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Series. First Series, 1804 - April 1818
Filmed selectively.
Subseries Add MSS 40183-40184. Letters from J.W. Croker, May 1813 - June 1813
Volume III, May 1813 - June 1813 (File Add MS 40183)
J.W. Croker to Peel, 17 June 1813 (Item f.107)
Recommends W. Hallaran as physician on convict ship.
W. Hallaran (Cork) to J.W. Croker, 17 May 1813 (Item f.108)
Seeks appointment as Physician and Inspector to Botany Bay ships which touch at Cork.
Subseries Add MSS 40187-40194. Letters from Lord Whitworth, July 1814
Volume IX, July 1814 (File Add MS 40189)
Lord Whitworth to Peel, 20 July 1814 (Item ff.47-50)
Sentence on convict Connor committed to transportation for life.
Subseries Add MSS 40195-40205. Letters from W. Gregory, February 1813 - April 1818
Volume XV, February 1813 - March 1813 (File Add MS 40195)
W. Gregory to Peel, 25 February 1813 (Item f.152)
Convicts sentenced to transportation should be sent on board transports as soon as possible.
W. Gregory to Peel, 6 March 1813 (Item ff.190-93)
Sends recommendation of Grand Jury that sentence on T. Tubman be commuted to transportation for life.
Volume XVI, April 1813 - May 1813 (File Add MS 40196)
W. Gregory (Dublin) to Peel, 29 April 1813 (Item f.94)
Inquires when Botany Bay ship will arrive in Dublin.
W. Gregory to Peel, 1 May 1813 (Item ff.106-9)
Encloses return on number of convicts in Ireland under sentence of transportation; segregation of male and female convicts on transports.
Volume XVII, November 1813 (File Add MS 40197)
W. Gregory (Dublin) to Peel, 12 November 1813 (Item f.209)
Right of transported political exiles to return to Ireland.
Volume XVIII, April 1814 - May 1814 (File Add MS 40198)
W. Gregory (Dublin) to Peel, 28 April 1814 (Item f.138)
Botany Bay ship required in early summer.
W. Gregory to Peel, 31 May 1814 (Item f.301)
Sentence of transportation on Duffy.
Volume XIX, June 1814 (File Add MS 40199)
W. Gregory (Dublin) to Peel, 29 June 1814 (Item ff.127-28)
Return of Sir Henry Hayes from Botany Bay; insults to Miss Pike; inquires whether Hayes was pardoned by Governor Macquarie.
Volume XXII, April 1816 - May 1816 (File Add MS 40202)
S. Streatfield to W. Gregory, 10 April 1816 (Item ff.227-29)
Sends letter from H.M. Ogle appealing against sentence of transportation on G. Hope for forgery.
W. Gregory to Peel, 18 April 1816 (Item ff.269-70)
Case of G. Hope.
W. Gregory to Peel, 27 May 1816 (Item ff.383-84)
Appeal against sentence of transportation on J. Murphy; law officers recommend leniency to induce malcontents to surrender arms.
W. Gregory to Peel, 30 May 1816 (Item ff.394-97)
Opposes leniency to J. Murphy.
Volume XXIII, December 1816 - March 1817 (File Add MS 40203)
W. Gregory to Peel, 8 December 1816 (Item ff.106-7)
Convicts to be transported or reprieved; crowded state of gaols.
W. Gregory to Peel, 1 January 1817 (Item f.142)
Letter from Chief Justice re J. Swayne, convict in N.S.W.
W. Gregory to Peel, 13 February 1817 (Item ff.202-3)
Frauds committed at Cork by officers supplying provisions to convicts before they sailed.
W. Gregory to Peel, 13 March 1817 (Item ff.270-71)
Investigation into frauds.
W. Gregory to Peel, 29 March 1817 (Item ff.336-38)
Results of investigation; 'system of regular gross fraud'.
Volume XXIV, May 1817 - June 1817 (File Add MS 40204)
W. Gregory (Dublin) to Peel, 27 May 1817 (Item ff.174-75)
Convicts transported under Insurrection Act.
W. Gregory to Peel, 28 May 1817 (Item ff.176-77)
Convicts transported under Insurrection Act.
W. Gregory to Peel, 29 May 1817 (Item ff.183-84)
Convicts transported under Insurrection Act.
W. Gregory to Peel, 14 June 1817 (Item ff.242-43)
Ship needed to take convicts to Botany Bay.
Petition against sentence of transportation on R. Dennis, 14 June 1817 (Item f.250)
Although described individually, this document was originally microfilmed with a page from another document. The last page of the document described can be found at the beginning of nla.obj-762037160.
C. Bush to W. Gregory, 11 June 1817 (Item f.251)
Appeals against sentences of transportation on R. Dennis and J. Sullivan. (copy)
W. Gregory to Peel, 27 June 1817 (Item ff.303-5)
Frauds in Convict Establishment at Cork; arrangements for convicts awaiting embarkation for N.S.W.
Volume XXV, April 1818 (File Add MS 40205)
W. Gregory (Dublin) to Peel, 7 April 1818 (Item ff.180-81)
Irish affairs; convict Hayes to be transported for life.
W. Gregory to Peel, 14 April 1818 (Item ff.199-207)
Sends memorial from grand jurors and magistrates of Sligo protesting at commuting of death sentence on 3 men to transportation for life.
W. Gregory to Peel, 23 April 1818 (Item f.225)
Irish should be encouraged to emigrate to any part of world.
Subseries Add MSS 40221-40279. General correspondence, 1804 - March 1818
Volume XLVII, June 1813 (File Add MS 40227)
J. Ogle to Peel, 10 June 1813 (Item ff.273-75)
Sends statement comparing trade with West Indies with trade with East Indies since 1802.
Volume L, September 1813 (File Add MS 40230)
Lord Conyngham to Peel, 7 September 1813 (Item f.23)
Sends petition against sentence of transportation on J. Little.
Volume LIII, June 1814 (File Add MS 40233)
H. Goulburn to Peel, 25 June 1814 (Item ff.176-79)
European affairs; refers critically to Governor Macquarie's dispatches.
Volume LVII, July 1814 (File Add MS 40237)
H. Goulburn to Peel, 6 July 1814 (Item f.71)
Governor Macquarie was directed to pardon Sir Henry Hayes in 1811; case is not instance of Macquarie's liberality to convicts.
Volume LIX, October 1814 (File Add MS 40239)
C. Bushe to Peel, 19 October 1814 (Item ff.366-68)
Appeals against sentence of transportation on Sarah Hayes.
Volume LX, October 1814 (File Add MS 40240)
F. Evans to Peel, 7 November 1814 (Item f.134)
Encloses letter to Lord Bathurst concerning wish to emigrate to N.S.W.
Volume LXV, May 1815 (File Add MS 40245)
Lord Limerick to Peel, 15 May 1815 (Item ff.159-61)
Appeals against sentences of transportation on tenants.
Volume LXVI, August 1815 (File Add MS 40246)
Lord Limerick to Peel, 15 August 1815 (Item f.319)
Renews appeal.
Volume LXXII, 1804 - February 1816 (File Add MS 40253)
Sir Richard Musgrave (Dublin) to Peel, 26 February 1816 (Item ff.56-57)
Allegations of treachery against Fathers Harold and O'Neil transported to Botany Bay in 1798.
Observations on the remonstrance of the Rev. Peter O'Neil. (Dublin, 1804), 1804 (Item ff.58-65)
Volume LXXVI, June 1816 (File Add MS 40256)
S. Chearnley to Peel, June 1816 (Item f.53)
Wishes to emigrate to N.S.W.
Volume LXXIX, October 1816 (File Add MS 40259)
R. Harding (Dublin) to Peel, 16 October 1816 (Item ff.181-82)
Seeks to retain position held since 1791 as surgeon to convicts sent to Cork for transportation.
Volume LXXXII, January 1817 (File Add MS 40262)
Lord Shannon to Peel, 18 January 1817 (Item ff.200-1)
Sends request of W. Newenham.
W. Newenham to Lord Shannon, 16 January 1817 (Item ff.202)
Request of wife of convict W. Shea to accompany him to N.S.W.
Volume LXXXIII, February 1817 - March 1817 (File Add MS 40263)
Sir George Hope to Peel, 24 February 1817 (Item ff.139-40)
Investigation into frauds at Convict Establishment at Cork; need to expedite embarkation of convicts.
Sir George Hope to Peel, 3 March 1817 (Item ff.202-3)
Encloses letter from B. Hallowell.
Sir Benjamin Hallowell to Sir George Hope, 27 February 1817 (Item ff.204-5)
Frauds in victualling of N.S.W convict ships at Cork.
Volume LXXXIV, March 1817 - April 1817 (File Add MS 40264)
Sir Benjamin Hallowell to Sir George Hope, 28 March 1817 (Item ff.58-60)
Problems arising from delays in sailing of convict ships; subsistence paid to convicts; provisions for children on convict ships.
Sir George Hope to Peel, 3 April 1817 (Item ff.111-112)
Sends letter from B. Hallowell.
Volume XCV, March 1818 (File Add MS 40275)
H. Goulburn to Peel, 14 March 1818 (Item ff.63-64)
Request by O'Hearne family for passage to N.S.W.
H. Goulburn to Peel, March 1818 (Item ff.225-28)
Sends circular on Government assistance to emigrants to colonies.
Volume CVII, June 1814 - July 1814 (Item Add MS 40287)
Peel to W. Gregory, 20 June 1814 (Item 47r)
Lord Forbes appeal on behalf of convict P. Higgins.
Peel to H. Goulburn, 1 July 1814 (Item 60r-v)
Pardon granted to Sir Henry Hayes; N.S.W. Governor too liberal to Irish convicts.
Peel to Lord Forbes, 7 July 1814 (Item 74r)
Sentence of transportation on convict P. Higgins cannot be commuted.
Volume CXIII, May 1817 (File Add MS 40293)
Peel to W. Gregory, 24 May 1817 (Item 80v-81r)
Requests list of convicts transported under Insurrection Act.
Series. Second Series, April 1822 - March 1841
Filmed selectively.
Subseries Add MS 40312. Correspondence with Lord Aberdeen, January 1835
Vol. CXXXII, January 1835 (File Add MS 40312)
Lord Aberdeen to Peel, 24 January 1835 (Item ff.210-11)
West Indies compensation fund; financing of Government House, Sydney.
Subseries Add MSS 40313-40314. Correspondence with Sir Henry Hardinge, December 1837
Volume CXXXIV, December 1837 (File Add MS 40314)
Sir Henry Hardinge to Peel, 27 December 1837 (Item ff.233-36)
Sends letter from Capt. R. FitzRoy; FitzRoy's character; Canadian rebellion.
Capt. R. FitzRoy to Sir Henry Hardinge, 26 December 1837 (Item ff.237-51)
Advice for Peel's son on entering Navy.
Subseries Add MSS 40328-40333. Correspondence with H. Goulburn, August 1824 - July 1825
Volume CL, August 1824 (File Add MS 40330)
Peel to H. Goulburn, 4 August 1824 (Item ff.90-91)
Emigration a remedy for Irish misery; grants for encouragement of emigration.
Volume CLI, July 1825 (File Add MS 40331)
Peel to H. Goulburn, 13 July 1825 (Item f.92)
Requests return of Irish convicts transported to N.S.W. 1815-24, including those convicted under Insurrection Act.
H. Goulburn (Dublin) to Peel, 20 July 1825 (Item ff.104-7)
Sends return of Irish convicts.
Subseries Add MSS 40335-40338. Correspondence with Lord Francis Leveson-Gower, November 1829 - June 1830
Volume CLVI, November 1829 (File Add MS 40337)
Peel to Lord Francis Leveson-Gower, 18 November 1829 (Item ff.257-73)
Enforcement of law in Ireland; refers to transportation and to death sentences commuted to transportation.
Volume CLVII, April 1830 - June 1830 (File Add MS 40338)
W. Gregory (Dublin) to Lord Francis Leveson-Gower, 15 April 1830 (Item ff.129-31)
Death sentences on Doneraile conspirators commuted to transportation for life.
W. Gregory to Lord Francis Leveson-Gower, 14 June 1830 (Item ff.197-200)
Convict hulk Essex on fire; efforts to prevent convicts escaping.
Subseries Add MSS 40344-40429. General correspondence, April 1822 - March 1841
Volume CLXVI, April 1822 (File Add MS 40346)
Peel to R. Wilmot Horton, 11 April 1822 (Item f.100)
Encouragement of emigration; objections to parishes selecting emigrants.
Peel to R. Wilmot Horton, 30 April 1822 (Item f.280)
Suggests Horton speaks to H. Goulburn about emigration from southern Ireland at public charge.
Volume CLXX, August 1822 (File Add MS 40350)
H. Hobhouse to Peel, 20 August 1822 (Item ff.51-53)
Home Office matters; question of transportation of Jane Hardy.
Volume CLXXI, September 1822 - October 1822 (File Add MS 40351)
W. Liardet to Peel, 2 September 1822 (Item ff.11-12)
Seeks appointment.
T. Spring-Rice to Peel, 12 September 1822 (Item ff.66-69)
Sends printed letter from Maj.-Gen. R. Bourke on relief of Irish distress.
H. Hobhouse to Peel, 19 September 1822 (Item ff.107-8)
Appeal of Simmons against sentence of transportation.
Peel to H. Hobhouse, 20 September 1822 (Item ff.123-24)
Sentence of transportation should be deferred.
H. Hobhouse to Peel, 2 October 1822 (Item ff.205-6)
Employment of convicts on hulks.
Volume CLXIII, December 1822 (File Add MS 40353)
Peel to H. Hobhouse, December 1822 (Item f.250)
Selection of subordinate officers on convict ships.
Volume CLXXIV, February 1823 (File Add MS 40354)
Peel to Lord Bathurst, 12 February 1823 (Item f.202)
Sends draft of Bill to apply system of hulk discipline to colonies.
Volume CLXXVII, July 1823 (File Add MS 40357)
Bill for authorising employment in colonies of male convicts under sentence of transportation, 1823 (Item ff.35-36)
Papers of J. Grant re his conviction and experiences in N.S.W. (Item ff.37-45)
H. Hobhouse to Peel, 5 July 1823 (Item ff.48-49)
Conversation with Chief Justice F. Forbes.
R. Wilmot Horton to Peel, 5 July 1823 (Item ff.50-51)
Difficulties arising from attempt to remove references to convicts from N.S.W. Bill.
R. Wilmot Horton to Peel, 7 July 1823 (Item ff.67-70)
Drafting of N.S.W. Bill.
F. Forbes to Peel, 7 July 1823 (Item ff.71-72)
Clauses in N.S.W. Bill concerning pardons.
R. Wilmot Horton to Peel, 8 July 1823 (Item ff.73-79)
N.S.W. Bill; complaints of H. Hobhouse.
Parry to Peel, 8 July 1823 (Item f.80)
Recommends passage to N.S.W for Mary O'Donohoe.
Peel to Parry, 23 July 1823 (Item f.81)
Application cannot be accepted until N.S.W. Governor certifies husband is able to support family.
Mary O'Donohoe to Peel (Item f.82)
Requests passage for family to join husband transported to N.S.W.
Peel to R. Wilmot Horton, 26 July 1823 (Item f.188)
Rumour of formation of police force in N.S.W.
R. Wilmot Horton to Peel (Item ff.189-92)
Rumour untrue; appointment of Superintendent of Police.
R. Cox (Dublin) to Peel, 27 July 1823 (Item f.198)
Seeks appointment as clerk in N.S.W. Police Establishment.
Peel to R. Cox, 30 July 1823 (Item f.199)
Not aware of existence of N.S.W. Police Force.
Volume CLXXVIII, October 1823 (File Add MS 40358)
Peel to Lord Bathurst, 20 October 1823 (Item f.302)
Sir Humphrey Davy and Board of Longitude request Sir Thomas Brisbane measure arc of meridian in N.S.W.
Lord Bathurst to Peel, 21 October 1823 (Item ff.309-10)
Instructions to be sent to Sir Thomas Brisbane.
R. Wilmot Horton to Peel, 31 October 1823 (Item ff.376-77)
Suggests Sir Humphrey Davy write to Lord Bathurst pointing out advantages of measuring arc of meridian in N.S.W.
Volume CLXXIX, November 1823 - December 1823 (File Add MS 40359)
JP Bouverie to Peel, 10 November 1823 (Item ff.35-36)
Appeal of G Franklin against sentence of transportation.
Peel to JP Bouverie, 24 November 1823 (Item f.68)
Peel to JP Bouverie, 3 December 1823 (Item f.130)
Case of G Franklin.
Volume CLXXXI, February 1824 (File Add MS 40361)
Peel to J. Williams, 7 February 1824 (Item f.53)
Safe arrival of convict Barton in N.S.W.
Volume CLXXXIV, May 1824 (File Add MS 40364)
[unknown] (Dublin) to [unknown], 1 May 1824 (Item f.219)
Consequences for British trading interests of Dutch gaining control of north coast of Sumatra.
Volume CLXXXV, May 1824 (File Add MS 40365)
Lord Frederick Bentinck to Peel, 8 May 1824 (Item ff.2-3)
Recommends S. Pellatt to be master of convict ship Retribution.
Lord Maryborough to Peel, 11 May 1824 (Item 32r)
Sends letter from High Sheriff of Queen's County.
Peel to Lord Maryborough, 12 May 1824 (Item 32v-33)
Wives of convicts not permitted to emigrate to N.S.W. except under special circumstances.
Jones to Peel, May 1824 (Item ff.244-45)
Proposes Irish colonization of N.S.W. funded by Government with Irish land tax; need for women in N.S.W.; baleful influence of priests in N.S.W.
Memorandum on number of convicts and pardons granted in N.S.W. (Item f.246)
Volume CLXXXVIII, August 1824 - September 1824 (File Add MS 40368)
H. Hobhouse to Peel, 23 August 1824 (Item ff.19-21)
Capt. Knatchbull sentenced to 14 years' transportation.
E. Eagar to Peel, 1 September 1824 (Item ff.93-94)
Sends pamphlet on Australia.
Volume CLXXXIX, October 1824 (File Add MS 40369)
I.S. Wortley to Peel, 10 October 1824 (Item ff.41-42)
Appeals against sentence of transportation on Sarah Wharmby.
Boothby to I.S. Wortley, 6 October 1824 (Item ff.43-45)
Character of Sarah Wharmby.
Peel to I.S. Wortley, 21 October 1824 (Item f.46)
Sentence cannot be altered.
Lord Clive to Peel, October 1824 (Item ff.112—13)
Appeals against sentences of transportation on Beacall and Wellings.
Peel to Lord Clive, 21 October 1824 (Item f.114)
Sentences will be executed.
Volume CXC, November 1824 (File Add MS 40370)
Peel to Lord Conyngham, 14 November 1824 (Item ff.78-79)
Cannot reduce sentence of transportation on Bowen.
Volume CXCVII, April 1825 - May 1825 (File Add MS 40377)
T. Hazard to Peel, 23 April 1825 (Item ff.83-86)
Not involved in Cato St. conspiracy; sends memoir by Rev. B. Wood of Mowhee, New Zealand native who attended Hazard's school.
R. Wilmot Horton to Peel, 9 May 1825 (Item ff.401-4)
Observations on Transports in Colonies Bill.
Volume CXCVIII, May 1825 (File Add MS 40378)
R. Wilmot Horton to Peel, 13 May 1825 (Item ff.71-72)
Sends amendments and new clause of Colonial Convict Bill.
J. Raymond to Peel, 24 May 1825 (Item ff.199-201)
Sends petition seeking assistance for family.
Volume CXCIX, June 1825 (File Add MS 40379)
R. Wilmot Horton to Peel, 18 June 1825 (Item ff.202-3)
Sends papers on transportation.
Volume CC, July 1825 (File Add MS 40380)
R. Wilmot Horton to Peel, 1 July 1825 (Item ff.3-4)
Criticizes system whereby gentlemen convicts can become traders in colony without any real punishment.
Peel to R. Wilmot Horton, 3 July 1825 (Item ff.5-6)
N.S.W. Governor to convicts; no alternative but to send genteel convicts to N.S.W.; law of rape in colonies.
Peel to Lord Bathurst, 13 July 1825 (Item ff.83-86)
Difficulty of reducing number of convicts sent to N.S.W.; limited accommodation in penitentiaries and hulks.
Lord Bathurst to Peel (Item ff.313-14)
Problems of genteel convicts; suggests they be sent to Seychelle Islands rather than N.S.W.
Volume CCI, September 1825 (File Add MS 40381)
J. Raymond to Peel, 5 September 1825 (Item f.228)
Thanks for assistance in procuring passage to N.S.W.
Volume CCII, October 1825 (File Add MS 40382)
R. Wilmot Horton to Peel, 10 October 1825 (Item ff.56-59)
Sends papers on transportation; establishment of special penitentiary for genteel convicts; their harmful effects in N.S.W.
Observations on letter of R. Wilmot Horton (Item ff.60-61)
Volume CCIII, December 1825 (File Add MS 40383)
R. Wilmot Horton to Peel, 2 December 1825 (Item f.222)
Requests letters on penitentiary; promises to send new proposal concerning Australian colonies.
R. Wilmot Horton to Peel, December 1825 (Item ff.243-44)
Wishes to discuss genteel convicts and extraordinary increase in unnatural crimes in N.S.W.
Volume CCVI, March 1826 (File Add MS 40386)
Rev. S. Smith to Peel, 13 March 1826 (Item ff.11-12)
Ineffectiveness of transportation to N.S.W. as deterrent to crime.
Peel to Rev. S. Smith, 24 March 1826 (Item ff.52-54)
Ineffectiveness of transportation to N.S.W.; other forms of punishment. (draft)
Rev. S. Smith to Peel, 27 March 1826 (Item ff.73-74)
Favours abolition of transportation, hulks and penitentiaries in favour of treadmill.
Volume CCVIII, July 1826 (File Add MS 40388)
H. Hobhouse to Peel, 8 July 1826 (Item ff.12-13)
Sends proof of Larceny Bill; queries length of sentence of transportation.
Peel to R. Wilmot Horton, 12 July 1826 (Item ff.41-43)
Report that convict Savary is publisher of Hobart Town Gazette; assisted emigration to colonies.
R. Wilmot Horton to Peel, 15 July 1826 (Item ff.54-55)
Report about Savary probably untrue; report on emigration.
Volume CCIX, September 1826 (File Add MS 40389)
F. Robinson to Peel, 17 September 1826 (Item ff.55-64)
Sends paper on emigration, including effect of emigration to N.S.W. on colony's finances.
Volume CCXI, January 1827 (File Add MS 40391)
R. Wilmot Horton to Peel, 18 January 1827 (Item ff.116-17)
Reply to letter on transportation.
Volume CCXII, March 1827 (File Add MS 40392)
Peel to R. Wilmot Horton, 12 March 1827 (Item f.252)
Need to prevent every unemployed man seeking to emigrate.
R. Wilmot Horton to Peel, 12 March 1827 (Item ff.253-55)
Although described individually, this document was originally microfilmed with a page from another document. The first page of the document described can be found at the end of nla.obj-762040534...
Peel to F. Robinson, 12 March 1827 (Item ff.267-68)
Horton's adversary of use of Sinking Fund to promote emigration; his position in Government.
F. Robinson to Peel, 12 March 1827 (Item ff.269-70)
Has protested to Horton about use of government money to assist emigration.
R. Wilmot Horton to Peel, 17 March 1827 (Item ff.295-98)
Although described individually, this document was originally microfilmed with a page from another document. The last page of the document described can be found at the beginning of nla.obj-762040633...
Peel to R. Wilmot Horton, 19 March 1827 (Item ff.299-300)
Suggests Committee consider financing emigration from poor rates.
Volume CCXIII, March 1827 - April 1827 (File Add MS 40393)
R. Wilmot Horton to Peel, 20 March 1827 (Item ff.1-2)
Although described individually, this document was originally microfilmed with a page from another document. The last page of the document described can be found at the beginning of nla.obj-762040698...
R. Wilmot Horton to Peel, 20 March 1827 (Item ff.3-8)
Although described individually, this document was originally microfilmed with a page from another document. The last page of the document described can be found at the beginning of nla.obj-762040714...
A. Baring to R. Wilmot Horton (Item ff.9-11)
Horton's emigration scheme.
R. Wilmot Horton to Peel, 31 March 1827 (Item ff.116-20)
Work as Chairman of Emigration Committee and Under-Secretary for Colonies.
R. Wilmot Horton to Peel, 2 April 1827 (Item ff.130-31)
Advance of £25,000 for emigration.
Volume CCXVI, April 1828 (File AddMS 40396)
J. Raymond (Sydney) to Peel, 6 April 1828 (Item f.127)
Sends gift of pair of black swans.
Volume CCXVIII, August 1828 (File Add MS 40398)
Peel to Sir George Murray, 12 August 1828 (Item ff.231-32)
Request by Sir John Owen for appointment of brother as Registrar of N.S.W. Supreme Court.
Sir George Murray to Peel, 13 August 1828 (Item f.233)
Post already filled.
Volume CCXX, March 1830 - April 1830 (File Add MS 40400)
J. Bentham to Peel, 28 March 1830 (Item ff.134-37)
Request by Peel for book on transportation; history of Panopticon Scheme.
Peel to J. Bentham, 1 April 1830 (Item f.149)
Familiarity with Panopticon Scheme.
Volume CCXXI, September 1830 (File Add MS 40401)
Peel to R. Wilmot Horton, 21 September 1830 (Item ff.171-77)
Horton's proposals on emigration to colonies and public works in Ireland.
Volume CCXXX, January 1835 (File Add MS 40410)
E. Macarthur to Peel, 17 January 1835 (Item ff.199-205)
Sends petition to King and letter to Lord Aberdeen on death of J. Macarthur and his achievement in founding Australian wool industry; seeks Baronetcy.
Lord Cholmondeley to Peel, 20 January 1835 (Item ff.281-82)
Supports petition of E. Macarthur.
Volume CCXXXI, January 1835 (File Add MS 40411)
E. Macarthur to Peel, 26 January 1835 (Item f.266)
Thanks for considering claim; failure to give honours to colonists discourages loyalty and leads to republicanism.
Volume CCXXXIV, February 1835 (File Add MS 40414)
R. Robertson to Peel, 11 February 1835 (Item ff.105-6)
Debt of £470 owed by T. Peel of Swan River.
R. Owen to Peel, 16 February 1835 (Item ff.311-12)
Urges free pardons be granted to Dorchester labourers.
Volume CCXL, May 1835 (File Add MS 40420)
R. Ellis to Peel, 9 May 1835 (Item 155-155v)
Applies for free grant of land in Australia or Canada.
Volume CCXLIX, January 1841 - March 1841 (File Add MS 40429)
Lord Mahon to Peel, 29 January 1841 (Item f.53)
Terms of reference for committee of enquiry on South Australia.
Lord Mahon to Peel, 23 March 1841 (Item f.166)
Encloses papers on Australia received from Major Macarthur.
Lord Mahon to Peel, 26 March 1841 (Item ff.169-70)
Sends papers on penal colonies; shortage of labour in N.S.W.
Series. Third Series, 1825 - February 1850
Filmed selectively.
Subseries Add MSS 40432-40441. Correspondence with Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, 1 July 1842 - July 1845
Volume CCLIV, July 1842 (File Add MS 40434)
Prince Albert to Peel, 1 July 1842 (Item ff.161-64)
Queen agrees sentence on Francis should be commuted to transportation for life; sends note on high treason.
Peel to Prince Albert, 7 July 1842 (Item ff.171-74)
Sends memo by Solicitor-General on trial of Francis.
Sir James Graham, 10 July 1842 (Item ff.177-78)
Memorandum on law of high treason; question of transportation for life on Sovereign
Peel to Prince Albert, 9 July 1842 (Item ff.182-83)
Although described individually, this document was originally microfilmed with a page from another document. The last page of the document described can be found at the beginning of nla.obj-762041417...
Prince Albert to Peel, 10 July 1842 (Item ff.184-85)
Risk that temporary transportation will enable miscreant to seek revenge on release.
Volume CCLIX, August 1844 - September 1844 (File Add MS 40439)
Peel to Prince Albert, 9 August 1844 (Item ff.21-22)
Cabinet meeting; nothing material received from France concerning Tahiti.
Peel to Queen Victoria, 4 September 1844 (Item ff.51-52)
Despatch from F. Guizot admits principle of compensation to G. Pritchard; addition to Queen's Speech.
Queen Victoria to Peel, 4 September 1844 (Item ff.53—54)
Peel to Queen Victoria, 5 September 1844 (Item ff.55-56)
Statement in Parliament about Tahiti.
Volume CCLX, July 1845 (File Add MS 40440)
Peel to Queen Victoria, 24 July 1845 (Item ff.164-65)
Result of New Zealand debate in Parliament
Subseries Add MSS 40443-40445. Correspondence with H. Goulburn, October 1843
Volume CCLXIV, October 1843 (File Add MS 40444)
H. Goulburn to Peel, 24 October 1843 (Item ff.144—45)
Proposal of Capt. C. Sturt to cross Australia; need for more knowledge of vast continent.
Peel to H. Goulburn, 30 October 1843 (Item f.148)
Authorizes exploration of central Australia within limits suggested by Sir John Barrow, queries coordinates.
Subseries Add MSS 40446-40452. Correspondence with Sir James Graham, September 1841 - December 1849
Volume CCLXVI, September 1841 (File Add MS 40446)
Sir James Graham to Peel, 27 September 1841 (Item ff.40-41)
Hopes to regulate transportation and to graduate punishment in conformity with crime.
Archbishop R. Whately (Dublin) to Sir James Graham, 21 September 1841 (Item f.42)
Sends pamphlet on transportation; measures of previous Government.
Volume CCLXIX, October 1843 - January 1844 (File Add MS 40449)
J. Yule to Sir James Graham, 20 October 1843 (Item ff.113-14)
Seeks information on supply of guano; refers to Pacific guano trade.
Sir James Graham to Peel, 2 January 1844 (Item ff.294-95)
Sends letter from Yule; guano trade.
Volume CCLXX, August 1844 (File Add MS 40450)
Sir James Graham to Peel, 17 August 1844 (Item ff.97-98)
Peel's letter to Lord Aberdeen on Tahiti; charges against G. Pritchard.
Sir James Graham to Peel, 22 August 1844 (Item ff.107-10)
Need for full statement of Britain's case on Tahiti; Tangiers.
Volume CCLXXII, December 1845 - December 1849 (File Add MS 40452)
Sir James Graham to Peel, 31 December 1845 (Item ff.88-91)
Failure of theories of A. Maconochie at Norfolk Island; fallacies exposed by J. Stephen; appointments; Sir Thomas Fremantle; potato famine.
Sir James Graham to Peel, 16 December 1849 (Item ff.412-17)
Views of S. Herbert on female emigration; shortage of women in Australia; W.E. Gladstone's link with Colonial Society.
Subseries Add MSS 40453-40455. Correspondence with Lord Aberdeen, December 1842 - September 1845
Volume CCLXXIII, December 1842 (File Add MS 40453)
Peel to Lord Aberdeen, 9 December 1842 (Item f.261)
Need to expedite negotiations with Dutch on Javanese sugar.
3rd Volume, September 1845 (File Add MS 40455)
Lord Aberdeen to Peel, 8 September 1845 (Item ff.145-50)
Visit to France; discussion with King Louis Philippe and F. Guizot about Tahiti; compared to Britain's position in New Zealand.
Subseries Add MSS 40456-40458. Correspondence with Lord Haddington, June 1842 - January 1846
Volume CCLXXVI, June 1842 - June 1844 (File Add MS 40456)
Lord Haddington to Peel, 21 June 1842 (Item ff.100-1)
Suggestions of Astronomer Royal; refers to observatory at Van Diemen's Land.
Peel to Lord Haddington, 22 June 1844 (Item ff.102-3)
Lord Haddington to Peel, 17 December 1842 (Item ff.202-5)
Magnetic observations; expedition of Capt. Ross.
Lord Haddington to Peel, 27 January 1843 (Item ff.293-94)
Instructions to Sir Edward Belcher for Borneo surveying expedition.
Peel to Lord Haddington, 22 February 1843 (Item ff.299-300)
Admiralty opinion of Capt. M. Flinders.
Lord Haddington to Peel, 22 February 1843 (Item ff.301-2)
High standing of M. Flinders; pension granted to family.
Volume CCLXXVIII, March 1845 - January 1846 (File Add MS 40458)
Lord Haddington to Peel, March 1845 (Item ff.22-23)
Suppression of piracy in East Indies.
Peel to Lord Haddington, 20 April 1845 (Item ff.33-34)
Instructions to Sir Edward Belcher on offer of Labuan.
Lord Haddington to Peel, 21 April 1845 (Item ff.35-36)
Expedition to Labuan; analysis of coal.
Lord Haddington, September 1845 (Item ff.201-4)
Memorandum on claims of officers for Greenwich Commissionership; refers to Sir Gordon Bremer and work of Capt. T. Nicolas in Pacific.
Lord Haddington to Peel, 26 December 1845 (Item ff.259-62)
Departure from Admiralty; Borneo question; urges annexation of one of islands.
Lord Haddington to Peel, 25 January 1846 (Item ff.305-6)
Sends letter from Messrs. Enderby.
C. and G. Enderby to Peel, 8 July 1845 (Item ff.307-9)
Southern whale fishery; seeks grant in Auckland Islands; work of S. Enderby in establishing fishery and sustaining settlement at Botany Bay.
Subseries Add MSS 40459-40461. Correspondence with Duke of Wellington, August 1844
Volume CCLXXX, August 1844 (File Add MS 40460)
Duke of Wellington to Peel, 17 August 1844 (Item ff.256-57)
Anglo-French relations.
Peel to Duke of Wellington, 20 August 1844 (Item ff.258-59)
Sends copy of letter to Lord Aberdeen about Tahiti.
Duke of Wellington to Peel, 23 August 1844 (Item f.260)
Need for superiority of force at all naval stations.
Subseries Add MSS 40464-40466. Correspondence with Lord Ripon, November 1841 - September 1844
Volume CCLXXXV, September 1844 (File Add MS 40465)
Lord Ripon to Peel, 1 September 1844 (Item ff.299-300)
Wishes to write to India about French question.
Peel to Lord Ripon, 5 September 1844 (Item ff.301-2)
Tahitian crisis; indemnity for G. Pritchard; hopes of restoration of friendly relations with France.
Lord Ripon to Peel, 6 September 1844 (Item ff.303-5)
Information about France passed on to Indian Governors; elevation of Lord Stanley to House of Lords.
Subseries Add MSS 40467-40468. Correspondence with Lord Stanley, June 1841 - November 1845
Volume CCLXXXVII, June 1841 - December 1842 (File Add MS 40467)
Peel to Lord Stanley, 10 November 1841 (Item ff.111-12)
Sends letter from H.E. Michel.
H.E. Michel (Sydney) to Gen. J. Michel, 15 June 1841 (Item ff.113-15)
Economic depression in N.S.W.; value of property.
Lord Stanley to Peel, 11 November 1841 (Item ff.116-17)
Establishment of superior school in Van Diemen's Land.
Peel to Lord Stanley, 12 November 1841 (Item ff.118-19)
Non-denominational nature of Hobart college.
Peel to Lord Stanley, 25 November 1841 (Item ff.121-22)
News of French expedition preparing to sail to New Zealand or Chatham Island.
Lord Stanley to Peel, 26 November 1841 (Item ff.123-26)
Doubts that New Zealand is objective of expedition.
Peel to Lord Stanley, 30 December 1841 (Item ff.154-55)
Rejects proposal for establishment of naval stations in Pacific.
Lord Stanley to Peel (Item ff.168-69)
Emigration from Glasgow to colonies.
Lord Stanley to Peel, 3 October 1842 (Item ff.239-42)
Problem of secondary punishment; restriction of transportation and cessation of assignment; use of convicts on roads.
Lord Stanley to Peel, 12 October 1842 (Item ff.247-48)
Request by Capt. F. Polhill for appointment; need to restore order in Van Diemen's Land after mismanagement of Sir John Franklin.
Lord Stanley to Peel, 19 October 1842 (Item ff.261-62)
Sends letter from E.G. Wakefield.
Lord Stanley to Peel, 15 November 1842 (Item ff.291-92)
Advantages of introducing hereditary titles in Australia.
Lord Stanley to Peel (Item ff.315-16)
Appointment of Governor of Van Diemen's Land; Sir Eardley Wilmot would jump at appointment.
Lord Stanley to Peel, 26 December 1842 (Item ff.345-47)
Military forces in colonies; opposes reduction in Australian military establishment.
Subseries Add MSS 40471-40473. Correspondence with Lord Ellenborough, April 1846
Volume CCXCIII, April 1846 (File Add MS 40473)
Lord Ellenborough to Peel, 14 April 1846 (Item ff.180-81)
Believes if Labuan is annexed it will cause France to seize another island in East Indies.
Subseries Add MSS 40474-40475. Correspondence with Sir Henry Hardinge, January 1842
Volume CCXCIV, January 1842 (File Add MS 40474)
Sir Henry Hardinge. Memorandum on military establishment, with references to allocation of forces to Australia, 24 January 1842 (Item ff.42-51)
Subseries Add MS 40476. Correspondence with Sir Thomas Fremantle, August 1841
Volume CCXCVI, August 1841 (File Add MS 40476)
Sir Thomas Fremantle to Peel, 13 August 1841 (Item ff.38-39)
Report that Sir Thomas Troubridge to be appointed Governor of South Australia.
Subseries Add MS 40481. Correspondence with Lord Lincoln, January 1848 - January 1849
Volume CCCI, January 1848 - January 1849 (File Add MS 40481)
Lord Lincoln to Peel, 29 January 1848 (Item ff.429-32)
New Zealand Bill; Lord Grey's highly reprehensible conduct.
Lord Lincoln to Peel, 30 January 1849 (Item ff.458-59)
Book by E.G. Wakefield on colonization.
Subseries Add MS 40482. Correspondence with Lord Brougham, 1842 - 1849
Volume CCCII (File Add MS 40482)
Lord Brougham to Peel, n.d. (Item ff.121-22)
Refers to penal settlements.
Lord Brougham to Peel (Item ff.123-26)
Law on transportation.
Subseries Add MSS 40485-40603. General Correspondence, 1825 - February 1850
Volume CCCIX, September 1841 (File Add MS 40489)
R.M. Martin to Peel, 16 September 1841 (Item ff.112-15)
Encloses memo urging Commission to inquire into condition and resources of British Empire.
Rev. E. Coleridge to Peel, 20 September 1841 (Item ff.225-26)
Encloses letter from Bishop G. Selwyn.
Peel to Rev. E. Coleridge, 23 September 1841 (Item ff.227-28)
Will consult Archbishop of Canterbury before amending Foreigners Consecration Bill.
Bishop G. Selwyn to Peel, 20 September 1841 (Item ff.251-52)
Criticisms of Foreigners Consecration Bill.
Volume CCCXII (File Add MS 40492)
Testimonials in favour of Capt. A. Robertson, referring to his service with 57th Regiment in N.S.W. in 1826-1828 (printed) (Item ff.300-1)
Volume CCCXIII, November 1841 (File Add MS 40493)
J. Crawford to Peel, 1 November 1841 (Item ff.345-47)
Unemployed workers at Paisley seeking funds to emigrate to Australia; sends circular of Paisley Port Philip and Sydney Emigration Society.
Volume CCCIV, November 1841 (File Add MS 40494)
J. Hume to Peel, 11 November 1841 (Item ff.248-53)
Appeals for general amnesty to all political prisoners; sends copy of letter to Lord John Russell on harsh treatment of Canadian exiles in Van Diemen's Land.
Lord Stanley to Peel, 11 November 1841 (Item f.254)
Although described individually, this document was originally microfilmed with a page from another document. The last page of the document described can be found at the beginning of nla.obj-762045541...
Sir James Graham to Peel, 12 November 1841 (Item ff.255-57)
Opposes amnesty for Canadian exiles.
Peel to J. Hume, 16 November 1841 (Item f.259)
Rejects appeal for general amnesty.
J. Croker to Peel, 14 November 1841 (Item ff.421-25)
Refers to French claims to New Zealand; Baron Thierry.
Volume CCCXVII, December 1841 (File Add MS 40497)
Peel to Sir George Cockburn, 7 December 1841 (Item ff.14-15)
Suggestions of E. Divett that certain Pacific islands be occupied.
Peel to Capt. R. FitzRoy, 18 December 1841 (Item ff.377)
Occupation of Pacific islands.
Volume CCCXIX, January 1842 (File Add MS 40499)
J. Croker to Peel, 4 January 1842 (Item ff.46-47)
Scheme for steamer communication across Pacific.
G. Whittington to Peel, 5 January 1842 (Item f.86)
Funding of emigration to colonies.
Volume CCCXX, January 1842 (File Add MS 40500)
Rev. J. Rudge to Peel, 21 January 1842 (Item ff.301-2)
Sends copy of address to agricultural labourers emigrating to New Zealand; rural distress.
Volume CCCXXIII, February 1842 (File Add MS 40503)
R.M. Martin to Peel, 24 February 1842 (Item ff.56-58)
Sends article on importation of food from colonies.
G. Buller to Peel, 28 February 1842 (Item ff.129-32)
Encloses memo from New Zealand Company on colonization of Chatham Island.
Volume CCCXXIV, January 1842 - March 1842 (File Add MS 40504)
Colonial Office. Memo on Bill for government of N.S.W., 14 March 1842 (Item ff.159-60)
Bill for government of N.S.W. (printed), 1842 (Item ff.161-70)
E. Hodges (New York) to Peel, 26 January 1842 (Item ff.279-82)
Need for direct representation of colonies in Imperial Parliment; proposes establishment of new House dealing exclusively with colonial affairs.
Volume CCCXXXIII, August 1842 (File Add MS 40513)
Rev. M.J. Mayers to Peel, 10 August 1842 (Item ff.277-78)
Work as Colonial Chaplain in Van Diemen's Land; seeks incumbency at Woodbridge.
Rev. M.J. Mayers to E. Drummond, 13 August 1842 (Item ff.279-30)
Rev. M.J. Mayers to E. Drummond, 19 August 1842 (Item f.281)
Volume CCCXXXV, September 1842 (File Add MS 40515)
Rev. W. Buckland to Peel, 20 September 1842 (Item ff.248-49)
Letter from Sir Thomas Mitchell on transportation; terror of transportation diminished by large number of convicts assigned as private servants.
Volume CCCXXXVI, September 1842 - October 1842 (File Add MS 40516)
J. Eardley Wilmot to Peel, 25 September 1842 (Item ff.31-32)
Seeks appointment for father, Sir John Eardley Wilmot; his financial difficulties.
Peel to J. Eardley Wilmot, 26 September 1842 (Item ff.33-34)
Appointment unlikely.
Capt. F. Polhill to Peel, 4 October 1842 (Item ff.164-65)
Seeks Governorship of Van Diemen's Land.
Peel to Capt. F. Polhill, 13 October 1842 (Item ff.166-67)
Letter forwarded to Lord Stanley.
Volume CCCXL, December 1842 - January 1843 (File Add MS 40520)
D. Murray (Paisley) to Peel, 12 December 1842 (Item ff.244-46)
Resolution of meeting of unemployed operatives of Paisley calling for free emigration to colonies.
H. Wise to Peel, 13 December 1842 (Item ff.276-80)
Sends correspondence with J. Brooke re position in Sarawak; coal deposits; Dutch annexation in Borneo; piracy.
Peel, note on letter of H. Wise, 18 January 1843 (Item ff.281-82)
Peel to H. Wise, 30 January 1843 (Item ff.283-84)
Sir Edward Belcher to visit Borneo.
H. Wise to Peel, 31 January 1843 (Item f.285)
Commercial importance of Borneo.
Volume CCCXLI, December 1842 (File Add MS 40521)
Sir John Eardley Wilmot to Peel, 27 December 1842 (Item ff.133-34)
Seeks appointment.
Peel to Sir John Eardley Wilmot, 28 December 1842 (Item f.135)
Estimated expedition for 1842/43, including Australia (Item ff.270-71)
Volume CCCXLII, January 1843 (File Add MS 40522)
C. Newdegate to Peel, 5 January 1843 (Item ff.125-26)
Possible resignation from Parliament of Sir John Eardley Wilmot.
Peel to C. Newdegate, 6 February 1843 (Item ff.127-28)
Offer to Sir John Eardley Wilmot.
Peel to Rev. J. Rolleston, 9 January 1843 (Item ff.281-82)
Letter from Sir George Gipps on Rolleston's sons in Australia.
Rev. J. Rolleston to Peel, 11 January 1843 (Item ff.283-84)
Thanks for assistance.
Volume CCCXLIII, January 1843 (File Add MS 40523)
H. Wise to Peel, 14 January 1843 (Item ff.81-82)
Interview about J. Brooke and Sarawak.
Volume CCCXLV, February 1843 (File Add MS 40525)
Sir Robert Inglis to Peel, 18 February 1843 (Item ff.57-58)
Achievements of Capt. M. Flinders; seeks increase in pensions for widow and daughter.
Peel to Sir Robert Inglis, 27 February 1843 (Item ff.59-60)
Cannot increase allowance to Flinders family.
Sir Robert Inglis to Peel, 28 February 1843 (Item ff.61-62)
Volume CCCXLVI, March 1843 - April 1843 (File Add MS 40526)
Peel to Col. G. Gawler, 15 March 1843 (Item ff.7-8)
Charges against Lord Stanley; refers Gawler to Lord Fitzroy Somerset.
Col. G. Gawler to Peel, 18 March 1843 (Item ff.9-10)
Wishes to withdraw charges.
Peel to Col G. Gawler, 19 March 1843 (Item ff.11)
Papers will be returned.
Col G. Gawler to Peel, 21 March 1843 (Item ff.12)
Rev. J. Rolleston to Peel, 23 March 1843 (Item ff.279-80)
Seeks appointment for sons in Australia.
Peel to Rev. J. Rolleston, 27 March 1843 (Item ff.281)
Appointment of Sir John Eardley Wilmot.
Rev. J. Rolleston to Peel, 11 April 1843 (Item ff.282-83)
Appointment of son as magistrate in N.S.W.
J. Beecham and A. Tidman to Peel, 28 March 1843 (Item ff.378-79)
Seeks interview on French threat to Protestant missions in Polynesia.
J. Beecham and A. Tidman to Peel, 31 March 1843 (Item ff.380-81)
French aggression in Tahiti and threat to Protestant missions.
Volume CCCXLVII, April 1843 (File Add MS 40527)
C. Buller to Peel, 4 April 1843 (Item ff.71-72)
Sends memorial from Plymouth on colonization.
Peel to C. Buller, 7 April 1843 (Item ff.73-74)
Does not consider Commission necessary.
Volume CCCXLVIII, April 1843 - May 1843 (File Add MS 40528)
T. Greene to Peel, 26 April 1843 (Item f.49)
Sends memorial from dissenters in Lancaster protesting against French annexation of Tahiti.
Lord Duncan to Peel, 2 May 1843 (Item f.142)
Sends memorial from Bath Auxiliary of London Missionary Society on French occupation of Tahiti.
Volume CCCXLIX, 1825 - 1843 (File Add MS 40529)
J. Ward to Col. Wakefield, 18 May 1843 (Item f.71)
Relations between Government and New Zealand Company; appointment of Capt. R. FitzRoy as Governor. (printed)
Correspondence on proceedings of French at Tahiti (printed), 1825 - 1843 (Item 72-85)
Volume CCCLI, July 1843 - September 1843 (File Add MS 40531)
Baron Von Humboldt to Peel, 17 July 1843 (Item ff.180-81)
Urges honour be conferred on Robert Brown; his eminence as Botanist.
Peel to Baron Van Humboldt, 4 September 1843 (Item f.182)
Government has granted life pension to R. Brown.
Volume CCCLII, August 1843 (File Add MS 40532)
Peel to Rev. W. Buckland, 10 August 1843 (Item ff.114-15)
Seeks opinion of achievements of R. Brown.
Rev. W. Buckland to Peel, 11 August 1843 (Item ff.116-17)
Qualifications of R. Brown for pension.
Rev. W. Buckland to Peel, 19 August 1843 (Item ff.118-20)
Career of R. Brown, including his work in Australia.
Peel to R. Brown, 28 August 1843 (Item ff.122-23)
Offer of pension for public services.
Peel to Rev. W. Buckland, 28 August 1843 (Item ff.124-25)
Offer to R. Brown.
R. Brown to Peel, 31 August 1843 (Item f.126)
Accept offer of annual pension of £200.
Volume CCCLIII (File Add MS 40533)
Peel to H. Wise, 25 September [1844?] (Item ff.288-90)
Interview after report of Sir Edward Belcher on Borneo received.
Minutes by Lord Stanley Lord Ripon Lord Fitzgerald and Lord Haddington on settlement at Sarawak (Item ff.291-96)
Volume CCLIV, 1843 (File Add MS 40534)
Correspondence relating to the Society Islands (printed), 1843 (Item ff.67-74)
Volume CCCLXI, March 1844 (File Add MS 40541)
Sir George Clerk to Peel, 4 March 1844 (Item ff.37-38)
Although described individually, this document was originally microfilmed with a page from another document. The last page of the document described can be found at the beginning of nla.obj-762047285...
Peel to Rev. W. Buckland, 6 March 1844 (Item ff.39-40)
Grant for publication of Antarctic discoveries.
Volume CCCLXIII, April 1844 - September 1844 (File Add MS 40543)
R.M. Martin (Singapore) to Peel, 30 April 1844 (Item ff.269-72)
High duty on sugar produced in Straits Settlements; cultivation of nutmeg and cloves; prosperity of Singapore.
W.E. Gladstone to Peel, 23 September 1844 (Item ff.273-74)
Although described individually, this document was originally microfilmed with a page from another document. The last page of the document described can be found at the beginning of nla.obj-762047363...
Lord Ripon to Peel, 29 September 1844 (Item ff.275-76)
Attitude of East India Company to Penang sugar.
Volume CCCLXVI, June 1844 - October 1844 (File Add MS 40546)
Sir John Eardley Wilmot (Hobart) to Peel, 4 June 1844 (Item ff.120-21)
Seeks transfer for son from Legacy Department.
Peel to Sir John Eardley Wilmot, 8 October 1844 (Item ff.122-23)
Position of son in Legacy Department; little hope of transfer.
Volume CCCLXVII, June 1844 - July 1844 (File Add MS 40547)
Rev. J. Buckland to Peel, 17 June 1844 (Item ff.12-18)
Dismissal of J. Montagu as Colonial Secretary in Van Diemen's Land; integrity of Sir John Franklin; encloses cuttings on Franklin's popularity in colony.
Lord Stanley to Peel, 4 July 1844 (Item ff.19-20)
Integrity of Sir John Franklin; his recall was deliberately postponed.
Peel to Rev. W. Buckland, 5 July 1844 (Item f.21)
Sends letter from Lord Stanley.
Rev. W. Buckland to Peel, 8 July 1844 (Item ff.22-23)
H. Wise to Peel, 22 June 1844 (Item ff.167-68)
Sends letter from Dr. Montgomerie on Borneo; urges Government to establish station in Borneo; need for Chinese labour in West Indies and Australia; wounding of J. Brooke.
Montgomerie to H. Wise, 17 June 1844 (Item ff.169-71)
Advantages of British settlement on Borneo coast; piracy in East Indies.
Volume CCCLXIX, 1842 - August 1844 (File Add MS 40549)
Archbishop W. Howley to Peel, 26 July 1844 (Item ff.65-69)
Seeks contribution from Privy Purse for U.S.P.G.; work of church in colonies.
Peel to Archbishop W. Howley, 31 July 1844 (Item ff.70-71)
Cannot encourage appeal to Queen for funds for U.S.P.G.
Notes by Peel on affairs at Tahiti, 1842 - 1843 (Item ff.159-61)
H. Wise to Peel, 3 August 1844 (Item ff.219)
Sends correspondence on Borneo.
H. Wise to Lord Haddington, 3 August 1844 (Item ff.221-24)
Quotes from letters of J. Brooke on situation in Borneo.
Notes on affairs at Tahiti, 8 August 1844 (Item ff.326-28)
H. Wilson to Peel, 12 August 1844 (Item ff.401-2)
Resignation as Police Magistrate in N.S.W.; seeks position in Europe; acquaintance with Admiral Petit-Thouars.
Volume CCCLXX, August 1844 (File Add MS 40550)
Peel to Sir George Cockburn, 17 August 1844 (Item ff.117-18)
Tahiti crisis; praises Capt. Nicholas but not impressed by Commander Gordon.
Sir George Cockburn to Peel, 17 August 1844 (Item ff.119-20)
Agrees with criticisms of Commander Gordon; W. Peel will be placed on another ship.
E.G. Wakefield to Peel, 19 August 1844 (Item ff.141-44)
French opinion on Tahiti affair; massacre of New Zealand settlers by Maoris.
Peel to E.G. Wakefield, 29 August 1844 (Item ff.145)
Lord Stanley to Peel, 5 September 1844 (Item f.147)
Returns letter of E.G. Wakefield; missionaries opposed N.Z. colonization; catastrophe at Wairau due entirely to colonists.
W. Peel to Peel, 20 August 1844 (Item ff.168-69)
Collingwood ready to leave for Pacific; possibility of war with France.
Volume CCCLXXI, May 1844 - September 1844 (File Add MS 40551)
Correspondence relating to the removal of Pritchard from Tahiti (printed) (Item ff.160-63)
W. Peel (Madeira) to Peel, 18 September 1844 (Item ff.233-34)
Departure of Collingwood for Pacific; hopes of promotion.
J. MacGregor to Peel, 26 September 1844 (Item ff.335-36)
Although described individually, this document was originally microfilmed with a page from another document. The last page of the document described can be found at the beginning of nla.obj-762047967...
J. Brooke (Sarawak) to H. Wise, 26 May 1844 (Item ff.337)
Piracy in Eastern Seas; prosperity of Dyaks. (copy)
H. Wise to Peel, 28 September 1844 (Item ff.339-40)
Report by J. Brooke of increased piracy; seeks interview.
Peel to J. MacGregor, 30 September 1844 (Item)
Need for extreme caution before annexing territory; distrusts motives of J. Brooke.
Volume CCCLXXII, October 1844 (File Add MS 40552)
Rev W. Buckland to Peel, 15 October 1844 (Item ff.256-63)
Harsh treatment of Sir John Franklin by Lord Stanley; suggests Government publicly express its approval of Franklin; encloses extracts from Franklin's letters to Lord Stanley.
Peel to Rev. W. Buckland, 16 October 1844 (Item ff.317-18)
Cannot intervene on behalf of Franklin.
Volume CCCLXXIII, October 1844 - November 1844 (File Add MS 40553)
Rev. W. Buckland to Peel, 30 October 1844 (Item ff.126-29)
Wishes to vindicate Sir John Franklin over dismissal of J. Montagu; possible action for defamation.
Peel to Rev. W. Buckland, 2 November 1844 (Item f.131)
Returns papers on Franklin; nothing further to add.
Volume CCCLXXV, December 1844 (File Add MS 40555)
C. Buller to Peel, 14 December 1844 (Item ff.330-35)
Financial position of New Zealand Company; no confidence in Lord Stanley; appeals to Peel to intervene.
Peel to C. Buller, 23 December 1844 (Item ff.336-37)
Willing to grant interview but unlikely to differ from Lord Stanley.
Volume CCCLXXVI, December 1844 (File Add MS 40556)
G. Hope to Peel, 23 December 1844 (Item ff.220-23)
Sends papers on report of New Zealand Committee; influence of C. Buller on selection of members; Buller E.G. Wakefield real authors of report.
Volume CCCLXXVII, January 1845 (File Add MS 40557)
S. Herbert to Lord Haddington, 1 January 1845 (Item ff.32-38)
Naval estimates for 1845/46; refers to creation of Pacific Station.
R. Torrens to Peel, 8 January 1845 (Item f.289)
Sends paper on emigration to colonies.
Peel to R. Torrens, 22 January 1845 (Item f.290)
Lord Haddington, 9 January 1845 (Item ff.410—19)
Memo on 1845/46 naval estimates
C. Buller to Peel, 14 January 1845 (Item ff.436—37)
Seeks interview on New Zealand.
Peel to C. Buller, 15 January 1845 (Item f.438)
Fixes time for interview.
Volume CCCLXXVIII, January 1845 (File Add MS 40558)
J. Robertson to Peel, 31 January 1845 (Item ff.454-55)
Financial loss arising from loss of position as Police Magistrate in N.S.W.
Volume CCCLXXIX, February 1845 (File Add MS 40559)
C. Buller to Peel, 3 February 1845 (Item ff.27-28)
Delay in preparation of petition of New Zealand Company.
G. Hope to Peel, 5 February 1845 (Item ff.29-32)
Although described individually, this document was originally microfilmed with a page from another document. The last page of the document described can be found at the beginning of nla.obj-762048480...
Peel to G. Hope, 5 February 1845 (Item ff.33-34)
Believes despatch of Lord Stanley is sufficient defence; actions of Capt. R. FitzRoy and question between Colonial Office and N.Z. Committee.
G. Hope to Peel, 5 February 1845 (Item ff.35-36)
C. Buller to Peel, 7 February 1845 (Item ff.37-38)
Sends draft petition of New Zealand Company.
Peel to C. Buller, 9 February 1845 (Item ff.39-40)
Expected private memorandum; declines to read public petition.
C. Buller to Peel, 18 February 1845 (Item ff.42-49)
Sends memorandum on New Zealand affairs.
Volume CCCLXXX, February 1845 (File Add MS 40560)
Sir George Clerk (Item ff.15-16)
Memorandum on duty on sperm oil referring to need to encourage whale fishery in Australia and N.Z.
Sir George Clerk to Peel, 18 February 1845 (Item ff.117-19)
Question on repeat of sperm oil duties; encloses letter from Sir Walter James.
Sir George Grey to Peel, 21 February 1845 (Item ff.218-19)
Intends to ask question in Parliament on French activities in Tahiti.
Peel to Lord Aberdeen, 22 February 1845 (Item ff.220-21)
Proposed answer to Sir George Grey.
Peel to C. Buller, 21 February 1845 (Item ff.225-26)
Buller's suggestions could not be basis for settlement of affairs of New Zealand Company.
Volume CCCLXXXII, March 1845 (File Add MS 40562)
E.G. Wakefield (Blois) to Peel, 7 March 1845 (Item ff.72-77)
Sends issues of New Zealand Journal on New Zealand Company, Lord Stanley and Capt. FitzRoy.
G. Hope to Peel (Item ff.305-6)
Seeks interview on instructions given by Colonial Office to New Zealand Company.
G. Hope to Peel, 15 March 1845 (Item ff.363-64)
Sends memo on New Zealand Company.
Volume CCCLXXXIII, March 1845 (File Add MS 40563)
G. Stephen to Peel, 17 March 1845 (Item ff.40-45)
Poor record of South Australian Association; its similarities with New Zealand Company; superiority of naval officers as governors.
Lieut. J. Wood to Peel, 17 March 1845 (Item ff.46-47)
New Zealand Company guilty of deceit and breach of contract.
Volume CCCLXXXIV, April 1845 (File Add MS 40564)
Lucas to Peel, 12 April 1845 (Item f.289)
Lord Lieutenant will not reprieve J. Fogarty sentenced to transportation.
H. Buckles to Peel, 14 April 1845 (Item ff.357-60)
Sends petition from meeting of London merchants, shipowners and traders seeking reductions in duty on Australian wheat.
G. Hope to Peel, 16 April 1845 (Item ff.404-5)
Sends letter from C. Wood on Capt. R. FitzRoy.
Peel to G. Hope, 17 April 1845 (Item f.406)
Returns letter; alarming state of affairs in New Zealand.
J. Hackett to Peel, 19 April 1845 (Item ff.481-82)
Grievance against Treasury and Colonial Office; does not wish to join phalanx of New Zealand Company.
Volume CCCLXXXV, April 1845 (File Add MS 40565)
C. Buller to Peel, 29 April 1845 (Item f.285)
Sends book on New Zealand.
Peel to C. Buller, 30 April 1845 (Item f.286)
Volume CCCLXXXVI, May 1845 (File Add MS 40566)
C. Buller to Peel, 1 May 1845 (Item ff.4-5)
Sends work by Dieffenbach on New Zealand; improvement in situation at Wellington.
C. Buller to Peel, 10 May 1845 (Item ff.6-9)
Sends memorial from settlers at Wellington on proclamation by Capt. R. FitzRoy allowing Europeans to purchase land from Maoris; door opened to all evils of land-sharking.
Volume CCCLXXXVII, May 1845 - August 1845 (File Add MS 40567)
Bishop W. Walsh to Peel (Item ff.65-80)
Difficulty of obtaining suitable Roman Catholic priests for colonies; suggests establishment of colonial wing at Maynooth; infringement of rights of Catholic soldiers in colonies.
Peel to Bishop W. Walsh, 22 August 1845 (Item ff.81-82)
Requests examples of offences against Catholic soldiers.
E.G. Wakefield (Blois) to Peel, 16 May 1845 (Item ff.126—28)
Diminution of anti-English feeling among Church hierarchy in France; sends issue of New Zealand Journal.
Peel. Acknowledgment to be sent to P.E. Strzelecki for book on Australia, 20 May 1845 (Item f.225)
Volume CCLXXXIX, June 1845 (File Add MS 40569)
Saxe Bannister to [unknown], 11 June 1845 (Item f.9)
Colonial question for Peel.
Saxe Bannister to Peel, 11 June 1845 (Item ff.10-11)
Sends introduction to work on colonial administration; requests Peel confer with Lord Stanley on Bannister's claims.
Saxe Bannister to G. Arbuthnot, 12 June 1845 (Item ff.12-13)
Sends another work on colonial administration.
W. Thornhill to Peel, 12 June 1845 (Item ff.19-20)
Petition of Col. Lautour for land grant in Australia.
Peel to W. Thornhill, 16 June 1845 (Item f.21)
Matter should be referred to Lord Stanley.
C. Buller to Peel, 13 June 1845 (Item f.23)
Resolution laid on table of House.
E.G Wakefield (Blois) to Peel, 13 June 1845 (Item f.41)
Insanity of Capt. R. FitzRoy; incitement of Maoris by missionaries, supported by Lord Stanley and Colonial Office.
J. Young to Peel, 14 June 1845 (Item ff.62-65)
New Zealand motion; believes Government will be in minority.
Returns relative to New Zealand (printed), 16 June 1845 (Item ff.112-23)
Volume CCCXCII, July 1845 - September 1845 (File Add MS 40572)
W. Brown to Peel, 12 August 1845 (Item ff.174-75)
Sends book on manners and customs of Maoris.
Peel to W. Brown, 30 September 1845 (Item f.176)
J. Ellice to Peel, 12 August 1845 (Item ff.177-78)
Charter of Bank of Australasia; sends letter.
T.F. Lewis to J. Ellice, 24 July 1845 (Item ff.179-80)
Bank of Australasia.
E.J. Eyre to Peel, 13 August 1845 (Item f.201)
Sends journals of Expeditions into central Australia and overland to King George's Sound; condition of Australian Aboriginals.
J. Ellice to Peel, 22 August 1845 (Item ff.397-99)
Public swindling caused by competition between Australian banks.
Volume CCCXCIII, August 1845 - September 1845 (File Add MS 40573)
G. Hope to Peel, 27 August 1845 (Item ff.102-3)
Draft letter to New Zealand Company.
Peel to G. Hope, 28 August 1845 (Item ff.104-5)
Approves of general tenor; rejection of claim for expenditure on religious and educational purposes.
G. Hope to Peel, 29 August 1845 (Item ff.106-7)
Sends fair copy of draft.
H. Corry to Peel, 11 September 1845 (Item ff.447-48)
Despatches from Pacific.
Volume CCCXCIV, March 1845 - September 1845 (File Add MS 40574)
J. Ellice (Dieppe) to Peel, 18 September 1845 (Item ff.116-17)
Competition between joint stock banks; Bank of Australasia.
W. Cotton to Peel, 20 September 1845 (Item ff.153-54)
Sends letter from Bishop G. Selwyn.
Bishop G. Selwyn (Bay of Plenty) to E. Hawkins, 22 March 1845 (Item ff.155-70)
Relations between settlers and natives in New Zealand; account of fighting near Auckland. (copy)
H.M. Lefroy to Peel, 22 September 1845 (Item ff.220-23)
Proposals on land system of Australia, emigration of surplus population from Britain.
Volume CCCXCVI, October 1844 (File Add MS 40576)
R. Therry (Sydney) to Peel, 21 October 1844 (Item ff.202-3)
Seeks appointment as judge of N.S.W. Supreme Court.
Volume CCCXCVIII, November 1845 (File Add MS 40578)
Rev. E. Coleridge to Peel, 5 November 1845 (Item f.49)
Although described individually, this document was originally microfilmed with a page from another document. The last page of the document described can be found at the beginning of nla.obj-762050365...
Peel to Rev. E. Coleridge, 6 November 1845 (Item f.50)
Volume CCCCI, December 1845 (File Add MS 40581)
Peel to G. Hope, 23 December 1845 (Item ff.259-60)
Departure of Hope from Colonial Office.
G. Hope to Peel, 24 December 1845 (Item ff.261-62)
Departure from Colonial Office.
Capt. A. Maconochie to Peel, 27 December 1845 (Item ff.335-38)
Advocates abolition of time sentences and replacement by mark sentences: under present system of transportation best convicts are most severely punished.
Capt. A. Maconochie (Item ff.339-50)
Principles of the mark system now sought to be introduced into transportation, imprisonment and other forms of secondary punishment' and other papers. (printed)
Notes on decline in crime 1844/45, referring to transportation (Item ff.478-79)
Sir James Graham. Notes on crime and transportation (Item ff.480-83)
Volume CCCCII, January 1846 (File Add MS 40582)
Sir George Murray to Peel, 3 January 1846 (Item ff.53-56)
Need for increased strength in Royal Artillery; need for detachments in New Zealand and Australia.
Peel to Sir George Murray, 5 January 1846 (Item ff.57-58)
Agrees to increase in strength.
H. Green to Peel, 17 January 1846 (Item ff.347-48)
Seeks reduction in sentence of transportation on Hannah Coop.
J. Hume to Peel, 19 January 1846 (Item f.402)
Damage done to Australian colonies by duties on their exports.
Peel to J. Hume, 29 January 1846 (Item f.403)
Volume CCCCIII, January 1846 (File Add MS 40583)
R.M Martin to Peel, 24 January 1846 (Item ff.93-94)
Urges admission of grain from colonies duty free.
Volume CCCCV, February 1846 - March 1846 (File Add MS 40585)
Lord Dalhousie to Peel, 23 February 1846 (Item ff.300-3)
Reduction of duty on colonial agricultural produce.
Peel to Lord Dalhousie, 4 March 1846 (Item ff.304-5)
Retention of duty on colonial exports.
H. Goulburn (Item ff.308-9)
Memo on abolition of duties in favour of colonies.
H. Wise to Peel, 28 February 1846 (Item ff.428-29)
Sends printed papers on Borneo.
Volume CCCCIX, April 1846 (File Add MS 40589)
J. Whytlaw to Peel, 2 April 1846 (Item ff.27-29)
Seeks employment; lost all possessions in destruction of Kerorarika by Maoris in 1845.
H. Wise to Peel, 7 April 1846 (Item ff.216-18)
Uncertain status of J. Brooke in Borneo; threat of piratical tribes.
Foreign Office, 10 April 1846 (Item f.219)
Minute on position of J. Brooke.
Peel to H. Wise (Item f.220)
Draft reply.
Peel to J. Young, 10 April 1846 (Item ff.292-93)
Transfer of Customs appointments to colonial governors.
Volume CCCCX, April 1846 - May 1846 (File Add MS 40590)
Peel to H. Lowry-Corry, 25 April 1846 (Item ff.269-70)
Need for supervision of observatories and abandonment of useless ones, especially Parramatta.
H. Lowry-Corry to Peel, 8 May 1846 (Item ff.271-72)
Agrees with Capt. F. Beaufort that Board of Visitors to Greenwich Observatory should control other observatories.
Capt. F. Beaufort, 8 May 1846 (Item ff.273-75)
Memo on supervision of observatories; disgraceful idleness of Parramatta Observatory.
Peel to H. Lowry-Corry, 9 May 1846 (Item ff.276-77)
Agrees with suggestions of Capt. Beaufort.
Volume CCCCXI (File Add MS 40591)
Draft of Bill to authorise loan from Consolidated Fund to New Zealand Company. (printed) (Item ff.23-25)
Volume CCCCXIII, June 1846 (File Add MS 40593)
Lord Dalhousie to Peel, 1 June 1846 (Item ff.11-14)
Removal of duties on colonial produce.
Peel to Lord Dalhousie, 3 June 1846 (Item ff.15-18)
Commercial policy in respect to colonies.
H. Rous to Peel, 2 June 1846 (Item ff.56-57)
Sends letter from Capt. R. FitzRoy; likely attack by C. Buller.
Peel to H. Rous, 6 June 1846 (Item f.58)
Volume CCCCXIV, June 1846 (File Add MS 40594)
C. Gawler to Peel, 29 June 1846 (Item ff.437-38)
Seeks honour; his role in foundation of South Australia.
Volume CCCCXV, July 1846 (File Add MS 40595)
T. Millard to Peel, 9 July 1846 (Item ff.324-25)
Offers first-hand information about New Zealand.
Volume CCCCXVI, July 1846 (File Add MS 40596)
C. Prosser to Peel, 20 July 1846 (Item ff.223-24)
Seeks financial aid for passage to South Australia; wishes to be schoolmaster.
R. D'Oyly to Peel, 21 July 1846 (Item ff.230-31)
Loss of property in New Zealand; requests loan.
Volume CCCCXVII, August 1846 (File Add MS 40597)
Capt. R. FitzRoy to Peel, 3 August 1846 (Item ff.29-30)
Facts about New Zealand in pamphlet and in letter of Bishop.
Volume CCCCXVIII, April 1847 - June 1847 (File Add MS 40598)
W. Hutt to Peel, 28 April 1847 (Item f.191)
Sends letter from Drummond in Western Australia.
Lord Mahon to Peel, 8 May 1847 (Item ff.239-40)
Thanks for papers on Prison Bill; limited space for prisoners in Britain.
Lord Mahon to Peel, 10 May 1847 (Item ff.241-42)
Returns transportation papers.
Sir John Eardley Wilmot to Peel, 26 May 1847 (Item f.282)
Sir John Eardley Wilmot to Peel, 27 May 1847 (Item ff.285-86)
Interview on recall of father from Van Diemen's Land.
Sir John Eardley Wilmot to Peel, 6 June 1847 (Item f.325)
Asks Peel to attend debate.
Sir John Eardley Wilmot to Peel, 8 June 1847 (Item ff.326-27)
Although described individually, this document was originally microfilmed with a page from another document. The first page of the document described can be found at the endg of nla.obj-762051773...
Volume CCCCXX, February 1848 - August 1848 (File Add MS 40600)
G. Hope to Peel, 17 February 1848 (Item ff.60-61)
Policy of Government on New Zealand in 1845; change of attitude of Lord Grey to Governor Grey.
Sir Charles Wood to Peel, 28 May 1848 (Item f.259)
J. Michel sentenced to 14 years transportation.
R. Owen to Peel, 25 July 1848 (Item ff.362-63)
Sends paper on osteology of great birds of New Zealand.
Sir John Eardley Wilmot to Peel, 28 August 1848 (Item ff.423-26)
Allegations made in Van Diemen's Land against father; letter from Archdeacon Marriott.
Volume CCCCXXII, November 1849 - December 1849 (File Add MS 40602)
H. Wise to Peel, 26 November 1849 (Item f.259)
Sends copy of letter to Lord John Russell.
H. Wise to Lord John Russell, 26 November 1849 (Item f.260)
Deplores action of Sir James Brooke against Dyaks; inconsistent with his profession as Christian philanthropist.
S. Herbert to Peel, 6 December 1849 (Item ff.320-23)
Establishment of fund for female emigration; support of Caroline Chisholm; seeks Peel's support.
C. Adderley to Peel, 11 December 1849 (Item ff.337-38)
Formation of Colonial Government Society; preparation of N.S.W. Constitution.
Peel to C. Adderley, 13 December 1849 (Item ff.339-41)
Declines to be associated with Society (draft).
C. Adderley to Peel, 14 December 1849 (Item ff.342-43)
Volume CCCCXXIII, January 1850 - February 1850 (File Add MS 40603)
S. Herbert to Peel, 10 January 1850 (Item ff.34-37)
Sends paper on Fund for Promoting Female Emigration.
C. Adderley to Peel, 11 January 1850 (Item ff.38-39)
Invitation to dinner; hopes to have ready N.S.W. Government Bill.
Lord Grey to Peel, 27 February 1850 (Item f.106)
Wishes to discuss Australian Bill.
Series. General Series, 1841 - May 1846
Filmed selectively.
Subseries Add MSS 40611-40613. Official Papers, 1841 - May 1846
Volume CCCCXXXI, March 1842 - April 1843 (File Add MS 40611)
R.M. Martin, 28 March 1842 (Item ff.238-39)
Circular addressed to Lord John Russell on his History of the British colonies
Memorial to Peel from Supporters and Friends of Protestant Evangelical Missions at meeting at Lancaster protesting against French annexation and establishment of Popery in Tahiti, 24 April 1843 (Item ff.262-63)
Volume CCCCXXXII, 1841 - May 1846 (File Add MS 40612)
Gooch and Cousens. Statement of imports of foreign wool into Britain (printed), 1841 (Item f.102)
Newspaper cuttings on departure of Sir John Franklin from Van Diemen's Land, November 1843 (Item ff.140-41)
South Australian Newsletter (Adelaide), no 4, 1 December 1844 (Item ff.173-74)
New Zealand Spectator (Wellington), no 9, 7 December 1844 (Item ff.175-76)
Memorial to Peel of sugar refiners of London on import of sugar from Java, 5 May 1846 (Item ff.222-23)
Memorial to Peel of Manchester Chamber of Commerce on annexation of Labuan, 13 May 1846 (Item f.226)
Volume CCCCXXXIII, April 1843 - May 1843 (File Add MS 40613)
Memorial to Peel and Lord Aberdeen from Supporters and Friends of Protestant Missions at meeting at Chatham urging Government to induce French Government to recognize independence of Tahiti, 26 April 1843 (Item f.63)
Memorial to Peel and Lord Aberdeen from Supporters and Friends of Protestant Missions at meeting at Sittingbourne Kent protesting against imposition of Popery by arms on natives of Tahiti, 5 May 1843 (Item ff.64-65)
Subseries Add MS 40614. Newspapers and Official Papers, January 1845
Newspapers and Official Papers, January 1845 (File Add MS 40614)
Journal des debats; politigues et litteraires, 12 January 1845 - 23 January 1845 (Item ff.97-102)
Contains copies of correspondence and reports of debates in French Chamber of Deputies on Tahitian crisis.