Due to scheduled maintenance, the National Library’s online services will be unavailable between 8pm Friday 29 November and 11am Saturday 30 November. Find out more.
Our team of volunteers enrich our services and programs by providing a high-quality visitor experience.
Our volunteers:
- Form a community of passionate and like-minded people.
- Continually learn about the work of our cultural institution.
- Listen to guest speakers from the Library over morning tea at monthly volunteer meetings.
- Gain and develop skills in public speaking.
- Receive a free Friends of the National Library membership after 6 months of volunteering, which allows you discounts to the Bookshop and Bookplate café. Find out more about the benefits of being a Friends member.
- Receive free parking whilst you're at the Library on a volunteer shift.
Volunteer roles
Volunteers can participate in the following front-of-house activities.
Greeting: Volunteers greet visitors in the Library foyer, assist them in finding their way around the building and provide visitor information. A meet and greet shift goes from 11am to 2pm each day.
Tours guiding: Volunteer tour guides provide a welcoming and informative experience for visitors. Tour guides share information regarding the National Library’s history, architecture, collecting activities and services in an engaging way. Daily tours are held at 11am and go for 30 minutes.
Who can volunteer?
To volunteer, prospective candidates must:
- Be at least 18 years old
- Be willing to obtain Working with Vulnerable People and AFP checks before commencing. All associated expenses will be covered by the National Library.
- Sign a Volunteer Agreement form
- Complete our onsite induction program and 2 online training modules. Onsite induction will go over 2 half-days, followed by shadowing a few tours run by our experienced volunteer guides. The online modules take approximately 1 hour to work through in total and should be completed within 2 weeks of finishing the induction program.
What skills do volunteers need?
- A passion for sharing stories from the Library’s collection, and a willingness to commit to the Library’s mission and values
- Good public speaking and visitor service skills
- A friendly and welcoming manner
- Ability to commit to one meet and greet or tour guiding shift per fortnight. Volunteers nominate their preferred shifts to suit their schedules.
Highlights according to current volunteers
'I find it particularly rewarding to see visitors’ interest and excitement when they learn a little about the Library – the beautiful building, the collections, the services it provides, the way technology has changed things, digitisation initiatives, our exhibitions, and how they can use the Library and its many resources in-person or online.'
'I very much appreciate both the flexibility to choose my own shifts, and the professional development offered each month by Library staff.'
'I enjoy sharing with visitors the essentials of what the Library is about. Most visitors tend to go away impressed by the Library’s diversity of collections and its digitisation reach.'