Guide to the Records of Port Line Ltd (as filmed by the AJCP)


M1718 - M1821

National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

Created: 2019

Online Items

Series D42/PL1. Record of the Board of Port Line Ltd, 1914 - 1968

Subseries 1. Agenda Books for Port Line Ltd Board of Directors Meetings, 1914 - 1968

Meeting agenda books (with annotations).

Articles of Association of Port Line Ltd (File)

Includes copies of the Memorandum and Articles of Agreement incorporated 23 Jan 1914, Extraordinary Resolution on the increase of the capital of the company 14 Dec 1933 and resolutions passed by the Board of Directors 13 Oct 1938 and 10 Nov 1938.

Agenda book volume 1, 1914 - 1917 (File 1)
Agenda book volume 2, 1918 - 1921 (File 2)
Agenda book volume 3, 1921 - 1925 (File 3)
Agenda book volume 4, 1925 - 1929 (File 4)
Agenda book volume 5, 1929 - 1934 (File 5)
Agenda book volume 6, 1934 - 1939 (File 6)
Agenda book volume 7, 1939 - 1942 (File 7)
Agenda book volume 8, 1942 - 1946 (File 8)
Agenda book volume 9, 1946 - 1949 (File 9)
Agenda book volume 10, 1949 - 1953 (File 10)
Agenda book volume 11, 1953 - 1956 (File 11)
Agenda book volume 12, 1957 - 1960 (File 12)
Agenda book volume 13, 1960 - 1963 (File 13)
Agenda book volume 14, 1964 - 1967 (File 14)
Agenda book volume 15, 1967 - 1968 (File 15)

Subseries 2. Minutes of board of directors of Port Line Ltd (indexed), 1914 - 1952

The Australian Joint Copying Project filmed only volumes 1-5 of the 8 volume series.

Minute book volume 1, 1914 - 1920 (File 1)
Minute book volume 2, 1920 - 1926 (File 2)
Minute book volume 3, 1927 - 1934 (File 3)
Minute book volume 4, 1935 - 1943 (File 4)
Minute book volume 5, 1943 - 1952 (File 5)

Subseries 4. Registers of seals of Port Line Ltd, 1938 - 1967

Register of seals (volume 1), 1938 - 1949 (File 1)
Register of seals (volume 2): indexed, 1949 - 1960 (File 2)
Register of seals (volume 3): indexed, 1960 - 1967 (File 3)

Subseries 3. Agreement books of Port Lint Ltd, 1914 - 1950

Agreement book volume 1, 1914 - 1917 (File 1)
Agreement book volume 2, 1914 - 1916 (File 2)
Agreement book volume 3, 1915 - 1917 (File 3)
Agreement book volume 4, 1920 - 1921 (File 4)
Agreement book volume 5, 1921 - 1924 (File 5)
Agreement book volume 6, 1924 - 1935 (File 6)
Agreement book volume 7, 1936 - 1950 (File 7)

Series D42/PL2. Stocks and Shares Records (Port Line Ltd), 1914 - 1970

Subseries 1. Share Certificate Books, 1914 - 1970

Commonwealth and Dominion Line share certificates (ordinary nos: 1-225), 1914 - 1933 (File 1)
Preference Share Certificates, 1914 - 1933 (File 2)
Preference Share Certificate Book No 2 (Single certificate for 750,000 in name of Cunard Co), 1937 (File 3)
Ordinary Share Certificate Book No 3, 1937 - 1947 (File 4)
Ordinary Share Certificate Counterfoil Book, 1950 - 1970 (File 5)

Subseries 2. Transfers, 1914 - 1915

Commonwealth and Dominion Line Transfer Deed Books (Ordinary/Preference), 1914 - 1915 (File 6/7)

2 volumes.

Commonwealth and Dominion Line Debenture Transfers No 1, 1914 - 1915 (File 8)
Commonwealth and Dominion Line, Register of Debentures, Transfers of Debentures, Debenture ledger and Register of Mortgages, 1914 - 1915 (File 9)

Subseries 3. Summaries and Registers, 1914 - 1970

Commonwealth and Dominion Line: Annual Summary of Capital and Shares, 1914 - 1918 (File 10)
Commonwealth and Dominion Line: Register of Mortgages and of Directors, 1921 - 1936 (File 11)
Register of Ordinary and Preference Shares (Port Line Ltd), 1933 - 1952 (File 12)
Register of Directors Holdings (Port Line Ltd), 1948 - 1967 (File 13)
Register of members etc No 4 (Port Line Ltd), 1938 - 1941 (File 14)
Register of Directors, Annual Returns etc No 5 (Port Line Ltd), 1950 - 1970 (File 15)
File of letters enclosing dividend, board minutes and balance sheets (No 18), 1936 - 1966 (File 16)

Series D42/PL3. Correspondence and Company Administration - 'Old File' Sequence, 1922 - 1958

'Old Files' sequence, containing manilla folders from the General Manager's office of the Port Line as subsidiary of Cunard. The office was at Cunard House, 88 Leadenhall Street...

Australian Estates Co, 1947 - 1948 (File 1)

Original File No: 1/28 Div 1

Australian Estates Co, 1948 (File 1)

Original File No: 1/28 Div 3

Report on visit to Hawaiian Islands and Fiji by J W Inverarity (Australian Estates Co), 1948 (File)

Agents, New York [Funch Edye & Co], 1933 - 1948 (File 2)

Original File No 1/01/7

Agents: Kinsey and Co Ltd, Christchurch New Zealand, 1948 (File 2)

Original File No: 1/01/11 Div 4

Agents: Kinsey and Co Ltd, Christchurch New Zealand, 1950 - 1951 (File 2)

Original File No: 01/11 Div 6

Agents: Kinsey and Co Ltd, Christchurch New Zealand, 1933 - 1937 (File 3)

Original File No: /1/01/11

Agents: Kinsey and Co Ltd, Christchurch New Zealand: [Sir Joseph Ward, Sir Cyril Ward], 1934 - 1937 (File 3)

Original File No: 1/01/11 (Special)

Agents: Kinsey and Co Ltd, Christchurch New Zealand [Sir Joseph Ward, Sir Cyril Ward], 1937 - 1946 (File 3)

Original File No: 1/01/11 Div 2

Agents: Kinsey and Co Ltd, Christchurch New Zealand [Sir Joseph Ward, Sir Cyril Ward], 1947 - 1948 (File 3)

Original File No: 1/01/11 Div 3

Australian Overseas Transport Association (AOTA), 1932 - 1936 (File 4)

Discussions with government...

Australian Overseas Transport Association (AOTA): meeting January 1954, 1953 - 1954 (File 4)

Original File No 1/02/35

Benmacow Contracts all boards. Future negotiations, 1939 (File 4)

Original File No 2/01/8/Div 3

Air Raid Precautions (ARP): Equipment, 1938 - 1940 (File 5/1)

Original File No 1/04/1

Air Raid Precautions: Gas Course notes [J P I Corry; Oaklawn], 1940 (File 5/4)

Original File No 1/04/6

Air Raid Precautions: Regulations, 1938 - 1945 (File 5/5)

Original File No 1/04/7

Air Raid Precautions: Minutes etc:, 1938 - 1945 (File 5/6)

Original File No 1/04/8

Air Raid Precautions: Miscellaneous, 1938 - 1945 (File 5/7)

Original File No 1/04/9

[Air Raid Precautions: papers], 1939 - 1940 (File 6)

File cover is missing and papers are mixed...

[Air Raid Precautions: papers] (File 6)

[File covers gone and papers mixed]...

[Air Raid Precaution: papers], 1939 - 1945 (File 7)

[File covers gone and papers mixed]...

[Air Raid Precautions: papers] (File 7)

File cover is missing and papers are mixed...

Blue Star Line: newspaper cuttings, Australia [Vesteys Ltd], 1933 - 1936 (File 8)

Original File No: 2/03/1 Div 3

Blue Star Line: miscellaneous. Australia, 1933 (File 8)

Original File No: 2/03/1 Div 1

Blue Star Line: miscellaneous. Australia, 1934 (File 8)

Original File No 2/03/1 Div 2

Blue Star Line: agencies, Australia, 1933 (File 8)

Original File No 2/03/2

Blue Star Line: miscellaneous, New Zealand, 1934 (File 8)

Original File No: 2/03/3 Div 2

Blue Star Line: agencies, New Zealand, 1933 (File 8)

Original File No: 2/03/4

Blue Star Line: Outports home UK, 1933 (File 8)

Original File No: 2/03/5

Blue Star Line Australia cargo home, 1934 (File 8)

Original File No 2/03/6

Blue Star Line Australia stevedoring, 1934 (File 8)

Original File No 2/03/7

Blue Star Line Staff, 1934 (File 8)

Original File No 2/03/8

Blue Star Line New Ships, [1935 - 1948] (File 8)

Original File No 2/03/9

Blue Star Line Cargo home, [1935 - 1939] (File 8)

Original File No 2/03/10

Blue Star Line Commissions (agency) home, [1935 - 1947] (File 8)

Original File No 2/03/11

Blue Star Line Africa, 1935 (File 9)

Original File No 2/03/13

Blue Star Line Outward agency, New Zealand, 1935 - 1939 (File 9)

Original File No 2/03/14

Blue Star Line Chilled meat loading Australia, 1935 (File 9)

Original File No 2/03/15

Blue Star Line Outward sailings, 1936 - 1946 (File 9)

Original File No 2/03/16

Blue Star Line: New Zealand homeward via United States of America, 1933 (File 9)

Original File No 2/03/17

Blue Star Line Outward tonnage New Zealand, 1935 - 1936 (File 9)

Original File No 2/03/18

Blue Star Line Propaganda, Australia, 1936 (File 9)

Original File No 2/03/19

Blue Star Line Passengers, 1938 (File 9)

Original File No 2/03/20

Blue Star Line Outward cargoes, 1939 (File 9)

Original File No 2/03/21

Blue Star Line Agents, United Kingdom continent, 1935 - 1939 (File 9)

Original File No 2/03/22

Blue Star Line Butter, Australia, 1936 (File 9)

Original File No 2/03/23

Blue Star Line Cargo from continent, 1936 - 1939 (File 9)

Original File No 2/03/24

Broken Hill Pty Ltd, 1935 (File 9)

Original File No 3/5

Butter: Shipments from Australia by Port Line Ltd (miscellaneous Australia), 1932 - 1938 (File 9)

Original File No 3/01/16

Port Line Ltd: Cargo out. Sydney Ferry, 1934 (File 9)

Original File No 4/03/20

Port Line Ltd: Cargo out. Builders' sundries, 1936 - 1937 (File 9)

Original File No 4/03/23

Port Line Ltd: Cargo out. Polo ponies, 1932 - 1957 (File 9)

Original File No 4/03/25

Port Line Ltd: Cargo out. Nelson gas contract, 1931 (File PL3/9)

Original File No 4/03/26

Port Line Ltd: Cargo out. Gerhard and Hey, 1936 (File 9)

Original File No 4/03/31

Port Line Ltd: Cargo out. Heating apparatus, 1936 - 1937 (File 9)

Original File No 4/03/42

Port Line Ltd: Cargo out for Broken Hill Pty, 1935 - 1939 (File 10)

Original File No: 4/3/49 17961

Bunker Coal: Coal Reports of engineers, 1933 - 1938 (File 10)

Original File No 5/2

Bunker Coal: Commissions Exchange loading Australia, 1935 (File 10)

Original File No 5/7

Bunker Coal: Coal Bunkering, Hamburg, 1935 - 1936 (File 10)

Original File No 5/9

Bunker Coal: Coal Shifting by crew, 1934 - 1937 (File 10)

Original File No 5/10

Bunker Coal: Coal Contracts, misc, 1937 - 1938 (File 10)

Original File No 5/21

Bunker Coal: Coal Newcastle, New South Wales, 1937 - 1945 (File 10)

Original File No 5/22

Henry Brooks and Co, 1932 - 1948 (File 10)

Original File No 5/01/3

Cunard White Star: Cunard Picture by Lander, 1936 (File 10)

Original File No 5/02/16

Cunard White Star: Aquitania, 1947 - 1950 (File 10)

Original File No 5/02/21

Cunard House Electric clocks, 1929 - 1935 (File 10)

Original File No 5/03/4

Cunard House: Electric fittings, 1933 - 1937 (File 11)

Original File No 5/03/5

Cunard House: management, 1930 - 1938 (File 11 [14/3])

Original File No 5/03/16

Cunard House: Staff, 1932 - 1938 (File 11 [14/4])

Original File No 5/03/25

Export of Dairy Products: dairy restrictions, 1933 - 1936 (File 11 [15/1])

Original File No 6/6

Dairy Produce Control Board: dairy restrictions New Zealand Auckland final, 1929 - 1933 (File 11 [16/1])

Original File No 6/7

Dairy Produce Control Board: Australia, 1935 - 1939 (File 11 [17/1])

Original File No 6/4

Dairy Produce Control Board: New Zealand Railage allowance, nd (File 11 [18/1])

Original File No 6/19

Dairy Products: sorting to marks, New Zealand, 1936 - 1937 (File 11 [19/1])

Original File No 6/22

Dairy Products: New Zealand to Newcastle on Tyne, 1938 (File 12 [20/1])

Original File No 6/24

Entertainment aboard by Port Line vessels: entertaining, 1933 - 1937 (File 12 [21/1])

Original File No 7/2

Entertainment aboard by Port Line vessels, 1937 - 1948 (File 12 [21/2])

Original File No 7/2

Elgin Gas, 1936 - 1938 (File 12 [22/1])

Original File No 7/4

Eggs Marketing Board NSW, 1933 - 1936 (File 12 [23/1])

Original File No 7/7

Exports: Australian regulations, 1934 (File 12 [24/1])

Original File No 7/8

Friends of Port Line Ltd: misc, 1945 - 1947 (File 12 [25/1])

Original File No 8/4

Recommendations to shipping companies by Port Line Ltd, 1947 (File 12 [26/1])

Curacao Trading Company: Freight Payment in marks, 1935 (File 12 [27/1])

Original File No 8/12

Cement Cargo: Forwarding Australia, 1936 (File 12 [28/1])

Port Kembla Whard, Australia...

Freight dumping of heavy goods, 1936 - 1937 (File 12 [29/1])

Original File No 8/23

New Factories in Australia, 1937 - 1949 (File 12 [30/1])

Original File No 8/25

Finance subsidies, 1932 - 1936 (File 13 [31/1])

Original File No 8/01/11 Div 1

Finance subsidies, 1937 - 1938 (File 13 [31/2])

Original File No 8/01/11/Div 2

Freight rates, New Zealand: home, 1928 - 1937 (File 13 [32/1])

Original File No 8/02/6

Freight rates, New Zealand: unauthorised reductions, 1935 - 1936 (File 13 [32/2])

Original File No 8/02/14

Freight rates: comparative from Australia UK & USA, 1934 - 1938 (File 13 [32/3])

Wool alchol cargoes...

Freight rates: comparative from Australia, New Zealand and Argentine, 1940 (File 13 [32/4])

Refrigerated and general cargoes...

Fruit shipments: guarantees Australia, 1934 - 1936 (File 13 [33/1])

Original File No 8/03/6

Fruit shipments: Melbourne allotment, 1933 - 1936 (File 13 [33/2])

Original File No 8/03/7

Fruit shipments: Uninsulated spaces, 1933 - 1934 (File 13 [33/3])

Original File No 8/03/12

Fruit shipments: Victorian marketing association, 1932 - 1934 (File 13 [33/4])

Original File No 8/03/13

Fruit shipments: New Zealand West Coast Delivery, 1933 - 1936 (File 14 [33/5])

Original File No 8/03/20

Fruit shipment: New Zealand, alteration in destination, 1934 - 1935 (File 14 [33/6])

Original File No 8/03/23

Fruit shipment: Government assistance, Australia, 1933 - 1936 (File 14 [33/7])

Original File No 8/03/30

Fruit shipment: Tasmanian booking agents, 1932 - 1936 (File 14 [33/8])

Original File No 8/03/35

Fruit shipment: Market prices, 1933 - 1936 (File 14 [33/9])

Original File No 8/03/37

Fruit shipment: Restrictions, Australia, 1933 - 1936 (File 14 [33/10])

Original File No 8/03/39

Fruit shipment: Tasmania, circulars to growers, 1933 - 1938 (File 14 [33/11])

Original File No 8/03/41

Fruit shipment: Delivery of wrong brands, 1933 - 1936 (File 14 [33/12])

Original File No 8/03/43

Fruit shipment: Stained cases, 1934 (File 14 [33/13])

Original File No 8/03/45

Fruit shipment: Store, Hobart, 1933 (File 14 [33/14])

Original File No 8/03/46

Fruit shipment: Otago, 1935 - 1938 (File 14 [33/15])

Original File No 8/03/49

Fruit shipment: Tasmania Premier's investigations, 1935 (File 14 [33/16])

Original File No 8/03/50

Fruit shipment: Cancellations, NZ, 1935 - 1937 (File 14 [33/17])

Original File No 8/03/51

Fruit shipment: Ross evidence to Royal Commission, 1930 (File 14 [33/18])

Original File No 8/03/53

Fruit shipment: South Wales, 1935 (File 14 [33/19])

Original File No 8/03/62

Fruit shipment: West Coast from Australia, 1938 (File 14 [33/20])

Original File No 8/03/64

Fruit shipment: Pear rebate, 1936 (File 14 [33/21])

Original File No 8/03/65

Fruit shipment: New South Wales, 1936 (File 14 [33/22])

Original File No 8/03/68

Fruit shipment: Length of voyage, 1936 (File 14 [33/23])

Original File No 8/03/69

General cargo from New Zealand, 1933 (File 15 [34/1])

Original File No 9/1

General cargo: reductions and rebates on freight rates, 1931 - 1934 (File 15 [35/1])

General cargo, wool and frozen meat from New Zealand...

Guayaquil: freight rates - wool, tallow and casein, 1934 - 1936 (File 15 [36/1])

Original File No 9/5

Wool Tonnage: Goldsbrough Mort & Company, 1935 (File 15 [37/1])

Original File No 9/8

Gdynia failure to call, 1934 (File 15 [38/1])

Dispute over Port Line Ltd failure to ship wool directly to Gyndia, Poland...

Hops, 1934 (File 15 [39/1])

Agreed reduction in outward rate of freight for hops...

Italy, prohibition of trade with, 1935 (File 15 [40/1])

Original File No 12/1

New Zealand Shipping Company Ltd and Jessep, 1946 (File 15 [41/1])

Original File No 12/3

Booth and Company and Montreal and New Zealand Line, 1937 (File 15 [42/1])

Insurance differential east and west coasts America...

Shipment of Livestock - homewards, 1933 - 1947 (File 15 [43/1])

Original File No 14/1

Beauty Point: Lighterage, Launceston Tasmania, 1932 - 1937 (File 15 [44/1])

Original File No 14/4

Port Line Offices: handling of correspondence (Letters, miscellaneous), 1945 - 1949 (File 15 [42/1])

Original File No 14/6

Wool Tonnage: Lot splitting, 1935 - 1948 (File 15 [46/1])

Original File No 14/8

Port Line Mail: London-Sydney, 1938 - 1945 (File 15 [47/1])

Original File No 14/77

Port Line Mail: London-Wellington, 1938 - 1945 (File 15 [48/1])

Original File No 14/78

National Dock Labour Board, 1952 - 1953 (File 16 [49/1])

Original File No 14/81/[Div 2]

National Dock Labour Board, 1952 (File 17 [49/2])

Original File No 14/81/[Div 7]

National Dock Labour Board, 1949 (File 18 [49/3])

Original File No 14/81

British India Company: Mediterranean cargo, Devon, 1936 - 1937 (File 18 [50/1])

Original File No 15/4

Montreal Australia New Zealand Line: staff, 1936 - 1938 (File 18 [51/1])

Original File No 15/01/10

Montreal Australia New Zealand Line, 1937 - 1944 (File 18 [51/2])

Includes: annual meeting, balance sheets, formation of company, shares etc...

Montreal Australia New Zealand Line: earning and voyage results, 1938 - 1947 (File 18 [51/3])

Original File No 15/01/17

Montreal Australia New Zealand Line: agents details, 1946 (File 19 [52/1])

Original File No 15/02/19/[Div 1]

Montreal Australia New Zealand Line: voyage details City of Hankow, 1938 (File 19 [52/2])

Original File No 15/02/21

Montreal Australia New Zealand Line: Kaipaki, 1946 - 1949 (File 19 [52/3])

Original File No 15/02/23

Montreal Australia New Zealand Line: voyage details City of Durham, 1946 (File 19 [52/4])

Original File No 15/02/24

Montreal Australia New Zealand Line: voyage details City of Lille, 1945 (File 19 [52/5])

Original File No 15/02/25

Montreal Australia New Zealand Line: voyage details Clan Macdougall, 1946 (File 19 [52/6])

Original File No 15/02/26

Montreal Australia New Zealand Line: voyage details Empire Lord, 1945 (File 19 [52/7])

Original File No 15/02/27

Montreal Australia New Zealand Line: voyage details Empire Paragon, 1946 (File 19 [52/8])

Original File No 15/02/28

Montreal Australia New Zealand Line: voyage details Lowlander, 1946 - 1947 (File 19 [52/9])

Original File No 15/02/29

Montreal Australia New Zealand Line: voyage details Kaituna, 1948 - 1950 (File 19 [52/10])

Original File No 15/02/30

Montreal Australia New Zealand Line: voyage details Kent, 1945 (File 19 [52/11])

Original File No 15/02/31

Montreal Australia New Zealand Line: voyage details Crystal Park, 1946 (File 19 [52/12])

Original File No 15/02/32

Montreal Australia New Zealand Line: voyage details Fairmount Park, 1945 - 1947 (File 19 [52/13])

Original File No 15/02/33

Montreal Australia New Zealand Line: voyage details Highland Park, 1945 - 1946 (File 19 [52/14])

Original File No 15/02/34

Montreal Australia New Zealand Line: voyage details Leaside Park, 1945 (File 19 [52/15])

Original File No 15/02/35

Montreal Australia New Zealand Line: voyage details Rondeau Park, 1945 - 1946 (File 19 [52/16])

Original File No 15/02/36

Montreal Australia New Zealand Line: voyage details Runnymede Park, 1945 - 1946 (File 19 [52/17])

Original File No 15/02/37

Montreal Australia New Zealand Line: voyage details Samidway, 1945 (File 19 [52/18])

Original File No 15/02/38

Montreal Australia New Zealand Line: voyage details Samleven, 1946 - 1947 (File 19 [52/19])

Original File No 15/02/39

Montreal Australia New Zealand Line: voyage details Shirrabank, 1946 (File 19 [52/20])

Original File No 15/02/40

Montreal Australia New Zealand Line: voyage details Trevince, 1945 (File 19 [52/21])

Original File No 15/02/41

Montreal Australia New Zealand Line: voyage details Samois, 1946 (File 19 [52/22])

Original File No 15/02/42

MAMontreal Australia New Zealand Line: voyage details City of Agra, 1946 (File 19 [52/23])

Original File No 15/02/43

Montreal Australia New Zealand Line: voyage details Hoperange, 1946 (File 19 [52/24])

Original File No 15/02/44

Motors: Rover Co Ltd, 1935 (File 19 [53/1])

Original File No 16/7

General Motors: Conference Lines, 1938 - 1946 (File 19 [54/1])

Original File No 16/9

Motors Registrations: Australia, 1934 - 1937 (File 19 [55/1])

Original File No 16/10

Shipment of motor cards: North America to Australia and New Zealand, 1934 - 1938 (File 19 [56/1])

Original File No 16/13

Motors AEC, 1936 - 1937 (File 19 [57/1])

Original File No 16/16

Motor Car: Manufacture in Australia (newscuttings), 1936 - 1945 (File 19 [58/1])

Original File No 16/17

Motor Cards: Neales Motor Pty Ltd, 1938 (File 19 [59/1])

Original File No 16/10

Shipment of Meat: agreements Australia Australian tonnage committee, 1933 - 1936 (File 19 [60/1])

Original File No 16/01/1

Shipment of Meat: freight comparative Australia and New Zealand, 1933 - 1939 (File 19 [60/2])

Original File No 16/01/4

Shipment of Meat: Hotweight, 1933 - 1934 (File 20 [60/3])

Original File No 16/01/5

Shipment of Meat: Minimum parcels, 1933 - 1934 (File 20 [60/4])

Original File No 16/01/7

Shipment of Meat: New Zealand - Cancellations and dead freight, 1937 - 1947 (File 20 [60/5])

Original File No 16/01/9

Shipment of Meat: New Zealand - West Coast Minima, 1933 - 1937 (File 20 [60/6])

Original File No 16/01/12

Shipment of Meat: restrictions Australia, 1937 (File 20 [60/7])

Original File No 16/01/14

Shipment of Meat: restrictions New Zealand, 1933 - 1939 (File 20 [60/8])

Original File No 16/01/15

Shipment of Meat: uncovered carcasses, 1933 - 1934 (File 20 [60/9])

Original File No 16/01/17

Shipment of Meat: prospects New Zealand, 1933 - 1939 (File 20 [60/10/])

Original File No 16/01/18

Shipment of Meat: preserved and extract, 1935 - 1939 (File 20 [60/12])

Original File No 16/01/20

Shipment of Meat: minimum at basic rate, 1934 - 1937 (File 20 [60/13])

Original File No 16/01/21

Shipment of Meat: Australian Meat export council, 1933 - 1937 (File 20 [60/14])

Original File No 16/01/22

Shipment of Meat: prospects Australia, 1933 - 1939 (File 20 [60/15])

Original File No 16/01/23

Shipment of Meat: cattle breeds, 1933 - 1935 (File 20 [60/16])

Original File No 16/01/24

Shipment of Meat: organisation Queensland Industry, 1934 - 1939 (File 20 [60/17])

Original File No 16/01/25

Shipment of Meat: National Pool Australia, 1934 (File 20 [60/17])

Original File No 16/01/26

Shipment of Meat: New South Wales, 1933 (File PL3/20)

Original File No 16/01/27

Shipment of Meat: Australia cancellations and dead weight, 1933 - 1938 (File 20 [60/20])

Original File No 16/01/29

Shipment of Meat: through rates, 1935 (File 20 [60/21])

Original File No 16/01/32

Shipment of Meat: loading on out voyage, 1938 - 1939 (File 21 [60/22])

Original File No 16/01/33

Shipment of Meat: Liverpool discharge, 1935 - 1939 (File 21 [60/23])

Original File No 16/01/35

Shipment of Meat: Australian State quotes, 1935 (File 21 [60/24])

Original File No 16/01/38

Shipment of Meat: Queensland Meat Advisory Board, 1935 (File 21 [60/25])

Original File No 16/01/40

Shipment of Meat: for Casablanca, 1934 (File 21 [60/26])

Original File No 16/01/42

Shipment of Meat: Australia Freight, division of, 1935 - 1938 (File 21 [60/27])

Original File No 16/01/45

Shipment of Meat: spaced arrivals in Australia, 1935 - 1936 (File 21 [60/28])

Original File No 16/01/46

Shipment of Meat: New Zealand West Coast, 1934 - 1938 (File 21 [60/29])

Original File No 16/01/48

Shipment of Meat: New Zealand Freight payment destination, 1936 (File 21 [60/30])

Original File No 16/01/49

Shipment of Meat: Quotas, 1938 - 1939 (File 21 [60/31])

Original File No 16/01/51

Australian and New Zealand meat companies: Wairoa Freezing Works, 1933 - 1937 (File 21 [61/1])

Original File No 16/02/7

Australian and New Zealand meat companies: miscellaneous, 1934 - 1939 (File 21 [62/2])

Original File No 16/02/12

Australian and New Zealand meat companies: H & W Hellaby Ltd, 1934 - 1935 (File 21 [61/3])

Original File No 16/02/14

Australian and New Zealand meat companies: F J Walker, 1938 - 1939 (File 21 [61/4])

Original File No 16/02/15

Australian and New Zealand meat companies: Darling Downs, 1934 (File 21 [61/5])

Original File No 16/02/17

Australian and New Zealand meat companies: Darling Bowen, 1938 (File 21 [61/6])

Original File No 16/02/18

Australian and New Zealand meat companies: Karumba (Superior Preserving Co Pty Ltd), 1939 (File 21 [61/7])

Original File No 16/02/19

Australian and New Zealand meat companies: Hombush Abattoir, 1934 - 1937 (File 21 [61/8])

Original File No 16/02/20

Australian and New Zealand meat companies: Pinkenba, 1934 (File 21 [61/9])

Original File No 16/02/23

Australian and New Zealand meat companies: Riverstone, 1934 - 1939 (File 21 [61/10])

Original File No 16/02/24

Australian and New Zealand meat companies: Amalgamated Freezing Works, 1934 (File 22 [61/11])

Original File No 16/02/25

Australian and New Zealand meat companies: Derby, 1935 (File 22 [61/12])

Original File No 16/02/26

Australian and New Zealand meat companies: Brisbane Abattoirs, 1933 - 1937 (File 22 [61/13])

Original File No 16/02/27

Australian and New Zealand meat companies: Wilsons, 1934 - 1935 (File 22 [61/14])

Original File No 16/02/28

Australian and New Zealand meat companies: Westfield, 1933 (File 22 [61/15])

Original File No 16/02/29

Australian and New Zealand meat companies: Geelong, 1934 (File 22 [61/16])

Original File No 16/02/30

Australian and New Zealand meat companies: G Kean & Co Ltd, 1934 (File 22 [61/17])

Original File No 16/02/31

Australian and New Zealand meat companies: Moreton, 1934 - 1937 (File 22 [61/18])

Original File No 16/02/32

Australian and New Zealand meat companies: Western Murray Co-operative, 1935 - 1937 (File 22 [61/19])

Original File No 16/02/35

Australian and New Zealand meat companies: Waitaki Farmers Freezing Co, 1935 (File 22 [61/20])

Original File No 16/02/37

Australian and New Zealand meat companies: Darwin, 1936 (File 22 [61/21])

Original File No 16/02/38

Australian and New Zealand meat companies: Rogers, Orange, 1936 (File 22 [61/22])

Original File No 16/02/40

Australian and New Zealand meat companies: Auckland FF Co Ltd, 1936 - 1939 (File 22 [61/23])

Original File No 16/02/41

Australian and New Zealand meat companies: T A Field & Co, 1937 (File 22 [61/24])

Original File No 16/02/42

Shipment of chilled meat from Australia and New Zealand: Delays, 1934 - 1937 (File 22 [62/1])

Original File No 16/03/3

Shipment of chilled meat from Australia and New Zealand: Itinerary, 1933 - 1936 (File 22 [62/2])

Original File No 16/03/6

Shipment of chilled meat from Australia and New Zealand: Market prices & out turn, 1937 - 1938 (File 22 [62/3])

Original File No 16/03/8

Shipment of chilled meat from Australia and New Zealand: quantity carried, 1934 - 1938 (File 22 [62/4])

Original File No 16/03/10

Shipment of chilled meat from Australia and New Zealand: space bookings, 1933 - 1936 (File 22 [62/5])

Original File No 16/03/11

Shipment of chilled meat from Australia and New Zealand: Hotweight, 1934 (File 23 [62/6])

Original File No 16/03/24

Shipment of chilled meat from Australia and New Zealand: Log Book, 1933 - 1937 (File 23 [62/7])

Original File No 16/03/15

Shipment of chilled meat from Australia and New Zealand: length of voyage, 1933 - 1938 (File 23 [62/8])

Original File No 16/03/17

Shipment of chilled meat from Australia and New Zealand: shrinkage allowance, 1934 (File 23 [62/9])

Original File No 16/03/18

Shipment of chilled meat from Australia and New Zealand: report on export cattle, 1934 (File 23 [62/10])

Original File No 16/03/19

Shipment of chilled meat from Australia and New Zealand: Prospects A, 1933 - 1938 (File 23 [62/11])

Original File No 16/03/20

Shipment of chilled meat from Australia and New Zealand: Gas Consumption, 1933 - 1936 (File 23 [62/12])

Original File No 16/03/23

Shipment of chilled meat from Australia and New Zealand: Freight rates comparative Argentina, Australia, New Zealand, 1935 (File 23 [62/13])

Original File No 16/03/25

Shipment of chilled meat from Australia and New Zealand: Government assistance, 1935 (File 23 [62/14])

Original File No 16/03/26

Shipment of chilled meat from Australia and New Zealand: PLA, 1935 (File 23 [62/15])

Original File No 16/03/28

Shipment of chilled meat from Australia and New Zealand: Port Fairy 1st Gas Shipment, 1932 (File 23 [62/16])

Original File No 16/03/30

Shipment of chilled meat from Australia and New Zealand: Brisbane conference, January 1934 (File 23 [62/17])

Original File No 16/03/31

Shipment of chilled meat from Australia and New Zealand: Restrictions, Australia, 1933 - 1936 (File 23 [62/18])

Original File No 16/03/34

Shipment of chilled meat from Australia and New Zealand: quality for export, 1936 - 1938 (File 23 [62/19])

Original File No 16/03/35

Shipment of chilled meat from Australia and New Zealand: cancellations, 1935 - 1938 (File 23 [62/20])

Original File No 16/03/36

Shipment of chilled meat from Australia and New Zealand: Liverpool, 1935 - 1936 (File 23 [62/21])

Original File No 16/03/37

Shipment of chilled meat from Australia and New Zealand: spaced arrivals from Australia Conference 1936 - 1937, 1938 - 1939 (File 23 [62/22])

Original File No 16/03/38

Shipment of chilled meat from Australia and New Zealand: loading with fruit, 1935 - 1939 (File 23 [62/23])

Original File No 16/03/39

Shipment of chilled meat from Australia and New Zealand: special ships, 1938 - 1939 (File 23 [62/24])

Original File No 16/03/42

Australian Northern Territory [cuttings], 1933 - 1938 (File 24 [63/1])

Original File No 17/1

Port Line Ltd: newscuttings outwards, 1933 - 1935 (File 24 [64/1])

Original File No 17/2

Outside tonnage: loading berth Australia, 1934 - 1936 (File 24 [65/1])

Original File No 17/3

National Days of Australia and New Zealand at Sea, 1933 (File 24 [66/1])

Correspondence and reports Commonwealth and Dominion Line.Original File No 17/5

Overseas Shipping Representatives Association (OSRA): [British Lines weekly digest Sydney], 1938 - 1939 (File 24 [67/1])

Original File No 17/7

Cunard Sea Transport, Hamburg and the Commonwealth and Dominion Line: Oppenheimer Casing Co, 1933 - 1935 (File 24 [68/1])

Original File No 17/8

Commonwealth and Dominion Line: Outside Tonnage, 1927 - 1936 (File 24 [69/1])

Original File No 17/11

New York Shipping Association, 1939 (File 24 [70/1])

Original File No 17/14

Ottawa agreement, 1933 - 1938 (File 24 [71/1])

Original File No 17/15

Ocean Shipowners Group Joint Committee [minutes], 1947 - 1948 (File 25 [73/1])

Original File No 17/22

Ocean Ship Owners Group Joint Committee: [R H Senior, Chairman], 1945 - 1947 (File 25 [73/2])

Original File No 17/22

Commonwealth and Dominion Line: Officials Australia, 1933 - 1938 (File 26 [74/1])

Original File No 17/01/1

Commonwealth and Dominion Line: Ships, 1929 - 1937 (File 26 [74/2/1])

Original File No 17/01/4

Commonwealth and Dominion Line: Ships, 1937 - 1938 (File 26 [74/2/2])

Commonwealth and Dominion Line: Ships [Senior staff], 1938 - 1946 (File 26 [74/2/3])

Official Port Line Pension Fund, 1948 - 1951 (File 27 [74/3/1])

Original File No 17/01/5/Div 3

Official Port Line Pension Fund, 1952 - 1953 (File 27 [74/3/2])

Original File No 17/01/5/Div 4

Port Line Ltd: Officials. Pensioners, 1926 - 1947 (File 28 [74/4/1])

Original File No 17/01/9

Commonwealth and Dominion Line Officials: Exchange on salaries, 1934 (File 28 [74/5/1])

Original File No 17/01/16

Commonwealth and Dominion Line Officials: Overseas visits, 1933 - 1937 (File 28 [74/6/1])

Original File No 17/01/20

Commonwealth and Dominion Line / Port Line Ltd Officials: Overseas visits, 1937 - 1947 (File 28 [74/6/2])

Original File No 17/01/20/Div 2

Commonwealth and Dominion Line: overseas visits, 1937 - 1946 (File 28 [74/6/3])

Original File No 17/01/20/Div 2

Commonwealth and Dominion Line: Officials: overseas visits, 1947 (File 29 [74/6/4])

Original File No 17/01/20

Commonwealth and Dominion Line: overseas visits, 1948 (File 29 [74/6/5])

Original File No 17/01/20/Div 4

Commonwealth and Dominion Line: overseas vists, 1948 - 1950 (File 29 [74/6/6])

Original File No 17/01/20/Div 5

Commonwealth and Dominion Line: overseas visits, 1947 - 1948 (File 30 [74/6/7])

Original File No 17/01/20/Div 3

Commonwealth and Dominion Line: overseas visits, 1948 - 1949 (File 31 [74/6/22])

United States of America, New Zealand, Australia: includes staff information papers on Queen Mary crossing]

Port Line Ltd Official Residences: Houses Abroad: 20 Albert Street, Sydney, 1938 - 1958 (File 32 [74/7/1])

Original File No 17/01/24

Port Line Ltd Official Residences: Young St, building, Sydney, 1950 - 1955 (File 32 [74/7/2])

Minutes of meetings held in London 1950-1954 Specifications 1955 Alphabetical register of works Correspondence and sketch plans Envelope of plans

Private correspondence of Managing Director and Chairman, Port Line Ltd, 1946 - 1947 (File 34 [74/8/1])

Original File No 17/01/41

Correspondence of Manager, Port Line Ltd, 1947 - 1948 (File 34 [74/10/1])

Original File No 17/01/47

Cargo Options and Rates: New Zealand home butter, 1929 - 1938 (File 34 [75/1])

Original File No 17/02/1

Cargo Options and Rates: Australia home wool and general cargo, 1929 - 1939 (File 34 [75/2])

Original File No 17/02/3

Cargo Options and Rates: New Zealand home meat, 1938 - 1939 (File 34 [75/3])

Original File No 17/02/4

Cargo Options and Rates: Australia home meat, 1934 - 1938 (File 34 [75/4])

Original File No 17/02/5

Cargo Options and Rates: N A home, wool and general, 1932 - 1938 (File 34 [75/5])

Original File No 17/02/6

Cargo Options and Rates: Australia, Out general, 1939 (File 34 [75/6])

Original File No 17/02/7

Cargo Options and Rates: Australia home butter, 1934 (File 34 [75/7])

Original File No 17/02/9

Outside competition: Australian Trading Company Carpenter-home [Sir Walter Carpenter], 1933 - 1937 (File 34 [76/1])

Original File No 17/03/1

Commonwealth and Dominion Line Officials: W Donald, 1950 (File 36 [74/2/4])

Original File No 17/01/41/Div 4

Commonwealth and Dominion Line Officials: W Donald, 1951 (File 36 [74/2/5])

Original File No 17/01/41/Div 5

Commonwealth and Dominion Line Officials: R H Senior, 1945 - 1947 (File 37 [74/2/5])

Original File No 17/01/42/Div 1

Commonwealth and Dominion Line Officials: R H Senior, 1947 (File 37 [74/2/6])

Original File No 17/01/42/Div 2

Commonwealth and Dominion Line Officials: R H Senior, 1948 - 1949 (File 37 [74/2/7])

Original File No 17/01/42/Div 3

Commonwealth and Dominion Line Officials: R H Senior, 1949 (File 37 [74/2/8])

Original File No 17/01/42/Div 4

Commonwealth and Dominion Line Officials: R H Senior, 1950 (File 38 [74/2/9])

Original File No 17/01/42/Div 5

Commonwealth and Dominion Line Officials: R H Senior, 1951 (File 38 [74/2/10])

Original File No 17/01/42/Div 6

Commonwealth and Dominion Line Officials: R H Senior, 1952 - 1954 (File 39 [74/2/11])

Original File No 17/01/42/Div 7

Outside Competition: W R Australia Carpenter – Outward Trade, 1936 - 1939 (File 40 [76/2])

[?] out [Sir Walter Carpenter, W R Carpenter & Co ATC & British Lines (Neptune) Committee Sir Charles Marr]...

Outside Competition: Canadian National Steamships - New Zealand Home, 1929 - 1935 (File 40 [76/3])

Original File No 17/03/3

Outside Competition: New Zealand Canadian National Steamships - Out, 1934 (File 40 [76/4])

Original File No 17/03/4

Outside Competition: Australia Magdalene Vinnen, 1933 (File 40 [76/5])

Original File No 17/03/7

Outside Competition: Australian Farmers Ltd (Westralian Farmers), 1928 - 1936 (File 40 [76/6/1])

Original File No 17/03/9/Div 1

Outside Competition: Australian Farmers Ltd (Westralian Farmers), 1936 (File 40 [76/6/2])

Original File No 17/03/9/Div 2

Outside Competition: Australian Farmers Ltd (Westralian Farmers), 1936 - 1937 (File 40 [76/6/3])

Original File No 17/03/9/Div 3

Outside Competition: Australian Farmers Ltd (Westralian Farmers), 1937 - 1938 (File 40 [76/6/4])

Original File No 17/03/9/Div 4

Outside Competition: Australian Brattdal, 1935 - 1936 (File 41 [76/7])

Original File No 17/03/11

Commonwealth and Dominion Line: Officials. W Donald, 1947 - 1948 (File 35 [74/2/12])

Original File No 17/01/41/Div 2

Commonwealth and Dominion Line: Officials. W Donald, 1949 (File 41 [74/2/13])

Original File No 17/01/41/Div 3

Outside Competition: New York, 1938 - 1939 (File 41 [76/8])

Original File No 17/03/12

Outside Competition: Australia - Clements & Marshall, 1938 (File 41 [76/9])

Original File No 17/03/14

Outside Competition: New Zealand. German and Dutch attempt to enter trade, 1934 (File 41 [76/10])

Original File No 17/03/15

Outside Competition: New Zealand. Outward indirect routing, 1937 - 1938 (File 41 [76/11])

Original File No 17/03/16

Outside Competition: Outward miscellaneous, 1936 - 1939 (File 41 [76/12])

Original File No 17/03/17

Offices: Office economy, 1930 - 1933 (File 41 [77/1])

Original File No 17/05/1

Offices: New Zealand - other than Wellington, 1936 (File 41 [77/2])

Original File No 17/05/6

New York Port Line Office: rationalisation, 1934 - 1939 (File 41 [78/1])

Original File No 17/06/4

New York Port Line Office: Freight brockerages, 1935 (File 41 [78/2])

Original File No 17/06/6

New York Port Line Office: NIRA [National Industry Recovery Act], 1933 (File 41 [78/3])

Original File No 17/06/10

New York Port Line Office: Hampton Roads cargo, 1935 - 1936 (File 41 [78/4])

Original File No 17/06/11

New York Port Line Office: Length of passage out, 1935 - 1937 (File 41 [78/5])

Original File No 17/06/12

New York Port Line Office: Service outward – cargo transshipped at New York, 1936 (File 41 [78/6])

Original File No 17/06/13

Oil. In double bottoms, 1933 - 1934 (File 41 [79/1])

Original File No 17/07/2

Oil: Colloidal fuel, 1933 (File 41 [79*/2])

Original File No 17/03/3

Oil: from coal, 1936 - 1937 (File 41 [79/3])

Original File No 17/07/5

Oil: Oilfish [Whale oil; fish liver oil], 1946 - 1955 (File 41 [79/4])

Original File No 17/07/10

New Zealand: Agricultural Commission, 1935 - 1945 (File 41 [80/1])

Original File No 17/08/2

New Zealand: Exclusive main port loading, 1929 - 1945 (File 41 [80/2])

Original File No 17/08/3

New Zealand: Import Licences, 1938 - 1939 (File 42 [80/3])

Original File No 17/08/7

New Zealand: Merchants & Shippers Association, 1936 (File 42 [80/4])

Original File No 17/08/8

New Zealand: East Coast (U.K.) direct outward loading, 1939 (File 42 [80/5])

Original File No 17/08/10

New Zealand: Government News Cable, 1948 - 1949 (File 42 [80/6])

Original File No 17/08/13

Outward Trade: Liverpool to Australia, 1933 - 1937 (File 42 [81/1])

Original File No 17/09/2

Outward Trade: Loading at shippers' wharves, 1933 (File 42 [81/2])

Original File No 17/09/3

Outward Trade: Baltic, 1935 (File 42 [81/3])

Original File No 17/09/6

Outward Trade: United Kingdom to Continent. Continent – Australia Malpractices, Rotterdam, 1934 - 1937 (File 42 [81/4])

Original File No 17/09/8

Outward Trade: North Queensland Ports, 1935 (File 42 [81/5])

Original File No 17/09/9

Outward Trade: cargo contracts, 1936 (File 43 [81/6])

Original File No 17/09/13

Outward Trade: Italy, 1936 - 1937 (File 43 [81/7])

Original File No 17/09/14

Outward Trade: Liverpool – New York berth, 1937 (File 43 [81/8])

Original File No 17/09/15

Outward Trade: United Kingdom – Continent, [1932-1936] (File 43 [81/9/1])

Continent – Australia Conference '921 - 1938' [P & O Line, Aberdeen and Commonwealth Line, C & D Line]...

Outward Trade: United Kingdom - Continent: '39-47', [1939] (File 43 [81/9/2])

Original File No 17/01/16/ Div 2

Outward Trade: Fiji, 1938 (File 43 [81/10])

Original File No 17/01/17

Paper Apple wrapping, 1932 - 1939 (File 43 [82/1])

Original File No 18/1

Port Line Publicity, 1934 - 1948 (File 43 [83/1])

Original File No 18/5

Pilotage, 1933 - 1938 (File 43 [84/1])

Original File No 18/6

Shipment of Pumice Sand, 1933 - 1936 (File 44 [85/1])

Original File No 18/17

Shipment of: Pelts, 1934 - 1939 (File 44 [86/1])

Original File No 18/18

British Politics and the International Situation, 1935 - 1939 (File 44 [87/1])

Includes: cables, newsletters, Imperial Policy Group, WP Tyser, Walter Runciman...

Production and shipment of paper, 1933 - 1939 (File 44 [88/1])

Original File No 18/20

Shipment of: Potatoes, 1936 - 1938 (File 44 [89/1])

Original File No 18/21

Chartering of vessels: shipment of Canadian newsprint, 1939 (File 44 [90/1])

Original File No 18/22

Chartering of vessels: newsprint charter estimates, 1936 - 1939 (File 44 [91/1])

Original File No 18/24

Queensland Royal Commission on Transport, 1936 - 1937 (File 44 [93/1])

Original File No 18/25

Newspaper Industry: Australia and New Zealand, 1936 - 1945 (File 44 [92/1])

Original File No 18/27

Primary Producers Association of Western Australia, 1936 (File 44 [94/1])

Original File No 18/30

Pools: Agents Commission Pool: Australia, 1933 - 1942 (File 44 [95/1])

Original File No 18/01/1

Pools: Commonwealth and Dominion Line Position - [Fine Cargo Pool], 1933 - 1935 (File 45 [95/2])

Original File No 18/01/4

Pools: Commonwealth and Dominion Line Position - Wool, 1933 - 1935 (File 45 [95/3])

Original File No 18/01/5

Pools: Commonwealth and Dominion Line Position - Combined pool, 1936 - 1939 (File 45 [95/4])

contains instructions for filing papers on this subject area, dated 11 February, 1936...

Pools: Wool Pool and Brocklebank, 1933 (File 45 [95/5])

Original File No 18/01/10

Pools: Cargo for England carried continentals, 1933 - 1938 (File 45 [95/6])

Original File No 18/01/11

Pools: Outside vessels carryings, 1933 - 1938 (File 45 [95/7])

Original File No 18/01/13

Pools: Exclusion of vessels from pool, 1935 - 1939 (File 45 [95/8])

Original File No 18/01/14

Pools: Estimated Position - wool, 1936 - 1939 (File 46 [95/9])

Original File No 18/01/17

Pools: vacant space homeward, 1934 - 1939 (File 46 [95/10])

Original File No 18/01/18

Pools: estimated position combined pool, 1935 - 1939 (File 46 [95/11])

Original File No 18/01/19

Pools: B & C Settlement [Wool pool, German lines], 1936 - 1939 (File 46 [95/12])

Original File No 18/01/22

Pools: exclusion of cargo, 1937 - 1939 (File 46 [95/13])

Original File No 18/01/23

Pools: hardship appeals B & C [British & Continental Lines; Hardship Clearing House Scheme], 1937 - 1938 (File 46 [95/14])

Original File No 18/01/24

Pools: Montreal and New Zealand Line, 1938 - 1947 (File 46 [95/15])

Original File No 18/01/26

Pools Charter Stirlingshire, Clan Farquhar, Clan Robertson, 1938 - 1939 (File 46 [95/16])

Original File No 18/01/27

Pools: British Lines Combined Settlement, 1936 - 1939 (File 46 [95/17])

Original File No 18/01/28

Ports: Brisbane depth of water, 1932 (File 47 [96/1])

Original File No 18/02/2

Ports: Burnie, 1935[-1939] (File 47 [96/2])

Original File No 18/02/9

Ports: Sydney-Pyrmont Wharf (File 47 [96/3/1-2])

Inception of occupation of No. 10 shed, Feb 1928-Aug 1932;...

Ports Newcastle, New South Wales, 1933 - 1938 (File 47 [96/4])

Original File No 18/02/35

Ports: Sydney Maritime Services Board, 1935 - 1939 (File 47 [96/5])

Original File No 18/02/49

Ports: St. John, New Brunswick, 1936[-1939] (File 47 [96/6])

Original File No 18/02/74

Passengers: Tickets, 1935 - 1937 (File 48 [97/1])

Original File No 18/03/1

Passengers: Accommodation, 1927 - 1935 (File 48 [97/2])

Original File No 18/03/2

Passengers: Cunard Agency, 1933 (File 48 [97/3/1])

Original File No 18/03/3

Passengers: Cunard Agency, 1934 - 1937 (File 49 [97/3/2])

Original File No 18/03/3/Div 3

Passengers: Special reductions [NZ Tonnage Committee], 1933 - 1936 (File 49 [97/4])

Original File No 18/03/5

Passengers: Cape Horn Differential, 1934 (File 49 [97/5])

Original File No 18/03/6

Passengers: Interchangeable tickets, 1933 - 1936 (File 49 [97/6])

Original File No 18/03/7

Passengers: Exchange on passage money, 1934 (File 49 [97/7])

Original File No 18/03/8

Passengers: Navigation Act Coastal clauses, 1932 - 1936 (File 49 [97/8])

Original File No 18/03/10

Passengers: Miscellaneous L - Z, 1939 - 1946 (File 50 [97/9/1])

Original File No 18/03/14/Div 2

Passengers: Miscellaneous A - K, [1945 - 1946] (File 50 [97/9/2])

Original File No 18/03/14/Div 2

Passengers: Miscellaneous, 1946 - 1947 (File 50 [97/9/3])

Original File No 18/03/14/Div 3

Passengers: Income Tax Aust, 1934 (File 50 [97/10])

Original File No 18/03/16

Passengers: Tasmania, 1935 (File 50 [97/11])

Original File No 18/03/17

Passengers: Passage money payment in marks, cargo vessels, 1936 (File 50 [97/12])

Original File No 18/03/19

Passengers: Coastal, 1937 - 1939 (File 50 [97/13])

Original File No 18/03/20

Passengers:Travellers cheques '1929 - 1939', [1936-1939] (File 51 [97/14])

Original File No 18/03/21

Australian Loyalty Rebates on Wool: [Wool agreement], 1932 - 1939 (File 51 [98/1])

Original File No 19/2

Retainers Barristers, 1933 (File 51 [99/1])

Original File No 19/3

Royal Empire Society, 1933 - 1936 (File 51 [100/1])

Original File No 19/4

Shipment of Australian Sheepskins, 1931 - 1938 (File 51 [102/1])

Original File No 20/3

Scottish Australian Company Ltd, 1934 (File 51 [103])

Original File No 20/5

Shipping Deep Sea Liner [Chamber of Shipping of UK. DSL Section], 1937 - 1939 (File 51 [104])

Original File No 20/6

Rationalisation, Regional & International, 1935 - 1939 (File 51 [104])

Original File No 20/7

Shipping Labour Bureau, Sydney, 1935 (File 51 [105])

Original File No 20/8

Refrigerator shipping agreement, 1939 (File 51 [106])

Original File No 20/10

Chamber of Shipping of the United Kingdom, [1944-1946] (File 51 [107])

Original File No 20/11

Shipping Federation, London, 1944 - 1947 (File 51 [108])

Original File No 20/12/Div 2

Shipping Companies: Wilhelmson (Norwegian), 1933 - 1938 (File 52 [109/1])

Original File No 20/01/18

Shipping Companies: Matson Line, 1933 - 1936 (File 52 [109/2])

Original File No 20/01/20

Shipping Companies: Roosevelt Steamship Company, 1933 - 1938 (File 52 [109/3])

Original File No 20/01/25

Shipping Companies: Australian lines (File 52 [109/4])

[Analysis of Company groupings nd but prior to White Star amalgamation]...

Shipping Companies: Wool agreement with shippers, 1930 - 1936 (File 52 [109])

Original File No 20/01/27

Shipping Companies: Commonwealth and Dominion - change of name [to Port Line], 1938 (File 52 [109/5])

Original File No 20/01/33

Shipping Companies: Inter-mercantile marine, 1936 (File 52 [109/6])

Original File No 20/01/34

Specific Ships: Ships Casualties, defects and repairs, 1945 - 1946 (File 52 [110/1/1])

Original File No 20/01/1/Div 4

Specific Ships: Ships Casualties, defects and repairs, 1933 - 1938 (File 52 [110/1/2])

Original File No 20/01/1/Div 1

Specific Ships: Ships Casualties, defects and repairs, 1938 - 1945 (File 52 [110/1/3])

Original File No 20/01/1/Div 3

Specific Ships: Ships Measurements Chilled meat, 1934 - 1937 (File 52 [110/2])

Original File No 20/02/3

Specific Ships: Ships Arrival Sydney outwards, 1933 - 1936 (File 53 [110/3])

Original File No 20/02/13

Specific Ships: Ships Speed, 1934 - 1938 (File 53 [110/4])

Original File No 20/02/14

Specific Ships: Ships Surgeon, hospital & dispensary, 1930 - 1939 (File 53 [110/5])

Original File No 20/02/33

Specific Ships: Ships Lengthening, [nd] (File 53 [110/6])

Original File No 20/02/33

Specific Ships: Ships Commonwealth and Dominion Line: Press notices, 1933 - 1938 (File 53 [110/7])

Original File No 20/02/34

Specific Ships: Ships, proposals and tenders. Port Alma, Fairy, Chalmers, Wyndham, Townsville, 1927 - 1934 (File 53 [110/8/1])

Original File No 20/02/35

Specific Ships: Ships, proposals and tenders general (Port Jackson), 1935 - 1937 (File 53 [110/8/2])

Original File No 20/02/35

Specific Ships: Proposals and Tenders: 1569, 1938 - [1944] (File 53 [110/8/3])

Original File No 20/02/35/Div 2

Specific Ships: Ships. Proposals & tenders Chilled compartments, 1933 - 1935 (File 53 [110/9])

Original File No 20/02/37

Specific Ships: Ships stores, engine, 1930 - 1939 (File 53 [110/10])

Original File No 20/02/40

Specific Ships: Ships wear & tear allowance, 1932 (File 53 [110/11])

Original File No 20/02/43

Specific Ships: Ships Engines, auxiliary, 1930 - 1938 (File 53 [110/12])

Original File No 20/02/47

Specific Ships: Ships Navigation, 1929 - 1938 (File 54 [110/13])

Original File No 20/02/50

Specific Ships: Ships Names, 1935 - 1939 (File 54 [110/14])

Original File No 20/02/55

Specific Ships: Ships Delays loading in New Zealand, 1935 - 1939 (File 54 [110/15])

Original File No 20/02/58

Specific Ships: Ships Macleod's self-manoeuvring device, 1936 - 1937 (File 54 [110/16])

Original File No 20/02/71

Ships Measurement sheets, [1936] (File 54 [110/17])

Original File No 20/02/73

Ships (2nd offer to tender) Sales by MOWT [Disposal of ex-enemy ships], 1946 (File 54 [1108/18])

Original File No 20/02/82

Shipment of Sugar: Australia, 1937 - 1938 (File 55 [111/1])

Original File No 21/5

Subscriptions to charity: Commonwealth and Dominion Line, 1933 - 1937 (File 55 [112])

Original File No 21/7

Shipment of: Stone, 1934 - 1936 (File 55 [113])

Original File No 21/9

Sugar, loading with chilled meat, 1935 - 1938 (File 55 [114])

Original File No 21/12

Stevedoring of ships: Gisborne, 1931 - 1934 (File 55 [115/1])

Original File No 21/01/3

Stevedoring of ships: Launceston '1922 - 1938', [1927-1938] (File 55 [115/2])

Original File No 21/01/5

Stevedoring of ships: [Wellington], 1933 - 1937 (File 55 [115/3])

Original File No 21/01/7

Stevedoring of ships: Risdon, 1933 (File 55 [115/4])

Original File No 21/01/13

Stevedoring of ships: Newcastle New South Wales, 1934 - 1938 (File 55 [115/5])

Original File No 21/01/14

Stevedoring of ships: Melbourne. Captain Williams' report, 1935 (File 56 [115/6])

Original File No 21/01/17

Stevedoring of ships: Mount Isa, 1931 - 1936 (File 56 [115/7])

Original File No 21/01/20

Stevedoring of ships: Wanganui, 1935 - 1936 (File 56 [115/8])

Original File No 21/01/21

Stevedoring of ships: Montreal and New Zealand Line. Boston and New York, 1936 - 1938 (File 56 [115/9])

Original File No 21/01/26

Statistics Brisbane All commodities each line, 1934 - 1935 (File 56 [116/1])

Original File No 21/02/1

Statistics all Australian Trade of of Commonwealth, 1935 - 1938 (File 56 [116/2])

Original File No 21/02/2

Statistics all Australian Fine, each com each C & D Ship, 1931 - 1938 (File 56 [116/3])

Original File No 21/02/3

Statistics Albany and Fremantle wool, 1925 - 1937 (File 56 [116/4])

Original File No 21/02/4

Statistics NZ Fruit, 1928 - 1938 (File 56 [116/5])

Original File No 21/02/5

Statistics Queensland, meat, monthly shipments each line, 1935 - 1939 (File 56 [116/6])

Original File No 21/02/7

Statistics: All Australian Wool, 1925 - 1939 (File 56 [116/7])

Original File No 21/02/9

Statistics: New Zealand Wool, 1925 - 1938 (File 56 [116/8])

Original File No 21/02/10

Statistics All Australian Dairy, 1927 - 1938 (File 56 [116/9])

Original File No 21/02/12

Statistics All Australian Meat monthly shipments, 1932 - 1934 (File 56 [116/10])

Original File No 21/02/13

Statistics Homeward Trade Port Line, 1929 - 1935 (File 56 [116/11])

Original File No 21/02/14

Statistics UK Exports to Australia, 1935 - 1938 (File 56 [116/12])

Original File No 21/02/16

Statistics NZ meat, 1930 - 1939 (File 56 [116/13])

Original File No 21/02/18

Statistics Stores consumption, 1931 - 1936 (File 56 [116/14])

Original File No 21/02/20

Statistics All Australian Gross earnings Commonwealth and Dominion Line, 1932 - 1938 (File 56 [116/15])

Original File No 21/02/21

Statistics All Australian. All commodities Commonwealth and Dominion Line: carryings, 1934 - 1935 (File 58 [116/16])

Original File No 21/02/22

Statistics Wanganui All cargo Commonwealth & Dominion for 8 years, 1935 - 1937 (File 58 [116/17])

Original File No 21/02/23

Statistics Adelaide fruit, 1935 - 1938 (File 58 [116/18])

Original File No 21/02/24

Statistics Adelaide wool, 1925 - 1938 (File 58 [116/19])

Original File No 21/02/25

Statistics All Australian. Fine percentage each company Commonwealth & Dominion Line, 1933 - 1938 (File 58 [116/20])

Original File No 21/02/27

Statistics All Australian meat shipments each meat company, 1924 - 1930 (File 58 [116/21])

Original File No 21/02/28

Statistics Brisbane Wool, 1925 - 1938 (File 58 [116/22])

Original File No 21/02/29

Statistics Fremantle fruit by each ship, 1932 - 1938 (File 58 [116/23])

Original File No 21/02/30

Statistics Melbourne comments, 1932 - 1937 (File 58 [116/24])

Original File No 21/02/31

Statistics Melbourne fruit, 1935 - 1938 (File 58 [116/25])

Original File No 21/02/32

Statistics Melbourne mutton & lamb percentages, 1935 (File 58 [116/26])

Original File No 21/02/33

Statistics Melbourne wool, 1925 - 1940 (File 58 [116/27])

Original File No 21/02/34

Statistics New Zealand: comments, 1933 - 1939 (File 59 [116/28])

Original File No 21/02/35

Statistics New Zealand gross earnings Commonwealth & Dominion, 1934 - 1935 (File 59 [116/29])

Original File No 21/02/36

Statistics Queensland comments, 1931 - 1939 (File 59 [116/30])

Original File No 21/02/37

Statistics Queensland meat Shipments to UK out-ports, 1933 - 1938 (File 59 [116/31])

Original File No 21/02/38

Statistics Queensland Shipments each line each shipper, 1929 - 1938 (File 59 [116/32])

Original File No 21/02/39

Statistics Queensland Wool, 1931 - 1935 (File 59 [116/33])

Original File No 21/02/40

Statistics Sydney comments, 1933 - 1937 (File 59 [116/34])

Original File No 21/02/41

Statistics Sydney wool, 1926 - 1937 (File 59 [116/35])

Original File No 21/02/42

Statistics Tasmania fruit, 1932 - 1938 (File 59 [116/36])

Original File No 21/02/43

Statistics Tasmania wool, 1931 - 1936 (File 59 [116/37])

Original File No 21/02/44

Statistics Townsville All cargo each C & D ship, 1931 - 1939 (File 59 [116/38])

Original File No 21/02/45

Statistics Townsville All cargo other lines, 1933 - 1938 (File 59 [116/39])

Original File No 21/02/46

Statistics Wanganui All cargo Port Line each ship, 1933 - 1937 (File 60 [116/40])

Original File No 21/02/47

Statistics Wanganui All cargo other lines, 1930 - 1931 (File 60 [116/41])

Original File No 21/02/48

Statistics NZ total homeward cargo, 1934 - 1943 (File 60 [116/42])

Original File No 21/02/49

Statistics Wanganui comments, 1935 (File 60 [116/43])

Original File No 21/02/50

Statistics All Australia line each company each line, 1933 - 1938 (File 60 [116/44])

Original File No 21/02/52

Statistics Brisbane comments, 1933 - 1936 (File 60 [116/45])

Original File No 21/02/53

Statistics Townsville comments, 1933 - 1939 (File 60 [116/46])

Original File No 21/02/54

Statistics All Australia wool - destinations, 1925 - 1938 (File 60 [116/47])

Original File No 21/02/55

Statistics All Australia meat, 1926 - 1938 (File 60 [116/48])

Original File No 21/02/56

Statistics Queensland meat, season's tonnage each line, 1925 - 1930 (File 60 [116/49])

Original File No 21/02/57

Statistics Queensland all cargo all lines, 1922 - 1939 (File 60 [116/50])

Original File No 21/02/58

Statistics All Australia combine combined Pool carryings, 1936 - 1946 (File 60 [116/51])

Original File No 21/02/59

Statistics Bowen Frozen meat, 1935 (File 60 [116/52])

Original File No 21/02/60

Statistics All Australia Fine Monthly shipments, 1933 - 1935 (File 60 [116/53])

Original File No 21/02/61

Statistics All Australia Fruit, all lines, 1936 - 1937 (File 60 [116/54])

Original File No 21/02/62

Statistics Canada, 1936 (File 60 [116/55])

Original File No 21/02/63

Statistics All Australia Berths Ships carryings and vacant space, 1937 - 1946 (File 60 [116/56])

Original File No 21/02/64

Statistics All Australia cargo claims, 1931 - 1939 (File 60 [116/57])

Original File No 21/02/67

Statistics Adelaide comments, 1934 - 1938 (File 60 [116/58])

Original File No 21/02/68

Statistics Newcastle wool, 1939 (File 60 [116/59])

Original File No 21/02/71

Liability for loss or damage to packages, 1933 (File 61 [117])

Original File No 22/5

Shipment of Canadian Timber to Canada, 1937 (File 61 [118])

Original File No 22/7

Files of W.P. Tyser. Chairman of Port Line: miscellaneous, 1934 - 1937 (File 61 [119/2])

Original File No 22/11/Div 1

Files of W.P Tyser. Chairman of Port Line: miscellaneous, 1937 - 1938 (File 61 [119/2])

Original File No 22/11/Div 2

W.P. Tyser Birds [exotic bird collection] - Port Line Company, 1936 - 1937 (File 61 [120/1])

Original File No 22/12/Div 3

W.P. Tyser Birds [exotic bird collection]. Port Line Company, 1935 - 1936 (File 61 [120/2])

Original File No 22/12/Div 2

W.P. Tyser Birds [exotic bird collection]. Port Line Company, 1937 - 1938 (File 61 [120/3])

Original File No 22/12/Div 3

W.P Tyser Birds [exotic bird collection]. Port Line Company, 1934 - 1935 (File 61 [120/4])

Original File No 22/12/Div 4

[Mrs. Tyser's stamp collection]. Port Line Company., 1934 - 1937 (File 61 [121])

Original File No 22/13

Australian Transhipment of Cargo, 1935 - 1937 (File 62 [122])

Original File No 22/14

Victorian Marketing Bill, 1935 (File 61 [123])

Original File No 22/15

Tarpaulins: Sydney, 1936 (File 62 [124])

Original File No 22/17

Transhipment of Cargo: New Zealand, 1929 - 1938 (File 62 [125])

Original File No 22/20

UMA [United Maritime Authority Ministry of War Transport Requisitions], 1945 - 1946 (File 62 [126])

Original File No 22/22

Taxation Exchange Australia, 1933 - 1936 (File 62 [127])

Original File No 22/01/1

Taxation Passage money New Zealand, 1933 (File 62 [127/2])

Original File No 22/01/4

Taxation USA, 1933 - 1937 (File 62 [127/3])

Original File No 22/01/7

Taxation France, 1934 - 1939 (File 62 [127/4])

Original File No 22/01/8

Taxation Queensland, 1933 - 1934 (File 62 [127/5])

Original File No 22/01/9

Taxation West Australia, 1934 - 1935 (File 62 [127/6])

Original File No 22/01/10

Taxation Arbitrary percentage, 1933 - 1947 (File 62 [127/7])

Original File No 22/01/11

Taxation Customs tariff, Australia, 1935 - 1939 (File 62 [127/8])

Original File No 22/01/13

Taxation Fuel Oil, Australia, 1935 (File 62 [127/9])

Original File No 22/01/14

Taxation Canada, 1936 - 1939 (File 62 [127/10])

Original File No 22/01/15

Waterside workers. New Zealand, 1931 - 1936 (File 62 [128/1])

Original File No 23/1/Div 1

Waterside workers. New Zealand, 1936 - 1937 (File 62 [128/2])

Original File No 23/1/Div 2

Waterside workers. New Zealand, 1937 - 1938 (File 62 [128/3])

Original File No 23/1/Div 3

Waterside workers. New Zealand, 1938 (File 63 [128/4])

Original File No 23/1/Div 4

Waterside workers New Zealand[NZ Tonnage Committee, Sub-Committee on labour], 1938 (File 63 [128/5])

Original File No 23/1/Div 5

Waterside workers New Zealand [NZ Tonnage Committee, Sub-Committee on labour], 1938 - 1939 (File 63 [128/6])

Original File No 23/1/Div 6

Waterside workers New Zealand [NZ Tonnage Committee, Sub-Committee on labour], 1939 - 1946 (File 63 [128/7])

Original File No 23/1/Div 7

Waterside workers New Zealand [NZ Tonnage Committee, Sub-Committee on labour] [Waterfront Control Commission], 1946 (File 63 [128/8])

Original File No 23/1/Div 8

Shipment of: Wheat and Flour (Miscellaneous A), 1933 - 1935 (File 63 [129/1])

Original File No 23/2/Div 1

Wheat & Flour Miscellaneous A, 1936 (File 63 [129/2])

Original File No 23/2/Div 2

Series D42/PL4. Correspondence and Company Administration- Main Filing Series, 1915 - 1959

Files covering aspects of the company's administration, and, particularly, its negotiations with governments, associations of shipowners, and other firms, covering the Australasian trade via America. It will be observed that the 'Old Files' series PL3 are files abstracted from PL4 and placed in boxfiles as an exercise in removing noncurrent material...

Australia & New Zealand Merchants' Association, 1936 - 1946 (File 1)

Auditors, Australia & New Zealand, 1938 - 1954 (File 2)

Original File No: 1/14

Australian Tonnage Committee, 1935 - 1950 (File 3)

Original File No: 1/17

Aviation, 1944 (File 4)

Original File No: 1/22

Australian Estates Co Ltd, 1947 - 1948 (File 5)

"114 William Street, Melbourne" and "Mr Donald"...

Agents, Auckland, 1938 - 1948 (File 6/1)

Original File No: 1/01/2/Div 2

Agents, Launceston, 1934 - 1955 (File 6/2)

Original File No: 1/01/5

Agents, Melbourne, 1937 - 1956 (File 6/3)

Original File No: 1/01/6

Agents, New York, 1949 (File 6/4)

Original File No: 1/01/7/Div 2

Agents, Sydney, 1937 - 1956 (File 6/5)

Original File No: 1/01/8

Agents, miscellaneous, 1943 - 1948 (File 6/6)

Continental ports: OSRA; Montreal and New Zealand Line...

Agents, Christchurch, 1949 (File 6/7)

Original File No: 1/01/11/Div 5

Agents, Scandinavia, 1937 - 1952 (File 6/8)

Original File No: 1/01/12

Agents, Finland, 1935 - 1945 (File 6/9)

Original File No: 1/01/13

Agents, Liverpool, 1936 - 1954 (File 6/10)

Original File No: 1/01/14

Agents, Gibraltar, 1935 (File 6/11)

Original File No: 1/01/16

Agents, Hobart, 1935 - 1951 (File 6/12)

Original File No: 1/01/18

Agents, Geelong, 1934 - 1935 (File 6/13)

Original File No: 1/01/19

Agents, Fremantle, 1937 - 1952 (File 6/14)

Original File No: 1/01/20

Agents, Invercargill, 1936 - 1937 (File 6/15)

Original File No: 1/01/21

Agents, North Queensland, 1937 - 1954 (File 6/15)

Original File No: 1/01/23

Agents, Timaru, 1947 - 1956 (File 6/17)

Original File No: 1/01/24

Agents, New Plymouth, 1938 - 1954 (File 6/18)

Original File No: 1/01/27

Agents, Port Pirie, 1953 (File 6/19)

Original File No: 1/01/28

Agents, Savannah, 1936 - 1951 (File 6/20/1)

Original File No: 1/01/30

Agents, Savannah, 1957 (File 6/20/2)

Original File No: 1/01/30/Div 2

Agents, Tokomaru, 1935 (File 6/21)

Original File No: 1/01/32

Agents, Canada, 1935 - 1947 (File 6/22)

Original File No: 1/01/33

Agents, Gdynia, 1934 - 1948 (File 6/23)

Original File No: 1/01/34

Agents, Antwerp, 1934 - 1949 (File 6/24)

Original File No: 1/01/35

Agents, Bremen, 1936 - 1952 (File 6/25)

Original File No: 1/01/36

Agents, Panama, 1937 - 1952 (File 6/26)

Original File No: 1/01/37

Agents, Hamburg, 1936 - 1953 (File 6/27)

Original File No: 1/01/38

Agents, Port Kembla, 1937 - 1955 (File 6/28)

Agents, Oamaru, 1938 (File 6/29)

Original File No: 1/01/48

Agents, Rotterdam, 1940 - 1946 (File 6/30)


Agents, Poland, 1947 (File 6/31)


Agents, Switzerland, 1938 - 1959 (File 6/32)


Agents, Wellington [N E T Ross], 1949 - 1953 (File 6/33)


Agents, Germany, 1952 - 1953 (File 6/34)


Agents, Durban, 1949 - 1955 (File 6/35)


Australian Overseas Transport Association (AOTA): Agreements with shippers, 1937 - 1948 (File)

1/02/8/Div 5

Australian Overseas Transport Association (AOTA): Operating costs, 1930 - 1947 (File 7/1)


Australian Overseas Transport Association (AOTA): Agreements with shipping, 1949 - 1959 (File 7/2)


Australian Overseas Transport Association (AOTA): Contracts all Boards Future negotiations, 1938 - 1939 (File 7/3)


Benmacow Shipping Line: Contracts Future negotiations, 1939 (File 8/1)

2/01/8/Div 2

Benmacow Shipping Line: Allotment committee, 1939 - 1949 (File 8/2)

2/01/17/Div 2

Benmacow Shipping Line., 1932 - 1958 (File 8/3)

Homeward Pool agreement [Overseas Shipowners' Committee; Blue Star Line]...

Freight contracts. Negotiations [Overseas Shipowners' Allotment Committee], 1933 - 1956 (File 9)

2/01/43/Div 2

Bills of Lading. Additional Clauses, 1934 - 1948 (File 10/1)


Bills of Lading. Freight prepaid, 1934 - 1955 (File 10/2)


Bills of Lading. [Amendements to clauses], 1928 - 1947 (File 10/3)

Bills of Lading. Homeward Australia, 1947 - 1955 (File 10/4)

2/02/4/Div 2

Bills of Lading. Homeward. New Zealand, 1938 - 1949 (File 10/5)

2/02/5/Div 2

Bills of Lading. Through from New Zealand, 1933 - 1949 (File 10/6)

[also a clip of papers labelled 'I think all these should be In other folders': Wm Anderson & Co. Cape Town; Brazil; NZ Tonnage committee]...

Blue Star Shipping Company: Misc Australia, 1934 - 1946 (File 11/1)


Blue Star Shipping Company: Misc New Zealand, 1933 - 1954 (File 11/2)


Port Line Library: Books of reference, 1933 - 1948 (File 12)

[Shipping World, ports and shipping directories, Lloyd's index, etc]Original File Ref: 3/2

Shipping Boards Australia, misc, 1935 - 1946 (File 13/1)


Shipping Boards Australia produce [marketing boards, Victoria], 1935 (File 13/2)


Shipping Board: Board of Trade, 1936 - 1939 (File 13/3)


Shipping Board: Board of Trade War reparations, 1939 - 1953 (File 13/4)

[includes Port of London Special Study on Civil Defence, 1953]Original File Ref: 3/8/Div 2

Booking notes [visas; other shipping documents], 1938 - 1954 (File 14)


Butter Australia, mail companies, 1935 - 1939 (File 15/1)


Butter Australia, releases Hamilton Cold Store, 1936 - 1939 (File 15/2/1)

3/01/3/Div 2

Butter Australia releases Hamilton Cold Stores, 1936 - 1939 (File 15/2/2)

3/01/3/Div 3

Butter Freight rates, 1933 - 1948 (File 15/3)


Shipping Federation of Canada [MANZ], 1938 - 1956 (File 16)


Charts, maps [Australian and New Zealand], 1933 - 1952 (File 17)

Correspondence relating to admiralty charts and surveys for New Zealand and Australian coasts...

Cargo Quick frozen foods [Birds Eye, Unilever, etc], 1947 - 1959 (File 18)


Cargo out Tobacco, 1952 - 1953 (File 19)


Rolling stock [Australia and New Zealand], 1936 - 1955 (File 20)


Commissions Agents New Zealand, 1934 - 1948 (File 21/1)


Commissions Passage money, 1954 (File 21/2)


Commissions Continental & Hamburg Forwarding Agents, 1934 - 1954 (File 21/3)


Code Telegraphic, 1937 - 1955 (File 22)


Coronation, 1936 - 1937 (File 23)


Customs UK, 1948 - 1955 (File 24)


Crew employment [New Zealand Ports], 1948 - 1953 (File 2)


Cunard House tenants, Baburizza & Co Ltd, 1934 - 1935 (File 26/2/1)


Cunard & Allied Lines [Cunard House], 1934 - 1946 (File 26/1)


Cunard House tenants, Gregson & Co, 1933 - 1945 (File 26/2/2)


Cunard House tenants, H C Hackney & Co, 1932 - 1940 (File 26/2/3)


Cunard House tenants, Hill, Dickinson & Co, 1932 - 1941 (File 26/2/4)


Cunard House tenants, Lambert Bros Lease, 1935 - 1936 (File 26/2/5)


Cunard House tenants, United States P & I Agency, [Protection & Indemnity], 1934 - 1941 (File 26/2/6)


Cunard House tenants, Lamberts Partitions etc [Lambert Bros Ltd], 1933 - 1937 (File 26/2/7)


Cunard House tenants, NYK Partitions etc [Nippon Yusen Kaisha], 1933 - 1937 (File 26/2/8)


Cunard House tenants, Mogul Oil Fields Ltd, 1935 - 1937 (File 26/2/9)


Cunard House tenants, Maxwell Batley & Co, 1935 - 1945 (File 26/2/11)


Cunard House tenants, S G Embiricos Ltd, 1935 - 1938 (File 26/2/12)


Cunard House Tenants Runcimans, 1935 - 1936 (File 26/2/13)


Cunard House Tenants Bain, Son & Golmick, 1936 - 1937 (File 26/2/14)


Cunard House Tenants E O Bennett & Co, 1937 - 1944 (File 26/2/14)


[Cunard affairs: trust deeds; stock; Board], 1933 - 1949 (File 26/3)


Cunard White Star Ltd, 1933 - 1948 (File 26/4)

[merging agencies; Australian Companies Act; notes on aircraft; report of visit by P V C Sprigings and R A Brown to Italy, Switzerland, France, Holland, Belgium (May 1946); Articles of Association; staffing, etc]...

Cunard Queen Mary Party 18 May, 1936 (File 26/5)


Cunard White Star [Queen Elizabeth], 1936 - 1947 (File 26/6)


Cunard Balance sheets, 1917 - 1949 (File 26/7)


Cunard House. Defects & repairs, 1934 - 1946 (File 26/8/1)


Cunard House. Electric installation, 1932 - 1939 (File 26/8/2)


Cunard House. Fuel coal, 1934 - 1939 (File 26/8/3)


Cunard House. Fuel Conversion, 1933 - 1946 (File 26/8/4)


Cunard House. Heating & ventilation, 1932 - 1949 (File 26/8/5)


Cunard House. Management, 1938 - 1943 (File 26/8/6)


Cunard House. Staff, 1938 - 1945 (File 26/8/7/1)

5/03/25/Div 2

Cunard House. Staff, 1938 - 1945 (File 26/8/7/2)

5/03/25/Div II

Cunard House. Air raid damage, 1940 - 1950 (File 26/8/8)


Associated Owners of City Properties, 1943 - 1946 (File 27)


Dairy Products: New Zealand Contracts, negotiations, 1937 - 1938 (File 28/1)

6/1/Div II

Dairy Products: Commissions, 1934 - 1935 (File 282)


Demurrage, 1936 - 1950 (File 29)


Dairy Products: Agreement, Australia, 1933 - 1936 (File 28/3)


Dockyards, 1933 - 1939 (File 30)


Dairy Products: produce Thermographs, 1930 - 1936 (File 28/4)


Dairy Products: New Zealand agreements copies of, 1921 - 1937 (File 28/5)


Eastern conference: berth rights, 1945 - 1951 (File 31)


Egyptian customs requirements, 1949 - 1954 (File 32)


Freight payment, Marks Cargo for Germany, 1948 - 1952 (File 33)

8/2/Div II

Friends of Port Line Ltd: Private shipments, Australia, 1937 - 1951 (File 34/1/1)

8/8/Div 2

Friends of Port Line Ltd: Letters of introduction, (NZ), 1935 - 1946 (File 34/2/1)

8/9/Div 1

Friends of Port Line Ltd: Letters of introduction, 1949 (File 34/2/2)

8/9/Div 2

Friends of Port Line Ltd: Letters of introduction (Australia), 1933 - 1939 (File 34/2/3)

8/10/Div 1

Friends of Port Line Ltd: Letters of introduction (Australia), 1947 - 1949 (File 34/2/4)

8/10/Div 2

Friends of Port Line Ltd: Letters of introduction (New York), 1946 (File 34/2/5)


Forwarding, New Zealand Outward cargo in NZ, 1935 - 1956 (File 35)


Friends of Port Line Ltd: Recommendations to shippers, 1949 - 1950 (File 34/3)

8/19/Div 3

Freight payment UK, 1948 - 1954 (File 36)


Finance New Zealand, 1933 - 1939 (File 37)


Finance Subsidies, 1939 (File 38)

8/01/11/Div 3

Freight rates Homewards - New Zealand, 1949 (File 40)

8/02/6/Div 3

Finance Port Line Ltd, 1948 - 1949 (File 39)


Freight Rates Surcharge, New Zealand, 1948 - 1950 (File 41)


Fruit Apple & Pear Council, 1933 - 1938 (File 42/1)


Fruit Scandinavia Stockholm, 1938 - 1949 (File 42/2)

8/03/11/Div 2

Fruit New Zealand Board Contract [Summary of New Zealand fruit agreement and sub-agreement], 1933 - 1936 (File 42/3/1)


Fruit New Zealand Board contract [Summary of New Zealand fruit agreement, and sub-agreement], 1937 - 1939 (File 42/3/2)

8/03/19/Div 2

Fruit New Zealand Board miscellaneous [New Zealand Fruit Export Control Board], 1934 - 1949 (File 42/4)


Fruit Canned and preserved [Canned Fruits Control Board], 1933 - 1948 (File 42/5)


Fruit Dried fruit [Dried fruits for Canada], 1938 - 1949 (File 42/6)

8/03/31/Div 2

Fruit Scientific research [Department of Scientific & Industrial Research], 1929 - 1938 (File 42/7)


London General Shipowners Society, 1949 - 1950 (File 43)

9/13/Div 2

Port Line Ltd: Insurance Ships, 1936 - 1949 (File 44/1)


Port Line Ltd: Insurance War risks, 1936 - 1938 (File 44/2)


Port Line Ltd: Immigration, 1947 - 1948 (File 45)

[M V Georgic: 'Georgic correspondence for R H Senior to take to Liverpool']...

Livestock Homewards, 1949 - 1957 (File 46)

14/1/Div 3

Liverpool Steam Ship Owners Association [Mersey Docks & Harbour Board], 1945 - 1950 (File 47)


Mediterranean cargo other than meat [Suez Canal Area London Association; political state of Egypt], 1949 (File 48)


Marking cargo, 1936 - 1956 (File 49)


Montreal and Australia New Zealand Line: Agents Australia & New Zealand, 1936 - 1937 (File 50/1)


Montreal and Australia New Zealand Line: Agents U.S.A, 1936 - 1938 (File 50/2)


Montreal and Australia New Zealand Line: Offices & Staff – Aust & NZ, 1936 - 1937 (File 50/3/1)


Montreal and Australia New Zealand Line: Offices & Staff, 1937 - 1957 (File 50/3/2)

15/01/8/Div 2

Montreal and Australia New Zealand Line: Ships, surveys and repairs, 1947 - 1956 (File 50/4)


Montreal and Australia New Zealand Line: Montreal staff, 1938 - 1948 (File 50/5)

15/01/10/Div 2

Montreal and Australia New Zealand Line: Formation of Company, Shares, etc., 1936 (File 50/6/1)

15/01/12/Div 1

Montreal and Australia New Zealand Line: Formation of Company, Shares, etc., 1936 - 1937 (File 50/6/2)

15/01/12/Div 2

Montreal and Australia New Zealand Line: Annual meetings, 1944 - 1949 (File 50/7)

15/01/12/Div 4

Montreal and Australia New Zealand Line: German competition, 1935 - 1938 (File 50/8)


Montreal and Australia New Zealand Line: Freight Tariff home correspondence, 1949 (File 50/9)

15/01/34/Div 5

Montreal and Australia New Zealand Line: Commissions & fees, miscellaneous, 1938 - 1949 (File 50/10)

15/01/43/Div 2

Montreal and Australia New Zealand Line: Finance, 1939 - 1947 (File 50/11/1)

15/01/46/Div 7

Montreal and Australia New Zealand Line: Finance, 1948 - 1949 (File 50/11/2)

15/01/46/Div 8

Montreal and Australia New Zealand Line: Marine Superintendents, 1936 - 1937 (File 50/12)


Montreal and Australia New Zealand Line: Chartered vessels, 1949 - 1952 (File 50/13)

15/01/72/Div 3

Montreal and Australia New Zealand Line: Offices and staff pension fund [Australian Mutual Provident Society], 1937 - 1939 (File 50/14/1)


Montreal and Australia New Zealand Line: Offices & staff pension fund, 1939 - 1953 (File 50/14/2)

15/01/75/Div 2

Montreal and Australia New Zealand Line: Cargo to Curacao, 1948 - 1956 (File 50/15)


Montreal and Australia New Zealand Line: Ottawa Valley general [Canadian Maritime Commission], 1947 - 1954 (File 50/16)


Overseas Shipping Representatives Association (OSRA): Miscellaneous [Interport Conference, Sydney], 1933 - 1938 (File 51)


Officials Commonwealth and Dominion directors, 1933 - 1937 (File 52/1/1)


Officials Port Line directors, 1934 - 1948 (File 52/1/2)

17/01/2/Div 2

Officials Port Line directors, 1952 - 1955 (File 52/1/3)

[Sorted under names : Sir James P I M Corry, F H Dawson, Sir J M Brockle-bank, J D Hardy, J R Rooper, H W Corry, W G de Gruchy, Sir T A Sparks]...

Officials Commonwealth and Dominion Line: New Zealand, 1933 - 1938 (File 52/2/1)


Officials Port Line New Zealand, 1938 - 1942 (File 52/2/2)

17/01/3/Div 2

Officials Port Line New Zealand, 1945 - 1951 (File 52/2/3)

17/01/3/Div 3

Officials Port Line New Zealand, 1952 - 1953 (File 52/2/4)

17/01/3/Div 4

Officials Port Line New Zealand, 1954 - 1956 (File 52/2/5)

17/01/3/Div 5

Officials Commonwealth and Dominion Line. Ships, 1947 - 1948 (File 52/3/1)

17/01/4/Div 4

Port Line Ltd: Officials Ships, 1948 - 1949 (File 52/3/2)

17/01/4/Div 5

Port Line Ltd: Officials Ships, 1950 (File 52/3/3)

17/01/4/Div 6

Officials Commonwealth and Dominion Line: Pension Fund, 1919 - 1943 (File 52/4)


Commonwealth and Dominion Line: Officials Government, 1933 - 1937 (File 52/5/1)

[Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Antwerp; Governments of Tasmania, Australia & NZ]...

Commonwealth and Dominion Line: Officials Government, 1947 - 1953 (File 52/5/2)

[R G Casey, C T Webb, S G Holland, E E Bailey, K J Holyoake, F W Doidge]...

Officials Commonwealth and Dominion Line: deaths, 1924 - 1947 (File 52/6)


Officials Port Line, widows and children, 1934 - 1950 (File 52/7)


Officials Port Line, W E C Gregory, 1936 - 1937 (File 52/8/1)

17/01/14/Div 3

Officials Port Line, W E C Gregory, 1937 - 1948 (File 52/8/2)

17/01/14/Div 4

Officials Commonwealth and Dominion Line Deaths: W G de Gruchy, 1935 - 1938 (File 52/9)

17/01/15/Div 3

Officials Port Line Salaries abroad, misc, 1933 - 1948 (File 52/10)


Officials Commonwealth and Dominion Line: Apprentices, 1939 - 1947 (File 52/11)

17/01/18/Div 2

Officials Commonwealth and Dominion Line: Marine Superintendents, 1934 - 1937 (File 52/12/1)

17/01/21/Div 1

Officials Commonwealth and Dominion Line: Engineers & Marine Super-intendents, 1938 - 1946 (File 52/12/2)

17/01/21/Div 2

Officials Port Line, Marine & engineer superintendents [New York, Australia, New Zealand, MANZ], 1946 - 1951 (File 52/12/3)

17/01/21/Div 3

Officials Commonwealth and Dominion Line: London, 1933 - 1949 (File 52/13/1)

17/01/22/Div 1

Officials Commonwealth and Dominion Line: Staff, London, 1947 - 1949 (File 52/13/2)

17/01/22/Div 2

Officials Commonwealth and Dominion Line: [Ships' Surgeons], 1935 - 1938 (File 52/14)


Officials Commonwealth and Dominion Line: Local director's residence Australia, 1935 - 1937 (File 52/15/1)

17/01/24/Div 1

Officials Commonwealth and Dominion Line: Local director's residence New Zealand, 1935 - 1937 (File 52/15/2)

17/01/24/Div 1

Officials Port Line: Passenger fares & commisions, 1936 (File 52/16/1)

17/01/25/Div 1

Officials Port Line: Passenger fares & commisions, 1948 - 1949 (File 52/16/2)

17/01/25/Div 2

Officials Port Line London Staff, butter, 1936 - 1957 (File 52/17)


Officials Port Line London docks, 1951 - 1955 (File 52/18)


Officials Port Line Illness, operations, 1948 - 1950 (File 52/19)

17/01/30/Div 6

Officials Commonwealth and Dominion Line: D F Middleton, 1938 - 1947 (File 52/21/1)

17/01/36/Div 1

Officials Commonwealth and Dominion Line: D F Middleton Illness, operations, 1951 - 1952 (File 52/21/2)

17/01/36/Div 2

Officials Commonwealth and Dominion Line: Salaries. W E C Gregory, 1936 - 1953 (File 52/20/1)


Officials Commonwealth and Dominion Line: Salaries. W E C Gregory, 1934 - 1957 (File 52/20/2)


Officials Commonwealth and Dominion Line: J R Rooper. [Hearing aid; finance; house; A N Rooper; farm & garden; car], 1938 - 1948 (File 52/22/1)

17/01/37/Div 5

Officials Commonwealth and Dominion Line: J R Rooper. [Hearing aid; finance; house; A N Rooper; farm & garden; car], 1949 - 1950 (File 52/22/2)

17/01/37/Div 6

Officials Commonwealth and Dominion Line: Powers of attorney, 1945 - 1949 (File 52/23/1)

17/01/38/Div 2

Officials Commonwealth and Dominion Line: Powers of attorney, 1938 - 1941 (File 52/23/2)


Lubricating oil, 1937 - 1955 (File 53/1)


Oil Socony vacuum, 1937 - 1946 (File 53/2)


Oil bunkers, 1935 - 1953 (File 53/3)


Oil cargo, 1938 - 1956 (File 53/4)


Oil contracts, 1946 - 1950 (File 53/5)


Oil Heavy fuel, 1949 - 1955 (File 53/6)


New Zealand - Gdynia [United Baltic Corporation; wool, foodstuffs], 1933 - 1953 (File 54)


Outward Trade, AAOB (Davis) [Turnbull Martin & Co; Blue Star; Davis meetings; Morison Pollexfen & Blair Ltd], 1931 - 1945 (File 55/1/1)

17/09/1/Div 1

Outward Trade (AAOB), Davis Aldgate site [Associated Australian Owners & Brokers; 15, 16, 17 Aldgate, London EC3], 1945 - 1948 (File 55/1/2)

17/09/1/Div 2

Outward Trade UK - Continent Continent-Australia. Malpractices, Antwerp, 1947 - 1955 (File 55/2)

17/09/4/Div 2

Outward Trade, Continent-Australia. Minutes [of Conference of British & Continental Lines: Italian committee; P&O], 1934 - 1954 (File 55/3)


Outward Trade to Tasmania, 1945 - 1948 (File 55/4)

17/09/10/Div 2

Outward Trade Continent to New Zealand via Australia [NZ Conference; Wilhelmsen; Schoning; transhipment], 1935 - 1938 (File 55/5/1)

17/09/12/Div 1

Outward Trade New Zealand from Continent or Scandinavia [G. H. Scales & Co; woodpulp], 1938 - 1947 (File 55/5/2)

17/09/12/Div 2

[Outward Trade Continent-Australia Conference Chartered ships] [cover lost], 1947 - 1951 (File 55/6)


Outward Trade Fiji & Suva, 1938 - 1947 (File 55/7)

17/01/17/Div 3

Outward Trade AAO & B misc. [Davis; Australian Lines Accredited Loading Brokers & Agents], 1945 - 1949 (File 55/8)


Port Line programming [H E T Ross; cargo analyses], 1956 - 1959 (File 56)

18/9/Div 9

Port Line Ltd (Ships): Photographs, 1949 (File 57)

[including photo of Port Auckland; otherwise correspondence]...

Power of attorney (other than PLI) [Montreal Australia and New Zealand Line and Port Line Ltd], 1947 - 1954 (File 58)


Pools Agreement, British & Continental lines [Australian Homeward agreement], 1933 - 1939 (File 59/1)

18/01/3/Div 1

British and Continental Pools Agreement, 1936 - 1938 (File 59/2)

18/01/3/Div 2

Wool Pool cargo. Estimated position, wool, 1956 (File 60)

18/01/17/Div 2

Port Records: Napier, New Zealand, 1949 - 1955 (File 61/1)

18/02/7/Div 2

Port Records: Burnie, 1949 - 1954 (File 61/2)

18/02/9/Div 2

Port Records: Sydney – Pyrmont Wharf, 1939 - 1954 (File 61/3/1)

18/02/11/Div 2

Port Records: Sydney – Pyrmont Wharf, 1950 - 1955 (File 61/3/2)

18/02/11/Div 3

Port Records: Wellington, 1950 - 1955 (File 61/4)

18/02/13/Div 2

Port Records: New York, pier 26 [Foreign Trade Zone], 1936 - 1938 (File 61/5/1)


Port Records: Information, 1931 - 1947 (File 61/5/2)

Re Port Alma; Barraquilla; Bordeaux; National Harbours Board, Canada; Buenaventura and others south of Panama; Dalhousie; Darwin; Genoa; Le Havre; Iluka; New London; Novorossisk; Puerto Cabello; Takoradi; Wyndham and Broom; etc...

Port Records: Hull, 1935 - 1958 (File 61/6)


Port Records: Wyndham, 1931 - 1947 (File 61/7)


Port Records: Opua [Whangarei Harbour Board], 1934 - 1954 (File 61/8)


Port Records: Antwerp, 1928 - 1948 (File 61/9)


Port Records: Bluff, 1936 - 1958 (File 61/10)


Port Records: Sydney, C B, 1936 - 1939 (File 61/11)


[Cunard White Star Australian Agency], 1937 - 1938 (File 62)

18/03/3/Div 4

Passengers. Cunard agency, 1939 - 1951 (File 63/1)

18/03/3/Div 5

Passengers. Special reductions, miscellaneous, 1933 - 1936 (File 61/2/1)

18/03/5/Div 2

Passengers. Special reductions, miscellaneous, 1946 - 1949 (File 61/2/2)

18/03/5/Div 3

Passengers. Comments (complaints), 1930 - 1937 (File 63/3)


Passengers. Miscellaneous [complaints; personal etc], 1947 - 1948 (File 63/4/1)

18/03/14/Div 4

Passengers Miscellaneous [complaints; personal etc], 1948-1950, 1956 (File 63/4/2)

18/03/14/Div 5

Passengers Reduced rates, Agents, 1935 - 1949 (File 63/5)


Shipping Companies East Asiatic Co, 1933 - 1937 (File 64/1)


Shipping Companies German, 1935 - 1937 (File 64/2)


Shipping Companies, Port Line [miscellaneous Board business], 1934 - 1955 (File 64/3)


Shipping Companies: Port Line, Change of name, 1935 - 1936 (File 64/4/1)

20/01/33/Div 1

Shipping Companies: Port Line, Change of name, 1937 - 1938 (File 64/4/2)

20/01/33/Div 2

Ships Port Bowen Casualties, defects & repairs, 1939 (File 65)

20/02/1/Div 4

Building of New Ships, 1945 - 1949 (File 66)

[Ships. Correspondence on design construction, launches]...

Port Line: Ships Launches, 1933 - 1936 (File 67/1/1)

20/02/15/Div 1

Port Line: Ships Launches, 1937 - 1946 (File 67/1/2)

20/02/15/Div 2

Port Line: Ships, New, Newscuttings, 1934 - 1936 (File 68)


Port Line: Ships, Models, 1935 - 1938 (File 69)


Port Line: Ships, War experiences, 1939 - 1943 (File 70)


Ships Sale by Ministry of War Transport Nairana 4th offer to tender, 1948 - 1950 (File 71)


Settling agencies. Lloyds, 1930 - 1948 (File 72/1/1)


Settling agencies. Lloyds, 1950 - 1954 (File 72/1/2)

20/03/7/Div 2

Port Line: Ships. Agents details Port Alma, 1945 - 1946 (File 73/1)

20/04/2/Div 2

Port Line: Ships Agents details Port Macquarie, 1939 (File 73/2)

20/04/3/Div 2

Port Line: Ships Agents details Port Philip, 1945 (File 73/3)

20/04/4/Div 4

Port Line: Ships Agents details Port Campbell, 1945 (File 73/4)

20/04/6/Div 2

Port Line: Ships Agents details Port Chalmers, 1946 (File 73/5)

20/04/8/Div 3

Port Line: Ships Agents details Port Darwin, 1945 (File 73/6)

20/04/9/Div 3

Port Line: Ships Agents details Port Lincoln, 1945 - 1946 (File 73/7)


Port Line: Ships Agents details Port Dunedin, 1945 (File 73/8)

20/04/11/Div 3

Port Line: Ships Agents details Port Fairy, 1945 (File 73/9)

20/04/12/Div 3

Port Line: Ships Agents details Port Fremantle, 1945 - 1946 (File 73/10)

20/04/13/Div 3

Port Line: Ships Agents details Port Huron, 1945 - 1946 (File 73/11)

20/04/18/Div 2

Port Line: Ships Agents details Port Jackson, 1945 (File 73/12)

20/04/19 Div 2

Port Line: Ships Agents details Port Melbourne, 1938 - 1946 (File 73/12)

20/04/15/Div 2

Port Line: Ships Agents details Port Sydney, 1938 - 1945 (File 73/13)

20/04/22/Div 2

Port Line: Ships Agents details Miscellaneous, charters etc, 1945 - 1946 (File 73/15)

20/04/26/Div 2

Port Line: Ships Agents details Port Halifax, 1945 - 1946 (File 73/16)

20/04/28/Div 2

Port Line: Ships Agents details Port St. John, 1945 - 1946 (File 73/17)

20/04/29/Div 2

Suez Canal, 1931 - 1948 (File 74)


Subscriptions & charities Port Line, 1949 - 1950 (File 75)


Stevedoring, Sydney (Port Line), 1931 - 1936 (File 76/1/1)

21/01/9/Div 1

Stevedoring, Sydney (Port Line), 1937 - 1948 (File 76/1/2)

21/01/9/Div 2

Stevedoring, Sydney (Port Line), 1949 - 1953 (File 76/1/3)

21/01/9/Div 3

[Port Jackson Stevedoring Company; Sydney Stevedoring; Wool dumping; Blue Star Line; rebates] (File 76/1/4)

21/01/9/Div 3

Stevedoring, Montreal, 1936 - 1938 (File 76/2)


Trade agreements [France - New Zealand; Anglo - American; Canada], 1933 - 1948 (File 77)


Port Line: USA. Sales of ships, 1946 - 1947 (File 78)


War clauses [Bills of lading; war risk and sanctions clause], 1935 - 1936 (File 79/1/1)


War clauses [Bills of lading; war risk and sanctions clause], 1936 - 1949 (File 79/1/2)


Waterside workers. Europe (Port Line), 1937 - 1955 (File 80/1)


Waterside workers. London, 1924 - 1937 (File 80/2/1)

23/14/Div 1

Waterside workers. London, 1947 - 1948 (File 80/2/2)

23/14/Div 3

Waterside workers. London, 1949 - 1951 (File 80/2/3)

23/14/Div 4

Waterside workers. London London, 1951 - 1954 (File 80/2/4)

[London Shipowners' Dock Labour Committee; National Dock Labour Board; National Amalgamated Stevedores and Dockers; Royal Docks Joint Area Subcommittee; T & GWU; Shipping Federation Ltd]...

Wool Agreement with shippers (Australia), 1937 - 1947 (File 81/1)

24/01/27/Div 2

Wool Special committees Empire Wool Conference, 1945 - 1950 (File 81/2)

24/01/32/Div 2

Wool Australian Overseas Transport Association (AOTA): Conference with Graziers, 1935 (File 81/3)

[Graziers' Federal Council of Australia; Association of British and Continental Wool Shippers]...

Wool Buyers. J W McGregor & Sons Ltd, 1934 - 1938 (File 81/4)


Wool Buyers. C G Prevost & Co, 1934 - 1939 (File 81/5)


Wool Buyers (Australian and New Zealand). Miscellaneous Unclassified files, 1933 - 1938 (File 81/6)


[Rates of freight to and from New Zealand], 1939 - 1940 (File 82/1)


Port Line Ltd: Port Jackson, 1940 - 1942 (File 82/2)


Finance: Montreal Australia New Zealand Line (MANZ), 1939 - 1955 (File 82/3)


Port Line Ltd: Port Auckland [Social] functions, 1949 (File 82/4)


Port Line Ltd: London agenda : Australia [Chairman's memoranda; reports on staff], 1949 (File 82/5/1)


Port Line Ltd: London agenda : New Zealand, 1947 - 1950 (File 82/5/2)


Victualling rate Director's copy [Victualling accounts per ship and voyage], 1915 - 1927 (File 82/6)


Series D42/PL5. Correspondence and Company Administration, 1890 - December 1952

Port Line Ltd correspondence and administration papers. The papers were collected towards historical research, and include correspondence from earlier periods (c.1890) although the bulk of the compilation relates to the two periods 1937 - 1939 and 1949 - 1951...

Australian Homeward Trade, Agreement & Notes 1920 - 1929 JRR, 1920 - 1932 (File 1)

Includes: Australian Homward Agreement (British and Continental Lines), AHA (British Lines); Agent's Commission Pool; Ellermans and Fine Cargo Pool (correspondence: Sir John Ellerman, J Macmillan, meeting of onwers, Holts scheme; W P Tyser; Alan Hughes Scheme and Tyhosan Agreement); Homward Working Arrangement (notes by H W Corry)

International Line and Australian Commonwealth Line: Negotiations for purchase by Cunard 1925, 1925 - 1928 (File 2/1)

International Line and Australian Commonwealth Line: Connolly's scheme, 1927 (File 2/2)

[Australian Commonwealth Line; E A Eva; Sir J H Biles & Co; King Sound Co; H B G Larkin; Australian Commonwealth Shipping Board; Government of Australia; Sir Thomas Royden; W P Tyser; H W Corry].

Australian Homeward Agreements: British Lines Agreement, 1927 - 1929 (File 3/1)

Australian Homeward Agreements: British & Continental Lines Agreement, 1927 - 1929 (File 3/2)

Australian Homeward Agreements: British Lines, 12 November 1935 (File 3/3)

Australian Homeward Agreements: Renewal negotiations, 1933 (File 3/4)

Australian Homeward Wool Pool: Negotiations with Continental Lines to reach 4 years agreement, July 1929 - September 1929 (File 4/1)

Australian Homeward Wool Pool: Wool figures for 1926 - 1929 Pool (File 4/2)

Wool figures for 1926-1929 Pool, Julyu 1927-June 1928 and July 1928-June 1929

Australian Homeward Wool Pool: Outside Competition, 17 December 1928 - 21 September 1929 (File 4/3)

Forwarding Committee 1928, 1927 - 1928 (File 5)

[Forwarding of cargo, options, etc; Australian Tonnage Committee, Sub Committee on forwarding; Sydney schedule]

Australian Homeward Agreement: Pool Agreements, final and proofs, November 1929 (File 6)

Correspondence dealing with the Pacific, 1930 - 1932 (File 7)

[S J Lister. R Crail; Furness Line; Vancouver & San Francsico via Panama; Pacific Coast - European Conference 1931 - 1932]

Vestey negotiations, 1935 (File 8/1)

Cargo Routes: Fremantle 1934, 1914 - 1934 (File 8/2)

[W M Gavigan; W. Australian Shipping Association; W Marden & Co].

Cargo Routes: East Asiatic Company, 1933 - 1934 (File 8/3)

R H S. Australia & New Zealand, 1937 - 1938 (File 9)

Chilled beef parcel receipts; New Zealand chilled beef; bills of lading; delivery of dairy produce to tyne; wool and general cargo; citrus fruits, Jamica/New Zealand; refrigerated cargo; MANZ bills of lading

West Australian farmers, 1936 - 1938 (File 10/1)

[Neptune committee; Thorby meeting; OSRA; Australian Government]

RHS. New Zealand Homeward Refrigerated, 1937 - 1939 (File 10/2)

Bills of Lading

RHS Australia Bills of Lading miscellaneous, 1937 - 1939 (File 11)

Australia parcel wheat (bills of lading); Australia flour freight engagement role; Australia parcel wheat through bills of lading.

Australia Parcel Wheat: J R Roper, 1939 - 1944 (File 12/1)

[no file cover]

Australia Parcel Wheat: Gavigan to W Donald [to and from], 1945 - 1948 (File 12/3)

[No file cover]

Australia Parcel Wheat: Gavigan to W Donald [J R Roper], 1939 - 1944 (File 12/3)

[no file cover]

Australia Parcel Wheat: W M Gavigan, correspondence to and from, 1949 - 1951 (File 12/4)

[no file cover]

Local Board (Port Line), 1949 (File 13/1)

To and from Local Board [Port Line, Sydney; official letters addressed impersonally 'The Directors']

Local Board (Port Line): To and from R H Senior and W E C Gregory, 1949 (File 13/2)

[R H Senior; W E C Gregory, Wellington]

Local Board (Port Line): To and from W Donald and W E C Gregory, 1949 (File 13/3)

[W Donald; W E C Gregory]

Local Board (Port Line): To and from J R Roper and W E C Gregory, 1949 (File 13/4)

[J R Rooper; W E C Gregory]

Directors' Mail Letters, Local Director, 1948 - 1950 (File 14)

Wellington; Mr Middleton and Directors

Correspondence with Wellington Office: To and from Mr Donald and Mr Binnie (File 15/1)

Correspondence with Wellington Office: To and from Mr Senior and Mr Binnie (File 15/2)

Directors Letters: To and from Local Board [Sydney] (File 16/1)

Directors Letters: To and from J R Rooper & W E C Gregory (File 16/2)

Directors Letters: To and from W Donald & W E C Gregory (File 16/3)

Directors Letters: To and from R H Senior & W E C Gregory (File 16/4)

Australian Index cards, 1932 - 1935 (File 17)

[Subject references are four-figure numbers - referring to a correspondence register].

International rationalisation of shipping scheme by Chamber of Shipping of the UK, 1935 (File 18)

(file numbered 2).

Directors' Letters To and from local board, Sydney, 1948 (File 19)

Directors Letters to and from local director, Wellington, 1945 - 1948 (File 19)

Wool Statistics Season, 1912 - 1916 (File 21/1)

Homeward Australian agreement, [with drafts and correspondence], 1924 (File 20/2)

Australian Homeward schemes, 1925 (File 20/3)

Schemes for settlement of Australian Trade, 1926 - 1927 (File 20/4)

Wool via Cape, 1924 - 1926 (File 20/5)

Series D42/PL6. Directors Correspondence (Port Line), 1933 - 1940

General correspondence, arranged alphabetically by recipient; Semi-official correspondence of the four principals, RH Senior, JR Rooper, W Donald and HW Corry.

Subseries 1. Individual Directors Correspondence, 1935 - 1939

Correspondence 'A', 1935 - 1939 (File 1/1)
JR Rooper semi-personal correspondence 'A', 1936 - 1939 (File 1/2)
W Donald semi-personal correspondence 'A', 1937 - 1939 (File 1/3)
RH Senior semi-personal correspondence, 1936 - 1939 (File 1/4)
HW Corry correspondence, 1935 - 1940 (File 1/5)
JR Rooper correspondence with apprentice club, 1937 - 1939 (File 1/6)
Correspondence with Captain Alexander, (marine superintendent, New York), 1936 - 1939 (File 1/7)

Subseries 2. General Directors Correspondence, 1936 - 1940

Correspondence with Secretary Australian Tonnage Committee, 1936 - 1939 (File 2/1)
Correspondence 'B', 1935 - 1939 (File 2/2)
Correspondence with New Zealand, Tonnage Committee, 34 Leaden Street, 1935 - 1939 (File 2/3)
Correspondence 'B', 1935 - 1939 (File 2/4)
Correspondence 'B', 1935 - 1939 (File 2/5)
Correspondence with Blue Star Line, 1935 - 1939 (File 2/6)
Correspondence 'B', 1935 - 1938 (File 2/7)
HW Corry correspondence 'B', 1936 - 1940 (File 2/8)
JR Rooper correspondence 'B', 1938 - 1940 (File 2/9)
Correspondence 'B', 1933 - 1934 (File 2/10)
Correspondence with Camell Laird and Cable & Wireless Ltd, 1935 - 1939 (File 3/1)
Correspondence with captains of 'Port' Ships, 1936 - 1939 (File 3/2 (loose bundle))
Correspondence with Chamber of Shipping of UK, 1935 - 1939 (File 3/3)
W Donald correspondence 'B', 1937 - 1939 (File 3/4)
RH Senior correspondence 'B', 1936 - 1939 (File 3/5)
ND Binnie, correspondence from JR Rooper, 1935 - 1939 (File 3/6)
ND Binnie correspondence to JR Rooper, 1935 - 1939 (File 3/7)
ND Binnie correspondence from W Donald, 1935 - 1939 (File 3/8)
ND Binnie correspondence to W Donald, 1935 - 1939 (File 3/9)
Correspondence about proposed British Legion Club, 1936 - 1938 (File 3/10)
Christmas Presents and thanks, 1935 - 1938 (File 4/1)
Correspondence with Commonwealth and Dominion Line, Sydney, 1933 - 1939 (File 4/2)
Correspondence Cunard White Star, 1935 - 1939 (File 5/1)
Correspondence with Cunard, Liverpool, 1936 - 1938 (File 5/2)
Correspondence with Cunard, London, 1938 - 1939 (File 5/3)
HW Corry's reports on agents & ships abroad, 1936 - 1939 (File 5/4)
W Donald correspondence 'C', 1937 - 1939 (File 5/5)
HW Corry Correspondence 'C', 1935 - 1940 (File 6/1)
RH Senior correspondence 'C', 1936 - 1939 (File 6/2)
Correspondence 'D', 1936 - 1940 (File 6/3)
Davis meeting - Australian Associated Owners & Brokers, 1936 - 1939 (File 6/4)
Correspondence 'D', 1935 - 1938 (File 6/5)
JR Rooper Correspondence 'D', 1936 - 1939 (File 6/6)
RHS correspondence 'D', 1935 - 1939 (File 6/7)
W Donald correspondence 'D', 1937 - 1939 (File 6/8)
HW Corry correspondence 'D', 1935 - 1940 (File 6/9)
Mr Rooper's Davos Party, 1938 (File 6/10)
Mr Donald's Appointment as Director, 1938 (File 7/1)
Correspondence 'E', 1935 - 1940 (File 7/2)
HW Corry correspondence 'E', 1935 - 1939 (File 7/3)
JR Rooper correspondence 'E', 1935 - 1939 (File 7/4)
WD correspondence 'E', 1938 - 1939 (File 7/5)
RH Senior Correspondence E, 1938 (File 7/6)
Correspondence with Captain Enwright (Marine Superintendent New York), 1936 - 1938 (File 7/7)
Correspondence 'F', 1935 - 1940 (File 7/8 [F16])
Correspondence 'F', 1935 - 1940 (File 7/9 [Fo 17])
Correspondence with Funch Edye & Co, 1936 - 1938 (File 7/10)
PJ Fuller (member of London office staff sent on tour abroad for experience), 1935 - 1937 (File 7/11)
From WM Gavigan, [Funch Edye & Co. 25 Broadway, New York], 1935 - 1939 (File 8/1)
To WM Gavigan, Funch Edye & Co, 1935 - 1939 (File 8/2)
Correspondence 'G', 1935 - 1939 (File 8/3 [G18])
Correspondence 'G', 1935 - 1939 (File 8/4 [Go 19])
RH Senior correspondence 'F', 1937 - 1938 (File 8/5)
HW Corry correspondence 'F', 1935 - 1939 (File 8/6)
WD correspondence 'F', 1937 - 1939 (File 8/7)
JR Rooper correspondence 'F', 1935 - 1940 (File 8/8)
Correspondence from J Graham to JR Rooper, 1934 - 1938 (File 9/1)
Correspondence to J Graham from JR Rooper, 1934 - 1938 (File 9/2)
Correspondence to W Donald, 1935 - 1939 (File 9/3)
Correspondence from W Donald, 1935 - 1939 (File 9/4)
Correspondence from JR Rooper, 1938 - 1939 (File 9/5)
Correspondence from JR Rooper, 1938 - 1939 (File 9/6)
JR De Gruchy from WG De Gruchy, 1937 - 1938 (File 10/1)
Correspondence from WG De Gruchy to W Donald, 1937 - 1939 (File 10/2)
W D De Gruchy, 1936 - 1937 (File 10/3)
Correspondence to WG De Gruchy from W Donald, 1937 - 1938 (File 10/4)
WG De G's Party: Guest list, acceptances and regrets to Cocktail Party at Cunard House, 1938 (File 10/5)
W Donald, Correspondence 'G', 1937 - 1939 (File 10/6)
RH Senior, Correspondence 'G', 1935 - 1939 (File 10/7)
HW Corry Correspondence 'G', 1936 - 1939 (File 10/8)
JR Rooper Correspondence 'G', 1935 - 1940 (File 11/1)
Correspondence 'H', 1935 - 1939 (File 11/2 [H20])
Correspondence 'H', 1935 - 1939 (File 11/2 [Har 21])
Correspondence 'H', 1935 - 1939 (File 11/4 [He 22])
Correspondence with Captain Hayter (Marine Superintendent, New York), 1938 - 1939 (File 11/5)
D Hollebone (office staff trip; reports), 1937 - 1938 (File 11/6)
Correspondence 'H', 1935 - 1940 (File 11/7 [Ho23])
Correspondence 'H', 1935 - 1939 (File 11/8 [Hu 24])
JR Rooper Correspondence 'H', 1937 - 1940 (File 11/9)
W Donald Correspondence 'H', 1938 - 1939 (File 12/1)
RH Senior Correspondence 'H', 1935 - 1939 (File 12/2)
HW Corry Correspondence 'H', 1935 - 1940 (File 12/3)
Correspondence 'I', 1935 - 1939 (File 12/4 [125])
JR Rooper Correspondence 'I', 1935 - 1939 (File JR Rooper Misc I)
W Donald Correspondence 'I', 1936 (File 12/5)
JR Rooper Correspondence 'J', 1936 - 1939 (File 12/6)
Correspondence 'J', 1936 - 1939 (File 12/8 [J26])
W Donald Correspondence 'J', 1937 - 1939 (File 12/9)
RH Senior Correspondence 'J', 1938 (File 12/10)
HW Corry Correspondence 'J', 1939 (File 12/11)
Correspondence 'K', 1935 - 1939 (File 12/12 [K27])
Correspondence 'K', 1935 - 1939 (File 12/13 [Ki.28])
Correspondence 'K', 1933 - 1934 (File 12/14)
JR Rooper Correspondence 'K', 1935 - 1939 (File 12/15)
W Donald Correspondence 'K', 1937 - 1939 (File 13/1)
RH Senior Correspondence 'K', 1938 - 1939 (File 13/2)
Correspondence 'L', 1935 - 1939 (File 13/3 [L29])
Correspondence 'L', 1935 - 1939 (File 13/4 [Le 30])
Correspondence 'L', 1935 - 1939 (File 13/5 [Lo 31])
HW Corry Correspondence 'L', 1935 - 1939 (File 13/6)
JR Rooper Correspondence 'L', 1935 - 1939 (File 13/7)
W Donald Correspondence 'L', 1937 - 1939 (File 13/8)
RH Senior Correspondence 'L', 1936 - 1937 (File 13/9)
Local directors, Sydney and Wellington. Correspondence and cables, to and from, 1938 - 1939 (File 14/1)
Correspondence from Local director Sydney to the Directors of Port Line in London, 1938 - 1939 (File 14/2)
Cables to and from the Local Director in Sydney, 1938 - 1939 (File 14/3)
Correspondence to Local Director Wellington, 1938 (File 14/4)
Cables to and from the local director in Wellington, 1938 - 1939 (File 14/5)
Correspondence 'M' in particular MANZ, 1935 - 1938 (File 15/1 [M32])
Correspondence 'M', 1935 - 1939 (File 15/3 [McA33])
Correspondence 'M', 1935 - 1938 (File 15/4 [Me 34])
Correspondence 'M', 1935 - 1940 (File 15/4 [Mi 35])
Correspondence from W Donald to DF Middleton (Port Line & Gibbs Bright & Co., Sydney), 1936 - 1939 (File 15/5)
Correspondence to W Donald from DF Middleton, 1936 - 1939 (File 15/6)

[Airmail, private & confidential; reports on Shipment etc]

Correspondence from JR Rooper to DF Middleton, 1933 - 1939 (File 15/7)
Correspondence to JR Rooper from DF Middleton, 1933 - 1939 (File 15/8)
Correspondence to DF Middleton to RH Senior [Gibbs Bright & Co & Port Line, Sydney], 1935 - 1939 (File 16/1)
Correspondence to DF Middleton from RH Senior, 1935 - 1939 (File 16/2)
Correspondence 'M', 1935 - 1939 (File 16/3 [Mo 36])
Correspondence 'M', 1935 - 1939 (File 16/4 [Mu 37])
JR Roopers Memos, 1937 - 1939 (File 16/5)
W Donalds Memos, 1939 (File 16/6)
RH Seniors Memos, 1935 - 1939 (File 16/7)
Misc Copy Communications [extracts from cables & letters], 1939 (File 16/8)
JR Rooper Correspondence 'M', 1937 - 1940 (File 17/1)
HW Corry Correspondence 'M', 1935 - 1940 (File 17/2)
W Donald Correspondence 'M', 1937 - 1939 (File 17/3)
RH Senior Correspondence 'M', 1935 - 1938 (File 17/4)
Correspondence 'N', 1935 - 1939 (File 17/5 [N 38])
JR Rooper Correspondence 'N', 1935 - 1939 (File 15/6)
W Donald Correspondence 'N', 1937 - 1939 (File 17/7)
HW Corry Correspondence 'N', 1936 - 1939 (File 17/8)
Correspondence 'O', 1935 - 1939 (File 17/9 [O 39])
Oil Contracts, 1933 - 1935 (File 17/10)
Correspondence to W. Donald from. WEC Gregory [C & D Wellington], 1933 - 1935 (File 18/1)
W Donalds Memos, 1937 (File 18/2)
W Donalds Memos, 1938 (File 18/3)
W Donalds Memos, 1936 (File 18/4)
W Donald Correspondence 'R', 1937 - 1939 (File 19/1)
HW Corry Correspondence 'R', 1935 - 1939 (File 19/2)
RH Senior Correspondence 'R', 1936 - 1938 (File 19/3)
Correspondence between JR Rooper and Sir T Royden, 1935 - 1939 (File 19/4)
Correspondence between HW Corry and Sir T Royden, 1933 - 1935 (File 19/5)
Correspondence 'S', 1935 - 1938 (File 19/6)
Correspondence 'S' including that with S Schramm, [1937] (File 19/7)
Correspondence 'S', 1935 - 1939 (File 19/8)
Correspondence 'S', 1936 - 1939 (File 19/9)
Correspondence 'S', 1934 - 1939 (File 19/10)
Correspondence 'S', 1935 - 1939 (File 19/11)

Series D42/PL7. Correspondence of Directors, Managers and Secretaries, 1924 - 1936

Files of the London office of Cunard White Star containing correspondence to and from the following principal officers: R Corry; JR Rooper; W Donald; Sir James Corry...

Queen Mary Launch 1935, 1934 - 1935 (File 1)

Specimen tickets; lists of guests; Anchor Line arrangements; acknowledgements; invitations and arrangements; S Lister Cunard building Liverpool.

Negotiations with Vestey [Blue Star] - Australia, 1933 - 1934 (File 2)

Correspondence with Vestry Bros Ltd (owners of Blue Star Line in Australia) regarding negotiations for shipment of cargo and inclusion of cargo pools. Also includes cargoes in individual Blue Star ships (3 files)

Entertaining: Port Townsville, 1935 (File 3)

Entertaining [Launch Wallsend]; Port Wyndham and photographs of Port Townsville.

Canadian National Steamships : Early negotiations, 1925 - 1933 (File 4)

[CNS, Shaw Saville and Albion, New Zealand Shipping Co, Commonwealth and Dominion Line, Blue Star, Board of Trade]; CNS and NZ Contracts 29/30; CNS negotiations; CNS Negotiations; Statements of shipments by CNS and others.

Pool Agreement 1935 - Drafting Committee [9 Files], 1929 - 1935 (File 5)

'Figures bearing on New Pool Agreement' 1932-5 '1935 Drafting Committee Sundry papers and draft clauses'...

Cargo and Wool Pools, 1924 - 1934 (File 6)

Negotiations for British Lines 4 year agreement 1929; Settlement 1929/30; Pool 'Correspondence and reports prior to agreement of Fine Cargo Pool 1929-1933 including Mr. Richard's figures. Also Wool Pool, 1929-1933 'Fine Cargo Pool percentage Correspondence leading up to Settlement which resulted in our getting an increase from 15.856% to 19.5% on Fine Cargo and reduction from 23.591% to 20% of Wool' 1930 'Early schemes for Australian Pools' Alan Hughes 1924, Australian Owners' Council 1927...

Australian Homeward Agreement (British and Continental Lines) 5 October 1936, 1936 (File 7)

[P & O Group, Orient Steam Navigation Co, Australian Steam Shipping Co, White Star Group, C & D Line Alfred Holt & Co., Clan Line Group, Hamburg - Amerika Line, Norddeutscher-Lloyd, N V Vereenigde Nederlandsche-Scheepvaartmaatschappij Holland-Australie Lijn, Wilh. Wilheimsen, Rederjaktiebolaget Transatlantic Messageries Maritimes, Italia](11 copies, printed and bound)

Canadian National Steamships 1934, 1934 - 1935 (File 8)

Negotiations with Mr Wood, Mr Rooper's trip to New York, cables and letters' [NZS Co, Norton Lilly; F Wood, Montreal R Record, Montreal]...

Canadian National Steamships: Duplicates and drafts, 1936 (File 9)

Shipping companies Canadian National Steamships, 1933 - 1936 (File 10)

Series DP42/PL9. Loss of Ships (Port Line Ltd), 1939 - 1949

File concerning the loss of ships, during and after the war includes reports, next of kin lists, letters to and from relatives and a small number of 'pre-casualty' letters concerning those ships.

Port Auckland [suck by enemy action 1943; Next-of-kin list 1942], 1940 - 1943 (File 1)

Port Brisbane: Ships' casualties [lost by enemy action 1940; letters concern crew as prisoners of war In Germany; crew lists and next-of-kin; cables], 1941 - 1943 (File 2)

Port Denison [lost by enemy action, 1940], 1940 (File 3)

Port Gisborne: Ships' Casualties [lost by enemy action, 1940], 1940 (File 4)

Port Montreal [lost 1942], 1939 - 1942 (File 5)

Port Napier Requisitioning of [lost by accidental fire, 1941; letters about war risk claims; letters about launchnig, 1940], 1940 - 1941 (File 6)

Port Nicholson [torpedoed and sunk, 1942; correspondence, reports and next of kin lists], 1940 - 1942 (File 7)

Port Stikine [Bombay harbour explosion 1944; copy of Commission of Inquiry reports], 1944 (File 8)

Port Victor [torpedoed 1943], 1940 - 1945 (File 9)

Port Wellington [sunk 1940; crew and passengers imprisoned to 1945] (File 10)

Port Bowen Wreck [at Wanganui, New Zealand], 1939 (File 11)

Port Brisbane, 1949 (File 12)

Entertaining, commissioning, visit of the Queen.

Series D42/PL8. Private Letterbooks, Correspondence and Indexes, 1915 - 1965

Subseries 1. Letterbooks to Local Directors in Australia and New Zealand, 1915 - 1920

[Directors' letters marked 'private' or 'private and confidential' Mainly to local directors, Sydney and Wellington].

Volume 55 Indexed, 1915 - 1916 (File 1)
Volume 56 Indexed, 1916 - 1920 (File 2)
Volume 43 Indexed, 1915 - 1918 (File 3)
Volume 44 Indexed, 1918 - 1924 (File 4)
Volume 45 Indexed, 1924 - 1926 (File 5)
Indexed, 1920 - 1921 (File 6)
Indexed [mostly empty], 1921 - 1925 (File 7)
Indexed, 1922 - 1924 (File 8)
Indexed, 1924 - 1926 (File 9)

Subseries 2. Local Directors (Australia and New Zealand) Letterpress Flimsies (Indexed), 1926 - 1939

mainly in numbered series [Private and Confidential letters mainly to local directors Australasia, but also to general recipients] Indexed

Private 1', 1926 - 1929 (File 1)
Private 2', 1929 - 1930 (File 2)
Private 3', 1930 - 1933 (File 3)
Mail Private', 1926 - 1928 (File 4)
Mail Private 2', 1926 - 1929 (File 5)
Mail Private 3', 1929 - 1930 (File 6)
Mail Private 4', 1930 - 1932 (File 7)
Mail Private 5', 1932 - 1933 (File 8)
Mail Private 6', 1933 (File 9)
Mail Private 7', 1933 - 1934 (File 10)
Mail Private 8', 1934 - 1935 (File 11)
Mail Private 9', 1935 (File 12)
Mail Private 10', 1935 - 1936 (File 13)
Mail Private 11', 1936 - 1937 (File 14)
Mail Private 12', 1937 - 1938 (File 15)
Mail Private 13', 1938 (File 16)
Mail Private 14', 1939 (File 17)

Subseries 3. Correspondence Box Files, 1940 - 1950

Correspondence (outwards) of Chairman, Directors, and Secretaries of Port Line Ltd.

Letters Out', 1940 (File 1)
Letters Out, 1949 (File 2)
Letters Out, 1949 (File 3)
Letters Out, 1949 (File 4)
Letters Out, 1950 (File 5)
Letters Out, 1950 (File 6)
Letters Out, 1950 (File 7)

Subseries 4. Correspondence. File Sequence, 1926 - 1965

Passengers, coastal, 1955 - 1958 (File 5/-)
Insurance, policies expiring January, 1946 - 1954 (File 5/1)
Insurance, policies expiring February, 1953 - 1954 (File 5/2)
Insurance, policies expiring March, 1944 - 1954 (File 5/3)
Insurance, policies expiring April, 1951 - 1954 (File 5/4)
Insurance, policies expiring May, 1953 - 1954 (File 5/5)
Insurance, policies expiring June, 1944 - 1955 (File 5/6)
Insurance, policies expiring July, 1953 - 1954 (File 5/7)
Insurance, policies expiring September, 1953 - 1956 (File 5/9)
Insurance, policies expiring October, 1944 - 1955 (File 5/10)
Insurance, policies expiring December, 1946 - 1955 (File 5/12)
Refrigerated cargo research council, 1948 - 1949 (File 5/1)
Reallocation of refrigerated cargo, 1954 - 1958 (File 6/2)
Fruit A: Agreements with shippers - Australia, 1937 - 1965 (File 2/2)
Fruit A: Apple cases, Australia and New Zealand [cell pack cartons], 1930 - 1964 (File 2/3)
Fruit A: Apple and Pear Board, Australia, 1938 - 1965 (File 2/1)
Fruit A: Canned, 1963 - 1965 (File 2/4)
Fruit A: Australia and New Zealand Marketing Board, 1955 - 1964 (File 2/5)
Fruit A: Citrus to New Zealand, except WI, 1952 - 1965 (File 2/6)
Fruit B: Prospects, NZ, 1946 - 1965 (File 3/3)
Fruit B: [Aktiebolaget Nordisk Express; Oyenroth; Refrigerated Cargo Research Council], 1954 - 1964 (File 3/1)
Fruit B: Tasmanian Fruit Board, 1934 - 1955 (File 3/2)
Fruit B: Trial Shipments and experiments, 1964 - 1965 (File 3/4)
Fruit B: Average : general or particular [Council or Marine Underwriters], 1939 - 1962 (File 3/6)
Fruit B: Import licences, Australia [UK - Australia Conference], 1948 - 1959 (File 3/8)
Fruit B: Jamaica/West Indies - Home, 1959 - 1964 (File 3/5)
Fruit B: Pacific Trade, 1958 - 1964 (File 3/7)
Wool Primage from/to New Zealand, 1933 - 1963 (File 1/3)
Wool Port marking, 1960 - 1965 (File 1/8)
Wool Prices, 1959 - 1965 (File 1/9)
Wool Russia, 1959 - 1965 (File 1/9)
Wool Sales, Australia, 1951 - 1965 (File 1/4)
Wool Sales, New Zealand, 1955 - 1965 (File 1/7)
Wool Scales, GH [Geo H Scales Ltd Wellington], 1949 - 1965 (File 1/5)
Slipe Wool, Australia, 1964 (File 1/6)
Wool Strikes and effects, 1954 - 1965 (File 1/1)
Wool US and Canada, 1960 - 1962 (File 1/10)

Subseries 5. General Correspondence, 1926 - 1929

Shipping Delegation: Report on operations on ships in the Australian trade, together with statistics for the years, 1926, 1927, 1928 (File 1/1)
Overseas shipping freights conference, April 1929 (File 1/2-4)
Australian shipping delegation, final dossier, March 1929 (File 1/5)
Owners delegation to Australia, February 1929 (File 1/6)
2 loose files (File 2)

Correspondence between: T J Royden; William Donald; W E C Gregory and R H Senior.

Visits to Australia and New Zealand by W Donald, 1949, 1953-1954, 1958 (File 3)

Various papers relating to visits made by William Donald to Australia and New Zealand including: Folder with notes on Australian and New Zealand ports in alphabetical order; Diary(1957-1958); Sydney delegation; NZ Homeward-freight agreements; Crusader (cables); Montreal Australian and New Zealand Line; RH Senior Report on visit to Australia and New Zealand, Oct-Nov 1954; Diary (1949); Mr Donald's itinerary and Wellington programme, entertaining etc.

W P Tyser: Contents of desk, 1932 - 1939 (File 4)

Various papers previously belonging to W.P. Tyser retained as removed from Port Line Ltd offices including: Cunard - Commonwealth and Dominion Line - Anchor Lines: List of Directors and Staff; Semi-official and personal papers; Directors' private code; Company income tax; Private letters on White Star negotiations.

Private papers of W D and RHS, 1951 - 1958 (File 5)

Various private papers of W. Donald and R.H. Senior from Ex Miss Kendrick's Desk including: Directors' letters; [1/01/3] Correspondence with R R Turnbull, NZ; Supplementary pensions; A and NZ Bank Ltd.

Letters to Directors from the Company's Wellington Branch, 15 August 1919 - 17 November 1929 (File 6)

Subseries 6. Indexes to folders of correspondence, [1950s?]

Registers of correspondence, 6 vols, refers to PL3 and PL4, 1950 - 1955 (File 6/2)
Addresses 3 sheaf catalogue folders, c.1935 - 1936 (File 6/1)
Index to letters dispatched 6 sheaf catalogue folders. Alphabetical catalogue of correspondence with dates letters dispatched, c.1937 - 1954 (File 6/3)
Card Indexes to letter books. Two separate alphabetical series, nd (File 6/5)
Card Index to correspondence, PL3 and PL4 3 Box Indexes 5" and 8" Gives references to file numbers, [1950s?] (File 6/6)

Series 10. Operational Records, 1921 - 1960

Subseries 1. Charter Party's Indexes, 1921 - 1960

No 7 Index, 1921 - 1926 (File 1)
No 8 Index, 1927 - 1931 (File 2)
No 9 Index, 1931 - 1950 (File 3)
No 10 Index, 1950 - 1960 (File 4)

Series 11. Accounting Records, 1883 - 1951

Subseries 1. Ledgers, 1914 - 1925

G1 Indexed, 1914 - 1916 (File 1)
G2 Indexed, 1916 - 1920 (File 2)
G3 Indexed, 1920 - 1925 (File 3)
G4 Indexed, 1922 - 1925 (File 4)
G5 Indexed, 1925 (File 5)

[much of volume empty].

('Private') Vol 1 Whitley (File 6)

V' Series : 1 vol.

V12 Indexed [voyage accounts], 1924 - 1925 (File 7)

Subseries 2. Cash Books 'S' Series, 1914 - 1932

'S', 1914 - 1924 (File 8)
'S2', 1924 - 1932 (File 9)
Duplicate cash sheets 'City', 1940 - 1941 (File 10)
Duplicate cash sheets 'Oaklawn', 1940 - 1941 (File 11)
Private Transferred Accounts, 1933 - 1950 (File 12)

[Capital, dividends, fleet, profit and loss, appropriation, reserve, voyage balance accounts etc.]

Subseries 3. Pension Fund Registers of Contributions [Officers' salaries by ship or office], 1919 - 1951

Pension Fund Registers of Contributions [Officers' salaries by ship or office], 1919 - 1929 (File 1)
Pension Fund Registers of Contributions [Officers' salaries by ship or office], 1929 - 1940 (File 2)
Pension Fund Registers of Contributions [Officers' salaries by ship or office], 1940 - 1951 (File 3)


PF2' Indexed, 1924 - 1934 (File 4)

[members' contributions accounts]

PF3', 1935 - 1946 (File 5)
Pensions Paid 2', 1942 - 1947 (File 6)


Staff Deposit Account', 1923 - 1931 (File 7)

Subseries 4. Voyages and ships, 1883 - 1942

H M Customs, 1883 - 1915 (File 1)

[register, showing ship, master, voyage from and to, inward and outward lights, date cleared, date manifest sent in] [commences as Tyser & Co]

Cash Book ship accounts [includes 'Port' vessels], 1892 - 1894 (File 2)
Rebate cash book, voyage account journal and dock office, 1939 - 1942 (File 3)

Subseries 5. Accountants' Files, 1925 - 1948

Mortgage Denbenture Stock, 1925 - 1941 (File 1)

Confidential Cunard SS Co, C & D Line and CWS Co, Loans on mortgages special loans mortgages on C & D ships; Cunard 5 percent debentures; restrictions on C & D re Cunard-WS merger; discharged mortgages; discharged cheques; trust deeds; Cunard & Oceanic & HM Treasury agreement (1933); CWS Articles (1934)

Pension Fund 1938, draft rules; papers on other pension schemes, 1933 - 1939 (File 2)
Staff on war service: pay and general matters, 1939 - 1945 (File 3)
Cunard (August 1939), financial statements; Port Line; Cunard House Ltd Re Sir William McLintock', 1939 (File 4)
[Cunard] Staff on loan to Port Line [pay etc.], 1940 - 1945 (File 5)
J S Jessep File No 2 Correspondence from 1 Januray 1942' (New Zealand), 1939 - 1948 (File 6)

Series 12. Publicity Material, 1880 - 1968

Photographs: sea staff and office staff (Port Line Ltd) (File 1/3-4)

Launch Brochure, Port Townsville, 1935 (File 1/2)

Photographs of Ships, 1933 - 1946 (File 1/1)

Port Chalmers (1933): launch and construction exteriors, war service; Port Jackson (1937): exteriors; Port Montreal (1937): Captain, Officers, loading; Port Saint John (1938): launch, keel, exteriors; Port Victor (1942): exteriors (on war service); Port Wellington (1946): bows: Port Wyndham (1935): construction, launch, exteriors; and miscellenaous photographs of interiors, exteriors and loading.

Port Chalmers, 1965 (File 3/13)

Miscellaneous folder, including material about the Malta Convoy commemorative Luncheon, 30 June 1965 held prior to sale of ship for breaking up. Includes Menu, text of speeches, photographs of ship, and newspaper cuttings giving history of ship.

GWCZ Calling (Port Line House Magazine), 1959 - 1968 (File 4/1)

Bound Vols 1-7, 1959 (Item)
Bound Vols 8-25, 1960 - 1962 (Item)
Loose Issues No 20, 1962 (Item)
Loose Issues No 25, 1962 (Item)
Loose Issues No 37, 1965 (Item)
Loose Issues No 42, 1965 (Item)
Loose Issues No 48, 1968 (Item)

Port Line War Time Experiences (pamphlet), 1947 (File 4/2)

Scrap books and news cuttings, 1924 - 1943 (File 2/[-])

Principal Scrap-book : newscuttings, photographs, reminiscences, lectures; a few original documents stuck in (e.g. letter 1885, Tomoana SS Co Certificate of Incorporation 1899)

Index to scrap-book (Sheaf catalogue type), nd (File 2/[-])

Newscuttings [Tyser, Port Line, Cunard], 1913 - 1927 (File 2/[-])

Newscuttings [Staff, C & D], 1913 - 1923 (File 2/[-])

Newscuttings (Cash Dept.), 1929 - 1939 (File 2/[-])

2 Notebooks compiled by EC Sutton, 1947 (File 3/11)

general information on all ports personally visited; information on New Zealand and Australia. Diary of voyage London to Curacao, Auckland, Napier, Wellington, Lyttleton, Port Chalmers

File of 'Items to be put into scrap-book' : news-papers, photos, launch brochures etc, 1955 - 1967 (File 2/3)

New Zealand Outwards Statistics': Scrap-book containing correspondence, memoranda and notes; mostly from 1950's, 1927 - 1961 (File 2/2)

International Line Agreement, collected correspondence (2 small packets, referring to agreements 1890-1902), 1902, 1904 (File 3/[-])

Agreement, Colonial Union Co and J & C Harrison (agents for Dalgety & Co), supply of coal; note of shareholders of Colonial Union, 1889 (File 3/3)

Plan of 9/11 Fenchurch Street and 8 Billiter Square, 1880 (File 3/1)

Small index book giving details of 'Port' ships movements, 1905 - 1946 (File 3/7)

Envelope of loose papers - personal accounts and reports on loss of ships in wartime, experiences of sea staff and prisoners of war, 1940 - 1946 (File 3/8)

Articles on Cunard, Tyser and Port Line and Isolated letters collected as 'valuable', 1893 - 1949 (File 3/5)

Technical notes on ship design, [Sir JPJ Corry], 1943, nd (File 3/9)

Remains of a register of voyages on Australian trade, 1889 - 1911 (File 3/4)

File of correspondence and some collected 'historical' papers on company history (Port Line Story') Includes list of shore staff serving in forces, 1944 - 1965 (File 3/10)

Mounted Photo: Australian Tonnage Committee and representatives of British and Continental Lines' Committee on Overseas Shipping Representative Association, Sydney, May 1966 (File 3/[-])

Mounted original Reproduction of Port Jackson (Lloyds Certificate, with test results and plans), 1883 (File 3/2)

Port Line Story, a short printed history of the company 1914-1964, 1964 (File 3/12)

Series [-]. Miscellaneous, 1889 - May 1967

When filmed by the Australian Joing Copying Project this material had been seriealised as P13 - Miscellaneous. It has since been incorporated into other Series by the custodial Archives. Where possible the new series numbers have been identified.

Inventory and valuation of 'Oaklawn', Oxshott, Surrey, property of C D Peachey, 1935 (File PL11/6)

Panama Canal: report of inquiry into collision between Proteus and Port Napier, 1958 (File PL9/13)

Confidential report on Freezing Storage and transport of New Zealand lamb (2 volumes, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, 16 Old Queen Street, Westminster), 1931 (File)

Urwick Orr & Partner Ltd Review of Organisation and operations, May 1967 (File)

Marine Staff: Register of suggestions, 3 vols, 1929 - 1962 (File PL10/4)

Volume I, 1929 - 1931 (Item 1)

Includes (loose) : file of suggestions from Australia 1929 - 1931 & suggestions submitted for new tonnage, 1934

Volume II: Register of Suggestions, 1932 - 1939 (Item 2)
Volume III: Register of Suggestions, 1939 - 1962 (Item 3)

Office staff: suggestion book, 1930 - 1937 (File PL10/4/4)

Bills of Lading Department Outward Departures Register, 1889 - 1965 (File PL10/2/1)

Gives vessel, port of discharge, agents, route, details of cargo and departure date.

Bills of Lading Department, 1890 - 1952 (File PL10/2/2)

Large folder of bills of lading forms for Australasia trade

Monthly voyage Results : Owners' Accounts, 1946 - 1953 (File PL10/3/1)

Notes of the Day General Company Business, 1940 - 1943 (File PL10/3/2)

Notes of the Day General Company Business, 1943 - 1944 (File PL10/3/3)

Notes of the Week General Company Business, 1945 - 1961 (File PL10/3/4)

Notes of the Month General Company Business, 1940 - 1958 (File PL10/3/5)

Double Card Index General miscellaneous and Ships, 1930s-1940s (File)
