Current statistics online

Tasmanian statistical information is found at the Australian Bureau of Statistics and other agencies such as:

  • Food and Agriculture - Facts and figures from the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment

Print resources in the National Library

Start with the Library Catalogue

  • Choose subjects from the drop-down All Fields list  
  • Type your keywords in the search bar

Example: Tasmania -- Statistics

Selected works:

Case Study

Agricultural statistics

For background research into Tasmanian farming, I would like to know the farming areas of Tasmania, the farm types of those areas, the number of farm holdings by area and farm type, and the number of people working the total number of farms.

We can find historical information in the National Library's print collections, for example

These items are not useful for current statistics. We should be able to get more up to date data from the Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) also has agricultural data for Tasmania, with the latest publication completed in 2007.

Later statistics from the ABS is found in the National Regional Profiles. Agriculture is listed under Industry.


Van Diemens Land

Van Diemens Land, Plate 36 from: Atlas of the world by James Wyld. London: James Wyld, 1842

1842 map of Tasmania; In lower left corner: statistical tables giving details of free people, convicts, livestock and land in cultivation. 1861 map also available.


TAS resources include: