Current statistics online

New South Wales statistical information is found at the Australian Bureau of Statistics and other agencies such as:

  • Transport for NSW - statistics to help monitor and forecast transport system usage and performance

You can also search for statistics on the relevant NSW Government websites, such as Health and Environment, Energy & Science.

Print resources in the National Library

Start with the Library Catalogue
  • Choose subjects from the drop-down All Fields list  
  • Type your keywords in the search bar

Example: New South Wales -- Statistics

Selected works:

Case Study

Numbers of school age children

Can you tell me how many children there were in NSW in 2010 that were of school age?

We can use two online resources to find this information:


Childbirth in New South Wales : a study in statistics

Childbirth in New South Wales : a study in statistics  by T.A. Coghlan, 1900 Also available online from

Early NSW statistics by Sir Timothy Coghlan, the first Government Statistician of New South Wales, 1886-1905.


NSW resources include: