Guide to the Papers of Admiral John Lort Stokes (as filmed by the AJCP)



National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

Created: 2019

Collection Summary

Stokes, John Lort, Admiral, (1812-1885)
Papers of Admiral John Lort Stokes (as filmed by the AJCP)
Date Range
1804 - 1878
Collection Number
49 items
Language of Materials
Australian Joint Copying Project
The Australian Joint Copying Project (AJCP) online portal was created with the assistance of the Australian Public Service Modernisation Fund, 2017-2020. The National Library of Australia gratefully acknowledges the contribution of the other foundation AJCP partners, the State Library of New South Wales and The National Archives of the UK, and all other organisations which supported the work of the AJCP, the world's most extensive collaborative copying project, operating from 1948 to 1997.


Scope and Contents

Logs, letter-books, correspondence and other papers concerning voyages of HMS Beagle, HMS Acheron and HMS Havannah. They refer to surveys of Northern Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand. Correspondents include E.J. Eyre, P.P. King and J.S. Roe.

Conditions Governing Access

Available for Access.

Conditions Governing Use

Many of the records digitised as part of the AJCP are still in copyright. Readers wishing to publish or reproduce documents should seek permission, in the first instance, from the owner of the original material.

Preferred Citation

Acknowledgement of use of this material should refer to the location of the original material and to the Australian Joint Copying Project.

Items from this collection should include references to the location of the original material and to the AJCP nla.obj number, which serves as the online identifier for the digital copy.

Example: M Series: Journal of Capt. James Cook, 18 February 1770, British Library Add. MS 27885 (AJCP ref:

Archival History

Filmed at the National Maritime Museum, London, as part of the Australian Joint Copying Project, 1993 (AJCP reels: M3051-M3054). Original microfilm digitised as part of the NLA AJCP Online Delivery Project, 2017-2020.

National Maritime Museum Section 4: Personal collections.

Existence and Location of Originals

National Maritime Museum. Romney Road, Greenwich, London.

For further information see Admiral John Lort Stokes at the National Maritime Museum [!asearch].

Existence and Location of Copies

The original AJCP microfilm of the records filmed from this collection is available at the National Library of Australia [] as well as other institutions holding AJCP microfilm.

The Australian and New Zealand papers from the following collections at the National Maritime Museum have been listed and filmed separately:

BRI: Admiral Sir Cyprian Bridge, M3061 - M3067 []

FLI: Captain Matthew Flinders, M3033 - M3037 []

FXM: Cicely Fox Smith, M3048 - M3050 []

HTN: Hamilton Family, M3059 - M3060 []

PHI: Phipps Hornby Family, M3068 - M3072 []

LUB: Basil Lubbock, M3055 - M3058 []

Finding-aid Notes

This finding aid is a revised online version of the original finding aid prepared by the Australian Joint Copying Project (AJCP), published by the National Library of Australia in 2019. The original AJCP finding aids were unpublished typescripts or photocopies available from libraries that held copies of the original microfilm.

Dates used in this finding aid refer to the date range of the records selected for filming rather than to the date range of the Series or Files.

Pieces that were not filmed by the Australian Joint Copying Project have not been included in this Finding Aid.

Advisory Statement

Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this Finding Aid contains material and descriptive information which may be considered culturally sensitive and may cause distress, including names and images of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people now deceased. This Finding Aid contains terms that reflect authors' views or those of the historical period, but which may not be considered appropriate today. While the information may not reflect current understanding, it is provided in an historical context.


Acheron, HMS (ship); Australia: exploration; Beagle, HMS (ship); Eyre, Edward J.; Havannah, HMS (ship); King, Phillip P., Capt.; Naval officers; New Zealand: exploration; Northern Australia; Roe, John S.; Royal Navy: exploration and surveys; Royal Navy: voyages; Stokes, John L., Admiral; Western Australia: exploration


Originally cited in Australian Joint Copying Project Handbook. Part 8: Miscellaneous (M) Series. Third Edition, published 1998. Entry 439, p172.

Biographical / Historical

John Lort Stokes (1812-1885) was the second son of Henry Stokes of Scotchwell, Prembrokeshire. He entered the navy in 1824 as a 1st class volunteer in Prince Regent. In October 1825 he was appointed midshipman to Beagle. He served in Beagle for 18 years, surveying in South American and Australian waters under Stokes, Fitzroy and Wickham. When Clement Wickham (1798-1864) was invalided in March 1841 during the Australian Survey, Stokes took command and completed the mission. During the voyage, considerable additions to the knowledge of the North West Coast, of Torres Straits and the Arafura Sea were made, while the first adequate survey of the Bass Straits was also completed.

He married, first in 1841 Fanny Jane Marlay of Port Philip, daughter of Major Marlay of the 82nd Regiment. They had a daughter, Fanny Ann. Fanny Stokes died in 1848 and Stokes married Louisa Partridge (nee French).

Stokes remained unemployed from the return of Beagle in 1843 until promoted Captain in 1846 and given the command of the steam vessel Acheron, surveying New Zealand. The task had apparently been postponed on account of the Maori War, since the papers include instructions from the Hydrographer to A.B.Usborne, dated 1843. The survey lasted to 1851 when Stokes was recalled. It was expedited by use of a steamer, which appears to have been an experiment.

Stokes was again unemployed, although he appears to have accepted the leadership of an expedition into the interior of Australia in about 1854 which did not proceed.

His last employment was in the English Channel Survey, 1859 to 1863. He was promoted rear admiral in 1864, vice admiral 1871 and admiral 1877. He died on 11 June 1885 at his house, Scotchwell House, Haverfordwest.

Item Descriptions

Series. Logbooks and Journals, 1837 - 1851

9 items

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP Reels M3051-M3052.

Log book of Beagle, 25 February 1837 - 31 December 1837 (File 1)

Woolwich to Swan River.

Details of: course, weather, winds; remarks - crew's duties; sails set; taking on fresh supplies at Teneriffe; Bahia; taking on fresh supplies at Cape of Good Hope; taking on mutton and vegetables at Swan River; schooner Joshua Carrol arrives from Cape and departs for VDL.

(84p., faint)

Log book of Beagle, 1 January 1838 - 30 June 1838 (File 2)

Details of: course, winds, weather, remarks - crew's duties; observations and soundings; 'observed a party of natives join the fishing party on the beach', 25 January 1838 divine service; taking on mutton and vegetables.

Places visited include: Swan River, NW coast of Australia; Point Cunningham; Point Torment; Port George the Fourth; Swan River; Rottenest Island.

Includes: fragile track charts.


Log book of Beagle, 1 August 1839 - 6 June 1840 (File 3)

Details of: course, winds, weather, remarks - crew's duties; sails set; divine service; surveying; provisioning at Port Essington; death of William Mitchell 'ship's cook (acting)'; 'sent parties on shore to cut firewood and dig wells.'

Places visited include: Admiralty Bay, North Australia; Port Essington; Paterson's Bay; Victoria River; Swan River; East Wallaby Island.

(86p., faint)

Log of Beagle, 7 June 1840 - 15 March 1841 (File 4)

Details of: course, winds, weather, remarks - crew's duties; sails set; surveying; cutting firewood; 'exchanged colours with 2 American Whalers'; provisioning at Swan River; refitting ship at Port Jackson; Britomart arrives from New Zealand.

Places visited include: Depuch Island; Turtle Island; Coepang; Bezoot Island; Gages Roads, Swan River; Glenelg Roads; King's Island; Port Jackson.

(84p., faint)

Log of Beagle, 25 March 1841 - 29 December 1841 (File 5)

Details of: course, winds, weather, remarks - provisioning at Port Jackson; crew's duties; sails set; surveying; cutting wood at Port Essington; issuing tobacco and soap to ship's company; sighted meteor from Canopus, 19 November 1841; provisioning at Swan River.

Places visited include: Port Jackson; Port Stephens; Cape Upstart; Magnetical Island; Bentick Island; Booby Island; Hammond Island; Port Essington; Coepang; Swan River; Champion Bay.

Stokes became acting Commander of Beagle in March 1841.


Log of Beagle, 30 December 1841 - 31 December 1842 (File 6)

Details of: course, winds, weather, remarks - crew's duties; sails set; surveying; provisioning at King George's Sound; other ships at Hobart; provisioning and refitting ship at Port Jackson; 'issued extra allowance of spirits to ship's company in honour of Her Majesty's birthday'.

Places visited include: King George's Sound; Holdfast Bay; Tasman's Head; Hobart; Port Jackson; Port Stephens; Mount Barren; Guat Island; Kent's Group; Sealer's Cove, Tamar River; Port Jackson; Swan Island; Hamilton Roads; Flinders' Bank, Tamar River; Philip Island.


Log of Beagle, 1 January 1843 - 14 October 1843 (File 7)

Details of: course, winds weather, remarks - crew's duties, sails set; survey of boatswain's stores; surveying; supplied Hazard with surveying equipment at Sydney; provisioning; sold run men's effects.

Places visited include: Point Nepean; Phillip Island; Western Port; Circular Head; Port Jackson; Sullivan's Cove; Hobart; Eclipse Island; Princess Royal Harbour; Swan River; Mauritius; Simon's Bay; Ascension Island; Woolwich.


Log of Acheron, 15 June 1848-25 July 1849; 25 August-3 September 1849; December 1849; 14-18 January 1850 (File 8)

Details of: course, winds, weather, remarks - crew's duties; coals consumed; surveying; sails set; hiring artificers and shipwrights at Sydney; wooding parties on shore.

Places visited include: Simon's Bay; King George's Sound; Port Jackson; Port Stephens; Auckland; Great Barrier Island; Port Nicholson; Port Cooper; Otago; Akaroa; Nelson; Sydney.


Log of Havannah, 14 August 1851 - 4 December 1851 (File 9)

Port Jackson to Spithead.

Details of: course, winds, weather, remarks - preparing ship for sea; sails set; soundings; other ships at Rio de Janeiro; sighting other ships; medical assistance requested by baque; Commander Oliver of Fly comes on board; Spithead.


Series. Letterbooks, 1841 - 1851

3 items

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP reel M3052.

Beagle Out letterbook, 3 April 1841 - 12 October 1843 (File 11)

Copies of Stokes' letters (Beagle, Sydney, Port Essington, Swan River, Port Dalrymple, Port Phillip, Mauritius, Woolwich) reporting proceedings of the ship.

Addressees include: Storekeepers; Admiralty; Hydrographer; Sir William Parker; Surveyor General, Western Australia; Sir George Gipps; Accountant General; Peter Brown.

Subjects include: supplies and equipment; survey of NW coast of Australia; survey of Gulf of Carpentaria; importance of discovery of rivers [Albert and Flinders]; Booby Island; usefulness of Beagle survey to Captain Sturt's proposed expedition; fertility of Halifax Bay; vegetation in vicinity of Wizard Peak - 'huge blocks of iron stone'; native grave; 'natives [of Champion Bay] were entirely naked and slightly scarred'; importance of Port Essington settlement; survey of Bass Strait; survey of Kent's Group.

(56p., faint in places)

Acheron Out letterbook, 23 August 1848 - 18 September 1849 (File 12)

Copies of Stokes' letters (Acheron, Sydney, Auckland, Wellington, Otago) reporting proceedings of the ship.

Addressees include: Admiralty; Hydrographer; Colonial Secretary; Captain Erskine; A.Sinclair; commanders of Acheron and Maori; Commander Oliver (Fly); Sir Henry G.Ward; William Fox.

Subjects include: deeper immersion of ship when loaded with coals; state of New Zealand 'all warfare has ceased'; Mr Kennedy's expedition to Cape York; Beagle survey of Port Phillip area; survey of Auckland Harbour; Maccouhao Harbour; impressions of New Zealand; assistance offered by Sir George Grey; 'deception' practised by New Zealand Company; Maori attitude to Acheron; Mr Fox's sketches; sandalwood trade with New Caledonia; favourable reports for new Canterbury settlement; damaged stores; survey of Banks Peninsula claimed by French Company; survey of Cook's Straits and New Plymouth; 'great awe and profound respect manifested for a steamer by the Maori'.


Acheron Out letterbook, 19 September 1849 - 2 December 1851 (File 13)

Copies of Stokes' letters (Acheron, Wellington, Auckland, Sydney, Bay of Plenty, Otago, Havannah, Portsmouth) reporting proceedings of the ship.

Addressees include: Hydrographer; Captain Erskine; Admiralty; Colonial Secretary, Auckland; Sir George Grey; John Lee; William Fox; Maori Chiefs.

Subjects include: coaling; survey of Taranakia; Queen Charlotte Sound; Cape Farewell; deserters; wreck of Albert; Maori attitude to survey ship; dispute between John Lee and William Thomas; Otago Block; erection of Beacons at Nelson; death of Mr Burnett; survey of Cook's Strait; 'no interruption has been experienced from the Aboriginal inhabitants - It is most gratifying to observe their increasing fondness for agricultural industry - and their eagerness to possess farming stock - a taste which must speedily eradicate their warlike propensities and promote their adoption of the peaceful arts.'; sale of Maori lands south of Molyneaux River; coal and wood reserves; suitability of Stewart's Island for a penal settlement; dispute between Robert Lowry and Maori Ederatu; discovery of gold at Bathurst 'all men flocking thither'; survey of Newcastle and Hunter River; survey of Chatham Islands on Havannah's voyage to England.


Series. Other Bound Papers, 1828 - 1851

11 items

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP reels M3052-M3053.

Captain's orders, Beagle, 1831 - 1836 (File 15)

Orders copied by Stokes and signed by Fitzroy.

Subjects include: borrowing of books from Poop; readings from barometer and thermometer; sails; duties; punishments.


Memorandum on methods of surveying, Beagle, 1836 (File 16)

'The greater part of the following sheets on Sea surveying is from a paper written by Captain Fitzroy explaining the manner the work was carried on in HMS Beagle. Stokes. June 1836.'


Nautical remarks for Bass Strait and Van Diemen's Land, 1837 - 1838 (File 17)

Copies of letters from Captain Hobson (Rattlesnake, Port Jackson); Captain P.P.King; C.R.Drinkwater Bethune (Conway) and Francis Harding (Pelorus, Glenelg) re dangers of Bass Strait and Crocodile Rock.


Game Book, Beagle, 8 June 1841 - 11 September 1843 (File 18)

Details of animals noted and shot at Cape Upstart, Booby Island, Port Essington, Adelaide, Swan Island, Port Phillip, King George's Sound and other places.

Includes: quail, pheasants, wallaby, doves, cockatoos, plover, kangaroo, ibis, rabbits, native cat, opossum, snipe, geese.


Heights on the north coast of Tasmania, south coast of Australia and Bass and Banks Straits, 1842 - 1843 (File 19)

Alphabetical listing of peaks and ranges with height in feet.

Includes: Arthur Peak; Bellow Peak; Circular Head; Dead Tree Hill, Kent's Group; Magnetical Island; Swan Island; Mt Wilson.


Album, 1840 (File 20)

Inscribed 'Fanny Marlay from Harriet Gibbes, 1840'.

Includes: miscellaneous sketches, water colours and engravings, some featuring Aborigines, the Beagle and Australian flora and fauna.


General notebook, 1848 - 10 December 1851 (File 21)

Includes: Various methods of finding the errors of chronometers by equal altitudes of the sun; Calculations for meridian distances; Latitude by circum meridional; True or astronomical bearing; Galbraith's method of computing latitude; On the difference of level; Observations on determining positions of places, heights of mountains; Observations from Havannah; Chief positions astronomically determined during Acheron's surveying voyage.

At back of volume: Noon position of Acheron, Devonport to Sydney; Log of Havannah, Sydney to England.

Details of: course, winds, weather, remarks - preparing ship for sea; sails set; seaman lost overboard; settlement at Sandy Point; Rio; other ships sighted; condemned supplies thrown overboard; Spithead.


Captain's orders, Acheron, c.1848 (File 22)

Orders signed by Stokes and all officers.

Subjects include: reports by officers; duties; accounts of provisions; wearing of uniform; punishments.


Voyage of the Acheron, 17 January 1848 - January 1849 (File 23A-B)

Manuscript of proposed book describing the voyage of Acheron to Wellington,17 January 1848-January 1848.

Subjects include: Admiralty's decision to make survey of New Zealand; leaving Plymouth; Madeira; fruit on sale at Funchal; English in Madeira; Rio de Janeiro harbour; visit to Museum; splendour of the church; Botanic Garden; slave trade at Rio, notes by Mr Hamilton; Cape Town; other ships in harbour; produce of Cape Town; St Paul's Island; Princess Royal Harbour; the settlement at Albany; 'a native paddled alongside - he wore a most foul and greasy mantle of kangaroo hide'; state of the Aborigines near the settlement 'demoralised by intercourse with whalers and escaped convicts'; 'carroberry' and feast; Auckland; market day; Mrs Selwyn's school for native girls; the Indigenous Australians show great aptitude for the acquirement of knowledge; taboos; schemes for civilising the natives; Wellington; earthquake of October 1848.

(2 parts, 114p., pagination erratic)

New Zealand Survey, 1843 (File 24)

Instructions issued to Alexander Usborne by Beaufort, 13 June 1843 to survey New Zealand. (This survey never took place.)


The Literary Diary: or Commonplace book, 1828 - 1851 (File 26)

Used as a general note book.

Subjects include: On interpolating the rates of chronometers; Meridian distances, Beagle's second voyage; List of chronometers on board Beagle, 1831 and 1837; Abbrieviations used on charts; Preserving fluid used by Mr Goodby at York, 1844; Details of HMS Britannia; Mathematical notes; South American latitudes and longitudes; Table for correcting heights; Variation tables; To find longitude by lunar observation; Meridian distance obtained in Acheron, 1848-1851

At back of volume: Latitudes and longitudes, Beagle, including - Brazil, St Helena; Mauritius, Australia, Van Diemen's Land, Sydney, New Zealand


Series. Loose Papers and other papers, 1804 - 1878

26 items

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP reels M3053-M3054.

Subseries i. Relating to voyage of Beagle, March 1830 - November 1836

5 items
Observation book, June-July [n.y.] (File 27)
1 item
Rough notes and calculations, (In pencil). (34p.), June-July [n.y.] (Item)
Order, 1 May 1833 (File 28)
1 item
R.Fitzroy (Beagle, Maldoriado) to Stokes ordering him to take command of the tenders La Paz and La Liebre. (1p.), 1 May 1833 (Item)
Certificates of service, 17 November 1836 (File 29)
1 item
R. Fitzroy (Woolwich) testifying as to Stokes' service as assistant surveyor on Beagle, 17 November 1836 (Item)

'By far the greatest share of work has been done by him, much by him alone'. (2p.)

Navigational problems set, 8 March 1830 (File 30)

Notes on problems with answers at back.


Miscellaneous papers on hydrography, n.d. (File 31)
4 items

(30p., some faint pencil).

Tidal observations and bearings, Straits of Magellan, n.d. (Item 1)
Tidal observations, Tierra del Fuego, n.d. (Item 2)
Sailing directions, Rio Colorado, Rio Negro, Patagonian Coast, n.d. (Item 3)
Remarks on chronometers, sailing directions for Bahai, n.d. (Item 4)

Subseries ii. Relating to voyage of Beagle, February 1804 - 1843

8 items
Miscellaneous Papers, (23p.), February 1804 - April 1841 (File 32)
8 items
Owen Stanley (Britomart) to Lt Graham Gore ordering him to report to Beagle, April 1841 (Item A)
Sailing directions for ports in Timor, n.d. (Item B)
Stokes (Beagle, Sydney) to Mr Heddle re observations made from Botanicus (?) Hill. (2p., draft), 20 April 1838 (Item C)
Phillip P. King (Penrith) to Stokes (Beagle), 2 August 1838 (Item D)

That visitors prevent a trip to Sydney; 'I add a few latitudes of my survey for your amusement'.

Phillip P. King (Penrith) to Stokes (Beagle), 6 September 1838 (Item D)

Re problems of surveying 'I never knew what a good chronometer was until our Adventure and Beagle voyage'.

Draft letter advising publication of work on hurricanes; Stokes' account of Beagle voyage, n.d. (Item E)
'Straggling thoughts' Stokes' account of being speared, c. January 1840 (Item F)
Page 1 and 7 of copy of instructions from Lords of Admiralty re making remarks on coasts, harbours etc. (Printed), 17 February 1804 (Item)
Medical Log of Beagle (Extract), December 1839 - January 1840 (File 33)
1 item
Entries in medical log concerning Stokes' wound, 7 December 1839 - 20 January 1840 (Item)

He was speared by a native at Point Pearce, North Coast of New Holland on 7 December 1839. (6p.)

Also includes William Mitchell's case, 25 December-20 January.

Observations books, 1838 - 1840 (File 34)

Eight notebooks, with observations, sketches, notes, soundings.

Places mentioned include: Roebuck Bay; West Coast Australia; Cape Leveque; Sandy Point Bay; Cape Banks; Eclipse Island; King's Sound; Fitzroy River; Escape Point; Valentine Island.

(212p., some faint pencil)

Night order book, 11 August - 28 September [n.y.] (File 35)

Orders re course and weather.


Beagle crew list, n.d. (File 36)

Alphabetical list, giving details of name, number, whether discharged, dead or run, date and place.


Draft letters, 1841 - 1843 (File 37)

Drafts and copies of letters from Stokes (Beagle, Sydney, Swan River and other places).

Addressees include: Admiralty, Sir William Parker; Marshall W.Clifton; Sir George Gipps; Hydrographer; Surveyor General, Swan River.

Subjects include: survey of Gulf of Carpentaria; naming of rivers Albert and Flinders 'the latter as a just tribute to the memory of a man Australia and Science owes much to'; suitable places for settlement 'the natives were neither numerous or troublesome'; survey of Bass Strait; tidal observations; Kents Group; survey of North East coast of Tasmania by Forsyth in Vansittart; survey of Tamar; requested surveys of Port Grey and Port Adelaide; Captain Sturt's proposed expedition; indications supporting theory of large inland water course; the natives of Halifax Bay 'wore neat mats over their heads and used a different kind of throwing stick'; new fauna; Booby Island; condition of the settlement at Port Essington; Survey of coast of Western Australia; Mount Fairfax; flora of the area.


Accounts, c.1837-1843 (File 38)

Two account books and individual bills and receipts.

Includes details of expenditure at Plymouth, Simons Bay, Sydney, Hobart, Port Essington, Timor, Fremantle.


Bills for dressing opossum skins and making into a cardinal cloak and for making Peregrine skins into fancy table cloth; Thomas Bock (Hobart) for drawing a portrait; account with W.S. Deloitte and Co, Sydney, 1841.


Letters received, December 1841 - April 1843 (File 39)
12 items
Sailing directions, Port Jackson to Percy Isles (printed), n.d. (Item)
Fanny Stokes (Fisher Street) to 'Aunt Lib' that not heard from her or 'dear papa', n.d. (Item)
Fanny Stokes (Port Stephens), glad to hear from him; social events (crossed), 29 April [n.y.] (Item)
Clifton (Chief Commissioner of WA Company Beagle, Koombanah Bay) re survey of Western Australia, 27 December 1841 (Item)
James Gibson (Circular Head) re grants of land by Van Diemen's Land Company at Surry Hills, Emu Bay and Circular Head, February 1842 (Item)
J.S. Roe (Perth) re visit of Beagle to Swan River; family news; his draughtsman Joseph Browne to join a brother in Van Diemen's Land, 18 February 1842 (Item)
Edward J. Eyre (Adelaide) to Colonial Secretary (Sydney) re expedition from Moreton Bay to Port Essington, encloses list of party members, equipment. (Copy), 4 March 1842 (Item)
Sir George Gipps (Sydney) re Stokes' opinion on settlement at Port Essington, 17 March 1842 (Item)
A.B. Usborne (Surveying Service, Ireland) re birth of child to Stokes; news of Fitzroy in Parliament; news of other Beagle comrades, 8 July 1842 (Item)

'The survey of New Zealand is now in contemplation - but there does not appear to be anyone in England likely to have it - surveyors are at a sad discount'. (Partly crossed)

P.P. King re surveying; Sir Thomas Mitchell's chart of Gippsland, 17 October 1842 (Item)
Henry Stokes (Sydney) re Bailey; elections for local government in Sydney; family news. (crossed), 15 December 1842 (Item)
Marshall Waller Clifton (Australind), 26 April 1843 (Item)

Thanking Stokes for his services; his directors have approved his acts; distribution of town lots; arrival of settlers; company affairs going badly; 'I am certain we have the elements of a flowering settlement if well supported from home'.

Subseries iii. Relating to voyage of Acheron, 1842 - April 1878

9 items
Notebooks, 1850 - 1851 (File 40/2)

Two notebooks with observations, names and addresses, sketches, notes.

(116p. and 96p., pencil and ink).

Notebook, n.d. (File 41)

List of items shipped on Havannah; includes lists of books and pictures.


Names of natives, n.d. (File 42)

Names of natives at several places including Wakapatu, New River, Port William, Half Moon Bay.


Admiralty letter, May 1852 (File 43)
1 item
Admiralty to Stokes re date of commencement of pay in Acheron. (1p.), 26 May 1852 (Item)
E. Eyre Letter, April 1878 (File 44)
1 item
Edward Eyre (Oxford) to Stokes re Stokes' service in New Zealand while Eyre was Lieutenant Governor. (2p.), 13 April 1878 (Item)
Acheron's positions, 1848 - 1851 (File 45)
1 item
Positions fixed by observations and meridian distance, HMS Acheron's surveying voyage, (7p.), 1848 - 1851 (Item)
Australian diggings, 1851 (File 46)

Rough notes on gold in Australia, amounts discovered, comparison with California, box of specimens for the Queen in Havannah; 'Captain Erskine's party of 4 unarmed carried with them about £1000'; gold carried in Havannah; purchase of gold from a shepherd in Sydney in 1839; discovery of gold by Reverend W.B.Clarke in 1841.

(14p,. pagination erratic)

Miscellaneous Papers, c.1842-1851 (File 47)
7 items

(c.67p., some pencil)

Rough notes and calculations concerning observations, n.d. (Item)
Draft watch and Station bill, Acheron, n.d. (Item)
Notebook with sketches and observations, August 1842 (Item)

Places mentioned include: Sister Summit, Endeavour Reef, Mount Fairfax, Mount Dromedary.

Notebook with sketches and observations, 6 August 1842 (Item)

Bateman's Bay.

Results of observations at Milford Haven, March 1851 (Item)
Results of observations, Bligh's Sound, n.d. (Item)
Results of equal altitudes, 1848 (Item)
Miscellaneous Accounts, 1851 (File 48)

8 Bills from Sydney and Rio de Janeiro, including George Chisholm, J. Lubin, W. Soole.


Subseries iv. Other papers, December 1844 - December 1872

4 items
Letters received, 1 August 1852 - 13 February 1854 (File 51)

(c67p., several crossed letters).


Sturt? to Stokes (Sunday) re Duke of Newcastle's intentions for Australian expedition.

? to Stokes (1-08-1852) re leaving Melbourne. (Crossed).

Jebb Himalaya, Mediterranean) to Stokes (his cousin) (28-01-1854) re voyage; 'we went off with great speed'; rough seas; screw out of order; 'she is a good seaboat'; Gibraltar; other passengers. (Partly crossed).>

Captain Erskine to Stokes (5-02-1854) that he hopes Stokes will mention New Caledonia to the Duke of Newcastle when he sees him about the new Australian expedition; its strategic importance.

Edward Eyre (Dawlish) to Stokes (11-02-1854): Re leadership of Australian expedition; surprised Sturt has volunteered 'I cannot forget what Sturt has already gone thro' or how his health has suffered from it'; prospects for future employment in New Zealand; differences with Grey 'much of it must have been unavoidable from the very anomalous position I held'.

Eyre (Dawlish) to Stokes (13-02-1854) re note from Sturt: Leadership of Australian expedition; importance of tracing Victoria River and of using a government Steamer; strength of the party; suitable routes.

Erskine to Stokes (15 February) enclosing press cutting on French occupation of New Caledonia.

Correspondence (44p.), 15 December 1844 - 12 December 1872 (File 52)



Owen Stanley to Stokes (15-12-1844) that heard from Kellett; 'do you hear any talk at the Admiralty about another NW Expedition'.

Stokes (London) to F.Seate? (5-06-1846) re steam communication between Singapore and Sydney. (Draft)

Robert Montgomery Martin (London) to Stokes (24-12-1846) sending prospectus for company re steam packet for Australia (wanting).

Richard Owen (Royal College of Surgeons) to Stokes (14-01-1848): Requesting he collects specimens of 'large birds' during surveying expedition to New Zealand; remains found at Waikawaite.

Stokes (Paris) to W.E.Gladstone (15-07-1858): Re steam communication with Australia; potential of Australia to grow cotton; New Caledonia - regret that Captain Erskine's advice not followed; encouragement to be given to settlers 'England cannot I believe have too many well selected and well established colonies, they are to her, like rigging to the mast of a ship'; potential richness of New Guinea; telegraph communications; 'that railroad of civilization, steam and electricity united will thus traverse and lighten up the darkened parts of the earth with elevating influence'; Panama route.

Gladstone (Hawardon) to Stokes (30-08-1858) re obligations of colonization (Copy). 'I regard the further extension of these dominions by fresh assumptions with misgiving and even with dread'.

Stokes (Normandy) to Gladstone (6-09-1858) that the electric telegraph will lighten England's colonial burden.

James Hector (Wellington) to Stokes (12-12-1872) enclosing his certificate of election as Honorary (sic) member of New Zealand Institute.

Miscellaneous Papers (16p.), n.d. (File 53)


Preface to account of third surveying voyage by Beagle.

MS copy of a review of Stokes' book 'Discoveries in Australia'.

MS copy of a review of Discoveries in Australia from Morning Post.

Testimonial to Robert Fitzroy signed by New Zealand settlers.

Notebooks, 1849 - 1851 (File 55/1-2)

Rough notes of observations and sketch maps.

Places mentioned include: Dunedin; Saddle Hill; Jones Bay; Milford Haven; Port Adventure; Swampy Hill; Dusky Bay Anchor Island; Crayfish Cove; Mistaken Point.

(196p. and 190p., some faint pencil)
