Guide to the Papers of Pennington of Muncaster (as filmed by the AJCP)



National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

Created: 2019

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Series 1. 'Penang', 1876 - 1912

Filmed selectively.

Letters, 1876-1893; 1895-1898 (File 1)

The letters cover business dealings including: accounts, staff, working of estates, labourers, wages, sugar estates, debt, produce sold, insurance, shares, failure of Fraser and Co., Scottish Widow's Fund, cultivation of India Rubber trees, income tax, Colonial Office, Pioneer Grant, immigration from India, newspaper clippings on sugar and the West Indian Colonies, new process of sugar extraction from sugar cane, attempts to improve yield of sugar from juice, Golden Grove, Chinese labourers, mortgages, [Rennie?] Fibre, death of George Campbell, cocoanut growing, Basket Sugar Estate, rival firms...

Notes extracted from letters, 1876 - 1877 (File 2)

Subjects include: Reports, cane cuttings from Mauritius, cattle manure, fish manure, disease of cane, scarcity of labour, weather, drought, Chinese labourers, prices, Victoria, samples of sugar, Caledonia, finances, grinding returns, irrigation, markets, Borga shipment, sugar-making, cattle disease, Golden Grove, extensions, shipment of sulphur...

Insurance, 1876 - 1892 (File 3)

Letters regarding insurance including lists of premiums, requests for payments of premiums etc...

Loans correspondence, 1895 - 1896 (File 4)

Henry Fleming estate, 1772 - 1776 (File)

Letter Book at Norfolk in Virginia, United States of America by Henry Fleming, 20 April 1772 - 9 October 1775 (Item)

Letters discuss: employees taking items from storehouse; shipping of goods, social news; wages; accounts; invoices for trade; business.

Account book of Henry Fleming in Virginia, United States of America, 1772 - 1776 (Item)

Provides financial accounts for places and people in Virgina, USA. Includes index.

Miscellaneous, 1876 - 1912 (File 8)

Subjects include: Penang returns, Cultivation returns, grinding returns, return of sugar used in brewing (June 1881), Penang Accounts, Sugar Growing and Refining (printed), sales of sugar 1882, accounts concerning 80,000 pound mortgage on sugar estates by Mr Horsman in 1873, Pioneer Grant Abstract for lands in Perak (March 1883), Life Assurance Premiums, labourers, Memorandum as to the loan of 15,000 pounds (1885), Circular from the Government of Perak re lands available to planters (April, 1891), Liberian Coffee Crops, Bulstrode Mortgage, Penang notes.

Alvic letters, 1881 (File 9)

Letters pertaining to mortgages secured on the Alvic Estate.

Young to Sir John Ramsden, 1885 (File 10)

Includes Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association of The Penang Sugar Estates Company Ltd (1876) [printed].

Series 2. Penang Sugar Estates Co. Ltd, 1869 - 1913

Memorandum and Articles of Association (3), 15 May 1876 (File 1)

List of papers and accounts delivered to Sir John Ramsden, May 1876 (File 2)

Sir John Ramsden to the Penang Sugar Estates Company: declaration of trust, 20 May 1876 (File 3)

Penang Company and Sir John Ramsden, 27 October 1876 (File 4)

Supplementary agreement as to issue of debenture and payment of interest.

Contract for issue of 20,000 shares, 20 May 1876 (File 5)

Reports on the working of the estates, 1874 - 1907 (File 6)

Balance sheets and Directors' reports, 1878 - 1889 (File 7)

Directors' meetings: copy minutes, 1907 (File 8)

Committee meeting: minutes, 1912 (File 9)

Annual reports, 1910 - 1911 (File 10)

Quarterly reports, 1907 - 1913 (File 11A)

Byram, Caledonia, Changkat, Golden Grove, Jawi, Krian, Sabrang, Selaba, Strathmashie, Sungei Bogak, Sungei Separap, Trans Krian and Victoria estates.

Monthly report: Caledonia, Golden Grove, Kreen and Victoria estates, 1877 (File 11B)

Rubber progress reports (monthly), 1912 - 1913 (File 12)

Byram, Caledonia, Jawi, Krian, Strathmashie (quarterly), Sabrang, Sungei Separap, Trans Krian and Victoria estates.

Grindings returns, 1876 - 1878 (File 13)

Caledonia estate: mail reports, 1905 - 1907 (File 14)

Letters from Penang, 1904 - 1913 (File 15)

Subjects include: Mr Moir's Report (1904), working of estates, Mr Wilson's Reports on Caledonia Estate, irrigation, labour, weather, sugar crops, rubber cultivation, Coconut trees, disease among labourers, store sales, tapioca factory, increase in cultivation, Engineering staff, indentured immigrants, Chinese farmers, death rates of immigrant labourers, bank overdraft, White ants, sugar thefts, quarterly reports, Caledonia Factory, Rubana Estate, staff salaries, Government moving against employment of Indian labourers, increasing prices for labour...

Letters, June 1904 - December 1904 (Item)
Letters, July 1905 - December 1905 (Item)
Letters: Copy Letters from John Turner (General Manager, Penang) to Sir John Ramsden, January 1907 - June 1907 (Item)
Letters: Copy Letters from John Turner (General Manager, Penang), January 1907 - June 1907 (Item)
Letters: Copy Letters from John Turner (General Manager, Penang), July 1907 - December 1907 (Item)
Letters, January 1908 - June 1908 (Item)
Letters, July 1908 - December 1908 (Item)
Letters, January 1909 - June 1909 (Item)
Letters, July 1909 - December 1909 (Item)
Letters, January 1910 - June 1910 (Item)
Letters, July 1910 - December 1910 (Item)
Letters, December 1911 - December 1912 (Item)
Letters, January 1913 - May 1913 (Item)

Letters from Messrs. Boustead and Co. (agents) Kuala Lumpur, 1905 - 1907 (File 16)

Subjects include: Sugar market, sugar sales, rubber, grants, auditing of the company's books.

Letters from Herbert Wright, London, 1908 - 1909 (File 17)

Letters from Herbert Wright to Penang Sugar Estates Company. Subjects include: Sugar estates, rubber, reports on estates, tapping records, latex, castor oil cultivation, machinery.

Letters to Penang, 1877 - 1913 (File 18)

Subjects include: refining sugar, markets, shipment, finances, grindings, weather, shipment of sulphur, Demerara sugar, engineering stores, cattle disease, crop yield shortage, lack of returns for investors, factory, overdraft, steam piping, cultivation, fertilisers, irrigation, labour, smallpox, new land, Advisory Board, Molascuit, hospital, Governor's Cup, Engineer's Reports, Cocoanuts, potential market in Western Australia, white ants, coffee, indigo, oil palms, liquidation of company, registration of new rubber company...

Letters from Underdown and Young to Sir John Ramsden, Morrison, Messrs. Boustead and Co., and Young to. Ray, 1880 - 1885 (File 19)

(Copies to Sir John Ramsden)Subjects include: Accounts of Penang Sugar Estates Co. Ltd., financial report, illness of Mr Morrison, estate managers, financial position, grinding returns, management of estates, destruction of forests...

Letters from Ray to Sir John Ramsden, 1881 - 1885 (File 20)

Subjects include: workings of estates.

Letters from Taylor to J.F. Ramsden, 1907 - 1909 (File 21)

Subjects include: Machinery - Patent Film Evaporator, Rubber Washing Machine, Spraying Machine...

Letters from Taylor to Sir John Ramsden, 1912 - 1913 (File 22)

Subjects include: claim of Lim Ewe Kee, transfer of shares...

Telegrams from Penang, 1907 - 1913 (File 23)

Subjects include: Mrs Turner's health, accounts, general business dealings, death of Goodman.

Telegrams to Penang, 1907 - 1913 (File 24)

Subjects include: sale of crop, buildings, labour, rubber sales, general business dealings, cocoanut shipping...

Draft staff contract (Articles of Agreement), 1883 (File 25)

Fortnightly financial statements, 1909 - 1912 (File 26)

Includes statements addressed to Sir John Ramsden from E. L. Hamilton and Percy E. L. Taylor.

Estimates, salaries and commissions, 1909 - 1913 (File 27)

Correspondents include: D. Douglas, Bruce Petrie, J. Sargant, Robert H. Phillips, D. Ritchie, Percy E.L. Taylor, Sir John W. Ramsden, W. Duncan.

Statements, payments, rubber payments, rubber sales, 1886; 1910-1913 (File 28)

Correspondents include: Adam Stewart, Mr Ray, Sir John W. Ramsden, [Mr Low?].

Estate valuations, 1912 (File 29)

Correspondents include: Percy E.L. Taylor, W. Duncan.

Sir John Ramsden, Messrs Boustead and Co., Balance at Penang bank, 1876 - 1907 (File 30)

Penang Sugar/Rubber Estates Co. Ltd.: accounts, 1913 (File 31)

(Penang Sugar Estates Co. Ltd. became the Penang Rubber Estates Co. Ltd. on 1st June 1913).

Rainfall accounts Caledonia and Victoria estates, 1869 - 1884 (File 32)

Proposed planting forms (blank), 1880s. (File 33)

Papers relating to Sungei Separap estate, 1913 (File 34)

Correspondents include: A.S. Evens (Caledonia Estate), C.J. Mason (Jahore).

Golden Grove estate: tree census, 1913 (File 35)

Proof prospectus for issue of debentures, c. 1873 (File 36)

Counsel's opinion, 1876 (File 37)

Includes copy of opinion of Henry Dart.

Notices of board meetings, 1910 (File 38)

Signed by P.E.L. Taylor.

Series 3. Penang Rubber Estates Co. Ltd, 1913 - 1922

Report of first Annual General Meeting, 1914 (File 1)

Annual reports (whole estate), 1914 - 1922 (File 2)

Annual reports: Golden Grove, Sabrang, Strathmashie and Trans Krian estates, 1914 (File 3)

Quarterly reports, 1913 - 1922 (File 4)

Byram, Caledonia, Changkat, Golden Grove, Jawi, Krian, Krian Kedah, Sabrang, Strathmeshie, Trans Krian and Victoria estates...

Rubber progress reports (monthly), 1913 - 1915 (File 5)

Byram, Caledonia, Jawi, Krian, Sabrang, Snugei, Separap, Trans Krian and Victoria estates.

Letters from Penang, 1913 - 1915 (File 6)

Subjects include: general business of operating estates, staffing, illness and mortality rates among labourers on estates, land titles...

Letters to Penang, 1913 - 1915 (File 7)

Subjects include: memorandum and articles of association, power of attorney, forward sales, golf course, staff tennis courts, machinery, labourer recruitment, new company, copra, manager's reports, cocoanuts, rubber, workings of estates, land valuation, fire at Sabrang, brown root disease, Mr Murray, palm oil, molasses contracts, appliances for making sheet rubber...

Letters from George White and Co. and S. Figgis and Co. relating to the price and quality of rubber, 1924 (File 8)

Telegrams from Penang, 1913 - 1915 (File 9)

Subjects include: accounts, property purchase, copra shipping.

Telegrams to Penang, 1913 - 1914 (File 10)

Subjects include: Directors, billiard table, plantings, resident doctor.

Quarterly returns of trees cut out, 1913 (File 11)

Includes papers signed by A.A. Craigen, W.R.C. Gray, [H.E.?] Chapman.

Land valuation account, 1913 (File 12)

Financial statements: rubber statements, monthly and annual estimates, 1919 - 1920 (File 13)

Monthly statements of financial position, 1915 - 1931 (File 14)

Sabrang: estate: estimates, reports, 1913 (File 15)

Correspondents include: A.W. Wilson, W. Duncan.

Trans Krian estate: Valuation, report, 1913 (File 16)

Includes letter from R.M. Richards re pests and diseases, pruning.

Depreciation statement, 1954 (File 17)

Papers relating to rubber quality, 1915 (File 18)

Notices of board meetings, 1914 (File 19)

Series 4. Penang Sugar Estates and Allied Companies, 1912 - 1914

Letters from Penang, 1912 - 1913 (File 1)

Subjects include: staff, commissions and bonuses, management of Rubana, additional accountant, Mr Lowe's recovery, Mr Welham, monthly auditor visits, Municipal Ordinance of 1896 assessment, tapping returns, insurance, monthly estate reports, legal audits, assistants' agreements and bonuses, Rubber Growers' Association, consumption of liquor by labourers, estate management, Immigration Fund Committee, John Mair attacked and finger lost, Venesta cases, assistants, new clearings, weeding, girth of trees, thinning of trees, machine rollers, invoices, medical officers and reports, sugar crop, estate outputs, Mr H. Sutcliffe appointed Assistant Mycologist, directions for taking soil samples, freight rebates, British and Foreign Companies Enactment 1912, Bills of Lading, Forward Sales, New York Contracts, Marine Insurance, Transport of Rubber, Machinery and its transport, spare rolls for all estates, water supply, New York Rubber Exposition, insurance of buildings in course of construction, staff and salaries...

Letters to Penang, 1912 - 1913 (File 2)

Subjects include: Monthly Estate Reports, Rubber Growers Association, Accounts Department, Legislation regarding labourers in F.M.S. – sale of foreign liquor to Indian indentured labourers, Local Audits, Assistants Agreements and Bonuses, Progress Reports,, Commissions and Bonuses, Mr Lowe's injury, Assessment in Province Wellesley, Fire Insurance, Comparative Statements, European Staff, Paint for Iron Buildings, Venesta Cases, Insurance, Monthly Expenditure Reports, Staff Bonuses, Machinery Spares, Sanitation, Freight rebates, Estate Accounts, British and Foreign Companies Enactment 1912, Stores, Chemical Manures, Forward Sales, Contract for 30 tons First Latex Crepe from Messrs. Harrison and Crosfield Ltd., Staff passages, stolen rubber, F.O.B. Contracts, Agency Charges for Handling Rubber, Water Supply, New York Exhibition, Planters Benevolent Fund of Malaya...

Telegrams from Penang, 1912 - 1914 (File 3)

Subjects include: contracts, insurance, bills of lading, hiring of additional assistants.

Telegrams to Penang, 1912 - 1914 (File 4)

Subjects include: bonuses, thinning of rubber trees, hiring staff, arrangements with the Chartered Bank of India Australia and China, rubber freight, passages of new staff Cruickshank and Kennedy, tapping, shipments.

Production costs, 1912 - 1913 (File 5)

Includes papers signed by A.S. Evens, W. Duncan, H.C. Hughesdon, L.V. Lowe.

Rubber tapping returns, 1913 (File 6)

Includes papers signed by H.C. Hughesdon.

Series 5. Penang Rubber Estates & Allied Companies, 1913 - 1915

Letters from Penang, 1913 - 1915 (File 1)

Subjects include: Loss in weight in transit, Planters' Benevolent Fund, Cocoanut Pests, Strathmashie Estate, Attendance of labourers, tapping, Export Duties Collection Ordinance (1911), Estate Labourers Protection of Health Ordinance (1911), F.O.B. Contracts, Rubber cases damaged in transit, Staff, Universal scrap washers, Cutting out of Trees, Passage Tickets, Venesta Cases, Rubber Specifications, Momi Cases, Bonus and Pension Fund, Curing other Estates' rubber, Indian Immigration, costs of production, monthly estate reports, progress reports, standard girth for opening trees, Comparative statement of tapping returns, Mr Hubble's illness, illnesses of Mr Champion and Mr Wrottesiey, London Shipments, Shipments to other than British Ports, Freight Rebates, Prince of Wales Fund, Employees and the War, Standardisation of scrap grades...

Letters to Penang, 1913 - 1915 (File 2)

Subjects include: Staff, Tapping, Indian Immigration, Forward Sales, Plans of Estates, Bonus and Pension Fund, Venesta Cases, Curing other Estates' Rubber, Monthly Estate Report, Insurance of Rubbers, Rubber stocks, Rubber sales, F.O.B. Contracts, Singapore Auctions, Costs of Production, Curing of Rubber, Freight, Rubber Exhibition 1914, Standardisation of Rubber, Mr Hubble, Abolishment of Indentured Labour, death of Sir John Ramsden, Loss in weight of shipped rubber, maps of estates, Marine Insurance and War Risk, Finance, Telegrams, theft from cases during shipping...

Telegrams from Penang, 1914 - 1915 (File 3/1)

Subjects include: shipping to Antwerp, shipping to Hamburg, Annual accounts of Rubana and Tali Ayer, estate outputs.

Telegrams to Penang, 1914 - 1915 (File 3/2)

Subjects include: Staff appointments, shipments.

Production costs, 1913 - 1915 (File 4)

Signed A.S. Evens, L.V. Lowe.

Tapping returns, upkeep of immature rubber, 1913 - 1915 (File 5)

Signed by A.S. Evens.

Papers relating to forward sales and forward contracts, 1913 - 1915 (File 6)

Series 6. Straits Sugar Co. Ltd, 1906 - 1910

Reports of E.L. Hamilton's visit to Penang, 1907 (File 1)

Reports Batak Rabit, Nova Scotia, Rubana, Soon Lee and Hai Kee estate, 1908 - 1909 (File 2A)

Quarterly reports, 1908 - 1909 (File 2B)

Gedong, Hai Kee, Nova Scotia and Rubana estates.

Letters from Penang, 1906 - 1910 (File 3)

Subjects include: land exchange, water supply to Krian Estates, sugar, staff, health of labourers, rubber, hospital, immigrants, factory, machinery, estates, overdraft, journals, accounts, transfer of Gedong Estate, cocoanuts, Hai Kee, Nova Scotia rubber, white ants, labour, expenditure, weather, quarterly reports, members of staff entitled to leave, Land Office, quit rents, bicycles for use of estate overseers, creditors, change from sugar to rubber cultivation, title deeds, Straits Sugar Co. Ltd., irrigation area, Rubana reserves, fire insurance, surgical appliances, Immigration Taxation Scheme, remarks on Nova Scotia Hospital, immigration, staff members who have outside appointments, local audit, robbery at Hai Kee, Chinese farming, New Labour Scheme, Javanese Immigrants, Quarantine expenses, power of attorney, Straits Rubber Company creation, recruitment of labourers in India, housing for labourers...

Letters to Penang, 1907 - 1910 (File 4)

Subjects include: General business relating to estates - White ants, water supply, quarterly reports, staff, accounts, insurance, land in irrigation area, labour, overdraft, advice of sales, hospital, immigration, New Labour Scheme, Government reports, complaints of Mr Ritchie, statements of expenditure, tapioca, machinery, maps, death rates, tapping, motor car, cocoanuts, sugar, Lawrence Water Sterilizer Plant, light railway, liquidation...

Telegrams from Penang, 1907 - 1910 (File 5)

Subjects include: sales, accounts, cane cultivation, staff agreements, diesel oil engine, machinery, transfer.

Telegrams to Penang, 1907 - 1910 (File 6)

Subjects include: sales, labour force, machinery, rubber condition after shipping, expenditure, shares, liquidation of Straits Sugar Co. Ltd.

Estimated rubber yield for Gedong, Nova Scotia and Rubana estates, 1908 - 1909 (File 7)

Fortnightly financial statements, 1909 - 1910 (File 8)

Notices of Extraordinary General Meetings to wind up the Company 31st March 1910 (File 9)

Rubana estate: latex analysis, 1908 (File 10)

Series 7. Straits Rubber Co. Ltd, 1909 - 1924

Notices and report of statutory meeting 31st March 1910; directors' report; case for the Straits Rubber Company, 1910 (File 1)

Annual reports, 1910 - 1921 (File 2)

Quarterly reports: Gedong and Nova Scotia estates, 1910 - 1922 (File 3)

Rubber progress reports (monthly) Gedong and Nova Scotia estates, 1912 - 1914 (File 4)

Letters from Penang, 1910 - 1915 (File 5)

Subjects include: Clearing timber, tapping knives, factory, power of attorney, provident fund, machinery, rubber, housing for labourers, hospital, mycologist report, water supply, quarterly estate reports, Gedong railway, loss in weight of rubber, free Chinese labourers, jungle felling and burn off, Mr R. Gall's illness, figures for Gedong and Nova Scotia estates, rubber valuations, labour, school for the children of labourers, medical reports on labour force, rubber stocks and shipping, heated rubber, motor car, titles, capital expenditure, New York shipments, New York Exhibition, Javanese labourers, Gedong electric light, F.O.B. Contracts, medical officers, Manager's Reports, new hospital, government approval for drinking water plans, Nova Scotia land grant, water supply plant, floods...

Letters from S. Figgis and Company and George White and Company relating to the quality and price of rubber, 1924 (File 6A)

Letters from McAuliffe, Davis and Hope, 1910 (File 6B)

Letters to Penang, 1910 - 1915 (File 7)

Subjects include: Power of attorney, machinery, Gedong, Nova Scotia, Rubana, Accounts, Railway, housing for labourers, insurance, rubber, expenditure and receipts, forward sale of rubber, electric light, high death rate of Indian labourers on estates, Chinese labourers, company marks on cases, staff, Provident Fund, water steriliser, general business of estates...

Telegrams from Penang, 1910 - 1914 (File 8)

Covers general business of The Straits Rubber Company, Ltd. Subjects include: shares, labourers, accounts, machinery, insurance

Telegrams to Penang, 1910 - 1914 (File 9)

Covers general business of The Straits Rubber Company, Ltd. Subjects include: transfer of properties, valuation, liquidation, machinery.

Estimates, 1909 - 1911 (File 10)

Correspondents include: Sir John Ramsden, E.L. Hamilton (Austin Friars), John Turner (Caledonia), D. Ritchie (Perak), Percy E.L. Taylor, W. Duncan.

Financial statements (fortnightly), 1910 - 1912 (File 11)

Estimated profit and loss accounts, financial position, lists of payments, rubber statements, forward contracts, 1911 - 1915 (File 12)

Tree census, 1910 (File 13)

Returns of trees cut out, 1913 (File)

Press cuttings, 1912 (File 14)

Papers relating to rubber quality, 1915 (File 15)

Notices of board meetings, 1910 - 1914 (File 16)

Series 8. Rubana Rubber Estate and Co. Ltd, 1908 - 1924

Prospectuses: drafts and final, 1910 (File 1)

Annual reports, 1912 - 1922 (File 2)

Quarterly reports, 1910 - 1922 (File 3)

Rubber returns (daily), 1908 - 1909 (File 4)

Rubber progress reports (monthly), 1912 - 1915 (File 5)

Letters from Penang, 1910 - 1915 (File 6)

Subjects include: General business, labour, Bagan Serai, Selaba shares, Tali Ayer, Rubana, Mr Sargent, Mr Lachlan, employment agreements, quarterly reports, living conditions of labourers, mycological reports, accounts, cholera outbreak, insurance, rubber shipments, Government insistence on new facilities for labourers, murder of watchman by labourers...

Letter from S. Figgis and Company relating to quality and price of rubber, 1924 (File 7)

Letters to Penang, 1910 - 1915 (File 8)

Subjects include: General business of Rubana Rubber Estates Ltd., transfer of estate, shares, rubber shipments, labour, machinery, cholera outbreak, accounts, Colonial Nursing Association, smallpox vaccinations, illness of Mr H.G. Daniels...

Copies of E.L. Hamilton's correspondence with J.F. Ramsden, and W. Duncan, 1910 - 1911 (File 9)

Includes 'Straits Rubber Co. Ltd.: Case', draft prospectus for Rubana Rubber, share allocation; estimated profit and loss account.

Telegrams from Penang, 1910 - 1914 (File 10)

Subjects include: general business of the Rubana Rubber Estate, rubber yields, accounts, quarterly returns, labour, insurance, H.G. Daniels treated for appendicitis.

Telegrams to Penang, 1911 - 1913 (File 11)

Subjects include: general business of the Rubana Rubber Estate, drop in yields, shares for employees, loss of weight during shipping.

Financial statements payments; rubber statements; rubber sales, 1911 - 1915 (File 12)

Estimated profit and loss accounts, 1911 - 1913 (File 13)

Financial position; statements of available capital, 1912 - 1914 (File 14)

Press cutting, 1910 (File 15)

Census of trees tapped, 1910, 1913 (File 16)

Includes Returns of trees cut out.

Directors' report, statement of accounts, 1912 (File 17)

Includes Reports of fourth annual general meeting.

Papers relating to rubber quality, 1915 (File 18)

Notices of board meetings, 1910 - 1914 (File 19)

Series 9. Bagan Serai Co. Ltd, 1909 - 1915

Letters from Penang, 1910 - 1915 (File 1)

Subjects include: general business of the Bagan Serai Company Limited, management, Chinese-owned lands, Hai Kee rubber cultivations, Javanese Indentured labour, Soon Lee sugar cultivation, cocoanuts, water supply, quarterly reports, Chinese labour, opium smokers, lists of numbers of free and indentured labour classed by nationality, staff, health of labour force, school for children of labourers, floods, new hospital, cases damaged in transit...

Letters to Penang, 1910 - 1915 (File 2)

Subjects include: general business of the Bagan Serai Company Limited, drinking water supplies, high death rate of labourers, rubber, field maps, Nellmay Estate...

Telegrams from Penang, 1910 - 1914 (File 3A)

Subjects include: business accounts of The Bagan Serai Company Limited, rubber out turn.

Telegrams to Penang, 1910 (File 3B)

Subjects include: general business accounts of The Bagan Serai Company Limited, water supply.

Estimates, rubber progress report, rubber statement, 1909 - 1913 (File 4)

Directors reports and statements of accounts; reports of annual general meetings, 1910 - 1914 (File 5)

Rubber progress report, 1912 (File 6)

Returns of trees cut out, 1913 (File 7)

Notice of meeting, n.d. [1910?] (File 8)

Quarterly report, 1915 (File 9)

Papers relating to rubber quality, 1915 (File 10)

Notices of board meetings, 1910 - 1914 (File 11)

Series 10. Batak Rabit Estate Ltd, 1910 - 1913

Report, 1910 (File 1)

Addressed to E.L. Hamilton by William Duncan. Report of the Batak Rabit Estate Ltd., covering the situation, area and titles, description of estate, cultivation, yields and profits, present yields, labour, buildings, extensions, forest land, value, table of estimate of yields of rubber.

Reports of first annual general meeting; proceedings; directors' reports and statement of accounts, 1910 - 1911 (File 2)

Letters to and from Penang, 1910 - 1913 (File 3)

Subjects include: general business of the Batak Rabit Estate...

Telegrams to and from Penang, 1910 (File 4)

Subjects include: general business of Batak Rabit estate.

Commissions, 1912 - 1913 (File 5)

Series 11. Selaba Rubber Estates Ltd, 1909 - 1915

Prospectus, Directors' report, notices and report of annual general meeting, 1910 - 1913 (File 1)

Correspondence, 1909 - 1914 (File 2)

Subjects include: general business of estates, Selaba Estate, Somerset Estate, Strathmashie Estate, Sabrang Estate, Mycology, Chinese labour, new land...

Copy letters to Harris and Crosfield, 1909 - 1910 (File 3)

Subjects include: The Selaba Rubber Estates Ltd., Estimate of Expenditure on Somerset Estate, general business of estates, new land...

Share dividend certificate, 1913 (File 4)

Rubber harvested, c. 1915 (File 5)

Series 12. Tali Ayer Rubber Estates Ltd, 1909 - 1924

Prospectus; Directors' report; statutory meeting; report of first/annual general/ and third meetings, 1911 - 1914 (File 1)

Reports (quarterly and annual): Padang, Sungei Bogak and Tali Ayer estates, 1909 - 1922 (File 2)

Letters from Penang, 1910 - 1915 (File 3)

Subjects include: general business of estates, labour, health of workers, cultivation, staff, factory, Tali Ayer new company, shares, cholera, Caledonia rubber factory, weather, rubber thefts, sale agreements, legal expenses, fire insurance, shares for employees, sugar crushing, electric light, water supply, new dysentery ward, Sungei Bogak, white ants, mycology, railway, Tali Ayer Estate analysis of soil, floods, Sungei Bogak, Hospital reports re labourer health...

Letters to Penang, 1911 - 1915 (File 4)

Subjects include: Tali Ayer rubber estate, Sungei Bogak, shares, transfer of estates to new company, water sterilising plant, finance, buildings, machinery, insurance, sale agreements, sugar factory, weighing of rubber, forward contracts, motor car, employee shares, Colonial Nursing Association, capital expenditure, catch crops, floods, dividends, commissions, drying space, transport of rubber, yield per acre, Taiping Church Fund...

Telegrams from Penang, 1911 - 1914 (File 5)

Subjects include: Penang Sugar Estates Company, estimated yields and valuation, Tali Ayer, Sungei Bogak, Maude, accounts, fire insurance, rubber out turns.

Telegrams to Penang, 1911 - 1914 (File 6)

Subjects include: Tali Ayer, Sungei Bogak, share allotment, statutory meeting, discontinuance of sugar on Sungei Bogak, accounts, rubber transportation, purchase price.

Tree tapping statement, 1909 (File 7)

Rubber output; financial statements; rubber progress reports; rubber reports, 1910 - 1924 (File 8)

Notices (3) of board meetings, 1914 (File 9)

Rubber progress report, 1915 (File 10)

Papers relating to rubber quality, 1915 (File 11)

Series 13. Sabrang Rubber Estates Ltd, 1921 - 1924

Directors' report and statement of accounts; rubber reports, 1921 - 1924 (File 1)

Reports: quarterly and annual, 1921 - 1922 (File 2)

Series 14. Correspondence relating to various of the rubber companies in Malaya, 1906 - 1924

Letters to John Turner, 1906 - 1910 (File 1)

Subjects include: Estates Office and general administration, Nova Scotia, catch crops, sugar, Gedong, Hai Kee, shareholders, debenture holders, Rubana, Orders and Instructions, Caledonia factory, rubber manufacture, entertaining allowance, motor car, Straits Investment Co. Ltd., The Lawrence Patent Water Steriliser, Mr Lachlan's illness, dilution of latex, Trans Krian, Selaba Estate, cocoanut cultivation, labour, assistants, Mr Crawford's death, The Rubber Plantations Investment Trust Limited, Mr Sargant, Mr Ritchie, Mr Wilson, Straits Sugar Co., Sir John Ramsden, Juru Estate, Val D'or Estate, Somerset, Straits Sugar Co. in liquidation, Bagan Serai Co., Isseng, Chersonese Estates, Errol Estate...

Letters to E.L. Hamilton, 1907 - 1915 (File 2)

Subjects include: accounts, meeting of directors, Straits Investment Company, Strathmashie Estate, Bagan Dato Estate, The Straits Sugar Co. Ltd., Caledonia factory, Simpah Estate, audit, Juru Estate, valuations of properties, finance, Selaba and Somerset, Bagan Serai, Rubana draft prospectus, employment of Mr Richards as mycologist, Trans Krian, indentured labour, staff, Chinese labour, capital and revenue expenditure, share certificates, dividends, malarial fever, quit rent on agricultural land, maps, housing on estates, Johore Estate...

Letters to J.F. Ramsden (later Sir J.F. Ramsden), 1907 - 1915 (File 3)

Subjects include: Ramie, report from Messrs. Gow Wilson and Stanton, Sabrang Estate, motor car, Caledonia Estate rubber factory, treatment of latex, Rubana, Talie Ayer, outside appointments of company employees, Herbert Wright consultation, machinery, Straits Rubber Company, Selaba, Rubana Prospectus, Battak Rabit Estate, dividends, Robusta Coffee, Strathmashie, powers of attorney, Nellmay Estate...

Letters to Sir John W. Ramsden, 1907 - 1913 (File 4)

Subjects include: Selaba Estate, land at Pondok Tanjong, map of Selabak Estate, Straits Sugar Company balance sheet, Sabrang, Gedong water scheme, finance, Bagan Serai Co., Straits Rubber Co., Mr Sargant, employee shares, Rubana, draft prospectus, House of Commons announcement re indentured labour, financial forecast, Prye Estate, Penang Sugar Estates Co. Ltd, Memorandum on Proposed Syndicate, Batak Rabit Rubber Estate Ltd., Sungei Separap, Shropshire Lead Mines, Errol Estate, London Office and Staff, London School of Tropical Medicine, discontinuing the growth of sugar, Merchiston, Lim Ewe Kee, Orient trust shares...

Letters to P.E.L. Taylor, 1908 - 1915 (File 5)

Subjects include: motor car, Ritchie, Penang Sugar Estates Company Limited, Lim Ewe Kee settlement, Nellmay...

Letters to W. Duncan, 1910 - 1915 (File 6)

Subjects include: congratulations on becoming Acting General Manager, employee shares, Rubana, shares for Mr Sargant, bonus scheme, Tali Ayer disturbances, staff being tempted away by other employers, Batak Rabit Estate, Rubana transfer, labour, Selaba, accounts, Mr Welham, capital expenditure, malaria, Nellmay Estate, Kajang Estates, Planters Association of Malaya...

F.E. Maguire's correspondence, 1924 (File 7)

Subjects include: rubber production, oil palms, Nova Scotia Estate, Tali Ayer Estate, Sungei Bogak Estate, accounts, electric lighting, telephones, liquid latex, allowances made to employees, Mr Vanrenen's bungalow lost to fire, Golden Grove, Penang Hill Bungalows, Manager's Reports regarding estates, water supplies, cholera...

Miscellaneous correspondence, 1907 - 1912 (File 8)

Subjects include: report of fraud in the company, sale of lands owned by the Penang Sugar Estates Co. Ltd., company accounts, Nova Scotia, Rubana, Straits Sugar Co., debentures and loans...

Series 15. Maps and plans, 1873 - 1913

Penang Island and Province Wellesley, 1886 (File 1)

Surveyor: ? Cameron...

Malay Peninsula, 1891 (File 2)

No surveyor...

Penang Island and Province Wellesley, n.d. (File 3)

No surveyor...

Bagan Serai estate, 1913 (File 4)

Barbour and Peck...

Caledonia Estate, 1877 (File 5)

No surveyor...

Gedong, Kong Heng and Isseng, 1912 (File 6)

Barbour and Peck...

Other copy of Gedong, Kong Heng and Isseng: not coloured, without field numbers etc., 1912 (File 7)

Golden Grove Estate, 1912 (File 8)

Barbour and Peck...

Golden Grove and Duvaka Estates, n.d. (File 9)

No surveyor...

Krean Estate, 1873 (File 10)

No surveyor...

Nova Scotia Estate, 1912 (File 11)

No surveyor...

Nova Scotia Estate, 1912 (File 12/1)

Barbour and Peck...

Nova Scotia Estate, 1912 (File 12/2)

Barbour and Peck...

Rubana Estate, 1913 (File 13)

Barbour and Peck...

Sabrang Estate, 1912 (File 14)

Barbour and Peck...

Strathmashie Estate, 1912 (File 15)

No surveyor...

Strathmashie Estate, 1912 (File 16)

Barbour and Peck...

Sungei Bogak Estate, 1913 (File 17/1)

Barbour and Peck...

Sungei Bogak estate, n.d. (File 17/2)

No surveyor...

Tali Ayer Estate, 1913 (File 18)

Barbour and Peck...

Victoria Estate, 1878 (File 19)

No surveyor...

Victoria Estate, 1879 (File 20)

No surveyor...

Miscellaneous sketch, n.d. (File 21)

Index to plans, 1909 (File 22)

Series 16. Miscellaneous, 1884 - 1925

Printed material, 1884 - 1925 (File 1)

'Notes on some Malay Timber Trees' by James Collins, 1884 (Item)
'The Straits Settlements and British Malaya' by Sir Frederick A. Weld, 1884 (Item)
Pieces of Eight Syndicate Ltd: press report, 1903 (Item)
Report on Cotton Cultivation in the British Empire and Egypt, 1904 (Item)
India Rubber Market report, 1907 (Item)
Annual Review of India Rubber Market, 1908 (Item)
Java Investment, Loan and Agency Ltd; report of meeting, 1910 (Item)
Gula-Kalumpong Rubber Estates Ltd; prospectus, report, 1910 (Item)
Anglo-Malay Rubber Co. Ltd.: report of general meeting, 1910 (Item)
'Rubber Tapping in Ceylon', 1912 (Item)
Straits Plantations Ltd.: Directors' report and statement of accounts, 1912 (Item)
Merchiston Rubber Estate Ltd.: Notice and report of meeting; prospectus 1912 directors' report, statement of accounts, report of annual general meeting, 1912 - 1915 (Item)
Rubber Growers Association (Malaya Section): 11th and 13th reports, 1912 - 1913 (Item)
Wild v. Plantation Rubber: Causes of the Difference in Price: Lack of Uniformity' and enclosure, 1913 (Item)
Federated (Selengor) Rubber Co. Ltd.: report of Annual General Meeting 1914, directors' report statement of accounts 1915 (Item)
Linggi Plantations Ltd., report, 1915 (Item)
Rubber Growers' Association: bulletin, 1920 (Item)
Pure Plantation Rubber Products Ltd.: sales literature, 1922 (Item)
Badenoch Rubber Estate Ltd.: prospectus (Item)

Tree girth statement, 1906 (File 3)

Rubber shipments, 1906 - 1907 (File 4)

Daily rubber reports, 1906 - 1909 (File 5)

Caledonia, Gedong, Rubana, Selaba and Tali Ayer estates, 1906 - 1909 (Item)

Coconut reports, 1906 - 1913 (File 6)

Byram, Caledonia, Changkat, Gedong, Golden Grove, Krian, Soon Lee and Hai Kee, Strathmashie and Victoria estates...

The Isseng Rubber Estate, 1908 (File 7)

For the information of Mr J.M. Anthony, Chairman...

New Rubber Tapping System, 1908 (File 8)

Tapping experiments, 1908 - 1909 (File 9)

Rubber sales: Caledonia, Rubana and Selaba estates, 1909 (File 10)

Juru estate: memorandum of agreements; report and valuation, 1909 (File 11)

Somerset estate: report, 1909 (File 12)

Subjects include: management, situation, title, area, cultivation, soil, drainage, weeding, pests, labour, nurseries, buildings, valuation...

Rubber reports and valuations by Gow, Wilson and Stainton Ltd. and George White and Co., 1909 - 1910 (File 13)

Rubber crop returns, 1909 - 1915 (File 14)

Account of crop yields 1909, 1909 - 1910 (File 15)

Latex reports: Caledonia, Gedong, Nova Scotia, Rubana, Soon Lee and Hai Kee, Strathmashie and Tali Ayer estates, 1910 (File 16)

Includes average gallons latex per day, average daily outturn of wet rubber, manager's remarks.

Continuous current generating plant for Caledonia estate, estimate for storage battery, 1912 (File 17)

Papers relating to Captain Blackwood, 1912 - 1913 (File 18)

Subjects include: leave, sea voyage, severe nervous breakdown, termination of employment, acceptance of termination due to ill health, conflicting statements...

Tapping returns, 1912 - 1913 (File 19)

Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States ordinances, 1912 - 1913 (File 20)

The coconut pest of the Philippine Islands, the Melentang Coconut Co. Ltd., the copra market, Caledonia Golf Course, Trans Krian and Melentang estates.

Rubber output, sales, dividends and shares, 1912 - 1914 (File 21)

Rubber factory costs (including packing, delivery and insurance), 1913 (File 22)

Caledonia, Gedong, Nova Scotia, Rubana and Tali Ayer estates.

Valuation method, n.d. ?1914 (File 24)

Correspondence files relating to various of the Malayan rubber companies, 1914 - 1925 (File 25-27)

File 25.Subjects include: company shares, disposal of shares held in outside rubber companies, sale of Sungei Separap, voluntary wind up of company, labourer's latrines, malaria, Kedah application, camphor, shareholders, Rubana bonus shares, Mr Duncan's report on province estates, oil palms, Perak Government purchase of Trans Krian Estate land for European bungalows...

Coconut Plantations of Perak, 1920 - 1925 (File 28)

Subjects include: dividends, land, shares, Mr Naested, arrangements between Sir John and the cocoanut company, reduction in costs for coconut plantations of Perak, quit rent, abandonment of land, encouraging results [printed]...

Share transaction account, 1925 (File 29)

Summary of salaries and commissions, n.d. (File 30)

Series 17. Addenda, 1874 - 1875

Report to the Rt. Hon. E. Horsman M.P. on Penang sugar estates, 1875 (File 2)

Appendix to report to the Rt. Hon. E. Horsman M.P., c. 1874 (File 3)

Indexed volume containing reports on:...
