Guide to the Records held by the Methodist Archives and Research Centre (as filmed by the AJCP)



National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

Created: 2018

Online Items

Fonds MA [GB 407]. Moulton Papers, 1911

Series MA. MOU II. Correspondence, January 1911

Filmed selectively.

Sir William MacGregor (Brisbane) to James Hope Moulton (Manchester), 9 January 1911 (File 398)

Re religious literature he is reading; refers to Motuans at Port Moresby. (8p.)

Fonds MA. PK. Arthur S. Peake Papers, 1903 - 1928

Series III. Letters from Peake (Manchester), June 1926 - December 1928

Filmed selectively.

To Henry Ranston thanking him for message from Conference (1p.), 7 June 1926 (File 393)
To B.W. Wibberley re publishing Wibberley's book (2p.), 20 December 1928 (File 494)

Series IV. Letters to Peake, March 1903 - July 1927

Filmed selectively.

Samuel Angus (St. Andrew's College, Sydney) re use of Peake's books at College (1p.), 24 July 1922 (File 32)
Edward Bandy (Wanganui) requesting certificate to show he attended Hartley College (1p.), 30 June 1915 (File 39)
J.A. Ramsbottom (Canterbury) requesting copy of Peake's lectures; high standard of education in New Zealand (3p.), 30 March 1903 (File 1523)
H. Ranston (Auckland) re work in New Zealand (2p.), 22 June 1923 (File 1524)
H. Ranston (Auckland) re Methodist Conference at Dunedin (1 p. plus copy), 12 March 1926 (File 1525-1526)
Sir Ernest Rutherford (Cambridge) thanking Peake for congratulations on OM, intend to go to New Zealand in July (2p.), 22 February 1925 (File 1575)
Brian Wibberley (Kent Town) asking Peake's opinion on his book; his work in North Adelaide (4p.), 28 July 1927 (File 1784)

Fonds MAB. Cellar 226E [GB 397]. Rev. Tom Dent. Records, 1914 - 1948

The Round Table Magazine Monthly, March 1914; May 1914; June 1914; July 1914; Aug.-October 1914 (File 1)

General magazine written by Tom Dent. (289p. ms. and typescript)

3 Photograph albums of Solomon Islands, c.1919 (File 2)

Subjects include: Mission house, Patuliva; natives; canoes; Chief's village; 'kia'; fishing; students in training at Kokeqolo; Mr Goldie; Boaz Suna, young Rovlana Chief...

Texts for talks by Annie Dent to the Wesleyan Guild at Trinity Methodist Church, Waterloo Street, Oldham on the Mission work of her brother Tom Dent compiled from his letters. (21 vols), c.1922-1948 (File 3)

Subjects include: Work of Rev. J.F. Goldie in Solomon Islands; typical day on Vanunul Island; his house; visits to other islands; Christmas service; Mr Goldie appointed President of New Zealand Conference 1929; leaving T.D. in charge of Marovo Circuit; visit to Bougainville; return to England and return voyage to Solomon Islands (1931) via Canada, Honolulu, Fiji, New Zealand and Sydney; Mission being rundown due to Depression; flu epidemic at Roviana; his wife's ill health; last days at Patuliva; journey to Australia and settlement at Thomas, New Zealand; T.D.'s life at Boonah, Queensland chaplain to Thornboro and Blackheath Colleges; Gert Dent's life as Missionary (b. Melbourne) in Solomon Islands, 1917; her death in Brisbane...

Texts for talks [by Katie Dent?] continuation of Annie's talks. 2 vols, c.1948 (File 4)

T.D.'s life in Australia as a Circuit Minister at Nundah; visit to Boonah...

Two other talks by Annie Dent re T.D. at Missionary Society meetings (19p. and 22p.), [n.d.] (File 5)

Gertrude Dent's [nee Mansfield] Diaries, 27 October 1917 - 31 December 1936 (File 6)

Includes: Sailing from Sydney on SS Minini to Tulagi; description of island; met by Mr Goldie at Gizo; sailing to Roviana; work at school; visits to other islands; church services; baptism of Chiefs; marriage to Tom Dent, 16 June 1923; life at Patuliva; ill health.

Diary (344p.), 27 October 1917 - 31 December 1928 (Item)
Diary (320p.), 1 January 1929 - 31 December 1936 (Item)

Tom Dent's Diaries. Copied by Annie Dent, 17 November 1915 - 5 January 1916 (File 7)

Describing: The voyage to Auckland on Ruahine; the ship; food; other passengers; boat drill; visit to Tenerife; services on board; deck games; visit to Cape Town; bad weather and high seas; lectures on trench warfare; poor coal taken on board at Cape Town delays progress; concert; Christmas celebrations; docking at Hobart; trip up Mt. Wellington; voyage to Auckland.

Diary (29p.), 17 November 1915 - 26 November 1915 (Item)
Diary (24p.), 17 November 1915 - 6 December 1915 (Item)
Diary (28p.), 7 December 1915 - 15 December 1915 (Item)
Diary (27p.), 16 December 1915 - 24 December 1915 (Item)
Diary (37p.), 25 December 1915 - 5 January 1916 (Item)

Tom Dent's New Zealand Diary (20p.), 2 January 1916 - 5 January 1916 (File 8)

Description of last days on board Ruahine and arrival at Auckland...

Fonds MAM Box L-MAL. Diaries, 1818

Series. Walter Lawry Journal, 4 January 1818 - 3 May 1818

Extracts from the Journal of Walter Lawry, Methodist Missionary from Spithead to Port Jackson, New South Wales. (28p.) [GB 2564]...

Fonds MAM. P9. [GB 125]. Primitive Methodist Itinerant Preachers' Friendly Society, 1859 - 1912

Minute Book of the Yearly Meeting, 1859 - 1893 (File)

Subjects include: Report of business, election of officials, admission of members, deaths of members and spouses, comments on colonial matters, appointment of colonial agents (in Adelaide, Melbourne, etc.)...

Colonial District Assemblies' Cash and Minute Book, 1881 - 1912 (File)

Includes: Adelaide District; Melbourne District; Sydney District; Brisbane District; New Zealand District; Moouta District (later South Australian); Rockhampton District (from 1890); Newcastle District (from 1892); New South Wales District (from 1894)...

Fonds MAM. PLP. Individual Collections, c.1810-1964

Series 1.14. Papers of Thomas Adams, December 1853 - December 1867

Thomas Adams (Nukualofa, Neiafu Vavau, Sydney, Newark, Northampton) to F. West (Habai), Benjamin Hellier, 'Brother Edmund'; G. Stampe; E.W. Richardson, 6 December 1853 - 20 December 1867 (File 1-5)

Re events on Nuiafoon, Fijian news being gloomy, his life on Vavau, tour of New South Wales districts, sending sample of King George's writing (9p.) [GB 416].

Series 1.40. Papers of John Aldred, February 1848

Filmed selectively.

John Aldred (Nelson) to Jabez Bunting (Mission House, London) sending him a writing desk made from New Zealand wood, wishes to return to England (6p.), 15 February 1848 (File 1 [GB 444])

Series 2.9. Papers of Richard Amos, August 1854

Filmed selectively.

Richard Amos (Neiafu) to Rev. Thomas West (Lifuka) that Mrs Amos is sending Mrs West silk, not yet straight in the house (2p.), 16 August 1854 (File 5. [GB 479])

Series 3.8. Papers of Michael Ashton, January 1854

Michael Ashton (Melbourne) to Jabez Bunting introducing Mr and Mrs William Dredge of Melbourne, 18 January 1854 (File 1. [GB 522])

Series 6.8. Papers of Joel Bate, October 1854

Filmed selectively.

Joel Bate (London) to M. Bourne (London) that appointment changed from Sierra Leone to Friendly Islands (2p.), 15 October 1854 (File 1. [GB 672])

Series 7.3. Papers of John Beecham, November 1841

Filmed selectively.

John Beecham (London) to [Unknown] re Bumby's work in New Zealand and the Wesleyan Mission House views on New Zealand colonisation (6p.), 19 November 1841 (File 9. [GB 711])

Series 8.52. Papers of Walter A. Bethune, May 1846 - December 1847

Walter A. Bethune (Hobart) to Jabez Bunting re misappropriation of a site where he intended to build a chapel (3p.), 28 May 1846 - 27 December 1847 (File 1-2. [GB 765])

Series 8.59. Papers of James Bickford, 1868 - April 1878

3 Portraits of Rev. James Bickford, President of Australasian Conference, (3p.), 1868 (File 1-3)
James Bickford (London) to Allan Rees re failure of Mission to aboriginals (4p.), 3 April 1878 (File 4. [GB 770])

Series 8.66. Papers of William L. Binks, 1869

2 Portraits of Rev. William L. Binks, President of Australasian Conference (2p.), 1869 (File 1-2. [GB 778])

Series 10.51. Papers of William E. Bourne, October 1863 - April 1864

William England Bourne (Damascus and Manning River) to his uncle re life on ship going to Australia and duties on Manning River Circuit (8p.), 5 October 1863 - 30 April 1864 (File 1-2. [GB 860])

Series 13.10. Papers of William B. Boyce, 1845 - 1866

Filmed selectively. Letters written in England were not filmed by the AJCP.

3 Portraits of W.B. Boyce (File 1-3)
2 letters from W.B. Boyce, [17 October 1845] [17 September 1866] (File 5-6)


W.B. Boyce (Gravesend) to Mrs Adams re sailing [for Australia] (6p.), 1845 (File 14. [GB 873])

Series 17.8. Papers of Thomas Buddle, May 1846 - 1863

Filmed selectively.

3 Portraits of Rev. Thomas Buddle, President of Australasian Conference, 1863 (File 1-4)

Includes: Cheque signed by Thomas Buddle. [13 March 1854]

Thomas Buddle (Auckland) to Rev. Francis Wilson (Vavau) re Wilson's 'affliction'; war with natives; his training college (9p.), 16 May 1846 (File 5. [GB 1009])

Series 17.4. Papers of Rev. James Buller, 1875 - January 1878

6 Portraits of James Buller, President of New Zealand Conference, 1875 (File 1-6)
James Buller (New Zealand Villa, London) to Rev. Allan Rees that free on 14 April (7p.), 29 January 1878 (File 7. [GB 1014])

Series 17.18. Papers of J. Bumby, December 1840

Filmed selectively.

J. Bumby (Thirsk) to Rev. John E. Coulson re his son John H. Bumby (4p.), 15 December 1840 (File 1. [GB 1018])

Series 17.19. Papers of John H. Bumby, n.d.

Filmed selectively. Letters from Birmingham were not filmed by the AJCP.

3 Portraits of J.H. Bumby, Missionary to New Zealand, n.d. (File 1-3)

Series 21.35. Papers of Rev. William Butters, September 1835

3 Portraits of William Butters, President of Australasian Conference (File 1-3)
W. Butters (Port Arthur) to Rev. T. Stokoe re safe journey; description of Van Diemen's Land; his work among the prisoners (7p.), 1 September 1835 (File 4. [GB 1071])

Series 22.14. Papers of James Calvert, May 1837 - September 1883

Press cuttings re J. Calvert in Fiji, 1860s - 1870s (File 1-6)
6 Portraits of J. Calvert, n.d. (File 7-12)
James Calvert (Lakemba, London, Bromley) to various people, 20 May 1837 - 3 September 1883 (File 13-25)

Re life in Lakemba, 'they are a very superior people'; native religion; land alienation; Sir Arthur Gordon; Sir William McArthur M.P.'s interest in Fijian matters; demand for scriptures in Fiji; Christianity on Ono (39p.) [GB 1097].

Series 22.61. Papers of Benjamin Carvosso, n.d.

Filmed selectively. Letters from Sherbourne and Cornwall were not filmed by the AJCP.

2 Portraits of B. Carvosso, n.d. (File 1-2. [GB 1131])

Series 32.17. Papers of George Daniel, November 1846

George Daniel (London) to William Bourne that leaves on John Wesley for Vavau (1p.), 7 November 1846 (File 1. [GB 1425])

Series 34.32. Papers of James D. Dodgson, April 1855 - 1880

3 Portraits of J.D. Dodgson, President of Victorian Conference, 1880 (File 1-3)
J.D. Dodgson (Penzance) to [Unknown] quoting scripture, 25 April 1855 (File 4. [GB 1536])

Series 36.3. Papers of Daniel James Draper, February 1844 - April 1863

3 Portraits of D.J. Draper, President of Australasian Conference, 1859 (File 1-3)
D.J. Draper (Sydney) to R.B. Lyth (Fiji) re opening of chapel in York Street; Lawry has left for New Zealand (3p.), 26 February 1844 (File 4)
D.J. Draper (Melbourne) to Charles Tucker (Bristol) re settlement of H. Harvey's estate; money sent to Bible Society (3p.), 24 April 1863 (File 5. [GB 1556])

Series 36.13. Papers of J.H. Duffell, n.d.

J.H. Duffell (Sydney) to Harry, [n.d.] (File 1)

Re voyage to Sydney; description of Cape Town; entertainments; stowaways taken off at Adelaide; provisions on board; prices of goods at Sydney 'the bread here is superior'; description of Sydney (Last part of letter in pencil, very faint and dirty) (4p.) [GB 1566]

Series 37.2. Papers of Edward Eagar, June 1964

R.A. Gallagher (Belfast) to Mr Bowmer, 1 June 1964 (File 1)

Enclosing typed copy of: 8 Dec. 1810. Edward Eagar (Providence, Cork) to Rev. R. Lee Cole re his conversion to Methodism...

Series 37.45. Papers of John Eggleston, September 1835 - 1860

3 Portraits of John Eggleston, President of Australasian Conference, 1860 (File 1-4)

Includes: John Eggleston (Sydney) to William Boyce re Boyce's visit; news of other Methodist ministers (4p.) [3 July 1856]

John Eggleston (Buxton) to Rev. and Mrs Pilter (Doncaster) re trip to Sheffield, Newark and Derby (4p.), 15 September 1835 (File 5. [GB 1643])

Series 38.3. Papers of William Ellis, 1826

Portrait of William Ellis, Missionary from the Society and Sandwich Islands, (1p.), 1826 (File 1)

Series 38.25. Papers of George Erskine, July 1824

George Erskine (Sydney) to B. Carvasso (Parramatta) that disapproves of black Mission carried on by Walker (4p.), 19 July 1824 (File 1. [GB 1680])

Series 41.8. Papers of Frank Firth, August 1865

Frank Firth (Vavau) to E.W. Richardson (London) requesting details of Planet Perminent [sic.] Building and Investment Society (2p.), 1 August 1865 (File 1. [GB 1759])

Series 41.27. Papers of Joseph Fletcher, July 1862

Joseph Fletcher (Taunton) to Samuel Adams re sending a box to his son J.H. Fletcher at Brisbane (2p.), 2 July 1862 (File 4)

Series 41.28. Joseph H. Fletcher, March 1884

Joseph H. Fletcher (Sydney) to Dr. Osborn re additional missionaries to be sent out, requests more (4p.), 17 March 1884 (File 1)

Series 41.33. Papers of R.C. Flockart, 1885

3 Portraits of Rev. R.C. Flockart, President of Victoria and Tasmanian Conference, 1885 (File 1-3)

Series 41.45. Papers of James Ford, November 1846

James Ford (London) to [Unknown] to sail for Fiji (1p.), 17 November 1846 (File 3. [GB 1783])

Series 43.43. Papers of H.H. Gaud, 1867

3 Portraits of Rev. Henry H. Gaud, President of Australasian Conference, 1867 (File 1-3)

Series 50.24. Papers of Thomas B. Harris, November 1846

T.B. Harris (London?) to [Unknown] that busy preparing to sail on John Wesley to Sydney (4p.), 10 November 1846 (File 1. [GB 2121])

Series 57.30. Papers of Mrs J. Hunt, April 1836

Mrs Hunt [] to Rev. W. Smith (Leeds) about to sail for Sydney (2p.), 28 April 1836 (File 1. [GB 2244])

Although described individually, this letter was originally microfilmed with a page from another letter. The last page of the letter described can be found at the beginning of nla.obj-1065150754.

Series 57.32. Papers of Rev. John Hunt, 1841 - 1848

Filmed selectively. Memoranda book (Diaries Box C89), extracts from sermons or publications (C1837) were not filmed by the AJCP.

Portrait of John Hunt (File 1)
Sermon notes (12p.), [n.d.] (File 2)
John Hunt (Somosomo, Verva) to Joseph Entwisle (Tadcaster); George Walker (Levuka); F. Wilon (Vavau); E. Young (Newark); T. Williams (Bua), 1841 - 1848 (File 3-12)

Subjects include: Work in Fiji Islands, conversion of Chief; ill health; news of other missionaries; translating New Testament; Tongan Mission. (38p.)...

Series 85.5. Papers of Rev. Benjamin Hurst, n.d.

3 Portraits of B. Hurst, Australia (File 1-3)

Series 59.11. Papers of Andrew Inglis, n.d.

4 Portraits of Andrew Inglis (File 1-4)

Series 60.30. Papers of Thomas James Jaggar, July 1840

T.J. Jaggar (Zoar, Rewa) to Rev. R. Smith (Bristol) sending curiosities (2p.), 16 July 1840 (File 1. [GB 2330])

Series 61.39. Papers of Frederick J. Jobson, February 1861

Filmed selectively. Letters from London and England were not filmed by the AJCP.

F.J. Jobson (Sydney) to John Mason (London) re Sydney Book Room; he has been preaching in Victoria, Tasmania and New South Wales (4p.), 19 February 1861 (File 33. [GB 2366])

Series 62.57. Papers of Jonathan Jones, May 1843

Jonathan Jones (West Maitland) to Rev. John Crofts (Brighton), 25 May 1843 (File 1)

Re J.B. Hewson residing on farm at Hexham; spread of Methodism in New South Wales; Indigenous Australians are diminishing in his area due to 'civilizing' influence of Europeans. 'I am persuaded therefore that Great Britain will have an awful account to render in the day of judgement with reference to her conduct to the poor blacks of this Colony' (4p.) [GB 2417].

Series 64.1. Papers of Rev. Dr Kelynack, n.d.

3 Portraits of Rev. Dr Kelynack, Australia (File 1-3)

Series 66.4. Papers of William Kirke, November 1846

William Kirk (London) to Mr Bourne that about to sail for New Zealand (1p.), 16 November 1846 (File 1. [GB 2520])

Series 67.35. Papers of Henry H. Lawry, May 1845

H.H. Lawry (Auckland) to John Spurgeon (London) re his ill health; marriage of sister to Francis Oakes of Sydney (4p.), 15 May 1845 (File 1. [GB 2563])

Series 67.36. Papers of Walter Lawry, December 1818 - February 1819

Filmed selectively. Other English letters were not filmed by the AJCP.

3 Portraits of Walter Lawry (File 1-3)
Walter Lawry (Sydney) to J. Entwisle (Sheffield), December 1818 - 17 February 1819 (File 5)

Re moral state of Botany Bay; Indigenous Australians 'dwindling away very fast'; description of climate, vegetation; Governor has given land for a chapel (Damaged) (8p.) [GB 2565]

Series 69.12. Papers of Samuel Leigh, September 1818 - February 1849

Filmed selectively. Other English letters were not filmed by the AJCP.

2 Portraits of Samuel Leigh (File 1-2)
Biographical note (1p.) (File 3)
Samuel Leigh (Sydney) to J. Benson (London), 23 September 1818 (File 4)

Re beauty of New South Wales; sheep shearing and other agricultural pursuits; recent introduction of Sterling - prices of labour set by Governor; native customs (6p.).

Samuel Leigh (Sydney) to J. Entwisle (Birmingham), 10 August 1824 (File 7)

Passages from New Zealand journal re cannibalism amongst natives after battle; native beliefs - witchcraft, ceremonies (4p.).

Samuel Leigh (Reading) to Elijah Hoole (London) re money expected from Sydney (4p.) [GB 2594], 5 February 1849 (File 8)

Series 69.20. Papers of Theophillus Lessey, December 1840

T. Lessey (Cowes) to John Waterhouse (Hobart) re Waterhouse's 'great work' (4p.), 22 December 1840 (File 40. [GB 2602])

Series 69.29. Papers of Frederick Lewis, January 1857

Frederick Lewis (Cardiff) to W.B. Boyce that has had news from Draper in Australia that they 'are getting on nicely in Victoria' (4p.), 8 January 1857 (File 2. [GB 2609])

Series 72.62. Papers of John Malvern, November 1846 - January 1860

Filmed selectively. Other English letters were not filmed by the AJCP.

John Malvern (Cheltenham) to Samuel Adams sending a parcel for Fiji (1p.), 16 January 1860 (File 1)
John Malvern (Cheltenham) to Alfred Barrett, 15 July 1859 (File 2)

Re rough voyage from Sydney; his work in Fiji; missionaries hope England will accept sovereignty of Fiji 'woe be to Christ's cause if the French get hold of them' (4p.).

John Malvern (Southampton) to W. Browne (London) about to sail to Fiji (2p.), 17 November 1846 (File 3. [GB 2795])

Although described individually, this letter was originally microfilmed with a page from another letter. The last page of the letter described can be found at the beginning of nla.obj-1065151585.

Series 73.8. Papers of Ralph Mansfield, March 1824

Ralph Mansfield (Hobart) to Charles Baines (Burslem), 27 March 1824 (File 73.8.1)

Re work on Windsor Circuit and Parramatta; description of Tasmania; Sir Thomas Brisbane is a friend to Methodism (4p.). [GB 2804]...

Series 73.10. Papers of J Allen Manton, May 1857

J. Allen Manton (Horton College, Ross, Tasmania) to W.B. Boyce sending money for China Mission; College doing well (1p.), 26 May 1857 (File 1. [GB 2806])

Series 73.27. Papers of Richard Martin, March 1892

Filmed selectively. Other English letters were not filmed by the AJCP.

R. Martin (Launceston) to Miss Mease re travels in Australia (4p.), 12 March 1892 (File 4. [GB 2826])

Series 76.23. Papers of William Morley, September 1863

W. Morley (New Zealand) to W. Bourne sending greetings (1p.), 23 September 1863 (File 1. [GB 2961])

Series 83.11. Papers of John Pemell, February 1858

John Pemell (Singleton) to [Unknown] re taking over of Circuit (2p.), 15 February 1858 (File 1. [GB 3260])

Series 83.47. Papers of George Pickering, March 1859

George Pickering (Singleton) to W. Bourne that sorry he is to leave Wollombi (2p.), 4 March 1859 (File 1. [GB 3298])

Series 83.52. Papers of Peter Pierce, c.1810

Peter Pierce (Port Jackson) to a friend, c.1810 (File 1)

In Welsh...

Series 84.8. Papers of James T. Pinfold, April 1933

James T. Pinfold (Wellington) to McNeal re publications (1p.), 30 April 1933 (File 1. [GB 3321])

Series 84.21. Papers of John Polglase, September 1851

John Polglase (John Wesley) to [Unknown] that about to sail for Fiji (1p.), 25 September 1851 (File 1)

Series 84.29. Papers of George Poole, October 1849 - May 1850

Filmed selectively. Other English letters were not filmed by the AJCP.

George Poole (Brisbane) to J. Bunting (London) re Wesleyans in the Colony (Crossed) (4p.), 9 October 1849 (File 6)
George Poole (Brisbane) to J. Bunting (London) re situation of Brisbane, holding of conference in Sydney (4p.), 20 May 1850 (File 7. [GB 3342])

Series 86.1. Papers of Stephen Rabone, January 1845 - March 1868

Three letters from Stephen Rabone, January 1845 - 30 March 1868 (File 1-4. [GB 3407])


Series 88.15. Papers of William Ready, December 1907 - March 1908

William Ready (Christchurch) to Mr Perryman re Perryman's ill health (2p.), 17 December 1907 (File 1)
William Ready (Christchurch) to Mrs Perryman re death of Mr Perryman (7p.), 17 March 1908 (File 2. [GB 3450])

Series 93.15. Papers of William Rowse, September 1858

William Rowse (London) to [Unknown] that going to New Zealand (1p.), 5 September 1858 (File 1)

Series 93.17. Papers of James Royce, May 1856

James Royce (Richmond) to W. Bourne, 13 May 1856 (File 1)

Re voyage from England; work on Melbourne East Circuit; going to Fiji; Methodism prospers in Australia (4p.). [GB 3633]

Series 97.12. Papers of William Simpson, February 1842

Filmed selectively. English letters were not filmed by the AJCP.

William Simpson (Hobart) to John Smith (Gt. Torrington) re influence of Methodist Governors (4p.), 19 February 1842 (File 25. [GB 3810])

Series 100.12. Papers of T. Bowman Stephenson, November 1882

T.B. Stephenson (Sydney) to Bate re plans to return to England (4p.), 30 November 1882 (File 16. [GB 3968])

Series 106.2.12-20. Papers of John Thomas, February 1845 - September 1857

John Thomas (Nukualofa, London, Doncaster) to Brethren at Vavau; F. Wilson (Neiafu); Dr Bunting (London) and others, 4 February 1845 - 1 September 1857 (File 12-20. [GB 4081])

Subjects include: Translating scriptures; news of other missionaries in the Islands; drunkenness among natives; complaint that he visited Samoa. (32p.)

Series 108.1. Papers of Charles Tucker, December 1834 - January 1838

Filmed selectively. Letters from England were not filmed by the AJCP.

Two letters from Charles Tucker, 30 December 1834 - 8 January 1838 (File 3-4. [GB 4114])


Series 108.2. Papers of Nathanial Turner, April 1836 - April 1837

Nathanial Turner (Sydney) to Charles Copeland (Eturia) re life in Sydney (Crossed) (4p.), 9 April 1836 (File 26)
Nathanial Turner (Mangunja) to Copeland family news; characteristics of the natives (4p.), 22 April 1837 (File 27)

Series 108.3. Papers of Peter Turner, June 1830 - August 1865

Peter Turner (Tonga; Samoa; Windsor, New South Wales) to John Birchenall (Macclesfield), Robert Pilter (Rotherham) and Mrs Francis Wilson, 11 June 1830 - 12 August 1865 (File 1-23. [GB 4117])

Subjects include: Work in Tonga - church services, school work; giving up Samoa to London Missionary Society; hostilities in Tonga. (Many letters crossed) (106p.)

Series 111.3. Papers of John Waterhouse, January 1840

Filmed selectively. English letters were not filmed by the AJCP.

John Waterhouse (Hobart) to J. Bunting (Manchester) introducing Henry Reed; news of Mission in New Zealand (4p.), 13 January 1840 (File 111.3.14. [GB 4156])

Series 111.3.28. Papers of James Watkin, January 1851

James Watkin (Wellington) to J. Bunting with resolution on appointment of General Superintendent, 2 January 1851 (File 28)

Signed by J.W., Thomas Buddle, John Warren, James Buller and others. (Damaged) (3p.)

Series 111.10. Papers of S.J. Way, June 1913

S.J. Way (North Adelaide) to John Telford that cannot come to England until 1915 (2p.), 6 June 1913 (File 1A)

Series 112.7. Papers of Thomas West, January 1854

Filmed selectively. English letters were not filmed by the AJCP.

Thomas West (Haabai) to S. Adams re sending case of curiosities to Mr Orr on Trent (1 p.), 4 January 1854 (File 26)

Series 113.15. Papers of Thomas Williams, June 1845

Thomas Williams (Somosomo) to F. Wilson (Vavou) re Wilson's ill health (4p.), 17 June 1845 (File 10)

Series 114.6. Papers of Alex Wither, March 1868

Alex Wither (Clunes, Victoria) to [Unknown] re Planet Building and Investment Society (2p.), 1 March 1868 (File 2)

Series 116.5. Papers of William Woon, August 1844 - March 1850

W. Woon (Hokianga) to B. Carvosso (Sherbourne) re visit from Lawry; conflict with natives 'in this very neighbourhood there are some reckless young Chiefs' (4p.), 13 August 1844 (File 36)
W. Woon (Taranaki) to Isaac Harding (Alfreton) re prospects for religion in New Zealand (4p.), 4 March 1850 (File 37)

Fonds MAW. LHB 60. John Hunt Papers, 1973

Press cuttings from Newark Advertiser, 3 November 1973 (File 33)

Re John Hunt's life at Swinderby, Newark. 'This was the man who became missionary to the cannibals in Fiji'. (1 p.)

Fonds MAW. MS [GB 19]. Wesleyan Methodist Conference. Private Papers, 1910 - 1927

Filmed selectively.

J.E. Carruthers (Methodist Church of Australasia) to Rev. Simpson Johnson (London) re Centenary celebrations, 28 May 1912 (File 200. Box 50)

J.E. Carruthers to Simpson Johnson re payment of expenses of representative to Centenary celebrations, 28 May 1912 (File 201. Box 50)

Samuel Lawry (Christchurch) to F.L. Wiseman (London) re Methodist Union in New Zealand (2p.), 20 March 1913 (File 214. Box 50)

A.R. Edgerley (Adelaide) to Mr Johnson and President seeking permission to continue to reside in Australia for sake of his daughter's health (3p.), 5 June 1913 (File 242-243. Box 50)

Correspondence regarding application by John H. Nield (Gawler) to be readmitted to the English Ministry; his life in South Australia, 2 March 1910 - 28 July 1910 (File 37. Box 51)

Correspondents include: John H. Nield (Gawler); Herbert M Nield (Bradford); William Reed (Gawler). (11p.)

1914 Bundle D: William Pearson, J.E. Carruthers (Methodist Church of Australasia, Sydney) that Rev. F.L. Wiseman is to attend Centennial celebrations (5p.), 26 March 1914; 30 September 1913; 21 February 1914 (File 36-39. Box 52)

1919 (i). Bundle G: S. Carroll Myers (Kent Town, South Australia) to President requesting to stay in Australia (2p.), 23 April 1919 (File 70. Box 52)

1919 (i). Bundle H: Wesley Lathlean (Adelaide) to President appreciation of Myers, 24 April 1919 (File 71. Box 52)

1919 (i). Bundle H: A.R. Edgerley (East Adelaide) to President re return of son from war (2p.), 20 May 1919 (File 72. Box 52)

1919 (i). Bundle H: Alexander McCallum (Melbourne) to J.E. Wakerley (Norwich) re health of Charles Cooke (2p.), 24 March 1919 (File 73. Box 52)

1919 (i). Charles Cooke (Dandenong) to Wakerley re bad health (2p.), 17 March 1919 (File 74. Box 52)

1919 (i). Bundle H: John Wilkinson (Melbourne) re Cooke, 5 March 1919 (File 75. Box 52)

1919 (i). Bundle H: Charles Cooke (Dandenong) to Wakerley re his health (2p.), 8 May 1919 (File 76. Box 52)

Folder 1922: W.H. Cheetham (Redruth) to Wakerley requesting permission to reside in Australia, 12 June 1922 (File 42. Box 54)

Folder 1922: W.H. Holtham (Box Hill) to Secretary of Conference re ill health of Charles Cooke, 19 April 1922 (File 106. Box 54)

Folder 1922: Charles Cooke (Blackburn) to Wakerley that still unable to preach (2p.), 26 September 1921 (File 107. Box 54)

Folder 1922: W.H. Holtham (Box Hill) to Wakerley that Cooke preached a sermon recently, 31 May 1922 (File 108. Box 54)

Folder 1922: Charles Cooke (Blackburn) to Wakerley re ill health (2p.), 21 April 1922 (File 109. Box 54)

Folder 1922: Thomas Featherstone Watson (Wellington) to Wakerley that intend to stay in New Zealand (2p.), 4 May 1922 (File 111. Box 54)

Folder 1922: Henry Haynes (Birmingham) to Wakerley re work in New South Wales (4p.), 16 May 1922 (File 137. Box 54)

Rev. Leonard B. Dalby, [n.d.] (File 3. Box 55)

The Secretary to Dalby re his request...

Rev. J. Napier Milne, 24 September 1923 - 7 March 1924 (File 11. Box 55)

Correspondence re application by Rev. J. Napier Milne (Christchurch) to be readmitted into Ministry of Great Britain, having resigned in 1918 to go and live in New Zealand for the sake of his wife's health. Includes testimonials...

Rev. William Lea, 12 June 1926 - 1 June 1927 (File 3. Box 56)

Correspondence re application by Rev. William Lea (Auckland) to transfer to home Circuit. Includes testimonials...

Fonds MAW. MS 647. [GB 63]. Book Room Committee. Minute Book, 1866 - 1898

Minute Book, January 1866 - May 1898 (File Vol. 8)

Filmed selectively.

Edwin J. Watkin (Melbourne) to Charles H. Kelly reporting resolutions of General Conference of Australasian Methodist Church on issues of new hymn book (2p.), 23 May 1898 (Item pp 270)
Rules and regulations of the Victoria Wesleyan Methodist Book Depot (Printed) (3p.), 1 January 1866 (Item pp 272)

Fonds MAW. PA 1838. John Beecham Papers, 1838

John Beecham. Colonization being remarks on colonization in general with an examination of the proposals of the association which has been formed for colonizing New Zealand. 2nd ed. London, Hatchards, 1838 (Printed) (67p.) (File 4. [GB 711])

3rd ed. 1838 (67p.) was not filmed by the AJCP.

John Beecham. Remarks upon the latest official documents relating to New Zealand: (ordered by the House of Commons to be printed, February 7 1838) with a notice of a pamphlet by S. Hinds ... in a letter to a friend. 2nd ed. London, Hatchards, 1838 (Printed) (75p.) (File 6)

Fonds. Circuit Plans, 1850 - 1916

Filmed selectively.

Sydney, Australia, 1850 (File [A])

The Wesleyan Preachers' Plan for 1850 (February - May) Sydney North and East Circuits (2p.) (Item)

Includes: Details of places, dates, times, names of preachers, and prayer leaders.

New Zealand, 1889 - 1916 (File [B])

Masterton Circuit Preachers' Plan, Oct. 1889 - Jan. 1890 and January - April 1891 (Item)
Eketahuna Home Mission Station Preachers' Plan, October 1891 - January 1892; February - April 1892; April - July 1892; July - October 1892; February - April 1894; April - July 1894 (Item)
Ngaruawahia Circuit, July 1916 - October 1916 (Item)

Includes: Details of places, dates, times, names of preachers, balance sheets (10p.)
