Due to scheduled maintenance, the National Library’s online services will be unavailable between 8pm Friday 29 November and 11am Saturday 30 November. Find out more.
The Library requests that you inform us if you wish to publish (reproduce, print, use online, broadcast, perform, display, include in a film, transmit, project, quote) a copy of an item from our rare and unique collections. This will allow us to inform you of your responsibilities in relation to copyright, conditions of use, moral rights, performance rights and correct forms of acknowledgement.
There are two ways to declare your intention to publish.
1. If you are ordering a publication quality copy of a collection item through Copies Direct:
- Find the item in our Catalogue
- Select the Order a copy tab and add the item to your shopping cart
- Fill in your details
- In the Declaration of Use section, provide details of your intended use
- We will:
- advise you if you need to contact a copyright owner
- alert you to any other responsibilities during the ordering process
There is no need to fill in a separate intention to publish form.
2. If you wish to use one of our low resolution digitised collection items for a purpose other than research or study; or previously you ordered a copy and now wish to advise a change of use; or you wish to perform a piece of music:
- Fill out our intention to publish form
- We will:
- advise you if you need to contact a copyright owner
- advise you if you need to complete an indemnity form (DOC)
- alert you to any other responsibilities in our final reply
If you have any other queries about publishing, please Ask a Librarian.