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Fonds DF MIN. Mineralogy Department Archives, 1828 - 1983
Series DF 1. Correspondence 'In', January 1828 - December 1939
All letters to keeper unless noted.
Vol 1 Abb - Ban, 13 July 1831 - 14 July 1900 (File DF1/1)
Filmed selectively.
H.D. Abbott, Australian Alum Co. Ltd, forwarding Alunite from Port Stephens district, 29 July 1889 (Item)
E.W. Alexander (London): re black sulphur from Rotorua, 11 October 1866 (Item)
Alexander Andrews (London corresponding member of Western Australian Society), 16 May 1846 (Item)
Re samples of copper ore deposited in the museum by Sir James Stirling in 1829 or 1832 after his expedition to Western Australia.
The Museum to Andrews: that no record of such a deposit, [19 May 1846] (Item)
George French Angas (London), 12 September 1843 (Item)
Seeking to sell geological specimens from Barossa Hills, South Australia collected by J.P. Menze before he sails for New Holland.
To Angas: arranging to inspect collection, 13 September 1843 (Item)
E. Arland (Australian Commission Merchant, London), 12 May 1899 (Item)
Re collection of Australian mineral specimens for sale.
Two [British Museum (Natural History)] memos on collection, 29 June 1899 (Item)
E. Arland: re collection, 21 June 1899 (Item)
F.S. Aumonier (London), 8 July 1900; 11 July 1900; 14 July 1900 (Item)
Re specimen of gold from Thames Goldfield, New Zealand.
Herman Austerlitz, 13 December 1877 (Item)
J.S. Bickwood (Australian Agricultural Co) (filed under A.A.C.), 18 July 1831 (Item)
Re coal field on Eastern coast NSW.
Richard Baker (Technological Museum, Sydney), 19 June 1900 (Item)
Forwarding model of Boogaldi meteorite.
Vol 2 Bar - Bom, January 1828 - 5 May 1898 (File DF1/2)
Filmed selectively.
R.W. Bate, Master of Zealandia, 1 April 1897 (Item)
Re specimen of possible ambergris found on beach at Wellington. [British Museum (Natural History) notes re specimen.
Reverend William Bedford (Hobart), January 1828 (Item)
With list of specimens of petrified wood. (Extract from letter).
A.B. Beeston (Bardoc Mines Ltd, London), 2 May 1898; 5 May 1898 (Item)
Re quality of gold from Bardoc Mines, Western Australia.
L. Belinfante (Geological Society), 21 June 1895 (Item)
Re quartz specimens sent by Arthur Watkins from Coolgardie, W.A..
John J. Bleasdale (Melbourne), 2 February 1869; 17 July 1869 (Item)
Sending gem stones; discovery of pearls in Nicol Bay, W.A..
Vol 3 Bon - Chu, September 1841 - 25 March 1896 (File DF1/3)
Filmed selectively.
F.W. Bond (London): re visit to Broken Hill silver mines, 17-18 June 1889; 16 July 1889 (Item)
J. Bowerbank (n.pl), September 1841 (Item)
Re specimen collected by Menges in Australia and reply from Museum.
George Boyd, 21 January 1825 (Item)
A. Boyle (Salisbury): re gems from Australia, 8 August 1876; 21 August 1876 (Item)
W. Brugge (Kristiania), 1 May 1898 (Item)
Broken Hill Proprietary Co. (London and Melbourne), 23 August 1890; 15 October 1890; 11 December 1890; 30 September 1891 (Item)
Re presentation of mineral exhibits from Mining Exhibition at Crystal Palace.
Henry B. Butcher, 8 January 1870 (Item)
F.H. Butler (London), 5 April 1894; 12 May 1894; 23 June 1894; 25 March 1896; 25 March (Item)
Re specimens of rose mica and asbestos from Australia.
C. de Bylandt (London), 20 July 1887 (Item)
Sending a fragment of a meteorite which fell on 19 March 1884 near Djata Pengilow (Java). [report not in file]
Joseph E Carne (Curator, Geological Survey, NSW, Sydney), 18 June 1891; 24 November 1891; 9 January 1892 (Item)
Re return of samples borrowed by the museum from the display at Mining Exhibition at Crystal Palace.
Vol 4 Cla - Duc, 20 April 1847 - 5 August 1898 (File DF1/4)
Filmed selectively.
Charles Colman (Port Elliot, SA): re sale of a piece of quartz, 20 November 1893 (Item)
John J. Connelly (Marrickville), 26 May 1897 (Item)
Re sale of platinum nuggets from Fifield, NSW.
Robert Cook (Australia) sending globular Basalt (copy), 20 April 1847 (Item)
C. Davy, 10 June 1825 (Item)
George Dawson (London), 27 July 1864 (Item)
Re conditions under which Bruce is depositing Cranbourne meteorite to the Museum rather than to Melbourne Institute.
Sir W. Denison, 9 January 1862 (Item)
F. Dennant (Solferino, NSW), 3 June 1886 (Item)
Re samples to send back to the Museum and quantities of gold lost in a crushing machine run by an Italian.
Thomas Dicker (London), 28 December 1868 (Item)
Re sample of Tasmanite and glass negative of Bruce/Cranbourne meteorite in situ.
Clement Dixon (Auckland) to Franklin White, 5 August 1898 (Item)
Re use of 'dry crushing' by New Zealand mines and samples from Waihi Mines. Encloses: notes on a fossil punga found in Silverton Mine by A.P. Griffiths...
Vol 5 Dud - Foo, July 1886 - 25 October 1894 (File DF1/5)
Filmed selectively.
E.J. Dunne (Kew, Melbourne), July 1886; 9 December 1886; 5 September 1886; 8 March 1887; 16 November 1888 (Item)
Regrets leaving South Africa. Sending sample of Turgnos from Victoria.
Fred Dutton (London), 25 October 1894 (Item)
Re silver samples from Broken Hill mine and introducing Charles Hart from South Australia. (2 letters)
Vol 6 Foo - Gro, 30 December 1895 - 4 August 1899 (File DF1/6)
Filmed selectively.
A.E. Foote (Philadelphia), 8 April 1898 (Item)
Re visit of their special collector to Tasmania to collect Crocoite, and enclosing copy of letter from him re Crocoite and Tasmanian minerals. [British Museum (Natural History)] memo.
A.E. Foote (Philadelphia), 10 January 1899 (Item)
Re samples of minerals from Broken Hill [British Museum (Natural History)] memo.
A.E. Foote (Philadelphia), 7 February 1899 (Item)
A.E. Foote (Philadelphia): re Australian minerals, 20 March 1899 (Item)
A.E. Foote (Philadelphia), 26 June 1899 (Item)
Re Tasmanian mineral samples, and flyer.
A.E. Foote (Philadelphia): re 'obsidian bombs', 4 August 1899 (Item)
A.T. Fraser (Auckland), 30 December 1895 (Item)
Re coal from Taupiri Coal Mining Co. with map.
A.T. Fraser (Auckland and London), 9 December 1896; 4 December 1896; 7 January 1897 (Item)
Re coal from Taupiri Coal Mining Co. and his theory of volcanic origin of coal. With map.
Vol 7 Gro - Hop, 9 February 1877 - 5 October 1898 (File DF1/7)
Filmed selectively.
H.B. Guppy (HMS Lark, Solomon Islands, Auckland, Falmouth, London), 27 June 1882 - 3 May 1886 (Item)
Re geology of Solomon Islands and sending specimens. Correspondence dated: 27 June 1882, February 1883, 24 February ; 8 February 1884; 18 March; 9 April 1885; 3 May 1886.
Alfred C. Haddon (Dublin) forwarding rocks from Torres Straits, 1 November 1894 (Item)
James Hector, Colonial Museum of New Zealand (Wellington): re collection, 9 February 1877; 6 August 1886 (Item)
Horatio Yeates (Melbourne) to A. Herschell (Newcastle), 5 October 1898 (Item)
Offering piece of Cranbourne meteorite. [Filed under Herschell].
Vol 8 Hor - Kir, 10 February 1894 (File DF1/8)
Filmed selectively.
Charles Killick (Manchester), 10 February 1894 (Item)
Re floatation of Old Specimen Hill and Mining Co Ltd, Bendigo, Vic.
Vol 10 Lew - Mor, 8 January 1848 - 14 November 1899 (File DF1/10)
Filmed selectively.
A. Liversidge (Sydney and London), 13 July 1882 - 8 December 1897 (Item)
Re sending minerals to the Museum; Australian diamonds; meteorites. Correspondence dated: 13 July 1882 ; 16 November 1887 ; 26 September 1890 ; 30 October 1896; 9 September, 31 August, 9 September, 8 December 1897.
C. Barrington Brown (Inverell) to Liversidge, 8 September 1897; 20 September 1897 (Item)
Re price of diamonds. [Filed under Liversidge]
J.C. Levey (London International Exhibition, Australian Annexe, Victorian Court): re specimens, 25 June 1873 (Item)
Sir John Lubbock, 24 December 1898 (Item)
H.C. Luck (Greater Britain Exhibition, Queensland Court), 28 October 1899 - 14 November 1899 (Item)
Re purchase of Queensland minerals. Correspondence dated: 28 October ; 3 November ; 6 November, 9 November, 14 November 1899.
W. McCullough (Thames, NZ), 27 November 1885 (Item)
Re specimen from Deep Level Cross Gold Mine, Thames.
L. Fletcher to McCullough that specimen not needed at museum, 6 January 1897 (Item)
J.J. Marks (Manchester, Liverpool, Southport), 21 October 1893; n.d.; 14 November 1893 (Item)
Re Australian ores, and his mine at Bendigo.
Modest Maryanski (Kalgoorlie) re specimens, 26 January 1898 (Item)
Joseph Milligan, list of specimens of fossil woods of Van Diemen's Land, 26 July 1850 (Item)
Sir Thomas Mitchell (London), 8 January 1848 (Item)
With list of specimens from interior of Australia.
W.R.C. Moore (English and Australian Copper Co. Ltd), 21 December 1886; 24 December 1886 (Item)
Re their collection of ores.
Vol 11 Mos - Per, 16 January 1883 - 14 March 1899 (File DF1/11)
Filmed selectively.
J C Moulden (Adelaide), 15 February 1896 (Item)
Re specimen of green opal from Mount Dick.
New Australian Broken Hill Consols Ltd (London): re specimens, 14 March 1899 (Item)
New South Wales [Department] of Mines, n.d.; 9 January 1892 (Item)
[Acknowledgement] for donated collections of minerals.
New Zealand Agent General (London), 22 November 1890 (Item)
Re gold exhibited at mining exhibition.
New Zealand Antimony Co. Ltd (London), 25 January 1888; 31 July 1888; 2 August 1888; 7 November 1888 (Item)
Sending specimens from Endeavour Inlet.
Reverend C.H. Nicolay (Fremantle) with list of specimens sent to him, May 1887; 18 December 1886; 14 May 1888 (Item)
J. Nichols, 16 January 1883 (Item)
North Boulder Gold Mining Co. Ltd, 26 May 1898 (Item)
Re specimen of brown stone from mine in W.A.
N.M. Ogle (London), 3 August 1898 - 1 March 1899 (Item)
Re Aldridge collection of mineral specimens from New South Wales. Correspondence dated 3, 6, 15, 16 and18 August; 8 and 9 November 1898; 28 January, 1 March 1899.
Vol 12 Pet - Rod, 9 January 1892 - 15 November 1892 (File DF1/12)
Filmed selectively.
Edward Pittman, [Department] of Mines (Sydney) re Carcour meteorite, 9 January 1892 (Item)
J.S. Read (London) re NSW emeralds (4p), 9 January 1892 - 15 November 1892 (Item)
Correspondence dated 19 and 27 September, 12 and 15 November 1892.
Vol 14 Sim - Szo, 21 July 1846 - 17 February 1897 (File DF1/14)
Filmed selectively.
Lord Stanley (London): re specimens from Flinders' Island, 21 July 1846 (Item)
Konig to Lord Stanley: [acknowledgement], 15 August 1846 (Item)
Edwin Streeter (London), 26 July 1881; 2 February 1894; 28 October 1896, 3 November 1896; 17 February 1897 (Item)
Re specimens of Australian sapphire and ziricous.
Sydney Observatory (Sydney): [acknowledgement] receipt of donations, 26 March 1891 (recieved) (Item)
Vol 15 Tai - War, 25 July 1888 - 17 March 1898 (File DF1/15)
Filmed selectively.
Tasmania Agent General (London): re presentation of minerals, 1 September 1890; 5 May 1891 (Item)
Tasmanian Land and Exploration Co. Ltd (London), 25 August 1890 (Item)
Re exhibit at Mining Exhibition.
Tasmanian Museum (Hobart) with list of desiderata, 1 November 1889 (Item)
A.P.W. Thomas (University College, Auckland), 15 July 1888 (Item)
Re proposal for fellowship of Geological Society.
George H. Ulrich (Dunedin): re analysis of Makarewa Meteorite, 27 October 1892; 27 July 1894; 7 January 1895 (Item)
John S. Walter (Sydney), 15 October 1897 (Item)
Sending specimens of gold and bismuth in alloy.
H.L.P. Ward's Natural Science Establishment (Rochester, New York), 30 September 1896 (Item)
That Professor Ward in Australia and has sent a new meteorite, the Ballinor, (W. Australia) meteorite.
H.L.P. Wards' Natural Science Establishment (Rochester, New York), 23 October 1896 (Item)
Re Ballinor meteorite.
Henry A. Ward (Rochester, New York): re trip to Australia, 29 January 1897 (Item)
Henry A. Ward (Rochester, NY), 26 May 1897 (Item)
Re meteorite found at Roebourne, NW Australia.
Henry A. Ward (Rochester, NY), 15 July 1897 (Item)
Henry A. Ward (Rochester, NY), 20 October 1897 (Item)
Henry A. Ward (Rochester, NY) re Mt Stirling meteorite, 17 March 1898 (Item)
Vol 16 War - Zuj, 16 November 1880 - 30 August 1895 (File DF1/16)
Filmed selectively.
Bernard Woodward (Perth), 30 September 1890 - 30 August 1895 (Item)
Re sending specimens; meteorites; newspaper cuttings on opening of museum; appointment as curator Western Australian Museum...
Henry Woodward (British Museum (Natural History)), 5 May 1888 (Item)
Re appointment of son Harry as government geologist to Western Australia.
Henry Woodward (British Museum (Natural History)), 1 March 1889 (Item)
That nephew is joining his son in Western Australia.
Bryce-Wright (London): re price of Barroco opals, 16 November 1880 - 17 November 1880 (Item)
Vol 17 Aar - Bor, 12 March 1902 - 1 October 1912 (File DF1/17)
Filmed selectively.
Geo G. Blackwell Sons and Co. (Liverpool), 26 January 1909 - 25 November 1909 (Item)
Re Aldridge collection of minerals from Broken Hill. (Note on last letter that collection purchased for University of Sydney. Ffiled under 'Aldridge'). Correspondence dated: 26 January ; 1 February ; 1 February, 2 February, 5 February, 8 February, 9 February, 10 February, 25 November 1909.
C. Anderson, Australian Museum (Sydney): re Warbrecan Aerolite, 1 October 1912 (Item)
P.G. Appleton (Carnarvon, WA) re digging for meteorite, 9 June 1908 (Item)
A.J. Atkin (Cranbrook): re specimens from Kalgoorlie, 12 March 1902; 21 March 1902 (Item)
W.J.H. Beirne (Cooktown, Qld): re gold specimen (2 letters), 31 December 1903; 1 May 1904 (Item)
Alfred Black (Awahino): re chrystals [sic.], 22 June 1905 (Item)
N. Borchardt (Holborn), 24 March 1909; 6 November 1909 (Item)
Re collection of Australian minerals for sale.
Vol 18 Bos - Cla, 16 September 1901 - 15 May 1913 (File DF1/18)
Filmed selectively.
W.T. Watkin Brown (Kogarah, Sydney), 4 April 1913 (Item)
Re possible exchange of mineral specimens for coins.
F.G. Kenyon to Brown, 15 May 1913 (Item)
That forwarded letter to Director Natural History Museum. (copy)
Claremont and Ward (London), 16 September 1901; 23 September 1901 (Item)
Re collection of opalised shells and bones from NSW.
Vol 19 Cle - Edw, 25 February 1901 - 12 December 1912 (File DF1/19)
Filmed selectively.
J.W. Edgeworth David (Sydney University and London), 10 December 1910; 22 January 1911; 19 February 1911; 9 August 1911 (Item)
Re visit to London; introducing W.N. Benson who is to study at Cambridge.
F.M. Dickenson, Broken Hill Proprietory Ltd (Melbourne), 12 December 1912 (Item)
That operations now confined to extraction of sulphide ores.
A. Dieseldorff (Marburg), 25 February 1901 (Item)
Re whereabouts of specimens of nephrites collected by Forster in 1773 from Motuaro, NZ (Note by museum that no idea where they are).
A.W. Dobbie (Adelaide), 1906-08-23; 1906-11-20 (Item)
Requesting information on Cranbourne meteorite.
Vol 20 Ege - Gif, 20 July 1901 - 7 October 1913 (File DF1/20)
Filmed selectively.
R. Etheridge (Australian Museum, Sydney): introducing Charles Anderson, 24 March 1911 (Item)
Foote Mineral Co. (Philadelphia), 16 January 1906 - 29 January 1906 (Item)
Re specimen of manganotantalite crystal from WA, 29 January 1906. Draft reply.
Foote Mineral Co (Philadelphia), 14 August 1907 (Item)
Re several specimens from Whim Creek, Australia.
Foreign Office: William H. Smith (B Warwick Co., London), 16 June 1904; 30 June 1904 (Item)
Re Australian sapphires and opals.
Foreign Office: Lists of Australian minerals, 17 July 1904; 27 July 1904 (Item)
Foreign Office: Albert Gregory (London) re Australian minerals, 25 June 1904 - 27 June 1904 (Item)
Foreign Office: Invoice from Dr F. Krantz (Bonn) for Australian minerals, 21 June 1904 (Item)
Francis Fox (London), 27 July 1908 (Item)
Re specimen of jasper from Marble Bar, Queensland.
A.C. Maitland (Western Australia Mineral Court, Franco-British Exhibition, London), 28 October 1908 (Item)
Re minerals on exhibition. (Filed under Franco-British Exhibition).
J.A. Austin (South Australian Court, Franco-British Exhibition, London), 9 December 1908 - 14 December 1908 (Item)
Re minerals on exhibit. (Filed under Franco-British Exhibition).
G.W. Card and E.F. Pittman (Dept of Mines and Agriculture, NSW and Mining Museum, Sydney), 17 April 1903 - 23 April 1913 (Item)
Re sending specimens, meteorites. (Filed under Geological Survey). Correspondence dated 17 April ; 14 May ; 16 September, 7 October 1903; 29 April, 16 May 1904; 6 January 1905; 16 February, 10 September 1910; 23 April 1913.
M.D. Campbell (Geological Survey of Western Australia and London), 20 July 1901; 7 October 1913 (Item)
Re obsidian bombs from Kalgoorlie.
Vol 21 Gre - Hex, 22 April 1901 - 15 May 1911 (File DF1/21)
Filmed selectively.
Friedrich Grebin (Freiberg), 2 June 1908 (Item)
George Green (Folkstone) re gold from Lachlan River, 15 May 1911 (Item)
J.W. Gregory (University of Melbourne; Quorn, WA; University of Glasgow, London), 22 April 1901 - 7 April 1909 (Item)
Re return from Lake Eyre; meteorites; Atlantic and Pacific types; Cranbourne meteorite. Correspondence dates 22 April 1901 ; 22 January 1902 ; 20 July 1904; 18 May 1905; 10 October 1906; 30 April 1907; 21 May 1907; 31 October 1907; 7 April 1909.
H.B. Guppy (Salcombe, Devon): re collection of Fijian minerals (2 letters), 6 December 1909; 23 February 1910 (Item)
Vol 22 Hey - Kin, 11 December 1902 - 30 March 1912 (File DF1/22)
Filmed selectively.
Arthur Holroyd (Melbourne), 9 September 1903 (Item)
Re disappointing trip to gold fields in McDonald Ranges, N.T. Includes 2 photographs.
P. Home, 11 December 1902 (Item)
Charles Hones, 2 June 1905 (Item)
Mrs Hood (Earlsfield), 14 January 1907 (Item)
G.R. Howden (Mt Howden nr Bimbowrie), 30 March 1912 (Item)
Re locality of specimens of Chiastolite and Erythrite from South Australia.
Vol 24 Lis - Nat, 7 September 1901 - 24 November 1911 (File DF1/24)
Filmed selectively.
A. Liversidge (Sydney and London), 30 December 1902 - 24 November 1911 (Item)
Re H.C. Russell meteorite visit to London; 'Hortleyite'. Correspondence dates 30 December 1902 ; 10 May 1904 ; 2 January 1905; 14 May 1907; 29 June 1908; 16 September 1908; 24 November 1911.
Claude Maitland (Datchet): re collection from Western Australia, 7 September 1901 (Item)
J. Ward (Wanganui) that seen Marriner, 13 May 1909 (Item)
(Filed under Marriner).
George Marriner (Public Museum, Wanganui) re Mokoia meteorite, 13 May 1909; 16 December 1909 (Item)
Harry Marriner (Christchurch) re death of brother, 16 June 1910 (Item)
P. Marshall (Otago University, Dunedin), 14 February 1904 - 21 May 1909 (Item)
Sending papers and samples from Dunedin. Correspondence dates 14 February ; 4 June ; 15 July 1904; 30 June 1908; February 1909; 21 May 1909.
C. Martin, 24 September 1910 (Item)
O. Masson (University of Melbourne) to Sir John Murray, 9 March 1904 (Item)
Re photograph of dust storm at Narandera, NSW.
Mead and Co. (Adelaide), 21 October 1909 (Item)
Re collection of specimens from Broken Hill for sale.
Vol 25 Nay - Piz, 5 April 1904 - 8 December 1908 (File DF1/25)
Filmed selectively.
George Talbot (Pacific Phosphate Co., Ocean Island), 5 April 1904 (Item)
Sending sample of Ocean Island phosphate with analysis. (Filed under Pacific Phosphate Co.).
Pacific Phosphate Co. (London): re specimens from Ocean Island, 2 August, 9 August, 11 August 1904 (Item)
W.F. Petterd (Launceston), 15 March 1904 - 10 February 1905 (Item)
Re exchange of specimens. Correspondence dates 15 March, 20 June , 10 September 1904, 10 February 1905. Includes: 28 July 1904, 7 December 1904. Draft replies from Keeper of Mineralogy.
T. Picton (Bedford) re [auriferous steatites?] from S.A, 27 May 1904 - 1 July 1904 (Item)
John Piper (Queensland Government Offices, London): arranging meeting, 8 December 1908 (Item)
Vol 26 Pla - Sem, 20 July 1904 - 21 September 1913 (File DF1/26)
Filmed selectively.
Jas F. Sankey (Queensland Government Offices), 11 January 1909; 18 February 1909 (Item)
Sending specimens and with list of Queensland stones presented with location.
British Antarctic Expedition, 1907 (Item)
With list of desiderata. (Filed under Scott).
John B Scrivenor (Baku Gajah, FMS and Tring), 20 July 1905 - 21 September 1913 (Item)
Re specimens of tin ore, list of cassiterite from FMS, sending various mineral and rock specimens. Correspondence dates 20 Jul , 11 Sep ; 6 Dec, 28 Dec 1905; 2 Apr 1906; 10 Oct, 24 Dec 1908; 5 Jun, 30 Sep, 5 Aug 1909; 1 Sep 1910; 18 Aug, 11 Dec 1911; 21 Jun 1912; 19 Jan, 22 Jan, 24 May, 13 Jun, 9 Aug, 21 Sep 1913.
Vol 27 Sen - Tip, 24 July 1901 - 27 June 1911 (File DF1/27)
Filmed selectively.
L. Laybourne Smith (South Australian School of Mines and Industries, Adelaide), 16 March 1911 (Item)
Re Murnpeowie Meteorite.
W.A. Smith (London), 17 July, 24 July 1907 (Item)
Re collection of minerals assembled in Australia which are for sale.
W. Campbell Smith, 27 June 1911 (Item)
Re analysis of sacred stone at mouth of Fly River.
W.H. Smith (London), 5 April 1904 - 31 October 1905 (Item)
Re meteorite from Adelaide, and opals from NSW. Correspondence dates 5 April , 11 April , 22 April, 7 June, 20 June, 23 June, 9 July 1904; [July 1904] 2 August 1904, 28 November 1904; 27 September, 31 October 1905.
To Spackman from correspondent in Australia re meteorite, [c.1907] (Item)
George Sweet (New Australian, Broken Hill Consols Ltd), 24 July 1901 (Item)
Sending sample of Willyamite.
Technological Museum, Sydney re Bugaldi Meteorite, 29 September 1903; 18 January 1904; 3 May, 12 May 1904 (Item)
F.W. Thomson (Malvern), 18 March 1905 (Item)
Re stone from Finland which acts as a barometer.
J.L. Thomson (London) re Tasmanian specimens, 29 June 1907 (Item)
British Museum (Natural History) memorandum on the specimens, 29 June 1907 (Item)
Vol 28 Tob - Zog, 18 October 1902 - 15 November 1913 (File DF1/28)
Filmed selectively.
W.H. Twelvetrees (Launceston), 20 April 1904 (Item)
Suggesting the Keeper writes to Mr Petterd to obtain Tasmanian minerals.
Victorian Department of Mines and Water Supply: sending reports, 28 November 1904 (Item)
W. Villinger (Awakiel, Queensland) seeking identification of mineral, 7 June 1908 (Item)
Edgar Waite (Christchurch) seeking facsimilies of diamonds, 26 May 1908 - 8 July 1908 (Item)
R. Henry Walcott (Public Library, Museum and National Gallery of Victoria), 25 October 1906 - 4 March 1913 (Item)
Re forming a collection of crystals; re Cranbourne meteorite. (Note that Flight's details on acquisition correct). Correspondence dates 25 Oct 1906 ; 27 Feb 1907 ; 10 December 1912; 4 March 1913.
Arthur B. Walkorn (University of Sydney), 27 January 1911 (Item)
Forwarding box of geological specimens on behalf of British Antarctic Expedition, 1907.
Thomas William Barry Wall, 1908 (Item)
A. Octavius Watkins (Royal Mint, Perth), 17 April 1903 - 8 December 1906 (Item)
Sending specimens from Greenbushes. Correspondence dates 17 April , 22 Aug 1903 ; 13 August, 11 September, 8 December 1906.
Gertrude Watson (Essex), 29 January 1911 (Item)
Gustav Weiss (Yalgoo, WA): re meteorite, 4 May 1903 (Item)
R. White (Worksop), 9 March 1903 (Item)
H.W. Jones (Dept of Mines, Perth) forwarding annual report, 19 June 1913 (Item)
(Filed under Western Australia).
Matthias Whitehead (Ashford and Thames, NZ), 2 August, 5 August 1910; 10 December 1910 (Item)
Re specimen of sulphur from Rotorua and coal from Kamoa Mines.
Luke Williams (Chester, Tas) sending specimens of Stichtite, 15 November 1913 (Item)
A.J. Williamson (Rushworth) sending pieces of Selwynite, 22 September 1910 (Item)
Reginald C.K. Willis (Ealing), 21 October 1908 (Item)
Selling specimens of gold bearing quartz from Charter Towers and Fields, Qld.
Bernard Woodward (Perth), 18 October 1902; 23 February 1908 (Item)
Re government attitudes to the Library and Museum ('a toy'); introducing A. Gibb Maitland.
Abott - Bragg, 1 March 1921 - 4 March 1930 (File DF1/29)
Filmed selectively.
C. Anderson (Australian Museum, Sydney), 23 November 1922; 22 May 1923 (Item)
Re specimens of raspite and sending money to Germany for Prof Goldschmidt's 70th birthday.
W.S. Anderson (Christmas Island) re collecting, 19 October 1921 (Item)
Christmas Island Phosphate Co. (London), 7 March 1921 (Item)
Forward letters to Christmas Island. (filed under Anderson).
The Keeper to Anderson, 1 March 1921 (Item)
Re C.W. Andrew's collection of rocks from Christmas Island. Includes note on igneous rocks of C.I...
Australian and General Asbestos Co. (London), 24 May 1929; 4 June 1929 (Item)
Re sample of asbestos from Sherlock.
[Acknowledgement] from British Museum (Natural History), 27 May 1929 (Item)
John A. Bartrum (Auckland University College), 4 March 1930 (Item)
Re naming of Auckland Domain Crater. (Filed before Banister).
The Keeper to Bartram, 16 December 1929 (Item)
Re-naming rocks from Domain cricket ground at Auckland.
J.A. Bartrum (Auckland): re basanite from Domain Crater, 11 October 1929 (Item)
Harry T. Bennett (HMAS Geranium, Sydney), 30 July 1923 (Item)
Re specimens of rippled sandstone from Sir Edward Pellew Islands.
J. Allan Berry (Napier): re tests on powdered lapilli, [1927] (Item)
The Keeper to Berry, 10 August 1927 (Item)
Re examination of lapilli shell from Waikato River.
E.H.J. Berry, 14 July 1927 (Item)
Berry (London): re shells, 24 June 1927 (Item)
Response to Berry, 9 July [1927] (Item)
The Keeper to Berry: re tests on his specimens, 20 June 1927 (Item)
Berry (Dartford): re lapilli from Waikato River, 22 May 1927 (Item)
The Keeper to Berry, 25 April 1927 (Item)
With bibliography on sunsets after Krakatoa eruption.
T. Blatchford (Geological Survey of Western Australia, Perth), 3 November 1928; 16 January 1929 (Item)
Re East Mt Magnet meteorite.
Keeper to Blatchford: re meteorite, 4 December 1928 (Item)
Brammall - Davison, 21 April 1915 - 30 September 1929 (File DF1/30)
Filmed selectively.
L.J. Spencer (British Museum (Natural History)) to H.J. Braunholtz (British Museum), 24 December 1927 (Item)
Re collection of Australian stone implements bequeathed to British Museum by Prof. Archibald Liversidge, Prof. of Chemistry and Mineralogy University of Sydney
Braunholtz: [acknowledgement], 2 January, 4 January 1928 (Item)
George W. Card (Mining Museum, Sydney), 21 April 1915 - 28 June 1927 (Item)
Re meteorits from Molong, Delegate and other localities, including Northern Territory; minerals from Broken Hill, his work at the museum; differntiating from Bingera and Bingara...
L.J. Chubb (St George, Panama, Balboa, Newbury, London, Jersey), 9 September 1924 - 14 December 1928 (Item)
Re collecting expedition in Pacific Islands, and his work on the specimens. Includes: carbon replies from Keeper and 4 July 1927, La Croix (Paris) to Chubb re luscladite...
Arthur D. Coombe (SS Canada Maru), 10 August 1927 (Item)
Re collecting expedition in S.E. Asia and visit to Sydney.
G. Spencer Compton (Australian Pavilan, B E.E, Wembly): re Telluride, 28 June 1924 (Item)
S.F.C. Cook (Kalgoorlie, WA): sending specimen of rock, 28 December 1923; 22 March 1924 (Item)
Keeper to Cook: with analysis of specimen, 13 February 1924 (Item)
Thomas Crook (Imperial Institute, London): re New Zealand rocks, 26 July 1929 (Item)
Keeper to Harry Darby (Edie Creek, New Guinea), 30 September 1929 (Item)
Re gold nugget from Eldorado claim.
Davison, E.H. to Government Lab, 23 June 1915 - 6 December 1927 (File DF1/31)
Filmed selectively.
Correspondence between the Keeper and Frank Debenham (Captain Scott Antarctic Fund, Cambridge), 24 April 1919 - 13 January 1922 (Item)
Re minerals from Terra Nova Expedition...
Correspondence between Keeper and E.J. Dunn (Kew, Vic.), 27 May 1921 - 13 February 1928 (Item)
Presenting his collection to British Museum...
Harry P Woodward (Geological Survey, Perth), 23 June 1915; 27 September 1915 (Item)
Re meteorite found near Ashburton River. (Filed under Geological Survey)
Goodchild - Kusche, 10 April 1924 - 9 January 1925 (File DF1/32)
Filmed selectively.
G. Hooper (Technological Museum, Sydney), 10 April 1924; 27 May 1924; 24 October 1924; 9 January 1925 (Item)
Sending piece of Moonbi meteorite.
Lacroix to Platnauer, 17 May 1915 - 30 May 1929 (File DF1/33)
Filmed selectively.
Mrs J.S. Litchfield (Darwin), 12 February 1924; 25 February 1929 (Item)
Sending minerals from Tantalite Gully Mine and offering to collect natural history specimens.
Keeper to Mrs Litchfield: [acknowledgment], 30 May 1929 (Item)
Correspondence with Edward and John Liversidge, 2 November 1927 - 10 January 1928 (Item)
Re their uncle's collection of minerals, bequeathed to the British Museum (Natural History)...
Nicholson, Freeland and Shepherd (London) solicitors, 26 October 1927 (Item)
Re estate of Prof. Archibald Liversidge. (Filed under Liversidge).
A. Maitland (Geological Survey, Perth), 25 June 1926 (Item)
Re meteorite from East Mount Magnet on Murchison Gold Field.
Correspondence with H.W. Marshall (Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide), 15 October 1920; 8 December 1920; 22 February 1921 (Item)
Re exchange of specimens.
Patrick Marshall (Lower Hutt), 17 June 1923 - 19 April 1928 (Item)
Re specimens from Pacific Islands including material from Rapa collected by St George Expedition...
George Prior (British Museum (Natural History)) to Sir Douglas Mawson, 16 June 1926 (Item)
Re meteorites in Adelaide Museum.
Mawson (Adelaide University), 10 August 1905 (i.e. 1915) (Item)
Sending specimens of Paratooite and Davidite.
John Mingaye (Department of Mines, Sydney), 17 May 1915; 24 February 1916; 25 April 1917; 16 January 1919 (Item)
Re meteorites from Gilgoin Station.
John and T.H. Murray (Malmesbury), 18 March 1920 - 18 October 1921 (Item)
Re oceanographic collection of Sir John Murray. Note by British Museum(Natural History) that this contains material from Christmas Island.
Correspondence with W.F.L. Nuttall (Cambridge), 1 May 1925 - 29 September 1925 (Item)
Re rocks from Christmas Island. Correspondence dated 1 May, 18 May, 4 July, 29 September, 13 August, 9 July, 10 July 1925.Includes: list of microscopic slides of Christmas Island Orbitoidal limestones. (3p).
Pocock - Tillett, 3 January 1914 - 29 November 1929 (File DF1/34)
Filmed selectively.
Correspondence with R.E. Priestley (Cambridge), 15 January 1921 - 30 September 1923 (Item)
Re Antarctic specimen...
Correspondence with J.B. Scrivenor (Batu Gajah, FMS), 13 February 1914 - 27 May 1926 (Item)
Re tungsten and other local minerals.Correspondence dated 18 September , 27 May 1926 ; 16 April 1921; 13 December 1920; 3 February 1919; 5 June, 13 February 1914.
Edward S. Simpson (Perth), 3 October 1924 - 10 December 1928 (Item)
Re exchange of specimens. List of W A meteorites, Lake Brown Meteorite, Dr C.G. Thorps' collection of Australites...
Correspondence with Herbert Soanes (Perth), 12 September 1919; 16 December 1919; 28 January 1920; 18 March 1920 (Item)
Re location of specimens collected by Lort-Stokes in voyage of Beagle in 1837.
Correspondence with Edgar R Waite (Public Library Museum and Art Gallery of South Australia), 26 January 1917; 17 August 1917; 8 May 1919 (Item)
Re exchange of casts of Australian meteorites. (Filed under South Australia Museum).
A. Stevens (Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition), 17 September 1914 (Item)
Offering to work for the museum during the expedition.
Robert Sticht (Melbourne), 3 January 1914 (Item)
Sending new mineral named after himself 'stichlite' from Tasmania.
Frank L. Stillwell (University of Melbourne): re Broken Hill ores, 15 July 1926 (Item)
Correspondence with S.J. Sylvester (Canterbury College, Christchurch), 8 April 1929; 27 July 1929; 29 November 1929 (Item)
Re nephelinite of Auckland Domain.
Tilley to Zwetsch, 12 April 1920 - 15 December 1929 (File DF1/35)
Filmed selectively.
Correspondence with C.E. Tilley (Cambridge), 30 September 1921 - 15 December 1929 (Item)
Re Mt Wheeler rock; rocks from Warrumbungles; basalts of Victoria; work of research student R.S. Allen of Otago.Correspondence dated 15 December, 7 August 1929; 30 November, 29 November 1926; 20 October [1926?]; 19 October 1926; 16 October [1926?]; 26 April 1926; 1 April 1927; 11 February 1926; 24 November 1925; 30 September 1921.
S.J. Truscott (Imperial College. London), 13 November 1925 (Item)
Re specimen of Truscottite from Sumatra.
O.C. Witterden (Darwin), 12 April 1920 (Item)
Re sale of meteorite from Raper River.
Correspondence with T.C. Wollaston (Adelaide), 1921 - 19 March 1926 (Item)
Re specimen of opal and gypsium; note on discovery of Goodletite in New Zealand in 1887.Correspondence dated 19 March, 10 February, 28 January 1926; 28 December, 17 November, 17 March 1925; 23 November 1924; 1921 (note)
A - BAT Folder 2: Aitken - Amindoft, 31 October 1931 - 8 July 1938 (File DF1/36)
Filmed selectively.
Dr A.R. Alderman (Adelaide University), 31 October 1931 - 8 July 1938 (Item)
Subjects include: His research into deep sea muds; sending tonalite and biotite-norite; Henbury Meteorite craters. 15p.
A - BAT Folder 4: Aspland - Autotype, 19 November 1929 - 28 December 1939 (File DF1/36)
Filmed selectively.
Australian Museum (Sydney), 19 November 1929 - 28 December 1939 (Item)
Subjects include: Exchange of specimens of meteorites (including Narellan); photographs of Cranbourne Meteorite; depression in Australian mining industry. 22p.
A - BAT Folder 5: Baden-Powell - Balger, 3 August 1932 - 21 October 1934 (File DF1/36)
Filmed selectively.
John R. Baker (Oxford), 3 June 1934 - 21 October 1934 (Item)
Subjects include: Identification of rocks and minerals collected by Oxford University Expedition to New Hebrides, 1933-1934. 17p. Includes sketch map of area studied on Espiritu Santo.
Richard T. Baker (Cheltenham, NSW), 3 August 1932 - 14 November 1932 (Item)
Subjects include: Bugaldi Meteorite; his position with the Technological Museum as Curator and Economic Botanist. 7p.
A - BAT Folder 7: Barlow - Bather, 27 November 1931 - 8 August 1932 (File DF1/36)
Filmed selectively.
Herbert Basedow (Adelaide), 27 November 1931 - 8 August 1932 (Item)
Subjects include: Specimens from Bullion Mine, Barrow's Creek; his expeditions to Central and Northern Australia, including the Vice-Regal Expedition to Burt Plains, 1924. (11p.)
Bav - Bru Folder 2: Belaiew - Bentham, 25 May 1933 - 25 May 1939 (File DF1/37)
Filmed selectively.
W.N. Benson (University of Otago, Dunedin), 25 May 1933 - 25 May 1939 (Item)
Subjects include: Work at the University; rocks from Chatham Islands; work of other NZ geologists; Morvan Meterorite (includes photograph). 33p.
Bav - Bru Folder 3: Beralt Tin and Wolfram Ltd - Bhalha, 25 November 1928 - 8 May 1935 (File DF1/37)
Filmed selectively.
L.C. Bernacchi (Polar Exhibition, London), 19 June 1930 - 24 December 1930 (Item)
Subjects include: Rocks found in Scott's last camp. 9p.
H. Otley Beyer (University of the Philippines), 25 November 1928 - 8 May 1935 (Item)
Subjects include: His work on Tektites. Includes two research papers comparing Tektites from Philippines and Indonesia with Australites. 43p.
Bav - Bru Folder 4: Birch - Boguad, 17 June 1931 - 2 December 1931 (File DF1/37)
Filmed selectively.
E.H. Bryan (Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu), 17 June 1931 - 2 December 1931 (Item)
Subjects include: Specimens from Hawaii. 6p.
Bav - Bru Folder 8: Broadhead - Bruce, 28 November 1934 - 13 April 1937 (File DF1/37)
Filmed selectively.
Joslin Brooks (Norfolk), 28 November 1934 - 13 April 1937 (Item)
Subjects include: Specimens from Lebong Tandai Mine, Sumatra. (7p.)
Bru - Collins Folder 4: Calver - Canterbury College, 13 July 1937 - 12 January 1938 (File DF1/38)
Filmed selectively.
Registrar (Canterbury College, Christchurch), 26 July 1937 (Item)
Re gift of rock specimens from Terra Nova Expedition.
R. Speight ([Sydenham?] NZ), 12 January 1938 (Item)
Re rocks from Banks Peninsula (on postcard of Lake Mapourika).
R.A. Falla (Canterbury Museum, Christchurch), 13 July 1937 (Item)
Re gift of rock specimens from Terra Nova Expedition.
Bru - Collins Folder 5: Cardinal - Cawsell, 5 December 1932 - 10 January 1933 (File DF1/38)
Filmed selectively.
George Cardinal (Melbourne), 5 December 1932 - 10 January 1933 (Item)
Re sale of metallic zinc specimen from Victoria. (2p.)
Bru - Collins Folder 6: Central Mining - Cheesman, 1 June 1930 - 7 March 1939 (File DF1/38)
Filmed selectively.
Frank Chapman (Melbourne), 3 April 1933 - 26 August 1935 (Item)
Re tektites. (4p.)
L. Evelyn Cheesman, 1 June 1930 - 7 March 1939 (Item)
Includes copy of letter from L.E.C. (Erromanga, New Hebrides) to Director British Museum (Natural History): re gift of spear from King Ringapat of Big Nambas tribe to King George and message that he will never eat man's flesh; note how the poisoned spear was rendered innocuous. (6p.)
Bru - Collins Folder 7: Chipp - Cleland, 28 May 1934 - 4 July 1934 (File DF1/38)
Filmed selectively.
W. Christie (Royal Society of South Australia, Adelaide) to Royal Society, 28 May 1934 (Item)
Send limestone nodules from Elliston, Eyre Peninsular and Flinders Island.
R. Winckworth (Royal Society) forwarding specimens to British Museum (Natural History), 4 July 1934 (Item)
Condor - Dupont Folder 1: Condor - Corin, 18 January 1934 - 19 June 1939 (File DF1/39)
Filmed selectively.
Hartwell Condor (Wynyard, Tasmania), 18 January 1934 - 19 June 1939 (Item)
Re his gift of specimens of Darwin glass from Tasmania. (Includes correspondence with Mrs Condor in London). (11p.)
Condor - Dupont Folder 2: Cotton - Cranbourne, 20 October 1935 - 25 November 1935 (File DF1/39)
Filmed selectively.
Leo A. Cotton (University of Sydney), 25 November 1935 (Item)
Re gift of material from South Victoria Land.
Report by Dr G.F. Herbert Smith on the condition of the Cranbourne Meteorite and methods of arresting its further decomposition, 22 October 1935 (Item)
F.A. Bannister to Herbert Smith, 20 October 1935 (Item)
With report on the Cranbourne meteorite and its preservation. Extracts from Annual Reports to the Trustees on the Cranbourne Meteorite 1865 - 1916.
Condor - Dupont Folder 8: Day - Denalyer, 9 October 1930 - 5 January 1939 (File DF1/39)
Filmed selectively.
British Museum (Natural History) to T.E. Day (Adelaide): re receipt of map, 3 May 1935 (Item)
(See Fenner correspondence)
Frank Debenham (Cambridge), 9 October 1930 - 5 January 1939 (Item)
Re material from Antarctica. (10p.)
Condor - Dupont Folder 9: Dept - Dibley, 26 October 1934 - 2 January 1935 (File DF1/39)
Filmed selectively.
A.W. Dewar (Lake Grace, WA), 1934 - 1935 (Item)
Re australite which fell on his farm. Includes correspondence with Mrs Dewar, Fife. See also: R Taylor.
Condor - Dupont Folder 10: Dill - Dixey, 20 July 1926 - 29 June 1934 (File DF1/39)
Filmed selectively.
Discovery Expedition, 20 June 1926 - 20 July 1935 (Item)
Correspondence with Stanley Kemp (London) re Discovery material from Discovery and Scotia. (22p.)
Dun - Fitz Folder 1: Dunn - Durham, 10 April 1930 - 19 May 1935 (File DF1/40)
Filmed selectively.
E.J. Dunn (Kew, Victoria), 10 April 1930 - 19 May 1935 (Item)
Subjects include: Nelsonite from Nelson New Zealand; his collection of Australites presented in 1926; his 90th birthday. (82p.)
H.E. Durham (Hereford), 26 March 1935 - 30 March 1935 (Item)
Re specimens from Christmas Island. (2p.)
Dun - Fitz Folder 2: Earland - Edwards, 29 November 1935 - 26 July 1938 (File DF1/40)
Filmed selectively.
A. Earland (Watford), 1 February 1936 - 10 July 1936 (Item)
Re material from Scotia and Discovery Expeditions. (13p.)
Austin Edwards (University of Melbourne), 15 March 1938 - 26 July 1938 (Item)
Re locating platinum minerals in nickle-copper - platinum ore from Walhalla, Vic. (6p.)
W.N. Edwards, 29 November 1935 - 11 February 1937 (Item)
Re Tasmanian fossil wood. (3p.)
Dun - Fitz Folder 6: Federated Malay States - Fernside, 27 February 1934 - 30 October 1939 (File DF1/40)
Filmed selectively.
E.S. Willbourn, Geological Survey Department, Federated Malay States, 22 August 1939 - 30 October 1939 (Item)
Re specimen of stilbite found by F.W. Roe at Kalumpang. Includes reply from Keeper of Minerals thanking Willbourn for speciment, 30th October 1939.
Charles Fenner (University of Adelaide), 27 February 1934 - 3 May 1935 (Item)
Re Shaw collection of Tektites; Murnpeowie Iron; Accalana Meteorite. (11p.)
Hin - I-J Folder 8: Jacks - Johns, 14 June 1937 - 22 March 1938 (File DF1/43)
Filmed selectively.
Jacks and Co. (London), 14 June 1937 - 23 June 1937 (Item)
Correspondence with J. Gray, Buchanan, Jacks and Co.: re osmiridium nugget from Tasmania. (8p.)
J.B. Jackson (Papua Oil Development Co. Ltd., Port Moresby), 14 December 1937 - 22 March 1938 (Item)
Re collecting specimens. Includes a note on specimens already held by the Museum. (5p.)
Hin - I-J Folder 9: Johnson - Junnet, 6 March 1935 - 10 December 1936 (File DF1/43)
Filmed selectively.
Germaine Joplin (University of Sydney), 6 March 1935 - 10 December 1936 (Item)
Re presentation of specimens including tinguaite from Minnamurra and New England granites. (30p.)
K - L Folder 9: Lever - Lloyd-Phillips, 25 January 1932 - 18 November 1938 (File DF1/44)
Filmed selectively.
R.A. Lever (Suva and Talagi, BSI), 25 January 1932 - 18 November 1938 (Item)
Re collecting specimens from Fiji, and British Solomon Islands. (45p.)
Lord Linlithgow (Hopetoun House), 13 February 1936 - 19 February 1936 (Item)
Re gold nugget acquired by his father while in office in Australia. (4p.)
M Folder 2: Madagascar - Marshall, 31 July 1930 - 19 March 1939 (File DF1/45)
Filmed selectively.
C.T. Madigan (University of Adelaide), 15 October 1937 - 26 November 1937 (Item)
Re Huckitta Meteorite. (2p.)
P. Marshall (Lower Hutt), 31 July 1930 - 19 March 1939 (Item)
Re sending specimens including Ignimbrites and tuhualite; his expeditions. (27p.)
M Folder 3: Masterman - Mayfield, 24 September 1931 - 28 November 1938 (File DF1/45)
Filmed selectively.
Sir Douglas Mawson (University of Adelaide), 24 September 1931 - 28 November 1938 (Item)
Subjects include: 'rabbits eggs'; Antarctic material; discovery of Huckitta Meteorite; Henbury Meteorite craters and R. Bedford's illegal collecting activities - surprised the Museum is dealing with him. (38p.)
Nagelschmidt - Perutz Folder 4: Oates - Oldenburg, 21 September 1937 - 2 November 1937 (File DF1/46)
Filmed selectively.
Ian E. Ogilvie (Meru Tin Ltd, Ipoh, FMS), 21 September 1937 - 2 November 1937 (Item)
Re presentation of specimen of cassiterite of 104lbs. (2p.)
Nagelschmidt - Perutz Folder 10: Passarge - Peruvian, 14 August 1934 - 16 February 1937 (File DF1/46)
Filmed selectively.
Keeper to Government Geologist (Perth): re specimens from Pilbara Goldfields, 16 February 1937 (Item)
J.M. Sweet: re specimens from Western Australia, 15 February 1937 (Item)
F.R. Forman (Geological Survey, Perth), 13 January 1937 (Item)
Re specimens left at Museum by G. Spencer Compton in 1924. Includes letter from Keeper of Minerals and memorandum from J.M. Sweet both dated 12th December 1936.
British Museum (Natural History): memorandum on specimens, 14 August 1934 - 12 December 1936 (Item)
L. Glauert (Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery, Perth): re gift of meteorite from Barratta.
Pha - Rogerson Folder 8: Reinhard - Richardson, 28 July 1936 - 18 September 1936 (File DF1/47(sic))
Filmed selectively.
H.C. Richards (University of Queensland), 28 July 1936 - 18 September 1936 (Item)
Re specimen of Laumontite. (5p.)
Pha - Rogerson Folder 11: Rodd - Roger, 8 July 1931 - 6 October 1938 (File DF1/47(sic))
Filmed selectively.
F.A. Rodway (Nowra, NSW), 8 July 1931 - 6 October 1938 (Item)
Re specimens from Five Islands, NSW, Murramarang Point, and other localities. (16p.)...
Roh - Sh Folder 4: Sanders - Savory, 27 February 1931 - 7 June 1931 (File DF1/48)
Filmed selectively.
T.H. Savory (Malvern), 27 February 1931 - 7 June 1931 (Item)
Re reports on Terra Nova Expedition. (18p.)
Roh - Sh Folder 7: SC - Sey, 16 May 1931 - 17 July 1934 (File DF1/48)
Filmed selectively.
J.B. Scrivenor (Geological Survey Dept FMS), 16 May 1931 - 17 July 1934 (Item)
Re magnesium borate, nickel content of Tektites. (7p.)
Sl - Sz Folder 2: Simpson - Slezevicius, 11 September 1931 - 27 September 1938 (File DF1/49)
Filmed selectively.
Edward S. Simpson (Perth), 11 September 1931 - 27 September 1938 (Item)
Subjects include: exchange of specimens; Wonyulgunna Meteorite; model of first australite described by Darwin; Mellenbye Meteorite. (80p.)...
Sl - Sz Folder 3: Smethurst - Smyth, 11 February 1937 - 14 May 1938 (File DF1/49)
Filmed selectively.
Thomas H. Smith (Wanganui), 11 February 1937 - 14 May 1938 (Item)
Re exchange of specimens; the Wanganui Museum; his collection of Dreikanters. (26p.)
Sl - Sz Folder 4: Solignac - Sowerby, 30 March 1931 - 8 February 1939 (File DF1/49)
Filmed selectively.
South Australia Agent General (London), September 1931 - 16 July 1932 (Item)
Re Central Australian Meteorite (Henbury Meteorite) owned by R. Bedford. (17p.)
South Australia Museum (Adelaide), 30 March 1931 - 8 February 1939 (Item)
Subjects include: Bedford's attempt to sell British Musuem (Natural History) piece of Huckitta Meteorite, owned by Public Museum and Art Gallery of South Australia; Australites from Shaw Collection; Karoonda Meteorite. (14p.)
South Australian School of Mines and Industries (Adelaide): Re gifts, 15 October 1934 - 7 May 1935 (Item)
Sl - Sz Folder 5: Speight - Stebbing, 14 August 1931 - 31 July 1937 (File DF1/49)
Filmed selectively.
R. Speight (Canterbury Museum, Christchurch), 14 August 1931 - 31 July 1937 (Item)
Antarctic rocks; rocks from Lyttelton area. (7p.)
Sl - Sz Folder 8: Sudan - Sydney, 25 October 1932 (File DF1/49)
Filmed selectively.
Keeper to Prof. L.A. Cotton ( Sydney University), 25 October 1932 (Item)
Sending rocks from Terra Nova Expedition.
T - V Folder 1: Tanganyika - Taylor, 23 November 1934 - 21 January 1935 (File DF1/50)
Filmed selectively.
R. Taylor (Methil, Fife), 23 November 1934 - 21 January 1935 (Item)
Re Australite which fell on Dewar property at Lake Grace. (8p.)...
T - V Folder 1: Tully - Vincent, 26 January 1938 - 29 March 1938 (File DF1/50)
Filmed selectively.
J.G. Turner (London), 26 January 1938 - 29 March 1938 (Item)
Re the various theories as to origins of Australites or Tektites. (5p.) Includes copy of 26 January 1938, Henry W. Hill (Kew, Vic) to Turner: re Australites he has found.
W - Wh Folder 1: Wade - Wain, 10 April 1931 - 15 June 1931 (File DF1/51)
Filmed selectively.
Arthur Wade (London), 10 April 1931 - 15 June 1931 (Item)
Re specimen from Elcho Island, N.T. (3p.)
Wi - Z Folder: Windell - Williams, 27 June 1933 - 13 April 1934 (File DF1/52)
Filmed selectively.
E.S. Willbourn (Geological Survey Dept., FMS), 27 June 1933 - 13 April 1934 (Item)
Re nickel in Tektites and pink mineral from Kramat Pulai. (7p.)
Series DF 3. Individual Collections, 1861 - September 1957
Meteorite Letters A - G: B Folder, 1889 - 12 September 1957 (File DF3/1)
Filmed selectively.
Barratta, c. 1889-1902 (Item)
Notes and papers by Professor Archibald Liversidge (1847-1927) concerning the discovery and analysis of Barratta meteorite...
Bencubbin, 12 September 1957 (Item)
J.M. Lindsay (University of Western Australia, Nedlands) to Dr G. Baker, University of Melbourne: re meteorites in his collection.
Bingera, 22 July 1896 (Item)
George Card (Sydney) to Professor Judd: re Bingera meteorite. Includes photograph.
Boogaldi, 30 January 1903 - 7 February 1903 (Item)
James Petrie (Glebe Point) to Professor Liversidge: re analysis of Boogaldi meteorite...
Meteorite Letters A - G: C Folder, c. 1861-1936 (File)
Filmed selectively.
Cowra (Carcoar), [n.d.] (Item)
Notes on Caroar Iron, New South Wales. (1 p.)
Cranbourne, c. 1861-1936 (Item)
Correspondence, diagrams, press cuttings, notes and maps concerning the discovery of the Cranbourne meteorite and its acquisition by the Museum. (109p.)...
Meteorite Letters A - G: E Folder, [c.1902?] (File)
Filmed selectively.
Eli Elwah, [c. 1902?] (Item)
Notes on analysis and photographs of sections of Eli Elwah meteorite, New South Wales by Professor Archibald Liversidge. (4p.)
Meteorite Letters A - G: G Folder, c.1902 - 1915-09-14 (File)
Filmed selectively.
Gilgoin, 1902 (Item)
Note on analysis and photograph of section of Gilgoin meteorite, New South Wales, by Professor A. Liversidge. (2p.)
Gladstone, 14 September 1915 (Item)
B. Dunstan (Brisbane) to Smithsonian Institute: re discovery and analysis of Gladstone meteorite. (Copy)
Meteorite Letters H - N: H Folder, 1937 - 1939 (File DF3/2)
Filmed selectively.
Huckitta, 1937 - 1939 (Item)
Correspondence and notes re Huckitta Meteorite, Alice Springs. (16p.)...
Meteorite Letters H - N: K Folder, c. 1935 (File)
Filmed selectively.
Kingooya (Naretha), c.1935 (Item)
Notes on Kingooya Meteorite, South Australia. (2p.)
Meteorite Letters H - N: L Folder, c. 1934-1936 (File)
Filmed selectively.
Lake Labyrinth, c.1934 -1936 (Item)
Correspondence, notes and sketch maps re Lake Labyrinth Meteorite, South Australia. (20p.)...
Meteorite Letters H - N: M Folder, c. 1910-1937 (File)
Filmed selectively.
Murnpeowie, c.1910-1937 (Item)
Correspondence and notes on the discovery and analysis of Murnpeowie Meteorite, South Australia. (21p.)...
Meteorite Letters H - N: N Folder, [c. 1903?] (File)
Filmed selectively.
Narraburra, [c.1903?] (Item)
Notes and tables by Prof Archibald Liversidge on analysis of Narraburra Meteorite, NSW. (20p.)...
Meteorite Letters O - Z: T Folder, 1898 - 1935 (File DF3/3)
Filmed selectively.
Tenham, c. 1904-1935 (Item)
Correspondence, notes and sketch maps re Tenham Meteorites, Queensland and B. Dunstan's geological collection, offered for sale by Mrs A.M. Dunstan. (25p.)...
Thunda, 1898 (Item)
Notes by Prof. A. Liversidge on analysis of Thunda Meteorite, Queensland. (2p.)
Meteorite Letters O - Z: Y - Z Folder, c. 1884-1887 (File)
Filmed selectively.
Youndegin, c. 1884-1887 (Item)
Correspondence and notes on discovery and analysis of Youndegin Meteorite, Western Australia. (42p.)...
Kyancutta Museum, c. 1931-1938 (File DF3/6)
Correspondence between the British Museum (Natural History) and R. Bedford (Kyancutta Museum, South Australia). (291p.)...
Series DF 10. Collection Notes Reports and Correspondence, August 1876 - 1983
Filmed selectively.
Correspondence: re Cutting Henbury and Estherville Meteorites, 27 October 1957 - 28 October 1957 (File DF10/24)
Filmed selectively.
Cutting of Henbury Meteorite, 132 kilos by E.W. Davies. (1p.), 27 October 1957 - 28 October 1957 (Item DF10/24/1)
Paper on Meteorite Research Submitted to the Geological and Geophysics Sub-Committee DSIR. By Dr G.F. Claringbull and Dr Hey, 28 January 1965 - 16 February 1965 (File DF10/27)
Includes current research in Australia and New Zealand and covering letters. (10p.)
John Calvert Collection, c. 1887-1983 (File DF10/45)
Correspondence, memos, notes, press cuttings concerning John and Albert Calvert, and the Calvert Museum. (c.73p.)...
Archibald Liversidge Collection Packet 2: Miscellaneous notes and correspondence, [c. 1915-1924] (File)
Includes: list of specimens illustrating the process of copper smelting at the Wallaroo Smelting Works; letters from Imperial Institute and Royal Society 1915-1924; contents of boxes, 1917 (specimens from Australia with weights); list of mineral specimens lent to Imperial Institute by A.L., October 1914; list of sections from gold nuggets. (gives locality, weight and remarks). (46p.)
Archibald Liversidge Collection Packet 3: Correspondence. (17p.), 31 December 1876 - 20 March 1901 (File)
William Poole (Broken Hill) to A.L., 2 November 1900 (Item)
Re slug of native silver; Sweet's mineral collection.
William Poole (Broken Hill) to A.L.: re possible visit by A.L., 10 February 1901 (Item)
William Poole (Broken Hill) to A.L.: sending specimens, 4 March 1901 (Item)
William Poole (Broken Hill) to A.L.: sending specimen of Willyamite, 20 March 1901 (Item)
T. George Sweet (Broken Hill) to A.L. [acknowledgement] for book, 19 November 1900 (Item)
T. George Sweet (Broken Hill) to A.L. [acknowledges] his letter, 15 November 1900 (Item)
J.W. Grimshaw (Kensington) to A.L.: sending specimens of fulgurites, 2 May 1897 (Item)
Thomas Clark (Gunning) to A.L., 25 September 1894 (Item)
Re prospecting between Kiandra and Gunning.
A.W. Anderson (Sydney) to A.L.: sending specimens from America, 31 December 1876 (Item)
Archibald Liversidge Collection Packet 4: Correspondence (12p.), 14 August 1876 - 29 November 1905 (File)
John Tom (Ulah Cadia) to John Liversidge [sic.] (Sydney) with list of minerals, 8 February 1886 (Item)
J.O. Armstrong (Shuttleton) to A.L. requesting he analyse a specimen, 29 November 1905 (Item)
T.A. Rickard (Denver, Colorado) to A.L.: re occurance of gold in Colorado, 20 July 1895 (Item)
James Harold (Sydney) to A.L., 10 September 1901 (Item)
Sending article and specimen of 'Indicator Vein' at Hargraves, NSW.
J.S. Hall (Melbourne) to A.L., 8 March 1894 (Item)
Sending minerals for identification. (Probable names written in by A.L.).
E.P. Ramsay (Australian Museum, Sydney) to A.L., 14 August 1876 (Item)
Re rock found by Lieutenant Nowel, R N(?) which may contain gold.
H. Cummin (Sydney) to A,L.: re specimens from Queensland, [October 1888?] (Item)
List of gold-bearing stones and other rocks from Fairfield Gold-Field collected by A.L. personally, September 1886 (Item)
G.F. Herbert Smith. Correspondence re Exchange of Specimens, 1936 (File DF10/69)
Includes: carbon of letter from Smith (12 March 1936) re museum plans to develop collection by co-operation with other institutions and replies from E.S. Willborne (Geological Survey, FMS); D.J. Mahony (National Museum, Melbourne); W.R.B. Oliver (Dominion Museum, Wellington); H.A. Longman (Queensland Museum); Herbert M. Hall (Public Library Museum and Art Gallery of South Australia). (14p.)
Series DF 12. Mineral Gallery and Exhibits, [1851-c.1960s?]
Filmed selectively.
List of Minerals From Australia Exhibited in 1851 Exhibition. (2p. damaged), [1851?] (File DF12/1)
List of Specimens and Policy Notes, [c. 1960s] (File DF12/9)
Filmed selectively.
2nd item re 'Pandora' or 'Light of Australia' opal (5p.), [c.1960's] (Item)
British Museum (Natural History) memoranda, and press cuttings, [c. 1964] (Item)
On circumstances of discovery of the opal, display by Museum and sale in 1964.
Series DF 20. Notebooks and Diaries of Individuals, 1886 - 1953
Subseries. Lazarus Fletcher: Mineral analysis notebooks, 1886 - 1899
Youndegin Meteorite, 1886 (File No. 2-3 [Box 1])
Select pages 25p and 99p.
Youndegin Meteorite, 1887 (File No. 4 [Box 1])
Select pages 50-96.
Youndegin Meteorite, 1887 - 1899 (File No. 5. [Box 1])
Select pages 9-23 and 73-87.
Makariwa, NZ Meteorite, 1892 (File No. 8-[10]. [Boxes 1 and 2])
Selected parts 1-3; p1-47; 48-95; 96-186.
Subseries DF 20/2. Philip Malcolm Game: Catalogue of Australian rocks. [9 note books], [c. 1948]
Notes on the Catalogue of Rock Collections pt III - Australia...
Queensland (105p.) (File Vol 1)
Queensland, New South Wales (105p.) (File Vol 2)
New South Wales (105p.) (File Vol 3)
New South Wales, Victoria (105p.) (File Vol 4)
Victoria, Tasmania (103p.) (File Vol 5)
Tasmania, South Australia, Northern Territory, West Australia (100p.) (File Vol 6)
New Zealand: North Island, South Island (94p.) (File Vol 7)
New Zealand: South Island (101p.) (File Vol 8)
Campbell Island (48p.) (File Vol 9)
[Includes islands off New Zealand and New Guinea].
Subseries. George Thurland Prior, c.1899-1907
Notes on Rock Collections, c.1899-1907 (File Item 19)
Filmed selectively.
Notes on Rock Collections, c.1899-1907 (Item)
2 pages at front of notebook.
Discovery Antarctic Rocks, c.1899-1907 (Item ff.1-16)
Description of rocks collected at Mt Terror, Mt Erebus, Macquarie Island, Auckland Island etc.
Discovery Rocks Notebook (File Item 23)
Description of rocks collected. (64p.)
Subseries. Walter Campbell Smith, 1910 - 1953
Filmed selectively.
Notes on Metamorphic Rocks from Antarctica, [c.1910-1913] (File 24 [Box 1])
Notes on rocks collected by Scott's Antarctic Expedition, 1910-13. (In pencil and ink). 7 volumes, (c.490p.)
Notes and Letters: re Terra Nova, c. 1913-1953 (File 41)
Correspondence, notes, British Museum (Natural History) memoranda concerning the Geological Report for the Terra Nova Expedition, c. 1913-1953 (Item)
Correspondents include: Frank Debenham (Captain Scott Antarctic Fund); R.H. Rastall (Cambridge); Sir Sydney Harmer (British Museum (Natural History)); Sir Raymond E. Priestley (Cambridge); H.G. Lyons (Science Museum). (c134p.)
Antarctic Notes, Volcanic Rocks, c. 1919-1930 (File 43 (1 box))
Correspondence, notes, draft reports, sketch maps, photographs, re Discovery, Terra Nova rock collections. (494p.)...
Fonds. Mineralogy Library Archives, 1815 - 1949
Series [MMs Cup 1. Australia folder]. Thomas Burr, January 1845
Classified list of minerals from the Province of South Australia, 30 January 1845 (File)
Prepared by Deputy Surveyor General, T. Burr for transmission to the British Museum with a general description and the locality of each specimen. Adelaide, 30 January 1845. (8p and 3p misc notes.)
Series [M. Ms Cup.2 CAL]. John Frederick Calvert, May 1896 - August 1898
Catalogue of minerals (File (a))
Vol 91: gold 18 ? 16p...
Newspaper cuttings, 3 Jun 1896; 27 May 1896; 10 Jun 1896; 27 Aug 1898 (File (b))
Business Gazette; The Rialto; Details of collapse and exposé of John and his nephew Albert Calvert's Australian gold mining enterprise.
Series [M Mss Cup.] [NSW envelope]. Allan Cunningham, 1829 - 1832
A few brief notes to accompany a small series of rocks of New South Wales, 1832 (File (a))
Collected between Newcastle and Moreton Bay during the progress of his journey overland in 1827. (13p.)
A list of specimens from Australia sent to Dr Fitton. (4p.), 1829 (File (b))
Series [M Mss Cup.1]. Sir Humphrey Davy, n.d.
Specimens of rocks he bought from a fresh-water river which empties itself into the River Thames at Shourahkee, New Zealand (File)
(10p.) Includes native names and descriptions.
Series [M Ms Cup.l (99) DEB]. Frank Debenham, 1911 - 1912
Catalogue of geological specimens collected in South Victoria Land and Ross Archipelago, 1911 - 1912 (File)
Collection made during British Antarctic Expedition 1910-1913 with later annotations on disposal of specimens. (97p. and maps.)
Series [M Mss Cup.l Polar Regions Box]. Discovery Collections Register, 1901 - 1904
Discovery Collections Register, 1901 - 1904 (File)
Includes: date, material, locality, remarks and collector's name. Includes material from Macquarie Island and New Zealand. (41p.)...
Series [M Mss Cup.2 Catalogue Box GOR]. Hugh S. Gordon, n.d.
Catalogue of gold specimens (File n.d.)
14 leaves...
Series [M Mss Cup.1]. Messrs Gregory, 1830 - 1860
Catalogue of specimens from Western Australia collected by and presented by the Messrs Gregory. (15p.), 1830 - 1860 (File)
Series [M.Mss Cup.l Pacific Is. folder]. Henry Brougham Guppy, 1882 - 1903
List of geological specimens from Vanua Levu, Fiji, 1903 (File (a))
Collected by Guppy in 1897 to 1899 and described in his Observations of a Naturalist in the Pacific. Vol 1. Typescript with MS annotations.
Geological specimens from Simbo Island and Florida Island in the Solomon Group, 1882 (File (b) 1)
(8p.) Includes: Sketch of the geology of Simbo I.
Volcanic rocks from some small islands which lie off the east coast of Faro Islands in Bougainville Straits, Solomon Group, 1883 (File (b) 2)
(4p.) Includes: Notes on locations.
Geological specimens from the islands of San Christoval Island in the Solomon Group, 1882 (File (b) 3)
(12p.) Includes: Brief geological sketch of San Christoval.
List of Geological specimens from the Solomon Islands, n.d. (File (b) 4)
(17p.) Includes: Geological sketches of the islands.
Geological specimens from Treasury Islands etc. Solomon Group, 1883 (File (b) 5)
(4p.) Includes: Notes on geology of Treasury Island.
Geological specimens from Fauro (Faro) Island and adjacent islands in Bougainville Straits, Solomon Group, 1883 (File (b) 6)
(7p.) Includes: Geological notes on Fauro Island and map.
List of volcanic rocks from the island of Bougainville Strait, Solomon Group, 1884 (File (b) 7)
(14p.) Includes miscellaneous notes.
Series [M. MSs Cup.l]. Edward Hammond Hargraves, June 1863
[Paper 1]
List of specimens. (1p.) (File 1)
E.H. Hargraves (Sydney) to Sir Roderick Murchison (London), 19 June 1863 (File 2)
Sending specimens collected on trip in Western Australia with comparative view of the colony vis a vis New South Wales; visit to prison at Fremantle; his claim to discover gold in Victoria is before a Select Committee.
Map of Western Australia with location of samples marked (File 3)
Series [M Mss Cup.l]. Thomas Horsfield, 1816
Catalogue of minerals from Java illustrative of Dr Horsfield memoir on the Territory of the Native Princes. (35p.), 1816 (File (a))
Horsfield (on board Lady Raffles) to J. [Tindall?], 18 August 1816 (File (b))
With a list of mineralogical specimens. (7p.)
Series [M (921 911)]. Dr Jack, 1815
Labels belonging to specimens from Sumatra, 1815 (File)
35 Labels and list of specimens from Borneo. (4p.), n.d. (File)
Series [M. Ms Cup.l Australia folder]. H.J. Jenson, 1911
Report on Petrological examination of New Caledonian serpentines for Franklin White, Sydney, (13p.), 1911 (File)
Series Pamphlets [M 553 411(944) LAR]. The Largest Gold Nugget Ever Found, [1938]
Photograph of typescript of article from unidentified newspaper cutting (File)
Details of nuggets found at Hill End, Bunngorg, Eureka, Ballarat etc. 3 leaves.
Series [M 0/size Cup.3]. Thomas Livingstone Mitchell, 1836
List of Australian minerals for the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, the Geological Society and the Royal Institution, 1836 (File)
Collaborated by Mitchell, but list not in his hand. (6p.) Includes notes on Ms. (3p.)
Series [M Mss Cup.l. Oceanic Island Box. Sir J Murray Envelope]. Sir John Murray, February 1903 - February 1909
Analysis of samples of Christmas Island phosphates (19p.), 1906 (File 1)
Correspondence, 19 February 1903 - 12 February 1909 (File 2)
R. Martin, Christmas Island Phosphate Co. London to James Chumley, Edinburgh, 12 February 1909 (Item)
Re box of samples from phosphate workings.
W.S. Anderson, Christmas Island to Sir John Murray, Edinburgh: re phosphate samples, 19 February 1903 (Item)
J.D. Murray, Christmas Island Phosphate Co., Christmas Island to G. Chumley, Edinburgh: sending samples, 12 October 1908 (Item)
Series [M Mss Cup.l]. S. Parkinson, n.d.
Parkinson (Camp at Vanbula) to [Thomas Mitchell?], Surveyor General (Sydney), n.d. (File)
Sending geological specimens.
Series [M Ms Cup.1(99)PRI]. Raymond Edward Priestley, 1910
List of geological specimens collected by the Northern Party British Antarctic Expedition, 1910 (File)
(45p.) At back: Biological Eastern Party, BAE 1910. (9p.)
Series [M Pamph. 523.681 (94) SAN]. John Sands, [c.1886]
Meteorites in Australia, [c.1886] (File)
Map 26.5 × 38.1 cm and 4 sheets Ms notes. (Map published in New Atlas of Australia, Sydney, 1886)
Series [M Mss Cup.l]. South Australia Department of Mines, April 1949
Dickenson to Department of Mineralogy, British Museum (Natural History), 5 April 1949 (File)
Enclosing list of specimens sent to Colonial and Indian Exhibition in 1886. (9p.)
Series [M Ms Cup.l]. Dr S. Stratford, n.d.
Geological description to accompany specimens of marls, sands, clays of Tertiary age obtained from railway cutting at Mechanics Bridge, Parnell, Auckland, (9p.) (faint), n.d. (File)
Series [M Mss Cup.l Australasia Box]. George Hubert Wilkins, June 1923 - December 1923
Reports relating to Captain Wilkins' Australia and Islands Expedition 1923-1925.
Report on minerals and rocks collected and presented by Captain Wilkins by W. Campbell Smith, (3p.), n.d. (File 1)
Preliminary and Provisional Report: Part 2; York Peninsula. (4p.), 16 June 1923 - 30 September 1923 (File 2)
Preliminary and Provisional Report: Part 3; Torrens Creek, Flinders River, Prairie and Hughenden, Queensland. (3p.), 10 October 1923 - 30 November 1923 (File 3)
Extract from Part 4 District of Blackall, Central Queensland. (3p.), 1 December 1923 - 15 December 1923 (File 4)
Preliminary and Provisional Report No.7; Mount Morgan, Queensland, 5 June - 6 June [n.y.] (File 5)
Series. Bryce K.N. Wyllie, 1924 - May 1928
(A) [New Zealand Papers]
Folder 1, 8 May 1928 (File)
V.H. Baileau, Junior Geologist, to Chief Geologist, Anglo-Persian Oil Co. Ltd., 8 May 1928 (Item (a))
Re submitting list of New Zealand fossils to Dr Douglas.
List of specimens, some or all of fossils sent to Dr J. Marwick NZGS. (7p.) (Item (b))
Folder 2, 1924 (File)
New Zealand Collection (list of specimens collected in New Zealand by B.K.N. Wyllie). (19p.) (Item)
Specimens from Borneo, (6p.), 1924 (Item (B))
Specimens from S.E. coast district of British North Borneo by Bryce K.N. Wyllie and J.V. Harrison, 1924 (Item (C))
1 leaf