1)
Includes Aquarius Reports, Graeme Dunstan and Johnny Allen, including budgets and list of grants. Also includes articles, posters on the subjects of culture and politics. Also includes material on race relations including "The Proof of the Politics is in the Lifestyle" and "Origin of a Stone", BauXhau Stone.
Grassleaves Mailing List, January 1973 - April 1973 (File) - Box 203 (Sequence 1)
Also includes letters requesting copies. Does not include any issues.
Grassroots Express, September 1972 - March 1973 (File) - Box 203 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence regarding Grassroots Express, a newsletter for information on Aquarius Festival 1973. Also includes manifesto for Aquarius, note on Festival Committee Meeting, material from the National Workers Control Conference, Newcastle, Easter 1973.
Grassroots - National U, December 1972 - March 1973 (File) - Box 203 (Sequence 1)
Copies of a newsletter titled Aquarius. Proposals, notes, articles, correspondence, news clippings relating to Aquarius Festival 1973. Also includes a negative and black and white photo, possibly of Nimbin. Also includes Glenfield Newsletter, March 1973.
Series. Advocacy, January 1938 - November 1968
Circulars issued by Petter Sellers, 1964-1965 & Patti Warn 1966, March 1964 - July 1966 (File) - Box 204 (Sequence 1)
Peter Sellers and Patti Warn served as Education Officers/Education Vice Presidents.
1966 Ed[ucation] C[ommi]ttee, June 1966 (File) - Box 204 (Sequence 1)
Reports of meetings of the Youth Activities Sub-Committee on the Australian UNESCO Committee for Education. Includes UNESCO Draft Programme and Budget 1967-68; material of the Youth Activities Sub-Committee meeting to be held 23 May 1966 and the meeting report; Report of Working Party on the Proposed Revision of the Source Unit "Education for International Understanding"; Report of the Meeting of the Advancement and Planning of Education Sub-Committee, 16 June 1966
Australian Teachers' Federation National Education Conference, 1 June 1965, June 1965 - August 1965 (File) - Box 204 (Sequence 1)
Includes conference papers, agenda, policy statements and aims.
NUAUS First Council Meeting and Conference Proceedings, 17-24 January 1938, January 1938 (File) - Box 204 (Sequence 1)
Typescript and bound. Includes loose-leaf index.
[Correspondence and other papers on student roles in university hierarchy], November 1968 - July 1969 (File) - Box 204 (Sequence 1)
Includes Joint Statement from the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals and the National Union of Students, November 1968. The Committee is more fully The Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals of the Universities of the United Kingdom; similarly the National Union of Students of England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
[University and Colleges of Advanced Education entrance, prerequisites, matriculation requirements], February 1969 (File) - Box 204 (Sequence 1)
Report listing entrance, prerequisites, matriculation requirements for universities and Colleges of Advanced Education (CAEs), n.d. Also includes transcriptions of questions posed in the House of Representatives, February 1969.
AIPS [Australian Institute of Political Science], December 1964 - January 1965 (File) - Box 204 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence from Education Vice President Peter Sellers with the AIPS regarding attendance at the Thirty-First Summer School of the AIPS, 1965. Also includes two conference papers, conference booklet.
Community Education Drive Refusals, July 1967 - September 1967 (File) - Box 204 (Sequence 1)
Letters from potential sponsors to the Federal Council for the Advancement of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders decline to donate to the Community Education Drive.
Public Education Drive, December 1966 - July 1967 (File) - Box 204 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, donation appeal letters, thank you slips for the Community Education Drive run by the Federal Council for the Advancement of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders.
Community Education Receipts (File) - Box 204 (Sequence 1)
Relating to the Community Education Drive run by the Federal Council for the Advancement of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders.
EVP - Cam[paign] Schools Technical, May 1969 (File) - Box 205 (Sequence 1)
Education Campaign document nos. 2, 3, 6-7. Authored by Education Vice President Tom Roper.
Lists to be typed, March 1969 (File) - Box 205 (Sequence 1)
Responses from a survey asking where the children of 'important people' in Australia were or are educated.
Beware the Bond, August 1966 - September 1967 (File) - Box 205 (Sequence 1)
Includes two drafts of the text for Beware the Bond. Also includes correspondence, some in response to queries for information.
Publication No 4 Facts + Info, c. 1962 (File) - Box 205 (Sequence 1)
Includes Facts and Information for Use in the Melbourne University S.R.C. Education Campaign, n.d. Also includes Supplementary Statement to "Education in Australia" report, n.d.
[Posters for the federal election campaign, c. 1969], c. 1969 (File) - Box 205 (Sequence 1)
Two posters. White poster titled 'Your child can't vote but you can protect your child's future', authorised by Tom Roper. Red poster titled "The federal elections - imnplications for state schools", advertising a public meeting for 8 October.
[Commonwealth Scholarships] Board, April 1964 - October 1965 (File) - Box 205 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with the Commonwealth Scholarships Board. Also includes information letter from the University of Melbourne.
Submission to the Commonwealth Scholarships Board, July 1964; March 1968 (File) - Box 205 (Sequence 1)
Also includes a report on hidden costs from the Students' Representative Council, University of New England, March 1968.
Com[monwealth] Schol[arship]s 1967 Submission, August 1967 (File) - Box 205 (Sequence 1)
Includes copy of response to Senate Question no. 266, 23 August 1967. Also includes handwritten numbered list relating to Commonwealth Scholarships.
Com[monwealth] Schol[arship] Excursion Fees, August 1965 - October 1966 (File) - Box 205 (Sequence 1)
Includes information and correspondence about excursion costs and their relationship to scholarships.
[Letters to Education Officer Alex Hyslop from education Research Officer Margaret Theobald], May 1959 (File) - Box 205 (Sequence 1)
Submission to the Commonwealth Scholarship Board, July 1964; January 1967 (File) - Box 205 (Sequence 1)
Also includes Notes on Living Allowances, 1967 pamphlet, Education Department, Victoria, January 1967.
General, September 1958 - March 1969 (File) - Box 205 (Sequence 1)
Includes mixed papers on the subject of commonwealth scholarships and university costs, including policy documents, pamphlets, surveys.
Hidden Costs in Uni[versity] Courses, June 1967 - June 1968 (File) - Box 205 (Sequence 1)
Includes reports, surveys, correspondence.
[Conference on Planning in Higher Education - Administrative Correspondence], January 1968 - December 1968 (File) - Box 205 (Sequence 1)
[Conference on Planning in Higher Education - Administrative Correspondence], April 1968 - July 1969 (File) - Box 205 (Sequence 1)
[Conference on Planning in Higher Education - Administrative Correspondence], September 1967 - November 1968 (File) - Box 205 (Sequence 1)
NUAUS Education Seminar 1967 Documents/Material, 1967 (File) - Box 205 (Sequence 1)
Includes articles, news clippings, reports on subjects of primary education, pediatric mental health, university student evaluations, scholarships. Includes Report of Local Education & Welfare Officer for NUAUS August Council, 1967.
Series. Relationships: Student organisations, May 1964 - July 1968
VFTS [Victorian Federation of Tertiary Students], May 1964; July 1968 (File) - Box 205 (Sequence 1)
Material relating to Victorian Federation of Tertiary Students (CFTS) Convention, 18 May 1964. Includes meeting minutes, constitution, reports, including "Aboriginal Education in the State of Victoria". Also includes material from Victorian Association of Students of Technology (VAST), July 1968.
Constituents, June 1967 - July 1967 (File) - Box 205 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with constituent bodies about National Education Week. Includes National Education Week poster announcing a public hearing, Guild of Undergraduates, University of Western Australia.
Series. Administration, January 1959 - May 1973
Balance Sheets and Accounts with Report Thereon, 30th November, 1958, January 1959 (File) - Box 205 (Sequence 1)
Auditors Flack & Flack and Price Waterhouse & Co.
Balance Sheet and Accounts with Report Thereon, 30th November, 1958, January 1959 (File) - Box 205 (Sequence 1)
Auditors Flack & Flack and Price Waterhouse & Co.
Balance Sheet and Accounts with Report Thereon, 30th November, 1958, January 1959 (File) - Box 205 (Sequence 1)
Auditors Flack & Flack and Price Waterhouse & Co.
Balance Sheets and Accounts with Report Thereon, 30th November, 1959, January 1960 (File) - Box 205 (Sequence 1)
Auditors Flack & Flack and Price Waterhouse & Co.
Balance Sheet and Accounts, 30th November, 1960, February 1961 (File) - Box 205 (Sequence 1)
Auditors C.J. Cutcher & Neale.
Keith Gasteen NUAUS, July 1967 - August 1969 (File) - Box 205 (Sequence 1)
Includes administrative correspondence relating to Conference on Planning in Higher Education, August 1968, including draft programme. Keith Gasteen and Tom Roper were Education Vice Presidents during this period.
[Submission to the Panel of Inquiry to Report on the Establishing of an Education Commission], March 1969 - October 1969 (File) - Box 205 (Sequence 1)
Also includes news clippings, correspondence.
February Council - AUS, February 1973 - May 1973 (File) - Box 206 (Sequence 1)
Material relating to the AUS Annual Council, February 1973. Includes reports, including Report of the Planning Committee, January 1973; submissions; draft budgets; resolution results. Also includes Statements of Income and Expenditure to May 1973; Executive Meeting Minutes 31 March - 1 April, 1973
[August Council - AUS] (File) - Box 206 (Sequence 1)
Material relating to the AUS August Council, August 1973. Includes proposal for Worker-Student Co-operation for the 1973 ACTU Congress; extraordinary resolutions; copies of Summary Offence notifications issued to AUS President Neil McLean; AUS apology to the Aboriginal community; AUS Constitution and Regulations, July 1973; reports, including on Race Relations and Papua New Guinea; draft budgets; circulars; proposals, including for a full-time Women's Studies Officer (WSO). Includes detailed hand-written reports on Aquarius Festival 1973, including on the drug raid by Aquarius Director Johnny Allen.
Series. Arts, November 1968 - September 1973
Nimbin Meet (File) - Box 206 (Sequence 1)
Includes mixed papers relating to Nimin Meet 17-18 February 1973, related to Aquarius Festival 1973. Includes resource directory; posters advertising the Meet; handwritten list of attendees, including their areas of interest and resources; letter from Bob Marsh of the Nimbin police; copies of news clippings reporting the results of a January town meeting
Harpo, 1973 (File) - Box 206 (Sequence 1)
Letter to Aquarius Director Graeme Dunstan from 'Bamber', University of Queensland Union. Also includes Activities Newsletter, Vol. 1 No. 1; The Tombstone Epitaph, Vol. 1 No. 1. All material relates to Aquarius Festival 1973.
Graeme, August 1972 - May 1973 (File) - Box 206 (Sequence 1)
Two folders held together. One blank folder includes correspondence for and from Aquarius Director Graeme Dunstan. Some are marked 'personal'. The other folder is labelled 'Graeme' and includes mixed correspondence, ephemera, handwritten notes and financials, bank account statements.
Festival Film, January 1973 - April 1973 (File) - Box 206 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence regarding a film about the Aquarius Festival 1973.
Film Screening, February 1973 - May 1973 (File) - Box 206 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence regarding film screenings at the Aquarius Festival 1973, including film hire lists from the Vincent Library, Australian Film Institute. Also includes Young Jeune Cinema & Theatre, International Union of Students, 3/72; subscription form for Cantrills Filmnotes.
Media Centre, November 1972 - February 1973 (File) - Box 206 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence regarding a media centre or travelling media factory for Aquarius Festival 1973. Also includes an envelope of six black and white photographs.
Music, February 1973 (File) - Box 206 (Sequence 1)
Handwritten notes, some correspondence regarding musical groups for Aquarius Festival 1973.
Craft, October 19; February 1973 (File) - Box 206 (Sequence 1)
Letter from Crafts Council of Australia, 19 October 1972; copy of letter to 'Lisette & Ted', 8 February 1973. Letters are on the subject of crafts for the Aquarius Festival 1973.
Aboriginal Participation in Festival, November 1972 - June 1973 (File) - Box 206 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, financials, ephemera, seminar information regarding participation in the Aquarius Festival 1973 from Aboriginal groups, including the Aboriginal Theatre Foundation. Also includes Aboriginal Human Relations Newsletter, published by Department of University Extension, University of New England, November 1972.
Decentralisation, August 1972 - April 1973 (File) - Box 206 (Sequence 1)
Research file of publications from the NSW Department of Decentralisation and Development. Also includes copies of letters relating to securing land for Aquarius Festival 1973.
Festival Posters, July 1972 - April 1973 (File) - Box 206 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence regarding publicity for Aquarius Festival 1973. Includes quotes for poster production.
Balloons, 1973 (File) - Box 206 (Sequence 1)
Handwritten note regarding balloons for Aquarius Festival 1973.
Graphics, April 1973 - May 1973 (File) - Box 206 (Sequence 1)
Mixed papers, including a copy of the manifesto; Lismore Rotary Club Meeting Minutes, 17 April 1973; building map; fold-out from The Nimbin Good Times, 12-21 May 1973; Oceans, Vol. 1 No.1, May 1973. Also includes letter of authorisation to officers collecting the 15% franchise contribution stall holders at Aquarius Festival 1973 paid to the Nimbin Community Development Fund.
Richard Neville, August 1972 - February 1973 (File) - Box 206 (Sequence 1)
Letters from Aquarius Director Johnny Allen to Richard Neville.
Stan Ostoja-Kotkowski + Hugh McSpedden, December 1972 - May 1973 (File) - Box 206 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence including price estimates with Ostoja-Kotkowski regarding a laser and theremin display at Aquarius Festival 1973. Also includes correspondence about fireworks, including authorisation from Minister for Mines Wal. Fife.
Architects & Builders, March 1972 - April 1973 (File) - Box 206 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with architecture & engineering schools for Aquarius Festival 1973, including map of Nimbin and sketches of plans.
Healers, February 1973 - April 1973 (File) - Box 206 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with health care professionals for Aquarius Festival 1973.
Food Freaks, March 1973 (File) - Box 206 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with and pamphlets from organic and health food companies for Aquarius Festival 1973.
[Dance], March 1973 - April 1973 (File) - Box 206 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence for Aquarius Festival 1973, including with Arts Council of Australia, Australian Dance Theatre.
[The Learning Exchange], June 1973 (File) - Box 206 (Sequence 1)
Booklet listing groups and workshops for the Aquarius Festival 1973 in Nimbin. Also includes a letter discussing the booklet; booklet from Glenfield Farm Goodwill Cooperative.
Photography, January 1973 - April 1973 (File) - Box 206 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, quotes for Aquarius Festival 1973.
Theatre, February 1973 - April 1973 (File) - Box 206 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with theatre organisations, including Company Theatre, National Black Theatre, St Martin's Mobile, for Aquarius Festival 1973.
Light & Visuals, January 1973 - February 1973 (File) - Box 206 (Sequence 1)
Copies of letters for Aquarius Festival 1973.
Ideas File, June 1972; February 1973 (File) - Box 206 (Sequence 1)
Includes pamphlets, handwritten notes, letters from alternative religious practices in an 'Ideas File' for Aquarius Festival 1973. Includes a Wizard's Proclamation pamphlet; material from the Koorawatha Foundation, Greg Horman, Everyone; Divine Light Mission; Yoga Forum of Australia. Also includes performance agreement signed between Robyn Love as Director of Aquarius and Captain Matchbox Whoopee Band, June 1972.
[Campus Tours and other artist correspondence], March 1972 - May 1973 (File) - Box 207 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence with artists for tours and/or the Aquarius Festival 1973. Correspondants include Dollar Brand ('Xahuri), Philippe Petit, Mark Furneaux, The Performance Group, Chhau Dance Company. Also includes black and white photographs, ephemera.
Incredible String Band, January 1973 - February 1973 (File) - Box 207 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with Incredible String Band, Fairport Convention, David Ginges & John Bloomfield relating to Aquarius Festival 1973. Includes handwritten list of dates for String Band & Fairport Convention.
AL Lloyd, June 1972 - February 1973 (File) - Box 207 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence regarding a proposed Australian tour for AL Lloyd.
White Company Accounts, March 1972 - February 1973 (File) - Box 207 (Sequence 1)
Includes financials, invoices, receipts, correspondence, ephemera, itineraries. Includes material relating to touring 1972-1973 and the Aquarius Festival, 1973.
Julie Felix, September 1973 (File) - Box 207 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, contracts, ephemera including stickers and photographs
The Big Tour, February 1973 - April 1973 (File) - Box 207 (Sequence 1)
Letters of invitation, circulars describing the Aquarius Festival including financials, promotional material, handwritten draft itineraries for the Aquarius Festival Tour 1973.
Media Factory, Aquarius Foundation, Nimbin, April 1973 - May 1973 (File) - Box 207 (Sequence 1)
Includes several publications related to Aquarius Festival 1973, including Grass Leaves, May 1973; Oceans, Vol. 1 No. 1, April 1973; Wonder Wombats Sparkling Saxophone Catalogue; Nimbin, fold-out poster on newspaper. Also includes handwritten cost estimates for printing, signs, photograph development.
[Notes for Media - Nimbin Aquarius (Inter-Varsity) Festival Survival, 1973], c. May 1973 (File) - Box 207 (Sequence 1)
Notes on the Aquarius Festival 1973 for media outlets. Supplied by George Hawkes, Peter Stuyvesant Trust.
Yoga, February 1973 (File) - Box 207 (Sequence 1)
Pamphlets, copy of a letter to Yoga Meditation Centre regarding Aquarius Festival 1973, letter from Divine Light Mission.
File Copies - To be filed, March 1973 - May 1973 (File) - Box 207 (Sequence 1)
Mixed papers, including expenses; correspondence including regarding alleged damage to property; claim form for the Health Service, NSW Teachers' Federation; staff meeting minutes, 3 April 1973; hand-written pages regarding an alleged drug bust and following complications, unsigned.
Series. Administration, January 1968 - October 1974
[Papers for Executive Meeting, October 1973 - circulars, reports], February 1973 - June 1973 (File) - Box 207 (Sequence 1)
Includes National Environmental Action officer's Report to Second Executive Meeting, Report of the Race Relations Officer to the Race Relations Conference, 1-3 June, 1973.
[Papers for Executive Meeting, October 1973 -] Miscellaneous, February 1973 - September 1973 (File) - Box 207 (Sequence 1)
A mixed collection of papers. Includes material relating activism on international matters including Herbert Chitepo's 1973 tour of Australia, Timor-Leste independence, letters from AUS President Neil McLean's tour of the Middle East. Also includes circulars, reports, financials, agendas, minutes.
[Papers for Executive Meeting, October 1973 - Extraordinary Resolutions] Elections, July 1973 - August 1973 (File) - Box 207 (Sequence 1)
[Papers for Executive Meeting, October 1973 -] Exec[utive], March 1973 - October 1973 (File) - Box 207 (Sequence 1)
Includes executive circulars, meeting reports, meeting minutes. Includes material relating to Bush Video, fee rises, international politics, AUS Friendly Society.
[Papers for Executive Meeting, October 1973 -] Collective Circulars, May 1973 - October 1973 (File) - Box 207 (Sequence 1)
[Excerpt from The Peacemaker, Vol. 33 Nos. 3 & 4, March-April 1971, March 1971 (File) - Box 208 (Sequence 1)
Excerpt consists of cover pages, which includes pp. 1-2, 11-12.
[Extraordinary Resolutions 1/69 - 20/69 - voting correspondence, circulars] (File) - Box 208 (Sequence 1)
[Creditors' Vouchers, Advices of Payment, Salaries and Salary Advances], January 1969 - December 1969 (File) - Box 208 (Sequence 1)
[1970 Circulars], June 1970 - July 1970 (File) - Box 208 (Sequence 1)
Subjects of circulars include ABSCHOL, fees abolition, student housing, Wattie Creek, Thursday Island, Roper River land rights, budget allocations.
[1969 Circulars], April 1969 - May 1969 (File) - Box 208 (Sequence 1)
Subjects of circulars include Aboriginal land rights, ABSCHOL standing orders, Papua New Guinea, inequalities campaign, student housing. Also includes The Death of the ISC report by John Bannon, May 1969.
[1970 Circulars], March 1970 - September 1970 (File) - Box 208 (Sequence 1)
Subjects of circulars include Aboriginal land rights, Wattie Creek, Aquarius, student housing, fees, inequalities campaign. Also includes Education and Welfare Officers' Handbook, Augusut 1970.
[1968 Circulars], January 1968 - October 1968 (File) - Box 209 (Sequence 1)
Subject matters include student housing, airline concessions, model UN Security Council, Executive and other committees meeting minutes, education seminars, Aboriginal land rights, NUAUS Friendly Society, financials.
[1969 Circulars], January 1969 - February 1969 (File) - Box 209 (Sequence 1)
Subject matters include Second Australian Universities Arts Festival (SAUAF), Annual Council, meeting minutes for ABSCHOL, travel committee.
[1968 Circulars], January 1968 - December 1968 (File) - Box 209 (Sequence 1)
Subject matters include education campaign, Executive Meeting minutes, Aboriginal land rights, Aboriginal education, annual council, general account statement of income.
Way Information, 1 December 1971, December 1971 (File) - Box 209 (Sequence 1)
Way Information was published by World Assembly of Youth.
Planing Committee notebook, December 1972 (File) - Box 209 (Sequence 1)
Dick Porter' is written on the cover. Notebook includes loose papers with handwritten drafts, copies of correspondence.
[Copies of outgoing correspondence circulated to union officers], December 1971 (File) - Box 209 (Sequence 1)
Subjects cover a wide variety of AUS business, including Wave Hill, Aboriginal land rights, student housing. Also includes News Weekly, No. 1442; copy of handwritten financial information title 'Float'.
[Copies of outgoing correspondence circulated to union officers], July 1972 (File) - Box 209 (Sequence 1)
Subjects cover a wide variety of AUS business, including travel, international students, subscriptions, book purchases, education shop. Includes United Nations in Action, No. 72/28; Statement on July 20 - 18 Anniversary of the Signing of the Geneva Agreement on Indochina, International Union of Students.
Series. Publications, June 1972 - August 1974
Series. Advocacy, April 1967 - June 1973
[National Asian Studies Faculties Association Conference 1970 - correspondence], April 1970 - July 1970 (File) - Box 210 (Sequence 1)
Also includes a list ordering papers, dated 1970, but it is unclear to what it relates.
ED 4.12 Names and Addresses, January 1970 - December 1970 (File) - Box 210 (Sequence 1)
Held in a suspension file with two sub-folders in manilla folders. Also includes some correspondence.
ED 4.10 Information Centre, July 1971 - August 1971 (File) - Box 210 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence and bibliographic lists relating to the Education Department's information centre.
[NUAUS Russia trip administration], January 1969 - December 1970 (File) - Box 210 (Sequence 1)
Includes itinterary, copies of correspondence.
ED 4.11 Miscellaneous, December 1970 - June 1972 (File) - Box 210 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence on subjects including peace festival, status of women, education inequalities campaign, student exchange,
Partridge Committee Applications etc, June 1970 - February 1973 (File) - Box 210 (Sequence 1)
Mixed material including correspondence, questionnaires, draft submissions, student numbers, student finances relating to application to the Partridge Committee for funding. Also includes copied material relating to the AUS Friendly Society.
Sydney 1967, April 1967 - June 1967 (File) - Box 210 (Sequence 1)
Mixed material relating to the National Asian Studies Faculties Association [NASFA] Conference 1967. Includes fees ledgers, programme, correspondence, handwritten draft report, papers.
May 1973 AUS Ed[ucatio]n Conf[erence] "Alternatives in Education", November 1972 - June 1973 (File) - Box 210 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to the AUS Education Conference, May 1973. Also includes Diplomatic List 31 July 1972, published by the Department of Foreign Affairs.
Series. Relationships: other organisations, May 1971 - November 1975
Independent Universities, August 1973 (File) - Box 210 (Sequence 1)
Information sheets and prospectuses from Ringwood Education Centre.
[Replies to letters requesting publications], August 1972 - October 1972 (File) - Box 210 (Sequence 1)
Two letters to Education Vice President Andrew Bain in response to his requests for publications. From Universitetskanslersämbetet, 15 August 1972; The Curriculum Advisory Board, 5 October 1972.
NASFA Papers - 1971 Sydney, May 1971 - September 1971 (File) - Box 210 (Sequence 1)
Mixed material relating to the National Asian Studies Faculties Association [NASFA] Conference 1971. Includes correspondence, NASFA constitution, statement of receipts and payments, draft programmes. Includes envelope with receipts, applications, programme, Honi Soit, Vol. 44 No. 20.
[NASFA and Asian Students Association], April 1970; May 1974 - November 1975 (File) - Box 210 (Sequence 1)
Material relating to National Asian Studies Faculties Association [NASFA] and Asian Students Association [ASA]. Includes correspondence relating to the ASA 4th Biennial Conference, 1974; ASA 5th General Conference Document 1; AUS position paper to ASA 5th General Conference, November 1975; letter from Commissioner Ray Whitrod offering to give a talk on Papua New Guinea, April 1970.
Series. Advocacy, 1975
[Women's Department papers], 1975 (File) - Box 210 (Sequence 1)
Includes Women's News Service, Nos. 1-2, 1975; Alternate News Service, No. 47, 13 October 1975. Also includes 'Women and the University under Capitalism', Deb. Shnookal; circular inviting women's groups to action following the Whitlam Dismissal.
Union Activities, University of Tasmania (File) - Box 210 (Sequence 1)
Material relating to Women's Week, 15-19 September, International Women's Year 1975. Includes photocopied news clippings about Tsui Hon-Kwong; United Nations International Women's Year Conference and Tribune, June-July 1975 Report; circulars inviting women's groups to action following the Whitlam Dismissal. Also includes Sexuality, published by AUS.
Series. Administration, November 1965 - October 1975
[Copies of outgoing correspondence circulated to union officers], December 1971; June 1972 (File) - Box 211 (Sequence 1)
Subjects cover a wide variety of AUS business, including travel, international students, Aquarius, touring artists, publications, submissions. Also includes Ccaesarian, Vol. 3 No. unknown; Lot's Wife, Vol. XII No. 10, 5 June 1972; United States National Student Association Newsletter, Vol. 24 No. 14, 23 December 1971.
[Copies of outgoing correspondence circulated to union officers], May 1972 (File) - Box 211 (Sequence 1)
Subjects cover a wide variety of AUS business, including Overseas Student Service (OSS), OSS working papers, publications, legal action, student housing. Also includes internal memoranda, The Union Recorder, Vol. 52 No. 9, 4 May 1972; Pit-Patter, No. 4, May 1972.
[Copies of outgoing correspondence circulated to union officers], May 1972 (File) - Box 211 (Sequence 1)
Subjects cover a wide variety of AUS business, including Abschol, Overseas Student Service (OSS), Papua New Guinea, conferences, Wattie Creek, AUS Friendly Society. Also includes internal memoranda, circulars, serials from external organisations.
Nat. Sect./Acct. Exec[utive] Meeting, August 1974 (File) - Box 211 (Sequence 1)
Report of the National Secretary/Accountant to August Council 1974. Includes preliminary budget for 1975.
Ed 5.4 Blue Print, November 1965 - July 1967 (File) - Box 211 (Sequence 1)
Held in a suspension file with two sub-folders, loose papers. Mixed material relating to the Blue Print Committee and Education Reform Program, including working papers, meeting minutes, articles, correspondence, list of committee members (1966), handwritten and typescript notes, newsletters.
[Copies of outgoing correspondence circulated to union officers], April 1972 - June 1972 (File) - Box 211 (Sequence 1)
Subjects cover a wide variety of AUS business, including Abschol, Overseas Student Service (OSS), conferences. Also includes internal memoranda, Minutes of an Extraordinary Meeting of the 61st Council of the University of Queensland Union (61st UQU Council), 3 May 1972; Third Meeting, of 61st UQU Council 6 April 1972; Minutes of the First Meeting of the Social Action Board, 10 April 1972.
[Registration cards and lists for Asian Students Association conference], July 1974 (File) - Box 212 (Sequence 1)
Education Vice President Report originals, February 1971 (File) - Box 212 (Sequence 1)
Paste-up of Report of the Education Vice President to February Council, 1971.
(Ben Hartley) General consolidation, c. 1970s (File) - Box 212 (Sequence 1)
Minute book with handwritten notes.
1971 Arts Festival, February 1971 (File) - Box 212 (Sequence 1)
Includes a draft ticket, correspondence regarding ticketing and accomodation.
Festival Transport, February 1971 - May 1971 (File) - Box 212 (Sequence 1)
Material relating to transport and accomodation for the Third Aquarius Festival, 1971. Includes correspondence including quotes, invoices; Transport and Accomodation report; budgets including catering, income, final budget, accomodation; meeting agenda; memoranda.
Series. Relationships: other organisations, November 1967 - May 1970
[National Asian Studies Faculties Association (NASFA) 1968 conference], November 1967 - October 1968 (File) - Box 212 (Sequence 1)
Includes agenda, report, financials, receipts, confirmation memoranda, correspondence, copies of the NASFA constitution, regulations.
[National Asian Studies Faculties Association (NASFA) 1970 conference], 1968; April - May 1970 (File) - Box 212 (Sequence 1)
Includes statement of payments, responses to invitations, tentative and final programs. Also includes Community Aid Abroad Annual Report, 1968; Catalogue of Film Library, High Commission of India, Canberra, no date.
[National Asian Studies Faculties Association (NASFA) 1969 conference], September 1968 - May 1969 (File) - Box 212 (Sequence 1)
Includes conference programme, correspondence, NASFA Balance Sheet 1968-69, NASFA Treasurer's Report 1966-67, NASFA 7th Annual Council Meeting Minutes, 25 May 1969, NASFA End of Year Report, 1968, receipts.
Series. Administration, March 1956 - 1976
ED 5.8 Mass Media, April 1967 - September 1971 (File) - Box 212 (Sequence 1)
Held in a suspension file in a folder and loose papers. Includes mixed material relating to 'Mass Media and Australian Society' seminar, 26-31 August 1967; other material relating to mass media, education in television; Mass Communications Media Congress, 21-23 May 1971.
5.7 [Libraries], March 1971 - November 1972 (File) - Box 212 (Sequence 1)
Held in a suspension file. Includes legal deposit notices, other correspondence from libraries. Also includes University Statistics 1967 Part 2 - Staff and Libraries, State Grants (Secondary Schools Libraries) Act 1968 - Annual Statement of Payments Under the Act for 1970, Hansard excerpts, news clippings.
ED 5.7 Educational Research, April 1972 - November 1972 (File) - Box 212 (Sequence 1)
Held in a suspension file. Includes Hansard excerpts, letters of information, press release and application forms for education research grants.
1971 Third Uni[versitie]s Conf[erence], February 1971 - November 1971 (File) - Box 212 (Sequence 1)
Third Australian Universities Conference, 19-21 May 1971. Includes Consolidated List of Decisions, memoranda, correspondence, circular with literature.
Corresp[ondence] with uni[versitie]s - mainly ANU, March 1965 - August 1972 (File) - Box 212 (Sequence 1)
Also includes Minutes of the Sixth Conference of Student Councils of NSW and the ACT, 6-7 May 1966; President's Annual Report to 25th Students' Representative Council, 6 April 1965; Minutes of some ANU Students' Representative Council; ANU Students' Representative Council financials, February 1965.
[Annual Council papers, 1974], April 1973 - November 1973 (File) - Box 213 (Sequence 1)
Mixed papers for Annual Council 1974. Includes political position and programme statement for AUS 1974, Student financing 1973 submission, applications for editor and business manager, Executive Meeting Minutes, 29-30 September 1973, financials, duty statements, action plans, reports.
[International Student Movement for the United Nations (ISMUN) 21st General Conference, 14-22 July 1973], November 1972 - November 1973 (File) - Box 213 (Sequence 1)
Includes agenda, proposal, mailing list, budgets, statements, Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting 10-13 November 1972, Ideas and Action Bulletin, 86-87.
[Newspaper clippings organised by theme], September 1969 - April 1971 (File) - Box 213 (Sequence 1)
Clippings pasted onto paper and grouped under Pre-School and Primary and Secondary headings, the latter having sub-categories: Crisis, 'Free' Education, State Aid, Church and Private Schools, Innovatory (Progressive) Schools, Handicapped Children, Exams and Alternatives, Commonwealth Secondary Scholarships, 'The School for Me'.
[Executive Meeting Papers, 31 March - 1 April, 1973], December 1972 - April 1973 (File) - Box 213 (Sequence 1)
Includes reports; financial statements including draft budget; AUS Travel Operations trust deed draft, articles of association; Minutes of AUS Regional Meeting, Friendly Society Board; material relating to libel suit.
[Second Executive Meeting Papers, 2 - 3 June, 1973], - July 1973 (File) - Box 213 (Sequence 1)
Includes agenda; Minutes of Executive Meeting 31 March - 1 April, 1973; circulars; reports, including on fee abolition; financials; nominations for Environmental Action Officer; submissions on student financing, international students.
Series. Relationships: Student organisations, January 1971 - February 1975
[Papers and statements of International Union of Students Executive Committee Meeting, Seminar, March 1973], January 1972; March 1973 (File) - Box 213 (Sequence 1)
International Student Seminar on "The Role of Students and Their Organisations in Shaping Higher Education Policy", 27 February - 1 March, 1973; Executive Committee Meeting, 2 - 5 March, 1973. Includes published Working Papers of the Executive Committee. Also includes Resolutions of the IUS Executive Committee Meeting, 26-29 January 1972.
[Circulars, statements, declarations of the International Union of Students (IUS) - 1971], January 1971 - April 1971 (File) - Box 213 (Sequence 1)
[Statements, declarations of the International Union of Students (IUS) - 1972], January 1972 - December 1972 (File) - Box 213 (Sequence 1)
[Statements, declarations of the International Union of Students (IUS) - 1971], May 1971 - December 1971 (File) - Box 213 (Sequence 1)
[AUS reports on the International Union of Students (IUS)], February 1971; March 1973 (File) - Box 213 (Sequence 1)
Includes Report on Visiti to IUS Conference by Delegate Adrian Shackley, 1971; Report of Overseas Representative on IUS, March 1973.
[Circulars, statements, declarations of the International Union of Students (IUS)], April 1973 - November 1973 (File) - Box 213 (Sequence 1)
[News Service and other serials], December 1972 - January 1974 (File) - Box 213 (Sequence 1)
Includes News Service, International Union of Students, No. 20, December 1972; Nos. 1, 4, 8, 12, 1973; No1., January 1974. Also includes Vietnam Bulletin, January 1973; African Bulletin, No. 2, January 1973.
Series. Advocacy, January 1967 - November 1972
Submission to the Australian Universities Commission Concerning the Triennium 1973-5, August 1971 (File) - Box 214 (Sequence 1)
Also includes related material including circulars, statistical information, press releases.
ED 5.5 Commonwealth Activities, April 1969 - March 1971 (File) - Box 214 (Sequence 1)
Held in a suspension file. Includes mixed material including Hansard excerpts; private circular on the Commonwealth Department of Education and Science; Malcolm Fraser statement on education, 13 August 1969; Minister for Education and Science press releases.
ED 5.11 Pre School, February 1971 - September 1972 (File) - Box 214 (Sequence 1)
Held in a suspension file. Includes mixed material including Hansard excerpts; Save the Children Fund NSW Division Pre-School Policy and Practice document; Submission to the Consultative Council on Pre-School Child Development; seminar papers.
Series. Relationships: other organisations, April 1970 - October 1972
ED 4.25 [Matheson Monday Conference], October 1971 (File) - Box 214 (Sequence 1)
Held in a suspension file. Includes correspondence, handwritten notes, copy of letter to the ABC.
ASCD [Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development] corresp[ondence], April 1971 (File) - Box 214 (Sequence 1)
Includes pamphlets.
TTAV [Technical Teachers Association of Victoria] corresp[ondence], April 1971 - May 1972 (File) - Box 214 (Sequence 1)
ANZAAS [Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science], January 1971 (File) - Box 214 (Sequence 1)
Single letter.
WA Tertiary Ed[ucation] C[ommis]sion, April 1970 - April 1972 (File) - Box 214 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, preliminary action statement.
1971 AUC sub[mission], August 1971 - November 1971 (File) - Box 214 (Sequence 1)
Submission to the Australian Universities Commission. Also includes "Submission to the AUC and NSW Universities Board", Sydney University Postgraduate Representative Association; some related correspondence.
VASAE [Victorian Association of Students of Advanced Education], September 1971 - July 1972 (File) - Box 214 (Sequence 1)
Victorian Association of Students of Advanced Education reports, financials, agenda, minutes for June Conference, 1972.
Corresp[ondence] re CIDOC, ANZAAS & Senate ed[ucatio]n c[ommit]tee, - November 1972 (File) - Box 214 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence regarding Centro Intercultural de Documentación (CIDOC); Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science (ANZAAS); Senate Standing Committee on Education, Science and the Arts.
Press Contacts, May 1972 - October 1972 (File) - Box 214 (Sequence 1)
Letter from journalist at The Age offering advice on reports to contact, October [no year]; copy of letter to University Information, ANU, requesting copies of ANU News, May 1972.
DOGS [Defence of Government Schools], July 1972 - September 1972 (File) - Box 214 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, information sheets, research bulletins.
WA Guild, March 1971 - November 1971 (File) - Box 214 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence with the Guild of Undergraduates, University of Western Australia.
Supporting Mothers Assoc[iation] corresp[ondence], September 1971 (File) - Box 214 (Sequence 1)
Includes pamphlet.
Free Ed[ucatio]n Movement, July 1971 (File) - Box 214 (Sequence 1)
Copy of a single letter from Free Education Movement Secretary T Davidson.
ACER [Australian Council for Educational Research] corresp[ondence], July 1971 - December 1972 (File) - Box 214 (Sequence 1)
Inner Sub[urban] Schools C[ommit]tee, June 1971 (File) - Box 214 (Sequence 1)
Copy of a single letter to Carline Matthews from AUS President Ken Newcombe.
Br[itish] Council, July 1971 - September 1971 (File) - Box 214 (Sequence 1)
Includes The Australia Bulletin, ed. Patricia Zeppel, No. 123, July 1971. Also includes correspondence.
WCOTP [World Confederation of Organizations of the Teaching Profession] corresp[ondence], July 1970 - June 1971 (File) - Box 214 (Sequence 1)
Also includes Echo newsletters July-October; November-December 1970; January-February; March-April; May-June 1971.
VIER [Victorian Institute of Educational Research] corresp[ondence], May 1971 - October 1971 (File) - Box 214 (Sequence 1)
Series. Advocacy, December 1963 - March 1972
[Annual Council papers, February 1970], November 1969 - February 1970 (File) - Box 214 (Sequence 1)
Mixed papers for Annual Council 1974. Includes reports; NUAUS services promotional pamphlet; resolutions; movements; financials.
1971 sub[mission]s on teacher ed[ucatio]n, August 1971 - September 1971 (File) - Box 214 (Sequence 1)
Includes Teacher Education New South Wales, September 1971 final and draft paste-up; Teacher Education: The Role of the Commonwealth, August 1971.
Ag[ricultural] ed[ucation], February 1964 - March 1972 (File) - Box 214 (Sequence 1)
Includes Agricultural education Part I and Part II, UNESCO Education abstracts series, 1964; Submission to Committee of Enquiry on Agricultural Education in South Australia, John Dawkins, 1968; Submission to Committee of Economic Enquiry on Education in Farm Management, Australian Primary Producers' Union, Febuary 1964.
Series. Administration, July 1972 - 1974
[Papers for Annual Council 1974], October 1973 - January 1974 (File) - Box 215 (Sequence 1)
Includes circulars, poster and circular relating to Green Bans, results of extraordinary resolutions, Minutes of Executive Meeting, 29-30 September 1973.
[Material resulting from January Council, 1974], February 1974 (File) - Box 215 (Sequence 1)
Circulars distributing extraordinary resolutions, editor actions, ratification procedures for Council resolutions on the Middle East, motions, extraordinary resolutions, constituent term dates.
[Presidential Circular No. 4, April 1973], April 1973 - April 1973 (File) - Box 215 (Sequence 1)
Circular includes information on Nimbin Arts Festival (Aquarius Festival, 1973). Also includes two issues of The Nimbin Times, poster 'A Practical Man's Guide - To Enjoy & Survive'.
[Circulars - travel, environment], August 1973 (File) - Box 215 (Sequence 1)
Also includes a submission to Monash Association of Students for funds for F7 Aus Employment.
[Circulars following Executive Meeting, 31 March - 1 April 1973], April 1973 (File) - Box 215 (Sequence 1)
[Papers for National Executive Meeting No. 4, 1974], 1974 (File) - Box 215 (Sequence 1)
Mixed papers for the Fourth National Executive Meeting, including agenda, extraordinary resolutions, circulars, manifestos & other material from constituents and external parties, information on the Tertiary Allowances Scheme 1974 changes, proposal for worker-student co-operation for the 1973 ACTU Congress.
[Copies of correspondence relating to Aquarius Festival, 1973], February 1973 - May 1973 (File) - Box 215 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence largely from Kaptain Kulture and Cultural Affairs Director Johnny Allen and Superfest Graeme Dunstan, Aquarius Festival 1973 directors.
Series. Relationships: Student organisations, May 1974 - November 1974
[Draft resolutions, declarations, open letters, statements from the 11st Congress of the International Union of Students (IUS)], May 1974 (File) - Box 215 (Sequence 1)
Report of the Executive Committee on the Development and Experience of the International Student Movement since the 10th IUS Congress and the Role and Tasks of the IUS in the General Anti-Imperialist Struggle for Peace, International Security, Cooperation and National Independence, International Union of Students, May 1974 (File) - Box 215 (Sequence 1)
[Papers for National Executive Meeting No. 4, 1974], October 1974 - November 1974 (File) - Box 215 (Sequence 1)
Mixed papers for the Fourth National Executive Meeting, including circulars, results of extraordinary resolutions at August Council, responses to media.
Series. Administration, December 1969 - December 1972
AUS 'House' Proposal, October 1972 - December 1972 (File) - Box 216 (Sequence 1)
Includes material relating to the purchase or rent of property in Melbourne, including extraordinary resolutions, paste-up of reports, detailed handwritten notes, costs estimates and budgets, layout plans. Also includes applications for Race Relations Officer, travel board documents relating to charter flights to Papua New Guinea.
A- Z copies EVP & RO January 1972 to June 1972 (Folder 1), January 1972 - June 1972 (File) - Box 216 (Sequence 1)
Copies of correspondence sent by Education Research Officer Tom Tescher and Education Vice President Andrew Bain.
A- Z copies EVP & RO January 1972 to June 1972 (Folder 2), January 1972 - June 1972 (File) - Box 216 (Sequence 1)
Copies of correspondence sent by Education Research Officer Tom Tescher and Education Vice President Andrew Bain.
A- Z copies EVP & RO January 1972 to June 1972 (Folder 3), January 1972 - June 1972 (File) - Box 216 (Sequence 1)
Copies of correspondence sent by Education Research Officer Tom Tescher and Education Vice President Andrew Bain.
A- Z copies EVP & RO July 1972 to Dec 1972 (Folder 1), July 1972 - December 1972 (File) - Box 216 (Sequence 1)
Copies of correspondence sent by Education Research Officer Tom Tescher and Education Vice President Andrew Bain.
Series. Advocacy, November 1958 - May 1975
ED 4.6 Friendly Society Correspondence, March 1970 - July 1972 (File) - Box 217 (Sequence 1)
Held in a suspension file.
ED 4.24 Special Ed[ucation] Committee, November 1967 - January 1970 (File) - Box 217 (Sequence 1)
Held in a suspension file. Includes correspondence relating to the NUAUS Education Sub-Committee.
ED 5.13 Secondary, December 1968 - August 1972 (File) - Box 217 (Sequence 1)
Held in a suspension file and manilla folder. Includes correspondence, news clippings & articles, Hansard excerpts, pamphlets, press releases relating to secondary schools. Also includes NUAUS Handbook of Papua & New Guinea, 1969; The Stone Rack, Nos. 1-2; Ferment, Vol. 1 No. 1, June 1971.
ED 426 Finance, April 1970 - December 1970 (File) - Box 217 (Sequence 1)
Held in a suspension file. Includes invoices, internal memoranda, correspondence.
ED 5.12 Primary, May 1971 (File) - Box 217 (Sequence 1)
Held in a suspension file. Includes an excerpt from Hansard, hand-dated 4 May 1971..
ED 5.1 Aboriginal Education, October 1968 - August 1971 (File) - Box 217 (Sequence 1)
Held in a suspension file. Includes "Statement and Recommendations on Early Education" paper from Workshop on Aboriginal Education, University of Queensland, May 1971. Also includes some correspondence.
ED 4.8 Friendly Society Reports, June 1968 - August 1972 (File) - Box 217 (Sequence 1)
Held in a suspension file. Includes financials, rules, constitution, meeting minutes, reports, circulars.
ED 4.9 History of Education Department, November 1958 - 1970 (File) - Box 217 (Sequence 1)
Held in a suspension file. Includes correspondence, reports, articles. Includes 'Records of the NUAUS Lodged in the Archives Repository, University of Sydney'; 'The Development of NUAUS as a Pressure Group', Brian Embury, 1966; lists of Education Officers and achivements to 1970.
[Medical students' associations - correspondence], March 1974 - May 1975 (File) - Box 217 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence from National Association of Pharmaceutical Students' of Australia (NAPSA), University of NSW Medical Society, Australasian Medical Students' Association. Correspondence relates to NAPSA Activities, International Pharmacy Conference, 16-17 May 1975, other conferences.
General NFA, 1969 - July 1974 (File) - Box 217 (Sequence 1)
Mixed material relating to National Faculty Associations. Includes correspondence, articles, administrative information on NUAUS support for NFAs, lists of active NFAs. Also includes Australian Federation of Muslim Students Association (AFMA) correspondence; material from the Association of Pharmaceutical Students' of Australia (NAPSA) including executive list, budgets, conference proceedings.
[Australasian Union of Student Architects (AUSA)], February 1974 - April 1974 (File) - Box 217 (Sequence 1)
Includes draft constitution, correspondence, information sheets, submission for National Faculty Associations grant from NUAUS, draft reports, financials.
4.7 [Friendly Society], November 1970 - July 1972 (File) - Box 217 (Sequence 1)
Held in a suspension file. Includes reports, financials, Board Meeting Minutes, meeting agenda, Friendly Society Rules, AUS First Aid Kit pamphlet.
[Aquarius], April 1971 - October 1971 (File) - Box 217 (Sequence 1)
Includes applications for Aquarius Director along with handwritten notes on applications. Also includes correspondents and invoices relating to marquee tents for Aquarius Festival, 1971.
ED 4.13 NUAUS General, November 1964 - July 1972 (File) - Box 217 (Sequence 1)
Held in suspension file and folder. Mixed material covering a wide variety of subjects. Includes information sheets on the NUAUS, circulars, correspondence, conference papers.
Student Participation Replies to Questionnaire - Vice-Chancellors of Universities, January 1969 (File) - Box 217 (Sequence 1)
Questionnaires for "Students' Role in the Institutional Government of Tertiary Educations", Education Vice President Tom Roper for the University of New England - NUAUS Conference on Planning in Tertiary Education, August 1969.
Student Participation Replies to Questionnaire - University SRC's [Student Representative Councils], January 1969 - July 1969 (File) - Box 217 (Sequence 1)
Questionnaires for "Students' Role in the Institutional Government of Tertiary Educations", Education Vice President Tom Roper for the University of New England - NUAUS Conference on Planning in Tertiary Education, August 1969.
Student Participation Replies to Questionnaire - Schools of Therapy, Optometry, Music, January 1969 - June 1969 (File) - Box 217 (Sequence 1)
Questionnaires for "Students' Role in the Institutional Government of Tertiary Educations", Education Vice President Tom Roper for the University of New England - NUAUS Conference on Planning in Tertiary Education, August 1969.
Student Participation Replies to Questionnaire - Agricultural Colleges, November 1968 - February 1969 (File) - Box 217 (Sequence 1)
Questionnaires for "Students' Role in the Institutional Government of Tertiary Educations", Education Vice President Tom Roper for the University of New England - NUAUS Conference on Planning in Tertiary Education, August 1969. Also includes Tyalla, Victorian School of Forestry, Creswick, November 1968.
Student Participation Replies to Questionnaire - Teacher's Colleges, 1968 - June 1969 (File) - Box 217 (Sequence 1)
Questionnaires for "Students' Role in the Institutional Government of Tertiary Educations", Education Vice President Tom Roper for the University of New England - NUAUS Conference on Planning in Tertiary Education, August 1969. Also includes Bathurst Teachers College 1969 Calendar; Teachers' College Kelvin Grove Calendar 1969; Melbourne Teachers College Student Representative Council Administrative Guide.
Series. Administration, November 1965 - February 1973
[Receipts, invoices, payments advice- A-M], January 1970 - January 1971 (File) - Box 218 (Sequence 1)
[Receipts, invoices, payments advice- S-Z], January 1970 - January 1971 (File) - Box 218 (Sequence 1)
[Receipts, invoices, payments advice- A-S], April 1968 - September 1969 (File) - Box 218 (Sequence 1)
[Debit Notes], November 1965 - September 1969 (File) - Box 218 (Sequence 1)
Includes receipts, requests for payments, statements of account, correspondence. National Secretary (Mrs) H Martinot.
[Credit Notes], December 1965 - April 1969 (File) - Box 218 (Sequence 1)
Includes receipts, requests for payments, statements of account, correspondence. National Secretary (Mrs) H Martinot.
Planning Comm[ittee] Report, December 1972 - February 1973 (File) - Box 218 (Sequence 1)
Planning Committee for Annual Council, February 1973. Also includes letters naming delegates and observers for 1973 Annual Council from UNSW, Tasmania University, Sydney University Student Unions/Representative Councils.
Series. Arts, October 1972 - May 1973
Series. Administration, May 1970 - December 1975
[Papers and material resulting from 1974 August Council], January 1973 - November 1974 (File) - Box 219 (Sequence 1)
Includes reports, circulars, financials, president's address, Abolish the Acts material, planning circular for Sexuality book, submission to the Commission on Advanced Education for the Triennium 1976-8, newsletters including Alternate News Service, Women's News Service, promotional material for 1974 Media Conference.
[Correspondence], March 1974 - December 1974 (File) - Box 219 (Sequence 1)
Mixed copies of correspondence. Topics include international students, including Malaysia, alleged surveillance of Malaysian students.
[Correspondence - A-F], October 1973 - October 1974 (File) - Box 219 (Sequence 1)
Copies of correspondence by President Neil McLean, General Vice President John D Vines. Subjects cover a range of AUS business, including 1974 resolutions on the Middle East, Abschol, internatinoal students, campaigns. Also includes itineraries of PRG [Provisional Revolutionary Government of South Vietnam] student delegation, circulars.
[Receipts, invoices, payments advice- M-V], September 1970 - February 1971 (File) - Box 219 (Sequence 1)
[Papers for Annual General Meeting, August 1970], June 1970 - July 1970 (File) - Box 219 (Sequence 1)
Includes circulars; notice of meeting; Minutes of First Educational Research Fund Trustees Meeting, Abschol, 10 July 1970; Minutes of Executive Meeting, 17-18 June 1970; reports and press release on exclusion of Albert Langer; newsletters; Catharsis, Issue One, 26 June 1970; Scrag, Vol. 5 No. 9, 17 July 1970.
Travel, July 1975 - December 1975 (File) - Box 220 (Sequence 1)
Papers including reports, circulars relating to AUS Travel. Includes Balance Sheet and Statements of Account, 31 March 1975, Hungerfords Chartered Accountants.
[Anti-Uranium activism], July 1975 - October 1975 (File) - Box 220 (Sequence 1)
Material relating to anti-nuclear and anti-uranium campaigns, including circulars, lists of associated groups, newsletters, reports, sticker. Includes Uranium Kits made by the AUS Social Action and Envrionment Department (SAE), July and August 1975. Also includes Conference for a Nuclear Free Pacific report, 6 July 1975; Black News Service, No. 7, 20 October 1975.
Series. Relationships: Student organisations, July 1973 - September 1975
New South Wales / ACT, May 1975 - September 1975 (File) - Box 220 (Sequence 1)
Material relating to constituents in NSW and ACT. Includes minutes of NSW AUS Secretaries meetings, minutes & agenda of regional conferences, Sydney University Students' Representative Council report on the occupation at Sydney University, July 1975.
Victoria, April 1975 - June 1975 (File) - Box 220 (Sequence 1)
Material relating to constituents in Victoria. Includes circulars, reports, Minutes AUS Victorian Regional Conference, April 1975. Also includes minutes of Rusden College Student Union meetings, Victoria Institute of Colleges newsletters, Rumpus, Nos. 4, 6.
West[ern] Australia, July 1975 (File) - Box 220 (Sequence 1)
Material relating to constituents in Western Australia (WA). Includes WA constituents visit report, July 1975; Pt. Peron Camp minutes. Also includes Murdoch News, Vol. 2 No. 5, 21 July 1975.
Queensland, June 1975 - August 1975 (File) - Box 220 (Sequence 1)
Material relating to constituents in Queensland. Includes regional circulars, conference agendas. Also includes Moonbi newsletter, No. 24, June 1975.
Series. Arts, December 1970 - January 1975
Aquarius - Applications for Grants to Aust[ralian] Council for the Arts, December 1970 - November 1974 (File) - Box 220 (Sequence 1)
Includes typescripts draft, paste-up for the November 1974 application, related correspondence, application forms. Also includes Annual Report of the Aquarius Foundation, 1970; 1971.
National Aquarius Meeting - Tour Proposals, December 1974 - January 1975 (File) - Box 220 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence with performers, managers, promoters, sepia and black-and-white photographs, ephemera. Includes sub-folder of material from Abdel Theatre Co; copy of the play Quartet, Willy Young, 1969; folder from Mushroom Records including promotional material, ephemera including posters.
John Vines, December 1974 (File) - Box 220 (Sequence 1)
Material relating to General Vice President John Vines taking a leading role in Aquarius. Core of the file are papers for Aquarius Meeting, December 1974, including reports, minutes, 1974 application to Australian Council for the Arts, financials. Reports include copies of directors' reports from previous years.
Series. Administration, July 1962 - October 1975
Claim Forms, n.d. (File) - Box 220 (Sequence 1)
Includes blank claim petty cash vouchers, request for debit/credit notes.
[Circulars, minutes, reports], April 1975 - May 1975 (File) - Box 220 (Sequence 1)
Subjects include anti-uranium and anti-nuclear activism; middle east activism including the General Union of Palestinian Students [GUPS] tour; TEAS [Tertiary Education Assistance Scheme] Campaign; Aboriginal rights, includng the Denis Walker case. Also includes Conference Information Bulletin for the AUS Teacher Trainees' Conference, 6-8 June 1975.
[Papers for Executive Meeting, September 1973], 1973 - November 1973 (File) - Box 220 (Sequence 1)
Includes circulars; minutes; reports; closed letters; Executive Meeting Minutes, August 1973; financials including contributions to Vietnam Aid Appeal. Also includes applications for Resource Officer, material related to protests at University of New England [UNE]; anti-apartheid action.
Adel[aide] Uni, September 1965 - April 1972 (File) - Box 221 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, circulars relating to Adelaide University. Includes material relating to Education Campaign, 1966, featuring a Work-Out, 20 April 1966; reports from the Adeliade University SRC.
[Copies of correspondence], October 1971 - December 1971 (File) - Box 221 (Sequence 1)
Held with separators marked with dates August 1971 - December 1971. August - September contain no material.
Vocational counselling, December 1967 - March 1971 (File) - Box 221 (Sequence 1)
Subject file on career counselling for high school students and a Careers Supplement published in National U, 1968. Material includes information letters from state education departments, correspondence
Series. Advocacy, December 1973 - December 1975
Timor - ACFOA, September 1975 - December 1975 (File) - Box 222 (Sequence 1)
Material relating to East Timor, some from ACFOA [Australian Council for International Development]. Includes circulars; reports; memoranda; meeting agenda; International Disaster Emergencies Committee for ACFOA constitution; correspondence; approval of ACFOA membership for AUS; Report on visit to East Timor for the ACFOA Timor Task Force, November 1975. Also includes Liberate Southern Africa, No. 4, December 1975.
Conspiracy By the State: Defend Walker, Garcia & Lacey, Ah Hoc Committee for the Defence, 2nd edition, August 1975 (File) - Box 222 (Sequence 1)
Booklet defending Denis Walker, Lionel Lacey, and John Garcia. Also includes blank petition sheets calling on the State Prosecutions Office, Queensland, to drop the charges.
[AUS Travel Service, AUS and international newsletters], February 1975 - October 1975 (File) - Box 222 (Sequence 1)
Includes material from the AUS Travel Service, including a copy of an undated letter collating information for ASA delegation; informational booklets. International material includes Malaya News Service, Nos. 9-10, October 1975; Selected Documents of the 17th Annual Conference of The Hong Kong Federation of Students, 14-16 February 1975. Also includes AUS booklets.
Women's Dep[artmen]t, December 1973 - October 1975 (File) - Box 222 (Sequence 1)
Subject file compiling publications, articles, largely featuring overseas material including on Nepal, Palestine, China, Sweden, Thailand, United Kingdom. Includes Women and Revolution, No.9, Summer 1975; China Reconstructs, Vol. XXIV Nos. 3, 6, 1975. Also includes The Asian Student Economic Conference November 29 - December 5, 1973, sponsored by National Student Centre of Thailand.
Series. Administration, January 1974 - November 1975
[Technical Colleges Applications Enquiries Membership], May 1974 - November 1975 (File) - Box 222 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence relating to applications by technical, agricultural, teaching, physical education, naturopathic colleges and other organisations to join AUS.
[Motions filed by category], c. February 1975 (File) - Box 222 (Sequence 1)
Includes motion drafts, paste-ups, proposed budgets, likely from Annual Council, February 1975.
Series. Administration, October 1963 - 1974
[Mixed financials, including receipts, requests for payment], July 1970 - December 1970 (File) - Box 223 (Sequence 1)
Includes receipts for NUAUS Travel Service, publications, Cultural Affairs Committee.
Reconciliation Statements, June 1967 - May 1969 (File) - Box 223 (Sequence 1)
Arranged and divided by constituency.
[Receipts, Remittance Advices, Cheque payments], November 1967 - October 1970 (File) - Box 223 (Sequence 1)
Arranged and divided alphabetically. Receipt Numbers [RN] are included.
[Statements], March 1965 - December 1966 (File) - Box 223 (Sequence 1)
Includes Debit and Credit Notes.
[Reconciliation Statements, 1965 - 1966], October 1963 - December 1968 (File) - Box 224 (Sequence 1)
Arranged by constituency. Includes some advices of payment and other financials, 1968.
[Cultural Affairs Files], 1972 (File) - Box 224 (Sequence 1)
Files from the Cultural Affairs Director Johnny Allen. Arranged and divided by subject: Press releases; General Aquarius, Local CAO's & General; Board; Di Manson's Circulars; Summer Schools; Campus Circuit; Intervarsities; Proposed Tours; "Good Afternoon"; "Ochs + Cobb". Some material in paste-up stage; includes correspondence.
[Reports, circulars, newsletters for Annual Council, 1974], September 1973 - March 1974 (File) - Box 224 (Sequence 1)
Some circulars and other material post-date the Annual Council. Includes material relating to controversial resolutions regarding the Middle East; Armidale accomodation; Constituent Mailing List, January 1974; report on "Womenvision" film festival; environmental and anti-nuclear testing activism; material relating to southern Africa (South Africa, Zimbabwe, Portuguese colonies); race relations including Papua New Guinea; overseas students and events including Malaysia, Chile, October 1973; Statements of Income and Expenditure to August; September 1973.
[Orders and receipts for The Myth of Equality, Tom Roper] (File) - Box 225 (Sequence 1)
Arranged and divided alphabetically by ordering company or surname, A-Z.
[Extraordinary Resolutions], c. 1967 - 1969 (File) - Box 226 (Sequence 1)
Includes Extraordinary Resolutions [ERs] for 1968 arranged by number along with 'Closed ERS' partition. Includes telegrams, circulars, correspondence. Also includes documents listing ERs by number, date, particulars, date of closure, result (carried/lost) for ERS 1967-1969.
[Extraordinary Resolutions], 1970 (File) - Box 226 (Sequence 1)
Arranged by Extraordinary Resolution number in reverse order; 21-1. Includes telegrams, circulars, correspondence.
[Circulars, press releases, reports], 1974 (File) - Box 226 (Sequence 1)
Includes conference and seminar reports; reports on overseas students, including Panama, Chile, Zimbabwe, discussion notes on meeting between AUS President Neil McLean and officials of the Democratic Peoples' Republic of Korea in Indonesia, 26-28 May 1974; Minutes of Executive Meeting, 29-30 September 1973.
1974 Executive Reports + Constit. ERO & EVP, December 1973 - December 1974 (File) - Box 225 (Sequence 1)
Reports from Education Vice President [EVP] and other officers to the Executive; copies of letters circulated to constituents, many from Education Vice President Tom Hurley or Education Resource Officer [ERO] Penny Ryan.
[Circulars], November 1969 - May 1970 (File) - Box 225 (Sequence 1)
Covers a wide variety of NUAUS business, including meeting and sub-committee agendas, voting results, visits, constituency tours, campaign updates. Includes Minutes of the First Meeting of the Aboriginal Quarterly, 19 March 1970; Minutes Abschol Trustees Meeting, 23 March 1970; Minutes of NUAUS Friendly Society Board, 20 March 1970; various Travel Meeting Minutes; Minutes of the NUAUS Papua & New Guinea Conference 28-29 March 1970.
[Planning Committee Documents], August 1971 - October 1972 (File) - Box 226 (Sequence 1)
Includes Planning Committee Meeting Minutes, 21-22 October 1972; AUS Planning Committee Questionnaire returns from Macquarie University, SAIT; Submission from University of Queensland. Also includes photocopies of Associations Incorporation Act, Western Australia; 'Regional Economic Policy' paper by Dr FJB Stilwell, Second Conference of Economists, August 1971; paper comparing Vietnam and South Africa.
AUS Planning Committee 1972 Neil McLean, September 1972 - October 1972 (File) - Box 226 (Sequence 1)
Papers relating to the Planning Committee 1972, including submissions, circulars, information sheets & bulletins, discussion points following initial meeting. Also includes handwritten notes, possibly by Neil McLean.
Series. Advocacy, May 1972 - December 1972
Anti-War Mobilization by AUS, September 1972 - December 1972 (File) - Box 226 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence; attendee lists; circulars; draft agenda; Minutes of Mass Meeting of Anti-War Action Coalition, 12 December 1972; Minutes (including drafts) of Anti-War Co-Ordinating Conference, 14-15 October 1972.
Anti-War Conference & Action in Oct- November '72, July 1972 - October 1972 (File) - Box 226 (Sequence 1)
Includes draft agenda; draft resolution; draft letter calling for Anti-War Conference; hand-outs, some with reprinted material from Thoi-Bao Ga, a Vietnamese student newspaper. Also includes The Militant, August 4 1972; Intercontinental Press, Vol. 10, Nos. 27, 28, 30, July 1972.
Abschol - Mirema Council Kununurra - Re: ANRF, May 1972 - November 1972 (File) - Box 226 (Sequence 1)
Material realting to the Mirema Council, formed by the Miriwung people of the Kununurra region, Western Australia and Australian Nomads Research Foundation [ANRF]. Includes Outline of the Mirema Council brief, press releases, correspondence, position papers, submission (and paste-up draft) to purchase a truck for the Miriwung People, Meeting Minutes between AUS, ANRF, Friar Peter Willis, 13 June 1972.
Series. Relationships: Student organisations, 1972
Series. Advocacy, 1972
[Working Papers], 1972 (File) - Box 226 (Sequence 1)
Paste-ups of Working Papers 1-3, 5, including financials on Cold Comfort, National U, an AUS vehicle.
[Education workshop and other papers], February 1972 - June 1972 (File) - Box 226 (Sequence 1)
Mixed papers, including briefs for presidents of applicants for membership to AUS; draft first 100 days of AUS Presidency 12 February - 31 May 1972; visit of Ralph Nader; Lake Pedder campaign summary; handwritten notes, papers, agenda for education workshops, The School in the Community.
[Presidential Collective Circulars and campaign material], February 1972 - September 1972 (File) - Box 226 (Sequence 1)
Includes papers summarising AUS activities, listing members and structure; Presidential Collective Circulars, Nos. 3-7, 9-12, 14-15, 19-22 and other circulated letters; Draft Constitution of Australian New Zealand Students Association [AUS/NZUSA]; circulars and draft Meeting with Foreign Affairs staff, grouped under French Nuclear Tests; Minutes of the Executive Meeting, 8-9 April 1972; Executive Meeting Agenda, 10-11 June 1972; Lake Pedder campaign material. Some items are paste-up drafts.
[Executive Minutes, June 1972 and other mixed papers], April 1972 - July 1972 (File) - Box 226 (Sequence 1)
Mixed papers, some arranged into groups. Includes paste-up draft of Executive Meeting Minutes, 10-12 June 1972; papers & articles on politics, including 'Political Intrusion into the University', 'Ustasha Training in Australia', material relating to anti-apartheid activism, position paper at Third Asian Students Conference; Presidential Collective Circular No. 17; Speech to University of Queensland Union; Information for Prospective New Members sheet. Some items are paste-up drafts.
Series. Relationships: other organisations, 1972
International Preparatory Committee Australian Div[isio]n, November 1972 - December 1972 (File) - Box 226 (Sequence 1)
Information circulated, pamphlet relating to the 10th World Festival of Youth and Students, including Minutes of Meeting, 15 November 1972. Organised by the International Union of Students [IUS].
Series. Administration, September 1968 - December 1974
[Blank Petty Cash Vouchers, Request for Debit/Credit Note forms], n.d. (File) - Box 226 (Sequence 1)
[Press cuttings relating to primary and secondary education], 1970 (File) - Box 227 (Sequence 1)
Arranged and divided by theme: Crisis; Special Students; Miscellaneous; Independent Schools; Catholic Education. Individual sheets are annotated by state and territory. A divider exists for Preschool with no material behind it.
[Reports and other papers from International Student Movement for the United Nations [ISMUN] ] (File) - Box 227 (Sequence 1)
Includes Report of the 26th Annual AFUNA-ISMUN Summer School, "The United Nations - The Gap Between Promise and Performance", 13-27 August 1972. Also includes deadlines for ISMUN 21st General Conference, held 14-22 July 1973; other reports and articles from ISMUN.
1974 - EVP Tom Hurley & ERO Penny Ryan - Copy of Drafts, June 1974 (File) - Box 227 (Sequence 1)
Includes draft reports, submissions, by Education Vice President Tom Hurley and/or Education Resource Officer Penny Ryan. Includes Submission to The Committee to Review The Tertiary Education Assistance Scheme, December 1974; AUS Women's Studies Guide - 1974.
August Council 1972 Reports GVP Stuart Morris (Folder 1), August 1972 (File) - Box 227 (Sequence 1)
Copies of reports to August Council 1972 from the office of General Vice President Stuart Morris. Includes officer reports, constituent reports, working papers, curricula vitarum for AUS positions.
August Council 1972 Reports GVP Stuart Morris (Folder 2), August 1972 (File) - Box 227 (Sequence 1)
Copies of reports to August Council 1972 from the office of General Vice President Stuart Morris. Includes constituent reports, working papers.
[Asian Students Association Seminar, "Higher Education in Asia"], March 1974 (File) - Box 227 (Sequence 1)
Pre-Seminar circular and Seminar Report. Held in Hong Kong 21-25 March 1974. Also includes Executive Circular No. 5:74.
[National Executive Meeting - copies of papers], February 1974 (File) - Box 227 (Sequence 1)
Copies of agenda and papers for the AUS National Executive Meeting, 16-17 February 1974. Includes budget, material relating to Queensland Student Flood Relief Fund, Middle East resolutions, anti-base campaigns, anti-mining protests.
[Circulars], December 1967 - January 1969 (File) - Box 228 (Sequence 1)
Includes circulars on a range of NUAUS concerns including NUAUS Travel Conference Minutes, Easter 1968 and other travel matters, Education Campaign, Scholarships, Aquarius Festival 1970, Aboriginal land rights, voting & officer appointments. Also includes The Diploma of Education Course: A Report on a National Seminar held in Melbourne during December 1967.
[Circulars], May 1970 - June 1970 (File) - Box 228 (Sequence 1)
Includes circulars on a range of NUAUS concerns including constitutional amendments, anti-apartheid activism, National Travel Loan Fund and other travel matters, Taxation Campaign, Aquarius Festival, voting results, Indonesian Community Development Projects, reports and ratification of May Council 1970, Wattie Creek.
[Circulars], January 1968 - December 1968 (File) - Box 228 (Sequence 1)
Includes Extraordinary Resolutions 19/68 - 21/68; circulars on a range of NUAUS concerns including Education Campaign 1969, Yirrkala Aboriginals taking NABALCO to court, Report on Abschol Summer School, January 1968, voting results. Includes Minutes of the Second Meeting of the NUAUS Friendly Society Board, 28 October 1968.
[Creditors' Vouchers, Salary Advices and other financials], November 1969 - May 1970 (File) - Box 228 (Sequence 1)
[Creditors' Vouchers and Cheque Payment Vouchers], November 1969 - August 1970 (File) - Box 228 (Sequence 1)
Arranged and divided alphabetically by business name.
Series. Advocacy, April 1972 - April 1975
[Floating file], April 1972 (File) - Box 229 (Sequence 1)
Mixed file covering the spectrum of AUS interests and campaigns. Includes copies of correspondence, articles, papers, reports, newsletters.
[Circulars, campaign material], December 1974 - April 1975 (File) - Box 229 (Sequence 1)
Mixed material relating to AUS standard business and active campaigns, including reports, articles, circulars, motions, minutes, ephemera. Subjects include Tertiary Education Assistance Scheme [TEAS], Friendly Society, the Indonesian occupation of East Timor, Israel-Palestine conflict, Vietnam, women's liberation, gay liberation, Radical Ecology Conference. Also includes Black News Service, Vol. 1 No. 1, 3 April 1975; The democratic state of Palestine: A Middle East solution; Counter Course Handbooks for Arts, Engineering; East Timor newspaper pamphlet, Campaign for Independent East Timor.
Series. Administration, 1969 - 1971
[Wattie Creek and other material], June 1970 - November 1970 (File) - Box 230 (Sequence 1)
Includes Abschol circular 'Wattie Creek Liquidity Crisis', 2 November 1970; What Now at Wattie Creek - report of the Abschol Field Team which visitied Wattie Creek in May-June of 1970, which includes a summary of the Wave Hill Settlement. Also includes other circulars on Inequality Campaign, Legal fund, other NUAUS business.
[Mixed circulars, reports, newsletters], November 1970 - March 1971 (File) - Box 230 (Sequence 1)
Includes Minutes of the Executive Meeting, 4-5 December 1970; lists of participants and their addresses; material relating to Education campaign, Inequalities campaign; anti-apartheid campaign; AUS Submission to the Australian Vice Chancellors' Committee on the Cochrane Report on Year-Round University Teaching; Abschol; Travel Meeting Minutes, 9 December 1970; Russian tour itinerary.
Series Series. Advocacy, 1974 - 1975
Women's Dep[artmen]t, 1974 - October 1975 (File) - Box 231 (Sequence 1)
Publications, articles relating to women's studies. Includes Women's Consciousness, Man's World, Sheila Rowbotham, 1974 Pelican reprint; refractory girl, No. 3, Winter 1973; 'The Forgotten Presence' article, Dorelle Pinch; Sydney Women's Commission agenda and papers, 25-26 October 1975; other newsletters.
Series. Relationships: Student organisations, 1974 - 1975
Newnham, January 1975 (File) - Box 231 (Sequence 1)
Application for Membership of the Australian Union of Students by the Student Association of the Tasmanian College of Advanced Education (Newnham Campus). Also includes correspondence, submission, information packet.
Kuring-Gai, October 1974 - December 1974 (File) - Box 231 (Sequence 1)
Application material applying to join the AUS from Students' Representative Council, Kuring-Gai College of Advanced Education. Includes a copy of their constitition, correspondence, questionnaire.
Adelaide CAE, November 1974 - December 1974 (File) - Box 231 (Sequence 1)
Application material applying to join the AUS from Union of Adelaide College of Advanced Education. Includes a copy of their constitition, correspondence, questionnaire.
Salisbury, January 1975 (File) - Box 231 (Sequence 1)
Application material applying to join the AUS from Salisbury College of Advanced Education Students' Union. Includes a copy of their constitition, correspondence, questionnaire, information booklet.
John Vimes - New Members Annual Council 1975, January 1975 (File) - Box 231 (Sequence 1)
Includes Report to Council by the New Members Committee of the AUS Executive. Also includes a checklist of which Colleges of Advanced Education had submitted constitutions and questionnaires; correspondence; handwritten notes.
Series. Relationships: Student organisations, November 1974 - February 1975
Series. Administration, September 1972 - 1975
[Australian Copyright Council anti-photocopying material], September 1972 (File) - Box 231 (Sequence 1)
Three copies.
Motions on notice - National Affairs Commission to complete w/volumes, 1975 (File) - Box 231 (Sequence 1)
Includes motion to adopt the Eureka flag as the official emblem of AUS publications.
Elections - Annual Council 1975, 1975 (File) - Box 231 (Sequence 1)
Includes handwritten notes, chart on inside cover detailing officers by committee, budget to 31 December 1975.
Motions - international Affairs Commission, 1975 (File) - Box 231 (Sequence 1)
Includes motion relating to a planned tour by Palestinian Liberation Organization delegates, other motions relating to Palestine and Israel. Also includes a detailed list of voting strengths of constituents with a handwritten list of proxies attached.
Series. Relationships: Student organisations, November 1975
5th ASA General Conference, November 1975 (File) - Box 231 (Sequence 1)
Asian Students Association and the National Student Center of Thailand, 21-25 November, 1975. This folder includes position papers, articles on women in Asia, handwritten notes, The Woman in the World report from Swedish International Development Authority [SIDA], 1975. Also includes 'Exams cause brain damage' stickers. Folder has Tasma Ockenden's name on cover.
5th ASA General Conference, November 1975 (File) - Box 231 (Sequence 1)
Asian Students Association and the National Student Center of Thailand, 21-25 November, 1975. This folder includes conference agenda, position papers, Asian Student Exchange Program proposal, issues of Asian Student News.
5th ASA General Conference, November 1975 (File) - Box 231 (Sequence 1)
Asian Students Association and the National Student Center of Thailand, 21-25 November, 1975. This folder includes position papers, reports, articles on women in the 'third world', material from student unions of member nations, issues of Asian Student News. Also includes These are the Palestinians pamphlet, Palestine Liberation Organization, October 1974.
Series. Administration, November 1965 - August 1970
[Receipts and participant lists, Overseas Student Travel Scheme], 1966 - 1967 (File) - Box 232 (Sequence 1)
Includes material for Papua New Guinea work camps.
[Correspondence regarding payment for travel to Papua New Guinea work camps], December 1965 - March 1966 (File) - Box 232 (Sequence 1)
[Administation fee ledgers for travel, Noumea, New Zealand, including Receipt Numbers], January 1967 - July 1970 (File) - Box 232 (Sequence 1)
[Papua New Guinea work camps], December 1965 - May 1966 (File) - Box 232 (Sequence 1)
Includes typescript lists of underpaid fares, money received as deposits, lists of paid organised by geographic section, lists of work campers, circulars distributed.
[Receipts, account statements, creditors' vouchers], March 1970 - August 1970 (File) - Box 232 (Sequence 1)
[Circulars], May 1968 - July 1968 (File) - Box 232 (Sequence 1)
Includes circulars with report of the PNGRO's visit to Port Moresby, 31 May - 8 June 1968; Minutes of National U Editorial Board, 26 June, 8 July 1968; Financial Statement, 2 July 1968. Subjects include travel, airline concessions, Abschol Land Rights Vigil; student housing, results of voting.
[Newspaper clippings arranged by subject], 1970 (File) - Box 233 (Sequence 1)
Subjects include tertiary education, Colleges of Advanced Education [CAEs], universities (both by institution and general), students, representation, accomodation, the Bond, financials, taxation, Ministerial, university courses, entrance requirements, examinations, international universities, teachers, including sub-categories of teacher training, states and territories.
Series Series. Advocacy, February 1958 - February 1970
Report of the Academic Board Committee on Liberal Education, Western Australian Institute of Technology, July 1969 (File) - Box 234 (Sequence 1)
Schol[arship]s - independent status, September 1968 - February 1970 (File) - Box 234 (Sequence 1)
Scholarship with Education Vice President Tom Roper regarding the Commonwealth Scholarship, living away from home allowance, independence status.
University Reports/Speeches, September 1964 - April 1970 (File) - Box 234 (Sequence 1)
Includes Melbourne University - A Student Report, Students' Representative Council of the University of Melbourne, September 1964; Problems of Australian Universities, The 1968 Alfred Deakin Lecture, JAL Matheson, 1 October 1968; report of SU Genesis Committee , April 1970. Also includes handbooks for Flinders University, Macquarie University, extracts from the Commonwealth Universities Yearbook 1968 for the Tenth Commonwealth Universities Congress.
AUS educ[ation] book, early 60s, February 1958; c. early 1960s (File) - Box 234 (Sequence 1)
Possibly a research file, including two publications. Education in Australia: Students Report, Students' Representative Council of the University of Melbourne, no date; Student Personnel Services in the Publicly Controlled Colleges and Universities in Michigan, Staff Study No.5, The Survey of Higher Education in Michigan, Orvin Richardson, February 1958.
Series. Administration, October 1972 - January 1975
[Papers for Annual Council 1973], October 1972 - February 1973 (File) - Box 234 (Sequence 1)
Mixed papers for Annual Council 1973, including gendas, constituent, officer, committee reports, results of extraordinary resolutions, proposed constitutional amendment.
[Draft motions, statements for Annual Council 1975], January 1975 (File) - Box 234 (Sequence 1)
Includes handwritten and typescript paste-up drafts of motions, statements, advertisements for officer positions, intended for Annual Council 1975. Includes page describing voting strength by constituent with handwritten notes.
[Correspondence - Resource Officer Penny Ryan], January 1974 - February 1975 (File) - Box 234 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with and copies of respones from Penny Ryan, Resource Officer.
[Motions, including drafts], January 1975 (File) - Box 234 (Sequence 1)
Includes handwritten draft motions, statements from constituents before Annual Council 1975. One set of handwritten statements relates to the Australian Labor Party's position on student allowances.
[Material for Executive Meetings], May 1974 - December 1974 (File) - Box 234 (Sequence 1)
Large amount of mixed material for Executive Meetings, 1974, including agendas, constituent lists, officer, committee reports, minutes, correspondence, circulars. Includes Minutes of the Executive Meeting, 16-17 August, 4-5 October 1974. Also includes correspondence relating to the independence of Papua New Guinea.
Series Series. Advocacy, December 1969 - August 1975
It's Time For Change In Education submission to the Australian Labor Party, Andrew Bain and Tom Tescher, August 1972 (File) - Box 235 (Sequence 1)
Some Aspects of University Teaching & Learning pamphlet, Tom Roper, December 1969 (File) - Box 235 (Sequence 1)
Aboriginal children at school: special problems and special needs, New South Wales Teachers Federation, 1970 (File) - Box 235 (Sequence 1)
Submission to The Committee to Review the Tertiary Education Assistance Scheme, Penny Ryan and Tom Hurley, 1973 - December 1974 (File) - Box 235 (Sequence 1)
Includes related material, Student Log of Claims 1974; Statement of Student Rights; Assessment - Commodity Control paper by Tess Lee Ack, Phil Ilton. Also includes list of education publications, January 1973.
An Evaluation of the Role of Student Assistance Schemes in the Financing of Higher Education: With Particular Reference to Australia and the Commonwealth Scholarship Schemes, 1951 to 1969, Leo R Maglen, November 1973 (File) - Box 235 (Sequence 1)
Submission to the Australian Universities Commission for the Triennium 1976-78, Penny Ryan and Tom Hurley, c. 1974 (File) - Box 235 (Sequence 1)
[Comments on the Draft Report of the Open University Committee], June 1974 - August 1975 (File) - Box 235 (Sequence 1)
Also includes correspondence with Resource Officer Penny Ryan. Originally a small grouping of loose papers.
[Matriculant survey final report], October 1974 - November 1974 (File) - Box 235 (Sequence 1)
Print-outs and letters to Resource Officer Penny Ryan.
Submission on Aspects of the fourth Victorian University, Ken Newcombe, March 1971 (File) - Box 235 (Sequence 1)
Submission to the CACAE Concerning the Triennium 1973-5, Tom Tescher and Ken Newcombe, October 1971 (File) - Box 235 (Sequence 1)
CCAE - Commonwealth Advisory Committee on Advanced Education.
Commonwealth Scholarships Submission 1972, Tom Tescher and Andrew Bain, May 1972 (File) - Box 235 (Sequence 1)
A new policy towards Foreign Students in Australia submission to the Ministers of Education, Foreign Affairs and Immigration, July 1973 (File) - Box 235 (Sequence 1)
1974 Unions Conference Canberra, May 1974 (File) - Box 235 (Sequence 1)
Material from the Third Conference of University and CAE [Colleges of Advanced Education] Unions held at ANU Union, Canberra, 13-15 May 1974.
[Report on student employment survey], Andrew Bain, 1972 (File) - Box 235 (Sequence 1)
Cover page missing.
Education Policy 1972 pamphlet, Andrew Bain, 1972 (File) - Box 235 (Sequence 1)
Also includes handwritten notes on Australian, New Zealand Student Health Association, Student Services Conference, typescript report Statistical Information relating to the Australian Univerisites Commission Submission, Tom Tescher; these are inserted inside the pamphlet.
The Plight of Libraries in Colleges of Advanced Education pamphlet, Andrew Bain, June 1972 (File) - Box 235 (Sequence 1)
[Reports to August Council], 1971 (File) - Box 235 (Sequence 1)
Includes reports of National Abschol Director, Abschol Trustees, Aquarius, Arts, Education Vice President, Two Schools & Inequalities campaigns, National PNG Officer, Niugini Research Team, Travel officers, constituents' reports.
Series. Administration, April 1966 - January 1972
[Invoices, statements of account], April 1966 - August 1966 (File) - Box 236 (Sequence 1)
Includes accomodation, travel. Also includes some correspondence.
[Invoices], July 1966 - August 1966 (File) - Box 236 (Sequence 1)
Arranged by descending Cheque Number, 5959 - 5922 (likely incomplete). Includes accomodation, travel, Papua New Guinea.
[Reports and papers, Annual Council 1972], December 1971 - January 1972 (File) - Box 236 (Sequence 1)
Large file of reports for Annual Council 1972. Includes Draft Education Policy, January 1972; budgets for Publications (Working Papers), Papua New Guinea, AUS Balance Sheet at 31 December 1972; AUS officer reports; committee reports; constituent reports; motions. Also includes a hand-written account of the activities of Tom Tescher, Education Research Officer, December 1971
Series Series. Advocacy, July 1970 - 1974
[Race Relations], November 1972 - February 1974 (File) - Box 236 (Sequence 1)
Race Relations newsletters, reports, circulars relating to Aboriginal rights and overseas anti-colonialism activism, including the Pacific, Zimbabwe. Includes Herbert Chitepo tour itinerary; Aborigines in Australian School Books, A. Doobov, November 1972; Uranium Miners & Aborigines in Arnhem Land, Race Relations Officer Justin Moloney, November 1973.
[Travel], March 1971 - August 1973 (File) - Box 236 (Sequence 1)
Circulars, reports, meeting minutes, ephemera relating to AUS Travel, including Papua Niugini village scheme, visiting students including from the USSR student exchange program, publications, camping trips.
[Abschol and Save the Gurindji Campaign], November 1970 - October 1972 (File) - Box 236 (Sequence 1)
Includes Aborigines Benefits Trust Fund - First Annual Report 1970; "Pincher Numiari: Gurindji plans and attitudes," Warwick Neilley, 29 November 1970; The Gurindji at Wattle Creek, Hannah Middleton, 9 December 1970; Aborigines and Land Rights, A. Barrie Pittock; other papers, reports, newsletters, circulars, ephemera relating to Aboriginal rights, including land rights from Abschol, ANFA, FCAATSI, National Tribal Council. Includes applications for Race Relations Officer, October 1972.
[Press releases, letters to the editor], March 1972; January - March 1974 (File) - Box 236 (Sequence 1)
Majority authored or drafted by Education Vice President Tom Hurley.
AUS Submission to the Commission on Advanced Education For the Triennium 1976 - 8, c. 1974 (File) - Box 236 (Sequence 1)
Series. Relationships: Student organisations, July 1972 - June 1975
Series. Administration, 1970 - 1976
Series Series. Advocacy, June 1965 - November 1973
[Research File, Education Department], June 1965 - November 1973 (File) - Box 237 (Sequence 1)
Mixed material relating to Education Department research, mostly migrant and adult education. Includes copy of Immigrants and Their Education from Board of Education, Toronto, June 1965; material for Lifelong Education conference, Australian Association of Adult Education, 23-29 November 1973; ephemera, reports, circulars, newsletters.
Series. Administration, October 1969 - 1972
[Applications for International Student Identity Cards], 1970 - 1972 (File) - Box 238 (Sequence 1)
Includes an International Student Travel Conference card, 1971.
[Applications for International Student Identity Cards], 1970 - 1972 (File) - Box 238 (Sequence 1)
Includes one card, signed 1969 and 1970.
Series. Publications, 1964 - February 1969
Survey of Student Needs - Newcastle University College, GA Gray and KL Underwood, University of New South Wales, 1964 (File) - Box 238 (Sequence 1)
Student Counselling and Research Unit, Bulletin No. 1.
Australian University Statistics 1962-8, Australian Vice-Chancellors' Committee, 1968 (File) - Box 238 (Sequence 1)
A building for the teaching of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Macquarie University, 1968 (File) - Box 238 (Sequence 1)
The Flinders University of South Australia Conferring of Degrees - Address by the Vice-Chancellor (Professor PH Karmel), April 1968 (File) - Box 238 (Sequence 1)
Letter to Graduates Of The University of Sydney From the Vice-Chancellor and Principal Sir Stephen Roberts, May 1967 (File) - Box 238 (Sequence 1)
One copy also includes news clippings.
First Report of the Vice-Chancellor, Macquarie University, February 1969 (File) - Box 238 (Sequence 1)
Series. Administration, 1967 - 1971
Free Universities, Genesis, & student-run courses, February 1968 - 1971 (File) - Box 238 (Sequence 1)
Includes syllabi, correspondence, news clippings.
August Council Ratifications, July 1970 - December 1970 (File) - Box 239 (Sequence 1)
Includes extraordinary resolutions, voting tables. Originally held loose.
[Submissions, reports to August Council 1970], August 1969; August 1970 (File) - Box 239 (Sequence 1)
Includes LNS Report to August Council from WAIT Student Guild, August 1969. Also includes grey dividers marked by NUAUS departments with a small number of memoranda.
[Cheque receipts], January 1971 - May 1971 (File) - Box 239 (Sequence 1)
Arranged in descending date order. Includes some correspondence or other information attached.
[Applications for International Student Identity Cards], 1967 - 1970 (File) - Box 239 (Sequence 1)
Includes two photos attached to an application; related correspondence.
[Circulars, correspondence, orders relating to International Student Identity Cards], January 1967 - November 1968 (File) - Box 239 (Sequence 1)
Mostly administrative and financial material relating to the cards, such as bulk orders from constituents, receipts. Also includes forwarded requests for specific students.
[Applications for International Student Identity Cards], 1969 - 1970 (File) - Box 239 (Sequence 1)
Also includes related correspondence.
[Applications for International Student Identity Cards], 1967 - 1969 (File) - Box 239 (Sequence 1)
Also includes related correspondence.
[Applications for International Student Identity Cards], 1967 - 1971 (File) - Box 239 (Sequence 1)
Includes card, stamped 1970, 1971. Also includes related correspondence, other order forms.
[Applications for International Student Identity Cards], September 1968 - December 1969 (File) - Box 239 (Sequence 1)
Also includes related correspondence, other order forms.
[Applications for International Student Identity Cards], 1968 - 1969 (File) - Box 239 (Sequence 1)
Includes two cards, signed 1967-1969. Also includes related correspondence, other order forms.
[Applications for International Student Identity Cards], 1969 - 1970 (File) - Box 240 (Sequence 1)
Includes related correspondence, other orders.
[Applications for International Student Identity Cards], 1968 - 1969 (File) - Box 240 (Sequence 1)
Includes related correspondence.
[Applications for International Student Identity Cards], October 1969 - February 1970 (File) - Box 240 (Sequence 1)
[Applications for International Student Identity Cards], January 1967 - May 1969 (File) - Box 240 (Sequence 1)
[Applications for International Student Identity Cards], 1968 - 1970 (File) - Box 240 (Sequence 1)
Includes related correspondence, other orders.
Series. Publications
19th-21st Annual Councils, June 1954 - February 1960 (File) - Box 241 (Sequence 1)
Includes annual statements, minutes of executive meetings and text of resolutions.
Annual Councils and submitted reports, June 1954 - June 1968 (File) - Box 241 (Sequence 1), Box 242 (Sequence 1), Box 243 (Sequence 1)
Includes: minutes of Executive meetings, statements, reports submitted, circulars, letter "For the Victory of the Vietnamese People - Freedom, Independence and Peace" and National Student Press Council of India (NSPCI) News Features - Volume V, Number 21. Reports discuss the White Australia Policy, international students, South Africa and relationships with other national student unions.
International students and organisations, October 1953 - November 1958 (File) - Box 244 (Sequence 1)
Includes: First Asian Student Press Conference Program, Manila; NUAUS Report on Fourth Asian Students Forum by the Conference Delegates Association (CONDA); Preamble on the International Union of Students (IUS) and material regarding opportunities for international students to study in Australia.
Meeting minutes and submitted reports, May 1956 - August 1961 (File) - Box 244 (Sequence 1)
Includes: minutes of executive meetings; Vice President and Education Officer reports; council statements; International Bureau for Cultural Activities (IBCA) News from the Student Cultural World booklet and Report on Lok Milap Tour of India under the auspices of NUAUS.
2nd-7th, 32nd Annual Councils, 1946 - 1968 (File) - Box 244 (Sequence 1), Box 245 (Sequence 1)
Includes: submission to the Australian Universities Commission; material regarding the International Union of Students and conferences and reports regarding Indonesia, Nigeria and Malaysia.
Executive and annual council papers, January 1938 - January 1968 (File) - Box 245 (Sequence 1), Box 246 (Sequence 1)
Includes proceedings and minutes from first council held in 1938, reports, other executive minutes, policy statements and a list of NUAUS Presidents, Past Council Meetings, Honorary Life Members 1937-1959.
Relationships: organisations and submissions, April 1953 - September 1959 (File) - Box 246 (Sequence 1)
Includes: Article: Nation - The Student's Mind in India; information received by NUAUS including correspondence between the International Union of Students (IUS) and the United States National Student Association, report of the Annual General Meeting of the New Zealand University Students' Assication and Education Officer submissions.
NUAUS reports and minutes, 1955 - August 1966 (File) - Box 246 (Sequence 1), Box 247 (Sequence 1), Box 248 (Sequence 1)
Includes: minutes of Executive meetings; reports submitted at annual council and Call to Action - Bi-monthly "Young Workers" Bulletin.
14th Annual Council, 1948 - August 1957 (File) - Box 248 (Sequence 1)
Includes memoranda; state reports and report of the Australian Committee for World Student Relief.
NUAUS reports, 1948 - June 1965 (File) - Box 248 (Sequence 1), Box 249 (Sequence 1)
Includes 26th and 29th annual council papers, Australian-Indian Student Travel Scheme Annual Report, state reports, 'The Plan for Australian Graduates to work in Indonesia' and NUAUS Reports on the 4th Annual Council Meeting of the International Union of Students.
14th Annual Council, January 1950 - February 1950 (File) - Box 249 (Sequence 1)
Includes reports from Melbourne & Sydney Universities Student Representative councils, NUAUS consititution and meeting agenda.
International students, 1961 (File) - Box 249 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding an Australian-Indian student travel scheme, student travel between Asia and Australia, and Australian/Indonesian exchange scheme.
Executive and annual council papers, January 1958 - February 1963 (File) - Box 249 (Sequence 1)
Includes material from the 20th and 27th annual councils, minutes of executive meeting and other reports.
Reports and newsletters, December 1956 - January 1958 (File) - Box 250 (Sequence 1)
Includes NUAUS Report on Fourth Asian Students Forum, Report by the NUAUS President James Thomas on the Easter Council Meeting of National Union of Students' Association (NZUSA), report regarding the White Australia Policy and Student Mirror no.s 122, 126-127, 129, 133, 138-139, 141, 143, 145.
Reports, August 1955 - 1957 (File) - Box 250 (Sequence 1)
Includes: minutes of executive meeting, reports to council and report on 3rd Asian Students' forum.
Reports, 1948 - September 1949 (File) - Box 250 (Sequence 1)
Includes NUAUS Report on the Fourth Annual Council Meeting of the International Union of Students and delegate report discussing the work of the International Union of Students, Paris Council and other matters.
Reports, 1953 - August 1961 (File) - Box 250 (Sequence 1)
Includes executive minutes and statements, SRC's reports, reports from NZUSA, 4th International Student Conference of Japan and Djembatan (The Bridge) Quarterly Newsletter of the Volunteer Graduate Association for Indonesia, Volume 1 Number 1.
14th, 19th-20th Annual councils, January 1950 - 1958 (File) - Box 250 (Sequence 1), Box 251 (Sequence 1)
Includes minutes, reports, resolutions and statements.
Reports, 1940 - August 1963 (File) - Box 251 (Sequence 1)
Includes 'A Study of some first year students at the University of Melbourne', NUAUS Australian/Indonesian Exchange Scheme Report of the Melbourne Delegation and NUAUS Australian-Indian Student Travel Scheme Report on Lok Milap Scheme
Reports, October 1953 - August 1970 (File) - Box 251 (Sequence 1), Box 252 (Sequence 1)
Includes council minutes and papers, 'The History of US National Student Association Relations with the International Union of Students, 1945-1956', report on South Africa and report of the Australian Delegates to the Asian Student Press Conference .
19th, 21st, 26th-27th and 29th Annual Council reports, 1954 - August 1969 (File) - Box 252 (Sequence 1), Box 253 (Sequence 1), Box 254 (Sequence 1)
Includes statements, reports to council, minutes and policy statements.
Reports, October 1946 - 1969 (File) - Box 254 (Sequence 1)
Includes Arcus Report to the NUAUS President and Council, report of a Delegation from the NUAUS to the People's Republic of China and additional reports submitted to the 24th Annual Council.
International students and organisations, February 1956 - September 1957 (File) - Box 254 (Sequence 1), Box 255 (Sequence 1)
Includes delegates report to the Seventh International Student Conference, reports from delegations to Malaya and Indonesia, and report from the Asian Student Press Conference.
14th, 17th, 27th, 31st-32nd Annual Council, February 1953 - February 1968 (File) - Box 255 (Sequence 1)
Includes motions passed, minutes, council papers and reports submitted.
Reports, June 1953 - August 1965 (File) - Box 256 (Sequence 1)
Includes 'Students unite for Peace - International Student Week for Peace and Friendship, International Student Peace Conference', minutes of the Overseas Student Conference and report on the Lok Milap Tour of India under the auspices of NUAUS.
Reports, January 1952 - August 1959 (File) - Box 256 (Sequence 1)
Includes minutes, reports on the 7th and 4th international student conferences and council statements.
International, 1953 - 1962 (File) - Box 256 (Sequence 1)
Includes material relating to the 3rd World Student Congress and 2 issues of 'Djembatan (The Bridge) Quarterly Newsletter of the Volunteer Graduate Association for Indonesia': volume 1 number 2, and volume 3 number 4.
Reports, January 1950 - January 1959 (File) - Box 256 (Sequence 1)
Includes research Officers reports and council statement from the 23rd Annual Council.
Reports, February 1964 - 1970 (File) - Box 257 (Sequence 1)
Includes council reports and volumes from the 28th and 34th Annual Councils.
20th-21st, 23rd Annual Council, October 1953 - 1961 (File) - Box 257 (Sequence 1), Box 258 (Sequence 1)
Includes minutes, council statements and reports submitted.
26th Annual Council, February 1962 (File) - Box 258 (Sequence 1)
Includes council statement and reports submitted at 26th Annual Council Meeting, Volume 3.
Reports, 27 August 1953 - September 1959 (File) - Box 258 (Sequence 1)
Includes submission to the Australian Universities Commission, report on the 3rd World Student Congress of the International Union of Students (IUS) and report on South Africa.
Series. Administration, August 1958 - October 1976
[Expenses ledger], May 1974 - August 1974 (File) - Box 260 (Sequence 1)
Includes receipts, table of 'Monies Received from AUS', ephemera including poster for Africa: A Savage Musical, Steve J Spears.
Memos RE Office Procedures, November 1965 - April 1969 (File) - Box 260 (Sequence 1)
Includes timesheets and salary information.
[Temporary Staff], July 1967 - July 1970 (File) - Box 260 (Sequence 1)
Includes applications, letters to agencies requesting staff, timesheets, salaries. Also includes University of Melbourne Schedule of Classifications and Salaries with amendments effective 1 July 1967.
[Staff], November 1965 - March 1969 (File) - Box 260 (Sequence 1)
Includes internal memoranda including concerning procedures, staff sick leave notes, handwritten notes including for staff meetings. Includes secondary folder titled NUAUS Staff which includes holiday and sick leave, salaries, applications.
Workers' Corporation, August 1958 - October 1969 (File) - Box 260 (Sequence 1)
Includes insurance information, workers' compensation claims and notes from medical professionals.
Secretariat Premises, June 1965 - October 1968 (File) - Box 260 (Sequence 1)
Memoranda, correspondence, notes relating to the maintenance, upkeep of the secretariat premises.
Fixed Assets Register, June 1971 (File) - Box 260 (Sequence 1)
Includes two guarantee cards from Haminex.
New Premises, October 1968 (File) - Box 260 (Sequence 1)
Notes and clippings advertising office space.
[Insurance, leases, removalists], October 1968 - October 1970 (File) - Box 260 (Sequence 1)
Mixed material related to relocating premises.
[You are AUS stickers], n.d. (File) - Box 260 (Sequence 1)
Stickers read:
You are AUSThe Australian Union of Students is your national student union. Be part of it!
[Reports, appendices for February Council 1971], November 1970 - March 1971 (File) - Box 260 (Sequence 1)
Likely not complete. Includes index to appendices, Report of the Twenty First International Students Travel Conferences, 24 October - 2 November 1970; reports on and joint statement with NUSEWNI; Delegate's Report on the 2nd Conference of the Association of Commonwealth Students, December 29 1970 - 4 January 1971. Includes some post-Council material, including Motions at Council circular, March 1971.
[Quality in Australian Education conference], May 1972 (File) - Box 260 (Sequence 1)
Includes circulars, draft paste-ups, correspondence, requests for information. Conference held 26-27 May 1972.
[Paste-up of Submission to the CACAE Concerning the Triennium 1973-5, Tom Tescher and Ken Newcombe., October 1971 (File) - Box 260 (Sequence 1)
[Circulars of motions, results], March 1971 - October 1971 (File) - Box 260 (Sequence 1)
Includes circulars relaying Papua New Guinea Motions; agenda and regulations for August Council 1971; Constituent Ratification of August Council Resolutions; Fee Rise Information; calling for nominations to General Vice President.
[Copies of essays for "The School and Me" competition], August 1971 (File) - Box 260 (Sequence 1)
Includes copy of letter judging the essays in the Queensland section from SA Rayner, University of Queensland.
[Press releases and circular letters from Education Department], January 1972 - May 1973 (File) - Box 260 (Sequence 1)
Includes material authored by Education Vice President Andrew Bain and Education Research Officer Tom Tescher.
[Inequality in Education subject file], 1969 - June 1972 (File) - Box 260 (Sequence 1)
Mixed material relating to Inequality in Education campaigns, including drafts and comments on Submission to the Australian Council of Trade Unions, articles, news clippings, correspondence, handwritten notes and comments.
[Minutes of Excecutive Meetings], December 1970 - September 1973 (File) - Box 260 (Sequence 1)
Includes related material including circulars, extraordinary resolutions, election of delegates.
[Executive Meeting papers], January 1971 (File) - Box 261 (Sequence 1)
Thick mixed file of material for executive meetings, beginning with Minutes of Executive Meeting, 24-25 November 1973, ending with Report of Taxation Officer to Annual Council 1971. Majority of material dated 1972. Includes minutes, reports, circulars, extraordinary resolutions, campaign material. Includes copies of Hakika, No. 4, 1976. Also includes a draft of the AUS Anthem, typescript John Stephens, January 1971; amended in an unknown hand.
[Material for Executive Meeting], June 1972; April 1973 (File) - Box 261 (Sequence 1)
Includes agenda, reports, statements of income & expenduture, minutes from departments for Executive Meeting 10-11 June 1972. Also includes Executive Meeting Minutes, 31 March - 1 April 1973.
[Deschooling, Open University], May 1970 - May 1973 (File) - Box 261 (Sequence 1)
Thick mixed subject file of material relating to Open University, Ivan Illich, de-schooling. Includes articles, descriptive papers, case studies, working papers, correspondence, circulars, press releases, news clippings. Includes Quality in Australian Education Conference, May, 1972 conference proceedings.
Series Series. Advocacy, May 1971 - March 1974
Series. Arts, August 1972 - May 1973
[Learning Exchange at Nimbin], April 1973 (File) - Box 261 (Sequence 1)
List of workshops in the Learning Exchange at Nimbin for the Aquarius Festival, May 1973, including a hand-written draft. Includes a letter to Tom [Tescher] on the subject.
[Ephemera from Aquarius Festival], May 1973 (File) - Box 261 (Sequence 1)
Loose single-sheet ephemera relating to Aquarius Festival held at Nimbin, May 1973.
A Survival Festival May 73, No. 1, August 1972 (File) - Box 261 (Sequence 1)
Newsletter relating to the Aquarius Festival, May 1973.
Series. Publications, August 1970 - May 1973
Unit, Vol. 7, No.3, May 1973 (File) - Box 261 (Sequence 1)
Publication of the Queensland Institute of Technology Union.
Series. Administration, 1953 - 1975
Stamp Duty, May 1961 - September 1970 (File) - Box 262 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, circulars, stamp duty receipts.
Taxation - Position of Donors to NUAUS, April 1964 - May 1965 (File) - Box 262 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, memoranda. Also includes Taxation and the Student: A Brief concerning Education and the Income Tax Laws, NUAUS, April 1964.
IBM - Composer, January 1967 - June 1968 (File) - Box 262 (Sequence 1)
Includes proposal and voting results for purchase of the composer, correspondence, quotes, internal memoranda, catalogue, maintenance agreement.
Income Tax and Social Services Contribution Assessment Act 1936-1953, 1953 (File) - Box 262 (Sequence 1)
[Vice Chancellor RW Russell, Flinders University], 1974 (File) - Box 262 (Sequence 1)
Unattributed document detailing career of Vice Chancellor RW Russell, Flinders University following the occupation of the Registry.
[August Council reports and papers], August 1973 (File) - Box 262 (Sequence 1)
Thick file of papers and reports for August Council 1974, including constituent and officer reports, recommendations from the Executive Meeting held 18-20 August, reports on Aquarius Festival 1973.
[August Council reports and papers], March 1974 - August 1974 (File) - Box 262 (Sequence 1)
Thick file of papers and reports for August Council 1974, including constituent and officer reports, motions, voting strenghs. Also includes Students and the multinational corporation, Brian Pola, August 1974.
[Stationary], April 1964 - May 1971 (File) - Box 262 (Sequence 1)
Mixed papers relating to stationary, including internal memoranda; handwritten and typescript lists of stationary to hand, costs, budgers; correspondence; vendor catalogues, samples including a steel part for an adressograph, service & maintenance contracts.
Stationary, November 1965 - February 1967 (File) - Box 262 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, stationary orders, handwritten notes on stationary to hand.
Letterhead, n.d. (File) - Box 262 (Sequence 1)
Includes paste-up samples of the NUAUS letterhead, handwritten note with quotes in pounds, copies of samples.
Subscriptions, September 1965 - December 1969 (File) - Box 262 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, copies, order forms.
Publications, July 1966 - July 1969 (File) - Box 262 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence and copies.
Series. Education Department Files pre-1977, June 1964 - March 1974
[Tertiary Education subject file], March 1972 (File) - Box 263 (Sequence 1)
Mixed papers relating to tertiary education, adult education, including Teach-In, Education Work-Out material, articles, handwritten notes, circulars, cartoons.
[AUS Library material], 1971 (File) - Box 263 (Sequence 1)
Includes lists of reference material held by the AUS Education Library, including list of periodicals subscribed to by AUS.
[Teachers' Bonds and Bond Liability], December 1969 - October 1972 (File) - Box 263 (Sequence 1)
Subject file of mixed material relating to teachers' bonds, including sample contracts, information sheets, information letters from members of parliament, correspondence. Includes Bursaries With A Bond, New Zealand University Students Association, n.d.
[Bursary case], September 1972 - November 1972 (File) - Box 263 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence relating to a case of a former student resigning from a cadetship.
[Student Participation Survey results], 1969, c. 1971 (File) - Box 263 (Sequence 1)
Summary on survey by Education Research Officer Tom Tescher, c. 1971; the survey itself was conducted by Tom Roper, 1969.
[AUS Planning Committee], September 1972 - December 1972 (File) - Box 263 (Sequence 1)
Mixed papers relating to the activities of the Planning Committee including draft reports, minuts, motions tabled, discussion papers.
[SRC Fees], August 1972 (File) - Box 263 (Sequence 1)
Circulars, survey results relating to Student Representative Councils and other constituents and their fees.
[Papers from Victorian Association of Students of Advanced Education [VASAE] ], March 1972 - September 1972 (File) - Box 263 (Sequence 1)
Includes constituent, president reports for March 1972 conference; Minutes of Executive Meeting, 13 September 1972; Student Services Conference summary, 22-23 June 1971; other reports, agenda.
[Education Department circulars, press releases], March 1972 - November 1973 (File) - Box 263 (Sequence 1)
Circulars, press releases, articles, press clippings, authored or collected by the AUS Education Department. Includes Collective Circular No. 1, March 1972 which itself includes Education Action Report.
[Commonwealth Scholarship Submission], June 1971 - June 1972 (File) - Box 263 (Sequence 1)
Includes summary of meeting between AUS and the Commonwealth Scholarsip Board, 2 June 1972; summary of recommendations; 16 June 1971 submission.
[Education Department circulars, press releases], April 1971 - April 1972 (File) - Box 263 (Sequence 1)
Circulars, press releases, authored by the AUS Education Department. Includes Collective Circular No. 2, March 1972 which includes constituent meeting, 14 March 1972, vacation employment survey. File also includes other material relating to vacation employment survey, Australian Universities Commission Submission, National Education Workout 3-7 April 1972 information circular.
[Handwritten annotated bibliography], n.d. (File) - Box 263 (Sequence 1)
Five handwritten pages of notes on specific texts relating to education theory. Undated and unsigned; possibly authored by Tom Tescher or Andrew Bain.
[Education Department circulars, press releases], November 1970 - October 1973 (File) - Box 263 (Sequence 1)
Thick file of mixed papers authored or collected by the AUS Education Department. Includes circulars, press releases, draft submission to the Commonwealth on tertiary scholarships, 1971; campaign material for Inequality in Education, student financing; Minutes of the Resource Committee meeting, 22 January 1971; issues of Education Newsletter; articles.
[AUS Education Department report], 1971 (File) - Box 263 (Sequence 1)
Authored by Education Vice President Ken Newcombe.
[Essay competition 'The School for Me' - decisions and copies of entries], August 1971 (File) - Box 263 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with commentaries from judges; copies of essays entered.
Looking to the Future, Victorian Branch of the ALP, June 1964 (File) - Box 263 (Sequence 1)
Labor's Plan for Education in Victoria.
Australian Labor Party Policy Speech 1972, 13 November 1972 (File) - Box 263 (Sequence 1)
EG Whitlam, Blacktown Civic Centre.
[Surveys of Student Incomes and Expenditures], September 1970 - March 1973 (File) - Box 264 (Sequence 1)
Subject file relating to research on student income, costs of living; also includes some results of survey on not accepting university placements. File includes correspondence, reports, survey designs, survey results, application forms to Australian Advisory Committee on Research and Development in Education.
[Student Costs of Living], April 1966 - March 1974 (File) - Box 264 (Sequence 1)
Research file relating to student income, costs of living. Includes reports, incuding from Canada Student Means Survey, March 1966; NZUSA, 1969; survey results conducted by UNE, UQ, UNSW.
[7.11 Audiovisual Teaching Aids], 1970 - December 1972 (File) - Box 264 (Sequence 1)
Research file relating to audiovisual and other technological teaching aids. Includes articles, reports.
[12.26 (7) Tertiary Teacher Training], October 1969 - June 1972 (File) - Box 264 (Sequence 1)
Research file relating to university teaching pedagogical research. Includes booklets of programs, World Health Organisation reports, conference papers, articles, research, news clippings,
[7.12 University Teaching Pedagogy], April 1969 - June 1973 (File) - Box 264 (Sequence 1)
Research file relating to university teaching pedagogical research. Includes reports, correspondence, bulletins, memoranda. Includes to Australian Vice-Chancellors' Committee [AVCC] on a seminar held in Amsterdam, 16-20 November 1970; Report on Australian University Centres for Higher Education Research and Development by the Directors of Existing Centres to the AVCC, August 1973.
[12.26 (1 - 4) Centres for Teaching and Learning, Teaching of Higher Education], June 1969 - October 1971 (File) - Box 264 (Sequence 1)
Research file relating to educational research, including Centre for Research in Teaching and Learning, Centre for Advancement of Teaching. Includes articles, reports, information packets, correspondence.
Series. Relationships: Student organisations, February 1971 - January 1974
[1.16 Students' Representative Council, Gordon Institute of Technology], September 1971 - July 1973 (File) - Box 264 (Sequence 1)
Slim subject file relating to Students' Representative Council, Gordon Institute of Technology, including correspondence.
[1.15 Students Representative Council, Gippsland Institute of Advanced Education], October 1971 - July 1973 (File) - Box 264 (Sequence 1)
Slim subject file relating to Students' Representative Council, Gippsland Institute of Advanced Education, including two copies of letters by Tom Tescher, President's Report to UB, July 1973.
[1.13 Students Union, Footscray Institute of Technology], March 1972; April 1973 (File) - Box 264 (Sequence 1)
Slim subject file relating to Students Union, Footscray Institute of Technology, including copy of letter objecting to plagiarism, March 1972, letter from a student seeking assistance with an assignment, April 1973.
[1.12 Students' Representative Council, Flinders University of South Australia], September 1971 - June 1973 (File) - Box 264 (Sequence 1)
Subject file relating to Students' Representative Council, Flinders University of South Australia, including correspondence, "Discipline Hearings" information packet.
[1.26 Students Representative Council, University of New England], August 1971 - November 1973 (File) - Box 264 (Sequence 1)
Subject file relating to Students' Representative Council, University of New England. Subject of file mostly relates to student protests regarding housing, February 1973; exams, November 1973. Includes correspondence, copies of administration and Vice Chancellor statements, student information sheets. Also includes The Armidale Express, Vol. 3, No. 63, 16 November 1973.
[1.27 Students Representative Council, NSW Institute of Technology], July 1973 - November 1973 (File) - Box 264 (Sequence 1)
Subject file relating to Students' Representative Council, NSW Institute of Technology [NSWIT], including correspondence, news clippings.
[1.25 Students Representative Council, University of Newcastle], September 1971 - July 1974 (File) - Box 264 (Sequence 1)
Subject file relating to Students' Representative Council, Melbourne University, including Minutes of the Students Representative Council, University of Newcastle; Twelfth Annual Report, 1972; correspondence.
[1.21 Students' Representative Council, Melbourne University], January 1972 - July 1973 (File) - Box 264 (Sequence 1)
Subject file relating to Students' Representative Council, Melbourne University, including correspondence, 'Re-Enrol for Your Rights' A4 poster, information sheet, news clippings.
[1.23 Students' Representative Council, Mitchell College of Advanced Education], November 1973 (File) - Box 264 (Sequence 1)
Slim subject file relating to Students' Representative Council, Mitchell College of Advanced Education [SRC MCAE], including information sheets and copies of agreements with MCAE administration, news clippings, AUS Report 1973.
[1.24 Monash University], January 1973 - September 1973 (File) - Box 264 (Sequence 1)
Subject file relating to Monash University, including copy of letter to Union Welfare officer, information sheets, news clippings.
[1.4 Correspondence with Andrew Bain], February 1971 (File) - Box 264 (Sequence 1)
Letter and copy of response from Andrew Bain regarding teacher evaluation surveys.
[1.31 Students' Representative Council, La Trobe University], August 1972 - February 1973 (File) - Box 264 (Sequence 1)
Slim subject file relating to Students' Representative Council, La Trobe University. Includes correspondence.
[1.19 & 9.2 Macquarie University Students' Council], June 1971 - June 1973 (File) - Box 264 (Sequence 1)
Subject file relating to Macquarie University Students' Council. Includes correspondence, circulars, material relating to the attempt by Dr Alan Cole to expel Jeremy Fischer from Robert Menzies College.
[1.35 Correspondence with Bob Ramsay about 16mm projectors], November 1973 - December 1973 (File) - Box 264 (Sequence 1)
[1.34 South Australian Institute of Technology Union], December 1971 - August 1973 (File) - Box 264 (Sequence 1)
Slim subject file relating to South Australian Institute of Technology [SAIT] Union, including correspondence with Tom Tescher.
[1.33 RMIT and Gippsland Institute of Advanced Education], December 1971 - January 1973 (File) - Box 264 (Sequence 1)
Slim subject file relating to Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology [RMIT] and Gippsland Institute of Advanced Education [GIAE], including correspondence with Tom Tescher.
[1.31 University of Queensland Union], June 1971 - August 1973 (File) - Box 264 (Sequence 1)
Subject file relating to University of Queensland Union [UQU]. Includes correspondence, Local Secretary's Report for 1973 AUS Annual Council, handwritten notes from Andrew Bain on conversations at UQ.
[1.30 Students' Representative Council, Preston Institute of Technology], April 1972 - February 1974 (File) - Box 264 (Sequence 1)
Slim subject file relating to Students' Representative Council, Preston Institute of Technology [PIT]. Includes correspondence, information sheets relating to PIT's budget, news clipping.
[1.29 Students Union, Prahan College of Technology], July 1972; March 1973 (File) - Box 264 (Sequence 1)
Copies of two letters to Students Union, Prahan College of Technology from Tom Tescher, 4 July 1972 and 6 March 1973.
[1.28 University of New South Wales Students' Union], December 1971 (File) - Box 264 (Sequence 1)
Slim subject file relating to University of New South Wales Students' Union. Includes correspondence, Aboriginal Affairs Committee report, report from a student member on University Council, UNSW Students' Union Annual Report 1972-73.
[1.17 James Cook University of North Queensland Union], July 1973 (File) - Box 264 (Sequence 1)
Slim subject file relating to James Cook University of North Queensland Union. Includes results of elections, correspondence, Education Week '73 information sheet.
[1.18 La Trobe University], March 1971 (File) - Box 264 (Sequence 1)
Two letters from Michael Taveira, Tutor in Method of Social Science, to Education Resource Officer Tom Tescher.
[1.37 University of Sydney Students' Representative Council], June 1971 - June 1973 (File) - Box 264 (Sequence 1)
Subject file relating to University of Sydney Students' Representative Council. Includes correspondence with Tom Tescher; Strike Action bulletins, 1973.
[1.36 Swinburne Institute of Technology Students' Representative Council], October 1971 - November 1973 (File) - Box 264 (Sequence 1)
Slim subject file relating to Swinburne Institute of Technology Students' Representative Council. Includes correspondence with Tom Tescher; Swinburne Scraglet, 1 November 1973.
[1.41 Student Guild, Western Austalian Institute of Technology], December 1971 - January 1974 (File) - Box 264 (Sequence 1)
Subject file relating to Student Guild, Western Austalian Institute of Technology. Includes correspondence with Tom Tescher; Gazette, Vol 3, Nos. 2-3, 1973; news clippings related to activism; report to Annual Council 1974.
[1.40 Guild of Undergraduates, University of Western Australia], February 1971 - May 1973 (File) - Box 264 (Sequence 1)
Subject file relating to Guild of Undergraduates, University of Western Australia. Includes correspondence with Tom Tescher, Education Research Officer Annual Report 1972, Guild of Undergraduates Annual Report 1972.
[1.38 University of Tasmania Students' Representative Council], September 1971 - July 1973 (File) - Box 264 (Sequence 1)
Slim subject file relating to University of Tasmania Students' Representative Council including correspondence with Tom Tescher, Report of the Committtee on the Faculty of Educaiton, September 1971.
[1.42 Wollongong University College Students' Representative Council], August 1972 - October 1973 (File) - Box 264 (Sequence 1)
Subject file relating to Wollongong University College Students' Representative Council including correspondence, Wollongong University founding Bill, Report of the Joint Working Party Appointed to Consider Possible Forms of Association between the Wollongong University College and the Wollongong Teachers' College.
[2.1 National Union of Australian University Students [NUAUS] ], August 1973 (File) - Box 264 (Sequence 1)
Slim subject file relating to National Union of Australian University Students [NUAUS], including correspondence wih Resource Officer Tom Tescher.
[1.50 Tasmanian College of Advanced Education [TCAE] and other CAEs], December 1971 - October 1973 (File) - Box 264 (Sequence 1)
Subject file relating to Tasmanian College of Advanced Education [TCAE]. Also includes Taler, Geelong TC; copy of letter to Kelvin Grove Teachers College (1.46); correspondence wih Churchlands Teachers College Student Association (1.44); letter and response to Sydney Teachers' College (1.51).
Series. Advocacy, 1962 - October 1973
[9.19 Child Care], March 1973 - May 1973 (File) - Box 265 (Sequence 1)
Subject file of material relating to child care and creches. Includes media releases, reports, questionnaires, information sheets for child care cenres at University of New South Wales, University of Sydney. Includes Constitution for Hobbit House at the University of New England.
[Student Radio], October 1966; 1971 (File) - Box 265 (Sequence 1)
Includes letter from Education Vice President Patti Warn to Rod Lyall regarding a national student radio program, 11 October 1966; Plans and Proposals for a Radio Station at ANU, ANU Radio Club, 1971.
[Various education-related material from the AUS Library], September 1969 - March 1973 (File) - Box 265 (Sequence 1)
Slim file of mixed material relating to parking, maintenance, student accident insurance, Summer School at Melbourne University 1971-2.
[Rural schools, education of people with disabilities], 1970 - August 1973 (File) - Box 265 (Sequence 1)
Mixed research file with material relating to both education of people with disabilities and the disparity between urban and rural schools. Material includes reports, articles, Hansard excerpts, correspondence.
Empire Times, Vol. 5, No. 10, 1973 (File) - Box 265 (Sequence 1)
Published by Flinders University Student Representative Council.
File number on cover 12.5.
[9.3 & 14.17 Student Housing], November 1969 - April 1974 (File) - Box 265 (Sequence 1)
Thick file including a mixture of research and subject material relating to student housing, including reports, articles, news clippings, correspondence, information sheets, booklets, bibliography. Includes Annual Report & Accounts 1971, Student co-Operative Dwellings Ltd, United Kingdom; Education and Student Residence - MIT's Undergraduate Residential Program Re-Considered, Ingrid N Sommerkorn, March 1971.
[9.6 Textbook costs, copyright], July 1969 - December 1973 (File) - Box 265 (Sequence 1)
Research file of material relating to textbook costs. Includes a legal brief on photocopying practice (18 July 1969); Survey of Additional Expenses Incurred During University Courses, University of Queensland, 1973; ANU and the academic book trade submission, ANU Students' Association, December 1973; press releases, correspondence, other reports.
[9.11 University Appointments Boards, Graduate Careers], 1964; 1972-1973 (File) - Box 265 (Sequence 1)
Research file of leaflets, reports, conference papers relating to University Appointments Boards, graduate careers.
[9.10 Careers Education], 1971 - 1973 (File) - Box 265 (Sequence 1)
Research file of articles, working papers, reports relating to careers education.
[14.2 Innovative Schools], August 1971 - October 1973 (File) - Box 265 (Sequence 1)
Research file relating to open or innovative schools, including articles, information sheets & letters, proposals, news clippings. Includes The 1972 Index to Australian Innovative Schools, Kevin R Smith; papers from Reality and Reform Conference, 29-31 October 1971.
[14.4 Deschooling and Ivan Illich], September 1971 - August 1973 (File) - Box 265 (Sequence 1)
Includes articles, news clippings relating to or authored by Ivan Illich, related to deschooling or radical education reform. Also includes correspondence related to loans of articles.
[14.3 Education Shop], 1966 - December 1972 (File) - Box 265 (Sequence 1)
Subject file relating to the Education Shop including summaries, newsletter, roster circular, news clippings, general meeting minutes. Includes copy of The Education Shop: a report on a social experiment, Lindsey March, 1966.
[Various Education-related material from the AUS Library], November 1971 - November 1973 (File) - Box 265 (Sequence 1)
Mixed material including news clippings, paper outline, information sheets, articles. Subjects include sex education, comparative education, compulsory education, poverty, federal manpower policy.
[13.4 Adult Education], March 1968 - November 1973 (File) - Box 265 (Sequence 1)
Slim research file relating to adult education, including newsletters, material from conferences including Australian Association of Adult Education National Conference, 23-29 November 1973.
[1.6 External Students], 1962; December 1969 - December 1971 (File) - Box 265 (Sequence 1)
Slim research file relating to external students. Includes results from External Students Survey, 1971; Commonwealth Office of Education Bulletin No.21, External Tuition by Australian Universities, 1962.
[Copy of Education (Work Experience) Bill], 1974 (File) - Box 265 (Sequence 1)
Includes second reading notes.
[Alternatives for Education newsletter packet], May 1972 - November 1972 (File) - Box 265 (Sequence 1)
Packet of Alternatives for Education newsletters, including note to Education Vice President Andrew Bain. Includes May, June & July, August, September 1972 issues.
[13.2 Adult Education], March 1972 - November 1973 (File) - Box 265 (Sequence 1)
Research file relating to adult education, including fact sheets, conference reports, articles, news clippings, Learning to Be Adults? Some implications of the Faure Report, Nicolas Haines.
[Education of People with Disabilities], November 1970 - August 1971 (File) - Box 265 (Sequence 1)
Slim research file, including Submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Health and Welfare on Provisions for, and services to the Mentally and Physically Handicapped, Australian Council of Social Services, November 1970; Education of the Mentally and Physically Handicapped in NSW - The Need for New Directions, Judith Gyen, 15 August 1971. Also includes news clippings.
Series. Relationships: other organisations, March 1972 - October 1974
[4.4.4 Amalgamated Metal Workers Union (AMWU) ], 1973 (File) - Box 265 (Sequence 1)
Information sheets on the Amalgamated Metal Workers Union [AMWU].
[4.3.7 Liberal Party], March 1972 - January 1973 (File) - Box 265 (Sequence 1)
Slim file with material relating to federal politics, including note to DJ Killen, MP for Moreton and his response, January 1973; transcript of conference between Malcolm Fraser, Robert Moore before audience of Macquarie University students, 6 March 1972; copies of Liberal Party policies.
Series. Relationships: other organisations
[Higher Education Research & Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA) ], September 1972 - October 1973 (File) - Box 266 (Sequence 1)
Includes mixed papers from or relating to Higher Education Research & Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA). Includes correspondence, memoranda, handwritten meeting notes, minutes, newsletter. Also includes draft HERDSA constitution and by-laws, 17 August 1973.
5.14 [Medical and religious education], May; June 1972 (File) - Box 266 (Sequence 1)
Tiny file, consisting of two items. News clipping "School probe on religion" from the Herald, 13 May 1972; letter from Australian Medical Students' Association, 20 June 1972.
[Federation of Staff Associations of Australian Colleges of Advanced Education], January 1972 - October 1973 (File) - Box 266 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with the Federation of Staff Associations of Australian Colleges of Advanced Education [FSAACAE]. Also includes Submission to the Open University Committee of the Australian Universities Commission, prepared by South Australian Institute of Technology on behalf of The Academic Staff Association, SAIT, and the FSAACAE.
10.10 & 4.7.1 [Australian Vice-Chancellor's Committee (AVCC) ], February 1972 - July 1972 (File) - Box 266 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence with the Australian Vice-Chancellor's Committee [AVCC], including on the subject of academic salaries, July 1972.
[School organisations], June 1971 - November 1973 (File) - Box 266 (Sequence 1)
Includes mixed papers from or relating to school organisations, including Victorian Council of School Organisations, Australian Council of State School Organisations, Victorian Federation of State School Mothers' Clubs. Includes news clippings, press statements, correspondence, journals.
[Teachers' organisations], February 1973 - October 1974 (File) - Box 266 (Sequence 1)
Includes mixed papers from or relating to teachers' organisations and unions including NSW Teachers' Federation, State School Teachers' Union of WA, Technical Teachers Association of Victoria, Victoriam Secondary Teachers Association. Includes ephemera, handouts, pamphlets, resolutions, submissions, open letters, press releases, news clippings, annual reports.
Series Series. Advocacy
10.1 [Child care], June 1971 - December 1973 (File) - Box 266 (Sequence 1)
Slim research file relating to child care. File contains: Media release from Minister for Education, 2 December 1973; news clippings; Submission to the Consultative Council on Pre-School Child Development, Inner Suburban Action Committee, June 1971; copy of Training for a Teaching Career in Northern Territory Aboriginal Schools, c. 1972; copy of "Pre-School Education" article, Geraldine McDonald, no date.
[Course pamphlets], 1972 - 1973 (File) - Box 266 (Sequence 1)
Includes three documents. Pamphlet for 1972/1973 Summer School, Monash University; pamphlet for Melbourne University Union tuition classes, Term III 1972; typescript information sheet on the feasibilty of a typing course at the University of Sydney, John Blount, no date.
[Student social attitudes], June 1970 - March 1972 (File) - Box 266 (Sequence 1)
Slim research file including material relating to student social attitudes, including survey designs, survey results, articles. Includes material from "Social Attitudes of Youths Towards Critical Problems of Today and Tomorrow" from Gakushin University, 1970.
[Student discipline and academic freedom], March 1965 - September 1973 (File) - Box 266 (Sequence 1)
Mixed file relating to student academic freedom, student discipline, democracy in schools. Includes reports, articles, memoranda, statements, pamphlets, news clippings, correspondence. Includes The Berkeley Case: Issues in Student Academic Freedom - A Brief Critique, Roland Liebert, March 1965.
9.28 [Part-time and external students], April 1970 - April 1973 (File) - Box 266 (Sequence 1)
Research file relating to external and part-time students. Includes reports, policy papers, articles, annotated bibliographies,
11.1 [Children's rights and corporal punishment], April 1971 - November 1973 (File) - Box 266 (Sequence 1)
Slim mixed file of material relating to children's rights and corporal punishment in schools. Includes a draft charter of children's rights, April 1971; Children Have Rights: a series of discussion papers by the Children's Committee of the Naitonal Council for Civil Liberties, No. 4, June 1971; Lot's Wife Schoolkid's Edition, 24 September 1973; other news clippings, articles, speech transcripts; correspondence including wih Bendigo Girls High students on establishing a Student Body Council.
11.25 [Tasmanian College of Advanced Education] (File) - Box 266 (Sequence 1)
A single copy of a leter from Resource Officer Tom Tescher on the Environmental Design Course on offer at the Tasmanian College of Advanced Education.
[National Union of Students [NUS] (UK), February 1969 - December 1974 (File) - Box 266 (Sequence 1)
Documents from the National Union of Students (UK), including briefing documents, memoranda, ephemera, reports, news clippings. Includes Why We Don't Need Loans: Some current questions answered, NUS, September 1971.
[Overseas student finances], October 1970 - October 1974 (File) - Box 266 (Sequence 1)
Research file relating to student finances, bursaries, student welfare, consisting of material from overseas student unions. Includes material from New Zealand University Students Association, Advisory Centre for Education (UK), International Student Conference (ISC), Ontario, Canada, USA. Includes statements, submissions, articles, bulletins, reports.
Draft Submissions on University Bursaries, New Zealand University Students' Association, November 1973 (File) - Box 266 (Sequence 1)
Folder cover has code 8.19.
9.1 [Taxation], May 1971 - July 1973 (File) - Box 266 (Sequence 1)
Slim subject file relating to taxation, including correspondence, reports, handwritten analysis. Includes Taxation and the Tertiary Student: A Submission to point out anomalies existing in the taxation structure relating to Tertiary students and their parents, AUS, May 1971.
8.26 [Student allowances], November 1971 - July 1974 (File) - Box 266 (Sequence 1)
Subject file relating to student allowances, Tertiary Allowances Scheme. Includes survey formats, correspondence, minutes, news clippings.
14.17 [Student accomodation], April 1971 - November 1972 (File) - Box 266 (Sequence 1)
Slim subject file relating to student accomodation. Includes reports, University of Adelaide registrar announcement for accomodation placements, 1972; some copies of outgoing correspondence.
9.2 [Student accomodation], April 1972 - July 1973 (File) - Box 266 (Sequence 1)
Slim subject file relating to student accomodation. Includes University of Adelaide Board of Management for Non-Collegiate Student Housing Minutes, 9 April 1973; Proposed constitution for Ballarat Institute of Advanced Education Student Residences Association; Student Accomodation report to Australian Vice-Chancellors' Committee, 14 April 1972; pamphlets; report on demand for college places at University of Western Australia, July 1973.
[Student-teacher bonds], July 1971 - March 1973 (File) - Box 266 (Sequence 1)
Subject file relating to student teachers and 'the bond'. Includes correspondence with student teachers, information sheets, pamphlets, reports. Includes The Bond and the Free: A comparision of student-teachers with other professionals in training, DS Anderson, published by AUS, November 1972.
Series. Publications
[AUS De-schooling Library], 1970 - October 1973 (File) - Box 267 (Sequence 1)
A thick research file of material, mostly from Centro Intercultural de Documentacion [CIDOC], relating to de-schooling, radical eductation reform, Ivan Illich. Largely consists of articles from CIDOC, also including news clippings, conference papers, Cold Comfort, Vol. 1, No.1, February 1971.
[Aquarius Festival 1973 - ephemera and reports], 1973 (File) - Box 267 (Sequence 1)
A mixed subject file relating to the Aquarius Festival 1973, held in Nimbin, NSW. Includes issues of The Nimbin Good Times, Grassleaves, A Survival Festival, Aquarius Reports, early 1973. Also includes a booklet of material with an abstract cover tied together with red string.
Series Series. Advocacy
[Australian Universities Commisson submission], 1971; April 1973 (File) - Box 267 (Sequence 1)
Includes part of a paste-up of the submission, a summary authored by Resource Education Officer Tom Tescher, early 1971. Also includes a letter to the AUS Committee with some material relating to the Overseas Student Service, April 1973.
Series Series. Advocacy
[Overseas Student Service (OSS) ], June 1971 - June 1973 (File) - Box 267 (Sequence 1)
File relating to activities of the Overseas Student Service and international students. Includes circulars, reports, submissions, motions, conference papers, correspondence, news clippings. Includes handwritten draft Principles: Quotas and Admission of Foreign Students. Includes material from the Department of Foreign Affairs including Interstate Conference of Co-ordinating Committees & Welfare Officers, August 1971.
12.31 [Fourth University Planning Committee], October 1970 - April 1971 (File) - Box 267 (Sequence 1)
A subject relating to the Fourth University Planning Committee (Deakin University). Material includes correspondence, news clippings, submissions, minutes. Includes Submission on Aspects of the fourth Victorian University, Ken Newcombe, AUS, March 1971; Submission to Fourth University Committee, Victoria Institute of Colleges Staff Associations Council, March 1971.
[Mixed loose papers], June 1969 - June 1971 (File) - Box 267 (Sequence 1)
A slim file of mixed papers. Includes a copy of a letter from Education Resource Officer Tom Tescher to the Faculty of Education, UQ, 22 June 1971; "The needs of non-English-speaking migrant children" notes compiled by Lola Twentyman and Alison Cameron, 25 June 1969; news clipping on education 'cabins', 6 June 1971; NUAUS internal memo, 23 June 1971; Minutes of 6th ordinary meeting of the RMIT SRC, June 1971.
[Overseas universities], September 1972 - December 1972 (File) - Box 267 (Sequence 1)
Material from Athabasca University, Antioch College, Empire State college, Universty of Wisconsin-Green Bay, St Clair College of Applied Arts and Technology relating to their programs, philosophies.
[Welfare Conference, May 1973], December 1972 - July 1973 (File) - Box 267 (Sequence 1)
Includes mixed papers, including handwritten notes by Tom Tescher, correspondence, draft itineraries, accomodation forms, articles, information sheets, newsletters. Subjects include student financing, child care, book exchanges, community medicine, night services. Also includes The Chronicles of Hobbit House, University of New England.
[Learning Exchange], January 1973 - June 1973 (File) - Box 267 (Sequence 1)
A thick file of mixed material relating to Learning Exchanges. Includes six newspaper-style catalogues for the Learning Exchange in High Street Armidale. Also includes correspondence, notes, articles, other Learning Exchange ephemera including relating to the Aquarius Festival 1973 in Nimbin.
Series. Education, September 1967 - July 1974
Universities and Colleges: Australia; Universities and Colleges: Canada; Universities and Colleges: governance; Universities and Colleges: United State of America
Teacher evaluation, April 1969 - August 1973 (File) - Box 268 (Sequence 1)
Includes report from ANU, questionnaire, seminar and conference papers and promotion procedures at different universities. Includes material from the United States of America and United Kingdom.
University governance, December 1971 - August 1973 (File) - Box 268 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding promotion of administrative staff, governance methodology of universities and the composition of various boards, the role of students in university governance and academic planning. Includes material from the United States of America and Canada.
Student finances, July 1971 - March 1974 (File) - Box 268 (Sequence 1)
Includes survey of tertiary student finances planning materials, minutes, draft of survey and report Why students reject tertiary places by Australian Department of Education and the AUS.
University and College creation, November 1968 - December 1973 (File) - Box 268 (Sequence 1)
Includes press release regarding the establishment of 2 universities for NSW, correspondence, a proposed a fourth university in Victoria (Deakin University), report summary, copy of act establishing Griffith university and Report on the location, nature and development of institutions of tertiary education in Sydney, Melbourne and the Albury-Wodonga region.
University course design, April 1972 - July 1974 (File) - Box 268 (Sequence 1)
Includes course outlines, conference papers from Planning for Uncertainty: a Conference on the Planning of Facilities for Tertiary Education and material regarding the usage of course evaluation questionnaires.
Teaching methodology, September 1967 - March 1973 (File) - Box 268 (Sequence 1)
Includes report on year-round teaching, newspaper clippings, material examining lectures and their effectiveness and abstracts of papers presented at a conference on the teaching of small groups defined as classes of 10 students or less.
Series. Annual Councils, September 1968 - February 1970
Universities and Colleges: Australia; student unionism: Australia; student conferences
Feb 70 circulars, February 1970 (File) - Box 268 (Sequence 1)
Delegate information including timetables.
Circulars sent, February 1969 (File) - Box 268 (Sequence 1)
Includes provisional agenda and attendee information.
Council, February 1969 (File) - Box 268 (Sequence 1)
Includes reports sent and received, provisional agenda and correspondence.
Annual, February 1970 (File) - Box 268 (Sequence 1)
Includes questionnaire for the 1970 annual council.
Attendance, February 1969 (File) - Box 268 (Sequence 1)
Includes arrival procedure, correspondence and attendee information.
Janet Clarke Hall, February 1970 (File) - Box 268 (Sequence 1)
Includes information sheet, invites list, estimated costs and correspondence.
Series. Education, 1963 - November 1974
Education: teachers; education research: Australia; Illich, Ivan; student conferences; student unionism: Australia; Universities and Colleges: Australia; Universities and Colleges: Australia: admissions; Universities and Colleges: Canada; Universities and Colleges: Finland; Universities and Colleges: government reports
Surveys: Admission numbers and quotas, drop-out rates, June 1971 - November 1974 (File) - Box 269 (Sequence 1)
Includes articles, newspaper clippings, newsletters, and correspondence discussing surveys regarding drop-out rates of school leavers and quota systems for many Australian institutions.
University governance, August 1969 - 1974 (File) - Box 269 (Sequence 1)
Comprises of bibliographies and papers regarding student involvement in university governance including The role and responsibility of students in policy determination and government in tertiarty institutions, Colleges of Advanced education report Survey on student government and representation in CAE's and Academic staff representation: where do you stand?.
Transition from secondary to tertiary education, August 1967 - April 1972 (File) - Box 269 (Sequence 1)
Includes ANU consultation Helping Students to meet the Demands of their First Year at University, Monash University Association Teach-in on Transition Problems, Flinders University report of the Secondary Schools Liasion Officer and Melbourne University Transition from Secondary to University Education.
University governance, 1963 - 1973 (File) - Box 269 (Sequence 1)
Includes A Structural view of Student Participation in University Governance: 13 country profiles, the National Union of Finnish Students The Democratic University and the University of Newcastle Report of the Joint Committee of Council and Senate set up to enquire into the whole question of Student Participation in University Affairs.
Teachers Colleges: bonded placements, October 1969 - May 1972 (File) - Box 269 (Sequence 1)
Includes a report and correspondence regarding the legality of bonded placements for teachers.
Publications: Ivan Illich, March 1971 - November 1972 (File) - Box 269 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding a survey of 'radical' schools, correspondence regarding the publishing of Illich's writings and copies of articles by Illich.
Publications, February 1972 - September 1973 (File) - Box 269 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence regarding legal deposit of publications.
University governance: Colleges of Advanced education, board transparency, July 1968 - June 1974 (File) - Box 269 (Sequence 1)
Includes newspaper clippings, reports and correspondence.
Teachers Colleges: training, financial assistance, 1967 - May 1973 (File) - Box 269 (Sequence 1)
Includes newspaper clippings, press releases and correspondence.
University governance, May 1969 - June 1972 (File) - Box 269 (Sequence 1)
Includes periodical subscription list, Student Participation in Academic governance, Student Representation in the Colleges of Advanced Education of Queensland and ANU report of council committee on university governance.
Victorian Association of Students Advanced studies: conferences, December 1971 - September 1972 (File) - Box 269 (Sequence 1)
Includes The Union and the SRC, The Martin report, A Student Representative Council within a Union, conference objectives and timetable.
Tertiary education reform, August 1964 - August 1973 (File) - Box 269 (Sequence 1)
Includes press release, Some Further Thoughts on the Demography of Higher Education, Social Implications of Trends in Higher Education: under-planning and over-schooling and a summary of The Martin Report.
University governance, October 1968 - July 1976 (File) - Box 269 (Sequence 1)
Includes bulletin, Canadian National survey of open senate and board meetings, Finnish report, newspaper clippings and Swedish report.
Education reform: transfers between Universities and Colleges, May 1964 - July 1972 (File) - Box 269 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, guidelines, working rules and report Staff and Student Interchange among Australian Universities.
Educational reform: Universities and colleges, September 1967 - August 1972 (File) - Box 269 (Sequence 1)
Includes press release, Australian Council on Awards in Advanced Education Statement no. 1: Nomenclature and guidelines for awards in advanced education, newsletters, The Fake Equality: the needs of CAEs and an open letter regarding the State College of Victoria Bill.
Governance: Professorial boards and student inclusion, June 1974 (File) - Box 269 (Sequence 1)
Includes a submission to an unnamed university senate on the report The Powers, Duties and Responsibilities of the Professorial Board and Public Participation.
Victorian Colleges, November 1971 - August 1974 (File) - Box 270 (Sequence 1)
Includes research and innovation bulletins, AUS submission on aspects of the fourth Victorian University, Victorian reports of the Minister of Education, newspaper clippings and newsletters.
Education policy, March 1971 - April 1974 (File) - Box 270 (Sequence 1)
Includes A Better Way: An equal opportunity in education for all children'', review of Labor education policies and the Western Australian Tertiary Education Commission report on the future of teachers colleges.
Transition from Secondary to Tertiary education, 1960 - 1973 (File) - Box 270 (Sequence 1)
Includes Problems of Transition: A Conference attended by Secondary School Representatives and Members of the University Staff to consider problems which confront Secondary School Students entering the University and Transition from Secondary to University Education.
Academic salaries, January 1972 - November 1973 (File) - Box 270 (Sequence 1)
Includes Whither Tertiary Education and submission on academic salaries.
Students: school leaver year, April 1972 - December 1972 (File) - Box 270 (Sequence 1)
Includes articles and correspondence.
University governance: tenure committees, September 1970 - July 1972 (File) - Box 270 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, newspaper clipping, procedures from United States of American universities and articles.
Series. Friendly Society, June 1973 - November 1974
Student healthcare; Universities and Colleges: Australia
Series. AUS activities, 1969 - February 1974
Anti-apartheid movements: Australia; arts; education research; International students: Australia; student healthcare; Universities and Colleges: Australia; Universities and Colleges: scholarships
The School and Me essay competition, August 1971 - September 1971 (File) - Box 271 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence and essays.
Two schools project, June 1971 - December 1971 (File) - Box 271 (Sequence 1)
Includes revised questionnaire, school profiles and bulletins.
Two Schools project, March 1971 - July 1971 (File) - Box 271 (Sequence 1)
Includes bulletins and correspondence.
Overseas Student Service, May 1969 - May 1972 (File) - Box 271 (Sequence 1)
Includes survey and survey findings, conference and annual reports, working papers and circulars.
Commonwealth scholarships, August 1972 - November 1972 (File) - Box 271 (Sequence 1)
Includes Hansard record, report and notes.
Publications, January 1972 - August 1972 (File) - Box 271 (Sequence 1)
Includes The Teachers Journal and Priority News.
Taxation, January 1972 - September 1972 (File) - Box 271 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, clippings and reports.
Commonwealth programs in education and science, August 1972 - September 1972 (File) - Box 271 (Sequence 1)
Includes reports and Hansard records.
Aquarius Foundation, April 1971 - May 1971 (File) - Box 271 (Sequence 1)
Includes annual report, circulars and correspondence.
Circulars, March 1972 - October 1972 (File) - Box 271 (Sequence 1)
Includes position papers and council resolutions.
Finance, 1969 - October 1972 (File) - Box 271 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, financial summaries and material regarding Education priority areas.
AUS Friendly Society, March 1971 - November 1972 (File) - Box 271 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, minuets and material regarding the sports accident fund and the pharmacy fund.
Aquarius Foundation, November 1971 - February 1974 (File) - Box 271 (Sequence 1)
Includes newsletters, annual report, minuets and financial statements.
Surveys, August 1971 - December 1971 (File) - Box 271 (Sequence 1)
Includes AUC submissions and surveys on staff/student ratios.
Surveys: student fees, December 1970 - October 1971 (File) - Box 271 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, list of replies and lists of colleges and their associated fees.
Surveys, August 1971 - October 1971 (File) - Box 271 (Sequence 1)
Includes AUC submissions, completed staff/student ratio surveys and correspondence.
Circulars, March 1972 - July 1972 (File) - Box 271 (Sequence 1)
Includes resolutions, OSS minuets and presidential circulars.
Movements and International relationships, April 1972 - November 1973 (File) - Box 271 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, AUS newsletter and material regarding Thai demonstrations, relations with similar organisations in Malaysia, Chile, Vietnam, resolutions about Chile and Lake Pedder.
Admin, October 1973 - December 1973 (File) - Box 271 (Sequence 1)
Includes budget, correspondence and material regarding editors conference, British rugby tour of south Africa and appointments.
Social events, December 1971 - March 1973 (File) - Box 271 (Sequence 1)
Includes financial journals and material regarding Walhalla social weekend, end of year party and social cricket.
Series. Education, December 1958 - October 1973
Australian students: economic conditions; Education: research; Education: Teachers; Universities and Colleges: student fees
Students finances: postgraduate grants, December 1958 - September 1973 (File) - Box 272 (Sequence 1)
Teacher education and bonded placements, January 1966 - November 1972 (File) - Box 272 (Sequence 1)
Legal case: Harrison & anor v. Hearn & ors, March 1971 - May 1972 (File) - Box 272 (Sequence 1)
Regarding the payment of $300 by the La Trobe SRC to Pentridge jail for prisoner education.
Funding of student unions, May 1971 - February 1972 (File) - Box 272 (Sequence 1)
Mostly United Kingdom material. Reports, newspaper articles, press releases.
The academic year: introduction of semester based year, May 1968 - September 1972 (File) - Box 272 (Sequence 1)
Student finances: Tertiary allowances scheme, July 1971 - November 1973 (File) - Box 272 (Sequence 1)
Academic year: semester pattern, January 1970 - June 1973 (File) - Box 272 (Sequence 1)
Reports and submissions.
The academic year: introduction of semester based year, June 1968 - August 1973 (File) - Box 272 (Sequence 1)
Education councils material, September 1968 - October 1973 (File) - Box 272 (Sequence 1)
Australian comparative Education Society; Australian Council for Educational Standards; Graduate Careers Council of Australia.
Conferences: National Colleges of Advanced Education conference; Australian University Graduate Conference, February 1971 - November 1973 (File) - Box 272 (Sequence 1)
Series. AUS Education department pre 1974 materials, July 1957 - August 1974
Asian students; Deakin University; International students; Karmel Report; tertiary education: inquiries; Universities and Colleges: government reports; Universities and colleges: New South Wales; Universities and Colleges: South Australia
Karmel Report, March 1973 - October 1973 (File) - Box 273 (Sequence 1)
Material regarding movement for Defence of Government Schools (DOGS) and government funding to non-state schools.
Australian Universities Commission inquiry into the future of tertiary education, September 1959 - January 1973 (File) - Box 273 (Sequence 1)
Engagements: representatives from tertiary education institutions, September 1971 (File) - Box 273 (Sequence 1)
Union matters, June 1972 - May 1973 (File) - Box 273 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding SRC creation.
Fourth University, Victoria, February 1972 - December 1973 (File) - Box 273 (Sequence 1)
Material regarding the creation of a fourth university for Victoria.
Correspondence: surveys and submissions, February 1971 - September 1973 (File) - Box 273 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence: University of Adelaide, September 1971 - September 1973 (File) - Box 273 (Sequence 1)
Commonwealth committee on Higher Education: submissions, July 1957 - November 1974 (File) - Box 273 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence: enquiries regarding universities and courses in Australia, May 1971 - March 1973 (File) - Box 273 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, January 1972 - November 1973 (File) - Box 273 (Sequence 1)
Including to Kim Beasley minister for education regarding enquiries into studying in Australia.
Correspondence regarding reports and submissions, January 1968 - January 1973 (File) - Box 273 (Sequence 1)
Series. Advocacy, June 1964 - June 1974
Education: political aspects: Australia; Education: employment conditions; Special education: Australia; Students-Australia-economic conditions; Universities and colleges: health services
Pre 1974 election material, October 1969 - April 1974 (File) - Box 274 (Sequence 1)
Platforms, flyers, policy analysis.
Teacher education and working conditions, December 1971 - October 1973 (File) - Box 274 (Sequence 1)
Education of teachers: requirements of teaching certificate, December 1967 - December 1973 (File) - Box 274 (Sequence 1)
Series. Graduate employment, 1963 - December 1974
Australian students: economic conditions; Universities and Colleges: government reports: Canada; Universities and Colleges: graduates
'Uncareers' alternative employment booklet, December 1973 - February 1974 (File) - Box 275 (Sequence 1)
Pensions/unemployment benefit, November 1970 - December 1974 (File) - Box 275 (Sequence 1)
Material regarding the non-payment of benefits over summer to tertiary students.
Series. Alternative Education, 1970 - May 1974
Education: Australia; Education: political aspects
Series. Newsletters, 1980
Series. Relationships: Student organisations, government and community groups, 1973 - February 1978
anti-uranium movements; Community health; Education: sexism; environmentalism; housing: Australia; Indigenous Australians: activism; Medical students: Australia; renters: legal rights; student activism: United Kingdom; student politics: international; student unionism: international; student unionism: United Kingdom; Thailand: student activism; Thailand: student protests; Universities and Colleges: Queensland; Universities and Colleges: Western Australia
Australian Medical Students Association (AMSA), February 1977 - January 1978 (File) - Box 278 (Sequence 1)
Student initiatives in community health, April 1977 - December 1977 (File) - Box 278 (Sequence 1)
Reports, Catalyst newsletter.
Asian Students Association, March 1977 - January 1978 (File) - Box 278 (Sequence 1)
Includes material about protests and arrests in Thailand.
Communications, May 1977 - November 1977 (File) - Box 279 (Sequence 1)
Newsletters, correspondence minutes, press releases, conference summaries and agendas. Topics include as sexism in education, federal budgets, government policy and part-time students.
Presidential, September 1977 - December 1977 (File) - Box 279 (Sequence 1)
Includes circulars covering political differences, with rebuttals to statements made by Tony Abbott.
Executive papers, February 1977 - October 1977 (File) - Box 279 (Sequence 1)
Resolutions, financial statements, ballot papers.
Hong Kong Federation of Students (HKFS), February 1977 - February 1978 (File) - Box 280 (Sequence 1)
National Youth Council of Australia (NYCA), December 1976 - February 1978 (File) - Box 280 (Sequence 1)
Series. Administration, August 1971 - October 1978
environmentalism; homosexual rights; queer rights; student activism: Australia; Student unionism: Australia
Series. President's files
anti-uranium movements; Freedom of Information legislationAUS secessionism; East Timor: independence; East Timor: politics and governance; education: funding; Feminism; Fischer, Henry; ; International Union of Students; nuclear energy; Omega bases; Papua New Guinea; student activism-China; student activism: Hong Kong; student activism: Latin American; student exchanges: Australia and China; student unionism; Student Travel; Universities and colleges: Australia; Uruguay: Politics and governance; women's rights; World Vision 40 hour famine; Youth unemployment: Australia;
IUS (International Union of Students), 1975 - August 1976 (File) - Box 284 (Sequence 1)
Includes IUS News from Latin America, posters and resolutions of the IUS executive committee meeting.
Henry Fischer, 1976 (File) - Box 284 (Sequence 1)
Rebuttal to claims printed on a flyer by Organisation for an Open Student's Union. The flyer alleged a connection between the AUS and Mr Henry Fischer.
China, July 1973 - December 1975 (File) - Box 284 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding AUS delegation to China and Chinese feature articles covering agriculture, medicine, economics, industry and arts.
Video, April 1975 - May 1976 (File) - Box 284 (Sequence 1)
Includes motions passed at meetings, minutes of video collective committee, Access Video Resource Centre, project outlines, Access Video News and correspondence.
May Executive, February 1976 - April 1976 (File) - Box 284 (Sequence 1)
Includes education financing campaign statement, minutes, statement on compulsory, autonomous student unions and executive reports.
Uruguay, August 1975 - March 1976 (File) - Box 284 (Sequence 1)
Amnesty International and International Union of Students material regarding the deaths of 22 people in Uruguay, believed to have been caused by torture.
We Women, May 1975 - April 1976 (File) - Box 284 (Sequence 1)
Material regarding women's lives in Japan, the USSR, Tanzania, Papua New Guinea, China, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India, Aboriginal Australians and migrant women.
Carlton Community Health Centre, April 1976 (File) - Box 284 (Sequence 1)
Includes minutes, submission and draft proposal.
ISMUN (International Youth and Student Movement for the United Nations), August 1975 - August 1976 (File) - Box 284 (Sequence 1)
Includes articles, memoranda, summary of proceedings, constitution and resolutions.
Bases of Omega, April 1976 (File) - Box 285 (Sequence 1)
Includes statement detailing US ownership of Australian industry, finance and protest flyers.
Timor Slideshow, n.d. (File) - Box 285 (Sequence 1)
Includes information sheet to accompany slideshow.
Correspondence, March 1976 - April 1976 (File) - Box 285 (Sequence 1)
Regarding staffing of the Carlton Video Centre.
Lee Kuan Yew, October 1976 (File) - Box 285 (Sequence 1)
Includes press release by the President of the Young lawyers of Victoria regarding Yew's visit and correspondence.
ACFOA, April 1976 - November 1976 (File) - Box 285 (Sequence 1)
Includes Third World News, minutes, discussion papers, resolutions passed and FUEMSSO (Federation of United Kingdom and Eire Malaysian and Singaporean Student Organisations) conference programme.
AUS Secs. Handbook, March 1976 - May 1976 (File) - Box 285 (Sequence 1)
Includes executive minutes and AUS timetable.
Rejected Senate Bills, 1974 - 1975 (File) - Box 285 (Sequence 1)
Includes Privy Council appeal bill, electoral re-distribution bills and broadcasting and licensing bills.
China Scheme, October 1975 - November 1975 (File) - Box 285 (Sequence 1)
Includes applications for AUS Exchange Program Tour of China Jan 1976 from students in NSW, WA, SA and Victoria.
ACFOA, December 1975 - March 1976 (File) - Box 286 (Sequence 1)
Includes reports, minutes, budget information and correspondence.
Queensland, October 1975 (File) - Box 286 (Sequence 1)
Includes applications for January 1976 China Study tour.
Tasmania, n.d. (File) - Box 286 (Sequence 1)
Includes applications for January 1976 China Study tour.
FOIL (Freedom Of Information Legislation), October 1976 - December 1976 (File) - Box 286 (Sequence 1)
Includes The Power of the Secret Treaties: submission to Environment Inquiry on Uranium Development in the Northern Territory, drafts of FOI Bill, Recovering the Public's Right to Information by John McMillan, minutes, Rupert newsletter and US and UK FOI material.
ACFOA, February 1976 - September 1976 (File) - Box 286 (Sequence 1)
Includes policy outlines, articles, minutes, material regarding the World Vision 40 Hour Famine in NSW, correspondence and report on 2 day seminar on international liberation movements and development.
Advocacy, 1976 (File) - Box 286 (Sequence 1)
Includes WA Student Guild guide, East Timor independence material, newspaper clippings and material regarding opposition to nuclear power stations in West Germany.
ACFOA Council, 1976 (File) - Box 286 (Sequence 1)
Material for delegate Tasma Ockenden including financial statement, agenda, working procedures, attendees list and reports.
Legal, December 1977 (File) - Box 287 (Sequence 1)
Includes superannuation deed and judgement of a case of a student suing the University of Melbourne, SRC and AUS over the usage of fees.
Legal action, May 1977 - February 1978 (File) - Box 287 (Sequence 1)
Includes legal advice and correspondence, generally regarding cases where students have sued over the collection and usage of fees.
STAA, December 1976 - February 1978 (File) - Box 287 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, board meeting reports and copy of constitution.
STAA 4th Annual General Conference, March 1975 - July 1976 (File) - Box 287 (Sequence 1)
Includes resolutions, working papers, attendees list, constitution, transcripts of speeches, statement of accounts and position papers.
Housing, December 1976 (File) - Box 287 (Sequence 1)
Includes survey and flyers regarding housing. Material discusses women's shelters and inequalities in the housing system.
ASA, September 1976 - October 1976 (File) - Box 287 (Sequence 1)
Includes Hong Kong Federation of Students International Bulletin and mailing list.
SECA, May 1976 - January 1977 (File) - Box 287 (Sequence 1)
Includes Guinea-Bissau: reinventing education, ASA circular, bulletins and organisational membership applications.
Series. President's files, 1978
anti-uranium movement; compulsory student unionism: Australia; education: advocacy; education: fees; education: funding; education research: Australia; feminism; graduate employment: Australia; Student Travel; The Palestinians; Universities and colleges: Australia; Universities and colleges: external students;
Education, February 1978 - November 1978 (File) - Box 288 (Sequence 1)
Includes minutes, reports, Education Research Officer circulars, submissions and material regarding parental involvement in schools, funding and graduate employment.
Finance, May 1978 - December 1978 (File) - Box 288 (Sequence 1)
Includes statements of income and expenditure.
Abortion, 1978 (File) - Box 289 (Sequence 1)
Includes anti and pro-abortion material.
Readers are advised that one of the items in this file contains graphic images. Reader discretion is advised.
Victorian Regional Conferences, 1978 (File) - Box 289 (Sequence 1)
Includes minutes, agenda and reports.
NSW Regional Conferences, March 1978 - November 1978 (File) - Box 289 (Sequence 1)
Includes minutes.
NSW Regional Activities, 1978 (File) - Box 289 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, reports, AUS insurance material, AUS News and newsletters and circulars.
Victoria Regional Activities, 1978 (File) - Box 289 (Sequence 1)
Includes newsletters and correspondence regarding elections and compulsory student unionism.
Administrations, March 1978 - December 1978 (File) - Box 289 (Sequence 1)
Includes conferences, reports and newsletters and correspondence regarding the banning of screening the film The Palestinians at Melbourne University.
AUS promotions, 1978 (File) - Box 289 (Sequence 1)
Includes flyers covering the Fraser federal budget, AUS and Education, funding cuts and the AUS Women's department.
Council material, February 1978 - February 1979 (File) - Box 289 (Sequence 1)
Includes motions passed and AUS election results.
Women, 1978 (File) - Box 289 (Sequence 1)
Includes copies of Women's News Service and Women's Department News covering topics including abortion, feminism and uranium conference, sexism in education and women's sexuality.
Cultural activities, February 1978 - December 1978 (File) - Box 290 (Sequence 1)
Includes report of the Popular Theatre Troupe.
AUS general, February 1978 - June 1978 (File) - Box 290 (Sequence 1)
Includes Resource Centre index, list of office bearers and mail index.
Presidential, March 1978 - October 1978 (File) - Box 290 (Sequence 1)
Includes submission regarding proposed legislation on student organisations and correspondence.
Associate Members Club, 1978 (File) - Box 290 (Sequence 1)
Includes financial summaries and correspondence.
Trainee teachers, June 1978 - July 1978 (File) - Box 290 (Sequence 1)
Includes minutes, conference agenda and a summary about teacher unemployment.
Education Research Officer, 1978 (File) - Box 290 (Sequence 1)
Includes Present developments in post-secondary education.
PESO, May 1978 (File) - Box 290 (Sequence 1)
Includes agenda and motions from the Third National Conference of the Part-time and External Student Organisation.
Education publications, 1978 (File) - Box 290 (Sequence 1)
Includes Education funding and restructuring, The Future of the Northern Rivers College of Advanced Education and A guide to the Tertiary Education Assistance Scheme: Information for students.
Series. Files added, 1975
Ali, Tariq; Australia-Japan relations; Chile: political prisoners; Chile: politics and governance; Chin, Juliet; decolonization; East Timor: independence; East Timor: politics and governance; Horta, Jose Ramos; Indonesia: political prisoners; Malaysia: politics and governance; Mangazva, Synos; Mawere, Tapson; Ng Wah Ling; North Korea; student activism: Malaysia; student activism: Mauritius; Quilapayan; Singapore: politics and governance; South Korea; student activism: Singapore; student unionism: Malaysia; student unionism: Singapore; Tan Wah Piow; Tsui Hon-kwong; Yap Kim Khong;
Singapore and Malaysia, August 1973 - September 1975 (File) - Box 291 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, trial transcripts, statements, AUS circulars, posters and newspaper clippings on the arrest and treatment of student activists in Singapore and Malaysia. Arrested activists include Juliet Chin, Tan Wah Piow, Ng Wah Ling, Yap Kim Khong, Tsui Hon-kwong and then AUS President Ian Macdonald.
Iran, September 1974 - October 1974 (File) - Box 291 (Sequence 1)
Includes Iran: ten years after the 'white revolution', correspondence and flyers.
Namibia, June 1974 - December 1974 (File) - Box 291 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding the tour of Australia by Putuse Appolus, representative of the South West African Peoples Organisation (SWAPO), incarceration political prisoners and the usage of flogging as a punishment.
Singapore and Malaysia, December 1974 - September 1975 (File) - Box 291 (Sequence 1)
Includes Singaporean student activist trial transcripts, articles and University of Malaya (discipline of students) rules, 1975.
Singapore/Malaysia, December 1974 - October 1975 (File) - Box 291 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, flyers and articles discussing anti-Tun Abdul Razak (Prime Minister of Malaysia) sentiments, political repression in Malaysia and Singapore and the incarceration of political activists.
Korea, April 1975 - September 1975 (File) - Box 292 (Sequence 1)
Material relating to the Democratic Republic of Korea (North Korea). Includes memoranda, newspaper clippings and pro Korean unification material.
Japan, October 1973 - March 1974 (File) - Box 292 (Sequence 1)
Includes newspaper clippings, speech transcript, Australia-Japan relations Symposium 1974 programe, Department of Foreign Affairs news releases and material regarding protests against South East Asian visit by Kakuei Tanaka, Japanese Prime Minister.
Tariq Ali, July 1973 (File) - Box 292 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and proposal regarding a tour by Tariq Ali, political activist.
Timor, February 1975 - November 1975 (File) - Box 292 (Sequence 1)
Includes Timor Bulletin, Timor Information Service, correspondence, newspaper clippings, East (Portuguese) Timor: independence or oppression and material regarding visit by Indonesian President Suharto to Australia.
Newspaper clippings, September 1975 (File) - Box 292 (Sequence 1)
Topics include the Fraser government and Middle East relations.
Timor, August 1975 - September 1975 (File) - Box 292 (Sequence 1)
Includes East Timor: The fight for independence, briefing documents, correspondence from Jose Ramos Horta, report by the Red Cross and FRETILIN press statement.
Singapore and Malaysia, December 1974 - December 1975 (File) - Box 292 (Sequence 1)
Includes newspaper clippings, correspondence and reports regarding FUEMMSO, Singaporean and Malaysian activism and the arrest of Tan Wah Piow and Tsui Hon-kwong.
Timor, September 1974 - December 1975 (File) - Box 292 (Sequence 1)
Includes minutes, Australian East Timor Association (AETA) minutes, contact list, resolutions, briefing notes and newspaper clippings.
Indonesia, June 1975 - August 1975 (File) - Box 293 (Sequence 1)
Includes articles on political prisoners.
Indonesia, June 1974 - October 1974 (File) - Box 293 (Sequence 1)
Includes reports on the trial of Hariman Siregar and a report on conditions at Buru.
Indonesia, January 1974 - March 1974 (File) - Box 293 (Sequence 1)
Includes reports, correspondence and Department of Foreign Affairs press releases. Majority of material relates to treatment of political prisoners.
Mauritius, December 1973 - April 1975 (File) - Box 293 (Sequence 1)
Includes report, office holders list and correspondence from the Mauritius Young Communist League.
Timor, February 1975 - October 1975 (File) - Box 293 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, newspaper clippings and flyers regarding Timorese self-determination and Indonesia.
Timor, March 1975 - October 1975 (File) - Box 293 (Sequence 1)
Includes newspaper clippings, correspondence and press releases regarding Timorese self-determination, the killing of activists and the actions of Australia.
Tapson Mawere and Synos Mangazva, June 1975 - August 1975 (File) - Box 293 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence regarding an incident where Tapson Mawere and Synos Mangazva from the Zimbabwe African National Union were attacked and arrested by police in Harrington, Delaware.
South Africa, April 1975 - November 1975 (File) - Box 293 (Sequence 1)
Includes background paper The Changing Situation in Southern Africa, discussion paper on The Constitution of Independent Namibia, Report on Detention and Trial under the Terrorism Act. South Africa, list of deaths in detention in South Africa, correspondence and articles. Material covers region which includes modern countries of Namibia, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Angola.
Portugal, 1973 (File) - Box 293 (Sequence 1)
Includes flyers about the Portuguese treatment of colonies.
Chile, September 1973 - July 1975 (File) - Box 293 (Sequence 1)
Includes flyers, paper Australia and the US Corporate Invasion: Securing a base on the Pacific Rim, correspondence and newspaper clippings regarding a tour by Quilapayun and movements against the military junta of General Pinochet.
Chile '75, July 1975 (File) - Box 293 (Sequence 1)
Includes transcript of speech by Joan Jara, widow of musician killed by the military junta and material relating to tour by Quilapayun.
Series. Juliet Chin, drawer 3
Academic salaries-Australia; Akire, Claude; AUS secessionism; Australia-Indonesia relationship; Balibo Five; Chiekh, Samir; Councils-Land councils; Deakin University; East Timor: independence; feminism; Fiji; Universities and colleges: Fiji; General Union of Palestinians; graduate employment: Australia; Greek migrants in Australia; international aid: Australia; Isaacs, Henry; Lebanon-civil war; Middle East; North Korea; Palestine: politics and governance; political prisoners: Singapore; Politics and Government- Political action- Anti racism; Politics and Government-Political action- Activism; Politics and Government-Political Action-Land rights; Politics and Government-Political action-Singapore; South Vietnam (Provisional Revolutionary Government, 1969-1976); Thailand: politics and governance; Thailand; unemployment: Australia; Universities and colleges: Victoria; Vietnam; Zananiri, Eddie;
Thailand, July 1975 - December 1976 (File) - Box 294 (Sequence 1)
Includes declaration, correspondence, newspaper clippings, Review of International Affairs, FAUSA newsletter, presidential reports, draft submission regarding the establishment of a bureau for overseas aid and material relating to movements against regimes in Thailand and the Asian region. General AUS and ASA material included in file.
Careers guidance, May 1976 - November 1976 (File) - Box 294 (Sequence 1)
Includes submission regarding difficulties in predicting job growth for university graduates and briefing notes.
Daily Hansard, November 1974 - December 1974 (File) - Box 294 (Sequence 1)
Daily Hansards for Tuesday 26 November 1974 and Monday 2 December 1974.
Zananiri and Chiekh visit, May 1975 (File) - Box 294 (Sequence 1)
Newspaper clippings discussing the visit by Eddie Zananiri and Samir Chiekh, 2 members of the General Union of Palestinians, part of the Palestinian Liberation Organisation.
Vietnam, December 1974 - January 1975 (File) - Box 294 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence and The Provisional Revolutionary Government.
Advocacy, June 1976 - January 1977 (File) - Box 294 (Sequence 1)
Includes Submission for the Funding of the Student Education Commission of Asia Conference-Melbourne, ASA special bulletin on the Middle East, CARE minutes summary, report from ASA workshop The Role of Women in the Third World and Embassy of Indonesia paper The Question of Portuguese Timor.
Advocacy, August 1976 - October 1976 (File) - Box 294 (Sequence 1)
Includes government review of student assistance schemes, Greek Action Bulletin by the Australian Greek welfare Society, Land Rights News and correspondence from the Black Resource Centre.
Peter O'Connor, January 1976 - September 1976 (File) - Box 294 (Sequence 1)
Includes regional circulars, minutes, reports, telegram regarding the Balibo Five from the AUS to minister for foreign affairs and a strategy paper for TEAS/education funding campaign.
Regions, February 1976 - October 1976 (File) - Box 294 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, information sheets on La Trobe SRC activities, media release about anti-apartheid demonstrations, Darling Downs institute of Advanced Education union constitution and material regarding concerns about the merger of SCV Geelong and Gordon Institute Geelong into Deakin University.
USSU, April 1976 - February 1977 (File) - Box 295 (Sequence 1)
Includes ASA circulars, activist camp programme, Review of International Affairs, newspaper cuttings and ANU academic salaries determination. Material discusses the student movement and arrest of political prisoners in Singapore, East Timorese independence, 1975 Racial Discrimination Act and tour by Claude Akire.
Land rights, January 1976 - August 1976 (File) - Box 295 (Sequence 1)
Includes commentary on Liberal Country Party Amendments to Aboriginal Land Rights (NT) Bill by Geoff Eames solicitor to Central Aboriginal Land Council, NT News Extras and minutes from meetings at Yirrkala and Elcho Island with elders or clan leaders.
Melbourne University, April 1976 - September 1976 (File) - Box 295 (Sequence 1)
Material regarding statements made by and against Michael Darby, ex Melbourne University SRC president, about the AUS. Includes letters and articles by Greg Adamson, Tasma Ockenden and Frank Knopfelmacher.
Conferences, June 1976 - October 1976 (File) - Box 295 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence regarding conferences and meetings.
Asia Pacific region, April 1976 - December 1976 (File) - Box 295 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, press clippings, press release regarding tour of Australia by Henry Isaacs, Students' Views and News Papua New Guinea, University of Singapore Students' Union statue and ASA circulars. Material discusses the deportation of Singaporean and Malaysian students, conditions in Fiji, planned conferences, Australian government response to East Timor and the trial of Tan Wah Piow.
AUS activities, September 1976 - November 1976 (File) - Box 295 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding student solidarity with trade union movement, Henry Fischer scandal, national student strike, AMSA support of AUS submission regarding TEAS and complaints from SRC members at University of Wollongong and SCV Rusden.
Publications, January 1976 (File) - Box 295 (Sequence 1)
Includes copies of Peking Review and L'Etudiant de France.
Newsletters and communications, 1975 - 1976 (File) - Box 295 (Sequence 1)
Includes report on IUS, VIC newsletter, Window on the World: News and Comment on Community and World Affairs, CARE newsletter, Alexander Mackie CAE orientation news, Kim IL Sung: on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the foundation of the workers party of Korea, School Bell, submission on TEAS, Women's Officer's report, Development News Digest and financial records.
Publications, December 1975 - February 1976 (File) - Box 295 (Sequence 1)
Includes copies of The People's Korea, Hsinhua News Bulletin, Review of International Affairs and Australian Foreign Affairs Record.
Correspondence, March 1976 (File) - Box 296 (Sequence 1)
Includes guidelines about use of AUS Telex facilities.
International material, December 1975 (File) - Box 296 (Sequence 1)
Noticias para America Latina (Spanish) and De Bulletin (French).
ACFOA, March 1976 (File) - Box 296 (Sequence 1)
Includes education unit correspondence, report, submission and appeals calendar.
Publications, February 1976 - March 1976 (File) - Box 296 (Sequence 1)
Includes Peking Review, Development Forum, Pyongyang Times.
The Tenants Union of Victoria, February 1976 - March 1976 (File) - Box 296 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence and information sheets.
Publications, December 1975 - February 1976 (File) - Box 296 (Sequence 1)
Includes Yugoslav Life, Review of International affairs and The University of Melbourne Staff News.
Relationships, February 1976 - March 1976 (File) - Box 296 (Sequence 1)
Includes Australian Film Institute correspondence, New Zealand Students' Arts Council correspondence, IUS material regarding the Lebanese civil war and situation in Panama.
Publications, 1975 (File) - Box 296 (Sequence 1)
Includes National Anti-apartheid committee activities report, Semper Floreat (University of Queensland) and newsletter in Arabic.
ACFOA, February 1976 - March 1976 (File) - Box 296 (Sequence 1)
Includes memos, minutes from a meeting with Minister for Foreign Affairs the Hon. Andrew Peacock, newspaper clipping and note about the role of NGOs.
Tas Ockenden, February 1976 (File) - Box 296 (Sequence 1)
Includes Student Travel sales report, Friendly society minutes, correspondence and deed.
Publications, March 1973 - January 1976 (File) - Box 296 (Sequence 1)
Includes ACSPA Action newsletter, Science for the People, The Pyongyang Times, Democratic People's Republic of Korea Illustrated Monthly and Peking Review.
Advocacy, January 1976 - February 1976 (File) - Box 296 (Sequence 1)
Includes IUS correspondence regarding Chilean trial of political prisoners, the Lebanese civil war and a scholarship; Peking Review; NYCA discussion papers and financial record; Spanish booklet regarding the arrest of Peruvian mining leaders and their lawyers.
AUS, July 1975 - October 1975 (File) - Box 296 (Sequence 1)
Includes press clippings about AUS secession movements in WA and SA, and pro and anti AUS flyers.
New Zealand and United Kingdom student unions, 1972 - August 1976 (File) - Box 296 (Sequence 1)
Includes NZUSA August council minutes, You are NUS: an Introduction to the National Union of Students 1973-1974 and NUS on the Attack: an Introduction to the National Union of Students 1972-1973 (United Kingdom).
Series. Constitutions mail files, 1978
Anti-uranium movements; compulsory student unionism; education funding-Australia; environmentalism; feminism; Sister Overseas Service; Politics and Government-Political Action-Land rights;
Constituent Mail-F, n.d. (File) - Box 298 (Sequence 1)
Includes copy of A Bill to amend the Melbourne University Act 1958 for other purposes.
Constituent Mail-G, April 1978 - May 1978 (File) - Box 298 (Sequence 1)
Includes index, ERO circular, ERO circular, Tertiary Education Commission's 1978-81 Funding Guidelines for Post Secondary Education, NSW regional conference minutes, statement of income and expenditure, education funding and anti-uranium flyers.
Constituent Mail-H, October 1977 - September 1978 (File) - Box 298 (Sequence 1)
Includes index, presidential circular, minutes, EVP circular, Present developments in post-secondary education, press clippings and material regarding the Greg Weir defence case.
Constituent Mail-I, May 1978 - June 1978 (File) - Box 298 (Sequence 1)
Includes index, presidential circular, EVP circular, minutes, ERO circular, Hansard transcript and Women's Department News.
Series. Files added, 1977
Activism-Queensland; AUS secessionism; compulsory student unionism; education funding; Hong Kong-student unionism; Malaysia: politics and governance; queer rights; Singapore: politics and governance; student unionism: Malaysia; student unionism: Singapore; Thailand-politics and governance; Thailand-student activism; Weir, Greg;
President, February 1977 - December 1977 (File) - Box 300 (Sequence 1)
Includes presidential circulars, itineraries and correspondence regarding the Clarke case, Hisham, Thai political prisoners, the Greg Weir defence campaign and the federal election.
Correspondence-out, February 1977 - February 1978 (File) - Box 300 (Sequence 1)
Includes references, letters of introduction and material regarding student travel, protests, AUS membership and the ASA.
Correspondence-in, January 1977 - January 1978 (File) - Box 300 (Sequence 1)
Includes list of appointees to the Student Assistance Review Tribunal and correspondence regarding the federation of international youth travel organisations, other student organisations, education policy, student travel and Hong Kong student unions.
Internal memos, March 1977 - January 1978 (File) - Box 300 (Sequence 1)
Includes contact lists and material regarding travel plans and meetings.
Administration, February 1977 - December 1977 (File) - Box 300 (Sequence 1)
Includes financial records and correspondence regarding NATSISU motion, the Clark case, annual council, ballots and motions.
Telex, January 1977 - December 1977 (File) - Box 300 (Sequence 1)
Discusses the arrest of students in Asia, travel plans, meetings, student travel, student radio, protests and the Greg Weir defence campaign.
Education Cont., August 1977 - November 1977 (File) - Box 301 (Sequence 1)
Includes Report on Student Housing, Asian Students Education Newsletter, submissions regarding education and training, minutes, 1977 federal budget guide for activists and material regarding the duties of EROs, graduate unemployment, education funding and Queensland march laws.
OSS, January 1977 - January 1978 (File) - Box 301 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding OSS and AUS relationship, Singaporean and Malaysian politics, Malaya News Service and articles critical of OSS.
Culture, June 1977 - September 1977 (File) - Box 301 (Sequence 1)
Includes George Michelakakis exhibition pamphlet, theatre performance flyers and campus activities correspondence.
Deputy President, February 1977 - October 1977 (File) - Box 302 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence regarding a student vacation scheme on Yarrabah Aboriginal reserve; Clarke vs Melbourne University, Melbourne University SRC and AUS legal case; circulars and campaign updates.
Education, January 1977 - July 1977 (File) - Box 302 (Sequence 1)
Includes table of student service fees, submission Concerning Aspects of Education Funding and Student Financing, AUS Education Information, Alternative Approaches to a Student Loans Scheme- a preliminary paper, Committee on Student Loans draft report, Committee on Student Loans Minority Report and material regarding queer rights, education funding and student mobilization on the 28 of April.
Education coalition, July 1977 (File) - Box 302 (Sequence 1)
Includes research papers list, conference motions and articles.
Government comments, August 1977 - December 1977 (File) - Box 302 (Sequence 1)
Includes governments publications list and media releases on topics including health concerns about toothpaste products, drug usage and imports.
Travel board, March 1977 - January 1978 (File) - Box 303 (Sequence 1)
Includes minutes, financial records, auditors reports, directors reports, press releases, sales figures and flight lists.
UNSW "spill" motion and AUS reform, July 1977 (File) - Box 303 (Sequence 1)
Includes flyers and correspondence regarding a 'spil' motion and calls to reform the AUS. Some held the view of a perceived disconnect by AUS 'bureaucracy' and the material presents different perspectives of the situation.
CALPS-National Conference of ALP Students, May 1977 - September 1977 (File) - Box 303 (Sequence 1)
Includes article about AUS Travel, newsletter, senator contact details and policy notes.
Friendly Society Board, November 1976 - November 1977 (File) - Box 303 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, minutes, accounts, budget summary and position statements.
Publications, March 1973 - 1979 (File) - Box 304 (Sequence 1)
Includes education journals and institutional magazines. Titles include IUS Magazine on the Democratization and Reform of Education, The Chronicle of Higher Education, University of Melbourne working group Report to Council 1973-03, The University of Sydney News and Papua New Guinea Education Gazette.
Associate Members Club, June 1977 - December 1977 (File) - Box 305 (Sequence 1)
Includes minutes, auditors report and correspondence.
Associate Members Club, May 1977 - November 1977 (File) - Box 305 (Sequence 1)
Includes auditors report and minutes.
AUS promotions, n.d. (File) - Box 305 (Sequence 1)
Includes flyers about anti-Fraser government campaign, anti-uranium movement, women's issues, unemployment and about the AUS.
AUS general, November 1977 - February 1978 (File) - Box 305 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence regarding missing files and publications from the Resource Centre, and contacts list.
Judgement and campus acts relevant, November 1977 - January 1978 (File) - Box 305 (Sequence 1)
Material relating to the case of Clark vs University of Melbourne, University of Melbourne SRC and AUS. Includes judgement, case summary, summary of the implications of the Clark judgement and documents from Griffith University, University of Tasmania, Flinders University and Canberra College of Advanced Education regarding the impacts of the case.
Executive, March 1977 - January 1978 (File) - Box 305 (Sequence 1)
Includes minutes; draft budget; agenda and reports including from OSS, National U and Women's Officers.
Letters to the Executive and in reply to, May 1977 - January 1978 (File) - Box 305 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence regarding AUS Travel, resignations, Hishamuddin Rais, visits and publication distribution.
Executive finance and structure sub-committee, December 1977 - January 1978 (File) - Box 305 (Sequence 1)
Includes recommendations, minutes, costings and memos.
Solicitors file, August 1975 - October 1977 (File) - Box 305 (Sequence 1)
Includes legal advice, Hansard extracts and invoices.
Wollongong, February 1977 - May 1977 (File) - Box 306 (Sequence 1)
Includes exhibition flyer, newsletter and bistro menu.
ACFOA, January 1976 - October 1977 (File) - Box 306 (Sequence 1)
Includes Summer School conference: correspondence and programme, Development News Digest, newsletter, The Economics of Social Justice: the decision-making process and mailing list.
CARE, February 1977 - March 1977 (File) - Box 306 (Sequence 1)
Includes flyer and organisation information.
Other National Union of Students, April 1977 - February 1978 (File) - Box 306 (Sequence 1)
Includes list of Asian student unions and correspondence from ISMUN, International Student Association of Japan, National Union of French Students, Japan International student union, National Union of Danish Students, the Swedish National Union of Students, Federation of University students of Uruguay and Student's Council University of Indonesia.
Travel Airlines Committee, September 1977 - January 1978 (File) - Box 306 (Sequence 1)
Includes management consultants' report, minutes of meetings with creditors and sales report.
Travel legal and special, August 1977 - December 1977 (File) - Box 306 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, press release, agreement, Hansard transcript, minutes and legal advice summaries.
Travel general, November 1976 - July 1977 (File) - Box 306 (Sequence 1)
Includes discount information, travel information, newsletter and minutes.
Travel legal and general, August 1977 - September 1977 (File) - Box 306 (Sequence 1)
Includes report, press releases, legal advice regarding the closure of AUS Travel and legal documents.
Travel staff committee, February 1977 (File) - Box 306 (Sequence 1)
Includes minutes and provisions for parental leave.
Travel promotions, August 1976 - 1977 (File) - Box 306 (Sequence 1)
Includes summer program and list of inter-Asia flights.
Series. Printed material
Anti-apartheid movements; Education funding; Isaacs, Henry; Malaya News Service; Papua New Guinea; Politics and Government- Political action- Anti racism; Politics and Government-Political Action-Land rights; Universities and Colleges-Tasmania;
Education Publications, June 1974 - March 1981 (File) - Box 307 (Sequence 1)
Titles include Neoplasm, Papua New Guinea Education Gazette, Journal of Advanced Education, Aboriginal and Islander Identity, AUS Education Information and The Chronicle of Higher Education. Several publications have 'AUS Resource Centre' stamped on the front cover.
Education Publications, February 1976 - February 1981 (File) - Box 308 (Sequence 1)
Includes The Chronicle of Higher Education, AUS Education Information, Victorian Judges Salaries Act 1979 and The Age.
Henry Isaacs tour, June 1976 - July 1976 (File) - Box 308 (Sequence 1)
Includes costings, annotated itinerary, planning notes and correspondence.
NZUSA, February 1977 - December 1977 (File) - Box 308 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence regarding NZUSA/AUS relationship and legal challenges to compulsory student unionism; May Council delegation and motions lists.
Melbourne Uni, October 1976 - February 1978 (File) - Box 308 (Sequence 1)
Includes Staff News, Friends of AUS Club constitution and correspondence.
Series. Duplicates
AUS submission The Effect of the proposed tuition charge for Overseas Students in Australian Post-Secondary Education, and related matters, September 1979 (File) - Box 309 (Sequence 1)
14 copies.
Series. Relationships: campus unions
AUS secessionism; Universities and Colleges;
W.A.I.T (Western Australia Institute of Technology), March 1973 - February 1976 (File) - Box 311 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence regarding complaints and protest flyers.
S.A.I.T. (South Australian Institute of Technology), March 1973 - September 1974 (File) - Box 311 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, treasurers' report, minutes, presidential circulars and submission on the tertiary allowances scheme.
Footscray, February 1974 (File) - Box 311 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence and union constitution.
General, September 1973 - June 1975 (File) - Box 311 (Sequence 1)
Includes letter of introduction, correspondence, account, submission for a resource centre and articles.
Nursery School Teachers College (TC), May 1973 - September 1973 (File) - Box 311 (Sequence 1)
Includes SRC constitution and correspondence regarding membership.
Mercer House, November 1972 - July 1973 (File) - Box 311 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence regarding AUS membership and SCR constitution.
BIT (Bendigo Institute of Technology), March 1971 - July 1971 (File) - Box 311 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence regarding AUS membership, student travel and meetings.
Mitchell (College of Advanced Education), March 1972 - May 1974 (File) - Box 311 (Sequence 1)
Includes Submission to College Council on issues arising from the transfer from one programme to another, report, constitution of SRC and correspondence regarding tours.
Ballarat, September 1974 - May 1975 (File) - Box 311 (Sequence 1)
Includes press release and correspondence with list of office bearers.
QIT (Queensland Institute of Technology), May 1974 (File) - Box 311 (Sequence 1)
Includes AUS secessionism flyer and correspondence.
Ballarat TC, December 1971 - May 1975 (File) - Box 311 (Sequence 1)
Includes student magazine, press release and correspondence regarding AUS membership.
Preston Institute of Technology, June 1972 - July 1974 (File) - Box 311 (Sequence 1)
Includes submission regarding union fees, minutes and library report.
NSW Institute of Technology, 1973 - May 1975 (File) - Box 311 (Sequence 1)
Includes student newspaper and institute guide.
Prahran, February 1974 (File) - Box 311 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence regarding AUS membership fees and student magazine.
SA School of Art, November 1973 - September 1975 (File) - Box 311 (Sequence 1)
Includes constitution and correspondence regarding campus activities, amalgamation with Torrens College of Advanced Education.
Armidale TC, August 1972 - August 1975 (File) - Box 311 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence and student newsletter.
Marcus Oldham, November 1972 - January 1973 (File) - Box 311 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence and constitution.
TCAE (Tasmanian College of Advanced Education), February 1974 - September 1974 (File) - Box 311 (Sequence 1)
Includes report, legal advice regarding collection of fees and correspondence.
Tasmania CAE, January 1974 - February 1974 (File) - Box 311 (Sequence 1)
Includes student magazines, newsletter and SRC constitution.
Series. Subject files: meetings; conferences; reports; campaigns and other political events involving the AUS
President: Neil McLean, April 1973 - December 1974 (File) - Box 312 (Sequence 1)
Includes minutes, motions and correspondence.
AUS Exec: Neil McLean, March 1971 - March 1973 (File) - Box 312 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, position applications, budget notes and audited accounts.
Matters for attention of Executive, April 1973 - October 1975 (File) - Box 312 (Sequence 1)
Includes audited accounts, correspondence and notes.
N McLean, November 1973 (File) - Box 312 (Sequence 1)
Includes draft agenda, report and ASA correspondence.
Services Vice President, March 1974 - May 1975 (File) - Box 312 (Sequence 1)
Includes circulars and correspondence regarding campus visits.
General matters, July 1972 - September 1974 (File) - Box 312 (Sequence 1)
Includes draft agenda and correspondence regarding the August council.
Annual Council priority planning, August 1972 (File) - Box 312 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence.
Priority planning: Annual Council, January 1975 (File) - Box 312 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, press list and motion submissions.
Series. Executive and subject files: Vietnamese Provisional Revolutionary Government tour to Australia
Anti-apartheid movements; apartheid boycotts; Chitepo, Herbert; education funding; South Vietnam (Provisional Revolutionary Government, 1969-1976); Vietnam;
PRG Tour (1) (Provisional Revolutionary Government of Republic of South Vietnam), March 1974 - January 1975 (File) - Box 313 (Sequence 1)
Includes planning notes, correspondence regarding financial contributions from various SRCs, articles, How New Zealand can help in the implementation of the Paris Peace Agreements, an itinerary for Le Van Toan and Tran Van An and cost estimates. Tran Van An and Le Van Toan were 2 members from the Union of Students for the Liberation of South Vietnam. They toured parts of Australia.
PRG Tour (2), October 1974 - May 1975 (File) - Box 313 (Sequence 1)
Includes articles, itinerary, photographs and correspondence regarding speaking tours from members of Provisional Revolutionary Government of Republic of South Vietnam.
Anti-apartheid, June 1972 - September 1975 (File) - Box 313 (Sequence 1)
Includes submissions from IUS apartheid symposium, press release regarding boycott of Woolworths, Apartheid South Africa: an exploitative economic system; the basis of violation of human rights, Apartheid and the world and press release regarding the banning of the AUS president Neil McLean from entering South Africa. Gregor Mccaulay, a previous president, had also been banned. The last few papers discuss Herbert Chitepo and his assassination.
Correspondence with executive members, July 1973 - July 1975 (File) - Box 313 (Sequence 1)
Includes circulars and material regarding regional conferences, meetings and National U'.
Correspondence with exec. members, August 1975 - September 1975 (File) - Box 313 (Sequence 1)
Includes planning committee summary.
Neil McLean February exec. meeting, October 1973 - August 1975 (File) - Box 313 (Sequence 1)
Includes Services Vice President's report, circulars, minutes and correspondence including from McLean's visit to Israel.
Finance committee chairman, December 1972 - November 1974 (File) - Box 313 (Sequence 1)
Includes papers regarding fee rises, budgets, audited accounts and correspondence.
Series. Subject files: conferences and organisations: The Congress for Human Relations; the Australian Conservation Foundation and a conference for a nuclear free Pacific
Anti-nuclear movements; anti-uranium movements; environmentalism; French-Pacific nuclear tests; Greek migrants-Australia;
Submission to the Commonwealth Government on Environment Resource Centres, 1973 (File) - Box 314 (Sequence 1)
AUS Environment Resource Centre, December 1971 - September 1974 (File) - Box 314 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence regarding AUS submission, mailing lists and submission for a grant.
French Testing, August 1973 - July 1974 (File) - Box 314 (Sequence 1)
Includes article, flyers, ATOM (Against Testing On Mururoa) Committee material, correspondence, Department of Foreign Affairs press releases and New Zealand Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament newsletter. ATOM was a Fiji based anti-nuclear testing group.
Greenpeace, February 1974 - September 1975 (File) - Box 314 (Sequence 1)
Includes newsletters and correspondence.
PIRG (Public Interest Research Groups), September 1972 - October 1974 (File) - Box 314 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence and petition.
Environment Protection Authority (EPA), March 1973 (File) - Box 314 (Sequence 1)
Includes EPA independence protest flyer, news feature on water and pollution.
International congress on Human Relations: correspondence, March 1972 - September 1972 (File) - Box 314 (Sequence 1)
Includes requests for material from conference, public talks flyers, attendees list and programme.
International congress on Human Relations: articles and reports, 1972 (File) - Box 314 (Sequence 1)
Includes speaker information and attendee forms.
Australian Conservation Foundation, January 1974 - June 1974 (File) - Box 314 (Sequence 1)
Includes publications list and order form, flyer and correspondence.
Environment groups, October 1971 - December 1974 (File) - Box 314 (Sequence 1)
Includes INSPECT (Inquiry in the State of Pollution and Environmental Conservation by Thoughtful people) flyer and timetable; ZPG (Zero Population Growth) articles; Friends of the Earth (FOE) correspondence and flyers; Environment project grants applications and submissions; Melbourne University Conservation Society newsletters.
Environment Committee, October 1974 (File) - Box 314 (Sequence 1)
Includes contact list and correspondence.
Radical Ecology Conference, February 1975 (File) - Box 314 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence regarding post conference speakers tour and government grants.
Nuclear Free Conference, February 1975 - March 1975 (File) - Box 314 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence and newsletter.
Conference for a Nuclear Free Pacific, October 1974 - February 1975 (File) - Box 314 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence and discussion paper.
Series. Subject files: housing; subscriptions; international student unions; and press release
Hong Kong-student activism; Hong Kong-student unionism; Politics and Government- Political action- Anti racism; Politics and Government-Political Action-Land rights;
Obscenity charges, September 1973 (File) - Box 315 (Sequence 1)
Material regarding charges laid against Neil McLean over National U.
Press clippings, November 1975 - September 1977 (File) - Box 315 (Sequence 1)
Topics include compulsory union fees, fractional conflict, funding cuts and women's rights.
Council materials, May 1975 - September 1977 (File) - Box 315 (Sequence 1)
Includes constitution and regulations, draft agenda, motions passed, report and minutes.
AUS material sent out, May 1977 (File) - Box 315 (Sequence 1)
Includes flyers, poster and correspondence regarding timeline of achievements.
ASA, June 1977 - November 1977 (File) - Box 315 (Sequence 1)
Includes circulars, motions, material regarding the arrest of 7 students at Hong Kong Baptist College, documents from the 5th general conference and correspondence.
Housing, October 1977 (File) - Box 315 (Sequence 1)
Housing Information: student housing, community action
Series. Subject files: PNG schemes; the LPNGO and NPNGO conferences; tertiary allowance scheme and race relations
Papua New Guinea-Australia student exchanges; Perkins, Charles; Politics and Government- Political action- Anti racism; Politics and Government-Political Action-Land rights;
NPNGO (Nuigini/Papua New Guinea Officer) correspondence and circulars, August 1972 (File) - Box 316 (Sequence 1)
Includes itinerary and application form.
Race relations, October 1974 - December 1974 (File) - Box 316 (Sequence 1)
Includes flyers, articles and correspondence.
Race relations, March 1973 - October 1973 (File) - Box 316 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, newsletter, press release and report.
Race relations, December 1973 - October 1975 (File) - Box 316 (Sequence 1)
Includes project outline, flyer about the Kevin Gilbert trial and correspondence regarding Charles Perkins criticism of government ministers Dr Patterson and Senator Cavanagh. The AUS supported Perkins' stance and campaigned against any penalties.
NPNGO, May 1971 - September 1972 (File) - Box 316 (Sequence 1)
Includes summary of activities in the PNG/Nuigini portfolio, itinerary and material regarding AUS PNG relations.
LPNGO conference, January 1971 - March 1972 (File) - Box 316 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, fundraising offers, applications for role of NPNGO, Education in the 1960's: Papua and New Guinea, notes for AUS policy, attendees list and motions passed.
Tolai defence, December 1971 - March 1972 (File) - Box 316 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence. In 1971 British East New Britain district Commissioner, Jack Emmanuel was killed by some members of the Tolai people. AUS was one of several groups, including other unions and church groups, to raise money for the defence due to concerns over conflict between British law and Tolai culture and society.
PNG, December 1970 - April 1972 (File) - Box 316 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence and report on New Guinea Australian student exchange.
PNG, May 1969 - January 1971 (File) - Box 316 (Sequence 1)
Includes student magazine, correspondence, planning notes and budget.
PNG schemes: selection, participant, March 1971 - November 1971 (File) - Box 316 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence and NUAUS report on Reverse Village scheme.
Series. Subject files: lobbying; Vietnam; the Vietnamese Provisional Revolutionary Government's embassy in Australia; Bond Insurance and tenancy law reforms
Housing-Victoria; renting-Australia; South Vietnam (Provisional Revolutionary Government, 1969-1976); Tenancy law reform; Vietnam;
Vietnam, September 1973 - April 1975 (File) - Box 317 (Sequence 1)
Includes statement, ten point plan, presidential circulars, correspondence, newspaper clippings, flyers and articles. Material relates to the Provisional Revolutionary Government of South Vietnam.
Vietnam, December 1974 - April 1975 (File) - Box 317 (Sequence 1)
Includes newspaper clipping, South Vietnam in struggle, petition form and correspondence.
DRV (Democratic Republic of Vietnam) Embassy in Australia, December 1973 - May 1975 (File) - Box 317 (Sequence 1)
Includes media releases and Vietnam News Bulletin.
Series. Subject files: Social Action; Social Welfare Commission and the travel board
Art festivals-Australia; pensions-Australia; social welfare-Australia; student travel; travel conferences;
Social action, June 1970 - June 1974 (File) - Box 318 (Sequence 1)
Includes report, correspondence, material regarding social action conference at Nimbin and list of members of Federal parliament.
Abortion Law Reform Association (ABRA) of Victoria newsletter, June 1970 - September 1970 (File) - Box 318 (Sequence 1)
Social action, October 1969 - June 1971 (File) - Box 318 (Sequence 1)
Includes meeting summary, newsletter, National Social Action Conference programme and material regarding town planning.
Social action, February 1970 - March 1972 (File) - Box 318 (Sequence 1)
Includes Notes on Age Allowance, pensions reform campaign seminar list, list of members of Federal parliament, correspondence and newspaper clippings.
Social action, September 1969 - 1971 (File) - Box 318 (Sequence 1)
Includes review of tenants' rights, ACOSS annual report and correspondence.
Social action board, December 1973 (File) - Box 318 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence; campaign to build centre for physically disabled people aged between 21 and 65 in Keilor, Melbourne; minutes of social action conference.
Social welfare commission, December 1974 - June 1975 (File) - Box 318 (Sequence 1)
Includes working party on social welfare manpower amended terms of reference, minutes and correspondence.
Social action/environment applications, September 1973 - July 1974 (File) - Box 318 (Sequence 1)
Includes articles and correspondence.
Travel board, April 1973 - November 1975 (File) - Box 318 (Sequence 1)
Includes flight information, minutes and correspondence regarding complaints against AUS Travel.
Travel, November 1968 - April 1970 (File) - Box 318 (Sequence 1)
Includes sales figures, Articles of Association for AUS Travel, itinerary for Russian delegation, correspondence, NUAUS travel conference attendees list and minutes, submission on NUAUS Travel, itinerary for visit of Japanese students, travel schemes (tours) details, Report on the Eligibility Requirements for European Student Charter Flights and Extracts from the report of the Second Intermediate Session (Paris, 10-12 July, 1969) of the European Civil Aviation Conference.
Travel, March 1973 - February 1974 (File) - Box 318 (Sequence 1)
Includes material discussing Associate Members Association and non-students using student travel services, submission regarding student concessions for student teachers, correspondence, report and material regarding international student travel conference.
Series. Subject files: residential college accommodation; regional organisers; travel and travel operations
AUS secessionism; Australia-Japan cultural exchange; feminism; Politics and Government- Political action- Anti racism; Politics and Government-Political Action-Land rights; women's rights;
Travel board, April 1973 - February 1975 (File) - Box 319 (Sequence 1)
Includes sales figures, minutes, newsletter, notes, report, staff salaries, A Submission to the Railways Conference on the Administration of Student Rail Concessions, flight and travel programmes.
Travel board minutes, June 1971 - August 1974 (File) - Box 319 (Sequence 1)
Includes travel scheme report and correspondence.
Travel operations, November 1973 - July 1975 (File) - Box 319 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding concerns of links between Protea Tours and South Africa, organisation chart and description of roles.
Travel, April 1972 - May 1974 (File) - Box 319 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence and itinerary of Japanese student exchange to Australia.
ISIS (International Student Insurance Service), October 1974 (File) - Box 319 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence and insurance flyer.
International Women's Year, September 1974 - 1975 (File) - Box 319 (Sequence 1)
Includes programme of tribune and minutes of United Nations Association of Australia meeting.
AUS general, March 1977 - September 1977 (File) - Box 319 (Sequence 1)
Includes list of journals missing from resource centre.
Regional organisers, February 1977 - November 1977 (File) - Box 319 (Sequence 1)
Includes minutes, circulars, newsletters and flyers regarding AUS secessionism, US Omega bases, indigenous rights and women's rights.
Series. Subject files: Services News; the Middle East; the PNG village scheme and Undergraduates Working Visit to Australia scheme
Anti-apartheid movements; apartheid boycotts; feminism; General Union of Palestinians; International Women's Year 1975; Papua New Guinea-Australia student exchanges; student exchange programs-Australia;
ASTS STAA, January 1972 - July 1975 (File) - Box 320 (Sequence 1)
Includes flight details, directory of travel and tours in south east Asia and Australasia, constitution, minutes, newsletters and material regarding student exchanges.
Undergraduates Working Visit to Australia, February 1973 - April 1975 (File) - Box 320 (Sequence 1)
Includes agenda, participants list, program and flight information.
Travel, June 1973 - July 1974 (File) - Box 320 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence and flight information.
PNG Village Scheme, August 1973 - May 1975 (File) - Box 320 (Sequence 1)
Includes list of participants, list of host and guests, applicant selection interview guide, circulars and correspondence regarding student cards, travel information and host for homestays for New Guineans.
PNG Exchange and Village Scheme, November 1973 - July 1974 (File) - Box 320 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence and planning notes.
Associate Members Club, July 1974 - August 1975 (File) - Box 320 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence and newsletter.
Middle East, May 1975 - September 1975 (File) - Box 320 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence regarding showings of We are the Palestinians, planning notes, telegrams regarding visit by members of the General Union of Palestinians and correspondence regarding AUS stance on Israel/Palestine.
Series. Correspondence, questionnaires, minutes and files concerning tenancy law reform
Community Committee on Tenancy Law Reform; housing-Victoria; lobbying-Australia; renting-Australia; Tenancy law reform;
Lobbying lists, January 1978 (File) - Box 321 (Sequence 1)
Includes Victorian members of parliament lists, lobbying list, list of volunteers and material regarding locality seminars.
Hamer Letter, October 1978 (File) - Box 321 (Sequence 1)
Sir Rupert Hamer (1916-2004) was Premier of Victoria 1972-1981.
Reforming Victoria's Tenancy Laws: a report to the Attorney General of Victoria by the Community Committee on Tenancy Law Reform, February 1978 (File) - Box 321 (Sequence 1)
Volunteers, political and community groups, September 1977 - December 1979 (File) - Box 321 (Sequence 1)
Includes members of parliament lists and lobbyists application forms.
Public meetings, June 1976 - December 1976 (File) - Box 321 (Sequence 1)
Includes flyers, memoranda, draft agenda and planning notes.
Public meeting: tenancy law reform, August 1976 - December 1976 (File) - Box 321 (Sequence 1)
Includes timetable and correspondence regarding representative nominees to the committee and the public meeting.
Public meetings (including St Kilda Conference), January 1974 - January 1977 (File) - Box 321 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, petty cash statement, agenda, invoices, budget and conference discussion guide.
Public meeting: press campaign and publicity, May 1976 - December 1976 (File) - Box 321 (Sequence 1)
Includes community questionnaire, press release and planning notes.
Series. Subject files: law reform, anti-nuclear movement
Anti-nuclear movements; anti-uranium movements; Community Committee on Tenancy Law Reform; housing-Victoria; lobbying-Australia; public transport-Victoria; renting-Australia; Tenancy law reform;
Public meeting on tenancy reform, December 1976 (File) - Box 322 (Sequence 1)
Includes budget statement, community questionnaire, planning timetable and agenda.
Meeting: process and physical planning, day-to-day tasks, October 1976 - December 1976 (File) - Box 322 (Sequence 1)
Includes receipts, meeting details, planning notes, draft agenda, criticism of meeting and an annotated planning timetable.
Estate Agents Act, March 1979 - June 1979 (File) - Box 322 (Sequence 1)
Includes Law Reform Commission discussion paper Access to the Courts-II: class action and newspaper article.
CCLTR: spare copies, December 1978 - April 1979 (File) - Box 322 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence and appendices to CCTLR submission May 1979 including articles, possible major differences between government or interdepartmental working party and the community committee, notes, financial statement and agenda.
Community Committee: background notes on law reform, March 1975 - April 1977 (File) - Box 322 (Sequence 1)
Includes notes used in writing report including chapters such as Procedural matters, Making the new laws effective and A new residential tenancies act.
Duplicates, April 1978 - September 1979 (File) - Box 322 (Sequence 1)
Contains multiple copies of newspaper articles, correspondence, submission, minutes and agenda.
Flyers and newsletters, June 1975 - October 1977 (File) - Box 322 (Sequence 1)
Includes Women at work newsletter, ACOSS statement on the budget, flyers regarding La Trobe valley maintenance workers dispute, What every Corporate Communicator should know about his hostile audience and The Economic Crisis: background information for students and workers.
Series. Subject files: unemployment, Black News Service, Newport power station and the Hisham campaign
Australian Council of Social Service; Newport power station-Victoria; Politics and Government- Political action- Anti racism; Politics and Government-Political Action-Land rights; social welfare-Australia; strike action-Victoria; unemployment-Australia;
Newport, September 1975 - November 1977 (File) - Box 323 (Sequence 1)
Includes Newport Power Station and public opinion, Newport: can we afford it?, newspaper clippings and copies, minutes from anti-Newport meeting and flyers listing companies providing workers ('scabs') to construct the Newport power plated despite the protests.
Hisham campaign, February 1977 - August 1977 (File) - Box 323 (Sequence 1)
Includes newspaper articles, mail-out of material for branches, flyers, protest posters, blank petitions, correspondence and position papers.
BRC (Black Resource Centre)/BNS (Black News Service), April 1975 - November 1977 (File) - Box 323 (Sequence 1)
Includes resources list, Black Liberation issues and The Queensland Aborigines Act and Regulations 1971: Written by the Black Resource Centre Collective, 1976 -so that anyone can read and understand these acts.
Unemployment, April 1976 - March 1979 (File) - Box 323 (Sequence 1)
Includes Report on Student Housing, tenancy law reform kit for community groups, Brotherhood of St Laurence jobs and income campaign, Unemployment News, annotated flyers, notes, newspaper clippings, press release, ACOSS newsletter and seminar notes.
Series. Subject files: general welfare, propaganda, the Fox report and the Uranium Moratorium
Anti-nuclear movements; anti-uranium movements; AUS secessionism; Australian Council of Social Service; environmentalism; Italian migrants-Australia; legal aid-Australia; strike action-Australia;
General welfare, 1976 - March 1977 (File) - Box 324 (Sequence 1)
Includes The Melbourne University Welfare Booklet, flyer on legal aid, 'ACOSS statement', issues of Monitor: a monthly newsletter for community groups, background briefing material on FILEF (Federazione Italia Lavoratori Emigrati e Famiglie) Italian Federation of Migrant Workers and their Families and information on the Welfare Rights Programme.
Violence in Student Movement, April 1977 - October 1977 (File) - Box 324 (Sequence 1)
Includes report of incident of attack on a student by 3 others, SAI News (Students for Australian Independence), newspaper clippings (one details an attack on a Peter Costello), Attacks Against Women: a profile, flyers discussing violence on campus, flyers from various levels of leadership condemning violence, media releases and motions passed.
Tenancy law reform, April 1974 - November 1976 (File) - Box 324 (Sequence 1)
Includes notes, briefing material, Housing Commission of Victoria conditions of tenancy form, report from a housing conference, list of boarding houses and youth hostels, Housing Commission Tenant's Union Tenants Rights: a programme for dignity' and tenants questionnaire.
Propaganda, 1976 (File) - Box 324 (Sequence 1)
Includes protest poster, flyers regarding September 30 as a day of national strike and anti-federal budget flyers.
Political economy, December 1975 - August 1977 (File) - Box 324 (Sequence 1)
Include political economy conference poster and flyer, United States URPE (Union for Radical Political Economics) newsletter and Political Economy Newsletter.
Neoplasm, May 1976 - November 1976 (File) - Box 324 (Sequence 1)
AUS newsletter for teachers in training, both pre-service and in-service.
Fox report, November 1976 (File) - Box 324 (Sequence 1)
Includes flyers, The Uranium Debate and the First Report of the Ranger Inquiry and report summary. The Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry (headed by Justice RW Fox) to investigate the nuclear industry produced a report which was known as 'the Fox report'.
Class (3) MS 2412. Consignment added c.1980
The contents list available for this class is a work in progress.
Biographical / Historical
Please note that when South Africa is used in these papers, it does not always refer to the country of South Africa. It has also been used by the creators for material relating to what is now known as Namibia, Bostwana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Eswatini, Lesotho and South Africa.
Series. Arts, 1968 - February 1976
Aquarius Foundation; cinema; Film: Australia
Series. International Students, May 1975 - November 1977
Africa: decolonisation; Africa-politics; Malaysian students; Malaysian politics
Series. Advocacy, March 1969 - August 1980
Australia-US relations; Homosexual rights; Indonesian politics; International aid: Australia; Palestine: advocacy; protests; queer activism; queer rights; student activism and the law; tenancy legal reform; US military bases: international
Legal, February 1970 - October 1975 (File) - Box 327 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding Victorian guidelines for processions and assemblies, civil rights in northern Ireland, bail loans, advice in case of arrest during demonstrations.
Herbert Chilepo, 1975 (File) - Box 327 (Sequence 1)
Papers relating to a memorial service for Herbert Chilepo.
Far Eastern Economic Review background information, October 1974 - March 1975 (File) - Box 327 (Sequence 1)
Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australia (HERDSA), August 1972 - October 1974 (File) - Box 327 (Sequence 1)
Series. Relationships: student organisations, May 1973 - November 1975
Universities and Colleges: Queensland; Universities and Colleges: Tasmania; Universities and Colleges: Victoria
University of Queensland Union, February 1974 - February 1975 (File) - Box 329 (Sequence 1)
International student visits, minutes, reports.
University of Queensland Union, September 1974 (File) - Box 329 (Sequence 1)
Newspaper clippings and correspondence.
Series. Advocacy, August 1976 - December 1979
activism in arts; homeless shelters: Australia; lobbying; single parents: Australia; Student advocacy; tenancy legal reform
Community Committee on Tenancy Law Reform campaign: Accounts payable, September 1978 - January 1979 (File) - Box 330 (Sequence 1)
Finances, report sales.
Community Committee on Tenancy Law Reform campaign: People Power, July 1978 - September 1978 (File) - Box 330 (Sequence 1)
Community Committee on Tenancy Law Reform: working party report and areas of difference, August 1976 - November 1977 (File) - Box 330 (Sequence 1)
Community Committee on Tenancy Law Reform: publicity, August 1978 - October 1978 (File) - Box 330 (Sequence 1)
Community Committee on Tenancy Law Reform: tactics, February 1977 - February 1978 (File) - Box 330 (Sequence 1)
Community Committee on Tenancy Law Reform campaign: planning, March 1977 - June 1978 (File) - Box 330 (Sequence 1)
Community Committee on Tenancy Law Reform campaign: Lobbying, November 1975 - October 1978 (File) - Box 330 (Sequence 1)
Community Committee on Tenancy Law Reform campaign: legislation, March 1978 - September 1978 (File) - Box 330 (Sequence 1)
Tenants Union: Reforming Victoria's Tenancy Laws, n.d. (File) - Box 330 (Sequence 1)
Drafts, planning materials and publishing proofs.
Community Committee on Tenancy Law Reform: draft report and amendments, July 1977 - September 1977 (File) - Box 330 (Sequence 1)
Community Committee on Tenancy Law Reform campaign: regional organizing, August 1978 - November 1978 (File) - Box 331 (Sequence 1)
Tenants Union/Advice service, April 1978 (File) - Box 331 (Sequence 1)
Includes sample lease and list of advisers available at the service.
Community Committee on Tenancy Law Reform: new amendments proposed to bill, October 1979 (File) - Box 331 (Sequence 1)
Housing policy: lone parents conference papers, November 1979 - December 1979 (File) - Box 331 (Sequence 1)
Series. Elizabeth Reid: Women's advocacy, May 1969 - September 1978
Elizabeth's enquiries to various government departments regarding programs and initiatives targeted at women, and the employment of women by the department.
Related Materials
The National Library holds the personal papers of Elizabeth Reid (MS 9262) with a finding aid available online (
abortion: law; childcare: Australia; childcare: history; family planning; feminism; homosexuality: law; international custody disputes; International Women's Decade 1976-1985; International Women's Year 1975; mental health; Political activists: Australia; public service: Australia; servicewomen: support; social security; Women's Electoral Lobby; women's health; Women's rights: congresses;
Postmaster general's department, June 1973 - January 1975 (File) - Box 332 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding celebratory stamps, admission of women to Stamp Advisory Committee, letters to Elizabeth Reid regarding women in the department.
Treasury, May 1973 - November 1974 (File) - Box 332 (Sequence 1)
Includes Hansard transcripts, material regarding depreciation deduction for childcare facilities and speeches.
Tourism and Recreation, September 1974 - September 1975 (File) - Box 332 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence regarding departmental programs and women.
Minstry of State, August 1975 (File) - Box 332 (Sequence 1)
Includes tribunals and commissions summaries, correspondence.
National Commission on Social welfare, May 1973 - August 1975 (File) - Box 332 (Sequence 1)
Includes discussion paper, speech, correspondence.
Science: ministry and department, May 1973 - May 1975 (File) - Box 332 (Sequence 1)
Includes bulletin and correspondence.
Department of Education, April 1972 - July 1975 (File) - Box 332 (Sequence 1)
Includes program summaries, correspondence, speeches and childcare grant application.
Secondary industry and supply, December 1973 - March 1974 (File) - Box 332 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding office worker attire.
Repatriation Department, March 1973 - August 1973 (File) - Box 333 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding spousal benefits and budget proposals.
Immigration department, December 1972 - February 1975 (File) - Box 333 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, census reports, notes about policy and notes about women engagement with migrant programs.
Department of Social Security, February 1972 - March 1975 (File) - Box 333 (Sequence 1)
Includes reports, government programs, correspondence from Elizabeth Reid regarding matters affecting women and annual reports.
Agriculture, September 1975 (File) - Box 333 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence from Elizabeth Reid regarding matters affecting women.
Film Australia, November 1973 (File) - Box 333 (Sequence 1)
Includes screening program, documentary notes.
Governor General, July 1974 - September 1974 (File) - Box 333 (Sequence 1)
Includes Lady Kerr biographical notes.
ACT-Keppel Territory, May 1973 - September 1975 (File) - Box 333 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding homosexuality legalisation, correspondence from Elizabeth Reid regarding child care, housing and the employment of women.
Taxation, September 1972 - September 1974 (File) - Box 333 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding the publication of taxation papers.
Foreign Affairs, March 1973 - September 1975 (File) - Box 333 (Sequence 1)
Includes list of non-governmental organisations with consultative status with the UN, material regarding International Women's Year (1975), international custody cases and bulletins.
Library: departmental, April 1973 - July 1975 (File) - Box 333 (Sequence 1)
Includes notes regarding publications , subscriptions and publications requested by Elizabeth Reid
Australian Development Assistance Agency, August 1975 (File) - Box 333 (Sequence 1)
Includes discussion paper The role of women in development and implications for Australia's overseas aid program.
Bureau of Census and Statistics, May 1969 - March 1975 (File) - Box 334 (Sequence 1)
Includes labour force report, population and housing report, cabinet submission notes and material regarding child care.
Department of Labour, May 1973 - August 1975 (File) - Box 334 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding retirement age, women's electoral lobby, women in the workforce, government initiatives concerning women and speeches.
Attorney-general's department, April 1969 - June 1975 (File) - Box 334 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding legal aid, the drafts of laws, discussion of anti-discrimination, abortion legislation, family law bills and censorship.
Health: department and minister, 1970 - September 1975 (File) - Box 335 (Sequence 1)
Includes press releases, material regarding national conference on women's health, women's health centres, mental health, training for doctors, government support for women's refuges, family planning and indigenous health clinics.
Department of Urban and regional development, January 1973 - January 1975 (File) - Box 335 (Sequence 1)
Includes articles, grant criteria, trends in housing and urban development, correspondence.
Department of Prime minister and cabinet, April 1973 - September 1975 (File) - Box 335 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding survey of female staff members, correspondence, visiting speakers.
Parliamentary Library, January 1973 - June 1975 (File) - Box 335 (Sequence 1)
Includes loan lists and reports.
Liaison with Ministers, October 1973 - December 1973 (File) - Box 335 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence.
Departmental enquiries, commissions, committees, working parties etc, December 1972 - November 1974 (File) - Box 335 (Sequence 1)
Includes press releases, correspondence and briefing papers.
Inter-departmental committees, April 1973 - October 1973 (File) - Box 335 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence and terms of reference.
Invitations declined, January 1975 - September 1975 (File) - Box 336 (Sequence 1)
International Women's Year events, guest speaker roles.
Series. AUS activities, May 1975 - January 1979
Eysenck, Hans; Friendly Society; homosexual rights; queer rights; students: travel; Thailand: student activism; Universities and Colleges: healthcare; voluntary student unionism; Weir, Greg
Friendly Society: correspondence and promotions, March 1978 - January 1979 (File) - Box 337 (Sequence 1)
Travel correspondence, March 1978 - October 1978 (File) - Box 337 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding relations with other organisations and agreements.
Friendly Society Board, April 1978 - November 1978 (File) - Box 337 (Sequence 1)
Includes minutes, reports and financial documents.
Homosexual rights: Greg Weir, 1978 (File) - Box 337 (Sequence 1)
Material regarding money for Greg Weir's legal fund and details about 24 June 1978, the first Sydney Mardi Gras.
Related Materials
The National Library holds the papers of Greg Weir (MS 8915) with a finding aid available online (
Biographical / Historical
Greg Weir was a political activist focused on gay and lesbian issues. In 1976 he took legal action against the Queensland government for not employing queer teachers.
Health care (File) - Box 338 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding mental health reform bill and conferences.
Overseas students, August 1977 - September 1978 (File) - Box 338 (Sequence 1)
Includes All African Students Union in Australia, minutes, newsletters and material regarding Thai student protests.
Eysenck, March 1978 - June 1978 (File) - Box 339 (Sequence 1)
Material regarding protests against talk given by Professor Hans Eysenck at Sydney University.
Series. Administration, 1972 - November 1979
feminism; students: travel; Universities and colleges: China; women's liberation
Series. International, August 1961 - October 1979
Australia: activism; East Timor: politics and governance; land rights; Thailand: politics and governance; Thailand: student activism; Universities and Colleges: Canada; Universities and Colleges: North Korea
Publications, 1975 - 1976 (File) - Box 344 (Sequence 1)
Includes material from the International Union of Students, Yugoslavia and North Korea.
International Union of Students, June 1975 (File) - Box 344 (Sequence 1)
News service bulletins and posters.
Series. Advocacy, February 1975 - August 1976
Australia: activism; East Timor: politics and governance; International development; overseas aid: Australia; pacifism; Universities and Colleges: Malaysia; West Papua: politics and governance
Series. ANU Council and Standing Committee, 1974 - August 1975
academic research; Australian National University; Universities and Colleges: Australia
Series. Women's liberation, September 1970 - August 1975
feminism; homosexual rights; pacifism; queer rights; women's liberation; Women's Electoral Lobby; Young Women's Christian Association
Series. AUS activities, September 1975 - May 1977
anti-uranium movements; Australia-United States of America military alliance; Australia-United States of America military relations; Friendly Society; homosexual rights; queer rights; student healthcare
Series. Conferences and advocacy, 1976 - January 1978
anti-racism movements; decolonisation: southern Africa; East Timor: politics and governance; international aid-Australia; overseas aid-Australia; Thailand: politics and governance
Series. Relationships: other interest groups, November 1973 - 1979
National Council of Australian Labor Party Students (CALPS), May 1978 - October 1978 (File) - Box 355 (Sequence 1)
Federation of Staff Associations of Australian Colleges of Advanced Education (FSAACAE), February 1978 - October 1978 (File) - Box 355 (Sequence 1)
Federation of Australian University Staff Associations (FAUSA), February 1978 - December 1978 (File) - Box 355 (Sequence 1)
Series. Student Travel Association Asia (STAA) Conf Docs, 1978
Introduction, 1978 (File) - Box 356 (Sequence 1)
a. souvenir program, b. List of delegates, c. Speeches
4th Annual General Conference (AGC), 1978 (File) - Box 356 (Sequence 1)
a. Minutes of 4th AGC b. Plenary session
Series. Advocacy, October 1975 - February 1979
Australia: activism; Australia-ASEAN relations; Sri Lanka: politics and governance; student activism: healthcare; unemployment; Universities and Colleges: healthcare; Unicef International Year of the Child; Vanuatu: politics and governance
Vic. Council of Social Services, February 1978 - February 1979 (File) - Box 356 (Sequence 1)
Addressing unemployment, advocacy, bulk billing in health, International year of the child, membership of ACOSS, ACOSS congress, budget submission, FOI legislation.
ACFOA, February 1978 - February 1979 (File) - Box 356 (Sequence 1)
Vanuaaku, international tea seminar Sri Lanka, minutes, Australia's engagement with the third world, Australian relations with ASEAN, July 1978 ACFOA delegation to Vietnam.
Student Travel Association Asia (STAA), February 1978 - July 1978 (File) - Box 356 (Sequence 1)
Reports, AUS role with STAA.
National Youth Council of Australia, February 1978 - November 1978 (File) - Box 357 (Sequence 1)
Government consultation with youth, regional engagement, international events.
Black Resource Centre, March 1978 - February 1979 (File) - Box 357 (Sequence 1)
Funding for indigenous students, education and training programs.
Series. International, June 1968 - November 1978
anti-apartheid movements; anti-racism movements; boycotts: South Africa; decolonisation: southern Africa; Malaysian students: activism; Singaporean students: activism; Unicef International Year of the Child
Adishwar Nand, February 1974 - September 1975 (File) - Box 358 (Sequence 1)
Case of Fijian student facing deportation.
Odidi Okidi, August 1973 - October 1973 (File) - Box 358 (Sequence 1)
Kenyan student seeking financial assistance to study in Australia.
South Africa: CARE campaign, November 1974 - October 1975 (File) - Box 358 (Sequence 1)
Boycotts, literature/resources, meeting minutes.
CARE campaign, 1973 - June 1975 (File) - Box 358 (Sequence 1)
Product targeted campaigns list of companies trading in the southern africa region, articles.
Surveillance of overseas students: replies from parliamentarians, September 1974 - November 1975 (File) - Box 358 (Sequence 1)
Singaporean students, Malaysian students.
Rhodesia economics, February 1971 - August 1974 (File) - Box 358 (Sequence 1)
Reports, newsletters, correspondence, deaths in detention.
Rhodesia, February 1971 - January 1972 (File) - Box 358 (Sequence 1)
Conferences, extracts from UN security council debates.
Political prisoners: general, May 1975 - October 1976 (File) - Box 359 (Sequence 1)
Soviet union, South Vietnam.
Political prisoners, June 1973 - March 1975 (File) - Box 359 (Sequence 1)
News articles, petitions, South Vietnam, reports.
Vietnam Appeal, June 1968 - December 1973 (File) - Box 359 (Sequence 1)
Medical aid to Vietnam, the Red Cross in Vietnam.
South Africa, 1972 - February 1974 (File) - Box 359 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence, newspaper articles, newsletters, South African segregation, sport, reports.
United Nations, May 1973 - February 1974 (File) - Box 359 (Sequence 1)
Meetings, unesco initiatives, world population, women, reports, 25th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
International aid, May 1973 - February 1974 (File) - Box 359 (Sequence 1)
Development Assistance Committee DAC review.
Imperialism, October 1974 - September 1975 (File) - Box 359 (Sequence 1)
Australian US relations, newspaper articles, boycotts.
Series. Institutional membership, 1973 - July 1975
Series. Government reports and publications, 1965 - 1975 - Box 361 (Sequence 1), Box 362 (Sequence 1), Box 363 (Sequence 1)
Contains 81 government reports and publications. The material is focused on women's rights, women's education, women in the workforce, employment conditions and workers' rights, Youth employment, social services and childhood.
The material was published between 1965 to 1975. It is mainly international, coming from Sweden, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, France, Canada and Belgium.
Some of the volumes are annotated, with a small number showing they had previously belonged to Elizabeth Reid.
childcare; education: sexism; education: women; employment rights; feminism; social security; welfare: Australia; women's liberation; worker's rights; women: Belgium; women: Canada; women: France; women: Sweden; women: United Kingdom; women: United States of America
Series. AUS membership, March 1971 - June 1976
Universities and Colleges: New South Wales; Universities and Colleges: Victoria; Universities and Colleges: Western Australia
Information on non-member colleges, March 1971 - January 1974 (File) - Box 364 (Sequence 1)
Enquiries about AUS membership from SRC's and individuals, information for prospective new members, State College of Victoria bill.
Series. Administration, March 1970 - 1978
anti-racism movements; Australia: economy; East Timor: politics and government; education: policy; Mozambique: decolonisation; Mozambique: independence; sex education: Australia; student activism; student activism: China; student activism: Japan; student activism: North Korea; student activism: Singapore; student activism: Vietnam; student travel
ASA 5th general conference, February 1975 - December 1975 (File) - Box 365 (Sequence 1)
Planning notes, observer and attendees list, media reports, position papers, newsletters.
Newsletters, meeting minutes and posters, February 1975 - September 1976 (File) - Box 365 (Sequence 1)
Political movements, November 1971 - 1976 (File) - Box 366 (Sequence 1)
Booklets regarding the Eritrean revolution, Brazilian politics, Puerto Rico decolonisation.
Asian newsletters, 1975 - September 1976 (File) - Box 366 (Sequence 1)
Includes material from Japan, China, North Korea and Vietnam.
Publications, 1976 (File) - Box 366 (Sequence 1)
Includes AUS publication on sexuality, Victorian Institute of Colleges newsletter and University of NSW newsletter.
Newspaper clippings, December 1975 - March 1976 (File) - Box 366 (Sequence 1)
Topics include East Timor, Mozambique, Vietname, and the Australian economy and budget.
Publications and newspaper clippings, 1975 - March 1976 (File) - Box 367 (Sequence 1)
The Australian newspaper, ANS, AUS Education news service, Women of Vietnam, Malaya News Service.
Series. Advocacy, November 1972 - November 1978
1977 Australian federal election; education: funding; politics and activism: abortion; student activism: New Zealand; student activism: Thailand; students: political asylum; Thailand: politics and governance; teacher education; tertiary education: funding; tertiary student loans; Universities and Colleges: childcare; Universities and Colleges: lecturer education; Universities and Colleges: Victoria; voluntary student unionism
Education publications, October 1975 - November 1976 (File) - Box 369 (Sequence 1)
Includes submission regarding feasibility of introducing a comprehensive tertiary loans system, AUS Education information newsletters, part time students conference and lecturer instruction material.
Trainee-Teacher Organiser (TTO), March 1976 - November 1976 (File) - Box 369 (Sequence 1)
Includes Neoplasm: teacher newsletter and material about the second national AUS teacher trainees conference.
Executive, February 1977 - November 1978 (File) - Box 369 (Sequence 1)
Includes reports to executive from the women's officer, financials, media officer report, education research officer's; minutes; agenda and advocacy for political asylum for Malaysian student Hishamuddin Rais.
Women, March 1976 - November 1976 (File) - Box 369 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding Overseas Nurses and Women Students' Association (ONWSA), abortion campaign, women's officer report, conferences, women's films and campus childcare.
New Zealand Students' Association, 1976 (File) - Box 369 (Sequence 1)
Includes reports to executive from research officer; accountant and managing director of Student Travel bureau limited.
Asian Students Association (ASA) special bulletin on Thai Military coup d'etat 6th October, October 1976 (File) - Box 369 (Sequence 1)
AUS National Activists' Conference on Post-School Education, May 1977 (File) - Box 370 (Sequence 1)
Includes conference papers, resolutions passed, program and other information for attendees.
SCV Presidents, June 1976 - August 1977 (File) - Box 370 (Sequence 1)
Includes minutes from meetings and conferences, planning materials and rules of debate summary.
State College of Victoria, November 1972 - June 1976 (File) - Box 370 (Sequence 1)
Discussion of changes to the SCV affecting teacher education.
1977 federal election, 1977 (File) - Box 370 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, campaign flyers, ANS graphics, summary of policies on education. Contains a large amount of anti-Malcom Fraser material.
Minutes of the AUS National Education Action Committee, March 1977 - October 1977 (File) - Box 370 (Sequence 1)
Anti-secessionism and pro-AUS campaign, June 1976 - October 1977 (File) - Box 370 (Sequence 1)
Campaign materials with a pro AUS perspective, arguing against secessionism and other proposals.
Series. AUS activities, 1971 - November 1977
anti-apartheid movements; anti-uranium movements; environmentalism; Papua New Guinea; tertiary education: funding; Weir, Greg
Campaign material, April 1977 - November 1977 (File) - Box 371 (Sequence 1)
Includes flyers for conferences, anti-uranium protest, protests against funding cuts to universities, anti-apartheid protest, AUS elections and a protest to support Greg Weir.
Minutes from Victorian Regional Conferences, March 1977 - November 1977 (File) - Box 371 (Sequence 1)
Reports to AUS executive, March 1976 - November 1977 (File) - Box 371 (Sequence 1)
Reports from the education department, OSS, women's officer, deputy president, administration officer, media officer and national trainee teacher organiser.
Series. AUS secessionism
Anti-uranium movements; decolonisation; environmentalism; student activism: Australia
Students for Australian Independence, September 1977 - December 1977 (File) - Box 372 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding anti foreign influence, governmental reform.
Overseas students, October 1977 - November 1977 (File) - Box 372 (Sequence 1)
Includes how to vote flyers for OSS, New Africa News.
Students for Australian Independence, December 1976 - 1977 (File) - Box 372 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding anti foreign influence, anti-fascism.
Students for Australian Independence, 1977 (File) - Box 372 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding anti foreign influence, nuclear energy and uranium mining, talks by academics Eysenck and Jensen, anti-fascism.
Students for Australian Independence, n.d. (File) - Box 372 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding concerns about a perceived disconnected and bureaucratic executive.
Media Officer, 1977 (File) - Box 372 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and flyers regarding the role of media officer and Editor of the National U, Jefferson Lee, in causing discussion regarding the AUS executive board.
Anti-AUS Executive, 1977 (File) - Box 372 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding meeting flyers, concerns about a perceived disconnected and bureaucratic executive.
Students for Australian Independence, 1977 (File) - Box 372 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding anti-foreign influence, nuclear energy and uranium mining.
Anti-USA influence, 1977 (File) - Box 372 (Sequence 1)
Includes material focused on the Moomba natural gas operation and concerns about US companies treatment of workers in Australia.
Left wing views of the AUS, June 1977 (File) - Box 372 (Sequence 1)
Includes student newsletters, protest flyers, position analysis.
Series. Advocacy
Anti-apartheid movements; anti-uranium movements; conscription: Australia; East Timor: politics and governance; Medibank; medical ethics; medical research; pacifism: movements; student activism; student activism: Malaysia; student activism: Thailand; student healthcare; Thailand: politics and governance
Association for International Co-operation and Disarmament (AICD) Congress for International Co-operation and Disarmament (CICD), January 1972 - September 1972 (File) - Box 373 (Sequence 1)
Includes reports and meeting agendas.
Interstate conference of coordinating committees and welfare officers, August 1974 - 1975 (File) - Box 373 (Sequence 1)
Includes agenda, financial reports and activities reports from various branches.
AICD, October 1972 - February 1975 (File) - Box 373 (Sequence 1)
Includes library list, reports, invoices, bulletins and information regarding speaking tours.
Drugs, June 1970 - August 1972 (File) - Box 373 (Sequence 1)
Includes transcript of interviews, senate submissions and National Youth Council report.
AICD/CICD, June 1975 - October 1975 (File) - Box 373 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding a workshop about nuclear power and protest marches.
Drugs, November 1974 (File) - Box 373 (Sequence 1)
Includes template and filled in petition to legalise marijuana, national drug advisory council membership list and correspondence.
Immigration, March 1966 - August 1974 (File) - Box 373 (Sequence 1)
Hansard transcripts, government reports, speech transcripts and press clippings regarding the immigration of students to Australia.
National service, March 1970 - November 1974 (File) - Box 373 (Sequence 1)
Articles, press release, testimonies of resisters, reports and flyers regarding national service and draft resisters.
Ethics in clinical research subcommittee: McLean, August 1972 - March 1973 (File) - Box 374 (Sequence 1)
Includes commonwealth research support application, terms of reference, codes and articles regarding human experimentation.
International Development Action (IDA), March 1972 - May 1972 (File) - Box 374 (Sequence 1)
Includes minuets, workshop notes, reports, membership list, Indonesian project details and the Haslemere declaration.
IDA, July 1972 - December 1972 (File) - Box 374 (Sequence 1)
Includes director profile, correspondence, financial summary and a report regarding parallels between Vietnam and South Africa.
Australian University Graduate Conference (AUGC), October 1973 - October 1975 (File) - Box 374 (Sequence 1)
Includes attendee information, correspondence, minutes and membership lists.
Australian Student Christian Movement (ASCM), April 1973 - March 1974 (File) - Box 374 (Sequence 1)
Includes newsletters and correspondence.
IDA, June 1972 - December 1973 (File) - Box 374 (Sequence 1)
Includes minutes, payments list, organisational report and project reports.
People's Republic of China embassy, May 1975 - November 1975 (File) - Box 374 (Sequence 1)
Includes speech transcript, newsletters and correspondence.
Graduates Careers Council, March 1971 - August 1974 (File) - Box 374 (Sequence 1)
Includes minutes, reports and newsletters.
Submissions to the Senate Improvement Committee, June 1973 - August 1975 (File) - Box 374 (Sequence 1)
Includes federal budget implications, newsletters and annual reports.
Third Universities conference, June 1970 - April 1974 (File) - Box 374 (Sequence 1)
Includes background information, agenda and correspondence.
Australian Committee to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination (ACCORD), September 1971 - April 1972 (File) - Box 374 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, minutes and reports.
National Health Medical Research Council, September 1966 - March 1973 (File) - Box 375 (Sequence 1)
Includes report and policy statement on human experimentation.
Australian Association of Heads of Colleges and Halls, July 1971 - October 1974 (File) - Box 375 (Sequence 1)
Australian Council of Salaried and Professional Associations national conference: record of major decisions and correspondence.
Technical Teachers Association of Victoria (TTAV), May 1973 (File) - Box 375 (Sequence 1)
Includes newsletters.
Learning, June 1973 - July 1973 (File) - Box 375 (Sequence 1)
Includes Learning Exchange newsletter and list of members.
ACOSS, August 1974 - February 1976 (File) - Box 375 (Sequence 1)
Includes annual report, submissions, statements regarding Medibank, rights of unemployed, nomination of board members, reports and policy statements.
Southern Africa, December 1976 - January 1978 (File) - Box 375 (Sequence 1)
Includes Anti-Apartheid Movement Netherlands monthly newsletter, Africa News, Hakika magazine, Zimbabwe News, minutes of the 54th congress of the national union of south African Students and South African student union financial summary.
(East) Timor, February 1977 - September 1977 (File) - Box 375 (Sequence 1)
Includes newsletter and East Timor News.
Hisham, January 1977 - September 1977 (File) - Box 375 (Sequence 1)
Material regarding Hishamunddin Rais, Malaysian student activist, and his application for political asylum including a brief on his situation.
Middle East, August 1977 - January 1978 (File) - Box 375 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding relations with the Australian Union of Jewish Students (AUJS), conferences, Arab Liberation News, Israeli Union newsletters and government press releases.
Asian, May 1977 - June 1977 (File) - Box 376 (Sequence 1)
Includes Conference of Basic human and democratic Rights in the ASEAN Alliance countries (COBRA) circular, anti-Malaysian and Singaporean government protests, and newsletters outlining Australian responses to situations in South East Asia.
Thailand, February 1977 - October 1977 (File) - Box 376 (Sequence 1)
Includes Thai information newsletters, flyers for fund raising dinner, protest rallies to commemorate student protest on October 6 1976, material regarding students arrested by Thai government including Orisa Irawonwut and speaking tour by Dr Puey Ungphakorn.
Series. AUS activities
Anti-uranium movements; decolonisation; FM radio; International students; student publications; student activism: Thailand; student travel; Thailand: politics and governance; Universities and Colleges: Victoria
Victorian Region: activities, May 1977 - December 1977 (File) - Box 376 (Sequence 1)
Includes VIC newsletter, student newsletters, student election results, regional circulars, summary of press releases from the University of Melbourne, 3RMT FM radio program, material regarding Hishamunddin Rais Defence Committee and the AUS referendum.
Victorian region: constitution, February 1977 - November 1977 (File) - Box 376 (Sequence 1)
Includes conference minutes and information regarding an unemployment seminar.
Media, February 1977 - October 1977 (File) - Box 376 (Sequence 1)
Material regardingThe National U newspaper including complaints about articles and editorial decisions.
Council, February 1977 - January 1978 (File) - Box 376 (Sequence 1)
Includes education policy, guide to annual council, regional reports and material regarding AUS Student Travel.
1977 Council, August 1977 - January 1978 (File) - Box 377 (Sequence 1)
Includes draft budget, resource centre list, plans to defend against right wing attacks, NOSS reports, motions passed, minutes, position statements, STAA reports, financials and regional reports.
1977 Council papers, January 1976 - January 1977 (File) - Box 377 (Sequence 1)
Includes financial reports, position papers, motions, song sheets, resource centre list, curriculum vitae of exec member candidates, newsletters, regional reports, political flyers and report on inquiry into AUS media. Motions and position papers include topics such as racism, childcare, media, unemployment, feminism, uranium and AUS reform.
Asian Student Association (ASA): general, September 1972 - August 1975 (File) - Box 378 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, relationships with other Asian student unions, Israeli-Palestinian politics, student travel and travel costs, conferences, Thai politics, French nuclear test in the Pacific, Foreign aid, African liberation movements and a study on the attitude of Asian Students to drugs.
ASA, April 1974 - September 1975 (File) - Box 378 (Sequence 1)
Includes Women in the Third World workshop, reports from workshops for youth workers in rural and urban communities, population conference, STAA conference, ASA 4th General conference attendees and motions list.
ASA Higher Education conference, September 1973 - October 1974 (File) - Box 378 (Sequence 1)
Includes list of attendees, reports, programme and position paper.
ASA, September 1974 - November 1975 (File) - Box 378 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding STA, conferences, Asian Students Exchange Program (ASEP), newsletters, workshops and press releases.
ASA newsletter, October 1972 - 1974 (File) - Box 378 (Sequence 1)
10 copies of the Asian Student News.
Series. Elizabeth Reid Expanding File
Academia: women; anti-uranium movements; Mitchell, Dame Roma; feminism; marriage act: Australia; Reid, Elizabeth; sexism in education; Steinem, Gloria; Summers, Anne; women's liberation; women's rights;
Correspondence: A, June 1973 (File) - Box 381 (Sequence 1)
Letter from E Reid to B Flanagan re photograph.
Correspondence: B, April 1973 - September 1975 (File) - Box 381 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence regarding exchange of research material and offers of assistance.
Correspondence: D, April 1973 - November 1973 (File) - Box 381 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding survey of women academics.
Correspondence: E, May 1973 - September 1975 (File) - Box 381 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding academic survey, exchanged resources and workshops.
Correspondence: G, May 1975 - September 1975 (File) - Box 381 (Sequence 1)
Includes government publications and discussions about Reid's role.
Correspondence: H, September 1973 - September 1975 (File) - Box 381 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding publications and speaking engagements.
Correspondence: J, October 1973 (File) - Box 381 (Sequence 1)
Includes material discussing the marriage act and support for ex-spouses.
Correspondence: K, November 1973 - August 1975 (File) - Box 381 (Sequence 1)
Includes material discussing office staff and workload.
Correspondence: L, December 1974 - October 1975 (File) - Box 381 (Sequence 1)
Includes material discussing women in the media.
Correspondence: M, June 1973 - August 1975 (File) - Box 381 (Sequence 1)
Material discussing meetings and prefixes for women. Includes letter from Dame Roma Mitchell regarding meeting and Reid's visit to women's rehabilitation centre.
Correspondence: Mc, May 1973 - September 1975 (File) - Box 381 (Sequence 1)
Includes material discussing publications, French nuclear tests in the Pacific and childcare.
Correspondence: N-O, August 1973 - September 1975 (File) - Box 381 (Sequence 1)
Includes material discussing interviews and rural women.
Correspondence: P-Q, May 1973 - August 1973 (File) - Box 381 (Sequence 1)
Includes material discussing women in the workforce.
Correspondence: R, July 1973 - July 1975 (File) - Box 381 (Sequence 1)
Includes material discussing US legislation and exchanged publications.
Correspondence: S, June 1973 - August 1975 (File) - Box 381 (Sequence 1)
Includes: material discussing publications, Anne Summers letter regarding wage for houseworkers and a Gloria Steinem lead rebuttal of a 'press release' credited to 'Redstockings'.
Correspondence: T, June 1973 - March 1975 (File) - Box 381 (Sequence 1)
Includes material discussing government reports on rape and staffing.
Correspondence: U-V, May 1973 - August 1975 (File) - Box 381 (Sequence 1)
Includes material discussing publications exchanged and single mothers.
Series. International
Cambodia: politics and governance; pacifism: movements; student activism: New Zealand; student activism: Papua New Guinea
Correspondence NZUSA, January 1974 - February 1975 (File) - Box 381 (Sequence 1)
Includes material discussing submissions, students seeking help to study in Australia and NZ, visits, performing arts tours and conferences on international aid and development.
Correspondence NZUSA, May 1975 - October 1975 (File) - Box 381 (Sequence 1)
Includes material discussing Razak tour and international student activists.
Speeches and reports, May 1972 (File) - Box 381 (Sequence 1)
Includes material discussing pollution and education.
Niugini (PNG), June 1974 (File) - Box 381 (Sequence 1)
Includes material discussing PNG student protest with arguments for and against the protests.
Cambodia, February 1975 (File) - Box 381 (Sequence 1)
Includes material discussing Cambodian politics.
International engagement, 1974 - September 1975 (File) - Box 381 (Sequence 1)
Includes material discussing a disarmament conference and an International University Exchange Fund.
Series. Regions
Anti-uranium movements; anti-whaling movements; compulsory unionism; environmentalism; student activism; Universities and Colleges: New South Wales; Universities and Colleges: Queensland; Universities and Colleges: South Australia; Universities and Colleges: Tasmania
NSW region: constituents, February 1977 - October 1977 (File) - Box 382 (Sequence 1)
Includes regional conference minutes.
NSW region: activities, April 1977 - November 1977 (File) - Box 382 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding external students, special councils, secessionism from the AUS and student magazines.
SA region: activities, August 1977 (File) - Box 382 (Sequence 1)
Includes minutes, regional newsletter and material regarding secessionism from the AUS.
SA region: constituents, February 1977 - April 1977 (File) - Box 382 (Sequence 1)
Includes regional meeting minutes and a submission regarding the Board of Advanced Education in South Australia.
QLD region: activities, March 1977 - December 1977 (File) - Box 381 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding compulsory unionism, march permits, secessionism from the AUS and regional conference minutes.
QLD region: constituents, June 1977 - September 1977 (File) - Box 382 (Sequence 1)
Includes regional conference minutes.
Tas region: constituents, June 1977 - October 1977 (File) - Box 382 (Sequence 1)
Includes regional conference minutes.
National Affairs, January 1977 - February 1978 (File) - Box 382 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding Seaman's Union of Australia campaign regarding employment and the Utah Development Company, anti-uranium movement, 1977 annual reports, unemployment, environmentalism, COPSE, the economy and the public sector, whaling and protest posters.
Series. Advocacy
Cambodia: politics and governance; Drug use; feminism; homosexual rights; marijuana; Mozambique: decolonisation; pacifism: movements; queers rights; student activism; student activism: Thailand; student healthcare; Thailand: politics and governance; Vanuatu: politics and governance; Weir, Greg; women's liberation; women's rights;
Uranium, August 1977 - February 1978 (File) - Box 383 (Sequence 1)
Includes Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) newsletter, fundraising appeals, Atomic Horror comic, newspaper articles, petition templates, protest posters and anti-uranium groups newsletters.
Homosexual rights, March 1977 - February 1978 (File) - Box 383 (Sequence 1)
Includes newsletters; material regarding Greg Weir Defence Campaign including legal advice; information flyers; reports from homosexual conferences; research project into treatment/oppression of homosexuals and a list of support groups in each state.
Other campaigns, August 1977 (File) - Box 383 (Sequence 1)
Material regarding a conference on cannabis use.
Elections: December 10, November 1977 - December 1977 (File) - Box 383 (Sequence 1)
Includes campaign flyers criticizing Fraser's policies including uranium, women and unemployment.
International, October 1976 - December 1977 (File) - Box 384 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding Thai politics, Vanuaaku (Vanuatu), UNICEF newsletter, anti-torture campaigns, anti-nuclear campaigns, Chilean politics, Mozambique decolonisation, Kurdish independence, Cambodian politics and communist China.
International, December 1977 - February 1978 (File) - Box 384 (Sequence 1)
Includes Review of International Affairs, Soviet news bulletin, United Nations in Action newsletter, Intercontinental Press and material regarding Indonesian politics, Chilean politics, South Korean politics, Vanuatuan independence and Cambodia politics.
Series. Volumes, 1970 - 1975 - Box 384 (Sequence 1), Box 385 (Sequence 1), Box 386 (Sequence 1)
Material published by government, the United Nations and other groups. Majority of material is focused on women's rights including feminist magazines, brief for the International Women's year conference held in Mexico, a bibliography regarding rape compiled by the US based Center for Women's Studies and a study of the deployment of female police officers in the USA.
Other materials include a program for Gough Whitlam's official visit to Peru in 1975, UN handbook and treaties 1970, Indonesia: Australia's involvement and Australian Economic Ties with South Africa. Majority of the material was published in the USA or by the UN between 1970 and 1976.
Anti-apartheid movements; Australian Prime Ministers: official visits; feminism; Indonesia: politics and governance; International Women's Year 1975; United Nations; women's liberation; women's rights;
Series. Administration
Economics: Australia; education research; employment rights; homosexual rights; queers rights; student travel; student unionism; Universities and Colleges: Australia; Weir, Greg; workers' rights;
Contacts, n.d. (File) - Box 386 (Sequence 1)
Black and green folders containing contact information used by the union.
Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) publications, June 1977 - December 1978 (File) - Box 386 (Sequence 1)
Publications about wage rates, employment and income, quarterly estimates of national income and expenditure, publications issued, Consumer Price Index, financial corporations, employment of teenagers and unemployment.
Constituent Mail: L, May 1978 - August 1978 (File) - Box 387 (Sequence 1)
Includes Women's Officer report, minutes, circulars, press clippings circulated to members on education, the budget, student unionism and media releases.
Constituent Mail: L part 2 and M, June 1978 - August 1978 (File) - Box 387 (Sequence 1)
Includes Education Research Officer report and circular, Victorian regional newsletter, and position paper on AUS Travel.
Constituent Mail: N, May 1978 - August 1978 (File) - Box 387 (Sequence 1)
Includes Presidential circular, International Student Travel conference agenda, post federal budget campaign material, financial documents and campus organising guide.
Constituent Mail: O, June 1978 - October 1978 (File) - Box 387 (Sequence 1)
Includes President's report, Education Research Officer report, Women's Officer report, Finance report, AUS Travel Board minutes, Greg Weir's Defence newsletter and Regional conference minuets for South Australia and Tasmania.
Associate Members Club (AMC) Research Officer (RO), August 1977 (File) - Box 387 (Sequence 1)
Research into student housing.
Executive and E.R's, March 1977 - November 1977 (File) - Box 387 (Sequence 1)
Includes Education Vice-President circulars, education funding and student financing campaign, Greg Weir defence campaign and Executive reports.
Research Officer, February 1977 - August 1977 (File) - Box 387 (Sequence 1)
Include Education post 1977-78 budget response and student loans committee policies.
Trainee Teacher, May 1977 - November 1977 (File) - Box 387 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding Greg Weir, in-service teacher training courses and 'survival handbooks' for trainee teachers, teachers and other students.
Media release, March 1977 - September 1977 (File) - Box 387 (Sequence 1)
Media releases regarding education cuts, the ALP opposing student loans scheme, Greg Weir and means testing for Tertiary Education Assistance scheme (TEAS).
EVP general, March 1977 - June 1977 (File) - Box 387 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding education cuts, resolutions passed, workshop on high school students rights, means testing for TEAS and a Lesbian and Male Homosexual Students Union contact list.
General Education, February 1977 - February 1978 (File) - Box 387 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding regional education election, resolutions passed, the role of an education research officer, minutes, mail-outs contents lists, EVP circulars, government submissions, Australian Teacher's Federation special conference and response to the federal budget, education funding campaign and the establishment of a national union for lesbian and male homosexual students.
Series. Regions
Conscription: Australia; Deakin University; international students; Monash University; student activism; student healthcare; student travel;
Executive, May 1971 - June 1972 (File) - Box 388 (Sequence 1)
Includes minutes, OSS report, material regarding Association for International Cooperation and Disarmament delegation to visit Vietnam and conscription.
Regional conferences, May 1974 - October 1975 (File) - Box 388 (Sequence 1)
Includes minutes and correspondence.
Executive: Deep North region, March 1973 - December 1975 (File) - Box 388 (Sequence 1)
Includes minutes and circulars.
NSW region, June 1975 - August 1975 (File) - Box 388 (Sequence 1)
Includes Sydney concession list and state conference material.
NSW activist camp and regional material, September 1975 (File) - Box 388 (Sequence 1)
Includes minutes and details of activities.
Victoria: Eastern, June 1975 - July 1975 (File) - Box 388 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding the 'AUS Reform' at Monash University and Yallourn relocation. At Monash University there was a debate regarding whether Monash should still be part of the AUS due to a number of concerns including fee rises, use of fees and a perceived disconnect by the Executive. Both pro and anti-AUS material is included. Yallourn Action group booklet contains articles regarding plans by the Victorian State Electricity Company's' (SEC) plan to relocate the town. Concerns raised include housing in the La Trobe Valley and environmental pollution.
Victorian Regional Organiser, February 1974 - September 1975 (File) - Box 388 (Sequence 1)
Includes agenda, regional reports, submission on telephone information service and list of SRC Presidents. Topics include regionalism in Victoria, enquiry into the Housing Commission of Victoria and the creation of a fourth Victorian university: Deakin University.
Tasmania, July 1973 - June 1975 (File) - Box 388 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence regarding visits by executive members, American and New Zealand native rights tour, and a press release regarding the calling for of a Royal Commission to investigate alleged corruption in the Tasmanian government.
South Australian region: 'Campus Round', October 1974 - November 1975 (File) - Box 388 (Sequence 1)
Includes regional memo, regional conference reports, trainee teachers steering committee report, 'Campus Round' outline and initiation document, response to federal budget and National Association of Health Studies: course summaries booklet. 'Campus Round' was an initiative to coordinate cultural activities on campus by sharing resources.
South Australian Region, September 1975 (File) - Box 388 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, anti-US influence protest flyer, regional memo and regional conference minutes.
Regional mailouts, September 1975 (File) - Box 389 (Sequence 1)
Topics include Australian student card, travel posters and upcoming conferences and tours.
SA region, February 1973 - August 1975 (File) - Box 389 (Sequence 1)
Includes regional memo, survey on costs incurred by students involved in practice teaching, Friendly Society flyer, regional reports, minutes, material regarding the assessment of students and a submission regarding Regional Officer (RO) being based at Adelaide University.
SA region, July 1973 - August 1975 (File) - Box 389 (Sequence 1)
Includes regional memo, regional conference minutes, report on campus child care for students and an election policies summary.
SA region, July 1974 - May 1975 (File) - Box 389 (Sequence 1)
Includes regional conference minutes, motions, memos, material regarding TEAS reform and a legal defence fund for 6 students arrested during a protest at Flinders University.
WA region, May 1973 - November 1975 (File) - Box 389 (Sequence 1)
Includes minutes and material regarding compulsory student unionism, Israel/Palestine politics, WA energy and power amendment bill legislation and protest material, anti-apartheid demonstrations, motion regarding the sustainability of metal cans for cold drinks and Western Australian Student Teachers Association (WASTA) AUS membership.
Series. Arts
Arts; Arts: New Zealand; Aquarius festival; Cardier, Glenn; Clapton, Eric; Fat Albert; Felix, Julie; feminist art; FM radio; Kirkland, Bruce; Parkhill, Peter; Robson, Dianne; Singular Show; student theatre;
Aquarius, September 1975 (File) - Box 389 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding fundraising and a puppetry workshop.
Aquarius, September 1973 - April 1975 (File) - Box 389 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding fundraising, planned activities and the future of Aquarius with a copy of the New Zealand Students' Arts Council budget and notes.
Aquarius, February 1974 - July 1975 (File) - Box 389 (Sequence 1)
Includes Australian Council for the Arts grant application, material regarding St Louis Jazz Quartet with Jeanne Trevor tour, Australian artist offering their services (paid and unpaid), the introduction of Frequency Modulation (FM) broadcasting, list of Theatres and auditoriums at Australian Universities and a report on The WomenVision Weekend.
Aquarius: general, January 1972 - August 1973 (File) - Box 389 (Sequence 1)
Includes A Singular Show tour dates and Cobb and Ochs Tour financial statement.
Access Radio, September 1975 (File) - Box 389 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence regarding a general programme on Education.
Aquarius fundraising, November 1972 - November 1974 (File) - Box 389 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence and agreements regarding advertising in National U by Air India and The Australasian, Australian Council for the Arts grant application, donors contacted list.
Aquarius board minutes, September 1970 - December 1974 (File) - Box 389 (Sequence 1)
Includes cultural interpretation i.e. scope outline, resignation of board members, reports and budgets.
New Zealand Students Arts Council, August 1974 - December 1974 (File) - Box 390 (Sequence 1)
Includes newsletter, reports on tours by university groups and minutes.
ANU festival, April 1973 - June 1973 (File) - Box 390 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding the Aquarius festival held at Nimbin, equipment hired, Hansard record of question time and ticket allocations.
Second Australian Universities Arts Festival (SAUAF), December 1968 - May 1969 (File) - Box 390 (Sequence 1)
Includes festival programme, reports and correspondence regarding the Cultural Affairs Officers conference.
Councils, February 1971 - June 1972 (File) - Box 390 (Sequence 1)
Includes Aquarius festival reports, financial statement and draft programme.
National Student Theatre organisation (NST), November 1971 - April 1972 (File) - Box 390 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence regarding the NST and its relationship with the Aquarius Foundation. Includes NST constitution and details of objectives.
Aquarius: general, April 1972 - December 1974 (File) - Box 390 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding visit by Bruce Kirkland and Dianne Robson from the New Zealand Students Arts Council, potential tours, report: A Practical application of recognised needs of the "contemporary non-classical" music industry in Australia, upcoming tours by Julie Felix, Glenn Cardier and Eric Clapton, artist and show profiles, grant applications and details of arts organisations.
General, June 1974 - December 1974 (File) - Box 390 (Sequence 1)
Includes New Zealand Students Arts Council minutes, reports, press cuttings about artists, Live Sounds booklet on the Australian music scene: contains artists profiles, lists venues in Sydney and campuses Australia wide.
Peter Stuyvesant Trust, July 1972 - April 1973 (File) - Box 390 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence regarding sponsorship of the Festival of University Arts including publicity, timing and location of the event, and feature acts.
Activities Officers Conference, March 1974 - April 1974 (File) - Box 390 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding Fat Albert and Peter Parkhill performance, conference attendees list, band lists and price lists, reports, registration forms and agenda.
Series. Elizabeth Reid
Australian Prime Ministers: Gough Whitlam; development; education research; employment conditions; employment conditions: South Africa; employment rights; employment rights: South Africa; feminism; International Women's Decade 1976-1985; International Women's Year 1975; queer rights; Reid, Elizabeth; United Nations; women's liberation
Institute of Cultural Action (IDAC), n.d. (File) - Box 391 (Sequence 1)
Publications on topics including feminism and education.
International Documentation and Communication Centre (IDOC), October 1979 - November 1979 (File) - Box 391 (Sequence 1)
Includes newsletter and publications list.
UN 35th General Assembly Third Committee agenda items 80 and 83, October 1980 (File) - Box 391 (Sequence 1)
Statements made by delegates from countries including Canada, Nigeria, Guyana, India, Australia, Indonesia, United Kingdom, Papua New Guinea, Japan.
World Conference of the United Nations Decade for Women: statements, July 1980 (File) - Box 391 (Sequence 1)
Statements made by delegates from countries including South Korea, Barbados, Jordan, Ghana, Maldives, Ireland, Senegal, Libya, Sweden, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Cote d'Ivoire, Australia, Argentina and the Soviet Union.
World Conference of the United Nations Decade for Women: statements, July 1980 (File) - Box 392 (Sequence 1)
Statements made by delegates from countries including Zimbabwe, German Democratic Republic, Bulgaria, Austria, Greece, Jamaica, Israel, Colombia, Netherlands, France and Zaire.
World Conference of the United Nations Decade for Women: statements, July 1980 (File) - Box 392 (Sequence 1)
Statements made by delegates from countries including Denmark, Philippines, Egypt, Japan and Mongolia.
World Conference of the United Nations Decade for Women: statements, July 1980 (File) - Box 392 (Sequence 1)
Statements made by delegates from countries including Bangladesh, Cambodia, Mexico and Iceland.
World Conference of the United Nations Decade for Women: statements, July 1980 (File) - Box 392 (Sequence 1)
Statements made by delegates from countries including Yemen, Romania, Guyana, Luxembourg, New Zealand and Indonesia.
United Nations Special Political Committee, October 1980 - November 1980 (File) - Box 392 (Sequence 1)
Press release on subjects including Israel and Palestine, South African apartheid, global attitudes to information sharing practices including Freedom of Information, peaceful uses of outer space and atomic radiation.
World Conference of the United Nations Decade for Women Journals, July 1980 (File) - Box 392 (Sequence 1)
Programmes of meetings and agenda for the 14th-28th of July.
World Conference of the United Nations Decade for Women NGOs, July 1980 (File) - Box 392 (Sequence 1)
Statements from NGOs focused on religion, business, professions and communities.
Publications: transnational corporations, 1975 - 1979 (File) - Box 393 (Sequence 1)
Material regarding transnational corporations including reports on working conditions, directories and surveys.
Publications: women and families, 1975 - 1980 (File) - Box 394 (Sequence 1)
Majority of material is from the Asia-Pacific region and discusses development, family practices and health.
Publications: transnational corporations, 1979 (File) - Box 394 (Sequence 1)
Material regarding advertising, working conditions and impacts of transnational corporations.
Publications: women, 1979 - 1980 (File) - Box 394 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding employment, and women and Islam.
Publications: women, 1978 - 1980 (File) - Box 395 (Sequence 1)
Includes country specific reports, development analysis and migration. Material is from countries including the Philippines, Sudan and United Arab Emirates.
UN Economic and Social Council: Commission on Transnational corporations reports and publications, 1977 - 1980 (File) - Box 395 (Sequence 1)
Publications: transnational corporations, 1973 - 1974 (File) - Box 396 (Sequence 1)
Includes summary of hearding and material regarding taxation.
UN Press releases, July 1980 (File) - Box 397 (Sequence 1)
Includes press releases regarding women's conference, women under apartheid and Palestinian women.
Publications: transnational corporations, 1976 - 1980 (File) - Box 397 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding legislation and industrial practices in South Africa.
Multilateral treaties in respect of which the Secretary-General performs depositary functions: List of signatures, ratifications, accessions etc., December 1979 (File) - Box 398 (Sequence 1)
English and French copies.
Correspondence and notes, 1974 (File) - Box 399 (Sequence 1)
Includes notes by and letters sent to Elizabeth Reid.
International Women's Year, 1974 - 1975 (File) - Box 399 (Sequence 1)
Includes press releases, agenda, name tag, suggested questions and discussion guidelines. Front cover annotated with Elizabeth Reid's name.
Government reports, 1974 - 1975 (File) - Box 399 (Sequence 1)
Includes report on territorial criminal law and draft report on women in Australia government administration.
Publications, November 1972 - December 1973 (File) - Box 399 (Sequence 1)
Includes publications regarding queer rights, aboriginal health and women's liberation.
Women's liberation newspapers and London workshop, October 1974 (File) - Box 400 (Sequence 1)
Includes Vahti's Voice, The Feminist Art Journal, meetings and materials list for workshop.
Publications, June 1974 - September 1974 (File) - Box 401 (Sequence 1)
Includes women's liberation and queer materials.
Submission: South Australian public service, October 1973 (File) - Box 401 (Sequence 1)
Submission by WEL regarding women in the South Australian public service.
'Abortion in perspective' Reason magazine, 1969 - 1973 (File) - Box 401 (Sequence 1)
Includes reports on birth control, counseling and press releases.
Research papers, n.d. (File) - Box 401 (Sequence 1)
Covers topics including sexism within the women's liberation movement.
Research material, June 1973 - June 1975 (File) - Box 402 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding population and public servant hiring programs targeted at women.
Correspondence, January 1971 - February 1974 (File) - Box 402 (Sequence 1)
Includes travel documents and arrangements for meetings.
Travel, June 1974 - June 1975 (File) - Box 402 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, receipts and notes.
Personal, January 1973 - July 1974 (File) - Box 402 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence and newspaper clippings.
Publications, July 1972 - June 1974 (File) - Box 402 (Sequence 1)
Includes Me Jane, Off Our Backs, The Powder Magazine, Gay Liberation Press and Identity.
Research materials, May 1972 - June 1975 (File) - Box 403 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding Louisa Lawson, women and the Labor party, population and an interview of Germaine Greer.
Travel, 1973 - 1975 (File) - Box 403 (Sequence 1)
Includes tickets, receipts and newspaper clippings.
Schools Commission Social Change and the Education of Women, June 1975 (File) - Box 404 (Sequence 1)
Elizabeth Reid was a member of the report's committee.
World Conference of the International Women's Year Women in Australian Society: analyses and situations, June 1975 (File) - Box 404 (Sequence 1)
Feminist badges, n.d. (File) - Box 404 (Sequence 1)
12 badges, some for UN International Women's year, others protest badges.
Speeches, January 1975 - September 1975 (File) - Box 405 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence, transcripts of television programmes and transcripts of speeches. Topics of speeches include education, women in the workforce and the women's liberation movement.
Feminism, July 1973 - August 1975 (File) - Box 405 (Sequence 1)
Includes 'Women and madness' conference programme, articles and a press release regarding Gloria Steinem with rebuttals.
Language and attitudes, April 1974 - January 1975 (File) - Box 405 (Sequence 1)
Includes newspaper clippings, manifestos and correspondence.
Articles, February 1972 - August 1975 (File) - Box 406 (Sequence 1)
Includes articles regarding queer rights and UN International Women's Year.
UN International Women's Year (IWY), January 1975 - July 1975 (File) - Box 406 (Sequence 1)
Correspondence and planning documents for International Women's year.
Correspondence, October 1972 (File) - Box 406 (Sequence 1)
Includes letter discussing the portrayal of Reid and her role by the media.
Women and unions, September 1975 - December 1976 (File) - Box 406 (Sequence 1)
Includes discussion papers, trade union conference material and the working women's charter.
Fun, April 1973 - August 1975 (File) - Box 406 (Sequence 1)
Contains correspondence, newspaper clippings both supportive and critical of Reid, telegraphs in support for Reid, letters of support, ANU orientation handbook and transcripts of interviews. There is a wide variety of newspaper articles documenting the media response to Reid during her time as Gough Whitlam's Advisor for Women.
Women and Voting Studies: Mindless Matrons or Sexist Scientism?, 1975 (File) - Box 406 (Sequence 1)
By Murray Groot and Elizabeth Reid.
The end, August 1975 - September 1975 (File) - Box 407 (Sequence 1)
Includes Hansard extract, policy papers and report Australian government conduct and organisation of women's affairs.
IWY-fun, September 1974 - March 1976 (File) - Box 407 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding the cancellation of IWY conference on media and the arts, meeting at Balmain town hall, newspaper clippings, press releases and newsletters.
Publications, July 1971 - March 1975 (File) - Box 407 (Sequence 1)
Urban Australia and the Australian environment, The Last Liberaction, transcript of a conversation between Reid and Gough Whitlam, and an Australian Government directory.
Ms interview, 1975 (File) - Box 407 (Sequence 1)
Publishing proofs and correspondence regarding an interview of Reid for Ms magazine.
Government grants, September 1974 - October 1974 (File) - Box 408 (Sequence 1)
Material regarding government grant applications and the Diamond Valley Learning Centre.
Info etc., September 1974 (File) - Box 408 (Sequence 1)
The mostly undated material includes notes on mental health and the objectives of International Women's year in Australia.
International Women's Year, July 1974 - November 1974 (File) - Box 408 (Sequence 1)
Includes grant applications, speech by Kerr at the 14th triennial conference of the associated country women of the world, meeting summary for Australian National advisory committee and Australian government schedule of programs for IWY. Material regarding Swedish, Norwegian, Singaporean planned activities for IWY and a visit by Helvi Sipila, the Director-General of IWY are included in this file.
Series. Relationships: Universities
Compulsory student unionism; La Trobe University; student activism; student activism: Malaysia
La Trobe correspondence, December 1973 - March 1974 (File) - Box 409 (Sequence 1)
Includes discussion regarding plans write a book about student unionism at La Trobe, student complaints and AUS secessionism.
La Trobe Rabelais, November 1973 - September 1975 (File) - Box 409 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence and a copy of the SRC land scheme submission.
La Trobe and Macquarie University, February 1973 - October 1974 (File) - Box 409 (Sequence 1)
Includes student club flyers and material regarding AUS secessionism, with both pro and anti-AUS material.
Macquarie University correspondence, June 1974 - August 1975 (File) - Box 409 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding student protests, University Council investigation into student associations and student action against head of Robert Menzies College for anti-homosexuality bias.
University of Melbourne: general, April 1974 - October 1975 (File) - Box 409 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding concerns over possible surveillance of Malaysian students in Australia, staff news and student protests to get childcare available on campus.
Monash University: general, September 1974 - May 1975 (File) - Box 409 (Sequence 1)
Includes newsletters, protest flyers and counter-faculty handbook.
Monash University: correspondence, March 1969 - June 1975 (File) - Box 409 (Sequence 1)
Includes material discussing AUS fee rise and the occupation of administration building by students over assessment structure.
University of New England, April 1974 - November 1975 (File) - Box 409 (Sequence 1)
Includes correspondence discussing relationship between SRC and AUS exec, orientation handbook and protest flyer.
Series. Community Committee on Tenancy Law Reform (CCTLR)
Law reform: Australia; renters rights; student activism; tenancy law reform; tenancy rights
Information to volunteers, n.d. (File) - Box 410 (Sequence 1)
Includes lobbyist application form, recommended changes to tenancy laws and advice for lobbyists.
Politicians: lobbying kit, n.d. (File) - Box 410 (Sequence 1)
Guide for interviewing politicians. Includes draft and typed copy.
Lobbying community groups, December 1972 (File) - Box 410 (Sequence 1)
Includes interview guide and script.
Newsletter, September 1978 - November 1978 (File) - Box 410 (Sequence 1)
Includes statement by Victorian church leader regarding 1978 report.
CCTLR campaign: target groups July 1978, n.d. (File) - Box 410 (Sequence 1)
Includes master list with index to categories.
Report: The Effect of Tenancy law reforms on private rental housing markets (spare copies), August 1977 - September 1977 (File) - Box 410 (Sequence 1)
Includes draft version.
Public meeting on Tenancy Law Reform transcript, 5 December 1976 (File) - Box 410 (Sequence 1)
Held at Collingwood Town Hall.
Tapes of meeting, 1977(?) (File) - Box 410 (Sequence 1)
4 cassette tapes.
Tenancy Law Reform T1 (Item NLA.MS-SAV018578) - Cassette-Box 884
1 item, Scotch C90, Compact cassette tapeTenancy Law Reform T2 (Item NLA.MS-SAV018579) - Cassette-Box 884
1 item, Scotch C90, Compact cassette tapeSeries. Relationships: Universities and Colleges
Aquarius; Australian National University; student activism; student housing; tenancy law reform; WA & LB Robinson University College.
University of NSW Students Union correspondence, November 1973 - September 1975 (File) - Box 411 (Sequence 1)
Includes annual reports and material regarding protests against demolitions along Fig st Ultimo, political speakers on campus and Israeli-Palestinian relations.
UNSW: general, 1975 (File) - Box 411 (Sequence 1)
Includes submission on university government and orientation magazine.
Questionnaire draft (Ulla Svensson), n.d. (File) - Box 411 (Sequence 1)
Annotated questionnaire on tenancy law reform.
CCTLR community organisations, October 1978 (File) - Box 411 (Sequence 1)
Lists of different types of community organisations.
ANU: general, September 1973 - September 1974 (File) - Box 411 (Sequence 1)
Material regarding student protests and copy of Woroni journal of ANU Students Association.
ANU: correspondence, March 1973 - August 1974 (File) - Box 411 (Sequence 1)
Discusses shortage of housing for ANU students, students occupying chancellery building, talks by Shirley Smith, Gordon Biscoe, Charles 'Chika' Dixon, Charles Perkins, membership of the AUS by the Research Student Association and AUS stance on Israel/Palestine.
Adelaide University: general, September 1973 - October 1973 (File) - Box 411 (Sequence 1)
Includes copies of Fri-Dit Ego Times: joint publication of Empire Times (Flinders University), Ego (SAIT), On Dit (Adelaide University), Bread and Circuses and Lumen (Adelaide Uni).
Adelaide University: letters, October 1972 - April 1975 (File) - Box 411 (Sequence 1)
Includes On Dit, submission to the Australian Universities Commission for the 1976-1978 Triennium and material regarding fundraising for AUS Black Rhodesian Students Scholarship Fund and Aquarius backed tour.
Broken Hill Uni College, May 1973 - March 1974 (File) - Box 411 (Sequence 1)
Includes submission to The Australian Universities Commission and correspondence regarding circulation of National U.
General, n.d. (File) - Box 411 (Sequence 1)
Includes Report on behalf of local students union WA & LB Robinson University College, Broken Hill.
Flinders University: correspondence, September 1973 - November 1975 (File) - Box 411 (Sequence 1)
Discusses arrest of students, editions of On Campus, occupation of the Registry building by students regarding compulsory exams, University administration engagement with students over methods of assessment, and concerns regarding Professor Roger Russell.
Biographical / Historical
After his appointment as Vice-Chancellor of Flinders University, concerns were raised about Professor Roger Russell's (1914-1998) links to the United States military, including development of weapons and programmes.
Flinders University, July 1970 - September 1974 (File) - Box 411 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding regional activities officer conference, controversy around Professor RW Russell and Dr DN Gibbs, occupation of the Registry building by students regarding compulsory exams and University administration engagement with students over methods of assessment.
Series. AUS executive activities
Anti-uranium movements; compulsory student unionism; economy: Australia; employment rights; feminism; Medibank; student activism; student travel; student unionism
Advocacy, September 1978 (File) - Box 412 (Sequence 1)
Includes protest flyers and posters, fundraising event flyers, media agency lists and drafts of correspondence. The advocacy is focused on funding cuts and the federal budget.
AUS membership, August 1978 (File) - Box 412 (Sequence 1)
What's On flyer and draft press release regarding Deakin University joining the AUS.
Communications, October 1978 - December 1978 (File) - Box 412 (Sequence 1)
Includes CARE newsletter, press release regarding secret inquiry on student financing, Alternative News Service and protest flyers.
AUS activities, April 1978 - September 1978 (File) - Box 412 (Sequence 1)
AUS August Council 74, regional organisers report and newsletter, papers on reform and notes from meetings.
Student publications, 1978 (File) - Box 412 (Sequence 1)
Macquarie University Alternative Calendar and On Dit (Adelaide University).
Education funding and employment, May 1979 - June 1979 (File) - Box 412 (Sequence 1)
Includes flyers against teacher education funding cuts, motions passed regarding the Williams Report, AUS News Notes on labour patterns; professional workers rights; TEAS funding cuts and a National Student Budget Special.
Publications, October 1978 - July 1980 (File) - Box 412 (Sequence 1)
National Student, National Student's Education Extra, National W.
TEAS, n.d. (File) - Box 412 (Sequence 1)
Flyer and volume 1 chapter 11 of the report of the Committee of Inquiry into Education and Training (the Williams committee).
AUS News Notes, June 1979 (File) - Box 412 (Sequence 1)
Discusses employment conditions and education funding.
28 September Day of Protest, 28 September 1978 (File) - Box 412 (Sequence 1)
Edition of Grok (Western Australia), anti-Fraser federal budget day of protest 28 September material: flyers and posters.
AUS executive, March 1978 - February 1979 (File) - Box 413 (Sequence 1)
Includes protest posters, correspondence and minutes.
AUS activities, August 1978 (File) - Box 413 (Sequence 1)
Includes Punch newsletter (RMIT) and AUS Student Travel summer program.
Publications, December 1978 (File) - Box 413 (Sequence 1)
Includes The Age: The green guide, FIT Orientation Handbook, Traktion SCV-Toorak student paper and Contact Handbook '78.
Regions: Victoria, January 1978 - September 1978 (File) - Box 413 (Sequence 1)
Includes Melbourne State College Students' handbook, minutes, The Colleges and the student 1979: an introduction to the VIC colleges of advanced education and their courses and ballot paper drafts.
Publications, August 1978 - September 1978 (File) - Box 413 (Sequence 1)
Includes Traktion and National U.
Regions: Victoria, June 1978 - August 1978 (File) - Box 413 (Sequence 1)
Includes La Trobe agenda and minutes, Rabelais, The Melbourne Times, Joules and flyers about graduate unemployment, TEAS and Medibank.
Advocacy, August 1978 (File) - Box 413 (Sequence 1)
Flyers covering Medibank, the federal budget, arrest of students protesting against anti-march laws and abortion.
Advocacy, August 1978 - September 1978 (File) - Box 413 (Sequence 1)
Includes flyers discussing the federal budget, Medibank, unemployment pro-life views.
Advocacy, September 1976 - March 1978 (File) - Box 414 (Sequence 1)
Discusses government reports and concerns about ASIO agents at community level.
Regions: Victoria, March 1978 - August 1978 (File) - Box 414 (Sequence 1)
Includes College News, AUS regional report and material regarding student radio.
Student unionism, March 1977 - March 1978 (File) - Box 414 (Sequence 1)
Includes orientation handbook, correspondence and material discussing AUS secessionism.
Publications, 1973 - March 1978 (File) - Box 414 (Sequence 1)
Includes articles and student newsletters.
Advocacy, April 1978 - July 1978 (File) - Box 414 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding student unionism, sexism in education, anti-uranium, Melbourne University Amendment Act, education funding and women's rights.
Circulars, May 1978 - August 1978 (File) - Box 414 (Sequence 1)
Includes press clippings, women's officer report and minutes.
Advocacy, 1978 (File) - Box 414 (Sequence 1)
Includes orientation handbook, Direct Action, Joules and material regarding anti-uranium movements, AUS secessionism, education funding and student unionism.
Regions: Victoria, May 1978 (File) - Box 414 (Sequence 1)
Includes regional conference report, women's officer report and material regarding student unionism and the Melbourne University Amendment Act.
Regions: South Australia, 1978 (File) - Box 414 (Sequence 1)
Includes posters, counter handbook and student newsletter.
Advocacy, 1978 (File) - Box 415 (Sequence 1)
Material discusses compulsory student unionism, a talk at the Trades Hall, TEAS, anti-uranium movement and graduate unemployment.
Advocacy, September 1978 - October 1978 (File) - Box 415 (Sequence 1)
Material regarding student unionism, education funding and student finance.
AUS executive, June 1978 - September 1978 (File) - Box 415 (Sequence 1)
Includes executive minutes, president's report, regional conferences reports and minutes.
Publications, September 1978 - October 1978 (File) - Box 415 (Sequence 1)
Includes The Naked Wasp, Racism in Tasmania, Empire Times, Writing on the Wall, correspondence, drafts and notes.
AUS activities, June 1978 - December 1978 (File) - Box 415 (Sequence 1)
Includes Victorian regional conference material, protest posters and flyers, education week programme, Australian Student Unity and minutes.
Advocacy, July 1978 - August 1978 (File) - Box 415 (Sequence 1)
Includes unemployment action group minutes, material regarding AUS travel and graduate unemployment.
AUS executive, August 1978 (File) - Box 415 (Sequence 1)
Includes executive officer reports and minutes.
Advocacy, June 1975 - September 1978 (File) - Box 415 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding Melbourne University Amendment Act, US Omega bases and the federal budget.
Regions: Victoria, August 1968 - May 1978 (File) - Box 415 (Sequence 1)
Includes August council papers and The Melbourne Times.
Publications and position papers, 1973 - October 1978 (File) - Box 415 (Sequence 1)
Includes Students and uranium, National Student, What is the SRC and where is it going by part-time rep Simon Marginson, On Dit, National U and August Council 1973.
Advocacy: Victoria, May 1978 - June 1978 (File) - Box 416 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding the Melbourne University Amendment Act and The Melbourne Times.
Regions: Victoria, February 1978 - June 1978 (File) - Box 416 (Sequence 1)
Includes Toorak Times and La Trobe SRC minutes and reports.
Advocacy, June 1978 - December 1978 (File) - Box 416 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding migrant workers and Direct Action.
Advocacy and publications, 1978 (File) - Box 416 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding unemployment, The National Times and Barricade: the resident fight against the F19 freeway.
Advocacy, March 1978 - June 1978 (File) - Box 416 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding Education research officer report, compulsory student unionism in Queensland, AUS Education Information and Greg Weir Defence committee.
Regions: Victoria, April 1978 (File) - Box 416 (Sequence 1)
Includes Campus organising guide and material regarding Post-Secondary Education Commission.
AUS executive, August 1978 (File) - Box 416 (Sequence 1)
Includes ERO circular, report and list of education activists.
Conferences, August 1978 - September 1978 (File) - Box 416 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding the International Student Travel Conference and the Third Political Economy Conference.
Advocacy, January 1978 - April 1978 (File) - Box 416 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding the federal budget, TEAS, graduate unemployment and protest posters.
Constituent mail: N, August 1978 (File) - Box 416 (Sequence 1)
Includes circulars, minutes and AUS Education information. Contains index to contents.
Advocacy, 1978 (File) - Box 416 (Sequence 1)
Includes material regarding AUS Travel, education funding and the Victorian regional newsletter.
Advocacy, July 1978 (File) - Box 417 (Sequence 1)
Includes AUS Education Information budget graphics and education funding, flyers regarding graduate employment and healthcare.
Publications, July 1978 (File) - Box 417 (Sequence 1)
Includes research materials and The Pandora's Box.
Regions, April 1978 - June 1978 (File) - Box 417 (Sequence 1)
Includes education research officer report, responses to the Partridge report and material regarding compulsory student unionism.
Preparatory notes, n.d. (File) - Box 417 (Sequence 1)
Preparatory notes n.d. Notes which appear to have been prepared for meeting with other organisations discussing student unionism, notes regarding scholarships, trainee teachers.
Victorian Post-Secondary Education Bill, 1978 (File) - Box 417 (Sequence 1)
Act and transcript of speech.
Relationships: Universities, August 1978 - October 1978 (File) - Box 417 (Sequence 1)
Includes On Dit, attendance lists, regional conference agenda and drafts, material regarding the actions of the Spartacist League of Australia, simple account procedures for a small campus union/SRC etc and a boycott and mobilisation-action guide.
Relationships, March 1978 - October 1978 (File) - Box 417 (Sequence 1)
Includes notice paper, material regarding compulsory student unionism, Victorian regional conference minutes, PESO (Part-Time and External Students Organisation) material, AAUS education policy and National Women's Policy Collective report.
Class (4) MS 2412. Consignments added 1985-1987 - Box 1-512 (Sequence 2) + Folio Boxes 2-4
Retrieval Requests
Please note: The numbering of boxes in Consignment 4 (Boxes 1-512) duplicates the numbering of boxes in Consignments 1-3 (Boxes 1-417). When you request to view any material from Consignment 4 (Boxes 1-512) please specify that the requested boxes are from "Sequence 2 (Hume)".
Patrons are advised Box 89 (Sequence 2) does not exist.
Series 1. General Correspondence
Academic credit, Spigelman's circular to staff, "Education or training", and replies, 1969 (File) - Box 1 (Sequence 2)
[Miscellaneous papers] (File) - Box 3 (Sequence 2)
Patrons are advised this box is unavailable pending preservation treatment.
Series 3. General Unsorted Papers
Series 4. Constitutions, Regulations, Policies
Australian Union of Students: policy, Annual Council, 15-22 January, 1984, 1984 (File) - Box 17 (Sequence 2)
Assorted constitutions including elections, standing orders, 1969-81, 1975 - 1983 (File) - Box 18 (Sequence 2)
Constitution: Bruce College of Technical and Further Education Guild, 1979 (File) - Box 18 (Sequence 2)
Salisbury College of Advanced Education Student Union Inc: constitution, 1981 (File) - Box 18 (Sequence 2)
Series 7. Executive
This series includes minutes of meetings, reports, credentials and President's correspondence, memos and circulars.
Miscellaneous circulars, etc, reports, mainly Executive, c.1969-83, 1969 - 1973 (File) - Box 25 (Sequence 2)
NUAUS, minutes of the Executive Meeting, held at Melbourne, 27th-30th May, 1955, 1955 (File) - Box 26 (Sequence 2)
NUAUS, minutes of the Executive Meeting, held at Melbourne, 25th-27th May, 1955, 1955 (File) - Box 26 (Sequence 2)
NUAUS, minutes of the Executive Meeting, held at Melbourne, 24th-27th August, 1956, 1956 (File) - Box 26 (Sequence 2)
NUAUS, minutes of the May/June Executive Meeting, held in Melbourne, 31st May-2nd June, 1958, 1958 (File) - Box 26 (Sequence 2)
NUAUS, minutes of the May/June Executive Meeting, held in Brisbane, 29th May-1 June, 1959, 1959 (File) - Box 26 (Sequence 2)
NUAUS, minutes of the August Executive Meeting, held in Sydney, 21st-23rd August, 1959, 1959 (File) - Box 26 (Sequence 2)
NUAUS, minutes of the May Executive Meeting, held in Sydney, 27th-30th May, 1960, 1960 (File) - Box 26 (Sequence 2)
NUAUS, minutes of the August Executive Meeting, held in Adelaide, 1960, 1960 (File) - Box 26 (Sequence 2)
NUAUS, 21st Council and 1957 Executive Meetings, minutes and reports, 1957 (File) - Box 26 (Sequence 2)
NUAUS, 23rd Council and 1959 Executive Meetings, minutes and reports, 1959 (File) - Box 26 (Sequence 2)
Officers' reports for the year 1967/8 to the Annual General Meeting, 1962, 1967-1971 (File) - Box 27 (Sequence 2)
Report[s] to Executive, 1979-80, 1970 - 1983 (File) - Box 28 (Sequence 2)
Patrons are advised this file is unavailable pending preservation treatment.
Nominations 1972 annual elections and 1972 circulars, reports, etc, 1971 - 1972 (File) - Box 30 (Sequence 2)
AUS Executive Melbourne, circulars, minutes, papers,etc, 1973-75, 1969, 1973-1975 (File) - Box 31 (Sequence 2)
AUS Executive Melbourne, circulars, minutes, papers,etc, 1973-75, 1974 - 1975 (File) - Box 31 (Sequence 2)
AUS Executive Melbourne, circulars, minutes, papers,etc, 1973-75, 1973 - 1975 (File) - Box 32 (Sequence 2)
President, accounts, minutes, 1971 - 1980 (File) - Box 32 (Sequence 2)
Patrons are advised this file is unavailable pending preservation treatment.
[Reports presented to Annual Assembly by the Australasian Union of Jewish Students], 1973 (File) - Box 32 (Sequence 2)
AUS Executive Melbourne, circulars, minutes and other papers,etc, 1974-75, 1973 - 1975 (File) - Box 33 (Sequence 2)
AUS Executive Melbourne, correspondence and circulars, 1974, 1974 - 1975 (File) - Box 33 (Sequence 2)
AUS Executive Melbourne, circulars, minutes and other papers,etc, 1974 - 1975 (File) - Box 33 (Sequence 2)
Reports to Exec[utive], Exec[utive] minutes, Exec[utive] circ[ular]s, 1975, 1975 (File) - Box 34 (Sequence 2)
W[estern] A[ustralia] region, material to be archived, 1982-83, 1978 - 1984 (File) - Box 43 (Sequence 2)
Miscellaneous papers (File) - Box 43 (Sequence 2)
Patrons are advised this file is unavailable pending preservation treatment.
Executive member reports and tabled documents, to be archived, 1983 - 1984 (File) - Box 45 (Sequence 2)
Attention: Executive Office, general administration, state of play, week beginning Monday 13 February, 1984 (File) - Box 45 (Sequence 2)
Attention: Executive Officer, Finances, week beginning Monday, 13 February, 1984 (File) - Box 45 (Sequence 2)
Series 9. Annual Council
This series is further divided into the following Subseries:
Subseries 1. Contains Council reports, papers, statements and minutes
Proceedings of the Conference of the Governing Student Bodies of the Six Australian Universities, held at Adelaide, 15-19 February, 1937, in conjunction with the Australasian Universities' Conference, 1937 (File) - Box 47 (Sequence 2)
NUAUS First Council Meeting and Conference Proceedings, held at the University of Sydney, 17-24 January, 1938 (File) - Box 47 (Sequence 2)
Report of proceedings of the NUAUS Second Annual Conference and Council Meeting, held at the University of Melbourne, 23-28 January, 1939 (File) - Box 47 (Sequence 2)
Report of proceedings of the NUAUS Third Annual Conference and Council Meeting, held at Hobart, 22-26 January, 1940 (File) - Box 47 (Sequence 2)
Report of proceedings of the NUAUS Fourth Annual Conference and Council Meeting, held at Sydney, 17-24 January, 1941 (File) - Box 47 (Sequence 2)
Statement of NUAUS 19th Annual Council Meeting, held at Hobart, 7-8 February, 1955 (File) - Box 47 (Sequence 2)
Statement of NUAUS 20th Annual Council Meeting, held at Adelaide, 19-29 January, 1956 (File) - Box 47 (Sequence 2)
Reports presented to the NUAUS 20th Annual Council Meeting (other than those included in the Council Statement), 1956 (File) - Box 47 (Sequence 2)
Statement of NUAUS Annual Council Meeting, held at the University of Adelaide, 20-30 January, 1958 (File) - Box 47 (Sequence 2)
Reports other than those contained in the Council Statement, Adelaide, 1958 (File) - Box 47 (Sequence 2)
Statement of NUAUS Annual Council Meeting, held at the University of Melbourne, 4-15 January, 1959 (File) - Box 47 (Sequence 2)
Report on the Fifth International Student Conference, held at Birmingham, July 1955 by the NUAUS delegates, Marc Playoust and Chev Kidson, 1955 (File) - Box 47 (Sequence 2)
Additional reports submitted at NUAUS 24th Annual Council Meeting, Hobart, 1960 (File) - Box 48 (Sequence 2)
Report of the Vice President and Education officer to the 1960 NUAUS Council, 1960 (File) - Box 48 (Sequence 2)
Reports submitted at NUAUS 26th Annual Council Meeting, Melbourne, 1962: Volume 1, 1962 (File) - Box 48 (Sequence 2)
Reports submitted at NUAUS 26th Annual Council Meeting, Melbourne, 1962: Volume 2, 1962 (File) - Box 48 (Sequence 2)
Reports submitted at NUAUS 26th Annual Council Meeting, Melbourne, 1962: Volume 3, 1962 (File) - Box 48 (Sequence 2)
Council Statement and reports submitted at NUAUS 26th Annual Council Meeting, Melbourne, 1962: Volume 3, 1962 (File) - Box 48 (Sequence 2)
Council Statement and reports presented at NUAUS 27th Annual Council, 1963, 1963 (File) - Box 48 (Sequence 2)
Council Statement and reports submitted at NUAUS 28th Annual Council Meeting, Monash University, 1964: Volume 1, 1964 (File) - Box 48 (Sequence 2)
Reports submitted at NUAUS 28th Annual Council Meeting, Monash University, 1964: Volume 2, 1964 (File) - Box 48 (Sequence 2)
NUAUS 29th Annual Council Meeting, 1965, Perth: Council papers, Volume 1, 1964 (File) - Box 49 (Sequence 2)
NUAUS 29th Annual Council Meeting, 1965, Perth: Council papers, Volume 2, 1964 (File) - Box 49 (Sequence 2)
NUAUS 29th Annual Council Meeting, 1965, Perth: Council papers, Volume 3, 1964 (File) - Box 49 (Sequence 2)
NUAUS 29th Annual Council Meeting, 1965, Perth: Council papers, Volume 4, 1964 (File) - Box 49 (Sequence 2)
NUAUS 30th Annual Council Meeting, 1966, Hobart: Council papers, Volume 1, 1966 (File) - Box 49 (Sequence 2)
NUAUS 30th Annual Council Meeting, 1966, Hobart: Council papers, Volume 2, 1966 (File) - Box 49 (Sequence 2)
NUAUS 30th Annual Council Meeting, 1966, Hobart: Council papers, Volume 3, 1966 (File) - Box 49 (Sequence 2)
NUAUS 31th Annual Council Meeting, 1967, Melbourne: Council papers, Volume 1, 1967 (File) - Box 50 (Sequence 2)
NUAUS 31th Annual Council Meeting, 1967, Melbourne: Council papers, Volume 2, 1967 (File) - Box 50 (Sequence 2)
NUAUS 31th Annual Council Meeting, 1967, Melbourne: Council papers, Volume 3, 1967 (File) - Box 50 (Sequence 2)
NUAUS 32nd Annual Council Meeting, 1968, Melbourne: Council papers, Volume 1, 1968 (File) - Box 50 (Sequence 2)
NUAUS 32nd Annual Council Meeting, 1968, Melbourne: Council papers, Volume 2, 1968 (File) - Box 50 (Sequence 2)
NUAUS 32nd Annual Council Meeting, 1968, Melbourne: Council papers, Volume 3, 1968 (File) - Box 50 (Sequence 2)
NUAUS 33rd Annual Council Meeting, 1969, Melbourne: Council papers, Volume 1, 1969 (File) - Box 51 (Sequence 2)
NUAUS 33rd Annual Council Meeting, 1969, Melbourne: Council papers, Volume 2, 1969 (File) - Box 51 (Sequence 2)
NUAUS 33rd Annual Council Meeting, 1969, Melbourne: Council papers, Volume 3, 1969 (File) - Box 51 (Sequence 2)
NUAUS 34rd Annual Council Meeting, 1970, Melbourne: Council papers, Volume 1, 1970 (File) - Box 51 (Sequence 2)
NUAUS 34rd Annual Council Meeting, 1970, Melbourne: Council reports, Volume 2, 1970 (File) - Box 51 (Sequence 2)
NUAUS 34rd Annual Council Meeting, 1970, Melbourne: Council reports, Volume 3, 1970 (File) - Box 51 (Sequence 2)
AUS First Annual Council, Sydney, February 1971: Council reports, Volume 1, 1971 (File) - Box 52 (Sequence 2)
AUS First Annual Council, Sydney, February 1971: Council reports, Volume 2, 1971 (File) - Box 52 (Sequence 2)
AUS First Annual Council, Sydney, February 1971: Council reports, Volume 3, 1971 (File) - Box 52 (Sequence 2)
AUS Second Annual Council, Melbourne, February 1972: Council reports, Volume 1, 1972 (File) - Box 52 (Sequence 2)
AUS Second Annual Council, Melbourne, February 1972: Council reports, Volume 2, 1972 (File) - Box 52 (Sequence 2)
AUS Second Annual Council, Melbourne, February 1972: Council reports, Volume 3, 1973 (File) - Box 52 (Sequence 2)
AUS Third Annual Council, held at International House, University of Melbourne, 30 January-8 February, 1973 (File) - Box 52 (Sequence 2)
AUS Fourth Annual Council, held at John XXIII College, Australian National University, 15-23 January, 1974 (File) - Box 52 (Sequence 2)
AUS Fifth Annual Council, held at Monash University, North Eastern Halls, 28 January-5 February, 1975 (File) - Box 52 (Sequence 2)
Priorities for 1975: motions tabled at August Council 1974 for discussion at Annual Council 1975: position papers and proposals prepared by members of the Union for discussion by Annual Council, 1975 (File) - Box 52 (Sequence 2)
2nd National Colleges of Advanced Education Students' Conference, Melbourne, August, 1971 (File) - Box 52 (Sequence 2)
AUS 40th Annual Council, held at Monash University, North Eastern Halls, 14-22 January, 1976 (File) - Box 53 (Sequence 2)
AUS 41st Annual Council, held at Monash University, North Eastern Halls, 13-22 January, 1977 (File) - Box 53 (Sequence 2)
AUS 42nd Annual Council, held at Monash University, North Eastern Halls, 19-29 January, 1978 (File) - Box 53 (Sequence 2)
AUS Annual Council, Monash University, January 1979: Pre-Council volume, 1979 (File) - Box 53 (Sequence 2)
AUS Annual Council, January-February 1980: Pre-Council volumes, Pts 1-2, 1980 (File) - Box 53 (Sequence 2)
AUS Annual Council, January-February 1980: Pre-Council volume, Pt 2, 1980 (File) - Box 53 (Sequence 2)
AUS 44th Annual Council, University High School, January-February, 1980 [2 copies. One copy has cover page missing], 1980 (File) - Box 54 (Sequence 2)
AUS 45th Annual Council, University High School, 10-17 January, 1981: Pre-Council volume, 1981 (File) - Box 54 (Sequence 2)
AUS Annual Council, University High School, 9-16 January, 1982: policy [2 copies. One copy has some back pages missing], 1982 (File) - Box 54 (Sequence 2)
AUS 47th Annual Council Meeting, Australian National University, 15-22 January, 1983: advance Council papers, 1983 (File) - Box 54 (Sequence 2)
Subseries 3. Annual Council reports form Monash University
This series contains Council papers, reports and resolutions
AUS Annual Council 1977, 13-22 January, Howitt Hall, Monash University: guide to Council, agenda, motions on notice, officer reports, committee reports, additional position papers, 1976 (File) - Box 58 (Sequence 2)
Annual Council of the Australian Union of Students, Monash University, January 1977: Pre-Council volume, 1976 (File) - Box 58 (Sequence 2)
AUS Annual Council 1975, 28 January-5 February, Monash University: guide to Council, agenda, motions on notice, officers reports, committee reports, additional position papers, 1974 - 1975 (File) - Box 58 (Sequence 2)
Subseries 4. Council papers reports and circulars
Annual Council , 1972, Menzies College, Latrobe [University], 1971 - 1972 (File) - Box 59 (Sequence 2)
P R Jackson, Nat[ional] Sec[re]t]ary-Acc[ountan]t, Anita j Mullet, Annual Council, 1974 (File) - Box 59 (Sequence 2)
AUS, Third Annual Council, held at International House, University of Melbourne, 30 January-8 February, 1973 (File) - Box 59 (Sequence 2)
Annual Council 1973, delegate accommodation, International House, Melbourne, 1971 - 1973 (File) - Box 59 (Sequence 2)
Annual Council 1977,admin[istration] and finance, general, misc[ellaneous], 1976 - 1977 (File) - Box 60 (Sequence 2)
Annual Council 1978, admin[istration] and finance, general, misc[ellaneous], 1977 - 1978 (File) - Box 61 (Sequence 2)
Annual Council 1978, A[ssociate] M[embers] C[lub] E[?] R[esearch] O[fficer], housing (File) - Box 61 (Sequence 2)
[Australian] Liberal Students' [Federation], 35th Annual Council, 10-14 May, Brisbane, 1982 (File) - Box 63 (Sequence 2)
Series 10. August Council
This series includes August Council papers, reports and resolutions
NUAUS minutes of June Executive meeting, held in Melbourne, 3-4 June, 1961 and August Council Statement, 1961 (File) - Box 66 (Sequence 2)
NUAUS Council Statement and reports submitted at August Council Meeting, Melbourne, 1963: Volume 1, 1963 (File) - Box 66 (Sequence 2)
NUAUS reports submitted at August Council Meeting, Melbourne, 1963: Volume 2, 1963 (File) - Box 66 (Sequence 2)
NUAUS Council Statement and reports submitted at August Council Meeting, Melbourne, 1963: Volume 1 and NUAUS reports submitted at August Council Meeting, Melbourne, 1963: Volume 2, 1963 (File) - Box 66 (Sequence 2)
NUAUS August Council, 1964, Melbourne: resolutions and reports, Volume 1, 1964 (File) - Box 67 (Sequence 2)
NUAUS August Council, 1964, Melbourne: resolutions and reports, Volume 2, 1964 (File) - Box 67 (Sequence 2)
NUAUS August Council, 1965, Melbourne: resolutions and reports, Volume 1, 1965 (File) - Box 67 (Sequence 2)
NUAUS August Council Meeting, 1966, Melbourne: Council papers, Volume 1, 1966 (File) - Box 67 (Sequence 2)
NUAUS August Council Meeting, 1966, Melbourne: Council papers, Volume 2, 1966 (File) - Box 67 (Sequence 2)
NUAUS August Council Meeting, 1966, Melbourne: Council papers, Volume 3, 1966 (File) - Box 67 (Sequence 2)
NUAUS August Council Meeting, 1968, Melbourne: Council papers, Volume 1, 1968 (File) - Box 68 (Sequence 2)
AUS August Council 1971, St Kilda, Melbourne: Council reports, Volume 2, 1971 (File) - Box 69 (Sequence 2)
AUS August Council 1971, St Kilda, Melbourne: Council reports, Volume 3, 1971 (File) - Box 69 (Sequence 2)
AUS August Council 1972, George Hotel, Melbourne: resolutions, amended budget, 1972 (File) - Box 69 (Sequence 2)
AUS Annual Council '73: Third Annual Council held at International House, University of Melbourne, 30 January-8 February, 1973, 1973 (File) - Box 69 (Sequence 2)
AUS August Council 1973: Third August Council held at the George Hotel, Melbourne, 22-25 August, 1973, 1973 (File) - Box 69 (Sequence 2)
AUS August Council 1974: Fourth August Council held at the George Hotel, Melbourne, 19-24 August, 1974, 1974 (File) - Box 69 (Sequence 2)
[AUS] 1971 Council, Robin Cooper, [correspondence and telegrams, 1970-1971], 1970 - 1971 (File) - Box 70 (Sequence 2)
Series 11. Office Administration
This series also includes membership lists and mailing lists
Forelanders [Trust and other papers relating to office equipment], 1964-1969, 1963 - 1968 (File) - Box 72 (Sequence 2)
[NUAUS, trust funds, fund raising and financial assistance], 1958-66, 1958 - 1966 (File) - Box 72 (Sequence 2)
Post Master General's Department, correspondence and accounts, 1973-74, 1971 - 1974 (File) - Box 73 (Sequence 2)
Post Master General's Department, correspondence and accounts, 1967-69, 1967 - 1972 (File) - Box 73 (Sequence 2)
Postcodes, postal charges, maps, guidelines, passenger services, etc, 1981 - 1982 (File) - Box 74 (Sequence 2)
Series 13. Constituent Mail
Constit[uent] master file, 74-75: 2A, Oct[ober] 74-Feb[ruary] 75, 1974 - 1975 (File) - Box 80 (Sequence 2)
Constit[uent] master file, 74-75: 2B, Oct[ober] 74-Feb[ruary] 75, 1974 - 1975 (File) - Box 80 (Sequence 2)
Constit[uent] master file, 1975: 8, Nov[ember] 75-December 75, 1974 - 1975 (File) - Box 82 (Sequence 2)
Series 14. Financial Records
Includes invoices, accounts, cheque butts, pharmacy accounts, statements, receipts, budgets, sales sheets, sundry debtors, stocktake, cash register rolls).
AUS, Sundry debtors invoice journal, 1 Jan[uary] 1972 to 30 May 1976, 1972 - 1976 (File) - Box 106 (Sequence 2)
AUS F[riendly] S[ociety], Payment vouchers, June 1976: Cheque Nos 481420-481424 and 481432-481458, 1976 (File) - Box 108 (Sequence 2)
AUS F[riendly] S[ociety], Payment vouchers, July 1976: Cheque Nos 481459-481489, 1976 (File) - Box 108 (Sequence 2)
AUS F[riendly] S[ociety], Payment vouchers, August 1976: Cheque Nos 481490-481497, 1976 (File) - Box 108 (Sequence 2)
AUS F[riendly] S[ociety], Payment vouchers, September 1976: Cheque Nos 481498-481518, 1976 (File) - Box 108 (Sequence 2)
AUS F[riendly] S[ociety], Payment vouchers, October 1976: Cheque Nos 481519-481554, 1976 (File) - Box 108 (Sequence 2)
AUS F[riendly] S[ociety], Payment vouchers, November 1976: Cheque Nos 481555-481578, 1976 (File) - Box 108 (Sequence 2)
AUS F[riendly] S[ociety], Payment vouchers, February 1977: Cheque Nos 481588-481592, 1977 (File) - Box 108 (Sequence 2)
AUS F[riendly] S[ociety], Payment vouchers, March 1977: Cheque Nos 481593-481600 and 528201-528209, 1977 (File) - Box 108 (Sequence 2)
AUS F[riendly] S[ociety], Payment vouchers, April 1977: Cheque Nos 528210-518235, 1977 (File) - Box 108 (Sequence 2)
AUS Newcastle Pharmacy, May accounts 1977: Cheque Nos 528245-528262, 1977 (File) - Box 108 (Sequence 2)
AUS F[riendly] S[ociety], Payment vouchers, Newcastle Pharmacy, July 1977: Cheque Nos 528291-528327, 1977 (File) - Box 108 (Sequence 2)
AUS F[riendly] S[ociety], Payment vouchers, Newcastle Pharmacy, Novemebr 1977: Cheque Nos 528397-528400 and 497801-497824, 1977 (File) - Box 108 (Sequence 2)
Series 15. Campus Files
Armidale - College of Advanced Education and University of New England, 1968-1983 (File) - Box 129 (Sequence 2)
Australian Capital Territory - General and Australian National University, 1968-1984 (File) - Box 130 (Sequence 2)
Australian Capital Territory - Australian National University, Canberra College of Advanced Education and Canberra College of the Arts, 1969-1984 (File) - Box 131 (Sequence 2)
Ballarat - College of Advanced Education and Institute of Advanced Education, 1971-1983 (File) - Box 131 (Sequence 2)
Bathurst - General and Mitchell College of Advanced Education, 1974-1984 (File) - Box 131 (Sequence 2)
Bendigo - Institute of Technology and College of Advanced Education, 1970-1983 (File) - Box 132 (Sequence 2)
Churchlands - Teacher's College and College of Advanced Education, 1973-1983 (File) - Box 132 (Sequence 2)
Newcastle - University of and College of Advanced Education, 1974-1984 (File) - Box 143 (Sequence 2)
Preston - Institute of Technology and Technical and Further Education, 1981-1984 (File) - Box 143 (Sequence 2)
Queensland - general, Agricultural College, Institute of Technology, and University of, 1971-1983 (File) - Box 144 (Sequence 2)
South Australia - general, School of Art and College of Advanced Education, 1972-1984 (File) - Box 147 (Sequence 2)
Swinburne - College of Technology and Institute of Technology, 1972-1984 (File) - Box 148 (Sequence 2)
Sydney - College of Advanced Education and College of the Arts, 1979-1984 (File) - Box 148 (Sequence 2)
Tasmania - general and University of and College of Advanced Education (File) - Box 152 (Sequence 2)
Series 16. Education
Fees - correspondence with ministry and members. 2 editorials., (1968-1970) (File) - Box 164 (Sequence 2)
Folder labelled 'Executive Meeting' (correspondence re appointment 1971: references for candidates, etc.) (File) - Box 165 (Sequence 2)
Folder labelled 'Friendly Society': Miscellaneous correspondence, memos etc 1970-73. (File) - Box 165 (Sequence 2)
Correspondence - Assistant Education Officer (Participation), 1970-1971 (File) - Box 166 (Sequence 2)
Australian UNESCO committee for education & action in 1960s on UNESCO convention on education and racial discrimination. (File) - Box 167 (Sequence 2)
Correspondence with State and Federal Education Departments and Ministers, (1964-1970) (File) - Box 169 (Sequence 2)
Australian UNESCO Committee for Education - correspondence, (1968-1970) (File) - Box 169 (Sequence 2)
Miscellaneous correspondence with constituents and administrations, (1970-1972) (File) - Box 170 (Sequence 2)
Semesters (1970-72. Mostly reports from various academic sources and a report by Tom Tescher, Education Research Officer, AUS, Semesters?, published by Andrew Bain, EVP, AUS, North Melbourne, Dec 1972.) (File) - Box 170 (Sequence 2)
Ex-EVPs (1971-72. Contains letters, carbon copies, and reports of EVPs.) (File) - Box 170 (Sequence 2)
Correspondence with Australian Commission on Advanced Education, (1971-1972) (File) - Box 173 (Sequence 2)
(Cultural Affairs Department files approximately 1971-72: Dick Gregory, Yellow Bloom, Drama IV, Chess, Art, Revue Scripts, Miscellaneous correspondence of CAD, etc.) (File) - Box 174 (Sequence 2)
Archives but not for the AUS Archivist's Eyes (applications and references for position of Research Officer in AUS, 1970) (File) - Box 175 (Sequence 2)
Archives (applications and references for position of National Secretary of NUAUS, 1970) (File) - Box 175 (Sequence 2)
Letters to the editor, press releases and correspondence relating to articles, (1970) (File) - Box 176 (Sequence 2)
Radical/alternative schools. Correspondence with Bob Prater, SRC UNE, 1972, re estabtlishment of a radical school in Armidale, a learning exchange at 1078 High St Armidale 3143? and articles re such experimental schools elsewhere in the world (1971) and requests for information re such schools. (File) - Box 176 (Sequence 2)
Post school/post secondary education minutes of, and reports, to NUAUS Executive meetings, 1937-1956 (File) - Box 177 (Sequence 2)
Finance Committee - calling of meeting and correspondence re meeting, (1967) (File) - Box 178 (Sequence 2)
Post-secondary education: attrition documents on literacy and on educational research, (1962-1968) (File) - Box 180 (Sequence 2)
Financing of Education (1962-70, mainly photocopy, articles and other printed material) (File) - Box 180 (Sequence 2)
Documents on tertiary students(1962-69). Educational research by D.S. Anderson and others) (File) - Box 180 (Sequence 2)
Post secondary education: reports, submissions, Newcastle University, (1961-1971) (File) - Box 182 (Sequence 2)
1971 May LEWO Conference Originals (Speech ect. LEWO=Local Education and Welfare Officer) (File) - Box 185 (Sequence 2)
Correspondence with Federal and State Education Ministers, (1964-1970) (File) - Box 187 (Sequence 2)
Correspondence with Federation of Staff Associations of Australian CAEs, (1969-1972) (File) - Box 188 (Sequence 2)
Trainee teachers: Subject files including employment/unemployment, supply and demand, teacher education, 1984 (File) - Box 191-195 (Sequence 2)
Series 17. Women's Department
Administration - staff, finance, mail out lists, miscellaneous, 1975-1983 (File) - Box 197 (Sequence 2)
Reports, circulars, discussion papers, notes, press releases, 1980-1984 (File) - Box 201-203 (Sequence 2)
Administration files (1970-73 approximately Advertisements, room bookings, correspondence with individuals and organisations on minor matters.) (File) - Box 210 (Sequence 2)
Publications, including Liberation, Melbourne Liberation Newsletter, 1980-1982 (File) - Box 218 (Sequence 2)
Womens News Service, Womens Department News, Brisbane Women's Liberation Newsletter (File) - Box 224 (Sequence 2)
Series 18. Conferences, Seminars, Festivals
Subseries. A Conferences/seminars.meetings - General
Series 24. Related Student and Academic Organisations
Series 25. Non-Academic Organisations
Series 26. International
Overseas student organisations, including the Asian Student Organisation, Thai Students Association (File) - Box 341 (Sequence 2)
Includes Palestine, Timor, Thailand, the Asian Union, Vietnam and Chile (File) - Box 347 (Sequence 2)
Series 27. Student Politics
Series 28. Issues
Series 29. TEAS (Tertiary Education Assistance Scheme), Student Assistance Review Tribunal and Tertiary Assistance Review Committee.
Series 31. Numbered Files
This series contains 3 groups of numbered files: Group 1: This group is further subdivided according to subjects (Boxes 458-467), Group 2: Group of files in yellow envelopes (Boxes 468-470), Group 3: This group contains miscellaneous numbered files A - U (Boxes 471-472).
Series 33. AUS Publications
[AUS Education Information newsletters and welfare concessions booklet from the Australian Union of Students], 1977 - 1980 (File) - Box 479 (Sequence 2)
[AUS Education Information newsletters and internal correspondence], 1975 - 1977 (File) - Box 480 (Sequence 2)
[AUS Education Information newsletters, internal correspondence and booklets], 1975 - 1982 (File) - Box 480 (Sequence 2)
[Ed Notes: Australian Union of Students Research Briefs, a copy of Ed Fortnightly and Ed News], 1982 - 1984 (File) - Box 483 (Sequence 2)
[Copies of Radio Newsletter, AUS Newsnotes and AUS Education Research Briefs], 1976 - 1980 (File) - Box 484 (Sequence 2)
[Copies of Australian Union of Students Constituent Mail, AUS Newsnotes and Education News Service], 1975 - 1980 (File) - Box 484 (Sequence 2)
[Copies of Education Newsletter and Education News Service], 1969 - 1976 (File) - Box 484 (Sequence 2)
[Copies of Neoplasm and National News Link: Coast-to-Coast], 1976 - 1982 (File) - Box 484 (Sequence 2)
We Have Bugger All! - The Kulaluk story, by Cheryl Buchanan, Race Relations Department - Australian Union of Students, 1974 (File) - Box 485 (Sequence 2)
Australian Union of Students Submission (Part 1) to The Committee of Inquiry into Post-Secondary Education in South Australia, December 1976 (File) - Box 485 (Sequence 2)
Australian Union of Students Submission on Aspects of the fourth Victorian University, March 1971 (File) - Box 485 (Sequence 2)
On the Educational Consequences of T[ertiary] E[ducation] A[uthority of] S[outh] A[ustralia]'s Proposals for Rationalisation and Restructuring the South Australian CAEs, September 1980 (File) - Box 485 (Sequence 2)
Submission to the C.A.C.A.E. Concerning the Triennium 1973-5, October 1971 (File) - Box 485 (Sequence 2)
A Discussion on the Problems Concerning the Proposed Re-Organization of the Inner-City Sydney Colleges of Advanced Education, April 1981 (File) - Box 485 (Sequence 2)
Claims for Change - A Submission to Senator Susan Ryan, Minister for Education and Youth Affairs from the Australian Union of Students, August 1983 (File) - Box 485 (Sequence 2)
Submission to: The New South Wales Minister for Education, The Honourable Paul Landa On the Future Development of Goulburn College of Advanced Education, May 1981 (File) - Box 485 (Sequence 2)
[Copies of PEMSO [Part-Time External and Mature Students Organisation] News], 1982 - 1983 (File) - Box 485 (Sequence 2)
Submission to the Australian Universities Commission For The Triennium, 1976 - 1978 (File) - Box 486 (Sequence 2)
Australian Union of Students: Student Participation in Australian Tertiary Institutions, 1968 - 1969 (File) - Box 486 (Sequence 2)
Wagga Wagga, Australian Union of Students, More Words [Includes workshop reports from Second National Trainee Teachers Conference April 16-19, 1976], 1976 (File) - Box 486 (Sequence 2)
Wagga Wagga, Australian Union of Students, Words Words [Includes motions from Second National Trainee Teachers Conference April 16-19, 1976], 1976 (File) - Box 486 (Sequence 2)
Australia's Economic Crisis: Information for Students and Workers, September 1975 (File) - Box 486 (Sequence 2)
Australian Union of Students Education Policy [Includes the education resolutions of the 1978 Council of the Australian Union of Students, the 1978 AUS education budget and the regulations governing the affairs of the AUS Education Department], 1978 (File) - Box 486 (Sequence 2)
National Education Collective documents [Meeting of the National Education Collective, AUS Secretariat, Melbourne, Saturday-Sunday, March 20-21, 1976], 1976 (File) - Box 486 (Sequence 2)
Homosexuality: An action and resource guide for tertiary students, c. 1976 (File) - Box 486 (Sequence 2)
The State of the Economy: Will the mini-boom lead to a lasting recovery?, April 1979 (File) - Box 486 (Sequence 2)
AUS Secretary's Handbook [Contains lists of office holders of 1976], 1976 (File) - Box 486 (Sequence 2)
Submission to the C.A.C.A.E. Concerning the Triennium 1973-5, October 1971 (File) - Box 486 (Sequence 2)
AUS Education Policy [includes resolutions adopted at the Annual Council of the Australian Council of the Australian Union of Students, Monash University, January 13-22, 1977], 1977 (File) - Box 486 (Sequence 2)
National Union of Australian University Students Education Policy, February 1970 (File) - Box 487 (Sequence 2)
Australian Union of Students, Student Participation in Australian Tertiary Institutions, July 1971 (File) - Box 487 (Sequence 2)
Australian Union of Students, Report of the Education Vice President to February Council, 1971 (File) - Box 487 (Sequence 2)
A Discussion on the Problems Concerning the Proposed Re-Organization of the Inner-City Sydney Colleges of Advanced Education, April 1981 (File) - Box 487 (Sequence 2)
National Union of Australian University Students, A Study of Some First Year Students at the University of Melbourne, 1961 (File) - Box 487 (Sequence 2)
National Union of Australian University Students, Education Department, Some Aspects of University Teaching and Learning, December 1969 (File) - Box 488 (Sequence 2)
National Union of Australian University Students, Education Department, Fact Sheets on Inequalities in Australian Education, July 1969 (File) - Box 488 (Sequence 2)
National Union of Australian University Students, A Study of Some First Year Students at the University of Melbourne, 1961 (File) - Box 488 (Sequence 2)
China and the world community [The Australian Institute of International Affairs Second National Conference], 1972 (File) - Box 488 (Sequence 2)
National Union of Australian University Students, The Diploma of Education Course, 1967 (File) - Box 488 (Sequence 2)
Series 35. Publications, Reports, Submissions, Theses, Pamphlets, Position papers etc
Survey on Student Government and Representation in C.A.E.'s [Colleges of Advanced Education], August 1971 (File) - Box 489 (Sequence 2)
[Papers from the University of New South Wales Tertiary Education Research Centre], 1970 (File) - Box 489 (Sequence 2)
Some Characteristics and Performance of the 1969 University of Newcastle Intake, September 1971 (File) - Box 489 (Sequence 2)
The Effect of Socio-Class Membership on Certain Aspects of School Performance and Educational Expectations of Students and Parents in the Geelong Area, prepared by Dr. M. Balson, August 1965 (File) - Box 489 (Sequence 2)
The Universities Commission formerly "The Australian Universities Commission", prepared by Penny Ryan, April 1974 (File) - Box 489 (Sequence 2)
An Investigation of the Work Load of First-Year Students in the Diploma in Technology in Business Administration, by G.W.H. Gosling, July 1974 (File) - Box 489 (Sequence 2)
Students, Staff, and University: A study of teaching and learning in the Faculty of Arts [Parts 1 and 2], April 1974 (File) - Box 489 (Sequence 2)
Staff and Organisation Development Policy, Discussion Paper, by P. Sellers, 1974 (File) - Box 489 (Sequence 2)
Report to the Board of the School of General Studies, Joint Committee of the Board of the School and the ANU Students' Association Appoint to Consider Implementation of Desirable Objectives, 1974 (File) - Box 489 (Sequence 2)
Monash Research Students Association Forum, "Changing Attitudes in Australian Education", 21 February 1974 (File) - Box 489 (Sequence 2)
Parliamentary Debates, House of Representatives, Daily Hansard, 1 October 1974 (File) - Box 489 (Sequence 2)
[Australian Vice-Chancellors' Committee memorandums regarding student services and student participation], 1972 - 1973 (File) - Box 490 (Sequence 2)
Report of a Seminar on "Continual Assessment" held at the University of New South Wales, University of New South Wales Tertiary Education Research Centre, 1970 (File) - Box 490 (Sequence 2)
Fact Sheets on Inequalities in Australian Education [NUAUS], July 1969 (File) - Box 490 (Sequence 2)
Australian Vice-Chancellors' Committee, Student Representation - Additional Questions, 1969 (File) - Box 490 (Sequence 2)
The Crisis in Education: A Student Report, prepared by Michael W. Hunt, 22 April 1966 (File) - Box 490 (Sequence 2)
Democracy in Education Seminar, Moreland Community School, June 15 & 16, Discussion Papers, 1973 (File) - Box 490 (Sequence 2)
The Association of Youth Organisations of New South Wales, Design, Method and Consequence, Youth Work in New South Wales, Report of Seminar Held in Sydney, 1969 (File) - Box 490 (Sequence 2)
Learning and Teaching in the CAEs 1969 [Volume 1: Report, Volume II: Appendices and Volume III: Additional Student Data, Victoria], 1970 (File) - Box 490 (Sequence 2)
Prospects of Improving the Accommodation of Students of the University of Melbourne, August 1960 (File) - Box 490 (Sequence 2)
Teachers' Higher Certificate, Optional Thesis, The Criteria of a Profession, by Richard Hatchett, May 1967 (File) - Box 490 (Sequence 2)
Opening the Options, A submission to the Open University Committee, August 1973 (File) - Box 490 (Sequence 2)
Report of The Director-General's Committee of Enquiry Into a Proposed Organisation of Autonomous Teachers' Colleges, August 1970 (File) - Box 490 (Sequence 2)
Budgets Anonymous, A Report by the Committee of the Monash Research Students Association on the Finances of Postgraduate Scholars at Monash University, Australia, in 1969, September 1970 (File) - Box 490 (Sequence 2)
University of New South Wales, Tertiary Education Research Centre, The General Studies Programme - An Overview, 1969 (File) - Box 490 (Sequence 2)
[Copies of Counselling Monographs number 3 and 4 from the Australian & New Zealand Student Services Association], 1975 (File) - Box 491 (Sequence 2)
Production Options for the Future: A social, environmental, economic and technical assessment, June 1975 (File) - Box 491 (Sequence 2)
Girls, School & Society: Report by a study group to the Schools Commission, November 1975 (File) - Box 491 (Sequence 2)
A Gay Bibliography: A Select, Partially-Annotated Bibliography, October 1976 (File) - Box 491 (Sequence 2)
A Bibliography of Radical and Progressive Writings in Victorian Education 1964 - 1976, by Denise Jepson, 1976 (File) - Box 491 (Sequence 2)
Liberate Southern Africa, A Survey of News and Opinion, published by CARE (Campaign Against Racial Exploitation), 1976 (File) - Box 491 (Sequence 2)
Land Rights or a Sell Out?: An Analysis of the Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Bill. 1976, by Geoff Eames, 1976 (File) - Box 491 (Sequence 2)
Submission to the Australian Commission on Advanced Education for the Triennium 1976/78, Student Guild of the Western Australian Institute of Technology, c. 1975 (File) - Box 491 (Sequence 2)
The University of Adelaide Careers Advisory Board 2nd Annual Report, 1976 - 1977 (File) - Box 491 (Sequence 2)
Federation of Staff Associations of Australian Colleges of Advanced Education, Further Submission to - The National Inquiry Into Education and Training: The Strengths and Weaknesses of Colleges of Advanced Education - By Identifiable Type, May 1978 (File) - Box 491 (Sequence 2)
V.I.C. Submission to the Victorian Committee on Post-Secondary Education, V.I.C. Monograph I, External Studies, 17 August 1977 (File) - Box 491 (Sequence 2)
Submission by Northern Land Council to the Joint Select Committee on Aboriginal Land Rights in the Northern Territory [Part 1], April 1977 (File) - Box 491 (Sequence 2)
Australian Vice-Chancellors' Committee, Student Participation, 12 July 1977 (File) - Box 491 (Sequence 2)
Federation of Australian University Staff Associations, Committee on the Status of Women Academics, November 1977 (File) - Box 491 (Sequence 2)
Special Issue: The Attack on Campus Staff, Volume 4, Number 8, 24 July 1978 (File) - Box 491 (Sequence 2)
Parliamentary Select Committee of Inquiry Into Education, Queensland Teachers Union Supplementary Submission, October 1978 (File) - Box 491 (Sequence 2)
Q.T.U. Submission on Social Education, Professional Rights of Teachers, Literacy and Numeracy to The Select Committee of Inquiry Into Education, July 1978 (File) - Box 491 (Sequence 2)
Student Services Co-Ordinating Committee - Health of Students, June 1979 (File) - Box 492 (Sequence 2)
Submission to the Teacher Education Inquiry with Particular Reference to the Position of Women and Girls in Education and Affirming the Principle of Equality of Opportunity - From the Social Development Unit, N.S.W. Ministry of Education, 20 November 1979 (File) - Box 492 (Sequence 2)
[Papers from the Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations regarding Renumeration Under the Commonwealth Postgraduate Award Scheme], 1979 (File) - Box 492 (Sequence 2)
Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations Annual Report, 1979 - 1980 (File) - Box 492 (Sequence 2)
Education funding and restructuring: Issues raised on the Tertiary Education Commission's Recommendations for 1979, 1978 (File) - Box 492 (Sequence 2)
Extracts from an analysis of the Williams report: Appendix 3 to ERO report, by Simon Marginson, undated (File) - Box 492 (Sequence 2)
Controversial Issues, A Further Paper, Complete the Pros and Cons, September 1979 (File) - Box 492 (Sequence 2)
Renumeration Under the Commonwealth Postgraduate Award Scheme, A Submission by C[ouncil of] A[ustralian] P[ostgraduate] A[ssociations] to the Federal Government, May 1979 (File) - Box 492 (Sequence 2)
Employment, Unemployment and Labour Market Trends, by Ron Jones, May 1979 (File) - Box 492 (Sequence 2)
[Submissions to the University of Melbourne University Council from the Students' Representative Council, University of Melbourne], 1980 (File) - Box 492 (Sequence 2)
Planning Committee with respect to the reorganisation of certain Colleges of Advanced Education in the Sydney Metropolitan Area, First Summary Report, December 1980 (File) - Box 492 (Sequence 2)
Elimination of Sexism in Education - 1980 Seminar Papers, Australian Techers' Federation, 1980 (File) - Box 492 (Sequence 2)
College Amalgamations: Will Women be the First Casualties>, CASA Survey of Staffing in CAEs Proposed for Immediate Amalgamation, July 1981 (File) - Box 492 (Sequence 2)
Report of the Advisory Committee on Off-Campus Studies to the Victorian Post-Secondary Education Commission, November 1981 (File) - Box 492 (Sequence 2)
[Background papers and submissions regarding postgraduate renumeration and tuition fees], 1981 - 1983 (File) - Box 492 (Sequence 2)
University Assembly Report: Melbourne University - Adjustment or Agistment?, August 1980 (File) - Box 492 (Sequence 2)
Submission to the Commonwealth Tertiary Education Commission on the 1984 Guidelines, October 1983 (File) - Box 493 (Sequence 2)
The Australian Union of Students; And the 1977 Amendments to Acts Governing Students Guilds and Associations in W.A., c. 1981 (File) - Box 493 (Sequence 2)
[Papers for Australian Vice-Chancellors' Committee regarding university archives and computer centre organisation and staff], December 1983 (File) - Box 493 (Sequence 2)
Victorian Post-Secondary Education Commission Policy on Extended Campus Operations, 1982 (File) - Box 493 (Sequence 2)
South Australian College of Advanced Education, External Studies Working Part First Report, 1982 (File) - Box 493 (Sequence 2)
Review of Structure of Commonwealth Tertiary Education Commission, March 1982 (File) - Box 493 (Sequence 2)
Federation of College Academics, Review of the Structure and Operations of the Commonwealth Tertiary Education Commission, February 1982 (File) - Box 493 (Sequence 2)
Future Perspectives for Advanced Education, A Discussion Paper, July 1982 (File) - Box 493 (Sequence 2)
Graphic Presentation Techniques for Lecturers, RMIT Education Unit, 1983 (File) - Box 493 (Sequence 2)
The Role of Postgraduates in Australian Research, by M. Powles, Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations, 1984 (File) - Box 493 (Sequence 2)
Renumeration Under the Commonwealth Postgraduate Award Scheme, A Submission by C[ouncil of] A[ustralian] P[ostgraduate] A[ssociations] to the Minister for Education, August 1981 (File) - Box 493 (Sequence 2)
Concerning Student Representation and Related Matters at the W.A.C.A.E, November 1981 (File) - Box 493 (Sequence 2)
A Record of the Postgraduates' National Conference and C.A.P.A. Annual General Meeting, January 1980 (File) - Box 493 (Sequence 2)
The Sydney University Postgraduate Representative Association, Submission to Commonwealth Scholarships Board on Postgraduate Research Awards, undated (File) - Box 493 (Sequence 2)
Submission by the P.G.S.A. on Levels of Allowance on Postgraduate Scholarship for 1983, 1982 (File) - Box 493 (Sequence 2)
The Role of Postgraduates in Australian Research, by M. Powles, Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations [Summary], 1984 (File) - Box 493 (Sequence 2)
Student Welfare, edited by Dorothea M. Krisch, United States National Student Association, undated (File) - Box 493 (Sequence 2)
An Investigation of the Problems of Part Time Students at the South Australian Institute of Technology, June 1976 (File) - Box 493 (Sequence 2)
Stress in the University' (New Roles for Health and Counselling Personnel), by Ken Robinson, Counselling Services, ANU [Australian National University], undated (File) - Box 493 (Sequence 2)
The Rasberry Exercises: How to Start Your Own School (and Make a Book), by Rasberry and Greenway, 1970 (File) - Box 493 (Sequence 2)
Aboriginal Education, Some Issues in Victoria, Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund, 1968 (File) - Box 494 (Sequence 2)
Multi-Own-Your-Own Unit Residential Complexes: An investigation into the use of common facilities and common spaces and the functioning of the body corporates, by William H. Foddy and Beverley Reid, Monograph Series No. 1, c. 1976 (File) - Box 494 (Sequence 2)
IDAC Document, Number 8, The Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Freire Ilich, The Oppression of Pedagogy, c. 1975 (File) - Box 494 (Sequence 2)
University Assembly, Decision-Making Structures Working Group, "Decision Path", Appendix - The Aims of a University, c. 1976 (File) - Box 494 (Sequence 2)
Submission to: Tertiary Education Commission of Tasmania Committee on the Future Structure of Teacher Education in Southern Tasmania, undated (File) - Box 494 (Sequence 2)
[Reports regarding Australian literature, English language and study methods], 1977 (File) - Box 494 (Sequence 2)
Toward a Political Economy of Education: A Radical Critique of Ivan Illiach's Deschooling Society, by Herb Gintis, undated (File) - Box 494 (Sequence 2)
Forum on Education: Is There a Crisis?, Monash University, 27 September 1965 (File) - Box 494 (Sequence 2)
The Returning of the Australian Education System and the New International Division of Labour by Michael Gallagher, June 1979 (File) - Box 494 (Sequence 2)
Australian Democrats Education Portfolio, Senator Michael Macklin, Education Spokesperson, c. 1983 (File) - Box 494 (Sequence 2)
Submission to the Royal Commission on Human Relationships, F.C.L. Beighton and J. B. Cole, c. 1974 (File) - Box 494 (Sequence 2)
University of Melbourne, Committee for Student Services, Working Group on Part-Time Students, 1978 (File) - Box 494 (Sequence 2)
Reform, Revolt or Deschool? What to do About Schooling, Monday and Tuesday, 21st and 22nd June, "Open Schools - Closed Society", Progressive education in Practice and the Free School Alternative by Rachel Sharp, c. 1976 (File) - Box 494 (Sequence 2)
The Gippsland Institute, A Sociological Case Study of a Regional College of Advanced Education, V. Lynn Meek, February 1983 (File) - Box 495 (Sequence 2)
[Internal correspondence, including the Campus Women's Groups, local presidents and finance committee], 1979 (File) - Box 496 (Sequence 2)
University of Melbourne, University Assembly, University Meeting, 21 March 1979 (File) - Box 496 (Sequence 2)
Adelaide University Union, Media Release, Students Bill Government Body, 22 September 1980 (File) - Box 496 (Sequence 2)
[Various leaflets regarding funding cuts, library fees, strikes, Youth Affair Council of Australia, events and student issues], 1984 - 1985 (File) - Box 496 (Sequence 2)
National Union of Australian University Students, Proceedings of Ninth Council Meeting, held at the University of Adelaide, 5 February 1945 - 12 February 1945 (File) - Box 496 (Sequence 2)
UNESCO Youth Research Project in Australia, Report of Meeting Held 30th May 1973 at Y.M.C.A. National College, South Melbourne, Commencing at 10.00AM, 30 May 1973 (File) - Box 496 (Sequence 2)
[Power Research Guide front page and table of contents and Emmanual College fee breakdown], 1970 - 1976 (File) - Box 496 (Sequence 2)
The University of Sydney, Survey of Student Accommodation Needs, October 1965 (File) - Box 496 (Sequence 2)
Combine Organisations for Public Sector Expenditure, C.O.P.S.E, An Alternative Economic Program, October 1977 (File) - Box 496 (Sequence 2)
Appendix D, Information Relating to the State Teachers' Colleges of Victoria, undated (File) - Box 496 (Sequence 2)
Commission on Advanced Education, Non-Government Teachers Colleges, 1974 - 1975 (File) - Box 496 (Sequence 2)
Schools Commission, 1974-75 Programs, Progress Report on Disadvantage Schools Program, December 1974 (File) - Box 496 (Sequence 2)
Aid in a Changing Society: A Handbook of the Australian Aid Debate, by Kate Moore and Sue Tuckwell, 1975 (File) - Box 496 (Sequence 2)
Australian Economic Ties With South Africa, Michael Little, September 1976 (File) - Box 496 (Sequence 2)
Australian Union of Students, Commonwealth Scholarships Submission, 1971 (File) - Box 496 (Sequence 2)
Series 36. Press cuttings
AUS's role in impacting education policy: Appendix 4 to ERO report, Simon Marginson, c. 1980 (File) - Box 497 (Sequence 2)
Press Clippings, Australian Teachers' Federation, Media Release, Premiers Conference Vital For Schools, 1979 (File) - Box 497 (Sequence 2)
Series 37. Miscellaneous papers
Subseries 1. Various
[Framed photograph of National Union of Australian University Students 24th Annual Council Meeting, Hobart], February 1960 (File) - Box 500 (Sequence 2)
Slides, cassette tapes, reel-to-reel tapes (File) - Box 501 (Sequence 2)
Bob Scott of NZ SCM letter to Sandy Yule (General Secretary Australian SCM)after visiting South Africa 1972, 1972 (Item NLA.MS-SAV018019) - Cassette-Box 853
1 item, Silver Sonic C60, Compact cassette tapeTIRAY001, National Student Centre Thailand. 29/03/1973, 29/03/1973 (Item NLA.MS-SAV018020) - Cassette-Box 853
1 item, Sony C90, Compact cassette tapeChitepo press conference 16/07/1973, 16/07/1973 (Item NLA.MS-SAV018021) - Cassette-Box 853
1 item, BASF C90, Compact cassette tapeChitepo address at National Press Club 17/07/1973. Start of Gilmore AWD address, 17/07/1973 (Item NLA.MS-SAV018022) - Cassette-Box 853
1 item, BASF C90, Compact cassette tape'Shot from Both Sides'. A US program. Program 1 of 2. October 1979, Oct-79 (Item NLA.MS-SAV018023) - Cassette-Box 853
1 item, Chapple C60, Compact cassette tape'Shot from Both Sides'. A US program. Program 2 of 2. October 1980, Oct-79 (Item NLA.MS-SAV018024) - Cassette-Box 861
1 item, Chapple C60, Compact cassette tapeInterview Brenda Forbatt Ann Dackior? Women's Centre (Fiona). 20/04/1983, 20/04/1983 (Item NLA.MS-SAV018025) - Cassette-Box 861
1 item, Scotch 90, Compact cassette tapeSide 1: Official Australia. Side 2: Unofficial Australia (Item NLA.MS-SAV018026) - Cassette-Box 861
1 item, Scotch C60, Compact cassette tapeSide A: TAS 1. Side B: TAS 2 (Item NLA.MS-SAV018028) - Cassette-Box 861
1 item, Sharp C90, Compact cassette tapeInterview with Brendan O'Dwyer (Item NLA.MS-SAV018030) - Cassette-Box 861
1 item, Lanier Business Products C60, Compact cassette tape'Malcolm of the Undertow' (Item NLA.MS-SAV018033) - Shelf-Short OH2-2-021
1 item, 5" unbranded, Magnetic tape reel (any size)15ips NAB 2x1/2 track stereo
[Original documents such as speech transcripts, memorandums, articles and reports], 1976 (File) - Box 503 (Sequence 2)
Subseries 2. Posters
Posters: Covers various issues such as women, sexual harassment, abortion, sexism, homosexuality, TEAS, political parties, student loans, razor gang, apartheid, international, environmental uranium peace and other general topics.
Student Unionism Training Program - Stanwell Tops Campsite (Item) - Map-Folio 513 (Sequence 2)
Poster for an AUS training program to be held on 11-13 June. Authorised by Julia Gillard.
The Eighth National Conference of Lesbians and Homosexual Men - Canberra (Item) - Folio [Poster run]
'When I've spent the day causing inflation and unemployment, it's hard to think of what to cook for dinner (x2) (Item) - Folio [Poster run]
Things that Work Against women at Work: 3 - Women have husbands to support them (Item) - Folio [Poster run]
When the masculine is the yardstick by which everything is measured then women are not equal - sexism - an industrial issue (Item) - Folio [Poster run]
Repeal AU Abortion Laws - We demand the right to control our bodies, our lives and our fertility (Item) - Folio [Poster run]
We Women's Theatre - 'As our mothers grow old' and 'Echoes of old Folks Homes' - Fitzroy (Item) - Folio [Poster run]
Bloody Good Graffix - Posters designed and printed at Melbourne University Screenprinting Centre (Item) - Folio [Poster run]
The Chant of Malcolm Fraser - Fight Fraser's budget - Defend Student unions rally (Item) - Map-Folio 513 (Sequence 2)
AUS poster for a rally on 28 September in Hobart, Perth, Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide.
The Union Strikes Back - Darth Fraser and the Laser Gang vs Thousands of Students (Item) - Folio [Poster run]
Student loans puts your education in the balance - graduating with a $10,00 debt may just tip the scales (Item) - Folio [Poster run]
What about 'the state of the colleges'? On April 3 think how your college used to be (Item) - Folio [Poster run]
No student should be poor - Everyone must get TEAS. Abolish the means test (Item) - Folio [Poster run]
'But what can we do about it? - A conference to discuss and develop counter sexist strategies in school (Item) - Folio [Poster run]
Vote yes to AUS - Without AUS you're on your own (Item) - Map-Folio 513 (Sequence 2)
AUS poster authorised by the Returning Officer, N Lippett.
Throw them a banana not your union! - Vote no to secession from AUS (Item) - Map-Folio 513 (Sequence 2)
AUS poster.
They wouldn't trust us with a vote - Why trust them with the government? (Item) - Map-Folio 513 (Sequence 2)
AUS poster authorised by Neil Mclean.
I'm not going to be an April fool! I'll have my TEAS form in by March 31st (Item) - Map-Folio 513 (Sequence 2)
AUS poster authorised by David Fowler, Education Vice-President.
Are you one of the thousands of students who don't get TEAS? - Help AUS present your case at federal budget time - Every call AUS gets makes your case stronger (Item) - Map-Folio 513 (Sequence 2)
AUS Media poster for an AUS May Day Phone-in on Tuesday, 1st May. Authorised by Lesley Yates, Education Vice President.
Don't bank on loans - Don't bank with banks that operate the Loans Scheme - withdraw your money - close your account - stop the Loans Scheme before it starts (Item) - Map-Folio 513 (Sequence 2)
AUS - NSW region poster designed by David McClintock.
Hands off student unions - Yer, rack off Fraser - Students can manage their own affairs (Item) - Map-Folio 513 (Sequence 2)
AUS poster produced by the Student Representative Council Publicity Collective and published in Interpellator, No 5, 1978, page 17.
Best of the pack! - Wurm for President (Item) - Map-Folio 513 (Sequence 2)
An election poster for Jackie Wurm.
AUS - curriculum, structure, action - education conference (Item) - Map-Folio 513 (Sequence 2)
Poster for an AUS education conference held at the South Australian College, City Campus on 22-25 April.
Kids need teachers need jobs (Item) - Map-Folio 513 (Sequence 2)
A poster in support of the AUS National Education Campaign. Authorised by Grahame McCulloch, AUS Education Vice President. MS Acc22.050 Item 16/53 is another copy of this poster.
Compulsory unionism is our right! - All students benefit - Defend the right to organise! - Reject Hamer's anti-student legislation and student control of student affairs! - Defend student union autonomy! Protest against Hamer's anti-student legislation (Item) - Map-Folio 513 (Sequence 2)
Two sided AUS poster for a rally on Thursday, 13 April at 1.00 pm in Bourke Street Mall and a march to Parliament House. MS Acc22.050 Item 37/53 is another copy of this poster.
Class (5) MS Acc GB 1992.0505. Consignment added 1992 - Box 1-26 (MS Acc GB 1992.0505)
10.65 metres,Note: no contents list is available for this class. Patrons arve advised this consignment requires preservation treatment before access.
Class (6) MS Acc97.156. Consignment added 1997
[WAFA: Palestine News Agency], 1980 - 1981 (File) - Box 1-2 (MS Acc97.156)
Newsletters produced by WAFA, the Palestine News Agency (Wakalat al-AnbaD al-Filastiniya) which was established in 1972 as the official news outlet for the Palestine Liberation Organization. NUAUS received a copy of the newsletter in English and in Arabic. In most cases each issue has been stapled or filed together by NUAUS. They have been arranged in chronological order. Issues are held from 8 February 1980-28 March 1981 with some gaps in the collection. There is also an occasional error in the numbering system. Included are Nos 28-33, 35, 39-48, 50-63, 69, 76, 80-81, 88, 91, 93, 95-114, 116, 118, 123-124, 126-131, 133-137, 140-145, 147-152, 154-155, 157-158, 160, 163-164, 168, 170, 172-177, 179-180, 183-186, 188-192, 195-196, 199-206, 208, 210, 212-216, 218-267, 269-286 and 288-299 for 1980 and Nos 1-26, 29-31, 33-49, 51-75 for 1981.
IUS [International Union of Students], 1972 - 1978 (File) - Box 3 (MS Acc97.156)
Publications produced by the IUS. Includes: For Chile-Venceremos: a documentation, [n.d]; World student news, Vol 30, No 8, 1976; Sport, Vol 21, No 2, 1977; Chile bulletin, No 5, May 1978; De bulletin, No 3, March 1978; European bulletin, Nos 5-6, May-June 1978 and Bulletin of the International Union of Students on student action for disarmament, No 3, 1978. There is also a news bulletin titled "Declaration on Ipan", August 1978 and a 1972 list of IUS member organisations.
[Australian Union of Students, publication], 1976 (File) - Box 3 (MS Acc97.156)
1976 AUS Secretary's handbook, 1976
[Posters], 1976 - 1977 (File) - Box 3 (MS Acc97.156)
Three posters published by the AUS. Includes: a poster for the first Australian political economy conference held at Sydney University, 18-20 June, [1976?]; a poster titled "They say cut back, we say fight back …...", April 1977 (2 copies) and a poster titled "Wanted: musicians, theatre groups, comedians, film makers, activists, community groups, pa and lighting, clowns, jugglers or even you", [n.d].
[Leaflets], 1976 - 1977 (File) - Box 3 (MS Acc97.156)
Four leaflets published by the AUS. Includes a leaflet for a tour of China, January-February, 1977; a leaflet opposing the visit to Australia by US Vice President Nelson Rockefeller in 1976; a leaflet for a rally regarding student financing on 10 June, 1976 and AUS Budget reaction paper No 7 titled "Cut military aid, not education!", [197?].
[Miscellaneous], 1976 (File) - Box 3 (MS Acc97.156)
Miscellaneous pages from AUS publications. Includes an unauthored article titled " Soviet Social-Imperialism in Australia-the Woollooloomoo investment", [n.d]; an AUS memorandum regarding an extraordinary resolution re "The financing of a National Affairs Department" (ER 3/76) and a leaflet setting out the publication dates and deadlines for Axis: the national student newspaper, [1976?].
[Australian Union of Students], 1977[?] (File) - Box 3 (MS Acc97.156)
Travel Board report and minutes from a Special Council of the Australian Union of Students, 17-18 September [1977?].
[Australian Union of Students], 1978 (File) - Box 3 (MS Acc97.156)
Pre-Council volume for the Annual Council of the AUS, Monash University, January, 1978.
[Publication], 1975 (File) - Box 3 (MS Acc97.156)
Asian Seminar proceedings, March 1974, edited by E H Medlin and published by the University of Adelaide, 1975.
[United Nations], 1986 (File) - Box 3 (MS Acc97.156)
Material relating to the United Nations International Year of Peace, 1986. Includes: correspondence, a poster advertising United Nations Day on 24 October, 1986 and a publication titled Messages and statements on the International Year of Peace, 1986 by Javier Perez de Cuellar.
[United Nations, publications], 1985 - 1987 (File) - Box 3 (MS Acc97.156)
Issues of Disarmament fact sheets published by the United Nations. Issues include: No 42, 1985 (2 copies); Nos 45-50, 1986-1987.
[United Nations, publications], 1986 (File) - Box 3 (MS Acc97.156)
United Nations publications including: Disarmament and development: joint declaration by the panel of eminent personalities in the field of disarmament and development, New York, 16-18 April, 1986, 1986 and an information paper titled The relationship between disarmament and development: questions and answers, 1986.
[United Nations], 1976 - 1979 (File) - Box 3 (MS Acc97.156)
Issues of Development Forum published by the United Nations. Issues include: Vol IV, No 7, September-October 1976; Vol V, No 3, April 1977; Vol VI, No 1, January-February 1978; Vol VI, Nos 3-10, April-December 1978; Vol VII, No 1, January-February, 1979; Vol VII, Nos 3-6, April-September, 1979.
[United Nations, publications], 1983 - 1987 (File) - Box 3 (MS Acc97.156)
Issues of Disarmament newsletter published by the United Nations. Issues include: Vol 1, No 2, October 1983; Vol 2, No 1, January 1984; Vol 3, Nos 3-4, July 1985-October 1985; Vol 4, Nos 2-3, July 1986-October 1986; Vol 5, No 1, January 1987 and Vol 6, No 3, November 1987.
[United Nations, publications], 1977 - 1984 (File) - Box 3 (MS Acc97.156)
Issues of United Nations in action published by the United Nations. Issues include: No 34, 1977; Nos 19-20, 1978; Nos 6, 9-12, 1980; Nos 1-12, 1981: Nos 1-12, 1982; Nos 1-3, 12 and an index of contents for 1983 and No 2, 1984.
[[UNICEF] United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund, publications], 1981 - 1982 (File) - Box 3 (MS Acc97.156)
UNICEF publications including: a UNICEF annual report for 1981; a report of the proceedings of the 9th annual conference of the UNICEF Committee of Australia, held at the Teachers Training College , Nedlands, Western Australia, 4 October 1981 and a UNICEF teaching materials catalogue, 1982.
[National Youth Council of Australia, miscellaneous], 1976 - 1978 (File) - Box 3 (MS Acc97.156)
Mostly miscellaneous material belonging to Fay Lewis who was an Executive Director of the NYCA from 1975-1978. Includes correspondence, broadsheets, agenda and minutes of meetings, information sheets, journal articles, memos, newscuttings, press releases, reports and submissions. Subjects include : unemployment; youth unemployment; community youth support schemes and unemployed self help groups. Also includes an issue of Encounter: for Lutheran youth, Vol 10, No 4, April 1976; an issue of Grassroots, No 15, [197?] and a copy of Employment and unemployment: the issues, published by the Youth Council of Australia, 1978. There are also multiple copies (15) of a paper titled "YOU: the first eight days", [n.d].
AUS Education information, 1978 (File) - Box 4 (MS Acc97.156)
A fortnightly publication of the Education Department of the AUS. Issues include: Vol 4, No 4, 20 December 1978 (2 copies); Vol 4, No 5, 20 December 1978; Vol 4, Nos 4-5, 11-18 December, 1978.
[Monday Conference, transcripts], 1976 - 1977 (File) - Box 4 (MS Acc97.156)
Transcripts of the ABC television program Monday Conference. Issues are held from 24 February 1975-15 August 1977 with some gaps in the collection. Included are Nos 133, 1975; Nos 184, 202, 204, 206, 1976; and Nos 213-215, 217-219, 222-224, 226-228, 231-232, 235-236, 1977.
National U, 1973 - 1977 (File) - Box 4 (MS Acc97.156)
Newspaper published by AUS. Issues include: 26 February, 5, 12, 19, 26 March and 2, 9 April, 1973; 9, 30 June and 8 September, 1975 and 7 March and 14 September, 1977.
[[IMCS], International Movement of Catholic Students], 1978 - 1980 (File) - Box 4 (MS Acc97.156)
Publications and miscellaneous circulars and information sheets relating to the IMCS. Publications include: The resurgence of the student movement in the Philippines, Pts I and II, 1980-1981; Church in China, Nos 1-4, 1981-1985 and Our mission in the university: a contribution of IMCS to the synod on laity, 1987. There are also some information leaflets on the IMCS pax roma.
IMCS Asia newsletter, 1981 - 1985 (File) - Box 4 (MS Acc97.156)
Published by the Asian Secretariat of the IMCS. Issues include: Vol 1, Nos 1-4, May 1981-March 1982; Vol 4, No 1, February 1984 and Vol 5, Nos 1-2, March 1985-September 1985.
IMCS Asia: document reprint service, 1978 - 1987 (File) - Box 4 (MS Acc97.156)
Series produced by the Asian Secretariat of the IMCS. Subjects include: economic issues: education: politics, religion and social issues in Asia. Issues include: Nos 5, 6 and 9, 1978; Nos 11-16, 1980; Nos 3-4, 7 and 10, 1981; Nos 1-6, 1982; Nos 1-2, 4-5, 8-9, and 12, 1983; Nos 1-6, 1985; No 6, 1986 and No 6, 1987. There are duplicate copies for Nos 5-6, 1978 (2 copies); No 1, 1983 (5 copies); No 2, 1983 (3 copies) and No 6, 1986 (2 copies).
Interflow, 1977 - 1979 (File) - Box 4 (MS Acc97.156)
Bi-monthly newsletter of the IMCS. Issues include: Vol I, Nos 4-6, 1977-1978 and Vol II, Nos 1-6, 1978-1979.
[[MELCOS], Melbourne Council for Overseas Students], 1986 - 1988 (File) - Box 4 (MS Acc97.156)
Correspondence, agenda and minutes of meetings relating to MELCOS from 28 April 1986-28 June 1988. Subjects include: accommmodation, orientation and other assistance for overseas students and MELCOS administrative and financial matters.
[Australian Union of Students], 1977 (File) - Box 4 (MS Acc97.156)
Report of the Annual Council of the AUS, held at Monash University, 13-22 January, 1977.
[Australian Union of Students], 1974 - 1980 (File) - Box 4 (MS Acc97.156)
Miscellaneous material relating to the Australian Union of Students. Includes notes, press releases, reports and some nominations/statements from candidates for AUS executive positions, 1980[?]. Reports include: a report of the National Overseas Student Service to the AUS Annual Council, held at Monash University, 14-21 January, 1976 and a submission titled The effect of the proposed tuition charge for overseas students in Australian post-secondary education and related matters, presented to the Commonwealth Minister for Education and the Commonwealth Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs, 1979. Also includes an AUS publication Australia's economic crisis: information for students and workers, 1975 and a leaflet titled "Stay in AUS: the facts", [n.d.].
[OSS[Overseas Students Service]], 1973 (File) - Box 4 (MS Acc97.156)
Various reports by OSS National Directors. They include: a report to the 1973 Interstate Conference of Co-ordinating Committees and Welfare Officers, held at Canberra, August 1983 and an OSS report to Immigration, August 1973. Also includes reports on the AUS February Council, 1973 and the OSS National Conference, May 1973.
[Australian Union of Students], 1978 (File) - Box 4 (MS Acc97.156)
Pre-Council volume for the Annual Council of the AUS, Monash University, January, 1978.
[Australian Union of Students], 1979 (File) - Box 4 (MS Acc97.156)
Pre-Council volume for the Annual Council of the AUS, Monash University, January-February, 1980 (2 copies). The second copy of this report has another report attached to it with the cover page missing. It appears to be an OSS report prepared for the OSS National Conference, held in Melbourne, August 1979.
Alleluia magazine, 1981 (File) - Box 5 (MS Acc97.156)
Published by the Alleluia Christian Missions, Penang, Malaysia. Issues include: Vol 1, Nos 1-3, January-August 1981.
Uniting Church of Fitzroy newsletter, 1981 - 1983 (File) - Box 5 (MS Acc97.156)
Published by the Uniting Church of Fitzroy, Melbourne, Victoria. Issues include: November-December 1981; March-April and July, 1982 and February, July, September and October 1983.
Newsletter of the Chinese Fellowship of Victoria, 1987 - 1989 (File) - Box 5 (MS Acc97.156)
Published by the Chinese Fellowship of Victoria, Melbourne. Issues include: August and September-October, 1987; Nos 4-6, 1988 and No 1-2, 1989.
Elderly Chinese Home newsletter, 1986 - 1987 (File) - Box 5 (MS Acc97.156)
Published by the Elderly Chinese Home Inc, Parkville, Melbourne, Victoria. Issues include; Vol 1, No 3, 1986; May 1987 (3 copies) and September 1987.
Newsletter of the Tertiary Catholic Federation of Australia, 1977 - 1981 (File) - Box 5 (MS Acc97.156)
Published by the Tertiary Catholic Federation of Australia. Issues include: No 5, 1977[?]; Nos 1-2, 5-6 and 8, 1978; Nos 1-4 and 6, 1979; Nos 3-6, 1980 and No 1, 1981. There is a duplicate copy of No 4, 1979. This file also contains some loose pages (13-20) from an unidentified report attended by Church representatives.
Notes and documents: United Nations Centre Against Apartheid, 1977 - 1987 (File) - Box 5 (MS Acc97.156)
Published by the United Nations Centre Against Apartheid. Most issues consist of a report/paper on a specific topic relating to apartheid. Issues include: No 20, 1974; Nos 25, 27, 32, 34-35, 38 and 40, 1975; Nos 7, 21-22, 28 and seminar numbers 5 and 12, 1976; No 5, 1980; Nos 19-20 and a special issue, 1983; Nos 1-2, 4-13, 1984; Nos 3-4, 6-11, 13-20 and a special issue for 1985; Nos 1-3, 6-9, 11-12, 20, 23 and 25, 1986; Nos 1, 7, 9-11 and a special issue, 1987. There are duplicate copies for No 27, 1975 (2 copies); No 35, 1975 (2 copies) and No 7, 1986 (2 copies). The file also includes information note No 1/ PAPI/1986.
[United Nations Centre Against Apartheid, publications], 1976, 1984-1985 (File) - Box 5 (MS Acc97.156)
Publications include: Plan of action for the promotion of the international campaign against apartheid, a concluding statement adopted by a strategy session organised by the United Nations Special Committee Against Apartheid, held in New York, 25-26 November, 1985; Declaration of the Seminar on the Legal Status of the Apartheid Regime and other legal aspects of the struggle against Apartheid held at Lagos, Nigeria, from 13 to 16 August 1984; Special meeting of the Special Committee Against Apartheid for consultation with the Minister of External Relations of France, H. E. Mr Claude Cheysson, United Nations Headquarters, 9 October 1984 and International solidarity with the struggle for liberation in South Africa, statements by H.E. Mme Jeanne Martin Cisse (Guinea), Chairman of the United Nations Special Committee against Apartheid (October 1975-April 1976).
[Miscellaneous military publications], 1977 - 1986 (File) - Box 5 (MS Acc97.156)
Mostly material published by the Commonwealth Department of Defence. Includes issues of Triad: a Defence magazine, Nos 6-8, 1977-1978; RAAF news, Vol 20, No 3, 1978 (2 copies) and Vol 20, No 4, 1978; Pacific defence reporter, Vol XII, No 10, 1986. Also includes booklets Australian naval history, 1977 and Airforce today, 1977. Other publications include: an issue of War in peace, vol 1, No 3, Orbis Publishing, London, 1983 and Soviet ground and rocket forces, Phoebus Publishing, London, 1977.
[World Anti-Communist League, publications], 1981 - 1987 (File) - Box 5 (MS Acc97.156)
Material published by the World Anti-Communist League, China Chapter and the Asian Peoples' Anti-Communist League, Republic of China. Includes a series of 46 pamphlets on communism dating from November 1981-December 1987. Issues include: Nos 255-256, 258-261, 265-267, 269-271, 273-278, 280, unnumbered pamphlet, 281-288, unnumbered pamphlet, 289-297, 300, 303-305 and 308-311. Also included is a second series of 8 pamphlets on communism published by the Kuang Lu Publishing Service and consisting of issues: E003-E006, E008, and E0011-E0013, February 1983-March 1986. There is also a series of publications titled Charts concerning Chinese communists on the mainland, consisting of Series 40-45, June 1982-July 1987.
[United Nations, publications], 1981 - 1982 (File) - Box 5 (MS Acc97.156)
Press releases including: text of resolutions and decisions adopted by the UN General Assembly during the first part of its 36th session, 15 December-18 December 1981 and the text of resolutions and decisions adopted by the UN General Assembly at its 9th Emergency Special Session, 29 January-5 February 1982.
[United Nations, publications], 1983 - 1984 (File) - Box 5 (MS Acc97.156)
Reports of the United Nations Council for Namibia including: The military situation in and relating to Namibia, 1983 and Social conditions in Namibia, 1983 (3 copies). There is also a report of a seminar in North America on the efforts by the international community to end South Africa's illegal occupation of Namibia, held at Montreal, Canada, 23-27 July, 1984.
[United Nations, publications], 1976 - 1983 (File) - Box 5 (MS Acc97.156)
Miscellaneous publications including: The International Covenants on Human Rights: and optional protocol, 1976; The United Nations and decolonization, 1977; UNDP progress report: the United Nations Development Programme in 1978, 1978; The Buenos Aires Plan of Action; for promoting and implementing technical co-operation among developing countries, 1978 and United Nations today-1982: suggestions for speakers, 1982. Also includes 4 pamphlets on declarations and programs of action to combat racism and racial discrimination, 1977-1982 and two posters consisting of a descriptive map of the United Nations, 1982 and a promotional poster for United Nations Day, 24 October 1982. There are also issues of Objective: justice, Vol 11, Nos 3-4, 1979 and Decolonization, No 19,December 1983.
[United Nations, publications], 1978 - 1986 (File) - Box 5 (MS Acc97.156)
Miscellaneous material including background papers, information sheets, press releases and reports. Subjects include: Beirut, disarmament, human rights, Kampuchea, Namibia, racism and racial discrimination and the rights of the child.
Alternate news service, 1975 - 1977 (File) - Box 6 (MS Acc97.156)
Compiled by the ANS collective and printed by AUS. Issues include: No 45, September 1975; No 48, October 1975 and an undated issue without a cover. These issues are looseleaf with multiple copies of some pages and other pages missing. Also includes issues: No 50, December 1975; No 74, April 1977 (2 copies) and No 75, May 1977. The latter issues are stapled together and do not contain any duplicate pages.
Alternate news service graphics, 1975 - 1976 (File) - Box 6 (MS Acc97.156)
Compiled by the ANS collective and printed by AUS. Issues include: Nos 6-7, August-September 1975; January 1976 and May-June 1976. Also includes looseleaf, multiple copies of pages from an undated issue with no cover page.
[Student newspapers, New Zealand], 1975 - 1978 (File) - Box 6 (MS Acc97.156)
Publications include: Craccum, Vol 51, No 15, June 1977; Caclin, No 5, [n.d]; Critic, Vol 52, No 3, March 1976; Silent Malaysia, a special supplement produced by the Victoria University of Wellington, [n.d], (four copies) and a special supplement regarding the 1979 International Students' Congress in Craccum, 23 April, 1979. Also includes issues No 1 (2 copies) and 2 of a publication titled National Students' issue which is a combined issue produced by the major student newspapers "Craccum", "Salient", "Canta", Chaff" and "Critic" in 1978. There is also an issue of Canta, No 25, October 1975 with a wrap around cover. The front page of this wrap around is titled "N Z Troth", No 2, Wednesday 22 October 1975.
Australia-China review, 1980 - 1983 (File) - Box 6 (MS Acc97.156)
Includes issues: Nos 1-11, August 1980-February 1983.
[Australia-China Council, publications], 1980 - 1985 (File) - Box 7 (MS Acc97.156)
Reports published by the Australia-China Council. They include: annual reports for 1978-1979; 1979-1980 and 1981-1982 and three copies of Australia-China Council review, 1978-75, [n.d 1985].
Alive weekly magazine, 1977 - 1981 (File) - Box 7 (MS Acc97.156)
Published by the Alive Production Collective, Guelph, Ontario, Canada. Issues are held from 21 May 1977-3 October 1981 with some gaps in the collection. Included are: Nos 77, 114-161 and 163-172. Duplicate copies exist for most issues with some having multiple copies.
Rote Fahne, 1978 - 1980 (File) - Box 7 (MS Acc97.156)
Newspaper of the German Communist Party (Zentralorgan der Kommunistischen Partei Deutschlands, KDP) from 1 February 1978- 19 March 1980. Issues include: Vol 9, Nos 5-6 and 40-52, 1978; Vol 10, Nos 1-2, 5-6, 8-37 and 39-52, 1979 and Vol 11, Nos 1-6, 1980. There are duplicate copies for Vol 10, No 18 (2 copies).
Australia-China newsletter, 1980 - 1985 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc97.156)
Newsletter of the Australia-China Council. In 1984 it changed name to the ACC newsletter. Issues are held from March 1980-December 1985. Issues include: Nos 1-5, 1980; Nos 1-4 and 6, 1981; Nos 1-3 and August 1982; January, May, August and November 1983; March, June, September and December 1984 and March, June, September and December 1985. Duplicate copies exist for most issues.
Australia-China Society (Vic Branch) news bulletin, 1974 - 1983 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc97.156)
Published by the Victorian Branch of the China-Australia Society. Issues are held from November 1974-August 1983 with some gaps in the collection. Issues include: November lift out supplement 1974; May lift out supplement and November 1975; April-May, August and October 1976; February, April-May, July and September-December 1978; February-June, August and October-November 1979; March, May-July, September-October and December 1980; February-March, May and November 1981; February, August and October-November 1982 and February and August 1983. There are two undated issues for 1982. Duplicate copies exist for many issues.
Asian student news, 1974 - 1986 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc97.156)
Published by the Hong Kong Federation of Students on behalf of the Asian Students Association. Issues are held from January 1974-September 1986 with some gaps in the collection. There are also some changes to the numbering system over time. Issues include: January-February and May-June 1974; April-September and Last Quarter 1975; January-April, July-August, September-October and November-December 1976; January-October 1977; 1st and 2nd Quarter, 1979; 1st-3rd Quarter, 1980; January, 1st Quarter, supplementary issue 1-March, supplementary issue 3-May and 2nd and 3rd Quarter 1981; No 1, February, supplementary issue 1-March, May and November 1982; January and July 1983; 1st and 2nd Quarter 1984; 1st-4th Quarters 1985 and 1st-3rd Quarters 1986. Duplicate copies exist for many issues.
Canta, 1975 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc97.156)
Newspaper published by the University of Canterbury Students Union, Christchurch, New Zealand. Issues include: Nos 5, 11-12, 14-20, 1975. No 5 consists of pages 9-16. There is another unnumbered 1975 issue consisting of pages 25-44 and possibly printed in September or October 1975. Also includes loose copies of special supplements which appeared in various issues of Canta. There are 16 copies of the third "Malaysia-Singapore supplement'" and an unnumbered supplement with the same title along with 38 copies of the first "Overseas students supplement" and 41 copies of another unnumbered "Overseas students supplement". The file also includes an issue of Malaysia monthly review, supplement 1, [n.d] and published in Christchurch, New Zealand.
New York times (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc97.156)
Issues of the New York times weekly review and New York times week in review from 16 April 1978-17 February 1980. There are some gaps in the collection. Issues of the New York times weekly review include: 16 and 30 April, 7, 14, 21 and 28 May, 4, 18 and 25 June, 9, 16 and 30 July, 6 August, 12, 19 and 26 November and 10 and 31 December 1978; 28 January, 18 March, 1 April, 13, 20, 27 May; 22 and 29 July; 5 and 26 August 1979; 6 and 20 January and 3 and 17 February 1980. Issues of the New York times week in review include: 20 and 27 August, 3, 17 and 24 September and 1, 8, 15 and 22 October 1978. The file also contains an issue of the New York times week in review, Vol XII, No 598, 14 August, 1978. It is possibly an issue printed in Japan as it has "100 yen and 25 cents" printed on the cover page.
Amandla: the HART information sheet, 1977 - 1978 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc97.156)
Produced by the Palmerston North HART supporters, New Zealand. Issues include: March-April and June-July 1977 and September-October 1978. Also includes a report from the "Halt All Racist Tours Movement of New Zealand" to all those committed to the elimination of apartheid and the ending of racial injustice, 7 October 1978.
Malaysia, 1977 - 1982 (File) - Box 9 (MS Acc97.156)
A monthly review of Malaysian affairs. Issues are held from February 1977-October 1982 with some gaps in the collection. Issues include: February, May and November-December 1977; January-March, July and September-November 1978; January and March 1979; March, May and August-September 1980; January, July and October 1981 and November 1982. Most issues are in English. There are three issues in the Malay language: January 1981; June 1981 and October 1982. Duplicate copies exist for many issues.
International bulletin, 1977 - 1981 (File) - Box 9 (MS Acc97.156)
Bulletin of the Hong Kong Federation of Students. Issues include: Nos 2, 5-6, 1977; No 5, 1979; Nos 1, 3 and an unnumbered issue for late 1980 (3 copies) and Nos 1-2, 1981.
Malaysian digest, 1976 - 1987 (File) - Box 9 (MS Acc97.156)
Published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Issues are held from June 1976-May 1987 with some gaps in the collection. Issues include: Vol 8, Nos 9-10 and 12, 1976; Vol 9, Nos 13 and 17, 1977; Vol 11, Nos 4, 12, 14-15, 1980; Vol 12, No 8, 1981; Vol 13, Nos 3-4, 6, 15-19, 1985 and Vol 18, No 5 1987. Duplicate copies exist for many issues.
Indonesian newsletter, 1978 - 1985 (File) - Box 9 (MS Acc97.156)
Published by the Information Service of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia, Canberra, ACT. Issues are held from March 1978-October 1985 with some gaps in the collection. Issues include: Nos 3-4, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16-17, 19, 21, 23-25A, 27 and 29, 1978; Nos 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12-14, 16, 18-19, 21, 23 and 25-26, 1979; Nos II, IV, VII, IX, XI-XII, XIV, XVI and 20-21, 1980; Nos 1, 4, 6-7, 9, 11-12 and 14-16, 1981; Nos 10-11, 13, 15-20 and 22-25, 1982; Nos 1-9, 11-12 and 14, 1983 and Nos 5-8, 1985.
News release, 1976 - 1980 (File) - Box 9 (MS Acc97.156)
Published by the Royal Thai Embassy, Canberra, ACT. Issues include: No 5, 1978; No 3, 1979 and an unnumbered issue for 1980. There is also a news release consisting of a translation of a letter received from the Students' Section of the Royal Thai Embassy and dated 3 November 1976. The letter is directed to Thai students under the supervision of the Thai Civil Service Commission and government officers on study leave.
[Australia-China Society, miscellaneous], 1974 - 1979 (File) - Box 9 (MS Acc97.156)
Includes: a copy of China today, Vol 2, No 1, 1978 and a news sheet published by the Australia-China Society regarding Sino-Vietnamese relations, [1979?]. There is also a folder containing a copy of the Constitution of the Australia-China Society Victorian Branch, 1974; a copy of the Monash University Australia-China Society Club Constitution for 1976 and a proposed new Constitution for 1979 along with an extract from the Monash Clubs and Societies Council regulations.
[New Zealand, progressive organisations, miscellaneous], c.1970-1988 (File) - Box 9 (MS Acc97.156)
Includes: an orientation issue of Komunikasi, the Wellington Malaysian Students' Organisation, March 1988; an information sheet listing the New Zealand sponsors of the Emergency Committee for Human Rights in Singapore (NZ), [n.d] and an information sheet titled "Lee Kuan Yew's Singapore", [c.1970]. Also includes two badges with the wording "Fight unemployment, demand the right to work", produced by the Engineers Union, Wellington, New Zealand.
[ASA [Asian Students Association], publications], 1975 - 1984 (File) - Box 9 (MS Acc97.156)
Publications include: Documents of the 5th General Conference Asian Students Association, 21st-25th November, 1975, Chiengmai, Thailand, 1977 (3 copies); A collection of documents of Asian Students Association (1969-1976), 1977; an issue of Asian womanhood, December 1984; Women's Commission newsletter, July-August and September-November 1976 and an undated issue, 1976[?]; a copy of Political asylum for Hishamuddin Rais now, a special bulletin published by the ASA Secretariat, March 1977; Asian students' views on the overseas students issue, June 1982 and Economic bulletin, periodic bulletin by NUISY, Chairman of the Commission of the ASA, [n.d]. There is also a booklet on the ASA (2 copies) and a leaflet on the ASA.
[ASA [Asian Students Association], conference], 1979 - 1981 (File) - Box 9 (MS Acc97.156)
Large file of material relating to the 7th General Conference of the Asian Students Association, held at Melbourne, Victoria, 6-9 January 1981. Includes discussion papers, notes, position papers and reports from various student associations and unions. Also includes some documents from the 6th ASA General Conference, 1979; minutes of the 2nd ASA Executive Council Meeting, held at Hong Kong, 1-3 October, 1980 and a policy statement for the International Student Association of Japan and International Student Conferencence in Japan, 1981.
[ASA [Asian Students Association], miscellaneous], 1976 - 1988 (File) - Box 9 (MS Acc97.156)
Miscellaneous material relating to the ASA consisting of circulars, conference papers and programs, information sheets, special bulletins and reports of meetings. Includes papers relating to an ASA Seminar held at Baghdad, Iraq, 1-5 April,1989; a prospectus for an Asian Students Workshop, held at Hong Kong, 11-14 December, 1978 and a report on the state of affairs of the ASA between 26 November 1975 and 31 December 1977. Also includes two ASA special bulletins titled "Soviet interference in Afghanistan", January 1980 (2 copies) and "Struggle for people's democracy: long live the spirit of the Thai student movement", October 1976. There is also a newsletter produced by the ASA Indigenous Peoples Rights Committee (IPRC) titled Roots, [n.d].
[ASA [Asian Students Association], posters], 1981 - 1984 (File) - Box 9 (MS Acc97.156)
Posters produced by the ASA. Titles include: "Asian students solidarity day, April 10th: self reliance, self determination"; "International day of protest, September 21, 1984"; "No to apartheid: stop the Springbok Tour, '81"; "Oppose the US-backed Chun Doo Hwan dictatorship!; "Women of Asia! ...... ASA Week of young Women in Asia, March 8, 1984"; "Support the Korean students and people's struggle for democratization in S Korea, anti-imperialism, peaceful reunification!" (7 copies) and "Free Pepe Alcantara and other students in the Philippines!" (2 copies).
Asian outlook, 1981 - 1988 (File) - Box 10 (MS Acc97.156)
Published by the Asian Peoples' Anti-Communist League, Taipei, Taiwan. Issues are held from November 1981-May 1988 with some gaps in the collections. They include: Vol 16, No 11, 1981; Vol 17, Nos 3-4, 6, 8-10 and 12, 1982; Vol 18, Nos 1-7, special supplement, 8-11, 1983; Vol 19, Nos 1-9 and 12, 1984; Vol 20, Nos 1-7 and 11-12, 1985; Vol 21, Nos 1-10 and 12, 1986; Vol 22, Nos 1, 3-8 and 10-12, 1987 and Vol 23, Nos 1-5, 1988.
Bangladesh bulletin, 1978 (File) - Box 10 (MS Acc97.156)
Published by the Australia-Bangladesh Society, Richmond, Melbourne, Victoria. Includes issues: Vol 5, Nos 3 and 4, August and November, 1978.
News and views, 1979 - 1980 (File) - Box 10 (MS Acc97.156)
Published by the Department of Information and Publication of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Issues include: Vol 1, No 25, 1979; Vol 1, Nos 119, 124, 126, 131-133, 135-138 and 140, 1980 and Vol 2, No 1, 1980.
IRANINFORM: A Marxist-Leninist review, 1979 - 1980 (File) - Box 10 (MS Acc97.156)
Includes issues: No 9, May 1979 and Vol 2, Nos 1-2, June-July 1980.
Iran newsletter, 1980 - 1984 (File) - Box 10 (MS Acc97.156)
Published by the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Canberra, ACT. Issues include: an unnumbereed newsletter dated 14 April and No 19, November 1980; Nos 14-15, August and No 19, October 1984. There is also a brochure titled "Our weapon is our faith and Islam, and it is with this weapon that we are and will be advancing" published by the Embassy.
Confederation of Iranian Students report, 1981 (File) - Box 10 (MS Acc97.156)
Published by the Confederation of Iranian Students. Issues include: Vol 4, Nos 1-3, 1981.
[Iran, miscellaneous publications], 1978 - 1986 (File) - Box 10 (MS Acc97.156)
Publications include: ODYSI bulletin, No 5, 1978; Iran liberation, No 65, December 1987; Information Iran, supplement April 1980; Alasto, special issue No 1, June 1980; OIS news bulletin, Vol I, No 10, 1986 and a pamphlet titled An essay on the Islamic revolution of Iran, [n.d]. Also includes miscellaenous information sheets on the situation in Iran; the Iran-Iraq war, women in Iran; the release of 52 American hostages and support for Kurdistan. There are also 2 cartoons from Australian newspapers.
[Iraq, miscellaneous publications], 1977 - 1983 (File) - Box 10 (MS Acc97.156)
Publications include: Iraq today, Vol II, No 42, June 1977 and Mesopotamia: Iraq now,Vol I, No 1, August 1983. Also includes statements by the National Union of Iraqi Students on the Iran-Iraqi war, President Saddam Hussein and Iranian students.
[[NZUSA], New Zealand University Students Association, miscellaneous material], 1980[?] (File) - Box 10 (MS Acc97.156)
Miscellaneous material including correspondence, publications and reports. Publications include: issues of Suria, Vol 3, No 2, July 1984 (2 copies), published by the Union of Malaysian Students in Auckland and a pamphlet titled Labour's leg-irons: a guide to the new industrial laws, published by NZUSA and the Working Women's Alliance, 1977. Also includes a copy of the Constitution of NZUSA; a folder of background material on the cutbacks in the number of overseas students in New Zealand and a report on the Structure and development of NOSAC (National Overseas Students Action Committee). There are also some papers relating to the 2nd National Conference of the Union of Malaysian Students in New Zealand, 1980[?].
[[NZUSA], New Zealand University Students Association, submissions], 1980 - 1981 (File) - Box 10 (MS Acc97.156)
Submissions prepared by NZUSA including: a submission to the Human Rights Commission on the imposition of discriminatory fees for private overseas students, November 1980; a submission to the Minister of Education on the effects of the $1500 discriminatory fee for private overseas students, May 1981 and a submission to the Parliamentary Petitions Committee on the $1,500 fee for private overseas students, September 1981.
Scrag, 1977 - 1979 (File) - Box 11 (MS Acc97.156)
Published by Swinburne College of Technology Students Union. Includes issues: Vol 12, No 3, 1977; Vol 13, No 2, 1978; Vol 13, Nos 2-4, 1978 and Vol 14, No 1979. There are duplicate copies for Vol 13, No 2, 1978 (2 copies); Vol 13, No 3, 1978 (3 copies) and Vol 13, No 4, 1978 (4 copies). Also includes a supplement dated 11 October 1978 setting out candidates' policies for student union elections and an information sheet regarding the student union elections, 1978.
Swinburne scraglet, 1975 - 1980 (File) - Box 11 (MS Acc97.156)
News broadsheet of the Swinburne College of Technology which was published every Tuesday and Thursday. Issues include: 21 September and 20 October 1975; 13 and 20 February, 30 May, 6 June, 18 and 25 July; 8, 15, 22 and 24 August, 12 and 14 September, 3 and 5 October, 1978; 6, 15, 22, 26-27 and 29 February, 6, 15, 20, 22 and 27 March, 10, 20, 24 and 27 April, 1, 3, 8, 22, 24, 29 and 31 May, 7 June, 17, 24 and 26 July, 2, 9 and 23 August, 4 September, 2, 5 16, 18 and 30 October and 1 November 1979; Nos 3-4, February, 6-11 and 13 March, Nos 14-20 April, Nos 21-27 May, Nos 28-31 June, Nos 33-36 July, Nos 37-38 and Nos 41-42 August, 9, 11, 16, 18 and 30 September and 2, 9 and 14 October 1980. Duplicate copies exist for many issues.
Retrieval: newsletter of current events, 1971 - 1977 (File) - Box 12 (MS Acc97.156)
Issues include: Vol 1, No 5, November-December 1971; No 7, March-April 1972; Nos 11-16, January-December 1973; Nos 17, 19-21, February-November 1974; Nos 22-28, January-December 1975; Nos 29-33, February-November 1976 and Nos 34-39, January-November 1977. Duplicate copies exist for most issues.
Women of Viet-Nam, 1975 - 1978 (File) - Box 12 (MS Acc97.156)
Published by the Viet-nam Women's Union, Hanoi. Issues include: No 3, 1975; No 4, 1976; Nos 1 and 4, 1977 and Nos 1 and 3, 1978. There are duplicate copies for No 1, 1978 (2 copies) and a copy in French.
Vietnam youth, 1977 - 1978 (File) - Box 12 (MS Acc97.156)
Published by the Vietnam Youth Federation and the Vietnam National Union of Students. Issues include: No 127, 1977 (2 copies) and Nos 131, 132 (3 copies) and 133 (2 copies) for 1978.
Vietnam courier, 1979 - 1983 (File) - Box 12 (MS Acc97.156)
Issues include: Vol 15, Nos 2-6, 11-12, 1979; Vol 16, Nos 1-12, 1980; Vol 17, Nos 1-5, 7-12, 1981; Vol 18, Nos 1-8 an 11, 1982 and Vol XIX, Nos 1-3 and 6, 1983.
PFLP bulletin, 1979 - 1981 (File) - Box 12 (MS Acc97.156)
Published by the International Relations Committee of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. Issues include: Nos 28-29, June-July 1979; Nos 36-37, 39-40, March-July, 1980 and Nos 47-49, February-April, 1981. There are duplicate copies for No 29, July 1979 (2 copies) and No 40, July 1980 (2 copies).
[Palestine, publications], 1978 - 1986 (File) - Box 12 (MS Acc97.156)
United Nations publications relating to the State of Palestine and the Palestinian conflict. Includes: a report titled The origins and evolution of the Palestinian problem: Part II, 1947-1977, 1978; Bulletin 1, June 1978 produced by the UN Special Unit on Palestinian Rights and two lists of printed and audio-visual material relating to Palestine produced by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), 1986.
[Palestine, publications], 1975 - 1983 (File) - Box 12 (MS Acc97.156)
Miscellaneous issues of journals mostly relating to the State of Palestine and the Palestinian conflict. They include: Palestine digest, Vol 8, No 11, 1979; MERIP reports, No 55, March 1977; Palestine review, Vol 1, No 5, 1976; Arab liberation news, No 6, 1977; Australia-Israel review, Vol 3, No 7, 1978; Time, 8 December 1975; Palestine forum, No 30, October 1978; I and P: Israel and Palestine political report, No 98, June-July, 1983; Palestine bulletin, Nos 3-4, 1977 and Information Iran, Nos 1-2,1979.
[Palestine, publications], c.1961-1978 (File) - Box 12 (MS Acc97.156)
Mostly small books and pamphlets relating to the State of Palestine and the Palestinian conflict. They include: Palestinian leaders discuss the new challenges for the resistance, 1974; Stars in the sky of Palestine, 1978; The Palestine problem in a nutshell, 1971; Israel's treatment of the Arabs in the occupied areas, 1976; The democratic state of Palestine: a Middle East solution, [n.d]; Zionism and racism: a case to answer, [n.d.]; Plan Dalet: the Zionist Master Plan for the conquest of Palestine, reprint of a 1961 article and The Palestinian and other Arab peoples will win!, 1970. There is also a small pamphlet in Arabic.
[Palestine, posters], 1975 (File) - Box 12 (MS Acc97.156)
Posters relating to the State of Palestine and the Palestinian conflict. Poster titles include: "Self-administration for West-Bank and Gaza"; "Pax Americana in the Middle East: self-rule=continued occupation for West Bank and Gaza" and "May 15th, Day of Palestinian Struggle", (2 copies). None of the posters are dated. The file also contains three brochures with the following titles: "Who are the Palestinians", [n.d]; "Freedom and justice for the Palestinians", [n.d] and "Bob Hawke speaks on Israel", an address given on the 27th anniversary of Israeli independence, at the Sydney Opera House, 20 April, 1975.
[Palestine, miscellaneous], 1977 (File) - Box 12 (MS Acc97.156)
Mostly miscellaneous material relating to the State of Palestine and the Palestinian conflict. Includes information sheets, text of a speech (1977) and a press statement. Also includes a joint statement on the situation by the General Union of Palestinian Workers (Australia Branch) (GUPW) and Australian supporters of the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (ASPLO) titled " The American-Zionist-Syrian-Libyan conspiracy against the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO). Most of the material is undated. There is also some material in Arabic.
Palestine refugees today, 1985 - 1988 (File) - Box 13 (MS Acc97.156)
Published by UNWRA. Issues include: Nos 110-112, 1985; 113-116, 1986; Nos 117-118 and 120; 1987 and No 121, 1988.
Namibia bulletin, 1983 - 1986 (File) - Box 13 (MS Acc97.156)
Published by the United Nations. Includes issues: Nos 1-2, 1983 and No 6, 1986.
Zimbabwe news, 1973 - 1978 (File) - Box 13 (MS Acc97.156)
Official organ of the Zimbabwe African National Union. Includes issues: Vol 7, No 12, 1973 (3 copies); Vol 9, Nos 2-4, 1977 and Vol 10, No 1, 1978. There are duplicate copies of No 3, 1977 (4 copies).
The weekly review, 1981 (File) - Box 13 (MS Acc97.156)
Published in Nairobi, Kenya. Issues include: 15, 22 and 29 May, 5, 12, 19 and 26 June and 2, 3 and 10, July 1981.
Forward: a call for a democratic Uganda, 1979 - 1980 (File) - Box 13 (MS Acc97.156)
Issues include: Nos 1-2, 1979 and Vol 2, No 2, 1980.
Azania worker, 1985 (File) - Box 13 (MS Acc97.156)
Published in London, England. Issues include: Vol 2, No 1, Spring 1985 and Vol 2, No 2, December 1985.
Azania news, 1977 - 1988 (File) - Box 13 (MS Acc97.156)
Official organ of the Pan Africanist Congress of Azania (South Africa). Issues include Vol 12, Nos 7-9, July-September 1977 (2 copies); Vol 14, No 9-12, September-December 1979; Vol 19, No 7, July 1983 and Vol 26, No 2, July-August, 1988. The file also contains a brochure for PAC (5 copies).
PAC news, 1983 - 1984 (File) - Box 13 (MS Acc97.156)
Journal of the Pan Africanist Congress of Azania in Australasia and the Pacific. Issues include: No 1, November-December 1983 (2 copies) and No 2, January-March 1984.
[Pan African Congress, miscellaneous], 1977 - 1986 (File) - Box 13 (MS Acc97.156)
Miscellaneous material relating to PAC. Includes: One Azania, one nation, one people!: speeches and documents of the Pan-African Congress, 1977; various PAC reports and dispatches, 1981-1986; a paper titled "Current situation inside Azania: the PAC position", [n.d]. (2 copies) and a press release issued by the PAC Australasian Office, 1986 (2 copies). There is also a PAC brochure (15 copies): two brochures titled "Free Zeph Mothopeng and all political prisoners in Azania" and a pamphlet consisting of a statement by Nyati J Pokela, Chairman, PAC Central Committee to the United Nations Day of Solidarity with South African Political Prisoners, October 12, 1981 titled "Free Zeph Mothopeng and all political prisoners in Azania", 1981.
SASCA: Southern Africa support campaign, 1982 - 1983 (File) - Box 13 (MS Acc97.156)
Newsletter on the struggles of Southern Africa (Azania and Namibia). Issues include: No 1, 1st Quarter, 1982 (2 copies) and No 2, June 1983. Also includes a press release titled "Pan Africanist Congress of Azania (South Africa) appoints representative to Australasian-Pacific region", 9 May 1983.
Africa events, 1987 - 1988 (File) - Box 13 (MS Acc97.156)
Published in London, England. Issues include: Vol 3, No 5, May 1987 and Vol 4, No 2, February, 1988.
[[AIM], Agencia de informacao de Mocambique], 1985 (File) - Box 13 (MS Acc97.156)
Publications produced by the Mozambique Information Agency. Includes: AIM information bulletin, No 111, October 1985 and supplement and a supplement to bulletin No 66, [n.d].
[Western Somalia, miscellaneous publications] (File) - Box 13 (MS Acc97.156)
Publications include: issues of Baraarug, Vol II, Nos 7-9, March-May, 1984; a paper on the Oromos, an ethnic group from Ethiopia and information sheets on the history of Western Somalia and the Western Somali Red Crescent Society.
Hakika, 1976 - 1981 (File) - Box 13 (MS Acc97.156)
A bulletin of political news and comment on South Africa produced by the Southern African Liberation Centre, Sydney, NSW. Issues include: Nos 2 and 5, 1976 and No 11, 1977. There is a title change in 1977 to Africa news. Issues under this title include: Vol I, Nos 1-3, 1977; Vol 1, Nos 8-9 and 19, 1978. The title changes back to Hakika: incorporating Africa news in 1979. Issues include: Vol 2, Nos 1 and 3-4, 1979 and Vol 2, Nos 7-8, 1980; Vol 3, No 2, 1981 and Vol 4, Nos 1-2, 1982. Duplicate copies exist for many issues.
Democratic People's Republic of Korea: illustrated monthly, 1975 - 1977 (File) - Box 13 (MS Acc97.156)
Issues include: No 7 (226), 1975; Nos 4-5, (235-236) and No 8 (239), 1976 and No 4 (247), 1977.
The Shinseinen, 1987 - 1988 (File) - Box 13 (MS Acc97.156)
Journal of the Workers' Youth League of Japan. Issues include: No 90, 92-95, 1986; Nos 97-98, 1987 and Nos 102-103, 1988. All issues are in Japanese.
International express, 1985 - 1988 (File) - Box 13 (MS Acc97.156)
Newsletter of the International Students Association of Japan (ISA). Issues include: Nos 1-2, 1985; 3-11, 1986; No 13, 1987; Vol 3, No 2, 1987 and Vol 3, Nos 3-6, 1988. Duplicate copies exist for many issues.
ISC news, 1986 - 1987 (File) - Box 13 (MS Acc97.156)
Newsletter of the International Student Association of Japan (ISA). Issues include: unnumbered issue, 1986; Nos 1-2, 1987 and No 3, [n.d]. Duplicate copies exist for some issues.
[[ISA] International Student Association of Japan, miscellaneous publications]], 1981 - 1986 (File) - Box 13 (MS Acc97.156)
Consists mostly of programs and reports of the (ISC) International Student Conference in Japan. Includes programs for the 28th, 30th and 32nd-33rd conferences held from 1981-1986. Also includes a report for the 28th ISC, 1981. There are also some looseleaf circulars relating to the ISC and application forms for the 34th ISC and an ISA brochure. Duplicate copies exist for some material.
[Vietnam, miscellaneous publications], 1972 - 1985 (File) - Box 13 (MS Acc97.156)
Publications include: Vietnam, Nos 213 and 216, 1976 and 217 and 220, 1977; Vietnam magazine, Vol 3, No 3, 1972; Vietnam today, Vol 1, No 2, [n.d]; Australia-Vietnam Society bulletin, No 1, 1976 and The Vietnamese trade unions, No 6, 1985. Also includes booklets: The October revolution and the Vietnamese revolution, 1978 and Essential tasks of the scientific and technological revolution in agriculture, 1979. There are also some newscuttings, 1974-1979, mostly on the political situation in China and miscellaneous statements by the Vietnamese government.
Palestine: PLO information bulletin, 1976 - 1983 (File) - Box 14 (MS Acc97.156)
Published by the PLO. Issues are held from November 1976-15 May 1983 with some gaps in the collection. Issues include: Vol 2, No 6, 1976; Vol III, Nos 1, 3, 5-6, 8-9 and 11-17, 1977; Vol 4, Nos 1-4, 6, 8, 11, 13-14, 17-18 and 20-21, 1978; Vol 5, Nos 3-5, 7, 9-12 and 14-20, 1979; Vol 6, Nos 4, 7 and 13, 1980; Vol 7, Nos 5-7, 10-12 and 16, 1981; Vol 8, No 3, 1982 and Vol 9, No 7, 1983. Duplicate copies exist for many issues.
Vietnam news bulletin, 1978 - 1984 (File) - Box 14 (MS Acc97.156)
Published by the Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Canberra, ACT. Issues include: No 41, 1978; Nos 2, 4-17, 1979; Nos 2-4 and 6-9, 1980; Nos 1-9, 1981; Nos 1-2 and 4-6, 1982; Nos 1-3, 5 and 7-8, 1983 and No 2 and unnumbered issue dated 5 September 1984.
Facts and reports, 1978 - 1987 (File) - Box 14 (MS Acc97.156)
Press cuttings on Southern Africa. Issues include: Vol 8, No 2, 1978; Vol 10, No D, 1980; Vol 14, No C, 1984; Vol 16, Nos B, F, H-N, Q-U, 1986 and Vol 17, Nos B-F, N, OP, S-T, and V, 1987.
Salient, 1975 - 1980 (File) - Folio-Box 15-16 (MS Acc97.156)
Official newspaper of Victoria University Students Association, Wellington, New Zealand. Issues are held from 29 May 1975-16 June 1980 with some gaps in the collection. Issues include: Nos 11, 20 and 22-26, 1975; Nos 1-4, unnumbered issue April, 9-11, unnumbered issue July-August[?] and 21, 1976; Nos 1-7, 9-19 and 21-22, 1977; Nos 1-10, 11-15, 18-21 and 25, 1978; Nos 1-9, 13-16, 18, 20-21 and 25, 1979 and Nos 2, 7-11 and 13-14; 1980. There are some loose copies of supplements which appeared in various issues of the newspaper. They include: a supplement titled "Malaysia special", 20 March 1975 (31 copies); a supplement titled "Cutback specials", Vol 40, No 12, 1977 (2 copies); a supplement titled "Support overseas students", Vol 40, No 18, 1977 (2 copies) and a supplement titled "International Students Congress", Vol 43, No 7, 1980 (1 copy). There are duplicate copies for Vol 40, No 14, 1977 (2 copies); Vol 41, No 2, 1978 (2 copies), Vol 41, No 6, 1978 (2 copies), Vol 41, No 7, 1978 (2 copies) and Vol 41, No 8, 1978 (2 copies) and Vol 42, No 9, 1979 (2 copies). Also includes an undated page, possibly from a 1975 issue.
The independent lawyer, 1978 (File) - Box 17 (MS Acc97.156)
Publication of the Association of Young Lawyers of Victoria. Issues include: Vol 1, No 2, 1978 (2 copies) and Vol 1, No 3, 1978 (6 copies).
Bakery Hill: progressive primary teachers, 1977 - 1982 (File) - Box 17 (MS Acc97.156)
Issues include: Vol 1, Nos 1-2, 1978; Vol 2, Nos 1 and 3, 1978; Vol 3, Nos 1-4, 1979; Vol 4, Nos 1-4, 1980; March-April, 1981?, May-June 1981? and October, 1981 and May 1982. Duplicate copies exist for many issues.
The Labor College review, 1978 - 1979 (File) - Box 17 (MS Acc97.156)
Published by the Victorian Labor College, Carlton South, Melbourne, Victoria. Issues include: Vol 9, No 6-8, 10-11, 1978 and Vol 10, No 1, 1979.
Labor star, 1981 - 1982 (File) - Box 17 (MS Acc97.156)
Official journal of the Australian Labor Party (Victorian Branch). Includes issues: Nos 83-84, 87, 89-91, 93, 1981 and Nos 93, 95-97 and 100, 1982.
Care newsletter, 1980 (File) - Box 17 (MS Acc97.156)
Published by the National Office of the Campaign Against Racial Exploitation. Issues include: Nos 20-25, 1980.
[Australian Aboriginals and Torres Straits Islanders miscellaneous publications], 1975 - 1980 (File) - Box 17 (MS Acc97.156)
Publications include: Black liberation, vol 2, Nos 1-2, 1976; Mureena, Vol 2, Nos 1-2, 1976; Land rights news, No 6, 1976; Nos 7-8, 10-11, 13, 14 (3 copies) and 16, 1977; Black news service, No 8, 1975 and Vol 3, Nos 1, 3-4, 1977; BRC news, Vol 1, No 1, [n.d]; Aboriginal Medical Service newsletter, November-December 1980; Kimberley land Council newsletter, Vol 1, No 2, 1979; Bunji, No 1, [n.d] and Yenara news, No 2, 1976 (2 copies). The file also contains a booklet titled The Queensland Aborigines Act and Regulations 1971, published by the Black Resource Centre Collective, 1976; an information sheet titled "The true history of Australia" published by the Black Resource Centre and a leaflet titled "The Queensland Act: apartheid in Australia" published by AUS.
[Australian Aboriginals and Torres Straits Islanders miscellaneous posters], 1976 (File) - Box 17 (MS Acc97.156)
File consisting of three posters. Titles include: "National Aborigines Day, 9 July 1976" produced by the National Aborigines Day Observance Committee (2 copies); "Free blacks!: smash the racist Queensland Acts", produced by AUS and "Land rights now" (2 copies).
SAI: students against imperialism for an independent New Zealand, 1978 (File) - Box 17 (MS Acc97.156)
Booklet published by the Victoria University of Wellington Students Association, 1978 (10 copies).
[[SAI] Students for Australian Independence, miscellaneous newsletters], 1976 - 1979 (File) - Box 17 (MS Acc97.156)
Newsletters published by the Students for Australian Independence. They include: SAI news, Vol 1, Nos 2-3, 7-8, 12-14, 17-19, 22, 24, 27-29, 1976 and a special issue, February, 1977; Independent voice, newsletter of SAI, Sydney University, Vol 1, No 1, 1976; Vol 2, Nos 4, 7, 9, 12-14, 16-17, 1976 and Vol 3, No 2, 1977; Eureka, published by SAI, Flinders University, No 1, March 1976 and issues for 16, 20 and 30 September 1976 and an undated issue; People's voice, No 79, February 1979 and SAI newsletter, No 1, [n.d] (2 copies).
[[SAI] Students for Australian Independence, miscellaneous], 1975 - 1977 (File) - Box 17 (MS Acc97.156)
Material relating to the SAI and their activities. Includes circulars, information sheets, leaflets, mail-outs, articles and publications. Subjects include: education, apartheid and racism, politics, women and the fight for Australian independence from the superpowers. Also includes issues of Red patriot, Vol 2, No 2-4, 1976 and Independence struggle, Nos 5, 7 and 11, 1976. Publications include: Students for Australian independence, SAI, [n.d] and Discipline at Flinders, [n.d]. The file also contains a sticker titled "Sack Kerr: superpowers' pawn" (3 copies) and a poster of Ned Kelly with the title "Tell 'em I died game", produced by the SAI, [n.d].
[Uranium, miscellaneous], 1975 - 1977 (File) - Box 17 (MS Acc97.156)
Extra large file of material relating to uranium mining, the anti-uranium movement and nuclear energy. Consists of information sheets, brochures, leaflets, newspaper extracts and supplements and published materials. Journals include: Uranium deadline, Vol 1, No 3, (2 copies), No 5, 1976; Vol 2, No 1, 1976 (3 copies) and Vol 2, No 2, 1977; Dare to struggle and dare to win, Spring 1977; Chain reaction, No 3, 1975; Howl, No 1, [n.d]: Environment Centre, Vol 1, No 1, 1975 and Island, No 3, [n.d]. Booklets and pamphlets include: The uranium debate: a trade union contribution, 1977; Uranium: a fair trial, 1977 and a photocopy of Red light for yellow cake: the case against uranium mining, [n.d]. The file also contains an AUS paper titled "The case against mining and export of Australia's uranium", 1975.
[Australian independence, miscellaneous], 1975 - 1979 (File) - Box 17 (MS Acc97.156)
Extra large file of material relating to the Australian independence movement in the 1970s. Includes information sheets, journals, newsletters, reports, leaflets, brochures, posters and stickers. Subjects include: culture; the independence movement; foreign policy; politics; prisons; unemployment; uranium mining; the Builders Labourers Federation; trade unions and the environment. Also includes an anonymous satirical verse about Robert (Bob) Hawke titled "The mild colonial boy", [n.d].
[Australian independence, miscellaneous publications], 1972 - 1979 (File) - Box 17 (MS Acc97.156)
Publications include: Australian independence voice, Vol 4, No 7 (5 copies). Vol 4, No 14 (5 copies) and Vol 4, No 16, 1977 (5 copies); Australian Independence Movement newsletter, No 27, 1979; Writing on the wall, Vol 6, No 5, 1976 and Vol 7, No 7, 1978; Flash, 19 November-19 January, 1976-1977?; Scope, 27 February 1977; Dilettante, March/April 1977 (2 copies) and Troll, Nos 7 and 9, 1972.
Hemisphere, 1977 - 1979 (File) - Box 18 (MS Acc97.156)
Published by the Commonwealth Department of Education, Canberra, ACT. Issues include: Vol 21, Nos 10-12, 1977; Vol 22, Nos 1-2, and 11-12, 1978 and Vol 23, No 1, 1979.
Pacific research, 1977 - 1979 (File) - Box 18 (MS Acc97.156)
Published by the Pacific Studies Center, Mountain View, California, USA. Issues include: Vol VIII, Nos 3 and 5, 1977; Vol IX, Nos 3-6, 1978 and Vol X, No 1, 1979.
Inprecor: international press correspondence, 1975 - 1977 (File) - Box 18 (MS Acc97.156)
Issues include: Nos 37-41, 1975; Nos 42-43, 1976 and Nos 3-4 new series, 1977.
Newsletter: Australian Asian Community Welfare Association, 1984 - 1988 (File) - Box 18 (MS Acc97.156)
Issues include: Vol 9, Nos 4-5 and an unnumbered issue, 1984; Vol 10, Nos 2 and 6, 1985; Vol 11, Nos 3-4 and 6, 1986; Vol 12, No 1, 1986; Vol 12, Nos 2-5, 1987; Vol 13, No 2, 1987 and Vol 13, Nos 3 and 7, 1988. There is also an unnumbered and undated issue possibly late 1988. Duplicate copies exist for many issues.
Pacific Islands monthly, 1976 (File) - Box 18 (MS Acc97.156)
Consists of a single issue dated February, 1976.
Imprimatur, 1982 - 1987 (File) - Box 19 (MS Acc97.156)
Newsletter of the Tertiary Catholic Federation of Australia. Issues include: Nos 3-6, 1985; Nos 1-4, 1986 and March, July and October 1987. The file also contains a report of a TCFA conference, held at Perth, Western Australia, January 1982 and the first two issues of a newssheet/newsletter titled "P.S", 1983.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], literature received, Koorier Club publication, 1969 (File) - Box 20 (MS Acc97.156)
Consists of correspondence relating to camps for Aboriginal people organised by the National Fitness Council of Victoria and issues of The Koorier, Vol 1, Nos 4-5, 1969 and National Koorier, Vol 1, Nos 7-9 and 11-12, 1969[?].
[SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], correspondence, 1969-1971], 1969 - 1971 (File) - Box 20 (MS Acc97.156)
Correspondence between SSAAF and Elery Hamilton-Smith, Youth Planning Services Division, Victorian Association of Youth Clubs, 1969-1971.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], literature received, Churinga APA, 1966 (File) - Box 20 (MS Acc97.156)
Consists of an issue of Churing APA, the official journal of the Aborigines' Progressive Association, May-June, 1966.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], miscellaneous schools, correspondence relating (File) - Box 20 (MS Acc97.156)
Patrons are advised this file has been treated for mould. If you wish to access this file you will be required to wear protective equipment.
[SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund]], miscellaneous schools, correspondence relating (File) - Box 20 (MS Acc97.156)
Patrons are advised this file has been treated for mould. If you wish to access this file you will be required to wear protective equipment.
[SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], correspondence, 1970], 1970 (File) - Box 20 (MS Acc97.156)
Correspondence relating to a booklet on the SSAAF, 1970. The file includes a copy of the booklet.
[SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], correspondence, 1971], 1971 (File) - Box 20 (MS Acc97.156)
Correspondence relating to SSAAF administrative and financial activities, 1971.
Grant applications, American Field Service International Scholarships, AFS (File) - Box 20 (MS Acc97.156)
Patrons are advised this file has been treated for mould. If you wish to access this file you will be required to wear protective equipment.
Grant applications, American Field Service International Scholarships, AFS (File) - Box 20 (MS Acc97.156)
Patrons are advised this file has been treated for mould. If you wish to access this file you will be required to wear protective equipment.
Charles Muir, Ballarat grammar (File) - Box 20 (MS Acc97.156)
Patrons are advised this file has been treated for mould. If you wish to access this file you will be required to wear protective equipment.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], correspondence-general, Department of Adult Education, Un[iversity] of Sydney, 1969 (File) - Box 20 (MS Acc97.156)
Small file of correspondence (2 folios) relating to a meeting of the Consultative Committee and SSAAF, March 1969.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], programme developments, school opportunities (File) - Box 20 (MS Acc97.156)
Undated letter (2 folios) outlining the type of financial assistance provided by SSAAF and seeking nominations from individuals and organisations.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], programme developments, educational tours, 1968 - 1969 (File) - Box 20 (MS Acc97.156)
Correspondence relating to a tour for indigenous secondary school students to the Snowy Mountains. Also includes four brochures for tours to the Snowy Mountains.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], literature received, Depart[ment of] Educ[ation] and Science, Canberra, 1968 (File) - Box 20 (MS Acc97.156)
Press release by Mr Malcolm Fraser, Minister for Education and Science and Mr W C Wentworth, Minister for Social Services and Minister in charge of Aboriginal Affairs relating to study grants for Aboriginals, 15 November, 1968.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], literature received, Newsweek, 1969 - 1971 (File) - Box 20 (MS Acc97.156)
Correspondence regarding subscriptions to Newsweek.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], literature received, Department of Labour and National Service, 1969 (File) - Box 20 (MS Acc97.156)
Correspondence with the Department of Labour and National Service regarding their publications. Also includes a copy of their publication Aborigines, 1969; a news release titled "Employment programme to assist Aborigines", 1 June, 1969 and a brochure titled "Employment training scheme for Aborigines", July 1969.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], grant applications, Lola Mobourne, 1969 - 1970 (File) - Box 20 (MS Acc97.156)
Correspondence relating to a grant application by Mrs Lola Mobourne from Traralgon, Victoria, 1969-1970.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], Executive, essay, 1st and 2nd formers, original Australians, 1970 (File) - Box 20 (MS Acc97.156)
Correspondence relating to a SSAAF essay competition, 1970. The topic for 1st and 2nd formers was "The original Australians''.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], Executive, essay competition, 5th and 6th, 1970 (File) - Box 20 (MS Acc97.156)
Correspondence relating to a SSAAF essay competition, 1970. Includes three essays by students. The topic for 5th and 6th formers was "Black Australians- their problems and aspirations".
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], Executive, essay competition, 3rd and 4th formers, should we study Ab[original] culture, 1970 (File) - Box 20 (MS Acc97.156)
Correspondence relating to a SSAAF essay competition, 1970. The topic for 3rd and 4th formers was "Should we study Aboriginal culture?".
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], Executive Committee, essay competition, 1970 (File) - Box 20 (MS Acc97.156)
SSAAF essay book list and details of when the winning entries will be announced.
[SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund]], miscellaneous schools, correspondence relating, 1970 (File) - Box 20 (MS Acc97.156)
Single folio of correspondence relating to a VISTA-Volunteers In Service to Australia program, 1970.
Leadership training file, 1970 (File) - Box 20 (MS Acc97.156)
Correspondence, memorandum, notes and a report relating to the establishment of a Leadership Training Course.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], Leadership Training Course, 1970 (File) - Box 20 (MS Acc97.156)
Correspondence relating to the establishment of a Leadership Training Course, 1970. Also includes some questionnaires from a meeting to discuss a Leadership Training Course and information about Dale Carnegie Courses.
[Victorian Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs, Adventure Camp Planning Committee], 1970 - 1971 (File) - Box 21 (MS Acc97.156)
Correspondence, minutes and notes relating to the Adventure Camp Planning Committee. Includes minutes of a meeting of the Committee, held on 15 February, 1971 and correspondence relating to a camp at Lake Tyers, Victoria, in January 1971. Also includes a leaflet calling for applications to attend camps in January 1971.
Victorian Council of Social Services pamphlet, 1969 (File) - Box 21 (MS Acc97.156)
Pamphlet titled 'Something on your mind? ..if you feel you need to talk about a problem then it is important to do something about it …" (2 copies), compiled by the Adolescent Counselling Service Committee, 1969.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], general correspondence, Ballarat Group, 1968 (File) - Box 21 (MS Acc97.156)
Correspondence (2 folios) between Frank Tierney, St Patrick's College, Ballarat and John [Munday?] relating to a meeting to discuss joining SSAAF and the establishment of a Ballarat Group, 1968.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], general correspondence, 1968 - 1969 (File) - Box 21 (MS Acc97.156)
Correspondence with the Save the Children Fund and other indivuals who have personal contact with Aborigines seeking their assistance and cooperation in the SSAAF grants and scholarship process. Includes a Save the Children Fund annual report for 1968-1969.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], general correspondence, La Trobe (File) - Box 21 (MS Acc97.156)
Empty folder
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], general correspondence, Geelong Group, 1968 (File) - Box 21 (MS Acc97.156)
Correspondence relating to the establishment of a SSAAF branch in Geelong, 1968.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], general correspondence, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs., 1969 - 1972 (File) - Box 21 (MS Acc97.156)
Mostly correspondence between SSAAF and the Victorian Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs, 1969-1972. Subject include: SSAAF activities and youth camps.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], general correspondence, APEX, 1968 - 1971 (File) - Box 21 (MS Acc97.156)
Correspondence with APEX and Rotaract relating to the promotion of SSAAF activities amongst their organisations, 1968-1971.
Van Leer Foundation (File) - Box 21 (MS Acc97.156)
Patrons are advised this file has been treated for mould. If you wish to access this file you will be required to wear protective equipment.
Van Leer Foundation (File) - Box 21 (MS Acc97.156)
Patrons are advised this file has been treated for mould. If you wish to access this file you will be required to wear protective equipment.
Mark Morgan (File) - Box 21 (MS Acc97.156)
Patrons are advised this file has been treated for mould. If you wish to access this file you will be required to wear protective equipment.
Mark Morgan (File) - Box 21 (MS Acc97.156)
Patrons are advised this file has been treated for mould. If you wish to access this file you will be required to wear protective equipment.
[SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund]], general correspondence] (File) - Box 21 (MS Acc97.156)
Single incoming folio of undated correspondence seeking assistance from SSAAF.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], Mr Marven for Yvette Isaacs, grant application, 1968 - 1969 (File) - Box 21 (MS Acc97.156)
Correspondence relating to a SSAAF scholarship awarded to Yvette Isaacs, 1968-1969.
Grant applications, Mrs Hamlyn, 1970 (File) - Box 21 (MS Acc97.156)
Correspondence relating to a SSAAF grant to Mrs I Hamlyn to assist with the cost of school books and other expenses for her three children, 1970.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], R C Schroeder for Leila Webster, grant application, 1968 (File) - Box 21 (MS Acc97.156)
Correspondence relating to a request for financial assistance for Leila Webster, 1968.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], literature received, Queensland, Cairns League, 1969 - 1970 (File) - Box 21 (MS Acc97.156)
Publications include: Social Services for Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders, published by The Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders Advancement League, Cairns, November, 1969 and Newsletter, Vol II, No 7, 1970, monthly bulletin of the Queensland Council for the Advancement of Aborigines and Torres Islanders.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], literature, SRC [Student' Representative Council], universities, 1970 (File) - Box 21 (MS Acc97.156)
Correspondence with various universities, 1970, regarding subscriptions for SRC newspapers.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], grant applications, Current affairs bulletin, 1970 (File) - Box 21 (MS Acc97.156)
Correspondence, 1970, regarding issues of Current affairs bulletin.
Literature received, Today, 1970 (File) - Box 21 (MS Acc97.156)
Correspondence relating to a subsciption to the magazine Today, 1970. Issues include: July-November, 1970. Also includes an unopened issue.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], grant applications, Cummeragunja Play Group, 1968 - 1969 (File) - Box 21 (MS Acc97.156)
Correspondence relating to a grant application from the Cummeragunja Play Group, 1968-1969.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], grant applications, SCF [Save the Children Fund], playground equipment, Mooroopna, 1968 - 1969 (File) - Box 21 (MS Acc97.156)
Correspondence relating to a grant application from the SCF, Victorian Division to provide playground equipment for a new SCF pre-school centre for Aboriginal children at Mooroopna, Victoria, 1968-1969.
Phyllis Harrison, (Business College course), 1970 (File) - Box 21 (MS Acc97.156)
Correspondence relating to a grant application from Phyllis Harrison for board and pocket expenses while undertaking a training course, 1970.
[SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], grant applications, Shepparton High School ], 1970 - 1971 (File) - Box 21 (MS Acc97.156)
Correspondence relating to a grant application from Shepparton High School to enable special tutorial classes for Aboriginal children, 1970-1971.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], grant applications, running list of scholarship costs (File) - Box 21 (MS Acc97.156)
Patrons are advised this file has been treated for mould. If you wish to access this file you will be required to wear protective equipment.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], grant applications, running list of scholarship costs (File) - Box 21 (MS Acc97.156)
Patrons are advised this file has been treated for mould. If you wish to access this file you will be required to wear protective equipment.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], literature received, book list-Aborigines' Advancement League (File) - Box 21 (MS Acc97.156)
Undated book list from the Aborigines Advancement League, Victoria.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], literature received, Aboriginal Education Council (NSW) newsletter, 1969 (File) - Box 21 (MS Acc97.156)
Consists of issues for May and August 1969 of the newsletter of the Aboriginal Education Council (NSW).
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], Advisory Council, miscellaneous, 1970 (File) - Box 21 (MS Acc97.156)
Consists of correspondence, a list of SSAAF Advisory Panel members and application forms and an information sheet for SSAAF grants and financial assistance. Also includes a brochure for Australian Volunteers Abroad.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], Advisory Council, correspondence (File) - Box 21 (MS Acc97.156)
Patrons are advised this file has been treated for mould. If you wish to access this file you will be required to wear protective equipment.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], financial, payment remittance letters, 1968 - 1969 (File) - Box 22 (MS Acc97.156)
Remittance letters and a small number of invoices, 1968-1969.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], financial, miscellaneous corresp[ondence] (File) - Box 22 (MS Acc97.156)
Patrons are advised this file has been treated for mould. If you wish to access this file you will be required to wear protective equipment.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], financial, miscellaneous corresp[ondence] (File) - Box 22 (MS Acc97.156)
Patrons are advised this file has been treated for mould. If you wish to access this file you will be required to wear protective equipment.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], programme developments, Lord Somer's Camp and Powerhouse (File) - Box 22 (MS Acc97.156)
Patrons are advised this file has been treated for mould. If you wish to access this file you will be required to wear protective equipment.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], programme developments, Lord Somer's Camp and Powerhouse (File) - Box 22 (MS Acc97.156)
Patrons are advised this file has been treated for mould. If you wish to access this file you will be required to wear protective equipment.
Film service to schools, 1970 (File) - Box 22 (MS Acc97.156)
Correspondence with the Education Department of Victoria regarding films on Aboriginal affairs, 1970. Includes a list of films on Aborigines from the State Film Centre and a list of their new films.
Youth Council of Victoria, holiday programmes pamphlet, 1970 (File) - Box 22 (MS Acc97.156)
Small file of correspondence (2 folios) regarding the reprinting of the Youth Council of Victoria's pamphlet titled "Summer programmes".
51 Cunningham Street, 1970 (File) - Box 22 (MS Acc97.156)
Agenda, reports and financial statements for the quarterly meeting of the Council of the Aborigines' Advancement League (Victoria), 27 November, 1970.
YMCA [Young Men's Christian Association]/YWCA [Young Women's Christian Association] (File) - Box 22 (MS Acc97.156)
Patrons are advised this file has been treated for mould. If you wish to access this file you will be required to wear protective equipment.
YMCA [Young Men's Christian Association]/YWCA [Young Women's Christian Association] (File) - Box 22 (MS Acc97.156)
Patrons are advised this file has been treated for mould. If you wish to access this file you will be required to wear protective equipment.
American foundations (File) - Box 22 (MS Acc97.156)
Patrons are advised this file has been treated for mould. If you wish to access this file you will be required to wear protective equipment.
American foundations (File) - Box 22 (MS Acc97.156)
Patrons are advised this file has been treated for mould. If you wish to access this file you will be required to wear protective equipment.
Queensland Aboriginal Education Conference, 1971 (File) - Box 22 (MS Acc97.156)
Small file of correspondence (3 folios) relating to a conference on Aboriginal education, being held in Brisbane, May 1971.
Aust[ralian] Committee to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination [CARD], 1966, 1971 (File) - Box 22 (MS Acc97.156)
Notices regarding meetings and other events being held by the Victorian Committee of CARD, 1971. Includes a CARD brochure titled "1971: International Year for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination" and a copy of a pamphlet titled "International convention on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination', reprinted from UN monthly chronicle, Vol 3, No 1, 1966.
Black-on, 1971 (File) - Box 22 (MS Acc97.156)
Correspondence relating to a "Black-on" concert, held at the Dallas Brooks Masonic Hall, East Melbourne, 30 May, 1971. Includes a list of performers.
Adult Training Foundation of Australia, 1971 (File) - Box 22 (MS Acc97.156)
Correspondence and information relating to the Adult Training Foundation of Australia, 1971. Also includes information on the Sunshine Club and the Recreation Association of Australia.
[Culture programme], 1971 (File) - Box 22 (MS Acc97.156)
Small file of miscellaneous correspondence (6 folios) relating to the establishment of a Mobile Aboriginal Culture Unit, 1971.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], miscellaneous, maps (File) - Box 22 (MS Acc97.156)
Consists of two maps: No 259, Traralgon and No 262, Moe and Newborough produced by Broadbents and a brochure titled "Your guide to good eating along the highways" produced by Golden Fleece.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], miscellaneous, SSAAF publications, 1969 - 1970 (File) - Box 22 (MS Acc97.156)
Publications include: SSAAF 1969-70, 1970; SSAAF, 1970[?]; SSAAF newsheet, Vol 1, Nos 2-3, undated; Aboriginal education: some issues in Victoria, 1969[?] and a brochure titled "Go camping", undated. The file also includes a sponsorship card for the SSAAF Longwalk and a brochure titled "Aborigines in the modern world" produced by the Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], Executive, scholarship availability pamphlet (File) - Box 22 (MS Acc97.156)
Consists of an undated pamphlet and a draft information sheet outlining bursaries available from SSAAF.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], general correspondence, christmas trips, 1968-1969 (File) - Box 22 (MS Acc97.156)
Patrons are advised this file has been treated for mould. If you wish to access this file you will be required to wear protective equipment.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], general correspondence, christmas trips, 1968-1969 (File) - Box 22 (MS Acc97.156)
Patrons are advised this file has been treated for mould. If you wish to access this file you will be required to wear protective equipment.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], general correspondence, legal and solicitors, 1968 - 1971 (File) - Box 22 (MS Acc97.156)
Correspondence with various legal firms on legal and financial matters including tax deductions for donors; sales tax; deceased estates and the SSAAF Constitution, 1968-1971.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], correspondence, trustees, 1968 - 1971 (File) - Box 22 (MS Acc97.156)
Correspondence relating to SSAAF trustees, 1968-1971.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], general correspondence, Commonwealth and NSW Foundation, 1969 (File) - Box 22 (MS Acc97.156)
Correspondence with various commonwealth and state governments regarding discussions and meetings relating to Aboriginal issues, 1969.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], general correspondence, ministerial, 1968 - 1971 (File) - Box 22 (MS Acc97.156)
Correspondence with the Victorian Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs on various Aboriginal matters including camps, training courses, bursaries, grants and SSAAF activities, 1968-1971.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], Advisory panel minutes, 2/12/1968-, 1969 - 1970 (File) - Box 22 (MS Acc97.156)
Mostly minutes of various SSAAF Advisory Panel meetings, 1969-1970.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], miscellaneous, John Munday file, 1970 (File) - Box 23 (MS Acc97.156)
Single folio of correspondence and a paper by John Munday, SSAAF Convenor titled "Suggestion for a school talk", 1970.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], programme developments, camping groups, VAYC [Victorian Association of Youth Clubs], 1968 - 1971 (File) - Box 23 (MS Acc97.156)
Correspondence between SSAAF and VAYC. Includes correspondence relating to a study undertaken by VAYC for SSAAF on meaningful holiday experiences suitable for young people, especially young Victorian Aboriginals. Includes a draft copy and interim report of the study titled "Holiday opportunities study 1970". Also includes copies of Youthspace: a youth services planning newsletter, No 1, 1979 and Nos 4-5, 1971; an article reprinted from Ideas digest, February 1971 and a draft paper by Elery Hamilton-Smith, Executive Secretary, Australian Association of Youth Clubs titled "The preparation of volunteer workers with adolescent groups", undated.
Annual General Meeting, 1968, 1968 - 1969 (File) - Box 23 (MS Acc97.156)
Correspondence relating to attendance at the SSAAF inaugural meeting, held on 19 June, 1971. Also includes income and expenditure statements for 1968 and 1969.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], grant applications, R Green, (Orbost) Residential Schooling, 1970 (File) - Box 23 (MS Acc97.156)
Small file of correspondence (3 folios) between SSAAF and R Green regarding her application for a bursary to undertake a secretarial course in Melbourne, 1970.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], Advisory Panel, scholarship availability pamphlet, 1969 (File) - Box 23 (MS Acc97.156)
Correspondence relating to and a draft for a scholarship availability pamphlet, 1969.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], general correspondence, AAL [Aborigines Advancement League (Victoria)], 1968 - 1971 (File) - Box 23 (MS Acc97.156)
Correspondence between SSAAF and AAL. Subjects include: camps, scholarships, grants and meetings. Includes a summary and Constitution of the AAL and papers for their Annual General Meeting, held 30 August, 1969.
P Thomson, 1970, 1970 (File) - Box 23 (MS Acc97.156)
Single folio consisting of a letter from Ivanhoe Girls' Grammar School relating to fund raising for Aboriginal students, 1970.
Pastor D Nichols (AAL), 1970 (File) - Box 23 (MS Acc97.156)
Small file of correspondence (4 folios) relating to a request from Pastor Doug Nichols for a scholarship for his grandaughter to attend Ivanhoe Girls' Grammar School, 1970.
Miscellaneous schools, 1971 (File) - Box 23 (MS Acc97.156)
Small file of correspondence (4 folios) between SSAAF and Josephine Briggs regarding financial assistance to attend school in Melbourne, 1971.
Mrs A Green and family, 1971 (File) - Box 23 (MS Acc97.156)
Correspondence between SSAAF and the Green family relating to financial assistance for Cheryl Green to travel on a school excursion to Canberra, 1971.
Mrs J Clark (File) - Box 23 (MS Acc97.156)
Patrons are advised this file has been treated for mould. If you wish to access this file you will be required to wear protective equipment.
Mrs J Clark, 1971 (File) - Box 23 (MS Acc97.156)
Small file of correspondence (2 folios) between SSAAF and the Clarke family relating to a grant application for the Clarke children, 1971. Includes grant application forms. The contents of this file were housed in the previous file cover which has been bagged due to mould.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], grant applications, request for Maori women to visit Cummeragunja (File) - Box 23 (MS Acc97.156)
Patrons are advised this file has been treated for mould. If you wish to access this file you will be required to wear protective equipment.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], grant applications, request for Maori women to visit Cummeragunja, 1969 - 1970 (File) - Box 23 (MS Acc97.156)
Correspondence between SAAF and AAL relating to financial assistance for a Maori woman to stay at Cummeragunja for three months in 1969. The contents of this file were housed in the previous file cover which has been bagged due to mould.
Draft-scholarships awarded, 1969, 1969 (File) - Box 23 (MS Acc97.156)
Draft paper listing SSAAF scholarships awarded in 1969.
[SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], grant applications, A Thorpe], 1970 - 1971 (File) - Box 23 (MS Acc97.156)
Correspondence relating to SSAAF financial assistance to Alister Thorpe.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], programme developments, miscellaneous, 1969 (File) - Box 23 (MS Acc97.156)
Small file of correspondence (1 folio) from the Educational Reading Centre outlining a new service providing remedial reading classes, 1969. Also includes SSAAF cicular No1, 1969 setting out available grants.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], projects development, Poneyland (File) - Box 23 (MS Acc97.156)
Brochure for Poneyland Children's Holiday Farm (3 copies).
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], projects development, possible vacation sporting activities, 1970[?] (File) - Box 23 (MS Acc97.156)
Small file (5 folios) consisting of an information sheet listing possible vacation sporting activities in the Northcote area, Victoria and miscellaneous notes.
SSAAF [Secondary Schools Aboriginal Affairs Fund], programme developments, film nights-re camping opportunities available, 1969 - 1970 (File) - Box 23 (MS Acc97.156)
Correspondence and leaflets relating to film nights to publicise the type of camp programs being run by the Victorian Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs. Includes a SSAAF brochure titled "Go camping!" and speaker's cards.
Class (7) MS Acc01.167. Consignment added 2001
[[ISTC], International Student Travel Conference], 1972 (File) - Box 1 (MS Acc01.167)
Extra large file of papers relating to the 23rd Annual General Meeting of the ISTC, held at Torquay, England, 21-29 October, 1972. Includes agenda, minutes, reports and a list of conference documents/working papers.
[[STAA], Student Travel Association of Asia], 1973 (File) - Box 1 (MS Acc01.167)
Manual of the 2nd Annual General Conference of the Student Travel Association of Asia (STAA), held at the University of Singapore, 6-9 November, 1973. Includes a conference program, reports, minutes of plenary sessions and the Constitution of the STAA.
[Travel], 1971 (File) - Box 1 (MS Acc01.167)
Report of the 2nd Asian Student Travel Seminar, held at the University of Hong Kong, 14-22 August, 1971. Includes minutes and reports of sessions.
[[SATA], Student Air Travel Association], 1973 (File) - Box 1 (MS Acc01.167)
Papers relating to the 9th SATA General Assembly, held at London, England, March 1973. Includes an issue of Student traveller, Winter-Spring, 1973-1974; a brochure titled "Student guide to Austria", [n.d] and a SATA brochure on student flights, for Winter-Spring, 1973-74. Also includes an issue of a Thai[?] newspaper and a supplement to The nation, published in Bangkok, Thailand, Vol 3, No 313, 1973.
[[SATA], Student Air Travel Association], 1974 (File) - Box 1 (MS Acc01.167)
Papers relating to the 11th SATA General Assembly, held at Eliat, Israel, 1974. Includes notes and a brochure titled "Student Britain 1974", published by the National Union of Students, [n.d].
[[STAA], Student Travel Association of Asia], 1972 - 1973 (File) - Box 2 (MS Acc01.167)
Papers relating to the 1st Annual General Conference of SATA, held at Atami, Japan, 20-26 August, 1972. Includes a conference program, minutes and reports. Also includes a paper on the International Student Identity Card in German, 1973.
[[FIYTO], Federation of International Youth Travel Organizations], 1974 (File) - Box 2 (MS Acc01.167)
Papers relating to the 24th Conference of the FIYTO, held at Benalmadena, Spain, September-October, 1974. Includes a conference program, minutes and reports. Also includes an invitation to the conference reception.
[[ISTC], International Student Travel Conference], 1970 (File) - Box 2 (MS Acc01.167)
Papers relating to the 21st Annual General Meeting of the ISTC, held at Killarney, Ireland, 24 October-2 November, 1970. Includes agenda, minutes, reports and a list of conference documents.
[[ISTC], International Student Travel Conference], 1973 - 1974 (File) - Box 2 (MS Acc01.167)
Papers mostly relating to the ISTC Steering Committee Meeting, held at Budapest, Hungary, 7-8 January, 1974. Includes some correspondence and notes regarding other meetings held later in 1974. Also includes a London tourist brochure, 1974; a student travel pamphlet produced by the Travel Company of the Union of Students in Ireland and a brochure on student flights in Asia produced by AUS, 1974.
[[ISTC], International Student Travel Conference], 1973 - 1974 (File) - Box 2 (MS Acc01.167)
Papers relating to the ISTC Steering Committee Meeting, held at Zurich, Switzerland, 9-10 January, 1975. Includes agenda, minutes, reports and working papers.
[Miscellaneous papers] (File) - Box 3 (MS Acc01.167)
Patrons are advised this box is unavailable pending preservation treatment.
[[MELCOS], Melbourne Council for Overseas Students, 1980], 1980 (File) - Box 4 (MS Acc01.167)
Program and information sheets for a 1980 HSC Orientation Day organised by MELCOS and Commonwealth Department of Education, Victorian State Office forms and information sheets relating to the Private Overseas Student Program.
[[MELCOS], Melbourne Council for Overseas Students, 1981], 1981 (File) - Box 4 (MS Acc01.167)
Correspondence, agenda and minutes of meetings, financial statements, information sheets and press releases relating to MELCOS and its activities. Subjects include: accommodation, education, orientation and recreation. Also includes issues of "MELCOS news", Nos 5-6, 1981 and some Australian Development Assistance Bureau (ADAB) information sheets.
[[MELCOS], Melbourne Council for Overseas Students, 1982], 1982 (File) - Box 4 (MS Acc01.167)
Correspondence, agenda and minutes of meetings, financial statements, information sheets and press releases relating to MELCOS and its activities. Subjects include: accommodation, education, orientation and recreation.
[[MELCOS], Melbourne Council for Overseas Students, 1983], 1983 (File) - Box 4 (MS Acc01.167)
Extra large file of correspondence, agenda and minutes of meetings, financial statements, information sheets and reports relating to MELCOS and its activities. Subjects include: accommodation, education, orientation and recreation.
[[MELCOS], Melbourne Council for Overseas Students, 1984], 1984 (File) - Box 4 (MS Acc01.167)
Extra large file of correspondence, agenda and minutes of meetings, financial statements and information sheets relating to MELCOS and its activities. Subjects include: accommodation, education, orientation and recreation.
[[MELCOS], Melbourne Council for Overseas Students, 1985], 1985 (File) - Box 4 (MS Acc01.167)
Small file of correspondence, information sheets and minutes of meetings relating to MELCOS and its activities. Subjects include: accommodation, education, orientation and recreation.
[[MELCOS], Melbourne Council for Overseas Students, 1986], 1986 (File) - Box 4 (MS Acc01.167)
Mostly minutes of meetings relating to MELCOS and its activities. Subjects include: accommodation, education, orientation and recreation.
Handbook for overseas students: Melbourne, 1984 (File) - Box 4 (MS Acc01.167)
Produced by MELCOS and sponsored by ADAB, September 1984 (2 copies).
[Publications, miscellaneous] (File) - Box 4 (MS Acc01.167)
Miscellaneous publications including two MELCOS brochures titled "Funding kit", [n.d] and "Overseas students", [n.d], (8 copies) and two ADAB brochures titled "Australian development co-operation', [n.d] and "Social work services for overseas students", [n.d], (2 copies).
[Victorian Aboriginal Education Consultative Group Summer School], 1977 - 1978 (File) - Box 5 (MS Acc01.167)
Material relating to a Summer School organised by the Victorian Aboriginal Education Consultatative Group and the Camp Jungai Co-operative Limited, at Camp Jungai, Rubicon, Victoria, 20 January-10 February, 1978. Includes correspondence, a Summer School program, memorandum, a notebook and photographs of summer school participants undertaking various activities.
[AUS, Annual Council, Advance Council Papers], 1982 - 1983 (File) - Box 5 (MS Acc01.167)
Papers relating to the 47th AUS Annual Council, held at the Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, 15-22 January, 1983. Includes: an agenda, reports and motions for Council. The file also contains a list of 1983 AUS Council delegates; the 1982/1983 Public Affairs Committee and the 1982/1983 Publications Committee; an AUS report to the Executive on the ASA Executive Council Meeting, held at Manila, Philippines, 3 Spetemebr 1982 and a communique from the Commonwealth Student Conference, sponsored by AUS and held at the University of Melbourne, [n.d].
[[ISTC], International Student Travel Conference, Steering Committee], 1972 - 1974 (File) - Box 5 (MS Acc01.167)
Papers belonging to Gregor Macaulay, while a member of the ISTC Steering Committee. Includes correspondence, circulars, financial statements, minutes of meetings and reports. Also includes a paper on the International Student Identity Card (ISIC) in French, 1973.
Travel Manager, TM Elect, Past President HLM, 1972 - 1973 (File) - Box 6 (MS Acc01.167)
Various papers and reports including resolutions and an amended budget from the 1972 AUS Annual Council and papers and financial statements for the 1973 AUS Annual Council. Also inlcudes an issue of Asian student news, October/November, 1972 and an issue of Aquarius reports, 1973[?].
[Registers '79], 1978 - 1979 (File) - Box 6 (MS Acc01.167)
Material relating to the 1979 AUS Annual Council, held 8-18 January. Includes correspondence, a draft conference agenda, lists of delegates and constituent observers, some delegate registration forms and accommodation records.
[Travel], 1973 - 1975 (File) - Box 6 (MS Acc01.167)
Papers relating to the 3rd Annual Conference of the Student Travel Association of Asia, held at Tagaytay City, Philippines, 7-12 March, 1975. Includes a conference agenda, committee reports, minutes of plenary sessions, position papers and reports of workshops.
Asian students 19/05/1960, 19/05/1960 (Item NLA.MS-SAV017225) - Shelf-Tall OH2-9-013
1 item, Unbranded 5", 16mm filmpost marked envelope in film case
NUAS Documentary, Radio Australia, 1/03/1962, 1/03/1962 (Item NLA.MS-SAV017226) - Shelf-Tall OH2-2-021
1 item, Brevete SGDG 4 1/2 inch reel, Magnetic tape reel (any size)Jean Lewis. Live recordings from 1968. Sydney S.O.. Film Sound Track., 1968 (Item NLA.MS-SAV017227) - Shelf-Tall OH2-9-013
1 item, 7 inch reel, 16mm filmIncludes Ruby Tuesday, I wish I knew how it felt to be free, Porque Los Pobres Non Tienam(1964). Stars Turn-Sculthorpe. Gary's Song-Ralph Tyrrell. Cocaine Blues.
Exercises made at 1971 Melbourne Film School. Original, 1971 (Item NLA.MS-SAV017228) - Shelf-Tall OH2-9-013
1 item, Kodak. 5 1/2 inch reel, 16mm film"Meat Eaters" Original. Aquarius Film School Effort 1971, 1971 (Item NLA.MS-SAV017229) - Shelf-Tall OH2-9-013
1 item, 10 1/2 inch reel, 16mm film"Heart Ache", Mad Meat Eaters Film. Aquarius Print, 1971 (Item NLA.MS-SAV017230) - Shelf-Tall OH2-9-013
1 item, 10 1/2 inch reel, 16mm filmAquarius Summer School 1971
Luna Park. Original., 25/02/1972 (Item NLA.MS-SAV017232) - Shelf-Tall OH2-9-013
1 item, Ferrania 3M. 6 inch reel, 16mm filmLuna Park. Magnetic Sound, 25/02/1972 (Item NLA.MS-SAV017233) - Shelf-Tall OH2-9-013
1 item, 3M 6 inch reel, 16mm filmLuna Park. Optical Transfer, 25/02/1972 (Item NLA.MS-SAV017234) - Shelf-Tall OH2-9-013
1 item, 3M 6 inch reel, 16mm filmNUAS film "VAP". Print No 1., 15/03/1972 (Item NLA.MS-SAV017235) - Shelf-Tall OH2-9-013
1 item, 10 1/2 inch reel, 16mm filmDuration 24 min. Comment on film "Terrible film-bad attitudes expressed-mostly interviews-very boring. Should be used for film school editing practice!
Original film. Market Group. 1972 Melbourne Film school., 1972 (Item NLA.MS-SAV017236) - Shelf-Tall OH2-9-013
1 item, 5 1/2 inch reel, 16mm filmOriginal film. Magnetic sound. Market Group. 1972 Melbourne Film school., 1972 (Item NLA.MS-SAV017237) - Shelf-Tall OH2-9-013
1 item, 5 1/2 inch reel, 16mm film"Gothic" Picture (Item NLA.MS-SAV017238) - Shelf-Tall OH2-9-013
1 item, 7 1/2 inch reel, 16mm filmContents list in case
"Gothic" Sound (Item NLA.MS-SAV017239) - Shelf-Tall OH2-9-013
1 item, Fabrique. 7 1/2 inch reel, 16mm filmContents list in case of NLA.MS-SAV017238
Class (8) MS Acc03.232. Consignment added 2003
AUS Media Conference, 1976 (File) - Box 1 (MS Acc03.232)
Agenda and two papers from an AUS Media Conference, held at Melbourne, 15-18 May 1976. Also includes motions regarding a review of AUS Media which were passed at the AUS Annual Council, 1976.
AUS Friendly Society papers, 1974 - 1976 (File) - Box 1 (MS Acc03.232)
Includes: minutes of meetings, a financial statement for 1976, a paper on financial planning and articles on the AUS Friendly Society Dental Scheme and the situation at the University of New England pharmacy. Also includes a brochure titled "Introducing AUS insurance", [n.d].
AUS, miscellaneous correspondence, 1972 - 1980 (File) - Box 1 (MS Acc03.232)
Small file of miscellaneous correspondence relating to AUS activities. Subjects include: National "U"; student vacation employment; National Youth Organisation Assistance Grants; relations between AUS and the Liberal Party regarding education policy and the AUS Constitution.
Mixed sources, environment, 1974 - 1983 (File) - Box 1 (MS Acc03.232)
Miscellaneous material including journals, leaflets, information sheets, newsletters, news releases and pamphlets on environmental issues. Subjects include: nuclear power; uranium policy; pesticides and woodchipping. Publications include: Chain reaction, Vol 2, No 4, 1977; Environment Action Centre newsletter, June 1979 and a pamphlet The nuclear decision by David Bridenbaugh, 1976.
AUS Student Travel, 1973 - 1977 (File) - Box 1 (MS Acc03.232)
Miscellaneous material relating to AUS Student Travel. Includes agenda, minutes and reports for some Travel Board meetings; a copy of a court document relating to the appointment of a provisional liquidator to AUS Student Travel, 1977 and a position paper titled "AUS Student Travel: getting nowhere fast" for the AUS Annual Council, 1977. AUS publications include: AUS Student Travel summer program, 1976-7, [n.d], (4 copies); Information for passengers, [n.d] and Student program 1975-6, [n.d]. There are also some AUS information sheets titled "Travel notes" and AUS travel application forms.
Greg Weir, 1977 (File) - Box 1 (MS Acc03.232)
Consists of an AUS publication on the Greg Weir case and campaign titled "Greg Weir profile: oppose victimisation of a homosexual teacher" and two circulars relating to the Greg Weir defence campaign. Greg Weir was a homosexual teacher refused employment by the Queensland Education Department.
AUS Women's News Service, c.1976 (File) - Box 1 (MS Acc03.232)
Consists of Women's news service, Issue No 6, 1976.
Feminism, women's liberation, 1976-1985, 1976 - 1979 (File) - Box 1 (MS Acc03.232)
Material relating to women's issues. Includes copies of Sibyl, No 7, 1976; Right to choose, April 1979, (4 copies) and a pamphlet on women's educational programs produced by the Footscray College of Technical and Further Education, [n.d]. Also includes some information sheets and leaflets on abortion, feminism, women's liberation and education.
AUS, Aboriginal Scholarship Fund (Abschol), Trust Deed, 1971-1975, 1967 - 1975 (File) - Box 1 (MS Acc03.232)
Single folio of correspondence relating to the Abschol Trust Fund. Also includes various copies of the Trust Deed.
AUS newsnotes, c.1979 (File) - Box 1 (MS Acc03.232)
Background information circulated by the AUS. Includes Nos 1-4, 1979[?].
AUS telexes, 1974 (File) - Box 1 (MS Acc03.232)
AUS telex messages relating to various AUS activities. Subjects include: conferences, insurance; student travel and student exchanges.
[Tertiary Education Assistance Scheme], 1974 - 1980 (File) - Box 1 (MS Acc03.232)
Material relating to the Tertiary Education Assistance Scheme (TEAS). Includes: a report of a meeting between AUS and the Universities Commission, November 1974; a submission by the Australian Vice-Chancellors' Committee to the Committee appointed by the Minister for Education to review TEAS and an AUS submission to the Committee regarding student financing, 1975[?]. Also includes a copy of A guide to the Tertiary Education Assistance Scheme: how to apply, how to appeal, how to make your case, 1980 (6 copies); an AUS leaflet titled "AUS student incomes report No 2, loans", [n.d], (5 copies) and two AUS leaflets on TEAS and student loans.
Education news service, 1975 - 1976 (File) - Box 1 (MS Acc03.232)
Issues include: No 3, 1975 and Nos 1-4, 1976. There are duplicates for No 2, 1976 (3 copies) and No 3, 1976 (2 copies).
AUS education information, 1976 - 1979 (File) - Box 1 (MS Acc03.232)
Former title was Education news service. Includes issues: No 14, 1976; Nos 1-6, 10-11 and 16, 1977; Vol 5, Nos 1 and 5, 1979. Duplicate copies exist for a number of issues.
AUS Special Council, 1979, 1979 (File) - Box 1 (MS Acc03.232)
Mostly material relating to the AUS Special Council, 1979. Includes: documents 7 (5 copies), 8 (2 copies), 9 (3 copies), 10 (4 copies), Appendix 2 and 3 to document 10 and documents 11 and 21. Also includes a copy of the Victorian Regional Organiser's report to the Victorian Regional Meeting, held on 19 June and the AUS Special Council, 21-23 June, 1979. The file also contains an issue of National student, No 7, June 1979; an issue of AUS newsnotes, No 7, June 1979; an AUS Queensland Regional Education paper Government immorality, June 1979 and an AUS infromation sheet titled "Education guidelines for 1980: a 2.1% cut", [n.d], (5 copies).
AUS Annual Council, 1980, 1979 - 1980 (File) - Box 1 (MS Acc03.232)
Extra large file of papers relating to the AUS Annual Council Meeting, January-February 1980. Includes: a meeting agenda, executive officer and committee reports, motions, discussion papers, financial statements and some position statements from members seeking election to executive positions. Also includes Pre-Council Volume Part 2, 1980. Duplicate copies exist for some material.
[Miscellaneous material] (File) - Box 2 (MS Acc03.232)
Patrons are advised this box is unavailable pending preservation treatment.
[[AOSTS], Australian Overseas Student Travel Scheme]], 1963 (File) - Box 3 (MS Acc03.232)
Single folio of correspondence from Peter Wilenski, NUAUS President to the NUAUS International Officer, 1 July 1963, relating to the AOSTS and Australian student visits to India.
International ISC [International Student Conference], general, 1969-1971, 1964 - 1971 (File) - Box 3 (MS Acc03.232)
Correspondence, circulars, information sheets and journals relating to the ISC and its activities. Subjects include: conferences and seminars; education and the ISC. Publications include: ISC Information bulletin, Nos 1-2, 1966; No 4-5, 1967 and No 1, 1968; Information, published by the Peace Council of the German Democratic Republic, Nos 4-7 and 12, 1970; Nos 3, 6 and 10, 1971 and International student bulletin, Vol 1, No 2, 1968 and a special supplement titled "Statement on race and racial prejudice", 1968[?]. There is also a copy of a paper titled "The ideological evolution of the "United Secretariat'" by Michel Pablo, [n.d]; a copy of the World student directory, 1968[?] and a copy of The charter of the International Student conference, 1964[?].
Other international student matters, July 1963 - October 1976 (File) - Box 3 (MS Acc03.232)
Miscellaneous material relating to international student activities. Includes correspondence, circulars, information sheets, journals, memorandum and notes. Subjects include: the World Festival of Youth and Students; solidarity with Greek students; a campaign for an independent East Timor; the African Freedom Movement and the visit to Australia by a representative of SWAPO (South West African Peoples Organisation ), September 1974. Publications include: UKCOSA news , Summer 1972; Nordic student newsletter, No 1, 1971 and STAA newsletter, special issue,October 1976 containing a communique from the 4th Annual General Conference of the Student Travel Association of Asia (STAA), held at Hong Kong, 13-20 July, 1976.
[Student Representative Councils], 1963, 197-1986 (File) - Box 3 (MS Acc03.232)
Correspondence, leaflets, information sheets and minutes of meetings relating to Student Representative Councils. Includes minutes of various meetings of the SRC at the University of Newcastle, 1974; papers from the 6th meeting of the 71st SRC, University of Melbourne, 1977 and minutes of a meeting of the Victorian Radical Left Students, 29 September, 1979. Also includes a paper titled "How the other 75% lives" by Deidre Mason, RMIT SRC, 1977[?] and an issue of Political economy newsletter, No 1, 1976.
SRCs, other university and student organisations publications, 1974-1986, 1976 - 1983 (File) - Box 3 (MS Acc03.232)
Publications include: Nadi Kilau, newsletter of the Malaysian Law Students Association, Monash University, Vol 2, 1983; Unity, University of Wollongong quarterly, Vol 1, Nos 2-3, 1981; Student Guild's guide to itself and other things, published by the Student Guild, Western Australian Institute of Technology, 1976; Orientation handbook 1977, published by Macquarie University and Prof studies: counter course handbook, published by Antonia Rutherford, Acting Director, Student Publications, University of New South Wales, 1976[?].
Zimbabwe, 1971 - 1974 (File) - Box 3 (MS Acc03.232)
Correspondence, newscuttings, telegrams and reports relating to Zimbabwe (Rhodesia). Includes correspondence between AUS and student unions in Zimbabwe; the Zimbabwe Students Union and ZANU (Zimbabwe African National Union). Subjects include: fund raising; financial assistance; the Zimbabwe Rehabilitation Centre; student demonstrations at the University of Rhodesia and the political and social situation in Rhodesia. The file also contains an issue of Zimbabwe news, Vol 7, No 9, 1973 and Vietnam news bulletin, No 5, 1974, issued by the Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, Canberra, ACT.
Southern Africa, ZANU appeal, 1973 - 1974 (File) - Box 3 (MS Acc03.232)
Mostly correspondence and circulars relating to the AUS ZANU Printing Press Appeal and funds for liberation movements in South Africa. Also includes background material on liberation movements in Africa and the situation in Portuguese occupied territories in Africa. The file also contains an issue of The Namibian youth, No 1, January-February 1974.
[Student newspapers, Australia], 1973 - 1983 (File) - Box 4 (MS Acc03.232)
Publications include: ANU reporter, Vol 4, No 5, 1973; Catalyst, Vol 30, No 13, 1974; Farrago, Vol 61, October 1983 and Vol 64, No 2, 1986; Lot's wife, Vol 13, No 7, 1973; National U, No 13, Septemebr 1975 and pages 7-14 of an issue for 8 September 1975; Rabelais, Vol 7, Nos 4-5, 1973; Vertigo, No 3, April 1981 and Writing on the wall, Vol 6, No 5, 1976. This file also contains two National U supplements titled "Education mobilisation" and "Australia needs a viable public transport network". There is also a broadsheet titled "Trainee teachers beware" produced by the AUS Media Department for the Unemployed Teachers Association, June 1977.
[Student newspapers, New Zealand], 1975 - 1982 (File) - Box 4 (MS Acc03.232)
Publications include: Salient, Vol 37, No 5, 1975; Vol 38, Nos 1 and 11, 1975; Vol 39, Nos 7 and 17-18, 1976 and Vol 45, No 15, 1982; and Canta, Nos 4 and 23-24, 1975.
National U, 1972 - 1977 (File) - Box 4 (MS Acc03.232)
Large file of material relating to the National U newspaper published by AUS. Includes miscellaneous articles, book lists, newscuttings, notes and journals collected by National U staff and a distribution list for the newspaper for 1977. Publications include: Environment news, Vol 1, No 5, 1976; Women's news service, Nos 5-6, 1975; News bulletin of the Australia-China Society, Victorian Branch, 1977; Liberate Southern Africa, No 4, 1975 and on campus, No 163, 1977 and a pamphlet titled The poverty of growth by Colin Francome, 1972. There is aso an AUS publication titled Student allowances: $49 a week, now or never, 1975[?] which provides background information to an AUS campaign for changes to TEAS.
Disarmament, 1985 (File) - Box 5 (MS Acc03.232)
Published by the United Nations. Issues include: Vol VII, Nos 1 and 3, 1985.
Imprimatur, 1984 - 1985 (File) - Box 5 (MS Acc03.232)
Newsletter of the Tertiary Catholic Federation of Australia. Includes issues: Nos 3, 5 (2 copies), 6 (2 copies) 1984 and Nos 1, 2 (2 copies) 1985.
[World Anti-Communist League, publications], 1987 (File) - Box 5 (MS Acc03.232)
Two pamphlets published by the World Anti-Communist League, China Chapter and the Asian Peoples' Anti-Communist League, Republic of China. They are: Communist China's opening to the outside world: as seen from change in the trade structure by Lee Hua-Hsia, 1987 and Summary record of the 20th WACL Conference Forum on International Cooperation in the Cause of Freedom, 1987.
Newsletter: Australian Asian Community Welfare Association, 1984 (File) - Box 5 (MS Acc03.232)
Issues include: Vol 9, No 6, September 1984 and an undated issue possibly late 1984.
The University of New South Wales Union 12th annual report, 1973 (File) - Box 5 (MS Acc03.232)
Annual report and statement of accounts for 1972.
AUS, Council meetings, 1972 - 1973 (File) - Box 5 (MS Acc03.232)
Includes: resolutions and financial statements from the AUS August Council, held at Melbourne, 1972 and resolutions and financial statements from the AUS Annual Council, held at Melbourne, 30 January-8 February, 1973.
IMCS Asia: document reprint service, 1986 - 1988 (File) - Box 5 (MS Acc03.232)
Series produced by the Asian Secretariat of the IMCS. Subjects include: cartooning; creative dramatics; human rights; faith and spirituality. Includes: Nos 1-5, 1987 and Nos 1-3, 1988. Also includes a 1986 ASIN (Australian Students International Network) leaflet containing information about ASIN and an article titled "Students and social change".
[Australian Chinese community], 1986 (File) - Box 5 (MS Acc03.232)
Program and agenda for the National Conference of the Australian Chinese Community, held at Sydney, 28-30 November, 1986.
Elderly Chinese Home newsletter, 1987 (File) - Box 5 (MS Acc03.232)
Published by the Elderly Chinese Home Inc, Parkville, Melbourne, Victoria. Consists of two copies of the September 1987 issue.
Asian student news, 1975 - 1990 (File) - Box 5 (MS Acc03.232)
Published by the Hong Kong Federation of Students on behalf of the Asian Students Association. Issues include: June-July, 1975; November-December 1976; January-February and September-October 1977; May 1981; July-September 1986 and July 1990. There are duplicate copies for September-October 1977 (2 copies) and July 1990 (4 copies). The file also includes a brochure for an ASA workshop titled "Developing solidarity network for people liberation", held at Sydney, 14-16 September, 1990.
Praxis, 1985 - 1986 (File) - Box 5 (MS Acc03.232)
Newsletter of the World Student Christian Federation, Asia/Pacific region. Issues include: Nos 1-2 and 3-4, 1985 and Nos 1-2, 1986.
Newsletter: Chinese Association of Victoria Incorporated, 1989 - 1991 (File) - Box 5 (MS Acc03.232)
Includes issues: Vol 64, December 1989; Vol 65, February 1990 and Vol 76, July 1991.
The newsletter of Melbourne University Chinese Cultural Society, 1992 (File) - Box 5 (MS Acc03.232)
Consists of issue 2, 1992.
Newsletter of the Chinese Fellowship of Victoria, 1985 - 1989 (File) - Box 5 (MS Acc03.232)
Published by the Chinese Fellowship of Victoria, Melbourne. Issues include: November-December 1985; March-May and October-December 1986 and March-April, 1989.
Newsletter of the Chinese Fellowship of Victoria, 1987 - 1989 (File) - Box 5 (MS Acc03.232)
Published by the Australian Chinese Community Association of New South Wales. Issues include: Vol 13, No 10, 1987; Vol 14, Nos 1-2, 1987 and Vol 15, No 7, 1989.
ACF newsletter, 1986 (File) - Box 5 (MS Acc03.232)
Published by the Australian Chinese Forum of New South Wales. Consists of an issue for August 1986.
FITA newsletter, 1984 (File) - Box 5 (MS Acc03.232)
Published by the Federal Interpreters and Translators Association of Victoria. Consists of an issue for August 1984 (10 copies).
Voices, 1986 (File) - Box 6 (MS Acc03.232)
Official publication of the Christian Conference of Asia Urban Rural Mission. Consists of Vol 10, No 2, 1986.
Urban rural action: CCA-URM news and notes, 1986 (File) - Box 6 (MS Acc03.232)
Published by the Christian Conference of Asia Urban Rural Mission. Consists of Vol 6, No 2, 1986.
St George's Scout Group, 1974-1989, 1989 (File) - Box 6 (MS Acc03.232)
Souvenir magazine of the 23rd Sibu (St George's) Scout Group's fifteenth anniversary.
The Australian universities' review, 1987 (File) - Box 6 (MS Acc03.232)
Published by the Federation of Australian University Staff Associations, Melbourne, Victoria. Consists of Vol 30, No 1, 1987.
[Tokyo International Model United Nations], 1991 (File) - Box 6 (MS Acc03.232)
Provisional agenda and registration material for the Tokyo International Model United Nations, held at Tokyo, Japan, 27-30 July 1991.
Australian Freedom from Hunger Campaign, 1991 (File) - Box 6 (MS Acc03.232)
Promotional kit for the Australian Freedom from Hunger Campaign, 1991.
[Australians for Kanak independence], 1987 (File) - Box 6 (MS Acc03.232)
Consists of a circular seeking aid and assistance for the Kanak independence forces in New Caledonia, 1987; a report on the situation in New Caledonia, March 1987 and a press release titled "France terrorises Pacific say Kanak mayors", dated 20 April, 1987[?].
[Albanian Telegraphic Agency], 1977 (File) - Box 6 (MS Acc03.232)
Photocopy of an editorial from the newspaper Zeri I popullit titled "The theory and practice of revolution", 7 July, 1977. The article is incomplete.
Peace studies, 1983 (File) - Box 6 (MS Acc03.232)
Published by the Victorian Association for Peace Studies. Issues include: Vol 2, Nos 7-8 and 10, 1983.
Peace magazine Australia, 1987 (File) - Box 6 (MS Acc03.232)
Published by the Peace Publications Cooperative, Melbourne, Victoria. Consists of issue No 4, February-March, 1987.
FOE newsletter, 1991 (File) - Box 6 (MS Acc03.232)
Published by Friends of the Earth, Fitzroy, Melbourne, Victoria. Consists of the issue for November, 1991.
[Wimmin's Circus], 1980 (File) - Box 6 (MS Acc03.232)
An APG press release regarding the "Wimmin's Circus" and an invitation to the opening night performance at the Pram Factory Theatre, Carlton, Melbourne on 5 June 1980.
Tightrope, 1984 (File) - Box 6 (MS Acc03.232)
Published by the Fitzroy Community Youth Centre, Fitzroy, Melbourne, Victoria. Consists of issue No 1, March 1984.
Mikurrunya: Strelley community newsletter, 1987 (File) - Box 6 (MS Acc03.232)
Newsletter of the Strelley Community, Port Headland, Western Australia. Consists of Vol 9, No 4, 1987.
Land rights news, 1988 (File) - Box 6 (MS Acc03.232)
Published by the Northern Territory Land Councils. Consists of Vol 2, No 7, 1988.
The Australian teacher, 1984 (File) - Box 6 (MS Acc03.232)
Published jointly by various state teacher organisations in collaboration with the Australian Teachers Federation.
ALR: Australian left review, 1988 - 1993 (File) - Box 6 (MS Acc03.232)
Issues include: No 106, August-September, 1988; No 133-134, October-November, 1991; No 140, June 1992; No 146, December 1992-January 1993 and No 148, March, 1993.
Womanspeak, 1976 - 1977 (File) - Box 6 (MS Acc03.232)
Issues include: Vol 2, Nos 3-4, 1976 and Vol 2, No 5, 1977.
Catalyst, 1979 (File) - Box 6 (MS Acc03.232)
Student magazine for RMIT (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology). Consists of Vol 35, No 1, 5 February, 1979.
The naked wasp, 1978 (File) - Box 6 (MS Acc03.232)
Caulfield Institute of Technology (CIT) student and community newspaper. Consists of issue No 8, 28 September, 1978.
[Stickers and postcards], 1975 (File) - Box 6 (MS Acc03.232)
Various stickers, cards and postcards on subjects including: student fees; East Timor; Indochina and international solidarity. Captions include: "Cut the fees!" (4 copies); "Fees: fight it before it stops your education" (2 copies); "Education: cut the overseas student charge, not education funding" (3 copies); "Overseas student charge"; "Fees squeeze" (2 copies); "East Timor: its time to talk" (2 copies); "Talks on .... why not East Timor" (2 copies); "Soviet Union out of Indochina"; "Students say no to racism" and "International solidarity with peasants,workers and students in the Third World, July 28-August 1, 1975" (2 copies). Most items are undated.
[Badges] (File) - Box 6 (MS Acc03.232)
Badge captions include: "Oppose foreign bases in S E Asia" (2 items); "International student solidarity" (2 items) and "Let's yank out the Yanks: no US bases".
Black news service, 1975 - 1977 (File) - Box 7 (MS Acc03.232)
Extra large file of material relating to the publication of Black news service published by the Black Resource Centre Collective, North Brisbane, Queensland. Includes a folder containing layout pages for issue No 6, 6 October, 1975 and a folder containing edited pages for an issue No 7, with no further publication details. A third folder contains some photocopied notes on the Black Resource Centre Collective; edited copies of journal articles and draft notes on how to publish possibly for a booklet or manual.
Papua New Guinea handbook: 1972-1973, c.1973 (File) - Box 7 (MS Acc03.232)
Published by AUS in conjunction with students from the University of Papua New Guinea, 1973[?].
A guide to womens' studies in Australia, 1975 (File) - Box 7 (MS Acc03.232)
Edited by Penny Ryan and published by AUS, 1975.
Australia's economic crisis: information for students and workers, 1975 (File) - Box 7 (MS Acc03.232)
Published by AUS, 1975 (5 copies).
Vacation employment survey 1972, 1972 (File) - Box 7 (MS Acc03.232)
A research report of the AUS, published January, 1973.
The student's work situation assessment, 1974 (File) - Box 7 (MS Acc03.232)
Published by the Education Section of the AUS, July 1974.
Students and the multinational corporation, 1974 (File) - Box 7 (MS Acc03.232)
By Brian Pola. Published by AUS, August 1974.
Constitution and regulations: effective 1 May 1975, 1975 (File) - Box 7 (MS Acc03.232)
Published by AUS, 1975[?].
Student struggles in Malaysia and Singapore, 1975 (File) - Box 7 (MS Acc03.232)
Background information to International Solidarity Week, 28 July-1 August, 1975. Published by Ian Macdonald, President for AUS, 1975[?] (5 copies).
This handbook is designed to help you lie, con, agitate, cheat, deceive, manipulate, confront, undermine, change, obstruct, inform, argue, resist, erode, debate and fight; it's called a survival handbook, 1977 (File) - Box 7 (MS Acc03.232)
Published by AUS, 1977[?].
School days, school days, good ol' sexist schooldays: combat sexism kit, 1976 (File) - Box 7 (MS Acc03.232)
Compiled by Gabrielle Walsh and Gary Dowsett. Published by the Women's Department of AUS, 1976.
Government immorality, 1979 (File) - Box 7 (MS Acc03.232)
AUS Queensland Regional Education Info, No 2, June 1969 (2 copies).
The effect of the proposed tuition charge for overseas students in Australian post-secondary education and related matters, 1979 (File) - Box 7 (MS Acc03.232)
Submission by the AUS and WAIT Guild to the Commonwealth Minister for Education, Senator the Honourable J L Carrick and the Commonwealth Minister for Immigation and Ethnic Affairs, the Honourable M J R MacKellar, MHR, 30 September, 1979 (3 copies).
Submission (Part 1) to the Committee of Inquiry into post-secondary education in South Australia, 1976 (File) - Box 7 (MS Acc03.232)
Prepared by Michael Gallagher, et al., and published by AUS, December, 1976.
The proposed Bachelor of Applied Arts Course at Sturt College of Advanced Education, 1979[?] (File) - Box 7 (MS Acc03.232)
Submission to the Board of Advanced Education, South Australia. Prepared by Simon Marginson, AUS Education Research Officer, 1979[?] (4 copies).
The case against mining and export of Australia's uranium; a kit for speakers and activists, 1975 (File) - Box 7 (MS Acc03.232)
Edited by Wes Arnott and published by the Social Action and Environment Department, AUS, July 1975.
Documents and resolutions relating to the withdrawal of the Australian Union of Students from the membership of the International Union of Students, 1976 (File) - Box 7 (MS Acc03.232)
Published by AUS, April 1976.
The economic crisis: background information for students and workers, 1979 (File) - Box 7 (MS Acc03.232)
Published by AUS, 1979.
Submission to the Right Honourable J M Fraser, Prime Minister concerning aspects of education funding and student financing, 1977 (File) - Box 7 (MS Acc03.232)
Prepared by Michael Gallagher, AUS Education Research Officer and Craig Johnston, AUS Education Vice President, 1977.
Preliminary responses to the Williams report: a collection of papers by student union research officers on the Report of the National Inquiry into Education and Training, 1979 (File) - Box 7 (MS Acc03.232)
Edited by Greg Roche and Simon Marginson. Published by Greg Roche for and on behalf of the Melbourne University Students Representative Council, July 1979.
The orientation survival handbook manual, 1979 (File) - Box 7 (MS Acc03.232)
Cover title is The orienteering handbook. Published by the University of Melbourne Students' Representative Council, 1979.
[AUS, miscellaneous], 1973 - 1977 (File) - Box 7 (MS Acc03.232)
Miscellaneous material including draft notes, information sheets, leaflets, newscuttings and papers. Subjects include: education, the environment, housing, nuclear power and uranium. Papers include: "Pissed off with Frasers economic policies? Five reasons why ... and twenty three things you can do about it", by Mark Burford, AUS Education Vice President, 1979[?] (2 copies); "The fight for housing: bringing together student unions and the community" by Graeme Russell, Victorian member, AUS National Executive, 1977 and a "Committee on student loans minority report", by Michael Gallagher, AUS Education Research Officer, 1977. Also includes a leaflet titled "Compulsory unionism', 1977[?] and an "AUS action", No 4 leaflet, 1975[?].
[Student newspapers, Australia], 1977 - 1991 (File) - Box 7 (MS Acc03.232)
Publications include: Axis, No 10, 1976; Farrago, 29 April, 1977; Vol 63, No 15, 1985 and Vol 64, Nos 1 and 6, 1986; Lot's wife, Vol XVI, No 20, 1976; Neucleus, October-November, 1988; Opus, April 1974; Mailit, No 3, October 1982; Scrag, Vol 15, No 1, 1980; The swine, Vol 3, No 30, 1991 and Writing on the wall, Vol 7, No 5, 1978.
AUS Council, 1978, 1977 - 1978 (File) - Box 7 (MS Acc03.232)
Papers relating to the AUS Annual Council Meeting, 19-29 January, 1978. Includes four copies of a National OSS (Overseas Student Service) report to AUS Council; position paper 21 titled " Uranium mining and aborigines" and some financial statements. Also includes two copies of a National OSS Director's report to the Annual OSS Conference, held at Stanwell Tops Christian Conference Centre, NSW, 26-31 August, 1977.
[AUS Executive, miscellaneous papers], 1973 - 1977 (File) - Box 7 (MS Acc03.232)
Mostly miscellaneous reports from various office holders to the AUS Executive between 1973-1977. Also includes meeting agenda, minutes and some financial statements.
[Miscellaneous material], 1973 - 1984 (File) - Box 7 (MS Acc03.232)
Publications include: The Australian National University news, Vol 8, No 1, 1973; AUIDP newsletter, No 5, 1974; Welfare booklet published by the Students' Representative Council, University of Melbourne, [n.d] and a chapter (11) from an unnamed book titled "The Students' Representative Council". Also includes two leaflets for elections at Monash University; the first for the Monash University Liberal Club and the second for Monash ALP (Australian Labor Party). The file also contains a letter from Johnny Allen, Director, Aquarius Foundation to Mr M Nickolaidi, Queen Elizabeth II Arts Council, Wellington, New Zealand regarding the Nimbin Festival and future cooperative arts endeavours between the two countries and a leaflet containing a statement by the Prime Minister, Gough Whitlam on funding for the Nimbin Festival.
[Poster], 1977 (File) - Box 7 (MS Acc03.232)
Poster advertising the 3rd National Homosexual Conference, held at Adelaide University Union, 26-28 August, 1977. Also includes a media release/registration form for a national conference on "Socialism, feminism and homosexuality" to be held at Sydney University, 30-31 July, 1977.
Land rights news service, 1986 - 1989 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc03.232)
Published by the Northern Territory Land Councils. Issues include: Vol 2, No 1, 1986; Vol 2, No 11, 1988 and Vol 2, No 12, 1989.
Mikurrunya: Strelley community newsletter, 1987 - 1988 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc03.232)
Newsletter of the Strelley Community, Port Headland, Western Australia. Issues include: Vol 9, Nos 1 and 3, 1987; Vol 10, No 2, 1988 and Vol 10, No 3, 1988[?].
Black news service, 1975 - 1976 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc03.232)
Published by the Black Resource Centre Collective, North Brisbane, Queensland. Issues include: Vol 1, Nos 1, 3, 5, 7 (6 copies), 8 (3 copies), 1975 and Vol 2, Nos 1-2 and 3 (2 copies) 1976.
Mureena: the Aboriginal student newspaper, 1978 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc03.232)
Consists of Vol 3, No 3, August 1978 (7 copies).
Kooka-bina: a black Australian news monthly and Koori-bina: a black Australian news monthly, 1976 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc03.232)
Published by the Black Women's Action Group, Redfern, NSW. Issues include: Vol 1, No 1, 1976 of Kooka-bina: a black Australian news monthly and Vol 1, Nos 2-4, 1976 of Koori-bina: a black Australian news monthly.
[Black Australian ephemera], 1974 - 1986 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc03.232)
Miscellaneous material including journals, information sheets, journals, leaflets, newspapers and a poster relating to indigenous issues. Subjects include: land rights; mining; racism, self-determination; campaign to free Denis Walker, Lionel Fogarty and John Garcia and the Queensland Aborigines Act and Regulations 1971. Publications include:Newsletter of the Aboriginal Medical Service, Redfern, Sydney, Nos 12-13, 1974 and No 14, 1974; Aboriginal human relations newsletter, No 49, 1976; Yenara news, November 1976 (2 copies); Black Protest Committee newsletter, Vol 1, No 1, 1982; NT newsheet, unnumbered issue, 1978?; Message stick, Vol 7, No 2, 1982; Mureena: the Aboriginal student newspaper, Vol 2, No 2, December 1976 and Vol 3, No 1, July 1977 and The Queensland Aborigines Act and Regulations 1971,1976. The poster is titled "Drop the charges! free Walker, Fogarty and Garcia", 1975[?]. The file also contains a small booklet titled The Land Day uprising published by the Palestine Liberation Front (PLO), 1977.
Facts and reports, 1985 - 1987 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc03.232)
Press cuttings on Southern Africa. Issues include: Vol 15, Nos J, N-U, W-Z, 1985; Vol 16, Nos A, E, G, OP, V-Z, 1986; Vol 17, Nos A, G-M, W1, XY1, Z1 and A1, 1987.
Eritrea information, 1984 - 1987 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc03.232)
Published by the Research and Information Centre on Eritrea. Issues include: Vol 6, Nos 2-6, 1984 and Vol 9, No 1, 1987.
Eritrean Relief Committee, 1982 - 1987 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc03.232)
Circulars, information sheets, a brochure, a leaflet and a newsletter relating to the Eritrean Relief Committee in Australia. Issues include: March, May and July, 1982; May-June, 1983; September 1984; Vol 3, No 1, 1985 and Vol 5, No 1, 1987.
Black Consciousness Movement of Azania (BCMA), 1987 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc03.232)
Material relating to the BCMA. Includes a Communique of the Central Committee of the BCMA, December 1987; a New Year message for 1988 and a booklet titled Basic documents published by the BCMA, [n.d].
Africa Research and Publications Project, 1984 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc03.232)
Publications include: Working paper No 4, The nationality question in a neo-colony: an historical perspective by Mahmood Mamdani, 1984[?] and Working paper No 6, Tanzania and the World Bank by Cheryl Payer, 1984[?].
AASUA: All African Students Union in Australia newsletter, 1983 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc03.232)
Issues include: Vol 1, Nos 1-2, 1983.
International newsbriefing on Namibia, 1987 - 1988 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc03.232)
Published monthly by the Namibia Support Committee. Issues include: Nos 51 and 53-54, 1987 and No 55, 1988.
African Red Family, 1976 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc03.232)
Issues include: special publication No 1, 1976 and Vol 3, No 1, 1976.
Zimbabwe news, 1973 - 1978 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc03.232)
Official organ of the Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU). Issues include: Vol 7, No 12, 1973; Vol 9, No 3, 1977 and Vol 10, no 1, 1978. The file also includes a ZANU press release dated 18 March, 1975.
People's power in Mozambique and Guinea Bissau, 1976 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc03.232)
Issues include: No 1, March-April and No 4, September-October, 1976.
Campaign Against Racial Exploitation (CARE), 1974-1979, 1974 - 1979 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc03.232)
Material relating to CARE. Includes correspondence, information sheets and minutes of a CARE National Conference, held at Sydney, 5-6 February, 1977. Publications include: CARE newsletter, No 14, 1979 (3 copies) and No 16, November-December 1979 (2 copies) and Liberate Southern Africa: a survey of news and opinion, No 3, July-August 1975. The file also contains an article titled "Rhodesia is Zimbabwe" by Simbarashe Mumbengegwi, 1976[?]; a brochure titled "Free Ken Matime", 1979[?] and and information sheet, 1975 and newscuttings on the situation in Soweto, 1976.
The weekly review, 1979 - 1983 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc03.232)
Issues include: 25 August and 15 September, 1978; 27 April, 1979 and 3 June, 1983.
Spotlight on Southern Africa, 1977 - 1979 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc03.232)
Published by the National Anti-Apartheid Committee, Wellington, New Zealand. Issues include: Nos 17-18, 1977 and No 34, 1980.
Southern Africa newsbrief, 1975 - 1976 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc03.232)
Published by the National Anti-Apartheid Committee, Wellington, New Zealand. Issues include: No 4, 1975 and Nos 2-3, 1976.
[United Nations, brochures on South Africa], 1979 - 1982 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc03.232)
Titles include: "The oppression of black women in apartheid South Africa", 1981; "The Freedom Charter of South Africa", 1979 and " 9 August: International Day of Solidarity with the struggle of women of South Africa and Namibia", 1982.
Southern Africa Liberation Centre (SALC), publications, 1977 - 1984 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc03.232)
Publications include: Hakika, No 8, May (5 copies) and No 9, July (5 copies), 1977; Vol 2, No 9, 1980; Vol 3, No 1, 1981 and Vol 4, No 2, 1982; Azania frontline, Nos 2-3, 1983 and No 7, 1984 and Africa news, Vol 1, No 5, 1978. Also includes an information sheet on the movie "The wild geese", 1978[?] and an information sheet titled "Here is the real South Africa: through its own laws", 197[?].
Internationale solidaritat, 1977 - 1978 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc03.232)
Issues include: No 12, 1977 and No 5, 1978.
Combat, 1978 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc03.232)
Consists of Vol VII, No 3, 1978 and contains a report on the 26th Congress of the Ethiopian Students Union in North America, 5-10 August, 1978 (5 copies).
Combatant, 1984 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc03.232)
Official organ of the People's Liberation Army of Namibia (PLAN). Consists of Vol 6, No 2, 1984.
Ka-nata: a vision of social revolution, 1982 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc03.232)
Published by the Kanatan Organizing Committee, Vancouver, Canada. Consists of the Spring 1972 issue (2 copies).
Mozambique revolution, 1975 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc03.232)
Official organ of the Mozambique Liberation Front (FRELIMO). Consists of issue No 61, 1975[?] (2 copies).
SASCA: newsletter of the Southern Africa Support campaign, 1984 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc03.232)
Consists of issue No 4, 1984.
Sechaba, 1975 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc03.232)
Official organ of the African National Congress, South Africa. Consists of Vol 9, Nos 6-7, 1975.
Newsletter on the oil embargo against South Africa, 1987 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc03.232)
Published by the Shipping Research Bureau, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Consists of No 6, January, 1987.
Kommunikee, 1976 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc03.232)
Monthly communique of the Anti-Apartheid Movement, The Netherlands. Consists of the May-June issue, 1976.
Azanai struggle, 1983 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc03.232)
Published in Wellington, New Zealand. Consists of Vol 3, No 2, 1983.
Umsebenzi, 1983 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc03.232)
Published in Lewisham, Sydney, NSW. Consists of Vol 1, Nos 1-2, 1983.
Australian economic ties with South Africa, 1973 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc03.232)
Booklet by Brian Noone and published by AUS, May 1973.
Transkei independence, 1976 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc03.232)
Published by Black Community Programmes, Durban, South Africa, 1976.
Founding Convention of the Azania People's Revolutionary Party: communique, 1979 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc03.232)
Communique from a Founding Convention of the Azania People's Revolutionary Party, held 29-31 August and 3 September, 1979.
Africa, miscellaneous, 1978 - 1988 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc03.232)
Miscellaneous materials relating to Africa including circulars, information sheets, brochures; leaflets and pamphlets. Subjects include: apartheid; famine in Africa; Eritrea; women in Tanzania; Mangaliso Sobukwe; the situation in Soweto and the Azanian People's Revolutionary Party and self-determination of indigenous peoples.
Notes and documents: United Nations Centre Against Apartheid, 1976 - 1988 (File) - Box 9 (MS Acc03.232)
Published by the United Nations Centre Against Apartheid. Most issues consist of a report/paper on a specific topic relating to apartheid. Issues include: No 16, 1976; Nos 3, 14 (2 copies), 15 (2 copies), 16, 17 (2 copies), 18-20, 1984; Nos 10, 13, 15, 17-18, 1986; Nos 3-4, 6, 13, 16-17, 1987 and 1, 3-7, 9-11, 1988.
Disarmament, 1984 - 1988 (File) - Box 9 (MS Acc03.232)
Published by the United Nations. Issues include: Vol VII, No 2, 1984 and Vol XI, No 2, 1988.
Disarmament newsletter, 1984 - 1988 (File) - Box 9 (MS Acc03.232)
Newsletter of the World Disarmament Campaign published by the United Nations. Issues include: Vol 2, No 5, 1984; Vol 5, No 2, 1987 and Vol 6, Nos 1-2, 1988.
[United Nations, publications], 1980 - 1988 (File) - Box 9 (MS Acc03.232)
Mostly United Nations publications, brochures, fact sheets and press releases relating to disarmament and peace. Includes: Disarmament fact sheets, No 39, 1985; No 52, 1987 and No 56, 1988; Armament and disarmament: questions and answers: information paper, 1988 and International Conference on the Relationship between disarmament and development, New York, 24 August-11 September, 1987: final document. The file also contains a copy of Report of Media Peace Prize, 1980, presented by the United Nations Association of Australia.
[World Anti-Communist League, publications], 1982 - 1987 (File) - Box 9 (MS Acc03.232)
Pamphlets published by the World Anti-Communist League, China Chapter and the Asian Peoples' Anti-Communist League, Republic of China. Issues include: No 262, 1982; No 272, 1983; Nos 278-279, 1984 and 298-299, 1987.
Sri Lanka, publications, 1980 - 1984 (File) - Box 9 (MS Acc03.232)
Five pamphlets and a brochure published by the Sri Lankan Ministry of State. They include: Not an indictment: facts, 1980[?]; Young hands across the seas, 1984; Build the village and you build the country, 1984; Sri Lanka; beyond conflict, 1983 and The facts, a statement made to the United Nations Sub-commission on the Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, 1983. The brochure looks at population and electoral information on the northern and eastern provinces of Sri Lanka.
United Nations, misellaneous publications, 1976 - 1986 (File) - Box 9 (MS Acc03.232)
Consists of miscellaneous press releases and memoranda, 1983-1986, booklets, pamphlets and a poster. Publications include: United Nations in print, 1982; The plight of black women in apartheid South Africa, 1981 (2 copies); Social conditions in Namibia, 1983 and United Nations in action, No 32, 1976. Four pamphlets contain various declarations and programs of action against apartheid resulting from conferences and special committees, 1982-1983. The poster is titled "International Year of Mobilization for Sanctions in South Africa-1982".
Decolonization, 1983 - 1988 (File) - Box 9 (MS Acc03.232)
Published by the United Nations. Issues include: No 19, 1983 (2 copies); No 21, 1984 and No 36-37, 1988.
Ka huliau: the turning point, 1983 (File) - Box 9 (MS Acc03.232)
Published by Hawaii Education for Social Progress, Inc. Issues include: Vol 1, Nos 2-3, 4 (2 copies) and No 7 (2 copies) 1983.
[Australia and the South Pacific], 1982 (File) - Box 9 (MS Acc03.232)
Agenda, participant list, key note address,speaking notes and papers relating to a conference on Australia and the South Pacific, held at the Australian National University, Canberra, 18-19 February, 1982. Subjects include: aid, economic relations; trade; migration and military issues.
Overseas Christian Fellowship, 1979 (File) - Box 9 (MS Acc03.232)
Miscellaneous material relating to the Overseas Christian Fellowship. Includes the first issue of the OCFUM newsletter, 1979, published at the University of Melbourne and pages for another issue of the newsletter titled OCFMUB newsletter, 1979. The file also contains notes, reports and stencils, possibly for inclusion in another issue of the newsletter.
COL CARE TO CHECK Overseas Christian Fellowship (File) - Box 9 (MS Acc03.232)
Bundle of Gestetner pages for the printing of the OCFUM newsletter. Has been bagged for Collection Care to look at.
[Christian organisations, publications], 1972 - 1989 (File) - Box 9 (MS Acc03.232)
Publications include: Keadilan, Christmas special issue, 1989; New life, Vol 43, No 4, 1980; The christian science monitor, 1-2 September, 1972; Uniting Church of Fitzroy newsletter; Oppressor and victim, report of the 3rd Asia Youth Resource Conference, Japan, 1-13 August, 1982 and an unnumbered and undated newsletter published by the New Testament Churches in Taiwan.
Pacific file, mid 1970s, 1972 - 1980 (File) - Box 9 (MS Acc03.232)
Extra large file of material relating to the Pacific region. Consists of bulletins, conference papers, journal articles, leaflets, newsletters, newscuttings and reports. Subjects include: Australian foreign policy in the Pacific; independence movement; Kanaks; nuclear weapons; nuclear testing and regional cooperation. There are a number of bulletins and newsletters of Pacific Island organisations and groups discussing the economic and political situations in their countries; the fight for independence and the fight for a nuclear free Pacific. Also includes some papers from a Conference for a Nuclear Free Pacific, held at Suva, Fiji, 1-6 April, 1975.
Pacific Islands, miscellaneous, 1984 - 1988 (File) - Box 9 (MS Acc03.232)
Publications include: AKI newsletter, No 2, 1987; Vanuatu: uprising and the threat of invasion: a case study of Australian imperialism in the climate of world war, published by the Joint Committee in Support of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement, 1988 and a broadsheet titled "New Caledonia: the struggle for independence", [n.d]. Also includes a leaflet for a demonstration against the visit of the USS "Schofield" to Dunedin, New Zealand from 17-19 March, 1984.
Singapore bulletin, 1978 - 1982 (File) - Box 10 (MS Acc03.232)
Published by the Ministry of Culture, Singapore. Issues include: Vol 7, No 4, 1978; Vol 7, Nos 5, 8, 10, 1979; Vol 8, Nos 1 (2 copies), 2 (2 copies), 3 (3 copies) and 4 (4 copies), 1979; Nos 5 (4 copies), 6 (4 copies), 10, 11 (2 copies), and 12 (2 copies), 1980; Vol 9, Nos 1 (2 copies) and 3, 1980; Vol 9, Nos 8 (2 copies), 9 (2 copies), 10 (4 copies), 11 (5 copies) and 12, 1981 and Vol 10, Nos 1-2 and 7-9, 1982.
Charts concerning Chinese communists on the mainland, 1985 (File) - Box 10 (MS Acc03.232)
Published by the World Anti-Communist League, China Chapter and the Asian Peoples' Anti-Communist League, Republic of China, Series 43, 1985.
Eolas: international newsletter, 1975 - 1976 (File) - Box 10 (MS Acc03.232)
Newsletter of the Irish Republican Movement. Issues include: Nos 35-36, 1975; Nos 38-40, 42-44 and 47-48, 1976. The file also contains three leaflets relating to Eolas subscriptions; Books for Ireland and the second International Anti-Imperialist Festival, 19-30 July, 1976.
Australian Council for Overseas Aid (ACFOA), 1974 - 1977 (File) - Box 10 (MS Acc03.232)
Material relating to ACFOA. Includes: Oppose apartheid: an action and information kit, 1975 and Development news digest, Nos 10-12, 1974; Nos 15-16, 1975 and No 21, 1977. The file also contains a small number of press releases and information sheets regarding apartheid in South Africa and aid to East Timor and 10 stickers with the caption "This facility is for whites only in South Africa".
Congress for International Co-operation and Disarmament, 1976 - 1981 (File) - Box 10 (MS Acc03.232)
Consists of a single folio of correspondence relating to an Australian Conference on National Independence and Non Alignment, 1976; a brochure and leaflet relating to a conference titled "Australia and South-East Asia directions for the 1980s", 198[?] and a leaflet for a march against nuclear war, from Frankston to Melbourne, 8-9 August, 1981.
Amnesty International, Queensland Branch, 1975 - 1976 (File) - Box 10 (MS Acc03.232)
Publications include: Amnesty International newsletter, Vol 3, No 6, 1975 and Amnesty International news, Vol 3, No 11, 1976 and Vol 4, No 4, 1976.
The beacon, 1977 - 1980 (File) - Box 10 (MS Acc03.232)
Published by the Melbourne Unitarian Peace Memorial Church, East Melbourne, Victoria. Issues include: July, December 1977; November 1979 and January-February, 1980. The file also contains an article for a meeting on "Technology", held on 26 August, 1979 and a miscellaneous leaflet calling for a teachers' strike in Victoria on 28 November, [n.d].
Praxis: WSCF Asia newsletter, 1975 - 1976 (File) - Box 10 (MS Acc03.232)
Newsletter of the World Student Christian Federation, Asia/Pacific region. Issues include: Vol I, No 5, 1975 and Vol II, No 1, 1976. The file also includes a paper titled Aggression by the rich countries agianst the poor: what has UNCTAD IV achieved? by Debesh Bhattacharya, 1976.
Newsletter of the Tertiary Catholic Federation of Australia, 1980 - 1987 (File) - Box 10 (MS Acc03.232)
Issues include: No 2, 1980 and a special issue, No 2, 1987 (2 copies), jointly published by the Student Christian Movement, the Tertiary Catholic Federation of Australia and the Tertiary Young Christian Students.
[[IMCS], International Movement of Catholic Students], 1977 - 1985 (File) - Box 10 (MS Acc03.232)
Publications and two miscellaneous circulars relating to the IMCS. Publications include: Interflow, Vol 1, Nos 1-3, 1977; IMCS Asia: document reprint service, No 4, June 1978 and IMCS Asia newsletter, September-December 1976 and Vol 5, No 1, 1985.
ADAB [Australian Development Assistance Bureau], 1978-1980, 1978 - 1979 (File) - Box 10 (MS Acc03.232)
Publications, brochures, posters and a chart published by ADAB. Publications include: Bilateral aid program, 1979-1980, 1979; Australia's overseas development assistance: Development Assistance Committee Australian memorandum 1978, 1979[?] and Development assistance: selected speeches, November 1976 to March 1978 and March 1978 to October 1978. Also includes: five brochures with the following titles: "Australia's aid to developing countries, 1977-1978" (2 copies); "Multilateral aid"; The AUSTREC Program: science and technology for development"; "Women in developing countries" and "Food aid: fact sheet on Australian involvement. There are two posters titled "What you need to live ......" and "Facts and figures around the world" and a large chart titled "Geographical and functional distribution of Australian official development assistance, year ended 30 June, 1979.
MSA news, 1975 - 1976 (File) - Box 10 (MS Acc03.232)
Published by the Muslim Students' Association of the United States and Canada. Issues include: Vol 4, No 12, 1975 and Vol 5, No 1, 1976.
Light, 1981 - 1982 (File) - Box 10 (MS Acc03.232)
Published by the Australian Federation of Muslim Students' Associations (AFMSA). Issues include: Vol 11, No 2, 1981; No 3-4, 1982.
Salam, 1981 - 1982 (File) - Box 10 (MS Acc03.232)
Newsletter of AFMSA. Issues include: Vol 12, Nos 2-3 and 5, 1981; Vol 12, Nos 6 (2 copies) and 7-8, 1982 and Vol 13, No 1 (2 copies).
Al-Mumtahanah, 1981 - 1982 (File) - Box 10 (MS Acc03.232)
Published by the Ladies' Affairs Unit of AFMSA. Issues include: Vol 2, Nos 3-4 and 6, 1981 and Vol 2, Nos 7-8, 1982.
Turkey and Kurdistan, 1980 - 1986 (File) - Box 10 (MS Acc03.232)
Publications include: Turkey information bulletin, June 1986, published by the Committee for Human Rights and Democracy in Turkey (Australia) and Turkey: return to democracy-disguised fascism?, 1985. Also includes a pamphlet relating to the Left Unity of Turkey and Kurdistan-Turkey and the establishment of a Victorian Support Committee, 1985; a series of press releases titled "Turkish press and other media",Nos 129-135, 1978 and two information sheets from the Australian Turkish Cultural Association, 1980[?].
Iraq, Kurds and Kurdistan, 1977 - 1988 (File) - Box 10 (MS Acc03.232)
Includes: The spark, Vol 1, Nos 2 and 10, 1977 and Vol 2, No 10, 1978; a statement of the Committee of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement on the war between Iraq and the Kurds, October 1988 and an undated newscutting on an amnesty offered to Iraqui Kurds.
Iran and Iraq, documents, 1973 - 1988 (File) - Box 10 (MS Acc03.232)
Miscellaneous material including a copy of Documents: the International People's Conference for Peace, Baghdad, 25-27 May, 1988, 1988; an issue of MERIP reports, June 1973 reprinted by AUS for the visit to Australia of the Shah of Iran, September 1974 and press releases relating to the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, 6 June 1982; the deportation of Iranian students by Turkey, 1981 and the execution of political prisoners in Iraq, 7 March, 1987.
Class (9) MS Acc04.015. Consignment added 2004
[WAFA: Palestine News Agency], 1981 - 1982 (File) - Box 1-7b (MS Acc04.015)
Newsletters produced by WAFA, the Palestine News Agency (Wakalat al-AnbaD al-Filastiniya) which was established in 1972 as the official news outlet for the Palestine Liberation Organization. NUAUS received a copy of the newsletter in English and in Arabic. In most cases each issue has been stapled or filed together by NUAUS. They have been arranged in chronological order. Issues are held from 31 January 1981-31 May, 1982 with some gaps in the collection. There is also an occasional error in the numbering system and a small number of issues do not have an Arabic version and vice versa. Issues include: special supplement, 31 January, 1981; Nos 50, 76-81, 83-114, 116-125, 128-131, 133-136, 138-141, 143-144, 147, 149-152, 154 (2 copies), 156-157, 160-162, 166, 171, 173-174, 176-182, 184, 186-191, 193-198, special supplement, 10 September, 1981, 199, special supplement, 11 September 1981, 202-213, 218-219, 232, 234-240, 242-262, 265-276, 278-285, 286 (2 copies) and 287-293; Nos 1-37, 44-48, 50-58, 59 (2 copies), 60-61 , 63-71, 73, 75-82, 85-89, 91-94 and 96-128 and 130, 1982. There are a small number of issues at the beginning of Box 1 in Arabic only, and their dates have not been translated. There are also anomalies in the numbering system for June 1981 issues.
Palestine forum, 1977 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc04.015)
Published by Friends of Palestine, Pennant Hills, Sydney, NSW. Issues inlcude: No 26, September-October, 1977 (2 copies) and No 27, November-December, 1977.
The democratic state of Palestine: a Middle East solution, 197[?] (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc04.015)
Published and printed by Solomen Salby, Annandale, Sydney, NSW, 197[?], (7 copies).
Israel's Beirut massacre, July 17, 1981, 1981 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc04.015)
Pamphlet published by the International Conference in Solidarity with the Lebanese and Palestinian People, 1981[?].
Relations between Israel and South Africa, 1977 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc04.015)
Documentary Series No 70, published by the Ministry of Information, Republic of Iraq, 1977.
Zionism and racism, 197[?] (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc04.015)
Published by the Press and Information Bureau, Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt, 197[?].
PFLP bulletin, 1974 - 1980 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc04.015)
Published by the Foreign Relations Committee of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. Issues include: No 12, 1974; Nos 15, 17 and 18, 1975; Nos 21 and 22, 1976 and No 24, 1977 (6 copies); No 29, 1979 (2 copies) and No 36-37, 1980 (4 copies).
Palestine: PLO information bulletin, 1977 - 1982 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc04.015)
Published by the Palestine Liberation Organisation Unified Information. Issues include: Vol 3, Nos 14-15 and 17, 1977; Vol 4, No 9, 1978; Vol 5, Nos 8, 9 (4 copies), 11, 13, 14 (2 copies), 15 (11 copies), 16 (8 copies), 17 (5 copies), 18 (4 copies), 19 (10 copies) and 21, 1979; Vol 6, Nos 1 (2 copies), 2 (2 copies), 3, 4 (2 copies), 14 and 17, 1980; Vol 7, No 8, 1981and Vol 8, No 4-5, 1982.
Iraq today, 1979 - 1980 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc04.015)
Published by the Ministry of Information, Iraq. Issues include: Vol IV, Nos 86-87, 89, 98, 101, 103 (2 copies) 1979 and Vol V, No 104 (2 copies), 1980.
L'Iraq aujourd'hui, 1979 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc04.015)
Issues include: No 77-78, 197[?] and No 81, 1979.
Iraq: the land of Arab resurgence, 1979 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc04.015)
By Dewan Berindranath, Press Asia International, 1979.
[Iraq, publications], 1977 - 1978 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc04.015)
Consists of three pamphlets including: Iraqi revolution in the service of humanity: Saddam Hussein speaks by Z L Kaul, [n.d]; Democracy: source of power for the individual and society text of an address by Saddam Hussein, at the Ministry of Education, 10 July, 1977 and Political work in the armed forces published by the Ministry of Information, Iraq, 1978. The file also contains a brochure in French titled "les realisations dans la region autonome, 1974-1978".
Iran newsletter, 1980 - 1982 (File) - Box 9 (MS Acc04.015)
Published by the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Issues include: 28 February, 1980 and No 22, 1980; Nos 33-34 and 39-44, 1981 and Nos 45-50, 1982. The file also includes five press releases issued by the Embassy.
Message of revolution, 1982 (File) - Box 9 (MS Acc04.015)
Publication of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps. Issues include: Nos 7 and 8, 1982.
Kar: labour, 1981 (File) - Box 9 (MS Acc04.015)
Official newspaper of the Organisation of Iranian People's Fedaii Guerillas (OIPFG) Majority. Issues include: February-March and June-August, 1981.
The long days; part 1, 1979 (File) - Box 9 (MS Acc04.015)
By by Abdul-Ameer Mu'alla, Ithaca Press, 1979.
Statement by Mr Mir Hossein Mousavi, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran at the Thirty Sixth Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, New York, October 5, 1981, 1981 (File) - Box 9 (MS Acc04.015)
Published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 1981.
Crisis in Iran: a microcosm of the cosmic play, 1979 (File) - Box 9 (MS Acc04.015)
By Robin Woodsworth Carlsen, Snowman Press, 1979.
The Ba'th Party: some theoretical considerations, 1977 (File) - Box 9 (MS Acc04.015)
Extrapolated from resolutions passed by the 6th National Congress, October 1963, 1977.
Confrontation and liberation, 1978 (File) - Box 9 (MS Acc04.015)
Pamphlet published by the Ministry of Information, Republic of Iraq, 1978.
Saut al-thaurah: voice of the revolution, 1981 - 1982 (File) - Box 9 (MS Acc04.015)
Issued by the Central Information Committee of the Peoples Front for the Liberation of Oman. Some issues have a variation in the spelling of the newsletter as Saut al-thawrah: voice of the revolution. Issues include: Nos 11-12, 1981 and Nos 13-18 and 20, 1982. Also includes a letter from the Central Executive Committee dated 25 April, 1981.
[Council for the Advancement of Arab-British Understanding, (CAABU)], 1980 - 1981 (File) - Box 9 (MS Acc04.015)
Includes a CAABU annual report for 1980 and an issue of CAABU newsletter, Spring 1981. Also includes a letter to CAABU members dated 14 May 1981 containing a report titled "A visit to the West Bank in April 1981" and a letter on the retirement of John Reddaway by D R Collard dated 24 April, 1981.
[Palestine Liberation Organization, (PLO)], 1981 (File) - Box 9 (MS Acc04.015)
Memorandum presented by the PLO to the International Conference in Solidarity with the Palestinian and Lebanese People, Beirut, 10-12 September, 1981.
The Palestine report, 1981 (File) - Box 9 (MS Acc04.015)
Published by the London Office of the PLO. Consists of an issue dated 23 July, 1981.
[Trade Union Friends of Palestine], 198? (File) - Box 9 (MS Acc04.015)
Consists of a special report titled "Israel invades afain:, 198[?]".
Afghanistan tribune, 1981 (File) - Box 9 (MS Acc04.015)
Newspaper of the Foderation Afghanischer Studenten im Ausland, No 11, September 1981 (2 copies). Text is in German.
Miscellaneous Arabic material (File) - Box 10 (MS Acc04.015)
Box of material with titles and text in Arabic.
Al-aqlam, 1979 - 1980 (File) - Box 11 (MS Acc04.015)
Issued by the Ministry of Culture and Information, Iraq. Issues include: Vol XIV, No 8, 1979 and Vol X, Nos 4-5, 1980. Text is in Arabic.
Dawn of new Mesopotamia; the people of Iraq, 1978 (File) - Box 11 (MS Acc04.015)
Photography by Goro Nakamura. Published by the Japan Press Service, 1978.
Iraqi woman, 197[?] (File) - Box 11 (MS Acc04.015)
Published by the General Federation of Iraqi Women, 197[?]. Text in English, French and Arabic.
Tricontinental, 1976 (File) - Box 11 (MS Acc04.015)
Organ of the Executive Secretariat of the Organization of Solidarity of the Peoples of Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Consists of issue No 76, 1981 (2 copies - one in English and one in French). Each issue includes an oversized poster titled "5th anniversary" produced by the The Polisario Front (Frente Polisario), a nationalist organization, whose main goal is the independence of Western Sahara.
Asian student news, 1977 (File) - Box 11 (MS Acc04.015)
Published by the Hong Kong Federation of Students on behalf of the Asian Students Association. Consists of an issue for September-October 1977 (10 copies).
ANERA newsletter, 1981 (File) - Box 11 (MS Acc04.015)
Published by American Near East Refugee Aid, Washington, DC, USA. Issues include: Nos 55-56, July-December, 1981.
Liberate Southern Africa: a survey of news and opinions, 1975 - 1976 (File) - Box 11 (MS Acc04.015)
Published by CARE (Campaign Against Racial Exploitation). Issues include: No 2 (3 copies), No 3 (2 copies) and No 4, 1975 and No 6, 1976.
Indonesian newsletter, 1982 (File) - Box 11 (MS Acc04.015)
Published by the Information Service of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia, Canberra, ACT. Consists of issue 6/II/1982.
Australian student unity, 1978 (File) - Box 11 (MS Acc04.015)
Published by the University of New South Wales Students' Union. Consists of issue No 1, March-April, 1978 (2 copies).
National U, 1975 (File) - Box 11 (MS Acc04.015)
Published by AUS. Consists of an issue dated 7 April, 1975.
[Australian Council of Trade Unions], 1977 (File) - Box 11 (MS Acc04.015)
Consists of an agenda paper for consideration by the Australian Congress of Trade Unions, to be held at the Sydney Town Hall, 12-16 September, 1977.
Australia-Albania friendship, 1977 (File) - Box 11 (MS Acc04.015)
Publication of the Australia-Albania Friendship Association. Consists of an issue for December, 1977.
Queensland dossier, 1977 (File) - Box 11 (MS Acc04.015)
Produced by the Queensland Solidarity Group, Sydney, NSW. Consists of an issue for October, 1977.
Alternate news service, 1978 (File) - Box 11 (MS Acc04.015)
Published by the ANS, Carlton South, Melbourne, Victoria. Consists of No 90, 17 April, 1978.
Young socialist, 1975 (File) - Box 11 (MS Acc04.015)
Published by the Socialist Youth Alliance. Consists of issue No 3, September-October, 1975.
Weekly workers news, 1975 (File) - Box 11 (MS Acc04.015)
Organ of the Central Committee of the Socialist League. Consists of No 93, 16 October, 1975.
MERIP reports, 197[?] (File) - Box 11 (MS Acc04.015)
Journal of the Middle East Research and Information Project. Consists of No 62, 197[?].
Asia Forum on Human Rights, 1980 (File) - Box 11 (MS Acc04.015)
Consists of an issue dated 22 January, 1980.
Class (10) MS Acc13.179. Consignment added 2013
0.15 metres,[AUS Annual Council 1977], 1976 (File) - Box 1 (MS Acc13.179)
AUS Annual Council 1977, 13-22 January, Howitt Hall, Monash University: guide to Council, agenda, motions on notice, officer reports, committee reports, additional position papers.
[AUS Annual Council 1977], 1977 (File) - Box 1 (MS Acc13.179)
AUS Council 1977, miscellaneous resolutions.
Class (11) MS Acc22.050. Consignment added 2022
The Acc22.050 installment comprises of material relating to AUS Student Travel and its' eventual sale; compulsory student unionism; AUS secessionism; council papers and student trips to China and India. The majority of the material covers 1960-1982. The acronym for AUS Student Travel varies within the material. AUSST has been used for simplicity.
Travel Board of the AUS 1978, 1978 - 1979 (File 1) - Box 1 (MS Acc22.050)
Material regarding AUS Student Travel (AUSST) and the legal issues occuring during 1978, in part due to the collapse of the business the year before . Includes reports of the board, draft reports on AUS Student Travel, meeting notes, newspaper clippings, correspondence, meeting minutes, financial records, travel information, legal judgements and press releases.
Travel Board of the AUS 1977. Year of AUSST collapse, 1976 - 1978 (File 2) - Box 1 (MS Acc22.050)
Material regarding financial and legal difficulties experienced by AUSST during 1977. Includes correspondence, financial reports, outline of staff travel benefits, equipment selection material, arrangements with other international students travel organisations, charter route information, special council reports, meeting minutes, Travel Board Report and Minutes from Special Council of AUS, and employment agreement details.
AUS Student Travel scheme creditors minutes (incomplete), 1977 - 1980 (File 3) - Box 1 (MS Acc22.050)
Includes financial records and annotated meeting minutes.
Voice of Kurdistan, [1980] (File 4) - Box 1 (MS Acc22.050)
Includes pictures and notes regarding the filming and travel for Voice of Kurdistan.
Friendly Society correspondence, 6 October 1981 (File 5) - Box 1 (MS Acc22.050)
Letter from AUS President Paul Carrick to Graeme Russell, accepting his resignation from the Friendly Society.
AUS Student Travel 1979, including sale, 1979 - 1981 (File 6) - Box 1 (MS Acc22.050)
Material discusses the events that lead to the sale of AUSSTA including reporting by the media and Hansard records of the matter being raised in fderal parliament. Includes Bill of Sale, corporate outline, office list, minutes, articles of association, charter flight schedules, correspodence regarding AUSSTA office locations, article by Graeme Russell regarding the sale of AUS Student travel, information flyers and correspondence regarding campus resolutions to sell AUSST.
AUS Student Travel media coverage, c.1978-1979 (File 7) - Box 1 (MS Acc22.050)
Includes photocopies of articles from the Sydney Morning Herald, Travel Week, Tharunka University of NSW student magazine, The Australian, Canberra Times, Catalyst RMITs' student magazine, Australian Financial Review and a National Overseas Students' Service press release.
AUS Student Travel vs Hungerford's: claim against auditors, 1978 - 1985 (File 8) - Box 1 (MS Acc22.050)
Legan documents and correspondence regarding the AUS suing Hungerfords over negligence in audit and accountancy services provided.
Finance Committee Chairperson's report to the AUS Executive, March 1978 (File 9) - Box 2 (MS Acc22.050)
AUS Associate Members Club (AMC) finances, 1977 - 1980 (File 10) - Box 2 (MS Acc22.050)
Includes balance sheets, lists of payments, estimated income and expenditure statement, newsletter and board meeting minutes.
Pre-council papers, 1977 (File 11) - Box 2 (MS Acc22.050)
Copy of Annual Council of the Australian Union of Students, the 41st annual council.
Miscellaneous telexes, 1978 - 1979 (File 12) - Box 2 (MS Acc22.050)
Messages discuss student unemployment and welfare, voluntary student unionism and the legislation that introduced it, AUS travel, federal government education policy, queer rights and the right to protest in Queensland.
Compulsory unionism, 28 April 1978 (File 13) - Box 2 (MS Acc22.050)
Letter from Frederick J Granter to AUS Peter Noonan to regarding the AUS's submission on compulsory student unionism. Granter was the member for Central Highlands, Victoria 1976-1988.
Overseas Student Service (OSS) disputes, 1977 - 1979 (File 14) - Box 2 (MS Acc22.050)
Correspondence and newsletters discussing allegations of missing furniture, constitution changes, advocating for political asylum for Hishamuddin Rais and the anti AUS executive movement.
Court cases: compulsory unionism and fees, 1977 - 1978 (File 15) - Box 2 (MS Acc22.050)
This large file is divided into 3 sections: Court cases, Student Unionism: general, Legislation state by state. The material details different legal cases against the AUS, guidelines in interpreting the constituional powers of the union, National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student Union (NATISU) grant of $22k 1978, summaries of the cases and summaries of legisation affecting the union. In the 1970's several students including M Farrell in NSW and Nick Xenophonin SA sued the AUS and campus chapters over the compulsory collection and usage of union fees. At the same time various states including Victoria and Queensland introduced legislation to make student unionism voluntary.
Papers regarding secessions, 1976 - 1979 (File 17) - Box 2 (MS Acc22.050)
File organised in 2 sections: Secessionist Literature and Right wing attacks: general info. Includes pro and anti secessionist flyers, response to position paper, election results and correspondence.
Papers for AUS Council, 1978 - 1979 (File 18) - Box 2 (MS Acc22.050)
Material regarding the National Civic Council including transcipt of speeches and copies of newsletters.
AUS secessionism, 1977 - 1979 (File 19) - Box 2 (MS Acc22.050)
Thin file of flyers, correspondence and newspaper clippings discussing AUS secessionism.
AUS Student Travel flight sales/finances, 1977 - 1979 (File 20) - Box 2 (MS Acc22.050)
Includes lists of flights, general sales, sales assesments and projections, marketing ans sales reports,
AUS Student Travel, 1972 - 1975 (File 21) - Box 2 (MS Acc22.050)
Includes minutes, correspondence with Hungerfords, balance sheets, reports, circulars, budgets. Several of the reports are annotated.
Associate Members Club travel programme, 1977 (File 22) - Box 3 (MS Acc22.050)
Includes flight and tour information.
AUS Services Vice-president circulars, 1977 (File 23) - Box 3 (MS Acc22.050)
Large file includes coverage of collapse of AUS Student Travel such as the appointment of Provisional Liquidator, fares for marure age students and office holders.
Papers relating to compulsory fees, 1973 - 1974 (File 24) - Box 3 (MS Acc22.050)
Includes 4 volumes: AUS annual council 1973; AUS August council 1973; AUS annual council 1974 and AUS August council 1974. All volumes include lists of office holders and resolutions passed.
Financial committee chairman's papers, 1975 - 1978 (File 25) - Box 3 (MS Acc22.050)
Large file divided into 3 sections: FCC Reports, Financial Reports (Accounts), Staff. Includes draft of report, interim report for 1978 outlining financial problems, accounts and financial statements, and assessment of fee income.
Pre-council papers, 1977 - 1978 (File 26) - Box 3 (MS Acc22.050)
Large file with front page of contents. Includes office holders reports, region reports, travel reports and position papers on a wide range of national and international issues. The position papers include AUS Student Travel, continous assessment, student incomes, anti-uranium campaign and cannabis legislation.
Council resolutions, January 1978 (File 27) - Box 3 (MS Acc22.050)
Report of the 42nd Annual council. Includes lists of office holders, delegates and resolutions. Large file.
AUS Council pre-council papers, January 1979 (File 28) - Box 4 (MS Acc22.050)
Large file includes outline of council event, draft agenda and office holder annual reports.
Pre-council papers, 1981 (File 29) - Box 4 (MS Acc22.050)
Large file with second page as a table of contents. Includes agenda, information for delegates and motions for council.
Student/political badges and matchbooks, Late 1960's-mid 1970s (File 30) - Folio-Box 5 (MS Acc22.050)
23 badges and 5 AUS Travel matchbooks. The badges topics include various university events, First Nations rights, anti-Vietnam war and anti-apartheid.
National "U" National, 1 March 1967 (File 31) - Box 4 (MS Acc22.050)
1 copy of the NUAUS newspaper, Vol 196 no. 1. Patrons are advised this item contains graphic images. Patron discretion is advised.
1967 and 1968 China trips, 1967, 2015, 2021 (File 32) - Box 4 (MS Acc22.050)
Material regarding trips made in 1967 and 1968 by students. Includes typed notes, book extracts, newspaper clippings, 1968 attendees list and a report "China, 1967" by Jane Perlez and Chris Tennant. Baden Teague, Anthony Harvey, Stephen Fitzgerald and Jane Singleton are amoung those who went on the trips.
AUS documents and "Middle East debate", 1974 - 1982 (File 33) - Box 4 (MS Acc22.050)
Material includes copies of: The Australian Union of Students in the 1970s. With specific reference to the years 1977-79 (1981) by Martin Peters; Our Union: An introduction to the Australian Union of Students (1974) by Neil McLean; "Curriculum" (1982) extract of report by Barbara Preston; sections from the April 1981 Ed Info: AUS Education Information regarding sexism in education and curriculum, and material relating to debates about the middle east and secessionism including a flyer authorised by Julia Gillard as AUS President.
Material donated by Barbara Preston.
Australian Overseas Student Travel Scheme (AOSTS) India trip, 1964-1966, 2018 (File 34) - Box 4 (MS Acc22.050)
Includes handbook, list of delegates, report on the trip by John T Murray, new years day menu singed by delegates, Madras Students' Cultural Association booklet, An Introduction to the Indian Institute of Advanced Study, AOSTS national committee report and an email from John T Murray to the University of Madras asking if they could assist in contacting students with memories of the interchanges.
Australian Union of Students Office photo, 1974 (Item) - Map-Folio 1 (MS Acc22.050)
Name in photo (left to right): Claus Hyllestad, AUS Travel (student exchange); Simbarashe Mumbengegwi, OSS Zimbabwe; Michael Yeoh, OSS Malaysia; Sarah Stirling, secretarial staff; Judy Dillon, secretarial staff; Nola Brooks, secretarial staff; Judy McLennan, secretarial staff; Earle Porteous (obscured), AUS Friendly Society; Duncan McAuslan, Regional Organiser Victoria; Lyn Biner, Secretarial staff; Neil McLean, President; Monty Arnhold, Printer; David Spratt, Finance Committee Chairman; Tom Tescher, Education Research Officer. Signatures on rear. Photo taken outside National Office 97 (93-97) Drummond Street, Carlton.
AUS produced posters on education, student financing, employment and general politics (File)
All out on September 30. Support the student strike. No TEAS squeeze. No education cuts. No fees. A living wage for all, 1976 (Item 1/53) - Map-Folio 2 (MS Acc22.050)
AUS Education Financing Campaign poster.
It tooke me 80 years to learn the joy of living. 80 years to overcome the indoctrination of 12 years' schoolhouse arrest. Some of us don't live that long...', Mid 1970s (Item 2/53) - Map-Folio 3 (MS Acc22.050)
Photo of a smiling old man, green on white background. An AUS Education poster.
"It's a pity you're only part-time...", 1976[?] (Item 3/53) - Map-Folio 4 (MS Acc22.050)
Poster advertising the AUS Part-timeStudent's Conference, Macquarie University, August 21-23.
No student should be poor: Everyone must get T.E.A.S. Abolish the means test, March 1977 (Item 4/53) - Map-Folio 5 (MS Acc22.050)
AUS Education Department poster.
Life wasn't meant to be radioactive. Throw Fraser out!, 1977 (Item 5/53) - Map-Folio 6 (MS Acc22.050)
Authorisedby Peter O'Connor, AUS.
Open Access for All!, August 1977 (Item 6/53) - Map-Folio 7 (MS Acc22.050)
Number 1 in a series of AUS education posters.
Student-staff-worker control!, October 1977 (Item 7/53) - Map-Folio 8 (MS Acc22.050)
Number 2 in a series of AUS education posters.
For Critical Courses!, October 1977 (Item 8/53) - Map-Folio 9 (MS Acc22.050)
Number 3 in a series of AUS education posters.
End Competitive Assessment!, October 1977 (Item 9/53) - Map-Folio 10 (MS Acc22.050)
Number 4 in a series of AUS education posters.
Will you get a job? An unemployment-based economy may waste your skills and your life, late 1970's [?] (Item 10/53) - Map-Folio 11 (MS Acc22.050)
An AUS poster.
Education left out in the cold. Education week on your campus, late 1970's [?] (Item 11/53) - Map-Folio 12 (MS Acc22.050)
AUS (?, unauthorised) poster with space for campuses to write their activities.
Part-timers need libraries and books, late 1970's [?] (Item 12/53) - Map-Folio 13 (MS Acc22.050)
Authorised by AUS Part-time and External Students Association.
He lies and he knows he lies, late 1970's [?] (Item 13/53) - Map-Folio 14 (MS Acc22.050)
Red and black poster with an image of Prime Minister Fraser. Many copies were available in the AUS office in the 1970's to 1981.
"I just want to be a teacher" Teacher Unemployment Seminar for Trainee Teachers March 24 SCV Toorak, 1979 [?] (Item 14/53) - Map-Folio 15 (MS Acc22.050)
Organisedby AUS and SCV Toorak Association of Students.
"The Invisible Students" PESO National Conference, ANU Canberra May 20 & 21, 1979 (Item 15/53) - Map-Folio 16 (MS Acc22.050)
Authorised by AUS Part-time and External Students Association.
Kids Need Teachers Need Jobs, 1980 (Item 16/53) - Map-Folio 17 (MS Acc22.050)
A poster in support of the AUS National Education Campaign. Authorised by Grahame McCulloch, AUS Education Vice President.
AUS Women's Department produced posters (File)
Would you be more careful if it was you that got pregnant?, late 1970's [1977?] (Item 19/53) - Map-Folio 20 (MS Acc22.050)
AUS Women's Department birth control campaign.
Sexuality... We demand the freedom to enjoy non-exploitative relationships, late 1970's [1978?] (Item 20/53) - Map-Folio 21 (MS Acc22.050)
AUS Women's Department.
Work together with your campus women's group and the AUS Women's Dept, 1979 (Item 21/53) - Map-Folio 22 (MS Acc22.050)
A poster with space for activities and information on campuses to be inserted. Authorised by Karina Veal, AUS Women's Department.
Live free from male aggression. Rape is about power not sex, 1979 (Item 22/53) - Map-Folio 23 (MS Acc22.050)
Authorised by Karina Veal, AUS Women's Department.
Women strike out Fraser, 1980 (Item 23/53) - Map-Folio 24 (MS Acc22.050)
A poster advertising a mobilisation 1-21 September and a feminist conference 6 & 7 September, Melbourne University. Authorised by Barbara (Weimar), AUS Women's Department.
Women under attack, 1980 (Item 24/53) - Map-Folio 25 (MS Acc22.050)
A poster advertising feminist conference 6 & 7 September, Melbourne University. Authorised by Barbara (Weimar), AUS Women's Department.
Stamp out sexism in education, 1980 (Item 25/53) - Map-Folio 26 (MS Acc22.050)
Authorised by Barbara (Weimar), AUS Women's Department.
Laughter and Liberation: AUS Women's Department 1981, 1981 (Item 26/53) - Folio-Box 5 (MS Acc22.050)
A flier providing information about the Women's Department and its work. Contact Philomena [Horsley], Women's Officer or Di [Surgery], Women's Department Worker at AUS.
Scream from Silence. Stop sexual harassment, 1981 (Item 27/53) - Folio-Box 5 (MS Acc22.050)
AUS Women's Department.
AUS produced posters on international issues (File)
Vietnam Aid Appeal: Help our comrades reconstruct, 1974 (Item 30/53) - Map-Folio 31 (MS Acc22.050)
Australian Union of Students.
Vietnam Aid Appeal: To help them rebuild, 1974 (Item 31/53) - Map-Folio 32 (MS Acc22.050)
Australian Union of Students.
From Sharpeville to Soweto. The struggle against apartheid in South Africa. Hear Henry Issacs, exiled black student leader, 1976[?] (Item 32/53) - Map-Folio 33 (MS Acc22.050)
Poster publicising the tour (no dates provided), which was sponsored by AUS and the Campaign against Racial Exploitation (CARE). AUS Media.
National East Timor Moratorium, March 18, 19 and 20. Independence for East Timor. Indonesian troops out now. No aid, no trade to Indonesia, 1976 (Item 33/53) - Map-Folio 34 (MS Acc22.050)
Poster by AUS Media Department. RM Note: This item has been digitised by the National Gallery of Australia (
Posters produced by AUS regions, campus student associations, student groups and unknown (File)
Vietnam Victory 1975, 1975 (Item 35/53) - Map-Folio 36 (MS Acc22.050)
Four colour screen-printed (?) poster. A Farrago (Melbourne University student newspaper) poster, designed by Richard Cooney and Sandy Thomas, with thanks to the Earthworks Poster Collective, Sydney
No more Hiroshimas. A March to remember Friday August 6th. Assemble City Square 4.00 pm March to Shrine to lay wreaths 5.00 pm. U.S. bases out. Stop uranium mining, 1976 (Item 36/53) - Map-Folio 37 (MS Acc22.050)
Organised by Students for Nuclear Disarmament and others. Contact CRAC (Community Research Action Centre, Monash University student organisation.
Two-sided poster Compulsory unionism is our right! All students benefit. Defend the right to organise! Reject Hamer's anti-student legislation and Student control of student affairs! Defend student union autonomy! Protest against Hamer's anti-student legisaltion Rally Thursday April 13, 1pm Bourke St Mall March to Parliament House, 1977 (Item 37/53) - Map-Folio 38 (MS Acc22.050)
Australian Union of Students.
Political asylum for Hishamuddin Rais! Rally City Square 4.30, Sept 9, 1977 (?) (Item 38/53) - Map-Folio 39 (MS Acc22.050)
Poster in support of Malaysian student leader in Australia. Australian Union of Students, Victorian Region.
Deakin SAC presents Talks on East Timor. Tuesday 20 Sept. Mr Joe Goncalces... Wednesday 21 Sept. Mr Joe Camilleri..., 1977 (?) (Item 39/53) - Map-Folio 40 (MS Acc22.050)
Deakin University Students Association Council.
Unemployment 390,000 and rising, late 1970's (?) (Item 40/53) - Map-Folio 41 (MS Acc22.050)
Poster by the Australian Union of Students- SA region.
"Let's face it. With the dole queue getting longer, our incomes way below poverty level and our education being cut, how long are we supposed to grin and bear it?" Rally on Thursday 28th 4.30pm Rundle Mall, late 1970's (?) (Item 41/53) - Map-Folio 42 (MS Acc22.050)
Poster by the Australian Union of Students- SA region.
Cramming is anti-educational: Take the competition out of assessment, late 1970's (?) (Item 42/53) - Map-Folio 43 (MS Acc22.050)
MU [Melbourne University] SRC Education Action Committee.
RIP free education. RIP women Blacks workers. RIP you. Tertiary fees could mean your end. Fightback, late 1970's (?) (Item 43/53) - Map-Folio 44 (MS Acc22.050)
Three colour screen printed on the reverse side of output froma continuous feed dot matrix printer. Source unknown.
Socialist students national meeting, April 8-9, Sydney University, 1978 (?) (Item 44/53) - Map-Folio 45 (MS Acc22.050)
Two-colour screen-printed poster with portrait of Karl Marx and speech bubble annotation pasted on: "a classic academic Marxist?".
Radical left students conference. Tin Sheds, Sydney University December 1, 2, 3, 1979 (Item 45/53) - Map-Folio 46 (MS Acc22.050)
Designed by Barbara Preston.
The tale of a student's cat. Rally for TEAS, Thursday June 19th Rundle Street Mall fountain, 1980 (?) (Item 46/53) - Map-Folio 47 (MS Acc22.050)
Three colour poster on reverse of A2 document on student financing and related issues. Prepared by Peter Mumford and On Dit[University of Adelaide student newspaper].
Posters produced by international and overseas student organisations (File)
Left behind in the Dummond Street building after the 1981 move to Lygon Street.
March on Washington to Bring the Troops Home Now!, 21 October 1967 (Item 48/53) - Map-Folio 49 (MS Acc22.050)
Poster includes photograph and information about Nguyen Van Troi, who was exectued in Saigon in 1964. Student Mobilisation Committee [USA].
Peace, Equality, Development. Conference on "Women in the Third World", Asian Students Association, November 1975, Bangkok, 1975 (Item 49/53) - Map-Folio 50 (MS Acc22.050)
Bright blue and magenta poster with collage of photographs of women.
Peace, Equality, Development. Conference on "Women in the Third World", Asian Students Association, November 1975, Bangkok, 1975 (Item 50/53) - Map-Folio 51 (MS Acc22.050)
Small (approximately A3 size) poster, light aqua and white printed on tan paper, with photographof a woman at work.
International Day of Solidarity with the people of South Africa struggling against apartheid June 26, n.d. (Item 51/53) - Map-Folio 52 (MS Acc22.050)
Yellow-orange-red and black printed on tan A3 paper. Published by Internation Union of Students.