Guide to the Papers of Admiral John Lort Stokes (as filmed by the AJCP)



National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

Created: 2019

Online Items

Series. Logbooks and Journals, 1837 - 1851

Log book of Beagle, 25 February 1837 - 31 December 1837 (File 1)

Woolwich to Swan River...

Log book of Beagle, 1 January 1838 - 30 June 1838 (File 2)

Details of: course, winds, weather, remarks - crew's duties; observations and soundings; 'observed a party of natives join the fishing party on the beach', 25 January 1838 divine service; taking on mutton and vegetables...

Log book of Beagle, 1 August 1839 - 6 June 1840 (File 3)

Details of: course, winds, weather, remarks - crew's duties; sails set; divine service; surveying; provisioning at Port Essington; death of William Mitchell 'ship's cook (acting)'; 'sent parties on shore to cut firewood and dig wells.'...

Log of Beagle, 7 June 1840 - 15 March 1841 (File 4)

Details of: course, winds, weather, remarks - crew's duties; sails set; surveying; cutting firewood; 'exchanged colours with 2 American Whalers'; provisioning at Swan River; refitting ship at Port Jackson; Britomart arrives from New Zealand...

Log of Beagle, 25 March 1841 - 29 December 1841 (File 5)

Details of: course, winds, weather, remarks - provisioning at Port Jackson; crew's duties; sails set; surveying; cutting wood at Port Essington; issuing tobacco and soap to ship's company; sighted meteor from Canopus, 19 November 1841; provisioning at Swan River...

Log of Beagle, 30 December 1841 - 31 December 1842 (File 6)

Details of: course, winds, weather, remarks - crew's duties; sails set; surveying; provisioning at King George's Sound; other ships at Hobart; provisioning and refitting ship at Port Jackson; 'issued extra allowance of spirits to ship's company in honour of Her Majesty's birthday'...

Log of Beagle, 1 January 1843 - 14 October 1843 (File 7)

Details of: course, winds weather, remarks - crew's duties, sails set; survey of boatswain's stores; surveying; supplied Hazard with surveying equipment at Sydney; provisioning; sold run men's effects...

Log of Acheron, 15 June 1848-25 July 1849; 25 August-3 September 1849; December 1849; 14-18 January 1850 (File 8)

Details of: course, winds, weather, remarks - crew's duties; coals consumed; surveying; sails set; hiring artificers and shipwrights at Sydney; wooding parties on shore...

Log of Havannah, 14 August 1851 - 4 December 1851 (File 9)

Port Jackson to Spithead...

Series. Letterbooks, 1841 - 1851

Beagle Out letterbook, 3 April 1841 - 12 October 1843 (File 11)

Copies of Stokes' letters (Beagle, Sydney, Port Essington, Swan River, Port Dalrymple, Port Phillip, Mauritius, Woolwich) reporting proceedings of the ship...

Acheron Out letterbook, 23 August 1848 - 18 September 1849 (File 12)

Copies of Stokes' letters (Acheron, Sydney, Auckland, Wellington, Otago) reporting proceedings of the ship...

Acheron Out letterbook, 19 September 1849 - 2 December 1851 (File 13)

Copies of Stokes' letters (Acheron, Wellington, Auckland, Sydney, Bay of Plenty, Otago, Havannah, Portsmouth) reporting proceedings of the ship...

Series. Other Bound Papers, 1828 - 1851

Captain's orders, Beagle, 1831 - 1836 (File 15)

Orders copied by Stokes and signed by Fitzroy...

Memorandum on methods of surveying, Beagle, 1836 (File 16)

'The greater part of the following sheets on Sea surveying is from a paper written by Captain Fitzroy explaining the manner the work was carried on in HMS Beagle. Stokes. June 1836.'...

Nautical remarks for Bass Strait and Van Diemen's Land, 1837 - 1838 (File 17)

Copies of letters from Captain Hobson (Rattlesnake, Port Jackson); Captain P.P.King; C.R.Drinkwater Bethune (Conway) and Francis Harding (Pelorus, Glenelg) re dangers of Bass Strait and Crocodile Rock...

Game Book, Beagle, 8 June 1841 - 11 September 1843 (File 18)

Details of animals noted and shot at Cape Upstart, Booby Island, Port Essington, Adelaide, Swan Island, Port Phillip, King George's Sound and other places...

Heights on the north coast of Tasmania, south coast of Australia and Bass and Banks Straits, 1842 - 1843 (File 19)

Alphabetical listing of peaks and ranges with height in feet...

Album, 1840 (File 20)

Inscribed 'Fanny Marlay from Harriet Gibbes, 1840'...

General notebook, 1848 - 10 December 1851 (File 21)

Includes: Various methods of finding the errors of chronometers by equal altitudes of the sun; Calculations for meridian distances; Latitude by circum meridional; True or astronomical bearing; Galbraith's method of computing latitude; On the difference of level; Observations on determining positions of places, heights of mountains; Observations from Havannah; Chief positions astronomically determined during Acheron's surveying voyage...

Captain's orders, Acheron, c.1848 (File 22)

Orders signed by Stokes and all officers...

Voyage of the Acheron, 17 January 1848 - January 1849 (File 23A-B)

Manuscript of proposed book describing the voyage of Acheron to Wellington,17 January 1848-January 1848...

New Zealand Survey, 1843 (File 24)

Instructions issued to Alexander Usborne by Beaufort, 13 June 1843 to survey New Zealand. (This survey never took place.)...

The Literary Diary: or Commonplace book, 1828 - 1851 (File 26)

Used as a general note book...

Series. Loose Papers and other papers, 1804 - 1878

Subseries i. Relating to voyage of Beagle, March 1830 - November 1836

Observation book, June-July [n.y.] (File 27)
Rough notes and calculations, (In pencil). (34p.), June-July [n.y.] (Item)
Order, 1 May 1833 (File 28)
R.Fitzroy (Beagle, Maldoriado) to Stokes ordering him to take command of the tenders La Paz and La Liebre. (1p.), 1 May 1833 (Item)
Certificates of service, 17 November 1836 (File 29)
R. Fitzroy (Woolwich) testifying as to Stokes' service as assistant surveyor on Beagle, 17 November 1836 (Item)

'By far the greatest share of work has been done by him, much by him alone'. (2p.)

Navigational problems set, 8 March 1830 (File 30)

Notes on problems with answers at back...

Miscellaneous papers on hydrography, n.d. (File 31)

(30p., some faint pencil).

Tidal observations and bearings, Straits of Magellan, n.d. (Item 1)
Tidal observations, Tierra del Fuego, n.d. (Item 2)
Sailing directions, Rio Colorado, Rio Negro, Patagonian Coast, n.d. (Item 3)
Remarks on chronometers, sailing directions for Bahai, n.d. (Item 4)

Subseries ii. Relating to voyage of Beagle, February 1804 - 1843

Miscellaneous Papers, (23p.), February 1804 - April 1841 (File 32)
Owen Stanley (Britomart) to Lt Graham Gore ordering him to report to Beagle, April 1841 (Item A)
Sailing directions for ports in Timor, n.d. (Item B)
Stokes (Beagle, Sydney) to Mr Heddle re observations made from Botanicus (?) Hill. (2p., draft), 20 April 1838 (Item C)
Phillip P. King (Penrith) to Stokes (Beagle), 2 August 1838 (Item D)

That visitors prevent a trip to Sydney; 'I add a few latitudes of my survey for your amusement'.

Phillip P. King (Penrith) to Stokes (Beagle), 6 September 1838 (Item D)

Re problems of surveying 'I never knew what a good chronometer was until our Adventure and Beagle voyage'.

Draft letter advising publication of work on hurricanes; Stokes' account of Beagle voyage, n.d. (Item E)
'Straggling thoughts' Stokes' account of being speared, c. January 1840 (Item F)
Page 1 and 7 of copy of instructions from Lords of Admiralty re making remarks on coasts, harbours etc. (Printed), 17 February 1804 (Item)
Medical Log of Beagle (Extract), December 1839 - January 1840 (File 33)
Entries in medical log concerning Stokes' wound, 7 December 1839 - 20 January 1840 (Item)

He was speared by a native at Point Pearce, North Coast of New Holland on 7 December 1839. (6p.)...

Observations books, 1838 - 1840 (File 34)

Eight notebooks, with observations, sketches, notes, soundings...

Night order book, 11 August - 28 September [n.y.] (File 35)

Orders re course and weather...

Beagle crew list, n.d. (File 36)

Alphabetical list, giving details of name, number, whether discharged, dead or run, date and place...

Draft letters, 1841 - 1843 (File 37)

Drafts and copies of letters from Stokes (Beagle, Sydney, Swan River and other places)...

Accounts, c.1837-1843 (File 38)

Two account books and individual bills and receipts...

Letters received, December 1841 - April 1843 (File 39)
Sailing directions, Port Jackson to Percy Isles (printed), n.d. (Item)
Fanny Stokes (Fisher Street) to 'Aunt Lib' that not heard from her or 'dear papa', n.d. (Item)
Fanny Stokes (Port Stephens), glad to hear from him; social events (crossed), 29 April [n.y.] (Item)
Clifton (Chief Commissioner of WA Company Beagle, Koombanah Bay) re survey of Western Australia, 27 December 1841 (Item)
James Gibson (Circular Head) re grants of land by Van Diemen's Land Company at Surry Hills, Emu Bay and Circular Head, February 1842 (Item)
J.S. Roe (Perth) re visit of Beagle to Swan River; family news; his draughtsman Joseph Browne to join a brother in Van Diemen's Land, 18 February 1842 (Item)
Edward J. Eyre (Adelaide) to Colonial Secretary (Sydney) re expedition from Moreton Bay to Port Essington, encloses list of party members, equipment. (Copy), 4 March 1842 (Item)
Sir George Gipps (Sydney) re Stokes' opinion on settlement at Port Essington, 17 March 1842 (Item)
A.B. Usborne (Surveying Service, Ireland) re birth of child to Stokes; news of Fitzroy in Parliament; news of other Beagle comrades, 8 July 1842 (Item)

'The survey of New Zealand is now in contemplation - but there does not appear to be anyone in England likely to have it - surveyors are at a sad discount'. (Partly crossed)

P.P. King re surveying; Sir Thomas Mitchell's chart of Gippsland, 17 October 1842 (Item)
Henry Stokes (Sydney) re Bailey; elections for local government in Sydney; family news. (crossed), 15 December 1842 (Item)
Marshall Waller Clifton (Australind), 26 April 1843 (Item)

Thanking Stokes for his services; his directors have approved his acts; distribution of town lots; arrival of settlers; company affairs going badly; 'I am certain we have the elements of a flowering settlement if well supported from home'.

Subseries iii. Relating to voyage of Acheron, 1842 - April 1878

Notebooks, 1850 - 1851 (File 40/2)

Two notebooks with observations, names and addresses, sketches, notes...

Notebook, n.d. (File 41)

List of items shipped on Havannah; includes lists of books and pictures...

Names of natives, n.d. (File 42)

Names of natives at several places including Wakapatu, New River, Port William, Half Moon Bay...

Admiralty letter, May 1852 (File 43)
Admiralty to Stokes re date of commencement of pay in Acheron. (1p.), 26 May 1852 (Item)
E. Eyre Letter, April 1878 (File 44)
Edward Eyre (Oxford) to Stokes re Stokes' service in New Zealand while Eyre was Lieutenant Governor. (2p.), 13 April 1878 (Item)
Acheron's positions, 1848 - 1851 (File 45)
Positions fixed by observations and meridian distance, HMS Acheron's surveying voyage, (7p.), 1848 - 1851 (Item)
Australian diggings, 1851 (File 46)

Rough notes on gold in Australia, amounts discovered, comparison with California, box of specimens for the Queen in Havannah; 'Captain Erskine's party of 4 unarmed carried with them about £1000'; gold carried in Havannah; purchase of gold from a shepherd in Sydney in 1839; discovery of gold by Reverend W.B.Clarke in 1841...

Miscellaneous Papers, c.1842-1851 (File 47)

(c.67p., some pencil)

Rough notes and calculations concerning observations, n.d. (Item)
Draft watch and Station bill, Acheron, n.d. (Item)
Notebook with sketches and observations, August 1842 (Item)

Places mentioned include: Sister Summit, Endeavour Reef, Mount Fairfax, Mount Dromedary.

Notebook with sketches and observations, 6 August 1842 (Item)

Bateman's Bay.

Results of observations at Milford Haven, March 1851 (Item)
Results of observations, Bligh's Sound, n.d. (Item)
Results of equal altitudes, 1848 (Item)
Miscellaneous Accounts, 1851 (File 48)

8 Bills from Sydney and Rio de Janeiro, including George Chisholm, J. Lubin, W. Soole...

Subseries iv. Other papers, December 1844 - December 1872

Letters received, 1 August 1852 - 13 February 1854 (File 51)

(c67p., several crossed letters)...

Correspondence (44p.), 15 December 1844 - 12 December 1872 (File 52)


Miscellaneous Papers (16p.), n.d. (File 53)


Notebooks, 1849 - 1851 (File 55/1-2)

Rough notes of observations and sketch maps...
